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The Brooklyn Daily Eagle from Brooklyn, New York • Page 3

The Brooklyn Daily Eagle from Brooklyn, New York • Page 3

Brooklyn, New York
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

First Invitation Soiree of tbe Temper 0 iCet or for Sale Ztution Sales Cits Befos anb SPRING MILLINERY MISS RAVNOR. BROOKLYN DAILY EAGLE OFFICE. 21 P. M. ance Brothers.

Leigh Hunt, in one of his numerous essays, put a rhyme into the month of one of the monks of laughed ha, ha, and quaffed ha, ha, and 'ived on the daintiest cheer," in whiob the said jolly old monk deolared that "Mysterious and prophetic truths, He never could unfold 'em Without a flagon of good wine. Without a slice of col ham. That the exercise of the mind, its most spark ling faculties, and agreeable powers, do not depend on the juice of the grape, notwithstanding the aforesaid rhyme was made sufficiently manifest at the invitation soiree ol tho Temperance Bro there last night in Prolfssor Trainor's Dancing Aoademy in South 8th street, where no other beverage was imbibed than that from "the hissing urn" flowfng from "cups that quench but not Inebriate," and the cool waters of Nature's crystal fountain. The soiree was attended by a goodly repre sentation of the "beauty and the chivalry" of the Eastern District, the ladies wreathed In luces, silks, and Bunny smiles, and fiparfcliue with the lustre of jewelry and bright eyes. The gentlsmen of the floor committee, Messrs.

V. T. Leech, D. B. Harrison, J.

H. Eddy, and E. K. Yohng, exeouted well the functions of their office, and nothing occurred to mar the ordei of the proceedings. T.

R. Peacock, Esq as master of ceremonies discharged bis duties with entire success. Tho supper table was profusely supplied with all the delicacies and crowned by confectionery, castles and fortifications, wb'cb were besieged, invested and completely captured towards the close of tho entertainment. Mr. Peacooc proposed as a toaat "The Mayor of BroofclyD," which was responded to by his honor Mayor Hall, who advised the young la dies not to ''hitch on" to any young man who might offer himself in wedlock unless he was a total abstainer.

Tho "Common Council" was next given, and Aid. Huntley responded and expressed himself at variance with the advanced by the Mayor, lie advised the girls to accept a suitor even if he did imbibe moderately, rather than be left like lone ones, To pine on the stem." o' Bingle blesaednesB, as old maids. The company did not separate until an early hour this morning. Every one connected with tiie aff iir seemed desirous of contributing to the pleasure of others, not excepting MessrB. Varick Wharton, whose tonsorial abilities were exerted with tbeir usual efficacy.

Christy Wood's Negro Minstrels continue to hold their weekly revels on Saturday afternoons, commencing at 3 o'clock. On each performance the saloon haa been invariably crowd ed by our fashionable families. To get an eligible seat you must go early. COURT RECORD. Court of General Sessions.

BEFORE J0DGE MOORE AND JUSTICES ETRYKEK AND EMMONS. Yesterday Iarbella(Robinson formerly employed as a servant in the house of John Andersorj. in Carroll was arraigned on an indictment of grand larceny, in stealing wearing apparel to the value of about $100. The theft, as alleged was committed on the 5th of February laBt. The testimony appeared to be conclusive, and she was convicted and sentenced to tne state Frinon for two years.

Henry Rohr, Margaret, his wife, John Rohr John Heet, jointly indicted for grand larceny, iu abstracting, as alleged a gold watch from the pocket of Edward G. Quinn, by cutting the guard, on the evening ol the 15th of September last, at tbe house of delendauts, iu Williams burgh, were placed au trial. Several witnesses were examined, and the Court rone before the case was concluded. The trial was continued t.bis morning. City Court.

Before Judge Culver and' Supervisors Allen and Jb'enton. The trial of Matthias Gunderson, indicted for assault with iutent to kill, upon Adam Lower, tbe steward of schooner Wake, of which defendant was captain, was continued. The testimony closed yesterday, and this morning counsel lor defence commenced summing up, followed by tbe District Attorney, jne case naa not neen given to the jury at noon. Previous to tne resumption of this trial, the following sentences were passed Ann Ar Donald, convicted of petty larceny, seoond offence, was sentenced to tbe Stats Pri son for 3 years and 2 months. John a.

(Jomley, convicted of assault and battery upon a woman, was fined $20 and 20 days imprisonment. Charles Ingliss, convicted of selling Jiquor witnout license, was nned Z5. Zshulon Coleman, convicted on a similar indictment, was fined $15, which he paid, and was diecnargea. H. Wrede, convicted on a similar indictment, was lined $25.

Philip Burke convicted on a similar indictment was lined $25 and 25 days imprisonment. Charles Stamwortb, convicted on a like in dictment was fined $25, which ho paid and was discharged. James Duffy, convicted on a similar indict ment, was fined $20. John Miller, convioted on a similar indict ment, was nned 325. Jf aid.

Robert Roach was convicted on a similar in dictment and fined $10 which he paid and wa d'Bcbarged. Tho s. McCaffrey was finsd $25 on oonviction on a use indictment. DCATH OP THE CZAR GREAT EXCITEMENT The excitement occasioned by the death of Nicholas is sub. siding, but the furore occasioned by the reduotion In the price of coal at the yard of SIcMahon Co, corner of Van urunt street and Hamilton avenue, is on the increase all kinds of coal reduced one dollar per ton.

Orders left at the store of Messrs. Scranton Oo. corner of Atlantic and He nry streetswlil meet with prompt attention. DIED. At Motthaven.

April 2d, 1854. of congestion of the lungs William B. Hannisq; Carpenter. formerly of Brooklyn, aeed 43 years 3 months and three duv. In this ity, on the 22d Inst, Sarah, youngest child of II anafimma uorning.

Funeral to morrow morning from 107 Hicks street. "FIB. E. A. KITREDGE OF BOSTON WILL XJ give a free lecture on the WATER CURE, at the BROOKLYN INSTITUTE, on Monday Evening, 26th inst at 1 o'clock, A contribution will be taken to defray ex penses, mud Zv OROCHET WORK.

Wanted several persons who understand the above work, may nnd employ mpTit bv brineinz samnles of work to Mrs. Covce. at 19i At lantic street, between Oourt and Clinton, none but neat bandB need apply. mnss 'it TO LET OR LEASE FOR ONE OR MORE JL years, the large Oil Cloth manufactory with Ave or more lots 01 grounu, situate on tne coroer oi aveuuo auu Auelpm si AiBo.roraale, in the immediate vlolnity of the aDoe, wn.tatT nf vnlnnhlo Itiiilrlinir lots. A lso two hundred lots in the tHnth Ward, at a bargain, Enquire of J.

J. MAHNINU, mh23 lm No. 9 AdeJphi. or 22 Court Btreet HANGINGS, PAPER HANGINGS JL7 JOHNWILLINS informs those intendingto paper their rooms, halls, that ne nas on nanu anu is trauu ually receiving allthestsles of SnRVtlM imi AMERICAN PAPER HANGINGS. on hnn.i that Kna vhnnrAler tn p.ncnurace Brooklyn tradesmen, will take the trouble to examine.

He assures them they will find that work can be dcte as well and as cheap as In New York, Experienced workmen sent to hang tra paper. WTNTIOW SHADES ftnM flhaloo nlnln itnri decorative. White and Buff Hoi land ditto on hand or made to order on short notice. Buff Holland for store windows. BKBT HAIR AND SPRING MATTRHoSHo.

4C, AO. JOHN WILLINg. 100 Fulton jt, HOUSE AND LEASE AT AUCTION, By HEOEMAN. Auctioneer. Slnrday March J4tn.

iBo5, at 13 o'clock at noon, on tho premises, Cthe two story. Frame honsc with kitchen ttached, on the toutheait and R'Vmond streets, Brooklyn, together with Ihe unexpel term of the lease or the lot. having IS years to run rrom the 1st of Mny next. The lot isSS feit In front on Ti torjr by 2i feet 6 inches in rfeplh on Raymond st, Tho house Is aa by IB feet, and the kitchen 35 by fcet. it Is an excellent loeton for a ReUt, 0rmeT, and D0W rent Forty Dollars per annum, and or be positive without reserve, as the present owner and occu on the 31 "iiy fApTil Terms 20 K'no'her with iho Auction fOR SALE Tho neat Two Story and Base Cil .,11,1 xrniie; iiiuse, no jvi Hudson avenue.

IZr.HV o'pKai1' twofud lots or ground oul wh 'ruK Tecs and shrubbery, orlca til: in'iiii ver, desirable luildlngLoto oil, lum rtIVet illoughby and inri Ann to let acommodlous fuc tt Vlt1' of A pp to Joseph ar.d Lafayette stretti Brooklyn mb22 lw YoJk rooms Thursday ggf 'e Brooklyn l'hllomatheun AiBociutl mh231w BONE DUST. FOR 8ALEapuro BONE, of a variety of fineness, from half Inch toper feet powder, a great article for Grape vines or farming pur Poses. Apply to J. H.

Mackay 6 Court street, Brooklyn. lIANO FOR SALE. A six octavo Piano of ix. fccli0ini tono an(1 in f'ff60' order in Saket street, soulhslde, Sil house west or Court street will be sold low. as ho ownerhas no further use for it.

rnhUl 8t F0U SALE IN BROOKLYN A well built two ntory and basement house 55 by 83 nine rooms, filled in with brick lot 3i by 101 fa 6 inches garden in front ufvl'0 W.lwC terms easy. Apply to Mr. Brown, uuuib utiuwtiunnHOil sc. inoL dt TE A POWER TO' LEivXt riTur i.arge ami wen ngntea rooms (with three horse power.) at the codec andsplco mills. Apply tob.

Blrdseye 4 Sons on the premises, or to Mr. A Bione.iil Fulton street, ooklyu. I70R SALE. A small house and 4 lots on 20thand21st street. situated 100 fcetfrnm Fifth nvenvo price WOOD, streets pavcil and from all Incumbrances Apply next door to air.

Whitman. mhl2tf rpo LET A COUNTRY SEAT, situated on 3d JL avenue, near 60th street. The house is large and convenient, and has all tho. necessary out buildings for a country reEunruce near me city, i nere is a large garden attacned, and from 2 to 16 acres of land may be hud with the premises If desired. The 3rd avenue railroad, will be extended and the Greenwood cars pass the door io the Jaqnire KING tfc KELLUM.

Architects, corner of Fulton and Ornnne street. iiS6 tf SAL.E Jj side of Third lota of tzrouud on uorth Place. 100 feet went of Court numhf.rMl on map made by SUar Ludlam In a division of property ol Herks A Smith, as Nos. 16. 17, 18 and 19.

Seventy five per cenf. of amount may remain on bond and mortgage. For further particulars, apply to BUTTON, 181 Jf UltOD Bt. On 2nd Boor, rooms Nos. 4 and 6.

Brooklyn, May 16th. 1864. myl6 tf TO CART MEN OR HAUKMEN FOR SALE LOW A nice two story house containing Srooms, with a Stable suitable for two horses and carriages, near the corner OI unon ana uign streets. Knautre of B2 tf GEO. W.

MUMBY, 69 Fulton street. FOR SALE OR TO LliT A spleadld rose wood PIANO PORTE, Cloth and Stool. Enquire at36 Willow "treet, corner Cranberry. no20 tf TG LET. A commcdioua three atory frame house on Elisabeth sixth house south nf Van Brunt, Red Hook Point, well adapted for a Boarding House, or private residence.

Apply at the desk of the Eagle office, or on the premises. Keutlow. oc7tf FOR SALE OR TO LET A House and Lut on Bedford avenne, near DeKalb now occupied as a bakery would be sold on reasonable terms, or leased to good tenant. Enquire of Geo. W.

Mumby, No. SSI Fulton ia8 tf AVERY DESIRABLE RESIDENCE FOR SALE That new and beautiful Brown Stone Front House, No. 188 Henry street, between State and Juralemon streets, within five minutes walk from South and Montague Ferries, has all the modern Improvements, and is one of the best built housts in the city. Apply to Walton and Norrls on the premises, or No. 182 Schermcrhorn street, mhb lm HOUSE FOR SALE OR TO LET.

Tho three story and bajement brick house. No. 282 Gold, near Willoughby ft. PoBsesirn mediately If required. Annlv to J.

S. MAOKAY. Mo, 6 Court or in the house ad joining the premises. mns naf TO LWT In the Brooklyn Institute 2 or Rooms suitable for OfflccB, or for meeting ofSocletlei either casual or permanent. er particulars enquirem Institute, Washington nearConcord.

1.1 mil. 1QR.4 f(l If Druumyu. rcu. lglii, iwt. IpOUSALK The fc'our Story Marble Fron House and Lot.

southerly side of First Place, corner Smith. 25 feet front. 133 feet deep, 38 feet court yard, with Hi the modern improvements, will be sold low. Terms easy Apply to JNO. BUTLER A BROTHER, jy2ti tf No.

112 Fulton street. FOR SAl.i! Two Marblo Front Reuses on the southerly side of First place, corner of Smith st. Lots 123 feet deep, 33 feet court yard, with all the modern improvements, will be sold low and terms i.m'3 J. B. XNGLE, jeo if No.

18 Burling Blip. New York NGINE AND BOILER FOR SALE. A li owl niltaroflniiHf. VdrVWim. siimu uni.iiui.iiij( I.n villi llllll.

tT1i. lii.l Will Dfi HClIU cheap on application at the Eagle where it may be seen. The engiueiB rated at 4 nore. jalitf OTS FOR SALE AT PRICES FROM $260 JLi IO 3UU in IHO lUUi imiuui mi i.i ij r. and 4th avenues and President and Carroll streets: If un Drovements re nide all the puicluise money can remain on mortgage for a long termo' years.

Alro waterfronts op the GowanuB Creek, suitable for manufactories, or lumber, coal and stone yards, which will be sold or leased very favorable terms. A Wry skON? jaSO 3m' First Plara. 4t.h rtnnrFiist of fn'nrtstriet. gjousfltinu Bljing. TEA SETTS.

Some moro of thoso Splendid Tea Setts iust finished, together witn Forks. Snoons, all look as handsome as the genuine silver, and wear beautiful, and cost but little. Call soil see for yoursolvss. at JOHN O. CHASE'S, 203 Fulton street.

Jewelry and Fancy Gcods. to be sold very lew Indeed. raliiutf CABINET FURNITURE, The Oldest IN BROOKLYN, WhmrnV3mrS artiC'e TODD. 88 Pulton street. DBL.

AND SINGLE BREEDliNU CAUJtia, Trap Cages. Nests and Feed Bw BnN(JR fe23tf 94 Fulton, cornerof fienryBt. EDUCTION IN BURNING FLUID. Burning Fluid reduced to 6 SHILLINGS PER GALLON, at 0HAPPEL4 Wholesale Dealers. Wrj'havingwcceeded Oonklin.

Well. 4 will unite both businesses together, and keep constantly on hand la Lamp Department ever, variety of lamps, hall Icterus Brando les. candelabra, aho wickB, globes, shades, ch mneys. pure burning fluid camphene. alcohol, fluid lamps re gilt.

Oils best sperm. Solar, Lard, Hope and Whale Oil. Also, Tin and Brittannia Ware Ohappell's Improved Ooffee Fitters, tea pots, toilet setts, bathing tubs hip. plunge, sponge, showtr and foot baths, grocers tea canisters, oil cans, mea siresoSpi'Xnnells nd drainers, and a general assortment 0tri handed oil cans, holding 120 gal lols fach.r6Sh Lamps. Lanterns.

Tin and Brittanniare "OEMSEN POWERS ARE NOW OPBN iDgat 204 4 506 SIXTH AVENUE, Second door from the comer of Fourteenth street. N. Y. AT O'Btucri Js with an extensive ossortmenioi ncu miui.nuii;jii w. mirchTsed expressly for the Spring trade, from the late aucilon pn.5n..i.! nuitab lr for the city trade, in Bareges, DeLaines, Lawns, shawls.

Talmas and mantillas. Also a beautiful assortment of Calicoes, both foreign 8 Theyfsoparticularly call attention to theirextensivestock of CARPETS, which possesses styles too numerous to mention a'l of which havebeea selected with great care. ind being nearly all purchased from ihe extensive auction sales, thev can offer them at prices that cannot fa to meet the apomval o' ill that wdl rvor them with a all. Tile UOmebUC Htuca. viuua oiiiuik usually lxre, and very good offers can bt i hsd Jn that Also.

EMBKOlUlsiut'ts. li'Viuanouiuo' in iiMrwuo HOSIERY, Jtc hive all been carifully selected, and they flatter themselves cannot bo surpassed for variety and style bv any house in the trade. second dcor from ihe corner of 14th street, N. Y. it at on1 Siiith ff.rrtp..

nRHH thn door, upon the arrival of every boar. mtu1 btLi TO CONTRACTORS. Sealed estimates ior grading and paving Division avenue, in toe City of Brooklyn, rrom the pavement ai me enu oi to the plank road at East New York, and tor flaggini in one comae a strip four feet wide through each of the sidewalks thereof, from the aforesaid pavement, easterly to Madison street, will be received by the undersigned commissioaers appointeuior mat our push this State, at the office ol Samuel M. Meeker, In the Wllliamsburgh City Bank, Building corner or South Seventh and FirBt street in tho City of Brookb unbl Monaav Ihe 26th day oT March instant, the work to be donf. and materials furnished in strict conformity witn.

tao profile and specifications deposited in said oflice. The avenue will be divuiedintofour sections designated by the profiles and specification and contractors will estimate for each separately. Dated March 6. 1855. mg RICHARD TEN BYCK.

ABRAHAM VAND KRVOORT, mh8 dtd CommlBsionera CORPORATION NOTICE. 5TH WARD. The residents of the Fifth Ward, are narticurarly requested to cause their ashes to be placed on the sidewalks in front of their dwellings by 7 o'cloek in the morning of each dav, as designated below Through allthe streets of the ward, tyiny between Bands it. and the East River, on THURSDAY of each week, and through all the Btreets of said Ward, lyiM between Sanda and Johoioa on FRIDAY of each lrek. Its Sftwtf Jamks Cor.r., Auctioneer.

.0 BT "MIM cow BO, Jamics C01.B will niv. their personal attention to siiies ol HouseliuM Pumiturt and out iloor sales generally: iilso In nolcr. or Ki al Kstaii Htocksi. at the Exohanire. JuilN K.

Oaki. Auctioneer. II OAKI.KY A WRIGHT. linn street. U'lrixwit tu: Vitv null) BrooUun.

Willitlve their personal attention to the Hale of Real Estate at Auction, at the Merclian'i' KxuhanKC New York, at their capacious Bale Konm or in 3 section of Lone lalaud also to thesaleof Furniture. Dry (ioods. Groceries, Merr.rmnil'ae at private residences, or at thelrSales Room. Real Kstate of every description at Private Sale, mls received on Storaire nd naronnsiimmentii. SPRING FURNITURE SALES.

Tho umler sijcnetl in ti'nderinjr 'their acknowledgments to the public for the liberal natroriauo bestowed unon them, resnecifullv solicit a continuance of the same. Tlity are prepared as tne'r P' rsonal attention to the sales of iuhbiiukb, at tne residence or ranuiles breaking up housekeepiiiK or rem iviiiK. Hipv will also hold rcKular aalC3 at their lame Sales Room. No Fulton street, Ilrooltlyn, for the convenience of those who may desire to ov.iu im uiBuivea 01 iic all orders promptly executed, and satisfaction guaranteed. Person! deslrinu storsiie can be accommodated at a reasonable rnW OAKLKY WRIGHT, auctioneer.

Office and Sales Room, No. 343 Fulton lirooklyn. mhl4 tml Weeks Smith, ADOTIONEERS AND REAL KSTATE BROKERS 67 FiUton Street. Will nlve their personal attention to the pupllu Hale of Roa Estate. Household Furniture, anil nut.

nt ly also, to the sale ofi'Kcai Estate. Vessels, Blocks, Ac, at the Merchants' txcliance In the City of New York. Particular attention will bo Riven to the privnte sale, purchase and exchancte of every description of Real Kjtate In the cities of New York nnd Itrooklyn A Register is kont of Ifarni! for naie in nnv mirl nf Mia country. Persons desirous or purchasing, or havmv property to sell. are invited to call, or nddress through the mail, Kivinu description, price, terms, Ac, of their property.

Money loaned on Uond and Mortgage. Homl nnd Hort KaceB noKociated. A lanre number of desirable Homes and Lots for sale iu every part of the city. Also, several hundred build ln lnh ou favorable terms. j'kainiuib weeks (late Stone Weeks.) EDCUR M.

SMITH, No 67 Fultnn lirooklyn. No. Nassau York, Satisfactory reference Kiven if desired. Aaron Stonk, real e3tatk insurance OMlce. 31 Fulton street.

Aaron atone would remind his friend.i and the nuhlio Hint he is stlll at the old stand, 31 Pulton st, where he has an ex tensive 11st 01 property ior saie. emoractnjr some or tne best residences on the Heights, and In fact property of all descriptions, from a mansion nt d2U.UO0 down tn Ihn nent cottage for a few hundred dollars. Also, nouses and lots to exchange tor vacant lots Lots in all parts of the coosolidated city for sale, upon some of which monc7 will be loaned to build. rarms on iione island ana otner parts of New York State, New Jersey. Connecticut.

MassachuaettA and other Statpn fnr sale and to exchange for city property. Liiie ana i ire insurance euectcu at the lowest rates in some of the best offices in Brooklyn and New Yoik. A. thankful for paBt favors respectfully desires a continuance and pledges himself to use his best endeavors to serve those who may faVor him with their patronage. HaviDg been engaged in the business 7 years he flatters himself that his facilities are unsurpassed.

fol4 tf Central Sales Roomd, Oomer of WiUouohbvand Pearl streets, near thei CHiu xzuu Mil Josicph Hkgeman, Auctioneer. J. II. grateful for the liberal natronaca which he has re. oeived during the past thirteen years, respectfully informs tnose lnieresteu, tnat ne is now prepared to receive consignments of all kinds of MERCHANDISE, FURNITURE, DRY GOODS, HARDWARE, FANOYGOODB, BOOKS, Ac, to be sold at Auction or Private Sale, in his new and Snleniliil Sales Rooms.

Liberal advances when rewired. Personal at tendance will be given as usual to Sales of Furniture at Private Houses. JfURNITUBE SALES. Tho subscriber re spectfully requests those who may desire his sorvices during the coming season, in disposing of their Household furniture to can on nimorsena tneir aouress to tne Bales Rooms as sion as oosBible, An early notioe from our friends, enables us to anticipate much of our labor in the preparation of Cataogules. Ate.

for sales in Anril. The constant in crease of business, and the necessity of having experienced persons to attend to the preliminary arrangements for an auction sale, renders a compliance with the above request an esteemed favor. Strangers are Invited to call at the Central Sales Rooms and be convinced that our advantages for the arrangement and display of a large stock of goods are unequalled elsewhere and. as a consequence are enabled to give satisfaction to both owners and purchasers. Careful and responsiblecartmen will he Bent to any part of Now York City or Brooklyn.

Brooklyn, March 12,1855. JOJEPH 11EUEMAIN. Auctioneer, CentralSalcs rooms, Willoughby, cor.l'earlst., Brooklyn, mhiatf John Jonesj, real estate a insurance broker, Ito.W) Fulton Building.) opposite fAs iie (Jim mom, jsrooiayn. The subscriber would resDectfull? Inform his friends and the publio that he will give his personal attention toj the sale and purchase of Real Estate. particular attention paid to tne iietttng or nouses.

Also the Collection of Rents. Aoknt for Firs Ikburakob. Also Bpeclal Agent for Spratt's Patent Lightning Rods. JOHN JONES, Money loaned on Bond and Mortgage. A number of Houses and Stores to Let.

del At Private Sale. A two story gothic cottage, 23x38 with furnace, hot and cold water, and gas pipes all through, with live lots of ground wfll stocked with fruit and ornamental trees, and small shru bery. will be exchanged for a brick house and lot In the vicinity of the flitv Hall. Also a two stiry and basement frame house, on Cleremont between Park and Myrtle In fine condition will be sold low, A three story basement and Bub cellar brick house. 20x40.

finished with arched parlors, marble mantles and grates all througn, gas, etc. Lot 20x100 ft must be sold by the 1st ol March, and at a great bargain, situate in Livingston 3rd house east of Nevins st. Also a two story attic, basement and sub cellar frame house, 26x40, with furnace and bathing room, gaB, etc' Lot 115x102 situate 265 Bridge street, 3rd door lroin Myrtle avenue. wi be sold very low. JOHN JONES, Fulton street.

opposite Citv Hall Also some few lots on Munroe iu Bedford, w.ll be sold l5iw for cash. jalltf A Rake Chance for Boilders. Some very fine lots on paved Btreets, for sale and monej loaned to build. Rituate in the 7th ward. Also, a two story frame house with basement and under cellar, situate on Powers street, cur of fitate, with brick stable and a lotun State st.

Also the adjoining hopee, both will be sold on reasonable terms. junii juetEa, A Fine Chance for a Speculation to any one wishing to go in the couatry, there nover was a bettter opportunity ouereti to a person ot capital. I have for sale about 60 acres of land, with two fine ii j. oneirrist and one saw mill, and a dwelling house, bain nd otherout buildings also a great variety of fruit, with the best stream ol water on tne souin ante or JLong Inland tne pond covers an area ot aooutiuu acres, it is situate aoout one mils north of Babylon, on the road leading from Karmingdale Babylon. Sold low for cash, or will take city lots in part pa nt.

(feti tf JOHN JONES Stephen Barker, Anctioneer. BY BARKER, DUNCOMB SMITH. Office No. Pine street, cor Nassau. Commonwealth Bank Buildine.

N. Y. Meal Estate Stock and Bonds at public and private sale. Loans negotiated. Auction Sales attended at the Mer chants' Exchange.

Also, Furniture Sales in any part of tne city. Particular attention given to trie sale and exchange of neat f.staie in tne cities oi new xorg anu jjrooxiyn. Also, Farms anu country seats, S. BARKER. 1.

S. DUNCOMB, mliM tf B. M. SMITH. Wednesday March 28.

At 12o'ckck. at the Merchants Kxchango. Brooklyn Property. a. valuable 3 story brick house and lot on the west side of Oxford street.

125 feet north of Park avenue. The lot is 25x100 feet. The housois22x32 feet, with an extension by 24 feet, built in a good and substantial manner, witn marble mantels, grates, ac. Tne location is convenient to cars and very beautiful. A portion may re imafn on morteane.

Carlton avenue. Tho house and lot on the west side of Carlton avenue, 120 feet south of Myrtle avenue. The house is i stories, basement and cellar, built of brick, in imitation of white marb e. 20 by JH feet, with morble mantels, grates bells, speaking tubes, gas, The lot Is 20 by 100 feet. This is a very desirable dwelling, being in the best part of Carlton avenue and near the Myrtle avenue cars.

(2500 may remain on mortgage. Also, a 2 story nnd basement brick shop, with steam en crlne. boilers. Hhartme. Ac.

In oomnleto running order, with 2 lots of ground on the west side of Adelphi street, 12o feet north of Park avenue 'ihe lots are 26 feetfront, by 3'J feet deep. This is a desirable location for buslnesss or ror investment. U'he premises now rent ror souo, A portion may remain on mortgage. For any particulars apply to the auctioneers. 14 Vine street cornerof Nassau, mbl9td Hicks streetBronklyn Also, two story brick houses with brown stone basements and under cellars Nos 260 and 252 Hicks street, between Joralemon and State sts.

The houses arc 2u by fifty feet, buiit in a good substantial manner, with gas and gas fixtures, water, bathing upparatus. and all the modern improvements, The location is very desirable, within 5 minutes walk of the South or Wall street Ferries. 10 or to per cent, may remain ior a term of years. Also, 3 vacant lots adjoining, with cellar dug and party wall on one side. SO per cent, may remain.

Atlantic strnet, No. 319 A new foor story brick store and dwelling. The building is 22 feet 6 inches by 44 feet deep, furnished with gas throughout. A desirable lnvestmeLt. 75 per cent, may remain.

Both street. New York, between oth and 6th avenues. House and lot known as No. 54 36th street, 200 feet eaBt of 6th avenue. A three story brick dwelling 25 by 43 feet, with tea room 10 Heat deep.

The house is lurnlshed with Oroton water, gas and fixtures. The lot is 24 by 98 feet 9 inches and Is very desirablsfor a residence for investment. 75 per cent, can rermin on mortgage for years. For further particulars apply to the auctioneer. No, 14 Pino street, corner of Nassau, N.

Y. mh2itd FOR SALE. Horses and Light car risges. of all kinds. The proprietors have on hand i nml mill mnlfn tn nrdpr.

llwht aarrlflflres of anv de scriptiin, which are got up of firs, quality material and warranted to wear equal those or any other manufacturer. Also a variety of horses always on hand, harness, etc. Persons wishing to purchase will please call and examine them at Nos. 8 and K) Nevins, cor Fulton ave. mh20 lwa OFFICE OF THE PHENIX FIRE INSUB ance 845 Fulton street, opposite City Hall.Brook lyn.

March 19th, 1800. The annual election for Directors of this company for tho ensuing year, and for thrte Inspectors of Election will be held at the ofllce of the company on the 2d day of APril between the hours of 4 4 5 o'clock P.M. mhl9 3aw2w PHILANDER BHAW, Sec. PERUVIAN GUANO OF THE BEST QUAL ity now landing, and for sale in low to auit, tho low est market price, by Ooa3Iepot: liaxtOE Wharf, betweenFulSs acdOfltfia dijeetmes. Brooklyn, or 9e Beaver at.

two doorsHrom Walrtl.N. Y. JLOCXITT SON have reoently been getting np various new and beautiful stylesof rlnohei. Cord. Tassels, expressly for the Fall Trade 381 Fu p.

stOPPOSite Clinton. tf39 1 HERE'S BURSAS? oolSly Inauguration of Young: America Hook and Ladder Co. No. 3, ot line Eastern District. Yesterday, young Amen'oa Hook and Ladder Oo.

No. 3 (Eastern District) aooompanird by Chief Engineer Talbot, Assistants Strong, Wall, Wallet, and Weeks, Mr. Wogiom, foreman ot Engine Company No. 3, a number ot invited guests, and AdkinB' Band, proceeded to Newark, N. for the urpoBO ol bringing home their new truok, whioh is the most expensive and elegant one in New York or vicinity.

The company was received at Newark by the Board of Engineers, members of the Fire and Water Committee, Foreman and Assistant Foremen of the various Fire Companies, accompanied by the Jefferson Braes Band. The Company were the guests of the Newark firemen, and partook of a dinner at Stewart's Hotel, where toasts were drunk, and speeches made. An invitation was made and accepted, and the members ot the Newark Fire Department returned with their visitors to this city. On their return they were esoorted through several ol the streets, by Hook and Ladder Co. No.

1. In the evening the Company, with their guests, partook of an excellent dinner at Gee's Hotel, iu Third street. Alter the company had done ample justice to the substantiate that had been prepared by mine hOBt of the Gothic, and champagne began to flow in profusion. The Foreman of the com pany, W. Gilroy, offered the first regular toast Washington the greatest of America's eons, may his memory and example ever be cherished by ucceeding generation." Music Washington's March.

Responded to by Mr. Hardtnburg in a very appropriate speech. 2d toaBt "Our City Authorities may they Father us and our brother firemen." 3d toaat Wllliamsburgh our birth place though lost to eight to memory dear." Music Home Sweet Home. Responded to by Mr. Strong.

Cheif Engineer and Assistants whom wo love to honor and obey." Music Hail to the Chief. 5th "The Chief of the Western District may he ever be welcome in the East." 6th ''The Fire Department of Newark firemen of the true blue stripe." Music Hail Columbia. 7th. "Lady Washington Hook and Ladder Co. No.

1. May our aim be one." Rth. "Our fellow firemen of this district bro thers in arms and brothers in love. May we all meet above." 9th. "Our name and the spirit that moves us.

The first appertaining to our eartniy cnaracter, ana the last a tribute to our heavenly origin." Drank in silence standing. 10th. "The Press." Responded to with nine heatty cheer, and a tiger. 11th. "Woman." Numerous volunteer toate were drank, and the beat of feeling pervaded the assembly.

About 10 o'cloek the party dispersed, and the members of the company proceeded to Jersey City with the Newark firemen. Long may the members of Young Anierioa" Hook and Ladder Co live to eDjoy their new machine. The following iB the description of the truck It was built by Eqley Ellebton, of Newark, N. J. The apparatus is a beautiful piece of an eagle's head carved on the end of every cress piece the braces are twisted polished iron the mountings are silver plated.

The lamp is silver plated, with stained glass; on the two sides is a painting represent" ing Young America on the back and front tide is the name of the company. On the end of the tongue, on a large silver plate ia the following inscription Young America Truck Association of Williamsburgh, L. organized October 15th, 1855, Washington Gilroy, foreman," and the names of the trustees. The truck is Baid to be the beBt in the United States, and the coBt of the apparatus is $2,000. Auction Sale at thb Navy Yard.

By order of the Navy Agent, yesterday, at 12 o'clock there was an auotlon sale in the Navy Yard of condemned stores and clothing, reliots ot the TJ. S. storeBhipa Supply and Lexiugton. At the hour designated the vicinity of the Storehouse where the sale wai to take plaoe, presented a motley group of expectant purchasers. They were mainly employees in the Navy Yard, and the mid day hour was chosen as being their leisure time and affording consequent opportunity lor purohase.

At 12 o'clook precisely the lale oommenced. The oategory embraced al moBt every variety of articles appertaining to naval supplies barrels of pork, ditto of beef ditto of flour, with an indefinite sequent list of minor substantial, aB rice, tea and sugar, fol lowed with whisky, mustard and piokles. Added to this was a variety of clothing, comprising blue pea, monkey and round jackets, blue cloth and duck trowsere, blue flannel over and under shirts, silk handkerchiefs, shoes and pomps. In terspersed were a quantity of bed blankets of mingled white and blue some uncut blue flan" nel, navy buttons, thread, soap and tobacco. A few heaps of old timber and wood, and the ribB of the frigate Sabine, were subjoined.

Closing the prolonged list was an ox in good condition The sales began with the ox, and. the bids ran from $20 to $93, at which figure he was struck off. Pork reached $10 per barrel beef $3 25 per barrel nineteen packages ol bread of 600 uounds ench. brought $5 13 per package. In the clothes department, the sales were very active.

At I o'clock the sales ended with the ribs of the frigate Sabine, whioh afforded poor piok ing enough to the purchasers. The Bales occur three and four times a year. A correspondent desires to inquire through our columns, What disposition waB made of the funds raised by the Tenth Ward Relief Association? We presume they were spent in aiding the distressed the objuct for which they were realised. Our correspondent desires to see both sides of the balance sheet. Does anybody feel disposed to gratify his curiosity Run

Yesterday afternoon a boy about 11 years of age was run over by a oarriage on the corner of Dean and South straet, was con. siderably Injured, The driver, it seems did not perceive the boy until too lato to stop the horses. He went to the house of the boy's parents, and giving his addreBB, oreditably pro mised to defray aH neoesBary medical attend anoe. Almost a Fire. About one o'clock to day a fire occurred in the seoond story of No.

7 Water street. It was speedily extinguished by the inmates without damage. The cause was accidental. Stealing Coal. Dorothy Evernart was bth rested by offloer Koch of the 6th district this morning oharged with stealing ooal.

She was held to answer. n.a."cS? BROWN. FDLT0N STRKET, BROOKLYN. a beautiful stoebnf SILK ami STRAW MILUNERV.arid earnestly solicitsacallfromhernumerous friends and Ihe Ladies ofBrocklyn, to her well selected stock or made up goods, which for beauty and cheapness will pern pare favorably with any establishment in the city 190 Fulton street. Sleod Boarftina, BOARD WANTED.

A Parlor Furnished or Ur.fKruithed, and two bedrooms, by a gentleman and his awl a ami 13 years old location within ten minutes walk I rpin the Fulton or Wall street ferries terms must be moderate. A private family where Hie comforts of a home may be hail would tie preferred. Inferences exchanged. Address, staling terms. DUS.

1178 Post Pffly mhl71w' IDatus. WANTED A rcspectablo girl to doThe lioiueworJi or a small family. She must be neat and tidy. Apply at 289 Adams st, B.ooklyn, mh22 3t WANTED By an experienced (Engineer, a situation to to take charge or a s'canTengine, either stationary or in a steamboat. Goodand satisfactory references as to capability and sobriety can be Riven.

A note addressed Eagle offlce, will meet with prompt atten mhlOlw Special BROOKLYN DISPENSARY. There will bo an annual meeting of the subscribers and donorn to Brooklyn Dispensary, held at the Dispensary Building, 109 Pineapple street, on MONDAY Evening. March aiith, at 7i o'clock, at which time an election, will bo held for 25 Trustees for the ensuing year. Subscribers are requested to be present, WM.W.HENaHAW, Secretary. Brooklyn, March 21 1850.

roh224t" "IMPORTANT TO TAVERN KEEPERS and others encased in the Liquor Business. Take notice Thc East Brooklyn Protective Asb oclation hold their regular meeting: in Washington Hotel, No 20 Grand street, at 7 o'clock every FRIDAY evening, when those friendly to the cause will have a chance of joining the Association By order of the Trustees, mb2S2t FRED KNQELHAUPr, Sec TO CITY MERCHANTS' An" activccxpe rienced young man ((carried) who has a thorough koowledgeof the retail trede and could if desired assist as buyer, wishes an engagement in a respectable retail store Wry Roods, embroideries, 4c) for one or more years. He can Influence avery respoctable class of customsrsfrom his present employer, whose business is closing un Addresses with real name will be promptly answered with references Jic Address "City Clerk" Post Oflice. Breoklyn. March 22d, 1855.

mh22 3t EDWARD WILSON OF CI FULTON Brooklyn, would respectfully Inform his friends and the public In general that he has succeeded by purchase to th stock and good will of Mr JA8 MABSH'S Hair Cutting Saloon, and trusts by conducting the business upon the same plans and principles aa his predecessor, to be favored with an extension or that patronage which has been so liberall bestowed upon his predecessor, mhfl tf THE SUBSCRIBER RESPECTFULLY IN forms the residents ol Brooklyn that ne hasopenedan Oyster Saloon known aa the Ericcson Shades, Bituated at the corner of Bridge and Prospect sts. Oysters in every style by the quart, hundred or thousand. Families supplied. Free Lunch every day from 10 till 12 o'clock. de2S (im WM.

MORRIS. rPHE GLOBE HOTEL, FULTON STREET. Tlavinebeen closed for repairs will re open on WED NESDAY, 7th March next, lor Perminent and. Transient Boarders. fe28 tf TTNI AGENCY.

PRESS FORWARD YODR Army and Navy officers. Soldiers, both Regulars and volunteers. Sailors, Marines, Flotilla men. Musicians. Wagon masters, Teamsters, Indians, and allwlw may have served in any of the Wars of the United Sates since the year 1790, Wiiows and minor children, you are each entitled to one hundred and sixty acres of Bounty Land We are prepared to promptly prosecute your claims upon the Government.

You will save time and money, by at once applying to un for the necessary instructions and forms which will be furnished free of cost, on application by mail or otherwise N. R. COBB No. 22 William street, N. Y.

References Bank of Commonwealth, Ohio Life Insurance and Trust Company. mhl7 tim SOUP HOUSE. Tho largo Hall in Military Garden, entrance from Fulton street, opposite Wil Innahbv. is orjen DAILY for tho distribution of Soup at II o'clock A.M. Persons uesiringreiier will be furnished as above.

Adults 1 quart per nay. cnuaren 1 pint. HeDarate bowls and snoons are provided fnr the iige rf visitors and all interested in this laudable establishment are desirous to have the quality of the soup tested. The citizens Ladies in particular are respectfully Invited to visit the Soup House any day between the hours oflO'and ClOCK HON. GEORGE HALL, Pres.

WM. M. HARRIS. Vice CONKLIN BRUSH, ad Vice. mti8 tl JOHN J.

STUDWELL. Tiea. abtes Erimmmga. OPENING OF SPRING GOODS. At Mrs.

J. N. Coynes Emporium. Ml Atlantic, between Court and Clinton street cousisting of the most beau tlful assortment of French Flowers for cans, honnets. nnd also for the hair, ever offered in Brooklyn, many of them being sample flowers.

Ladies wishing to choose, would do wen to can on opening uays. AiRO. anew article in Ladies. MiBSCs and hilrlrcnRnilmmpr Hoods, designed by Mrs. O.

Ohildrens aprons, embroidered with worsted; children's silk, merino and tarieton bonnets, richly embroidered. Infant Baskets, entirely'new design. Mrs. C. would be haDnv to ave the LadieH and nx.

amine her goods. Satisfied that she can suit the most fastidious, roliSl tf MOURNINa COLLARS AND SLEEVES. New and beautiful Dutterns in black and white Crane Lace, and Tarieton and other materials also, Black English Crape, a very superior article, at variout prices, at MRS. COYNE'S, mhl7 tf 191 Atlantic, bet. Court and Clinton.

IMPORTANT TO THE LADIES. Tho Sub Bcribers have iust received from tho late large auction sales, plain and embroidered Canton UKAPK BHAVVltS. High lustred Black Silks, Jaconet and Lawn Robes, and are selling them at half heir value. Also, many beautiful styies, Spring DeLaines at 10 per yard. Every family requiring Linen Guods will find it greatly to their advantage to examine the extensive stock of the KuhKCrihern.

(thnir own im portation.) before purchasing elsewhere. The best quality of Paris Kid Gloves just received. mint in liJtawia WjtitLiAMS.aJo Fulton street. SOMETHING NEW. SWEETZER will open on Monday morning, March 19th.

One Case Silks at 6s, 6s. 7s. Also, a beautiful lot of MUSLIN ROBES from Auction, which will besold very cheap. Also.oOpieoesD'LAINES and OH ALLIES of entirely new patterns. SWEETZER BROTHER.

mhlO 3m 155 Atlantic street. "LE CORSET UNIVERSAL," is one a of the most useful productions of modern art by 7njjj kan ingenious arrangement of lacings, the size lASa ttcan he enlarged or contracted at nfeftaare all JL5 will at once admit that corsets, if worn with a moderate degree of tightness, display the female form to great advantage and are not detrimental to health. Ladies are particularly invited to call and examine this new style of corset, as well as the Railroad Girdle and French Corsets. Jiraces, Jackets, and Lady's Supporters, at R. T.

LUSK'S. Millinery and Corset Establishment, 151 Pulton street, Brooklyn. BST Dealers supplied with all articles in the above line, i 3m ESTABLISHED IN 1829, by MRS. M. HAYES.

The' original Brooklyn Patent Medicine and Perfumery Depot, 175 PULTON STREET, Where can be found the largest and Best Selected Stock of all the Popular Patent Medicines, both Foreign and Domestic. Personspurchasing at this OLD ESTABLISHED STORE can rely upon the articles sold them, as being tralv Genuine and Fresh, direct from the proprietors. As I do not receive my Medicines from Pedlars or District Agents, it would require too much space to enumerate all the articles in the establishment. I select the following few out of the many, and for which I am the appointed Agent. Dr.

Taylor's Balsam of Liverwort, Nowill's Honey of Liver Wort, Ayres' Cherry Pectoral, Wisters' Balsam of Wild Cherry Jayne's Expectorant, Hallock'a Pulmonic Syrup. Schenck's Pulmonic Syrup. McCUntocks Pectoral Syrup. McClintock's Cough and Cold Mixture, Dr. Curtis' Hygeina, Smith's German Cough Mixture.

Harpers' Cough Drops, Rose's Cough Syrup. Rogers' Liverwort and Tar, Hastings' Syrup of Naptna Swasne's Syrup of Wild Cherry, Johnson's Balsam or Fir Paste, Devine's Pitch Lozenges, Pease's and Jervis's Cough Candies, Pastilcs De Paris, Sherman's Cough Howe's Congh Candv, Brewer's Mitrshmallow Candy, Winer's Hoarhound and Elecampane, Kushton, Cod Liver Oil, Louilen'a Expectorant. All kinds of Pills Piasters'. Ointments. Pain Killers', Liniments and in fact, every article in the Patent Medicine Hue.

MRS. M. HAYES, 175 Pulton st. THOS. J.

HAYES, 154 AUanttc St. TOILET ARTICLES, Phalon's Paphian Lotion. Rowland's Kalydor. Vondersmiths Rose and Elder Ilower, Low's and Cleaver's Windsor Soaps, Cold Cream. Liquid Rouge, Balm of a Thousand Flowers, Gouraud's Saap, Radvay's Soap.sLip Salve, Camphor Ice, Amandine, Combs, Brushes, Meen Pun, etc.

Together with a general assortment of Fancy Goods, all of Which will be offered at the lowest prices. MRS. M. HAYES, 175 Fulton st. THOS.

J. HAYES, 1M Atlantic PURIFYING MEDICINES. KENNRDY'S Nsw IMedical Discovery, oDe of the best blood purifiers now used. Also Dr. Dennwn'scelebratert blood Syrup, Hyatt's Life Balsam.

Townsend's, Sand's and Shaker Sarsaparilla's, Weaver's Canker and 8lt Rheum Syrup. Hampton's Vegetable Tincture, Brands Purifying. Extract, Bristol's Sarsaparilla, Morse's Yellow Dock, Rone's Sarsapa illa and Alterative, Jayne's Alterative. Louden's Alterative Can be had of the authorized Agents. MRS M.

HAYES, 176 Pulton st. fe26tf THOS. J. HAYES. 154 Atlantic st.

STRENGTHENING MEDICINES. Morses' Invigorating Cordial. Watts' Antidote. Blakes'. Hibbard', Hntchmgs iiooiianas', uicnarusons' and Oxvire.

natcd Hitters, ueyman Eiexir Dr. HoUBhtons' Pensin. woirs Sehiedara Schapps, Dr. Hams' Invigorating Snirlt. and all of Jaynei Roses, Swaynes.

Loudens and McCUntocks' Medicines. To be had of the agents for Brooklyn. MRS. M. HAYES.

17o Fulton st. fe28 tf THOS. J. HAYES, 164 Atlantic st. WILLIAM R.

PRINCE Flushing L. have in addition to their general assortment of Trees, about 25,000 Extra Large Sized Fruit Trees. In a bearinc state. Also. Extra Large Or.

namental Trees, including tover. greens suited for immediate embellishment. Priced catalogue! at 113 Chambers street, or will be moiled to applicants. mh2i 8t $2 (Sclegropl) to tlje Ulmln (Jcijile. Up to two o'c li cli.

i i' ivua ii'' iu'gna of tbi Atlantic New Vork I.eiriiiintiiro. Albany, March 23. BILLS REPORTED. Senate The Acoadeiny Appropriatiou law. The New York Fire Depart ciint bill.

Mr. Brooks presented a written it port in relation to the New Giftnaila iniprnvomeiik iranp poitatlon bill. Mr. CUik repoited udversly to th! liilla To Abolish Marine Courts. In relation to the Brooklyn City Courts.

The reporta were agreed to. Mr. Clatli reported against the applioation to open Schenectady street, Brooklyn. Assembly. The New York Harbor Enoroaoh ment Bill, wan reported by a Committee ol Nine.

Mr Rhodeu objected io tho bill going to select committee to report complete, and moved it3 reference to a committee of tho whole house, whioh, after debate, wan done, and the bill made a ppccial order for Tuesday. Iiiikc Navigation OawEOO. March 23. The schooner Marco Polo from Toronto and the Hchoouer Caroline from Coboiry laden with flour arrived hero yesterday. The Ship Ashore Charleston, March 21.

The ship Hat kaway, from Liverpool, for this pori is off Cape Romaine and it is eared will not be got i ff, She has a ot 4000 sacks of enli. Insur in Liverpool. Cotton Market. Charleston. March 21.

Our Cotton Market is firm and tending up wards. SbIcb 2750 Weatlier Report. Columbia, S. March 22. We had a heavy scow storm here l8t night, it flictiag it ia leared great injury upon the crops.

Kcw Vork BBarlcelN. New York, Maroh 23. Cotton Buoyant. Flour Better. Sales 5000 bbls.

Common to straight State, $8 75 a $9 37 1:2. Common lo EOodOhio, $9 37 a 9 75. Southern flour firm. Sales 1000 bbls at $9 a $9 75 for mixed to good brands and $9 81 a $10 87 for fancy and ralra brands. Extra Geneasee $11 37 a $12 75.

Wheat Buoyant. Sales 5700 bus. Sou'tiern White $2 28 a $2 35. Corn Firmer. Sales 15,000 bus.

While, $1. Yellow 99c. Mixed $1 for old western. Pork Firmer. Mesa $14 31 for old prime.

Beef Steady. Lard Uutichangcd. Whiskey Firm. Sales 100 bbls. at 31 34 for Ohio 32 for Prison.

navsr York. Hmouoy Market. Niw York, March 23 Stocks ace better, but not active. Money is easy at 5a6 1:2 per cent for Bhort Qrst class paper, and 5 per cent on call. Sterling exchange is steady, at HOallO 1:4, Missouri 6 94 Kentucky 6s qm Del and Hud canal 124 central 7's juli N.

Y. Central per cent Chi Rock Mand ilj Galena andOhlcaeo 95 Col. and Cin loci Indiana State 5's 85 Micbiuan Central R.R, 80i iuicuiKau yi4 Erie bds 76 87 Illinois central bds 82 Hudson 3d.bds 70 Cumberland Coal V. ...34 Reading K. 81 Canton Co 37! N.

Y. Central RR Erie 48 Harlem R. 325 Nicaragua Transit lej Hudson RR 451 Panama new issue 104 N. Indiana con Erie bds N5V. S)ate 5's Panama old issue lijl SECOND DITION, 1 2 o'clock, i.

11. Operative Strike ici IrlanclioHtcr. Boston, March 23. The operative strike at Manchester still con tinues, and now absorbs iho entire force ot the Millrt, iu ail probably several thousand per BOtS. The agents refuse to give in, and the strikers marching through ttie streets in procession uti Tuesday afternoon were headed by a large eulvaoade, seven fire csinpanies in uniform, bands of music, females carrying banners, Tho Btrikers were out in largo numbers, and the BtreetB were a vast mass ol people.

Scch excitement was never before seen there. The owners of the Mills tay that there is no profit now in fioing on with manufacturing, and that they have no objection to stop for awhile. IVoiv Vork KiCffislaturo. Albany, March 23. (Con tinned.) Senate.

Mr. Spencer reported favorably on the comniiBsionerB map of Brooklyn, Mr. Barr reported a bill to legalise the aofs ol ibe supervisors of Y. Also the bill in relation to Justices Cleras. bills introduced.

To incorporate the Hondnras Inter. OaeuBio Steam Navigation Co. To define tha law relative toBitrht dralts. BILLS passed. To amend the Charter of the Brooklyn Gas Company.

To incorporate the Merchant Signal Flag Code. For a loan iu behalf of Kings County Lunatic Asylum. To amend tbe charter ot the Fire Department of Brooklyn. To amend the Consolidation Act ol the city ol Brooklyn. The Senate then on motion went ialo executive session.

Assembly The annual report of the American Institute was received. The Cansjoharie Claim bills were taken up Dd ordered to a third reading. Several remonstrances the tolling ol Railways wera presented. From Baltimore. 153 Baltimore, March 23.

We have no mail south of Augusta thia more ing, and no intelligence of any kind worth telegraphing. IHnssncImseliN Legislature. Boston, March 23. The Massachusetts Assembly, to day, by a large majority, refused to amend the ten hour bill so as to make it read 11 hours. 0T1CE.

BENJAMIN PALMER, of the 11 firm of YOUNG A PALMER, having sold toSAMDBL O. BUKNETT all his right, title and intertstin the stock and business heretofore on under the us in of Young Palmer. The hardware business wiU be continued under tho firm of Young and Burnett. All persons Indebted to. or having claims against tbe late firm of Young Palmer will settle with the successors.

YOUNG BURNETT, No. 282 Fulton street, Brooklyn February 21st, 1853. fe23 lm PIANO FORTES, MELODEONS AND MTJg 810 for sale at the Atheneum Book and Music store antic street. J. MASBH.


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