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The Brooklyn Daily Eagle from Brooklyn, New York • Page 2

The Brooklyn Daily Eagle from Brooklyn, New York • Page 2

Brooklyn, New York
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

CURRENT EVENTS. lont beauty of design to be an i Business was brisk at Cable's, thouvh MR. BEECHER. who, seeing that his partner had a tough cus MODERATION. CONEY ISLAND.

1 demands on 9 that Jin wm nal, and our regret is only in a small measure allayed by its stern refusal to suggest hii juinrcos wore not by any tnoa prepared to meet. Tha promenade ttpiv tfinlaza was allvo with people, for wh arts hotel and AdtftrtfiHnn by way of counterblast that Armstrong was an insolent rnfflan who should have been promply killed when he de Eownlng's Ninth Regiment Band held elointy forth, Mr. Arbucklo played some choice eolo solotij, hey A. Mow haft jroivu Wlueo IUh Own lay. of" Sunshine Showers.

MONDAY EVENING, Jl'XE SO, 1879. clined to leave his employer's stable. Meeting of the Brooklyn Sooiety for Promoting Sobriety. Day and his cohort of filial under uheriffa, will in spite of tho accident which upset him and his, long remain the butt of the county as a man who could not keep, much less successfully pursue, four prisoners with an average of only a leg and a half apiece. If the three legged ticket of Ohio makes half as good a run as the six legged excursion party from the Queens County Jail, a Republican defeat is a foregone conclusion.

It is really a Berious matter, however, for it only goes to show how valueless are tho guarantees that the community holds of the safety of malefactors. Should Mr. Eushmore run for the offico of Sheriff again, his party will see to it that he himself is a stump candidate. It offers us the word of no less impartial a witness of the murder than Mr. Blair that Armstrong threatened to take his employer's life, and that Mr.

Blair Bhot him in self defense, after returning to the house for a pistol with which to defend himself. Our esteemed Tbia Paper tins the Largest Circulation of any Evening Paper Published in the United States. Ita value as an Advertising Medium is therefore up wore appreciated as Mr. Arbuokle's performjg nsuai ly aro, and applauded in a etylo which ah(i conclusively that tho cornet has lost none of its attrAona f0r visitors to the Beach. Thoro was marked actlX tho Brighton Beach Hotel (Bauer's), the aspect of the woather having apparently littl85uenco on the attendance here.

The heaviest buslLn yras dono about three o'clock, whon the energies A the waiters were Beverely taxod. Mr. JToltman who Htikept going at a very lively rate, divided the honor dfthe Beach impartially with his neighbors, his npsWrs niat form being covered with those who found itaory pleasant refugo from tho rain. It may bo stacd that his proposition to havo a walking match there between Miss Marshall and Madame Tobias will not be fulttllod, to the letter. The terms of tho contest have already boon published In theBO columns, and according them the lady pedestrians wero to start at noon to diy and plod along until Sunday next.

Tho Madame expressed contemporary declines to place even the least value upon the dying statement of the mur Addresses by Messrs. F. B. Tliurber, E. E.

Thorno and Others General Catlln Is Called upon, and Makes a Frank and Characteristic Speech Mr. C. W. L. F.

Morrow Misunderstands the General and Becelycs a Sharp Rebuke. A largely attended meeting was held yesterday afternoon in Bedford Hall, on Tompkins avenue, near Folton street, under tho auspices of the Bedford Moderation Society, organized for tho purpose of dis dered man, a circumstance which compels us, reluctantly, to conoede that the coachman's decease will not cause even half mourning in the family of any known duke. The late Albert Weber was buried yesterday la Greenwood. Ismail Pasha, the ex Khctlivo of Egypt, left Cairo yoatcrday for Smyrna. The recent rains in the wost of Ireland have occasioned groat distress among tho peasant population.

Captain William Berry, an old reHideut of Ponghieepflie, died yesterday. Last week bathers patronized tho pnbllo baths of New York. Thirty nine thousand six hundred and thirty four woro women. Offioer O'Mara, of tlio Jersey City Police was assaulted yesterday by a gang of roughs, sovou of whom were arrested. The Twenty third Regiment of Brooklyn will attond sorvlco In Trinity Episcopal Church, Newport, next Sunday.

Only twenty two members of the Veteran Association of tho War of 1813 are now alive; tiny will dine at tho Sturtovant Houso, N. ou tho Fourth. The Baccalaureate sormon of Williams College was delivered yesterday by President Chadbourue. Tho alumni prayer meeting was held In the evening and largely attended. The anticipated yield of Delaware peaches Is 2,587,000 bushels.

Peaches will bo plentiful In Virginia and Mary land, aud tho prices In Now York will bo low. The Sunday law was rigidly onforcedyeBter day in New York, and many places were obliged to slop tho sals of liquor even through tho Bida doors. Forty five violators of tho law wero arro3ted, tho majority of them by tho agents of Dr. Crosby's Hocloty. There will bo no extra session of Congress, and the resolution providing for tho adjournment of Congress at i I'.

M. to day was to havo been reported thlB morning. Unless tho Itepublicans objected, it was passed, as the Democrats did not havo a quorum. A train of freight cars on tho Boston and tomer to deal with, rose from his chair, slipped behind him and tripped him backward with his foot. Burke fell upon tho idiot, and covered his face and chest with his whole weight.

The charmed and artistio Hare gazed in rapture on the scene, and that he also might be "in at the death," gently dragged hia partner and the suffocating victim boneath him across the floor. When Mr. Hare mado his public appearance in court, after his senior partner had been executed, the appreciative public of Edinburgh, wishing to apply his own fiuo art to himself, cried; "Burke him," as in Mr. Cox's native Stato, Virginia, even his fellow negroes would have cried, "Lynch him" very probably, had he been caught there instead of here. When the murderer, whose crime is now being explained away into an unforeseen accident of sunstroke and kleptomania, flung, with two leaps from tho door," his wholo body upon Mrs.

Hull, it is our belief that he burked her precisoly as the late lamented Mr. Burke, tho founder of this masterly art, burked tho poor idiot boy of Edinburgh. Whether, when he lifted himself off hor chest and face, in order to complete his work with the bandages which he had, with both his hands, torn off and folded, tho poor lady screamed, as would seem from what the sick Mrs. Fitzgerald and her nurse at sixty yards' distance, are reported to have heard, we cannot tell. No doubt it was in this last interval of life, the interval, namely, between tho withdrawal of his weight and the tying around her mouth of the bandage that the unhappy victim feebly moaned: How Women may get Strong1.

The subject of physical exercise is one of in Large Crowds at nil the Hotels Tom Manhattan Beach to the Point The sic, the Bathing and the Big Ballocn. It has oven come to that point that a rainy, lowory Sunday has no percortiblo effect In keying tho crowds of peoplo away from Coney Island. will be a grand triumph for the hotel teepers If the tile of favor for this popular resort Is sufficiently Btronf to overflow the obstaelea which tho wther may A cloudy day upon tho beach ia pleaaanier many people than tho bright aunehlne, and so foras tho eyeB aro concerned, it is certainly more restf f. The blinding glare of tho white Band, and: tho glliering blue of tho wide expanse of water aro veif trylig upon one's visual organs, unless you ehado than )chind glasses, which straightway give to overythirg aid everybody whother the work of nature or the frdtuctlon of art a horribly cerulean hue. It is not pleasant to bo walking about in a condition of chtciio blues.

Therefore a oloudy day has ita charms, ant. the sombre tints of tho clouds and the cooler ait are as grateful to the senses as tho gllttor of tho stahlno and the sweep of tho wind. Saturday was a day of enwds on cvory part of the Island, and the koopers of hoBtolrles prayod earnestly that Sunday might be like unto it, and much moro creasing interest iu this country, and is one of tho most interest to those who take the least 1 11.. Better Understood and Appreciated Now Than in his Own Country aud Among his Omi Kindred Did the Mother of Jcsns Belicre in Him? Plymouth Church was filler! last ovouing, but not l. Mr.

Doocbrr proaclivd from John 1., 6 to iuclu.lvt: "Tiiore aa a maii bout (rum UlxI, wLom unmc John," etc, Mr. Bccctier I.ri was forth, in laugug Plmplb and yet wi'lKliti il uith im aniiitf, tho entrance into this wnrid lt f'rratnr. TLit Inanlo truth that th' Crr.ator of thin mriX lial uvor ctitortti Into it, ilw thcr, wai a grant I dramatic thoustit, who C'Hi. optlon, apart (rum iU'jrlcal value, wan aub how much moro no whun wm historical. caiuu tu tlt ueareat to Hiiu.

aud yet thty know Him in.t, nuJ ti.v llht of Hl eh. mm; iuu fjarkucj without tltcir tMiuprvhemtiRR It. How culd a Ik tug. calling Hin. V.f (.

to God, hs thirty yt ara horo amoiiR Hh croatiim.4 and not bo auajiactod of His true nature? How waa It that HI own people toL Him prophet How could inaku Himself known without any appreciable effort? The name of Christ vraa of mora Tftlua to us than In the days of the people ani'ing whom Uo lived. Paul and John bad no much couwpttona of Christ a the church has luvd.for UUMt y. rs. AU that the nft1ent faith bring around tho cuncoptPm of Christ, all th" npst exp' lencf of tho nb. nin and women, all that had ft'tiw out of olf abnegation, had been gthoroJ up, aud carried hack and LAID AliOL'ND THE HACHLl) NAME OF TEBVB.

ToHurmu Hu wa tha Rejected, without form or coiiipllnens, root out ut dry ground, a sprout that cmild not grow, a life undeveloped. If coin pared tho Christ of Hi own with the chrtt of our agf how rcat the dihVrenco. How dirt It coniti that Christ produced bo UttU iinpreMon on Hits Boiiltf of mnu lu Hia own day? Partly in it. mis lauer class usuiuiy LLLma. couraging me excessive ubq ot intoxicating liquors.

Tho gentlemen on tho platform woro F. B. Thurber, President Ellwood E. Thorno, and Edgar W. Crowell, Vice Presidents, and Colonel Henry H.

Hadley, Secretary of tho New York Businoss Mon's Society for the Encouragomont of Moderation, the parent society or the Bodford organization. Bev. Dr. Nyo, Rev. Dr.

Porter and ox Judgo Mobcs O. Leonard also ocoupied seats on tho platform. District Attorney Cat hn was seated among tho audience and accepted an in her intention of taking up her quarters at the Island' four or five days in advance of tho start, In orde''to get into proper trim for tho match, but up to last enlng nothing had been heard of her. The probability now appear to bo that tht walk will bo deferred util the glorious Fourth has come and gono. If Mtdanio Tobias withdraws anoiher antagonist for Miss Marshall will bo found, tho chinces being that Miss BxxkwoU thoro is no time for it, and that it is Xho Story oi the Extra Se ittiou.

Congress is expected to adjourn to morrow. We Bay "expected," as it is possible that a factious objection to the adjournment resolution may bo made in tho Souate, width would send it back to the House to be amended by fixing another date. As it is doubtful if a quorum of the House could be Bocuved for that purpose, the session could only die of inanition. In theevent of adjournment it is not likely thatMr. Hayes will call another extra session to mako appropriations for United States marshals and deputies.

He has given out that he would not do bo unless he could get tho promise of a split In the Democratic ranks, and it must be plain to him that the Democrats are solid and firm on the question of the Marshals bill. Tho extra session was rendered necessary by the determination of the majority to enforce their views on tho important questions of free elections that have been presented. As those views wore favored by a majority of tho people's representatives, they must be regarded only to those who live the oountry or can havo much outdoor exercise to whom physical training can be possible. This gen wjll have an opportunity of testing hor endurance It Fireworks. fco, on the Fourth of July.

There appears to be some uncertainty, though there need not be any, as to what is permitted and what forbidden in the shape of fireworks on the Fourth of July. Naturally enough the dealers in pyrotechnics seek to spread the impression that there are practi cally no restrictions, and that as a matter of patriotism there ought not to be ay It is very amusing to observo the profound concern folt by the dealer in squibs, rackets and torpc dos, lest the spirit of independence be crushed out by the weight of kgal ordinances forbidding the use of explosives that aro intolerable to the senses, atrociously barbarous in their effects on 'cli people, dangerous to life and destruc'e to proporty. This entorprising purveyor of destructible has convinced himself that if he cannot mako a profit at the .1 1.1. will bo a six days go you please affair, for a turn large enough to insure a very exciting struggle. vitauon teouerca mm by Colonel Hadley to join tho sbovc named gontlcmon on the platform.

Somo remarkably excellent vocal rnuetc waa rendored during tho erally accepted opinion is according to tne author of a new publication on the subject of physical exercise, called "How to Get Strong The latest acquisitioj at West Brighton is the Tlrou and How to Stay So "an erroneous one, it Theatre, tho theatre being an unprotonding tent located between Cablo's and tho Wost Brighton Beach Hotel. Tho "grand opening" took place yesterday aftorrcon, aftornoon Dy Mrs. D. E. Rutherford, soprano; iliss Du Bois, contralto Professor George 8.

Weeks, tonor, and Mr. Charles F. Hull, baritone. Tho accompanist was Mr. Will StevonB.

abundant. They wanted dy of boiling, aUfling heat, being in the power of every person to take from early morn far into tho dewy eve a heat that and the gentleman who enthusiastically believes Wm hould send tho clty'B swetoring populace toward the Tho gontleman who presided was ex Judgo Moses O. eelf destined to eolvo the conundrum of sands in such force that alltho railroads should be taxed Leonard, who, In calling; tho niectincr to order, said SEASIDE THEATRICALS Mv feelings aro so heartilv In vnu win, their utmost to carry then! Hungry hotel keepers I that it did not require very much pleading to induce mo to accept this position. It is a ood work, aud ia a now Tho day came wearily uv over tho Mil tops with not daily and systematic exercise. Mr.

liiackio calls attention to the fact that scarcely one in ten men that may be seen on Broadway and Fulton street, New York, a corner where more men walk past in the course of one year than any other point in America, is freight traiu on tho t'1'8 to t0 accounted for fr.m the nature of Air Line Railroad collided with exponso or tuo peace ami iuo uwuo ui is Mr. Jacob Aborlo. In a printed announcement intimated that his troupe of specialty stars were powerful, his orchestra superb and bis show all that was attractive and novol. The opening was fairly attended and the show quite satisfactory to thoso who did not witness it. I much about it that was "jjcimd," which tho poots tol1 about.

Tho night had bson hot and close, and tho morning dawned tlireatenij(ly. A few stray boams of sunshino lighted up tho caj and during the earlier Now York and Now England road, Saturday, dulug a i cav 'in, qua i "in nic luiii vj nit jvw i)Io aiiioif? wh ui He was pla 'cJ. Our couceptiojin of Tako everything I havo, but don kill me, departure, uy some it is considered as being In opposition to the tcmptnmeo and. becau of that feeling and also bei aqso of criticisms in the ncmips pors, the meetings have ko far been largely explanatory. But tho time has como when wo mav bo and ought to bo aggressive and have a march, for this course is leading not only to temperance but to whot we all de as Cox, with tho calmness of a truthful racon thoroughly well built.

Some slouch tneir morning hours, but tho mid ironooa saw thoinantlo of tcur, declares she did. sombre cloud rolling itsel. across tho sky, and the shoulders, others double at the waist, some cont to one side, others have ono The tying around her mouth of the bandage ii. i 1.: weather bulletins said "suvory." But thero was a good dual of heat abroad, fo: all the sun had withdrawn bii hsaid "a dull day at rmometer, aud suspended bis beams, and tho prophet i tho iBlaud" corrected the till much damage. No ono was Injured.

Mrs. Mury Ann Dosey, of No. .18 F.Mridge Btreot, Now York, ha. i charged Policem. Blyt of tho Tenth Precinct, with an attempt to bluckinui! her and with illegally arresting her daughter.

In Trinity P. E. Church, Newport, yesterday aftornoon. it was announced that the 'I vvuntj tidrd ltegiineut, of this city, would attend service there next Hun Thore was a mass mei tiiif; of weavers iu Tall IUver In. it evening and a revolution not to striku was adopted.

Two thousand persons attended tho meeting. It is reported in Constantinople that It looks as though the bitter controversy botweon the rival proprietors of tho 6tages which ply between Vandervecr's and Manhattan will Boon come to a tangible conclusion. Mr. Henry Hamilton, who has flooded tho concourse with handsome stages and first class horses, has, it is said, been cited by Judgo Dono hue, of 2ew York, to Bhow cause why an injunction restraining him from using tho enncourso should not bo issued. Messrs.

Ilarrls whosa business ho has largely succooded in obtaining, olaim that thoy purchased tha exclusive privilege of running stages there for five years and that the Fourteenth Ward livery stable man is an intruder. Tho causo will be adjudged judgmont until ho could get down there hlmsolf and see. Soon began to sift themselves out shoulder much higher than the other. I he greatness and general prevalence of the evils of imperfect development are thus indirectly shown in the picture drawn of tho majority of American men. An erect, well proportioned man, with graceful figuro and fine carriage, is a rare sight and one that is not offset by phys Yag only tuo compieiion oi me uuiiiiuy, already so effectively begun, We should bo unwilling to detract from the posthumous glory of Mr.

Burke as an inventor and an artist, but "burking" is really an art older than Mr. Burke. Indeed, it is said, that he and his co religionist, Mr. Haro both of whom, like Mr. Chastiue Cox, wero dovout Meth sire, total aosunenco trom iutoxicoting drinks.

Applause. ADDRESS IJY ELLWOOD E. THOHNE, ESQ. Mr. Thorno was then introduced aud said MB.

I'llEUIDENT, I.UJIKH ANJ, GKNT l.rMES It WOS ii my purposo In visiting you to day to nuke a specoh, but supply to manif. my sympathy for this good As j. a onco said "drfds and not pronnnc to dV are what we ishomj always dot ire, for are ry cheap and roqiiliv exertion utter them. belief Is that tins Hoi means ff accom ishing a groat of good, became is i rn tii al and 1 pause It appeals to business n.en. I bt in tout i.

itinouco, aud I Lcllovu this movement will tt.nd to I ilit result. I ve in cclcctMsm, taking go id vervthiug. And therefore it for that mason I tak a over tho city, totj that, had no effect, and tho crowd that filled (he outward bound trains bogau to increase. On tho Island as the day advanced, tho hotol men 1 gan to look moro cheerful, onl to tako a keener interest ically perfect women. The author is wholly unsontimontal in his remarks about the fair tho ivity wen ymiHiial, earthy.

If Ho had conn to thu Jewrt with an ilhmituatod heaven, the voica of thunder aud the miaUing' the earth. and with pomp and power, thoy would havo accluimrd hiiu monarch and owned him. When wo thnuht of wi had au lmpre tlon that He could present Himstlf that th" men to whom Ho caine could "i aud hear and fed aud know Junta thoy know of a vogctab'e. But tffulgout goodm was not'subject to tho rukM of materia You could uot kxj by looking ttt bun that a man wa an artUt, but ha miiflt firat bring to your bo the romiH of the clement iu him. Could you tell a gumufl by bin looks from any othi man Hut if he went on in number, that which was in him would appeal to tho iu yim whirh appreciated him, riuul niant fcHtod Itbelf bv ii proce.8 of unfolding to a aoul, aud a manV unfolding depended greatly on thoro to whom ho Bpoko.

Llotjutiico would bo unelesa to a doaf mm. KAFIIAElAs riCTUKES would bo of no use to tho buahmon. Thoy bad not tho appreciating merit in them. (ienoroeity to th miser was but a delufdon aud a folly. You could not make a mau comprehend or appreciate that of which ho had nothing in himself.

It was tho Btlll, fmall voice which lntcrpretatod God. A man might bo really divine lu thought aud action, and yot at the ago 1 unablt to rlaa and meet him. The Saviour had beeu Ik'IUt aud hotter because what Ho had taught had opened up a Rimum liaturo lu othrm. Tho world had been gradually growing tter under the Influence of Christ's teachings The Kavlour mentioned other causes why Ho did not ere a to an iniuK diato impreaaton. Why did not Hia own mother beliovo in 7 Wo thought nhe did, and no doubt Vfure the cl se of hftr lift) sho did yet (hero wrh pvMeuco that at one timo noither Hhe nor His brethn believed iu Him.

It is oi prcosly Raid: ''Nuithcr did'Hi brethren beli' vu in Iliiu," lb1 re were thopfj who 11 ,1 in tho i ame house, ate at tho on the second Monday in July before the Judgo Issuing in papsing events, as iram.oau arter traiuload waB poured out upon the piatf unca and spread themflolves over the piazza. They began to tako hotter views of life, aud to thiuk that tho world was not as hollow as it odists wore first prompted to this neat and easy method of nvurdor by coming in contact, during thoir Bible studies together, with tho the order. In the meantime Mr. Hamilton appears to and Fiance will not accept tho Sultan's abrogation of the irado or i which authorized the Khedive to bo reaping rich harvest. sex, and makes allusions to flat chests, angular shoulders, scrawny nocks and pipe stem arms in the most indifferent manner.

The Vandorveors, the Grand Union and tho other leading peltil interost in thin movement, and I olicvo If wo to buHint men in a practical manner gut they by their influence cat. ln iug about a great d.jul jf good and do away with that great American custom jf treating and being trcatcl." 'oir, It is very generally the ciis for busine men to asi thoir cutoni ira ti tako a drink, and it leads often to dozen drinks of lagor seemed. Tho waiter braced himself anew for the tasks bofore him, aud with a Rlgli abandoned tho pleasant dream upon whleh ho had fondly dwelt whon the day murder of Ben hadad, King of byna, by nis friend and servant Hazael "It came hotels at this section of the beach did a fair businoss truth is told when the statement is matte that during the afternoon, but the smaller ones wero practi collv decorttd. Tho visitors departed early and at ten to pass that he took a thick cloth and dipped it in water and spread as the views of tho majority of tho people, and the struggle was one of the majority against the minority. It is the basio principle of our Government that the majority shall rule, but in this instauco its action was hampered aud hindered by an Executive who had been unjustly and fraudulently placed in office by the minority.

The Democrats found themselves confronted by laws which had boon passed by Republican Congresses for partisan purposes, which prevented freedom of elections, and wero imoqiml and oppressive. Those laws permitted the party in power to use the army ostensibly to "keep the peace at the polls," but really for partisan interference with elections to appoint an unlimited number of partisan deputy marshals, paid out of the public moneys, to control tho elections in the interest of their party and to proscribe and enforce an odious and" partisan test oath for jurymen in the Courts of the United States. These unjust and unequal laws tho Democrats determined to repeal if pormitted, or to render them ineffective so far as possible. To the principles involved in thesa questions they have held firmly and unitedly, and have only differed in regard to tho best and most practicable means fo enforcing them. Tho question of the partisan use of troops nt tho polls was tho first aud tho most formidable matter that presented itself, and tho majority passed the Army Appropriation bill with a clauso repealing tho statute that was held to permit such interference.

The bill was unitedly opposed by tho minority in both Houses, and was vetoed by Sir. Hayes, because of the presence of tho repealing clauses. o'clock the business of anotuor Sunday at West Brighton had been practically wound up. it on his face, so that he died. conclude troatioa win, foreign powers and maintain an army.

Thomas Brown, of No. 2J." East Pin street, New York, separated from his wife oleven months ago, and has not lived with her since. Ijist niiht ho wont to No. 212 William street, whore tho woman lived, and lUidlng Frank Murphy in her room, ho threw a koroseno lamp at her, burning her severely. Brown was arrested.

Tho emerald ring worn by Mrs. Jane De Forrest Hull on tho night she was murdered, ha been bOL or something i truuger, so that not only tho cust mer but the Balemimn become rV.h ic us surrouud tng circumstances, ll.auhto There is iulemporaiice In other things a well an iu the use of intoxicating liquors, aud we know thai intimporanco iu eating will Jauso dyspepsia, and in Emokhg It brings on very mauy lisoases. The object of tais Bod ty, howover, is induce those who have beon intemperate in the majority of American women aro weak, rienty of active outdoor work is urged for them, and then particular kinds of exercise, with minute directions for taking it, are given. It is a poor system which cannot suit nearly all cases, and this enthusiast for physical development devotes page after pago to tho began, that ho might lounge tbatit the piazzas in various stages of damp toweling and look out upon tho dripping rain with no calls for service to breul: the current of his moditations. The waitor loves a rainy day, tho drips of tho rain and tho ibscnce of guests ia very Boothing to hia inner nature.

Tho crowd in the morning was not largo, and it looked before dinner as though the dav would bo a practical failure, but after 1 o'clock the incoming trains began to bring good sized loads. They ran I reii noutly at Brighton neighbors, our civilization is a failure, and the Caucasian is indeed "played out." Despite the pyrotechnist, tho law is reasonably explicit, and American independence is not in mortal danger. First of all, it is provided in the Revised Statutes of tho Stato, according to a citation made by tho New York Timet to day, that no person shall discharge a gun, pistol, rocket, squib, cracker or other firework within a quarter of a mile of any building on tho Fourth of July without the order of a militia officer in course of military exercise. This is unmistakably comprehensive enough for all practical purposes, and warrants any action the local authorities may take, or aro likely to take, for rendering the national anniversary a day tolerable to dwellers in cities. What tho authorities of Brooklyn have done in the direction of giving effect to tho Stato law is shown first by tho ordinanco passed in 1877, which provides that "no person shall fire or dis "chargo any cannon, gun, pistol, fowling 'pieco or firearm of any description, or store "or sell or off or to sell, explodo or set "off any firo cracker, rocket, squib or "combustible firowork of any description "within the city limits" unless specially authorized so to do by the Mayor.

It is furthor provided in tho same ordinanco that no person shall have or keep at any ono "time for any purpose in any dwelling within 1 1 the City of Brooklyn, distant less than "twenty five foot from any other building, "more than fifty pounds of fireworks, and no "quantity greater than fifty pounds shall bo "kept in any other buildiug without a written "permit from tho Mayor, under a penalty of "one hundred dollars and imprisonment in the County Jail for ten days for each and "every offense. This sweeping but most rational ordinance was somewhat modified last year so as to permit such inoffensive fireworks as children delight in to be used, and tho various fancy We do not know if so scriptural ana church going a person very powerful in prayer as his pastor at Wavorly place testifies as Mr. Chastine Cox, had been studying the Second Book of Kings before he murdered the nso of intoxicating to become tem XUc People Whom Richelieu Saw Yesterday at the Beach. Special Correspondence of the Eagle. Coney Island, June 29, 1879.

Dear Eagle Notwithstanding tho gloom; aspect of the weather, which scorns chronic for Sundr. afternoon great crowds of people are here to dr. Thoy from freezing Russia and molting from the shores of the Nova and tho banks of tho Bj tnnoelf health and happiness hero, and todl Mrs. Hull but we would observo that water various kinds of exercise that women may auu should tako. Any woman, ho knows, can and should walk a mile aud a half in the Beach, and everybody stayed, and the result was that by the time of tho aftornoon concert tho piazzas were although that was poured upon the clothes crowded.

The marluo railway from Manhattan lloach to revive her, as ho says is not essential to the process, it only expedites matters. Suffocation can be obtained without it, and with all dofereneo for the judgment of so profound a recovered by tho Boston pollco. It wa found iu tke possession of Aunio au abandoned woman, to whom it was presented by diamine Cox, the murderer. With tho finding of this ring, all tho jewelry uii. iug from the Hull mansion is accounted for.

Dutchess and Columbia countii were yesterday visited by severe Htorms. Trees were upro fences destroyed and telegraph lines prostrated. The landing barge, Minntsink, lying at Eiuklll. had her hurricane deck blown oil'. At phllmont and Chatham tho churches were btruck by lightning.

Tho track of tho storm was about two miles iu width, oxteudiug in a northeasterly direction. perate, and oven to abstain altogether. Applause. REMARKS BY F. 1).

THURBER, ESQ. Tho next speaker was F. B. Thurber, President of tho New York Business Mtu's Society for the Encouragement of Moderation, Ho said Mill PllKSIDKNT AMI UniF. AND GF.KTI.F.MF.N I do not apologize for not being accustomed to speak iu public, for this a business mon's rocioty, aud business men usually iind words to say what they wish to Bay about business matters, and this i a businoss matter which, it seems to me, concerns overybody.

Mr. Thorno and Mr. Hadley first camo to mo arid asked me to take the pre. ldoucy of the society in New York, and when I looked over tho matter the Idoa commondod itself to me, and I told them I would do what I could to help it along. Thero aro a great many who aro In tho habit of drinking moro or loss, and who will drink moro or less, and wo beliovo if wo can morning and another at night, and all women should givo ten or fifteen minutes, several times a day, to exercise of tho arms.

What American women rarely ever do is to walk and sit erect. Home gymnasiums and a will aro what aro rerniired to make tho sex criminal lawyer as Mr. Howo, we venture to same table, Blept under the fame roof, and yet thoy at Him, and told Him to go up to whero thore were scholarly men and do gr. at things th re whore Hia clainui could be tentrd. Once, whon t'hriwt uiw doing gr at worHB, a mcjM rij'er eati.f) to way that His mothor and brethren were outaidc desiring to peak to Him.

It win plain that THEY THOUGHT I IK WAS I.VHANK and wanted to draw Ilun into privacy. Ho looked around and with the very pthus of divinity aa though He His mother wag not His mother, but of thn earth earthy, while He was divine Ho said, "Wlin is Vy mothor and My And theu Ho went on t.i hIiow that they Jiv too far down to ls His and brethren. Thoy had not yot como to anpro cialj the power of simple, aud holy fooling. Thoy did not feel hat man approached God according aa ha hau love for his fellow. They held a home prejudice, ver, utratig'dy.

for mother' nerully overrated thoir chldreu. If Hia life had brought material to their pemual ImagluatioiiH they ould have uiulorritood it. Ohist went into the lu Nazareth. In thono dajH thero were no ordained minbterrt, and any affirm that Mrs. Hull did not die of fright, but that she died of asphyxia produced by tho murderous assaultsjof the polite criminal who handsome, not only whilo young, but even in Tim fact is a distasteful one, but it burked" her.

needs to be stated all the same, that tho large Struck by Iiitrhtniitir. majority of women, if not ill looking after forty, havo a stale appoarance, due alike to thoir inortiiPKH and their national disin tho debate on tins bill Mr. uarneiu The circumstauces under which tho lituo During had said and other prominent Kepuhlicans daughters of Mr. Wiswall were struck by clination to spirited exercise. Their com lightning yesterday were unusually horrifying plexions may bo white, but tho skin is not hnoithv nnrl firm their eves mav be fine, but Coney land opens tho boundloss benevolence healthful hospitality.

Stephen W. Dorsey, ex United States Senator 'Om Arkansas, was at the Brighton to day. He was obtcd as a Hi and his term expired last March. His success is J. D.

Walker, a Domoorat. Mr. Dony la a native of Vermont, aud is about thirty six ears of age. Whon a boy he wont to Ohio. He olun teered in tho Union army, and served uudorirant ut Shiloh, undor Buell at Porryvllle, undorRozo crans at Stone River and Chattanooga, aud under Thomas at Mission liidgo.

Ho was trausfered to tho Army of tho Potomac, and participated in tho bottles of tho Wilderness and Cold Harbor. At tho cloio of tho war ho returnod to Ohio, and was eon after chCJOn president of tho Arkansas Central Kailuy Company. Removing to that Stato he took an actio part in politics, and was Chairman of tho llopubliec County oriJ Stato Committees. He refused a nomlatfon for degress, but was sent to the Souato iu 1S7U, a nearly utsuimouB vote. iTimothy O.

Howe, cx Senntor of the Ui ted States i Wisconsin, is also at tho Brighton, re ho In tfids to remain for a Bhort time. His ten. expired in JJjrch last, and his successor is Matthew I. Carpenter, 4lo was his colleague from 1809 to 1875. Mr.

Howe is itout sixty threo years of age, aud a very senatorial jr iklng porson. Ho is a native of He was a tt of the Maine Legislature in HiS when he re and tragic. The sky had darkened with one nf thoso brief and sudden storms of which that they would vote for the repealing scctiou in a separate bill, aud Mr. Hayes had intimated in his veto message that he was personally opposed to the interference of the army with elections. Thereupon the majority, wiH.

commendable conservatism, endeavoring brought down hundreds of if Mle, and tho result was that instead of the dull SundiAhich hod been anticipated, tho day turned out to bomO of the busiest of tho season. The gathering was not so large as on tho previous day, but for a rainy, cloudy Sunday it was exceptionally good, SHOWERS AND SUNSHINE alternated all through tho day until about 5 o'clock, and thou it bogan to clear away. They were not hard showers, but were merely little spurts of rain from out tho fringes of tho storm clouds, which poured their burdens down far out at eea, or far inland. It was novel Bight to eco the crowd around the music stand, under their umbrella', looking for all tho world liko an ojtaggeratod growth of mushrooms. An umbrella was a usof til thing yostorday.

It kept off tho sun, aud when tho sun did not shino It warded off tho rain. Tho itinerant venders did a great business yesterday, and their moro permanent brethren, tho keepers of booths and waysido stalls an 1 weighing scales, turned many an honest penny into tills. THE NEW BAND at tho Brighton was tho sub.iwt of a good deal of com mout, and the music was lis: mod to very attentively. From the porch, with the coMtant movement and rustlo of tho laughing, chatting cro mingled with tho clatter of dl. hes irom tho adjacent tables, the finer passages of the music aro inaudible, and you have to go down upon tho csplanado to listen to advantage.

Tho doubt was widely cxpro3od yisterday whether an orchestra baud would fill tho bill for open ah concorts, but it is too soon yet to expte. an opinion. Tho music is certainly nf a high ordor an 1 most oxcellont timo is maintained, whilo the spirit oi the muBic receives a very fair interpretation. Tho hotel was crowded with guests, and it was a difficult matter to got a room. they lack the sparkle possible for them if good health wero thoir possession.

There must be wo have had so many this season, without ap induce all such men to modento and regulate thoir nso of iutoxicoting llquora wo shall accomplish a very good work. If this society nevor accomplishes any moro good than what It has already accomplished I for ono shall think it has not beon started In vain. There is a considerable nunibor of casoi whore good results have already followed our labors, and I have no doubt whon our society has oilsted long enough for tho public to become conversant with it that wo ahall accomplish a great deal of good. I ask for it tho friendly co onera tion of every man and woman, for ovcry person possesses somo inflitonce, and tliero is no reason why Hhould not work In harmonj with other temperance societies, as by doing wo cm certainly accomplish great doal of good. Applaiisn.) COFFEE AND CLUB IIOUSES.

Colouol Henry H. Hadley, Secretary of tho Now York Society, was then introduce. 1, for tho purposo of explaining how coffeo and club houses could bo organized in such a manner us to tako tho place of liquor saloons. Ho said: If you would remove liquor Bnloons you must In my opinion supply their places with other Btyles of thu poor man's club," in the way of colTuo burs and club houses. Lot mo desenbo ono which to fit up will cont from iO(l to JSIK).

Th building, two stories and ba. ement. Ono siilt. of thu front bapcnieutts littod up with all tho conveniences of a public bar, wlrre liquors parently warning tho children to come into tho house. They wero sitting under trees whoso stems wero about three feet apart somo truth in the statement, since it is so often reiterated, that outdoor exercise is imperative for women as well as for men, and plenty of it The American Union Telegraph Company will open its offices in New York next wck.

The lines aro up as far na Albany and will bo completed to Syracuse within a month. Tho company will connect with the linos of tho Dominion Telegraph Company of Canada, and open communication with and Detroit by this means. This will enable it to liuvo iu uporation over O.DOO miles of wire. A meeting of tho National Labor party was held yesterday at Hamilton 1'ark, New York. Capitalists wuro denounced in unmeasured terms.

The abolition of tho national banks was called for, and other swooping reform! ware urged. Tho officials of New York were deuoiincod, and also tho Elevated Railroad managers, who. it was said, "eat four dollar dinners at Uelmonlco's whilo their employes stano." Vernon H. Harris who cut his throat on liroadwuy, on Saturday night, is not yet out of danger. Ho came from tho West and was a penman, coutly he io it his position, and became a reclllJO.

devoting his time to study. Ho cut his throat with a razor, and wn taken to tbs hospital, where ho said his failure was due to tho fact that lie forgot to umhu his raz. before starting out. A colored woman named Ellen Coleman, living nar Louise Court Houso, was murdered on and whoso roots entwined in one mass each day. Sloop is bettor after sunlight has tauo man was eaurdon to read the part of the script uro foi tho day.

Then bo could hpeak if he had any thiig to say. was called on to read, and thegunrml lyiring of the mauHcum thing iu th eye, for it wa au oriau of wonderful power attracted attention. Ho witn Hu read the parage and naid, ''Thin day tha Kcipture ifl fuiiUkd in your enri," thoy wuro nliirtled. Tlcn thoy aiked him to work th: eatm; miraeVn ho had IktiU working down ou the eoa. but Christ told thorn thd mirach were wrought on (luiililek and not on TllB worked up the ontlria ot hatred.

Why were hi bovn tiiioii blind? Th natural prejudiced wi ru roistd and that shut nut ever; thing. ithin tho mui of inodt, to call a man AN AHOLITIOKIKT wa to nettle him. No matter how gocvl ho wa. he vvah an ab llioml, with au adjeotl boforo It. To day y.u waid a man waa a Dom ert.

Tiat Rcttl 'd H. Yo i naid he wan a black eai. That was eiwugh. Men wore abut out by tW.r prejudice, and mo wai it In the timo of Chrlnt. ibw it happen rhat hN disrip'ufi did not undor stiiid him? Th' were Inw toned lu their own ua tire.

Various inflinue'1! dnw the popple to him. Hiine foToved him br ad. and he wan filled with cmp.s and imiltlpl X.l the aud fed th. m. How vi" it that th d.l 1.

In th ulny, did not bo liivc him? thi charge, of tho church aid thought th. had a right to do anything take AViswall had stepped out of tho boon ouioyed, and women who exercise in the house to call the little ones in, wnen open air are less nervous aud irritable than those vivid flash of lightning, accompanied by an who do not. Yet there is the chronio objector appallinc crash, almost stunned the unfortu to sav. what is very true, that women who tako lights which illuminate the evening sky to bo set off by festive housoholdors without necessary annoyance to any person. The chief provisions of the ordinance now in force are as follows Sec 7 No fireworks Blmll horoaftcrbe manufactured, stored or kept'iipon sale iu the City of Hrooklyu excopt under a permit iluly issued therefor Ly the Mayor of tho City of Brooklyn.

Sec 11. No Uro works ahull be exposed for wile upon any sidewalk, street or other public place within the citv. By section 12 of the ordinance, oven tho Mayor is deprived of tho power to permit the sale of tho following devices Fire crackers, cannon eracksrs, Chinoso rockets, Chinese bombs, double headers, squibs, serpents or many times the most exercise are oflonest moved to Wisconsin; was fivo years of the Cir re usually dispensed, but will havo no liquors, not nate mother. Looking toward whore hor littlo ones had been sitting she saw tho elder still in a natural position, but stark dead. Tho the moat nervous, restless aud thin.

They en beer. You can get uv: very ocbc coneo, toa, cocoa, Mit anu rinprcmo ijourin oi HwiMi.wiuwimmn fait tat D'urk In tho Senate iu 1801, as to Charles chocolate, milk, or lemonade served on the bar in lagor beer glares, no cups and saucers, are always ou the go, and yet never look healthy. The author of this littlo volume an vouneor had beon hurled from her seat and rkco. Ho has been twice rc electoJ, and served five cents per giam. also can was still alive, but unconscious.

She died be swers the criticism in a concise explanation of bo procured for ilvo cent. Thero are cigars, tobacco and pip03 at prices roportlonate with the stylo desirod. Iced drinks will 1h; supplied in Summer and what is exercise aud iu his definition of mus tie Sonato eighteen years. Mr. Lorebat, of New York, entertained at the Jrightou, to day, a distinguished party at diunor.

Among his guests were: Orcgoiio Ari. tsrchi Boy, Eu rov Extraordinary and Minister Plenipotentiary to the fore medical aid arrived. The effect of so terrible a tragedy upon tho parents was natu Manhattan Beach, hot iu Winter, and all of tli' will bo pure, lresh anu skillfully prepared. Tho rear of tho basement on the samo side as thu bar Is to havo a shuffle board aud on the opposito side, the who! length of tho basement, will rally such as almost to deprive them of reason. Tho dread of being struck by lightning is to effect their purposes with the consent of the minority, if possible, framed a separate bill, known as the Military Interference bill, containing a repeal and a prohibition similar to those in tho vetoed bill.

Mr. Garfield immediately repudiated his previous utterances, aud the minority united in opposing the bill, which was passed by a strict party vote. Tho minority thus placed themselves on the record as favoring the use of tho army at elections, aud Mr. Hayes vetoed the bill upon a frivolous pretext. True to their conservative purpose of securing the rights of tho people, if possible, without permitting the obstrucliveness of the minority to embarrass the workings of tho Government, the members of the majority introduced another Army Appropriation bill, with a proviso that none of I ho money appropriated should be applied to the support of any portion of the army "to bo used as a police force to keep the peace at the "pulls." Thte bill jx cuiw.a int.

uit! or nir. Garfield and most of the Republicans of the IIoumj. but encountered the bilter opposition of the Republicans of the Senate, where it was finally passed by a strict party vote, with tho exception of Mr. Burnsidc, who voted with the Democrats. Senator Blaine said that if Mr.

Hayes should sign the bill "he would write himself down an ass yet he signed crorf tho church. ivr i hrl crime ami would nn liw to them, but preached a fn life, they would have nihing to do with him. and lej bd him. Tliero wu fill another reu oti uh) Chri. wa Lot received in his ia'u agn.

Ho threw light nV nins and br nght to bar on foeloty au idea! standard uhi' went heir vetted interest. Wh In Induvuapol, Mr. leeeher hud to agawjht drinking oon. aid one man threatened I eha ti omont whon mot the preach. r.

Wh 'U ho did meet him, tawever. b. niM hi mind, (There wan a imv Hero was the largest crowd to he found at any iiuited States from Turkey; Mr. Nicolas shtshkln, ono place on tho Island. They were mainly people from MiniBtcr from Russia, and two or three other foreign 3 ow York and they crowdod every avonuo and thorough cmbassodors.

They remained lato at tho hotel, return common to the race. Few peoplo really feel chasers, spit devils, grasshoppers, torbillons or table rockets, flying pigeons, colored tableau fire, containing sulphur as an ingredient, and union torpedos. be occupied oy a nowung nuey. lilt' bcx uiiu Hour iruut room will 1 uned as a reading room whore all tho daily papers and periodicals can ba found. Tho rear room on this floor is to bu usod for games of cards, chockers, dominoe, chess and all such amusements.

I woti'd havo smoking allowed all ovor the house, and let thero be perfect the ecstatic delight that Lord Byron expresses oular development. Vigor aud health ot bouy consist in having all the muscles fully and systematically devoloped. Tho entire framework of the system, and not one set of muscles, is to be exercised, and tho will rmwer is to be used to perfect the work. Few women are good walkers thoy ambla along carelessly or drag their bodies as though it pained thoir hirc to them. And it is true that very many oppose the slightest tendency to roundness of form.

in "Childe Harold," during a thunder storm. in; to Now York about closcu o'clock, in a spccla palace car. aKrifem V. Tlalknsp. oxrSocrf Df War: (lanerat faro about the hotel.

Tho trains ijoing down did not givo tho impression that tho gathevirg would bo so large. People go down ct their Ioism ailrltrom voriciw polnt jf rhar twinkle in Mr. IW.eeh' vjt. and tho audienco Children, perhaps, are less unpleasantly affect Friday Ia by a whlto man with whom sho US'i icen living in improper relations for some years. Sho iad two children and was about to becomo a mother again.

It is known that Bho weut to him to gut money, and was not scon allvo again. Tho body was found on his premises, and ho was arrostod and put in Jail. The inquest over tho body of John Armstrong, tho coachman, who was shot by his employer, jusupn .1. Xl l. I .1.1 1., 1,, i t' u.

i begun to day. Mr. Blair is coufiuod in the Jail at Montclair, and is completoly brokon. But for the visits of Mrs. Blair, who is much of tho timo with him, cheering and comforting him, ho would bo utterly brokon down.

He feels keenly the position In which ho is plocod. A wealthy young widow lady, of Newark, N. has married hor father's coachman, her junior by a Here certainly is law enough to justify our police force in preventing patriots of the pyro lugliou.) he with th. ihail tu ttw nrl tint, tho dazzline flashes and crashes of ab5 Alteon G. McCook, Membor of Congress, and Augustus Cjllaverlck, formerly of tho Argus, now of immorality, profanity, vulgarity, betting aud intoxl coting liquors.

The prices admission, by tlckot at the door, can bo fixed at five cents for members and pid Mr. Ileccher ru ver a man ho rr appro dab i only when tho oeacu is rcuinou ana every train a the earlier part of tho doy augments tho crowd that yoi Bee what a tromendous business going on. It was i technic stripe from turning Brooklyn into a Ulundci, eopcelallv vilitu iicaliy Bliuuunueuus, Xcw York Commercial, iiaiiup iuica oy nis noi t. iiimni on mo ounn of July. A are apt to try even the stoutest nerves and to tro hero.

Mr. Maverick has eu long aim uuuoramy proposition was made in the Board of Alder Hv fliKtrpss those that are not stout. And lounected with tho press, fleet, as a very young ia, tboBe not memDorB ton cents. inoncKois coinu aiter ward be taken in payment for any ganio of billiards, ton pins or hliuftlo board. Tho money to start such a should bo contributed by from thirty to one hundred persons, as I do not trunk It would bo advisablo to Btart It as an individual ei.terprisc. tho ineniber very elegant, well dressod and thoy movol about like people bent on rational onjoymont. Tie tables on tho piazzas wore crowded all tho aftoruooji, aud the bathing pavilion recoived a largo sharo of: Ight and apt, on tho Trihuw ana aitorwara on tne qt the chances of being struck by lightning aro not great. More people are hanged in tho men last week to modify thoso most. salutary restrictions, but it was not acted on. We do not regard it as possiblo that any considerable Hmca.

Mr. Shanks, of the isaiso uero io uuy. Thoy prefer an appoarance of invalidism, since invalidism is, in their opinion, but another word for refinement and delicacy. The season is upon us whon all classes of women can bo lieutenant Oovcruor Durchmuor and family have taKon tontion. phip feos and annual dues ho hxed at rrom and if nronerlv managed tho euterpriso will pay and de world than are killed by the electric The Marine Railway promises to bo ono of tho nat clare large ia'eo bars, howover, in public dozen years.

The brido's latnor a very woamiy anu flash and tho chances of dying from snake number of Aldermen can be induced to favor a return to tho old abomination after wo havo at tho Brighton and viil remain for somo weeks. Among tho visitors to this establishment to day, waa Mr.Honry Willard, ono cf the Wlllard Brothers, who cstaKishod tho hotel in Washington, bearing their profitable speculations on the boaea. Tho Becond teek is not yet completed, but it is being pushed forward as out in the air some part of tho day, when children can bo at all hours and when to which your.g men etpoi cd lu citir, hpoke more noVmmy of the tumble sin (if deMr ing te life and rharactw of a mig man. Yet when he i turned home th" tn.ui gin and carried on Hng of before. from own int Ti fd le: aw t5ary.

but it raiiif to iinp up tho hupi' of 'jljl lin, Jim liLirt w.ih hard' iv d. 'hnt 1 hii i 'i contact with the hti'IJ f. lings and wi he of n.on He that lov th lua life hhall I it." Tito age wan not i pand for it. Whd this euc any oil. wing thH line tho preacher clocod with an ITectivo pual to his heart ri.

CIXKHIUTI.MJ TUB FOUnTH. Cite storvH ho Closed on cite E'ourcti And (lie Fifth 'o the Ht'tr of the Brooklyn Kai': lu ruunl to closing tho Htorcs on July 1th ml I would Ute it is the gem rat desire of mar uuntH to give the extra day, rn't of the cua bites are vastly greater according to somo onioved an approach to reason for the past Buccossful business man, and thlB daughter is au only child. Rome years ago she married au only son, and Inherited a handsomo estate from him. She has ono bou. After tho death of her husband, in Philadelphia, thoroughfares wunom cinn rooinB may oe owneu uy individuals, and can woll lw started with from $100 to J200 each.

With such a roller and club houso in every ward in thiF city peoplo Ail! havo no oxouso for frequenting a liquor saloon except to get drunk, and thousands will Btop who now go to such placos. Loud fast as possible, and doubtless will bo in working Older during tho week. Trains ran yeiterday on the siiglo lie is retired and fjauuy. One or tuo urotners, two years. track at about five iniuuto intervals.

There wcrt two the most overworked mechanic or professional man can find a few mo monts in which to pay some attention to I beliivo, is running tlin Ebbitt House. They first made their qipearance in Wellington as clerks at the Coleman Eotcl, whioh had bocii previously known as tho cars on each train, and ovcry trip both ways in tto af following tho lead of his lnentls in mo What Killed Itlrw. Hull it. sho returned to hor father's houso In Newark, where she met and foil In love with tho young coachman. Tho marriage was kept secret for a time, but the couple aro ingenious English computer.

That which does produco discomfort during a thunder storm, in addition to tho suspense, is the sudden revelation of the gigantic forces of nature, which in her smiling moods are forgotten. Tho blinding flash which leaves its violot imprint Grant i reference to that of the GENERAL CATI.IN SPEECH. Judce Loonard, in introducing General Catlln, said Mr. W. F.

Howo, an Englishman, who hav tho body which is so much iu need of it. No class of young men grow old so rapidly as ternoon thoy were crowded. Very many of tho vj'itors at tho Beach like to move about from ono hotel tho, other, and tho Marino Railway between the Brighton and tho Manhattan enables them to imoillato bstwim tho now living together in Now York. ing gained admission to tho bar of New York, Katioml, and Oadsbr a. navo aiso uuuueu vo Bcvcralof tho AUlornua, Members of tho Legislature, several tho members of the St.

Patrick and Emerald ho retained a very pleasant recollection of an eloquent address on tomperance deli vered in tho Eastern District The annual camp meeting at Sing Sing will has fouud an auriferous narvesc in tne mur win Tuesdav. Auifust 5. and continuo ton days, lhoro Americans no class of women fade so soon. They are good looking for a time, and when the meridian of life is reached they exhibit the Societies, Domlnick ocho, Anthony uarrett, uoion Richards, General ourdan, Chorlos Higgins, Messrs. about nine vears ago Dy gentleman wno now niieu tho rosponsiblo position of District Attorney, and it afforded him great pleanire to introduce bo able an advocate of temperance.

in a dozen lines upon the eye, is actually continuous, according to Arago, but the one mil derers and burglars of tho Tombs, has acceded to the request of Mr. Chastine Cox, the colored two points almost at will. Tho laro is fivo cenls, and the trip about fivo minutes long. No eoonor tas tho little station emptiod by tho departure of ono trdu than tniers will be out of toyn, and th wlio niay In tho ty can buy what goods they Kfore the 4th or on to 7th but tvto ht 'H'h in tho dry jj.ixIm trade refu to pfn tho petiti 'U dart; ami thoy are thu hjuiv flrma Massey, furey, Kinnllej, i.uao i. nowinan, will bo threo sermons and four atatod prajer meetings dally.

Dr. and Mrs. Palmer and Dr. Lowery will conduct meotings for tho promotion of hollncsB, and tho Ooueral Catiin was nvcivea witn loua appiouw, anu Gentleman from Virginia, now temporarily a vio eigtiea tfiQ rutin i ci ai r. ii.

on niuir Bradley, ox Senator tut mate oi new lionth part of a second, and although its length has sometimes been computed to four flabbiness and angular proportions of older people. Women, who place more stress upon it was filled with a waiting crowd in readiuesstor tho next. Leonard Jerome among tne last arrivals mis oveu whon silenco was restored, said Ladiks and Gentlcjikn It was a distinct undcr Btaudiug betwoen tho uciitleuiou aud myself, who in resident of No. 38 on the Second Tier, to do CyB, two SuuitinK ago oimlnp Itn: ui'iiUi ol July ad August). You wU not nrjiiit .1 when I wrta tat they did not keep the agnwjment, and of Tho artificial loko, which is to tain up a large portion ttov.

A. C. Rose and Mr. W. SIcDermott will bo tno leaders nf tho children's meetings.

Temperance meetings will be held (u connection with it, and all the tem iDS fend him from the charge of murder in the wing in the Senate. It should not bo forgotten that Mr. Springer, to test the sincerity of tho Republicans of the House, introduced a separate bill, embodying the prohibition in tho Appropriation bill, but tho minority turned in their tracks, aud reversed their rccont record by voting against it. Thus ended the first chapter. The second' chapter 'was the effort to jointly repeal the partisan cbetion laws and the jury test oath.

Provisions to effect that purpose were inserted in the regular Legislative, Incentive aud Judicial Appropriation bill, which aMed Loth Houses against tho united oppo teen miles, the witness whose nerves are still vibrating over the shock is and has been long physical beauty than men, should bo particularly interested in the suggestions mado for John Brounham biho iwre, BcuiiBm.u,j a of tho unoccupiod ground woat of the hotol, ia (n a con first decree at his approaching trial. ...1.1... no hnnn trilk dol.l lint, hn Ik 1T1 dition of forwardness, and a number of rowloats aro gouerous jciji. perance organizations along tho valley oi tne liuuson vited me upon this Iliac suouia not oo caueu upon to mako any remarks, and I am afraid if thoy begin thoir tempcranee movement by a violation of good faith in that way that good results will not bo very apparent. But I am certainly happy to say a word on ago socure from peril so far as that particular Wo congratulate any prisoner who is under nlil landmark in arainauc ajtiutj, uuuui already lying at tho littlo pier, niul tho wtk on that are expected to bo prosont.

A number of prominent their physical well being. Thoy havo the dumbbells offered for ono kind of oxorcise, tho daily to tho Amoricin tago, the pet and favorito of the Now explosion is concerned. a casual and temporary cloud on securing the people aro to be present. part of the grounds betweon tho Intel and (ho lake is going on stoadily. It seems as though therf was no end The superstitious fancy of some narrow nl.lo KPwiceK of Mr.

Howe, from London. And Over forty eight millions of shad eggs have York public anddie life and soul or the wow xorK Club. For neily fifty years ho has been npon the otjirrn and in meantime has writton many of the to the improvements that aro contemplated about the minded clergymen that the course of the tem the more unfortunate the prisoner's position this occasion, uuegoe i luiug mo ut.o.i.i muli um done for mo. I noticel last night iu the columns of the Eaole that thoro was to bo a meeting of business men in this place to day tho direction of tempornndo and moderation. Well, to meet the buBinesamon of the City of Brooklyn, presided ovor by the very distinguished hotel aud grounds.

At every viBit you find Borne now ircMd nomo oi me ouiT tu ues io ep opuu, oecnuna mihtomera woro buying from these two Moiui tha f.V little traifl they had forgott till lata In the week. IthcflO two flrinH did nlgu the pt mbui they would ilnd rqo otcuso to break it. The action of naid firu.B wilt fico boido others to kfp open that would profer to cl, and wo cannot ame theui; th' do not ImI that tby can clnsa and leavo what Uttlo trade that will Lo duo to theo liouict. ahould thank kucU Uoubm Mathewa Houa, T. H.famea and Mff ru.

Nowman, HurrouHh.s, Weit ftrtung.who have cxpn tfrd a vv ldingnorw tu on corlltion that it would done by jrs. It in not neHary to namu th hor. fan who refused to cloa, thay arefoll known bv the trade, aud wo hop tho jiubllo wilbeoomo tnitter acquainted with thora. In couclu Bloi Mr Editor, wo hope you will help ub hy advUtng walks in broad, easy shoes and horseback riding for others. One valuable exorcise, very unpopular with the sex, which they are urged to practice is that of running.

The gymnasium is rather to be preferred than the parlor, the most nonular icos of tho day. appears to tho lay world, so much the more do improvement, not noted bofore, under waj. pest followed no possible law, used to find expression in the announcement that a light PBOFESSOB KING'S BIO BALLX0K. we congratulate him on having so strong an Brougham its born in Dublin, in 1810. Ho was educated for a that profession up, wont to Vndimd andn.1830 appeared at the Tottenham Thea Jimt back of the bathing pavilion standi singular amicus curia by his side.

Mr. Chastine Cox, representative oi tno business men oi rew mm, r. u. Thurber and such geatlemon as are associated with lilni, would certainly call i business man liko myself to thla nlace for any object. But I was not mistaken in the niug stroke was an evidence of divine anger, and a destruction of a place of amusement by looking structure which haB attracted coksidcrablo at tieen hatched, and tho shad distributed to different rivers all over tho country by tho United States FiBh Commission.

The Jrivere of tho West and East havo been stocked, and tho tributaries of tho Mississippi and the streams of California have been supplied. Professor Baird Is in charge of the commission, and ho has shipped 00,000,000 of California salmon, and many more millions of Maine salmon and lake white fish to different 8tats In the past year. In a few years the operations of the United States Fish Commission will revolutionize the fish business on our coasts and rivers. of Virginia, especially, who seems to us "tho kitchen rather than the boudoir, sweeping and dusting in preference to sowing, and anything tention. Seen from tho outside yoa havo JxToro you a circular fonce, thirty five feet high, built ol light boards mildest mannered man that ever scuttled the storm was dwelt upon as retributive justice in about the same language that a Roman tre.

Ho wasaftorvard engaged by Madame Vostris, at the Olympic About tho eauie timo William IS. Burton was ongoge. at io Pavilion Theatro, and for him A oto hia first dramatlo composition. Old for exercise in preference to the present con ship or cut a throat," has our sincerest com and with an exit and entrance toward tho 4 a. Thore is the fennraJ nubile of the cloning, an aluo asklug lug ODJOCt, reau lk auu aupicuiuwu ib, nuu i iaiuu uuiv to day not to Bpeak, but to hear what oould be said in favor of this cause, for I have Bonis very good friends who havo tried hard, but unsuccessfully, to drink moderately, and I thought if I could como hero and get a prescript.

for thorn, I would tako it back to thorn oi Jidy. to tiko all nocofjuan" purchaaort bforn tho 4th i augur would havo used to point the direction dition of things. Brains grow strongest, an no sign outside to tell what is going on wihin, but it is pliments and good wishes on Having an advo of New York will recall the Infinite jestand rt return our thaukd to Mew. IxJer theatro go's of a Jovian bolt. Unfortunately for this the things else being equal, in strong bodies, and cate whoso intimate experimental Knowledge hero that the American Aeronautic bocio navo their location aid where tho experiments withjbig balloona oxcellent ancy with thich theso two comedians charmed und mii iauted the croyds that flocked to see them at Bur Wcctler, Abralinrn Jourueay litiruham.Jofioph O'Bun and eoveral others who kindly hoaded the jtltion toclowj.

A Dry Cioons wnmni win nRnirfl to intellectual culture of tho English laws upon which those of the The various persons representing the prose ory, which should hold the devoted victims on whom tho Tower of Siloam fell as 11SMW 1 aro to bo made. Yesterday tho work of nflatlng tho taem ana provide lur meir itriui million. iiiAukumji and applause.) It is a fact, ladles and gontlemon; it is a Bad fact, that 6 uio of tho noblest, the bravest and most giftod men of our oountry have become should first learn the lost arts of climbing, cution during the investigation In tho Hull murder caso Stato of New York are founded, renders him balloon Pioneer, in which Professor Sard: ton's oil theatre, Paluo's Opora Houso, in Chambers otrent in "Toodics" and other laughable pieces, in el A. King, lit 'si otic guilty above all Galileans, the favorite infatuated with lots wrnoio naon oi unnxing sr. well able to answer the Prosecutor for the the woll known aeronaut, will mako expa tniontal as rowing, running and walking, for there are few among them who can do any one of theso to excess.

They nave lauen unaer me mnu censions during tho Summer, was began. balloon whicltuey jointly aipeared, and which were either writtjn or revrangod by themsolvesTtn one of these people. targets for the lightning are trees and church steeples, which offer strong attraction is 05 foot in diameter and holds M5.UUU tabic feot of things well, even though it is admitted that nicies Mr. oughara lappoarea as iiorace ureoioy, When, however, Mr. W.

D. riowe, in tne before tho Coroner, have Joined in a letter to Dr. Hull denying that any importance was attached to the Btatement mdo by ex convlct Purdy regarding him. Tho lottcr, which is signed by Superintendent Walling, Coroner Woltman, District Attorney Rollins and Captain Williams, also Btatcs that there is nothing in the history of the crime that suggests the sUghtost Inipa sition of the minority, mid was vetoed by Mr. Hayes, thus declaring tho purpose of tho Republican party to cleave to the partisan election laws to the bitter end.

It was obviously useless to embody the repealing sections in a separate bill, and tho majority, steadily endeavoring to effect its objects conservatively and without going to the extreme of refusing appropriations, divided tho big Appropriation bill into two parts. Tho first part provided for the legislative and executive appropriations alone, and became a law without difficulty. The second bill made full appropriations for the courts, and contained an item of $000,000 for marshals, with sections prohibiting the use of any of the money for the payment of partisan deputies "under the Federal election laws, aud repealing the jury test oath. This bill, known as the Judicial Appropriation bill, passed both Houses, against the united opposition of tho minority, aud was vetoed by Mr. TTavns it, in effect, prevented the em gas.

In Bhapo it is a porfect ball. The larerlal la two to the bolt. Two churches were smitten yes there has been a decided advance in tne inter fresh exuberance of getting a more lovely case thicknoBEes of Irish linen, oi tho bet: qulity, and the ence of it so mucti mat seems impossible ior them to arouse and throw it off. Knowing such men and feeling that this society was organized for the redemption of Just filch noble men, I camo here to day. Any niovomont Involving tho making of mou moro dignified and moro self respecting 1b a noblo ono.

Now wo all know that total abstinence and intemperance havo i. ,1 iir nrfRre. Tliev have been flBhting oaoh other drcised in wlito ovorcoit and hat and Mr. Burton appeared as P. I'.

Banum receiving presents for Jenny i bid ono of which was a woodon log, if sho Bhould terday, one in Lowell, and one in est taken in them by women in the past few ball is covered with a doable network to upport tho than usual, dilates on Regina vs. Brown, Jones and Robinson to an admiring reporter, with Augusta, Me. The danger of standing under fvork bajket, car, which iB In the shape of a hugo wicker years. Something more than passive interest. happen to tfivel on tho Erlem Railroad.

Another was Timiis.nd Milliners Wantod," in which Burton SUMMER FIATS KOR UK.VTbKMKN. TOUTILS A.VI HOYS! MAXj rACTbTIlKRH OK THK OKLKHHA ri MACKINAW" HAT IX A Lb ORADK8. PRICK a7ti F(lLTON 6TRKKT. a tree in a storm has been so frequently pointed tatlon against and he is authorized to rnano snch use of tho lotter as ho desires. Purdy has flod from Now however, is wanted, if tho sex desires a higher capable of holding a dozen or fifteen parsons.

Tho balloon is Inflated with hydrogen gap, objkiucd by tho tho view to Bhowing beforehand that no jury clearly verified that one wonders York and his whereabouts are unknown. standard of physical health and beauty. can possibly convict Mr. Chastine Cox because decomposition of Eteam. The in a for years without any very decisive results at any rate it may be callod a drawn battle.

Total abstinence de mauds sumptuarv laws and severe excise regulationa and laws, and has always had a personal warfare with liquor dealers. I dou't mean to Bay that men who have nim nrnann in favor of total abstinence have played tho 4cad milliner and Brougham the assistant, Burton poising over tho homelier applicants to his as. slstaut wiilo ho entertaine tho handsome ones him why anybody nowadays should be guilty of it, Mrs. Phebe Hanaford preached yesterday in ho once had sunstroke in tne boutn and oe Jersey City on "Robberies. Murders, Safeguards ana except upon tho theory that a person out in a cause there is no satisfactory evidence that he Bhcd at ono side, and in front is a huge drum, around which ia colled tho cable, which ii) to hold tbj balloon the earth.

The work of inflatioif began Saturday ovoi ing and was going on yeBterijy, and tho balloot Commonplace stupid fraud is something which the community will never pardon, but self. Atpo opening of this farce, Burton and his assistant' had to Bhavo off their beards to prop storm prefors taking the small cnance or De Penalties," and criticised certain dally papers ior tuo attitude assumed In connection with the Hull tragedy. tho death of Mrs. Hull, we think ho is been malicious in their denunciation of tho liquor dealers. But thoy havo nevertheless denounced them 'as thieves and outlaws, preying upon and tho linuor dealers do not like it.

fraud with a clover streak of originality ino struck by lightning to the absolute cer a littlo premature. Unlike the learned coun was about one third filled: The Jnolosure it erly pesonate the female characters, and Bomo of the crly callers found Burton with only one sido of his faX shaved. After his early acquaintance with She oritlclsed tho Coroner's inquest and tho autopsy Ut, tho case, and Bhe hoped tho timo would come when Judicious, matronly, Christian women would have about 150 feet across, and tho Cintre of this selor from London, the EAOLEhas no wish mini Honor dealers, and among them running through it excites in its narration a not unpleasant feeling. Such originality waa tainty of being wetted to the siuu. xnere is general belief, moreover, that the oak is of all iro tho.

most powerful magnet to the the Croat bouyant bubble of Ilran and cords was sway mn and truo men. men who when the oc mirtni in London, Broughaia undertook the manage for it aro always willing to give liberally of ing and tossing, under the of tho gas which, to prejudge tho case, feeling, assured that perfect justice will be meted to Mr. Cox A rhihifp.rl lw an inerenious porson named place In every inquest which referred to tuose oi tueir i i. I. in, of vmrtisau deputy marshals ment jof the London Lyceum, Thoro he wrote and pro was pouring in through ai eight inch piio.

Band bagi although the belief has not vi.ui several plays, one of which waa "Tho Demon, Gardiner Black, who hit upon a method of to control Stato elections. The majori whon he comes to be tried. But when own sex. one zavoreu ifiicu Justice wore for any Jreason defeated, and thought tha nearest lamp post the place for the hanging of the attached to the netting by hoc, held tho thing down o' i to our knowledge, been scientifically veri ir. writing which he was assisted by Mark Lemon, of their means for the advancement of any good purpose and the furtherance of civilization.

There are many uoblo fellows among them and whon they are denounced us they havo been denounced their antagonism is roused and they say, Oentlomen, we are engaged in a lawful, business, wo Day for It and we propose to ad raising money which has probably never be to tho earth, and a force of a cozon men were attend the Tombs lawyer denies that Mrs. Hull of iha lmnds of his client, it is PwKh. He helped jjoucicttiu nw jouugn as murderer to take place. ty, perceiving that their opponents, including the Executive, had a better caMci tv for retail business than for wholesale A NKW STORY it MRS. HARRIKT LKWLS, KNTITLKD AMBER.


JULY 7. S1JCET A SMITH, PROPRIETORS. surance.1 fied. If, as is possible, more casualties have occurred to persons standing under oaks fore been worked. Knowing the aversion which a prosperous and vigilant tradesman General WaUtor, Superintendent of the Cen in 1812.

over a third of a century ago, he came to here to it," and you cannct drtvo that class of men out not impertinent for us to ask what, then, sus, has adopted a plan whoreby the vital statistics are Kntrt. and opened at the old lirk. He went on in thunder storms, a simple explanation may did she die of. Mr. Vox nimsen very to bo made of value to the public.

Hia idea i to obtain business, and unwilling that tho courts should cifFor from the obstructiveuess of the minor of the business by any narsn means, inoroioro i say in view of this antagonism botweon tha liquor dealers on the ono side and the total abstinence people on the other and as long aa there is thla warfare why cannot tarring tour before becoming assocmoa wlttt Mr. Bur be offered in tho fact that the oak offers ing to them and keeping the letting Etraight. It is expected that tho first asconsiot will bo made this aftor noon or to morrow. The pimo object will bo to te the possibilities of air navition. Tbs balloon will np to tnj holght of about I 000 feet, aod will bo secnih ly fastened to the earth by system cf cables and wii lasses, which will precludt all posslbhity of its esct.

Peoplo who desire to go up and get an mitlook over miles of oountry in all directions, will have the otfor returns from all tho practicing physicians and surgeons kindly answered tho queBtion in his own affable must have for jury service which would keep him away from his business for several days, he made the rounds of the small groceries in the assumed attitude of a go between authorized ton. In I860 ne opened urouguum uiuiu, ui nroau the United States, numbering 00,000 or aa to ity, aoain divided tho Judicial bill, so as to re golden mean, npon wa all meet and Join hands npon uv near Broome streot, which aitonara Became Vial more umbrageous protection from the rain than any other tree', and outlives many a tall and easy way by saying: "I'm sure cann the deaths ocourring in their practice during the year moueration, moueratiuu, duce the lack of appropriations to tho smallest lack'B, and lator, Barney William's. Wlilo hero he wrote tflll what she died of, unless it was irom some platform oi uu jet tuo gwu ladies and gentlemen who behove only in tha efficacy of total abstlnanoe, let them go firmly which wiU end on the 31t of May, 1880. By the of Jurors to collect fees pine or hemlock which may also have received Tho Actress of Faaua ior uiwmtie i "fright." Our laws are so Bophisticai mat. Won of this plan Information can bo obtain 1 "om of hlh intclb.

lha P' dramatization of "David Oopperuold, tad other popu nnlntlv on without using harsh names, for excuKinc such voters as desired immunity. a stroke. Being a hard wood tree, nowever, possible figuro oousistentwith the enforcement of the principles they advocated. Tho first bill contained all the necessary appropriations the payment of a Bmall fco. About ,000 is just possible a jury may conclude that, as II iULUfJ "fV" (UUIHI UI tunity npon lar nlayB.

In 185(5 7 he undertook the Management of Bnt I hold for joining with othors, with business men iitlni? and seeing the conditions of things, ticulars of death can be record either at the time of tho old Bowery, anu proaucea naug juu, wiui jir, Mr. Cox caused this tngui, no is respoubiuio and a bad conductor, it usually produces an explosion of the current, which, softer woods tue enterprise ums ia. eizo has ixaa construd, to Blanks are to tAthe conclusion that they most go npon a With vu woejoning beuel in tne genenu 6xponded upon corruption of politics one grocer at least was extra balloon of tho sam. ipon same occurrence or compare'. iy "r' and Mrs.

E. L. Davenport, William Vhoatloy, Kate for her death. But that is beside our argu calling for the place and for tho United States Courts, and easily became a law, together with provisions for the be used in caBe the otlwr chances to bs disabled. he sent to each business basis of common tense and try and induce men who mast drink to do so systematically and in moderating I sav that I don't mean to be understood do not, willing to "come down" with a dollar and a color, age, with Wo will answer the question, "What il.h, of de no Mmo llclgnolds ana otner also he wrote and produced a number cAnew and suc saw 1 1 nf thA rinmillaM and fflllKA HIE MC8I0.

Gllmore'B band had attentive audiences yes'lday at reneul of the iurv test outh and for reform in as Inviting any young man who had never Jrank to do J. F. R1AR.STER.S, MA.MIF JTURF.R OF FINK AROHKRV GOODS. I OK ASSORTMENT NOW RKAIJY. FOR iDIEH.

(iKNTS, OIRI.S AND BOYS. 0. or na for oatAloaun and price Ut. 53 Court it, near City Hall. "bROKLYN JO.


VODO a CO. 01 uirm iuu killed Mrs. better than Mr. lox half, bnt reason dawned upon him, ana seeing bis blackmailer a second time he caused his cessful playe. on in moaeraiioii.

I Ainjiniiim.i auu do, ugui nf death. At tha recent session 01 me unencau nieoi Becoming a member oi anscs couipauj no wrow ki vonfia men if yon have never put thu) poison in yoi" JTlf for owl' ak. flind and conM aed Ml Association in Atlanta, a resolution was aaoptca the Manhattan, and levy's solos wero applatuJd as of yoro. Tho now muau stand answers its puposo ad does, without traveling further than his own statement to tho police just after his arrest, It the methods of drawing jurors. This left only tho case of the deputy marshals to be attended to, aud that was settled by the second ni nieces, among which were iiomanco uc, ueamy, declaring it to be of the highest Importance that tha jh jrwnnd "Pocahontas." lit afterward U1UUU1, ui" applause.

nrr. ntrviiroAT, is fiATETEP arrest. The invoice dodge, professed and successfully played by an unknown swindler upon a Pierrepontstreetlady, has been exposed before. flnaue returns be obtained in una way. hom amin associated wth Burton, at Ttlpler Hall, mirably, and Gllmore says it is the Wet thag oi tno kind he has ever played in.

It is niMleledupon tho plan of a Blmilai in tho City cf Aoijterdam, in hhIa rlnncfhttrs of Mr. WiswcU, or bill, hich appropriated tjiGOO, 000 to the pay of wintor Garden, and prodioed his own piyof "Co Mr. C. V. L.

Morrow, UB8 "a0? audience, rose and Bald, f'01 Gcn6' Catlln tho rumBellcrs contributed as much as any The onerator merely calls upon tue iaay oi me United Kntes marshals, but contained a pro Europe. lumbus." Ho went to Loaion in iijoi, wrote the "Duke's Motto" tit Charles I'echtcr. Ho re nr twii to tha causo of civilization, house, who usually knows nothing about busi hibition witn penalty attached against using Morrislnl wero struck by lightning while at play yesterday, near Morriaania, and Instantly killed. They were sitting in the yard of their father's bouse when the storm came on, and the father had Just called out inner ii a 111" IV 0 MU. The trains which left the beacn si uiunu no rowded to thelrTiios? capacity, elgt.4 aid ten cars and I turned in 18(50, and in 1869ppened Boughamiineatro any of tho for tne payment of partisan HE SKAaiUE LIBRARY.


re w' I havo no antagonism ness, and tells her that a package has arrived by steamer, consigned to her, and that unless deputies under the i erni Election laws. This near tno rum acuuw fvw, ik.i.t ju going out on ever; train. The ehowos cecjed after Blx cool and pleasant. Alto t.k which wad destroy by Are in ISV3. Among jvS rumscUera.

I beliovo this (society is adapted to meet the caae of the rumeellora, and I believe tuo enterprlie hv tho BoriotV. if it cbnld be carried out on a is very observable that, as the oreaatui scene fades, day by day, further back into the past, Mr. Cox's memory takes a less tragic view of it, and distance lends palliation, if not "enchantment to the view." When the frightful scene was fresh, and a vision from his brother's grave had warned Chastine that Nemesis was on his track, and that his doom was sealed, he said "After throwing open the door, two leaps brought mo on the bed, and I threw the whole weight of my Vinrlv noon her." We believe that Mr. Cox a certain sum is paid for duties at once me gether the day waa one of the most tucsful of the bill passed both Houst. against the united opposition of the minority, nd has of course the many other plays writth by Mr.

Brougham are tb burlesque or travestie of 'finch Ado About a The Shoe Contract. It appears that in the course of the discus eion in the Board of Supervisors last Thursday of the comparative advantages of a five or ten year contract for the Penitentiary labor the enhanced price for the larger term was not fully stated. This was doubtless due to some misapprehension. Wo are, however, informed that under the ten years contract the county will get $10,000 per annum more than would be paid under the five year arrangement. In other words, at the end of five years we should be fifty thousand dollars better off than we would have been under a contract for five years only.

This is important, because it would seem to dispose of the point made by one of the Supervisors that the price of labor may bo bo much higher five years hence that more might be made by making a new contract at the end of that time than imlverBal scale, would go far with loiuo alight Aufrl Ilomi Marryatt 533. MaTd.fiff or Widow, nj Mrs Al xawl 531. Jului tldicate. by Anthony TrolMiw r.Tit nnl (l.nbbiu. br t.1irl! Lcti 10 vots I1cat .30 out.

season. beon vetoed, ana mere iue aUer is leit. changes to accomplish such a rcauH. But 1 mar have mifindoratood the eloquent gentleman, and. is a man of great influence, I would of Vonice," "Tho Lotter or uie, "Tho Emerald King" another ple or lOoenta Custom House authorities will turn it over to the general store, to the loss of the consignee.

This trick ia not new, and la seldom successful nowadays. A still less 524. or Mm. numcrr uwun West Brighton to them to como to hlro when a ugntning dou the tree near them, killing both at the samo moment. The eldest child wm struck on the forehead, leaving a large red'mark; the other waa struck under the chin.

The clothes of both children were burned and tho shoes torn from their feet. The brother, who was near the little girla, narrowly escaped. Both parents witnessed the death of their little girls, age six years and four and a half, and were prostrated by the sudden sorrow that had come upon them. A lady, who waa reading a book The Democrats have been an(j Uvrar Imprison or 1 oncpnruitifi nucn, 10 eenU Flint not like to hare the influence of hia name to go Though the proprietors of ho hotels at wnv obi. trail nnit Ihuns.

conservative throughout, whilo theu oppo For a while he edited A publlahed comic iaper, is indulged in writing omo West Brighton were nnuer uents have been inconsistent in the notiort th Uniterm ana with that 0 tho liquor traffic, ror 1 aa not re gam rum tellers af having in any way promoted civilization. rADDlaita Neither do I regard them aa in any way among tU beat men in the community, bnt I hope i. i nclornHV. luci House aud factiously obstructive in tu. original and equally annoying exhibition of dishonesty is seen in the boys who the newspapers left by the carrier on doorsteps.

It to tno weaiue. of Wg as mlght to complain of In the settled ira told the truth; we do not believe his sub py. tat roentU ptafl at to tho for Scandal" as Sir Ollvej Surface and In otner jjs, h.v. Vv.n untlclnatei. shall have the wisdom to aei mm mem cuarnmiu, THE OEHEBaL'B REJOINDEB.

still unceasing in a neighboring bouse, was stunnea ior a ume uy ins lightning. 1 rtiin man and said Tht gentleman fact th.t nothing short of heavy Ml effectually counterbalance is just possible that the urchins wno Degin tn attractions to which he charmed ty old en.inu 0 FREE EXHIBITION KIWIT. Ik irkat ckrmak pkodl'ot. Tin known for tUml dtre3iii and paiata complain DysrKP8IA It ia aj tawnt lDe tatta ai tne pun and rihllaritl to ino body tha vliex cogmo. Yox (tajir all dmaaiit.

trocers and public resort. tiiv. This was Tery iearly demon study of Iaroeny with newspaper thefts gradu oently, and notably Irtn tno has work 'l himself up into a frenzy without the slightest eictuw. because if ho had been listening and did not want an cicuao to make a apcech be could noi hare mis of the Beach on Sunday, MBtordav after BBOOKLYSITKS OS THE HABLKM. On the Harlem Kivcr, Saturday ate as swindlers.

strated by the magnitua. th fll s. loiiino ti see the crowds tnqnent etory that covering her mouth with his left hand he tore the sheet and made the bandana with his right hand and his teeth. In otho. words, we believe that Chastine Cox burkedx6.

Hull, and that it was from the suffocation produced by this burking that she died. Onoothe last victims of Burke and Hare in Edinbur wae a powerful idiot understood my remarke. I saia mere were men among 11 H.Rtarit trhn wrrfl aa noble men as can be Brooklyn, he received a lagnincom la no circle of eoolety wlfeh la not mado brighter bj presence, no enconntei of wit in which he doee 'i Bhlno to a4vantag oi eenlu8 lD noon, and it was island Rail issn nu from the Prospect Dr. Hull is doubtless much obliged to the rnvUnnir the verv beet men. Mr.

Thurber, the by accepting the offer now made for the next decade. 'What likelihood is there that labor will be so much higher five years hence as to Senate. The majority nave secured laa acceptance by the Exocutive and a portion of tho minority of a provision prohibiting the employment of tho army "to keep tho peace at the polls have secured tho repeal of tho odious and partisan test oath for jurors, including reform in drawing jurors, and have refused to provide any money for the payment of partisan deputy marshals to control elec tions in tho interest of the Republican or any other party. They have gained theso ends nr nruaiKtiiiz the failure of nf tliia sella Honor by wholesale contest took place for the "Ours" chaliengo medals. The race waa for doublo sculls and the crow conlted of w.

II. Scheper and John U. Clark W. A. Morris and William Eadlc l.

Walker and n. II. Ilalntcad, and F. New York offioials for their certificate clearing cf a pelting tlift rush of thp PLoud aDi'lause. I moan what I say, and there is no flndsnotafrlond.

Ma the bleesings oi onej be upon him for many ears. him of complicity in the murder of his wife jiti it in the Ittti7. Kw tha KKYf YilKK kMILY STORY PAPF.R. amount cf rhetoric and no amount or uua tu cuang I aaid there were men among the offset the lose of $10,000 for five years at least bv the Bain of tho succeeding five years We 8. Llttlf Jeorge W.

Bruton, of this city, owing 10 the iUni 1 Mr. Bruton, the lait named crew were com and true men as any but they would have done him a better service if thev had arrived at that conclusion before Fanny Davenport, tut daughter oi u. i auo hero. She was Indlng lady at previous aay, moderate esti "2 rPraeCbul at Beach In the mate. was atapiy th)t the day was In existence.

I said thoro wero mon among them who lit rflll willini? to cive. as liberally for OUT TO IAY. MNEEl) TO GO TO HEW YORK. AT W1IITK HA1U HTORK, think the likelihood is small. In the meantime pelled to withdraw from the raoe.

Time was cali at 1 o'clock. A large company aaeeiublcd to view bo con the confession of Chastine Cox. morning "10 h.wffltUe: prophet care 1 the advaMemont of oivlUzatlon aa mon in any other himinpin aro. AnDlauee.l I don't mean to uue incatre, piayingi nom mo management to C. F.

Hlan ae leading actor 11am Davidge, low coBidlan. She afterward with great succeis, throfehont thecountry, hor 'fl'' going to bo a to was looked It is proper to say that some of tho Supervisors have been acting bb though thoy wero cul 1 re not moan rumiellcrs, for thoro are oceans tost. Tho raoe was eloee and exciting and on ty Meesra, Clark and Scheper, in I la t. t. I T.itnrk will JLCTifiee Df S.

rl hftS boy, some 18 years of agp, Enticing him with drink, as was their custom, they urged him to lje down and sleep upon thu bed, which he proceeded to do. Watohing th moment of unconsciousness, as he reckoned, Burke sprang upon him, as Cox sprang upon poor Mrs. Hull, and pressed tho wholo weight of his body upon Denis Kearney wants to be sent to the Sen man ahn im Ihltl nnrflrir. onr HwitchB at A'l our fully avomeu Mon. uponMbcWgJ cum jaBtln 01 mem.

anu ny mcrc ther party, iffiey have gamed these tivating their personal interests rather than and our iwilclix 1 2.i tr 83 Sntcbf at ate from California, with tho view of improving the morals and manners of that body. iliey an. luniDter ana appwuse.j TEE I1A8T BHOT. IMI I I ISinp or permuting me iituuru MB. SWAVXE VTINIrOtr BB0KES.

Reuben Anderson, of .00 Pcan street, wna rrjrfere ith what would pcobablr bavs proved nme to interfere mm ufddedly fresh those of the community. Hair Front i. All (i noTultir as soon as toe? corns blf acb I and drt luj; nations except such as would the "bigger aw which timo It Mr Morrow dispute a member of the society m.y Biieh statement as being founded in fact, it is in fletlon. no matter from what souroo it for the corrupt control If Grant were in the place of Jerome Ka On aristocratically inclined bnt nevertheless considerably under the influonoe of U.juor on Saturday sorang np oou sprang SPOKTIXU. him in order to produ? suffocation.

The immediate apparitiorvff death and the instinct innlanu. iauilhter.l fistoemed contemporary, the World, is fortu poleon, he would neither back out nor hold off iron mer during tU afternoon FAIR GROU iSfi.rd aaid ha could not indorse all that Gen 1GHTON BEACH night, and staggering agalnJt the dhow wmuov, 01 air. Swayne'a book store on Fulton street, he broke one of the large rants of heavy P't glass, eroatlng a damage being i Livore ana uuivij oI LastBeaBoneheproducwadramatizationof the icoi Wakefield." She belong to a noted family of UorAthorwaB greaUVpraiBod or hi Sir Oilea Overreach. Her mother, stiffllving, and wcH known. playing at the Lyceum, ii irappori of Kate "Double Marriage," byCharles fteade.

Hor elstcr MIJ, a promlelng young mtross, played for a number oi nlghte at tho Standail Theatre In New York, lu conjunction with Davidg, in a abort comedy preceding "Pinafore." There is aiother Bister who lately appcarcu on the Philadelphia etie, with credit, and her young brother, Uarry, made i great hit an the young A dnurai in tho children'! 'Hniiore," in Philadelphia, Nov York and Brooklyn. MlsaTFanny ia unmarried, coneldercd beautiful, and la oni of the beat paying etara in the theatrical nate enouch to keep very cool this weather, CDHKV 1ST. AND. tUflt for Prince Fred. He would accept any re rj'catlln had said, but gentlomen who were invited to roused the idiot boy, as from of eeir preservation An ZoA deal of interest, Sir.

LoriJard's mag. arouse4aBoodfeai qj 01 ino ioncr uivna iL.vcn. rnii'ni, BVfin when considering so exciting an event as sponsibility that promised to nay. Kivri iv. SITLKUAY, Jaif roorin aj ba OA.

1 tniiA UUIT 7s Mrs. Hull, to a desper Tho Vaitr nrannfia ura iectMbU. of I fritfpeech, were at Uberty to express their own aenU flcontBu? wentihoro for y.UI' A IKilMlnn Sir. .4 A I the murder of an unarmed coachman by his of about V0. air.

Swayne was not insure a. as ne am not dosire to press the complaint against Andsrson, who is a respectable man, the Judge allowed the prisoner tj iremo effort the idiot 1 Tbo ownw. th0 A th much men irasoiblo employe We regratnfJfeovert The Sultan, having deposed the Khedive because he was unwilling or unable to pay his snon BYKafly an atttujHon of tha the mi dd Or. Nye, and shortly afterward tha meeting go home. Jntere.

1. The hotel which It bpporti is LSorveJthat itfaitt to regard muraer wim 1 defts)ishould convplete the good work by de very nrsi gotnaiotion mil Is of sttffic srror as one wouia expeci rapiaiy ptv" ooswjliunsblf for the same cause. bred and erudite a lour.

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