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The Brooklyn Daily Eagle from Brooklyn, New York • Page 17

The Brooklyn Daily Eagle from Brooklyn, New York • Page 17

Brooklyn, New York
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Extracted Article Text (OCR)

11 THE BKOOKXYN DAILY AGUE 8 VN PAY, MAY 4, 1890 TWENTY PAGES. SPOET OF ALL VARIETIES. A FAMOUS AUCTION BOOM. GREENPOINT'S GEOWTH. tho Civil War, Groonpoint gradually lost its ship building interests until now nothing remains of them but a memory.

Tho march of industrial development soon readied Pottery Beach and ono by ono tho yachts sought another anchorage. Henry Piepgras removed his yard to City Island three years ago and the other boat builders sought now fields. Tho East River Yacht Club moved its headquarters to Bavenswood and tho Williamsburgh Yacht Club has also departed. Most of tho hill has been cut away and what remains iB boing daily reduced. Tho beach has boon bulkhoadcd and wharfage rights of tho property may now bo leased.

Nothing is left to remind the visitor of tho former beauty and life of tho placo. The iirst ferry botwoon Groonpoint and New York was inaugurated in 1847. It consistod of a rowboatand a sailboat. Tho landing in New genious. Ho seems to be ignorant of mat.

tors on whioh he is fully posted. Ho is on the "inBido" and tho outsido at the same timo. Ho rules tho Board of Aldermen with a mailed hand, and singularly enough tho Board appears to like it. If anyouo should havo the temerity to resent it, as the unfortunate Leech has dono, ho suppresses him and his colloagues applaud aud rejoice at tho act. If Leech persists, ono of thqso days MeCarty will order tho sergeant at arms to remove him.

MeCarty is among the richest men in tha Democratic party in this city. It is known that ho made much of his wealth in speculations in real estato and Btocks. He dresses expensively, lives in handsomo stylo on tho park slope, owns sevoral fast horses and manages to extract about as much enjoyment out of lifo as a man can who is surrounded by thoso favorablo conditions. Ho is affablo.genorous, a good friend and a thoughtful and aggressive enemy. MeCarty must bo about 45, but ho carries his ago well.

Tho ruddiness of tho face is that of health and tho epai'kio of his eyes rivals tho flash of tho diamond heart in his miraculous neck scarf. Ho has tho form of an athleto. A sculptor would have to look far to find a moro imposing and symmetrical model. MeCarty has dono pretty nearly all of tho hard work of polities that he is going to do, and he may in tho not very remoto future look for moro of its rewards. If there is one thing in Brooklyn that John MeCarty would liko more than another it is the mayoralty.

Ho has enough money. Ho is ambitious for honors. Alderman Jamos MoGarry is not so oloso to tho Boss as MeCarty, but MoGarry has had a great deal to do with tho continuance of McLaughlin's power. Politically speaking, tho Aldorman as friend who was Booking an appointment, another bad somo measuro which ho desired put through the Board of Aldermen or some city department, another wanted tho boss to see that tho Excisn Board gave him a license. This man complained that a ward leader had gono rough Bhod over him and his friends and was driving men out of the organization.

That man imparted tho information that ho knew someone who was peculiarly fitted for the Board of Education or tho Board of Electionsor other department.aud it frequently turned out that tho someono was himself. On Saturdays during the leglslativo session the party sonatora and assemblymen dropped in to receive suggestions or instructions. lu campaign times tho place swarmed with candidates and their supporters. McLaughlin patiently hoard what they had 'to say, but never mado any direct promises. He has always been a good listener.

He is fond of talking in parables, and in this way often shows how ho feols upon tho subjoct under discussion. If, as occasionally occurs, tho listenor 1b too dull to soo the point, and the boss ia friendly to him, McLaughlin will chide him for hiB stupidity. When he wants to bo ovasive he can talk all around a question and tho listener will subsequently, upon reflection, come to tho conclusion that he has really given no indication whatever of his sentiments. This will give an idea of tho life ho led at tho old stand, and of what ho will do at the new Kerrigan's. Mr.

Shevlin was with him most of tho timo, aud about them, or within oasy call, wore such leaders as ex Register Murtha, Alderman MeCarty, Justieo Thomas J. Konna, William A. Furey, John Dolmar, Chief Thomas F. Novins, Oominiesioner John P. Adams, County Treae Connors, Tom Cox, J.

J. Engeldrum. Will Smith (cowboy), W. H. Nilrom, Abe Ellsworth, Alio Chatilain, Bernard Seery, Al Courtz, Carl Lo renz, F.

H. Hart, Gregor Halsboke, Georgo Cro zier, Charlos Hibbs. An international regatta will bo held in Duluth, from July 21 to 20 inclusive. Twenty thousand dollars in cash prizes and $5,000 in cups and trophies will be offered. It will bo called tho World International Regatta.

Edward, Hanlan and George Hosmer will be among the contestants. The Spring meeting at Hudson Rivor Driving Park will be hold July 1, 2, 3 and 4, and tho purses amount to $0,000. Entries will close Monday, June 9, and 5 per cent, is required to name and 5 per cent, additional to start. Tho track has beon improved sinco last season, and it is now as fast as any in the country. For information address tho manager, D.

B. Herring ton. Whon striped bass are playing near the surface of tho wator and occasionally leavo it they rarely notice a still bait. Try tho metal squid and you will frequently have good sport. And this applies still more forcibly when they aro chasing schools of small fish.

Of tho Suburban candidates that will recoivo a special preparation for that event Tea Tray must not bo ignored. The son of Rayon D'Or is in ca. pable hands aud his owner and trainer, Lakoland, thinks highly of his ohaneo. Since he has had him tho horse's temper has been much improved, that ho is speedy and can go a distanco last yoar's record shows. At 117 pounds Tea Tray will beat somo of tho top weights at present moro fancied ones in tho raco.

The two largo stakes offurod by tho Philadelphia Driving Park Company havo filled well. Th names of the subscribers aro all well known horsomen, and the vast majority, if not all of them, may bo depended upon to stay iu to tha finish. Tho following horses havo been shipped by Ben Ellam, of Piccadilly. London, and the Warren stud farm, Epsom, with a stud groom and jockey, to A. Whitehouse, of Wyoming; Busy Bee, 8 yoars, bay horso, by Altyre: Queen Bee, by King Tom; Clomentla, by Venison; Little Vixon, 5 years, marc, by Foxhall; Mattio a Stray, by Blair Athol; Iluna, 13 years, mare, by Blair Athol; Martinique by Macaroni; Taxatton, 0 years, mare, by Richelieu, and ono hackney stallion.

A San Franoisco paper says that on tho Watson ranch, near Fairview, they havo a colt that is tho possessor of ftvo legs. Iu breaking tho colt tho extra log is found to bo an advantage rather than a hindrance. When trotting an ordinary gait Activity Among Men of Nerve, Muscle and Agility. Interesting Notes Concerning Base Ball Play, era, Pugilists, the Turr and the Cinder Path. Reading for Thoso Conoerned in Outdoor Exercises.

J. A. A. H. Morris have forty six race horses in training under Wyndham Walden's care.

Tho cruise of the Now York Yacht Club will begin on August 6 this yoar, tho rendezvous being New London, as in former seasons. John Clarksou will probably bo laid up for a month. In tho meantime Getzein, Nichols and Tabor will havo a ohauco to show what they oan do for Boston in tho pitching lino. All of tho fox terriers sout to England by Mr. Bolmont to competo at tho Konnel Club's show wore defeated by English dogs.

Earl, who is now playing second base for Anson's team, is a catcher." His handling of gronnd balls is dooidodly awkward, yet ho manages to get his man out aftor a strugglo. Tho latest addition to tho list of A. A. U. clubs owning a valuablo club honso is the Columbia A.

of Washington. The building and fittings cost $70,000. Thoro aro two toamsof lady cricketers in England, who Jiavo beon carefully coached by Mau rico Rcod and Lohman, tho celebrated Surrey players. They will givo exhibition games throughout the country. Tho "colt" pitchers aro legion this year and all seom to bo winnors.

Mon liko Sharrott, Nichols, Daniels, Yickory, Lincoln, Rhines and Itusio aro of groat valuo nowadays. Although Inspector has beon leased by Mr. Kittson for uso as a stallion during tho Spring months at the Erdenheim stud, he will be returned to tho Dwyors oarly in the Summor and will again bo put into training, as Pontiae was. Commodore Morgan is building another forty footor from Borgor's design. Sho is a contor board.

A Chicago criokot toam will visit Canada this season. Tho annual tour of tho Queens County Whool mon this season will bo to tho White Mountains. Tho cherry and brown of tho Kings County Wheclmon will be seen at all tho prominent raco meets this season. Petor Kemp's next race will occur on May 15, when ho will meet McLean for tho championship of tho world and 200 a side on tho Paramatta River. Commodore A.

E. Bateman, purchaser of tho Bchoonor Coronet, has sold his steam yacht Me teor to Mr. Thomas J. Montgomery, of New Yorl The Syracuse Wheel Club will send' forty men to the league meet at Niagara Falls in August. iho National Guard riilemen are all busily pre paring for tho Creedmoor season, which will shortly opon.

It promises to bo the most activo known in recent years. Gruber's record of sixteen bases on balls in his oponing gauio is not likely to bo surpassed very Boon in the new loague. Mileage medals will be awarded to all members of tho Kings Couuty Wucelnion covering over 2,000 miles this soason, with an additional bar for overy 1,000 milos. General Milos was tho first man in tho country to employ pigeons for Government services, and tho best uso of them was on tho Pacific coast, with tho headquarters at Pacidio. The birds did good Borvicc, tho only drawback to their regular uso being their dostrnction by birds of prey.

Thero has been somo talk at Louisvillo of a match between Proctor Kuott and Spokane. Tho latter is said to bo in superb condition, and Noah Armstrong, his owner, sticks to it that ho can boat Knott any day, any weight and any distance. In securing Burt Johnson, the awimmer, tho Manhattan Athlotio Club has offected a lion on both tho championship events. Alexander Mef fcrt, tho mile champion, is an old Manhattan Athletic Club man, and Johnson showed ihe New York. Athletic Clnb officials that his win last year was no fluko by dofeating their representative at Travors Island after tho championship raco.

They don't soom to havo got tho hang of baso ball in England just yet, London Sportsman thus reports a nine inning game in which the tho Occidentals defeated Essex County by 23 to 22: "Essex took tho first three games by 51, 50 r.nd 41 respectively. Occidentals then scored tho next five at 32, 51, 1, 30 aud 32, and Essox tho last by 21." Tho stiff pricoB obtainod at tho Tennesseo sales are indicative of a higher demand for thorough bredstock than ever before. Over $50,000 for two stallions at public auction, such as was realized for Iroquois and Luke Blackburn, is unprecedented. Tho brood mares sold well, while tho yearlings sold for more money than Bollo Meade's youngstors ovor brought before. Los Angeles, of Lucky Baldwin's string, will make her debut in tho groat Brooklyn Handicap, If tho track is muddy Los Angeles should bo pretty close to invincible with Piko Barnes in the saddle.

This will bo tho fourth season for tho great maro. In 1887 sho won six races and in 1888 twelve races and $34,000, aud in 1889 eight racos and Robert Nelson Hill, who styles himself tho champion of QueeiiaVictoria, and who lives at Newark, N. has sent a challengo to John L. Sullivan to moot in tho fistic arena. Hill is a nephow of Tom Sayres, tho famous fighter, and claims to be willing to meet Jackson, Sullivan or any other sluggor.

An international dog show will be held from September 1G to 18 under tho auspices of tho Dominion of Canada Kennel Club, in connection, with tho industrial exhibiton in Toronto, Canada. II. J. Hill is tho manager and secretary. Of the ton best tonnis players in tho country, in accordance witn tno ranging oi piayers ior tho last year, oight aro eithor in college now or aro graduates, while two aro iu business.

Of these threo are Harvard mon, three Yale, ono Columbia and ono Amhorst. Four live in New York, two in Boston, and ono each inPhiladelphia, Chi cago, Now Haven and Brooklyn. Tho different clubs of tho players' loaguo had originally intoudod to havo the seals of tho city from which each hails on tho club flags, but owing to the difficulty in getting good impressions of thorn the idea was abandoned. John Teenier says he will not retiro from aquat ics until ho contests for tho world's championship. Ho will look after his hotel in McKeesport, but will bo absent long enough to measuro blades with the champion.

The Now York Athletlo Clnb has decided to encourage tennis playing among its memborB, and will givo au opon tournament during the first week of Juno. Tho courts of tho club are on their beautiful grounds on Travors Island, and aro rapidly being put in condition for the event. During their travels tho players' league clubB will make tho following their headquarters: Bos ton.United States Hotel; Philadelphia, Continental Hotol; Chicago, Tromout House; Cleveland, Holienden House; Buffalo, Tift or Gonesseo House; Pittsburg, Anderson Hotel; Brooklyn, Pierrepont Houso. Edward Hanlan and Fred A. Plaistod have been matchod to row threo races on tho Tennessee River, at Bridgeport.

on May 6, 7 and 8. for the ono niilo championship of the United States and a purso of $2,000. Each race will bo one mile straightaway. Tho match between Young Mitcholl (Poter E. Hergot) and Georgo La Blancho, "tho Marine," who defeated Dompsey, will tako place in tho California Athletic Club on Juno 17, and the club will give a purso of $5,000, tho winner to recoive $4,500 and the loser $500.

Each has posted $250 a sido to guarantee that ho will appear in the ring. The battlo will bo for the middleweight championship of tho world, and both men will havo to weigh 154 pounds. During tho New Jersey Turn Vorein festival to bo held at Newark in Juno, ono of the attractions is to bo a swimming match for tho championship between members of the organization. In order to dofino tho veritable staying powers of tho participants, tho ovont will tako placo at 0 o'clock on the morning of Juno 16 from tho Triton Boat Club headquarters, which are looatod on the PasBaio River. Thero iB overy probability that the Athletics will again play ohampionship Sunday games at Gloucester this Summor.

It all depends, however, upon tho owner of tho Gloucester grounds, Billy Thompson. If ho is at all reasonable he oan mako a ileal which will be profitable to all concerned. Arrangements for tho sovonty five hour go as you please raco, whioh takes placo at Chicago May 14 to 17, are being completed. The traok will bo fiftoon. laps to the mile.

The following well known pedestrians have already entered: George Cartwrlght, Petor George McLaughlin's Political Headquarters to be Torn Down. Never Tislted by a Governor, but Many Distinguished Bleu, Including Henry Ward Bcechcr, Have Seen the Ex Rcglster There. Hugh McLaughlin has given his last audience and hold his last lovoo at tho Willoughby street auction rooms. In a few wooks that historic old place will bo but a memory, and on its site will begin to rise a different and moro substantial structure. Mr.

McLaughlin will then havo found other and perhaps moro pretentious headquarters furthor up tho street, at No. 13, the now "Kerrigan's," whore ho will attend daily for the purpose of receiving, aiding, advising and conferring with his followers. Tho scones which have made old "Kerrigan's" famous in connection with the Democratic polities of Brooklyn will be repeated there, and tho only difference will ho that tho Boss will not havo so long a walk between house and headquarters. For a short time, however, thoro will be more or less strangeness for him in his new situation. He says so himself.

Ho has been so long accustomed to the auction rooms that to him removal will bo like a change from an old homo, whoso overy object is so familiar aud around which cluster memories of prosperity and content, to somo place with now surroundings, now associations and a general novelty which will, for a while, havo thoir THE effect. But the Big Fellow fits easily into places whioh ho marks out for himself, and in a month or six weeks ho will teoi protty union at nomo in No. 13. For tho past eleven years he has hold out at "Kerrigan's" almost daily, whilo in town, and tho history of that noted resort, tho Mecca of tho Democratic politicians, has boon, in a largo measuro, during that time, tho political history of Brooklyn. Prior to that, ho mado tho Coroner's oftieo, in the Court Houso, his hcad quartors, changing as the politics of the incumbents changed, to other offices.

During his residence in Willoughby streot, in tho houso now occupied by tho Constitution Club, ho was to ha found almost nightly, when tho seasons or the weather permitted, at the corner of Willoughby and Jay streots, tho Good Samaritan corner, surrounded by friends and followers. There grow on tho corner in those times a littlo elm treo, in whose shade he often stood on Sum mor days, smoking, whittling and talking. Ho was seldom alone, for lie has always liked company. Since ho has lived on Reinson street ho has mado tho cornor of Court street his night headquarters and if tho exigoneies of the occasion required it ho could easily rotiro to his house. But "Kerrigan's" was tho place for tho business of tho day.

Thoso who wanted to see him must see him thero, for only a comparatively fow ventured to intrude upon the privacy of his home. On his way to and from tho auction rooms he rarely stopped, but cither talked with thoso who accosted him, as thoy walked along, or invited them down to Willough bv streot. Ho generally left his house in the morning at 10 or 10 o'clock, remaiuod at tho auction rooms until about 1 o'clock, whon ho started for Romsen street for dinner, being accompanied almost invariably by Jamos Shovlin, his most trusted heutonant. After dinner he returned to Willoughby street and remained thoro until nightfall. Possibly thoro is in tho vicinity of the City Hall some place which would seem to be moro uninviting than tho auction rooms for tho purposes for which Mr.

McLaughlin used thorn, bat it does not now occur to the writer. Tho picturo which the Eagle publishes to day gives an excellent representation of tho exterior of tho building and reproduces a scone which might havo beon witnessed thoro daily. Without everything wan quiet and orderly. On tho stoop, or scattered along tho sidewalk, wore politicians of varying grades of promineneo and importance, most of thorn well dressed, with here and thero a diamond flashing in scarf or shirt front; most of them smoking and all of them talking quietly, but earnestly. Frequently thero passed in aud out men on different missions some to seek advice, others to invoke aid and others to exocute orders issued by the man whoso wonderful power has made him one of the most commanding figures in tho politics of to day.

It was not only tho humblo party worker who ran hither and thither at tho book of the loader. If McLaughlin wanted to summon a porson to headquarters ho often used the first man at hand as messenger, and not. infrequently an official of consequence, perhaps a commissioner or a Jiufgo, found himself called upon to aet in that capacity. There wasn't any resentment shown, oither; they took it as a matter of course. The interior of Kerrigan's was much similar to other motion marts.

It was filled with truck of all kinds, for Kerrigan does a general business, and soils everything from houses and lots by the score down to tho humblo outfit of tho small grocer who may have been unfortunato enough to fall into tho hands of tho Sheriff. Tho conse quonco was that the old Willoughby street placo was somotimes crowded, atid in about as confused a stato as one can imagine. But the noiso aud bustle did not bother McLaughlin. Tho morning was his busiost timo, for almost invariably thoro was a constant stream of visitors, whose objects were of endless variety. Ouo man wantod a plaoe, another had a good sword to say for a WUUl.

a by of Some Account of an Important Industrial Center. It Now Has a Population Estimated at C0.000, With Numerous Manufactories, Stately Churches and Handsome Buildings A Big Real Estate Boom. Tradition BayB that a ledge of moss embossed tooks jutting into the East River near the era boguing of Nowtown Creek iuduoodsome sailors, in the beginning of tho century, to christen tho plaoe Greenpoint. That entire sootion which now comprises) tho substantial and populous Seventeenth Ward of Brookls'n was then wholly mado up of large farms, with hero and there a quaint stone house of a pre rovoliitionary type of architecture. New York was still in its swaddling clothes, albeit a rery lusty and growing infant, and tho green hills and rocks and fields on this side of tho river were rogardod as a long way off.

There were vonturosomo boys in those days, though, who, tamptad by tho fruit trees that grew in abundance in tho orohards of Groenpoint, mado many a visit to its shores to pluck the good things that might bo had for tho taking. To these lads the placo was known as Cherry Point. But logally Greenpoint was thon, and for Home yoars after, an integral part of tho Town of Bush wick. The first court of justice was established in March, 1G01. Itwaspresidodovorby Peter Jamoa De Witt and Jan Cornelinson, who adjusted tho differences arising among tho farmers and man Bgod to maintain an excollont degree of order.

The sturdy pionoors of tha placo found many things to quarrel over, but they were a thrifty lot, and thoirlandB, transmitted from father to son, have made many of their descendants of to day rioh in all tho material comforts that wealth can purchase. Tho name of Groonpoint, born of a sailor's fancy, clung to tho placo as tho present century advanced, until it finally usurped that of Bush wick. Coming down to tho 40s Greeupoint be gan to attract many settlors from across tho river and gradually assumod tho vain and set tled airs of a village. Somo attempt was mado at outlining streets and housos began to spring up hore and there. Property thon was very cheap, lots on Manhattan aventio soiling for as low a sum as $50.

The lato Martin Kalbfleisch, who was a Mavor of Brooklyn, was a resident of Greenpoint at tho timo. and together with A. C. Kingsland and David Provost comprised tho school trustees of the Third District of Bush wick. Prior to 1848 there was no school in the district, and only one in the en tiro town.

That ono was situated near the old Bush wick Church, on North Second street, makiug it necessary for Greenpoint children, in order to attend it, to go a considerable distance from their homos. I lie residonts of Greenpoint in that year folt that.thoir numbers wore sufficiently large to entitle them to a school in their own district, and began to lav their nines to securo one. Martin Kalb neisoh heartily supported them in thoir wishes, The people of the other end of tho Town of Bush wick were opposed to tho schemo and determined to defeat it. The Greeupoint people wanted an appropriation of 700 for a school house, and meeting was appointed at which tho question was to bo determined. When Mr.

Kalblloisch, who was tho secretary of tlio general board of school trustees of the entire town, arrivod at tho moot ing with his followers, he found that his oppo nents largely outnumbered the Greonpointers and saw that it was only by a Htroke of stratogy that he could carry his point. Ho quickly marked out his course. When he was called upon to read the miuuteB of the previous meeting ho pleaded that ho had neglected to bring them, and young man, who was quietly informed that ho need be in no hurry, was sent after them. The messenger delayed so long that tho good old Bushwiekers became sleepy and many of them wont home. When a sufficient number had gone to leave the Greenoointers in a majority tho young man appeared with the minutes and Mr.

Kalbfleisch and his friends carried thoir point. The new Bchool house was shortly afterward built on the hill at tho corner of Manhattan ave nue and Kent streei. There aro now three public and several private and parochial sohools in tho place. Many of tho present streets of Groon point are named after well known residents of the place at that timesuch as Meserole avouuo, Calyer street, Provost avenue and others. In those days Nowtown Creek, which bounds Greeupoint on tho north and west, and Bush Wick Creek, which forms a part of its eastern bouudary lino, were two beautiful silvery streams in which fish abounded in great quantities.

Anglers from far and near dropped their lines in thorn. They were bordered by farms in a rich state of cultivation and their banks wero covered with a carpet of grass. Oysters, mussels and clams thrived in both, and eois, porgios and bass wero found in abundance. Nowtown Creek was a favorite resort of boatmen. Several club housos linod its banks and many regattas were held on it.

To day the oil factories and bone housos and chemical works have changed the stream into a filthy and noisome body of water in which fish could not live for a moment and which no longer gives a welcome greeting to oarsmen. Immediately southeast of Newtown Creek was what is still known as Pottery Hill, then tho fashionable residence quarter of Greenpoint. It dorived its name from having been the site of the first pottery in the State and, as some believe, the only one in the country at the time. The works wero erected by a family named Cartlidgo, from whose possession they afterward passed into that of tho ISoch brothers, one of whom (Nicholas) was at one time a sergeant of police attached to the Seventh Precinct. The old pottery was abandoned in the course of time and a now ono erected on Eckford street.

Tho latter aftor ward passed into the control of Thomas E. Smith, its present owner. It is now known far and near as the Union Porcelain Works. Pottery Hill at that timo was an exceedingly picturesque spot. It sloped gently on tho west to the shore of the river, which was called, and is still, Pottery Beach.

On its oreBt many lino old mansions proudly reared their walls. They were the homes of the rioh and cultivated, tho aristocracy, of Greenpoint. One old mansion, almost opposite what is now Dupont stroet, and which was razed only within the past two yoars, became historic through its associations. Tho owner of it had a beautiful daughter, of whom Aaron Burr, thon in tho heyday of his prosDerity and success as a statesman, was enamored. Ho was ontangled at tho time in an alliance with Mme.

Jumel, of New York, and all his visits to Pottery Hill had to be made in soereey. Many a night he wandered about tho hillside with hi3 fair companion leaning on his arm, he the whilo hroathing in her ear words of love and devotion. Tho neighbors knew of his attachment and, neighbor like, spoke of it. Rumors of his visits wero not long in reaching Mme. Jumel, who had temper of her own, anil they aroused in her a degree of jealousy bordering on frenzy.

8he mado up hor mind to see for herself and on an occasion when Burr least expected it sho followed him across tho river to tho mansion on Pottery Hill. There, from a place of concealment, sho witnessod the tender meeting between him and her rival. Sho followed tho couple in their ramble until sho Could no longer control herself, when, throwing all discretion to the winds, she suddenly confronted them and poured forth a torrent of abuse On tho head of the young girl that utterly dismayed Burr and caused his fair companion to beat a hasty retreat. Thou, turning to her recreant lover, Mme. Jumel administered a few caustic Words of contempt for him and commanded him to Btraightway escort her back to her homo in New York.

The man who feared not other men, and who fired tho shot that out off Alexander Hamilton in the full flush of his fame, obeyed her without a murmur. The mansion afterward passed into tho possession of Captain John Rolfc, the well known spiritualist, who occupied it for several years. After he moved away tho place was reputed to be haunted: the neighbors claiming that the spirits which he had called into being still tenanted the house. Pottery Beach was for years a favorite resort for yachtsmen. During tho Summer months White winged sailing craft, which anchored there in great numbers, gave it a prestigo that mado it famous.

Regattas without number wero started from it, and in recent years two yacht clubs, tho Williamsburg) and tho East River, made thoir headquarters i We. Henry Piopgras' well known yacht yard was 'located at one end of tho beach and boat builders'shops and yards were scattered about hero and thoro. Greenpoint was then a famous ship building contor. Such men as John Englis and others laid the foundations of their great fortunes there. But with the decay of tho Amerioau Morehant Marine, brought about by York w.ih at tho foot of Tonth street.

During tho following year Archbishop Hughes established a ferry between New York and Penny Bridge, on Nowtown Creek, for tho accommodation of funorals going to Calvary fWimtcrv. Romo time lator Messrs. Bliss, TirndfnrrI and others obtained a charter for a ferrv between Fourteenth stroet, Now York, and Greenpoint and throe years lator tho steamer Kate mado regular trips to and from the toot oi Tenth strnot. Now York. W.

H. Corwith was its Sninfi veava afterward Gideon Leo Kitapp obtained a leaso of tho ferry. Associated with him were Samuel J. Tildon, Abijah Mann, Sn.mue.1 Sneadon. Marshall Lofforts, Frederick Walcott, J.

Cunningham and Milton Smith, Tlioy organized as a plank road company and many of thorn invosted largely in Greenpoint real estate As an nn Met for tho ferry they oponod a street, now known as Greenpoint avenue, through the sand hills and across tho marshes to Calvary rvminterv. Tho other projectors soon afterward dropped out of tho enterprise, leaving it solely in the hands of Mr. Knapp. That gentleman then bought Archbishop Hughes' Twouty thira stroot fWrv and chanced its Brooklyn landing to Greenpoint. A slip at Tonth street, Now York, was hired from George Law.

The iirst boat on this latter lino was tho Groenpoint, whiub was followed by tho Boston. Tho Iola, formerly tho New York, was afterward added to tho licet. Tho Boston had no deck over tho wagon way. It formerly plied on the waters of Nowtown Croek, The Grnnnnoint. which was built in 1853, was burned in 1858, but was at ouoo reconstructed.

The Iola, in 1802, was dismantled, tho Osprey taking hor place. Tho South side, a remodeling of tho Curlew, was also added to tho fleet. At the time of tho purchase from Archbishop Hughes the Martha passed into Mr. Knapp's possession. It was remodelod several times and a few yoars sinco almost entirely robuitt.

Tho North Side, a modern boat, was built in 1872. Sinco thon tho other boats of tho company havo been modeled on hor lines. Tho ferry now does a large business. It derives a handsomo revenue from funerals going to Calvary Cemetery. Mr.

Knapp died bo vera! years ago and was succeeded by his son, Edward Knapp. Groonpoint, liko all sections of Brooklyn, is splendidly favored in tho number and beauty of its churches. All denominations aro represented, many of them by large and stately ediflcos. The Parent and Craig familios wore among the first, in 1847, to organizo a church society within the limits of Greonpoint. Meetings were held in tho outbuilding of a tavern on Franklin street, near Greono.

Tho church belonged to tho Baptist denomination. Squiro Provost deoded a lot to the Bocioty at tho corner of Calyer and Leonard streots and on this in 1850 a small chapel was erected. Tho Ilev. Poter Boyco was its first pastor. The present edifice on Noblo street, near Lorimer, was built in 1804.

The Church of tho Asconsion, P. now on Kent street, was organized shortly after the founding of tho Baptist Church. Its first rector was Rev. Mr. Babeock.

Ttov. Arthur Whitakor is the present rector. Thoro aro two Methodist churches in Greonpoint, both of which have largo congregations. The First Methodist Episcopal Church was organized in 1840 in a small building on Franklin street. Eov.

Sylvester Clark was its first pastor. The presont odifice on Manhattan avenuo was erected in 1870. In 1804 the M. E. Tabernaclo Society, an offshoot of the First M.

E. Church, was organized. Bov. John F. Booth, a brother of ex Mayor Booth, was its pastor.

Work was begun on tho present edilico on Manhattan avenue, opposito Noble street, in 1805. On the evening of Novomber 27, 18G5, Rev. Mr. Booth died and on tho samo night tho Bide walls of tho church eavod in. The walls wore speedily rebuilt, however.

The Presbyterian church, on Noblo streot, was organized May 11, 1800. Tho congregation at first mot in Masonic nail, cornor of Manhattan and Meserolo avenues. A building was shortly afterward erected on Oakland etroot. Iiov. William Howell Taylor was tho first pastor of tho church.

Tho presont edifice on Noblo street is one of tho handsomest in tho city. St. Anthony's Roman Catholio Churoh was organized by Rev. Father Joseph in 18rG. Tho first mass was celebrated in Sherman Garden Hall, on Eagle streot.

Tho present largo and elegant church on Manhattan avenuo was erected during Ihe pastorate of Rev. Father Lane, who succeeded Rav. Father Brady, upon tho death ot tho latter in 1872. Tho present pastor of tho church is Rev. P.

F. O'Hare. Tho Third Univeraalist Church was organized in 1853. St. John's Evangelical Church in 1807.

Tho Reformed Dutch Church, on Kent street, is a handsomo edilico. It has a largo congregation. In addition to these there are the Union Avenue Baptist Church, tho Christian Church of tho Evangel, the Reformed Episcopal Church of the Reconciliation, tho Orchard Primitivo Methodist Churoh, Templo Beth El, and others. There are several striking buildings and many largo halls in Greenpoint. Tho Astral flats, erected a fow years ago by Charlos Pratt, is tho largest and handsomest structure of its kind in the city.

It. occupies the entire block on Frank lin street, botweon India and Java. Tho stylo of architecture is very ornate. Tho material is Philadelphia brick with brown stone and terra cotta trimmings. The doorways, stairs and land ncs arc made of rubbed blno stono.

Nearly all of the window and door heads havo handsomely carved arches. There are apartments for 110 families. Every room in the building has a window, and each suit has a range, washtubs and lot and cold water. Dumb waiters run through the building. There aro six entrances arid excellent lire arrangements.

The income from the building is devoted to the support of the Pratt Institute. The Masonic Temple, corner of Man hattan and Meserole avenues, is another handsome building. It has five stones, with stores on the street lloor.and is built of brick and terracotta. The population of Greeupoint is now estimated at 50,000, making it one of the largest wards in tho city. Its industries assure its future and give its real estate values a stability fully as certain ns thoso of any other part of the city.

Many big investors in New York and other places havo been attracted by its growth and its promise of a still greater future and have made large purchases of improved and nnimproved property there. Congressman Roswell P. Flower owns a lot of land on Newtown Creek, and tho estate of Samuel J. Tildon still has title to many pieces of property. Many fortunes have been mado through speculat ing in Greenpoint real estate and many more will bo amassed by thoso who aro holding on to their lands.

Building operations are constantly being carried on on an extensive scale. Tho selection of tho site for Winthrop Park has caused a remarkable boom in property in that section of tho ward. The park occupies two square city blocks and is bounded by Nassau and Van Cott avenues and Russell and Monitor streets. The city paid 121,000 for the ground. Handsome brick and frame buildings have sprung up in numbers in tho neighborhood, and tho hills standing to tho north aro being cut away.

Streets havo been opened, graded and lined with trees, Tho whole yicinity, which a few yoar3 ago was a bloak and uninviting hilly and marshy country, has been vastly improved and made to take on a park liko aspect. The old Kingsland farm, between Kings land avenue and Newtown Creek, has been purchased by tho Kings County Improvement Company and cut up into 1,021 building lots. Several of these haye already been sold and realized hig prices. Tho property ia in tho immediate neighborhood of Winthrop Park. J.

P. Sloano, a prominent real estato dealer, says that in his thirteen years' exporionce thoro has been no such boom in Greenpoint real estato as atprosent. "During the month of April," ho said, "I havo sold twenty five parcels, many of which contained Beveral lots, at excellent prices. My Bales for March and April aggregate $250,000. I find that most of the purchases that aro boing mado are for investment.

Somo property hero yields a net income of 10 per cent. There is quite a demand for private houses and tenement property is booming. There is tho greatest activity in roal estato and values aro going up. Many poo. pie are moving in here from New York and other places." "WILLOUGHBY STREET AUCTION ROOM.

tho colt uses only four logs, but when urgod by tho driver ho will drop tho fifth and get there with all five. The annual Cup and Peoplo's Invitation Regatta, under tho auspices of the Schuylkill Navy, will bo hold on the Schuylkill River National Course July 4, 1890. 'The events will bo as follows: Senior single sculls, junior singlo sculls, double sculls, pair oared sholls, four oared gigs, four oared shells, souior eight oared shells ami junior eight oared sholls. Handsomo prizes will bo presonted to the winners and banners to tho clubs thoy represent. The Sharploss Cup (for eights) and tho Downing Cup (for fours) will bo compotod for at this rogatta.

Pigeons aro more largely used as mosRongors than is gonerally supposed, as tho common uso ia for private purposes bctwoon tho placo of business and homo, office and factory, ball game and bulletin board, yacht and shore, etc. Many afternoon papers uso the birds to carry reports which, must thoy wait to bo carried to tho office or oven to tho ucarbst end of wiro, would be too late. As in tho case with tho London Graphic and the lato Oxford and Cambridge boat races, tho artist on the Graphic's steam launch followed the raco, and as fast as a sketch was ready dispatched it to the oftieo by bird. The averago timo from artist's hand to loft was seven minutes. By ordinary facilities for covering tho distanco it would have been seven hours.

Brighton Beach's Summor racing soason, that will open in July, is expected to bo a great improvement on any preceding one. Tho long distance races, that provod such a success at Clifton, 1 ill bo continued at Brighton, and othor popular features ro rotainod and introduced. A special i (Tort will be made to revive cross country racing at Brir htou. The course is being now laid out, and in so doing the miles of the English Grand National Hunt Committee will be strictly adhered to. Only perfectly elegiblo and well schooled horses will bo allow ed to take part in these races, reducing tho liability of accidents to a small milimum.

There are fifty or sixty horses now iu this vicinity that aro creditable cross country performers, iand, as a $1,000 stako for steeplechasers will soon bo opened by the Brighton Beach people, others will be put in training. The Coney Island Joekoy Club, appreciating the boom with which tho season has begun, is in the field with five now stakes, both valuable and varied: The Daisy Stakes for 2 year olds, $1,350 added, fivo furlongs; the Pansy Stakes for 2 year olds, $1,350 added, six furlongs; winners of the Daisy Stakos five pounds extra; the Dandelion Stakes for 3 year olds, with $1,350 added, one mile; the Spring Turf Stakes for 3 year olds and upward, $1,350 added, penalties and allowances, ouo mile, and the Grass Selling Stakes for 3 year olds and upward, $150 added, of which $250 to second and $100 to third, soiling allowances, one mile aud a quarter. All the preceding evonts are to bo run on the grass courso at Sheepshoad Bay, and will form not tho least of tho attractions of tho June mooting. Entries closo May 19 with Secretary J. G.

K. Lawrence. Baltimore now has fivo wheel olnbs, tho Mary. land, Baltimore, Centura, Chesapeake and Ata lanta. Tho MUrylaud is tho largest and old est.

but its membership is less than one hundred and fifty. Tho Baltimore has ono of tho finest olub houses in tho country, located on Eutaw placo, in tho best part of the city. Tho Maryland's house faces Druid Hill Park and is also an elaborato structure. Nino out of ton wheols sold in Baltimore are Safeties, on account of tho steep roads. The Atlantic (N.

County Baso Ball League, re cently organized by well known sporting mon of that county.has arranged a schedule of games. Tho first gamo will bo played on May 24. The May's Landing Club has organized with the following players: William Leach, pitcher; Robert Abbott, catcher; Harry Harris, first base; Pnilip Han num, second baso; Michael J. Shea, third base; Albert Leach, short stop: Elva Kendall, right field: Joseph Leach, center field; Elwood Hawkins, left field, Harry Harris has been elected manager and captain. Crack marksmen from every rifle club here abouts aro deeply interested iu the annual Spring shoot of the Newark Shooting Society this year, owing mainly to the stout purses boing offered.

The affair will tako placo at Shooting Park, South Orange, N. on Decoration day. The events will opon ud at 9 A. M. and closo at 7 A.

M. Oa tho Gorman ring targot $300 has beon appropri. ated for prizes, which will bo divided as follows: $40, $30, $25. $20, $17, $14, $12, $10, $9, $8, $7, S7, $0, $0, $0, $5, $5, $5, $5, $4, $4, $4, $4, $3, $3, $3, $3, $2, $2, $2. The best two tickets will count as prizos.

The first ticket will cost $2, whilo all purchased thereafter may bo obtained for half that amount. To holders of tho host fivo tickets $20 will bo distributed in sums of $10, $6 and $4, respectively. In tho point target competition there will bo six shots for $1, 80 per cent, of which will be dividod proportionately among makers of rod, white aud blue flags. The first red flag will pay $5 and the last $1. The tennis match for the championship of tho world has been arrangod to tako place in Dubliu, commencing on Whit Monday, May 20.

England will bo represented in Charlos Saunders, of the Princess Club, tho acknowledged champion of that couuty, and Thomas Pettit, of Boston, will be his opponent. The stakos of $2,500 a side have been posted and evory othor preliminary settled, Pettit having beon allowod $250 for expenses. Iu order to both mon on an ovon footing balls of French manufacture aro to ba played with and a neutral court, in which neither player has ovor struck a ball, is to bo used for the match. The latter difficulty was overcome by tho kind offer of Sir Edward Guinnoss to place his court in Dublin at tho disposal of the oommittoo. The match iB to be tho best of thirteen sots and is expeotod to ocoupy a week.

Rollo Holkos, tho crack shot of tho Western team of ohampion trap shooters, has invented an improvement on the Keystono targot trap, whioh gives doublo strength to the throwing powors of tho machine On Tuesday afternoon ono of tho machines was tested on the grounds of tho North End Gun Club, at Fraukford. It throw tho Car rior Standard targots, which aro much hoavior than tho Keystone targots, a distanco of fifty four yards, tho targots leaving the trap with lightning rapidity. Several of the crack shots of the club tried their skill at the targots, but, owing to thoir rapid flight, mado very poor scores. Tho best scoro was mado by Mr. Samuel Richards, president of tho club, who succeeded in breaking 16 out of So.

completely owns the Tenth Ward as Hugh McLaughlin owns many of tho men who paid court to him at Kerrigan's. James Kano and James Dunne (dospito the fact that ho now lives in tho First) have similar control of tho Domooracy in tho Sixth Ward. If. four years ago, or two years ago, or oven last Fall, MoGarry, Kane and Dunne, supported by Sterling in tho Second and Coffey in tho Twolfth Ward, had banded together to boat the regular ticket, thoy could have dono it. A combination of this kind could beat McLaughliu at any time, and tho Big Fellow knows it.

Ho doesn't fight: ho conciliates, although he may much dislike to do it. Ho yields the rogistorship to Kane. Ho gives, a police justiceship to McGarry's friend, Tigho, and re mombors him in other dirootions. Ho captures Coffey and allows Sterling and Dunne to havo their own way in matters over which they claim control. All of these men aro of moro importanoo than theywere four years ago or two years ago.aud MoGarry is reeognizod as being, perhaps, tho most influential of the group.

Ho was soldom at the auction rooms. What ho has received in politics ho has foroed tho powers to giyo to him. Thoy have got to recognize him and ho isn't, running after them to obtain recognition. If tho Domocratio machiuo of this town is to be successfully maintained it is to such men as Mc Garry that tho managers must look for aid, and if they aot fairly and squarely they will always get it. Thoro aro few better known men in Brooklyn than he, and few who havo stronger, more faithful friends.

Ho has lived in the Tenth Ward all his life, for almost fifty years, and will probably pass tho balance of his days in that section. Other politicians" having become wealthy havo moved from humblo to fashionable neighborhoods, but McGarry will never join them. "I mado all my money in the Tenth Ward," ho says, "and I'll Btay thero. It is good enough for mo." This iB ono of the reasons why the people down there liko him and why thoy are so ready to servo him. Then, again, ho has dono much for the improvement of tho ward.

Somo of the best street pavements in the oity aro thoro and its principal thoroughfares had tho eloctric light long before much moro important parts of Brooklyn had it. Tho Democrats of the Tenth Ward havo a substantial sharo of tho patronage, thanks to McGarry, and there may bo room yet for more men on the big pipes." John Delmar, burly, reticent, cunning, is a very largo figure in tho Democratic organization of tho county. Originally a milkman, ho becamo identified with the polities of the Gowanus section of the city and soon forged to the front. His first official position was that of clerk in the office of the Superintendent of the Poor twonty years ago. Thon ho was olectod a justieo of tho peace for the South Brooklyn district.

Meanwhile ho continued to inereaso in political power until McLaughlin was compolled to givo him the nomination for County Clerk. Dolmar was elected, and whilo in that office ho more than laid the foundation of tho fortuno which ho now enjoys. His promineneo and influonco in tho politics of South Brooklyn arc said to have at that timo disturbed McLaughlin, and it was known that thero was a coolness between them. Rumor had it that Delmar was ambitious for leadership; that ho burned to supplant MoLaughlin. He never could do it.

Ho retains his sway, however, over the Twenty second Ward, whore ho ia unmistakably popular among tho party workers. Ho may never bo tho successor of McLaughliu, but all tho indications are that ho will always have enough powor to command marked influence at headquarters and secure for him a voico in party management. Dolmar is interested in tho electrio light company and is also a large property owner in Gowanus. He is as aecrotivo as McCar ty and tho Aldorman does not excel him in shrewdnosB. But porsonolly he is not so affable, and one of ton wondors what is tho secret of his political power.

uror Harry Adams and a fow othorB. Thoso are tho men who have a say in tho nominations, and the nominations were really made at Kerrigan's. Mr. Chapin did not go there af tor election to the mayoralty, but tho distance from Willoughby stroet to tho City Hall is not groat, and Mr. Shevlin is a disoroet onvoy.

Whilo many noted men did seek Mr. McLaughlin at the auction rooms, no Governor was cvor a visitor thero. Governor Hill visited tho Boss on sovoral occasions, but always at his limine. Tho lato Hpnry Ward Beochor once appeared at headquarters and other clergymen of various denominations saw the inside of the building. Judges, merchants, doctors, bankers, politicians, millionaires, men in all the walks of lifo.

the rioh and tho poor, tho exalted and tho lowly, would answer to thoir namos if tho roll of visitors should be called. Of the Democrats who aro around McLaughlin and uphold him in his powor, ho who is "nearest" to the Boss is unquestionably Jamos Shovlin. Tho relations between the two havo beon of the closest character for the past eight or ton years. Thoro aro a few others who havo a great deal of influence with MoLaughlin and whoso word goes good way with him, but to Shevlin ho gives his fullest confidence and to shovlin ho always listonB whon others may not bo able to movo him. Tho importance of Shovlin's position is so well recognized that his words are regarded as "official" and what ho thinks of this, that or the other question of party policy, or this, that or the other candidate for office, must bo taken into consideration.

At.first tho boys seemed inclined to kick at his prominence in party affairs, but thoy soon found that ho was too strong to be disturbed and resentment gave place to complete acquiescence Shevlin has attained this position becauso McLaughlin has found him devoted, sagacious, always trustworthy and ever ready when called upon. McLaughlin has discovered that ho can safely rely upon him and that lie is able to transfer to him considerable work from his own hands. Personally, Shevlin is one of tho pleasantest of men. ho likes a man ho likes him all through, and whon ho has found that he can trust him ho trusts him all through. Being of tho machine he insists upou machiuo methods.

They may not always be just right, but they havo to go all tho same. Hois fearloss, confident and, when he conceives tho occasion requires it, very plain speaking. Ho is reputed to bo possessed of considerable means, but his mode of living is unostentatious. Ho is interested in tho Citizens' Electrio Light Company, which must yield him judging from tho prices the city has to nay to that corporation for lighting the streets a nandsomo income; but beyond that ho does not soom to bo engaged in any business. He is said to have speculated and mado money and to have wisely invested it.

Mr. Shevlin is in the primo of life, being about 45 years of age. Ho is of medium height and sturdy build. His well shaped head is sot upon square shoulders, and hiB figure is well proportioned and indicative of strength and endurance. Ho is tastefully, but not expensively, dressed, and, in a word, looks liko a successful business man rather than a successful politician.

Ono of tho most interesting figures of tho "iu sido" group is John MeCarty, president of tho Board of Aldermen. Ten years ago MeCarty was a party worker without special influence outside of tho Fifth Ward, coutant to run the machine in his bailiwick, and readily obedient to tho loadors. Tho changes of politios, tho gradual accumulation of wealth and an ambition aided natural shrewdness and ability lifted him out from among the political plodders into the ranks leadership, for ho is to day ono of tho men who aro always consulted in reforonco to the moro importpnt affairs of the party. Amarkod characteristic of MeCarty is what tho boys term "oaginoss." He is sly, gonerally soorotivo, often ovasivo and always on tho alert. He wants to appear ingonuous; he ia mora frequently in.

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