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The Brooklyn Daily Eagle from Brooklyn, New York • Page 1

The Brooklyn Daily Eagle from Brooklyn, New York • Page 1

Brooklyn, New York
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)



I. VAN ANDEN, UBLI8HER AND PROPRIETOR. We have received tiMm ilu: publisliors, Moa.srs. Weed, Parsons Albany, the Ercn ing. Journal Alrmiiiuc for Tin; Evening Journal Al hoc has been lor many years considered onu Ihe best publications of its class.

The virc8 volume is larger tkiu usual, but uFiiaJ with valuable btatintical matter. While, Jourmtl Aim is invaluable to public men, Uoie arc ft who will not lind it convenient to cier to its pages. The t'ollowiny notices of our iTpreseiitntivcs nt Albany will not be without in jpHILHARMONIC SOCIETY OF BROOKLYN SIXTH SEASON lSo2 '03. THIRD CONCERT, SATI'RDAY EVENING. JJvNGaRY 24th, 18C3, AT THE ACADEMY Ol' MUSIC.

Miss CLARA LOUISA KELLOGG. Sni, rutin. Mr. LEITSOU, Trombone, AM) T11K FULL ORCHESTRA OF THE SOCIETY Under the direction of Vfr. THEO.

F.ISIELD Conductor. Mr. J.NOLL Leader. Tiekets toNon bubscriber, One Do lar. Ext a TickeU Seventy five Cents; to be obtained of the Treasurer Doors open at to commence at 3 clock.

NINTH REHEARSAL. WEDNESDAY AFTERNOON. JANUARY 21st. At 3 o'clock. Non subscribers tickets Fifty Cents; to be obtained at the door.


WEEK. TUB "CREME DE LA CRKMF." OF ALL MINSTREL ORGANIZATIONS, Still floa' log on the full tide of pluliu r.nuii: STILL ANOTHER MAMMOTH PROGRAMMB which our patrons may "Lu'l in the Luxurious Lap of MH.ODY, MIRTH AND ING. Positively tl elast week of E. BOWERS EXE" FT SHAKING QL'tKERR which, though paining nightly in public favor, must be taken off to makerooro for other Novelties now tn coarse or preparation. Grand revival (for one week only) of the Iiiglny amusing sketch called THE HOP OF FASHION Unparallcd hit of the side splitting Intcr'ude of THE STRANGER Mr.

Bewers. Mrs. GRAND SCFNi. FHOM LA sONaMBCl.A. by E.


ACTS, DANCES. PL ANT ATTON SCENES. 4o Doors open at 65i; to commence at 1 o'clock. Tickets 56 cent. "OKOOKLYN ACADEMY OF MUSIC.

ONARD GROVER Lessee. HKVRV JARRETT Actinc Manager. Ihe management respectfully announces the a inearance On F.YEMNG. January 2Mb. ISO J.


oit THE ELOI'FMENT. THK H.OPEMENT. in r. she will lerfonn the TWO GKEi'l CHARACTERS (IF LADY ISABEL LADY ISABEL ASIl ADAM VI A A I AT THE PHILADt Ll'HIA AC 1)KM OF MCSIC, Ll'CTLLE WESTEHN did on the nights of the 11th and 12Ba of Pec. last, pcrrortrt EAST I.YNNE to ihe e'ite of (be citv.

attra' liftbe attention of and rom ii.tiiitinc the patronage of th? RKFlNKD. MORAL AND RfLIGIOL'3 portions of tlie and eliciting written and out spoken troin THE l'lflSS a.ND THF PEOPLE. SPECTATORS attended the two oci as'ion nf the representations of EAST LYNNE, and at the conclusion of 1.1 Cll.LE UKSlERN'S BRILLIANT ACHIEVEMENT sL.ereti.ri.eil lo THE CAPITAL OF THE NATION. YM1VRE. FOR TWELVE NIGHTS.

SUP FU 1.1 THE THEATRE Tl) REPLETION, and. atnifi resret3. left, forth? honor of A A IN i MONDAY', .1 N. Dil. 1 Vf.


i. The etranidit ar and scarc. ty succe o' NEW 11 1' A RT TOUCH ING PLAY. Wherever it has been presented (At oiton, Baltimore, Philadelphia ar.d iu loucliing GREAT PEART OF THE PEOPLE. IN" SOFTENING THE Y.MP.

HUES OF UIK 0I1TUSF, Would clearly indicate in THIS CITY. 'or its natrona re nf DPAJIATIC PiiODlTTBINSOF MORAL TENDENCY, sticceeptul traneceudii.g anything that the Play lius yi. ucl ie ed. InlEostcn it constituUil tbe GP.VAT SUCCESS OF THE SEASON. In

it achieved SEVEN REPRESENTATIONS, uitd was only withdrawn by of other enzane uc s. In aitiiiitoL it btciiinethe GDKaTi pt til: attp TPtt'vtlitT the prWr.t iion, rannin? SLY CONSKCL I WEEKS, to audiences of the utmost capacity ot the Theatre. In cear'y every instaree. nnmer. us Ladies Gentlei ffrieon iMiltn utire without obtaining seats.

Upon its last presentaihin. the nu'jihev of disuppointed appiicanrs for seats rem hed several hundreds. The most celelu a t' of our GENERALS. SENATORS and RF Fl 1ES.F AT 1 I s. with their ladies and families, at tender! repeatedly aud stim in immlseakanle manner their SMi iiatiiV ai.d appreciation of THE THRILLING SITUATIONS 'of the BEAUTIFUL AND UNFORTUNATE MADAME 'lb siu'ce.

of 'his great einotiona1 Play at i'Omts ol presentation is mainly aiirii'ii(a' 'o SOCIAL COALMEN H.Y ('ION of its visitanls to their friends. With this undeis.tari'Ung, the niarr trers ha 'ieeined it an ahsolulj necssity to secure the Academy lo a lenglhened iierioj. hut contacts into ly the Directors imsitie A STAY'. No hoc ever flaiterinL no i roinis. ce s.

''and lie tee's conti.ient 1 hat the i all autliein es i romise an ult imafe success, i ho vevergrat can hy any possii i itv a tcr existing tirranemeiils. A buttering evidence oi the high estimation ia which the piece is held Lv ih amusement speculators, is the fact t'jit i eai'iy theatrical manager of the day has i i 1 lo make it his erty. in one instani'e so high as THIRTY THOUSAND DOLLARS Have been otllred the young artist and her piece for a single reason. Act 1 Mated. A mysterious Murder.

Barbara Hare. A Jealous "Then You'll i A npposedlapec Seven .) Act. 2. Tempted.

Francis Lev! ion at l.vnne. A Moonlight Walk. '1 he Elopement. 'A supDosed iapse of One Year Act BeninrMf. Mhinicht Invasion of East Lynne.

Story of George Hallic lm's Murder. Lady Isabel takes up ln Cross. Alone tor Evermore. 'A supposed lapse of Two Act A. Exiled.

Barbara's Heart at Rest. Vi'ltmc Vine. Yearning of Breaking Heart. TheArrestfor Murder. The Death bed Secret.

Retribution, crhe best emotional Scene. A supposed lapse of 7'wn Months. Act .1. Death. A Startling Diicnv.

ry. Lady I abel lays down Cro s. The Fare well until Eternity. REMEMBER I MONDAY. JANUARY ili'l'H.


Beauty and Respectability oi ihe City of Brooklyn NEW AND SUPERB EQL'ESTRI FEATS AND GYMNASTIC EXERCISES, Given by tlie greatest troute that ever appeared in Nev l'urkand Brooklyn. OMER KINGSLEY. in ids beautiful and original masquerade of ELLA ZOYARA. The wopderfnl Acrobatic and Exploits of the BROTHERS DELAVANTA and MR. PENNY.



Performances begin at 7 o'clock. A FTERN OON PER FO KM AN ES WEDNESDAY AND SATURDAY', at 2Y: o'clock. The Prices of Admission, in order to eneurc a general attendance of Schools and families, are as follows Dress Circle 25 cents; Children 15 cents: GaUory 15 ceuts. MR. JAMES MELVILLE, THE GREAT AUSTRALIAN HORSEMAN, WITH HIS TALENTED JUVENILES, Wili apnear at the ARENA on MONDAY next, Jan.


HaTingbeen. appointed by the President of the United State Collector of United State. Internal Revenue for tbo Second District of the State or New Y'ork Notice is bareby given that an office has been opened at No. 345 Fulton st, Brooklyn, tor the collection of said reTsnue, where dtHll lr of spirits and coal olh rectifiers and manufacturers, and al! other persons whose applications for licensy hav been filed witli the Assessor of said district, will call and pay their taxes) and obtain their licenses. Said District, eompr4es the Sixth, Eighth, Ninth, Tenth.

Twelfth. Fourteenth. Sixteenth seventeenth, and Eighteenth Wards ol the City of Brooklyn, and the towns or Flatbush, Flatlands, Grarosend. New Lots and New Utrecht, in the County of Kings. Alsottiat I have appointed John Augus and SuoiU el J.

Burr, Deputy Collectors, and John W. Manly, Inspector of Spirits and Coal OIL Nothing but United States Currency and Bankable Money received for taxes. Office open from 8 A. M. F.

M. A. M. WOOD, Collector of the Second District of the 034 tf State of New Yorlc DANCING ACADEMIES. JT.

URIS' DANCING ACADEMY, 371 AND S73 Fulton street, opposite City Hall The Academy wlllbe open for the reception of pupils and the formation of classes from and after the 2d of September. Classes for Ladles, Misses and Masters, on YV ednesdays and Saturdays at 2 o'clock P. M. Gentlemen's classes Tuesday and Friday evenings at o'clock. Ladies' Classes on Wednesday eve uiug from 7 to P.

ITivate Lessons given at the Academy, ov at the residence of the pupil. Further particulars andcli cubits can be had at the Academy, at any of the above mentioned hours. New classes now arming. Private Soirees every two weeks. The rooms can be hired try respectable parties by applying at the Academy, tf C.

H. RIVERS' Kp. 33 Schcnnerhorri street tit ller.Al1, VI ill commence the first week in September, and oouttoue open on til' Tune 1st, The classaa are so arrange! thai beginners can commence at any Send for a circular. Soirees will be given for tlie pupils and their frienda us heretofore. The Rooms caa be hired by respectable pxrtiea fof BiUq, Souses or Ooccerts wbta not oUiwrriae.



S'orusn, at tub TAI'sCOTTS FAVoTtm; "UNH OP LIVERPOOL PACKETS, Sail'ur ric a week from New York and Liverpool. LINK OF LONDON" PAOKhrn Vow Vorlt and London. nofe Capi erpool th Kadi i 'iini! to send their friends will please take at it is not necessary for tncinti wait for any igent l. fb but as soon as they are ready, go to prei nt the fertUieate at the OHice, hr.t appris of their coinlne iiiu carrier an exot rlcncerl Surseon. sup I rovisions.

of the bet oaabty served dally. tvti ti, sent for iledine eo.nlnn, the money is always on ptodii'int Certifi' ate and Receipt Peri living out of the Citv. am! who wish Jo vHit Europe, v. do well seenre their Passage before leaving home from our Agent or by letter, encloslnira they will thus avoid being imposed upon on their arrival New Yoik Rr Jill TAN CKS TO ENGLAND, utr.LAN U. suu1 LI'TI'f Rfc ol CHKD1T and DRAFTS, payable liny nirt ClllAT BRITAIN and IRELAND, or the CONTINENT I urope.

can always he obtained at the lowest rates: an cxp riviii 01 ovr mentj Uve years has enab.ed us to per ct tnis nrancii or our ousinoss s. tnafc tne muuuoa lar reniittcj throuih us not a single has occurred. I't i oa in the COL'NTRV. wishing to remit INhY or send their FRIENDS, bv. inclosing us the amount tbey vsir nt.

with the name and address of the person to receive it or. if for Passage, thr nam s. ages and prooer ad dreti tin iiarties be nt for the necessary Oertihcate Dti.K wi'lbc promptly forwarded to the parties fir whom ir inici ded. or returned, lo the party payin? the money, wrthtl. lie, i ipt for same, as they may desire; ant for will please enclose a Post Oll ce amp.

lo ensure pn mpt eply for furthej narttcu ars. ai ply to TAI'SCOTT. UROT HbRS ft jnlii in South st, New York. DRY GOODS. nTi nT rtTSTV rtrT? ttiULNCLl DRESS MAKIJN vj KJiLibjJiL

a him. Also Dresses Cut and Baisted at MJIE. MpR Sfil Kultoo street, oppo ite Clinton. oal IT CLEARING OUT SALE AT James moonevs. 99 Fulton street, cor.

Prospect. Our entire stock of Dress Goods, at such prices as can not Pail to give sati. tactioii in order to give our soring Stock: our Shawls and Cloaks will be sold very much under cost i rice. We have made a further reduction oa our Woolen stock, as fo lows Skating Caps, bright colors 2s. 2s td, 3s, and Ladie andM Hoods 2s Cd.

lid, 4s. os. t.s, ,5, il 00. Soutags. the newest style, 3s, 4s, 7s.

1 00. In the Hosierv Depaniuent car; be found a mli tine oi Ladies and llentlemen's and Children Lndergarinents. rocks and 'tickings. Gloves and Mitts, of every style and feend and J. M.

rcspectfuU. cal's the atten tiot of th Ladies to splendid line of fleeced Cotton Hose, regu ai mad. at2s B'l pair, usually sold at50 cts. Also an entire Jobne stock oHVool'eu Goods of every descnp tiot. tint 1 have purchased for cash and will be old nonderoit low prices.

Call aod examine the stock. liegsre pectfully to inform bis Gentlemen friends that he just reee.ven from an expensive manufacturer asplenilldlii eof Wide end Ties of elegant patterns and colors, also a full line of Silk Scarf', fo style and color cannot h. su pn e. d. aic lelland rfarf In every pattern.

Ve still ke.j, firS, class line Black Silk Ties at SI cts lo (iflK eisot the Army and Navy, or Gentlemen reamr ng a supply of Kreneb Fancy and Plain all Wool Negligee Shirts. 1 have purchased for cash the ''nurel nortatiun of a very extensive House of the above gond 1 1 wtiob tod; will be.sold at such peices us cannot to iive satisfantion rn Gent's French Kid Gloves, all coion. $1 00 per pair, befat make. l'aer Co iars. constantly on nano, siara.

MOONFY. Ful cor. Prospect. TO THE FIRE DKt'AKTMfcNT, A Wool ll' il Klnanel, yard wdi This iihw v.dzvi in Trade, Call and seefnr yourself. JAMES MOO'.

F.Y, oy Fulton st, cor. Prospect. 431 IVY ONLT STOU NEED WAS da. Toe prereni ho'rever, renders renders nsOi.1 rnle obaoiete, to ll i' i tip tNFW. BUY NOW ALL EN MORE TflAN 1 111' t.i ir vtu i i We rUV tn av.

that those lais venture wil: SAVE in PP.ICrS near a uel a the uilvnnee which has already occurred. J. OOn i.ELI.'S utmost tidravorshajUje to lcp his si et t.op FRY lIUiv KS unci I AlllJIMs. fully sp the Dei.artn.ent foi Family use, 'he FOLKS with our nice warts I'AN'J'y thecold cannot do them any harra. street, outn side, Between snd liUJIBEB.

mo BOX MAKERS THE SUBSCRIBERS I iTer for sale at t've! Lumber Yards corner ef John i'eari streets Clinton avenue near Flushing, and Hun t.rWot on Newtown Creek. Boards already W'd una Dinned, suitable for maklrnicrack or' boxes, a. a hcure. Can and sec fierbfrpMtWKlns elsewhere, i.isa Waa.artaer.tor Lumber suitable for fgj FINANCIAIi. AfFICirOF THE FIKiiMAN'S TRUST IN 7 No.

Cuurt street, opposite the ir lliili. Ibookhn, ltfth. lCi. T' of Krcrrcir of this Con.oary have thie diy em'' .1 aseu i annual dividend o' Vive per cent, frei i niei.t tax, iyibleto the Stockholders at the, TVM. BI'RRELL, Secretary.

'iftToNEY AT 0 l'BR CENT 50.000 TO LOAN i'i i.i, bond mo.tga' 'e a per cent in sums fromit) Also, for sale, in the city, the best locations, hi. ii lji. nisi, small houses, which wi 1 he sold low price: or will exchange for farms, merchandise. tnts. to GEO.

W. BROWN. No. 1 uestreet. Room No.


1 no do do lliouseandlotin Willouclibyst do do 1 do do do do 2 mall cottnee houses in Carll street. Price 1.2.n) each small two storv and Inisemetit houses Livingston st, water and gas. Price each. A four sb rv hou. in Henry street.

Trice n.DiW. One half Hie purchase money can remain on boud aim mortgage for three years at per cent. TO LOAN ON BOND AND MORTGAGE Jii.OflO in stuns tn soil, for a term of years, at il percent. Apply in nil NATHAN T. BEERS, 45 Fulton street.

ROOKLYN CITY RAILROAD COMPAN A Dividend of Four per cent, free of irpvcrnrnent tax. has been declared pajable on th" second ilay ot teuru.iry next, at the office of the Company. No. l'Jtulton street, 11. onklvn.

Tlie transfer books witi be closed after the 2 )th instr.nt until Jfeb. ad. Dated Brooklyn. I a. Ir, Hu.

julti id C. W. Secretary. OFFICE OF THE NASSAU FIRE IN'SUIi ANCF COMPANY, No. IU Court street, Brooklyn, January 'J, 1 (1.

The Hoard or Directors have this dav declared a enii anrual dividend of Seven per cent, free of Government it nrrnriv j.j:: A. BEEKMAN, Secretary. TT INGS COUNTY FIRE INSURANCE COM PANY', Brooklyn. Jan loth. Dbl.

fi. This Con pany has this day declared a dividend or per cent, out or the earnings for the six months ending Dec. .11. Lsii payable on anda'ter the Sdlhinst. The traasier books wiUWeloseduntU after that date ry pQpR FF1CE OF THE LONG ISLAND IXSUR aNCE C03IPANY, No.

41 Fulton street, Brooklyn, Jm Tlie lionrd'of Directors have this day declared a semi anr.ual Dividend of Ten 1101 per cent, payable on demand, jaitf WM. W. IIENSHAW, Secretary. TJ NION DIME SAVINGS BANK. No.

CANAL ST, CORNER OF Attn. ft. OPEN DAILY from 10 A. M. to i and from I 7 SIX PER CENT INTEREST allowed on sums ot and Yinher.

and F1AE PER CENT on larcersnms. Money deposited before illth hist, VflU. I1BAR ISTEHEST FROM 1ST. EDER V. HAUGHWObT.

President. JOHN vici. MALTBYG. LANE.) Gakdshr S. Chapin, Secretary; sM OFFICE OF THE MONTAUK FIRE INSURANCE No.

7 Court st, Brooklyn. 19M. DIVIDEND The Board of Directors hare this day declared a semi annual Dividend of Five (5) per cent dree of govevnmem ta) payable oufter January oth. BROOKLYN CENTRAL AND JAMAICA RAILROAD COMPANY BONDS, due Not 15, 18S3, will be redeemed at 103 per cent, and accrued Interest, on presentation at the office of A. G.

JEROME 4 No. at Exchange place, Netr York. bU ATLANTIC SAVINGS BANK. No. 177 CHATHAM SOUARE, NEW YOBH.

OPEN DAILY. DepsBltsfrom 25 cents to J.i.dOd received. "Six: per Interest paid. Money deposited now will receive interest om the l6t of Janaary' M. D.

VAN PELT, President Joskth p. Ooopkb, Secretary. N. B. Money to loan on bond and mortgage.

se23 ly WATCHES AND JEWELRY. TTAIR JEWELRY PINS, EAR RINGS, n.i.i. X. vt flmins. Finger Kings and Charms of many different designs, made from Hair of cither absent or deceased friends at short We would sug nesl to those who desire souvenirs of this kind made for the Holidays, that they hand hi their orders early, in order to prevent disappointment, c1Ia8e, Manufacturer of Gold and Silver Ware, 203 Fulton st WATCHES AND JEWELRY, SQUIRE LANDER, Jewellers and Manufacturers of bnghsh Sterling Silver Ware and fine Id and IS carat Gold Jewelry, and the flmest quality of Watches and Diamonds which they are selling: at 10 per cent above the actuaiiiel cost.

SQTJ1RR I LANDER, jnySO ly 97 Fulton street New York. WINES AND MO.UORS. ANDIES VERY FINE OHIO CAT A A Grace Brandy. I fiO per gallon, very tlnest and best equal in strength and tlarur to French Braady. only 230 per gallon: very tine old Dirk or Pile FrenoJ Brandy.

(M i er gallon, demiiohns Included, at the French Brandy Vaults, No. 71 Prince at. Itrooklyc when Uio rjurennser Etrxif his owd SO.centa por stdlwi wUl bo dedoct ei from tie iTeprtcJ. oi4ia In a TWO LOTS KOK ALK, ON THE ii'. norther of vta 'lUion streei between ai'enues; eaat hwk not i.

j. ear. Price ea b. Hut litt msU re A 1 ly 'o KRr 1 KKlt. at NV.

lo aan Fulton a enne. LrooU.wi. yi LET POSSESSION Tt. il.r,.,. torv bouse IMMLDIATKLY The Ihruc story fra o.

Taii'i r. (Jufmtty heater in the'. 111 vi ijiit'M i oun. street. yi: LET OR LIC.

nwlv bat.iNurie LKASE A LIQUOR lttert ti t. in a yuud nei 'lic attfl i. oinp a ciies, or the would ird uj for a. rccei btore whiotilt we I ijt Lint low. Apply at Cocroid and Hi, tw.i av, P'2o" AHCHl'l Et 'TS, aI A i) OT11KKS rlhe sji'endid marble niantifa''ture I Joh't Mef'riun.

i crsonany. i ort tY i.c sold at ha forl ash, or e.v hai gctl for a lot I the 3ubiirr. iantc of kirn n.anu'a' ti re atthe oni pri ail in est n.anner at the Ft.LToS MAIUII.K WOitKs aenue. Lrookln. i SALE THE THKEK STORY, B1UC1C, FnirliRh basement house.

No 1o4 Atlantic street, Brook with an" stable in the rear, on Pa i'ic street. I'enns tor apply at No. 449 Broa lwa Ne lilteoil1 LEASE FOR A TERM OF YEARS, (JR FOR SALE The property 4M Schcrmeihoru street huildlnelsof briek. I stories, with ce'lar and a i in the rear 2 storlea hiRh steam in ee ivr, for a cabinet maker, tin. or other inaau firing hnslnees.

EnifuL on the premises, or at No. 15 ton street. j21tf N. T. UbER'i.

OK SALE OR EXCHANGE FOR CITif PRO FKRTY A splendid farm of 15IK). one of 30 i. and one SOD acres, well oded and watered, and vrittiia miles market and rai'road depots in noi Illinois. 'tact of and ore of 70 acres, in thisjtaie. Anoly N.ROtYAN,i;nllruadway.

j2u tit I70R SALE A GOOD INVESTMENT TWO storesand dwellinp house Nos luaand lit Hteh stree' ooklyn, with to full iolr of urouud, eit sepemte or tber; will pay a Rood irtter st. Dad the ur' base money remain on for fiv yoars tit ti pe1 cent. A.ppiy O. FrlDST, Conveyancer and Real instate A'4ent. jSOlw 4 Fulton strec, lirooklya.

RARE CPLaTSCE ONE OF THE EST Butcher Shop in Brookljn for sale, donn; lare business: horses, cart and wagon wll. be so Id reasonable as the has other bus ness to attend to. tmtuire of SP'tAlLSi (ilLBEF.T, vashinton Market, or on the Wa avenue, near Clinton av, Brooklyn. jV.

7t OH SALE OR TO LET THE HOUSE ASD LOT No. 20 Schernifrhorn street. Brooklyn, near Court i itiiatea in an elmit'le neitiht orbood, convenient different lines of railroad, within min ites' walk qfWoil street and South Ferr es. The house i ia roo I repair, has been recently papered and painted throughout, water and fras. and will be let low to a good tenant.

The above will be sold on reutonat.l and accotntnodatinK teims. Lnquhe ot S. HON BLOW, Montague street, near Court. JI9t OR SALE A COTTAGE HOUSli IN' OX fcrd Brook yn. for 2t00 (if sold before the hrst day February next), containing 7 rooms, water and h'as, with full lot of Ground, on easy terms.

Apoly to E. FROST. Conveyancer and Real Ette Agent, 41 Fudou st. Brooklyn. j' DARE AND VALUABLE BOOKS, AND A i great number of Choice and Elegant Framed Engrav belonging to lie late it.

Jiaiuiano. or saie at jyj Decraw st II: ooklyn. jl7 2w" fOR SALE A NEW ENGLISH BASEMENT BRICK HOUSE on Putnam near Franklin av; wa' ater elo et. gas, dumb waiter. Price 3 i.uo terms to the pure; user.

lmniU'e of JAMEi LOCK, 20a Adelibi near DeKalb av. jlo2w TO LE LET TWO ROOilS. FIRST FLOOR AT per month: 2 ro ms, fir. floor. $6 per month, to lic without cl.ildii n.

lliu Prospect street, tliinui in Croctry. jw Uu F( OR SALE WILL PURCHASE A hfuid joinebrov ii front house, three sto ion. nient i.nd ct conij k' with tli court iu ti out lt et Mvep 1 ie 10 1''. The locnt hup of the l'C in the CIryo; ItrnnU I einsr tiuiteil on I' aHh 7tli house ctst of i 'lal Ii iiviMinc. The i ar evt r.v feu Als lutein rear mi Wanvn trt et; mzc 2 x'ol: will je uhl a.

uivu'm. Kiquire r.f JAMJ Ada Mi'(ct. or T. I. NOKKi.

next door. 1m A BARGAIN A 1 AKGE BPJCK nrnf.klvn. well rubiiit.ed for a Lit erv Stable: will be sold w' bargain or will be exchanged for a bouse in this city. For particulars, utouire of 8. HONIUOW, near Court.

se 13 tf LET St! IT ABLE FOiiA FIRST CLASS RFSTAURAN I' of bnildins Ut Fultoa n22 tf iPiLli' 'TO Ii ALL, ATLaNTICSTREET.COR to l.t The Danclne hy 'O wilh iial' ami dressiti morns; nls: the becture RoolQ. eithf' oui.rter, mnnt', cr evening, to or for sueials ApTrly Vcucy. iiaak at he cp posit 4 DIM rOH SALE, AT PRICES FROM ti) Sf'i. iii the 10th Ward ot the city of Itruukl yn, on ar Proidea and Uarroll streets: im rovements are cnade the tnne retail twenty y.verjtu froDts ot ti. brink.

"con1 and other yjirds, 'ei'ed very 'eierros. Apply to Office on strert. near Ntiw13. TOR 'LA; OF PREMISES 114 street. Dro klyn.

The property rODsIa of built four story brick dwellinc. two store, and i) basements, for liKW 1 Si.DOO of which may The place ii offered for sale en owner's iinealth. FOR SALE A PLOT OF li.t havinst a fiont of 377 fee on Yanderbilt avrimes. adapted to a faetor.v i. or a dw cldng and garden.

T' rnis ea Inquire 'f OOliDdN L. I'OKD. 10 Colunjhia street I'rookVu. or Pine street, ork. F' (OK SALE A FINE PROPERTY oV t.

TON AA'ENl'E New house, stable utri irtita. Ad dress LEW1H BEaCII, Clinton avenue, "il ur lantie avenue, Brooklyn, or 1 Wall street, New Toru. tOTTAGF HOLIES FOR SALE CHEAP KJ Eniiiiire of C. V. SNEDEKEU, Builder, Desraw street, near titb avenue.

jlO lm' Fc ING MACHINES, in first rate wo'kina order. Wi.l be sole reasonable for cash. Apply at No. 90 York street. Ji'J tf TjlOR SALE THE 3 STORY BRICK IT.OU3K, with 4 LOTS OF GROUND.

No. HM Ijvinitston street, betweer. Smith Boerumstreet. Inquire of A. B.

BaY l.IR. on the premises, or at No. 4 Hanover street. New York o9 tf FOR SALE CHEAP FOR CASH TWO NICE brick houses, in first rate order, eligibly situated, within a radius of a quarter of a mile of the Ci'y Hall, or one would be exchanged for lota iu the lltu Ward. Address B.

Earfe office. ja3 lm TO MARKET GARDENERS FOR SALE, at Newtown, L. ibout 4 miles from Grand st. ferry, WIIHiimsbureh, a GARDEN FARM, of about i'i acres, in a bigii state of cultivation. It will he Bold whole, or in parcels, to suit purchasers.

Terms easy. Apply to ANDREW BRAG AW, at ColumbuSTille, or DANIEL T. LEYEIUCII, Grocer. 31 st, Brooklyn. jo lm CLINTON AVENUE LOTS FOR SALE Eicht lots, each 25100.

Four oa CHntdu avenue, west slrle, and four lots adjoiains on VnnderbiD avenue, east side, between Willouirhby and DeKalb avenues. Will no sold in one parcel, orin two parcels of four lots each. A larne amount may remain on bond and ninrtcae.e for a number of years. Apply to F. PARES, opposite the lots on Clinton avenue, or al 45 Beaver st, New York.

jo tf SALE THE commodious and built brick Church in Cridse street, a short distance north of Myrtle avenue, now occupied by the African Methodist ConttreKation. This Church is in good order, and witli 11 tie expense can he made suitable for any congregation. If not sold at private de it will be offered at auction on the dy of February. For terms apply to H. DOLLNEit.

jaotf No. 1SI Front street. N. Y. fN NATIONAJ.

DEMOCARATiC COM.MIT JL TIE. it was Hesolvcl. That the Primary Election fir the election oj three de'ehatesfr each Ward and fothe llegu'nr lietno' ratic (ieneri'l Committee of Kings County be held on 'I ucsiiay evening. 27th inst between the ho of 5 and 8 o'r'oek; and that the present representatives from each Ward atid Town name the inspectors place for ho dine; said primaries; and that the new Comniltteeuieet on the tirat Tuesday of February net. at 7K 1'.

M. at the Capitot. beso'ved 'I hat the number of Iuspeciors to act at the primaries he three. 1st ward 1 oil Fiirinan street. Inspectors Mosea O'N'eil.

John II Smith, John Tyiiorn. 2d Jay street corner of Front, Inspectors John Mel augh in. Win Hryant John Hood. 3d ward Emerald Cottage. Inspectors Thos SIcCarty, Talmase, 1 hilip Koch.

4thwnrd I'orner of Fulton street and Myrtle avenue. lns ectors Fatk Duff. James Toughey, Andrew linker. nth ward I'rospect street, cor. Uiutson av.

Inspectors John Hlggltis. Vkhl Malady, John Pyburn. fith ward Comer of Congress and Columbia streels. Inspectors O'Brien, Hughes. Michl Smith 7th ward Itilev's.

Myrt'e cor. Kent av. Inspectors Michl Crean. Bernard 111 cy Chas Wylie. Sfhward AtP.

Gilraote's othav. ooir iilh st. Inspectors 1 Gt more, J. Sloan and las. Wilson Mb.

ward Cor ner of Washington avenue and Pacilic street. Inspectors Mcllrorty. Mc John Farretl. llth ward School House cor. Pacific and Smith sts.

InspectorsDennis Gargan John Goidcn. James 11th ward Corner of Lafa ette avenue ami Ravtnoml st. Inspectors Thomas Keiinedny, Peter Clemcnson, John O'NelL lith ward John McNainara's. I.uqueer st. Inspectors Wm owd, Hugh Carbov, Thoa Koran.

13th ward Arbour, 133 Fourth street. Inspectors James Idttman. Wm Yessey. A Patterson. Mtb ivard 250 Nirth 'th street.

Inspectors Owen Gallagher. Bernard Swift Path i atersou. 1: th ward 2S4 Grand street. Inspectors John Trayuor, I'hi lp Hatlner. John Dolen.

lotn wiu oi fctacgand i ornner sts. Inspectors Jas i arlin. Jaa Corthid John smith 17th ward Franklin, near Greene av. Inspectors John White. Jas Coniiedy li fh ward Corner of Smith street and Meeker av.

InspectorsJohn Green. George Urou'ii. Robt l.ace. ward Corner of Kei.t avenue and Otymerst In si ei tors John Mchecver. Jos Maxwel Thos Dawson.

New l.ottsJoserh Aitenlrand'a last New York. Inspectors nj Dili, Heiirvj iiaugouherfi, John BSackmari Gravcscid Hotel. Stephen Yoorhls. Charles Jones. Henrv llltmas.

Flatbush MortbnierTnnison's. Inspectors James Scott, IKoitin or Tiinlsoii Danie 'Ullcti. ew 1 trecht At Oliv er Vincent's. FergusoD (diver incet t. Joho I'otie.

I tal lulu's ictor Yoorhls' Hole1. Inspectors Edward Al Martin Cook, ii tor Vonrhls. THOS. TALMAGB. Chninnan.

CHAS B. WVL1E. Secretary. JaUiit TUE CHEAPEST AS WELL AS THE BEST ettlng COBSKT8 is at MMK. MORROW'S, S61 Fi'too Btreet, opposite OOntec itftbs.

eX. riA or inn pi it; in of of it XO AUCTIONEERS. Auctioneers who desire to have their notice iosei indor tbo "Avotiom HeaV are requested to band them hy 9 o'clock A. M. THE SKATING SEASON.

iIIE WILLOW SKATING POND, running ictb to js bhtwehn 1ST AND JO AVBNXCS, Kj llKK.NWOOD. Tickets fir the Season $3 00 Da; Tickets 25 Li.dies in company with members admitted free. Gentle taking season tickets, are members, and will be rciruir to bwo the by laws, which will bo kept at The house of subscriber. Any one bavins purchased a ticket anil ob eetiiig to sign thtf By Laws, will have their money returned, M. J.

UtlliaEN. H. An efficieDt police will bo in attendance, dll 2m SPECIAL NOTICES. 1S60 X. 1)EAKE'3 PLANTATION' BITTERS They purify, strengthen, and iavigorato.

Thoycreate a healthy afipetite. They arc an aiitidotu to change of water and dlei. Tbvy oTercome effects of Jissapation and lato ho i Tiioy slrengfben tlic eyntem and enliven tue mint. Tliey present miasmatic and inu rmiltent fevers. They purify the breath and acidity of the stomach.

They cure Dyepepala and Constipation. They euro Diarrhea, Cholera, and Cholera Morbaa. Thc cure Liver Complaint and Nervous Headache. They are the best Bitten in the world. They make weak man strong, and are exhausted nature's gre torer.

They are made of purest. Croix lium, the Calisaya Bark, roots and herbs, and are taken tJao pleasure of a beverage, without regard to aa time of day. Particularly recommended to delicate oer.on. requiring a gentle stimulant. Bold by all Sro Druggists, Hotels, and Saloons.




FAMILY DYE COLORS. torilyiig Silk, YVo' lenand Mixed Goods, Shawls. Scarfs, iiji (s. Ilit.briis Glovs, Bonnets, Hats, F'eathers, Kid f'liihlien'jClotl ing and all kinds of YYearing Appa tj, erfect bed. colors.

A P.VING OF EIGHTY PERCENT. TI Dyes are ndxed in the form of powders concentrat aie tiiorougli'y lotted, and put up at uackiges or tu' iiiy five n's you can co'or as maDy goods a ti i.erwise ost fiv time. that sum. The process is ii pie. ai any one ctn use the Dyes with perfect success, ir et' ns ins de.

anuractured by HOVYE STEVENS. No. 25 Broadway, Boston, For sa'e by Druggists and Dealers in every city and town A W. TABER, ATTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW, Fulton Brooklyn. Mo nry invested on Loml a' dMortgatit.

Mortcnges bought f.i i vd. nr li uitty and Uak Pay collected. iTn mi sioner of Deeds. House HW.Tayst. Ke fnsto JudgtvJ.


Oernutn. Enzlish fnd Don cstic Hosiery, (lloves. Under Jim ids ami a full line of Ltgins, Mittens, leL ve Ariu 'ci; feierted with gieat care lor the Winter pluisoii, and at ik ridrdlv luw pi ices. REDER1CK LOOSER t'Oi 7 Pulton stiee S.ROOKLyN, GREENWOOD Pl.A.VK ROAD COPA The Annual Elertionfor i ctors cf this otrn anv wi 1 be held at the house of (iar (i. Perj 'en, on MONDAY, the 2d February, at 3 o'clock piookiyn, Jan.

lUib, .1. V. IS. MARTENSE, Secretary. i A1IFS' LONDON LEVERS A FEW OF JLi t.hv enept (Thos.

Coop r's'' Hunting Levers, exoress ot ladies eervice. unusually rare and reliable. WM. WISE, 233 Fulton street, 120 tf opttosite Clark. l.EOSPECT"" PARKCdMMISSlONERS OF JL 'TIMATE AND ASE.SIENT.

ofiico So. lb Cotirfc romerof street, (Room No. 9.) Rrook lM Dvc. imh. iwffl.

At a met ting of this Board, held this day. the following eolutiun was adoptea: esolvcd, That this Board at once proceed to hear, oral', all parties desiring to so heurd, wh are interest eii in the ianoV lncludei in tht limits of Prospect Park, and ibat for that purpose this Board will meet from time to n.e, otten as and will cause such par ies to be invhedto appear before the Hoard, each hy himself or Id reprei tative, for the ourpose of being so heard: and ttnn uch pen ons be invited in addition, to present such relating to the value of their land, under oath or otl.trwise as they may desire, this Bwird reserving to it elt the rightto examine, orally, any person makmg such ct tii if nt in writlnp so Dresented. Nntire is lerety given io an uwners auu parties micieat ed in the property wnnin me oounuanesoi rrospeci. riirK, wl have not heretofore appeared before the Board of Con. misi ioi ertMn accordance with the abctve resolution); tl at the ard will meet on Wednesday.

Friday aud Monday the eist. Wd and 26th days of January. bStVJ, at 7 o'c ock, for the purpose of givingsuch parties an oppor tunity to be so nearu. oruer oi ine jwiiru, iZ llU'Il. 1 "Jlt lh.

Brooklyn. January lath. 1S63. jlj lot jgATCHELOR'S HAIR DYE 1 THK BEBT 1 Tile, YY.UilljJJ I nm.T.TAM HATGHELOR'H celebrated HalrDyeDro ducee a color not to be distinguished from nntnre warrant, ed not to injure the Hair in the least, remedies the effecta of bad dyes, and invinorates the Hair for life. GREY, RED or RUSTY HAIR instantly turns a splendid Black or Brown leavinn the Hair soft and beautiful.

Sold by Drutreists, fee. 3T' The genuine is sipneu niijtjiAiM. a. Darumiwii, on the Tour sides of each box. FACTORY No.

81 BARCLAY" STREET, NEW YORK. (Late 32 Broadway, and 16 Bond.) ie28 ly TMPORTANT FOR SOLDIERS ALL ARTI 1 CLES FOR SOLDIERS IN ANY UNION CAMP houW he sent by the UARNDEN EXPRESS CO 74 tlroadway. as they coarse only half rates, and send daily to Baltimore. Washington. Monroe and other points occutjI by Onion troops.

oau 3m LOUR! FLOUR! itTIf.r AT 88 50. YVARRANTED AND DELIVERED. IT. P. COYLE, 301 AND 136 MYRTLE AVENUE, 322 lm Corner of Gold street.

VETERINARY SURGEON ALFRED LARGE. Member of the Royal ColleBe of Veterinary Surceona of BROOKLYN RIDING SCHOOL, Collese Place, rear of the Mansion House. REFEBKSCB9: G. C. Hall, C.

Miller, G. W. Mumby, J. WintrmKhara, Hesars.i'inken Wheatley, Dr. Curtis, V.

b. ja21y HAT CUTTERS HAY CUTTERS HAT CUTTERS All those in need of Ilay Cutters, Wheelbarrows, Manure Shovels. Scoops, or anything in the Agricultural line would do well to call a' COOPER A ANDREWS, Agricultural Implement and Seed Warehouse, 46 Yesey st, N. or 2W FULTON BROOKLYN. ASSORTMENT OP SKATES AND SKATE FIXINGS, Will be found at the CENTRAL PARK SKATE EMPORIUM, kate from 2S cents to 23 dollars, and in fact everything In the Skating line ponds), to suit all aes, sexes. an Airifa CONOVER WALKER, aM2ra 174 BROADWAY, N. Y. CENTRTLBANK OF BROOKLYN, BROOK ltn Dec o1. l.iS. annual Election for Twelve Diroctors of the Central Brink held 1H3.

RENCH DRESS MAKING REDUCED ONE tl.lrrt Also Dresses Cut and Baisted at MMB. MOR ROW'S. 3til Fulton strsst. opposite OUnton street. 031 Is TOBACCO AND CIGARS.

OOD NEWS TO SMO ERS WHBTT AAt A LAWRENCE, 395 Pearl street. New York, are now AMEIUCANBIRDS EYE SMOKING TOBACCO." which is equallf not superior to tbo English. This TOBACCO baa less narcotlne in it than any other Tobacco. A person Brooking it wUl find it has a sweet (lavor, and is very pleasant to smoke. All persons smoking pipe should give 'he "AMERICAN BIRD'S EYE TOBACCO," atrial.

We guarantee you will enioy a good smoke. It leaves no deleterious clfects. and oes not act upon the oerveslike other Smoking Tobacco. Sold eveiywbere. mhjlly ADIE8REMEMBKR THE NUMBER, 363 SJ stairs, where you eu be suited elhoi ittU Comets or Drees MokUut.

oil of liroos yn aiiu SS3 tie'weeu the hours of 12 clock. M. and 1 o'clock P.M. iv yoj juiic u. oi vasnier.

i.fou N. mo uati to 1 1 TO 1 ocd. he cd. rs() for a'l the I iuiton "I.tOR JL lyn, easy, ork. nr.O The terision suitable 18' Fu I7 of of Also toD.

B. tOr'i can to owner Fulton street, the has of a it ings, suit st, the a wtx hni. lint line at a 1 Saqus BtriLDiNO, SO'K h'twim btueet, Bbooklyh Tyelivered to City subscribers evcr7 evening, at six oms wer week, payable to tbo' carriers. BBTiiih Pjjefc hen tee uauurst otsorLATioir of arj vening paper an aa a medium fr business din' general edvertieJjn; is not syr par.ied (it sjiy 'Hher j.mertal Teems Invariably caeh In advance. JOB PRINTING EVERT DESCRIPTION, PROMPTLY ANT sbatly executed.


or any other make you si, fancy. ai NOTICES. TO GROCERS FINNAN DADDIES! FINNAN HIDDIES! 1 beg td call the attention of Grocers to the Let that Shil ni nts of cf WAN'S CELEBRATED "FINN an iiaimmkv' are received liy rue twice a week regularly. As. 'hoy arthe best, indeed THE ONLY REALLY GOOD "FINNaN GAUDIES." to he bad, I need only add that the price In; low to the trade, lo be had iu an' ni uitity worn nj up 'o asmnu ns.

FilANOIS WOOD, jl71w I'll Fult. unreel. New York. A LLEN'8 CiTV HOUSE, INo. .173 riUTiN

(Oi poei the City llall SAMUEL Al.l.FN. JOHN ALLEN. FAMILIES SUPPLIED ini lin nHE DKAFT AGAIN ALTUdCUU THE draft ou.l II. WILLI. Oi of Flue lists been pr'eal lie lies a Tew mor of Mi.ulsnn li v's Rrabiui's, ti Arctic.

Moon and RNsi, Window's and tin skate. nil a vaiiety of others. j3 J. D. WiLLIS, 7 Court st.


"APEIi. M.W l.N Ulll.AI!. 11 PAY HOItK than any oth house 'b ol AGS and PAl'Klt. Call before yo i I. Fulton st.

jaS lm" IOE1TZ DINKELSPIEL. l'lVEDRtlCK LOK iH't. A 'nil line of black and colored Velvet tri'io'i Trii ini; Itilil'ns. liutt ns. I Ladies' lre Trimminwj.

and ereyihin IlresienWiiK and Snii N'iii'f business tt the i't ialit anil at tht ui rea ou hie FRiaiKlilCK I.ORSK't rcG Cm 277 Full sir. ei. 6, A POUND PAID OASd p.K OLD BOlllCS NI WSI' tl'KKS. PAMPIH.EI. ilAil ZlNKS SIAM SCIiM' lll.II I.KIXirfKi, JiOOKS.

Also l'KN i liNTS A. l' l'NI) OASI! iiaid KA'. We hm ,1 on un.t and male Ibwinn named papers MAM1.1.A am, everv kind and ixe, Wlirl'K, COLDItKll and I'm NOTR. LKTTKIl, HKMV F'lLI" MB FLAT and FOOU CAP PAI'KKS, at the sl 'oa li jirices. 1an Han it Mll.l.Alt.

"VYbfilale and Ras: Paper 'V' ire'iiMise. Ut William tr el, 'c Branch 43 Fnlli'i, Irt" enrr ef of Front, yn Ii. Call heiore (u buy orell. ia m' A TTEM'ION LADIES GE.Vi'LKM KM I have openeil a new wtal'lisliuieai at UAi HjrT'eAVe nne. if yon have easi ull CIi.niuK to 1 vo nf pets and Furciturr.

Ac weedier tonay I hera1 i 1 1 which you will be sali sfcwl if you have tin art cle I dispitre of tun't foruet to call O' address a note DOG TCK1. avenue. P.rt.klyn. rh.riv I be dealt with atlsfactorilj and runctully. Ladies atteu ed to by UK8.

BOGaTOEI. N. Pawn rk. bought. SPECIAL NOTICES.

OFFICE THK NASSAU FIKK IS'SUR ANCK COMPANY ytf lUO'lKLYN. 111. 'Ihe tinual I.lerliot. tor Director of this ilomiiaoy wi.l held at tlu t' ee No Ul Court street. ItrooKlyn, on Tl'l SDAY, Febtnary Stl.

ISG'l. from ill o'clock M. j2lltd I. it EE KM AN', Secretary. BROOKLYN ACADKMY OF Ml'SlC l'tK SALE TJr rlgh of free admission for the year Apply to GEOftG F.

i south street. New Vork. jat'tl. s1 F.Vt'ING MACHINES, TO PER CENT BELOW tb; i ri, e. Muslim sold before the nth of I'eimi ar.

to o. ibe nsmcss. Now is tune, oiuee 1 0 'tn i.ons'iOLi Qi'i osite an. s. j2l OFFICE OE 'J UK KFIRE I.VSIJR ANCF, CO PAN Y.

No. 7 Court street llrooklyn. The Annual Flection lor Directors nf 'his Company, ll lie held at tt eir oiuee nrooKin. on lYt 4th. isrii.

'J'he polls will remain opi from 12 cio nock M. until M. jlueodiw WM. M. THOMAS.

Secretary. CAPITOLINE "SKATING POND GENTLE men. wlio have been iropo ed. can obtain their Skat ing Tickets at ti i munis of Messrs. SAWYER i TIIO.MP SON, corner of Fulti avonue and Jay street.

A fe iiroiiositions wil be received, and names maybe given to the gate keeper at the pond hd skating days, or to any of t.h members of the Association. jl'Jiw OFFICE OF THE FIREMAN'S TRUST INSURANCE COMPANV, No Court street, opposite the City Hall. Brooklyn, Jan. 12. The Board of Dire, tors of this Company have this day declared a i etni annual Dividend of Five (il per cent, free from Government tax.

payable to the stockholders, at is ollice. on oemand; and have also donated the sum of live hundred dollars to the Fire Department Fund. jat aw WM. BCRRELL. Secretary.

TVJ OTICE THE EAST INDIA COFFEE COM J3I PANY. Sole Proprietors of KENT'S EAST INDIA COFFKF. have appointed Me. srs UOWDEN A CO. of 101) Fulton st.

llrooklyn, sole agents for Brooklyn and Long Island generally, where trrocersanddealerseanbeMipiilied on the same terms a at our depot in New Y'ork. jai liu INSTRUCTION AFTEKNOON CLASS FOK YOUNG LADIES. No 193 At'antic st between Court and Clinton dts. MISS AMKS I'riric'pal of Female Graimuor dchool No. Ktw York iHty,) will resume her hisaoa Wedne Uaj.

February lKi to meet on Wednesday 3 arid Thursdays, from to ii o'eloek. Instrui'tionlsKlven iu Pen Mental Arithine'icanil Hi tory. with asdi tn Couiposifou if desired. Charge 3.5U per Term of FLfte A MORNIKO CLASS for the Education of Younf? Ladiea. meets daily.

Thorough Instruction is given In the usual Enplish Branches anil in the Kudiments of French. Terma TEN DOLLAR per Quarter, including the USE of HOOKS The number of Pupils is hniiled to Kigliteen and none are admitted under Twelve Years of Age. The next Term wili commence February i)th, when there will heTwo Vaj'incles. Circulars at the store of Mr ft rand 113 Atlantic street, and at Misa Ames reLideuce, SOtiSchermerhomst. jalo lm MERCANTILE LIBRARY ASSOCtATION ClaRses in Spanish, French and German are now forminsfor ladies and gentlemen.

Spanish under the charge of Prof. Alberto de Tornos. French nder the chnrtie of Prof. L. J.

Siuionin. German under the charge of Prof. L. Thurn. Terms, in either of the ihove classes, six dollars per oaar tcr of twenty four lessons.

To all persons who are not members of the Association, one dollar more will be charged per quarter. nH om' fROF. A. MAGNI'S COLLEGIATE AND WKRCANTILK ACADEMY for day and boardlu? ecliolars. No.

89 West "Warren street, llrooklyn, will re open on September 1. All the Emrlwh. Classic and Commercial brunches with modem languages, taught by competent fencliere and professors. A special department has been organized far young boys ander 10 years of age. The prem Isea occupying 4 large lota with jjyinuasium attached, and double house, with all modern improvements, afford all the preeableness and advantages of a country seat and citj residence.

Further particulars with references and circulars will be Riven when requested. The principal begfl learo to inform hia atj ons and the public that connected with 'he above institute he has also organized a NEW ACADEMY OP LANGUAGES, specially Intended for ladies and gentleman little time for Bolf instruction. Lessons given in English, iVench Spanish, Gorman. Italian, Lat and Greek, with bockkecping and penmanship, if desired. Day rJassea for ladies: evening classes for genUemen.


Commercial Arithmetic, Commercial Law enmanHhip, Correspondence, practically tausht. Xiusmess Hours a to a. jwo ana i r. (u. These In titutionfl are comprised in the "National Chain of Commercial Colleges" extending from New York to St.

Louis, and present superior facilities for acculrinK a thorough business education. BcholarshipB good throughout the chain. The public are invited to call and examine tbe facilities. For circulars. HddresR at either point, dll ly BKYANT.

8TKATTON. PAOKABD A PBNN. JFXJRS AN HATS tttIGHLT IMPORTANT TO LADIES IMPORTANT Xl When excellence la combined with economy mil com fort every requirement is satisfied. This fact nil of our lady renders will recognize. We therefore take pleasure In di rc to the Well knnwrt nnil a.

tibl sbmeiit of (HARRIS) THE KINGS COUNTY HAT ANTi FUR ceMfiANY'S STORE, 259 Pulton, onposiw riinton street, where they will find a magnificent stock of Biinerh FURS, made up In the newest and most fashionable sty esVconslstlnii of full xeb nf lIudBqn'8 Bay Sable. Rim shinf able. Royal Ermine, stone Martin. Ohinohilla, French "able. Rock Martin, American Fitch.

Grey Siberia Squirrel. Waler Brook Mar and French Mink LadioB' Flk and notbeBurpassedby any store In the city. AUoho desire to blastof winter should not faU to oall on aAEba iudlte tor STREET, ,44 opposite Clinton, street. VWT liAia. OI tut: uiuou iiwi'vu u.j.v..

aio iaroewithVartnth. Alo a select VIOTO SiSf'S. CAPES. MUFFS and CUFFS for Misse and VANITY FURS for Children, of every variety. We may Jtnte inconnectior iat HARRIS SILK and PELT II ATS 1 ,11 tjAl'Klor Ynnt.ha nen N.

iia e. with )r ier, a. i i I I terest C. SMITH. Jesse C.

Smith, a lawyer, of Brooklyn, was elec by a majority of 4,094 over Thomas A. Gardiner. Dim. In the session of 1882 he was Cbainnan of the Comruittei on Militia, and member ot the Committees on Medical Societies and Ob Cities and Villages. HENRY C.

MUUPHV. Henry C. Murphy was elected as a Union. Diibochit without opposition. Mr.

M. was bora in Brooklyn, Kings county, 1811, of Irish and Eni lish descent was admitted to the bar in lSSS, and was subsequently appointed Corporation Attorney of Brooklyn represented llio Second Congressional District in the Cougrcss, lSA'i '4o was a member of the Constitutional Convention of 184!) was Minister to tbc Hifjno uudeT Buchanan's administration, and was elect ed to the State Senate soon after his return home. In the session of 18f2 he was Chairman of the Committee on Retrenchme.i audit member of the Committee on Finance and Charitable and Religious Societies. JOHN TAULDING. John Paulding, of New L'trccht, who received a vote of 2, 152, against for Pliiiip S.

Crook c. thus electing him hv a mujoritr of iO. BERNARD HUGHES. Benin rd Hughes, of Brooklyn, wlio received a vole ol 1,747 against for Edwin O. Pcrrin, 801 for Henry A.

Bowen, and 37:2 for M. D. Moore, thus electing him bye. plurality of b74. SAMUEL E.

JOHNSON. Samuel E. Johnson, of Brooklyn, who received it vote of S.aiis against for William M. Thomas, thus electing him by a majority oi' 5i0. Mr.

J. is 40 years of age lawyer has been Corporation Counsel of Brooklyn, and was at one time elected City Judge, butfailedto qualify: was Superintendent of Common Schools, in Kino scoumy iu 1S44, '45: was County Judge the first term under the Constitution of 184G, and was a Member of Assembly iu 18.VJ. DAHCY. Dan y. of Brooklyn, who recoi cd a vote of 45i against 1.50S for" Peter Graham, thus electing him by a majority of 953.

Mr. D. a native of Bulfalo is years of age, an engineer, and has been a Member of the As stir.liiy for three preceding terms. In lyiX) he was a mi inher oftlie Committee on Internal Afl'aiis of Towns and Counties, in lhiil on those the. Erection and Division of Towns and Counties, and of Public Lands, and in lSy.i on Cluri taUo nil Religious Societies.

C. CALLK'OT. c. Ca l.cot, of Brooklyn, who ecivcu a vote ot ugumst tor Charles L. Bcncrliet, by a majority of Mr.

C. was a Member of Assembly in 1W0. HENRY C. BOSWELL. Henry Boswell, of Brooklyn, who received a vote of against 1.770 for SamuclT.

lit thlbs him bv a majorit ofrJOtl. V. LF.SLlr.. Charles P. Leslie, of Brooklyn, who received a vote of against for Edgar McMuileii, thus electing him by a majority of An Interesting Divorce Suit An Elope inen.

Marriage, and Separation with in Tvventy.four Hours The Uriel under Fourteen Years of Age. (From the Chicago Times, i About the middle of last summer a young min named Henry M'Langhlin, wlio, we. believe, had a ioiincr rcsitlt in ol Chicago, with numerous, friends, retired himself troni the U. S. Navy, where he had won all the laurels the ambition of nvountr man of twenty one years desired.

He ennie to this city, and was speedily installed as a Ikviirite acquaintance of Mr. Alvali U. Baldwin, upon the west side, near Harrison street, who i a jirominont man in that locality, and his family take rank in the society of the neighborhood. Araops the female members of Mr. Baldwin's family was the younger daughter, named Harriet.

Though very voung in years, not having attained the age of fourteen, Harriet was of the statureand appearance of a young woman of far more mature years, and between "her and McLaughlin there sprnmrup an an attachment which ripened and gained strengt'e. during three or four months of intimacy. Finally, on one evening in December lust, Harriet was missed from tlie paternal home, and clki not return even with the dawn ofanother morning. Mr. Baldwin made iii(hiries concerning his daughter, and learned that she had been last seen in company with M'Laugliiin at a certain clergyman's, and on repairing thither he found lift the parties had been married within a few minutes after Harriet had left her home.

The exasperated father soon found his daughter in the arms of her lover husband, and by a siormy exhibition of parent 1 authority, which she had not at that early day learned to disobey ia his presence, he induced her home. Since Unit as McLaughlin declares, he has nor liecu permitted to visit the house or his wife to leave it. unless under guard of three or four members of her father's family, and that, for fear she would seek him, she has been confined a prisoner beneath the paternal roof. The. mailer resulted in the tiling ol'a bill upon the part of Harriet, in the Cook County Circuit Court, pray iusr for a divorce.

The bill sets forth that Harriet McLaughlin, who commences the. suit by her next friend, Al vi a Baldw in, her father, is under the age of fourteen years, and, therefore, not of the age of consent and that Henry McLaughlin practiced UU arts upon her 'and pursuadetl her to an elopement, using threats of personal violence to make her accede to his wishes and keep the matter secret from her lather, and that on December 10th, Lli2, McLaughiin made oath before the Cleric of the County Court that she was above the. age of eighteen years, and thus procured a license and induced a clergyman to perform the usual marriage ceremony, which was done the same day: ami that Henry McLaughlin gives out and claims that he is lawfully married to her. She further shows that at the time of the said marriage ceremonies, she tvtis under the age of fourteen years, and therefore, not of the age of consent, lixed by the statute, while McLaughlin was above the age of twenty one years, and that the proceedings in procuring the license, and the ceremony Held iu pursuance thereof, were entirely unknown to hint and without his consent, whereby she insists that said alleged marriage is wholly void and contrary to equity and good conscience aud the statute in such ease incde and provided. In conclusion, she prays to be restored to her maideu name, and to till its privileges, the same as if no marriage hud been attempted, and such further relief us shall be meet and agreeable lo equity, etc.

Henry McLaughlin demurs, because it appears from complainant's bill that she was at the time of the commencement of the suit under the age of fourteen years, and incapable in law of consenting to its being instituted, and incapable in law of disaffirming of said marriage; and because the facts stated in her bill do not entitle her to the relief she asks. Wherefore he prays that he shall not be compelled to make further answer to said bill or any of the matters contained thcreiu, hut be dismissed, etc. The court has not yet heard the question upon the demurrer, but when does, if the demurrer is sustained and tho bill dismissed, a new phase in this ease will be developed. The husband, who appears to be deeply attached to the younj; ladv, and who alleges it is freely and fully reciprocated upon her part but for tlie interference of her relatives, will probably sue out a writ of liubetiK corpus to regain the custody of bis wife's person, which when it conies onforhearing, create a rich scene. It is the general belief that if the young folks allowed to be together their domestic, can all be arranged and ttd udjeated without any aprx al to tlie courts..

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