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The Brooklyn Daily Eagle from Brooklyn, New York • Page 6

Brooklyn, New York
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Til! BUOOKMN DAILY KAliLK NLW iOUK, MJM)AY. DIXJU.MhLK '27. V.K7 A am BLAMTDN SCORES ill MID NAVY o.f LLfiiyiunu, i atcc, i ui wuy Are Rivals in Spring Rush To Explore Polar Regions 1 1 1 if.iiiMiii r.nd Willi fn--mI il. Ii it ii i itnf- t'ir iin Ai my In lie riilM-HltO'l? II It uiiiiislni; Id I It I ti nf Icni'i i St.iwl' iillii-pis of fltlifr llv Army m' ilin Navy trying iinotlirr nfllcr licliiB conceited. Why, thrlr cnm-i-it mill lliolr osmium si'irvn in ivopcr-linn to the nimilior of Ntrlpe utnl I lip number tif Min i-ii that are on tholr unlforniH.

Of there urn exfi'ptiiiiiM. "Anil mi it the bleu of the 'On-ciul Mtuwf" that tlmy will not mi" mil (ifiiiMiil to rexlun, be-I'liiifip then lie could tell llie Anu'i'l- hi SUNF. TRIflLSASUNFAIR "Furriers for Nearly a Century" Established 1832 FULTON SMITH STREETS, BROOKLYN inn people Just nil li" Kiiowh annul T- I a.lj HiHr h.irti'oniini,-; hut thry want -t IU UIIJIC33iiiaii iiuu.j h(l hllM (hc Arty IIH lor five years, unci Inaae mm Move "to Reform p. utilities as a kitchen police. In a few mouths from noiv the explorers the world will make the most ambitious utteiupt In all history to reach the North Pule, and also that region known ns 1 Inaccessible Pole, which Is In the midst of the rough ice.

in hopes of solving at last the mysteries of that spot on tho globe which has been the source of romantic and scientific speculation fur uges. Sixteen years ago London newspaper sal.I: "The reported discovery nf the North Pole by tho American explorer Dr. Cook adds, if true, a mil make hlni walk behind a ser Gle January arance geant and take orders from a corporal this patriot who was decn-ralcil by France as early as April. I It" 1 7. being the first American to Martial Methods.

Kal liurcau. 001 C'olciailo liinliliiiK. iw SIYK.VM. Ic 24 The move to rcvlne. If not abolish, existing regulations of the Army and provldox decorated in the World War.

i ny have another guess coming. Kor 1 do not believe that this American Congress is going to for such such rank injustice, such ALE FUR but never carried out. The lutest to be organized Is that to cotii-inanded by ('apt. George Hubert Wilkin, Australian explorer, and under tho Joint auspices of the American Gfograpliicul Society and tic North American Newspaper Alliance. The board of control is hed-ed by William H.

Mayo of Detroit, general manager of the Ford Motor Compuny. Stefansson Is acting In an advisory capacity, but will not go on the trip. Henry Ford Is believed be financially Interested In this expedition. I will start from Point Harrow 111 March or April, with two airplanes. There Is also the MacMlllan-United States Navy expedition.

Donald Mac.Mllliin Is equipping his expedition for a thorough exploring trip north of Labrador and in Greenland, aside from the polar work. This will be his ninth trip In the Arctics. The Navy has asslfied four flylnn men to go with him and Lieutenant Commander Hyrd und another tnny be fissigncd later. Their niuln base will he a surface ship cither at F.tah or further north, near Axel llelberg Land. Roald Amunden.

with Lincoln Kllsworth, the American explorer, will ntako another attempt to explore tho Polar regions with two seaplanes. This attempt will he made under tho Norwegian (lag. To Try Plight In Hllinp. A llrltlsh project will bo led by Grettlr Algnrsson of Liverpool, using a blimp. This Is not scheduled 6 llnnl und dramatic chapter to the story of Arctic research." st how llnnl was that chapter may tie judged from the fact that already ten separate expoultlons an being organized In this cnunii-y ami others.

The only rote or finality ill Umi'j was st ruck by Dr. I 'nok. In April or In May the polo rush will begin, more stupendous In the scope of lis alms than uny gold rush the world has known. Ily sea and air. 111 and dog sleds, persecution.

"I have confidence In the judgment of the I'u sklent of the United Stales to such an extent that 1 do not believe that be II permit this outrageous kangaroo Judgment In stand. If he does. 'Itlllie' Mltclvll will be vindicated by tho American people hereafter lies Sonic Cciurts-nuirllal Verdict. Representative lilanton cites the fnllnwing cciurts-niartial us examples rich Kuhjei't for (lldcusslon In foil-re8. espcciiilly In I he House, where Keprcnen a I ThomuH L.

Ulan-in 1 1 no day to pn8 without 1am-tlons nnd Congretu-ImiitlnK the department, ItNcIf created the eoint-martiul recti I -tloiiM, an Congrcs-nlono ran clinnKc them. While, then a no present pros-pert of uny Kui action, the weak- in airplanes and dirigibles, Amer cof the manner In which the system Starts Tomorrow Monday, December 28 Our Entire Stock at Greatly Reduced PHces We intend to make this Sale the outstanding event of the fur season This sale affords an opportunity to purchase at tremendous reductions fur coats of the Balch-Pr ice supreme quality recognized as the standard for nearly one hundred years. icans, Kngllshmen, Frenchmen and Norsemen, from a half dozen or more "Jumping off" places, will embark upon the great race that will works: "On April 30, while drunk and chiving his car with liquor In It, MaJ. Ilenrv M. P.ntler ran Into the automo ''MJ bile of Andrew Comas and forced William M.

l-'ithian to shunt his car it rtwKT 'unwi in nrHHr-M of the exlut-w probably cost many lives and unit wilt bring high honors to any who may attain the goal. Sonic Think Gold May lie i'oiiiul. There may be gold In the polar regions. A young Swedish explorer mice ciiino back years ago with a harpoon head of gold, but hi) would not say where he found It except start until June. He has outfitted i 1 1 5 i r.

1 the steamer Iceland, which will take his party to the Ice fields west of lnB system, from a civilian viewpoint, arc bolus tflvcn an Intensely scrutiny, ('niirtsinurtlul vs. Civil l'rorediirr. Iicbato (lurlnE the past week has drawn many comparisons between military courtsmartliil tnd procedure In civil courts, with the following points being made: HUDSON SEAL COATS DYED MUSKRAT These are not ordinary Hudson Seal Coats 'they are the finest quality Hudson Seal (dyed muskrat) to be had our regular stock our newest models the regulation Balch-Price excellent workmanship. CIVIL. Accused has right ul uppeal.

into the path of a street car, und in further breach of the law, which required him to stop, he fled from the scene of the accident, which constitutes a felony here, hut was chased and caught several blocks away. The Washington Post on Aug. L'5. 1025. In reporting the result of his court-, martial, said: MaJ.

Henry M. Puller, U. S. M. of Uuuntico, was acquitted yesterday by a general court-martial at Marino Rarrai ks of charges arising out of an automobile collision at lath and sts N.

on the night of April 30. The iitliier was accused of drunkenness al the possession of liquor. The trial consumed four days and was held before a court headed by Col. W. 10.

"('apt. Krank M. Nlhoof embezzled money In his possession. When confronted with his crimo he proposed that he would pay it back. The court thereupon found that ho had merely borrowed the money.

Hut President Coolidge strongly rebuked The court. And from the Army and Navy Register of Dec. Ill, 1925, I quoto the President's castlgatlon: MIUTAUV. Accuse has -io rl'lit of iii-lieal: verdict Is "reviewed" executive departments. Accused Is tried before court lis superiors, who ire both judge ind Jury.

Truth Is no Accused is fried before jury of hla peers. Hudson Seal Coats Trimmed with Contrasting Furs, Hudson Seal Coats With Self Collars and Cuffs Truth, in many rases, in a defense Jlules evidence protect Itules cvl-lencc often inter lhat It had come from 1h- Arctic. There niny be land in the unexplored regions. Illrds have been observed flying northward Into the Polar Sea from Alaska and Siberia cliniin: the early summer, returning with fledglings late 111 the summer. These are some of the things the explorers may determine.

The first attempt to reach the North Pole by air was made In 1S97 and those who made It were never seen again. On 11 of that year tho Swedish explorers, Andreo, Strlndherg.and I'raenkel, left Virgo, Spltzliergerr, on board the balloon li nen. Until 1914 relics of their voyage continued to be picked up. The balloon had diameter of 67 feet and contained 1 70.00(1 cubic Teet of hydrogen. It wns equipped with fully tested apparatus for steering either with or withoufrope contact with the ground and for ascending or descending.

It carried several pigeons to be released at different stages nf the voyage and buoys to be dropped at Intervals. On July 22, 1 pigeon was shot by a sailor on board the fishing I'oat Aiken between Spitzbergen North Cape and the Seven Islands. It carried a message which read: "July 13. 12:30 p.m.. 82.2 degrees Dat degrees E.

Long flood progress toward the north. All well on board. This message Is the third by pigeon. Another pigeon was picked up a year later with a similar message. Some of the buoys were found: but none ever gave a hint of.

how the gallant explorers met their end. One storv was that they fell to death preted uguinst Spitzbergen. In the hold of tho ship will he carried a small blimp type dirigible, several of which were built duriug the war for coast patrol duty, and contalfilng only 50,000 cubic feet of hydrogen, as compared with tin-Shenandoah's 2.115.000 feet. For this reason the British project seems more reckless than the others, inasmuch as un accident would wreck the dirigible und leave the party far from human aid. Engine trouble at any stuife might force tin party to abandon the craft or take their chances of drifting with the wind far without its propelling the blimp would ho less nian-npeithle than a freo balloon.

It Is planned to return by way of Ppitzbergen or the mother ship after thn Polar region hies been explored. Adverse winds, however, mav hold the blimp back and deplete tiie fuel supply, thus making; return Carry Collapsible Iloat. Like Amundsen. Algarsso'i wi'l carry a sled, collapsible bout, stove niid fuel and sufficient rations for 3n days, although he hopes to complete the entire Job insldo of 2i hours. He thinks he has better chances than Amundsen.

The MacMlllan Navy expedition will he much better equipped. F.ach plane will carry as part of the permanent equipment 75 pounds of emergency rations, a tent, rifles unci ammunition, a oolb.pslblc ninst with the radlo'und other special supplies. A collapsible raft has been developed which weighs only 27 pounds and can be folded Into small package. Inflated with air, it 'will support six men, or twice tho number each plane will carry. The other expeditions proposed are not yet sufficiently organised to permit of giving details." Now a I Greatly Reduced Prices Formerly Sold at $235.

Sale Price $155 Formerly Sold at $350. Sale Price" $255 Formerly Sold at $295 Price $105 Formerly Sold at Price $295 Formerly Sold at $325. Sale Price $235 Formerly Sold at $500 Price $375 The trimmed models have collar and cuffs, and in many styles borders of Squirrel, Skunk, Kolinsky, Jap. Marten and other fashionable furs. "'In the foregoing case of Cupt.

Frank M. Nlhoof, 4'Jrt I feel that the findings of the court on specifications 1 and 2 of charge 1. and specifications 1, 2 and 3 of addltlnnnj charge 1, call for remark. In those specifications the accused was charged with embezzlement, and the court, by exceptions unci substitutions, found him rot guilty of embezzlement but guilty of unlawfully converting the sums charged by borrowing the same, 'The accused had, of course, no right or nuthoritv to borrow from himself or to convert to his own use the trust funds In his possession. A wrongful act knowingly committed Special Models for Stouts'.

Sold at prices up to $500. Sale. Price $375 cannot be excused on the ground of Innocent Intent. The wrongful con version having been shown, an in tention of the accused to restore the money at some future time is no de fully 3,000 miles from their starting fense. Nearly every one who em The case for the continuance of the existing system niny be stated first.

The origin and theory of courtsmartial are probably not generally understood. If they were understood the reaction auiilnst the system might be even stronger tlun It is. Uke other courts of the United Stateii, military and naval courtsmartial are statutory In character. The purpose of Congress In establishing them was to place such tribunals at the disposal of commanding officers as instrumentalities to assist them ill enforcing military discipline. TJie sentences Imposed are mere reoiyii-mendationsi until they have been approved or disapproved by the appropriate reviewing officer, who in the court martial of I'ol.

William Mitchell, for example, are certain officers of the War Department, the Secretary of War and the President of the United States. These higher uthorllles have, the power tu pardon or mitigate any sentence. No Port of Judiciary System. Courtsmartial are no part of the Ji'inciary system of the United States, i tit simply Instrumentalities of the Kxrcutlve power. Their functioning, while limited and transient, result in Judgments as valid and as IpkiJ -us those of any other court.

They cannot be reviewed or set aside by any court of the United States. "I assert that military coiirtsmi.r-titil are as much entitled to our support, to our respect, as any of our courts." said Representative J. May-hew Wainwrlght of New York, in defending the existing system. "They bezzles property does so with the point. ford Interested In Xcw Attempt.

The first airplane expedition was intent of returning it, and if proof of such an intent would constitute a defense the statute would beconio a proposed In IS 13 by a Frenchman Beaver Coats The finest quality pelts, deep golden brown, full furred skins. Formerly Sold at to $650 Reduced i $315 to $535 Squirrel Coats Beautiful deep full furred skins of the finest quality Natural Gray Squirrel Cocoa Dyed Squirrel Formerly Sold at $h75 to $675 Reduced to $375 to $575 nullity. The guilt of an accused would then depend not upon the fact that ho had converted the property with a criminal Intent but upon his ability t.o replace the thing taken, and such a doctrine would offer temptation to Innumerable cn.ito-cllans of funds, whose temptations arc great enough at best, and public faith and credit would he Impaired and the stability of the financial Instltutionsiof the Government In Carnt-rli- bo in KING'S STAMP The postage stamp collection of King neorge, which Is one of the finest In the world, is contained In 30D leather bound volumes which are kept in a speciaj room In Buckingham Palace. Mink Coats Perfectly matched pelts, of the finest quality, each skin expertly worked into luxurious coats of the newest straightline models Formerly sold at $950, reduced to $775 Formerly sold at $1250, reduced to $850 Formerly nold at $1,150, reduced to $935 Formerly sold at $1600, reduced to $1150 Formerly sold at $1850, reduced to $1350 Other excellent coats Formerly Sold at Prices up to $3500 Now Reduced to $1 100 to $2800 would Raccoon Coats The newest models of deep full furred skins, beautifully matched pelts Formerly Sold up to $375 Reduced to i $195 $235 $295 its a gift a -ge which I know-was Intoxicant liquor, but did not. know the amount and kind, us I did jiot open It." In of the loot that-you had in your possession ii written statement from the accused showing lhat she knew what was In tho box and believed that It was Intoxicating liquor, the Iptter continued, it should have been obvious to you either that the accused proposed to commit deliberate nnd willful pc-TJury by de-nlul of the facts that she had previously admitted in willing or that she wits taking refuge behind the fact that she had not opened the bottles and demijohn contained In the package.

The Secretary then admonished the prosecutor in the future t.o be more zealous In the prosecution of cases which may be entrusted to you. "If the whole truth were known and If the facts had been properly developed, It would likely havo disclosed that naval officers them-nelves had caused these poor nurses to bring these buttles and demijohns of liquors from such transport for the use of officers, ltut when it suits them the general staff of the Navy likewise ignores the law." Xavy Courts Criticised. Concerning Navy courts-martial, representative Blanton hns this i say: in closely watching the Navy, from the Secretary down, I have found that when they do not want to they do not obey the law. And their peace-time courts-martial are Just as farcical as those In the Army. And their high officers are Just as Indifferent to and careless about thj rights of the American people r-spectlng the thousands of poor country boys who after enlistment aro designated 'gobs' as the German Kaiser was about American travelers during the war.

"I quote from the Washington Post and the Washington Star for Aug. 27. 1 9 5 Wilbur Scores Officer for Nurse Trial Failure Charges "Current Events" by H. V. Kaltenborn Every Monday at 8 p.

m. through OR Alaska Seal Caracul Coats i The finest quality pelts, many with the sheen and silkiness of Broadtail. Superb models, plain or trimmed with contrasting furs. Black Caracul Bronze Caracul Platinum Caracul Formerly Sold at $800 to $1250 Reduced to $175 to. $775 Gordon Did Not Try to Convict Women In Liquor Case Methods "In adequate." FinsT nnrl fnrrnioat anions nil ynur fads plnee rpgulHr remllng of Kiisle (iasalltcd Ads.

Persian Lamb Coats Close, siky skins of excellent qualities, newest models, trimmed with collars and cuffs of Mink, Kolinsky and These coats will give years and years of hard service, Fonncrly Sold at $400 to $500 Reduced to $275; to $375 It Is perfectly apparent mat tnero was no effort upon your part to establish the guilt of the accused. This flat charge Is contained In a "letter of admonition" sent yesterday by Secretary of the Navy Wllhi'f to First Lt. Andrew L. W. Gordon.

United States Marine Corps, Juduo Made from the finest quality genuine Alaska Seal, government stamped skins. There is no better pelt in the entire fur Vvorld. A selection of staple styles that will give years of satisfactory service. Formerly Sold at $550 to $S50 Reduced to $350 to $535 GOWNS HATS may not be in a technical sense parts of our Judicial system, but they have been established by act ongress to administer justice and to enforce discipline In our military and naval services, just as our Federal courts derive their powers from such acts, except, of course, the Supreme Court, estalished by the Constitution. "Itcspect for superior authority is the very keystone of discipline.

JTaintenance of discipline, obedience to the Articles of War, by members tf our military forces is Just as In time of peace as in time of war. Unless maintained initime of peace, there can he no discipline in t'ine of war. Without discipline we i an have no Army, either in peace or war. He who lends himself to the weakening of discipline contributes to the destruction of the Army. Col, (then General) Mitchell asserted openlv and 'for publication that his superiors in the War Department, including in effect the Secretary of War, had been guilty of "incompetency, criminal negligence, and n'most treasonable administration of t'ae notional "I submit that the use of such language, especially by a high niilitary oTicer, as to his superiors constitutes conduct prejudicial to good order iir.d military discipline, the offense with which Gen.

Mitchell was barged and should not go unre-buked, unless all respect for higher authority, upon which the whole r.rurture of discipline must rest, is to be impaired and full away." This sums up the argunienU advanced for the maintenance of I lie existing system. The onpunents condemn the whole idea of court u-martlal, ns now administered, on the ground that they are undemocratic, contrary to the genius of American Institutions, set up a separate code law for one class of citizens, and smack altogether too much nf "the T'russlan or C'zaristir Imperial system of military autocracy." Itlnnton Chief Anlaeoni-t. The chief antagonist of the method Is Representative man-ton of Texas who, although not regarded as a "heavy-weight" in ('. Tigress, has made some arresting comments on the Mitchell The question of "muzzling" Arn and Navy officers is a matter i.f II A Particularly Interesting. Group of Caracul Coats 'Formerly Sold at $500 Reduced to $350' 40 S' A Few Steps West of the Avenue SALE! Advocate at the trial of Miss Ruth M.

Anderson nnd Miss Katlierlna C. Glancy. Navy nurses, charged with importing liquor into tho United States on a transport. His letter to Lieutenant Gordon, which will be filed with his record, declared that "the department not en that you failed to conduct an ad--qunte prosecution of these cases; it Is perfectly apparent that there was no effort upon your part to establish the guilt of the accused." There were furnished you for ufo In connection with the trial nf these cases, it said, certain statements signed by the above nurses which should have been offered in evidence, for the consideration of the court. You state that you did not offer these statements as evidence because you were Informed by counsel tiie accused that they would nhiect to such statements on the ground Neiu Tappe Modes offered at a Fraction of their usual Prices COATS Plain and Trimmed Models in Herringbone Stripes, Vertical Stripes, Horizontal Stripes Every Skin Perfectly Matched Every Coat the Best of Workmanship The largest and finest collection of Muskrat Coats to be found anywhere in the city Hundreds of Coats to Select from at Greatly Reduced Prices Formerly sold at $175, and up to $375 1 Now Reduced to $135 $150 $175 $195 $225 and up to $275 Odds and Ends 7 50 fi'ormeflii tn S'iM Exceptional values in small size Dresses of Silk, Cloth and Flannel.

All taken from much higher griced groups. lhat they were not freely nnd voluntarily made. You should have, of course, anticipated such objection it'I should have been prepared In offer testimony concerning the clr-'iimstances under which the stute-t'lents were made. No l.ffort to Get Truth, I It appears that you did not even Exquisite Frocks for every occasion developed in Satin, Crepes and Cloth. Dresses for the larger woman arc included in this group.

Tappe Frocks formerly lo 95.00 wuh the ersou to whom n'ein'tus were made for the i tr cuttve policy primarily, and has no direct bearing on courtmnriinl pii. cedure, but Representative I'luiinri is very much upset 0cr tlv behavior, in that regard, of what be "the General i Thin smIit; is used In the Congressional presumably to Indicate a Mr. lilanton contends timr ascertaining whether or were freely and made; thut you relied report that the or ronfe'jfin had been Fur Coats Brilliant Gowns for evening -jr? wear of Chiffon, HVCning LjOlVllS Nutria Coats Jso better pelts are to be-had in the entire fur world Formerly Sold -at $500 Reduced to $315 vietal ttrowac ana veivei. A few original Paris Models are also" offered at this ex 2950 ceptional price. formerly to lOi.OD promise oi immunity or sti'i upon th fact tlv.t tt'i had been made 'hiii no -'lings should be taken against the accused, an 'I yu'i this appeared to tne to roiTcibomte the reports current as lo ihe ineihod by which said statements 'or confessions had been obtained." You must have observed that in tlnse Indorsements there was nn suggestion that the accused were not euilty the offense charged or that dnm of speech is guaranteed In idr.

Constitution and accorded all sons in civil life within the laws of libel and slander. To set tin the doctrine that no member of Un-American armed forces may Ize the policy of his superiors n. according to Mr. Blantnn, an invasion nad deprivation of a plain right. Mitchell Xot a West Pninlcr.

"Onp of the unforgivable thliv-s bout General Mitchell tiat not a 'West hut worked his way all the way up ilie ladder from a private, and in 27 years or Women who recognize quality in furs will appreciate the character of the models this great collection of fur coats. Each coat measures up in every respect to ou'r rigid specifications for quality, style, workmanship and value! They a re dependable furs from the house of which it has been said for nearly one hundred years: "Balch-Price Furs Are Reliable Furs!" Of quality in a variety of furs, the newest fashionable models American Broadtail Leopard Cat Susliki Civet Cat And Other Popular Furs Formerly Sold up to $456 Some Reduced to $175 Lightweight Coats for Knockabout and General Utility Some of imported fabrics. few with Fur Collars. All are Silk lined. the ud missions made by them were other than voluntary, but that the Sports Coats l-ormerly to 85.00 Fur Trimmed Coats 3950 Jap Mink Coats Several extremely smart coats; beautiful pelts' Formerly Sold vp to $695 Reduced to $175 econiinendatlon was based upon the previous excellent record of thv New Coats in Straight Line and Flare Models of Suede Finished and Soft Pile Fabrics enriched with magnificent Furs.

Silk lined and interlined. service has become one ot the best-Informed men in the Army." says Representative Ulan-ton. "It is almost a thing anion- 'General Stawf officers impossible ever to live down not to be a 'West They just simply cannot lorglve it. "Anil, too, I almost forgot to mention lhe 'General Stawf olllcers actus General Mitchell of having licensed. An even lack of diligence and zeal Is shown lrj your failure cross-examine Miss Anderson, wh i offered herself as a witness In lier own behalf.

At the time of his trial you had In your possession a statement by Anderson, in purl, us follows: "During January, 1925, I receive! formerly to 1,15.00 No Credits ALL SALES FINAL No Exchanges.

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