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The Brooklyn Daily Eagle from Brooklyn, New York • Page 10

The Brooklyn Daily Eagle from Brooklyn, New York • Page 10

Brooklyn, New York
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)





(Anthracite coal used excitihively, insurincr cleanliness Had 3:15 A. P. M. Sniiiln A. 7: P.

M. For KlUon. A. 12 :44. PROSPEOT PARK AND CONEY I SLANT) RALLKOAD CONEY island, oravksend.

PaKjxWaV DUlYiNo CLU 15. WOODLAWN aN PARKV1LLK. TRAINS IJ JAVJt NINTH AV AND TWENTIETH S'i. UROOKLYN, 0:00, 7:45, 9:01) A. then hourly to P.

retnrnhn at 7:00,8:10 and 9 30 A. and hourly thereafter until 10:00 P. M. Theater train loaves Ninth av and Twentieth st Satnr davs at 1 'i o'clock midnight. TRAINS LEAVE UNION DEPOT, FIFTH AV AND THIRTY SIXTH 3T.

BROOKLYN, 7:00,8:10, 0:20. A. then hourly to 9:30 P. retamin rtii. anu A.

31., hourly thora aitrr until P. M. UN DAYS, first train leaves Ninth av and Twentieth tt depot at 3.00 A.M. and UNION DEPOT at 8:10 EXTRA TRAINS will be ran from Ninth av and Twentieth st on pleasant Sunday afternoons. JglUGHTON UEACH RAILROAD.

rOll BRIGHTON BEACH SI1EEPSHEAB BAT AND WAT STATION'S. Leare Tiedford station 7:20 (except Snndays). 8:30. 11:00 A. 1 5:30.

7:00 and 8 P. M. Saturday nicbts only 11:4." P. At Brisbton Beach 7: "i0 (except Snndays). 8:00 A.

M. noon: 2:00. 4:45, 7:30 anJ P. M. Saturday uihta only 12: 15 A.

M. All tram, top on aiynal at all war Btationa. Additional train will be run, it necessary, on pleasant Sundays. EXCUKSION TIOKIITS, 25c. CoTimntation tickets at less than retcnlar ratea.

OATH BEACH ASD CONEY ISLAJTl). Commutation rate 5 cents a trip, th. Brookljn 1. and Brooklyn, Batb and West End railroads. Trains leav.

Union Depot. Tnirtr suth st and fifth ar, as A. M. 7)3. 8:30.

0:00. 10:1., 11:2:. P. M. 1:45,2 :45.

3 ..30, 4 :00, 4 :30. 5 :00, 5 :30. 6:00. 8:30. 7:00.

:45. 8:30. 0:40. .12:15. Will not ran Suudays.

"Will not mn Wednesdays and Saturdays. Wednesdays and Saturdays ONLY. YORK AND SEA BEACH RAili WAY COMPANY. WINTERTIME TABLE. IN EfT OCTOBER 30, TR02.

Ieavo Brooklyn (Third ar and Sixty Iifth at) for Coney Islsnd and intermediste stations at 7:42. 8:42 A. 5:33 and M. leae Coney Island (Sea Beach Palace) for Brooklyn and intermediate stations, at 8:20. A.


TAX TiOTtVR. fKPARTMEXT OF COL JSr Ononis 2. t. (J. 8tid 10, Manicinal iildine.

Urootlyn. lonmbe; 15, 18SJ2 The annual tsx rolls for tho taxes of 1KW2 hare been completed and the (rirranta for the collection of tho taxes mentioned (herein hare this day been delivered to the Collector of Taxes and Assessments. All persons are re inired to pay their taxes al his office on December 1 without delay, nndes penalty ofthslaw. Receiving Bnroati. ltoorn 4.

Houra for ro ceirine. from o'clock A. M. to 2 P. M.

Tax and aa apiment bureaus. Rooms 6. 8 and 10, where bills for ttxes aDd assennmeuts may be procured. Open froml9 o'clock A. M.

to 4 P. 11. BATS OF TAX FOB 1802. PKlt 1,000. StcnHiiiiri ASCII OH LINE.

UNITED STATES MAIL STEAMSHIPS. Siil from Ne York ovrry Sat irdfiv FOR (iLASOOW VJA LOXD i it ora Pier G4, North River, foot if Ve. Tireuty ty fourth wt, No.r York P. M. 1 Ilolivia Tan.

14, P.M. Devoaia Dec. 2 P. M. I Anchoria.

2S, 2 P. M. Rp.tes for Snloon Pasiaire: Cabin, :54, ft'id up' 'arJ; Secotid 0. DmftS lit lOWrSt cvrr.nit. Pifli Rrita Kr II wncern booked to or frrim any point in Hreat on inn untiinjii.

bookH of tours and other information apply NDERSON IiR'THERS. 7 Kowlinp to New i otk, nifjiit or.IOItN Court nt (opon at: or II. V. KOCH, 44H Rroadway, lirooKlyn, Tlay E. D.

t'LANTIC TRANSPORT LINK. NEW YORrC LONDON. SIASSVCHUSETTS AWK SIONTKZII.MA Tiifmn lin to.T.ii,pri hnve bo' Decombcr 10 December 17 Peember 24 Sat irday, December oi lor the London trade by Mrsnrs. Uarland iAVollfof Ilolfa t. Tfiey are tit ted with electric light throughout and have nplendid accoininodatioiiH for a iiniitoil of rirrt cIm kSt engerfl.

SALOON AND STATEROOMS AMIDSHIPS. Stnra rs inarkeri carry a doctor and ntcrrardeie. For freiirhr. vnsacc and tln infornit ion applv to the NEW YORK SHIPPING COMPANY, General Produce Einhange Bnildinc. 4 Rroatlway, Now York.

jNMAN LINE. An rnmafi Lino draft is tho bent Cbristmas present yon can enl to friends in the old They are payable in all parts of Ireland, EnclanU and Scotland. For sale at lowest rten. JOHN C. HENDERSON fc SON.

Apentg, 44 Fulton nt. Corner Koruui pi, llrooklyu. N. B. Open eveninxa until 7 o'clock.

It I Iv A AIT KJ 2: A 1 2 ROClvAWAY BEACH. Y. ROCKAWAY UFA OH RAILWAY. Lnave Flatbuh avenue station. For Rockanay Park and Htation? on Jamaica Bar 10:55 1 7:00 P.

ni Wo lnesdiys onlv). Sunday 7:00. 0:05, 11:10 A. 2 :00, 4 :20. 0:40 P.

M. 'Does not stop at stations on Jamaica Cay. mc Pt'RS ANT TO THE STATUTE in caee made and iroridn.i tre tliA Town town of Newtown, do hereby pive public notice that the Urooklyn City (Jompany has ap plied tor our that nucli coiupanj mar construct and op? rat; a double track street urf railroid, to bo operated by horse power. improTed motifs power, cabin or electricity, aions and upon Fresh Pond road from th boundiry line between Pirooklyn and Newtown to Crand street. Alffo aloni; an i upon llnion avenue (sometimes called Dutch lane) from its interr.ection with Broadway to Junction arenue: thenso alonir and upon Junction aTen'ie to Poor Bowery road.

nd thenca alonfc Poor P.owery road to its tormination at Bowery Bay lioach (or in lieu of Poor liov. ery road, alonjc and upon such other roads. Rtrects or hitrhwavs as the Town Eoard may name, or through arid liponnuch private propcrt to wbich Bnch company may obtain the riclit to operaf it road). Aluo alont; ana upon Flnsbini; avenue from the of the traekn ot this compiny, no built, at or near Metropolitan avenue to Grand street, a slid Flashin Avenue will be when e.tteiuled and opened, aire alone and upon ttio lunhin and Newtowu road from tho intersection of Junction avenue to Jaeknou aronue or Astoria and Fhml'inc alone and npon Jackiori nyenne, or tho Astoria and Fluf.h.insr roarl. to the lino dividing tho tflffnn of Newtown and And that the faid appiicttioT will bet first heard und conMdred befor us at thr Tortx Clorti's oihee in thi Town of Newtown, on the IHth dav of December, ISDxJ, at o'clock P.

M. Dated Newtown Decembtir 1S9 JOHN HEKG. Supervisor: T. ROBINSON. Town Cleric; JOHN SCUEPF.R.

ALIiKRT SCHUMACHER. Justices, JOHN J. KELLUM, de3 T.4t, Tow? Bo rr1 riRETOWN BOAlil) OF THE TOWN OF jL Matlands hereby Rivrs puuhc noti that a written ipplication lite been pre: nted to it by the inpB Electn? Railway t.oinp'iny fr.r tho consent of it.r vno consent or tne authorities to its bnilainif. conutructin and opi'ratm a street railroad, to be operated by bor. ia power or electricity, throiiKb, upon and u.1ok the followin.vf trccts and avenues of fairt town: ComnionciiiK at tho to lino between the towns of Flatbuah and Flatlands on ('hnreh avenue (known also an Eaht Broadway).

thonce along Church avenue to Kat Ninety eighth nrreet, thenca alonj Ea.t N'inety 'ihth htreet to Hecoman nvenue, theno along liegeman arenuo to New Lots ro.xd to the City of Brooklyn. Alo commencine at Jamaica Bay at the foot of Cannr aio avenue, near Denton avenue: alonp Canarsio avenue to Rockaway parkway, known also a Roclcaway avenue; Rocka ray avenue (or Rockaway parkwavj through the Town of Tlatland; to tho city line 01 Brooklyn. AIro comrapucini: at the town lino botweyn tho towni of Flfltbush and Flatlandn at Ohrirch and road, known a road from Flat landw and Canarwie. alonjj said roud to Oanarie avenue, aionc avenue to Deh ton avenue at or near Jamaica Bay. And such application will tirat he considered by the town board at the Town othceof said town, on the J0th day of December, P.

M. Dated December 1802 L. BAISLEY, Superviftor of the Town of JOHN C. MATTHEWS, JOHN EL IAS Hr.NORICKSON, JOHN T. Vi)KV, Jnbticesof the Peaco.

JOHN S. SCHEXCK, de7 34t Town Clerk. NOTICE IS HEKEBY GIVEN THAT THE L.1 sections of the bylawn of THK EAGTJJ WAREHOUSE AND STORAGE COMPANY of Brooklyn, nic ulatlnK tho elfction of directorb or officers in said company, are as follows: DircctorH Section I. All vacancies which shall happen traonc th directors, by death, roicriA.tiOD or otherwise. shall bo li led for the remainder of the term durinx which a vacancy may oocur by tho remaining members of the board of directors, At the next mootinc immediately Kuccetfdiac nucli rxancy or at a special meet' inir oalled with regard to such Tacancy.

Section II. The annual eioct ion of dirctor shall held on the cnt Tuesday of May in each year at the principal office of the company. Stockholders Section i. Regular meetinsrs of tha stockholders shall be hold at the principal office of th company on the tirst Tuesday of Ma in each year for the purpose of electinjc Notica of the time and plaoe of holdiuc any electior. of directors shall bo xivon uy publication thereof once iu each week for two successive weeks immediately preceding such election in a uewripaper published Ln tho county where such election is to take plice.

Officers Section I. The officers of tho company shall convigt of a president, a vice president, a treasurer and a ecrefcary. who ahall be aunualiv elected by the hoard of directors. The president and rice president mnit bo directors of tb company. The omces of wecretary and treasurer may be hold by oce person, who must be a stockholder in the company.

Ail elections shall bo by ballot. Inspectors of ElectionSection I. Two inspectors of election, to nerve for one yoar. shall bo elected at each annual meeting of the stockholder:) by a plurality of votes. Dated November 2.5, 1S.2.

DAVID BARNETT. Secretary. JOTICE WE, THE LENDER SIGNED Town Board cf the Town of Flatuush, Kings County, New York, do hereby give notice that tho Brooklyn City Railroad Company cpplied for our consent that it may construct, operate, use, maintain and extend a double track street surface railroad, together with all necessary or proper turnouts, v. itches, turn tables, sidincs. stands, mechanical and electrical appliances, conduits, conductors, supports and pales, for the traction of its cars by any improved motive power, cable, electricity or horse power, alon and upon Nostrand avenue, from its intersection with Malbonc street to the boundary lino between Flatbush and FlaCanda; along and npon Vernon avenue, from Flatbush avenue to the Old Ciove road (otherwise known as Earn Thirty seventh street), and aionc and npon the Old Olove road, from Vernon avenue to Canarsio road; alon the Canarsio road, from East Thirty seTenth etreet to the line dividinc the towns of Flatbunh and Flatlands: alfo alonr and upon Avenue from Flatbush avenue to Coney Island avenue; alonic Coney Island aronue to Avenue along Avenue I to Thirty ninth street, and along and npon Thirty ninth street to the line diTidinc the Town of Flntfouah and the City of Brooklyn also alons and upon Mtlbonc street, or so much of it as may tie in tno Town of Flatbiih, from Nostrand avenue to hast Now York avenue, and alone and upon East New York aven ie.

from Malbooe street to the line diviaiuc the Town of 'intbush from the City of Brooklyn; and notice is hereby riven tliut wo shall first consider said application at the Towu Hall In the Town of Flatbush, on tho 10th day of Dcrmber, lSt'2, at 2 o'clock P. M. Dated December 1, 1 WILLIAM M. LYNAM. Supervisor; F.

KELLY. Town Board HEN li BURNKiMP. Justices; IFDWARD riWKtCXKY, del 14t I HENRY HESTKRBUKG. Town Clerk. THE TOWN BOARD OF THE TOWN OF FLATBUSH hereby nivea public notice that a written application has ben presented toft bythe Kinss County Electric Railway Company for tho consent of tho local authorities to its buildinc.

constructinr and oper atinxastreft snrfac railroad to be operated by horse oner or electricity through, upon and along the follotf ig tttref ta and avenues of taid town over and alotT Tiiirtv ninth street at a oint at or neur Fort Hamilton ovenut) at tho town line )etwe Flatbusli and New Utrecht: runninir thenco alone Thirty ninth street to Thirteenth avenue: thenco alonjf Tliirtet'nth avenue to Thirty aeventh street: thnao alone Thirty seventh ctr to road frmn Fiatbush to New Utrecht thence aloTitr said road to Chnrch lano. alone and over Chnri'h lane to Church avenn or East Brodwa to road from Hat.auds and Canarsio at tho linr between the towT of and Flatbush. Also comniencine at the rity line on New York avenne; ronniny thence alon New York avenue to Church ave nue or East Broad way; thenc Church avsnue to Ocean avenue; thence aloug; Ocean avenue to Shreps head Bay. And such application will firr be considered bytti Town Board at the Town Hull of said town 0:1 the day ot December, 1SD2. at 2 P.

M. Dated )ecou)ber 1, lo02. WILLIAM M. LYXAM, Supervurr or tlie Town of Flatouah: y. KKTJ.Y.

HKM1Y UDWaRD NEY. .1 Jf i en of i It Poacs; HENRY del 14t Town Clerk. "OTtCR WE. THK Town Board of the Town of Flat'auds. Kinps Coun ty.

Now Yor. do hereijy r.i"' pjidi: that the iiruoxlyn City RaMr iad 'oiupany Ux for our content to coiititruci and operate a tra 'le street suraif rauroatt au itt i res' sj HTCTn, an. I to tr power, cal or eitv't rir.ty. wi: i. .1 by er horse necessArv t.i proper rutat'lei.

stan lie, supports, wiren, poLn, iri. 7 vv irj tnejhauica! and elf ctrjrai a 'Os and rnintaniTs firimio. oiiy.i.'ii.'M i ii. iiiJuir niiiiif; tnu a fuu Iviiip iliK'ttvay lrQHi tLe point tb 1 icitie is inler tected hv 1'Utbnrth to th bo.itidiry line bet een FUtiatniH and tio i and; Nest rand end 11 pon arm from the i Misli and to riathush itpu i aiui: atui rpon iariifl rend irnm tho line dividiu the towns of and l'lat in ml to i a iv i avenceor rfrid and clour eaia t'narsin A notice ix lxtr that i Nlialt r.rft connititT sat a i it: thi Tow li of Fl.itiar.d in the 1 "th day ot Dccoiuber, I P. M.

Iat Nofmoer 1M.M. i R. L. ISLr Suporv.bov. JOHN T.

I JOHN i MA Torn Board. I EL A EN i 1 1 JOHN M. del 14t JU1I HEyfK.Town ClerS TE, THK VZiiVttUSKLK TOW Hoard of be To.tii of a.i County, Ne Vurk. do jhy hto nntic he FUt land ie.rtr..; und l'urr i i has applied for our ent th it tra foni! 'ct A tnhi'te ei trt' ity for liirhi i tir or uin; it I po. and trartioi wir.ltm t'fie I'o of Kiii inry, Ne.r Yf and th utrrfts.

par'ii and "i and and ir. tlinln end for fiisch to yenerite x't i ruity and to inakt. or lease a'l in i riuuL" ts. arpi.ratus and other equipment. tn f.r i.

ere't and con hi ruct suitable irire and ut ioi and the necessary polf, pip or othT in, on. over and under the Htreeta, avcjines and puUL parXs vf fjii Tovn of Pltitlands, and notivo in herv bv t'iveit that we thU lirst consider said application at Town Clrlt's ortico. in 4. he i Tovra of FlatlandB, the ltixh day of wcember, ISJ'J, i at 'J P. it Dated la land.

November U0, 18l It. f. liAiSLf Y. KLIAS liViAVcKSON. Town Kotrd.

JOHN M. WR.SON. By order of Town Board. del 14t JOHN S. SCHENCK.

Town Cleric GREATEST RAILKOAt). XI YOUK CEKTEAL AND HUDSON RIVER RAILROAD. All trains arriro at and depart front CENTRAL STATION. Fourth av and Forty accond Now The only railroad Btation in tha city. TP.AINS LEAVE AS FOLLOWS: A.

M. ES1PIRE STATE Fasteit train in the wnild. Due Hnlfalo .1:1 P. Niagara Fails .1:1.1 iJ. SI.

No extra fare. sorvice. A. St. FAST SIAIL F'or Albany, Saratoga, Utica, SyracuHp.

llncheater, Untfalo. Daily, except Sunday, tor 10:00 A. SI. NEIV YOUK AND CHICAGO VESTIBULE LIMITED Due Chicaco 0:45 A. SI.

coxt day. DAY EXPRESS For tho West. 1 P. SI. SOUTHWESTERN VESTTBULF1 L1S1IT KI Due in Cincinnati lliUO, Indianapolis 11:55 A.

St. Louis 7:35 next P. SI. SVatner service. 1 :.1.1 M.VOn.LD'S FAIR SPECIAL Dno Chicago 3:00 P.

SI. noxt day. Warner aervice. P. M.


4:30 P. SI. NORTH SHORE VESTIBULE LISIITED Due at Chicago 4 :30 P. SI next day. 0:00 P.

SI. FAST WESTERN EX PRESS Dae Chicago 0:00 P. St. Louta 7:4.1 A. SI.

UY P. M. NORTHERN EXPRESS Dne BnrlinRton 4:4.1 A. Plattsburs 5:08, Slontroal 7:45 A. SI.

7:30 P. SI. BUFFALO AND NIAGARA FALLS SPECIAL Due Bullalo 7:30 A. SI, Niagara FalU i. 00 A.

SI. Wapner servico. 7:30 P. SI. ADIRONDACK AND MONTREAL EX PKESS Daily, duo Tapper Lake 6:10.

Saranac Lako 7:0.1 Paul Siiiitis'n Slontreal 10:15 A. SI. 'WaK ner.loepinK and Dining Cars. P. SI.

CINCINNATI AND ST. LOUIS EXPRESS Duo Cincinnati 7:27 P. Indianapolis 10:40 P. St. Louis 7:4.1 A.

SI. Wagner sorrice. 0:15 P. Sf. CHICAGO NIGHT EXPRESS Daily for Detroit and Chicago.

Daily, oxcept Saturday, for Claytou and Capo Vincent (Thousand Islands). PITTSFIELD. LENOX. NORTH ADAMS AND THE BERKSHIRE II ILLS Two through trains via HAK I.KJ1 DIVISION NEW Y'OIIK A.M.: due Pitlstield 1:35 P. North Adams P.

Si. duo Plttsfield 8:10 P. North Adams P. SI. For time of ioca! trains, tickets and space in sleeping earn apply at otticen of the company: In riROOKLYN, 333 7'Jli Fulton nt, or 74 Broadway, E.D.

In New York, 113. 001, 413, 785 or J4' Broadway or Central Station. tDaily except Snnday. Other trains run daily. Above trainp.

except those loavinjc at 8:30. 9:10 A. 3:30. 4:30, P. at One Hundred and Thirty cik'hth Ht etation.

Westcott Exprr.s calls for and checks baegage from hotels and rodidonces through to destination. JOHN SI.T0UCEY. GEORGE H.DANIELS, General Manager. General Passenger Agont. 0'G ISLAND KAILROAD.

Trains leave Flat.bnah av station for the following pointsaud way stations: GREENPORT. RIVERHEAD P.M. Sundays, A. SI. SAG HARBOR, THE HASIPTONS A.

3:20 P. SI. Sundays, 0 :03 A. 51. PATCHOIiUE 10:5.1 A.

JLi 3:20, 4:20, .1:30 P. SI. Sundays. i :03 A. SI.

BABYLON 7:5:1, 10:55 A. M. 1:25, 3: '0. 1 :20, 4:30, .1:30. :00.

7 :00, 10:05 P. niht Weds, and Sats. only). Sundays, 8:47, 9:03 A. 0:2.1 P.


4:30 P. Si. 10:55 A. P.M.. to Northport only).

Sondays, 0:03 A. M. 10:25 P. SI. to Northport only).

OYSTER BAY, GLEN COVE, SEA CLIFF. ROSLYN 0:15, 8:55. 10:55 A. M. 1:55, 3:20.

4:20, 5:20, 11:23. 7:00,8:0.1 P.M. (12:05 night Weds, and Sats. onlyi. Sundays.

A. SI. (5:2.1 P. SI. FAR UOCKAWAY BRANCH TO FAR R0OKA WAY (i: 15, 10:55 A.

SI. 0:00, 7:00, 8:0.1. 10:0.1 P. 12:05 night. Sundays, 11:10 A.

SI. 2:00. 7:50 P. M. ARVERNE AND FAR ROCKAWAY 8:25 A.M.: 1:25.

3:20, 4:30, 5:30, 6:00 P. M. (12:05 night to Arverne Weds. only). GARDEN CITY, HEMPSTEAD 8:2.1.

10:5.1 A. 1:5.1.3:20. 4:20, 5:20 (.1:30 Hempstead only). 0:23. 8:05, 10:05, P.

12:0.1 night. Sundays. 0:03. 0:30 A. SI.

2 :00. ti :2.1. 10:00 P. SI. MANHATTAN BEACH 0:25, 8:30, 11:20 A.

SI. 3:30.5:30. :20, 11:30 P. M. Suudays, A.

12:40,2:23,4:00 P. SI. Mrnmnfta; s. STONIKGTON LINE. FARES REDUCED.

BOSTON. ONLY 83: PKOVIDE.VCE, 2.25. WORCESTER and all Eastern points. INSIDE HOUTF Now atoel steamers MAINE and NEW II A.MPSHIRE leavo now Pier 30, one block above Canal st, at 5:30 P. M.

daily except Sunday. TATUE OK LIBERTY, BEDLOW'S ISLAND. xtoats leave Battery Park, terminus of all elevated roads, hourly, A. Si. 10:00, 11:00.

12:00. P. M. 2:00. 3:00, 4:00, 5:00.

Returning lea.e inland at 0:30. 10:30, 11:30, 12:30 A. Si 1 :30. 2 :30. 3 :30, 4 :30.

5 :45 P. M. Fare for round trip. centa. TALL RIVER LINE.

FARES REDUCED 1 TO BOSTON. FALL RIS'ER. PROVIDENCE and ail Principal Eastern Points. Stoatners PLYMOUTH and PILGRI.M from Pier 28. N.

foot of Murray et. wren (iflyp ami rvnutiaye at ir. n. connecting Annex bo leaves Jersey City at 4 :00. Brooklyn 4 3U P.

SI ORCHESTRA ON EACH STEASIER. Two connecting vestibuled oxtires trains from Fall Rivor, due Boston 7:00 and A. SI. respectively. TROY BOATS CITY OF TROY AND SARATOGA leave Pier 40, N.

West Tenth at, daily, except Saturday. 0:00 P. M. Connect with trains for North and East Sundav steamers touch at Albany. Tickets and staterooms, 4 Court st, 8G0 Fultou at, and 11.1 Broadway.


Citv Hall, Germania Savings Bank Building. LEHRENKRAUSS A SONS, Baukors, Brokers and Passenger Agents of Norddeutschor Lloyd, also rM io Mediterranean service, rrivo Dec 13 1 Hamburg Amoricaa Soandia. Doc. 8, 0 A. SI.

Packet Company, Slavonia, Dec. 13, 1 P.1L Cie. Gen. La Bratagne, Dec. 1 0.

8. A. SI. Red Star Line. Westernland, Dec.

7. 8 A. SI. Netherlands Obdam, Dec. 1 0, 10 A.

SI. Netherlands. 14. 2 P. SI.

Established 1878. Rates of specie and exchange subject to lluctuations and amounts. Tickets (anv class) to any part of Europe, passports, letters of credit and money exchanged, all at New York prices. ACADIAN PACIFIC STEAMSHIPS" TO JAPAN AND CHINA. NEW YOP.K AND JAPAN IN 17 DAYS.

Intended Sailings from Vancouver: EMPRESS OK INDIA Jannary EMPRESS OF JAPAN EMPRESS OP HINA March 0 E. V. SKINNER. EVERETT FRaZER. GenM Eas'n China and Japan Frt.



LA BRKTA' Collier Dec. 10, 8 A. 1. LA BOURGOiiNE, Leboouf. Dec.

17, A. M. fANSAtiii. lirst cabin, from to 8121. FOR OUF.KN'STOWX Atl T.TVi:TfPfim.

CITY OF CHESTER Dc. 14,2 M. CITY OF PARIS Wed Dec. 17. 2 P.

M. First, cabin, rffiu nd nnward, according to steamer; second cabin. and 40. accor.iintr tn Niiiim ape. $2t).

Drafts, payable in all psrts of England. Ireland. Si otiand. Sweden Norway and Denmark, at lowest rates. INTERNATIONAL NAVIGATION Gm.

0 BowliiiK Green. New Yofk JOHN C. ENDEil SON SON, Fulton st, or H. F.KOCH. 44W Broadway, Brooklyn.

E. D. lORTH 'OERMANYXOYiTFAST Eiprons eteamers for and Brem n. p.M Uavel.Tues.,Dc.2T,l 1 A.M Trave.Tti Dec. 13,1 P.M.

Saale.Sat., Dec. 31,0 A. Elbe.Tuet., Dt.o. 20.7 A.M. i Lahn.

Jan. 3.7 A. M. Rates tinao to Ln Havre aud Bremen Firtt cabm, .5 0 and tipwan! r. berth, according to locatio second, a berth at io.v r.ites Pier bet ween i cun.i and Third sts, N.

J. OELRICHS i 2 Ji' iinL: Gr eu, Ne.vVork.or ULI US LEHREN KRACSS A I i ft, Brooklyn. Cunard Link yVjrktoiJver: POOL, via iue.T.fto1:. from Pier 40, N. R.

in. lo 1. M. 1 I'mbria Isc.31 2P l.tri:rh iVc. 17, 1.

Bothnia 7. 1 A. M. Gallia D.c. 24.

A.M. ria Ian. 14, 2 P. M. Cabin p.irtujro.

StJOand a. cordinc to locatinn; second ejjmi. S'Pi ru't' tirkom tn nml fmm i.nrrd 1,1 rn. ierj rrii ror ireigUt and 11 sir. cOTn:) in o.Ulo I1ot! in jflireen, VERNON II.

IrUV. ItPMTft AL.iM.ti Kn drft it io yt rr.te nvA further information appiyioT. H. HENDRH 'KhUN. Atlanti': av, noar I irt M.n'iloavont icr oklyn; or H.

F. KOCH. 44J l.roudu.iy, K. D. WHITK ST A 51 TO ii 1." EENSTt iV.V AND LIVERPOOL.

Maje dsc.De.'. 14,1 P. .1 ic :30 P.M Germanic. Due. 1,7 A.

1. ri ii ni ic 4, 1 A.M. Second CAi' on and $40 and aioon up ar i. ni. oraini; to steamer anci lo ca tn nh.

St.err. from To the Oid Country. or ticket mid firaftn payable on demand rv. i England, Irrl.tnd Scot land, Sweden an i Nuray AJ)4v A A LH ft 'U, i fourt st, or A. M.

MORi liroadway. Williamsbtirjuh. H. MA1TLAND KERSEY. Broadway.


VND RRA.IL MAIL S. S. CO. From Robert I'ier. Brooklyn.

S. S. VIGILANCIA, SATURDAY. Decern er 10. li P.

M. lor MONTEVIDEO, KUENUS AtllES and ROSARIO. Calling at i i' HO MAS. fa. S.

ADVANCE. December 10. 3 P. M. PAUL F.


via GIBRALTAR, by tho macnificont ecrew express steamers. Ocean passag less than seven dars. Next laiiiniz: Cohimhia. Jannarr 5, 0 A. M.

GRAND EXCURSION TO THEIEVDITRRUANEAN AND THE ORIENT byS. S. Fuerst BUmarck, from New ork, Fobruary 4. Duration 10 weeks. First class only.

Bond for pamphlet. HA MBURG AMERICAN PACKET 37 Broadway, Novr York. JULIUS LEHKKNKRAUSS SONS 't71 niton st. Brooklyn: If. F.

KOCH. 44J Broadway. Brooklyn A. OROKT. General Atreut, 11 Bowlintf Green.

Now York. TX3TAK LIXE TTK EPA RTMENT OF CITY WORKS, MU JL nicipal Department Building, Brooklyn, December 8Tl 802 NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS: Soaled proposals will be recsired at this office until Thursday, De comber 22, 1 802, at 12 for each of the following purposes: FOR RKPAVING WITH ASPHALT GREENE AVENUE, FROM BEDFORD TO NOSTRAND AVENUES. Amount of deposit, 400. Amount of surety. 4.000.

Each proposal uitiHt bo accompanied by a deposit ia money or by a certified check in tho same amount payable to tho order of the Commisrfioner of City Works, ia the aam above specified for each improvement. Such check or amount of money to bo returned to the bidder in case hia bit! is rejected. A oepirate bid, separately inclosed, mnwt be made for each piece of work specified la this advertisement. Plans and specifications may be seen and forms of proposal can be procpred on application at the Department of City Work. Proposals will not be coniicred unless each proposal shall 3 accompanied bythe respective depopiti aforesaid and also by an undertaking in writing, witn two sureties, ncb of whom shall qualify a to his responsibility in the respective sums above mentioned, aud who shall bo owner.i of real estate in the City of Brooklyn, in their own right, in the amonnt of eacb sjrnty, and shall have hold tho same for at loast one year prior to the time of bocoming snch surety, that if the contract be awarded to the party or parties proposing, they will hecom bound a his or their surety for its faithful performance and in case ho or they shall ueg lect or ref'iHn to expente the contract, if po awarded them, that they shall Pv to the City of Brooklyn tho difference between the price so proposed and tho price at which trie contract, may be ma le wii.Ii any other parson or persona.

Proposals to ho indorsed "To tho fiionerof City Wurltii" (specifying work). Tne said proposals will bo pub.tsly opened and anuonuced on tha 22d day of December, at tho hour ot 12 o'clock provided that tbo Commissioner of City Works, or his regularly appointed deputy, if present. In case of the absence of both, then on the hrst day thereafter when either is present. JOHN P. ADAMS.

Commissioner of City Works. Attest: D. L. TToRTUur. SacreUry.

deS lOt TO CONTRACTORS ABSTRACT PROM ordinance of the Common Council in relation tod. posits to be made by propo ers for work, passed April 0,1877: Each proposal most be accompanied by a deposit of such amounta at are tat id below in money. or by certified check payable to order of the Cominis Hioner of City Works in tho same amount, to be returned to the bidder case hi.i bid ir rejected by tho Commissioner of City Work. In caso the party or parties to whom the contract may be awarder! shall neglect or re to ent. into coutra.t, the amount deposited, fi above specified, will be retained an liquidated damages for such nevloct or refusal.

FOR FURNISHING FRFSH BREAD, MEATS, FISH.HORSEFEKP. FOR THE TRUANT HOMhl FOR THE YEAR Dopartrntsnt of City Works, Municipal Department Building. Brooklyu, December 1S02 Sealed proposals will be received at this offlco untii Tuesday, Decern Der 20, 1802. at 12 for furnish mg fresh bread, meats, fioh. hor feed, for ths Truant ome for the yeir 1S0, namely: Class iresu bread, deposit required.iBlOO: Cass li.

fre3h moats, fish, et; deposit raqnirt 5 LOO; C'las groceris deposit required, $100; C1.T.W horsa feed, deposit required, $2.5. Specifications may be seen and forms of proposals can procured on npplicii ioM at tho Department of City Yt'orks. Bore.iti of Stipplion. Proposals will not bo considered unless enyh proponal shall be accompanied by tho deposit aforesaid and alBO by an undertaking in writing, with two sureties, each of whom shall qualify as to his retnoifibilitv iu tho sum of, Class V. 1.000 Class $2,000: Class C.

552,000: Class if 500, and who shall be owners of real estate in tho City of in their own right in th? amount of ouch surety, and shall hav hold the same for at least ono year prior to tho time of becoming such bursty, that if the contract be awarded to the or parties proposing they will become bound as his or their surety for iPt faithful perfonnauce: and in case bo or tooy shall neglect or refuse to execute tha contract if so awarded tr ptn, that they will pay to the City of Brooklyn the differ between the prico so proposal! and the price At whicn vhs contract may ho made with any other poraou or persons. Proposals to he indorsed "To the Commissioner of city Works" (specifying work). The said proposals will bo publicly opened and announced on the 20th day of December. 1802. at tho hoar of 12 o'clock, provided that the Commissioner of City Works, or his regularly appointed deputy, is present.

In case of the abHeuceof both, then on tho first day thereafter when either is present. By order of the Common Council, dated Brookivn, Doceinber 5, 1802. JOHN P. ADAMS. Commissioner of City Works.

Attest: D. L. NoTurr, Secretary no8 lOt DEPARTIE2fr OF OjlTY WORKSrSlU nioipal Dcpartmout Ruilding, Brooklyn, December 1S02 NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS: Sealed pro posals will be received at this office until Tuesday. December 20, 1802, at 1 2 for each of the following purposes: FOR SETTING GAS LAMP POSTS on Oaborn street, between Gloamoyeand Sutter avenues. Amount of deposit, $7.50.

Amount of Mirety, S75. ALSO FOR SETTINU GAS LAMP POSTS on Fourth Btreet, between Seventh and Eighth avenues. Amount of deposit. 88.75. Amount of surety, Each proposal must bo accompanied by a deposit in money or by a certified check In tho same amount payable to the order ol the Commissioner of City Works, in the sum above specified for each improvement.

Such, check oramoi.ut of money to be returned to the bidder In case his bid is rejected. A separate bid, aeparate'y enclosed, must be made for each piece of work specified in this advertisement. Plans and specifications may be seen, and forms or proposals can bo prosnred on application at the Department of City Works. Proposals will not be considered ntiless each proposal shall be accompanied by tho respective deposits aforesaid, and also by an undertaking in writing, with two sureties, each of wnom shall qualify as to his responsibility in the respective sums abova mentioned, and who shall bo owners of real estate in tho Cit of Brooklyn, in their own right in tbo amount of each surety, and shall have held the same for at leant one year prior to the time of becoming puch surety, that if the contract bo awarded to the party or parties propo iinr, they will becomii bound as his or their for its faithful performance; and iu case he or they shall neglect or refnao to execute the contract, if so awarded thorn, that they will pay to the City of Brooklyn the difference between the price ao proposed and the price at which tho contract may be made with any other person or persons. Proposals to be indorsed "To the Commissioner of City Works" specifyinx work).

Tho said proposals will he publicly opened and announced on the 20th day ot Docember, 1802, at the hour of 12 o'clock provided that the Commissioner of City Works. or his regularly appointed deputy, iB present. In caw of the absence of both, then on tho first day thereafter whoa either is present. JOHN P. ADAMS, Commissioner of City Works.

AUst L. North OPSecrotar dOJLOt DEPARTMENT OF COLLECTION, Rooms 2, 4, 0,8 and 10, Municipa! Building, Brook lyn, December 2, 1SI2 Notice is hereby given that tho arSBsm'9nt rolls in tbo following entitled matters hav been completed, and tne warrarts for the collection of. the various assessments mentioned therein have this day been delivered to the Collector of Taxos and and all persons liable to pay euch assessments are required to pay the same without delay at bis office, under tho penalty of the law. Openiojr Irving arennc, from Myrtle aveauo to Palmetto street. EXTRACTS FROM THE LAW.

Chapter 583. Laws of 1 88, Ti tie 7. Sect ion 10 and Titl 19. Section 0. On all taxes and on all assessments for openinz streets, flagging or retlagginc sidewalks, fencing vacantlotn, or digging down vacant lot, which shall hereafter be paid to the collector, before tbo oxpiratiou of one mouth from tho time the same shall beornedae and payable, an allowance shall be made to the person or persons making such payments at the rate of sefeu nd three tenths per contnnx per annum, for tho unexpired portion thereof.

On all taxes, niesments and water rates paid after tho expiration of one month from the time tho same shall have become due and payable, there shall bo added to and collected as part of every such tax, assessment or water rate, interest at the rate of nine per cent, per annum, to bm computed from the time the nine became due and payable, to the date of said payment. ALDEN S. SWAN, de2 30t Collector of Taxes and Assessments. SEPARTMENT OF COLLECTION, Rooms 2. 4, (J, 8 aud 10t Municipal Baildin.

ikiyn, 1802 Notice is hereby given that the assessment rolls in the following entitled matters have been coroplctsd. and the warrants for the collection of the vario ia assessments mentioned therrin have this day been delivered te tho collector of taxes aud assessments, and all persons liable to pay such assessments are required to pay the name without delay at this office, under penalty of the law. Relating Oreo no avenue, from Bedford avenue to No trana avenue. EXTRACTS FROM THE LAW. Chapter 583, Lawn of 1S8S.

Title 7. Section 10 and' Title lit. Section 0. On all taxes and on all assessments for opening streets, flagging or reflaggtng sidewalks, fencing vacant lots, or digging down vacant lots, which shall hereafter bo paid to the Collector, before tho expiration of ono month from the time tho sama hall besomo due and payable an allowancn shall be made to the person or persons making such payments at the rate of seven and tsutns per centum per annnm. for the unexpired portion thereof.

On all taxes, assessments and water rates paid after the expiration of one month from tDe time Viet same shall have itecome due and payable, there shall added to and collectod aa part of e7ery such tax. as jes ment or water rate, interest at the rate of nine per cent, per annum, to be computed from the time the name camo duo and payable, to the date of said payment. ALDEN S.SWAN. dec 3 30 1 Collector of Taxes and Assessments. EPATMENT OF CaTYWRKS, c5oM missioner's Office, Room 15, Municipal Building, Brooklyn, Docember 2, 1802 The following proposals were this day publicly op mod and announced forereot ing a new firo engine houas on Madison street, northwest side, 225 feet northeast of Central avenue, Brooklyn, to wit: Myron C.

Rush, work complote, sureties, John 11. Ireland and Sherlock Austin. John O'Ronrke, work complete, 811, 1U0: Bnreties, Michael Hoseyana Denis Norton. John J. Chrnau, work com Tlete, sureties, Jacob May and James VlcFar lane.

John "Leo's Sons, work comnlete, S10.37S sureties, P. H. McU ratty and Samuel W. Cornell. Louis O.

Idnderraann, work complete, $10.47: suretios, E. F. Hummel and James L.Ross. Audrew P. Bixt.

work complete. sureties, H.S.Christian and Joha W. Moran. Leonard Brothers, work complete, sureties. Francis C.Ijeddyaud Charles S.

Lvnan. Charles Collinw. work complete, S.L500; sureties, Jacob May and J. E.tWiliiams. T.

Ilanlon. rotk complete, sureties. John AY. Moran and William Martin. JOHN ADAMS, Commissioner.

Attest: D. L. NoRTHUr. Secrotary. djl fit 7TICijrTHB MATTER OF THIS application of the Common Council of ths Pity of Brooklyn in relation to opening Degraw stre froia Washington avenue to Now York avenue, in tho City of Brooklyu To all whom it mav concern: The report oi the assessors iu the above mtitled matter lias been com and Sled in the otfico of the Department of Citr Works of the City of Brooklyn, in the new Municipal Building of said city, where it is open for the inspection of all persons interested.

Application will be made, oa behalf of the paid Common t.ouucil, to the Supremo Court of tho Stat of Nw York, at a Special Tornx thereof, held in and for the County of Kings, in tho County Coirt, in tho City of Brooklyn, on Tuesday. 20th day of December, 1802, at tn clock in tho forenoon of that day, or as soon thereafter an counsel can be heard, to have said report cooarmed. Datod December ti. ISD2. ALMET F.

JT3SKS. de'i Hit Attoni' Counsel to The City of Brooklyn. Y6e iS the" jj plication of the Common Council of tho City of Brooklyn it relation to openinn Crescent strot. from tho so ahcrly line or side of Libertv avenue to th! wotitherly si ie or iine of Con it a venuf. in the City of Brc'oklyu To all whom ir concern: Tho report of the AMjssorn in the above entitled mutter has been complotod and rild in the of the lvtftrtmint of City V.

orks of tho City of Brooklyn, in the New Municipal building of saii city, it irt for the in 'potior, of all persons in tri'Stod. Application will be made, on behalf of the said Common Council, to the Suprem. Conrt cf th State of New York, at a fp icial tern, theor, held in and for the County of Klnrt. iu the C')urt Honse. in tho C'ity of Brooklyn, on Tu 'sdav.

the 20th day of DecHmbcr, 1802. ut iut o'clock in the forenoon of that day, or as boon thereafter a conns! can hoard, to have said port confirmed Dated it, 1 802. ALMET V. JENKS, Attorney and Counsel to tho City of Brooklyn. de610t "VTOTIOE ISHEREBY GIVEN THATTHK 1 Common Council of the ity ot Brooklyn has de Hare I by resolution its to SET OAS LAMP P( )S T.

with lanteras and a'l necessary on Fnrman avenue, between Rruadway and Bushwick avenue, and hae by resolution fixed the district of as sen a incut for such improvement on the lyinj; on and along tne lines on each aide of the said Furman avenue, between the points auoe specified and that the siid Common Council will proceed undr the raid resoiut ioat at a meeting tbereot to be bMd on the ith day of Jannary Oil, or hs sr.on thereafter ai tho public business will allow. Remount rnc'i ilf any) against th' said ia provement must be tiled with tho clerk of ihe Common Council (or otherwise presented to tho Common Council) on or before tho said day. Dated Brooklyn, November 23.18'.i2. JOHN P. ADAMS, Commissioner of City Works, Attest: D.

L. North ui. Secretary. no23 14t iiPAUTMENl OF CITY WORKS, COftP nisioner'B Oifice. Room l.V MnnirrinfO TlrtlMtn brookivn.

Docember 5. 1HH2 'Ihe fotlowiuc nmnnr.V were tnis dav iblicly opened and announced for constructing sower in Map Diitrict No. Pacific street. between Saratoga atenne and Hopkinsou avenne, to wit James i 15 inch cement running foot 62 12 inch cement ulpo, por running foot, each manhole, compUto, $40; each iteet biuin, complete. 812S.

raurwtiea, John Maillio and Thomaa Gitbrida. JOHCN P. AO.VMS, ComniixaionBT SUPREME COURT, KEXGS COUNTY Margaret J. Nodom undjamci R. Allabcu.

administrators, Ac, o. Jane Douglass, decoded, against Mary L. Hurtis and othera. JaMKS R. ulamtiif attorney, ourt street, Brooklyn.

N. Y. Jn purananco a judgment of forecioiuro aud bale, made in thie action tne hrst day of Ducembor, ISP'J, I hereby give ltoticr that on Monday, tho twenty sixth day of December, at tne hour of 12, noon, at aud in the rotundi of the Court House of Kings County, in the of Brooklyn. 1 sell at public auction, to tho hignest b.ddrr, tho land and prmie in said judgment mentioned an i therein described as follows: All that certain or parcel of hind altaate, lying and being in tho iwenty htth ward ot the City of Brooklyn, Coanty of Kint Bud tato of Now York, and the building thereon, bounded described as fnlloK Beginning at a point the northerly Hide of Chaancey street, ninetr etcht (OS) feet elev 1) inches westerly from the northwesterly corner of Ler.w avenue ana Channcey stront; thence rly along tho northerly side of Chauncey street nineteen feet and nine (Oj inches; thence northerly and parallel to Lewis avenue ono hundred 100) feet thence easterly parallel to Chaunc street nineteen 1 10) feet aud nine (it) i. ichen, and then touth erlv antl parallel to Lewis avunuo one hnnrfre i (100) feet to the point and placo of begnning.

Dated December 1, 1802. dej.rFA'rn B. MA BEN. Referee. 571 AST NEW YORK AVENUE SUPREME W2J KINGS COUNTY Delia Owobp, plaiitt itl.

against John F. Owens and others, defendants In pursuance of an interlocutory judgment of partition and sale, duly made and entered tho ahovo entitled 'tioii, beariutr date tho day of March. 1802, and of an order duly made and entered heroin on th? 10th day of November, 1SD2, directing a n.ilc. 1, Edward olltner. the reft ree in said judgment named, will aoll at public aution at tho Brooklyn Ileal Eatati Exchange at Nos.

180 and 101 ftlonta ruo Urooklyn, on Mednenday, the th rtcy of December. 1 S02, at 12 o'clock, noon, by Jo re. Johnson. auctioneer, the promises mentioned is said judgment and therein described ab follows, to wit: All that certain plot, piece or prcl of land situate. lying and being in tho City of Brooklyn, County of Kings and Stato of New York, bounded and described as follows: Beginning at a point on the southeasterly fide of East New York avenue distant one hundred aud fifty seven feet seven i iiiLum uui irom corner inrmou ny tne intersection of the northeasterly Fid of Atlantic avenue with the southeasterly side of Kant New York avenue; running thenco nor heat terJy along East New York avenue fifty feet seven and cne half (71) inches: thenco contheny and parallel or nearly no with Wiliiama avenue and pnrt or the distance through a partv wall fifty eight (.8) feet thence westerly and nt right angles to last mentioned course tvonty throo feet sevon (7) inches thence northerly parallel or r.earlv ao with Williams avenue seven (7 feet two (2) inche; thence westerly at right angles to last mentioned couro twelve (12 feet seven inches, aud thence northwesterly and at angles to East New York avenue thirtv eeven (tD inches to East New York aronue at the point or place of beginning.

Dit'id Ne.r York. November IS. 1802. EDVaKD R. VOLLMEK.

Referee. John Deuhasti', Plaintiff's Attorney, 2SO Broad wayN. City. jvv22 7t Tu.vF SUPREME COURT, KINGS COUNl Walter Luke and George Luke, as executors of the last will and testament of Andrew Luke, deceased, Against IrEderiRk Mosotter and others. Action No.

1 In pursuance of a judgment of foreclosure and sale made in thi action on the enty sixth day of November, 1 802. I hereby give notice that on Tuesday the twentieth day of Decemncr, 1S02. at the hour of 12 o'clock, noon, at the Commercial Exchange, number .580 Fulton street, in tho City of Brooklyn and County of Kings. 1 will lull at public auction to the highest bidder the lands ami premises said judgment mentioned and heroin doacrihed as follows: All those certain lot 3. pieceH, or parcels of land with the building and improvementu sit uate, lyir.g and Loin in tiie City of ftn ok'yn, Counfy of Kings and State nf New Yorg, whici' t.eing taken to gethor are bounded and Se tcribed a follows, to wit He at the ir.r nf MiiMutnw and Harrison avenue, running thence westerly along the southerly side of MiddleAu street fivo feet thence southerly parallel with liarrifion avenue forty nine feet nine ami three quarter inches; thence easterly parallel with Middleton Btreet niuety fivf to the westerly side of Harrison avunue and tho ice northerly alon the westerly side of Harrison avenue forty nine feet nine and three quarters iuchoa to the caid Douthwcstorly corner of Middleton htreet and Harrison avenue, the point and of beginning.

And also all that certain other lot. piece or parcel of land with tho bnildiutvs and improvements thereon, situate, lying and being in the said City of Brooklyn and bounded and described as follows, to wit: Beginning at a point on the southerly side of said Middleton atreet, diHtant tivw feet westerly front the southwesterly corner of Middleton street and Harrison avonue, runninc thence southerly parallel with Harrison avenne one hundred feet thenco westerly parallel with Middleton street twenty five feet thence northerly parallel with Harrison avenue one hundred feet to the southerly fido of Middleton street, and thence easterly along the Routherly side of Middleton Btreot twentv hvo feet to the point and place of beginning. Doted November 28, 1892. GERARD M. STEVENS.

Referee. Stitt PniXLiPH. Plaintiff's Attorneys. 'nlton street. New ork.

no2i) CSw TnAF SUPREME COURT, COUNTYWkTnGS Walter Luke aud George Luke, as executors of the last will and testament of Andrew Lake, deceased. Bgainst I redorick Mosotter and others. Action No. 2 In pursuanco of a judgment, of ft reclosurc and sale, in this action on the twenty sixth day of November. 1802, I hereby give notice that ou Tuesday, the twentieth day of December.

1S02, at tho hour oi 12 o'clock, noon, at theCommorcial Exchange. Number Fulton street, in tne City of Brooklyn and Count of Kingi. I will eell at public auction, to the highest bidder, the lands and piem lses in said judgment mentioned and therein described as follows: All those two certain lots, pieces or parcels of land, with tho buildings and improvements thereon, pit uate, lying and being tn the City of Brooklyn. County of Kins and State of Now York, and which being taken together are bounded and described as follows, to wit: BeKinnlnar at a point on the went rly sido of Harrison avenue distant one hundred and twenty feet two and one quarter inches southerly from the southwesterly cor ner of Harrison arcane and Middleton street; running thence westerly parallel with Middleton strest ninety fivofoet; thence southerly parallel with Hnrribon avenue fifty four feet nine and three quarter inches; thenco easterly parallel with Middleton street and wart of the distance through a party wall ninety five feet to the westerly side of Harrison avenue, and thence northerly along the westerly side of Harrison avenue fifty four feet nine and three quartern inches to the point and placo of beginning. Dated November 28.

1.S02. ERA ltD M. STEVENS, Referee. Stitt fc Pnit i.irs, Plaintiffs Attorneys, ll.i Fulton fttrect. Now York.

no2i) TuJtl Cf It 0i A'X ES OX1 CFA. rBIIE PEOPLE OP THE "STATE OF NEW JL YORK, by tho srace of God free and independent To William J. Purdy. George M. Edgar Purdy, Aluinda C.

Forinan, Daniel D. Macgnm, Charlotte Purdy, Blakely Royce, Mrs. Dauiel Webster, RoberL Lewii, Maufftm Lewis. Addie Lewis. Beiietto Richardrton.

Gilbert Lewis, Arietta Sccor. Mrs. Andrew Marryatt, Henry D. McCord, Kciward Collyer. JIr'.

Caleb Horron and Francis Larkin. and James Bedell, subscribing wit ncBseaHend greeting: Whereas, William J. Purdy, of the City of Brooklyn, Kings County, has lately petitioned our Surrogate's Court of the County of Kings, to a certain instrument) in writing bearing the nlxtoenth day of May, 1SSH, relating to real and peraonal property, duly proved as the last will and testament of iERTRLTDE K. AV1LS0N, late of Brooklyn, noceased. Wherefore, you and oach or yon are hereby citd and required to boforo ott Surrogate of th County of Kiinrs.

at a Surrogate's Court, to bo held the II all of Records in tho Citv of Brooklyn, on tho twenty fourth lay of January, 1802, at ten o'clock in the forenoon, then and there toattoud the probate of the said last will and testament. Iu testimony whereof wo have caused the seal of our said Surrogate's Court to be hereunto affixed. Witness, Hon. George B. Abbott, Surrogate of f.L, S.J our said county, at the City of Brooklyn, the 25th day of November, in tho year of otir Lord one thouuaud eight hundred and ninety two JOSEPH W.

CARROLL, Clerk of the Surrogate's Court Wm. J. Gaynoji. Attorney for Petitioner. 204 frnastroet, Brooklyn.

de'JOwl 5 FUKSUAJNCiS OF AiN OHUKKOKTHB SL Hon. George B. Abbott, Surrogate of the County of KiDKi, notice is hereby siren, af cordi: to law. to all having claims ajrainst ANDREW STEEN, late of the City of Brooklyn, deceased, that they are required to exhibit the wamo. with tho Touchers thereof, to the subscriber at her place of transacting businens.

at tho offices of Dana CUrkaon, ISO Remsen street, in th City of Brooklyn, on or before the first day of April next. Dated September 15. 1S02. ANN 6TEEN. Executrix.

Dana Ct arkson. Attorneys for Executrix, 183 Hemsen street, Brooklyn. eelO 0m "TN PURSUANCE OKDpIR Or i'HK a Hon. George B.Abbott. Surrocate of the Coanty of King, notice is hereby giveu.

accordinc to law. to all persons having claims acainst JOSEPHINE B. ELLIS, late of the City of Brooklyn, deceased, that thy are re quired t) exhibit the came, with the vouchers thereof, to the subscriber at his resident, No. 41 East T.venty lirst street, in the City of New York, on or before the ltith day of January next. Dated Jnlv 7.

1S02. jHJim AMKfilIS.dministrator. XN PURSUANCES AN ORDER OF THE Hon. George B. Abbott, Surrogate of the County of ivinjEft, notice is hereby civen, according to law, to all persomt having claims against SARAH ANN MOORE, late of the City of Brooklyn, deceased, that they are required to exhibit the same, with the vouchem thereof, to trie snbncriber at his place for transacting business in the City of Brooklyn, No.

44 Court street. Room on or before the 20th day of Mar. 1HOH, noxt. Dated November 25. 1S02.

CLEMENT B. MOORE, Sole Executor. Sidnky V. Lowell. Attorney.

no25 2 xN PURSITANCB'OF AN ullDER OFTHK A Hon orge B. Abbott. Surrogate of the County of Kings, notl jo is hereby iren. accordinc to law, le all persons having claim against MARY AN CARVER late of the of Brooklyn, dreassd. that they are required to exhibit the with the vouohcrs rhoreol to the subscriber, at the oihce of D.

W. Northu her place of transacting budaen. No. 20 Cocrt t. ifi the of Broolclyn.

on or fore the 2d day of January next. Dated June 21, 1S02 CAROLINE F. CARVER. Executrix. T.

W. on th i Attorney for Executrix, No 8 Court st. Brooklyn, N. Y. 0mF JTN PUUSCANCE OP AN OR El HE Hon.

Geirge B. Abbott, Surroccto of tho County of Ktnits, notice Ts honby given. a.cordirjg to jaw to all persons having claims acaiast MARTHA J. LOTT, latent the Town of Klatlandn. Count of Kings, deceased that they are required to exhibit the same, with the vouchers thereof, to ths subscriber at the orhce of H'ibbard A Rnshtnore, No.

42 aud 14 Court treet, in the City of Brooklyn. N. on or brfore tho rirt day of Aril next. Dated ptemher i selriUmFr SIMON I. I A ratir TN PURSUANCE OP AN ORDER OP THE JL Hon.

GenrEA B. Abbott. Surrogate of the County of notice is hereby rien, acrording to law, to all perfcons having claims against HENRY W. PIENJNG. late of the City of Brooklyn, deceased, that Uiev are required to exhibit the same, with the vouchers thereof, to the subscriber, at tho place of bar residence.

No. 501 Marcy avenue, iu the City of Brookivn, on or before tna first day of A prit next. Dated Brooklyn. September 20. 1SH2.

ADELINE W. PI EN' NG, Administratrix. Ccktis. Attorneys for Administratrix. 5S William street.

New or. e2y OmF 4" PURSUANCE OK5niu)ER (V THii Hon. Georre B. Abbott, Syrrgte of the fount? of Kings, notice is hereby given, according to law. to all pernon bavins claims acainst MAtlY JANE BAKER late of the City ol Brooklyn.

eeisM. that th are quirrd to exhilit ti same, with the to thereof to the snbncriner At theoSiLeof Rotvrll H. rarprutT at No. 44 'ourt Brooklyn, on or before the 15th day of May, 180.J. next.

Dated Noremb 4. SH2 A THOMAS BAKER, Administrator of the oi Mary Jane Baker. ao4 6ra PURSUANCE" OF AN ORDER OF THE JL, Hon. George B. Abbott.

Snrmgat of the Count nf King, noticn hereby given. aror line to law, to all tier sous having aeainsr SAMUEL T.PARK, late of tne City of Brooklyn, deceased, that they are required to the same, with the rouchera thereof, to tho sub sTiberat her place of transacting butines. at the offices of Dana A Clarkson. ISO Remst ftrect, in tlie Citv of Brooklyn, on or before the first day of February next Datefl July 14, 1802. RACHAEL PARK, Executrix, Ac.

DaKa A CLAnnsoN. Attorneys for Executrix, ISO Renisen street. Brooklyn OmV i PUKSUAiNCK ORDKR OF ji. the Hon eorre 0. Abbott, Surrogate of th County of iK tu is hsreuy to law.

to nil perbons iinrinc claim aga'nstJOHN H. TlUlM late of th" of Brooklyn. decenc1, that thv ro re nuirari to exhibit the sn'ue, witii be roccher theor, to the sub ir riber at place or transacting ihw otficsof Edwin U. Woods, counselor law, 50 at, in i lie City of Now York, or het(ro The seventeenth dayof December next Dat1 i), 18M2. 0m 1 DW1NJSCHOFIELD.

Executor. purkuancb'of ano udkr of the a. Hon. B. Abbott.

Surrogate of tha County nt vingrv, norico in hereby girn, accoroinir to taw to all persons having cUims against AiJi MtT WLIOD lateottbe tJitr of l.rnoii lyn. dfli. es.aad, ttiat ther irn mired xuibit tho aiue. tho roucbera trjervof, to the snhgcr'bers at their tka of transacting busiuevs, at na otfire of Heorgn No. 5ti Wall trrt.

in ths Citr of New YorV. on ir bejort tha 10th day of December next. Dated, J'tu2. ALBKHT SAKAU F. WOODRUFF.

"ntora. Gtorrk O. BttAiNKttD, Attorney for Exooutors. Nm. 5G WaU srat.

Now York City, N. Y. UmF SURROGATE'S COURT, KINGS COUNTY In the matter of the application of Rachel Bar rie, as executrix of Robort Quincey, deceased', for leave to sell, real property for payment of hia debts. Notice of Halo By virtue of a decree of the surro gate'n conrt of Kings County, dated November 25, 18i2, directing Rachel Barrie, us nxecntrix of Robert M. (juincey, deceased, to soil certain portions of his real property for the payment of his debts, and in pursuance of a further order of said court, dated November 20, 1802.

appointing the undpre ignod, George Wilson, as a disinterested freeholder, to carry into eftect the decree first above mentioned, and in pursuance of a further order of taid court, dated November 1802, directing undersigned to proceed to the lawful execution of tho decret of November 25,1802. the undersigned, George Wilson, appointed a disinterested freeholder for the ahovo mentioned pqrposea, do hereby give notice that I will sell at public auction (by William Colo, auctioneer), at tho Brooklyn Real Estate Exchange, Limited, Nob. 180 1 0 1 Montague Btreet in the city of Brooklyn. Count of at twe'vo o'clock, noon, on the 17th dav of January, the following described lands and promisor, vix. Parcel o.

1 Ail that plot, pieoe or parcel of land Fituate, lying and being in the City of Brooklyn, in the JJounty of Kings and State of Now York, which is bounded and. described as follows Beginning at a point on tho northerly fdde of Myrtle aronue, which point is distant eighty feet and ten inches westerly from tho northwesterly corner of Prince street and Myrtle avcuui, ana running thence northerly parallel with Princi strt one hundred feet thence westerly parallel withMyrtl avenue sixteen feet and two inches: thence rnnning southerly parallel with Prince street ono hundred feet to Myrtle avenue, and thence running easterly along Myrtle avenue sixteen foot and two inchcB to the place of beginning. Parcel No. 2 All that plot, piece or parcal of land situate, lying and being in tho City of Brooklyn, in the County of Kings ana State of New York, which is bounded and described as follows: Beginning at a point on the northerly aide of Myrtle avenue, which pointis distant niTiety ouo feet easterly from the northeasterly corner of Myrtle avenue and Lawrence street running nonce northerly and partly throigh a part7 wallflevouty hve feet thenco eatt rly and parallel with Myrtle ave nuo twelro feet thence southerly and partly through a party wall Bevonty five feet to Myrtle avenue, and thence westerly along the northerly side of Myrtle avenue twelve feet to the place of beginning, be the same more or less. GEORGE WILSON, Freeholder, etc.

D. GiniKUT Baiinktt. Attorney for Freeholder, 189 Montague otreet. Brooklyn. N.

de2 0w THE PEOPLE OK THE STATE OF NEV7 YORK, by the gr.tcc of (iod fre and independent To Jotephinu H. Weir, Alexander Webb Weir, Julia Fcrgtifon Weir, Heudernon Weir, Julia H. Sperry, Eli.a Crawford Spt'rry, Anna Henderson. Isaac Henderion. Ruth E.

Henderson, Grace Margaret Henderson, E. Miiton Greece. Mary Ethel Carbongh, Eliza Ann Crawford, send greeting: You and each of you ar? hereby cited and required to appear before a Surrogate's Court of the Co'inty of Kins, to be held at the Hail of Records, in tho City oi Brooklyn, on the 5th day of January, IHOn, at 10 o'clock in the forenoon, then and there to attend the judicial settlement of the account of Kate C. Henderson, Horace Diclrfnfon, Albert B. King and John Nolty, as trustees under tho last will and testament cf ISAAC HENDERSON, deceased.

And that the above named infants then an 1 ther show canwe why a special guardiau should not be appointed to appear! or them ou said judicial settlement. In testimony whereof we have caused the seal nf our naid Surrogate's Court to be hereunto af fi t4 Vifnqi Hni innrpn A hhnit Snrrng.itc of onr said county, in the City oi Brookivn. the seventeenth day of Novemhr L. 8.3 in the year of our Lord ona thousand eight hundred and ninety two. JOSEPH W.

CARROLL, no! 8 QwF Clerk of the Surrogate's Conrt. OORDCVlO; PURSUANCE of an order of the 2 Ton. George B. Abbott. Surrogate of the County of Kings, notice is hereby given according to law to pTsons having cla mn against EBENEZER UORPON.

late of the City of Brooklyn, deceased, that they are required to exhibit the with vouchers thereof to tiu bunscribers at their placo for transacting bnsinehs. tho law office of Charles Howard No. 00 Nassau street, iu the City of New York, New York, on or before the l.Jih day of May next. Dated November 3 0, 1802. SUSAN FAIRFIELD GORDON.

Administratrix, Ac. HAMILTON WILL0OX, Administrator Ac. CiiAS. Howakd Williams. Attorney for Administratrix and Administrator, No.

09 Nassau street. Now York. noli GnioF rOKPOKATIO rji( CONTRACTORS FIRE DEPART JL. ment, 154 Lawrence street, Brooklyn. December 7.

1802. Sealed proposals will received at this office until Monday, December 10, 1802, at 12. noon, for furnishing labor and material for electric wirinir and speaking tubes in now headquarters buildinc, and ,107 Jay afreet. Each proposal must be accompanied by a deposit of $250 in money, or by certified chsck payable to order of Cie Oommir idoner of the Fire Department to he retnr.iod to thobiuder in case his bid is rejected by the Fire Department. In carte tho party or parties to whom the contract may be awarded sh a' I neglect or refuse to enter into contract, the amount, deposited, as above specified, will be retained as liquidated damages for such neglect or refusal.

Specification: may he seen and forms of proposals ca.i be procured on application at the Fir Department. Proposals will not bo considered unless accompanied by the deposit aforesaid, and also by an undertaking in writing, of two securities, on each proposal (who shall qualify as to their rpsponoibility in tho sum of tnat if the contract be awarded to the party or partios proposing, they will become bound as his or their surety for itd faithful performance: and in case he or they shall uoglect or refuse to execute tho contract if bo awarded them, that they will pay to tho City of Brooklyn the difference between the price ao proposed, and the prico at which the contract may he made with any other person or persons. Proposal! to be inobrBod "To the Firo Department." The said proposals will bo publicly opened and announced on tho 10th day of December, 18U2, at tho hour of 12 o'clock, noon. The Commissioner reserves the right to reject any aud all bids. By order of tho Common Council Dated Brooklyn.

October 1802. JOHN ENN1S, Commissioner of the Fire Department. Attest: William D. Moouk, Deputy Commissioner and Chief Clerk. d7 lOt lHOtlCE MATTER OF THE 1 application of the Common Council of the City of in relatMin to opening Bo" class street, from the boundary linn between the vnty oartn and Twenty sixth wards to East New York avenue, in the City of BrooklynTo all whom it may concern Tho report of the assessor in the above entitled matter hs been completed and filed in the oifice of the Department of Works of the City of Brooklyn, in tho new Municipal Building of said city, where it is open for the inspection of all persons intHrestol.

Application will bo made, on behalf of said Common Council, to the Supreme Court of the State of Now York, at a SpooUl Term thereof, hold in aud for tho County of Kings, in tho Cov.nty Court House, in the City of Brooklyn, on Wednesday, tho 21st dav of December, at ten o'clock in tn forenoon of that day, or as soon thereafter as counsel can bo heard, fo have said roport confirmed. Dated December 7, 18.12. ALMET F. JEN'KS. d7 l0t Attorney aud Counsol to theCity of Brooklyn.

NOTICE IN THE MATTER OF THE AP 1.1 plication of the Common Council of the City of BrooKlyn, in relation to opening of Sutter avenue, from Pennsylvania avetrie to Rocknway Hvonue, in tho City of Brooklyn. To ail whom it may concern The report of the usf essorn in the above entitled matter has beon completed and filed in tho office of the Department of City Works of the City of Brooklyn, iu the New Municipal Building of said city, where it is opu for the hiRptjction of all persons interested. Application will be made, on behalf of the said Common Council, to the Supremo Court of the State of New York, at a special term tiiereof, held in and for the County of Kings, in the County Conrt House, in the City of Brooklyn, on Tuesday, tho 20th day of December, 1802, at ten o'clock in the forenoon of that day, or ai soou thereafter aa counsel can be heard, to have said report confirmed. Dated December 0. 1802.

ALMET F. JKNKS, deO lOt Attorney and Counsel to theCitj Brooklyn. CORPORATION NOTICE NOTICE IS hereby given to all perpons to be affected thereby that tho Common council of the City of Brooklyn has declared by resolution its intention to open President Rtreot, from Classen avpnue to Nostrand avenne, as it appears upon tho Commissioner's map of tho city, and has py resolution fixed tho district of assessment for such improvement, and boyond which it shall not extend, to wit: Alons the line of the proposed opening in width one half (H!) of tho block on each side thereof, and that the Kaid Common Council will proceed under the aaid resolutions at a meet ing thoreof, to bo held on tho 0th day of January, 1S0B, or a soon thereafter as the business will allow. Remonstrances (if any) trie said improvement mnst be filed with tho clerk of the Common Council (or otherwise presented to tho Common Council) on or before tha said day. Dated Brooklyn December 0.

1802. JOHN P. ADAMS, Commissioner of City Work Attest D. L. North fp.

Secretary. deo 14t OTICE IN THE MATTER OF THEAP 1 plication of the Common Oonncil of 0i City of Brooklyn in relation to opening Fifty third street, from Third avenue to highwater Hue, in the City of Broonlyn To all whom it may concern The report, of the assessors in tho above entitled matter has been completed and tiled in the office of th Department of City Works oftheOityof Brooklyn, in the now Municipal Building of said city, where it is open for the inspection of all ner sons interested. Application will be made, on behalf of the said Common Council, to tho Supreme Court of the State of New York, at a Special Term thereof, hold in and frirthn County of Kings, in tho County Court House, in thu City of Brooklyn, on Wednesday, the 21st day of December, 1 S02. at 10 o'clock in the forenoon of that day or as soon thereafter as counsel can bo heard, to have said report confirmed. Dated December 7, 1802.

ALMET E. JENKS. dc7 lOt Attorney and Counsol to the City of Brooklyn. CORPOR ATION "NOTICE NO I hereby given to all person; to he affected thereby that tho Common Council of the City of Brooklyn has declared by resolution its intention, to open Union street, from Washington avonue to Nostrand avenue, as it ap ears upon tho Commissioner's imp of tho city. And as by resolution fixed the district of assessment for each improvement, and beyond which it shall not extend, to wit: Along the line of tho proposed opening in width one half (H) of the block on each sido tncroof, and tnat the said Common Council will procood under the said r'rolutions at.

a meeting thereof, to be hold on thcHth day of Jannary, 1803, or an soon thereafter ai the public business will allow. Remonstrances if any) against the said improvement must be filed with tho clerk of tho Common Council (or otbnr presented totho Common Conncil) on or before the said day. Dated Brooklyn, December 0. 1802. JOHN P.

ADAMS. Commissioner of City Works. Attest: D. L. Northup.

Secretary. do" 14t CORPORATION NOTICE NOTICE I hereby given to all persons to he affected thereby that the Common Council of the City of Brookivn has declared by resolution its intnntion to open Covert ttrcet. from Randolph street to Flushing avenue, as it I appears upon the Commissioner's map of ths city, and has by resolution fixed the district of assessment for such improvement, and beyond which it shall not extend, 1 I to wit: Along the line of the proposed oponing; tn width out half of the block on each thereot, aud that the said Common Council will proceed nnder the said resolutions at a meeting thereof, to be held on the 0th day ot January. 180J. or as soon thereafter aa the public i 1 business ill allow.

Remonstrances (if any) against th i I improvement must iueu wuh tut? ciert ot tile Common Council torotnerwisa presented to the Common ou or before the said day. Dated Brooklyn 1S92. JOHN P. ADAMS, Commissioner of City Works. i Attent: D.

li. deG l4r DEPARTMENT UP CITY WORj7cOM missioner's O2ico, Room 15, Municipal Building, rook lyn, December 5, 1S02 Tho lollowing proponaU were this day publicly opcnd and announced for constructing sewer id map district No, IJ7, Pacific street, between Ut ica and Rochester avenues, to wi. HnrrH A Maguiro. 15 ineh cement pipe. pir running foot, 12 inch cement per running foot, each manhole complete, ftJ15.

Scretien. M. F. Htokoy and Thomas MonahRti. James F.

Gillon, 15 inch cement pipe, per running foo. 12 inch cement pipe, per 1.50; each manholocomplote, Sureties John Maillie and Thomas Gil' ride. J. W. Van Dstrand, 15 inch cement (dpo, per running foot, $1.00: 12 inch cement pipe, per running for.t, 3 1.20 each man uU complfct Sureties; llicKey and John Currau.

JOHN P. ADA 'iiS. Commissioner. Attest: D. L.

Nobtkup. Secretary. dti Ot DEPARTMENT OF CITY WORKS, OOM JLJr mitsioner's Oihre re. Room 15. Municipal Buildinc Brqpkbn, Dtcombor 5,1802 The following prononalj were this day publicly opened announced for con si r.icti'ig soitor in Map O.

District No. Ralph ave I between Pacific street and Bergen atreer. to wit tiamos r. en, men cement pipe, per running foot, evh. mauho'e.

complete, $40: each street basin, 125: suretieo, John Maillie aud Thomas Cii bride. i Maguire. 15 inch cetxeut pipe, pr running foot, $2: each manhole, la each, street basin, complete. 3125; sureties, M. F.

Hickcy and 'ihomaa Monahan. J. W. Van Cat rand, 15 inch cement pine, per running foot, oach manhole, complete. i'il4; each ntroet basin, ccruplote, 3125; sureties John iiickey and John Curran.

JOHN P. ADAM.S. Comniisiioner. Attest L. Nohtuup, Secretary.

deO tit VVEPARTIENT OF CITY WORKS, COM iLs misaloner's office. Prook'vn. Novembor22, 1K1 2 NOTICE Tiy PLUMBERS: No permits will be issued from this department for sewer or water connections or for opening the streets oraronuesof the city for other purpose (except by special orderof tho Commissioner of City Worses), after the fiftoanth darof December ,1892, until further etrmi nation in thepromues in made. JOHN P. ADAMS.

Commissioner of City Works, Attest; D. NoRTBUP.beoretary. 7 M. Sundays, 7:00. 4 P.

t. For H. Tfcxliein. AlWitown nml M. 7:011, a.

uhti; M.mch Ohunk), P. M. 11:00 A. 4:40. P.

M. For ,8:13 A. P. M. Sundays.

21 Hi A. M. 1 Vr linrl. A. 7:30 P.M.

11:011 A. P. M. Fnr pointH in thy ct'fil nt A. TJ P.

M. Sunday. 1 1 1 A. M. For wilkesbarre, Pittstou nml Scranton, IT.

A.M., 7:0 P. M. Suudftyn. xcpt Scranton, A. P.

M. Fur Klium. A. P.M. 8 .10 A.




Philadelphia Einroif. 4 10:0 1. 11 with Dininir i 'ar. A. M.

1 I i O.r. 4:00. 7:::0. 4." 1. IS: IT, ntent.

Sundays, 0.00, 1 1 Ml. llininic Car. A. I i0, with Dialog 4'ar. 5:00.

P. 12:1 5 Baltimoro and Waj ltinKton IxT.rri; daily at 0:00, II with Dininc A. 1 Dinine Car, only) P. tiiuht. Parlor Cars Day Train.

Sleeper on Niht Trains. For Kealinir at 4:00. A. M. 1 1 4:00.

t.i. P. M. V.2 1.0 niirlit, oxLvpt Saturday nisht. Sumfsrs, I 1 A.M.

1 :00. 0:00 P. 1 niaht For UarriKr.r at 7: A. 1:00. 1 :.10, 4 :4 i P.

1:2:1.1 nizht. i T't Saturday niitht. Sundays, 11:30 A. 1:00, 5uI0 P. 1' 16 ntK: t.

For Pottstil'n at 4:00, 7:45. A. SI. 1 :00, 1 4:00. 7 P.

SI. 1.1 except Saturday nmht. Sundays. 11:30 A. SI.

UMU. P. SI. uiirht. For Sf.nbury.

LewigbnrK and Willianipport at 4:00. 7:4.1. A. SL: 1 p. SI.

1:1.1 niaht. except Saturday r.iirht. Sundajs. 7:1.1 A. 1.

midnight. For Fastern litthlehem. Ailcnto Trn, Slauch Chunk, 4:00, 7:1.1. A. 1:110.

.1:4:1. 7:30 P. Si. to Allentotra. Sundays, 7:1.1 A.SI.;1:00, P.

SI. For Wilkesbarre, Pittston and Scranton. :4.1 A. SI. 4 P.

SI. Snndavs, 4 ::) A. SI. For Hili rSridKe Isrant'h. A.

SI. 4:30 P. SI. Sundays, 1 p. For Perth Anit.ov at :1:.10.

:1.1, 11 A. SI. 4 P. SI. Sundays.

0:00 A. 4:00 P. SI. Fr.r Atlantie Highlands, 11:30 A. SI.

1 4 :::0. P. SI. Sundays. II :00 A.

4 P. SI. For Freehold, 4:30, 8:1.1, A. SI. 1:30,4:30, P.

SI. For Ked Uatik, Lone Branch and point south of Point Pleasant. 4:30. 11:30 A. 0 Ked Hank only).

4 :10. 4 M. Sundayn. Oeean A.l.nn; tT 0 011 A rl llll FOR. LAKEWOOD.

A. 1 :4." 4:20 P. M. 1 orToms Kivpr, Kanif cat Park aiirl Uarnegat, 4:30, A. M.

I P. For Atlantic L'itv, VinclanJ ami A. Aft P. M. For Monmouth Eeach.

Seabrijcht nd HiRhland Bpach, 1 1 A.M.: 1 4:00,4:0 P. M. Kuniiayij, M. P. M.

Tickctf anil parlor car seats can bo procured at 172, 41o. 1.141 firoadway, 711 Murray st, ht. r.mst 14th st, av and "Wst Kt. New VorK Vahintou st, 7' ii Fulton t. IJrooklyn, an i 74 Witliarusbiirfth.

Westcott EipresH Co. will call lor ami check basRao from hotol or rertidenctr to destination. PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD. THE STA.DAP.I RAILWAY OF AMERICA! AND THK SOKMU LINK TO THK WKST. NO TRANSKKK TU HOUG NEW YORK.

TRAINS LEAVE BROOKLYN ANNEX STATION, Foot of Fulton nt, ns follows: In effect 12:0 A. NltVfclMHKR 1802, THIS LINK. 8:40 M. PiiHman Purlor Ca Arriron M7) A. Columbu A.

M. Indianap A. 2.1., Chicaxu P. M. and St.

Louis P. M. next day. L'ouncutH aloo for Toleao oicept Saturday. THK PENNSYLVANIA LIMITED.

A. M. CompusoJ oxclr.sivijly of Pullman Wstibalo Drawing anil State Hooni, Slopping. liuiti, and Obsorvation 'arrf, prtfsyniim; rinancial r)portd, BtenoKraphprjt and typeivritwra, Iwithrooins ftir botJi hoxuk, inniiJ. barber shop, library and all ho cou vieiife of home or omcw.

Li htod (jy stationery anJ mo able electric lights. Arrivon Cincinnati Indianapolie, A. M. and Chicago next day. KT.

LOUIS AND CINCINNATI EXPRESS, 1 P.M. Pullman Vtvtibulo Stc opinx Cars from Neiv York and I)inint Cars from Now York to St. Luui and Cincinnati. Vestibule Smokinc Car anil Vest ilmle P.iH"3inrt'r Coachen New York to Si. ouis.

CiuL itinati 1 A. M. and St. Louis 7:00 P. M.

nt xt dav. The COLUMBIAN EXPRESS, 3 P. M. VeBtilmle Sleepiup. DiniriK, SniokiuK and PeunHylvama Railroad Vestibulo PattHenger Coaches from New York to Arrlvoi in ChicL KO P.

M. next dav. THE WESTERN EXPRESS, P. M. Pullman Vtibulo Sleepinp Car "Now York to Pittnbnrif, Cbicart" and i "Ipveland, Uming Cars New Yorkto Philadelphia and Pittsburg to Chicago, Arrives at "ifveland 1 1 A.

M. Chicajco P.M. next day. I'oimect for Tolodo laily, except Saturday. PACIFIC EXPRESS, P.

M. Pullman UuHot Slwpinc Or, Nw York to Chicago. Arrives wetk daynat Columbus 7: P. Clevoland P. M.

next day.and daily at 7 :00 A. M. necond morninc Connects lor Toledo daily and for Clovelam' and 'olumbuH except Saturday SOUTliWKSTEKN EXPRESS, p. M. Pullman Vestibule Sleeping earn New York to Cincinnati Memphis and St.

Louitt. Dininir Car Altoona to Richmond. Arrives Columbus P. Cincinnati P. Indianapolis P.

M. and St. LouiH 7:00 A. M. second inomimr, 4:00 P.

M. Richmond and Danville Expose, ttaily. rith Throtif Sleopera to Aucusta, Memphiri and Now Orleans. Dining Car to Moiitnomery. No cottche.

Slcoper to Asheville and Hot SpriiiKH on Hecoiid tctifn. P. M. Shenandoah Valley Kxprees with throuch Bullet Steepinc Car to New Or loatirt. liALTIMORE.

WASlUNt Ti tS and the SOUTH "WASHINGTON LIMITED EXPRESS." Pullman VeHtibtiie Parlor Vestibule PseouKer Coaclies, Oiniiif; Car, daily, eicept Sumlay, A. arrivu WashinKton P. M. and "CONiiRESSION LIM 1TEO," ilaily, with Dining Car. at P.

arrive 1. M. reenlar express, 7:0, 00 A. 4:00 K. and D.

Expienn). 11:00 P.M. Sundavs A. R. and I).

ty and 11:00 P.M. I crr Halt ntiore only, P. M. week davr4. Tor Atlantic City.

P. M. veet days, with thronjeh Buffet Parlor Car. For Capo May. I'JriiO P.

M. week daya For Lon hranch, At bury Park, Dcean Crove and Point Ple. ant.S::) A. 1'J :00. 4 M0 and 11 P.

M. Sundays. 0:20 A.M. and P.M. (Do not stop at Adbury Park and Ocean l.rovt on Sundays.

ran Philadelphia. Express 7:00.7:0. 8 0:00 (0:30 Pennnyl vania Limited, with Dininjt and Wauhinctoa Liiuiteu, ibuio I'arior Car, i onchoi, DiniiiK Car; and 12:00 noon. 1 4:00, 4 r.AO, 0:00, 7::10. and M.

AccoQim.u!atlen. A.M..4:00 and P.M. Sunday K.pre. ind A. Limit d), 1 4:00, 7 and P.

M. Acconmiodation, 4::0 and i MQ P. M. For time tabiofl trains to local po'mtrf on the Penn eylvania Railroad System apply at the following ticknt omcen: No. 4 Court f.tre Broadway, 8ti0 Fulton Htreet, and Aniiei: tot of Fulton street, Brooklyn.

The Ne Transfer Company ill call for and checK in hotels and resilience throujfh to dest ination. II AS. F. PU i li. Manager.

J. R. WOOD, Ceneral Pisscner Acent. "VSTEST SHORE ttAJLKOAD. (N.

Y. C. H. It. t.

ssee.) Trains leave Forty second (North river station). New York, as :oilow.s, and ruiuute earlier from foot of Franklin Mt. N. A. M.

ilaily for Newburph, KinRston. Albany. Daily, except Sunday. we of Juii'. tiou.

7:1 A. M. Daily for Albany, and anily, cicopt Sunday, for Montreal. A. Daily for NewhnrRh, Albany, Lrtica, Syra cuse.

iiocu jstr, isnnaio, rat.r. uotroit, Daily, pt Saturday, for Tornnto. 3.3:;;" A. if. Duly, Jicept Sunday, for Albany and Utica.

1 4:00 P. M. Daily.eiceiit Sunday, for Albany. P. M.

Dtnly fur Aibauv, Montreal. Svracue, PlochnsTor, Buffalo. Niagara 'all. Toronto, Detroit, 1 Nt.

it.y. except Sunday, for owburKh. Albany, Sjrotofcrs, P.M. Daily for Albany, I'tira, Syracuse, Rochester, Bntliilo. Niii'ara r'aUc, Toronto.

Detroit, o. St. IvOuiri. HAYERSTRA'VV LOCALS. P.

M. NEWBt'KGH LOCALS. 10:10 A.M.. 'I 4:. in, 'G 1 M.

Sbvpinj; cars lor Butfahi, Niagara Falls, Toronto. Detroit, CaicajTO, 01: ail thmrih trainn. i 'or i knt a. time tab parlor and Meepim ar tuniiiour.tMiriri or tmoriiutt hip. anpiv at 0C1.

Brcoklvn, IMMi in r. 411 t. Annex otrf, foot 01 or City. I 1 27 1, lirl.i, 1 Knt.ry( Ea Fourt. euth at, talio: E.

LAMHERT. Pa(cner Agent. JRIB LIXKS. 'i trains leave New York, fret of Chambers st, daily, as foKous, and five ei.rlier fron. West Twtniy third 't A.

M. Via Niagara halls and Chautuaqna Lake, Parlor Car New York to Huflalo, Sleeper Hornellevi.le to Cincinnati. DituuK car. 3:00 P. M.Vestibnle limited Solid train Chicaco Ia Chautauaun Lake.

Sltep Ts to ChicaKf, Cleveland and Cincinnati. DicinK car. P. M. Soild train to Chicaco via Niflarr.

Falln. Slecpors to Bulfalo, Rochester and 'hicago, Dimnx car. S.o(t P. M. Via Chantauqun Lako and Niagara Falls.

Solid train to Chicago. SluepRrsto llornelUviUe, Chii. and Cincinnati. Ticker offices: 401 and U7 Bro.idway, Chambers and Twenty third sts ferries. New Yurie FULTON NT, BROOKLYN.


PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD. A M. 7:00,7:30. 8:00.8:30,9:00.9:30.10:00. 10:30, 11:00, 11:30, 12:00.

P. M. 12:30. 1:00, 1:30. 2:00, 2:30.

3:00, 3:30, 5:00, 5:30. 0:30.7:00. 7:30. H.iiO, 9:00. 9:30, 10:00.

10:30. 11:00. To Fall River line, 4:30 P.M. Returning leave Jersei Olty on arrival of all trains. checked ancLlickets sold to all point.

Ask for wwwuu MUMW WWB ilVUnUDK JAJNSEH Wards. Cts. 20.4S 21.43 2H.37 20.51 28.38 28.3(1 28.37 28.41 2837 27.3(1 20.43 20.39 .0. .5. ...9..

.8. ...4... ...3.., ...3.. ...1... is 21 24 KXTRACTS FROM THK LAT7.

Chapter Laws of 1888. Title 7, Section 10 and Title Section On all taxo and on all assessments for opening streets, flaeif ms or reflancins sidewalks, fencing vaoant lots, or difttfinr: down vacant lots, which hereafter bo psiil to the collector, befnro the expiration of ono month from the time tne same shall become due and adowance shall lie made to the person or personB making anch payinenta at the rate of seven and three tenths per centum per annum, for tho unexpired portion thereof. On all taxes, assessments and water rates paid after the expiration of one month (rem the time the same shall have become due and payable, there snail be added to and collected as part of every such tax assessnirntor water rate, interest at the rate ofnineier oent. per annum, to be computed from the time the samo became due and payable, to the date of said payment AX.DEX 8. SWAN, xufl 40t Collector of Taxes and COUJIT TEK3IS.

TERMS OK THE COUNTY COURT AND Court of Sessions for the year 1S93 and nntil other Wlas COUNTY COURT. I do hereby appoint tho followine terms of tho County Court ol the Co of Kinss for tho year 18U3 and un td otherwise ordered, to wit: On the second MONDAY of On tho hrst MONDAY of February. On the tirst MONDAY of March. On the tirst MONDAY of April. On tho second MONDAY 01 Mav.

On the first MONDAY of June. On tho first MONDAY of On the third MONDAY of September On the hrst MONDAY of October. On the firjt MONDAY of November. On tho riri MONDAY of December. And ttiat each of said terms for tho trial of Ifl nes of law and issuea of fact and for the hairing Bud do Clelon of motions and other proceedinrs.

And for each of said wrma I order that is trial jury be drawn and summoned. COURT OF SESSIONS. I do beroby order that the Court of Sessions in and for the County of Xing? for tho year 1RS3, and until otherwise ordered, be ae.d as follows, to wit On the secoud MONDAY of On tho r.rst MONDAY of February. On tho first MO s'DAY of March. On tlio rirst MONDAY of April.

On the second MONDAY of May. On tho rirst MONDAY Ou tne first MONDAY of July. On tho third MONDAY of September On tho first MONDAY of October On tho lirot MONDAY of November. On th tirst MONDAY of December 7 lTS '5ittl Jry be dran and summoned to attend each of said terms of the Court of Sessions. TIME AND PLACE OF HOLDING OF SAID TERMS.

fcach of Mid terms of the County Court and Court of Sessions wijl fceoin at ten o'clock in the forenoon, and he held at the Connty Court House, in the City of Brook. Un, Coanty of Kms. Datod Brooklyn, N. Novem herSl, 1S92. HENRY.

A. MOORE fiM1. Judjce of Kincs County. BEBSakd J. York, Clark.

nollH l4t ton LEGAL NOTSCES. SUPREME COURT, KIXGS COUNTY KJ Stephen B. Sturffis acrainst John Fallon, Albert Iriedlander and Marie Friedlandr In D'. rsuance of a judgment of foreclosure and sale made in this action on the seventh day of December, 180:2, 1 hereby Rive notice that ou Friday, the thirtieth day of December. 180'J, at the hoor of 1:2 o'clock, noon, at the Commercial Exchange.

Number M80 Fulton street, in the City of Rrook lyn and I Comity of Kinjcs, I will sell at public auction to the highest bidder the lands and promises in naid judgment mentioned and therein described as follows: All thoo certain lots, pieces or parcels of land, situate, lyinic and beinK in the Twenty fifth Yardof the City of Brooklyn. County of Kin ps and State of New Tork. bounded and described as follows, to wit Beginning at a point on the easterly side of Kane place distant northerly one hundred and twenty one (121) feet seven (7) inches from the intersection of the eaaterv tddo of Kane place with the northerly side of Atlantic avenue, running thenco easterly and parallel with Atlantic avenue one hundred and five (105) feet: thenco northerly and parallel with Kane placo fifteen (15) feet lour (4) inches: thenco westerly and part of the distance thronph a party wall one hundred and live (105) feet to the easterly side of Kane place; runnintr thence southerly and alons the easterly side of Kane placo fifteen (15) feet four (4) inches to the point or placo of beffinuinji. And also, beKinmnR at a point, on tho easterly sido of Kaua place, distant northerly ono nuudred and thirty six feet eleven (11) inches from tho corner formed by the intersection of tlie easterly aide of Kane placo with the northerly ide of Atlantic avenue, running thenco easterly parallel with Atlantic avenue, and part of the distance through a party wall one hundred and flvo (105) feet to the center lino of the block running thence northerly and parallel with Kane place fifteen (15) feet four (4) inches thence westerly and parallel with Atlantic avonne one hundred and live (105) feet, part of tho way tbronch a party wall to the easterly aide of Kane place running thouce iouther.y and alone Kane placo fifteen (15) feet four (4; inches to the point or placo of beginning. And also, beginning at a point on tho easterly side of Kane place, distant one hundred and fifty two (15:) feet three (U) inches northerly from tho corner formod by tho intersection of tho easterly aide of Kane place with the northerly side of Atlantic avenue, running thence eaaterlr and parallel with Atlantic avenue one hundrsd and ue (105) feet to tho center line of the block, and part of the way through a party wall thence northerly and parallel with Kane place fifteen (15) foot four (4) inches: thence westerly acain parallel with Atlantic aveuuo ono hundred and live (105) feet to the easterly side of Kane place running thence southerly and along Kano place fifteen (15) feet four (4 inches to the point or place of beginning.

Dated December 18DJ. GERARD M. STEVENS. Referee. tprgf.b Rout, Plaintiff's Attorneys.

55 Liberty it, deO 3wFA fn COUNTY COURT, KINGS COUNTY Jotfophine D. Powers, plaintiff, va. Ada F. M. Joll xierand defendants.

CHARLEf. S. Taheii, nitin titt'H attorney, 'J04 Montague street, Brooklyn, N. t. u.naoiu iwajuuKuiuuLu, nirpcu'cjre fttia sale mwo aua I entered in the above action on the day of De comber, 180i, 1 the undersigned referee, duly appointed i for such purpose in and by raid judgment, will sell at public auction at the auction rooms of Thomas A.

Kerrigan, No. Vr'Hloughby street. Brooklyn. on tho i day of December. 1S1.

at 12 o'clock noon, all that certain plot of land, situate in the Twenty sixth Ward of the City of Brooklyn, Kings County, New York, ktio.i on a certain map on hie In the He.ziBter's onioe of Kings County, "Map No. of Ridg.vood Heights property partly in the IVexity niith Ward of the City if Brooklyn, and partly in the Town of Newtown, Oueens I County, bolonm i to Henry T. DanTorti: and Herbert Smith, sureyed by Martin G. Johnson. Jamai a.

Fob I ri.ary iKNT" us and by tb plot nnmbcTninety eiiht (0S and bounded us follows: lieg'tming at a point in the poutheny side of Highland houlevnrd distint one hundred and srnty tiv? (175) iet irom Barhv running easterly along H'i(hlaad buule' vard eis tj fovp tS.) feat und (11) inchH to laud oi Jonn C. Si.henck; thence eoutherly along th land of John Schnnck one hundred and forty (1 10) feet ami tn to the uid'; of Lat rol htre thenco aMng La lifit five t55: fc. and teven hiuh 'R thence northerly arViyht an rle. v. iin naid Loulerard, on hnndr'M.

aud ii'ht l'irf; and nix t. inohen to the point or nlace of giiHiin': and also one half of Hichlaud boulevard and Lanrd tjoinia tiaid proiwrty, a 'bjo. to ue thereof as pnhik rr Dated De'Muhe 7 IS!" ATt: JOSEPH W. CARROLL. TEW YORK SUPREME COURT, KINGS A Vvtiitnev, plaiutilT, acuiust I P.

Dobbi nft and another. In ance of a indgiuet.t t.f foreclrs and s.i1j mado in the above entitletl mtiou. bearing date the einl.t'i day of December, 1 N02, Rohrt Merchant, the rferre in daid jndvrnient named, Jo lierohy ive notic that on Friday the thirtieth dar of December, IS, ,2, at the hour ot twee noon, on that dav, I will co1! at public auction, at the it Numbers 7 and Court square (formerly lioernm oppoite the Hall of kcrords. tf.e' iryof Broo'tlyn. of Kiaga and Stattf of Yo.

g. by William Cole, riser, the premises in s. nt mentioned anil tiescribeu a. tol.o.. ir.

All that i ertcin lot. piece or of land, ith th? building thereon, situate, lying and being in the Cttnf Brooklyn and bounded and describe i a. follows, tieginning at a point on the northr.ntcrly nid Htreet, diNtaut oue hundred and tweity live fp astTly front the n' rtheasterly corner of Conorec an i illivan Htreetn; thence northeasterly parallel with Conorer utreet and partly ttiroagh a party wail ono Mildred (' 'ft n'vHterlv parallel with Sudi tn street twenty livp feet thence souttivTCdterly parallel witn C'J iover stre and partly through a pirty wall one hundred to Sullivan etreet. and thence nortliwefter lv aitng the mrthaserly side of Sullivan itreot Jie frt trie paint or wo of liwinniii with the ritrht to thi lan i in the stre in front thereof to the nlnr tuoreof. DatJ Bwioklyn, N.

'ecembor JsKl ROBERT MERCHANT, Refere. BKNJA vtiM Attorney for Plaintiff, Number Park row. Now ork city. doli ttTn TOVERY DESCRTPTTON OP PRINTING and promptly executed at tho BROOKLYN DZII.Y KAtiLE JOB PKLNTING ES i ABLlSHMENT.

Eafie Building. Waahirwrton and Johnson kta. Wards. Cta. Mills.

1 28.35 4... 2 28.44 2... 4 28.38 2... 5 2S.4U 4. 2.3S 3...

7 28.37 7... 28.41 28.4H 1... II) 2B.4S 9... It 28.311 2... 12 28.42 7...

13 20.37 14 26.43 7... I I Attest: U. KoBXHOT, Dscrotary. dotf Qk.

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