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The Brooklyn Daily Eagle from Brooklyn, New York • Page 2

The Brooklyn Daily Eagle from Brooklyn, New York • Page 2

Brooklyn, New York
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

MatmmmammmwmMBammaamtmBSBmMii mi dMaami PABK LEGISLATION. POLITIC AX GRFAT BARGAINS. BOARD OF EDlfflON. tee of No. 15, the school needed reorganization, and surely it was not for tbe Board to say that it would Srevont the Committee horn devising such reforms, as le Committee enf mated with tho direct management of tbe school might deem necessary.

Enough had been said to night to destroy tbe usefulness of tbe Principal in Ibis school, and be was eo much the friend of any teacher that ho was sorry the discussion had been allowed. If he were one of tbe Committee of No. 15, and the Board took tbo course of denying a request made in the interest of the school, ho could prove this mucb at least, thero wonld be a vacancy on that Committee. This much aelf repect domanaed from any member of the Board. The lady wbo has been named bas never said that Bhe would have the principal's place or nothing.

He bad been led to Bnpposo that the Board was willing to try the experiment of a female prtnei Eal. Ho assumed that It was committed to it. There ad been a great deal of foolish talk about the iuablli ty of women to educate tbe youthful mind, but his cx ecrlence was, that those wbo had succeeded cat In Ufo bad followed most implicitly the instruction of tho women ecb of ns held in most sacred remembrance. On a recent occasion be bad been classed among tbe "old fogeys" or this Board, bat in this matter be intended to be found among the most advanced in the line. He believed the inefficiency of onr teacborB II inefficiency existed was owing to the fact that no adequate reward was held out to them to make teaching a profession, and he proposed by this experiment to bold out something worthy a woman's ambition in tbe fact that they could attain to the highest position we had to give, if found competent.

Several gentlemen who hail spoken had done great iniustico to tho lady whose name had beeu needlessly Introduced here. She had been offered by a local committee a principalshlp of one of our new Bchools. In the interest of No. 15 and not on personal grounds the committee of No. 15 deBlred to retain her services.

This was tho true state of the case, and the lady bad pretended to make terms. Sne desired to advance herself and rle higher in her professionnothing more. Mr. Kinsella concluded by deprecating tde discussion of the qualification In public of men or women livirg by teaching, and urged the adoption ol resolution, that those delicate questions might be investigated, as they ought to bo, by a committee and in private. Mt.

Rhodes rose to speak, but Mr. Carroll was accorded the floor. He moved tbe previous question, on the ground that all Ihe big guns bad been heard, ard it was not worth while to fire off the little ones. The previous question waB seconded. Dr.Conkling's amendment was then put and carried, as also was tho original resolution as amendod.

The voto was 23 to 11. REORGANIZATION IN NO. 22. By Mr. Perry That it be referred to the Local Commiltee of No.

22, in connection with the Teachers Commit report what changes if any are necessary in tbe corps of teachers of said school. Carried. ENLARGEMENT OF SCHOOL NO. 25. By Mr.

Phelps Resolved, That $30,000 bo asked from the Joint Board of Aldermen aud Supervisors fcr the enlargement of Public School No. 25, and to be iLCludcd in the budget ol 1S03. Adopted. REMOVING TEACHERS. By Mr.

Willets. Resolved, That the term of appointment of all teachers, principals, and the public schools, shall hereafter terminate in each year with the closo of the summer vacation. Resolved, Tnat the local committees of the several public schools, In connection with the Teachers' Committee, proceed as soon as may be convenient to organize the working fores of eaid schools for tbo term commencing in September next. Mr. Thomas moved to lay the motion on the table.

The motion was lost by a tie vote 15 to 15. Dr. Conkling moved to make the mittcr tbo special order for the Jury meeting. Mr. Rhodes read tho section defining the power of Local Committees.

Mr. Carroll moved the previous question, which was oiderefl. The resolutions were then put and lojt the vote being 14 ayes to 18 nays. Ou motion the Board then adjourned. they had lost? Disputes growing out of the war will never die while the Federal Government aids 4n keeping them alive.

Universal amnesty is peace. After committing himself to these principles, it is almost unnecessary for Mr. Chase to say that he cannot act with the Radical party that he is opposed to their military dependencies; that they have no power to subject citizens in times of peace to the rigors of military law, and that he demands the immediate protection of the Constitution for each section alike. These are the great points in which MrJ Chase is on accord with the Democracy. Let us see the single point on which they are assumed to differ.

Mr. Chase is understood to favor manhood suffrage. In plainer language he thinks the negroes ought to be enfranchised. The Democracy hold that the question of regulating suffrage belongs to the States, and we are told that Mr. Chase admits that tho general government has no control over the question and that "the power rests in the States where it alone "should reside." This is sound Democratic doctrine, and we cannot take issue with those who advocate it whatever may be their individval views on State policy.

If the white citizens of Virginia in whom we hold the political power of the State is vested, see fit to permit negroes to vote under trifling restrictions, or without any, we hold it is not for the Democracy of New York to say that they shall not do so. The great issue at stake is this The Constitution is the highest law, and all who are willing to labor for the success of their views under that instrument can now ally themselves in opposition to the revolutionists in power. If Mr. Chase's views are correctly given, and if in the opinion of the representatives of the Democracy he is deemed to be the man upon the whole least objectionable to the conseivative masses who are now in a position to act together, the Democratic party can sustain him as a nnit and if they do, ho will be the next President of the United States. The Mar or Budgets Tho financial estimates presented by Mayor Kalbfleisch to the Joint Board on Monday, showing as they do, not only a considerable reduction upon the total annual expenditure, but a perceptible saving especially in those branches of the outlay which are directly under the control of the city government, prove that the Mayor's championship of economy is not a matter of mere lip service, but is earnestly and successfully earned out by him in practice, in the daily exercise of his responsible functions, How thankless and nnpleasant a task is that which the Mayor has undertaken, in order to effect a reduction of the city's burdens, it needs closo observation of public affairs to enable any one to realize.

Nothing but a high sense of duty and of the obligations of an official oath could reconcile a man of wealth and personal kindliness, who in his own private affairs is generous almost to a fault, to sit day after day scrutinizing petty bills against the city, detecting a twen ty doller over charge in one item, a Jspurious ffy dollar charge in another; refusing to certify tor payment of work improperly or incompletely executed enduring hourly the importunities of personal friends and political supporters, interceding to have some little fraud winked at or some petty imposition left unexposed. The Mayor has to stand alone in the gap, in many cases knowing that he is personally made scapegoat for other men of less sturdy courage; that things which ought to bo stopped long before they reach him are allowed to pass in other quarters, because the other departments, who perceive the wrongas clearly as he doss, console themselves by the reflection, that if they do not interpose the Mayor will, and the city will lose nothing by their neglect of duty, while the Mayor and not they, will earn the ill will of the baffled sharks. Thus it is that even from associates in the city government who sympathize with him in his wish to save the public money, the Mayor receives little aid in bearing the burden of antagonism and dislike which are en tailtd on all public men who resolutely interpose to save the Treasury from improper de. pletionj while from other departments, where the Mayor and the policy of honest administration which he embodies are alike detested, a constant series of obstacles are laid in his palh, and the choice is forced on him, a dozen times in every week, of offending a political or personal friend, or of allowing the Treasury to be more or less wronged. But the great discouragement which a municipal economist experiences, and to which the Mayor forcibly refers in his Message, is that while by unceasing vigilance he can save only a series of small amounts, makiDg in the aggregate a total of only a few tens of thousands in a year, there are many bodies appointed by name by the Legislature, placed beyond and above ail accountabiliiy to the lien of the city acquires by paying for these "improvements." Such is the work these Commissioners are about; but of the details of this work the people are suffered to know nothing.

Before the representatives of the people can spend five hundred dollars, the matter is publicly debated and every tax payer can learn what is going on, and may remonstrate or advise in person or by letter. But meanwhile any number of thousands of dollars are spent, which if the public heard of it they might object to, and prevent, by some two or three Commissioners, meeting over their wine at Burns's, or round a billiard table at Dean's, or wherever else it pleases these irresponsible gentlemen to resort when they play a round of their little game of making ducks and drakes of the city funds. It is now an old story, but it cannot bo told too often, and Mayor Kalbfleisch is entitled to the thanks of the tax payers for telling it so emphatically that all Acta which appoint individuals byname, to have secret, uncontrollable, irresponsible power to expend the money of the citizens of Brooklyn, are fraudulent conception and in essence, and are naturally extravagant and ruinous in execution. No man should be nominated for Assembly next fall but will unreservedly pledge himself to labor for bringing all such bodies under control of the local authorities, whom the people themselves can control in turn. Struck a Crag Tlie craft of Ben Butler, in its voyage in quest of evidence of improper inducements ha vine been held out to Senators to lead them to vote for President Johnson's acquittal, Btruck upon a crag.

Butler had seized the telegrams in the Washington office, and summoned before him and his committee parties who had been telegraphing to and from Washington. Among the witnesses thus brought before the Committee was a prominent Brooklyn politician, who was thus detained from his home, and his wife not unnaturally surmised that politics was the cause of his delay in returning. Consequently, when Butler one day, with the witnesses, and the other members of the committee, present before him, was solemnly reading aloud the contents of a huge stack of messages, and portentously meditating upon the words of each with a view to discover evidence of some latent treason or bribery, he hit upon something like the following, and before he could stop the motion of his foul tongue he disconcerted hiniself and threw the rest of the company into a paroxysm of laughter by reading "Why don't you come home? Has Beast Butler got hold of you, that you stay so long in Washington?" Topics of To day. In the famous Governor Eyre case, proceedings in which were resumed May 19, the Grand Jury has refused to Indict the accused on tbe evidence submitted by the prosecution. Tbe Governor was charged with complicity in, or neglect of dnty in falling to prevent, outrages in connection wllh the last insurrectionary movemoEt in Jamaica.

The glory of prize fighting, if it ever had any, Is passed away, and the manly art is fallina into profound disgrace. The heroes of the ring used to be ambitious to comeupto the scratch; but now it is ex licmcly difficult to get them there. A match for the championship is understood to mean a series of manceuvres and jocky tricks whereby a meeting may tie avoided. The friends of pugilist McCoolo eay that pugilist Coburn was within half a mile of the ring on the appointed day and that his party thenand there had hiin arrested. The Cincinnati Chief of Police Is said be prepared to swear that be was offered $1,000 by Coburn's friends to arrest McCooIe.

The British Government is going through the process of tardily closing the stable door. A Rryal Commleeion on theneii'rdllly laws ha" reported in favor of fronting power to detain ships believed to he of a belligerent character, of declaring the bnildmg, fitting out, or manning of such ship3 a misdemeanor, of preventing such ships entering a British port, and of returning their prizes if brought within British jurisdiction. In the Senate yesterday Trumbull reported with amendments tbe bill admitting North and South farolina. Louisiana, Georgia, Alabama, and Florida. Edmunds's resolution that the ten unreconstructed States shall not be counted in the Electoral College (or the choice of President, unless) at the tim designated for appointing Electors such States shall have a Con fctiVution ana Stale Government and representation in Congress, was referred.

Sherman's Currency bill was considered, and the Conrt of Claims and Deficiency bills were passed, fcfter which the Senate went into Ex. ecutive SesBlon and refused to confirm Mr. Stanbery a Attorney General. In the House Kelly presented a ncmotial charging Judge Richard BuEtced with incompetency and corruption. A resolution asking the President whether John C.

Breckinridge had received any assurances with a view of persuading him to return to this country was adopted. The Delanc Morgan Ohio, contested election case was considered. S.J. Bo wen, Republican, has oeen elected Mayor of Washington over the Democratic candidate by 7 1 majority in a vote of over 18,000. The Board of Aldetmen is equally divided politically and in the Council the Democrats have three majority.

A letter from one of the costly Abyssinian captiveB, to rescue whom England incurred much trouble and expense, but who, now they are saved, are perhaps surprised to find that they are not regarded as heroes fives srme interesting particulars of the last dajs of Theodore's reign and life. The King treated his native priBorjerB with much cruelty, ordering their wholesale butchery, and hacking some of then) to pieces with his own etword. The Cable an death of Theodore's widow whether fromgtief, by political assassination, or In the due course of nature, is not stated. Hon. Gulian C.

Verplanck, who addressed the New York Historical Society at its anniversary fifty years ago, hos been invited to deliver an address at its next anniversary. The latest literary work of tho velmn is a paper on David Garrick, which was read before the Society lat night. Lieutenant General Sherman, Governor Curtin, Mis. Frances Anne Kemble, and an Acidemy rull ol representatives of "the host families" of Philadelphia yesterday assisted at an entertainment for tho benefit of the Lincoln Institute for Soldiers' Orphans. The Lieutenant General and the Governor appeared as distinguished euestst, and tho social eclectics as opulent ticket purchasers, while Mrs.

Kemble filled the most difficult and prominent place in the programme as reader of A Midsummer Night's Dream." An orchestra was eDgaged and discoursed preliminarily, but Philadelphia being a provincial town the taBteful complement of Mendelssohn's delicious music was roruottcn an omission which conld hardly occur iu the city. A new and conspicuous newspaper building is No. 3 Park Place, New York, occupied yesterday by the Independent, Nation, and Home Journal. The regard to taste, comfort, and convenience which marks the arrangement and adornment of the editorial rot ms of the first named journal was fuily recognized by a numerous company of members of the press and received by Messrs. Tilton and Brown with generous hospila'ity.

Tbe Independent's ample and elegant offices are at once the! outgrowth and the proof of a poBiUvc business success. Peddlers were the practical, apples the promising, and strawberries tbe seasonable topics of the Fanner's Club yesterday. The strawberry interest grows in magnitude each year. Just now the development of tho fruit in this latitude is retarded by uncongenial cold and wet weather, but under a warmer Enn the crops harvested are satisfactory. Inproofof this it instated that one day's picking on a Virginia' firm recently produced 2,070 quarts, realizing $1,157, On another farm in tLc Bamo State and a Ilk time, 2,020 quarts, worth were secured.

The New York Fire Marshal's report, notes lie Bomcwhst remarkable fact that for fifteen days in Mfly no fire of consequence occurred. Tho deficiency was mode np in tbe balance of the month, which showd a record of burnings involving an aggregate loss of over $900,000. The cheery Dr. Harris finds compensatory cemfort for his grim, mortuary, statistical work in the leflection that tbe Metropolitan District is healthful compared with European ci ies. He says our death rate 22 In 1,000 in New York, and 16 in 1,000 In Brooklyn in 100 per cent, better than that or Vienna and other central continental communities.

This fact is an Important supplement to Mr, Donnelly's measures for the encouragement o( immigration. It is pleasant to know that a treaty has been concluded with the Ogallallae. It Is signed by tbiity six chiefs and warriors of Red Cloud's and other tribes. The document is also strongly supported by the names or seventeen Minnecoojons. Nothing is needed to its positive perfection but the hieroglyphics of the Chinese Embassadors.

The public will now wait wllh a curiosity, somewhat dulled by experimental Indulgence, to see how soon the omiablesavages will violate their compact. Treaty making and treaty breaking have always been the component Daits of our Indian Policy. The Government had belter recall our Peace Commissioners and recruit the army with men like TPnil Sherrldan's Sergeant Glass, who, with four comrades, fought, tie leated, routed, and put to ignominious flight, a force of 400 Ogallallae, or Mlnncconjons, or s. It report be reliable the Dunderberg is a humbug, and onr Government, which contracted for her building, and Mr. Webb, wbo built her, were very fortunate in having her taken off their hands by the French.

Napoleon bought her for his navy because be heard Prussia was negotiating for her. Alter the French had received their and recbrlstened her Rocbambean, tbey gradually discovered her weak points. It is said she has been substantially reconstructed at a coBt of over 800,000. Machinery, woodwork, and plating have been revised and improved, and even tbe anchors have peen changed. As the French originally paid 294,400 for ber, their bad bargain has cost them about five and a hall million dollars In gold.

The Atlantic Cable telegrams negotiating tbe purchase of tbe Dunderberg and Onondaga cost over $20,000 in gold. So that It is sot only our Government that sometimes pays extravagantly for doubtfu articles. One hundred dozen Bradley's Daplcx Bklrti at half tho usual prices. ALSO. Great reduction hi French Sewed and Woven Corsets.

Js w. a. contra. 2ii Fulton a. PABEBT'8 PBIZB PAINT.

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$. 5 A as per bottle, Pam.Palnt sold everywhere by Druggists, And tested free of cost, at Dr. WO LCOIT'S office. No. 170 Chatham square, N.


THIRTY TEAKS' EXPERIENCE, myll lmo OBNAM NTAIi HAIR, WIG3 313 FULTON STREET. Cameron Deverall, Hair Importers, would re tpectfull; Intimate that though the prices of long hair have largely advanced in the Enropeanmarkct4iaviS( a large stock on hand, they are enabled to still sell at tbe old reasonable prices. Every color and shale always on hand. 313 Fulton street. myasiBt FURNITURE FOR THE MILLION 1 REPAIRED, RECrnOLSTEHED, VARNISHED, THOROUQHLX RENOVATED.

SESD TOuLTbRDEUS TO JOHN B.PITT. 1'6 4118 Jay 1 1, near Sands t. Repairs sent for, and delivered. Jel GREAT CLOSING OUT SALE op SPRING AND SUMMER DRY GOODS, MANTLES AND SHAWLS. ABRAHAM, 2S5 Kullon street.

Will close out on Monday, Juno lit, 1363. their Immense stock of DRY GOODB, SHAWLS MANTLES. Comprising SILKS, FREKCH IRISH POPLINS, CHENE MIXTURES. CI.OTI7.B WASH POPLINS, ALPACAS, GRENADINES, LAWNS, PIQUES, CAMBRICS, AC. Also, tbelr complete stock or MANTLES, SUITS.

SHAWLS, REAL THREAD POINTS', 20 per cent lower tbn any offre this seiaoa. A CALL WILL CONVINCE. WECII8LKR ABRAHAM 2f5 Fullon Johnsoa myMJtSMiiW' PURE LINSEED OIL ROOF PA1NIB. Paints for ROOF PAINTING and other outside work. Prepsred with special refsr, ence to durability and economy.

Tlie attention ol nroperty ouoers Is called to this notice. tola at the GLOBK WHITE LEAD AND COLOR WORKS, 47 l'carl itreet, corner of Plymouth street, tnhtl 8m LKCAL, NOTICES. SUPREME COURT OF THE STATE New Yorfc, Couuiy of KlngB Andrew S. Wheelo and Nancy B. wheeler, h'ft wife, plaintiffs, agalns 4ary Meirlean and Ca harke Flood.

II livlnir. tho dovl sves ana telrs at law of the esld Cat'iarlne Klooi. If do whoRe names are unknown to the ants. Suu.monf for relief. (By Pub) (Com.

filed.) To the above named defendants and each of them: You are hereby summoned ana reiimrea uj answer the complaint In this action, which was fited In the OfUccoftho Clerk of the County of Kinrs, at the Court House, In theClty ol Brooklyn thc28th day of February, 1SGH, and to serve a copy ol your answer to the said complain on the subscribers, at their offlce, No. 375 Fulton street, Brooklyn, N.Y., within twenty clays aftor the aervlci or this sunmonB on you, exclusive of the day of snch tvi ice; and If you tall to answer tAc eaid complaint within th lime aforesaid, theplalntirfn in this action will apply to it court fo the relief demanded In the complaint February 13th. 1P68 A. W. E.

OSBORN.PIITs Alt'VS. fc291aw3mS 373 Fulton st Brooklyn, N.Y. IN BAM RUPTC ST EASTERN DIT. TRICT OF NEW YORK, as. At the Cltyof Brooklyn, the mti day of llay.

A. 1S63. The undersigned hereby elves notice of his appoint. mcnt as asslcnce of David Tt McCul'ouEh, ol the City of Brooklyn, In the Ceuntyf Kings and Statu of New York, within eaid has been adludKcd a bankrupt upon his own petition by the District Court of said District. myl5 law3wF CHARLES JONES, Asslenee.

IN BANKRUPTCY IN THE DISTRICT Cour orthe United Ptatte for tbe Eastern District, ot New York. Iu the matter ol Richard Pclton, Bankrupt. Notice Is hereby rrlvn that a petition has been tiled in said Court by Richard Pilloi. In said District, duly declared a bankrupt under tho Act of Con eressof March 2. 1B67, for a discharge aud certlOcate thereof from all his debts, and other claims nrovable under said Act, and that lb' mh day or Jnne.

1S5B, at 10 o'clock A. at tbe olllco ot David C. Wloslow, Register In Bankruptcy at No. 9 Court street, In the City of Brooklyn, Is assigned for the hearing of the rnme. whc.a and where all creditors who have proved their dehisced other persons In Interest may attend, and fchow cause If auy have, why the prayer or the eaid petition should not be rrranted.

Dated at Brt ohlyn.on the ltd day of June. ISfa. le3St SAMUEL T. JOKES. Clerk.

IN BANKRUPTCY IN THE DISTHIOT our ol the United StHtes for the Eastern District ot New York. In the matter of WiIIUb c. Heaton, ba krurvt. Notice Is erfhy glvrn that a petUlm has been ale 1 la esld Cou by Wlfllnm C.Heatoi.ln said District, 'uly dtclTed a bail nipt under th Actof Concress orSlarch 'I. IrrGT, for a rlichargc nd certificate thereof irom all his rt bp, nd cllitr c'lilms provable under said Ac', and that the 96th day rf Jure.

IKS, at 10 A at thee lure ot HltelbertS.MI Is, Itcpister In Bankruptcy, at No. HI AtobUpue llrett. In the City of Urooklya, la astUnerltor the Itearmt; of the same, when and where all creditors who have proved their dehte, and other persons In 'n'eriat may showcause if any tbey have, why tte pruyer crtht satd petition should not bn uranted. tnd that the 2nd and 3rd general of creditors will be htld at thesemeitmc and place Dated at Brooklyn, on ibcStd day of June. 'SSr.

JtS lawWSt SANt El.T. JONES, Clerk. SHERIFF'S SALE BY VIRTUE OF A writ crextctlllo Iffned out or the City Court of Brooklyn, u.e ftltected nd delivered, I will soil by Pub Ic Auction, nt No Fulton sircet, (Cole Murphy's) In HieCI yelBrcoHvn, on Ihe I t'll dsy ot Ju'y. lStts at 12 oVl. rk.

noon, ell ihe rtjrht, title and interest ulrch Anl nr tjulnri had on the ith day of May 1663 or at any tine thtre In whose lanis ihe same may tie, of, In and to, tint lot In the Fourth Ward, of the ttlty of Hroolf easterly pfde ol BarTicrtne street, heelnnln at a on said i ldc als'attt tiltv ne fjet north srtr lly iron, the Dorih east corcer of Itirtiertn street and T'f lmy sirec' rutiMue; ihsr ecesieily.p'.r.illel wltu stitc nf teet six itienee notfiwirdly, parallel with Baibcrtr.e street twenty live feet I ln tuce westvrsrdly pnr llcl ri Tlllnrv slreci llf tytlebt lei six lcchc, to the side of Bir bcrlLC B'rcet ttvei tj tlve feel tour Also, ail ibat lur.i.leee. or rrel of land sltu'e, lytnjt sn belru In tne Fourth Ward of the City of Brooklyn, ccrrmi nclt rr at a point on hundred nd twenty bx leet torttiWiird irjm 1 ill Ty rrre on a I ne piilrnl tilth s'reet and dislar.t 'nJ hundred ani seventy tec six Itrhes eutwaid therelrorp; rULntaK thenro r'hfcbrd atonr laid Ui.e pir.ile: with Jay seventh cne eh to land o'Jo'in tlionc east, ward alorir laud of Jo'in D'kenun tlilr'y elztit feel; lit nee south ard il'1 r.Kaltj with luy strett Ally feet and two inchfi a certain t.lley as Law ttnee plac: Hi 1 ce we'lwan! and said sltey and psrpliel wllh Tillrv i trt et nln teen feet: tiirpce again sonthwaid and psia lei with lay street twenty feet: and thtnrc apat.T westward parallel with Tlllarv street nineteen feet poi cf eirintilr. e. AI rvo c. rtln lota of land eltnate, lylrg and bclnir In the Fourth Ward cf tte Cfy of Brooklyn: tte first bealLr lc at a point on the easr wardty ride or Ine of Barberlnc etrc distant one hundred and fifty teen r.ortnerly rrom the ncrtue BB'erly corner oi Birbcrlae and Tlllary ftrrets; rui i Hience eatterly parallel with Tlllary itreet Dfty twofeet six Inches.

land or John V'sn Mcetrr: thetcc northerly nlone: said lind twer ty Qva fret to an alley VLown ss Lauiencc place; then fi westerly a.cng said Lawrence pUce.and parallel wllh Till try ptjcet.flf i wo If er ix clie to rltcasterly stdo of Bsr berlne street: and thence southwardly along the cast jr ly Inecl Barbrrtne tt'ect, twenty five feet totliepol beeini tnir. Ihe eccond be1nMntr. at a point distant three hnndied ur eighty feet and ur leches, eastward frcm Jay Etrc t. on a line parallel thPrewlth, and distant hloresaid line one husdr and cteh.y lwo feftsnd two luetic, northwar ircin Tlllary street, and which po'n the souihw'Slcru, corner of a brick lioure on the let hereby described; running thej ce east' rly and parallel wltn Tlllary stn et eighteen feet, to land lormerly of St nel thence norther ly alorrr ald land se pen teen feet nlnclschcs. tha 'C't I of a riirtltlnn wall, between the house on tha 1 it hereby described, and the adjoining house on the north; tt ence wt aterly along the said partition wall aud pnr il.

lei aealn with Tlllary street elphtcen feet to the front line of sale house on the said land hereby snd therce sontlerlv alnngsald and parallel Jay strett seventeen leet nine leches lo the point of bo r.tlng.aro the right of wav appurtenant thereto. jja'ru DiuuKiyu, oiav 1'ATttlnK CAMPBELL, Sheriff. TVTEW YORK SUPREME L'OURT, KING3 1st County Martin Kalbfluscb, azalnst Charles A. uercenisDh, ana others.

No. 2. In pursuance of a Judgment order of this Court, made in llie hnv pr.titlcd tlnn nn the dAV nf one ttotlsand clshl hundred and slxty' will he sold at public auction, by ind under lb dircctioa of the ua th Ceiiiraerr.ittl Exchange, number three and slity nine (2f9j Ku'tcn street, in ihe ty of on the 2C ih dsy of one thouaand eight LULdrcd and sixty Uht. at twelvo o'clock, the )rt Fsced pnmli' In said Judgment mentioned thEretn d' irrlbcd, as follows: A'l that rtaia r.lCe or parcel 'Hand, rhe buildings the: eoi, situ at, fie town of Nev Cruaty of Kliga, houn'cd as follows: Rctrirnlng at the rner made by the Int' rsect on the norttwesterly side of the Itrooklyn and Ja nalca Plui.l' road. nil westrrty side of ine nut! Cyoresp Hill P'ank road; thoocr running sixty degrees, filly five minutes, wtt two chains, thlrty slx end a quart links: thence north, twenty nine dezrees five niuulcs.

west fnnr cbsins and ilfty links: tiTlnkwiMii nfti.flv" inlniitci eitt two ch llP, it qifri t' links: ceere. 8. fonv bve minutes, aet four rh and dfty one Jlr ki, to th; place of be flunlng, cjntaming one riuporfl ini cuj c. Brcoslyn. May Hill if IlENItr J.

Htferee. McCnE. IIALL CttLLEN, PlfTs. Atty I. yl5 la6wF OUl'KEME COURT.

KINGS COUNTY. IkJ GenreeS Grl.ton, palntlff, against Wllllsni button, William II. Weeks, Gforce a. Bullard. James W.

Barker, and Joseph Perry, cefendants. Sutomonsfor relief. To the defendants, George A. Ballard and Joseph F. Yon are herebv summoned and reonfred to Answer the Otnnlatm In this action, of which a eonv la herewith served upon you.

ana to serve a copy or yoar answer to ine sbiu comnisini on rue euosrnneis, at tueir ouigc. Ko. IS Chamber! street. New York City, within twenty days after the service hetei of this summons on you. exclusive of tie day or such service: and If you fall to answer the said complatnt within tne time aforesaid the plaintiff In this action will apply to the Court for the relief demand' omplatnt.

Dated TOWNSEND MAHON. Pl'fl'i Atty s. Tne complaint in tne above otttled action was riled in the clDc. ofthe Clerk er tha County Klan. the Court Home, the City of Brooklyn, on the 2'tu day Aorll.

i. SS. rati la6F NY. SUPREME COURT JOHN F. Seymour against Norman Wji NonTox, I'la'ttlfTS Att'r.

In purtnsnca ef ajudgmcnt orJir of thl enrt In theabove entitled action, brartre dte theisth day of May. 1SC8, 1 will sell by public Tlcll'3 rcotrt, No.SSl Ftilion st (Colea; Mornbv it tha City of Brcollj on the nth day or Jone 18 8, 13 cloc. noon.ttefrlloailDgd.icrb'd und and premUes All thst c.rtsln lo or nam I o' land, situate, lying rd being In the Ttrtfi (late Ih Ward oi tha Cilv of R.osklyn. Conn of Kings and Sta'a of 'New York, bmcded and contilntng aa fol. lows Beginning on the southerly side ol FBClflcvrcet easier forty one feet eleven Inches from the soulheasteily corner of Pacific and Hord limits runnitg thence esitcrly along Pocinc strct twenty feet nine Inches; marine sontbetly and throazh tba centre of Party wal parsllcl wllh Bond street cue hnndr feet; running ihenca westerly ard psrsllrl with Pacinc reel twenty feet and nine li ct runn're ifcenc northerly and through tha centre nfa partv waif, parallel with Pond streo" oai hundred feft to tba place of beiicnlne.

Dated Brooklyn. Slav ilh PATIUCKAUP BELL, Sheriff. n.yl9awSwTn BANKRUPTCY EASTERN DISTRICT OK NEW YORK, ss. At tbe Cltj of Brooklyn, tbe V2lb day of May, a. 1663.

The undernamed hereby, gives notice or au aoptlnt ment as Assignee of Benrv J. Lane, of tbe Cut of Brooklyn, tn the County of Kings and Btats of New York, within said District, wbo hat been adjudged, a bankrupt on his own petition, by the District Court of said District. TtnjtSIwtwi? a test JONES. Assignee, tc Having recently published the names of the gentlemen appointed by the Supreme Court under the Acts for tho extension or Prospect Park, and the widening, Ac, of streets In the vicinity, It may not be out of place for us to set forth, as briefly as poastble, tbo substance or the legislation or 1868 in regard to the dutleB and powers of the Park Commissioners. THE COMMISSION ITS POWEES.

An Act of May 1st continues tbe.CommUaloneris who were then in efflce "or lour years after the expiration of their present term of office, and until others are appointed In their places; and from and after the passage of thin ftp.t. t.hA Hnvnr nf ltMAlrlim Dl C4 offlclo a Commissioner. Non residence, or three montns aDsence rrom meetings, shall vacate a seat In the Board. If tho Board becomes reduced below eight, vacancies up to that number may be filled by the Board by ballot. The Mayor, Comptroller, and City Clerk of Brooklyn are "required" to issuo city bonds iu such amount, not exceeding three millions in all, as the Park Commissioners direct.

The Joint Board of Aldermen and Supervisors of Brooklyn shall annually cause the amount determined" by the Park Commissioners to be needful for the maintenance of the Parks, not exceeding $100,000, to be levied on tho city. Tne Park Commissioners shall lay out, govern and malLtaln all the Parks in the city; they have power to "appoint such engineers, surveyors, clerks and other officers, and such police force as they may deem expedient, to prescribe and define their respective duties and anthoHt.V.nnrt in ft ftTlH retynlAtQ Iha fMnnanaatlnr. to be paid to the several persons so to be employed by STBEET WORKS. The Act of May 1st. gives the Park Commissioners authority to open, widen and grade the northerly side of Ninth avenue between Montgomery and Union streets, and bo much of Fiiteenth street as was extended to meet the Coney Island Road.

TheV mav erect fOnnlAinfl nnt nyilw In nmr Da! Kn upon the streets and avenues which bound or intersect the Parks may reflag the sidewalks of said streets and reset curb stones, shade trees, and lamp. puaiD iucreiu. By an Act of April 27th tho Kinon Onnnf ground is also placed under the exclusive charge of the Park Commissioners. An Act of May 9th enumerates Washington Park City Park, City Hall Park and Carroll Park, as the Parks under the Park Commissioners' control. PROSPECT PABK EXTENSION.

An Act of April 21 adds to ProBpeot Park between Ninth and Tenth avenues and Third and Fifteenth streets, and provides for the assessment of damages and compensation to the owners, bonds of the cily to be issued in payment. A PARK POUND. An Act of May 0 authorises the Park Commissioners to seize and lmnonnd anv cat Hp. nlmnr. memo goats, horses, geese or olher animals found running at large upon any 01 mo parKB in tne city; to fine the owner five dollars and expenses, and recover thn amount as they see fit.

CONEY ISLAND ROAD. An Act of May 15 authorises the Park Commissioners to widen Coney Island road by not exceeding forty feet in Ench manner as Ihey shall judge expedient, and to fix a district of assessment to defray the cost of compensating tbe patties whose land shall be taken, and the Coney Island Plank Road Company and to pay the expe nse of the improvement itself. The Park Commissioners are to appoint a collector of the assessments, who shall receive one per cent, on amounts brought to him within four weeks, and five per cent, on what he has to call for and the extra per centage shall be paid by tbe party assessed. Should the assessment not be paid, the property assessed may be sold for default under the existing city law, only that the Park Commissioners shall take the duties of the Common Council, and their appointees of the city officers, iu relation to ench Bale. THE NINTH WARD BOULEVARDS.

There is also an Act to widen portions or Sackett, Douelass and President streets." which provides that Sackett etreet, from Washington avenue easterly to the cily line, shall be widened to 210 feet, by adding 70 feet width on each side ol tho street as it now exists. President and Douglass streets are to bo widened, from New York avenue to the city line, to 100 feet each, by adding 15 feet on each side. On the other hand, Degraw street, easterly from New York avenue, is to be reduced to only 35 feet width, by taking ofl' 35 feet on the southerly side. So much, of Union street as lies easterly from No York avenue to the city line, is also to be narrowed to 85 ret, by taking off 35 feet on the northerly side. Then the act proceeds with the following remarkable Section 3.

No buildings or other erections porches, piazzas, fences, ionntalns and statuary shall remain or be at any time placed on any of the lots fronting upon cit her of tbe eaid streets so to be widened, wit Din 30 leet from tho line or sidea of the said stverol streets respectively. The intervening spaces of land on each side of the said several streets, shall be used for court yardB only, and may be planted with Hees and shinbbcry and otherwise ornamented at the discretion of the respeciivc owners or occupiers thereof: ard no building now stanaiug or that may bo hereafter erected on any lot fronting or to front ou either Union or Degraw streets, so narrowed, shall ever be used for any purpose other than a stable, carriage house, conservatory for plants, or greenhouse; but no livery or railway stable or cart houso shall at aay lime be erected or maintained upon any of the said lots. And at no time shall there be erected, established or carticd on in any manner whatever, upon any land to be affected by the said widenings or either of tbem, any slaughter house, tallow chandlery, furnace foundry, nail or other factory, or any manufactory for making starch, glue, varnish, vitriol, oil or gas, or for tanning, dressing, repairing or keeping skins, hides or leather, or any dlBtillery, brewery or sugar bakery, lime kiln, railway or other stablo or depot, or any other manufactory, trade, business, or calling wbich may be in ary wise dangerous, noxious, or offensive to the neighboring inhabitants. Tho Commissioners whose names were pnbllshed yesterday are to estimate the expense of the widen, ing, opening, and the damages sustained by property owners. Tho PafE Commissioners are to fix a dietiict of aesessmeut, and the Commissioners of eati male aio to apportion the expense according to the benefit derived by parties within the district so fixed by the Park Commissioners.

Among tho subjects to be passed upon by the Commissioners of estimate, is the damage, if any "to be sustained" by any person or persons by being oblied to build back from the line or sides of any of the said several streets, orrom being restricted in the use ol the lots fronting on said streets, as specified in the third secliou." In proceedings under the Act, relative to assessments, the Park Commissioners are substituted for the Common Counci', and the Commissioners of Estimate are vetted with the powers of the Board ot AsEestors. The city laws relating to levy and collcc tionof assessments are applied, but with these changes of personnel. The Park Commissioners may empliy Ench counsel, clerks', surveyors, and other agents, as, Iu their judgment, ma be required to carry out the Act. Thty may make use ol any of the maps belong ing to the local authorities. The Commissioners of Estimate ore to be paid $5 a day each.

The streets so changed ore to be laid out as the Park Commissioners direct, with such materials, and in such a manner as tbey deem best. Sackett Btreet ia to be graded wlthiu cne year from the confirmation of the Commissioners' report. Aftsr being thua improved the street shall be permanently placed under the control of tho Park Ccmmiesioncrs, as if it were a part of the Park and the expense of keeping it In order shall be levied on the whole cily, as is the fund for the maintenance of the Parks. The various Commissioners are as follows Park Commission S. T.

Stranahan (President) Walter S. Griffith (Secretary), A. A. Low, Isaac Van Anden, A. B.

Wm. Marshall. Sevmnnr T. rrn. ted, Stephen Haynes, James H.

Prentice, and Mavor Kalbflclscb, ex officio. Commissioners of Estimates and Assessments for tlie Extension of Prospect Park.tVLXAe, G. Bergen, donry v. oiwuiu, vruwioru u. omitn, and Edward K.

Scianton. Commissioners of Estimate and pt (lentand Douglass Streets John A. Ste jjuciir, uuu J.UUUJUB uiuel iiu For Sackett, Union and Degraw Streets. Samuel Booth, A.

P. Stephens, Nicholas Van Brum. Fifteenth Street. Silas Ludlam, Edgar M. Cullen Anthony P.

Campbell. Ninth Avenue. Silas Ludlam, Edgar M. Cullen. Bailey J.

Hathaway, Scbool Exercises at No. 8 Gymnastics, Calisthenics, Rending, and Declamation. The scholars in the higher classes of Public School No. 8, Middagh street, near Hicks, gave a series of exercises yesterday afternoon, in presence of a number of visitors, among whom were Judge ieenwood, MeESrs. Rhodes and Northup, of the Bord of Education, and a number of ladies.

Tho exercises were under the immediate superintendence of Mr. W. M. Jellifi'e. Principal of the school, and they consisted of light gymnastic and csllsthenic movements of ench a character as to have effect upon the muEclt of the chest, abdomen, and the diaphragm.

The inlroduclion of this new branch the schools, and the meiit thereof, is due to Mr. Jeiliffe, who has labored somewhat diligently, and been very successful in biB undertaking. Physically the exercises are excellent, and operate on the chest and thorax, so as to give a very tnpeiior vocalization in declamation, reading, and eingieg. The exercises yesterday gave a very good Illustration of the benefits derived from the practice ol the mode now in use at School No. 8, and the difference between the old monotonous reading by boys in school adozen years ago, and that given yesterday, waB finely illustrated by the pupils.

The value of tho light calisthenic exercises cannot be properly appreciated until the motions are once seen, and the results txperienced. The boys at the school yesterday showed much culture and possessed strength of voice in declaiming rarely observed in public scbool. Mr. Jeiliffe continued the exercises through a variety of movements in which many or the boys were perfect, and Ehowed in what manner and to what extent different movements operated upon different muscles. Tbe exercises closed with the recital of a war lyric by one of the pnpils, who really surprised ub.

He threw much Bpirit into the tale of "Fredcricstown, and Stone a'l Jackson," and claimed undivided attention. His articulation, emphaBls, and gestures were perfect, and the pathetic portions or the story were given with exceeding warmth of feeling. Mr. Jeiliffe is engaged busily In endeavoring to extend the system of training into tho schools generally and it is to be hoped be will succeed. 1 The Independent.

The editor and publisher of the Independent, a half and half religious, half and half political journal published in New York, invited its friends in general and advertizers in particular to take a friendly and unceremonious lunch of strawberries and cream with tho editor and publisher, nt their new office, No. 8 Park Place," ycfltor day afternoon frqm 12 to 3 o'clock. The place was well filled by a respectable crowd of people, who shook hands with the publisher and his clerks down stairs, shook hands with tbe half dozen editors np stairs, and then shook bands with each other in an adjoining room over a claret colored bowl of lemonade. Tho sell was a good one. Nino in every ten of the thirsty brethren longed for a touch of claret, and made truly loyal grimaces when they fonnd they trad been taken in.

The offices are very neatly furnished, very centrally located. Why isn't this a good time for all hands to turn over a new leaf and be cither one thing or the other? Even the Scripture says that one can not serve two masters at once. Republican General Committee. The regular monthly meeting of the Republican General Committee was held last evening, the President, Wm. H.Colt, in the chair, and a large attendance of members being 1Pwfcnt Tbe roll was called and the mnBks of tbe previous meeting were read and adopted, after which, Mr.

Bel. lows, Chairman ol the Executive Committee, offered a resolution authorizing that Committee to take steps for tho holding of a public ratification meeting at the Academy of Music to ratify the nominations of Grant and Colfax. Tbe resolution was adopted THE TWELFTH WARD difficulty next came up on a verbal report of Mr. Holt, one of tbe committee appointed to harmonize the interests of tbe conflicting factions in that Ward, and make a new enrollment of tho Radicals of the Ward: Mr. Holt reported that the committee had held several meetings, and were progressing quite favorably with the enrollment, and they expected to be able to enroll three hundred voters in the Ward from present appearances.

On motion the report was accepted, and rue committee were allowed one week longer to finish their report. At this juncture THE TREASURER'S REPORT was banded in and the Secretary was abont to read it. when Mr. Reeve, with an' authoritative gesture, stopped the reading, and'offercd a rosoluton that the Committee now go into exeentive session. Hon.

Samuel Maduox said be could see no sense or reason for the Committee going into executive scsstoo, unless the Committee were going to do something which they were ashamed or. A member suggested that there were several little pecuniary matters to be settled, which it was not proper should be published In the papers. Mr Maddox eaid Ibis Committee was supposed to act in tbe Interest of all the Republicans in the city, and he knew of no better way ofreaohlng them than by having all the proceedings ol the Committee published in the papers. He knew ol no act which the Committee was likely to do of which they need be ashamed, and when tbo Committee come to be ashamed of the public knowing its for one did not wish to be a member of it any longer. Mr.

Green differed Mr. Maddox. There werea great many things necessary to be done la the Committee which it would not be prooer for the public to know, and this was the case with alt bodies of this kind. After some further talk the motion win with. drawn, when Mr.

Bellows offered the following resolutions ENDORSING THE NOMINATIONS made by tbe liadical Convention at Chicago Resolved, That the action of the Na'ional Convention nT r.ha ltamihhpnn nurtv hi.Vrt at nhfnmn and tbe platforms of principles then adopted, mee wltn me nearty approval and endorsement of tlrs committee. Hesolved. That, in the nomination of Onn rirnnt. for President, we have a candidate in every reapect WUIIUJ ui luc luuiiucuu; ui luv puupic. rurungUOul, every trial, his unbending patriotism and wise discretion have proved In the daikest hours the saroty, and stienstb, and security of the Republic.

Ab iu war he has borne our bainers victoriously over every field, eo now, etipported by the loyal sentiment of the country, he will, when elected President or the' United ateB in November next, lead the whole country to a permanent ana righteous peace. Resolved, Tnat In the nomination of Schuyler Colfax we have a candidate whose whole public life bears testimony to bis honesty, fidelity, and wisdom in the management of public strains. Himself a noble example of the influence of Republican institutions, having achieved success by diligent and constantly earnest labr be is well calculated to roprescut the people of the nation; and should an inscrutable Providence remove, during the next Presidential term, the elected Chief MagiEtiate, we have every aesur nee that in Schuyler Coirnx we shall have a leader above treason, perfidy, and corrupiion, and one who will remain faithful to the end. Resolved, That a meeting of the Republicans of Kings County be held in thiB city at an early dJto for tbe ratification ol the action ofthe Republican National Convention lately held at Chicago, and that the whole matter be referred to the "Executive Com mi'tee, with power. Brier speeencs in snpport oi ttie resolu'ions were made by Messrs.

Volney Green, W. U. Oakey, W. H. Burlelgb, and Mr.

Dutchcr, after which the resolutions were adopted unanimously On motion orMr. Knyon, Dngh Allen was appointed to fill a vacatcy in the Sixth Ward delegation. The lollowlner gentlemen were proposed to fill vacancies In the delegations Irorri the Eighth and Ninth Wards, canted by the division of these Wards: Ninth Ward A. G. Williams, C.

W. L. Morrow, H. H. Lyon, and A.

Creigbtou. Eighth Ward H. N. Cadmus, H.N. Mcstiney, W.

L. Connet, J. Adams, H. Bcim. On motion, the matter was referred to the Committee on Orcanizatkn.

after which tho meeting nd jcurned. Democratic General Committee. This Committee met last evening, Mr James Craig in the chair, and Mr. George G. Her1 man, Secretary.

Among the members present were" Hon. Tunis G. Bergen, Corporation Council McCrte' Assemblyman Heady, Mr. John G. Schumaker and' others of the M.S.

P. The total number of mcai bers present was below tho average, there ociUj; Ies than forty attending. THE COMMITTEES. The Chairman stated that ho had prepared the list of Committees for the ensuing year, but iu view of the audition lately made to the Committee ol two members from each ward and town, he tbongbf, and so old othe with whom he had conierred, that it would be well to Increase the number whom the bye laws provided should constitute some of the Committees. Mr.

H. Cnllen, moved that article 11 of tho bye laws be amended so as to allow of the Naturalization Committee consisting of two members from each ward and instead of one; that article 12 be amended so that the Executive Committee should con tltt of eleven members instead of five; and that Article 13 be amended so that tbe Finance Committee should consist ol eleven members instead of nine. Mr. Herman seconded the motion was adopted unanimously. Tho Chair then read the following list of commit tees Executive Tunis G.

Bergen, New Utrecht, Henry W. Slocum, Twentieth Wara, Hugh McLauzhlln, Fourth, Henry M. Bearnes, Nineteenth, James Murphy, Fcurteeeih, Henry J. Cullen, Tnird, James Corboy, Twelfth, George L. Fox, Thirteenth, Robert Furey, Fifth, James McCauley, Tenth, Patrick Tor mfy.

Tenth. Finance Timothy Desmond, Twontieth, Seymour L. Hn tec, Twentieth. S. Maf fey, Third, Alex.

McCue, Tenth, W. A. Fowler, Third, F. G. Quevedo.

FlutouiU, Z. Voorhies, Nineteenth, J. J. Howell, Jr. Eleventh, Chas.

B.Elliott, Seventeenth, Jacob I. Bergen, Tenth E. A. Kollimver, Fourth. Auditing E.

J. Lowher, 3d, Walter L. Livingston' 19ih, Andrew Cnnnirgham, 15th. Printing Georee G. Heiman, Oib, H.

McLaughlin, 2d, H. P. Whitney, 1st, Calvin E. Pratt, "lib, Michael J. Allen, 1st.

NATURALIZATION. First Ward Owen Banovan. Conolly Itoddy. Second Ward James A. Duffy, John Sbeapni.

Third Waio W. A. Fowler, H. J. Cullen, Jr.

Fourth Ward W. H. Powell, E. A. Kollmjor.

Filth Ward Andiew WuIbo, John I'yburn. Sixth Ward Charles O'Neil, Thomas Nevins. Seventh Ward John Powell, John Graham. Eighth Ward John Delmer, A. Carty.

Niulh Ware Frederick Vrooman, James E. Gray. Tenth Ward ernes McCauley, Patrick Tornny. Eleventh Ward Thomas Mirtin. William Ljnch.

Twelfth Ward Thomas Foran, James Corbuy. Thirteenth Ward W. A. Murphy, J. Wlllett.

Fourteenth Ward Daniel Smith, Phllio rJrady. Fifteenth Ward P. H. Inuis, Arthur O'Brien. Slxtetnth Ward Bernard Have Chas.

Kiehl. Seventeenth Ward F. Peterson, W. Yonng. Eighteenth Ward F.

W. KalbfleiEcii, C. H. Atwa ter. Nineteenth Ward W.

L. Livingston, Henry Seller. Twentieth Ward Timothy Desmond, Patrick Do lan. Flatbush F. G.

Quevedo, W. E. Murphy. Flutlands James F. Cooper, H.

Forbell Giavctenc S. I. Voorhces, Jsmes Edwards. New Lois J. C.

Scbcnck, F. Luuzcr, senior. New Utrecht C. Fereusou. John Furman Mr.

Heimau moved that the Executive Committee be lnetrnctcd to place a transparency iu front ofthe Committee rooms, with the names of the National Democratic nominees for President and Vict Prasi dent placed thereon as soou as the nominations shjuld have been made. This motion was adopted, and the Committee ad jouincti. Cliief Justice Cbasc's Political Views. A Washington correspondent of the Herald publishes the following statement of tbe views of Chief Justice Chase on tbe political questions now pending. The facts given seem to be published with tbe assent of Mr.

Chase: The Chief Justice declares that he is not a candidate for the Presidential nomination; he does not seek it ana aoes not wane it. tie ia gratetui to ms mends and the people for their recent manifestations of respect and confidence in the use of his name for that high office, but hie position and inclinations would not admit of bis accepting it excepting the nation was in the utmost peril. And under no circumstances would he assume snch a responsibility at the saciifice of bis honest convictions. The Chiel Justice Irankly admitB that the Radical party and himself differ widely in their views and 68 parties are now organized he is for the Democratic party. He differs from ibem only upon one point that of universal manhood suffrage.

He is agreed with tbem on all of the other great issues. Incidentally he remarked if he were elected by that party to the Presidency, while he would certainly carry out their policy faithfully, he would labor to route the party one ot permanent usefulness, noon the broad ground of nationality and progress. The Chief Justice would remove the political disabilities ltr posed on the people of the South by the fourteenth amendment. But as those States as now organized will undoubtedly ratify it, he proposes a general amnesty as a mode of relief and also as an act which would tend towards the reconciliation of the two sections. Furthermore he regards this as absolutely necessary, as the provisions ol Iha.

amendment exclude thousands from Office, holh under the eovernment and tbeJStatcs, and this wilt lead to com pnCnliODS which should be avoided. In the opinion ol tbo Chief Justice the deplorable condition or tt Southern Slates demands not only the proper ccneideration ot Concress, but aUo material aid Irom the general government. The war has been endid for three year's and ihOEe States should be in practical relalienB with tbe government. There is no constitutional authority to hold them Iu subjugation, and If there were It would be alike unwise aud unjust. De favored the enf.anchteimint cf every white man in tbo South and removing tbe political c'isablHltes of every man in the He thinks ircedra and manhood suffrage should bean unquestioned risht.but he controverts me idea that any other rower the Slates themselves can confer it.

Ho holds that the general government has no control over the question and that the power rests in the where alone it should rcEide. Sir. Chafe urges thai the most liberal aid should be extended to the South in improving their railroad and also tbelr naviusble rivers. He thinks aid should be given to repair the levees on th Mississippi, build new ones wherever they are required, even from Cairo to the Gulf. That the millions of acrtB of land which would bo reclaimed in the valley ol tte Misslssjppi by a judicious levee system would qcadruple the procuclng powers of that seclon and ado concspondingly to the wealth and prosperity of the country.

Mr. Chase strenuously urges the early return to specie payments. He believes it could be' done without damage to any interests, and In a comparatively short peiiod of time it would not mailer whether the bondB were paid in ercenbacks or cold, as tbe public credit would be re established and greenbacks be worlb par value. Mr. Ch se condemned in strong terms the trial of citizenB bv military commissions in time of peace.

He regards it as an arrogant aeaamptiou of power most. dangeiouB to the country and thinks it should not be tolerated. The Chiel Justice made no reference whatever to the McArdlc case, but his opinion, as recorded in the celebrated Milllgan case, aamlls of no doubts as to what they are. Mr. Chase expressed tbe hope that if Mr.

Johnson should reorganize his Cabinet be would appoint a roper proportion of its members from tbe southern tates. In the course of bis conversation be deprecated the course of Concress, especially of the House of Retire Bcntativcs. He contiders their assaults on the judiciary andlotber legislative acts unwise, and calculated to arouse tt dirtruet and embitter the animosities between the different sections. In reply to a question Mr. Chase said the pardoning power was certainly a constitutional perogotlvc of the PreEldcnt, and'CongresB had no power to abridge it.

The Bihstol Line. We have frequently spoken ol tbe expert Bteamers of the Bristol Line, and of the tare elegance and finish with which they are furnished. Now that the fare has been reduced to tbe pitiful sum of one dollar through to Boston the boats are packed, tbe Bristol having brought to Now York over 1,600 passengers on a recent trip. Competition is healthy in all trades tbey eay, and if we may judge by that rule, the Boston trado must bo ons of tbe healthiest in tho world. The round globe cannot furnish mates for the Bristol and Providence they arc simply ne plus ultra in the line of BuccesBtul ship building.

Tbe Last of tbe Free Book Question Reports of Committees Public Scbool So. 15 again Shall It be He organized Personalities In) tbe Board Tbe Question or Removing Teachers. Tho Board of Education met at their depot In Red Hook Lane yesterday afternoon, the President, Dr. Thome in the Chair. Tne minutes ofthe five meetings held in the month of May were read.

Mr.Seabniy moved that eo mnch or the minutes as refers to Free Books be laid upon tbe table. Mr. Carey did not see such a course would have anv effect, Mr. Frotbicgham asked if snch a motion was In order. The President thought the motion was out of order.

The minutes were then approved. Mr. Northup reported that tbe resolutions of Cyrus P. Smith, resignation of the Presidency ol the Board, had been properly engrossed and presented to that gentleman. A letter in recognition ot the same was read from the ex President, in which Mr.

Smith reviews the rise and progress of the public schools, and thanks the Board lor their kindness. On motion or Mr. Northup the letter was accepted and ordered to bo placed in full upon the minutes. REPORT OF TEACHERS' COMMITTEE. Mr.

Whltlock, ofthe Teachers' Committee, presented the following report RESIGNATIONS. School No. 0, Miss Verplank, April 30 PrimaiyNo.ii, Richmond, Mayl School No. Beck, "i 25, Dewey, Junoi PROMOTIONS. School No.

10, Miss Dana, first assistant female department, to second grade grammar. School No. 10, MIsb Ward, to second grade grammar. School No. 10, Miss Mixer, to fouttb erade grammar.

School No. 13, MIbs Smith, to 4th grade primary. May 1 Clark, 5ih 16 Crown, 6th grammar, Lomb, 11 2d primary. Wilcox, 3d Abrams, 1th Young, 6th Black, 0th 19 Wallace, 3d grammar 15 Valentine, 4th Johnson, 0th Holler, 6th JIcCllnchey.Bth" Motiarty SI piimary Chevy, 3d Krugler, 3d Wilkinson, 4th" Sembler, 5th Jones, 5th APPOINTMENTS. No.

6. Mrs. Colby to fith grade Malo Grammar Department, April 22d. No. (I.

Miss Richards to Dtb grade Primary Department, May 1st. Primary Miss Patrick to 0th grade Primary Department, May 1st. Primary Miss J. L. Mitchell to 0th grade Primary Department, May 1st.

No. 10. Miss L. Wilson vice Mies Mixer promoted May 1st. Primary 6.

Mies L. Whitney to 1st grade Primary May let No. 13. Mr. W.

N. Reid to be Principal, May 4th. Primary 1. Miss H. S.

Brandan to 0th gracjo Female Department, "May 1st. No 19. itlss H. Jones to 6th grade Primary, May ltV h. The report was accepted and adopted.

ItErOBT OF FINANCE COMMITTEE. Mr. Burr, ofthe Finance Committee, presented tho followiug report: Tho Finance Committee report that they have examined ard naesed lor uawuent all the lillin mfprmA to them at the last meeting of the Board amounting to fSjai.W. Details can be eeen by reicience to tho auditing book. J.

S. Buehi. The report was accepted anj adopted. ALLERATIONS IN COMMITTEES. Mr.

NcrthuD moved to take from the Inbin thi mo tion providing for the addition of two members to the warming and ventilating committee. The motion was taken Irom the table and rear firmed. Mr. Northup moved to take from the table the motion which provided for ihe establishment of a Committee on Printirg. The same course was adopted as with the other motion.

PROPOSED ADDITION TO THE BUDGET. Mr. Frothmu'liani offered the following resolution: That it be refeired to the Financo Committee to confer with the Joint Board with a view to havo tbe sum of introduced into the (ax levy for the erection of a school to ro'ieve No. 0. In support ol this motion Mr.

F. said he thought that the budget of the Board had gone to the Mayor in an unfinished condition, it never having been adopted as a whole. No district wanted relief more than No. they were now hiring a basement of a church at $1,000 a year, from which they might be turned out at any ttme. Mr.

Carey understood that it was originally intended to buila a school to relieve Nos. 0 and 8. Mr. ThomaB staled that tin site proposed conM not be nsed until May, 1S09, as it was covered with buildings. Mr.

Seabury hoped not another dollar would be added to the htidnet and that no one ought to try to do so. The Finance Committee sent word to every Lccal Committee asking them to state the amounts wanted for their school, and No. 0 made no application. Mr. FrothlDgltam replied that the amount was not submitted to the Finance Committee, because it was nncerstcod that it was already introduced into tho budget.

The budge', as he understood it, was not cloted as ntiemen were prevented from olscuss inn it hy the calamity of no quorum. The niction was put and adopted. NUMBER FIFTEEN AGAIN. Mr. Howe offered the following resolution: "That tbe Local Committee of No.

15, in connection tbe Superintendent and Teachers' be and aie hereby authorized to reorganize tbe working lorco ol said school after tbe closing ot the present term. Mr. Seabnry wished t3 know what was meant by reorganization. Mr. Picrson The purpose contemplated 1b the reorganization of No.

15, by dispensing with the present Principal at the close of the present term. Ths Local Co mmittee put tbe resolution in this form in order that tbiB may be done in tbe manner most pleasant to the party and most advantageous to tne scbool. Teachers are appointed without limitation to their teim of office ana if In connection with the Superintendent tho Scbool Committee desire to remove a teacher they have to listen to public accusations. We believe a change should be male; aLd we tave been delicate in speaking of it to tbe Principal, and we wish to be delicate here. We only wish to eay, without saying anything derogatory to the eeotlcmau's character or ability, that It is a matter for the good of the tchosl that a change should bo mode.

I assume that it must follow thai those who have charge of the school by the appointment of the President, know best, the connection between tne children and teachers, and hen they ask fur a chanse I think it will be bard if the Board cannot put confidence in iheir judgment. Mr. Stearns supported the resolution. He had brought a resolution before the Board providlug that the term cf office of all teachers should expire at the end of summer vacation, and It had been summartlv laid upon the table. He thought It agrave mistako to appoint teachers for life.

Mr ThomaB raid the Principal was giving great eatisfaclien. lie knew the people of the District "well. better than hiscolleagneSjUeiiherol whom lived within a mile ana a nan oi me school rue idea was to turu Mr. Gilcout and put Mrs. Duuklcy at tho head of the tchonl, without having any charges to make against lot nucipui.

Dr. Conkllnfr offered as an amendment to Mr. Rowo's resolution That it be rclcrred to theLocul ol No. 15 iu connection wllh the Teachers' CoinwitH to report what changes it any are neccesary in the corns of teachers of mid school. Mr.

FieldB thought it was time to put a stop to tho idea of cxD' timcut in our public scbooir: it was too bad mat eveiy ore who got a wbimin his head should try it upon tne system or coucuuon, toe teacoiog ot youtn had everywhere been placed in tbe hams of male piincipuis, and wny enouiti ine experiment of placin the delicate macbiocrv of the human mind under th control of woman be tried in Brooklyn He tuought it a pity to allow nuy womau to educite lads how to flshc with men in the purButt alter their daily bread. No woman could give a commercial coucailon fitted lor these times ot competition. A member rose to a point of order, and wished to know if the resolution had to do with lemale principals. Ihe President ruled the gentleman in order. Mr.

Fields said ho was speaking to that amendment. Mr. Stearns tbnugbt be was not. Mr. Thomas The idea is to put Mr.

Gile out aud place Mrs. Dunkley In tbo position of Principal. Mr. Fields continned speaking. Mr.

Hunter hoped no person's character would be discussed, be asked the President's The President stated that it was not right to introduce names into tbe discussion. Mr. Fields said the resolution was a very adroitly worded one, but the Board knew wtat it meant. He knew nothing of Mr. Gile's ability.

The speaker went on to discuss wbat bad been said of Mr. Que and what he thought of him, when Mr. Kinsella rose to a point ol order, he considered tbe Board Room no place for the tiltcussion of personal chancier or flinesB of teachers. The resolution refers the mat er to ihe proper commiltee, where personal matters could be more fully discussed, aud he could see no reason for the present oiseiuslon. It was not called for by theterms ofthe resolution.

The President ruled Mr. Fields In order. Mr. Corey asked If the gentleman was speaking of tbe amendment which be.bat seconded. Mr.

Field (continuing) I am not tbe first or sn ondwbobas mentioned the Principal's name. Ho understood Mr. Gile was a well educated man, and that arcther excellent teacher had told the Local Committee that she must be Principal or Bhe Bhould leave. Mr. Picrson rose to order The gentleman is not speaking of the resolution, ard he must not mike Btntcmcnts as to thenclion of tee Local Comniitteo withcut inquiring of that Committee whether his statements arc tiue.

Mr. Fitlc's repeated his statement. Mr. Piirron eaid that Mr. Fields was mistaken.

Aa to the change of Principal, It goon time come bffore the Beard frcm ihe Teachers Committee. He had said he felt it ncccssaiy that there should be a char ge cf Principal; but It is not on the ground of losinc mrs. iiunKiey, nowever mncn we mtgut diplore her loss. Mr. Fields accented the callinsr to order: but.

Btill Ibrngbt there was to be au experiment tried. Ha wanti Mr. Gile to have a fair show he refused to uc cepx the dicta of lue Local Committee hat is tho position he lokcE be his been asked to resign and ro mtes lo do so. The Board sbunld ascertain If the re commendaticn to resign Is just. Mr.

Northup believed tbo Board could dolcgate power to committees and ccnld deleoate to the teachers and social committees tho matter of teachers. Teach ers were not appointed for lire aod the Board hid a right to fiive the power of reorganizing a school lo tbo Teachers' Committee. He gala it was no experiment to place women tne position ci educators. Thiy wero0 now and the DrlociDals iaet walked round and saw that things were going along all right; the principal was too olten only tbe wbippin. instrument ol tbe school.

He hoped the original resolution would prevail. Mr. Stearns replied to Mr, Northup, denying that tbe pilncipalB were merf whipping instruments. jur. itewetnougni mr.iiiie aiiugemer incompetent as Principal of No.

15, and that tne scbool would certainly suffer so long as he remained In it. Mr. Caswell eaid that so lar as competency was con cirned no resolution waB necessary for tbe removal ot a teacher, as, if any teacher was Incomps tent, the Su petincndent bad the power oftaklng away bis certificate, and then he could neither tract1 nor receive a dol larof the moseys ofthe Board. Hedid nolbeltcveiu adopting bo loose a resolution aB that offered. Mr.

Picrson contended that tbe Committee of No. ,15 had not asked anything anu'ual. He did not know Mr. Gile bad refused to resign and bad thrown himself upon the Board, be certainly bad never told him (Mr. anything of the sort.

The speaker protested apatnft getting np a public feeling in the matter, which would lead to contact of opinion; all that he had to say was tbit the school wanted a new principal. Mr. Gile was a man to whom he would do no wrong, but it was not tho first time a man bad been fonnd in the wrong place. He believed that if the power asked were elven tec Committee would eo act with kindneg', but firmness, that he (Gile) would nt osse resign. Mr.

Thomas asked Mr. Picrson ir ho did not tell Mr. Gile Ibat he wished to have a remale in No. 15; if he did not Bay ibat, tbey bad no comp'atnts against bim(GUe), but tost Mrj. Dunkley would resign li she was not made Principal.

Mr. Flerson asked if Mr. Thomas was present at tho conversation. Mr. Thomas No, but Mr.

Gile told mo this. Mr. Fields wanted to know what the special trottblo was in No. 15 which made it necessary to have a yearly chance in its Principal. It cad had five in seven eats.

Mr. Kinsella thought that such a discussion as that which bad occupied tbe Buard should, not have been permitted, and bo had hoped that tho President on bis point of order would have stopped all remarks baying to do with personal character or tbe com patency of teachers. If such discussions were to be allowed here, tbe gentlemen of the press should be excluded as enough mlgbt be said lo rain a teacher, and prevent blm or her from ever obtaining iha position or a teacher again. In the opinion of tho Local Commit WEDNESDAY EVENING, JUNE 3. Xbls paper bas tlie Largest Circulation or any Evening paper pnbllsbed In tne Vastest States.

Its value as an AdverUs iue medium is therefore apparent. Chief Justice Chase and the Democracy. The fact that the representatives of the Democratic party, who will meet in New York on the Fourth of July, to select a candidate for the Presidency are concededly in a position to take up any man who is most likely to De successful and whose success will save the country from misrule, which all candid men admit and deplore, is claimed by the Radicals to be an evidence of conscious weakness on the part of their opponents. They assure us that the Democracy are afraid to nominate a distinctive party candidate they claim that no party can stand up forever against defeats, and hold that it the Democrats are beaten this time their opponents will so thoroughly Batisfy the country by experience of the wisdom of the experiments which the Democrats now oppose, that they will never again be Benously contested by any party. In view of the fact that the Radicals themselves have selected as a candidate a man who never pretended to agree with them in politics until the promise ot their nomination was held out to him, and who is even now unwilling to say a word which might be construed into an endorsement of the manner in which they have administered the Government lor the past four years, it requires a great deal of effrontery in those men to charge the Democracy with being guided in the selection of their candidate solely by the question of availa bilily." "Whatever may be the shortcominss of the Democratic party, its worst friends have never accused it of cowardice.

The political organization, which under different names has opposed it almost from the inauguration of the Federal Government to the present hour, has been willing at all times to join hands with the advocates of every fleeting "ism" which has taken a hold of the popular mind. The Democracy risked defeat again and again in the vindication of personalfrcedom as opposed to Maine la tr ism, in maintaining the rights of the adopted citizens, as against a bastard American sentiment styled "Enow Nothingism," in uphold diug the compact between the States, when attacked under the specious disguise of philanthropy, by those who desired to assail negro servitude at the risk of civil war and ever the ruins of the Constitution. We are satisfied that if party attachment alone were considered, nine Democrats in ten would prefer to nominate a distinct party candidate in July next, and leave it to the country to elect him, or accept a continuance of the blundering folly which can be checked only by the success of the Democratic candidate. Defeat under such circumstances has no terrors for the Democracy. They believe that this government can be administered successfully only under the guidance of Democratic policy, and as a party, the Democracy can better afford than the people to await the addition of four years more to the sad experience of the immediate past.

A peculiar responsibility rests upon the Democratic paity at this time. Through its organization, if at all, the Radical revolution now in progress can be peacefully arrested. Its former opponents who are weary of the rule of the party in power concede this. Tens of thousands of them are willing to act with us to save our form of government from threatened destruction. They ask that the way over to our side shall be made easy, and that the change shall involve no dishonor.

Courageous as the Democratic party is, it has nor, the courage to refuse a stipulation which every patriotic impulse favors. Something more is at stake in the impending contest than a mere party policy. We are about to determine whether this is or is not a Constitutional Government. If the Radicals are right the will of the party in a majority for the time being is the highest law, and the cons ation of its interest, under allcircum standes, is the highest public duty. If this be the.

theory of our Government there is no escape from the rule of a party which secures an accidental majority, while it claims the right to consolidate its power by 'any and every means, except through revolution and by force. If the opponents of the Democracy were satisfied with seeking to carry out their views under the fundamental law, we could well afford to contest supremacy with them inside party lines. But the Democratic party does not hope to survive the Constitution, and patriotism, interest and policy alike demand that in the contest for its preservation every man who is willing to accept the Constitution a3 a platform content to seek, for the success of his peculiar views uuder it and through it shall stand side by side and shoulder to shoulder in the impending struggle. Impressed by these convictions, the Eagle Beveral weeks ago published anarticle favoring the nomination of Gen. John A.

Dix for the Presidency, on the sole ground that in his nomination those who had taken issue with the Democracy on the slavery question or during the war, might have a guarantee of the fact that on all hands the differences which had grown our of these issues were no longer accepted as tests of parly fidelity. It is almost unnecessary to Bay that we were led to name Gen. Dix not because we profess any especial personal attachment to the man. We desired simply in his nomination to illustrate a policy we desired to adopt, and it affords us peculiar pleasure to say that within the few weeks that has transpired the Democratic party has come up to and beyond what seemed to many good friends the extreme ground taken by the Eagle. Chief Justice Chase's name has been frequently mentioned in connection with the Democratic nomination since the opening of the trial which was expected to terminate in the expulsion of the Chief Magistrate from office by a partisan vote of Congress.

He is a conspicuous representative of the class of men who saw fit to take issue with the Democratic party in its method of dealing with the problem of negro slavery the only question on which it had not carried with it the sympathy of the people of both sections. Whether in view of the consequence which. ensued from the enforcement of a different policy from that the Democrats favored, men like Mr. Chase would try it if the opportunity were given them of living iheir lives over again, it is not worth while discussing now. The question is settled, and the settlement is accepted.

The question now is, has the time arrived when men like Mr. Chase can come back to the party of their first love, and labor for the ascendency ot principles in which they believe, and which the Democracy alone uphold In another column we publish what is, we believe fairly, claimed to be an authoritative expression of the views of Chief Justice Chase on the great questions soon to be submitted to the udgment of the Court of last resort tbe people. If this declaration of principles is correct, Chief Justice Chase is in all essential points in sympathy with the Democratic party. His nomination on the platform he forshadows would be endorsed by three fourths of the citizens of the Republic. If elected his Administration, controlled by the magnanimous policy he favors, would inaugurate an era of permanent prosperity greater than any the country has yet known.

Mr. Chase agrees with the Democracy in favoring the removal of the political disabilities which the rebellion is held to justify. Good feeling can never be restored in the South while American citizens are denied the rights and privileges of citizenship. Bv lending the aid of the government to 'advance the material prosperity of the South in the way Mr. Chase suggests all classes of the people of that section would at once come to regard the Federal Government as their best and most powerful friend.

Instead of looking upon the war as a "lost cause they would look around them and see everywhere peace, prosperity and reedom.and nvigbt ask themselves in vain, wbtU VILA'S OF CORRESPOND ENTS. Management of tbe Board or Edtication. To the Editor of the Brooklyn Eagle Sir I intend to take the liberty of an old ady, and talk, or scold, if jou like the term butter. Fur yon have disappointed me greatly. I must tell' you note greatly, in me ursi place, was pleased to see your namo in tho Board of Education, becauo I thought jou would surely tlir the trannies up but no not a bit, thiy were just as flow as ever.

Tne B'ory of Ihe books has again revived for a little space, to ba started some lime for started tbey will be uu'II tne tning is accompusneu. rorwnat is so necessary must and will be done. Time, time, will bring It abont. It is written in the book of educallouary destiny in Ibis our city of Brooklyn. So.

kind sir, look to vonr reputation in the B. mrrt and hrii out something worth remembering. Ana the ibicg the people wish to know is, whit has become of Ibis ireat examination that has been hanging over the teachers' beads for about six months was it oniy anotner lorm oi normal school, so tbe poor teachers may have no rest, day or night, but study, study? Wbat the teachers rfanlol Geometry aud Algebra in the Primary Department it would take all the scholars In tbe Board of Education, and aH the Philadelphia lawyers besides, to determine. To make a good teacher Iu thia ocpartmeut the higher braLches of education are not calidd for are not necessary. If a teacher apply for a situation in a German department, the.

tcacuer snould be examined in iet'aidio Ibat department. I thkk this is a pitiful piece of little work. If tho Sole ue would examni'j eome of the priucipald, and mal them a little better flttfd for teachers In tbe areat tdi'taiionary interest of Brooklyn, it better for all. I entreat your Interest, my dear sir, person al' aleo the pen, in this grtat cause. All.

all, will be neiie loo much. And do, piay, if possible, stop this for ever leclurlng ihe younger leacnerabout Geometrv and Algebra let them understand how lo make good rtndeiB und spellrrB, nod bowto impart this primary knowledge is of far more importance. X. Tbo Democracy and tbe Presidency. To the Editor qf the Brooklyn Eagle.

While we feel to congratulate tbe Chicago Convention ou their nomination of General U. S. Grmt for tbe Presidency, as a tribute to bis military achievements, we must, nevertheless, settiDgastdc all party feeltrgB, and every secondary consideration, tniuk and act now lor tbe best policy, and the greatest good to the entire country, and to that end must say to the said Convention, its nominations, the history of the party, and all connected therewith, "Thus far thou shall como nrd no lorther." I take it tnat In the present distracted state of our once glorious He public, we need a man lor toe Chief Magistracy who is possessed of talent, exuerience, statesmanship, sr und luoumcnl. a cool head, warm heart, nurttv nf sentiment, and administrative firmness, and as one possessed of Itcte pre per qualifications preeminently stands the name ol'salonian P. Cuase, an1 for his noroinatiou mid election let eveiy well wisher for the pteeint aid future good of our common country, for the pioper administration of our laws, for the preservation ot our once honored Constitution, for the spread pcimanent peace and pr.isp'rlty, join beail and band in securing bis nomination and election Hesitate no longer.

Let his nomination at the convention to be held tn New Yom on ihe autil vcissiy of ibe Declaration of independence be as unanimous for him as that at Chicago for Grant, and with tho blessing of God, and united effort, we will show to the world our determlnatin to be a fro; and untrainmeled people, ucd tba' we will prosper, despite every hindrance and ibe working of sectional parties to the conlraiy notwithstanding. Truly yours, R. B. Candidates for tbe Presidency. To the Editor of the Brooklyn Eagle; I beg enough of your valuable spnee to name a llclu which, if adopted by ourFonrlh of Ju'y Convention, will tout the Chicago Caipet Btggere, "torse, foot tnil oraeoons," and ens'jr an over whc inlrg vtcn.iy, despite the Rotten Boroughs aud immense palroi mfi ol ihe enemy.

It i this: For President Wiseikd cott Hancock, U. S. A. For Vice Pietident Joint Adj, of Massachusetts. Uanccckaud Adams What glorlouB memories of the food dns ol Coiislliutionul Liberty iu Americ wonhl such a ticket iuspl'cl Would it tub tbople of every shade ol puiliicat sentimeut llock to that ttan aaiti Winfleld Scott nancock John Qrrlncy Adams around ibesi most mst'intlcent tame linger Ihe foidest associations ol American Patriotism: there is victory i veiy foio tucn a Banner I Give us that, backed tiy a wise, patriotic Platiorm cq'ial to the Ne.oe ol ihe Time and the 9 irit of tbe Lh Iuj and neiihir the prcs lge ol the gnat military cutr, l.or lue etrtuiu ui lue gr.issiy partisan Sneaker can save Par from de servto t'Vtrttftow anu utter animation on ihe Third ol JSovemocr.

iuunq conservative, Tbo Everlasting Nlcolson Pavement. To the Editor qf the Brookyn Eagle: Dear Sin It'aDy thing were needed to show the character of the Nlcolson Pav. mcut Company jour uuiu leujuritB iu smurca) 1LAULK, on IQClr proposals, ana tLe manner in which tbev are made, wonld Eotu oispel in their lavor. Having sticcteded in gelling thingB as tbey t'eeired thus far, (thanks lo tbcircbampion, Alderman Whiting, in particular, and tbe Common Council in general), it seems ns if they nowinitndt to reap a rich reward fur their long wailing by charging couble former prices, as shown by their iBUmatc. Now.

li 1b well known that a majority or the residents or Fi rt Uieiuc place arc opposed to tbo Nlcolson pavement, (Alderman Whiting to th contrary, nothwilbstuLditg) and au not wau It at any price. Ana Is It not a stiame that thty should have Ibusiiorced upnntbtma pavement thty do Lot want, aid which Ihey consider an imposition and a nuisancer There set ins lobe but one hope for those unfortunate taxp'yers. and tbit is a veto nom the Mayur. And, ficmihuwell known character jt Mayor Kalbllei cb, the Andrew JotiBon of Brooklyn, I hero is cood reason to believe tbey will have lull justice shown lo th with tiue rtgsid to their rights as taxpayers and ciilzens. Ktspcclnily, An Ovd SirnscrtiBKU.

Tbe masons and St. John's Day. To the Editor cf the Brooklyn Eagle: I notictd in Thursday evening 's Eagle a sngKCtlitn to have a Mason's Celebration of St. John's dty in Brooklyn ibis month. It has betn spoken of quilt fr.

qittn and with much interest by tie fru'er lty.sno.a iuaMust r'esireet ms to bi to have a irade, orulioi', on the coming anniversary ol St. John's dsy. ItiBoi ly lor IbcMasns, ofthedlffrtrcnt Lodges, I A. Chupicrs ant Cummanrenrs of Knights Templars, to Boy "It stiall be done," aud the ma banners will again wave ovr the Templais. and Ibe cltlzns of Brooklyn bave Ibe rare pleasure of looking upon a veiy large and imposing protection of many ofitj best citizens.

Wtnt soy tho Trroplirs, our neighbors of Wiiilam burgli? Si; II tbe "Red Cress Dinner again wave upon the outtr yi alley" ''shall ibe buale nctes" cali luc Templars to the pleasnL duty of once Bgaln commcm'irat uglhei.atni day of tot. Join? the unawerfrom over the bridge be, "We will Come." "Rotal Ancu," Tbe Grade or Nevins Street. To the Editor 0 the Brooklyn Eagle It might be well to let tbe public know ihe way tte people ol NcvIob street are used by a firm who have money enongh to make a grade to suit themselves. At fiisl ihe Surveyor set bis slakis according to tt proper grade; but it seems tnat a cerifeln panv looked for a loose screw and found It. In a lew days the grade was screwed don a loot I iwcr eo as to dig nD Ibe black snamp insitalol filling one foot.

To oil the screw better a crown that should he In the centre of the block, belwetn Carroll and President streets, is now changed wtbln thirty feet of Carroll etrtet, b. cunse It eui'aa party to have tbecen rcof that block as low as money can keep It. Surely tbo contrsrt Is satisfied wltn less work and as much money if not connected with this unfairness. IfAldetman Bergen's plan was adopted, to hove an irspcrtinn on the ground, the street nroull not be In par's filled with straw and otcer garbage, and than coverfd over with a few Inches of cliy. Will the city authorities be sn ki.

as to do justice, and crush out soch an abominable imposition ou tne people, and oblige ime of the raxpaveH of street, and Constant Readkbsof tele aqle Landlord vs. Tenant. To the Editor ofthe Brooklyn Eagle; Will you he kind enoufih, through tho columns of jrnr valuable ppcr. to answer the following qnrBlicns ard oblne a constant reader: 1st. If a man takes r.

orris by the month at May or November, tan tbo landlord raise bis rent lor six months. 2nd. Con tbe tenant ho put out as Innras ho pays bis rent and koips hl taprnimrnts In as good repMras when be cot ttir m. xcrpl when the landlord want tho rooms for his own use. Sd.

Ctn a landlnrtl mte Mi rent fito or ten dollars a month moto than rvnii ate worth so that a tenant would bevo to have. These rt silly question hut would acttlo a dlspnto btlwotn silly toon. W. ant Ci.uu. Tho Uttds are preparing for a ctrupilcn, which, though not short, will be sharp aud dt clnvr.

Clubs oro to bo organized throughout tho ci(t, rnbllc meetings held weekly at eomo central spot, and all tbat bran bands and flatulency can do will be done light bore ia tne Utile County of Kings to kelp along tba canvass. people or the city whose special Acts are so framed as nominally to make the local authorities answerable for their extravagance, while in reality the Mayor, Comptroller, Joint Board, or Supervisor as the case may be, are the involuntary agents of extorting from the tax pay eis. just as much as these nondescript privileged classes choose to demand. The Mayor carries with him the sympathy of nine tenths of the tax paying community in his demand that all bodies to whom a share in the expenditure of local funds is entrusted shall be required to submit their estimates to the Joint Board, who shall have an effective voice in regulating the amount. It will be found, however, on an examination of the multifarious laws under which Tom, Dick and Harry have purchased for themselves, from venal Legislatures, a portion of that local authority over the people of Brooklyn which none but the elected representatives ot the citizens, or persons appointed by them ought to have that there is not one Commission but has contrived to cement its ill gotten power by making itself legally independent of the Joint Board in money matters.

Even the Water and Sewerage Board whicb, as being appointed and somewhat controlled by the local authority, and as holding open sessions, is by no means to be ranked in the category of Star Chamber Commissions which the Legislature creates by name and perpetuates by authorizing the members to re elect each other indefinitelyis exempt from the control of the Joint Board in respect toils finances. It sends an estimate to the Common Council at one, part of the year, which is a mere matter of information, as it does not enter into the financial statement; and then at a later period of the year the Water Board can call on tbe city for the funds required to meet a deficit of revenue, if any exist, and the cily authorises have no option but to comply. As fcr the other Commissions, all Ihey have to do is to send in their maudate, and the financial officers of the city are bound by the special laws to furnish the amoun's asked for, even by pawning the bonds of the city if Messis. the Commissioners, are in such a hurry that tbey cannot wait a few days until a sufficient amount of bonds ard sold to furnish the money they require. The Mayor puts his finger upon the weak spot of the enemy's armor when he alludes to the secrecy which envelopes the proceedings of these bodies.

The City of Brooklyn hears of them only in one way when they come to the treasury for more money, more bonds. What they do with it nobody knows but themselves. One thing, the Mayor says, is very certain they da not, as their Acta require them to, levy an assessment on the streets they are manipulating, so as to repay the city. They are busy experimenting on how many gas lamps can be crowded into one pet street, how fa" the grade of one avenue can be tampered with, without vitally derangmg the sewerage and drainage of dozens of blocks and hundreds of houses adjacent and such like problems interesting to themselves and costly to the city. They are ingeniously multipling offices and appointments under which men already deriving an ample support from offices openly held under the city and county government, may be gorged with multiplied salaries and fees in other capacities.

They are involving the cily Jn an abyss of debt far more, the Mayor tells us, than much of the worthless property they are selfishly trying to force into value at the public expense, could repay if it were to morrow fld at auction satisfy tht.

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