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The Brooklyn Daily Eagle from Brooklyn, New York • Page 10

The Brooklyn Daily Eagle from Brooklyn, New York • Page 10

Brooklyn, New York
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)


i i Parade of the Stavin Braves Interested Manhattan People This Morning'. The Oleu Island season opens xt Wodncs HOW TO GO, WHEN TO GO AND When YouCe What it costs What to do, .11 so, all you need to do is to buy a copy Ensile of the Annual esort Summer rOut June 16. COMPREHENSIVE, TRUSTWORTHY, CONCISE, INTERESTING RAILROAD. STATION, foot of Fulton Street. .45 A.

M. FAST MAIL Limited to two Bullet Parlor Cars Hew York to Flttsbars." Sleeping Car PIttsbure to fThicaeo. No coaches to Plttshurz. 0.115 A. at.

FAST UME Pittsburg and Cleveland A. PENNSYLV ANIA UMITED. FUU man Compartment Sleeping. Dining, and Observation Cars. For Chicago, Cleveland," Toledo.

Cincinnati, Indianapolis, Louisville; St. 1.45 P. M. CHICAGO AND ST. LOUIS EXPRESS For Toledo, Louisville (via Cincinnati), Indianapolis, Chicago, St.

Louis. 5.46 P. M. ST. LOUIS EXPRESS For PttU burg, Columbus, Indianapolis, LouiBVlUe, St.

Louis. 5.46 P. M. WESTEKX EXPRESS For Cblcaso; For Toledo except 7.45 P. M.

PACIFIC EXPRESS For Pittsburg and Chicago daily. For Knoxville, daily, via Shenandoah Valley Route. Connects for Cleveland except Saturday. S.1S P. M.

CLEVELAND AND. CINCINNATI EXPRESS For PlttsburB. Cleveland, Nashville (via Cincinnati and Louisville). WASHIXGTON AND THE SOUTH. 7.45, S.16, S.

15. 10.15 (Dining Car), I0.4S (Dining Car) A. 12.45. 2.05 (3:16 'Congressionnl Lim." all Parlor and Dining Cars). 3.16, 4.K.

(DlnihgtCar). 4.45 (Dining Car). 9.05 and 11.36 P. M. S.16, 8.45.

10.45 (Dining Car) A. 12.45 (3.18. "Congressional all Parlor and' Dining Cars). 3.:6, 4.16 (Dining Car), 4.45 (Diliing Car), P.05 and 11.36 P. M.

SOUTHERN RAtLIV AY Express, 3.16, ,4 lff anfl U.36 P. M. doily. ATLANTIC COAST LINE Express. A.

M. and 9.05 P. II. dally. SEABOARD AIR LINE RAILWAY "Florida an Metropolitan Limited." 12.45 P.

M. daily. Ex prfss. 11.36 P. Ji.

daily. NORFOLK AND WESTERN RAttWAT femh(K nnd New Orleans. 3.1G P. daito. CHESAPEAKE OHIO RAILWAY 8.45 M.

nnd 4.4S P. M. daily. ATLANTIC CITY Expresu, 9:46 A. M.

and 3:45 F. M. weeli flays. Sundays, 7:45. A.

Through Vestlbuled Trains, Buffet Parlor Cara and Standard Coaches on week days. Parlor Smotdng Car. Parlor Cars, Dining Car, and Standard Coaches on Sundays. CAPE MAY Express. 12.45 P.

week. day. TlcKet offices: No. 4 Court Street, SS 8R0 Fulton and Pennsylvania Atmex' Station. Brooklvn.

The New York Transfer Company will call for and check baggage from hotels and residences through to destination. J. B. HUTCHINSON'. J.

K. "WOOD, General Manager. Lenerai asg Agent. Handbook of Colorado Just out. It gives information about Colorado hotels, boarding houses.and ranches, the nearby attractions, and the prices charged.

Also contains a fine topographical map of the State. Ask for it. You can get good board in Colorado for $7.00 a week and up. Railroad tickets cheaper than ever before and it takes only two nights on the road to get there from New York. Investigate.

Ask at our office for particulars about through tickets and train service. E. J. SWORDS, General Agent C. B.

Q. IL, 379 Broadway, New York. CENTRAL R. R. OF NEW JERSEY.

Liberty St. and South Ferry (time frpm South Ferry 5 mln. earlier than below, except as noted). Vacation Vade ever published. Beside the prosaic but very necessary information about resorts, routes and rates, there will be extremely valuable and interesting detailed directions by authorities that will enable the novice to become expert in Photographing Wild Animals.

A fad of this season that is safe, easy, entertaining, useful and interesting will be Revolver Shooting for Women. In the same number of the Eagle will be commenced a notable series of articles on Army Life at Home and Abroad by the foremost of descriptive writers, This is positively the most thorough, the most accurate, the most comprehensive, the most entertaining series of articles ever written about the United States Army. Their publication will be an event in journalism. Beside this there will be a striking story about some Xew York capitalists who have banded together to Restore Yucatan to Its Ancient Wealth and importance, and Many Other Feature PE RU NA Over United States Pe ru na. Miss Janet 'Wilson Gaire, President the Ohio Musical Club.

Kansas City, writes: The Peruna Medicine Columbus, Gentlemen "For the past few years I have tried several kinds of medicines when was reeling badly, but I am free to admit that I never found anything to equal Reruna. "Last fall I contracted a severe cold" which seemed to settle in my joints and made me very uncomfortable for a couple of weeks, until I tried Peruna. Before a week was passed the soreness was gone and before I had used two dottles I was completely restored." Yours very truly, J. Wilson Gaire. There is no other remedy that medical, science can furnish, so reliable and quick in its action as Peruna.

Miss Mattie L. Guild. President Illinois Young People's Christian Temperance Union, in a recent letter from Chicago, 111., says: "I doubt if Peruna has a rival in all the remedies recommended to day for catarrh of the system. I have found it the best rem edy I have ever tried for catarrh, and heliev ing it worthy my endorsement. I gladly ac cord it." Yours truly.

Mattie L. Guild. For diseases peculiar to women. Peruna is specific. Peruna never fails.

It has cured many thousands of cases of female weakness. Dr. Hartman advises all women free, Miss Bertha Fischer, a popular young woman of Appieton, writes of Peruna as follows: "I have found Peruna a wonderful remedy for catarrh of the respiratory organs which had for several months, and which noth ing else 1 tried seemed to cure. "My general health has been unusually good this entire winter, due I firmly believe the health giving qualities of your won derful remedy." Yours sincerely, Miss Bertha Fischer. Mrs.

Col. E. L. Gresharu. Hernden, Treasurer Daughters of the Confederacy, also President Hernden Village Improvement Society, writes: "i cannot speak loo highly of the value Peruna.

I believe that I owe my life to its wonderful merits. I suffered with catarrh of the head and lungs in ics worst form until the doctors fairly gave me up. and I despaired of ever getting well again. "It took six bottles of Peruna to cure me. but, they were worth a king's ransom to me.

talk Peruna to all my friends and am a true believer in its worth." Mrs. Col. E. L. Gresham.

People who have suffered from catarrh during the winter, generally suffer from nervous depression in summer. Mrs. A. C. Jackson, Democratic Member Board Lady Managers, World's Columbian Exposition, In a letter from the Sherman House.

Chicago, 111., says: "Peruna seems to be especially of value where nerve filaments are In disorder, digestion deranged or disturbances created either the pelvic or respiratory organs. "Several cases have come under my personal observation and I have been highly gratified to see the patient cured in every instance. I have tried it myself and find it a very valuable tonic." Cordially yours, Mrs. A. C.

Jackson. Men and women are subject to catarrh. Women are even more subject to catarrh than men. This is due to many causes. The chief cause Is the delicacy of her organism, compared to man.

The extreme sensitiveness of the mucous lining of every organ of a woman's body is well known to physicians. This explains why In part at least, so few women are entirely Iree from catarrh. A vast multitude of women have found Peruna an indispensable remedy. Everywhere the people, especially the women, are praisiug Peruna as a remedy for all forms of catarrhal difficulties. Send for free catarrh book written especially for women by a renowned specialist on the pelvic catarrhal diseases of women.

Address Dr. Hartman. President The Hartman Sanitarium, Columbus, Ohio. NOW READY. THE CHARTER OF THE CITY OF NEW YORK adopted BY THE NEW VOllK STATE LEGISLATURE OF 1001.


AUCTION SALES. L. FIHUBKI. TO Bowery, sellB 10 A. M.

June 17 By M. Bruckheimer Sons, 703 Grand at. Diamonds, watches, jewelry ami all goods pledgsd prior June 7. 1800. 19 By A.

J. Heaney. 214 Atlantic av, diamonds, watches. Jewelry and all goods pledged from Mch. 17.

1900. to May 19. 1SO0. from 6,297 to 9,057 and all goods reserved from previous bales. 19 J.

.7, Frlel. 1.473 75 B'way. 987 Myrtle av. clothing, pledged prior June 9. 1900.

PAWNBROKER'S SALE SPECIAL NOTICE Ijowls L. FiruBkl. auctioneer, will Bell on WEDNESDAY, Tune 19. 1901. at TO and 72 Bowery, all diamonds, gold and silver watches, solid silver and goods of every kind, which have been reserved from previous sales from March 17.

1SQ0, May IS. 1900. from Nos. ",297 to 9.657. This pale will include every article which has been held over from time to time and interest due cn sflmt will be received up to June 1901.

4 ODD FELLOWS. Olive Leaf T.odgp No. 233, I. O. O.

has appointed a eommllte to arrange for a public installation of the oflicers elect for the ensuing term. The committee upon good and welfare have presented their report to the lodge and the proposed changes In the by laws will, very likely, be "discussed on next Wednesday evening. Suyvlllf. I iJistriet Deputy Grand Master Isaac ti. Terry of Sayville will make his utliclnl visits to the various Odd KeHows lodges iirYolit District No.

1. ro install the officers for the ensuing trm. as follows: riayvllle Lodge No. 2'1, ednesdoy. Biookh.iven No.

Friday, July Fire island Lodge No. Bay Shore. Monday, New Point Lodge No. AmityvMle. Tuesday.

July Bres lau Lodge No. Wedwsday, July 10: Awlxa Lodge Ni. Islit. Thursday, July 11; riampa warns Loi'ltjf No. I'M, Babylon.

Friday. Julv 12: Suffolk Lodse Nn. Ssg Harbor, Monday. July 15; iiar.ipton Lodge So. Tuesday, KNIGHTS OF HONOR.

Senate Lodge held a very interesting meet ing Vast evening. Dictator Allen Ilvise.U presiding. Several new proposition; for membership were handed in and candldntew MeCnrniaek and Frank Saunders wen1 initiated, ivy Lodge was present In a body aw we ll as new Nelson Lodge, of Jamaica. Grand t'haplnin Charles Milligan delivered his k'i ture on tin Tieautlcs of Our Ritual" and it made a deep impression on all those pres ni. Organist Gome rendered some fine selections both on thf piano ami A baritone tMo by afi Dictator James IL Lay vs a pleasing feature.

The joint excursion of Senate and AnKrir UH Lodges will tak Wednesday. July '24, at IMfUsure Bay Lon Hrnncb. N. .1, Tin Past dictators mid Association will hold an interesting nu etlng lo nlght. A ut prnRrammv will entertain members pie sent.

Ivy Lodge will i icgulur meeting next Tuesday Visiting brethren will lie cm dial ly welcome. The mcfl in: will enjoyable und enteitninins DATJGHTERSOF LIBERTY. On Wednesday Jun the members of Valley Forgf Council No. 2S will be called into session at headquarters, and It is hoped a larg5 attendance will lie present, as business of importance will be transacted. Th? working forces of Valley Forge are determined and enthusiaHtie, and everything is being done to Increase the growth and strengthen the council materially.

Present Councilor, Mrs. Rose Nltchcr; vie councilor, Mrs. William II. Darling: recording secretary, Mrs. Jennie A.

Fleming: 1 nanclal secretary. Mrs. liailej treasurer. Charles B. Many.

AW IMMUNE. The chief of the rack department and the superintendent of the Inquisition were bnfflod. The victim had now been on the rack six hours. and was pleasantly springing all kinds of sacrilegious gags on the rack attendants. The authorities were nonplussed.

Any greater strain would break the rack. Would the culprit never recant Ha! be is about to speak again. Will it be a recantation, or another Joke on the Jersey mosquito? The victim opens his mouth, and every ear lends attention. "If these blamed mudsills." he muttered to himself, "knew that for five years I have ridden twice a day from Harlem down to Broad street, hanging on to the Btrnps on the elevated, they'd use this old rack for a garden gate and try moral suasion." Leslie's Weekly. GIVE THEIR EXPERIENCE WITH SHORT DELIGHTFUL TRIPS of two to five days' duration are offered by the Old Dominion Line to such historic points as NORFOLK OLD POINT COMFORT RICHMOND WASHINGTON at the above prices.

For full information apply to OLD DOMINION STEAMSHIP Pier 26, North River, New York. Telephone 1580 Franltlin. OLD DOMINION LINE DAILY SERVICE. For Old Point Comfort. Norfolk.

Portsmouth. Pinner's Point and Newport News, connecting for Petersburg. Richmond. Virginia Beach, Washington. D.

and entire South and West. Frelgrht and paKsener earners na.ll from Pier 26. North River, foot of Beach st. every week day at 3 M. i.

ti. AijKEK, iramc manager. 0amburg kmerican. TWIX SCREW EXPRESS SERVICE. Every Thursday to TL.Y MOUTH CHERBOURG HAMBURG Victoria June 20IF.

Bismarck July 4 eoiirmDia rune aiiL'euteehjand July Every Saturday to PLYMOUTH CHERBOLTRG HAMBURG. 'Bulgaria June Pretoria Julv 6 Pennsylvania 29 "lo Hanumrg' direct. SUMMER CRUISES To Hip land of the Mitlnigrlit Sun. from Hamburc July 2, July 4 (from N. 1'.

June 20). July 25. and to the Baltic and the principal cities of NORWAY, SWEDES, HUSSIA. and DENMARK. from Hamburg Auk.

by the new jacnt VICTORIA I.CISE (5,000 tons. 450 feet long:) and S. S. AVGIISTE VICTORIA. All appointments strictly first olass.

Attractive itineraries ar vnnfred. Further particulars on application to Hnmllirg AmTiPan Mne. ST AHERICAJVf LINE. NEW YORK SOUTHAMPTON MXnOX. St.

Paul. June 19. 10 A.M.i St. Louls.Juiv 17, 10 A.M. St.

Louis. June 26.10 A.M.IS;. Aug. 7. A.M.

St. Paul. July 10,10 A.M.i St., 10 A.M. KbU STAR LINE.

NEW YORK ANTWERP PARIS. Southward. June 19. noonjKenslngton 3. noon 26.

nooni2eeland July 10, noon Xtw Tft In Screw Steamers calling at Cherbours. INTERNATIONAL, NAVIGATION COMPANY. Piers 14 and 15. N. River.

Office. 73 Broad wny.N.Y. .1. llrlUNlwAUbtt SUAS. 379 i' Ulton fltl DAVID P.

WATKINS. 344 Pulton st: II. CHE IDT. ISO Graham av, or H. F.


MESABA June 22. 9 A. M. MINNEHAHA June 29, P. M.

MARQUETTE July 0. 9 A. M. MENOMINEE July 13. A.

M. MINNEAPOLIS July 13. 3:30 P. M. MANITOU luly 20.



From Pier 54, North River, foot W. 21th st. N. United States Mall steamships to GLASGOW AND LONDONDERRY. June 22, noonl Astoria July noon C.

of Rome. June 13, noon Cabin Passage. $50 and up. 2d Cabin, J33 and up. 3d Class.

and up. For further information apply to HENDERSON BROTHERS, General Agents, 17 and 19 Broadway, New York Or S. W. Taylor, 69 Court st; H. P.

Koch, 48 B'way; N. Ph. Hartmann. 669 DeKalb av, B'klyn FRENCH LINE. Compagnie Generate Transatlantique.

DIRECT LINE TO HAVRE PARIS (France). Sailing every Thursday at 10 A. M. FVom Pier No. 42.

North River, foot Morton St. La Lorraine June 13! La Champagne July 4 L'Aqultaine June 20La Gascogne July 11 La Bretagnc June 27La Normandie July IS General Agency. 32 Broadway, New Y'ork. J. LEHRENKRAUSS SONS.

379 Fulton St. A. BERNHEIM. 640 Broadwav. H.

F. KOCH. 48 Broadway, Brooklyn Canadian Pacific Railway. Intended steamship sailings from Vancouver. JAPAN, CHINA AND PHILIPPINE ISLANDS.

EMPRESS OF CHINA July 8. Sept. 9 EMPRESS QF INDIA Julv 29, Oftober 7 EMPRESS OF JAPAN Auk. 19. Nov.

4 Imperial Llmt'fl, Montreal to Vancouver In 100 hrs HAWAIIAN ISLANDS AND AUSTRALIA. Mlowern June 28Aorangl July 26 For ratts apply 3SS Broadway and 1 B'way. N. MUNSON STEAMSHIP LINE. 27 William t.

N.Y. Raymond Whltcomb 25 Union Y. BERMUDA" Mb WE Profusely illustrated booklet; dates of saillnfr. etc. A.

E. OLTERBRIDGE 29 B'wav. N. ur THOS. COOK SON, 261 or 1,225 B'way.

K. Y. The Sew York Porto Rico S. S. Co.

AROl'NU PORTO RICO. The New Fast Passenger Steamers San Juan Police. All rooms on deck. Sail from Pier Ein plre Store. Brooklyn.

12. noon. Oflice BAIL IIO AES. NEW YORK CENTRAL Trains arrive and depart trom Grand Central Station, 42d Street, New York, as follows: Leave Mew York. Arrive New York.

3:15 a. Paper Train 7:00 a. m. 8:00 n. in Syracuse Local p.

m. a. State Express. p. m.

3:45 a. Fast Mall 10:00 a. m. a. Day Express p.

m. 11:30 a. Rutland Kxpress 17:00 p. m. 1:00 p.

Southwest Limited "0:00 p. m. 2:00 p. Y. Chicago 1:30 p.

m. p. m. and Troy Flyer. 111:10 a.

m. 3:35 p. Albany Special p. m. 4:00 p.

Detroit Special 10:00 a. 5:30 p. Lake Shore 3:30 p. m. 5:30 p.

St. Louis Limited 2:55 p. m. 6:00 p. Western Express p.

m. "6:25 p. Express 7:20 a. m. 7:30 p.

mlAdlrondack Montreal Ex.8:53 a. m. 8:00 p. Pan American Express. ..7:27 a.

m. p. m. and S. W.

Special. a. m. 9:30 p. Pacific Express 5:30 a.

m. 12:10 a. Midnight Express a. m. Daily.

tDally. except Sunday. Daily, except Monday. HARLEM DIVISION. A.

M. and M. Daily, except Sunday, to Pitts field: Sundays only at Qxi A. M. Pullman Cars on all through trains.

Trains illuminated with Plntsch Light. Ticket offices at 113. 2G1. 415 and 1.216 Broadway, 25 Union square 27o Columbus 133 West 12511 1 12Tth and ISSth at stations. New York: 3SS and 72tf Fulton st and 106 Broadway.

E. D. Brooklyn. Telephone "900.28th Street" for New York Central Cab Service. Uag jjaKe checked from hotel or residence by Westcott Express Company.

EDGAR VAN ETTEN, GEORGE II. DANIELS. General Superintendent. GutM Pass. ApmU.

The New Route to the Far Famed Saguenay and the only rati route to tbe delightful summer resorts and Ashing errounds north of Quebec and to Lake St. John and Chlcoutlmf. thrcniKh the CANADIAN ADIRONDACKS. Trains connect at rhicoutlmt with Satruenay Stenroers for Tadmiran, Cacouna, Murray Pay and Quebec. A round trip In America, through matchless forest, monnttio.

riTor and lake Scenery, down the majmtlo yamienay by dayllp ht and back to the Fortress City, touching at all iho beautiful soasldo resorts on the lower Sr. Lawrence, with their chain of commodious Hotels. Hotel Robemil, Lako St John, hoa Ann class accommodation for SOii crufntft. Connections with trains ot the GTiKAT NOTtTHKBN Railway of Canada for Grand'Mere, and FALLS, the NIAGARA ot the KAST. A nply to ticket afrents of all principal Cities.

A beautifully 11lTitrAted frulrte book free on npnllratlnn. ALEX. HAItDY. Ocn. F.

P. J. (J SCOTTGenerol ManAffer, Quebec, Can. ERIE RAILROAD. Through trains leave New York, foot of Chambei st, as follows, and 5 minutes earllfr from "3d Vf ItsOO a.

m. Dnlly Solid train for Buffaio'air. 8 p. m. iMnprhnmton, Waverly, Elmira nnd Bradford Coaches, parlor car and cafe dining car to Buffalo UiltO p.

m. Dally Chicago Limited Fast Mali Solid train to Ch'rago, arriving 5:30 p. m. rr Cleveland 7: 0 a. m.

Sleepers to Chicago, Cleveland. Cincinnati. Oining car. 7:30 p. m.

Daily Buffalo and Cleveland Express Arr. Duftalo Bradford 7:20. Jumestown 7:00 and Youngstovvn a. Cleveland, 12:30 1). m.

Sleepers to Buffalo and Cleveland. Cafe oar m. Dally Solid train for Ofnghnmtun. Waverly. Elmira, Chicago, Sleepers to Buffalo Chicago, Cincinnati.

Dining TICKET OFFICES AT 111. IIS. 261. AND Brnadway. Chambers und vv'ent iad st.

ferries S. Y. 333 and $60 Fulton Broadtvav, Brook lyn. New York Transfer Co. calls for and checks 'i ha gage to destination.

Ladies Ml Are Using mm Ml55 JANET WIL50NGA1RE MaTTIE" GUILD MlSSBERTHfv' 1R5.C0LE GRE5HAM. MRS A JACKSON PROPELLED BY THE WAVES. Captain WattersInvention Successfully Tested at the Southern Yacht Club. An interesting test of the invention of a New Orleans man was witnessed at tite Southern Yacht Club yesterday. The inventor is Captain John S.

Watters. a graduate of the United States Naval Academy and for many years an officer in the Navy. His invention, which is fully covered by patents in this country and abroad, is a simple apparatus for utilizing the force of the waves to propel a vessel, aud it proved yesterday that it Is entirely feasible to take advantage of this power. The small boat built by the inventor to demonstrate his principle was driven in a desired direction without any other motive power whatever. It is the fact that a vessel equipped with this apparatus may be headed in any direction, irrespective of the direction of the wind, which makes it particularly advantageous, said Captain Watters yesterday, for a vessel so equipped will travel directly against, the wind, and thus may be worked off a lee shore where nine tenths or more of all sailing ships come to grief.

All nautical men will fully appreciate the value of such an invention, for a lee shore is a veritable sailor's nightmare. Not only this, but where a light head wind or a calm is encountered on the ocean, the ocean swell will enable a sailing vessel to continue on her course at a fair speed, instead of wasting time in tacking back and forth or lying dead in the water. Captain Watters says that the application of this invention to vessels is not at all complicated nor expensive. It Is well known Unit many ships are now provided with bilge keels, the function of which is to steady the ship or retard the rolling. Captain Watters' plan is to substitute for these solid bilge keels others which contain square apertures, and in each aperture firmly secure by its forward end a fin, made of laminated spring material, preferably steel on a steel ship and brass on a wooden or coppered vessel.

Thewe fins fill up the apertures almost, completely, and, when the ship is steady, offer very little, if any. more resistance to headway than such as is due to a plain bilge keel merely skin friction. As soon, however, as the vessel rolls. I he pressure of the water itself, impinging upon the tins broadside on or at right angles to their length, springs all of the fins out. and thus deflects the water aft.

necessarily, by reaction, forcing I he vessel ahead. As she rolls one way. they all spring olt with the water pressure to one side; as she rolls the other way, I hey spring out the other side; returning to their midship position as soon as the roll eeaees, whk of course removes the pressure. It, is an application of the turbine principle virtually said Captain Watters yesterday and it may lie best understood as being rhe exact manner in which a fish propels Itself. "In fact it was from the tail of a fish that I oonceivpd the idea." Captain Watters believes that the application of this apparatus to sailing vessels will increase their average speed not less than 20 per and will give even better results if applied lo barges on the great, lakes.

A tow of barges so equipped will virtually be a low in which each barge has its own motive power, and at. such times a.i the water is very rough, where now progress is particularly slow, the fins will be doing ail the better. He also believes that if applied to lightships. It will not only relieve the great, strain upon their moor ings occasioned now by the jerks upon the chains when the vessel is pitching In a heavy sea. but should the ship break away, will afford a means of navigating her to port in safety.

The speed of the small boat which was tested yesterday, when running wirlt the wind abeam, on which course it is obvious that no force whatever outside of the work of the tins could be driving her ahead, was about three miles an hour. On a larger boat, out in the ocean, where the waves are vastly more powerful than in Lake Porit chan'rain, the captain said there was no loubtVhnt greater speed could easllv be ob tnlncd.VXew Orleans Times Democrat. I a I i i I I 1 1 to I i of I in as L. to in 1 SO, I I day. The forty live Brule Sioux Indians whom Mr.

Siarin has imported from the Rosebud Afieney in liakoia. arrived in Manhattan this niorninR and. with their ponies and several prairie schooners had a parade from Thirty second street and East River up to Thirty second street, to Fifth venue, to 'ourieenth street, to Eighth avenue, to Fifty seveni'i street, to Tenth avenue, to One Hundred and Tenth street, to Lenox avenue, to One Hundred and Twelfth etreet, to Fifth avenue, to Thirty seeoud treet, and (henee to the startins point. There they took the boat for (lien Island. Mr.

Siarin secured the Indians with their ponies, tepees and the customary furnishiugs of an Indian villas? ilirounh the jrovenimenl. tQ whom he is responsible for their re i tairn. The trihe represtnt ed is one of the largest and most intelligent as well as most vigorous Seniors in all the territory remain tog to the Indians The braves are led by Hollow Horn Bear himself, a survivor of the Wounded Knee massacre, and recognized as the chief, orator of the tribe. With him are forty adults, live children and an interpreter, an id cnarge ot 'olonel W. if.

Root, the designated government agont. "Rattle Snake Pete," scout hunter and frontiersman, lead the parade, dressed in full hunting costume of buekekin. The entire tribe wore full Indian costume. HARLEM AND THE BRONX. There will be some changes in die union church services of Harlem this summer.

Only four win unite the Church of the Puritans (Presbyterian). the Morris Baptist, Pilgrim Congregational and Harlem Presbyterian Church. On the Hrsr five Sundays the services will be held in Uie Church Of the Puritans, West. One Hundred and Thirtieth street near Fifth avenue, and on the second five in the Harlem Church. One Hundred and Twenty fifth street and Madison avenue.

Each minister will take two Sundays, the Rev. Daniel Russell, of the Harlem Church, having the first two Sundays and the Rev. Frank E. Ramsdell of the Pilgrim Church the last Sunday in Julv and the first. Sunday in August.

The Hamilton Grange Reformed and Washington Heights Baptist Churches will have union services, beginning with the second Sunday in July. For four Sundays after that they will be held in the Reformed Church. One Hundred and Forty fifth street and Convent avenue, and then for fonr in the Baptist Church. The preachers for the first five Sundays will be the Rev. Dr.

Henry B. the Rev. J. J. Munro.

two Sundays, and the Rev. Mr Morris. The Rev. Dr. Charles J.

Young, pastor Churcn of the Puritans, sailed this week for Europe and he intends making a tour of England. Ireland and Scotland, and a short trip. on the Continent before he returns; the Rev. Dr. Chapin will summer at Little Bear Island, and the Rev.

Frank E. Ramsdell will spend his vacation at PIvmonth Mass returning to preach on the second Sundav in September. A big legal fight is on among the lawn tennis players on the west side of Harlem. It is over the lease of the tennis courts at One Hundred and Twenty third and One Hundred and Twenty fourth streets and St "Nicholas and Manhattan avenues. The trouble began last winter when the New York Lawn Tennis Club gained possession of the grounds.

The Lenox Tennis Club, which for several years had used the courts, seeks to regain possession. As a result of this eon trovc jiy several physicians and lawyers in Haiem are in a legal tangle which may take a very long time to solve. At present Dr Joseph B. Lumbard. Dr.

H. He wood and eom owenty other Harletnltes of prominence, who represent the Lenox Tennis SIS' 4re Ppsea to ex Assemblyman Ed rt.H the Rer. Dr. Charles B. Keating.

William A. Mitchell and a number of lawyers and lav the NeVT Tork Tenni Club. 'jv SSm1 Partoership With Trees" will ihei the suhjeot of a lecture to be delivered at SSSSs saosenmJmiWine in the Botanical Gardens, Bronx Parle. STATE OPTICA! SOCIETY. Manual Meeting to Be HeH at Buffalo Beginning June 25.

The Optical Society of the State of Xevr Tork will hold its next annual meeting at Buffalo, beginning Tuesday, June 25. The sessions will be held in the main Young Men's Christian Association Building the first on the evening of the 25th. The meeting will continue three days. It is expected that, the attendance will be unusually large from this state, and that opticians from other states will attend on account of the Pan American Exposition The Optical Society of the State New York was organized six years ago and holds one meeting each year. It is the supreme body, having five local societies in the state amenable it.

At the present time the WSJBflership of the society is about FUNERAL OF A PRIEST. The Rev. Maurice Hickey, who died on Thursday morning at St. Peter's Hospital, was buried from St. Peter's Church.

Hicks' and Warren streets, this morning. The celebrant of the mass was the Rev. William Ahearn of St. Gabriel's Church, East New York. The eulogy was delivered by the Rev Michael Fitzgerald, pastor of St.

Peter's Church. There was a large number of priests present. Bishop McDonnell pronounced the last benediction. Father Hickev was acting chaplain of St. Peter's Hospital for about a year.

He was for some years incapacitated and unable to perform regular parish work and for several seasons assisted pastors at Long Isiand churches during the summer Father Hickey was born at TIppprarv Ireland, in 1S40. "MC KIN LEY NEVER FAILS." To the ESitor of the Brooklyn Eagle: Kindly permit me to say. President McKin ley never fails on any point: he meets the third term talk as it ought to be treated. MoKinley's heart is right and it regulates his head. Out of the integrity of his heart his mouth speaketh.

Therefore, his words are right; it is the country he is laboring for and not himself. is a great man. a man of destiny. No. doubt there will Be many aspirants for the oflice.

Our Vice President is all right. A true, loyal brave honest man, and will be a favorite ought to be and will be. The Republican partv is rich in presidential material, but there is one man that I think will loom up llnallv ainl will fully fill the bill: he has the phvsical. mental and moral training to mc i all the requirements of the office; he is a great man every way: a giant, yet as humble as a child. Probably his humbleness of spirit, is not much known, but for complete ability to meet, all the requirements of the presidential ofliec Thomas B.

Reed of Maine, now oi New York City, Is the man. ,1, Brooklyn. June 12. 1801. MR.

BEEBE'S RECITAL. Chester II. Beehe will give a free piano recital in the First Bantisl Church, corner of Keap street and Lee avenue, on evening. Mr. Beebe will he assisted bv Georgia Rogers Irving, contralto soloist of the South t'ongr Church, and Miss Grace Marguerite Whiting, soprano soloist, of St.

Martin's Church. Carroll Park. The programme will dp: Sonniii .3 telle I LVr.t rMlto ok I risi'i Folk Mrs. Irvine.

licet tliirlitl Sthfrzn. Up. No. "Who'll Buy La" 'twill. Ml tun liwii Miss Whltinjj.

Scherzo (Ihi mini': "La Mr. "A Dream "pr in" Mis. Irvitia. Hondo Opus "Murmuring Mr, Kcelie. "The Swallow" Mif WliitiriKr "Hnrk.

Hark. the Scherzo inin 'V ilr. Beebc. linlic: l.K ":iK.t,ii! I i Week Days Sundays. :15 a.

a. 1 :00 p. m. 1 :20 p. "4:40 p.

m. I5i30p. m. fiV.45 p. m.

9:40 a. 9:40 a. m. a. m.

1 :30 p. 3:40 p. 4:30 p. rh 8:30 a. m.

a. m. 11:30 a. m. 12:45 p.

153:5.1 p. 114:00 p. m. 114:45 p. p.

ecum 99 STEAMBOATS. Hudson River by Daylight. Pan American Route with N.Y.C.orWest Shore R.R. Palatial Day Steamers "New York" and "Albany" Fastest and finest river boats In the world, DAILY Except Sunday. For the CatskillB, Albany.

Saratoga, Buffalo and all points East, North and West. Leave Brooklyn, Fulton St. (by Annex). S.00 A. M.

uesoiosses yt. 8.40 West 22U St. .9.00 andlnir at Yonkers. West Point. Xewhurirli.

Poughkeepsle, Kingston Point, CatskiU, Hudson and Albany. Through tickets to Buffalo and all points on sale at leading ticket offices, including those of the New York Transfer who check baggage frum residence to destination. sSOIJTH XORWALK STEAMER HARLEM, Commencing Monday. June 7, 1901, Beekman 2:10 P. M.

1:30 P. East 31st St, P. M. 2:00 P. Single fare.

10 cents. Excursion. 70 cents. COASTWISE STEAMSHIPS. WHERE ARE YOU GOING THIS SUMMER? Hefore deciding send lo the International Steamship Company For desciiptlve older oE the Popular Eastern Seacoast Route.

Boston, Portland. Eastport, Lubec and St. John, N. with connections for Campcbello. rit.

Andrews. Calais anil all parts of Sew UrunswicU, Prince Edward Island and Nova i3rotIa. THE DAY ROUTE TO PORTLAND. sit earners sail from During July, Auguat Commercial a September additional Boston, Monday, Wed sailings direct to St. nesday and PHday at John Monday and Thurs A.

M. I day noon. For further information address JS. L.AECH I G. P.

Commercial Wharf, Boatott. MAINE STEAMSHIP COMPANY. DIRECT LINE TO PORTLAND, MAINE. Connecting with all railroad and steamship lines to all Summer resorts. Steamships "Horatio Hall and "North Star" (new.

rendy for business July 1). Leave Pier 32, Bust River, foot of Pike Bt. every Tuesday. Thursday and Saturday at 5 P. M.

Steamers fitted with every modem Improvement for the comfort and convenience of passengers. Ticket office, 180 Broadway, corner Reade at. PAVID P. VVATKINS. 344 Fulton st, Brooklyn.

General office at New Pier 32. HORATIO HALL. General Manager. CLYDE LINE Charleston, S. Jacksonville, Via.

NASSAU AND CUBA. Leaving Pier 45. North River, 3 P. M. For Information apply to THEO.

G. EGER. G. WM. P.

CLYDE Gen. Chesebrough Bide, 19 State st. N. Y. Lehrenkrauss Sons, 379 Ful ton st: David P.


Via Queenstown. From Pier North River. Cmbrls 22.10 A.M.jCampania. July 13. 2 P.M, Lucanln.June 29, 2 P.

M.ilmbrla....Iuiy 9 A.M. l' trurla. C. 9 A. "7, 1 P.

M. Servla.July 'J, II A. M.I F.trurla. Aujj. .1.

A. M. For Passage aiul further information apply to VERNON II. BROWN General Agents, 29 Hrondway, New York. THOS.

11. HENDR1CKSON. 339 Fulton st. Bklyn K. F.

KOCH. 18 Broadway. B'klyn. E. D.

DAVID P. ATKINS. 344 Fulton st. B'klvn. J.

LEHRENKRAl'SS SONS. 379 Fultori st. SUMMER OCEAN TRIP" To Halifax, N.S..& St. John's, N. F.

Throuch Island, Vineyard Haven and Nantucket Scundn. S. S. SILVIA Sails June 26th, July 13th. 31st, Aug.


NEW YORK. QUEENSTOWN, LIVERPOOL Oceanic. June 19, A. M. Germanic July 3 noon Teutonic June 26.

July noon For passage tickets and drafts payable on demand everywhere in England. Ireland, Sweden Scotland and Norway, apply to V. ALDRIDGE' 6S Court st, Brooklyn: D. R. BANKS, 95 Broadway; N.

PH. HARTMAN. C69 DeKalb av, and F. KOCH, 4R Brondwny. Brooklyn, E.

WHITE STAR I.IXE. North River. Office, 9 Broadway, N. Y. ALLAN STATE LINE.

New York Dcrry Glnsgow. June 19 Laurentinn July jr) unc j0 curainian July 34 Cabin. $40 nnd upward. Second cabin. a.J2.Ru.

Third class tickets at lowest rates. AUSTIN BALDWIN 53 B'way. N. Henderson Son. 344 Fulton st; Lehrenkrauss Sons.

379 Fulton st', T. Hendrlckson, S89 Fulton st. LEYIiAND LINE. New York and I lverpool. Canadian sails Saturday, June 29.

Rnhemian sails Saturday, July 6, Th above new steamera have splendid accommodation for first clasn passengers. For panage. plans, apply, to GENERAL. OFFICES. 24 STATE ST, N.

T. Easton Local Scranton Reading Mauoh Chunk Reading. Scranton Reading Mauch Chunk Easton Local ATLANTIC CITY Lakewood Bamegat Lakewood BrldR eton ATLANTIC CITY Lakewood Barnegat N.Y. Long Branch R.R.. N.Y.

Long Branch R.R.. N.Y. Long Branch R.R.. N.Y. Long Branch R.R..

N.Y. Long Branch R.R.. N.Y. Long Branch R.R.. SANDY HOOK ROUTE.

From foot of Rector St. Through to Point Pleasant, 10:00 a. 1,00. 3,45, 4:30 p. m.

Sundnys, 10:00 a. 1:00. 8:00 p. m. ROYAL BLUE LBNE FOR PHILADELPHIA.

a. 1:30. 3:10, 1184:00, 5.00. 17:30, 56:00, J10S6 p. 12:15 mdt BALTIMORE AKD WASHINGTON.

a. 5:00. 12:16 mdt. Offices: Liberty St. Kerry.

South Ferry, 113, 26V, 434, 1,300, 1,834 Broadway, 182 8th 737 6th 25 Union Sq. West. 153 East 125th 273 West 125th 245 Columbus New Y'ork: 4 Court 344. 860 Fultori Brooklyn; 98 Broadway, WUliamsburgh. New York Transfer Co.

calla for and checks baggage to destination. SFrom Liberty st. oYlly. 'Daily. tDally, except Sunday.

gSundays only. LONG ISLAND RAILROAD Trains leave Ftatbush Ave." Station tor Green port week days .8:28 A.M., 3:53. 1:52 P.M. Sundays. 9:03 A.

M. Montauk and Amagansett, the Hampr tons: Pag Harbor. 8:28 A. (1:25 except Sag Harbor). 3:22 P.

M. Sunday, 9:03 A. Center Moriches, 7:07. A. 3:22.

5.21P.M. Sunday. 9:03 A. M. Patchogue, Islip and Bay Shore.

7:07, 10:52 A. 1:25, 1:54 3:22. 1:27, 5:21, 6:21 Sat. night only) P. M.

Sunday, 3:03 A. P. M. Babylon, 7:07, 7:56, 8:28. 10:52 A.

II. (12:55 Saturdays only). 1:25. 1:54 2:51. 3:22.

3:53 4:27. 4.32. 5:21. 5:53, 6:21, 6:55, 8:07, 10:07 P. 11.

(12:06 night). Sundav. 8:23, 0:03 A. 1:25. 6:36.

10:05 P. M. Wading River and Port Jefferson (5:55 Port Jef fcrson), (11:01 Port Jefferson) A. 4:27 (5:39 Port Jefferson) P. M.

Sunday. 8:53 A. M. (9:53 A. M.

Port Jefferson), Smithtown, KingB Park, Northport (East Station), Huntington and Cold Spring, 3:55. 8:54. 11:04 A. 3:22, 4:27, 5:39, P. M.

Sundays, 8:53. 9:53 A. 5:25, 6:24 P.M. Oyster Bay, Glen Cove. Sea Cliff, Roslyn, 5:55, 8:54.

10:32 A. M. "W'ed. 1:54. 3:22, 4:21.

5:21, 6:33, 10:07 P. M. (12:06 night Wed. Sat.) Sunday. 8:33.

9:53 A. 1:54. 10:05 P. M. Far Rockaway.

Arverne, Arverne (Straiton 5:35 7:07, 7:36 8:14. 10:00. 10:52. 11:04 A. 1:25.

2:18. 3:22. 4:21. 4:52. 3:21.

:24. 5:53, 6:33. 8:07. 10:07 P. 12:06 night.

Sunday, 8:23, 9:33. 11:28 A. 1:54, 2:34. 4:13, 5:58, 7:55, 10:03 P. M.Garden City and Hempstead, 6:37.

7:56, 10:52 A. 12:24 (12:55 Garden Cltv "U'ed. and Sat. only). 1:54 3:22 (4:00 Garden City onlv), 4:21.

4:32. 3:21, 3:33: 6:21. 6:35 8:07. 10:07 P. night.

Sunday. 9:03. 9:53. 11:23 A. 1:54.

4:13.. 5:25. 6:24. 10:03 P. M.

Garden City (Hempstead Crossing) nnd West Hempstead, 5:55 A. 4:27 P. M. Sundays, West Hempstead and Norwood, 9:03 A. M.

and 1:34 P. M. Long Beach, 7:56, A. 1:54 3:53. 4:52.

5:53 6:55 p. M. Sundays. 11:23 A. 1:25.

2:51. P. M. Tar Rock away onty. Bridge only Long Beach, 7:56.

10:112 A. 1:54, 4:52, :5 P. M. Sundays. 11:23 A.

1:25. 5:25 P. M. WEST SHORE RAILROAD. Trains leave Franklin St.

Station, New York, aa follows, and 15 mln. later foot West 42a N. 7:10 A. M. For interm.

raits, to Albany Mont'l. A. M. (1) Lake Molionk, Mlnnew'anka, Saratoga nnd Catskill Mountains. 1:00 P.

M. Chicago ExpreRs. 2:25 P. M. Cont.

Llm. for Detroit. P. M. (2) for Hudpon River points it Albany 6:15 P.

M. For Buffalo. Cleve'd Chicago P. M. For Buffalo.

Det. St. Louis 9:15 P. M. For Daily.

tDally. except Sunday. Leave Brooklyn Annex. No. 1 at 10:45 A.

M. 2 at 2:45 P. M. Leaved Jersey City P. R.

R. No. 1 at 11:20 A. M. 2 at 3.25 P.

M. Time tables at principal hotels and offices. Baggage checked from hotel or residence by Wcsteott's Express. C. B.

LAMBERT. General Passenger Agent. N. T. AUCTION T.

F. ARCHER, AUCTIONEER, Office: 451 Fulton Street, Jamaica, N. Y. Phenix Building, 16 Court Brooklyn, N. Y.

C. Extensive AUCTION SALE Of $75,000 Worth of PERSONAL PROPERTY Belonging to the WOODSBURGH PAVILION At Woodmere, Nassau County, N.Y., CONSISTING OF Parlor, Dining Room, Bedroom and Kitchen FUR.NITURE, Carpets, Bedding, Silver and Glassware, Cooking Utensils, ON MONDAY, TUESDAY and WEDNESDAY, JUNE 17, 18, 19, 1901, at 10 A. M. Each Day. For Catalogue Address Auctioneer.

SALE POSITIVE, RAIN OR SHINE. By Order of DIVINE HEWLETT, Jlanager. CENTRAL AUCTION CANAL. Bells June :9. at o'clock, clothing, pledged to June 10, 1300.

By order P. 16D Grand si. STEAMBOATS. BOSTON AND POINTS IN NEW ENGLAND FALL RIVEIl LINE For Newport, Fall River, Boston nnd allKastsrn and Northern points. Steamer? PRISCD.LA ana PURITAN.

Orchestra on each. Leave IMer ll, X. foot ot Warren weekdays and nt P. M. "KOVIDE.CK LIXE For Providence, Boston.

North and East. Steamers PLYMOUTH and CONNECTICUT. Oiehestra on each. Leave Pier 18, N. foot of Murray st, weekdays only at 6:00 P.

M. STOXINGTON LIXE For Stonington. Watch ltiil. NarrUKunselt Pier, Boston and ICast. Steam vs M.M.VK and N'KW HAMPSHIRE.

Leave Pter 35, N. foot, of Sprlnp: weekdays only at P. i. utaruay nlgnt westward trips will uc from rt to Sept. 7, Inclusive.

Sunday night westward trips will lie made during same pi Hod. MIRWIt'H LIXK For New London. Fishers Island. Watcn Hill. Ulock Island, Norwich.

Worcester. Hast and North. Steamers CITY OF LOW KI.I. and i TV OF WORCESTER. Leave Pier 3C.

N. foot vc. weekdays only, at P. M. On Sunday, from 7 to flept.

S. inclusive, steamer win New London at P. M. for New York. SEW IIAVKX MXE For New Haven.

New Britain. MfrUMn. Hartford. Springfield and the North, from i'iei 1,7. I p.

Double service weekdays; steamer CIIKSTBR W. CHAPIN leaves York P. Str. RICHARD PKCK. titmdav.

steamer CHESTER W. CHAPIN' ieav. New York at 9:20 A. M. Returning, leuvis New Flaven P.

M. A delightful Sunday trip: all day on Lcnir Island Sound. Albany Evening Line. ADIROMJACK or DEAN RICHMOND lenve Pier X. N.

foot Canal St. N. tti 6 P. dallv (Sundav exceDtd. ret connection with trains North.

East and Went. HUDSON RIVER. STF.A.MER MARY POWELL leaves Desbrosnes N. V.1, 3:15 P. M.

(Hfltur dnvs. 1 :4:. P. M.I. West 22d N.

3:30 P. M. (fiiturrlavs 2 P. 11. 1, for CRANSTONK.



Highlands. Ited Bnnk and Intermediate landing. Leave New York, foot of Franklin st, Sunday. Jun 16. A.

Monday. June 17. 8 A. M. and 4 P.

Tuduv. June IS. ft A. M. and P.

M. HUDSON AND COXSACKIE BOATS. "OXTEORA" or "KA ATERSKILL," Leave foot of Christopher st. every week day at 6 P. onneetlng with' C.

M. Cairo R. at Cat skill, and with B. A. R.

R. at Huilran. HKIlMiEPOUT BOATS DAILY (SUNDAYS excepted Pier. new. 31, Knst River, A.

SI. nnd P. M. East st. P.

eonneetlnjr at BrldKeport with train for New Haven und points on N. N. H. i H. R.

Saturday afternoon boat leaves one hour earlier. TROY 'Saraloea" or "City of Troy" BOA iS Pt Saturday. Railroad connections Up all points North liast.SCNDA YSTEAMEKS TOUCH AT ALBANY. Lackawanna Railroad. Stations in New York foot of Barclay and Chril topher Sts.

Leave. Arrive. Elmira Mall ts.00 A. M. "15:00 P.

Lackawanna Limited A.M. "3:00 P. M. New York Chicago Ex. P.

M. P. M. Scranton Express P. M.

12:20 P. M. Chicago Buffalo Limited P. M. M.

Utica. Oswego, Ithaca it Buffalo M. A. M. Buffalo Chicago Express A.

M. A. M. Sleepers open at 9:30 P. M.

Tickets at 03 Fifth 651 Columbus 113, 429 and 1.183 Broadway, 14 Park 1S3 W. 125th and 338 Fulton Brooklyn. Westcott'! Express Company will call for and rhenlc baggage to destination. tExcent Sunday. 'Dally.

LEHBCHtVALLEY. Trains arrive at nnd depart from station foot of Fulton Bt. Dally except Sundny. Other trains dally. Lae Brooklyn.

Airlva BronHyn. tis.05 a Easton Local to. Of, a Lis Buffalo and Western Express 9.50 a ir 9.45 a m. Buffalo. Detroit ft Cnlcni'o Kxprcm.

4.5o til. 16 a DIAMOND 10.20 12.30 i chunk nuU llnzleton til.85 a ji 1 3.45 itiu ie 'cranton Kpreas, tl. l' a t4.35 Easton Loenl 6 03 it B. IB si Chlcaeo snd Toronto Vestibule Exp. 9.00 i.45 EXPOSITION EXTRESS S.15 a Tickets and P'nllnuin acconmiodatlons at aud SBO i ulton 4 Court V8 Broadway and foot Fulton St Brooklvn.

Kcw York Tramfer Co. will toll lor. ui obKkbtggag.

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