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The Brooklyn Daily Eagle from Brooklyn, New York • Page 4

The Brooklyn Daily Eagle from Brooklyn, New York • Page 4

Brooklyn, New York
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

to audit. such on evasion of a mere statuto a fienid ought to be easy, to bflng tolueaca GONE. WASHINGTON. THE PARKS. SENATORSHIP.

4 O'CLOCK EDITION FRIGHTFUL ACCIDEJiT. A Snmsb tip on Cumberland Street. A Sleigh Overturned and a Cicntlc inaii and Seriously injured. Mr. E.

8. Davis, of Fifth avenue, Now York, was, thlB morning, driving hi3 team of fast horses In Cumberland when tho animals took fright and ran away. In tho sleigh with Mr. Davis waa Miss Virginia Pcet. The sleigh was overturned and the gontle mau and lady were thrown violently to the ground.

Mr. Davis sustained severe if not fatal Injuries, his right thigh being broken and his ekttll fractured. He waa taken to his home in New York. Miss Pent was severely bruised but received no very severe hurts. Tho team was a valuable one tho owner having recently paid 1,000 for them in Virginia.

It is feared that Mr. Davis will not recover. Quevedo, accompanies the report PARK BEVENUE. RECEIPTS. Eonte 84,620.90 Royalty on counsel 863.27 Carriage license WU.OO Boat license 600.00 Aerial Rink 67.81 Milk 805.60 Cattle 70.00 Sheop 120.67 Old material 23ai4 Old derrick 160.00 Old castings 66.30 Tree boxes 12.00 Water 364.40 Gold flsh 9.72 Use steam roller Caro runaway horses and bTokon carriages 58,00 Total Paid City Treasurer from February 2 to December 31, 1878, inclusive, $11,011.02.

MAINTENANCE OF PROSPECT, WA8BTNG TON, CAnBOIX, CITY, CITY HALL AND TOMPKINS PAnKH. Balance of 1877 S8.S3 Appropriation for 1878 100,000.00 Deficiency of 1876 8,517.70 By resolution of Common Council, Docemlior, 1877. 100.00 From Park Revenue Fundi 9,295.43 $114,321.44 EXPENDITURES. THE INDICTED COMMISSIONERS. The Indictments Transferred Into the City Court and tho Time ol Trial to bo Determined To morrow.

Pursuant to the adjournment on Saturday the question of the time to bo fixed for the trial of the Indicted Commissioners of tho Board of City Works, John W. Flaherty and Georgo O. Bennett, and their two subordinates, Peter Mllno, Water Purveyor, and Michael J. Daily, Superintendent of Hewers, camo up this morning In the Court of Oyer and Tormtner before Judge Pratt aud Associate. Justices Wiekham and Spencer.

On Saturday last Judge Pratt overruled the demurrer to the indictment and it was arranged that the question of tho time for the trial should be argued this niorniug. Tho case came on after tho call of the calendar, District Attorney Catiin appeared for tho People and all tho other counsel woro present. Jesse Johnson appeared for Messrs. Flaherty aud Bennett, ex Judge Troy for Water Purveyor Mtino and W. E.

S. Fales for Snpcrln tendant Dady. Mr. John E. Parsons, of counsel, was present.

In the Informal discussion between tho Court and counsel beforo the case came on, Judge Pratt said that owing the press of business in tho Circuit Court thoy would have great difficulty in getting tho case on beforo him. District Attorney Catiin eaid the prosecution was willing to transfer tho case to tho Sessions and from there to the City Court. The case was called at half past ten. Mr. Johnson said lbt, on tho part his client, ho Ehould object to tho caso being moved back to tho court from which it came.

Judge Pratt said ho could not see how they could be prejudiced by such action on the part of the Court. Mr. Johnson asked the Court to note his objection. Judge Pratt then directed the case to bo transferred back to the Court of Sessions, where the indictment was originally fouud. Assistant District Aftornoy Wernberg then went beforo Judge Moore, in the Court of Sessious, and moved tho transfer of the indictments into tho City Court.

Judge Moore granted tho motion, aud the argument upoi fixing tho time for tho trial of tho cause will come up to morrow morning, boforo Chiof.Judgo Neilsou. It is probable that tho causo will bo Bet down for either tho first or tho second Monday of February. Annual Beport of the Commission to the Oommon Council. An Interesting Exhibit Showing the Condition and Cost of Maintenance of the Parks and Parkways Partial Reconstruction of the Drives and Walks NecessaryThe Commissioners Doubt Their Ability to Properly Saintain the Parks with the Present Appropriation Tlie Salaries of all Employes Reduced and Strict Economy Observed General Re commendations. The annual report of tho Park Commissioners was transmitted to tho Common Council, this afternoon.

The following are tho'chief points in tho document During tho year tho Park Commissioners havo expended the Bum of $125,214.08, which amount we behove, has been Judiciously expended by us iu tho interest of, ond with the general approval of the community, to Whose comfort and enlarged means of recreation, the parks have to so great a dogreecontributed and to which advantages may be added tho later development of Coney is'iand, which Ib largely the result of influences exerted by tho establishment the Ocean Parkway, the Concourio and its associated works, and tho efforts of the Commissioners in directing public attention to tho many benefits to be derivod from a proper use of Couoy Island in general. PROSPECT PASS unit fim mnn imWint nf the city narks. It will bo borno in mind, have now been in continuous public udo iur i.enous oi umu ruugiuB nv years. Their ftructures of all descriptions aro to a largo ox tent, necessarily comprised of perishable material their buildings, roads and walks havo been subjected to such general use as it was designed for them to meet, aud to which, has naturally resulted, as the effect of such public Bervice, the deterioration and impairment which follows" upon the use of buildlngB and of roads aud of thoroughfares everywhere. Our limited appropriations have necessitated a considerable curtailment in the working and clerical forco usually employed and required, also a corresponding reduction In the wages paid to ou grades of employes.

During tho history of the parks, IT HAS BEEN OTOl UTILE to hire mon from time to time at reasonable wages, giving no countenance to impracticable schemes which had for their object the forcing of public recognition to ill considered regulations Intended to affect the wagos of workmen on any other basis than that of the law of supply ond demand, the only properly recognized principle among business men in such matters. It has only been by tho exerciso of the strictest economy that we have been enabled to keep within tho limits governing our expenditure during the paBt year, and while earnestly professing and determining to pursue a Bimilar frugal policy during the coming year, we very much doubt our ability to properly maintain the parks aud do justice to tho city, whose Interests we desire to serve with the small amount of money appropriated for the purposes. Iu tho earlier stages of the work of improvement considerable surfacing; known aa bituminous concrete, waa applied to certain lines of walk In tha Park. These generally have proved both satisfactory and economical, but failure In somo and natural decay after measurably good service in others, renders it now necessary that a considerable amount of reconstruction In this branch or the work should be provided for. Our plantations, which, in character ond variety, comprise one of the best general collections of ornamental trees and shrubs in the country, have attained to that period of growth and development which requires a readjustment of many portions.

This is ordinarily customary on oil public grounds whore it is at all desirable to preserve such important accessories in landscape effect, and Ib eminently desira blo at this time, for the reason that many valuable plants which will bo otherwise destroyed, may now be saved by removal, to adorn unfinished portionB of the Pork now bare and unattractive, and where tho planting will bo attended with tho moat favorable restdts. The Commissioners cannot too earnestly Impress upon your attention tho resulte of a continuance of a too moagro allowance for the maintenance of important works upon which so much money has been expended In their establishment, and that, not to consider tha uoodB of the parks must continue to embarrasB aud hamper the Commissioners iu tho intelligent discharge of their duty and remit to a.near future the inevitable alternative of expending vory much amounts of money, to restore tho deteriorated workB to a standard whioh shall prove satisfactory to the community. OPERATIONS. As ummary of tho work of construction during the year is briefly enumerated as follows A building GO feet by 90 feet, and surrounded on all sides by commodious covered piazzas, was erected during tho early part of the year, in that portiou of the Pork known as tho picnic woods on tho wost side. The building comprises a series of waiting rooms, closets aud other accommodations designed to meet tho wants of tho largo number of visitors, principally women and children, who congregate in this neighborhood throughout tho fine weather of Spring, Summer aud Fall.

The cost of the building was $9,908.55, and it has afforded to a highly satisfactory degree an amount of comfort and accommodation to visitors, which in our judgment has moro than justified tho expoudituro. WASHINGTON PARK. In continuation of the iniprovemeutc of the southwest portion of Fort Greeno or Washington Park, $9,101.18, appropriated for the completion of cortain portionB of tho stonework contemplated in the original design, has been expendod, and to tho work already done thoro was added during the year tho Bteps and platforms, which form, together with the battery wallB on the uimer nlatcau, a series of convenient and im posing terraces and approaches, which, in conjunction were ater a tip B0 a3 to know how to lay their mon with the tomb of the i prison Ab Howard was comparatiyoly little known, tho elevation contained those who havo violated the orgaiuo law ot tao state. we hope every lawful ond consMntional remedy will be exhausted to bring to Justice i those who have refused tomakeanapportlonmenl. But ye 'also hope that the rjpmoaratlc narty wffl Bteer clear of the unconstltuaonal riSedSte or thSRepnbncans, and wUl not seek to re covorV through the Intervention of the Federal Sonato, what it lost at tho poUa.

A Serious Obstacle. From the Albany Times, Dcm. Mr Conkling is threatened with a Berious obstacle to ro ele'ctlon. In 187G the Legislature, and for several years Binco thattimo. a body calltng Itself the Legislature has disregarded a plain conBtlfutional Injunction, an imperative mandate, the exooution of a duty on which would seem to rest tho legality of tho legislative branch of tho State government.

Wo refer to the constitutional direction to the Legislature of 1876 to reapportion tho Stato Into Senate ond Assembly districts. The neglect Ib for more serious than would at first blush seem. The neglect is ono which goos to tho foundation of a republican or representative form of government. The census having been token in 1875, tho quostion is whethor an apportionment can be mado at any other time than in 1870. There wero Republicans who claimed in 1877 that the bodv then sitting as a legislature had no power, (and wo think Attorney General Schoonmaker took tho same view of tho law as a senator, albeit ho seoins to havo changed his mind as an attorney general.) Other Republicans claim that tho power exists to comply now with the constitutional mandate that the direction ob to the time when it shall bo done Is only directory, and not mandatory; that timo is not an essential element.

Space will not permit ub to fully discuss tula question to day. Sufilco it to say that leading DeinocratBseem to have so seriously conBldered the matter that a protest against the legality of the proposed reelection of Mr. Conkling to the United States Senato is to be entered. The ground is that the present body is not a legal Legislature. Indications of this purpose found their way Into print several weeks ago, but a double leaded articlo in tho Brooklyn Eagle yesterday indicates a serious purpose to interpose tho objection on behalf of the Democratic party.

ALDERMEN. jMeetingf of tlie Board. Tliis Afternoon. The Minor Appointments Vetoed by the Mayor. The Board of Aldermen met at two o'clock this afternoon, President Ray in tho chair.

The Republican held a caucus in the Treasurer's office at one o'olock, diB6ussed several matters, including the appointment of a keeper of the City Hall, and tho requisition of Auditor Ammerman for an additional appropriation of $1,300 for his office. They decided to defer action. Thpre was Borne opposition to allowing Mr. Ammerman any moro money, and that gentleman was called upon for an explanation. It was understood that Bo convinced all or most of the cauous that he ought to have tho money.

Tho matter has already boon reforred to the Salaries Committee. PEOOEBDIMQS OF THE BOARD. CharleB Lynch was, on resolution of Alderman Hacker, appointed Constable of the Twonty flrst Ward, in tho place of J. A. Furth, resigned.

INTEBESTrNG TO TRADESMEN. The following was received from tho Mayor Mayox's 6pfice, January 20, 1879. To the Honorable tlie Common Council Gentlemen I bog leave to call the attention of tha Common Council to tho necessity of providing BOmo special regulation fixing the duties of sealers of weights and measures. Much annoyance and wrong has been imposed on tho storekeepers of tho city by tho officers appointed to attend to this business. The conflicts which annually ensue betwoou the outgoing and incoming officers bring eouf usion to tho tradj, and subject many worthy tradosineu to doublo payment, or on their resistance to the demand, to wrongful expense.

oub complaints havo been made at this office respecting this trouble. If your Honorablo Body will take this matter into consideration and deviso Bomo judlciouB rules respecting, the conduct of this business, so as to prevent tho recurrence of like complaints hereafter, I thluk tho iuterOBta of the general public will bo subserved. Respectfully, James Howell, Mayor. Referred to Law Committee. The annual report of tho Park CommiBslonera was received but not read.

A motion that it be printed as a document was adopted. VETOING THE MINOB APPOINTMENTS. The following votoos wore received from tho Mayor Mayor's Qffice, City Hall, Brooklyn, January 18, 1879.) To the Honorable tlie Common Council; Gentlemen I return dlBapprovod the resolution passed by you on tho Gth instant appointing Godfrey Lineks Keeper of tho Truant Homo in placo of John A. Galrin; and, also, the resolution passod on tho Bamo date appointing Jessie A. Liuclts Matron of the Truant Home in tho placo of Mary A.

Galvin. Mr. Galvin ha'j in office only about six months, but during thv V. he has reduced tho expenditures of the Truant Home as compared with the previous administration, and his management of the institution has been satisfactory to tho children, their parents and the public. An officer who has so efficiently sorved the causo of economy and reform ought not to bo removed.

ItespectfulJy, James Howell, Mayor. The othor appointments vetoed woro as followB, separate vetoos being sent in each caso Herman Schloss, watchman of Truant Homo, in the placo of Washington Harrington; salary $000. Bjnijainin Bryant, farmer Truant Homo, in tho place of Byron Whiting; Balary $3G0. Patrick Canavan, keeper of the Twelfth Ward Bath, in placo of Thomas Delaney; salary, $800. Mary Canavan, matron of tho Twelfth Ward Bath, in tho place of Sarah Cowley; silary $120.

Charles T. Chapman, keeper of the Eastern District bath, in place of Daniel McGrath salary, $800. Ann E. Chapman, matron of tho Eastern District bath, in place of Kate McGrath Balary, $120. John Matthews, watchman of tho Eastern District bath, in place of Edward McLaughlin salary, $600.

Louis Cooke, atchman of the Bridge street bath, in placo of M. McGco Balary, $000. Mayor Howoll takes tho ground that thero were uot sufficient grounds for the removals. The votoos were laid over under tho rule. OONTKAOTOBS' ADVANTAGES.

The following was received from the Mayor and laid over under the rule. Mayoii's Office, To the Honorable the Common Council Gentlemen I return disapproved tho resolution passed by your Honorable Body on the Gth instant, directiug tho Board of City Works "to cause the streets to bo cleaned and the a3hes to bo removed from tho Thirteenth and Fiftcouth wards from January 0, 1879, until such time" as tho Common Council shall enter Into contract for tho present year, together with tho amendment limiting the expenditure to $350 for tha Thirteenth Ward ond $300 for the Fifteenth Ward. Our charter requires us to do this work by contract awarded to tho lowest bidder after general competition These contracts should bo speedily made cvory year, so that the light work sufficient during the Winter, when the ground is so often covered by snow, may be considered by bidders and inure to the benefit of tho city. Notwithstanding this clear ond practical requirement, the performance of this duty is anually delayed under ono pretext or another, until tho contractor or somebody else, rather than the city, onjoyB tho advantage I (havo mentioned. Your resolution permits an expenditure in oxcoss of tho amount required by tho last contract, and for which the contractor is still willing to do tho work.

It is therefore not only objectionable in itself, but it is doubly calculated to bring about that delay iu making the annual contracts which it is our duty to prevent. I urge your Honorablo Body to proceed with tha business of making these contracts for all the wards at once. Respectfully, James Howell, Mayor. ARRESTED ON A CHARGE OF FORGERY. A Bostonian Gets into Trouble Saturday Night, But is Discharged foyJus tice Fisher.

On Saturday evening a cattle driver named Frederick Henderson, from Boston, arrived in Brooklyn. Ho took a car to tho California House, a liquor store on the corner of Myrtle and Washington avenues, where ho expected to meet a friend named George Howard, whom he saw in Jersey City on rri lry night, Ho did not meet his associate, but camo across a man named John GoMcldrick, who lives at 117 Wash Ing avenue. McGoldrick was boarder in tho California House. Both men drank together and grew vory sociable as tho time passed. Hendrickson piffled a check from his pocket for forty dollars on tho Pacific National Bank of Boston.

Ho asked McGoldrick to advance him ten dollars on it until ho could get it cashed Monday morning. McGoldrick was willing to do so, but the cattle driver would not place the check in his hands until tho monoy was forthcoming. McGoldrick proposed that tho check Bhould bo placed in the hands of Ben La Hobo or Mr. Charles Klein, who keeps a drug store on Myrtle avenue, near Clermont. Hendrickson was willing that either of theso mon should keop tho check until Monday.

Both men then left tho liquor store and walked down Myrtle avenue. They Btopped opposite the Fourth Precinct Station House, and while arguing McGoldrick SNATCHED THE CHECK Out of the hands of the Boftonian and went into the station house. McGoldrick accused Hendrickson of having In his possession number of spurious checks. Tho young man bwoto they wero genuine, but he was searched and locked up. Sergeant Dyer took from him portraits of his relatives, and a picture of a man whom tho prisoner swore was in Colorado, but who, the officers say, is now in tho penitentiary.

There waB a cheek beside tho ono ho offered to McGoIdrle on tho Second National Bank of Detroit for fifty eight dollars, dated November 29, 1878, and payable to Goorge Thompson, and thero was also a bill of lading for twelve boxes of green peas and fourteen boxes of rlco. The prisoner had also two baggage chocks from tho Unldalia Houbo, Boston, and check on tho New York Exchange for $228, dated November 29, 1878. Buridd among othor rubbish thero were six revenue stamps and two religious tracts. The prisoner at tempted to burn some papers, but ho did not succeed in completely destroying them. This morning he waB brought beforo Justice Fisher for examination.

Detective Price, who mado the complaint, testified to tho facts as given. After hearing the prisoner's story Justice Fisher ordered his discharge MARTIN TAYLOR. He is Arraigned Upon a Charge of False Pretenses. The Grand Jury have brought in an indictment against Martin Toylor, the hero of the recent ballot box story, upon a charge of obtaining goods upon false pretenses. The complaining witness la James J.

McDonald, with whom Taylor had a considerable quarrel somo timo ago. Mr. McDonald is tho editor of tho Brooklyn Standard, and he accueed Taylor of obtaining a largo number of papers under false pretenses, and the indictment in question Is based upon that charge. Taylor was notified by the District Attorney's office of tho indictment, and'this morning he appeared in the Court of SeSBlonB, without counsel, ond pleaded not guilty to the charge. He is to give ball In $2,600.

DEATH OF HESBY KAH.1WOPA. Mr. Henry Kalliwoda, for many years a resident of the Sixteenth Ward, died on Saturday last at his late residence In Ten Eyck street. He was born in the year 1821 at Donaneschingen, Baden, ond at a suitable age studied law at a German university. In 1848 ho' joined tho revolutionists, for which he was subsequently imprisoned, Upon being released In 1849 Mr.

Kalliwoda camo to America, landing and making his homo at Charleston, 8. C. Ho thero engaged Buccesslvoiy In the teaching of music and languages until 1859, when he came to Now York, and, excepting for a brief poriod, has since lived in this city. Mr. Kalliwoda was recently appointed to a position by Controller Stelnmetz, but had been prevented from performing any duty by illness.

Tho funeral took place this afternoon, and was attended by a largo number of the rieuds of deceased. Tho Interment was mado at tho Lutheran Cemetery, pre iminary to which a dirgo was chauted by tho E. D. jAricn Singing Society and an appropriate addres3 delivered by Mr. Solomon Spitior.

Anotlier of the Id Tweed Celebrities. Ieatl of ex SIiovilT Brou mm tifc Morning Some of our New York contiporarioR wero premature in their announcement of tho death of 0l. Sheriff Matthew T. Ilrennan iu their Issues ol thu morning. Mr.

Brennau did not breathe hii lat until A. ffvday. Ho was born in tho First ar.l of New York City qUmt sixty years ago, and his futb.jr dying while be a child his mother aupporte by honest Industry her family of threo Hons and two d.i'.yh tcrs. managing to send children to tho school of bt. Peter's Catholic parish.

Half a century ago, when little Mott, who wa and his brothers played on the Battery, thero was a Una chance for a rucoo. sful future to any lad who kept hi.1 eye and cars open and had the necessary dementi of reading, writing and arithmetic. Those were the ''days of unleavened bresd'' so far as getting along by lnilus. try and riiiai was concerned, and it is safe to say, for good or bud, such times will never cemo again. It is not surprising, therefore, that tho three sons of the poor Irish vidov, who Uor littlo homo by the earnings of a hackstor In tho old Dutch market in Old slip, should e.

xh thcin work their way to competence and public distinction. Owen W. Bronnan, one of the three brothers, was Harbor Master and a Commissioner of Charities and Correction, tnd Timothy Brennan, tho ether, was for nearly a quarter of a con tury a member of tho Board of Education. Tor twonty tbreo consecutive years the Ute MnUbiw T. Brennan wa3 on the municipal payroll of tho City of New York.

There is almost a romaLco of continuity in his ixrpetual "moving on," considering ill tho changes and changes of political fortijne. Like many other successful offieeholdora in York, young Matthew, as soon as ho was oM enough, joined the volunteer fire department, au.l soon became tho foreman of Fulton engine No. i. in which the Sixth great pride. He It fireman employe, ajjj (Jron proprietor Si Monr'3 Hal), on tho corner of Pearl and Centre streets, whl.

was then the headquarters of tho young and pugnacious democracy. Had his several subfeiiueut promotion Loon tho sponteueous evolutions of his own merits, U18 cx Sheriff and Commissioner would have to be roardf as a second edition of Sir Richard Whittington, or iha Industrious apprentice whom Hogarth'a pencil has. immortalized. But Mr. Brenuan, like the vast majority of the N'aw York politicians, was subservient to the powers thxt wero.

Securing the notico and approval of Peter B. Sweeny, ho climbed by his assistance to a considerable height of the political ladder, until tho deposition of King Tweed tho First and Sweeny his Prime Minister toppled both ladder and ascendant to tho ground. Through Mr. Sweeny Mr. Iirennan was appointed by Mayor Kingsland to bo Captain of Police in the Sixth Ward, and retained that portion for threo years.

Tho late popular Justice Dowllng served under him aa a policeman and succeeded him as captain. So alao did Jourdan, who succeeded Dowllng as captain, and la caiue Superintendent of Polleo in May, 1870. Mr, Brennan served aa a Police Justice from lBol till ly03, whui ho became Comptroller. His salary in this office wm 7,000, all municipal salaries having largely advanced under Tweed and Sweeny influence. In ltJ03, Governor Hoffman made hlin Police C'OJiunissioifer, and lu 1370 ho was clioson Sheriff.

The trials ho endured in this office aro said to hv completely broken him down. Ho suffered a month's imprisonment for allowiug Harry W. Genet to escape from his custody as Sheriff. His investments in real estate were unfortunate. His suit against tho city wja decided against 1dm and the city In a counter suit recovered a large sum against him as ox Sheriff.

He diol politically whuii the "B.iss" fell and the Tammany llluf was broken up, and he has lingered longer than most bis political contemporaries sinco his occupation linn beau gone. PATRICK REIMiY. He lo iUaiifclaug uter iu tlio Second Dctrrec. This morning Patrick Iieilly was brouyhf up in the Court of Sessions, upon the charge of murder the second decree. On the 00th of October last, K.

went on a rousing spree. Ho resided at No. Dean street, and went home very much under the Infiuein of li.pior. He was not pleased with the condition of at home, anil began to abuse his wife, Mary lteilly. Hi accented lih displeasure by throning her out of tlm third story of tho houso to tho ground Is low, and Injui iug her so severely that she diod within a vry short Ho was arrested and indicted for murder in tlio second degree.

When brought up this morning, through ei InJun Morris, his counsel, he withdrew his plea uf not guilty, and pleaded guilty to manslaughter In tho second gree. He was remanded until next Friday for sentence. The other cases disposed of in the Sessions this morning were, Edward Kennedy and James Lynch, trk tor burglary in the third and grand larceny. Kennedy ira convicted and Lynch acquitted. Hugh Haiidon and Hiebard Suiltvan were trust petit larceny from the persou.

Uaddou was convicted and Sullivan acquitted. Bernard Curran was found guilty of burglary lu tho third degree. Thomas NeLson and Edward Brown, arralgnod upon an indictment for gambling; pleaded not guilty. REV. MR.

HELMEU. 'I'lio Former I'astor of tlie Toiiipkijm Avenue Congregational Church Seriously 111 at Lockport III Successor to be Chosen on Friday Tho Tompkins avenue Congregational Church, on Tompkins avenue, corner of McDououh street, ii again without a pastor. Three years ago it cxtcndoil a call to Rev. Mr. Helnier, of Chicago.

Tho caU was accopted, and up to stx weeks ago Mr. Holmer administered to tho spiritual wants of his flock. In consequence of ill health he was then prevented from occupying tho pulpit. He continued his relations' as pastor, however, until ho could no longer perform his duties and then he sont lu his resignation. Tho resignation was accepted, and on the advice of his physician Mr.

HeVmer left thU city. Ho went to Lockport, N. expecting to regaitf there the health that ho had lost. He did not recover, however, and at tho present time ho la lying seriously ill. Meantime tho Tompkins ovenuo church has been without a pastor.

Visiting clergymen havo occupied the pulpit every Suuday, and now the trustees are looking around for a permanent pastor. Yesterday the pulpit was occupied by Rev. Mr. Hunt, a Methodist clorh'y nian. On Friday ovtuing the trusted of the church hold a meeting, and it is expected that a successor ti Mr.

Hulmer will then be chosen. SETTLED THEIR DIFFEUEM'ES. James Aldon appeared to answer a charge of baring abandoned his wlfo Mary, preferred In Justice tick's court to day. From tho evidence on both sil i it appeared that each waa more or less to blame for tli i estrangement existing. Technically, the complaint wan defective, from the fact that tho wife had not formally demanded support from her husband.

Under tho circumstances, the Justice induced the pair to comproiniso their differences, the husband agreeing to furnish hH wife and children a home and adequate support In future. Tho case ha.i beon hold in abeyanco for two weekH. drv JADIES' UNDERWEAR. HAVING TIIK ENTIRE STOCK OF O.VI! OF TUB BEST MANUFACTURERS Ot LADIES' US DKRGAK.ME.VT8 AT ABOUT FIFTY CENTS O.N THK DOLLAR, WE OFFER THE FOLLOWING. WHICH ARK THE GREATEST BARGAINS EVER SHOWN THESE GOODS: SO doz.

GOOD MUSLIN CHEMISES, at 25 cents. 85 doz. RUFFLED and FANCY CHEMISES, at 40 35 doz. FINK CORD and othor FANCY TRIMMINGS, it CO cents.



OYAL BAKING POWDEIt. RRR OOO A Ti AA RRR YY A A AAA t. OOO A AVLLSt BAKING POWDER, BAKINO POWDER, ABSOLUTELY PURE Tlie official ejanlinatioa itni porl on bakins pcrtrd n. by tho Brooklyn HoMi Board, howl the Royal Uaeik.i Fowdkb to fre from alum or any othisr injurious stance. It is vrcam of tartar powder, alwayl uniform and full lirt'rtgth.

It coats a trillti mom per pound, but is ehelper in tllfi co l. it goo. ftirthsr anil ratca health. It is in all respects tti finest articU which it iJ pouibltj io produce from wholesomft LOTTE ESm OUISIANA STATE LOTTERY COMPA NY. lOjtn Monthly Grand DiMribuuon.

New Orleans, February 11. Ii? prizes, total, cpiuL.iaj.UM SIO.UOO, etc. 10U.0P0 ticket, two IS3) dollars, balt sj, mm tiltl dnllir Annl. In A. DAUPHIN.

P. O. Bol 6W Now Orleans, or If. L. PLUM.

IU Broadira. Now xorlc. STIOKV CIIIM.VEVS. SToKY CHIMNEYS CURED OR NO charge. Tho "GOTH IC" PATENT CHIMNEY TO i i tan cure wturo tb 'ail.

Hundred in Sw. APPLIED ON TRIAL FOR SO DAYS. J. 11. WHITLEY, STOVES, AC, 153 i ult'ffi near Kaw.

ASSESSOUS' NOTICE. ASSESSORS' NOTICEIN THE MAT ter ol aprKirtioningand Attting the expems of Leonard iircot. from tho point whero said lyinard etret waa opened In 1372, near Bayard etrret, to Van CoU atanae. GRADING. Buih street, from Court to Hiclt i trct.

GRADING AND PAVING. BiirJitidgr btrvet, iwm Iteid to Patchcna The Board of Au wors tin City of Brooklyn, panuasj to the prorLiians of act th ot the MJ New York, ralitlnl "An act to con. jU.UU' Brooklyn ami ami lh Twn RasS into municipal jrorvrnnicm, and to 1:1 'rlt'rJ aanie." ua wd April 1,. and ol aniendatorr and ar!" notice that tho rrporti of the n. entitled matter llara been mail.

1 "j'1 now deposited in the otfico ol the lf''" co r. in The O.tJ Ol IVT ln, whvro tho Vaa ean tie examined by all person eslea an'l that the. aaiU I on tin) if iv ot tVbraary ltrd HI ruts in the nan at 10 o'clock A. ml MrUcs and cowje nil aiftn 'our raid poru ln. 03' make will present, tbtnn nlinjt.

Dated Urooa jn The Democrat' Senators Propose to Have an Extra Session, The Test Oath Likely to bo Repealed Ed munds' Resolutions A Victory for Myra Clark Gaines. Special Correspondence of the Eagle. WAsnixtTON, January 19. At the Democratic Senatorial caucus held last week there was some talk of holdiug an extra session of Congress, A majority of the Senate is opposed to calling an extra session, but there is enough important public legislation pending beforo the two Houses to keep them both busily in session until the 1st of May. Tho influence of tho lobby will bo oxo'rted to keep Congress In Washington after tho 4th of next March.

Tho friends of the Texas Pacific Railroad scheme have but lictlo to expect from tho Forty sixth Congress and they aro Btriving to get their bill passed beforo adjournment. Thero are several reasons why at least an extra executive Eession of the Sonato should bo called by tho President. Tho principal ono is that an immediate reorganization of the Senate is advisable as aoon as tho Democratic majority in the upper House is assured, as it will bo after the 3d of March, Tho Democrats wish to elect a President pro tempore of tho Sonato. Ferry, of Michigan, at present occupio3 that position and if Hayes and Wheeler should die before the first of next December Forry would be President of the United States. The Democrats will probably elect Thurman or Bayard President pro tempore of tho Senate.

It Is also desirable to choose the now officers of the Senato the Secretary, Sergeant at Arms, Doorkeeper, clerks, aa soon as possible, in order that they may have time to familiarize themselves with their duties beforo Congress meets again. Tho Democrats havo It In their power to force the President to call an extra session of Congress simply by withholding a single appropriation bill. Nouo of the most important appropriation measures havo yet been reported to the House. The Democrats intend to have Congress repeal tho test oath Bections of the statutes this sossion. Although thoy were in reality repealed by tho Forty third Congress yet by lladical jugglery they aro contained in tho latest edition of tho Revised Statutes.

The repeal of tho test oatlj law will permit a Southern man who is ellgiblp to eloction to Congress, the SenaETor ovento the Presidency, or to perform jury duty. This disgraceful enactment will not bo repealed finally without protracted debate and strenuous Opposition. Tho Radicals in tho Sonato are preparing a "hurrah" resolution to bo presented to that body claiming for tho Republican party the credit of resumption. The object of tho resolution is to split the Democrats and to array them In opposition to resumption. Tho great problem with the nianagors of this move is to draft a resolution upon which tho hard and soft monoy men of their own party will not bo divided.

There will be a squabble ovor Edmunds' resolution affirming the validity of tho Thirteenth, Fourteenth and Fifteenth Amendments to tho Constitution. Tho resolution was prepared for political purposes, and tho debate upon its adoption will be protracted and exciting. It will bo impossible to consider tho financial legislation reported from the Ways and Means and Banking and Currency committees in the next fivo weeks. MYRA CLABK GAINES. This old lady, whose face Ib as familiar in Washington as Boccher's countenance is in Brooklyn, and whohaa beon "written up" by special correspondents quite as much as tho latter, has won a partial victory in tho House Committee ou Private Land Claims.

Mrs, Gaines has fought her way through State and United States Courts to the possessorship of a fortuuo. Rumor says that her attorneys havo secured the greater part of the money Bho received from persons with whom she compromised for tho ownership of land iu tho City of Now Orleans. The resolute little old woman has as much of a2)ician for litigation as "Billy" McGarra han, who has had a claim pending beforo Congress and in the Supreme Court for tho past quarter of a century. Mrs. Gaines asked tho committee to rcconunend the passage of a bill confirming her titlo aa solo heir of hor father, John Clark, in arpents of land in the Stato of Louisiana.

The claim is founded upon old Spanish grants of land to various persons whose interests in the grants were finally convoyed to Clark. The committee finds upon examining the papers that 10,093 qrpents of land were conveyed to Clark, instead of 85,207 arpents, and that Mrs. Gaines, as Clark's solo heir, had conveyed to Caleb dishing by regular deed 10,203 arpents, and that tho same had leen confirmed to Cushing by decree of tho Supremo Court. The balance of the land, 5,470 arpents, the comniittoo finds belongs to Mrs, Gaines and a bill to confirm her title to the sanio has been reported to tho House. ANOTHEK BLOW AT THE MOmfO.VS.

Tho recent deci.ion of the Supremo Court that tho territorial authorities have power to pri iliibit polygamous marriages in Utah, and that such laws aro constitutional, carried db may to tho hearts of tho disciples of Mor monism. Tho Senato Judiciary Committee has prepared a bill which will be presented to tho Senate at an early day, defining polygamy and presiding that any person practicing or believing in polygamy shall be disqualified from performing jury duty. If this bill bo comes a law the Gentiles in Utah will have everything in their own hands, and tho supremacy of the Mormons in controlling the affairs ofthc territory will spcodtly bo at an end. Tho legislation of Congress and the decision of the courts arc preliminary steps to tho suppression of polygamy in the United States. Tho more intolligont Mormons see this, and groat is tho consternation among them.

There is no leader in their ranks capable of piloting them to a new abodo of safety as did Brlgham Young when ho led 'tho "faithful' to Salt Lake, and thero no placo iu North America where thoy can settle in the assuranco that their vile practices will not bo disturbed. INVESTIGATING THE ELECTION'S. Senators McDonald and Randolph, left Washington to day for South Carolina, whoro they will meet the threo Republican members of tho Blaino Committco, who have been listening to the tales of amateur Eliza Piukstons in New Orleans for the past two weeks. Senators Garland aud Bailey represented tho minority of tho committee in Louisiana. It is expected that the South Carolina investigation will not last for more than a week or ten days, although everything dopeuds upon tho extent and character of tho testimony.

The Democratic Stato Committee of South Carolina, in anticipa tion of the visit of the Blaluo Cummitteo, havo taken pains to pave tho way for tho fullest and most complete inquiry. The names of every person who bad anything to do with the elections in tho polling places where tho radicals allege intimidation, have been prepared, and the committee will only bo at tho trouble of subponaing the witnesses. Senator McDonald carries with him a list of witnesses furnished by Senators Thurman and Butler. Theso witnesses will bo able to prove at least that a negro is capablo of freely voting tho Democratic ticket, especially after he had learned by experience that wheu a Democrat is elected to office the government of the Stato is honestly administered, whoreas under Republican carpetbag rule a crowd of thieves plundered the Stato of her revenue. DIVOItCE, MARRIAGE AND MADNESS.

The Insanity of Mrs. E. A. Elmore. Removed to on Asylum in Massachusetts.

After the wife of Henry S. Ehnoro had procured a divorce from him, as recently reported in tho Eaole, he married Mrs. E. A. Hutchins, with whom ho was implicated in the divorce proceedings.

In the decree of divorce granted by the Supreme Court of New Y'ork State Mr. Elmore waa required to abstain from marriage until the death of the plaintiff in tho Buit, Mrs. Adeline Elmore. Mr. Elmore was obliged to pay his divorced wife $7,007.01 as alimony.

A littlo over a week ago tho following appeared among tho marriago notices in the Eaole: ELMOKE HUTCHINS. At Hamilton, Ontario, on the 2h day of November last, by tho Rev. D. Fletcher, II. S.

Elmobf. to K. A. Hutchins, both oi tins city. The announcement of the marriage caused considerable surprise, and before the acquaintances of tho parties have recovered from their astonishment, it is reported that Mrs.

E. A. Elmore has become insane and is now confined in a private lunatic asylum in Massachusetts. Careful inquiry to day confirmed tho report that the second MrB. Elmore is insane.

Subsequent to their marriage in Canada on Thanksgiving Day, Mr. Elmore and his brido camo to Brooklyn and took up their abodo In Mrs. Hutchins' house on South Oxford street. Soon afterward thoy sold tho furniture and the house. Thoy then took up their residence at tho Mansion Houfo.

About three weeks ago they went to New York to board. Mrs. E. A. Elmore began to manifest symptoms of mental aberration.

The Iosb of social position caused by tho publication of tho details of the divorco proceedings seemed to weigh heavily on her mind. She constantly regretted her actions, it is said, believing she had committed an unpardonable eln against her firt husband, who is dead. Two weeks ago she became so violent that it was found necessary to put her under restraint. Tho necessary legal proceedings were taken, ond a certificate baring been procured, Ehe was taken to tho asylum. Mr.

Henry S. Elmore is a well known resident of Brooklyn, engaged in the produce business at No. 17 Mooxo street, New York. During the year 1877, while he boarded with Mrs. Hutchins, it is alleged his first wife discovered that he was too Intimate with her.

In tho Spring of 1878 Mr. and Mrs. Elmore separated. Divorce proceedings were at once instituted by Mrs. Elmore.

Tho caso was tried in Monroe County. It was proven by tho testimony of several witnesses, that Mr. Elmore and Mrs. HutchinB had behaved improperly together at Niagara Falls, Rochester, and atBrockport, N. which placeB they visited aa man and wife.

No defense was put in ond Mrs. Elmore was granted a divorco on the ground of adultery. Mr. Henry S. Elmore was formerly a trustee of tho Tabernacle and ono of Mr.

Tannage's right hand men. He was one of the trustees who retired because of tho difficulty concerning Mr. Morgan, the organist, and ho and Mr. Tahnage are eaid to bo on very unfriendly terms. Three weeks ago Mr.

Elmore's excommunication from the Tabernacle membership on the ground of immorality was announced from tho pulpit. Nevertheless ho attended divine service tn tho church two weeks ago. Mr. Elmore was out of town to day and it was eaid he had gone to visit his wife. Mrs.

E. A. Elmore's insanity is said to be of a hopeless typo, and the physicians do not think Bho will over bo restored. Mr. Elmore's son lives with his mother and is engaged in business with his father.

Mrs. E. A. Elmore has two children. STRUCK WITH A BTONK.

John Lawler, aged 13, white standing oppo elte his parents' residence, N. 202 Front street, last evening, was struck on tho arm with a stono thrown by some unknown person. He went to the Second Precinct Station House and retried tho occurrence The wound, which was not severe one, was dressed by the ambulance surgeon. AS AIiliEtiEP SQi'ATTKR ARRESTED. Hugh Nolan and his family have lived for nearly twenty years in a Bhanty nt No.

4C Dykemau street, and, aa alleged, for the past fifteen years havo paid no rent. The property is owned by Noel B. Sanborn, who, on the refusal of Nolan cither to vacate tho premises or pay any rent, snore out a complaint beforo Justice Ferry, charging him with being a squatter. Nolan was before Justice Ferry' this morning, and was remanded for examination. Tho is regarded as an important one by many families residing iu Red Hook Point, who, lika Nolan, have paid no rent for years.

The penalty for squatting la iU months' imprisonment or a Due of $500, MONDAY EVEXIXO, JANUARY 20, 18T9. The Greneral News of tlie Day. Trial of the Glasgow Bank Directors. British Soldiers Beluga Stabbrul and Shot at in Canilahar Seduction oi' Wages in England A Lady Killed by a Runaway Horse Moonshiners Arrested A Big Fire in Philadelphia this Morning Edinburgh, January 20. The trial of tlie directors of tho City of Glasgow Hank is proceeding to day in the Iligh Court of Justiciary, before the Lord Justice Clerk (Lord Moncrieu), assisted hy Lords Commissioners Muir aud Craighill.

The prisoners arc churged with fraud, theft and embezzlement. Tho Court room is densely crowded. Violence in Uu) Streets Candahar. London, January 20. A.

dispatch to ilia ZYmc? dated at Candahar on the WtU of January, nays "Major St. John, of tho British Army, has beor. fired upon in the streets of the town by a fanatical native, but was not wounded. The man was arrested. A lieutenant of the ltoyal Artillery was severely, and two other persons belonging to the British forco in Candahar slightly stabbed by a religious zealot, who will bo hanged to morrow." Reduction oi Wages iu Cotton i Iills.

London, January 20. Six cotton mills at Preston, running 183. 1 spindles, have given uMce of a reduction of wages of 5 to 10 per cent. Large Fire. Pmi.ACEi.rniA, January 20.

A firo occurred this morning at the woolen mill of John Brown 5: Sons, at tho corner of Eighth aud Taskec Btreets. The entire contents were destroyed, the bare walls of the building alone remaining. The loss on tho building and machinery is about $250,000, aud is covered by insurance. The origin of the flames, which woro drat discovered on tho third floor, is unknown. Sevoral smaller fires have occurred at tho same place within the past few years.

Nicholas Jacoby Dead. PiTTSBVno, January 20. Nicholas Jacoby, who was shot tn the street early on Thursday morning, while accompanying his wife homo, died yesterday. Previous to his death he made a dying declaration, In which ho stated that Frank Small, a former lovor of Ida wife, was tho murderer. Small is under arrest.

Singular Fatal Accident. Cincinnati, Ohio, January 20. A dispatch says that John. MuUius, an employe of tho Lake Superior Iron Company, at Moganneo, Michigan, while stamping his feet on a couplo of planks near the shaft yesterday, slipped off and fell down an incline of twenty feet, breaking Ms neck and producing Instant death. Defrauding the Pension Office.

Bath, January 20. Captain Geo. Prince, a resident of Bath twenty years, was arrested this morning by a Special Agent of tho Treasury Department, charged with obtaining a largo amount of money from the Pension Oltico on fictitious names, which is alleged to have been going on for yearB. Dotootives have been at work on the case for a year. Prlnco will bo taken before Commissioner Clifford, at Portland, to day.

Desperate Moonshiners Arrested. Cincinnati, Ohio, January 20. A despatch from Elizabcthtown, says Tho revenue raiders under Captain Adair returned lust night, bringing seven moonshiners of the most dangerous character. They were captured on Oltor Creek Larno County, and had long defied the authorities. The officers pounced upon the still house at eleven o'clock Saturday night, capturing four men.

They found two stills in operation aud destroyed fifty gallons of whisky, oight tubs of mash and three tubs of beer. Subsequently, at the residence of one of the they found and destroyed a large quantity of whisky. Those parties have been the terror of the country for a long lime and boldly defied tho officers, threatening to kill any oue attempting their arrest." American I2elrcv Coug regratious. Cincinnati, Jauuary 20. Executive Board of the Union of American He Fifteen brew Congregations convened here yesterday congregations joined the Union within tho last Bix months.

It was resolved that tno Hoard ol Delegates on ri i rti.liwinnn Itifrht. bo instructed to take into consideration the feasibility of active co operation with sister societies in Euroe, for tho purpose of cucottr aging agriculture among Jews aud the settlement in this country of such as are willing to devote themselves to that pursuit on lands in tho West and South. The report of (ho Secretary of the Board of Governors was read. The next meeting will bo hold iu New York July 1, W70. Oai Explosion in Boston.

Boston, January 20. There was r. gas explosion, this morning, in the drug storo of Weeks Potter, at 3G0 Washington street, tho cause of which is unknown. The amount of daniago done has not yet been ascertained, but it will probably reach Quito a largo figure, as there was a large stock of valuable chemicals at tho spot where the explosion oc curred. A dense smoke penetrated to tho upper floors( causing considerable damage to tho stock of fancy and toilet goods.

The woodwork iu the front part of the baseuiont was charred and burned, aud will have to be built anew. A Killed by a Runaway Horse. Pottstown, January 20. Mrs. Pemiypacker was thrown from a sleigh at Trappe, yesterday, kicked in tho temple by the runaway horse, and instantly killed.

The Weather. Washington, January 20. For tho Middle States partly cloudy weather, northwesterly winds, shifting to westerly and southerly tonight, with rising temperature, except in the northern portion, falling barometer, and iu the northern portions ureas of snow RECORD. OF THE THERMOMETER. The following is the record of tho thermometer as kept at tho Brooklyn Daily Eac.i.k office a a a.w 4A.

6A. BA. 21 I 19! 2 M. a P. Averaijo temperature to day.

Average temperature saiuo day last sear. THE GAS CO.UPAXY. Gilbert Krauts the Order Examine the Rooks. Judge to On last Friday a motion was made by Winchester Britton, beforo Judge Gilbert, in the Supreme Court, Special Term, in the suit of the People of tho State of New York against the Mutual Gas Company for an order to allow tho plaintiff to examine the cash book and stock ledger of the company. The motion was opposed by Wheeler H.

Peckham on behalf of (he company. This morning Jfldgo Gilbert filed a decision ns follows "Motion for an inspection of the books granted, with $10 Hosts to abide event." KAID OX COATS. A chinchilla overcoat, valued at $15, was stolen on Saturday from iu front of A. Jacobs' tailor i.o Mo Columbia Htreet. Three overcoats, valued from the rack warn stolon on Saturday evening in tho basement of It.

SI. Wilson's reaidence, No. 200 Wyckoff street. MONEY MARKET. Large Transactions in Railroad Bonds.

A Corner in Spot Lard Stocks Strong Wall Stbeet, January 203 P. M. lAniong the 6ales between calls and at the second board wore: Western Pacific, 103 Rome, Wa tertown it Ogdensburg 1st, 34 Missouri Pacific 1st, 107 Louisiana consol, C2; Rock Island Ga, 110 Wabash 2d, ex coupon, Si Alton Terre Hauto 2d, income, 14 Lehigh Wilkesbarre assented, i'JaiS Con. New Jersey, consols Union Pacific ist, 107K; Burlingtou C. Ii.

and Northern, 1st, llji Chicago, St. Paul and Minneapolis, guaranteed, 44 Wabash, convertible, ex coupon, Central New Jersoy, adjustment, Jefferson Ilailroad, 1st, 80, Denver and Bio Grando, 1st, 83Ji'a88 Central Pacific, 1st, 107 Haunibal and St. Joseph, 8's, lOGKalOG N. Y. Elovated, 1st, 105 C.

C. C. and Indianapolis consol, 98'4; U. S. 67's, ditto coupon, my.

4 coupon, 99? G'fl of 1881, 107; 100; ditto coupon, 10G)'; Canada Southern 1st, mi; Chi oago, Burlington and Quincy 7's, 16; ditto 8's, Central New Jersey 1st, District of Columbia, ex coupon, 79). St. Paul sinking fund, 102; ditto I. and D. dlvitlon extended, Northwest gold, Del.

and Hudson ol 1907, Albany aud Susquehanna 1st, 111; Rensselaer and Saratoga 1st, 118; Metropolitan Elovated 1st, Tho Produce Exchange is considerably excited over a corner in spot lard, and the advance in price has been raised' for the past few days. Supplies are retarded by the railroad blockade, aud the stock hero is small. Subscriptions to 4 per cent, bonds.up to noon, to day, amounted to AnotherJ caU for consols of 18G7 uiay be expected by Wednesday. Tho stock market was strong, almost without exception during the early part of tho afternoon. Between calls' Delaware, Lackawanna and Western and Delaware and Hudson were sharply advanced, but subsequently fell off a fraction.

F.arly in tho second call the Granger stocks. Western Union, Ohio and Michigan Central were moved upward, and the whote list was more or less strong. The advance in tho Northwestorns has been materially aided by a eovering of short contracts on the part of somo of tho moro timid bears, and this movement made tho common stock feverish toward the closo of the call. 3:15 T. M.

Money loaned at three per and stocks were unsettled at the close. The following table shows tho course of the stock market for this day 2:15 P. H. Closinn Opening. Uidhest.

ma ibii vii (s 83 I2W 40V HH mi my, mi Lowest. 3:15 P.M. 22 23i Central and uuuson Harlem Erie Union Pncihc Lako Shore Morris and Lack West'n. Northwestern Northwestern Hook Island St. Kt Puul preferred Ohio and Hew Jersey Central.

Hannibal bt. Joseyii Western Union Pacific Mail Panama Michigan (Jentral HP. 70 61 57Jf. 71 ma 13 93S ISH 69 SUi 123:1 IVii 851 395? 16! 9o 13M 70 81 4S 82 79 pi in 15 Wt 41 The Widespread Interest Taken in the Eagle's Eeoommendation to the Democrats, What Our Contemporaries of Both Parties Say About It Governor Robinson's View How it Appears to tho Attorney General A Sensation in Political Circles Throughout the State Thc Republican Papers Anxious that the Democrats Shall Follow the Eagle's Ad vice Internal Evi deuce of Alarm A Thunderbolt in What Seemed to he a Clear Sky. Special to the Eagle.

Aluany, January 20, 1879. Tho publication in the Eaole of Friday of tho statement that leading Democrats of the State had advised tho Democratic members of both Houses not to participate in tho eloction of a United States Senator, but to enter a protest against tho power of the present Legislature to choose a Senator, because of tho persistent refusal to reapportion tho State, has created a political "sensation" tliroughotvt tho State. A majority of tho members left for home on Saturday, but tho Republican leaders are all here, and they talk of nothing olso but the probable action of thoDemo orats. The papers of both parties aro eagerly Bought for ub they reach hero, to soe how tho proposition; is regarded. Singularly enough, there seems to bo a secret satisfaction felt by many Republicaus who aro classud as Conk ling's friends in view of tho position my Lord Roscoo will And himself in if his right to his seat is questioned, at the very time he is resisting the right of Mr.

Hayosto oxerciso tho powers of the Presidency in Now York. I have soon the protest" which it is proposed to present. It is short, but it sums up fully tho position In which tho Legislature finds itself, and tho reason why its right to designate who ohall be Senator from this State for six yoars is questioned. An attempt isboiugmadeto got tho Democrats to abau. don tho proposed action, mainly by the friends of those who desire tho empty compliment of a Democratic nomI nation.

Buookxyn. Tho following is tho summary of tho Eagle's articlo which was telcgraphod by tho Associated Press and upSl which most of the comments that follow are based Brooklyn, January 17. The Eaole editorially states that a protest has already been drawn up and discussed by the leading men of tho State against tho election of a United States Senator, which it is proposed to offer when both Houses meet to chooso Mr. Conkling'B successor. Tho protest maintains that previous to tho Legislature's having failed to reapportion the various districts, tho present Logislatnro is de facto, and not de jure, and aa It does not represent tho whole pooplo of tho Stato, It has no right to elect a Senator.

If protest Is not heeded, It Is then proposed that the minorities of both branches absent themselves from tho joint session. It Is claimed that the United States Sonato made a precedent iu tho case of Mr. Eustis, of Louisiana, which will bo unfavorable to Mr. Conkling's admission. It is understood that the matter will bo discussed at the next Democratic legislative cauous.

Tho Eagle says if this action is taken the Governor may conceive it his duty to attach a protest to tho certificate of election and the 'commission of the elected Senator. "What the Governor and Attorney General Say. Correspondence, New York Tribune. Albany, January 19. In these last hours before the Legislature olects a United States Sonator a rumor is being circulated through the Stato with somo pertinacity that tho Democratic members will refuse to take part In tho election on the ground that tho Legislature is an illegal body, owing to tho failure of tho three proviouB Legislatures to reapportion tho Assembly and Senate districts of the State in accordance with the command of tho Constitution.

Coupled trith this rumor is another to the effect that the Governor intends to attaoh a protest to tho certificate of the person elected Senator, stating tho circumstances under which tho election was hold. Governor Robinson flatly denies the truth of the rumor as to hiB purpose in this matter. He said yesterday I havon't ever had such a thought as writing a protest it has never entered my head. If it Bhould I don't know what I would do. I might adopt it and I might not I do indeed thing that there ought to be some public rebuke of the flagrant disobedience, by the last threo Legislatures, of the command of the Constitution in respect to reapportionment.

There has been considerable discusiou ro and coti. among Democrats as to tho proper method of making such a protest. I doubt whether any plan of uttering tho protest has yet been adopted, i'ou cannot make a protest of this kind on tho ground that tho Legislature is an illegal body. That would bo saying that wo are in a stato of anarchy. But there, is another view to take of it.

I received a letter this morning, from a Congressman, not of this State, who mado a now point. He urges that tho Stato of New York, in giving a certificate of election as Senator to any one at present, is imposing upon the other States man not properly elected. Tho United States Sonatc, ho holds, can rightly refuse to admit a man elected by a Legislature which owes its political composition to an intentional disobedience of the State Constitution. Ho quotes tho Eustis caso in support of this view that the character of a Legislature is to bo considered in judging of the qualifications of a member. However, oven if tho Democratic members of the Legislature Bhould make a public protest by not taking part in the election of Senator on Tuesday, their action would impose no official duty on me.

I Bhould not be compelled to note of it in issuing a certificate to tho Senator elect." Attorney General SchoonmakerwaB asked yesterday to give his opinion of tho theory that the present Legislature is an illegal body. He replied "If it is illegal then we are in chaos, and tho pooplo will have to assemble nndstart a new Stato Govern mot. Frankly, that theory is most absurd. Tho Legislature in law is a continuous body. It holds sessions aud adjourns, but never ceases to exist, for no sooner does the form of 'one member expire Jthan another is ready to take his place.

When did tho Legislature become illegal 1 Was it at the moment in 187G, when it failed to pass an apportionment bill 7 Is every act of the Legislature illegal that is dated after that inomont 7 And Uas not tuo uovemor i eeoyuieu ouwbdiio iti.o latures Tho Democratic members cannot make a protest on the ground of the present Legislature being illegal' for aro they not on the same level in this reBpect aa their Republican brethren 7 The fact is, the courts would never take such an absurd position as to declare the present Legislature illegal. Tho courts are always on tho Bide of tho Government and thoy never do anything to break it down. In this case they would surely side with the Legislature." Thero aro few Democratic mcmbors of the Legislature iu the city to day, but all disclaim having any intention of abstaining from voting on Tuesday by way of protest. Tho caucuses of both parties will be held to morrow night. 8enator Conkling will receive tho Republican nomination.

The Democrais are said to be hesitating between Lioutenant Governor Dorsheimer and DeWitt C. West. What is Proposed. Correspondence N. Y.

Sun. TimrA tn ltkelv to bft some interest iu what the Demo cratic cauoiB will do. It 1b understood that a protest will be adopted in behalf of the Democrats of the State against tho vacancy caused by the expiration of Senator rvmViinD'n term beinn filled. ThiB will bo based on the ground of a failure to comply with the Constitution in making a reapportionment of the Stato. In support of tins protest tno action oi me ujjiku owwd ouuc thn men nf Eustis of Louisiana will bo recited.

This tirotest will be sent to Senator Kernan, and ho will be it 11 l. Onnn.a Tt ta av askeu to ormg xue muiwjr ueiore ma ouuot o. j. pected that it will at least put tho Republicans in that body iu an awkward predicament if they refuse to entertain the protest. Q.uite Ridiculous.

From Albany Journal, Rep. ti, nnooirr.vw Eaole renews the story that tn liiadp. and is to be made to the legality of tho election of United States Senator by the present Legislature becauso' the State naB not been reapportioned. This is worse than child's play. All such talk is supremely silly.

It does not deserve serious treatment. The only thing it does deserve is ridicule, An Absurd Report. From the New York Tribune All the leadinc Democrats at Albany dis claim the absurd report that there would be an attempt to dispute tho olection of a Senator beeauso there haB ncen no But somo Democrat was foolish enough to Btart it. As Ridiculous as the Fraud Issue. From tho SyraouBO Journal.

The Brooklyn Eagle gives editorial promi nence to a statement that a protest has been drawn up and discussed by leading mon of tho State, against the election of a United States Senator, which it is proposed to offer in the Legislature wnen tne iwo nouses meet. io choose Mr. Conkling's successor. It is based upon the failure to make a it is claimed that In tho event of a disregard of the protest, a precedent exists In the case of Eustis, ol juomsiana, wnicu win ue uu f.vihk toivfr Conklincr's admission if he is re elected. In their view of the case It Ib intimated that the Gov ernor may conceive It is uury to auacn a proreov ma certificate of electiou, and the commission of the elected Sonator, This is a programme which we have no doubt the Democratic party would rojoico to see carried out.

Thero Is little danger, however, that any such course of procedure will be adopted. Yet it is no more puerilo than tho "Fraud" programme, which the Democratic presa and officials cuddle so lovingly; and no more ridiculous, or terns in accordance with the irrepressible tendency of the Democratic leadora to blunder. Tho ono thing that militates againBt its adoption is the certainty that in nothing could the Domocracy better pleaBO thoir political opponents; A Contemporary that misses the Point at Issue. From the Now York Herald. xf to Winter! Home Quarters that tho Democratic members will make a formal protest against tho legality of Mr.

Conkling's election, on the ground that this is not a valid Legislature. Even so influential a Democratic journal as the Bkooklyn Eagle had a long, double leaded leading articlo in this vein a few evenings since, in which it tried to convince itself that Governor Robinson might bo prevailed upon to refuse a certificate of Mr Conkling's election. The Eagle underestimates tho good sense and logical conist eucy of the Governor. For if, by the long of a new apportionment, this is not a valid Legislature why does Governor Robinson send it a message and try to influence its action by numerous recommendations 1 It cannot bo a Legislature for one purpose without being a Legislature for aU purposes. If it can pass Ihwb it can elect a Senator.

The Governor would stultify himself by refusing to Bign Mr. Conkling's credentials after holding the ordinary official intercourse with this Legislature. The Democratic members would equally stultify thcniBolvcB if they should make a protest. If it is not a Legislature, why do thoy participate in its proceedings? Tho Governor aud Democratic members would mako themselves a laughing stock if they should adopt Buch a course as our Brooklyn contemporary advocateB. A Good Deal in It Is There Another Remedy 1 From tho Utica Observer, Dem.

It will be seen that the Eagle's presentation of the caBo is plausible and withal effective. It is undoubtedly true that if the Democrats had succeeded fn holding the Legislature by the means to which the Republicans have resorted, and had sent a Sonator to Congress under such eircuniBtances, ho would have been rejected if the opposition had controlled the Senate. Twelve years ago Senator 8tockton, of New Jersoy, was deprived of his Beat on the ground that there was a technical irregularity iu the organization of the joint Convention which elected him. Moro than a year had passed after his return before this action was taken, and tho New Jersey Legislature, in the meantime, had passod under control of the Republicans, who named Freling huysen for Sonator, aud he was given tho seat. Tho case of Eustis, which tho Eaote cites, would certainly form a precedent for ousting Conkling, 7f Republican atrocltlea could be held to justify Democratic excesses.

But if we Interpret correctly the temper of tho people, the Democracy was called to power, not to perpetuate, but correct, tho acts of injustice whereof the BepubU 'TherslS' refusal of the Legislature to roako an apportionment Is a crime againBt the Stato not against tie thSted States. We believe that those who are gulUy of this crime can bo punished under tho crtainal code of tho Stato. William M. Tweed was convicted and son tenced to tho penitentiary on the charge that ho hnii I re fused to audit certain bUla which the law rociuirad WtO. THE COirSTY 001 BT.

To the Editor of the Cnwldyn Kagle In Friday's issue of your paper tlie statement appears that there will be a deficiency iu the appropriation for tho County Court of the sum of $3,000. Thi.i is not correct, and to say that in tno uioutn of July last Judge Moore slated to tlio Hoard of Supervisors that the appropriation for this court should, under no clrcuniMances, be (xcteded, and measures were (hen taken for keeping within tho amount allowed tho court in tho budget for tliis fiscal year. The fact is, that instead of a deficiency at the present rate of expenditure there will bo a surplus the credit of this court at the end of this fiscal year of alxwt twenty fivo hundred dollars. Thi.l Matcmaut will lie verified, if neee. vary, by Mr.

Gardner aud the Assistant County Treasurer. Respectfully, BtiiNAUD J. Youk, Clerk. Two lVigliis and a lay in a Cell with Rats. What he has to say Ahout his Purchase of the 2:22 Blare Maggie Briggs Both Sides of a very Mixed Matter The Mare Sold Kendriek Certain of Aconitfal and Determined on Having Skidmore's Scalp.

Sr "There's minister looked up in the Town Hall This was tho exciting piece of news conveyed by ono citizen of Jamaica to another yesterday morning, while on tho way to church and killing time 'in tho barrooms. It startied the steady going people, and the unvarying question, "What for was left unswered. It was a fact that a minister, or a person who had been, waB confined in the atone jail and rat pen in the cellar of tho Town Hall, in the person of the Rev. Tunis Titus Kendriek, of Brooklyn, D. NOT AFBAXD OF THE LAW.

"Last night," eaid Officer Hurley, "Mr. Kondrick camo to mo and oaid ho wished to surrender biniBelf to answer tho chargo of having obtained Mr. Skldmoro's trotting maro by false pretenses. I hadn't tho warrant, for It had been left in Brooklyn, and I hesitated about locking htm up, so I merely told him he could consider himself a prisoner. Mr.

Kondrick said he wished tho law enforced to tho letter, and bo I locked him up." "It's a shame to havo locked that gentleman up there," said tho janitor. "I don't think ho's guilty of anything." "Where did he "He slept in a cell. (They are about six feet square.) You see, I gave him the freedom of tho corridor, but it was idl of tramps, who havo to sleep on tho stouo floor, aud when they take off their boots beside a red hot stovo you don't want to come within a milo of them. Thoy wero no sort of company for him, you know, and so he slept in the cell, I gavo him a good breakfast this morning. Yes, you can sco him." MB.

KENDBICK AT EASE. Tho janitor swung open an iron door, and two men wero revealed to view in the corridor. Ono was dressed in a fine suit of mixed gray clothes, tall and lino looking, with black hair and mustache, somewhat unkempt, florid complexion, and a kind, intelligent countenance. This was tho Rev. T.

T. Kondrick. Ho sat on an old wooden chair near tho east window, opposito tho uninviting cell he had occupied through the uight. His feet rested ou a wooden ntool. The other man was poorly clothed.

His hair had not been combed in many days, and his face had evidently gone unwashed for as loug a time. Ho wore no coat, but a very dirty shirt. His feet were shoeless and st X'kingless. Ho lay on tho hard stone floor, his feet pushed under tho bottom of the stovo. Ho wai an unfortunate tramp.

"Baruum Island was not good enough for him, and so he tramped about tho country and got bis bands and feet frozen," said the Janitor. Ho may Ioo feet. Tho air iu tho corridor was very impure. THE Cn.VBOE AGAINST MB. EENDRICK.

Mr. Kendriek was anxious that his side of tlu difti 'iven the public, and that it may bo tho bett' it is necessary to briefly outline Mr. Skid ni.M". against him. Mr.

Skidiuorc charged Mr. Keiidricfc with obtaining good. by false pretenses. That is tho legal definition. Tho circumstances aro these Mr.

Skidinore owned the mare Magglo Briggs with a record of 2:27, but she had trotted her mile iu 2:22. Mr. Kondrick heard of her and went to Mr. SkUluiore's and saw her movo. "She's tho UandBOiuost beast in this country, and I want a thousand for her," was hnr owner's eulogyi The price was too high.

Thoy met again shortly at Arch. Johnson's, in New York, aud Mr. skid more dropped to $S00. Mr. Keudrick's price was $700, la two approved notes, and he told Mr.

Johnson to make that offer to Mr. Skidmoro. Mr. Johnson did so. Mr.

Skidinore left tho whole matter thereafter in Mr. Johu son'B hands. One day Mr. Kondrick called at Mr. Skid moro's house, produced two notes for $703, and a letter from Mr.

Johnson, in which it was stated that the notes wore all right, and advised Mr. Skidniore to accept them and deliver tho mare to Mr. Kendriek. 'Sir. Skidmoro says he particularly questioned Mr.

Kondrick about Mr. Johnson's baring seon and approved the notes lfore ho delivered the mare. Ou the following Monday Mr. Kendriek was to havo met Mr. Skidmoro at Mr.

Johuson'a stable, but failed. Mr. Skidniore says that ho then learned from Mr. Johnson that he had noitbo scon nor approved tha notes, and would not havo approved of them had ho scon them. Mr.

Hk ldm ire wa thereafter unable to secure au interview rtith Mr. Kondrick, and obtained a warrant for his arrest, which he was unable to havo executed. It is said that on Friday tho entire Brooklyn police force wore notified that Mr. Kendriek was wanted. Mr.

Skidmoro also alleged that when Mr. Kendriek should havo been at Mr. Johnson's stablo with him, ho was at his home In Jamaica, where, telling Mrs. Skidmoro that her husband had sent him for Maggie Briggs' pedigree, she gave it to him. Mr.

Skidniore says he did not Bend him for it. MB. KENDBICK'S STATEMENT. Mr Kondrick made a very connected statement, without tho Blightest hesitation as to a single point. It raises a verv serious question of voracity between himself and Mr Skidmoro.

It seems that Mr. Skidinore obtained the warrant of arrest on tho 3th. and after that date Mr. Kendriek was at his (Skldmoro's) residence three times, the lost time as Into jw the l.itb, but Mr. Skidniore never aa much as intimated that he had the warrant, ikt that be considered that he had been victimized in any way.

Mr. Kcmlriek'H statement is as follows I saw Mr. Skidmoro three times about tho purchaa of tho maro. He valued her at fl.WlO. but offered to null her for $X00.

I told him I would give $70.) for her that I held another pcrsnira note for which, with tho accrued inteivt, would mako tho amount fKi, and I would give him that and my own nolo for $100. Ho ajjreea tn accept the offer if I would jay Mr. Johnson's commlwious, and I thought I ought not to pay moro than half. At the fourth interview Mr. Skidmoro placed tho wholo matter iu Mr.

Johnson's bands. Ho made tho matter of his commission satisfactory to mo. I showed him the in tes and he gave me a letter to Mr. Skidinore, saylug that I have arranged for the commission, that be approved tho notes, aud that Mr. Skidniore should receive them and deliver the maro.

Tliot was ou Saturday, tho 4th of January. Mr. Skidmoro said it wxi all right, and asked nie to indorse the notes, which I did. He Baid he could not deliver tlie mare that day, so I borrowed his saddle and bridle, and rodo the maro to town. I intended taking her to Mr.

Johnson's ttable, but lost mv way and brought up in YVlIlIainsburgh, where I put the. mare in my brother's stable. One note was due in February, and the other in Mareh. I got a bill of sale from Mr. Skidmoro, and on Tuesday, the Ttti, Bold tho mare and transferred tho Bill of sale to a Mr.

Dennis, Williamsbnrgh. Mr. Skidmoro had PBOJflSED TO DELIVEB THE PEDIGREE at Mr. Johnson's stable on Monday, tho Cth, but lie failed to reach there on time, and drove tn his residence. Mrs.

Skidmoro said ho had gono to New York, and had wrapped the pedigree up to take with him. She found It on a table aud dollvered It to me. The next day I wrote Mr. Skidinore that I would deliver the Raddle and bridle to hlin at Mr. Johnson's on Thursday, tho 9th.

I learned that on that day Mr. Skidinore and an officer were at the stablo, that he (Skidniore) claimed to oval the more and ho told Mr. Dennis, son of tho man to whom I had sold her, that he had a clolm on her; on that Thursday (day after tho warrant had ljeen Issued), I drove to Mr. Bki'dniore's residence, delivered (ho saddle and bridle, ond asked him what he meant by talking to Mr. Donnis as he he said that Mr.

Dennis had misunderstood him he did not say then that he had a warrant for mo I returned tho pedigree at the same timo I only needed it to satisfy a gentleman who seemed anxious to purchase the mare I ran Mr. Skid more at his homo again on tho 13th he asked mo to go with him on tho 10th to the corner of Thirty first street and First avenue. New York, to satisfy a man with whom ho expected to trade the larger note of its genuineness. I agreed to meet him, but going to New York on the 14th, learned that Mr. Skidmoro had been looklug for tne with a detective, and I ot once, wrote hlin, saying that I had beconio diegusted with hia conduct, and would not meet him.

I even offered him a note for ti'sW secured by real estate, in exchange for tho one I had given him. DEMANDING AN EXAMINATION. "Yesterday momiug Mr. Kendriek eaid to Justice lts that ho would liko a speedy examination. Ho cnuteuda that Mr.

Skldmore is mistaken in what ho has said about Mr. Johnson's not having seen the notes and written the letter On this question depends the whole caso against Mr. Kendriek. In tho matter of the appointments to meet each other, and the failure to do so in every Instance, Mr. Skldmore and Mr.

Kendriek are in accord. Judgo Betts told him that he could havo an examination just as early as It was possible for him to get ready, and thereupon Mr. Kendriek telegraphed his brother to employ either General Tracy or District Attorney Cotbn, and put in an appearance early to day. "I presume vou can get said tho reporter. I don desire it," said he.

"I'm re to sea tliia thing through. I have not a doubt of ability to establish my innocence, and then I will make Mr. hlid more pay dearly for this outrage. The Tact that Mr. Kendriek surrendered l.iniM I and lnsi5tedJupon being teckedup.

regarded some as SffiyWffSSeSln "estetie.ter for a crooked transaction In eatt. ISJCKEP Bf A FA A dislocation of tho left shoulder wa the result of a fall sustained by Mr. Norris A. Clowes throe days ago. Shortly after leaving bis home in the morning Mr.

Clowes incautiously stepped upon an iron cover of a coal hole in South Fourth street. Through tha prompt and efficient treament of tho dislocation by Surgeon Fleming, tho injury has been much annoying than wax to havo beon anticipated. Sponge Cake. Two cupfuLs of sugar, two cups of flour, four ggs, two third! of capful of mm wtlcr. Iiro teaspoons ol Doolkv'b Yeast Powder, ono tei'iwou of flavoring.

Mix tho pointer with the flour while dry. Ministers, Lawyers, teachers and others whose occupation (rites but littlo exerciso, ibould uicCAtirEii's I.ittli: Ijveh ru.LS for torpid liver tud bilioun. All druggisu. H. C.

Leet. acnt, 2 Park place. New York. I. I'D I Ml.


i Parroll of laborers, etc Keepers Employes, superintendent, etc. Supplies Stationery, printing, etc $46,808.57 37,528.29 7,183.25 31.482.76 1,010.39 114,013.28 8S0S.18 Balance SUMMARY OF THE FORCE. The following is 3 summary of the force showing the number of men employed and tho periods of service Of those whoso sorrice extends ovor a period of between ten and twelve years, there are 64 Number for a period of eight to ton yoora 10 Number for a period of six to oiKht years 30 Number for a period of fonr to six years 1 1 Number for a poriod ranging under four years 27 Of this latter number, with tho exception of a few men employed for special or very temporary purposes, but about half a dozon havo been added to our roll during the last two years. It will bo understood that out of these men some 151 In all, including tho special and temporary appointments above noted, thoro are employed only Buch number from tirqe to time as the exigency of tho work demands, most 6f thero. preferring to remain permanently ou our rolls with tho chauco of securing such employment as we have to offer from time to time.

Of our employes, 48 are residents of tho Ninth Ward, 33 belong to tho Twenty second Ward, 10 belong to tho Eighth Ward, 10 to the Tenth Ward, to tho Twentieth Wafd the remainder being scattered through the several wards of the Eastern and Western Districts. Several employes now residents of the country towns, wore formerly citizens of Brooklyn, but changed their residence with the view of obtaining convenient homes within their means noar the Park. WALKING. The TVIateli at Mozart Garden. Howard and Holsoke Begin on Their Long Tramps Tlie Start Last Night, and how They Progressed.

About one hundred and fifty persons were gathered in Mozart Garden shortly beforo 12 o'clock last night to see Harry Howard and Edward HolBke, tho pedestrians, start on their respective journeys, which they were to commence at five minutes past midnight. The task Howard is to accomplish is 450 miles lu six days, while Holske attempts to walk 180 miles in forty eight hours. Tho arrangements ior the walk are excellent. The stage haB been cleared away and the track both lengthened aud wtdoned. It was formerly twenty eight laps to tho mile, but is now only twenty two.

It is six feet wide and is made of tan bark and loam, tho whole covored with a light sprinkling of Bawdust. It Is so separated from tho PIATPOBM SET APART FOB SPEOTATOES by a railing about a foot high encircling the Interior. In each of the lower corners of tho garden ore tho accommodations that havo been provided for tho pedestrians. It appears that the original intention was to have erected little cabins or put in portable cottagcB, but owing to the brief space of time in which the alterations wero mado this has not beon done. Instead, however, tho corners are partitioned off with a bright framework, and' InBlde the comforts of tho pedestrians are looked after.

They contain cots, bed clothing and tho necessary appurtenances for preparing the pedestrians' meals. Tho food is to bo cooked over a gas stove. In addition to these changes, the garden has undergone other alterations which gftatly improved its appearance The walls which looked so bleak and bare during Madamo Anderson's walk havo beon decorated with gay colored flags and streamers and set off tho interior with very good offect. BEFOIVE THE START. By twelve o'clock last night, tho garden, which never looked cleaner or neater, woro quite an animated appearand.

A number of sporting men wero present, while a score or more of amateur athletes lounged about, waiting for tho principals to appear. There wero several professional pedestrians among the spectators, among them Charles A. Harriinan, of Boston, who has mado a match with O'Leary to walk hini six days, and who is to start at Mozart Garden, on Thursday next, to walk fifty miles in ten hours for three consecutive days. While waiting for tho appointed hour somo of tho remarks of the spectators were quite amusing. Every one was on tho alort to glean something from thoso directly interested in tho event, and backers and nffonrifinfa wera besiecred by tho snorting men, who predictions regarding his success wero somewhat against him, although his friends cluaiined that he would mako a record that would astonish tho public.

Holsko's achievements being bettor known, the general sentiment was in his favor. THE START. Three minutes before tho time set for starting, Howard and Holske camo out of their cabins on to tho track, and walked up to the judges' stand, which is sit uated at the edge of the traok midway in tno garden, just opposite the big clock. Howard is five feet six inohos In height, weighs 140 pounds, aud has turned his twenty ninth year. Ho Is compactly built, square Bhouldered and muscular.

Ho wore a wldte flannel shirt, black velveteen knee breeches, ond a pair of baso ball Bhoes laced tightly across tho ankle. A black slouch hat covored his head, and a blue and whlto silk handkerchief was tied loosely about his neck. Holske's light trim figure offered a strong contrast to his companion's rathor clumsy form. His height is fivo feet nine inches, and ho strips 132 pounds. He is scarcely 21, and his smooth clean Bhoveu face makes him look even younger.

His costume consists of scarlet trunks, white drawers and a brown knit cardigan jacket, His feet were encased in low quartered shoos, while a close fitting skull cap crowned his head. Mr. J. H. Webb Btood a few feet in tho rear af the two men, and at tho signal from the judge ho govo tho word "go." Tho pedestrians started off briskly, Holske having tha inside, and walking away as straight as an arrow, with a forty inch stride.

Howard having a longer journey before him. contented himself with a more measured stop, planting' his feet firmly in the ground and showing that ho meant it to bo square heel and toe work all through. Holske's elastic ehido Boon sent him ahead, and gradually opening a gap, ho passed Howard with a springy step on tho fourth lap He glided over the track amazing rapidity on a solid walk, keeping his eyes fixed straight boforo him, his head immoveable as a rock, and his chest thrown slightly forward. He SHOT BY HOWARD A SECOND TIME, in the seventh lap, amid a shout of applauso from the spectators. Both mon hold corn cobs tightly clenched in their handB, after tho manner of O'Leary, Holske swinging his arms to and fro with an easy motion, and Howard with elbows slightly bent, making an upward movement with the lower part of tho arm, that savored somewhat of awkarducss.

Although neither mon havo been in training tho fine condition of both was subject of general remark. Holoko now passed and repassed Howard who was keeping up a very regular gait, and had only elghteon lapB to his credit when his companion ecorcd his first mile in 9:31. Howar'd first mile waa covered in 11. 33. Holoko then slackened his pace a trifle and reeled off the second mllo in 10:48, Howard being soveu laps behind.

WARMING UP TO HIS WOBK. On the next milo Holoko throw off his knit jacket and walked in his shirt sleeves. He had scarcely done bo when Howard broke into a trot and passed him like a deor. He ran eight lap3 and having piciteo up on ms companlon, relapsed once more into his former steady aalt. Holske covered his first ton muc3 in in.

mui 03B. Ho never slackened bis pace until ho had marked up twenty fivo miles to his credit timo, 23X8 Aa ho completed the last lap ho slipped into his dressingroom and ofter swallowing cup fiul of steaming rabbit stew, threw himself on his bed and foot Twentv five minutes later he ap mi. peared again and resumed his journey much refreshed, Qa Me mrty.m1 mile he halted on tho track four min tn. and after taking a dose of magnesia was rubbed down by ono of his attendants, no unpi starteu ou again and completed his fiftieth milo without another if mi, asm actual finish nir it at lun. 3om.

aciuai wam time 10b. Gm. lajfs. Ho then returned to his cabin for an hour's rest. Howard breakfasted at 5h.

lrn. on com pleattng his twenty fourth mile. After a light meal he returned to his work aud kept up his steady gait until noon, when he stopped again for a Bhort rest. Tlie Walking Feats to be Accomplished lu East New York A Match. Between a Constable and a Dancing Master A Woman who Proposes to Outdo Madame Anderson.

Pedestrianism, like fever, seems to be cou tairiouB. for Bince the noted feat of Madamo Anderson ond O'Leary have been accomplished, a number of lesser lights havo endeavored to spring into fame by imitating theso notable walkers. The Villago of East Now York, not to be behind the times, is about to witnesB two feats of walking, the one to bo between two men and tho latter a woman walking against time. The first match is between one of East New York's noted conBtableB, named August Taylor, and the only professor of dancing in the town, by name Charles Koerner. This takes place on this Wednesday evening, beginning at six o'clock.

The distance to be walked is twenty five miles, and Uie man who covers tho distance In the quickest time receives $25. Tho track has been laid out in Schiellein's Hotel, corner ot Vermont and Atlantic avenues. It 1b mado of Band, and It takes forty laps to make a mile. Tho feat to be undertaken by the woman will, if ac complished, leave Madame Anderson somowhat in the shade. This woman whoso name is Andrews, and who resides in this city, proposes beginning Thursday of this weok, at eight o'clock in the evening, to walk 2,700 quarter miles, walking each quarter In every twelve minutes, without Sho claims to nave accompiisu ed this feat before, and says there is no possible chance of her failing.

She says she Ib determined to Bhow tha world what an American woman can do. She will walk in Bennett's Assembly Booms, corner Vermont and Atlantic ovenues. Next week, at Schiellein's Hotel, the track will bo open to all competitors, the ono making the fastest five miles to receivo a gold badge. THOMAS KTAN'S DEATH. On Saturday night Thomas Ryan, a young man who was for years well known around the City Hall died at his residence, No.

185 Sands street, of pneumonia, after an illnesB of twelve dayB. Tho funeral takes place In St. Anne's Church, corner of Front and Gold streets, to morrow morning. Mr. Ityan, though a young man scarce 24 years old, had a host of warm friends, aU of whom will bo pained to learn hiB decease.

For the past year ho was in business with Mr. Michael Kennedy, at tho corner of Fulton and Lawrence streets. Tho burial will take place In Uio Holy Cross Cemetery. MXJRDEBOTJS. esperate Figlat in can Street this Three Men Engage in it and Two are Seri ously Wounded What Resulted from the Removal of a Key A Shoemaker's Knife aud an Iron Sash Weight Brought into Play.

At half past ten o'clock this morning a deBperato fight, in which throo men participated, and which came near resulting fatally for two of them, occurred on tho premises 405 Dean street. On tho front part of tho lot stands a house and in tho rear a stablo and carpentershep. Tho lower portion of tho house in front is used as a shoemaker's shop, and is kopt by James H. Thrappe, who resides at No. 4G1 Dean street.

Tho owner of tho carpenter's Bhop is George A. Duffy, of 473 Bergen st, and the Btable is looked after by Thomas Parker, of 403 Dean street, a groom. The three men mentioned arc those who woro engaged in tho sanguinary affray. Tho trouble arose about tho misplacing of the key to an outhouse in tho yard which is used by all parties having business on the "premises, and this key is generally kept in a certain placo. This morning Thrappe, it seems, was looking for it, aud not finding it in its usual place, wont to tho stable and asked Parker for it.

"Where's tho key demnndod Thrappe. "I don't know," said Parker. "Woll, you're tho man that never puts it in place." "You're a liar, was Parker's response. Thrappo then proceeded to abuse Parker in return, for between the two a feud has existed for some time. Tho result was that Thrappo made Parker so enraged that tho latter STRUCK THRAPPE IN THE FACE with his fist.

Thrappe then jumped back aud shoutod, "Just wait a moment, I'll soon fix you," at tho same time running back to his shop in front. In loss than a moment ho was seen by Parker running at full speed toward tho stable and brandishing a sharp pointed shoemaker's knife in his right hand. Ho rushed on Parker shouting, "Now let's see if you'll dare to strike me," and at the same time making a thrust with his knife toward Parker's left side, aiming apparently for his hoart. Parkor, who saw that Thrappo was thoroughly enraged and that his own lifo was in danger, quickly interposed his left arm, aud tho ugly blade of (he knife in Thrapp's hand entered about midway between tho elbow aud shoulder, making a horriblo gash, and almost Eovering tho muscles ol ma leic arm, pariier then picked up a heavy bale stick, sovoral of which lay around the stablo, and attempted to defend himself from his desperate antagonist who as about to bring the knife again into use, when Duffy, in response to Parker's shouts of "murder" and entreaties for assistance, ran down from his carpenter shop to tho stablo beneath. He found Parker iu a very desperate condition.

He was hemmed into a corner to which Thrappo had driven him, and while tho latter attempted to inflict what ho no doubt intended to bo a mortal stab Parkor wa3 making the most earnest oltorta to keep him away with the bale stick. Duffy shouted out, What do you mean, Thrappo, do you want to kill tho man Yes. I'll cut his heart out," responded tho shoemaker' Duffy told him to desist, but Thrappo said "You keep away from me, or i'll serve you the same. Duffy saw how determined tho man was, and fearing to go close to him while ho held this knifo in his hand, looked about him for some sort of a weapon by the use of winch he might disarm him. Lying on the floor was an iron sash weight about fifteen iuchos long.

Soiziug this Duffy struck Thrappe a blow on the head which stretched the latter BenselesB on the floor of the stablo and inflicted a severe scalp wound nearly four inches long. Short as the whole affair had been, the cries of Parker had roused the neighborhood, and beforo Thrappe was ollod to tho ground, and excited crowd tlu onged tho yard and stablo entrance. Sergeant John eon of tho Mounted Squad, with one of his men heard of tho occurrence aud at once galloped to tho house. Thrappe was making an attempt to escape, but Sergeant Johnson headed him off. As ho did so, some people shouted "Look out, Sergeant, ho's got a knifo Tho Sergeant, not in the least concerned about this fact took Thrappe into custody, and disarmed him.

Thrappe, who was all covored with blood and wbb excited, shouted out that Duffy was tho man who ought to be arrested, and accused him of having tried to murder him. The other mounted officer had already taken Duffy and Parker into custody, and so tho whole party hurried to tho Tenth Precinct Station House, at tho corner of Sixth avenue and Bergou street. There Captain Mac kellar sent for a physician and the ambulance, as both THRAPPE AND PARKER WERE BLEEDING, severely. In answer to the request of the police, Drs. Glcavcy and Abbott kindly volunteered their assistance and at once repaired to the station house, where they dressed tho wounds as quickly as possible.

In tho meantime, tho ambulance arrived with Dr. Cochran, but as his help waB not needed and as tho injuries of the mon were of such a character that they were ablo to go court, he returned to the hospital. As soon as their wounde had been attended to and bandaged up, they were taken down to Justice Bloom's court, and there counter charges of feloniouB assault woro preferaed. Thrappo accuses Parker of assaulting him, and charges Duffy with felonious assault, in hitting him over the head with tho sash weight. Parker charges Thrappo with felonious assault in stabbing him.

Tho shoemaker's knife with which the wound was inflicted aud the sash weight wldch Duffy used in knocking Thrappo down were both in tho custody of Sergeant Johnson, and produced in court. When Duffy was asked how he pleaded to the charge he said, "I am not guilty, your Honor. I simply knocked Thrappe down because if I hadn't done it he would have murdered l'arner. As the men's wounds will want careful attention Justice Bloom decided to accept ball in the case, aud by two o'clock this afternoon all the parties were released under bonds. Tho trial of tho cose occurs on Friday morning next.

A STREET AFFRAY. A Man With a Penchant For Getting His Shoulder Dislocated. An affray occurred in Main street near Front, at about half past eleven o'clock last night, in which Max Warlong and William Schlegol, of No. 90 Fulton street on ono side, and three or four unknown parties on the other participated. Rchlegel and War leng, it seems, were on their way homo and both were slightly under tho influence of liquor.

When passing the above point, a young woman, as alleged, approached Warleug and placed her hand on his shoulder. At that instant three or four men rushed from tho opposite side of the street, and one of them addressing Warlong said "Why havo you insulted my Bister?" Without waiting for an explanation, a simultaneous attack was made by the strangers on Warlong and Schlegel, both of whom wero knocked Aovra and roughly handled. Thoy endeavored to defend themselves, but being outmatched in number woro obliged to tako their severe punishment without giving any return. On tho approach of tho police their assailants fled and made their escape. War long aud Schlegel then accompanied tho officers to tho station house where they related tho abovo story of the frmihln into which thev had fallen.

It was found that in addition to other injuries, Warlong had had his right shoulder dislocated, while his friend received a severe cut over tho right eye. Ambulance Surgeon Cochran was scut for and on his arrival expressed his surprise on seeing Warleng in the condition described as he had been called on no less than tlireo times aurmg cue pasc three weeks to Eet the same shoulder, that was now out of placo. The police have been unable to find his assall auts. COURT NEWS. Twenty Thousand Bollars Asked for Breach ot Promise.

A suit has been beguu in the City Court by Sarah Anue Garbett against Lawson Crelghton, to recover $20,000 damages for breach of promise and seduo Creighton is a tea merchant, doing business In Now York and Brooklyn, and resides at No. 7 High street in this city. The plaintiff says that about a year ago tho defendant asked hor to marry him and she consented, and that the wedding was fixed for August last, that ho then asked a postponement of the wedding day nutil tho 25th of last December. Relying upon his promise to wed her, she swears that she prepared on elaborate trousseau, and went toa large expense for hor expected weddidg, to tho amount of That relying upon the pledge of marriage made by Crelghton, she suffered him to lead her astray from the path of duty aud virtue, and now he refuses to fulfil his promise to make her his wife. An ordor of arrest was granted in tho case by Judgo Medio, of tho City Court, aud Crelghton was arrested last Saturday by Doputy Sheriff Nolan.

Ho gavo bail lu aud was roloased. and development to the picturesque within tins noiaojo portion ui During the year $4,000 were specially appropriated foi the purposo of laying a flag walk on tho sidewalks along tho DeKalb and Myrtle avenue boundaries oi Washington Park. In consequence of tho very low price at which tho Commissioners wero onablod to procure tho work to bo done this walk was also extended along tho Cumber, land street boundary, thus completing the circui ot the park. The walk is composed of a good quality of selected bluestono, six foot in width. Tho work was well done ot tho rate per square foot of 13 cents, making a total cost of $3,990.78.

TOMPKINS PARK. With monoys specially appropriated by your Honorable Body a building suitable for tho purpose and combining accommodations and facilities incidental to the needs of visitors was erected during tho year at a cost of $2 275.64. Tho wooden fence which formed tho original inclosiire waB alBO rebuilt at an expense of $712.78. OITY PARK. The publio uBe of this park has scarcely justified tho expenditure of money which its caro entails upon the Commissioners.

For all purposes of pleasure and recreation Fort Greene affords abundant accommodations, and has long since rendered the maintenance of this area as a public park to a large extent an unnecessary and needless public burden. PUBLIO USE OF THE PARK. The public use of the Park haB beon very general, and among tho prominent features of which may bo ruen tinnnA the lame amount of pleasure driving and riding upon tho Park and tho Ocean Parkway. I It is doubtful whothor any other city in the Union contains in proportion to its population, bo many lino equipageB and conveyances for pleasure riding, and so Mmnv fln hnrsen! while our somewhat exceptional faci I lities for their use are largely supplemented by tho fino drives and roads of tho contiguous suburban towns. MUSIC.

During the Summer season a limited appropriation for musfo placed at our disposal, enabled us to provide on Saturday afternoonB during tho months of Juno, July, August, September aud October, open air concerts with a band of thirty pieces, under tho leadership of Thomas It. Deverell, leader. PARADE GROUND. Tho Parade Ground, which was originally designed for tho use of the military of this county alone, has de mu nf Hio finnst grounds for field sports to be found in tho couutry. Its use is not only Bought for by tho military of our neighboring counties, out ii is resorted to by athletic clubs, collego, school and other organizations of our own and various contiguous cities, for nil Boris of field sports, for which it is so admirably adapted.

WATER SUPPLY. The very satisfactory condition and capacity of our water Bupply has enabled us by small outlay in monoy to oxtond its benefits to Coney Island where the want of an adequate supply of pure water has been greatly felt. Indeed, it is doubtful whether jit would havo been pos siblo to maintain the popularity of tho Island as a desirable resort or to supply pure water in such large quantities without our aid. OCEAN PARKWAY. rrT, nti tha Ocean Parkway, con necting tho Park and city with Coney Island, has fully met the expectations of the Commissioners in its relation to the development of Coney Island.

The maintenance of this road and of the largo area known as tho Concourse, at its terminus on the island, i nf nnr citizens if for no other reason, be liberally maintained, as affording a class of accommodations and privileges to be shared by rich and poor alike at little cost, which in other countries have been proviaeu ana lostereu im a large public endowment. THE OOEAN CONCOURSE. nearlv seventy acreo. at J.11U UU1JIAIIABU Tl MivU Til the termination of tho Ocean Parkway at Coney Island, was considerably damaged oy nrevailcd along the coast in tue muiim oi uouuuij. water obtained an abnormal level of nearly fivo feet above ordinary high tido, and was forced under pressure or violent soutneast goies oi hnra I nnrtion of tne euiDanjanem upon which the concreted Btructuro of the Concourse reste was undermined at a number of points along the face of tho Lvnr anfl oBrimiolv rlnmnced tho covering which forms Lurn it.

These were repaired, however, at a comparatively email cost, although tho amount (about $2,200) almost exhausted the meagre allowance of $2,600 provided by the county for tho entire annual maintenance of tho Concourse. i THE EASTERN PARKWAY. There has been expended during the year on this thoroughfare for maintenance and suporvlsten, the sum of $3,999.67. This amount has not been sufficient to do all the work that It was deemed by the CommiBslouers to bo desirable, but caro was taken to preserve its most traveled portions in good condition, for use of residents of the eastern portion of tho city, to whom the parkway, in connection with Bedford avenue, afford8 a very direct and pleasant drive to the Park and Ocean Parkway, and for hioh purpose it was largely inado use of by nf the road is used prin cipally as a thoroughfare for traffic with the outlying districts of the city, and while but Utile Improvement is being made at present upon the lino of the road itself, ond while its influence as affecting favorably the contiguous real estate has not been attended with tho most satisfactory results so far to thoso upon whose Pout application the road itself was constructed, the Commissioners nevertheless entertain tho Micf that their expectations, to a largo degree, will be realized at uo distant day, and tils costky work may be expected to invito a higher and more desirable class of improvements than havo followed upon a less interesting. and characteristic tSt roadways to which your action has beon called, tho superstructure of the Eastern Forkwaj has Buffered considerable deterioration and will require to restore it to proper condition a large outlay of money.

BEDFORD AVENUE. The Importance of this avenue is such as to 'justify! Its maintenance in the best possible condition. A moderate sum of money has been oppropriated to meet the expenses of Its ordinary repairs during tho present year but the demands of a roil of such character as this will involve tho necessity of providing, ot Intervals of about seven years, for an entire resurfacing upon the present superstructure. Such contingency is sure to arise, and a sun of money aggregating about one third of the orig iiial cost of tho roM will have to be rn ovided for, to maintain and preserve it in serviceable condition over Ml Its parts. The value of this thoroughfare, in convenience for general traffic, is such aa makes desirob a constant supervision and a liberal expenditure to meet the proper and necessary preservation of Its surfaces.

The Commissioners are desirous that the attention of your Honorable Body bo called to these requlremente. In relation to the general subject of maintenance, It is the opinion of the ConunisBioners, based upon a long experience and a frugal administration; for in this regard the CommisBlonors challenge intelligent comparison, thot a liberal provision for tho care of our parks and public drives is not only wise in a business point of view, but eminently desirable as tending by their attractions and acuities to invito new comers to dwell among us aud to retain tho moro fortunate class of our citizena whose means and tastes are such as to demand those provlsionB for comfortable enjoyment and recreation now generally deemed to bo desirable In large communities, and which it seems to us Brooklyn possesses to on eminent degree. All of which la respectfully submitted. J. S.

T. Stilan aiian, F. Q. Quevedo, Secretary'. Jobn Y.Ocvlee, Chief Euginecrand Superintendent.

STATEMENT OF ACCOUNTS, The followiua statemont of accouut3 prepared, by Mr, I I I Delaware x. iiuason. So A. T. Toleraih SWa".

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