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The Brooklyn Daily Eagle from Brooklyn, New York • Page 4

The Brooklyn Daily Eagle from Brooklyn, New York • Page 4

Brooklyn, New York
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)


4 EDI1M AT ALBANY. The Brooklyn Men loaded with Bills. body. Any man has a right to come here and offer such, a resolution aa he sees fit. Mr.

Sherry From what Mr. Walker has said I think he can givo satisfactory explanation. I move that he be invited to give en explanation. Loud calls for Walker. In the hubbub Major BIssell and Mr.

Murphy tried to speak. Major Bissau I would like to ask the privilege of tho floor for a gentleman, a minister of the gospel, Rev. Mi'. Bass, to explain tho matter. Mr.

Manchester I want Mr. Walkor to explain. I don't want Mr. BifisoU or anybody else. The cries for Supervisor Walker were renewed, and he came slowly to the front and asked tliat the resolutions be read again.

When the request had been complied with he said WAIiEB'8 kebble defense. I deny that I ever made any such promlso aa Is named in the resolutions. I am willing to deny it under oath, and I defy any man to say I ever made any mich promise. Ab for the new wing to the jail, I think It was a measure of economy to build it. The presont jail has ninety cells.

Only forty of them are flit to bo nwuniBd. I wouldn't Dut a hoff in any of the others. RAPID TRANSIT. What Is Being Dono by tlxa Kings County Elevated Kail road Conipnay. Despite the influences that havo been brought to bear upon property owners, to secure their oppoei tton to rapid transit, tho Kings County Elevated Ball way Company seems to be maid off considerable progress.

Widely circulated petitions ogalnst tho three bills Introduced in the Legislature opposing rapid transit, are being signed. Canvassers in tho employ of the company, together with gentlemen In favor of the rood, are now obtaining on expression of pubUo opinion along Hamilton and Prospect avenues, and In thee streets, particularly, many signatures In favor of rapid transit havo been obtained. In conversation with an Eaole reporter, this morning, Judge Bond said that at the present time it would not bo advisable to publish tho names of any ot the prominent people in favor ot the movement, as the moment their names appeared in type, outside Influences would be brought to bear upon them, with view of endeavoring to make them change their opinions. He said, however, that there was one gontleman on Fulton street, who owned probably three times as much property as any other man on tha name street, who had Bold that he would work hard In favor of the movement. In reply to the question as to whether or not tha peti Travel Impeded on the Stiver.

A dense fog overspread the city this morning. On the East Biver ft waa fmposaible to see further than a distance of ten yards, and travel on all the ferries was Impeded. The fog was thickest about seven o'clock, and from that hour until midday a long line of vehicles stretching out 48 far aa Sands street on Fulton streot wore waiting tho opportunity of transportation aorosfl the river. At Fulton Ferry only three boats were run, and arrangementa were carried out whereby only one of the number waa on the river at a time. This waB also tho case at the Catharine street, Wall street, Atlantic avenue and Hamilton avenue ferries.

The fog bolls eorved as the guides to the pilots, and their melancholy din could be heard at tho distance of half a mile. Luckily, there were but few vessels on the river. The boats did not run at nil speed, and the Bhrill blast of the whistla was heard from all parts of the river. Later on to the day the fog cleared somewhat, and the boats oroBsod the river with their accustomed speed and regularity. TIIE EMERALD BALL.

Tho Brilliant Event at the Academy To Night. The preparations for the Emerald Ball are now all completed, and it la confidently oxpeoted that the scone at the Academy of MubIo to night will throw into the shade all previous gatherings of a Bimilar kind. In the way of decorations nothing has beea left undone to add to the brilliancy of the occasion, and Weir Son, the well known florists of Fulton street, have been at work all day, and the result of their labors will be the most artistic floral display ever seen the Academy, Tho conoert will begin at 8:30 P. and will continue about an hour and a half, when the ball will be opened. It Is expected that those going on thefloor will adhero to the full dross mandate, which means an absence of hats and bonnets from the heads of the fair ones.

Of course, there Is no restriction as to tho stylo of dress or material, nor does the committee propose to put into operation any Draconian code on this subject. CoaeheB will approach the Academy through Montague street, from Fulton and Court, and will depart by way of Montague and Clinton streets. Superintendent Campbell will place a squad of officers at the disposal of tho Committee of Arrangements, and the police arrangements will bo as p'erfoct as it is possible to make them. PEDESTKIAN1SM. What the "utiin Boy" Accomplished at Coakley IInU At eleven o'clock last night David Scaalon, the Dublin pedestrian, completed his six days' walk at Coakley Hall, in Pacific street.

Ho undertook to cover 450 miles in the time mentioned, but fell short of accomplishing that tremendous undertaking by 45 mileB the actual distance covered being 405 miles. From the beginning to the close the Clinton Athletic Club had representatives at the hall, and a sleepless watch was kept up and an accurate record kept of each mile covered. Scanlon labored under the greatest possible disadvantages, the track was a miserable one, requiring thirty three laps to the mile andhe had little or no coaching and abBoiuTcly no preliminary training for the big last but, in spite of these drawbacks, he held out plackily to the last minute, and more than justified the confidence repoBed in him by his South Brooklyn friends. An effort will bo made to have him enter In tho international walking match, and Ilia present record shows that he would bo no mean competitor. Mr.

Coakley, the proprietor of the hall, did all that was possible to make the walking match a success, believing that pedestrianism should bo encouraged in every possible way. Thero la scarcely a doubt that Scanlon would have dono his 450 miles had he been walking at Mozart Garden, ME BBOWXE ASSOCIATION. The first annual reception of the Browne Association, one of the few substantial social organizations of the EaBtern District, is to take place on tho evening of February 3. This affair will be attended by the eighty or more membors of the association and about an equal number of invited guests. The place appointed ia at the well furnished rooms of tho organization in the hotel, corner of Broadway and First street.

COUNTY. Storekeeper Coffey Asks for an Investigation. His Request to be Presented to the Board of SlinerviSOrS 011 Thursday Inspector every prisoner shall be oonfmoa separately, and that 1 prisoners under sentonco and prisoners awaiting sen MichaelS Attacked With a Fit OI KemarK tonce Bhall not be confined In the same cell. How are the Board of Supervisors going to provide separate con ablO Fastidiousness The Court BOUSe nnement, when there are odly 91 cells, and only 40 of 17 theso in condition 1 Thero has been a groat deal said Nuisance Too Expensive. about tne 009t of the new jatt.

sVpeVsoT YnOet; some time ago offered a resolution for the erection of a As anticipated in these columns several days yf (hat mtght coat ago, Storekeeper Michael J. Coffey has called for an In Mr. H. O. Place I rise tp a point of order.

The gen i 1, 1., it ne is not speaking to the question, which is on the vostigation. He bases Ms request for it upon the alle ptton of thfeohltions. the tions In favor of rapid transit were being extensively signed, Judge Bond said that they wero, and that tha prospects of the company's success wore better now than they hod ever been before. WASHINGTON. The Democratic Sen ators in Caucus.

The Southern Claims Question Half tho Democrats Likely to Support ConMing Against Hayes A Report in Favor of Reducing the Tobacco Tax. Special to the Eagle. Washington, January 28. A caucus of Democratic Senators waa held this morning. With one exception the caucus was unanimous in deciding to oppose the joint resolution reported from thoComi nlttee on Judiciary as a substitute for tho House Joint resolution proposing an amendmont to tho Con stitution prohibiting the payment of olaims to disloyal persons for property Injured or destroyed during tho war.

The proposed, amendment was reported by the Republicans for the purposa of compelling Democrats to take stand cithor for or against tho payment of Southern claims. Tho couous was unanimously opposed to the consideration of the New York appointments in open session Talk in caucus revealed the fact that nearly one half of the Democratic Senators wiU vote for tho rejection of Merritt and Burt. Tho Senate Financial Commltteo this' morning, by vote of flvo against four, decided to recommend a reduction of the tax on tobacco from the present rate of twenty four cents per pound to twenty cents per pound, and it was also decided to add to the House bill a provision to admit free of Customs duty, all licorice paste and licorice rolls, theso articles being imported almost wholly for use In tho manufacture of plug tobacco. The committee took no action to day in regard to tho taxes on cigars and cigarettes and snuff. A part of to day's session was devoted to hearing an argument from E.

L. Prussing, of Chicago, In opposition to any change in the laws concerning the manufacture of vinegar from mash. The Legislative Appropriation bill has been reported to the House and referrod to Committee of Whole, and tho House has now uudor consideration tho bill to restrict tho immigration of Chinese, O. CIPHERS. The Developments Before the Potter Committee To day.

General Bradley on tho Stand Why ho Stole the Record of hh Part in the Business as Zdck Chandler's Agent. WsnrsQTOx, January W. Tit the Polter to day, General Brady, Second Assistant Postmoster General, was tho first witness, and was examined by the Chairman relative to tho package of papers given him for safekeeping by Mr. Bullock, of tho Senate Committee of privileges and Elections. Mr.

Brady suspected tho contents of tho the package, oponed it and had copies of them made. He then gave a portion of the originals to Mr. William Chandler, and sent another portion of them ononymously to Whiteiaw Held, of tho Aew I'urk Tribune. The balanco then remaiulug were given to Mr. Chandlor and Mr.

WltnesB had recognized two or three or the telegrams sent Mr. Reid In the pamphlet recently Issued by tho Vork Tribune. Mr. Chandler was given the copies relating to Florida. XT UnUnlinn vtlnou hM Mr fThanrfrar VXlfi Zlx'" and himself had endeavored to translate tho telegromj" Colonel Parker, Chier or special Agents, trovt Department, being one evening at Gonoral Brady's house, also attempted to translate tho messages, but their efforts were total failures.

Mr. Evans, of Indiana, in giving General Brady the package merely requested him to take charge of them. Some time ofter keeping them locked UD cunoHiry was so ue ujjouuu them, whereupon Improssci; with the idea that they, wore Important documents'. A near as remembers he mentioned their contents to Wm. 5.

Chandler Dm. Telegrams of both parties were contained In the bundle, afid both sides of ttio question wero revised by them. The Democratic telegrams howover were more interesting to them than the other Bide were. Mr. Blackburn interrogated witness os to whether in 1875 Special Agent Morton, of tho POBt Office Deportment, was designated to vifiit Florida.

Mr. Brady replying, sold he believed Mr. Morton was in Florida. Had never read his testimony before this committee, and know none of the facts connected with Morton's visit. In reply to a question whether he had received or sont any telegrams bearing upon the late elections for President and Vice President, tho Genoral sold eomo six or seven messages had been exchanged between himself and Judge Tyner during hla (Brady's) stay in Florida.

Q. By whose request did you vlnit Florida A. President Grant requested me to go to Florida, and in compliance with his requosj I went. Q. What did you go for A.

To eeo a fair count. Mr. Blackburn then put witness through a riid examination rogardlng his idea of an almost Cabinet officer of ths United States aovernmont Interfering in the electoral count of of tho State of Florida, and asking him if he considered the policy of civil ten Ice reforms. Witness said ho saw no improprlt ty in the matter. In reply to Mr.

MacMahon he testified that ho assorted out of the telegrams in t'he Senate committee room those which had passed between Mr. Tyner and himeelf Mr. MacMahon Then it was not untrue, as stated by the Democratic papers, that some of tho telegrams wero takon from tho committee room? A. Those I have mentioned wore taken. Mr.

Brady announced tbat if ho could find tho telegrams cent and received by him, he would produce them before the committee, Witness received $2,000 from Z. Chandler when he left for Tallahassee, which amount he turned over to Wm. E. Chandler upon arrival. It waa nnderhtood by Mr.

Brady that Mr. Chondler (W. paid the expenses of some of tho witnesses in Florida. This, howover, ho did not know from hia own knowledge. He (Brady) advanced $1,000 of hiB own money to defray the hotel expensea of the party, and that amount waa rel unded by Z.

Chandler upon his return to Washington. Tho Chairman tbon interrogated witness If he considered it proper for him to take frm committee room certain papers which had been entrusted to the core of the Government 1 Mr. Brady It was assumed at the time I withdrew the telegrams that thoy would ultimately be destroyed, and I desirod to preserve the record of my part of the transaction as a relic, Thero was nothing I would fear the world seeing iu their contents. A FCSEKATi DELATED. In great trepidation a certain Adolph Matthews, who lives ot No.

72 Boerum street, to day visited tbo Slagu street Police Station to inn, re the reason why the funeral of a child could not be proceeded with. On Saturday last a three year old child of Matthews hod been accidentally scalded by the upsetting of a kc ttlc of hot water. The family physician attended the sufferer, who lingered until the following day in great agony. A certificate os to the cause of death given by the physician hod proven unsatisfactory to the Board of Health, by which body a burial permit was to day refused and a natidcation sent to Coroner to inveatigoie tbo case. It happened that the funeral had been appointed for this morning, and the osfernbled relatives and friends only awaited the return of the undertaker engaged with tho permit.

Necessarily tho interment had TUESDAY EVENING, JANUARY 28, 1879. TELEGRAMS. Tlie Cenei al New of tiie Day. Latest Reports About the Plague in Russia. A Cardinal at the Point of Death Dis tress of English Artisans Mount Sion Convent BurnedMore African ExplorationLabor Troubles in Kentucky.

January 28. The Berlin dinpatch to the honion Post, declaring that Italy Uaa suddenly objected to the course of Austria Germany tu hindering intercourse with Russia, ia extromoly improbable. Italy, herself, having taken precautionary measures against infection by ordering a rigorous Inspection and disinfection of vessels from Southern Russian porta, is not likely to endeavor to interfere with the action of Germany nud Auetria in that direction. The KUBsians complain of the stir made about the plague, especially of Germany's action In making sanitary precaution a sort of international affair. They assert that all proper precautions will bo takon by them, and as proof of the efficacy of the measures already employed, point to the fact that, since the outbreak of the disraso, it has made no progress beyond the places whore it first made its appearance.

Tho Vienna newspapers reply to theBe complaints and Bay that, according to the understanding oome to by the last International Sanitary Congress of Europe, tho authorities of each country were at onco to give notice of the fact to tho other countries, on tho appearance within their borders of any epidemic, and mako regular and full roports upon it. This rale was not obBerved In tho present instance until couimunica Hods on the Bubjcct appearing in Russian newspapers bad attracted tho attention of Europe. St. Petebbburg, January 28. Tho Gdlos states that the plague has made its appearance at a hamlet thirty four miles from Wetlianka.

Considerable alarm has been caused in Moscow by tho news leaking out that a number of recruits for the Imperial Guard arrived in that city on the 13th of January from the infected district. The recruits were met by doctors; wore disinfected and isolated; their clothing was burned, and it is believed that the danger of infection from ihsm is over. Cardinal Amomicci Dying1 Ancona, January 2S. Cardinal Antonio Antonucci, Archbishop of Ancona, is at tho point of death. African Exploration.

London, January 23. It is stated that the Steamer Albion has been chartered to take Henry M. Stanloy and party to Zanzibar for anothor exploring expedition in Africa. Distress ol English Workmem London, January 28. Seven thousand miners idle in tho County of Durham.

Tho distress then) has not been equaled since the great strike in 1844. A Convent Burned. Losdon, January 23. Mount Sion Convent, in 'Waterford. Ireland, has been burned.

The fire was the work of an incendiary. A Tliaw iu England and France. London January 28. The weather has moderated. A general thaw has set in here and in France.

Flouring; Mill Burned. Canandaigua, N. January 28. The large steam flour mill of Richmond Smith was destroyed by fire last night. The loss is about J20.0U0 'nsured for Destructive Prairie Fire.

Deadwood, D. 1., January 27. A destructive prairie Are on Sunday last swept over this valley, twenty miles north of this place, burning tons of hay and lovelthg soveral ranches to tho ground. Sudden Death ot a Boston Merchant. Boston, January 28.

Thomas Gray of the firm of Gray cotton dealers, one of the oldest and known merchants of this city died suddenly this morning at ui3 office, of heart jioase. Fire in Auilierst. Amherst, January 28. Koilogg's block, owned by tho Amherst Savings Bank, was damaged by fire this morning to the extent of insured. The post office and savings bank were somewhat injured, but fully Insured.

The other occupants of the block were Starbnck SkeeleB, loss $1,800 insurance, $1,100, and D. H. Kellogg, boots and shoes, tosB $1,500 no insurance. Obituary. Pbovidenoe, U.

January 28. Henry Greene died In Newport this morning. His death was the result of an injury to his spine by a recent fall. Husincss Troubles. Al.

ENTO'WK, January 28. M. J. Kramer, fcr many years tho largest dry good's merchant in this city, has had his store closed by tho sheriff, and will be Bold out on Saturday. His indebtedness is about $15,000, due mostly to Philadelphia and New York firms.

Saratoga's First National Bank. Sakatooa, K. January 28. rtivorlni nf tho First National Bank have made a all on the stockholders for 95 per on each share, to make up all deficiencies and contingencies consequent on the previous management, to be paid within twenty dayB. The directors say if the call ie not responded to they fear the bank will havo to go into the hands of a receiver, which would probably ueo up all the stock and require assessineutfl to satisfy tho depositors.

The stockholders are called to meet next Saturday, to consult and decide whether the bank is to be wound up by a receiver or tho assessment met. Cashier Leako, whose alleged mismanagement brought disaster on the institution, has resigned. Labor Troubles. Cincinnati, January 28. Advices from Ashland, Kentucky, Btato that tho prolonged strike of the Norton Iron Works miners terminated yesterday, by tho minors resuming work.

A large number of turbulent miners gathered at the works threatening trouble, declaring that tho men resuming violated the rules of tho union, which required concessions from the mill owners. Following tho excitement camo a strike among the employes at the Princess Furnace Mine, a tow miles distant, the minere demanding an advance of five cents per ton. By this movement several hundred men have been thrown out of employment. Grcit excitement prevails and bloodshed is fearod. A Heavy Gale.

Deadwood, D. January, 27. A heavy gale of wind prevailed on Sunday, doing much damage, in Deadwood Gulch, unroofing houses, uprooting trees and blowing down fences. Weather Probabilities. Washington, January 28.

for the Middle States, warmer partly cloudy weather, with light rains in the northern portion, and Bonthwest to northwost winds, followed during the night by a hiight fall in temperature, and slowly rising barometer. RECORD OF THE THERMOMETER. The following is the record of the thermometer aa kept at tho Buoobxtn Daili Eagle office: A. 36 1 10 A. 1a.

38 MM 46 AM 2P 48 i a. i sp 49 Average temperature to day. Avorago tomporature same day last year MONEY MARKET. Wall Stkeet, January 280 P. M.

Among the sales between calls and at the socond board wore Union Pacific laud grant, 1U N. Y. Elevated let, WSftalOB Metropolitan Elevated lBt. 98fa98? Long iBland Railroad 1st, lOOJtf Kan sas Pacifio, Denver extension, 81f Central New Jer sey consoi assented, WiiaBO'i Denier and Iiio Grande 1st, 91 Louisiana consoi, 62a63 Central Jersey convertible assented, Kansas Pacifio, Trustees re ceipts, 80X Canada Southern 1st, C. C.

O. and Indiana consoi, 99 Keokuk and Des Moines 1st, Anier. Exchange Bank, 104 Morris and Essex V's of 1871, 105 V. S. 0's of 1881, lOfitf 10.40's coupon, 104tf 6'B of 1881 coupon, 105 4's, 106 Louisville and Nashville consoi, St.

Paul, La (jroBBe 109X ditto S. Morris and Essex 1st, consoi guaranteed, 93. The snbscriptionB to the 4 per cent, loan up to noon to day amounted to $3,500,000, and a call will be issued thiB afternoon for $20,000,000 consols of 1867. This will make $140,000,000 called since December 31. The stock market was active between calls and showed gome signs of recovery, especially for Lake Shore and the ooal stocks.

At the call the tone first became heavy, and then the coal carriers were raided upon and a demonstration was made which unsettled the St. Pauls and Horthweaterns. Aa tho market dropped stop orders, had been given In the morning so that speculators might limit their loss, were executed, thus adding to the demoralization. Tho effect of this break to day will be to deter outside operators until the market becomes more settled. Then wo mavlook for another demand for divideod St0Ck8 3:15 P.

Money loaned at three per and stocks wore unsettled. The following table shows the course of tho stock market for this day 3 :45 P. M. Closing Opening, Highest. Lowest.

3:15 P.M. lignw 116 Central and 116 1165a 115 fianem Erie Union Pacific Lake Shore Morris and Kasex Luck i Northwestern Northwestern urefo Rock Island St. St. Paul Ohio and New Jersey Central Hannibal 4 St. Joseph.

Western Union Pacifio Mail PAnama Contral Delaware A Hudson 1 15 MM wi iiiii MX 88 127 VHi 93 ISM Jf 26)4 Uo W. id Si 81 fiVi 42 8t 9(4 u3 97 13 42K 145 24V. asy. nr. 83 42 Ho'A IWi 44! IS.1 9J 81 128 81 41 S8 45 A r.

oiograpii 38 The following table shows (he bid quotations for Gov ernment bonds ut tho opening and closing of tho market: First DcatU of Police Commissioner WrcKoff. One ot tho Wealthiest and most Be siiected Farmers in the Town. This morning, the Town of New Lots met with a serious loss one which has cast a gloom over the place, and one which ia almost irreparable It was tho death of Police Commissioner Honry L. Wyokoff one of the oldest, wealthiest, and most respected of the resident farmers. It seems that during the lato heavy fall of snow, Mr.

Wyckoff was engaged with a enow plow clearing tho paths in the vicinity of his dwelling, on tho New Lota road. Whllo doing this, he caught a Bovere cold, which turned into pneumonia, and also settled on his kidnoya, which for some time havo troubled him. Yesterday morning his phyBiclan gave him up, and at 3 o'clook this morning he died. Mr. Wyokoff was about 50 years of age.

He web born, and always lived on the farm where ho has juat dled His parents were large farmers, and were descendants of the original settlors In that part of the country. During his lira time he was engaged in farming, and it was only by the inducement of friends that he entered into politics, and last year accopted the position cf Police Commissioner, representing the Republicans of the town. In his duties ho was very conscientious, and whon he determined upon a certain coulee aa the right ono, nothing would dotor him from carrying out hla plans. His vacant position will, in accordance with tho Folico Law, be tilled by some person solected by the Supervisor. RUN OVER.

The Victim's Suit for Twenty Thousand Dollars' Damages. Knocked Domi and Crushed by an Ice Cart An Interesting Cross Examination of a Medical Expert by ex Judge S. D. Morris. The suit of Frank H.

Crocker against tho Knickerbocker Ice Company, for damages for personal injuries, came on for trial this morning, in IV. 1 I. tL ItltM, Mr. Hewitt and Mr. Eobert SewoU wore for plaintiff, and Messrs.

Morris Pearsall for defendant. Mr. Sewcll, in opening, said that as the plaintiff, aged 7, waa on an errand for his mother, ho was struck, kuocked down and run over by a wagon of tho defendant, and permanent injuries were inflicted. The jury must bo satisfied that it was through the negligence of the defendant that the accident happened, and that tho lad was in no way to blame. The driver of the wagon went into a saloon to drink, and left tho wagon In tho charge of a boy.

The horBos bolted, and after going some distance tho wagon deviated from the road and Btruck the boy aaho was in tie act of Betting his foot oa tho Bidewalk. A child waa to be judged childlike, and was not to bo held responsible for moro care than a ohild was calculated to take. Tho wagon passed over the boy's hips and so crushed hie spine that ha was left a cripple for life; The spinal cord was bo injured tbat ho never could do a man's work or fuifllla man's functions. Mr. Michael Brown, of 221 Smith streot, said that ha remembered the accident to the lad on November 22, 1870, about noon.

Mr. Brown hoard a cry and looked and saw tho hind wheelB pass over the child. The inBlde wheel was in the gutter, and tho opposite wheel wont over the boy at the crossing. Mr. Brown pickod up the child and carried it to the residence of hla parents.

The accident waa In Butler street, on the corner of Smith. Mr. Brown could not say whether tho horses were on a trot or a walk. The moment he saw the child ho ran for It and took no notico of the time which tho horses were making. The team wont on for perhapB seventy five feet.

Mr. Herman Schesch, of 217 Smith etreot, son of a well known jeweler, saw the lad standing on the corner of Butler and Smith streets, about to cross. The ico cart camo up at a protty lively trot, a young man driving. It went up Smith street toward Butler, aud turned the corner pretty sharply. Mr.

Schesch did not see the accident, but ha saw Mr. Brown lift up the boy. Half way up the block, tho driver stopped and looked out. Then ho whipped up tho horses and a young man followed and stopped him at Court street. Mr.

John Murphy, who worked for Mr. Buckley in the liquor store on Smith and Butler Ktreeta, heard a cry, looked out and Baw Mr. Brown with tho child in his arms. The wagon was going up Butler street toward Court. It waa stopped opposite tho oollego.

Mr. Murphy called to Borne ono to stop tlio wagon. Ho saw the driver cross Smith street, pass by tho injured child, jump on the wagon and drive away. It was a wagon of tho Knickerbocker Ice Company. Whon Murphy saw the wagon tho horsea wore on a walk, and afterward began to trot.

Mrs. Mary E. Crookor, mother of the boy, said that the child was perfectly healthy and very active before the accident. He was sick in bed two weeks after it and was attended by two physicians. Tho doctor's bill was nearly a hundred dollars, and she was under exponso all the tinio.

The lad had uevor boon well since the aool all the tinio. The laa naa uevor neon wen since tuo accident, and cot tirod verv ouicklv. Mrs. Crookor was willing to havo the child examined now if it was necessary. Mr.

M. B. Pium, brothor of Mrs. Crocker, heard tho noise and ran out. Ho saw tho boy carried into the house and ran after tho wagon.

Ho made a chargo urn a tl.ft arr rtf tl t. Acrnlnr vi.r of the wagon, which belonged to tho Knickerbocker Ico i Companv. Mr. Plum said that boforo the accident tho boy was one of the strongest and best built children that couid oe eeon. PUTTING HIM THROrOH HIS SPROT7T3.

Dr. Francis Bond said that Iig attended the lad immediately after the accident. Thero was a mark acroBS tho hips as of a wheel, and he seeniod unablo to move his lower limbs. The lad Buffered a very severe shook of tho Bpinal column, and a straining of the ligaments that bind the bones together. Dr.

Bond thought he navor would be bo strong as beforo. Ho would never be able to do a nan's work. When he wished to stoop, he had to brace himself up or he would fall. The lad suffered intense pain for some time. Bv Mr.

Mf. ria If a recovery is had in this case, you expect a larger ee 1 A. No, Bir; I don't anticipate it. I suoiuu line to see one, as i aiwuye imu vuuvemcui. iu have.

Q. Do you think the spinal oolumn has been permanently Injured 1 A. I do. Q. In what way has it injured him? A.

It has injured his vitality, the circulation. Q. Is that all you can Bay A. I have given what I consider the fact. Q.

Have you studied the nervous system thoroughly A. I have studied it sufficiently to get a diploma. Ex Judge MorriB put tno witness through a course of sprouts in the subject of nervous diseases. The Judge astoziiflhed everybody with the wonderful knowledge which he possessed of Dr. Brown Sequard'e writ ings, ana OI tuo guujeci ui utjrvuuts gtjuriu.

u. very pari, ox tne numan system naa leciinicai name? A. Yes. Q. Give ub one or two of them? A.

It la a long time since I learned Latin and I forget. Q. Give ub some Information In tho language of au expert? A. The jury would not understand It. Q.

We'll, take care of that. Give us tho name of some tendon? A. The Bartorius. Q. Well, how was that injured 7 A.

The wagon didn't pass over that. Q. Well then that's just what I ain't talking about. Ia thero any difference in the boy's limbs A. Yes, they are flabby.

Q. What remedies did you givo? A. I didn't look over 'em to eeo. Q. What! changed it? A.

No; I gave electricity and arnica and other things. Q. Anything else A. I have not read up tho case. Q.

Why, you didn't at the time A. I didu't read up Brown Sequard I had experience. Q. Fixed up black eyes? A. Yes, sir.

Q. How long after beforo the pain disappeared A. Principally after forty eight houra. Q. What did you do afterward 7 A.

Gave him medicine for what he seemed to need it. By Mr. Sewell Is it not a mooted question as to Brown Sequard'B reputation A. Yes. Q.

Are there not as many who object to his principles as who approve them A. Yes. By Mr. Morris Nome aome physician of standing in New York or Brooklyn who doubts Brown Sequard's skill in tho treatment of nervous diseases 1 A. The homeopathic branch of the profession does.

Q. What school do you profess A. Sometimes ono, sometimes the other. I believe in the homeopathic system and follow it up when I think it will be successful. Q.

How long did you give him physio A. I didn't give him physic I gave him medicine ir. Anojpu varouasaiu u8 0iimi mo uuy a few mouths ago for the first time and yesterday for tho last time. As to the spinal column or the bones of tho pelvis of the boy, the doctor knew nothing, but thero was an auection wmcn impaired mo use 01 tne lower extremities. This would bo a natural result of such an accident as befel the boy.

He could not use his feet properly to support his body. Ho could not hold the legs in a fixed position. The boy was pnt on tho desk and told to stoop. As ho did bo, his feet went out until the sides of them rested on the table. Dr.

Varona esjd that it was evident that the spinal column must have been injured, to produce this debility of the muscleB. Dr. Varona said that experience showed that the lad was not likely to outgrow the Injuries. Ex udgo Morris thought a good deal in silence, and then dismissed Dr. Varona without questioning him on Brown Sequard or the Bubjcct of nervous diseases.

Tho plaintiff rested and Mr. Morris made a motion to dismiss which was denied. He then opened for the defense. Thoy would show that tho wagon did not pass over tho lad, but that tho child was knocked down and hit by tho hor60 in Borne way. It was not very injury that waB to be compensated with money.

The boy wanted to cross the street. He saw the horses and wagon, of course, and tried to pass in front and was knocked down. Nq act of negligence on the part of the defen dant was shown, rno ooy toon tne cnances ana aartea across tne neao oi iub noreeo. xou saw ueopiH uuiug all the time on Fulton Btreet, and oven jumping for the till WJilU 'U tUIAJU DtCOU, ferryboat after it had started. A SOJIXAJIBUIJST KILLED.

A report was rendered at the Thirteenth Precinct Station House to day by Dr. Krauter, of Flushing avenue, relative to a fatal accident to a male patient, who had stepped from a second Btory window of a house in his sleep. Tha particulars were briefly stated by the doctor as follows Mr. Charles Kindorn, aged 47 years, and a resident at No. 686 Flushing avenue, was the victim of tho casnalty, which occurred at 3 o'clock yesterday morning.

The man who had been Bubjeet to fits ot Bleep walking at long intervals, retired at the usual hour on Sunday night without a premonition of the fate bo soon to overtake him. Unnoticed by his wife, Mr. Kindorn aroeo from his conch, and is believed to have opened the window and stopped out Immediately afterward. Otherwise his wife, who is a light sleeper ordinarily, is of opinion Bhe would havo hoard her husband moving about. Mr.

Kindorn survived the shock until last evening. His Injuries were chiefly internal. FOVXD DYING Iif THE STREET. Officer Cassidy, of the Tenth Precinct, while on patrol duty, last night, found Thomas Burke, aged 40 years, lying insensible on the sidewalk in Dean Btreet. A stretcher was procured and he was brought to the station house, to which Dr.

Henry C. Simms, the Coroner, and Dr. Gleavey hastened in reBponBe to the BummonB of Captain Mackellar. The man seemed to be In a dying condition and the doctors bad to labor for a couple of hours before they could restore him to consciousness. He was removed to the City Hospital, and his family, who reside corner Washington avenue and Warren street, wore notified.

Mr. Burke Is snbjeot to fits and it is supposed he was attacked by one of them and fell on the street, It iB not thought that he can recover. THE TAMHANY INJUNCTION. The argument over the matter of the Tammany injunction waa continued this morning, before Judge Barrott, In New York. Mr.

Aaron J. Van derpoel, on behalf' of the society, said that it was tho old fight of the "ins" against the "outs' which had been going on for twenty years. There was no precedent existing which authorized the court to interfere. Tho complaint was based on an alleged bylaw as to no tico fcr a mooting, which bylaw naa no existenco. iu bylaws hail ln mmnlied with and thero waB no fraud.

Tho bylaws did Uut require any notice, hence no Bpecial notice was given. No relief on the ground of property waa aeked, ouly an Injunction to restrain tho initiation of persons elected. The only question was whether tho bylaws had been complied with or not. The proceedings wore not brouKht lu proper form, and should have teen in the nature of quo wrranto. The argument la Btill in w.

EUeu Lao was arrested last week by officers attached to tho First Precinct on a charge of keeping a disorderly house at No. 800 Adams street. John Brady, of 32 Haml'ton avenue, Walter Saunders, of Bmith and Douglass streets, and three girls were arrested at tho time and detained as witnesses. The case was tried at length before Justice Walsh this afternoon, aud tho charge not bying proven the accused was acquitted. How it was Done in New Yoi'lr City.

The Investigation of Johnny Dareiiport'i Operations Commenced. Tho sub Committee ot the Judiciary of th House of BepreBentatives, consisting of Messrs. Krye, of Maine; Lynde, of Wisconsin, and Forney, of Alxbuns, appointed to Investigate the charges of alfearanoj ogalnst Commissioner Davenport, of New York, begun its session thla morning in room fourth floor of th Post Office building. The charges against Commisrioner Dovenport aro that he unnecessarily interfered with a legitimate right of quite a number of voters ot the lot election, particularly with naturalized citizens who took out their papers In.l8fi8. By the Commissioners' interference It la claimed that these voters were Intimidated from tho excrclso of their legal rights.

Wm. P. Lynda acted as Chairman. Commissi oner Davenport wb around early and apparently as busy a bee. Immediately on tho opening of the so Ion General Wingato said "I have the honor to represent a number of persons arrested on election day Uirough the Instrumentality of Commissioner Davenport.

We consider oil reel vsa os making the charges against Commissioner Davenport, and I would liko to be permitted to call the witnesses on though I was In court." The reqnest was granted. Mr. Edwin J. Donning was the first witness calls Mr. Davenport ro.e and requested that the parties who signed tho petition be first examined.

Uo hod grave doubts as tu tho signatures to the petition, and ha would liko counsel to give some of ths names. General Wlngate stated in reply that ho would do e. Mr. Donning said he was Superintendent in A. T.

Btewart'o; he has resided in No. 6i East Ninth street; from 1863 he has voted regularly, but In lost October, whon ho presented his papers for tho purpose of voting, the Inspector took his papers and refused to givo them back; he got a duplicate and aoin tried to vote; two en who wero in the polling place held a conversation on4 soon after told the wituoas that he was under arrest; ha was first brought to Keptlblicau headquarter ond thaa to the United States Court, where ho wart arraign! before Commissioners Deuell ond Dovenport, who required him to givo bonda, but subsequently permitted him to go on his promlso that he would not vote; Mr. Deuuing hod no overcoat on and tho day being extremely cold he suffered great deal. "It wos grans outrage," said the witness, "ond I could not bo'devo it had I not seen it. and been one of the sufforen." Thore wero hundreds of people there and he was shored hero and there till his coat waa almost torn off.

Cross examined by Commissioner Davenport I waived examination after I found that there wos no use in further rebelling my lawyer wos with mo ond he did most of the talking I osked if I could go bock and wait an you sold no, that if I did I would be arrested when I went to register, a man, as I said before, took my papen and kept them; he served me with no papers. A printed circular was shown to the witness, but no ooi ha was never Berved with it. Mr. Dovonport I would ak tho committee to Instruct counsel to hand in a list of names every afternoon. This would enable him to look over a davits ami papers In the Superior Court.

Mr. Wlngate The facta aro tbat 1,000 warronta wore issued and the persons arrested illegally by Mr. Dovenport because there were some technicalities, or rather, mistakes made by the clerks of the Court. Mr. Davenport In toto I deny this right ot the offset.

Henry H. Rice, counsel for A.T. Stewart stated that Mr. Denning came to me a doy or two ofter ho registered. Tliey took his naturalization paper from him and refused to return it.

I wrote to Mr. O'Brien, Chief Clerk of Bureau of Elections, who In reply Bald ki thought Mr. Donninn waa registered occordlng to low, ond that thero would bo no further trouble. On election day I received a telegram from Mr. Denning, stating be was under arrest, and asking me to meet Wm lu the U.

S. Court. Tho place was Jammed with peoplst It being almost impossible to move around. Ultl motely I found Mr. Denning, in chorge of on offl cot, Ciimmlssiouor Deuell, who referred me to Coinmlss tonsr Shields.

Hero I raised objections to the worront, upea which Commissioner Shields referred me to Commissioner Davenport. I sow that gentleman, and explained who Mr. Donning was, ond tho great Inconvonlonoe to which Mr. Denning was being put. I asked Mr.

Davaa port what ball ho required, as I woo ready to give any amount of bail. But Mr. Denning was discharged under tho apecifio stipulation that lie was not to vote, being told by ComiuiBaioner Davenport, that if he did attempt to vote, he would bo immediately roTested. Stephou Moshler, clerk to Mr. Davenport In ho worked for about three or four months; in last October ho was oppnlnted Deputy and assigned1 to Mr.

Davenport; he mode 3,100 complaints. Mr. Davonport To save time I will admit that I directed Stephen Moshler to make those 3,100 oomploinU In order that I might be enabled to Institute proceedings. Witness Tho warrants were signed by eight or tea different clerks; on the 3d of November I signed a lorg number of thorn; my recollection that I signed groat deal of them on Sunday; I verified about four or ftva hundred aud hod to depend on the clerks that wero with mo, bo far aa tho accuracy of the others wos concerned. Q.

And yet you made an affidavit to papers you had not read through A. I suppose so. Q. Don't you know it to be a fact Coma now, yes or no. A.

Yes; I did. Q. On whot did you baw yonr grounds for iBJinlns; those 3,100 complaints A. On the ground that thara rib records kopt on tho minutes of the Su perior anu aupromo uouna, in auuitiou 10 woiou I knew that In 1808 numbers of naturalization papers were obtained upou fraudulent applications I made uo personal examination of the application paper with a view to disjrinunjUimj betweep the legitimate and fraudulent papers': tho question of those irrog or Itioa in tho court was first raiwd beforo a committee on contested Who raised the question Mr. Davonport, (interrupting) Oh, I did.

Mr Wiugaie I want this from tho witness. Q. Who raisod tho point One moment, Mr. Moshter, I havo no desire to intorfero with your personal babfta, but if vou would refrain from pulling yonr muhtocbe so frequently and keep your hand down we will boor you better. The Chrmau hin olf Bays ho cannot hoar a word you aro Baying TOO SHABP FOB POLICt JAKB.

Though Detective Enuistelt convlncod that policy was being dealt ltto' jbCOD Stevens, commonly known policy at No. 133 Basfc Wlck ftVA nl offAn.lrtr waft ollvavm I bn tho alert ond too wary for the officers of tho law. After pstlcnt ung snd watching tho dotectlvo last night succeeded In pouncing upon Slovens unawares. In tho place was Eccurcd the ubuoI outfit of a polioy shop, consisting of Blips, etc, Besido Stevens a supposed customor, in tho person of Henry Lauer, woo arrested as a witness. Tho accused has ben balled by Justice duck pending a hearing set for tho 6th of February.

John Brown, aged 88 years, while working yesterday afternoon on tho schooner Annie Hay, lying ii. of Cm street, fell overboard. Offloer 3, Boilli, of tho Third Precinct, beirJ Wo erica for siBtaSce, and running to the spot, succeeded cuing him. Bo was taken to his home at 101 Imlojr street. II You Waken In the morning with it bitter tasto i tha mouth, coated toturae, perhaps headache, your liver ts torpid.

You need Carter's Little Livsn AU dtu giats. H. C. Leet, agouf, Park place, New Fork.

The Peace of a Household Is often dependent on the culinary skill of tho I housewife. Ladies know this, and by using Doolzy's Ykast Powdei Insure tiieinselrea aieffant bruad. bis cults, etc. Weddings, Parties and Sociables Fnmished with everything in tho best manner, at popular prices. J.

KkattAH No. 119 FuHon DIED. McfUNI.KY. On Monday, January 27, Mra. WEALTHT A.

McUrM KY, in tbo VJlh rear of her age. if the family ana of her daughters. Mrs. Merritt. IJrs.

Tuthill. Mr. Stratton, Mrs. Tompkina, Mrs. flpauldins and Mm.

Terry, are respectiulW invited to attend the fuaerol eervictia at her late residence. No. 318 Dexnm at, on Wednso dAy. tbo th iiwt. ( of Thursday), ot four o'clock P.

AI. InUjrrnent at London, Conn. IIAKIX; I'OWDKH. OYAL BAKING I'OWVEH. ruin ooo KKR 6 OOO A AA YY A A AAA a a i.rr.t IS AKIN POWDRR.

BAKING POWDRR, ABSOLUTELY PURE. TllP official rxamiDition and report on bakinx powdarov iij tbo Brooilrn Health Boara, shtxrs lbs Royax, Boonro Powd to bo free trout alum or any other injurious substance. It ia a pure (crape cream of tartar ponder, always ctni fonn and of fall strength. It coats a trifle more per psuDi, but is cheaper in ths end OS it goes further and health. It ia in all respecta the finest article which it is po Ojlai to produce from wholeaome materials.


Ladles Try "BLUEDINE," the beat Laundry Bliw. WHISKY. 1IA) RYE WHISKY AND WHITE ROCK t. C'ANDY This preparation is STRICTLY PDRS. The rye ts very old, the candy tne beu.

Prioo per 8i; pnee per bol ttle, 90c. Liberal diacount to the trade. suras ion a 110 Atlantic ot, corner Henry at. LOTTERIES. OmSIANA STATE LOTTERY COMPA a rvY.iootn aiontmr urana lismouuon.

r.w ieans.f eDraaryi 1L 147nrizes, total, tfMitnm 9Ki,) lia, nm tir.kwt. two (ftll do lara. bains. one (81) dollar. Apply to M.

A. DAUPHIN, V. O. Boo 6M New Orleans, or IL L. PLUM, tin Broadwrnr, He York.

LEKAL NOTICES. OUPREME COURT, "UNTY orumcopr o.juoot of euiueuaii.Y Thomaa A. Kerrimi. ane: Ali thatccrta'in lot, piece or parcel of land eitjiat, Mai and beinc In tho Main aru oi ins L.iiy oi xtrcooiyn, wruca i bounded nd describ pd JoUuwn. rix.

Ilfinnln at point on thr wmtherlr line or ide of Herkimer iftwt dutant sixty foot woatftly from the lleriumer ctrt? and Albany aenue ranning thenc wcaterlr olooa Herkimer twenty feet southerly with Albany avenue one hundred (NX) feet thence strrly parallel with Herkimer street twenty feet, JXd theoc noriheriy parallel with AJbsny arnue and tbrourh a certain partitioa trail one bnndmd let to the place of bfrdnninx, beinc tha name premises conreyed to tho aid Margaret Ann Vro ttantino by thu uid John F. Withers and wife by Aecd, bearing date February Is, Pateil 28, 1979. jaafnTa.fcF THOMAS M. K1LKY. Sheriff.

UPHKME COURT, COUNTY OF KINGS, SaMor HboI. plaintiff. William anu Summon. To the aboTp named defendants: Yoa aro hereby surmnontd to anawer the complaint in thfal action, and to BCTye a coo? of jour anavrr on the plomuiijO otlonwy within twenty daj a afUr Ui a acme of this a i mnns. eiclnti of the iaj of arit, and in coos of yonr I (allure to appear, or an.

rer, judpnunt will be turn iipimit ioa by default, for the rebel deruicaed in toe ootnpuunt. ated January 21, 119 IHa 1L TOTHIU, PlointlfTo AMorosy. Office and Foel Oak uilrni, No. 18 Wall ract. Haw i York City.

To ths defendant. Rbecco Patrick Tho forobar eummonj ia served upon rrni by publication frarsaooo ta an order of Hon. Calrin K. Pratt, one of tb a Jaatioao of tho Supreme Court of the State of New York, daluo Jau uarr 2 lb'9, and duly filed with the complaint la tha oao of the Clerk of thoCoantr of Kini at tho Coantr Ootat iloosc, in the City of Bruotatyn. ralwl January 9, uf7w.

I IRA IL TUTUILL, Plaintiff1 Attorney, 6wTu IB NValUtreal. J. T. CJUPREMlTcOUEf, KINGS COUNTY T5 Mary K. Dunne as sdminiitmrix, Ac.

ainat t.niwo Trrv 3ml allien llOAUIJMA A BOiBDUAS, plainliro attorney. In purjnanee coort. slinn. data th TTtn dny of Jaauarr. If 1 Public auction.

1J a Kerrizan, ancri'inwr. at tba salesroom. No i .7. i fif 1 nvtk rn IMv Lj. Tiho iw'of Brooklyn VJ buunded and deitnbod aa lowit llea innintv at rZxni on th aotith aid of Pulaaki atrwl, dutanl I find fs easterly from tha aoathoaaterty comer Warcr i attmuoand 1'ulaaki afreet, ninninf Jbenw aootbnrly 1 niralM with Marcy avenue one.

liundred fort eaaV rrlTond parallel w5h PulaaVi utroot Hrenly Ura fot then 1 northerly and parallel with Marry evertae ono hoolnj fejj lo Pulaski uttvet, and thenc waatarbr and alo Pu itrvel 6t foet to point or plaoa of tn irtonlai. JlaMI WilAS U. IttLEV. Sbu The Troubles in Swan Family. the Allegations of Cruelty and Inhuman Treatment In a Family on the Hill.

A case came up in the City Court this morning which illustrates tho troubles in married life that aro sometimes concealed under a seemingly pleasant ox 4 ml. la 10 tha aboT im swan her husband, John Swan, Jr. The suit Is for a limit ed divorce on the ground of cruel and Inhuman treatment. The plaintiff is about 28 years old and nuBDana 32. Thoy were married in 1873 and have two children, a boy named John, 2 years and eight months old, and a girl named Ellen, one year and six months old, T'ho family resided at No.

963 Lafayette avenue. The defendant fa a ship broker, doing business in South street, New York, and the wife charges in her complaint that he has a fortune of $75,000 and has an income from his business, of $15,000 a year. Tho wife charges in her complaint that ths cruelties alleged began in July, 1874, when they lived at No. 60 Bart street, and continued up to the time they separated. She charges that upon one occasion ho draggod her around the room by the hair and kicked her.

That upon another occasion he dragged her from a sofa and beat her, and upon another occasion he dragged her from the bed and treated her cruelly. That upon tho 0th of January, while Bhe was attondlng upon the breakfast table, he spit a mouthful of half masticated food in her face. Also that on the 2d day of September he turned her out of the house at night, and told her never to return. The plaintiff asked that the defendant be compelled to pay $75 a week alimony and $500 counsel fee. The plaintiff was not present in Court this morning, but tho husband waa in attendance.

He says In his answer that his Income has been largely over estimated, and that hs is not worth nearly as much as stated In the complaint. He denies the allegations of cruelty and inhuman treatment, and alleges that he has always treated hiB wife kindly. Both sides manifested in court a desiro to try the case at the earliest moment possible. Judge MoCue there next term of tha court, before Judge Reynolds. Pend ing the trial of tho action ho granted $10 per week all imony counsel fee.

Tho plalutiQ, meanwhile, Is said to be residing with her parents, and has tho children with hor. C. H. Williams appeared for the plaintiff Morris Bearsall for tho defendant. MUNICIPAL.

Unnmifil duilneBS prevailed in the different city departments to day. There was no meeting of the Fire Commissioners or of the City Works Oommislon ers, from whose departments the bulk of the daily news is obtained. Tax Collector Tanner is making preparations for the reduction of the salaries and force in his office, in order to keep within the appropriation for the current year. Ho proposes to discharge about nine of I the clerka and to reduce salaries over $1,000. Registrar of Arrears Scott reduced tho salaries of clerks receiving $1,000 to $600 In order to pay his favorites, Deputy Bur I tis and CaBhier Steves, their old high salaries.

Mr. Tanner Is a different sort of man. He will reduce Bis deputy and other high salaried employes to protect low salariod clorks. arm FOB PERSONAL INJTTItlES. Arthur T.

Lamb haa brought suit against General Bt)nnetti to received on January 2, 1878, General was thou President of tho Department of City Works. On the day in question the plaintiff was walking by tl Myrtle avenue Police Station, whon he trippod on some projecting flagging, and, falling, received tho injuries for which he brings suit. He alleges that his complete recovery from the effects of tho injuries Is unlikely. The suit la brought in the City Court. JUSTICE AND CIEItK.

JuBtlco F. B. Fisher has no appointed clerk. At tho dictation of tho Republican Aldermanic caucus the Justice sent in the nomination of Clark D. Ithindhardt, of tho Seventeenth Ward, as clerk, and the nomination waa confirmed by the Republican majority.

Yesterday tho Mayor vetoed the action of the Hoard, and to doy ControUer Steinmotz directed tho Juatico to take charge of all moneys received at the court until a clerk shaU uu" sj i i RESIGNATION. E. Proston, clerk In tho Tax office, haa sont in his resignation, to take offect January 31. It has been accepted. Mr.

Proston loaves public office to go Into private business. Collector Tanner says he ta ouo of his most efficient clerks. TWO SUDDEN DEATHS. A Painfijl Coincidence Dying with a Funeral piornl Tribute in His Hand. Mrs.

Anna Stewart, wife of Mr. Eobert Stewart, the weU known engraver, died suddenly on Thursday night last, at her residence No. 104 HaU Btreet. Bho had not been in strong' health for some time, but her death, which resulted from an attack of heart disease, was entiroly unexpected, and her family were overwhelmed with grief. Deceased was a lady of tie most kind and amiable disposition' and a welcome guest In society circles on the Hill, she loaves behind her a daughter, Miss M.asKrU thouS! eg" vnilnM In i reader and elocutionist.

The funeral took place yester day af tornoofl i jom her lato residence, ana was largely attended. Boforo tho 4QPBrtnr8 of the oorteje another sudden death, almost at tho door ox" 5 ing, occurred. The victim was Mr. Honry Radford aged 60 years, a wealthy florist, residing at No. 12 Fort Oreene place.

Mr, Badford was acquainted with Mrs. Stewart, and yesterday afternoon left his home with a beantif ol floral tribute to the deceased lady. He seiimod to be his usual good health and spirits, and walked briskly to the corner of Myrtle avenue and Hall streot, a tew doors from the house of mourning. The hearse and coaches wero already iu waiting and aU the preparations made for the funeral. Mr.

Badford on approaching the house suddenly staggered and fell to the sidewalk. A number of persons who were passing at the time rushed forward and he was carried to drug store close by, but beforo they had reached It he had expired. Officers Solon and Perrin, of the Fourth Precinct, removed the body to the late residence of deceased, where on Inquest was held by Dr. Henry C. Sfmms, the Coroner.

Tho medical testimony showed that death resulted from apoplexy, and a verdict was returned to that effect. Deceased was a moniber of the Centennial Baptist Church (Bev. Dr. Fulton's), ond was much respected in business and social circles. Ho leaves a wife and four children.

POItTER, Tho Cf iq of tlic Patched Avenue Burglars to be Tried Again Next Thursday; The case of William Morris alias Porter will come on for trial again next Thursday iu the Court of Sessions before Judge Moore. Porter, it will bo remom bored, is one of the Patchen avenue burglars who were arrested last Summer at the house, in Patchen avenue near Broadway, on Sunday morning, August 11. Four men were captured, two In tie house where thoy wore awoken from sloop, one, "Shang" Draper, in tho outhouse under a pile of straw, and one man on the street a mile or more away from the house. Tho flour store of Ibert Hrothers, waa entered tho night beforo, and robbed of about $B00, and tho proceeds of the burglary wore found In the house on Patchen avenue. Porter demanded a separate trial and was tried last December in the Court of Sessions, but tho Jury failed to agree.

Hla defense was an alibi. He did not deny'tbo burglary, but olatmed that he had no hand in the crime, but that it was committed by the others. It was claimed that a man named Irwin, who has not been arrested, was concerned In tho crime and that he is tho man who was taken for Porter. The triaj of the case consumed nearly a week. Tho other members of the gang have never been tried.

Potter was admitted to ball In but was not oble to furnish the bondsmon and has remained In jail JUSTICE. A magistrate's! Incomplete Comprehension of the Term. One of the Justices of the Pence of tho Town of Hempstead is Clemence Matthews, of Bockvlllo Centre, and he has been in hot water, at intervals of a year apart, for three years. In other words, he has been three times Indicted for malfeanance, the last occasion being yesterday, when two "true bills" were found against him. On the two former occasions, bis fathor and Counselor Mott settled the matter for him by putting their hands in their pockets and making good his deficiencies to the town and to parties tor whom ho had collected judgments.

He Is now indicted for having failed to pay over to tho Supervisors of his town the fines collected during 1878. Tho second bill against him Is for falling to file his papers, and to make proper returns of them. Last evening District Attorney Downing issued a iiench warrant for his arrest, and instructed Officer Eldridge to have him in court to day. THE OLD STORY. In Justice Walsh's Court this morning, Frank A.

Salomons, a youth just turned 19, was arraigned ou 0 charge of having betrayed Kate Fischer, a girl about his own age, under a promise of marriage. Young Salomons resides at 43 Kostrand avenue, and Kate at 18C 8tockton street. A child was born in December last. It turned out that she had known Frank for ten years and a half, that their indescretions were of frequent occurrence, and according to her own evidence the occneed could not be held under the complaint, and he was accordingly discharged. Three letters were submitted, one of which Is as follows, the rest are unfit for publication: Bbooklts, January 10, 1878.

Dear Kate This being the eighteenth onniverBory of my birth, I write to you to tell you that there must be change in my life, as I havo been leading not a very good one and hope that I can stop a little of my rashness, with you in particular. I always liked you from the first time I became acquainted with you. lnHeea, perfectiy infatuated witli you, and remain so still, JJHn Sfferetit manner. By sayingiS a diffcreni er, I mean not mTboyiah wayf yft I win con tinue. not to Uko you.

but to love you with al my nea unite, uuv uav juu. uuv iuio jvu av Hrnti will A 4V.A. eatna hv mPl. Kate, I will never haTe yon on tho world If any ing 1 happens you. But I hope you will try to do oil you can I to make me better, for it lay with you for to do SZToirt 8D 'DK "hoT aTtotbe beginning, in the end lead only to ame.

I euupose you know nhat I mean biDSCl iyoTSre than I con tell you, but i7psm vou again I trill tell you how I do love you. I remain yours for over, F. A. 8AtoJtoss. tKAUY IX COURT.

Red heary, charged with complicity in the Northampton Bank robber was np on habeas corpus before Judge Blatchford in the United States Circuit Court, Now York, thla morning. After an argument tho cose was adjourned. Lasoa's. Mr. James Langan, Secretary of i the Fire Department, has goife to Portsmouth, New Hampshire, to otlcnd tho funorol of his sister, who rswutly did thero, Applied to the Jail Job by the Twentieth Ward Supervisor Walker Asked to Resign for Participating: in the Latest Bald on the County Treasury Tlie Proposition Treated with Disdain hy ft Meeting Packed with his Adherents An Exciting bebate.

The Accnsed Official's Feeble Defense. An Explanation by Architect Mundell. Major BIssell and Other Statesmen on the Defensive Resolutions of Censure Toted Down and the Job Practically In dorsed An Edifying Spectacle for Taxpayers. The Republicans of the Twentieth Ward had a very lively time at their regular monthly meeting which was held last evening In the chapel, No. 266 Cumberland street.

It had been rumored that resolutions, would be Introduced censuring Alderman French for voting to confirm Corporation Counsel DeWltt, and Supervisor Walker for voting for tho Jail job. Both officials were present with an immense crowd of their trusty henchmen, who had been drummed up from all parts of the ward in anticipation of the oxpected attack Honest" John occupied a prominent place, flanked by hla son In law, City Treasurer Little, and Majorl. BIssell. Ex Mayor Schroeder looked approvingly at tho xsrowded hall, and ex Alderman William Richardson, wito other old war horses, put In an appearance for the first time Inmonths. Mr.

Daniel W. Northup, President of the association, occupied the chair, and Mr. James W. Monk, the Secretary, recorded the proceedings. The Investigating Committee reported favorably on the names of John Burnett, Thomas A.

Cushman, Alexander F. Every, Arthur H. Foote, Parson O. Hastings, Charles Jordan, Harvey J. Jourdan, Smith Rogers, Hamilton Toomb, Eobert M.

Whiting, Richard G. Bunco, Herbert R. Churchill, Francis E. Dodge, John S. Mo Cray, Robert F.

Sperry, Edward Thornton, John M. Corliss, George W. Edelman, George T. Lane Bnd John D. Lloyd.

Tho report was received and the names wore ordered on the roll. Mr. Elmore moved that the association print 2,000 copies of the bylaws. Mr. Monk moved that a oommittce of three be ap appolnted to revise the bylaws of the association and report back.

Tho amendment was adopted and Messrs. Monk, Place and Benedict were appointed as such committee. A motion to adjourn was put and lost, and then tho boyB" knew there was something "on tho carpet." Mr. A. P.

Hayden popped up with the following AFTEB WaLKEB'S SCALP. Whereas, These are the timeB for tho strictest economy, both in public and private affairs; and H7ierea, It is reported thai one year ago Supervisor Alexander Walker, of this ward, voted for $120,000 (on the estimate oi Architect Mundell) for an addition to the Jail, which he afterward said he did on a misapprehension of the facts in the case, and promisod if ho could have the nomination for the second tUjao he would givo no more votes in that way; and Whereas, He has since voted, both in committee and in the Board of Supervisors to spend $2415,000 for the eamo purpose (as per estimate of the same arohltoot) therefore Resolved, That he be requested to resign ao Supervisor of this ward, unless he can show good reason for voting as ho did both in committee and in the Board of Supervisors. The resolutions were heard in perfoot silence and Major BlBsell jumped up with, "Mr. Chairman, I move the resolutions be received." Mr. H.

C. Place moved they lie on the table. Major Biseell What I want to say is this This is a question that involves THE SINCEBmr AMD HONESTY OF OTTB SUPERVTSOIt, and I think we ought not constitute ouraelvea judges and jurors to try him. Do we wants jail? In my opinion we want one badly. Supervisor Walker wants one and he wants to save money to the county.

The present jail is an old tumble down building. There are ninety flYe cells and only forty of them are fit to be used. Tho jail containsJ)75 or 300 prisoners, I can certify on tho word of a gentleman who was there as late as five o'clock to night, laughter he was a viBitor, of course that in one cell there are six men confined, dirty, filthy wretches. I believe that in this thing Mr. Walker has been actuated entirely by honest and pure motives.

We ought to bo candid in thiB matter. I don't believe that Supervisor Walker ever promised not to voto ror a jail. The present jail has boon Indicted by the Grand Jury of this county fifty or sixty times. They lately brought in a report, whioh was sent to the Supervisor for action. Right after that the Supervisors empowered an architect to go and examine into tho feasibility of putting the Jail in order for service.

He reported that tho jail could be repaired for $80,000 or $100,000. He said that tne jail waa unsafe, that pieces of piaster wero constantly falling from the walla, and that he would not take the responsibility of locking prlBoners up In the cella, for fear thoy would be dead in the morning. There was evi tllA Ql7A nf i.hft WlTlff. It Major BiBsell I believe lam in order, Mr. Chairman.

I understand THIS THING HAS BEEN COOKING for order about a week, and I have got a little Information about it. We are not having a wing, we are having a new jail. It has been asked, why do we not build a workhouse 1 I would like to know what you are going to do with workhouses? Mr. Isadore M. Bon I rise to a point of order, Mr.

Chairman. Mr. BisseU is giving ub. an argument why we Bhould have a new jail. The question is on the reception of the resolution.

Major BisseU I want to show whether Supervisor Walker Ib a alncere or insincere member of tho Board. Now I withdraw my motion to accept, and move tho resolutions lie on tho table, fiSYSrgl.Y9i gS 'l hot. Major BIssell Then I move to refer thorn back td whence they came. Mr. Bon I don't think you can do that.

They are now the property of this association. Mr. Thomas Vernon It strikes me that the first resolutions and the resolution of censure are improperly connected. The reason why a supervisor or any pubUe man voted thus and so is a proper aubject of inquiry by his constituents, I don't think we ought to adopt the last clause. I move to Btrike out the last clause.

The Chair The resolutions are not yet before ub. They have not yet been received. Major BlsseU'B motion to receive the resolutions was adopted. Mr. Murphy Since I came into this room this evening I have been requested to present to this organization a communication made by a member of thiB association.

I havo not seen the Inside of it and I don't know what it is. Mr. Murphy at this pciit produced A VOLUMINOUS DOCUMENT and waved it toward the Chair. Mr. Place A point of order, Mr.

Chairman. Mr. Murphy (sharply) I am In order. Confusion. Mr.

Placo There is no question before the house. Mr. Murphy (sarcastically) What the question is I will inform you when I get ready. ApplouseJ I ask to present to this association a communication which Ex Sheriff CampbeU Mr. Chairman.

I rise to a point of order. No new question is beforo the house and no new question has been raised. That being the case, no communication is admissible at this time. Applause. Mr.

Murphy I have been requested, as I said, to present a communication A voice Why don't you present it thon 1 Laughter. Mr. Murphy (handing up the paper) I wish to say In presenting this communication that I know nothing of the nature of it. Mr. Bon The gentleman who haB Just handed up the communication has had a difficult task.

Before we proceed to road so lengthy a communication the association should take some action. Mr. Place I move that the resolutions be laid on the table till the next meeting. Aid. French I think Mr.

Chairman that this matter had better be settled to night. I wouldn't like, if I was a Supervisor, to rest under such an accusation for a whole month. I think it should be acted on to night. Mr. Hayden In offering these resolutions I have no personal feelings toward Mr.

Walker, but as a citizen I feel I have something of a duty to do. I feel I ought to go to Supervisor Walker and soy that I am not pleased with theway he has conducted the affairs of the ward during the past two years, and ask him to give hiB reasons for his actions. I do this so as to give Mr. Walker a chance to answer. The way I understand it is that a year ago WHEN THE $120,000 JOB WAS UP the Supervisor was viBited by a member of tho association who had not taken an active part in politics, and to him Mr.

Walker promised if he could have a second nomination ho would not vote that way again. That was the $120,000 job. The $246,000 Job it is useless to discuss. We all know what it was. The thing has been thoroughly exposed in the newspapers.

Other associations throughout the city havo censured their representatives who voted for the job. Now let this association vote this down it they want to. If theassociation want to indorse the jail job, then I wiU Bay omen. If Mr, Walker has done wrong let tbem stand up like men and say so, and. let him resign.

I go in for giving Mr. Walker the fullest opportunity to answer. If he can Bhow that he was right and square I am with him every time. You can voto on these resolutions as you see fit. You can vote them down, kick them out or Indorse Mr.

Walker. Mr. Place No, you can't kick these resolutions out at all. I don't know that Mr. Walker is afraid to meet them.

When the time comes for discussion on them I wait to be heard. The question now is whether the resolutions lay over to the next meeting. I think it ia in deoorous for any member of thiB association to come here and cost insinuations on the representative of this ward. I have no personal acquaintance with the Supervisor. I am a Bepublican, and I propose to stand here aud advocate the cause of the liepublican party and the cause of its faithful servants.

If there Is no other charge againBt Mr. Walker, then I want to be heard on. thla when the proper time comes. Mr. Manchester Those resolutions call on Mr.

Walker for on explanation. If ha ia here, he can make an explanation or say whether he wants a month to do it in or not. Mr. Murphy I ask that the communication of Mr. Mnndell be read.

I wish to explain why I presented it. There were LOUD CAIAS for walkeb. Supervisor Walker I want to deolde this hero tonight. As to the resolutions of the gentlemen on my left I deny them in to never at any time said I wouldn't vote lor a new Jail. I always favored improvements in the jail and voted steadUy for it.

I have never been asked by but one member of the association to oppoBe the jail. The motion to table the resolutions was adopted. Mr. Eobert Eeardon I move that the resolutions be rejected. Mr.

Place I second the motion. Mr. Bon I want to say a word abont Mr. Place. Ho has conttnuaUy said ff the resolutions were not laid over he wished to bo heard and now he seconds a motion to reject them.

Mr. Walker is the party in interest. I hope for his sake the resolutions will not be rejected until the question Is debated. The Chair The scope of this resolution opens tho whole subject to debate, Mr. Vernon I move as an amendment to the motion before the house that the last part of the resolutions be Btricken out.

The Secretary read the Mr. Vernon I hope my amendment wlu be adopted and that Mr. Walker then be asked to explain the matter. We will then placo ourselves on an equality. It is not right to threaten any man or to ask him to resign Instead of asking Supervisor Walker to resign we should ask him to explain.

Mr. Place I think tho "Whereas" should be stricken out. It is an Insult. It is an assumption of facts that donotexlBt Even tho man who drew the resolutions doesn't know anything about the facts. Mr.

Hayden Mr. Place, this is not A PETTY COUBT. Cries of "Order 1" and Mr. Place, (excitedly) No this ia not a petty court Neither is It a place where a man should oome and offer such resolutions. The preamble is an attack on the Supervisor.

There is not a word of truth in it. (Confusion.) It is a slander on the character of our ward riA (Cries of Mr. Murphy I ask that the communication of jlr. MundeU be read. Shouts of Bit down 1" and laughter.

Mr. Keardon I would like to have my motion put before the meeting. Mr. Manchester I would Uke to havo Mr. Walkor explain the difference between tho $125,000 jail and tho $250,000 jail.

Mr. Hayden Mr. Chairman, I have nothing personal in this matter. I havo tho welfare of the association and tho party as much at heart as Mr. Place.

I have a desire to hoar from Mr. Walkor and I don't want either Mr. Placo or Mr. BIssell to put themselves" in his place. Ab foMhe resolutions you can put them In any ehapo you like, but I want Mr, Walker to oxplain hla voto ou the Jail job.

A voice I object to the word "Job." Another voice Thoro should be no attempt to dictate to tho Supon iKor of tho ward. Mr, Mumjhsstijs No oue hi trrlua to dictate to any Gossip About tho Vacant Major General ship Mr. Clancy Kccnrs to the Bridge Street Ferry Enterprise Mr. Trowbridge Desires to Have the Outlet of Gowauus Sewer Changed Mr. Ogdcn Wants to Take from Sheriff Biley Ccr lain Fees Which a Republican Leglsla ture Allowed to Sheriff Daggett.

Special to the Eagle. Albany, January 28. General Jourdan arrived here this morning, and eim ultaneously with hiB appearance is that of the rumor that his name will be Bent to tho Senate for the vacant Major Generalship. ia doubtful whether the rumor has any authoritatlvo basis whatever. Goneral Slocuni'B namo is again spoken of for this place.

Nichols, tho President of the Knickerbocker Life Insurant Company, whose affairs are to be investigated, upon the resolution of Fish, arrived hero lato last night. It is Bald that General Jourdan had a conforence with him this morning. Mr. Douglass has introduced a bill amonding tho law which relieved tho assessed property for the repaying cf Grand street from interest and other expenses Bavo that of the mere assessment passed last year, bo as to permit of the roturn of moneys paid over and above tho mere assessment by ownors previous to tho enactment of last year's law. Mr.

Stogmau introduced tho bill providing that at tho next annua! eloctlon in Brooklyn constables should bo chosen for four years Instead of ono. Ho also introduced Senator Pierco'a Surrogate bill, and a Game Law bill. Tho Thirty fourth street Ferry bill, to reduce thofer rlage to two cents, is hero again. Trowbridge has Introduced a bill providing that no Btcam railroad shall be constructed or operated upon, over or across Ocean Parkway leading from ProBpect Park to the concourse, and no railroad shall be constructed under such avenue, unless approved by tho Park Commissioners Seacoal. Bill in tho Hands of Kings County Members.

Special Correspondence of the Eagle. Albany, January 27. The members from Kings County reached hero this afternoon loaded with bills, which they Introduced during tho session this evening. Mr. Clancy had three, which he presented.

One waa providing that Fleet alley, situated In AdamB and Washington streets, in your city, should be discontinued and clOBed. Ono, the purpose of which waa expressed In ita title, was "to prevent tho employment of convict labor in the prlBona and ponitentarles in the State of New York." Section 1 of this act says, that "on and after the expiration of all existing contracts for the labor of convicts In any prison or penitentiary in the State of New York it ehall be unlawful to contract for convict labor or employ conviots. to labor in the manufacture of any goods, ware, merchandise or articles to be sold or used outside the prisons or penitentiaries where such convicts aro imprisoned." Tie other act is the one of which mention was made in this correspondence last week. It is essentially the Bamobill in its Intent, as Introduced by the same gentleman last session. It looks to tho establishment of the Bridge street ferry.

Last year the bill was defeated upon tho ground that there waa no power resident in the Legislature to compel tho Union Ferry Company or any othor company to lease the Bridge street Ferry franchise from New York City, and If there was there was no way of oompolllng New York City to lease the ranchleo to the company. This year Mr. Clanoy approaches tho same objoct in a different way. There ia Btiil a question whether this can be compelled under the law. Tho act Is entitled An Act to regulate the Bale of ferry franchises by tho City of Now York," and tho following Is a copy ot the bill Section 1.

The Controller of tho City of New York lihall at pubiio auction the franchise or right to operate a ferry from the foot of Fulton street, in the, Vnrlr a nrt th font of Flllton BtrOOt in tltO City of Brooklyn, and the franchise or right to operate a ferry irom tno loot oi uriuye bllot uj the City of Now York botweon tho foot of Jackson street and the foot of Fulton street, both franchises to be for ten years from the first May, 1881. Bee 2. Said rauchises and right Bhall be exposed for salo together and not separately, and the purchaser with reasonable frequency. And tho lease or writing executed to the purchaser thereof ehall, by its ternis, thereof snail oo oongeu to opei au, ui pb'ige said purchaser to operate said ferries, as afore said, upon pam OI iurieitura ul yum nui aamuwmuvu; without compensation. Sec 3.

Said controller shall give Blx weeks' pubiio notice of the time and placo of such Bale, by publishing the Bamo In the public newspapers of Now York and Brooklyn, and in such other manner as he shall deem likely to give notice thoreof to purchasers. Said publication shall be made twice a week for said six weeks successively in at least two newspapers In New York and two newspapers publishod In Brooklyn. Sec. 4. This act Bhall take effect Immediately.

Whether this act will accomplish the purpose of the member from the First of Kings remains to be Been, after tho logal minds shall have flnlehed adjusting ita provisions to those of the Dongan and Montgomrie charters. Mr. Trowbridge introduced a bill which ta entitled "An Act in Eelatfon to Sewerage and Drainage in tho City of Brooklyn." Tho followinc is a oaleriil condensation of Its provisions 1. The Board of City Works are authorized and direct ed to oaueo the sewer now emptying into Gowanus Canal at the foot of Bond street to bo continued upon such course as they shall deem best, bo as to discharge the sewerage into tho river or Buttermilk Channel at tho placo heretofore designated as the permanent outlet for such sewerage, and to make all suitable connections so constructed as to make, the Wolcott street main sewer the lower section thereof. 2.

The work 1b to be done by the Board of City Works, when authorized by the Mayor and Common Council, without any advertisement other than advertisement for proposals, the contract to bo awarded to tho lowest bidder. 3. Tho expense, with interest to Oms of confirmation of the assessments, Bhall be apportioned as follows a. The cost of the completed portion of the main Bewer now laid shall be determined, and after a reduction for what has been assessed, the rest Bhall be assessed equally on the whole district. 6.

Before signing and completing the assessment list, six days' notice in the corporation newspapers for a hearing must be given. A. The assessment shall be in four annual installments of equal amounts, except that all expensea for taking land or easements shall bo included in the first installment. i. Payment to the contractor under this act may be made by the issue of certificates of indebtedness payable, with interest, which may be Bold by the Controller at not less than par.

or be issued direct to tho contractor the contracts to include thla agreement. 6. In case it Bhall be doBlred to lay any sewer upon prlvato property or upon any unopened street, proceedings may be taken to acquire the land desired or to open such unopened street, and after six days' notice in tho corporation newspapers application for the appointment of three commissioners to estimate tho valuo of land taken may be made. The expenses of Bald proceedings Ehall be $100 each for the said commissioners, $300 for necessary surveying and for searching not exceeding $700. 6.

When the sewer now emntylncr into the Gowanus Canal at Bond street ehall have been continued to its permanent outlet, no sewerage or anything bufpnre tr. nii 0,, r. Bhall conduct into the Bewer such prohiWred matter Bhall be deemed guilty of misdemeanor and liable for each offense to a line of not less than $250 nor exceeding $2,000, or to imprisonment for six months, or both. 7. No expense other than that provided for in the act except for inspection of work as it progresses, which is not to exceed three per cent, of the cost, 1b authorized.

This means a radical change in the Bond street sewer. The bill, however, which will oxclte the moBt attention, Is that Introduced by Mr. Ogden. This IB entitled "An Act to repeal a part of and to amend an aot relating to the expenses of judicial sales in the County Kings, passed June 1, of 1876." The law sought to be amended is the well known "Judicial Sales act," which passed through the instrumentality of Sheriff Daggett during his first term. It was a bill that was greatly denounced at tho time of its enactment, and principally by lawyers, who Baw the outting off of fino foes in prospect its operation has been bemoaned by these lawyers who have had their Incomes diminished since its enactment, and haB been praised by all persons who have had real estate In litigation.

Though it greatly increased the income of tho Sheriff's office, thero can be no question that it greatly benefited all persons who were compelled Tha rf. erees appointed by the Courts In these matters charged wore beyond all conscience, and thero was but little real estate left to be turned over to tha rightful person, after the referees had got their fingers upon it. The effect of the law while it did unquestionably largely increase the Sheriff's income, was to lower the fees in these cases of foreclosure, since it made the Bheriff the referee and fixed his fees at a low figure. The lawyers have been hankering after the flesh pots ever sincS, aoTnOW tiiey are endeavoring to'make a grab for them. This bill repeals section first of the Judicial Sales act, which provided that unless both parties to the suit agreed upon a referee, the Bales of foreclosures should be conducted by the Sheriff.

Tho effect of the repeal will be to allow the Courts to appoint referees again. Section second is amended bo as to read Sec. 2. In all cases of sales of real estate on. foreclosures in the County of Kings, the Sheriff or referee making the sale shall be entitled to receive the following fees: For rocelving order of sale and posting notices of eale, ten dollars.

For attending sale, ton dollars. For drawing each deed of promises sold, live dollars. For attending and adjourning a Bale at tho request of the plaintiff lu the action or by order of the Court, three dollars. For making report of sa'e, flvo dollars. For paying over surplus moneys, three dollars.

And all disbursements made by him for advertising at the rates allowed by law therefore, cob of officers for taking acknowledgments and administering oaths and all auctioneers' fees actually paid by him to licensed auctioneers, but not to exceed for such auctioneers' eea ten dollars for each parcel separately sold, which auctioneers Bhall be paid by the purchaser of the parcel, in addition to the amount bid by him therefore. The arguments offered for the passage of this bill are many. One is, the set as it now stands applies only to KingB County. An aot as excellent should apply to all tho counties, and the above is an argument only to that end. It is also offered that it restricts the powers ot the Supreme Court sitting in Kings as they are not restricted in other counties.

If the result of unrestricted powers is to bring about such enormous fees aa were formerly charged by the referees of the Court, it would be well to restrict the Courts sitting in other counties. It unfairly dlBcrimiuatea against, the members of the Kings County bar, la another reason offered for the amendment. The charges heretofore made by referees justifies the discrimination. Then tho cecurity required of the Sheriff Is declared to be inadequate to the large intrusted to him. This can be met by Increasing tho security demanded of tho Sheriff.

Mr. Ogden also offered another bill which extends tho Judicial Sales act to the entire State. The above is tho griBt of bills ground out tbis evening. Seacoal. HIGHWAY B0BBE11Y.

George Gordon, who said ke was a citizen of Buffalo, was arrested yesterday by Officer Halliday for 'stealing a pocketbook containing $1.45 from Mrs. Ellen Losoy, who resides at 146 Cambridge placo. Miss Losey was walking along Fulton street whon she was suddenly robbed of hor money. Gordon pleaded guilty before Justice Fisher this morning, and was sent to tho 1'oni tontiavy for four montlift I have been on the Jail Committee for two years. I Satt buiirari ss improvement.

When we employed an architect he said it would coat $80,000 to $100,000 to put the Jail in re pair, superintendent naugnion agreea wi uuu. 1 1. I. rw iVlvV, 1 invited thero agreed with him, We found no real im. provement could be made in the old Jail.

It was a thing that no'money couldXproperly repair. When the proposition came up to build a wing for $125,000, I partially opposed it. If we built a wfng for $125,000 it Would partially relieve the old building and thon wo would have to repair tho old building at a cost of $80, 000 or $100,000. We propose to expend all the money on the new jail. Wo propose to give four hundred and forty eight cells, enough to accommodate the pria onero of the county for the next seventy five years.

It la economy to build a large wing. If wo built a small one we would soon have to tear it down again. These are partly my reasons for my action. Now, thore ore a great many growlera in the ward. There are men here who went sneaking round at tho last election trying to get a stump candidate in against me.

I made no promises not to vote for the jail. There aro no two sides to mo. I am straight and squaro right along, and I believe it is economical and humane to build the jail. (At this point the City Treasurer made a suggestion to the Bpeaker). Thore are many other things I could state.

Ex Alderman Richardson Where Is the wing to be located? Supervisor Walker Within fifteen feet 'of the City Hospital. It is stated is the communication of Mr. Mundell. Major BisseU thon read the communicationoa foUows taJEtOHITEOT MUNDEiL's EXPLANATION. Bhooklth, January 27, 1879.

To the Members of the TicentieCh.Ward Republican Association Gektlemew Hearing through the pnblio press and by other means that parties in your association intended bringing up the action of the Board of Supervisors In relation to the new jail, I thought that aa I am and have been a member of your association for the past ten years, it would be right and proper that I should give I nnn AP ia r. 1a otA why the amount of contracts exceeds tho figures' first building a wing to the present jail. Such la not tho caso lie plans inn. in noway conneoted to the present Jail. When I cave the Board of Supervisors an approximate estimate of $150,000 over a year ago, it was for ono wing of the JaU, without any portion of the main building.

Whon the Jail Committee and myself looked into the matter, before drawing the set of plans from which we are now building, we concluded It would be better to include a portion of the main building with the wing, so as to give better accommodations for witnesses, ie. By the advice of several members of the Board of Supervisors (who did not vote for a new jail) we also decided to odd another tier of collB (112) in the wing building, making a total of U8 cells, without dark cellB. The additional cells add about $40,000 to the cost, but will be economy in the end, for these additional cells can be built while the building Is in course of erection for one half of what it would cost afterword. It must be remembered also that to' add a tier of cells to a jail is an entirely different matter to adding the same to a ponltentiary. In one case the prisoners do not occupy the cella in the daytime, but are marched off to tho workshops.

In a jail the prisoners occupy the celle from tho time they go in until released. The contracts also caU for the erection of 48x70 feet of main building, three stories and basement to height, with Iron beams and brick between ond divided into rooms for keepers, witnesses, with proper accommodations foroleanliness intheway of water olosets, bath rooms, Ico. The wing building proper is 93x220 feet, with an iron roof, with Bkylights, complete. Each and every cell is ventilated, also every room in 1 i. the main building, Dy tne moat opproveu yruioo.

xuo oontraot also calls for tho building of the boiler house complete large enough for building when Tim nresent tail has but ninety cens. in eluding wing for female prisoners. There have been over 400 prisonora confined in the jail at one time. Mr. Sinclair Tousey, President of the New York Prison Association, stated to the Board of Supervisors that thero was a State law which reads thus, viz: "Not moro than one prisoner must bo confined in one ceU of any county Jail at any time, and any supervisor who, by hiB voto or otherwise, violates said law.

is liable to indictment by Grand Jury." Now how is it possible to put 400 prisoners in ninety cells and not have more than one in a ceU Both the main building and wing of tho JaU are to be built of bluestone ashlar with granite trimmingfl, all tho way around, and will bo built in the most substantial manner. I have visited nearly every Jail within a radius of 1,000 miles of Now York, but never in all my travels have I mot with ono that can at all compare with the present building on Raymond Btreet. Even ia tho female prison, which wob orected long ofter the main building was buUt, the keeper told me hlmsolf he would not take tho responsibility of nriinnnr in tha coll. but cave them the run of tho corridora for, as he truly said, if he locked them i wuimiit windows, flues or any other ventilation, the would only oxpeot to find their dead bodies in the morning. Dr.

Talmage said in ono of his sermons a few Sabbaths since, that it waB tho worst Jail In the United States Considerable haB boen Bald about the contract for "kosmoeroto" cement. I would like to Bay a few words in reference to The contract made with HenVy itwlEon foTBaffie, reads that he is to cover all corridor floors, boiler house floor, floor of basement in main building, aU inside walls, floors, ceilings, etc, to ceUB, and all outside walls of ceUs and aU walls in cell bunding and block off same in iioitatiou of Htone, Tho saving In cutting of granite floors to ecus, aha bine Btone flagging in corridors, more than covers the whole amount of his contraot. One of the roportera of the papers said his name could not be found in the directory. If he wiU take the trouble to go to 93 Liberty street, New York, he will find Mb office. Before agreeing to caU for his kosmocrete Mr.

ilson Bhowed me letters from General George B. McClellan and other eminent engineors, highly indorsing same. There will probably be on an average ono hundred men employed on the work for nearly a year. The papers have lold great stress upon tho fact that at the meeting held at the close of last year none of the Supervisors defended their action In voting for the new Jail, or at rn an Well, all I can Bay 1b that I think it has been pretty wen aeienaea lor past eix years uy I "rand inriea, ana i oeueve and inriea. and I believe the SHorvIsors came to ana LT1K M3 Mi the conclusion of the old adaee.

that ore uuu blind as those who will not Bee." Some Bay why not buiid worehopa instead of a JaU Well suppose you build workshops, you must havo colls to keep the prisoners in while not at work. Where is the contractor who would employ short term prisoners 1 The county receives nothing for thirty day men now at the Penitentiary, and if you wish to make that institution self sustaining (which it almoBt is at present) you must not send Bhort term prisoners there, for if a prisoner is competed to leave hla ceU for the workshop the county must be at tho expense of uniforming him, paying keepers, to watch over him. Supervisor Fleeman Btated to the Board of Supervisors that this contract was only the entering wedge to much larger amounts to follow. He was right about the wedge with this exception A wedge generally goes in smaS end first but In this case the larger end went in first. And to prove same I wiU state here to night that I am prepared to enter into contract with the Board of Supervisors to morrow (if they wish) to finish the buUd ing complete, as per original plans on file In the office of the Clerk of the Board of Supervisors, and hand over the key of buUdlng for the sum of and I wiU give them tho name of a perfectly responsible gentleman of this city who is willing to put np bonds to the amount of $100,000 that I complete the same.

The contracts already awarded amount to $238,000, and $150,000 added makes $385,000. The estimate I gave in was $300,000, and we are now giving over 100 more colls and have added some other improvements. And taking Into consideration the extra cost of cells, I do not think my approximate estimate was very far out of the way. Respectfully, Wm. A.

Mbsu, Architect. Supervisor Walker then read an extract froni the Eagle of March 15, 1877, which he claimod was ia favor of a new jail at the time. A voice THE EAGLE DIDN'T GET THE AB.OHITECT it wanted. Mr. Bon I don't think any citizen familiar with the Jail wiU question the propriety of building a new one.

But they are not satisfied with the new wing. There haa been dissatisfaction with the method of giving out the contract. It is said the matter was decided hastily, and fault has been found with the refusal of tho committee to print specifications. Since Mr. Walker 1b speaking he ought to have an opportunity of putting himself on record.

Major BisseU I have obtained a document signed by thirty seven builders, which wiU place Mr. Walker right in this respect. It is as follows To the Honorable Board of Supervisors, Kings County GBNTiujrii.v Hearing that some of the builders estimating on the new jail have stated that sufficient time and faculties for figuring on JaU plans and specifications had not been given, we would hereby Btate that such is not the case. The advertisement has been Inserted In three or four daily papers for ten or twelve days, and the architect's office has been open daily since the first advertisement from A. M.

to 12 o'clock at night, and Mr. MundeU has kindly remained at hla office during those hours, in order to give all who choose an opportunity to make their several estimates. Wo know of no reason for delaying the opening of estimates, unless it be to satisfy a few chronic growlers. Some of us, also, have been to considerable trouble In getting certified checks for ten por cent, on amount of contracts and do not wish to be compelled to leave our estimates and checks for any longer time than was absolutely necessary. We hereby petition your Honorable Body to open estimates to day.

Presented December 19, 1878. ON THE BACH. Major BisseU I would like to ask Mr. Walker If his own brother in law was next to the lowest bidder and yet did not receive the contract? Supervisor Walker Yes, sir he did not receive it. Mr.

Manchester Did the lowest bidder receive the contract 7 Supervisor Walker Yes, air. Mr. Bon I am informed the bid of Mr. Saxton for Iron work was not within $6,000 of it. Supervisor Walker The granite and iron work were Included In the specifications for mason work.

The Board of Supervisors had nothing to do with it. was in favor of giving the contracts to Brooklyn men, provided they were the lowest bidders. Applause. Mr. Manchester Didn't Mayer Howell, when he was Supervisor at Large, veto the appropriation of $125,000, because he didn't think it necessary 7 Supervisor Walker HoweU was a candidate for Mayor at the time.

That had something to do with it. Mr. Manchester You admitted the new JaU would be large'enough to confine prisoners for the next Beventy flve years. Woe it necessary under the present state of taxation to build a JaU to last so long 1 Supervisor Walker Yea. We can buUd now cheaper than at any time iu thirty years and cheaper than at any time in the next twenty five years to come.

Mr Manchester That is question. Ex Sheriff CampbeU I rise to a question of order. It seems to me thiB Judicial examination is out of order. There is a call for Mr. Walker to answer in the preamble and resolutions.

I supposed after he had explained tie question would be decided. Ex Alderman Richardson I want to suggest that this a matter for the Supervisor. If ho desires to have the ATidnd ho can nave it by dccUnina to an I swer. lehe ia willing to answer no point of order should cut him off. Supervisor Walker I have no desire to be cut off.

In reply to ex Alderman Richardson, Mr. Walker referred him to a copy of the specifications for the number and kinds of bids on tho new structure. Mr. Vernon I came here a Uttlo prejudiced against Mr. Walker.

After hearing his explanation, I think the accusations baseless. Supervisor Walker It Is. weU for me to refer at thla time to a rumor that MONEY HAD BEEN USED to put the resolution through. I positively deny it. Not a dollar has been used, nor has It been offered to myself or any other member of the committee.

No in ducement was offered for my TOUs. As to the nrst part of the resolutions I never committed myself to anybody before the primary, or told anybody I wouldn't vote for anewjaii. HT. In VnW fmpiWTt. dATllpd tbnt Mr.

Walker had made any promlso of the primary not to vote for tho Jail, but that he had sold distinctly he would vote Mr. Hayden It Eeems that I am on trial and not Mr. Walker. The objoct of my resolution was to give the association an opportunity to say whether Mr. Walker's 1 action waa right or I am wrong, voices: "You're wrong." Let the association put Itself on record in tno jail matte.

Ex Alderman Richardson briefly advocated the rejection of the resolutions. The previous question was ordered, and the resolutions of Mr. Hayden were rejected. Mr. Sherry suggested that tho association approve of tho action of Mr.

Walker, but Mr. Bou objected aud uo such action was taken. The association then adjourned. WTTLK FREDDY RUMP, Fred. Rump a very small lad, was brought before Justice Senilor this morning crying.

Ho was charged with stealing somo boards from a now building at 47t Bedford avenue. He said he thought they were for no uiso. Fred's father raid his son was a disobedient boy, so Justice BoaUsr save him, five days lu jiU. I cationBof State Commissioner Hopes concerning quality of the straw and other articles received at tho County Buildings, and also upon the statement made by CommlBBloner Henry regarding the "rotten beef" sent to Fiatbush. Mr.

Coffey handed to Supervisor Byrne the following letter this morning Kings Countt Storehouse, Department of Chabities. Flatbubh. January 27. 1879 To the Honorable Supplies Committee of the Board of Superui8ora Gentlemen Having noticed through tho columna of tho press a communication sent by the Hon. Bipley Bopoa to the Board of Charities Commissioners In refer once to tho quality of oats and straw, and also in reference to his asBertions in regard to the samnlej for.

S2S traot goods, and further in refjrenco to a statement made "by Commissioner Henry as to quality of beef re cvecf I would ask your committee to bring the matter to the 'notice'Of the Board of Suporvssors for investigation. Tours respectf oiiy, M. J. Coffey, Storekeeper. The communication was Bubmitted to the Supplies Committee this morning, and that body decided to present it without recommendation to the Board of Snper viBorB at ita meeting, on Thursday afternoon.

Mr. Coffey admits that he has permitted articles to pass through his department which were not altogether up to the standard, but he emphatically denies that he ever received and accepted supplies which were unsound or unfit for ub6. In all probability the Board at its next meeting will refer tho matter to the Supplies Committee. A SUDDEN FIT OF FASTIDIOUSNESS. At a meeting of the Supplies Committee of the Board of BuperviBors last week, attention was called to the fact the butter being furnished to the County Buildings was not up to the standard provided for in tho contract.

A Bub committee was appointed to take tho matter into consideration, and as soon as it became evident that the chances of bringing the contractor to terms were anything but encouraging, this sub committee decided to go upon a butter purchasing expedition. Accordingly on Saturday last Supervisors Egolf and Russell proceeded to New York and tasted the quality of butter in a large number of wholesale Btores. After a marvelous exhibition of endurance they purchased five hundred pounds of No. 1 butter, and a hundred and fifty pounds Of No. 2.

Both gentlemen speak bf the butter as being as fine an article as waa ever placed upon their own tables, and went home with the gratifying conviction that the inmates of the County Buildings would not be compelled to eat dry bread for a few dayB, at any rate. In due course of time the butter ordered reached the County Buildings; was pronounced as good by Storekeeper Coffoy, and was promptly rejected by inspector Michaels. At the meeting of the Supplies Committee this morning Supervisor Egolf said he was at a loss to understand why the butter should havo been re jected. Mr. Coffoy, who was present, said that the De partment of Charities had been without butter for a week, and that the butter purchased by the committee was the best ever received at the County Buildings.

Supervisor Fgolf announced that his colleague on the sub committee had expressed his regret that he could not procure a hundred pounds of the some butter for his family at tho same prico, but he presumed their tastes wero not so highly cultivated as that of Mr. Michaels. Contractor Belford has been ordered to send up to the County Buildings a thousand pounds of first class butter. THE COURT HOUSE NUISANCE. The Court House Committee have been served with a notice to appear before tho Grand Jury with reference to the nuisance existing on the vacant land east of the Court House.

The appropriation for the care of the Court House, or what now remains of it, 1b now large enough to permit of an elaborate outlay in the abatement of tie nuisance. TOO EXPENSIVE. It was proposed to erect in front of the Court House, two lamps similar to those now adorning the front of the Municipal Building. Inquiry, however, brought to light the fact that they would coat $300, and as the committee has only $300 to spend, the Court House will be set off in a much more moderate style. Y0UNG PEOPLE'S EN'JERTALVMEXT.

The First Public One Given hy thcHaiU son Place M. E. Cburch( Last evening the first pubiio entertainment of the Young People's Chaistian Union of the Hanson placo Methodist Church, was given. The entertainment was the first of three of its kind intended to be given by the Young People's Christian Union during the present season. The object of the union is to improve tho social, intellectual and religious condition of Its members and to promote the welfare of others, particularly the young people of the congregation and the community.

To promote this end private meetings are hold on the first and thira Monday evenings of each month, at which the necessary bUBlness of the society is transacted essays, debates, readings and recitations being given by the members. The attendance last night was excellent, and the programme which had been arranged was very fine and thoroughly appreciated. It was as follows Organ voluntary, Senuramide," by MisB Nellie Willock; a prayer, by the Kev. Dr. Buckley the hymn, Abide with me," was sung by tho audience, at the close of which Mr.

Fred G. Haerter read "Tha Curse of Eegu was applauded. The recitation, "An order for a Picture," by Mr, Henry Smith was admirable, while Miss Sarah A. Beatty's essay on Possibilities" ghowed both thought and research. The second part commenced with a Bong by Mrs.

F. E. Wooding, entitled Bonnie Bessie," which called out an encore. Mrs. Henry Smith recited Tho Widow of Glencoe." The address of the evening was by tho pastor, the Bev.

Dr. Buckley, who chose for his subject Affectation," and discussed it in a maBtorly and entertaining manner. Miss Olivia Barberie executed "Home, SweetHome," aud variations, upon the piano, with a brilliancy and precision that both and astonished the audience. The White Squall" was recited by Dr. CharleB Bonnell, and the entertainment closed with the singing of the doxology by tho audience.

As will bo seen the entertainment waB of a very superior oharactcr and was a perfect success. Tho officers of tho Young People's Christian Union are: Eresident, Mr. W. it. Wolkloy; Vice President, William H.

Johnston Recording Secretary, Edinund K. Todd Treasurer, Erastus Hyde Corresponding Secretary, Miss Eleanor F. Sievwrigut. Tho executive committee is composed as follows Mr. Oscar Shadbolt, Chairman Mrs.

A. C. Morrow, Mrs. F. Wooding, Miss Myra M.

Wilson, Honry W. Knight, E. J. WesEels, Frederick G. Haorter.

MB. BEEt'IIEB'S IiEtTUUE. Eev. Henry "Word Beecher will deliver his lecturo on "The Relgu of tho Common Peoplo" this evening, in tho new Lay Colloge BuildUie. corner ol i Clinton and Amity street.

to be postponed for a day. Tbo trouble Is said to have Jjrf orttetjoiiTf Pl ntiaa Attoreej In oar nr rhU. 11 SS.Wl order c.this court, made iu th. ihm been tiie failure ot tne to nil occasioned by pnysicn up the blank in the form prescribed. IiO.VOllABLV UISCJ1.UKJED.

Mr. Albert Young, who was arrested because six young men wore found ploying cords in his billiard room on Sunday last, was discharged this morning. It was shown to the satisfaction of Justice Fifher that there was no gambling in the proper tense and that Mr. Young had noonseiously violated any law. It oppeara that Mr.

Young's business ia confined to lib eale of cigars and tho playing of billiards. There is no liquor sold on tho premises. lie had permitted I the young men i.i Tiia falftLIl With to amuse cinseives cards, and too bjhest state 1 Young not to permit any person to play cords on ounuay v' oad he said ho ishould certainly put a utop to the practice. OTHEILO AND DKSDEJ10SA. A darkey by tho name of George Washington, residing at No.

53 Voret etrcet, married a white woman named Jennie Adams, about a year or two ago. The couple lived harmoniously for some months, but Georgo soon grew jealous of his Dejdemouo. lie beat her eev oral times, and she bad him sent to the Penitentiary. While incarcerated Jennie took all her effects and went to live by herself. When George came out of prison ho weut to No.

Floyd street ond etolo from Jennie two bed blanket, one sheet, two pitlows, a number of tumblera and a lamp. Jeunio bad Georgo or rested for robbery, and this morning lie appeared btfore Justice Scm ler, who adjourned his examination. LECTURE BY FATHHR JIC X.UIARA. Father McNamara will lecture on His Own History and Kxperieuco" this evening, In tho Jobnton street M. E.

Church. li.VRCKXl FROM A STORE I RONT. A roll of Brussels carpet, valued at $30 was stolen last night, from in front of George fut juituro and carpet store, No. 0 Myrtle veuu. oall.

lots 'a 10 Hi 105K 108 lull 100 1015; 101M IV2H ma my, law call. W4 bur. 106 1IJ6 lufi'i 1W 100 102 IiH 101 mix 1 1W 8 6, 1881, regiftored U. S.6s. 1881.

V. S. 6s. 1881, restored 11 8. 68,1881, II 4)s of Ul, reentered 011691, coupon fl 8 48, of 19W, reKistered ri 4's of 1907, coupon.

it 5 20's. 1867, registered 6 20'B 1887, coupon US i IS, registered Jl'S 5 20's, lc83, coupon TJ iu's, reuisterod jj' Si 104)'9. cou(mn jj ij Currency tixu.

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