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The Brooklyn Daily Eagle from Brooklyn, New York • Page 3

The Brooklyn Daily Eagle from Brooklyn, New York • Page 3

Brooklyn, New York
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)


ATrTirTmi Cits an Cossif 7S7ANTED SmJATION AS CHILD'S nurse, by a Protestant woman; can take entire charge of an infant; good reforence given. 163 Clinton st, nearState. WANTED SITUATION A GOOD cook, waaher and ironer, by respectable yonng woman has good city references. LCall for two days at X'atbnsh av. WANTED SITUATION TO DO UP atalrs work or housework, in a Bmall private family, by a respectable girl has good city roferenceB, Call for two days at 90 Duffield st, WANTED SITUATION TO DO UP7 Btalrs work or light housework, by a young girl 15 years of age is willing and obliging.

Call at 83 SkUlman at, between Park and Myrtle avs, WANTED SiTUATION AS CHAM bermaid and waitress, by a respectable young woman; has good city roferenaes. Call for two days at 304 Henry street, cor. Atlantio ay. top floor. a WANTED 8I ATIONS FEMAES.

WANTED SITUATION TO DO THE ohamborwork and waiting, by a raspeotablo young girl. Please call for two days at 515 Hamilton st, between Fulton at. and Atlantic y. "aNTEDSITU ATION TO BO GEN oral housework in a small private family, by a respectable young girl ia a good washer and ironer and plain cook has good city reference. Please call at No.

S7d Flushing av, corner oi Grand, top floor, back rooms. WANTED SITUATION AS OOOK, washer and ironor, by a respectable, reliable, ex periencod woman best of references wul be oundwill tag, economical and trustworthy, a good cook, and flrrt class waaher and ironer. Apply nt 887 Hicks Bt, parlor floor, back room. Wl NTED SITlJATION TO DO GEN eral honsowork or downstairs work in a small private family b. a respectable Protefltant woman best of oltv roferenci tooord Amqrican irl, to doJjPnOTM or nnraing.

Call for two or three days at or address No. 93 Atlantic av, noit door to Lockitt a. StANTED SlTtTATiON AS PLAIN cook, washor 'and ironer or to do general houso work In a private family, by a respectable yonng girl is willtn and objfgfng haB two years' reforenoo from her laat place. Please call for two days at 873 Baltic st, betwoon Smith' aud Hoyt sta, second floor, in front. fTED SITUATiON TO DO COOK.

ing, washing and ironing or gonoral houBework, iy a neat, re pectable girl will be found a willing, obliging and economical servant good cook, first class washer and references; city or oountry, Applyatllo Atlantic av. FOR SALE HOUSE AT Baortfice, the neat two story and basemint brick honeo containing 10 rooms, with nil in aod neighborhood. Torms to suit tho buyer. Inquire inTwen. ty thlrd st botwoon Third and Fourth avs, of P.

HUGH KM or 172 Ninth st, near Third av. Price $4,500. 17OR SALE HOUSE A'NEW BROWN stone honso No. 143 Amity st, near Clinton. 4 stori with mansard roof, 6 large bed rooms and billiard room fU the modern improvements, within ten minutes' walk nf Wall st.

and South ferripB; will bo Bold oheap. Apply to E. H. DAY, builder, 151 Stato st. FOR SALE HOUSE THE CHEAPEST house in the city; a new brown ptore houso, nil improvements, hi till stnpa throo Btory basomont and snbril lar; will bo sold at a gto it sacrifice torms to suit purchan ers.

Apply on promlsua oi owner, No. 83 atcrling pbco, noar Sixth av. POR SALE ftOUSE A THREE STORY and basement framo house. 17 Portland av, betwoon Myrtlo and Park avs: 9 rooms; a plnxunnt commodious houso in splendid ordor will bo soln at a burruin termsoasy. Apply to ALVA 11 W.

BUKTIS. U5 Myrtlo TCTOR SALE HOUSE 2 71 QUINCY ST, JF ono of thoso two handsome throo siory brick, French r.x.f, Philadelphia froni house Is 20x42 lot 34x101. has all Improvements, with as fixtures completu Parties jvantintt a nice, wtll fxijlt houso. that will coit nouiing to koj'P i repair, will do well call and oxammo. Apply to nnjiwun, UllUIIor, on ttio premises.

"B7IOK SATjE houses oheap and on JL osaj tnns somo of Hint nloKlnt bluck of tliroo Btory nnd basomont, WkIi brown stono front honsoa. on lisfayotto tmtvfoon Ryorson st and Orand av all modern Jmprovouionti: mcdluu; fu0, 12 (o lii rooms tho hist built houses on Hio Hill would root or nichaniro for wolt locator! lots nnd cash tmmodtato powosMon. Iminlni on tho promises orof TaOS. FAUAN, No.

173 Actulpht at. FOB, SALE HOUSES NEW story and basoinonc houaos, butltin tho substantial mannor: alllmprovoment marblo inantt'is. mar ble top basins; heator, rango; kitchen and dtninuro walnscottod wood and finished in a first olass man manner; Httlo cash required and balanco on onsy torms Apply on the ipromisos. corner of Madison st. aud Nostraud nv, of HawtfASEARCH.

ITIOR SALE HOUSE THE CHEAPEST in tho city, ono loft. No. 431 Van Boron st, notir Tompkins Park, flood location: ono two story nni basemont house built in tho boat mannor, fillod in to p.j.ik; all Imnrovomonts dinlntf room lias bnfl'ot In, nnd Is paneled in black walnut and oak must be soon to bo appreciated prico 44.51)0. Inquire of IS. V.

ISBIIJj, 4 Van Huron st, near Throop av. imOR SALE HOUSE PRETTY BRICK fi. cottaco. with piazza and terracod lawn in front, 860 Carlton av, botwoon Lafayette ana Greonti avs; lot 2oxl(Ju; In perfect ordor throughout seven largo rooms convoniont to tivo car routes within twonty minutes of throo forrios within ton minutes' drive of the Park host neighborhood lnlirooklvn; wtllsell furniture, which is as good as how, It loatred.Apply of owner, on promisos. ITIOR SALE HOUSES TWO N15AT brown stono housos, Simjiloo, 13 rooms, all lin 121 and 128 llutlodtjo st alo.

two a story Imspmont, SoritalOli, Nn. 141 and 143 ltutlodgo st, all nosr Bedford av: all iiuurovoments; immediato possession. Apply to F. O. ROOM AN, on tho promlsua, or at his resl denco, 444 Oatos nv.

FORK'S ALE HOWESrEUMS" EASY Two 2 story and basemont brown stono houses. 20x40. 10 rooms all improvements fit for immo.liate occupation also, ono a Btory brick nil iinprovomouts will trade brick houso for good lots or smallor houso. Apply to tho owner, W. O.

KUbSiiljL, on the promises, Vutuaui av, between Bedford and Nostrand. FOR SALE HOUSES SEVERAL VERY desirable residences, with 4 to 13 lots; well located near St. Marks plnoe, and New York and Brooklyn avs; fine shade and ornatnoutal ions and slirubb try nil modern improvements. Now ia tho tinm and tliis the plane io buy, winlo monoy is abundant and property cheap terms lihoraf. Appiy to G.

B. ELK IKS, 1, iQ Deau st, before A. M. or after 4 P. M.

FOR SALE HOUSES OR TO LET Some three story, basement and subcr ilar housos, all newly paporod and painted, in tirat class order; situated on Ijiiayetto av, bet. Washington and OHnton avs: thoso wishing to buy chonp call and oxaintno beforo purchasing elsowhnro. Also some other hitusu.i to rent orsull cheap all Hit; abovn nil! bo rim tod or id cheap, ou oasy torms. Apply top. Kyorsou st.

FOH SAfl.13 It I At, J.Sj'l'AXI. I jlUlt UK A laro number nf f.irin.t nn Lnn IrKiiiI. Now soy. Connecticut: would oxchanco for nnv ood nroncrtv lu thn of Brooklyn on fair basis. Apply to RUa TIN A HON, 877 Myrtlo uv.

IjOR SALE BUILDING SUITABLE for a fact nry large brick building No. 7 Doughty et, extending through to Vino ot (No. 11 Vine st); contains two largo tables, with hay lofts, and throe floors sultablo for manufactory or storago purposes. Apply to W. 11KS TEK, Kaglo oUico.

ITIOR SALE REAL ESOEATESIlF able oroporty, noir Loor Branch, for sale or oxciiango for Brooklyn or New York property ono of six acres, another ot twenty two acroa; good buildi ps nnd plenty of choice fruit, Inc.airo of H. BROWN, No. 13 Bedford avenue. 7IOK SALE FLORIDA 200,000 a cms Land wnrriuitn of fnrtv itnrnn nn.h Inoiint he tlm 'ioridl Land and Tiinnirrrnlton ffnninanv. T.inH hi out uf iirtfl.Om acres, on thn If no nf tho Florida Rail.

road from Fornandiua to C'tidar Koya, tttlo diror.t rnnn United States. WM. IT. LUDLOW A K. L.

HAYES, 170 Broadway, Room 2, second floor. I'OIi fiXCHANriL. IOtt EXCHAN(JE EOR BROOKLYN dwelling, throe houaos and grounds on Statun Island, ono lightly mortgaged, two froo and clear. Also wanted particulars of dwelling houses in Brooklyn uudui foreclosure, Call at 64 Broadway, room 44. FOR EXCHANGE THE TliREESTORY; high stoop, briok houBO, Mi Wost Twenty sixth st, near Ninth av, Now York, for Brooklyn proporty; will give from to cash for htghor pricod property, or would sell tor terms to suit.

Addross PEARSON A TALL MAN, Sixth ar. and Twenty fourth at, JJ. Y. FOB SAIiE MISCI.Ij IjAHUEOUS FOR SALE BUSINESS BUT CH Ell shop; business good: outfit complete good reasons for selling, 875 Clnsaon ar, otr. of Oroono.

Oil SALE BUSINESS A GOOD NEWS a nor route for sale. AudIv at the nanor stand, cor JjiOR SALE BUSINESS AN OU) ES tabbiished lagor beer and liquor Btoro, with a largo meeting room year leaso. Apply at 78 Myrtlo av. I7OK SALE BILLIARD TABLE A sraall billiard tablo, with balls and cues, all In good order; price. $50.

Oan be seen from 8 to 9 A. or 7 to 9 V. nt 49 Oaterf nv, IOR SALE FURNITURE A SPLEN did parlor suit, sofa and six chairs; crimson figured eatin solid rosewood, very hoivy; will bo sold at a groat bnrgain. Apply at 153 Sonth Oxford st. 1 "OlTSALE PRESS TO AMAt Jfi 'U'R printors; large size Adams proai, 13x19 with oflico eomplote, for a boy's newspaper coat $60 will sell.

In perfect ordor, for $30. Apply at onoo at No. 11 2 Washington avenue. IllOR SALE CARPETS G06d SECOND hand and misfit oarpot and oilcloths (a specialty); KngHsh Brussels, three ply and inuraln. very cheap, at tho old place 112 "Fulton st, Now York; Bide entrance uudor Hawley and Footo? clotutng store.

OH SALE MILK THE MILK OF 30 orKf) cows: no imrtv ni('d nnntv iinlns nnrfiintlv rn. good 1'ive and rnmirod. Address THOMAS MONTOOM1LRY, South Oyster Bay, Long F' riOR SALE BUSINESS S. E.

HIGGINS A CO. offer lliRlr homo mmle nio himirifiKB fnr wnln. for one week, in connection with their bakery and milk do not, at No. 9fi Myrtlo av wo advertiso to soil nt a reasonable cash price. No humbuf.

Our business is Btrictly cash. JIORSALE BUSlNESS MILKjBUTTER, ciiesse and egg He pot. selling tnreo to sewn cans por out. of Bfcoro. trfni 75 to 125 loaves of broad nor (lav: wood sales average 1,000 bundles por wynk luifler nnd otiicr tilings in proportion the vory best reasons for Bellies priCH complete $50, if sold at onco.

Apply at 679 Filth av, S. B. HOUSES, CAflIt.lAtf.fGM, A YOUNG KIND HORSE, LOW PHAE ton nearly new, with harness and blankets, for sale at a good bargain. Apply at room 2, No, 213 Montague street. A HORSE WANTEI) MUST BE A GOOD saddle borao and suitable for family carriage not FiiKh priced.

Address, Btating vory lowest prico, 11. Kaglo office. A HANDSOME TOP BUGGY FOR SALE CJ city mako; in good order; also, a single haraess, very little used, will be sold choap. Apply at KKTCHAM'S Stnblos, Raymond st, noar DoKalb av. BRIOK STABLE EOR SALE, COR.

VINE st. Jin Columbia heights; has five bingle and two box stalls, water, gas coachman's apartment "everything in comploto order. Apply at 218 Columbia heights. "rtOUPE FOK SALE A LIGHT COUPE In sond order, with polo and shafts, will bo sold cheap. J.

CURLEY, corner State st and lloor urn placo. COMPLETE TURNOUT FORSALE Brown Knox horse, 16J handB high, very stylish, kind in all harness, and is an elogant saddle horse cau trot in 3 :15 warranted sound also side bar top wagon, harness, blankets, etc. will bo sold tootbor or soparntoly. Apply to tho owner, 116 Fort Greene pi. betweun 7 nnd o'clock A.

M. HORSE SUITABLE FOR COAL CART, truck or express wagon for salt; cheap, owner having no use for it. J. WALLACE, 183 Hamilton av. INN BJiOS.

CARRIAGE REPOSITORY. fli Always on band and for Balo, now, top and no top, tide bar and full spring buggios, dootor's and pony phaetons, tup gigs, of our own mako; also a large assortment of eoo ond hand doctor's phaetons, top and no topbuggiefl, Victorias, rockawnya, sulkies and gigs. LINN carrtngo roanuMoturers, JNos. 47,49, 61 ana 13 Borgon Smith st and Boerum place. ONE TOP, SINGLE SEAfiDEBAR; road wagon for sale, and a two soated wagon nearly new.

Apply at the stable corner of Vine st. and Columbia heights. ONE NEW DOCTOR'S PHATSTON, 1 now side bar, top wasfon, 1 now loathor curtain rock away (very light), 1 new extension top, two seat wagon, all of tho very best material and workmanship; 1 secondhand coupe rackaway, but Httlo used 1 eocondnand road wagon nd several secondhand top wagons, for sale voir cheap. JAMES YOUNG, Carriage Factory, 1,105 and 1,037 Atlantic av, near Olaison. Repairing promptly attended to.

STABLE PROPERTY FOR SALE Large brick bull dine No, 7 Doughv st, oxtending through to Vine st (No. If Vine it); contains two large stables, with hay lofts, and three floors suitable for manufactory or storage surposes. Apply to W. HESTER, Kagle offloe. SPECIAL NOTICES.

P. DORLON HAVE JUST OPENED a new nnd eleaant "Ovster Parlor" in Fulton Mar corner of Bookman at. New York, for tho ladies and gontlemon of Brooklyn returning from tho theatres and placet of amusement in New York. They keep opon till midnight. AL FRO vTTHEBOA T.

Beat quality of Locust Mountain, clean and woll screoned, will bo delivered to buyers at tne low price of for furnace and $6,75 for atovo, from boat, foot of Fnlton st, uroomyn. w. HKKltrn, TEAS N. Y. SAMPLE TEA NO.


SUPREME COURT, ICINGS COUNTY The Brooklyn Life Insurance Company, pl'ff, agt. Hortonso F. H. Keutgen, Frederick Keutgen, and others, dof'ts. In pursuance and by virtue of a judgment of foreclosure and sale, mado in above ontitled action on the Bocoad day of September, A.

D. 1S75, 1, the subscriber, referee for that purposa, duly appointed for such purpose, will sell at public auction, to the highest bidder, on Thursday, the 80th day of September, 1876, at the hour of 12 o'clock, noon, at the rotunda of the Kings County Court House, in the City of Brooklyn, Kings County, the lands and premises in said jadgmeat mentioned, ana therein described as follows. Tiz. All that certain house and lot, giece or parcel of land, situate, lying and being In the iith Ward of tho City of Brooklyn, bounded and described aa follows: Beginning at a point on the southerly side of Amity Btreet, distant oao hundred and forty feot westerly from the southwesterly corner of Amity and Clinton streets running thence westerly along the suuth'jrly side of Amity street twenty five feet; theneo southerly and parallel with Clinton street, and through the centre of a party wall of tho said house and the house next westerly therefrom one hundred foot: thence easterly and parallel with Amity street fcwenty flre feet; fchenoa northerly and parallel with Clinton street and through the centre of a party wall of the houso hereby conveyed, and the house next easterly therefrom one hundred feet to the southerly side of Amity street at the place of beginning. Dated Brooklyn, September 7, 1875.

A. W. GLBASON, Referee. A Fono, Pl'ff Atty. sed WAS 3w The sale of the above described property is postponed until Monday, tue lit day of Novemoor, 1875, same hour and placo.

Dated Brooklyn. Sept, 30. 1876. A. W.


1 S1TPR.RMI5 nrtTinT. Tfiwni: nnnMTVn alsh against Michael O'DonVsli and others' In onr snanoe of a judgment order of partition and sale made by this Court in the above entitled action, bearing date the 87th day of September, 1875, 1 will sell by public auction at the salesroom of Cole A Murphy, No. S79 Fulton street (opposite the City Hall), in the Olty of Brooklyn, on the 15th day of November, 1875, at 12 o'clock, noon, the follow Ins described lands and premises, viz. All that certain lot, pioee, or parcel of land situate, Wing and being In tho Oity of Brooklyn, County of Kings, and State of New York, on the northerly side of Folton strest. formerly Folton avonue, betas tna principal part of lot number 493 (four hundred anamnety two), on a certain map on filo ta the Kings County Register' offics, entitled "Map of property in the City of Brooklyn, belonging to the bairs at John Jackson, doe'd, Brooklyn, May, 1839." SU" Indian.

Oity Surveyor, which part of said lot hereby conveyed is bounded and dojeribed and contains as fl0JB wit: BeeinninHBtapointontho northerly side of Fulton street or avenue, distant fifty tiiree Q. "3 three quarters of an inch westerly from St. Felix street, aud rnnnlnx thence northeasterly on the lino between lot No 492 antflot 491 on said map, seventy t.vo feet and fWa Inches to St Felix street: thence northerly, along the westerly line of St Fe ta feet thence twenh feet and six inches, to the line between ot ana lnJwn ifrtnnsaid map: thence southerly alonj saia last lot flvflnfv five feet to Fulton streotor avenue, and thwo ewiortonrt i northerly aide ot Fulton stroot place of beKinnimr. Together with SFltS rtaht title and interest of the partlei hereto, in and I to the sfd roetor avenue, lyinff In front oi and adjoining sid streets, to tho centre thereoi. Kxcoptlnsc aad reserv fii all and io much of tho above described premises as were lofd to Thomas Heavay by James McDonnell and wife by deed dated January, 1868, and recorded iuuld Register's Liber 793 of Conveyances, paijo 291, January 21, ISM, being a Btrip of land on the easterly side of eaid premise six Inches in front and rear, and forty five feet In depth on oach side, being tho easterly half of the party wall standing on the premises abovo described.

Datea Septe A 0. OB00KA BSQ i PUT. Mt'j. iu aajksai. rte.eree.

BOARD 204 WASHINGTON ST, NEAR Concord Neatly furnished rooms, with board; accommodations for table boarders; house has all modern improvements references required. nOAR T92 WASHINGTON ST, COR." JLl3ner Concord. A large, very pleasant, handsomely fur rmhod front room in this desirable tnnse modern lmprovo menta Plimpton bedstead If desired BOARD FOR SINGLE GENTLEMEN or gentlemen and their wives; all mo'dern improve ments; first class table; dinner at Call at 238 warxon street BOARD 35 POPLAR ST. BETWEEN Hfoks and Willow sta, To let, with board, pleasant roomB; bath, hot and cold water, gai, houso three minutes1 walk from Fulton and Wall st. ferries.

BOARD ON THE HEIGHTS A VERY desirable Boeond floor, nnexpeotodly vacated, to let, with first class board; references exchanged and terms moderate. 172 Clinton st, 230 WASHINGTON STCTO JLJ) let pleasant front roomB, to a gentloman and wife or two single gentlemen seven minutes irom Fulton and Catharine ferries. OARD 134 STATE ST TOLET, WJTH goad board, handsomely furnished rooms, hot and water; suitable for families or singlo gontlemen din. ner at references required. OARD NO.

106 SECOND PL TWO Rl Wsnmo nn t.hlrd flnnr. wrII fnrnishfid and contalnlntr every convenience, to let with first class board at moderate prices to gentlemen west or reior uoua givuu. I()ARI) 197" ITARRISON ST, SECOND Hnnrmm rillnfnn two doable and one sino lo room. with board location convenient to cars and ferries terms moderate, OARD A LARGE FRONT ROOM, 18 nicoly furnished, first class location, for per wobk at 296 1 edry 'st, near Stato references exchanged. BOARD 24 CLINTON ST, NEAR FUL ton.

The most convenient spot in Brooklyn; a few pleasant, newly furnished, rooms single or minutes from Fulton Ferry table first class terms reasonable table boarders also. BOARDA PRIVATE FAMILY OF TWO, owning and occupying a first class house, near Dr. Cnyler's Church, will let to a gentleman, or a gentleman and wife, two rooms, with or without board liouse and furniture now. Address WEB, Eagle office. OARD AT NO.

5 FIRST PL TWO largo rooms aud hall room on the third floor, with amplo closet room and all the modern conveniences; rooms are neatly and comfortably furnished convenient to cars and ferries. ft OARD ON THE HEIGHTS A FAMILY or simrle trentlemnn nan obtain firat elnsR anenmmn datlons on Pierrepont st, accessible to Wall street Kerry; reforonces exchanged. Address BOARD, Box 7, Eagle office. BOARD 139 LAWRENCE ST. SINGLE gentlemen can ho accommodated with first class" board, house has all modern improvements hot and cold water in rooms; house heated with heater; torms $5 a week.

BOARD ONTHEILTPRWT Al? cove room, southern exposure, with hot and cold water bath, in a private family; good location: cars pass tho door; convenient to churches; with or without board nicely furnished, or without. No. 8211 DoKalb av, BOARD 18' SIDNEY PLACE BOARD from $6 to $10 per week: rooms for nontlemen; also, double extension rooms on first and second floors, with private baths, nuitablo for gentlomon or families; house and looation first class. BOARD 278 CARROLL STTO LET. with board, a square room on second floir, sunny exposure, and front room on third floor; rooms nicely furnished hot and cold water, qaa, closot room Ao location ploaBautand desirable; terms moderate, BOARD A PRIVATE FAMILYwTLL lot pleasant rooms, with board, to gontlemen and their wives or single Rontlemen; house pZs.ts.'.nf ly located, near three linos of cars, 872 Clermont av, fivo doors from Greene av.

cars. BOARD 53 WILLOUGHBY ST, PLEAS ant rooms and good bord, at reasonable prices, within throe minutes' walk to City Hill, and ten to Wall st, or Fulton fenies; terms reasonable; also table boarders takon. BOARDNO. 181 DEGRAW ST, FIRST houae from Honrv stTo let, a largo front room on seoond floor; also, hall nicoly fnrnisbed, with or without board, in a German family convenient to forrios price moderate, and reforonces exchanged. OARD ON THE HILL AT 194 SOUTH Oxford st.

a nrlvato family occupying their own irfK iHtonn hmiB.i will Int. tn eontlemon and wives or gentlemen, very desirable rooms newly furnished all improvements best of reforenco given and required. BOARDA GENTLEMAN AND WIFE can be accommodated with good board, in a private family, or two single gentlemen, second or third floor large closets, hot, and cold witter; bathroom on second floor. Call at 28 Wyckoff st, a fowdoors from Court. BOARD AT 22 "SANDS ST.

LARGE front room, furnished or unfurnished, to lot to gentleman and wife or two singlo gentleman; hot and cold water; within three minutes' walk of Fulton or Catharine ferries; table boarders taken. Cajlall waek. BOARD A LARGE, HANDSOMELY furnished seoond story alcove room, to lot with board also, large back room on the s.imo floor; both have hot and cold water; will bo let together or separately. Apply at 409 PaciSo st, bet Bond and Nevlns. BOARD ON THE HEIGHTS 77 JO ralemon at, corner of Hic rooms, nicoly furnished, all light aod oheorful, with lio.ird of the best quality, for families or single gentlemen, with good references.

BOARD 24JOTONST, BETWEEN Amity and Congresn very deslrabla double and single rooms, to let with board location first class, within ten minutes' walk of South and Wall st ferries; terms moderate. BOARD A PRIVATE FAMILY WILL let, tA right parties, rooms on second story, front alcove or back, or a third story front; gentlemen and wives or Bingle gentlemen will find this a substantial good homo at moderate terms. 253 Adelphiat, near DeKalb av. 5 OARD BRdoiCLYN jaEIGHTS NIOE ly furnished rooms to let, with tho best of board and eold water; closets; family small. Apply at 65 Hicks st, three minutes' walk from Fulton Ferry terms very moderate.

OARD A PRIVATE FAMILY OWN fna their own house will let two ot tlirne nicelv fur niBQd rooms, with or without board, to single qeutlemen or gentlemen and their wives; houso delightfully locatsd contains all ImprovomontB. Apply at 110 Park pi. BOARD ON THE HEIGHTS TWO largo rooms for gentlemen and wives, or singlo gontlo men, with hot and cold water, largo closets, and firat class tablo, at 101 Stato et, third door from Clinton, between Clinton and Court fits references exchanged. BOARD ON THE" HILL 0 5 SOUTHOX ford et. A large handsomely fnrnisbed second story front room to let, with first class board, to gentleman and wife; also room for a single gentloman; references exchanged.

BOARI)OlTi with board, a larco handsomely furnished second story hall bedroom; in first class house; ateo two table boarders. Apply at No. 101 Hicks street, corner of Pineapple. BOARD ON TIEHISNO. 2471JUM borland et, bet.

Dr. Cuyler's church and Washington Park Two largo rooms, handsomely furnished, for gentlo mon and their wives; also two hali rooms, suitiblo for single gentlemen terms moderate. BOARD LA ROE SECiy NDTHIRD story rooms ta with board; marble basin, hot and cold water, suitable for gentleman and wife or singly gentlemen; also, room for a young In dy to room with another. References exchanged. 183 Washington st, corner nassnu.

BOARD A PRIVATE FAMILY LIV ing in their own honse would like to accommodate two or three persons with board rooms pleasant and looation fine Fulton Ferry cars pass tho door; also convenient to Williamshurgh ferriss terms moderato homo comforts to be enjoyedgentlemen preferred. 727 DeKalb ay. BOAUD ON THE HEIGHTS 1 19 HE ry st, between Clark and Pierrepont A splendid large room on second floor, with hall rooms adjoining, back or ample closets.water basin, gas and heut, suitable for tnreo or four persons also, a fine large hall room, front, on third floor for goutleman. BOARD ON THE HEIGHTS DESIRA ble rooms, with all conveniences, to lot to gontlemen and their wives or Bingle gentlemen, at the house known as the Duryea Mansion, No. 77 Willow st, cor.

of Pineapple; dining room on parlor floor and table first claBS references required. BOARD ON THE HILL AT 200 Srmth Oxford st, rties desiring oamfortnble rooms for the Winter, can be accommodated at onoe; rooms in thorough order water in all; table flrt class; convenient to all ferries by cars; terms moderato; also accommodations for a gent willing to room with another. TT OARD ON THE HILL 239 CLER JLj) mont avenue A largo handsomely furnished or part ly furnished room to let, with board, for gentleman and wife or two single gentlemen also, one pleasant hall room mse, location, Ac, first clasB. OARD CENTRAL 241 WASHING ton st, nearly opposite Methodist church Front rooms od set on and third floors, with or without iarRO hall rooms; all improvements; terms reasonable; call and no objection to ohildron. BOARD NO.

103 HENRY STREET near Clark, large handsomely furnished back room, with sunny oxpoBure, on second floor, with amplo clasat room; one of them with hot and cold water; also a large roar hall room, with fire. BOARD 204 COLUMBIA HEIGHTS Riverside, within threo minutes of Wall Bt. Ferry Suits of rooms tor familhs, and singlo rooms for gentlemen, overlooking New York Bay, can now be securad at tho above well known house, at moderate prioes; appointments in every particular strictly first class, BOARD STORY FRONT room. Southern oiposuro. all improvements, in a small family, whore there ore but few boarders within walking distance of the iorry and six car routes; will lot for two at $1.

par week; references exchanged. 423 State st, cor. Nevins. BOARD $5TO $6 PER WEBK A laree, nicely rarni3he front room, also hail room, with oxceUcnt board bath, gas, fire, half a block to Fulton Ferry caw, and 0lnutos, walk to Hamilton Ferry: a comfortable homo for tho Winter; references ox cnangea. iq Third pi.

OARD ON THE HILL 40 SOUTH jLp Oxford at Front alcove room and back room on socond floor; also, third story front room; all artra largo and ologantly furnished fine piano can remain in alcove room if desired; first claei brown stone front honBo; best oi reierences terms moderate, BOARD AT 61 WILLOUGHBY ST A gentleman and his wife, ortwo or three singlo gentlemen can be accommodated with board, where a few boarders are taken and where they can have thB comfort ot a home; house has tho modern improvements; heat by furnace iu the cellar. BOARD NO. 9 MONTAGUE TERRACE, third door from Bemsen at; house commands fine view of tile Bay, and la but two minutes' from Wall strept Ferry: rooms handsomely furnished hot and oold wator, largo closets, etc. table supplied with tho beat tho markets anu i rmorunces exooangeu. OARD Ti PRIVATE FAMILY IN South Brooklyn, neighborhood first, olass, wish to let, with board, ploasaut rooms on second or third floors furnished or unfurnished to gentleman and their wives or to singlo gontlemon references given and required.

Ad dress W. H. Boi SO, Bagte oSlce. BOARD ON THE HILL NO. 7 LAFAY otto nv, a handsome front room op third floor, southern exposure room has gas, hot and cold water, nicely furnished with black walnut and Brussels also, other roomB house has all modern improvements pleasantly located convemcnt to car routes.

OARD ON THE HILL A BMALL PEI flB vate family, occupying their oira house, will lot a tmra floor front room, with board, to gentleman and wife or single gontlemon house has all the modern improve ments: terms moderato reforoncos crchanged. Inquire at No. 299 BOARD IN SOUTH BROOKLYN A vervnloasant large socond story room, well furnished with odlfoMd in a private family. at moderate terms; and Hamilton ferries, between two oar line! Inquire at 39 UoubIass st, noar Court refor onces exonangca. TsnjDT.

Til i. Wilil fJUAltu, Jj ploasant rooms, newly papored, painted nuri carpeted, soifoble for a of single gentlemen or a gentleman I tf 1 Via til honse and location flrit clasiV tin tautes' walk to ferries; terms moderate. loo oonermernorn sc. OARD HANDSOMELY FURNISHED 7 ithvithout board, on the Heights; sta and In nice order, with every convenience, on soc SSd Ttt.frdflo'o'r" and la references. pply at 116 Henry at, bet Pierrepont and Clark.

BODfiT delightful Hill a private family can accommo nHi02 2rbonse bas modern Improvements, SJfl.ttoXM OMroutoBotiB right parties this SaTbTaTormauenV home referenoesxohanged. AppiyatjllH AQBipUlS OARri RARTIKS MAKING ARRANGE t.t Winter can find a ohoioe of hsndjome mento for the Winter famUies or Ben moderate. Apply at No. aa oino, OARD AT 4TTORALEMON ST A his wife, or two single gentlemen, Slth a largo, nicely lorawnea room oan uo aocommou i "'V. on second floor, with good board.

o. i third floor: five minutes' walk of wau also, a hall room on a sonta lorries. Teimti moaerate. OABiPATlinNI'URSUIT OF A i home Tnlease call; house just being on the corner, the are partlouiariy uieManv an BOARD PARTIES LAXiSii ouuuY in ftftrt. jthv9 moved to 101 Henry at, where the, half a back room, nloely Wnishod, one hall room on the first floor, and a larg.

back parlor, for thro" four yonng men, to let; terms aro reasonable; BOARD 92 FIRST PLACE HAND somoly furnished second and third story rooms with board, to goStlomen and their wives or singlo gentlemen hotandocidwaUrln rooms and ample closota; very dosir able looation, and oasj talking distance to South and Wall st.terriin; convenient to oars torms moderate. BOARD LARGE, PLEASANT ROOMS, oultablo for gontleman and wife or single gen tlemon good board and exooUent accorrunodafcions; house rlnely Ave minutes of folton Ferry. Call at S5 Sands st, seoond door from Washington, and one brock iruui iuiion St. HILL AT 10 SOUTH Oxford Bt A 'gentleman and wife or fcvo single gentlemen, desiring a room together, will find pleasant ac oommodatlona at the above number table good location first olass and a pleasant homo for the Winter one or two table boarders oon be accommodated. BOARD A GENTLEMAN AND WIFE or two single gentlemen can be accommodated with a pleasant furnished front room on second floor, with good board, In a private Araerioan family; house with all nprovemente prfco $13 per week.

Atso Putnam av, between Bedford and Nostrand. ANTED TWO VEST MAKERS AND button hole makers, at 310 raoiuo st. AKTED A GOOD GIRL), WHITE OR colored. Call 8372 Tompgina ay. ANTED TO DO GENERAL HOUSE work, a girl, E.

J. BOB P.K IIIJ Piorrepont St. ANTED FOR GENERAL HOUSE work in a Bmall private family, a Protestant (fir must have good reference. Apoly at 167 Tompkins ay. WANTED TO DO GENERAL HOUSE in a small family a girl, ono who can bring oity references.

Call at 422 Bergen st. WANTED A GOOD WASHER and ironer, with city references, at 198 Prospoot pi, near Vanderbilt av. WANTED TO DO GENERAL HOUSE vrork in a small private family, a young girl. None but a Protestant need apply at 419JIerklmer st. WANTED A GOOD PLAIN COOK, washer and ironer, with good references from last place.

Apply at 93 Pineapple at. ANTED AS COOK. WASHER AND in amftii nrlvato family, ft good reliable girl must have good reforence. Apply at 161 Carlton av. WANTED TO TAKE CARE OF A BABY during the day and sleep at home, a girl.

Call at 101 Hicks st, WANTED TO WAIT ON THE TABLE and assist with the ohamborwork, a girl, In a private family, can at ii aoventn avenue. ANTED A SEAMSTRESS BY THE day or week must Ibo a Protestant and sleoo at hotne. Cftfl at 479 av, near Gates. WANTED A GbOD COOK, WASHER and ironer, also a first olaas waitress, Protostanta proferrpd none need irltbout good references. CalJ at 145 Columbia heights, Friday from 9 to 12.

WANTED TO DO GENERAL HOUSE work for two In family, a girl; must be a good cook, washer an'! ironer, and hnvo good city roferenceB. Apply jit 223 Harrison st, near Clinton. WANTED A GOOD COOK, WASHER and ironer, and to do jrmeral housework; good wages will be given. One with good city reference may apply at 277 Gates av, cor. Franklin.

WANTED ONE AS COOK, WASHER, and ironer, the other as chambermaid and waitress, two girls leferencea required. Apply at No. 290 Clinton at. WANTED A COOK ONE WHO THOR oughly understands her bnsinesa, and rill assist in the washing and ironing; good references required; wages 814. Apply from 3 to 5, for two days, at 218 Degraw st.

WANTED A GOOD COOK, WASHER and ironer; must have city reforence and under Ptand her business. Call between 3 and 6 o'clock P. M. at 39 Sidney pL mj WANTED AS GOOD COOK, WASHER end ironer, a thorouglily competent girl. May inquire at 115 Columbia heights, with reference, betwoonS ana a r.

ana ana iu a. oi. WANTED TO DO GENERAL HOUSE work in a small family, a Protestant or colored girl must be a good vastier and ironer roferonco required; wages tgle per month. Apply at dwi ijaiayetiejiy. WANTED TO DO GENERAL HOUSE worlt.agood cook, washer and ironer must bo a good bread and biscuit maker; references required.

Call at 110 Park pi. TtTST ANTED TO DO GENERAL HOUSE work, a voung gill: must be a good washer and ironer; small family; part of house. Apply from one till iour P. Octobor at J. 003 Atlantic av.

ANTED TO DO GENERAL HOTJSE work in a Bmall private ramlly, a girl must uo a goon cook, w.lsuer auu iruuur. pyiy ub at? itiacuu uet. Tompkins and Throop avs. STANT10D TO DO GENERAL HOUSE VY work In a family of three adults, a neat, capable, willing ProtoBtant erirl German or Swede preferred. Muat havo thf best city referenced.

Apply at 271 Ryeraon near DeKalp av. WANTEITODOTHE HOUSEWORK of a snmll family aud assist In tho caro of an Infant, a noat, tidy irirl must be a (toad washer and ironor and have city references. Apply at 814 Thirteenth st, South Brooklyn. WANTED TO DbGENERAL HOUSE work, in a family of throe persons, a girl house has every convenionce $14 per month will be paid to a flrBt class girl. None others need apply at 850 Carlton av, near Greene.

ANTED GIRLS, GIRLS, NOW. IS the time, ta nrocurAtrnod niacin for tho Winter. The boat families in tho city apply to us for help, dully. Dnnt wait, but call at once on Airs. M.

O. KELLOGG, SOUTH BROOKLYN EMPLOYMENT BUREAU, No. 283 Court 8t, opp. Douglass. WAITED SERVANTS OF ALL KINDS at the office managed by ladies; EMPLOYMENT BUREAU, 29 Concord st, botween Fulton and Washington, three blocks below the City Hall; the able women come here for situations; and many tiptrix who have not been in the habit of going to an office, 'N.

"Wet arses wanted. WANTED C5ST0HAMBERM AIDS, and girls for honpeworkiat SERVANTS' OFFICE, 18 Court street ibasement also cirlfl will notice that they can get dfSfta and pasaage tickets on the Ininan, Ounard, Guion anovational lines, at low ANTED AS5 NtlRSE. CflAMEER inaifl And seamstress. rospectnble young girl, who has had. eipBrifenoe ana can Ubmo well recommended, caa.ltare a permanent situation and a good homo by nppiy plyingto dajr at J4 Cambridge place, between Greene and uareB ays, vrun reierences.

WANTED AT 9 JOHNSON ST, near Fulton. wfll sell more newsewin? machines on $5 monthly Instalimentsyto ho paid in work at good pricoa all the work yon can do guaranteed good operators make $lSpor yredk. This is another place 10 buy ladles' underwear oneap obemlso, Rood mnslin, 45c corset covers other goods proportionately cheap. W. WANTED HISIiPUIALES.

ANTED TWO FIRST CLASS FELT hat rtnrlera and rIx nt ltT hat finishers at OROFUT i KNAPP'S, South tf orwalk, Conn. ANTED TO ASSIST vIN OUR FACTO tv. a pouth mast write a fair band and reside with hi a parents in Brooklyn. Address, Btatlng age, N.Y. B.

itayle ottice WANTED CANVASSERS 20 MEN TO canrass for the Singer Sewing Machine, The highest commissions paid. Inquire at tho SINGER office, d2L JrUilOQ su WANTED TO RUN OF ERRANDS and make himself generally nseful in a large office tn New York City, a strong, active and willing boy. Applicants (who must reside in Brooklyn) will address, ia own name and handwriting, Boi 8,005, Post Office, New York uuy, ANTED CANVASSERS SEVERAL IntAlllirnnt. lndnntrinns vnune men to introduce a new gas burner; the most economical and best light pro ducer in use a liberal arrangement insurin, many already using it. Apply between 8 am to CJIAS.

WALLER, Nos. 344 and 348 Fulton st, L. I. Savings Bank building. WAIVXK SITU ATIONS FEia ALES.

WANTED SITUATION A CHAM benuaid, by a respectable Gorman girl: best city reference. Please call for two days at 32i Myrtle ay WANTED SITUATION TO DO GEN oral housework, in a small family, by a respectable widow woman. Please call at 45 Doughty st. ANTED SITUATION AS A WET nurse, by a resuectable woman. Call for two days at 145 Douglass at.

WANTED SITUATION IN A SMALL private family, by a respectable girl good city reference Call at 243 Wyckoff st, late St. Marks av. WANTED SITUATION TO DO GEN eral housework, by a girl; is a good waBher and Ironor and plain cook: Call for two dava at 735 Borgcn st. WANTED SITUATION" AS SUPERIOR cook, washer and ironer. Apply to her present employer, 43 Fourth pi.

VANTED OTUIASC washer and ironor, by a respectable girl can give good references. Call at 3g5Iicks st. WANTED SITUATION TO DO PLAIN cooking and washing, by a girl. Call for two days at cor. of Franklin av.

and Bergen st. "'ANTED SITUATION AS A GOOD cook, washer and ironer, by tho day, week or month, by a middle agod woman. Call at 635 Dean st ANTED SITUATION TO DO GEN reference. Call for two days at No. 21 Quinoy jjt WANTED SITUATION TO DO THE houBework in a small family, by a Protestant yonng girl.

Call at 155 York st, eecond tloor. WANTED SIT UATION TODO GEN eral housework in a small private family, by a ro Bpcctable girl. Can bo seon for two days at 68S BergBn at. ANTE 3 IT ATION A CHAM' bormaid. Can be Been for two days at 505 Vander bilt nv.

ANTED SITUATION TO TAKE care of children, bv a resnectable voune tfirl has good city references. Call for two dayB at 42 Franklin av. ANTED SITUATION TO DO LIGHT hmiRp rnrk. bv a vouuc trirl. aced 16 VfiarR.

Call at No. 124 TiUary st, between Bridge and' Jay. WANTED SITUATION AS NURSE or waitress, by a good colored girl good reference. Call at 272 Tompkins av. ANTED SITUATION A COOK, washer and Ironor, by a respectable rirl.

103 Presi dent st. WANTED SITUATION AS CHAM barmaid and waitress or to take care of children in a small family, by a willing and obliging girl. Please call at her former employer's. No. 423 Lafayette av.

ANTED SITUATION TO DO GEN eral housework, bv a reanectble youne woman: ifl a good cook, washor and ironer has good city references. Call for two days at 327 Hudson av. WANTED SITUATION TO DO UP stairs work and waiting, or general housework, in a email family, by a girl good reference. Apply at 633 Atlantic av, near Sixth. ANTED SITUATION AS A FIRST class cnok, washer and ironer, by a respeotable girl has six years' reference.

Kjau an in a wees at 101 Auams street. WANTED SITUATION AS A GOOD plain cook, washer and ironer, In a private family, by a respectable girl; has city inferences. Call at No, 7 Columbia pi, near Joraivmon st "17 AN TE SIT ATION AS CHAM bormaid or to do light houaawork of a small family, or will take charge of a baby, by a young girl. Apply at 23J Hona tt. ASTED SITUATIONS ONE AS erBTbimnhhpBthXQ BlrlS' CaU at presont employ WANTED SIfUATION TO DO THE down stairs work, by arespoctablegirl; can cook, wash and iron, and nas good city raferencos.

Call at No 6 Harpers court, one door from Jay st. WANTED SITUATION TAKE caro of children and do upstairs work, by a re upectable young girl; has good olty reference. Please call for two days at ov Douglass sfc; ANTED SITUATION TO DO GEN oral housework in a small nrivato family, by a re spectable German girl. Apply for onediyatNo. 100 al ton st, between Throop and Harrison avs.

ANTED SITUATION AS CHAM bermaid and waitress, by a respoctable yonne girl has good city references. uaii lor two aays zj racino street ANTED SITUATION AS CHAM 1 r.A (lilln g)9ctblc young Protestant girl; has good city references, all for two days at 299 Court st. ANTED SITUATION TO ATTEND lnlfoMi tw Fiiino 1q(1o BIT' AinnriRnp.R. Please call on. or audresa to preeent employer, 661 Myrtle avenue.

ANTEDSITUATION TO DO GEN eral housework in a private family, by a reflDBCt ablo young girl. Call at 16G Huntington At, Detween uunton anu Uourt. ANTED SITUATION TO DO THE f.mmh?riYOrrr nnd w.iiHno )n a nrivate family, bv a roapoctahlo colored girl. Call all this week at 743 Atlantic av. iu the rear.

WANTED SITUATION AS COOK, and assist with the washing and ironing, by a respectable woman has good city references. Call lor two days at 13'j Henry st, cor. of Atlantic av. ANTED SITUATION AS A CHAM bermaid nnd ai stress, or Ho ht housework, bv a respectable ynunn trirl has good city references. Oall tor two days at y3 St.

Marks av. ANTED SITUATION A GOOD Dlaln rnnV Tiu .1 h.a lin.f miihi' is wimnz and obliging: not afraid of work. CaU for two days at No. 41 CheoTerpl. WANTED SITUATION TO DO UP stairs work, or will do general housework In a small hmily.byarospocUblByounggirlj lsa Tory fine washer.

Inqmru at 93 Hall it. Xfr ANTEDITUATION A CHAM bermaid and waitress, by a young girt Apply at present employer will rive good reference as to capa bility. No. lib Park pi, near S.venth av. ANTED SITUATION A CHAM bermaid and wait iiv an; has goad city references.

Call for two daya at 794At lantiu av. S7ANTED SITUATToN TO A It Jl'. by an American woman of reflnemont and first olaajroforonco; Is a good seamstreBB and has a machino. Address Box 10, Baglo office WATED SITUATIONAS CO washer and ironor, by a respectable Danish woman has good city references. Call tor two dais at 131 Second st, second floor.

W'ANTED SITUATION AS A COOK by a capable, trustworthy girl; understands aU kinds of cooking; ia strictly sober; best references civfrn Ught washing preforred.c3 Park pi. ANTED SITUATION TO DO GEN7 frxl hftnBawork in a small bv a young woman or as a first class laundress has good city references. Call for two days at Grandav, cor Pacific st. WANTED SITUATION TO DO GEN eral housework, by a respectable young woman; a good plain cook, washer and ironer; usb good city references. Call for two days at 78 Second place.

WANTED SITUATIONS FOR DESIR able first class servants, jver 200 of all nations, ex. Pen'feed and lately landed, tho most respectable, neatest at Iow "ages; crowds now at HEN DRICKbON'B Agenor, 116 Atlantio ar, near Henry st, the most reliable and only first olasa ottice in Brooklyn. BOARD ON THE HEIGHTS A LARGE and handsomely furnlBhed socond story alepvo room southern exposure, with hot and cold water, ample closeta and unexceptionable table, at the brown atone private residence, lti7 Hicks st; desirably located and adjacent to principal ferries. Terms moderate. A PRIVATE family will let, with board, a newly furniahod room oa second floor, at $13 par week, for two adults, including heat and gas also, quo on third floor, front, at $13 per weok location very pleasant noar threo lines of oara references exchanged.

Apply all the week at 258 Tompkins av, noarG rea ne. BOARD A LARGE ROOM, HAND soraely furnished, on socond floor, and large hall room, with closet, hot and cold water, to let, witb board Hilly of adults; two gentlemen or a gontloman and Qa0 a desirable arrangement for board. Apply at 303 Clinton st, next to cor.JJaltio Bt. BOARD ON THE HEIGHTS ,294 HEN from State Well furnished rooms on second and third floors, with hot and cold water and plonty closet room, to Koutlemen and wives or singlo gentlo i60 only five minntos1 walk from ISoath JiIJnns mode rate. RAKD 13 FIRSTPLAOE TO LET, jJorti, fi hed and newly fnr wive? (SB'i'Titllhtand 00ld wator for gentleman and niff.if6 Womenj prefer to let one large room XaU Rnd ndance first terSeTsy.

0ni coavo ient to cars and ferries; House, 14 and US Remson, st, cor of Cliuton, is now opon for tho reception of guests large, elegantly furnished rooms, en Buite or single; families ond siuglo gontlemen. by early applications, can bo handsomely accommodated' references required. BOARD6NTI ElaLI TO LETTWiTH board, a large alcovo room, on second floar; ample closets, hot and cold wator, etc. also, back roam on second floor, singly or together, to gontloman and wife, or single gontlemen ttie house pleasantly looated, one block from Clinton and Washington avs, and two car routes. 457 Hamilton st, corner of Gates av.

OARD ONTHE HILL A SMALL, SE leot family having no boarders would like an agreeable married couple to lire with them for the Fall and Win tor parlor and bedroom communicating, newly and prettily urnishod; tablo substantial and abundant terras very reasonable roferenco required. Address BRIGHT, Kagle qffico. OARD ON THE HILL 03 CLER mont av, between Greene av. and Fulton sts. a s.tileasant third story front room, handsomely furnished, with hot and cold water, and extra largo closatsj to a (reutloman and wife, or two singlo gentlemen; unexceptionable location; first class references ox ohangod.

BOARD A CHOICE OF ROOMS, WITH liberal table, canbo had at hard limes prices having two honseB in different furnish board at almost any price; both good houses well furnished, having all improvements and cold water in rooms location both desirable, and convenient to ferries; prices all tho way from $5 to $10 por week. Please call at 61 Concord st. OARD TO LET IN BROWN STONE hnilRfl fin flnni firfi nt fi frnin fi'nlrnr. ry. a large back extension room on parlor floor, fronting on Vashinton St.

to a cnntloman and wifn. nr two nfnirln nan. tlemon also largo front room on socond floor with bod room connoctinp iF deBirod southern exposure; good board at reasonable prices. Apply at 47 Concord st. BOARD ON THE HILL 271 ADELPHI at, corner DeKalb av Thls houso having reoently changed bands, first class rooms ond board cm boobfc ined for families and single gontlemen at reasonable prico3 location ia very desirablo; 15 minutc3 from ferries by three line? of cars can accommodate two gontlemon with table board.

BOARD ON THE HEIGHTS 73 LIV inptston st, to let, with fcood homo board, a largo second story room with large closets, lo gentleman and wife or two singlo gontlomen willing to room together; houso I9 situated convenient to car routes and forrios; terms moderato to permanent parties; references exchanged. BOARD GENTLEMEN AND THEIR wives or singlo gentlemon, can be accommodated with pleasant rooms, (everything new), furnished or unfurnished, and cood table, on moderate torms hoalthv location neighborhood first class 23 minutes from tho ferries, and one and a half blocks from 5 oar routes. Call for oae weok at No. llKJ St. Mark's av, fourth house from lAat bush av.

BOARD 169 SCHERMERHORK ST7 throo minutes' walk to City Hail, brown stono, handsomely furnished second Btory front, with hall bedroom connecting; alj, front and rear rooms; table excellent Southern oxposuto; heated by furnace or grate; evury convenience, and home comforts flrst'cla89, and tho street most chesrful. BOARD AND ROOM, $4, $5, $5.50 AND un to $12 per week, according to size of room, location and good table, free use of two bathrooms, gas, parior, piano, reading and smoking rooms; laundry, 7oc. pr dozen furnishtsd rooms from to $10 per wok; refer to guests who have beon with us from one to six years marble front house. 193, 195 and (entrance) 197 Fulton st, above Nassau. BOARD BROOKLYN HEIGHTS NO.

44 "Willow st. Socond floor rooms handsomely furnished, large and small back parlor and extension unfurnished a comfortable home secured for tho Winter at very reasonable terms; honse contains all morlera improvements within iivo minates of Fulton and Wail st. ferries a party of three gontlemen willing to room together can bo accommodated for $6 pBr weok in large second story room. OAt WANTIiU. BOARD WASTED PERMANENT IN A private family, for a gentleman, wife and two children references exchanged, Address, stating price por weok, which must bo very low, Box 4,839 N.

Y. P. O. BdARD WANTED ALARGEWJSLL furnished room, with board, for gentleman, wife and infant; give definitely terms and accommodations. Address K.

W. Kagle oiflee. J) OARD WANTED SINGLE GENTLE man deBires board in a Btrictly private family, living their own houso on tho HilL Addrass, stating looation and torms, VEGA, Box 2,891 Now York P. O. BOARD WANTED A GENTLEMAN obliged to travel for the Winter would like board for his daughter in a privato family.

Address A. B. Eaglo office. BOARD WANTED A GENTLEMAN, wife and babo de3ire a sunny room with board: HoUrhts urBforrad. Address, stating terms, Ac, NKW ENGLAND, Box 7, Eagle office.

BOARD WANTED IN A PRIVATE FAM ily, a furnished room and board for time when at home only half board when abBent; location south of Atlantic av, and west of Hoyt. st. Address, with lowest terms and full particulars, NU JWSEEaglo office, BOARD WANTED A YOUNG GENTLE7 man wishes a homo in a strictly firat class, private, sacinl family, in good ciroumatanoeB and with the very best surroundings will pay a very liberal price. Address F. O.

Eagle oltico. TTJOAD WANTED A MIDDLE AGED permanent board) in a farmer's family in Westchester County, or on Long Island. Call on, oraddross, for two oraaaross, tor two Terms not to exceed anys, Airs. 4t UUffield st. 37 per week.

BOARD WANTED A GERMAN GEN tleman and wife (no children) wish to engage permanent board in a Btrictly privato English or American family; they require two large roomB unfurnished except carpets; the very highest reforoncos given and reriuirod location within five or fifteen minutes walk from Wall st, Fulton or South ferries. Please address O. Kaglo office. FURNISHED ROOMS ALSO, UNFUR hisbod, in Iiousb No. 153 Prince st.

FURNISHED ROOM TO LET, FOR housekeeping, a large front room, No. 44 Joralemon st, oonvouiont to wall st and South ferries. 1 BURNISHED ROOMS WITH ALL THE modorn ImprovomontB, for Blnglo gontlomen. Inquire at 359 Union st, corner Smith. 1 BURNISHED ROOMTO LET, A EA ly furnished bedroom, reasonable, at 812 Fulton st, oDpobtte Johnson.

FURNISHED ROOMS TO LET, A large and small furnish od or unfurnished room location pleasant, and a few minutes' walk to the principal ferries. Apply at 156 Court st. FURNISHED ROOMS TO LET, AT 32 Sands st, cor. Washington first claee rooms on first and second Hoots, for housekeeping, with all improvements. Also front basement.

FURNISHED ROOM TO LET, TO A gontloman only, a nicely uraitihod large room on second floor, with gas, heat and water, in a private house; ruiuruncus ju omio Bt, near our. FURNISHED ROOM TO LET, WITH out board, a front parlor, suitable for a dentist' or musio teacher; possession Immediately. No. 505 Clinton av, two doors south oE Fulton st. TilURNISHED ROOMS TO LET, WITH JO or without board, in a private family; five minutes' walk from Wall st.

or Fulton Ferry huueo has all improve Call at 57 Pineapple st. TjIURNISHED ROOMS TO LET, A COM fortable frot room, to a gontleman, without board alao a largo back parlor with privilege of front parlor, with water and jgas; ioims vory reasonable. Apply at 185 High street. EURNISHED ROOMS TO LET, WITH out board, two ploasant, furniahod rooms, second front, together or separately convenient to a first class restaurant; 65 WlHonjiliby strevit, corner of Lawrence or would let for light housekeeping. FURNISHED ItOO.MS TO LET A pleasant front room, to one or two gontlomen, without board, in a small, private family also, a small $2,25 per week, with use of bathroom; location pleasant, and a few minutes walk to the principal forrios.

Apply at 106 John son Btreet, FURNISHED ROOMS TO LET, WITH out board, a few voiy doslrablo larga and Bmall rooms, on second and third floors new carpots, new black walnut furniture; largo closats, hot and cold water: private family references required. For particulars call at Clinton at, or at office 155 Joralemon st, between 9 and 10 A. M. or 7 and 8 P. M.

FURNISHED ROOM TO LET, ASPLEN didly furniahod front raom, southern exposure, in Srivate residence 551 Lafayette av, near Bedford av. ui tablo for ono ortwo gentlomrm. In the midst of four car rautoB and within thirty minutes to all the ferries. All improvement. Terms $4 par weok.

Call on premises, r. FURNI3HED ROOMS TO LET, IN A private family, three or four rooms, to a Bmall family, with or without board (or to singlo gentlemen): rooms suitable for light housekeeping; references exchanged. Call at No. 338 Sackett st, few doors from Court st ten minutes' walk of Hamilton Forry. FURNISHED ROOMS TO LET, ON Clinton st A large parlor and third story front room, to gentlemen, or for light housekeeping, with or without board family small kitchen privileges if desired terms moderato ten minutes1 walk from South or Wall st.

ferries. Apply at SOJ Clinton e', third door south from Baltic. XO LIST MOUSS.S. LET HOUSE A HOUSE WITH 12 now to the 1st of May. Inquire at670 Galea ar.

TO LET HOUSE TO A RESPONSIBLE tenant, a very desirablo four story, Enelish basement house, 92 Henry st. Apply next door, corner Pineapple and Henry sts, from 10 to 4. TO LET HOUSE A THREE STORY brick hoaso, No. 172 Willoughby st 12 rooms all modern improvements possession immediately shown by owner from 3 to 5 P. M.

rent $50 por month. T1 LET HOUSE A NEW THREE STO ry and basomont. brown stone front houso. 48 Ster ling pi, near Sixth av rent low to a good tenant. Apply to fcj.

M. VKL ariijUAj, 3 4 Ulinton av. TO LET HOUSE A GOOD 3 STORY brick housa in Clinton st, near Warron, 22x32, 11 rooms: all improrements; rent $700. Applr to "V7. I.

SNOW, t3 and 70 Court st. i mO LET HOUSE 125 CAMBRIDGE fl place, near Fnlton st; ten rooms, two wator closets, bath room, fine heater in basemont, range, wash tubs, to the 1st of May, 1876, for. $50 per months. Inquire on the premises. TO LBTr HOUSE $25 PER MONTH; new two story basement and snbcellar brick house, 20x40, all Improvements, Bainbridjre st, near Roid av and Fulton st oars.

Apply BUKTIS 4 GRAVE, 237 Water st mo LET HOUSES 3 SMALL HOUSES, JL No. 301 Clinton St. and Nos. 203 and 212 Harrison st the houses are in splendid ordor, having beon newly fitted up; location first class and rent oheap. Inquire of P.

HO GAN, 224 Harrison Bt! LET HOUSES VERY DESIRABLE houses in fine order, aame with nrv oonvanf rent very low, $20 to $30 per month; parte equally cheap. Apply at 300 Stockton st, or, froml to 5 P. at No. 87 Broadway, noarDe Kalb av. TO LET HOUSE VERY LOW POS eoasion at once the three story and basement brick honse, No.

690 Bedford av; all Improvements; just put in perfoct order Putnam av. cars at the corner, Fulton st. and uates av. cars within two blocks; keys corner Putnam av. Owner, 220 Duffield et.

TO LET HOUSE 3 STORY BROWN stone front honse. No. 203 McDonough st, aU improvements, perfeot order; will sell part or whole of fur niture to parties renting rent only $000 per year. Apply to AS. A.

FISHER, 1,417 Fulton et, opp. car Btablee, from 7.30 A. 8:80 P.M. TO LET HOUSE THE ONLY HOUSE left in the row of newly built brown stone front houses, on Carroll st, near Carroll Park beautiful looation large court yard in front, and IS minute to Folton Ferry; all modern Improvements, with separate laundry honse 30x40, and lot 100 feet J. E.

CORNELL, 44 Court sL TCfM HOUSES THE THREE STORY and basement briok housa No. 217 Livingston st rent low; aU improvements; in first rate order. Also, the cot tage house No. 180 Bond tit; 8 rooms; in splendid order; water and gas; rent $30 per month. Apply to EDWARD gt hnO LETHOUSE VERY LOWTILL A May 1, 1876, the three story, brick dwelling house No.

28 Park pi, between Fifth and Sixth avs was put in oomplete order last Spring rent for the seven months $300. Apply to B. I DELISSER SON, 183 Montague at, Brooujrxii or to E. W. OROTVELL, 40 Pino t.

New Torku LET HOUSES BY LEVI FOWLER, S77 Fnlton StFelix st, cor DeKalb av, 8 story, brown store $1,100 Bergen st, near Hoyt, 3 story, brick WW Lafayette ay, near Bedford, 3 story, frame 600 First st, near Hoyt. 2 story, brick EO0 Troy av, near Herkimer st, 3 story, frame, extra lot. 480 TO LET HOUSES ON THE HILL Sevoral first class houses, brown stone, Philadelphia brick and others, with aU modern improvements and in order, convenient to cars and twenty minutes of the erries; rent moderate; one 3 story and basement houso Union plaoe; rent $500. Apply to O. HOWE, No.

SJODe Kalb Grand. TO LET HOUSE EXTENSION HOUSE 25 Madison at, near Classon av. lower part, 4 connecting rooms with 3 room on third floor; upper part 5 connecting rooms and 1 room on third floor; back stairs; separate cellars all improvements perfeot order posses slon November Inquire of owner, 383 Gates ar, near Noitrand. T' LET HOUSE OR FOR SALE A flmnil thm tjir hrnnn atone houso In f.1n. nl between Fifth and Sixth avs; all modern improvements cost over 810,000 will be sold for $7,000 to close an state stn nil cah paymnnt; balanoo on mortgage rent $600.

Ap v. ruiit, ay flloniHgUO Bl. rsio LET HOTTSrcs ON MACON RT. JL story stono front houses all improTements; willborentod von low to satlsfactnry parties FUton and Halsoy st. cars Within tWO hlnnk.

Inmil, TH mrTIUaTIirDV nnmny Yatos av. and or of E. B. HOLLINS, 239 Broad way, cor. Park pi, N.

Y. XO I.K'a' HOltSES ir UKNISiaKD. WiANTED HOUSE FURNISHED ON tho Hill, nntO Ma, 1 by a stn aU amily no child ron. Address, Btating torms, location, Ac, G. Eaglo officD TO LET Brooklyn Hotghts; centrally sltuatd, between Wall St.

and South forrios; boardlne house appllcanu nood not apply. Address Box 803, N. Y. P. O.

TO LET HOUSE FURNiSHEDO tho Hill; a handsomely furnished throe Btory and basement Philadelphia brick 11 rooms; all improvement a Weborpinno; willbo lot low to a rOBpouslblo lonant. No. 73 St. Jatnos placo. TO LET HOUSE FURNISHED FROM October 15, or November 1, a furnished honse.

pleasantly located near Pros Park entrance; torms moderate to a satisfactory, tenant. Apply to V. ALDBIDGK, 20 Court st. TOLET HOUSE FURNISHED VERY desirably situated has hot and oold water, heater, rannre, stationary tuba, bathroom, Ao, runt $900 a year possession at onco. Apply on the premises, 23 Hanover place.

TO LET HOUSE URNI SH A nicoly furnished throo story brick house, with all improvements; very convenionce for housekeeping: good neighborhood rent very low to a good tenant. Galfrom 10 o'clock till 5, at 113 Prospect pi tako the Flatbnsh aTonue caia. mo: LET HOUSE FURNISHED AN throo story high stoop brown stone houso, in good order flno neighborhood and nicoly furnished would take rent in board for two grown persons and child of 11 years; convenient to ferries. Address CARIETON, Kagle office. CO I TO LET two rooms on the third floor, if requirod.

with all the modern improvements. Apply to the owner, No. 46 Douglass st mO LET ROOMS SECOND FLOOR IN JL in a now French flat, eightrooms all improvements, inolnding elevator; no dark rooms; possession hrat of Oc tober. Inquire at No. 38 Myrtle av.

TO LETROOMS SEOOND FLOOR and ono or two rooms on third floor of brown stono hoiise44Tompkb Bpl; neighborhood first class; all modern improvoments rent reasonable. mo LET ROOMS AT RIdIQOTdTaND BL very reasonable rent; floors and half floors, with water and in perfect order. Apply to M. GUMMING 469 Atlantio av. TO LET r60MSNTHB' HILL Overlooking Washington Park; house first clasB; rooms on third lloor; private family.

Address VKUTJrt, Bagle offloo. TO LET UOOMS A NIOxFFLOOR; threo rooms doep and kitchon, to let, on reasonable terms, to a small respectablo fumilv; all improvemonU. Apply at 633 Pacific nt, noar Fourth av. so rjO LET ROOMS A SECOND "FLOOR JL and part of third, of houso No. 264 Clinton ave nuo ail improvoments; terms reasonable to satisfactory parties.

TOILET ROOMS A SECOND FLOOR," four rooms and pantries, water and bob, in a genteel house, to a small, respoctable family: rent low. Apply at 431 Adelphi at, behreon Pulton at. aud Atlantic av. mo LET ROOMS THE SECOND STORY JL, of a now brown stono house. 502 Clinton st.

near Third placo; with all the modern improvements; cm bo scon from 8 to 5. Apply on tho premises. TO LET HOOMS F1VB HANDSOME rooms on first lloor, suitable for business or family; also one room on uppor floor root low. Inquire on promi bos, st, cor, of i ulton, TO LET ROOMS A FIRST" FLOOR French flat, at 253, Fifth av, bot, Carroll nnd Ma comb sts. rango, bath, hot nnd cold wator, gas, Ac.

7 rooms; in lirjt class order; private ontranco runt moderate. Apply on tho promlaos, 68 Fifth av. m6 LET ROOMS 84 PACIFIC ST SEC: JL ond floor. 4 rooms, also bathroom, water closet, marble wash basin, use or stationary inbs; in good ordor; rent low to a small family. luquiro of the owner on the promises.

Also basement. TOLET ROOMS BARSWfWNISH: ed. tho basemont and pirlor floors, with two roomB on third floor; location unsurpassed; all improvements rent $30 per month references oxchangod. No. 6.6 Iafay etto av.

TO ETllOOMS CHEAP monts Throe rooms on first floor, with irator in rooms, in brick tonoment house. No. 103 Van Buren st; desirable to a small family; rent $7 por month; could give omploymont to a good stono mason and laboror to dig col lar. Apply at 102 Van Huron et, near Classon av. TO LET ROOMS A FEW OF those splendid apartments in Duffield terraoo to let toffood parties for tho "Winter these apartment are now being thoroughly repaired and palnton and tho rents are tho lowest in the city for tho accommodations oXered.

Call early to socuro ohoico of rooms. mo LET ROOMS LOWER 15ART70 i Lafayette av, 2 basements, 2 parlors, and 2 room3 on third floor; all improvoments; also on La 'ityotto av, near Bedford, second floor and 3 rooms on tliird floor: all i tn Ei both casoa. G. SWIFT, No. 620 elCalb av.

TO'LET ROOIS 643 PACIFICISTS basomentand parlor floors and part of uppor floor; $35 par month No. 48 First st, four rooms on socond floor, every oonveidenco, $15 per month; 465 Sackott st, base ment and parlor floors, all improvements. per month. Apply to P. O.

PROVOST, No, 201 Montague stroot. LET ROOMS FOR LIGHT HOUSE KeoDintr. a aocona noor conaiBttnc ot two or throo filoasant rooms; all improvements; convenient to all the erries by the within walking distance of Hamilton Ferry owner the only occupant rent modorate to a suitable party. Inquire nt cor. Third place and Smith st.

LET ROOMS FOR LIGHT HOUSE keonintr: a small famllv havintf snnro rnnm will int. to gentleman and wile two largo rooms, third floor, newly carpeted, large closets, $16 per month, including gas and coal house has all Imnrovomonls oon tool nartlea nnlv with good reforonces nood apply from 1 to 9 P. at 195 Madison st, three carroutes to forrio3. LET ROOMS PLEASANTLY "LO cstod, 807 Myrtle avenue, first floor over store, four rooms in porfect ordor, opposite Fort Greene. 120 Duffield st, second floor Four rooms all improvements.

70 Sand st, Jownr tiart of fivo rooms. 43 Princo at, first floor, 3 roomp, rent For particulars apply to ALVAlI V. BUKTIS, 135 Myrtle av. mo LET ROOMS SEOONDFLOOR; EL four rooms: brown atone bouse, Improvements, in Order, ddlhjhtrully located email family; $23 a month; would rent half tho house; lo nice family, a pleasant arrangement would be mado 8400 a year; wholo hous9, $700. Call at 1 15 Hapolyoa at, fourth door from Henry, near Hec Ond place.

TO I ET FOIt mjSINliiSS PURPOSES. mO LET HALL LATIMER HALL; OR JL balls, parties and sociables. Innuiro at tho carpet Btoro. 201 and 203 Atlantio av. mO LET OFFICE TFO PHYSICI.VNS7 JL the ofHco No.

18 Clinton st, noar I'ulton ostablislicd twenty yoars, TO LETTZECHAP SPA clous store with two back rooms, No. 64 Lorimor st. Apply on promises. rpo LET StbRE ST7IT ABLE FOR CON foctionory. toy and stationery, or drygoods or any neat business.

No. 1,139 Fulton st. TO LET STORE THFSTORObT 6 3 1 Atlantic av, near Fort Greene pi: handsomo show windows, good location and price very low to responsible tenanted. BROAD.No. 634 TO LET STORE $25 A MONTH Btoro and basemont.

suitable for a tailor or any other business possession immediately. Apoly on the premises, 396 Atlantic av, near liondst. TO LET iTOTS THREE1LoTS, WITH bnildings, suitable for stables or light manufacturing purposes, situated on TiUary at, near Dutneld: rent low Apply to A.JVWICKS, asajBridge st. TO LET STAND THE FISH STAND IN A. F.

Oswald's market to lot and fiztnros for sale do ing a good business satisfactory ruaaons given for Belliag. Inquire of A. F. OSWALD, 240 Court st. mo LET LOFTS TWO LOFTS AT NO.

JL 11 Vino st; suitable for Btorage or manufactory purposes. Wuuld sell building, which contains two large stables and throo lofts. Apply to W. HESTER, Eaglo office. mo LET STORE TO BAKEIIST GRO JB core, etc.ront $3ft0, largo store room with No.

62 Third ft, cor, Hoyt; first class ovoni with fl. isgod bakchonao and other Bnporlor accommodations. Inquire on pramiBBS or JOHN filATHEWS, 63 Nassau Bt. N. from 12 to 4.

TOLET STORESANyAPARTMENTS cheap a nice butcher's shop, with all the tools and fiituros ulso, a small grocery storo, with fixtures and rooms, to livo in also a good store for any business, 440 Unlou stand rooms to live in also floors of six ro ims, and apart ments of three and fonr rooms each rent from $6 to $12 the healthiest part of tlm city; Gates av. cara pass the doors. Inquire ot P. MULLED 576 Quincy st. ior mousr.ffi.

FOR SALE HOUSES TWO A houses. Nob. 393 and Van Buren st, near Marcy av, containing cloven rooms aU improvements. Inquire of the owners, on the premises. FOR SALE HOUMNO.

113 NORTH Oxford st, all improvements, with gHB fixtures complete; if sold at onco can bo had at a sacrifice. Apply at plumber shop, No. 3 DeKalb av, FOR "SALE HOUSE OR TO LE brown stone cor store and table, on one of the best business av.j in Brooklyn. A oarpot business established for cifcht years. Addross EDWARD H.

BAILEY, corCourt and State sts. ORSALE HOUSE AT A BARGAIN, two 8 story and ono 2 story basement and cellar brown atone houses. Inquire of J. S.KING, on tho promises, 82 Clifton pi, (lato Van Buren st;) take Greene av. cars to St James pL FOR" SALE HOUSES OR TO LET two briok housos.2 story, basement and subcellar, Philadelphia front, with all modern improvements.

Inquire at No. 43 North Portland av. of owner, on the premises. FOR SALE HOUSE A HANDSOME 3 story brick store, with baker's oven, situate few mhv utesfrotu City Hall suitable for any business nrico will pay clear ten per cent P. COOlt, 235 Washington street.

FOR SALE HOUSE LARGE BRICK bulldiafz No. 7 Doughty st, extending through to Vine st (No. 11 Vine contains two large stablo3 with hay loftaaud three floors sui tablo for manufactory or storage purposes. Apply to HKSTKIl, Eagle office. FOR SALE HOUSES THREE NEW 2 story and basement brick houses, ten rooms; all the improvements very conveniently arranged, and near three lines of cars, and In unexceptionable neighborhood.

Putnam av, just east of Nostrand. OR SALE HOUSES OR EXCHANGE An elegant 6 storv brick honse, 2o rooms, every im nrovflmsnt. No. 94 Stromr dIsco: alBo. a 4 storv store, in tho best locality of Myrtle av payB now over 10 per cent very cheap.

Apply to BUSTIN 4 SON, 377 Myrtle av. FOR SALE HOUSE OR TO LET NO. 242 Franklin av, near DeKalb, containing 10 rooms, water and gas; connected with tho sewor; will be Bold or rented at a reasonable prfco. Inquire on the promises, or 126 Smith st, corner of Doan. FOR SALE HOUSE OR EXCHANGE forbore In Brooklyn, a largo 3 story double frame house, with four lota, each, situate on one of the best avenues in the Village of Jamaica, in fine order; possession, If desired.

LEVI FOWLER, 377 Fnlton st FOR SALE HOUSE WN corner store property, brick building on ono of the principal streets leading from the forry a first class place for bakery, drug, liquor or any otner business. Inquire 207 Bridge st OR SALE HOUSE OR TO LET, THE three story basement and subcollar brown stone house; has all improvements; convenient to four lines of cars ten mi notes to the ferries. Inquire on premises, Ber Sen st, near Fourth ay, or of JOHN MONAS. owner, 187 st; terms easy. jl6RSALE HOUSE OR TO LET, NEW 1 first class finish, three Btory and basement; brown stone front size 20x45 location St Marks av, south side 145 feet west Sixth av has all the will be sold with very small cash payment or rented.

Apply to ROBT. S. BUSSING, 204 Montague Bt, Continental Bull ding. FOR SALE HOUSES TWO NEW 3 story and basement houses. In Hart st, near Broadway, in a row of five contain all Improvements can be bought cheap, with small cash payment.

Apply to ALFRED A. FOND, 871 Broadway, opposite Willoughby avenue. IjlOR SALE HOUSE 488 DEKALB AV. Between ten and eleven years' lease of ground prlco .600 cash; a lot, 25x134 feet, in Flatbush tillage, $360 cash to let, a cottage of fonr rooms, with large workshop, 427Maroyav. Apply to JOHN GREGORY, 488 DeKalb avenue.

FOR SALE HOUSE OR TO LET THE 8 etory and basm tsnt brown stone hooje, with all modern Improvements, water, gas, furnaces, Ac 20x40x100 No. 189 Dean st, north side, west of Bond st Price or rent low. For particulars apply to OWNER, Box Brooklyn Post Office. OR SALE HOUSE A NEW BROWN stone house, No, 609 Carlton ay, near St. Marks, fonr Its from entrance to Prospect Park: 20x45: 10 rooms, plat glass windows, hard wooq finish all Improvements price, terms euy.

niuire on piemues, ROME. 834 Sohermerhorn it. FOR ALE HOUSE OR TO LET BtyllshcottsfelnNew rooms; modern Improvements large lot lawn, shade and fruit trees near station; groat inducements offered to one wishing a pleasant and healthy home in the country within 45 minutes of New York. Apply to owner, No. 64 Broadway, N.

room 34, or address P. Q. Box 864 N. Y. "OR SALE HOUSE A 2 STORY AND 2 story extension honse all improvements, eight rooms, stairs street paved and sewered assessments all paid convenient to can; price acoording to the times; terms easy.

fi Inquire of tho owner on the premises. Loxington av. first house west of Yates av. EOR SALE HOUSE AT A GREAT BAR galn; three Btory. basement and subcollar briok ia, all improrements; 33 40.

ex. 9, lot 25x100 396 State st look at the properiand make an oflor. For permits, etc, apply to P. 0. PROVOST, No.

201 Montague street OR SALE HOUSES 4 HOUSES DE rick, all improvements, 185 Park pi. near Flatbnsh (() nitKtnJ. tv, Kl Willow near rfrangre two story brown atone, 656 Carlton av.oor. Dean st; Immediate pouesjloa of All RUIiArfi? 0 S9kEM at, Y. JlXlJllllUl KAGLE OFFICE, SEPTEH1BEII 30, 1875 MONEY MARKET TSiC "Rumor Coinmittce Again at Work.

No Change in the Hunk of Entrland Itato. Gold Strong aud Stocks Steady. Wall rtrekt, Soptomljer an. After brief lull the "Humor Committoo" got to worlt acain yesterday and Bought to disturb ran fldonco In tho Btoclt uiartet by cironlattng stories of failures. They had but the alight superstructure or tho liquidation of tho Third avenuo Savings Bank on which to orcct their houso of onnards, but they mado tbo most of tho opportunity and it is presumed that tho bears took advantage of tho oxcitomont to cover their Bhort contracts to ft considerable oxtont.

Yesterday it was obBervod that at least two of tho nhrow dest detectives in tho city were on duty near tho Slock Exchange, nnd it ia hoped that they discovered some of the parties who wero circulating tho rumors. Aa an encouragement to those detectives to persevere, it may bo staled that privato officers havo aucccedcd in running down ono ot the soandal mongers who mado frco with tho good uaino of a prominent housa lu this citj a short tiuio ago, and it is presumed that ho will bo made an examplo of. Tho Bank of England rate of discount romatnn unchanged nt two per whero it bus stood alnco August 12. This shows that the directors of tho bank aro disposed to invito the withdrawal of bullion from tho institution whoro so much of it hai lain dormant so long. There ifl uao for considerable gold in Germany, aud it is presumed that most of tho bullion taken from London this wook has gono to that country.

Clold opened nt and moved botween this flgurn ana in during tho early business. Loans woro renewed at 3 G4, and then transactions were mado nt lli and subsequently at 1 32 for borrowing. Exchange is steady nnd without fracture. Tho nominal rates nro $1.49 for sixty day nnd 4.fl:t for Tho stock ranrkot opened steady, advanced y.

a early in tho board and fell off by noon. Tlia londiuic feature wos tho movement in Paoitic Mail, based upon tho report showing an increase of in tho earnings of July aud August aa compared with last year. Missouri PaciOc was first sharply advanced and then foil bolow tho opening figures. Erie aold nt 10J. and 17, Northwost proferrod at C3JT, Central at St.

Paul at Unlou Paclllo at Harlem at 131, Hannibal Ht. Joseph nt Atlantic Pactflo Telegraph at 20, and Michigan Central nt 57. Pacific Mail opened nt 87,, Bold nt and foil to Lake Shore started at 63f and sold at 64'i. North wcBt opened ot ond movod up to 39. Weatorn Union started at 75K and aold at 7GJ.

Ohioa moved between 10, nnd 17X. Missouri Paclllo oponetl nt 42, wont to 43, and then fell to 40. With respect to this stock it may bo said that leasing road, the Atlantic and Paclllo, Is in good hands, ia well managed, and la preaumod to bo ablo to continue regular dtvldenda to the MiBsouri Paoillo of por cent, per annum, Quotations of Hmitftorn securlllos were Alabama, bid ArtanBns, 33 bid Georgia, 93 bid ditto, 7's, lOOtf bid; Louisiana, bid; Missouri, 102 bid; North Cnrolina, 10 bid South Carolina, 28 bid; Tonnoasao, 51a5U; ditto, new, 49.V a 50; ditto now sorios, 49 bid; Texas, 99X bid; Virginia, 40i bid; District of Columbia, 3.G5's, GOaGG. Cloarfnga of asBociatod bankB, curronoy balaucoa, $3,330,780 gold oxohangos, gold balances, $338,025. NtocK lixcliau.c sales First nortrrt.

New Vouk. Soptembor 30. 119 6 Aniorican im bc 69J HUH! 100 Erio 17 IW 100 Harlem 131 12t)Ji 100 Union Pacltto 11754 hoc 09J. UHH 100 b8 70 118 SIM Tol West be 7 1000 5 20 64.. ..12 9000 do 600 Sli 2.1 10000 US MO 65 20000 8 6 20 G7 10000 US6's 10 40 4300 8 5's 150110 do 12 18S 2000 St 7s r.

ioa ion do 7W 107 100 Mich Central R. 56U 90t)l) t) oon oon gold bonus St JooS'a oonv 50 67 87 1200 Lk SnSMhSoH 76 'J i MO 4300 tOOO 61110 400 2300 aio 1800 2100 400 do do 600U Dol Ij 1000 Shore dlv bdl. 1000 Long Dock bonds 121 Ml do S3 IMti do WV do 0 do h3 Mtf do 83 MM do MW do d. S3 64i ItKNI Oj Houlhorn 1000 Mich Central 8s. fiOilOO .1 Miss 2d lOOOIIOont, Haoitio B.

1000 do 10000 do 1000 Cent PacUio 1st. San Joaluin br'h 4000 Union Paolfto 1st 85000 do lietH) Un l'aoino 7s MOM (lo sue;) tin Pao Snktz Fd 9M) Ooulral 7s 7o 1000 I'll i't 4 Ohio. 3d in 25 Fourth Nat Bank 20 Hiuik 28 Mechanics Jjnuk. II Mutruuol 20 Morchants Hank. 18 Continental Bank 128 Del Hud Canal Ot) do bc 2U) Atlantic Tol bc 1000 Western Un Tol.

he 3 700 do 2HJ0 do do s3 300 do 100 Con tllR bo 100 do 01 do Sao Paoilio M'l SS Co 1) if, 70 107 107k 600 no b. 64K im Ulov l'ltts gnar too cntongo rv it B6. 500 102M 9700 89K BOX mi 40 S9H sou 100 3110 100 100 do do 1)3 101 100 00 do 3 do OB 1IJO DnnL 11. 1)0 Ill 100 Chi Mi) Jt.hl 01 he 63M 100 Do) A estern lii 2011 do 122 wo Pit Ft vv una 9S Hi B. 141 130 123 Bl 120 12Mi 20 7S 76'i 200 rue ot M1SSOUI Do 100 do 100 do 100 do loo do 12V 48 43U 43 42X ilii 42 42 78 do do do do do 761 200 1110 100 2110 250 411 100 100 200 1011 10J.

do 37'; 37ii Jf, ma MO 2500 200 900 1U0 600 400 600 10 lou 3l .100 22'JO 4011 GOO 1011 Hoa 11100 600 do b3 do do do 1)30 do do do do b3 do 87H 37i do U3 41 do 401 MX 40 I9J4 S3 9W 17 17i 17 17 17 17). 100 300 do do 103 Han St Jos bo 1O0 Allantlo Pa un bo 100 do s3 100 do b30 360 do 100 do 490 it MustlainpiK bo do. 37K, BS 37 do do do 1)3 b3 do do do s3 do s4 do do do 37. mil 67 37l 371 100 20U 100 100 100 do 09 do. .13 do a do REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS.

Howard av. cor iltic st, contro Unas, 37.0xx 150.7, acroBddh ielon. Brooklyn Woort Iluntorfly road ond A ltinBf.n1F,x cuptintf from aaino a pint noar cor IlnnkiiiBon nvand Bt, 129.Bxl()CJxl87.9ilOO, Mnrgnrot, wife (Snrrot Dunn, to liobort Francis Tr i. (i on 1 ii .1,11 20,000 Joafah Christmas to James Prirfdy, Jr Lflwis av, 3il ft Mnonn Bt, 30x95, forocloauro, OlarfMica Kurnot to Murtlia A PurHOns Lcris av, 6t) ft Macon st. 40x95, foreclosure, Claninnii Uurnott to Fanny Parsons Tiiro rv, 10.2 ft Park Uelnrlch TTiiffiRinhriiitian.

vifn Hanrv KIch 500 6011 6,500 $7,600 4.00 1,600 1,000 50 8,600 18,000 9,600 8,600 1,125 1,160 1,000 6.000 nom nom 400 8,000 6.C00 I0.SX) 14,000 6,600 3,400 nom. Biltic a. 100 ft of FourtU av, 89.6xl(JO, Henry Dickinson to John Whoolor Chestnut Bt, SoO ft of Irvlns av. 26x100, John SchUHnt' to Win Goodgo Channooy at 276 ft of StuyveBant av. 26x57.8x 5.1xfW.3, Daniel Barnard to Malauhi I'lnn, Governor's Island, forocloauro Diamond st.

cor. Schonootady st, 185.5x100. Flat hush, Ch us Hayirard, Middlotoirn, B. to Chas Flloper, IV. FroHt at.

150 ft of Graham av, 88x100, fore closure, Edgar Whitlock to Caiharioe Huron st, b. 70 ft of Franklin st, 25x60, Louis Mankln, ColloKe Point. to Joulta 11 Gammon Howard st. bob, 112.1 fl of Bedford av, 20x56.7 JJeyward st, sen, JR. 1 ft wof Bedford arf20x70.1; Hoyward st, a 152.1 ft a of Bedford av, 80x63.7, Hopkins to John VInoout Kosciusko at, ft of Nostrand ftv.WrlOO, Helen wifo of Babcoolt, to Wlliiara NBtvton Lincoln pL 266.8 ft of Sixth av, 16.8x140.10x16.8 xl.0.3, Wm GubhlnB to Seymour Smith Lott st, 81 ft of Emmus Bt, 30x100.

partition, John liotlorts to Johp Xawkina, Flatbush Lott at, 49 ft of Erasmus st, 86x100, partition, John Ij Lefferts to James Bums Flatbnah Pacific st. 96.7 ft of Stone av, 19.2x107.9, foreclosure, Robert Merchant to Win Half, N.Y Bchornierhora nt, 6,227 ft of Hoyt Bt, 23x100, KuftiB Litchfield to Goorge Litchfield and Chas Dickinson South Second at. No. 21. 0 8,50 ft it of Second at, 25x75, Wm McCrca, N.

to Honry Slefke, amS "roporiV," Garofilao' N. 'to Wm 0 Fortenth3Bt aViiarftV ft" "of FJjfth iV." "41x100. fo ocloflure, Gsorgfl Roderick to Sophia wifo of Goorge Shoroa Twenty fifth 110 ft wof Fourth av, 100x100.2, Alox Whito to LouiB Krombach Central av, nw corner of Madison at, 25x100, hAI; Andrew Wlls and Ijoopold Mlchols to Jacob Brnun Gates av, p. 360 of Tompkins av, 30x100 Eliza Carter, widow, to Lydla wife of Alexander Coultor rand av, corner Warron Bt, 63x33 Ann, wife of Patrick Wood, to Maria, wife of William Modu Bum. and Maria Miller and Emilia Orth Gates av, s.

40 tw of Yntea av. 20x100, nl John Farroll to Daniel McGolderick Loe av, nos, ft a of lioss st, 20x75; William Serabler to Fdward Smith Yanderbiltnv, fte of Atlantic av. 25x100, foreclosure Wm Goodie to Henry Nieland Tliird, 60 ft of Bchcrmorborn et. 25x100; Geo Barnard, (mardian, to Chas 15 New York pi, 200 ft of Johnson av, H03.Ixl48.S x325.3xfi4.8 Brooklyn pi, corner oi Johnson av, 495.7xKK.1x49I.6iI00, New Utrecht; Joeeph Lin dom, to lyula Feldman, Flatbuah and Jamaica plko, corner of Funnui pi, 172x100.9x150x184.10: Fur man ol, fl, lSUOftn of Flatbuah and Jamaica piko, 15x100; William McOroa to Henry Sfofke, Jr. ono half part Sime property, Cnrolino Sfefko to William Mo Crea, one half part Chestnut at, fl, 350.6 Evergreen av, 17x abt 86, Rarah Bracer to Louisa Feltman Cambridge pi, 200 ft Greene av, 20x100, Sarah C.

wife Joseph Bensnsan, Jr, to Mildred wife Stephen Pettus Clay st, 8,210 ft Union pi, 40x100, Thomas Klln ton to William Korr Eckford at, 175 ft Norman av, 25x100, hAl, William Kerr to Thomas Kgllnton Hooper at, 8,172.6 Bodord av. 20x100, hirl, Edwin Smith to William Sembler Kosoulsko Bt, 1K.11 Stuyvesant av, 25x100, foreclosure, Sanderson to Mary Pulaski st, 325 ft of Stuyvesant ar, 26x100, Mansfield French, Pearsalls, to Mary, wife of Francis Asbnry Paoillo st, 400 ft of Paca av, 26x100 Bergon st, s. 365 ft of Buffalo av, 40x107.9 of this), John Sackmann to Henry Sackmann, Jr, Eait Petin at, 102.4 ft of Lee av, 20.4xI0U, Frederick Vrooman to Elizabeth Wengol, MonticeUo, NY Park pi, 176 ft Bnlfalo av, 20x127.9, hdl Jomw Durkin to Maria McQnirlc East Fifth at, a. 693 ft Greenwood av. 79x.UxI0S.

8x47.1x100; Frederick Eggerslo Rosalie, wif AJ bert Ritz. Flatbnsh ikr tp'A' ih Warren st, 60 ft Smith st. 20x1 IfAVi 39.5 Ttronty flecond st, UQaa aom. nom. $3,000 13,600 3,000 E.60J 10,000 400 6,000 10,090 nom 5,000 SftWrdTslS'rtw Fourthav7100.2; UttoB Sanderwn to MfvrKaret Oollfn AtlnnSo av, ft fl Sackman at, I8.9xlW,bAl bSm WjcVoB to Martha wifo Edward spll AdamB to Francis Belts lidwiird Hsrallton to Augustus A Flunk.

Tfmpiln. if, 80 ft Ellery St. 20x100, Volckeriiu to John Eckelismp, to Ohristlsn snd MetaHoffman Union av, os, 100 ft Richardson St. nins lfi9.9x nw to Union avx 25, hito, Muj, wie Thomas Shoffield, to "William MoForran Unioi ar, 100 ft Fro3t 2SilOO, hil, Thomu Shofflold to William MoiJerrau Fourth westerly oor Forty third st, lOO.SlxlOO. Ira Milor, to Michael Mnlquean Broadway, 60 ft Vermont ay, 75x100, hit, Robert Boelim, East Now York to Frederick Nlcholaus Ellory st.

s. 200 ft Tompkins av, 25il00, hil, Casper Grossmann toMBU Schmitt Lott at, tr 227.7 ft Erasmus st, 50x149.10. Flat buBh, Frauk Orooke to Catharine Parsons Samo propsrty, Michael Parsons to Frank Crooku. Hajward st, bob, 209.10 ft Bedford av, 19.8il00, nil, Elmoro Callender, Sheffield, to Wm Schwartz, Newark, N. Hamilton st, 61.e ft Dreone av, 20x75.

Mary A wife Albert Brown, Hartford, Conn, to John Knox Hancock st, s. 431 .8 ft Howard av, 18.E Xl00, Robert Ferrler to Thomss V. Ferrior, OatsklU, N.Y... JeSerson st. 25(1 it Howard av.

80x100. Robert ForriertoThos Ferrior, Cstsklll, N.Y Fen 105.1 Marcy ar, 35x100, Robert Ferrior, to Eiiilbelh if Ttjoauu ftrrwr. 1,740 800 6,000 6,000 2,700 1,300 4,000 3.00Q 6,000 nom nom, 7,009 6.600 4.000 9,000 THURSDAY EVENING. SEPTEMBER 30.

1S75. SIMUT CUSS. Commencing with this evoning a series of Sunday School normal classes will bn held every Thursday evening In the chapel of the. Hanson plaeo M. E.

Church, St. Felix street, near Hanson place, for the Instruction of the superintendents ana teachers of thiB city. They will be under the ohargo of the Kov. John H. Vincent, D.

for the remainder of tho year. The subject lor this evening will bo "The Domcntio Element lu the Sunday School," based on a lesson illustration from John xii: 23, 53, and the exorcises will end with a practical class drill. expectations are entertained of the useful results of these normal class exercises. lECTKRE BY THEODORE TIITOS THIS ETENING. Mr.

Theodore TUton will lecture to a Brooklyn audience this evening at tho Academy of Music. Els subject will be "Tho ITuinaa Mind. A large attendance may bo expected. His oration last ovening, on another subject, drew a large audieuco at tho Cooper Institute, New York, and was listened to with deep interest. Among those present were ex Judge Fuller ton, Hon.

S. D. Morris and Mr. Peareall, of his former counsel. PROF.

HARTLEY'S KEADIXOS. Prof. J. W. Hartley will give one of his popular reading, this evening, under tho auspices of the Young People's Association of the Marcy avenue Baptist Church, at the Chapel, Marcy avcnue.noar Monroe street.

The proceeds will go to tho Su nday School. CHOWDER REFORM. Fifteen persons denominating themselves the Ninth Ward Independent Democrats, met at Centennial Hall, last ovening, in their regular weekly session. Mr. James L.

Johnson took tho chair. Mr. A. r. Carlin orlcred sonio resolutions protesting agahiEt increased taxes, denouncing all who were the cause thereof, calling on the Mayor to "weed out the official vultures who are sapping our institutions," and offering greetings to Governor Tilden.

The immediato purpose of tho meeting was to make arrangements for a chowder feed, but funda being low, this was postponed. PROFESSOR SPBABl'K'S LECTURE TO NIGHT. The admirers and friends of Professor Homer B. Sprague will not forget the fact that he lectures this evening, at the Church of the Reformation, Gates avenue, between Classon and Franklin avenues, his subject being "John Milton." This will bo tho first of a series, that to be delivered on October 7 boing ''Riches;" October 14, "Shakapeare's youth;" October 1, "Bright Ride of Rebel Prisons." The press h3vo spoken of theso lectures with tho highest commendation. Professor Sprague needs no introduction to Brooklyn audiences, and the fact thnt he speaks in behalf of a good cause is only an additional reason why ho should, as ho doubtless will, have very large audiences.

RECEPTION OF nil. SCUmiEB. Last evening Hie parlors of the Central Congregational Church were thronged by tho friends and parishioners of tho pastor, Rev. Dr. Scudder, assembled for the purpose of tendering him a formal reception on this occasion of his return to his charge.

Floral decorations and music were abundant and refreshments were served by the youug ladies of the Society. Late Rev. George 13. Poetkoub. Recent photographs.

Tho only ones made in this country. Sittings by Alva Peabball. Tube had at tho Gallery, 615 niton av. Cabinet size, SO cor.ts each. Tby Vanity Fair.

See advertisement. Db. Wm. Hair's Balsam for the Lottos eurestbe worst cases of ciu.hs.cDlds and all diseases ol tho Iuiujb, throat and oh33t. For whooplaiicough and oroup it Is a apaouic.

Dn.Towt.tY's Toothache Anodtne cores Inlmiunto. Jonx F. Hssnr, Cchban 4 Ifoa. 8and9 College place, N. Y.

The Elements op Disease Annihilated. Ths bodily secretions, if vitiate develop aoids which alitor the circulation and produce gout, rheumatism aud gravel. Milk of Maonkia annihilates these olements of disease and prevents their development. Sold by all druggists. "To minister to a mind diseased," use the 5EBimA2i Si RC r.

it vltnlizos tho brain as well as the body. Pamphlets free to any address. Sua W. FOWLS SOH5 Boston. Fall fashions of gentlemen's dress hats of English and American manufacture, now ready for inspoo lon, at Balch, Price A 376 Folton street.

Londboro's California Water for the Toilet.Kursery and Bath. Fragrant and refreshing. A delightful substitute for Cologne or Bay Klun. Largo bottles, 76 ceDtB. Sold by Druggists.

Vienna Medal awarded to Vanity Fair. See advertisement. Evf.rt card player should have the new game counters. The heat and most popular mado. For sale by W.

H. Hodgins, 343 Fulton street, opposite Pierre pent. Make a joyful noise with Crandall's Patent Centennial Castankt. The boys declare it to bo the boss new thing. Child's Benefactor, No.

182 Fulton treet. Twenty canvassers can secure the highest commissions by applying at tho Slnsor office, No. 321 Fulton St. Machines sent out on trial and eold on the eaBiost terms. MARRIES.

SOHNUR D1NG1.F.Y Tn Brooklyn. September 29 M'i, by tho Rev. "Win. Giiadwo, C. Roman SrHNTJB.of Warren, to Mary Flohenpe, only daughter of Dr.

A. J. Dingley, formerly of Winslow, Mo. YfOODS MATnERS On Tuesday, September 28, 1875, by the Rev. Geo.

E. Roid, J. Al.KIlED WOODS to MaBY, daughter of Joseph Mathers, all of this city. DIED. AIU.ERS On Tuesday, September 28, 1S7S, Tellbich Ahlers.

sou of Hermann and Meta Ahlers, aged three jBirsaDil two days, after a very short illness. Friends and relatives of tho family, also tho members of the Bro ikivn Schuotzen Corps, Captain T. H. Doscher, tho Hanover Verein and A Company, Fifteenth Battalion, Captain Peter Alsgood. are respectfully invited to attend the funeral from the iiouso of his parents, No.

477 Third avnue, Brooklyn, on Friday, October 1, 1875. at one o'clock P.M. HANABRRGH Aueust 24, suddenly, of heart disease, on Loard Mall steamer Shannon passage from As ninwall to Carthagena AoousTueScHULTZ HANADEROH, late U. S. Consul at the latter place.

tRhinebcck. Dutchess County papers please copy. HARRISON In Brooklyn, Tuesday, September 23, Joseph Haiiiuson, in thQ lth year of his age. The friends of the family are respectfully invited to at. tend his funeral from the residence of his daughter, Mrs.

iWarr A. Gaunt, No. 291 Baltic st, on Friday. October 1, at 2 P.M. HOFFMAN After a long illnos, on Thursday, 30th Sakah widow of the late Henry R.

Hoffman. Friends and relatives oi tho family are respectfully invited to attend the funeral, from her late residence. No. 173 "Warren st, on Saturday, October 2, at one o'clock. McCORD At Sing Sing, en Tuesday night, Chablte, infant Bon of Henry D.

anil Esther E. McCord. Relatives and friends aTe invited to attend the funeral from the residence of tho parents, at Sing Slug, on Thursday at 8 P.M. McGRADE On Tuesday, September 28, Ann, tho wife of Thomas McGrade. aged 27 yeara.

The relatives and friends of the family are respectfully invited toattondhor funeral on Friday a fteYnoon at half past two o'clock, from her late residence, No. 418 Columbia street. Mr KEARNEY On September 29, John McKearhet, aged 74 years, a native of the Pariah of Kilmore, County Monah'm. Ireland. Relatives and friends of the family are respectfully invited to attend the funeral irora hie late residence, 269 Fifteenth st, Brooklyn, on Saturday, October 3, at o'clock P.

M. McKINNEY. On Wednesday," September 29, Jaues McKlNNEV in the Cist year of his age. The remains will bo tken from his late residence East Now Torkav, and Clove I 'latbuah. at 9 A.

on Saturday, 2, the Church of the Holy Cross, thence to the Cemetery of the Holy Cross for interment. Friends Are invited to attend. POBTEOUS Tho body of tho late Dr. Geo. B.

Poh TE0U6, a priost of the English Episcopal Church, will be tjuriod from his late chapel, of Clinton and Pierre pont Bt, at 2 P. on Friday, October 1. ROBBINS. In Brooklyn, on Wednesday morning, Sap tember29. Klizabeth wife of William M.

Robbies, oged 60 years. Relatives and friends of the family aro respectfnlly invited to attend the funeral at her late residence. No. 121 Henry st, Friday, October l.at4 P. M.

8LEAVIV On Wednesday, September 2, MabY G. SleaviNj only danehter of Thomas and Ann Sleavin. The relatives and friendB of tho family aro respectfully Invited to attend the funeral on Friday afternoon, a 2 o'clock, from 149 Park av, comer of Carlton, thence to Cemetery or the Holy Cross for interment. MASONIC. 1 0VEN AST LODGE, NO.

758, F. A. The roEular communication of this Lnricn will beheld on THURSDAY F.VKNING, September 30, 1375, at 8 o'clock, in COMMONWEALTH 317 Washing ton st. Work second degree. Brethren of sister Lodges cordially invited.

LESTER W. BEASLKY, Maater. MEETINGS. A KEGULAK MEETING OF THE LI OUOR DEALERS', PROTECTIVE UNION wifibe held at their rooniB, cor. Fulton and Jay sts, on FRIDAY EVENING, October 1, 1875, at 8 o'clock.

Members and al) interested in the trade are requested to attend. By order. J. T. SLANE, President.

J. B. REn.LT, Cor. Rec. THE iNTOFSTOCK: holders of the BROOKLYN COLLEGIATE AND POLYTECHNIC INSTITUTE wdl be held a tlm Institute (Livingston st, Hour Court) on TUESDAY, October 6.

at 8 P. for the purposes of eljctioB live trustees to fill the Jplaces oi those whose rerra of orficeill then expire and lor the transaction any other business that may be' presented. B. FROTHINGHAM. Secretary, Board of Trustees.

THOMAS FOR AN CilOWDEK CLUB The members of this Club are revested to attend a retmlar meeting THIS AFTIORXOON, at o'clock, at 481 Court st. By order of the President, J. V. CURRAN, Secretary, POLITICAL MEETINGS. ALL DEMOCRATS OF THE NINTH WAItD are respectfully invited to attend a mooting for the purpose of organizing a club to further the interest fit the regular Democratic narl v.

Li b.i hld nt thn THOMAS FAKRELL. 61 Uoderhlll av, on THURSDAY, September 30. WENTY FUtST WARD THERE WILL bo a meeting of the Twcnty nt W.ird Democratic Club held at KORK K'S, Park and Tompkins avs, at o'clock, on THURSDAY HVK.VI.Vu, September 30, 1875. By order AMJiS COX, Chairman pro tern. James Mohan, Secretary HERE WILL BE A MEETING OF THE TWENTY Fil? WAI1D DEMOCRATIC ASSOCIATION at FOSTEU'S HALL, Myrtle av, between Marcy and Nos trand avs, on THURSDAY, SBntsniherMl.

at 8 P. M. By order of HOB WIT MVHAN, President. P. Wabd, Secretary.

THE INDEPENDENT DEMOCRATIC VIVm WARD iU meet TO HORKOW, October at 40 (Jat av 1HE SEVENTH WARD YOUOTTMEN "is RKPUBLICAN ASSOCIATION will hold their regular meetins PHIS Thursday) KVKNINU, thai 30th instant, at 8 o'clock, in tlicir rooms, Mrrtio av.near Kenl ev. All tho are requested to attend as Borne business of importance. i to S1D.NKY 1 ROWLAND, President, John O., faecrtiary. LOST AB FOtiSfD.

IOST rN GOING FROM THE POL? rcolmic Institute to Atlantic av, a pair of cold Sl'KCTACLKS. Eetum to 17'J Harrison st. and receive reward. OST OR DUFFHSLD ST, ij a round gold chased chatelaine PIN. Finder will be suitably rewarded upon returning It to 176 Dutneld at, between Myrtle av, and Willoughby ata.

JOST REWARD WEDNESDAY AF ternoon, whija riding in a DoKalb av. car, between arcs av. and Cumberland at, a Ruuia leather POCKBT BOOK, containing 415 and other articles of little ralue. re will be paid to tho finder on learing It at toa Braokiyn Union office, or at 662 Greene t. ANTED SITUATION TO DO UP stairs work, and to takn rrto of ntinhv.

two or three years old. Apply for two days at present 'employer's. No. 430 Clermont nv. ANTED SITUATION TO DO UP i i.l I.

A ntttr rofor ences. Call for two days at 214 Graham st, near Willoughby avenue. WANTED SITUATION AS FIRST etuis cook, washer and ironor: Rood city roferenceB. Call for two days, Mr. JOHN NODNAN, 618 Paoi nc ANT ED SITUATION A COOK, and tioaor.

ll repooiauio young woman; 1 cttv rnferanoo. Uali for two days at Ml Pacific it, has good city reference, near unuermu av. WA3JTED SITUATION A a (J 14., by a respectable young woman no objeotion to doing washing and ironing iiaa good city references. Call for two dava at 49 Duffield st. W1 ANTED SITUATION A FIRST ftlnflH ennb.

hv aresoectable trirl: understands her business; is also a first class laundress. Pleas call after 10 o'clock at No. 9 Clinton st, Wanted situaTtion as COOK, washer and ironor. by a respectable yonng woman has good city references. Call for two days at 5 Harper's court, one doorfromjay st, upstairs.

WANTED TUATION TO DO GEN eral housework, by a respectable young woman ia a good cook, washer and ironer; has good city reference. Call for two days at 115 Concord st. WANTED SITUATION TO DO THE housework, by a respectable girl; Is a good plain cook, washer and ironer; has good reference. Please call for two daj at 53 1 Myrtle av! WANTED SITUATION TO DO GEN eralhouaowork, by a respectable young woman is a good cook, washer and ironer; has gnod city reference; all for two days at 68 Bergen st, near Smith. WANTED SITUATIONS ON AS cook, the other as chambermaid and waitress, by two respectable girls; b3st of city reference given.

Please call tor two days at No. 36 Jay st, near Concord. WANTED SITUATION AS COOK, washer and ironor, in a private family, by a respectable girl; has no objection to a boarding house. Please call for two days, at 27 Atlantic st, second floor. ANTED SITUATION A LA UN dress and assist with the upstairs work, by a re spectable young woman; has good city references.

Call for two days at present employer's, 129 Joralemonjit WANDrTUATIS GEN eral housework in a small family, by a ro3pectab le young woman beat oity references given. Call at or address for one week, 67 Lafayette at, socond floor, back room. WANTED SiTUATIONrOi)0 THE houBework or upstairs work, in a small family, by a neat, respectable girl lately landed. Apply for two days at 199 Tillfiry st, second floor. ANTED SITUATION TO DO GEN eral housework, in a smalt family, by a respectable young girl has good city references.

Call for two days at ANTED SITUATION AS COO washer and ironer in a small, private family, by espectable young woman has good city references. Call two days al 679 DoKalb av. Wanted Situation a cham bormaid and nurso, by a respectable young woman is competent to take full charge of an Infant; uasgood city references. Call for days at 251 Nostrand av. ANED SITUATiON TO DO GEN eral housework or aB waitress and to do upstairs wr.rk or mind children, by a young woman.

Call or addreaB all this week at 171South First at, E. D. WANTED SITUATION TAKE carejf'a baby and make herself generally useful, by a respectable young girl, aged 15 yoars good reference. Call at 10G "Wyckoff at. WANTED SITUATION AS FIRST class cook or laundress would bo generally useful can furnish good reforence.

Apply at tho "White Star Laundry, 279 Myrtlejiv, ne ar CantonBt. WANTED SITUATION TO DO UP staiTB work or tako caro of baby, by a respectable yonng girl; 16 years of ago. Please cslt for two days at 959 'aoiqc staear Grand ay. ANyPED SITUATION TO DO GEN eral housework in a small family, bv a resnoctablo coung glrlpeas beon Ave months in tho country. Uail for two days at Raymond st.

WANTED SITUATION T6D0 GEN" oral housework, in a small private family, by a respectable girl oan givo the beat of city references. Please call at 671 Dean st. WANTEDSITUATION AS COOK, washer and ironor, by a respectable middle aged woman good city reference from her last place. Call at 88 Atlantic av, first floor. WTED SITUATION TO DO GEN eral honsowork, or upstairs work, in a small family, by a respectable young Swedish girl; la a pood cook, washer and ironer has good city reforoncei.

Call for two days at 428 Wyokofi st. WANTED SITUATION AS OE7 by a respectable, reliable, experienced woman beat of reference given will bo found to bo a first clasB cook in baking, paddings and Call for two dayB at 734 Myrtle av. ANTEDITUATION TO DO GEN eral honsework in a small nrivato tAmilv. bv a. m.

spectable young woman; is a god plain cook, washer and ironer has good reference. Please call for two days at the cornerof Nelson and Clinton sts, second floor. AtfTED SITUATION TO DO UP stairs work, bv a resoectable vounir American wo man is a good ou orator and plain sewer, and would assist in any kind of housework; no objection to go into the country. Call, or address 232 Hoyt st. ANTED SITUATION, TO MIND children and run of errands, bv a little eirl nnhtso nn.rf innlAr for wcn nq fnn a trond hnmn rfanqf nf rtitv mfni ences from her last employer.

at 348 Livingston street. WANTED SITUATIONS ONE A oook, wnfiher and ironer, the other as chambermaid and waitress, by two respectable girls no objoction to a ftrivate boarding house; have good references from their st place. Call for three days at 62 Amity st. ANTED SITUATION TO DO GEN oral houeewnrk in small rrlprt fmil hv a rr, spectsDio yonng gin; goaa reierence irom iasc piaco, Ploaso calf for two days at 413 Warren street, first floor, near Bond. ANTED SITUATION TO wnqh and iron, or aft chambermaid and in a private family, by a Protestant girl; first class city reference.

Please call or address for two days at 19 North Portland av, bet. Jfiuishing ana Parle avB ANTED SITUATIONS ONE A first class cnok. the other as chambermaid, bv two respectable girls; have no objections to a private boarding nouso; save gooa reierences. ai aio ocara st, near Boeruin pL WANTED SITUATION A SEAM stress can out and fit ladieB' and children's dresses, and do all kinds of family sewing no objection to do light chamber.vork or to wait on crowing ohlldron; good reference given. CaU at 278 Atlantic av.

WANTED SITUATION AS CHAM bermaid and waitress, or would help ia general housework. by a resoectabie young girl; has 13 months' references. Pletse call or address at 688 Gates av, near Throop. ANTEDSITUATION AS A MKST cIobs cook in a nrivate family, by a resuectable wo man all kinds of cooking, meats, pastry, jellies, game, etc baa good city reference. Call for two days at 233 Pacific st, bet.

Smith and Court. WANTED SITUATION TO DO "GEN oral houeework, by a respectable girl; is a good oook. washer and ironer and bread baker three years' good city reference. Please call for two days at No. 72 Summit st, cor.

Columbia, over the dry goods store, thitd floor. ANTED SITUATION TO DO GEN eral housework in a nrirata ami bv a young girl; is good cook, washur and ironer; Is willing itnaoDmnng; nas tno 0031 oi city reierence. Please call tor two days at 223 Fulton st. WANTED SITUATION AS A PLAIN cooit, washor and ironer in a small private family, by a respectable young girl itho best city reference Call at 166 Hoyt st, corner of Wyckoff, second floor, over the grocery Btoro. WANTED SiTUATlbN TCTaSSIST IN waiting in a store, or to take care or ohildren, by a yonng girl will bo found willing and obliging can furnish city roferonco; waes not bo much an object as good home.

Can be Been for two days at No. 317 Livingston st. WANTED SITUATION AS EXPERI enced nurse, by a respectable young woman; is competent to take entire chargoof an infant; has seven years' references, call for two dayB at US Concord st, near Jay. WANTED SITUATION AS A FIRST class cook, washor and ironer, or to do general housework in a small family, by a respectable young girl is willing and obliging; has good city references. Call for two days at 140 Walworth et, near Myrtle av.

WANTED SITUATION TO DO THE housework, In a email family, by a respectablo young girl; has good city reference irom her last place. Please call for two days at No. 170 Myrtle av, in the china store. ANTED SITUATION AS A FIRST class cook, bv a resnectable woman, who is an nr. cellent waaher and ironor and has good city reference.

Please call or address at 197 South Portland av, near At WANTED SITUATION TO DO GEN eral housework in a small private family, by a respectable young girl; is a good cook, washor and ironor; has good city references. Call for two days at 80 Rapelyea street. WANTED SITUATION BY AN EX cellent cook is a good baker or would wash and iron; has the best of oity reference. Please oall for two days at old No. 144 State st, between Court and Smith tracts.

WANTED SITUATION TO DO THE housework of a small private family, by a respectable young girl: is a gool cook, washor and ironer or would go as children's nurse; ia capable of either; has good city reforenoe from her last place. Please call at 47 Hall st. WANTED SITUATION TAKE care of children and sow, or would like to assist at dressmaking, by a respectable young giri, with'best of oity reference. Please call for tUreo days at No. 412 Smith at, between aqueor stand Fourth pi.

ANTED SITUATION AS FIRST clii)D nnnV. a1ior nnH Irrtnnr tn ftnmnll lrjxtn fam ily, by a respectable pirl has the best of city references. Pleaso call for two days at 378 Gold at, second floor baok room. WANTED SITUATION AS UPSTAIRS girl or child's nurse, by a respeotr.ble young woman willing and inuuBtriouB; seven yaars1 references from jJJJ employer's. Apply for two days at No.

15S Sackett TAINTED SITUATION AS SEAM rfil7l. n58 'amily, by a respeotable young a first class d.ossmakor: cuts and fits to perfection Wheeler It Won" and WUlSx 4 Oibbsmachinos. Addrsjs 333 Warren st. tANTED SITUATION" AS NURSE I 1 ohsmberwork, or as chambermaid and waitress, by a respeotable young girl has first class references from her last employor. Pleaso call for two days at 145 Franklin ay WANTED SITUATION TO DO GBS eral housework by a respectable young woman is a good plain cook, washer and ironer has a year's reference from last place.

Call for two days at 15(1 Carlton ay. near Washington. ANTED SITUATION AS CHAM bermaid and waitress who would assist with tho washing and ironing, by a 1 oung girl has two years' reference from last place. Please call at 212 Hoyt st, near Baltic, over drugstore. WANTED SITUATION AS CHAM bormaid and waitress, or would do general honsework in a small private family, by a respectable youug girl has tho best of city references.

Call for two days at 271 iront at, second floor "1SXTANTED SITUATION AS A GOOD I plain cook and Hist class washsr and ironer In a small, private family, by a respectable young woman best city roference. Call for two days at 98 BalUo st, bet, Smith and Hoyt. WANTED SITUATION TO DO GEN eral housework, in a small family, by a raspootablo yonng woman is a good cook, washer and ironer has good city references. Call for two day at 107 Hilary at. bet.

Lawrence and Jay NTED SITUATIONTO SEW AND assist In household duties, in a small family, where she will be treated as one oi the family, or would do light housework, by a yonng, companionable American person; best of roferencea given. Address Eagle office. WANTED SITUATION AS A FIRST class seamstress; understands dressmaking; is a good operator on Wheeler A "Wilson's machine will assist with upstairs work; is willing and obliging; best cityref ence. Call for two daya at 617 Classon av, cor. of Dean st, top floor.

ANTEDSITUATIONS ONE AS A trnnA nonlr. aranhar And Ironer. the othnr no nhem bermaid aud waitress, by two respectable Protestantgirls would go separately have first class city references. Please call or address for three days at 622 Dean st, between Carlton and Vanderbilt avs. ANTED SITUATION AS A COOK washerand ironer, or would do general housework In a small private family, by a respectable young Protestant woman; Is a good cook, excellent bsker and first class laundiesB.

Call for two days at LORKB'S, 188 Atlantio av, parlor floor WNTED SITUATION AS A COOK, washer and Ironer, In a small family, by a respectable young woman and country reforence and two yoars reference from her present place. Can be seen for two days at her presont employer, residence at 97 GMos avenue, second door frm Washington av private family only need calL WANTED SITUATIONS MANAGED by ladles EMPLOTM NT BUREAU, 29 Concord et, between Fulton and Washington sts. Servant for all capacities supplied. We do not nromise perfection, but try to select tho beat women for domestic service without regard to nationality or religion. N.

H. Wet nurses at short notice. WANTED SITCATIONS AEAXI Si STBD SITUATION A FIR class waiter or light porter, by a young colored man. CaU on or address T. MAUivijlJL'iti, riuason av, nntil engaged.

ANTED SITUATION AS COACH man and groom, by a yonng man who thoroughly nnrtn fVin n.nm nf nnrsfia nnd frriaQB in wiltiU and obliging; has mr years' city reference irom last em ployer. Call on or address T. 552 Grand av. 7f ANTED SITUATION AS CLERK in a grocery or ten store, by a young man, American, who thoroughly understands the grocery business; is irlilinff and obliging and not afraid of work; willing to work for a small compensation best city references furnished. Address ABILITY, Eaglo office.

WAIVTS JPROFI "ANTED PUPILS A LADY DESIRES few more rjunih to tako lessons on the piano. Address H. Eagle office. WANTED HOUSEKEEPING A COM potent lady wishes to tako charge of a house in any part of tho City of Brooklyn at a moderate charge. Address Box 26, Eaglo office.

WAN TED DRESSMAKING A FIRST class dressmaker wishes a fow more engagemonts to go out by tho day; terms moderate: can givo references. Address DRESSMAKER, 1,079 Pacific st, WANTED HOUSEKEEPING BY AN American woman, a position as housekeeper or nurse to an invalid Is a good seamstress. Call at 99 Schor merhorn st. WANTED COPYIST EMPLOYMENT a copyist or as reader to an invalid, for the hours of evening, by a younggentleman who can bring good references. Address Box 9, Eagle office.

WANTED DRESSMAKING A COM potent dressmaker would like the work of a few families By the day; is an excellent fitter and trimmer of ladieB1 and children's dresses. Call all week at 69 Doan st, noar Smith st. WANTED OPERATING AN OPERA tor on nil kinds of sewlnp machines would like a few more engagements to go out by tho day, with or without a machine. Call on or address OPERATOR, 154 Iloyt stioat. WANTED DRESSMAKING BY MRS.

JOHNSON, at No. 122 Court st. near Atlantio nv; drespes made up in superior stylo, at short notice and on tho most reasonable terms; cutting and fitting a specialty; all work gunrauteod to give perfect satisfaction; ladies can be acoommoduted at their own residences, if do' sirod. WAIYTED IVIISCI IjI ABiEOUSi ANTED HOME A HOME FOR MY danhtnr. aced 16 vears.

with an tdderlv connlo would make herself usoful. Addrass FATHER, Eagle office. ANTED CAST OFF CLOTHING. FOR which the hilinat nrico will be naid in cash. Send your address and wo will call at nny hour you may desire.

C. L. CAMERON, 172 Bridge st, ner High. WANTED WORK BY A RESPECT able woman, wAshing and ironing or any kind of honsework, to out bv tho day; haB good olty reforencos. Cull all the week at 251 Navy st.

ANTED NURSING A LADIES' nnnn xHH be rondv for an onirflfrnmRnt tlio first week in October. Call on, or address, 1,255 Fulton st, cor. Macon su WAJNTED WASHING BY A YOUNG German woman.who wishes to tako in washing and ironing, or will' go out by the day can be given. Call or address No. 100 Degraw st.

i ANTED CHILD TO NURSE BY A rerqneetfihlfi vrrnnc married woman, who has re cently lost hor own. Pleaso call at No. 60 Talman st, for one wook. ANTED WASHING GENTLEMEN'S And lruiift' wnBhino nnd ironincr or washinc far a snnll family at her own houso beat of references can be given. Inquire at248Navy st, third floor, back room.

WANTED WASHING BY A RESPECT able young woman, to go out by tho day washing and ironing. Call for two days at 953 Washington av, bet. Grand av. and Pacific st. WANTED WASHING AND IRONING, at homo, ry a respoctable yonng woman; has good city references.

CaU for two days at 341 Hoyt Bt, near Douglass. WANTED WASHING BY A RESPECT able woman, to tako in washing and ironic at her residence, or go out by the day. Inquire in the Btore corner of Park av and Hall st. ANTED WASHING ARESPEO tablo woman; ladies1 and gontlamon's washinp and ironine and fluting, to do at her own home, or would go out by tne 161 Court st. out by the day roferenco if required.

Please call at ANTED WASHING BY A FIRST class laundress, at hor own house, or would co out by dav's work is a compntent. careful woman and can furnish beat city reforence if needed. AddreBB or. call at 528 Vandorbilt av, corner Pacific st, third floor, front rooms. WANTEI) WAS H1NG A RESPEC table woman washing and ironlne tor ladies and gentlemen, or families, nt ber own homo, by tho month or dozen, or would go out by the day is an oxporienced laundress, and has best city reforenco if requirod.

Please call at 381 Warren st, near Hoyt, top floor. WANTED MOUSES AND ROOMS. ANTEb HOUSE FURNISHED BY rotmonnlhlfi nrivn.tA no obi fiction to board ing the owner for the rent. Address immediately, A. D.

12 St, Mark's av, second door from Fifth. WANTED HpUSE A SMALL HOUSE five or six rooms, with improvements, to rent for 19 months, by A family of throe; rent low; Hill prferrod. Address with full partioulars.A.0. 164 Pearl st. N.

Y. WANTED ROOM NEATLY FUR nlshed room, for light housekeeping, within ten minutes' walk of City have closet, water and gas in room, and terms must not exceed $12 Per month. Address CONKLTN, 129 Willoughby nt. WANTED ROOM WITH OR WITH out breakfast, in a private family, on tho Haights, (French preferred); permanent if suited, Address. Btatlng terms, Ac, which must ho reasonable, PERMANENT, BOX Jangie omce.

jTANTED ROOMS A ROOM AND bedroom, furnished for light housekeeniog, within easy walking diatanco of Fulton Ferry: terms, with gas, must not exceed $16 per month, in advance. AddreBB HUWAttu, Jiagioomce. WANTED ROOMS BY A YOUNG married coupla, a floor on the second story in a private houBB, within a few minntos' walk of tha City Hall; rent must be low would rent the same for one or more years if suited none need address if they are going to move the firat of May, 1876. Please address, stating location and terms, HARPER, Eaglo office. iSOAItDBNfi 13 OARD 125 LIVINGSTON ST ROOMS to let, with board.

OARD 122 MONTAGUE ST, PLEAS ant rooms to lot witn ooara. OARD ON THE HEIGHTS ROOMS to let, with board, at J14 moncagup si. OARD ON THE HEIGH VS 226 HE ry st, very pleasant rooms with board. 13 OARD 208 AND 209 CUMBERLAND J3 at, cor. DeKalb av.

An elegant seoond floor to let, i OARD 124 MONTAGUE ST, CORNER JJ of Henry Booms, large ana email, for families and single gentlemen. WbARD ON THE HEIGHTS TWO Jj) hall rooms for gentlemen. No. 113 Henry st, corner of GiarK. BOARD303 HENRY ST, COR.

STATE Good board and handsomely furnished roomB on seoond story can bo had on reasonable terms. TfcOARD NO. 1 FIRST PLACETCOR. JO of Henry st. Second story rooms, single or en Buite terms to sun.

BOARD 99 HICKS ST, CORNER PINE apple On Heights Nicely furnished rooms to lot, with good board near Ferriea terms moderate. BOARD LARGE and small rooms tho house his all the modern improvements. 89 State st, cor. Henry. BOARD TWOOR THREE A DY teachers wanted as boarders.

Address, with residence, R. JEaglo office. Bc OARD ON THE HEIGHTS lnno room, suitable for two gentlemen or ana who. no. ia uoiamuia noignus.

BOARD TO LET, WITH BOARD, choice of two rooms, an Clinton av. near Greene: first class in every inspect. Address h. A. Eagle office.

1 OARD iTSB iEIGHTS U)OMS JC9 to let, with board, at 191 Joralemon st, bet. Court anauimwn; reierenoes given ana required. BOARD ONTHEliElGHTS PARTD38 desiring first olass board and accommodations on Willow st, address Q. N. Esglo offloe.

BOARD ON THE HILL PLEASANT rooms and good board gentlemen can be accommodated, either ia pairs or singly. Apply at Hi Lafayette avoauu. OARD ON THE HEIGHTS. 182 CLIN jljp ton st Location pleasant and convenient first class u.uuiiuuutu.uii iui rjouniKu iuu auu ui.ur mvua uau single genuomen verms reasunaDie. BOARD 128 CUMBERLAND ST, SEC ond storr.

front room with trood closet and well heat. od, suitable for one or two persons convenient to two lines oi cars terms rjasunauie ioinuv prwaie. TT OARD BOARD AND ROOMS CAN BE LJP had at 163 Warren stroet between Clinton and Henrr rooms on seoond and third floors single gentlemen or gentleman and wivss. OARD A GENTLEMAN AND WIFE JIJ? can rind a superior boarding place, in a private family, in new brown stone front house, by applying at 37? St. Marks av, bet.

Vanderbilt and Carlton ava. BOARD 16 SECOND PLACE ROOMS, large and small, to lot, en suite or single, to gentlemen and their wives or families house and location unsurpassed; references exchanged. BOARD 152 SCHERMERHORN ST. A second Btory back room for a gentleman and wife or single gentlemen hot and cold water; convenient to oars ana, ana terms rcasoname. 13 OARD SINGLE GENT81) ATToTiTAIN JLP good board and pleasant rooms, from $5 to $7 per wook; also gentlemen and their wives.

Apply at 93 State near tienry. TJOARD 45 WILLOUGHBY ST. COR, of Jay a large room, suitable for gentleman and ue two goniiemen: also a nail room; terms mod' erate. OARD PARTIES WISHING BOARD fnr t.V)( Wlnfn I modated at 846 Schermerhorn st, opposlte'tho HILL 916 PER board, a large front room handsomolj famished and room with good oloset prlvato family. AdSv Si SS Jay ot, bet Folton and Willoughby sts WW nt UUAKU ON THE HEIGHTS, NO.

158 JJ Montarae yory desirable rooms, with fl oara, may Be obtained by applying at the abore num. ber. ROSlD NO. 5 MONTAGTMteRRAOET offers two haudsamnlv fn l.l, rl xv" parties arranging wlU and'ftet cl VabU Sd tfeng new and clean; single bede it desired: iSnSnS. two ay boarders.

NJQ 3 it "80, one or BOARD HANDSOME SUl5VEOF secondstory rooms, with board; house and annoint Pierre pont st OARD ON THE HEIGHTS A PLEASl JT ant room on second floor; hot and oold water suit able for man and wife or single gentlemen also a book parlor. 75 Henry fit, aeoond door from Orange. OARD 253 AND 255 WASHINGTON jljf sv cirBb oiasB aeoommodationB tor gentlemen and ntesfrom the ferries dinner at 6 :30 BOARD IN A PRIVATE FAMILY BUitabte for a ant.l nnd tuitn nrfwn Bn 1 nn tlemen. Inquire at 214 Raymond st, naar Folton terms BOAKD162 WASHINGTON ST TO let, with board, two front rooms on the third floor also two young ladios oan be accommodated with board house has all improvements dlnnor at o'clock. BOARD CLINTON ST A LARGE back parior and eifansfon, with good board, to gen.

Uetnan and nifo, or two single gentlemen dinner lb one. vinii ai njj mmwu upposiw ocnermernorn. ARD SYL ANUS T. COZZENS, NO. oan ii.

i OJ Ut9U. Henry st, has a front room on secoad floor also third floor, to let. with board terma moder rooms on ate. ARD SINGLE AND DOUBLE rnnma 1th flt 1n Iiahh) the most convenient location for New York6 mlnnteB' nuiM. iium i mum erry ana one trom Ulty Hall; terms from $6 to $12 per week.

267 Washington et, one door from 9.

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