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The Brooklyn Daily Eagle from Brooklyn, New York • Page 4

The Brooklyn Daily Eagle from Brooklyn, New York • Page 4

Brooklyn, New York
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Extracted Article Text (OCR)


A Sensational ESoport In Iho Case Patrick Newman's Death. MUNICIPAL. 40MfflOI THE LORD MAYOR'S SnOW. Turbulent Scenes, bill no Violence in London Street To day. London, November 9.

The only disturbance thus far in connection with Lord Mayor's show was a slight encounter bo tweon tho pollco and a mob 800 strong marching In An Atlantic Avenue Saloon Keeper Cleta Into Trouble. An article appoared in yesterday's Eagmj concerning Thonins Whlto, who was robbed Sunday ovouing in a saloon In Columbia stroot Last ovouing a young man named Eagan, who is well known the locality whero the robbery occurred, was arrostod by Dotoetlvos Daly and McCormlck, ot the Flfteonth Precinct, charged with complicity in tho robbory. Whito lost bis ovorcoat, hat, watch and chain, valuod In all at $125. Kagan turnod ovor tho hat aud coat to tho officers, but said that tho man who helped him rob tho young man, and whoso name Is kuown to the pollco, had the watch aud chain. Eagan saya ho was lu Cullon's liquor store, 37 Atlantic avonuo, Sunday evening, and had soveral drinks thero.

He saw Whito and another youug man thoro very drunk and asloop. Cullon askod Eagan and tho man who was with him to carry tho two mon out They woko thom up and lot them out through tho side door luto the hall. Whon in tho hall the man with Engau said Andy, hero's a good hat; you need it," at tho same tlmo placing White's hat ou Eagan's head and placing Uagan's batterod ono In place. Whon thoy got to tho front door Eagan says ho was presented with a Qno overcoat by his companion, but that ho saw no watch. Upon Eagan's sworn affidavit a warrant was issuod for Cullon's arrest for violation of tho Exciso law.

Eagan's partner iu crime will doubtless be arrostod day. TOOK AN OVEB1I0SE. Gustnve Bumham, 48 years old, of 210 East Ono Hundred and Eleventh street, Now York, died early this morning from the effects of an overdose morphlno which ho had taken to roliove pain. UNION SESSION Of New York and Brooklyn Congregationalists. Church Work and Prospeets Reviewed.

An Eucouragiug Outlook Reported. The Proceedings To day. At the Plymouth Congregational Church this morning the ministers of the Now York and Brooklyn Association of Congrogational Churchos held their Autumnal mooting. This association, it will be remembered, is but a romuant of the former proud Congregationul organization which suffered afewyearB ago by the withdrawal of tho Manhattan Association. A goodly gathering, howovor, convened, a numbor of delegates, be3ido tho ministors of the different churches and a fair sprinkling of adl03, being in attondaneo.

Tho Hov. James G. Roberts, D.D., acted as moderator, and tho Kov. William JI. Ingorsoll as secretary.

Dovotionnl exorcises precedod tho roal business of tho convention, which consistod in tho rending of tho report of the Executive aud Conforonco Committee, aud of tho reports from churches. Keports ot cuuuciIb attendod by mombor3, examination of candidates, new business and discussion constituted the remaining business of tho meeting. The roll call of delegates drew responses from Doacon Jamos Kyle, ot tho Central Church of York; tho linv. Mr. Price, of tho People's Church; tho ltev.

Mr. Lumlnuist, of tbo Swedish Church; the Hov. Dr. Edward lSeocber, of tbo Parkville Church; the ltev. B.

E. Stroet, W. C. Gnrrettaou, of the I'nion uurcn, r.ast New lork; Ainast Itui, of the Koches ter avonue Church; S. M.

Main, Wyllo Taylor and Augustus lleliremla, of tho East Congregational i. nurcn; tno ltev. wiumm ll. lngorsoil ana 11. 11.

Hiuiforlh, of the Church of tho Covenant; half a dozen delegates from tho Plymouth Church, includ ing, ho. udo tue names of several ladies, too Hov. 11. NV. Heeeher, 11.

L. l'ralt, Reuben Hopes and others, and rep'reseutatives of Park Church, the I'nion Church of Hrooklyn, aud tho Broivnville Church of East Now Vork. Tho Rev. William II. Iugersoll read the report of the ivxecutlve and Conforonco Committee.

Thero wa3 little to report, ho ssid, beyond tho tact that important plans wero under way. Tho commitleo merely formed the uuelous of au organization lor general supervision. ''Tho report," ho continued, "will thercfoe bo confined lo three meetings. On June 9 tho committee were invited lo anon 1 a meeting for tho organization of a Ooni'o gatUmal church composed of a body of Swedish believers who have been meeting, led by Kov. Carl J.

I.undquist, with a Methodist congregation ou Wyckotf street, botwoeu Smith ami Hoyt. This is tho only Swedish church of our denomination in ilrooklyu or New Vork. On July '1 council composed of delegates from tills and from the Association mot at ou tho oc of tho installa'ion of tho Hov. ile ker. A result of our third meeting was the establishment of a new Congregational church at Cc.

an Hill, on llockaway aveuue. Ueports Irom churches showing their condition ne.vt cvtlk for tram iho de) U04. The churches were found to bo almost uniformly pros pci and with an encouraim; outlook. The liov. William Lloyd, for the Central Church of New York, al tnoy desired to dispose of their present property, wortli and rebuild elsewhero.

The alU'ii'laueo upon church sorvicos wus increasing enormously. The iueomo from plalu collections was a year, and Iho balance of the expenses ivns met by voluntary IIo hoped some way could bo discovered to reach tlio plethoric poeketbooks of aonio of his members. Since ho had experienced so much difficulty in touching their hearts, ho had comu to alter bis idea of original sin and to believe to some extent iu the doetrino of total depravity. Rev. Dr.

Kdward lieecuor ot the Parkville Church said in reference to iho growth of his congregation an Sunday school, that it bad been soriously affected hy tho proximity of tho race course at Coney isbuid. Tho truck drew away tlio youug men aud secniO'i to exercine a marked demoralizing intlu ence ou tho whole community. Methodist ehurrhos in the same neighborhood complained of a like effect upon them. The Kov. William II.

lngorsoil, for the Church of the Covenant, said that tho old struggle of tho church with the weilth and inlluence of the Catholic in its territory was still in pro. gross. Willi tlio poverty of tho and tho various to bo inoi. he thought commendable progress could bo reported. The liov.

Mr. Stotie, of tlio P. issaic Ciiuivh of I'as. aie, N. .1., described tho achievement oi ms congregation iu blliio'inga church ami ilo iicntine.

it six weoss. was mauo in iman'i oy a portable company at a cost of 0, is feet iu size, will seat 0 persons, has a and all tho itiodeni conveniences aud improvements for lighting and lu ating. A number oi other reports wero listened to nun interest all showing progress in the spiritual and material affairs of their congregations. Reminis cences were llieu related by various delegates to council hioh the convention proceeded to lunch in an anle room. Kxcrcisos will bo continued Ibis afternoon and evening.

At :2 clo. ii: ihe Kov. O. ltouorLH, 1. will read a ou City At the even ing serviee n.tuivss.'s win no e.iveu ty tno uevs.

a. II, CobD, Joseph D. Clnrk and Henry Ward ilccchcr. MOXUY MARKET. RxHOt'ts C'ir tlx; tVeok Mold Arrivnts from lurom stoc r.

Novembe: s.iies lun.U this 9 31'. M. afternooa Amou'j Ih were ll 2ll Ctrl lOliioSimth'n 4 'i uon Ml 'j um lsi 'I'misCs. Impls! 'on Short Lino 1110 5 I. 3 Ore NaiiOs Wi 1 1 Iltii A Dan eon 114i All 1st 18 1 IITi lbinie A con 100'i i .1 tar Clies ,1 OuioS Uenr A Kio 4.1...

Denver It Met icl; .1 1st. Det M.ick A tr nulla Mar i 1 K. lst I'untl ft 0't Kort. Den 'St LArK e'i'j IIS J.ArVATlt...9;,V ine 27.Vj (treat MV.t:Tit lit .1 Hnlisten lion Menu m. (15 1SI Hia 98 N'iln n.iinlo.Ttl ia! 'Zil SI Rod 1, A l.

.103 Ind 111 A YY Jud Si Paul 1 A dir or Kan t'ae Oitv A is lo IV A lOtt' A Sab .1.10 ,17 Twi Pie Hie Oi lei Tennina.1.... 'IVt La, 111 A linn 3U I'ac 1st 10 ') Lake Shore 2,1.1 1 Vircinia Mm! inc. Lin A lfi Wabash Oilic div Manitoba e.n fit iWabwh 1st IU n. 1 1'2 Mo I'ac con Ua iWaliasli 'Jnd b'l I. A 10 alOSHil WubwU Ts.

S4 Nor Pacino 2nd I West Sharo 4s 101 )i A I'ae. 1st Exports, exclusive of specie, for the week, 382, making oV SI.i:0 siuco January 1 against $279,17 1,237 to tbo samo time last year and 7 13 to tho corresponding dato In 1SSI. tbo suit of 11. Olmstoad against the Rochester aud Pittsburg, in which a motion was granted yesterday for a receiver, it Is statod that Iho properly was bought at foreclosure salo by A. II.

isclin and that tho Uoclicster and Pittsburg Company is not in existence Tho Servia, which arrived yostorday afternoon, brought to A. Boltnont Co. and tho Ems brought to various parties. ltailroHd earnings: Inc. Denver, first week November.

SlO.SOi Illinois Central, October fOMW'J st Virginia and Georgia, October .13.0,0 It Is oxpoctod that whon Iho new line of steamers to Liverpool from Newport News Is started rates for passongere and freight will bo cut. Tbo SL Louis und San Francisco has agreed to Join tho Souihwoist pool aud cliftereucos aro to bo arbitrated. Stocks woro quiet early this afternoon aud about tho only feature was a riso in Momphls and Charleston. The market Ihou became steady and toward one o'clock thoro was a gradual advnuco, which was woll sustained bclwecn this hour and two o'clock, although the volume of busiuoss was not largo. Stocks were generally strong In tho lato trado and at tho close.

Money loaned at 6 por cent, and at 4, and closed at about 4. Tho following tablo sh0W3 tho courso ot the stock market for this day. Oponins Highest Lowest. Olosinr Canadian I'aciBo. 7U 70 70 Canada riouillern Central Now Jorsoy Central Pacini; Chattanooga Chesapeake A Onto Clies.

A Ohio 1st pW. Ches. A Ohio 2nd Cliicnpo A Alton Chic. Bur. A Qiiuioy Clev.

Ool. U. A lnd Colorado Coal Consolidntod lias Delaware A Hudson Del. Laok. A Western Denver A Rio Duluth tfast Tennessee 1st pin East Tennessee 2nd pld.

Erio 04 i 40 10'J lis" 140 1I4J1 in 32M Oslo 71 35'4 ii" m'i 8 oT' 05 63 'i 10 7 10W l'JJi lir." 140SJ TJV. nr. BO', 1 74 ii" 2M nt; 01 40 74M 10 14.V 1411 Sft 85 ltl.S, 2V4 6Pi 73J 0U, 3iM Hi 7. 10 l'J i.V 140 73 itiU H.Vi IU(i' i 110 'i 32 35'i ii" ii" 20 95Ji U3t 57.V, Krio ptd. Hookini; Valley Illinois Central.

Ind. Bloom. A Lake Krio A Lake Shore Lone Louisville Manual tan Bench Manhattan h'lo. Con Memphis A MieniganContral Minn. A St.

Minn. A St. L. pid Mo. Kan.

A Toxaa Missouri Paoitic New Vork Central N. Y. Chic. A St. Louis N.Y.Ohio.

A St. L. N. Y. A Now N.

Y.Sus. A N. Sus. A W. pid laorthwosteni Norttivrostflrn pfd irtliom Paeiilo Northern Paoilio vtd Ohio Omana Omaha Did Out A Westorn OrOROU Nav Oi'enon Trans Pi.

Hie Mail Poono. Pullman ytoading Richmond A UiohinondTormiuai. Koob. A Pitts Hook Island St.L. San Iran Bt.

L. San St.L. A San Frn.lst pfd. St. Paul St.

Paul Texas A Paolflo 20 05sli 115 4 170 so I7ii.y si 90 loa.n 40 J5Ji 170 51) 3.VU 11:) 14a 6'Y'i Vi 33 118 ai'ii 20 50.4 si'i'i 107 'J 30 64 i 33 37" 105 48 12755 35.1 lio" Oifi MOM ml BO 77S 3o' 110( 113', 03( 23'! 11H(, a 51 107, SUM 33 31H 100 45 lio" 120 3h 80W 78X Union aoino Wabash pfd Wcitei SVi 1X71; 117 nau xiaht 14 2.h 113 04 20', 20; 50 51J O'l'iji 3. Wl)i 1072 SOW 55 65i aa 33 siii afi; 155 10(1 43i 4374 lii'ii lio" lio" UiU OIK 12(tS 120)2 at aa 60S .80 IF pa of if A ILeffatco WaKcti Vft After tseveiaieera ffoars' Sloop. Before Surrogate Lott yesterday an inquiry was made luto a claim mado by Goorgo Bedell for J212, hla allogod distributive share of tho estate of mothor, Elizabeth Bedell, who died seventeen years ago. Her son William B. Bedell, now a prosperous farmer was appointed administrator of ostate.

The distributive share of each of the children was $212, which was handed to eaoh in cash by the administrator. George Bodwell, however, owed his mothor $500, and was glad enough allow his 213 to wipo out tho debt, to which his brothers aud sisters agreed. Latoly George uas como out second best In his fight with the world, while his brother, the administrator, has prospered well. So, soventeen years after the sotttomeni oi the ostate he makes a demand for his $212. Tho matter came boforo Surrogate Lott yesterday, and after hearing the evidence he decided in favor or the claimant and agalust tho administrator.

Counselor George A. Molt, who appeared for tne administrator, was astonished. IIo took up a ponderous law book and after turning over tho leaves delivered himself with irony as follows: If your Honor pleasos I do not claim to know much, but surely wo must bo guided to some ex tent by those authorities," tapping the pllo or law books. Accordlug to the authorities tho claim la barred anyhow at ton years. Tho latest authority says six years.

Tho Court of Appeals has so neia. the authorities are to count for nommg 1 must begin studying law again. The claim Is barred according to every authority." The Surrogate lookod somowhat aurprlsed. "Lot me see," said his Honor, "how did I decldo7" "In favor of tho claim," replied Mr. Mott, in a deprecatory tone.

"Ah 1 woll, hand up the papers. I'll look into iw So Gcoruo Bedell has not yet recovered his $212 and his Kip Van Wluklo slumber on his alleged rights may yet bar his claim. JUDGMENT AOAISST UERHAN KOE11LER. Selnh D. Seamnn was riciing on a Classon avonuo car in Juno last whon ho was run into by a truck belonging to Herman Koobler, and permanently injured.

Ho suod for damages, and this morning obtained Judgment for $.1,000 In tno cir cuit Court. BRIEF LIBERTY. Two Lunatics Escape Black well's Island. from One of Them Claims to be a Brooklyn Man and Both Contend that They are Sane. A Raft and a Boat.

Officer McGinley, of the Twenty second Precinct, Now York, found two men wandorlng about in Seventh avenue oarly this morning wear ing tho Blackwell's Island Insane Asylum uniform and nrrestod thom. Thoy wero held in tho Yorkvlllo Court for examination. They give their names as Bernard McLaughlin' and Corne lius Enwrlght and say thoy escaped from tno Asylum by removing a bar from tho window and lotting themselves down to the ground with blankets. They thou started across the river on a raft thoy built, but it wont to piocos, and they, swim ming back, found a boat at the north end of tho Island, and crossing to New iork were trying make thoir way to Now Jorsey. McLaughlin says ho was arrested after a protracted sproo and IB not lnsano.

Enwrighl says ho was arrested for shooting at his undo and Is not insane. McLaughlin also states that ho has a wlfo in this city. FIRED THREE SHOTS. Edivnrd Marnach Murderously Assaults His Wife. This afternoon Sergeant Early and Officer MoNlol, of tho Socond Pollco Precinct, arrested Edward Marnacu, of 121 Bridge stroet, who was charged by hl3 wlfo, Margaret, aged yoars, with assault.

Mrs. said she was lti hor back room washing whon hor husband came In, aud aftor some angry words pullod a revolver from his pockot and struck hor over tho head with tho butt of it. Sho sought rcfugo lu tho apartments of MrB. Margaret Carey, but Marnah pursuod her into Mrs. Cnroy's room and flrod throe shots at her, ono of which took effect In hor loft hand, causing an incised wound, which was drossed by Surgeon Cook at tho station bouse.

Tho prisoner docliuod to mako any statoment, excopt that ho wa3 a laborer, agod 17 years. IV'heu Mr Marnnh was asked by an KaGLS roportor what causod tho disturbance she said that hor husbaud was intoxicated and quarrelsomo. Mrs. Maruah roturuod to hor houso whllo her husband is locked up in tho Second Product Station House. TO ARREST A WITNESS.

Process Server Gels a Halt Hollar Thrown at Mini. Beforo Jytstico Gullen, in Special Term, this morning, a foreclosure suit was sot down for trial. Mr. Barrett statod to the Court that ho had boon unable to procuro tho attendance of a material wltnoss, Mrs. Ellen Farron, of 555 Nassau street, and ho asked for an attachment against her porsou.

A process server called at hor houso aud, obtaining an admission from hor that sho was tho party souglit, served hor wlih a subpona nnd tho usual half dollar. As ho was dosceudlug tho stairs she throw tho half dollar at him, striking him iu the back with it. Yesterday she kept the court waiting hor attondaneo. This morning sho, having beon again sorvod last ovouing, failed to apponr, and so brought tho business of tho court to au abrupt termination. Tho attachment was thoroforo issued to socuro hor attondaneo and punishment.

QUARRELED OVER THEIR BEER. IUaii Cuts With Another on Penknife. the Neck Patrick Eeurdon, aged 50 years, of 211 Nortli Socond stroot, and Martin Mahonoy, aged SJ years, of Union avonuo and North Tenth stroot, drank together rather frooly yestordny afternoon. 5 o'clock thoy got Into a wranglo over some trivial affair and, as Mahoncy allegud, ltoardon cut him on Iho nock iu a low places with a pocket knifo, causing uglv but uot dangerous g.ishos. lioardou.

it is claimed, before using tho ltuifo, throatenod to cut his antagonist's throat. Officer Corcoran arrostod ltoardon and another officer took Mnhoney to the Fifth l'rccinot Station. Tho letter's wounds woro drossod at tho South Third street hospital. Ho was locked upon a chargo of lntoxicatlou and Roardon was held for felonious assault FOU.VD SOME SIGNS OF PROGRESS. The County Farm Committee Satisfied With St.

Tho majority of tho County Farm Commit too of tho Supervisors visited St. Johnlaud yostorday to take look at tho progross made by Con tractors Favrell nnd Hart. Messrs. ltydor, Nolan Keller aud Morrison formed tho contingent. They found much of tho pipe laying complotod and learned that tho water mains would all bo down in two weeks, while tho dam waa half done.

As for tho temporary buildings, tho foundations aro in placo aud the framera aro oxpoctod to get to work to day. No ono of the contractors for constructing buildings whoso contracts aro bo far signed has done anything though, nnd Spring will gladdeu Smithtowu boforo they aro likely to. THE NORTH FIFTn STREET SHOOTING. Pasqtialo Spiiiclli's Assailant Held for the Grand Jury. Justice "VTaeher this morning took up tho caso of William Franz, or as ho signs hlmsolf in his testimony Squlgllo Francosco, who on tho evening of Novombor 3 discharged a pistol loadod with gun powdor and bird shot at Pasquale Spluolll, of 4 15 Carroll streot, whilo tho latter was at his house, in North Fifth stroet.

Tho defendant testified that ho know tho pistol was loaded with small shot, but that ho moroly fired It to draw tho attention of tho polico. He admitted that when he flrod ho stood on hla door step, and fired In the direction of Splnolli The Justice hold him undor the name of William Franz or Francosco Squiglio for the action of tho Grand Jury. UK CAME FOR K3IHA. A policeman was in New York, from Chica go, to day, to tako fair Emma Jennings, alias Dillon. alias St.

Claro, who was arrestod by Detectives Crowley and Hardy on a dispatch sent from Chi cago. Emma Is said to bo a vory dangoroua thief. Sho wa3 arrostod on a charge of stealing $S00 in Chicago tho other day. THE KII.L1SO OF WILLIAH WALKER. Thero was an inquiry to day in New York Into tho klllluc of William Walker in a Hostor street dive, last Saturday afternoon at about o'clock.

No direct evidonco as to tho identity of tho murderer was adduced. KNOCKED DOWN BY A HOUSE. This morning while YVillio Pearce, 7 years old, of 197 Duffiold stroot, was crossing Fulton Btreot, he was knocked down by a horse driven by William Smith, of 247 Greon street. His forearm was broken. Ho was removed to his homo.

SIXTY DAYS IN THE PENITENTIARY. Michael Leary, tho 17 yoar old youth who ploadod guilty boforo JuBtlca Kounu, on Octobor S3, to stoaling a quantity of clothing from hla mothor, Mary Leary, ot 119 Uaymond streot, waa ooutoncod to tho Penitentiary for sixty days, this morning. DID NOT JUMP FAR ENOUOII. John Maguire, a sailor ou the United States ship Alliance, mado a Jump for tho Catharine Forry bont l'ocoulc as she was leaving her slip for Now York at 5:15 o'clock this morning and foil luto the rlvor. IIo was rosoued by the dock hands.

FELL FI1011 A WAU03. Thomas McCarty, 15 years of 40 Navy stroot, foil from a wagon at the corner of Navy stroot and Park avonuo last evening, and was sevovoly brulaod. He was takon to tho Clty.Hospllal. LUMBERMEN OS STRIKE. Ahout twenty men employed, in Hoto's lumberyard at Tenth avenuo and Ilawea street struck to day, for higher wages.

Four, rof used to strike and tho foreman orJorod them to uso clubs should the etrikoro interforo with them. lu of I I Bridge Promenade Tolls Will be Abolished. The Trustees Have Their Eyc3 Onened by Mr. Bnrcn's Figures and Will Probably Agree to the Public Deninud President Howell's Argument. Accountant Buren, under the direction of tho officials of tho bridge, has prepared iho following financial statement showing tho advisability of opening tho promenade freo Carriageways, transactions for ono year Receipts during twolve months to October :11, 00,78.45.

Expenses Collecting, polico. S17.017.O3; maintenance, $21,039 10. Total, $40,341 07; prosont profit per annum, $14,387.33. If freo. tho bridge would loso above receipts, aud pay expenses, less coat collection, $0,734.94.

Total, if froe, los3 poraunum, $100,33 1.58. Promenade Expenses for twolve monthi to October 31: Collecting. polico, S7.i3 74; maintenance, total oxpoiisos, $40.791. 05. Receipts duriug twelve months, $.18,777.37.

Present loss per year, $28,013.03. If free tbo bridge would 1030 the yearly receipts, ami pay abovo, $10,701.05: less cost of collecting, $7,490 RS; balance, Loss, freo por annum, Tho matter has been under consideration several months, but only aftor a study of the figures given abovo have tho trustees Individually como to tho conclusion that it will be to tho host interests of tho public to roraovo the toll boxes from tbo promenade entranco. The statement of business on tbo carriageways, in tho opinion ot iho ofllclals, will not mako it advisablo to opou that part of tho structure for wagons without any toll, as tho loss, will bo too groat. President Howell said ibis morning: I would not be at all surprlsod to see the promonado mado free In another month, certainly in two or throo months. Only somo lesral objections of our counsel are dotorrlng us.

Mr. Dykman says wo cannot tako away all tolls on tho promonado without a special act of Leglsin Hire. 7 claim wo can and a number of emlnont lawyers concur with me. The Act of May 14, 1875, providing for the Dri Ige, says: Tho said trusteos shall have power, to fix the rates of toll for persons, vehicles and animals and may fix the faro to bo paid by any passengers on the railroad." Thero is nothing whatever that compels us to charge loll. If we moke tbo promonado freo the total loss according to the statement is but wo havo to maintain tho structuro In repair and polico in any way.

We should get rid of the collectors so iu reality wo would have only the difference betweon tho total rocolptos and tho exponses of collecting, or $11,280.49. 1 boliovo wo can afford to present that to tho people who built tho brldgo and I am euro they would be glad to havo us do A DELAY ON THE BRIDGE. Tbo Dcrtiiliac of a Car Itlaiteu a Bin Increase in IV rry HiiNiiiesN. Soon aftor 7 o'clock this morning, as a train was being switched iu the New Vork station of tho brldgo, the switch was changed before iho train had entirely passed It and tho car was der.iilod. It took nearly two hours to replaco tho car and during that time trains had lo bo run by the seven locomotives.

As It was In tho rush hours only half the number of persons could bo carried and tho receipts at Fulton Ferry wero doubled. A man iu the interests of tho forry company was stationed ou the elevated railroad platform, at tho Wnshiugton street station, warning people to tako tho forry and the bridge lost a good deal of traffic in consequence The br'nlgo authorities aro indignant at the action of tho olovated management, as they could havo carried more trafllc easily. The switchman who caused tho delay was immediately discharged. ARRESTED ON A GRAVE CHARGE. (bio oi tbc Parties Accused of Sobbing (itignon Ilnii; Score.

Edward Van Hansen "who. with Louis Van lliiuscu and Henry Moore, wus arrcstc last night by Dotee'ive Short, on a charge of breaking a pano of gins. in C. Guignon A drug store, in Eleventh street, Kastorn District, and stealing about a dollar's worth of porfumory, no sooner mado his appo.ininee beforo Judgo Naolier tiih morning than be was pounced upon by Court Oftiecr Duuu and arretted on a warrant charging him with having, on July stolen from Mrs. tieorgianu Masou, oi South niroet, about ivori): of i'me wear Ing ajnmroljlwhilo he was engaged in laying carpets at her house with another man name Harris.

Mrs. Mason deposed that Van Hansen admitted to her that be stole tho articles and pawned them. The Justice in both ises committed the prisoners for examination on Friday. sue wed a sailor. And Was Proud of BSim IKccaimo Ilfl Looked Tous li A powerfully built woman, leaning on the arm or a little man, apparently a sp.iior, entered Justice Khiueliart's Court this morning told the magistrate that they wauled to got married.

They described thoniselves as Anlhouy Elgas, sailor aged years, and Bar'otirn Si.ihl, widow, aged 42 years, of 107 Ton Eyck strc t. They were married in duo form ami the bridegroom celebrated bis nuptials with his brido and a few court attaches at a neighboring rest. iurant. My firs; husband was siclily," said tho bride, but my sailor boy looks tough." Perriiuies. Perfume, Kdenia.

Lendljortr's Pfli fiune, injeh 3 Tloi J. Ltiii'll. I'ai ftinlH, Alpine LuiiObui y'ii Poviuuie, Lily of tlu jy IE You Prefer a Pure. Soap, Use OlUIir.KS S. Illo UIN'S' "fJerm.

in 'oinilrtr." si'kcial 1 OUlvN'EAY it BUKNHAM, e3 IMPORTERS Of AND DKA1.KRS I.N FINE DRY COODS, 124, 12BAXDV2S A7LAWIV AYEXVK. Havo unw opii their snftsoti's imports: i of Autumn nntl pkkU, comiiriaiiiK thy lanjrs: nrnl ehoieesfc Mock of plain atul fancy fabrics thoy have ever shown. SILKS. SATIN'S, TLUSllICS, VK.VKTS, SII and WOOL and WOOLEN MA'i'KUIALS in nuvul and eiclu nivo oftects. BLACK GOODS of every descriiitioti ami fn new and choice wo 'ives.

CAMEL'S HAIR SHAWLS, tho choicest and cheapest stock to bo found. LINEN'S, PAMASKS and UOUSKKJCnPING GOODS. MORLISY'S celcbi Mod HOSII UIY and UNDKRWEAR, LADIES' and CHILDREN'S VNDKRC AK.MENTS. MEN'S FURNISHING GOODS. CURTAINS, SHADES, RUGS and UPHOLSTERY JOURXEAY call special attention to the foIIciwinR linos of BLACK SILK GOODS: SATIN" EIIAIUMEo and DUCIIESSK at 31.00 and prices mid )t.

24 inch SATIN IUIADAMES, never beloresold under S2.00. GUIN'ET'S and HOXN'ET'S celebrated cachemire fin isiiod CHIOS GRAIN'S, and GOURD'S caohemiro ROYALS all guiirunteed, and at 25 por cent, under regulw prices, A lot of 'l i inch all silk facod VELVETS, 54.00; valua 30.00. i J. iV having placed all thovr orders previous totha great advanoo in SILKS and WOOLS, propose to gWa their customers tho full benotit, and will sell their stock during the season at exceptionally lo.v price. PTIIE BANKIlUTfT 11 is estimated tliat of tin1 nunil iv emburk on the stormy sea of comim rce milo out oi l.

hoc iiu bankrupt. Many things oonsnirp to utl'. i this result. Among thein is "liwns beyond your txlUu 'linR your linnncinl streusth. Ho it ia in llio phy.i.

al ninrt: sessed of strength mid antlciimti ns oi a I nlifo, iro, launch out in tho quest pleasure. We undorinuio our constitutions by eitr.ivucanco ia enting ami drinking; by ilisrcL ar.iini; ihe laws of litvOtli, nnJ f. ro wo nro mvarfi of it we aro bankrupts in body. Dyspepsia or liver complaint, ct shattered nerves, or kid ney disease our phy. i.

capii. il, ml iv.mro un IiI.t inninnl drafts upon our constitution. But you mav resume. Check your oitravaKanco au 1 by tbo aid of Tutt's Pills your broken constitution "'i'1 be restored and the drafts on the cicheouer of be: Ith will never bo di honored. TUTT'S I.1V1 :11 PI1.1.S, 41 MURRAY STUKKT, YORK.

OYAL BAKING POWDEK. 1 ABSOLUTELY PUUIi This powder novor varloi. A marvel of purity, strsngtS and lioiosomoiiojs. Moro economical than tho dinar u. I I ..,,1,1 in competition with tho multf tudo of low test, short woisht, dum phosphate pow dors Knlri niilv in cAUS.


33'J MACON STREET, Ponnanont, safe. Medicine nnd directions Ijy mail, $1. EPARTMENT OF CITY WORKS, COM missioner's OtSoo, Room 15, Municipal Building Hrooklyn, November 9, Tho folloiriua proposals wero this day publicly oponed and announced for grading and paving Ouinoy atroot from Ralph avonuo to Broadway, with coblotono pavoment to wit: John Maaoire. per lineal foot, S3.2; sureties, Isaao Harris and John Parsons. GEORGE RIOARD OONNliR, Oominisaioner.

Attoat: Ii. h. Nohthup. Bioretary. noliii EPARTMENT OF CITY WORKS.

Commissioner's office. Room 15, Municipal Buildlnff, Brooklyn, November 0, 183ti Tho follovrlufr proposals wore thin day pnblloly opened and announcod lor aettiUEtaa from Rood to Pntclien av, to wit.i Nassau Gas Light Company, ess lamp posts, eto (complete) $26 eaoh; sureties, Kdward 1, Vilnto and PGBOlfGB RIOARD CONNER, Oommtuioaer. Attest: D. Ik KOBTIIUI, (Secretary. ft" ui Coroner Henry J.

Hesse telephoned to tho Sovonteenth Precinct Police Station yostorday morning, requesting that a cortaln phyBlctan be sent to tho residonce of Mrs. Mary Nowman, on Fulton Btreot, aud make a post mortom examination on the body of Patrick Nowman, tho horscshoer, who was drowned In his own olstorn early on Sunday morning. Tho disciple of Esculapius solectod was Dr. Adolphue G. Meyeraborg, who rosidos on Butler avenue noar Atlantic.

The physician called at Mrs. Newman's house and told her of his errand. He was informed by tho dead mante relallvos that no such examination would bo allowed. Nothing daunted, howovor.tho doctor examined the body minutely and returned to the pollco station, where he reported to Sergeant Uelmals that the man's neck was brokon nnd that there was a compound fracture of the skull. This put a now light on affairs, and the suspicion that Newman had boon foully dealt with at once gained credenco.

Coronor Hesse was notlfiod of tho fact, and ho responded in person Immediately. Accompanied by Dr. Meyersborg, Coroner IIosso visited tho house on Fulton avenue and proceeded to lmpauelajury. Ho then requested that Dr. Meyersborg bo allowed to mako tho post mortem examination.

"He can't go on with that," said the doad man's slstor. "No, you bet ho can't chtmod In tho deceased's brother and nephew. "Well, bury him if you can," said Coronor Hesse, finding that argument was of no avail. Calling at tho police station, ho requested that some one be float to make the post mortem, as Dr. Meyersborg could not attend, and that he be awarded police protection.

Accordingly an hour later Drs. Norrls and Law, accompanied by Sergeant Chris Relmals and four patrolmen, went to the house on Fulton avenue. After considerable difficulty thoy woro admitted, and while the police stood on guard the two physicians performed their work. They could find no broken neck nor compound fraoturo of the skull, and concluded that Dr. Meyersborg had made a mistake.

They found tho organs of the body In a healthy condition, and that death was caused by drowning. The Inquest will bo hold on Friday evening next. BERRI'S BILL Not Paid by the Casino Company. The Sheriff Tears up the Carpets and the ReceplioH Takes Place "Without Them. Talk of Criminal Proceedings.

The opening of the Fifth avenuo Casino Company's bowling and billiard parlors took placo last night and was ono of tho most remarkable affairs of tho kind ovor hold In this city. Ladles were thero, but they woro not ploasod with the arrangements, as the acre of floor surface was deall tuto of carpets, aud tacks protrudod thomsolves In unwelcome places much to tho dctrlmontof drosses and tho discomfort of gentlemen arrayed In the glory of evening pumps. Owing to tho presonce of these comfort destroyers the efforts of tho braas band and tho music of iho bowling alleys did not mako the opening a completo success. Thoso who had soon tho Casino yostorday morning clothed in its boauty of expensivo carpotiug woro somewhat aurprlsed. The blamo for the whole affair was placod on the broad shouldors of Shorlft Farloy.

As already statod In the Kaole, whon William Dorri'a Sons feared Ihoy would not bo paid tor tho carpets furnished by them to tho Ca sino Company thoir lawyor, Mr. William J. Gaynor, securod a writ of replevin and instructed Sheriff Farloy to satisfy it ou Saturday. That ofilcial went with his men to the Casino aud iutormeil tho managers lhat ho was thore to tako possession of tho carpots. Ho was assured that thoy would bo paid for that day, and in tlio kindness of his hoart ho al lowed them to remain.

Lawyer Wornberg in behalf of tho Casino Compauy, told tho Sheriff that thero was plenty of money in tlio concern with which to moot all Its obligations, and tho Sheriff felt himself securo lu taking formal possession of tho goods. Thoroforo they ornamented tho floor on Sun day. Yesterday afternoon ShoriiT Farley was apprised of tlio fact that a reception was lo ba held iu tho building In llie evening. IIo realized that tho crowd which would bo prosont on the opening night might damngo Iho curpot, by spilling champagne on It. He thon romembered his responsibility to William Dorrl's Sons and forthwith started for iho Casino.

Thoro ho laid tho matter boforo the man agement und asked that an indemnity bond bo given him, for tho use of tlio carpets last evoning as several thousand inventions bad been issuod for tho reception. Tho ShorilT's attention was called to the fact that tho company had given him a bond. "Yes," said tho sheriff, "but I don't think tbnt bond covers the damage. I want $1,000 cash as Becurety deposited with mo or I shall tuko tho goods up now." Tho money could not bo procured and tho sheriff secured fivo trucks aud thirty mon, look up tho carpets Immediately and depasitod them in Kerri gan's auction rooms whero they now aro. Messrs.

William Iivi ri's Sons said thoy had no atntomenl to mako in tho matter, a3 it was oniiruly in tho hands of the sheriff aud their attoruoy. Tho seizuro was attondod by a largo crowd of opoctatord ami sovoral mounted policemen. Tho presence of a portion of tho Mouutoil Sauad gave foundation for a rumor that tho nianagora of iho Casino woro to bo criminally prosecuted. This rumor William Herri's Sous would neither affirm or deny. A "CORONER'S FARCE." An Engine Driver Snitl to SS.ivc Skipped to Arizona.

Two rears ago Michael J. Heekel, a taiior, was killed on the Xow lork mid Sea lieach Kail road. Ills widow, Albortine, sues tho company for 55,000. Tho caso was set down for trial lu tho Circuit Court by written stipulation betwoon Messrs. Patrick Keady and Jeso Johnson', tho respective counsel.

Mr. Johnson asked for dolay, as the engineer who was runniug tlio ongino which killed Deckel had gone to Arizona. will go on with tho trial if Mr. Koady will allow ino to read Iho engineer's testimony taken at the Coroner's inquest," osUid Mr. Johnson.

You should rather call It a Coroner's ro torted Mr. Koady. It was all ono sided and was virtually no inquiry at nil. The engineer will probably nover return to tho as ho killed many other pcoplo on the same line. Ho should rather bo in tlio Penitentiary." "Counsel ought not to como into court on a motion like tbla and chargo a rospoctnblo corporation with carrying ou tho businoss of murdor," said his' Honor.

Au adjournment waa granted. A RAT AMONG TUB LADIES Crcntctt a Disturbitnco on Street Car. a. Bcrffctl About 3 o'clock yesterday afternoon car 43, of tho Bergen street Hue, stopped at tho corner of Borgou and Hoyt streets lo tako on a numbor of passengers transferred from a Hoyt streot car. Tho Borgon street car was empty when it stoppod, but waa woll miod with ladles when It loft tho corner.

Beforo tho distance of half a block had boen gone ovor tho conductor waa astonished to soe a porfect starapodo of ladlca toward tho door. Tho car was stoppod and tho ladlos Bcramblod out. Tho cause of the dlaturbnnco waa found to bo a vory largo Norway rat which had boardod tho car somowhero alone tho routo or at tho forry. His ratship was ojoclod for non payment of faro and tho car moved on. A JUROR'S DILEMMA.

Why IHe Kept the Court and Witnesses Waiting. John A. Miuits, a baker at 239 Eldridge stroet, New York, hn3 boon a Juror iu a case which has boon on trial for soveral days beforo Judgo Bar rottlu Suprome Court, Circuit, Burt III. To day Mr. Mains did not put in nn appearanco.

Tho Court, couusol and wltnossos waited one half hour aud more, and yot ho did not como. Judgo Barrett had an officor sent aftor him and ho waa brought into court a much scared man. Judge Barrett Inquired why ho hud negloctod to at tond court aud tho Juror replied that another mem ber had beon addod to hia family to day and ho remained at homo to attend to his wlfo. Ho was fined $10 aud thon oxcuaod for tho day. SUE CAN HAVE UEB PROPERTY.

Joseph 'Weslbrook, of 552 Greene avenue, waa arralguod beforo Justico Kortna this morning on a technical charge of petit larceny, proforrod by Miss Julio Dobba, who at preaont lives at 099 Gates avonue. IIo said In court that the lady could havo hor property anytime alio callo. An adjournment was takon uutll Novombor 10. THREATENED TO LAY niill OUT. George Pitts, of 577 Loxingtou aveuuo, was arrostod by Court Officor Cant well and nrralgnod boforo Justico Konna tbla mornlug on complaint of Mrs.

F. W. CJueroau, of 5S3 Loxlngton avonuo, who chargod that Pitta had throatonod hor lifo on Sunday laat, exclaiming 1 will lay you out" The accusod denied the chargo, and was parolod pending trial. S1LKNCE IN THE HEALTH OFFICE. Yesterday afternoon Deputy Health Commlssiouor Ottorson was askod If any additional casos of smallpox had boon reported.

Ho replied that thore was ouo Iu the Twenty sixth Ward, but refused to disclose tho oxnet location. This morning ho said that thoro had boon throe casos of varioloid on Troutman Btroot, but ho would not glvo tho number of tho houso or housos. Tho four pationts havo boon romovod to tho Flatbush Hospital. SUSDAY OBSKUYAKCE IS JAMAICA. Next Sunday evening tho Sunday Observance Association of Jamaica will hold its anniversary mooting at the Methodist Church.

The liov. Mr. De Hart, tho troasurer, will ton'der his resignation. Addresses will bo dollvorod by tho Hev. Messrs, I.ampiunn and Pray.

THE T1TDB WILL CONTEST. Yesterday tho contest of the will of tho lato Phobe Titus was continued beforo Surrogato Town send at Jamaica. It was the sovonth day of tho contest, which Is bolng carrlod on by a disinherited grandson, who claims that Mrs. Titus was insane, sho having beon in an asylum prior to making hor Will. A $100,000 FLAT.

John Hollges has filed plans in the Now York Bureau of Bulldinge for a Blx story flat house which ho proposes to eroot at Fourth avonuo and Sli)l9th atroot, Now York, at a cost ot $100,000. A Which Had Its Effect on Judge Van Wyck. Ho is Not Quito Sure that Amy Brown is Insane A Case Which is to be Inquired Into Innacy Commitments. A fairly dressed mulatto woman about 38 yoars old waa conductod Into tho Special Term room this morning boforo Judge Van Wyck. She was In charge of officers from the Charities De partment Throe other persons, one of thom a woman, were with tho party.

It was a lunacy caso and tho usual papers were handed up to the Judge for his scrutiny. Thoy wore indorsed by Drs. It. L. Stone and A.

M. Burns, who aro tho medical oxamtuors In luuacy for the department. The documents set forth that Amy Brown, the patient, was a raving maniac; that she resided on Conoy Island that sho was arrestod almost a week ago, and sinco thon has boon an In mate of the hospital at Flatbush. Whllo thero sho had been violent, and gavo various evidences of domontla. The woman sat vory quietly for nearly an hour, until tho court was ready to take up tho case.

Then Judge Van Wyck began his examination aud was somewhat surprised to find that the womau gavo vory clear and straightforward answers to his questions. Sho said ehe had beon marrlod three times, and that she lived with her huaband, William K. Hrown, at Weat Brighton, Staton iBland. no 13 a laborer, and flndB employment about the Island in various capacities. Sho added she waa arrested about two woeks ago by two mon who claimed to bo polico officers, and who camo to hor homo, forced their way In and carried her off to the hospital.

When asked to give hor explanation as to why sho was arrestod, Bhe Bald tho constables of the town received $1 for each arrost, and that It was vory easy for anyone lo procuro a shield and pass themselves off as ofilcors. "Thoy say you aro crazy," said Judgo Von Wyck. That's nothing," answorod Mrs. Brown. Mon said Christ was crazy.

Aunio Morton, a nurse at tho hospital, said that while Mrs. Brown had baen in the hospital sho had torn her bed to plecos. The Judgo asked Mrs. Br how that was. Sho denied both charges.

Thoro was," sho said, "no truth in tho story, she did rip open the ticking of tho mattress to see if It was clean." Judge Van Wyck was not satiaQod from hia examination that tho waa luaane. Hor husband was not present and Hia Honor adjourned the caso. Mra. Brown's answers wors so coherent and her manner colloctod, that Judgo Van Wyck said that ho would not feel Justified in committing hor to tho asylum without a more careful Inquiry into her case. The officor know nothing about her savo what appeared upon the papers.

Twoothor lunacy commitments woro examined and signed by the Court. Tho pationts woro not present, and the evldenco upon tho paporo wno clear and convincing. Catherlrto Henry, 42 years old, residing at 463 Sovonth avonuo, boliovos sho boos spirits and lhat a soldier, wearing a brass helmet, seoks to kill hor. John F. Fourl, residing it ''55 Lnfayelto avenue, and now an Inmate of tho Jail, was sont to tho asy lum upon tho potition of hia wifo.

Ho is 1, yoars old. He thinks ho haa mado millions of dollars. and that he manufactures an articlo which is used in overy office in the United Slates. Tho profits of this manufacture not him a limitless number of additional millions. CANVASSING TUB COUNTY VOTE.

Tho Supervisors Jet to Work to Acer tniu the Official Figures. Thi? Board of Supervisors, with the exception of Messrs. Carroll, Bennett and mat at noon, to day in tho offloo of tho County Clerk aud wero awern in as official canvassers by Deputy Clerk Barnard. Sup. John McICano was made chairman, and Mr.

Barnard acted as secretary. Sup. Boll aked to bo oxcused from voting on returns from the Third Congressional District as an interested party, and Sup. Hyder proved that tho Board id no right to excuse him, so ho said he'd give formal uoiico that ho did not iutend to vole. rl lion, ou motion of Sup.

llydor, tlio Board adjournol to lis own room where a coinmiuoe, including tho chairman, Mr. McKaue, and Sups, ltydor, Kollor, Fitzgornld, l'igou, Loekwood, O'Brien and Lamb, way tp poiuted to do the work. At 1 :15 they had canvassed Iho vole of tlio First Ward, but found nothing more than a fow clerical errors. Alborl Dugcoti and Iiobcrt D. Sedgwick attended iu the Interest of S.

V. White. THE OUP1IAN ASYLUM FAIR. A I'hotoprruph Taken by I ilisniii; Amoiir the BCxhibitu. The fair of tho Brooklyn Orphan Asylum opened at tho Academy of at o'clock this afternoon and will continue for fivo days.

The ladies who aro bearing tho responsibility of tho fair wero as busy as bocs all tlio morning with tlio work of preparation. Tho greater portion of to day will bo consumed lu urranging the display of goods, Among tho exhibits is that of tho lightning photo graph of 5IIss Paul, of Plaintleld, which has at tracted so much attention among scientists. Iho fnco is rcllocted on a brass placquo and has uot faded as van predicted. The following mo in chargo of tho different tablo Mrs. (ir oreo I'rontlss.

candy table: Mrs. J. II. Burtis, Industrial table girls; Mra. T.

Miils, industrial tab boys; Mrs. J. S. Hollinshea 1, fancy and art table No 1 Mrs. J.

T. Powell, fancy lablo No. Mrs. S. A.

Woodron, fancy uiblo No. Mrs. P. Lunt. fancy table Mrs.

J. II. Shupnnl. rubber table; Airs. James Scrimgeons, apron table; Mrst.

Ilonry Heath, toy tnblo; 11. A. Dunnin.7, doll lablc: A. W. Foote, book table; Mr.

and Mrs. L. W. Grandemau, country store; Mrs. L.

Dochtel, children's table; Mis. J. N. Wyckoff, lom odiule. 1'ho members of the Comimtteo of Arrangements aro Mrs.

J. S. ilolliushoad, Mrs. J. L.

Truslow, Mrs. 11. Nichols, Mrs. J. V.

Meaerolo, Mrs. I Woodruff. Mrs. E. A.

Doty; of tlio liofreshniont Commltteo, Miss M. Wllkins, Mrs. J. N. Wyckoff.

Mis. II. Mckols; of the I' lower Committee, Mrs. I. F.

llornman, Mrs. U. J. btevousou, Mi. Keith.

THE CALENDARS. Cases to be CiUletl ior in the Courts TeOIorirow. Crr.ccn Court JjarUett, Tart I Brown, Part II. 3W, Kdwards vs. I.eavill; CO, I.oeluird vs.

titegnmn; 210. Keele vs. Stead; MeyerB vs. L. 1.

It. jH, Moles, N. 1). 11, vs. McDonald: SOI, McMa'oon vs.

C. li. It 137, Devlno vs. Hai't leU; ltti, Rupert vs. I.

MeUoiii vs. O. 1). S. S.

172, Vogel vs. Ibv.u ry It. 217, llagan vs. Droknski; S. Kelly vs.

Walsh; 218, McPartlaud vs. DeWitt; Hutchison vs. Hall; 22' Rogers vs. Rosorvo Fund; 219, Monahan vs. OITorman; 132, Mansfield vs.

Hudson River Railroad; 139, Jones vs. Diuonhoofor; 190. Clark V3. Post; 159, Hayes vs. Doaslow Manufacturing Company; Vameroa vs.

O'ltourke; 378, Pago Manufacturing Company vs. Prier; 383, Johnson vs. Spanner; 423, Babbitt vs. Pock; 431, Brown vs. Duekner.

Highest numbor reaehod on rogulnrcall, Octobor calondar, 410. City Couivr Part Judge Clement; Part II, Chief Judge Reynolds. Numbors 142, (iildorsloove vs. Richard; 190, Taylor vs. Ross; 235, Purdy vs.

Reed; 1 10, Knnis vs. Scaulon; 3G0. Cnruana vs. Thorno, L. 1L; 131, Caruana vs.

Thorno; 07, Winters vs. Cahill; 198, Munson vs. Wilson; 183, Herbert vs. Vogoly; 219, Tallmon vs. Crltten; 204.

Wust vs. Droschor; 23S, Shorbadnor vs. Brooklyn City It. li. Co.

SO, Cameron vs. Tho Long Island R. It. Co. 250, Allou vs.

Gordon vs. Hammerscbmitt; 243, AtcCormick vs. Tho Atlantic av. it. it.

Co. 103, Fisher vs. Ktchlin 34, Johanson vs. Ris; 105, Kearney vs. Tlio City of Hrooklyn; 100, Dreoland vs.

Tho City of Brooklyn. County Court Moore, J. Numbors 24, Adolia Miller vs. John Cuttroll; 37, Thomas Reynolds vs. Henry Nowman; 87, James Lenox vs.

Courtland lilivon. CHARGED WITH BURGLARY. A tVew 1'orlc Man Pleads That lio Mid Not Know What be Was fJoiiijr. "William H. Long, of 22 1 East Forty third street, Now Y'ork, wus boforo Judge Walsh this morning, charged with having burglariously en torod the promises of Mrs.

E. Walsh, 55 Sands treet. Tho complaint was mado by Mary A. Dougherty, a servant girl who alleged that sho saw the prisouor unfasten a roar window aud got luto tbo kltohon. She screamod, and be then ran off but was capturod by Omcer Larklns.

as tho cornor of Sands and Adams stroot. Tho prisonor said ho was drunk and did not romombor what ho hail douo. Ho was committed until Saturday. AS ACTOR LOSES HIS CASE. Henry Collins, woll known actor, to day, in Now York, auod Businoss Manager William R.

Talmer, of the Madison Square Theater for $148.50, for broach of contract. Collins rohoarsod throo weoks in a play called "Wigs," which has not boon produced. Honce tho claim. The Court decidod against him. ANOTHElt AIE SHAFT PIKE.

A kerosene lamp exploded in tho rooms of Miss M. Keolor, In a Hat at 210 East Sovonty thlrd stroot, Now York, yesterday, and tho ftamos, run nlng up tho air shaft, causod a Are which did about $8,000 damage. A LV5ATI0 AT LARUE. Yesterday Michael Gilbert was arrestod in Flushing, as ho appeared to bo acting strangely. Two physicians pronounced Gilbert lnsano.

Ills residence waa ascertained to bo at 10 Borgon street, aud ho was sent homo this morning. COAL INSPECTOR COX. The Board of Education's meeting, carried ovor from last weok bocauso of election day, comes ft this Two fights one ovor Coal Inspector Cox aud anothor over the attondaneo agents aro among tho pleasures promised. SUFFOLK COUNTI JOTTIXGS. A snoalc thief stole $12 from B.

H. JoneB, in Jamesport. Rev. Mr. Snormau has moved from Aqubboguo to Elverhoad.

DOSE BY BROOKI.TN PEOPLE. ThoninB A. Howell, of Brooklyn, has purchased eight acres of laud at East Marlon, fronting l'econie Bay. Mrs. Dr.

Storrs, of Brooklyn, prosontod a costly Japanese vase to tho public school ou Shelter Island. PANIC ON A FERUYDOAT. As the ferryboat Newtown entered hor slip at the foot of Grand stroot laBt night, sho struck tho rack with groat force. Mrs. Maria Vreolaud had a hip dislocated and several others rocolvod Bllgbt injuries.

A panic onsuod but was quickly over. Rev. Henry Word Beecher, brisk nnd ohocry es over, called on Postmastor Hondrlx this morntng tf py hfs reapentiiy and congraiulatod blm upon the outcome ot hla official efforts. lu Its to of The Asylum Sup3rintendent to Resign. Contemplating the Establishment of a PrlTato Institution for the Ipsane The Details of the Projeot Not Yet Arranged.

Dr. John C. Shaw, tho Medical Superintendent of the Flatbush Insane Asylum, contemplates retiring. Tho roason given Is that ho, with two or three others, will organize and carry on a private aoylum, whore ihe wealthier classseB of patients may obtain special treatment. It is said that this stop, If taken, will bo in consequence of a feeling on tho part of tho doctor that his official head Is danger of dropping Into tho basket.

It was positively stated up town this morning that ho would hand in his resignation beforo the first of tho year. The discharge of his favorite clork, Shannon, a few woeks ago, Is said to have caused tho doctor's feeling of insecurity to grow rapidly, until now he Is ready to stop down and out as soon as he can look around and make satisfactory arrangements for tho future. In connection with the name of Dr. Shaw, that ex President of tho Board of Charities Commission A. II.

W. Van Siclen, of the Twenty sixth Ward, is also mentioned. Mr. Van Siclen was seen by an Eagle reporter tbls morning at his residence, corner of tho Jamaica Plank road ana Slegel avenue. He said In reply to quoatlons that ho had uot boon invited to Join In any such enterprise, and that he did not know that the Ideas of Dr.

Shaw had assumed positive shape. UI have not seen Dr. Shaw more than twice since loft the department, and I do not think that I have spoken to him in referenco to the matter. One day I was lu Iho drug store near here when a phy Blclan asked me what I thought of tho pecuniary chances of a private asylum should one be started. made him some answer that I do not romembor.

Wo agreed that In order to mako It a success a physician of prominence and experience Bhould be at tho head of it, and Dr. Shaw's name was mentioned. From what I know of hlra I think that he would be eminently fitted to take charge of such on Institution. I do not think that Mr. Shannon would be interested in the enterprise further than holding a position.

lie has no capital to Invest, as far as 1 know. He always had tho full confidence of Dr. Shaw. As to myself, I cannot say what I would do. If I thought it a good thing, aud I was offered an interest, I should probably accept, but, as I said, I know nothing of Dr.

Shaw's plans. If I wag offered a position, and it suited me, I would accept, as I havo nothing particular on hand now. On election day Mr. Shannon mentioned the sub Joet to me, and Judging from what ho said I do not think that things haTo assumod tangible shape. In my Judgment, tho best location for tho asylum would be In tho suburbs or Just across tho line in Queens County.

It would never do to locate it so far from the city that tho friends and relatives of tho pationts could not conveniently call ou them often." MUST PAY HIS WIFK $4 A WEEK. Jnines Laynaugh, of Van Brunt and Wol cott streets, was arrestod last Saturday morning upon a charge of abandonment preferred by his wife, Annie, as dotallod In tho Eagle at tho tlmo. He wont to tho houso last evening aud demolished all the furniture In tho place. Ho also threatened to do all sorts of things to his wlfo, so sho says, If sho dared to appear against him In Justice Mns sey'B court this morning. Nevertheless she did ap pear against him aud proved that ho did not give hor any support.

He was put under bonds In the sum of $400 to pay his wife $4 a week. BOILING WATER Used in a Fight Burglar. With a A Domeslio Takes a Hand in tho Encomi tcr The Marauder Captured by Detective. A heavily built man entered tho house at 179 South Ninth streot this afternoon and was found upstairs by tho lady of tho houso. A struggle ensued, tho servant girl hurrying to tho roscuo.

Tho domeslio poured tho scalding contents of a kottlo of boiling water down on tho man's back. Ho oscapod without being severely Injurod, howovor, and onterod another houso on I.eo avonuo. IIo was frightened away from there and the Clymor street statlou was notified to look out for him. At 2:30 Dotoclivo Holland caught him coming out of a house on Ross stroet, which ho had burglarlzod and took him inlo custody. At tho Clymor stroot station houso ho Bald his nnmo was John Olz aud that he lived cornor of Houston streot and tho Bowory lu Now York.

He was not knowu by tho pollco. SULLIVAN SEES JUSTICE 8IASSEY AGAI.V. A Vomis SJan Vlit Was illjirriert hy i5in Honor Sent lo Jail (or Abandonment. James Sullivan was arrested a week ago nod waa tried beforo Justice Massey this morning for abandoning his wife. He formerly kept a pio stand opposite tho Post Offico in Now York, whoro ho did a good business.

Ho has boon married fivo months, but his wlfo says has not supported hor. Ho told hla Honor that ho ha boen suffering from a sovoro cut iu his arm, which had incapacitated him from work for two mouths, and that thoroforo ho had beon able to earn no money. IIo said his mothor had supported him duriug that time. He was married to his wife, Annie Sullivan, by Justice Massqy as a compromise iu a suit brought by the young woman for the support of hor child. Justico Massey said ho thought was ablo to work and earn a living for hia wife.

lie sont him to Jail lu default of $200 bonds to pay horfl por week. TO EXTSSD TUB CABLE 110 11). Tlio I.engili orilm Lino lu be Over Nine ItlileN. A certificate of tho extension of tho Jiailroad Company has been filed wlihtho Sucretnry of Stato. Tho o.vtonsioii consists of a branch starting from Park and Vanderbilt avonuon, along Park avenuo to Broadway; thou lu each direction to Park streot and Locust streot: with a single truck iu ouch Btreot, to Beaver stroot, across Belvidoro Btreot to Bushwlck avonuo, to Jefferson stroot to Evorgroou nvonuo, to Central avonuo, to tho city lino at Evorgroons Cemetery with a double track In ouch of said 3truota.

The cartmeato also states that tho company nroposoa to run Its road from Fulton Forry on I'ulton atroot to Front stroot, nnd also lu Front aud Wator stroots to Washington stroot, to Concord stroot, to Navy stroot, to I'nrk avonuo, to Droadwav, and thenco on the slroota above montlonod. Tho total length of tho lliio, Including tho extension, is to bo uino and ono quarter miles. A WOMAN'S BEQUESTS TO CHARITY. Disposition of the Property of Mm Judith Ann Itidlotv. Judith Ann Ludlow, vho died in Jamaica Soptorabor 29 last, left a will rankiug bequests as follows: To tho First Presbyterian Church at Jamaica, $500.

Tho rosiduo of tho ostate Is devised aa follows: One sixth part to tho Long IBland Ilible'Siocioty, ono sixth part to tho trustees of tho Board of Education of tho Presbyterian Church in the Unltod Statos, one sixth part to tho trustoo3 of the I'resbytoriau Board of Education, ono slxth part to tho Board of Foreign Missions of tho Proabytoriau Church, ono sixth part to the Amorlcan Forolgn Christian Union, one sixth part to St Luke's Hospital in the City of Isow York. Waito S. E. Ludlow and Daniel Baylls aro appolutod oxocutora. Petition for probato was filed yo3torday HIS SAID OOODItY TO THE OFFICER.

Officor McAuley, of tho York street Station, arrested John Wynn, SO yoars old, of John streot and Hudson avonuo, at 0 o'clock this morning, on suspicion of boiug ono of tho mon who a couplo of hours previously hnd brokon tho windows of Patr ink Fox'a saloon, 31 Hudson avenuo. Wynn askod to bo allowod to say goodby to hla mothor and waa given permission to do so. Ho went up stairs, got out on tho roof aud escapod. ACHICUI.TUBAIi 80C1ETV FDSDS. The accounts of Thomas H.

Bacon, treasuror of the Quoena Couuty Agricultural Society, havo been audited and approved by tho Flnanco Commltteo. Tho year's receipts woro $18,170.50, and thoro remains a balance of $1,000.16. Tho amount in tho Sinking fund, oxcluaivo of tho abovo sum, is $8,110.40, FL'MiliAL OF JOHH A. KEI1NOCHAS. Tho funeral of tho late John A.

Keruoehau, one of tho oldest and bo3t known cltlzona of Now Y'ork City, took place from Trinity Chnpol, 15 West Twenty fifth stroot, to day. It was largoly attondod. The remains wero takon to tho familji'plot at Woodlawn Comotory for iutorment BLEW OUT THE OAS. Jnnc Anderson, 25 years of age, a servant girl employed at 210 Dograw Btroot, blow out tho gaa whon sho wont to bod last night and was found this morning almoBt suffocatod. Ambulanco Surgeon I'nyno took her to St.

Peter's Hospital. Sho wlllrecover. JOHN MITCHELL REINSTATED. YeBtorday morning Corousr Meuniiiger discharged his clork, Mr. Hallock, and reappointed iu his placo Mr.

John Mitchell, who waa removed about throo months ago. Tho Coronor says that tho reason for hU notion was Hullock's Incompetency. THE LAMP EXPLODED. A kerosouo stove exploded in a room occupied by Mary Ootts at No. 115 ltidgo stroot, New Y'ork, early this morning, aud tho woman's clothos caught llro.

Sho was badly burnod and takon to Bollovuo Hospital. A MAIL CARRIER IVAN TED. Tho Postmaster has advertised for some ono to carry local mails for Station and Woodhaven, via tho rapid transit, in a way that will lnsuro Bpoed all around and Improve tho Twenty third Ward sorvlco. TO JAIL FOR TEN DAIS. Ia Flushing, this morning, Justico Smith sent a trnrop namod William Klne to Jail for ton day.

TUESDAY EVENING. KOVEMDEK 0. 1888. SOGER'S RIVAL. Still Another Claimant in the Field.

A Stranprer Who Says Ho is the Genuine Tichborne Tho Proceedings in the Case or Cards. The individual Trlio says ho is Sir Roger C. Tichborno, alias Cbnrlos Curtis, eat In tho rooms of llie United States Commissioner this morning, surrounded by a host of ropoctore, court officials, pension officers and lawyers, gathered to wltnoss his light with the Government on the charge of falsely Impersonating the votoran Charles Curtis. Tichborno, Orion, Curtis or whoever ho Is. is a fine looking man with a strong, florid face, the forehead of which has been turned into a deeply plouguod Cold by tho universal husbandman, care.

He has iron gray hair, worn thin on tho top of his head, and an Iron gray moustncho and goatee, the latior being full and wavy. Ills features aro well formed, and tho fnco on the whole Is well worthy of a Toteran. The figure is erect but not stout. Ho woro gold bowed spectaclos and was clothed from head to foot In now broadcloth. It was 10:30 whon United States Deputy Marshal James Biggart escorted the prisoner into court, and Deputy Commissioner Alton look bis seat United States District Attorney Benedict conducted tho case for Uncle Sam, and Lawyer Tobbetta appeared for the prisoner.

1. M. Ward, ohief law clerk of tho Tension Office at Washington, was the tlrst wltnoss called, lie ieitlQod that ho had mado tho complaint against the prisoner under tho name of Charles CuriiA alias Arthur Orton, alias Uoger C. Tichboine. lie Tras present when tho warvaut was exccutod.

Objected to by Lawyer Tobbotts uutll ho had road the complaint. Witness, continuing, said tbnt Special Exnmlnor Paul Schopp was also present when the warrant was executod. He tlrst saw Curtis at his residence, 108 KaSBau stroet, on Saturday afternoon last, aud hod some conversation with him. Discoverlos made at Washington tendod to provo that Curtis' claim was fraudulent aud ho had eomo on to sccuro his arrost for obtaining money under false pro tencos. Alter sooiug Curtis ho got tho warrant irom the United States Court in Brooklyn and lnr tho ovouing again procooded to 103 Nassau stroet In company with Mr.

Schopp. Thero ho found Curtis nnd requested mm to como to tho United States District Attorney's office to answer some questions about his pension. The prisoner camo as requested and wa.s arrestod and committed to tho custody of tho Marshal. Witness had a convoreniion with the prisoner, who said that ho was Edward Jiogor Ttchborne, and was waiting for tho arrival of llio I.ydian Monarch from England. A lady was to arrive by that vessel bringing him nows of his possessions.

l'erhaps ho would go back to Kiiglaud with hor to look after his estatos. Though claiming to bo Sir ltoger Ttchborne, tho prisoner also clalmod that ho was Charles Curtis, having served in tho war under that alias. At this point the prosecution put lu evidence a copy of tho prisoner's certificate of discharge from the army. The detenso acknowledged it to bo a true copy. The lace oi tno curuncuui uu.u iuiiuiHub.

1'oiiBion I Oct. 13, 1881 S. To nil whom jt may concern. Ofllce. fVienottB.l Know ye that Charlos Curtis, a private of I Irut Lleutonaut M.

J. Stearns' Company I'', Ono Hundred and Sixth of N'uw ork Infantry Volunteers, who was ourollo.i on tho 17th day of February, lido, to servo uiruo yenr or during tho war, Is horoby discharged from tho Rorvlco of tho United States, to date 27th day of Juno, 1S03, by reason of mustor out of tho doiachmont. No objection to hl3 being re enlisted la known to exist.) Sniri Clmrlns Curtis was born in Canada; is 37 years of age, flro fool ten inches high, light complexion, blue oyos and brown huir aud by occupation, when enrolled, a clerk. Given at Washington this aoth day of October, 18S1 George D. Rcgui.ks, Assistant Adjutant Cenoral.

This sentence will bo crasod should there be anything lu tho conduct or physical condition of tho Soldier rendering him unlit for tho army. A. G. No. E.

H. McM. 77, J. T. On the reverso aldoof tho certlDcato was: Oath ot Identity Charles Curtis, of the township of Pan Diego.

County of Kan Diego, in thu St. uo of C. ilifornia. on this 18th day of March, I8S5, por eoually appeared before mo, Iho undorsigned a Justice of tho poaco for the county aud Slate above mentioned. Charles Curtis, who boiug sworn according tn law, declares that ho is the identical Charles Curtis, who was private In tho company commauded by First II.

J. Stearns, in the Regiment One Hundred and Six, X. V. I. commandod by Ho enlisted on tho 17th day of February, for tho term of thrco years and was discharged at Washington, 1).

on the 27th of Juno, 1803, bjveasou of wounds received in battle. Ccutis. Sworn and subscribed to before mo tho day and year above written. Ciiaki.ks Monkok. I certify that Charlos F.

Jlonroo, before whom tho abovo affidavit purports to have been made, is a Justice of Iho peaco duly authorized to administer oaths, aud that the above is his signature. In testimony whereof I have hereunto sot my haul and affixed my ofilcial seal this 12th day of March, In tho year lijSo, at San Ulego, In the State of California. JlonnE, Clerk of the Superior Court. i. s.

Bv Frank H. Manievii.t.r, Deputy. Another iiidorsoineut on the back was: "A true rnv of Lhrf original (HsebarKO now on fllo iu tho iOSatta AUUllor ouil'e, c. in. uu.j Bhunkh.

WASnlSRTOV, I). April Sli, ISSd. Tho prosoeution also put in ovidouco tho defendant's pousion certiflcato and a dupliciite of receipt and sworn voucher of a pmiHiun payment. The dofonso acknowledged these to bo correct. Lawyer Tebbotts Mr.

Ward, you say Hint you mado out this complaint against the prisoner undor tho name of Charlos Curtis Jlr. Ward Yes. Lawyer Tebbotts Will you look over tho complaint again, please, aud soe whether tho nanio of Charlos Curtis occurs at all Jlr. Ward looked the paper over and said: It has boon made out against Arthur Orion, alias Hoger Tichborno. I believed at tlio tlmo that tho prisoner was tho Tichborno olai mam, porpouating tho votoran, Charlos Curtis, for the euke of tho pension.

Here tho hearing was p.djournod to await th arrival of other witnesses. There is an apparent discrepancy betwoon tho rlatement on tho faco of the certificate that tho prisoner was mustered out and tho statomont in tho oath of Identity that ho was discharged by reason cf wounds incurred in battle. Veterans present in the courtroom declared, however, that this meant nothing: certificates of discharge wero mado out byreglmonts when tho prisoner got his, and tho fact that no wounds wero moiuioued did not oven eorvo as an intimation that ho had no wounds. Cor poral Tanner's certificate is mado out in procisoiy the same form, though both his legs woro tnoi ou. Down stairs, In tho United States Marshal officii, Curing tho time that the trial was on, sat a man who was tho subjoet of a groat deal of curiosity.

Ho was about 57 years of age, nnd about Iho same height and figure as Evangelist Moody a square. thick body In the shoulders of which a largo, ilorid faco was half buried. This man was spectacled nnd wrapped like an Englishman traveling in cold woatnor. Beside him sat a well dressed, intelligent looking lady, who was still young. The rumor spread that this man was tho other Tichborno claimant Do Castro, alias Sir Roger Tlch borne.

Eoportors who woro in England during tho famous trial clalmod lhat thoy rocognizod him. An Eagle reporter told him that suspicions and ru mors wore abroad ahd ho said "Yes, sir, I am tho genuine Tichborno" Whon asked, "do you travel under tho name of Tichborno ho ropliod, "I do, that la my name and I never travelod under any otuor excopt lu Austral whon I auswored tho name of Castro for a THE CHICAGO STRIKES. Rfiveral Minor Ficlits, but Pio Serious Disturbance. Chicago, October 0. Everybody was excluded from Packingtown thlB rooming except persons engagod thoro or thoso willing to go to work on tho packers' torms.

These latter wero annouueed to be, according to a resolution signed by all tho prominent packers ox cept Nelson Morris and George Swift that the mon shall roslgn from any labor organization tnoy mav belone to. The abseuco of Iho nam03 of Swift aud Morris from tho resolution was com mented on by tho men as tho weak point In tho packers' position. All was qulot wilhin and with out the Quarantined district this morning. Two companies ot the Second Rogimont wero stationed nt points mado conspicuous by disordor yoBtordny, at tho corner of Fortloth and llalstead streets and ot the viaduct una orty tuiru Birooi. Armour's two houses wore running this morning, hoes and calves being klllod.

Swift's and Morris' bouBes were also running with Increased forces. Bofore the militia ocoupiod tho ground, aa thoy did earlier in the morning, largo crowds assembled and several fights took placo. With the ndvont of tho bovs In the streets the crowd dispersed. Many now mon reported to day for work. A NEW SUBWAY COMMISSIONER.

Daniel I. Gibbens to bo Successor. Ttlr. Flower' Albany, N. Novombor 0.

Governor Hill to day appointed Daniel L. Gib bons Subway Commissioner of New York City, In ulaco of llOBwell P. Flower, roslEncd. Mr. Gibbons IB at presont counsel for tho Subway Commission ers, 1b tho private socrotary of Mr.

Flowor and is fully conversant with tho dutlos of tho position. HIE WEATHER. INDICATIONS. Washington, D. Novombor 9.

For Eastern Now York, fair woathor, followed by light rains, nearly stationary lemporuturo, south erly winds. jiEConn op the tueumometeh. Tho following is tlio rocord of tho thormomotor a kept at tho Brooklyn Daily ofuco: qaM 35 10 A. ea.1I a J' 8 A. 3 1 Avenue mocraturc tl.iy AvcraEO temporaturo octc yanr 1I1GII WATER.

39 44 4 5 lit The following is the official announcement of thollmo nnd duration of high wator at Now YorS and Sandy Hook tor to morrow, Jiovomuor iu: A. M. Ttae.lHeiRlit. K. M.

Fet. p. at. Time Height, u. M.

I Feet. Dura'nof itiso. II. M. 111.

M. 0:42 Bandy Hook! 0:01 I 4.5 4.7 7:02 0:57 4.1 i.2 0:54 0:31 0:71 MOVEMENTS OF OCEAN VESSELS. AimiVEn TUESDAY, NOVEMEXn 9. Ss FmH, liremon, New York. Es yulerno, Hull, Now York.

SsNiacara, Havana, Now Yolk. Ss Dalclomoro YKlusias. Havana, Now York. HCity of Nowctutle, Kowcneuo. ftoir York.

8a Pbiladolplila, Onraooa, New York. AnniVBD at ronmcx ports. Ss City of Montreal, New York, CJueonstown. Tho Conoy Island Rod and Gun Club will hold their regular monthly shoot at the half milo tho a tho the at tho for tho at in ren by to by in iu bo a The New York and New Jersey Telephone Company. More Complaints Against That Corpora tionCity Works Commissioner Conner Directs Investigations to be Mado in the Future Canvassing: tho Returns The Beeclier Reception CommitteePay Inf? Election Expenses.

The selection of successor to ttobert Spltzer, formerly Alderman, will be left to the Republican membors of the Common Council, with tho approval of tho Democrats. Tho position will purely honorary, as tho Democrats are In a large majority and can afford to concede tho posi tion to tho opposition party. Mr. Kpuzer is now in Dakota. Ho loft Brooklyn unuer wuat is generuny termed a "cloud" that is to say, thore wero some financial obligations which tho gentleman failed to meet.

Mr. Spltzer Is reported' to bo anxious to return to Brooklyn, and will do so as Boon as relatives and friends pavo the way. Speaking of tho choice of a successor to Mr. Spltzer Alderman Weeks said this morning: "The matter will probably bo loft to Mr. Blrkett, Mr.

Hlrshfleld nnd myself. Thore aro three gontlemen who are Bpokon of for tho position, ox Alderman Stow art, of tho Seventh Ward; John Davis, a Twenty first Ward druggist, and er Aldorman Collins. It looks as though Mr. Stewart would be chosen." Tho little tin sign In tho Common Council chamber which bore tho name "Spltzer" has beon taken down. In a week or two the selection oi successor Mr.

Spltzor will probably have boen made. TRE BTOltAOE RESEKVOIR. Sinco tho 27th of Ootobor, thero has been a gain tho depth of tho storage reservoir of ono foot and half. "The recent rains," said Chlof Engineor Van Buron thi3 morning, "havo beon of incalculable benefit, and thore certainly will bo no more difficulty to apprehend until noxt Summer comes around." FAYINl! ELECTION EXPENSES. There is a very affable porson In tho Board of Elections named John GilbortBon.

Mr. Gilbortsoc just now engaged in the arduous occupation of watching tho big safe in tho office of Uio Board of Klections. This safe contains $31,810, iu tho separate sums necessary for the remuneration of owners polling places, registers, oti, In tho recent elec tion. Thoro were SOS polling places, the owners ot which rocolvo 530 each; 53b' registers at 133 each; Inspectors at 15 each, and 533 polling clerks at oach. It lo only during tho few weeks following election that tho Board of Elections safo contains so much collateral.

Mr. Gilbertson saye that soma delay Is being caused by tho lmporfoot certificates forwarded In some casos, aud tho failure to sonu in tho certificates at all In others. TELEQHArn AND TELEPHONE TOLES. A number of residents of Prospect place called tho City Works Department this morning aud complainod of tho Now York and New Jersoy Telephone Company oreeting poles along that street. On September 11 Commissioner Connor granted tne company a special permit to replace tho polos al ready standing on Sackett street, noar Court street; Fifth avenue, corner of Flatbush avenue; on Bergen streot, near Sixth avenue; on Flatbush avo nuo, corner of Sixth avonue; on Prospect placo and Iteid avenue, near Broadway.

On hearing tho statements of tho porsona who appeared boforo him tho Commlssiouor rovokod tho spoclnl pormit, it being shown that instead of replacing old polos tho company was tearing up ground without roforoueo to permission, and was preparing to extond Its wires through l'rospoct place out to the city line. Commissioner Conner said this morning that with rol erouco to any application made hereafter for a spocial permit by tho Now York and Now Jorsoy Telephone Company, ovon If it bod permission to erect polos through what wo considered sparsely settled neighborhoods from the Underground Wlro Commission, a special examination will bo made by tho City Works Dopartmont with tho viow of ascertaining whethor it is advlsablo to grant said application. If it bo doomod nnndvlsablo to lot the company procoed, tho permit will bo refused by tho Citv Works Departmout. Complaints against tho company, continue to roach Mayor Whitney and Commlssiouor Conner. The last delegation to appear before tho Mayor was from tho neighborhood of New York avenue' and Pacific street.

In this neighborhood tho company is uslug Fire Department permit, giving tho Depart ment, in return, permission to uso its polos In caso desires to put up wires. Tho Flro Dopartmont Is not amouable to tho Underground Wire Commission, and so long as tho Telephone Company has tho sanction of this branch of tho municipal sor vico, it cannot be Intorforod with. To the delega tion from tho neighborhood of Now York avonuo tho Mayor oxploined tho operations of tho Underground Wlro law, and said that so long as tho Tele phone Company was proceeding with tho permission of the Fire Department no stops could bo takon against it. SUa Alt KEFINKRS AT WORK. Application was mado at tho Building Depart' mont this morning by Dick Moyors, sugar rofiuors of tho Kaslern District, for permission to erect a two story frame storage shod, 201x111, costing ZifiOO, on North Sovonth street, near Kont avonuo.

Tho application was granted. THK UBKCHER COMMITTEE. Tho following commltteo will tako chargo of tho reception to bo toudorod to Mr. Beccher at the Acad emy of Music at such tlmo as suits tho convonlouco of tho distinguished clorgymnu: Mayor Whitnoy and Aldermen Olona, Corwln, McCarthy, Kuglo and Blrkett. The only Republican on tho committee is Mr.

Birketu CANVASSt.VO TUB HKTKH.VS. The Board of Aldermen met at noon to day ns a Board of Canvassers to dotormluo the result for Controller, City Auditor, City Judge, City Supervisors aud Constables. Tho returns woro opened by tho City Clerk In tho presence of the Mnyor and tho members of tho Board. They wore then referred to the Commitloe ou Eloclions with Aldormou llanloy and Fanning added. Tfio work of canvassing tho returns will not bo complotod until tho end of Ihe week.

HE WOULD XOT PAY. A liively Controversy in a iJreenpomt Kcstaiirant. James Burke, ill years of age, who Buys he Iivos In Hunter's Point, was indubitably intoxicated last night whon he ontored Croissant Drothors' res tuuraut, 57 tlroonpolnt avouuo. Seating himself at a table, he gave a gonorous ordor for supper, and when tho viands wero placed beforo him attacked them with nil the zost of a hungry man. When ho bad finished, however, ho oxpressod au luteution to omit tho customary formality of payment.

To James' maudlin amazement, the proprietors ob Joclod to such a courso, and the result was an interchange of ombraces betwoon customer and hosts during which plates and dishes rocolvod a hand ling that will forevor impair their usefulness. Beforo tho usefulness of any of tho disputants was im palrod, however, James was lnducod by Olficor Matthews, of the Sovonth Precinct, to accompany him to the station houso, where ho passod tho night on a nice, clean plank. CROOKED WniSKY. An Important Capture in Bod Hook Point Yesterday. For tho last two months tho suspicions of tho Hevenuo officers havo beon directed to an old Bhod situated at tho foot of Klug streot, Rod Hook Point, where thoy thought illicit distilling was being carried ou.

Careful watching proved that thoir suspicions were correct and yosterday afternoon a squad of deputy marshals, undor com mand of Deputy Marshal Jamos Biggart and ac companied by soveral marshals from Collector Black's office, made a raid upon tho placo. A number of ofilcors from tho Van llrunt stroot Station ac compaulod tho party, na trouble was oxpoctod. Whon tho raid was mado no persons woro found on tho promises, as they had takon alarm, but ap paratus anil liquor to tho value of $3,000, woro captured. Some of tho liquor was in vats and was al lowed to run off Into tho gutter. Tho apparatus and tho barrelod liquor wero takon to tho United States Warohouso and to tho Marshal's office.

No arrests were mado. TOE CENTRAL SCHOOL AT WOJtK. Seven Ilnntlrcd and Fifty iirls in the New School and 300 ICoys iu tho Old. The new Central School's machinery was set to work ibis morning by Dr. Loigbton, whofouud more than 1,000 scholnrs In his caro.

Thoro wore 550 glrbs In tho old school and 300 boys. Two hundrod glrla wero kept waiting for tho completion of tho now building, and thl3 morning the T30 took up their abode in tlio Nostraud avenuo school, undor Dr. Leighton's Immediate supervision, whilo tho 800 boys remain lu tho old structure under charge of Professor A. G. McAllister.

Thoro 1b room for 900 in tho new building, but tho February grammar school graduations will turn out 500 scholnrs, 300 of whom will enter the Central. By next Fall, according to Superintendent Puttoraon's estimate, 500 boys and 1,000 glrla will bo studying In the two buildings. MUST NOT DRIVE OX THE SIDK1TALK. Thomas Monahan, of G33 Douglass street, was tho complainant In Juatlco Keuua's Court, this morning, agalust Joseph Uoldmoior, a driver for Obormoyor I.lobmann, bvowors. Tho charge was that Uoldmoior hnd drivon a toam of horses attached to a boor truck over tho sidewalk on Broadway.

The accused pleaded guilty and was fined $5. SENT TO Till! TRUANT'S nOME. Moritz and Samuol Mintz, aged respectively 13 and 13 years, woro sent to tho Truant's Homo by Justice Konna this morning, on complaint of thoir father, Julius Mints, of 700 Broadway, THE COMPLAINANT DID NOT APPEAR. Charles A. Durcks, tho saloon keeper of Atlantic and llockaway avotiuo3, who was accusod boforo Justice Konna on October 23, last, of stoaling a pair of suspondorsand a numbor of neckties from Adolph Yoffa, of 3 Whipple 6treet, was discharged this morning, as tho complainant failed to appear.

THE NEW YORK ELEVATED ON FIRE. The wood work of the olovated railrond structure, opposite 83 Trinity placo, Now York, I caught fire early this morning, from hot aah03 from an ongino. Tho damage was small. THE EVERETT HOTEL FIRE. Tho polico report tho losses by tho fire yes terday at tho Evorett Hotel, lu Barclay Btreot, Now York, as $4,500, which la much smullor than was at first supposod.

A SHALL Firtli. A fire, cause unknown, broke out last evening in the shoe shop of Gustavo Marklor, Lllory streot, resulting In about $183 damage. his tho to If body into Trafalgar square. Tho mob halted In square and attempted to tako up a position, but pollco soparatod them and cleared tho square, pushing tho crowd toward tho Thames embank ment. Thore they romnlnod hooting and groaning all representatives of tho law.

A feature of the day was the appearance of 300 medical studonls marching through tho Strand five abreast and armed with heavy bludgoons. Their avowod purpose was to aid the police In prosorvlng peaco. A cordon has boon drawn across tho Whltochapel district at tho lower end of tho city by tho Life Guards tho purpose of shutting any body of East end Socialists which might attempt a demonstration In rear of tho nrocoshlon, A dotaebmout of LifeGuards while passing through Quoon Victoria street, City, wore groaned and hissed by a small knot of roughs. Tho majority of tho assembled crowd, howover, watched their progress silence. AsOoneral Warren, Chlof Commissioner of Pc lico, rodo through tho city at tho head of a dotaeb mout.

two Socialists called to him, requesting an answer to yesterday's note nsklng his reasons for prohibiting their proposod meeting. General War referred thorn to his proclamations. Tho procession started without mishap at tho appointed hour, and for tho first mile its progress was markod no disordor. Tho procession pns'sod through Trafalgar square undisturbed, although at different points tb Lord Mayor was hooted. John Williams, tho Socialist leader, addressed tho crowd from tho foot of tho Nelson monument.

On several occasions the polico dlsnorsod tho crowds. Only ono arrost was mado. Tho polico would not pormlt the medical students outer tho square. MUST GO ON. Ko More Delays in the Boodle Aldermen Trials.

The Case of Arthur J. McQiiatle Set Down Peremptorily for Monday Next Gen eral Tracy Appears as tho Defendant's Counsel. The case of booillo AUlerraan Arthur J. McQuade was brought before the bar of General Sessions Court, Part in Now York, to day, aud placed on tho calendar for trial on Monday next, by Recorder Smyth, who announced that tho trial must proceed upon that day. McQuado who bad boon summoned to agpear camo Into court soon after It openod, accompanied his lawyer, Iticnard S.

Xewcomb, and Gonerat Benjamin P. Tracy and hi3 brolhor, ahd bondsman, liernard McQuado. After tho usual prelimiuaries of calling tho roll oi Jurors, etc, District Attorney Martiuo, who was lu attondaneo with his assistant, Dolaueoy Nicoll, arose and, addressing Uocardor Smyth, mentioned, the fact lhat ex Aldermaa McQuado was at tho bar. lio dosirert the case lo bo set down for trial ou Thursday next. General Tracy thereupon aro30 and stated that he deslrod to bo given longer time to place himself roadinoss to begin tho trial.

He said that ho hod only Just bffSn retained ou tho caso aud, supposing that the cases of Kirk, Muller and Farloy would bo disposed of boforo his client would be cnllod upon be tried, ho had given but little attention to McQuado's case. Tho Recorder announcod that under tho cireum ptancos bo would ilx en Monday next as tho day for tho commencement of McQuado's trial. This manor disposed of. Mr. Martlno aroso and reneatod tho motion mado by him in the caso of McQuadc that tho defendant bo now committed without bail.

Ho argued that previous experionco tho ca30 of had demonstrated tho necessity for such a move, aud ho did not mean to come into court on Mouday noxt and find tho pris oner non General Tracy In reply said that bocausoonoman similarly charged bad Hod from Iho Jurisdiction of tho court was no reason why his client should committed to Jail. Thero was no reason, ho contended, why tho District Attor ney should anticipate that Mctjuado would loavo the Jurisdiction of tho court, aud ho was willing to stake his professional reputation that his client would be present on Mouday morn ing. Tho bail McQuado was under was very largo aud reliable, and ho had no disposition to osca trial. The liocordor inquired of the District Attorney if ho know of any roasou for tho fears that tho defendant intended leaving tho jurisdiction. I havo no specific reason for euch a said the District Attorney.

Mr. Martino added that ono papor has published statement alloged to havo boon mado by l.awyor Xewcombo, prominent in thodefeuso inthoso cases, thai if ho woro in such a position a3 tho ox Aidor mon ho would loavo for Canada, if ho had to row himself Ihoro in a small boat. Mr. Xowoombo, with a manifestation of great in dignation, aroso aud denouueod tho statement as boiug unqualifiedly falso. Tho Recorder decided tho matter by staling that ho would not commit Ihe prisoner.

IIo would per mit him to coutiuue on his bail until Monday. HELD ON TWO CHARGE'S. A Very Serious J'oinplaiut AjjaiiiM lUiclincl racDa viic. Thore is ft very much mixed up stato of domestic affairs iu two families of South Brooklyn, which culminated this morning iu tho arrest of sevoral partios. Tho persons interested aro Mrs.

Dugan, who lives In Xinth avenue, hear Thirteenth stroot; Michael McDovitt, who lives iu the sumo houso: Mrs. McDovitt, Michael's wire, whoso bouse is iu Fourteenth stroot, near Ninth avonue, and a protty girl of 10, tho daughter of Mrs. McDovitt. named Maggie Carey. Mrs.

Dugan was arrested yesterday on a ehargo of throwing a stouo through a car window. It ap pears that sho had beaten Mrs. McDnvitt aud then, thrown U.o stone at tier, but that tho missile mlsaod its mark nnd crashed through tho window of tho car. Afior tho arrest had boon made Mrs. MeDavitt swore out a warrant for the arrest of hor husband on a chargo of beating her, and Miss Caiey fllo Jl a complaint against him charging him with a still rnoro sorlous eompiaiut.

Tho girl told a story which if it is accepted as en tirely accuralo by tho Jury will placo McDovitt la nrison for a long term of years. McDovitt waa arrested by Dolcciivo Stallworthy and Officer Mc Grath last night, lio is a rough looking, red beard ed man of 15, and boars an unsavory reputation Mrs. Dugan was arrested by Court Offlcor Dovoy, at hor homo. Sho was finod a dollar by Justice Mnssey this morning. McDovitt was hold without bail for trial upon tho two charges.

THOMAS CLIFFORD VERY ILL. Tho nine Merchant who Figured So Prominently in Police Courts. Thomas Clifford, of 410 Thirteenth stroet, about whom so much baa boon publishod of lato through tho numbor of casos in which he and his wlfo havo flgurod lu tho courts, Is probably boyond tho reach of litigation. A warrant was issued by Jusllco Masaey a wook ago for his arrest on a chargo of abandonment, preferred by hi3 wlfo. He was to have been arraigned for trial this morning, but his Honor rocolvod a lottor from tho houso Burgoon at St.

John's Hospital to tho offoct that Mr. Clifford waa confined thoro, and that he would not bo ablo to appear in court for somo time, If ever. Ho has been failing in health for somo months past, and last wook was taken with sovoro hemorrhages from the lungs, which will probably end his lifo. He is in a very critical condition. GROBLEWSKI TO BE SET FREE.

The Stories of His Alleged Insanity rrononnccit all Bosh. Lawyer Fred. Hartmnnn, counsel for Gro blowskl, to morrow will move for tho discharge of his cllout on the ground that two torms of tho court have passed without tho aceuaod being ro trlod. Tho talk about Grobloowskl being insano, Mr. Hartmann said, was all bosh.

His discharge will be asked for on the grounds stated. The District Attorney will not oppose tho motion bocauso ho hae no now evldenco to offer and that on which Grob loowskl was couvlctod has been declared improper by tho Court of Appeals. THE BRIDGE STILI, BXTENDINU IN BROOKLYN. Willinm A. Davenport, Anthony Barrett and George G.

Herman havo boon appoluted by the Supreme Court Commissioners for obtaining tho value of laud at tho cornor of High aud washing ton stroots, which tho Bridge Trustees desire to purchase. The plot is 100x32 foot In dimensions and belongs to JamoB D. Fish and his brother John, The petition for tho commission comes from tho Bridge Trustees. SKEAK THIEF IN O'NEILL'S. Mary 13.

Walsh and her daughter Mary, of 111 Canal street, wero arrostod iu O'rsoul Btoro, on Sixth avonue, Now York, yosterday aftor noon, while in tho act of stealing a cloak valued at $30. The daughter la omployod in au ostnuiismneut on Fourtoonth stroet as a figure." Doth woro ar raigned at court to day. Tho daughter waa dis charged and tho mother waa held In $700 ball for trial. COMMITTED FOR TWENTY'. SINE DATS.

Officer Zimmerman, of tho Fifth Precinct, arrested Charles Fisher, agod 21 yoars, last night, for assaulting Edward Staples, of 239 Grand street, an additional chargo of Intoxication and disorderly conduct being preferred against tho prisouor. Sta ples did uot appear in Jualico Naehor'a court this morning to prosecuto, but the accused was sent to Jail for twenty nine days on the officer's chargo. ELIZABETH IIIIISCII WANTS A DIVORCE. Elizabeth Hirsch has petitioned tho Su premo Court to havo her father appolutod guardian Iu a divorce suit brought by hor against hor hus band, John F. Hirsch.

Tho reasons for divorce aro private. Tho marriage took place In tho Easlorn District, in Septombor, 18S1. Tho partios to the suit Uavo lived togothor olghteon months. HAHIlY DHL'S MANAGER ARKESTED. James Campbell, manager for Harry Hill, at 20 Houston stroet, was arrested last night by De toctlvo John Sheridan, and charged, bofore Justice Duffy, at tho Toombs, this morning, with giving theatrical amusements without a license.

Camp hfiil was hold for trial at General Suasions in bo to lu a Is of 530 $10 ot on on it hock to morrow..

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