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The Brooklyn Daily Eagle from Brooklyn, New York • Page 2

The Brooklyn Daily Eagle from Brooklyn, New York • Page 2

Brooklyn, New York
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

fairies rimtmnga. Latbb prom The steamship Geo. wey persnauea me; we piayeo n'nlnnir the came was called "forty five" didn't Brooklyn Board of Education, Mb. Editoe Allusion was made, iu AND STAMP Law, Lieut. J.

r. McK instry, u. a. com play, but he used to show Mrs: XPANCY EMKOIDEBiMG inn fronLOfteirial Patterns, donebyMma GRAEN, 163 your Let mandiog, left Aepinwall at ten minutes past I how to play: Mrs. Fyler didn't know 1 I 1 1 a i 31.

4 Vt mart the Thursday's issue, to the late meeting of thij important branoh ot ocr City Government! FMjG ifet prSentftOToS Piece of Embroidery on band, to nlav very well: I took a candle from man on the morning of the 16th instant; and arrived at Quarantine at o'clook yesterday morning. us look a little farther into the matter, aid we tie piece ana went to oea; airs, 'jtici candle and started to go to her bed room; oan tion etles is called toexaroloa 90WDAT EVENING, FEBRUARY 28. The George Law brings the California mailB of shall find that the beat of men "will bear be rnia hnnnrimp nnn tirw hivihwi ciuuivm Tbinff" In Albany. (Special Correspond'" of the BrooUvn' Eaole.) Albany, Feb. 23.

FmuND Eagle The bill from the Senate, amending tho Williamsburg "Water Works Com paoy's charter was to day reported upon favorably without amendment and ordered to be engrossed for a third reading. I anticipated an opposition to it from your tardy Common Conn II, but upon inquiring lrom your members of tell whether she went tnere or not; wueu ei the room Fyler was sitting on the chair. ONDON HONEY BOAP the 1st Instant, $1,113,547 in gold on freight, watched," and that the most cautious and wilch OW'S GEN frairant aoan. wellkhown aa excellent for chapped and 304 passengers brought down on the Pacific ful may be caught in a trap. TiEB JfATZR BAS THE LARGEST OIROULA TtON Of AST ETENINQ PAPER PWSLISBEV Ar side by P.

M. steamer John L. Stephens. Perfumery oYMirbjauaHty. beat Oolosne and lavender Water.

PhMfeMpWtttion. I went to sleep in a very mw vi i lay down; the first I heard was the ory of the little boy it sounded out in the sitting room I then come out to see what was the matter the This was the first meeting oi the Board, aider the Consolidation Act. Thirty nine menoers The Panama railroad is so far completed tnai imittinn shell. India TifBiaM B3rDi hair, purls, clothes, were present. The entire number from WiiiamE trains run the whole distance from Panama to nail and tooth patMa, ana every lancy ata eiaijucoouscKfi iiB boy was coming in towards my dbu I saw Mr.

Fyler standing on the dining room floor I asked him what was the matter he told Assembly, leBrnt that such a radical cnange naa Asninwall. The passengers of the J. L. Ste burgn was on tne gronna, prompt, wimiireu plans of notion all out and dried, wiihout any conference or consultation with the old Board ol feSSlw 191 been effected, either in public sentiment, or in liens were landed at Panama on the morning auama ou me bftck 5n a ok voioe Went dick board the George Law wUh tg6 uttle boy Baw n0 light a Uttlo light MRS. COYNE wouldjfpectfully invite the Lidies to call and examine' iJerfif'autiful and choice of the 15th, and came on the minds of the members of the city government, that there had been no expression in opposition the evening of tho same day.

The road was to ornaments for the hiar. together 'capsvhead dresses, rosetts. French flowers and every varietyTbf fancy articlefl shone in the room, but not enougu it was. Brooklyn, except eo lar as to eiecuuueeriwiiu a sufficient number of personal friends to sjcure a certain point. Six of the Brooklyn meiibers were absent.

The moBt importain duty to be nrfnrmifi at this meeting, was the choice of a to it, and judging from the proceedings of the be formally opened on the 20th inst. The party Iott Anmn nr. thfi bed Wltn tne DOT "cam deairabie, cneap lacea, emorojuereu u'iuat, v. eleeves handkerchiefs, and many articles too numerous to mention. Mrs.

0. would always be happy to (how ladies her nmrn nnnnnii at their last meeting, i must from New York who went at the invitation ot no more noise till I heard Fyler knock on my na xmrrtD statbbi PatcUirortt Manicipal Legislation ib becoming aa variable iu character as the patterns of spring calico, or the style of articles ol dresa That we know not whht a day may bring forti, is particularly true in regard to this subject. The citizentj of some of oar large order to keep the run oi the fluctuating and alternating ordinances and laws under which they live, wonld require to do nothing else than study the subject. Thus we see the charter of the city of New York patched and tinkered year after year, new charters take the place of old these again covered with until like the pauper's coat, it is imoossible to tell what was the original texture nrind that thev are in favor of the bill. It superintendent.

A difference ot opinion had aSSortmeniOI goouu, oauuiisu uic, nuuiuwiucuuica w. by pqrchasioK. feig lw the Directors, proposed to complets their exam. in fint. nlmnat a new bill, and I am informed arisen, in Brooklyn, as to tho propriety Dt re aipntino t.hcino.nmbent.

Some of the most intel ination of the road, so as to embark at Aepin door; that was a very iew after I went back with the boy ho knocked three or four times I went to the dcor, and Fyler was there I saw Mrs. Fyler lying on th wall on the 19 th in the El Dorado for Havana. BENCH CAPS. Just received at Mrs. COYNE'S EmBorium, caps suitable for breakfast or more properly suitable for invalids.

The French ladies are most justly noted for the exquisite style of cap which they Smnio ly wear in dishabile. and the ladies now hare an op Tnf nrnpni inu. hv aDo ication. one or more of ligent members ol the Board were in his lavor. fn thuBfi ftirr.nmstances.

the leading men among that it is a new company only one ol the old company remaining, and from the known high standing of those now composing it, the public will no doubt repose that confidence in fn whinh thev are so iuBtly entitled, and her 'head was in the bed room, and The principal matter ofiaterst since the tsail floor, dead the Brooklyn members very wisely concluded that the interests of the cause committed their those recherche, bimole little caps, which are bo deshab le. lidles Willi at all times And rare and beautiful embroidered ing of the Nicaragua steamer on the 24t Jan. has her fet in the sitting room Fyler took by been the explosion of tfie steamer Pearl, near the hand and I asked him for God sake to a about seven save my life he said he would, if I would do as Sacramento on Saturday, by which about seven trust would be promotod, and a proper couneBy Hhnwn to the inoominor members lrom Wiltiams should the bill became a law, (or whioh I have, no doubt) there is a fair prospect of your goodly city being supplied with water within a reason rollers sleeves, bands, and laces, ana every arucis ui ue where Mrs. 0. Batterg hers ihe can suit all tastes.

toil told him I would ao auv bureb, by delaying notion until they ihould ty lives were lost. Fifty three dead bodiss have fe23 lw thing to save my life he said he had killed his orifi. nnii told mo I should say I had heard the been found, and upwards of twenty are miBSing, of te fabric When aa aspiring city offioer finds ha inATinUv hAari around bv the charter, he have time to conier together, compare notes, and canvass the merits of the candidatc that mioht ha Draaented tor the ofiioe. With these robbers in the house, and heard the shot ot i The bill oreating a 19 th ward ia the city of Brooklyn, embracing all that portion of the city nnrth nf THnRhinff avenne was called up for a that. hpnrfl Mrs.

imer nauoomg io There were 122 persons on board.and on'y 14 escaped uuiojured. Among the killed were about sets his wits to work to have the restriction re CORSETS. Renald's Self Adjusting Corsets at Mrs. J. N.

COYSE'3 Emporium, 191 Atlantic, be twen Court and Clinton streets, a very beautiful and easy corset just imported. Also every style of coi sei s. which are so far preferable for durability and for te the form of prices cheaper than borne manufactured arliele, from 1 to 4 per pair. Dealers can be i sup hi thfi dnzen. half or auarter, to suit their customers viewa.

thev went to the meeting and with these Aif a. tnlfl him 1 wonld ao If, II auy oae nnrnn thfirR and asked me he told me to toll 20 Chinamen. The captain and matejwere both third reading, and after tue reaimg, ana Deiore taking a vote thereon, on motion of Mr. Searing, it was laid on the table. rr m.fco him hoiieve it was the robbers views they proposed to postpone we ckuuuu iu a future day.

There was no concert of action nmnnc them, because they had no lavorite can killed, but the engineer escaped uninjured. Col iitaiow orice fcrcash. Earltfattentionisnecessary.astne I went back, and think he shut the. bed room iimi hntwum not Bure I didu't fe241w Alexanderson, a distinguished lawyer of Nevadai are ouickly sold. I learnt upon enquiry that an amendment naa been agreed upon (which had not been inserted, didate to push, and because they had no object in viae? hnt that of securing for the place the UUUL muau ri i was also killed.

He was a native of Virginia, verv hPRt man thev could find. It is asserted that at the time of the explosion hear any more noiBe ior nan au uum heard him halloo "Murder!" outeide the Dutchman and another man then came into the according to agreement; to inciuae iu emu ucr ward that portion of the Seventh and Eleventh The Williamssurememoers, ou iue uiuor uauu had no obiect but a personal and a Bectioual one It if nli on wards lying between xnusning, ram, uiauu, and Clinton avenues. the Pearl was racing with the Enterprise, but it is proper to say that it iB dnied by the agent of the steamer. Both boats were on tho way from They insisted on immediate action and, with Mr. Fyler was orymg and saw ne wouiu line 5 "LE CORSET UNIVERSAL," is one al of the most useful productions of modern art; byHgl ml an ingenious arrangemfnt of lacings, tho BizejBl Iffissli an be enlarged or contracted at pleasure all will at onco admit that corsets, if worn with a moderate degree of tightness, display the ftniale form to great advantage and are not detrimental to health.

Ladies are particularly invited lo call and examine this new styteofcoraetras well is the Railroad Girdle and French Corsets. fid Corset Establishment, a lSlFultohttreet. Brooklyn. Dealers supplied with all articles in the above line, feieim the aid ot a lew Brooklyn votes, which were de to know who killed his wife, ana wouia give nirfenitr hot.iie to the re election of the iucum an Bthino if nhn was liviner attain had no coa Sacramento to Marysville. A large amouDt of versation with Fyler as I know of before I went moved, and if he only knows the sopes.anu is something of a hind at managing primary elections he can have it dom right speedily.

The N. T. Board ol Aldermen have got up on entirely new Charter the Board ol Counoilmen have another Bome other clique is endeavoring to have a Board of six Commissioners appointed to take charge of the Police department the objeot bsing, aB stated in the N. Y. papers, to transfer some forty thousand dollars per annum from the city funds to the pockets of the Commissioners, and also "to drag back the department into tbs political slough from which it has recently been in part redeemed, The multiplicity of these innovations, based as they are, upon the views of visionary theoretical reformers, or the designs of corrupt and plunder loving politicians, oreate such eonfaeion as to preclude the possibility of a uniform, honest and energet treasure, in charge of Adams and and Dent, they cainea tneir iuejr ww.

their man by a majority ol one vote, and in the of six ot the Brooklyn members. He before the Coroner's jury, noruunuK iuo uj, than ho. wnn lil shake hiB head and make Wells, Fargo Express Mc aengers, was UU UL4VW on board, bnt was recovered upon searching the motions to me the next day, naay, ub We have been luvorea wnn a strong ueiogu tion from your city, viz. Hon. C.

P. Smith, Hon, John Vanderbilt, Jas. Humphrey, Hon. Sam'l D. Morris, and many others, ot smaller note, all no doubt having an axe to grind.

Had yon been here yesterday, you would no doubt have concluded with me, that Sam was neither dead nor sleeping. The Hon. Senator Goodin delivered a lecture in the Assembly Chamber, on Sam ism, as nearly as I could learn and although I went nearly an hour before the appointed time, 1 could not effect an 41.. flhnmkai, all thft therefore comes into tho placa wanting tnree votes of a majority of the whole Board. nnminff ont of the buttery door with a razor river.

There is another oucumstauce in taia case, Ytia honrf nut min mi ii llic uuiuc Tsintnf Killed. It is impossible at present to rtn. a mn.f. foil thftTTl thfi flame I did bCfOIG 114 tT JL. U1MDU vv.

NOTICE TO THE LADIES OF BROOKLYN. hereby give notice, that I have appointed as mv sole Airents in Brookljn. for the sale of my Pomade OotiSe i and Liquid HairDse. Mr. HE.1KY H.

DICKINSON. oSemist ami SruBCiat. 1211 Atlantic corner ot Henry, Wr JAMsVsMlTU.Cl,emiSUnd Ut. tort greet, corner of Montague place, and MRS. 176 tnltonjt, and 151 Atlantic et.

TH0MpgoNi 6 Warren N. POMADE OPTIME. This splendid article for the nair haB give a correct list of the killed, wounded, 1 nM him urnnlfi. UUU J. tU'U which makes this selection unacceptable to Brooklyn.

Some few years ago, when the office of Superintendent wa3 the priucipal of one of the schools oi Brooklyn offered himself as but tne ioiiowing cuucui a i nma emnrn before the UOrOner'S U1V luiua. The following bodies have been recovered trir, didn't tell this Btory then, because 1 was riant. E. T. Davis, of the Pearl; C.

A. SGhul mid of Fv ler: the day that the murderhap entrance, rok umy mo vuomuc. onironeon in it. were litsrallv iammed with an been recently introdu ed into America oy ine tze, fruit dealer, from Marysville, aged 24 jeare 1 from lit Rock Mra. Fyler Kn a hrnthor in SnnramfintO! Bfivrlpn 11 tul.

Inlt al haB brother in Sacramento; J.Boyden iroDrietor, j.u. inuiiiLuii. i' nfKnrone. where it has an enor fliri.r mass of living "Same." I have heard his a' candidate lor the place. He was coniesseoiy emin ntly qualified for it, had been some ten years employed as a teacher among as, was familiar with the whole routine of duty, and a German a 1 .1 nnnnAaa it.

was warming up sonie ouuee ui ic administration of the city government. Thus lecture nigniy compiiuieuiuu, uuu j. cuwvm mill ra Till hlinhprl mous i sale, and upwirds of lo.OOOtestimonials. (In the possey of the proprietor) givc an undoubted warrantry of its hlKh medicinalproperties. some of these are from thsprmci nkl Dhysioiaiisof England and France, amongst whom may be nSmedSmusAVilson.

Sir Benjamin Brodie. Drs. Llston. musician, Marysville; uoi Aiex. Anaerson attorney at law, Nevada, aged 60; Francis Flu ker, tinner, formnrly from Long Island, N.

breakfcst Mr. Fyler came towaras tue biuvc, and had a in his pocket he started im fwm iiio p.nfTfin not. but 1 did not eee Mr. Rhodes reported favorably, with amend monia tho hill to authorize the citv of Brooklyn would have been entirely acceptable to tne whole corpa of teachers. Bui the Board declined to make tne appointment, on the giouud, solely, too it is true that one clique of politicians keep an everlasting hold on the offises, S3 that the sime old famili ir tales are seen at all times in atrod nriont 26: Samuel rtauaan, mate, lurtueiy Dupris.

Be La Tour, ana many otn rs. him put anything into it at that tim.8 Mrs. mot, th room ehe came out these oniy, uie vy to borrow SbUU.UUU, to pay me aeum oi ol steamer Plumas, aged 40 years; four white 1. II l.i; IU that he was a teacner nere, ana umi. n.

wots a rtanirprr.m nxneriuieiit thus to place any one Seop suomiueu n. lomii V'i ew York, who gave the followinK certificate. iSiiff MnuaiSted with the composition of the Pomade burg, and supply dehoiencies in tne. mnaa oi me it fni thft of the current year, which the departments of our City Halls. Tom goes men names unknown; eigne uninamen: Williams, lormerly in the employ of A.

Brown Xr. of Sacramento. .1 1 1 1. ,1 of the number over the heads of the rest. Now, mrairiRr.

the oDiuions of a maiority of the Board wets ordered, to oe engroaseu ior a muu icume by Mr. J.U. Thompson, i can staw that the article is well calculat to improve the growth and appearance of the hair. nhmtai. from the Street Commissioner's office to the tax office, Digk from thence to the Repairs and Supplies department and so all round.

Every while he was oy tne stave, uuu oo pot in the buttery, poured out some iato a bowl, and drank it she then went into the sitting room dinner was soon ready, and both refused to eat Fyler said he had taken some oil, and she said she had taken luncheon after dinner I or Education, and the wishes of the majority ot Yours, 0i" Albany, Feb. 24. Missing ana Supposea ueaa.L. mount, of Sacramento; "Wm. MoBride, Express Messen cror Stander a miner.

Ifbrmerlv from Pen AMCC viiiuiv New York. June 8. 1851. celebrated Pomade contains no coloring matter the teachers, a teacher ol a iew yeaif reBiueuce the couaty is forced into the ptace. If, under Friend Eagle Quite a lot of business rela election witnesses some new popular.furore, the oresstntialoila.

Its apiendl.d perfume IB Qbtoineuoy aigeBi taV the flowed of the heWrope and rose with tive to your city waB transacted in the House people vote that ticket, jttriiik they have made a these circumstaucee, be can sustain uiuimcu his own satibfaction, or that ol the schools, he went into the buttery3 and dranK some 01 tue coffee that Mrs. Fyler lelt Mr. Fyler was iu nyslvania; Geo. A Clouse, minei1, from Jasper County, Indiana; A man, name unknown, called Jack, from the sam? place; Chas. Jewell fireman to dav.

and some portion of it of vast import clean sweep of the old politicians, and retire to niUBt be a remarkable man. We shall see. articles oi wnicn iueuQiuiicujiiiyun 1 In Process its maRDificent scent any length of time, in any climate It will remove and entirely prevent any unhealthy accumulation of dandriir. it will excite the coloring secretions of the hair and prevent its turning grey or falling off. It immediately ucs upon the fibrous portion of the hair, rendering the most Btubbqrn and course hair pliant and tractable.

i 3 Xil nr.r tn anv honnet find that they have merely shuffled tha cards, ance to the City of Churonee." James Smith, oabin boy. Tne aoove use comprises only those whose namss are ascertained. There are others missiner. the sink room he Baid wnen I aranis tne coueu that he put something into that I thought he was fooling I told him he hadn't, and he said he had, and I had better throw it up took out his tobacco box, and faid I had better tike The committee on internal affairs of towns and leaving the same, "Bpots" still trumps. Legislation is becoming more and more con DfiepfiRATB Affray Qn Saturday night a countieB reported favorably, with amendments.

IAst of the wounded. David Monroe, decs pfeserve? as it will not soil the ht or the most delicate fabric which the head may lay. Price 25 cents. 6B cents. 1 bloody affray took place in Siaawix Hall, kept the bill to authorize the Beard of Supervisors sligntly rnuip aney, oeua uuuu nilLUU.

A W.I tnWrn did so. ana vomitea, auu I 1 I nnMA and tt 50 per bottle. rrsT trolled by the classes we have referred to, and lesj by the people. Nor is it eo strange, after by Dean Deagle, late Moffat's, in Broadway ot Kines County to borrow monoy to complete leg broken Nicholson, badly wounded, leg tied the b'owl irito the sink, broken in several placeB Nichols, firm of Mr and Mr1 pyier qaarfel Mr. J.

H. Thompson Pear Bir In answer to your's of to about near Prince Btreet. Some fifteen or twenty men Polley Co, of Sacramento, badly scalded; day. I beg to say 1 have vised tne "rproaae uptime you ior warded to me. Iam much pleased with it in my ooinion i Is the most agreeable and beneficial article I have ever met the' Lunatic Asylum, and on motion of Mr.

Searing it was recommitted to same committee with not having furniture in the house Mrs. Fyler .1 iL! (Un linncn were engaged in it, lour of whom are badly Emanuel Lewin. of firm of Baohe Uo, of bhas all. Projects are pressed on the attention of the Legislature by parties wieldi ag the resources of eloquence, persuasion, oysters, champagne and et ceteres. If they merely affect the interest oj wanted some carpeting aua iuiugB iui iuo mu anfl hn wonld sav that she had enough and he ta.

not serious Jas roilocir, sngntiy wounoed power to report complete. with for the Ubir; icaauui bay tou tuuii may depend upon my recommending it whenever 1 have an opportunity. wounded, one, Bill Poole, probably beyond recovery. The parties weie mostly rival fighting men, who have long been a pest to the city, and wnnlri not. irfit her anv he would tell her to get Mr.

Baker, from the Judiciary Oommutee, re in tne neaa; samuei i jouw, ui ou imuow, not dangeronely Edward Springer, bar keeper, hanlv scalded Eight Chinamen, at Hospital, her own money and buy them she had money ported favorably, without amendments, tne bill Metropolitan Hotel. Dec. 9th'. 1854. 1 TT i'PCTiwTonwuniwaTWTKKTnn T.TOITTn TTA1R DVIC.

ThlS that goose called The Public, nobody's business is attended to by nobody, 'and the Bill becomes to provide for recording notices ot iis penaens on the occasion referred to, were fully prepared for a sanguinary conflict. The apartment where badly scalded, and four taken to private cjuar torH Williams, pilot, slightly MrGilman, in the County of Kings, which was referred to and there were words auout tnat tuts muiu ue would get anpthing that his other wife wanted, and she had nothing the houee she oould take comfort with he would say he liked to hear her sputter around once in a while liked to plague dye la, without any exception, the best ever manufactured nothing Bold in America or Europe, of any other make, will bear the least comparison with it. It will dye Red or Grey hair to sny Bhade of Brown or Black in one minute, and so long as the hair remaina upon the head, that color Willi ever a iaw. City too, are altered and amen' ded to suit the whims and caprices of their an' clerk of the boat, badly scalded Mr Davis, of the rencounter took place is completely riddled the committee of the whole. Iowa Hill, badly scalded Mr spayer, aywg with balls, cutting up pictures, furniture, Mr.

Hhnrlps called nD from the table the bill nual administrators and thus we see the board Mr. Goodman, of San Francisco, badly scalded, and blood was spattered plentifully on all eldeB. and torment ner sne usea to. nay ue uiun gei, her p.lnthfis that were worth much. of one year repeal the act passed at the solicita at.

tho HosDital Tnos isnenaan, oi isacramento, iaae, ll auicrs irum au uiiier vyca iu jib cucuu uiwu ju fibres of the hair as inBtead of malting the hair harsh, it readers it soft and tractable, and produces a colorwhich Qtfles the closest scrutiny. It is beautiiulls Bcented with violet and will keep anv length of litne. The proprietor has tne.certifi tc create a 19th ward in your city, and on his motion it was referred to the Kings County del i i rr rr 1 The parties In their flight left blood in abuttdaace One evening' wo sat down after supper don't know how lone before the murder Mrs. Fyler catea of Dr. Ure, Professors Button and Bell of London, on the sidewalke.

TbG whole affair makes one leg broKen and Daaiy wounaea a hand, severely scalded. Escaped withoat injury. Henry Keefer, Beard restores the expunged amendments amnnrtmantl and I got some bread and milk and were eating of the most tragical and blooiy Bcenes that haa meanwhile oar charters are so patched that their and Or. umltonoi new xoru. xno iouowing is snai oi vir, "Bavini? oxamined the "Hair Dye" prepared by Mr J.

H. Thompson, 1 can recommend it as beini? properly prepared and well calculated to answer the purpose for which it Adams uo's, messeueer; uaiiaer, a i t. ha tnougntwenaa pretty gooa disgraced N. Y. for a long time.

Bill Poole framers wonld not reoognise the The Senate bill to amend the charter of the Williamsburg Water Works Company, was read a third time and pasted. So you may now expect within a reasonable length of time to have a bountiful supplv of pure and wholesome passenger Moffat, a passenger four lady etfteB Bne 8aid if it waa Maria Richardson passengers, names not ascertained; Andrew kwonld not h8grud go it to her 5 he said Maria psople cannot plead ignoranoe of the law for vw intended. was in the saloon about 9 o'clock, when William Morrissey and others entered, and an altercation took place. The police were dalled in, and dis Rinhardnon was a better woman than sne was, JAaifJB n. uuiiji.u, ai.

unemisr. Thin curtiftrntjp. from n. scientific trentieman. bo well known Have heard Mrs.

Fyler tell him she thought George Hoy, passenger B. Thompson, passenger. There are four othersr whose names we dating an ordinance, of the existence of which it was impossible they should be aware, and although anxious to obey the powers that be, they in America as Dr. Chilton, will be a sufficient guarantee to he fooled around the girls to much Clara Fife The bill to amend the charter of the Williams persed the patties, but Poole afterwards return any American of the genuineness oi 'ne article, ana rentiers any further comment from tho proprietor tin necessary were unable to ascertain, that were uniejured burg Ferry Company waB reported favorably and Maria Riohardson were all I neard named the dav before Mrs.

Fyler was killed fhe sohool There are stiil fifty or sixty oi those on the boat ed, and the fight was renewed, about 1 o'clock. Frice i ana a per case. H. THOMPSON.S services can be nroenred for the cannot tell 'Winder which King Bezonian," they without amendments, ana oraerea 10 uo at the time ot tne disaster to oe accounted tor, teacher brought him a letter Mr. Fyler said it by James Turner, Lewis Baker, Patrick Mc purpose of Dressing, Cutting or Dyeing Laidies Hair.

Orders to be addressed to him at a Warren New 1 ork, ja8 3m irrnnseri lor a third readiner. have the privilege of living. Most of them were, beyond doubt, drowned was a woman's writing on tne envelope Jnrs. Fvler wanted to see it he read it himself and The Legislature has transacted no business of Laughlin, alias Parqum," Van Pelt Linn and John Hyler. Bill Poole, on being shot ot by Fhe Weather On the "Machine." Phew 1 VST Nassau Fire Insurance Company op On motion of Mr.

Searing, and by unanimouB consent, the bill to amend the charter of the Brooklyn Gas Light Company was referred to the Kines County delegation, with power to re material importance eo lar, bnmed it in the stove never talked with Fvler BROOKLYN, offices no. 10 Court street, opposite City Hall. Feb. 0,1855. phew JuliuB Ciesar Jc iu salem, amt tnis A bill was passed appropriating $1,000 from Baker, exclaimed" Don't murder me Ba abontMrs.

vler heard him say to me that he the State Treasury to eacn memoer. Tne 0V' a freezer 1 Such blu noses, such aching handB The fallowing gentlemen were mis ua7 cnosen tnreexors for the ensuina year ker remarked" I will soon put yeu out of the port complete. It will probably be reported on didn't care anything about Mrs. Fyler that he offered her a thonsand dollars to leave Mrs. ernor refused his sanction to it but it subse and frozen toes as Such tied up ears and slock way Wm.

M. Harris. Monday and ordered to be engrossea ior a tmra read inc. quently passed the assembly in spite of the veto; Fyler was then away his first wife's ohild wai Samuel Snith, in'd feet, a fellow sees along the street such In the fracas, Turner shot himself through the by a vote of do to n. with us he was saying that he would give any Mr.

Khode3 submitted a resolution to amend A more than usuaL number of homicides are craunohing wheels and sorry horses, with ice thing if he had her mother's likeness never the constitution so as to require a residence in arm (while leveling his pistol), shattering the bone, so that amputation may be necessary he Conkiin Brush, Henry C. Murphy, Thos. J. Gerald. Wm.

Hunter, Jr. Stephen Hsynes, John J. Stud well, uiKKuruiui: Wtn, P. Bulkier A. A.

Low, U. K. Corning, George D. Morgm, J. Carson Brevoort, KlUah Lewis Charles R.

Lynde James Weaver, Alexander Underbill, Daniel Richards. Thomas Stratum, chronicled. all hanging to probosces and drivers buried in talked with me about her at any otber time. the oountry of 21 years before an alien can oe Fvler talked talked with his boy in the siltiDg The worshippers of Thomas Paine celebrated his birthday on the 29th, by a pablic dinner at is a returned Callfornian, and is said to have admitted to citizensnip ana in support ui me resolution delivered a speech of some length, room the next morniug; didn't hear what was Baid: have been in the Penitentiary since the Isaac uarnart. Daniel Van Yorhes, John Dimon.

killed at leaBt one man while he was there tne Jbranklin Restaurant, Tney caiiea it tne "Feast of Reason." full ot fan, poetry, and patriotism, which waB very sarcastically replied to by Messrs. Maguire Geo. L. bhi John Prenou, Baker was shot in the breast, and a man named occurrence, confined as a witness, belore this Two Frenchmen fought a duel near Oakland Leonard Cooper, Mirhael Ohauncey. Joseph JohhBon, happened I suppose there had been improper iu Lozier was shot in the hea3, taking off a portion and O'Keele.

ours, sc, Jos, JohnT. Martin, timaov between Fvler and can't tell when it fij. li. liitcnneia. Loomis Ballard, Peter Balen.

on Friday, which resnlted in the death of one of them. After a season of dry weather, the rains have j. a a. iion, Wm. H.Oarv.

commenced; it wbb in the summer; it first took of the scalp also in the leg. Poole received two balls in the leg, when he fell while in J. W.Harper, F. Wardwcll. B.

place in tne oiacKoerry lot oujur. ryiers iarw; Sunday Ob3ERtakob in this City The obser At a meeting of the Board of Directors the same evenlnK. once more set in. A weeks steady rain would Mrs. Fvler wanted' me to go np there and this position, be wsb shot in the breust by Baker, and pick some berries; I had not been therojong add millions to the produots of the plajere.

The Senatorial question appears to be as far it is supposed. Turner, Van Pelt and Laugh WM. M. HAKKIS, waj re elected President. fe7tf a.

J.Berkmas, Secretary. r. Brooklyn Fire Insurange Company, vance of the Sunday ordinance in this city is no sham, it is a fact and embraces Eastern as well as Western District. Yesterday the Mayor and when Fvler came into the lot he put his hand lia, were arrested by Capt. Turnbull, at Ling's, corner of Broadway and Canal ftreet, and taken Chief of Police accompanied by several officers Chartered In 1824.

Offices No 43 Fulton, upper corner of Front street, Brooklyn, and No Merchants' JSxchange, Wall sti New York This Company having their Capital invested In the most undoubted securities, and bavin a large surplus continues to Insure Dweling Houses, Stores and other buildings. Furni on my shoulder I told hina to keep away and mind his businees, but he would not he began to talk about other girls, and said that be used to be with them, and talked and coaxed till he finally got around me I there had intercourse I 1. I 1 Sr. i. i from being settled as ever.

Tue 38th balloting by the Legislative Convention was completed on ye Bterdaj, and with ecarcelyany ohauge since the first vote was taken, how two weeks ago. The friends of the different candidates are firm yet, but the knowing ones predict that there is made a tour of what was anciently known before Justice Brennan, who held an examination yesterday afternoon at Jefferson Market. One ot the men, in his escape, fired a ball at one of the 8th ward Policemen, on the corner of Prince street, but happily, without doing tny Williamsburgh, Bushwick and Greenpoint, in eluding the villiage of New Brooklyn within the witu lum mio uuuurrcu ugaiu i a wcc ui ivi. great eoats, whole dry good stores aronnd their throats while dripping from their natal tipB, icy rheum slowly drips and froBty lids dull eyes o'erhang, as feeble mutter they "g'lang Each Jehu weeping tears falling, as though it were but a sorry calling ho tries to swear but vain the sham in either sense his "eyes to dam(n)." Your bearded traveller's valanced phiz denotes the fierce degree of "friz," for whiskers dyed with care, at cost, Dame Nature, with frost; nntil the chilly faces glow like uncooked meat garni, with Bnow while girls (dear creatures fur enveloped, with nothing 'bove the feet developed, (for they, poor souls, are so near frove up today they cannot lift their clothes up,) skip swiltly 'long the icy pave, thefr precious little feet to save. Yon meet a kjai he stops and mutters ''Its awful cold 1" that's all he utters; and so it is, too cold to talk, too cold to ran, too cold to walk too cold to sit, too cold to stand too cold to hear or understand but, reader, you.

need not be told that now the weather's awful oold nor need you (as we hope) reminding, that Poverty jastnowis grinding; the" chill blast howling at the door ia loudem where the inmates'a poor. Oh 1 if his larder's idle, empty, while yours to dc a general oreating up ui parties auu tac precincts of the Ninth ward. They found every tions tbis wees. On the 35th joint ballot Gwin received 39 night. Not concluded City Clebk's Office, BpooKLYN, Feb.

He, 1855. tavern and porter house closed and liquor conld votes, Edwards 45, Broderick 13, Whitesides 10, not be obtained for either love or money, coax injury. Baker is an ex policeman. Poole was taken home yesterday morning in a dangerous conaition. Morrissey, who waB engaged in the iMoOerJtJe flciougai scattering i.

ine At a meeting of the Common Council held on ing threats. The Mayor thought it might be whole nnmber of votes cast was 108: necessary Monday evening February lath, 1855, it waa possible that the law wub avaded in the onto: to a choioe 55. The 36tb. 37th and 38ih ballolt Ordered, That the following communication first fraoas, was arrested, but was handed over tj another officer, who took the liberty of re ture, oiercnanutse, vessels in orL ana mejr uarKoca, upon as favorable terms as any similar Institution. mBKOTOKS William Ellsworth, Nathan P.Freemac, Theodore Martins, Charles T.

Cromwell' Phineas T. Barnum, Philip H. Williams, Robert O. Bell, Solomon Kipp, John tt. Brlggs, John T.

Bruce, Charles A. Jarvis, Henry Quackenboss, John A. Kennedy, Andre Fromont, Jerome B. Fitzgerald, Samuel F. Whiting, Isaac V.

Fowler, George GilCUan, William O'Rell, Joseph, M. Greenwood, John O. Smith. WILLIAM EtLSWGRTH, F.L EaoKT r. Secretary.

ie22 tf Paper Hangings. No. 436 Pearl St. New York. Housekeepers and Landlords who intend papering and decorating their l)otises this Fall, cannot fail to consult their interest by catling at this cid and well known establishment.

The stock now on hand of both French and domestic oanno( be excelled in the United States. Our customers are well aware, and to all reflecting persons from the Mayor be published in the Brooklyn Eagl districts, but he finds himself agreeably disapoint ed. Everything thing iu the nature ot a public ings, wmcu took piaco on tne usc January, showed no material change in the voting though on the last ballot Gwin reoeived only 33 votes, and the JJauy limes. house was shut up. He came within sight of Mayor's Office, Bbooklyn, Feb.

12, 1S55. STb the Common Council the emalett number he had yet bad. Trial Alfred. Fyler for the irinrdcr of one plase in Bushwick which presented a Borne leasing him. It is hoped the scoundrels engaged in this outrage, will all be arrested, and receive the' fill degree of punishment which they de serve.

what suspicious look or, at least he thought he Gentlemen I return, without my signature, two resolutions adopted at your meeting held February would make a trial and Bee whether the oecu' His Wife. This trial is still in progress atSyracuBO. Marv Cumminqs sworn There was a good 5th one providing for the purchase by iho commissioner of Repairs and Supplies of a sfiy glasa pant did or did not evade the law. With this obiect in view he dispatched an offioer," who for the use of the bell ringers in the 13th ward It must be obvious that, free lrom the enormouB expenses of deal of sensation in tbe audience when this witness was called. I am in my 19th yew; have tower, and the olhor directine'the Street Commis The Belgian Paupjirs.

Two men, out, of the twelve, who had been imprisoned on the charge of being paupers or convicts from Belgium were on Saturday brought before Judge Roosevelt, made his wants known at the door, as a travel sioner to have the houses and lots on 1st and 2d ler. The landlord looked through the screen overflowing is with plenty if shivering round him children cling, while yours the Bong of plenty sine clad shall it be with you, when Places, from Henry to Smith streets, numbered, and told the applicant that there was nothing lived in this country I think six or seven years; have lived at Alfred Fyler's; first lived thero in March before this occurrence; Mr. Fyler wanted a cirl and sent for me, and I went there and to cause the necessary maps to be made to that purpose. more fashionable locations anu tueir consequent expenui tureB, we can afford to sell profits corresponding with the economy oroum. We emp oy none but tlio most accomplished and well tried workmen, and can confidently refer to numbers of the most respectable citizens of New York and Brooklyn as fP the sat isfaotion invariably given A FAE aU36 No.

43B Pearl st New York. gp James Marsh's Hair Cutting Saloon, 61 Fulton st. is acknowledged to be replete, with all those com here. "Well, how is this," said the officer old, if you but think "poor Tom's a cold." of the Supreme Court, on a writ ot Habe as Corpus. One of them, named Joseph Poisman, a healthy looking man, thirty years of age, had My objections to the resolutions are not to the to work I staid two months before I went "Why' returned the landlord, "you can get objects for which the public money is lo be expen ded under them, but to the fact that no fixed, sum nothing to drink hero.

It is George Hall's Day, home went home to leave Fyler's and Mrs. Fyler came after me and I went again and I went Bsc oklyn Improvements Notwi ths landing the hard limee, we observe some splendid im has been appropriated, nor any limitation set to the been in a hou6eAof industry in Belgium and hiB passage was paid to this country by the public and we don't sell." "When did this commence back was away a few days I stayed two or expenditure. The actual outlay which would have been mi do the continued the officer. "Immediately after forts and conyeniencies that appertain to such establishments; his study lias been, and still is. to renderlt everj way worthy that paironnKe that has hitherto Ijeen bo libe provements have been made in several localities, authorities of the plaee, but there waa no pre three months again and went away and stayed four days Mr.

Fyler came after me then and I rnllv hfatniCPll llTinn it. UiS BtOCk Of toilet ffOOflB Will Vlfl election," rejoined the landlord, and closed his The most piominent of which are two rows of tence that he had ever been convicted of any under these resolutions may, perhaps, De comparatively small, but still it might be needlessly large, and the addition of small sums needlessly expended, door. In Greenpoint a similar attempt wsb elegant marble front buildings InFuvton avenue, extending east and west from Jay street, design. offenoe, and he was willing to work if he oould get it. The other man named Jean Wagenman had his passage paid to this country by a private without regard to the amount, necessarily swells the burden of taxation.

It Beems to me that the Common Council should made with the same result. Tho landlord being asked if he sold liquor, replied that he did not on Sundays. "Why they won't catch you away went back I saw hirn in Syracuse ne was alone he wanted me to go back I rode home with him and the next day went to Fyler's a foot then I stayed but a little while then went away to go with my aunt they had not paid me up and I went to get my wages and some soan crease, and Mrs. Fyler persuaded me to take measures to ascertain the cost belore authoriz bene volant Sooiety and never was a convict, ing any expenditure for the purposes contemplated bv the resolutions, or for anv like purposes and un out here," said the Mayor. "Catch The court decided that neither ol these were ed for stores and dwellings.

They are scarcely completed, and we noticed several of them are occupied and under full headway. The business for some years has been working thatway, and ere long must centre there, as the location is beautiful and the travel great. It is now about reioined the publican, "they catch everybody stay and work for her that was pretty near ever paupers within the meaning of our laws der this impression, and with the view of checking any waste ot the public moneys, I feel constrained If you want to wet your whistle very bad, go and ordered them to be discharged from prison about two miles further, beyond the County to withhold my approval from the resolutions. Attest GEOnaE Hall, Mayor. Wm.

G. Bishop, City Clerk. Counsel for the Corporation then consented that the tall men i stayeu uuuny ion more. During the forenoon Mrs Fyler sewed on a new dress she was making tor herself; Fyler did not go out during the morntng; Mr. Tucker and hin twn bnvs.

Michael and my self were at dinner: four years since Fulton avenue was opened and all prisonors should be discharged. New Goods, 1855. In addition to our The steamship Humholdt had arrived at San with any kept at similar catabllBhments. and his prices are moderate. N.

Particular attention paid to the Cutting of Chit dren's Hair, as also to that of Adults. To those gentlemen who can appreciate the uxury of a Sropcrly administered Shampoo, or an easy removal of the eard. wo say. go to Marsh's Baloop. Marsh is an artist of no common order.

To those who doubt, we when your hair regulating try Marsh's skill, and you will be thoroughly satisfied he cannot be surpassed. g2jp" Lace and Muslin Curtains prom Auc tion. KBLTY FERGUSON. No. 3681 Broadway and No.

51.Reade street, have on hand 20,000 LACE and MUSLIN CURTAINS, bought at auction at a great sacrifice, and will sell Bell the samo for a few days at great bargains, full 20 per cent, less than the original cost of imnortatlon. Go early, for this is a rare oppoptunity. Also the largest stock of WINDOW SHADES and GILT CORNICES in the city, allot whioh mast be soldcheap. del3 3m c.Aco. ggp" Aaron Stone.

Real Estate and Insurance Broker, and Commissioner of Deeds. Office 81 Ful ton street lteridence 254 Livingston st Will attend person ally at the residences of person desiring his serviceable Commissioner of Deeds. j6 tf 1 M. Butler's Patent Truss and Sup, orter PadB, are now fast superceding all others in nee. Office, 4 Yeses Btreot, opposite St.

Paul's ohurch. New York. mhl5 MeD William S. Barber, Bookbinder and Paper Ruler. High street, near Fulton.

All kinds of Bookbinding done in a neat and substantial manner. Books, Periodicals and Muiio bound pattern. Paper ruled to any pattern, lrlt Francisco before departure of the George Fyler and his wife refused eating; Fyler was at home all the afternoon; nobody but Fyler and his wife and I were jthere daring the afternoon; the children were at school; the two children by hi flmt wife lived with Fyler; hiB other ohild Law, with files of Humboldt papers to January 13tli. Indian troubles in the neighborhood of great bargains in LINENS AND COTTONS, we are now opening a choico stock of new Paris DeLnlnos, Challl Cloths. Pancy Dress Silks, Paris Bareges, Paris Grenadines, Pnrls Rrilllnntes.

Klamatt River were becoming very alarming, line, and you can get plenty." Tho Mayor and officers departed, and continued a close and scrutinizing search the remainder of the day, but did not discover a solitary infraction of the law anywhere. The anniversary of tho French Revolution o1 1848 was duly celebrated on Saturday by La Montagne and other demooratio societies of N. York. A grand banquet was given in the evening at the Sbakpeare Hotel some two hundred gentlemen sitting down to dinner. Speeches were abundant, among which was one condemning the Know Nothings, and one eulogiE ing that secret order.

lived at old Mr. Fyler's; we had supper before dark; Mr. and Mrs. Fyler and the children and I were at supper; Fyler and his wife set at the tnhi a t.ncrfither and eat little; in tho evening I A battle had taken place, at the Lagoon, four paved, and if we may jadge the future from the past, we predict a glorious future for Fulton av. We understand that our respected fellow citizen, ex Mayor Smith has it iu contemplation to erect Borne spacious stores on hU property opposite the marble buildings.

Bolioh Captain os Horseback. John Langetaff reports the following, which Appears on the Mayor's book this morning "Captain Call, commanding the police of the 11th ward, code hiB horse on a lull run along Myrtle avenue at the ritk of life. He is not a good horseman, aafigoajuiot control a fiery steed." Bombazines, anaallthonovelUe3ofthn.N fe221w 219 Fulton at Brooklyn miles from Crescent City, between the Klamatt Rangers and a party of Indians, in which nearly all the latter, lo the number of over thirty, are said to have been killed, and at least Bix of the Americans. It is feared that a general rising is set down on a chair in the dining room and went to sleep; Mrs. F.

waB getting some wood from the woodshed; Mrs. F. put tbe ohiidren to bed and Mrs Fy ler asked me if I wouldn't play some cards; the boy was put into their bed room, and the girl into mine, I related to play at first but 1 Dentistry Dentistry I flnvirtnjil nntl Mnchanlnal DfintlsL 4)18 8m 878 Vulton BrooUfnTi imminent among the ladians of the North..

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