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The Brooklyn Daily Eagle from Brooklyn, New York • Page 10

The Brooklyn Daily Eagle from Brooklyn, New York • Page 10

Brooklyn, New York
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)


LEGAL RAILROADS. RAILROADS. SUPREME COURT KINGS COUNTY ETHEL J. Norwood, plaintiff, againBt Mary C. Hennessy" and others, defendants In pursuance of a Judgment foreclosure and sale made and entered In the above entitled action dated the 2nd day of July.

1897. I will sell at public auction to tne hlgh bidder, by Thomas A. Kerrigan, auctioneer, at'. CMtv of Brooklyn. County Of Kings, On the 5th i the salesrooms, NO.

tf mo gnoy a ieet. in tne doy of October, 1897, at twelve clock noon, the land and premises In said Judgment mentioned. and therein described as follows; All that certain) lnl. nlfKTO or Oarcel Of land With the improvements thereon erected, situate, lying and being in the clt or Brooklyn ana state ot are follows, Becinninsr COUNTY COURT, KINGS COUNTY ED ward L. MoIIneux, plaintiff, against Adelaide A.

Raynolds and others, defendants In pursuance of an interlocutory of partition and sale made and entered in the above entitled action, bearing date the 3d day ot June, 1897. I. the undersigned, the referee in said Judgment named, wii: sell at public auction In one parcel to the highest bidder, by Thomas A. Kerrigan, auctioneer, as the Real Estate Exchange, Nos. 189 and I9i Montague street.

In the City of Brooklyn. County of Kings, on Tuesday, the fifth (5th) day oi 1S97, at twelve cock, noon, tne land and nremfVo. in inriernent mentioned and therein deoer'hivi ns follows ri" iiscr.oHi as io.oi.a. Firs: All thnt trflfi nf land with the I buildings and Improvements thereon erected, sit uate, lylnc and being in the City of Brooklyn. Kings County arvd state of New York, ot which at a point on the northerly side of Putnam ae and being In the City of Brooklyn, County of BrooKyn.

bounded and described as follows: Be nue distant two hundred and fifty (250) feet west i Kings. State of New York, and bounded and ginning at a point on the southerly side of Baltic erly from the northwesterly corner of Tompkins described as follows: Beginning at a point on street distant three hundred and thirty three (333) nine 1o thereof are known and designated on a and utnam avenues turn tne southerly side of Bergen street distant one reet six inchet. easterly from the soul cor map entitle! "Mac ol Uuable property situated wardl' n3f hundred and seventy feet (170) easterly from the ner of Smith and Baltic streets: running thence to the I age of Brooklyn near and adjoining the hTndrd, JJ tc T'S'Jp aiih corner formed by the Intersection of the southerly easterly along said southerly side of Baltle street United Stated NavvYurd llSnglng to the estate lei with Putnam twenty seven 2i)fe Me ot Bergen street with the easterly side of twenty nine feet; thence southerly parallel with of John JJZh Iwi flifd In the office na three (3) inches: thence southwardly and paral Thlrd avenue; mnnlng thenceisoutherly on a line smith street and part of the way through a party TZ. ,7 Futna avenue twenty seven (27) feet and three (S) inches to the point or place of beginning. Be the said several distances and dimensions more hnnr.VPF to a nertaln covenant i AA rW; iitiv nnn rppomeo in inn omce ni me itieic ister of Kings County in Hber 200 of conveyances at page 293 or In any subsequent deed.

Dated Brooklyn, September 13, 1S97. WILLIAM J. BUTTLING. Sheriff. Marshall S.

Marden, Plaintiff'sAttorney, 31 Naa sau 'street. New York, 813 SUPREME COURT, KINGS COUNTY AN drew Icken, plaintiff, against Frida C. Martens and others, defendants In pursuance of a Judgment of foreclosure and sale made and entered in uie ixuvvu eimueu uuuun, ujlcu uiv uui im.y ui September, 1S97, I will sell at public auction to i. tne unaersignea, the rereree in saiu juaBiwen of October, 1897 at twelve o'clock, noon, oi mau the highest bidder by Thomas A. Kerrigan, named, will sell at public auction at the Real fiav ny james l.

Brum lev auctioneer, the mort auctloneer, at the Salesrooms. No. 9 WlUoughby Estate Exchange Salesroom, No. 189 Montague BaEej In said judgment mentioned and street, in the City of Brooklyn. County of Kings.

street. In the Cltv of Brooklyn, on the sixth day therein described as follows: All that certain lot, on the 12th day of October, 1S97, at twelve o'clock, of October, at twelve o'clock, noon, of that piece or parcel of land with the building thereon noon, the land and premises in said judgment day, by James L. Brumley, auctioneer, the mort situate, Jying and being Jn the City of Brooklyn mentioned and therein described as follows: All 1 gaged premises In said Judgment mentioned and am3 bounded and described as follows: Beginning that certain lot. niece or parcel of land situate, lying and being in the City of Brooklyn, In the County of Kings and State ot New York, situate on the southerly side of Baltic street distant westerly one hundred and twenty feet and six inches from the southwesterly corner of Hicks and Baltic streets, being" number twenty on a map of real estate in the Sixth Ward of the City of Brooklyn, belonging to George Wood, W. K.

Havemeyer and F. Havemeyer, New York, March, 1848. John G. Serrill, City Surveyor, filed June 3, 1S52; thence running southerly at right angies to Baltic street along the westerly line of lot num ber nineteen on said map one hundred parallel, with Baltic street twenty five feet: then je nortneriy along tne easterly line ot 101 nuniDer twenty one on said map one hundred and four fee and ten Inches to the southerly side of Baltic street; thence easterly twenty five feet to the place of beginning. Dated Brooklyn.

September 20. 1897 WILLIAM J. BUTTLING, Sheriff. George F. Martens, Plaintiff's Attorney, T61 Broadway, New York City.

COUNTY COURT. KIXGS COUNTY JOHN Williamson, plRlntiff, against Bernard Oblenls and others, defendants In pursuance of a Judgment of foreclopure and sale, made and entered in the above entitled action, dated the 16th day of September, 1897, I will sell at public auction to the highest bidder, by Thomas A. Kerrigan, auctioneer, at the salesrooms, No. 9 Wllloughby slreet. in the City of urooKiyn.

county oi K.ings. on the 12th day of October. 1S97. at twelve o'clock Judgment named, will sell at pumic auction at tne noon, the land and premises In said Judgment Real Estate Exchange Saleroom. No.

189 Mon raentiond, and therein described as follows: All tague street, in the City of Brooklyn, on the that certain lot, piece or parcel of land with the sixth day of October, 1897. at twelve clock, building and improvements thereon erected, sit noon, of that day by James. L. Brumley, auc uate, lying and being In the City of Brooklyn, I tloneer, the mortgaged premises in said Judgment SEW YORK SUPREME COURT, COUNTY OK KINGS The Emigrant Industrial Savings Bank, plaintiff, against James W. Dearing and others, Action No.

I In pursuance of a ludtrment of rnr nnrt nale. made 'and entered herein and bearing date the 17th day of July, 1897, the undersigned, the referee In said Judgment named, will sell at public auction at the Rnl te.tot irv. No. 189 Montague street, In the City of Brooklyn, on tne sixtb day of October 1897, at twelve o'clock, noon, of that day, by James L. Brumley, auc tinnier It, ty I In Bald 1udg ment mentioned and therein described as follows: All that certain lot.

piece or parcel or land. 1 lv parallel with said easterly siae of Th ro avenue "unur uuu): tnence easiei.j. Vuu.c. wlth Bergen street thirty feet (30); thence north eriy on a line nnmllol with said easterly side of Third avenue o.wiO nartv wall one leet turn; to tie jouuieni ieiiy l.

i pfi aat Dated Brooklyn. Spntrnrthnr 9 1R97. THOMAS W. BUTTS, Referee. R.

E. J. O'Gorman. Plaintiff's Attorneys, 49 and 51 Chambers treet. New York City.

s9 9t NEW YORK SUPHEME COURT. COUNTY OF ji iinfii ttui iiiuuBLiwi rlalntiff ncMnct To Tiers rlnc JLTlri nthers. The Emigrant industrial savings rsanK, defendants. Action No. 2 In pursuance of a Judg mpni nf fnrof Insure nnrl mlp.

mnrie and entered ic mc ju.j i therein described as follows: All that certain lot, piece or parcel of land with the building thereon erected, situate, lying and being in the Ctty pr Brooklyn, County of Kings, State of New York. and bounded and described as follows: Beginning at a point on the southerly side of Bergen street distant two hundred feet (200) easterly from the corner formed by the Intersection of the souther ly side ot Bergen street with the easterly side of Third avenue and opposite a party wall, running thtip Rmifhprlv nn ltni rara.llel With said east erly side of Third avenue and partly through said party wall one hundred feet (100); thence easterly parallel with Bergen street thirty feet other party wall one hundred feet flOO) to the southerly side of Bergen street, and thence westerly aJongr the southerly side of Bergen 6treet thirty (30) feet to the point or place of beginning. Said premises being now known by the street number 324 Bergen street. Dated. Brooklyn.

September 9. 1S97. THOMAS W. BUTTS, Referee. R.

B. J. O'Gorman, Plaintiff's Attorneys. 49 and 51 Chambers street. New York City.

s9 9t NEW YORK SUPREME COURT, COUNTY OF KINGS The Emigrant Industrial Savings Bank, plaintiff, against James W. Dearing and others, defendants. Actloi. No 3 In pursuance of a ludsrment of foreclosure and sale, made and entered nerein anu oearing uate tne a. aay ol July, 1S97, I.

the undersigned, the referee in mentioned and therein described as follows: All that certain lot, piece or parcel of land, with the buildings thereon erected, situate, lying and being in' the City of Brooklyn, County of Kings and State of New York, and bounded and described as follows. Beginning at a point on the southerly side of Bergen street, distant two hundred and thirty feet (230) easterly from the corner formed by the intersection of the southerly side of Bergen street with the easterly side of Third avenue, and opposite a party wall, running thence southerly on a line parallel with said easterly side Qf phlrd avenue and partly through said party nil one hundred feet (100): thence easterly, par allel with Bergen street thirty feet (30); thence northerly, on a line parallel with said easterly side of Third avenue, partly through another party wall, one hundred feet (100) to the southerly side of Bergen street, and thence westerly along the southerly side of Bercen street thirty feet (30) to the point or place of beginning. Said premises being now known by the street number. 326 Bergen street. Dated Brooklyn.

September 9, 1S97. THOMAS TV. BUTTS. Referee. R.

E. J. O'Gorman. Plaintiff's Attorneys. 49 and 51 Chambers street.

New York City. s9 05 9t KEW YORK SUPREME COURT. COUNTY OF KINGS Th Emigrant Industrial Savings Bank, ninintiff arralnst W. Dearing and others. defendants Action No.

4 In pursuance of a Judgment or roreciosure ana saie muue ana emci ed herein and bearing date the 28th day of July, 1S97 I. the undersigned, the referee In said judgment named, will sell at public auction at the Real Estate Exchange Salesroom. No. 1S9 Montague street, in the City of Brooklyn, on the sixth day of October, 18S7, at twelve o'clock, noon, of that day. by jamea i.

urmmej. uu Muntti, mortgaged premises In said judgmem mentioned on1 Vr1n described as follows: All that certain lot. piece or parcel oi inim. wilh lub uuuumt, thereon erected, situated, lying and being in the City of Brooklyn. County of Kings, State of New York, and bounded and described as follows: Beginning at a point on the.

southerly side of Bergen street, distant two hundred and sixty feet easterly from the corner formed by the Interaction of the southerly side of Bergen street with the easterly side of Third avenue and oppo hlte a nartv wall; running thence southerly on a line parallel with said easterly side of Third avenue and partlv through said party wall one hundred feet (100); thence easterly parallel with Bergen street thirty feet (30); thence northerly on a line parallel with said easterly side of Third avenue partly through another party wall one hundred feet (100) to the southerly side of Bergen street, and thence westerly along the southerly side of Bergen street thirty feet (SO) to the point or place of beginning. Said premises being now known by the street number 328 Bergen street. Dated Brooklyn. September 9. 1897 THOMAS BUTTS.

Referee. E. J. O'Gorman. Plaintiff's Attorneys, 49 and Chambers street.

New York City. f3 o5 9t NEW YORK SUPREME COURT. COUNTY OF KINGS The Emigrant industrial savings uann. against James W. Dearing and others, insnTwi.

a inn Tv'n Tn nursiiarp nf a lUuK mnt of foreclosure and sale made and entered herein and bearing date the 31 st day of July, 1S97. the undersigned, the referee in said judgment named, will sell at public auction at the Real Estate Exchange Salesroom, No. ISa Montague in fh iMn nf Rmnklvn. on the sixth day therein described as follows: All tnac certain lot, nnri;i with the hutldinjr ther; on erected situate. Wing and being in the City of Brooklyn.

County of Kings. State" of New York, and bounded and described as follows: Beginning at a point on the southerly side of Berg en street distant two hundred and ninety feet (290) easterly from the corner formed by the intersection of the southerly side of Bergen street with the easterly side of Tliird avenue and opposite a party wall; running thence southerly on a line parallel with said easterly Fide of Third avenue and partis through snld nartv wall one hundred feet (100); thence easterly parallel with Bergen street thirty feet (30) thence northerly on a line parallel with said easterly side of Third avenue partly through another partv wall one hundred feet (100) to the southerly side of Bergen street; thence westerly along the southerly side of Bergen street thirty frVrt (30) the point or place of beginning. Said 'ielng Srwn street. Dated Brooklyn, September Vc'n THOMAS W. BUTTS, Referee.

Plaintiff's Attorneys, 43 l. J., I. inmuii nnuiucjo. and 51 Chambers street, isaw lorK city.

f9 9t NEW YORK SUPREME COURT, COUNTY OF KINGS The Emigrant Industrial Savings Bank, nlalnti 1. against jamw mm of the ItegHtcr of Klnra Coiinty as numbers fifty (30). flftv one (51) fiftv two fifty three (53). nfty four hrii flft'v nine (59) sixty Lna tn.e xaiu UOW11 on SttlU man easterly ami aujuucui. lu lot No 61.

and marked Robert's" on said map. lots taken together are bound follows point on the northerly side of Plymouth street uistant iwiie reet westerly rrom tne norinweaier ly corner o' Plymouth street and Hudson avenue (late Jackson street), and at the dividing line between said lot marked "Robert's" on said map and a lot thereon mirk(v5 Vih' thence run ning northerly and parallel with Hudson avenue and along said land marked "Nich's Quirk" and tne rear or lots Nos. G5. 64, 63 and 62 on saia map and land on said map marked "Jas. B.

Clarke" two hundred feet to the southerly side of John street, at a point distant ninety feet westerly from Hudson avenue (late Jackson street) aforesaid; thence running westerly along the southerly side of John street one hundred and twenty five feet; thence southerly along the westerly sides of lots numbers fifty r50) and fifty eig f58) two hundred feet to the northerly side of Plymouth street, and thi nce easterly along the northerly side of Plymouth street one hundred and twenty five feet to the point or place of Second And also all that certain lot. piece or parcel of land situate. lying and being In the Fifth Ward of the City of Brooklyn, being a portion of lots numbered thirty nine (39) and forty (40) upon a certain map entitled "Map of valuable property situate In the Village of Brooklyn near and adjoining the United States Navy Yard, belonging to the estate of John Jackson, deceased," made by Isaac T. Ludlam, city surveyor, now on file in the office of the Register of the County of Kings and numbered 232. bounded and described as follows; Beginning at a point on the southerly side of John street, distant twenty four feet easterly from the southeasterly corner of John and Gold streets, and running thence southerly and parallel with Gold street fifty feet and one half of an inch to the northerly line of lot number forty one (41) on said map; thence easterly along the northerly line of said lot number forty one (41) sixty two feet to the westerly line tt lot number forty seven (47) on said map; thence northerly along said westerly line of said last mentioned lot fifty feet to the southerly side of John street aforesaid, and thence westerly along the said southerly Bide of John street fifty nine feet and ten Inches to the point or place of Third And "also all that certain lot, piece or parcel of land situate, lying and being In said City of Brooklyn, and known and distinguished the map aforesaid as and by the number forty seven (47) bounded and described as follows: Beginning at a point on the southerly side of John street, distant eighty three feet and ten Inches easterly from the southeasterly corner of John and Gold streets, and running thence southerly and parallel with Gold street one hundred feet to the center line of the block between John' and Plymouth streets; thence easterly along said center line of the block twenty five feet thence northerly and again parallel with Gold street one hundred feet to the southerly side of John street aforesaid, and thence westerly along said southerly side of John street twenty five feet to the point or plac3 of beginning.

Fr.urth And also all that certain lot, piece or parcel of land, situate, lying and being in Brooklyn aforesaid, known and distinguished on the map aforesaid as and by number forty one (41) and bounded and described as follows: Beginning at a point on the easterly side of Gold street, distant one hundred and twenty five feet one and one quarter of an inch northerly from the northeasterly corner of Gold and Plymouth streets, and running thence northerly along said easterly side of Gold street twenty five feet and one quarter of an Inch thence easterly and along the southerly side of lot number forty (40) on said map eighty six feet to the westerly side of lot number forty seven (47) on said map; thence southerly along said westerly side of lot number forty seven (47) twenty five feet; thence westerly and along the northerly side of lot number forty two (42) on said map eighty seven feet and one Inch to the point or place of beginning. Fifth And also all those two lots, pieces or parcels of land firtuate, lying and being in said City of Brooklyn, and bounded and described as follows: Beginning at a point on the northerly side of Plymouth street, 'distant ninety two feet six inches easterly from the northeasterly corner of Gold and Plymouth streets, and thence running northerly on a at right angles to Plymouth street one hundred feet; thence easterly and parallel with mouth street tlrty leet thence southerly on a line at right angles to Plymouth one hundred feet to the northerly side of Plymouth street aforesaid, and thence westerly along the northerly side of Plymouth street fifty feet to the point or place of beginning, and known as lots numbered 55 and 56 on said map. Seventh And all that certain lot, piece or parcel of anrt situate, lying and being in the Fifth Ward of the City of Brooklyn, designated on a certain map fV.ed in the office of the Register of the County of Kings. In the State of New York, entitled, "Map of property near to and adjoining the "United States Navy Yard, belonging to the heirs of John Jackson, deceased," as and by the number 4S, and bounded as follows, to wit: Beginning on the southerly side of John street, at a point distant one hundred and eight feet ten inches easterly from the southeasterly corner of John and Gold streets, and running thence easterly along the said southerly side of John street twenty five feet; thence southerly at right angles to John street one hundred feet; thence westerly and parallel with John street twenty five feet, and thence northerly and again at right angles to John street one hundred feet to the point or place of beginning. Eighth And also all that certain lot, piece or parcel of land, with the building and improvements thereon erected, situate, lying and being in the Fifth "Ward of the City of Brooklyn, aforesaid, known and distinguished on a map of the estate of John Jackson, deceased, prepared for the sale of said estate, as number fifty seven (57), and bounded and described as follows, Beginning at a point in the northerly side of Plymouth street distant one hundred and forty two feet six inches (142 feet 6 inches) easterly from the northeast corner of Gold and Plymouth streets, at the easterly side of lot number fifty six (56) as laid down on said map; running thence easterly along Plymouth street twenty five feet to the corner of lot number fifty eight (5S) on said map; thence northerly a long said last mentioned lot one hundred feet to lot number forty nine (49) on said map; thence westerly twenty five feet to said lot number fifty six (56) on said map, and thence south erlv along said last mentioned lot numbered fifty six (56) one hundred feet to Plymouth street, at tne place oi oegmning, oe tne uiu several ui mentions more or less.

The premises will be sold subject a thereon held by th JV De voe C. T. Raynolds Company, the term of which Brooklyn. September 11. ihbt JOHN M.

RIDER. Referee. Illrsn Rasciuln, Plaintiff's Attorneys. 4 and 5 Court square, Brooklyn. N.

Y. 7t SUPREME COURT, KINGS COUNTY FRED erlck Brommcr and Marie S. Ring, as sole surviving executors of the last will and testament of Frederick Ring, deceased, plaintiffs, against i I i i County of Kings and State of New York, bounded and described as follows, to wlt: Beginning at a point on the northerly side of Hull street distant four hundred and twelve feet six Inches easterly from the comer formed by the Intersection of the northerly side of Hull street with the easterly side of Rockaway avenue, and running thence northerly parallel with Rockaway avenue and part of the distance through a party wall one hundred feet; thence easterly and parallel with Hull street eighteen feet nine inches: thence southerly parallel with Rockaway avenue and part of tne distance through a certain other party wall one hundred feet to the northerly side of Hull street, and thence westerly along said northerly side of Hull street eighteen feet nine inches to the point or place of beginning. Dated Brooklyn September 20, 1897. WILLIAM J.

BUTTLING. Sheriff. Rufus T. Griggs. Plaintiff's Attorney.

31 Nas sau street. N. Y. City. s20 3w COUNTY COURT.

KINGS COUNTY JAMES Williamson, plaintiff, against Bernard Oblenls and others, defendants In pursuance of a Judgment of foreclosure and sale, made and entered In the above entitled action, dated the 10th day of September. 1S97. I will sell at public auction to the highest bidder, by Thomas A. Kerrigan, auction er. at the salesrooms.

No. 9 WlUoughby street. In the City of Brooklyn. County of Kings, on the 12th day of October, 1897, a twelve o'clock, noon, the land and premises in said judgment mentioned and therein described as follows: All that certain lot. niece or barcel of land with the building and Improvements thereon erected, situate, lying and being In the City of Brooklyn, of Kings and State of New York, bound ed and described as follows, to wit: Beginning at a point on the northerly side of Hull street, distant four hundred and thirty one feet three mcnes easterly from tne corner rormeo Dy tne intersection the northerly side of Hull street tho ntir'v rMp nf Tlrwicawstv n.VPnno find running thence northerly parallel with Rockaway avenue and oart of the distance throuch a warty wall one hundred feet; thence easterly and parallel with Hull street eighteen feet nine inches; thence southerly ara Uel with Rockaway avenue one hundred feet to the northerly side of Hull street, and thence westerly along said northerly side of Hull street eighteen feet nine inches to the point or pla ce of beginning.

Dated Brooklyn. September 20. 1897. WILLIAM J. BUTTLING, Sheriff.

Rufus T. Griggs, Plaintiff's Attorney. 31 Nassau street, N. Y. City.

s20 3w "SUPREME COURT, KINGS COUNTY JAMES Ross, plaintiff, again William Stubenvoll and others, defendants In pursuance of a Judgment of foreclosure and sale made and entered In thta above entitled action, dated the 13th day of September, 1897, I will! sell at public auction to the highest bidder, by Thomas A. Kerrigan, auctioneer, at the salesrooms. No. 9 Willoughby street, in the City of Brooklyn, County of Kings, on the 12th day of October, 1S97, at twelve o'clock noon, the land and premises In said judgment mentioned and therein described as follows: All that certain piot, piece or pa.rcel of land, and being In the Twenty second WaM of th City of Brook yn, bounded and di ,1 as f. rf.

lows, to wit: sinning at a point on side of Sixth street, distant two Xlndred and sixty seven (2G7) feet ten and ve 'half 'ichea westerly from the corner formed by th'. intersection of the northerly side of Sixth sr.veet with the westerly side of Prosnec: Park West (formerly Ninth running thenoe northerly paru. 1th Prosrfect Park West one hundred (lOO'i feet NEIvV YORK SUPREME COURT, COUNTY OB" KINGS The Emigrant Industrial Savings Bank, plaintiff, against James W. Dearing and others, defendants. Action No.

8 In pursuance of a Judgment of foreclosure and sale, made and en tered herein and bearing date the 22d day of July. 1897. the undersigned, the referee In said judff m.nt nnm.ri wH' rp.I n.f th Real Estate Exchange Salesroom. Wn IRS Mnnta gue street. In the City of Brooklyn, on the sbtth day of October.

1897. at twelve o'ctock. noon, ot that day, by James Brumley, auctioneer, the mnr rtr. iird nr.m!gm In Rjttri InHpmAnl montlnnwl and therein described as follows: All that certain piece or parcel of land, with the. building a one hundred feet; thence westerly parallel WKn came street nine feet; tnence Crly again parallel with Smith street and part oj (he wav XJUS hundred feet ih ooinl o.uc

or p.ace oi beginning. Dated. Brooklyn, aepiem Der 9 and 51 Chambers street. New York City. s9 Ot NEW YORK SUPREME COURT.

COTJNTT OB KINGS The Emigrant Industrial Savings BanK, plaintiff, acainet James W. Dearing and otnars. defendants. Action No. 9 In pursuance of a JUr ment of foreclosure and sale made and entff(SI nerein ana Dearing aate the ltn day oi juu.

'j 7. nHn ment named wijj at public auction at the Real i. i xt ISO MrmtaJtu Btre et, in tne vity or tsrooKiyn, on tic oA. n. nnin nn nr Rnltlc street distant three hundred and sixty two feet six inches easterly from southeasterly corner of Smith and Batc streets; running thence easterly along southerly side of Baltic street twenty nine, teec.

thence southerly parallel with Smith street anJ DaTt ot tne way through a party wall on hundred feet thenoe westerly and parallel with Baltic street' twentv nlne feet; thenoe northerly i and agrajn parallel with street and part of the way through a party wall one hunarea ieet the southerly side of Baltic street at the point or place of beginning. Dated Brooklyn, September 9. 1897. THOMAS W. BTTTS.

Referee. R. E. J. O'Gorman.

Plaintiff's Attorneys. and 51 Chambers street. New Yorlt City. 69 9t NEW YORK SUPREME COURT, COUNTY OF KINGS The Emigrant Industrial Savings Bank, plaintiff, against James V. Dearing and others, defendants.

Action No. 10 In pursuance of a Judgment of foreclosure and sale, made and entered herein and bearing date the 2Sth day or July, 18D7. the undersigned, the referee in said judgment named, will sell at public auction, at the Real Estate Exchange Salesroom, No. 189 Montague street. In the City of Brooklyn, on the sixth day of October.

1897, at twelve o'clock, noon, of that day, by James L. Brumley, auctioneer, the mortgaged premises in said judgment men tnnfA and fhprpln dpfirrlhpd fls follows: All that certain lot, piece or parcel of land, with the building thereon, situate, lying and being In the xr," iw nrt described as fol inws: Beclnnlne at a oalnt on the southerly sido of Baltic street distant three hundred and ninety one feet six Inches easterly from the southeasterly corner of Smith and Baltic streets: running thence easterly along said southerly side of Baltic street twenty nine feet; thence southerly parallel with Smith sLreet and part of the way through a party wall one hundred feet; thenca westerly and parallel with Baltic street twenty nine feet; thence northerly and again parallel with Smith street and pait of the way through a party wall one hundred feet to the southerly side of Baltic street at the point or place of beginning Dated Brooklyn, September 9, 1897. THOMAS W. BUTTS, Referee. R.

E. J. O'Gorman. Plaintiff's Attorneys, 49 and fil Chambers street. New York City.

s9 9t NEW YORK SUPREME COURT, COUNTY OF ICINGS The Emigrant Industrial Savings Bank, plaintiff, against James W. Dearing and othera, defendants. Action No. 11 tn pursuance of Judgment of foreclosure and sale made and en tered herein and bearing date the 17th day of July, 1S97, the undersigned, the referee In said Judgment named, will sell at public at the Real Estate Exchange Salesroom, No. 159 Montague street.

In the City of Brooklyn, on the sixth day of October, 1S07. at twelve o'clock, noon, of that day. by James L. Brumley, auctioneer, the mortgaged premises in said judgment mentioned and therein described as follows: All that certain lot, piece or parcel of land, with tne building thereon, situate, lying and being In the City of Brooklyn, bounded and described as follows: Beginning at a point on the southerly side of Baltic street distant four hundred and twenty feet six Inches easterly from the southeasterly corner of Smith and Baltic streets; running thence easterly along said southerly side of Baltic street twenty nine feet six Inches; thence southerly parallel with Smith street one hundred feet; thence westerly and parallel with Baltic street twenty nine feet six inches; thence northerly and again parallel with Smith street and part of the way through a party wall one hundred feet to the southerly side of Baltic street at the point or place of beginning. Dated Brooklyn, September 9.

18S7. THOMAS W. BUTTS, Referee. R. E.

J. O'Gorman, Plaintiff's Attorneys, 4 and al Chambers street. New York City. s9 9t NEW YORK SUPREME COURT, COUNTY OIF KINGS The Emigrant Industrial Savings Bank plaintiff, against James W. Dearing and others, defendants.

Action No. 12 In pursuance of a Judgment of foreclosure and sale made and entered herein ard bearing date the 3d day of August, 1S97, thf undersigned, the referee in said Judgment named, will sell at public auction at the Real Estate Exchange Salesroom, No. 189 Montague street, In the City of Bnvr.klyn, on the sixth day of October, 1R97. at twelve o'clock, noon, that day. by Jamea L.

Brumley. auctioneer, the mortgaged premises In said Judgmr.nt mentioned and therein described as follows: All that certain lot, piece or parcel of land with the buildings thereon situate, lying and being in the City of Brooklyn, County of Kings and State of New York, which is ehjwn on a pla or diagram annexed to a certain deed from Cornelius J. mc gen and wife, to Isaac Jt.cuos, and recorded in the office of the Reglstsi the County of Kings In LIbQr 346 of Conveyances 376 and which is bounded and described nr. follows: Beginning at the southeasterly corner of First place and Court street, and running thence southerly along the easterly lde of Court street one hundred and twenty two feet to land conveyed by said Cornelius J. Bergen to Alexander J.

Bergen by deed recorded in said Register's office in Liber 28S of Conveyances page 214. and thence easterly along said land and parallel with First place seventy five feet thence northerly and parallel with. Court street twenty two feet; thence westerly and parallel with First place twenty five feet; thence northerly and parallel with Court street and part of the way through a party wall one hundred feet to the southerly line of First place, and thence westerly along the southerly line ot First place fifty feet to the place of beginning, together with all the right, title and interest of the parties of the first to the land lying la First place to the center thereo. subject to the use thereof as provided or permitted by Acta of the Legislature in respect thereto, being Chapter 243 of the laws of 1S4G. Chapter 376 of the laws of 1S50 and Chapter 293 of the laws of 1852.

Subject to all covenants and restrictions contained in deeds heretofore made, conveying said nrenuses. Dated Brooklyn, September 9, 1S97. THOMAS W. BUTTS, Referee. R.

E. J. O'Gorman, Plaintiff's Attorneys, 9 and 51 Chambers street. New York City. s9 St SUPREME COURT, KINGS COUNTY THE American Dap tin Home Mission Society, plain tiff, ajrainst Sarah Travis, Ida Miller and others, defendants.

Action No. 3 In pursuance of a judgment of foreclosure and sale made and of a judgment of foreclosure and sale made and entered In the above entitled action, dated the 10th day of July, 1S97, I will sell at public auction, to the highest bidder, by Thomas A. Kerrigan, auctioneer, at the salesrooms, No 9 Willoughby street, In the City of Brooklyn, County of Kings, on the 12th day of otohfT 1S97. at twelve o'clock, noon, the land I and premises In said judgment mentioned and lot, and and and EOUtherly parallel with Ewen street and part of the way tnrougn tne center oi saiu purLy wm flfly feJt. tlience westerly parallel with Stagg atreet twenty five feet more or less, and thence n.h.H..

i.nln nnr. illel with Fwfln Street fifty feet to the point or place of beginning, the said premises being now known by the street number one hundred and twenty six (126) Stags street. Dated Brooklyn. September 20. 1S97.

WILLIAM J. BUTTLING, Sheriff. Edward S. Clinch, Plaintiff's Attorney. 115 Broadway.

N. Y. City. s20 7t BLDERT STREET N. Y.

SUPREME COURT, County of Westchester Hannah Sweeney, plaintiff, against Joseph McPhlillps, on.y heir at and next of kin of James McPhllllps. deceased, and Ellen McPhllllps, widow of said James McPhllllps deceased, defendants In pursuance of a Judgment of foreclosure and sale duly mad 1 i bearing date the 7th day ot Aueust. 1897, th undersigned, the referee In said Judgment named. i will sell at public auction on the 27th day of September. 1897.

at 12 noon, of that day. at tne Real Estate Salesroom, No. 189 Montagu i street. In the City of Brook.yn, by Philip A. Smyth, auctioneer, the mortgaged premises la said judgment mentioned and therein described aa tereu in tne auuvc or of B.dert street, distant northeasterly side or line of ffidert street, distant northeasterly two hundred and forty four feet from the north I nt mMert atreet and Rrnndwav.

an running thence northwesterly Parcel with i Broad jraj one Tif ST le'. with street eighteen thence south easterly parallel with Broadway one hundred feet to Eldert street; tne ence southwesterly alone a.a of 1 dert street eighteen Ieet to the point or or Deginnmg. iae uur.uu.itr.y mn nmmiinr lines passing tnrougn tne center ot party war.B. together with the street in front to the center thereof. Dated New York.

August 30. 1897. BURTON C. MEIGHAN. Referee.

William G. Mulligan. Attorney for Plaintiff. 77T Tremoivt avenue. New York City.

s6 7t See the young person. The young person Is learning to ride a bicycle. When a man passes the young person gets agitated and runs Into the house. Many men must have passed, because the house shows the markB of having been run into many times. Detroit Journal.

ANCHOR LINE. Steamships sail from New York every Saturday for GLASGOW VIA LONDONDERRY. From Pier 54. North River, foot West 21th st. Furnessla.

Sept. 25, noonEth.lopla Oct. 16. noon City of Rome, Oct. 9.

noon. 23. noon (Furnessla Oct. 30. noon Rates for Saloon Passage: C1TT OF ROME, SCO.

Other Steamers. SoO. Second Cabin: Rome.842.r0. Furnessla. Steerage Passage: Romelfao.SO.Furnessla.SFy.t.GO.OtherStrs.ilUia.SO.

For new Illustrated Book of Tours and further Information apply to HENDERSON BROTHERS. General Agents. 7 Bowling Green. N. Y.

Or TAY'LOR HOOD. 336 Fulton St. Or H. F. KOCH.

48 Broadway. Brooklyn. AMERICAN LINE. NEW YORK SOUTHAMPTON (London Paris). Paris.

21). 10 A. M.ISt. Louls.Oct. 13.

10 A. M. St. Paul. 6.

10 A. M. (Paris. 20. 10 A.

31. First cabin passage to Southampton. $100 ami upward; second cabin. 542.50 to $60: steerage at low rates. Drafts payable In all parts of England, Ireland, Scotland, Sweden, Norway and Denmark at low rates INTERNATIONAL NAVIGATION 6 Bowling Green.

New York; LEHRE.N KRAUSS SONS. 379 Fulton stf JOHN C. HENDERSON SONS. 344 Fulton st: J. H.

SCHBIDT, ISO Graham av. or H. F. KOCH. 48 Broadway.

Brooklyn. CUNARD LINE. NEW YORK TO LIVERPOOL. Via Queenstown, Prim Pier 40. N.

foot of Clarkson st. 25. 2 P. M.ICampania.Oct.l6.S:30 2. 10 A.

M.lUmbrla..Oet. 23. 2 P. M. Aurtnlu Oct.

5, noon, Lucanla 30, 8:30 A.M 9. 2 P. 6. 2 P. M.

For passage and further information apply to VERNON BROWN General Agents. 4 Bowling Green. N. Y. THOS.

H. HENDR1CKSON. 339 Fulton St. B'klyn. I H.

F. KOCH. 48 Broadway. B'klyn, E. D.

CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY. Intending steamship sailings from Vancouver to JAPAN a i CHINA. EMPRESS OF INDIA. 11. Jan.

3. Mar. 28 EMPRESS OF JAPAN. 8. Jan.


IS. AORANGI, Nov. 22. Second cabin accommodations very low rates. For tickets and freight rates apply at 353 Broad way.

For freight rates only, SS Wall st. New i ork. WHITE STAR LINE. rr oTTTri. rnWV iNn LIVERPOOL.

Majesti Sept. 29, nooniTeutonio Oct. li. noon ermanlc Oct. 6, no.niijrUar.nlo...

Oct. 20. noon No cotton carried on passenger steamers. I For passage tickets and drafts payable on de maud everywhere In England, Ireland, Sweden, Scotland and Norway apply to V. ALDRIDGB.

66 Court st, Brooklyn: D. it. LSANtva. iiroaaway, and H. F.

KOCH. 48 Broadway. Brooklyn, E. D. H.



CHAMPAGNE. Polrot, Oct. 2, 10 A. II. Rates of passage, iirst class.

New York to, $105 and upward by all steamers except La Tour alne. Including railway fare to Paris and landing charges. Parlor car seat Is extra during Summer season. Second class to Paris. $54.75.

A. FORGET, Gen. 3 Bowling Green. N. or J.

I.ISHRENKRAUSS SONS. 379 Fulton St. opp. City Hall, Brooklyn, N. Y.





OnrdOnaae bonk "Atlantic Cnast R. 'utes' mailed free. A I. LORY CO. Pier20.E LEGAL NOTICES.

NEW YORK SUl'HEME COURT. COUNTY OP KINGS The Equitable Life Assurance Society of the United States, plaintiff, against Mary Greaves, individual and as tl.a administratrix of the goods, chattels and credits of Frank Greaves, late of the Citv of Brooklyn, deceased; Annie Murphy Connell arid John Connell. her husband; Michael Greaves and Mary fireaes, his wife; Margaret Flynn and Miles Flynn. her husband Rosana Carroll, Michae; Murphy and Mary Murphy, his wife; the name Mary being fictitious, her true name being unknown to this plaintiff; Mary Murphy. Mary Gr.aves, Ellen Jackson and John Jacksoj, her husband, the name John being fictitious, his true name being unknown to this plaintiff; Sarah McEntee, Margaret Greaves.

William Greaves. Hattie Brock and John Brock, her nun band; Elizabeth Rtilly. Mary Day. William H. Cwoper, and also the neirs at law of Frank Greaves, late of the City of Brooklyn, deceased, whose names and places of residence are unknown to the plaintiff, defendants.

Summons The plaintiff desires tht trial of this action in the County of Klncs. To the above named defendants: You are hereby summoned to answer the complaint in this action, and to serve a copy of your answer on the plaintiffs attorneys within twenty days after the service of this summons, exclusive of the day of service; and In case of your failure to appear or answer judgment will be taken against vou by default, for the relief demanded in the complaint. Dated New York, July 10. 1S97 ALEXANDER GREEN. Plaintiff's Attorneys.

Office and Post Office address, 120 Broadway. New York City, New York. To Annie Murph Connell and John Connell. her husband, Michael Murphy and Mary Murphy, his wife, the name Mary being fictitious, her true name being unknown to this plaintiff, Mary Murphy. Mary Greaves, Ellen Jackson and John Jackson, her husband, the name John being fictitious, his true name being unknown to this plaintiff.

Sarah McEntee, Margaret Greaves, William Greaves. Hattie Brock and John Brock, her husband, and also the Heirs at law of Frank Greaves, late of the City of Brooklyn, deceased, whose names and places of residence are unknown to the plaintiff. The foregoing summons is served upon you by publication, pursuant to an order of the Hon. William D. Dickey, one of the Justices of the Supreme Court of the State of New York, dated the 16.

day of August. 1S97, and filed with a it the complaint in the office of the Clork of Kings County, at Brooklyn, Kings County, New York, on the 18th day uf August. 1807. ihc original oi said complaint having been filed in said County Clerk's office at said Brooklyn, New York, on the lth day of July. 1S97.

Dated New York. Ifith August, 1S97. ALEXANDER GREEN. Attorneys for Plaintiff. Office and Post Office address.

120 Broadway. New York City. N. Y. aulO fiw Th SUPREME COURT, KINGS COUNTY CRES centla Salle, plaintiff, apainst James T.

Flck, Emellne Fick, his wife, and Peter Sullivan, defendantsIn pur uanc; cf a judgment of foreclosure and sule, nude and entered In the above entitled action, the 17th day of August, 1S97, 1 will pell at public auction to the highest bidder, by Thomas A. Kerrigan, auctioneer, at the salesrooms. No. WlUoughby street, in the City of, Brooklyn, County of Kings, on the 5th day of October. 1SI 7, at twelve o'clock, noon, the land and premises In said Judgment mentioned and therein described as follows: All those' two certain lots, pieces or parcels of land, with the building's and improvements thereon, situate, lying and bein in the Twenty sixth Ward of the Ctty of Brooklyn, County of Kir.ffs and State of New York, known and designated on a map entitled "Map uf 195 lots o.

the Rapeljc property, on the Krooklyn and Jamaica Rail Road and Turnpike, made by Martin G. Johnson, surveyor, and filed in the Oflice uf the Register of Kings County as and by the lot numbers 518 (five hundred and eighteen) and Ulve hundred and nine and which taken together are bounded and described as follows, Beginning at a point on the easterly side of Richmond (formerly Rape! jo) striet, distant eight hundred (800) feet norrhei ly along the same from the northeasterly corner of Raped ju ana Fourth streets, as the same are laid down on sulci map, and running thence easterly parallel with Fourth street aid along the northerly line of lot f.17 fflve hundred and seventeen), one hundred and fifty (lf0) fent; thence northerly parallel with Richmond street fifty (TiOj feet; thence westerly iigain parallel with Fourth street one hundred and fifty (lf.0) feet to Richmond street, and thence souther! along the easterly side of Richmond street fifty (50) feet to the point or place of beginning. Dated IJrooklyn. September 13. ISC7.

WILLIAM J. BUTTLING, Sheriff. Kdward R. Vullmer, Pffs Atty, No. 229 Broad wav.

New York Citv. sl3 COUNTY COURT. KINGS COUNTY TITLE Guarantee and Trust Company, plaintiff, against Robert W. Firth and others, defendants In pur suaiicft uf a judgment uf foreclosure and sale made and tered in the above entitled action. dated the ith day of September, 1S37.

1 will sell at public auction to the highest bidder, by Thomas A. Kerrigan, auctioneer, at the Salesrooms, No. 9 WUIoughbv street. In the City of Brooklyn. County of Kings, on the 5th day of October.

1S97, at twelve o'clock noon, the land and premises in said Judgment mentioned and therein described as follows: Ml those two certain lots, pieces or parcels of land situate, lying and being In the City of Brooklyn. County of Kings and State of New York, and bounded and described as follows to wit: First Pr.rcel Beginning at a point on the southwesterly side of Fifth street, distant ninety feet northwesterly from the corner formed by the intersection of the southwesterly side of Fifth street with the northwesterly side of Kighth avenue; running thence southwesterly parallel with Eighth avenue one hundred feet; thence northwesterly parallel with Fifth street seventeen feet ten and one half inches; thence northeasterly again parallel with Eighth avenue one hundred feet to the southwesterly side of Fifth street; and thence southeasterly along the southwesterly side of Fifth street seventeen feet ten and or.e half inches to the point or place of beginning. Second Parcel Beginning at a point on tho southwesterly side of Fifth street. distant one hundred and twenty seven feet ten and one half Inches northwesterly from the corner formed by the intersection of the northwesterly side of Eighth avenue with the southwesterly side of Fifth street: running thence southwesterly parallel with Eighth avenue and part of the distance through a party wall one hundred feet; thence northwesterly parallel with Fifth street twenty reet; thence northeasterly again parallol with Eighth avenue on hundred feet to the southwfsterly side of Fifth street, and thence southeasterly along the southwesterly side I of Fifth street twenty feet to the point or place 1 of beginning. Dated Brooklyn, September 13.

WILLIAM J. BUTTLING. Sheriff. Edwin Kompton, Plaintiff's Attorney, 17.1 Rem sen street, ttrooklyn. N.

Y. PROPERTY IN WINES. First oriental I met Abdul Ben Geezer a moment arjo and he told, me he had just pawned his last wife. Second oriental Too bad! First oriental Yes, and sho was an heir loom, too. Detroit Journal "AMERICA'S CREATEST RAILROAD." TT XT' ZdT Central HUDSQM RIVER R.

mc run 1 nuratv uraa. ALL THIiOUlili lltAi.Na oiol' AT AWa n5l. UTICA. SYKACbSK. ROCiiliSTBF.

A.ND BL'FMLO. Trains leave Grand Central Station. 2d Street and Fcurth Avenue, txs lilows: 8qv A. M. Daily, except Sunday, Famous EMPIRE STATE jiXPRiiriS, LIMITED, fastest Train in the World.

Due Buffalo, 31.. Niagara Falls. 6:55 1'. M. Toronto, :25 M.

This train is limited to Its seating capacity. Connects at utica for Adirondack Mountains and Montreal. QiA A. M. FAST M.u Dally For Pougn keepsie.

Albany. L'tica. Syracuse, ter. Buffalo. Niagara Falls anil Cleveland.

1 nO A ll. SHOWS LIMiTnD, Ually a l.our train Chicagu.via Michigan Central Route. Due Buffalo P. Niairara iu i "'Jiieaco A 31. Carries sleeping and drawing room cars only.

1ft if A M. DAY ilXPKKSS. except bun day Foi MiUirooK. CatsUill Mountains ami nil hunnpf Vr.rk Slate points. I.OO M.

St)UTllVKSTEKN LIMITED. Dally For Columbus. Cincinnati. Indianapolis and Kl. LhhIh i.

an Poughkeensle. 1.ftOP CHICAGO SPECIAL. Dally For Z. Detroit. Clevelaini.

Toledo and Chicago. Stops at Pousiikeepsie and Schenectady. Hit M. TROY AND ALBANY SPE except Sunday For Oarriswi tWest Point). Pout hkeviwie.

Altuny and Troy. .5. Oft LAKE SHORE LIMITED. Daily J4 hour tram to Chicago, via Lake Shore iinrn i TK.lrt t.l:f.. iceianu i j.

iiicajfo A. Al. inis w.i i nects at Cleveland for Cincinnati, due 4:55 P. 3,1., and at Toledo for St. Louis, due lO P.

i Kansas City next ntuming. Carries sleeping and Urawlngroom cars only. i fi.OO M. WESTER.V EXl'RKSS. Daily For iMugar.i Falls.

Cleveland, 'icledu, Detroit. Chicago. Cincinnati and St. Louis fiO p. VI.

ADIRONDACK MOUNTAINS, AND EXPRESS. For Adirondack Mountains and Montreal. "7 ftft i. AOitTnLi EXPRESS. Daily 'uv iur Troy, Platti UurliiiKton.

Montreal and, except Saturday nights, Ottawa. 7f P. HLFFALO SPECIAL. Daily Foe Rochester, Buffalo. Niagara Falls, Toronto, Cleveland.

Indianapolis, St. ana Chicago, ft Art l' SPECi A LIMITED MAIL. Dally i i on Fall Brook Railway, via Lyons, and for i.oer.ester. Buliaio. Cleveland.

Indianapolis and St. Louis. 9 1 1' M. PACIFIC EXPRESS1. Daily 1' or Syracuse, Oswetro, H'acercown.

Ogdens bsirg. Buffalo. tag ara Falls. Cleveland, Toledo. Chicago and.

except Saturdays, for Cape Vincent and tho Auburn road. 1 1 A EXPRESS. The Av attr train for Chicago and principal points on the New York Central, every nignt except Sunday nights. Sunday nights. Chicago sleepers leave on 9:15 train.

.9:05 A M. and 11:35 P. M. Daily, except Sunday, to Plttsheid, via Harlem Division. :15 A.

M. Sundays onlv. to 'itlsueld and tha Berkshire Hills, via me Harlem Division. "ALL NIGHT TRAINS TO V'llXKlillS. "AW night" trains run between WUi st and points on the Putnam Division as far as Yonkers.

In connection tii the elevated road. The only line running "all night" trains urn of New York. Wagner Palace Cars on all through trains. Trains illuminated with Pintach light. Tickets ami Wagner oilices at Grand Central

ill 1 VI rrnr l.lrr, sr. U2 Broadway, 22 Columbus av. ill West 15th st, and 13Sth st station. New York: 33s and '26 Fulton st, and 100 Broadway. E.

lirncltlyn. Baggage checked from hotel or residence by the Westcott Express Company. JOHN M. TOUCKT. GEORGE If.

DANIELS. General Manager. Gi neral Passenger Agent. LEHIGH VALLEY SYSTEM LEAVE FuUT ST. UKUOK LYN AN.NE..

week days 1.7.00 A. M. fron; Nev York Sundays) for MAUCH CHUNK and intor znedUite stations. i no a. ji.

uaii ror ain TON (week days), ELMIIiA (wc ok dasl. ITHACA, GENEVA. ROCHESTER. liUFFALO, NIAGARA FALLS and the UVst and prini. ijal local points.

Dining Car and Chair Car to Buffalo. 30:15 A. M. (Sundays only) for Bound Brook and intermediate 10:30 A M. daily except.

Sunday, for MAUCH and intermediate points. 11 fs dnllv ox. f'" Sundav BLACK D.AMOMU ai: i Luii j. aA. atibulftd day coaches and Parlor Cam Dining Car strivw.

Ideals a la carte ContiC2ts at Builulu with through sleepers to Detroit an. i Cnicago. 12.1b P. daily. AL cpi sundry, for Mauch Chunk and inte.nieUiitt points.

1:00 P. M. Sunday only for Eayton. Mauch Chunk and coal branches. P.

M. daily, except Sunday, for Wllkesbarre, Plttston, Scrancon and principal intermediate stations. Connect for all points in coal re irions. tr W'ilkefsbiLrre. 3: i6 P.

M. daily, except Sunday, for Wilkes barre, IMttston. ycrantun and interme i dlate stations. Connect for all points in coal re I glons. Pullman Buffet Parlor Car for Wilkiisbarre.

1 5:04 P. laily for Easton and intermediate etatkms. 5:47 p. AL daily, except Sunday. Express for SLAT1NGTON and principal intermediate stations.

Connects for Reading and Harrisburg. Chair Car to Slatington. i P. M. (Sundays P.

M. daily for BLTF I FALO. NIAGARA FALL and all points West. Pullman Sleeper, vestibuled train. New Yorlt to Chicago, sleepers Buffalo and Toronto 8:15 P.

M. daily, except Sunday, stopping only at South Plainiield. Easton. Bothlehem. Mauch Chunk.

L. and B. Junction. Sayre. Geneva.

Roch i ester. Batav.a and liuffalo. I'ullman Sleeper for I Buffalo. None but sleeping car passengers car I rted. No baggage carried.

8:45 P. M. daily for ITHACA. GENEVA, ROCHESTER. BUFFALO, NIAGARA FALLS I and all points West Pullman sleepers to Wilkes barre and Ithaca.

Additional local trains daily except Sunday Tor I BOUND BROOK and intermediate points, leave! as follows: A. 2:16 P. P. M. and 6:07 P.

M. Tickets and Pullman accommodations at 113, 261, 273. 355. 944 and 1.323 Broadway. 31 East 14th st.

156 Eaat 125th st. 127 Bowery. New York: $60 Fulton st, Court st, Broadway and Brooklyn Annex, Brooklyn. N. Y.

The X. Y. Transfer Co. will call for and check baggage from hotel or residence to destination. DELAWARE.



Ber nardsvilie, Uaskiaj; Riuge, on, Morrlstoivn, Passaic, Pateisoii Boonton. Dover. Stanhope, BL'Dh'S LAKE. LAKE HOPAT CONG. HaekeLlslown, SCHOOLUVS MOUNTAIN.




NORTHWEST AND SOUTHWEST. 1:00 A. M. BINGHA.MTON Stops at principal stations. 10:00 A.


Pu'lil man P.ufCet Parlor cars. ConnecilnK nt BufTalo with trains for and points west. puii man Parlor CV New J.ork tu Sprint 1:00 P. M. SCRAN I ON.


7:00 P. M. idally) CHlCAGO VESTIBULE LIMITED EXPRESS for SCRANTON. BINGHAV ton? elmira. buffalo.

i i llmVn ul FET SLEEPING CAR New York Chicaso. Ditiins Car a P. M. 'dailyi IlUFFALO EXPRESS PULl MAN SLEEPERS. for SCRANTON iyc HAMTON, ELMIRA.

BATH. MOUNT mopriq and BUFFALO Arriving Buffalu A (IT 8:30 P. M. idailyi BUFFALO. scrvntov BPNG HAMTON.

OWEGO. ITHACA. ELMIRX VTICA. SYRACUSE and OSWEGO EXPRESS Pullman Buffet Sleepers. Sleepers New york Riciilield sprinRs.

TICKETS AND PULLMAN Ar'C0MMOD TI0N3 AT HENRY GAZE SONS. Ud. ij.l Broadway. II Park Plan fln.adway and OP Broadway. Tickets at ferry Ill Fourth av, corner Twelfth st.

CI West One Hundred an. I Twentv nrth Columbus av. New York 338 and 726 Fulton st and 10ti Broadwav. Rrooklvr' Time table Klvlnf." full Information at all stations' WESTCOTT'S EXPRESS COMPANY will call for and check bagsase from hotel or residence to destination. RAILROAD.

STATION i''ooL ul' Fulton Street. 7:40 A. M. FAST MALL Pullman Uulfet Parlor Car New York tc Pittsburg. Sleeping Car Pittsburg to Chicago.

No coaches tu Ah A. M. FAST LINK Pittsburg and Cleveland. TU5 A. M.

PENNSYLVANIA LIMITED Pullman Compartment Dining, Smoking and Observation Cars. For Chicago, Cleveland, Toledo, Cincinnati, lndianapolld. Louisville. St. Louis.

1:46 P. M. CHICAGO AND ST. LOCIS EXPRESS Foi Nashville (via Cincinnati). Chicago.

St. Louis. 6:47 P. M. WESTERN EXPRESS For Cleveland.

Chicago. For Toledo, except Saturday. 7:23 P. M. SOL'THWKSTEliN EXPRESS For Cincinnati.

Indianapolis. St. Louis. 7:48 P. M.

PACIFIC EXPRESS For Pittsburg and Chicago dnlly. Connects for Cleveland and Tolf'lo exefpt Snturdny. WASHINGTON AND THE SOUTH. 'J vh, tuniu.fc i a. :46 (3:05 "Congressional all Parlor ani I Cartj.

(Dining Cur), (Dinmg Cik. and 11:05 p. M. 8:17, 3:05 10:16 A. M.

ConBressinnul all Parlor and Dining Cars), (Dining Car). 4:37 (Dining Car). ami 11:0:, p. M. ATLANTIC CITY Express.

P. avs. week CAPE MAY Express 12:43 P. week flavs. Ticket Offices: No.

4 Court St. Broadway, SCO Fulton st and Urnoklyn Annex Station, Brooklyn. The New York Transfer Company will call for and check baggage from hotels and resl dnefs through to destination. 15. HUTCHINSON.

J. R. WOOD. Qer.era' Manager. General Pass'r Agent.

ET THE EAGLE PEimsjjiYama Central Railroad of Dew Jersey. Anthracite coal used exclusively. Four Tracks. Automatic Block Siemals. On and after September 5.

1S97, Stations in New York foot of Liberty at. and Whitehall Terminal. Trains leave Coot of Liberty st. For Baston. Bethlehem.

Allentown, Alauch Chunk, 4:30, 7:15. 0:10 A. M. (12:00 M. to Easton).

1:10. 1:30. 4:15 4:30 to Easton). to Allentown) P. JI.

Sundays. 4:30 (7:00 to Easton) A. 1:00, 5:30. 6:00 P. M.

For Wllkesbarre. Plttston and Scranton. 9:10 A. 1:10, 1:30. 4:15 P.

M. Sundays. 4:30 A. M. For Reading and HttrrlsburK at 4:30.

8:00, 9:10, (10:00 to Reading), 11:30 A. 1:10, 1:30 (2:00, 4.00 to Reading). 4:30. 5:45 (9:00 to. Reading).

P. 12:15 nlglit. Sundays. 4:30 A. 1:00 (2:00.

5:00 to Reading). 5:30, 6:00 P. 12:15 night. For Sunbury. Lewisburg and Wllilamsport at 4:30.

9:10 A. 1:10. 1:30. 9:00 P. U.

Sundays. 4:30 A. 6:00 p. M. ALL RAIL ROUTE.

FOR LONG BRANCH. OCEAN GROVE. For Red Bank Long Branch. Asbury Park. Ocean Grove and points South to Point Pleasant.

4:30. 8:30. 11:30 A. 1:30. 3:30.

4:00 4:30 Red Bank only), 4:15. 5:30, 0:15 P. M. Sundays (stops at Interlaken for Asbury Park and Ocean Grove). 0:00 A.

4:00 P. M. For Lakewood, Toms River, Barnegat Park and Barnegat, 4:30 8:30 A. 1:30. 4:30 P.

M. Sundays. 9:00 A. M. For Atlantic City.

Vlneland and Bridgeton. 4:30 A. 1:30 P. M. For Monmouth Beach.

Seabrlght and Highlands of Naveslnk. 4:30. 8:30 A. 1:30. 4:45.

6:15 P. M. Sundays. 9:00 A. 4:00 P.


8:25, 5:35. 9:55. 10:25. 10:33, 10:55. 11:25.

11:55 A. 12:45. 1:25, 1:55, 2:25, 3:25, 3:55, 4:25, 4:55, 5:25, 5:55. 6:55. 7:50.

8:25. 9:10. 9:65. 10:55. 11:30 P.

11.. 12:10 night Sundays. 7:00, 8:55. 9:55. 11:25 A.

12:00 1:55. 2:30, 3:00. 3:55, 4:20, 4:55, 5:25. 6:00 0:55 7:25. 9:20, 9:50.

10:15. 10:53 P. 12:11 nignt. SANDY HOOK ROUTE. From Pier R.

X. foot of Rector St. For Atla.n;io Highlands, Seabrlght, llonmouth Beach and Long Branch, 4:30. 10:15 A. 1:00, 3:45.

5:00 P. M. Sundays, 9:30 A. 1:00 P. M.

For Elberon. Asbury Park. Ocean Grove and roints south to Point Pleasant. 10:15 A. 1:00.

3: 15, 5:00 P. M. Sundays (stops at Interlaken for Afcbury Park and Ocean Grove). A. M.

ROYAL BLUE LINE. FOR PHILADELPHIA, BALTIMORE AND I WASHINGTON: From Whitehall Terminal (South Week days. 7:55, 9:55. 11:25 (Dining Car) A. 1:55, 3:25.

4:55 (Dining Car). 5:55 P. 1:1:10 midnight. 3:55, 11:25 (Dining Car) A. 1:55.

4:55 (Dining Car), 5:55 P. 12:10 midriight. Adilitlona; trains tor Philadelphia, from Whitehall week days, 8:55 A. 1:25, 3:55. 4:25, 6:55, P.

M. Sundays, 8:55 A. 3:55 P. M. from Liberty 1:30 A.

M. and 7:30 and 0:00 M. week days. From FOOT LIIiDRTT STREET 5 minuses later. Tickeis and parlor car seats at fooc of Liberty 1 niUehai: 113.

172. 261. 434. 944. 1,140.

1,323 r.roadway. 737 31 East 14th 153 Ena: 1 25 1 s1: West 125th t. 251 Co i bus av. New York: 4 Cour: S60 Fukon Brooklyn 03 Brou A ay. Vvir.iamsburgh.

The X. T. Transjer Co. for and check baggage from hotels ut r. j.dences to fl.stlnatlon.

LONG ISLAND RAILROAD Trains leave Flatbush Ave. Station week days for Greennort. A. 3:55 P. M.

Sundays, 9:01 8:25 A. M. Montault. A. 3:: P.

M. Sundays. A. M. AmaEtansett the Hamptons.

Sapr Harbor, A. 1:54, P. M. Sundays. 9:25 A.

M. PatchoKUe. 7:07. 10:52 A. 1:54.

3:25. 4:30 5:23 P. M. Sundays. A.

1:22 p. M. Babylon. 7:07. 7:55 8:25, 10:52 A.

1:54, 2:55, 3:25. 3:55. 4:30. 4:37, 5:29. 5:56.

10:03 P. 32:03 nlKht. Weils, and Snt s. only. Sundays, 8:32.

9:2. i A. 1:22. 6:24 P. M.

W'adinK River, 8:55 A. 4:22 P. M. Sundays, A. M.

Port Jefferson, Northport, Huntington, Cold Spring. 10:32 A. 4:22, 5:29 P. M. Additional trains for Northport, Huntinrrton, Cold Sprint 0:23 P.

12:05 nieht. Sat. only. Sunday. 10:00 A.

SL. 6:24 P. M. Ovster Biv. Glen Cove.

Sea Cliff. Roslyn, A. 1:54 3:25. 4:22, 5:20, 6:23, 6:58, P. 12:05 nlprht tVed.

and Sat. only. Sunday. 9:04. 10:00 A.

0:24 P. M. Far Rockaway. Arverne. Arverne (Straiton 7.07, 10:52 A.

3:55 6:23. 6:58, 8:05, 10:05 P. night. Sundays. 11:22 A.

1:59. 7:51, 'ICIS. Far Rockaway only, via X. Y. and R.

B. 8:14 A. 1:25, 3:25. 4:30, 5:29. r.

rR Sundnvs 10:00 A. M. Hempstead. 6:45, 7:35. 8:55.

9:29. 10:52 A. 1:54 3:25. 4:22. 5:20, 5:50, 6:23.

6:58, 8:05, P. 12:03 night. Sundays, 9:25, 11:22 A. 1:39, :21. 10:05 P.

M. Uarden Cltv. 7:55, 9:20. 10:52 A. 1:54, 5:20, 5:50.

0:23. 10:05 P. nlffht. Sundays. 9:25.

11:22 A. 1:59, 10:05 P. M. Garden City, Hempstead crossing. 6:45 A.

1:30 P. M. Manhattan Beach. 7:07, 9:20 A. 1:25.

3:25, 6:01 P. M. Sundays, 9:06. 10:50 A. 1:30, 3:00, 4:00 P.

M. ERIE RAILROAD. Throuyii laitii) leave b. wi iuui Chambers st. as follows and live minutes earlier from West TVL nty ihlrtl st: A Vestibule Express daily for Bing hiLinton.

Waverly, Elmira, Buffalo, Bradford. Arrives Liua'aKi ":00 P. M. Parlor car to Buffalo. A.

M. Vestibule Express daily, except Sunday. For fort JerviH, Monticelto. Lackawaxen, liunsdali and important local puinta to Corn ins Dan. ui Port Jerviu.

Pullman Parlor Cars for Muntfcillo and Corning. 2:00 P. JL Vestibule Limited, Fast Mall daily. Solid trail, to Chicago, via Chautauqua Lake. Arrives Cleveland 7:40 A.

M. Chicago. 5:00 P. M. tc Chicaeo.

Cleveland and Cincinnati. Dining cars. 7:30 P. M. BuTfalo and Cleveland Vestibule Express daily.

Arrives iJuffalo 7:05 A. M. Bradford. 7 17 A. M.

Jamestown, 7 A. M. Cleveland. 12:30 P. M.

Sleepers to Buffalo and Cleveland, makintr direct connections for Detroit, Chicago and the West. it. Via Chautauaua Iake and Nlaeara Falls daily Solid train to Chicago. Sleepers to Hornellsvllls, Chicago and Cincinnati Dining Cars. Ticket oliices 111.

113. 261. 401 and 957 Broadway, Chambers and Twenty third st ferries. N. 72fi.

333 Fulton st. 106 Broadway. E. Brooklyn, TVeMcott xpress cnllK for and checks baggaee from hotels and residences to destination. COASTWISE STEAMSHIPS.

MAINE STEAMSHIP CO. DELIGUTFLl. OCJEAiN TRIPS. Only direct lin for Cottage City. and Portland.

Me. Steamers sail every week day ex Wednesday from Pier No. 38, E. at 5 M. Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday steamers stop at Cottae City en route; the new S.

"John Enclis' sails Mondays and Fridays for Portland uirect. connections macie ror uar iiar bor. OI.i Orchard. Poland Springs. White Mountains.

St. John. N. and all Eastern Summer resorts. Steamers fitted with every modern Improvement for comfort and convenience of tourlsta.

The most comfortable route for all points Eust, necessitating no changes. Tickets may be purchased at Maine Company's Office. No. 273 Broad wav, at the 222 South st. opposite the pier.

New York, and JOHN C. HENDERSON SON. 314 Fulton st. Brooklyn. OLD DOniNION LINE.

DAILY TO Shortest Sen. TrlpM out of New York, DtMigiuful toui tu Puim Coim'orL. Norfolk, Newport News. Petersburg, Portsmouth.

Pinner's Point. Richmond, Virginia Beach, and Washington, L. C. Froiglit and passenger steamers sail from 2tJ, No. th Hi ver, every week clay, xcept Saturday, at 3 P.

anl Saturday at 4 P. M. W. L. GUILLAUDEU.

Vice Pres't and Traffic Mgr. ST A Ail! OATS. ENGLAND. VIA SOUND LINES. FALL RIVER LIMi, via Newport and Fall Mi ver.

Leavu Pier IS. N. foot of Murray si. N. week days and Sundays P.

M. Sea nicTS Pris an I Purlian. Orhes on each. FHOVfUKCK LIVK. via Providence.

Leave Pier 3(J. N. one Mock above Canul N. days only, at 5:30 P. M.

Steamers Plymouth and Pilgrim. Orchestra on each. STOM.XUTOX LI.K. via Stonir.gton. Leave Pier 30, N.

one block above Canal N. week days only, at ti P. M. Steamers Maine anil New Hampshire. ORVICII via New London.

Leave Pier 40 (Old N. next Desbrosses N. wet. days only, at fi P. M.

Steamers City of Lowell and of Worcester. in.DJSON (tlVEU rtV OAYLfGHT. PALACE IKON DAT LINE 'STEAMERS 'NEW YORK" and "ALiiASY" Finest and fastest river steamers In Oie world. Daily except Sunday. Leaves Brooklyn.

Fulton St. by Annex 8 A.M. New York. Desbrossea St Pier. ...8:40 West 22d St Pier 9 For AMtAXTf, landing at Yonkera, Weat Point, Newnurfrh, Poughlteepale, Kingston Polot.

CatiklU and HudBon. Throug tickets sold and. baggage checked to Citizens' Line Troy Boats. Steamer SARATOGA or CITY OF TROY leave foot West Tenth st, N. dally, except Saturday.

6 1. M. Connect with Delaware and Hudson and Fltchburg express trains. Sunday steamers touch at Albany. Through tickets anil staterooms.

A Court st, SCO Fulton st. 9S Broadway, Brooklyn. Baape checked from residences. New Haven, Excursion, $1.50 SUNDAY EXCURSION. $1.

Fast steamers lfiave Pier '5. Eflst JUver, week days, 3 P. M. and 12 ihiidniglit. Sundays, 9:30 A.

M. and 12 mldnlffht. Week day steamers connect on wharf with trains for Mrlden. HARTFORD. SPRINGFIELD, IIOL YOKK and North.

The point of departure and arrival Fulton Ferry makes this the most desirable route for Brooklyn residents. Albany Evening Line. The uoi.ular steamers ADIRONDACK and DEAN RICHMOND will leave Old Pier 41 N. foot Canal st. New York, at tl P.

M. dally (Sundays excerred), maklnt: Uirect connections with trains North. East and West. MAKTi OKI) LINE. From Pier 24, Bast Klvcr, N.

dally except Sunday at 5 P. for Connecticut River landlnKs. connecting for SprlnsfieM, Worcester. Boston and all New KnKland points. Saturday Kxcurslons at Reduced Rates.

HA MS DELL. LINE STKAMERS LEAVE PIER Volnu CoW Spring. Cornwall. Fishklll Landlnff AewDurarn woejt uays texcepi aaiuraayj i M. Pntnrdnys 3 P.

Sundays 9 A. landing at 1MJ st. N. 11., 0:30 A. M.

Cards, Bill Printed in tho best manner. The KAiLE JOB PRINTING DEPARTMENT Kfliclo Building, WaHhinRtnn and Johnnon Sta. i fifth l'loor. Take large passenger olevatora. and part of the way through a certain party wal.l; I 0f October 1S97.

at twelve o'clock, noon, of that thance westerly and parallel with Sixth street I (ay by fp'mes L. Brumley. auctioneer, the mort eighty (80) set; thence southerly and again par gaged premises in said judgment mentioned and Mahlon Adams and others, defendants In pur purauimce oi ii iuuiHa anu suit, suance of judgment of foreclosure and sale, 'duly made and entered In the above entitled ae made and entered in the above entitled action. and bearing date the first day of September, dated the 15th day of September, 1S9T. I will sell I.

the undersigned, Joseph H. Breaznell. the inirtv nvt i4.wi ieet easterly irom enp snu thp.nsr. 1 Action d. in pursuance oi defendants.

Action pursuance uvi i t1'. eriv corner oi aumnsr avenue ana tiaisev cr rnrf cioHure anu uie niaue ana en thence southerly parallel with Sumner Jtered herein and bearing date the day of therein described as follows All that certain avunuebaT1a part of the distance through a party! juW 1S07 the undersigned, the referee in said piece or parcel of land, with the building nundred (100) feet; thence easterly par ludKment named, will pell at public auction at improvements thereon erected, situate, lying I flrh thIspv street twVntv in hZLl Thnnee Salesroom Mr. 1R9 hMne the City of Brooklyn, and bounded Montague street, in tne city oi urooKiyn, on tne acscnoea as ionuw, jjchwhiuo tivth day of October, 1S97, at twelve o'clock, on the southerly side of Stagg street distant noon of that day. by James L. Brumley.

auc i fifty (50) feet easterly from the southeasterly tione'er the mortgaged premises In said judg corner of Stagg and Bwen streets, and running ment mentioned and therein described as follows: thence easterly along said southerly side of Stagg All that certain lot. piece or parcel of land, with street twenty five feet more or less to a point the building thereon, situate, lying and being in opposite the center of a party wall standing the City of Brooklyn, bounded and described as partly on the premises herein described and part follows: Beginning at a point on the southerly jy on the premises adjoining on the east; thenca rtlqDPC; 3pect i'arK west one nundred (100) easterly aJong the said northerfy side ot ehrhtv (SO) feet to he no' nr. or nn. of beginning. Dated Brooklyn, Septe mtK 20.

1S97. UL, AM KbTJLI.MJ, RnerlTF. G. Plaintiff's Attorney.

49 Cour; street. Brooklyn, N. Y. s20 3w HALSEY STREET SUPREME COURT, COUNTY OF KINGS Mary L. May, as guardian of Russell B.

May and others, minors, plaintiff, against Sarah B. Rogers et al. defendants In 1 ii i i P. ic auction, at the Real Estate Exchange. Lim ited.

Nos. lbll 191 Montague street, in the Citv of Brooklyn, County of Kings, on Wednesday, the 29th day of September. LS97. at 12 o'clock, noon, of that day. by James L.

Brumley, auctioneer, the premises In said judgment mentioned, and therein described as follows: All that certain piece or pnrot'1 of land, situate, lying and being In the City of Brooklyn. County of Kings and State of New York, bounded and described as follows: beginning at a point on the southerly Hnlsev street, distant four hnmi ,7 ori tneriv anu again parauei with Sumner vp nue. and part of the distance through a party wall one hundred (100) feet to Halsey street and thenoe westerly along Halsey street twenty (20) feet to the point or place of beginning. Dated septemoer ixvi JOS. H.

BREAZNELL. Refpree. Francis W. Pollock, Attorney for Plaintiff, 309 Broadway, New iork. se7 7t N.

T. SUPREME COURT, KINGS COUNTC Kings County Trust Company as guardian of the property of the infants. John B. Rellly, Josephine Rellly, Daniel Reilly, Agnes Rellly, Harold Rellly and Jennie Reilly. plaintiff, against Frederick Webster and Henrietta Sarah Webster, hie wife, defendants In pursuance of a judgment of foreclosure and sale made and entered In the abtve entitled action, bearing da te the 16th day of August, 1S97.

I will sell at public auction to the highest bidder, by Thomas A. Kerrigan, auctioneer, at the Salesrooms. No. 9 Willoughby street, in the City of Brooklyn, County of Kings, on the J7th day of September, 1S97. at twelve o'clock noon, the land and premises kn said Judgment mentioned and therein described as follows: All those certain lots, pieces or parcels of land, with the buildings thereon erected, situate, lying and being in the Twenty ninth Ward of the City of Brooklyn.

County of Kings and State of New York, and bounded and described as follows: Beginning at a point on the southerly side of Avenue distant one hundred and fifty (150) feet easterly from the southeasterly corner of Avenue A and East Nineteenth street, as the same are laid down on the Town Survey map of Kings County, and running thence southerly and parallel with East Nineteenth street aforesaid one hundred and fifty riaOl it: thence easterly and narallel with Ave nue A one hundred (100) feet more or'lees to Ocean aven aven south nmng. oincr ciriam mis, the bulldlni l.1?01 LmiPB pieces or parceia ui mini, wuii erected thereon, situate, lyinc and ereijiea otiiik in me IVsf KT follows: Begi sidr dt Ocean avenue listant one hundred and fifty (150) feet southerly from the southwesterly comer of Avenue A and Ocean avenue: ninntiu thence westerly and parallel with Avenue A one hundred and fifty (150) feet more or less to a point one hundred (1C0) feet easterly from the easterly Elde r.f East Nineteenth street aforesaid; thence southerly and parallel with East Nineteenth street fifty (50) feet; thence easterly and parallel with Avenue A one hundred and fifty (150) feet more or less to Ocean avenue, and thence northerly along Ocean avenue fifty (50) feet to the place of beginning. East Nineteenth street being referred to for convenience of description and not to be deemed dedicated thereby. JOHN F. McFARLAND, Referee.

Geo. V. rower, Plaintiff's Attorney. 44 Court fitrrct. Brooklyn.

N. Y. nu2fi The sale of the above described premises hereby adjourned to Seprembcr 24, 1837, same time and place. Dated September 17, 1897. JOHN F.

McFARLAND, Referee. Geo. V. Broker, Plaintiff's Attorney, 44 Court street, Brooklyn, N. Y.

23 St at public auction to the Highest bidder, Thorn A. Kerrigan, auctioneer, at the Sales rooms. No. 9 wiHoughby street, tne ctty ot Brooklyn. County of Kings, on the 12th day of October, 1S97, at twelve o'clock noon, the land and in said judgment mentioned, and therein described as follows: All those certain pieces pa.

eels of land, with the buildings and improvements 'hereon, situate lying and being in the Twenty first "Ward of the City of Brooklyn, and bounded and described an follows, to wit: spinning on ouuier.y oi i umi reei tne center oi a party wan lor hereby conveved and running thence southerly and parallel with Throop avenue and part oi tne way inrougn tne center of a party wall standing partly on the lot hereby conveyed and partly on the lot next westerly ad joining one hundred feet; thence easterly and parallel with Pulaski street twenty five feet and five inches; thence northerly and again parallel with i Throop avenue and part of the way through the I center of another party wall standing partly on the lot hereby conveyed and partly on the lot 1 next easterly adjoining one hundred feet to the southerly side of Pulaski street, and thence I westerly along the southerly side of Pulaski street 1 twenty five feet and five Inches to the point or place of beginning. Dated Brooklyn, September 20. 1897. WILLIAM J. BUTTLING.

Sheriff. George F. Martens, Plaintiffs' Attorney. 2C1 Broadway. New York City.

s20 3w SUPREME COURT, KINGS COUN'TY RTONO ra Roche, ns successor in Interest of Jamea Roche fdeceased). plait tiff, against Margaret Cummings. formerly Mngar.n Callaghan and others, defend ants Ir pursuance of an Interlocutory judgment nf partition and sale made and entered in the above entitled action and bearing date 9th day ol September. 1S97, I. the undersigned, the referee in said judgment named, do hereby give notice that on Wednesday, the 6th day of October.

1897, nt 12 o'clock noon of that day, at the Brooklyn Real Estate Exchange, Nos. 1S9 and 191 Montague street, in the City of Brooklyn. I will sell at public auction to the highest bidder, by James L. Brumley, auctioneer, the lands and premises In said judgment mentioned and therein described as follows, to wit: All that certain lot. piece or parcel of land, situate, lying and being in the City of Brooklyn, County of Kings and State of New' York, hounded and described as follows, Beginning at a point on the southerly side of Chaun cey street, distant two hundred and fifty (250) feet westerly from the southwesterly corner of Chauncey street and Stuyvesant avenue; running thence southerly parallel with Stuyvesant avenue seventy feet seven inches to the center lino of the block between Chauncey street and Fulton avenue; thence easterly along snld center line of the block eighteen feet nine Inches more or less until it intersects a line drawn parallel with Stuyvesant avenue and distant two hundred and thirty one fr et three Inches' westerly from the westerly line of said Stuyvesant avenue: thence northerly and parallel with Stuyvesant avenue seventy two feet seven and three quarter Inches more or less to the southerly side of Chauncey street, and thence westerly along Chauncey street eighteen feet and nine inches to the point or place of beginning.

Dated Brooklyn. September 11, 1S97. THOMAS WILLIAMS. Referee. Edward G.

Nelson. Plaintiff's Attorney, 330 Fulton street, Brooklyn, N. Y. S. Bishop Marks.

Attorney for Defendant. Mar I garet Cummings. Francis T. Johnson, Guardian ad litem. 3w.M&Th "Mrs.

Flourish wants her paper on 'Mission Work in Alaslca' to come first on the pro gramme. "She wants to get away to go to a progressive euchre party Chicago Record. '3 ntr nnn on fi iol crcuv unnvevea parl ieJ point is distant hye hundred and thirty feet and two inches easterly from the corner formed by the intersection of the southerly side of Pulaski i I side of Baltic street distant two hundred and seventy nve 7, .7. corner of Smith and Baltic streets; running thence easterly along said southerly side of Baltic street twenty nine feet six inches; thence southerly Tmrjlllel Wltn nutn ui vyuj thrnueh a party wall one hunrtred feet; thence westerly and parallel with Baltic street twenty nine feet six Inches; thence northerly afraln par lei with Smith street one hundred feet to the Southerly side ot Baltic street nt the point or nlace of beBlnnlnc Dated Brooklyn. September THOMAS W.

BUTTS, Referee. J. O'Oo. man. Plaintiff's Attorneys, 49 arid 51 Chambers street.

New York City. s9 NEV, YORK SUPREME COURT. COUNTY OF KINGS The Emigrant Industrial Savings Bank, Sla'intlff against James W. Dearlnc and others, i' Atlivn No. 7 In pursuance of a re, and Bale mad, and rereln and bearlnc date the 17th day of tT.wt I the undersigned, the referee In aid lu dement named, will sell at public auction, the Real Estate Exchange Salesroom, No Si Montairue street, In the City of Brooklyn, on tii Vixtti clay of October.

1S97. at twelve o'clock, nnnn that day. by James L. Hrumley. auc tione'er the mortgaged premises In said Judg ly aiae "i iv, pnaterlv from rh.

1 tour feet six Inches easterly from the south rVn.r nf Smith and Baltic streets T' 7, i twenty nine feet; Thci erlv parallel with Smith street ana part of the mriv wall one hundred way inru.ib" Jv.lnc westerly and parallel with Baltic street twenty nine feet; thence northerly and aain nirallel with smltn street uuu ot tne way through a party wall one hundred feet to the a party wall one nunoreo reet to the southerly side or Baltic street at tho point or place ot beginning. Dated tirooKiyn, September 9' THOMAS W. BUTTS. Rereree. E.

J. O'Gorman. Plaintiff's Attorneys. 49 and 51 Chambers street, sew iorit itty. s9 9t loster Work looks, Pamphlets 9 Law Work Cards, Circulars! AND EVERY DESCBIPTION OP PBINTISO PROMPTLY XHD KEATLY EXECUTED AT The EAGLE JOB PRINTING DEPARTMENT Eagle Baildlng, Washington and Johnson Sts.

Fifth Floor. Take largo puienger elevator..

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