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The Brooklyn Daily Eagle from Brooklyn, New York • Page 4

The Brooklyn Daily Eagle from Brooklyn, New York • Page 4

Brooklyn, New York
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

OE. AVL PEaasoNsiraoM rr may rOTICEOPAPPIIOATIONFOR THE DI8 I charge or an Insolvent from Ma debts, pursuant to the proms or tho third article of the first Utle of the fifth chanter of THURSDAY EVENING, FEBRUARY 5, OUPREME COURT John D. Jones against George Allen and James E. Shaw. Jnder and by virtue of a Judgment order made in the above action, and dated the nineteenth day of February, 1856, tie un derslened, the referee appointed thereby, will Bell at public auction to the highest bidder on the nineteenth day or February next at Montague Ilall, in Courtstreet, in the City of Brooklyn, at' 12 o'clock meridian of that day, the following described prem 1S(A'll those certain three lota of land, Bltuated In Ihe Tenth, late Sixth Ward, of the city of Brooklyn, County of Kings, and State of New York, known and distinguished on a map of land of Alexander Hamilton, made by Joseph T.

Bridges, City Surveyor, and which map or copy thereof was filed or intended to bo tiled in the ofllce of the Clerk of the County or Kings, as numbers twenty nine (29), thirty (30) and thirty one (31), and which paldthrce lots taken together, aro bounded and contain as follows, Beginning at a point ou Ihe south westerly side of Warren street, formerly John street, distant seventy five feet north westerly from Hoyt street, and extending thence north wcsterlytalong said line of Warren street seventy five feet thence south westerly and parallel with Hoyt street one hundred feet to the centre fine of the block between Warren and Baltic streets: thenco south en bi erly along said centre line aeventy fiyefeeL anil thence norlh castcrly parallel with Hoyt street oue hundred feet to the place of beginning. J24 2aw3w JAMES L. CAMPBELL, Referee. SUPREME COURT, KINGS'' COUNTY. Christopher Bobley, Executor, and Ann RoMey, Executrix oi Ann Bobley, deceased, against Alice Carroll and others.

In pnnuancoofa Judgment order pr decree oftM Court, made in the above entitled acnon, on the 26th day ofJanuary, 1857, 1 will soil by public auction, al tho Commercial Exchange, No. S69 Fulton stroet, opposlto the City Hall.) In the city or Brooklyn, on the 23d dayorTebrunrv, 1857, at 12 o'clock, noon, by Caspian A. Sparks, Auctioneer, the following described pre "au" those three certain lots, pieces or parcels of land, situate, lvmg and being on the easterly side of Spencer street, In the Seventh Ward of the city or Brooklyn, in the County of Kings and State of New York, and known and distinguished on a map or valuable property, situate In tho Seventh Ward or the city Brooklyn, lately belonging to Oarret Nostrand, Esquire, and filed in" die. ofllce of the Register of the County of Kings. 2 lots numbers elchiv seven, eighty eight, and clghty nlne (W.

andS9), and which Ving taken together are bounded, desorioca and containing as follows, to wit Bediming at a point on tne easterly side of Spencer slreet, distant one hundred et norui erly from ihe i.orlheaslcrly corner or Spencer ami luiary sireetst running thence easterly and parallel one hundred feet; thence northerly and parallel 111 Sp encer street, seventy avo feet; thenee westerly and parallel yh rv sireei one fiundrcd feet lo Ihe easterly side of fencer street and thence southerly along the easterly side of Spencer sU cet sevonty flve feet to the point or place of beginning each of the said three lots containing In front and rear twenty five feet and In length on each side oris hundred feet. Being the same lots and premLses conveyed by J. hewland Cushman, Master in Chancery, to Thomas Carroll, by deed bearing date the 12th day of Auguit, In the voar 18(4, and recorded in the Register's oQlco QUPREME COURT. Abby Williams agt. Mathew H.

Nace and others. Thob. G. talcott, PluVAtty. in pursuance of a Judgment order of this Court, made in too above entitled action, bearing date (he 12th day of January, 1857.

will sell by public auction, at the Commercial Exchange, No. 369 Fulton street, opposite the City Hall, in the city of Brooklyn, on the 7th day of February 1857, at 12 o'clock, noon of that day, the following described land and premises: All that certain lotjriece or parcel of land, situate, lying and being In tho Sixth Ward of the city or Brooklyn. County of Kings, and Slate of New York, bounded and described aa follows, to wit Beginning at a point on the northerly side of Second Place, distant easterly two hundred and thirty eight feet from the corner formed by the intersection of the easterly line of Henry street with the northerly line of Second Place; thence running northerly, parallel with Henry street, one hundred and thirty three feet five and one quarter inches; thence easterly, parallel with Second Place, twenty six feet; thence southerly, parallel with Henry street, one hundred and thirty three feet five and. one quarter inches to the northerly line of Second Place; thence westerly along the said northerly line of Second lace, twenty six feet to the place of beginning. Dated Brooklyn, January 14th, 1857.

jals 2aw3wth 339 JEROME RYERSON, Sheriff. QUPREME COURT, KINGS COUNTY. Wil llam Jay, Executor of the last will and testament of Maria Bauyer, deceased, against James R. Splcer and Edward W. Carr.

Summons For Relief. Com. not scr. To the defendant, James R. Splcer You are hereby summoned and required to answer the complaint in this action, which was filed in the ofllce of the Clerk of the County of Kings, at the City Hall in the City of Broofflyn, on the 9th day of January, 1857, and to serve a copy of your answer to the said complaint on the subscriber, at his of flr.f Nn.

20 NaHRjin street. New York, within twenty davs aftei poiated to ascertain and tbe damage suffered or to b9 and tie construotlDg ofthe water WorJca of the Nassau Water Company, will meet at (he office of the said Company In Fulton street, near the City Hall, In tho city of Brooklyn, on tfca 12th day df February next, at 10 o'clock A. to hear all persons lntertsted In reBpectefthe land required for. and of the dama ges cnuseaanu io oe caused oy uie wubhuuiwu tuv wuuw4 tbr the said Water Works between Eldge Wood and Balis lay'sjPond in Queen's County. JOHN BAHEh, SOomnunatonen.

JOHN S. SNUSSIKEB, "VTOTICE OF OEDINANCE TO CAUSE SIDE Lj(: walks to be flagged. Notice is hereby given to all parties interested of the intention of the Common Council of this city to pass an ordinance to causo uie iu uaggea in irom ot too lots oi grounu. uu uia easterly sideof Vanderbllt ave, between Fulton and Atlantlo avenues. Dated Brooklyn, January 24, 1857.

ja2610t CHAri. TINNflY, Street Commissioner. NOTICE OF ORDINANCE TO DIRECT THE fencing of vacant lots Notice is hereby given, to all parties Interested, ofthe Intention of the Common Council of this city to pass an ordinance to direct the fencing of vacant lots on north sideof Second Place between Court and Smith Btreets. Dated Brooklyn, January 24, 1857. CHAS.

TINNBVj ja2610t Street Commissioner. OTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT APPLI raition will bo made lo the Legislature or the State ot New fLt the nftrt annual Ression for an act fo widening the road Vork at to 3 rods called the little lane leading from Flatbush plank road tn the town of Flatbush to Flatlands Neck In the County of Kings. Flatbush. Deo, a 185f 2aw6w NOTICE OF APPLICATION FOE THE Discharge of an insolvent from his debts, pursuant to the provisions ofthe third article of the first title of the fifth chapter of the Second part of tho Kcvised Statutes. SAMUEL L.

CAVER the city or Brooklyn. Notice first published 2M day of December, 1856. Creditors to appear oetore Hon. bamuoi u. atoms, wjuuiy in and fnr the Countv of Kinrrs.

at his Chambers. Clt: 5 Hall, city of Brooklyn, on tho 9th day of March, 1867, at li o'clock A. M. HILLTER 4 GRISWOLD, Attys. for Insolvent, ia'10 lawlOWB 23 William street.

New Yrk. "VTOTTCE OF APPLICATION FOR THE DIS 1 charge of an insolvent from his debts, pursuant to the provision of the third article of the first title of the fifth chapter of the, second part of the Revised Statutes. ALONZO TREAD. WBLL, of Ihe city of Brooklyn. Notico first published 18ta of December, 1856.

Creditors lo appear before Ihe Hon. S. p. Morris, County Judge in and for trie County of Kings, at nis Chambers, the City Hall, city of Brooklyn, on the second day of March. 1857, at 10 o'clock A.M.

WM. A. HILLYER, Att'y for Insolvent, di7 lawlOw 23 William street, N. Y. "application will be made at the ft present Session or the Legislature, for an act to authorise the Green Point and Flushing Plank Road Company to collect the same tolls on their Draw Bridge over Newtown Creek, at erenow collected by Ihe Bushwick and Newton Bridge and Turnpike Road Company on their bridge over the same creek.

January 16th, 1B57. jl6 w' FFICE OF REPAIRS AND SUPPIJEsT Proposals for filling the Public Cisterns of the Western District. Scaled Proposals will bo received at this office untd Monday, Ihe 16th day of February, at 12 o'clock, noon, for filling the Public Clsiernsoi' the Western District, for the year 1857. Estimates to state the price per foot in depth for each siaeo (intern Blank proposals may be obtained at this office. All Proposal must be addressed to the Commissioner of Repairs anrl Supplies, and endorsed "Proposals for filling th Public Cisterus of the Western District." Proposals will not he considered unless accompanied wltli a consent in writing of two sureties, (who shall qualify as to thelr responsibilitv) that if ihe contract be awarded to the party pro posing, thev'will become bound as his surely for its faitMul performance in case he shall neglect or refuse to execute the contract, If so awarded, then that they will pay lo the City of Brooklyn the diii'ereiice between ihe price so proposed, and the price of the next highest bidder to whom ihe coniractmay be January Sl' 1857.

SAML. GRAHAM, jnlil dtd commissioner uf Repairs and Suppllea.BI OFFICE OF REPAIRS AND SUPPLIES. Proposals for the glazing of ihe City Oil aud Gas Lamps of the Western District. Sealed proposals will be received at this ofllce until Monday, the llith of February, at 12 o'clock, noon, for the glnziugoflhe Oil and Gas Lamps belonging to the city in the Western District, for the year 1857. Specifications for doing said work may be seen in tnu ottlce.

nnilhlank nronosals mav be obtained for the same. Estimates lo slate me price per ngnt ior on anu gn iiuui'o, All proposals must be addressed to the Commissioner of Repairs and Supplies, and endorsed "Proposals for Glazing the City Lamps of Ihe Western District. Proposals will not be considered unless accompanied with a consent in writing of two sureties, Iwho shall qualily as lo their responsibilitv, that if the contract be awarded to the parly proposing, thev'will become bound as Ids surety for its faithful per lormance; iind in case lie shall neglect or refuse lo execute th? contract, if so awarded, then that they will pay lo the city of Brooklvn the difference between the price so proposed ond the price oi' the uext highest bidder, to whom the contract may ba Brooklyn, Jan. 31, 1657. SAML.

GRAHAM, ja31 dtd Com'r of Repairs and Buppllea. 0FFICE OF REPAIRS AND SUPPLIES. Proposals for filling the Public Cisterns of the Eastern Scaied proposals will be received at Uiis ofllce until Monday, the Hit Ii day of February, at VI o'clock, noon, for filling the public cisterns of the Eastern District for the year 1857. Estimates to state the price per foot in depth for each sized cistern. Blank proposals may be obtained at this office.

All Proposals must be addressed to the Commissioner of Repairs and Supplies, and endorsed "Proposals lor filling the public cisterns of the Eastern District." Proposals will not be considered unless accompanied with a consent in writing of two sureties, (who shall qualify as to their responsibility) that If the contract be awarded to the party proposing, thev will become bound as his surely for its faithful performance 'and in ease he shall neglect or refuse to execute the contract, if so awarded, then that they will pay to tbe City of Brooklyn the diSeren between Ihe price so proposed, and the price of Ihe next highest bidder, to whom toe conlract may be awardod, Brooklvn, January 31sl, 1857, SAMUEL GRAHAM, jn31 dtd Commissioner of Repairs and Supplies. OFFICE OF REPAIRS' AND SUPPLIES. Proposals for glazing the Public Lamps of the Eastern District. Sealed proposals will be received at this ofllce until Monday, the 16th day ol February, at 12 o'clock, noon, lor the glazing of Ihe public Limps of ihe r.aslcrn District during ihe year 1S57 Specifications for doing said work may be seen at thlB ofllco nnd blank proposals mav be obtained lor the same, hstimntes to state the price per light. All proposals must be addressed to the.

Commissioner of Repairs and Supplies, nnd endorsed "Proposals lor glazing the public lamps of ihe Eastern District." Proposals will not be considered unless accompauled with a consent in writing oftwo sureties, (who shall qualify as lo their responsibility) lhat if the contract be awarded lo Ihe party proposing, lheywill become hound as his surely for its faithful performance and in case he shall neglect or refuse lo execute lbs contract, if so awarded, then that they will pay to tho city of Brooklyn Ihe difference between the price so proposed, and tbe price of the next highest bidder, to whom Ihe contract may be awarded. Brooklyn, January 31st, 1857. SAMUKL GRAHAM, ja31 did Crm'r of Repairs and Supplies. DIVISION AVENUE. N0TTCE IS HEREBY given, lhat the undersigned Commissioners appointed under and bv virtue or tbo Act passed April 17lh, 1856, entitled "An Act providing lor the completion ofthe opening and grading of Division avenue, in the Couniy of Kings, and tor paving and otherwise improving the same," having reviewed and amended their report made under Ilie twenty filth section ol tha said aci, showing the expense of the improvement properly incurred bv ihe Commissioners unpointed under chapter lifty nme ol ihe laws of eighteen hundred and lll'ly, including ihe award made by lliem for land, and the assessment thereof made by the undersigned upon several lols or parcels of laud beue litied by such improvement in proportion to ihe benefit thereto: have completed their said amended report that said amended report has been duly tiled in the ofllce o( the Clerk of the County of Kings, and the undersigned will meet at the Surrogate's Ufflce, in the City Hall, iu the city of Brooklyn, on the twelfth day of February, 1857, at one o'clock P.

to review their said amended report. Dated January 27th, 1837 JES3E C. SMITH, ABRAHAM VAN HER VOORT, Commissioners. RICHARD TEN KYCK, ja3l dtd SUPI sav UPREME COURT. The Seamen's Bank for ings in the City of New York against William u.

Hop kins and Ann liainbridse. In pursuance of ajudgmeutof the Supreme Court ofthe Slats of New York made in the above entitled acllon, bearing date Ihe iwenty.lil'di day of October, eighleen hundred ami lifiy six, I will sell at public auction ou Monday, ihe ninth day of February, 1807, at twelve o'clock noon of that day, at Montague Han, in ilai City of Brooklyn, County of Kings. All lhat certain lot ol land, siluato in the blxth Ward of the Citv of Brooklvn, County ot Kings, and State ot New York, bounced and described as follows Beginning at a point on the southerly side of Uelou street distant nine hundred and eighty live teet northwesterly from the westerly corner of Union and Columbia sireets, thence running southerly pii' adel with Columbia street seventy two feet two inches more or less to land of William Ii. Imlay; thence northwesterly along laud ot William Imlay twenty seven feet and northerly aud parallel with Columbia slreet ou a line distant ten hundred and len leet north westerly therefrom sixty one feet eleven and oee hall inches mors or less io the souihcrlv sideof Unionstreot; thence soiilheas'erly on ihe southerly side "of Union street twenty live feet lo the plnca of beginning. Dated January 15th, 1857.

JOHN A. WEEKS, Reteree. Gbo. T. Stko" 2aw3wth CJUPREME COURT COUNTY OF KINGS Daniel Bogart, Junior, against Alice liailcy otherwise Alice Vermilyea, Maria Slevensoa, wife of ObadiahSievenson, aud tha suid Obadlah Stevenson and Hiram Johnson.

Summon i. For relief. (Com. not scr.) To the above named defendanLs You aro hereby summoned, anu requiroa to auswer uctum I i. ftt naifft nf Ihe Cerk Ihe city of New York, wiihin twenly days after the service of una summons on you, exclusive ui ma .1 7t 'r if you fail to answer tho said complaint wilhin the me aloi said, ihe plaintiff in this acJon will apply to the Court Tor ih relief demanded intho complaint.

Dated December Ul 1856. PATTERSON EASTMAN. PlaintlU Att'i s. The above named complaint wns.liledln the above mentioned PUT'S TORECLOSURE. SUPREME COURT, COUN 1 TV (IF KINGS Joseph M.

Greenwood, plaintiff, nnd dbolloo Brown, widow, Mnrlha Sclllia Brown and Alice Fran Brown, children, and Robert Br.sier, l.xecutor ol freeman 'Brown deceased, defendanls. in pursuance anil by virtue of a judgment of die Supremo (niVrt onhe State of New York, entered in ihe above cntltletl action on tto 20,1, day ol January, A. 1857, will be sold at public auction, at ihe Franklin House, at the corner of 1 niton id Water streets, in Ibe City of Brooklyn, and County ol Kings ori the 2M day of February, A 1857. at 12 o'clock noon of dial day, by or under ihe direction of Charles Leech, Ihe relei ee appointed for that purpose by saidjlidg All' those two certain lots, pieces or parcels of land, lvlng und being in the village of WllllamBburgh, County of Kings and Slaie of New York, known and distinguished ou ihtt Assessnicui Map of said village, made by Edward Burdiani, b.r ihe village numbers ()2S8) four thousand two hundred and nine ly clghl and four thousand two hundred nnd ninety nine, bounded and containing as follows, lo wit: Commencing at ihe southwesterly corner of Smllh and McKibbin streets, and running llicnee westerly along the stmlherly side of McKibbin street fifty feet: thence southerly, parallel wilh Smlih streei, ono hundred feet; tlicnco easterly, parallel wilh McKibbin street, lifi feet: and thence northerly. along the westerly side of smi'ii slreet one hundred feet to ihe point or place of beginning, lo gelhcr with all and singular, Ilie leiiemenis, licredilnnieuls, and iiMpuneliances thoreuiuo belonging, or iu any wUo nppertalr.

ing. Dated Brooklyn, January aiili.W Kefere0 JoBtsrit Mi GWiSairnou. Aovarnav In Pern. J28 2awBYT the second part of the Revised Statutes, rnuemon a. money, 01 crouajyn, ma muuiy uv.

juiiv. NnllftA drat miblUliAH the 23d Jamiarv. Ifi7. Creditors to an pear before the Honorable JuBtioe Morris. County Judge of the County or Kings at the City Hall of the City of Brooklyn in the said County ofKings on the Seventh day of March, 1857, at 10 o'clock la the forenoon.

SAMUEL OWEN, 70 street, jn ew iort uity. Attorney lor insolvent. ja22 lawwl CJHERIET'S SALE. By virtue of a writ rected and delivered, I will sell by public uuctlon, at tfaeom mercial Exchange, Xo. 369 Fulton, street (opposite the City Hall, tn ine vny irooKiyn, on tne zist aay or ry, 1857.

at 12 o'clock, noon, all tho right, title and interest which IHOMASFfiENCHhadonthe 2JKh day cf December, 1856, or at any t'jne Uierealter, in whose hasds soever the same may be, of, in and to All those certain lota, pieces or parcels of land, situate, lying and being in the Ninth Ward of the city of Erooklvn, in the Counly of Kings, and bounded and described as" follows: Beginning at a point on the southerly side of Crown street, distant Tour hundred feet WCSierjy irom iuo bouiiiw oniony turner viuwu nucci ouu New York avenue; and tbence running southerly on a line parallel with New York avenue (127 one hundred and twentyseven leet, nine ana a nan incnes; mence wesieny on a line parallel with Crown street fifty feet (50); thence southerly nn ft lino narftllel with New York aveLie C96 ft SU In) nlnetv six teet three and a half Inches; thence westerly on a line parallel with Crown Street (114) on hundred and fourteen feet to the easterly side of a road known as the Clove Road; thence northerly along tneeasteny sine oi aia jiove itoaa io us intersection with the soulherly Bide of Crown street thence easterly along the southerly sideof Crown street (83) eighty eight feet to the place of beginning, containing (9) nine lots and (i10) nine hundred and ten Square feet be the same more or less, Together with all nnd singular the tenements, hereditaments and appurtenances thereunto belonging, or in any wise apper Dated Brooklyn, January 7th, 1857. ja8 Iaw6wth JEiJOMfi RYERSON, Sheriff. SUPREME COURT. Joseph R. Andrews agst.

Joseph Wood andothers. ErriNGnAM H.NiCHOLs.Plfls.Aty. In pursuance of a judgment order of this Court, mude in the above entitled action, bearing date daylof October, 1856, I will sell by public auction, at (he Commercial Exchange, No. 369 Fulton street, (opposite the City Hall,) In the City of Brooklyn, on the 22d day of January, 1867, at 12 o'clock, noon, the following described land and premises: All that certain lot, piece or parcel ofland, situate, lying and cing in IheTenth Ward of the city of Brooklyn, in the County of Kings, and State of New York, bounded and described as follows, viz: Beginning at a point oa the northerly side of Livingston street, distant sixty feet easterly from the northeasterly corner of Bond and Livingston streets; runu'ng thence easterly along Livingston street twenty feet; thence northerly and parallel with Bond street seventy five feet; thence westerly and parallel with Livingston street twenty feet; and thence southerly and again parallel with Bond street seventy five feet to the point of beginning. Dated Brooklyn, Decemoer 30th.

1856. d31 2aw3w 291 JEROME RYERSON, Sheriff. The sale of the above property is postponed until the 14th da' of February, 1867, at the same hour and place. Dated Brooklyn, Feb. 2d, 1857.

fea 2awtdtu JEROME RYERSON, Sheriff. CITY COURT OF BROOKLYN. James Miller and Seymour Burrell against John Cavanagliand others. Mann Rodman, PPflH Att'ys. In pursuanceofajudgmentorderoftliis Court, made in the above entitled action, hearing date thefitlidayof June, 1855, I will sell by public auction, at the Commercial 369 Fulton street, opposite the Citv Hall, in the city of Brooklyn, on the 21st.

day of November, 1856, at 12 o'clock, noon, the following described land and premises All that certain lot, piece or parcel ofland situate, lying and being in tho said city of Brooklyn, bounded and described as follows Beginning at a point on the northerly side of Warren street, distant sevecty dve feet nine inches wedvly from ihe northwesterly corner of Warren and Hicks streets, running ihence northerly and atarleht anile I'd Warren street ninetv nine feet ten inches to a poiul which is dislant sixty nine feet eleven inches from the westerly side of flicks street, running thence westerly parauei wan warren street iweniy leet, running thence southerly at a right angle to Warren street ninety nine feet ten inches io ihe said northerly side of Warren streei. nnd running thence easterly Hong the said northerly side of Warren street twenty feet to the place of beginning. Dated rookiyn, October 28, 185li. o2ti 2aw3wtu 236 JKROATfi RYERSON, Sheriff. Th cnlM nf ilift nhAvp.

nrnnertv Is further oostooned until the 28th day of November, 1850, at the same hour and place. Dated lirooKivu. jsoveinour ii n22 2awlds JEROME RYHRKON. Sheriff. The KiiUi of the above property is further postponed until thi! 5ih dav of December, 856.

at the same hour and place. Dated Brooklvn, November 2tith, lb5ti. nLMiiwtds JEROME RYERSON. Sheriff. The sale, of the above properly is further postponed until the 20th day of December, 1850, at the same hour aud place.

Dated Brooklyn, Dec. 5th, 185G. drivwids JEROME RYERSON. Sheriff. The.

siileof the above nroneriv is further postponed until the 9th dav of March, 1857, at the same hour and place. Dated Brooklvn, Dec. 20, 1856. d22 2awtdm JEROME RYERSON. Sheriif.

SUPREME COURT COUNTY OF KINGS, Grosveuor agt. Thomas II. Treadweil andothers. Tuns. G.

Talcoit. Prifs Att'v Tn nnrsnance of a iudement order of this Court, made in the above entitled action, on the 21st day of January, I will sell bv public auction, at the Commercial Exchange, No. 3G9 nimnniln Ihs fit, Hull in tlia fit it ttfnnlrlfit on ne Kith any or eoruary, ieo, at iz ciuck, noon, tne lguow inir dfiscribed nremises All that certain lot, piece or parcel of land, with the brown stone front dwelling house thereon, situate, lying and being in ihe Sixth Ward of the City of Brooklyn, County of Kings and State of New York, bounded as follows, io wit Beginning at the corner formed by the intersection ol the easterly line ui Henry slreet with the northerly line of First place thence rim nine northerly nlnns the easterly line of Henry street one huu dred and thiny tltree feet live and a quarter inches thence east erly parauei wun irst uiuue iwuiii uue iuui si. iuuuc mcuui cnnilioi'iv inu nlltd with 1 Tfinrv i rp('t. nart nf thi distance, thronch a party wall, one hundred and thirty three feet live and a quarter inches to the northerly line of First place thence westerly along ihe northerly line of First place twenty one feet six inr hpw tn the nlac of beirinnintr.

Also all the riitht, title and in terest of the said Treadweil and wile to the land in Henry street and First place, to tne cemrea inereoi. respectively lying in irom ot aud adjoining the aDoyc acscriDca premises. Dated January 22, J857. i22 2aw3wih HENRY W. JOHNSON, Refcreo SUPREME COURT.

KINGS COUNTY. Catherine Brown against George Taylor and Kroma. Iii: wife, l'hilip W. Dater, Steel F. Mossman and Stephen C.

Vi! Unmst. In pursuance of a judgment order of this Court, made in the aoove enutieti action, oearmg aaie, me mi aay oi jecemoer, 1856, 1 will sell by Public Auction, at the Commercial Exchange, No. 369 Fulion street, opposite the City Hall, in the city of Hruok Ivn, on the day of January, 1857, at 12 o'clock; noon, the folio wine described land and Dremises 11 those certain lots, nieces or parcels of land, situate, ly inn and hpinc in ihe Kichth Ward of the city of Brooklvn. which are known and distinguished on a certain map, entitled "iap ot part oi ine nicuard jierry larm at uowanue," ui EiirhthWard of Ihe Citv of Brooklyn, purchased by Arthur Benson, and bv him eonveved to Kobert T. Shannon, surveyed January.

M9, bv John Htoddurf. and filed in rite ofitce vt th ierttoi me t.oitutv oi Aings as jots numoers ej) nine, tiuj u'u bounded as lollows Norlh enstenv in tront by 1 welfth streei south easterly by lot number eleven on said map south wester ly in the rear by lots numbers thirty seven and thirty eigh and north westerly bv number eight on said map. Dated Brooklvn, Jan. ifi2w3wiX) JEROMK RYERSON The sale of the above property is postponed until the 28th day oi eut uary, losy, at me same nour anu piace. I'ated Brooklyn, January 9ih, 1857 jabu2awtdf JERuMK RYERSON.

tiberiir. CJUPREME COURT, KINGS C0UN1T. Johp In pursuance and by virtue of a judgment of Uie Supreme Court entered in the above entitled action on the 12th dav ol January. 1857. will be sold at public at ihe Commercial Exchange, No.

36'J Fulton street, opposite ihe City Hull, in (In; city oi lirooKiyn, on ine seventh uay oi eoruary, i. at o'clock, noon of that day, by or under the direction of James L. Lvnan. the referee appointed for that purpose by said men All that certain lot, piece or parcel of land, siuiate, iyinu; und being tne fccvemii ard ot ine city oi lirooKiyn, fjounty Kings, and State of New York, hounded and described as fol lows, viz Beginning at (he corner formed by the intersection the northerlv side of Wiilouchbv aveme with the easlorly sitU of Ryerson street, and running thence nopherly alone the east, erty'side 'if Uyerson street twenty feet; thence easterly parallel to Willoniihbv avenut! and through the centre of a nariv wal belween ihe house erected on the. lot hereby conveyed and the house on the adioininir Jot one hundred feet; thence southerly parallel to Ryerson street, twenty feet to the northerly side of WlliougliDV avenue, anti mence westerly niong uie saiu noru erlv side oi' Willouiihbv avenue one hunured feet to the place beginning.

Being the same premises which were conveyed io thi sniii l.oti Siinonson. defendant, by ihe said John stanburv. plalntill', by deed bearing even dale withthe said mortgaee, and tbe said mortgage being given lo secure the whole ot the pur chase money ol said convey nee. JAMES LYN AN, Referee, jal5 2aw3vlh 9 Courtstreet, Brooklvn. PROPOSALS FOR CONVICT LABOR.

SING Fituo.v, Agent and varden's Offiok, January Nodce is herf by given Hint sealed proposals win be received iht oiiiwrilir" ihe olliec in said Trison. uniil the 7tli dav of March, 1857, at 10 o'clock A. for the hire and services of such number of male convicts inoi reuireu upuu conrracus ai ready existing, and upon such as may be made hereafter, thai mnv h. nt the iHnnatLl of the said Acent and Warden, not io ex cecd one hundred, Kir the iermof five years, from ihe first day of Anrii npvf to he emnloved in the manufacture of iron bolts. nuts, screws, grindstone' shafts, and friction rollers and other materials pertaining to such manufacture.

Also, proposals will be received at the same time and place for the hire and services of from fifty to one hundred male convicts to he employed in themanufacture of machinery Also, proposals will be received at the same time and place for the services of Irom fitly to one uunurca inaie convicts to ne employed in weaving skirts and netting. In proposing for anv of Ihe above named convicts, Ihe price per day must be stated and no proposals will be considered in which more than one price is offered. Bids must also be made separately for ihe several branches of business proposed to be if i Th rrmti'iLptnr in each case will be exneded to furnish their own fuel for warming the shops, nnd brooms for sweeping theame. Suitable and convenient shop room for the prosecution of the business named in the contract will bo furnished by 4 f'aynfent will be required to be made at the end of each and every raoutn, in current lunus, ai uiu pnsou. ti.r TimneetnrR reserve to themselves the privilege ofaccep ing such bid or bids and rejecting olhers, or of rejecting all the bids made, if ihey shall deem for the interest oi ihe State so to dO.

WiJjLiAAai ja29 law4wth Agent nnd Warden ing Sing Prison, SHERIFFS SALE. BY VIRTUE OF A Ll writ of execution issued out of the Supreme Court, to me directed aiidJWelivered, I will sell by public auction, at the Commercial Exchange, No. 369 Fulton street, opposite the City Hall, in the city ofBrooklyn, on the 16th day of March, 1857, at 12 o'clock, noon, all the right, title and interest which riv TtvR MAVWKT.r. had on tbe 10th dav of May, 1854, 01 at aiJy time thereafter, in whose hands soever the same may be. of, in and io All that certain lot, piece or parcel of land Biiuate lying and being in the sixm waraoi uie cuy oi uruoitiyn utoreBaiQ, anu Douuutiu iuuuw, wmiiinji uu nn utrin nt Tinned ven.

street at a no nt distant ono huu dred and nine feet eight inches northerly Irom ihe northeasterly intersection of Richards and Rapelyea, streets, thence runnlug northerly and at right angles wiut Kapciyoa street tniriy oue X.i oieven inehes to a noint in a line equidistant from Rapelyea Btject and Hamilton avenue thence running norlhwesterly alwiig said line twenty feet nine inches to a poiut equidistant from Bflfcnhon avenue and Rapelyea stree.t thence southwesterly to liJBMyea street ou a tine ai ngm unties tnereio uuriy aix icei, ulnnc said Ranelvea street twenty feet four inehos to the place of beginning. Together with ad and singular Uie tenements, heredltamenls and appurienances uiero nniu beloncing or in anywise appertaining. lft'ed, Brooklyn. Jimaury 2971867. JEROMK RYKKSUK, fciuerlir.

ja29 lawBwtu SUPREME COURT. KINGS COUNTY. George I). Kellogg against Thomas Findlav and Sophia his wire. Samuel u.

Law aim aiim ji muiW llrnrv G. Nichols. Benjamin M. Sherman, Jeremiah h. Hunce James Ksler, Delphln H.

Cobb, and George T. Cobb. To ihe defendants above named Yon are hereby summoned and required to answer the com' plaint of the above named plaintiff in this action, which nieii iu the. olllcii of the Clerk of ihe (Joutitv of Kincs, the City Hull, city of Hrooklyn, and lo serve a copy of your answer to the said complaint upon ine sunKenwr, ai nis ouice, So. '23 Nassau htrtict.

New York city, within twenty days after ihe service of this summons upon you, exclusive of ihe day of such service and If you fail to answer complaint na nl'nro said, Uie plaintiff will PPb' to lh" Courl fur the relief deinanderf 111 the couipmnu. Jlueu Jiuttruirjci o.w. jtt201aw6wth TUOMl'HON, i'lfffl. Any. I (Tl omour Second Edition of yesterday.) State Legislature.

Albany, Pocrimry 4. ASSEMBLY. BlUS PASSED. To provide lor the investigation of fires in certain esses. To amend the Brooklyn Consolidation Act.

SENATE. Immediately after the reading of the Journal. Mr. Petty who was absent yesterday, said (hat although the cause of his absonce was" known" to Senators, it was expected lie would be present at the U. S.

Senatorial election, but following upon the death of a near relative had come the severe Mcfcncss of another, by whosj bed side he was called to watch. Had ho been present his vote would have been is for Joel T. Headley. The report of Dr. Harris, the physician at Quarantine, was presented, and contains a valuable and interesting hif tnry of tho epidemie at Staten Island and vicininty last rear.

The Supply Bill for IMS was finally past and it is now law. Mr. Petty gave notice of a bill in relation to the city judge of New York, which will confine his jurisdiction to the court of Special Sessions, and compel him to hold sessions daily. 11 provides for a trial by jury: ami makes it the duty of the District Attorney to send all" cases of misdemeanor before the city judge. B1L1S lNTRODrCKD.

To erect the county of Canisto. To form a new ward from parts of the 12th and 19th ward New York. To protect gas consumers in New York To provide for the maintenance of military organizations in the cities of the State. To provide for a convention to revise and amend the Charter and re organise tho City Government of New York. To estabfch a State Lunatic Asylum.

To appoint Commissioners to prepare Civil Code. Mr. Mahon moved the apiiointmcnt of a Special Committee to investigate tne affairs of the Commissioners of Emigration, with power to send for persons and papers. Uaid over. Mr.

Foot endeavored to call from the table the resolu. tion relating to the expediency of ayes and nays on the motion Motion lost Aves 4 navs o7. THIRTY FOURTH CONGRESS 3d Session. Washington. February 4.

Senate. Mr. Allen presented the credentials of James F. Simmon elected Senator by the Legislature of Rhode Island. Mr.

Wcller, from tho Committee on Military Affairs, re poru'Q in lavor oi pruning me documents recently commu nicated relative lo General Scott's pay. A debate ensued. House. Washington, Feb. 4.

Mr. Florence introduced a bill to equalize the army, navy and marine pensions. Mr. Bingtiam, from the committee on elections, reported a resolution which was adopted, that Mr. Hall was legally elected from the first Congressional District ot Iowa A resolution giving Mr.

Clarke, the contestant, his mileage and per diem allowanco lies over. The House discussed the joint resolution proposing to civ each branch of Congress the entire control of its Contii gent Fund; without ttie supervision ol Hie treasury officer SUPREME COURT. William S. Ban and ot! ers ag iinst Charles Elv hihI others. C.

,1. K. Pr.WiTT. Pl'tTs Ali'v. In pursuance of a judgment order of this Court, made in ilie abo entitled action, btiaring date the 27ih day ol January 1657.

1 will sell by public auction al the Commercial Fulton stteei, opposite ibe city ball, in the. city of Brook vn, on the Sid day ol February, 1857, ot 12 o'clock, noon, tie following described land and premises All that certain lot of land and the buildings thereon simiot. nu 'he easterly side of Hamilton avenue tvt eoty eight feet lni inches n'Tiberly from the point formed by die intersection the easterly liueof ILiraltton avenue with die northeasterly lint Mil street and lire centre of a party wall between tin house on Ibe lot ot bind hereby gran'ed niid the house on tie 'c. of land now or la te of Tbumns licit adjoining loiln ttr nee easterly through ihe centre of said par tvall.lorly feet thence uoriheasierly alone, the said land now lately of' ihe Miid 'I nomas McGionws tiiiy five feet and one be i 'o piim nu euui disiant from Mill street mid Cliuiv! tree'. and parallel iliert wiih rospeeiively thence norihei 'i aid equi di.s'unt iine parallel wnli Mill street lea feel' hence nnrtliwcsterly forty live teet three inches to ihe iior'li itsterlv corner of said house on Ibe loi hereby (tntnteil ilienn Jigaic sou'Jiwe terly but more westerly through dice 'litre of die uinvwall between thesaiu house on ine lot Hereby convcye inid tbe house ou the lot adiotnttic to the north thereof fortv tV the eastcrlv hne of Hamilion avenue ihcncc southerly along ibe easterly line of Hamilion avenue twenly feet lo the p'lace of foeginniuq.

Together with all and singular the lenemeuts, i reditumepts unci appurtenances ihereunto belonging or in an wise anncrtaining, and the reversions and revemim, remaintl ind rojrainden. rents, i suos anil itrolils thereof. Dated Brook lvo. January 30. 1857.

2aw3vs aT JEROME RYERSON, Sheriff. 3 CJUPREME COURT. The Empire City Fire In Insurance Company ngiiin' Cook others. Pl'if i Suit 2. In pursunn'ti onicr of this Court, made in hp above entitled m'tion, bfurin iiu: "he 1st day of iS3G, I wi sell by jinblir minion.

Hi the Commercial Fulton hi. ppnoiite w. Cify Hal), in the riiy id' iirooklyu. mi tbe day oi' ISTiT. 1 o'clock noon, the following Ml that certain iot.

pit'tv or j'Jiivl ol Inml, si'tKKt. lyinc in thy Ward nl" th' city of IJrookyn, on lie easterly iid of Court et between lc (iraw and Socket streeis," bema part of io' numbers 29 and map of ihe Six Acre liergen Tract, made by Ludlam. and isled iti lit1 ollhe. of of aid County of Kings, boRinninc hi a point oiiilie easterly side of Court street disinut tiny nine feet live i'lchep from ihe Kimiheasierly corner of Court and DeGn.w th' nce rurniup sou heaierly parallel with ihe south vesterly line of lo; number 1 ou said map and along the line of Id: couvf yed on th 22d dny of Orumer, LSJP, by Cenro AV 'o1 Samm I Arnold, jtanly through a wall five feet ilieiiee si'ill (Mi(ln'ri i(Tjy jrtfliei wiilt 1 1tiv; and along lli iine of said Arnold's lut twenty 0 to the lot now or late of 1 "liaries 1,. Hunt; thence souttiwcst .1 Hlong tin 1 ne of Miid las' uioniioned loll wcuty on feet ten 'nehes lii.10) or to the jtdjcjiiiitip lot also belonpir.t; nid William .1.

Ctnk au 1 Knzabetli Ins wife; thenee north the noriht asturly lines of said fi ii tiniiig lot through Uie eemre nt a party wall between lioti erected on the said monagea premises nnd the iuining on the soutlieriy side to Conn street tlienet ihrasttTly 'along Conn sireetivvcnty two 22) fetitio the platx oeinc one half of premises which were con pveii said William J. Cook. by Goorge Wood and wife iy ff ed bearing daw the 2d dav of tietobur, 1849. Dated Iironk Ivn. 26.

18a7 JKRO.MK RYERSON. Sheriff, 2aw3wth S1 SUPREME COURT. Everett Clapp ngaiDPt in luii suiinc'' ut a indcmi'nt ordtT oi iin Lcuirt, matte in ttie nbove niiUed action, bearing dale th'1 Mh day or.Tanuary, lf'7, 1 will sell bv public auelioil. at the 'otniuereial Kxeliane, No. Fulton trec'.

oppesite the City Hall, in city of Brooklyn, on die 'Jl day of February, lSTjT. at 12 o'clock, noon, Hip following and premises All that certain lot. pieee or parcel of tfm.u. i. wifh the 'Mhen'on.

ituate. lying anrt being in ihe 'ny of lirookhn. the southerly side of President stree', beginniii at a. point on me Miutlieriv side of I'reiden1 street aisuin: three lmiulred an 1 ixu'i ffc! and eigh inehes from the snmhwesieriy roni Cre iidfiit teet, nt its juncUnn with Columbia street, running fieuci: with IVesid' n1 strt et wes erly sixteen feei au inchet, tlu uce sou herly parallel with Columbia street our hundred feet, thence easterly" parallel with President street t' ffMi and eight inehes, thence northerly parallel with ('oliun hia Kin ei on' hutulrt fee: to the place of beginning, being the ante premiv which were to th'j said John K. Lef migwell bv Roddy, together with the party walls on It Uv ot the buildings "erected upon tin; premises hereby envpyt'd.

Hrooklyn, January 2St 1837. a Kiitj.Mt ii i Mierni. ivJaiirance Company against iore (ireecacd others. Conn.MA.N Jksslt, i'lns. AtV.

in pnrr oiuiee of ajudinen: order of Uiis Co'tn, made 'K ji a iion, hearinu date the 21st nay of Jnn'y, I wilt bv I'ul'lie Auetion. at die. Kxcliaiiye. No. Kuitnti street, opposite lie City liall, in he City of Brooklyn, i tie K'h day of 'iiruary, itsjf, al 12 o'clock, noon, the following land and piWn.ifs All certain lot, piec er parcel of ground, with the build siuiat', iving and being in the city of Brooklyn, on the westerly side, of SiutUi street, beginning uta point one hundred and di'irteL feet live and one quarter inches southerly from ihe roni' formed bv the interseouoii of the suutherly side of place with the side or Smith stree.t running rnce ouHierlv and with Smith htreet tweuiy feet: thence wes'erly'parullcl with Fourth place one hundred feel thenre tionheriv jtarallel with Smith twenty feet tliencc rly with Fourth place one hundred feet to ihe phtee of Itef 'inni'ig.

Daifd r.ivoklvn, Jai nary 21st, 1Sj7 uU7i JEKu.VE KYEBSON, Sherill'. 4 NOTICE. In the matter of up pordouing and itssesing ihe expt nse of well and pump iner of Conseiveaaud LoHmer sts. J'Jte Board ul' Asses urs of the city of Brooklyn, pursuant to the provisions of an Act of the Legislature of the State of Act to eonsolidnte the Cities of Brooklvn and Wilhiiuisbiirgh. nnd the town of inio one Municipal iovernmeui.

audio meorponve the sauie, neretiy give nouee, 'hat the Report ol the Assessment in the above entitled matin haw made, and that said Report is now deposited in the mil, ni ilie said Hoard, at the City Hall, in the City of Brook r. ii where the examined by all per ons inieresttnl. rtud hdi the Hoard will meei in sum omcc on ine. itun day b''urv next. o'clock.

P. to hear objections, (if any. 'i in tue'pariies interested, and to complete and sign our sail hitvinc olyeutious to make, will please present rh ru in writing. Aaied JirooJclyn, Jan. Jv, Jw.

lj older ol the Board of Ae ors. R. COMBS, Presiden SSESSOllb' KOTICE. In the matter of ap J. portioning and assessing the expense of well ami pump aer of 4th and North 7t fists.

Th" Bown ot Assessors ot the ciiy of Brooklyn, pnrsuunt lo i.i. i.mi uimiK fifstti Act ot the Leci. Iattire of the bUitn of Saw Vork, rutitled "an Ac: to Cuu olida'e the cities of Brooklyn ami Will. atnsburgli. and ihe lowmif Buhhwif into one Municipal ieverninent.

aiidto incorporate ine same, iiereoygive nutiee ti th' i'cpoM ol the As. in the above entitled ma'ter hu: 1 efn ntadc. and that said otiri is deusited in ihe ofllce 'he aid Hoard, at the City Mali, in tie City of Brooklyn, when he sniiie can be eXKUiinc'd bv all par'ies interested, and that th' tun! Board will meet In sald'ofllee on lt'ith divy ol'Febrtiar; (t'clock lo hear ubjecunns, fil any from tin f.L."'ie itneresie 1. and to complete and ngn our said report. i i to make, please present ilie ii Date.i Hrooklyn.

January 07. f. nrd. the ol A i kit H. COMBS,

.4 SSESSOIIS' NOTICE. In the matter of ap i. portioning and ii.sesMng the expense of well and pump I i ni'ttic eitv ofBrooklvn, ijursuaiit f.t ilK. of ihe Stt of New "an ac: to consolidate the cities of Brooklyn and and the town of Bushwick. into one Municipal iiiincnrimritti' the same, hereby Kive notice.

A. mein in the above entiiled matter i mude. and that said K' port now deposited in the iti.e.. the aid Jioard, a' Hall, in ihectiy oi lirookiyn, iieevuiiiined bv persons interested, and the aid Board will meet liquid oltuv on the lbut dav oireb, to liear obuvimtis. (if any,) from ili SUPREME COURT COUNTY OP KINGS.

Peter A. Young agt. George Miller and others. Wm. R.

Statfobo, Pi'fl8 Att'y In pursuance of a judgment order of this Court, made in the aDOve enuueo action, Deanng uuie, uiuiei.ukj I will sellbv nubile auction, at the Commercial Excbange.No 369 Fulton street, opposite the City Hall, in the City of Brooklyn, on the 19lh day of February, 1857, at 12 o'clock noon of that day tbo following described land and premises. All those two certain houses and lots, pieces or parcels of land, oitnnle. lvlnir and heme in the Sixib Ward or the city of Brooklyn, County o'f Kings, andStatcof New York, bounded and described as follows, 10 wit Beginning at a point on the southerly site of Degraw street distant easterly one hundred and ten feet from lliesouin casieriy corner 01 uegra ouccia, un ninrr ibonr.e coot bertv anrl narallel with Coumbla street one hun dred feet thence easterly and parallel with Degraw street forty feet; thence nortneriv and parauei wun ioiumui su eei. one hundred feet to the southerly side of Degraw street thence westerly along said southerly side of Degraw street lorty feet to the place of beginning. Said lots and premises being known by the street numbers one hkndred and eight (108), and one hundred and ten (110) Degraw street.

Also all mat certain lot, piece or parcel 01 iimu, suuuig, ijuig o.i hwin ti.o uifhtppnth Ward of the City of Brooklyn, for merly 1 own or Bushwick, in the County or Kings and State of isew xora, Known ana uisuuguiaucu uu iuhi umr ion rtf Prrtnriv hinnf.liir to David Coooe and Stenhen Flay nes, situate at the corner of Bushwick avenue and Jamaica Turnpike, In the Town or Bushwick," filed in Ihe omce of Ihe Clerk of ihe County of Kinss, March 24. iStt, as anu oy tne f7A hounded and described as follows, to wit: Beginning at a point on the easterly side of Bushwick avenue distant one hundred and tifty eight feel six Inches 06SK southerly from the south easterly corner of Bushwick avenue and Devoc street as laid down on said map running thence easterly along lot number (73) seventy three on said map. one hundred feet to lot number (88) eighty eight on said map thence southerly along said lot number (t8J eighty eight and parallel Willi liUSIlWloK avenue iweuiy iive jeei 10 lyi nuuiuci u.o iv.ftw no sntrf man thence westerly alone said lot (No. her seventv flve one hundred feet lo Bushwick avenue, and thence northerly along Baid Bushwick avenue twenty five feel (20J 10 ihe point place of beginning. Dated Brooklyn, Jaau 2aW3wlil (349) JEROME RYERSON, Sheriff.

SUPREME COURT, Fowler M. Ray against Henry Miner and olhers. Hearse Warren, PPfPs Attorneys. (Suit No. 2.) Tn nurBi.nncp.nfnindpmentorderofths Court, made in the above entitled action, hearing date ihe Votli day of January 857, In ill sell by public auction, at the Commercial Exchange.

0.369 Fulton street, opposite the City Hall, in tho city ot lirooKiyn, on the 19th dav of February, 1857, at 12 o'clock, noon, the following described land ana premises All those twelve certain lots, pieces or parcels ofland, situate, It itkt nmlhpiniT in tlm Sixth Ward of the oil of Brookh'U, County of Kings, and KtaUi of New York, known and distinguished on a cerlain map of properly belonging to Samuel I'. Townsend, surveyed by Willard Day and George li. Day, City Surveyors, dated "Brooklyn, May Rjth, 1S52, by the numbers 170 lone hundred and seventy) to 174 (one hundred and seventy four) both inclusive, and lolsl98 (one hundred aud ninety eight) lo 2C4ftwu hundred and four) both inclusive, which said twelve lots, pieces or parcels of land taken together are bounded nnd more particularly described as follows, to wit: Beginning at a point on the northeasicrlv side of King aireet distant one hun ilred and eighty feet southeasterly from the corner formed by the intersccuon of Hie southeasterly side of Dwight street with the norUiea tcrly side, ol' King street; running thence south ejsierly along the said nor heasterly sideof King slreet iwo hundred nnd foriv four feel and three inches or until it strikes the northwesterly side of Columbia street thence northeasterly alone; the noniiweslerly side of Columbia street out; hundred and seven feet six inches, or until it strikes ihe centre line of the block between "William ami King streets ihence northwesterly along said ccnire line of ihe block two hundred and lour feet, seven incites and thence southwesterly and parallel with Dwight sireei one hundred feel to the northwesterly side of King street at ihe point or place of beginning. Dated Brooklvn. January 27, ja28 2aw3w (353) JEROME RYERSON, Sheriff.

EW YORK SUPREME COURT, COUNTY hrottgh, Kxecutors of the last Will and Testament ot Kobert Chesebrough. deceased, against John B. Miller, Mchoias r. Vilon and Ann his wife. Summons.

To above nnmed defendants You nve hereby summoned and required lo answer Ihe complaint in this action, which was lit ed in the oflice of the Clerk of the County of Kings, at ihe City liall oi ihe city of Brooklyn, in siiid Countv, on the seventh day nf June, 1856. and to serve copv ofvoiir unswer to the said complaint on the subscriber, at his ofllce, No. Gl East 28th street, in the city of New lork, wilhtu twenty the service of ibis summons on you, exclusive of the day of such service; and if you fail to answer Ihe said complaint within the time aforesaid, ihe pliiimiffs will apply to tho Court for ihe relief demanded in Ihe complaint Dated Citv of New York, Jimc7ih, 1856. ROBT. J.

CHE iKBRGLGH. Jlfffl Attv, (127 law8ws 61 SUPREME COURT FOWLER M. RAY agst, Hcnrv V. Miner aud otliers. Suit No.

4. IIharxe Wariien, Plffs. Attys. Tu pursuance of a. judgment order of this Courl, made in the above entitled action, bearing date the day of jnn'y, 1 will sell by I'ublic Auction, a the Commercial Exchange.

3'(.) Fulton slreet, opposite the City Hall, in the City of Brooklyn iu Kings County, on the 19th dav of February, at 12 o'clock, uoou of that day, the following described Land and Premises, UAll those iwelveeertaui lots, or parcels of land, lying and being in ihe Sixth Ward of the eily of Brooklyn, in the county of Kings, und State of New York, known and Distinguished a certain map of property belonging to P. Townsend, surveyed bv Willard and George 11. Day, city surveyors, dated Brooklyn, Mav 1ST2, bv the numbers 214 hundred and four.ecnj to 225 (two hundred and twenty live), both inclusive, which said twelve lois, pieces or parcels of land, taken together. are boundeu ana more parueuiariv tiesernieu us iouuwb, io wh; Beginning at a point on the southwesterly side of King street, distant one hundred font southeasterly from the corner formed bv the intersection of ofthe southeasterly sideof Dwight with the southwesterly sideof Kins street, and running thence southeaterlv along 'die southwesterly side of King street one hundred and sevemv eight feet, or until it strikes tin irregular line ai the point where ft touches ibe said southwesterly side of King street: thence ou. herly and westerly following the severM eotir.esof said irregular line, or until ii sinkes thetaid northerly line ot Bush street; thence westerly along ihe northerly side of Bush street, or untd it strikes a line running northeasterly from the northerlv side of Hush street, along tin; rears of lots Nos.

'llifiwohunilred and ihirteen), 212 (Uvo hundred and twelve), and other as said lots are laid down on said map and thence northeasterly along said line and parallel with Dwight street one hundred and sixty feet, more or less, or until it strikes ihe soutlnvcs. erly side of King street, at ihe point or place of beginning. 155 JEROME RYKRSON. Sheriff. Dated Brooklyn, Jan.

27th, lfc57. j282aw3v COURT. The Seamen's Bank for Savingti in the t'ity ofNewY'ork against Horatio V. While, William Johnson, John M. Curry, A.

B. his wife. In pursuance of a judgment ot ihe Supreme Court of the Sui'e of New York, made in the above eniiil 'd action, and bearing date the 22d day of December, John A. Weeks, will sell at Public Auction, on Monday, the Dtlwlay of February, 157, at 12 o'clock, noon of that day, at Montague Hall, in the citv ofBrooklvn. All that certain lot, piece or parcel of land, logethor whh the buildings erccing and to be erected thereon, situate, lying aud in the S.ixihWardof ihe Cuy of Brooklyn, bounded and described as follows, that is to say Beginning at a poiul mi the northerly side of jicketl street, distant one hundred and ninety eighc wes: erly from tho noi ih westerly corner of Hicks aiid Sa'ekett s'reets, and running thence northerly on a line parallel with Hicks slreet, une hundred feet; ihence westerly on aline parallel with Sackctt street, twenty one feet; thence southerly on a line parallel Willi Hicks street oue hundred feet to Sackctt streei; thence easterly along ihe northerly side of Sacked street twntv one feet to the place of beginning.

Dated Janua vl.Vh, lco7. JOHN A. WEEKS, Jleteree. T. jalft 2av: iwlh VJUI'REMJ t'ien I).

In piirsuanci JUPKEME COURT, KINGS COUNTY. Lu jainst K.i.mnent order of this Conn, made in the ove cniiiled net ion. Hearing uau; ine zwn nay 01 17. 1 will sell by inildie auction, tu the Kxchanfie, Court street, hy Oakley and Wright, atictimieers, opposite the City Hall, in th'' city ol' Hrooklyn, on ths Uih day of February, in VI o'clock. at, noon, the following described hmd and premises, viz All that certain piece nr parcel of land, with the buildings thereon erected, situate, lying nnd being in the Six'h Ward of the Citv of Hrooklyn, County ol' Kings State of New York, bounded and described as follows Heginnmg at a point on the honherlv side ofJjitquer street, distant two hundred and two feet and six Inches, easterly from the northeasterly corner of Clinton find Luqner streets; running thence noribeasterly and parallel with Clinton street one hundred teel; thence southeasterly narallel with Lut i tier slreet tdalueen feet and nine inches; thence southwesterly and parallel with Clinton street one hundred feet to ihe northerly side of Luqtn sireei; thence northwesterly along the northerly side of Lii'iner street eighteen le' and nine incnes, to ine piae oi ociiming.

Dated Brooklvn, January 28th. AUGS. IT. SI DELL, Referee. WATKixsox.tMiu.Eii, IMalntiiPa Attys.

ORCLOSURE SUPREME COURT, COUN OF KINGS. Joseph M. Greenwood, plaintiff; and Thomas Farrell, and Mary his wife, delendants In pursuance and by virtue of a judgment of the Supreme Court of the State of New York, entered in the above entitled action on the 27 th day of January. A. D.

1857, will be sold at public auction at the KranWyn House, at the corner of Fulton and Waterstreets, in the City of Hrooklyn and County of Kings, on Saturday, the 21st day of February, A. 1857, at 12 o'clock noon of that day, by or under the direction of Charles Leech, the referee appointed for thatpurpose by said judgment. Allihut eeriain undivided one hall part of all that certain lot, piece or parcel of land situate, lying and being in the Seventh ward of the eily of Hrooklyn, known and distinguished on a map made by Koswell Graves, Junior, City dated January, lK iTj, and entitled "Map of valuable property situate In ihe Seventh ward of the Citv of Hrooklyn, lately clone uc to John Skillinan," and Intended to be filed in the office ot ihe Clerk of the County or Kings as lot number so (nmctyj. hounded and containing as follows, that is to say Uegiiiriing at a point ou ihe extei'iv ide ol'kilhnan street, islam iwohiindrnri nnd fif ty teel northerly from the corner formed by ihe intersection of the westerly side ot Skillmau titreei with the northerly side of niary streei. running mence wesieny aiong ine northerly sine of lot number 91 (ninety one) unsaid man, and on a line parallel wilh Tillarv struct, one hundred feet to lot number 111 (one hun dred aud eleven,) en said nt 'o thence northerly along the rear oi sam las: menitonea 101, anu.

ou it nut; punuiui wmi mcujudlii street, iwentv live feet thenee easterly on a line parallel with 'Hilary sireei, one hundred feet iu the westerly side of Skillman street, and ihence southerly alone the westerly side of Skillman street, twenty live feel to the place of beginning wilh it1 1 ami singular me tenements, nereuiumieuis anu uppcnenau iliiiieunto hetonging or. hi anywise; appertaining, Dated JJrooklvu, lanuarv 27th, CHARLES LEKCH, Referee. M. CiiEENwouD, Att'y in person. j28 2aw3w SUPREME COURT, KINGS COUNTV.

David Coopo against Enoch Egginton and others. For Relief. (Com. not served.) To Enoch hgnnitou, Joseph F. Bridges and Charles Alley.

Vnii hereby summoned and reuuired to answer thr com plaini iu this action which was iilcd the ofllce of the Clerk of ihe wild County of Kings, at the City Hall, in ihe city of Hrooklyn in said Coun.v anu to serve cujy oi answer io i aid complaim on stibscriher, at his olUce, No. Front street, Hrooklyn. in said County within twenty days after the service of iliis numinous on you, exclusive of the day of such ii md if von fail to answer iht; said comnlalnt within Uie lime iilbn'. iaitl, the plainliif in this action will apply io the Court jirihe relior (iwimuuea in uie. cuuijmuin.

itroosiyn, June 19th, tuiriMI CllKKTW()f)1). 1 hiinttM' AiinrnAV The complaim In this action wastlled in ihe rUlco of the cferk of Kluiia Couniy on the 11th day of July, JfcW. jag law6w August 13tli, 1844, and by John Cassldy and wife to said Thomas ivarroJl uv uceu aaieu jut iiiuuur imu, 400.1. anu tuwtuiu bur 58 of "Conveyances, page 133, March 24th, 1836. llaicd January 2Slh, 1857 ja292aw3wth HENRY W.

JOHNSON, Referee. QUPREME COUKT Thomas J. Gilbert against kJ Thomas Courtney and others. Innursuance.ofaiudenient orderoi this Court, made in the I .1 Tj. IfK ITL.

1 11S ll above entitled anion, bearing date the 27lh day ol 1857, I will sell by public auction, at the Commercial r.xciinngc, no. 3tiy Fulton street, opposite ihe City nan, in tne cuy 01 itrooaiyn, on the 23d day of February. 1857, at 12 o'clock, noon, 1110 lollow ing described land and premises All mat certain lot piece or parcel 01 grouuu, siiuato, ijuis nnd being on the northerly side of Centre street In the Tenth, lormerlv Sixth ward of the city or Brooklyn, known and distinguished on a map of the estate of Jordon Colas deceased, on nie in tne ouice 01 ine iieris 01 mo couiuy 01 ulukm, uj u.u number 454 (four hundred and fifty four; said tot being twenty five feet in width in front and rear, and one hundred feet in depth 011 each side. Together with all and singular Ihe tenements, hereditaments and nppurlenances thereunto belonging or in anv wise appertaining, and the reversions and reversion, remainders and remainder, rents, issues, and profits Dated Brooklyn, Jan. Stub, 1857.

ja312aw3ws (35S) JEROME BYEKSOW. Sheriff. SUPREME COURT. KINGS COUNTY. The Excelsior Building and Mutual Loon Association against Eliza Smith, oihenvisc known as Eliza Schwartz (or Swarlz.) To the defendant nbove named You are hereby summoned and required to answer tne complaint in this action, which has been filled in this office of the Clerk of this court at the city of Hrooklyn, and 10 serve a copy of your answer 10 the said complaint on the subscriber, al his office, in the city of New York within twenty days after the service thereof, exclusive of the day of such service and if you fall to auswer the said complaint within the time aforesaid, the plaintiff in this action will apply to the court for the relief demanded in ihe complaint.

The suit Is UrOUgUL IO IOI OClUI It lUUl UIUUIIIU1Uwi (, vuuu. in Wllliamsburgh, In the city of Brooklyn, and described us follows lleglnning at a point on Ihe southerly side or Fros; street, dismnt 1.111 font westerly from the westerly sfdo of Graham avenue, and running llience in a westerly direction along said Frost street 50 feet thence a southerly direction in a nne parallel witbsaid Graham avenue lOOteet, more or less, to the renice of iheh oett llienee in nil easlerlv direction in a Une parallel with said Frost street 50 feet; andtbeucein a straight line to the point or pince beginning, said premises were on or about ihe V8th day of December, 1854, conveyed by one Tlioruas J. Wells, the morigagee, to Eliza Smith, subject to said niortgige said Eliza Smith is supposed subsequently to have married one Schwartz (or Kwartzj alio is tne person intenaeu the defendant in this suit, be lier present name what it may. New York, December 30th. 1856.

A. c. MORRIS, Plaintiff's Attorney, jdlawfiwiu 46 Pino street. OUPKEME COURT, COUNTY OF KINGS. L.

Adams, Executor, against Lucien D. Coman 1 In pursuanee of an order of this Court made in ihisaction will he. s'dd at public; auction, at Montague Hall, No. Court siivet, in til" citv ot urooKlvn, oy or unaeruie uirecnnu iiij uij v.i i ber her. "to, as referee, on Saturday, Hie day of January next, at 12 o'clock al noon.

All ihose sixteen lots of ground, situated in the city ofBrook lvn and loL eilipr rlescrthnd ns follows: Commi'iicini: at li point Jbrmed bv the imcrsettion of a line cmwn tlirougli the centre of Fourteenth street with a line drawn throuch thu centre of bird avenue, as said street and avenue, are laid down on the Commissioner's Map for laving out streets, avenues and squares in thecitv of i' rookivn. riinmnfl: thence southeasterly along aid tvnire line of saiii Coiirieenth s'rect. ttvo hundred and tlurty seven feet teu aud one half inches; thence northeasterly and parallel with said Third avenue two hundred and sixty feel to a tine drawn thrnuch ihe centre of Thirteenth street, as flow on said map; thenco northwesterly along said centre line of thirteenth stret two liunureu ana unriy icei tea anu a In. if iiu'hc (lit eentrft Htm of Third avenue aforesaid and thence southwesterly along said centre iine of said Third avenue I ten lot lulrrtl unti aixtv fii tn I i at btfzmmnir. Also, all ilio ic twelve certain Jois of ground situated in (he same city, and together described as follows: Commencing at a point formed by the intersection of a line drawn through the CCIlirc Ui UUnceilLU HiUin uuv uinnu nmi i uimu avenue, asuiidduwn ou said map, aud distant niueiy severi feet ten and a half inches northwesterly irom said rourih avenue; ruuuiug thence northwesterly along the middle or centre line of said Fourteenth street oue hundred and fifty feci; thence northeasterly and parallel with Kour avenue aforesaid two hundred and sixty feet to a line drawn through, the centre of Thirteenth street as laid down on said map; thence southeasterly along the said centre Hue of Thirteenth sireei one hundred and lift feet; and Uiencit southwesterly and parallel with Fourth avenue aforesaid two hundred and sixty leet to ihe poiut or place ot beginning.

Dated Brooklyn, January 8th, 1857. I'ETEK f. OSTKANDEtt, Referee. Edwards Man, Tiffs. Attys.

ja9 2aw3wf gThe above sale is adjourned to the Mih day of February, at the same hour and place. Dnied Brooklyn, Jan. 31, 2jiwtds 1'. W. OS'l'KANDER, Referee.

SUPEEaIE COURT. Theodore Eiistiuoutl against Calvin M. Northrup and others. K. Tiiou.v.

1M1V. Am. In pfirstjancc of jiultiuirni order of ilm Court, made the heariii" date. Uie 2d duv of JK'ceinber. l.ii, I will bv i'ublic Auction, at the Commercial Ex change, No.

W.1 Fulton street, opposite the City Hall, in the city of Brooklyn, on the. day or December. 35G, at 12 o'clock, noon, tin deserihed land and premises All that, ceitaiu ot, wth the ihree tory bj ick. dwelling standing thereon, being in the Six Ward of the city ol Brooklyn, Countv of KiDgs and State of New York, bounded and described lis follows; Jiemning ai a poini on ine somuwcsieny siuc oi Church street, three hundred leetand one inch northwest wara lv from the south westward ly corner of Couri Church streets, and running thence uoiMiwesuvaruiy along me nne oi i nurcn Rue: tweiiiv ibur loi i ami eleven inches; running tience souih wardlv, parallel v.iih Co nr. sireei, t'lirty nine feci nine nnd two third inches: thence running southeasterly twenty seven seven inch to a point which distant lifiy iwo feet from i'iiurcb reel, in a line parallel to Court street; tl.ence running northeasterly, parallel to Court street, through the ceu ttv oi'a party wall lihy ivvo fee! lothe place of beginning.

Dated lirobklvn, Decembers, li. CM9) JEROME RYRRSON, Sheriff. The sale of the above; property is postponed utuii ihe 24th day of January, at the same hour and place. Dated Brooklyn, Dec. dWiiwidm JEROME RYERSON.

he.rilT. The pale of the Hbove. nrttperty V6 further postponed until the 7th day of February, lSf7, at the same hour and place. Dated Brooklyn, Jan. 2iih, 1S57 j2ti iiwidm HERFF SALE.

15y virtue oi a writ or i K.Yccntioii. issued out of the fcunremc Court, tome directed aud delivered, I will by public auction, at the Commercial 1 vrimnec. Stilt il ton street, opposite uie m'y nun, in ine Kiivnf lirnolrli n. nn daV of Februarv. 1857.

at Bi o'clock. noon, ail die fight.uile nnd interest which BAKN'KT B. BOKRUM tin. 14th f.nv nt' Nnvpinher. IXAi.

or at anv time ihere.llter. in whose hands soever the Siime may tie. of. in" and io All that piece and parcel ot lan situate, lying anu oeing in city oi Hmnblrn. Countv of Kincs and Stale of New York, liouiub and (ie'seribed n' folluvs Beginning at a point ou the we id.

of Kent iiVenin1. where a continuation of the south. rv line nf liiricinn avenue sTikf'S ihe same; running thence soinherlv a'auxr ihe westerly side ol Kent avenue Jifty eight feet six indies the eetv re ol a stone monument thence west erly in a straight line two hundred and four feet lothe Kast river thence northeriv nlotiR the East riv. eighty four feet theno rtv inn! 'it rilit ancles with tbe last mentioned line sixteen feet; thence northerly at right angles with th; last ntion lint' and alone the Kast tivcr sixtv feet; thence easterly ir siraight line otm hundred and seventy four feet to the westerly line ol First street, and thence soutiicriy along uie westerly line of First street and Ken: avenue two hundred twenty two feet inches 10 ihe noint or nlace of becinninc.

Also till that 'tther or parcel of laud, lying1, and being in ihe citv ot Itrcoklvii. county or Kings, anu state ol York, bounded and described as follows Beginning at a point on the wi sterlv sale ni Kent avenue, where a conimuatton oi tne, southerly line of Mush street strikes the same, running ihence nonhoriv along aloti the westerly side of Kent avenue iwcnty fnsii feel live and threo qiiHi'ier inches to ihe centre of a stone monument, thence westerly in a siraighi line three hundred and lil.v evcu leoJ I' tt Kast' River, tlienre southerly along the Kast River one hundred and eiehiy seven feet, ihence easterly about four hundred and twenty four feet to the wesierly line of Kent avenue, theiice nunlierly along the westerly lint; of Kent avenue nitnMv eight feet e'ight inches to the point or place ol" beginning. Together with all and singular, the iena mcots," hcrediiiments aud ihereunto belonging or in appmtdninc. Dated Brooklyn, January 15, li57. j.ilu lawiiwf JKRUMK KYKRSOX, Hienil.

SUPREME Henry S. Rayn COUR'J1 Beriah Palmer against mnd and Jon.v N. TatjX)K, l'l'fls Att'y. In pursuance of ajudgment order orihis Court, made th al)0' futi'led nction, bearing date the 17th day of January 1857 I will sol! by Public Auction, at the Commercial Exchange, So. Fulton sireei, opposite the City Hall, in the city of Brooklyn, on the tenth day of February, 1M7, at 12 o'clock, nooa, tho following described land and premises All that eeriain lot, piecsor parcel ofland, together with the three storv brick house with brown stone front thereon, situate, lying and being in the Sixih Ward of Ihe city of Brooklyn, in the Countv of Kings, iu theStateof New York bounded as follows, io wit Beginning at a point on the northerly side of Second place distant three" hundred and seven feet and a hall inch north erly from the corner formed by the intersection of the wes.crly iine of Court street with the northerly line of Second place; Uk'Iu running northerly parallel withVourt street one hundred and thinv three feet and five and a quarter inches thence east erly parallel with Second place twenty one feet and four and half inches thence southerly parallel with Court street onchun deed mnl 'Inriv lhre: live and a quarter inches lo Second place, and ilit'iiee westerly along ihe northerly line Second plaice iweniv one feci and lotirand a hull inches lo the place ol JKIlOMli RVKRSON.

ShorifT. Diil. Brouklyn, Jim. IT, lMTj WSl jl92av3wm OUPHEME COURT. Fisher IO Kuril Xnison nn'l oihers, Tuaver A Howe against Iii urn sunn of ludcmcnl order ol mis 1,01111, rami' the hi.rinortiLitMlif duv ol Dufi'inb ilii Cunimi'rcial Kxi liHiiire, No.

nn tu i 1 111 CitV Illill. Ill llll! CllV Of Ul'Ooklyil. nn ol' 1M7, at 11! o'clock, uoon oi Omtdiiy, thi' followiiiK 'ilc cribeil Uuii nnd prtmises All iliosi i lulii ctrialn Juts, pieces nr parcclsof lima, sltaa' Iviim iiwllnHiiK in ilie Ward ol' ihe city of lirooklytl, ('uiiiiiv of KiiiRs. and New York, known on map lilefi in ivhie ci. rk'sonite, Dec 20, 18.W, mid emitted "map of jiropcr.v in die llih wnol of ilie City of Hrooklyn, belonging to 11.

by Uie numbers 13 (eiglituell) I'Jdiineieiuij i'g twenty) to miriy sixj IS (lorty. eichiUDlfijr ninn) wbleli luts mkun are bouml ed and ai. lo vi. BeslnninB at. a point on the easterly side ot Hamilion street, as laid doivn on Bald map distant live hundred and twenty live leet northerly from the northeast corner oi avenue and Ilaui'hoii sireei and runnlnc, Ihence CAslerly and parallel Willi said Myrlle avenut twu liniiilred teet lothe westerly side ol Wasliingion avenue; thenee leirilieriv along ilie westerly side of Washinclon avenue onelidtidred feel; lliuneu westerly and parallel wiihaid Myrlle avenue two hundred met to the easterly de ol said Hamilton street ami llieuce somberly along the easterly side of llamil'on ir.

one hundred I' el lo the point and place ot In Kiuiiing Willi all de rich, title and interest ill und in the said WashinS'ili even in and llamil'on street iu Irom ot the aloresaid lois. Ilaled lirooklvn, Dec. 13. lu5ti. JKKOJfii KYphO), Mierill.

The sale of the above property Is postponed until the JIM clay of Februarv. 1857. at lie: aino hour and place. Dated I. took the service of this summons on you, exclusive of the day of such service and it you fail to answer the said complaint within the time aforesaid, the plaintiff in this action will apply to the Court for the relief demanded in the complaint Dated January Otb, 1857.


Edward Belknap against Norris A. Phelps. In pursuance of a judgment of the Supreme Court of the Ktni. nf Nw VnrV will p.innHfl to sale on the 7lh dav of Feb ruary. 1857, at 11 o'clock A.

at the sales rooms of James uoie son, commercial cjtcnuuge, no. oot jb uiw aoit mc City of Brooklyn, Kings County, by James Cole, Auctioneer. A 11 tlmac nnrlnln Ints Tilnnra nr nurnolH nt land, situate. lvintT and being in the Eighth ward of the city of Brooklyn, County of Kings ana staieoi new xors, ann Known auu cu uu i map, eniuica mapoi proueriy me rjiutu jm mc itrnnirtvn. hfilnnflncr in Edward Belknan Geo.

Stoddard, March City Surveyor, filed or intended to be filed in jho ofllce of tne negisier oi ueeoa, in anu ior iue ajuiuj ui ius, uy wo numoers irora two uunureu unu hiawjouiu tu uuuuicu inrantv.nnp hnth inclnsive. and which lakp.n tocether are bound ed and describeths follows Beginning at the northwest corner formed by the intersection of the northerly side of Seventeenth street with the westerly side of Eleventh avenue running thence northerly along said westerly sideof Eleventh avenve thirtv Ht vfin fefit and six inches more or lo the southerly line of the land of Joseph Drake thence westerly along said land of Joseph Drake two hundred and forty seven feet and seven inches more or less to a point where the northerly side of Seven tpmittmtrpfit is tnhTHfieted hv the said southerly line of said Jo seph JjrflKe's mnu mence easieny uiung ine uuruierij tuuu ui Beventeenui street two uuuureu niiu tui tj iuui iu mo of beginning. Together with all the right, title and interest whatsover the same maybe, of the party of the first part of, in or tn now nf Kiovpntn avpniitt. and that nart of Seventeenth street to me centre oi, respfcuveiy ij iug ucius iu um ui or opposite to the premises nereoy conveyea or auy part mereui. uatea lungs uouniy, danuary Albkbi CxunozD.

VlaintUPs Attorney. 15 2awtdth SUPREME COURT George Vickers, Georg Yascoft, and Ihe Parmer's and Mechanic's Bank of Ken iounty ag't. Kichard Jc lilydenburgh and David otheai. Tn ntifqiinnfr. nPn.

iiiHffmpnt. nrdlr nf this Cotirt. made in the above entitled action, bearing date the 4ih day of May, 1855, 1 will sell by public auction, at the Commercial Exchange, No. 3C9 Fulton street, opposite the City Hall. Jn tne city ot isrooKiyn, on the 14th day of October 1856, at 12 o'clock, noon of that day.

me loiiowing aescnoea lanuauu premises: All those thirty three lots, pieces or parcels ofland situate, lying and being in the eity of Brooklyn, kaown anddistingulshev on a map entitled "Map of property in the City of Hrooklyn, be longing to tne ueirsoi jouq jacitson, acceasuu," uuiuu iruua Ivn, Mav, 1839, surveyed by Silas Ludlam, City Surveyor, and filed in tne office of the Clerk ofthe County of Kings, by the numbers 440 Hour hundred and forty to 472 four hundred, and seventy two) both inclusive, whicti lotsuKentogeuier are Dounu ed described and contain as lollows: lleglnning at tne corner formed by thi; intersection of the northerly side of Fulton with ihe easterly side of St. Felix and running thence southeasterly along the northerly side of Fulton a v. two hundred and eleven feet aud one inch and three quarters of an inch to the westerly sideof Canton si; thence northerly along the wesu rly sideof Canton stfour hundred and eighty nine feetand six inches; thence westerly oue hundred and seventy feet to the easterly side of St. Felixst; thence southerly along the easterly side ofSu Felix stone huudredand eight leet ana one incu; mence somu vasterly seveuty seven feet and three inches; ihence westerly lif teeu feet and four inches to the easterly side of St. Felix st.

thence ninnn thr oasifirt uirtft nf Ki Ftliv si mif! hundred and seventy eignt leet anu nine uiciies io me piucu ul ucyiuuiiiK, mc several dimensions more or less. Dated Brooklyn, Sept. 16, The sale of the nbove nronertv is nostnoned until the 28th day of October, 1856, at the same hour and place. Dated Brooklyn, October 14, 1856. oL oI5 Haw taw JJJJttUjiH itxinouri, cnerm.

The sale of the above property is further postponed until the 8th day of November, 18511, at the same hour and place. Dated iiroomyii, uci. zo, icou. nf thp. ahnvf wronor is further nostnoned until the 2d day of December, 1S56, al the same hour and place.

Dated Brooklyn, Nov. 8, 1856. nil HawtaiU Ajr.n.oua, cuuriii. The sale ofthe aboveprooerty is further postponed until the 23d day of December, 1856, at the same hour and place. Dated Brooklyn, December 2d, 1856.

The sale of the above property is further postponed until the 5th day of January, "1857, at the same hour and place. Dated iJrooKtyn, iecemocrMu, iojo. Tho sale of the above nronertv is furtlier nostnoned until the 26th day of January, 1856, at the same hour and place. dirwv.ii!i Ainuootnumu. Dated Brooklvn, Jan.

5th, 1857. j6 2awtd The sale of tlie above property is further postponed until the 9lh day of February, 1857, at the same hour and place. Dated Brooklyn, Jan. 26th, j27 2awtd tu SHERIFF'S SALE. By virtue of a writ of execution lisued out of the Supreme Court, to me directed and delivered, I will sell by public aucdon, at the Commercial Exchange, No.

369 Fulton street, opposite the City Hall, In the city of Brooklyn, on the 16th day ot March, 1857. at 12 o'clock, noon, all the right, title and interest which ALEXANDER P. GILLIShadon'thelOthdayof December, 1856, or at any time thereafter, in whose hands soever the same mar be, or, in and to All those certain 361ots of land lying and be ing in the llilh Ward ot tne city oi couniy oi li incs aud State of New York, known and described as follows northerly by Cuba street, easterly by Hicks street, southerly by a street or thoroughfare called Bompies Hook, westerly by Columbia street, comprising block of ground more or loqs wiilun the bounds ofthe aforesaid streets. Together with all and singular tho tenements, heredity menw and appurtenances thereunto belongiug or in any wiae appt' rUiitiiDR. Daed Brooklyn, Jan.

29, 1S57. HEEIFF'S SALE. By virtue of a writ of execution issucil out or me flew lorK common rieas to me dlrecicid anil delivered, I will sellby puDllo auction, oi the Oommcrcial Exchanfje, Nn. 369 Pulton street, opposite the City Hull, in the citv of Brooklyn, ou (he 29th day of January, 1857, at 12 noon, all the right, title and Interest which DAVID S. SirrXS had on the 14th day of October, 1854, or at auy time thereafter, in whose bauds soever the same may be, nf in and tn All those two oipeps or narcels of land.

situated in the city of Hrooklyn, County of Kings, and State of New York, described as IoIIowf: The hrst one commencing at a point ou the northerly side of Monroe street, distant one hundred and tn entj flve" feet (125; westerly from Ralph avenue, thence westeriv along Monroe street two hundred and filly feet C60), thence northerly parallel with Ralph avenue two hundred feet (200), thence canter ly along (iates uremic two hundred and iiftv tout (Bu), ihence southerly parallel wilh ltalph avenue two hundred feel (200). to ihe point of beginning. The second commencing at the northeasterly corner of Ralph nnd Onincv street, thnncn nasterlv alonrr Ouincv street to Division avenue, mence norm westerly aiuug uiusiuu uttuuu to Ralph avenue, and theuce southerly along Ralph avenue to the. place of beginning. Together wilh all and singular the tenements, hereditaments and appurtenances thereuuto belonging or in anywise appertaining.

Dated Brooklyn, December 16, 185fi. 1117 lawtiw JEROME RYERSON, Sheriff The sale of the above property Is postponed until the 5th day of February, 1857, at the same hour and place. Dated Brook laS 29' JEROME RYERSON, 'sheriff. PROPOSALS FOR PRINTING THE SESSION LAWS OF 1857. Notice is hereby given, lhat sealed proposals will be received uutil Friday, Ihe 28th (lay of February next, at 12 o'clock nt noon, forprin'ing and publishing ninetei hundred copies of the Session Laws of the Slate of York, to he passed this year to be printed on similar paper and with similar tvpe as the laws of 1856; and it is to be understood that should tlie legi lature require an extra number of copies lo he published, ihev will be printed and furnished by the conlracloi at the same rale per copv as the namber required to be printed shall be agreed to he executed.

The proposal to designate the price per signature lor the work and Ibe person or persons proposing, shall agree to have ihe printing done in the city of Albany. To every proposal or bid for said printing, there must be an ncxed a guarantee, subscribed by a guaranior of sufficient ability, that ihe person or persons making such bid, will, if the same lie accepted, enter into contract according to tho terms thereof, and give thosccuritv required by law in such case, within len dnys from lire time or thev shall receive no, ice ofthe acceptance of his or ir e'r bid and' to every such guarantee there must he annexed a cer.lHcr.ic of the Secretary of State, Uompti oiler Attorney Ueneral, Treasurer, Slate Engineer and Surveyor, or the Judge of tho county where the guaranior resideB, tint ihe guaranior is a mau of property and able lo make good his guar Each proposal will be sealed up with the guarantee and direct; ed on the for Priming Session Laws of 18i7," and when thus sealed up and directed, the proposi, Ion should he enclosed iu a separate envelope and directed tothe undersigned or either oriheni. Albany. January 13, 1857 T. HEAuLriY, Secretary of State.

J23 law4wf L. BURROWS, Comptroller. SUPREME COURT, COUNTY OF KINGS Fet dor Krause against l'ete. Weber, and Magdalena We! ber, his wile Summons for Relief. Com.

not served. To Ihe Defendanls You are hereby summoned and required to answer the complaint in this act'on, which has been filed in the olllceof the Clerk ofthe County 0. ICIng: at the City Hall, iu the city of Brooklyn, and to serve a copv of your answer lo the Eaid complaint on Ihe subscribers ul t. cir oiilce, No. 7 Wall slreet, in the eily of New Yori, wlth.a days after the service of litis summons on voir, exclusive, of ihe day of such service and If you fail to answer the said complaint wilhin the Ume aforesaid, Ihe plalntill' In this action will apply lo the Court for the relief demanded in the naled Now York, Jan.

8, 1850'. 1'LATT, GERARD BUCKLEY, PlalnUiTs Attorneys. The complaint In tho above notion was iiled in the Olllco of ihe Clerk nt Kings County, ou the 8lk day of January, 1857. l'LATT, GERARD BUCKLEY, ja9 lawGwf Plaintiff's Attnrnevs. S1, HEEIFF'S SALE.

BY VIRTUE OF A WRIT I of exocullonissued out ofthe CLyCourt of Brooklyn, lome dlrecl ed and delivered, I will sell by public auction, at. com etl, I will sell by public auction, at. uoni Ko 309 Fulion s' el, (opposite the Cily Hall) iklya, on the 12lh day of Mr.rch,1807, at 12 lie rlhl, lilje ami Intercut which PblER mercial hxchane, ho in tin: citv of nvookly lfwk Diuln Jill Ihe MILAN had on Ihe 12ih ilav of September, 18D6, or ut any lime, thereafter, In whose hands soever the same may ue, oi, ZJ JV a of, State of New York, known and distinguished on a map la id of Alexander Ilamlllon made by Joseph vevor, and which map or a copy mercui ln, lo be filed In Ihe olllci of the Cleric of Vn He. number 71 (seventy tour innu X7. i beginning at a noint on the northeasterly distant twenty live feet northwesterly from Kei'ilit lis fnllmv ocginii reel dlBtanl ,1.

ildc of Baltic street uwiam iw Hoyt streei, and running inence "'r, en? fie block bc Ilovt sireei one hundred leer io uie thence northwesterly aloug HnTiwei tv llvo feet thence southwesterly and par rid centre inetweiuyuvo i. llel Hi Hoyt Btrcot one hundred feel to lenee HonUieisterly along Baltic slreet iwe to Baltic slreet and all niy hve loci lo the IlllXtfl ToceUier with iiil'aud singill ar, the tenements, hereiliinmenlB, anTl.Knui!ce thereunto belonging (or in anywise ap ueruiiiiiiiK. Dated Hrooklyn, Janiiwy A WB7. iriirn iijfcrrM. d.

and io coiuplete and sign our aid report. Ivriii having objections lo make, will please pi them willing. lat Brooklvn. Jan. 29th, 1667 rdcr of iai a of A m4)tftni.

lyn, Jan. lllth. ItS57. jal2 liuwldm JEROMK lU'EBSON,.

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