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The Brooklyn Daily Eagle from Brooklyn, New York • Page 3

The Brooklyn Daily Eagle from Brooklyn, New York • Page 3

Brooklyn, New York
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

THE FIUEMEN. From California. BROOKLYN DAILY EAGLE OFFICE, 2 p. M. By Telegraph 10 Brooklyn Daily EaleT Cite fjUtos anft (jgssig.

MONDAY EVENING. To Subscribers in Williamsburgh. Persons residing in Lie Eastern District can have the Eiolk left punctually at their residences, by leaving their Holmes' book store, S3 Fourth street, near South 6th. Communic.VionB and advertisement for tho Eaoxe left there will be promptly uttended to. Greenpoint.

Persons residing In Grectipohit can have the Eaole served regularly at their houses by leaving their names at the Post OmoE, Franklin street. AUCTION 8AI.E8. JAMES REJVW1CK, Auctioneer: By J. J. B.

RENWICK. WU1 sell on January 10th. At 10K clock, at 11 3 Pulton avenue Brooklyn A general assortment ot Furniture ths atock of a dealer retiring from business, con8 8tlni ol'chSfrs tables; washatands. lounges, clothes dosetl Sifi ptoves. Also a lot of shelving, il tda? cSsel clock Ac Sale positive and without reserve.

7 a8ca jj i WILLIAM M. LITTLE, Atjcmcj; 337 Fulton street. Brooklyn. Will sell atauctlou on Tuesday, January 10th. AtlOKA.M.

In front of Bennett's Hotel, near the Ut i BPy 0,1 avenue. 1 IiS i av W08OTJS. 1 Lumber Wagon, with eliptlc springs; a Pasbiso CoTOTKEntix Monst. An attempt was mado on Saturday night to shove' somo of tho old counterfeit t'l bills of Ihe Freehold Banking Co. of New Jersey, in different parts of the city, but the Pollcu getting wind of the proceeding, blacked the game, and three of tho operators were nabbed.

One of them, named Samuel Wordon, was brought up for examination before Justice Cornwell this morning, lie tendered the bill in tho house of Joi, Waller, corner of Henry and Middagh street, in payment for a drink. The barkeeper had received notice a few moments before, and officer Ellas hajipenlngto be in the hotite in the time, Worden was given Into custody. Ho was committed in full to await the action of the Grand Jury. A Ois Sling. Catharine Martin and Alice Manahan, are neighbors and they reside on Broadway, E.

and have been in the habit of spending a good deal of time together in friendly communion. Friday they met at the house of Catherine to enjoy a little friendly chat and warm gin. Mrs. Martin expressed her opinion on some subject in a manner that not accord with tliu views of Alice. Hard words ensued and to settle tho diaputo Mrs.

Manahan threw the gin sling into Catherine's face, who instead of feeling complimented by this remarkable sacrifice on the part of Alice flew at her and as she expressed it heat her within an inch of her life. This being a wrong that even gin could not cure Mrs. Manahan h'it Cnllinrino arrested. And this morning the dilfer ence between these tried friends was to be settled before Justice liyder. Soon to Keti.kk.

Miss Kale Wilson has been for the past six mouths sojourning within the classic precinct of the Penitentiary. Six months ago she expressed to Justice Fox her contrition for the many sins of commission and omission, of which she had been guilty. In order that her good resolutions and promises of "amendment might be carried out, the judge sent her to this safe retreat, where she would be free from the contaminating influences ofa sinful world. On Fridav nor term of probation expired, and she returned to the scenes of her former glory and traveled round to renew former acquaintances, but unfortunately these were very numerous, and her reception was so cordial and hearty, that she was quite over come, and continued to wander about all night, quite oblivious to everything. At a very early hour Saturday morning, she was taken in charge by olIlccrBollof tho 6lh Precinct, who said she was very drunk and almost froze.

Justice liyder, believing that it was not safe for the fair Kate to go at large, sent her for sixty days to her former residence. A Strange Confession. Some days since Capt. Mc I.ane, of the8lh ward police, arrested a man on thecharg of petit larceny, and having been convicted on similar complaints heretofore, he was found guilty and sentenced to the penitentiary for six months. Whilst umier the i BROOKLYN, jAKUAit.

3u, liW. At a regular meeting of UNITED STATES ENGINE COMPANY to. 4, the following preamble and resolutions were adopted: VVbcroas. II Is with dctp regret that we receive the resignation of our esteemed foreman and friend, and reci jTint iiU reclgnatbn as foreman of this Company, we hope that he will sUU rctnuia with us as a private member. lh reforcbe it Resolved.

That in lb retirement of Ralph Kirkman, wo hhve lost the services or a valuable and efficient officer, hose attention to duty is deserng of all praise, and whoso uniform kinduefs and courtesy will ever be reaiembered with feeiiniisor gratitude. Resolved That the forogoing preamble and resolution bo signed by the oilicers or tliis Conipany, andpublished iu the Brooklyn Daily EAOuandTunrs. GliOKliE VEHITZAN, Foreman. f.EO. W.

Mctkler, Secretary. jaj ft HOLIUaV GOODS. jIVTS! GIFTS! or the HOLIDAYS not only, but FOR ALL SEASONS. Al TUB GREAT METROPOLITAN GIFT ROOK STORE, 311 FULTON BROOKLYN. An unequalled assortment or Books In every variety of binding, by English, French, Oerm.m and American Authors.

Annuals, Albums, Souvenirs and gilt books or all descriptions, In unsurpassed variety. All these will he sold at THE LOWEST RETAIL PRICES, and an elegant and valuable present worth from V) cents to WOO, given to each purchaser at time of sale. All the new works received as soon as publLAe.1. Purchasers of Books may rely on finding as compute an assortment of FIRST CLASS BOOKS as any other similar establishment in the whole country. Call and see for yourselves at the Great Metropolitan Gift Book Store, r.iTSIt FULTON STREEr.

jSJ near Pierrcpont. FKMEMBER, REMEMBER, REMEMBER, that every of a volume of the Great Metropolitan Gift Book I Store, OH Fulton street, receives fts a gift na clesnnt nrti I cle of Jemjlry. Buy yourbooks at tUU csUUisHment and savu I MONEV, TLMKAND TttOUBLK. d20 lv JLECTUKES. LKCTUKKS BV DKSCUribEll THE REV.

HENRY M. SCUIOKR, M. P. Will deliver his Course of I URKS I I) I A. IN NEW YOKK, AT THE COOPER INSTITUTE, Co mm end fi it MONDAY EVENING, fth.

AND AT THE PLYMOUTH CHURCH. BROOKLYN, Comnifiieiiif; TUESDAY EVENING, Jan. 10. On Mtcmnt'J eveninB MONDAY and WEDNESDAY, In New York; TUESDAY and THURSDAY, in Brooklyn. 1.

gi'BJKCT of India Their furious Customs Fakirs Indian Hermits Hindoo Wit and Hindoo Women. II. iSt'EJECT Physical Peculiarities and Beauties of the Country The Literature of India The Athletes and JutH 'lers of Hindostiin. III. SrBJECT Tho Brahmimc Priesthood to Dpsorii tion of a Visit to a Temjilecnvurins tnro than tenacrew ol'sround Mode of Worship.

IV. Subject The Ancient Hindoos and the Modern Athe nians, or Hindoo Pantheism and Boston Transcendentalism A Desert ot Hindoo Provi rlis. V. Critical Periods in the Histnrynf thcBriMsh Empire in India Stmie Hcuount of earlier Mutinies and Matsiicres TIjc Great lion Its Nature and Occasion The Attro cities; how far exuggerated Heroic Deeds Iethiy of India. Tie Lectures combine Instruction with Entertainment.

TicketE for the Course. 1. For a centleman and lady 1 50. Extra indies 50 cents. Teachers and Students Kr cents.

Single evcriinf: tickets 50cents For all the Bookstores and at the door on erenings of Lectures. Doors open at 7 to commence at 6 o'clock. RuOKLYi'i TABEKNACLE LEC TCRiie The Fifth Lecture HI be delivered 'v tlie REV. S. STOURS, On TUESDAY EVESINO.

Jan. lOtn Suliject FnEsrn IHstorv ash Spirit." Doors open at 7 o'clock. Lecture at 8 o'clock. Tickets rents. ja7 3t ERCAM1LE LIBKARY Eleventh Lecture of Winter Course, AT THE ATITENJJUM UT REV.

HENRY WAKD UEECHER, Subject Robert Burns His Life iind TUESDAY EVENING. Jan. 10. ut 8 P. M.

Tickets 25 cents each, ja7 3t rjlO THE NATIONAL DEMOCRACY THE A Democrats of that portion of the Fifth Congressional District comprised in the 13th, lith. 16th and 1Mb Wards, Brooklyn, ars requested to meet on MONDAY EVENING January Sth, between thehours of 0 and8 P. at the places nanied belor. for the purpose of electing three Delegates from eiic said Delegates to meet in Convention at MeCnllou corner or Grand and Eleventh streets on the Tuesdiiyevei 'UK al 7 P. and elect six Delegates wi.o are to iiiet in Convention ofthe Fifth Congressional Fdytrict at tb House.

31 Granu street. New York, on Wednesday tveninp. Jan. 11th. to elect two representatives for the Fifdi JmiKrcssionnl District to the National Democratic Conveztionto be held in Charleston.

S. ihe 23d of April i exi. The placesof meeting in the respective "Wards and the Inspectors ol lleclion are as follows Ward No. 50 South Sth street. Inspectors John Roanh.

Brown, John MeMahnn. 4th Ward Wilsun'a, North 4th st. Inspectors Jolui Bur ret, Jokn Goirey. Peter Keddinp. 15th AVard J.

MeCallmiRirs, corner of Eleventh aud Grand streets. Inspectors Andrew Cunningham, John Smith, F. Swift. lUth Ward Chas. Kiehl's, 110 Graham avenue.

Inspectors Chas. Eiehl. Ward. Henry Wieke. By order of sun appointed by the Stat Central Cominitte.

2t flBE ISA'IONAI, DE.M( KJKAT tC REPU BLI JL CAN OMMITTEE OF THE COUNTY OF KTNJS are requestei to meet at Montague Uall. on MONDAY EVENING. Jai. ftth'. for the purpose of organizing.

The old Committee wil meet at seven o'clock. GEO. OLNEY, Chairman. KOFF, Secretaries jH6t THE COURTS. riiEJiiMis THE COUNTY COURT AND COURT 'F SESSIONS OF KINGS COUNTY.

FOR THE YEAR ll, 1 hereby appoint the following terms ol the County 'ourt of Kings County, for the year ItHJO, to wit: Oil the first Sonday of each month, (excepting the month of Aucust) a' te City Hull, City of Brooklyn. Each of said 'erms will be held for the trial of Issues of Law, and for harini; and decisions of inotloiiH and other proredires. atshichno jury shall he required to attend. A Special Tern of the County Court will be held every Moiiday. at 10 eclock A.

(except in the month of August! at the Chamlirs of the County Judge, in the City Hall, Brooklyn. Al I do henry further order Unit Courts of Sessions in and for said Cimty of Kings, for the year I860, be held as follows, to wit: First Tnesdayif February, at the City Brooklyn. HistTursdayif May, at ssme place. First Tuesday 'f July, at same place. Second Tin sdy of October, at same place.

And that hothi Grand Jury and a Petit Jury he drawn and fuinmoned tontsnd each of said Terms of the Court of Sessions. Dated at3rooklyn, Jan. 2d. 1 IKI. SAMUEL OARRISON.

ja51aw4wTh County Judfte of Kings County. COEPORA'ION NOTICE Withers street grading fno Ewen to North Ninth street. A petition has teen presented to the Common Council of the Citv of IlokljTi, to grade Withers street, from Ewen to Ktn tli Mnth street, the Common Council have tixed the District beynd which the assessment for said Improvement slinll not ewnd. tu wit: one hundred feet, in depth on each side of aid 'Withers street from Ewen to North Ninth slreets. 1' emonstranct1, (if any) against the said improvement must be left at the Stret Commissioner's office on or before the 23tb day January 18ti0, as the Common Council witl finally act upnn the sme at their next ensuing meeting, or as soon thereafter as ctuvenient.

Dated Brooklyn, Jan. 7th, ISiJO. jay 2w JUARLES TINNEY. Street Commissioner. CiOKPOEATON NOTICE.

Monroe place rc i paving itlBelglnn Pavement. A petition ha been presented to the Common Council of the City of lireolyn. tore pave Monroe pla'o with the Belgian Common Council have fixed the District beyond which tl! assessment for said improvement shall not extend, to wit one hundred feet in depth on each side ol said Monroe plefrom Clark to Pierrepont streets. Keimaistrnncs lif any) against the said improvement must be left at tie Street Commissioner's Office on or before the fSth day of January, IWiO, as the Common Council will t'uml net upoiriie same at their next ensuing meeting or as st on thereater us convenient. Dated Brooklyn, Jan.

7th. 18tD. jav iv CHAS. TINNEY. Street Commissioner "jOTICE tho matter of opening liiuler J3i reel, fru Columbia street to the East River, In tho itv of Brookiyi To ..11 wl.oni it nav concern The undersigii'd Commissioners of Estimate and Assessment In the above muter, will mcetat the oflice ofthe Attorney and Ci miisellor of tluCity of Brooklyn, in the City Hall of said city on Tj ursday.

tie lUth day of inst. at 3 o'clock in the ollernoon, to bar the proofs and allegations of all parties Interested: nnd vill continue to meet by adjournment from linn to time, asmay he deemed necessary ami expedient. Al Ihe time aid place above specified, Title Deeds aud other evidence of Titlt should be produced. Dated Brooklyi, Jnniniry 7tli, 1 tiO. TO.

M. HARRIS, A ME MAG ILL. Commissioners. joTJd JAMKS PdJRI.EY, PURSUANCE OF AN ORDER OF ROD 1 WELL C. 1RA1XAKD, Surrogate of the Couulyof Notice Is heirtbv riven, aocnrdlrtK to law, to all persons having claims igalnst CHARLES WILSON, lata of the Citr ot Brooklyn, ddceaaed.

thattheyare required to exhibit tho jnme with the vouchers thereof, to the subscribers, the ese culors, it the cilice of Joseph M. Greenwood, No. ,1 Front street, in the City of Brooklyn, on or before the 16th day at March next, bated September 12th, 1859. MARGARET WILSON.) selJIawOmW JOHN WILSON. nal IpYKlTV DESCRIPTION OF JOB PRINTING i neatly executed at tbla offlce.

ARRIVAL OF THE ATLANTIC. The steamship Atlantic arrived at JTcw York this fire noon. Shu left At pin wall at 12.30 on the morning of the 2d, arid brings 250 passengers, besidOB nearly fjf: In specie. The principal consignee! are, A. Belmont $144,000, Wells As Fnrgo $174,000.

The news by this arrival is nearly all anticipated by the overland mail. The first Legislature of Nevada Territory mot on tho 15th at Genoa, and took measures for the immediate recognition of the Territory by Congress. Three schooners had arrived from Japan during the week, bringing full cargoes of rich Japanese ware. The advices they bring nre to the lDtli of and are itn porlnnt. The difficulty respecting Russian currency continued.

Lacquered goods scarce, and advanced 2ufJ per cent. The Government was throwing obstacles in the way of trade, and had Issued orders that no Merchant eell over 50 picnics per day of any article. The Powhatlan waB to sail from Kauagawa on the 22d of February', taking the Embassy, which was to consist of two chief ambassadors, eight ei, i.lllcials and lll'ty subordinates. The Embassy would proceed to Panama via Islands. Al the Isthmus they would take passage in a frigate and proceed direct to Washington.

There was a rumor at llaks.ladi that the English consul had ordered the English citizens to go armed in eonsenuenee ol' threats being made against them bv Japanese parties. American' from the Powlmliim had visited Yeddo. There was .1 Urge fire in that ity the 11th of November. The San Francisco papers are urging the project of a line of slcamcrsbetwoen that cityand Japan. Makkkts.

San Francisco markets arc 'juiet and unchanged. Anthracite coal is selling at twenty six by from yards. The overland mail of the November, reached San Francisco on the 19th nit. The storcB of Alexander fc in Sacramento sL, and M. were burnt on the niu'ht ofthe lsth.

Kalhauson is under arrest on suspicion of firing his premises. The American settlers at San Juan had held a meeting and adopted resolutions approving ofthe course of Gen. Harney, and expressing the opinion that the inland was American soil, and ought to be preserved 10 the United Stales. Advices from the Isthmus arc unimportant. The frigate Siiranac sailed from Panama on the 22d December for PiCalejo.

The Lancaster and Levant Advices from Valparaiso arc to the 1st. and Callao 12th December. News unimportant Advices from state that the Liberals had taken Barrangiulla. The constituent Assembly had met, and annulled all the so called unconstitutional laws of the Federal Congress WANTS.

TX" ANTED 25 FUR HAT TRIMMEKS. AT the Hat Manufactory, corner of Raymond an 1 Wil lowhbystp. ja93t TO ANTED BY A MIDDLE AGED WfJM AN, I a situation to cook, wash aud iron, or do the general housework of a small family. Can give respectable rcfer nc es Apply at 107 TiUary street. inthejstore.

ja9 If TX7 ANTED' 10 HIREA COMFORTajTLE cottage house, in proximity to theCity Railroad routes, at a rent not exceeding 275 per nullum. Would take the lower part of a housH, (consistinc of six or seven rooms) if cottage is not to be had. Address, stating terms, location, "'L s.Brooklyn I'. 0. ja9 2c TAVi'ED GIRLS TO WOPK 1 connection with a sewing machine, either to baste or follow.

Call at No. 18 Dennett, place, up stairs, between Nelson and Luqueer streets, east of Court jus it, "VJLj ANTED IF THE BOY, LIVING IN TT Brooklyn, who called, with his father, upon th subscriber, a few dnys since, will call apain. or either of them, thej will hear ofsomcthinct their advant me. 2t! P. G.

BERUEX.JIB Fulton Ftreet. WANTED TO PVKCIIASE .1. lot? of within one or two blocks of the City Railroad, and one mile of the C'lv Hull Persons havmslotsto dispose of will applv to the oflice of Q. KlNtr Architect, comer of Fulton and Orange street, Brooklyn, December Stb, IM9. 8 dftlm AJIHISE31ESTS.

LEIGil KlUING Mil 'Et RE" SAM XI 13 (formerly Fries Hotel) would inform his friends that the Coney Island Plank Road is in excellent condition mc parties. He will be happy to meet his friends as usual, havine all the accommodations required, a well stocked liar, with the choicest Liquors, huye and Supper Room, 4c. jaatf A JV Li A HALL XSt. OF Tlt NAPI'ER TANDY LIGHT ARTILLERY, uapt. it.

sinltu. AT MONT AG UK HALL. BROOKLYN, On EVENING. Sth January, 18C0. ickets One Dollar jat td "yVNTER GAUDEN.

No. fl77 BROADWAY. 1. TO NIGHT AND EVERY NIGHT VM11 be perforrrcd a new play, in five acts, illustrative of AMERICAN CHARACTER, AMERICAN SCHN'HS, AND SOUTHERN HO.MK3, Called the 1 OR LIFE IN LOUISIAN A. EVERY SATURDAY, For the convenience of persons living at a distance, A GRAND MATINEE.

THE OCTOROON. Will be given with all its splendid cast. Doors open at half past Twelve. Curtain will rise at half past one d30 tf A A TWENTY' SECOND ANNUAL BALL OF TUK EMERALD BENEVOLENT ASSOCIATION, AT MONTAGUE HALL. Coortstreet, BrnoKlyn.

TUESDAY EVENING, January 17. 1S60. Tlie proeee.ts, us usual, will lie appropriated for the benefit ef the R. C. Orphan Asylum.

TICKETS TWO DOLLARS EACH. Committer op arranoemrkts; JohnO'Mahooy, Doininick Colean, P. Derham, raincK wooney, awaro rriei, JarntB Tiner, VVui. 11. Turner, JohnFurrell, Jame9 CollinB, John Harvey, Grant, 11.

F. Coyle, John W. Sweeny. Cbas. Tinney, Edward J.

Maher, Chas Kerrlpan, Timothy smoud, Wm WGinl. Edward Glactten, IMirhiiel Mechan. Chas. Dohertv. John Dalv.

Refer Murphy. Philip McDennott, Henry B.Johnson, Win. H. H.igitn, Philip H. Grt.gan, Joseph O'Neil. J. Clancy. Edward McKittrlck, GeorceSweeny. Michael II. Haitertv.Joseph Hussey.

"vVm DouKLcrty, John T. Butler, Dowuey, Arthur McAvoy. Patrick Leach. John Flynu, Martin E. Deecan, Deestan, John Cooney, Thos.M.

Norton, Pa'rick Campbell. eran Euan, Cornelius Wiggins. Peter F. Mohun. Peter McCoy.

Hugm MeCrnssin, Richard McDennott Martin ormley, Martin Finncgiin. Lntyrence J. Gillick.Jolm Wallace, Rcrnard Clark, Daniel Coughtiu, JohnEgan. J. Geary, MICHAEL J.

DEEOAN. President. JOHN P. VICTORY. Vice President.

Thomas A. O'Neil, Treasurer. Jons Mcatee. Secretary. N.

B. There will be it meeting of the Association every MOtvDAY EVENING, at Mootame Hall, until further no tico. Tickets can be procured ot uay ot the above members. dfitillJal7 Butt Kit 'IHKA ill Between Hester and Canal streets. Proprietors Messrs.

G. L. Fox diui J. V7. LinoibI).

Orchestra Seats. 50 cents: Ooxes. 2i cents; Pit 12 cents, Dooreopen at 7 0 clock: commence at to o'clock. THIS EVENING The performance? will commence with LOUD OF i'Hli ISLES. To be followed by MOTHER GOOSE AND THE GOLDEN EGO.

To conclude witli THE IRISH TIflElI Sl'liCIAJL (NOTICES. flO LANDLORI'S WANTED A HOUSE suitnbl fora small family, or that can be shared by wo small families. Rent, paid monthly, in advance, not to exceed 5450. Location between City Hall ami Ferries. Possession a little before May 1st.

Please address "RECTOR," Brooklyn P. ja93teud' T.U KENT ON HAMILTON' AVENUE, NEAR Center at Court streets, astnreforSiS basementroooi 2: back room on 3d tloor 2. Also 2d floor of No. Dennett place. 4.

Enquire on the premises or at 37 Po ers street. ja9St" CITY CLERK'S OFFICE, BROOKLYN, DEC. 30. If 59. Notice is hereby given (hat the Assessment Committee will meet at the Committee room.

City Hall, on January 2eth, 180(1, at 7 o'clock P. to bear objections, if any there be, to the confirmation of the assessment roll for rt cradinKatid repuvini! Flatliusb avenue, from Eighth to I'Icveiith avtnues. By order of the Chairman. ja 1 td WM. O.

BISHOP. City Clerk. TVfOl'K'E 111 A NNL'VL MEETING OKTHE members or the PROOKLYN CITY HOSPITAL will be hebl al the Hospital on MONDAY, liith at 7X o'clock P. for the election of eight Trustees. ia7In II.

P. MORG vN. Secretary. TVO'I ILE TIIE MMUEKS THE SHAM 1 ROCK BENEVOLENT SOCIETY, No. 1, of the City of lirookijn.

are hereby notilicd to attend an extra meeting to be held ut their regular meeting place, Myr le Hull 1M Mjitle uveni.e, on WDNKSDAY, 11th at 7 o'clock, ruuetual is required as business of importance is to be transacted. By order of the President. Ja7JH DCKE PANNING. mill'. ELEVENTH HOUK1 IT IS NOT TOO LATE The lurking venom can be safely and surely eradicated; the worst state of deciy In the system yields to the wonder working I'Kll'SEMAR." Read Frailty." a book sold bj Dr.

BARROW, 1J4 iileeeker street. New V. ik. Price 25 cent ent free everywhere. Sold also ut Mx'tliecuries Hall, corner of Fulton and Pineapple streets, Br Y.

jab' lw ONLY IS" CENTS IUST THINK OF IT A splendid AMBROTYPE. Including a nice for is cei.ts. cumpleted. Larger sues reduced exactly one half noli. len, er prices.

Children's Likcno: Copies, Ac, pro portii.iiiilny thcap, at ULAU VKLT'el. SI Fulton lie w. en ami bat, rouee sm. a7 3t jpl'l'Y CLERK'S OFFICE, BKOOKUTOAN. V.

7th. lci. Allpeicoiis buvjng claims against the Water Celclinition oiim ittee, are hereby ,1 titie.i to iireient the same for ml jti mci 1 01 of the (Jity Clerk, 011 or before four clock P. M. on Jan.

WM. G.BISH0P, City Clerk. lV''K liiE KiKM )F JAMES WM" II UN, C0" 'Ussolved by mutual consent 1.. nis i. ct Iloni.

rfiie. I retiring from the Imsiness ulllbe.ou.luctcdbyJAMKS VM. IIl'N'1 KK. 7'i Fulhm St JAMES H'M. 1 1 'INTER.

IS 'OTJCEAX ELECTION i'Vili FT "Illf lei (if lll m.T.r rvitmi; 1111AM 11 1 'ic AflO ti. Atlnnlio cor. Cbntonstreer, on TUESDAY, Junu 17, isio. iHlweci.tlie hoursorosnd llo'elo in the iv no ri pursuant to the provisions of the Reviacl statutes, regu' ttlu l.c moneyed incorpi.ratio is I oft I'KINTING EXECUTED WITH NElT ness nd dUpatoii at thU office. bt amehtoan telegraph company's lixls, c.jtices gt Wflll st, N.

7. 292 Wasliington at, Brooklyn. Stock Market. Nsw Yuan, Jan. 9, SicCKS Are not very active.

At the opening prices were rather better, but leave offweak. Mohbx Is In good demand and rates arc firm at per cent, on call, amyj jSJX for short, first class paper. Sterling ExciiiKGK Is quite nominal. Chicago I RR Pacific Mail Icveland 'iolcdo 20K Cumberland Goal Galena Chicago IBK Del IP. Cent Jilt 5K Clere'd Pittsb'h' Panama R.R P27f Galena CMcaeo bs 75X 15 93 7 a.

ieni i ltis Illinois lj. nus. Clerc, Col 4 Cln 34M IMe bds71 Beading RP. 41 ErieUthbds Norwich Missouri tra Hudson KK 42X Virginia ti ErleRK 9 74 Y.Central RR 7 ...27 50 ')! nttv GOODS. FACTORY.

FL'LTON AYENITK, manufactureM tbewlinlrsaletr.Kie, to order, whik andblack CI1APE COLLARS, CRAPK SETTS, CRAPE VEIJ, CRAPE TRIM.MINT.iS, 4c Tonus Cash. Call on, or write for samples to W. RK.MBLRR, S3 Fulton avenue. NO RETAIL. jaS3l; MBPICINAIi.



HAYES' COUGH CANDY. Sold at 175 Fulton street. Sold at 175 Fulton street. Sold at 175 Pulton Btreet. Sold at 175 Fulton strefc Sold at 175 Fulton street.

nil Utf And by all Druggists. UOOFING. GUTTA II A CEMEriT HOOFING, Ths CmjAreST akdMost DuiiiBut P.oon:& is Uaa. Can be applied to old Shingle Roofs, without removing their NEW AND OLD TIN AND METAL ROOFS. Coated and repaired with GUTTA PER A CESIUMS, and warranted watkb tiqht.

Specimens and references can be seen at the office. i FULTON STREET, BROOKLYN, AND ,10 BROADWAY, NEW YORK. Opposite St, Nicholas IIoteL New York. BT36 JOHNS OBOSLEY. 1 70 rN(T I GUTTA PERCHA CEMENT ROOFING.

The most economical and lasting Hunting hi use. Is a sure cure for leaky shingle roofs, and applied without removing them. NEW AND OLD METALIC HOOFS OF ALL KINDS, coated with GUTTA PERCHA CEMENT. And warranted impervious to theweather. All desired information can befurnished bv anplving atthe office, 64 FULTON STREET, do 3m JOHNSON BROTHER.

Agents. CUPRF.ME COURT. William R. Foster ait. John Eilitf and others.

Wright Mf.rhiiii:v. Plffs Attys. In pursuance of a judgment order or this Court, made in tlie above entitled action, bearing date tlie yd of January, leO. 1 will seil by public auction at the City Sales Rooms. No.

343 Fulton st (opposite the City Hall.) in the City of Brooklyn, on the 1st day of February. lSoO, at 12 o'clock, noon, the following described land and premises: Ail thai certain lot of land with thebuitdings thereon, situate, lying and being in the City of Drooklyn. County of Kings, and State ol New York bounded and containing as fulluu s. to wit: Beginning on the easterlyside of Adams street which is fifty feet southerly from the southeasterly corner of Ad ams and Johnson streets: and nuinjxig tben 'ftrty ftnotwi, reel and nine i inches; thence southerly parallel with Adams street twenty four feet: 'hence westerly parallel with Johnson street one hundred and two feet nine inches to Adams street: and thence northerly along Adams street twenty four feet to the point, fir nlace of beginning; heitie tlie same pr' misea con veyedby the said William It. Foster and wife to the said John Ellis, Together with fill aud singular the tenements, hre ja2aivSwM '(ail7j "GEO.

REMSEN, Sheriff. QUPREME COURT. AYilliam Griswold acs't KJ Aaron Peckand othcrs. iuitNo.2. Plffri Attys.

In porsuance of a judgment order of this Court made in the above entitled action, bearing date the third day of January I will sell by public auction at the CitvSales Rooms No MB Fulton street, (opposite the City Hall) lu the City of Brook i.uc iai nay oi jreDruary.isxi, it 12 cioctnoon. the I following described land and premises: All that certain lot, piece or parcel ol land, wan the tiiuiiiinvs tiien on, situate, lying and being in the Sixth Ward of the Citr of Rrooklyn Kim Com t.y, and State of New York, bounded and described as follows, to wit: Beginning at a point on the easterly side of Hamilton avenue distant one hundred and twenty six (ltf,) feet nine (9) inches southerly from the coi nerformed by the intersection of the easterly line of linn ilton venue and the southerly line of President street: and tlillf A PRRtI ltf ml ft Hurt at fi.fl., Hamilton avenue lifty niielffil) feet ten rilh inches: thence MiutuciMicuj uii ou uuugue uuu nYeiiiv one tail leet seven (7) inches more or less to the intersection of a line drawn at right angles to said Hamilton avenue from a point on said avenue distant twenty (30) feet southerly from the place of becinning thence westerly on said last mentioned lin ami parallel with said first mentionsd boundary line of said hit sixty (ID) feet to the easterly line of Hamilton avenue; and theiicenortherly along the easterlyllne of Hauiilton aw nue twenty (20) feet to the point or place of beginning; together with all the right, title and interest of Aaron Peek to the land on Hamilton avenue to tlie centre thereof in front of and adjoining the above described premises Dated Brooklyn. Jim. ti. Ili0.

jaS2aw3wM tOitt) GEO. REMSEN. Sheriff. SUPREME COURT William Gristvold "airainVt Aaron Peck and others. Suit No.

1. Mass A Rodmak, Attvs. In pursuance ofa judgment order of this Court made in the above entitled action, bearing date the 3d day of January, IStiO. I will sell by public auction at the Cit Sales Rooms No. 343 Fulton street, opposite the City Hall in the City of Brooklyn, on the 1st day of February.

1600, at 12 o'clock noun, the following described lands and premises: All that certain lot, piece or parcel of land, with the buildings thereon, situate, lying and being in tlie Sixth ward of the City of Brooklyn. Kings County, and State of New York, bounded and described us follows, io wit Beginning at a point on the easterly side of Hamilton avenue, distant one hundred and forty six (140) feet nine (9; inches southerly from the corner formed by the intersection of the easterly line of Hamilton avenue and the southerly line of President street, and running thence easterly on a line at right angles to said Hamilton avenue ixty (60) feet; thence southeasterly on an oblique line twenty one (21) Teet seven (7) inches more or less to the intersection of aline drawn at right angles to said Hamilton avt nue frnni a point on said avenue distant twenty (20) feet southtrly from the place of beginning; thence westerly on said mentk ned line and parallel with said first mentioned boundary line of said lot sixty eight (li S) feet two (2) inches: and thence northerly along the easterly line of Hamilton avenue twenty (20) feet to the point or place of beginning. Together with all the right, title and interest of Aaron Puck to the land on Hamilton avenue to the centre thereof. In front of and adjoining the above described premises. Dated Ilrookhn.

Jan. ti, IStiO jaiiSawSwM Ws) GEO. REMSEN, Sheriff. Ul'REME COURT II i ram Bedi ll asruinst Eliza Elwoods and otners. A.

It. Crikkin', Plff's Atty. In pursuance ol a judgment order of this in the above entitled action, bearinc date the 20th day of December, ltjn9, I will sell by public auction, at the Citv Sales Rooms. No. 343 Fulton st.

(opposite the City Hall tn tlie City ol Brooklyn. on thc4th day or February. I.W. at L'Jo 'clock noon the following described land and premises: All that certain piece or parcel of land, situate, lying and being in the first division of woodland in The Town of Flaibush, in the Countv of Kings and the State of New York, bounded as follows, to wit: Beginning at the southwesterly corner thereof on the division line between the first ami second division, and also by woodland now or late of the heirs of the late Abraham Ditmas, deceased, and running thence north four degrees west, twenty chains and seventy links along the woodland now orlateof thesaid Abraham Ditmas, deceased, to the patent line between the Town of Flatliusb and the. City of Brooklyn; thence running easterly along the saiil patent fine one chain and twenty links to the woodrand now orlateof Jclm J.

Ditmas: thence running south four degrees east twenty chains and twenty five links along the woodlmd now orlateof John J. Ditmas to the division line between the first and second division aforesaid; thence running south seventy one degrees west one chain and fifteen links along the said division line to the place of beginning; containing two acres and thirty three perches more or less. Dated Brooklyn. Dec. 20, liof.

d21 lawoW f.950 GEORGE REMSEN, Sheriff. UPRF.ME COURT John M. Dagnall agaiust John C. Loeschcr and others. Saml.

Owes. Plffs Atty. In pursuance of a judgment order of this Court made in the above entitled action, bearing date 23d day of December. 1859, I will sell by public auction, atthe City Sales Rooms, No. 343 Fultoti street, (opposite the City Hall.) in the City of Brooklyn.

on the Itith day of January.ltjtiO. at 12 o'clock noon, the following described land and premises All that certain lot. piece or parcel of land.and tbebuildingsthereou erected, situate, lying and being in the Tenth (formerly Sixth) ward of the cityof Brooklyn.County of Sttteof NewYork. bounded and described as follows, viz Beginning at a point on the southerly side of Butler street distant twenty five feet westerly from Smith street; and running thence westerly along the southerly side of Butler street twenty five feet: thence sootherlv parallel with Smith street one hundred feet; thence easterly parallel with Hutler street twenty five feet: thence northcrlv parallel with Smith street one hundred feet to Butler street the phic: of beginning. Being part of four certain lots, known and distinguished on a map of four hundred and six lots between Court and Smith streets, made Julv fi, lt85.

by William Day. Surveyor, and filed by Anson Make as a map of reference, July, 1835, by the numbers 21'J, 237. 888 nnd 239. Dated Brooklyn. Dec.

23. 1 55. d24 2aSwS (953) GEORGE REMSEN Sheriff. OliDl NANCE FOR THE PROTE JTION OF ihe Bridge overGowanus Creek, known as the "Hamilton avenue Bridge." The Common Council of the City of Brooklyn do ordalu as follows ARTICLE 1. Section 1 No person shall ride or driugover Hamilton iivei ue Bridge, faster than a walk, under cue penalty of Ive dollars for each offence.

Citv Clfrk's Offick, Rre.oklyn, January 7th, 1 310. I. Wm.iAM G. Bishop, City Clerk, do hereby certify the foregoinE to be a true copy of the original ordinance now on flh in this oflife. ja9 td WM, G.


6 CEDAR STREET. NEW YORK, Manufacturer of Thamen's and Roofers' Bolder, Babult Metal, c. low for i i I i The Englc is also for sale at all the bookstores ami news depots In Greenpoint. 'Merited Compliment. The members of United Slates Engine Co.

No. 4, E. at their last meeting ijaid a well merited compliment to their late foreman, Ralph Kirkman, by the adoption of a preamble and resolution, which will be found in another column. Sr.Riois Fall. A woman named Bridget Martin fell on the ice in Washington avenue, near Pa cific street, on Saturday night, and sustained a fracture of the Biiiue.

She was taken to tho City Hospital. Died in Jail. Coroner Hortou held an inquest on the body of a man, named John Seott, who died tliis morning in the County Jail, of delirium tremens. He was committed to jail on Saturday, for a term of ten days, by Justice Corn well, for being drunk in the street. He said he lived in New York, was 34 years of nge, and had no family The Jury rendered a verdict of death from inteml pcrance, ODd the body was sent to the dead house to await identification by his friends.

City Mortality. The total number of deaths in this city last week was 110, of which 41 wvrc adults 7S children, 55 males and GO female. The principal discuses were consumption 16, infantile convulsions 12, inflammation lungs 12, infantile marnsniUF 5, scarlet, fever 113, congestion brain 7, Under one year of age 33. Natives of the United States 90, Ireland 21, England 5, Denmark, Scotland and Germany one each. Dime Savings Bank.

Thecrowd of depositors at this institution continued all through the week, amounting on Saturday to 211 depositors, and $4,820 "Whole number 3573, and 112,600. Said a high official to the President last week, "Your institution is becoming a great aunoyauce. My little son gives me no peace. He says, 'Father, don't buy me any Christmas presents, but give niethe money you would lay out for me, that may put it into the Dime Savings' Go ahead young America, and you will learn a lesson you will never forget iu afterlife. It will be perceived by our advertising columns that dividend has been declared of the interest, which we understand amounts to $1,080, which is paid out of $2, 300 earned by the institution.

Lectures to take Place. To morrow the Rev. Dr. Scudder will dolivcr at Plymouth Church the first of a series of live lectures on "India." Mr. Scudder delivered one lecture on the same subject a year ago in this city containing much rare and valuable information very pleasingly imparted, lor more convenient treatment he has divided his theme under five heads.

To morrow Dight be will speak of The Races of India Their Languages Curious Customs Fakirs Indian Hermits Hindoo Wit and Hindoo Women. The eleventh lecture of the very successful Mercantile Library course will be delivered to morrow evening by Rev. Henry Ward Beecher. Subject "Robert Burns His Life and Poetry." The filth of the Brooklyn Tabernacle course takes place on Thursday night. Rev.

Dr. Storrs is the lecturer. The subject is "The French History and Spirit." The next lecture of the course at the Brooklyn Institute will be delivered on Thursday eveuiug Jan. 13, by the Rev. E.

L. Magoou, of Albany Subject "Ennobling influences of Beautiful Art." TheRcv. Dr. Thompson, ofNew York, will also deliver a lecture on Thursday evening, at the Alh cntcum. Subject Hugh Miller." Melancholy Accident.

About half past one O'clock on Sunday lnonriiie: a young mau 20 years of age, named Win. Smith, residing in Colyer Greenpoint, was instantly killed in 1st North 9th street, E.D., being run over by Engine No. 11, while answering an alarm of fire in the 2d District. Smith had huld of the tonsjuo of the engine, which was going down 1st street at a rapid rate, when Hook and Ladder No. 1 was observed at the side of them in advance.

As the two machines passed, the front wheels came in collision, and this threw the tongue of the truck aronnd, striking Smith and knocking him down. The engine front wheel passed over his head and breast, and the real wheel over his neck, killing him instantly. He was picked up and taken to the station house of the EkhProcinct, where an inquest was held yesterday by Coroner Murphy, and a verdict of accidental death rendered. The remains were then taken to his parents' residence at Greenpoint. Explosion in a Percussion Cap Manufactory.

An explosion occurred iu a small building attached to the percussion cap manufactory of Dr. Isaac Goldmark, at the foot ot Carroll ftreet, on Saturday, resulting in the death of a mau named Charles BulUtiibaeti. The deceased was engaged in mixing the composition used in the manufacture of caps, in couscquence of friction, as supposed, the substance exploded. The force was so great, as to impel him. through the door, and several yards from the building.

He was lbuud lying on his face, and fearfully mutilated. Coroue Hortou took charge of the body, and will hold an iuquest to day. A few week since a similar accident occurred at the same place, also result imr in the loss of a human life. The deceased (Halleiibaeh) was a native of Germany. In a.

letter ready for mailing, which ho had written to his friends, he stated that lie was engaged in a money making business, but that it was very dangerou and that he was liable at any moment to be killed. He was about twenty nine years of age, and without family. The proprietor of the establishment was absent in Philadelphia at the time of the explosion. Police. Served him Right.

Joseph Tabln was sent to tho Penitentiary by Aid Smiih lor thirty davs for indulging in the luxury of thrashing his wife. Di. oiiiiekly. Chas Knck was brought before Justice Ryder tins morning charged with keeping a disorderly i house in WyeliofT st. K.

1. He was held for further examination. CouNTEitraiT Bills. Counterfeiters were busilr at work on Saturday night, and a number of worthless "bills were passed in dim rent parts uf the city, before the fact was ascertained by the police. The bills weru altered on the Albany Exchange Bank, and 2's on the Freehold Banking Company, N.

.1. Tne police succeeded in arrest ing Samuel Woidnii anil John i'lynn on the charge of parsing the bills. Beat Hib Wife. George Trammer hammered his wife, an indulgence that has already cost him two terms in tho Penitentiary, but beiuir unn'de to break himself of the habit, he was guilty nrilie oftenee again on Saturday last, and this morning justice him back to his old quarters for three months, to break him ifposniblo of tills proclivity for wife beating. Lote Mr, Love My Deo.

John Koth was arrested, on Saturday, for committing an iissault upon John Krolman II nppcara Unit the difflculiy arose from Krolman administering sundry kicks to n'b. ast of a ing the pronerty Koth, who regarded anyiudignity offered to his doir as an insult to hinisetr; he lli. incontinently pitched into John, and gave him a sound thrashing, for "which he was tins morning: brought before Justice Ryder, to bo dealt wita as the law directs. Gitnoraiitn Win. Ormipe was brought before Justice Kydercliargedwiib robbing John Becker of of ut nl'Jll Becker, it seems, was stopping at thebonteol Mrs.

Whnrferon Flushing and mi'lur the Influence fatigue ami bad brandy, he wen sloe i. and while in this oblivious state Win Groupe abstr rid his pocket book and took therefrom $1 1 rs Shairer rV'S') 'I' Ihe P' Informed "er onifhe was at once liefer Justice where he acknowledged the got sentenced to two months in the No Matteii, John F. Ourner. who livesin 8iinliird st. h.

1). was brought before Alderman Smith i the 4th Precinct Police Court charged with violently ing his wire and children. Corner has been on ever 6inco Christmas and lias several Mines beat who a lew days since was confined. On Saturday iust lie went home drunk and pulled his sick wife from her hc, threw the infant upon the floor, and severely beat a link! girl four years of age. The cries of Mrs.

'Garner and the children arrested the attention of the ue'ghbors who interfered and caused the arrest of the drunken brute, jail. His case will be tried before the Court of (Sessions. hK liivSXVronri TVrfv Silt iew oi neavy itou. "am wagon ixaraess. AIoa i ja63c A COLE, Auctioneers." Ko.

FTJI.TON BTKEET. BROOKLXH. Mostaook PmckJ PErtlcular attention given tothesale of Household Fu aiWrt 2j.prl,v.tttSt Advances made on roStenSeiSoi Merchandise Gcode taken os storae" Cash advances made on Merchandise Monev ti I on llnnq and Mortgage. vOSJil HEGEMAIAuTuoVJIerT CENTRAL SALESROOMS, OORNRR tvTIjLOUGHBY AND PEARL STREETS' NEAR THE CITY HALL. BROOKLYN JAMES E.

UNDERHILL, Auctioneer. BY HUCJHES UNDERUILL. BJIOOKLVN EXCBANQE, No. 25 COURT STRHICr n.4 TJ.wlll give their personal attention to the sales of Rea Estate Stork Fumitiirg and MrchanrupoI' vrv ift. M.BUJCAi.

IVI KB. 1 NSLuVV, AN EXPERIENCED NTJRSEANTl FKMAI.F. PHVainim .1.. SOOTHING STRTJP, FOR CHILDREN TEETHING Which greatlyfacilitatesthe process of Teeming, by softening the gums, reducing all inflammation will allay ALL PAIN nd BpaasmodlrT action, and Is SURE TO REGULATE THE BOWELS. Depend upon it, Mothers It will give rest to yourselves, and RELIEF AM) HEALTH TO YOUH INFANTS.

ye have put up and sold this article for over ten years is coNrmEMca and TRCTH01 it. what we Have neverbeenabie to say of any other medicine. HAS IT FAIL SINGLE IN EFFECT A timely used, know an in MRS. WINSLO W'S SOOTHING SYRUP. I ft ED IN A STANCE.

TO KB. when iNever did wa Isfactlon by any one wuo useil It On the contrary ail are Tolis hfr wft.h It rwl BpcaMn terms ofhigfcest commendation of its magical etTects and medical virtues. Wespeak in this matter "what we do knou," after ten years experience, and pledge our reputation FOR THE PULPILLMKNTOP WHAT WB HKKK DECLARE In almost every Instance where the Infant Is suffering from pain and exhaustion, relief wilt be found in fifteen or twenty minutes after the Syrup is administered. This valuable prepaiation is the prescription ofone ofthe most EXPERIENCED and SKILLFUL NURSES 111 New England, and has been used with neves iMnjMa boo CESHin THOUSANDS OF CA3I S. It not only relieves the child from pain, butlnvlgoratesthe stomach and bowels, corrects aeidity, snd gives tone and energy to the whole system.

It will almost insr antly relieve Ultlfirvu IX THK BOWELS AND WJfll UUljlU. and overcome which, if not. died, end in: lieveittheBEST: medt tite! caaesolDYSENj ARRHO.A IN co nlslsna. speedily reme death. We belaud SURE3T BE in all j'I'ERY and 1)1.

OH I I.D RH FOR CHILDREN TEETHING. wbetherit arisesfromt eethlng orfrom anyother cause. We would say to every mother who has a child suUering from any of the foreyolng complaints, do not let fona paajcoioss, nor tiik PRKJcniCE or OTHEP.S stand between your suffering child anil the relief that will be SURE yes, ABSOLUTELY SURE to follow the use of this medicine If timely used. Full directions for using will accompany each Imt tle. None genuine, unless the fac simile of CURTIS PERKINS.

New York. Is on Mk onWde wrapper. pr Sold by Druggists throngho the world. Prlnelpaj Oflice. No.

13 Cedar streeUNew York. Price only 25 cents pe, bottjf rail 1 HUSIKESS mjllCKN. rrTi FULTON STREET. BROOKLYN. 76 I TO THE PUBLIC.

JAMES WM HUNTER'S Wholesale iiml Retail Establishment is the only place you can rely upon getting a pure article ol genuine French Brandy. Ilo'dand Gin. pure Irish Juihone Dublin and Cork Malt, pure Scotch and Mononga helaWhiskies, Wines, Port. Sherry. and a 1 kiuds, In wood or glass, expressly for family use: Scotch Ale.

London and Dublin Brown Stout, pui spirits to suit mirchase' s. New Euglacd and Jamaica Rums. All the above he will sell either in orout of bond, or will retail at wholesale prices. Call in and see his stock. Don't forget the number, 7H FULTON STREET.

JAMES WM. HUNTER. All orders promptly attended, and delivered free of charge. ja9 Bin FINANCIAL. yvMK savings bank, 2 post office bL Buildings.

Montague street. January 7. lHtlO. Notice is hereby given that a semi annual dividend at tho rate of ti percent per annum on sums 500 aud under to Al n.J.:,.. I o.n, li.i l.ctrn UeularCll pavahle to the depositor! on and after the 19th JOHN A.

CROSS, President, Vi M. W. Edwards. Treasurer. ja9 MECHANICS' BANK, BROOKLYN, DEC.

1850. DIVIDEND The Board of Directors have declared a semi annual dividend of Five per cent out of the profits of the six months ending 31st payable to the stockholders on and after Tuesday. January 3d. d30i0d GKORGEW. AN i'ACTUKERS' BANK, liRooKLTN, LTJ N.

Dec. SIst, lioP. DIMDEND A Dividend of Five per cent has been declared payable ou demand. in3lw T. C.

DISBROW. Cashier. DIVIDEND CENTRAL BANK OF BROOKLYN A semi annual Dividend of three and one half (3ipcr cent, has been declared payable on demand. JOHN K. PRUYN, Cashier.

Brooklyn. January 3d, I6f0. ja310d ATLANTIC BANK DIVIDEND A SE.MI Anuual Dividend of Five per cent on the capital stock of this nk has been declared out of the profits fur the six months ending the 31st payable on and after the 3d day of January next. The transfer book will be closed until the day of payment. By order of the Board of Directors.

WM. C. RUSUMORE. Cashier. Brooklyn, Dec, 23d.

1850. d24 2w Brooklyn savings bank, 3d, letStf. Interest at the rate of six per cent per annum on accounts not exceeding five hundred dollai s. and five per cent, per annum onsums of greater amount, was credited on the 1st tosuch depositors in this Bauk as were by Its By Laws and regulations entitled to the same, Interest n.yable after the 16th inst, and, when not wlth drawn, will be entitled to interest upon the same conditions as deports. Bank open daily from 10 A.

M. till 2 P. M. Also every Monday evening from 5 to 7 o'clock, By order. HOSEA WEBSTER, ia2w President.

SOUTH BROOKLYN TION. Dec. .10. 1859. SAVINGS' INSTITU Depositors are hereby notified that Interest atthe rate of six percent per annum on allsums entitled thereto, from $5 to $o(HI.

and or live per cent on all sums over $500, will be credited to depositors on the first day of January next, nay able on and after the 20th. Interest not called for will be added to accounts as principal and drawinterest accordingly. Monies deposited on and previous to 10th January, will draw interest from the 1st, Bank open daily from 10 to 2. and on Monday and Satur dav evenings from ti to o'clock. IRA SMITH, President.

C. Secretary. d303w fH'ST MviDEND BROt'KLYN FIRE 0 SURANCF. COMPANY The Board of Directors have declared, a semi annual Dividend of TEN dO) PER CENT, on the Capital Stock of the Company, out of the profits of the last six months, payable on and after the 1st of January net. at their office No.

I'l Merchant's Exchange. N. Y. The transfer books will be closed on the'iOth Inst. Byrder.

WM. F. LEGGETT, Secretary. December 14th. 1859.

dl4 lm G' FFICE OF THE" LONG ISLAND INSURANCE No, 41 Fulton street, Brooklyn. December 24tb. 859. Dividend The Board of Directors have this day declared a semi annual dividend of Ten (10) per cent, payable on aad alter the 3d day of January ensuing. The transfer book v.

Ill he closed until that date. d24 lm WM. W. HENSIUW. Secretary.

OFFICE OF THE MECHANICS' FIRE INSURANCE No. 1 Montague street, Jan. 3d. 1SC0. The Board of Directors of this Company have declared a semi annual dividend of Seven (7) per payable on demand.

ja31m WALTER NICHOLS, Secretary. DIVIDEND NASSAU FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY OF BROOKLYN 1 he Board of Dire of this Company have this day declared a semi annual dividend of ten per cent, payable to the stocknolders on demand. January 3d, 18tH. ja3 lni J. BE1KMAN Secretary.

BROOKLYN CITY RAIL ROAD COMPANY The annual election for't'hirteeii Dlrectorsof this Company will beheld at the office No. 12 Fulton street, on MONDAY. January 9th, from 12 to 2 o'clock P. M. Dated Brooklyn.

Dec. 31. ltop. d31 till JaS C. W.

BETTS, Secretary pro tern. KtToKl.YN AC A Dt iM OF MUSlC' THE annual meeting of the Stockholders of the Brooklyn. Academy of Music, will be held at the Polytechnic Institute, on FRIDAY EVENING, January 13th. at 7 o'clock, ul accordance with the provisions of Article 11 of the By Laws. A full statement of the financial condition of the Association wlllbemadebythea! COOKE HULL.

Secretary. Brooklyn. December 29th. d29 2w RWkLYN ATHENAEUM AND READING ROOM The ANNUAI MEETING of the Shareholders of the Brooklyn Athenieuin and Reading Room, will be held at the rooms of thesaid institution, io. Atlantic cor.

Clinton Street, on TUESDAY', January 10. 1 Wil) at 7S o'clock P. M. ja4td A. COOKE HULL, Secretary.

IotYceT an election" for nine di i3( rectors of Atlantic Dock Company will be atthe Cfliceof the Company, No I Noi 'h Pier. Atlant Dock, on MONDAY, loth Januury. 18C0. between the hours of 12ana 1 dMSw" JOHN McCQRMICK. Secretary.

TNTIVril 'P. THE STOUri tKu ERS of the Central uanK oi .1.... oisM on fo fifteen Directors lor tue titled tnat tne annual eietuou i ice A's JOHN K. PRTJYN. Cashier.

(ItIcVtue annT'al meeting of tub ft wVpfchoMcrs ofthe ATLANTIC MARINE RAILWAY rniMP IVY tlfi i'u of electing Five Trusses for tho Sine veVr will held at 63 South street. New York, on KR I I A January 13th, 1660, between the hours of 12 it aad 2 jjoj TJIOMASjnJLLYSecxetarr TrffTCE OF THE FIREMAN'S TRUST" IN SURANCE COMPANY, No. 9 Court street, Brooklyn, DNoilCEAn election for nine Directors of OraMr, and threw Inspectors of the next election, will bo held at tfio Sflloe Tit the Company on MON DA the day 1800, between the hours of 7 and 8 P. M. By order of the ASH WM.

DURItELL, Secretary. tain's care he stated that five years ago a man who had considerable money, slopped at a hotel in 3d which he named. The stranger drank a number of times, and became su much influenced by liquor that he exhibited a iumdi'ull of bills to those in the bar room. Two companions of Hit: accused, together with himself, induced the stranger to take a walk, and arriving at a lonely spot in Dili liven ue, they robbed him of his monev and a gold watch and chain. The stranger made Jso "determined a resistance that the highwaymen were compelled to strike liiiii.aud in so doing, hit him an unlucky blow which caused his death.

Tho accused said further tiiat the stranger stated that he was from Massachusetts, but did not give his name. The story appears to be improbable, although Capt. McClane intends to make all necessary inqiuries in order to ascertain the truth or falsify uf the statement. Ciiak. ok Piietences.

Thismormng Mr. John MeMicliaels, brewer, of 25 Broadway, New York, entered a complaint before Justice Cornwell against T. U. Hargrove, formerly doing business at No. 9 West street.

New l'ork, for obtaininggoods under jalso pretences. On the "ilth of December Hargrove called at tho oltiee or the complainant, 56 Liberty street, New York, and ordered two hogsheads and one barrel of ale, with $38, to be paid for ontdelivery, and the casks relumed when emptied. Tin following day the ale was delivered, Hargrove inducing the carman to leave it without the monev promising to call the following day and settle at the office. Instead of doingso, Hargrove closed up his office or business and the catks of ale were complainant subsequently ascertained, to Brooklyn, transferring the ale and casks to his. brother, who is doing business corner of Alain and Water streets.

A search warrant was issued for the recovery of the property; also a warrant for the arrest of Hargrove, and placed in the hands of detective Charles Frost. Uncertain. Sylvester Connolly a young man who hail a narrow escape of being good looking, and who sported a moustache of faultless curl, and splendid lustre, to the cultivation of which great care and attention had evidently been bestowed, was brought in by officer Creau and a warrant in which he was charged by Mrs. Eliza Burns, corner Plymouth and Water streets, with striking her in the lace with bis fist. Mrs.

Burns was not present and Sylvester said he was not certain whether he hit her or not. It happened on Monday evening whon New Years was celebrated: Sylvester had made a good tnauv calls, chiefly for hot stuff, until he was warmed up to it very contused state of mind. Several other people in a similar condition were also present, and one. of ihetn selectee Hie Mr. Hums, as an eligible person to quarrel with.

The warlike spirit spread until everybody prescnt got mixed up in it, including Sylvester, wi, uu. lieves he musl have gone. As nobody had a clear idea ot what the were lighting ahum, or who they were fighting against, each individual went in on ids own responsibility and muscle, and hit wherever he had an opportunity. Mrs. Burns came in to save her husband and one of the blows flying round lightedon her countenance.

She says it was and it might have been for ali lie knows about it. The lady has been sent for, meantime Sylvester took a back seat. Still thev come ti upurior ioiio, onlySl. DuidicattsSOcents. Niellograph Likenesses to send In letters.

Ml ceuxe: Daguerreotypes and Am copied into I'htitesraplis. at the Temple of 3 15 Fultoa street opposite Montague Hall. E. M. Douglass.

We call the attention of our readers to an advertisement of Dry Goods, of Mr. W. ItEjlBLElt'i, Crape Gliods Factory. Report or the Brooklyn Crrr Hospital for the week ending January 7, 1860. Admitted 21 Discharged 11 Died 1 Remaining 125 The Visiting Committee meet every Saturday afternoon at 5 o'clock.

John T. E. Nichols, Sup't. Joseph Lockitt, Son 251 Fulton9treet, nearly opposite Clinton street, are now closing out their stock of Cloak and Dress Trimmings at reduced prices, on account of making room for their spring importations. Trimmings of all descriptions made to order.

Ladii, Webster Sewing Machines on sale aud sewinj done by machine. Great Reduction or Dry Goods and Embroideries, previous to taking stock, at McKLmssRV Sc Stewart's, IIS Fulton street. PiCKi.m, Otsters for the Holidays Those who desire to purchase Oysters will do well by calling at Do.mimck Coi.gak's. 1211 Pierrcpont street Brooklyn, where the best of Oysters can always be had. Give your orders early.

The Celebrated Baltimore and Etna FIeat rs can be had at N. T. Bburs' Stove Store. 15 Fulton St. Embroideries and Fancy Dry Goods cheap from auctioL, at McEliiisney Stewart's, 192 Fulton sireet.

We would advise those in want of choice Teas and Coffees for t' Holidays, to select from the new assort ment, comi rising some of tlie finest ever imported, now oiler ed at CuiiisTiANsoN's. 73 Fulton, cor. MarUetstreet. Hats, Hats and Hatters Gaston, Huter, will issue his Holiday Hats, on Saturday, Dec. 3d, Nothing the Fashion at 218 Fulton street.

Gov. Wise has iinaii.v consented to wear one of Gaston's flats. In consequence of which there is great re oiciag at Harper's Ferry. Buy Yotjb Boots of Wuitehuuse Pea'rce, and you will get those that will fit and wear to your satisfaction, as all their goods are made by the best workmen of the very best material and warranted in every particular. Balmoral! Balmoral! Balmoral Hnlmo ral f.T Men.

"Women and Children, mtde to order in the best style by Wuiteuouse4 I'kakce, Fulton street. A large assortment, of all si.yle of Boots, Shoes and Cullers, or the very best quality for the Holidays can be found at Fulton street. DoMiNtci: Coi.Oan's Hotel, 129 Pierrcpont street, is now completed and open for the reception Ids old and new friends whom he inyites retectfully to con tlnue their patrnagc. Free Lunch as heretofore SiMt tets, Heao Dresses, Uaik Pis.i, U.ll, erand Steel liucklca. Bracelets.

Pins, 4c, ueff styles. o.f Superior IJualmt eon lrwitlv oi Mix m4 Tor hire M. W.u.tnai store 5.1IU1. st 11EI. Slg of 'lwM's afternoon, at three Ki i.Swoi.tu Suddenly, on Friday, nth inst of Wn mam F.i,: swouTii, In the iist y' nr of 'I hi rrifmlH and relatives, also the mem ers the "I S.

ave particularly rcnucsted to attend the runenil on Moo day. Mb from f.i Uyrtto aveivie, at 2 o'clock p. M0" TH Janum yHh, of croup, EtM. 1, ti i ll llliam anil Conu lia fen l.yek, ajted 1 year imd llllll.tllS.

11 and fib nils arc respectfully ti. be, Una la! on Mutilay iil'tcrjiooii, at 1 o'clock 1 from tic resilience of her parents No. Dean street," Biootlyn. JiO.VJ ANJtH i ftl KEWAiiD Dili, I.O.vr lJT "iiiXVW ft jj PAY. 7th, from 17 fUnton otrl cf, hi i and tan terrier Slut, niied; aicwer io ie eve iiL'.

ret, to the above can oetve 1 li yerewar.i. ,4 L'OU MY 4 OR" .0" (AYS bkllK. Jrn" which Mm owner em haw rro atieet.jiear Myrtle avenue. jn" It $5 KEWAKb T.oST, TOE JjPt 2 A HOUR AND WHIP. will ho ualdnn ihe same to WILSOVa subloa luth st A 1 tweei.

6th a venue and University phfee! isw Ywsf Jarst'.

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