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The Brooklyn Daily Eagle from Brooklyn, New York • Page 3

The Brooklyn Daily Eagle from Brooklyn, New York • Page 3

Brooklyn, New York
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

sfie COAL. SCHOOLS. IN BANKRUPTCY. AUCTION SALES. AUCTION SAtES: The WASHINGTON TEMPERANCE SOCIETY will continue to hold their regular meetings in the Young Men's Mount Vernon Reading Room, Hall's Buildings, every Thursday afternoon, commencing at haEf past 3 o'clock.

The ladies generally of Brooklyn, who feel disposed to aid in this enterprise, are offectidnatery inrU ted tonttend. E. W. WYCkOFF. c4 tf Secretary.

IT THE WASHINGTON TEMPERANCE amd Mutual Protection Society, of tho City oi Brooklyn, meet at Hall's Buildings, on the second Monday evening of each month. The Board of Managers meet at the same place on the fourth Monday evening of each month. The benefits are as follows If a Member is sick, he receives at the rate of 34 per week. If his property is destroyed by fire, he may re eeive to the amount of $50. When a Member dies, $35 is appropriated for hia funeral expenses.

Applications for Membership, or for the Constitution and By Laws, may be made to the President, or the Board of Managers, who meet as asove stated C. H. LITTLE, President. C. CORNELL, Secretary.

Brooklyn, March. 1842. tf COAL! COALS! ONG ISLAND COAL YARD. Adams, Jt 4 coins oy Waxes street. Tho subscriber respectfully informs the public and his friends that he has just opened a Coal Yard under the above title, where he will be happy to supply them with Peach Orchard and other Coals of the best quality, Upon as reasonable terms as can be had ether in this city or the city of New York GEORGE P.

NELIGH. tf J. G. YATES. Aeency ACKAWANA COAL The Delaware and Hudson Canal Company have taken the yard at the foot of Adams street, No.

13, known as the Nassau Coal Yard, and lately occupied by Barkeloo Bavlis. where they are receivinn Lacknwana Coal, fresh from the mines, and which they offer to their customers and the public at the following pri ces, free of cartage and broken sue 5 00 Lump 5 00 Stove and Furnaee 5 00 Nut size 5 00 Nut and pea mixed, or small nut 4 00 Pea 3 50 my5 tf COAL COAL COAL COAL 11 At the Brooklyn Cool Yard, in Jav street, between York and Prospect street. The subscriber offers for salo the very best of Peach Orchard Coal, red ash, screened and delivered, free of cartage, in any pan ot tne city, at the following reduced prices reach Orcllard, broken and egg 50 Do. stove and nut 6 00 Raven Vein, grey ash, all sizes 6 00 Lackawanna, all sizes 5 00 m8 tf JOSHUA ROGERS WCOAL OFFICE REMOVED. ALTERS, BARRE VAN BRUNT have removed their coal office, from 25 Fulton, to the corner of Fulton Front streets, in the Loner Island Insurance Company.

reach urcaard, broken and egg 50 do do stove and nut 6 00 high, broken and egg 6 50 do do and nut 6 00 Lackawanna, all sizes 5 08 Delivered free of Cartage. N. B. Orders taken for Peach Orchard. Red Ash.

Broken and Egg coal, from Vessel from $5,50 to a. according to quality. mv2 ly LITKBAKV ASSOCIATION LUCl'VBES. TO be delivered in the Lecture Room of the Lyceum, in Washington street. 1849 3.

Nov. 17. Introductory Lecture R.H.Dana. Eso. Tho necessity of a right life to a true appreciation of Literature, and the influence of Literature on life." Nov.

24. Ono Lecture R. H. Dana. Esa.

Woman." Dec. 1. One Lecture Maior G. Tochuan Russia and Poland." Doc. 8.

One Lecture Rov. Orestes A. Brown son Government, its origin, organization, and end." Dec. 15. One Lecture George Bancroft.

Eso. The early influence of New York on American Independence." Dec. 22. One Lecture George Bancroft. Esq.

The Battle of Bunker Hf 1." Dec. 29. One Lecture Rev. H. W.

Bellows. The influence of Commerce npon per. sonal and national character." Jan. 5. One Lecture Theodore Sedgwick.

Jr. Esq." Louis the XIV." Jan. 12. One Lecture Rev. J.

H. PERRy. "The History of the Revolution in Texas, cm. bracing the Battlo of San Jacinto." Jan. 19.

One Lecture Rev. Geo. W. Betuune. "Athens in the time of Pericles." Jan.

26. One Lecture John Neal, Esa." Gen eral Reading." Feb. 2. One Lecture Chas. F.

Hoffman. Eso. Subject to be hereafter announced. Feb. 9.

One Lecture Rev. J. Wainwbight Architecture." Feb. 16. One Lecture Park Benjamin, Esq.

Subject to be hereafter announced. Feb 23. Concluding Lecture. Terms for the Course. Tickets for one person for the $2 00 Family of three persons 5 00 Admission for a single lecture 25 XT Tickets may bo procured at VVilder's and Culvcrwell's Bookstores, and at J.

S. Mackay's Exchange Office, Fulton st at the Post Office at Blagrovc's Drug store, Atlantic st, and at tho door of the Lecture Room on tho evenings of Lecture. Tho Lectures will commence punctually at half past 7 o'clock P. M. J.

M. VAN COTT, nla tf Chairman of Lecture Committee. Flt.WKLI SOCIETY LECTURES, SOUTH BROOKLYN. THE Directors of the Franklin Society, Brooklyn, announce their first annual Course of Lec tures, to be delivered in the CHAPEL, Pacific commencing on TUESDAY, Doc. 6th, 1842, agreeably to the following Programme One Liccture lhe Introductory by the Key.

Geo. W. Betuune, D. of Philadelphia. One Lecture bv the Rev.

Chas. Wentwortb Upham, of Salem, Mass. One Lecture by the Rev. 11. B.

SrnAGUE, D. of Albany. One Lecture by the Key. Ji. vv.

Bellows, of New York. One Lecture by Henry Patterson, 01 Philadelphia. One by the Rev. Samuel H. Cox, D.

of Brooklyn. tine Lecture by the Kcv.Wh. Hague, 01 Boston. One Lecture by Henry Giles, of Boston. One Lecture by John Neal, of Portland.

One Locturc by the Rev. J. S. Stone, D. of Brooklyn.

One Lecture by tho Hon. J. L. O'Sullivan, of New York. Ono Lecture by Park Bexjamin, of New York.

One Lecture by the Rev. Horace Busiinell. of rlartlord, Uonn. Other gentlemen will lecture during the season The name of tho Lecturer, the subject of the Lec ture, and the time when each will bo delivered, will bo announced from week to week, during the course. TERMS.

Gentleman's Ticket for tho course $2 00 Gentleman and Lady's Ticket for tho courso 3 00 Family Ticket, admitting three, 4 00 Single Evening Ticket 25 Tickets may be had at Blagrovc's drug store, No. 3 Squire's Buildings, Atlantic street, and at Wildcr's book sloro, 51 Fulton street, Brooklyn. ti. BUTLUK, 1 C. G.

ARLETON, Lecture Committee. FREEMAN HUNT, do tf TO THE PUBLIC. The public is hereby formed that I have fitted up and opened an office and Infirmary No. 70 Lawrence st. Brooklyn, L.

for the practice and sale of lhomsoman Medicine, and intend to make Brooklyn my permanent residence. My Infirmary, which is located in a quiet open part of the city, is now in readiness for tho reception of invalids from all parts of the country. 'VAPOR BATHS, cold and warm, Shower Baths, and Courses of Medicine, willatall times bo given at the Infirmary, to those who may desire them. I will attend promptly and faithfully to all calls in my profession, both by day and night, cither in tho city or adjacent country. I shall keep constantly on hand an assortment of genuine Tnomsonian Medicines, which win Do sola as low as can bo bought elsewhere of the samn quality.

Charges low to suit tne times, ospccialix to thoso who pay promptly and voluntarilv. Advice at the office gratis. Having passed though a thorough course of Med" ical Studies, and had a number of years of active and oxtensivo practico and experience, I have tlie vanity to bolieve that I shall not kill more than half or two thirds of my patients at most, with "steam, pepper, lobelia," Brooklyn. L. May 1st, 1842.

ie2 dtf my5 ltd3mw A. H. PLATT. TEAS Of tho first quality, for sale by n33 DOWNING LAWRJ5NOE. UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURT, Crrr New Yk.

IN BANKRUPTCY NOTICE to show cause against Petition of itX AZOR S. MARVW 'nftfen'mioArWrnnV lyri, merchant, (and as ono of the late firm of Ti ask Marvin,) to be declared Bankrupt, Saturday, January 14, 1843, 11 A. M. dl3 law3w IT MOSES P. LITTLE, of Brooklyn, Kings County, New York, merchant, to be declared Bankrupt, Thursday, January 12, 1843, 11 A.

M. dl3 law3w ET ARTHUR TAPPAN, of the City of Brook, lyn, merchant, to be declared Bankrupt, Saturday, December 31, 1842, 11 A. M. dl2 law3w 03 SAMUEL KISSAM, of Brooklyn, Kings County, New York, (and as one of the late firm of Samuel George Kissam,) to be declared Bankrupt, Thursday, January 5, 1843, 11 A. M.

d9 law3w XT' GEORGE C. BEEKMAN, of Flatbush, Kings County, New York, (and as one of the late firms of Beekman, Richard Luke, and Bsekman 6c Luke.) to be declared Bankrupt, Thursday, December 22, 1842. 11 A. M. n30 law3w ITT JOHN EARLE VAN ANTWERP, of Brooklyn, Kings County, New York, Auctioneer, (and as one of the firm of Van Antwerp Van Dyke,) to bo dec'ared Bankrupt, Saturday, December 24, 1842, 11 A.

M. n28 law3w ETWILLIBM G. JONES, of Flatbush. Kings County, New York, (and us one of tho late firm ol William G. Jones Co.) to be declared Bankrupt Saturday, December 24, 1842, 11 A.

M. n26 law3w JAMES L. RIPLEY, of Brooklyn, Kings County, New York, merchant, to be declared bankrupt, Thursday, December 22d, 11 A. M. n22 law3w EDWIN SMITH, of the City of Brooklyn, Merchant, as one of the late firm of Penny, Brown Smith, to be declared Bankrupt, Saturday, De cembor 17, 1842, 11 A.

M. n21 law3w S3 ABRAHAM MILLER, of Brooklyn, Kings County, New York, (and as one of the late firms of D. C. Miller Co. and S.

Miller Co.) to be declared Bankrupt, Thursday, December 15, 1842, 11 A. M. nl8 law3w TERRAPIN LUNCH Corner of Ann and Broadway. UNDER THE AMERICAN MUSEUM. THE undersigned haying taken the above nam ed favorite resort, and renovated and improved the same, is now ready to receive calls from his friends and the public, and nledercs himself that no pains shall be spared to make this establishment one of the best in this city.

The larder is constantly auppneu witn an lue delicacies 01 uio season, and served up a manner that cannot be excelled, and at the shortest notice. Private rooms for dinner and supper parties. The bar is stocked with the best of wines, liquors, and segars of the choicest qualities. Venison steaks and stewed terrapin every day during the season. n22 lm WM.

JAMES CARR. NEW CASH TAILORING ESTABLISHMENT, Fulton street. The subscriber is prepared to execute all orders in the above line in a manner suited to the wants and tastes of his customers. A call is solicited from his friends and the public. n23 3m SAM'L.

S. POWELL. MX I1 MI SF. GLADWIN, Surgeon Dentist, 152 Ful ton street, Brooklyn, would respectfully an nounce to the inhabitants of this city, that he is prepared to perform all operations on tho Teeth, and particularly invites the attention of the pnblic to an improved method of adapting them in such a manner as to be worn with the greatest case and com fort, and at the following prices Best teeth on fine gold $3 50 to 4 00 Best tooth on pivot 2 50 to 3 00 Filling with gold foil 1 00 Cleaning set of teeth 0 75 to 1 00 Extracting 0 50 Other charges in proportion. jy 1 3 OX STElCS OYSTERS OYSTERS The subscriber, who has been for many yean ngagcd in the oyster trade, would respectfully in.

form the public, that he continues to keep his old. stand, at dl James street, and on the corner 01 Cranberry and Henry streets, opposite the Annrcn ticcs' Library, where can be had superior Oysters at all times, opened or in the shell. Families supplied, and delivered in any part ol the city, free of expense. The subscriber returns his sincere thanks to the public for the patronage that has been bestowed on him for a series of years, and hopes, by unremitting attention to business, to merit a continuance of the same. DOMINICK COLGAN.

Brooklyn. Dec 27. d27 tf HOUSE KEEPERS TAKE NOTICE. Extra Large Domestic Bread. The subscriber wishes to inform his friends and the inhabitants of Brooklyn generally, that he manufactures Domestic Bread of a superior quality and as large as can be had in Brooklyn or New York, as follows Wheat, Wheat and Indian, Rye, Graham and Twist.

Rolls Hot Rolls every morning at 6 o'clock. Rusk, Buns, and Tea Biscuit every afternoon at 4. Crackers Butter, Soda, Sugar, Graham and Boston Crackers, Pilot Bread, fresh and alwiys on hand. Cakes of all kinds fresh every afternoon. Also, Stuart's Confectionary always on hand, and oranges, lemons, ROBERT S.

SEABURY, Corner of Nassau and Pearl street. P. S. Families and stores in any part of tho city served every morning and afternoon. Families that pay in advance for tickets will receive 13 for 12 shillings.

an30 tf NO TICE. The subscriber informs his patrons and the public in general, that he has made arrangements by which lie will constantly keep on hand the Oysters taken from tho celebrated Mill Pond of Col. Suydam. The Oysters om the above pond arc superior to any offered in the New York market, they will be taken fresh from the water daily, and served out to those who may favor him with a call at his establishment, No. 31 Fulton street.

ap25tf N. INYARD HE.VRY TAYLOR, WATCHMAKER, 53 Fulton street, Brooklyn. H. T. respectfully informs the citizens of Brook lyn and the surrounding neighbourhood, that he has commenced business as above, and, having had many years' experience with Roskcll and Johnson, of Liverpool, in the making and repairing of detached, patent lever, and other watches, ho can confidcn assure those who may please to fa'or him with their commands, that the work shall be faithfully executed and promptly attended to.

August 24,1842. au24 THE BONE SETTER, is now in this city, and can be consulted at Nathaniel Merchant's. No. 284 Adams street. au4 tf DOMESTIC INDUSTRY Needle Threaders! Tho inventor of this time and sight saving little article must have had a single eye" to tho removal of a sore infliction on the patience of sewers.

The task of threading the needle by the ordinary long.time honorcd method is to the aged and to all those with weak vision often more irksome and trying than the work performed with it. The introduction of this unique invention nap pily renders the process no longer a test question as to temper and the qualities of pcrsevcrenco and endurance under difficulties," but to the testy anr1 racBry patient and impatient, old and young, a thin; of instant and seemingly magic attainment. Fo salo by Wm. WISE, ap30 Watchmaker Jeweller, 79 Fulton st FARMING PROPERTY in Now Jersey fpr salo or exchange for groceries. Apply to PARKES JORDAN, 35 Fulton st.

aul7 6t TT1DES Every description, for salo by Ci ray 14 L. VAN NOSTRAND. 40 FuHen. SCHULTZS SWERTCOPE. Auctioneers.

Stori, No. 165 Fulton street. ID Sales of orooerty at auction or at sale conducted with despatch advances made on good seat to the store for immediate sale. Chancery or other sales of Real Estate made at the store or Franklin House, as may suit parties. FrdtorL.

armoatm Jahnam iim Nra nnt X4B each 25 feet front and rear 100 deeD, Enonire at Lb store. Also, a Mohas an mllitarv dran allnoranl and in good order. JOSEPH HEGEM AN. Auctioneer. (Late Hcgeman Dean.) Sales Room.

14 Fulton Street. Saturday, Dec. 17, At 12 o'clock, at the Franklin House, Chancer? SnlaA. rntn 1 land, sitnate in thn Rtt wnr.l tUn lyn, on the northwesterly side of the turnpike road iMliini. Imm 1 1.1 1 a Aatwutu.

iu auu more particularly described in advt. in the Star, signed Tho. mas Addia Emmett, master. At Privat Sale Lots on the Railroad and Flatbush road, by single lots or by the acre. J.

H. Solicits orders for sales of Real Estate, Housohold Furniture, Sec, either at private resi. dences or at the sales room, which is wcU calculated for large sales. Chancery and public sales of Real Estate ct the Sales room. JOHN POST.

Auctioneer. REAL ESTATE AND GENERAL AGENT. Sales Room. 1C Fulton street. At PrtYaTk Sale 4 lots on Furrnan st, extend ing to the river, comtnonly known as wharf lots they arc near the Fulton Ferry, adjoining property of Messrs.

Bach and Cook Adwus Also, building lots at the head of Clinton and Washington avenues, on the railroad, also on Prospect Hill, at very low prices. Church Vaults Several vaults at private sale. J. POST respectfully tenders his services! General Agent to such as may at any time necdi faithful and competent person to dischargo the ties of a trust, or any other reputable business. JOHN E.

VAN ANTWERP, Auctioneer. CT Personal attention given to sales of Furniture at private residences. Orders may be left at the Coal Office of Mr. G. C.

Langdon. No. 23 Fulton street. Brooklyn. "DAILEY'S SARATOGA POWDERS, FOR L' making Congress, Spring, or Saratoga waters.

These Powders form an effervescing aperient draught possessin all the medical virtues of the Congress Springs at Saratoga. They have been found extremely useful in most complaints 01 trie stomach, particularly those where all other aperient medicines cannot be retained. They act as an aperient or alterative, and at the same time give tone and strength to the stomach, and increase the digestive powers. They are most valuable in dyspepsia and billious diseases, and are conducive to health by acting as a tonic and impnrt. ing strength to the constitution.

As an alterative, the proper time for taking them is before breakfast but they may be taken any time with advantage, in cases of sick or nervous headache, heartburn, nau. sea or acidity of the stomach. One dose of the Powder is equal to a small bottle, and two doses equal to a large bottle, of Saratoga Water; where a brisk, purge is wanted, half an ounce of Epsom Saltsina be mixed with the contents of the blue paper. These Powders arc much superior to the Seidlii being equally aperient, and at the same time possess ing valuable tonic and chalybeate qualities. Prepared and sold by WM.

Chemist, Apothecaries' Hall, comer of Sands and Fulton streets. J27 PAINTS, OILS, AND WINDOW GLASS, at wholesalo or retail, cheap for cash 400 boxes Glass, single thickness, American. 60 double 40 extra 25 French and Picture. 300 lbs. Chrome Green.

240 Paris Pure SPERM OIL, for family use, together with an assortment of articles usually kept in paint stores. n2 lm J. MUNDELL. 116 Fulton st. FASHIONABLE HAIR DRESSING SA LOON.

JOHN PELI.F.THKaIJ 1, removed his Hair Cutting, Curling, and Shaving establishment to No. 1 Front street, (recently occupied by Mr. Jordan,) where his customers will find him unremitting in his attention to the business in all its details. WIGS and TOUPEES made to or dcr. myOtf FOR SALE, very low, 2 houses and 2 lota of ground situated" on Myrtle avenue.

The cost of the houses was over $4,000, two years ago tho whole property may be had for less than $3,000. It will let readily for $400 a year. Applv soon to s27 tf PARKES JORDAN, 35 Fulton st. WANTED Sovereigns, Guineas, Doublouus, and English Silver, at MACKAY'S Exchange Office, 56 Fulton Brooklyn. N.B.

All kinds of uncurrent Bank notes bought jcl6 1 PORT ANT TO THE PUBLIC The pub lie of Brooklyn and its vicinity, are respectfully informed that from this date, families in want 01 Servants can be supplied gratuitously on application to the subscribers. PARKES JORDAN, n2 tf 35 Fulton street, Brooklyn. A TEACHER OF MUSIC on the Piano is wanted at the Brooklyn Female Collegiate. In stitutc, 221 Washington street. Preference will be given to one who will board at the institution.

W. S. Brooklyn. Noy. 4, 1842.

n5 tf BKOKEN BANKS. Notes Banks wanted, namely of the followin Bank of Buffalo, Commercial, Oswego, Clinton County Bank, St. Lawrence, Ogdcnb'g Clinton Bank, N. Y. J.

S. MACKAY. Commercial, do. Lafayette Bank, N. Y.

Housatonic Railroad, By ie3 tf 56 Fulton street, Brooklyn. BLACKSMITHING THOMAS SILK, continues his old stand at No.3 Water street near Fulton, where he docs all kindsof Blacksmithing ang Horse Shoeing. He will be happy to execute all orders in, his line of buincss on the most reasonable arms. Brooklyn.Oct. 2fi.

1841. 127 tf WATCH CLOCK REPAIRING Th. subscriber continues his unremitting attentioi. to repairing and cleaning clocks and watches ol every description, warranting the performance of all work passing from his hands. Attention also paid to repairing musical boxes.

jewelry, silverware, spectacles, WM. WISE, n2f) watch and clock maker, 79 Fulton st. FINGER RINGS Diamond, Ruby, Emerald Pearl, Jet, Amethyst, Topaz, Garnet, Chryso lite and other line stone and seal Rings, of a great variety of patterns also, Guinea gold Wedding Rings, Enamel, Chased, Plain, Tablet and Motto Rings, for sale or made to order by ol I WILLIAM WISE, 79 Fulton st. "I EATHER. Light and middle weights, oak tanned Sole Leather, Calf Skins, wax and grain, upper, Sec.

Constantly on hand and fori a at reduced prices, by L. VAN NOSTRAND, al9tf 40 Fulton st. WANTED, at this Office, the following nmn bersof the "Brooklyn Eaole," for which a good price will be paid sl2 tf 6, 8, 10, 11, and 10P. WANTED A situation as COOK, by a young woman who can produce tho most unexceptionable tcltimonials as to character and capacity. Apply nt No.

9 Chapel street. 3t EST HAVANA SEGARS possessing the JJ requisite acre and flavor, for salo by n30 QUI BY, 100 Fulton street. TIiACK, Red, and White Lead, for sale by W. WALL. II Water st.

BROOKLYN FEMALE COLLEGIATE INSTITUTE A Dar amd Soabdmo School, 231 WsHiNOTostaarr Mr. 8t Mrs. SPAULD ING, Principals. The Fall torm of this institution Will commence Thursday, September 1, 1843. Daily, weekly, monthly and quarterly reviews continued usual.

A strict account of each young lady's daily deport, ment, punctuality and scholarship is kept, ana hor standing reported quarterly. Whae the Principals aim constantly to make thorough scholars, they deem it not less important to inculcate moral and religious principles. Young ladies will receive Diplomas when they shall have honorably completed the full course prescribed in the circulars. None but well qualified teachers will bo employed. REFERENCES.

Rev. S. H. Cox. D.D.; Rev.

Brodhead, D. Rev. J. S. Spencer, D.

Rev. J. L. Hodge; Rev. M.

W. Dwight; Rev. J. Sewell; Rev. J.

M. Rowland; Rev. E. M. John ion; Rev.

W. B. Lewis; Rev. M. W.

Jacobus; Rev. E. E. Taylor, Rev. J.

Duffield, Rev. J. Judd; Hon. J. Dilceman; Hon.

L. Lefferts; His Honor H. C. Murphy, Mayor; C. P.

Smith, ex Mayor; Doctors C.Rowland, J. J. Rapelye, B. Parker. G.

Marvin, M. Bridges, W. K. Northall; P. Clark, Esq W.

Bradbury, W. B. Wedgwood, R. Claggett, J. W.

Wheelwright, R. Thorn, S. Fleet, R. Covert, E. Copland, D.

Lester, Esq. J. Young, Principal of Brooklyn Collegiate Institute; Messrs. S. Putnam, W.

Marsh, A. Davenport, J. Laidlaw, B. Mortimer, G. M.

Wilder, teachers. aull eod9m COLLEGIATE SCHOOL, FOR YOUNG MEN AND BOYS. In an eligible apartment pertaining to the Central R. D. Church, on Henry street, near Clark.

The regular session will commence on Thursday, the 1st of September. This place has been occupied, for several years, as a Collegiate School, and is retired, healthful, and In this school there is no junior department and no pupils will be received who cannot read English wiiit iacuuy. The course of study is that preparatory to collese and the business pursuits of life. I he rules ol discipline and behavior, are intended to be subordinate to the Holy Scriptures, experience and common sense. The price of tuition is now $12 50 per quarter.

Bills pavable in advance, or, in all eases, bv the middle of the season. Those who may wish to enquire concerning this school, are respectfully referred to Rev. Dr. Brodhead, Brooklyn, and Rev. Dr.

McAuley. New York. V. r. KOBJSKTSON.

Brooklyn August 16, 1842 au24 tf OUTH BROOKLYN BOARDING DAY SCHOOL For Youne Ladies and Children, in Atlantic street, near Court street. In this establishment the best possible provision is made for instruction in the English, French, and Spanish languages, Music, Drawing, 6tc. Unro mitting attention is paid to the moral and intellectual improvement, as well as the deportment o. the pupils. For further information, references, and terms, which aro moderate, parents and guardians arc respectfully invited to call.

ii. JOYCE. August 22, 1 841 au24 BROOKLYN COLLEGIATE INSTITUTE An English and Classical Boarding School, Washington Avenue. For the futuie the Rev. Jaeob W.

Diller will be associated with Mr. Young in the various duties of this institution. To.persons consulting the health and happiness. the scientific, moral and reliorious improvement of their sons, this school ofFcrs inducements excelled perhaps by none. Catalogues of the pupils and patrons and every information may be had at the Post Office, at the store of L.

Van Nostrand Son, 40 Fulton street, or at the Institute. a21 WHITE PLAINS PXC.1IAL. It ItVTT UTJK. THIS SEMINARY, for the education of Young Ladies, is located in the retired and rural Vil lage of White Plains, Westchester County, 27 miles from New York. The building was erected with the view of a permanent establishment, and is conveniet and well adapted for the purpose to which it is devoted.

The number of Boarders is limited to twenty AH of whom reside under tho same roof with the Principal fare at the same board, and aro, in all respects, members of his family. 1 he course of education is designed to be more thorough than showy, and particular attention will be paid to training and developing the mind and imbuing it with sound moral principles, as well as with Elementary Knowledge. Every Scholar must be provided with a ijible, and will be required to attend Family Prayer Morning and Evening, and nr 1 he school Year is divided into Two Sessions, of Five Months each the Winter Session commenc ing on the first of November, and tho Summer Session on the first of May. The Vacations will occur April and October. Scholars may be admitted at any age or time, but none are received lor any pernd less than a session.

lhe Course of Study embraces Orthocranhv. English Grammar, Rhetoric. Criticism, Comnosi tion, Penmanship, Geography, Astronomy, History, jbook nceping, Ancnmctic, Algebra, Geometry Moral and Intellectual Philosophy, tho Naval Sci ences, the Ancient Languages, French, Drawing ana aiming, ana vocal ana instrumental Music. 1 he I crms, are jfcvighty Dollars per Session paya ble in "advance. In this sum are included the charges for Board, Washing, Fuel, Lights and Tu ition in the English Branches.

The extra charges are. for Music on the Piano $24, and $4 for use of Tiano. Ancient Languages $10. French $10. Drawing and Painting $12.

Ornamental Needlework $6. Vocal Music $5. Access to Library Bed and Bedding to be provided by each Pupil: if there will be an additional charge of $5 per Session. Each Pupil is also re quired to provide owcls and in apkins, and a Tea ana able Spoon. lhe Institute is furnished with a cabinet of mm erals, a very beautiful Philosophical Apparatus and a Library of over iuuu volumes.

All necessary cxudooks, stationery, ate, can be procured at tho Institute. o25 tf S. Cr. AKNOL.D, Principal. DRAWING ttCHOOL.

rpHE APPRENTICES' LIBRARY ASSO jia i uji win commence their rawing Classes at the rooms in the Lyceum on Tuesday, the 18th instant. The School will be open every Tuesday and nday evenings, from 7 till a o'clock TUITION For tho Mechanical and Agricultural 00 Landscape and rigure Class 3 00 in all cases payable in advance. 1 lckcts of admis sion can be procured at the rooms, or from Ths. S.Woodcock, i James Walters, Wm. A.

Morgan, Committee r. i. Arculanus, Stephen Crowell, Robert Nichols, ol2 tf U. G. IN IGtHJUS, secretary.

et. A NEW MUSIC STORE. FULTON STREET, BROOKLYN. Stationerv. Drawino Materials, Mr.

BROWNE, Professor and Teacher of tho LoGIKRIAN SVSTEM OF MUSIC, begs leave to acquaint the inhabitants of Brooklyn that he has oncned a store for tho sale of articles in the Music and Stationery line of business, on the most reasonable terms. Mr. and Mrs. Browne, and their daughter, Miss auuusta browne, urganist of Dr. fjox's Ghurcn Brooklyn, are now prepared to give Lessons, at ci.

ther their pupils' or their own Nearly fortv of Miss Augusta Browne's musical compositions for sale. mvl8 HE LONG ISLAND INSURANCE No. 3 Front street, Brooklyn Capital, $200,. 000.

This Company insures against loss or damage by fire on terms as favorable as similar institutions in the State. 3. SPRAGUE. President. R.

Alphkus Swim. Bocretarv. d27 LOST Supposed in going from 148 Hi eke stmt to the Fulton Ferry, one of Brown's GOLD PENS, in a silver ease. The finder will be liberal, ly rewarded by leariag it at this ofSe. mil R.

J. TODD, Auctioneer. Stobx St. Salss Room, 8 AUCTION SALES. To the Foauc Tho gfys ssow sonal attention to tho sales of RnTnttar, 0rjGaSRfcT.

Groceries, or merchandise of anjf kiaiBad ttmtL Estate, af his store 111 iiliiinrrri in, tfiVfliHn irfim moderate i TfMlfri tftnj via: Furniture, or merchandise iir sflj filinl. ssi Hps owner's promises, 2 per cent; Real Estate, under direction a Masttsris Cba. ccry, or. Assignee of Banhrupt wwDotiapsff taV or 10 for any nurabesoflots, if sold in ons day. Chattel property undor.

direction ITiuIri HfW Assignee, oks mckcsstc The stoie, 88 Fallon street, Has been greatly larged, and. is now the best location in the mlr 9bO the disposal of property this, with the ubortWrV long experience in the auction business, and hlazsal for the interest of his employers, hopes art title him to a continuance of publio favor. R. J. TODD, Auctioneer and ValuaUR.

REFERENCES. Hon. Ogden Hoffman, Mean. Clovar Ms Murray, New York. Hon.

G. Furman, Alexander Gewg Hall, Esqs. and Col. Spooner, Brooklyn; REGULAR SALES IK TUB STORB. Furniture every Monday moming, at 10 s'll ilK, Dry Goods, Clothing, Watches and Jewelry, Fmf and Pledged Articles, every Saturday early candlelight.

i uoods en commission received osa mm? pts vious to each sale, and cashed two heurs after tte sale thereof. No second hand Furniture ceived withlimitn. This evening, 16th December; And following evenings throughout the month, coajv mencing at early candlelight, in the sales room 83 Fulton street. Toys and Fancy Goods Will Be soil af aose tion, on importer's account, 32 cases and pkgs of Toys and Fancy Goods, suitable for the approach. ing holiday presents, comprising in part wax and kid dolls, boxes containing cities, villages, housetIaadV.

scapes, locomotives, fire engines, steam magnetic ships, magnetic fleets, volcanoes, mountains, all th different animals of the forest, swords, guns, ships cross bows, flutes, trumpets, tambourines, harmonicas, tin. wax and alabaster figures, 5cc. Also, a great variety of ladies' and gentlemenTB work boxes, dressing cases, portable desks, French and German, accordions, musical boxes, and other faney articles, mat ing in all a splendid variety. Ladies selecting goods for Church Fairs, dealers, and the public generally, will find it to their advantage to attend these sales, which will be peremptory. 75 At Private Sate An elegant double eased Gold Lever watch, full jewelled, with expansioa curb, heavy gold chain, cost 50 guineas in England.

nd will be gold under a guarantee for 75, if sppE ed for immediately, at Todd's suction room, 88 Fulton Ft. The owner being in ill health, sod wishes to return home. NOTARY PUBLIC R.J. TODD, Notary Public an Shipping Ago Office, 88 Fulton street. Bills of Exchango nm Notes protested Marine protests noted and ex.

tended Sailors' protections granted Crews amy ped, and all other business appertaining to his offiss done with correctness and despatch. j13 tf EXECUTORS' NOTICE In pursuance of an order of the Surrogate of the County of Kings, Notice is hereby given to all persons having claims against Maria Cortelvou. late of the town of New Utrecht, widow, deceased, to present the same, with the vouchers thereof, io James C. Church, at New Utrecht, on or before the 24th day of December next. Dated June 20.

1842. JAMES C. CHURCH, JAQUES B. WARD ELL, Lxecutors ic2l law2bw LlX tlCUTOR'S NOTICE. Pursuant to an or der of the Surrogate of the County of Kings, Notice is hereby given to all persons having claims against Henry R.

Mott, late of the City of Brook, lyn, deceased, to present the same, with the. vouchers thereof, to the subscriber, at his office. No. 3 Front street, in the city of Brooklyn, on or before the 20th dav of March next. Dated Sept.

16, 1842. law6m JOHN A. LOTTr Executor. CHANCERY Before the Vice ChanceUer. John J.

ight, Sec. vs. Lucretia Tousey and al. State of New York, ss. In pursuance of a decretal order of the Court of Chancery, made in the above entitled cause, by the Vice Chancellor of the First Circuit, will be sold at public suction, under the direction of the subscriber, one of the masters of said Court, by E.

H. Ludlow, auction, cer, at the Franklin House, in the City of Brook, lyn, on the sixth day of January, A. D. 1843, at one o'clock in the afternoon of that day Ail those four certain lots, pieces or parcels of land situate, lying and being in the City of Brook, lyn, County of Kings, known and distinguished on a certain map of the real estate of Ralph Patchcn, made by Lett, in the month of September, 1S25, as lots numbers 316, 317, 318 and 319, and together arc bounded as follows southwesterly in front by State street, northeasterly in the rear by lots Nos. 312, 313, 314 and 315 on said map, and southeasterly by lot No.

3X0 on said map said lots contain in breadth in front and rear each twenty five fet, and in length on each side ninety eight Icet. Dated New York, December 13th, 1842. PHILO T. RUGGLES, 2awts Master in Chancer. COKPOliATION NOTICE Vine street open.

ing from its present termination, at or near the westerly line of Capt. William Thompson's land, to Columbia street. A petition is now pending before the Mayor and Common Council of the City of Brooklyn, to opsn Vine street from its present tar. mination, at or near the westerly line of Capt. Wil.

liam Thompson's land, to Columbia street commencing at a point ninety nine feci from Poplar street, and Tunning from thence westerly and pa rallel with roplar street to Columbia street tho northerly line of said street to be thirty feet distant northerly thereirom. The Common Council have fixed the following district, within which the assessment shall be made. or beyond which it shall not extend, viz: fifty feet on each side of said street proposed to be opened, and the whoic length thereof. Rrmontitrances against the said opening must be presented to the Common Council on or before the lath day of next, as the samo will then be hnnliy acted noon, or as soon thereafter as eon. venient.

T. S. BARKELOO. St, Com'r. Brooklyn.

Nov. 16, 1842. nl6 law ClOKl'OKATtUN NOTICE Assessment Lists for Lamps and Lamp Posts on Douglass street from Smith to Court street and for Lamp Posts and Lamps on Dcgraw street, from Smith to Court street. The assessors having returned the Assessment Lists in the above entitled matters, Notice is here, by given that the same will be presented to tins Mayor aad Common Council, for confirmation at tticir regular meeting on Monday, December SotQt, 104a, or as soon thcrcaltcr as they can cenvenienaV act upon the same; the lists can until then, be ex. amincd at tho office of the Clerk of the Common Council.

Objections to said list (if any,) made in writing, and presented to the Common Council on or before that day. Dated Brooklyn, December 13th, 1843. A. U. STEVENS, Saw Clerk of Common Council.

CORPORATION NOTICE Sealed Proposal will be received at the Street Commissioner's Office until the 17th day of December 4 o'clock, P. for grading Fulton avenue, (ac cording to the profile thereof,) between Clintea avenue and the easterly side of the land of John Cowonlioven, and also between the westerly side of the land of the heirs of John Jackson and Fulton street or Jamaica turnpike, tho whole length of sidd grading to be covered with gravel one foot thick. T. S. BARKELOO, Street Com.

Brooklyn, Dec. 14, 1842. dl4 d4t CORPORATION NOTICE Sealed Proposal will be received at the Street Commissioner's Office until 'he 17lli day of December inst, at 4 o'clock P. for grading audi paving Cheeve place, from Degraw io Harrison street. T.


Ship Rhone, Havre brigs Southerner, Port Leon Billow, Port Leon Magnolia, St Thomas schr Adeline, Philadelphia. ARRIVED. Ship Anson, Barkman, 5 ds fm Charleston. Ship Saratoga, Russell, from New Orleans. 'Barque Lockwood, 15 ds fm St Thomas.

Brig Perry, Thompson, 5 ds fm Charleston. Brig Florida Blanco, 19 ds fm Honduras Br brig Zephyr, Hickman. 20 aVfin St Kitts. 'Schr SamI Coddington, 3 ds fm Virginia. Schr Oregon, 5 ds fin Richmond.

REMOVAL OF Tho Brovlclrai Cvafectionerr manufactory. ROCKWELL has removed his Confectionery Manufactory to No. 248 Adams street, in tho rear, where he will be happy to see his former customers, and as many new ones as may feel inclined to patronise him. He is manufacturing all kinds of CANDIES, which he can supply to dealers on the most favorable terms. Also, his celebrated COUGH CANDY, for coughs, colds, and all diseases leading to consumption.

Many testimonials can be produced in its fa. vor. J. ROCKWELL, 248 Adams street. Brooklyn, December 16.

1842. tf GRADING OF FULTON AVENUE. Pro. posals will be received by the subscribers, for the grading of Fulton Avenue, from Raymond street to Green Avenue. The street to be graded agreeably to the profiles established by the Common Council, and covered with gravel one foot thick.

HAMILTON JACKSON, WM. PETERS. AUCTION NOTICE R.J. TODD will con tinue the sale of 30 cases and packages of Toys and French and German Fancy Goods, suitable for the approaching holiday presents, in his sales room, 88 Fulton street, on THIS evening, Dec. 16, at early candlelight, and continue every evening until the whole are disposed of.

These sales will af ford a 6nc opportunity to ladies selecting such articles for Fairs, to storekeepers and the public generally, all of whom are respectfully invited to attend: CORPORATION NOTICE. In tho matters of application to the Mayor and Common Council of the City of Brooklyn in relation to the opening of the following streets, to wit Hoyt street, from Fulton avenue to Douglass street Columbia street, from Joralemon to State street Mill street, from Court to. Smith street Willow street, from Joralemon street to the westerly line of the land of George S. Howland Garden street, from Joralemon to State street. Notice is hereby given, that the report of the Commissioners of Estimate and Assessment in the above entitled matters was duly confirmed by the Supreme Court on the sixth day of December instant.

All persons who owe assessments over and above their awards in tho above entitled matters, may pay the said assessments, or the balances thereof over awards, to John S. Doughty, City Treasurer, on or before the 14th day of January, 1843. All assess ments or balances of assessments not so paid, will be collected by one of the City Collectors, with his fees thereon. T. S.

BARKELOO, Street Com. Brooklyn, Dec. 14, 1842. dl5 CORPORATION NOTICE Well and Pump northwest corner of Plymouth and Little st. A petition is now pending before the Mayor and Common Council of the City of Brooklyn, for a Well and Pump at the northwest corner of Ply.

mouth and Little streets. The Common Council have fited the district of assessment as follows, to wit: o.i both sides of Plymouth street from the corner of Little street to the corner of Jackson street, and on Little street on the west side from the corner of Water street to the corner of Marshall Btrect, and on the oast side from a point opposite the above mentioned corner of Water street to a point opposite the above mentioned corner of Marshall street. Remonstrances against the same must be presented to tho Common Council on or before the 9th day of January, 1843, as the same will then be finally acted upon, or as soon thereafter as convenient. In the meantime, estimates will be received for the well and pump. T.

S. BARKELOO, Street Com. Brooklyn, December 15. :842. dl5 FRENCH AND SPANISH LANGUAGES.

Mons. "BORDENAVE. respectfully informs the inhabitants of Brooklyn, that having recently removed from Hartford to this city, he is now prepared to continue giving instruction in the above languages in Schools, Families, or at his Office at the Mansion House. By his system of teaching, which is thorough and practical, much time is spared to the student otherwise engaged, bnt little study being required at home, and those anxious to learn to speak will bo able to put in immediate practice the knowledge he daily acquires. Those partially acquainted with the French, who would liko to study the Spanish language, will be taught through the medium of the French, and thus improve in both languages at the same time.

Pupils will be taught alone or in classes, at Mr. slBce. orat the Duoil's residence if preferred. Mons. B.

having for tho last ten ysars filled the piace oi renen ana Spanish Instructor in all the 3 1 1 1 1 ocuooiB oiiq I'ouegcs in me city of Harttord, he is kindly permitted to Rive tho following references Tho Faculty of Washington College John P. Brace, Principal of the Hartford Female Seminary. Mrs. C. D.

Young, Governess of the sami Miss I. Draper, Principal of the Hartford Young Ladies' Seminary. L. N. Tracy, Principal of the Hartford Grammar School.

T. L. Wright, Principal of the Pavilion Family School. Rev. Dr.

Hawes, Rev. T. H. Gallandet, H. Bar.

2d. He is also permitted to refer, in Brooklyn, to Rev. Dr. Cor, Rev. Dr.

Cutler, Rev. Dr. Spencer, Rev. Dr. Stone.

Mons. B. may bo seen at his residence, Mansion House, Hicks street. n22 Iw n29 lm NEW GAS STORE. JH ALSTEAD respectfully informs the citizens of Brooklyn that he will supply them with spirit GAS at the former low pricesalso attend to re pairing Lamps and furnishing glasses, by applying at tno out establishment ot rowell at Vining.

jno. 1U4 flilton street, Brooklyn. J9 lw UTTER KNIVES. A neat assortmont of Sterling Silver Butter Knives. Also, an ad.

Durable article of German Silver, after the best patterns, combining durability with economyFor sale oy win. ibb, jr. watoomaxer stflS and Silversmith, 79 Fulton it..

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