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The Brooklyn Daily Eagle from Brooklyn, New York • Page 3

The Brooklyn Daily Eagle from Brooklyn, New York • Page 3

Brooklyn, New York
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Extracted Article Text (OCR)

Office of tbo Brooklyn Fire Ins. Co Ar mr. 27. 1847. Jperfumcrg.

Auction Sales. Auction Sales. POSTSCRIPT Auction Sales. CS? A Dividend of EIGHT por cont. upon the capital stock of this company has this day beon doclared, payable on and after the tenth day of May next.

The transfer books will bo closed until that day. p293w ALFRED G. STEVENS, Secretary. 03" CarneB' Hair Cutting' and Sham' pool ll Saloon, JVo. Gl Fulton street.

V. CARNES would most respectfully Inform his customers aud thopub lie generally, that he has refittod his large and pleasant Sa loon, whore he is now ready to trim gentlemen's Hair am Whiskers in the most fashionable style. Ho would merely say that ho has with him two of tho host lluir dressers to be found in New York. Tho delay to which gentlemen have heretofore beon subject, ho hopes in futuro to avoid Constantly on hand, all kindi of tho most choice French and English Perfumery and Fancy Soups also, a large lot of KEZAN SOAP, direct from Russia, for preserving the skin, and rendering the complexion delicately fair and beautiful. N.B.

Ladies can have their children's hair cut in th most fashionable style, by sending them to No. 61 Fulton st, three doors above the Atlantic Bank. Saloon closed on Sundays. ap28 3vn IkfiC xo tue sicK and Afflicted! Testimo NY IS NOW RECEIVED FROM ALL QUARTERS OF THE ULOBE UK. awAy.NE'S COMPOUND SYRUP OF WILD RR the Original and Geuulne Preparation.

Consumption, Coughs, Colds, Asthma, Bronchitis, Liver complaint, Spitting Blood, Difficulty of Breathing, Pain in the Side and Breast, Palpitation of the Heart. Influenza, Croup, Broken constitution, soro Throat, Nervous Debility and all diseases oi the Throat, Breast and Lungs. Jlnother Life Preserved! Philadelphia, Sept. 28. 184G.

Dr. II. Swayne Dear sir: Having seen tho astonishing iii'jiuimuu uii aui. uuiiias uy your compound syrup oi Wild Cherry, I wasinduced to try it on myself. I was fa tten witn a violent cough, spitting ot blood, shortness of breathing, togethor with violent attacks of asthma; I had overdone myseil irom exertion which 1 was notable to per form, which prostrated my system to a creat extent.

I mm menced the use of your compound svrun of Wild Chprra which gave me almost immediate relief, and I am clad to give my testimony to all who may he afflicted In a similar way. ii win ue wen to see tnot tne signature of Dr. H. evvayno is on oncn bottle ot Wild Cherry. YVm.

B. Walton, Thirteen th street, two doors from the corner of Willow. A Caution to the Citizens of Brooklyn Mr. Bailey cor. of Sands and Fulton streets, formerly an agent for my medicine, is no longer an agent of mine, neither can 1 guarantee any that he may have for sale as genuine therefore 'ie on your guard see that tho signature of Dr.

II. Sioayne is on each bottle. To get the Genuine in Brooklyn, you must go to my regularly appointed agent, SIRS. HAYES, 139.Fultox street. Dr.

Sicayne's Compound Syrup of Wild Cierry Is the only one prepared by a regular Physician all others ore pos itively "fictitious and counterfeit." Remember: Mus. Hayes, 139 Fulton sole agent for Brooklyn. ap28 3m Herl doctor THE HERB DOCTOR WHO has been so successful in Philadelphia in curing diseases givon up by other eminent physicians, and who last fall opened an establishment in Now York, No. 2G6 Broome where the afflicted have found remedies for their restoration to health, and where nineteen out of twenty have been cured after mineral medicines have failed, has opened on office for tho accommodation of the inhabitan ts of Brooklyn and adjacent country, at 44 JAMES STREET, near Main street. wjierc attendance will lis given by a gentleman well acquainted with diseases and virtue of medicine, myl lm TIse oolllyji Medical Agency, Established in 1820 by Mrs.

M. HAYES, No 139 Fulton sale of all the genuine popular medicines ofthe day. It would bo almost an impossibility to particularize (he various articles composing the stock on hand, and the daily additions made thoreto, of valuable remedios for "uli the ills that flesh is heir to." This is the only appointed agency in Brooklyn forTOWN SEND'S SARSAPAR1LLA. TOILET ARTICLES of every description a variety oi Soaps aud Shaving Creams that cannot be surpassed; Church's and other Lotions for the skin Toilette Powder, MEEN FUN, Liquid and Carmine Rouge, Lubin's Extracts, Perfumes ot tho inrost kinds, Cologne on draught and in bottles, Handkerchiof Essence, Tooth Paste and Powder, French and Persian Sweet Bogs, Hair Oils, Hair Dye, Hair Erailicator, Combs and Brushes of every description, cpni stantly an hand. Mrs.

HAYES Is tho only agent for Jones' Soap, Hair Oil, Lily White, etc m13 Sptf 03" Notice. CHANGES OF MAIL ARRANGEMENTS between this City awd JYew York. The Mails will depart and arrive at this office hereafter as follows Brooklyn daily at 5i 8a A.M., and iU V. M. arrive at Now York same day by 0 A.

9 A. and 3 P. M. I.taoe JVeio York daily at G.V A 9i A. and 3i P.

arrive at Brooklyn same day by 6)i A. 9 A. M. aud P. M.

This urrangement goes into effect April 4, 1846. Poi Office, Brooklyn, N. April 3, 1846. ap3 tf II. C.

CONKL1NG, P. 2SANI4 VOCAL and INSTRUMENTAL CONCERT on THURSDAY evening, May 20, at vtlie Gothic Hall, Adams street, Brooklyn. RELIEF FOR IRELAND. The following eminent artists have kindly volunteered their services for the occasion M'llo MATILDA KORSINSKY, Mrs. BOULARD, Signor SESTG BENEDETTI, (the favorite tenor of the Italian Opera,) Mr.

PHILIP MAYER. i.r. O. BLAMES, (Maestro Piano Forte.) programme part i. 11 Crociato, by Gabusse Signor Ph Mayer Roniauza Veux tu mon nam, by Massena M.idemoisellc ICorsinsky Irish Ballad Kathleen ma vourneen Mrs Boulard Duo Opera Lucia di Lammermoor, by Donizetti Mil's Korsinsky and Signor Bonedetti PART II.

Song The throe stages of love Mrs Boulard Aria from La Purisina Ver Veder, by Donizetti Signor Philip Mayer Song From Crusaders, I am thino, only thine," Benedict M'lle Korsinsky Romanza From Verdi's Opera Oberto ciel che faci," by Verdi Signor Beneuetti Cavatlna From the Vampyre, find paintner" Mademoiselle Korsinsky L'oqrs qpen at 7 o'clock Concert to commence at 8. Tickets 50 cents, to be had at the usual places. myl4 WA.MO EORTES, A variety 3of now and second hand Piano Fortes fur sale or hire. Also, a general assortment of Music and Musical Instruments, at No. 268 Washington street, near Myrtle avenue, Brooklyn.

lm J. WALKER. UlilN'Si (CARPET it Ir'WOK CliUl'M iLjC WARE ROOMS, fronting on 64 East Broadway and 71 Division street, New York. The subscriber wouldrospectlully tender his mostsinccre thanks to his friends and the public generally for their very liberal patronage since his removal from Pearl to his present location, and respectfully solicits a continuance of the same, and the recommendation of their friends to his establishment. The arrangements with the most extensive manufactur ers of this country and Europe far an early supply of the latest patterns, will enable purchasers to niake their selec (iors from tho mastconipleie assortment of all the various Carpets, Oil Cloths, to be found in the city.

Families may be assured of every article proving as repre sented, as all goods are received direct from the manufacturers, and it is the intention that tho slock shall consist of the best quality of all descriptions of goods pertaining to the line, and furthermore the prices, as hereiofore, shall be made porlectly satisfactory. W.M. II. GUION, No. 64 East Broadway and 71 Division st.

N.B. Families from the country can havo their carpets, etc, haled and shipped free of expense. Carpets will he 3ont to aiiy part ot Che city of Brooklyn, or Williainsburgli, and' cut to rooms free of charge, and when required will be made by an experienced upholsterer. Persons fivins Brooklyn or Williainsburgli can take the East Broadway stagos, which will leave them at the door. ni30 2mi3 rillATES, FENDERS, COOKING KAIV 5br GES, IRON RAILING, IRON SHUTTERS AND FIRE PROOF BOOK SAFES, ice.

Tho undersigned would respectfully inform the public that he is constantly manufacturing and has on hand a large assortment of plain and ornamental Gratet and Fenders, suitable for parlors, chambers, basements. which he pfiers on as favorable terms as any other establishment, and also guarantees they shall not be surpassed in workmanship. He has also made arrangements bv which he can sell Stimpson's Celebrated Boston Cooking Range on as reason able terms as any otner estaiiiisnment, rnese Ranees are too well known to roqv)ire comment', but for economy of fuel, and convenience generally for private families, they stand iinrivallcd. Jivery description oi iron mining, Iron Shutters, Eire Proof Book Safes, made to order at the shortest notice. Every description of Iron Work, wrought oi cast, made to order.

Grates and Ranges set and repairod. Fire Brick and Soap Stone and Builders Anchors constant ly ou hand. GEO. W. KTILWELL, No.

38 Fulton, dl tt opposite Front street, Brooklyn 9 Alt OR COMPOSITION ROOFING. The J.onir a Island insurance company acorn ll necessary to notify the public, that they will not insure buildings having tar or composition root's, similar to that lately put upon the large warehouse of J. B. llaxtan, on Water street, which cost the owner over two hundred dollars to remove there from. A 'specimen of the composition taken from said roof may Be soon at inis onicc.

myi lm AGILE BUILDING, 30 Fulton Brooklyn Daily and weekly newspaper Establishment, 7.STABLiSHE 1829. PERFUMERY AND Sid PATENT MEDICINE DEPOT. Mrs. M. HAYS, No.

1 30 Fultonstreet, Brooklyn, gratoful for the patronage bestowed on hor for tho last savonleen yoars, would resnoct fully solicit a coatinunnco of tho same, und plodgcs herself mm mi Kiittwa uuuiiucu uui atcru ure genuine as represented She has constantly on hand a generalaasortment vuubu uuiiicuiua oi urn very nest preparatiani, always icuui.vuunnimii piupnuiurs; i ius oi uiiKinds; pu. ritying Medicines. Dyspeptic Remedies, Rheumatic Remo Medicines, Strengthening Plasters, Solves of an villus, ioumaciio Jjrops warranted to cure, Fever and Ague Remedy warranted; all articles necessary for the wuer, i una nnu uoxes, wippio shields, Nipple Wash, Papillary Oil, Mother's Relief, and Aptna Snccific for nurse's snrr mntirl, TOILETTE ARTICLES or every description a variety i wnviii(; wc uiua mat canuot no surpassed ChllrphVt ft nil 111 I vMiniiD A.r.l.A rrin: I Liquid Rouge and Sicilian Bloom, Pink Saucers, Perfume! of the rarest kinds, Cologne on draught and in bottles, Handkerchief Essence. Tooth Pasto and Powder. French Sc.

TW. sian Swoet Bags, Hair Oils, Hair Dye, Hair Eradicalor, and vt'iuus nnu xinisucs ill every description. Family Medicines of all kinds Van Hamhert' jfe linm. or's Female Pills, Shakers' Herbs, and a general assortment in awinuncry articles, oi which will tie sold at the lowest possiific prices. Pamphlets may be had by calling on MRS.

HAYS, 139 Fulton street HTBAILKY'S: MILITARY SHAVING CREAM. MJt This is to certify that I have made i ihn mh: ry Shaving Cream, prepared by William Uailey corner of and that I find it to bo superior to any artlclo of tho kind 1 ever bofore usod, and I would cheerfully recommend it asa mild, pleasant and economical Shaving Soap. D. L. HOLDEN.

Brooklyn. 1 have used the Military Shnm, by Mr Wm. Bailey, corner of Fulton und Sands st. Brooklyn. I consider it a most excellent article, and recomniond it to the notice of tho public.

M. P. O'HERN jjiouaiyn. If there ever was am dUcovrv nmin iIiwo i vIhit itudeof the public, it is Bailey's Military Shaving Cream I have used it for a long time, and I do unhesitatingly say it is the very best soap every yet invented for shaving It leaves the face as smooth and comfortable as one could ask for, and its perfume is delightful. The lather Is thick and heavy, and does not dry on the face.

Indeed it may be called the neplus ultra of tho age the desideratum. II, 11. BUTLER, 166 Sands st. Brooklyn. For sale by most of the drugirists and l'ancv denier in city and throughout the United States, and at wholesale mi iciiiLi iij me proprietor wm.

BAILEY, Apothecaries Hall, cor. Sunds and Fulton sts. iu a I'iiKf KMEKY Jnst received, a large sutiulv of Lubin's. 'c 0 if 1 warranted uENUtSE German Cologne Cream. Oxygenated and Fancy Soups, etc and Hair Brushes, For sale by ELLIOTT on JJ3.

47 Atlantic street, South Brooklyn. Schools 1'Tv CLASSES 1 IN THE HAMILTON' linnn DP tiik nnnni. LYN INSTITUTE ALBERT I). WRIGHT, Principal ot the Normal Institute, will, in addition to the usual daily exercises at the Institute, give instruction to young Gen tlemen and Ladlos in separate classes as follows jji iuonuay anil iriday evenings attention will bo given a class in Iteudlnn and F.lni.iiti,n i.r, S3 50. The first lesson free, coninienciinr nn May 17th, at l)i o'clock r.

M. On Tuesday and Thursday sixteen lessons for 3 00. The first lesson free, com uiencmg on i uesuay, May isth, at M. uu i uesuay ana i luirsday atternoons lessons will be iven in Astronomy, from Mattison's nivipon tronomical Maps eight lectures for $2 00. Tile first lecture freu, commencing on Tuesday, May 10th, at4i P.

M. On Vednesday and Friilay afternoons, a class in Gram mar will receive attention sixteen lessons forS3 00. The first lesson ree, commencing Wednesday. Mav inth. i P.

M. On Saturday inornintr. lessons nml nmi intrn be given in and Orthographical Parsing six les sons for SI 0j. Tho Hrst lesson free, commencing on Sat uruay, may at Si A. M.

The Brooklyn Institute (formerly the Lyceum), No. 184 Washington Street, is ea SV Of access from iinv nnrt nf RrrrL lyu, and from most parts of New York, and the Hamilton ii.00111 is ntteu up in beautiful and convenient style. Regular members may be admitted to the Nominl Tnsii. tuteat anytime during the term, and charged from the line oi commencing. Tuition jd a term.

Persons thatbe ome regular members will havo the priviiege'of attending me exira lessons unu lectures iree. myj: hv JEKIrlASiJE ACABI2M1 The second annual mci tin if Ihn nf Bruoklyn Female Acadomv will lm tinld nt il on Monday evening the Htli day at 7 iclocK I. when thu annual re nnrt will ho KiihmitNui find election of Trustees will bo hold in conformity to the charter. The noli tu beopenod at 8 o'clock. isy order ot the Trustees.

myJ2 did Brooklyn, 11th May, 1847. JflLU i OWERS ERCET, UKA.D OK StaTE, BETWEEN ATLAN ic and luirox, Brooklyn, N. V. The Snrinr term of this institution will commence oi. Wednesday, the 5th of May.

This school is located in a spacious four storv brick edi lice, in a healthy anil delightful section ofthe city, and presents unusual advantages both in point of lotation ant; internal arrangements. The course of instruction embraces all the branches of a thor.iuh English, and Classical education. Pupils are prepared for any standing in collegt for commercial life. The Principal, a graduate of Yalt College, has had many years' experience in the'business ol instruction, and solicitous as well for tho moral as the intellectual improvement of his pupils, will oxerciso a paren tal vigilance QVerthcin in their hours both of employjueni and relaxation. Parents and guardians ure invited to visit the establishment.

TKRMH PAYMENT ALWAYS IS ADVANCE. Classical Department 13 00 Knglish do First class JO 00 Do do Second class 6 0U Do do Third class 00 Primary do 5 00 French ami Spanish, each 4 Of) For writing books, y.Qi.a, ink, etc. per qr. 5U Fuel for the season 50 Brooklyn, May, 18 17. my4 cnd2v JW.

who is a graduatt of one of our Eastern Colleges, and a teacher of fif teen years' experience, will receive at his own house, it. Court street, opposite Douglas, the limited numbei of twenty boys, either as Classical or English scholars. eiug well satisfied, irom long ana close observation, tnai here many arc to no taught mil little justice can be uont each individually, he has determined to restrict the num ber of his pupils, in order that he may devote as larpo i. measure of his attention us possible to them, and thus make his teaching intellectual, moral and physical etlkientam: lersonai. Mr.

1j. has ever been in the habit of regarding his pupils far as possible, as members of his own family ami Da unts may be assured, that withmenttil training, the strict recaru will be pant to murjt culture hamtsol nuatness. md the cultivation of good manners. It is doomed that j. leronce to the toUowiug gentlemen will better sausn ose who may wish to place their children under lib harge, both as to his capability and success as a.

teacher: Rev. S. II. Cox, V.D, Rev. S.

T. Spear. ALI. H. B.

Brad shaw, Hon. C. P. Smith, J. M.

Moriarty, M.D, Jno. f). Chase, Esq, Rev. I. 3.

Spencer, D. Rev. J. Greenleaf, Samuel Putnam, A.M, Edward Copland, J. Manning.

Esq. t. n. usborn, vomp. The Summer Term will commence on Monday, the lOtl.

of May. Tuition in the coimimn English branches, $10 in tin higher branches and Classics, $15 per Term. iavo ooys win ue received uuu tne lainiiy oi the Principal as boarders. my5 eodiiw F02 V03JN LADIES AXIi GEXT LEMEN IX THE FREXCMi LlTERAT.lUlE. l'rolessor J.

Dy I.x Place, Bachelor n. Lettres, a Barrister a 'aris, Teacher in the Rev. Messrs. Abboi'a Institute for Voung Ladies, Saw York, and Rev. Sir.

Noble's Institute in Bruokiyn, will open on tlie 12th o. May, two separate classes for the instruction of young La dies and Gentlemen in the above language, on his newunc much approved system, by which much time and labor art saved, without disgusting the learner in the school room of Mr. Marsh's Classical Academy ia the basement of tht itev. Dr. Brodhead's 11.

11. cliurcli, Henry street, lirooklyn. Days and Hours For Ladies, every Tuesday and Thursday, from 4 to hull past 5 M. For OionUemen, also every Tuesday and Thursday, frum luilf past 7 to 9. i erms, per qmirujr, in aqynnce.

M. do la JMuce will also give private lessons in the French language house, or at the residence of thuse win wish to receive instruction at home. References: Rev. Mossrs. Abbot, Rev.Kobt.

Baird, Uev. Ant. Verron, Uev. G. W.

Dyller, Messrs. Collomb Islin, M. G. Merle, otc etc. Application can be made to Air.

N. de la Place, in New Vork, 0B ChamVers st or to Mr. Marsh, 12 2 Willow street, or at the school room. ap2l tf ON BROOKLYN HEIGHTS H)f 1'ierrepont rauET. corner ok Clinton GREENLEAF, A.M.

principal. Ttonet regular term in this Institution will commence on Monday, May 3d. The location and accommodation! arc unsurpassed in the city being central, elevated, retired, commodious and healthful. Every facility is here enjoyed for obtaining a thorough, useful and accomplished education. Tuition, buoks and stationery, from to sapper quarter, Circulars can be had of the Principal, and at the Post Olnco.

tf $48,000 TO BE LOANED ON REAL ESTATE well zfp located in Brooklyn it may be had for 5 or 7 Also, $5, 801) on real estate well suuuted in tho city oi New York. Application must be made to my3 tf GEO. DOMETT. 158 Fulton st. IfttOIVJti'if TO LOAN SI0.0U0 to loan on hondant! mortgage, in sums from SI.

000 Lo SJ 1,000, on Brooklyn property, well located. Apply to npG DOMETT, Fulton st. MOiVJtiy Luus on Bond and Mortgage may be ff obtained on application to WM. ELLSWORTH, o5 tf lvt the otficc of the T.rooklyn Fire Ins. Co, AN'ffJEB A siltiation by a Young Woman seamstress and chambermaid can L'ivo trnnd re commendation from hor last placo.

Inquiro in No. fcl Fur man street. myl3 tf I Alil.E Catalogues, Handbills, Bit I fosters, nrinted cheaper and quicker tUau ever. JAMBS COLE, Auctioneer. Office, JVo.

1 Front street, Brooklyn. Ools wiil give nm personal attention tc sales or Household Furniture, and out doorsales generally Now York" KaI Stocka nt tn" Etchange Tuesday, May 18th, At 12 o'clock, at the Moichanis' Eichangc. Positive sale, without reserve, of Valuable Clinton ave 1 'operty Tho elegant house and 8 lots of ground on the above, near Myrtle avonue. Tho house was built by Jno k. Van Antwerp, In tho most substantial manner, and Is now in complete ordor; it is 30 ft front.

51) deep, wine on each side 18 by 20 ico house, bath ruom, line well, stable 40 ft square, ganlsn stockod with choicest truit A further description Is unnnrnssarv. il Ir nr.winni,.! son will purchaso without examining tho promises, which can be seen at any tlmo. Largo portion of the purchase money can remain on bond. Also, valunblo section on easterly sido Clinton avenue, and known as section No 11. comprising a lots, distant abt 180 feet north of Myrtle aveuue.

Saturday, May P2, At 12 o'clock, at the Franklin House, Mortgnee sale of all ihm 1 Ot nf frrmltlll llilh 1 1, lilinrra thereon, bccinninir at a nolnt on tin, souihcrlv rni.w street 175 ft from SW corner ofCulns and ill Mtrnt in ning parallel with Smith street 100 ft, thence west 25 ft, thence north 100 feet. Ihnnrn fin.t place of beginning. For full particulars, seo adv in Brooklyn Eagle, signed Frederick W. Hurd. Wednosday, May 20, At 12 O'clllCk.

thn Mnrrhnntu Prrliunna p'P0'h Chancery sale under direction 1 Buggies, esq. master, thoso certain lots begin'g siucsomn nn st, btw 1st and 2d sts, Williamsburgh, viz: 1 lot on SE cor of south 7th and 1st sts lots on a side south 7th st, 22 ft front and. roar 65 dp, do 22 100 5 no in rear of the above 4 on aide 1st st rnrnnnni.iiii, II.1; ft 1 I Lr louth 7lh it, with buildings thereon. For maps and further particulars, inquire ofthe auctioneer. 1 Front st, Brooklyn, or of Ludlaw co.

27 Wall st, Y. Saturday, May 29, At 12 o'clock, at tho hotel of Caleb Weeks, Jamaica, L.I, Peremptory Chancery sale, under direction of John Lamberson, a pieco of land with the dwelling house and buildings standing thereon, in the village of Jamaica, on the side of the Rockawny turnuike. contninim tiiiwnnU nf lores also, a piece or land adjoinim; the above, containing upwards aC4)i acres on the above mentioned property there is a large double house, ice house, burn, hothouse, etc the farm is well stocked with the choicest fruit and namental trees, selected by the late Mr Un'y Marsh. ror terms anu purricuiurH inquire OI ine auctioneer, or Judah, Esq, New York. At 12 o'clock, at the hotel of Jeromus Snediker, In the town oi Jamaica, L.l.

Chancery sale Under direction of Johnson, master. that certain farm in the town of Jamaica known as the Homestead Farm of the late Saml Eldert, deceased, bound on the by land of Golder, on the by land of John Cozlne, by the highway, and on the by land of Jeromus Snedecker. containing 50 acres and uuwards al so, a atrip of land used as a wagon road, containing 1 rood and 30 porches. For full particulars, sec master's advt in Long Island Farmer (Siotljing. ROOKLYN CASH TAILORIKG EST A liblslliMLiM 1 no subscriber bavinir completed his Spring arrangements, would inform his friunds and the public generally, that ho intends keeoinir constantly on hand a full and complete assortment of READY MADE clot lung, which he will sell at the lowest New York prices.

Among which maybe found Dress and Frock Coats of every color nnd description French, English, Belgian, and American Broadcloths Ofiice and Business Coats. Pelto. Tweed, and Pantaloons and Vests of every description. UliUTUS, tASBlilKKES A.LL VKSTl.N'OS or tllC la test importations. He will likewise devote his attention to CUTTING AND REPAIRING, which he will executo in the neatest man nerand on the most reasonable terms.

N.B. Every article purchased at this establishment war ranted to be as represented. ENS, lnyia sai uiton street, opposite Henry. JOSEPH B. CLOSE JVo.

12 Bowery, JVeio York. MEN'S, BOVS' AND CHILDREN'S Fashionable Clothing, at wholesale or retail, and the lurg eat assortment of any ono store in the city, at very low prices. IV riircbasers returainc readv made good within three days after purchasing, can have their money returned. my5 2mis MATS AN CAPS THE SUBSCRIBER WOL'LU INFORM his friends and customers that he is now ready to furnish tho LATEST SPRING FASHION OF HATS equal if not superior iu point of elegance, durability and economy, to any other establishment in the city. Those who are in the habit of going lo New York or elsewhere for Vheir Hats, arc invited to examine his stock uelore purchasing.

JAMfiH vv. PECK, ouiKi ti Hilton, cor. Henry street. ROBERTSON'S BRANCH OF PHLEN1X Hat and Cap Manufactory, 63 button, between Front and Market streets, Brooklyn. The residents of tho citv of Brooklvn heretofore in the ha hit of purchasing their Hals in New York, are informed thai the above Branch of the well known aud popular N.

Vork establishment has been opened with the view of introduc propretor'smstinctive system of moderate which system, as seen in its results, consists i'n its enabling unit tu luiuisu jus cusLuiuera tviiu rials equal ill nnisu, style, uuraumty ana elegance, to those manufactured by tho more splendid und expensive establishments of Broad way, at prices 25 per cent, lower. To that portion of tho Brooklyn Public who are acquainted with the proprietor's New York manufactures, it is only necessary to observe, that the articles ou sale at this Branch are precisely similar, in all respects, to those furnished ai the principal store, No. 80 Fulton street, New York. The folic wing is the Schedule of Prices. HATS.

CAPS. 50 1st quality Cloth $1 25 1st qualltyNutria. MfX do do 3 00 2d do do I 00 1st do 3 50 3d do do 75 2d 3d do do do 3 00 I Glazed caps, varying in orice do 50 from 3 to 8s. ap23 lm FRENCH DRESS MOOI'M SPRING STYLE. The subscriber has constantly on hand an assortment of the best und most lush ionable citv made BOOTS and SHOES, which lie offers at the following unprecedented Low Prices, at his old established store, 114 FULTON STREET.

New York Dress Boots from 32 50 to 6 00 Shoes i 25 to 2 50 Cloth Gaiters 2 50 to 3 50 Prunella 150 to 2 23 Pat. Leather Shoos 2 00 to 3 50 Oxford Ties 2 00 to 3 00 Walking Pumps, Plain and Fancy Slippers, fee, at equally low prices. These articles being made under the immediate supervision of the subscriber, he can guarantee them lo give satisfaction to tho customer. They will not rip or crack, as the common Eastern work usu illy does and they are offered at from 15 to 25 per cent, lower than they can be bought at any other store in the city. Boots maoe to order, on his celebrated plan of taking drawings of the feet, and fitting up and keepiag a pairol Lasts for each customer, by which means, a misfit is impossible.

It makes no difference how many corns thore may be on the feet, a handsome, easy tit will be guaranteed, and the boots warranted to wear well. Persons having one pair made to measure, are sure to re main regular customers. Gentlemen visiting the city, can, by leaving their measure when in town, have their boots made and forwarded at any future time, to any part of the Union. Boys BOOTS and SHOES in every variety. JOHN L.

ATKINS, 114 Fulton street. N. B. Boots, Shoes, Gaiters, at Wholesale, suitable for tho Southern and Western Markets, Morcliants are particularly invited to call before purchasing elsewhere, us by duiug so they can save considerable on tine articles. 3mls Fulton Don't forget.

JONES'S SASM LOCK fc FASTENER To Builders, Hardware Dealers and Country Merchants Your attention is called to this useful article, which has given entire satisfaction wherever introduced. It is economical, can scarcely be put out of order, a sure and strong lock, and always "in position unless purposely displaced, und yet without springs, rollers or levers. ruAi i OAiJti ti 6c ua, ocuesier, it and nt their Depot, Courtlandl street. Orders promptly filled. For sale by hardware dealers and country morcliants ge nerally, and by the manufacturers, myti lm CITV HOSPITAL Jackson street, near Fort Greene.

Attending Physician Surgeon for month of May, Dr. Henry J. Cullen, Dr. T. L.

Musoii. VISITING COMMITTEE FOR SAME MONTH. Uan'l Ayrcs, 131 Columbia st, I T. Carpenter. 88 Picrponl, John B.

Graham, 85 Front st, Rob't Nichols. Sands it. A. A. LOW, Secretary.

Citv BiNOCllsitrv. 207 Washington street, near Myrtle avenue Open every day except Sunday, from 9 to 3 o'clock, undercharge of a Board ol'Trustces. my8 FIFTY DOLLARS REWARD. LOST. FROM on board the South Ferry boat on Thursday evening last, an elderly man, about 5 leet 0 inches in height, with thin white hair, dressed in a brown frock cout.

grey pantaloons, drab cloth vest, cotton shirt, canton llannel under shirt and drawers, boots newly footed: in his pocket there probably a large blue silk nandkcrciiiei, spotteu wun white. For information that will lead to the recovery of the body, the abova reward will be paid on application to npiO tt WM. N. CLEM, 144 niton st, isrooKtyn. HEREAS, HIGHWAY ROISBERTWmi intent to Murder, was committed on the person of ALVA HOTCHKISS.

on the evening of the 3d day of Mat Now, therefore, Francis B. Strvker, Mayor of the city ot Brooklyn, do hereby oner a reward ot FIVE HUNDRED. DOLLARS to any person or persons who shali arrest, bring to trial and convict the person or persons guil ty of said crime. FRANCIS 11. STKYK.EK.

Mayor. Mayor's Olhce, Brooklyn. May 5th, 1847. inya lw FOR SALE 12 acres of choice land on Long Island, an excellent chance for any gentleman desirous of building a country residence uccord'uigto his own fancy. It is beautifully situated? of a mile west of Jamaica village, in the highest state of culti vation, with tho best of fruit and shrubbery, etc.

The mansion was lately burned, but tho foundation and much build ing material yet remain. Also, a gardener's cottage, outbuildings, a brick pit for forcing early plants, and excellent water, otc. Railroad cars 3 times a day. More land can be purchased if wanted. Apply to apl" tf GEO.

DOMETT, 158 Fulton st. CJTEEL CUT BEADS, from Nos. 5 to 9 Inclusive, of 5S nest quality, for sale low by j3 WM. WISE 79 Fulton st, JOSKIN IEEMAN, Auctioneer. Real Estate A Furniture Sales Rom, 7 fVoat street.

U.n.l M.h orpersonarpropor ty of all kind. Fumilios who intend brouklne im dispose ofthe whole or aV arc invited to call, und may confidently rely tho ner sonnl attention ol tho Auctioneer, and hl faithful eirortsto Jisposo ol their lurnliuro to the best advuntaco. fair Ill'ice Will lm iiivnn inr Kiiroml Ii.i.i 1 thuse li lio jinuy wish to dispose of it, without iliu trouble "uu nuiti) un iiicuon raie. Furniture at Private sale The entire furniture ofliousc in Brooklyn will be sold at a fair price, mid the house at a very low rent. If applied lor immediately, to J.

Ilege man.nuctiullecr. 7 Front si. Rrimklvn. At Private sule 100 yds of super. Saxony carpet for two parlors, but little used, for sale.

Enquire at tho auction room. i 1' rontsircet. JOHN Auctioneer. Sure and Sales Fulton street Brooklyn. The subscriber tenders his services to the inhabitants ol Brooklyn and Uio surrounding country for tho sule of Real Lstate, uniiturc, or any other kind of Merchandise, cither at the auction room, 7U Fulton or on the premises.

Irom Ills long experience in business, particularly in that of furniture, he Hatters himself that he shnll give such satisfaction as will insure htm a shure or public patronuge. Cash advanced on consignments of personal property, and returns mado as soon as the property Is sold and delivered. Second hand furniture purchased, when parties cannot awult an auction sale. AT PRIVATE SALE. A general assortment of new Furniture and Upholstery, at auction prices.

JOHN FERGUSON, Auctioneer. 78 Fulton street Brooklyn. Heal state. MOUSES VOIt SALE IN THE CITY OF I BROOKLYN 1 brick uiiu. walk fm Fultonforry.S6,000 no in various parts oi the citv.

2.20U do do do do 2,500 do do do 4.000 4 do 1 brick dwelling. 4,500 7,700 2,000 2,000 1,050 3,500 800 4,500 the locations desirable. Apply to G. DOMETT, J58 Fulton st. do 1 do 1 do I do 1 do 1 do 1 do Also, Building au31 ti S'OSt SAI.I! CAPITAL 1MVKHTMKNT Tho lot and three story brick house on the south iw corner oi melts am Suckcttslreots.

The lot is twuiity lhree feel in front and rear by one hundred deep. Tho house was built during the lust year, has murblo mantels throughout, plated furniture, a sub cellar, iron portico in front, and back piazza enclosed with glass. It is within three uilniucs' walk ol'IIuiiiillon avenue ferry and the At lautic Ducks, and fifteen minutes from ihe South ferry, ana is in a good neighborhood. Also for sale, the house und lot adjoining, of similar description. Apply to EI.IAS G.

BROWN, at Slosson Schell's office, felO tf 20 Nassau street, Now York. Er'OR SALE The three story granite basement i'1 lii ioj vv usjiiugLou street, aujoining tue Ayceuni. BiSlt.Tiiis building was erected by days' work, and has witn substantiality all the improvements and conveniences now introduced into houses iu New York bathroom water closet, etc. Thercaris enclosed with glass, with tea room, etc. Water is supplied Irom a very large reservoir.

The lot is 27 by 105 feet, rtianing buck to one of the tincst gardens in this city. $5000 muy remain on bond and inort gage For terms, apply to tf GEO. DOMETT, 0 Willow street. MVALSUARLE FULTON STREET PROPER TY FOR SALE, situated on the corner of Fulton and Nassau streets, being 44 lect on Fulton street and ll i leeton Nassau street, running buck lo an alley, and being 53 foot wide in the rear. As Nassau street, as soon uv Uie grading of Park avenue Is completed, will be the first leading avenue front Fulton street lo the eastern section ol the city, this cannot l'aillo be one ofthe most valuable business locutions in Brooklyn.

A large portion of thepurchusfc money may remain on mortgage. Apply to VALENTINE G. HALL, fe8 tf corner of Peariaud Bookman sts. New York. VSv Fi SALE Oil TO HE LET The Mansion House and premises now occupied by James E.

Uu tne corncrol Red lluulcpluce undLivings t. Tnere is ubout I acre ol ground attucuud to house, which is very pleasantly laid out, and containing every vu riety of grapes una fruit. There is also a stuideultuched to the premises. Inquire of JAMES E. UNDEK111LL, No.

30 Fulton street, or JOHN B. KING, No. 3 Front street Brooklyn. fols ti M'jl'O L.fcji.' Ono (in the row of six; ol the two story uuic and basement, with under cellurs, brick houses corner ol Sands and Jackson streets, liuisi.ei. nt style, ml in goou condition Tito yardtswci, suictvud wan grape vines.

Kent S'50. Apply lo V. HALL, cor. IV.irl and BeeUuuia sli'eets, New Stork, or ii JOHN VOOllHLliS, al Un; drug store No. 50 Jackson st.

irum 10 lu 1 una Irtuii4 to 7u'clock. ap ti ll lo LCI 1 liree ol Ihe new .1 stor i tu luaiTJ.iseiiicui uuu ii on i cellars; oriCK uonsui Willi stores oa Hie 1st Hoor, just riaished in Jackso. i Plymouth and Joliu sts. Tjie recent improve uiems la thai section ol the cuy, and also ol the lerry, ii make these slores good places Ibr business. Apply to ii.

HALL, corner of 1'earl and Bookman sts, N. or JOHN VOOHHEE5.No.50Jucksons!,froin0lo lundlVoi, to 7 u'cluck. fttlU tl jFOaI aiiLijo A new, lirst clas brick bouse. 3 stories high, uouble cellar, finished i the oesl manner lor a genteel lainiiy. with uuois, uiitroie mantels, grates anu bells, witn piuzzain enclosed with glass the size of lot 22x100 house 22x3e and is silualed iu tile mosl pleasaniund growpig purl of tu, city.

Apply to o. DOMETT, 158 Fulton si. upu Jjifvr JtiOUSifcis AND LOt's N'os. 7 and Tillur ipiil slrwl Brooklyn, For Sale The lour story, basemeni JBfcu.briclc nouses Nos. 7 and 0 Tillary, near Fulton street i ney were built in the most faithful manner a few yeui.

since, and will be sold low, and three quarters of the put chase money may remain ou mortgage. Apply to V. u. HALL, cor. of Pearl and Beekinan streets, iu7 tf New Vork.

SHOP To rent from Jc May next, the Blacksmith's shop in Water street now occupied by Mr. Edw'd Learv. Tho ureal. Hi pai ut tiiu lent vv in ue luaen outin worK. it is a hrst rail stand Ibr a Blacksmith and Wheelwright, there being number of factories in the immediate neighborhood.

Ap ply at the Urncc of the Distillt Ty, opposite. iu8 eodti M'A'O A French collage ou Oxford and Al lantic avenues, miles from the South Ferry, nea Atlantic street, recently finished. It contains on th. nrsi iloor two parlors, library, and dining hall four room. in the 2d story, and nursery.

in the basement. It wil be rented low for the remainder of the year. Omnihuse. pass the door through the day. Apply lo C.

CORNELL TicKet master, Kaiiruad Olbce, South Ferry. A stable and vacant lot attached can be had. n27 tf A mtii8Bj.SE' in Tillarv KTrent 'I'n l.r Onn n. Mthc two story basement brick houses No. st.

Brooklyn, near Fulton st, In every respect littoi lor a genteel family. Rent S400, or the two houses will bt soldchenp. Apply to VALENTINE G. HALL, cor. Peur ami ueeKinaa sts, jew i one, or John voorhees, 4b John son st, Brooklyn.

myl2 tf TO LET. One half of a three story house ii jjjl Clinton street, Brooklyn, near Dr. Stone's Church. lUxLcouslstinr of kitchen, front parlor. 2 chambers oi second Iloor ami 2 on third.

Inquire at the 4ih door nortl the church, or at Cornell's jrrocerv store, corner Clintoi and Warren streels. Rent 175. mid tf STORE TO LET in Jackson street, near tin 11,,., nt'llm In Thn rn. on. JSiULly buiit, on the east side ol Jackson street, betwcei Front and Evans street a good stand for business.

Apph to V. G. HALL, cor. l'e. trland Bcckmun streets, N.

JOHN VOOIUIEES, 50 Jackson st. uu7 tl FAU'l'OJCY ISUlLOlNt.S TO LET Thi buildings situated at the corner of Tillary and Divi streets, Brooklyn, well calculated for mechani cal and iiiuiuiftif luring purposes. Application may be mndi to TIMO. CHENEY, at the Factory corner of Raymond am Itolivur streets. n24 istf 'OR SALE The lame ami commodious threi story and attic brick dwelling house and lot No.

8: Clark st. Lot37i by 100 feet tho house 2B by abon 50 loot. Terms easy. Apply at the olhce ol the Biooklyi Fire Insurance Company. tf JFWii SACE OR TO LET Ono of the 2 stor; and attic modern brick houses situate tin southwest corner of Smith and Livingston streets, sultabU tin tor ti genteel tamily.

Rent $.100. Inquire ot ap20 tf J. E. UNDEEHILL. 30 Fillltin street.

Ol'FHlES TO LH'i' Twu rooms iu thi i tniro story ot AO. rout street possession in JiSUjyKitl immediately. Apply at the office ofthe Lonj Island Ins. Co. lnl tl.

TO KENT Two or three rooms in the Brooklyn Institute, suitable for Professional Gentlemen oi Artbts. Applvto WALTERS, ni8 tf rorner of Henry and Poplar sts. STOIEE TO LET On the corner of Bergei Itnormn South Brooklvn. ia a "iliill lorn AUSj.lioa for the grorcry business. Enquire on the prein ises.

aji lw FOR SJ4LE. The house and lol of ground at Mtachetl, No. 1 12 Jay street. Applv lo JNO. 1).

PRINCE, nib tf. Paint store, 39 Fulton st. ES A Slo ITS liOiNT TO LET in a leading thorough fare, well adapted for a newspaper stand. Fi apply to No. 47 Atlantic street, Sout! Brooklyn.

apl7 tf TO STOKE AND CELLAR A fir. I rate stand for business, situated on Joralemou street in ner of Columbia. Applv lo I). A. ROBB1NS, ittvl Nn.2SU Pearl street, Brooklyn.

Sv BSOIJNE LOT FOR SALE Acuta). SSISD house 71 Prince st, near Willougbby. Price S15IH SiUyLAnply at thisnilice. 30 Fulton st.3d siory. ml t' FOUS The propertv next adjoining the Ri formed Dutch church in jornlemon street, runnii: through lo Livingston street, containing in front and re: more than one hmidrcd feel, and averaging in depth nboi three hundred and forty feet.

This property Is beautifull situated, opposite the city hall, and offers many advantage to capitalists. Applvto JOHN D. PRINCE, m8 tiSgPjg t'Paint and Oil store, 39 Fulton street. R. J.

TOJUJO, Auctioneer. Store er Sties Room, 88 Fulton street. I he Subscriber hnt rnii.iHrnMv nnlnnrnri JUU Uy wioo, ana 3 stones high, ex tond ng through t0 Poplar st. consequently the mosl spacious warehouse In Brooklyn, and one ol ihe best locations lor Ihe reception and dispmal any kind ol proper ty. Consignments confided lo lite subscriber's care shall receive his best attention, with the usual facility 0I cash advances and prompt return s.

The spaciousgallery up stairs will be devoted to the sale ot Uiioks, Funcy Goods.und Real Estate, and the firstfloor tuivaie saiesoi prices. The subscriber hopes that his 30 year's experience as an Auctioneer, with his sedulousuttention ana zeal lor the in ISmi" 1Poyirs. has earned lor him character that zens confidence and patronage of his fellow cltl Sales attended at the Franklin House or Merchants' Exchange. New orK. Cash large or small bums advanced on any description of merchandize intended for auction sale.

Sales of furniture attended lo In person during tho season InAowYork, Williamsburgh and all the dlflcroni noints on Long Islund. Real Estate under foreclosure ofniorlpnje or otherwiso 2 per lot. and unv number of lots if sold in iv ttin advertising Included. Furniture during tho season at tho residence of families 2a per cent. commission.

3 'o connoction with ony othor porson or store wlmlover. R. J.TODD, Auctioneer und Valuator. 88 Fulton street. A stoady BILL POSTER will always Le In reodiness to execute Jobs In that Hue.

Apply at the store, 88 Fulton st. Spring sales 1847 Special Notice Parties lequiring my services for sales of Furniture Ht residences of families during the season, will please muke immediate application. In order that good publicity may bo given. The early bird gels the early worm, so does early sales brino, best prices. R.

J. TODD, auctioneer and valuator, 8 Ftilion st. At Private sale The ent. re furniture ol a school, in good order, and. will bo sold cheap.

Apply at the auction store Thursduy, May 20. At 10 o'clock, in the sales rooms. 88 Pulton street, A small assortment of genteel furniture removed from the country for convenience of sale also, a large nnd valuable assortment of now and warranted cabinet furniture, making great variety. Saturday morning, May 22d, At 10 o'clock, at tho sales rooms, 88 Fulton at, The ontire furnituro of a boarding house, together wjth a slock of new cubincl furnituro, carpeting, stoves, otc. Saturiluy evening, May i2d, At early candlelight.

In the sales rooms, 88 Fulton streot, The hfclancc ot stock ol china tea sets elegant table and pocket cutlery, house linen, bummer clothing, 2d hand furj nitnrc in great variety, clocks, hull, mantel and store Imps, fancy and pledged articles, traveling truuks, el3. Monday morning. May 24, At 10 o'clock, at 100 Prospect, btwn Jay and Bridge streets, Painter'sstock and materials WUhoutreserve, the stock in trade of a house painter declining business, comprlsiugin part paints, colors, oil cans, oils, varnishes, ladders from 12 to 50 feet, whiting. Paris white, tools, materials, etc; also, a good pair of wheels, iron chest, etc. Saturday morning.

May 29, Catalogue sale At 10 o'clock, a large and valuable assortment now and 2d hand furniture by catalogue which will be ready two days prior to sale. Thursday, June 3d, At 10 o'clock. In front ofthe store. 88 Fulton st. Greenhouse I'lauis A great variety from a well known florist.

Particulars In season. QEraccl. a ISliAAll is. fillAB 17. SLd SUMMER ARRANGEMENT.

On und alter May 1 Trains will run as follows, except on Sundays: Leave Brooklyn at UK A. M. fur Furmingdale. do IH P. M.

Greenport. do 4 Furrnlugdale. Leave Fnrmiiigdule at 7 A.M. for Brooklyn. do 12 M.

1 do do do Leave Greenport Leave Jamaica do 3H P. M. 8 A. M. 8 1 1 P.

M. do do do do do 4 On Saturdays a Train will leave Brooklyn for Yapbank it 4 P. M. leaving Yaphank on Mondays for Brooklyn at 5K A. M.

On and nfter May 15th, and until September 1st, 1847, a Train will leave Jamaica at 7 A. M. for Brooklyn, Brooklyn "6 P. M. Jamaica; and will land and receive possongers at uny place between Brooklyn tnd Jamaica.

Ou Scndavp, leave Brooklyn 8K A M.forFarniingdale Furniingrinle4 P.M." Brooklyn Freight Trains lenvo Brooklyn 10 A.M. for Greenport Greenport 12 M. Brooklyn. Baggage crates will be in readiness at tho foot of While lull street, to recelvo baggage for the several Trains. 30 ninutes before the hour of starting from the Brnrklyn side.

The steamer "Statesman." C. plain Niifh, leaves Green for Sug Harbor on the arrival of the Accommodation Train from Brooklyn, DAVID S. IVES, Superintendent. Okc LlAE at o'clock, ron ALBANY AND TROY Landing at ivest Point. N'ewburgh.

Hampton. Pougl.kiep Hyde Park, Rhinebeck. U. Red Hook. Bristol.

Cut kill, Judsou, Coxsuckie, and Kinderhook Irom the Foot of Bar iuy street, Nezc Fare reduced. Breakfast and Dinner on board. The steamboat NIAGARA will eave the steamboat pier the foot ot Burcluy street, Tuesday, Thursday ni.d Sut rday, at o'clock A. M. returning on the ensuing days.

Nifrlll Line. ALBANY AND TROY DIRECT, from the foot of Cort stteet. Passengers taking this bout will arrive in time to take the 'Train of cars I rom Troy w.esi lo Buffalo, and north Saratoga and Luke Chalupluiil. The low pressure steamboat EMPIRE. Cupt.

R. B. Macy. leave on Tuesday. Thursday and Saturday evenings, Ii o'clock.

Steamboat COLUMBIA. Capt. Wm W. Tupper, Mon Wednesdays and Friduys, at 6 o'clock P. M.

For Pussuge or Freight, apply on board, or at the Office on he wharf. inylS AUJtll fc. CATHARINE FERRY JMTXrwaa NIGHT BOAT On and after Satur isi.u Boat will run upon this erry ALL A.1GHT. as lollovvs alter midnight: Brooklyn side. 12 o'clock, JVio York side.

12 o'clock, 123 1 IK 2 3K 4S do do do do do 1 do do do do do do myll tf Brooklyn, April 30th. 1847. MTO Part of a house on 21st streot, ia Gowanus, pleasantly situated near Greenwood Cemetery, wiih daily conveynntes from the door. Tho is a large three story dwelling, with a large und well locked garden, in good order, attached. Part of the house vill be rented to a respectable family on reasonable terms, inquiries made on the premises, of myl3 tf BENJ.

DAVISON. fc.B AKttiU), OR GOING TO BE as may i.TJL want a lot of Good Silver, such as Table, Tea, Sugar, Jreuni Spoons, Butter are invited to call and ee my ussoitm nt of Silver, warranted made from coin, tnd as cheap as can be purchased iu store in this or uy city. 1 am constantly manufacturing Jewelry of all soiling at wholesale and retail. JOHN i CHASE, 171 Fulton street, my4 tf muuufaciurer of aaiU! A superior nssort ment of Field, Garden anil Flower Seeds, at the seed tore. WHALE OIL SOAP, for destroytuc insects on plants nd shrubs.

At the store of WM. K. CORNELL. ap j'J ly 100 Fulton, corner of Clark street. 1 lfcOJ.M:,RV STAi4 FOR SALE.

The stock, ijf fixtures and good will ofthe Grocery anei Fj2ed store of Myrtle and Franklin avenues a first rate stand business. Apply on the premises, or to A. H. OS BORN comptroller, at hisoilicc in tho City Buildings, corner Crunj ierryand Henry sis. m30 tf vVTOTICt TilH STREET COMMITTEE OF" THE Xj Common Council will hold their regular meetings at ue committee room, City Buildings, every Wednesday af crnonn nt 5 o'clock.

S. L. HUSTED, Chairman. Brooklyn, 12th May, 1847. myl3 IA iVARE.Jupan'd Ware, Plated Wore, Table Cutlery, Baskets.

Sauce Pans, Fry Pans. Tea veitlcs. Table Castors, Shovels and Tongs, with an assort uent of housekeepers hardware, for sule by jd23 3m W. N. CLEM.

144 and 146 Fulton st. N. CLEM. 144, ct 146 JL'iOji ST, Airi ntinr the sale of Platform and Counter Scales, 'atent Balances an assortment constantly on hand at ma iiitticturer's prices. ui23 3m 1 ART, WAGON AND PIPE ot.

manufacturer prices by his 03 3ui BRASS AND COPPER WIRE, Cut, and Horse shoe Nulls. Cut Brads, Tacks, Tacks, Files, Planes. Saws, Chisels, Rules, Compass s. Squares, Hammers, with an assortment of mechanics' )ols, forsalc by wv CLEM, in23 3iu J4 anu Fulton street. STUSAIHE PsTLlllES, Axle and Shum Axle Pul lies.

Sand Paper (Gugo's). (Cooper's) Glue, (Clark's) atent Ilii'ts. N. E. Screws.

Hat and ContHooks, Wardrobe looks. Hat Pins, with a full assortment of Hardware, for low, bv W. CLEM ni23 3m 144 and 146 Fulton street. rjASR WEI6HTS sale by mC3 3m 12 tons of assorted sizes, for W. N.

CLEM, 144 and 14G Fulton street. KAME PULLIES. 300 dozen Frame Pullles, Willi un assortment ot Builders Haruwnre, rnr sale ny WH1TE BURRELL. my5 eod2w 253 Fulton, corner Johnson street. POINTING, BRICK, GARDEN 3c PLASTERING Trowels Hand, Pannel nnd Rippirg Saws, for sale by WHITE BURRELL.

vsentsfor McLaughlin's lent Morticeiag Machine. myo eod2w 253 Fulton, corner Inhnsi'n rrpet. FOR SALE 4 lots 25 100 each, eliulbl on tho corners of Clason avenue. Vv iRounhby ond Jchenck to be sold cheap, if na.p',lkai"12 mado at Domett's real estate office 158 Fultoast. gyl5 tf TWO O'CLOCK.

Up to the hour of going to press, uo news ot im portance has arrived, by this morning's mails or by telegraph. Loss, by shipwreck, of one hundred and bixtv lives 'From the Scottish Gazette, by the Bri lanuia.J Ono of the passengers of the Modem Athens, arrived at the Broomioluw from Islay yes terday, gives tho following awful account of the total loss of tho ship Exmouth, at Newcastle, from with one hundred andsixty eight pas ngcia uuu crew, for wucdoc. from what we gathered from tho above referred to gentleman, as well as the three survivors, it appears the uufortu liato vessel sailed from Londonderry on Sunday had her canvass all blown away during the severe storm on Monday and Tuesday that she became perfectly unmanageable, and at half past twelve on Wednesday morning drifted ou the rocks at Bal lanavie, ou the west coast of Islay, with so great a lorco that she went to pieces in teu minutes after she struck. The captain, crew, and Dussencera a were all lost, with the exception of three sailors, who were in the shrouds, aud who were thrown upon the rocks. I he Modern Athens passed the wreck on tho afternoou ol Wednesday, when thoro Was a con siderable number of bodies being washed ou shore.

I he survivors eamo here with tho Modern Athen yesterday, on their way to South Shields, to which place thoy belong. Their names are John Stevens, (oorge Lightford and William Coultard. The cap tain's name was Isaac Booths, and the owner. John Edons, of South Shields." Business (iTariis. t'DMNIJfGHAM HAICKIS, DISTILLERS AND REOTIFIEKS, Are at all times prepared to furnish to order, at tholr establishment ou Front, between Main and Washimrtoii Brooklyn, PURE SPIRITS, WHISKEY, GJV, BRAJfDY, frc, ON Title MOST REASONABLE TE11MS.

N.B. Orders left at their store, 184 Fronlstreet, New York, ill meot the same attention. d'27 JACKSON'S N. YORK BROOKLYN DAGUERRIAN GALLERY Removkd from 123 Broadway, N. Y.

To Number 4 3 Fuiioii street, Brooklyn. 'Iiousands that have patronised this Gallery in New lork, afford the best evidnnpe thi hi nnnu. i. surpassed, il equalled, by any establishment in the United States. The recent valuable discoveries made by Mr.

Jackson in the art enable him to make his portraits permanent and durable, (being coated with a surface of pure transparent gold,) while those taken at other establishments have been found to fade. The Ladies and Gentlemen of Brooklyn, together with his old customers in Now York, are respectfully invited to call and examine his specimens N.B. Likenesses of sick nr ilAtmii nb.AH'. deuces, at the shortest notice. IC13 tf CHOWEWi'S BROOKLYN DAGUERRIAN GALLERY! JVo.

63 Fulton street. Likenesses la ken in all weather, from 7 o'clock in the morn ing uniii sunset. ick or deceased persons taken at their residences j0g LOCKS, LATCHES, in. CP" B. CROOKER, JVo.

35 Myrtle avenue, between Pearl and Jay streets, Brooklyn, has constantly on hand a supplyof Locks, Lutches, Sliding Dooj Trimmings Also, Porcelain, Glass, Mineral, and all othor kinds of Door K.nobs which he will supply tu customers and purchasers generally, at as low prices as can be found either in New York or Brooklyn. P.S. Lock Rkpairinq, BcliIIahqino and Silvbr Plat punctually attonded to. "WOT. S.

UAItEUK, BOOKBINDER AND PAPER RULER, 136 Fttito a street, Brooklyn. AH kinds of Bookbinding done in a neat and substantial Muiic tn JAS. C. WATTS, TEACHER OF THE FLUTE, Bedford. An assortaient of splendid eight keyed Flutes on hand, with Nicholson's School for the Flute." je3 DKi XV.

C. BENEDICT, Late Physician and Surgeon in the Philadelphia, Hospital, PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, d3 Qffue in Mlantic, near Clinton street, Brooklyn. J. EMITIErVS, MERCHANT CASH TAILOR, 3 Vo. 89X Fulton street, opposite Henry street, myl2 Brooklyn.

GEOKUE A. CORONER AND ABRAHAM, UNDERTAKER, i2 JVo. 55 Heury street, Brooklyn. AVILLIAill WISETjIr" WATCHMAKER AND JEWELLER, d27 JVo. 79 Fulton street.

SAM'JL E. JOKNSOIV, MASTER IN CHANCERY. 13 tf Cce, JVo. 1 Front street, Brooklyn. A.

OKVH1E KIILLARD, MASTER IN CHANCERY, myl5 tf Office, JVo. 3 Front street, Brooklyn. NICHOLAS VaIyBKUItT ATTORNEY AND SOLICITOR AT LAW,) JVo. 1 Front street, Brooklyn. fCo.M.UIBBlONlSR ot DeKDS.

ap24 tfr. ATTORNEY AND SOLICITOR, Hall's Buildings comer of Fulton and Cranberry streets Commissioner of Deeds. n24 tf purveyor, JVo. 1 Front street, Brooklyn. LITHOGRAPHING AND PRINTING in all its branch? es Maps for Sales of Property executed on the shortest notice ol0 jy jameTTpescottT sexton of st.

john's church, JVo. 250 jJiiams street. To whom application for Pows In the Church, or Interments in tho Burial Yard, may be made. ilON UK. MORIARTY HAS RKMOVCD TO THE CORNKR OT CLINTON AND HARRISON STREETS, ny4 Next to the Church.

JOHN GKEEIVWOOIr SUPREME COURT COMMISSIONER FOR KINGS CO. Having the powers of a Judgo of the Suprome Court, and of tho First Judge of the County at chambers also, those of a Commissioner of Deeds. jyll tf Office, 3 street, Brooklyn tip stairs). JOHN B. ATTORNEY AND SOLICITOR, "3u JVo.

3 street, Brooklyn. ATTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW, Residence 18 Stanton's Buildings, Fulton st, Brooklyn. Office 35 Wall st, Now York. o22 tf JATOES EI. PATTERSON, COMMISSIONER OF DEEDS,) FOR THIS CITY Oy BROOKLYN, The States of Ohio, Michigan, Illinois, und Virginia, and the Territory of Wisconsin.

Office, City Buildhips. Searches of Titles and conveying of Real Estate particularly attended to. jol tf ALFRED STEVENS, COMMISSIONER OF DEEDS, Office Brooklyn Insurance au 1 No. 43 Fulton street. COMMISSIONER OF DEEDS, JJ 43 Wn street.


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