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The Brooklyn Daily Eagle from Brooklyn, New York • Page 3

The Brooklyn Daily Eagle from Brooklyn, New York • Page 3

Brooklyn, New York
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)


WANTED BV A BOY, 16 YEARS age to learn the bntcher bnsin'ss; has worked at before. Please call at 122 Harriio street, cor. Hicks, Son Brooklyn. iiij mar FOR 8 ALB1 ANPTOMST. OK SALB XHE OLD ESTABLISHED Renwiok'.

Liquor and Oyetor Saloon, No. 8 DaKalb avenue, junction ot Fulten This it a rare ohauoe as there a a first class custom attached, whloh can be increased. Three yeara' lease at a moderate rent, Satiafaotorr reason! given for selling. uS FOR SALE MECHANICS AND PER sons of limited mean run be informed where they may pure! aie a neat new cottage, a few miles ont ot town, in a splendid and healthy location, reaebed by horso oars for six cents upon very easy terns, viz: abont 8300 dowo, balance in monthly instalments, less than house rent, nr addressing, with address and stamp onolosed BOUGH BTE AD, 333 Fulton street TO LET TO TWO SINGLE GENTLE men who will room together as lodgers, a pleasant furriFbfd front room, second floor. Applv at 53 Nmmu street, Brooklyn.

a88, FOR SALE THREE HORSES, blllTA ble for any kind of business; also three sets of hir nessiwill besoldobeap. Enquire in the grocery store ool ner of Gold strtet, nl Myrtle avenne. Brooklyn. a3 2t. FOB SALE A LIGHT R'AD WAGON.


In pursuance of a judgment of foreclosure and sale made in this action on the 26th day oi June, in the year 1865, 1 hereby give notice tbat on Monday, the 'th day or Augost 1866, at the hour of 12 o'olook, noon, at the Commercial Exchange, number S69 Fulton street, in the Oity of Brooklyn and County of Kings, I will sell st publio auction to tba highest bidder, that portion of the mortgaged property and lands aud premises in said judgment mentioned and therein descriladaa tollotts, vis: All and singular the said road of the said defendant', the said Brooklyn Central and Jamaica Rail Road Company extending from Church street, in tho Village of Jamaica in tbe County of Queens, through the Village of Bast Nsw York and through tho Uitv ol Brooklyn to taa East River and alio branohing from the road above ilocribd at Flat bnfb avenur to Fifth avenue, and through Fifth avenue to 1 uim seventh street, in said City of Brooklyn, together witb all and lingular tbe rails, road way, fixtures and appurtenances belonging to jaid ra.l roid, or which at the time of tbet iecntion of tvesaid morbtago were, or thereafter might become, a part of the said rail rosd between tbe points above described: and also the right to construct branches and connecting roads, and all the libarties. privileges aDd franchises of tbe raid Company, aud toil rent aid income to be had or to be leiled therefrom; aisoali the saidappnrtenanoes. the depotgrouuds and buildings BDd tbegroundBBnubnilings rued and occupied as engine bouses repair shops, blacksmith shops, pass rooms, harness shops, foremen's residences at stables, starters1 houses offices, tanks, freight and nssseoger bouses and sheds, situated in Jamaica, Qnoens County, and on Fiftli avenne at Twenty fifth street, and at the corner of Atlan tio street and Matbush avenue, and on Furman street near the Fulton Ferry, and on Atlantic street near ths South Ferry, and on tho lino of the mad at or near Bedford, all in tbe City of Brooklyn aud County 01 Kings, and at bait New York said County. Tho said grounds and premises being bounded and dejoribedaa followi: All those certain lota of land, situate, lying and being in the Oity of Brook ln, County of Kings aiS State of Sow York, bounded and described as follows: Beginning at a point on the southwesterly side of Atlantio avenue, wbioh point ii distant one bond red and fortx nine (143) feet from tho southeasterly cornerof Atlantio avenne and Classou avenue, running tbeDco along the southerly Bide of said Atlantio arenua Boutneasterly three hnndred and seventeen (317 feet two 14 inches to land of the Long Island Rail Road Company' tbence southwesterly along said land of the Long Island Bail I Road 1 Company slxti lhree (63) feet four 0 inches to tne landof rranciB M. A.

Weeks; thence northwesterly along lands ot said Weeks and Gilbert fovter tbreo hundred and one (301) feet toaooint distant one hundred and eighteen (118) feet ten QC) inches from Atiantn avenuo thence. easterly one hundred and eighteen (1181 feet ten (10) niches in a straight lino to the point or olce of beginning. All tnose two oertain lots, pieces or parcels of land sitn atejying and being in the City of Brooklyn, in th foonity of KingB Stateof New York, known and distinmwhed tD0 OowenhoVen HonStead mthebevenlh Ward of tue City of Brooklyn B3lcWn SUas Ladlara? City sTrrm ff Deeds, in and lor the County of Kings aa lota number 4 (fonr hundred an A twenty four.) and (tout hundred and twohty fivm an which raid iro lots, taken togother, are bounced and i scribed follows, to wit: Beginning at tbe qltonstreet (now doled), as laid dowr ion etfd ffij at the division line between tho premises oonieved number 426 on said imp; running thonra Tin i nearly nonheisterly anS at right angles in said A street, said divition line, eighty'flveeet ti. jncbes: thencenearly northwesterly, flong the rear Imo! of the lotabereby conveyed, fifty two feet one inch thenM Wht sngloj with said Fulton street, one hnndred feet, to Fulton Sotatoral said; and thence nearly southeaster. slonKton streot fifty feet, to the place of beginning.

And aSo aU and ain Fe f8h anfestateof the id Brooklyn Central and Jamaica Bail Road Comoanr of and in Puiton SSf front Md "djaoont to the said tots! The said Fulton street, wherever mentioned in Trie fort Ktilfed "wi0 baiDtheea1" dJwn on tne abSr lote, nieces or parcels of land, situate, lying and being in the Eleventh Ward of Oiti of RSaS or KiDjrrs atoresaid. known aid oU tinguBhed on a map. entitled "Map of the Cowenboren Homestead, in tho seventh Ward of the oity of BroaklrJ" Brooklyn March, IBM; surveyed by Nilis SSi Md the offlco of tho RegisteTof tht nJlmb8Jr bundred" nd tweoty hundred and twonty seren (i) aid which said are bounded and ticrcribed ai follo Beginning the easterly lino of Fulton streV a. laid down on sold lnsp, two hundred end forty loot northwesterly of the intersection of the westerly side of Oanten street, with the eastsrly sido of Fallen street; thence rua gjng northtreaterlr along the eastern sido of Fulton street angles fromFulSn street, eighty. five feet three inches; thence southeasterly along the roar of loti 07oud408on said tio foot one inch; thence westorly at right angles to Fulton street seventy feet seven inohes, to tho point of beginning Together with all the right, titleand intireat ofjBroot nd Jamaica Railroad Company, of, iu and to Fulton street, as laid down on said map7immedialy in front of and adjoining the lots above deicribed.

Also all that parcol of land, in tho said County of Kinrs. Mtuated on he northerly eido of Atlantio a.ebue, in the City ot Brooklyn, and bounded a3 follows: Beginning 429 '10 the northeasterly corner of AUantio gm tiono northerly on a Brooklyn, Jamaica and. Ilathnsh Turnpike rood; thento fald road to land lato of William tj. Lloyd; thence southerly along tho la't men tioned land 101 feet five inchoi, to Atlantio avenue: and thenoe oastetly along tbo northorly side of said Atlantio avenue teet and lour inches to tho plate of Duginning: together with one bolt of said turnpike road adjoining said premises. Also all that certain triangular piece or goro ot land in Eleventh Ward of tho Oity of Brooklyn and County of Kings, bounded and described as fallows, vis.

Bsginning at a point in the centre lino of the land formerly formini the bedofthelJlatbush Turnpike Bold, distant 156 feet and eleven inohes, north westerly measured, on said line from the intersection of said line with the westerly line of tori breen Place; and running thence nortbwosterly along said centre line of the land formerly forming said roadM feet two and one half incboa; thence northeasterly, at right angles from said centre lino, 33 feet two inohos; aud theioe southerly, and on a lino drawn parallel with Kort Groan Place, at the Distance of 85 foet westerly therafrem feet nve cna ono quarter inchos, to the point of beginning. Also all tbot certain piece or parcel of land situate lying and being in the said Oity of Brooklyn sod Oouuty of Kings, and described as loWowa, to wit: Beginning in tht centre of the road lttelr known aq tha Amni.r.. Jamaica Turnpike Hoad, but which road is now closed at a noint whlcll ia in thn linn nf tha a straight line of tbe northwesterly side or line of a lot of jUuu.i.Ur,wM iii van brant Dy Daniel R. Young and wife and Samuel l). Burnett, at the same is hereinafter mora nartlmilArlv rlaiinrlhnn'.

i sonthwesterly along said last monttoned' liua twelve feet; iuouuo cuuviiuiujborif yarafiei wim saiu centre line ol said Brooklyn and Jamaica Turnpike Road, to a liua wnioh tl tho continuation tn a straight line of the northeasterly aide or line of te said lpt of land conveyed by said Daniel B. Young and wife and Samuel O. Bornett: as aforesaid i. ut to the cuLtre of said road, aud thenoa northweaterlr alongthecentreofsaidrosdtothepointorplaoeof beginning. The said lot of land conveyed by said Young and wife and Burnett to said Catharine Van Brunt was so oon veyed by deed dated February twentr serenth, A.

D. 1858. and recorded in tho Register's OUlce of said Kings County in Liber 471 ot Conveyances, pago 317, March 13, 1858. and was Ihoroin described as follows viz. All that certain lot Rie0S.45 Parce' of land situate, lying and being in tnj Tenth Ward of the said City ot Brooklyn, bouudedand containing as follows: Beginning st a point on the northeasterly side of Atlantio stroet, 486feet and throe inohei southeasterly from tbe oasterly corner of Fourth avenue and Atlantic street; thence running northeasterly and parallel with Fourth avenue 43 foet and two inches, to the Brooklyn and Jamaica Turnpike Road; thenco southeasterly along said turnpike road 39 foet and eight inehes.jto land late of Thomas Poole, deceased; southwesterly along tbe last mentioned land, in to coursos, thirty one feet and four inches to Atlantio street, and thenoe northwosterly along tho northeasterly side of Atlantic Btreot, twenty three feet and ton inches to tbo olaco of boginning.

Tho land hereby conveyod or intended to be, being contained in and bounded by tho northeasterly and southwesterly linos as extended or tho lot of land conveyed as aforesaid, by said Young and wife, and said BurnetC to Catharine Van Brunt, wife of John Van Brunt, the centre line of said Brooklyn and Jamaica Turnpike road, and a straight line parallel with tho centre line of said road, and dist ant twelve tcetsoutt westerly therefrom. A Iso all thoso nino certain tots, piocos or narcols of land' Bituate, lying and beiug in the fcjgbth Ward of tho city of Brooklyn and County of Kings, Known and diBtingutshod on a certain "Map of proporty in the Eighth ward of tht City lof Brooklyn, lately belonging to Winant Bennett, hen survojod by Tolford, city Snrvoyor, and filed in tbe office of the Clerk of tbo said Connty ot Kings, ai lota numbered a (two), 3 (three), 8 (eight). 8 (nino), 10 (ten), II (elovon). 60 (hfty). 51 (titty one).

63 (ilfty two). on block numbered!) (nino) on map, whioh said lots tnfeo i together aro bounded and described as io)oaa, to wit: Regtnntar at point in the eisterly line of Filth avenuo, distant 1C0 foot southerly from tho point fortnod by tho iuterseotion of tbosoutberly line ot Twenty third street nith tho easterly line of Fifth avenne; and running thence southwardly along the oasterly lino of Fifth avenue, fifty feet; thenot easterly, on a line parallol to Twenty third street, one hundred feet: thence southwardly, on a lice patallel to Fifth avenue, until such line strikes the northern boundary lint of lands formerly known as the Dean Farm, as Bnoh line is laid down on the mop aforrssid: thenco in an oasterly direction along ssid farm line, until the same strikes a line drawn parallol to Fifth avenue, and distant two hundred feet eostorly therefrom tbence northerly along said last mentioned line, parallel to Fifth avonue. until the same BtrikeB tho southerly line of Twenty third street; thenco' westwardly, along thesoutherty line of twenty 'third street, seventy five feet; thonco southwardly on a line parallel Fifth avonue, one bundrod teet; and thence again westwardly on a lino parallel to Twenty third street, one hundred and twenty five feet, to the place ofbeginning; be the said dimensions more or loss. Also all thoso certain lots of land, situate, lying and being the town of New Lotto in the County of Kings, known and distinguished on a certain map, entitled "Map A of Hast New York, lots surveyed by J. B.

Bacon, April 1853," and filed in Kings County Register's office, by the numbers 630. 631,533, 633, 634. 635, 636. 637, 666, 667, 568, 569, 570, 671. 672.

673, 674, 675, 676. and 677, in Block which taW together are bounded tand described as follows, to wit: Beginning at the southeasterly oorner of Butler ana Atlantic avenues, bb laid down on said map and running thence southerly along Butler avenue, two! hundred and tilty feet; thenoe easterly, at right angles with Butlor avenue, two hundred feat, to Miltor avenue: thence northerly, along Miller avonuB, two hundred and fifty feet and seven inohes, more or loss, to Atlantic avonue: and thenoe westerly, along Atlantic avonue, two hundred feet, to the plao i ol beginning. Also, all the right, titleand Interest of tbe said B.ooklya Central and Jamaica Railroad Company in the rails, roadway and track belonging to and now used by said Company on Atlantio avenue, in said City of Brooklyn, and the continuation thereof to its connection witb the line of said road, as hereinbefore mentioned. Also, tho following rolling stock and property: Two lo oomotives, five eight wheel and forty live four wheel pat sengeroars, three eigbt wheel excursion cars, twenty two four wheel freight cars, three snow ploughs; afso, two hundred and four horses and the harnesses used by the same or kept for their use, and materials, trimmings and hardwaro for the manufacture or repair thereof, and tht utensils, implements, machinery and tools at the various stables snd shops of eaid Company; also the following tools, implements, machines, materials, and articles in the shops and on the premises of the said Company hereinbefore desoribed, namely 4 owt of horse shoe iron, three setts blacksmith's tools. 26 bis Toe Cork steeL 6 do.

horse nails, 178 pairs of horn aboef, li ton scran iron, 24 pairs of wheels and axlea. 16 white oak poles, 360 feet of white oak, 27 feet of white wood. 1 new eteeliron dash, 8 deiks, 10 bars of spring steel, 8 bars of wrought iron, 4 bundles of hoop iron. 3 bars of round iron, 2 boiler pikes. 89 brako shoes, 7 new car boxes.

If brake ratchee.ll F. car slides, 1 sett taps and diet. 1 ratchett drill, 1 grindatone, monkey wrenches, 6 lever 2 auger bits, 4 flat files, 3 round 1 jaok aorew, 3 head beams, (new,) 2 brake 60 carriage bolts, 4 napera of screws, 60 lbs. of brass castings, 2 bars blister stool, 19 now rubber springs, 30 lbs. of bolts, 16 lbs.

of woodscrews.lOlbs. sheet copper, 25 lbs. nntB, 1 piece rubber hose, 20 feet. 1 drilling machine, 3 vices. 2 anvils, 1 blacksmith's bellows.

7 pedstals, 20 brake staff brackets, 1 sett ot blacksmith's umjjo, iu iees cnaiu, new, iton sorap iron, 1 rail bending machine, about 2 tonB of wrought iron obairs, 1 ton Bpikt, 2 tons cast iron. Hot 25 lb. T. rail, 1 lot 66 lb. oity 1,000 feet timber, 1 hand car, 5 crow bars.

6 picks, 6 tamps, 4 shoveUt, 2 pair adzes, 1 bbw, 1 cold chisel, 1 pnnoh, 2 track fiages, i hammers, 1 sledge, 1 paving hammer, 1 stone sleigh, I sett blacksmith's tools, 1 sett horse wagon tools, lplatl Form scales, 3 hay cutters, 1 stationary engine and null, 1 lot aorap iron, 1 lot horse shoes 2 feed wagons. 1 hay cutter and horse power, 2 wagon wheels. 6 stoves, 12 car poles. 1 sett horse snrgeonl tools, 3 wheelbarrows, I iron pot, 1 stitching horse, 1 hay cutter, 1 water Date July 10th, 1865. jyU2aw3wW GERARD M.

STEVENS, Referee. XT Y. SUPREME COURT GEORGE ST. XI Jobn and Samuel H. St.

John against Joseph TT. Vail and others. Chas. A. Rapello, PlfTs Atty.

in pursuance of a judgment order of this uourt, made in theabove entitled aotion, bearing date the 7th day of August, 1865. I will sell by publio anotion. at the Commercial Exchange, 369 Fulton street, (opposite the Mj ntu, in the Oity of Brooklyn, on the 80th doy of August, 1885. at 12 o'clock noon, the following described land and premises All those three certain lots, pieces or paroe of land, situate in the Sixth Ward of the City of being composedof oartsof lots known on a certain mapo' landTielongiogto Kelsoy. Blsko and others, tatoof thojeiM ofJohnCorneB.deoeasedsiirveyedJanuary.1 A Day, Oity Surveyors, and filed in the mi seventy one seYoiiij lj ithad said three lota being bounded and dosormo (d wlt: Beginning at point VaeMnn Tiffany (formerly Wavorly) from tho south awn aid one half inches puthwetorlj westerly runnrni Columbia Btreet: 'CfSforJiald seventy one feet three parallel to Tiffany plge fifflZZL street aforeVddt amione halftaoSBSto BarrthwMt0 of jjia, southeasterly Jf'trly side of Tiffany plaoe aforesaid, staettothenortbwesijjv jnBuw nlaoe sixty fire foe' andthenMMOtberi a.

ptao0. bagimjioiv, "futiirt" JOHN UoSiMmatiM. The grand desideratum with young lawyers is to get a case. Thomas E. PearsaU and D.

Bamett, both limbs of the legal profession, have each succeeded in getting a case to attend to. The only trouble appears to be that both are counsel as well as defendants one is charged iorgery, the other threafend with a suit for libel. The circumstances are these: Brig. Gen. Jas.

Jourdan, who has returned from tho war, has determined to resume his business of a carpenter. He therfore hired, as he claims, a building in Court Bt one Mrs. O'Hara, The place had formerly beensMl( and by the terms of the leaSe be was a owed JZZli the stall, put in window After tagj lease be claims P. tto bo changed byMr. lhorna3 h.jea tion of O'HarJ, ttat lease ould be wortwess Md woriaDt effecting JIZemae but the arrest waa St TuuTl "thtsmomlDg, Mr.

PearsaU having iuSgMs'Ence a Mr. Barnett, who stands a friend fifr Pearsall, sent a letter upon the matter to the evenlDB newspapers, and it was published. This is held to be libelous by Jourdan, and Barnett finds himself uBder to appear and answer a charge of libel. Justice Cornwell this mornin i postponed the examination in Pearsall'a c. so null! TuesJea next.

As the latter ap pears to have done what he did in the regular routine of bis profession, it would be very strange indeed if the charge should be established, as lawyers do not usually bleed any but their customers. Fell in a Fit. A lady named Mrs. Lewis, residing at No. 33 Mott street, N.

fell in a fit in Main street about balf paet 9 o'clock this morning. She was conveyed heme by officer Hill of the 42d precinot. SPORTS AND PASTIMES. Base Ball. Enteepbise vs.

Hudson Eiteb, of New BtTBQ The Brooklyn Oldb WraB. The Hudson Ritcr Club arrived in New York yesterday, were wttoimed by a comRiittee of ihe Enterprise, and escorted From tha Intonations! Hotel in a str and oommenoed play at hl( pst 3 o'clock yeBterday a. The nine w9 out in pretty full force, aDd they plaed in real Entor griee style, the result being a well earned viotiry for the rooklyn boys. The Enterprise won the toss, and out of courte. ysave the visitors Jail innings.

The game wal a vei pretty one, and exhibited some very fine displays of fieloing and battm? skill, The play of the Brooklyn boya was so different from that of Saturday that the remark was often maoe, "Is this the Enterprise club?" Eb. Smith, Mortba. and "Bicharda" handled the bases in good style. Wedd'e a alow, twisty balls were very effective, caMineout numerou0 sky rockets." Cook and Jewell fielded i'or a new player, irives srreat pro mise of salience. J.

W. caught splendidly. The Hademi Kiver catcher, Boyd, is a real live follow, and ulajs fine'y Mapes la not very slow in the field, and fcishtr was a'ways around. Millspaugh was not himself at The Hud' on River boya can give almoat any club they may tcokle amichly good shake. Aftsr the game was over, which vie.

one of tbose real Bplendid gentlemanly encounters, the Enrcrpilse club entertained their guests in good style, under the suueuntendenca of the following able committee: Mee'rs. Oummios, Ballard, Pejrsau, J. W. Cornwell and another. Tfe ccore is as HUDSON nrVSB, HHTEEMU3E, O.

B. O. Adams, rr 2 Kb. Smith, 2d 3 5 Millspauch, la 2 5 Jewell, cf 0 7 Mapes. If 2 I.

W. Oornwel'. 3 6 Miller, 3d 2 4 Edwards, a a 3 5 3 4 Muiii.Sdb 4 i Bold, 1 2 Ook, 1 3 4 Halsey, 4 2 Wedido. 6 1 Kelly, 3 3 "Richr di," 3d 1 4 Luialc. 6 1 Hall, 3 3 27 28 2T 83 rNNnras.

1st. 2d. Sd.4tb.5th6tu.TUi8th9th. Hudson Rirer.S 5 3 8 4 2 1 3 IS 28 2 1 2 7 3 3 11 3 4 S3 Umpire D. A.

Sutton, AtlanticCIub. iy Ciitcbei liDtcrprilo, 14; HudcoH River, 13. Tiineof Game 2 hours and30 minutes. Well Desebved Kebuke. The following frrm the Star Ciub ap iaks for Dear ataspecislmctin of the Star Ciub held lost Thurcday ovenirc and oseii for the ourpore of ex prc siog their cordemnat'on of the behavior of one of their nine during Ir is gf ue w'th t'te Keycf me Olab, of Pmlade'pIiiB.

in thpjbe irjtc'K'ona' pl.vrl to delay the game, end acting in a manrer n'Cjetniciel to tho in teic' ts of tho raire: tbc itwciosolvec1 that Thos. AfacDiarmed be suspended from all part cioation in oar games for the ser on, and tbat 'lis resolution be published in ali of ihe Brooklyn papers, and that a copy ba sent to every club leprcoentcd in Ibe Convention W. J. Thomcon, President. The Navy Yabd at Base Ball.

The Ma cbiuists and Sailmakers have a match to morrow on tho old ground, Bedlord avenue, at 8 P. M. Hicks Post's New Hotel. Another attractive feature bas been added to tbo Coney Island Road. On Thursday next, the now hotel of Mr.

Hicks Post will be thrown open to the patrons of the road. It a a fine, commodious building, with all the conveniences and appnrtenanceB of a first class hotel. The interior arrangements combine elegance and comfort. Attaohed to the buildicg is an extensive xango of stables and carriage stalls, to equestrians. To the old patrens of the road the name of Hicks Post is a sufficient guarantee that the establishment will be conducted in a firat class manner.

The hotel is situated about half. way between Tunison's and John Friend's, just the distance frcm the pavement for a good drive. The travelling and pleasure seeking public are invited to call in and inspect the new hotol on Thurtday next. Oh Dit. A trip to Coney Island at present is more enjoyable than at any season of tho year.

The air is cool, and there is so dust on the road to mar the pleasure of the ride down. Wo notice that a great many to avoid the crowd on Sundays are taking their families on this delightful excursion on tho week days. Nothing can conduce more to the health of children than a trip to thd sea shore, and every father should try it. It is ahead of medicine. The cars of tho Brooklyn and Co ney Island Railroad leave Fulton and Catharine ferries every sixteen minutes, the route being through Jay and Smith streets.

It is the only line direct for the Island from the city, and under its energetic Superintendent, works like a charm. Something Moee About Stead's Linseed On, Cement. Many real estate owners have been misled by persons callirg themselves practical roofers and painters, who know httio or nothing of the busiHees when they commence, and afterwards learn what they can at others' expense. Coal tar, for instance, under difforent names, is slroogly advocated by such parties as the only sure thing; the reliable, the best in use, 4c, Ac. Now judge for yourself.

Ual! upon Mr. Stead, at the Lafayette Fire Insurance office, or any of the roofers or house painters who use Stead linseed oil cement and they will show you work done with both kinoes of material. In fact there is scaroBly or town in New England, New York, New Jersey or Pennsylvania, but you can find Stead's linteed oil cement applied or be able to purchase a box at a hardwaro or paint store. It will Bpeak for itself, and we have yet to find the person who has tried it that says it is not what is reore eented. Those who ttudy economy seldom buy anything but tbo best.

Tbayelebs. Do you know the most valuable article you can kcop by you this season of the year ii Isn. Bicknill's Stuup? There is no fear then of Diarrhea, Dysentery, Cliolora Morbus, is very pleasant, but always euros. No opiates in it. Biokbene strengthens the mind by strength, enicg tho Hypochondriacs recoivo itnmodiate re lieffromit.

Its effectsare permanent. For DyspBpiiait is the oro tbtof needfuL Ladies in fooble health ffill find it the pnfest and most general ot all Depot 2i Dey Ftreet, N. Y. Sold by a1! Druggists, All hail the inventor of the J. Monrfie 'lailor Gold Medl iloip, it leaves all fabrics which are washed willl it in a much bettor condition than any other soaps, besides making them much whiter and softer, and is a great saving in quantity as well as temper, and a great Drrmotpr of comfort, it makes washing easy compared with aoy other soap.

Tryit; all the storeshavo it. Depot 112 Libel ty Etroet, Now York Cords! Cords! Tassels! Tassels! in colors and sizes; Hets nude to order at J. LooKl Iir, Son 251 Fulton street. SoHiLBBiio's Gbbmah OrNTMENT. Warrant ed a certain cure, without tho slightest danrwr, for Plies, Old Wounds.

Scrofula, Salt Rheum, all Bone and Skin Diseases, 4o. For sile at the Dfg Store. 96 Bowery. New York. auKBMW3t Great reduction in the prices of Dress and Cloek trimminga, buttons and at Lockltt, Son i.

251 Fulton street, opposite Clinton. GtnpuiEE Laoes. French and English, in all widths at J. Lockitt, Sow A 151 Fulton street, opposite Clinton. All soldiers wounded in the line of duty, and heirs of such a have died without receiving bounty call, with your discharge! on Lwraan, Hootmah Co, MlHtary and Naval Bankers, No.

40 Park Bow, (Times, Building), N. who will collect or cash ihe bounty. Also officers' clearances promptly obtained. Liberal advances made. jyl lawlatS MARRIED.

LashebDeceeb On Tuesday, Aug. 8th, at tho residence of the bride's father, by the Rev. T. L. riuyle Daniel N.

Lasbeb to Emu Decker, all of Brooklyn, L. I. r.ocarde. DIED. Eemben On Monday, fth tasr, Hannah Rbmsen, widow of thelate Arthur Hemeen.

in the 82d rear ef berate. The relatives and friends of the family are respectfully invited attend her funeral on Wednesday afternoon, at 2 o'clock, from her lata residence, 69 Prince street, Brooklyn, without furcher invitation. WTJLMB On Monday, Aug. th, Mabt Mulder, belov Wife of John Mulder, and eldest daughter of the lato John Slase, aged 27 years, 1 month and 12 days. The friends and relatives of the family are respectfully invited to attend the funeral from her late residence, 238 Water street, on Thursday afternoon.

Aug. 10th, at 2 o'clock. 03" Connecticut papers please copy. Beboan On Monday. Aug.

7th, Amn Eliza Bebgan, aged 8 years, eldest daughter of William and Ann Bergan. The friends and relatives of the family are respectfully invited to attend the funeral from the residence of her parents, Macomb street, between 4th and 5th avenues, South Brooklyn, on Wednesday afternoon, at 2 o'clock. Hatha way At New Bedford, on Sunday, the 6th Susan wile of Francis Hathaway, of thiacity, Milton In Boookiyn, on tho 7th inst. John Fbanois a601 10 onlr BOn nd Mary E. the resldanoe of his parents, on Weuneaaay next, at 2o'clook P.

M. Pnaiin papers please copy. HEREBY GIVEN THAT finnand if.fttrotf!?.rtllaMrla read for examina Tnmmof Ei'iSP A' office of the OouimtBion of iSrPd In hf Brine o' exemption will be i32w Oor.otf!?S&.t nK iSVr SiX ROS )yU3ar By Telegraph to the Brooklyn Bastle. TWO O'CLOCK. P.

M. LATER FROM NASHVILLE. Kx OPIttt t. hrt a AA114J1 XVUUlf AUg. I.

A'e of O' rt P'JP'o nf Tonueasee, held foe this State todny. Ur. NeTion Walker mi dectad Ington, asking toe pTivUege ot tbe franchise and Several speeches were made, in iartherance of th Alv'niif if rtia mnaHn ft A Committee on Resolutions will be appointed to JUUilUrTi Another Atlrmpt to AWnct George IV. Sanders. TOBOHTO, C.

Aug. 8. A desDstch from Montreal to the Leader vs: Another attempt bai been made to carry off George N. Senders. O'Leary was offered $10,000 to aisiBt in tie enterprise.

He agreed to do it, aud then went and informed the Chief of Police about it. On Monday evening O'Leary called at Sanders' house with a carriage driven by one of the conspirators. O'Leary told Sanders that the Booorder wanted to see bun at bis house on the road. Three men then jumped into the carriage, knooked O'Leary down and handcuffed Sanders. Twenty of the police gave chase, captured two of tho conspirators and are in parsutt 01 tno otherc, Arrival of Gen.

Grant at Montreal. MONTnEiL, Aug, 8. Gen. Grant ard party arrived hero thia morning, from uenec, ac nvo cock. The morning Is cool; thermometer, 78 dog.

From Toronto, C. W. Tokonio, Aug. 8. Tbero was a Are here last night at tlio corner of Bay ana Wellington streets, xno urana Trans nauwiy general officss, Ilouton'a Hotel, and Dr.

Adam's dwelling couse were acetroyea. iioss From Quebec. Quebeo, August S. Tbe following is the new Cabinet arrangement: Sir Narclsce Belleaw, Promier and Becelver General; Eon. John A.

McDonald, Minister of and Hon, McDougal', Minister of Education, SECOND EDITION. EAGLE OEFICE. 1 1 3P. M. KENTUCKY ELECTION.

Louisville, Aug. T. The vote in this city for Congreei is as follows: Ilosseau, administration, Mallery, Mundy, 121. Tho election of Rosseau from the 6th District is conceded. All four of the administration candidates for tho State Legislature from this oity are alsoeleoted.

Columbia Rives Harding 201, Taylor T8, Gerrard 103. Campbcllsville all pointa heard irom give Harding 602, Taylor 196. Cavo City gives Grider 141, Low.y 42. Glasgow gives Lowry US, Grider 228. Colesbnrg gives Taylor 25, Harding 29.

Bussellvillo gives Grider 167, Lowry 107. In Franklin County the anti conBtirutional amendment ticket bas prevailed by 3,000 majority. Hut a small rote was polled. Mumfordsvllle The anti constitutional amendment ticket has 16u to 200 majority. Covington The approximate vote of Kenton County gives about 1,100 Union majority.

Campbell County gives 850 Union majority. Pendleton County Bowling Green give3 Grider 251; Lowry 166. HopMnsville gives Yeamin 202 Bitter 166. lit. Vernon gives, as far as heard from, liandall.

Union, 433; Garrard, opposil'oo, 164, Nicbolanvllle gives Franklin, Conservative, 106; Fry, Union, 91. The Placqucmine district gives 220 majority for Fry. Bichmond The majority in Madison oouuty ter the constitutional amendment candidates is 400 Iu 450. Somerset rivcb about 700 Union majority. Lebanon gives Harding 249; Taylor 78.

Montgomery gives a conservative majoiil of over 400. Danville Bojle connty gives Fry, for Con grcBs, 800; Franklin, conservative, 404. Paris giveB Franklin 279; Frv 13S. Bourbon county will give a largo majority against the constitutions! amendment. The majority of Frsnkrin, conservative for Congress, at noon to day was 500.

Bagdad gives Harding' 205; Taylor 83. THIRD EDITION. THREE O'CLOCK P. M. From tbe Plains.

New YonK, August 8. Senators Foster, Doollttlo and Boas, Committee ti investigate Indian Affairs through Now Mexico and Colo. ado, have returned lrom the plains. While at Fort Lyon they investigated tho Sand Crock affair, and informed tho Indiana interested that the government disapproved of Coloue' Chlvingtoa's aOulon. Tbey invited tne Indians to meet them in counoll at Cow Creek, near Fort Lamed, oa the 10th of September, to arrange terms of peaoa.

reaults are anticipated. Colonel Samuel F. Tappan, of the 1st Colorado Cavalry, accompanied tbe Sonatoilal delegation, and passed ibrough this city to day en roulo for Boston. The Cheshire Case. (Continued Irom Second Page.) After tho close of tho argumont, His Honor, Judgi Lott, remsikcd substantially as follows: I regret that I am obliged to remark that tho action of the General Government, in removing tho prisoner lrom tbo custody of tho law, appears to mo to bo an attempt to evade what moy be the decision of the Supreme Couxt of this upon the legality of tbo detention ol the prisoner, if adverse to the right to detain.

It appeared to bo an expression of a want of confidence in tho judiciary of tho State olNew York that is not respectful. A per. son is restuined of his liberty; a wilt of habeas corpus is issued, and after service of the writ upon tho person in wbose custody tbe person is, bc is removed from the custody of the law.and it may render neoesBary a decision that will affect the person of an innocent of this State, if tho Government of tho United States have no confidence in the administration of tho laws by tho judiciary or the several statos of the confederacy, then our Government might as well be at an end. Tbe courti of this Stato have always endeavored to sustain tho action of tho ueneial goveroment, oven In cases of questionable legality and our courts and authority are certainly en tilled to ordinary respect the action ofthe Government in this matter has relieved mo from the necessity of a spcody decision the fact appears, the prisoner has been rcmovod from the custody of the law. The mattor is adiourned to tho first Monday of September, when my decision will bo rondored, Three Coboneti's Case? Ohe or the Ait now'u Victims Picked Uj.

This morning the body of John Westloke one of the passengers missing from tho steamer Arroff, wbich collapsed flue of one of her boilers a't the foot of ISiU street, on Saturday afternoon, was picked up at tho Atljutic Dock. As the body shows no signs of having been burned, it is believed that tho deceased must havo jumped overboard. There appears to bo a great difference of opinion as to the condition of the boilers of the Arrow, and tho inquc3t on tbls body will probably bring oat tho factB in the premises. It is not known whether Coroner Lynch will hold tbe inqueEtor deliver the body to Coroner Gover, of N. who beld tho inquest on the body of Van Tassell, tho fireman killed by tho explosion.

The body of Wra. Wood, the aged night watchman on tbe mud digger at the Atlontto Brsln, and who fel overboard, waB recovered on Sunday, and Coroner Iynoh thia morning held an inquest upon It, when a verdect of death by drowning was rendered. wm, MoKenney, aged 60 years, was badly injured by tbe fall of a shanty, from beneath which ho was removing flirt, and from the Injuries received he died cn Sunday. Coroner Lynch hold an inquest this morning, and a verdict of death from injuries acd dentaily received was rendered. SUPREME COURT OF THE STATE OP NEW YORK Bobert H.

Cousins, plaintiff, against Amos Powell, defendants Summons for money demand on contract U. S. Int. Bev. Stamp 60 cancelled in originel O.F.W.

To defendant abova named You are hereby summoned and required to answer tho complaint in this action, whloh will be filed in the office of the Clerk of the County bf Kings, at tho Citjr Hall, of of Brooklyn, and td serve a copy of your answer to tho said complaint on the subscriber, at his office. No. HI Nassau Btreet, in the City of New York, within twenty daya after the service of this snmmons on you, exclusive of tbe day of such service; and if you fail to anBwer the said complaint within the time aforesaid, the plaintiff in this action will take judgment against yon for the sum of eight hundred and fifty dollars and fifty oeuts, with interest from the first day of Hay, one thousand eight hundred and aixtf one, besides the costs of tbiaaction. Dated New York, Bept. 30th, 1864.

O. F. WHITTBMOEE, Plaintiff's Attorney. The complaintin this aotion was duly filed in the ofBoo of the Clerk of the County of Kings, at file City Hall, City of Brooklyn, on the 1st day of November, lm Datea New York, Nov. 1st, ISM.


SUMMER TERM, MONDAY, APRIL 17th, 1865, This aehool was organized in May, 1854, and has been in snocefisfal since that period. The principal object and aim of this school ia the oarly education of 1 "BOYS UNDER TWELVE YEARS OF AGE; and the course of studris preparatory to the Collegiate and Polytecbnio Institute in this cltr. In addition to tbe orrUrtary atudies'of the respective divi aiona, regular andsystemauoinatruotiou ia given in Vooal! Musio, OaHatnenios, Drill, Exercises, and Declamation, by experienced Masters, without extra charge. The School Building to famished with every convenience, and no expense has been spared to render it complete for! tile buaineaaof instautioii. icaMgvBBia ftniwH Miwiar ana oacaloffne, contla fknsoL WANTED THKEB GIKL8 ONE" TO tend store, ono to take care of a baby, and the other to do general honBework.

Call at 63 Myrtle avenue, in the ANTFn SRVRR AT. HaVniiTa TT shirt bosoms, at Portland avenue, 31 door from WANTED VIOTOKINE UNBB3 25 victbrines: good price3 paid and stPady ia "i iunmeu lane WASTED TWO SERVANTS ONE AS i nB vo ut ouamoermui waitrees and to few. Apply, with relerenofs, to morroV (Wedmsday; beU eon 10 and 3 o'clock, at 294 Pearl 17 ANTW11 A a iwcnnD nfrrSi, mw alio JLU ababy: ono that oan fit ohild 8.5;ir,e."',era Wilson's mi cliprelerreoAppiy, with referenoo, at61Sanda street. VV 8 GIRLS TO MAK.1S AND "ZlV, TX7ANTED A YOUNG WOMAN FOR uuubuwurK mui no a good plain cook and MfciiJl assist in ht TTANTED A YOUNG GIRL TO AT Annl. S'Kni presoirsu.

i "vuwm arout, nuar si. AN'I'KM BUPViWTO IWuiinr a WW wuMiaiixu, iminniii 4 pr ly, at 121 Atlantic Btreet. girls to do oooking, tLT iruuiu. gunerai nousework. ouam "aicera, auu girls late landed: the best situattonB aro in abnndanco and at the bighost wages wanUng servants for the cltr and onmitrv Jii'iSl83 XV ANTED MILLINERS TWO EIRSf of girls acquainted with the millinery buainca: nonentho noms lf fidjrswSMeMto ouo waahiiiR and ironini; only those with best reference need applv in Fulton ayenue, firjt house above Grand aronue on the bill.

soon TIT ANTED OPERATORS ON W. maouinesi Brauy worK ana ffooa pay to good bands WANTED A HEALTHY PBOTESTASIT tvnt, riTiroQ Annie t. Ranrta i WJ AN XKD AN ORGANIST FOR Tl rroteaiant unurcn in toiBcity. to acoomoanya OTjartette choir. Salary moderate, Box 25 1 BrookhnPozt Office, nnM o.aaress Muaiu.

"wvr a A an t. a nnn crtj mr ttt on Sewers; Bteady employment: wages 60 per tins nRT ftverv twowenkfl. A nnlv nn fh snrir pirn r. near DeKalb avenun. AXED LADIES TO LEARN TO operate on dingers ana waeeier ana Wilson's sew ANTED BROOKLYN CITV BONOS of the several classes, at fair market prices.

Apply SXTtJATXOJia WANTED "OT" ANTED A SITUATION. epectable girl, to do general housework inaorivato family; best reference from her last place. Call at 126 Dinuu BtroHt, near uean. Tt7 ANTED A SITUATION BY A YOUNG KirL to do chamberffork and take care of children. Enquire at 81 York street.

au82t WANTED A SITUATION TO DO THE general housework of alarge family; also a yours pirl to mate herself generally usefaf. Apply on Wednos Utty q.M ami ntreec. ou uoor nona or uavee av. AX ANTED A SITUATION. BY A Rtt.

ff spectable young woman to do general housp vork in a Bui aii iomny; lHagooacooK, wainer ana ironer: good city referencea. Call fortwo days at C5 Atlantic 3tr et, WANTED BY A RESPECTA1UE middle aged woman, a situation to do kitchen work in a email private family; is a good washer and ironer, and has cood city reference from her last place. In quire aii iu nuonun uvunne, cor. uoncora bc. XT ANTE A SITUATION BY A respectiDie woman, as cook, or to do general honse wuiji juobiiiuii iHiuny; ma urns rat 3 wagier ana ironer.

poor bread and biscuit maker; hvsgood referencoi. Call for two days at 203 Jay street, near Tillary st. WANTED A SITUATION BY A RE epoctable young woman, to do general housework; is a good plain cook, washer and ironer; has good city re Please call at No. 1 Liiqueeratreer, near llenry. 11 AN TED A SITUATION BY A respectaD.e joung pin, later landed, as chamber maid or to take care ofcnildren; is a good plain sewer.

Can be peen at her own residence corner of Smith and State streets. Can be seen for two days. WANTED A SITUATION BY A respectable cirl, to do general housework in a mail ianiny; ia goon wasner ana irocBr, ana has the best or reference irom her last place. Please call at 100 East Warren street. WANTED A SITUATION BY A RE woman, ababy to wet nurse ai bpr own residence; none but respeotablo partiesneed aDp' at 61 Tillary street, rear housB.

2tv WANTED TO GO OUT WASHING BV the day by a respeotable woman. Call at 167 Smith street, over the Orooery store, front room. WANTED A SITUATION, BY A KB spectable womnn aa cook, washer and ironer, or to do general housework; is hishly recommended. Been for wo dayi at 21 Fourth place, tei present 6m p'03 ore. WANTED A SITUATION BY A respectable girl, as nurse and chambermaid or waitrees in a private family; has good city reference.

Please cad or two days at 18T High street, between Bridge and Jay ate. vVAPTTS. ANTED TO RENT, OR LEASE OR buy, if suitable, a house worth about 1600 per year. Fair ily three peraoiis. Possession before middle of September.

Address HOUSE, P. O. box 17, N. Y. City.

an82w WANTED BY A GENTLEMAN AND wife, 3 or 4 unfurnished rooms; muU he betwean Court and Hoyt, and south of Warreo street. South Brooklyn. Addrefs DEXTER, Kagle office. WANTED TO RENT 1st OR 2d FLOOR of a goodhouEP. with only one other family, in a good location, for a family of three: good referencaa: don't wish tomove in the Spring; gas and water indispensable.

Address B. Eagle office. au8 2t ANTED ASMALIi HOUSE OR IABT of a house, furnished oi nnfnrnishM. hv pontiR man and wife, in a pleasant neighborhood. Address with full particulars and terms, whion must be moderate, H.

C. Kagle office. WANTED ON BROOKLYN HtfilGHTS preferred, by October 1st, a first obr furnished house, for a desirablo tenant, with small privato family. AddreEB PARKER, Box 2056 New York P. O.

o8 Gi WANTED BY A PHYSICIAN, THE ubo of a basement or front parlor, in. or cloie to Smith street, furnished and teims moderate. Address NEBULA, Kagle office. WANTED TO RENT A HOUSE SUITA ble ior a small family, without children, in a respectable location; rent not to exceed t6CX Possesion wanwo Dv ine mmdie of (September. Address J.

M. Boxl215New York P. O. an83t WANTED TO RENT OR PURCHASE, with possession 1st September, a neat cottage houvo in Brooklyn; about Brooms required, with modern im provementR. J.

Box 4181 N. V. P. a33t" WAN TED 1 MEDI ATEL A SMALL cottage, or part of a house, furnished or unfurnished, convenient to Fulton or Wall street ferries. Rent moderate.

Adarees E. F. Eagle Office, stating location and tenna. au5 4t WANTEDA MEDIUMTsIZED HOUSE or partof ono. suitable for an office, east of Fnlto Btreet, bettfeon Willongfab; and 8ands streets.

Addre39. with terms, DK, WATSOV, Woodbridge, Now Jorser. au53t WANTED TO RENT OR LEASE A hougo with gas and water, suitable for a srnatf familr; ront about $500: possession wanted during tbe 6ummerorall. Address Box 2(36 Brookla P. O.

jy31ui" WANTED LIBRARIES AND OLD boobs, for wtioh the highest price will ba paid IS Prospect street, between tfulton and Washington. Be eure of tbe No. 13, the News Depot, jy2G 2w LOST AND FOUND tifcH'l REWARD A COW LOST ON vnXvF August 5th, 1865, from the premises of G. BTISO, comer Dograw street and 5th arenue. a red cow, with halter on.

aSZt G. KYNO. REWARD LOST. OOING KROM ptJ the corner of Olasson avenue and Dean street to Munroe itrcet, through Munroe street to Bedford and Gates avenues to tbe Melhodist church. In Gates avenue, near a pair of gold SFEOTAOLE3.

with ona gifi cracked through the centre, and iadj'a hemstitohed The under will receive tbo aboro reward bj the same at. L. CORNWALL'S butcher shop. Fulton "or Olas'on. FOUND OAJIB TO THE PREMISES, last week, corner of bCeioy and 18tlr streets, Windsor Terrace, rintbush, a red and wiite COW, with white face.

The owner will oblige by proving property, payingall ex pensoB and taking her away. a8 3t THOS. WAT8QW. LOST A RECEIPT BOOK. THE FIND er will bo reward.d bf leaving the came atR ASTBTt.

VABING 40 Columbia street, Brooklyn. al2t LOST ON MONDAY AFTERNOON, while going from No. 15 Portland avenue to No. 45 Myrtle avenue, tb rough Park and Hudson avenues. Johnson and Jay streets, a POCKET BOOK, coutaioiog a large sum money aud a few valuable papers.

A liberal reward will be paid for the recovery of the same by D. BIOKNELL, 45 Myrtle avenne. J' OST LAST EVENING, LIGHT RED A COW, medium size, with right hip knocked down. A liberal reward will be paid on her return to M. WING 4 Nos.

9 and 11 Hoyt Btreet. a82t LO FROM WALTER DIXON'S. 3d avenue and 3 3th street, on Sunday morair a black and tan alut DOG: answers to the name of Ponto, Say around tbe mouth from ace. Bear on the left hip, A leral roward will be paid for the same at 43 Hoytstrcot, Brooklyn. FOUND CAME TO THE PREMISES OP the undersigned on Thursday last, a sorrell HORSE, branded with tbe letters i.

O. The owner oan obtain possession of it on proving property and paying expenses. If not culled for within one wees; it will be sold at publio auction. JA60B KALEE, 38th street and 3d avenue, Brooklyn. a8 3t FOUND STRAYING IN FLUSHING avenue this morning, about wbich the owner oan have by Droving property and paying expenses by applying tD OWEN LABK1N, oorner Flushing avenno and tlchenok street, In the store.

a83l LOST OR STOLEN ON SATURDAY on the Court street oars, a WATLKT, containing a small sum of money and a note of Bhortland ft Van Bergen for t820 payable to tbe order of S. S. Losee, dated, August 1st, at four months, at Meonanics' Bank, Brooklyn. The publio are cautioned against negotiating the above noto. Brooklyn, August Ttb, 1065.

S. B. LQ3EE. LOST OB STOLEN PASS BOOK So 42,733 of tbe Emigrant Industrial Savings Bank Application will be made to the Bank for a new Book, on the 2d day of September, 1865. jy24 lairtwM MATHBW LYKOH, Depositor.

REWARD WHEKGAS. ON OUU the th day of May, AelTONIO nnATT hmfcHllv murdered in iaeSth nf thiq city. Now, therefore, Alfred M. Wood, Mayor of tho City of Brooklyn, do by virtue of a resolution of tbe Common Council passed Jane 15. 1885.

hereby effer a reward of Five Hundred Dollars for the attest and conviorion of tbe person or persons who comuittea the deed. jeft tf AliFBKD M. WOOD. Mayor. Mayor of theotty ot rvlrtru) ofaieilotlon of the Ocmuion Oouncil adopted done 28th.

offer a reward of ten lift dollars fr the arrest and conviotlon of any par lies found girdling or removing tbe oark from amy of 'the ahadetieM of the citf. Dated JulyS, U36. irttf ALfHlJB M. WOOD, Mayor. TUESDAY EVENING, AUG 8.

Destruction of Dwellings this Morning. Thia morning at half past ten o'clock, a fire discovered in the three cUry franse dwelling owned by D. D. 'Whitney, in Raymond street, between Lafoyeite street sod DeKalb avonue. Tie flames were flrat discovered in a closet on the second floor, and are supposed to have originated from a defective flue.

The building ws riddled, and damaged to the amount of $T00. It is believed to bi70 been uninsured. The occupants were Mrs. first floor, loss $150, no insurance; Mrs. Hayden, second floor, loss $100, no insurance; Mrs.

Dailey, third floor, loss $76, no insurance. During or jUBt previtus to the fire a bureau drawer was lansaoked by some person unknown, and $90 stolen therefrom. The flameB communicat3d to the adjoining building, a two story frame, and owned by Mr. Patrick Bums, Who is insured $350 in the Hamilton Insurance Com pany. which amount will cover is loss.

The occupant, Mrs Margaret Denuigan, Ices but 1 tie, as tartar niture was mostly removed. The polico of the 41 were promptly on the ground, and did what they conld to protect persons and property. A Father Shoots his Son Richard Fitzpeirick, a man of 50 years of age was airested yesterday evoj'ng by the 43d precinct po'ice, for shol Vs son Thom Tne junior Fitzpatrick is a young man. and tat evevlng, aU uncon icious that anything was wrong, received a shot in the neck, breast and rms; from a gun in tbo hands of his father. Tho weapon was loaded with smJl shot, and tho young men pretty teriomly.

The father, who was brought before Justice Buckley this morning claimed that he was trying to shoot rats, but hit his son instead. There is a preva'ling opinion that tho man is laboring under an attack of temporary insanity. Ho will lie examined on Saturday. Kecoteby or Stolen Pbopeeti. On Friday jast a fishionab'y dre3sed person, giving bis name as Geo.

Belmont, hired a horse valued at $150 and a saddle of tho value of seventy five dollars, at the stables B. J. Anderson, Nob. 206 and 208 West Twenty seventh street, N. and from what he said at tho time, it would be inferred that ho intended to go to WilliamB.

burgh. Belmont apparenUy forgot to return with the animal, and yesterday Mr. Anderson, assisted by tho 45th precinct police, instituted a search about the Ejst ern District, and late in the afternoon, found it at the stable of Geo. Wright, in Water street, who slid that ft man answering to Belmont's description sold it to him. The saddle has not yet been recovered.

Genebax Molineaux. "We learn from the Augusta (Georgia) Cfironice that General Edward L. Meh'neaux, tho commandant of that port, has tendered his resignation and is about returning to his home in this city. He is to be succeeded by Gen. Washburn.

Gen. went out the 159th or 3d Senatorial Regiment in and did toed in the leche County, Louisiana. His command, with other Brooklyn, organization wai transferred to tho Sbauandoah Valley where they participa! in all the splendid fights under fheiidan, and fc? gallant services in these battles Col. Molineaux was promoted to the position be now, or lately, held. We have not ascertained the reasons for bis resignation but suppoBe that, the war being over, he Snds it more profitable as well as more agreeable to resume some civil occupation.

The Nobth Eighth Steeet Assault Ab bksi of two op the RUFFIANS. It will bo recollected that a Mr. Job Abbott, residing at No. 203 South Second street, E. while in company with a cousin named Taylor on Wednesday afternoan last, was attacked by a party of ruffians in North Eighth street, who beat him orer the head and body until he was almost insensible A.

warrant was issued on Thursday by Justico Daily foe the arreit 01 two of the cowardly assailants named Thomas Fanner and Timothy Shine, who wera slightly known by the lnjnred man. Thiemorniug Officer Nicholson, of the 45th precinct, arrested them, and then examination will take place to morrow at Justice Dailey's Court Meanwhile the police a searching for the remainder of the guilty parties. Bedfobd Base Ball Clue. A hew junior club has been organized in Bedford under the name of the Bedford Base Ball Club. The following officers have been elected: John Wjnn, President; James McCormick, Treasurer; James F.

Granger, Secretary. The club is now open for all challenges. The secretary's address is 792 Pacific street. Miss Btjgbee. The case of this festive young lady, who has acquired a nice reputation by her deeds in the "Burgh," and win was arrested yesterday on ft charge of assaulting her once most intimate friend, Mrs.

Nafew, came up before Justice Walter this morning and was adjourned over until to morrow, in order ihalboth parties may procure witnesses. Fanny AocrDEST. Yesterday afternoon, about one o'clock, a young boy of six years, named Pat riok Cleary, residing at No, 4 Union street, bad his foot caugbt and crushed at the Hamilton avenue ferry. Ho ViaB crossing from the boat to the bridge, when be missed bis fcotiog and the boat mashed his left foot. He was taken to tho Long Island College Hospital by oflkor Crogan of the precinct.

Moonlight Exctjbsion to Coney Island. The Coney Island Social Club will take a moonlight excursion to Coney Island this evoning. Their headquarters tie Island will bo at the Manhattan Hotel. Shaeks at Fulton Feeby. Tho Sun tells the following shark story: While a number of youngster1 were bithing at tho dock foot of Fulton street, I' sl Elver, lait evening, an enormous Bhark was discovered by tho on shore circling around the swimmers, and evlc'entV bent on mis cl ief.

An r'aim was immediately coundci, and the youngsters succeeded in sg unmolested, but ono iad who bad ventured ma dishnco into tho jcom, was sirgled i by the raonsler as offering the surest prey. The itt'e fellow, discovering the peril in which ho was placed bent his ejergies tescapo. Fortunately, jiv.i ai the sb." was to ceizo bis prey, a 't hook ard lino thrown trom tho end of the pier to the morstcr, woo immr liably relinquishing the chace, ttized the lino, id bcine tecurolv booked, was drawn oehoi air'tl the plaudit1? of the (spectators. The beat measured Blx feet iu length, and weignea nearly two hundred pounds. POLICE INTELtlOENCi, Queer Place to Carey $120.

Yesterday Samuel Buxnside, a man, took to the 43d precinct station house a boy named Wm. J. McCanu, whom he charged with stealing $120 lrom a basket, where it was placed in company with other things. Tho basket, as alleged, was in the bauds of a lad named Wm. Appel when tho money was token.

Free or heb Change. Rosannah Dowe is a ilorekeeper of ard hclds forth in Bridge street. yeBterday John Washington, a direct descendant of the father of hiB ton, if not of his country, went into the fltore of Kosannab, and after looking about and finding to suit, aBked her to change a $20 bill for bim. She gave him ten $1 notes and a bill purporting to be a $10, which was worthless, and for this officer Wade made a and Bnd Bho waa arrested by officer Aldrich of 42d precinct. AitebBabbels.

Margaret O'Brien is 40 and Single. She likes hoops, and acccrdiog to the complaint Bade against her by Mr. Kingsley of No. 51 WlUoughby street, Bho goes them staves and all. He charges Margaret witb stcsMng barrelB from the Bewer inVanderbilt avenue, near Fulton, and bad her arrested by officer Terwiiliper.

gne was taken before Justice Morehouse and examined, when on proof of the offence being given she hot sent to jail for 20 days. Ahotheb Till Opebatob. Wm. Telton, a boy of 12, who can read, but don't affect the pen, was airested by officer Oswald of the 43d precinct, en a charge of stealing $5 from the till of David F.Conok lin, corner of Smith and Atlantic streets. $2 of the money taken was recovered.

Wab in Dutchtown. The warm weather has a marked effect upon tho inhabitants of Dutchtown, making the blood of the belligerent Teutons almost boll, and consequently rows are very frequent. Charles IIu ber and bis wife Caroline occupy a floor in an elegant shanty in tho rear of No. 25 ScboIe street, and Marv rDeitz baa the remainder. Caroline and Mary don't agree; they circulate storioi in regard to the virtue and good character of each other.

Ycrterday morning Caroline compJained of t' is etato of affairs, and asked his itsistanco to castrate Mary. Ho did so, and the two entered tho rooms of the object of their vengeance. Mary Buepecting that there would be trouble, ordered them to leave, but, irsbad or so doing, they attacked and knocked her upon a brd, and she states that while Charles held her down, Caroline beat her until she was insensible, and then lelt, Having bufficlently recovered in the afternoon, Mary procured a warrant from Justico Walters lor their arre t. Officer Bell, of the 46th Precinct, took them in hand this morning, and the exami nation comes off to morrow. An Inquiry.

To Che Editor of ike Brooklyn Eagle: Borne time last January a circular was published and quite freely circulated in Brooklyn and other cities, purporting to be an appeal from "ihe Niogara VoL Infltitute Belief Association," of whloh a Col w. Toung is President and a Mr. H. E. Bindall Treasurer, aeklsgforsubsotibers tor a certain number of photo prapbB that were being published of our Generals, and a chance of drawing a prize, the price of a tioket being $5, and the drawing to take place on Washington's birthday, but for certain reasons was postponed till the 4th of July, '05.

Now, as the 4th has passed, and aa nothing more bEB been said about the drawing, of course we should lik to know in what manner the money has been disposed of. If it has been applied to tho purpose for whkb it was represented, (that of helping boys whose fathers have fallen in battle,) every thing is satisfactory. But if, on the other hand, Col. Young is a myth, and certain unscrupulous rascals have made use of this means to obtain money, I should like to know it, so as to avoid being bitten in tnture. It certainly looks likethe latter reason; so walk up, Messrs.

Toung and Basdall and let the public bear from you. And, Mr. Editor, by inserting tho above in your valuable paper, you will greatly oblige many friends as well as one who basgood reasonstorthlnking himself a Viotih. 10 LET A STORE. ENQUIRE AT 155 a3 2t Water street.

TO LET TO A SMALL FAMILY OP adults, a fnrnisbed house in South Brooklyn: preaBGl; ocoopanta will board with the family. Address K. O. Eaile office. au8 AAA FOR SALE A NKW TrtO Ktnrv aud basement brlok bou e.

running to throe fern's terms essy. Apply at 399 Fulton avenne, near Carlton, i a tht hat store. a13t FOR SALE THE IMPLEMENTS Of A soap aotory also the unexpired lease of faotory building No. 534 Pearl street. Annly to GEO.

W. DIK KMAN. on the premises, or to BUB.DETT STRIKER, 196 Jayst. a2t OR SALE A FINE SEVEN OOTAVE rosewood nimo. orJv used a short time, warranto for years: will be sold $150 below cost.

To be seen at Duonun a uu a piano manniaoiurers aepoc, mcon Btreet, Brooklyn. a53t FOR SALE 3,000 ACRES OIL AND TIM ber land in "Venango county. near TioTesha; 930 per aore A few orders for the examination of oil and mi a eral lands will be received up to Tueeday next by OH. BUSHOK, Knginoer, 367 Ifalton street, Brooklyn. a5 3t" FOR 8ALE OHBAP A KITCHEN" range, double oven, with water back, complete, nearly new; price 36; also a screw press for punching or cutting metal, some tools, circular shears and some other tools; also a new sewing machine, capable of doing family or leather sewing; price f0; also a drum fceater tor Dasement Apply in Olasson avenue, 2d cottage, north of Putnam.

a53t TO LET THREE ROOMS AT $200 PER annum; gas, bath. pleasantly situated in Lafayette avenue, two doora east from Bedford ar. au5 3teod FOR SALE ON ELLIOTT PLACE near Hanson Dlace. with earlr Dosqonflirtn Tirviwn stone front dwelling, containing 13 rooms, laundry, hot and cold water in every room and all the modern imp rove raenta, and in perfect order. Forpermits apply to WyOKOFF i jjx i J.LOK, muuvntfue s.reet, ugor ijouro.

iyi tf FOR SALE A STORY BASEMifixNT and. sub cellar brick Bouse, double pitch roof, with rear extension, contains 11 rooms. aa and on Hrt.nvai water, and connected witk sewer. Xo cation within five minutes' walk of City Hall. Ifor terms, Ao, apply to A.

EOR SALE IMMEDIATE POSSESSION. Harrison st 3 story and basement briok 46,603 ueitaiD ave, aoume nouseana joib 12,000 Deffraw at. 3 etorv and basement brick fl son Ppencerst. 2 story and basement frame 3 6C0 Franklin ave, 2 story and basement frame 2,600 Hicks st, 4 atory English basement 7,800 Marcy ave, 1 lots and stable 13 000 Putnam ave, 2 ptory and twement briok i.too. oujbu iiuusoa wauiuu iu liuauu tmu wurusior uurcnasers.

Apply to 8ANDFORD fc CORNELL, 16 Court street. FOR SALE FOR WANT Off USE, A brmht bay borne. 6 voara old. 15W hands hlirh' npr. ftntlv finnnd.

Terr Rtvliiih. fine driver: ran twii. in A utes. Aiao Leather Top Baggy and square box Baatnoss "Wsgon and Ha nesa. Apply to S.


Tickets. 15 cents. Children 10 cents. ao4i tpOALL WHOM IT MAY CONOERN I I herebs arive notice that THO MAR OORNWRf.T, in not in my emt)ov. therefore he is not autbnrind tn tranq act business on my account D.

WILLIAMS, livery stable, 1996 Fulton avenue. a8 3t SCHERMERHORN STREET, BETWEEN BOD A1ND NEVINS Ono or two irflnf lflmfln (in obtain a nicely furnished irontroom, third tbor, gas rud closet in it, with first class board, in a private family, Houpb has all conveniences, and in complete order. WeigtU borhood unuEually pleasant. Terms moderate, if pBrma nent Address M. Eagle ofHoe.

ouSSi XTEW MUSIC JUST PU BLISHED From North to South; Military (Salop, by Charles Fradel. 60 cents; "Vignette" Jfolka, by Thomas P. Rceder, 40 cents; Gen. Sberman'B Grand Triumphal Marob, O. Hormaa.

SOceDtB: with vitmette of tho fionfiral. cents. Mailed free. aH73tPoa HUKauiii watkbs. 481 Broadway, W.

Y. MULES AT AUCTION ON THURS day. Aug. 10, alarcelotof selected govemraentmuies, in barn bp will be sold auction, in Brooklyn, on circus ground. Fulton avenue, four blocua from Cilv HaM.

near junction of Fulton and DeKtlb avenue: sale to com menoeatlOA.M. a73t M. H. "WILLIAMS, Agent. IRE WINDOW SCEEENS AMD WIRE SAFES MADE TO It AT 84 bULTON AVENUE, BROOKLYN.

au5 lm CLAIRVOYANT MADEMOISELIiE D. DEDORIK. from Paris, tell all nresent and fn ture events; property or stolen goods reoovered; prevanto persona fann a.lLdanges.Drinits toscthwtlia separated, ftoraM Fulton avenne, 2d floor, LAilier CO cents; geutlo menyi. Callirom 9to7. Kit.

SPRUCE PARS FOR SALE, All sizes, bj ii. uunrtUK, bah vusw huuhhj, aui6t Foot Court st, South Brooklyn. DE. DUCKEB, SHIP BREAD AND CRACKER BAKER, 38 FUiiTOK Sl'KEET. Cjsckennf everv variotv fresh haked cnnnbtnl.1.

nn linn ft! also broken oraokers at a reduced price. Grocers, families and shippers supplied at reasonable rates. aul 3m 14 TH REGIMENT BAND CONCERT, LFFFFRTS PARK. SATURDAY. 1TH AUGUST.

Tickets 15 cents. Ohildren .10 cents. ATTENTION 1 311 ATLANTIC STREET. Ladios and gentlemen, have just opened a new establishment, also received a large order from Calif or aid aad the Southern and Western StateB. to pay the uigbest price for CAST OFF CLOTHING, FURNITURE.

OARPETii, JEWELRY, Ac, If you have such articles to dispose of, nlpflflo null nn nr nddrftHS nntfl to raft. H11 Atlniitifi aud you will be dealt with to your satisfaction and with punctuality, ia iiusuhoaum, acent. xjaaies aiionaea oy mrs. itosenoaum. au4 lm CHILDREN'S CARRIAGES REPAIRED AND ALTERED TO PERAMBULATORS ftKUUXNU UAT, If Ki'KI IMi tlUi.ttlly KU OUT CRANDALL'S.

1Y2 FULTON STREET. au3 lm DIVIDEND THE BROOKLYN BANK A dividend of four (4) per cent, free of government tar. out of the profits of tbe last six months bas been de Harfld nnvahlftto theatookholdera on demand. Bvordorof the Board. (aul 6M P.

S. HENDtfRSON. (Jashier. SUPREME COURT, KINGS CO CNTY Martha A. Livingston, Plaintiff, agtinst Mar L.

band; Jennie L.Walker, William Augustus Warner, Jose Etiino u. iiamona, uames rrestonanu dames westiana, lefendante. Summons for relief. (Uom. not served.) 150 cent Revenue Stamp, to tue ueienaania aoovenamea anu eaouoi tnom: You are hereby summoned and required to answer the complaintin this action which will be tiled in the office of tho Clerk of the County of Kings, at the County Uourt HViiira.

in t.hfl ftitv nf Hrnnklra. sand to serva a ennv nf vnur answer to the said complaint on the sub3cnbor, at his office, JU ont ague street corner of Court street, in the City of Brooklyn, within tTrentydaysaftertheeor vice of this summons on you, exclusive of the day of such service; and if you fail to answer the said complaint within to the Court for the relief demanded in the complaint. Dated Brooklyn, July 12th, 1865. Cnmnlaint filed in the office of Che Clerk of Kings County, at the Connty Court.Hoire in Buoklyn. auoxawowxu r.

iauiiu, riuinun Arainiei. AMUSEMENTS. i A TH REGIMENT BAND CONUBRT, Tntrnrninoi Tt TJT7" OliTTlWTiAV ATTUTTS.T' Tickets 16 cents. Children 10 cents. an 4t" WORK OF CHARITY AtTEND THE KO NIO FOR THB POOR, eiied by tbe 8t.

Vincent de Paul'n Society Ot ST. ANNE'S CHURCH, ON THURSDAY. August 10th. 1665. AT HANFT'S MVRTLU AVENUE PARK.

TICKETS 26 CENTS. 2t TUESDAY, AUGUST 8th, 18B5. GARIBALDI HALL. 7U ana id xavme Avenue, rjrooKlfn. OONOERT SOIREE OP Mesa; s.

L. BRE1T, of Vienna, and B. BLa.CE, on the violin. Mr RRRTT will nnrform on the new, invented Rri toline Pit nohorn, with cittrer and song. tloors open at 7 commence a r.

in. a.amission iroo. au 20" 7 AIR THE LADIE8 OF NEW UTKEOHT will hold a FAIR for the SALE OF USEFUL AND rANClf ARTICLES, In the basement of the REFORMED DUTOH OHUROH. In town ot New Utrecht, on the afternoons and evenings 1 mnn.IT.nn.r lunumnniv Acordialweloomeiseitendedtoa'l. a3t 14 TH REGIMENT BAND CONCERT, LEFFBRTS' PARK, nAnr.nAV.

12nr AIIfiTTS'li Ticket 15 cents. I Children 10 cents. B8W HEREFF'S SALE BY VIRTUE OF MI FvAimtlon. to me directilfl rin. Uvered, I will sell by publio auction, at the Sheriffs offlce, room 8 Connty Court House, in tie City of Broonlyn.on the lWh day of July, 1865, at 12 o'olook, noon.lil the rurhi UUeiid interest whloh PARMENUS had on the Uth day of February, 1866, or at any time thereafter, in whoaehands soever the same may be.

of, in and wi. oww i A.on J. Beginning at sne poiuvwi jUa offte block between Warren and Baltic streets with the dock or bulkhead by the East River; thence running eaRterlr along said centre line to a point distant on? huntoTand sixty nine ttrS) foot aud eleven (11) inches westerly from Colombia street thenoe southerly at rightWtoBaltio street ninety nine feet and ten aS inchSstiBaltio street; thenoe westerly along Btltdo Btreet ave hnndred and seventeen 1611) feet; thenoe north erifatffiTng" te BalUo sheet forty nine 119) feet and eleven ofi InoBes; thence westerly and parallel with Bal tostretforte orless, to the llneof said dock or bulkhead; thence northerly along the line of said dook or Bulkhead to the point or ntaoe of beginning, subject to a lease for Beven years froni Mar 1st, 1861, fo The sale of the above property is hereby postponed until the Hth day of July. 1866, at tie same hour and plao. dlMm HNMONAMBE.

Sheriff; The sale of theabove property farther postponed until the 24th uav of. July. 6, earn? hour and plaoe. WuwtSrn Jnfr OBS MeNAMEE. Sheriff.

The stleof the above property is further postponed until Sa Slat day of July, 1896. at the aamehoruud place. atBiSoV July tab. 1. The sale of the aboveproperty is furtherpostponed until thetrhday August, 1866.

at the same'houratidplaoo. Datid Brooklyn, July 31. I860 JulSavrtaTu JOHN MoHAMKE, Sheriff. DIABETES. Has been proaoanoMl by tbe Medical Faonlty, aad hat and the publio, to bathe mort wonderful remedy for tht permanent cure of all diseases of the STOMACH.

LIV KIDNEYS, and BLADDER that bas ever been offered. It is not a MINERAL WATER. It ia from experienc that CONSTITUTION WATHR has emanated, and wa now ay let no man doubt, when a single bottle has been known to cure diseases which the best medioal Ulant in this country baa failed to relieve. A remedy possessing the virtues of Constitution Water cannot be classed under "quack preparations, as it is now used by the most soientifio practitioners in thia city. It is only second class pbysioians that cry down popular remedies, while the better skilled make use of every means to accomplish a cure; and the suoceee of the physioiau increases as his knowledge of different remedies enables hint to produce a onre, while other (ail in the attempt, Boitnoaia satisfied with the truth.

Give Constitution Water a fair trial wa msanlyon who are nnilflr Boma Hueoialist's care from vear to nn ruir ticularly allude to ladlea who are constantly resorting to local treatment, and all sorts ot local applications for diseases, with as mnoh ohauoe of suocess as thers would be from local applications to tha throat for diseases of tht brain. We havt alwaya been careful to use language In our oiroa lar tbat oonld not shock the most delioat organization, but wt receive so many conununioations from perBons for which the Constitution Water is adapted, and of whose diBOass no mention has been made, that wa have coma to the oonolu sion that if the remedy is capable of producing a cure, no matter what the disease mavne. it should be The medicine is put up for the public and there should bt no exceptions. vte wouia say, uonstifcuwea wauir iu nut uaea guoea pill, marin tn unit tne eya and taste: it is a madinina. in nvnna sense of the term, placed in the hands of the people for their relief, and if taken according to the directions it wlU in every oase produce a radical cure.

We would say that the aireouons regaru 10 oiei. eio, raiaui otuy 10 we niaaase under which they ooour. READ! READ 1 1 RBADlil TUirvTTX. Jnna i. 1M1.

Dr. Wm. W. I1m. Sir: In February, 1861, 1 was afflicted with Bugat diabete and for five months I passed more than two gallons of wa ter in twenty four hours.

I was obliged to got up as often as ten or twelve aimos during the night, and in five months I lost about fiftx pounds in weight. During the month ot July, 1861, 1 procured two bottles of Constitution Water, and in two days after using it 1 experienced relief, and aftr taking two bottles 1 was entirety onreu, soon alter regaining my usual good health. Yours, truly, J. V. L.

DE WITT. raatok nrraffKnA. N. Dao. 17.

Uel Wn. H. r.r A Co. Genta: I freely give you liberty to maxerue of the following certificate or the value of Constitution Water, which I can recommend in the highest manner; My wife was attacked with pain in the shoulders, whole length of the back, and in her limbs, with Palpitation of the Heart and Irritation of the Bladder. I called a physioian, who attended her about three months, and while sho was under his care she did not suffer quite as much pain.

He finally gave her up. and said "her case was "Por" laid he, "she has suoh a combination of oomplainta that medioine given for one operates against some other of nor difficulties." Jbout this time she commenced tht use of Constitution Water, and to our utter astonishment, almost the firBt dose seemed to have the desirod effaot, and she (rant on imnrovinir ranidlv under its treatment, tnrt nna superintends entirely her omestio affairs. She has not taken any or tno uonsutution vYaterror sdouc rour weeks, we are happy to aay that it has produced a permanent euro. vim. m.

ijui DjLuowsiisn, DtABETES, Is a disease of tna stomach and lver. actlna1 tfcrnnfc la kidneys, and is, withont doubt, the most obstinate diseAse, xcept consumption, that effects the human constitution. We nave no space for discussing causes, but will state that the effect of tbe disease is the conversion of the starchy principle (or vegetable portion of tbe food) Into sugar, which stimulates the kidneys to an excessive secretion or water. Many persons suffer from this disease who are ignorant of it; tnatis, they pass large quantities during tne day, and are obliged to get up from one to fifteen or twenty times during the night. No notice is taken of it until their attention ia called to tho large discharge of water, and often when it Ib so far advanced as te be beyond control of ordinary remedies.

Another symptom is tho great thirst, which when ths disease is folly establiBhed. is intolerable the patient drinks conBtantly without being satisfied! also dryness of tht mouth, cracking of the hps, a sweet breath, in tbe more advanced cases, and finally loss of appetite, emaciation, and the patient gradually sinks from exhaustion. Constitution Water ib, without doubt, the only known remedy for diabetes, and we have as much confidence that it is a Bpecifio as we have tqat opium will produce sleep, and i.nitnrally say that it has oured ha fejemusea. IRRITATION OF THE NECK OF THBl BLADDER INFLAMMATION OF THE KIDNEYS OA TARRH OF THE BLADDER. BTRANGUARY AND BURNING, OB PAINFUL URINATING, For these dlaeasM It i trnly a sovereign remedy, and toe much cannot be said in its praise.

A single dose has been known to relieve the most urgent symptoms. Are you troubled with that distressing pain In the small of the back and through the hips A teaspoonfut a day of the Oonstltatioa Water will relieve you lik. nusic. PHYSICIANS Have long since given up the un of buchu, oubebs aud Juniper in tne treatment of those diseases, and only use them for the want of a better remedy. CONSTITUTION WATER has proved itself equal to the task tbat has devolved upon ft, DIURETICS lrritat aad drauoh tbe kidneys, and by constant lead to ehronio degeneration and confirmed disease.

We present the CJonstitntlon water to the public with tht conviction that It has no equal in relieving the of diseases for which it has been found so eminently successful for curing and we trust that we shall be rewarded for our efforts 0 placing bo valuable a remedy in a form to mettthtre tnutmenM patitnt and physician. WKnaBBraLD, March 198J. Dr. W. H.

Grtgg Dear Sir: Having seen your advertisement of "Oeniutn tion Water, recommended for Inflammation of the Kidney and Irritation of the Bladder, having suffered for the past three years, and tried tboBkillofa number of phralolaiia with only temporary relief I was induced to try your medicine. I procured one bottle of your agenta at Hartford. Messrs. Lee, Sisson and when I had used half of it, to my surprise 1 found a groat change in my health, I hare nsedtwp.bxittlBsofit, ajidamTOertlnever expected 10 ba In my life, well, aad ta good spirit. I oannot express my gratitude for it; I feel that it is all and more ttanjou recommend it.W be.

May thebleaslnfa ot God tvar atUnd ou In your labors tf lava. Yours, truly. UONASD8 BIQELOW, FOR SALE BY ALL DRUGGISTS. PRICE IL WM. H.

GREGG MORGAH ALLEN, General Ageatf, iTo. tt eiiffitreet, New York. Bold by Davits, corn erTul tea and OUntea streets, an Douglass, torntr rultoa avue and Paul (treat, and a Dnggiata. fU!.

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