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The Brooklyn Daily Eagle from Brooklyn, New York • Page 3

The Brooklyn Daily Eagle from Brooklyn, New York • Page 3

Brooklyn, New York
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

1 3: 'Tiiii iii ii rnT Pin 1 nmni mi if'fritnrriii Amusements. Notice to Subscribers, South of Dejialb avmtx. We Have established a carrier in thU section of the city who will serve tha Eagle early every afternoon. Those wishing to subscribe will be punctually served by leaving their na ne and number at the office, 30 Fulton street. A Patriot's Dream.

For the Brooklyn Daily Eagle. My life lias been a troubled dream. Since childhood's earliest hopes began; The pongs I've felt, tho wrongs I've seen, Would make me hate my fellow man 1 Did I not feel, with noble pride, That Time will hWi the horrid etrifo hall cure whatever ills betide, A pilgrim o'er the sands of life. I've loved, perchance I loved in'vaiu, Have trusted, and have found deceit As if man thought my fever1 brain Had not the fortitude to meet. The shock of impious cruel wrong, Enough break a heart like mine, Were it not clod in armour strong.

And fired with a spark Divine. 1 hate the coward's wilful.wrong; I lore the Freeman's 6acred sword It guards the weak against the strong, And cuts right through oppression's horde. I're loved the daring lofty deed The iron will, the arm of steel Be ever mine the freeman's creed Who frees himself can nobly feel! This spark may light ajoyous flame Arouse some gallant patriot hand To wield the sword, and damn to fame" The tyrants of their own lov'd land! iCct or lot Bait. tFOB SALEt To be rem'oVeu immediately, the frant buildings Nos. 305 and 307 Fnlton street.

Price $90. nquire of JOHNSON HAMMOND, my23 lw Junction of Washington and Fnlton sts. TO LET, A 3 STORY BRICK HOUSE G3 Court street, between Livingston and Schermer "horn sts Enquire of td JOHN B. KING, City Hall. STORES AND HOUSES TO LET IN BROOKLYN.

A first rate stand for the Grocery or Drug business. Also the whole or part of a new four storv brick house on DeKalb nvenucvbetween Raymond and Navy streets. Rent very moderate Apply at 145 Fulton afreet. Brooklyn, or at the office of my25 1 F. 3.

STALLKNECHT. 14 Wall N. t'l'O li'I. A three story brick house, situate No. 63 Court street, between Livingston and Scher merborn strfein.

In excellenirepair.and a firatelass houro Premises can be seen from 12 o'clock till 1 1 2 P. on eacli dav. For terms, enquire of JOHN B. KING.City Hall or of mh23tf JAMES E. UNDERBILL, 50 Fnltoflstreeu A LODGE ROOM TO LET on the corner Mof Fulton and Orange streets the room iJin good condition, nnd is unoccupied on Monday, Tuesday, Wedneaday and Thursday evenings.

Enquire of L. D. SIMONS, 240 Water street, N. T.t or to C. T.

WALES, at the ofricoof tbis paper. Rent SCO per year. TO LET, after the 1st of May next, a Mljl'jrge and commodious ROOM on the first floor of the Institute, formerly occupied by the Brooklyn Savings Bank, and at present by tho Hamilton Literary Assc elation. For particulars, enquire at the Institute. March nth.

18.53. TO RENT, TO A GENTEEL FAM1X.3L a Handsome COTTAGE HOUSE, containing 9 hand some rooms, with large garden room, wood house situate Red Hook Place, between Fulton avenue an 1 Livingston street, near City Hall. Rent 8460. Knonlreonlne premises; or No. 30 Fulton street, Brooklyn.

ahlT tf te. ljCT Two liooms23 by 28, und ty ffiili 9t," a fr.unth,,iin No.337 Fulton street, Brook "lyn, directly dicing Montague street, nnd immediately Rooms. The rooms can co RI lhe Evergreen Cemetery Rooms, ol GEORGE HALL. A capital standforDajruer rootypisis. dy in the town of Flatlnnds.

a nut 1)uillinP. together with ONE ACRE ot Hh.ove1Pr''Pjrty is pleasantly locMed, adjoining lhe inl wllbinmi hourWio of'lhc city, ow PlankRond For further particulars enquire of 3 my. tf JOHN B. HENDR1CKSON. on tho promises.

tOI' ICES. Jcc, IN FULTON STREET, (opposite City Hall) to Let. TbeOFFlCES (3 Rooms) on the rear ol the 3rd floor, and the whole ofthe 4th floor, suitable lor the new Brown Stone FrouV Store, I' ullon street, just above Myrtle avenue Apply to VALENTINE O. HALL, No. 6 Grnmercy Paris.

EnstJOth street. New York, al Do'clock, A. or Mb, TO LET. A neat two story and attic Cot WjUft on tho west side of Vsnderbilt avenue, between and Park, (nearer Park,) suitable for a small genteel foinilv. One with one or two children preferred Tho house is new, nnd finished in tirsl clnss style, with marble, mantles, gns, with fixtures, speaking lubes, dumb waiter, water in kitchen, RentS275.

Possession given immediately. Auplv to B. CONKLIN, foot of Pearl st, Brooklyn, or of G. C. MORGAN .221 Pearl New York.

uiy27 3t I OR SALE. A first class suction Firo Engine, built bv John Agnew. Philadelphia, and known ns Southwaiik Encine, No. 38. of New York.

Annlin JOHN W. SCHENCK, 190 Front at, N. Y. l''Oli SALE. A brown nnnv.

cirrht years old. fourteen and three quarter hands high, in harness nnd undnr niwMln Prl.n fionn Apply nt 32 Pierrepont street. my25 tf TO LET. A commodious brick stable Ain a very convenient sinjaiion, in Adams street, one I I door from Sands street: hnvinir irrmmnjiiiinn roc two HorseB and a Cow, aud two or three Corrias es. Apply to D.FARLEY, theofflce of the Brooklyn Whfe Lead Co.

WW No. 85 Front street. LINTON AVENUE PROPERTY. For sale 3 sections of T.nnd: enfh rnntninlnn t) A.ll ltn1ni.ln tl. best partof theAvenuef Kortorms apply to LJ0HN A.

DAYTON, 43 Fulton street. Brooklyn, Feb. 7th. 185g, fiyr IrOU SALE, THREE VALUABLE BUILDING LOTS, each lot 25 feet in front and 100 feetin depth on PorHnod avenue, 2S6 feot from Myrtle avenue. Also, a coruor lot on Park avenue and Navy street, 20 feet front on Navy street and 65 feot on Park avenue.

For terms, apply tn JOHN STANBURY, 3ni lofi Hiirh street. Brooklvn. FOR SALE. The Church Property on Henry street, near Clark, opposite Rev. Dr.

Cox's Church. Jt consists of 3 lots of grouud, each 25 feet front, nnd a substantial brick building 60 by 80 feet, suitable for a Church, Manufactory, or for public purposes, and would be sold cheap. Ap P'S" J. H. BROWER, inn No.

45 South street, Now York. SALE. For sale 7 valuable Building Lotsin uovicinityofAtlRnticBasin.sItuatoonthenorth easterly corn' of Van Brunt and Partition streets. Tlrls is undoubtedly the most valuable corner lor business purposes in this rapidly improving neighborhood. It is lOOI'eet front Van Brunt street, and 1 15 feet on Partition street both streets are regulated and paved.

Enquire of CP. SMITH, 57 Fulton street, Brooklyn. December 27, 1851. d27 tf TREMENDOUS BARGAINS At the celebrated Lnrgostand Cheapest CARPET ESTA BLISHMNT In tho United States, No. 99 Bowery.

HIRAM ANDERSON. Eight Spacious Sales Rooms, wholesale nnd retail!" SALES ROOM NO. 1, contains the most extensive fashionable and handsome assortment of Hare's celebrated English and American FLOOR OIL CLOTHS of tho newest style satin finish, marble, Italian, fresco, and scroll paintings, ever offered in this city, from 2s. Gd. to 8l tho square vnrd, of I to 8 yards wide.

SAtES ROOM No. 2. Thoro nro two hundred nnd fifty pieces of tho choicest, most' beautiful and dcsiruhle putiems of English and American INGRAIN CARPETING, at unparalleled low prices, from line shillings lo six shillings unci sixpence peryurd. Mnnu tuctured for our city sales. SALES ROOM NO.

3, contains three hundred pieces of English nnd American Imperii THREE PLY CARPETINO, of magnificent scroll and Golhic figures, imporled and niuuutuciureu to order, some of which cannot be found at any other establishment in the United States. SALES ROOM NO. 4, contninBone hundred and fifty pleceBof fino INGRAIN CARPETING, of splendid new patterns, at astonishingly low prices, 'is. 3b. lis.

and 4s. per yard. SALES ROOM NO. displnysn wonderful variety of EMOLISH DRUGGETS, of 4 yard's wide. Also, 8,000 yards of Druggets, of 2 and 3 yards wide, at 3s.

Us. nnd lis. per yard. Also mag nilicem Mosaic nnd Axmiustur HEARTH RUGS, and 1,000 Tufted Rugs nt 211s. each.

SALES ROOM NO. 6. is fully Blocked with every variety of Striped and Figured, di'Alll und HALL CARPETING, at 2s 2s. 3s. to 6s lier yard.

Also, English Tupestry, Brussels and Velvet Stair Carpel at and Ills, per vard. SALES ROOM NO. 7, Royal Velvot, Axmtnsier. Tapestrv. and Brussels Carpeting, Imported from the celebrated Eiiclish manufactories of John Cross'y ii Son, and HundersonV expresBlylbr our city trade.

Also, Mosaic CarpetB of one entire piece, the size 16 feet by 21, and 12 feet II inches bv 17 feet, worth IS350. Iu SALES ROOM NO. 8, aro the PATENT TAPESTRY INGRAIN CARPETS exhibited at the World's Fair, nnd lo be exhibited ut the Now York Crystul Pnlace. Also, VViudow Shades, at 6s 8s to Sin per pair; Table Covers; Plated and Biass Slair Rods, English Sheepskin, Adelaide and Tufted Parlor Door Mats. Also, white and Checked Matting, 4 4.

5 4, nnd fi 4. nnd Cocoa Malting. All ofthe above goods will be sold 20 per ci.nt, losn than any other establishment in the United States. ill It AM ANDERSON, 99 Bowery, N. Y.

N. B. Families and Merchants visiting tliegreai metropolis will find it nmcli to their advantage lo call ami examine ihiB "Hummus stock. mbl2 "lARl'ETlNGS. PETERSON HUMPHREY 379 Broadway, Corner Whit, street, New York.

Having made extensive ulteratioiis to Conner spacious establishment, by adding the lurgo salesroom of Messrs. Cooley h. Keeso, beg leave lo call the intention of their Southern Frif.nds to their large and elegant Stock of rich received per Steamships and Packets from Europe, consisting ot RICH MOSAIC CARPETS in one entire piece. An article unsurpassed in richness and, shadings. and never before in the counlrv.

RICH MEDALLION VELVET CARPET, fitted loimv sized room. ROYAL VELVET AND AXMINSTER CARPETS, of now designs. TAPESTRY AND BRUSSSELS CARPETS, of new designs. THREE PLY AND SUPERFINE, of new designs. Rich Rugs, Mats, Table and Piano Covers.

Mattings White, Checked, Fancy and Harlequin, 3.4, 4. I 5.4. ami 0. I wide. OIL CLOTHS, from throe to twenty four feel wide, superior finish and elt.

gnat designs; patterns entirely new, and thoroughly dry Also, are' ureDared to furnish Steamships. Packets anx Steamuoats, with all kinds of UPHOLSTERY', including Mattresses, Curtain Materials, Brogatelle, Sic, Sic, for sale on the most reasonable terms. mhl5 dmMcl) ATHENEUM BOOKSTORE. Tbo subscribers have removed their Book und Stationery Establishment from IS9 Atlantic street to the Atbenmum Buildines. and have greatly increased their Btock of Books.

Stationery and fine uoous, wnerowiii ueiuund woras Historical, Biographical, Scientific and MiscellnueouB. Bibles fur the School, for the familv, and for the pulpit. Prayer Books In every style of Binding. Psalm and Hymn Books, School Books, tec, Str. On tho 1st of Juno a BINDERY" will bo attachod to the establishment.

Purties sending in books to be bound may rely upon the best workmanship at lhe lowest prices. New Books regularly received. ray24Gt JAS. McMURRAY St CO. The lront part of a splendid Basement to loi.

CHEAP BOOT AND SHOE STOKE. No. 33 39 JAMES STRKF.T, BROOKL Y.V. PATR1CK Mc LEAN, Proprietor, respectfully announces to his numerous customers, his friends und the public, that his storo is now fullv supplied with an admirable assortment Oi BOOTS, SHOES, tc. mnde under his own immediate supervision, which he will dispose of for cash, at prices unusually "ctustom work made to order of the best materials and superior workmanship.

McC would also intimate, that dunngthe hours of business be will always be found in his store, whereby all mhH tnkeB or orrors that might otherwise be committed are precluded. He strictly adheresto theOnoPriceSystem. my 17 BOARD. Two' Rcntlemen. who would room together, can find Board in a private family, with break dinner on Sundav.

bv luouirinsr in Hovt 4 doors north of Atlantic. ap23 tf H1VI7 The Sphere op'Woman. Men" grumble if wb men ask to enter the sphere hitherto monopoliz ed by themselves, and yet it strikes us that masculines have exhibited no snob, delicacy in keep 1 ing clear of occupations properly belonging to the ladies. We see the dry goods stones filled with salesmen, shop boys, and clerks, to the utter exclusion of the tender sex, measuring out the trimmings of mantillas and pantalettes, while by a strange incongruity, numbers of women are employed in stitching pantaloons and waistcoats. These positions be reversed.

That the Creator ever feshioned six feet of masculine bone and sinew to measuring lace, muslin and baby fibdns is a supposition at variance with the harmonies of creation. To measure and sell skirt flounces and lace caps, calico and lace for fringing ladies' garments is as much an effeminate duty as to wear them. Better perambulate the streets singing "Tin ware to mend," or adopt the chorus of "Fresh codfish, here they go" for a living than earn it with a tape line and a yardstick Here's a chance for the advocates of woman's rights. Morals depend a good deal on organization. The panther could no more love with the tame and gentle passion of a dove than she could change her spots and her glossy hide for a covering of feathers; or convert her natural growl into the gentler sounds of billing and cooing.

1 So the fiery impetuous and high spirited find it impossible to pay the same regard to the icy conventionalities of society that those of cool, phlegmatic temperaments can do, and break through them as naturally as sunbeams through a grove of icicles. If you would find how much of the the devil a young woman has got mixed in her composition, don't ask what kind of an education she has had. but count the number of times her pulse beats in a minute. Virtue depends on the constitution as much as the action of a steam engine on the amount of steam generated in the boiler. State Legislature.

The two houses continue to progress in the public busines with very commendable despatch. In the senate yesderday, there was some debate on the bill to authorize the city of Utica to subscribe to the Watertown Railroad, and also on a bill exempting the assay Office of New York from taxation. The former passed and the latter was referred. Iri the house there was a long incidental debate on the canal question, ind the votes showed a large majority for the project of Mr. West.

The debate sprung up on a question of reference. Mr. west moved that the report of the canal committee be recommitted for amendment. The. motion was opposed by Mr.

Burroughs, several whigs and some of the members of the New York delegation, who desired to have it sent to the committee of the whole. Mr. Shaw of New York said he should vote with the majority. All this talk, he said, was of no use. He perfectly understood it.

He as one of the majority, would, say, that he and they knew this proposition weald pass the House. It would pass because they 1 tad counted their forces and knew it. (Laughter.) It would certainly pass the Assembly, but it would be rejected in the Sen ate. He hoped it, would too. He did not like the plan, but he would vote for the Senate, if they were wise would reject it.

(Laughter.) The final result would be a committee of conference, and a compromise would be effected which would do what the people wished. The reference was carried and th minority report referred to same committee. Iq the Senate the following bills rerc passed To amend the harter of Genesee. To amend the charter of EUmira. Confirming the official acts of S.

O. Justice of the Peace. To authorize the children of Cecilia de Nottbeok to hold real estate. To amend the charter of Church ville. To authcirize the formation of Agricultural Societies.

amend the act incorporating the New York Academy of Medicine. To amend the charter of tl le Broadway Savings Institution. To declare Chui 'chville, in Monroe county, a sep arate road distri ct. To amend the General Medical Society act. (The delegates to the State Medical Society be equal to the number of members of Assembly from each county.) For the relief of the heirs of E.

Heermance, and the heirs of George V'and erpool. To amend t.he charter of Dansville. To increase the capital stock of the Jamaica and Myrt le avenue Plank Road Company. To repeal the auction act of 184V. To authorize the Sale of th Seneca Falls Town house lot.

To changethe name of the Oswego Congregational Society. Toe Committee of the Whole, Mr. Upham in the chair, commenced the examination af the bill known in the Assembly tvs Loomis' providing for a thorough and complete system of taxation. The Committee reported progress, and the Senate adjourned. In Assembly nearly the whole time was consumed on the canal bill ami no'bills besides were considered or passed.

Virginia Election. TTieieports by telegraph represent the result of th? rece.nt election in Virginia for members of Cc ingreS3. of the state Legislature and Commissio ners of public works, as follows First District F. EL Bayly, re elected to Congress without, opposition. Second District Johr.

S. reelected. Third District John S. Caekie, has 300 majority. Fourth District WH liam O.

Goo de, elected. Fifth District John Wooten, whig, has 175 majority. In Campbell county the result is? donbt ful. Seventh District Edgar Snowden, whig, i's 150 ahead, vrith four counties to hear from. The result is doubtful.

Eighth District rCharles J. Faulkner, is probably chosen. No returns have been received from the Sixth and Eleventh districts. There was no opposition to the democratic candidates in the Ninth, Tenth, Twelfth and Thirteenth districts. The whigs gain severa members in the Legislature.

No definite return for Commissioner of Public Works are yet received. The vote is generally smal l. Columbian Hall, No. 281 Grand street, New York. This celebrated Bazaar of taste and fashion is daily crowded with the elite of the City and Country gazing with admiration on the immense assortment of rich India Crape Shawls, Silks of every description, Bareges, Tissues, Barege de Laines, Paris printed Jaconets, Lawns and other Dress Goods that fill to overflowing that celebrated establishment.

To visit Columbian Hall during business hours, a stra ager would naturally suppose it to be the only Dry Goods store in the city, and although there are a great many other similar stores of less i nagnitude, there are none that have the well reputation of selling a better article, or on lower terms thaJi the Messrs. S. and M. E. Towle.

Co. Jacob Bennett, op Brooklyn, still con tinue the leaders of taste and fashion in. the Cil of Churches. Owing to the great inducements and attractions in ruh Dress Goods, Laces and held out to the Ladies, No. 321 Ful ton street has become as popular as any store in the city of New York; and inde ed hundjeds ftxm the city cross the ferries daily to do their shop ping at this establishment, well knowing they can get a better article for a less prhce than a' any store in their own city.

James Colk, Auctioneer. BY JAMES COLE Ji SON, 43 Fulton ttreeU corner of Front $trcettttrookiyii. James Cole 4: Son, will give their personal attention to salen of Household Furniture, andoutdoor sales generally; also to sales of RealEstate, Stocks, Jtc, at the York. MoxiuY. May 30.

At 12 o'clock, at the Merchants' Exchange, Woodville Property 16 lots on Bigelowaud wycoffaves rA nfniriu nv npnrthf Railroad Station: all the street are opened and great improvements are now going on in the vicinity somo of tha lots are 23 by ISO feet, and the balance 25 by HK) ieet. xneso are some oi me must ucnui tuio YVnniU'iUn. end the snle will ho nositivo to close the concern. Brooklvn Lois on Willonghhv avenue and Rycrson street 4 lots on the corner of Willoughby avo and Ryerson st nnd Iniu ndiiiir nn Willful filihv nvnii These 'lots are some of the property lately belonging to I Smith, Esq the title to which is Ryerson street is paved its entire length, and severallmcs ot omuiDUSses pass wiimn a tew ieet oi tins property. For particulars, apply to Iho auctioneers, No 13 Pulton Brooklyn, where maps may be obtained.

Terms Part of iho purchase money can remain on bond and mortgage, for a term of years. utG per ceul. my28 It Thursday, June 2. At 12 o'clock, at the Merchants' Exchange, Assignees Sale of three Valuable 4 story brick houses, Nos. 249, 251, and 253 Columbia between Summit and Wood hull streets, Brooklyn.

The houses are each 2t by 40 feet, finished iu tho best manner, and modern style; the first story as store. Lots each 20 by 80 feet. This property is very desir able, and offers groat inducements for the inve'stment of cap. ital. Sale positive, by order of tha Assignee.

Mnps aro ready. "ny23 td Moxdat, June At 12 oclock, at tho Franklyn House, Brooklyn, Supremo Court, under the direction of D. Van Voorhees, 4 lots of ground, koown as Nos. 53i 531, 534 and the Map of Henrv Story, in the 8th ward, Brooklyn, being on the cor. of Sixth" av.

ana Twunty first st. For particulars, bco Hoferee's advertisement. my28 td Friday, Juue 10, A 1 10 o'clock, at No. 70 Remqen etreet, Brooklyn, Furniture sale ofthe laryo and elegant nssortmcnt of Household iu theabovohou A more particular description, and catalogues, one week before the sale. Terms Cash, in city money.

my28 td K. Oakley, Auctioneer. BY OAKLEY WRIGHT. MF. HA A' 1 A A No.

343 Fulton street, (ppoitc City Halt,) Brooklyn, Will give their perHonal attention to the Sale of Real Estate at Auction, at the Merchants' Exchange, New York, at their capacious Sale Room, or in any section of Long Island; alsc to the Sale of Furniture, Dry Goods, Groceries, Meichandise nt private residences of at their Sales Room. Real Estate of every description at Private Sale, (roods received on Morale and per consignments. Tuesday, June 14, At 12 o'clock, at the Mechanics Exchange, 343 Fulton street, Brooklyn 3 lots each 25x100 ft on the northerly side of Pncilic ctreet, 150 ieet west of "Grand avo. 2 lots, ench 25x100 it on the southerly side of Pacific street, 117 ft three and a half inches east of Vvashington avo 1 hirgr gore Joi on the northerly corner of Pacific street and Washington avenue, having a front of 50 feet on Pacific street aud 109 feet on Washington uvenuo. 1 lot 25x100 feel, on the northerly side of Pacific etreet.

feet west of Underbill avenue, nearly opposite the Church. 1 lot 25x100 feet on the southerly ide of Dean Btreet, 270 feet east of Washington avenue. Thete lois are located in a rapidly improving neighborhood handsome brick aud frame dwellings and stone nave been erected during the past vear and are now in course ot erection. Pacific street graded and paved, Washington avenue now being graded and paved, a lino of omnibuses running to the ferries pass tlieso lots each trip. Good opportunity for investment or improvement.

td John Fisuiilatt, Auotiuuoer. SPIUN0 FURNITURE SALES. J. Ki6HflLATT respectfully informs his friends and tho public that he is prepnred, ns usual, to give his personal attention to Snies of Furniture at the residence of families, JOHN FIS11BLATT. Real Estate und General Auctioneer Ordurs left at the Eagle Office, 30 Fulton street.

Brooklyn, will be punctually attended to. tnhO Sin Joseph Hboioman, Auotlonuer. 0 I. PUBLIC SALES 110 OM, No. 191 Washington street, between Concordand Tillary streets.

J. H. will give his personal attention to the sale of Furniture, Groceries, Dry Goods, tc, kc, also the sale of Real Estate at Auction or Private Sale. Wednesday, June 1. At 10 o'clock, A.M., at No.

4 Fulton avenue, Household Furniture and Musical Instruments. At hnlf past 2 o'clock, P. nt fJo GO Adelphi street near Wyrtle avenue Parlor, Chamber and Kitchen Furniture. BAGE SOTHER, AUCTIONEERS AND REAL ESTATE BROKERS, No. 77 Fulton street, Brooklyn.

HOUSES AND LOTS FOR SALK IN EVERY PART OK THE CITY. Willtam M. Boerum, Auctioneer. Sales Room 849 Fulton street, opposite City fjpill W. M.

B. will give his personal attimttpn to Sales of House, hold Fucnlture, Heal Estatp, Slocks, Worchandlse, In all piiris of this'oity and elsewhere. Liberal cash advances made when reoutred. Salea and consignments respectfully Boliclted. Stephen H.

Cahoone, AuetionY cr, AND REAL ESTATE BROKER, Corner of Fltttim and Front streets, Brooklyn. S. H. C. will give his porBonal attention to Sales of Renl Estate, at the Merchants' Exchnngo, New Y'ork, or elsevfUeie) nisu 10 smcB oi nouBenoiu furniture AT PRIVATE SA.LX.

Houses and Lots In most of tlni wards iu this city. Also, aFnrm on Lone Island, within 30 miles of the cltv. Also, a snmll Parlor Organ would be exchanged for other piupuriy. nuze Aakon Stone, Auctioneer. QfRce, tfl Fulton street, Brooklyn, L.

I. The subscriber would reBpeotfully inform his friends and the public, thnthe will give his personal attention to the solo ol Keai estate nt Auction, at mo Merchants' Exchange. New York, tho Franklin HouBe, Brooklyn, or nny part of Lone island. Also.snlesof Furniture and Merchandise of every description attended to on fnvowible terttiB. Real Estate of every description nt Private Snle.

Houses and lots nt nil priceB and terms of payment easy. Vacant lotsfor snlelow, and monev advanced on many al them to build. Also money loaned on liond nnd mortgage in sums tu suit. Olflce, No. Fultun street, E.

D. Foster, Auctioneer. BY FOSTER LOPER. Ojlir.cs, No. 4 Sands Brooklyn, and 7 Broad New York Will give their personal attention to the snle of Renl Estate.

Household Furniture, in the cities of Brooklyn. New York und Willinmsburgh, either nt public nuction or by prt vute Bale. To facilitate private sale of Real Estnte, they will keep in thciroflices register of lots, houses. which may be inspected by those who inny desiro to mnko investments. Arntiieumei.iii have been rnu'de wiilv Anthony J.

Blef.ckf.ii, Auctioneer. No. 7 Broad street, New York, who will in connection with Messrs. Foster it Loper, attend to sales nt audion nt the Merchants' Exchange, New York. Money louned on Bond nnd Mortgage, in sums to suit, nlso will attend to lettingof houses and collecting of rontH.

K. .1. Todd. Larte Sales Rooms, iYo. 81) Fulton street, and 83 Poplar street The undersigned, truly grateful for pust favors during lue last 2C years, again tenders hiB services to the public as Auctioneer for the sale of Furniture, Real Estate.

Groceries, or any kind of Merulinndiso. in Brooklyn, New York, or nny part of'Long Islnnd, nnd he renews his assurnnces to his patrons, that the trust reposed in him shiill not be forfeited. I is spi cious Sales Rooms, long experience, assiduous nttention and zeal for the interests of his employers, moderate charges, liberal cash advances, and his usual prompt returns, will. I.o hopes, insure continuance of tho public nulronago. Real Estnte S3 lot, commission, and large parcels still ciieaper.

R. .1. TODD. Auctioneer. Suydam, Auctioneer.

Stile Jiuura 337 and 333 h'nlton street, Brooklyn. S. Hf.rf.han will give bis personal attention lo iho Sale of Household Furniture and Merchandise of all kinds, at his Sales Room or at private residences. Also, to the Sale of Real Estate, Slocks, in Brooklyn or nt the Merchants' Exchange, N. Y.

Cash advances made on Goods designed for sale. H. A Register kept fur Ileal Estate at I'rivateSalo. Davison, AUCTIONEERS AND REAL ESTATE BROKERS, Yd.3'10 Fulton street, (near the City Hall), Brooklyn. The subscribers would respectfully i'nfurm llieir friends and the public that they will give their personal attention lo tho snle and purchiise of Real Estate.

AImj, Sales of Furniture, intended loon favorable termB. Particular attention paid to the Letting of Houses. Also, the (. ollection of Rents. Agents for Life and Fire Insurance.

Also, agents for Simiatt's Patent Lightning Rods. JOHN JONES, ALEXANDER DAVISON. Mouey loaned on Bond and Mongaiiu. A number of Houses and Stores to Let. AT PRIVATE SALE.

Two 2 story and basemonthouses on Power near Atlantic street. A two story and buHemonl frame hoiiBe on Bond, near Atlantic street. A three story housoon Hicks street, near the Heights. A two story and basement house on Claremont avenue. Four4 story brick stores and dwellings on Fulton avenuo, near Cumberland street.

150 Lots for sale ut Bedford. Also Lots in different Wards. Several Farms for Snle or Exchange forCity Property, my IG tf THE BROOKLYN HOMOEPATHIC DISPENSARY ia now open daily, at 12 o'clock, at No. 50 Court street, for gratuitous medical relief nt which timeand place two of thefollowing phyBictntlfl, appoimed by the Board of Trustees, will bo in attendance to dispense medicines and advice, viz: Doctors A. C.

Hull, tl V. Newcoinbc, Jl. Rosman, C. Muffin. S.

S. Guv.C. Dunham, O.K. King, J. Bryant.

J. Barker, H. May, J. P'. Dinsmore, J.

Turner, F. O. Johnson and J. Fl Zimmerman. EDWARD W.

DUNHAM, I'rusident. no. N. Taylor, Vice President. J.

T. P. Smith, Sec. and Phurmaceuliat. A.

3. Barnes, Treasurer. TRUSTEES John A. Davenport. Ed.

W. Dunham, John N. Tavlor, Sheldan P. Church, Samuel O. Arnold, Edward Coming, Edward A.

Lambert, Theo. Vielor. A. G. Allen, A.

S. Barnes. Alexander H. Dana. Dated May 3, 1853.

my3 Gm DISSOLUTION Notice is hereby Riven, that the Co partnership firm of Pciser and Spiro, doing business at No. 47 Atlantic street, South Brooklyn, is this dny dissolved. The undersigned, who is alone authorized to use the name of tho firm in liquidation, will continue tho Watch and Jew. elery business in his own name and for his own account, at the same place. HERRMAN PE1SER.

South Brooklyn, May nth, 1853. my 19 2v NICHOLAS CORNELL, LATE OF THE firm of Wm. H. Si. N.

Cornell, corner of Clark and Fulton streets, respectfully informs Ids friends and tho public that he has recently opened hisnew store No. 104 Atlantic, near Clinton street; and has on band afull assortment of all kinds of Fruits, both Foreign and Domestic; Wines and Spirits of thu choicest kinds, nnd afull supplyofnoe best imported Sogurs, and would respectfully mk: their kind patronage. my'lSm THE PHYSICIAN'SVISITING LIST, DIARY and Book of Engagements, for 1853. For sale by 20 WILDER, it BABCOCK 51 Fulton strenL FRANCONl'S HIPPODROME. UNPRECEDENTED SUCCESS.

Restoration ofthe FESTIVALS GAMES and AMUSEMENTS of the Ancient Greeks nnd Romans. Third week in America of Frnncoiri's Colosanl Hippodrome, with all its animated Splendors. Daring Chariot Races, Gorgeous Tournaments, Modern Field Sports, and other exciting and Novel Feats of the Stadium, the Course, the Arena, the Chase, the Tilting Ground aud the Parade, is now given at Madison Square, on THIS AFTERNOON AND EVENING. Director of the Hippodrome Mons.

And every afternoon and evening during the week, varied and attractive performances will be given, including ihoae uf Mons. Franconi's highlv trained horses Johnston nnd Baynrd Prices of Admission. Boxes. 50 cents. Pi'.

25 cents. Reserved Seats, Si. Season TickotB, 8.50. Performances will be given every afternoon and evening Thofloiu the afternoon being equal in every respc to those of the evening. Children under 10 years of age will be only admitted for half price.

to the afternoon performances. The proprietors would caution persons from purchasing any tickets except at the Box Offices, winch are open from 7 A. until P. numerous counterfeit tickets are afloat Doors open at 2 1 2 o'clock hi tho afternoon, nnd nt71 2P. M.

Performance tocomiuence half an hour after the opening of the house ml7 tl TOUNT IIERMON (B1DDLE) GROVE, fJL STATE ISLAND, (recently purchased by Dr. E.W. tlUBBARD.l This delightful Summer Resort, for PIC NIC and other respectable parties, will, during the present season, be under the superintendence of MR. EDWARD ARENTZ, gentleman ot much experience in providing for Public Entertainments. Mr.

A. has contracted for a LARGE TENT, 70 feet bySO, with floor and seats, which will greatly add to the comfort and convenience of visitors, especially in case of showers. Also, ANOTHER SALOON, with other improvements, are now being mnde. Sunday visiting, or othr immoral practices, will not be allowed in the Grove; and every exertion will be made to supply the wants, and add to the comforts of visitors. Gentlemen or committees wishing to ecure the Grove for a particular dav, will call on 1.

TWEDDLE, Barclay st. rF" No Liquors or Wines will be Sold in the Grove. my5 Sin TERPSICHORE the Ladies nnd Gentlemen of Brooklyn Would you require any six of the modern Fashionable Dances or Wnllzes, in the short space of twelve lessons? Then go to WILSON'S Acadcmv, 106 Orange street, Brooklyn, (opposite the Museum.) It will bo guarantied to you. The Acadeiuvis OPEN DAILY from 9 A. M.

to lujf.M fi'3 If CONCERT HALL TO LET, lor CONCERTS, LECTURES. SCIENTIFIC EXHIBITION and PUBLIC MEETINGS, (party political excepted) by the evening, or for a series of Evenings. This Building (formerly the Central Dutch Church) is located in Henry street, between Clark and Pierrepont slreetf, is now undergoing thorough repair and renovation, aud will be cumpleted in a few days. It will accommodate an audience of about one thousand persons, and Is the most eligible and desirable room in Brooklyn for the objects contemplated. The subscriber Is prepared to receive applications for rental as above, at his office 4.4 South street.

New York. sX tf J. H. ROWER. $100,000.

CHOICE REAL ESTATE IN MARKETGREAT SALE OK EAST NEW YORK PROPERTY. We offer lor salealaTjre umount of very valuable property sitimied in EnstNew York, nnd only 3 miles from Peck slip Furry. Such is the fiivorable luca'ioii of East Now York, and Us nearness to trie great centres of population on both sides of the Kiist uiver, tnai must soon uecome a inrpe ana popuiuus city. East New York is now growing rapHly, and it is stated that several hundred houses will be erected the present season. There are four omnibus lings running to this property from the Brdoklvn and Williarnsbureih ferries.

Twelve paaBen ger trains daily (six each way, paaB through East New Yorlt overthe Long leluud Railroad, and the commutation price is raduced to four cents a trip. The means of acewss from ihis city to East New York areas cheap and expeditious as from City Hall to50thatreet. Those who have witnessed the effect of Avenue Railroads upon un town property, will know how to calculate the effect of similarimprovemeiitsupon the growth of East New York. A grant has already been made for a horse Railroad to East New York on Division avenue, nnd some three or four more Avenue RailroadB are projected and soon to be built, connecting it with all the Brooklyn and Williamsburgli Ferries. Public as well as private improvementsare going on on a grand and extensive scale.

Tne Long Island Water Works Company have commenced an expenditure in, and in the im mediate vicinity of East New York, which cannot full short oi' three or four million dollars. For the pu'posR of giving the publican opportunity to ex I amine our properly, there will be a Free Excursion on Wed nesday. Thursday, Friday and Saturday, 1st," 2d, fid "and 4th days of June. Free tickets can be had at the office ofthe General Agency. No.

27 Nassau or on the day of the excursion at the office of thu Long Island Railroad Company, B'ooklyn; South Ferry, or at Fulton Ferry, Brooklyn: or ui Peck slip Ferry, Williamsburg. Title perfect, and terms of tmyment easy. 10 percent, must be paid down, and 10 per cent, on the 15th July, when a warrantee deed will he given. One half of Iho purchase money mav remain on bona and mortgage for a term of years. Or tbe'property mav be.paid J'or in monthly installmeiitH of 5 per cent, until the whole is paid.

Forvnaps, circulars, fcc, apply el. the ofiicn of the proprietors, BUTLER M1LLEJI, SMITH 4: MILLER, C. R. MILLER, General Agent, my 26 lin No27 Nassau street. DENTISTRY C.

A. MARVIN would here bvaunounco to his friends and the public, that the practice of DENTISTRY so long and so successfully conducted by Dr. SKINNER, on the corner of Montague place and Henry street, is continued in tho same location, and ull possible cure and attention given to every operation. Those now wearing temporary sets of 'Teeth from this office will have their permanent ones inserted according to their agreement, with all the additions of beauty and durability recently introduced. A new and complete assortment nf the best instruments now in use, affords facilities for the perfbrmanco of evory branch ot tne DuunesB in 11 speedy ana satisfactory manner.

0. A. MARVIN, No. 76 Montague place, corner of Henry street. After a practice of twelve years in this city, die undersigned findB himself unable to attend constantly to his large and increasing business.

He has therefore made permanent arrange menu with Mr. C. A. MARVIN, a gentleman whom he re commends with the ful lent confidence, to his friends, patrons, and the public, ns a Skilful, Compment apd SCIENTIFIC DENTIST. Signed, SALMON SKINNER.

Brooklyn, May 6, 1853. myfl im DENTISTRY. YOUNG MUNROE, Montague Place. 2d door from Clinton street, Brooklyn, The subscribers having associated for the practice of Den tistry." the location above described, would notify their friends and tho public that they are in readiness at all hours to perform every 'opuritln appertaining to their profession. With a thorough knowledge 'of ih.u business, and a compleio supply ofthe latent improved surgical and mpchanjcnl iuatni menls, they feel confident of giving entire satisfaction to their patrons.

They would invite particular attention to their Premium Minorul Block Gum Teeth, manufactured by themselves, which for beauty aud durability have never been surpassed. Brooklvn, May 9, 1853. WM. H. YOUNG, I.

C. MUNROE. References C.McPhaiJ.M. p. Brooklyn.

T.W. Powers, M.D.Brooklyn Gen.Yale,MansionHouse, E. R. Webb, Gen. Underbill, Dr.

Kinney, New York. fikinnnr. Dentist, Itrooltiyn. my 14 3m 0 IL AND CANDLE WORKS FOR SALE, at. Anptinn.

hv ordni of the ARsimee. On WEDNESDAY. JUNE 1st. at 11 o'clock. A.M.

The lots ot ground, with the buildings thereon, situated on the coi tier of'Plvmouth nnd Jav streets. Brooklyn, N.Y., running about 96 Ieet on Plymouth and 50 feet on Jay streets, within one block ofthe East River. The buildings were erected in the fall of 1818, for a Sperm Oil and Patent Sperm Candle Factory, and ore replete with machinery and fixlures necessary to conduct that branch of business to advantage. The whole will he Bold together if desired, or the machinery, conflicting of soineof the finest presses in the country, can be purchased separate. Terms, cash; or satisfactory paper at four and six months.

For full information nnd inspection' of the works, apply to John Sniffun, corner of Plymouth and Jay streets, Brooklvn; or lo WM. L. RAKER, mvlO Hit 1C5 Maiden Lane. New Yokk. PRATT'S PATENT LIGHTNING CONDUC TOilB, manufactured by WILCOX CO.

of Hnrtford, uro univerRliUy ncljnowled t'd to be tin; most perfect ever invented. Their ellkiicy ia certified to by l'rof. SiUimnll of Yale College, nnd by many other of the most Rcientilic men of the United Suites'. The subscriber. Sole A gent for Kln.en and Queens Counties, is now rendy to execute all orderH in the line with promptness.

Orders may bo left with Jones Davison, E14 Fulton street, Brooklyn; Lhn ington Sl Mooiie, 21(i Front street, N. ornt Jones' Hotel, 26 Fulton street, Brooklvn. I'rico is ns low as any other kind of rods in use. frnj'2(Mf M. S.

DYER. FISK'S METALLIC BURIAL CASE. F. A. MORREIi, General Undertaker, would inform his friendB and the public thnthe furnishes everything in the above line at short notice gives personal attention at lunerals, and heasBures those who may favor him with a call, that it shall be done with entire satisfaction.

N. B. Charges Moderate. Ho invites nttention to tho Metallic Burial Cnses, and oxpcctB, by a strict attention te merilthenpprovalofthoao who, through ulllictlon, may need his services. Metallic Burial Cnses nnd woon coffins, of every quulity.

Interments procured in all the cemeteries. Office. Myrtle avenue. Brooklyn. o2o tf "OFFICE OF REPAIRS AND SUPPLIES.

Brooklyn, May li), IS W. Corporation Notice. Sealed estimates will be received at this office until Friday, May, at 12 o'clock, for furnishing some two thousand feet oi llose for Iho Brooklvn Fire Department. Specifications for Baid work can he Been by calling at the office, No 3CitvIIall. F.stimates tostatelhepriceperriinningfoot.

JOHN M. PKIIRY, mv20 did Commissioner of Rupairs and Supplies. ENGRAVING. THUS. T.

SWEENEY, ENGRAVER AND COl'I'EIl PLATE PRINTER, (late of Hicks N. constantly on iiand Door PlateBOl the most modern pnttern, from Si Snto'SB, warranted close plated Visiting, Wedding and Business Cards neately engraved and orinted Seals, Jewelry, nnd Silver Ware, neatly engraved nt the ohortejt notice. Particular attention paid to Wedding orders, of Cards, Envelopes, Cake Boxes, Jic, nt No.181 Fulton street, Brooklyn, (up stairs.) nplfi Sin GWc'ERY7'FRUIT and SEED STORE. Receiving regular hv steamers. Havnnn Oranges, Ba nanns, Gunvn Jellv.and Gciava Momulndo; White Grapes by tho keg; Brandy Penches in jars; AIbo, a general assortment of Field, Garden, and Flower Seeds, Plants, und Bulbs of all kinds.

WM. H. CORNELL mn23 Fulton street, corner Clark stresl. NORTH AMERICAN I INSURANCE COMPANY CAPITAL, $250,000. Agency Office REMOVED from No.

to 58 Fulton, corner of flicks street Brooklyn. J. E. UNDERH ILL, Agent, myft im and Commissioner of Doeris BOARDING PUiusant apartments.with Hoard, may be obtained nt Fort Lee, N. .1.

would suit Gentleman and his Wile also, a few single Gentlemen cun meet with quiet nccommodntionB. Applv for particulars nt 192 Atlantic strecr. or at the desk of tho Englo office, Brooklyn ny2.5 lm FOR SALE. A BEAUTIFUL SINGING RUSSIAN NIGHTINGALE, a better one has nover Prurias 14 pound for SI; by quantities, chenper. Apply at No.

31 Main street, been in iniBcoumry. aibo, arm ST Those who desire to have the EAGLE served regularly at their dwellings, or stores, are requested to leave their names, numbers, at the Counting Room No. 30 Fulto Btreet. Religions Notices. Tent Preaching in Brooklyn.

Rev. Mr. Miley, Minister of Pacific street Episcopal Methodist Church, will preach to morrow afternoon, at 3 o'clock, at the Tent opened last Sabbath, at Union street, near Hamilton ferry. All Mends of good are kindly invited. Centenary M.

E. Church. Rev. George Brown will preach his Farewell Sermon to this Church and Congregation to morrow evening, at a quarter before 8. The public are respectfully invited to attend.

Seats free. Rev. Dr. Vinton will preach in the Church of the Messiah, Adelphi street, between Myrtle and DeEalb avenues, on Sunday morning, May 29th. Services commence at half past ten o'clock.

M. E. Church Sands Street. The Rev. Wm, Lawrence will preach in this church to morrow morning and afternoon.

The Rev. I Inskip will preach in the evening at 8 1 4 o'clock. Bishop Simpson will preach to morrow morning in the Pacific street M. E. church, corner of Pacific and Clinton streets.

Musical. A good Organist, with Quartette choir, desires a situation in a church in this city Address J. H. at the office of this paper. "Putty on the Riz.r We understand that since the Crystal Palace has been in course of erection, the price of putty has been considerably raised.

We understand that the root of the Marine Hospital, situate in East Brooklyn, opposite the Navy Yard, is in such a leaky condition, that a new one is required. They have a queer way of doing things in California. A man buys a wedding cake, the cost of which is generally about forty dollars he throws down a fifty dollar gold piece and takes a handfull of dough nuts in change. Literary. The public are respectfully invited to attend the first of a series of original literary exercises, to be given by the "Franklin Debating Association," on Monday evening next, at the Brooklyn Institute to commence at 8 o'clock precisely.

The fine weather yesterday, has led to a very general inquiry as to whether the Quakers had left or adjourned over or had appointed a new clerk. We are unable to answer the numerous inquiries which have come in upon us like a flood, but we are satisfied that a screw is loose somewhere. Liquor Sellers in the Tenth aim. By a return just made to the Chief of Police, by the officers of the 10th ward, it appears that there are in that section of the city 130 persons engaged in selling liquor. There are 35 porter houses and 95 groceries, kept by 80 Irishmen, 37 Germans, 7 Americans, 6 English, and 1 Italian.

Accidents. Last evening, a child named Woodruff Parks, was run over on Smith street, between Douglas and Degraw, by a wagon belonging to Mr. Emerson. It waB severely but not fatally injured. As Engine No.

18 was being taken up Main street yesterday from a paint shop, where it had been undergoing repairs, a little son of Mr. Lininburg was pushed under the wheels, the carriage passing over and severely bruising him. He was picked up by officer Babcock, of the 2d district police, and ca rried home. Tall. We have received the usual samples of pie plant from the jrardens of Bernard Johnson, in East Brooklyn, which, for rank growth and great size, exceed anything of the kind which we have seen raised, in this country.

The stalks run up three feet before they branch into leaves, and are large enough for a watchman's club. Mr. Johnson is a son of the late venerable Jeremiah Johnson, and is gardens occupy, the grounds which have been an 'heir loom" in the family since the first settlementof Long Island. As long as the laud laBts, and he is able to dig and plant it, he will want neither pies nor sauer krout," to say nothing of schnapps and taback. Three out of the four stabbing cases which have occurred, in New York this week, have already proved fatal.

Scene and cause of violence, in each of these instances, a groggery and intoxication. The fourth is likely to prove fatal to one of a gang of four rowdies who shamefully beat a man, the latter having wrested the knife from the hands of one of his assailants, and inflicted the wounds in self defence. Other violent assaults have occurred, and this class of crimes appears to be rapidly on the increase again. An unknown man was found dead in West Washington place, on Monday morning, from a blow, from an unascertained cause, on the back of the head. A Cute Wench.

The young woman calling herself Fanny Hague, who applied for lodging at the 3d policedistrict station house, about a week ago, has turned out just what we predicted, a vagrant humbug. Sb told a story of being brought to New York by her Uncle of Fishkill or Peeks kill, she forgot which, and then to Brooklyn where he abandoned her. Captain Campbell accompanied her to Peekskill, but no Wm. Hague or uncle of the innocent Fanny was there. Some one had heard of such a man but that was all.

We believe we were correct in our first surmises that the Simple Fanny was a revamped article, who had played upon the credulity of the good natured citizens of Poughkeepsie last winter, which illage she left in accordance with her insurmountable love of vagrancy. A place has been procured for her near Fishkill, which, we have no doubt, she will occupy as long as she did the situation she obtained in Poughkeepsie. Fanny is a cute humbug. Sale of the Catharine Street Ferry Boats. The old.

Catharine street ferry boats were sold on Tue sday, by public auction, at the Merchant's ExcliP.nge, and brought the following prices The LibeTty, $2,700 the Independence, S2.700 and the 'Olive. $2,800. The latter is upwards of 20 yenrs old, and was run on the Fulton ferry, lor he was bruit as a tiassencer boat exclu sively, and bore the name of the Olive Branch. oiar. Brooklyn, 25IA May, 1853.

Be Merry nntl Wise. A smile on the face and kind words on the tongue, Will serve you as pnssports all nations among A heart that is cheerful, a spirit that's free; Will carry you bravely o'er life's stormy sea. Talknot of fortune, talk not of fate We make our own troubles, however we prate This world would be honey; where now it is pall, Were we but contented and merry withal In the mid6t of our songs in the midst of ourcheer. Wo gratefully will our Creator revere And forever and aye we'll the grand secret prize. That unless we be merry, we cannot be wiee, iHAltltlEl), In thi city, on the 25lh instant, by the Rev.

E. i. Taylor, at the Strong Place BaptisL Church, Mr. John A. Oroi.ius to 3Iiss Sarah E.

Whitney. DIED, In tiiis city, on the 27th instant, in the 39th year of her age, Mrs. Ann Eliza, wife of Thomas A. Napier. In this city, on the 28th instant, John Stirling Edwards, son of John and Rebecca Ann Edwards, aged 3 years, 1L months and 3 days.

The relatives and friends of the family are invited to attend the funeral, at 1 o'clock, lo morrow afternoon, (29th instant,) from 64 Middugh. In this city on the 28th instant, Matthew son of Jacob B. and Jane W'oolsey, aged 3 years, 4 months and 4 days. The relatives and friends of the fumily are invited to attend the funeral to morrow afternoon, at 2 o'clock, from the residence of his parents, 89 Gold street. VISITING CARDS Plate and French Enamel or Italian Cards handsomely Engraved and Printed for SI 50, at KARN'S, Card Engraver aud Printer, 1 High street, one door from Fulton.

my28 3m 50 VISITING CARDS. French or Italian, neatly printed from Eueraved Plates for 50 cents at KARN'S Card Engraver and Primer, No. 1 High street, one door from Fultoa. niy28 3m ILVER DOOR PLATES handsomelyEn graved for S2, warrauted plated, at KARN'S, Card Engraver and Printer, No. I High street, one door from Fulton.

roy28 3m WEDDING CAKE BOXES. Bridal Envelopes. Silver Cord. iic. at KARN'S, Card Engraving and Printing.

No. 1 High Btreet, one door from Fulton. 28 3ni CHILDREN. Some very pretty Gold Neck Chains, just finished for young misses at J. D.

CH ASE'S, 203 Fulton street. atcnes ana siccus nopairea hi me uesi manner, my: OTICE. NAPOLEON C. VACHE, House, Sign and Ornamental Painter, having been burnt out at No. 3S9 Fulton street, respectfully informs his friends and the public, that he has located at No.

21 Court street, 3 doors above Joralemon st. Brooklyn, May 28, 1853. my28 3t TO LET. The upper part of a house, cou fllffsisting of fonneen rooms, suitable for a large boarding Can he seen at any time, and possession given, if required, immediate Apply on the premises, 56 Hicks street, comer of Cranberry. DANIEL EARLE.

my28 3t ATLANTIC BANK. Brooklyn May 24th, 1853. The annual election for Thirteen Directors of this Bank, and three Inspectors of the next sncceeding election, will be held at the Banking House, on Tuecday, June 14, ensuing. The Poll will He opened at 12 o'clock and closed nt2o'clock P.M. By order of the Board or Directors my28 td JOHN S.

DOUGHTY. Cashier. REWARD To any person who ijkJisjp will lead to the recovery of a Sow and six Pigs, were Btolen from 'the corner of Hudson avenue and Concord street. Marks the Sow and three of the Pigs are clear white, and three are speckled; and all of good duality. Brooklvn, May 26th, 18.53.

my28 lt JOHN McNALLY. OOR PLATES. Very superior Door and Number Plates, of the very best quality and handsomest patterns, can bo found at J. D. HASE'S, and to be sold remarkably cheap Wedding and Visiting Cards Engraved and Printed Also, Cake Boaes, Envelopes, Sic, always on hand.

J. D. CHASE'S, 203 Fulton street, my2S Manufacture of Silver Ware, Jewelry, fee. TTaSTLE GARDEN NATIONAL GUARD BAND. The LAST GRAND CONCERT ofthe Berles will be given at Castle'Garden on TUESDAY EVENING, Mav31et.

for which occasion Signer GASPARONE of Madame Sontag's Opera Troupe has kindly volunteered hisvr.lua ble services. Programme Part 1. 1 Overture to "La Gezza Ladra." Uos9ini 2 Solo "Spirto QemllTrom La Fnvorita. performed on the French horn by Herr Schmitz 3 Aria from "Ermani." Signor Caspa one 4 Martha 0uadrille(bv special request) Strauss 5 Hommage Paginini (caprice for violin) Vieuxtemps Part 2. 1 Overture to "Robert'le Diable" (by req ieet).

2 Solo Rondo Finnle from Linda di Chn mounix, performed on tnecian onette, by. Herr Kiel'er 3 Aria from Atilla Signor Gasptirone 4 Finale to Lucin di Lammermoor (by gen eral desire) Donizetti The evening's entertainment will conclude witli a strand Promenade Concert, during which the Band will perform a variety of their most favorite marches, waltzes, polkas, schot Tickets Fifty Cents to be had atWm. Hall Sons, corner of Broadway arid Pork Place; at the principal Music Mores, and at the door on the evening of the Cjncert. Doors open at 7 o'clock Concert to commence at 8. Subscription Tickets for Metropolitan Hall will be good far this occasion.

JOS. NOLL, Conductor. iuv23 3t FB. IBTZEL, Lender. LbEliT H.

N1COLAY, AUCTIONEER. GREAT Continuation SALE, without ilejwrrfi, ot tW 1200 3 FINE BUILDING. LOTS, AND COTTAGE SITES, located at the beautiful Villageof BERGEN POINT, opposite NEW BRIGHTON and CASTLETON, at the same distance from the Batterv as 80th street, and oniy 6 Miles from the city of NEW YORK. ALBERT H. NICOLAY will sell nt Auction, oottively and without on THURSDAY, June nt 12 o'clock, at the Merchants' Exchange, K.

the remaining "1200 DESIRABLE BUILDING situated at Bergen Point, opposite New Brighton and Cns These Lots are 25 feet front and rear, and 100 feet deep and will be Sold in Sections of 4 Lots each: they are located on high ground, fronting on the Kills, und on the Plank Rood that runs from Jersev city to Bergen Point, and having a fine view of New York Bay and Harbor, nnd the surrounding The streets are wide, and laid out with court vards if from five to ten feetin front. Stenmboat "Huguenot" from 1 1 (1 rwl 19 A unit V. niirl M. fn Port Eichmond and the Ferry of small bouts from Port Hmondio Bergen Point, also the steamer "Passaic" at It) AM and 4 Kj V. landing at the Pointj and also, omnihusses from Jersey t.v.

are in. tcuw. mwc 10 mou u. iuiu Rnnd ii conteffiPUltlOIl, naving us uepoi upon or near mis Prnnertv i rroperi Cto, nnrl ninntnir rlnwrt I i ing trie 7i" "7 Xms ptnet near New York. Aliens can 7 1, ns anv natural uura c.

uh any Aii.t nneer'n FetH. mi ttii. of sale; 30 per cent, on 9th of July, when Deeds, containing "Nuisance Clam'e, l0 dejvered, and the balance, 0 per can rem." Bond Mortgage lrom3 to 5 years, at percent. A Discount of i per cent, will lie made for cash. Title indisputable, and Sale positive.

The maps used nt the lost sale will a.iwerfor 'r i. ds For Lithographic Book P. aad particulars, inquire ofthe Auctioneer, No. 40 Avail street, Now ork. myza SHERIFF SALE.

By virtue oi a mn ui n.w cution issued out ofthe County Ceurt of Kings County, to me directed and dedvered, I will se 1 by public auctmn at Montague Hall, in Court street opposue the City Hall i the cityofBrooklynonthellthdnyof July, 1853, ot o'clock "aS and interest which Joil.v Carroll had on the 24th day September. 1852, or at any titne hereafter, in whose hands soever the samemay be, ot and to that certain lot, piece or parcel of land, situate, lying nnd bemg in SrSoventhVardo? the city of Brooalyn; hepnmng at a point on the northerly side of Myrtle avenue distant twen gine feet westerly from the northwesterly corner of Myrtle avenue and Canton street; thence w' angles with Myrtle avenue, one hundred ieet; thence we ter ly. parallel with Myrtle five feet; thence sou erlv one hundred feet to Myrtle avenue; and thence easterly nin Mvrtle avenue twenty five feet to the place of begiu GLfBERT LOTT, Sheriff. UPRBME COURT. Kin gs Cointy.

Blias Colburn against William M. uowiing unu To William M. Dowling and James Denning. You are hereby summoned and required to answer complaint in this action, which was filed in he i office orthe Clerk of the county of Kings, at the City Hall, in the city of Brooklyn theStlti dav ot May, 1853, and to serve a c.yo your answer to the said complaint on the subscribers, at their offico corner of South 7th and 1st streets, in the cityot Wllliamsburgh. within twenty days after rto service of this summons on you, exclusive of the day of such service, end if you fail to answer the said complaint within the Hme aforesaid, the plaindtrin this action will take iudgment against you for the sum of six hundred and three dollars and ninety five cents, with interest from the second day of May, one thousand eight hundred and fifty three, Jjesides the costs ot this action.

Dated May 9, 1853. my28 law6w S. M. D. E.

MEEKER, Pltffs Attys..

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