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The Brooklyn Daily Eagle from Brooklyn, New York • Page 3

The Brooklyn Daily Eagle from Brooklyn, New York • Page 3

Brooklyn, New York
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

COAL. AUCTION SALES. POSTSCRIPT. AUCTfON SALES. American Republican Regular Nominations.

Senator 1st District, GXOBGE FOtSOM. Congress, HEIVItTT Si SEAISANi BEERS' ARCH STOVE, NO. 45 FULTON STREET. SUITARLE.FOR HALLS, CHURCHES, PARLORS, OFFICES, npHE ARCH STOVE is made mostly of Rus sia Sheet Iron; and lined with Fire Bnck. The base, front, and back of afch, are of Cast Iron, beautifully carved; the at is made to pass into he base, which possesses advantages for warming the feet; the body; or furnace part of the stove, has an inner lining of Sheet Iron, which serves to protect the stove from its excessive beat, and to keep the high polish which it possesses from tarnishing.

As to its heating qualities, the inventot would refer to some of the first gentlemen of the city and county, who, having them, are prepared to answer unhesitatingly, as the following certificates will show. A liberal discount to the trade. NATHAN T. BEERS. L.

The subscribers arc receiving PEACH ORCHARD Coal of the first quality, which they offer for sale at the markft price. If taken from the boats, 50 cents per ton less than the Yard price. Also on hand, Gray Ash Schuylkill (suita. ble for stoves, furnaces and cooking ranges,) and LIVERPOOL ORREL CoiH of the test quality. Apply to R.

R. STORY, Agent, 25 Fullon st. 1 tf S. B. REEVE CO.

GREAT REDUCTION in PRICE OF COAL. ONG ISLAND COAL YARD. Adams, LJ coiiner or Water street. The subscriber respectfully informs the public and his friends that "aB jU8t Pened a Coal Yard under the above title, where he will be happy to supply them with Peach Orehatd and other Coals ofthe best quality, upon as reasonable terms as can be had ther in this city or the citj of New York GEORGE P. WELIGH.

b5 tf J. G. YATES. "I ACKAWANA COAL 5 00 The Dela Ly ware and Hudson Canal Company arc re cciving Laekawana Coal, fresh from the Mines, at their yards. No.

1 3 Adams street, between Water and Plymouth streets, and also at the corner of State and Fnrman streets, Brooklyn, which they offer to their customers and the public at the following prices, free of cartage Egg aud broken size 00 Stove and Furnace 5 00 Nutsizc 4 50 Lump 4 50 tnv30 tf OAL COAL! COAL! Peach Orchard Sa lem Vein Coal, warranted to be the best red ash coal that is mined, for sale at the yard cor. of Pearl and Plymouth street. Orders received at the Long Island Insurance Company, and at Jas.L. Moore's, 35 Fulton street. Also, genuine Lehigh and Virgiria Coal.

"17 N. R. VAN BRUNT. NEW (j A YARD. rpHE subscriber having established a new and eapaciousCoal Yard at the corner of State and Furman streets, (adioinin the South Ferrv 1 re.

spcctfully solicits a portion ofthe public patronage i iic arrangements ana laci itien a hisonmmiiTirt will at all times enable him to have a supply ofthe rauuuB uocripnnns oi me uest ol (Joals, both bitu minous and anthracite, that can be procured, and which will be for sale at the lowest market prices for Coals of equal quality. Orders may be left at the Office at the Yard alBO at Mr. Joseph Hcgeman's auction rooms, No. 14 Fulton street, and at Mr. Asa Stebbins', architect, corner of Hetirv and Atlantic streets.

Walter bicker. Brooklyn. Sept. 22, 1843. N.B.

Peach Mountain (asuperiorarticle), Peach Orchard, Lehigh, Liverpool, Newcastle, Cannel, ana omer Loais, now on sale as above at market prices. 25 FUL 'I ON COAL YAK J). 'PHE subscriber offers for sale Peach Orchard, Lehigh, Lackawanna, Liverpool. Ncyvcastle, and Virginia Coals, from vard or vessel, at the lowest prices. ROBERT BAILEY, Fulton Coal Yard, 7 Water street, near the Fullon Ferry Brooklyn.

And 65i Wall street, 60 Cherry street, 377 Wa ter street, cor. Rivington and Norfolk sts. N. York. HENRY WII SON Agent, an5 3m 1 02 Nassau street.

DRY GOODS! DRY GOODS! JUST KECE1VED FROM AUCTION, AT HORTON'S Cheap Cash Store, Baragcs and Balzorines 50 per cent less than oflercd this summer: a beautiful assortment of MUSLINS, ls9d, 2s, 2s6d, 3s per yard a very cheap lot of French worked COLLARS, from 2s upwards; Gambroon, Linens. Cassimercs; Bonnet Ribbons, 10d, Is. lsGd per yard Barage and Black Silk Long Schawls, at the Cheap Cash Stote, jelO tf 152 Fulton street. OTICE. The firm of Carman, Stilwell Whiting is dissolved by mutual consent.

AH tboie indebted to them are requested to make immediate payment to either ofthe firm, who are fully authorised to collect the same. T. D. S. F.

WHITING, SAM'L STILWELL. Brooklyn, Nov. 1, 1843. ET The business will be continued at the old stand, 43 Fulton street corner of Front, by Samuel S'tilwell and S. F.

Whiting, where all orders from their friends and the public will be received and punctually attended to. SAM'L STILWELL, F21 tf S. F. WHITING. NOTICE The Stockholder ol "The New Yoik and Bruoklyn Union Ferry Company," who may wish to exchange their Stock for that of the new Brooklyn Union Ferry Companv, are hereby notified that they can make said echans from this date until the 1 5th Novi rnber next, on application at the office of the company, at the Fulton ferry.

WM. DEGRAUW. Treasurer. Brooklvn, tober29. 1844.

o31 diwlnla NUTlUE. A semi annual dividend ol 3 per cent, on the capital stock of the Union Ferry oinpany, win De paia to tne stocKhoIdcrs on and after the 1st November next, at the office of the company, at Fullon terry. WM. L. DEGRAUW, Treasurer.

Brooklvn. October 29, 1844. o31 dtwtnl5 AI'AN t'EL) A respectable Protestant woman, to cook, wash and iron, to go a few miles in me country. ry. Apply between this and Saturday at 84 Nassau street.

c.31 morning ri 0 JL THE LADIES OF BiiUUKJLY 1 AiU VICINITY The Lonn Island Boot and Shoe store furnishes articles of a quality far superior to those usually offered in this city Ladies are respectfully invited to call and examine their manufacture. Ga tub. Boots equal to any made in Broadyvay and at low prices. Slippers of a superior style, N.B. Any description of bootsand shoesmadcto order.

SMITH HARTSIIORNE, m4 tf 170 Fulton street. XJUTlCE TO LADIES and all interested. Pa" Goods now receiving auction and other places, to which partictilarattcntion is called, at the brick store of J. HUBBARD, 103 Fulton st, Brooklyn, consisting of elegant Cashmere, d'Ecosse, Cashmere de Laines, Mouslin de Laines, some Ca licoesparticularly choice in qualities and styles, and some common quilts. J.

HUBBARD. S. Do not fortret the number. nnl7 BROOKLYN 6c AND SHOES island uuuis The Nimble Sixpence bet ter than the Slow Shilling." The subscribers arc now selling seasonable goods at extremely low rniCFs. We offer good Goods, and will sell cheap.

Boots and shoes of every description made to fit the fect equal to Broadway, and much cheaper. Lasts made, if desired. PI. asc call and see. SMITH HARTSHORNE, o2S 170 Fiiltni street.

Brooklyn. J. L. CUMMINt would most rosncet. fully announce to the Deonle nf Brooklvn.

that his Fall Term of Instruction in VOCAL MU SIC, for children, will commenco on Saturday morning next, September 14th, at 8 o'clock, in the CLASSICAL HALL, Wasti ington street. Children will be taught to read music at sight. Terms. One Dollar for the Course. s9 tf 5 REWARD.

Lost, this morning, a double case silver watch in nassinir down Pros pect to Gold and so to Water street. The finder yvill receive the above reward by leaving it at the Fulton ferry house office. LEWIS, Ferry Master. "1T ANTED A situation for a young man who has a general knowledge business, and lias had manv jcars experience at the fancy letail dry goods trade; would make himse'f generally useful, for a moderate salary. The best of references given.

Apply to R. J. TODD, tf PS'Fnlton str et. BLANKS of every description. Labels, showbills th printed at the Eagle offioe, very heap r8 1 be for to the lyn, his the new JOSEPH HEGEMAN, Auctioneer.

Rbat, Estate ans 1 urn tub Sales Room, No. 14 Fulton street. Liberal cash advances made on consignments of all kinds of personal Famihes who intend breaking up housekeeping, and wish to dispose ol the whale or any part of their Furniture, are invited to call, and may confidently rely upon the personal attention of the Auctioneer, and his faithful efforts to dispose of their furniture to the best advantage. A fair price will be given for second hand furniture to those who may wish to dispose of it without the trouble ana dclav of an auction sale. At Private Sale A Valuable piece of property, No.

88 Fulton street one of the. best business stands in this city being 24 feet 10 inches ffont on p'ulton st, 30 feet 6 inches rear on Poplar ti, and about 1 1 3 fee deep. A two story brick front building on Fulton st, and a two story frame building on Poplar st. 1 he whole to be sold in one parcel. Pait of the purchase money on bond and mortgage.

i. numocr 01 101s situated in tlie In ward ol the city of Brooklyn, on Mush rg aud Nostrand ave nues and Hopl ilreet. Fiice $100 each. Wednesday, Nov. At 12 o'clock, on the premises, 37 Sanda street.

Buildings to be removed A 2 story frame house 30 ft front by 34 ft dp, with the foundation also, the two story building in the rear of and attached to the above, 20 ft front by 15 ft dp. The above buildings will be sold for cash without reserve, and must be removed from the premises before Nov 20. J. W. SCHULTZS, Auctioneer.

Store. No. 165 Fulton street. JSlT Sales ol property at auction or at private sale conducted with despatch advances made on good sent to the store for immediate sale. Chancery or othcrsalcs of Real Estate madeatthe store or Franklin House, as niav suit parties.

H. D. WILLIAMS, Auctioneer. Wcdm sdav, November 6, At 12 o'clock, ot" the Franklin House. Chancery Sales, under the nirection of FhiJoT.

Rugglcs. 1st, All that certain square or block of grbund, with the buildings thereon, situate in the village Williamsburgh, bounded by Iloerum, McKibbin, Ewen and Leonard streets, and known as block No. 16, containing 32 lots, each 25 feel in width by 100 fect in depth on each side 2d, All those 29 lots of ground situate in Wms burgh, being on Amelia, Rcmscn, Wvckoff. Leon ard and Smith str, each lot 25 feet in widlh by 100 icu i ju ucpin on rucn sire. 3d, All those 4 lots of mound, with the hmtdino thereon, situate in Williamphurph, McKibbin st lots Nob.

445, 446, in block 13, beirirron the south erly side, and lots Nos. 284, 293. in block 19, being on mc noruii riy siac, cacti tot Ucmg 2b feet wide by 100 ct deep on each side. For more full descriptions of the above property, see master's advis in i lie Eagle. A JW b.

Au tion ecr Office, No 63 Fulton stkeet. Wednc. day, November 6th, At 12 o'i lock, at the Franklin House, Chancery Sale Under the direction of PhiloT. Kuggles, i.sq, master in chancery, all and singular the one equal, undivided half nartor moietv of and in an anu singular tnose certain blocks, squares, lots, pieces and parcels of land situate, lying and being in the 7th ward ofthe city of Brooklvn, and designated and laid down en a certain rhap inscribed map of land iate of W. G.

Post, consisting of upwardsof 600 lots, situated on Flushingavcnue, Cumberland, Park, Oxford, Portland sis, Myrtleav Auburn place, Willoughby st. and Bedford Broad. way road. or further particulars see advt in an other column, signed Philo T. Ruggles, master.

Thursday, November 7lh, At 12 o'clock, at the Merchants' Exchange, Chancery Sale, under dueclion of P. T. Rutrfflos. in ier, an mai cerram pcce or parcel of Jand on wesieny sioe l.i wis st, between Rivington and Stanton sts, 11th ward, N. York, boginning 68 ft inch southeily from southwesterly cor.

Lewis Stanton sts, running westerly with Stanton 100 ft, thence southerly with Lewis st. 18 ft 1 inch lot being 18 ft 1 inch frtmt and rear, and 100 feet deep on each side. For further particulars seemas tcr's advt in New York Evening Post. GREAT SALE OF BUILDING LOTS IN THE CITY OF BROOKLYN The Trus. tees ot a portion of the Jackson Estate will sell at the Merchants' Exchange, in the city of New York, on MONDAY.

2iith divof October instant, and CONTINUE DAILY AT 12 O'CLOCK, upwards of 4('0 lots, comprising some of 'he most valuable and desirable propertvin Brooklyn, and presenting every inducement to purchasers, which a perfectly healthy location, convenient to the centre of business, can afford, the remotest partof the property being within a distance from the Merchants' Exchange, including the wie.tli of tho river, not greater than VV'avcrly Place and Eighth st. Commencing opposite Wall street on the East river, with a wharf propeny fronting 135 fect on Furman street, and running 301 fect to the csta. blished ater Line on the East River 23 dtf Hjj.iJfiti.i;A;Mih;jX'Jt: a ii ACTIO. A1 HALL'S BROOKLYN STORE 107 Fulton street A great arrival of roods from Auction, which yvill be sold at greater bargains than ever before known in Brooklyn among Which may lound SILKS. Plain, figured, brocade and striped black Lutestring, Italian, Gros dc Rhine, Gros de melions striped and plain, in every shade.

RIBBONS AND GLOVES. This department of his stock is now replete, and worthy the attention of the ladies. SHAWLS! SHAWLS The best and cheapest over offered in ooklyn a confirmation of this, we only invite the ladies call and examine for themselves; among which may be found Cashmeie Duchcsse Cashmere Bagdad, Bengal Long Shawls, rich Rashmyr, blk, sea green and white, splendid and high east Magpoor long shayvls, magnificent Pimah long shawls, mag. m'ficent Coroniantlel long shawls, superb Ispahan Cashmere square shawls. 100 DOZ.

LINEN HDKFS, from Is. to 18 shillings; please call and examine. CLOTHS, CASSIMERES VESTINGS. A replete assortment just lcccivcd from auction, among which may be found super black French Cloths, black and blue black west of England, Sax onys. plaid and fancy Cassimercs.

o22 GOLD AND SILVER SPECTACLES "AIANUFACTORY, 99 Fulton street, Brooklyn, L'J L. I The subscriber would respectfully call attention of the citizens of Brooklyn and Long Island generally to the fact that he is the only mit nnlacturer of Cold and Silver Spectacles in Brook and that he warrants all Spectacles madeinhis establishment to be ot tho best quality of Gold or Silver, and the workmanship unsurpassed. The glasses used arc of a lar better quality than will be found generally at any other store, either in New York or Brnoklyn. He flatters himself that, htvinghad fi 'teen yean experience in the nianulactiire and adaptation ot Spectacles, he can adjust them to suit every mere defect of vision. He will afford persons desirous of suiting themselves with Glasses, every facility in power, and hopes by attending strictly to this branch of his business, "to merit the confidence of community.

Priccsof Gold Spectacles, 50 to 10 50 10 50 to 20 00 Silver 1 50 to 3 00 Gold Hand Spectacles. 7 00 to 8 00 nH" 9 Kfl A fin All of the above articles are warranted to lie iiy every respect asrcprescntctl. otae ohangeffand ones fitted to old frames. 8 O. C.

FORSYTH. Optician "CXPKESSLY for Mantillas and Apron the richest quality imported of yard wide b'aek Gron de Rhine and Italian Silk, at the hnc.k store of JAMES HUBBARD WATCH LOST Lost, by a boy in the street. te sanie to this office, will receive Three Dollars 7 tf i be of to to of R. J. TO DB', Auctioneer.

Stobb Sales Room, 88 Fulton afrttt. AUCTION OALES TO THE PUBLIC. The subscriber, the oldest arid moat' experience 'n Kings i county, tenders hi jielfieos iS the city or any part of the county in tBe dispbaal property at the core mission, viz Household furniture or other merchandise, pir cent. Real Estate (advertising included) $2 Off pcrlof npjiumbe of lots to exceed $10, if sold iA one day. The subscriber' advertises rtgtilarly itf all the Brooklyn newspapcrs ps well as in New Y6'tk regardless of expense in giving publicity to" sales; effects ample insurance, has spacious accoih modations in his store, which hi one 61 th6 best catiojia ft tlie city for the roccptiin aiid s'rfle of.

goods, upon which ho is prepared to muke liberal cash advances in large or small sums, and prompt returns, iregutar sales ol urnitufe m. We store every SatutUav riiornirig at 1 0 o'clock. J5ry goods, Hardware, Fancy Articles, Books, eyei jr Saturday eveiiihg at early candlelight. The subscriber has likewise inade arrangements by which he can attend personally to sales in New York city. Constantly on hand, in trie store, a full and com." plete assortment of Furniture of all kinds, by pri." rate sole at auction prices.

Oct. 8, J844. R. J. TODD, Auctioneer and Valuator 88 Fulton Brooklj ff.

Saturday morning. Nov. 9, At .10 o'clock, in sales rooms, 88 Fulton ttVoe'tV Furniture A large and truly valuable assor m't 2d hand furniture ol all descriptions, from different families removing, and sent in for convenience of sale also, an additional let of furniture from Wir. liamsburgn also, the balance of fuiriitordilicalled for at the sale in Poplar st, ori a'ceTf 6f purchasers1 there also, a stock o'f'eleg't new cabinet' uimtura with 20 fine feather beds. 10 curl'd hair and a quantity of cook'g stoves, grates arid kitchenr utensils, the whole making a general Saturday evening, Nov.

9, At early candlelight, in the sales rooms, 88 An entire invoice fine table cutlery, consisting it ivory handle dinner and dessert knives and forks. stag handle do and carvers, cafpentei's tools, elks, watches, dry goods, clothing, furniture ane a rari. cty of other Saturday morning, Nov. 23, At 10 o'clock, in the sales rooms, 88 Fulton street, Catalogue Sale A large arid valuable assortm'f new arid 2d hand furniture of all descriptions catalogues 2 ds prior to sale. tr EVERY SATURDAY EVENING ai ly tandl light, there SHI be miscellaneous sales.

Wednesday evenincr. Nov. 27. And the succeeding evenings, Sundays At early candlelight, in the sales room, 68 liltoii, Toys and Fancy Goods Will tie sold a atic tidjr without cases and packages Frerish. and Geiman Toys and Fancy Articles, in lots trf suit purchasers To ladies engaged in church fairs, dealers, and the public generally, this will be a rare chance.

Full particular in time. At Private Sale A splendid se cf straw colon Moreen Window Curtains, made expressly for an English nobleman, richly bound, arid will be old sf bargain if appl ed fdr immediately. At Private Sale The beautiful two sforv frariiaY house and lot 56 High st. Brooklyn. The lot isSff ft by 100, and the house, which is in perfect ordei stnnds back about 20 feet frdrri the street, giving fine door yard in front.

The yard is well providW with grape vines, trees, shrubbery. c. The heSnaA' has been recently painted throughout, and is one oi the most desirable, residences for a small fainily iaf the city of Brooklyn'. For further information, iir quire, of the auctioneer. lb" IMPORTANT NOTICE.

J1. TODD will in future dispose of Real Estate at auction tot' a commission of 1 per lot. advertising included. JOHN E. VAN ANTWERP.

Auctioneer. ILr Personal attention mven to sales bf Hrtnj hold Furniture at private residences. Office No. 57 Fulton street. (Eveninir St" building) where all order's will be received and promptly attended to.

m24 it GRATES, FENDERS, COOKING RANGES IRON RAILING, IRON SHUTTERS, riut ruuur BOOK SAFES The undersigned Would rcseetfnllv fi iform thtf public that he is constantly mannfn on hand a large assortment of plain and omamentaJ i i iiuu enaers, snut DieioT parlors, chambers, basements, whifch he offers 6fi as favorable" terms as any other establishment, and also griarah' tecs they shall not be surpassed in vorkiriariship. He has also made aTrariperiients by n. Vi. enn" sell Stotnpson's Celebrated Boston Cootirig Range' on as reasonable terms as any other These Ranges are too well ksown to require comment, but for economy of fuel, and convenience nerally for private families, thev stand nrrrnll.l Every descript'ic of Iron Railing, Ir6ri Shutters Fire Pfoof Book Safes, made fo order at the shortest notice. Every description of ron W'brk, wrought or cast, made to order.

Gratearid Ranges set and repaired. Fire Brick and Soap Stone arid? Builders' Anchors constantly on hand. GEO. W. STILWELL, No.

38 Falto, tf opposite Front street, Brooklyn. MO A A NDR OAKES'S CABI iNtST AJND COFFIN WAREHOUSJ Is removed from 140 to lfc3 Fulton stieit, next to the City Hotel, and opposite National Hall. constantly Kept a large and superior assortment Mahogany furniture, such as book eases, dress ing and common. bureaus, curled and plain mapll arid mahogany bedsteads, diiiing tables, Also, ready made mahogany, cherry and bilesteaef COFFINS, together with all recuisites for funcr als. Hearses, with competent and areful drivers be had at all times.

ANDREW OAKES, Cabinet Maker and Undertaker, 163 Fulton et. o2 tf "VT OTICE Thesubscribcrrespectfullyanriounc Ll cs to the inhabitants of Brooklyn and it's vicu nity, that he has resumed the Undertaking Business, and feels confident, from the' experience ha has had, that ho can give entire satisfaction to thot 6" who are called upon to ernploy one of hisprofcteica Coffins of every description Sh 'ouds ad Caps, and all other appendages fo funerals, furnishein the be ft manner and en themosi reasonable te rm Orders received at No. 103 Middagh street, ncii corner of FultOn. n4 rf'ff John m. coRfrw Si t.

GREAT EXCITEMENT HUBBARD. 103 Fulton street, is large and beautiful assortment of rriuslin de laines, cashineres and chusans, at greatly reduced prices styles formcny sold at 3s 6d and 4s. will now be sol for 3s and 3s Gd, and all others in proportion. excellent assortment of splendid Hat Ribbons selected from the first French houses in New York, will also be sold at a proportionate reduction; riolr vies of Brochc, Kobvl, Adelaide arid Cas nrnere Shawls, ofall sizes an colors, just received as o26 1 03' Fulton s'i i et, brick storo. LOST On Saturday, tha 21st i pair of Italian Greyhounds, vert fitaall.

chaincd together, collar on ach. engraved with tfitf nairic ol R. Lindo Delesscr. Ariy person bri Vgili the sume to the Mansion House, Hicks st, Brdofc. lyn, will be handsomely rrveor cd.

s23 ENCOURAGE BROOKLVN fii' citizens of Brooklyn are respectfully infortired and assured that they can st oil times Furniture and House Furnishing Articles frub ihV snbseriberas low, if not lower, than at any store m' New York, withe ut the trouble, delay and experise crossing the East River. aul5 tf R. J. TOPI). 88 Fnlton otw et.

INSF.ED OIL 20L0 gallons iariieed" English end Americnn. forsali? bv. ol J. D. PRINCE.

SS Snlttat. From the Philadelphia Timed, Nov. 4. Polk. Clay.

1551 Shunk. 598 Markle. 1332 Centre 5G0 Huntington Luzerne 1300 Lycoming 621 Pike G08 Wayne 914 1088 655 501 742 Tammany Hall, Sunday, 9 o'clock, P. Information having been received that a gang of men has been employed by the Whin party to attack me naiive procession to do neiu to morrow (tins to the end that such outrage may lie alleged to have been committed by members of the Democratic party now in behalf of that party, and of the thousands assembled in and about Tammany Flalll, we feel authorised and do pledge ourselves, if it be necessary, to have Five Thousand Democrats ready to protect procession from any outrage which may be attempted In the name of the united Democracy of this city, we disclaim any attempt at illegal conduct, nnd brand those who would thus stigmatize the Demo, cratic arty as wilful and malicious calumniators. Long live the Republic Polk, Dallas, Wright and Gardiner forever Elijah F.

Purdv, Chairman Corresponding Committee. Profitable Books. Messrs. Williams, in Exeter, New Hampshire, keep, it is said, rive presses going through the year, giving to the United Slates Miss Porter's Thaddeus of Warsaw," and "Scottish Chiefs," in a cheap form, feeding weekly the evening book auctions in Boston, New York and Philadelphia, Upwards of a million of volumes have been issue by the above firm. IED.

This (Monday) morning, after a short and pain, ful illness, Mr. James C. Akins, in the 21st year of hisnge. ThB relatives and friends of the family are affec. tiona invited to attend his funeral without fur.

ther from his late residence, in Livingston near Smith st, on Tuesdav aftrnnon at 3 o'clock. On Sunday afternoon, Philip Arcularius, Jr. cd years and 1J months. His friends arc invited tn attend his funeral from the residence of his father, P.J Arcularius, Frank, lin avenue, between Myrtle and Park avenues, on Wednesday afternoon next, at 3 o'clock, without farther invitation. ID" The members of Clinton Hook fc Ladder Co.

No. 2 are particularly requested to meet at the company's room on Tucsiluv (to morrow) afternoon, at o'clock, to attend the funeral of Jas. C. Akins, ate a member of said cc mpany. By order ED.

C. MOREHOUSE, Foreman. Abraham Bar'kuloo, Secretary n4 BROOKLYN INSTITUTE tECTlRES. Qtr The winter course will commence with an Introductory Leo ure by Prof ssor B. Silliman, on Thursday evening, Nov.

14 on Geology, and will be coritinued by Prof. B. Silliman, on Thursday evening, Nov. 21, on Geology Dec. 5, 2, 19, on Electro Mag.

netism, illustrated with experiments. The balance of the course will be announced in due time. Members can now procure their tickets at the Institute. Brooklyn, Nov. 1844.

CHARLES OLCOTT, lm CHARLES CONG DON, 'l FIFTY JDOtJLAKS REWARD, "Whereas it has been eprcsentcd to me that an attempt has been made by some evil isposcd person or persons, s. veral times of late, to set fire to the frame house situate en the southeast corner ol Main and Front streets, there by endangering the lives and pr iperty ol the neighborhood; Now, therefore, J. Spragtie, Mayor of the city of Brooklyn, by virtue of authority vest mc, do offer a re. ward of Fifty Dollars for the detection nd conviction of any person orporsnns in a Omit of Justice, who have heretofore or may hcicalter set fire to saici nouse. i i In testimony whereof, I have hereunt t.

s. set rfty hand and affixed the seal of tin Mayoralty of the City of Brooklyn, this 15th day of October, 1844. d4w J. SFRACUE, Mayor $125 IE HIV A It ILr1 A male Child, about 6 or weeks old, was left on the Stoop of No. 63 Itcmscn street, on the night of 25th July.

The above reward will be pari to any pcrsnn who will give information that will lead to the discovery of the person or persons who left said child. Brooklvn, July 27th, 1814. SAMUEL DOXSEY, Jy27 Superintendent of the Poor. lrnij3mrARiXb7 are all invited to meet at J. SWEENEY'S Columbia Hotel, at 7 o'clock on Monday evening, the 4th inst, in order to prepare for the memorable 5th.

n2 2t NAVY AGENT'S OFFICE, New York, October 25. 1844. THE following uiticles will be si. Id on the Ltof November next, at 12 o'clock under the direction of the subscriber, at the United Mates Na. Vy Yaid, Brooklyn, for cash on the day of sale.

A quantity of Bread do Bread Dust do Rice do Flour Jo Empty Hogsheads do Pipes do do whiskey Barrels do do beef do JAMES H. SUYDAM, Navy Agent. The above sale is po apoticd till the 1 lib inst. n4 7t JAMES H. UYDA.YI.

Navv Agent. liiA.Ku, I I'. I A did JJ sortment of Whitnev it beautiful Qualities IbIso, one lot of ribbon und do, of 10 4. 11.4. and 112 4 sizes.

a One lot of extra size col do al a lot of 11 4 Bed Coml'oitcrs, bem an extra size, and sirour qualities, will he sold at n4 'OAKDING Four or five young freiitlcmen can bo accommodated with comlortuble rooms ind good board in a respectable urivatc fnmilv. at the corner of Front and Pearl streets. Brooklvn. ibout 5 minutes' walk from Fulton vcrv low charge. Kelerence J.

Hcrrcirinn. Anriinnrrr. eCo 14 "ulton street. olfi lm OTICE tor hale, a nson incut of CABINET FURNITURE. Rcd rtca, at reduced prices, to clcisc the.

hnsinf i nf ine late 1 nomas Uuddcn. deceased, late of the firm of Hess Budden, 48 Fulton street Brooklyn, September 18 14. si 0 tf $100 KKVV AliU win lie paiu lor the ap. prehension and conviction ofthener son or persons who set fire to the building situated at the foot of Fisher street, on Friday cvei ing, the 27th inst. NOAH RIPLEY.

Reooklvn. September28. 184 1. 28 tf MOt.l'GAGK& ON REAL bSi'l A'l'L. 'l subscribers have a va riety of sums to loan i New York or Brooklyn property, at 6 or "percent (interest, according to location.

1 They have also two sums oi $4UUU and to Loan on improved and productive farms in theState Mf new York, not over 100 miles distant from the oily. ADLARP JOHNSON, nJ7 tf tU Mercb. ints' Is a rumf e. rTJARASOLS! Parasols: Just received trom LIT auction, a splendid assortment of common to superior qualities, Camcticm silks, fringed m20 J. HUBRARf).

103 Fulton st. TJ1XTRA HEAVY SH EE TINGS, (brown; lor at reduced prices. je39 tf J. HUBBARD'S Assembly, richard l. vvyckoff, Daniel d.

vvinant. nl 3t ClliCUI.AH. IO The subscriber has opened a NEW GEO CERY STORE on the corner of Myrtle Avenue and Pearl street, Brooklyn where he will always have on hand large assortment of the most choice FAMILY GROCERIES and PROVISIONS, which he will sell for the lowest cash trios, and would respectfully solicit the patronageof his friends and the public in general. EDWARD HARVEY. Brooklyn, September 18th, 1844.

N.I. Ch lice assoiimciitol' Teas, Sugats. Coffee, Flour, Butter, sl9 tf ET DIVINE WORSHIP The South Pies byterian Church on Pacific street, b( tween Court and Henry streets, having been purchased by the Methodist Episcopal denomination, by Divine per. mission the Rev. Dr.

PECK will preach thcie on next Sabbath afternoon at 3 o'clock, and on each succeeding Sabbath afternoon until the 1st of May, when services will be held ut the usual hours throughout the day. ol8 lOS'JP CHILDREIV Andrew Oakf.s. Coroner, having kindly offered to receive into his family arid takecareof Children who may have strayed from their homes, so as to enable Parents and Guardians more readily to recover them THIS IS TO GIVE NOTICE to all persons into whose hands lost Children may come, mat ine finer lias neen accepted, witli thanks, and it is earnestly requested that such may be taken to the store of Andrew Oakks, No. 163 Fulton Street, that they may he taken care of. By order of Common Council.

o30 2aw BHOOKIM INSTITUTE EECTUJKES. The Directors have the pleasure of announcing to the citizens cf Brooklyn, that the inter Cou se of Lectures will be commenced on Thursday evening, Nov. 14th, by Prof Silliman, with a course on Geology. Member's Tickets may be procured at the rooms, any evening. CHAHLES m.

OI.COTT, CHARLES CONG DUN, Con Brooklyn, Oct. 16, 1844. ol6 lm 21 ASS OP ALL FASHIONS finished order, at the store nf WILLIAM H. PECK, olO 114 Fulton, opposit Sandsstrcet COMMISSIONER OF DEEDS, au28 tf No. 63 Fulton street.

DOCTOR Jt. I. COI.GAN, No. 1 10 York street, 3m rooelvn. o3 THE DJ.vCOVERY OF AMERICA, By Christopher Columbus, was certainly the most important event of modern days it filled the world wit admiration of the individual who, unaided and unassisted, save only by his oyvn deep.searching mirf embarked on the vi idc sprcading Ocean! His endeavors were croyvned with success, and af.

tcr da3's and months spent in incessant, toiling la bor, found the land that is now the only REPUBLIC ON THE FACE op THE GLOBE. The first introduction of a remedy to cure the various diseases incident to the change'bble climate of this land of milk and honey, has filled every heart with joy to know, yvhen health is lost to all ap. pcaranccs, pcihaps beyond hope, that there is still a somethinE to restore it. PEASE'S Clarified Essence of Hoarlioiintl Candy was the stidy of 3 cars it is compos of the most safe ingredients, free from any mineral ordangerous compound. Thousands are new suffering, who, if they would but use the all healing compound, would now be well.

If you want confidence, read the testimony of those that have filled your highest offices, doyvn to the laborer who woiks daily for his bread. They sa, with one voice, that it is the BEST REMEDY IN THE WORLD for coughs, colds, and all pulmonary complaints. Wc throw out every indue cut lor ycu to use our remedy aside from pecuniary gains, wc wish to benefit the suffering community Dri ad not consumption, if in time You drive a culu or cough away; Remember is, and not neglect, Fur life is lost if you delay. 1 would coi sider it ni act cf inpiatitude to you, to wiihhiild the testimony I 111 enabled to furnish, under providence ol God, of the almost superhuman efficacy of your invaluable Comupund hoarhounel ni.y. I.

educed from an attack niv lungs to dea h's door, mid hourly becoming debilitated by constant expectoration, 1 had r. signed mvse to a fate which considered, from suffering, inevita l)land rapidly approaching. Upon hearing. I your adveniscd emedy I sent for a quantity of essence of Hoa. hound Candy and before ball the stock was useu I was somewhat relieved and when I had used two large packages, the tion ceased.

tne luties were h. nled, my appetite improved, and my general health restored. Youis yery respectfully, Mrs. J. UuMaIN, No.

53 First st. To Messrs. Pease Sons, 15 Division st. 6. Leonard N.

25, 1843. Messrs. J. Pease Sons. 45 Division st.

Gentleme I was seve rely ufnictid for the ist mouth or two yvi severe hoarseness, which prevented me from sneakiii" ob ve a In connexion with this I was further troubled with soreness on my chest, and with an afleetiuii bordering en bronchitis. 1 de use of Infue packages of your Huarhouud Candt unci ali the symptoms as above hue I een remove with the ixeepii'in of a little soieness on the chest 1 hor.ld judge from the good it has done 111c, the present package I am usirifTwil en ircl cure me. Acci gentlemen, my ea nest wih is for the inereasi eu es I' your invalua! learti ch, which will bem fit a vast amount of sufiirers in this community. Tr yours, Wil. "lilSHOP," Pastor Zion's Church, corner ot Leonard and Church str ets The, following letter is from B.

S. Whitney, one of the chiei speakers of the ntive American party tw Yoke. March 9th, 1844. Dear Sir I his is to cer ily that 1 have used vour excellent Hoarhounel Candv for irritation ot the throat and depression ot the lungs, nnd have universally found almost insiantnm ons relict Re peclfullv WHITNEY. 0 Bedford streets.

To John Pease it Sun, 45 Uiv sion st. Read tbe following letter from Rev. j. Hart? New Yor.K April 2d, 1844. Gentlemen I have used your Hoarhour.d Candy for a serious tiff ction of the lui gs and chest, and from it found great relief and ertiiin cure; the dis tnse was ci ntracted by constant ntt ndance on my who died of ulcerated lungs.

and cxp sure ail kinds of weather, from spenkirgin public as much as ciietimstances would ndiint, inflammation ofthe lungs and chest resulting a constant and lonir couch set in. I eniph yed the various medics without effect until I used your Candy, which not only relieved me but eff cteo an entire cure. From my own experience I believe your Candy to be of immense value to the afflicted, ai would rccotnmemlyt to all whonresuf tenng in the same way I sincerelv wish vou success in your tfibrts extend its benefit far and near. HART, 286 Pleecker street. To Messrs.

J. Pease Sons 45 Division st. Sold wholesale knd rc'ail at 45 Division street, 10 Astor House, and 110 Broadway, New York. Agents in BrooklynMrs Haves, 139 Fulton; Mr. nd ley 15 Mr.

Stftes, 153 Fulton; Mr. Fulton street. Mr. ruhps. lliamsbnrch.

ol9 0 LINSEED 671 10.0 gallons Boil cd Linseed Oil, for salr by 01 PRINCE. 39 Fulton st. BEST HAVANA EGA R. possessing th requisite age and flavor, for sale hy QUIMBY, 100 Fulton street. a of of From Prof Henry, of the N.

Y. University. I have used Beers Parlor Arcli Stove, and consider it to be unsurpassed by any reacting Stove in the matter of amount and economy of heat, and in point of durability superior to any that I have ever Jiuviiij ii, oupiemoer J044. C. S.

HENRY. The following is from the Rev. Dr. Cox: I concur with others who have tried the Parlor Arch Stove of Mr. Nathan T.

Beers, in im prcssions of its excellence. It gives a steady and pleasant heat; is safe, economical, and ornamental and is, I think, every way, the most desirable parlor companion of the sort we ever entertained. As such, I recommend it to others. Brooklyn, N. Sept.

iy, 1843. SAMUEL H. COX. Wc concur with Dr. Cox and others in the above.

Nicholas R. Van Brunt, Fulton, opp. Bridge st. C. Skidmore, 49 Micks rcet.

iam Hilton, 13.) Bridge street. Wil iam Spencer, 50 Pierrepont street. 1 nomas J. (jrerald, to5 High street. Gold Silliman.

73 Rem sen street. George W. Bergen. 29 Fulton street. David Baylis, At'antic, near Henry street.

Wm li. Hazard, 27 Prospect street. John Spcir, 103 Washington street L. L. Schultz, 71 Sands Btreet.

Sti wc 1 Whiting, 43 Fulton street. Samuel F. Whiting, 31 Prospect street. A. Hubbard, Flatlands.

J. W. Harper, 22 Sands street, L. K. nshayv, 200 ont street.

C. Blachley, corner of York afid Adam's sts. Jacob Bergen. T. Barkcloo, Third avenue.

William Hunter, 194 Washington street. Brooklyn. July 4. 1842. Mr.

T. Beers Dear Sir: The Parlor Arch Stove of yours, purchased from you last fall, fully answers my expectations; it produces a pleasant iicul, uuiiis uui nine coai, ana Kindles readily, the draft being good. I have used several stoves, but give yours a decided preference, and recommend it cheerfully to all who wish a handsome stove, combined with the above properties. Yours respectfully, G. C.

WELD. Brooklyn, July 1, 1842. Mr. N. T.

Beers Dear Sir: Havin' used Pur. lor oal Stove of your construction, I cheerfully recommend it or having a good draft, and throwing out heat at small expense of fuel. I have no doubt your stove yvill receive the approbation of every fa. mily using them. Yours respectfully, JAS.

McMILLAN, 212 P. arl st. Nathan T. Beers Dear Sir: You are at liberty to send any person to us respecting the Parlor Stove of your invention having used them ourselves, we are satisfied they are a good article. C.

V. Spencer, 22 South street, New York. John Lawrence. 1 04 Joralcmon street. John A.

Lot 3 Front street. E. McComber, Fulton street, near Fleet. J. Spinney.

Pearl street, near Willoughby. Losse Van Nostrand. Henry L. Clark. John Baynton, Pacific, corner of Henry.

Gerrit Smith, 34 Sands street. N. F. Waring, No. 4 Colonnade Row.

John F. Garrison, 147 Washington street, William A. Mercein, 254 Bridge street. Reference may also be had to Dr Cook, Dr. Ostrander, Judge Vanderhilt, Alderman Addoms, Capt.

Dennis, 252 Pearl street, Mr. N. Conklin. 133 Sands street. And many others who have used them; but believing the above recommendations sufficient to convince any person wishing to purchase of their the subscriber would add noth ng further.

"10 tf NATHAN T. BEERS. NEW GOODS, AND GOOD NEWS. fV HALL would respectful inform his cus tomers and the public generally, that ha now on hand an unusually large and" well assorted stock of FANCY AND STAPLE DRY GOODS, which have been se cc ted yvith great care as to quality, style and prices, and will be sold forprompt p.i) at a sia ij advance irom the Auctioneer's and Importer's rices. In part of his st ck will be found a preat variety of common, fine and superfine cotton yvarp and all woo Cashmeres; good, better and besi Crape and Thibet De Laines; Cashmere D'Cosse; Orleans cloth Eolians; Parisici.nes; Alapines; Rosalians; Striped Mazagrawincs Cloth of Gold Chusans; Teazan Adalincs Bombaz nes black Polkas French, English and German Merinos; in short, every style of rich and desirable Fall Goods for la dies' drefscs and cli aks stripec plaid and chintz, Amciican, French and English Prints; a few pes ui very neauiiiut piain, snaaed and corded Camelion and Rainbow Dress Silks.

Also, a large assortment of black, blue blk, mode and rijied Silks and Satins a nil assortment silk and cotton warps, and real Alipacha Lustres, both pla and plaid Gain aid Cloths, for ladies' and children's clocks and coats; e.very variety of Shawls, Scarfs and Cravats (or ladies and misses; silk, spun silk, lambs' wool, cashmere, merino, alipacha and cotton Hosiery of al qualities, colors, sizes and prices; 12.4. 8 4, 5 4,4 4 and 3 4 lack whitcsiik and cotton web Laces of every stvle silk, thread cotton and wrought Edgings and'ln serlings; Swiss, Tarleton, Jaconet, Mull, Book andNatisoo Muslin; Bishop and Scotch Lawns Mat, Cap, Neck, Taffeta, tatin.Vclvc', Gauze and Lore I trbbons. Super Paris Rid, silk, spun silk, rinn, cashmere, bcrlin, woolen und Cotton Gloves for ladies. and children. Irish, Frevcb and German Linen.

Linen Cambrics and long Lawn corded border and hemstitch Iim cambiic Handkerchiefs (some very fine hemstitch) linen and cotton Diapers Table Datrmsk and Damask Table Cloths Napkins and Doylies red, yellow and white, French. Welch and Domestic Flannels American, West of England and Frh blk, blue blk, blue, green, mix and drab Broadcloths Beaver and Pilot cloths fancy and plain Cassimeies, Satinets and Vestings. A large stock of Blankets, rcsh from tho auction rooms, of all sizes, and from common to best quality Purchasers are al particularly invited to his large and ew CARPET ROOM, ieh is and will be fully supplied yvith every desirable style of Carpets, 1 ugs and Floor Oil Cloths Brooklyn. Pet. 17th.

1F44. oI7tf READY MADE CLOTHING, AT CARMAN POWELL'S, Fulton, cor rter of Market street, Brooklyn. Constantly on hand, a splendid assortment of every kind ol goods belonging to the business of Cloth ng. The subscribers intend to furnish to the citizens Brooklyn (and all other citizens) a large supply Cloihing, made up in the most fa hionable and durable manner, at prices which cannot fail to keep the trade of the place on this side of the river. They will also make to ohper, from their large stock of piece goods, every article in the clothing way, in the most fashionablo manner, and at the LOWhST TRICES FOR CASH.

mvIS tf CARMAN fc POWELL. LOAN and S4.000 to loan on bond I and mortgage. For further particulars, apply at thi. office. ol 2w.

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