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The Brooklyn Daily Eagle from Brooklyn, New York • Page 4

Brooklyn, New York
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4 O'CLOCK EDITION Mow a Bartender Plundered WASHINGTON. The" EI II I to ray Arrearages of Pensions. Washdcotoh, January 21. The President will either veto the bill providing for the payment of arrearages of pensions or send a message to Congress recommending an increase of taxes to raise revenues sufficient to meet tho immense draft upon the Treasury which the execution of the Pension bill will cause. It is believed that between thirty and fifty millions will be required to pay tho arrearages of The Coal Belief Project not yet Finally Disposed of.

Legal Lion in the JPath. TUESDAY EVEXLVG, JANUARY 21, 1879. his Employer. GREENBACKERS' TROUBLES. Settlement of tho nineteenth Ward Content.

Dissension has existed among the representatives of tho National Greenback Labor party in tho Nineteenth Ward. Two delegations claimed representation in the Council which meets weekly at Unique Hall and for some time tho feud between tho two factions in tho ward was very bitter. Tho matter was brought beforo tho Counoll, of which Mr. P. K.

McCanu is Chairman, and the claims of the opposing parties wore disoussod at length. A settlement has been reached, however, and by Its provisions delegates from both factions are to have a voice in tho Counoll. Tlie Senatorial Election To day. Another Effort to be Made by tho Advocates TELEGKAMS. The Game by Which he was Made to Dis TtensionB.

The Case of the Indicted Commissioners of City Works in the City Court Mr. John. his smartness in having been able to "knock down" so much money. He mentioned the names of bartenders of his acquaintance who "knocked down" quite much. Some of tho clerks whose names Tienken thoughtless! montionod are boing watchod.

Tienkon's toolings, according to his own admission, amounted to over $13,000 in seven years. He has opened a store on the West Bido of New York City, within the pa91 wcclt WEED APTEB HIS MONEY. Although Mr. Weed fulled to fulfill hi contract, ho demanded his share of the monoy rocovorod. Finding he could dispense with the servicei of his lawyer, ho addressed a note to Mr.

Fishor, demanding his share of tho restored plunder, and warning him by inference against giving his counsel any portion of it. Tho letter fs as oUowa New Dccoinbor 21, 1S78. Mr. Charlta VUhrr: DEAlt Sin When you are fnmWied with tue man, Charlw Tionkcn. in tho matter of recovering your money I will call upon you personally and settle for my portion of the money received person has authority to receive the money for mo.

Youxs truly, Einvrs A. Weeb. Mr. Fluhor offered Mr. Weed $300, although ho fal'od to furnish the proofs he contracted to produce.

Weed doclined the offer, and threatens to resort t'o legal means for the recrrvery of 37j per ceiit. of tho money obtained from tho bartender. His lawyer, too, ha3 something to Bay in the matter. It is said that Weed was only tho agent of a third party in the negotiation, and that an ox narteuder who follows up clorks, stor leaving the stores where they nre employed, to banks where thoy deposit their savings or stealings, aa the omo might bo, was tho man behind the scene. gorge A Very Much Interested Third Party who Makes the Discovery and Desires to Share In the Recovered Spoils.

A Story Which will Interest the Propri etors of Liquor Stores. Mr. Charles J. Fisher, a wealthy resident of All the Bepiiblicans Vote for Contains and all the Democrats for Dorsheimer Bills Eclating to Brooklyn and Vicinity The Ocean Parkway Scheme up Again. Special to the Eagle.

ALDANT, N. January 21. Tho to authorize tho consolidation of the Jamaica, A FIJfE DRIVER. of th.e Day. Surprised ivuilo plundering a welling He Escapes, but is Captured by Sergeant Brennan after Bunniug Eight Blocks.

At 8:20 o'clock last evening Mrs. James Elliott ascended to tho second floor of hor residence at 281 South Fifth streot. As sho oponod tho door to enter tho rear room she saw a man in tho act of searching the bureau drawers. She screamed. Tho thief, completely taken by surprise, gavo a sudden start, ondtakingin tho situation at a glance, ho dartod past her, and down tho stairs to tho front door and to the street.

Mrs. Elliott and other ladios of the household followed him to tho door, and a cry of Stop thief! waR raised. Sergoant Brennan, who happoned to be in tho vicinity of tho dwelling, saw tho thief and gavo chase. The feUow turned corners sharply and dodged in every way, but after running eight blocks ho was overtaken and was MADE A PRISONER. At ilie Fifth Precinct Station House he gave his namo as William A.

Thompson, of Now York, but ho refused to namo tho street in which ho lived. A gold breastpin and a pair of gold earrings belonging to Mrs. Elliott wero found on hun. When arraigned beforo Justice Elliott this morning Thompson admitted stealing the jewelry found on him, but ho denied tlie charge of burglary, inasmuch as he broke neither door or window to effect an entrance to tho premises. MUNICIPAL.

He Tabes Oat a Sleijrhingr Party Attempts to Shoot One of Them. At t(m o'clock, last night, William Hudson, son Presents a Fresh. Technical Objection He Questions the Power of the Court of Oyer and Terminer to Send the Case Back to the Sesslous The Case Set Down for Trial for the Third Monday in February. The case, of the indicted Commissioners of City Works came up again to day, this time in tho City Court. The Eagle yesterday announced the transfer of the indictment for conspiracy, upon which Messrs.

Flaherty. Bennett. Milne and Dady are indicted, from of the Scheme The IU apiontinentj. Repairs to Armories and County Offices. Ou Thursday last the Board of Supervisore a very decisive vote declined to fO in a resolution providing for tho distribution of coal to the poor during the remainder of tho Winter.

Tbt fight for it liai occurred at Flatbush on tha preceding day, when Hui'crvisor succeeded ostensibly in calling for onus) re que. from the Coinmissonors for the adoption of tho resolution, but really in bringing abonl such a delay as would probably fatal to tho scheme. Tho Commissioner I'l already hold their weekly meeting, aud Hoven days must elapse before Btich a request could lx) considered by them. The adjournment of th Board of Supervisors for two weeks involving another weok'n delay, would bring an opportunity for doctsivo action bo nearly to the oud of January, that it might well bo argued tint the worst part of tho Winter wis already gono. a young man, residing at 397 Bridga street, and em Woodhavensnd Brooklyn Railroad Company with the 1 I ITUvrnnfriflr.

of "Fulton Btreet. Bedford avenue, Eastern District, is the ownor of two largo liquor stores on South Btreet, corner of Boosoveit, and on South street, corner of James slip, New York, and of the buildings in which tlie business is conducted. Two weeks beforo last Christmas a Brooklyn man, Jamaica and Brooklyn Plank Road Company "J2rrMtoA VJIOL UiUUV i gentlemen in a sleigh to Coney Island. When they arrived at tholr destination Hudson was ordered to put with whom Mr. Flster is acquainted, introduced to him up tho horse and eloign for awhiio, as they tntonaea to a stranger, Edwin A.

Weed, whom the man represented as his brother. After some general conversation Mr. the Court of Oyer and Terminer, by Judge Pratt, back the Committee of tho Whole. Senators Eccleslno, Hogan and Hopkins opposed tho bill upon the ground that it was the purpose to establish a steam road, and was to bo a part of the Kockaway Kail road scheme. This Senator Oakley denied, and offered to permit the insertion of a clause to prohibit the use of steam on tho road.

The result was that the bill was pro stay for an hour or so. While thoy wero enjoying themselves it turned out that Hudson drank very heavily, so much so that at two o'clock, when tho party wanted to return, ho was very much intoxicated. Ho managed to drive homeward, some how or another, although some of the gentlemon in tho party commented to the Court of Sessions, where tho indictment was originally found. This was done because tho oourt calendar of the Circuit Court, where Judge Pratt is sitting, is bo crowded with causes ready for trial that ho has not the time to attend to oriminal business which would involve a long trial, as the case in question un gressod. Mr JohnH Bergen reached Albany yesterdar, pretty freely on his condition.

Hudson became angry a momoer lost ai mis. ana ai uuuui. miw doubtedly will. For this reason Judge Pratt Bent tne i.u Oman Parkway bill, for which ho, as FROZEN. case back to the Court of Sesssons.

reached the corner of Car, ton avenue ana ar puree, Hudson drew a pistol and tried to shoot Mr. Oscar 0. Rchurio. of 231 Clermont avenno. Mr.

Schurig Assistant District Attorney Wernberg then moved in the last named court, before Judge Henry A. Moore, to year, made such a notable fight. Mr. Stegman introduced tho bill this morning, but said, upon Introducing it that he did not commit himseU to the measure. Mr.

TAiwdffc refused to handle the bill, saying that ho wrenched the pistol from him, while the screams of tho A Bi? Fire at Elizabeth, New Jersey Tlie Opera House and Other Public Buildings Destroyed. Elizabeth Dki ot, N. Jav.uary 21. The Arcade is now on Ave, having ignited at 10:30 o'c'ock. The structure is owned by ex Congressman Clark, Jr.

The First National Bank, Post OMco, Western Union Telegraph office, Conservatory of MubIc, Masonic Hall, Opera House and four stores and fifteen offices are. all located in tha one building. The cause of tho fire is yet unknown. Tho firemen are at. work, but cannot approach building, owing to the dense smoke.

The loss will be very heavy. Tha building alone is worth $150,000. Tho best block of buildings iu the city is in danger. 11:30 A. M.

Tho fire in the is burning furiously. The Opera House is completely burned. The National and Savings banks are safe, as are all tho offices below the second floor. The firemen worked with great spirit oud at this writing have the fire under control. Tho Masonic Hall, Conservatory of Mimic, National Guard Headquarters and all tho upper offices iu the building are destroyed.

The Arcade is iu two sections, one on the corner of Broad and West Grand streets, the other part, surround ing this, runs back from Broad street bo" 150 feet and out to Grand street, with entrances from both streets. It cost $250,000. It is reported it is only partially inured All the deposits, including money, have been removed from iho "banks and all letters and papers from tho Post Office. At 1:15 P. II.

the Arcade building is still burning, hut tho fire 1r now under control. The Obora House entirely destroyed. The Masonic The War of theCorruptionists on the Mayor. Secretary Sherman says that the amount cannot be drawn from the Treasury without endangering the success of resumption. The Potter Resolutions.

Washington, January 21. Immodfatoiy after the reading of the Jonrnal (which occupied an hour), Potter, of New York, called up for action the resolution presented by him yesterday, directing the Committee on.the Investigation of Election Frauds, to inquire into the cipher dispatehes, and appropriating $10,000 to defray the expenses of such inquiry. Mr. Butter, of Massachusetts, opposed the resolution on the ground that Congress had no jurisdiction over the private correspondence of anybody, and he was a private man who held no public position. Beside Congress should not take part in the Blander of any publio man to satisfy the curiosity of anybody in the House or out of it.

Mr. Butler continued his opposition to the resolution. The result of appropriating he money for the investigation would be to Btir np something which had better not be seen or felt or smelt. It would be far better to give the ten thousand dollars to a poor workingman's family. He had spoken against the resolution in order that it might bo.said hereafter that at least one man, acting as Judge and as a Member of unbiased by party prejudice paughter, had been averse to Btir ring up the private affairs of a private person.

Mr. Hale, of Maine, followed in support of the resolution. Now that the machine had been started and set in motion, let it roll on andmake Investigation into both Bides of the question. SNEAK BOBBEBY. A sneak thief yesterday afternoon entered tha residence of Magnus Iloseubaum, No.

302 AdeJphi Btreet, by forcing open the rear parlor window, and stole a few articles of clothing of slight value. THE BBOOKLYN QUABTET CLUB. Last evening the Brooklyn Quartet Club gave an entertainment in Froelich's HalL on tho corner of Carroll and Court streets. The audience was large and appreciative, and the programme was excellent. Tho club sang in chorus and solos rendered in an exquisite manner combined to make up a pleasant hour's enjoyment.

A dramatic entertainment followed, all the characters being represented with remarkable taste and skill. A pleasant season of dancing concluded the evening's enjoyment. The musical director was Mr. Kiehm. ladieB attracted the attention of Officer Clark, who ran A Flatbush Woman, on her Way to could not put his namo on a bill he was not ready to to tho sleigh and found tho Btato of affairs to oe as described.

They informed the officer how Hudson had transfer the case to tho City Court for trial, ine mo tlon was granted, and tha cause thus came into the City Court, where it camo up this morning. The cauBO was moved from the Court of Sessions for the reason that Judge Moore is engaged in tho trial of jail cases, a Wake, Dies of Exposure, Btand by. The bill is essentially the same as that of started to the Tenth Precinct Btation House last year, providing that tho assessment for tho im mJdM a compUunt agabast him. Officer Clark fol nrovement shall be laid upon tho whole county, to be owei bim to tho stable, and as soon as the sleigh and horso ware taken care oi arrested him. JuBtice Bloom horse wore taken care of arrested him.

Some Interesting: Facts nhicli were paid in twenty annual paymauw. has held him for trial. The Senate and Assembly had their Senatorial elec Weed oxpreascd a desire to have a private chat on business with Mr. Fisher. Whon tho two men had seated themselves in a room in the rear of tho Boosevelt street store, Mr.

Weed cast mysterious glances around the apartment, looked Mr. Fisher straight in the face and astonished him with the information that he (Fisher) was the owner of a considerable sum of money ho knew nothing about. Mr. Fisher was, naturally enough, Bur prised and requested his informant to explain himself. Weed said that he had no explanation to give until Mr.

Fisher mado him a proposition. Mr. Fishor inquired what the monoy consisted of, whether real estate, personal property or cash. Weed answered that it consisted of one of tho three, but he refused to tell which. Iu answer to further questions he said that the sum reached several thousands of dollars, but he refused to name tho precise amount.

Mr. Fisher explained that it would bo impolitic In him to mako a proposition whon ho knew nothing of the money or tho amount. Ho was prepared to listen to any terms which Week might offer. Weed promptly proposed to give him $500 If ho signed over all IiIb right aud title in tho money. Mr.

Fisher said that whatever the claim of tho amount of monoy might be, he would sooner lose it altogether than sell it for $500. Weed left shortly after without imparting any further information. Two days later Weed called agan and asked Mr. Fisher if he was prepared to entertain the proposition. The answer was a curt "No." He then requested Mr.

Fishor to make an offer, but ho refused, unless ho was made acquainted with the nature of the claim. Weed replied that it consisted of cash. He withdrew his former proposition and offered to restore the money if he was given two thirds of the amount. No conclusion was arrived at, and whon Weed called again, he asked Mr. Flshfir to name some lawyer with whom he could negotiate.

Counselor Phil. Hathaway, of the firm of Bogart Hathaway, Grand and; Essex streets, was named. Weed secured the services of a Broadway lawyer and NEGOTIATIONS WEEK OPENED. ANOTHEB FATAL BUKNING CASUALTY. Brought to Light at the Coroner's Inquest.

Last evening Coroner Henry C. Simrus, M. brought iu by the current Grand Jury. In tne majority of instances the accused are confined in the County Jail, and justice as well as humanity demands that they Bhould be accorded a trial without delay. Judge Moore also has the civil business of the County Court to attend to, and ha? no colleague.

His oourt 1b, therefore, crowded with civil and criminal business. The City Court has ouly its civil calendar, and has three judges. And as District Attorney Catlin was anxious to secure the speedy trial of the Commissioners' case he moved it into the last named court, where it could be heard and The Baileau Defalcation Recalled, so that his Honor, who was One of the Bondsmen, may be Annoyed, in Retaliation for his Attacks upon the Modern Plunderers of the Treasury. The action of the Board of Aldermen yesterday, ordering tho Corporation Counsel to bring suit against tho bondsmen of ox Col)octor Isaac Badeau, is Mrs. Schlerinfirer, at about oleven o'clock hold an inquest at tho County Hospital, at Flatbush, upon a woman named Mary Bromley, who died from exposure on Sunday night last.

Mary bad no known residence, but was in the habit of traveling about from this forenoon, left her i year old daughter in the front room of her residence, No. 642 Third avenue, while she went to a neighboring store to purchase some groceries. During the absonco of hor mother, tho light clothing of tho little girl came in contact with the stove and took fire, and on her mothor's return she was enveloped in flames, which were not extinguished before she was bo severely burned that her life is despaired of. Dr. Potter was called in to attend tho child, but ho entertains no Tho friends of the mea mro, however, were not slow to ceo the force of this, and an independent resolution calling for the transfer of tho hospital heating and ventilating fund to an account for coal distributing purposes, was offered.

Its weakness Uy In the fact that all action of thi.i cliarscter by the Supervisors must bo preceded by a requisition from the CommiMioncni. Tho failure to receive this requisition Influenced tho vote of more than one Supervisor who favored the resolution, aud it was beaten. Notwithstanding this, however, the mutter is to be brought up, tht Urns strengthened by the necessary requisition. At tho next meeti ig of Uie Supervisors a resolution similar to the ono defeated last week will bo offered, and its advocates will bo armed with statistics purporting to thow that the private charitable organizations are utterly unablo to meet tho demands made upon them. THE REAPPOINTMENTS.

It is scarcely probable that any action ill bo taken by tho Board noxt week in the matter of tho reippolnl niont of its officials last December. One of the Democratic members is absent from the city, and nothing defluito will bo done before his return. There Is a manifest disposition, however, notwithstanding the legxi submitted by Messrs. Britten and Catlin, to ignore altogether the reappointments already made. TWENTY THIRD EEOIMENT ABMOBY.

The repairs and alterations to tho Twonty third Regiment Armory have leon somewhat delayed by the inclement weather, tho transmission of heavy iron trusses which aro to be used being rendered impracticable. The alterations will cost the county about $7,000, and will probably lw completed three weeks banco. THE OATLINO BATTEBV. Superintendent of Construction and Repairs Naugh ton is preparing specifications for altering and repairing the armory of this battery. He estimates that tha work will cost between three and four hundred dollars.

THE COUBT HOUSE. Specifications are also being prepared for tho lamps which are to bo placed in front of tho Court House. They will lio similar to those which already set off tho front of tho new Municipal Building, and will be fur nbhed at an expense of about $300. THE SHEBIFP'S OFFICE. Tho interior of the Shoriff'B office is to lie remodeled and lte fittings generally to be rearranged.

Superintendent Naughtou is preparing plans for tho erection and removal of partitions and for opening a door through tho main office into the corridor. This will render it more accessible to those who havo bustoees to transact with tho Sheriff, and Increase the conveniences house to houso in the Town of Flatbush and stasiug a day or two in each place. She waa well known, and there wore plonty of people who were always willing to give hor lodging and food, Bho in return doing somo I odd jobs about tho houso. 9he was on Irishwoman, a I widow, about 50 years old, and vory much addicted to liquor. She was frequently seen in the streets in a con hope of hor recovery.

tions. The Republicans, without exception, voted for Itoscoe Conkling, and tho Democrats for William Dorsheimer and two Greonbackors for Peter Cooper. Tho Governor's Message was considered in Committee of the Whole to day, and Senator Pomeroy made a fierce attack upon tho Governor, and especially upon his Excellency's recommendation to suspend for tho present work upon the Capitol. He made a demagogical effort to array the laboring classes against the Governor. BESOICTTONS.

By Mr. Fish That tho Knickerbocker Life Insurance Company report within ten days in detail tho loans adopted. Mr. Flynn introduced a resolution that the Bank Superintendent report tho exact condition of the Manhattan Savings Institution, Now York, and tho nature of the legal proceedings instituted therewith. Mr.

Sloan asked if the company is in the hands of a receiver. Mr. Flynn It is not. Mr. Sloan asked if any legal stepa had been taken BltnGLARfES.

considered hy many as a uiovo against omyui a. retaliation for tho indictment of Flaherty and Bennett, the Mayor being ono of tho bondsmon. President Hay offered tho resolution, which was agreed to in caucus, but tho idea novor originated with him. There is a more cunning and experienced hand in this business and iu tho other retaliatory measures that have recently been introduced in tho Board, than lUy's. Ho is but the mere instrument that is being used to carry out the designs of a few craftier men, whoso aim it is to bo unknown iu these movements.

Flaherty is included in the little gang, but tho chief is believed to be the late Mayor Schroedor. The satellites of Flaherty openly say that tho proceedings against the Commissioners aro accepted as a ar upon dition of intoxication that mado locomotion difficult Two burglaries were reported last night at and at times impossible. The following facts concern the Thirteenth Precinct Station, involving a total loss of nronertv to tho value of $140. Tho residence of Mr. John H.

Schuman, at No. 179 Penn street, had been entered by forcing a rear basement window. Mr. Schu man 103t clothing he valued at $136. Two pairs oi sKates and a thermometer, together worth $5, were stolen from the office of the Union Skating Pond during Sunday night.

F1UE IN I'AllK AVENUE. THE CASE OF HENRY GIBBON'S. Henry Gibbons, who was locked up in the Tenth Precinct Station House on Friday night.ou tho supposition that he was insane, and who was removed to the City Hospital on Saturday morning, as it was then believed that instead of being insane he was suffering from a fracture of tho skull, died in the hospital on Sunday afternoon, mortem examination shows that ho was neither insane nor yet had a fractured skull. Death was cauBcd by congestion of the brain and oedema of the lungs, the result of insufficient nourishment and exposure. Gibbons had no home, and used to do odd jobs around for the living that he got.

disposed of at an early day. THE ABOUMENT. The case came up this morning in Part of tho City Court, before Chief Judge Joseph NeilBon. After the call of the day calendar, District Attorney Catlin addressed the Court Gen. Catlin We understand that your Honor wiU be willing to try the case of the CommiCBionors of City Works.

I desire to move tho case for trial, and the matter is before your Honor for argument as to fixing a day for the trial to begin. Mr. Jesse Johnson, who appeared for Commissioners Bennett and Flaherty, asked to be sworn upon an affidavit which he presented to the Court. Ho was sworn and then said: If your Honor please, the case is here on a motion to set the case down for trial no plea has yet been made in thiB Court to the indictment. The plea was made before the Oyer and Terminer whore the case once was.

Gen. CatJin It that is th8 trouble we will have the Commissioners brought before the Court to plead. Mr. Johnson That is just the point where we ob Gen. Catlin They plead to the Indictment and not to the Court.

Mr. Johnson then started to read the affidavit which he presented, but Genoral Catlin said he would admit the facts it contained. They were simply a recital of the steps that had thus far been taken in tho case that tho indictment had been found in the Court of Sessions, thence transferred to the Court of Oyer and Terminer, from there sent back to the Sessions, and thence to tho City Court. Mr. Johnson I submit that the case being in the Oyer and Terminer there is no authority for sending it back to the Sessions.

There may be such a statute, but I have been unable to find it, or any precedent for tho action in sendiug the cause back to the Sessions, when it had been moved from the Sessions to the Oyer and Terminer, and tho accused had pleaded to the indictment in that Court and isBUe joined. It certaimy cannot be done by any statute that I have been able to find. THE POINT is that the case having been moved from the Sessions to the Oyer and Terminer, there is no authority to send it back to the Sessions. I find that tho Legislature passed a general statute giving this power to the Supreme Court in New York to send a case out of the Oyer and Terminer after it has been transferred to that court, but I cannot A firo in the dwelling No. 575 Park avenno concerning the bank, by the Superintendent.

Mr. Flynn said the object of the resolution was to mjj mornln ttbout o'clock, was occasioned by a de Hall escaped with a loss of about co. by insurance, nil tho stores aTO drenched with water, Amos Clark, loss will amount to about $100,000, on which he has $60,000 insurance iu Londou, New York Newark and Elizabeth companies. Tho National Bank part of the building, with all tho offices and contents, were saved with but little damage. The Western Union Telegraph office is flooded, and a.l the wires arc down in the arcade.

Mr. Clark says tha fire originated from a defective flue at the back of the National Bank. Company of the State militia, had a quantity of ammunition stares in their headquarters, but removed it with their uniforms beforo the firo reached them. Mr. Clark's books and papers are destroyed and ho cannot tell where his insurance policies are.

No damage is dono to tho adjacent biddings. The fire is considered the greatest loss that has ever befallen this city. Britislt Labor Troubles. Lonpon, January 21. The master tanners of Bermondsey, a suburb of London, have given notice of a five per cent, reduction of the wages of their employes.

Tho men declare that they will resist. Ueraiaiiy. London, January 21. A Berlin dispatch to tho Pall Mall GaiMe Bays it is stated that Prince Bismarck has decided to withdraw tho Parliamentary discip.ino bill, leaving the matter to the Reichstag. The Gothenburg Company's Failure.

London, January 21. Tim nnilu Tdcnravh. in its financial article, says ing her and her death are taken from the evidence given beforo Coroner Simms, with the simple exception that they are presented here in narrative form and not given iu the less interesting Bhapo of testimony. On Sunday afternoon, at five o'clock or so, Mr. Daniel Kernan, who lives in Flatbush, saw Mary in East New York avenue.

Tho suow was very deep there, and Mary was somewhat under the influence of liquor. Sho carried iu hor hand a tin pail containing lieer, and Ker 1 nan, as he passed her, asked her where she was going. "Oh," sho replied, "never mind me, I'm going to tho woke to night to have a good time THEBE WAS A WAKE rN PROGRESS at a house in William street, Flatbush, aud where man I named Lennox lay dead. This was the wake Mary referred to. About half past ten o'clock that night the samo Kernan, who met Mary in tho afternoon, together with a friend named Deviue, wero ou their way to sit up all night at Lennox's bouso.

Whon going through Albany avenue, between Collins aud Webster streets, they saw tho form of a woman lying in the snow, which was very deep at that point. Going to the spot they discovered that the woman was Mary Bromley, who was no doubt ou her way to the wake whou sho became exhausted and fell, for tlie house where Lennox's body ay learn whether the TJnited States Government had any fccttvefluo. Mrs. Jane Barnes, owner mm pi, .1, afirtr, it iui estimates ner was vu wo uuhlb She is not insured. Schroedor, since thoy aro his political creatures, that Schroeder will employ the means at his command to defend himself and his tools in office.

It is no secret that Mr. Howell wenton Badeau's bond, and it is no secret that he is one of tho few who evinced a willingness, when called upon, to give anything to protect tho city against the ex Collaotor's robbories. In April, 18fiS, during Badeau's second term, he (Badeau) filed a bond on which appeared as bondsmon tho nameB. of James D. Fish, John J.

Studweli, John K. Pruyu, A. M. Wood and A. S.

Wheeler. In December of the samo year ho filed a supplemental bond, the sureties being James D. Fish, John K. Pruyu, John J. Studwel), A.

S. Wheeler, Thos. Cassidy and Jas. Howell, Jr. When Badeau's defalcations camo to light, an examination was made and it was ascertained that his indebtedness to the city amounted in tho aggregate to about $08,000.

In tho settlement before the Law Committee of the Common Council, he agreed to turn over aU his property, with tho exception of a uouso iu which Min. Badeau had an equity of $4,000. IMPERILLED. AT THE BAR During the several meetings held between the lawyers and the principals, Weed refused to accept less than 45 per cent, of the money recovered. By skillful questioning, Counselor Hathaway elicited enough information to lead him to suspect that it was some person in Mr.

Fisher's employ who had Btolon the monoy from him. This waa on tho Friday preceding Christinas. Hathaway aud Fisher winked and nodded and came the mysterious dodge on Weed to impress him that they knew the secret. Weed stoutly maintained that they were on tho wrong track, but he nevertheless camo down to 40 per cent. Mr.

Fisher offered him 37 per cent, at the start. Tho following morning (Saturday), Fisher and Hathaway met Weed and his lawyer in tho lattcr's office, by appointment; Weed consented to accept the 37; per and an agreement was drawn up and duly signed. BOBBED OF NINE THOUSAND DOILAK8. Wood then said that one of Mr. Fisher's bartenders had robbed him of $9,000 that thoy could lay their hands on, aud probably $3,000 more could bo recovered.

When asked for the proof that tho money had been stolen, ho said that a dotective of the regular force would furniBh it tho noxt morning. He further stated that a woman who hold tho bar tender's bank books, which showed $5,000 to Ilia credit, would surrender them to tho detective. Thoy could soizo $4,000 elsewhere certain, and perhaps $9,000. He gavo the namo of the bar tender as Charles Tienken. Mr, Fisher was dumbfounded.

Tienken had been in his employ for seven years, and ho was a man who uovor drank or absented himself from work for a single day. He frequently criticised the other bar tenders and won rig in wa. Tho resolution gave rise to debate and it went over. Mr. Brooks called up his resolution offered last week, direotiug the Committee on Cities to report a proper remedy to remove tho abuse of tho extravagant salaries of the officers of the inferior courts in New York.

Mr. Stratum said he desired to amend the phraseology of the resolution. It Bays "abuses existing in those courts," and he did not think it proper to make that charge without evidence to that effect. He then proceeded to say that as the people had changed their offl generally. THE WOBK AT THE NEW JAIL.

A largo force of mou are employed on tho site of tho wing of the now Jail, whore excavating operations havo beeu iu progress since the award of the contract. A South Brooklyn Carpet Man ufactory in Flames. Yesterday's Phase of the Rev. Mr. Kendrick's Case.

A STOLEN HOUSE BEl'OVEttED. "'There was collected from what ho did turn over, tho sum of about leaving a deficiency of nnttinff out Tammany representatives and putting anti Tammany ones, tho proposition is now made to A Sudden Panic Among the Employes. reduce tho salaries, but ho desired to widen the scope ffot Ready to Proceed in the Absence of Terrified Women Jumping from the Win of the resolution, and whou this was done he would vote dows to Save Their Lives All bnt Two for it. was distant but a stone's throw. Kernan said, "Mary, what are you doing hero The mou could we that her lips moved, but sho was too much exhausted to mako herself audible.

They found that hor feet were bare, she having on neither shoes nor stockings. 3fr. Kernan asked Doviue to go for help, while he (Kernan) raised the frozen creature to a Bitting position, chafed her hands aud arms, and ondeavored by tho only means he had in bis power to arouse her. Devino, who started off for help, saw no one, and thought that tho best thing that could bo dono was to take tho woman to the house where tho wake was. Accordingly, he with Roman's assistance, lifted Mary upon his back, and carriod hor to tho Lennox house.

Somewhat of a flutter was created among the sympathising mourners when they found out that Kernan and Devine wanted them to do something for poor Mary of Them Escape Without Any Injury A 000 and $30,000. In the proceedings bofore the Law Committee, tho question was raised as to whether or not, tho settlement with Badeau would relieve tho bondsmen. The committee took the of setting with Badeau and no demand has since been mado on tho bondsmen. Messrs. Studweli and HowoU at that time expressed themselves willing to como to the front.

In introducing the resolution yesterday, Kay artfully suppressed tho names of the bondsmon in order that tho measure might not appear as of a political character. It was unanimously adopted, and to day tho friends of tho Mr. Brooks said ho wanted the gontioman to understand that he could offer no resolution tending to re loss of Over 7,000. duce public expenditures in Now York, which ho would The large three story brick building at Nos. dered how they could afford to dress so well and find any statute applying tuat case eisewuero.

Judge Neilson The point is, then, that the case being in the Oyer and Terminer it cannot bemoved out. viuat difference does it make where the case is tried? General CatUu Tho to the indictment and the argument and disposal of the demurrer is not the trial of the case, and does not begin the trial. Judge Neilson Tho trial of a case is not begun until the jury is impaneled. Tho demurrer goes simply to tho sufficiency of the indictment, and is not a part of the trial. Mr.

Johnson I cannot find the power to remove the cause the second time. Judge Neilson You objected before the Supreme Court: You raised the question there, and there it was passed upon. k. in nnthoritv for sending a case not vote for no matter whether it affected Tammany 9 and 11 Tiffany place, is occupied by the American spend plenty of money. Henkeu iras as regular as Caroot Lining Company, who generally give employ clock work in his work, and was industrious and attentive to customers.

A few weeks bofore the dis Counsel What a Third Party had to say of the Case Kendrick's "General Grant" A Letter on Law and Character. Throughout Sunday night the Kev. Tunis Titus Kendrick's pillow was the bench which during the daytime he had used for a foot rest, but last night the janitor loaned him a feather one, despite the protest of his wife. He took his confinement kindly aud hiB ease and indifference thereat is mora striking than Is often found in hardened criminals. It seems that when he quit the business of peddling bed springs be migrated as far as Washington, and the peculiar business which ho engaged in there has, fro a limited extent, cropped Hall or Anti Tammany.

Ho wanted mm to unueim that he was no man's man, and that he wore the livery ment to about thirty persons, most of whom are women. Over four months ago, a valuable horse was Btolen from the stable of John Hoppor, in Patereon, New Jersey, aud a lew weeks ago the ownor received information that it had been seen in this city, "Billy" Williams, ono of tho members of tlie detective squad, who is considered one of the best horse thief catcliora In tho country, was assigned to tho case by Superintendent Campbell, andye? terday "Billy" had the satisfaction of recovering tho horse, which was found in the possession of a man named Sherbeck, who, howover, had purched it at an auction sale in New York, in g'xxi faith. Tho horso was surrendered to Mr. Hopper, by th Property Clock. SL'DDEX HEATH.

Annie Connell. aged years, died suddenly at her residence, No. Court Btr.t. Dr. Simms, the Coroner, was notified and will mako an investigation to iy.

Yesterday afternoon, during the absence of Tatrick Totitus' family from their residence, 427 Fulton btreet, a sneak thief entoro.1 by means of ske.eton keys, and stole a gold locket and chain and a breastpin, in all valued at $15. The first floor is used for the storage of cotton, of closuro Mr. Fishor mado up his mind to Btart him in of neither Tammany Hall nor any other hall. SEA.OO.!,. business on account of his faithfulness, and as au In which from twenty five to thirty bales are usually aopi on the premises.

The second and third floors are used contivo to his other clerks to follow Tioukon's example for manufacturinff purposes, and on each there are STILL WALKING. from one Court to another, but when there it muBt stay. in that respect. His surprise can be imagined when ho was informed that his mode! c.erk was a thiof on an extensive scale. He knew that for a few years past several pioce3 of heavy machinery.

The only approach to the upper floors is by a single, narrow stairway, which runs to the top of the building. This factory Bromley, and thoo of the mourning vvlio wore in authority stopped any effort that might havo been In Mary's behalf by saying ONE WAKE'S ENOUGH AT A TIME we don't want any lore people dying hero, so you had bettor take her somewhere oli." "But," pleaded and Deviue, her rest a minute, and woil take her somewhere else." Howard ana Holske Pefrgiiiff Away on indicted Commissioners were grinning and saying what a smart thing Kay did yesterday. In this connoction the proceedings of tho Board of Aldermen upon this subject yesterday afternoon will be found of interest. INCREASE OF SALABY. William E.

Chapman, a Republican politician and Secretary of the Eleventh Ward Association, is omployed as a clerk in tho office of Superintendent of Sowora, M. J. Dady. Ho 'Jias been receiving a salary of $1,000 a year, but this morning, Flaherty and Bennett increased tto $1,200. Bofiuott discovered that a few hundred dollars of tho salary account remained, so ho put a portion of it on Chapman's salary, to increase his zeal in behalf of tho party.

Tho liabilities of the Gothenburg Commercial Company are 200,000. Tho failure was tho result of ad vances to Swedish lumber merchants and paper Wills." Hilliard tlie Historian Dead. Boston, January 21. George Stitlman Hillinrddicd at his residence in Long wood this morning. Ho was born in Machias, Maine, 1803 Ho became a leading lawyer of this city, served in both branches of tho Legislature and was United States District Attomevfor the Massachusetts district from lSiyi to 18.0 Mr.

Hilliard was tho author of several works on history, geography, philosophy and travels, beside being a frequent contributor to several literary publications. New York Adjutant General's Report, Albany, N. January 21. The Adjutant General's report shows continued improvement in tho National Guard and its condition excellent, though a few more organizations may have to bo disbanded. Ho speaks well of the rifle practice, which seems to infuse interest in the Guard, and says it will justify additional expenditures in that direction.

During the past year ono division, one brigado, one regiment, two battalions, one battery and two separate companies of infantry have been disbanded, and one battalion, one separate troop of cavalry and twelve separate companies of infantry have been organized. The entire military force of tho State comprises seven divisions, thirteen brigades, ono regiment and twelve separate companies of cavalry, one battalion and two wtlmiM. of artillery and twenty three regi I admit that this Oourt nas tue power, uuv mo wi Terminer has not. At least, I have not been able to find the statute under which it can be done. I do not say there may not be such a statute, but I have not been able the Track Tho Pedestrians Troubled was, yesterday afternoon, the scene oi by Blistcrs What They had Accom AN ALARMING ITRE which not onlv came near totally destroying the build plished up to Noon To day.

General Catlin I am willing to stand upon the authority that oxists for sending a case from one court to another from tho Oyer and Terminer to the Sessions, aud from the Sessions to the Oyer and Terminer. It is there was a decrease in the daily receipts, but attributed tho decrease rather to the gonoral depression of tho times than to dishonesty on tho part of his employe. After getting this information from Weod and his lawyer Mr. Fisher and his counsel wont to the Boosevelt street Btore. Charley was absent.

It was an un tiBuai circumstance. When Mr. Fisher was informed that Charloy had left a few hours beforo to see a friend off to Gormany on a steamer which sailed that day from Hobokeu, ho immediately ordered a carriage, and, with ing and its contents, but at one time placed the Uvob of several of the employes in imminent peril. Tho pres of the fira was first discovered at about 4:20 P. The walking match in Mozart Garden continued to day without anything very startling occurring tha monotonv of the tramp.

The feet of dono at every Term oi tne nt which time evew hand in the factory was buBy, and the pedestrians them sorely before mid DKY 0011.N, Ac. oogmx rr foil operation. The began to trouble Mr. Johnson said ue wouia mo ouuiiu. j.

upon'the question he had raised. Judgo Neilson That can be dono. Meanwhile, as you are all here, yon may as well Berths upon a day of trial, subject to tho disposal of your motion. JUDGE MORRIS ON THE WARPATH. out In thiB criminal proceeding, lntormany, oi comae.

He has not been back in these parts a very long time. HIS SUNDAY STATEMENT. Tho statonient which Kendrick mado for publication on Sunday is pronounced by Mr. Skidmore, the complainant, and by Archibald Johnson, of the Thirteenth street horso auction mart, to be a chapter nf falsehoods. Mr.

Johnson was represented by Kendrick as having approved his notes and written to Mr. Skidmore to that effect, saying also that it only remained for him to de Ever the mare to Kendrick. Mr. Johnson denied this emphatically to tho Eagle reporter, and was in Court to Bwear to the following state of facta I "KondrickcamotomeandBayrngthat hohttd prepared the notes for Mr. Skidmore, asked for a letter to him, saving that it was all right.

I said, Have you got the "rtoco The flames broke out on the first floor, and spread with Flaherty and Bennett in ait Awkwari In close proximity to the bales i feat are covered with blisters, and a most startling rapidity. Mr. jonnson vTroBuoaiw General' Catlin On the second Monday the General Term of the Supremo Court convene, and General very ugly one has formed on the end of the groat toe on of cotton there was a machine need for spreading the thin hvyerB of cotton over a wide strip of paper and in pressing them down. This was in operation when sud Predicament A iTIove to Indict Them for malicious Trespass Suit for Damages to be Instituted. The Siamese twins of the Board of City his left foot, which gives mm consiuoruuio piu.

his lawyer, was quickly driven to Hobokon. When thoy reached there the steamer had just left. "The bird has flown," exclaimed Mr. Fishor and his lawyer in one breath. After eating dinner and calling upon a few frieuds they wont to the Roosevelt street store.

There was Charloy before thorn emiiing and attentive to cus Those in tho house objected, and said that they might get into trouble if tho woman died on their hands, aud they had trouble enough already. Again Devino went for help, this time to tho Town Hall, where tho polico station is. Ono of the poiioemen accompanied Devino back to where Kernan and tho woman was and a couvoyanco being olitained sho was driven off to the County Hospital and there received by Dr. Schouck, the Superintendent. Shortly after her admittance the poor creature died.

How she came to bo barefooted no ono seems to know. When first seen on Sunday she had shoes on, and an examination at the hospital showed that with the exception of her arms and legs ling unprotected the rest of hor body waB fairly clothed. Sho had been walking through the deep, untrodden Bnuw in all probability until tho became thoroughly exhausted by the freezing of her lower limlw. then she fell and Ing unable to rise sho waa saved from dying in tha suow only by thn merest accidont that of Keraan and Dovino going to tho wake aud passing tho spot where she lay. A )W9f mor(n examination showed that the internal organs were all congested to a very intense degree and that ard is more fortunate, having By juoicious TTKPT HIS FEET FBEE FBOM BLISTERS denly two or tnree ongnx spaiao oio i i a nf thn Invars of xracv, wnoiaongageu 111 una j2 ii three or four cases into which ho has been cahed by ttie Mayor.

It will be Impossible for him, taerofore, to Be in this case on that Mr. Johnson We shall not object to the case going over for a week. nn. ana almost luawuj rtl. mil Works, Commissioners Flaherty and Bennett, aro again cotton was on nre.

inete woio workmen at the spot, and, although they fully ments, Bix battalions and thirty one separate companies thus far. Tho shoes, howover, which he wore at the commencement of his walk barked his tastep, and although he changed them for a pair of light gaiters the w0 nhown no disposition to heal since. and he made no answer out uuuoui un notes with vou 7 SPECIAL BAHGAINS SILKS, DA3rAS.S.S AND VELVETS. BLACK CACHKM1RK FINISHF.D SILKS worth i 81.35. and ae irortb 31.55.

Also, ji few pieces of our specialty, 31 inch SATIN FIN i ISHKD GROS GRAIN SILKS at tl worth 83.60. DAMAS.SK SILKS FOR KVKMNti WEAR. IncheJ wide, at 1 por yard. Also, IN ALL DKSIRABLB STREET SHADES at 81. 81.15, and Sl.iW.

ABOUT ONE HALF OF THF.IK PREVIOUS PRICKS. TRIMMING VELVETS from 75 cent to 4iW por Jld, In all tho rt.v.irablc. ahadw. BLACK CLOAKING VELVET, 2S inches wid, from 2 i per yard upward. LK BOUTTLLIER 43 EAST FOURTKENTH STREET, Ml BROADWAY.

NEW YORK. "VST ARM UNDERWEAR AND HOSIERY General Catiin Mucn onugea; uui wo preioi uo 1 I said aoain. 'Did you Bay you have tho notes with case should begin on the nrst aionoay, of infantry, in all 20,208 men. Tha Adjutant General calls attention the great ro rnrm Hint has been instituted during the year, under Tm. it would seem that either the first or he renUed.

ruuninff his hand into the inside Otherwise he is in good trim for the long journey still beforo him. He was very drowsy during tho early part of the morning, and frequently sought his cabin for nthniKTh he retired at about half past eleven an amendment to tho code mado last Winter, provid i for the annual inspection and muster of the realized the danger, the fire jumped bo quicmy iruiu one inflammable material to another, that their frantic efforts to extinguish it were baffled, and in less than five minutes they were obliged to beat a hasty retreat through the blinding volumes of Bmoke which filled the room The building 1b an old ono, and the light wood work'hasbeen so much saturated with ollthat the flames jumped along from point to point as ii a train of gunpowder was in their track. It was some moments before omnlnvos on the two upper floors knew of the pres on. bv the Inspector General and his assistants, in oti of rfivision and brigade inspectors as heretofore. o'clock last night and remained in his cabin three hours and then took two hours' additional rest an hour afterward, he was from some cause unable to obtain a wink tho third Monday must be decided upon.

poototof his coat, Tfes, I have them, but I prefer to WSe SS Lnsactthis business with Mr Skidmot, importance ttat wo should not be hurried into a trial Mr. Skidmore had left the matter in my hands and I without due preparation. was to have received the notes and taken time to in vesti Mr. E. S.

Fales (whe aPPf 'gate to their value before closing thebargain, so when Lndriok took it out of my hands and refund to let me to us as they were employes in a very large depart Be0 the notes, I said simply 'O, very well, gd ahead, nient We have to hunt them up, and only about one The nmi heard was that he had the VIm the case was so bad as mare. I never approved the notes in any shape, and i. worn mvths. nvBr recommended Skidmore to accept them." tomers. Mr.

Fisher checked an incipient exclamation of surprise, and instead spoke in a familiar way to Charley. After a while Hathaway and himself retired to a rear room, and consulted. Hathaway was in favor of arresting Charley right away, hoping that ho would confess in the handB of the police. Mr. Fishor decided to wait until next day, Sunday, whon Weed promised to furnish the proofs of tho robbery.

Neither Weed nor Hathaway put in an appearance on Sunday. It was Charley's day off, and Mr. Fisher was on tho anxious seat. To requost him to remain iu tho store all day would bo to arouse his suspicions, and it was but too apparent that ho suspected there was something up in reference to himself. Consequently Mr.

Fisher decided on allowing Charloy to take his day off, but under the surveillance of a friend. Bright and early next morning Cuarley was behind This has secured a most thorough performance of tho auty, and the rolls now on file in the Adjutant General's death had resulted from exhaustion proaucea uj cxpuo ure. A verdict to this offect was rendered and Mary Bromley was placed in a coffin of roughly stained wood to day and placed in Potter's of sleep. From this PIT OF WAKEFULNESS office may be rehed upon as correct. Thn nmiatruction of the proposed armories at Water ence of the firo, the noise of tho machinery preventing thorn from hearing tho alarming cries which were ut he was fated to suffer afterward.

He walked very weH town and Kingston have not yet been commenced. The AT UNUSUALLY ATTRACTIVE PRICKS, TO CLOSE OUT BALANCE OF WINTER STOCK. to six o'clook this morning, when ho loit tne tracn for this purpose was sio.uuu in eacn tered by a crowd of excited people aireaay couecwu Judee Neilson Of course the defense are entitled to The reporter was shown Mr. Johnson's letter to Mr. .6 mm la aaf rlrtwrl for thft t.v.

it tv on finishing his 100th mile, and put In a good hour's aa IZ lndeed'two'of the nearest engine com 11. fnn. mllOa flV.1. 1110 i four miles, aver The ujutant General is satisfied that these amounts are not sufficient, and recommends that each be increased hIaatv Ho annealed then and walked hurt vesnonded to the call of 25, and were at the inn time tor pit.p u.t Skidmore, after stipulating not to puuuou thlrd Monday in February no amvroval of the notes whatever, and Mr. Skid 70 in trouble.

In the arbitrary exorcise oi cnoir autuorny they have run afoul of ex Judge Samuel D. Morris, who intends bringing them up with a round turn. He has inaugurated legal proceedings of both a civil and criminal character against them and intends to procure, if i possible, their indiotmeut by tho Grand ury. Judge Morris appears in tho proceedings as counsel for Nicholas Lynch, who keeps a produce store at No. 152 Grand street, in the Eastern District.

Tho store occupied by Mr. Lynch is one of a row of old fashioned buildings, erected about thirty five years ago. The stores have bay show windows which extend twenty three iucheB over tho sidewalk. About a month ago Mr. Lynch received from tho Board of City Works a notification that his window was an obstruction to the street, and that it would have to lie removed.

Surprised that his store should ho singled out as tho only one in tho block to bo disturbed ho went to the City Hall and laid tlie matter before Mayor Howell. Meanwhile tho Board of City Works had notified the Corporation Counsel that the window was an obstruction, and legal proceedings were commenced BEFORE JUSTICE WALSH to compel its removal. Inquiry showed that the window did not obstruct tho thoroughfare, and that there wero many like it in the street which it was not sought to disturb. Tho Mayor recommended that no urtlier action be taken in tho matter, and on his rec mmendatiou the proceedings were discontinued. A little over a week ago tho following notice was placed on the minute hook of the Hoard of City Works doMn LADIES' EXTRA QUALITY MP.RIHO VESTS (roll reiralari.

at .50. WERE SOLD at finnnm I l.ftT'm WO BUUU1U "IU OLA a. fx eon r10 scene of the conflagration before any of the imperiled i hart nffected their escape. As soon as the dan i it Ht. nlAjise.

for that day. the bar. Mr. Fisher was in New York Drignt ana eany, The prosecution of the war claims of the State against aging a mile in a fraction over fifteen minutes. He reversed on the 104th mile, and walked to the left.

He continued to plod steadily along without a breathing to 10:45 A. when he had made 111 miles. As im United States has boon continued during mo too, but not at the store. Ho was in Weed's lawyer's offlco, in company with Mr. Hathaway.

Weed failed to FEDESTRIAMSK. Another Bin W'nllt Against Time. have been made for auother big walking feat, in which tho South Brooklyn boys aro especially interested. At 11 o'clock to night, David 8canlon, who has como off first man in Bcveral amateur pedestrian contests, will make his appearance on a track at Coakley Hall in Pacific near Clinton Btreet, to under take the task of walking 450 miles in fix days, or 144 consecntivo hours. Tho track has beon measured by Cary Tilden, City Surveyors, who have certified that ger was fully realized there occurred A PEBPEOT PANIC fh Pmnloves.

and men and women rushed from and the sum of $82,730.17 has been recovered since tho i TMwtrt Assistant Adjutant Genera! Stouohouse has furnishany of the proofs ho prstenaoo to nave. Beiinec the DETECTIVE NOB THE WOMAN WITH THE BANK perfected the papers for a considerable amount of further claims and tlie samo are progressing favorably in Judgo NoilBon That will bo attended to. The counsel then withdrew and will submit such points as they desire upon the point raised by Mr. Johnson. THE 1TELONY INDICTMENT.

This morning Assistant District Attorney jWer berg moved in tho Court of Sessions before Judge Moore. to transfer the four indictments for felony found against Flaherty, Beunott and Dady to tho City Court. The motion was granted. Milne ie not included in these indictments. the first and second floors to the stairway, which at one i.r.,n.B omnletelv jammed up.

Fortunately, he concluded the last lap and came around opposite his cabin he Bhied himself iu through the open door, and, a moment later, was rolled up in a blanket Bound asleep. He did not appear again until lib. 59m. A. lvintr been off the track lh.



BOOK there were a few level heads among them, and to tholr wis there, nor could Weed oven tell whore Charley had coolnessintheemergenoywasduein a large measure noma of them were not trampled to death. his money deposited. In a word, Weed knew nothing but mile he walked rather stiffly, but after that, getting his inintqwrfl limbered up, he strode along at a free and 7 a Governor Hoyt's Inauguration. Harkisburg. January 21.

trTO Uovt was inaugurated Governor of Pennsyl more asserts that ho took Kendrick's word for it, that Johnson had approved them. Therein, it is claimed, lies the false pretense. Mr. Johnson and Mr. Skidmore both contradict Kendrick on every important point.

KENDBICK F0BTHEK EXPOSED. "Kendrick denies that he is your debtor for $250 Mr. Johnson, aud says that if he were you have ample security in your stable in tho form of an imported bull belonging to him." Mr. Johnson Mr. Kendrick Is owing me a good deal for advertising and horse and cattle keep.

Thobnllin my Btable 1b not worth $50. Whon I pressed him for tho money, he gave me a $500 bond to hypothecate, tho difference to be returned to him. This is tho bond. Mr. Johnson drew trom his pocketbook a green and white bond, the Blze of a dollar bill, of the Real Estate loan and Truet Companyj Washington, D.

C. "That," resumed Mr. Johnson, "he represented to be worth ten above par, but I knew It was worth no more than waiste paper two cents a pound." Knnrlrick. in his statement, to show that he had in i It is 160 feet in length, thus requiring ps io uio from hearsay. The only proof he adduced to show that on a bet of Charley had robbed his employer was the affidavit of a 'e a the jam on the stairway was oroneu, auu the exception of two men and three women aU made easy gait that spoke weU for his endurance.

Holske for t.woutv minutes at 6:30 A. Bwallowed a HARD USES. ntwnt an Ann IrOAlMtf nftmpi f)lltf. WHO BlateU SS" fhm morninc. to succeed Governor Hartronft.

JPKRVINE ENGLISH CASH51ERE nOSE at 91 8UPK havn been made eo that there be no i Tl. I Tiaff OVmA tnTmiBU IUC Vllia djuijw UTlCVAIWiVi" OMAi WMUV" that Charley had repeatedly boasted at hissaloon that he i r.ii ifhlotln havimr REDUCED from S1.S3 and Sl.Efl. LZXoTKr efiveempioyeswhowerenot so Dossiuiuiy oi irsiuu, arrviri The city has been thronged with visiting clubs and miii organizations for eomo days, and tho inaugural had .517.000 hoarded up iu savings banks. One of the in thBRHcond floor, their only means of es GENTS MKIM SU 1 1 1 1 iw a. vu finishing his U5th mile, he stopped for breakfast, windows on BE CHF.AP at 75 cts.

per pair. parade this morning was tho largest over hold in this To day a middlo aged man named George Devereaux, in making a request to Justice Guoktobe sent to tho Penitentiary or some other public institution, told a piteous stoiy of want and suffering. He stated he was a carpenter by trade and willing to work, but he had bean unable to find employment. During the Fall On motion tho Superintendent of tho Bureau oi After Btttutions was the Bowery Bank. Charley had confessed to him that he stole from Jf7 to $15 a day, tho amount being regulated by the day's receipts.

Mr. Fisher was LVinLf an hour's ev. He then came the entire lower part of the bunding, streets was directed to remove tne oostruciion ouurauu unddertaken to have two or more me" the lookout at all hours durini. tho walk. Hugo Wle.

has been elected as Judge. Mr. Coakloy has also mado arrangemouts for a.coitplo of hundred spectators. Scan Ion is a DiiWin boy, tall in stature, raw houod, and full of pluck and muscle. If he succeeds in his arduous task, it is proposed to back him against OT cary.

Poking greatly refreshed, having been the track street, in front of No. 152, caused by the show window projecting into the streot iu violation of the city orm and some of the women immediately climbed out of the lh 6m 3s At noon to day Howard uau miles, Holske having covered 117. The latter finishes his walk at five minuteBpast midnight. nance." he had worked for Mr. C.

L. Johnson for a aouar a aay, and of course hod not saved any money. The; people he had boarded with could not well afford to feed and Pursuant to the resolution, which was adopted by th votes of Commissioners Flaherty and Bennett, Su tention of defrauding Mr. Skidmore, said he offered him a note secured by real estate, and that was true, but Bather than go begging ma oreaa among him. perintendent Dady went to Mr.



A NEW PAIR WILL BE GIVEN FOB ALL THAT RIP OR TEAR IN TRYING ON. LP. BOUTILLIF.R BROTHERS, ii EAST FOURTEENTH STREET. 847 BROADWAY. A sleigh worth about $30, and a quarter of beef, are held at the Thirteenth Precinct Station House, awaiting claims of the owners.

The former was picked np last night in Bedford avonuo, and tho beei was found this morning in Flushing avenue. Tuesday and began to aemousn uie wmuuw. Lynch protested, but his words had no effect upon the Slieriif Bey Appoints Six Jury Notice friends, aa he had been forced to ao, me mou wa8 Qf ggme Mnd wWcI1 flIr. jonnson carries preferred to go to prison. In answer to a question from obout as a curiosity.

Kendrick said also that he had the Justice, George stated he had a Bister living at New j.tand6d mare Maggie Briggs to Johnson's Haven, to whom ho would go if he could get the 6table8 ln New imt lost his way and put her ur workmen, who smashed the Basnes ana panes witu men axes, and tumbled the tubs of butter, boxes of cheese city It was formed into nve grauu comprising five brigades of the National Guards, Peun aylvania, numbering about 5,000 men. The second, the Governor, the Governor elect, Lieutenant Goveruor, heads of departments and members of tho legislature, escorted by tha Washington Troop, of Chester County the third and fourth, tho various political organizations of the State, numbering over 3.000 men, and the fifth, the Firo Department of Harrisbnrg and visiting com ThTlino was formed at 0:30 A. and at 10:30 tho procession moved. Upon Us arrival at the corner of 8tate and Third streets the Second Division, with tho Govornor elect, passed up the street to the "Capitol, tho troops saluting, music playing and the Arsenal Battery firing a Gubernatorial salute. Prayer was offered by the Dev.

Thomas J. Boyle, of Pittsburgh. Tho Clerk of tho Senate then read the certificate of election and the oath of offlco was administered by Justice W. J. Woodward, of tho Supreme Court.

The inaugural address was then read and was oliowed by the benediction and a national Servers. To day Sheriff Biley made tho following ap money. Almost on the instant a sum ujoio wimam8burgh. Skidmore says that he only lei and crates of eggs from the window into mo eirec A laroe crowd gathered, aud so great was the indigna disappointed and disgusted, weed naa promiseu proot but he produced none. He left the ofHce ln company with Hathaway and rode in a carriage to tho Bowery Bank, where he was informed, in answer to questions asked the cashier, that Tienken had closed up his account there the previous Saturday and had withdrawn $1,500.

Immodiate action wob decided upon. The hvwyerndvtsed Charley's arrest forthwith on a charge of larceny, assuring Mr. Fisher that thore wore sufficient grounds for suoh action without leaving himsolf liable in a suit for damages if tho charge miscarried. Mr. Fisher thought he would get very llttloof his money if the case got Into the bauds of the District Attornoy, so he determined on arresting Tienken on a civil suit.

Judge Donohuo issued the necessary papers for tho bartender's arrest half an hour later. A deputy sheriff Mr. Fisher and Hathaway went to the Roosevelt street Btore and Charley was taken ln custody. He at first protested his lnnoconco, but when tho affidavit waa read tohlm he broke down and requested a private conversation with his employer. THEN CONFESSED pointments of jury notice servers.

There are six oi res mlm vnnn (ira tion at the outrage that a police force under com flcient to pay his fare was contnuuvou v.u,.v. have 0J1 tha express corainou win Arthur BaBsett and Frank Obernier and Mr. J. Kane. Bhould kept at Johnson's for three weeks, George expressed his thanks tor the contribution, and tj affrf hJm tlme 0rw8Tll the larger note for collec hastliy left the Court room to buy a meal, preparatory to tt(m mare wa8 not dehvered at JohnBon's at all, windows and allowed themselves to slide down the Bide of the building.

In their descent they were caught by some of the spectators, and escaped without tajuiy. The other two women were sisters, named Mary C. Kosenbrock, aged 35 years, and Sarah Kosenbrook, aged 38 years For a few minutes the both stood at the windows, apparently terror stricken and afraid to follow the examplo of their companions. The policemen warned them not to jump, as "the hook ana ladder company was Just in sight but, in spite of the warning, BOTH JUMPED OUT at the same moment. The younger sister fell on her side, but the elder one was more fortunate and alighted to tho snow, on her feet, only sustaining a severe shock.

Both were carried to a neighboring house and kindly cared for until the arrival of the ambulance, when they were removed, in charge of Dr. Cochran, to their residence at Ko. 58 Butler streot. Both were much overcome with the fright through which they had passed, and Mary received a severe contusion on the right side, flrflmon. under the direction of Chief Nevins, these appointments in me Bnenu umaa.

as follows: mand of Captain Wogloin was summoned to protect NF.W YOK1V uur. leaving town. but on the following Tuesday (the 7tn) iienanca soia nor tlie City Workers. Mr. Lynch's wife was ill at me time and tho excitement had such an effect upon hor as to endanger her life.

Judge Morris says the case is UAKIV. POWDER. Wotuen, From their sedentary habits, are often subject to headache and constipation. Those are quickly removed by CAB ran's Ijttij Liveu Paa. AU drugeiats.

H. C. LEET, agent, Park place, Now York. To Housekeepers Who want a perfectly pure and always reliable bakine powder, and which coat only about tho price of the cheap, inferior brands, Doourr's YEAar POWDEn to a man named Dennis, in wuuamsourgn, anu, ma BESESTED HIS WIFE'S CUBI0SITV. brother Bays, received $300, the balance ($500) to do paiu OYAL BAKING POWDER.

ONE OF THE MOST OUTBAGE0U8 over came under his observation, and that he will Daniel M. Kohy, Eleventh Ward, reappointed. Henry M. Elliott, reappointed. John M.

Moore, Tenth Ward. George E. Glendenning, Seventh Ward. Arthur J. Higgins, Fourteenth Ward.

M. Tierney, Sixth Ward. The last four are new appointments. There are stiU three or four deputies to be appointed. HONEY MARKET.

nnn A do all in his power to punish those who are responsible salute. AA Li errand dlsnlav of fire thn fullest extent of tho law. In adjudicating upon a case of wife oeaung drawn by nTTS SsXroTof Annapolis, payabl'e to Kendrick's morning. Catharine Arnold, ol 31 Slgel I etree on 8 blani form with Kendrick's name printed in charged that her husband, Adolph, had on Friday last 8 nota for J100 W8S town by Kendrick, Boized her by the throat and nearly choked the life out BAKINO POWDER, BAKINO POWDER. RRR 8 ry AA confidently recommended.

AAA OOO A ALLLi works in front of tho Capitol, and tho Governor and Mayor HowoU to day expressed the opinion that the Mrs. Hoyt will hold a reception at the Executive city Works Commissioners had acted hastily and with of her. The wife, In testitymg, denies that he over had a crooked DIED. T.AMRERT In Brooklyn, January 19, 1379, after a brief Mansion. been told that her husband was in company witUan illness, Dona P.

Lamdeut. U. Jl. I.l ntnan nl.H.n out proper uuui inj. Commissioner Flaherty said the window had been complained of as an obstruction and a nuisance and that section of article 6 and chapter III of the City Ordin made it incumbent on the Commissioners to do as reached the Koene, there was nothing for them to do bnt fight the flames, which they did in their accustomed efficient manner.

The lower floor was like a furnance and the fire there raged with great wir, tn the inflammable nature of the contents. Nine Prisoners. Break Jail. Cincinnati, January 8. transaction in cattle with Mr.

Spofford, of Westchest Johnson I record that cattlo transaction as a Speculative ana Investment Shares to having stolen less than $4,000. He admitted withdrawn tho $1,500 from the Bowery Bank. Ha said he purchased a ticket for California aud was to have started tho previous evening, bnt he was too late for the train. Mr. Fishor was aware of that fact, for the man who was with Tienken delayed him on purpose and then told Mr.

Fisher. Counselor Hathaway and the Deputy Sheriff wore called into the room and Honken made a confession. He handed over the ticket for Cali other woman on Friday last at a saioon an.g Thither Bhe had bent her steps to verify the lnforma mM enonoh she fonnd Adolph basking In rTTH.illanlv. at her reiidenco, No. 14" Loe Uino prisoners sawed their way out of the jaiUt ABSOLUTELY PURE.

Thn official examination and report on baking powder bythoHrookiyn Health Board, ahowj tho Rotai BA tmot Powdek to he tree from alum or any other injurious oh It is a pure gripe cream of tartar powder, always mu form and full of strength. It costs a triilo more pet pound, bat ii cheaper la th eaa. oit govs further and aavM baalth. Monday oveaina, Jm SO. Mrs.

JuUA LOUTH, aged of "rascality. I negotiated the trade between Tt a rivM Mrs. Arnold of course spoke VUw.r facts. they had done. The papers in tho suit brought by Morris as counsel for Mr.

Lynch will bo served notice oi iu iui Olarksville, Sunday nigra. Crusliefl to Beatli. Strong An Improvement in Lonoon. Wall stueet, January 213 P. M.

Among the sales between calls and at the second boaad were O. and 1. 1st, 80 Quinoy Bd Toledo 1st extended, 9QK Illinois and Southern The flames soon communicated to the second floor bnt by the admirable management of the firemen, their fur th.r nrnirraBa in an upper direction was stopped and the her mind on the spot, and when she depaited was fol Uowever that Sp0r0rd suffered and he lowed home by her husband. Adolph admitted having Spofford was not careful never oiamou BASrenUPTCY NOTICES fornia, which cost him $135, and $335 to cash. He pro to a few days.

Commissioners Flaherty and Bennett will be sued for damages and evidence charging them with malicious trespass will 0 laid before the Grand his wife, bnt denied the choking. The mag. lh nMnn. The mac nFORSUANCE OE AN ORDER OF oil cta ma nnest arvi i 4" valuable machinery and stock on the third floor were damased by water. The total loss to stock th Count! Court of KitunConnly, at a hleMme It is in rwp xnatenais.

Iowa, ex. coupon, 98 Cenfral 1L, eonsoLassente "ereof held at Brooklyn, on the Slst aay oi Jury. r. 7' SiltUnTs thebnild i nori bv Walters Brothers, who are the CanaC Southern lBt, 18i Denver anarao enough, and I have learned since mat ue uiuu repntetion of my hopse principally. Now these are the facts Kendrick represented that he owned the valuable imported buff, General Grant, and wanted to trade him.

He said the bull's full pedigree could be found to tho Herd Book." Spofford gavo him eight BUtfatw.i KEWDPAPER. tested that the remainder or too some was stolen from him the previous night. Mr. Fisher told him that his story was improbable, aa his companion did not leave him until ho went to bed. Tienken asserted again and again that he had lost tho money.

He said he had knocked down about $5 a Grande 1st, 87a87. V. S.68's, coupon, Missouri SUICIDE. proprietors of the paper factory, corner of Tiffany place An TA.h Arafiillv covered Cincinnati, Ohio, January 21. While William Carothers was driving a team through tho main entry of the Cambridge (Ohio) coal mines yesterday, some ten tons of slate fell upon him crushing bim to doath.

A Fatal Hunaway. Ciscinnati, Ohio, January 21. At Windsor, Canada, yesterday, the team of John ghewolL a farmer, ran away, dragging Shewall under tha front wheels for a distance of two blocks. When AN lstrate found Adolph guilty of assault and, in default ofiaying a line of twenty dollars, the accused was sent to jail for twenty days. AN ALLEGED MSORDEBLY HOUSE.

John Bray, of 244 Wyckctf efaeet, Charles Gorman, of 111 Trolfth street, Juli Parker, whoeays she lives in Jersey, Louisa Hatfield, of 37 Jay street, t. tr.n7.Tnv SOB Adams street, were all ar Kansas and Texas, 1st, 60; uurnngton, wrar and Northern, 1st, 71Ka71; Central New Jersey, ad and Harrison street, tub sunnosed the firo was caused by a niSint their claims, with tho vouchers therccil duly mnw FoTo duly appointed auhruoe of said lSamJ.Pattcraon.fortho benetlt of creditors. hl pteoj fSo tra UMctionof the office of Barrett A Pat iur RP.M trn N. on or beforo tho Bist aayoi jna i i. pfrrKR OGARTY.

Assign eft The Assistant Sexton of the Dutch Reformed Church, at Flatbush, Kills Himself A Fit of Melancholy Which He Ended With a Bosc of Paris justment, 95; Keokuk and Des Moines, lBt, bb; nannt bal and 8t. Joseph, 8s, 106; Michigan Central, consol, iaq day at an average. He professed ms wunngncBs to restore what money he had to the banks. He accordingly aA 8 BB KB nku or fragment of iron being caught In the machinery and that the sparka emitted from this set fire to tho thin layers of cotton. tt t.ojv.v of the Third Precinot was early 7's, 116; Louisiana, consol, 68tf; St.

Paul. l. ana v. signed orders on the Hoboken, Union Dime ana o.a Babbitt A Fatteiusos, Attorney, for assignee a ru street rr AAA off fSBS Ai QQQ rens' banks of New Yora to pay over um ujuuj lted to his credit to Charles J. Fisher.

The total 0 rflnclr last niaht. HIS" IS TO GIVE HOTIVE THAT ON thTwth day of January, A. 1879, a warranl bank division, 99; N. x. jaevatea, ist, ivoirn, tan Elevated, lBt, 97; TJnlon Pacific, 1st, 107.

A special Washington dispatch to Kiernan says that the House biU, authorizing the issue of 8 per cent, cer amount was The money was deposited una rested as cusoraeny persons, They were found In the apartments of Neffle the second floor of 806 Adamsstreet, and which has been head of cattle for General Grant and one of them is tho hull that is to my stable now not worth $50. Spofford was offered a handsome price for General Grant, but the gentleman insisted that his pedigree be delivered with him, and when they went to the "Now Jersey Herd Book" no pedigree could be found. The bull was worthless to Spofford. "I met Spofford this morning," eald Skidmore, "and he said that when I got through with Kendrick Ue wanted him." KENDBICK ABSAIGNED. At half past two Kendrick was brought into Court.

The room was crowded. He carried himself well, betraying no emotion whatever. Skidmore and Johnson thaws. There was no sign of recognition. Ex different Christian names.

He coniesses nun sou thief in each of the orders. A copy of the Jh eWt? ofbis and State of New York have ODD AY AA A A TY AAA ODD AA tificates, has been reported favorably in tne tenaw ona is now on the calendar. nimrn ON THE UNION DIME SAYINGS BANK, been adiadg oantrnpw on mm SSSieSt 01 any debts Jnd delivery ot odj proP.M0"?: hnt. to them or for their. uie, and the reported as a disorderly house, xne pn Officers Lowery and Wilson, and tto parttes taken into custody.

Mrs. Leo was out at the time of the ran BBS to which the money was deposited under the name of Green. John Goeter, a man over fifty years of ago, and who resided at tho corner of Lewis and Grand Btreetfl, in the Town of Flatbush, committed Buicide last night by taking a dose of Paris green. Mr Goeter was employed to assist the sexton of the Dutch Reformed Church, at Flatbush, and used to blow the organ there on Sundays. Ho had a wife and two children, and because of late he has not been able to earn much money duriDg the week, he became very despondent, as ho had been a man of careful habit, but had recnntlv to draw upon what little money he had saved.

of any orniKsrty by them are tormacien oy law; Ui the creditor, of the said bankrupts to tni hooMone or more assignee ot The London cableB report an advance oi in consols compared with yesterday and a gain of 1 16 to 4tf per cento. The CPs aro down Jf, KMO's and B'e, 1 16. JL .1.1 nnnn onrl tha raid, and consequently was no. rescued he was so injured to the chest and abdomen by ticks from hiB horses that ho died soon after. Pennsylvania's Governor.

Habbisbubg, January 21. Tho Governor's inaugural rejoices at specie resumption, and henceforth we are to produce and exchange actna' things and not gamble in fictitious values. With regard to the maintenance of government by ballot, with equal political righte forall, the address says Pennsylvania's attitude on this question is known wherever her name is known, and she will insist upon its enforcement in every State ae certainly as her mountain peaks point toward heaven and her rivers roll to tho at the scene of tho conflagration with his reserves and did all that was possible to assist the firemen and preserve order. FIEE IN SEVENTEENTH 8TBEET. Shortly after two o'clock this morning a firo broke ont to the two Btory frame house to Seventeenth street, between Tenth and Eleventh avenues, owned and occupied by Patrick Fagan.

Tho flames spread with great rapidity and Mr. Fagan and his family were glad to make their escape without waiting to save any of their property The firemen wero somewhat late in reaching the spot, in consequence of the difficulty MvtoR tlie engines through the heavy Bnow. and when ygottowkitwas found to be ImpossiHe to save Gaver" Tienken, is given below New Yobk, December 23, 1878. For and in consideration of the fact that I havo taken will be held to await the actiou "oSte.lTbe hold it a Court of I Kfden at 170 Montague rect. Br toy.

befon, Wirmlow. aeaiBiVK, it ii xj mo rtfmositea. in ma umuu TO BE PROVES. The stock maraei was Btruu jh feature of the trade between calls was a Bteady advance T.nVnwanna and the Pennsylvania leased lines. The 1H7.

At It) (clock. A nL nr Anr rt 1 Svtogs BTnk from Charles J. Ksher, I hereby trensfer andissign ail my right, title and Interest in and to the toharlJ J. Fisher, of tor own Jree wiU hand As Measenger, Eastern District of Sen Yg Nicholas Place, of 98 Myrtle avenue, was Judga BuBteea was on hand lor the prosecution. Ken movement to the first named specialty did not mate ja21 2t 'rho irlM of his beine Btill further depressed in a pecu arrflBted bv officers of the First mfflaci, on wuiyuw.

dric! was not ready to go ou, nntnTtmnVtm to retain notice accord. UAt v. gr VflWll. rially Influence the other coal stooks, whicn were Bimpiy firm until the second call, whon they also advanced. Meantime the bulls paia some attention to the Grangers, of Joseph Anderson, who charged him with writing and ...1,.

rv street Officers Cham arrested uy hlR rnnnset. txm orou niB couuboi. beat to wait awhile. orders on tne several Danao, niary sense worked upon his brain to such an extent hk iif lieeome unbearable. He frequently spoke of the 1, an nntruccessf nl effort was made to induce ebrethe7Boon arrived, but General Tracy was not iiDhVJrT on Mr.

Kendrick's motion, tho case was ad 3i th.4. fact that he might become penniless ana tnat ne ana ms bers, Lowery and Fields nuded the place, and found on thore named James Carpenter, of The cause of Uie nre la him to surrender the $1,030. As he persisted to the Btatement that he had lost the money he waa taken be fnmilv would starve. His vrtfo triea to cneer mm up, journed to four o'clock to day. He was taken hack to huSlL His brother proposed a cronUse.

He said oi juup 2i at day of January, mr, tied action, bearing a Kerrigan, aurtioneor. t.gf0'i?Xln the Citrol flTDuffleld street. There was no dence of any ii without Buccess. fore Judge Donohne and was lock. hat notwithstaiiainR me mure uu to would ne reason policy being cither written or eoia Z'a Wore Judge Walsh Place lshold FEMALE FRENZT.

MVa Mdrrraret J. McOormaok, residing at Yesterday afternoon he went' to the drug Btore at the of filarkson Btreet and Flatbush avenue, and COMMITTED TO LCD LOW STUEET JAIL at tne 37 Pebruarr, I8i, at cioc Brooklyn, on n'54Sbed lJSd.1 pimilses All th nooDTft of land, wUh the bnildu premises: All that Lao uuuuu son znaae a compiami ji i Atanlt nf $15,000 boIL That evening "he, or his ORDER YOUR OABBJEB TO LEAVE TUE EAOLB IN THE WEEK. SUNDAY INCLUDED, PBIOK THREE CENTS. IT WILL CONTAIN THE LATEST LOCAL NKWS. NEW YORK CITY NEWS.

THE LATEST TELEGRAPHIC NEWS FEOM ALL PARTS OF THE WORLft. AND THE LATEST POLITICAL MOVEMENTS. Parties doainng tha StrtrcAX EaaUl loft a their dfnec, can and tbir address to thia and it will which moved up to the best figures yec reacnea ana even higher prioes are promised. At the call Erie Ohio were strong on large transactions. Money loaned at 2f per and stocks closed strong.

The following table dhows the course of the stock market for this day: a M. Closing Opening. Highest. Lowest Cental and UM 1HX 1 for trial. lying and being i lving ana oemg rmn X'lic Weather.

Washingion, January 21. For New England and the Middle States partly cloudy Jatter, Westerly winds, shifting to southerly and south 'stationary or slowly falling barometer, slowly ing Uperature aud in the northern portion areas of BECOBD OF THE THEEMOMBTEB. The following Is the record Of tho thermometer as kept at the BnooKiiTM Dah.x Eaoijs office 8a.m purchased a couple of ounces of Pails green. The i. earved him wanted to know what he wanted it 815 Myrtle avenue, called at tho residence of her sister tavo nSVuowlth it at first, but before toe party wnaretedttieomed reasonable to conclude that Tunis friends, engaged Counselor Price, and as soon aa tho banks opened the following morning they were served i.

Mr. unnincnam. neov uunc, 5 Bi.tX of Now York, and twanaeci ana ao FATAL BBBNISO CASUALTf. Charles C. Snencer, aged 2 years ana 5 for and his reply was that he was troubled with rats at blshouse and wanted to get rid of them.

The poison efoUois af a letter sent toSHtoore by Kendrick. Dated ln Brooklyn, it was posted to Sew with a notice not to pay over tue money air. on Tienken's order. Payment ol tho deposits waa accordingly withheld. The next day, Tuesday, Tienken day last.

Mr. Cunningham opened the door to the visitor, who stepped into the room and said: "Dennis, I came to see if my husband was here." Dennis an "Ha is not and I don't want him to come here ivn to him and he wsb cauuonea to no careiui jBr8ey Bboobmh, N. January 1879, to leave It lying around the house. He Bald that he ii attend to that, paid for the material and left. In months, was left alone lor a few minutes in aroom at Ws parents' residence, No.

81 North Oxford street yes tX afternoon, and picking $VffiJtii ta Df north t.orthw aSSfiSi Putoim avenue, thence ronainr wert pS dlel with avenue on. hnndred ilMl nwranning southerlj and parallel mth ClaMon ipnie utte feet thnce easterly and parallel with Put SIS" enu hnndred feet antl port of the distance tbSulb sporty wall to the weuriy of Claon areuuc along, Clan enue fl S3 24 33 Wi Harlem Erie IT i waa visited in Us call by counselor naw. plained the difficulty the prisoner would havo in getting nnn Tienken was buoyed up 10 3P. the early part of last evening he swallowed the greater any more and I don't want you to como here, for you only go and toll Barney lies about me." After this oon hjii r.nnninaham came to the door and la said 10Y, 6954 WJt co 1V tSK Lake Shore 8m wX you moan by your conduct toward me and my brethersf coming round their quiet bomeand annoytog the neighbors, telling you are going to arrest Morns ana portion of tho Paris green, dui iub w. by Price and refused even to surrender the monej ho Thursday, however, he was (It) totno pi i rffl ct THOMAS SI RI1.EY.

XInlTw.AatCPT. fi7 until a few hours after, when Sheriff. oau giveu mo blll THE POISON BEGAN TO ACT JaM Vrn ml Suy dfoded to ISS, thatyonhaa even after seeing me at Mr. Johnson sto dav I hone to hear nomore about your unkind course Qjfi DOT 84 83M ,83 W4 124)4 1S4X if 85 wiliina to (rtve up the money in uio ho L030 that was missing or Northwestern pref 82 Book Island 1MH St Paul. SS? St.

Paul preferred Average temperature to Vji Average temperature same dy last year. ALLEGED ISnHMAS TREATMENT. Tn the Board of Health this morning Officer Brophy reported that at Martin's Dock, where the Brit. y. is Iving.

there Is a case of inbuanlty. to' have slapped the complainant to the face, knocked her down, lifted her up and bounced her out in the hall Mrs. McOormack says that she did not stop there, but pulled her hat from her head, stamped on it and pulled This leirfnine burst of fury lasted until Mr. upon him, and ho was compelled to complain of the tor 1,.

that he experienced in his stomach. i giien to ttu camor who eces cae Biou auro a TY Kphraitn S. Force, plo.nljfr, agwnJt EhM Atch Hnn. W. Andres, individually, and 1 t.tcn.

itenl.nnn AnJraa, Ohio and nothing con8eDted 10 UP IV al Friday morning a stranger presented himself at TZt. and naid over that sum, taking a re His wife asked him what the matter was but he said he Now Jersey Oentral. Hannibal 4 St. Joseph, Western Union Br Rjjoitl Radford Sd PH. an talan t.

above "tat O'l LOTTEIHES. dia not know, and even at cms nw mu atcian sent for. Shortly after this Goeter commenced to gan to play with them. The Ire to tie clothing of the child, who was severely burned that he died to a few hours. An toonestwas held to day by Dr.

Simms, and a verdict returned to ao cordance with the facts. A Auinist Barling, a carpenter employed on the building iu course of erection, on vision avenue near Fifth street, fell from the second floor to the basement yesterday afternoon and broke his left leg. He was removed to the Eastern District Hospital, where the in jured limb was treated by Dr. James Watt Fleming.

THAT MOTOR ONCE HOBE. Cunningham took his wife to charge. Mrs. Cunningham told Justice Fisher this morning that she took Mrs. ormock bv the shoulder and put her ont of tho With Notice.

To the nami the forecastle of the vessel named is Ho states tlUK Hern, and who is laid OUrstAXA STATE LOTTERY COMP; 962 96 96 96 135? 13 Uti 80 79 79M 43 43X 42 us mi S6 celnt Tienken was next taken from his cell and was driven in a carriage with a Deputy Sheriff, Mr. Fisher r. Hniiwavto the bauk3, and the depoalte Facino man Miohigan Central Delaware 4 Hudson. 1 1li.Hi UfAFlU lEUnilUU'M' one oiuiesauo. lMva hlB berth.

The fbi Taction, and to icrro ropy ol your ittotn within twenty th. rv ice uf KadTto urthehTwT but never will resort to it unless i IvXhl. Fehrnan 11. prUc, total. C'.

Jro. ZZJ. over to Mr. Fisher. He This summona.

cluia uf the day ol house because she dared her to do it. She also confessed to Blapping her in tho face. Mrs. Cunningham was found guilty of assault and battery, but sentence was op so sick that jj. to a hospital, bnt that aJilor states that vessel, refises to let Captain Hogg, command i It is alleged rheifollowIngTa liowB the bid quotations for Gov Nrt i on 4I) dollar.

Apply to A. ac. out of tho State and brought back vour failure lo aut or answer, raagiufuv igafnst you by default, for thrlwl dumandod KJ Ktv urieiza, ii. i.v?. hlin do bo, or even lea mA ernment bonds at the opening ana closing oi ulmi the stolen money was restored to its owner tho Xb Cudrtho ctocumstances I decline further toterSkewith you, and call to my engagement to First Last vomit green matter, and then it was apparent wn had done.

Messengers once dispatched to Drs. Bartlett and ZabriBkle, but when these gentlemen arrived tho poison had so thoroughly eifocted Gooter's system, that neither tho stomach pump nor the usual antidotes were of any avail, and he died about 11 o'clock. Coroner Simms was unofficially notified of the fact by Mr. Wm. H.

Burrill, the undertaker of Flatbush avenue, but as he had an inquest to attend to thiB afternoon, ho will not reach this case until this evening or possibly to morrow morning. eusponded. BESCUSP FBOHDKOVYKISU. call. call.

DLl'EDINF further that tte sanor na. the that he has to e1 u' drink of water. Tho officer difficulty, even if ho 0f tho forcastle. in a further reports that the unhealthy, feani meet you Thursday n. 1Lxmmmti 106X 106? 1(M' 1067.

a Grander, put. A.fy. Hco No. is Naasau ti v. S.

Y. Pu ico addte. Ti KnilK'wa: The foregoinR mmmm ssrrcd upon VithoSt ttm Stnte of New York. pur. aant to an otd, of ilon CaWin E.

PrW. oue of tho Ju.u the 105 WW "MnHBBB BALL VASlSO CKVSTAL" John Petttgrew paidtO.000 for Maggie Brigga in Ken. James Dunn, aged C7 years, accidentally fell iv w.oiiinnton avenue bridge, last even 107K MTI .106 prisoner was taken before Judge Douohue and was, on tho motion of Mr. Hathaway, discharged from arrest. He then departed, STRIPPED OP HIS CHARACTER AND HIS PLCNDEH.

When Counselor Price heard how ho had been oucUred he grew wrathy, but ho could do nothing. Kin hi. rtiBchirce. Tienken visits ln the At six o'clock last evening Henry Knoren of No. 137 Cook street, while driving his horse and tucky.

Skidmore paid 'or nor. eanitery point oi view, whom the report was tary Superintentot Baymond, to as the referred, states to pwyte of tlia Board of J. AS Apopn aw and tiled with the complaint in the oflic. ot the 1 BJrvt ol'V 'Vtiohm TION. U.

8. 6s, 1BSI, registered U. S. 6s, ISil, couwm U. B.

6s, 18SL registered U.S. 6s, 1881. V. S. 4X3 of IM, registered.

U. 8. 4Ms of 1891, 8. 4's, of 1907, registered. U.

S. 4's, of 1B07, coupon. V. 8. 6 20's, 1887, rotisterod.

n. 8. 6 20's .1867, coupon ing, and would have perished had it not been for the co.u. rondered by Special Officer Stacklos oi. jr TLinnetzer.

a fioissors grinder, stole ice wagon down Broadway last evening, had a narrow oscapo from a horrible death, as one of the Broadway A BOY KISSING. Wn, calient is not wiuuu 0w York have, health The Harbor authorities of rcw ioih uv, however, beeu notified of the case. ffi ioa iw 103 103 103 pair of shears from Mary O'Nell, of No. 10 State 1 qw htm and had who after a hard effort, succeeded In getting him out of 41. TJ a lnpf fifnHnn motors collided Willi tbo wagon at WIUU4 tl ITnnniitiiTii' street, two mourns ago.

Uood ot Mr. Fisher's stor almost dally. He boast ot U.S. 20's, 1868, registered the water. Ho was taKon to mo um House, and having no home to go to, was kindly cared avenue and almost completely wreou 0v ith n.

fora nliuht liruieOS. Charles Austin, aged 10 years, left his homo, at 72 Rush street, last Sunday and failed to return since. The police of tho Fifth Precinct havo bean notified. V. B.

6 20's, 1888. coupon iXSg U. S. IO 40's, registered 5S SiJ U. S.

lO 40'a, coupon ifluS The Epiphany collection at Gracrf chllrcl taken up last Sunday for the benefit of rr a and domestic missions, amounted to nc.y VOVW II for to tho lodger's room duriDg the night. ii. a. liurruncv 13,000..

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