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The Brooklyn Daily Eagle from Brooklyn, New York • Page 4

The Brooklyn Daily Eagle from Brooklyn, New York • Page 4

Brooklyn, New York
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

THE BBOOKLYH DAILY EAGLE WEDNESDAY, JUKE 25, 1890 SIX PAGES. rrion the subject will bear is sure to redonnd board. Under the order of the latter it has PERSONAL MENTION. BUSINESS NOTICES. FIN A NCI A for.

For a long time predictions gathered about three quarters of a million, though liberal calculations have sometimes added to the credit of Brooklyn and the mainte OLD CANALS ST. JAMBS' COMMERCIAL SCHOOL. Annua! Commencement Exercises at tlie Academy of William Harris, a son of Joe Chandler Harris, rpHK LKOOKLYH TKUST COMPANY, nance of ita integrity ns a separate munici "Uncle ItemuB," of tho Atlanta Constitution, is 60,000. Forecasts upon such bases an tho miasms. refused to refine sugar, thereby lessening the market supply.

It cannot do any act which by its charter it is required or authorized to do without the consent of the authority to which it has surrendered, and yet it pality. Campaign Committee. COUNEIt MONTAGUE AND CLINTON Uev. Dr. William F.

Nichols, recently elootod direotory and vital statictica have rarely ven WFJXESDAT EFEXING. JUKE 25, 1880. episcopal bishop of Californi.waa consecrated in 8k tured beyond 800,000. That is probably not ma Philadelphia. Cardinal Gibbons is at Cape May.

far from the truth. Philadelphia is disap U. S. 4 per The organization of the Democratic campaign committee for the year 1890 is an Whose Lines Have Been Found Around the Wile Cataracts. Capital, entirely tnrestod In cent, bondi at par Capital and surplus Sl.OOOKM 2,300,000 is entitled to recoive from the earnings of other refineries in the combination profits in proportion to the shares of is Paper nag tUe Carffost Circuia of any Evening Paper Published nounced.

The chairman will bo Justice UBtice Blatchford, of the United States supreme court, is settled for tbo summer at his cottagaon pointed to find herself behind thirty mile annexing Chicago, but she sensibly and coolly accounts for it. Many Philadelphians have The fortieth annnal commencement exercises of St. James' commercial school were held yea terday afternoon at 2 :30 o'clock, in tho Academy of Music, beforo au audience which filled tho groat edifico from pit to dome. Everyono was in gala attire, and thoso who took part iu the extensive programmo acquittod themselves with great crodit The school, which is situated on Jay street, near Concord, was established in 1850 and has beon ono of tho special charges of Bishop Loughlin, who has taken a deep interest in its welfaro and progress. With its atfondance of Thomas J.

Kenua, its secretary Mr. William the United States. Its value as an capital stock which it represents. If Greenouch plaoo, Newport. A A A.


Furey, and its treasurer Mr. William H. vertisiuff iileiiiuin is tuercforo ap rent. INTEKEST ALLOWED ON DEPOSITS, Which mar bo mado subject ohcok at or able at nxod riatoa. Oheckfi pass through Now Yorti Clearing llonsn.

Is a safe depository for funds ansiting Investment. Authorized bv snsoial charter to ant mnrntrtr rma. Murtha. These men have the confidence of Mrs. Leland Stanford has civen to tho Albany orphan asylum two fine paintings of her father and mother, Mr.

and Mrs. Lathrop, who helped to the members of the North river company had sold absolutely to the board of trustees their entire stock, and the latter had been If They Aro Reopened the Effect Would bo Disastrous to German Interests iu gone to tho suburban towns. The Inquirer says that many more will go unless municipal management is improved and more enterprise developed. Brooklyn could well keep an eye open in the same direction. the party, the respect of the public, the esteem of their fellow leaders, the regard of found the institution.

(00, Administrator, guardian, cominittao, recoiror or lft Africa London's New Police Commis anrother position of trust managing the property so acquired in their own interest exclusively, tho transaction Dr. Parke, the surgeon of Stanley's expedition, the workers and the support of the boss. 10 a nominated nnnosirorv ror uonrt mnnnvn Acts as registrar or transfer of stoclr and bonds sioner Tries to be Arbitrary. hae boeu.vioitiufr his home in Ireland. His father is a Protestant and a tory and lives in an almost They have done good service in the past in and as trustee for railroad or corporation isofC would have been robbed of its illegal character.

But tho facts disclosed at the trial show the trusts recommitted to their hands and exclusively homo rale district. Nevertheless, Dr. IBy the United Press. Loxnoy, June 25, can be relied on to do so in the future. The Parke was given a reeoption by the looal branch that there was no absolute sale and that the fixecute orders In U.

5. bonds and other tnrestmsafc seauritios. Upon depoMt of ca9lt or approved securities will fftmN anteo troroliiix Jotter ol credit and pay all aiti ttudor the same. of the national league. committee contemplates the wholesale cir The large circln interested in African affairs in Berlin is greatly excited ovor the discovery by AiWUKEMElVTS.

trust had been formed to obtain a monopoly Donald G. Mitchell, (Ik Marvel) is 68 yours of culation to voters of the new ballot law and DAM of tho business, whereby the supply of sugar, the American Egyptologist, Wilbur, of the Tecord A editions of it for goneral distribution are be of the existence in anoient times of canals around JAMES ROSS CURRAN, Secretary. FREDERICK. C. COLTON.

Aasistsut Secretary. and consequently the market price of it, tho Nile cataracts. This discevery, of the au iug prepared, both in English and in German could be arbitrarily determined by the board over six hundred pupils it forms one of the finest schools of its kind in tho city. Tho ages of the pupils range from to 19 years, ane! the course offered embraces a thorough training in mathematics, English, German, Latin, French, Span ish, shorthand, typewriting and all other primary branches of instruction. The school is under tho immediate charge of the Christian Brothers, with llev.

Brother John as director and Rev. Brother James as his assistant. Tho raculty ia composed of Brothers Ambrose, Adelphus, Austin aud Peter. Tho instructors aro Professors Graham, Nugent, Driscoll, Moehan, Boyco and O'Leary. So rapidly has the attendance grown that tho erection of a new acadomio bnildiusr is contemplated and the work will probably begin at tho close of the next school year or at tho beginning of next Summer.

Consequently the exercises of yesterday wero of special moment, as they age. He lives Dear New Haven. Mrs. Miller and her daughter Juanita have rejoined tho poet at Oakland, Cal. Senitor Petti irow rcoontly transferred $30,000 worth of Dakota property to Senator Don Cameron, whereupon tho wicked Minneapolis Journal thentioity of which there is no doubt.

Buggtsts 44 444 4 44 414444 44 PPP PPP TRUSTERS. WWW" vv ww ww A AA A A AAA A A of managers or trustees. tho poasibdity of tho rooponing of the Soudan Those who hastily conclude that the re election of Judge Kenna as chairman necessarily SS3S BSSS Under these circumstances the court is by tho British by tho restoration of tho canalB, implies that ha will not be a candidate for whereby tho possessions of Germany in southern Afrioa would become practioally valuoloss as remarked: "Tho report that Don holds a good unanimously of the opinion that the corporation has violated its charter and failed in the nomination for sheriff, next Fall, would better Josiah O. Low, Alexander M. White, A.

A. Low. Michaol Chauncry, William Kondall, Edwin F. John T. hand seems to bo well founded." John P.

Kolfe, Henry K. Sheldon, O. D. Wood. William H.

Male, Aurora II Daylls. Hour W. compared with their present promise of revenue. hold their impressions in solution and be With an uninterruptedly navigable Nile and an Eaglo Branch Of Clces 1.337 Hertford Avenue, Near Fulton Street, 435 Fiftli Avenue. Soar Ninth Street, 14 itroatl.

may, Hrooiclyit. E. and Atlantic Avenue, near East IVeiv York Avcimoi Advertisements for the week day editions trill be received up to 11:30 o'clock A. and for tlte Sunday edition up to 10 P. M.

on Saturdays. Persons desiring the Eagle left at their residence, in any part of the city, can send their address (without remittance) to this ojk) and it icill be given to the newsdealer who seizes papers in the district. Person leaving town can have the Daily and Sunday Eagle to them, postpaid, for $1.00 per mon tJi the access being changed as often as desired. Tie Eagle will be sent to anyaddress in Europe at $1.35 per month, postage prepaid. Communications unless accompanied with stamped envelopes will not be returned.

RECENT EVENTS. GREAT ALL FEATURE SHOW WEST COMBINED. prepared to reverso them at any time. Who performance of its corporate duties to an extent so material and important as to justify a judgment of dissolution. The result exposes John J.

Piorropont, Charles M. rratt. undisputed protectorate over Zanzibar England would be enabled to control the trade of the moBt George O. Keynolds. ever may be nominated by the Democrats for At Elarrlsbure To dav.

Matthew Stanley Quay is master of the Pennsylvania Republican State convention at Harriaburg to day. Whether he remains at his homo in Beaver or arrives, at tho eleventh hour, in the Keystone capital, he will direct the action of his party. The special wire between his residence and the Loehiel House will be as effective, when the hour to issue his orders arrives, as if he were personally at the scene of action. In no other state and under no other loader have the arts of managerial politics reached the advanced stage that they have in Pennsylvania under Quay. That commonwealth, at the last presidential election, polled 520,091 votes.

Yet tho preferences of this vast aggregation of citizens aro at the mercy of a single individual. Matthew Stanley Quay has come to represent, in its consummate flower, tho boss system in American partisanship. He is tho champion exponent of the one man power on a state scale just as Hugh McLaughlin is on a local scale. For the chief nomination to be effected today, that of governor, an animated prelimi fruitful portions of Africa with marketing fa sheriff will be named in October and not in cilities which would throw the Gorman compa June, in the autumn and not in the summer, nies hopelessly out of competition. and those who think that the party will do otringent orders nave been posted in every Cornell won tho boat race at Now London, de featine Yalo and Columbia.

The winners made their two miles in 11 minutes 184 Boconds. A passoncer train bound for New York jumped the Jersey Oontral traok in Newark. Tho engino and tender wero alinOBt buried in mud, but nobody received a sorioua hurt. Frank Pioroo, a somewhat notorions official of Polk county, shot a man who oblootod to having his house overhauled for secreting liquors. Henry Harvey, a prominent business man of Goshen, was shot by his wife while he was anything to show its hand, five months in advance of election, are not only dilating with the wrong emotion but are doing no credit to every other company in the combination to a similar fate.

The attorney general may proceed by the same steps to forfeit all the charters involved. It remains to be seen whether tho companies, like Captain Scott's coon, will come down without tho firing of another shot, or will invent Bome impregnable device for continuing their business on tho trust principle, without exposing themselves to the penalty incurred by the North Will Exhibit tbo Colossal, Romodelod Aronio Zoological and Hippodromatio Aggregation obsolutoly throo iiuos ths srjatest on artli ancl uon reinforced with tho Taroons Historical police station, by command of Chief Commissioner Sir Edward Bradford, forbidding tho members of tho police force to engage in any discussion whatsoever of their grievances. This aotion of tho commissioner, however, has not prevented tho police from formulating a petition' to the home Becrotary denouncing tho tyranny the minimum of capacity with which nature, rpiLE LONG ISLAKD LOAN AND TRUST COMPANY, E03 MONTAGUE STRKET. CAPITAL. 3500,000, INVESTED IN V.


Checks can he drarrn on this tho same as on Hank and aro payablo through tho Now York Clearing' Hous, or, If preferred, oertincatos of deposit will be if sued, payable on demand or at a fixed date, and boaring interest until paid. This Company is authorizad by charter to act as Trustee, Kxeout r. Administrator, Guardian, Committee of Kata'os or Rooelrer, and to accopt any similar position of Trust. It is also a leffal depository for all Trust Fundi and tor money uaid into Conrk. It acts as Registrar nr circumstances or accident may have invested told of the progress which forty years of unremitting labor have accomplished.

A full orchestra was in attendance and, aBide from assisting in the class musical work, rendered some excellent selections during the course of tho programme. The piano pupils aro under the direction of Professor Driscoll, the vocal music under Professor Meehnn and the violin selections under the tutelage of Profossor Frank. The opening number was an overture, "Poat and Pf asant," Suppe, by tho orchestra, and tho chorus then followed with Lambillotte's "Glorioaa Doniina," rendered with good efir.cK The essay of Words," by John Joseph Mahon, one of the graduates, was well prepared and rendered, after which a wholo stage full of littlo in white waists and red stockings, sang a funnv them. asleep. They had not livod happily togothor.

Brooklyn Representuli ves on Die Silver The river front of the Belle vue hospital groundB of Bradford and praying for relief and it is understood that it is being generally signed. Tho police assert that Bradford has sought to deprivo them of the privileges which aro accorded by the law aud custom to every British subject, and declare cmpathically that they will not submit to is to bo extended 150 foot. river company. It is a contest of ingenious miuds between the trusts and the law makers, and'if the former do not get the bettor of it, it will be contrary to the common ex John L. Sullivan, having been indicted for prize fighting by tho graud jury of Purvis, SHERIDAN'S RIDE, Supplemented with tho HISTORIC CUSTER BATTLE And the MEADOW MASSACRE.

the restrictions he has placed upon them. Brad got off with a fine of $500. perience in such struggles. ford has easily oarned the distinction of having Transfer A gout of stocks and bonds and asTruatoefor The strilco on tho Illinois Central will probably littlo song about "Leapfrog John," with a whistling refrain which pleased the audience QucN(ioi). There is not the least doubt of the views of this community respect to the senate froe coinage bill heretofore under arrest and confinement in the calaboose of the house committee on coinage.

The opinion is practically unanimous that the culprit ought not to to be let loose. Democrats aud Republicans are a unit upon that point. Thoy believe that tho bill is an incarnate violation of a extend to other linos. Kailroau and other mortgages, it cuarantees lettorflof credit issued to travelers and Mill do any and alt othot nary cauvass has been made. To what end, however, have the candidates contested the county constituencies? After all their labors they are, for all practical purposes, precisely where they stood at the beginning of tho year.

Without Quay's consent no man can made himself generally disliked in a shorter space of time than any man who has hold offico under tho government in recent years. Another subway manhole, on the corner of businosi uauallv douo by Trust Companies of respond bility aud standing. Members of the first and second violin ola330S Kcnimler'u Fate Sealed. The persevering influences which have Sixth avenue aud Twelfth street, New York, ex The master colliers in the north of England TRUSTEES: ploded. rendered Mendelssohn's "March des Nocss pleasantly, after which a pianooUHrtot.

composed havo reduced the wages of their miners 10 per hitherto interposed to provent the execution of the sentence passed upon the murderer Charles Pratt, The American gas investment company, with a be nominated. Against his wishes overy en 1 ham M. BROOKLYN, fOU.VHR OF IIALSEY ST AND HOWARD AV. ONE WEEK. ONLY, COMMENCING MONDAY, JUNE :10.

cent, aud thero is overy prospect that tho reduction will be resented by a general strike. of J. Maguire, J. MeGrath, W. O'Hare and Dolan, played a medley of "Plantation Echoes," capital of $50,200,000, hau been incorporated under the laws of New Jersey.

Watson B. Pickeriuan. Ksmnel M. Meeker, William II. Hustod, Theodore F.

Jaokson, Burnard Petora, Edward Morritt, Kdvfard D. Whiio, David Baruott, by Boss, with good expression. Mr. John The foot and month disease has reappoared in ilosovu r. Knaun.

David Moore, of Omaha, a traveling salosin.n tho duchy of Hesne, Germany, and large num Fleming, also a member of the graduating class, Henry Ooihn, Edwin Frank Lyniau, deavor will bo fruitless. If ho adheres to his intention of nominating for the governorship State Sonator George Wallace Delamater, that eminent representative of machine manipulation will lead the ticket. If he ber of cattlo aro dying; from it. effects. A strict tlieu recited Wookon's "Murilo and Hehastinn" David O.

Ufinreo Gregory. Onorgo K. Oroi 3 GRAND PERFORMANCES 1TII 01' JULY, 10 A. AND P. M.

for the T. B. Scott lumber oompany, of Morrill was robbed in Alion park, at Ottawa, 111., Kemmler received a final cheek in the opinion rendered by the court of last resort at Saratoga yesterday. The Eagle does not regret tho delay involved in ascertaining the merits of tho various points raised on behalf of tho condemned. On the EDWAUlJ MERUIT Presldoai 1(1) MRUIII1 quarantine has been cutablishod against Hessian cattle.

FREDERICK T. ALURIDGE. Secretary. and elicited well merited applause. The selected choir sang "Softly speed our shallop," by Cam and then murdered.

He was lured to his death by a woman. The branches aud tributaries of tho Oder river. pana. Iho concert recitation of "Sheridan at THE NASSAU TRUST COMPANY, 101 13ROADWAY. BROOKLYN, N.

T. swings his influence to Hastings, or Osborne, in Prussian Silesia, havo overflowed their banks Denis Crowley, of Philadelphia, was shot and or Stone or Montooth, Delamater will bo "in consecmenco of tho recent heavy rains and CAPITAL mortally wounded by Joseph Bencher, wheuo snoo.ooa shelved. Whatever tho result of the ballot Stone Itiver" by the second class pupils waa a well executed The orchestra followed with a.catchy march, "Verito," by Driscoll, and tho chorus Hang "Softly treading," from "Moses in Egypt." No Consolidation for Brooklyn. The professional advocates of municipa consolidation are busy again. To their drooping spirits the census returns have given a needed fillip.

The mild manifestation of interest that greeted the passage of the commission bill last spring soon passed away. There has been so much unprofitable talk about annexing Brooklyn and neighboring places to New York that thoughtful persons treat every renewal of it as an old story. That they would concern themselves in the premises was hardly to be expected as the result of Mr. Andrew H. Green's voluntary and disinterested labors iti their bo.

half. Nothing could be more disingenuous than Mr. Green's method of framing the measure for which he was primarily responsible. What he pretended to ask for was the creation of an impartial body to determine the advisability of combining the municipalities in this neighborhood in a "greater New York." What ho arranged for was the erection of a tribunal committed in advance to his viow of the matter. The commission when completed will have a majority of annexationists in its membership.

The tenor of its recommendations and conclusions can, therefore, bo discounted even at this remote distance. floodod an enormous section of country. The wife ho is alleged to havo led astray. Interest allowed on dailv balances, and mtj am J0l SCOUTS, SOLDI KUS AND SAVAGES a brought into ro lunition in th tifehko reproduction of 1 1(! saddedv tr.e:iy, "tUSTHR'S LAST It ALLY; Xj Oil, Till; UATTLK OK THE LITTLE II III HORN! Greatest gihorin oi Scou C'owoovs, t'owirls, Crack Shotrt, nnd Html li snkot 'Indian; over ten ttiis sid of the Mi. .3 iuri ltivtir.

Thrilling Sh.n piliootiiiK Uoutorts bptrrnen tll( Intor natUmM (JincksliDt Ilj on. UAI'l'AIiM A. II. IS'J AUD US and his SO.N.i. deposits for a specified time.

iug, unless a miracle occurs, Quay will come A barrol of benzine exploded in tho New York rtuiutirizou oy law to act, as executor, administrator, Guardian. Trfstec. Rficelvpr FUcI nnd TrAnaTnr out on top. Infant asylum at Mount Vernon and sot fire to tho building, but the damages wero not serious. Theiirst number of the second part (rf the uro aud as Registrar ot and Bunds; is a local depos Will the people in November sustain the lory ror Arust itti'Is and moneys paid luto court.

Loans made on assliiint'nt of Annie Eeary, ageS 13, and Frank Martinez, grurame was iho overture from "Ernnnie" by tho orchestra. This was followed by tbo appearance or other approved collaterals. fundamental principle of sound finance and that tho best use that can be made of it is to kill it. In view of this substantial harmony among members of all parties the attitude of our representatives in congress should bo clearly understood. What is that attitude? Tho official record of the proceedings of the house does not fuiv nish the information essential for an entirely satisfactory answer.

Mr. Wallace, wc believe, is sound, but as to the Democratic representatives there is nothing conclusive. Mr. Magner, of the eastern district, voted with tho group designated by Mr. Reed as "lunatics," and Mr.

Oampboll and Mr. Clancy did not vote at all. It is to be borne in mind that a largo number of the Democrats who sustained the froe coinage phalanx did so, not because they aro convinced of the wisdom of tho senate bill, but because it afforded them a chance to snub aud rebuke the speaker, whose dictatorial course and arbi in rane ids custody oi Heal and I'ersonal Socurtttoe. Accounts of Rollrrioua and InHr.nHnn dictatorship of Quay? November alone can tell. Delamater is admittedly a weaker candidate before the voters than any other con aged 15, wero married iu New Orleans the youngest conpio ever united in that city of oarly marriageB.

All this famous kkatukes of THK GllEAT l'ORUPAUGU SHOW. nniiE splendid tris'le emeus the JL Mammoth Dnulib Tijo Soul Stirrinrr Societies and IndivtdealR enlicitid or tne bt. James' cadets, who carried themselves with spirit through evolutions which displayed their knowledge of military tactics. After firing two or three vollios at an imaginary foe thev contrary he was entitled to an adjudication of each and all of them, The law under which the sentence was pronounced contemplates a complete revolution in the method of capital punishment. Its provisions raised questions that ought to have been settled by the highest judicial authority prior to.

any infliction of tho penalty. Public sentiment would not havo approved of the taking of Kommler's life so long as any of his legal rights remained doubtful. The point advanced in this last effort to savo him went to the power of tho legislature to impose the duty of carrying out the sentence upon any othor officer than the Checks on this company aro paid through tho New York Clearing House. Hippodrome ltacci Th Terrilio Gladiatorial Combat Preuideut Diaz, of Mexico, his annulled tho spicuous aspirant. But Pennsylvania is an Dauciug aud i 110 Tra nod I lebtni.

Olown Elephants, together with all of Telophono, 090 Williamsburgh. A. IX WHEELOOK, Presidont, marched gallantly from the stage to be succeeded uncertain almost a capricious state. Its charter of the Lia Juana lottory company recently organized with a capital of $5,000,000. by a bell aolo, "Silver Bell Waltz," Do Wilt, exe cuted by one of the orchestra.

Messrs. J. Ma WILLIAM DICK. Vico Presidents. guire and J.

McGr ith, a piano duet, "Sparrow's citizens were independent enough, in 1882, to throw off tho yoke of bossism and put a Democrat in the governor's chair. Since then they havo boon sufficiently par O. F. RlcHAnDSON, Secretary. damage resulting from tho destruction of crops and othor property is very largo.

Tho rains have also caused a number of landslides in various parts of tho country. A. largo portion of tho works of tho Baltic canal have been destroyed in this way, involvinK immense Iobb to the contractors and delaying the work beyond the possibility of its completion within tho stipulated time. Smallpox is prevalent on both sides of the border, along tho Busso German frontier, and deaths from the disease are reported in many of tho towns of that region. Tho Parnellite members havo arranged to give a complimentary banquet to Mr.

Parnoll. at the National Liberal club on Saturday, which is the anniversary of the Irish leader's birthday. Many prominent Liberals havo beon invited aud signified their intention to be present. The election address issued by Mr. W.

S. Caine, unionist member for Barrow in Furness, who resigned his Beat Monday night and is Beeking re electiou on an anti compensation platform, is of a character that has caused surprise among all parties. Mr. Caine was foremost among thoso who seceded from the liberal party because of their inability to snpuort Mr. Gladstone's home rule scheme, and, boinji one of the ablest of the dissi TRUSTRE8 Chirping Polka," Btreabbog, after which an essay upon "Our Country's Flag" was well given by Mr.

Francis Joseph Ham, a graduate of the class. ADASI FOKEPAUGH, JH. 'S, Atoiindinj: Nnnatmn his Trouno of Educated Ham lin Bronchos, tho Ona.t nilo Dane. 112 Uokh; only tvpiine nrer taught to walk a Hish Rope; Eeljiwo," th? trap and tho cro cliinai, Driving 10 I'lery Tho.oiuhbreds at Ileadlnnc Speed: rjlWO COMPLETE EXIIIUITIONS DAILY JL at Usual Hrar.l: Admission 50c; Jno. Heserred scut! extra.

Cheap Hound trip Excursions on all railroads. Scu Local Ajjents for Numbered rserted seats and prWaloboan can bo purchas Inhibition Week at NEW YOHK TKA.NS1 KK V. Mo. 4 OUUKT ST. hi tisan to elect Quay, with all his of Iho first violin class showed iti proficiency by fenses on his head, successively to the office of state treasurer and to that of sonator playing a breezy medley entitled "Topsv Tnrvv." A Washington dispatch says that the frionds nf the late S.

S. Cox are indignant at the repeated postponements of the day on which hte eulogies are to bo delivered. The London board of trade has declarod the Inroan line steamer City of Paria to be one of the fineBt vessels afloat. The. cold medal presented to Hanlan, the oarsman, in honor of hw victory over Courtney in 187S, has boon stolen.

Part of the Bermuda cablo haB been laid. Dr. Von Seholz.the Russian minister of finance, has resigned. by Boettgar. Another of tho sradnate.

Mr. WiiiiaM Dion, A. D. B.iirtD. DAI1WIH R.

JAMES, H. H. Rooms, E. U. TUTTLK, Jora TirasLow.

Thomas F. Rowland, ditmah jewell, Theo. a. Havkhevib, F. W.

WunsTEn, BErtNAIlD Petebo, Wii. E. HoawiLL. O. D.

Wood, W. H. Male, Lowell M. Palmhb, Joseph F. Knapp, Joel F.

Fbeeman, William V. Gabhisou. A. D. Whkklook, Geohob H.

Puentisb, J. T. WlLI.F.TTB, OUADLES H. RU6SILU John LouoitRiS, E. T.

IlOXST. Charles William Cunnion, then delivered in cood in congress. Are they likely to do less for style a declamation upon "Christ's Victory," and trary rulings are justly a cause of umbrage to the minority. They wanted to pu nish Mr. Heed and this was their opportunity for do Fly Away, Birdling," Abt, was sung by Messrs.

Quay's candidate than they havo done for Quay himself? Whatever the prospect, tho Democrats, when they meet at Serauton next O'Keefo and Harn. BIG PARADES. ing it. The remaining two graduates of 1800, Mr' it is probable tnat Mr. Magner vote can thus be accounted for.

He could hardly havo supposed that his constituents would indorse Walter Francis Colgan and Mr. John Francis! Kelly, ably sustained their parts in a funny littlo sketch, "Race for a dinner." Tho cast wa3 as follows: Sponge, who has' soon better times. J. POLITICAL POINTS. LEA week, should put their best foot forward.

Under certain conditions Democratic victory is possible next fall, even in hide bound Pennsylvania. IJARADE MONDAY, JUNE 30 ins show grounds 8 A. M. Halsny r.t to Bed! Hedfnrrl to Willottrrhbv IT. to tliinitinrlniid Kt.

to flHnsrin the proposition that a few western mine own to Klatbush av, to Hrhei merhorn st, to Court st. to Mon. Hayes; Doiie, a retired merchant, J. Cana tapuo st, to uunt'tn fat, to Atlantic, av, tu Thtrri av, I.afayette av. la Cl.ntou av.

to Gicouo av. to Bedford ers are entitled to derange the whole mone sheriff of the county in which tho trial aud conviction were had. The distinguished counsel made an elaborate argument iu support of tho propesition that tho warden of tho State prison, where the condemned man is confined could not be substituted for the county sheriff. If it was impressive as an exhibition of professional ingenuity and eloquence it does not seem to have been effectual as a sound interpretation of the law. When the attorney general rose to reply the court out him short by remarking that it was unnecessary to proceed any further, as tho judges were ready to render a decision at once.

That decision was that tho legislature were acting entirely within the domain of their constitutional powers when thoy enacted the law in question and therefore that tho judgment of the lower courts deny, ing the motion to discharge the relator from custody must be affirmed. Unless tho wit of counsel can conceive of to Gates av, to Ralph av, to show grounds, corlior llow tary system of the nation for the sake of sup. aru av anti uaisoy si plying them with a ready market for their 1ARADE TUESDAY, JULY 1 LEAV PRANICLLN TRUST COMPANY, "ranklin BUILDING. ISO REMSEN STREET' CAPITAL. $1,000,000.

SURPLUS OVER $350,000. Authorized by law to aot as EXECUTOR, ADMINISTRATOR, TRUSTEE. GUARDIAN or COMAUTTEK, and ofTora special adrautagoa as such. IS A LEGAL DEPOSITORY FOR COURT MONEYS ALLOWS INTEREST ON DEPOSITS. Offers its sorvicos on favorablo tortus as TRUSTEE OF CORPORATION MORTGAGES.


GEORGE 11. SOUTHARD, Second Vico Provident and Secretary, silver. lie knows that there is not a JL ing snow grounds A. Ilalsey St to Ucdtord av, to Broadway, to Division av, to Harrison av, to Tump kins av. to WiUouelibv av.

to Classen av. to T.afav. single commercial community at the East in ctto av, to Bedford av. to Gates aT.loltalph av, to show which this crazy appeal for unlimited coin grounus, oorner lla'sty st aud tlowartl av. van; Moasurton, an architect, L.

Konnedy: Robert Feed well, an innkeeper, F. Harn; Dal ton, a rich merchant, C. Cunuion; Lovcll, his friend, W. Colgan; Frank, servant to Dalton, J. Kelly; waiters, J.

Cullon and W. O'Hara; Gammon, an amateur dotectivo, P. Dugan. At the conclusion of the farco tho chorus sang Whito'B "Moonlight on the Lake," aud Bishop Loughlin presented the graduates with their diplomas in a brief address, in which ho called attention to tho work whish they had accomplished aB only the stepping stone to higher aud better fields of achievement. age has tho sympathy of intelligent men ir it were conceded it would, as sena A citizens' meeting was held it the Windsor hotel, New York, to advocate a people's ticket for the coming campaign.

Tho meeting was lively and tho corruptions in tho city government were freely assailed. The Fassett investigates committee adjourned uutil the fall, Mr. Ivins having been called to Washington. Boss Croker talks of returning to Heidelberg. Thesonate passod the naval, diplomatic and post office bills, appropriating uearly $100,000, 000.

It is a provorb that the exact point whero genius ends and insanity begins ia hard to determine, but Mr. Cleveland's moutal characteristics are not of the kind that develop into insan. ity. His career ie rather the demonstration of sober and sometimes commonplace sense and solidity. It might bo hazardous to say that ho will never go insane on tariff reform, but it will bo more likely that gome of tho opposing Demo tor Edmunds has well said, react with CONEY ISLAND JOCKEY CLUB.


TO JULY 1 peculiar severity on the poor. An inflated dents, took a leading position in the Unionist party by common consent. Of late he has become restive under the conservative domination of the Unionist organization and developed traita of independence incompatible with his position as the whip of his party and demoralizing to tho Tory Unionist coalition, but no ono was prepared for tho extromo movement he has undertaken. From the tone of his address to his constituents it is evident that Mr. Caine is paving the way for his return to the Liberal fold, where lie will bo heartily welcomed.

He expresses his conviction that the errors into which the Liberal party wore led by their desire to do Justice to Ireland have boen remedied; that the defective portions of the plan of home rule havo been eliminated from tho scheme, and that the principles of that programme wiil be accepted by tho people at the next general elections. Nothing stronger than this declaration of Liberal principle could bo expected from ono of Mr. Gladstone's most steadfast followers, and this, together with his consistent opposition to the government's compensation Hchemo, Bhould secure to him tho undivided Gladstoniati voto iu his diBtrict. Tho conservatives will nominate a candidate to contest Mr, currency inevitably increases tho iirico of Trains from East Thirty fourth St F'erry, 11 'i MO, 3:00. Parlor clothing and provisions and reduces tho pur TRUSTEES: D.

A. A. Low. car tram, 1 clock. Boats, foot Whitehall st, 10:10, 11:10, 11:40, 12:40, Houtrhtalinr.

Taking advantage of the incoming census "figures, the advocates of consolidation seek once more to impress upon their fellow citizens their familiar argument in behalf of a united metropolis. They talk glibly of the large results which are sure to follow municipal union. To their feivid imaginations there is something strikingly impressive in the idea of welding together the city governments of New York, Brooklyn, Jersey City, Staten Island and lower Westchester. With all the facility of a Montague Tigg they roll out their magnificent totals. An unsophisticated listen, er, hearingthom speak, would imagine that consolidation would give us lower taxes, cleaner streets, better sanitary arrangements, improved fire and police service and a practical and ready solution of the manifold problems that arise in municipal life.

Their picture of what is in store narrowly approximates the ideal. While they do not go so far with the divine assurance of celestial felicity as to tell us in the words of the scriptures, that, "there shall be no more night there," they seek by implication at least, to persuade us that under the now conditions our happiness will be complete. What more, to be sure, could Brooklyn ask than to be taken under the sheltering wing of Tammany hall; to be brought into wholesome juxtaposition with the uplifting influences of tho Bowery, Mott street and Mulberry bend; to have set in our high places such charming exponents of public morals as Flack and Keating to havo blended into closor association the edifying example of Herr Most and his band of refo matory disciples Thero are lots of things that New York would like to do for us. Her disinterested intentions are appreciated at their worth. With her we may, as occasion offers, be tempted to indulge in a mild flirtation.

Nevertheless, although the estimable chasing power of the medium of exchange. THE PROTECTIVE ALLIANCE. some new basis of attack Kemmler and all The working man would pay more for all ho other condemned murderers who have been and naif hourly attor. TO DAY, SPECIAL MATCH RACE, SUBURBAN HORSES SALVATOR. TENNY.

Edfrin Packard, John Wins ow, S. E. Huntington, Danvin R. James, Alexander E. Orr.

Joseph E. Brown, John 11. Woodward. William U. Wallaoe, Franklin E.

Taylor, Aiuru u. noiion, Crorroll Hadden, E. PiorteDont, William Marshall. Felix Camp ell, George M. Olcoct, George Southard.

W. A. Read. Theodoro Dreier. has to buy and receive less for his labor.

Every nation that has had experience of tho The Committee's Collapse Had for the Citizens. The Now York Times and the rest disclose an abatement in vigor of the victorious psalm with which the announcement of a "citizens' party" was received. "Considering the season," "a good number of representative citizens," perfect agreement," it. is to be hoped that the various commercial aud industrial organizations," "a committee of clergymen is to bo madG up." Such aro the notes of the small singing with which the Heber Nowton Horaco Deming Carl Schurz meeting of last night is dismissed iu a paragraph. The truth is that the movement has met with a sharp set back in tho collapse for tho present of the investigating committee.

It is a well known truth that public personal assaults react to the benefit of tho assailed unless the charges are clearly demonstrated. Proof upon proof has accummnlated as to this proposition. Tho case of James G. Blaine is only one and a recent illustration. It is generally believed that ho received more votes by thousands than he would have if the attack never had been made.

In a similar way, whatever may bo the truth and the intelligent belief in regard to Croker, McCann and the little matter as to which thero sentenced to die by electricity will suffer the penalty of the law. It is an experiment which ought to be conducted so that the evils of inflation bears this common testi crats will go crazy about inugwumpery firat. I mony to its disastrous consequences. public shall have complete and accurate in 1 itisburo JJispnlch, The Farmers' alliance of Georgia, hae solemnly rglHE PEOPLE'S TRUST COMPANY. formation of the facts.

The people are the It is to be assumed, until tho contrary is established, that Messrs. Campbell and Clancy 173 MONTAGUE STREET. RAYMOND'S VAOATION EXCURSIONS. ALL TRAVELING EXPENSES INCLUDED. The list for tho first Dart? havlntr hoon filled, arrange Keeping AHv tho Movement forlteform iu Local Municipal Affairs.

A meeting under tho auspices of tho Citizens' Protective Alliance, an outgrowth of the Taxpayers' Central Association of Brooklyn, to publicly protest against the exorbitant taxation of city property and other alleged evils iu the local government, was held at Turn Hall, on Sumpter stroot, last night, Thore was a very small attsnd tnco. In the absence of President Weeks Vico ProBidont George W. Corey occupied tho ohair, and outlined in his opening address tho purposes of the organization, whioh, ho said, wore "to rid the city of certain corrupt, dishonest and dan judges as to whether the statute should stand were absent for good and valid reasons or be repealed, and accordingly it is their CAPITAL (PAID SURPLUS 8500,000.00 350,000.00 Both of them are statesmen who have been right to be fully informed as to the practical ment have breu mado for a SECOND PARTY to leave Now York AUUUST 1, for a visit to operation of it. brought up to entertain correct financial ideas. Thoy are, if they properly appreciate Receives money on deposit, subjeot to ohook at sight, and allows interest oa tho same.

Cheeks dratrn upon it pass through the New York Clearing House. ALASKA. Tho outward trip will be mado ovor tho their teaching, opposed to tho further enrich Helpful to Croker, Is authorized by lair to aot as Executor, Administrator. i .1 't. ment of the silver kings of Colorado, Nevada The senate cities committee has suspended gerous method now prevailing in tho conduct of and as Registrar ol Stocks and Bonds.

Loans money on Roods and Mortgages aud on othor PIOTURESQUK CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY. our municipal affairs, and working a cruol, un. its inquiries until the Fall. This leaves Mr. approveu security.

Caino's seat and tho Unionist leaders havo decided to support the Tory. It is certain, however, that many of the Unionist electors will adhere to Mr. Caine in spite of thedecUion of the leaders. The annual celebration iu commemoration of the birth of John the Baptist waa observed by the Canadian residents of Paris at the Madeline, yesterday. Sfany notable persons wore present.

Prince Albert Victor of Wales has beon appointed honorary colonel of the Fourth Bengal Infantry. The Tim 'SMKl tflanaara both admit that tho opinion delivered by tho speaker has doomed the licensing bill. At a meeting of Unionists held last night, Lord Hartington mado a Dacific speech, in the conrso of which he said no definite decision had beon bearable wrong, to the very great hurt and det Croker tho last word aud the word was one and Arizona at the expense of all the othor people of the country. Democracy means tho happiness and prosperity of the masses, not the aggrandizement and dominion of tho riment of tho city." which was emphatically and impressively Mr. Corey hold that more evils existed in tbo OFFICERS: WILLIAM H.

MURTHA, Prosident. FREDERICK A. SOHROKDER, First Vico Presidont. HORACE J. MORSE, Second Vice Presidont.

EDWARD JOHNSON, Secretary. resolvou to support no candidate for state or federal ofiico who is a resident of a city. There are times whon tho philosophio observer of American politics must wonder at the amount of intelligence which is still confined to the primary, schools Proviaence. Journal. Tho honest Republicans of Maine want no ballot reform in theirs at home, but they fairly yearn to reform the electoral abuses that are supposed to prevail in the distant South.

Such disinterested zeal in behalf of pure elections everywhere but in Maine can soarcely bo too highly com mondod Philadelphia ItecovH. Mr. Cleveland, too, has decided to attend tho unvailing of the Hendricks monumont. Governor Hill is to have distinguished company on the day set apart ror honoring tho man who did so mnch for the success of the Democratic presidential ticket iu 1S88, aud who was given so littlo credit for the samo by the mugwump press. Washington Post.

Up to this date, too, Grover Cleveland has been the only possible candidate of tho Deniocratio purty in 1802. Would the issue be free trade plus inflation Could Cleveland, who stood as a wall of adamant against every proposition look spoken. Tho suspension of the inquiry at local government of Brooklyn than in al the ran pf New York state put together. The evils could classes. Messrs.

Campbell and Clancy are this point is eithor a strategic mistake or a is a question of veracity between them, the oe overcome anti the speaker was confident that the nrotective alliance e.nnhl jirn irrmlifili thn re TRUSTEES: Democrats, and upon that broad basis we may confession that the inquiry has been such a form. It was proposed to reduce tho exorbitant reasonably rest the presumption that thoy mistako from the first. McCauu's witnesses in corroboration of what he said, if ho has city uuuget. lie haa watched every movemeu of tho common council for years, and was satis failuro of tho Fassett inquest to make a conclusive case will inure, in a popular sense, to the benefit of Tammany hall. Croker has Withvisitsto MONTREAL, BANFF HOT SPRINGS, THE GREAT OLAOIER OF THE SELKIRKS.

VANCOUVER AND VICTORIA. After viaitins. SEATTLE, TACOMA, PORTLAND, THE COLUMBIA BIVEIt, the roturn will bo over tho NORTHERN PAOIFIO RAILROAD, With a tour through the YELLOWSTONE NATIONAL PARIC DURING JULY AND AUGUST A series of oxour Blons to leading Eastern resorts. JULY 37 AND 31. AUGUST 14 AND 28, AND SEPTEMBER 11 Excursions to tho Yollowstone National Park.

Send for dodejiutivo circulars, designating the kind ot trip dosirod. RAYMOND 4 WHITCOMB, 357 BROADWAY. NEW YORK. William H. Murtha, Frederick A.

Sehroodor, Horace J. MorBe, Eugone G. Blackford, Honry J. Cullon, Daniel F. Loins.

Jacob D. Dettiner, nod that things were not what they Beemed. The city budget was nearly as large again as it should will be found in firm opposition to the passage of an act which seeks to mako the imperious will of the silver kings the law of this any witnesses, ought to have at once been put on the stand. If the witnesses on whom flatly contradictod McCann. This does not arrived at by the ministry in regard to the continuance of bills, but thought it possible that tho tithes and local taxation bills would be de ferred.until next session.

Howard M. Smith. Georjro L. Pee, Frederic A. Ward, Solcnon W.

Johnson, George T. Tangeman, Alonzo Slote, William B. dill, Edward B. Bartlett, Robort J. Kimball, Paul H.

Kretzsohmar, Frank B. Martin, Win. A. A. Ilrotrn.

ub, ami urooKiyn people were burdened to death with taxoe. Tho latest work of the city assessors the Bpeaker characterized as outrageous. Ho was dispose of the affair. It merely joins the David A. Roody, land.

Cornelius I N. Hoa land. issue. "(J, said the nnti Ta.imna.nv Tinners Kioinng wun Dotn toot against tho large aud un. John E.

Scarlett, jtsy hook or by crook the "lunatics mean he relied would, it was discovered, fail to corroborate him, they should have been put on the stand anyway, in order to lift from Rich equal rate of taxation. Many Brooklynites. he held, were paying twice as much in tuxsn thw ittioore ai. uon, Peruard Gallagher, "wait till a close and thorough cross examina THE SULLIVAS JACKSO.V FIGHT. It Will Take Place Under the Auspices at the Virginia Athletic Club.

to got a measure as nearly resembling that passed by tbo senate as possible into the hands of tho president. The prospects aro tion is ended and rebutting testimony is produced. Then we shall know where wo are." ard Croker the unsustained imputations which ought to. "Just let me tell vou one instance of the vigilance of the city assessors," the speaker went on. My sou owns two lots in the Twenty ing toward silver inflation, bo the Democratic candidato in 1802? In 1864 tho Democratic But the committee has adjourned until fall and bij.i,u naru.

n. uniaii iramo snanty, oi nttie or no value, which is not habitable, stanrlu party boldly challenged the defeat which after. that they will succeed. Tho programme as announced a few days ago was, a report from tho coinage committee tho non concurrence on ono of the lots, The ground with tho Bhanty on was assessed $200 more this year than the OGO GG GGG Jj LULL KB EB BBS UN Bun Klj vacant lot. wien my son offered to Bell th ward overwhelmed them by nominating on their national ticket a war candidate on a peace platform.

It would be amusing if they should com left the thing hanging in the air. The chief counsel has been called to Washington to help to organize an international bauk for the promotion of Pan American free trade. This is Biruovuru to me cny ior tne aasesBOM nc. of the house in the senate bill and the submis knowlodged having overestimated the value of the shanty and lowered the aseasinent. Not mit a similarly grotesque folly in 1 802.




long ago rpaiu taxes on a house that has beon no doubt true, but it is unfortunate for theliti committee. Yesterday this programme was occupiea ior two yoarsr and my tax bills men LLLL Nit rt NN NUN NN NM DDD DDD A AA A A AAA A A Blaine has denounced the McKmley bill, as it was all along declared ho would. The adminis carried out. The conference, it is said, had been cast upon him. Tho Eagle iufcrs from the resolutions authorizing the senate committee to make such an investigation as it has begun that its purpose was to find out the truth of any subject which it examined, and not to pervert or suspend inquiry at a point where injurod parties would be benefited by its continuation.

It is very certain that the omission immediately to rebut the testimony of Richard Croker and his wife will bo accepted as most favorable to Richard Croker, and will be regarded as stamping the action of the committee with a partisan and a persecuting design which it should have exhausted all possible expedients to disprove. tioueu tno pioporty as vacant lots. The assessor aro not doine their businenH. aikI when war gation of Fassett against Tammauy. Now tho citizens' party's stock in trade consisted mainly 8SS' will agree to the house bill with the THE WORLD'S PLEASURE GROUNDS.

boy and lived in the country we formed a society to proteqt tho farmers from the depredations of of tho points made by this investigation. Iu tration has not bocn sure of the sontiment of the party on tho tariff, but this has been so openly hostile iu the West and East that it has become bullion redemption clause omitted and norsu luioTus ana iramps. hub protective am A dellghtfnl sail on fast going Dteamora, Magnificent view of the serious charges tho time seemed An nn ance nas oeou roriued tor almost a like numose fotiago. raro plants and horticultural wonderfc. alarmed and refuses to commit itself.

Tho tariff ry a equated roonagorle, roac.nifl.cont aviar; in this form the measure is to bo passed Upon the decisive vote in the house wo ox to protect the citizens of Brooklyn from robbery and mammoth DinnGrsaVla aqnarium. Gonume Glen Island olaxa bae. e. must bo reduced. New London Telenrapli.

Washington, D. Jnno 25. The Sullivan Jackson fight, when it comes off it is said now, will tako place near the national capital. The fight, it ib said, iB to tako place under the auspices of the Virginia athletic association on tho Virginia slioro of the Potomac, near Washington. Some months ago a good doal of commout was caused by the enactment of a law by tho Virginia legislature whioh incorporated an athletic club and gave the officers of tho club omnipotent powers as to its crounds aud property lying between this city and Alexandria, known as Gontlemon'a driving park, and they now propose to erect theronpon a club house and such other buildings as may be necessary.

Tho work of the construction is to commenco at once, aud the management has announced its intention to have tho Sullivau Jackson fight tako place there. Thoy say they can do this without interference, for the law plainly states that no sheriff or police officer has any jurisdiction over the property of the cinb. The only romedy ia the ropeal of tho law, and for this purpose a spocial session of tho legislature would havo to bo called. Tho Virginia legislature a biennial body does not carte. Klein Doutschland." "The Dairy." Bnaltar.

pect to find the names of Thomas F. Magner, ripe for a reform movement. In view of the committee's collapse and the consequences tho time seems shrivelod. No doubt Dr. Heber Newton is already tired of it.

But ho bathing, ftshiuir. bowiinjr and billiards. Stoanurs Jeave Jevroll's Wharf (Brooklin) at 0:00.10:00 and 1 A.M. aud 12:15. 1:45.

2:45 and P. M. Leave Glen uy miu louai omciais. Dr. J.

B. Lung and others also spoke. Dr. Lung was opposed to saying such harsh thiugs about the local authorities, for ho thought that all men, city officials included, wero likoly to mako CONTEMPORARY HUMOR. Felix Campbell and John M.

Clancy recorded uj.r. uieen may never weary or proclaiming the bans, wo cannot think of marriage. The whole scheme of consolidation is based on an entirely fallacious theory. Its advocates profess to believe that it will confer inestimable benefits on all concerned. They ought to know that it will do nothing of the kind.

Conditions of life in the two cities are entirely different. They are destined to continue different for an indefinite period. Now York is so big now that she can scarcely take care of herself. The record of maladministration of public affairs within her borders during the past quarter of a century can be contemplated with neither pride nor satisfaction by her citizens. Her story during that period is a story of municipal misgovern mentand dishonor.

Whether in the future her citizens will institute the reforms necessary to place the government on an honest basis must be determined by events but the standard of reform will not be advanced by enlarging and complicating matters through an increase of population. The right road to a betterment of existing conditions is to permit each Bmoicipafftub to stand squarely on its own bottom. Preservation of municipal autonomy means a more careful performance by citizens of their civic obligations; greater vigilance in the body politic; a readier adaptation of the popular voice to the rectification of abuses and the supply.of public needs. For all practical purposes these cities aro now in a position to command whatever advantages it is pretended would spring from annexation. In tho event of conflagration tho firo department of either city can be called ia by the other; the police officers of Brooklyn and New York alike can apprehend an offender in any part of the commonwealth in everythinc; that tonds f.

the r.reuritv. tnm. Waudfor Brooklyn at 3:30. 5:00, 6:00, 7:00 and in the negative. That is the record which P.

M. Sox all landings. Mrs. Yercer (to colored servant Do you know mistaKea. no was ot tne opinion that li the amanco had a more active presidont and secretary men nineteen out of every twenty of their con should not be discouraged.

There is an easy way out. Lot him go back to the 40o. lOc. J5XCURSION TICKETS when Colonel Yercer came home last night? Sam I dunno, mum, bnt whon I took his boots B. V.

White Josoph O. Hendrht; J. G. Jenkins, H. R.

Scharmann, William Borri, Felix Campbell, Charles Coopor, William Harkncss, George Munro. Harlan P. Halsey, Eugene F. O'Connor, J. S.

T. Stranahan, E. W. Bliss, Moses May, Abraham Abraham, Nelson J. Gates, William Zienlcr, D.

W. McWllliams. Timothy L. Woodruff, J. D.

Falrchild, A. D. Baird, D. Northup, Martin Jooet stituents expect them to make. That is tho witn less milk ana water in their compositions more real good would result from the meetings.

If the president and secretary could not make it at sebeu o'clock dey was warm. Texas Sittings. record which all their antecedents and sur. She (enthusiastically) Oh, George 1 don't you convenient to get around to tho meetings Dr. Lung advocated electintr now office.

roundings entitle us to anticipate. pulpit and stay thero. Its opportunities aro adequate to tho most enthusiastic philanthropy and the broadest genius. The other day it was announced that a Western clergy FOURTH OF JULY EXCURSION TO MAUCH CHUNK, GLEN ONOXO AND THE FAMED SWITCHBACK, VIA CENTRAL RAILROAD OF NEW JERSEY, FRIDAY, JULY 4, 1800. think the firoatost Joy in lifu is tho pursuit of iam V.

R. Smith. rriijia To day Dr. Farley celebrates his ninetieth anniversary, and receives some of his friends at his home. Among those who gather about him are a few, only a few, of the citizens who met him at tho threshold of his pastorate.

The majority belong to a later generation, In view of tho small attendance, it was decided to nut off anv formal action lnnkinrr tnwnr1 the eood, tho true and the beautiful 1 He You INTEREST ALLOWED ON DEPOSITS. bet! That's why I'm here to night. Burlington obieots of tho association uutil tho first Tuesday Captaiu Collinv Confirmed. man, eager to olovate tho drama, was about in beptomuer, wben tho next meeting will be Free Fress. He has fouKht the grizzly bear A SDeclal oxnross traiu will lave Now Yort from foot The prompt confirmation of Captain nomination to tho postmastershio ooens to go upon tho stage, continuing to preach meet in regular session for nearly two years.

item. IS MEMORY OF REV. DR. DILLER. jjiuuny st, nortu xvirer, av IU.

returning, ar Braved tho lion in his Ujir nro iu the city aoouc f. ol. PURCHASERS OP REAL ESTATE CAN OBTAIN LOANS TO COMPLETE THEIR PUROHABB AT TBH LOWEST CURRENT RATE OF INTEREST inheriting an affectionate regard for the venerable clergyman whose activity for good has been limited by no denominational lines. The management has intimated that the performance at its new grounds will bo a His the way for him to tako office at tho begin heroic reputation every land and nation on Suudays. Such a "combination" would bo the worst "on the road." It would be bad alike for the church and the theater.

It FARE FOR ROUND TRIP ONLY 82.35. SWITCHBACK 50o. EXTRA. Commtraoraliiic tbo Life u.n:S JSeatll of ning of the fiscal year, on July 1. Postmaster bull fight.

This proposition would bring out all knows; But sooner, lie declares, Would he walk around six Bqnaros St. Luke's Dlstineruisbed Rector. the objection that could possibly ho made, and For information (soeietiea, individuals and families) is scarcely wiser for a minister to try to com nonius, tnrougu an interview our news columns, has already declared his intention to apply to 11. P. BALDWIN, lie! eueral Passenger Agent John L.

Sullivan got off very easily down the matter would then have to bo settled by tho Next Saturday will bo tho touth anniversary of Than try to pass a women whon sha's sprinkliue 11U Liiberty et. New lorn. bino tho pulpit and politics. tbe tragic death of tho vonerablo Ito v. Dr.

W. A. M. From tbe with a hose. JSlnahamton Republican.

devote his onergies to the efficient perform courts which tho incorporators say, and appear to behove, would uphold tho law as paBsod by tho last legislature. An observant Somerntlo man says that the Diller, for forty years the rector of iit. Lnke's Episcopal church, ou Clinton avenue. Ho was one of in Mississippi on Tuesday. He was fined $500 for participation in a prize fight, after having expressed his sorrow for having engaged in it, and, having paid the fine and left the state, he immediately began to make Declaring Trusts Illeg'al.

Upon the facts admitted by tho defendants style in earden hose this season seems to ho cou the victims of tho Seawanhaka disaster, and the erally black, with a tendency toward shaded col GERMAN GERMAN GERMAN GERMAN AMERICAN AMERICAN AMERICAN AMERICAN ance of his official duties. That he is sincere in his desiro to maintain unimpaired our present model postal system is not more certain than that he will be assailed, from REAL ESTAB TITLE GUARANTEE COMPANY. WEST POINT, NEWiiURGH AND POUGHKEEPS1E GRAND DAILY EXCURSION (Except Sundays) By fast and elegant Day Line Steamers. NEW YORK and. ALBANY From Brooklyn, Fulton at (by Ahobx) 8A.M From Now York, West Twenty second st Pier 9 A.

Returning, reach New York 6 P. M. MORNING A1ND AFTERNOON CONCERTS AN IOWA ELECTRIC STORM. heroic efforts of his dovotod daughter to save her themselves the court of appeals has declared ors when the crass is unusually high and wet, fathor's life aro well rcmombercd. On Saturday Somervilie Journal.

Flooded Streams Drive People From morning at 18:30 o'clock thoro will bo a memo the outsot of his career, by tho importuni tho sugar trust illegal and dissolved the charter of tho North river sugar refining company. This affirms the judgment rendered Mrs. Delia Cromo What the world is that (Cash Capital, Half MPlion Dollars. 10 COURT STREET, BROOKLYN. rial communion celebration and at the evening service on Sunday thero will be a special musical awful racket In iho library? Somebody beinc ties of microscopic professional politicians.

arrangements for another fistic contest. Sullivan is getting to be somewhat of an actor in advance of his going on the stage. He knows how to be sorry when he is in dan Their llouics and Drown Live Stack. Dubuque, June 25. An electrical storm struck Dubuque yesterday muruereu i jurs.

uaivin tcaimly; mo; that is fort and happiness the union is already esson Before he has boon in charge a weok he will service, including Stainer's anthom, "Who Aro my husband. He is discussing with These in Bright Atray." Addresses commemo OUTH BEACH. DAILY EXCURSION, STEAMER THOsTa. MORGAN. Broomo St.

B. 10:15 A. 1:16 P. 3:15 P. M.

Rrlrlvn Dnntr RrttoWlvw A Xf TW morning. Two Indies of ram fell in two hours in tho case both at spocial and general term. The principle announced by the court aud in conformity with which the issue was decided Deacon OldschooL Lippincotl's Magazine. be overrun by the spoils hunters. Thoy announced, on the day of his appointment, that TO MEN AND WOMEN THAT HAVE money to invest and aro parttaular as to their security: I have a raro selection of real estate, mortgage anti coupon bonds, interest and (J per payable semi annually in Brooklyn.

Inquire of N. T. SPRAGUE, Spraguo National Bank, Brooklyn. and tho wind blew forty miles an hour down 'Are you going to tho seaside this summer they now proposed to "run" tho post office ger of the law and how to be defiant when ho is out of its reach. The only thing that will cure him will be tho discovery of somebody who can effectively whip him.

That indi is a tunclamental one. it is, suostantiallv, asKeuone young woman oi anotner. ISO. was P. M.

town. On the hills the velocity was much greater. The lightning and thunder were terrible and incessant. Many families songht refuge in cellars, fearing a cyclone, in Rockdale Valley, south of under his administration. One self consti FARE 15 CENTS EACH WAY.

that corporations are the oreaturos of tho law, the reply. I don't think it would be of any use. Susie and BeBsio both eot married last season rative of Dr. Diller's life aud work will bo delivered. On Sunday morning the rector, Itev.

Dr, Bradloy, will preach upon the Suuday question. PLACED IN GllEAT PERU. Captain Titrabridge's Son Has an Ad' venture With a Horse. IIVSCItAlVCJb. tuted "statesman," himself the holder of a DIVIDENDS, and I don't suppose pa could afford to support and that when thoy defeat the purposes for which they were created tho power that the city, the flood carried away bridgeB and drovo fat federal place, impudently proclaimed his another husband.

Washington Post. peoploto the hills for safety. At Thompson's FRANKLIN TRUST OOMPANY. DIVIDEND NO. 2.

MERICAN STEAM BOILER INSURANCE OOMPANY OF NEW YORK. called them into being can also destroy them. Constanse I care not for your poverty. Goorirc. intention of selecting Captain Collins' deputy or assistant, even going so far as to specify vidual has been difficult to produce.

If Mr. Peter Jauksou, of Ethiopian descent, should prove to be tho individual able to get away with John L. Sullivan, tho anti climax in which life and the drama at times delight 18U KEMSIEN ST. Brooklyn. June 18, 1890.

The Board of Trasteos has this day declared a dividend THREE (3) PER payable at tho offlce of the Let us wed at once. Wo can live on ono meal a Tho Troy Times contains thin Item concerning day if necessary. Gooree Can you cook, love mill drowned cattle and horses were swept through the first story windows of Jlr, Titzig'a residence and the family sought refuge in tho hills. The bridge at Washington Mills, on the Chicago, Milwaukee aud St. Paul road.wout down A charter maybe forfeited through the wrongful act of a corporation or by its omission to do what the nature of its duties requires it to tho son of Captain Tumbridge, of this oity: cornang Jnly lo, 1S90.

to etookholder of record, June what ward tho lucky "heeler" was to como from. His assurance thoroughly illustrates Yes, George. I attended cooking school for two CASH ASSETS 500,000.00 GEO. H. SOUTHARD, Secretary.

would be retributivoly supplied. the disposition of the spoilsmen. One of the prettiest stops of a runaway seon in this oity in many a day was witnessed vosterday afternoon on fourth streot. A team attached to ft heavy wagon owned by R. J.

Wyley camo with a crash. On the Illinois Central two bridges do. The offense may be either positive or negative. In this caso it was both. tJOTH SEMI ANNUAL DIVIDEND OP were washed away betweon Dubuque and Julieu (7 THE MOUTH BROOKLYN HAVINGS INSTI oiipuun umiius, no uesires to supply a good postal administration, will give these Ono count of a long indictment found by Tho main question to which the judges ad TUTION Interest at the rate of 4 PER CENT, per annum on sums of 81.000 and under and at the rate nf and 700 feet of track was washed out near Farley.

Tho Chicago, St. Paul and Kansas City months. Then we will wed. I think one meal a day will answer. Yonkers Statesman.

Aged Groom My dear, I have bought tho palace you most admired, the horses you moBt liked and all tho Jewelry yon took a fancy to. Is thero nothing else I can buy for you Young Bride No, indeed, my I love; don't net any thins more for me. But something for yourself, my dear. Buy a cemetery lot. Aeto York Weekly.

Plunging up mo street witnout a driver. Arter the team hud dashod across Broadway John W. Tumbridgo, a member of tho olass of '01 at the Hensselaer polytechuio institute, graspod one of the horses by tho rein and attemDted to ston tlm thrifty patriots a wide berth. He will relieve dressed themselves was Has tho defendant the Evening Post against the Sun is that it commended the late John Morrissey ns a can 3 PER CENT, on tho excess not over $2,000 will bo credited to depositors entitlod thereto for the six months ending Juno 30 and payable on and aftor July 16. 1800.

Denoslta made dnrinir the fiv.qt. ten ilav of trill Jratv was waahod out for thirty milos weBt and north of Dubuque. In tho city tho damage done was himself from embarrassment by giving thorn corporation exceeded or abused its powers Insures steam boilers, eteam ongines, elevators and machinery against explosion and accidents to property andjle. JOHN R. WILMARTH.

Manager. Brooklyn and Long Island brnoh, 179 Hemi0n tt. Garfield Building. TJHENIX INSURANCE COMPANY, BROOKLYN, N. Y.

CASH CAPITAL, 81.000,000. Interest from theBrst of that month. and does that excess or abuse threaten or to understand at the beginning that he, not they, is responsible for the post office. If ho great. Many houses in the upper part of the olty are flooded with water.

The damage done in I'. 11. TROWBRIDGE, Secretary. team. Ho olutig pluokily to the horse and was carried along aa far as Pulton stveot.

Bystanders expected to bco him dashod to the ground, but ho Bkillfully diverted the course of the team up Pulton street and there mi A of tlm hnrcfla fell nml harm the public welfare. This definition of didate for state senator. It may he worth while to say, for the information of tho Evening Post, that the late William Oullen Bryant supported Morrissey for the samo office. this county is eatimatod at surrenders to them his ciaeer will be a fail tho issue suggests a very plain distinction ONG ISLAND LOAN AND TRUST CO. Li 203 MONTAGUE ST, Brooklyn.

DIVIDEND NO. 12. A nilarterlr dividend of TWO t'l PFH OEKT will cially established. Why go farther than this? Certainly Brooklyn can find no reason for forsaking the excellent system now in operation. Its citizens are content to move forward under existing conditions at least until some better argument for consolidation is advanced than has yet been submitted by its advocates.

To boast of our superiority over New York 'city would, if comparisons had not been invited, appear ungracious. Unconsciously, perhaps, but nevertheless candidly, the challenge has gone forth. When tho attempt is made to institute a parallel between existence in the respective towns the community on Manhattan Island shows instantly at a disadvantage. Without dwelling too critically on the shortcomings of our neighbors it is well, at this time as at all others, for Brook lynites to remember that thoy are residents of the most attractive municipality in the union. Here are ever present tho conditions which make for the physical and moral well being of all the people.

As a place of residence Brooklyn is without a rival the country over. Moreover, tho administration of public affairs is much better hero than in the neighboring town. Imperfoctions in our government thero havo been; blemishes there are to day; but, with all our faults, we rise high above the state of affairs which recurrently marks the discharge of public obligations at tho other end of tho big bridge. Whatever lapses from a correct standard havo occurred within our borders assume no shape worse than that of legalized LITERARY NEWS. ure.

If he adheres to his original resolution betweon a corporation and a privato partner tho runaway ended, Mr. Tumbridge'a courage and skill attracted the attention of all who saw the occurrence. be paid to tr.c stockholders July 1, 1890. Transfer books closed until that dato. of resisting them his administration is des Gross Assets.


Washington, D. June 25. Delegations from St. Paul and St. Louis arrived 8,379,334.58 itisumuuK, t.

ALDUIDOE, Secretary. Llabilitlca .7. tined to bo eminently satisfactory to this ship. Tho former assumes, as a condition of its existence, certain obligations to the public. The latter is an association acting independently of such limits.

The STBDAYELL BUB58. community. Surplus aa to policy 81.401,921.0 hero yesterday aud had interviews with Superin mHE SPOKANE FALLS AND NORTH JL BRN RAILWAY COMPANY. Tho coupons due July 1 of this company will be paid nn and after that A.t tl. rlHAKK NATION A T.

In the arcy avenue Baptist church, eorner of Business, not petty politics, should be tho tendent Porter iu which they mako complaints of the census enumeration in their respective oities. Maroy avonue aud Madison street, yesterday af The hearing ou the electric system of railroad motive power announced to have been sot down for to night by the railroad committee of tho common council will not occur till Friday night. The announcement for Wednesday was erroneous. BANK, of this oity. watchword in the post office.

Loeaei paid Bines organisation, $37,720,021,00. nFwiriE. u. utiArin, Treasurer. ternoon, Miss Helen Middleton Burns and J.

Fill ono is "anectea with a public interest," tho other is controlled only by The July Century has a debate on single tax problems from tho pens of Henry Georg6 and Edward Atkinson. Dr. T. H. Mann writes on Anderson villo, with rare photographic Illustrations of the prison pen, to bo followed by other writers, union and confederate, who wero captured during tho war.

Grace Donio Litchfield has a western watering place novelette called "Littlo Venice, a Story of the St, Clair Flats." The June Statesman, the Thorno Publiahina Company. Chicago, treats of postal savings banks, tho eight hour movement, tariff, the history of labor and tho factory fystem in America, Southern practical politics, city perils, etc R. B. Hassell urges vigorously, however sardonioally, The St. Paul people also complain against the manner in whioh the census was conduoted in Minneapolis, asserting that tho population had The Census.

BROOKLYN: PHENIX BUILDING, Court at, nafj 114 Broadway. K. D. OITY OF NEW YORK: WESTERN UNION BULLO OROOKLYN TRUST BROOKLYN, JT N. Jnue 18,1890 The truetoes havo this day declared a quarterly dividend of FOUR (4) PER CENT, on the capital stook.

payable Jnly 1, 1800, Transfer considerations affecting the interests of the partnership. The public claims and Howls, more or loss paiuful, are going up inu, proaoway. corner uey ax. from many cities against the census takers. docks wju do cioacu irotn unne OT.

louu, to Jujy. 1H00. JAS. ROSS CURRAN, Seorotary. been fraudulently swollen.

They asked for a recount. Mr. Porter said he would order this only upon a production of positive proof of gross inaccuracy. His remarks were hardly Batlsf aetory to the visitors. TLANTIO MUTUAL jluis is not surprising.

Towns want more npHE BROOKLYN BANK. BROOKLYN! INSURANCE COMPANY, NEW YORK. enjoys the right of confining the transactions of the former within clearly defined bounds. Ovor the latter it exercises no such jurisdiction. Therefore, while the principle of asso population than they have and havo been i iuo uoaru oi liroci ors nam this day declared a dividend of FOUR (4) PER vigorously claiming it for years.

Somo are H. IS. HUTCHINSON, Cashier. Office, 51 WALL ST. ORGANIZED 1842.

IKSUBES AGAINST AND INLAND TRANSPORTATION RISKS SOS OF UNCLE JtEHUS MISSISO. uouna to oe aisappomteu, inasmuch as LEGAL NOTICES. And willjasue policies making loss payable in England moro Studwell wero united in matrimony. Tho Rev. H.

(i. Mason, pastor of tho Church of the Pilgrim, assisted by the Kev. W. C. Rhoades, of the Maroy avenue Baptist ohurch, performed the ceremony.

Tho church decorations were of a floral nature and wero confined to the altar. Thb bride made her entrance into the churoh leaning on the arm of her brothor. There waa no bridesmaid or best man. William Homan, Her. bort TV.

Harris, T. It. S. Cornell and Mortimer Brokaw aotod as ushers. The ceremony was followed by a reception at tho residence of the bride's brother, E.

Reid Burns, 303 Qtiinoy streot, where the young people received the congratulations of their relatives and more intimate friendB. Tho newly wedded pair will honeymoon at Lake uit oh their roturn will take up thoir rcsdenoe at Port Chester, N. Y. INDIGNANT AT rMfllfilTlONIST HETII0I)S. Des Hot iJFS.

June 25. it is somowhat impracticable that in each cose every rival sludl invariably outstrip ciation for a common ond and benefit ia the samo in both instances, thero ia a wide difference in the actual character of the two kinds of association. The proceedings of commencement of tho girls' department of the central high school, reported in last night's Eagle, aro of an interesting character. The essays were able, timely and with that attractive quality about them which indicated oareful teaching and careful studying. The institution is a credit to the educational administration of the city, and it has reason to congratulate itself upon a year of effective work.

Tho police of Now York and this city are SUPREME COURT, KEN OS COUNTY Sarah U. Parks et a) against the E. M. Boynton Saw and rile Oomnanv. in tlm riikftAr nf Mi nt Assets ior tne security or its pottcier aro mora than TEN MILLION DOLLARS.

The nraflts of the comnanv revert rn thn Minn a. every otnor ono. mere aro two ways substituting protection by open subsidy for the present dark ways of helping one industry to the prejudice of another by tariff tinkering. "Tho Salmon Fisher," by Charles Hallook, is a neat pocket manual or brief treatise on the habitat and life history of this noble aqnatio gamo. It is written in the author's well known pleasant vein of humor, as if to make light of his undoubted erudition on the subject, and gives much entertaining gossip concerning noted anglers and their achievements with tho trustees for voluntary dutstilutlon of tho KM.

Boynton Saw and tie in tho matter of tho final ao onnnl nn I are divided annually upon the premiums terminated during the year, certificates for whioh are issued bear ing interest iu accordance with Us charter. The appellate tribunal found that the en Washington, D. Juno 25. William Harris, a son of Joel Chandler Harris (Undo EemuB), of tho Atlanta Constitution, is missing, and hii father and friends are very anxious about him. Ho left Atlanta Sunday, and was to have arrived here Monday morning and Bpend several days before proceeding to Canada to visit rolatives.

Ho failed to appear at tho hotel at which he was oxpoctod and efforts to find him havo thus far proved unBuocessf nL Young Harris for the rejected claimants to regard tho result. One is tho method of a grown up, self governed man. The other is that of a pas gagement into which tho North Eiver sugar l'ilo Company, to tho Btookholders and SJ.11 's Boynton Saw and File Company Notice is hereby riven to the stockholders of the E.JI. j. u.

jus, President. W. H. H. MOORE.

Vl President. A. RAVEN, B.cond VtceProsidenV, J. H. Chapman, Secretary.

refining company had entered transgressed the appointed boundaries of its charter. It had become an integral part of a combination CONTINENTAL INSURANCE CORNER COURT AND MONTAGUE STREETS iiitt rite uompany, ana to each ot several creditors thereof, pursuant to orders of the Supremo Court. Kings County, made in the Mid three several iliun on dy April, 18110. and the 241b. day of June.

1890, that they and each of them do severally show cause at a spocial terra of tho aatilvSupromo Court, to bo hold sionate child. It is hardly worth while to urgo the former course upon St. Paul and Minneapolis. But Brooklyn is not going to make a ludicrous exhibition of herself be that exercised over it an absolute control and entitled to commendation for their recovery of the stolen horses kept by Junk Dealer Abbott in his place on Concord street. Un Reserve for reinsurance Reserve for all other claims.

Frank Pierce, the searcher, wli3 even "onsw Brookhtti, In and to Oonntv of Kings, on the 101b. day of July, 1890, OlOOK in thA forenoon. nr annn thor.m Iu. no uaan aapiuu. Not dictated the extent and terms of its entire business activity.

All its Btock is in the central association called a board of trustees, ing shot Terry Chambers, was arrestod i petty larceny. In New York, on tho contrary, the system in vogue resembles more nearly wholesalo brigandage. Not of her own volition wiil Brooklyn ever consont to place herself at tho mercy of tho pirates who Bubsist on the substance of tho metropolis. The spasmodic discussion of consolidation has progressed periodically for many years. From time to time it is pretty sure to bo revived.

Its revival, however, can produco no other result than to emphasize tho advantages we now enjoy in contrast with tho disadvantages which would flow from an unnatural nd unhealthful union. Whatever disous is 15 yearn of age. HILLS AND TIMBER BUSKED. Bouldeb, Jnno 25. Word was received this moral Jig that the mills and works at the Puzzler and Boston mines wero rod and the gaff in northern waters.

There iB an itinerary of the salmon rivers and much useful information is offered in the ohapter, "The Technology of Salmon Fishing." In short, tho whole coutbo of human infatuation about the fish, from tho first acoess of the idea of going out to take him to the enjoying his rich color and fine flavor as he lies on the table, is detailed with zest, spirit, wit and practical wisdom. The Har pounsel can bo hoard, why au order should not bo made uuthorlxing and alreotiii tho receiver of said enmnnnv O. H. DOTomnt, Secretary Brooklyl less tho authorities are mistaken Abbott is the ohief of a band of horse thieves, who during the past year have stolon no less than day, charged with attempted murder, avj Roaecept from. the.

Fidelity and Casualty Oomnanv In unaor 51,400 bonds. Chambers is in a. consisting of eleven persons, who took and HAVINGS H.IA'ICS or all claims hold by said recelvor against io rocovery. xne crime naB aroused all distributed to the stockholders certifi cause her population is estimated by the census supervisor at about 816,000. Thero has doubtless boon some oversight, together with other mistakes, but thero is as yet nothing whatever to show that this city is worse off iu this (respect than her sister cities.

The figuifcs above printed are as fifty animals in the two oitiea, besido wagons, destroyed late last night. Ove io oaiu company as snroiy upon the Bond of Wallace e. room, lato reooiver of sold E. AL Boynton Haw and VM' 500 acres of indignation of tho people of this city at JE SAVINGS BANK OK BRQ valuable timber also were bar fho loss will amnany, the smnoT S2.750, arid npon rooelpt thArsof .11 discharge, satisfaction and acnnlf tauce of said" ftonfl and methods employed in tho onforcen ris Publishing Company, NoSork, issues the cates carrying a proportionate interest in the capital stookj The company had lost tho nerjr! Court and Hemsen sts. Hi leSDiTho truitees ol tM bat tMitldend, at tho rata if FOU1 be large, but cannot now bo esl e3, prohibitory law, vaauatty ijomnany to mraks.

OX" book. onrts and harness. The arrest, is an important and creditable ono, but tho police should not rest oontent until they hare captured all the members of the "gang" in question. w.hj xnoatnt eniumt power to pay a jkidend and was compelled JX IOXVl OLAV VTjj. BFtuea theme, payable on and It is a I Regard the Borai i high as any cofgtesative person looked to risy oyer iteiaBkearningB to tho central SOYAVIMXHO A Uia bast liianiilaotnKd.ll asm Him iiimiii wip.

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