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The Brooklyn Daily Eagle from Brooklyn, New York • Page 3

The Brooklyn Daily Eagle from Brooklyn, New York • Page 3

Brooklyn, New York
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)


20WKEDffffl EiOLE OFFICE. NOVEMBER 23, 1870. THURSDAY EVKXIXG. SOVEMHEH 23, 1876. beon attacaerl because of illegal frauds and by thoir action 1 should bo elected, I would cortalnly stick.

Corrospon Jont Do you think you baro beon olootod? GoToraor Certainly. It is my aplnion that by aa honest count I bare not lass than 80,000 majority. Correspondent Suppono two Legislatures most bars) next Tuesday, what will be tho result 7 Governor I don't know, but I auppoeo if It comes to that the Federal Government will in torfero, aa it haa done In similar cases, and settle the matter one way or the other. Coi respondent Then it depends very muoh upon whether BATES OB TILDKN IS PBESIDEtfT whothor Chamberlain or Hampton Bhall be Governor of South Carolina Governor Ob, no. Grant will be in offlco nntil March, and our affair will bare to ba settled bet on that time.

This clearly Indicates the policy the Radicals Intend to pursue. Their only bopo is the support of the Federal Government. General Hampton takes tha niattar quite coolly, aod aays he has no fears or ths result. He maintains that the Board ot Canvassers an clearly in contempt, and baa faith in tho power of tha Supreme Cotiri to oompel fair count. In order to allay tho excitement oaus edby the action of ths Hoard, General Hampton baa issued tn address counseling peace and pstienoe.

The Court has Issued an order raconventng tho Board of Canvassers to day. A member of the Board saya that he will not obey It, and obaraot tho Court aa a paok of scoundrels. The plain inference Is that the Radical crew hero are acting under orders from Washington. fifth ward republicans. and tho regimental (cam will ehoot for a Uandsomo gold medal.

Coutorno will direct tho musical pirt of the entcrtainmont In person, aud tho promise of an ovonlng of thorough enjojmont brerf flattoriDtf. Cliurcli Concort. A verv iotorostiug conoert is set down for Tuesdsy evening in tbo Middle Reformed Church.Har rUon Btreol. Mr. William B.

Tromilno will oonduot, aud the assooiated talont oomprisea Miss Thursby, Messrs. Stoin, Frickanoaus and Marriam, and tho ipjartot of tho ohurcb, which InoludeB Mita Ella Cod dingtou, Miss Mary Jofleraon, Mr. Frank Y. Marok wald and Mr. Stanley WllUamBon.

Olft Follc'a Concort. This ovening an old folk's concert will bo given in the Rev. Dr. Nyo'a Cliuroh, Olormont and Atlantlo avenue, under the direction of Ur. T.

I. Backus, at which Mile. Forasti, a 701209 lady reputed to be possessed of a remarkablo soprano voice, will ting. Mile. ForCBtt made hor debut at Association Hall on Tuesday evening, when sho dollghtod a large au dierace by tha reahnesa and exoellenoe of her vocallsm.

PLTBOCTH BETHEL ENTEBTAINKENT. There waa an entertainment given at Plymouth Bethel last night, tho proceeds of whlob wont to tho Young Men's Association, a growing and important feature of this mission. An elaborate musical and recitative programme was rendered to a crowded chapol. Mr. A.

W. Meyer presided at tho organ and opened the programme wltb an introductory, tho 130th Psalm. "What Beams so Bright" was Onoly sung by Messrs. Swalny, Hatch, Edaall and Bonnott. Miss Laldlor'a recitation of "The young Soldier" evokod manifestations of approval from tbo audience Mr.

FtbdV Andsrron sang "My Love lias Gone a Mr. W. H. Ogilvlo gavo humorous selections, Miss Aniilo White sang a ballsd, the DriscoU Brotbors appeared to advantage in piano and viohn selections, and the first part of the entertainment waa concluded with Dutch comicalities by Mr. John W.

Armour, who made tho audience roar with laughter. All of thoao performers distinguished themselves creditably. The Bocond part was oponod with a piano solo by Mr A W. Moyor. A recitation by Miss Carrie Jaoquess followed, and there was a song, "Slavory Days," by Mr.

W. Stevens; rocitation, "Morohaut's Career," by Miss Jessio Poiorson humorous selections by Mr. W. H. Ogilvlo; solos by Miss Treadwoll and Mr.

Frank An dorsorj, and an eccentric piece entitled "Shivery Shaky' bv Mr. John Armour. Tho entcrtainmont was con eluded with another song by tho qnartot, Messrs, Swamy, Hatch, Edsall and Bonnett, and an organ solo, "Tho Day of Jnbilee," by Mr. Meyer. A delightful evening was spent by those in attendance, and It was gratifying for thorn to know that other entortainmentB of a similar chsraotor will follow through the season, The F.ntertalumout Commlttoo consisted of John W.

Armour, Chairmau; Wulter E. Moyer, William E. Laidlor. Charles R. Blaelow, Charles E.

Dillingham, General Houscworlc, WANTED SITUATION TO DO GEN sral housework In a small family, by a respectable ytmngglrl; Is a good plain oook, washer and ironer: can give good city referenoo from ber laat place. Please oall for two days at 1S1 Court st, near Bergen. WANTED SITUATION TO DO QEN eral honsework to a small family, by a neat, respectable girl is a Rood plain oook ana au excellent washor and Ironer: Is willing and obliging; best ol reference. Apply at ail Jfavy st, near Pa galb ar. yy WANTED SITUATION TO DO GEN oral housework, or ohamborwork or waiting, by a respectable young glili Is wiliiog and obliging: has the best city reference from last plaoe.

Fteaso call for two days at No. 485 BUth ar, bet. Fifteenth and Sixteenth trots. WANTED SITUATION TO DO GEN era! housework, by aretpectable woman Is a good cook, waaner and Ironer not afraid of work; no objections to oook In a boarding house: has good city Oall lor two days at ber present employer's, 164 Untie ar. In confectionery store.

ANTED SITUATION TO DO THE housework, or take care of children, by a yonng girl lately lanod.ajlforjwoaaysjtao Oarlton ar. WAJSTED SITUATION TO DO THE housework or ohamborwork In a small private family, by a raspeotabto young iM: ibest city references. Please call or address her at 71 Atlantlo av. WANTED SITUATION TO DO THE general housework, by a young girl; la a good washer and Ironer; baa good references from her last place. Oaa for two days atsSS Warren at, between Hoyt and Bond.

WAWTEP SITPATIOWS rtIAIES. ANTED SITUATiON IN A STOBtE. or would like to leam a trade, by a young man, 18 Jean old: baa some knowledge ot the piloting. Address J. Smith st.

WTiNTBD SITUATION FOR A GOOD steady boy of II at some trade would be preferred but any honost work; wages less consideration than em Eloyment. Inaulre in parson or by note at 168 Henry st, aaement WAWTS rKOFCSSIOWAH. WANTED KG AN 1ST A POSITION aa organist; ths Episcopal service thoroughly understood has several years experience. Address M. Seventh st, S.

B. TC7 ANTED HOUSEKEEPER ALL TT hnnvnlrnflberS WSnt Hhrfflnil' ftrmin Tjtlin. drv Sobd: it Is the best In tho country. Every grocer aeops it. WANTED DRESoM AHING MISS S.

B. PROSEUS, of 288 Adsms st. desires a few mora customers cutting and fitting a specialty. WJ ANTED DRESSMAKING AN nerlonced dresimaker wishes a tow moro eoiti menU to go out by the day, Ploaso csll at 303 Washl ton st, opposite the Brooxlyn Theatre. EX raffe ing WANTED DRESSMAKING MRS.

L. DAY. 614 Fulton at, fourth door wost from St Felix. Ladles can rely on getting perfectly fitting dresses made and trimmed In the latest styles; cutting and basting a specialty. WANTED DRESSMAK ING WORK by tho day.

by a dressmaker; oan trim in tae latest style, understands millinery and can operate moBt ma chinos terms a day. Call or address a any time. 37 Adelphl st. V17ANTKD DRESSMAKING A COM peteni engagements enoos can be given. Apply at Fulton st, near Carlton av.

in the laacy store. WANTED VIS1T1NU GOVERNESS A lady eduoated In Parts, a thorough French soholar. has a low hours disengaged. She instroots In tho usual studies, with muslo, French and drawing highest references. Address MADAME Eagle office.

WAKTED ilHSCEIiLArVEOlfS. TiT ANTED BILLIARD TABLE SIZE not over 4Mx roust be by soma srood make, In djod ordor, and oonyplote for about 4100. Address, with full particulars, TABLE, KorIo office. WANTED BABY TO NURSE AT HER own borne, by a respectable wltb best references: terms reasonable. Address or apply to Mrs.

DIXON, 67 Gold st. WANTED SEWING A FIRST CLASS seamstress will go out by thB day or week oan do all kinds of family sowlns and work at dressmaking. Call at 3ffl Pearl st, near 1'ultnn. WANTED WASHERWOMEN ALL first class laundresses Invariably use Hlggins' Ger man Laundry Soap; It Is more economical, puroandsafo than any other. All first olassgrooors sell it WANTED WASHING BY A FIRST 'laundress, to go out by the day or take in washing his good roforonce.

83 1 Douglassji. vS7ANTED WASHING BY SWEDISH TT girl, to do wflshing and ironing for private (amities, at her otd liouse is a first class washBr and IronBr. Ploafio call at S86 Atlantic ar. top floor. WANTED WASHING AND IRONING, by a respoctablo Gorman woman would taa.i gentleman or families' washing to her own home.

Please call at 765 Atlantio av. "lyfTANTED WASHING A RESPECTA blewomsnwishentota'iein washing by tho month or to go out by the day. Call for two days at 621 DeKalb av, near Noatrand. WANTED WASHING BY A RE spoctable woman, a good washor and ironer, to go out by the day or take work home; not afraid of any kind or' work. Pleaso call for two days at30 Hoytjat.

WANTED WASHING BY A RKSPEC table married woman, gentleman's or lady's washing; disengagod the first two days ot the week, or would fill a cook'a plaoQby the wo.k. Call at 813 Pacific st. WANTED WASHING BY A COL laundress, a fow Indies' aud gentlemou's w.THhlngat 7f cents per doen. Call or LAUN DltKjS, 3 DeKalb av. 75T ANTED WASHING AND IRONING 71 by a respootable young womau.togo out by tho diiv or ivould tako familitW washing at her own hono haa good city reiorences.

Oall for two days at 6 1 Presidont St. WANTED WASHING AND IRONING, by a respectable woman, to go out by tho day, or do by tho doion. Call at No. 195 Van Uurou at. nojr Bod ford, top iloor.

WANTHIW ASHING BY A ESP Citable widow at hor own homo or to out by tho day: would go as laundross In private family can glvo o.d refeienco. Plo call at 520 Vanderbilt av, in tho oigar store. WANTED AVASH1NG BY ARESPEOT ablo womnn, I tdfos'or gontlomoJi's or fnroUioV washing by tho weuk or month or doon enn polish una fln; has objection to go out by the day; has good roi orenee. Call at or address 58 Dean st. WANTED WASHING BY A FIRST clBS laundto and at a very reasonable price shirts, ctifTs and collar, done in a first clns manner nnf flnp and Anting Roods called for and delivered.

Address IjAundrkss, ji WANTED WASHING ANDIRONING, by a respectible woman to go out by tha day or at her own homo, bv tho day or mouth; is a first class washer nnd ironer; lace curtains done perfect at 7 do, a window excellent reference. No. Jt3 Donn st, near Franklin av. WANTED WASHING BY A RE epeatable girl, to to out by the day to wash and 1.. Isr ti ir irnnrl nf.

and 13 willln. and oblitjing has good reference from ladies sne works for wfll chirce only 1 per day. Please oall at any time at 2i3 Navy st, corner oMVilloughby WANTED WORK BY A YOUNO UEK man woman is willing to do all kinds of general housework to go out by the diy. Apply at 614 Atltmtio av, bet. Flatbush av.

and Fort Oroone place. WAITED MOUSES. WANTED HOUSE A FIRST CLASS thoroughly furnished house, on tho Heights, by a privato family; rent not to exceed per mout'i. Ad' dress, for two days, HUNTER, Kagle offlce. WANTED HOL7SE FURNISHED E6R a small family, a noat threo story house, well furnished, in a good neighborhood rent must bo low; will leise until May next or a year longer: answer, with prico, location and full nrtioulnr, or no notice will be taken.

Address D. B. P. O. Box 1,635, Now York City.

TV ANXliD KOOIWS. WAHTED ROOMS BY GENTLEMAN and wife, a top floor, with modern improvements, noar Hurnham's Gymnasium. Address 11. Box 16, Kagfo oliico. WANTED ROOMS BY" A RBSPJ50TA ble family, tho lorer part of a house la the neighborhood of Knltfln nnd Lowis avs moderate torms.

AUG. DUNBAR, SSiRoidav. WANTED ROOMSA LARGE PROKT room nnd small ronm adjoining, by a lady location between Cumberland st, and Kranklin and avs, and ffulton st: best of roleionce Riven ront not to excocd $8 per month. AddiosB for throe days L. P.

Eatfe omoe. BOAISllIUCi. TjOARD 122 'IO NT AGUE ST. PLEAS t3 ant rooms with boar I BOARD 42 ii VINGSTON ST. TWO vetr desirable front rooms to let with board very pleasant family private BOAKD 12.r, LIVINGSTON ST ONE lerffo room nnd two small ones, to let.

with board terras to suit MOAROSBa SOUTH OXFORD ST A desirable room for single gentlemen, in one of the it houofl on tho Hill, at amodoruto price. OARD ON THE HEIGHTS NO. 95 X3 Henry st Two front rooms house has improvements lamily small terms moderate. BOARD CLINTON ST DINNER AT 1 Hall rooms, with closet, and first class board. 162 Clinton st, oppo.Uo lacnormernorn.

I meeting; or the Regular Association. Nomination ol Officer for the Euu. Ing Toar DIkcmiins the Conduct of the Republican General Committee. The last regular mooting for the year of tho Republican Association of tho Fifth Ward was held last evening at ths hall ot the Association, corner of High and Bridge streets. Tbo President, Ur.

Enoch Jacobs, occupied tho chair, Mr. John G. Koonan Secretary. Ths prinoipal business before tho meeting was tha consideration of the report of a oommlttee appointed at a provitaa meeting to select and nominate candidates for officers of the Association for ths ensuing year, to bo voted for at the primary ordered by tbo Republican General Committee for next Tuesday night. The Nominating Committee submitted the following names for the action of the Association For President, Enoch Jacobs for Secretary, Goorga E.

Moran for Assistant Secretary, Rudolph Auorbacu; forP'reasurer, Peter B.Cromwell; Inspectors of Election, Jacob Callaa and William A. Murphy Delegates to General Committee, John G. Noonan, John GUard, Thfcdeous Skelton. Tho report wan adopted. Mr.

Gardiner mored that tho delegates to the General Committee be instructed to urge a repeal of tho regulation of tha Committee whereby one half of that Committee hold office two years. In support of his m.tion. Mr. Gardiner said that men elooted to a position for a long term were apt to get CAB LR8S AND NEGLIGENT, During the Campaign just over, the Republican General Committee were not so enterprising1 a their opponents tha Democratic General Committee and mismanaged things generally by wholesale. The speaker thought that by electing the whole Committee arsry year the effect would be better and muoh more for the interest of the party as well as individuals.

Mr. Phillips opposed the motion, saying that he bad obsorvod no mismanagement on tno part of tho General Committee during tho campaign, and bad thero boon any he did not believe it due to the causes mentioned by Mr. Gardiner. On tho contrary, he had never scon the members of the General Committee more care'ul and vigilant and enterprising than' this year. Theltepuulican vote in all the wards ol the city would bear him out la this matter.

Ho was certain that entirely new men every year in the General Coninitttco could not aot so intelligently and effeottvoly as thoy do at presont with one half their number composed of experienced men. Furthermore, ho did not llko to instruct delegates ho was opposed to such aotion on principle. It showod a lack of confidence In their ln telllgouco or truBtwortbincss. Ho would rather trust to the good judgment nnd good sense of tho delegates In thia matter, aud hoped tho motion would not prevail. Several other gentlemen spoko to the aamo effect aa Mr, Phillips, aud tbo motion was lost by a vote ot 21 to H.

Mr. Noonan, as Seoretary and Treasurer of tho Fi nanco Conimtttoo during the political campaign, reported as follows Cash received, $141,15 expenditures, balance on hand, $46.75. Tho report was acceptod aud Messrs. Cromwell, Jones, Morau, Gardiner and Noglo appointed a committee to audit tho same. On motion of Mr.

Noonan, a committoo of seven was appointod by tho Chair to draw SUITABLE RttSOLtJIfOK relative to the death of tho Hon. Samuel T. Maddox. Before appointing the committee, tho Chairman, Mr. Jacobs, gave some account of Mr.

Maddox 'a lifo and public services, and ended by pronouncing a trsrai tribute to his integrity of oharactor. Tho following gontlemen worn Sfmolnlod a enm resolutions to be submitted at tho next meeting ol the Phillips. Brooksbauk, Webb, Noonan, Williams, Murphy and McGarroy. The Chair gave notice that the primary would ba hold beiwoen tho hours of aoven and nino next Tuesday ovonlnir, and that the Secretary would seo to it that a Biilllelont number of tickets with tho regular nominees theroou, would bc on hand. The meeting then adjourned.

MONEY 51AUKET. Forcltru tflnrKcts Stendr Wo flliniifro lu (ho Hank II file An Important Movement by the Con) Operators. Mold sternly and Strong Stocks Active. Wam. STnKKT, November '23.

The cables report consols in Loudon steady at tha closing quotations of yostorday. The Dauk of England rate of discount remains unchanged at 2 per and the not Ioes of bullion during tho weok was A The Delaware and Hudson Caual Company will bus poud operations as soon aa tho boats uow bound for tide wafer shall have bocu discharged, and no mora sales of coal by auction will bo made by this corporation, it is reported that tho Delaware, Lackawanna aud Western will stop production as there is ooal enough received to moot tlie demand through tho Winter. Tho recent low pvieci ob'alnedfor coal at tho auo tfon salei have doiitfess forced tho managors to tho ouclusiou thai It it better to stop production than to mine coal at a loss. Tho supply in tho market will probably bo abundant for tho Lehigh and Wflkesbarro. and tho Heading wiU be fnrcpd to mine and send coal forward for conversion into cash, which is so uiuch'needed by them.

From statement by Mr. W. H. Vanderbilt It is inferred that tho railroad war will soon ho onded. Tho period fixed for the general advance in rates ia moat litccly that determined upon for closing tho canals, for llic fight of the Contral Railroad has been chiefly directed against tho water courses, and whllo thoso aro open tho low rates will prevail.

It is positively slated lhat Mr. Vanderbilt mokes no concessions whatover, and tbat ho now maintains tha poslllou he has held throughout tho eutlfe controversy. This news has bad no perceptible effect upon tho sbsres of the trunk roads ss yet, for tho reanon probably that the story of a settlement of tho rsilroad war has bocu related so often, that haB bocoino throad bare. Another reason Is that business of all kinds la so stsguant, that thoro is nothing to oncourago an advance in stocks. Gold opened at 109,, nnd after soiling at 109f, moved up to 109 11 lfl, and then romained steady.

Stocks wore active, opening strong, falling off early In the boar 1, and thou reading a fraction. Tho coal carriers and Illinois Contral wore strong. Erlo opened at 9t. went to and fell to Pacific! Mail sold at vi and 25'i Northwrst at 3fj tho preferred at 58V; Now Vork Contral at Wl and 102J; St. Paul at and Union Paoifio at 69Af; Wabash at OJi; Hannibal 4 St.

Joseph at Delaware i Hudson at and Illinois Central at 71 and Ti. Lake Shore oponod at 57 Ji, wont to and to 57, and reacted to 57 Rock Island startod at fO.V, sold at and fell to Western Union opened at W(, wont to if and felt to St. Paul pref orrod started at 53 sold at and droppoil to 62V Ohio opened at 6i, wont to ii and to (land stood st 6 at noon. Central New Jersey started at 33 and moved between this and 33.t. Dolaware, Lackawanna and Western opened at 68), Bold at and wont to 69).

Michigan Central started at 43, went to foil to 42'. and reacted to Bank clearings, currency balanoas, $3, gold exebangos, gold balances, Quotations of State bonds wore Atabsms, 35 bid; Arkansas, 30 bid; Georgls, 94 bid; Louisiana, 41.. bid; Missouri sold at 106X1 North Csrollns, 17Jf bid; South Carolina, 40 bid; Tennessee, 44s45X; ditto, now, Virginia, 30 old; Dlstriot of Columbia, C939. stool. Exchange snles First Hoard.

Nkw Vohk, November 83. KP00O a SB's 81 117KI 100 f.k Sll Mu So lOTO Sft.l Bo n. 110 10000 il27fl (WOO do II 113 I 8000 ITSo 'W o7 116 I 4000 US 5 20 68... bo U7V U2il 10 0 S581 .....12 11214 2000 Galled I 57U 100 do do do do do ...,3 7 67V 57V 674 61H 67i 900 300 200 1200 UOU ffJO 600 (00 700 BOO 100 1100 do do 03 67 5711 coup HQ ROta Missouri State i ao do S3 67li do 67J do b3 6T do bj do 67 Ilnghdg 105J4 301)0 Now Jar Contra, 1st now 1(19 20011 uo IUSM 6000 Mllwk St Paul. lstlyddlv 10HS 20X1 do 10S 2000 Mllwk A St Paui.

A dlv 99 2(u A con cou gold hoods 95 SOOOMlohSoSd 110 au uon 10114 160 Illinois Cont'l It bo 72 8 tiniun i'atino It be 69l 100 Chicago It he 56 200 Central ol ,1 SOCIO Mich Oenls 102 50110 Mich Contral Us. I SF 112 I aOOOOMlss2d 4NV 101 do 48 10000 do 500" Lelllgll A Wil enn 63 10WJ Vmtm Pcillo Hit lit ni lOOOUn I'nc Slnkg to Mi'i1 lOOli do 1 89 2WTol It Wahlst m. 99 1110 do be 99V WUiTol 1st rttli Dlv 1W SWT A eon ei.nvt b1 fWilTl)) Willi K'Jl'l I hds S2V 2000 Del 11 roglidM IM 3 Bank Commerce. KM I e. 8l do 2,0 do i Ino do 100 do 200" do SI S3 311, HMChi MA i bc 2fl 100 do oj ail loo do Jul loo oiu mu a hi ot S3 63 111" do 53 100 do 61V inn do sl6 61V 610 du 51V lit! du aio 62i; 1J0 do do 100 Chicago It 1 It.

LET ROOMS A FLOOR OF FOUR rooms, situated In a respectable neighborhood, on a car raafa and within twenty minutes of all tne Jerries; rent from 88 to 10. per month. Address FD7TH AVB tfUK.aglo offlce TO LET ROOMS ON SECOND FLOOR, four splendid rooms tpsinted walls, marble mantels, wator locauoa ft tfooa i fifteen minutes from the ferries. Apply to Mrs. O'NBAZjB, 6tJ Oarlton av, eighth house north of Park.

TO LET ROOMS CHEAP A PART ouitti intiiaboaJtbleatpart oJ the city, three to six rooms eaoh has water, gas, as. rent from fsbto SIS each also a nfoo store and two baok rooms, suitable for most any business all located on Gates ay. car route. Apply to P. MUfxAPr.WOQalncyat TO LEr PtATS, ET FLATS COMPLETED, NO.

98 Booond place, between Court, and OUnton sts brown stone, S5x95 house 16, 8 or 10 large, superior, elegant rooms, with direct outside light and air every Improvement; mirrors janrtpr'a attandano floor of an rooms parlor floor and baaemonte, six rooms, 88 Bergen st. TO tilaT run sjj a.a TO LET tMABKET a fish and OYS ter market, and flxtare for sale heap. 538 Myrtle av, near Bedford. mo LET ROOM FOR MANUFACTUR log or light storage nnrpoi hty st, 25x40. facing Fulton Kagle offlce.

urpo9om, large room hd.h at. inquire ot vt, ilrta TUB, Kaglec mo LET WHARF PROPERTY OR I foraale THK BROOKLYN IMPROVRMBere CO. offer for laaso dock property on Oowanua Canal, bet. Tbird and Ninth sts, witbi water front on the canal aad on their lateral basins; can be bad in plots to suit of any depth or width. Apply lor maps, etc.

at offloe of the Company comerFiftb ar. and Third st roit SALE HOUSES. OR SALE HOUSE AT A LOW PRICE A three story and basement man stoop Drown mm house, 30x90, In first class neighborhood, near Prospect Park. Address WWKR, Box M8. H.

Y. P. O. FOR SALE HOUSES OR TO LET Five 2 story, basement and subcellar brick dwellings, with stono basements and all modern improvements, just finished, on too eon street, near Wllloughby av. Apply to H.

W. Myrtle av. FOR SALE HOUSE A HANDSOMh, 3 story brick Btoro, with baker's ovbo, situate few rain ntes irom uity xxau; smiaDie ror any Dusinoss; price will pay olear ten per oent, W. P. UOOK, No.

115 Washington st. OR SALE HOUSE LARGE DOUBLE frame bouse, stories and basemont; bouse, tTfeet lot 47 by 110. and known as No. 200 South Oxford st suitable for a hotel, or boarding bouse. Apply ou the premisos.

FOR" SALE HOUSES THOSE FINE brown stone houses, S0x, 10 rooms, all improvements, on Ninth st, botween Sixth and tSoventhavs; price $6,000, terms oasy: location unsurpassoo. Real Rstato office, i8 Fifth avenue near Ninth at, South Brooklyn. XOR SALE HOUSE VERY LOW. Ol? Ontncv ftt. nnnr No strand av.

a tine two story and oasomecii ono uvieiiiuK, iu uuuv umoi, tiuut uui Impr.vements, lnelndlng fnxnaoe in. oallar location choice terms easy, or will lot low until May. For permits apply to PAUL C. GREN1NG, 420 Gates av, near 170R SALE HOUSE NOW IS YOUR tlmo to buy a house, sold cheapor than before tho wax; three new tirst class brown atono on Le Herts place, bet, Bedford and Franklin ava; oonvoulent to all tho ferries; terms vert Inquire of T. tt.

JAQKSOn, on premisoa, or 421 Clinton av SOR SALE HOUSE AT A GREAT AC Tlftce if sold at onoo Philadelphia brick front house, nprovoments and in complete order, noar Hanson Slaoe and Fulton Drica S7.76: offlco open oven lnga, lACOMBEK IlICARDSON, 743 Fulton it, near Cum berland. IOR SALE HOUSE THE LAST ONE ot those now handsome brown etoae fronf, four story and basement house, tin Washington av. south of DeKalb, No. 314; alzo l65xlW; terms to suit Apply to J. II.

TOWNSKND, builder, on promises, or at No. 60 Putnam avonue. EOK SSAIjK HOUSK BEFOHB PUR chaalng elsewhere, oaliaad examine one ot those itiful three story and basemont, brown stono front bouses, built first class with every modern improvement. I will sell tho last ono at a h.r;aln. A.

WILKINSON. No. 20 St. James placo, between DeKalb and Lsfay etto av. a FOR SALE HOUSES ON MADISON at, 100 feet wost from Rold av, threo 2 story and basement brown stono front houses slso SOjc iOxlOO all improve monts; convenient to two car routes.

For particulars an ply to owner, on premises or at his reBidoQOo.662 Lexington av, near Lewis. WM. L. VROOMAN. ITIOR rfALE HOUSES CHEAP AND ON easy terms, some of that elegant block of throe story and basotno itTilgh stoop brown Btouo houses on Grand and avs, containing all im pro vera ta twenty live mitmtes from Fulton Foiry wili bo sold at depressed prices are thoroughly and substantially bnilt of nolect materials, regardless of cost.

Immediate possession givon. Apply to Grand av, or toD. 51. CHAUNCKY. Montaguo st.

FOK SALE HOUSE COKNER STORE at Doaitlvo bargain one of the nicest oorner storos In South Brooklyn. The handsome new throe story brlk storo au'ldw l.lnR. Philadelphia front with brown stone trimmings, tin roof, with water, gas, closets, sower con notions ond marblo mantois on eaoti floor, Tho building is 0x45, lot 20x9 sufficient room on rear of lot for a stable at small uxpauso; wtl adapted for a grocery, market or druggist. This building is tho beginning of a row of ton and it roust become more valuable. A survoy of the premise, ana will make ttils apparent.

Vonrtli avonue corner of Fifteenth st. Will be sold very low and on easy terms. An offer wanted. A. P.

Deau bu SWll XiOR KXCHA.NGH HOUriE AND 2f) Iral nf Miiid. frf Vt rlfiwn lin liiilnneo to to ox chang houso in lirooklvn; pri6a i ArvAiUArt, Hoamem, now jorauy. OR JXC A HO SE AND 16 on tiatos av. forimDrovon nv iu'ity Mai, 13 lots on Onton av. vnd Monroe Bt, for pi'opoityto rout; 4 lots 01 (Jars av.

fro and clear, tor a good houso to live in. J. OORSl Court si. 17 fJt7 '3 llfllf in Clllti Vfltion, ft' EXOHANtiE REAL ESTATE A ,3 ncrps, on ork Hivor, irgmta, icn's in orn: houso. six rooms: good brirns; all In good ropalr; hilf milw of Williams buiuh owner livos on nromisoB prion.

mortgago, i'or Jirouklyn jiroperiy. riiMOM ONA Moulaguo si. 1lOR EXCHANGE FARMS, COUNTRY floats and villagti property in almost cvory city and town within 1W) miles of Now 1'ork or llronklyn. Soma vjry cheap and froo tmd clear for Urouklyn property. Over ltdii ju a in ail purta ol Bruoklyn, for otii liousns and lor.

OiHcoodou evenings. MAOOMIXER A. HICUAKD 7 12 Full on Ht, nL ar Cninborland. vr. lilOtt SALE PIANO AN UPRIGHT S1 piano, good powerful tono, in norfoct ordor; $8 To bo seou ciud tried at No.

160 st; nrici) must bo boiu: FOR SAL PI AN ABE PI A AT a sacrifice. $275; nover before ban a piano of such a lino quality been ottored nt hi above price is war rallied for ton yours a number of pianos of ulfforcnt makers for sale from $75 upward also, to rent at vory low prices. MULLEK, 310 lAilton Bt, upstairs. IOR SALE OREENWOOD LOT AT A aaciifice the location is unBUtoasse granite posts and galvanised iron bars. Cah customer only.

Apply to GKOUCK WOOD A Fulton st. OR SALE' BUSINESS OAND AND clear business cheap rorechtincg for cigar maker; can duuhlo monoy voryaoon: sickness only cause; must bo sold. 676 Washington av. SALK F1XTUKB8 TBN NEW anta nf rtatflTfnrni 9J, nn Oof Alan th TPrt II lilll 1l seta of gas fixtures nt $25 per set ananaeiiors, giouea inciua VKY U4 Court st inndeliors, globes included, at each, worth $2i GA1V TfilOR SALE FURNITURE TURKISH chair, also a parlor suit and soveral piecoaof noodle work Euitatilo for foot rusts and ottomans. Hair mat trcuaoB made over for $3.60: noodlo work made up at P1CKFOKDS, Nassau st.

TTjOR SALE CARPETS GOOD SECOND hand aud misfit carpots nnd olloloths (a spoclalty); English, Brussels, tlntjo ply and ingrain, vory choap, al ths old placo, 112 Fulton st. Now York undor Foote Richardson's clothing storo. HOUSES, EMt 121C 'A STABLE WANTED WITH THREE OR fo sUUb and room for two trucks, within five or six blccks from Myrtle and rawrencost; rent must bo moduruto. Call at or addro JOHN 1C1LINS, 8 and av. GENTLEMAN REDUCING "HIS stock will soil, at a groat sacrifice, a fait young uiirse, warranted sound and kind, givon dluxnut toy waaon.

line harnossi black hour rthe, niankoM and whip will sell separately. Apply at private stable No. Hunt alley, entrance on Henry st, botweeti Komson and Jorale mo. coachman is authorized to soil. T1LACK MORGAN MARE.

STIVER1 HJD buugv, double an fur talo low for ant of use. harnoss. lii'J Calambin at. SPECIAL KOnciM. COMMISSIONERS OF DEEDS NOTICE la horoby given to all persons deilrous to be ap fiolutod Commissioners of Ueuls for the years 1877 and l7o that thoy must ranko nnpltcntion in writing, ad droaaed to Alderman A.

rriiz. Chairman of Comniitteo oti Comiuhslooors of Deeds, and tile the same in tho ity O'lor 'a offlce previous to ocemW 12, 187t WM. A. KiTZ, Chairman POTATOES POTATOES POTATOES Choice Oneida County, Barly Rose, Peaeh Blows aud Pecrlesi Potatoes. Maine Jackson Whites, tor sale by F.

BANNKBMAN, at Vulton st, oor. of UoKalb 43 Atlnntio av, and Boat J. H. Brewster, middle pier at Atlantlo Dock Basin, n.3 i iV PROPOSALS. REPAIRS TO HUNTKRM POINT BRIDOK, Ac.

Sealed proposals are solicited nna will bo received by tho nnderslgnod Committee at thy nffloa of the Clerk of tho Board or Supervisors' room 10 Coauty Court Houso, until 3 o'clock P. of Tuesday, Novombor 2t, 1876, for fur nlshing materials and labor necessary for making repairs to Hnnter'B Point Bridge and the approaches thoroto, in accordance with the specifications for the same on file In the oilico of tho Clerk ot tho Board, of Supervisors. Blank forms of proposals oan bo obtained at the office of the an Clerk. No other fans of proposal will bo rocolved. By order of tho Board ol Supervisors of Kings County.


II. SNYDKR, no23 id Committee on Bridgos. SEALED PROPOSALS WILL BE RE oclvedatthu offiuo of tho Beard ot Education until locember 5. at 4 o'clock P. for hosting Primary No.

2. Plans nnd specifications can be soon at the ottlco of tho Superintendent of Repairs. Names of two responsible perrons will bd required for the faithful ponormance of the contract. The Board res rves th tight to reject any lriOK lar bids, or any which may not bo for tho interest of th lion rd. F.

AMP LL. Chairman Committee ou Warming and Ventilation. COKJTORATION WoTIUES. jn ORPORATION NOTIO NOTIC IS i fiMmbT iriren to all norsonit to bo offonted thereby thet tho Common Council of th' City of Brooklyn has de dared, by resolution, its to oauao g.ia lamp wltu lanterns and nil noceasnry anpurtenancos, to bo sot on Schonck strooi, from L.nayotU1 to DoKnlb avenue, without petition therefor. And has by resolution fixed tho i distiict of afisessuiont for such improvement at one bundled tot in depth on each sldo of tho said Schonek i 6twt, between the points ahovo specified and that the sa i Common Councii will umlur the a.d rosoltj tio is at a meeting thereof, to no hold on tho 8th day of January.

lfj77s or as flfon thereafter as the public business will allow. Kemonstrcuoes (if an?) against tho said im provenumt must bo filed with the Clerk of tho Common Council (or otherwise presented to tho Common Council) i onorbtjforo the sold day. Dated Brooklyn. November 23, HF.VRV W. fiLOPITAL THOMAS.

W. ADAMS, Oi.mraJssioners of City Works, Attest D. L. NoRTHUP, SecroUry. no23 14 1 COUNTY COURT, COUNTY OK KINGS.

John A. Lott aa solo acting executor. Ac, of Oerrit lj. Martonse deceased against George Marrln etal. In purauanoe of judgment of this court made in the above enmiea action, ana ueanng uaie tne warn aay oi junc, 1876, the following described lands and promises will bu 1 sold at pnbllo auction, at the Commercial Exchange, at No.

389 KultoiLBtreet In the City of Brooklyn, the th day of NovemberStftf, at 12 o'clock at noon of that day. by or under the dirootion of the undersigned, who waa oy said judgment appointed a referee for that purpose, vlx; All thoso certain lots, pieces or parcels of land, situate, lying and being in the Fifth Ward of the City of Brooklyn, and taken together are bounded as follows, to wit Beginning at the northwesterly earner of Gold and Ply month streets, and running thence westerly along the northerly side of i Plymouth street, seventy two feet, to land now or late of 1 Michael Lowrey thence northerly along said land ono hun. dred feet: thonco easterly seventy two feet to the west side of Gold street, and thence south orly along the westerly aide of Gold street, one hundred feet to the place of beginning; togothor with all and singular tho tenomente, iicr ditaments and appurtenances thereunto belonging, or in i anywise appertaining, Datod Brooklyn. October 14. W.6.

8wS4W JOHN L. LEFFERTS. Referen. The aale of the above described property hereby postponed until the 23d day of Novomber, hour andjdace. Dated Brooklyn, Novembgi 9, i no9Thltfta JOHN L.

LKFFBKTfc, The sale of th above described oroperxy I ther postponed unUl the seoond day the same hour nnd place. Dawa urwv, TatThMAW JOHN LKFFBRTb, Iferee Ii0st A7VD roinvD. nT ON WEDNESDAY EVENING, I SLOT, named LUUe. The finder will 4r. :V.0rflPredt.y'retarn.g her to 833 Myrtle av.

A will re ami im mi inn. I November 20, a pair of gold bow SPECTACLES the Jitter will receive tho above reward by leaving them at 181 JU'oST JS5 WILL "BE PAID FOR THE rccivery of Panic, oringe and whlto 3KTTEB, wiCE Ioni tail and feather. JAMJ25 MORGAN, 223 Ninth st South Brooklyn. LOST 35 REWARD WILL BE PAID for tile return of BANK noOKS 3.770, on Long Island Savings Bank, and lifill, oj Dime Savings Bank, at No. 213 Montague st.

Room 2. ASSIfiNEE'S NOTIOIi. IN PURSUANCE OP AN ORDER OP Hon. Henry A. Moore, Oouutv Judge of the County of Kins notice la hervbygivoQ to all persons having claims acslnst WILLIAM IL PEOK.

to present th i simo wilh the vo 'chers th.ieif duly verified ttio subiorlber at his place of bnsinrss a th3 ofllcoof Tank Wamer Angel, No. liroad York City, before tne aist day of March, 1177, Broolyn, Nnvou.s. 21, btt nil ini'u KUWAiUJ A. UOliilTri, Aselauee. ROAKD NO.

181 DEGRAW ST FIRST JLJ honso from Henry Nicely famished rooms to lot, fori single gentlemen rhmne oomforta; with or without board Gorman and English spoken; oonvoulent to fer. ries; terms moderate; refefeaoes exohapgod. OARD SUPERIOR ACCOMMO A XHns for gentlemen and familios, at reasonable rates elevator, baths, and all modern improvement. PIKKKK PONT HOUSE, Brooklyn Heights, opposite Wall st, How York. w' fc'A nr.

An TJ'Xr atti.xr oiio umoo iavii bet. Court and Clinton To let, with board, a saltof rooms, the front alcove ample closets and all modern im. provements; will let separately or together; also a hail room; house and location all that Is desirable. BOARD AT 247 CUMBERLAND ST. large front room on seoond floor, for gentleman and wife: alsrgeroom on third floor, fottvro single gentlemen; Wo front hall rooms, all to let, with board prices to suit the times! bouse bM Ml Improvement; good BOARD rliS HENRY ST EXCELLENT board, with neat, pleasant rooms, In first class house seven minutes' walk from Wall at.

and Fulton ferries for fentlemen and wives and single gentlemen; bet. Clark and 'ietrepont st terms reasonable. BOARD ON THE HILL ELEGANT rooms to let, in the new. donbla, bitmn stone honea, situated oor. of South Portland and DeKalb avs, overlooking Washington Park.

Apply at No. 11 South Portland ar. OARD rAT 177 SOHERMERHORN SH handaomeir furnished front room and bedroom on third! UimA h.nk A class, and wtiere home comforts can be enjoyed: near Smith st. BOARD 24 CLINTON ST, NEAR FUJ ton the most convenient spot in the oity five minutes from all the principal ferries a fetr pleasant, neatly famished rooms to let with board, singly or en quite terms reasonable table boarders also. OARD BROOKLYN HEIGHTS 100 Henry at, five mlnntes' walk from Folton or Wall st.

ferries nicely furnished, second story front room to lot, with first class board houso has all improyemsnts terms moderate referenflss. BOARD 266 UNION ST, NEAR ClilN ton; to let, with board, by a party occupying their own house, two or three handsomely furnished rooms; all modern improvement; table and neighborhood flnt class cars to all the ferriea OARD ON THB HEIGHTS NO. 163 Joralemon st. elegant second floor front room, with bnt. nnd rnldtwatorf also, hall bedrooms bay and double room suitable tor party of three; table first BOARD ON THE HILL IN THE ELE gsnt brown stone houso, 38 South Oxford st, a back parlor; alio a room on the fourth floor; honso nawly furnished; table first class; references exchanged; table boarders accommodated.

1 OARD BROOKLYN HEIGHT 3 JLF minutes walk from VT all at. Ferry choice location, first class board at reasonable, rates, No. Montague tor race, third house south of Montague at; line aecond and, fhliu story rooms; references exchanged. OOARD NO. 302 CLINTON ST, NEXT JT to oorner of Baltic, board may be had in a family oTadnlts; a second floor, handsomely furnished, amnio closets, hot and cold water, 4o.

also, a room on parlor floor; location convenient to South, or Wall St. ferries. BOARD 158 LIVINGSTON STREET A small private family occupying their own honso, will let a large nicely furnished front room on third floor, with good board to a gentleman and wlfo, or two single gentlemen; terms very low; houso doslrably located; references. TitnTirt' i ntilniy. fr inVino And hthin rooms.

latindrv. Ac. linen done ud at Marble house, 197 Fulton st, above Nassau. B1 OARD A SMALL FAMILY, PLEA aantly situated, would like to rent a large.newly furnlsh ed room on the second floor, with or without board nlgn, a smaller one to a lady or gentleman. Apply at Living aton st, opposltQ Hanover place terms very moderate for the Winter.

BOARD A PRIVATE FAMILY HAV Ing moro rooms than thoy require will let one or two Inrco front rooms handsomely furnished, with hot and cold water; houso brown stone, hoatod, with all improvements, with or without board; also, one largo room, unfurnishod terras very reasonaDio. no Aaoipui si. fiOARD 154 LAWRENCE ST TO LET JTj with boanl, a well famished large room on third floor: also, a front hall room with closet: houso brown stone, woll heatod and within Bfteon rainutoa' walking distance of principal ferries; terms moderate reiorences given and required. BOARD VERY NICE SEOOND FLOOR, consisting of two largo rooms, with extra olosot room and all improvements, together or separate, with bathroom between, with or without board, in a private tam ily; roaaonablo terms. No.

306 Hicks si root, Brooklyn Heights. lOARD ON THE HILL 56 GREENE ar. between Adelnhi St. and Clermont av: twolarco. handsomely furniahod room'', or one largo and one small room, all with tatthem exposure, to gouuanioa anii their wive or single gentloinen location and roforonco first class t2nn roasonnbles BOARD ON THE HILL, 50 SOUTH Oxford A rery pleasant nleovo room on second rtoor, unfuriiishod oxcoutfng earpota and window shndos; nlco, a pioa.ant room on fourth floor, suitable for two yming gon tlemen, at a very low price; accommodations for a fow tabl.

boarders. OABD ON THE HEIGHTS A GEN IJ) tleman and lfo or two single can have a large third story room, with first class board, for $1(1; also sec floor front and back rooms, terms $11 and per for two; references exohangoJ. No. 73 Ijivingaton sireet. HOARD ON THE HEIGHTS IN A RI oom two I Ji vato boarding houso, extra largo room Inrfn aitiOn ronnm.

nlnsiita wnt'ir and woll hiiatd llCiUSO. and location vorv desirable; few minntos to farrios; vfor nncos oxohangedj terms low to iormauent pariifs. Henry st. OARD HANDSOME BAOK PARLOR nlcolv furnished also small rooms for sinle gor tle r.n 3 with nrst class noarn; live minutes' walk from Fulton Ferry, and cloio to several car roufes: terms Moderate, and tl3fC ory roforoDces givon and rminired. No.

t) Hih st, II BOARD NO. 11 GALLATIN PLACK oppoaito V. M. a third floor front room, imfur Tiil.hM. Vhlrrt nln.nlv fnrnUhiul nmiiiK connecting suitable for a family or two rai ried couple; will beleturnished or unfnrnlshod to a first class pm.y or slnifly house, and roiorenco first class.

AUD NO. 144 LAtfAYETTM AV AN iurnihod, sorond stry itnrU mom. sntiihnrn 'ii(niir. ahi Ui amnio clnsntft. tnlry, hot ami cold water, a.iiKliln for two single gentlemen or gontloma.i aud wii'o; i 'rnis lnodorato r.

t'or encas uichingod. BOARD ON THR HEIGHTS A'f ICG State at, bp! 'vi C'i'irtnd Clinton, a fow nartioa can bo ac i newly turushed ana reno vatod; now par l. iao: hot and cold wator and furnace het; ro.sveiiiR itta South, Wall and Fulton Worries location lirsi class; teems very moderate. Ho feioncea required. sOAUD COTTAGB OX THE HILL ft PlnfTilW nd hbw Wahiuirton Park, two tton tlonien or gontloman r.nd wile can tie accommodated with good board plo.isaut room second iloor; noar threo cr routes.

DeKalb, Myrtle and Vmderbiit ava; rt'forcncns exuhangedi 201 Adolphl si, ono door from Wllloughby a von no. BOARD AT 376 STATE ST, BETWEEN Hnyt and Bond, a largo socoud story front room nont i ly furnished, suitable tor gentleman and wife or two aingio 1 gentlemen; house pleasantly sltuatod, oppfsiti St. Peter's i P. R. Church; walking diatuio.

of forrfjs; terms very rnonerato; rererenoesexcniCatea. 1 i JL i i OARD 144 WASHINGTON AV. TO lot, with excellent board, second and third story front rfwimi. wlt.h ha.Il roomdi nine, for ulitlomm wlrna nr ttliirrtn trnnMomnn hntlRfl flAA nil itniifOl'mnQ ItB find Is nicely located terms for largo roonu from 812 per weok, for hall rooms, so; would I would lot to a party of adults for less. BOARD PARTIES DESIRING A plea3ant home, with first class board, on reasonable terms, may obtain the same by applying iramodlatoly at 47 Concord st, front room, on Hecond floor; southern oxpo buto; handsomely furnished: also large pleasant room, suitable for singlo gontlemen: house, brown stone all im provi'mentSitennunutes from ferries.

ii li 3 BOARD TO LET, WITH BOARD. A handsomely fnrnlshod alcove room also a third story front room and hull room newly carpeted and very neatly furnished, hot and cold watr, tuble unusuilly good and warranted to ploaso; neighborhood vory nice; noar tho Tabernacle cars and ferries convenient; references. No. 2fl Dean st. BOA HO WAN'lllIi.

BOARD WAN I'ED BY A GENTLEMAN, a nice room, with gas, tire, and board, in the vicinity of the Hill, not above Cumberland st. Address, giving full particulars! T. M. Eaglo oilice. BOARD WANTED ON THE HILL A large well furnished room wanted hy two tlomon, wilh board torjono of them; terms must be modor ato.

Address H. Eagle otneo. BOARD AVANTED BY A GENTLEMAN in a strictly private Americm family, whre all tho comforts of a home can be had; location not over ten minutes1 walk from ferrios. Address Haglo office. BOARD WANTED BY A SINGLE GEN? tlomnn, within etisy walk of Fulton Ferrv.

goid plain English board, vjith amall room woll wanned for the Win tor. AddruB terms, HOMK SEEKER. Hagio office. BOARD WANTED AND FLOOR, FOR gentleman, two small children and nnrng, in a house with modern conveniences, thoroughly heutod and near Carroll Park or Clinton bt prefer to furnl3h; houae to have no other boarders; terms 2.1 per week; roferoncos. Address HOM Box 11, Kagle ottice.

BOARD WANTED IN SOME WELL regulated boarding house where fig gins1 Oerman Ijmndry Is iHod. All who sook homes should ano ty it that this soap is supplied to the boarders. Application to be made within three days at any grooora in tills oity. tt it ism no itis. FURNISHED ROOM 142 DUFFIELD st Neatly furnished room, with everything in nioo order, weeK; ouiyaatop irom Aiytxio av.

lonce tor honaekeepirur, or would let twosepsrato; within fivo minutes' walk of forrios. Ploaseoall at 121 Jayst. "CTURNISHED ROOMS TO LI! A largo front room, on tho second floor, heated will let it to i crnntln inn nr flntlmn and wife: hot and cold water bath ou the same floor also, an unfurnished room on first floor. Ino.uire for three days at 238 Adams st, TiURNISHED ROOMS TO LET, AT 35 JD Sanaa st, handsomely furnishod back parlor and bedroom also, a front room and bedroom on third floor, furniahod complete fur housekeeping or gentlemen, inquire at 85 Sands st, second door from Washington. FURNISHED ROOMS TO LET, HAND Romoly furnished front parlor, suitable for two gentlemen or gentleman and wlfo ho a tor, bath, hot aud cold water; also, a nicely furnished room, suitable for housekeeping.

Call at 20 Hicks at. TTURNISHED ROOMS TO LET, FULLY famished for light housekeeping, one or two roojis; bath and every convenience ror wnsnmg nouso vorv and in gojd order; ten minutes' walk from ferriea. 143 Hlgll SC. BURNISHED ROOM TO LS A NICK ly furni hod room, to gentlomnn, or for light housekeeping; als a small room; torus to suit tho tims; breakfast if required; near South and Wall st. lerrios.

47 Joralomon st. I BURNISHED ROOMS TO LET, TWO handsomely furnished rooms or floor through to let. sepirate or together, to gentlemen or gentleman and wife, for light housekoeoinir if desired hot and cold water use of bath family privato; reference required. 219 Warren Bt, bot. Court and Clinton.

PUSHED ROOM TO LET A VERY well turnlsPod BDcond floor, with lm provementa can be let whole or in part Euitamo for sln gie genuemen or ior ij uiiiuvwuimk unnu jmn ousq occnplod by owner: ront moderate; convenient to ferries end cars nnd City Hall. For further particulars inquire at 373 Henry at. icojrEi COMMERCIAL HOTEb, MONT130MBRY AV. AND KF.AHN'Y ST, SAN FKA.NCISCO. ANEW AND COMMODIOUS FOUR STORY HOTEL.

WITH 175 FIRST CLASS LIGHT ROOMS. Elegantly fnrnished, and a steam elevator. Free coach and carriages to the house from all points. CHARGES 2.00 PKR DAY. JOHN KELLY, Manager, for SS years proprietor of the Brooklyn Hotel, San Francisco.

IO JLi HOVSl S. MHO LET HOUSE 372 GOLD ST A 2 to a 1 story nod collar bouse: water and waste pip mall Aln fatniW nn). tnoiQO f.n Tinf nm hnr 1 1 ft aUtn. a famished bedroom in front house. fTIO LET HOUSE CHEAPWITH MOD JL em Improvements, three story.

baemont nnd snb cefiar brick house. No. 187 Putnam av. noar Bedford. Ap plv at real estate office, corner Bcdiord and Putnam avs, or to the owner.

No. 80 Montague it. mr. LET HOUSE 270 WASHINGTON i at Inn 3 ri hrick. all imnTOvements.

8 rooms. heater, gas, io. near Post Office ten minates' walk 0pen9toC Apply os above or to the owner, 261 Sackett st, evenings. rpf) LET HOUSE CHEAP ON QUIN J. cyst.

nar Xostrand av, a fine two story and base mont brick hou all improvements and in nna order; 9 rooms; will be let ior to a desirable tenant; coal in col lar.athalf orico. AddIv to PAUL O. GRENING, 420 Gates av, near Noatrand. mo LETHOUSE ON THE HILL 1 Rare chance Handsome now 3 story brick; Gold's aanltarr furnace, ole rated ran are. Ac.

all inmrovements hot and cold rrater throughout; neighborhood first claan; aj monthly to A 1 tenant until May: prioe built to vT ior owners occupancy, jxaurcam rr inationaj urance 4W uroaaway.snew xorg. 1 LET HOUSES THE FOLLOWING houses at loir rents: 33 Vanderbilt ar. swyuiasson or, No. 47 Vanderbiit av. No.

237 Grand av. No. US Gran i av. Jfo. 249 rand ar.

A Nos. 1, 3, 4, 11 anion pi No. 23 stent en No. 248 Stoubon st. No.

258 Sloubon si Atsopartsor honses. Apply to M. BtmBvr.i''j CO 20 Be iver street, New York or No. 37U Pekain avenue, lirooklya. TO tE mo LET HOUSf FORNf i ortrslotsconnectod, a good chance stThouse is fuUy and handsomrtr fr0r.

to rent a pleasant home fi, BUSSIN SOI Jion able term, will lie given. om" tlgna St. Continental Building. I fit, no" 'S nrookljn.a triree story hands vneiy SI? Drlvs.c ram ii. only.

Apply on xne i xisjuiu JOUY, mi jntm jo st. 1 I 1 1 i Cooks. Wusllorsi and froners. WANTED SITUATION TO DO COOK waahtna and lronlruy, by a rospooUble girl; naa good reference. OaU at 217 Adams at, ANTED SITUATION TO DO PLAIN cooking, washing and Ironing; good reference CnaniDermaidt Waltreiaeat etc WANTED SITUATION AS CHAM; bermald andwaltreas by a respeotibWotmg girl has eood oity roforcnoe.

OaU fowodars at SWNaasau at. TrafAM BD SITUATION AS A CHAM bermald and waitress In a Prlvatefamlly, by a ra. colored gtrt. OaU at Mrs. LLOYD'S, 117 Carl ton Kr.

WANTED SITUATION AS A CHAM bermald and waitress, by a rospeotablo young Protestant girl has good oity refsranoea. Call for two day at 880 Atlantlo ay. i WANTED SITUATION AS A OHAM bormald and waitress, by a yonmr Swedish girl is willing to work best city reference. Oall for two days at tie Paofflo st; top floor. MJ ANTED SITUATION AS CHAM bermald and waitress, by a respectable girl or to take oaro of children wllllne toEsloep homeorromain thorej.

Address 67 Columbia st, cor. Congress. WANTED SITUATION AS A CHAM bermald and waitress, by a respectable American girl best oity references. Please oall lor two days at 120 Summit st, WANTED SITUATION AS CHAM bermald and waitress, or would do light house work, by a young girl aged 17 the best of reforauoe given from hor last placo. Call at CO State WANTED SITUATION AS A OHAM bermald and waitress, or to oare of children, or do housework In a small, private family, by a teipoota blo girl.

Pious call lor two days at 116 South Portland av, In the rear. WANTED SITUATION AS A CHAM bermaid or wait row, or take car of a child, by a re pec table young girl; haa the best of oity roferenoe; tt willing and obliging. Plaso oall pretont emplojDi', 100 Joralemon at, net. Court and Clinton. WANTEJ SITUATION AS A bermald and aeamstTeas, thoroughly competent yonng woman haa gowl city rnnco.

Please rail for two days at lDt) Atlantlo avenue, Henry stioot, third floor. ANTED SITUATION A CHAM bermaiil. hr a ladf. fur Pnitostant girl, it willing to mako lob of an object i fllon it, where no lately landed can no plain so winy herself generally ninfn); wages nt as a good homo. Apply fur two 0 ths best roformiooi will bf given WANTED SIT A bermnld an altren dren or do light up lr wiV nn objection todn, fainllv: haa rn nn AH CHAM Mild tk car of chil a nvarotalle yonnn girl; mavu priTawi hat lat plaoe.

Ploaso two days. 'IO AH FIRST a takn oarn ot children and do given. Call at Hicks it, call or addrtvj claaa owing; first near urgraw WANTED (SITUATION AS nurse, by a retpootabls young woman milk oniy five trfloki old. Call for throe dfcVtf at No. 10 Harper's Court.

W' ANTE IT A IQ A A VV AIT ron and chamlirtmald. by a rospectablo yonng Protestant girl thoroiiKhly understands nr work; haa the best of roforonco. Call at or artdroci 68 Do an st. WANTED SITUATION AS A FIRST class waitress and chambermaid, by an Rnglish Protestant girl will assist with housework good reference. 69 Douglasa Bt wages ANTED SITUATION TO DO LIGHT housowork or mind a babv bv a girl, lately landed.

wages $7. Call for two days at 520 Vanderbilt av. ANTED SirUATION TO DO THE ihamhnrwr.rk nnd HRft In tho earn of children. bv a respectable Protestant girl; is a good plain sewer; or, would do light housework in a respectable family; has good city roforenco, Please call at 106 Atlantfc av, first floor, front room, WANTED SITUATION TO DO UP stairs work, by a respectable German girl good reference. Call at shoe storo, 1,121 Fulton at.

WANTED SITUATION TO DO UP stairs work, or go oral iniowork. In a amall private family, by a young girl Is willing and obliging. Call for two days at 610 Warron at. AN TED SITUATION TO DO UP stafrs work and waiting, by a girl oan sew; good roforenco. Call on or addreae at 26 High at, bet.

Washington and Fulton. WANTEDSlTUATlONTO DO UP Btnin work, or JJghfc housework, by a reipeetable young girl; has good oity roforonco. Pleaso call for two days at 716 Hergon et. near Underbill av. WANTED SI rUATION TO DO UP Btafrs work, by a young woman good city reference.

Call Thursday and Friday ui oor. Vanderbilt av. and Bergen street. WANTED SITUATION TO DO UP stalrs work and waiting, or io mind children ia wll'ing and obliging; a good homo and kind moto of ai object, than high wages. Please call at 246 Floyd at, near Throop av, WANTED SITUATION TO DO VP fltftirs work or take care of chlldrea.

by a rospectablo voung girl; la very pleasant, willing and oblining, and fond of children. Can bo seen Jortwoday6ath3rprc3. nl omployer'a, 253 Lafayette av,, and Seamstresses WANTED SITUATION AS CHTLDS nurso or chambormnid Is willing and obliging; baa tho bcFt of roferenoe. Call flt Pacific at, between Court and Clinton. WANTED SITUATION AN EXPERI enced ladies nurso oin be soenred after Novom.

ber20. Address Mrs. KliMl Kafflo ollice. XIST ANTED SITU ATION AS A FIllST vT class by a roapectabm woman is cnpable of taking ebarffe of a voun bif int has had larKO oinerienco in the enre of rowinir children; has good oity references. tor tiro days fltSW Pacific st.

ANTED SITUATION AS NURSE and so.inifltrPBi. bv a resuctctnblo young American girl; hPB no objection to chnmberwork and can the beat of reference from her last place. Pleaso oall or two days at 223 31. Marks av. AN TED SITUATION AS TV by yonng womin nf long experience and a full understanding of hor ch'rgo; studios tho dispositions of her llttlo ones can kIth tho boat of ci as a motherly mire.

Anpiy for two days at 7iH Atlantic at, near Clermont, south side. WANTED SITUATION AS SEAM stress and dressmaker; understands cutting and fitting ladies' and children's drogues and all kinds oi family has jio objections itS3i.ilng in housekoepine enn furniflh horown o.rlgmachno: woald go out by iho week or month, pnrm.inont proforrod terms moderate; haii the bout of city loferences. Call for two days at lOI Hull at, between Park and Myrtle avs, ANTED SITUATION A WET niir ft bv vanmr married woman, who lias lust lost. iter oaoy nas gooa reeronces reiiuireu. ojiu iivos ul oui Columbia st.

WANTED SITUATION AS A WET nurse, by a womnn with a good broat of milk. Apply to morrow, botwoon 10 A.M. and 1 V. at her present omployer'a, 3 Monroe placo. Anted situation by acompe tent ladles nurae, infant's nurse or housekeeper a permanent situation as such Is desired no obioctl'tu to travel; thre yoarV city reference.

Ploaso address or innnlro lor Mrs, ROR.KR, at present employer's, 118 Yates av. ANTED SITUATION MIND chi'dvon and do ohamborwork, or chamborwork and waitintr. by a rospectablo girl; city reference. Call at 176 Court nt, Dean. WANTED SITU ATION TAKE chaivti ttf and instruct small children, by a young English Prvtstaii1 person; fully understands making nil Vlnrt nf bil'lTfn'R ulothlnit and is willinir to bo useful iu a family.

Call at or address 375 Ryerson at, noar DaKalb avenue. General HousnworKs WANTED SITUATION FOR GENE ral housework, by a respectable Swedish girl. Call for two days at 491 Atlantic av. "V7ANTED SITUATlONrTO DO GEN 7 oral housework, in a small, private family, by a respectable American woman.Applyatl.617 Atlantic av. WANTED SITUATION TO DO GEN oral housowork in a small familv, by a respectable young girl.

Please call for two daya at 174 Navy at. "VJS7 ANTED SIT ATIO TO DO GEN oral housnwork. by a Tcsm ctablo girl; good city referenced given. Please oall at 4j7 Myrtle av, noar llyerson stroot. WANTED SITUATION TO DO GEN oral housowork, or to cook, wnsh and iron in a private family, by a respectable girl has the best of oity reference.

Call for two days at 3Q! Warren st, 7SrANTED SITUATION TO DO GEN oral housework, eras laundress, by a respectable widow woman; no objection to go in th country has best city ro ference. Call for two days at 160 Myrtle av. WANT ED SITU ATION TO DO OEN eral htmftework for a small privato family, by a Protestant woman; best of city reference. Pleaa call at i Concord st, noar Pearl. W' ANTED SITUATION TO DO GN eral housework, by a reapact abl woman fs a first class cook, washer ana Ironer; can give good reference.

Please call at 121 Jay Bt. WANTED SITUATION TO DO GEN eral bouswork or aa waitress, by a young girl 21 years of age: gond city references. Gall for three days at No. .8 President st WANTED SITU A'J'ION TO DO GEN eral housework, by a rospectablo young girl willing and obliging: haa the best city reference. Call for two days at 196 Nelson st, bet.

Court and Smith. ANTED SITUATION TO DO GEN eral housework in a private family, by a rospnt ble yonng girl haa good city rotereno? from hr lnd place. Please call immediately at 463 Dean st, near Flatbusa av. WANTEDSITU ATION TO DO GUN eral honfework, bys respeotabl girl: Is wi'ling and obliging: has good city reference. Call at 631 Vanderbilt av, bet.

Bergen and Dean sts, in the rear. WANTED SITUATION TO DO GEN eraJ housework. In a small family; good city reference. Inquire at No. 10 Tillary st, near Fulton, for two days.

ANTED SITUATION TO DO GEN oral on bo work, bv a resnoctablo nirl Is a ood plain cook, washer and ironor: naa gooa city reiorences. Can bo seen for two days at 18 Bolivar st. ANTED SITUATION TO DO GEN eral housework, bv a reanoctablo vounn nirl is a eood cook, and ironer; baa good city references. Uaii ror two aays at 4t Aoeipni sc. ANTED SITUATION TO DO UK fl oral housework in a small family, bv a rcsnectable yonng gin nes or reiei new irom ur last

vjau at. No. 87 FortOroene place aecond Iloor rear. ANTED SlTUdN 'IO DO GEN eral housework, by a respoctablo woman is a go cook, washer and ironer; has good city references. Call tor two days at 63 "vVoshington st neat Front.

WANTED SITUATION TO DO GEN oral housework in a private family, by a respectable girl is willing and obliging. Can bc soon for two days at her present employer's, St74 Henry st. WANTED SITUATION TO DO GEN oral housework, or tako car of childreT, hy young girl has good reference. Apply at 418 Fifth av, in the Btoro. WANTED SITUATION TO DO GEN eral housework in a email private family, by a young girl has good roforenco from her last placo.

Please call at or address 14 Vino st, near Coin in bis heights. WANTED SITUATION TO DO GEN eral housework, by a respectable young woman Is a good cook, wasber ami ir.innr: has good city reference Coll for two days at 112 Wyckoff et, near Smith. WNNTED SITU ATION TO DO GEN eral housework in a small family, by a respectable young girl: can get fivo yearn reference from ner last placo. Call for two days at 441 Warren st, VSTANTED SITUATI()N TO DO EN Tv oral honsework, lo a smill private family, by a spertP.blo girl; has good city referonce. Call at No.

407 DoKalb av. in tho grocery store. VKT ANTED SIT CATION TO 6 GEN TT eral housework In a roall family, by a woman: is a good cook, wasner and ironrr: hns good city reeiencoj. Call for tno days at 136 Navy st, bet. Myrtle av.

and Bolivar at. WANTEDSITUATION TO DO GEN eral housework, In a tm ill family, by a respectible young woman Is a good cook, washer nnd Ironor haa good cicy references. Coll for two days at 39 Pearl street. iTED SITU ATION TO DOGEN erai housework or upstairs, by a young girl is cap. able, willing and obliging; can got city relerences from her last employer's.

Call or address for two days, No. 12 Law rooce at, third Soar. WANTED SITUATION TO DO GEN eral housework or as chambermaid and waitress i a small family, by a respectable yousg woman has good city re I ore co. Call for two days at No. 44 Franklin av, below Park.

WANTTED SITUAT.OK TO DO GEX eral housowork in a em nil family, bj a respectable young girl; Is a good pin in cook, washer and ironer: h.s good ritr reference. Pleftjo coll for two days at 588 Gates av, cor. Throop. YY7ANTED SITUATION TO DO GEN oral housework, in a small, private family, by a respectable middle aged woman can give cly reference. Iu quire in grocery store, 164 Front st, between Jay and PearL ANT ED Tb DO GEN eral housework in a small family, by a respsctable yonng girl is willing to help with tho care of children has two years forence from her last place.

Please call xor two daya at 12 North Oxford st YITANTKD SITUATION TO DO GEN eral h'insswork, by a respectable Protestant woman, with a child; good reference given: a home more of an object thm wages. calf at No. 11 Prospect place, near Fifth nv. ANTED SWUATION TO DO GEN housework, in a small family, by a respectable young colored woman; is a good plain cook, washer and ii oner; has good city reference. Oall for two days at 203 ytato at.

bBtwocn Court st and Hocrnm place. PED SITUATION TO DO GEN oral housework in a small privste familv. by a re. ml. in vl.u'.iit wnman: is a eood nhiu cook, wnshor and has good city rufnreico.

Call for two daja al lt4 Douglass si, bttween Hoyt and Band. WANTED TO DO GEN hy a youue Protestsnt woman; is a i g'j'Kl co wriHT ami ann ion i oi nas iod lsturenca. Ploaie calt for two days at 245 Bridge st, I uoai TUlaiy. WANTED 500 GIRLS TO gins' German Laundry Soap It Is the best for every household. Apply to aoy grooor lo Brooklyn.

WANTED TO AKE HERSELF GEN erally useful In "mail prlvata fewhero there are ohildren. a onn. active girt ApolJ 1,008 tuvnlta av. betwoen Stuvveaant and 1 EMPLOYMENT BUREAU, Qonoord st, bOTBoi ta. three bloc lea oeio many ro.peot.ole women, who have never boon an baforo.

apply here for alluatlonf, N. B. t'Ucea ro UUIHtja, cooks. Waattera ana lronem. wages tli.

haflatlWPeanat. nrT, ATTW; fflSSssI north of Greene. Chamberniald. ffaltniises, etc WANTED TO ASSIST IN THB LIGHT tonaErVrk and mind jmall ohlldreii, tesunt preferred only thoseItag and fonrl of oWl need apply reference reaulred. Call after 6 P.

at io Qulnoy st rrr1 rkuraes and Seamstresses. i a XXTANTED A SEAMSTHK3 a TT nurso, willing to go to Norfoia, v. eneo roqolrod. Call for two days at IM HlokS St. WANTED TO TAKE child during the day, and go home at night, a gJrlabontTyoirToVaimSl como well recommended.

Call altor 8 V. M.atM Plerrepont St. tsenora) IlouieworK. WANTED FOR GENERAL HOTJSE work, a good glrlCall at No. lf2 Adams flt.

WANTED FOR GENERAL HOUSE work, a good glrL Apply at 1W Dojoa t. VMT ANTED FOR GENERAL HOUSE work, a girl mnst bo a good oook and laundress. Call for two days at 113 Qulnoy st. cor. Franklin av.

WANTED FOR GENERAL HOUSE keooor In a small family, a smart, oloan washor and ironer. Apply at 20 Gardon at WANTED FOR GENERAL HOUSE work, a girl good washer and ironer reference required wages, $9. 91 Fourth av. JIT ANTED FOR. GENERAL HOU8 work, a smart, tidy girl mui and Ironer and bavo good reference.

must be a good wnshor Apply at Via i utru plaoo. near uourt at. WJ ANTED ONE FOR GENERAL hnnsnarnrk. tho otbBr as nurse and chambermaid, two oompotent girls, to go to Ormge. New Jersey good references required.

Apply at No. 9 Middagh' st, near Willow, WANTED TO DO THE DOWN STAIRS work, a competent girl must, bo a good oook, washer and ironor. Such a girl can get good wages and a good home at No. 3 Jofforson st, near Ormond plaoe. YX7 ANTED TO DO HOUSEWORK FOR a family ot two, a girl aged 16 or 17; must understand washing and ironing: boat of reference required.

Call at 4 Third st. near Second plaoe. WANTED TO DO GENERAL HOUSE work, a Protestant girl mnst bo a good plain cook, wsBhorand ironor. and havo first class ofty references wages paid s)12. will nay moro if well suited.

None others than as above desoribod need oall, this afternoon or ovonlng. at 229 OUnton nv, near Wllloughby. WANTED HELP MALES. AN.TED IN A BUTCHER STORE TO cut meat, a youngjnan. 136 far av.

ANTE)) TO TAKE CARE OF hofsos and to colleot orders, a yonng man must como well rocommonied. Call at 351 Fulton at, X7ANTED IN A PRIVATE FAMILY, A YV oompotent waller. Apply at No. 37 Tompkins plaoe. TtitT ANTED FOR AN EXPORTER'S OF TV flco, an aolivo intelligent youth, who resides with his parents; salary small first year.

Address EXPORTER. tsagie omce. WANTED AS CLERK IN A CKOUii. ory and house furnishing otore. a young man.

None need apply who cannot sell a bill of goods. Wages. S10 per wook. Address Box 7, Eaglo office, stating with what bus! ness WANTED SITlJATIONS FEMALm WANTED SITUATION BY A GIRL lately fandod has lived with good families In the old country. Call for two days at No.

49 Brooklyn av. S7ANTED SITUATION IN A STORE, to learn tho btislnon, by a younj girl residing with hor parents; has good reference. Address M. 16 Smith St. WANTED SITUATION TO WORK ON a Wboelor Wilson sewing machine.

In Brooklyn, by a young lfld. Call or address Mrs. CASSIDY.482 Court St. WANTED SITUATION IN A FANCY Or confectionery store, or at any honorable employment, bv activo American Rirl; la a good writer and correct at nxureB: would take very low wages. Please address Eagle offlce.

TKTANTttl) SITUATIONS MANAGED by I olIos BROOKI.YN EMPLOYMENT BUREAU, 2:1 Concord st. botwoon Fulton aud Washington sts. Family help of all kinds. We do not promise perfection, but try ut select good women for domestic service, without regard to nationality or religion. N.

Wet nurses supplied. Cook, TVnslierN nnd I rollers. ANTED SITUATION A COOK, waalioi and Ironor in a private family, by a Protest ant woman. Call Atlantic av. WANTED SITUATION AH COOK, carver or waiter, or would en ns nartnor with bouio responsible party.

Address P. DUNN, 465 Warren St. WANTED SITUATION A COOK and laundress, by a yono? woman. Pleaso call for two days at 315 Court corner of lb. Ion Bt.

no TANTKD SITUATION AS" COOK by a nspoetable woman, ono that undorBtanda hor business; good city reJeronco. Apply at York at. WANTEIJ SITUATION A COOK, wabor and honor, by respectable ytraivg wtmnn hfls pood cifj Tctcroncos. Call for two dajfftllSAtlau tin WANTED SITUATION AS" OOOK, wnsher'ind ironer, hy a ronpactabli! ynnne woman has good uity;nccs. Call tor two days at 131 Llt Bt, cor.

of AtJantio av. WAN IKD SITUATION AS A COOK, aplier ai'd ironor, or to do nencral bouaowotk; no objoctlons to a boaidinahoiipe; can Inrn' Bb bejt city rof nut afiald of work. Pleaso call at C7 Li 8t first floor. WANTED SITUATION AS A COOICV wnBhBr and ironev in a iioarrttaB hoiiFO. bjrn ro.

epoctable young woman br.a good city roforoncoa. Call for two days at. 26.1 Boruon et. WANTEIJ SITUATION AS COOK, washer and tvouer, or would do tho work nf a amall a rttojctablQ youne girl: haa tho best of city refetenceB. Can bp aeon at 42 President st.

XT ANTEDSITUATION AS A COOKT wachor and IroneT. or would do light honeework In a amatl family, by a respactablotrlf beat ot can bo Call at 5i JoraUimon et. WANTED SITUATION A COOK, waaher and Ironer, orto do Kenaral bonsework, in a small family La a Rood washer nnd ironer, and also a g'ood bread hnkor; haa good city references. Pleaso call at 354 Smith at, between First and p)aces, top floor. WANTED SITUATION AS OOK, washor and (rone, in imali private family, by a rcapectaiilo Rfrl has goou city roferoncn from her last employer.

Can bo seen for two days at 3 Park ar, botween Concord and Tillary st. WANTED SITUATION A washer or Ironor, by a respectable woman; wmld do general imuBcwork in a small family; hns (rood city rat eronce. Caii for tiro days at 23 State street, in the grocery atoro. WANTED SITUATION AS COOK, IN a privai'fl family, by a rennet aide Is an ex collent washor and ironer. or would do tho hoeaework of a small family; is competent nnd obliging: best city refor onco.

Pleaso call for two days at lt9 Jny st, nearCoo enrd. M7ANTED KITUATION AS A COOK7 w.iflherand imir, or would do jronoral honsework in a small family by a rospectablo woman; la an excellnnt laiindrosi; Ins thif bust rforoneos as to honoBty and rapa bilftv, Cn be Boon till engaged at 123 Fulton at, between Sands and Prospect. WANTED SITUATION AS A COOK, by a conibctont porson Is willing to assist with the washing and ironing. PIoibo call for two days at hor pros ent nmployerN, 952 iSt. Marks place, between Kingston aud Alhanyavs.

WANTED SITUATION A FIRST clan cook, by a ro'pectablo young woman will a alfif with tho washing and Ironing; has good city references, ('all for two days at 406 Baltic st. between Iioyt and WANTED SITUATION AS A FIRST class cook and laundress by respectable person; can mako nil kind of soups and departs: references given; Can be eeon until suited at No. 286 Facifio at, near Smith, con dof'r. WANTEDiTUATIONSG 00 cook, washer and ironer, by a rpspeotablo girl has good city reference. Call or address 342 Jay at, in tho store.

WANTED SITUATION A3 A GOOD plnln cook, washor and ironer, by a Protestant woman. Pleaso oall at 212 Gold st. WANTED SITUATION AS A GOOD cnok, waubftr and ironer. Can le seen for two days at 20 Myrllo ay, bet ween Grand av. and Rrerson at.

WANTED SITUATION AS A 6 cook, washer and ironer, or do general housework, by a wspBCtablo girl: good city references. Cnll for two days at 170 mith tt first floor, over grocery store. WANTED SITUATION A plain cook. wieher and ironer, by a respectable girl haa good city references. Call for two days at 75 Pacific t.

WANTED SITUATION AS A GOOD plain cook, washer and troncr, and an oxcellent baker; good city reference from her last place. Please call at f2 Amity at WAITED SITUATION AS A GOOD cook, wnshor and Ironer, by a respectable young woman: hn? good city references. Cr.U for two days at 28i Park idace, near lasso ar. WANTED SITUATION AS A GOOD cook. In a private family, by a woman.

Call on or address the Brooklyn Howard Colored Orphan Asylum, Dean st, near Troyav. WANTED SITUATION AS A GOOD cook, washer and ironer, by a respectable English girl: no objection to a boarding bouse, or to housework; food city reference. Call for two daja at 281 Bridge at, near 'Ulary. WANTED SITUATION AS A GOOD cook, washer and ironer. in a small family, by a re nee table woman; no objections to a boarding nouee.

Pleaiw cali At present employer's, 86 First placo. corner of Smith at WANTED SITUATION AS A GOOD plain cook, washer and i nner or would do general housowork In a mull private fanr'v; is good bread and biscuit maker; can furnish rofereuves. Please call at 7M Atlantic ar, opposite Clermont WANT ITU AT ON AS GOOD conk, waBher and lronpr, by respectable F.nKllah Protestant woman; is a good baker; no objection to a pri rato boarding house; baa qood references. Call tor two days at Bergen. Bt, near Sirith, WANTED SITUATIONS A OOD cook and chambprmald, by two Swedish girls together; have two years' references from last placo also to d' general honsoyrork, by six Germ v.

and eight Swedish irlrls, and two 14 nnd IB years, tb assiBt, or as nnrsos. Apply at 276 Atlantic av. WANTED SITUATiOJi AS "A OD plain oook, by a respectable middle aged; is a flrfit clas and irounr, a good baker of bread and biscuit; good reference if required; no objection to going a ahort distance in the country or to do general housowork tn a si si I rospetdahlo family. Can be seen for two days tit 126 Ilic's sf, bet. Baltio and Hatrieon.

"ANTED SITUATION AS LAUN dress. by a Protestant girl; would asaUt at other work. Call at No. 121 Graham st. WANTED SITUATION AS A LAIN oook, washor and ironer, or would do general housftwork.

by a respectable girl; good city reference. Please call this evoniug or to morrow, at 826 Atlantic av. WANTED SITUATION AS PRO foseed cook by a respectably woman has good city references. Call for two days at 233 Pearl st 7ANTED SITUATIONS ONE AS A TV cook, the oCher to do light op.Mirs work and waiting, in a private family, by a respectable American Protectant girl, 16 of ago, and her mother; good reference. Can be.

seen for three d.iya at 1(7 DeKalb av. WANTED SITUATIONS ONE TO cook, wnsh and iron, the other as chambermaid and waitress and to with the washing and Ironing; Sood city roierence. Please call at No. 7S3 Dean st, second oor from "Washington ai. WANTED SITUATIONS ONE TO cook wash and iron, the other to do shamberwork and waiting, by two reepoctable yonng girla have good city references from thoir last emplojet's.

Please call at 296 Flatbush av. ANTEDSlTUATlONS TO o.ok. wasb and Iron, other to do npstalr work and waiting or would aasi twith the care of children, by two girls; have Kood rororonce from last place. Call for twodavaat 15S Court at, near Amity; no postal cards an. ANTED SITUATIONS WANTED SITUATIOfTO CO K7 IOi" fiVWaWn" WANTED SITUATION TO COO wash and Inn, by a rospectatilo Protestant ciri' or ouM do housework in a nriva to i a Rood cook and laundross; has Rood I'Uimo cab at 106 Atliutle av, near Uoury st no i.ihfrd 7ANTED TO "CTTo wash and Iron, or to do lioucwort by a re.oeetji ble.

capsW girl; will bo found reliable, ec.onomuina and servant first clss wssIut a ui i. onur aud go iok"ees sivn. fail at Attantio av, i.ear Henri at etthor uity or ountry. HOME AGAIN, William M. Tweed Sees His Native Land Once More.

His Arrival in tiio Lowcl1 Bcty XKis Morxiiiijy. The United States Frigate Franklin with William U. TffMd on board, reached tho lightship off Sinly Hook botwsen bctoq and eight o'clock this morning. At twelve o'clook she crossed the bar, and at the time of this writing fs safety anchors in the river. For a detailed account of Twood'a flight, capture, trip home and reception, see the four o'clock oditioa of tho Exai.

ANARCHY. Canvassers Befusing to Obey the Orders of the Supreme Court in South Carolina. Certificates Issned to the KepubHcan Electors and Other Candidates in Defiance of the Court and the Law Great Excitement Among the People Address of Governor Hampton Chamberlain Sustains the Outrage, The work of counting in the Republican candidates goes bravoly on in Soulh Carolina. Yesterday the Board of State Canvsoers pregentod a roport to the Supreme Court, stating the persons Kb bad received the highest number of votes for the offices for which the were conjldatea. Appended to tha report of results as a memorandum of tho Board, stating that in their opinion oertam irregularities, which affected some of tbo Bepnbliean caudidates, should be corrected; aud also tho vote of Laurens and counties, which gavo large Semocratio majorities, should bo exoludod on account of frauds and intimidation.

Tho Court made an ordor commanding tho Board to Issue certificates of election to all thn norsons who trero shotvn bjr tho roport of the Board to have received tho highest number of votcB for morubers of the legislature, including tho Counties of Edgaflefd and Latirans. This gave in tho Senate 18 ltepublicane and 16 Domoorats, and in tho liouse 60 Kopubllcaus and 81 Pemoorats a Democratic majority of one on joint Ballot. The Legislature co 'tuts tho vojos for Governor pjt Jutonaut Goveruoi, and elects a United "Senator. The Court also took lip tho case of tha Ploetow, and issued a rule on tho Board to show cause why they should not correct tho statements of ttio County Canvassers by the precinct returns "In their possession. Ponding these proceedings of tbo Court, however, the Board held a session and Issued aortiflcatea to all the mpmbers of (he Legislature, except for XaurouB and Edgefield, thus scouring a majority of the Legislature to the Republican side, and securing tho defeat ot Hampton and election of Chamberlain.

The Board also issued eortiflCtttCH of elcctlou to tho Hayes and Wheeler Eloctors and to all the Bonublican state ticket. Tbo Il03rd then adjourned sine die. This action has created much exciteicut, but tho cltiiens aro determined to rely upon the courts and oxhaust all legal means ot redress, AT OHABLESTON the iDtense excitement continuod, Tho action of the Board of State Canvassors is even more revolutionary in character thsn at first supposed. No notice had been given of the meeting, and uo conn. Bel or other person outside of tho members and thoir clerk tvaa present.

Tho Board's first act was to resolve to count for T. C. Dunn, as Genera, ani tor J. it. Tolbert, candidate, fir Suponnto'nueut of Education, the votes caet for T.

F. Dunu'and J. B. Tolbert. This is ono of the errors roporled to tho Supreme Court on Monday, when tho Board rocom niclidnd that tho correction bo uiado.

This matter, thorcforo, was pending iu tho Court, Dunn is a meinber of the Board. No aotion was taken by tho Bjnrd upon the clorical orrorB affecting tile Domocratic candidates. 'The Board next passed to tho counties of Laurens and Edgellold, and resolved to exclude the voto of Ihtsi! couuties from their statements. Secretary of Slate Iiayuo volod io includo these counties on lue ground that tho evideneo of irregularities was entirely cx jutrtc. Tho Board then declared the elecfion of the Js'lalo, CoDarcHBiouu and county otilcftrs and Electors aud adjourned sine die The ineotiug of 111" Bn.ird took placo after tho issuance of the wri of mandamus "ad been ordered by the Supreme Court, aud the actiou of the Board in cvory part is in utter

gurd of tho ilirectiona and ordora of the Courl. The members of tho llourd arc said so have fled to Washington. Tho rellauoo of tbo Democrats vll noiv be upon the certiflcato of the result of tho oleetiou filed with the Court on Monday. Upon this ocrtilicato tuoir uiuuibei's and Stato officers will claim their seats, for in that certificate was iuclud od tho vote of conntieB now excluded by tho Hoard. Circuit Judfio Boml devisod tho plati of action adopted by tho Board, aud he and tho Board arc in full accord ou this subject wltu ma ucpuuucan mittce.

The same great excitement prevails at Columbia over the revolutionary action of tbo State Hoard, but thero Is not tho slightest disposition toward violence QOVEItNOB HAMPTON bos issued the following address to tho people To tfic fVopfc of South Carolina The Board of Canvasaors havo, by their unprecedented action to dsy. Bbown not only their contempt and defiance of tho Supremo Court of tho State, but their utter disregard of their orn official integrity. While tho grave Questions determining tho re. nil of there cent election were ponding before tho Supremo Court, composed of three Judges ooionglng to tho ltepubliciu party, and in direct violation of tho orders of tj tri buuni, tho Board havo iBUod certificates of oloe'iiuii to the uepu mican cfliuonuai anu to tne nopumi cau State officers, and havo rofuscd to glvo certific Lru to Democratic members of the Legislature ehown by the returns of this Baino Board to have beeu elected in tho couuties of Edgefield and Laurens. This high handed outrage is woll calculated to roUBe tho ludigus tlon of our long suffering pooplo but I thorn that tbls daring aud revolutionary set of tho Board can bavo no legal force wbstevor.

I appeal to you, therefore, in the fullest confl Jence thai tho appeal will not be unheeded, that yon will maintain, oven undor that provocation, your character as au orderly and law abiding pooplo. During the past exciting canvass you have Btudlously avoided oven a semblance uf a purpose to dieturb tno public peace, or to transgress tho law. Your cause, and it is tho cause of tho constitutional Government of the country has been carried to tho highest court of tbo Stato, and wo aro willing to abide by its decision, fooling usBUrod that this tribuual wilt see that tho laws shall be onforood and justico secured. Wadi Hampton. beauties of the ca.kvass.

Below will be found a number of examples of how the voto has been canvassed In one precinct lu a largo nogro county thero was a poll roturued whore there was no box nuthonzed by law, with a pretendod voto of five hundred majority, with only tou votes. If this vote had been cast it would bo absolutely void, as tho placo whero it 1b protouded it was givon Is moro than bix miles from any volintf laco authorized by law. It. another prnoinct there are returned throe hundred and nluoty rotes as having beon cast for H. B.

Hayes for President and IV. A. Whoelor for Vico President. The ominty canvassers, instead of returning aud certifying these faota, added this vote to the vote of each KepuMicnn elector. The 8tat Board of Canvassers horo counted tusso votes for all officers inoludiug tho olectora and the wholo eight hundred and ninoty void votes for tho ltd publican Electors.

If those votes ulouo had boou excluded, two nt least of the Democratic Eloctors would havo toon deotoj, Tliore ore other similar orrorB and void votes counted by the Board of CanvaaBorB, whioh if allowed would give tho eutlro Democratic ticket fttate and Electoral majorities from 1,500 to 3,500. A STENOaBAPHER's STOBS. A stenographer who vf prctlonk during tbo Drst two days' session of tho South Carolina CaSV4ssrig Board aDd reported its proccodiuga, has shown to me in tabu lstod form tho result of tho canvass of the returns of tho five countlos wherein tho precinct returnB woro tho basis of the Board's actiou. Tho olilcers of tho elections mako their rcturuB to tho County Coniiulssionors, and tho duty of these officers Is to tabulate the precinct returns, aggregate them and forward tho Banie, with tho returns of tho precinct election officers, to tbo Canvassing Board. Wbea the Canvassing Board began Its work under the order of tho Court it took up the pro ciuet roturns and went over tho voto of each couuty.

Iu this way It was found that thoro woro discrepancies between the totals of the precinet managers and tho County Commlaslouors. Tho solo duty of the last named officers is to aggregate tho preclnot returns a simple clerical duty. It was ascertained that in the five counties canvassed by the State Board, tho County Commissioners had made grave errors. In some Instances they made tho Democratic voto greater than precinct returns made it, but tbey always made the Republican vote still larger, so that the latter gai'iod in the long run. In the five counties canvassed by preoincts.

tho Democrats had Oil moro votes for tho Electoral tielcet than tho Commissioners' returns gavo them. At this point tho Canvassing Board toi'k a recess or adjourned, and when it reassembled it resolved to goon with tho returns of tho County Commissioners only, aud by this tho Hayes Elee.tors are clectod hy an uverage of 871 What the counsel for tho Democrats usk the Supremo Court to do now ii to compel the Canvassing Board to take tho precinct returns aa the basis of their action. They say that as the duties ol tne county commissioners are only clerical tho Canvassing Board should verify their returns by comparison with tho preciuot returns. There is no other way of determining tho accuracy of their work. If thlB comparison is mado and the.

precinct returns ar. taken as tho ovldonco of tho votes cast, the Tilden Electors are undoubtedly elected, The object of having tho precinct returns forwarded to tho CanYaBsing Board by tbo County Commissioners was undoubtodly to prevent frauds by tho latter. It is just like requiring an officer who makes a monthly or a quarterly return of his oocount to accompany it with the vouchers. GOVERNOR CHAMBERLAIN SUSTAIVS TUB OUTIUtlE A correspondent of tho York H' Wd ba'l au interview yesterday evening with Governor Cnamberlain who sustains the action of the Board. The Governor says that the Board did only Its luty by certifying the election of the 'fyZ, at MuXtd Electorsand iu throwing out the counties of Edgefield and Laurens.

The Governor docs not admit tho power of th? Supreme Court to e.mlro tho action of the I the time of Its existenco, ond la certain fhat fhe Com. has no that time, lie insist that the Board has nol been guilty of con fimnl use the Court in all its proceedings has put no res'trslnmg order on the Board. When asked what Sould I bo the effect of the action of the Board the CJov srnor said that he was not certain, but thought It might be the opening act in a large drama in which the whole nation wight be called upon to take part. When asked his opinion of tho Supremo Court'B action, the Governor said that he would not question its motives, and would only say lhat tbey had actod in a feeble and tom oriziDg manner. If it had mado a restraining order in the first place, such action as the Board had taken today would clearly place members In contempt.

The following coverall tou tb on ensued: Correspondent I understand that Unitod States Judge Bond Ib here for the purposi ot having tho matter brought bolore tho Federal Court Governor Judgo Bond is here, but for what purpoBO I do not know. I don't know bnt that it is THE INTENTION OF BEPUBMOANS "5rr' to carry the matter to tho Federal Courts; but it fs my impression that any duties of the Board afTectlng the election of Members of Congress or Presidential Eloctors might be taken up by tho United 8tates CourlB. If the State Supreme Court should take any action hereafter tbat would affect or threaten to affect the Presidential Electors or Members of Congress, I think it likely that the jurisdiction of the Unitod states Court would be Invoked. The Unitod States Court could Interfere to protect momner.i of Uio Bjard ou the ground that thov were tn the. (fis.iiarge of Federal duties, and having discharged tlieui ueonllng to law oould not bo punished for contempt bv the state Court.

Correspondent Could the United Stiitos Court in way Interfere with State matters Governor Yes tho Court lnigbi say. for instinco, that tho order to reconvene the iioar.f of i.j.n iwrs for any purpose would ailecl rcdiral uj might interfere and stop sucb prnti mliugi. Coricspondeut tr the Lujisfettir a organize by the action ol tho Hoard sho.ill doilaro you Govornor would you i Oovvruor ff tne L. a. tn.ily 1 Bhottl.lUvSftutd.U.' rrtttto ISirOKTAXT I'D Ht'IiSCKlBEBS.

TIi. J'(J7 Rout to nil jioiutsof the tailed Slates, lor 80c. per month, or $9 por year, froo af postililPt THE EAGLE UEL1VERT. THE KA.GLK IN NHW YORK OIT. Wehava established aircncles for thssslBoktbe ttnmc of tho principal business points in NoujYork itr, AMor Home steps.

CP. Rockwood, tirand street Ferrr. W. H. Clinch, 174 South st.

Woodruff Krlo Railway Ferry Bnlldlns, foot Chambers sl Mjt. i ini Ub. DunnACaaa, New Jersey Central Railroad, toot ol uo rtr street THK EAGLE IN THE RASTER! DISTBICT. WlSiSbSSw taPd upon u. the naemttl of eetab Omcelor theAOLH in that district The Dtatriot Branch Office of the KaolXla looted at 5 Brwr Through thl.

office the readersof fee Kaqls wUh'ouAt paper, within Went, mtautes from tho Ume the paper is printed at our principal office. Advertisements wiD borocetvodat tbo above address no fctar than 11:90 A.M. The EXULT will bo delivered to any part of the Eastern Ctstrtet br U.vut tho ordor at tho Branch Office. ORBENPOINT. ThBRaoTjs will bo delivered at any address In Oreon sptnlby lea vina the order at the Nowa Dppot of (,00.

Dmulr, 83 Franklin ltreet, or of Win. P. Thompson, 187 Xraaklin street ttroenpoint, L. I. WESTERN UNION TELEGRAPH OFFICE, A branoh office of the Western Union Tele Company has boon established in tho Ea Counting Room lor tho accommodation of tho public, placing tho citi onB of Brooklyn in telegraphic communication 'with all parts of the United States.

Office opon from 8 A. M. to 0:30 P. M. A Gold and Stock indicator, in tho Counting Room, records the transactions of tho Stook Board, amval And departure of steamers and items of fluanoial, ship and general nows.

The baa also a special wire connecting It with the Western Union Offloo, in New York, for the transmission of iU private dlspatcho and plaoins it in oom anunieauon with all parts of the world. I.KCTUBB ON LIXCOLX. Next gftturday evening ox Vice President Bchuyier Colfax will deliver his lscturo on tho "Life and Character ot Abraham Lincoln," in tho Presbyte lian Church, Noble Btrcot, Oroenpolnt. UNION FOK CHBISTMH 'OBK. Tho annual meeting 0 tho Union for Chis Uan Work will be held in tho Church of tho Saviour, Monroe place and Picrrepont street, next Sunday evening.

The business meeting will bo at 1 o'clock, and tho anniversary excrclea at 7:30. ProfoSBor Robert Fisher, tho President, will preBenl tho annual report, and there will be addresses by Dra. Palrnor and Hall, and by Professor It. n. Raymond and Mr.

R. D. Douglass, Superintendent of the Children's Aid Society. SENT Tl JAtfj. William Hughes was arrested this morning for having stolon IHty pounds of lead pipe from a vacant house corner of Dean street and Underbill avenuo.

Sergeant I.arnb, or tho Tenth Precinct, caught him In tho act. Justice Morse committed him to jail Jor twenty niue dsyB. Sl'IJDKN IiKATII. A Mrs. Mary McAvey, aged ".8 yours and a resident at No.

70 olive street, expired yeslerrlay from tho Joint remilt of fit and 'be rupture of a blood vou Tho woman was out on the slroet at tho time, and death ensued almost immediately. Coroner Nolan held Inquest, and the jury returned a verdict in accordance with the facts oa above stated. A MIBMOHT BIJHOLAKY. Botwoon 12 o'clock lust night and 1 this morning, an unknown tluof entered tho apartmentB of Mrs. Noble, ou tho necontl ibior of No.

218 Lynch and stole Jon olry valued at $33. The thief ha8 not been ar rested. PUIVATK SOIKKE. A select company was nssombled last eyeu log ml Phenlx Hall, in South street, to engage in a Boirco aud attendant pictures. The opening inarch we.i led off by Mr.

John Palmer, with Misi E. Btrceton, aud the other prominent partioipanta comprised John IVjIlraiu nud lady, Mr. K. Goodwill and wife, Walter and Miss Julia Nance, J. Rons and lady.

A. N. McHonaM and wife. Charles Hhene and the MiBses Ada N'auce and Hila Foster, together with Siumerous THK JKFKKUSOS CH.B. This is tho title of new gonial organization, tho formation of i nearly p.Tieete 1 1 is Bight, at a meeting Icel.l it Oram) It la thus far mainly composed ol 'ilteenth War 1 Mia of the Democratic faith 111 polities.

The Cliaiemansliip waa delegated to J. Fraul: W.uJ on this occasion, and Wm. H. Faulkner acted as Secretary of the meeting. At a previous session (tli.i initial one) a committee waa appointed tn draft a constitution and bylaws which were submitter) and adopted after a few amendments.

For the time being at least the tmtlutiou fee will bo two dollars and dues six dollars annually. rermanent officers' will probably bo elected at the ensuing meeting, two weeks henoe, aud In tho meantime the roll will bo open tor signatures at the iieadquariars of the Club as above doxignmod. 11LSICAL. Ttie Pen body ome Concert. A fair sized audience attended tho concert given In the Elm placo Congregational Church last evening in benodt of tbo Peabody Home, and a gratifying amount was realized in support of this excellent charity excellent In that it providos for tho agod Indigent females r.idcnt in Brooklyn and New Vork jtH'i out regard to sect or creed, and without price.

The Union Congregational Church generously donated tho caeof its edifice for toe erejiutf, and tho ladies and geuUomen taking part in tho cunccrt, with equal generosity, contributed their services gratuitously. To thOBO who listened tho evening proved thoroughly enjoyable, and tlioy did not fail to reward the efforts put forth for their gratification liberally. Mr. Albert S. Caswell contributed two orau solos, Wely'a "Offer toiro" iu major, and a transcription of tho Third Act and Wedding Chorus from Wagner's "Lohengrin." In both of these he was recalled.

Miss llattie E. Bodloo, tho excellent soprano of Dr. Cuyler's Church, and Mm. Alice K. Dccovce, contralto of the same choir, with Mr.

W. 8. 1.epgiit nud Mi. A. E.

Sto.idard were tho vocalists, aud Miss Alire M. Judge the accompanist. Mrs. Doccvee left a sick bed to ulnil her engagement, aud the happy effect she produced in her aong of "Oenovicvo" was under the circumstances especially commendable. Miss Bedloc was evidently not in Bood condition, tboueli she got through "Sel cor put mi seuto" satisfactorily, and was encored, as waa alio Mrs.

Deeevee, Mr. Lesgat, too, had a bad cold, which he struggled against manfully, however. Mr. Btoddard sang ''Alia Btella conndonte'' beautifully, and fully counrmod our previous impression In regard to tils flinging. Miss Judge accompauied intelligently, but aome one should havo soeu to it that tho top of the piano was replaced.

Kortltcacr Chamber ITIusIc Concerts. At tho first of the chamber music concerts arranged by Mr. H. O. C.

Kortheuer, and which will take placo at the Cuurcfl Edifice on the evening of December 7, thero will bo given, Sonate, for violin and piano, Rubinstein Songs, by Schumann and Liszt Romance, for violin solo, Max llrucb Rhapsodic Uon eroiao. No. F. Liszt Quintet in flat, for first and aecond violin, viola, violoncello and pianoforte, K. Bohumann.

Tho eoloista will bo Miss Clementine V. Laaar, soprano Mr. S. B. Jaeobsohn, concert master and aolo vlollniBt of Mr.

Theodoro Thomas' orchestra, violinist, and Mr. Kortheuer, pianist. The other in atrumonta will bo represented by tho solo performers of Mr. Theodore Tliomas' orchestra, Messrs. Courant, Roacnbockcr aud F.

Bergner. Much has been undertaken by Mr. Kortheuer essaying to secure to Brooklyn, In an onduriug form, the beautiful In mmlc, and he anould receive substantial oncouragemout. Rub aoriptlona for the eix may be mado at Chandler's. jTIndnin KaslpofP Concerts.

No pianist who has visited this country ainoe Rubinstein has created the sensation that has been produced by Madame Annette Essipott'by her performances in Stelnway Hall. Khe combines In a remarkable degree the intellect of Von Billow wilh tho Inapiratiou of Rubinstein, while at the same tlmo pre aexvtng a distinct individuality, abou: which, as illustrated in nor playing, thero is an indescribable charm. Madame EsBlpoff may be heard atKtinway Hall on Friday evening and at a matinee on Saturday afternoon. Though unannounced, it is to bo hoped that Jier advent in Brooklyn will uot long be delayed. Xlic lMillftnrmoiiic Season.

To morrow afternoon, at throe o'clock, the first rehearsal of the Philharmonic eoasou occurs in theAcademr of Music. Mr. Theodoro Thomas will piMide. Plymouth Cliurcli Benefit Concert. Tho Reformed Men's Lodging House, in whoso benefit tho concort announced for next Thursday evening will be given, is a benevoloni institution under ttio capaclal patronage of Mrs.

Beccher, Mrs. Eeseguic, Mrs. Treinalno aud other ladies. In bringing ti gether Miss Thursby, Miss t.asar and the other talent announced Mr. Camp has laid the miiBical 00m.

muni ty under special obligation an obligation which mly an overflowing audience will fully discharge. The Swedish I.ndy Singers. Those (if our music lovers who listened to the chariuins; siuitinu of the Swedlih Lady Vocal Quartet ou tb" occasion of their recent appearance in Drooklyn. will gladly avail themtelvua of the opportunity of heanng ouce again, prior t' their depart nro for the Cana'lag. Tbi opportunity will bo affordod en the eveuiug of Dec tuber 18, when they will appear tn cono Tt at the Academy of Music, "Thtrteunth It eminent Oand Concert.

From ali appearances the Thirteenth Regi Baud Concert, which occurs on Saturday evening next, will be attetidod by a very large number of per sons aud the audience will correspond more nearly to tbf deserts of the eulertaiuuient provided. Band Master Dtverell has arranged a programme of unusual eicelluuc for Ibis concert, aud the oreuing acquires further sitfmueance from the circumstance that it will be made the oecabian for signalizing the promotion of Csptafn II. H. Beadle to the Colonelcy of tile Military gentlemen will appear in full dress uniform, and llio aiiair is to be enlivened by the proseuce of the brhjaae cominuuderB and staff. Crcedmoor Concert of tho'f iventy lhiril Itt'Ciiiient.

This affair, which combines nn occasion of military ceremony, a practical retruoiaceocc ot Creed moor, a promenade concert and a dance, com off on Tuesday evening uoxt. Mayor Kcuroeder has cou aoulod to take Ilia teviuw tendered by Colom Ward, 8. MiddleloD, O. W. HansoD, Nat.

B. Evana aud John Williams. The officers of the Young Mon's Association aro James Lane, Prosldont; Ueorgo ritermaler, Vice President; Charles E. Dillingham, Secretary; Frederick Wolff, Assistant Secretary; Walter E. Merer, Treasurer; P.

S. Mlddluton, Assistant Troasuror. SPOUTS AND PASTIMES. Base Bull. St.

Tjodis Wahxs Second Place. Tho St. Louis Club baa appealed to tbo Board of Directors of the League to give them tho garuOB due them by the Mutual Club as forfoited. Tho appeal Is as follows St. Loots, November 10.

To the Hoard of Directors 0 the Xational League of 1'rofemional lltue Hall Clubs USNTLBMEH The St. Louis Base Ball Club of St. Louis, respectfully presents this, ita complaint and claim, against tho Mutual Base Ball Club ot Drook lpn, New York, an i says 1. That said St. Louis Club has faithfully compiled with all tbo requirements of tho constitution of the J.ofli110.

eyuociflllr with 80 much thereof aa is embraced In eoctlon 2 of artlolo xil aud more particularly that diltiug tho season of 167 it played five championship names with said Mutual Club ou tho grounds of said club in Brooklyn, New York, as follows Tho first on the 3.1 1 or May tbo second on tho day of May; tbo third on tho 27th day of May; tho fourth on the 5th day of September; tho fifth on the Clb day of aenteiuber. 2. That said Mutual Club, during said season, played two championship games with tho St. LouiH Club, on the grounds of tile Jotte in St, Louis, Mo ai follows The first on rlio day of Juno, and tbo Becond on tho 2ltb day of June, aud that those seven games wvro all tbo games played by said clubs with each other during said Hoason. That bv the terms of said soctlon 2 of article xil, said St, Loiiis Club was entitled to have five samoB pUyoii upon its grounds by said Mutual Club, so thst three games are still due from said Mutual Club to sui 1 St.

Louis Ciub, and payable on the grouuds of tite latter. 4. That when the last game was plnyod, viz: in Brooklyn, K. on tho Olh day of Soptomber, tho St. Louis Club then and there required, and by tbo Constitution ontitlod to require, and expect the sai Muiual Club to play tho remaining thieo games on the grouuds of tho St.

Louia Club within a reasonable time, not excocdiug two months; that moro than two months have olupsed up to and including tho 15tU day of November, on which last mentioned day tho plsying season closed, so (lijt it is now impossible to play said games; that the St. Louis Club, ever elnco tho Oth day of September aud up to the cIobo o( the playing season, ofl'erdd every facility to the Mutual Club to ploy said games and, iu addition also guaranteed said Mutual Club a sum of uiuaoy sulllciont to cover its traveling and other exponscs if it would como to St. Louis and play said names, but the Mutual Club wholly failed aud refus. to play said gauios. Wherefore, the St.

Louis Club claims that, under tho provisions of ssld eectlou 2 of article xli, it is ontitled to aud Bhould bo allowed a forfeiture of said threo games from said Mutual Club, and prays the Board to decree tbnt Baid three gamos aro forfoitod to the St. Louis Club by a scoro, each, of 9 runs to 0, and that they shall be counted in favor of the St. Louis Club as three games won in the championship season of 1H76. Ulllinrds. Trtv.

New York TotntNEr. Yesterday afternoon Joe Dion plnyod Shueffer tho India a champion at the Tammany Hall Tourney, and won by 300 to 115, his average being 17. In the evening Daly and (Jarnicr met, aud though the pools Bold wore at 20 to 16 in favor or Garulor, Daly found no diflloultr in defeating the champion of tho last tourney by 300 to 186, Daly's average being only 10. Afterward those other reliable players, Cy. Dion and Rudolpb, had a came together lu which the latter was successful by 300 to 182, his averaeo being but 13.

It Is not yet known who is to be the winner or the tjuruey, at lcnt not among out fllders. Professional billiard playing lias reaohed a high standard since it came under the inttuoncu of tbo Fool Room. TnE most secure and pleasant remedy for the cure of couKbte, Pobtv.u'k Cough Bx.sxm. Thb Voice. Brown's Bbonuhial Tkoohes contain Ingredients acting specially on the organs of the voieo.

Thoy bare an extraordinary efficacy in all affeo tionsoftho throat and larynx, roatorlng a healthy tono when relaxed wither from culd ur over oxortlooof the voieo, and produces a rlear oiiuuciation. They are particularly recommended to tinkers and public speakors. Libiiy, McNriLL Ltbby's celeLrated canned corned beet is tho most popular arllolo In Kroct rv stores, bocauso ol Its niconess, Its convenience nut (icon omy. Uroceis sell by can or pound. rti Aitmun.

LANCSTAFF MARONBY On Wednesday frsnlnfr, November 22, bv the Rov. Father O'Farroll, of St. Peter's Cbnrch, JAMraLAMOBTAOp, of Brooklyn, to M. A. Mahomet, of Now York.

No cards. Mcl.EAN CREIGHTON On Tuesday. November 21, by itio Right Reverend, tho Blshrp of Connecticut, as siflod by the hov. W. A.

Snivoly. Thomas McLkan to Uaiu Hai.hp.y, eldest daughter of Commodore 13. C. S. A.

SCHROBIKH SOUTHWTCK In tbls city, on Wednesday. November 20. at the residence of the bride's parents, by tho Hov. Albert Hunt, A. niuimroira Scuitox.

lixu to Kaxzzauine dauchter of N. Southwiok. DIED. Dinni.rc On TuBSnay evening, November 21 (TtonTuvr D.

son of tho late Phylor B. H. Dibble (N. Y. PUot), in the 34th year of his age.

Koistlres and frlciKis aro invited to attend tho fnnoral Bonioes. on at 3 o'clock P. at the residence of Mr. Robert Dent, No. 229 Sorontaonth St.

DONOHUE On November 23, LoBETTO, daughter of William And Mary Dououue. aged 1 year and 6 inoutbr. Relatives and friends aro Invited to attend tho tuuoral from the restdeaoe of her parents, 298 lludann av, ou Friday. Bt2 o'clock, P. M.

CLOVER At. Hempstead. L. Wednesday. Novom.

ber 22, Lewie N. Cloveii. oldest son of Hov. Charles E. and lloscto H.

Clover, aged It years. Interment at Orient. I. 1. FINDLAY At Edinburgh, Scotland, on the 27th ult, John Puhvks, younKest son of the Lto Alexander Find lar, 3S7 Degravr ctreet, aed 13 months.

LOOKWOOD On Thursday motnlngr, of diphtheria, Mabian Duncan, younpest daughter of Walter and Margaret S. Lockwood, aged 3 years and 4 months. MOHAN. In this city, November 21, after a limrerlng illness, Anna, wife of Thomas E. Moran, and daughter of F.

Fradloy. Tho relatives and friends of tbo family are respoct fully incited to attend the funeral from her fico residence, 153 Presidont st, Friday aftornoon at 2 o'clock. nOMKON Jeannette Romeon. in the 96lh year of her BCB. The frlonds and relatives are rospectfully Invited to attend hor funeral on Saturday, November 25, at 2 P.M., from tho residence of her son.

No. 77 Skillman St. On Wednesday, November 22. JOBIK youneest sou of Hugh and Mary Tonnoy, agod 1 year, 3 months and 4 Funeral wilUtnkc placo at tho reBidenoB of his grandfather Slmnn Gundor, Court st, cor. Douglass, on Friday, at 1 :30 F.

M. Relatives and frlonds are invited to attond. KULIttlOIJS NOTICES. THE ANNUAL MEETING OF THE UNION FOR CHRISTIAN WORK will be hold next SUNDAY KVRNIN'G. November the CHURCH Oi YI'HE SAVIOR, corner of Monroo place and Plerro pent St.

Business meeting at 7 o'cioolc. Anniversary o.t ercisoa at 7 uJ. ineludingtho annual roport of the President, Professor HOBKRT FOSTER, and short addressos by Rov. Dr. PUTNAM.

Rev. Dr. HALL. Pinfojsor K. R.

RAYMOND, Mr D. DOUGLAS. Superintendent of Children's Aid Socloty, and others. Muiio by the choir of the church. OT7 NICHOLAS SOCIRTY OF NASSAU lST.ANI)Tho annual dinner of the ST.

NICHOLAS oelETV ..111 v. helrt it TIT F.T F.R'S Washlncton st. eor. Johnson, on WEDNESDAY EVEN ING, Dooember6, 1678, at 7 :30 o'olock. President IUn.

J. A. High Steward H. D. Polhomus.

Secretary Garrett Bergen. mewaX a NYebuhr. F. W. Katbllolseh, William O.

Kiiwouhovon, John W. Hunter, Abraham Vaudorveer, 8. H. Stewart, Bailey Van Brunt, A. J.

Uoekman, Daniel A. Robbies, Jacob V. B. Martonse, Petor WyckoB. Tickets may bo obttlnod of tho Stewards, Treasurer or Secretary of the Sooely.

THE ANNUAL MEETING OF THK stockholders of the AMERICAN DISTRICT TF.I, fcURAPH COMPANY OF BROOKLYN, for tho election ot directors, will bo held on TUESDAY. Novombor 21, at 8 at tho Company's ofBco. No. 191 Montague si. i no Transfor Books will bo closed on November 10 and opened on Novembor 23 TUNIS J.

POWELL, Secretary ASSESSMBNTa THB ASSESS Cdrroll street, (with Belgian pavement,) irom Third ave. nue to Ninth avenue. mxu ave Second street, from Fourth to Eighth avtnun nol810t D. ARNOTT, Cbaimian A O. H.

BROOKLYN L. I. A SPECIAL XTka Meeting of the Board of Director of ths atmvn order will be helTl at HfBF RNIA HALL, 328 Gold FRIDAY EVENING, Novombnr 24, 1876. at 8 o'cloolc" Br order, JOHN MAG17IRK, N. I.


BROOKLYN LOUGB, NO. 288, F. AND A. M. Tho members arofhereby summoned to attend the next regular cominunical ion on FRIDAY, 2th at M.

Business of importance as to changing our place ot mootlae will bo brought before tbo Lodge. It W. R1KER, Master. John Mabtin, Socrctary. LONG ISLAND LODGK, NO.

382, F. A A. M. Brethron: You horely Fmnmoned to attend the next lognlsr eommuuieati ou FRIDAY EVENING, November 24, at 7H o'clock. Work Third Degree.

By order, JOHN W. M. J. C. IIEINEMAN, Secretary.

ORIENT (JH APT KK NO. M. Oompanlons You are earnestly requs'ed to attend the nen convoc r.l'ei on FRIDAY, November il. to take Into consideration the advisability ol holdings parlor ea toitalouioul. DAVID GRIBBiiii, U.

1'. BOARD TO "SloHBB BOOMS CTURNISHED ROOMS TO LET, FUR with or without board. 63 Clark Hicks and ti or four rooms, with all oonvon 13'OARD ON THE HEIGHTS NO. 283 Bn HifVttBl norr Joralomon: verv rooms, in eluding handsome parjorj terms moderate. "OOARD 54 LIVINGSTON ST VERY J3 desirable accommodations for a few first class boarders, at reasonable pricos.

XIOARD 242 CLINTON ST VERY DE X3 sirftblo single and double rooms to let, wilh board location first class; within ten minutes walk of ferries; terms moderate. OARD ON BROOKLYN HEIGHTS JlP Rooms auitablo for gontlemon and their wives, or gentlemen. At No. 62 Willow streot, third door from Orange. TTHOARD NO.

121 SECOND PLACE JTP Large moms to let on second pr third floor, fnr nished or unfurnished, with first class 1 erato. HOARD 101 HENRY ST FINE LARGE front room, third story, suitable for gentleman and wife or two gontlemen large closets and woll fnrnished also, singlo room, front. OARD 58 SANDS STREET PLEAS Wr ant rooms to let. with board, within fivo minutes of Fulton Ferry; house has all improvements. Terms moderate.

BOARD ON THE HEIGHTS NICELY furnlBbttd rooms, with good board prices moderate convenient to Wall st aud Fulton ferries. Call at 93 Pineapple tt. OARD 363 JAY ST, NEAR CITY tSttoh hat ixnd cold watw rnmnn. board firo, gas. able.

BOARD SEOOND PLAOE, BE tweon Smith and Court sts a comfortably furnished room, on parlor floor, to lot with board references ox ohsnjrod. ROARD 157 WASHINGTON ST. AN elea ant alcove and bay ndow room on first floor also rooms on second iloor. witn nail room adjoining; two I amall rooms for single ladies, at moderate prices. BOARD 224 HENRY ST PLEASANT rooms on second or third tloora, tulUhle tor or single gontlemen.

to rent, with board one room unfurnished if desired terms low to permanent parties. OARD HOTEL DIETER ROOMS $1 I 1 Der day brt'SKiast, iob; ainuor, toy ana to 1: single meal. accommodation ticket, $5, good for In meal BOARD AT 211 LAFAYETTE corner of Vanderbilt first class accommodations may bo had at anovu "i uiornuu jr or single gontleawn, al inuuaraw pnees. BOARD 31 JOHNSOX. ST.

LARGE OK 1 sni'ill nicely furnished, with or without board in a small privaie family; next block to the Post Office hjuse has modern improvements; torms reasjn able. ROARD l.VJ JUKAlilSAlUJ. ST, 1 A ii tiFiri.A fnmily. a very nicelv furnished room. or wife; table and location first class; near all fcrrie.

BOARD REAL CHANGE GOOD SUB stntantial board. $4 per week; bedrooms for single gentlemen can iss tho dpir to tho terries ovary mfntttoJ. cold water. Apply at 113 Clas soa av, with recommendation. BOARD OX THE HEIGHTS, 34 CLiN ton st Second story fn nt and hall room; also hall room on parlor floor; hot and cold water; honso haid somely furnished most convenient location in Brooklyn terms moderate.

rjOARD NO. 87 SOHERMERHORN ST. mm Pleasint seonQ story rooms to let. witu or without board, to a gentleman and wite ori single gentlemen also hall room: two minutes walk tp Oity Hail and seven min utes' walk to Wall Bt. and South femes.

"OOARD 84 SECOND PLACETO LET, ,15 with board, second story front room, handsomely furnished hot and cold water; also, hall bodroom, to a geml man and wife, or single gentlemen; convenient to all ferries; reierencea exchanged. Socoud place, ti i.i TJOARD CIS THE HILL 315 GREENE riant niftxaon Pleasant front ro.ims on i3c nd floor: southern exposure; gas, water and steam 1 Cni.rl.lor'M fhlltvihno M. moderate, 13 0ARD ON THE HILL, 1G CU3IBER Wy land st. oppoiiln Washington Park Hand aoraely raraiibod roams to let, with first class board, to gentlemen and their wives or single gentlemen; bejt of lolcroncos given and required. BOARD NO.

f) MOUTAGl'B TERRACE, third door from Remsenst. two minuton' waI'a from wsii sr. jferryuentiem aua tnoir wvps or single ii tlomen will find nowiy and handiomaly furniahea'ns with hot and oold wator. large oloaets, house her.nd by steam: tabl ab snpplioi vith the bat the market affords and overylhiug neat ibioutwut. rofer encas exchacgoi.

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.1) S3 300 do flEMj ESTATE TRANSFERS. Lorlmerrt, ss cor "choh.tT,'"' oh''0 closure. A LlatfS. tt Io Julio Bailor, morlgaee .0, UhnV! A.lUnvrr,"i! Viiiiiii'n'toii 'ii AV, I Wlii klol'WorieU I.T Wo.tlusii FiffoHiilh st. n.ill.l! Fourth av, 22.1XLU.

foro lvins to.Jo.null KllliK Desii f. r. It Sclumedidy HU p.urick to and Kilo Kenny lloan I. s. 2,0 It SclMnoolady av, 26x101.3.

and Kelly lu Pal rick anil Thomas MUpatrlck Twcuty ieeorii! It from Third av, runs 2'ixlllO. AT llrnrrv Io Patrick nnil Mary O'llneti. ht. Johns pi, fl Savotitli av, 21x101, l.S ff'Oiry 4lfnrt Mnrttit St pi. rt.

it t. Hoveillli AV. 31xl'l, llnnry to Allot. fieotoil Sevi'iitn otlt ii iroor N. rontli sv.

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