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The Brooklyn Daily Eagle from Brooklyn, New York • Page 4

The Brooklyn Daily Eagle from Brooklyn, New York • Page 4

Brooklyn, New York
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)


Tho Biftfteat and merriest NlclRliinp; Party of the Season. Among the numerous sleighing parties who wont down tho road last night and enjoyed ths exhilarating pleasure of dashing over tbo snow at a rattling pace, tho largest and tbo merriest was that whoee destination was to the residence of Mr. George H. Shaffer, the well known oysterman, at Flatlands. It was composed of ono of tho young ladles' classes of tho 8lmpsou M.

E. Church Sunday School, over wMch Mr. Shaffer JOHN B. DOBEEHAlffl. The Big filasa Manufacturer Fails, With Liabilities at 60,000.

John B. Dobiemann, who for the past twenty years has been prominent in the glass manufacturing business in this city, failed yesterday morning, with liabilities estimated at $60,000, and nominal assets $100,000. Mr, Dobiemann was formerly President of tho Dorflingor Glass Company, and of the Dobiemann Flint Glass Company, the latter oouceni having failed last year, when Mr. Dobiemann endeavored to effect a compromise at fifty cents on tho dollar, on time. The second installment of this monoy becomcB duo next month, and being CONSTRUCTIVE LARCENY.

An Blopcmcnt Followed by an Arreet for Stealing Household Goods Carried Off by a Deserting Wife. Patrick Bradley, of No. 102 Clay stroet, Greenpolnt, obtained a warrant from Justico Elliott yestorday for the arrest of James Monahan on a charge of larceny. Less than tivo months ago Monahan and tho complainant's wife eloped. Cortain household articles which Mrs.

Bradley thon carried away with her furnished tho basis for tho accusation. Tho ptirticuIarB of the case will be found interesting. THE ELOPEMENT. Bradloy, who is about 35 of ago, lived with' bin wifo for Eoveral years prior to her disappearance iu apartments in a dwelling on Green strcot, noar Manhattan avenue. Mrs.

Bradley, who was eoveral years her husband's junior, was a tidy woman, who intcrmixou but little with hor neighbors. Her wedded U' years was passed iu apparent coutentnient i happiness. Tho couplo wero childless. About )t. Bradley introduced Monahan as a boarder.

The t. men worked in Stono Fleming's oil establishment on Where Tlicre will be a Iarge Deficiency. How the Accounts of the Commissioner of Charities Sland The Supplies Committee at Flatbush The BabfWard A Very Forcible Hint, County Trcasnrer Powell has dntwn ap statement of tho account of tho CharitiM CommiMion ers for the fiscal year commencing August 1, 1878, January 14, inclusive. It shows that tho amount to th credit of the Board was and that of $02,030.21 has been already spent. This leavo sbaUaoi of $51,016.25, with more than six months to rUD.

If, therefore, the somo ratio of expenditure la maintain! during the coming half year, and the authorities say this is altogether likely, thore will bo a deficit of fron $80,000 to $40,000 to be laced at the clcwa of tho ducal year. The County Treasurer's statement Is ai follows: AfV 'OCNT or rojrvissio.vEBS oy cbabitijes' sopi me KIU FISCAL YKAR COMMKNCINO 1, 1878, TO JfcW L'AKT I17V, INCLUSIVK: RECEIPTS. Auk11 I. Balance carriM over. AuKtty.

Itflcotved fruui Treasurer Alula, for boarii. Ac 1313.00' 1SO.0 4.U7.M 6.SOO.0U 337 II Sept. Oct. Oct. Not.

Doc. 4. Rciv.hI 1mm storekoopor, for sale of old material Ift Hucotved from TroaJinror Midas for Ac Trail i ft md to account of Saporiaor 15. Appropriation forymr T7 6. Rcomvi'd from for sale ot old material Total li PAY5IENTS.

August. eMSKW Sxpuiuiber October Xl.m.O November 3VCM.t December 27.WiS.T7 January, to 14th, inclusive SM.51 Balonco THE BUITHES COMMITTEE. A meeting of the Supplies Committee waa hold at tin Almshouse, Flatbush, yesterday aftemoou. Sup. Byre presiding, and Messrs.

McKeever. Uium.11, McKou'j,) Williamson, Egolf and Nathan being in attendance. The statement reproduced abovo was read by tlw! Chairman, having Ijcen prepared at the request of tin comndttoe. Tho cliair was of tho opinion that th d. ficlency would not exceed $23,000, but the expenditure for the remainder of the present month will be largo, and.

havo not, it would seem, beon taken into consideration. They were small during the earlier part of the month, simply because no Finance and Supplies Coiumlu, having beon appointed, bills could not be passed iqwu. Supervisors Nathan, McKano ond Russell were appointed sub committee to examine into tho matter of the pn poedalterations and extension to the storehouse. Tby will report at tho next meeting of the eomniittco. The storehouse is astructuro that has lived to a ni'jht unnatural old ago andtho ofllco connected with it would fail to make a second rate pig pen.

THE BABY WARD. Superintendent of Construction aud Repairs Naugh ton has ien Instructed to prepare pi ana and specifications for tho extension to tho Baby Word. The condition tho building has already been described in the Kaolb. outlived its usefulness years ago, and aa tho sky can be seen through the roof in a choice varioty of place Ite fitness aa Winter quarters for infanta may be safely questioned. It la proposed that the cost ot tbe uxilusiuu shall not exceed $4,000.

A VERY FORCIBLE I1IST. A largo number of letters wero left in Cork office by (lie letter carrier this morning. They were a.1 dre. ed to certain Suprisors, and in the majority of instances contained slips of paper bearing tha follow! us legend ElOHTV EIOUT CEMTS Fon tuk Poou Twelve Cents The significance of tbo Inscription did not long remain a ni stery. In the Fifth District tho cost ot distributing outdoor rolluf lias, it is claimed, boon as high as eighty eight per leaving twelve cenU for tbe pwr.

Only ttins Knirvis.irs who voted fur the resolution providing for tho distribution of coal, which was defeated at tho last mooting of the Supervisors, were the recipients of the uoWh, and in some cases Ihe word bijt 't" was added i tlirt hint. The font of distributing rolief a matter of Informal dlsciision among tho Supervisors present, and State Couimissionor ltos, who was present, d. clared that in tho district sp 'keu of it certainly cost an much iu give out coal as it did to buy it. The hitter addressed to Supervisor Moron contained a pictorial representation of a gallows iiou which he was supp'wvi to be hanging. Four luqmveri lied individuals wupj pulling the ojie.

and twneath the picture waa insorte 1 tha words, "Poor but strong." FIFTEENTH WARD DEMOCRATS. An Kiirollmcnt or of tlae Ao ciation Required. A meeting of the Fifteenth Ward Democratic) Association held last evening, at tbo corner of Maujer ami Kweu streets, was very fairly attended. Mr. Johu E.

Caper presided, and Mr. C. H. Crysler kopt the. record.

In the order of 'ou tness, Mr. George A. Dugan moved for tho appointment of a conunitteo to make up a tickot for tho approaching primary olectiou. The Chair named as such Nominating Committee tho delegates to tho General Conunitteo from the ward. On motion of Mr.

E. M. Tyrrel, the Chairman waa added to tho committee. With a view to a reorganization of tho association, and that an Interest in party matters may be awakened, tho following was submitted by Mr. J.

C. Schooner: Itemized, That the Executive Conunitteo of the Ward AjPtociation tw hereby Instructed to a permanent meeting room, and that such place and Uine of meeting be duly announced. Rrnaice For the more complete canvas of tho pa" in tho ward, that each quarterly meeting be davoted an enrollment of members, and correction of the regls tO'ro'1 Riwoiierf, That tho provision of the Genera! Committee In respect to the restrictions as to holding office or voting at the primary elections shall lie strictly ouforeed; and It shall )w made the special duty of tho ExocutWo Cunnultteo of tho Association to secure such outorce mont. A reference to the Executivo Committee of the want was ordered. On the motion of Mr.

Cassin, it waa resolvod as the sense of the meeting thai Hie ticket that may bo nominated, aa previously provided for, should bo aupported by the association. The meeting then adjourned. FATAL Bl'KXISli CASUALTY. Emma Sclilesiiiger, aged 1 years and months, who was so severely burned yesterday morning at htr parents' residence, No. Mi third aiouuo, died last night from the effects of Her injuries.

It seems that tht; mother of the unfortunate child left hor and a younger sister In the back room on tbe mecmd floor, which is ufd as a kiteheu, when ho went to call on a friend on tho upper floor. In a few minutes sho heard screams trow the lower room, and on rushing down found the little girl euveloped in flames. Tha Coroner held an Inquest and a verdict waa returned in accordance with the facts. Ono ol Carter's Little Lived Pills, taken every night, stima iates the liTer. carries oil the bits, and improves the die tion and appetite.

AI! drugguU 11. C. lJlEI, 12 Park plce. New York. Tliero'a Like It." "The best we over used." "Find it much cheaper than others." Can testify to il superiontj." Extracts from letters to tho manufacturers oi DooLEt'a YcaJT Powdeii.

DIED. LOUT1! At lir laf iwridoncff. Ko. January 20. of apoplexy.

JOUA. nl of John Louth, in the Md jyar ot her Ti: relatives nd fri oda of the fanuly are rMpectfolhr inriwd ta attend th funwal, from tho Church of tho Trn tiguration. Hour t. nr Mrcy av. Brookljn, ou Thursday.

January at haf paat ton A. M. BA NiPO EK 11 OYAL BAKING POWDBB. rtnR It RRR Ii 000 000 A AA YY A A AAA A ALLli BAKING POWOKR. BAKING POWDKK.

ABSOLUTELY PURS. Tim oAcial examination and report on lialiinr poi1 by I bo Brooklyn Health Board, ihmn the RoT.l, BaKlW'l Powoan to be free from alum or 417 other lnjuriouj aub stance. It a paro irzni t. ean of tartar powder, alwayi am. form and fall strength.

costs a trilla morn per pcend, bat ii cheaper in tho as it noes further and aavca hsallh. It 1.4 in all respocta the finest articlo which it postbl to produce from hoIcoriif matrnaK NEWSFAI'KK. AN r.Ka a OQ uou ft KB A A F.F.B V. KKB RRR VI! V. KB RRR Xy rDD EK KK8 A A YY vv IS It A BBB a AAA IXDO.


Parties dct.nas tiw Sunrus K5i. loft ai lbsir rest daa. can send t'aeii oddrwj to this offlce and it will be girn to tlio carri who tho RA0L8 la Ibelr diauict I.OTVEKIKS. OIT1SIANA STYVTK LOTTERY COMl'A I NY. VW i raf ilv,! IKstrihntua.

Ni Vibram 11. i.l 'j. izej toul. AP.tala. etc.

WlviIi j'j. m. tw.lJi 4'sutrj, nji dollar. Xr.l A 0 C'i Now 11. PLUll.

ii i3tJy. Now York. 111,1 rTtfLV.EE BALL WASHING CitiMAL A IS ADOHM) AS A TltAlll.MARK. AO A IN ST MANY WORrill.UTAl ION Iftdiee Try "ULVEUINK," tbo pert ian" tJoinK Before tbe Grand Jury A grain. Important Local Official Said to be Implicated in an Unlawful Transaction.

It was rumored about the Hall this morning that Mayor Howell was again going boforo tho Grand Jury, and that the information which would be laid be foro them vory sorlouBly affected the standing of an important official. Tho rumor was strengthened by tho fact that tho Mayor was in the Court House in consultation with tho law officers of tho county. The Grand Jury will bo iu session on Monday. Thoro was much speculation as to who the party might bo In regard to whom the Mayor had information to lay before the Grand Jury. On boing approached by an Eagle reporter this morning on tho subject his Honor refused to give anything for publication, FATAL FALL.

Man Found Dead at the Foot of a Hatchway. At six o'clock last evening Alexander Mc Cullough, aged 55 yoars, was found dead under a hatchway, at Watson's stores in Furraan street, where he was omnloyed. Deceased had been at work a short time previous on the second floor, and it is supposed he acci dentally fell through tho hatchway, without attracting tho attention of his follow workinou. He was much dlsligurod and doath was probably instantaneous. Thoro no suspicion whatever that there was any foul play, but it is somewhat surprising that no one witnessed tho I fatal fall of tho unfortunate man.

The body was re i moved to tho Morgue to await tho action of tha Coroner. Deceased resided at No. 55 Eighth avenue, I.6W Horn, and leaves a wife and six children. WASHINGTON. The Poller CoBinsMittce Session To day.

in Butler Throws Some Light upon one Phase of the Cipher Dispatch Theft. Special to the Eagle. Washington, January 22. Tho Pottor Committee met in sooret session this morning. Tha cipher dispatch business was diBcnasod.

General Butler said that about a year ago ho received bundle of cipher telegrams from No. 1 to 690, seriatim, from an anonymous source. Ho left them in charge of the Pottor Committee. When General Butler called upon the clerk for their roturn he (tho clerk) said that General Butler's messon ger had called for them. Butler had not instructed his messenger to obtain them and the messenger denied having had anything to do with tho bundle.

Tho dispatches could not be found, and Butler thought they were lost forevor until ho returned to Washington from Massachusetts in December last, when they wero found lying in confusion in his office. General Butler said he would give tliem all to tho committee. Some of them had been published. There was considerable discussion on tho subject of sending a sub committee to New York to investigate tho ciphers, 'out no decision was reached. Senator Conkliug to day received the roplies of Ar thur Cornell and Lydecker to tho charges made against their management of the New York Custom House.

Conkling says that he shall make a motion in the Sou to remove the ban of secrecy from tho charges against Arthur, Cornell and their replies to the same. Sam McLean of Brooklyn is in Washington, Genera) Sherman intends at an early day to mako a long contemplated tour of inspection through Florida, Georgia and the South Atlantic States, iu the course of which ho will return after an absonce of forty years to scene of a part of his earlier life, as well as revisit many of tho points of interest covered by his later cam paigns. Tho direct object of Ma trip, however, is to examine certain abandoned military posts and other neglected property of tho United States iu Florida and Atlanta, with a view to ascertaining what measures should taken to reclaim aud preserve tho samo and secure tho interests of the General Government therein. He will absent ten days or two weeks. O.

HOW IT WORKS. The New method of Selecting Tickets to be Presented at the Coining Democratic Primaries A liurire Public Meeting in the Fourteenth Ward. Speech of Coroner IVolnn The Ticket Selected, and How It Was Made up. The Fourteenth Ward delegates to the Democratic General Committee took, to an extent, a new de vmrfnrA l.ial cvoaiua in tho matter of selecting a tickot be presented at tho coming primary. While the various little factious and cliques in tho ward havo always received representation on the committee, the disappointed aspirants nave invariably made a hue and cry about close corporation business.

In order to retnovo every possible cause for dissatisfaction, and unite as far possible the Democrats of the ward, a call for a public meeting at the corner of Fourth and North Eighth streets, last night, was advertised for three consecutivo days in all the Brooklyn papers. In response to the cal over one hundred active aud representative Democrats assembled iu Gill's Hall, at tho placo named, last night. SPEECH OP CORONER NOLAN. fathering was called to order by Coroner Nolan who explained that the object of the meeting was to select three delegates to the General Committee and three inspectors of primary aud other officers for a ward association to be voted on at tho coming primary. It had always been the desire of tho ward delegates to the General Committee to harmonize matters as much as possible.

The present gatnering woum relieve ui of much trouble and responsibility by selecting a tickot to suit themselves. Should any Democrat the ward now grumble or fiud fault at how things are being conducted it is his own fault, since he has an opportunity to fixing matters to suit himself if he is iu tho majority. At least a meeting of the present kind was the place for Democrats to express their grievances if tlicv have any in actions which speak louder than words, and not carry them to the polls on election day. Hear, hear. Every effort would be made to unito the Democrats of the Fourteenth Ward.

He hoped other mmM maka Houallv sincere efforts in the M.raat of liarmonv and the result would show itse'f uut November iu the election oi the ticKot ol tlie o.v in ii.aivtT and conntv bv tlt time ui Pditj lulhec rre.rv:; rAmiiausel. The ward corporation. F.vervthiiiK that it had done was dono openly and for Hie best interests of the party. Now, that jt was deemed best to have the primary nominations made oiieTi iu yublie meeting no person in tho hall le nmre relieved than he did. He believed, and had always be'ieved, that tho people of Democratic faith, the rank' and file of tho party, should make all nominations, and bo MADE TO FEEL THAT THES HAD A SAY in the councils of the nartv aud a responsibility as Democrats.

He hoped that the action of the present meeting would result harmonizing tho Democrats oi the ward. He was prepared to entertain nominations for officers of tho meeting. Ou motion tho Coroner was made permanent chairman and John L. Shea was elected secretary. Ex Supervisor Carroll moved for tho appointment Of a committee of sixty by the Chair to select a ticket aud report back to the meeting.

Mr. Patrick Dugan wanted to know if the meeting had power to reject the ticket reported by the committee if it so desired. Mr. Carroll said it had, after which the following named persons were appointed as tho committee John Carroll, llndolph Gross, P. J.

Tully, Robert Irwiu, Denis Short. On motion, Supervisor McKeever, Alderman Kenna aud the Chairman of tho meeting, were added to the Committee. THE OFFICERS SELECTED. When tho meeting reassembled Mr. Denis Short read the committee's report as follows Ward Association Officers President, John L.

Shea; Vice Presidents, John H. Dierck aud Hugh llenill Secretary, Jame3 Tully Assistant Secretary, C. H. Brown Treasurer, Julius Klanike Executive Committee Rudolph Gross, Philip Hayes, Edward Stanton, Jainos Tiorney, Patrick Sen nott, John T. Norton, John Hincson, Johu Lahey, Patrick Dugau, Michael Corcoran, John Murray.

Hugh Monahan. Delegates to General Committee Francis Nolan, Anthony McElroy, Patrick Kelly. Inspectors of Primary Elections William Staploton, Johu Bender, James Golden. Mr. Patrick Dugan while expressing some dissatisfaction with tho tickot presented, COMMENDED THE WAY IN WHICH IT WAS MADE UP.

He said that every man who voted the Democratic ticket should be mado to feel that he was part and parcel of the party by having a sjiy iu its councils. Ho was opposed to close corporation business as it excluded the rank and file from its councils. After some further timely remarks, Mr. Dugan took Mb seat. The ticket as presented was unanimously adopted.

Tho meeting then adjourned. THE EAST NEW YORK BURGLARS. Their Examination thi Morning in the Court of Sessions. Iu the Court of Sessions this morning, before Judge Moore and Associate Justices Wyckham and Spencer, John Rogers, Barney Heaney and William Bat tersbee, the alleged East New York burglarB and members of the "Shorty" Lent gang, wero brought up for trial. Jeremiah Wernberg appearedfor the People and Mr.

8. Giffard Nelson appeared for the defense. The facts of tho case, as already published in tho Eaolb, are tothe effect that in tho middle of December last the alleged burglars entered tho residence of Theodora Shaf fenberg, on Cooper avenue, ana stole doming ana ocuor articles, iu all valued at $55. The robbery was mado in the night, and when Mr Schaffenberg aroBO next morning his attention was di rected to a window which had been left open, and which bore evidences of having been forced. Footprints were detected in Mr.

Schaffenherg's garden, and on procuring an officer, he traced thorn to tho Rapid TranBlt Exchange, in East Now York, where Hceney and Battera bee were arrested. Kodgera gave the officer the "slip" and "skipped" to Now Jersey, but was afterward arrested In the vicinity of Jamss Blip, Now York. Tho first witnoss called for the proiecution this morning was Mrs. Schaffenberg. Sho testified that on the n'iKht of the robbery sho heard noise, but could not tell whence it proceeded sho did not arouso hor husband on arising in the morning she found asklrt and other articleB of clothing to be missing.

This closed "lclSH'frnniinrr on belm? sworn, testified that his daughter woke him in the morning aud told him that a rv. nMlrlnn mi ft ttil Oil lift found the paint to' be tched and discovered foot i 5 3 a upnlRlrin nacnuo nTan iin ail prints in me garueu. and cap and other articles wore missing. Wit neas procured an officer and traced the footsteps to within one block of the hotel where the alleged burglars wero arrested. He was questioned at length a to tho iztf of the footprints aud other questions, but his evidence coincided with tho testimony abovo given.

Detective Muilin. who arrested tho men, was noxt sworn, snd was giving bis testimony this afternoon. The members of the Williarnsburgh Sing i ig Acudiiuy, at a meeting hold last night at German! Hall in Montrose avenue, elected officers oa follows President, H. P. Bauer; Sooretary, CbarleB Froob; Treasurer, John Neger; Librarian, Hugo Wirths; Musical Liieetor, Herman.

Uudas as of of Qf to in it ho 1 The Question Involved tlae Tabernacle Suit. in Shall cx Trostee Gelston be Permitted to Back Out of his Subscription Because of What has Occurred Since it was Mode I The "Tabernacle case," as it is called, came up this morning In the City Court, and was coifed on the day calendar boforo Judgo Neilson, in Part I. ThecaiiBois entitled "William H. Gelston vs. Tne irooklyn Tabernacle," and the action is brought to re ff and interest which Mr.

Gelston loaned to iu Tabernaclo. Tho loan was mao in June, 1877, and i tiro 20th of March last, at which fime Mr. Gelston waa Treasurer of tho Board of Trustee. Tho claim Is admitted by tho Tabernacle authorities, but they put a an offset to tho olalm, a subscription of $1,000 by Mr. Gelston to help pay 'oft the church debt, which was made on February 17, 1878, a Bhort ttmo previous to tho tinio of tbo loan.

It will be remembered that iu March lost there was a dispute between the pastor of the Tabernacle, Rev. T. De Witt Talmago, and tho Board of Trustees, in relation to tho employment of Mr. George W. Morgan, tho orgaulst uf Tabornacle.

The Board of Trustees wanted to discharge Mr. Morgan, but the session of the church! and pastor insisted upon keeping him, and the resnlt vas an "irrepresslblo conflict" which resulted in Uio withdrawal of tha entire Board of Trustees from the church, tho plaintiff among them. Mr. Edward Kimball, the Church Debt Raiser, was also presont. In answer to the claim of subscription made by ths church in opposition to Mr.

Gelston's claim, that gentleman replies that the sum was contingent upon the fact tho whole church debt being paid, ne claims that tt has not been paid, and therefore that his subscription is binding. It will be remembered that thore was a. grand jubilee held in the Tabernacle to celobrate the payment of the church debt. Iu his reply to tho claim subscription, Mr. Gelston charges that there was fraud In tho matter of the subscription, and that the subscriptions were not all boiia tde subscriptions.

When tho case was called this morning both sides answered ready. Mr. 8. T. Freeman and Hon.

A. W. Tennoy appeared as counsel for tho defense. Mr. Gelston was represented by Thomas E.

MorrlB Pearsall, and D. P. Barnard, of counsel. There were presont in court Rev. T.

Da Witt Talmage Major Cor win Mr. Hammond, tho present treasurer of the church, and several other members of the Talmage congregation. THE JCItt. In calling tho jury oach juryman was questioned as to what he know about the suit and whether ho was acquainted with Mr. Gelston, or attended tho Tabernacle.

Ono juror called was Mr. Stephen Brown, leather merchant, of Henry street. Mr. Brown was asked if he ever attended the Tabernaclo God forbid," was Ms answer. Mr.

Brown was got out of the box as expeditiously as possible by tho defense. Somo jurors were excused by one side or tho other, and tho jury wheu completed stood as follows Joseph Erhardt, John Young, John W. Heniy Shearman, Thomas B. Linn, James Peffard, Goo. Semonite, John O'Brien, James Leahy, A.

C. Van, Chaunoey Colton, John A. Secor. Mr. Thomas E.

Pearsall thon opened the case for the plaintiff. He confined himself to a Binipla statement of tho case. Iu Juno, 1877, Mr. Gelston, the plaintiff, loaned the church $1,000, and received $400 back, and on March 20 ho advanced $1,500, of 'wMch $757 wore returned, leaving a balance of $1,342 still due. This had not been paid, and they sued to recover tho amount, with interest.

THE EVIDENCE. Tho plaintiff, Wm. H. Gelston, was tho first witness called. Mr.

Pearsall said thoro was no denial of the note of $tJO lor Juno, 1H77. Q. You aro the plaintiff? A. I am; on March 20, 1878, I was Treasurer of the Tabernacle, I becamo Treasurer on the lBt of January, 1878. and remained in that position until the latter part of April in that year.

Mr. Pearsall then called upon the defense to produco the note of $1,500 made by tho defendant on tho 16th of January. The note was made on the 10th of January, 1878, and made payable to the order of Rev. T. DeWitt Talmage.

Tho uoto was produced and shown to tho witness. Ho said The note came due on tho 20th of March, 1878, and there was no money in the bank to meet it only about $100; I cousulted with tho Trustees aud agreed that rather than have tho note go to protest 1 would draw my checfe for the amount and deposit it in tho Nassau National Bank; I did so, and was to repay myself out of tho funds as thoy caino in; I retained $757 of that ainouut and tho balance has not been paid. The bauk book of tho church, tho check aud notes were placed in evidence. Mr. S.

T. Freeman thon cross examined tho witness. He said he waa a regular attendant upon tho Tabernaclo from the time it was built up to March or April last, and during tho time of Ms connection with tho church, contributed to its support and ownod a pow. In June, 1877, was elected a trustee, and hold that position until ho left tho church, iu March or April following. There were nine membors of the Board of Trustees, aud they all resigned about the samo tl mo that he did.

Tho names of the other trustees wero H. S. Elmore, B. S. Hodge, Thomas E.

Pearsall, Warren S. Silcox, John F. Talmage, Alex. Pearson, and Messrs. Foot aud Cogswell.

The date of the plaintiff's resignation was tho 31st of March. Ho performed the duties of the position until a successor was appointed. Q. When yon advancsd the $1,500, did you mako auy note to yourself I did not, only a memorandum. made an entry in the bill book as on the 20th of March, of W.

H. Gelston, $1,500 In cash as a loan. I considered It a loan. Q. Why did you enter it in the bill book if thero was no bill given 7 A.

To keep the items before me I entered It in the cosh book as a loan tho book was niark ed for Identification tho witness could not recall that be had ever made any other entry of that kind whore no bill was given. Q. Did you mako any writing at that time for your self A. I made this, (presenting a slip of paper) tMs is what I referred to by a memorandum; it is a note but not an authorized note I had it in my hand when I said I bad no note. Mr.

Freeman then read the "note" wMch was made on demand, and read "The Brooklyn Taliernaclo prom ises to pay." It read iu tho usual form of a note. Tho slip was offered in evidence. THE LOAM. Q. How much did you loan the Tabernaclo 1 A.

$2, S00. Q. How much did you reecive from the Tabernacle A. $757 cash; the Tabernacle still owes me $1,000 on a bond socured on the second mortgage. The attoutiou of the witue3 was theu called to tho subscriptions made on'the 17th of February, when Mr.

Kimball led tha service ond a considerable amount of monoy waa subscribed toward paying off the debt. Tho subscriptions wero made in an open service when wit ness was present, inoy were couecteu oraiiy irom per sons in different parts of the houso or by written sub Bcriptiona passed up to the platform and there announ ced. The book in wMch the subscriptions wero en tered was Bhown. About a week before that ttmo, in a conversation with tho pastor and other trustees about lying off tho church dobt, tho witness said ho would do Is share. Others who were present said substantially the same thing.

Q. On this public meeting, on tho 17th of February, did you or promiee to pay anything toward that church debt? A. I subscribed $1,000 and it was entered bi tho book with the other subscriptions. There were other and larger subscriptions made at tho same time. Mr.

El uuoro and Mr. Silcox, who were trustees, each subscribed $5,000. John F. Talmago, olso a trustee, subscribed $2,500. Thomas G.

Pearsal olso a tmstee ond Alex Pearson a trustee and Mr. Hobbs a trustee each subscribed $1,000. These gentlemen loft the church at tho same time 1 did. About $40,000 was subscribed ou that dav. I think I collected, as trustee, about $1,000.

I paiddebts of the church with the amount as It camo among others paid myself a small debt. Q. Beside the one thousand dollars you subscribed on that day, did you subscribe anytMug else on that day 7 A. I subscribed twenty five dollars in my wife's name. That was paid a week or two afterward.

On tho redirect tho witness testified that the subscriptions ou the 17th of February wore at a regular church service of the day. The nastor announced that Mr. Edward Kimball was present and would tako tho platform and pay the debt. Mr. Kimball then took the platform and announced that the church debt was with a contingent liability of $3,000, making STAOiiu.

tie saiu the subscriptions were payable in six months, and nouo were binding unless the whole amount of the debt was subscribed. Those who subscribed large amounts were to have a longer time. The witness then detailed tho method of the subscription. Witness testified further that ten subscriptions of $5,000 each wero asked for. A number of names were read from the subscription book and ho was asked if he knew them.

Witness said he did uot. Ono subscription of $50 was made through Mm. The $1,000 bond is not in question in this suit, but is ono of the mortgage bonds, and secured by mortgage on the church. On the recross the witness wni examined as to tho words used by Mr. Kimball fa stating the terms oi the subscriptions.

He could not remember tha exact lan Kuage he made a remark that they must bo raised or paid orpiedged in six months, else the subscriptions would not bo binding, but could not swear what words he did use when ho made Ms reply to tho counter claim of the church he considered a largo part of the subscriptions made on tha 17th of February were bogus; witness' business is atockbrking in Wall strcot. The following resolution, adopted by the Board of Trustees on the 8th of March, 1878, was brought to the attention of tlie witness. The witness was present. Resvlveil, That tho pastor bo requoated on the second Sabbath after his return from New Orleans to request the congregation to subscribe the balance of ths church dubt T. E.

Secretary. This would be the 31st of March, and on that day Mr. Gelston and all the other trustee resigned and loft tho church. The note upon which tho $1,600 was advanced was for the pastor's salary. The witness was examined in reference to tho church, aud the amounts due on the Lay CoJ'ege.

At half past one tha court took a recess. NINETEENTH WARD REPUBLICANS. Supervisor ITIcDonald'ti Action in Kcrer. erence to the Jail Job Indorsed. The Nineteenth Ward Republican Association hold a meeting last night in tho hall on Hooper street near Leo avenue, William J.

Taylor in the chair and Alfred Hodges Secretary. The only busluess of any moment transacted was the adoption of the following resolutions offered by Mr. John Jeffers: Wherexx, It behooves ue as eitlzenB, taipayers and. Republicans, to commend that wMch Is right and con demn mat wmcu is rouu; uicicmit, llxolced, That we heartily iudorso tho able euTorta oi wanr Alhf.rtil Mi Donald bv Ms Course In OUPOS inir the new fall job, and tender to liim our unflinching support in Ma manly, fearless and outspoken opposi uou ui juuwny. tesod'cd, That tne aecroiary 01 mt directed to forward to our Supervisor a copy of these resolutions, entering tho same upon tho minutes of the Association.

Mr. Mills made a speech in support of tho resolutions wMch were unaMmously adopted. TWENTY FIRST WAB.D DKMOCKATS. A special meeting of the Twenty first Ward Democrats was held last night at 740 Myrtle avenue for tho purpose of electing a ticket for the primary to ba held on Thursday night. Mr.

Robert Sullivan, President, occupied the cliair, and Mr. Urell acted aa Secretary pro tern. The following conunitteo was appointed to mate up a ticket: Messrs Corngan, Brown, Owen, McCloskey ana Duane. Tho committee retired and after a short au sence presented the following ticket, which was adopted. President, Robert Sullivan: Vice President, W.J.

t. yj ii. irn A aaiatant Secretary, Tbo meeting then adjourned. i CXITED STATICS GRAND JL'BV. This morning District Attm tiey Tenney re imwtPd J.

nine Benedict, of the United States Court, to a iury for the trial of the cases that have ac cumulated on the calondar. Thero are from eighty to cue hundred cases, nearly all on bail. Judge Benedict ordered a panel oi forty juror to bo called for tho first Wednesday of February. Mrs. Joseph Craft, of Glen Cove, dropped dead in tho lying Is'and Railroad depot at Hunter's Point Monday afternoan, Sho hl been in Hew York; Bhopnuuj.

I 1 i i I i I The Trial of Saait Against Mint for Iibel Closed. Verdict in Favor of the Venerable Philanthropist. This morning the case of Wallace P. Groom against Peter Cooper for $50,000 damages for alleged Ubel was given to tho jury. Mr.

Goodrich renewed motion to direct a verdict for tho plaintiff, on tho ground that the jurisdiction must be as broad as the charge, which it was not. Judge Pratt said that was no doubt the law, but it was inconsistant with plaintiff's other thoory, a more technical failure to comply with the contract was no justification of tho charim that a nartv had falsely and wil fully broken it. The mere technical charge, that boxes were not furnished or 320,000 documents distributed in the Stato, was not libelous unless it was mado to hold up the plaintiff to coutempt in a way that was uisrepuiauie. Mr. Goodrich said that the letter charged that Mr.

Cooper hail falsified his promise in every particular, and tho Justification must be as broad as the chargo. Still woU vs. Bardwoll, 19 Wendell, was cited. Tho chargo thore was of smuggling before tho war, and it was proved that it was during the war. The justificatidn was held bad.

In vs. Delavan, 20 Wendell, tho chargo was that plaintiff caused his brewery to bo supplied with impure water, whereas the proof was that tho brewery wob supplied with Impure water. Tho justification was held to be imperfect and a verdict was directed. Judgo Pratt said that in each of the casos cited the whole charge was covered. Mr.

Goodrich said that the libel charged that tho Dromlso was falsified in everv particular. One was that he failed to furnish the boxeB, and it was admitted that the boxes wore furnished. It was also proved that tho 320,000 documents for the State wore distributed. Jt mm ware llirco in Hin letter that 600 boxes wero not furnished, that 320,000 documents were not distributed in Hia HtntA and that the 180.000 doc uments wero not distributed in tho city according to tho printed registry liBt. Ab to the first matter, the plaintiff himself admitted that ho furnished only 583 boxes.

plaintiff failod to pay for the boxes, for which Mr. Cooper gave $1,800, then tho letter, bo far as that was concerned, was not libelous. Ab to tho statement that Mr. Groom broke his promise iu every particular, Mr. Parsons asked that his Honor would charge that tho let ler was to be construed as to tho context.

Moreover, thero was evidence given by Mr. Jones that the 320,000 documents wero not distributed in the State. Mr. W. H.

Taggard, attorney for Mr, Cooper, presented several requests to charge, and Judgo Pratt delivered his charge to the jury. THE OHAEGE. This was the second time, his Honor said, as the jury were aware, that this cause had beon tried. It involved great expense, and it was important that there should be an agreement of the jury, as it never could be settled but by a verdict. It had been tried with great zeal and ability, and all the evidence possible iu tho case had been'presented.

It was for the jury carefully to consider it aud an earnest effort to reach a conclusion. It was impossible not to feel more or loss admiration for a man like Mr. Peter Cooper. But when men came into Court to settle their differences, each was tho equal of the other. It was right that a man's standing and character Bhould be weighed in considering his testimony where the issues bore on the intent, yet no matter what Mr.

Cooper's character and standing might bo, he had injured the plaintiff he was entitled to a ver The charge was one of libel by a letter. A libel was the writing of a false and censorious article, and the maUciouB publishing of it to bring a person into contempt and ridicule. The plaintiff must prove that it was maliciously published. It was conceded that it was published, and sent toons or two members of the Board of Trade, whereas Mr. Cooper said, he though it would do the most good.

It waB for them to say whether Mr. Cooper did not intend to do the plaintiff tho most harm. By malice was not meant ill will and a desire to revenge, but the willful doing of an illegal act. If tho jury said there were was no legal excuso, then the libel was maliciously published. Tho great question here was, whether there was any justification that formed a legal excuse.

It was claimed that, Instead of charging merely a breach of the contract, the defendant charged a fraudulent breech. When the statements of a party were against his own interest, they mado the highest kind of proof as to what the intent was. Tho Court wild charge that the contract was oiuumg and meant that Mr. Groom would print and distribute one document to each voter, and thoro was no question that he failed to do so. If there was evidence that Mr.

Cooper waived tho contract aud consented to a difiereut mode of distribution, of course the jury must consider that Mr. Coopor, however, claimed that thero was no waiver. The plaintiff claimed that if there was a breach, grow out of tho necessities of the case. The justification must bo as broad as the chargo. If tho jury I wero satisfied that any clinDge in the letter waB not proved to be true, they niUBt give a verdict for the plain tiff.

The plaintiff claimed that, assuming there was a i breach of the contract, it involved uo mora! turpitude. If Groom was a party to any effort to mako false vouchers if he know men were not to deliver the documents and get paid for doing it if there was, on the part of Groom, a fraudulent dovice to deceive Mr. Cooper, theu Mr. Groom was amenable to tho charge of fraud and tho libel was justified. If ho had no knowledge that tho documents were to be thrown away and did not aid In their destruction or removal out of the way, then there waB no fraud.

Plaintiff claimed that tho con tract was divisible. It was for the jury to say what part of the letter Mr. Cooper designed as a charge I against Mr. Groom of wrong doing and what part ho had justified. If they found any part of the ubol not justified, then plaintiff was entitled to a verdict.

As to the damages, they must say whether they be.ieyed Groom had lost an office worth $3,000 by reason of tho itw TTnia.D tl.dv fnnnd that the office was certain to become his, they could not find that he had suffered any pecuniary damage In that way. It was proper, also, in considering damages, to consider Mr. Cooper's position in life aud tho influence his utterance carried. Several requests to charge were presented by each aide and tho jury retired. VERDICT DEFENDANT.

After an absonce of three hours the Jury returned with a vordict for tho defendant. LOVERS AT WAR. The fcaw Invoked by a Vol nig Lady Ag ainst a ttojected Suitor Who After Threatening to Kill Himself Now Persecutes Her. Officer James Shanghnessey, of the Sixth District Court, arrested a young man, yesterday morning, named Willet Chase Pollard, who resides with his mother, who Is blind, at 48 South Tenth street, E. D.

Pollard is accused by MIbs Sarah Moore, of 395 Gates avenue, of persecuting and defaming her because she rejected him as a suitor for her hand. The officer had some difficulty in arresting his prisoner for he was aware of the complaint issued againBt him. His brother said that Willet was not in but had gone to Philadelphia on a lecturing tour. This did not satisfy the officer. After a few minutes Willet made' his appearance and the officer took him before Justice Ho pleaded not guilty to the charge and gave bonds in the sum of $1,000 for his appearance next week The history of Pollard's wooing with Miss Moore is interesting and unusual.

On New Year's day of 1874 the with sororal friendB made a call on Mrs. at her residence In the Ninth Ward of New York City. Tha daughter Sarah entertained' the company and her winning wayB went directly to the heart of Pollard, who, when ho loft the house, was told to call again. He called again and again and was alwayB well received. She made him present of a gold chain valued at $72, and he presented iier now and again with some small valuables.

The Moore family removed to McDouga! Btreet and Pollard here became bo ardent that he sometimes remained a whole day playing cards and croquet. Mrs. Moore began to dislike the young mau because of his familiarity and, as she saj his ungentlemanly ways. She let her daughter run her own race and did not in terfere with the doings of the couple. At last MiSB Moore got sick of hor lover and one day told him that ehe could not entertain him any longer.

At this an nouncement ho grew desperate, aud pulling a knife from bis pocket threatened TO DO AWAY WITH HIMSELF. She told him that the parlor was no placo to end his existence. He Bald: To morrow morning my uneral will tako place and I want you to coino to it." This was tho last Interview between the two lovers. Pollard wrote many a letter to Miss Moore, but he never received an auBwer, and this so provoked him him that ho is aoid to have placed cards on ferryboats giving notice of his death by drowning, so that the sad news miguv reocu the ears of his beloved maiden, and she would then have compassion on him and renew their friendship. This kind of maneuvering did not work.

Pollard, as has beon Bhown, Btill lives. He is a man about 30 years of age and has a bushy mustache. He says he is a medical student, but haB nover been known to do work of any kind. Ho once gave It out that he was married to Miss Moore by mutual consent, but she Bays that she never formed such a "union. OBITUARY.

The Last of the Dartnioors. P. Clover, for many years a resident of this city, departed this life last evening uisoam year at Mb residence, 227 Nineteenth street. Mr. Clover was born in Morris County, N.

In 1790. Ho spent the early part of his life with his parents, and when the war broke out in 1812 he joined the Hnited States Navy. Not long after he was made prisoner by an Engllsh man of war, was confined for Beveral months In the Hector prison ship, and from there was conducted to Dartmoor, where he was held bb prisoner for three years. While there he, with some 300 other American prisoners, en treated CaptalnCosgrove, the officer of the prisoners, to allow them the freedom of tho prison yard that they might once more meet each other and have a pleasant chat. It being the Fourth of July the men requested Mr.

Clover to make somo remarks. In doing so tho men became oxcited; they were ordered to desist; not com nlying tbe guards were ordered to fire upon the men. Many were wounded, ond several kiUed. This incident is known as the massacre ot Dartmoor. At the conclusion of peace Mr.

Clovor was liberated and returned to the City of New York, where he became 8 prominent carver and glider. He bad moat excellent taste in designing, by which means ho became intimate with many of the first artiste of his day, among whom may be mentioned the celebrated Colonel John Trum ble, Vanderline, Thomas Cole, Firman, Dunlap and others, and was the means of Inducing William Dunlap to publish his "History ot the American Stage." The old gentleman was full of interesting aneedo ca relating to some of the first spirits of the early part of this century could describe Broadway when it was not fl fiiimbr street crossed the old wooden bridge at Canal street, and bathed in the Hudson River when the sands of its shore marked tho line that now formB Hudson Btreet. Mr. Clover was well read In history and poetry. Ho amused himself in Mb old days by Inlaying and illustrating the works of Shakspearo, Bums, Moore and several French histories.

He was passionately fond of the drama, and bad many a chat with the celebrated Edmund Kean, Cooper.pirs. Duff otner8 ta toa hei8h' and most prosperous days of the old New York Park Theatre. He was a man to be admired. Resolute In disposition, always affablo and kind and always respected and beloved by all who know him. He leaves a widow to Mn loa.

Biift rv 88 years of ago, and with her husband celebrated their sixty third anniversary of their marriage on the 4th of Septemoer iom. nra. iRronfamilvof children one eon, tho Rev. Lewis P. Clover, of Milton, New Jersey, and Hoary Clover, an em inent lawyer and judge of St.

LOuih. At? INFURIATED UXSBASD. Ar. Officer Allen, of the Fourth Precinct iMni7 nlonn Park avenue about two o'clock this morning, he heard cries of "murder" proceeding from a window of the house 123 Folk avenue. He ran upstairs and forced hia entrance into apartments on tbe second story.

Hero ho found Michael Fox, in a Btate of intT)iHon. rioundinn Mb wife over tho head and body wlthhlsfiBt. The woman was on the floor and was. helpless in tbe bands of hor unsDanu. tuo station uouso ana iocucu before Justice FiBher, when ho gave UUUUO IU UU) DUU1 mn rnr hia nniwArivTi ha tn niorrow.

Mrs. ox. could nnViVt TW otiflilan. who attended her. Raid it would be dangerous for her to leavo thahouso, aa tbe cold might got into oac wounds and proiiuco.infiaia.

nwUon. Ho He in Matters at Albany To day. Two Bills Concerning Rapid Transit in Brooklyn Are the Charters Previously Given to be Annulled? No Lines to be Built Until Property Qwners are Compensated, Special to the Eagle. Albamt, January 22. At tho request of Senator Jacobs to day tho Govornor sent in tho name of D.

D. Wylie to bo his own successor Commissary General, and the nomination was confirmed. Tho rapid transit legislation has begun. Mr. Stephenson introduced two bills.

One provides that no olevated railroad shall be erected on Fulton street or Fulton avenuo, in the City of Brooklyn, by virtue of any act passed by the Legislature of this State. Tho other provides that no work shall be begun toward tho construction or oporatlon of any elevated railway in the City of Brooklyn until a commission appointed by the Supreme Court at General Term after hearing all parties interested, shall have ascertained and fried the amounts necessary to compensate each and ovory person owing real property adjacent to or abut tiug on street of the proposed ronte of such elevated railways for damages, direct or indirect or consequential, which may result to such person with respect to property either real or personal, by tho construction or operation of such railway, nor until tho ainouuts so ascertained and fixod shall have boon paid Section 2 of this bili provides that the mode of procedure for tho carrying out tho provisions of this act Bhall bo the same as that provided by law for tho taking property for the uses and purposes of elevated railway. Mr. Douglass has a bill to establish a Stale Board of Health, which shall havo power to investigate the causes diseases and the spreading of epidemics, together with such general powers as aro given to local boards. Mr.

Tallmadgo introduced a resolution instructing the Superintendent of Prisoms'to report the number and nature of contracts for prison labor now pending. Tho hour of 12 o'clock having arrived, the Sonate in a body entorod tho Chamber to compare tho nominations for United States Senator. The President of the Senate announced the object of tho joint convention. The Clerk of the Senate read the action of the Senate from its journal, and it was found that ROBCoe Conkling had been nominated by that body. Tho Clerk of the Assembly, following, read tho action of tho Assembly from its journal, and it was found that that body had also nominated Eoscoo Conkling.

The President of the Senate then announced that tho two Houses had agreed in their choice, and, therefore, declared Eoscoo Cockling elected United States Senator for six yeare from the 4th day of March next. Similar proceedings wore had when the President of the Senato announced the election of Charles E. Smith, Albanyi Regent of the University, The Joint Convention was than dissolved and tho Senato loft the Chamber. The consideration of Mr. Flyuu's resolution relative the Manhattan Savings Institution was resumed.

Mr. Grady movod to amend the resolution by striking out aU reference to the action of Congress. In answer to tho inquiry by Mr. Strahan, Mr. Flynn said the resolution was suggested by a depositor the bank.

Mr. Strahan said tho resolution was a very important one, and he would move that it be referred to the Com mitteo OU Banks, which motion was carried. Notes and Comments on Yesterday's Proceedings. Special Correspondence of tho Eagle. Albany, January 21, 1879.

The Senate was the scene of interest to dny. Upon tho motion of Senator Pomeroy, the Governor's Message was referred to the Committee of tho Whole, and by the successor of Woodiu, made the subject of discussion. This practice of discussing the Governor's message has of late years fallen into disuse, but tho gubernatorial election approaching noxt Fall, it was concoivod to be good policy by the republicans, to attack bitterly as a campaign measure. So tho Senator from Auburn, commenced an attack which for bitterness, distortion of the Governor's meaning aud wholesale denunciation, has beon rarely paralleled. Growing angry as proceeded, ho left himself open to tho caustic criticism which followed.

Tho points of the Governor's message was taken up seriatim, and all that is was made wrong. In his message, the Governor condemned tho system of higher education as now obtaining he held that tho Stato but guarantees to the children of all classes a rudimentary education, and not a full preparation for a collegiate course. Referring to this Senator Pomeroy endeavored to present the Governor's words mean that the children of the poorer citizens of the State, should be denied the advantages of an education. Nothing further from the Governor's meaning could have beon stated and it was promptly met and sat upon. This was not tho work of a statesman of the repute and dignity of Senator Pomeroy, and nothing but the strong incentive of a hope of political proferment in the future could have induced him to have assumed, even for one Bhort session, the role of a demagogue.

Attacking that part of the message which was devoted to a consideration of tbe Capitol, Senator Pomeroy made an effort to array tho laboring clasBea against tho Governor, in that he advised the suspension of the work for the present. And this, because though the State is virtually out of debt, there is a local debt resting upon the citizens everywhere, which is oppressive and burdensome a debt to meet which, and the interest thoreupou, tho farmers find the greatest difficulty. Hardly a session passes that some Senator or Assemblyman does not introduce a bill to extend the time for tho payment of taxes" in some part of the State. Conceal the fact as they may for immo dijYto political purposes. the fact remains that the bonded iMoanoan of the towns and counties of tho State, a result brought about by extravagant legislation when the Republican party bad uU Bway, will become an issue when one party must assume its full responsibility and tho other must suggeBt the remedy.

This ugly fact stalks a horrible grinning skeleton behind tho chairs at every Repubican feast, and the especial anger coes out to the Governor 1b in the fact that when Wey V7 tt' r'r. i It bis excellency Summoned it to a front i where all the world could gaze upon its hideous ness By easy Btages Mr. Pomeroy reached the question of New York City legislation and tho bill, tho great political BChemo which failed of consummation last year, through the interposition of tho executive veto, by which it was proposed to amend the laws governing tho Board of Estimate and apportionment of the City of New York, was what excited tho ire of tho Auburn Senator The Govornor had complained of the skill with whicb legislators had joined bo many vile provisions with good provisions in bills affecting Hie interests of New York City, so that advantage of the good could not be taken, because the bad mmst bo destroyed, and as an Illustration cited the bill mentionod above, especially pointing out the attempt to give "the Board of Estimate and Apportionment" power to withhold the appropriations. Now York City was pledged to contribute to the prosecution of tho work of building tbe Brooklyn Bridge a power by which it was proposed to violate the faith, honor and credit of the great Metropolis. This knowledgo of such a provision in tho bill was denied by Mr.

Pomeroy, the Chairman of tho committee having it under consideration, although the people of New York and Brooklyn were perfectly aware of it and anxious as to tbe fate of the bill. To this Bpeech Sanator Ecclesine, in an impromptu effort, made a most brilliant and effective reply. True, it was not so argumentative as it might have beon, for be was called to reply to a carefully prepared and con eidered speech upon a moment's notice, but taking up the more Balient points, he struck homo at them and exposed their fallacies with vigor and Incislveness. In the matter of invective it was superb, and he told the Senator that his speech was a bid for higher honors, but that he, in his attack upon the Governor, had act compllshed what Democratic folly had failed to do, reunited tho Democrats of the Senato in Btrong suppor of the Governor and bis Administration. He also ad viBAd the Senator to postpone his discussion of the Con Btitutlon until tho fourth of March, when Roscoe Conk lint? would be demanding admission to the Senate Chamber.

This closed the debate for to day, and lj was made a special order for Wednesday next, when Senator Jacobs will tako the floor in support of the Governor's message. Tho intention of the Republicans to so conduct the session as to moke as much political capital for the next campaign as possiblB was clearly indicated to day. Previous to the debate described above, Senator Oak ley'B bill to consolidate tho Jamaica, Woodhaven and Brooklyn Railroad Company and the Jamaica and Brooklyn Plank Road Company, was considered in the Committee of the Whole. Senators Ecclesttae, Hogan and HopkinB, who attacked the bill, claimed that the charter of the Plank Road Company would expire in 1880, and that it was simply an effort to give new life to a company which proposed to use steam npon the rails. To this Senator Oakley offered an energetic protest and said bo far from having that purpose he was perfectly willing to have inserted a clause prohibiting the use of otonTTi imon the ralla of the now company.

The assertion having been made by Senator Hopkins, that there was a cat in the bag, Senator Oakley expressed a willingness to have the bill progressed so that, as he said, tne cat might be shaken out of tbe bag." The bill to legalize the acts of James H. Fisher, of Kings County, as notary public, passed the Senate today. In the Assembly Mr. Stegman, of Kings, introduced a bill to levy the assessment laid for the improvement of the Ocean Parkway npon the county at large, to be paid in twenty annual installments. This is essontlally tho same bill as that which Mr.

Bergen introduced last year and fought so hard for only to lose at the end of the session. Mr. Bergen Is here now and brought the bill up with him. Mr. Talbnadge ref UBed to Introduce the bill and said that he did not propose to indorso with his name any bill he could not and did not intend to support.

This iBa most excellent stand, and one which Bhould be taken as an example by other members. Thore is too much of thiB Introducing of billB by request as Mr. Stegman did, with the explanatory remark that he, the" introducer, must not bo understood as standing committed to tho bill. Mr Clancy returns to the charge to day. The bill which he failod to pass last year, chat of opening State otreet to tho water line, he intro aeTth would caTryShvto Street straight through tbe centre L.

Rnalr Yard and destroy Sfher take for auothef purpose a costly wharf erected another bill to open Doughty Btreet from Furman street through to the water line, which will carry the lino of that street through tho MldiuB auofyaTd of the Knickerbocker Ice Company Mr Stephenson this morning bills, the purport of nnion was given in yesterday's letter, Seacoal. In to is is i 1 WEDNESDAY EVENING, JANUARY 22, 1879. TELEGRAMS. The ewLei al Fews of tli 33ay. Carpenter Nominated for tlie U.

S. Senate by the Wisconsin Republicans Cholera iu Asia Minor A Russian Expedition that may Lead to Trouble with England. The French Political Situation "Why Bismarck Withdrew his Gas Law New Evidence in the Cobb Case. Madison, January 22. The Republicans nominated Matt.

H. Carpenter for United Slates Souator, by acclamation, this morning. Ibid secures liis election. Cholera, in Asia Minor. Losiioy, January 22.

An official report received at Madrid states that the Cholera 1b increasingly prevalent In Asia Minor. Kmsiail Expedition up tlie Ovnsi Calcutta, January 22. Intolligenco has reached this city that a Russian Btoamer has made its way up the Kivor Oxus and be yond the Afghan frontier. Tlie Frcucli Political Situation. Loxiidn, January 22.

Tho Paris correspondent of the Times says Gauibotta certainly only riiuiainoita tho ranfta of tho extreme LefT to bring thorn to more moderate views. As soon as ho obtains this result ho will return to tho leadership of the united Loft, with Ilia strength unimpaired by the panning defeat' Tho Daily Telegraph's Paris correspondent fays "The Cabinet's every act will in the futuro bo carefully scrutinized, and its continued existence will depoud on the sufferance of the Chamber of Deputies. This is exactly the result which best suits M. Garnbotta's policy." Germany. January 22.

The court martial held on tho officers of tho German Ironclads, Grosser Kurfurst and Konig Wilhe'rn, met hero yesterday London, January 22. Tha Standard' Berlin dispatch says, it is reported, that Prince Bismarck is willing to withdraw his bill to discipline the Reichstag, in consequence of the vehement opposition it meets from tho diets of tho various Gorman States. 'XTic Cuinese Embassy to St. Petersburg. St.

Petersburg, January 22. Tho Chinoso Kmbassy was received by the Czar, on Monday last, with great ceremony. Tito Missing Italian Commissioner. London, January 22. No confirmation has reached Rome of the report from Belgrade t' at Colonel Gola, the missing Italian member of tho Servian Boundary Commission, was robbed and murdered by Turkish brigands near Plevna.

The Ilusso Turkish Treaty. Constantinople, January 21. Prince Lobanoff, the Russian Ambassador to Constantinople, and Caratheodori Pasha, the Turkish Minister of Foreign Affairs, had an interview to day. Tho defluitivo treaty has not yet been signed. The Case ot Mrs.

Kate Cobb. New London, January 22, Evidouce which wilTeffect a new triai, if granted, of Kato Cobb, is believed to have been discovered. Tho Telegram will publish on Thursday the sworn statement of a lady residing in another part of the State, to the effect that while riding with Charios H. Cobb, one day last Spring, he told her under a pledge ol secrecy that he was in the habit of taking Fowler's solution of arBenio medicinally. Tho lady kept silence through tho trial, partly through a natural feminine dread of being a witnoss and partly through the belief that Kate Cobb would bo acquitted.

If a new trial is granted to Mrs, Cobb, the lady will testify, provided her evidence is admissible. Suspension of a Hauls. OuDEN snunon, N. January 22. Tho following notice is posted on tho door of the Jud aon Bank this morniug "Owing to unusual financial pressure and the large depreciation of tho value of real estate and securities, I am compelled to close the Bank.

'With moderation on the part of my creditors I confidently expect to pay all my liabilities in full." Signed J. D. Judson. A Strike Iitittiincitt. PiTTsumiG, January 22.

A. convention of coal miners from the Monongahola Kivor ininos held at Elizabeth yestorday resulted in a unanimous vote for three cents por bushol and declaring they would go on a strike unless tho advance was agreed to by the operators. The miners have been getting two and three fourths cents per bushel. It is thought that the mine ownors will not agree to tho advance and that a striko will follow. Probably Murdered for His Money.

Cincinnati, January 22. A Bpocial dispatch says that Jason Bobbins, 60 years of age, who had led tho life of a hermit for many years near Farwell, was found dead last evening with a bullet hole through his head. It is believed that he was killed for a large sum Of money which it was supposed he possessed. He was a man of culture, and is said to have taken refuge in the woods on account of disappointed love. The Moonshiners.

Cincinnati, January 22. A dispatch from Charleston, W. states that Deputy Collector Morris, who is raiding the mountains, has destroyed three distilleries and 250 gallons of whisky. He had a fight with the. moonehiuers, in which bullet struck the officer under the eyo.

Two other distilleries aro to bo raided. Probable Homicide. Cincinnati, January 22. The Young People's Literary Society, of Deerileld, near Lebanon, Ohio, has been troubled by lot of roughs congrr gating in the vicinity for some weeks post. Last Saturday the society stationed a guard at tho door, and when the roughs attempted to force an en tranco, work was commenced in earnest by the guard.

One of the parties, named cut seven times on tha head and shoulders. He was carried away on a abutter, and it is thought that he is mortally wounded. The rest of the gang lied. There were no arrests. Tlie Weather.

Washington, January '22. For tho Middle States, warmer southeast to southwest winds, increasing cloudiness, with falling barometer during the day, followed by threatening weather or snow EECORD OF THE THEBMOMKTEB. The following is the record of tho thermometer as kept at the Brooklyn Dailv Eagle office: l7i it. Average temperature to Average temperature same day last year 33 38 43 aw 29 MUNICIPAL. The "Water Drainage Committee, of which Alderman John French Is Chairman, went out to tho Ridgewood pumping Btation this afternoon.

The committee is considering the proposition to construct a lpurth engine in order to meet tho increased consumption of water and to provide against any accident which may iiappen to one or more of the three now in use, and tho visit was made In order that tbo members might make a personal examination of the present facilities and judge as to the necessity of another engine. The Introduction of a new one will necessitate the enlargement of the engine house. It is estimated that tho engine itself will cost iUO.OOO or $100,000. It is also proposed to increase the capacity of the Ridgewood Reservoir, which now holds but four days' supply. This is considered by Chief Engineer Van Buven to be altogether too email.

CITY BISHOP. City Ciork Bishop is Buffering from ill health, but Is able to be at his office during a portion of the day. Persons desiring to see him on ofllcial business can find hiin thero during the afternoon. FIRE DEPARTMENT MATTERS. Tho Ocmmioslonors this afternoon removed foreman 3.

L. Applegnte, of Truck No. 2, for "general" misconduct, and stoker Michael McCann, of Engine Company No. 8, for iutoxication. No particulars were furnished.

Tho Commissioners also appointed George Lawrence, of tho Seventeenth, Ward, as wheelwright at tho repair yard, at a salary of $750 a year. HOW SCOTT'S CLERKS RCFETH. The appropriation for the Department of Arrears for 1819 is $23,000, as against $32,723 last year. Registrar Scott has rearranged tho salaries of his subordinates, so as to keep within tho appropriation. The following table will show the rates to be paid this year, according to tho January payroll, and the rates paid Inst year.

The figures for last year are taken from the November payroll. It may bo remembered that Scott increased salaries on the December payroll, in order to use up ba'auce of $150.03, which otherwise would havo gone into the Revenue jnino. Charios H. Bu'rlis. deputy ft.

S. Steves, cashier b. O. ToaJ. bookkeeor.

William Elston, entry clerk .1. return clerk 1,400 901) SIX) 71)0 167R. $3,000 MM 1,1500 1,300 1,300 l.OtW 1,000 1,100 1, 100 1,100 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 POO eoo 600 i i. jNorris, TeueiuyiAuu 1,300 9oa ction cierK cierK clerk i clerk 700 600 600 600 600 600 600 Sfesi, clerk 600 nessenger 300 by tho above that tho clerks on small i aro tho ones who suffer, while Scott's lavoriteB, jputy Burtis and casliior stoves, couuauii vi uraw at tho old high figures. The equity oi me miug may oe apparent lo'Scott, but tho clerks probably do uot see it.

CUTTING DOWN SALARIES, The appropriation for the Department of for tbo current year Is i ,000. In order to keep wilhiu sue appropriation the Board have been compelled to re duco' thoslavles of suooruiuaies, an" navu Tiinr 1.331). Tho Board uot fill tho placo of tho late Major llobert Jordan. A sneak thief tnttred tbe office of Mr. V.

swirl, on the fljooncl floor of No. IR5 Montague street yoitoi'day and pMo his overcoat. Mw ii yaw in wiiii ii Dominion locne, Mills, J.Brown, $1 330; W. n. Rogers, v'u., A is a ate I i 1 tho be to as i i 1 I 1 presides, and a score or more of Ms friends. Two mammouth cutters, to one of which (wo horses and to tho other six horses were attached, wore comfortably crowded, and it Is needless to say that tho young people made tho most of the occasion. Although an orderly crowd, thoy wero perhaps the noisiest that have been seen on tho road during tho present sleighing season, and all along the snow clad route they disconrsed tha most inharmonious music from trumpets and lla horns which, however, was occasionally pleasantly dl versified by some really fine vocal performances. Mr. Shaffer had made extensive preparations for the reception of tlie visitors, and on their arrival soon after ten o'clock, cloaks, shawls, comforters, hats and all the other paraphernalia wMch aro brought into service by sleighing expeditions were laid aside, and in tho comfortable parlors all mingled in delightful social Intercourse.

For a couple of Sours the vocal onij instrumental talent of tho company was put to a severe test, but waa by no means exhausted when the summons to tho supper table was given. Although Sir. Shaffer has fed millions of hungry mortals in Ms day, perhaps he never encountered a more ravenous crowd, but his bounteous hospitality was equal to the emergency and all arose from the banqueting board at thorough peace with themselves and all the world. Tho roturn trip was equally satisfactoiry as tho down one, and all reached their homes safoly at a reasonable hour thiB moruiug. ON THE TRACK.

EEolske's Task Ended. He Fails to Accomplish the 180 Miles, and only Scores 160 in tlie Forty eight Hours Howard Still Plodding Away. One of the pedestrianB at Slozart Garden walked himself out shortly before midnight last night. This waa Holake who started at 12k. 5m.

A. M. on Monday to cover 180 miles in 48 hours. He fell 20 miles Bhort of accomplishing his task, retiring permanently from the track at Uh. 34m.

25s. P. with only 100 miles to Ma credit. He made Ms lost mile in 9 m. 30s.

the best time mado during his walk. When ho finished ho was pretty well used up. Although tho blisters Mch covered his feet, some of them larger than an old fashioned ten cent shin plaster, were calloused, he Buffered severe punishment In other ways. He was sore and stiff In every joint, and although he pluckily strove to conceal his real condition from tho spectators, it was quite evident that he was what in sporting parlance la termed completely played." Howard, who does not finish until Saturday night at 12 o'clock, still keeps up his average time. He was ono mile ahead of time at mji.

05m. A. M. to day, whon he had walked 151 milos, He loft the track then and had threo hours' sleep, after which he came out looking and foellng much better. With froqjout rests of brief periods he manages to keep himself comparatively fresh.

Ho is fortunate thus far iu keeping his feet free from I blisters. They are as sound as when ho started. His appetite is excellent, and with the exception of a littlo Btifi'noss which conies ou during his resting spells, he suffers no special inconvenience from Ms trauip. Most of Mb miles are covered on a square heel and toe walk. Ho runs very seldom, and then only a short distance, rarely more than a mile at a timo.

At Oh. 43 in. 40 s. A. M.

he liad 171 miles to his credit and at noon had scored 178 miles. He is confident of scratching up 230 miles by midnight. C. A. Horrlmau will come ou the track to morrow afternoon at two o'clock and walk for ten hours in which he proposes to cover mile, and repeat this feat both Friday and Saturday.

The BiR Task a Dublin Boy is Engagc'd In. David Scanlon, the latest aspirant for dos trlan honors, began his long walk against time at 11 o'clock last night, at Coakley Hall, iu Pacific, near ton Btreet, in tha presence of about 100 spectators. Ho proposes to wulk for six consecutive days, and should ho mako 450 miles iu that time $1,000 will chango hands, bets to that amount boing put up on tho result. Scan lou resembles O'Leary, uot only in his appearanco, but also in hia stylo of walking, ond sporting mon think that with some training; of which ho is much in need, he will bo obla to meet the champion on equal terms. Ho covered tho first milo in 12 minutes and a few seconds, and continued at that tremendous gait, and fair heol and too at that, all tho time, for eoveral milos.

With oMy a few intervals of rest, ho remained ou tho track until 35s. tMs foro noon, whon by tho advice of his friends ho retired for a short rest. During the timo ho was on tho track he covered forty six miles, whicb is considered remarkable walking, under the circumstances, aa the track is exceedingly narrow and must 1 travorsod thirty three times to make a mile. Harry Hill has an eye on Scanlon and has sent Dr. Williams, one of his medical friends, to look after Ms Interests.

Should Scanlon show that he has staying powers, he will bo entered as Brooklyn's representative in the forthcoming international contest at Gilniore'B Garden. Scanlon was tho amateur champion of Dublin, a fow years ago, but this is his first important feat on these shores. The South Brooklyn boys aro much interested in him and are willing to back him against either Campana or O'Leary. The Clinton AtMotlc Club hove undertaken to officiate as scorers and to soo that a correct record is kept, MONEY MAUKCT. Tlie Advance In Stock Since Cold Touched Par in Currency The Market Active and Strong Heavy Sup Hcriptioiis to 4 per Cent.

Bonds. Wall stbeet, January 223 P. M. Among the sales between calfe and at tho second boand were Belleville Southern Illinois, 1st, 100; Wabash cansol convertible, ox coupon, Great Western, 2nd, ex coupon, Canada Southern, 1st, 783ia78J; Louisiana oonsol, 64ati4 Dele ware and Hudson of 1S91, 67; ditto of 1884. 07 a07x 8t.

Paul S. Union Pacific. Denver and Rio Grande. 1st, 87a87X; Park Bank, 100JC; Metropolitan Elevated 1st, VIitfVi District of Columbia, 81 J4' U. S.

6's of 1881, 5'a of 1881 coupon, 4'a coupon, Kansas, Pacific Denver extension, 103h; O. C. I. C. id, N.

y. Elevated 1st, 105; Central Kew Jersey consul as ed, 80; ditto convertible assented, 7SV; Chicago Alton 1st, 116; Burlington, Cedar Rapids and Xortheru 1st, 70; St. Paul I. V. 99 Lehigh and Wilkes, barre assented, 48 Northwest gold, HXTJialOT Rock Island 6's.

110V; Missouri Pacific 2d, 101V. Comparing sales of stocks on December 17, the day on which gold fell to par in currency, with those to day, and adding tho dividends which have come off. the following advance is recorded: Pittsburg, 10 Now York Central, 6 C. C. C.

10' Frio, 6." Union Pacific, Lake Shore, i.Sf Morris Essex, 1I; Lackawanna, 9tf Northwest. 14 'f; ditto preferred, 12 Rock Island, 10'," St. Paul, hVr ditto preferred, 8 Ohio, Central New Jersey, II Hannibal fc St. Joseph, 1 ditto preferred, 3tf; Western Union, Illinois Central, Otf Michigan Central, 13 Delaware Hudson, IX A. P.

Telegraph, Ctf; Chicago, Burlington Qulncy, ly. Alton, S. Tho subscriptions to 4 per cent, bonds, reported from Washington up to noon, were Tho Senate has passed the Houso bill authorizing the treasury to exchango 4 per cents, for any of the 6's, and allowing three months' interest on the C's. This uowb caused a decline in 10 40's at tho call as It is now probable that these bonds will soon be reached by calls. Tho stock market was a little irregular between oils, when IJke Shore, theNorthwesterusandSt.

Pauls yielded to the pressure of realizing sales, but early in the second coll there was a recovery in these stocks, and Western Union, Wabash and Erie moved upward sharply. Tho coat stocks wero strong, but were not quite so activo as thoy wero in tho morning. jf Money loaned at 1 per and stocks wero irregular at the close. Tbo following table shosss tho course of the stock market for this day 2:43 P. M.

Closing Hialiest. Lowest. 3.15 P.M. 114, Central and Hudson Harlem Erie Union TiUn 113 114', 114 21 to' mi. Ki'l w.

ml. 40', If' IWH UX. 79 Xi 43 1 3o '0 7lS S3 WW BJ' i Las 6)4 41'. In 97 13 80S 44'. Morris and 85 61 1 fyj', 40'.

81 gjl Rock Inland St. Paul St. Paul prniorreil Ohio and Miisis Nmr Jersey Central. Hannibal A St. Joseph Western Union pAcitio Mail Panama.

MichiKau Cflntral Delaware A 9H 41 IS 13 a 80H' 44 my. A. A f. do 37M Tho followine tablo shows tho bid quotations for Gov ernment bonds at the opening and closing of the market: First Last call. call.

lo i.V 105 urns 108 10S 102 100 lit) lUi 108 in U.S. 6s, Wl. cistered U. 8. 6s.

1881, coupon U. 8. 5. MM, reffistored U. S.

5s, 111. coupon U. 8. 4'. o( IMt.

registered. 106X 108 i lt. mumn 108 9K 102 IU2 103 103 Mi's: 18Sj tq o( a' i' IQH7 ennnou u' 5.21V3. 1W. roistered.

S. 5 j. U. S. 6 20'3, lbH.

coupon. S. ln IO a. U. P.

Ws. coupon U. S. Currency ACCIDKSTS. Mr.

D. C. nnofNo. 403 Clermont avenue, was thrown from hl.Wh corner Fulton street and Clermont avenue yesterday afternoon, but escaped with Blight injuries. Katie Melia, aged 22 years, employed aa a domestic at No.

177 Lafayette avenue, fell on tho side svoik corner Fulton street and Portland avenue, last night, and sustained a compound fracture of the left leg. Sho waa taken iu an ambulance to the City Hospital. Mrs. Loomis, aged 55 years, fell last night cornor Degrow and Henry streets, and dislocated her Mp. Sho was carried on a stretcher to her residence, No, 155 State street, and attended by Dr.

Dudley. A sleieb. which Thomas Hailey was driving, was upset on Flatbush avenue last night, and the uorsa running away, wa utterly demolished. Mr. Hailey escaped with a few slight bruises.

TVYKSTV THIBD WARD DEMOCRATS. A regular monthly meeting of tho Tweuty Ihird Ward Democratic Association was lat evening, in tho hall atLcfforU Tart, Mr. Henry A. Coddiug ton. President, being in tho cnjlr, and Mr.

F. A. Hood hue acting as Secretary. The jiunes of tweivty ftvo newraendiera were "nroKed, after which a conunitteo of five was appointed to tnike up ticket to bo voted forat to morrow ulght'a prim try. committee confuted of Messrs.

T. II. manon. jjjwirj wbltesido, J. H.

DeForrest, R. J. Ad'iifiou aud Arthur Brlttou. I The meotina thou djourasd. 1 a of It i 1 i unable to pay it, Mr.

Dobiemann mado an assignment yoBtorday to John G. Walsh. ROBBERY IN ADAMS STREET. Beware of the Itoviiiff Peddlers. Yesterday afternoon three young men called at tho residence of Mrs.

Hollefas, No. 105 Adams Btrect, peddling smoothing irons, and while two of them remained in conversation with Mrs. Hellefas in the basement, the third wont up stairs to the socond floor, where he remained a fow moments. Tho three then took their doparture, and Boon afterward Mrs. Hellefas found that several articles of Jowelry, valued at $75, had been stolon.

The police of tho Socond Precract were notified and Deteotive Campbell subsequently arrested Patrick McGaroney, James Burnhill and Bartholomew Buckley, all of No. 101 Fulton street, who had beon seen peddling smoothing irons in the neighborhood in the morning. The three prisoners wero taken before Mrs. Hellefas, but Bhe failed to identify them. As they had no Jlcenso, however, thoy were held for violating the city ordinances.

MKS. MORSE'S FOLLY. Fatal lEcsnlt of a Burning Casualty. On the evening of the 10th instant Mrs. Morse, of No.

22 TaJlman street, in company with a lady friend, went to Mozart Garden to see Madame Anderson Uar tyroftt walkino feat. She left behind her at the bouse her infant eon, aged 16 months, and in charge of him a young man with whom she was acquainted and who promised to take good care of the child. It was after one o'clock in tho morning when Mrs. Morse returned to her home, where a shocking scene was presented to her eyes. Her child was lying on the floor, suffering from severe burns, which ho had received by falling against the stove, while his temporary guardian lay on the bed in a beastly state of intoxication.

Tho mantlepiece was also on fire, ai)4 tu 0 few moments the room would havo been enve'oped in fiainos. Police officers from the Second Precinot wore summoned and tho drunken rascal was taken to the Btation house. He was arraigned before Justico Walsh on tho following morning and received tho well deserved punishment of three months in the Penitentiary. The unfortunate child never recovered from tho effects of the burning, am last night ho expired. Dr.

Henry O. SimmBrtho Coroner, was notified of tho case and will hold an inquest tliis afternoon. RAPID TRANSIT. Tlae Kings County Elevated Railroad Moving. Obtaining the Signatures of Property Owners on Hamilton and Prospect AvenuesA Road to be Built at Once to Connect Hamilton Ferry and Culver's Depot.

The Kings County Elevated Railroad Company havo organized a sort of flank movement in tho matter of rapid transit, and one which, so far a3 is now Been, promise's to be effectual and popular. They propose to obtain the consent of tho property owners and of the Common Council, if possible, and at once proceed construct a first class elevated railroad from Hamilton Ferry to tho Culver dopot, connecting with tho Prospect Park and Conoy Island Railroad, at Greenwood. For somo time a quiet, informal canvass of the property owners along tho proposed route has beon going on, and tho promoters of the scheme have met with so much encouragement along tho line that they are satisfied that tho consent of tho ownors of one half the property in value can be secured without trouble. To morrow tho canvassers or tho company will commence in earnest and openly asking for signatures. THE ROUTE one of the several laid out by tho Eapid Transit Com niiBBion, although it is proposed to construct this line Independently of any others.

The route will be along Hamilton avenue to Prospect avenuo, along Prospect avenuo to Ninth avenue, and thence to the Culvor dopot. Hamilton avenue, as is well known, is a broad avenue, eighty feet wide, Prospect is also a broad avenuo one hundred feet wide. For years but bttle building has been done on Hamilton avouue. It is proposed to construct tho road eoinowbat after the plan adopted on the upper part of tho New York Elevated Kail road, that is by planing tho uprights near the middle of tho Btreet instead of tho odge of the sidewalk. The latest improvements to obviato noise will be used, the cars will be of the nioBt approved pattern, and the road will be run as a rapid transit line both Summer and Winter.

It expected that this route will prove of INCALCULABLE BENEFIT to South Brooklyn. It will afford a direct communication between upper New York via both the east and west side elevated railroads and Coney Island. To such an extent is it known that the property owners along the line favor tho idea, that one of tho promoters of the plan informed an Eagle reportor tbu morning that the owners of one block of four stores on Hamilton avenue assured him that they would not only not oppose it, but would use personal efforts in securing signatures of other property owners along the route. ProBpect avenue is selected for another reason than that it is a broad avenue. The grade on this street is lesB than that of any other leading to the Culver terminus.

Should tha, consent of the property owners be obtained and the Common Council intorposo no objection, the company propose to construct the road at once, and have it open for the eariy Summer travel to Coney Island. THE EMERALD BALL. Arrangements for the Coining Event in the Academy. The Emerald Association met last night to norfect arrangements for the annual ball, which is to take placo on the night of January 28. President Kearney presided and Secretary Brcon recorded, Beports wore received from the various committees having charge of the arrangements for the ball, from which it appears the event will be tho finest in the history.

of society. From 8 to 10 o'clock a concert will be given by GPmpre'B band. Dancing will begin at the close of tha concert. It was reported at the meeting, last night, that a very large number of tickets had beon sold, which insures a substantial benefit to tho Roruan Catholic orphan asylums, in whose aid the ball Is given. Mr.

Cassiu. Chairman of the Committee on Decoration, reported that tho Academy, where the event is to wjfur, wiu '1S' that the ornamentation will will youecpraxep. oy iur. ri. vteir.

tue uoi isl, uuu be oi me most omoorate ftnil Viftjuitif ill dftscrlntiou. Mr. Johu C. Kelly, unairman oi tuo aupper uoinmit teo, reported that suppers would be furnished by Mr. A.

L. Ashman, tho Newark caterer, at $1.50 each. No bov oragos are to be sold, exceptldg at the table, whero wine will be served. Mr. Bornard Leavey, chairman of the committee ap pointed to investigate the charges against the nniBic committee, reported in favor of thoir exoneration, as they had acted in the best interests of the Bociety.

The matter was laid over for future consideration. Mr. Rooney, tho financial secretary, reported that the sale of tickets had been unprecodontedly largo, and that the ball would be a grand success. Tho Scandinavian Club of tho Fourth Ward had ordered twenty five The president announced that the ball would com meuco promptly at 10 o'clock. The meeting thon adjourned.

SEWER GASSES. The Condition of the Cate Mr. Itoclc well's House Inspector Powers' lie port to the Board of Health. Appended are the chief points of the report of Inspector Powers, on the condition of the late Mr. Rockwell's house, to which reference is mado in another column In Mr.

Rockwell's bathroom on the second floor, a Jenning's hollow plug water closet is set; tho discharge is connected by about 2 feet of four inch pipe to tho four Inch line which also serves as a rain water conductor. The trap of tho closet is unsealed whenever tho contents of t.he closet are discharged, so that the trap has probably never been properly sealed at any time, except by an accidental overflow of water In the" closet, since it has been set. Another of these closets on the opposite side of the house, on the same floor, 1b in the same condition, unsealed to such an extent that the water remaining in the trap offers no resistance to tho passage of tho sewer air into the house. A two inch waste pipe is run horizontally from the four inch soil pipe on north side of house to southwest side of house to three wash basins in Mr. Rockwell's apartments, and thon up through a partition to the nursery and suit of rooms on third floor in the apartments In which tho disease has appeared both years.

The wash basin trap on third floor in library is siphoned when tho water is discharged from the wash basin in Mr. Rockwell's room. The wash basin trap in nursery is Biphoned by discharge of basin. The wash basin traps in Mr. Rockwell's rooms are siphoned alternately, and also by discharge from basins overhead.

The trap in the nursery, when full, holds six ounces of water, when siphoned there remains but three ounces and three quarters. The trap in the library of third floor holds, when full, five and one half ounces, when Biphoned, but three and three quarter ounces. ijvnm thin it. follows that since the occunancy of the house some one or more trapB have been unsealed, ond i SEWEB AHl HAS BEEN DRAWN INTO THE APART MENTS In which the unsealed trap was located and these were the apartmentB occupied by the persons affected. Tho three water closet trapB which connect with tho inr ii nino that in also used as a rain water con ductor, muBt be Biphoned by tho great downward rush I of water during heavy storme.

and then remain un sealed until the closets aro used. As heavy rainstorms I sometimes occur at night, and the closets are not used until the following morning, there is great danger of escape of Bower air into the house from this cause. Ono baBin in spare room on fourth floor discharges into a two inch pipe which is carried perpendicularly from three inch pipe In cellar under certain conditions this trap Biphons, that is, the trap siphoned once out of four trials, but as the siphonage of this or any other trap might allow of infection, it is not wlso to permit any arrangement to exist that, under any circumstances, would prove defective, and it is much better to provide against this danger by use of air pipes. A tank supplies the water to tbe four basins on the fourth floor; the overflow of this tank Is connected to the four inch soU pipe by an inch aud a quarter pine, which was sealed by submersion in the water of the tank. This arrangement allows of absorbHon of sewer air i.

nmfoi. vmtjiin in thB tank and as this water is Bomefimea used for drinking by the occupants or tho fourth story, some improvement in sealmg the overflow is desirable. There is no disconnecting trap in the main sewer pipe of the house, so that the air which enters the house through the drains is the air of the public sowpr together with that evolved in tho decomposition of tie matter remaining in the house pipes. A half luch iron plpo is connected to sower In cellar and carried up to upper stories. This pipe was to receive the blow through waste from four radiators to be set beneath tho windows.

These radiators wore not eet and I would recommend that floor boards bo taken up and tho pipe examined at its termination to see if it is properly sealed. The alterations which aro necessary, in my opinion, to make the sewerage Its this house perfect are 1 A disconnection of the uouso pipes from tho public sower by means of a trap at rear wall of cellar in the five inch iron pipe and a thrco inch iron pipe inlet on house sideofBaid trap from outer oir, to allow fresh air to bo drawn into the house pipes 2. That a separate air pipe bo carried upon both lines of water closets, and connections mado from tins plpo to oacb water closet trap close up to said trap 3 That separate air pipes lie carried from each wash basin and pink trap, to prevent Blphcmage of Raid traps. 4 That the overflow of tank be disconnected from soil oipo and trapped Into some trap that used re guoaUy, James J. Powfins, Cojiaulting Plujnbor, i I i If if it I i I I i Newtown Creek, near tho Blissvillo Bridgo.

Thoy wore faat rionds aud wero much together ovenings. Bradley had the utmost confidenco In Monahan, whose conduct toward his wife, bo far as he know, was of tho moat formal kind. Bradley's astonishment can be better imagined than described when he returned from work ou Saturday evening, tho 23rd of last November, ond FOUND NO WIFE TO OI1EET HIM. mado inquiries of tho neighbors, which resulted iu discovering that she had eloped with Monahan. It appeared that after Bradley wont to work in the morning tho boarder returned from Stono Fleming's establishment, packed up his olothing and left.

Tho express wagon which carted away his trunk alBO took Mrs. Bradley's. Tho boarding mistress Btood at tho door as Monahan was leaving, and, after bidding him goodby, said that sho would meet him, "ho kuow whore," an hour later. Mrs. Bradley shortly after left the Uouso attired in her Sunday clothes.

When Mr. Bradley learned tho facts given above, ho concluded that the pair had started for Brazil that morning, In Stono it Fleming's bark, loaded with oil. Pursuit was useless. Among the articles which Mrs. Bradley Btowed away in her truuk were a pair of blankets, half a dozen kutves and forks and a quilt, all the property of hor husband, as was the truuk Itself When Mr.

Bradloy ascertained yesterday that Monahan had roturnod, he decided on causing his arrest ou a charge of constructive larceny. Iu telling the Magistrate tho story of his troubles ho frequently expressed tho belief that Monahan had FOULLY DEALT WITH HIS WIFE. The Justice laughed at the absurdity of the expression and assured Bradley that if such were the caso Monahan would not return to Greenpoint. Bradley said that he would liko to ascertain his wife's whereabouts. would not take her back to his home, but he would liko to give her a good talking to aud, above all, recover his trunk and blankets.

The warrant was placed in tho hands of a Court officer to execute. A DEAD DOG. "What Some People Oall "import." Three Hundred People who Watched Two nnss Tear Each Other to Pieces A Bloody Fight of Three Hours and Twenty Minutes Which Eesulted in the Killing of One of the Animals. Jack, a white English bull, and Crib, a Now l'ork brindlo, two dogs, weighing thirty one pounds each, fought on Monday night, at Long Island City, aud tho canine contest was watched by three hundred people, all of whom had a pocuniary interest in the result of the match, the betting on each Bido amounting the aggregate to $5,000. Three months ago Cockney Charlie, a well known English sporting man, brought from England the dog Jack.

Tho bruto had mado an excellent record on tho other side, aud was bought by Cockney Charlie for the sum of twenty pounds. The intention on tho part of Cockney Charlie was to match the dog to fight in this country, he (Charlie) having long been a resident of New York, and being porfectly familiar with the value of ovory fighting dog of note in the country. On his recent trip to England, he felt satisfied that possessing "Jack" he would have a dog that could, as he expressed it, "rip the stuffing" out of any dog in the States, bo ho purchased him for tho prico named. When Charlie got to Now York he showed his treasure to various sporting men. Tho animal was a beauty, as bulldogs go, and exhibited a wonderful strength in jaw andmuscle.

Mr. Dick, a well known Brooklyn sporting man, burned to possess Jack and finally Charlio parted with him for $200 in clean cash. A week after that, Mr. Welsh, who was considered to be tho owner of tho best dog in the country, the brindlod dog "Crib," made a match with Mr. Dick, who backed his dog "Jock" against all comors.

The match was made for $500 a side, each dog to have ten weoks or three months' training. THE DOGS IN TRIM. The sporting mon wero greatly exercised as to tha result of this fight. Welch's dog was known all over this part of tho country, his battles had mado him famous, whereas the English dog was comparatively a stranger, bo to apeak, and could only bo judged from appearances. The result was that as soon as tho match was made, tho dogs wore placed in the hands of two well known trainers in Now York, and while thoy wero being got into condition, tho "fancy" from New York, Philadelphia, Boston, Brooklyn and Wlllianisburgh went to see how they progressed.

Tbe betting, even before the dogs wero ready for tho pit, was very lively, and on Mondoy night, when tho animals were taken to a certain welt known sporting rendezvous in Long Island City, they were soon encircled by a throng of over three hundred. The tight commenced at eleven o'clock, and lasted until twenty minutes past two. The dogs were not handled by tho men, but by two other experts at this branch of the business, and both of whom Mr. Bergh would like to get hold of. The dogs made.

A TERRIFIC FIGHT, tearing and chewing each other with a pertinacity that is proverbial of their species. They wero well handled and carefully tended after each eet to. The English dog was full of strength and courage, but found ho had a tough antagonist in his brindled adversary. After two boura fighting, during Inch time both the brutes had lacerated each other terribly, but had gained no perceptible advantage, tho English dog seemed to be como suddenly invigorated, and made two or three such desperate onslaughts, that the brindle soon showod signs of caving in. Tho poor brute was sponged off, braudied, doctored after the usual style, aud forced to renew the fight, and it did so with a courage that only gave out ot tbe expiration of three hours and twenty minutes, when ho was stretched lifeless In tho pit, literally torn to pieces.

The English dog was badly punished, too, butbmped to his corner and was game if called on again, lie was wrapped up and carried off, while the men who had bet on him raked in their money ond spont tho remainder of the night at the liar. COURT SHEWS. Tlie Case of the Boy Who Was Injured While Oiving a Driver a Drink of Water, Passed on by the Court of Appeals. On July 1874, John Day, a boy, 10 years of age, was filling a can at a pump on Myrtle avenue, near Canton street. Tho driver of 3 Greenpolnt car, going along Myrtle avenue, called to Mm for a drink of water.

Tho horses were on a walk ond the boy went over and got upon the front platform of the car and gave the driver tho can, from which he took a drink. Tho driver handed tho can to the boy ond told him to hurry off the car. The boy asked the driver to stop, but ho paid no attention, and in attempting to get off the boy's right foot was caught on the step. Tho driver struck the horses with a wMp, they moved on, and the boy was thrown under the car. His right leg was crushed and subsequently amputated at the City Hos pital.

The boy brought a suit to recover asm ages for this injury. The case was tried before Justice Pratt on January 10, 1877, and a decision rendered in favor of the defendant, Justice Pratt deciding that the plaintiff had no right to get upon tho car that he was not a passenger, and that tne unver uau uu auuiuruy to invite Mm on the car for the purpose ho did. From this decision ou appeal was taEen uy Morns i Pearsall, counsel for plaintiff, to the General Term of the 8uoreme Court. After argument before that Court, before Justices Barnard, Gilbert and Dykman, a decision was rendered granting a new trial, and holding ttiat ttio railroad company were liable for the act of the driver. I Mr.

Justice Dykman in his opinion says "Tho defend ant employed a driver for one of Its cars, and put him in charge of it and of the team tnat arew it, ana committed to him the management of the samo bo far as the propulsion of the car was concerned. This was a place of trust and responsibility, and the defendant became legally liable for all injuries inflicted by him through lack of judgment or by carelessness wMlo be was in tho I discharge of Ms duty. It was necessary to tho per fonnance of this dnty that the anver snouia eat anu drink. At this time he was thirsty, and the plain tiff got on Ms car to give Mm water to drink at Ms request. As the driver might lawfully ask him to do that, it follows that the plaintiff was rightfully on the car.

He got on the car at tho request of the driver to do Mm an act oi ainaucss, anu no ougm to have been let off in safety; but instead of doing that, the car was urged forward, the driver refused to stop, although the plaintiff besought him to do so, and that misconduct caused tne injury compiainea oi. xue driver could order Mm off as he did, but had not the right to do so when tho car was moving at a rate or speed wWch would render It dangerous to obey the order." From this decision the defondant appealed to the Court of Appeals, and under the law stipulated that tho decision of that court should be final. This morning a decision was rendered In favor of the plaintiff, and ordering that the damages bo assessed by a jury. For plaintiff, Morris Peamall; for defendant, Henry C. Murphy, and Winchester Britton.

The Court of Sessions. In the Court of Sessions yesterday morning, before Judge Moore and associate Justices Wickliam and Sponcer, Garret J. Wise was brought up to answer to a charge of embezzlement, preferred against Mm by F. K. Buscb.

BuBch la soap manufacturer, and Wise was engaged by him as an agent to Bell soap and collect money. It waB charged In tho complaint that Wise sold a considerable amount of Boap, and instead of returning the money to his employer, be oppropriated it to his own use. On examination, it was found that Wieo waa not and waa accordingly acquitted. Another caso in the Court of Sessions yesterday was that of Sponcer vb. Mullin.

Mnllln is charged with on attempt at bodily harm on Sponcor. Considerable time was taken In examining the case, and finilly the indictment was quashed. BnOOKIASCA.UiPOSIaS CLUB. The Brooklyn Caledonian Club will give their thirteenth annual ball next Friday evening rooms, 200 Clinton strcot, corner of Atlantic avenuo. The ball will ho preceded by wncort, tho tho of not of E.

I i I i I I i 1 I I I HiHWi.

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