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The Brooklyn Daily Eagle from Brooklyn, New York • Page 3

The Brooklyn Daily Eagle from Brooklyn, New York • Page 3

Brooklyn, New York
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

Speoial Notices. For Sale. mastmmt Quite a scene ooourreia in the Common Council i Monday right laatrevions to the adjoum'meut Sale. at. tiautt mm.

irvo their personal attcntten to icd of Household Furniture, and out door talha ienerauy J. to jaUj of Xcal fctate at the fixebange. If ori. Monday, Fobrnaty 25th, JAVTA OOI.E A RON at the Marohanta' Xzehaaga New York, tn followinq: rly: Pro peot iny st'eetj The trtrisei S). 75 Prorpeet it jn the nc west ccrner of Jay st, fronllnir nn Proapeetat ii a tmi n' orr.

ni.ientsi re and dwelling: in the rear ami front'ug i.n Jv a ti7o swry and baiement aroe ott tre: High jtree Th pr. m'ati Pi Blah south side. f5 feat eaat ofJvrji: in TroDtofthcbt In 1 3 storv frame houses iwiVmVroit lnr3 brlox h0U'9' whoIe rena in. ns and olher partloulan apply to tfce Auot'oneera. Ie3 1'.

THsriinAT, Fubruary 21, At 1 o'cloclr. nt th Merchants' N. PoalllTonale of 10 lots In the 9th Ward, Brooklyn is loU eh 95 by 101 foot, fronting on Baoiett an! Jefferson avi. For ronoi, Ac, aooly to tho feM It R. Millir.

AncUoaeer. BY CHAR tES B. MILLES A 00. Offloel95 Broadway, oorner Doy itroet. Hew Fork, and Wv ton avenue New York.

Oh rloj K. Miller a Oo Real Batata Agenta and Senerat tacttoTwrn. nili give personal attention toialea of real est tate at pubilo or private sale and to the sale of becaeholff fernltuio at. the residence of families declining houiekeetv ng, and In out door sales goneraW. Sons E.

uAiiijyy a wsioHv. Wn. iiC III give Auotion. Kerch ante Zzch.Mnre. New York.

ttl sauaoloug Sale Rxr. orln any neetlon of Long Island ottiesaleof Fnrnltilre Drw floods. firctnyit aerohanals at private rcjidecei oratthotrHales Uootu 0011 received on Storaae oreoBJBlirriinflatl. 13HTATK IW FLATBUSff, L. TO li) IIR FOLD AT PUBUO AUOTION The anbssrtber hi reby givsj ontlro itiat lm will Hell at pnblte auction, at :oni.nme IT urt wt In ihe oitr of Brnotlm.

on (XIU I1V. 8 ll llirf I'M nt 11 cce arenrnei of land, with tbe bnl'dlngi and Iniproveaienla m.u.ini iu in, mn oi n.iinarn, Kings eouoty. ounded on the nor Hi by laod nf ll oharrl L. Soh xinmakeri oil lie e.mC llV I lllrl of in.litrhtlr nnA by the main nnh urn) on he onth by Ptryker 'VOI'U. Rll'l theniinie nri miflfn whirh mrr iIavI Oarr' trvk.r liyGrrtruae AnnHtryksr.

lateorFlatbush. do HDfl bv h.r lfljt will find lltmnnt 1uiai hmH 1SS6, uml recoided In the fBcoo' tne Harrogate of K'nga i JJOCK. WIIIS JN C. Terms or nie 1(1 ppr cent, of turcbisn mouey and the fe.s to hd Dald In enflh or, thedv ofniiln.

Tt, liila'ioe to be uuld In oafib on iho 1st of April. jrut mniit psrt ouiirri nnquiro nr me lUDsorioer. ai yfaf ush. or of MOflRB A HEfli. Connaeiinri at Nn.

ua KuUon Bt, Br.oklvn rtl mit DURYE A. Aaslgnee of uBRRe HTmRKn. an insolvent Debtor. IV ted Feh'uarv 1 ib.w. faSBtawH WILL BE SOLD AT PUBLIC AUCTION at the of the nnOBcrlber in Plerrpont street atreiiMj the Oity rf Brooklyn, Friday next, rr nr jHrv 33iJ.

lit 'll n'olnnlr. nt nnni i.h..nnnt h.M. about 15 h'r i. aRei) about 8 year" i aHo one bnigy i in or ,1 jiii to pv nir rno xaenaeB or eeo'ni; Ii they having been abanloned in thupoa ORjlon of tlijsabaoriber. Brooklyn, Feb.

16 1856. 5t" F. J. NOD15B. Dentistry, 310 FOR AN ENTIRE SETT OF ARTIFintAI, TRUTH.

The mnntromnrba. bio improvcraent the ago After years of elcnerimDts wo flnoceedod In mana. folnrio.ifrr,m Gutta Pt.rciia a new matorlal jr mounting Artlilolal ''eetli. to beuaed instead of gold or flUverplatea. vbleh Is the nearest approach to iiujh and blood whloh us jomiiOie.

It le soft and pliable In tho mou'h, and oan be Inserted Ithont Irritation over old rnot. nr without hiAvlnv them extracted, and Is ohomlcall? onrer than even gold Tt beinfr perfectly tftote'oso ami incorrosible. 1 am now Lsurtin? Improvement with the most distinguished auo ojss, havlnir asalirned one whole department In my Dental to Itsmanufaoture by thv most ezpertenoed work tneo. opernnons are invited to call ind eramine Roeclraetm of thlfl verv Important Improvement, irhlob uiacqsauood net! of teeth within tho reach of: tie moss moderate oieunfi. rr etjjotfullv, nRTFPra, nl 3 nm 870 Fulton Bt.

Brookly PERSONS WISHING THEIIf. Teeth estraoted clesnsoJ. rearu ated or plnjrued, can have thorn done well at 870 WABIIINGI'ON corner of Myrtle ave. Urorltlvn. Artificial Tfitli mounled on Gold or Silver Plate In I ha nry hi st et'le.

nd warranted to it Ivo aa Rood tatisfaetlon ta any Dentist can. Ab m' fur rr. N. B.BIayion'a Colored Gulia Peroha base 'or a riifleini Teeih. tnW DOLBUABB.

UPREME COURT. Frnncis March agrtlrigt Joseph P. BrldqeB. and otheri. ffonars THLancbt, Plff's, Atty's.

ft; pi. rsaanoe of a crder of th court maieln th arove action, trlt date the 4ib day of February 1 will sell by puolic auction, at Monuuroa Hall, jourt street, opposite the Clly Tall, In the city of Brooklyn, the ISih (I: offdi. ch. Khi.iin o'clock, noon of that 'lay. the following desjribed land and promises.

alltbatcermin I 't. piece or parcel of land, illoite. Iyloif and beln In tiie Eleventh, late Seventh, Ward of (be laid my cf Brooklyn, and which in bounded and described aa fillow nsa oii it oi westerly tide of Ox. rorilnlrretditantth eo hundred and Ihree feet and two IncVca northerly f'om the nortiwetteriy corner of Oxford itre' an! AUftHt'c av.inne ruanlaa: tlienoe WeBterly. and rlirh'.

u.naU'a to Oxford nno huaaredfeot to Hie lino bI cM. bctWitn Oxford aU eat and Portl jnd avenue: thence northerly and para'lel with Oxford itrcet twooty "ne feet nd six incheB tbenoo easterly and tt rljhtnnKIea in Oxford street one hundre I feat to the westerly side of Oxford strret: and tnenc; southerly along wiBterly Bide of Oxford street twenty ore tent six Inches to tiie point or plce cf Utttirniax: And also all that ertaiii other Int. piece or prcel of laod Itnalo, lyina: anda belnit In the rear of the lot above ilescribsd, and whloh 1 bounded 9 followa. to wit Heulnninv al a on tt of Portland aver.ue. di tact two hundred and 'ourtteu feet nd two Inches northerly from the nonheait corner of PortlitDil and A'lantio avenues; thence run ili mslorlv on a line at rifrht ancles to Portland avenue me huoilred leet to the rear of the mt last above desor bedf die co northerly and rtllel wiiliPjr avenue twea lyonefeot and six Inche thonre and at right n(rlea to one hunlrt tto he easterly illn of "orllanJ avenue; slM tin lice ecuthcrly alcuzsald usier nlde twenty in fee'.

"1 8 to tae place of oeiriim r. Daied BroooiU" reo. rmnnifn nDTTnin Hjrnt, Ta ritilli ti lituuio tuitiuu uitb, scch F. Brldtes and A Da LA50JT, Flffl. In ourjuanee ofajo.litment ordor of this court, made In entitled Ki tlon, hexrlDg dite the 4h day of Feb.

aary. 1. 1 will sell bv public auction, at Montague HaU. Court street, ihe City IlaiLin the tlty of Brooklyn, the 15th dav ol March. ISSii.

at 13 o'clock, loonoftbat lav the follovt'ina dascrlhed laud nd premise) All Diece or prcti oriand. situate, lylna ind beinn in lto tievaath. Ward of the said ity cf Brooalyn.aud whicn ia bonnrtad and deeorlbed aa fol low. to irit: BeiDning at a point on The westerly i Oxford Btreet. dlstart line: hu idred and tweDty.

feu 'feet ud i i 'ht inches conhTly frm the northwesterly coner Oxford screet and ruining thence wolt and on a line it right anglea to Oafo.dstreet one hun lredfucJ ti i he centre line of (he block between Oxford an 1 PortNnd nvenue: 'lif noriherly and parallel ifli Oxford strtet twenty two frei; thence easterly ind at flaht ing ts to uxfoi tl itreet one hurd ii 1 ftt to the wester side oi Oxfoiil st est; a. ihenoe southt riy along laid we strly side of Oxford atret twenis two fert to the pla ot Dcg'nnii'K. "cduloi that certain otier rlece or parcel of ULd.8'iutlo.)siuK anabelnir In the iea: of the lot aoovede toribed.a nlcb ia boundid as twit: oeglonng a point 'n thetas'eily iWe of Portland avmur, dlitaot lundred and Ihi'ly five feet anl tight Inchea nortte ly. fiom the nortv easterly i orner of Portland sni. Atlautio avc mk: unnlng thence ea.tjrly en a liuO at right a ges iilavmoo oce nouren eot to toe icjriiiioinuio di 'hence and parallel PortUnd ave tweny two ftel; thence wecterlj and at rhht angles to lull tT Jnd avence: theioe aiotKaald eaJtirly to the point cr place of beginning.

Da 10P17.EME COURT. Sarariel P. Bell agt. I'nior McXevlii. Mry Ana and utlfers.

ll11'1' I i p'jrsnniito "fa ludeemont order tblallourt, madb nthonbovj ti'itlt'wl aetiou Ocarin? iline. the Hta day vjiII sell by Public Auotlon, at Moa 'ai'ue Hall, Oouri "troai, op the Uv Hall ln tho htyof Hruutiiii.on IhaWd ol Tcbrnajy ISoB, at 2. 'cook, nood of that day, tho following described, iauil ii nd premies All tiioso fijurctrtatn or piiwii laid, liuue ia tlio in ward of tho cltyuf dr titcljn, being nuuwu anddistlngulsheJ on a mapof mm laie Tenuis in the Ninth Ward ofthv. llty til H'a, by Lmiluiii L'ity tJurveyor.fllelOet.24. 1S In the offlca n'tbf rYleikor IheOuuf.

of Kinqs. a9 seetinn number livo) iiuutidtdiuid detcrlued ft lullows Be ii iiin at a iolnt hy tiie uilu section of tlm nuilioTl, si.le oi Ii Btteot, with iho wester Pida Marnv nvenr.e tljpjuc. southerly aluiig Murcy avenuo leut thc.wi Wtstcrly and parallel wlttr i.r. I at.r.i t. mi'v.

i with Murcy nvonui cce hacdred foci toKo. liionce oniioriv uv. oiol.uBur. f.Vt to Mnrcy eveuue Paw or hep ii.f.,,1 nrni. alvn.J'n.

EU Sheriff. OF RBPA.ta3 ANO Sealed Prunoaal3 will bo roceived tbU offlon 'or faraisliine the clly nix nundro.l wxonght lton ji. lantrrn linproved pMtor.i, and is waa conr aoted 'Jtt' laa. a be abused Want Ad ii. such Ume sa the ty may r.

quire. PP silHiiiuitbe a.ldw3ed to the Commissioner ot Repair niiii Supplies, and ondnrsea Ealliuaie lor making Ua lanterns lor oily lunps. Proposalawill not be conjldered, unless aocompanled wi'tti a consent In writing of two "aretlee, whojihalt analify as to their responsibility, that It the contract ba uwardod to the iiropoaing.tboy win become boundra liia turatTibrtha neglect or mtnaa to oxecuu the contract If so averted, thentt oy ivilluay tj ti ecity or Brooklyn thadlffcrooce lotn the price r.ropjau.i, and the urloeof the next higaeat bidder to "ggatig ly ttWardo1 td 'com. of Eepatre. and Suppllea, nvrjwBi ty American glaas.

and ti have two goodcoatflof i msiduur out, k. be made alter tno manner anil stvlo and fdllv equal in qunUy. tltutiajta ci maierial nd woTkman'nili" ot' tho sample lautern to bo seen at iu livered nt this office iu such quiliUea Amusements. Tbta Evonlnj In Hew Hatlc. THBATSI.

Chambers slreet A Tale. BEOADV7AV THIATRV. Tlro1dK Hcrna Euat. or forest Fiend and the Demon Horso. WALLA05H TTXEATBf Broadvay School forSrandai Out for a Holiday.

I.ATJKA KBENB'3 Broadway Drcami o' Deiu jloos A Morning Oall Loan of a Lover. MBLO' OARDBN, Broadway fflfKuig. or Wealth anrl Povertj 3ohJolrrailr. BOWERV 'emvmp. Fowr irerno the Hunter, or te Domon Eorseman Pemalc Fjrty Thieves.


Will I it place at the above establishment. immuAi ivjinnu. rionuAv.x in, I6M. tub BBAirnynr 8Tn or uatsas. ixo xm iitrbs TWENI'Y WUK BKaUTIVOL HORBEH.

InclndiuDg the won'ler'nl TSAiNKn hoitan hbkfi.v are en (aged exireasly fo imj MAOlSIFIOENr fiPVnTAflT.S!! whleh will eombine In its representation a mojt talented oasl nl Characters, Superb and Oharao'erlailc Palntlsig, (hy Helat Oosinmi, Proportlos, Ptooeaslons, Tableaua, Combala, A Oorgious Tournament, Full Military Bund. Oar drawn by s'x Horses. 3 abressi, DnrloK Ki'Bti or Uorji'Oii jjhlp, Ac 17 Full pai'lioulars in bills of lh aiy. hrkni'. the uusrKii, will ncttil EVf.ltY KI6IIT liNTII, FUItPHvit KOl'IOK.

Boats may be secured three day In advance. "tOAIlVIEMORATION OP WASHINGTOJS'S I BIRTH DAV. FEBRUARY 23d. 185rt. TB1C XODNS MKSI'J iKl' UN NATION CLUB OF KINtti llOUNi wl.l celebrate Illrth day bv Pabllo Hrorolses, commencing at 7 prrc'euly.

nt the ATUErMiUJl. CO Uirot UIDHClt Slrt et3, oanKu or EiRRoisfa. Music ly the Brooklyn Brajs Baud. P'ltyer By tho Chapiain. MufIo.

Beading of WaBhington'a Farewell Address IF an sniiq nt Elocutionist. ong By the American Olce Club. Presentation of a magnificent mania by tha Ladle of Kings iionnly. Orition Bytlieltev. W.

H. Milbu n. Beau reserved ior the ladles abumsium Fris. Publlo Exercises will be followed by a GRAND BANQUET, oomraenolog at a. KathjUQ's Globe) Bot 'l.

ruiton st. near Clinton. Tlokets lor tho Batqiet raw ba nMainedr.f any member of the Committee, and at Uiitlibuu'fi Hotel. Price tl 0 ImluectgentlemeD from asrozil will bo present and ro erond to icnuts. By order of Kxeoulivc Ccmr ittee.


February 20th, Tickets oan bo obtained rrum the folio wing COHiflTrHK. B. W. Dnlel Donovan. v.

oirong. vvm. lu.Hfiott, J. F. WlgglnB.

Joseph Homau. W. Van Valkcnburgli. N. Boan.

Tho.nnB Id. Civic. Jonn w. Fox. John 11.

Perry, 8. If. Hog rett, Rodnev t'horeby, Wm. Eonnedv. n.

o. Dlabrow. SB. W. WILSON, Chairman, l.visi, DovoviH, Seoretary, by liodfforllft Band.

feSll' fl HALLS, SOIREES, PARTIES, Ac. 3 Jjsilles nrfparint' "or tiie above would do well to re ML which varv wB In nrlco from oenta to as. Alqo. toid And Hiivr ornaments for tho hair, oheap. tf 190 Fnlton street.


17S FOLTON flTREKT. Brooklyn Agent for Brandreth's POMADE8. Thompson's Pomarlo Optlne, I7chelor'a ifahlavii Orcam. BooselPs H.arrlBon' Plilloooiue, Cleaver's Eoari' Groaae, Low's end Lnbin's Pom stum, Ox eianroxr, or noses, Hoars' on. nan uollne uostnetso.

o. rivsaio oy mrs. ai. uite, Fulton ana J. W.

HAYES. 1E9 Atlantio St. tf LOWS CLEAVERS WINDSOR Honey und other Brians. Tavlors Orvstallne Wanh ballf Lnbacs Highly aoented soaps, amacdino camnhor. Ice and winter aoanroronoppea nanas.

com cream military Bnavrag soap, shaving ream, traaapareot bar soap, Ac. Fr. sale by Mrs. M. HAYES.

IV 6 Fnlton street, and by HAYBB ie Atianur ot. oc HAIE BYES AND KSSTOP.ERS. Batchel ors, Phalons. Bal'ards, Gllmacz, Bogles. Mathews.

Gurardo, ThompBona, Hills, Harrisons, ''rlstodoroa, and Julos. Hauels Hair Oyes, Mrs. Aliens Worlds tlalr Restorer Hnlr Ooiorlnff. Profesaor Woods RtiBtorur and by Mm. M.

HAYES. 178 Fulton St. and by J. W. EAYEB.

169 Atlantic street. oc9 1 FOR THE TOILET. Lubins and other Toil Pnurilnrs. Meen Ton. Lilly White.

Liauid Rocgv' Oar "nine. GOurarda Powder Hubt'e, nod Havels Dlpilatory rnrnnrnotlrir hair. Th atro Rouzo. tibanda. Alabas ter Tn ith Powder, Paste and Tooth soap for ale by Mrs.

M.k AS 17S ulton st. and bi; J. HAI1C8. IDS Atlac tie street BARRY TRY0OPHBROUS, LYON'S KA thalron 'haloa'a ChriBuidorne I ami Miller's Hnlr Id viffnmtn Hn eri Tonic Kurd's ana yoiaer GIosb, Grahftin'a effluent. flogle's Hyperion yiuid.

Jtynei kbonden'a IfRlrTo. Bowland's Mac'JBBar Oil. Spaulding't Bose Mary and OaBto." VAVa Wilkin's Amlclet, for sa le by Mrs. M. HAYKS.

17S Fulton at nd by J. W. AYHS. 1 66 Atlantic al. c9f A TENT MEDICINES, FOR COUGHS Blood.

Kheu Dy oepsle. Jaundice. Kidney OomOints. Salt Rhenm. rofula Fever and Ague, Dysentery.

Ac. Also Aromatic Sohnaojs KndonruTafGln. Female Medl.elnq;, Pile Benw dies. ir for.MehTl M. A oil tf 175 Fulton at FOR THE COMPLEXI ON.

Phalon's PapW an Lotion. Balm ofThouaat'd Flnwei Vondersmith'. Bxtract of Roaea and Elderfiowirs. GoarkTd' and Bad way', rioaps. Kowland's Kalydor.

G. arard Or.ntal Cream and Palmer's Cosmetic, for stle by HA VK street, and by J. W. HAYES. 16fi Atbint.o street.

010 CHOICE PERFUMERY. Lnbina, Harrlaonii. Barains, Maagenct A Ooudray, cxtraota enns oa. muax. citronella, mlUeBeurs and gcraulum water, toi'a vinegar, uennine farina colofine.

perfumed oryet.lii, puc (rents, scent br.Ra. coloeneby Ao. For sale bj Mrs. M. UA.YK8.

176 Fulton street, and by J. Vf HAYfca, If Atlaatlo street: ooPtr TOOMBS, BRUSHES, FINE CUTLERY Ladle's Ketieules and Work Boxen. Ladies' and Gentle men's DrejisinK Cases, PorlMonaeo. Han'i Mirrors, Purse Portable Deaki. China Vaseo, Scwma BI Ctrd Cases.

Ar hrm hv Mr. and by HAYtS. 159 Atlantic et. olCtf HOWARTH'S ORIENTAL TOOTH PASf an elegant preparation for cleaosinc preervini? ane oenutifylnit the teeth; fir renderine the gutaa firm ane bn.rd. and at the same Urns of puri'yiov the breath Iscidcn deca7Ui teeth.

hi long bee dee Id eratum. Aa the re ult of lonu research and oxperiiaco the under Binned, with diffidence, offers lo the f.ubllo the Orient Tooth which will tSsctually ai iwinpliiih the above ihelne01Ientsofi'j compoaiHon aro all perfectly Inno cent, and aa a dentifrice It in superior any. other in re moving Tartar, or In eradicating BPola x' incipient deca fromtheteeth.givicsthe enamel a pearlir wrltoueoa ano breath a fragrant; roma. InBubmlUIng the 'Mrlental Tooth Paifta Duollo pa. ronaae, more rellamie pliccd on ill intr value glr popular lavor than trumoetlnB of II evisy virtues.

Prepared by D. IIOvYAKlH, Pharui aoentlea! Ohemliit Brooklyn. N. Y. and sold in Jioxea at 2 eaiit iob.

by tli. following agents: Mr. uiil'j; uranuc, Jamon ai. Mr. MASiiON.

DnmgiBt. Myrtle ave.cbrnpr Mrs. M. HAVFS 175Fultlnst, J. HAYES.

159 Atlanticst. William Barter M. D. (8 poutli 7th 8t. WllllojriiBburgh.

Wm. Milnor Druggist (snccesnar io Berrlan) 171. Grand Bt. Devcadotf corner 5th and south lih st. P.

51. 8. T. 1U7S71 South ad Bt. All orders addressed to thescopri'i'ot.

bnx'teJ Brooklya Post Offloe will receive prompt atlenticn. loaly EEM0VAL. THE AMERICAN HOOK CO hhve removed thlr stook of UookB to aloreMo. 1H FOIiTON (one, blaox balow tu MascumJ where shall coulinue to sell oooxa tad aa heretofore. Wo would Invito the noblu generally to favor ua with a call.

and examine cur ttoclc or BookH and mttho i of doin. business. Our booVs are all new and well bound boors will in struct and do good. We fihall keep constautly oa, and BI bles. fraser tlynvt uooks, and tlistoricz.

una a1 ln" and varloui publication) of tie day. The books numbered, and the presents arc ail written down In a corresponding numbers, othav. every purci reoelve a present from twelve oenU to one hundred dollars for every dollar Invested, before leavlnsr the oture. i11 ladies are particularly invited to call, for many of our t'C tor lady readers. Wo ahali also veop on hand JB valentines, and alt klndior stationary, whioh wo ssafi fleil Quarter less than the regular retail prices Bo come one and all at No.

136 FOWOM US tf Slitn of the 2ed Slaic' CL0CK8. In order to aocommodafce our Long Island and Brooklyn friends, we have addcUo very large atoek oi vatche3, jewelry, and silver wars, a great, variety of Olookn. and varyina tn prise (roto 1 eaoh, anaall warranted to i lv enttr? aatishition. JOH? It. akaSH.

ao Fnttoc at, Olocks repaired in. the be maimer. nm COAP STONE, FOOT WARMERS. Axe sn KJ parlor to an lt JOHN BOHWanaj jj lt) .1 Ja I HOUSES" FOR SALE IN BROOKLTN. Btate street betiM and lots.

Paelfio it 4 do. Donttlan st do. Bntleret ldo. Kret Plaoe 8 homei and lota. Bwond Plaee do.

Wyekoffatreet 4 do. Warren street do. Canton atieet 1 do. Oxford street do some with stables Joralemon street do. and Ioti Plerrepoot Blreet 1 do.

do. Monroe Plaee ldo. do. Montfmaestreet Sdo. db.

Kenuen slreet 8 do with stables. Bsmsen street 4 do. with loU. Henry atreet 2 do. with lots.

Echernwrhom etreet a do. wUh Bakw Dean street la homes and Iota Willooghby and Fulton avi AtlanUn street House and intT mma Jaa" Montaene st near Court. OT8 FOR 8ALB. 10 LOTS ON REM' JUi sen street. IE Lota QTl LtvfncnttAn atiraat 014 iu jjQia on axoQugne sc.

4 Lots on Plerrepont at. 4 tSu SS 0lMk ai PleMt 8 Lota on Hleka St. 6 Lots on Henry st 10 Lota on Htate st. to Lots on Court st. SLotsonWyokoffst.

10 Lots on Warren st. 4 Lots on Fourth Plaoe. a Lots on Second Plaoe. avT Oxford. SvVnAn.

Apply Jawtf lyto IT "VIUCrin0 (III nnrti nf tha niw a Trtnrw XVvtv MontMue st near Court, OTS P0R SALE. 42 DESimnri! T.n rn l7nTatlo'wtprioneshe 8th ward8 oftheolty ofBrooki n6 Lots on Warren street, between Van.wuu di uariton avenue. 6 Lota on Balffa mtvaat i.n ton avenue. auueromriace ana 0n VanderblIt Kaoe. between Warren and Douglas Ktl nJ i0 eMt Tandorbllt Piaoe.

rSS 2 I'1 east VanderblIt Plaoe. ttreefaf Vanderl'i" Place, between BuUer and Do ugla oe'NaS basement and sub ta Thi 9neS0.t l0uth ii6e between Hoyt and Smith tw. Tae lot Is 30 feet front and rear by 100 feet in iSnif, trooerty oannot fall baffifefiSa term, of aale wiU Far terms and further particular npplr to fe2Sw U. it. A l5 Broadway, New York.

FOR SALE POUR FIttST CLASS THREE 5 basement brfok homes, situated on the oot. Gas, ranges. waterc.oornTlete. br" houses on the southerly side of South Fourth st, between 8th and 9th ts aIm 1 three vbrlc.fc honseTNo. U9 south 4th er "'ttheatenfaeaohroom.

Also acolonade between Mouth 8th and South 9th loU oS02tf Peok Also for sale ifth on easy terra and money advanced where good improvements are made, Enquire of fe7tf iaaBisUJjK, Ho. Ti Second st, one door south of South 7th st FOR SALE IN BROOKLYN. The following property. mt J10, Schermerhom street, with or with Two Hoiuafl rirrl Trff ftM ana vlK'nATaB and Madison street be Johnson ata auu, auuiwua uoi do juawrence Bt. between TiUatt and Terms oasy.

Im of FOSTER LOPSR. No, oanus st. near Fni or of t. kmvH 00; 177 8cher mernorn sl Brool TjOR SALB, IN THE TOWfT OF HEMP 7 'CweV 0 all that valuable property and real (Wtate belonging to tha estate of Benjamin Id Property being the Im nedlate jff jm aurosa depot at uemostead village, and lying about twenty rods north oi the Merrtev Aniki i eneaa. an ra goon order.

Will be sold at pubho sale on the fourth flay of March. If not BENJAMIN 'f. Vim. 0t fen 3" cor. Market and James ats, Brooklyn LOTS FOR SALE AT PRICED FROM $260 to ASOO, In the 10th Ward of the city of Bs oklyn, on 34 varrou Birt'la IT lm nrovements are made all the nurchaso money oan emaln oi uuiww, jy a huju ui jro irj; siso water ironta on vu Qunviiu viwk, nuibau.3 ior mannTaotories, or lumber briok, coal and s'one yards, whlohwlll be icld or leased OS UJ idiviawig SBi sua.

Apply! remit a 9 A. u. and I to ON loee. iellly door 1 of Court st. A PRIVATE SALE No.

803 BRIDGE ST, XI. The 8 story brick house and lot, No.803 Bridge at. rear Wllloughbyst. The house Is built In the best manner, haa all the modern Improvements, suoh as hot and cold water Dams, riwKo, am air lurnaca. gas ana gas nxturoi, and Is in of rfeat order.

HonseSibvfiOft 54 inn tt i of the best neighborhoods east of Fulton avenue, and be.ween the Myrtle and jrulton avenue railroads. Part of me Durouoie monei mnv remain on nonri ami mnrisara n. mrai ui j'ofcn aur iarinor particaiars apply 'n tne pre uc ni r.n jjiai a ova. auctioneers, jrulton BE, mwuju. ieio isti SALE IN BROOKLYN THE BLE.

mlnntei walk of the Fnlton Ferrw. the mnrlrt mil nnmwnm ehnrohes. and haa all the Internal conveniences usual la flr oiasi nouses, ppiw JSMtB B. BELL, fel'J lm York. OABB CHANCE.

ONLY S800 FOR A Li houte and Dlot of ground In the middle of the Tlllaim of Jims db. jj. wiima iwo diookb oi.oe oeDrr. Anniv nftriT. as the owner is going west.

4" 0 oan remain on monssge at operant. v. jraosx. AtelSBt' cor. ruiton ana front sts.

Brooklyn. FOR SALE The Four Story Marble Fron Honae and Lot. southerly aide of Flint Place, enrnnr Smith, 26 feet front, 188 feet deep, 3B feet courtyard, with all the modern imsrovementi, will be sold low terma easy 7iit No. 113 Fulton at. FOR SALE OR TO LET A HOUSE AND lot In Portland ave, between Park and Myrtle avs.

rhA honifl la three RtorM with hMementfl and rah well Bnlahed and In eood older. Possession given immedi ately. Rent WOO. Enaulre of JOHN STANBTJRlf, 19fi High st. Bi oklyn.

laSam 170R SALE VERT LOW HOUSE AND A. Lot In Johnson st. In a first class neighborhood The house is well finished; It la a two story, basement and attic 'rnme bnildins. filled In with fck to the neak: has ffaa near ly all through trie house, and water In the kitchen. Prioe 1.000 tl.OGO can remain on bond and mortgage.

Apply to U1.1VK14 UOTIBB, felS iw 171 Johnson street. FOR SALE, HOUSE AND LOT. House 2 Story Attio and basenentln comnlste order. lot ii by 76. Jive minutes nalk from Inlton Ferry.

For particulars inquire of BEN F. SUim. cor, Market and Jamei. reiuw HOUSE AND LOT, No. 30 LAFAYETTE ave.

near St. Felix nt. for Bale. Tha honse Is S2x50. with third oarlor.

bath room, hot and cold water, ranee. heater. and gas fixtures. Lot 100 feet deep. Terms easy.

Apply on the premises. GEORGJB EVERSON re im PATENT IOE HOUSE FOR SALE. THE large building, situated In Water street, near Biidge, trookum. opposite the Excelsior Oordagn Manufactories recently used for a rult pretervlng establishment. Build InirfiAreetbvlOO feat, two atarlea hiirh.

with vault 14 feet drep below the curb, extending over the whole ground womu oe a suitaDte Place ior a orewery, or ior storage. Will be sold cheap, nnd on eaay tnn. Enquire of i. T. MISBROUE.

Ti Seoond st. eS tl one door south of South 7th. FOR SALE. Three cottage houses (two stories and basement) with tin lOffs, Nos. S7, 29 81 Oarll at.

east side, near Johnson st. Price fifteen hundred dollars each A large portion of the money can remain on bond and mortgage. If not sold they will be rented to a good tenant Prioe one hund ed and sixty dollars. Apply to K. T.

BEKR8, 45 Fulton st, Ja24 lm or 188 Livingston st. CLINTON AVENUE PROPERTY. FOR BALE, the elegant dwelling house on the oorner of Clinton and Gates avs. The grounds are 71 feet front and rear by 200 feet deep, tastefully laid out in flower, vegetaole and fruit garden. TheboUBels40 feet squats and iu Interior architectural arrangements and embellishments are In a very superior style.

There are also upon the premises a stable, cow house, Ao. Apply to JAMEH A. H. BELL. Jat3 lm 148 Maiden Lane, New York.

FOR SALE The House and Lot, 228 Adams at, one door from Johnson st. The honse la three stories, with basement and sub cellars; well finished throughout, and in good order. Qaa in nearly all the rooms. Persona doing business In New Tork desiring a residence convenient to all the ferries will find this a desirable location. Inquire of B.

8. PO WILL, 48 tmhl 118 Fulton St. Brooklyn. FOR SALE IN BROOKLYN, A NEAT TWO Story Cottage Home, No 4 Fleet street In good order and partly furnished, reason for aellmg, the owner bas loBt his wife. Prioe 03800.

A part may remain on mortgage. Poaieaslon immediately. Apply to tell lw J. D. FI8H A 105 Bouth t.

N. T. BONE DUST. FOR SALE, a pure articled BONI, of variety of fineness, from half Inoh toper, feet powder, a groat arttolo for Grape vines or farming par Apply to J. 8.

ttaokay I Oonrt street. Brooklyn mhStf FOR SALS. A small house and 4 Iota en lOthandaist stroet.jItuatedlOOfeettrom Fifth avenve price 13000. Streets paved and free from all lncnmbranon. Apply next door to Mr.

Whitman. mhiatf TITA8HINGTON PARE. Very desirable Bnlldlna Lota for sale en DeEalb. Oarlton. BorUand, 5o4 Flushing avenues, ana oxford, oambixland, ana uami en streets.

Brooklyn.The above property offers every In uenaents) to purchasers, being bat a short dlstanoe.fros: Hirnn. the ferries, easy of aoseof, la the baiti neighborhood, and on terma. ATpply to "nasi. JJi MSBm OQlVWtasaBd Froalitrteta, TVVIDEND. THB NASSAU JTBE INBTJ I ranch no.

tnm bhwikt.vs. Mnfakv iim Tne Board of Birei. tor of thla uotnoany have this 4u de I dared a ieml annual dividend of cwttu), agr cent, i "iSfS? t4oB "Sffi? vayaeie Secretary. ABBLB MANTLES TO THOSE VTHO are in want of Mantles will find It to their idnn to call on the subscriber aa to oan and will, famish tnemoneaper was oan oe Dougniintne uitiee or Brooklyn or AvAwb a. d.

wu mjuuu, i nu on it. BlDIOl felt If No. 10 and 1 Bergen street. OTICB TO CREDITORS. NOTICE IS hereby alven to the oredltori of dins'? gt TTTMIR ito of the elty cf Brookljn.

grooers, that a seoond dividend will be' paid to all inch credit on who have already presented their elalmi duly vouoied. or that shall be presented to the undersigned, at the offloo of GEORGE 0. RM ALLY. 64 Wall t.He: ew lore on or before tne asm day of February Instant, at ww uoa uma uia uiviuduu wui do ueeiareu. Brookljn, Fsbruary IS.

18JR. D. WOODBTJMjAMimee of fell 101 UijGFF Sl TUNIS. THB ANNUAL MEETING OF THE MEM ben of tha Brooklyn InatltntA will hn hM at ik Tn.fc. tute on the S2d last, (It 'being tho annlvernry ofWashingl I toe.

'a birth day) when addresses will be delivered and prlae awauTHm to me reauers oi me xoutn'a Free LlDraiT and membert of the Initttnte chases for the beet ipeelaens of wwiiuBiiiuii. urawiua, wi. A iplendld paJnttng by Dnrand, and various interesting woika of art will ba exnlblted. The pobilo are lnvl'ed to attend. Dri open at balf pait or.

aa. oy urasr oi tne uomminee xeibst BROOKLYN, JANUARY 16th. 1866. THE Oo nartnerahiDjof COOPB A HTRATTnn rnnsv 8TKATTON are this day dissolved. XUV1U OUWI, ANTHOHY STEATTQN, WILLIAM CHaPPKL.

dzs She business of theflate firm will be settled by DAVID COOPB. 1 Fotton ftreet. ANTHOMY BIBAIIQM. PopUt rf.l NEW'FIBM. Brooklyn, January 17, 1866.

8TR ATTON, COOPB CHAPPKL have thl day en tared Into an.nartnerfihin At Plnmtwra. Rmm uu Fitters, Manufacturers of Portable Gas Works, Foroe and Lift Pumps and Hydraulic Machines or all kinds, at the old stand. Cornelius A Baker's, Gai Fixtures, 78 Poplar street and 91 Fulton street. ANTHONY BTRATTON, PM1T M. OOOPE, Ja3Hm WILLIAM OHAPPEL.

Lost and Found. CAME TO THE PREMISES OF the aabaorlber. a BHD MILCH cow. with hii face and hiffh hnrnt. ThA nvnav nn a v.av uv wugriDK un autia, comer or waimniton av and AGAN, Prospect HI 11 FOTOD AT THE WALL ST.

FERRY, A small roll of bank hllln. ThnvnAK An ih.m nOME TO MY PREMISES. FEBRUARY 18 a brlhdle 3 W. White atrlna On hoi. hill ml knllv abont ten veari old.

Tha owner nan LhavA hr nvAvtnir prcrertyondpaylnK ehargei by ca'llnit to the corner of 8nd eKalb avenno. grocery, Brooklyn, Feb. flfi OA REWARD LOST. IN BROOKLYN 3PZl7on Wednesday evenlnu, 13th lnet. a mink vietorlne! wn'Ie solng rfrom LIvinRaton st to Smith, along mltb to Fultonave.

djwnPnltonavlo PlerreDnnt thnm.h viovm. pontiDHlokssi.oBDoette Love Lane The finder will reoelve iun uuvo iBiwm ui ivaruia law uyingiton St. between pmiin ana port eta. rem 31. Wants.

8 Arolr to ri8tr OtO. MUMBY. N. 69 Fnlton it. Lectures.

OBOF. O. M. MITCHEL1 WILL DELIVER the third Lecture of tali Nerlea nn Amminuv ffca xuuttcu ix vjNiNtt. the art lnet.

Doors onen at 7 leotnre to aommenca A nVkwlr. TioketaSB cents each, mav be had at the at mg uwr. jam Boarding. TJOYS BOARDING SCHOOL AT LITTLE AJ Perry. 9 miles from Hcboken.

N. J. Staires from Ho boken pats tho nchool several times dally. This school ban twenty large, airy and handsomely tarnished rooms inr tmm. ty or more pupils, for healthfulnesj of location and good living iiiu houuui uaBurpassfla.

ropua reoeivea any time Terms alio per year. For circulars, with particulars, applj PUUEtDB IUO C1U1CIV41, A J3. rflfilAHX. remain Groceries. rpo THE GROCERS OF BROOKLYN, A H.

MARTOTT A WHOLESALE DEALERS IS PROVTRIOITSI. have leased for a salesroom, the store Ho. 27 Jrulton street next door to Meters. Valentine ft Bergen, where they hope to see their old friends and and am that are in want oi Smoked Hams InBbli. Halves and Quarters ueei Tongues Bacons Shonlders Bolognas Boxed Herring, nrled OOdfllh roue Beef Haokerel Salmon Herring lalSSm T'E AS.

EXTRA PINB AND FINE ENG X. ush Breakfast'' Sonchong in chests and half ohesti. Vina uuiaihu, in naucnests. Vorialebw BOHDON. TAT.nnT A Ja29ew 165 Maiden Lane, N.

T. G.ROOERY, FRUIT, asd SEED STORE. Oeofilvinff reirnlarlv bv iteAKen Havana Bananas. Gnava JrUy, and Gnava Momnlade White Grapei Dyua xeg; sranav reaonea jara: Also, a general assort mem oiyuuj. oASDaa stm.

ruars, no. fnlton street cor Clark To Let. i. NO. 14 EAST BALTIC STREET, NEAR II iiuunT 4 new orown swne ironi conse, jcnguih basement, to let or leaie.

ALSO IOK SALE IE acres of land on Bay BJdge. near Fort an nnsnrpaised situation for gentlemen's seals. With the railroad now flnllhlncr thin WnA will mm (in Botatof lime) nearer the lower part of the city of New un joint or time) nearer York than Union Square Apply to G. MEBLE. Oonrt street.

opposite HarilBon st. feBlm XARGE BOARDING HOUSE TO LEASE. A new building 4 stories and basement 70 feet front 66 feet deep, brown stone front, situated oorner of fourth and South fifth streets, Brooalyn. late Willlamibnrgb. will be leaaed to A ft 3od tenant fer a boardlno honin or nrlvatp family hotel.

me nonse arrangea witn au tne conveniences or a modern built house, furnaces for heatlnc the house, raa Dines. to Ac The slttutlon Is In the pleasantest Dart of the city, high ground, and within Ave minutes walk of four ferries Terms moderate to a gooa tentnt. Apply to lm" WILLIAM WLL. 220 Front N. T.

EURNISHED HOUSE TO LET. The four story brown stone front basement and attle house. No. it 7 Hioks st, (next aoor to the comer of nark.) Brooklyn, sontalnlngaU the modern conTentenees, to let with the furni ture, xnero is aiso on tne premises an adjoining lot with trait trees, appiy to OUKDMNG, BBNXO fel63w" 84 South street. New York.

TO LET A LARGE, WELL LIGHTED room, over the Longlsland Iniqranoe Company also smaller rooms suitable for For partieul ra apply in the office of Company, corner of Fulton and Front streets BrooMjn. tt 'TORE TO RENT IN MONTAGUE PLACE. The Btoreo under TOynbeea Hotel, In Montague place near Court st. are offered to Lit Apply to J. W.

8MUH, or in the Drug store. leioiw rpo GARDNERS. TEN ACRES OF GOOD JL lai lttTiii wtU be leAfled Thev Ufa i itaated OH CtoVy AlUJIC lUiirj wllim IIUD UI JlUIi IlltliUllUUi OUU IUIQ rsUlrotanov nnnning wm pais taroggq mem, apuv fl. MEBLE. Oonrt tret.

fed lm cppoilte Harrison st. APARTMENTS TO LET, WITH OR WITH not Board, to. niihed or unfurnished. Apply at No, 199 Bridge street, Brooklyn. nHOtf For Sale.

FOR SALE THAT SPLENDID RE8I dence. with Lots of ground, No. 40Paoiaost, Brook Imi. TTnnnn S.Rtorv. 8 roomn ffaa.

ranve With hot and cold water, bath room. Beebe's furnace, Ao. The walls are papered and painted throughout. Honse was built In the most thorough and workman like manner. The garden Is handsomely laid out, with shrubbery and frolt nronerty tk a Jl blercker a iuB elegant property wi" yerj avv.jt fel98t No.TBroad street.

N. FOB SALE OR EXOHANGE FOR Brooklyn nronerts ene cf the most desirable reslden 1 oesln thnoltyof Poughkeepsle. situated on the north east corner of Mansion Square, all the modern lmnrovements, The house la finished with heater, conservatory, bttb room, dBtern water in the basei water In the yard. The lot la 8 by 17E met. stocked with a Iftrsn Virlfttr of fruit hrrlfv( Anif fl itferfl.

For nArtiflu eot. ana axosueni earing Ursl aireoiiAUA9irAUi3aiiraou.OH. nrooaia. or oi J. K.

WRCEB. attorney and oounael at law. Paueukeensle. 81 FOR SALE CHEAP. The two story and attio Cottage House, No.

103, Adelohl street, nearDe Kolh Marble mantle, hlldlnir rfoora. Gma flxturea. veranda In front, 1a complete order. Prioe 3,000, oan remain on bond anu mortgage. Apply on the premises or at vo wuuam strh n.

fel6tf. D. A. HBRRIOE. FOR SALB OR TO LET THE TWO and vail bnllt two.Btorv.

basement and attlo brick houses on the southeast oorner of Btate and Nevlns streets. The house are well nntsnpa inrouinoni. in a mod neighborhood, anu very aesiraoie louanvD. AiDPly to JOHN D. OHA8E.20J Pulton st, Brooklyn, or to MAILLB8.

LORD QOBRBAO. 10J Wall it, Newtork. fellm FOR SALE OR TO LET. A thiee story frame house In South Brooklyn fifteen tti. 17.

ml i Inn iivamiA rarrv. It Wla let at a cheap rate or sold on reasonable erm i fr cash. wropjriy Is atlrely unencumbered. Apply by latter adawairt Basle ofice, BROOKLYN DAILY BAGLB OFFICE, 2X P. M.

By Telegraph to the Daily Eagle The Steamships Arnco, Canada and Pacific. Boston, Feb. 20. Tho sloamsliip Arago, which arrived at Havre January 20th from New York reported harinff cx inu ioucuu iieavy weainor on tno puRnago. lue Banks she ran' into sovoral Ieohorw.

wliic dimsc oil tho falao kool, and rubbed off' ovonil sheets 'of conpor lorwaril. Lung, of tho Canada, think the statement of tho Paoifio putting into tho Kiver 8hnunou previous to the 28th of Janunry, wholly unfounded. She was Been off Wnterford from tlio ship Tonnwnn da from Philadelphia, ainco arrivod at Liverpool. Capt. Lang reports aevoro wouther during the wholo passage, with westerly gales honco he infora if tho Paoifio had boon disabled by ico tho would havo had uo difllcnlty in putting back under canvass.

The Texas Debt Bill. Ealtimoqb, Feb. 80. New Orleans papora of Thursday Inst hove boon reoeived. it is said that there is eroat ouoasincas und un certainty amongst tho creditors in that oity concerning tha shape in which tho Toxas debt bill was pasB odbythe Texas Legislature.

No copy of the not has jet been received, but a rumor prevails that it contains a proviso to tho effect that a renunciation by tho Stato of Toxiis is not to bo constrned to affeot tho right of citizens to apply to ConerosB for indoinnifi oation for lossos and injuries sustained. This, it is thought, may create obstuolosat Washington to a reoognition of the aot of Texas as a sufficient acceptance of tho act of Congress. Arrival of the Florida nt Savannah. Savannau. Feb.

10. Tho steamship Florida arrived hore to dav CTuas aayj irom wow strong iionrl winds during the passago. Slnrltets. NBW VORB.l'ob. an Culbin Is II m.

Flour la mar. ReloR westcrB. 3 J00 Cotumon to straight stato 80 75 7 00. Common to good Ohio 87 02 a 12 1 2 Gonesno 8 87a 11 (JO Suiuhcrn isstetdr. Sule? OUbliU at 88 7Sau la 1 for to good, aud 9 18 iu ot Kir lancy ana extra.

wneat unsettled. Boulhern Red 81 80 for good. Corn lower. Sale bushels. Mixed 7ta white 7(ia7A yellow 7877.

Pork Is Drill. Saitn 300 bills. Hrom. 15 87 Prlmt 13 7. lieef heavy sales ISO Re Daoked Chlcaao 13 73 it ooupiry mess iu mull iu lvu nrm.

sales Jim pgs at 10 5 10 3 4. Whilioy lower. Sales 230 bin. at L'H '(l nklf. A lorrnwn.

ECOND EDITION, Eaqlk Office, 3 1 2 P. M. Thity FourtU Congress 1st Session Washington, Fob. 20. Senate Ir Douglass, on his own roquest was excused irom serving on tne committee on corcign Kola tions.

Hoiisk Bills Lvtroducid. By Mr Maee To repoal tho act to promote the efficiency of tho Navy. By Mr Cobb A la. To extend tho time for the payment of duty on Euilroad iron. J3y Mr.

Mace To prevent the extension of Slavery in the Territories of the north of 8(i 80, Mr Maoo moved its roforenco to tho Committee on lerntories. Mr McMullon lias tho gentleman (rivou previous uuimu ui uib luLuiiuuii lULreuuumuiH out i Mr Mnco If tho ffontloninn will oxumino tho journal ho will ascertain. Air McHullou I proponndod a respectful quos nuu nuu i imiiK. il emiwisa to a roepoctuil itn BV, or. bpcakor The gentleman has given notice.

His motion is in order. Mr Smith Va. appealed from the decision of the Choir, and yias In this by Messrs 1TOUB ton, JoneB Tenu. and Craige, pending which tho ui kiiu reaoiunon from tho Oommitteo on Elections, asking power to naml In .1 vu mi woum uiiu jiiyura in mo contested election case. Tho House refused by threo majority to table it.

New York Legislature. Albany Fob 2n. Suxate ItEl'OltTf. tiy Mr. L.

r. bnnth. favorub to lnei oiiKo tiie Stoct ot tho Urooklyn Polytechnic Institute. uy ilr. bpenoor, to establish a poor houso and Hospital at Syracuse BILLS INTRODUCED.

By Mr. Soencer to nav the Commisaionp.i nf Km igration the monoy oollectod bv the State from JCmi grnntB, amounting to $150,000. xsy jir. noxon, to amend tho oity charter of fciyra ise. Also to prevent abuses in the aDDoiutmont of re ceivers of insolvent corporations.

The report of the Regents of the University ou the natural history of the State wub presontod. Philadelphia Stoolt Market. Philadelphia, Feb. 20. ti locks steadv.

Pennsvlauia Stato fi's RS 1 4. ReadinuR. 45 8 8 Lone Island K. 17 1 2: Morris Canal 15 1 Ponn. 44 7 8 Ship Nwi.

Boston, Feb. 20. Arrived Steamea Delaware from New York. Will load hero for New York, via Sandy Hook. The National Council at Philadelphia.

PniLADELrnrA. Feb. 20. Tho National Connoil are engaeed in tho diiscus sion of the resolution expunging the twelfth section Irom the Know. Nothing platform.

No action has yet been had upon it. She Cumberland Coal and Iron Go. Bamumbb, Feb, 20. The Cumberland Coal and Iron bill for a re duction of their oapital by tho purchase of 26,000 shares of its stook has passed tho Maryland Sonato Furniture. ENAMELED JfORNITURB.

HORACE F. FARHINGTOS.manufaoturerof all kinds of Enameled, Painted and Grained Cottaee Obamher Farnltnre. whole tale and rut all. at tha manufactory and warerooms. os.

46 and 48 WOOBTKR New York. A good aaaortme it of damp ruBsrt una for servants rooms. dA Uf FLOUR AND COAL. PAGE HASKELL, No. 4PreeIdent t.

Brooklvn. are now kpIUo nonei ior At Inwr taioh thAn Am othpr ttlnf.j i i lfle city. A larg supply of extra family Flour, Buckwheat Flour, Ueal of all kinds. Feed. constantly on hand, and will le rorniehed to the trade at New York wholes ilo ptioes.

Alep Goal of superior aua'tty. at reduced prices. No. 1 PkHUlDBNT STKIeltT. Bfe5 2m IW HtmliLnn ave.

OS1C FURNISHED FOR PARTIES OB evening company: also Iesons viven on the violin. loo 1" ITM.tlUL. to WM.HOLDING, Jr, 7 Can oil near Fan uo st Bouth Brooklyn. rei3 iw T'O COACH MAKES8. GEOVE'S SU oerlor Coach Body Tarnish mis be of tbo anbscrt hAVj at Tnantifntnvlj nrlrtMM.

Alinvmon Ariel. HtirlnilR. springs. bubs. Ac WHIIBAhNAPP.

feu.lm xoe sroiton street AMPS AND GIRANDOLEB AJiTERED I and RaMU. Tin and Brittannia Ooaeh Lam and Lan and HJee. tcras repaired, at uiiAFif ici uu s. oi xuiion tt'M Ladies Goods. FURS! SELLING AT COST.

V. H. MftLOW. 1EB FULTON 8T. In order to mako for Sorinn Importations, will dlspoe of the balance of h'a FaNOY FURS at the cost of maautac ture.

The ladles are respectfully Invited to call and avail themeelves of this rare opportunity of selecting prime goods at a small cost. fei 8 tf SOMETHING NEW. FULLER'S PORTA Ai hie nonk.Rafe. for Mntf Axlnea and other Periodicals This safa Is simply a small case for contilalne the numbers or any renoaioai nutu ooe voiamo in oomoicte, veepiog toem In compact and convenient form for uae. and nreaervlng the whole in a neat condition for binding.

It will be found a very convenient and useful article. For sale ty vv. a. UADvuuxi, A3ooener ana stationer, felfl tf Ui Fulton street. Brooklyn.

i f)A FINE FRENCH CHIN A. LUv TenSeti. oomnriilnsthareaular Mtnlecea worth a set, will be sold ior J.60, At UVinuiun Attttruiiijts, foi81w No.si8SjfsltoaaUSfookiyn. Au, on the It wa new ger will are one oar Ha ft of that august body, which was omitted in oar report of the proceedings. The Board having began to thin out, Aid.

Fowler moved that the Chief of Police take charge of the door. The President stated that the Chief of Polite had withdrawn force, and that his aotion on the subject should call for impeachment. Aid. Fowler then moved that the Chief of Police be re quested to detailau officer to take 0harge of the door for the evening, and to permit no person to leave save by order of the President, which motion was carried. It appears that the Chief, aids have been placed in charge of the door to exclude from the chamber all but Aldermen and members of the press, but occasionally some of the and Aldermen desire to have friends introduced, this leads to some difficulty with the sentries as to who is to be admitted and who excluded Coxcibt.

Miss Jane A. Ahdbbws, who sang so much to the satisfaction of her audience, a fortnight since, at the request of many of her friends, some of whom were unable to attend her first, gives her second concert on Thursday evening at thePolyteoh nic Institute. She will, on this occasion be assist ed by Messrs. J. B.

Bentler, the popular tenor, Jos. Burke, Kichard Hoffman, T. Groenvelt and Clare W. Bournes. "We wish for her more propit ions weather than on the former occasion, and bos peiik for her a full house, to listen to her sweet songs, to hear her sing "Comin' thro' the Byre" is well worth the price of tickets.

Miss Andrews, while she executes the most se vere music of tho Italian school with great exactness and taste, excelled by few, is almost faultlesin her singing of tho English and scotch ballads. "Wheub is Radkins A number of the legal pro fession, policemen and others of less prominence in tho community, have been on a wild hunt after Radkins for several days past. He is a nbiquitious chap, that Radkins, sometimes in this place sometimes in that place, and is often heard of as being in wo or throe places at the same time. Qnoor fellow that Badkins. Hope those in search of the eentle man may find him.

The last heard of him, he vres which perforated the arm of a certain other gen tleman. BtmoLART. Last night, the Btore of Mrs" Inskip A Son, on Fulton street, was entered by bnrglars, who sncoeded in carrying off about one thousand dollars worth of goods. An entrance wbb effected through the back window by using an instrument oaueu a jimmy. rawara 01 one nunarea aoi lars is offered for the recovery of the property and the detection of the thiof or fifty dollars for either.

Tab Latb Colleotoii or ran Easters Dist. The demurrer to the indictments found against J. Braistod the late Collector of the City of 'WiUiama i rguod before Judge Morris of the Coun ty Court, yesterday, by N. P. O'Brien, on tho part.of the Colleotor, and by the District Attorney on behalf of tho people.

The motion was denied, and this morning the Court fixed Tuesday next for the trial. Acoibekt from Blastino. Yesterday Mr. Henry Gascoyne was severely bruised by tho premature explosion of a charge of powder while blasting rocks near the Penitentiary. His face and eyeB were in jured, and one of his arms was badly hurt.

It is thought that he will not lose his eyesight. He was conducted to his home in Raymond street, near Myrtle avenue. Tne Jiev. t. ivea, oi JNorth Carolina, ho em.

braced Catholicism some time ago, will lecture at the Atheneum on "Wednesday, 27th in aid of the Society of St. Vincent De Paul, of this city Tho eminent character of the lecturer, and the na ture oi tne objeet for wnion the lecture is given, will draw a very large audience. Elizabeth Williams, a young girl about nineteen years of age, was brought in by Officer Van Dyke, in a stato of intoxication. She said she had been led off to New York, and had got to Brooklyn by the Grand at ferry boat, where she was found wander. iug about the streets.

Elizabeth was sentenced to County Jail for 10 days. SroLEK Pbopertt. oolored woman named Mary Franklin, just out of the Penitentiary, was pioked up In a state of intoxioation last evening, by officer Boyd, and taken to the 1st District Station House; She had in her possession a silver watch, gold key and a boy's vest supposed to have been stolen; JttrvEB Thieves. The men and boys arrested a few days sinco for stealing rigging from the Bloop Peruvian at Gas House wharf, were discharged from custody by Justice being no proof against them. Win.

Harris, Tegular Tiger Ielmdor, was arrest ed last night by Officer MoElroy, for getting drank and fighting with his brother in law in North 6th street. He was sent to tho Penitentiary for twenty days. Democratic General Committee. At an grHonrnod meetiuff of the Democratic Gen eral Committee of the City of Brooklyn, held last ovehinc at tho PeoDle's Hall, corner oi xorK ana Pearl Htreetp. David 0.

Aitkdj presiding, the fol lowing preamble and resolutions were unanimously passed I Whereat. Certain would be dictators, with the nid of tho Conntv Committee of 1855. have attempt ed to divide the Democratic party of this Counfy by disfranchising at tne primary meeting me na Dflntnfirnta and. Wnertat, it is or tne greatest jmporianco mni rivivvvj I mere oe narmony in ldo jjemouruuu iuuiui ui mo i a ja: i ninA4 nnA fVif I coming Presidential eleotion, and believing that I tha formation of a national Demooratio tJlubwiii not only sorve to unite all good Democrats, but will ensblo tho party to cleanse its ranks of traitors and plaoo tne uemoorauo nag tno nanas oi men wno uTe worthv to bear it on to viotory. Therefore Resolved that we recommend to the Tlnmooraov of the oity of meet at the White House in the 4th Ward onfnosday the 26th I at 7 o'clook P.

for the purpose of forming I National Kemocrauc wuo. Tlutalntd. That a primary election be called for tho purpose of electing two delegates to represont eaoh I tuu iu uuk'ooo'" i trlnh fnr nnrrjose of electin? two deleeatos to I MinrHfint aaid District at the Cincinnati Convention. I A motion was then made te adjourn which was I unanimously carried. DAVID C.

AITKIN, Chairman. Wm. M. Ibossidks, Secretary. Tax Last Cbakcb.

Only four days more to close ontthe Wet Goods at Columbian Hall, No. 281 Grand street, New ork. Messrs. Towlb Co. will offer during this week their entire stock of Wet tooda at greatly rduoed prices, consisting of Linen Damask Table Cloths, Linen Sheetings, Napkins, Towels, Shirting Linen, Toilet Quilts, fcc.

Groat inducements offered to hotel and housekeepers to purchase goods slightly soiled, but not damaged, at prices less than cost of importatioa. DIKD. lflLh instant. Maut A. B.

Bain, thi On Tuesday, daughter of aniy Head, aged 1 years. 1 months and i We relaUvea and frlendj of the family ara reaptoUnU In. Vlfedtoattendthemueral. on Thursday, aiitl instant, at o'clock P. from 1SS Myrtle avenue.

Brooklyn. On the 15th Inst, at Philadelphia. Lohad 0. Wiwraa, la th0iaatrof ttn Iver.

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