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The Brooklyn Daily Eagle from Brooklyn, New York • Page 2

The Brooklyn Daily Eagle from Brooklyn, New York • Page 2

Brooklyn, New York
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

mornluf; tho boys go out. On holidays, Thanks WAIFS. A JUBILEE. MR BEECHER. trato of the city.

Our objective point should be to get our rate of taxation reduced to two per cent. It was quite possible for Brooklyn of old when he beheld tho mysterious and ill omened "handwriting on the wall." That the Bishop, the vestry and the young lady's family are satisfied that' nothing serious than these youthful effusions of the clorical boy of fifty has transpired, is proved by the readiness with which his resignation on the ground that "the air of Hudson is too "severe for him" has been accepted. Certainly he must have found the aromatic breezo which his gushing letters have caused a littlo too gusty for a delicate clerical constitution. CPRREST EVE.VTS. 'Secretary Snorman issued a call to day for $20,000,000 five twenties.

The subscriptions to the 4 per cent, loan on Saturday amounted to A large part of Sitting Bull's force has arrived at Deadwood, but the chief hlmsolf la in Canada and soys he will uevor cross the line again. The freshman class of Harvard College held a boating meeting last week and decided to chaliengo Columbia College. Tho accounts at Auburn Prison for tho month of January snow tho expciine of flii mmith every nationality in Europe without spurring the Scotchman to arrange it for the stage and there yet remain incidents in the history of the country which would serve the Frenchman with an inexhaustible mine of dramatic wealth. "Macbeth," the greatest and most complete of Shakspeare's plays, with an antiquity of plot of more than a thousand years, but serves to illustrate the abundance and adaptability of incident for dramatic purposes in Scotch history. The dramatic instinct, however, is not wanting in the Scotch character.

Indeed, it seems to be more copious than in any, as the very poems and songs of the people show. Though Burns and Scott wrote no plays, their poems and prose works display a fine vein of dramatic taste. "Tam O'Shantor" is a drama whoso action is too vivid and expressive for stago representation. But that which tho Englishman, the Spaniard, the Italian and the Frenchman reduced to the level of action the Scotchman put into melody, and the Scotch ballad music which still holds the first place in the world's opinion is eminently dramatic. It preserves in such stirring numbers as The Blue Bonnets "are Over the Border;" Bonnie Dundee," and the more pathetic melodies, the episodes of history and the sentiment of the peoplo as no drama can do.

With this literature in every household the Scotch had no need for theatrical representations, and every little tuneful gathering round the fireside was an operatic performance such as Her Majesty's company might envy. But, while the Scotch intellect has furnished little to tho 6tage in theatric form, the peoplo have found amusement in the theatre. Tho late F. B. Conway, who had all the elements of a great actor in him, beside the sensibility and culture of a rare old gentleman, made his earliest success in Glasgow, where he was treated with such unvarying consideration that he became very Scotch in his taste's and sym giving, Christmas and New Year's they aro furnished with a bountiful dinner of the good things of tho season.

So much for tha interior arrangements of tho Homo. A word aa to HOW IT IB SUPPORTED. The various societies of St. Vincont do Paul throughout the city give ton por cent, of their collections to tho Home, and these amount to between $1,100 aud $1,500. The boya last year paid about $600, and tho balance of its income came from various sources, mainly from tho donations of the charitable.

A ladies' society has been organized in connection with the Home, and it has been sided In this way This society holds monthly meetings and seaks to provide tho boys with tho olothing needed. The Ladies' Society now propose to hold A LARGE FAIR In aid of the Homo, and arrangoments have been rondo tor it upon an extensive scale. It will bo held in the rooms of tho Democratic General Committee, iu the Nassau Bank building, on Court street, corner of Item son, and will open on Monday, tho 10th continuing 0113 week. Tho booths will bo presidod over by the ladles of tho society, aud will bo stocked with tho vast variety of useful and beautiful articles which ladies know how to provide. Tho display will bo a very elegant one, and tho fair promises to bo one of the finest of tho season.

The object for which it Is Instituted is a most deserving one, and it is to be hoped that the enter prise will uieot with tho success it so well deserves. Surely thero can bo no moro beautiful sight than tho lair lianas of warm hearted and Christian wonion stretched forth to aid tho neody am! Buffering children of tho street, to whom the words homo and parents aro almost tho words of an unknown tongue. It in to bo hoped that tho timo will soon cojuo when the Homo can bo more conimodlouaiy provided for, when it will havo a larger building, and can extend its work ti doublo its present proportions. There is ampfo room for it, and plenty of ofllciont work could bo done by Father Hickoy if ho only had the advantages tor it. As it is tho Uonn: does a great work, aud iB worthy of ail praise and encouragement.

ST. ANN'S CHURCH. The Iiviitp; Cornerstone of tho Spiritual Fabric Sermon by Rev. James IVIuI caliey, D.I. The fourth in the Epiphany course of ser mons was delivered at St.

Ann's Free Church, by Kev. James Mulcahey, D.D., of St. Paul's Church, New York. Tho Bubject was: "Tho Living Cornerstone and tho Spiritual Fabrio," the text being from I Peter ii. i "For whom coming as unto a living stone, disallowed indeed of men, but chosen of God and precious.

Ye aiso as living stones aro built up, a spiritual houBe, an holy priesthood, to offer up Bplritual sacrifices, acceptable to God by Jesus Christ." The preacher began by relating tho beautiful allegori cal vision described in the Book of Similitudes. Th1 writer saw an immonse field surrounded by mountains. In the middle of the field there was a great rock tower inir iid hieher than the mountains. It was very ancient. but there was in it a gate or portal which was evidently new.

Before the completion of the tower, which was raised on ton of thlB rock, the Lord came to inspect it. He examined it carefully, separately striking each stone with a rod. All that were not found perfect in every respect He ordered to be taken out and their places filled. In this manner tho work went on, until the wholb tower wa3 completed, and the tower and the rock wore one. Tha explanation of this Is that the rock and portal were the Son of God and the tower the church, while the stones denoted the multitudes of individuals from all climes and people, who are gathered into the family of God, As the various stones In the towar wero made smooth and white, so all vicious diversities of human character are removed.

This allegorical viBion, although beautifully illustrating tho relations of the church to Christ, yet foils far short of the Apostle's description in the words of the text. He not ouly ro ards the church as emblematic of tho rock, but invests le rook and through it tho stones with living qualities. The tower indeed Docomes a lempie. THE BEIiATION OP OHBIBT TO THE CHURCH is the relation of the foundation or cornerstone in foundation to tha whole building. "Behold I lay in Zion a chief cornerstone." TMs trutu is as unnuestionaoie as it is fundamental.

There la no other foundation for tho church but tho rock which is laid Jesus ChriBt. ITa alone ninisalf is the rock not His teachings, though thoy are the wisest and truest not His example, though peerless not His religion, though it holds tho highest place, but Christ Himself in His very person the incarnate Son of God. He is the rook and no foundation can any other man lay. Ho is also a living rock, from which the church derives its life and power. Not only is Christ tho support of the church as the foundation Biipports the building, but the relation is the same as that between a treo and the root, or the head and the body.

Ho is the seat and the source of tho life of tho church, and God in many passages of Scripture reveals Himself as such, as for instance, "Haisthp head of tho body the church;" "Your Ufo Is hid with Christ in God Ye are complete in Him," etc. Those passageH are not capable of being explained on any other theory. What must be the nature of the person truly representing and sustaining such a relationship 7 While in tho flesh Ho was a man among men, living in an obscure province of an Eastern nation, but at tho same timo occupying a prominent place and commanding a groat deal of notoriety, but dyiug on the cross by legal sentonca and only leaving behind him r. Uttle band of DISAPPOINTED AND DISCOTJEAOED DISOIM.E8. What was tho church then, compared to tho church now, in its world wide development 7 It has always looked to tha rock whenco it was hown, and had no life save as if abided in Christ Jesus.

There is no strongor or more irresistible proof of the Divinity of Christ than is afforded by thlB fact. There could not be audi perpetual and wondorf ul power in the church unless it had been sustained by the incarnnte Son of Almighty God. The church Itself is a holy home, temple built on Him, which Is itself invested with life. Thoy fail to get tho apprehension of tho wonderful significance of the relationship of Christ and tho church, if they form any other idea regarding It. The church in not merely a society, organized for the purpose of carrying out social, political or ecclesiastical ends, although it has and may subsorve all thesa ends.

Tho true and ultimate purpoBe is much grander aud more' sublime. It is for the living, loving worBhip of conscious spirit, and therefore, God created men on the earth after His likeuesa and animated by His own breath. The purpose of the church Is heavenly and divine. In this world it is the representative of heaven, God's sanctuary, tho place where His honor dwells. Inasmuch as tho materials composing tha church are liot dead stones but living soulB, thero will be conscious and Intelligent worship, every stone being invested with prieBtly power.

Another function of the church is to promote the welfare of human society and fa this its Influence has always been paramount. The church has been built upon the earth as a temple to Jehovah's honor, and all the power and Influence for good whioh it exerciser results from tho ever present Influences of tha Son jf God. The preacher, in conclusion, spoke of tha necessity of individual participation in the work of the church, the. service in which, to ba successful, must bo conscious and voluntary. SOUTH CONGREGATIONAL CHUItCH.

Sermon by tlte lie v. Dr. N. O. Clark on the Power of the Oospel.

The Eov. N. G. Clark, D.D., Senior Secretary of the American Board of Comm'ssioners for Foreign Missions, preached yesterday morning In tho South Congregational 'Church, Hev. A.

J. tymon. pastor, corner of Court and President streets. Dr. Clark has recently returned from tho Great Missionary Conference in London, and his sermon yesterdoy had its bearing on that subject.

His text was taken from Komans, first chapter, Bixtcen vei BO "For I am not ashamed of the gospel of Christ, for it Is tho power of God unto salvation to every one that believeth, to tha Jew first and also to the Greek." These are the words, said tho reverend gentleman, of the best cultured and ablest mind of tho ancient world. Thoy are no hasty or unguarded utterance, but tho result of the apostle'B own experience and observation. Ho knew what tha culture and science of tho world could do for man, and he had also seen WHAT THE BIBLE OOTJLD ACCOMPLISH not only in the heart of Asia Minor, but in tha very centre of tho civilized world. The gospel as tha power of God is a mighty instrument. It is a power of God unto salvation, not to Jew or Greek alone, to every one who will believe it, be 'he Jew or Gentile.

Everywhere at the present time the gOBpel is showing itself to be a mighty lever of civilization. And nowhere is this more forcibly demonstrated than in the reBUlta of missionary enterprises all over the habitable globe. There 1b an exemplification of this fact In all heathen countries. People who came from the Cannibal Islands bring us abundant evidence of what the Bible done there in tho hands of tho missionaries. It is working a alow but sure transformation among tho people who come under its influence.

Tho Bpcaker then went on to narrate an incident by way of illustration, which come under his personal observation. It was in the Sandwich Islands that in company with others ho visited tha home of one of the natives. Tho native's dwelling was an ordinary country house instead of the grass hut they usually live in. Within were evidences of civilization, and in one of the rooms was a bed on which a sick child was lying. It was the grandchild of the occupant of the house.

In the room were a Bible and a pair of spectacles, and thoy found that the old man who lived there UBed to stay at home and read his Bible to bia sick grandchild. Ho had been born and brought np as a heathen, but the Gospel had redeemed him from his IGNORANCE AND IDOLATRY. There were many other instances of the all saving power of the gospel cited by the Bpeaker. In CeyloB thore are colleges and other Institutions of learning where native professors aro the Instructors. Young men deliver lectures on the arts and Bclences, and yet they were born heathen.

It is thus clearly shown' that the power of the goimol haa been very successfully developed as a means of civilization, and what It has already accomplished in the coses alluded to it may do with tho rest of the untutored and heathen races. Theso Illustrations also show us the uU meaning of the apos tlo's words. The power of the gospel brings these people out of tho heathenism up to a higher piano of intellectual and moral development. At the general conference of missionaries, at which forty missionary societies were represented, another fact was clearly established, and that is the immense vantage ground they occupy at the present day for prosecuting le Christian work. The gospel Is now translated into all the principal languages Bpoken by men, aud by means of the printing press, the telegraph and other modern Institutions, chore Is nothing to prevent tho Bible being placed in tha hands of every man and woman In the whole world before tha close of the present century.

One ot the most difflcultand slowest in which the missionary has laoored Is China. During the post fifty years the progress in that direction has been very alow, and yet when 120 missionaries recently convened at Shanghai and compared notes they saw no reason why China should not become a Christian country within another half century. Tha OPPORTUNITY FOB EVANOELIZATION is not great, but the field Is wide and the harvest assured 5 the work Is only properly carried on. Another point strongly emphasized at the Conference was that Christianity is the religion for mankind. The Buddhists havo thjlr rites aud ceremonies, the Conf uclanists theirs, the Mohammedans and South Sea Islanders theirs but It is found that tho one religion for all the world Is Christianity, and Christianity alone.

It meets the wants and requirements of men everywhere, and in these days of skepticism and rationalism that demonstration Is well worth making. As to tho results of the conversion of the heathen to the faith, they are peculiarly gratifying. Reports came from every quarter of the globe testifying to tho oneness of tha work and of Its lasting and sublime benefits. There Is one thing which is rather A SIGNIFICANT FACT, and one which amply attests the importance of tho work accomplished by the missionaries, and that is, that during tho past seventy years a great deal moro has been dona for Christianity than was done during tho first eeventy years succeeding tho ascension of Christ. The speaker here gave Borne account of tho manner In which the missionary work Is prosecuted, ami spoke of tho aotlve part taken In It by a number of horoio women, who went out among the heathen and taught them the word of God.

One of them, a Mlsi Myra Proctor, whose home la In Massachusetts, is now engaged in tha midst of Mohammedan influences, six days' journey from any Christian habitation, in teaching a school of 20(1 girls. Many women ore also to bo found in China, Asia and Turkey laboring for the Christian elevation of their sex. And when people dwellingin a civilized land remember how theso heroic souls are struggling along amid a deuee mass of ignorant and superstitious people thoy ought to feel the full force of tha missionary's petition, Lot tho cburcneBpray for us." Thoy are often assisted in their labora by native preachers, who now for the first timo go out on their pilgrimages and find a ready acceptance everywhere. During the past year tha converts in India and China alone number 000, and In Japan, where three years ago thoro were but three churches with eighty members, there are now no less than eleven churches, whose membership exceeds 400. It would thus seem, said Dr.

Clark. In conclusion, that In addition to the noble efforts put forth by our missionaries all over the world, that Ood ia bringing to bear the most potent influences for tha evungalizatlou of tha heathen. The Patent Office has reissued to tho assignees of Elisha Gray a patent for telephones, first granted to him July 27, 1873, which is earlier in dato than any patent for telephones issued to Professor Boll. Tho Gray telephono is controlled by the American Speaking Telephone Company, a corporation organized in tho interest of Mr. Gray and tha Gold and Stock and Western Union Telegraph Companies, and it is said to bo their intention to lnforco it immediately ogaluet all porsonB making or using other telephones than those of tjw America Speaking TeioJigfiQ CoBiuanr, Rejoicing Over the Liquidation of a $16,000 Debt How Oonerons Friends Came to the Resent) of the Park Congregational Church Dr.

Slicer's Pastorate. Dr. Slicer's littlo church, tho Park Congregational, comer of Seventh avoune and Seventh street, was crowded list night with rejoicing people, who hoi assembled to commemorate by tbauksgiving the removal of a debt of $16,000, which has hung over the church or several years. 1 1 was only two weak ago that tho congregation made the first notable attempt to saUsfy their creditorB. On that occasion Mr.

Kimball was present, and by his earnest appeals thoro was pledged $10,009. Last Sunday $1,000 more was promised, and on IfondJy evening at thu residence of Mr. Beechor $0,000 was subscribed by soruo prominent church members. This niailo a total of 117,000, which coiera the indebtedness tho church and leaves a balance on hand. The nervicea lost night opened by singing tha S83t2r hymn, which begun with tho following vorse "Has thy night been long and mournful Havu thy friends unfaitlifnl pruved Have thy foes Ixmn proud and scornful.

By thy sighs and tears unmoved C.Va.K) thy mourning, Zion bUU la weU beloved." After tho reading of overal psalms by the congregation and pastor alternately, Dr. Slicer made tha following remarks THE PASTOIt'S ADDRESS. I desire to night that wo should meet in a simple, unpremeditated way to Ky Buch things as como nan our hearts by the great delherance that bos wrought lor us in tho removal by pledges of our church debt. I want this service to partake of tho character of a coo fereucu uit etfng or a Friday night talk. I want make a review of the work ul the church as it has bee carried on sinco I became pastor, two years ago.

There are few In the church now who eat here when it wu first opened. In looking over the list of members I found aouio belonging to tho old Fifth avenue church, and in looking at the church bore organized, and comparing its list with the list of those who conxoliJatod itt tho Park Congregational Church soma nino years ago, I find we have few of Uiose old members on our register to day. One reason of this was that I determined that the register should represent tho true focu of tha church. So tho standing committee had a meeting and decided to investigate everybody then a member of tfi congregation. The result of this waa that we dlmniod by letter ten, and forty seven of whone whereabouts wa knew nothing.

Our own membership doos not represent, except in part, any of the elements of tho organization of tbo church. Four yeara after the removal of the former pastor, Mr. ItueaeU, to a Western field of labor, there was A TIME OF OBEAT STRESS, and I do not see how the church stood it. For a long time our current niponses wero faithfully met; but tha worst thing iu our church Life was tho long timo thai intervened between pastors. There Is nothing conducive to memljership as to be firmly moored and havo regular preaching.

Two years ago, when I camo hero, I found the church in this state of Bttspatwe. But by regular services, and having a deep interest in maintaining them, we find that wo can do the work better and aside than it was done before. I must go liack for a moment for tho beuetit of those who are strangers, and take look at our history. During tho last two years seventy persons have beon added to the church roU. It haa bosa said that we have been much helped.

I neve? knew that tho love of friends was ever si reproach. I cannot understand why the reception of liberal things should constitute a Rhsma When in 1873 (I think if was) the church was In arrears for its building fund for a number of reasons and tho Congregational churches of Now York and Brooklyn came to the front, and through tho Treasurer of tha Church Extension and Aid Society discharged tho floating indebtedness of the church, it was a most kindly thing. DR. BUDIKOTOS'S CHTTRCH GATE TWENT7 FIYB HUNDRED DOLLARS. The committee of tho Bociety was represented both by pastors and laity from all the Uougregational cburchea in New York and Brooklyn, to flitl weak churches in New York and Brooklyn and adjacent ciUes.

Thoy did not do much work. I will not enter into tho reanoua thut caused that committee to abate its endeavors, for theso reasons lie in tha history of the Congregational Church. Wo will not discuss that to night, as it does not tielong to the matters of this church. But the church was liborally helped to tha extent of about eight thousand dollars and we.owa ts tho churches of Sew York and Brooklyn our most hearty thanks. They have constantly been remembered in this congregation with thanksgiving to Ood, who raised up friends for them iu their emergency.

When two yearn ago the triiBtceB felt that the work should go on with pastor they were kindly pleased to bring me to tbift place. Already Mr. Beecher consontel to be rosponnibbj for the mortgage of tho church amounting to $12,849, till such time as we should be able to carry its weight and pay its interest. There had accrued at this time Interest ami the church was threatened with tortujlouro. Uut this ACT OF THE PLYMOUTH PASTOR saved us from dissolution.

Some six weeks ago ha! a with him, in which be rtecil with Mft that the fotuie of the churchdeuiiiJided comfort for iu uiera and the coutiileiiL of tiie community. At feme future time tlitVulinrch would Income a burden, and eo wo agiv 'l in ronverration that we should meet the flnan enemy iu ri'jM. Tho whole milter was talked over aud plans wero devised, but before thoy were matured 1 received a note from Mr. Edward KlmbaU, known jls iht! church debt raiser, appointing a timo when I sh'niM nu et hiin In New York and talk over thai debt ol ourcuurrh. I said I would consult with tha Board of Trustee, and, if they saw tit, I would meet Mr.

Kimball again. I saw him again, and last Sabbatb Mr. Kiufball on the platform here and when tbo ovoning clo.sed wo bad subscribed $10,009. Thero was no flippancy, no fun, nought but earncstuess. It was a most solemn and religious service and wo were Bure ttien that thU minister had coma to us direct from God's provid.

uco. I have no doubt tonight that a special providence provided this agent with your liborality. We asked for $10,030. Tho conditions as you remember, were, that nono of tbo pledges then given were binding until tho full amount ww subscribed and counted by tha Board of Trustees to be a valid subscription. We had aubtcrlbed $10,000.

During the week I received a number of subscriptions amounting Co over $1,000, making our subscription $11,000. On last Monday evening the friends in Plymouth Church did for ub, what all the churches did before, they put thoir sbouldorB to thB wheel aud coutributed In twontf minutes the remaining six thousand dollars which we needed, so that the subscription, seventeen thousand and twenty five dollars pledged on the 19th of January, becomes binding because Che amount received mora than covers tho amount asked for on that morning. Pursonally I am entirely content and assured in my own mind that the debt of this church, Including all past Interest and all past claims, to the last dollar that skall bo duo, so far as we can see, from now to the end of the two years of subscriptions, is paid tonight. I am sure of that because I have those pledges. Why? First, because the pledgee were given devotedly second, because the pledgee are the price of self sacrifice.

More than that, the work vrae dono in anBwer to prayer. We have all been praying that Zion might be compacted togother, and there is nothing that separates aud disintegrates the church much aa carrying a load that hurts It and sustaining; a burden that Is breaking its spirit. I believe, and tha Board of Trustees l))iove. that except the mere matter of collection, the debt of this church is paid to night. Mr.

Sheer announced Uiat there would be a meeting on Tuesday night at the tut church of the subscribers, who would doubtless meet their obligations. church oecnmsTuy e.vdeavoii. Dr. Efrglcston on Current Xoplca Dr Taliiiasre Hauled Over tho Coals. At the Church of Christian Endeavor, Le avenue, comer of Hooper street, last evening, Iter.

Ic. Eggloston preached to young men. Ho also criticized Rev. Mr. Talmage.

saying that churches should be abovo tho business romuiunfty; If thoy wero good for anything it was to raise up the bnai neas community. It was not fair for a membor of a church to subfcrilw toward liquidating Its debt he did not pay $5,000. It is false pretensoa to subscribe money you never Intend paying, but simply to Induce others to give. If the church cannot bo nimply honest it ought not to eiist. It ought to be moro transuaren than any trust ccmpouy or anything olae.

RAPID TRANSIT MKETINU To morrow evening there will be a mooting In favor of rapid transit iu tho Turn Hall, No. 191 lT Sumpter street. It will be under the auspice of tho Ocean Hill Improvement Association of tho Twouty flXUi Ward, of which William Boeckel la President. miSIXlvSS WOT1CE3. SUNDAY EAGLE.

ORDEK YOUR CARRIER TO LEAVH THE EAGLE ON 83a3 SS33 SSS3 UU NN ft KN NN UN DDO DDD A AA A A AAA A A 7 AS WELL AS ON TUB OTHER DAYS OF THE WEEK. CONTAINS ALL THE NEWS. PRICE THREE CENTS. Parties desiring the StJKDiV KidLS tuft at thalr re, donee can send their oddreu to this office and it wU be aiTsn to the carrier who fortes the EaOLC la their district. THE MURPHY MOVEMENT.


Handorae Trp. TUE Alt Ail IAN NIGHTS. Part I Me LATE ISSCF.S. Gerald FitlgeraM, by Charles Letrer tk 161. Th Arabian Niht, Part II We The Arabian NighU, Pert 1.

We tt9. The Doctor's Wile, by M. K. Braddoa 43. Nancy, by Rhode Broochtoo.

Ma 461. The Last of the Rulbten. by Miss Malock John Hallax, (Jentleman, by Miss MulooH (clear, bold, handsome type.) $)o S. John Halifax, Gentleman, (smaller trtxO lfto CVS Paul Fstwr, huritron, Geor Maedcmald Little Barefoot, by Bertholn Auerbacb. to 153.

Tho Princess of tho Moor, by Marlitt JOo 462. An Odd Couple, br Airs. Oliphant loo 4SI. Lady Silverdalo Wm. Black I0 43).

Water Gjpie, by T. Meade 10a 449. Blore Bitter than Death UM 448. On Horseback, Tbroufh Asia Minor, by Captain Fred Bnrnaby lOo 447. Filthy Lucre, by Albany De Fonblonqtie loo 446 When the Bhip Comes Home.

Bnant and Kion. loo 444. Tbo Baby, by the author ot Phyllis, Molly Ban, Ac. alsa. 3fichael Harrest, bj Mrs.

J. H. Klddell. (both in on book) 10o 444. A letter on Corpulence, by William Bantinc.

190 443. Pomiror Abbey (new oOTel), br Mrs. Hsarj JOo 44i Tb Notary'a Daoittiter, bj Lartr Fullerton lita 441. Twos in Trafohra? Bay. Bsuntand 4W.

The borrow ol a Secret. By Mary Uocil Hay. Also. Lady Cannlchael's Will (Urth In ono book) JOo 414 A Csptsin at 15. by Vcroa iflrst too 414 A Captain al 15, by Jules Vern (second hall) loo For sola by nowadaalers at above pneos, or psjd.

on receipt ol 13 cents lor 10 crol rmmber. and cents for 2U cent nnrobsrs, by GEORGE MUHRQ, IT to Vspdeirater at. York. JOHNSTON'S FLUID BEEF. A concentrated preparation for nutritions beef tea er soap, containing the entire sxotitd ccmnliaanU of the Tha most rccl food for invalids eter iDtroducad.

BpaoUDi recommended rry tbn medical (acuity. Pattd (a Uu the United Stitea. mr Aant, WM. 1L 8CHIEFFELLV NEW YORK, and sold by all retail tmggita. ROBERT SHOEMAKER A General ARgnu for tha L'niled States.

I'Oll OUR RYE AND ROCK CANDY WE USE OSLV BUJiGARD.N ER'3 VIRGINIA RYB WHIa'Kr A.N'D FINEST STRING ROCK CANnr. Aii ai 'i rotable for ail throat and iiifl liaoasc Si Iw.tK II Ii. KIKK A CO, luiton A. jiiI 7iV MrosJiray.Nefr orb. TUK ONLY'aENUINE "UYE AND ROCK." Bc.

irA n.j Miiw on lh Isi cL For silo by leading droxrUU r.r.J at mj rl Chambers L. soalh aids, V. 'ri' SI pox rfo bwo. VAJ. ni.u kuJiSiW to have been carried into as bad a predicament as Elizabeth is in now aud it must be attributed to fortunate adventitious circumstances rather than to foresight that such is not the case.

So far as the chief investments made by tho city are concerned they have not been bad investments by any means. The only question was as to their prematureness. Nearly half of our debt is tho investment in Prospect Park and the greater part of the other half is for the building of tho Bridge. No citizen of Brook lyn to day would voto to sell Prospect Park for what it cost us, although it may have been constructed at the time on too costly a basis. As to the Bridge there are excellent reasons for believing that it will not ouly cease soon to bo a burden on tho city, but that, under proper management, it will, in tho not distant future become an important source of revenue.

In short, by profiting by our past, and by the ex ample Of our unfortunate sister city of New Jersoy, and by adhering persistently to the policy we have entered u)on, tho financial future of Brooklyn will, without doubt, be successfully assured. Southern Claims aud Southern Dem ocrats. General Brase, who represents the Fifth District of Wisconsin in the House of liepre sentatives, aud whoso Democracy is of so old a date that ho participated in the proceedings of the Charleston Convention of 18G0, created quite a flurry a week ago among certain Democratic Congressmen of the Southern States, bv expressing some wholesome truth. The General, in objecting to the payment of certain so called Southern claims, expressed him self as follows I have here time and again heard a threat thrown to the Democracy unon thin side of the Houbo. which I have thought for a long time needed answor, and It came irom Mississippi, i nave neara it saitx nere, upon the floor of the House, that unless tho Deniocraoy of tho North ia more liberal, that unices they would opon their hands and give out money more lavishly from tho Treasury, tho solid South would soon go over to the other side.

I say, as one of the representatives of the Democracy of tha North, that if there are any men in tho South who propose to belong to the Democratic party simply for the reason that tho doors of tho Treasury are to bo opened to them, the sooner thoy go over the better for them, the better for our party. General Bragg doubtless recalls the time when the average Northern Democratic Congressman was a creature whose chief business around the Capitol seemed to be to say ditto to Southern propositions and, recalling it, intends so far as he is concerned, to let the gentlemen from the old Cotton States understand that the breed of sycophants is less common now than it was when the slave holder cracked the whip in party caucuses and conventions that he had learned to use on his plantation. In speaking plainly on this subject General Bragg does the Southern Congressman a real service, for nothing could be worse for him than to ba encouraged to reassert pretensions that are very much out of date. We believe that the greatest service many of the old timo Southern Democratic leaders could do to the modern Democratic party would be to get out of it. Their association with it simply reminds tho country of treason committed in the party name.

Democracy is no more indebted to any man who gives in his adhesion to it as a proper system of government, than the multiplication table is to tho clerks who conform to its rules. It is of no consequence whatever to Democracy whether the Southern men accept or reject its principles. It is for them, not for Democracy, to look out. The man who understands Democratic principles will adhere to thorn if he adheres to them alono, and he will not have his opinions modified in the least by any talk about carrying or losing States. It, however, greatly becomes tho gentlemen to whom General Bragg's remarks were addressed, to remember that they owe much more than they will ever be able to repay to the Democrats of the North.

By their unjustifiable rebellion and base desertion of the Northern Democrats, who had contended for tho rights of the States to manage their own affairs free from Federal interference, they loaded the country with debt, fuiTowed it with graves and destroyed the ascendency of princirdes that, rightly applied, arc indispensable to the prosperity of the land. That they are to day in tho enjoyment of all the rights of American freemen is due to tho resolute adlierenco of Northern Democrats to tho principles of their party, careless of the odium such adherence involved for years and in noble indifference to the injury they as party men had sustained at the hands of the communities that were to profit most by their action. When Southern men talk about going to the Bepnblican party or any other organization, the proper answer is to bid them go with all speed. Democracy owes them nothing and it cannot possibly lose anything by getting rid of them. The Democratic party in the North is weighted down with tho odium of Southern performances.

That the North is not largely Democratic is due to the fact that the principles of the party have been professed and abused in the Southern Commonwealths. A strong anti Democratic movement in the late Confederate States would be the signal for such an accession to the Democratic ranks in tho North as has never been witnessed hitherto. The tail has wagged the dog for the last time. These considerations have little bearing upon so called Southern claims, because there are no claims that are not fraudulent, and no Congressman who is not a political knave favors the payment of any of them, but tho discussion of the claims has served to develop the spirit to which General Bragg has referred and to which we address ourselves. The Glasgow Theatre.

The City of Glasgow, in Scotland, seems to be enjoying a variety of anything but pleasant sensations just now. The failure of the great bank, attended as it was by roguery of most impressive dimensions, and the conviction and sentence of those directors, is followed by the destruction of the Glasgow Theatre by fire. Fortunately this catastrophe occurred at a time when nobody was in the house, and was therefore attended with no loss of life. The strong Presbyterian aversion to Sunday amusements renders a theatre the most unlikely place to contain a Scotchman on the first day of the week. The fire broke out in the morning and was perhaps due to the fact that nobody had been in the house since midnight and that the furnace had been carelessly abandoned, for while Glasgow enjoys a reputation for aggregate sobriety, this end is attained by crowding all the jollification and roystering of the week into Saturday night, leaving the remaining six days and a half phenomenally free from excesses of any kind.

The destruction of the theatre, however, is an event of considerable importance. The house was enormously large, was built many years ago, and has acquired a history. It could seat as many as 4,000 persons, and was the largest in Great Britain, containing 300 seats moro than the Pavilion Theatre in Whitechapel, London the second in size and 400 more than La Seala, at Milan. Until the erection of the Grand Opera House, in Paris, moreover, it enjoyed the distinction of possessing the largest stage in the world. On Satur day night, according to the dispatch which an nounces the destruction of the theatre, the pantomime, "Puss in Boots," was given to a full house.

About a year ago the principal theatre in Edinburgh was also burned. It is a singular fact that while this enormous play house was well supported, as indeed are most of the theatres in Scotland, the drama cannot be said to have the same attractions for the Scotch people that it has for any other. The rigid Presbyterianism of the country has always been hostile to the playhouse, and the prejudice against it, if indeed it be a prejudice, is so deep rooted that it will never bo completely eradicated. It is true that the theatres of Edinburgh and Glasgow have been associated with tho history of the British stage almost as intimately as those of London and Dublin, for George Stephen Kemble managed one in each of the cities, and some of the great "hits" of history wero mado in Edinburgh. But Scotland has never taken so kindly to the theatre as to furnish its quota of eminent actors, nor can a great play be traced to Scotch origin.

Macklin, whose real name was McLaughlin, is the only actor of eminence whom memory attributes to Scotland, and Ben Jonson was descended from a Scottish family. But it is worthy of note that Scotch literature, which has taken the first rank in every other department, has not given tho world a single play of note. And yet Scottish literature and Scottish history abound in dramatic material. Thero are few poems more dramatic than "Marmion," and tho novels of the Wizard of the North have been dramatized again and again. The touching and eventful history of Mary Queen of Scots baa cut into dramaUo form bv The Chinaman and the Rum seller Receive Attention.

The Mosaic Economy Under Consideration. Humanity the Great Feature of It How About tho Israelite who Knew that his Ox was Wont to Gore, and the Grogseller who Knows that his Ox Gores The Chinese as Much Right Here as Germans, Irishmen or Anybody Else. Mr. Beecher resinnod his consideration of tho Mosaic history last ovoning. Tbero was a vory largo congregation and the preacher was In oxcellont spirits.

After tho usual pre'iminary exercises, Mr. Beecher said that ho purposed to outer on an opposition of the laws of Mosca. He would not dbicuss their historical value or whether tho Pentateuch contained a record marie in Moses' lifetime or wan Hie work of many hands. Whatever was tho history of tho origin of tho Pentateuch, thare it stood, and contained a complete form of customs, laws and institutions. On oxaniinlng tho laws they would perceive that tho popular notion that all these laws wore whispered in tho oars of Moses by God and ho was only a writing machine, was incorrect, and that many of them woro handed down by the patriarchs, that many customs uroso in tho formative period, and that others came from Egypt.

It was not likely that Moses, with all his loarning, would not find in Egypt much that he would wish to iutroduco into his nation. We wore not at liberty to say that the laws wore all dovelopod at ouco. Nor did thin detract from their divinity, for it referred more especially to thoir development. In ono seuso, these laws might lie said to be all jumbled together. Thoy woro stated in Exodus, repeated iu Numbers and Loviticus, and moro fully oxpouudod in Douter ouomy.

It was not given to that early time to classify laws and to givo them a logical and natural sequence. Taking them as wo find them, they wero abundantly rich pro, though not dug and smelted. Horo wero lawB that covered tho whole range of lifo, of land and property, of commerce, of homo, of religion tho whole social and civil CBtate of tho There was a popular idea that tho laWB of Moses concerned themselves chiefly with sacrifices but it was surprising how much wise law was needed in tho world. The consideration given by Moses to tho great law of humanity was by far the most noteworthy. Christ said, "Thou shalt love the Lord thy God and thy neighbor as thvsolf On thesa two hang all tho law and the prophets." Mr.

Beecher would put the last of theBe first. How did thoeuactmonta of Moses bear out tho statement of Christ! Tho duties imposed as religious might be left for tho present the duties of man to man be cousiderod. The Israelites wero to bo an agricultural people. In Egypt thoy were pastoral. It was the design of Moses that when established in tho promised land the State should live by agriculture.

Tho great love of nature and the undeveloped state of commerce, and tho fact that ogri cultnre was a fixed business and kept men at home, led to this idea. Tha cutting off of nations TO MAKE WAY FOB THE ISRAELITES wonld receive extenuation, if not explanation, when we considered that tho object was to keep this nation sep arato as the mothor kopt tho children at homa until they wore fit to go out and toko care of themselves. It was the Divine purpose to keep theso people together until they were full grown and God was ready to say, "Go ye into all the world." When Israel took possession by violence of tha promised land it was divided among tho tribea and thon among the families. No man held his land In fee simple. God was their King and the theory was that all the land belonged to God.

They were tenants and paid rent tithes for the snpport of the priests and Levites, the lawgivers. This was stated in Leviticus xxv. Tho land oould be bought or sold, exchanged between man and man, but it never could bo Bold forever. It was always subject to redemption, and once in fifty years all the land came back any how. It was not In the power of one tribo to acquire tho land of another, or of one man to gather together as much laud as he could and leave his follows without any.

The land could only be cultivated six years out of seven. It was to havo a rest. Placed on this land, tha mOBt striking feature was the most extraordinary humanity dovoloped under the Mosaio economy. Human life was made sacred by every device. Murder was death to the murderer, and there were than no Courts that cleared murderers, and no profession that sought to obtain notoriety and wealth by delivering criminals from tho punishment which thoy deserved.

Benevolent provision was made for such as accidentally killed another, and they could flea to city of ref ugo from the avenger. Before a man could find refuge thero, howavor, he had to bo tried by tho elders. If he was found to bo accidentally a murderer, ha was allowed to remain, but roust keep within the city until the death of the high priest. Not only was manslaughter iu some sense to bo punished, but carelessness Buch as should lead to the destruction of a man's life by animals was mado penal. ''If an ox goro a man or woman that ho die, the ox shall be stoned.

If the ox woro wont to push with his horns in time past and it hath bean testified to the owner, tha owner shall bo put to doatb." Was thoro a grog seller who did not know that his ox pushed with its horns Did not ALL THE BUMSELLEIiS IN THE LAND know that thoir ox was pushing with his horns and slaying thousands and thousands, all through the 7 Better let us go bock to tha old laws of tho Israelites. Sensation, Where guards aud conductors of trains wore picked off going through a district, the district was hold responsible. Thut was not a new law. Tho Mosaic law was that if a man was found killed, a hc ifor should lie takon from tho nearest city and sacrificed, and the elders were to wash their hands over the sacrifice and say "Our hands havo not slain this man nor our eyes seen it." God's forgiveness was to follow. In the Mosaic economy, however, if a man was caught breaking into a house he might lie slain.

It would lie a good law nowadays. If nine out of every ton robljers entering a houso wore killed, wo should have fowor burg ars. Tho next thing was tho care that had to be taken of tho poor and unfortunate Any hungry man walking through his neighbor's grounds had a right to tako anything that would satisfy hunger, but he was not to pocket anything. Tho poor wero not to starve. Property was not so sacred aa human lifo.

Tho poor man had a right to glean. If a sheaf was forgotten thoy woro not to go back for It, but it was to bo for the stranger and the widow. They wore not to beat their olive trees twice, or glean after gathering their grapes. Every man was thus obliged to make tho poor partners in his prosperity. Noither wore they to oppress the tranger.

Ho was not of the Chinese. Laughter. On the day tho hireling asked for it ho was to have his pay, lest ho cried to God. Wasn't it worth while having some of Moses' laws In our families where servants wore somotimos kopt months without their wages Would it not be well to have such laws in our great centres of trade and manufacture There was an institution in New York, and ft had God's blessing, whose object was to collect wages due to those who were sought to bo cheated out of them. Thousands of dollars had thus been brought Into the hands of those who had given hard work for it.

UBUry was not allowed under the Mosaic law, except to a' stranger. If the Israelites got in debt to one another there was a limit, and every seventh year settled all debts. It was a revolving bankrupt act. No strong man could gat a poor man into his powar. This was wisdom, "humanity.

It might bo thought this would lead to men's shutting up their hearts against one another, but there waa on express command that they should lend to their poor brethren, and the blessing of God was promiKd in return. Where men lout on the promise to pay, and pledges were required, soma things wore not allowed to ba taken as pledges for instance, the npper and nether millstone, for that was necessary to provide food for the family. If any pledge was given that was necessary for a garment or a covering, the lender was not to keep It over night The idea of turning a man's furniture out on tho sidewalk and the taking of tho articles necessary for his vory existence naver entered into the mind of Moses. It was left for our civilization to devise such a schema as that. One law was to be to the homeborn and the stranger.

He might come and be one of them, but if ha did not come in they were not to oppress him. Tha stianger was to be as ono born among them, for they had been strangers in the land of Egypt. THE CHINESE QUESTION. "Hear this Christian people," said Mr. Beecher, "who have trodden down the negro.

Hear this, ye Christian nation, pouring out the blood of the original dwellers on the soil. Hear this, ye that offered up the sealed Unds of China, and called aloud for interchange and brotherhood, and than when tho Chinaman comes hither, seek to drive him out as an alien and outcast. This nation Is harder than tho people who had just come out of bondage and were unenligtened with four thousand years of civilization and religion. There Bhould bo one law for the American, one for the German, one for the Irishman and one for the Chinese Loud applause. Are we to say that it is the politicians, and Btand still 7 Cursed be tho nation that oppresses the poor, that refuses to protect the stranger.

1 care nothing for politics, but I care for my people, whose conduct In this particular ought to moko tha desert bluBh." Mr. Beechor then went book to MoRes. Tho national mode ot execution among the Israelites was stoning. Tha sword was also used. Beside these there were no cruel punishments.

In other nations thore were other punishments, cruel and tormenting, but under Moses thore was exact justice and humanity even in punishment. There was an extraordinary stretch of the humane principle toward slaves, toward animals and toward nature. The Bonian law of Blavery never prevailed among the Israelites, though it was transplanted to this country. The slave among tha Jows had tho right to redeem himself. If brutal master struck and maimed him, he was free.

If a slave ran away because bis master's house was unbearable, he was not allowed to bo returned. There was no fugitive slave law thare. That took four thousand years of religion to develop. Tho ox that trod out the corn was not to be muzzled. The parental relation by association was to be so sacred that a kid was not to be cooked in Its mother's milk.

Tha animal kingdom was defanded against the overboiling lusts of tho Sodomites, and even tho bird in its nest had a law for its protection. CANDLEMAS. Observance ot the Feast of the Purification of tue Virgin in the Transififrur ation Church Sermon by Father Hill. The feast of the Purification of the Blessed Virgin, commonly known as Candlemas, waB observed in all the Roman Catholio churches of this diocese yesterday. At the Transfiguration Church, on Hoopor street, tho services were made unturaally interesting by the large number of persons of both sexes who partook of communion.

Probably 350 in all received the blessed sacrament. That fact demonstrates how succassf ul have bean Father Hill's labors, In a missionary senBe, among tho congregation since ho assumed paBtoral charge less than nine months ago. His management ot the church finances has even been more successful. In addition to paying off the floating and other Indebtedness, ha has begun the erection of a handsome three Btory brick parsonage on Marcy avenue, on the same lots on which the chnrcn building stands. The choir has boon reorganized and within the past few weeks Mr.

Al. Loretz, the basso, has been permanently engaged. Mr. Bolts Is the tenor and Professor J. J.

Alexander is the organist. Hundreds, nay thousands of candles were blessed yesterday and were afterward given to their owners by tho acolyites. At 10:30 o'clock a solemn high mass was celebrated. The edifice was crowded. The musical part of tho service was finely rendered.

Father Hill preached the sermon, taking his lesson from the third chapter, Prophecies of St. Malachi; Gospel, second chapter of St. Luke "Behold I send My angel and ha shall prepare the way before My face; and presently tho Lord whom you seek, and tho angel of tha testament whom you desire, Bball come to His temple." And from tho 2d chapter, 82d and 62d verses "And after the dayB of her purification, according to the law of Moses, were accomplished thoy carried Him to Jerusalem to present Him to the Lord, as it is written In the law of tha Lord every male oponlng the womb shall be called holy for the Lord." THE SEEMON. When the Jaws in building their second temple, eatd Father Hill, complained that it was not as magnificent aa that which Solomon had built, God was pleased to make known that the new templo would havo a glory which was denied the old one, and he said: "Presently the Lord whom you seek and tho angel of the testament whom you desire shall come to this temple." That prophecy was fulfilled by the event which we celebrate to day. Tha preacher then went on to show tho lessons which the church wishes to teach by presenting the scene to her childron every year.

The mala lessons are humility, obedience, Belf sacrifice and ardent faith. Humility was tanght by the mother of God in her willingness to appear as a poor and sinful woman. It waa through obedience only that tha Virgin complied with tha requirements of tha Jewish law. This law was established to show that man was born in sin and so the birth of a child defiles Its mother. But Mary, from the first moment of her conception, was reo from every stain of sin, and by giving birth to the author of all grace and purity she became sttll.more pure, more holy, mora GlorlouB.

Yet, as her dlvina Son was pleased to take upon Himself the shame and the punishment of sin she was willing to bo deemed a sinner, the ordinary mother of an ordlnarv child. Tho spirit of sacrifice was inc. I cated by our blessed Lord when He offered msel in tho guiBO of a sinner who waa to ba ransomed by a pair ot pigeons. Tha lesson of earnest faith and ardent ova waS conveyed by holy Simeon, the last of tho prophets and Patriarchs, tho worthy hair to the virtue of Abel and of Abraham and David To impress all this more iecnly on tho minds of hor children IU church to dav for the usa of tho oitar tho r.mdlcs which are Sio symbol of Him who Is tho light enlighten the Gentiles and tho glory of ni rc i'1'1 1h" clmi ch aj has another purpose in viow in ossing tha candles. Shu wishes tho faithful th use of them In time ot fickuosB, of danger and of death hatever the Clrirch hineea is blessed God, wtic Uvea and acts through hor.

then, riiod lw carefiiliy kout aud ueed with reverence and faith, wilb th vve.l grounded hope that they will ba tho medium of coiivey inc God's Mwiice to ma dovout j.ocjlo, Hie' WorSc of St. Vincent's Home for Boys. Showing how tho Children of the Street are Cared for and Helped on in the World The Scope and Object of the In stitution A Home Life for tho Wanderer The Fair in Aid of the Institution. Of all the sooial problems which the Nineteenth Century has developed, tho adequate care of tho poverty stricken and destitute la one of tho most perplexing. If the question wore eimjily to feed and clothe them it would bo vastly simplified, but modern social soionce has added to it the question of prevention.

How shall the thing bo managed bo that the operations of relief should be curative as well as assisting? In tho largo cities the problem has ewoliod to proportions that make the caro of the poor a very heavy burden upon the community, and that any measure that looks to the prevention or removal of the burden is a thing to be received with grateful acknowledgement. If the re pionts of public or private bounty can be assisted into self helping ways, andbroughtto be self dependent, it ia agreat point gained. Abject pauperism is perhaps aa often an inheritance as a personal calamity, and In casei where it is the latter the aim should be to prevent its perpetuating itself. It is to this end that tho numerous asylums and homes for children are directed, the aim being not merely to assist the waifs and Btrays of poverty in their present distress, bat also to set them aright in the way of lif and to start them forth in tho world in such a way that they shall be self helping and aid in bearing tho burdens of society instead of increasing them. It is well settled that more can bo accomplished with the child of poverty than with the adult that has grown to manhood or womanhood in vicious and wretchod ways.

Tho old proverb of an ounce of prevention being worth a pound of euro applies with especial force in this matter, and therefore, upon economic and social, as well as upon humanitarian and Christian grounds, that the care aud protection of the children of distress and poverty has become a very large part of the work of publlo and private ehority. If the waif of the Btreot can bo brought under restraining and humanizing influences, if ho can be taught self dependence, self respect, and a hearty, manly pride in improving his condition can be stimulated in his heart, he is saved from the vice and dogra dntlon which otherwise would inevitably claim him aud drag him into the maelstrom of crime and pauperism, and send him to end his days in a priBon or an almshouse, or to dJo an outcast upon the threshold of the civilization around him. In this great Metropolis, which fringes the mouths of the Hudson aB it joins tho sea, it is natural that there should be a very large iiumber of helpless and homeless children and youth, who, if not cared for, would almost inevitably grow up to swell the increasing ranks of what are known as the "dangerous classes," and it argues well for tho Christian and philanthropic spirit of the people of these cities that they have devoted bo much time and money to the work of rescuing these waifs and strays of social life. Brooklyn has done her uU snare in this direction, and of all the institutions engaged in this work, there is none more in this direction than the institution which forms file subject of this sketch. ST.

vtnoent's home for boys is an enterprise well and widely known to the people of Brooklyn, and it has won a high degree of consideration and approval not from any proclamation of what it would do, but by the quiet and efficient work which it has accomplished. The home is one of the charitable institutions of the Roman Catholic Diocese of Brooklyn, aud its work is among a class where a vast amount of permanent good can be done. At this time of tho year, when tho inclement season increases the distress of the unfortunate aud holp Iobs poor of the city, some account of the aims of the Home and the work it does will be of interest. Its I Hold of labor is among tho boys of tho Btreet, tho bootblacks and newsboys, and other lads who go to make up tho largo number of homo'oss and wretched children and youth who Bwarm in the thoroughfares of a great city. Some of them are the children of dissolute and wretchod parents others have no knowledge of what homo or parent means, Tho aim is to rescue those children from tho ways of poverty, and vice, and to help them to become Belf supporting and respectable membors of society.

The work the institution accom plishes will require a more extended description. Very many of the indigent lads of the streets are too old to bo received into asylums, and they can be reached through no other channels than those provided by institutions of this character. The Homo is located at No. 7 Poplar Btreot, between Columbia hetghtB and HickB street, and runs through the block to Vino street in the rear, where its building is No. 10 of that thoroughfare.

It is under the charge of Eev. Maurice Hickoy, a goutlemau who has had a large experience in the care of boys, and who understands them very thoroughly. The Home is composed of two dwelling houses, standing back to back, which have been adapted to their present uses. The width ia about 23 feet and the depth 100 feet. The Home was established about eight or ton years ago by the St.

Vincent do Paul Societies of the churches of Brooklyn, but In the course of time its management has changed somewhat as it grew in Importance and efnolenoy. It roust not bo supposed that its labors are confined entirely to newsboys and bootblacks, any lad who is without a home can find shel ter and assistanco without regard to oolor or oreoa. It is purely unsectarian In its character, and tho only passport a lad needs to ita boneflc ice 1b the fact that he is in want. The Home feeds, clothes, lodges aqd helps in other ways those who come its care, Thero are a great many boya who wft.l;ornrabuaho can earn something toward their own snppqraJa tney find in the Home a welcome shelter. 'The aim Is also to throvr around them restraining influences to keep them out of the streets, to teach habits of thrift and industry and to give them the rudiments of an education.

For instance, the case of a street Urchin who devotes his days to selling newspapers for a living: He earns a few dimes, scarce onough to keep him in food to say nothing of lodging and clothes. He goes to the Home, and for a few cents can obtain comfortable quarters a good bed, plenty of wholesome food, and what is of equal value, a kind word and a helping hand in other is required to be olean. nand to aid that both tubs and soap and water are free. He is ill clothed, and the Home provides him with necessaries in that direction, during the day he sells paperB, at night ha goes to the Home, pays his few pennies, receives his supper, a good bed and a good breakfast. A night school is maintained and he is required to at tend that on certain evenjngs of the week, and ho is required to observe the rules of order and good behavior.

If ho is In distress he finds a sympathizing friend in the manager of the institution. If he has no work to do Bomo employment is found for him. Father Hickey will have no drones in his hive, all must do something. Their religious welfare is looked after and if they are not of the faith of the Catholic Church thoy are encouraged to follow tho faith in which their predilections lead them. Very many of the boys have some employment during the day other than selling newspapers, and the Home becomes to them a veritable home, giving them all the Boclal Ufa they have.

They are not held to rigid and iron bound rules. Every boy is free to come or go as he chooses, only while there he muBt observe the few and simple rules of order and good behavior. ITS ACCOMMODATIONS. The Home will accommodato comfortably about fifty boys, although at timeB Father Hickey has had from sixty to seventy five under bis charge, and In dealing with them a great deal of tact and knowledge of human nature is required. Your Btreet boy is no Innocent he has a very keen and shrewd idea about most things and does not differ from other lads save perhaps he is rougher and more uncouth than the child that has been trained by a fireside.

"There is a great deal of human nature about them says Father Hickey "and you must learn how to manage them, when to sea and when not to see." A good proportion of the lads tinder Father Hlckey's charge are Uttle fellows too young to do muoh in the way of earning their living, and to them the Home is a sort of asylum. He takes core of them, clothes them, and they go to school during the day. But when in the house after school Is over they are required to do something to perform little offices about the house that are within their strength. Even if they do not accomplish much, it is the Bemblance of industry, and teaches them not to be idle. In the evening they study their lesssons, and at night sleep In a large and airy dormitory, under the charge of one of the male attendants of the Institution.

The bod steads axe of Iron and are double, one bod above the other, and each boy sleeps alone. Tha bedding Is changed every week and oleanlinsss is tho one thing insisted upon as being next to godliness. Thoy are kept separate from the older boya as much as possible, and care is taken that the rough young bears of. older years do not Impose on the little fallows. As fast as possible they are provided with permanent homes.

Nor are they kept at work or Btudy all the time, but plenty of opportunity for play and amusement is given them. One room in the building Is fitted np as a wet of gymnasium. A billiard table and other games are provided, and on Wednesday night when no school Is held this room la a favorite resort for the Inmates. Every inducement possible 1b held out to them to keep them out of the streets and away from saloons and other haunts of ril. Ail the boys who frequent the Home, must bo In by nine o'clook unless they have some valid exouse for staying out to a later hour.

The older boya sleep In a dormitory by thnmRBlves one room Is caUed the "Box Boom," where every lad has a box with a key, in which to keep his clothes. If they have not tho money mm wmcn to get the clothing thoy need, Father Hickey supplies It to thorn from the storeroom, and Uonoo all kinds of clothing are aocepta.bIe donations, and the better tho quality the more efficient it Is. Your nowBboy takes as much prido in a white shirt and a neat collar as you do. It helps to niake him mora respeotable and self respecting. Caro is taken that tho boyB do not depend upon the Home too much for their livelihood, and whenever it is possible situations are provided for them In city or country, and bo far as may be, their welfare is looked after when away from the Home.

There la an aristocracy among thesa ohudbbn of the street, aa well as In tha higher walks of life. The lad who gainB his livelihood by selling papers, looks down upon the one who earns his pennies by blacking boots, and the one who works In shop or store or factory patronizes the newsboy. Hence the ambition of tho pago of tho box and brush 1b to sell papers, and the ambition of the latter iBto get Into some higher employment. Very many of the boys turn out remarkably well, and frequently come back to the Home on a littlo visit to show Father Hickoy and their former comradeB how well they are getting on in the world. These are the graduates of the institution and are the results for which It strives.

In a word, the effort ot the Homo is to gather in the outcast boys of the street, to throw around them the restraining influence of education, to teach them good morals habits of Industry, a manly Independence and self respect, and to make them an aid and not a burden to society. In the past three years over 800 boys have been the beneficiaries of the Home. Thoy have been instructed and improved beyond expectation, and have been either provided for or put In a way of honestly providing for themselves. Tho aching sense of loneliness and frlendlossness has been taken out of their lives and thoy have found what thoy needed mora than anything elso kindness and sympathy. Father Hickey f's the Brooklyn boys tho compliment of being much better, as a whole, than those who come from Now York.

Tho latter he says, are apt to bo vicious and bad. The first floor of the house No. 7 Poplar street ia fitted up to bo used as a reception room and bai.ol. Tho day beaioa with tmfl service aro liald. oa JjubSaj, MONDAY EVENING, FEBRUARY 3, 1879.

Xlus Paper bas the Largest Cizcula tlon of JUiy Evening Paper Published. In tlie United States. Its value as an Advertising Medium in therefore apparent. Tiie Bankruptcy of Elizabeth, and Its IjCSSOU. Municipal credit ia tho United States tliis morning experienced a rude shock by the announcement that on Saturday the City of Elizabeth, New Jersoy, made default in the payment of its bonds and interest maturing on that day, to the amount of thirty five thousand dollars.

The inability of the city to meet its obligations has been an impending calamity for boiuo The crisis was precipitated by the failure of the Common Council to organize, that body having been since tha first of January at a political deadlock, seven of the Councilman being Republicans, seven Democrats, one a Greenbacker and one what is known in that locality as a Taxpayer. No action was taken by tho Common Council, from this reason, to provide means to prevent default. Had such action been taken, however, the evil day would simply have been deferred, and the occurrence of the catastrophe was simply a question of time. In short, Elizabeth is a bankrupt municipality, and the taxpayers and politicians of Brooklyn will find it to their interest to pay some attention to the causes of the embarrassments of our sister city, and may learn some profitable lessons therefrom. Wo called attention on Saturday to the fact that the Controller of Elizabeth had declared to the fiscal agents of the city his inability to meet the interest on the city debt and that he had informed the creditors that something in the nature of a compromise would need to be effected.

The debt amounts, in round numbers, to sis millions of dollars the total value of the property is about twenty five millions, tho assessed valuation being about fourteen millions. The population is about twenty eight thousand. The steps by which the city has been brought into its present unhappy predicament are not singular, nor are they peculiar to that part of the country. It is simply a case with which almost every one of our large municipalities have been familiar during the flush times that accompanied or followed the war, when men were sanguine and money was easy. People, in enterprising cities then looked forward to the time when population would double or triple, and, that thoy might be prepared to meet it, or, for that matter, to invite it, by the aid of speculation, they built expensive houses, laid out, paved, flagged and sewered streets for a city of one hundred thousand inhabitants, aud elaborated improvements which would have been admirable had they been needed.

These vast improvements were to be paid for by the owners of the property, and the corporation issued its bonds, assessing the property benefited. The result is well known. Only a small part of the assessment was ever paid, the courts stepping in and deciding that tho city at large having been benefited should bear four fifths of the burden. Tho taxes levied fell short of the appropriations, and tho natural results follow. It is not necessary to assume deliberate dishonesty to account for what was done.

Mere indiscretion and want of foresight will account for it. Improvements having been made on credit and pushed forward faster than required during flush times, when the reaction that has been setting in during the tost six years had reached itfi present stage, it became extremely difficult and in some cases impossible to discharge obligations contracted during the times of expansion. It imist be remembered, as will easily ba seen, that tho debt that is contracted is a definite and constant quantity. The means wherewith to meet it shrink, but the debt does not shrink witli it. The income of the citizen decreases, his ability to pay taxes diminishes.

Tho logical result follows. Thifl result has fallen upon most of the younger cities of tho couutry. The bearing of all this upon Brooklyn is sufficiently apparent. Happily, in two ways we have been saved from the disaster which has overtaken Elizabeth. In the first place the population anticipated by us has come and second, the extravagant expenditures which at one time marked our municipal career have been arrested.

The debt of Brooklyn, properly speaking, is less than twenty millions of dollars. The liabilities of Brooklyn for local improvements, which do not, in a proper and exact sense, constitute a debt at all; amount to about ten millions more. Had the prosperity which existed when these obligations were contracted continued, there would have boon no difficulty whatever in meeting the claims of our creditors, because tho relation of our taxes to our real estate would have been comparatively small. But what in the time of our prosperity seemed to iuvolve a tax rate of not more than two per cent, because of the shrinkage in value of real estate did come to involve a tax rate of more than three per cent. How narrow the margin between our actual condition aud something approximating to bankruptcy may be seen from the fact that to day money on good security is not in the United States worth much more than four per cent.

As money invested in real estate was taxed three per and as it takes at least one per cent, to keep such property in order, it is clear that the average earnings of money thus invested were being devoured by the requirements of local government. Real estate was earning nothing for its owners. A little reflection upon this condition of things and it is reflection only that we urge must induce a very lively realization of the fact that the system of stringent economy, inaugurated and insisted upon by Mayor Howell, did not begin a moment too soon. There is not the remotest likelihood that we shall return to the inflated condition of things of the past. Wo shall have prosperity without doubt, but it will be a prosperity which will be conditioned on a money valuation of about four per cent.

In prosperous England money has never been worth more than that. If money is not to earn more than four per cent, it will not do to have our tax rate exceed two per for otherwise it will be impossible to get a return from real estate which shall equal the return from bonds. It is the duty as well as the interest of city authorities to see that so far as their management may conduce to this result a judicious investor and enterprising man will find it to his interest to put his money in real estate rather than lock it up in bonds. It is gratifying to be able to say that while we have been running about as close to, the wind as was good for us, we have at last weathered our difficulties, and that if the policy inaugurated and thus far so successfully enforced by Mayor Howell, be adhered to, our financial difficulties will soon be left behind. Tho total tax levy for the current year, as our readers know, has, by the action of Mayor Howell and his Democratic associates in the Board of Estimate, been reduced one million of dollars and there is little reason to doubt that as much more can be stricken off by the exercise of rigid business principles, which will in no degree involve any decrease in tho efficiency of our city government.

This will leave Us with a tax levy not exceeding two per cent. With such a tax rate Brooklyn would not only be in an excellent attitude toward the future, but would present for peoplo desiring comfortable homes now the most inviting field for investment in the United States. It ouoht always to be borne in mind in this con nection, that while we have deemed it cause of complaint that our taxes were nigner than anything in the nature of an economical administration required yet; properly speaking, our government has never been as extravagant aa that of most other cities in the United States. The proper per capita tax is exceed small, smaller than it is in Boston or New York. In this respect Brooklyn may be said wo imfin an economically governed cay.

tfc onvernment has been economical as routes to the population, it has been a burden some one as relates to the means of sustaining it because we have here a city of homes rather than alarge centralized city with manufacturing industries, like some ot our sister ciuee, wu, can, without difficulty, contribute to the rev of the local government. The financial "a principle to be borne in mind, however, is that the policy at present being enforced by Mayor Howell is a policy of vital importance to tho citY Every intelligent taxpayer must realize linn mnrlr He will probably find a moro congenial climate in the Fiji Islands or Patagonia where as a missionary he will not bo tempted by the Venus like beauty of his female parishioners to write love letters and hide them under the cushions of devotion. High Thinking Club Life. Tho feminine mind is supposed to be so constructed that it cannot perceive the social advantages of club life. It insists that the modern club has a tendency to divide the family and to draw a sharp line of demarcation through the household, defining the masculine and feminine hemispheres altogether too distinctly.

This objection to club life has been met again and again by an attempt to admit ladies into club rooms under various conditions. One or two experiments have been mado to rule sex out of the question, but it has been a failure, either in altering the very nature of the club, or in finally banishing one sex or the other. Modifications of this effort have been made by setting certain seasons apart for feminine receptions, but this does not meet the question. The club to woman is what Byron says love is to man, of her life a thing apart. To man it is apt to become the sum of life with the domestic relation as an incident, and scrutinize, invent, experiment as he may, the man will be unable to render it otherwise, and hence the feminine hostility to clubs is not by any means unreasonable.

Woman, representing man's domestic object, is justly entitled to look upon his club as a more or less successful rival. In one community, however, club life can have no such terrors for the gentler sex. Our readers who paid attention to the description of certain clubs in Boston, written by our regular correspondent in that city, must have noticed that club life thero is not what it is here. Mere sociability and conviviality are spurned in Boston. Such things may do for the contented materialism of New York and Philadelphia.

Eating, drinking, talking, playing and debating are all very well for the inferior man, but the Bostonian's conception of club purposes is transcendental. The clubbable man of New York would be shunned as too gross for the rarefied atmosphere of the modern Athens, and the representative of one of its so called social organizations would, in Brooklyn or New York, be placed on a pedestal, lest his feet should bo soiled with clay thrust into a pulpit lest his eloquence should be shunned, or put under a glass case lest his dainty aspirations should evaporate. It is impossible to read our correspondent's breezy and good humored letter without realizing that the 6pirit of transcendentalism which Mr. Alcott in his respectable old age makes so merry over as one of the follies of his youth still pervades the Boston Club. The social fellows of the Hub cannot soar quite aa high as the Sage of Concord, nor have they tho courage to practice the whimsicalities of tho Brook Farmers, but in a small way every Boston club is a small Brook Farm, whose members meet for the purposes of "high living and high thinking." Their wine is nectar, their beef steak ambrosia their conversations are aphorisms their topic the infinite.

Their minds are in the inter stellar spaces, and their fleshy tabernacles are forgotten in this tremendous flight of ideas. Tho literary men meet at Parker's and constitute the Saturday Club the old journalists are Athenians tho young scribblers, fresh from Harvard, spurning common rag paper, boast their devotion to tho Papyrus an odor, if not of sanctity, at all events of solemnity, clings to tho Temple and even the roystoring player browses upon ether in the Americus. Everything is severely intellectual, nothing substantial. The very street car conductor when asked to let the visitor out at such a street, gives a definition of parallel straight lines, and right angles, with a summarized history of Arabic numerals, and the tobacconist, before consenting to part with a cigar, relieves his mind of a profound treatise on the law of supply and demand. Surely in such an atmosphere womankind can dread no foe to domestic happiness.

Men who, have been discussing anthropology and art sustained for hours upon the wings of fancy at altitudes which make the most erudite New Yorker shudder to think of, must flop down into easy chairs before roaring fires in their own parlors with a sense of relief, and some sort of satisfaction with surroundings that do not exhaust them. They may clothe their demands for little more gravy in Emer sonian rhapsodies, but they must eat their dinner with a feeling of freedom. 'The most scrupulous pedant must use a monosyllable occasionally, and so we suppose the Boston lub man must be forced once in awhile to abstain from high thinking at his own table. In one of his conversations "with our correspondent Mr. Alcott said that the transcendental ideas of his youth were far ahead of his times the number of clubs mentioned by our correspondent seems to indicate that the population believes that the times are now ripe for universal high thinking.

Wo have a shrewd suspicion, however, that the ordinary Now Yorker who practiced the aphoristic method of utterance for a few days would feel no inferiority in the midst of the most elevated club men of Boston, no matter how small his stock of Mr. Beecher's remarks yesterday about morality and worship, godliness and manliness, sensational energy and conventional dullness in the pulpit, and his practical application of the principles he laid down to the commercial untrustworthinessof so many church members, will be read with general interest and approval in tho light of so many curious developments in Brooklyn and elsewhere. His strictures upon the manner in which some churches discharge their debts and manage their fiscal affairs, and the building of enormous churches with no assured means of paying for them, are pointed and unmistakable. The loss of public confidence in the churches has been the result of these evils. Financial gambling, which would ruin the credit of a merchant, cannot inspire respect for church managers.

Better, as he said, to worship in a barn than in a cathedral which has cheated everybody. Plymouth Church is a homely and unattractive edifice it would be hard to find a church of less inviting appearance. But, as the pastor said with a just pride, it was paid for when it was built, and it has caused pecuniary injury to no one, from its inception until now. A church overwhelmed with debt is a church paralysed for moral usefulness, and so strongly is this felt by some Christian communities that the Roman Catholio bishops refuse to consecrate a church, though they may dedicate it, until all its liabilities are paid off. There is great justice, too, in Mr.

Beecher's references to popular preaching. When a church is built and not paid for, the. one thing needful is to get a powerful pulpit orator to fill it. But the most energetic and enthusiastic minister may wear himself into the grave before he can free a ohnrch from the incubus of many thousands of dollars of debt, especially in these times of financial depression. There is quite too much of Glasgow Bank morality in the financial management of the churches.

Tho bills introduced by Assemblymen Ogden and Trowbridge, to deprive Sheriff Riley of the jail fees and the fees under the Civil Sales act, would probably be ineffective, if passed, for they seem to be in conflict with the constitutional provision that the emoluments of the Sheriffs office shall not be increased or lessened during the term of the occupant but the fact that they have been presented and rushed through the Assembly is none the less indicative of the low partisan 6pirit behind them. The very men who are now voting to reduce Sheriff Riley's fees were among the men who voted to augment those of Sheriff Daggett. The very organs that shouted themselves hoarse in commendation of the Civil Sales act are either silent or hot in commendation of the effort to repeal it. There is not, in our judgment, the least likelihood of these measures going into effect, but the presentation of them shows what tho Republican Assemblymen are capablo of. At the next meeting of the American Committee on Bible Revision, to bo held the last Thursday of the proBout mouth, thoy will finish tho remainder of tho Gospels, and Bond tho of thoir labor to tho havo boon and the earnings showing a net gain of Senator Conkiing's recent letter, sent to tho colored people of Now York through Kev.

Henry Garnet, was read in all tho colored churches tu that city yesterday. Tho Coliimbarian Society began their fourth annual pigeon show at the New York Aijuariuin to day. A larger number of entreed has been made than evor be fore aud tho exhibition of pouters, carriers, barbs, swallows, jacobins, runts, nuns and many other varieties will bo very fine. The apparatus used by Heller, the magician, is to be sold by his sinter. It is contained in ninoty sii large packing cases, stored iu New York, and it will be disposed of in small quantities.

Miss Heller is engaged In writing a lifo of her brother and his advouturoa on two continents. The first official entertainment in houor of members of tho Diplomatic Corps aud ladies was given by Secretary and Mrs. Evarts on Saturday evening In Washington. Tho Secretary will give another dinner to the remaining ministers and their ladies this ovoning. There havo been no State dinners this Winter at tho White House.

Miss Annie Bartell, who attempted to walk 3,000 quarter miles in 3,000 iiuarter hours, in New York, gave out yesterday afternoon, after accomplishing 5G0 quarter iniles. Sho was taken suddenly and seriously ill. She will bo on tho track again to morrow evening. In the meantime two other young ladies are carrying out the programme arranged for Miss Bartell. They walk alternately.

Colonel elect Ryder, of tho Ninth Regiment, has beon requested to resign, as there 1h ill feeling regarding tho manner in which ho was elected. It Is said that the lieutenant who cast the deciding vote of 14 to 13 was not regularly appointed. The majority of the thirteen who voted for tho defeated candidate have sent in their resignations. A protest agaiust the election of tho lieutenant has been filed. A public meeting will be held in Jersey City on Saturday next, when the commlttea of citizeus appointed by Mayor Hopper to make on anamination of tho financial condition of Jersey City will make a report.

Tho bonded dobt is nearly $16,000,000 during tha last two years the annual doficlt on account of the nou payment of taxes has been $350,000, nearly one quarter of the tax levy each year. Tho committee will suggest a reduction of 40 per cent, in all salaries, and a suspension of work upon public improvements. The abolition of all the city boards except tho Boards of Aldermen, Finance and Taxation will ba favored. The trial of Mrs. Jennie R.

Smith and Covert D. Bennett, for tho murder of Policeman Hichard H. Smith began to day in tho Hudson County Court ot Oyer and Terminer at Jersey City. The murder of Smith occurred August 1, 1878 in Jersoy City. Ho and his wife lived togother in a house on Pacifio avenue, the upper part of which was occupied by another family.

On the morning of the day named Mrs. Smith called tho man Uing up stairs and said ier husband had been murdered and that she had beon chloroformed by tho murderer. A small bottlo of chloroform was found In tha room. A largo sash weight aud a butcher knife wero discovered in the cellar and theo, it is believod wore UBed by the rnurdorer. Bennett was intimate with tho family, and the prosecution will endeavor to establish the fact that ho and Mrs.

Smith were criminally intimate and conspired to murder Smith. A silver vase was presented to Thomas Nast tbo artist, by a number of officers of tho Army and Navy in New York, on Saturday evening last. A large number of officers were present at the houso of Colonel Church, In Irving place, whom the presentation took placo. The vase contains tho inscription "Presented to Thomas Nast by his friends iu tho Army and Navy of the United States, in recognition of the patriotic use he has mado of his rare abilities as an artist of the people. Tho gift of 3,500 officers aud oulisted men of the Army and Navy of the United States." Upon tha other Bide of tho vase Is a representation in bas relief of Columbia congratulating Mr.

Nast upon his devotion to her. Tho va is in the form of two golden eagles, resting on a pedestal of ebony, and supporting a taHtefully dvcor ated canteen. General Crittenden made the sieech of presentation to which Mr. Nast happily replied. General William Gurney, of Charl.

stou, S. died yostorday in New York. General Gurney waa ono of the originators of the Five Points Mission in New York. He waa born at Flushing, L. iu 1811, and at thy time of the war was head of tho firm of Gurney Underhill, of New York.

Later he served tho country in various positions, holding at ono time that of Assistant Inspector Geueral and Examining Officer on the stall of Governor Morgan. He was Colonol of tho Ono Hundred and Twonty seventh New York Volunteers in 1862, and two yoars later waa severely wounded at Povoe's Neck, near Charleston, S. and was sent North for medical treatment. Subsequently he was promoted for gollautry to the rank of Brigadier General. After the war ho established himself in business in Charleston and remained until a year ago whan ho come North on account of his health.

Ha was Commissioner from South Carolina to the Centennial Exposition. Over $1,000,000 worth of claims have been presented to the trustees appointed by Archbishop Pur cell, of Cincinnati, and it is now considered doubtful If $1,250,000 will pay all the obligations of the Archbishop. Tho property conveyed to the trustees to secure those claims has a market value of about $900,000. Much impatience is expressed by many of the creditors, whose rloimB represent the savings of years. They have Btiut od themselves for years to lay up something for a rainy day.

The property of the church 1b not liable for tho Archbishop's debts. None of the money has bean put to an unworthy use, and the confidence ot tho majority ot the creditors Is unshaken in the Archbishop. The money was lost through the depreciation of real estate and values, and the mistake vas mado, in the first place, by tho Archbishop in becoming tho custodian of money belonging to other people. The utmost faith in his Integrity and that of his brother, the Bishop, 1b expressed. A gang of counterfeiters and moonshiners were arrested In Preston County, W.

last Thursday. Tho discovery of tha gang was made by a young woman who had boon hired to nurse In tho family of one of tha counterfeiters. She, through curiosity, opened a trunk she saw in one of the rooms and found in it a largo lot of nickelB, quarters and half dollars, beside several dies for making tho spurious coin. She informed her' friends, and thoy tho authorities, who arrested three men. The man in whoso house tho girl saw tha money confessed that he was hired to circulate tho money in tho neighborhood.

The spurious coin was soperfoct that exports found it difficult to detect it. Tho men arrested are believed to be mombers of a largo gang that infest Yost Virginia and Eastern Pennsylvania. A sudden recovery of speech by a dumb man is recorded, the fortunate man being Mr. Frank W. Wood, of Fifth New York.

Ho was prostrated by a sunstroke in New Orleans some years ago and tho organs of speech woro partly paralyzed, and in 1875 ho entirely lost tha power to articlote. In May of that year his voice left him entirely. His hearing was good, aa was his health. Ho has been since that time under medical treatment and a year ago put himself under the care of Dr. Bucomer, of Now York, who thought his dumbness due to the paralysis of the vocal cords in the larynx, and predicted his ultimate recovery.

Subsequently Mr. Wood wont to New Orleans, and in November returned North. On tho way the train ho was in came In collision with another train. Tho cars were violently shaken and tha anginas wero completely demolished. Suddenly a consciousness of speech camo to Mr.

Wood and he tried to speak. In the excitement he was not heard, but he knew ho articulated lor he was asked what bo had said. He suddenly regoined Mb perfect speech lost week while on a Staton Island ferryboat, and attributes its return to tha shock ho received on the train nearly three months ago. Captain Paul Boynton, in company with Captain Mcrriman, of tho Revenue Service, visited tha President on Saturday. Tho visit waa enjoyed by host and guests, and the Prosidont presented the captain with a largo portrait of himself and autograph.

Captain Boynton la a guest of Dr. Howland, tha scientist and lecturer. After the visit to the White Houso an in. vitation exhibition was hold by Captain Boynton in the Navy Yard before the members of the Senate aud House, the President and several members of tho Cabinet. The vessels and torpedo boats which enclosed the space were gayly decorated with flags and the Marine Band waa in attendance.

A great crowd of people were In attendance. When starting out Captain Boynton carried the Stars and Stripes, but soon replaced it by the well known Geneva Cross flag. He sent dispatches from the water by two doves which wero in the tiny iron clad boat, Boynton, which floated beside the captain. The dispatches were tied to the necks of the doves, and as soon aa the latter were free they flew straight for Washington and home. A raft was constructed out of logs and wreck debris, and when competed tho captain illustrated tho uso of signal flagB and the bugle as distress signals, and afterward discharged several rockets and cloud lights.

The captain angled most successfully, catching a sea perch in a fresh water river, an occurrence which caused tho assemblage to roar with laughter, and afterward he cooked bia dinner, ate it, smoked, then adjusted and readjusted sails of ail kinds, and finally fired shot after shot from the raft with his double barreled shotgun. Ho wrote a number of autograph cards in the water, and handed them to the spectators. Tho last perfoimanco was the blowing np of a small full rigged ship by a huge torpedo. Captain Bentoen testified in tho Reno investigation on Saturday, at Chicago, and gave a very detailed description of tha battle of the Big Horn. His orders from Custer were to move to the right toward a line of bluffs about four miles away, and "pitch into" any Indiana he might meet, and send back word to Custer if ho met any.

Finding none, he returned and followed Custer's trail. On the way ha met an orderly with an order signed by Lieutenant Cook, of Custer's staff, teU ing him to come on quick and hurry up the pack train. He hurried his battalion to a trot, learning from tha order that there was a big Indian village in root, and when he come In eight of Beno's command bo saw In diaus charging through and back against the skirmish line. He judged from indications that the whole regiment was "thrashed." He found llano's men In good order, but well shaken np. Ho thought there were happier places than that to be in.

He found nine bnndred Indians within a mile of Reno. Captain Beuteon asked Reno if bo knew where Custer was, and Reno replied that he did not, but his last instructions, through Adjutant Cook, were that Cnatcr would sap port Kono's movements. Ho said, in answer to a query from the Recorder that a movement could have been made in tha direction of Custer, but they "would havo been there yet" At the timo ho thought thero woro 2,500 Indiana present ho now thought thoro were 000 to 10,000. They had a three hour battlo with the Indians, and most of the timo the latter were near enough to throw arrows and dirt from (heir hands. During the retreat Captain Benteou saw and Lilked with Major Iteno ho saw no indication of cowardlco ou his part.

On ono occasion on tho hill he cautioned Major Reno against exposing bis person to Iks bot. He si Jered that tho lest thing that could bo dono under th iircumatauces was dono, and that 1 It bad to gone over he (Bentocn) would follow the same trail. Tin ro aie nix wttiieoses yot to bo examined, ud the in T4tlcatiua last tbiriajf the orescnt pathies. Ho thoroughly appreciated the Scotch character, and delighted to tell Scotch stories and anecdotes, but, however willing the spirit might have been, or correct the sentiment, the flesh was weak, and the execution abominable to ears accustomed to the pure Doric. It was in the very theatre that was burned on Saturday, too, that he acquired his pernicious habit of trying to express himself in a foreign tongue.

Deep rooted as the national prejudice is against the playhouse Burns used to find pleasure in writing a few lines for his friends the actors in the Dumfries theatre. Indifference to Public Sentiment. The Eaolb was satisfied before the last election that if the property owners and other self supporting citizens did not manifest sufficient interest in our municipal affairs to go to the polls and support the candidates who had been faithful to the public interests, a very visible increase of courage would be shown by the politicians in office who only limit their schemes by what they regard as the line of political safety. The reBult of the election was to strengthen the belief that the tax payer is either so indifferent or can bo so easily bamboozled that tho Supervisor or Alderman who has the place holders on his side may perpetrate any rascality with impunity. To this feeling must be attributed the ostentations wrong doing of the majority of our Supervisors and Aldermen, and the open assaults by the more servile Republican party organs upon the men who, with tho Mayor, have been making a sincere effort to advance the best interests of Brooklyn.

Day out and day in the Mayor is abused like a pickpocket because he has undortaken to protect the city treasury from being plundered, while the men whoso villainy has been exposed are held up as models of political virtue. The jail job would not have been broached had not the more unscrupulous politicians been persuaded that the taxpayer is a powerless creature. The recent transfer of $19,000 by the Supervisors to the account of the Charities Commissioners, in de fiance of law and for tho purpose of making good a deficiency caused by corruption and extravagance, would not have been thought of had not men like Controller Burrell been defeated at the polls. The indifference of the taxpayer at the last election will cost the property interests of Brooklyn $1,000,000 at least. The Shepherd to the Lamui If there be'one form of the "cacoethes scri bendi" which is more objectionable than another it is that of love letters from a clergyman to a young lady of his flock.

And when the clergyman happens to be half a century old while the object of his pastoral affection is only eighteen, his epistolary conduct is less defensible than would be the same consumption of cream laid note paper in a young man. Finally, when in addition to his mature age, he has been many years in the ministry and has a wife and family, his conduct passes the confines of the rash and ludicrous into those of the reprehensible and unlawful. The case of the Rev. Robert E. Terry, an Episcopal minister, formerly of Brooklyn, but more recently rector of Christ Church, Hudson, N.

fulfills the conditions we have referred to. He is fifty; he has a wife and children he has had a long experience in the Christian ministry, yet he has now been compelled by the force of public opinion to resign his very desirable pastorate of the finest church on the banks of the Hudson. In many particulars his case resembles that of the Kev. Dr. James Dixon, late of the Methodist denomination.

Each had a wife aud grown up daughters who were the companions of the young parishioner who had the misfortune to infuse in the middle aged clerical bosom a more than pastoral regard. In each case there were occasional drives, but they were for stated objects and wore taken openly in the daytime, so that no scandal ensued from them. It was the truth of the old Lartin proverb, "Litera scripta "manet," which proved the ruin of both these too confiding pastors. It is very desirable that every clergyman should be "a man of letters," but not of love letters to the pretty girls of his congregation. The Rev.

Dr. Dixon, the Methodist, it is true, mixed a few ounces of religious sentiment and Biblical exegesis with his Mormonie professions of ardent love for the soprano of his choir. But Mr. Terry, the Episcopalian, administered affection "straight" in his love let tors, without diluting it with those theological propositions which he confined to his discourses from the pulpit. At least we judge so from the remark of a prominent member of the church who, when asked "if a religious "strain" was observable in the letters, replied, smilingly, "Well, no; I shouldn't 6ay there was much piety in them." In this respect Mr.

Terry showed better taste, we think, than Dr. Dixon, for if there is anything which can add to the meanness of a clergyman who uses his vast influence over the female mind to the leading astray, at least in imagination, of a young, impressible and trusting member of his flock, it is interlarding his sentimental gush with texts of Scripture and finishing his love letters with a doxology. But the sense of theological propriety which prevented the Kev. Mr. Terry from backing his protestations of love with recondite quotations from Moses and the Prophets, or, as Dr.

Chalmers once termed it to an inquirer who sought relief from skepticism and impecuni osity at the same time, and whom he kicked down stairs, from "lagging in his beggary on "the shoulders of Melchisedec," did not prevent his secreting his love letters beneath the cushions of the pew in which his fair parishioner was accustomed to sit. This was a strange use for an orthodox rector to make of the sanctuary, and he seems to have been conscious that in doing so ne was not quite as "wise as a serpent," though he might be "harmless as a dove." On one occasion when he had deposited his amorous epistle under the maiden's cushion and had then donned the white robe of his ministerial office, he was terrified, as he tells her in a subsequent missive, at her absence from church. His feelings must have been excruciating as he stumbled through the service and said "dearly "beloved brethren" to a congregation from which the little sister who was more "dearly "beloved" than all the brethren was absent. We cannot wonder that, as he tells her, he could hardly get through the service" through dread lest some one else should get hold of his effusion. But that occasion passed without mishap.

It was not till the young lady fell sick that her elder sister, looking for something in the pa tient's bureau, came across tho pastoral effu sions, all neatly tied together in a bundle. With a propriety which all sisters would not have shown she handed the whole budget to her astonished aud infuriated pa." He for warded them to Bishop Doane, at Albany, and that High Church dignitary was as much athast at tho rector's handwritinc as tha kinar ad Wt bv tha oasflit ccidlrirM too.

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