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The Brooklyn Daily Eagle from Brooklyn, New York • Page 7

Brooklyn, New York
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7 sort of way, fighting in to cause at least ho pro hear off it The result is that the theater, however ISSUES FROM THE PRESS. DEAMATIC EVOLUTION. article on "Moral Theories and Public Morality," by D. Gregory, D. D.

Dr. John Hall, of New York, writes on Ministers' Vacations," of which ho approves. Dr. John A. Broadus concludes In No.

6 or the series of articles on the subject that modern text" criticism has had no alarming results as regards anything ossontlal to Christianity. Dr. Phillip SohafT writes on "Luther's Visit to Rome and Dr. J. Spencer Kenuard on Unrealized Idoals.

The sermonto section contains eight sermons, two of them by Brooklyn men, Dr. J. D. Fulton, who discourses on the themo, Why Priests Should Marry," and Dr. Jesse B.

Thomas, whose subject is Tho Debt of Childhood." This number of the Homiktic is an unusually interesting one. The Eclectic, Review lor December presents an excellent variety of foreign literature. The first paper Revisited," by Goldwln Smith, from BROOKLYN BREWERIES. Interesting Facts About Making and Consuming Malt Liquors. A Niagara of Beer and Ale Rushing Down the American Throat Principal Local Establish, mentfi.

It is only in comparatively recent years that the City of Churches has beon giving evidence that it was destined to become a great manufacturing city as well. It has long sustainted the charac p'Ints in that 'ere frog no more than any other frog." So fall our idols. In Scribner'a Magazine for December tho life of Abraham Lincoln is continued down to the year 1837, prtor to which he had become a member of the Legislature. This was a long step forward from his former position as boatman and laborer, and the story of his gradual growth and material advancement, as detailed la these pages, is a moat interesting one. The most striking feature of his legislative career, so far as related.

Is the following protest which was presented to the House by Lincoln and Dan Stone Just be'ore tho adjournment of the Legislature. It is important as showing the earliest attitude of Lincoln on the question of slavery: Resolutions upon the subject of domestic slavery having passed both ranches of the General Assembly at Its present session, the undersigned hereby protest against the passage of the same. They believe that the institution of slavery is fessed to do so. He had marched with a bond of howling volunteers to the gates of Rome, and established himself there as its conqueror, vlrtutilly miming me rope a prisoner in tno Vatican, in the meantime France interfered in the Pope's cause. and sent General Oudlnot with a small army to dislodge Garibaldi.

doubtful diplomatic relations made' It necessary to choose every sort of means of communlcatlug with the Pope, and I had the honor on more Chan one occasion of being the iiiuabuiisbi uuusou 10 communicate, not only witu his Holiness, but between Garibaldi and the then French commander. On the first occasion I was sent to Rome with dispatches from Lord Palmers ton to he delivered (so said my orders) into tho rojie a own nuuas. On my arrival at Rome I wont straight to the Qulrinal and asked to see Cardinal Antonelll. When I Informed hlni of my instructions, he said at once, 'You may give your dispatches to me; you cauuui expect to see ma "iNo, sir; to the Pope I will givo mv dlsnatctiss. or tnbe thAm hark and from tills decision no persuasions or vmouio woum move me.

mnaing me oDstnia tno Cardinal at last took mo with him into a room where the Pope was sitting, His Holiness seemed in a great state or anxiety, but, was most kind and condescending. He gave me his handato kiss and congratulated me on having been so Arm in obeying orders in relation to my dispau hes. I afterward fiund that these dispatches Influenced very much the important Bteps taken by Pio Nono a few days When the war broke out with Russia In 1854, Captain Hobart went to the Baltio with Sir Charles Napier In command Of H. M. ship Driver.

The ab surdity of the appointment of a man as old as Sir Charles to such an'lmportant command is now very evident, and Is freely commented ou by tho author. He affirms, without hesitation, that if the British fleet had then made a bold dash for Cronstadt it would have been captured, but Sir Charles, al though ouce a bravo officer, had reached that time of life when all his spirit of enterprise had left him. io sona a man of nearly 70 years of age to carry on active operations in the Baltic was a manifest absurdity. Not long after the war onded Captain Hobart was thrown out of employment for some years, and our civil contest came very opportunely to furnish him with some excitement. Ue became a blookade runuer and made six round trips in the famous steamer Don, which was captured on tho very next trip after he left her.

He Busequently made a seventh round trip In a new steamer and then went out of blockade running. Captain Hobart relates his adventures very modestly, designating himself as Captain Roberts, the name he went by when in the business, and speaking as that indlvl duaL He had many narrow escapes, his second trip from Wilmington being perhaps as close a shave as any and worth quoting. He describes It thus: But to return to my story, there was, as I said be lore, a consiaeraDie swell running outside, which was fortunate for us, as we rau almost into a gun boat lylug watching unusually close to the bar. It wouia have been useless to turn round and endeavor to escape by golnir back. as.

if we had done so. we should inevitably have been driven on tho beach, uuu eiiner captured or aestroyea. lu such a predicament there was nothlue for it but to make a dash past aud take the guuboat's fire and its consequences. I knew wo bad the legsof her, and there fore felt more at ease In thus running the gauntlet tuau i omerwise snouia nave aone. so ou we went at full speed.

She fired her broadside at about flf.y yard distance, but tho shot all passed over us, ex cept one tnat weut turouga our funnel. The ma rines on board of ber kept up a heavy fire of musketry as long as we were visible, but only slightly wounuoa one oi our men. rtocKets were then thrown up as signals to her consorts, two of which came down on us, but luckily made a bad guess at our position, auu closed with ua on our Quarter instead of our bow. They also opened Are. but did us no injury.

At the moment there was no vessel in sight aueau; ana as we wer gouig ai a splendid pace, we soon reduced our dangerous comoanious to three or four shadowy forms struggling astern without a nope oi catcniug us. me signalizing aud llring had, however, brought several other blockadors down to dispute our vaseaee. and we found our selves at one moment with a cruiser on each side within a pistol shot of us; our position being that of tne meat in a sanawion. so near were tne cruisers, that they seemed afraid to Are from the danger ot hitting each other, and, thanks to our auDerlor speed, we shot ahead and left them without their having Ilred a shot. Considering the heavy swell that was running, there was the merest chanee of their hitting us; In fact, to take a blockade runner lu the night, when there was a heavy Bwell or wind, if she did not choose to give in, was next to Impossible.

To run her down required the cruiser to have much suna rior speed, aud was a dangerous game to play, for vcsBoio uttvu uavu uumvu to go uowa tuemselves wnne acting tnat part Then, again, it must be borne In mind that. th oioentiuo runner nau always lunspeed at command, her sieam being at aU times well up and everv oue on board on the look out: whereas the man of war must be steaming with some degree of economy and ease, and her look out men had not th ex citement to keep them always on the qui vlve that 1 consider that the only ohances the blockading aiiuauroa uau ui capturing a oiocsaae runner were In the following Instances: iu a fair i'lmn in daylight, when superior speed would tell, or ohasiug nor ou suoro, or urivmg ner in so near the beach that her crow were driven to set are to her and make their escape; in which case a prize might be made, though perhaps of no groat value; or frightening a vessel by guus and rockets during the night into giving up. Some of the blockade runners showed great pluck, and stood a lot of pitching into. About sixty six vessels left England and New York to run the blockade during the four years' war, of wuiuu iuuiu iuuu luny nroio uesvruyeu Dy inoir OWU crews or captured: but most of them made several runB before they come to grief, and lu sodoiug paid wen xur tueir uwuere. In 1867 he went to Turkey, more by accident than design, as he says, and received an offer from the Turkish Government to fill the post of Naval Adviser to it which had been formerly ailed for the I revlous twenty year.i by Sir Adolphus Slade.

As Vice Admiral of the fleet he speedily put an end to the disturbances in Crete, but his proceedings gave great offense to the Greeks, on whose representa tions his name was struck off the list of the British Navy. It was afterward restored and he subsequently resigned from her Majesty's service, but his name was again placed on the list a few months be fore his death. His services to the Turkish navy were invaluable and were highly appreciated, During the war with Russia in 1877 78 he wai very active, and had he not been hampered by the obstt uacy of the Turkish commanders, could have accom plished much more than he did. As It was the Black Sea, for the time being, became a Turkish lake. Ho states what is of special interest at the present time, that no Turkish ironclad was Injured by torpedoes in the Blaok Sea during the war, although many attempts were made upon his vessels.

We quote his account of ono attempt that was made with whitehead torpedoes, while his squadron was lying In the port of Batoum: In addition to these precautions 1 put a barrier or Dooms aneaaot tne snips tying la the port, placed guardooats to watch It at the entrance of the harbor, and having done all this, I bided my time. For some ratner sieepioss to me, though to my disgust I heard my officers snoring all round me, nothing happened (though as I heard afterward, a good deal had been going on outside the harbor), when, at about 3 o'clock in ihe morning of tho third or fourth night after I had received the warning, I heard a row going ou In the direction of the guardboats and an explosion near to one of the outlying ships. I had hardly time to think, when something struck the chain of my flagship and seemed to spin past, like a fish in the water. Then dead silence. 1 immediately sent orders to the two fast cruisers, which were lying with steam up, to go to sea and reconnoltor.

Suddenly I heard people on shore calling out (I forgot to mention that ships in Batoum harbor are always lashed to the ebore). I sent my officer to reconnoltor, who found a gaping crowd standing round what they thought was a largo llsh lashing his tall, but what In reality was an unexploded torpedo with tho screw still in motion. On things being calm I went myself to see what had happened generally during the attack, and found that a torpedo had struck the bows of ouo of the Ironclads on the belt, at the waterllne at an angle, had exploded, and scarcely left a mark; that a second torpedo hnd, after passing through the planks on the defensive barrier I had placed, diverged from its course, and goue quietly on shore as far as tbo left of the squadron; that a third, as 1 said, had struck the cbaln of the flagship and not gone off, but had run on to the beach. The parts of another torpedo were afterward picked up, it evidently having exploded somewhere down below. So we could account for four torpedoes having been flred at us without effect; probably there were more.

Those that wero on the beach were in a very perfect state, and as soon as wo had rendered them harmless, we made prisoners of war of them. Hobart Pasha states that be had no dread of torpedoes after this attempt, although many subsequent torpedo attacks wero made upon his vessels. These weapons aro very well for experiments In time of peace, but do not count for much In actual warfare. Latent Publications Chables Sobibneb's Sons, New York. Among iue lqw matters.

Liy Aitou. me sen timental calendar, ay j. of Dale. Catholicity. True and False.

A Sermon, By Kev. G. P. Fisher. D.

D. Gkobob J. Coomues, New York. The Lorgnette. 18S0.

0A8SBIX New York Plutarch's Lives of uemetrius. mars Antony ana Tnein stonlea. J. U. Lippincom Philadelphia.

A Signal Suc cess, xsy jurs. Aiarina u. coston. Dr. Cupid, By Rhoda Brouehtou.

The Century New York. The Centurv for Thb Ootinq New York, Outing for December. Fdhk Waqnalls, New York. The Horalletio jteview ror uecember. tub Buddhist Diet HOOK.

BY Laura u. lioilowav. E. R. Pblton, New York.

The Ecleotlc Magazine for December. Home and Farm Pdbushino Louisville, Ey. The Southern Bivouac for December. MAO.MILLAN New York. The English Magazine fpr December, Thb Catebeb PoutiSHiNa Philadelphia, The Caterer for December.

Is it may stimulate critical and comparative faculties, affords less and less rest and recreation. Yon will find, If you pursue It, that this subject Is a wide reaohlng ono. The tendency referred to is not peculiar to the theater. This is a photographic age In more ways than ono. There is the strenuous demand for mlnuto realism in art which the Impressionists are trying In a vaguo way to resist the realism which regards the precisely right number of nails in a horse's shoe as of equal importance with the face and agure of the general who Is riding the horse to one of the decisive battles of the world, I suspect you can find evidence of the drift even In formalized religion.

But I do not propose Just now to go beyond the old comedios. Tni. NEGLECT OP PUBLIC DUTIES. Reasons Men Ignore What Really Be longs To 'intern. The reputable private citizen of small means thus often neglect to attend to their public duties, because to do so would perhaps Interfere with their privato business.

This Is bad enough, but tho case is worse with the really wealthy, who still more generally neglect these same duties, partly be cause not to do so would Interfere with their pleas ure, and partly from a combination of other mo tives, all of them natural, but none of them credita ble. A successful morchant, well drossed, self im portant, unused to any life outside of the counting room, and accustomed, because of his very suc cess, to be treated with deferential regard as one who stands above tho common run of humanity. naturally finds It very unpleasant to go to a caucus or primary where he baafto stand on an equal foot ing with his groom and day laborers, and indeed may discover that the latter, thanks to their facul ty for combination, are rated higher In the scale of political Importance than ho is himsolf. In all the large cities of the North the wealthier, or, as they would prefer to style themselves, the 'upper' classes, tend distinctly toward tho bourgeois type, and an Individual in the bourgeois stage of development, while honest, industrious and virtuous, is also not unapt to be a miracle of timid and short sighted selfishness. The commercial classes are only too likely to regard evrry thing merely from the stand point of 'Does it pay 7' and many a merchant does not take any part in politics, because he Is short sighted euough to think that It will pay him better to attend purely to making money, and too selfish to be willing to undergo any trouble for the sake of abstract while the younger men of this typo are too much engrossed In their various social pleas ures to be willing to give their time to anything else.

It Is also unfortunately true, especially throughout New England and the Middle States, that the general tendency among people of culture and high education has been to neglect and even to look down upon the rougher and manlier virtues, so that an advanced state of intellectual develop ment Is too often associated with a certain effemin acy of character. Our more intellectual men of ten shrink from the raw coarseness and the eager strug gle of political life as if they wore women. Now, however reflnod and virtuous a man may be, ho is yet entirely out of place In the Amorlcan body poll rlc, unless he Is of himself of sufficiently coarse fiber and virile character to be more angered than hurt by an Insult or Injury; the timid good forma most useless as well as a most despicable portion of the commnnlty. Again, when a man is heard objecting to taking part In politics, because it is he may be set down as either a fool or a cow ard It would be qulto as sensible for a militiaman to advance the same as an excuse for refusing to assist in quelling a riot Many cultured men neg lect their political duties simply because they are too delicate to have the element of 'strike back' in their natures, and because they havo an unmanly fear of being forced to stand up for their own rights when threatened with abuse or Insult Theodore Roosevelt in Centurv. ARABIAN POETRY.

An Vntraced Birth of the Desert. The beginnings of Arabian poetry are lost in the obscurities of the desert The tribes assem bled at the call of Mohammed wero launched upon the world fresh from tho inspirations of song. As the Saracens brought with them their lances and Bwords, their teeds and tlelr camels end their tents; as thoy brought concentration, energy and the fury cfwar, so thoy brought rhyme, riythnl and elegant diction. The Bedouin of the Aiabian ssnds seems to have teen a poet by nature. When aud how the poetic art arose Is not known.

The earliest vereos which have come down to us with certified text are not older than the year 300 of the Christian era. The fixation in a definite and permanent form of those effusions which hnd floated from tent to tent and tribe to tribe, sub ject to all the variations of n.emory or of individual preference, must necessarily be associated with the art of writing. This art was probably Introduced among the Arabians somewhere about tho year 500. From that date rfnward, until tho time of Mahammed, appear the great poets and the great poems which are known to modern history. But we must not presume that these mora definitely molded productions coiobrate the earliest results of fancy.

Long before their appoarancG the passions of thed6sert lifo expressed themselves In measured verse. On the spur of the moment, In tho flood tide of feeling, in the heat of love and of the fight, or In the wilderness of grief and mourning, the Bedouin Beems to have broken away from the un satisfying forms of prose into improvisations of which the more striking were passed from mouth to mouth and of which some aro supposed to have been caught from their desert flight and embodied In those later and longer poems which have boon handed down to us. Arabian verso, therefore, was not important from foreign sources. It was born out of the soil. It grew up lu the desert and was tho impassioned em bodiment of Its life.

The most remarkable thing about It is that It attained, before the time of Mohammed, In the desert and in the midst of tribal iguoranco, its most splendid development The old Arabic pootry of the waudering Bedouins Is cele brated not only for its freedom, its naturalness, tho depth and Intensity of its passion, the boldness and energy of its expression, but also for the perfection of Its diction and the purity of its language. The poems of pre Mohammedan jimes became the enduring models to which after poels aspired dur ing the whole period of Saracen supremacy. The language of the wanderlug Bedouin was esteemed so perfect that composers of later ages rosortad to the wilds aud tents of tho heart of Arabia that they might listen to tho native speech In Its purity and baptize themselves afresh In the scenes and Influ ences of that nomadic life, which often formed the basis of even the later compositions. Atlantic Monthly. Iti A BATTLE PANOfcAMA STDDIO.

Description of Ihe Process and Progress ok the work. The central platform is, of course, tho stand point from which visitors will view the panorama and therefore tho artists are obliged to go to it fro quently as the painting noara completion, In order to observe the effect anu progress of their work. This, too, Is the plnco ot conference, and despite the signs of "No Admittance" within and without, visitors are frequent and usually welcome. Thoso visitors aro often voteran soldiers who took part in the action represented and who often made helpful suggestions. Tho Army stories that are told on the central platform, when old soldiers meet and discuss the old days, would, if collectod, make a prodigious volume.

Tho floor of tho platform 1 ohalked and rcchalked with diagrams, some referring to the panorama itself, but more to illustrate occurrences upon other fields. The strong plno rail surrounding the platform is penciled all over with kindred decorations, while scraps of papor, upon which are memoranda of incidents and a variety of data, a3 well as names and addresses, are pinned to the convenient timber with thumb tacks. Tho artists paint steadily, every Individual being mainly occupied in perfecting his own work, though never hesitating to ask or extend aid in some special direction. One artist, for instance, has an excelled figure of a mounted officer, all complete excepting tbo portrait, a photograph for which Is pinned to tho canvas. While this artist goes to strengthen a line of battle, another one will rapidly paint In an admirable portrait for the incomplete figure.

Soon another brush Is busy with the horse, whllo still another artist calls for somo special saddle and bridle to be brought to the platform that he may paiht the trappings. Now, look at the back of tho photograph whioh is pinned to the canvas 1 faded carte de vislte of a young officer; upon a slip of paper we read tho following: "Colonel now on General Sheridan's staff; then captain General Thorn as1 stuff, 47 (meaning seotton square 47 of the panorama);" French cap, blouse, captain's straps staff dark blue trousers, gold cord, cavalry boots, stall sword, McClellap. saddle; Shabrack black horse; see sketch." This Instance will give au idea of the way In which facts are preserved when a panorama is painted by artists who con. sclentiously strive to make of the work a groat his torical painting. Christmas St.

Nicholas. Contents Tables of the December Magazines. Memoirs of llobart Pasha Brief Mention of Holiday Books and Other Matters Interesting to Publishers and Readers. Among the contributors to the Christmas numbar of Harper's young People are W. D.

How oils, Prank Stockton, Miss Alcott and H. C. Bunner. The managers of Lippincott't Magazine have paid Miss Hoso Elizabeth Cleveland for a narrative poem of four hundred lines. It 13 called "The Dilemma of the Nineteenth Century," and Its subject is the woman question.

Mr. Frederick Barnard, whose character sketches of DiokenB have become famous, has completed a portfolio of sketches of the creations of Thackeray's genius, which Is likely to bo as acceptable as any of his former productions. It Is published by Cas sell Co. Harper Bros, will publish in a lew days a col lection of short stories of Andrew Lang, under the tltlo of In the Wrong Paradise." The October number of the London Quarterly Re view has an article on American poetry, taking for Its starting point Mr. E.

Stedman's Yolume, Poeta of America," which it commends in strong terms. Jlr. J. B. Trowbridge contributes a poem entitled The Bell Buoy of Desert to the current issue of the Independent.

JBr. J. A. Symonds, the author of "Studies of the Greek Poets," has written for the English Mon of Letters' Series," a most Interesting volume on Sir Phiiip Sidney. Messrs.

Lee Shepherd have In press a work by George Makepeace Towle, entitled Young People's History of Ireland." A new educational Journal called Science and Education, has appeared in New York. It is published by N. D. Hodges, 47 Lafayette place, and promises to be a valuable addition to the ranks of educational Journalism. Messrs.

Lee Shepard will publish almost immediately a work by Parsons Hopkins, entitled, "How Shall My Child be Taught7" Messrs. Houghton, Mifflin Co. announce for mmedlate publication "The Queen of the Pirate Wo," by Bret Harle, with Illustrations by Kate Ireennway; "A New Translation of Dante," by Jean E. H. Plumtree; "English and Scottish Popu iar Ballads," Part edited by Professor F.

J. Child and Longfellow's translation of Dante. Mr. John Wnnamakor, of Philadelphia, has made two calendars for 18S7, the Dickens and the Tennyson, both novel and artistic In design. 1 he Dickens panel has pictures in colors o' "Lady Dedlook at tho Churchyard Gate;" "What are the Wild Waves Saying?" "Tilly Slowbny and the Baby:" "Pickwick;" "Tho Rookery;" "Captain Cuttle, with Breakfast in Prospect," and "Autumn Leaves." The Tennyson panel has Locksley Hall;" The Brook;" "The Princess;" "Where Claribel Low Lieth;" "Gareth and' Lynotte," and "Fulling Rose loaves." "Dally Chimes," published by Cassell Company, is a neat little morocco bound, lllumluuted pocket volume, with thoughts in verse for every day In the month.

"The Lorgnette" for 1887, published by George J. Coombs, consists of fourteen illustrations of society life, well executed as to drawing, and neatly printed. "The Sun and Star Calendar," published by White, Stokes Allen, is one of the prettiest of the year, its leading feature being its admirable coloring "The Good Things of Life," the third series of Which has ust been published by White, Stokes Allen, is not inferior to its predecessors. The illus trations from Life, many of them being very amua nig, are reprodm od on heavy paper and form a jretcy and mirth provoking volume. the Elf." published by 3.

B. Llppin lott is a poetical fantasy by M. B. M. Toland, llustrated by a large number of photogravures torn original drawings by, eminent artists.

The manner in which this work has been produced Is highly creditable both to artists and publishers. Messrs. White, Stokes Allen publish a second sories of "Life's Verses," with Illustrations by F. G. Atwood, H.

V. McVickar, Alfred Brennan, J. A. Mitchell and others. Many of the versos are clover end amusing and the illustrations are good.

Messrs. J. B. Lippiueott Co. have published Thomas Buchanan Head's poem, The Closing Scene," with exquisite illustrations by W.

Hamilton Gibson. Bruce Crane, Edmund H. Garrett, W. H. Low, J.

Francis Murphy and others whose nameB will stand for the excellence of their work. The poem, which is largely an echo of Keats' Eve of St. Agnes," Is familiar to many. The illustrations are exquisite. Familiar Birds and What the Poets Sing of Them," is the title of a handsome holiday volume published by White, Stokes Allen.

The verse3 are by various authors, and tho illustrations, which are twelve In number and in colors, are by Fidelia Bridges. Flowers from Dell and Bower," published also by White, Stokes Allen, also comprises twelve illustrations, by Susie Barstow Skelding. which are beautifully executed In colors and make up with verses which accompany them a handsome and desirable holiday present. The sermon preached before the National Congregational Council at Chicago In October last by Rev. George P.

Foster, D. has been published by Charles Scrib tier's Sons, under the title "Catholicity, True and. False." Messrs. White, Stokes Allen have published Tinder the title of "Notable Etchings a large folio volume of such Amork an artists bb J. L.

Gerome Ferris, F. W. Freer, K. Van Elton, James J. Cala han, Frank M.

Gregory, Lerey M. Yale, Joseph F. Sabln, W. H. Skoiton, Charles Volkmar and W.

St. John Harper. The plates, ten in number, represent a specimen of the best work of each, and include such etchiugs as "The Moorish. Inccus? Burner," Tbe White Rose," "Ca Plnce," "The Bookworm." After the Hounds" and others. Ripley Hitchcock furnishes a well written account of the present state of otchlng and a brief sketch of each of the artists whose works appear in this volume.

Magazines. Harper's Magazine for December presents many features of interest, and is a fine holiday number. The continued stories are dropped for the time, and full scope is given to the lighter articles which people desire to road at this season of the year. The honor of the first place Is given to "The Boyhood of Christ," by General Lew Wallace. "The Legend of St.

Nicholas," a poem by Elizabeth Wormeley Latimer, appropriately comoB next. This is followed by "La Mere Veuus," an outdoor study by George H. Boughton, and Polly," Christmas recollection, by Thomas Nelson Pago. "The Trap," a farce, by W. D.

Howells, ''The White Garden," a story, by Harriet Lewis Bradley, Wood Notes," by William Hamilton Gib eon, "Tho King of Folly Island," by Sarah Anne 7ewett follow In the order given. There are two ther tales" Blind Willie," by B. L. Farjeon and "Beryl's Happy Thought," by Blanche Willis Howard. There is also a poem by Kichard Henry Stoddard, "The Legend of Frey Bernardo." Mr.

Curtis from his "Easy Chair" discourses of Christmas, American manners and similar topics, and furnishes an anBwer from the editor in reply to a complaint published In the Boston Herald that outside contributors havo no chance against the Magazine Ring." Mr. Curtis thinks this reply a masterpiece of sound and conclusive reasoning; we sincerely hope ho did not write It himself. The main point for the public, however. Is the admission by the editor in his reply that "the outsider has a slender chance of getting his contributions printed in any of tho great magazines." So there Is a ring, after all. Mr.

How lls of late has been gradually descending from his proud eminence In the Editor's Study as director general of what literature ought to be and has become a mere critic, with an assorted stock of convenient adjectives, which he has brought with him from Boston to express hla varying emotions. The reading public, who have been awaiting tho words of wisdom which were wont to fall from his lips, as the sufferers by the Pool of Bothesdo awaited the moving of the waters, are rapidly coming to tho conclusion so tersely expressed by the party in Msxk Twain's Jumping Frog," I don't boo any a Contrast Between the Earlier and. the Later Theater. The Old Comedies as a Text The Modern De mand for Realism Fatal to Imagination and Destructive of Recreation. I went some time ago to see a performance of "one of the old comedies," and a dreadful affair It was.

The decoration and furniture of tho rooms In which lords and ladles dwelt and gossiped and intrigued would have discredited a tenement houso of moderate pretensions. The representatives of persons figuring In tip top society betrayed, with trifling exception, the densest ignorance of society a good way below the iilghost. They were evidently 111 at ease in good clothes, though these were by no means the best. Their bearing and manners did not suggest an actual acquaintance with the sur roundings or the customs of social rank, which In deed is not Indispensable; and they disclosed no Intelligent Information at second hand, which is Indispensable and which Is within the reach of industrious and cultivated people, however humble their own homes may be. It is hardly necessary to add that no ray of genius made compensation for the absence Of these rudlmental accomplishments.

Yet the well worn play held the Interostof the audience. How does this happen? There is nothing lovable about the characters. There Is no etlmulaut of startling novelty or surprise In the story, which In deed is very slight. Tho situations are chiefly ab surd. Critics are forever insisting upon the "nat ural" and "probable" and roundly denouncing playwrights who do not show a constant respect for these conditions.

Yet it would be hard to And a roaring farce or a turgid melodrama of the newest manufacture which is more unnatural and improb able than this accepted classic. Plainly It is not in what the cenBors of the stage of to day call for that the strong and staying qualities of old comedy consist You will, no doubt, tell me that It is because the Intellectual factor is dominant There seems to bo more in this theory, but let us examine It a little closely. You can uot mean ability of construction, because your Frenchman at tho Porte St Martin will work out an elaborate story in the course of four thrilling acta with a brilliant success of which the dramatist of the old comedy was altogether in capable and at which indeed he never aimed. Or another French master of finesse will effect tho evolution of a trifle in a histrionic social environ ment with an ingenuity and variety of resource which might well move the envy of the same old dramatist Nor can you moan ability in character ization, in the sense of reproducing living flesh and blood people upon the stage, for you do not find these In the old comedy. When you talk of the intellectual you have in view the smart speeches, the ready repartee, the sparkle and spirit of the dialogue.

Undoubtedly these largely retain their charm. Iu tho dingy and dreary performance I have referred to some of the lines sparkled like diamonds on a dust heap. But is there none of this sharpness and crlspness In our later dramas Or, if you prefer the question in another form, has the capacity for writing smart things become extinct and are there no men now living who could introduce them in stage dialogue if they were really wunted 7 I do not think we have so far arrived at an ade quate explanation of the persistence of the old comedy. It must be looked for in something pecu liar to plays of this class which makes them attract ive despite the changed taste of tho time. Charles Lamb, In his essay on "Tho Artificial Comedy of the Last Century," referring to a still older group of plays, accounts in an Ingenious and amusing way for his toleration of what most people nowadays would denounce as the Intolerably gross immoralities abounding in the works, for example, oi congreve ana vvycherley.

Lamb was so delicate and clean minded in all the relations of real life that those who knew htm best would probaby be most shocked at his excuses for the reprobates of the Imagination, provided they took him altogether seriously, He says: "They aro a world of themselves almost as much as fairy land. Take one of their characters, male or female, md place It In a modern play, and my virtuous Indignation shall rise against the profligate wretch as warmly as the Catos of the pit could de sire; because In a modern play I am to Judge of the right and wrong. The standard of police Is tho measure of political Justice. Tho atmosphere will blight It, It cannot live here. It has got Into a moral world, whore it has no business from which it must fall headlong; as dizzy and incapable of taking a stand, as a Swedenborglan bad spirit that has wandered unawares into this sphere of one of his Good Men or Angels.

But In its own world do we feel the creature 1b so very bad? The Falnalls and the Mlrabells, the Dorlmants and the Lady Touchwoods In their own sphere do not offend my moral sense; in fact, they do not appeal to It at alL They seem engaged In their proper ele ment They break through no laws or conscien tious restraints. They know of none. They have got out of Christendom into tho land what shall 1 call It 7 the Utopia of gallantry, where pleasure is duty and the manners perfect freedom. It is altogether a speculative scene of things which has no reference whatever to the world that Is. No good person can be Justly offended as a spectator, because no one'suffers on the stage." This Is very well put As a piece of literary oasuls try It will servo well enough.

But It hardly will quiet the conscientious scruples of a severe moralist To say that the moral tone is of no account in a work of the Imagination, provided only It is sufficiently imaginative to remove It from the everyday world with which we are brought into contact, Is to say that there Is no distinction between morality and immorality literature. Why draw tho line at the stage 7 There never was a writer of eratic verses who could not escape upon Lamb's plea. I believe some such excuse was made In a halting way for Swinburne by the late Richard Grant White. Great numbers of persons derive their no tions of right and wrong as much from books as by any other means. If you tell them that the rankoat vice Is innocuous to tho reader of a work of fancy, if tho latter Is only fanciful enough, you open up curious moral educational possibilities.

For, if profligacy on the stage, with its far more vivid Impressions, is harmless, profligacy In the printed page must be still more Innocent But If we hesitate at Lamb's casulBtry we may atlll find in what he says a hint at the reason of tne continuing efficacy of the old comedies. Do not we like to see them how and thon because, more than for any otner reason, they are a world of themselves almost as much as fairy land" 7 It is something en tirely different from the hard working, wearing. disappointing, actual world with which we have to do all day, and It Is a relief to get there at night It Is altogether a speoulatlve scene of thlncs." sharply contrasting with tho roal and perplexing scene of things In which we get our daily bread. perform our not alway agreeable duties, submit to our failures, and encounter our Borrows. There is refreshment in passing from the actual world to the ideal.

The theater is getting farther and farther awav from this partioular use. Lamb complained that even In his time tho change was going on, but the progress cnen maae was trining compared with what has since beau accomplished. The transfor mation In our lime would astonish him If he could see it This will be very readily perceived In the depart ment of mechanical realism. It might seem Incred ible that a woman should go eagerly to tho theater to see a real washtub when she can see one any dpy In her kitchen. But she will go.

It appears equally preposterous that a man who every morning and evening clings to a strap in a horse car should applaud with delight a real horse car, or a faithful counterfeit of oue, on the stage. But he does it Ihe most remarkable advance mado by tho modern theater Is In reproducing the material actualities of common life. Of a piece with this, though reaching a rather higher level, Is tho rage tor Btage accuracy. A manager will expend thousands of doUars In show ing scones exactly as they wore In the smallest do tall a hundred years since or ten centuries ago. and he will be praised and perhaps rewarded for the outlay.

A critic will weep over a doublet which anachronlstio by a season or two and will write columns of reproach ot an actor who ties his shoe string in an inexact knot Between the mechanics of the theater and its more intellectual features thero is in this respect slight difference. We are impatient wlh the herolo on the remote. We insist that men shall walk upon the stage as they stroll down tho street, and that they shall converse in the same colloquial fashion they would adopt If they met on a ferryboat. "Be natural, be reaL" Thi is the beginning and end of the instruction of th'e aptor excellent advice, if not tpkea too literally. But tho hlstrlonlo drift is toward pimply reproducing on the stage what we flee and ter of a sort of tender to Its bigger neighbor, and it is not to denied that during its past history it has been largely useful in providing homes and sleeping accommodations to thousands who spent the clay in New York.

With increase ot population It has gradually acquired Individuality and independence. Its old village characteristics have disappeared one by one. It is still, although perhaps In ft more qualified sense than formerly, the City of Churches; It still accommodates many thousands who spend their days in New York; it has still many of the amenities which characterize a somi rural town; but It has become a distinct center of social, political, commercial and industrial life. Since the date of the union of Willlamsburgh to Brooklyn, the commercial and industrial features of the city have naturally aud as was expected, become more pronounced. Groenpoint is a very hlvo of Industry, and Increasing thousands are an nuallyflndlngln that region employment and homes.

The extensive Wallabout region is being gradually covered with business establishments. Bush wick is finding increasing emyloyment for both capital and labor. South Brooklyn, too, is multiplying its industries. The result is that a large proportion of Brooklyn's 700,000 people is finding employment without the necessity aud inconvenience of crossing East River. Among the many industrial enterprises for which Brooklyn Is becoming conspicuous ale and beer browing is not the least important It is quite true that the manufacture of ale and beer has been pro grossing not in Brooklyn alone nor in this neighborhood alone.

The growth has been tremendous all ovor the country, not so much on account of any increasing appotlte on the part of the people for the beverage as on account of the multiplying population. The following statement will show how mar velously tho malt liquor trade has grown during the last twenty two years Year. 1863.... 1884.... 1805....

1666.... 1807...., 1868...., 1870 1871.... 1872.... 1873.... 1874..:., 1875...., 1876....

1877.... 1878.... 1879 1880 1881 1882...., 1883...., 1884...., 1886 Dnties paid. I Bnrrel, Gallons. 58.053.41 2,006,025, 2,141,381 5,115,140, 6.2U7.4M 62.205,375 97.382,810 113.372,611 158,669,840 192.429,462 190 546.553 196,603,706 283,831.127 239.948,060 268,442,237 293,633,013 297,627.807 293.033,607 303,972,912 804.111.860 317.4SS5.t01 344.195.604 413.760,441 443,641,868 525,514,635 560 494.652 588,957,189 694,764,511 23,709.73 6 115,140.40: 5 819.345 49 5.656.SI 7n 6.146.6631 6.342.055' 931 0.081,520.54 7,139.740.20 6,674 517' 7,740,260 8, 8.919.823.83 8,850,829.08 8,743,744.02 9, 9.473,360.70 10,270 352.83 077.26 13,237.700.63 15,680,675.54 16,426,050.11 17.t'.,l.

722.88, 1 I ,006.11 9.033,323 9,000,897 9,452,0971 471 11,103.034 13,347.111 14 311 (lift 10,9 52,0351 17,757,5921 18.9U8 6191 19.135 9531 8208,701,094.39:225,887,323:7,002,502,013 These figures are instructive. Among the manufacturing States New York stands at the head, Pennsylvania next; then come Wyoming, Illinois and Missouri. In the year 1885 200,000 persons paid special taxes as Bale or retail dealers in malt liquors, and ot this number 30,000 are to be awarded to New York State, about 19,000 to Pennsylvania and about 10,500 to California. It Is estimated that in New York and immediate neighborhood 3,000,000 barrels of lager beer, or 93,000,000 colons of lager neer, were con sumed ring the las tv elve months. As each barrel ccutains il.irty one about 500 glasses, the consumption of beer in New York, Brooklyn and adjoining towns and Hlage3 was for the last year about 1,500,000,000 glasses.

In the manufactur lug as well as in the drinking of this vast amount of liquor Brooklyn pti'. rmid her part It la not the object of this article to discuss the right and the wrong of beer drinking, or to go into tho merits of beer as a beverage. That beer is con sumed in Brooklyn, and that beer Is made in Brook lyn, are facts which must be accepted; and so long as beer Is consumed in the midst of us, mo3t people will admit that we havo a right to share in the profits which come from the manufacturing of the same in other words, that we have a perfect right to benofit by the Industry to which It gives birth. It will be iqually admitted that If beer is manufactured In Brooklyn it should be what it professes to be good, honest beer, made of the proper material, and mado with care. In Brooklyn, including its Immediate suburbs, there are somo twenty two separate breweries which manufacture lajger beer only, tbreo which manufacture ale enly and one wi.ieh manufactures both 1 5 and ale.

The oldest brewery In Brooklyn is that at it foot Jay street, long known as John son's, now owned and run by Levi Brlttou. After It comes lhatof Howard Fuller, and that known as the Long Island Brewery which manufactures both ale and lager boor. The youngest Is Maleom'a. known as the Wallabout. The lnger beer brewer ies are too numerous to mention in detail.

A few of the more promineut aro Llebman's Sons, Ober meyorA Liebman; Budweiser's, the Willlamsburgh Brewery, Hubert's, Abbott's, Ulmer's, Badwlng, Scharman's. Claus Ltpslus, Munch's. The breweries are not all of the same size. In some the manu facturing capacity is much greater than in others. As a rule the olo breweries are less showy and pre tensious than the beer breweries.

It cannot be said that there is less tidiness about the ale establishments; but there Is somehow more shine, more glitter, more ostentation of wealth about the lager beer establishments. The visitor to the larger beer breweries in Brooklyn Is convinced at a glance that thero Is money in lager that beer brewlne pays. Tho counting houses of Llebman's Sons, at Bushwlck, of Obermeyer Liebmau's, and of Ulmer's, on the opposite side of the street, are not surpassed by anything of the kind in Broadway or Wall street Among the ale establishments prominence must be given to Malcom's, at the Wallabout The arrangements for malting and for brewing are of the most perfect kind. Every now Improvement is here represented and the dominant feature of the man ufacturing process Ib its automatic charaoter. Ev ery thing seems to be done by machinery; and at each successive stage of the process, from first to last, the visitor is impressed with the perfection of the work, with the cleanliness visible and especially with the care whioh la taken to rid the grain first and then the ale of all Impurities.

Mr. Malcom claims no praise for himself or for his establish ment more than is due bis fellow brewers; but he inslstB upon it that American brewers have superior facilities to thoso of any other country and that they make a better ale. The ale trade of Brooklyn la mostly local. Tho brewors send a little to New York, but not much beyond. Among the lager beer establishments theprocoss of manufacture varies but slightly.

To the visitor one brewery is very much like another, bo far as ho Is permitted to witness tho manufacturing. There is too good reason to be llovo that barley Is sometimes supplemented by rice and other less desirablo substances. But the visitor is not likely to havo his attention specially called to this part of the work. The general claim for the present is clear barley; and there can bo no doubt that the prlco of grain almost forbids adulteration. The Busbwick brewers, one and all, agree In saying that adulteration would not pay and that better beer than Is now served to tho Brooklyn people was never made.

As Illustrations of tho magnitude of tho brewing interest in this city, it Is said that Llebman's Sons have over a million and a half of dollars invested in their place at Bushwlck. During the last twelve months they malted 350,000 bushels of barley and sent out 118,000 barrels of beer. Budweiser sent out about 100,000 barrels of beer; Otto Huber about 90,000 barrels Claus Lipslus about 75,000 barrels; the Willlamsburgh Brewery about 65,000 barrels, and Obermeyer Liebman about 68,000 barrels. Remembering that there aro twenty two such establishments in Brooklyn, the reader will havo no aitncuity in arriving at tno conclusion that the brewlne interest is of some Imnortance to the city, and a not unfruitful Bource of wealth. J.

w. MEXICAN SILVER DEPOSITS. Charles Lyell, the eminent geologist, save that the interior of Mexico is the richest known argentiferous section in the whole world. The fact was long ago established that a metaliferous vlen runs without Interruption through tho entire length of the cordlllera of Anahuao, extending from the Sierra Madre in Sonora, near the northern border, to the gold deposits of Oaxaca, lu the extreme south of Mexico. This exhaustless voin traverses no less than seventeen States and since tho day of Its discovery its mineral yield has beon more than i nnn 000,000 worth.

And yet these valuable sources of wealth are estimated to be not more than one per cent of the undeveloped and undiscovered whole. Mexico Tieo Republics. Itacmillan's Magazine. Mr. 8mlth is dlBposod to take a pessimistic view of things and to conclude with Mr.

Manteliui that everything in his native land is to the "demnltlon bowwows." There is strong and praciical article from the Nineteenth Century on "Our Craftsmen," by Thomas Wright, Mechanical Engineer. The article from Temple Bar on "The Statesmen of Eastern Europe," is of great interest In view of the Bulgarian complications and the possibility of war. It contains accounts of De Qiers, Andrassy, Kolly, Tisza, Affenyi, Taaffe, Garaschanlne, Rlstlcs, Zanoff and others. who to the averago American reader aro little more than names. There are also articles on The Bulgarian Situation" from the Contemporary; Coleridge," by Charles F.

Johnson from Temple Bar and "Women In Indian History," by H. G. Koene from the National Review. An article whioh is like ly to attract a considerable amount ot attention and whioh will probably promote discussion is that on The Resources of Ireland," by Albert J. Mott, re published in the National Review.

Mr. Mott labors to prove that Ireland cannot support its present population and that not more than four million people can make a comfortable living on that Island. The North American Review for December main tains its reputation as a lively periodical fully abreast of the times. Tho first paper Is an account of President Garfield's campaign in East Kentucky, written by himself In 1880, as data for a campaign life of the future President which Edmund Kirke was ihem preparing. Pierre Lorillard contributes a short article on "Labor and Condensed Labor," by which term he means capital, and expresses his belief in limited political socialism, that is that rivers, canals, railways, postal and telegraph systems should be owned by the Government for the use of all.

The Bishop of Kentucky concludes his long explanation of the conundrum Why am I a Churchman by stating he is one because he feels the need of a ministry with authority transmitted in unbroken lino from the Apostles. There is a symposium on "Lessons of the New York City Elections," from a Republican, Labor and Democratic point of view. The latter Is by S. S. Cox.

The Republican contribution, which Is anonymous. Is a heavy bid for the labor vote. General Joseph E. Johnston Justifies his campaign against some strioturos of Jefferson Davis, and Don Piatt writeson Salmon P.Chase. "Arthur may be one person or several, addresses a letter to the President, which is simply an aggregation of vulgar Insolence.

The motive of this abuse of the President and of the Minister to England, who Is described as an obscure provincial lawyer, of the extinct Copperhead species. Is altogether too apparent, and It shows great weakness on the part of Mr. Allen Thorndlke Rice that such a letter should bo admitted Into his magazine. Mr. Rice himsolf contributes an article on Recent Reforms In Balloting," In which he describes the ballot systems In force In England and Australia.

It Is singular that he should have gone so far for a Held to find the systems he describes, Canada having had precisely the same method of voting for a number of years. There is an article written by Georgo Sand on "Educational Methods." This Is termed a posthumous essay," although it is not easy to understand why. The publication Is posthumous, but it is to be presumed that the great novelist wrote It when living, at least it is not stated that she returned from the spirit land specially to deliver this paper to the eedtor of the Review. The Atlantic Monthly for December contains the full toxt revised of JameB Russell Lowell's Harvard oration and of Dr. Holmes' poem on the same occasion.

The late EllBha Mulford's address delivered In 1883 before tho Massachusetts Society for the University of Women is published under the title, "The Object of a University." Dr. Cyrus Hamlin writes of "The Dream of Russia," to whose aspira tions ho la by no moans friendly. The other arti cles are "The Church of England Novel," by Harriet Waters Preston; "Up the Neva to by Edmund Noble; Mazzlnl," by Maria Louise Henry, and "The Intellectual Mission of the Sara cens," by Edward Hungorford. In the review department la a defense of General Meade's conduct nt tho Battle of Gettysburg against some strictures of the Count De Paris In his "History of the Civil War." The Catholic World for December has articles on "The Eight Hour Law," by Rev. J.Talbot Smith; "The True Man of the Times," Rev.

Walter Elliott; "Constantino at Constantinople," by Aubrey De Vere; "The Cosmogony and Its Critics," by Rev. John R. Slattery, and other appropriate subjects. There Is a pretty poem by M. B.

M. entitled In the Soudan." ine sanitarian tor November has articles on "Water Analysis," "The Influence of Ground Water on "The Treatment of Sewage" and other Important topics connected with sanitary science. The vital statistics for September are given in a very complete for. The New England Magazine utter being suspended for some time has again been Issued. The Novem ber number, which has Just come to hand, Is an improvement on any of its predecessors.

It Is now stated that the publication of this magazine will hereafter go on more regularly. llobart Pasha's Book Hobart Pasha, a short time before his death, prepared for publication a memoir of his stirring lifo and adventures. The work was done hastily and without much raothod, and the latter part of it was dictated at tho Riviera, whither he had gone to improve hla health, during the last days of the author's fatal Illness. The result is a volume entitled 'Sketches of My Life," which is published by D. Appleton and which relates tho career of this very remarkable man.

Hobart Pasha tells his readers at the beginning of his narrative that ho was born of respectable parents, at Wallln on tho Wold, in Leicestershire, In 1822. It Is characteristic of his freedom from family pride that ho should conceal, or rather not mention the fact, that ho was the son of the Earl of Buckinghamshire, a circum stance which lew men would have passed over in si lence. At the age of 13 ho went to sea as a midshipman In a ship commatided by a cousin ot his, and served in this man of war for three yoars. This cousin was a tyrannical brute, one of the last specimens of a species of man of war captain now no linger to be found In any navy Young Hobart, during his three years' service In this ship, experienced shamorul treatment, but his trials, like all other trials, at length came to an end. His last Interview with his amiable cousin was rather am using.

The ship was paid off and the captain, on going to tne hotel at Portsmouth, sent for him and offered him a seat iti his carriage to London. The splrltod boy told him that he would rather crawl home on his hands and knees than get into his carriage, and so their acquaintance ended. He never saw him again. After remaining a fow weeks at home he was ap pointed to the naval brigade In service In Spain, which was acting with the English army, then as sisting Queen Christlno against Don Carlos. The naval oxpeditlon was under the command of Lord John Hay.

Here he first saw active operations and smelt powder. His term of service lasted some six or Beven months, until the Carllsts were driven back and order restored, aud then he was appointed to another ship, which was ordered to South Ameri ca. Here he saw some sevens service in the River Plate. Almost Immediately, however, ho was appointed to a ship in the Brazilian station, which was engaged In the suppression of the African slave trade. During some years' service at this work be displayed great activity and zeal, although he expresses the opinion that the negroes were better otr, even as slaves in America than they were in Africa.

Ula captain encouraged his ambition by Bending him off on detached service as often as pos sible. He was highly successful as a catcher of slavers, and on his return to England was rewarded by being appointed to the Victoria and Albert, the Queen's yacht. Hero he spent two years in easy service and then, becoming a lieutenant, was appointed to a ship cruising In the Mediterranean, where he bad the advantage of taking part in a very interesting political event the flight of the Pope from Rome in 1848. On one occasion he had an Interview with Pius IX. and his account of it Is worth quoting: The Pope, who a short time Drsvlnnslr hurt hnon considered the great supporter of liberty, was now looked upon as its enemy.

Garibaldi was, in mad lounaoa on Dotn injustice and bad policy, out tnat tho promulgation of abolition doctrines tends rather to increase than abate its evils. They believe that the Congress of the United States has no power under the Constitution to Interfere with the Institution of slavery in the different States. They believe that the Congress of the United States has the power, under the Constitution, to abolish slavery in the District ot Columbia, but that the power ought not to be exercised, unless at tho request of the people of the District. The difference between these opinions and those contained in the above resolutions is their reason for entering this protest, Signed Dan Stone, A. Lincoln, Representatives from tho County of Sangamon.

The war papers of this namber are an article on "The Second Day at Gettysburg," by General Henry J. Hunt, Chief of Artillery of the Potomac, and "Rouud Top and tho Confederate Right at Gettysburg," by General E. M. Law. There, is an article ou "Ashland," the home of Henry Clay, by Charles W.

Coleman, with some reminiscences of Clay by his surviving executor, J. O. Harrison. The paper is illustrated by three portraits of Clay. Mr.

Howells concludes his ''Minister's Charge," In this number, and Benjamin Ellis Martin gives a second paper on "Old Chelsea," "Contemporary French Sculpture" le treated by William C. Brownell, Mr. Stockton's "Hundredth Man" is continued, and there is a good selection of "Topics of tho Time" and "Brlc a Brae" Perhaps the most important article in this number is that of Mr. Edward Atkin son on "The Food Question in America and Eu rope." It is a most suggestive study of an import ant economical problem. Among, the open letters Is one on the "Union of the American Churches, from a Methodist Episcopal Point of View." The writer, the Rev.

George R. Crooks, thinks the churches should come to a closer union. In Outing for November, the frontispiece is a hand some picture of tho Mayflower, taken at one period, in tho contests with the Galatea, by Fred S. Cozxens. The first paper Is No.

12 of The Sunset Land" series, by Captain Kemeys, and gives some Incidents of a hunter's experience among bears, wolves and Indians. The Last Voyage of tno Surprise" Is continued, and Mr. Stevens relates some of bis Per sian adventures while going around the world on bicycle. A note from Mr. Staveus which Is published near the end of tho number, dated September 14, announces bis arrival at Calcutta, after wheeling over 1,400 miles of Indian roads.

He declares the road from Lahore to Sasseraw, a distance of 1,000 miles, to be the finest in the world. Lieutenant John Blgelow's account of his pursuit of the trail of Geronlmo Is continued. There Is an interesting ar ticle by Charles E. Clay on A Day's Fishing in Bermuda" and P. L.

Sternberg relates his experi ence In ballooning. In an article on chess and the peculiarities of chess players, Mr. Henry Chad wick appllos a mental analysis to the votaries of that One game, and makes some good points in regard to the characteristics and Idiosyncrasies of Individual players. "The Monthly Record, which Is edited by the same gentleman, has become one of the most important features of the magazine. Particular attention Is paid to amateur sports.

The present Issue contains a summary of the work done by the League and American Association dur iug the year. Outing Is every month growing in strength and popularity. Following the plan which was outlined seme time ago LippincoiVs lor December publishes a complete novel, entitled "Miss Delarge," by Frances Hodg son Burnett, and a very good story it is. There are two short stories, "Maid Marian," by Seawall Syd uoy, and "A Ghost on Christmas Evo," by E. P.

Hoe. Mr. W. E. Norrls' serial, "A Bachelor's Blun der," is concluded.

Frank E. Carpenter writes of The Presidents as "Gastronomers." Tho article is gossipy and entertaining and shows that our Chief Magistrates, as a rule, have not been in sensible to the pleasures of the table. John Hab berton relates his literary experiences, one of which was that his most popular book Helen's Bablos was rejectod by every publisher, small and great in New York. A highly discriminating set of men the readers for these publishers must have been. One of tho moat entertaining articles in the number is that of Charlotte Adams, who tells how she became an artist's modeL In the Forum for December are ten articles on topics of general interest The first in order on "The Present Outlook for Christianity," by W.

S. Lilly, will repay careful perusaL The writer expresses his belief that the greatest peril of the present ago lies in the fact that those'who profess to be teachers of religion and defenders of tho faith so seldom endeavor to honestly follow out the Hues of thought familiar to earnest and cultivated men of the world. President E. G. Robinson tells how he was educated.

Under the title Broadening the Way to Success" Processor Lester F. Ward combats tho theory that men of real ability are improved by having to contend against adverse circumstances. His views are novel in other respects, and although all may not agree with them they are suggestive. Francis Minor discourses "Woman's Legal Right to the Balloy'and cites many authorities to show that the right ox ists. Judge Edward A.

Thomas writes on "Wills and Testaments," and Major J. W. Powell on "The Cause of Earthquakes." "An Interviewer on Interviewing," by Philip G. Hubert, is a timely and well aousldered exposition of some of tho abuses connected with that feature of modern Journalism. The Alternative of Prohibition," by Rev.

L. W. Ba con; "Confessions of a Methodist" and "A Letter to the People of New York," by Dr. Howard Crosby, complete a very excellent list of articles. St, Nicholas tor December is a very attractive number.

Frances Hodgson Burnett, whose "Little Lord Fauntteroy" wan such an i i mense success, begins a uew tale eutltled "The Story of Prince Theodore B. Davis tells how a great battle panorama is made. Then there are stories by Frank R. Stockton, J. T.

Trowbridge, John tt. Coryell and others and a most charming variety of other contents. The Popular Science Monthly for December has for its first paper an article on "Science and Theolo gy," by John Burroughs. Dr. Felix L.

Oswald treats of "Zoological Superstitious" and Professor T. H. McBrlde of "Energy in Plant Cells." Professor W. R. Benedict's paper on tho "History of Education" Is concluded.

E. T. Robblns writes on the subject of how houses should bo warmed, and Francisco Sausome on the method of trlangulation used for the purpose Of measuring tho earth's sur face. The principal selected articles are one on the "Higher Education of Women," by Mrs. E.

Lynn Lynton for the Fortnightly; Sir William Dawson address on "The Geology of the Atlantic Ocean," and Captain Cyrlan Bridge's papor on "Life In tho South Sea Islands." There is a portrait of Francis Arago and an interesting sketch of his career. Altogether this number la a very strong ouo and fully maintains the well earned reputation of this maga zine for excellence. The Magazine of American History for December has for Its frontispiece an excellent steel portrait of Major General H. W. Halleck, to accompany an artiole on the "Misunderstanding between Halleck and Grant." This article la by General James B.

Fry, and Its purpose le to show that Halleck treated Grant fairly throughout and that the latter himself Beveral times admitted this to be the case. "Our New England Thanksgiving" is the subject of an interesting article by Mrs. Martha J. Lamb. Apple ton Morgan writes of Sir William Davenant, whom he calls "Shakspeare'a Literary Executor," and of the first Sbakspearlan revival.

J. H. Kounody gives some account of pioneer lifo in the Western Reserve, under the title "Ohio as Hospitable Wilderness." P. F. do Gournav writea of "Creole Peculiarities," and William S.

Stryker, Adjutent General of New Jersay, tells all about the "Swamp Angel," the gun used In flrlug on Charleston from tho swamp and Morris Island. The gun was a 200 pounder Parrott rifle and tho object aimed at was to destroy the City of Charleston by Greek Are. It does not appear to have done Charleston any particular harm and the guu burst on the thirty sixth discharge. This number also contains the fourth paper of the series by Alfred E. Lee on the operations from Cedar Mountain to Chnntilly.

The historical notes and other features of this number are of great interest The Eomilttie Rtview for December with an.

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