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The Brooklyn Daily Eagle from Brooklyn, New York • Page 1

The Brooklyn Daily Eagle from Brooklyn, New York • Page 1

Brooklyn, New York
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

BROOiiLLYN, DECEMBER 23. itite VOL. H.flO. 98itf Qlbrcoratton 3Ki i3tis. aurfiaiatioii 5 olios.

(JToiporution Oolites. gativo had the advantage of a considerable ad AND KINGS COUNTY DEMOCRAT. vance or apparency a belter knowledge ol the localities of (he place. But the hunter waB perfect in all his field exercises, and scarcely lo.a fleet fooled than a deer, and he gained rapidly on the object of his pursuit, which advanced a little distance parallel with the utmost accomplish incuts' joliti 'A'. 5Sud Manufactor and Pro Cooking anil Laundrv also .1.

T. Budd's newly ii.voi.ied IiuiigesJ which lor bwiutj. durability and economy, cun be surpassed. All RaugLS warranted. N.

B. FrtCcs' from S20 uuwarit. C1B HioadvJhl, (fcimerJy (542) oppo I. VAK ANDEH, PROPRIETOR AND Eagle Building 30 Fulton street, Broaklyn. A SSESMttEN'X NOTICE.

In tho mr.tter of JtSEl. Tompkins I'luce Oils Lampposts and Lamps Harrison to Degraw street. Notico is hereby given that Iho foiiowing assessment, In the it bur mutter, remain unpaid, mid that Iho wm i. nt for collecting said ajfoEeuiciils will expiieon Uu aetluioy ol 18.VJ, and that unless said assessments, together with thoepet)te nnd per coinage allowed by hr.v.iue paid on or befuto said dale, judgment will be ei.tered.iu lltei Supreme Court, in Kings County, against each ar.d overy person (who shuil hare neglected to pay) lhe aihountol said assessment, with suid cxpemes, per cenl of gymnastics, cleared the fence at a leap. sito tfi.

Church, Aew York. ell' ly 'I he hunter, embarrassed with his nne and ac coutrements, was "dr.ven to the slow and humiliat I II. W. ri.Hsirpiiy? Attorney and S.jij. Hall.

Ji ing expedient of climbing it. But an outline of the form ol the lugilive, llecing in the direc TEEMS: Delivered to City Subscribers, every evening, at in akd a QrABTKB fcKTa.perwcek,payabletothoCarrlerel Subscriptions taken at the same rate, fur six months or a year, in advance. Mail Subscribers, S3 per annnm.ta advance. and cots. 7, Criswold 87 01 Slubbius Browe 384 'i SI WiuaJi Watchmaker Je d27 CNOUA'OiitA'i'aOa NUT1CE Construction ot Public citterns.

Notico is hereby given to ull parties interested thai a resolution has been ottered in ihe common council of this city, to construct public cisterns in the fuliowiug pieces, to wit: in Washington avenue near Public SclioolNo. 1 1 in Clinton uvcnuo between Fulton and Atlanticavoruo in Adelphi street near DoKalb avenue in Clermont avenuo near Public School No. li anil nt lhe cornor ol York and Pearl streets. U10 properly liable 10 bo ss for saiil cisterns will bo as follows: ftr Public cistern in "Washington avenue, nil iho lots botw.m Hall and Hamilton streets, Lafayette nnu Guloa avenues, cistern in Clinton avenue, all iho lols between Atlantic, Gates, ui.d underbill avenues, and tho westerly hall ol the blocks between Clinton and Washington avenues. For cistern in Adelnht Btrei't, all the lot's between Carl ton, Clcrmoul, Lafayette, and Willougbby avenues For cistern in Clermont avenue, all tho lots between Adelphi streot, Vnnderbilt, Myrllo.and Pork avcmioB, ond forct 1 torn corner ot'York and Pearl lots between Adorns, Jay, Prospect, and Frontstreots Rcmo.iatranccs (11 any) mint be leltut the Strict Commissioner's office on or before Friday, October i9th.

In tho niiantiniu eoalod estimates will bo rcco ved at the Street Commissioner's office, for constructing said publiccisterns. Brooklyn, October 21, 1852. JOHN D. LAWRENCE, did Street Commissioner. usen eilrtUo or tion of the house assured him that he had 'mistaken the species of the game.

His heart throbbed from an hundred sensations, among ihem an apprcheiw sion of the consequences of what would have re umuel Studil 2 Heirs of Degiaw5 13 Thomas I'urily or Bearing 2 Joliu T'onaeilc 5 34 Samuel Gr'un lead. .2 14 SUuibcry's Daotjkrrbotybii Uoobs, No fN tlfo matter of the application of Iho Mayor and comtflou council of tho city of Brooklyn, in relation Vo'oponipg' HAMILTON avenue, from Smith street to Third a jonuo, in lhe city of Brooklyn. To all whom it may concern: Whereas, at a special (etui ol the Supreme Court bold at tho City Hulllii Iho city oi Brooklyn on tho S7lh day of 1852, it was ordered that tno aiidillon alropors'of "the Commissioner of Estimate and Assessment id'the aLove matter "bo sent back to tho said Corn missioners 'lhat they may hear the Brooklyn and Gowan iis TollBridge all other pnties whomny be inle OEtfid iu tho iiltoraiio: or conOrmation of tho said additional report of tho said Commissioners in regard to tho Assessment and award or the said Bridge company, andlhi'. ihesnidCommlEslorers publish the nsuallegl notice of thoir meeting to review their said additional Report) iu this respect, in ihe manner prcscribod by Notice Is therefore hereby given That the report and map iHhe matter are filed in the office of tho Clerk of theCoumy of Kings, und that the Commissioners ollSsti initnte.ttnd Assestmentin lhe above mutter, in pursunnco the 13th day of December noxt at 3 in the uiiernoon, at the office of William A. Green, Esq, No 1 Montngtio Place in tho city of Brooklyn, for tho purposes mentioned insuid order.

DateR Brooklyn Nov 29lh, I85i. RICHARD 1NGRAHAM, il GEORGE HALL, CHARLES BULKELEY, 5'i Commissioners. n320t WILLIAM A. GREEN Attorney. 131' uuon street, isrooKiyn.

Ociring 1 57 II lrevT'siOi 1 78 John Bmwer 1 57 Edward Crowley 2 14 Terms ot Advertising, FOR TWELVE LINES, OR LESS. sulted lrom discharging rifle, when lie had first shined those liquid blue eyes. JfoscpSi Irl. Rrceav.rood, Attorbbt i.n Solicitor, No. 3 Frontct, Brooklyn.

s3 I. P. S. URI AN 'J', lawliw Collector Taxes and AssesenieLis. he dogs ol the burn yard rushed on him as ho approached the house, and advertised Ihe master of the house that a stranger was approaching.

Ifav at. a. c. ssiass, corokkk oaico, yoa. Fulton stroot, up stuii's.

anlS 5 01 6 00 10 00 15 00 20 00 1 week. 2 weeks 3 do 4 do do 1 insertion. 50 Insertions. 0 75 3 do .1 00 4 do .1 13 5 do 1 25 2 montliB 3 do 6 do 9 do lyoar 2 13 2 88 3 00 3 88 lug hushed the dogs, and learned the name ot his visitant, he introduced him to his family as tho son 5 31 Via Voorliis SnkiuFf or $gg Mf i. ck OiHce, No.

48 Fulton ADVERTISING INSIDE, of their neiglibor Boone. fiirV'S' lu the niatu oi Oat. Sackott streot gas lump posts iLinpa from Court to rmilh street. Nolico is hereby given that the following Assessments, In the above matter, remain unpaid, and that tlio warrant lorcolieciingsaid Assessments willexpire on tho 30lh day ol 1853, and that unless said Assessments, together with ihe expense and per cenlnge allowed by law, an paid 011 or before said dulo, judgment, will be catered in the Supremo Court, in Kinys county, against each and every persi (wboshall have neglected to pay) for theamoontof said Assessment, with tho said expenses, per ceutageuud costs. iiory.

ja.u wW SatMitoI Siai'riisaisj attorney, cioLtcl. 'tifeSl rim a tin CoUKSOntos Oftlce, tii. '2 MtinlagEr When ulvertisemonts are inserted and continued on the Inside immediately preceding ihckgeneral advertise Hall. iitjl1 Scarce had the first words of introduction been uttered, before the opposite door 'opened, and a boy apparently of seven, and a girl of sixteen, rushed in, panting for breath, und seeming afright. 'Sister went down lo the river, and a panther chased her, aR she is almost scared to ex ments, theloliowmgare tne rates: 1 insertion.

.30 75 5 03 8 insertions. 1 (JO 1 week 1 75 3 do ISO 2 weeks 3 00 4 do 1 50 3 do 3 50 1 4 (10 2 months. 6 '10 3 do 10 OC 6 do 16 00 Ali'A'lWH Tho public aro herohy uotlflod of tho following provision of the City Charter, relative to lhe Board of Health of tho city ot Brooklyn, viz: Title IX, section 9 Every person who shall violate 01 neglect, or refuse to comply with anyprovlsioiiscon lained in this title, or in any proclamation or resolution inudo or pas sed by the Board of Health, iu pursuance thereof, tliull bo d. omed iruiltv of a on ISaAW To. amend a law entitled "A Law to Jaiiis Pcscotk) Sexton or St.

Joh'k's Cumtcu, No.SWO Adams streot To whom rpll cationfor Pows in theChurciijOr Interments in tho itcria claimed the boy. YtrdjiJiEybomade. 3 Spencer Iteemau 0 90 83 Sarah I', 0 83 70 Lawrtncv Mill 3 12 04 Joseph Clark 1 04 Andrew i'ales Julia 1 Hitman 'flicker Abm Clark Lewis ChKinhei'lum. Thorudy, flaxen haired girl stood full in view conviction thereof, shall bo punished by a flue not exceed of her terrible pursuer, leaning upon his rifle, und WiHiaaii S. Uook Bikder ano Papxr Ruhir, lliah streot near Fulton.

All kind Business Cards, 38 per annum. JS" All advertisements notaccompanied with written instructions will be inserted until forbid, md charged accordingly. All transient advertisements must be paid for in advance. ing two nundrou anu nity dollars, or imprisonment noi exceeding six months, or both and all such lines, whon coltccud, bhall bo paid to tho Treasurer of said city, for tho use of the said Board ol Health. 1.

I'. S. I1RIAHT, Collector of Tuxes and Ass'ts. of book binding done in a neat and substantial miunior. survey ing her with the most eager admiration.

Rebecca, this is young Boone, son of our neigh dlS lawliw S. Hxnvent vil practices in tho city of Brooklyn." and Alderman of tho cily of Brooklyn, in commin council couvened, do as lollows: I l. So porson shall ride or drive any horse in tho cily of Brooklyn, withgroaler speed than at tho rate of live miles ah hour, under the penally of live dollars for every offence? H. jfo person shall at tho asio time drive, lead, or dlreoiany more than one team or vehicle iu the city of Brooklyn, under iho ponalty of Ave dollars for every offence. Adopted Nov.22d, 1352.

WW. BOERUM, City Clerk. 'Approved Nov, SGlh, 1852. CON KLIN BRUSH, Mayor. BoosreriouicalBauUMUBicDounaiopattGrri.

raperruu la Hoard of lleollh, May 1852. By Aid. tlawx was the laconic introduction. oanypnKorn. hurst ASSESSMENT NOT'ICE.

In the mauor of Harrisou street Lampposts and I.amjrs from Court to Clinton street. Nolico is hereby given, that the following in tho above mutter remain unpaid, e.r.ii thr.t the varriml Resolved, That tho keeping of Swino in certain districts hereinafter namoil bo and is horeby declared a nui sauce therelore, for col loctjng said assessmonls will expire 0:1 the 3('th day of January, 1853, and that unless suui iusi tnuenu. together with tho expense nnd per ccntuge aiiuv.eii IS PUBLISHED EVERY WEDNESDAY EVENING, VW Terms $1 per annum, in advance. law, are paid ou or 00101 0 said in ei. on tored in Supremo Court, in Ctmuiy, ugaiuni each iiid every person (who shall havonrglecled it, pay', Resolved, That tho kcoping of swinobe nnd is horeby prohibited lrom and aftor lhe 15th of June, 1852, in tho 1st, 2d, and lhe 11th wardweat ol Clinton avenue, until and that the Captains of Police beand are horeby directed lo cause tbo necessary notice to be given parties keeping swine, ami to enforce rigidly tho abovo resolution By order of tho Board or Health.

WM. M. BOERUM, Cleik. Brookljli, Juno 7, 1852. )ol7 li lor mo amount otsuul UHHossmmit.wilti tne sum experisee, vr KAILKOAU lKTEll All A RANGEMEfiT On uud alter id.

1st, 185'2, and until further nolicc, trains will lua tfc follows Sundays' exeep led. BOOK. AND JOB PlttjnflNGi IN GOLD, SILVER, ANDFANCY COLORS, Executed with and Promptness, AND AT A OREAT RKDUCTION FROM FOCKCR HATES. pur cfc nlagc and costs. George Spier S3 4S James Slrnw 83 Hewitt 2 08 Sylvester 1 0(1 Crittenden 1 00 45i.MA'il'!eiiV NOTICE.

Ordinance to (lag UjG sidovialks of iod Hook La between Fulton avenue and Livingston street. Notice is hereby given to all parties interested that a resolution has been prc3enlod to the Common Council ol "thtis city, asking for Use passage ofnn ordinance requiring the owners of properly on tho above named streei to sidewalks on both sides thereof to Ihe full width. Remonstrances (if any) against tho passagoof said or dinaiice must be prctunledto the Common Council on or belore the 7th clay ol' Tec. next, as thoy will Anally act upon, the same allheirnext ensuing meeting or therealter us convenient. Dated Brooklyn, SUth 1852.

JOHN D. LAWRENCE, n2G lfld Street Commissioner. I. P. S.

BRIANT, I18 Iuvfiw Collocior ol Taxes and Aasts. ATION NOTICE Estimates tor Twenf teth street grading and paving lrom Flutbush Lino to tho Gowanus Bav. Sealed Estimates will bo received at the Streot Commis Union from Court to jtik. stroet gas lamp posts untl lamps si aer's Office, until tho 21th instant, at 4 o'clock, P. ami 1 11 street.

No tlce is horoby given, tluil the following Assessmenlo. 'Buth were young, beautiful, and at tho period when the affections exercise their most energetic influence. The circumstances of the introduction were fiu vorable to the result, and the young huijter felt that thcej'cs had 'shiued his bos'im as fatally as his rifle shot had ever the innocent doer of the thickets. 'She, too, when she saw the light, open, hold forehead, the clear, keen, yet gentle and affectionate eye, the firm and the impress of decision and fearlessness of the hunter when she interpreted a look which said as distinctly as looks could' say it, 'how terrible it would have been to have fired can hardly be supposed to have regarded him with indifference. 'Nor can it be wondered at that she vsaw in him her beau ideal of excellence and beautv.

The in inhabitnuts of who live in mansions, and read novels stored with funreal pictuies of life and the heart, aro apt lo imagine that love, with all its golden allusions isrescrvod exclusively for lhem It was a most egregious mistake. A model of ideal beauty aird perfection is woven in almost every youthlul heart, of tho brightest und most brilliant threads that compose the web of existence. It may be said that I his forest maiden was deeply and foolishly smitien at first sight. All reasonable time and space were granted to the claims of maid en modesty 'Asfur Boone, he was remarkable for the backwoods attribute of never being beaten out of his track, and lie ceased not to woo, until he aiucd the heart of Rebecca Byran. In a word, he court, ed her successfully, and they were married.

In tho above mitlter, romain unpaid, and that tho wurrun, for collecting said Aiisessinoiito will expireon tho da of '53, and that unless said wiili thoexpenso and porcentage allowed by law, are paid 01, or beforosoid dale, Judgment will bo entered In tho Su TRAtNS'MOVIiXO EAST, Leave Brooklyn at.ll). am Ai riveat.fireenport 2 do 18 do aliuuii sl IJiil do 3a I'M Furnidlc 5' do ti do Jamaica OUjSi'M TRAINS MOVlNi. WEST, Leave Jamaica at (H a Arrive in Brooklyn' du Farmngdlo 7 a do do 8:45 am do Grc enport II). am do do do 11 empstoad 3:40 pm du do 5:10 pa Freight Train leaves Brcokljn at7 A arrivciat Greenportai 4:15 M. Lt aveu Orceiihonat c' A and arrive at Brook iyu at 1' Tie 330 M' Traiu will run through nn tralurdnys, antl leavo Greenport on Moniloys at 4 AM for Brooklyn.

The Mail and.l'assr;nger Through will stop at dedford, Hast New Yum, Jamaica, and all ri gular sta lions Eastward und on sitiLal of reti We ttbury, Carl i'iaco, and averly. Brooktj Su. 15. lH5ii. nail tf 1.

E. HAViLANIi, President. GATSiMUXl: fUlliti" 0 ,71 Hi it I. THE CtTISiENS OF BROOi.V?, and New (fork are rospectlully infour od that. Messrs.

UEYNOLDSfc GREEN ustabllslred a now and elcEa il premo 111 KingiL cuUiity.againe' oacn auu every por sou(wiio shall havo ueglecled to iaj) for tile niiiouitt il said As seBSnicnt, wltli tho said exponeCH, per centnge uao tar craning and paving Twentieth si. lrom tatousti to tho Gowanus Bay, with tho following matorials, to wit: cutcurb, cut gutter, circular cut corners, and crosswalksat alllhointorsectlons marked oa the profile, nil in strict conformity with the Ordinance, and to bo paved with bank pa vingislouca ol the best quality; to havo eighteen inches of gravel under tho pavement; all tho materials to bo ol' the ijost quality, and tho work to bo done in tho most substantial manner. Contractors will ploaso take notico, that there will be no nl.jwanco niado lor extra work, il' it should bo found necessary 10 tako up and re pave uny of tho intersections to make ilium conform to tho grade, but the same wlllbocon aidcrud as included iu Iho contract price; and no extra work will bo allowed in any case, except specially ordered by the Common Council. Thoy will also take notico, thai uo estimate wiil be considered unless il contains the name 1 1 a rosponBi bio porson us surety Brooklyn, Dec, 21st, 1852. JOHN 1).

LAWRENCE, d21 Id Street Commissioner. costs. nencor Boemati 24 Westminister Abbv. 1 12 WTaylor I I2 Wm 3 Cook 1 12 Ballon 1 28 Robert lliclir Thomas Conway or Wm Henderson 1 1 NOTICE Assessments enn firmed. Twentieth streot opening from Gowauus Buy to tho Flutbush Line Her.

on street (trading and pavingt'rom Powers street to itti avenue Nevins sn eet grading and paving lrom Beigen sheet to 100 feet south ol' Warren street. ThoAssessment in the above entitled matters we, eduly confirmed on the l.Uh day of Sept. and tho original Assessment Rolls or copies thereof, will bo delivered to the Collector of Taxes and ABsessmentson tho 23d day or September inst. Notice is herebygivon to ail parlies interested, Hint by payingtheir several assessments to Isaac P. S.

Driant, Collector of Taxes and A escssmeDis, at bis oillco in tho City Ilall, within thirty days oiler the delivery or said Assessment R.rlls to him, they can pay tho sumo without any additional charge. All assessments not so paid will l.e collected by mono of his Deputy Collectors, with ad thereon provided by law. Dated Brooklyn. Sept. 21.

1852. JOHN D. LAWRENCE s22 law4w Street Commissioner. Isaac Pouiort 2 i I. P.

S. BRIANT, Collocior of Taxue. and Aso'menb lnwliw Sia 'S' NOT'ICE. In Iho muilei olCnrroll jHSI Blri cl Gas LamtiiMists and Liunns from Court to line of oninihasseB, stai tms "from (he foot of Catharine street, Now York, next to tho ferry gate, and running as follows: Up Catharine street, lo Bowery, up Bowery, tu Clinton streets. Nolico is hereby given, thut Ibefolloning assessments ill the above matter, remain ul, and that the warrant for col I ruling said ass, ssmenhrwiil ozniro on lhe 3lnh uuyol oroeme street, lniorsecuug me uariem aaiironei, uo a Broome to Broadway, up Broadway to Spring tn Jan '53, and Hint unless cafd nssossmnnly, LogcXhirwith Spring to Greenwich street, through UieciiwicL lo Fourteenth street, down Fourteenth sireol to Tenth avenue, uj Tenthavenue to the depot of tho Hudson River Kailroua tho uxnenso and per condign allowed by law, are iiulu 01, or before said dutn, judgment wiil be euttu lutboMi S'3xe Worth of WoiuiiK.

FIIOJ1 THE GERMAN or SCHILLER. Ilonorod be woman she beams on the sight Graceful and fair, like a being of light; Scatters around her wherever sho strass, Roses of hliss on our thorn covered ways; Roses of Paradise, sent from above, Man, on passion's stormy ocean, Tossed by surges mountain high, Courts the hurricane's commotion, Spurns at reason's feeble cry. Loud ihe tempest roars around him Lotiderstill it roars within, Flashing lights of hope confound him, Stuns with lifeV incessant din. Woman invites him with bliss in her smile, To cease from I is toil and he happy awhile; Whispering wooingly come to iny bower O' not in search of the phantom of power Honor and wealth are illusory come Happiness dwells in the temples of home. with fury Btern and savage, Persecutes his brother man, Uleasor raYasre.

Action, aoliou still his pittV. Now creating, uow destroying, Ceaseles wishes trar his breast; Ever seeking ne'rr enjoying; Still to be, but never blest. Woman, contented in silent repose, Enjoys in its beauty life's flower as it blows. And waters and tends it with innocent Far richer than man with his treasures of art; And wiser by far in the circles confined. Then he with his silence and lightsofthe mind Coldly to himself sufficing, Man disdains the gentle arts, Ivnoweth not (he bliss arising From the interchange of hearts Slowly through his bosom stealing, Flows the genial current on, Till by age's frost congealing, It is hardened into slonc.

Sflie, like the harp that instinctively rings. prome t.otiri, in tiiiga ouniy, ugaintieacn Olid ovoii perBon (who tnail nnve negieclcl topuy) ior me iimour.t ot said assessment, Willi Iho suitl expeme, per coitlogo Company, Thirty irsi street, inese umui fusses poiaess all the modern ImprovemeulB, and aresuppliodwith careful, gentlemanly drivers Forl'urthor pariiculnrfsoe clr irclarsv Brooklyn, April 20th, 1S52.'; sib, wvi'ii' tf UN auu cosi. .3 uaiOKAT109l NOTlCt. Assessments ran L.

tinned. FiMnieliu avemiu opening from DoKalb avenuo to the Fhilbusn 1.1m. Thoassnsnuicnls In tho abovo entitled matters woro Jul) confirmed on tbo 3d day of Nov. instant, and tho ortgiua'i Assessment Rolls or fair copies thereof, will bcdellverol to tho Collector ol' Taxes and Assessments on I ho 13th ilnj of Nov. instant.

Motice is horobygivon to all parlios interested, thut by pa ing ihDir several assessments to Isaac P. S. Brluut, Colli" 'Faxes anil Assessments, at his oflico in tho Oily Hull, wilhin thirty days after tho delivery of said Assessment Rolls to him, they can pay the name without any additional charge. Assessments not so paid will'iocol lected I him orono of his dopuly collectors, will additional charges thereon provided by law. Hated Brooklyn, Nov.

10, 1852. JOHN D. LAWRENCE, nil law4w Streot Commissioner. Herman 1 Juincs Smith Wm It Olmsted II I. Raymond dlh lawliw 70 Westl.tko 170 1 39 Wm II Pout I I 3J John 11 Kejitor ..1 1 33 Ealy ti Co 7 4'j 1.

1'. tf. BtUrt.Vi, Collector 'Faxes and Atiscstimente, PRICES. The undorsigTied are prepaid to i'urnisii STAGES ior i'i(; i Iiltv (in (lift rs ef onL A.S!JBSSMEH7C NOTICE. In tho matter of Bor xia.

gan and Novius streets, well and pump. Notice is hereby given, that the following assessments, in thjj above matter, remain unpaid, and thai tho warrant foVoilecting raid aosessnren Is IU orpi ro on the 14th day of 1852, and that unless said assessments, logotcsr with theoxpeii8o and per centago allowed by paid on or before said dale, judgment willbc entered in the Supremo Kings County, against each and every porson shall havo neglected to pay) for the amount ofsaid nssesBinont, Willi Hie said expe'hses, per eni.age and costs. AdriaivMartense S41 50 Hellen rlense 44 50 John Lynan 310 Abraham Dyson 3 00 Thomas Wheeler 3 50 Abel 50 Jnmc8 Fi ceny 150 Henry Heavy 4 00 Edward Dunn 10 00 I. P. 8.

BRIANT, ol Coltcctor Taxes and Assessments TEE WORLD'S HAIE EE STOKER Warranted not to contain any deleterious sui, elan cos A UNFAILING RESTORER SERVER ANIVTBifiHT. Jr Et is Not a Oi The yair and Whiskers, howevor Grey, are restored to and preservedin their original lie by its use Wigs, spectacles and Grey Hairs will 6crin' become extinct. This pleaeantand valuable preparation has been used lor many years by hundreds of the most distinguished and wealthy persons in the land, who had previously tried all tho uostiums ol tho day without bu.tccss; not only losing the money wnich they had expended there lor, butseriously injuring theirhairand benlih. It is entirely different lrom other preparations for the ralr, which are composed of delolerious ai lead, lime, caustic, Sj.uiibh, and oil of vitriol which are 6aid tocaUEehair to giow.on tie paimsofthe hands, but which, in reality, either gieatly injure the health of those who ue them or send them loan untimely grave. The Restorer Is easily applied and will not stain tho finest linon, Its effect is sure in every instance, lfapplie' according lo tne directions.

eason, at graaliy reduced prices. Application tj the Agent at the 'stand, Fulton Ferry, or at the Brooklyn, will receive prompt attention. HUSTKI), KENDALL COCHRAN Proprielors of the Myrtle avcoue tf Lineol Oinnihussc.i. a. SSlKSSi1I.EWT NOTICE lu tho mutter oi Do Jrm graw Btroet gas lamp iMtsis and lamps lrom Henrv NOTICE Ordhuinco to fence vacant lots at the northerly aldo or Congress Btreet between llonryand Clinton streets.

Nutieois horoby givon to all parties Interested, thut a petition lias boon presented to tho common council o( this city, asking fortho passago ot an ordinunco requiring lhe lo fin itb strest. Nolico is horoby given, thai the tollowliiguosussiotTilN In tbo above mailer remain unpaid, and that the warrant i'or collecting said assessments will expire un lite 30th day of 1853, tiud that unless said assessments, toge lher with the expense ami per centuge allowed by law, are paid ou or bofoio said date, Judgment will be entered iu the Supremo Court, In Kings County, auuiiiJit each and every porson (who shall hove neglected to pay) lor Iho' amount ol' i aid assessment, with the said expense, por contago and costs PKKSIiKTS. Tlis aubsciiber solicit an early call from their l'ricniis and cuilo. owners of property 011 the above named streets to fence thoir vacant lots. llemonstrauj'js (if any) against the passage of saidordi nanco must be nrcsented to the common council on or bo oro tho lDthday of Doc.iusl., as they will finally setup The Restorer used with the Xylobalsamum, not only KJchurd Whipple.

Henry Clark, or 11 btnry i Davidson Simon Tovvnsend. KS 4 38 Ohim Unit 1 04 Heir ol Liiwiriice A SSESSMEN'J" NOTICE. In the matter of La is. layette avonno and Cumberland rents well anil pump. Notice is hereby given lhat tne following assessmcntsin tho abovo mailer remain unpaid, and that the warrant for collecting saidnssessmcntswlll expire on tho 14th day oi' 1852, and that unless said assessments, together with the expense and per cenlage nllowed by law, are paid on or beforb said date, judgment will bo onterou in tho Supremo Court, in KingsCoimty, against each and overy person (who shall havo neglected to pay) for the amount ofsaid assessment, with the said expenses, per cenlnge and costs.

Blydenbergh or trnsteesof Jackson SSB 25 do do do IHIJackson 82 SO cieaniesine uair, oul inclines it. to curl, gmng asolt fflo SY and natural uDeearaace. mors to SELKd1 PRhSENTS, for 'the coming Holidays: such as Gold and Silver VValches of every description, for Ladies and Genls; Gold Chains, Seals, Keys, uiamoud Rings, l'lns, Silver Ware, MDTT llllOrHECS, No. 2 Nassau street, New York, Successors to Iheir l'alhor, Jordan Mott, Estibiisherl in New York, A. D.

1TS9. S. The best Workmen only employed fm Repairs, ice. dl i tjalM Henry Clark, or on tno same at tnmr next ensuing meeting, or as soor the. oaftor acconvenieut.

Dated Brooklvn. 2d 1852. JOHN D. LAWRENCE, d2 lot Stroel Commissioner. Ann Cornel! Henry Clark, When applying this preparation a littlo soft water or JTyiobalsaiiiuni can lie used with it.

Fat, oil, marrow and atchohol, do serious Inj ury to the head and hair, and 05 Hill 5 211 Edward WhiiehiMise 1 04 3 Hi Abm Clark 1 04 4 10 John lleale 3 12 2 02 American Lilo uud Aa the night breathing zephyr soft sighs on tho snzmiu ool oe usea. The Rostorer will strengthen and Dresetvethe elBht iOSU'OfS ATSON NOTICE. Ordinance lo fill up i nd remove and prevent dizziness, head ache, scurf, dan Thomas Ann OornoH 1' Smith Robinson, or Wall AI ichael Roiirbo Brown to Strings, Responds to each impulse with sleady reply, Whether sorrow or pleasures her sympathy try. P9 25 Charles 4 50 Siy lots on tno block Hounded by vvyckoll nnu Wurreu strauts, and Fourth and Fifth uyenucs. Notice hereby given to all parties Interested, a petition has been presented to iho Common Council ol this cily, asking lor tbo nussage 01 un ordinance reaulrii urujijseaiu iieuu, or any ei upuon Ol lue sain, una nil uu natural perspiration ot the head UUJL.E0AV I'KKMSIMTS.

WATCHES, (pthi Jewelry and Siiwr Ware. CI1 AS. H. iill.LH, Sfetate Mills, Manufacturer or fine Jewolry, VVaiches and Silver Ware, would respectfully inform his friends ami the public stnei ally, thai ho miniul'nouiici. to 'Trust Co 2 18 1 04 ST 1 04 1 IU Henry Reeve 1 04 4 Hi Goorgo Hicks I 04 do 12 00 it prevents Ihe falliog of the hair, and cures baldness when not nereoitary, and by invigorating the muse es, ORushnell 9(0 Day 12 00 Richardson 2 25 And teardrops and smiles on her countenance play, Like sunshine and showers of a morning in May.

tho owners ol' property on tiie above named streets and" I. B1KANT, dl8 lawliw Col loci or Taxes and Assessments. skin, nerves, blood vessels, and the roots of the hair will gradually but soon change the grey locks ano cause the OA Peters 3 10 John Reid 3 00 Squiro Moore 2 25 John Rosb 0 75 Charles Crane 2 25 Lewis 9 00 Aaron Day 11 25 Rachel Dawson 2 25 WmWcbb 3 00 GOO Stephen Reeve. young imir 10 grow in ine original me color When once restored by applying it few times at in 11 25 1575 G65 tervals of three months, youwiil cotbuvc a gray hair il you should attain thcage ot one hundred When usted for baldness, you musttake on" your wig, David 15 Day Muchmore U. Henry Owen ol lawGw avenues to till up lota to within lour leet ol the adopted grade ol" tho streets and avenues on which thej front.

Remonstrances (if any) against tho paasaje of said ordinance must bo presented 10 the common council on or before tho I3th day of Doc. as they will finally act upon the same at their next ensuing mooting or as soon therealter as convenient. Dated Brooklyn, 2,1 1'ec, 1852. JOHN 1). LAWRENCE, 12 lOt Sircot P.

S. BRIANT, Collocior of Taxes and Aes'Is. Through the rangeof man's dominion, Tenor is the ruling word And the standard of opinion Is the temper of the sword, Strife exults, and pity blushing, From the scene departing flies, Where the battle madly rushing, Brother upon brother dies. Woman commands with a milder control ol Lhe insensible perspiration ol tho bead. ASNES.VMKMT NOTICE In the mailer of Court street gas lump posts and lamps liom Butler I 1J nlon streei.

Notice is horeby given, thut the rollowing in the abovo matter reninin unpaid, and Ihni the warrant I'orcolloclingBiiid assessnieulswillexpiieon Hit di.y 01 1853, uud thai unless said assessments, logon. or wit the expense an) per centago allowed by law, art paid or before suid date, Judgmenl will be entered in the Su preme Court, In Kings County, ugitiitul each und every porson (wlioshnll lmvenegleoied to pay) lor the amount ofsaid assessment, with thdsuid ccntagi orid Costa: Persona Bonding orders torthe World's Hair Restorer A SSB SSME1VT NOT 1 11 the mattor or Vnnder; bllt avenue grading and paving from Atianlic to Flaibuah avenuo Notice is hereby given, that the folloving assessments, In tho above matter, remain unpaid, and that tho warrant must state the color ol their hair, whether dork or light, as it ha been thotoughly proved by long experience that the ingredients which will restore Iiftht hair will nut have any effect on black. for collecting said assessments will expire on tho 14th of No. 1 is lor dark hair, and la composed.of nine difler She rules by enchainment the realms of (he soul; IOUSVOK A'i'SOiV NOTICE Opening I.aFayettc avenuo from Bedford 10 Division avenue. A petition has been presented to tho Common (Jounci! of tlio city ol' Brooklyn, to open Lafayette avenuo from Badlordto Division avenue.

The common council have fixed Iho district, beyoi.o I Ci'2 ana that unless saw. assessments, together witn tho expense and per centime allowed by lav, aro paid on emarucies. No. a is for light hair and is composed of seven differ Sidney Ciuuipton 1 Oi 1 30 1 2 00 or before said dale, judgment will be entered in the Su premo court in Kings County, against eacM ana every order on tne snoriGRi nonce, nno nas uimj liuunumij uj, hand, a tine mid choici astiorliiieiu of goods ol tt.c abovo det.criptie.11. H.MIL1.W, 111 Atlantic at.

The best of workman are employment for repairing Watches, Trench and other Clccss, Accoidians, Musical Boxes. dli 3in Jy? and SILVER WARE at reduced prices: JgJilL Fine Gold Lepinft Watches, 4 ho es, jeweled. Effi9i' ine Gold Detached Levers, fuiljowoled HC andallolharkiiidsolVVATClIES at equally low prices r.lso, all kinds of Cold Chains, pure Gold Wei, ding Kings, Golil Keys and reuls, Gold l'tusuiid Gold and Silver Tin liibleB, Diauioiid Riiighnnd I'ins, Mraci lets, Gold Lockcti Gulf i'ins, Ear Rings, Gold and Silver Spectsclea, Breastpins, Finger Kings, Silver Fruit Knives, Sterling Silver Spouis, Cups, Forks, Tea Sots, at muc" less latei lhan any oilier house. Watches and Jewelry exchange All GoodB are warranted 10 tie such as resented. Should they prove otherwise the money will be refunded.

SO.U1KE St. BROTHER, Importers of Watches and Jewelry, Wholesale and Retail, No. 97 Fulton street, near William and 182 Bowery, o4 3m near Spring street, Now York. AK; BASKETS Oastors, cake baskets, card baskets, plated forks, spoons, ladles, at JOHN D. CHASE'S, 203 Fulton BtreSt, Manuracturor ol Silver Wore, Jowelrj, Small size Gold and Silver Walcheh suitable for presents.

Our goods shall be sold as cheap as cau he bought in this or the city of'New York, and all good's warranted as represoaled. J.D. CI1ABB, 203 Fulton, dl8 One door beiow Concord si. widen tho assessment for said improvement shallnotox eat articles each having a tendency to restore nature's loss. i3 Xylobalsamum, a superior dressing for tho hair fur yo'ingor old and Is essential lo use ith No.

As'she glances around in the light of her smile, The warof the passions is hushed for a while, And discord, content from his furv to cease, Reposes entranced on the pillows of peace. 'fl'iie SUsisittK: Eye. porson (who shall havo neglected lo pay) for the amount ofsaid assecsmont, with the said expunscs, per contage Jolin ctiducr A Ilalladay Nichols VV Cook ilunnnb Houston. hi Philips II Clurlto Snoiv Anson Theli Chemical Dank, New Yo. John Brown John Jones Win Voorheos.

A Ostrani Brown to. Du oy 1 10 2 00 2 8li I '10 1 30 tond, to wit; on both sides orLalayolto avenue lrom Bedford to Division avenue, and ouo hair tho blocks in dentb on each side thereof 1 or No. 2. It found on trial to bo an indispensahio article for the toilet. II Watson 1 30 JnsC Shaw 1 43 unu costs.

Jiseph 555 42 Catharine 42 BSpiuola 911 10 Jos Francis 55 42 Nicholas May li)G 57 John Steel 107 71 Murphy or Lyman 53 70 Ann wife of Wm Van 12 74 Newman 53 95 Michael Egan 37 2fi John 69 44 Remonstrances (it any) against Uie said opening musi be presented to the Common Council on or before tho 25th day of Doc. as they will finally act upon tho same at. thoir next ensuing meeting, or as booh thereafter The World's Hair Restorer and Xylobaljamum requires The 6rst meeting of Daniel Boone, the 'hunter of with the maiden who afterwards be no giving mem a iair trial all arc sum to Biun i liuuer recom menu mem to their menus. 1. P.

S. BRIANT, Collector of Tnxosuiid Aas'mnlt. came Ins wife, is tuffs narrated by Ins biographer 'Young Bouno was one lit engaged in a fire clIH lawliw conveniout. Brooklyn, Dec. 100.

JOHN D. LAWRENCE, d2 StreelOommisBioiior Robt Lane 388 50 II Spinola 317 00 The Restorer No. 1 and No. a is.put up in large flint bottles, at only 31 50 per bottle. One' is generally enough for a year.

The Xylobalsamum, or dressing for the hair, No. 3, at 37 ii ceuts bottle thus coming within the liiui with a young friend. Their course led them do 53 20 Wm Powers executor of Thomas Feolo 727 10 to the deeply timbered bottom which skirted the stream that wound rouud Bryan's pleasant plantation. That the reader may have an idea what Brooklyn, October 1, 1852. I.

P. S. BRIANT, bl lawGw Collector of Taxes and Ass'mnta ClOltPOUATIO NOTICE Opening Hamilton street lrom Fulton to LaFayotto avenue. A petition has been presented to the common council ol the city or Brooklyn, to open Hamilton street from Fulton to Lalayctlu avenue. The common council Jmve fixed the district, beyond sort ol a pursuit it was that young Isoonc was en AKKKSiSiTaEWT NOTICE Intheiniiltoi 01 Union Blreot lamp posU and lamps from Hamillon uvo uuo lo llonry street.

Notice Is hereby given, that the following Assess uenu, (nlhoabuvw mutter, remain unpaid, and ihutlhcviarrunt forcollectiiig said Assessments will expireon the 3l.hdn) of 1853, and thatunless suid Assossmemts, together with the oxponBO and per ceutagd allowed by law. are paid 011 or before mild date, jtidgmeut will bo bntured he Supremo Court, In Kings County, ngaiiiBteach and every person (whoshallliavc neglected to pay)l'ortlieumoiml ol said AssesBinout, with the said expenses, porceutageand gaged in, during an event so decisive of his futuro fortunes, we present a brief sketch of a night fire which the assessment for said improvement shall not ex tendj to wit: on both sides of Hi milton streot lrom Fulton to LuFayctte avenue, and one hall the blocks In denlh on each side thereof. means ol an persons. No such preparation has ever before been offered to the public. Tho gieat demand for it is productive of many woitbless imitations, and shows that its worth is duly appreciated.

None genuiae oxcept "Mrs. Allen's World's Hair Restorer, New York." blown on lhe bottles, and hor signature is ou tho directions. Agoutn can be supplied with a half or quarter dozen lit the wholesale price. For sale by druggists and perfumers generally throughout the United Elates, Cuba and Cunada. Principal depot, Labo atoiy and Manufactory, No.

355 Broome streot, corner Elizabeth, New York. See New YorkV'ChtonicIc," lor old advert isoments. dlO 'Two persons are indispensiblo to it. The horse. ISJ'a'SiVG DESICS A few of those elegant Unalra I ft.

vni rtvt. ti ASSESSMENT NOTICE In tho matter or Dc Kalb avenuo grading lots between Raymond and Cumberland streets. Notice is hereby given, that thcl'ollowing Assessments in the above mattor, remain unpaid, and that tho warrant forcollecting the somo will expire on the 14th day of 1852, and that unless said assessments, together with tho expense and per centoge allowed by law, are paid on or before said date, judgment will bo enteredi the Supremo Court, in Kings County, against each and evi. ry person (who shall have neglected to pay) for the amountof said assessment, with the said oxpensespor centacre and Remonstrances (if any) against tho mid oponine be presented to the common council on or bolore tho 27th tiny nf December, a.i thuy will finally act upon tlio tamo man that preceeds, bears on his shoulder what is called a fire pan, full of blazing pine knots, which coain: Heriry Tiirinr. Kobert Ilennct at Iheir next ensuing meeting, or as soon thereefler aa cauls a bright and flickering glare through the forest.

The second at some distance, convenient. Doled Brooklyn, Dor. Gib, 1852. JOHN D. LAWRENCE, dli 2w Streot Commissioner.

with his rifle prepared for action. No spectacle is SI 1 1 90 2 4ti 1 HI 2 ti 5 80 I 04 '12 4 CIOOM.S A Practical Treatise on Business more impressive than this, ol pairs of hunters thus John Dean 1 6 1 Joshua A Blake 50 Chumuun or iler. dricksoi 80 John Brown 80 Jas Leary 2 00 Jame IV cavei 7 53 Ilemy Ij Clark or VV 11 ttory 5 00 Secbury Kissaui 1 00 Henry Alexai.du' 82 to Get, Save, Lend, and iriOit'PWieATIION NOTICE. Ordinanco to flag Wrn llcpkins Isaac Curler Wm II story Wm Shaw Morrison Ward Hum John Stijker Martlr.tijlo or Boor back H. nueath Money witn an lnocirv into tho chnnceB of sLj Iho sidowalks ol Court stroet lrom Fulton street to kindling the lorest into a glaio.

I ho doer, repes ing quieily in his thicket, js awakened by the ap uyndft 106D4 Patrick Duffy 119 47 Edward McKitlrIck.105 03 Margaret Valler 37 50 35 .600 II Peck 205 23 JosF Bridges 298 41 Jos Brndehaw 124 02 TheoSalters 73 24 Second Place. Birablo article for presents lo be had at J. D. CHASE'S, Jewelry Store, 20.1 I'ullon st. Manufacturer of Jewelry, Silver Card plate and 50 cards for 12s FANS.

A new lot of Fans juat received Ly at J. D. Chase's; somo boautlful patterns nmonget them. JOHN I). CHASE, 203 Fuiton street, Manufacturer of Jewelry, Silver Waro.

Wedding and visiting cards, coke boxes, always on hand. BIRDS. Our Birds don't exactlysing, buUhoLudios sing that use them, aa thoy (thetLa dlesjsew 00 much easier with than without a Bird. JOHN D. CHASE, 203Fulto St.

Manui'acturorofjewoiry andsilvor ware. Watchoaaud clocksropalrod in tho very best mann proaching cavalcade, and, instead of flying from Nolico is horeby glvou to all parties interested, that a the portenous brilliance, remains stupidly gazing 80 petition has been presented to the Common Councilotthle city, asking forthcpaBsngu of an ordinance requiring the owners of properly on tho abovo named street to lint; 1. P. S. BRIANT, Collector of Taxes and Ass'ts.

ol Jawtiw 1. I S. IlKIANT, Collector of 'Faxes and Asse.BsmontB. upon it, as if charmed to the spot. The animal is betrayed to its doom by.

(he gleaming of its fixed eT8 luwiiw their sidowaiks to the full width on both sides ol sold st and innocent oyes. This cruel mode of securing a KetnonstrnnccB (if uny) against tho passage of snldordi unnco mustbeiircBentedtothe Common Councilon orbo fatal Jshot is called in hunter's phrase 'shining day of Nov. next, as they will flnallyact upon the eyes. toe same alttieir 110x1 oiigu 111 meeting, or ns aooniner, tutor as convenient. Brooklyn, Knv.

so, ib: JOHN D. LAWRENCE, o20 101 StrcotConun'ssloner. ASSESSMENT NOTICJE. In the matterofClin ton avenuo gas lampposts and lamps from Myrtle to Atlantic avenue. Notice is hereby given, that the followingassossments la the above matter, remain unpaid, and that tho warrant for collecting said assessments will oxpiro on the 24th day Nov 1852, and that unless said assessments, together with tho cxpeneo ond per ccnlago allowed'hy law," are paid on or before said dale judgment will boertered in the Supremo Court, in Kings County, against each and evury person (who shall have neglected to pay) for iho amount ofsaid the said expenses, percentage Slatrjing: (Eailortni).

NOTICE. la Iho matter ol Bed ford uvcnuu und Wilson streot, well and p.ump. Notico is hereby given, that the tollowTug assessments in tho above matter, remain unpaid, und that the warrant for collecting said assessments wil oxpiro ou Ihu 3Uth day of 1853, and Dial, unless suid assessments, together vith tbo expense and per cculage allowed by law, are paid on or before said dale, judgment will be entered in tbo Supreme Court, in Kings County, ugaiusl each and every person (who shall have neglected lo pay) lor the amount of suid assessment, with iho said expenses, per centnge and costs. Potor 14 HonryCBosworth. 12 50 Francis I.

0 00 Alfred Booth 2250 Aaron 14 on 1. P. S. BRIANT, dI8 luwOw Collector Taxes and Assessments. TtKrO'fi'ICE TO FIREMEN.

Nnllco is hereby given Jj that by report of the Firo Department Committee adopted In Coidii.oii Council, tept. and approved Oct. 2. 1852, ihe folk whip new Flro District wi luid Long Island Clothing Wareroom CLOTHING 1 1 TELEGRAPH LINE Conducted on the CASH and ON PRICE system, bv S. F.

WHITING, 132 and 134 Fulton out. and to be known as the Feienth District, viz: Commencing nt lhe interaction ol'Clinton und Flush ing avonues. rnnnlrg thence aoullierly more illnton avc ana costs, John A Dayton S971 Wm Crane 10 04 Wm II Cnrev 2 8li A and F.F 5 40 buccobs and causes of failnre in business, By Edwin T. Freedloy. Daniel Webster and his contemporaries, lly C.W, March.

Aaglo American Literature and Manners, from the Fronch of Philarole Charles, Profesaorin the College of France Pioneer Women of the West by Mrs. Ellet, author ol thaWoinonof the American Revolution, Thoughts en Self Culture, addressed to Women, by Maria G. Grey and Emily ShirrofT, author of "Passion and Prinoiple" and "Letters from Spain and Barbery." For sale by A.M. WILDER, ij'il tf 51 Fulton street. IT BOOKS SELECT BRITISH ELO 11 UUENCE embracing tho bost speeches entire of tho most eminent Orators of Groat Britain, for the last two centuries, with Bkelchos of their lives an estiinato of the genius and notes, critical and explanatory.

By Cuauncky A. GooDRicn, DD. Knick Knacks, from an Editors Table. By L. Gaylord Clark.

Villags Li. in Egypt, with sketches of the Bumc. By Periy vr.JonN. Histo.y of Romulus, with Engravings. By Jacob Abbott.

For sale by A.M. WILDER, n20 SI Fulton streot. KESSEGIUE'S PATENT ROLABLE SPRING MATTRESSES PRICKS REDUCED 25 ZIt CCKTll! THE SUBSCRIBER has been appointed Agent for the sale of Ressegiue's Patent Spring Mattrefses and Udder Beds. Ths world wldo celebrity of this MattresB does away with tho necessity ot any other recommendation he can assure those who may want an nrticlo.of tue kind, that all ordered of him. will havo a written guarantee that the materials are of the first qunlity, JOHN WILLINS, Agent, 106 Fulton at.

Brooklyn, tec. 4, 1852. Imlsta.thfe 1 iCornerof Middaghets.Brooklvn.whern are now nun to Us intersection wllh Atlantic avenue, and nil oa( ODencd a larzo and nowlv manufactured assortment Vultoo 7 33 Nark II Newman 5 46 James Olncy; A Sale, and A Warner, Assignee 4 09 Edward Harvoy 2 73 TieWilt Clinton TowcrS 48 Wm Clay 2 73 of Bald City Clerk's Office. Brooklyn, Octobi rti, 1852. WM.

M. BOERUM, n7 tt Clerk of Com. Council II iwo young men reached a coruer of the farmer's field at a an early hour in tho evening. Young Buonc gave tho customary signal, to his mounted companion that preceded him to stop an indication that ha had shined the eyes of a deer. Bouno dismounted and fastened his horse to a tree.

Ascertaining lliat his rifle was in order, lie advanced cautiously behind a covert of bushes, to rest the right distance for a shot. 'Tho deer is remarkable for the beauty of its eyes when thus shined The mild brilliancy of the two orbs was distinctly visible. Whether warned by or arrested by a palpitation end strange feelinga within, a noting now expression in the blew and dewy light that gleamed in his heart, we say not. But the unerring rifle fell, 'and a rustling told him ihe game had fled. 'Something whispered him it was not a deer: and yet the fled step, as the bounded away, might easily be mislakcn for that of the light footed animal.

A second thought impelled him to pursue the rapidly retreating game, and he sprang a way in th5 direction of the sound, leaving his companion to occupy himself as he might. The fur fN COMMON COUNCIL, July 1, 1852. By Alilormiu. ia. Hawxburst.

Resolved, That a former resolution of thin Hoard, 1 0 275 5 40 2 73 5 40 4 09 1 37 Thomas Hogg Geo Stovenson Jas Henry Henry Chapman John Hunter John Italsey. John Ailams (South Bt, 40 New York.) dating Hay Stand on tho corner of Navyst and Fulton 5 40 5 40 2 73 40 Henry Ransom Williams Charles avenuo, do reconsiucrcu, ana iiirtner rocolvcu, mat in: Hay Stund bo and is horoby located from and aftor Jul) John Rolfe CLOTHING, made up of tho most fashionable Lomlon and Paris stylo of Goods, all if which willbeauld atthn LOWEST PRICE FOR CASH. Thefollowlnglist of priceB will convince tho moat sceptical of the fact that Now York clothing establishments are, und henceforward willbounable to compet with theTelegraph Uno. Fine Dressand Frock Coals, rrom 00 to 920 00 Fine Office and walking coats 1 00 9)0 Fine Pants French Doeskin 4 50 9 on Fine Panls Plato and Fancy caHBlmoro. 1 00 7 00 Fine Vests of aUklads 75 4 00 Just recelvod a new and wall selected assortmont of Frouot and English Cloths, CaBBimcres and Vestlngs, wmch wlll bB MADE TO Of the subscriber, who would hereby invite his numerous Iriendeandcustonrjursto pay him an early visit, athlsnew nlacoof buBlnoos.

i. F. WHITING, mv24tf oftholatoflrmof WhitlDH. A Mi.i,'jEN'll' NOTICE. li, the maitero.

Strong Plitco Gas Lompposis and Lamps liom Harrison to Degraw streot. Notice ia hereby given, that tiie following assessments in the abovo matter, remain unpaid, and thut tho warrant fur collecting said Assessments ill expire ou tho 30th day 1853, und that unless said assessments, together with tbvexpuiisu und per contagc allow ed by law, are paid on or before said will elite reel in tin Supreme Court, lu King Couety, against each and every porson (who ahull have neglected lo pay) for tho amount of said ussoeamenl, with the said oxponBes, per coutaco and costs. Henry ruydnin, Jr. .55 00 Charles lielsey, 15 33 Edward A Couk 137 Liege 141 Hi uryL Clark 10 39 LP. S.

BRIANT, dl8 luwOw Collector Taxes, and Assessments. 1. P. S. BRIANT, ecforTaxoe and Assoasuienln.

1st on corner oiuaymonil streelnnd J.umyclto avenue. Adopted bynnonimousconsont. Approved. July 10, tl WM. BOERUM, Clerk.

lnwOw IJAKWS Visiting and Wedding cards Engraved and Printed at short notice, und ClITT'Ct ERK'S OFFICE, No. 7 CltyHall NOTICE. 1'ursnantto a resolution of IboCoramoii Council, passed May 10,1852. notice is herohy eiven that tho Brooklyn Evening Star" and tho Brooklyn Daily In tho best manner, st J. I).

CHASE'S Jewelry Store, 203 Fulton Bt. Cuko Boxes, Card Envelopes, and Plain Cards always nn hand Watchos and ClookB repaired ond warranted, 818 tf Journal" aro hereby discontinued ns Corporation nows papors. wot. 01. my20.

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