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The Brooklyn Daily Eagle from Brooklyn, New York • Page 3

The Brooklyn Daily Eagle from Brooklyn, New York • Page 3

Brooklyn, New York
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

sssa BXOAMHTtn, irAKTEO HELP t.AiE. KONBV BARRET. Tbe Silver Bill fend the Senate Tbe Sr adlcato and tbo Funded ron WANTED 8IXPATIONS A. t. Cooua, Wuatiera and 20'CLOCKEDfflOI I WArJEP SITPATOrT.raA1.13S.

WAN TEDSrrUATIQNAS WAlfpiT in a private family, by a (single), best from nls lire employur. Address" E. EagJe opor is presented at tho Aadmj. It mi what theatrical manager call fall house. the parquet being reserved half a dollar fox the oxtra Beats, It was only about half full; but every (eat, up flairs and down, which waa not reserved, was ocoupled.

EAGLE OFFICE, NOVEMBER 13, 1S77. Tt'ESDAI EVENING, NOVEMBER 13. 1877. I.iUMe SeamiraMe. WANTED SirpATIOTO TAKE EN Ure charge of a baby or ohlldren and (e, bya lady, for her nurse.

Can be seen until engaged at Ronuon street KtTUATION TO 1 A KJB TT oareofohlldreCand:) plain sewing or do light npstalrwork, by a young ctrl. Can be seen at present om Bfoyors. Please oallfar two. days. at 887 Saokett st.

bet. loytand WANTED SlttfATtoN A full charge of an Infant or of growing ohlldren, by a respectable young girl has good city reference. Call two days at 1 Oonrt St. 5ARD 82 PD3HREPONT ST. ONE double1 room, newly furnished, two closet aiding room on parlor floor.

OARD 82 STATE ST. DESIRABLE rooms for am tiles and single gentlemen or fuss class table ihooM warm termgjeuonsWe, BOARD 337. itnn. front, OIJNTON ST SMOOND front, with commodious closets, and other igu to sm per woo ior wo. BOARD NO.

179 COLUMBIA HEIGHTS opposite No. 500 To with board, one largo room, suitable for gontlomSD and wife also, two rooms for singlo terms reasonable. JIB also OARD 152 SOHBRMERHORN ST A 1 mirffl for trantlnmaTi and wlfo or Bltiffla ecmUa mots': ft so a hall room convenient to and ferrtei tenns reasonabla. wul OARD A GENTLEMAN AND HIS "wife, or two sinjjlo centlemen, can bo accoramodaCad lemen, can be aocommodacod 832 Ounton st, between Har desirable board at no, osi "uiiniou oetweeu xxar neon ana uegrnw. BOARD ON THE HEIGHTS, 101 HEN rv st bflmall room on fourth floor.

to let. with board tabio unexceptionable; dasirablo opportunity for young gentleman terms $8 per woek. TJOARD 234 CLERMONT A LARGE Jl second story front room to let for gentfeman and wife or single gentlomon; also hall room; location first olass; terms reasonable BOARD A FEW SINGLE GENTLEMEN or gontloman and wife can be accommodated with good board and all the oemtorts of a home terms mod erata. No. 183 Eleventh st, S.

B. VJOARD 35 POPLAR ST, BET. HICKS Jl9 and Willow Ploaaant rooms, bath, hot and oold wator, tto. houso thres miimtcs' walk from Fulton Ferry; tormsvory reasonable. BOARD 33 SOHBttMEHHORN ST, BE tweon and Court Handsomely farnlehed rnnms.

fnlnt tnirothor or sonaratclv. at rednood nricos: table and attendance good: references exchanged. TJOARD 124 MONTAGUE ST, COR. OF Hon nnaUrMcnnnv rnom nn flAHnnd floor, frith grate fire and handsomely furnished, or one large room mm nan room oommnnioaltng; moaeraie terms. OARD 38 "AND 40 CONCORD ST.

Handsome I furnished roams, donbln and single: terms moderate for tho Wtatorooeon. Table boardora aocomniodatod! BOARD TO NO. 35 PROSPECT near Washington Ploasaat rooms with jro id substantial board; three miautos from Fulton and Oath arino ferries. TTJOARD TWO OR THREE PLEASANT JT rooms to let, with first class board, at roasonable prices, in private bouse, on tho Helmuts; near Fulton Ferry. Applyat 29 Poplar st.

BOARD NO. 174 WARREN ST, NEAR Honry Two largo front rooms, nicoly furnished or nnfnrnlshea; light and bout; terms oasy; convenient to ferries. iOARD 46 SOITl'H OXFORD ST, ON I tho "IT ill nvrniR. ninolv in onoof io finest houses and most desirable locations on the Hill, at a modcrato pnoo. OARD ON THE HEIGHTS 50 REM sen st Fine large and pleasant with hot una oold water, for marriod or fiWlo gontloman; good table; torms very reasonable.

BOARD 124 SECOND PLACE TO LET, larira. nunnv roams, with olosots. furnished to suit parties. with or without board, at moderato puces. BOARD ON THE HEIGHTS A SUITE of wed furnished rooms with every convenience and comfort ample olosota to bo let togo tuor or separate, with first olass board refoioncea oxchanged.

Apply at No, 168 Montague sc. BOARD 259 CARLTON AV ROOMS to let to gentleman and wife or clngle geatlomo largo baok parlor, with good closets alao, large front room on third floor, with hall room oonnectm If dosirod; will bo rontod low for tho Winter; dinner at 6V BOARD ON THIS EIGHTS REMSEN Houso, 144 and 146 Romaon at. corner of Clinton, on trance Ui: iirat olass oco ramodations for faniUios and single gentlemen; house elegantly situated; tefarences exenanffod. BOARD ON THE HILL A PLEASANT, snnny third BtorF room, with hot and oold water, tiro and gas also Lull room, with io1. eubstantlal board at a very moderate price.

Oall at Carlton av; referouces oxenangoa. BOAKD ON COLUMBIA HEIGHTS, riverside, overlooking Now York Harbor, Jersey and Rtaten Ialand One houdsome sulto ol rooms for fam Uy double or single rooms for gentlemen. Address 204 Columbia holghts, noar Piorropont st I Boabd youNo oentCemen may havo pleasant rooms, with board, In handsome house, near City Uall; convoniont to lorries: with lire and gas 85 $6 one or two table boarders taken at $4. 72 Willoughby st, noar Lawronoe. BOARD ON THE HEIGHTS 33 SID ney place Newly and nloely furnlshod rooms, irlbh hot and oold wator and first olass board; araplo olosots; oonveniout to ferrle3; terms modoraio; reforenoos exchanged.

BOAltD AVEUV DESlKABLB SUITE of rootoB aud two nuiLde rooms oan be bod at 177 Columbia heights; house neA ly furnished throughout, aud all tho appointments most do urablo; dining room on parlor floor; referenoss oiohangod. BOARD ON THE HICl Hl A PttlV ate family, alcove room on socond floor and two hall bod rooma on third floor, all well furnished; will be lot ronsonablo to permanent parties: brown stono houso; location, 28 South Portland avnear DeKalb av. BOAHD 128 LIVINGSTON ST TO LET, wltb board, two connecting rooms on first floor, anuChnm nTnoturn: nls Inri70 room, suitable for a ceatlo man. on fourth floor; Uouso "thoroughly Uoutod by furnace tnrougnout. BOARD AT 121 LIVINGSTON ST A Iftrsro nnd noatlv furnlshod second storv room, with Rood board room Una all conveniences and with bathroom connecting Also, several hall toonii; terms vory moderato; only ono minute's walk from Oity HaJlandcoa ve.iient to all lorrioa.

BOARD PRIVATE FAMILY, FIRST olass accommodation 3, for a family, gentlomari and wlfo or single irontlemon. houso full sine, noat and hand Bomoly furnished bIbo convonlontly looated to South and Will st iorrtod tble bjardore taken. Apply at No. 2G Clinton at. BOARD ON THR HILL.

70 GREENE ave mo Largo niCBly furniauod or unf urnlshod roomt, containing nil tho Improvements; also, two large hall rooms, to lot, with board: house brown etono, socond house from Clermont av, vory pleasantly and oonvoniontly looated. BOAKD A FAMILV OF ADULTS WILL let with board ono largo aloovo room and baok vo connecting; ail modern improvements; alao a la tro room on third floor; houso brown stone; neighborhood first olausi oonveniont to oara and ferrie. Apply 410 Paoifio at, hot Bond aud Nevina. BOARD "7 OONCOUD ST. LAROE and small rooms, nloely fumlfhed, suitablo for ren tlomen aud their wlvos or slutrlo rcentlemon also, aco jdatl mB for a young lady willing to room with anotnor; elaht minutes' walk from Fulton and Osthnririo forrlos; terms reasonable; tablo boarders accommodated.

BOARD A PRIVATE FAMILY. HAV ing a largo front rcom on sooond door, with olosot, aldo a room for rt lady on third floor, will lot very low to desirable ponies the houso is pleasantly looatea noar Oity Hall; walking distance to terries: terms for gentleman and wife, $111 per week; aladywiil be taken for 8 per week. Address Al. O. W.

Box 10, Koglo offloe. BOARD NO. 40 SIDNEY PLACE, SE tween Livingston and Stnto sts Threo handsomoly furnished connecting rooms on second floor; improvements: oue largo sunny room on third flcor. will lot furnished or unfarnlsnod. to Koatloman and wiva or single ceatloraon; torma moaorato referenco ursr.

oiass. AUD PARTIES OF QUIET AND Kl flnod habits, and wlllinjr to pay a fair price for first class accommodations, oan find tho aame in a nmlly ro aidiug in oio of tho most desirable locations In Brooklyn, noxr Wall at. I'Terry; roferonods given aud roijulred. Ap ply at 173 Kcmson sc. OARD ElIflNISHED ROOMS.

FROM JO 41 woeklv. upward; fttll board if required; mall served in rooms without oxtra chargo; all ohargoB moderato; this houss has all modorn convonionoos; parlors, puinos, reading, Bmoktug, and batblug rooms, laundry, washing oor doeen. 70c. Marble House, 117 IuJton street, above Nassau. BOARD A FEW GENTLEMAN AND Indies oan be aooommodnted with vory ploaaant, nicely furnlBhed roomB on second or third floor liberal table and home comforts; half a abort blook to all oar routes and twonty minutes to all folrles torms 4 to a nor week.

Tlease oall at 634 Paoiflc st, juBl east of Flat bush nv. BOARD SECOND STORY FRONT OR backroom also a largo boll room, with sunny or. posure noatly furnished bonis; ploasantly looated, opno sito St. Potor's P. U.

Ohuroh, walking diBtanoo to ferrlss and oue blt.o'c from tho its torms modorato rof oroncos exchanged. Pleaae oall at 876 State st, botwoen Hoyt ond Bone. BOARD TWO BEAUTIFUL ROOMS, handsomely furnlshod, having two olosoha, open flro If deslrod, hot and cold water and sunny eipojurn, will bo lot with excellent board In a select and olli ed homo, ot modorato prlco obolco location, ono blook from Oaten, Nostrand and Franklin av oars. Apply ot 236 Quincy streot. BOARD ON THE" HILL TO LET, with board, two very pleasant connecting: moms on Booond floor aoparata or Binff to gentleman and wife or vory dusirablo for a party of gentlemen hotuo has all im location vory plonsaut, front toom having throo windows overlooking ForfeGreon Park; table guod; torms pxtr'jmoly low for tlie Wlntor.

135. DolCalb Elliott piaoo. jnnAU) WAi'rj fy. BOARD WANTED BY A GENTLEMAN in a fimily, or a furnished roni without boird. A.

Easlo o(uo. BOARD WANTED ON. THE HILL, FOR a gentleman, wlto. and child five osm old. Addro os, Btntiac terms, which must bo moderato.

MINOifiBlTx ngio oluco, BOARD WANTED ON THE HEIGH between State and Olark Bts, for a gontlomm, wlfo and child fiyoars of ago nnd a boy 15; will require two Bleeping rooms and a sittinproom, Addross with mil par culars and 140 st. KOARD WANTED BY FOUR ADULTS two nrirn moms nnd board, bntwoon Oranborrv and State sts, Fnltfln Bt, and tho rlvor; will nartly furnish If desired, and pay $100 per month. MONTAUU Box 1H, sgle odloo. BOARD WANTED IN A PRIVAT family for gentloman, wife nnd twa daugbtors, aged 9 and 16; socond story front and boi room adjoining; within fltteon minute j' walk of Fulton Ftrry tcruiB not exceeding $80 per month; roforonce. Address WOODMAN Eagle office.

TO LET fAKIS OF HOCS lS. l6 LET PART OF HOUSE PRIVATE f.mlW nwnlnnr their own houo will let narlor and bARAmnnt floor of fllx rooms, with all Lmnrovomenti, neatly i urnlshod reasonable terms. Apply for one weok at 143 Willoughby st, second door from Uold. TO LET PAR OF HOUSE FUR nlebod, or rooms for housekeeping will bo lot as low as If there were no furulturo; location good; a ohance for n. family that Is tired of boarding.

No. 831 Dean st, east of Grand av. iro Liir TO LET FLAT 5 ROOMS, SECOND floor. 629 Atlamio av, near Fort Greono place Immediate possession 12 per month.

Cf LET FLAT A BKAUTIPUL FLAT, to let. 427 Fbitbush av, oppoBite Seventh av. in soton dld order: with all modern improvements; only two families In tlie house, and will be rented cheap to a nico family. Applyjmtiie preiiilsei. TO LET PLATS ELEGANT FLATS, or parts of a first olass brown stone bouse, floor of six rooms furnished, lower part, ono or two soollons, four, six to ten, notdarft rooms.

93 Second plaoo, bot. Oourt and Clinton sts also floor of five rooms, arnlsbod or not, tQ Bergen st, above Smith. nnO LET OYSTER BAR446 FULTON JL st. oor Hoyt; a good ohance for a person that under Bl ndfl the ojster buinoss.Apply in the Btoro. i mn LFVr ROOMS WITH STEAM POW nr.

moms of all sizes, with steady power tho your round, from a double Corliss engine, W0 horse wor. Apply to All ST1S VICNSON, fuepnlton st or to HKNIIY W. GREEN, on th3 premises, ail) Plymouth st. mO LET OFFICE REASONABLE A JL very nlooly furnlshod ofHoe, oilcloth, ohalrs, tables, sate, window shades, suitable lor roil estate or otbor bnal nca. lntlt nn tha nrOfUiSOS 74 ClaSSOU AV.

Or butcher shop, cor Greene jinilCiasscn avs. FOR SAs KjaAl, ES 'AT I. 1I7OR SALE REAL ESTATE OR EX Bl inAmn 1 irHA with Ood bulldlnCS. ill miles from oity is a fine lilt farm good meadow and garden land; house ton rooms; barn, 4S ft. commutation, ffltsJ: ten trains aauy oaon way.

inquire oi BPRINUSTBIN, OjBKalb av. ft'OK III XC HA OR EXCHANGE THE THRBE STORY brick houso 118 Van Brunt st, near Union, free ana r.for bnildlng lpt, free and clear or lts'Utly mort gaged also 3 story iramo uousn nignai, near oa Ap ply tU IT. lbWXU lM Court St. EXCHAmELEQANT RESI JO deuce at Morrlstown, N. J.

bouse, 18 rooms all modern Improvements water and gas, on each floor, ur naoe, range, Ao. stable with four stalls; grounds about one and a arfer aores; cost, 97, O0aI tbe panlo; to exchange for unlncumbered productivo proportyln Brooklyn, worth from 48,000 to .12,000: dlflorcnoo may remain if slrerU C. Box 11, Now York Post. Office. UOI.MEN, OARHlAUESi Etc.

BAY MARE ABOUT SIXTEEN lnnds ilrl for le: Willi tie aiiflkiad; cood dflvnt a.nd tLaib1e bfcrneaa. Will be sold otieaii aa. own er haa no uaa lor her, ADDly tfl Clinton, st. cor, ot A GOOD FAMILY HOK8B, FHAETOW and rri n. aaIa chAAn vill anil ofthor.

AS I hare no further use for them, A party wanting suoliwlll get a bargain. Seen any time, Apply to. H. W. EOZKLL, H83 Myrtlo av, In shoe store.

ORSES WANTED TO BOARD, BY A gooa stADie room ddress UliOUGE R. CATE, Ilatbush av, near Vernon, Flatbush. TXORSB, HARNESof AND OOVERJ Ha an.nn tnr bi unitabls for exDrMsYnan. grocer ORSB, HARNESS or peddler; sold separately or tgt ber. Apply at No.

277 wagon, Twenty Beeonq it, up to oiooa i. INN OARRIAOE AKERS. JL FACTORY A b. ihitx and 890 i I RffH ST. AV, near Whero we keep on hand an a sortriflnt of carriages atre dnc prices.

Ooup faui and at. seat roekawaya, exten lion top pbaotons, jump sear, top and no top phaetons. tore' pfiaotons, buggtas and Apnt waijiitk both new and seoondhand. We fio apply itubber Cushioned Axlet. fcihnowand WAS TB DtOLOAK FINISHERS BOHNEIDER, Do.

Wyokost, Wv.OBUTTONH6E MAKERS work siren out it L. SrONEHOUSE, 87 Doug, lags st. ANTED TWO GOOD CAPABLE German if lrl, for a small family. Cll for two days at too souta uxiora at. anted young, ladies to leam the telegraph business, which Is now opening up a permanent and profitable field for employment; taught In a short time, and positions obtained when quail fledj open day and evening.

ForDarttoulars inquire of UNiON TELEGRAPH INSTRUCTION COMPANY, 81 Park Row, opposite Post Omoe, New York. WANTED SERVANTS OF ALL KINDS at the ofBoe managed by ladles: BROOKLYN KMPLOYMBNT BUREAU, No. 33 Concord st, between Fulton and Washington sts throe blooits bolow City Hall, many repeotable women, who have never boon at an omoa bororo, apply hore for situations. N. Places for wet nurses.

Cooks, Waslxors ana ironors. ANTED A WASHWOMAN, A FIRST olass washer and Ironar. Inquire xi nnon an tTANfED AS GOOD OOOK AND TT laar.dress, a Swedish girl good references required. Apply at 31 Sterling plaoej WANTED AS COMPETENT OOOK. also, a laundress and a Protestant nurse and seamstress; mast have first olass references.

Apply at Gates av, from 9 to 1 o'olook Wednoaaay morning. STANTKD "FIRST CLASS OOOK, washer, and lroner one who is neat and obliging In all nor duties, and oau oome with the hlijheBt rooom mondati ms; none other need apply a (rood, SPBtent Blrl will be paid good wages. Oafl Tuesday and Wednos. any afternoons and evenings at 128 BUoames P'aoa. WANTED TO OOOK, WASH AND Iron, a oompetent girl, immediately.

Apply at Oloason av WANTED TO DO THE DOWNSTAIRS work, a smart German girl i must be a good cook and laundress, and oome well reoommonded. 483 Clermont av, WANTED TO DO THE DOWNSTAIRS work In a family of threo persons, a Protestant girl; mast bo a good cook and laundrofs: reference required. Apply at No 113 Gates av, third door from Cambridge place. Cbamberraalds. Wnltrcsso.

etc. 'ANTED AS A CHAMBERMAID AND cUm a menonfnltln irlrl. with STOod CltV relOr oncos. Gall at No. 1 Middoch st, oor.

Colnmbla heights. nurses nnd seamstrestios. 'ANTED AN EXPERIENCED NURSE and also a woitross, at No. 1 Middagh st, ooraor of Columbia holghts. Sa retorences roquiioa.

VS7ANT1SD AN EXPERIENCED NURSE for two ohlldren must be a competent somtroJ. Apply at 4tl Clermont av ANTED ONE AS NORSE GIRL l'Uit a baby tho other for housework, must bo a good i oook, washer and lroner. two German girls; roierenoes roquirad. Apply at loo uean si. X15T ANTED TO TAKE CAKE OF Vtuu II A nnna alllr l.Rnfnl.

A Iftrl from 18 to 16 ysnrs of ago wages from 5 to $8 nor month; a rrotestant pceierrea. Appjy nin.t amu av. r.eneral WANTED FOR GENERAL HOUSE, work In a private family, a girl who Is woll rocom mended. Apply at 033 'VYilloughby av, third house from the churoh on Tompkins av. AYiTTfiVWOIl OIUNERAL HOUSE work, a girl must be a good plain oook, washor and Ironar; a neat, tidy girl required Apply at97Cum norland ec WANTED FOR GENERAL HOUSE work in a small family, a young strong girl: must be an excellent laundress and have the best oity reler enoes.

Apply at 86 South Elliott place. TVA7TRn fiBNERAL HOUSE VV work, a middle woman; Gorman proforrod, with good roferonco; must bo a good washer and lroner. Apply at 4M uiton at. 1STANTEP TO DO GENERAL HOUSU TT work, a girl, Protestant preferred; good refer enoes required. Apply at 614 Lafayette av THJ" ANTED TO DO GENERAL HOUSE WW if iriri ronst be a good washer and lroner wagos $1(1 per month rAforeoco roonired.

and oloven o'olook A Ol on Wednesday. WANTED TO DO GENERAL HOUSm work, a good smart girl or woman must be a good washor and lroner. and comelwell reoommoudod; wining and obliging. Apply for two days at 649 Maroy av, noar Quincyst. WANTED HEU1 ItXAl.ES.

ANTED AN HONEST AND INDUS trlou3 bov must oomo woll rocommondot At No. 749 Fulton Bt. WAWTEP SaTUA'fflOWS FElTgAtiES. VET ANTED SITUATION AS SALES woman In some fanoy goods store, by a yourig Arrerlcanladyof experionoo; or would tako care of children ordonpstslrs work: is not afraid of work: best of retorance givou. Call en or addro3s A.

No. 178 Johruon at, near Prinoe. ANTED SiTU ATI ONS FOR A numher of exoerlenced and well rocora monded girls, oooks. ohambormaids, waitresses, laundresses and general boueework; servants of all uatlon'ili Hoi, at MANNING' old established offloe, 199 Joralemon st, two doors from Court. 'ANTED SITUATIONS MAN AUU bv ladloB BROOKLYN KMPLOYMKNT riu rt a ii a j.

ITnKnM Wnihlnrrfn 6t. Family help of all klnda. "VVe do not promise perfection, but try to Beltjot good women for domestic servioa, without regard to nationality or roliglon. N. B.

We ourses supplied. AN ED SIT ATION FO HIGH lurnnnmmnnflqrl RnrrantS: 300. all eXPOli oncod and lately landed employers wanting desirable, reliable servants shiuld apply at AUKNOVT, 13 Atlantlo av. near Clinton st. oldest largest and only really roltablo first cliiss ollico la Brooklyn; ior yoars the recognized resort of nil tho boat servants.

CooKs Washers ana ironen. ANTED SITUATION AS COOK, washer and Irrn by a respoot young woman respoot young woman: ior two daysat 831 i lash bas good rerorouoes. uall fag av; ia the store. WANTED SITUATION A COOK, washor and Ironor, by a respectable yoiinrr woman has good city reforenco. Call for tiro days at present employer's, 168 Oean at.

ANTED SITUATION AS A COOK, noiHhnr and Ironor. by a roBDeetable colored woman: has good oity references. Call tor two days at 78 alludagu Bt. WANTED SITUATION A COOK, washer and lroner. by a respectable young girl: tho bost oity relerence.

Can bo seen until suited at 304 Henry Bt. ITS ANTED SITUATION AS A COOK or to do general honsework, by a respectable girl has good oity referenoe. Oall for two days at 1,089 Fulton street. WANTED SITUATION AS A COOK, washer and lroner. or do genoral housework, Iu a private family.

Can be seen at her present place, 82 Adams st. YVANTED SITUATION AS A COOK. V7 bya vonrnr Rwudisb woman williniz fn B.r. with thR wphlno. hun sond olt.v rofereaao.

Please call to morrow, from It) A. M. to 5 P. at 473 Hudson av, near FaltonjBt, Bacoad floor. rANTED SITUATION AS A COOK nnd lnnndrniq.

or np worklna hciaPBkOBDor. by an American woman bus good city reference or four yeais; would go out ad auoh by day, and sleep homo; downtown preferred. Oall at 292 Jay at, near TUluiy. "MT ANTED SITUATION AS A COOK. TT washer and froner, or to do general honsework.

iq email farailv. bv Trtionectable vounir woman: has good city rof erence3. a noar Grand. Gall for two ofays at 281 Marks ANTED SITUATION A.S COOK, wftuhnr and Ironor or do (roneral housework, bv a Germai Protostant girl; also a Gorman girl as chambormald and waitress ornurso.and several girls to assist. Apply at tho HERMAN AGENCY, 188 Atlantlo av, tho best offico to get help.

ANTE 1) SITUATION AS A COOK or laundross. by a comnotont sound elrl Is a Rood cook; can do all kinds ol baking; would havo no objoo do housework has good oity referonoe. Call at 107 Tillary St. "fiySJ ANTED SITUATION AS COOK, washer an and Ironor. In a small family, bv a resuoot ableyouns ivoman; is willing and obliging; has good oily references.

Call for two days at 175 Union st. botweon Henry and Hicks. WANTED SITUATION AS COOK, by a woman; Is willing to assist with washing, or will do the entire washing of a small family; best of city relerouoe given. Plesse call at 168 Atlantlo avenue, upstairs. ANTED SITUATION AS A COOK washer and tronor In a boardinff house or to do Ren oral housework, by a respectablo woman; lias good city rof erencos will work for modorato wages.

Cau for two days at 388 Myrtlo av, first floor, over fancy store, WANTED SITUATION AS COOK, washer and Ironor, or do light housework, In a private family by a rosoeotable ftirl; has oity inference. Please call for two days at ltd Atlontic av, sooond iloor, Room No. 10. rANTED SITUATION AS COOK, hv ft rnninpfnt wnman in a. trood brSrirl And hfs oult maker; understiinds ilutlng and all of fineiroi ing: no wdshlug.

Apply at proaont employer, 91 Hicks i street. i 'ANTED SITUATION AS A COOK nr fn in lichf houRAWork. bv a re tooc table woman i3 a good cook, and excellent washer and ironor hae gond roforences as to honesty and capability. Can be naon until enf aged at 133 Fulton at. between Sands and Prospect, becond bell.

ANTED SITUATION AS A COOK, wasbor nnd lroner in a private family, by respect able young woman; no objection to a largo board in? houao; la willing and obliniug; no objection to city or country, best of oity roioreuoo, Ptoaso call for two days at 13 York Bt, corner of Main, near Fultoru ANTE SITU ATION AS A. COOK nnd iAvmira or caneral servant, bv a finiart cans. ble girl; is a first class washor and ironor, and jrood cook and baker; a neat, economical and rospeotful servant; best references: oity or country. Call at Navy st, in the roar, nesr Myrtlo av WAJNTEDSITUATION AS A COOK In a private family or flrst olasi bonrdlns houso, by a girl; unaeratrinds moats, vegotablos, game, deBortB, Ac; is a good bakor, and makes superior oread and biscuit. Can be seen, at her proaont employer's, 83 Pierro pont at.

"ANTEDSITUATION AS A COOK, or to do cronoral hoosowork In a small famllv. bv a respeatablo Amorloan girl aoook'splaoo proferrea; oan lvn nod mforanon from last nlace. Call for two davs at 904 Paoifio st, nearWashlngton av. Ttar ANTED SITUATION AS A FIRST oIhbs cook and laundress; has good city referenoe. Ploase call for two daya at 61 Float place.

7rANTED SITUATION AS FIRST TV class cook, wastior and lroner: ten yesrsMn last plaoe, oefli oity rorerenoe. Can lie Boon for two dava at 13a nil Tlnry at, aecond floor, ovor tho bakery. WANTED SITUATION AS FIRST class laundroBB, In a private famllv, city or country two yeais and a half in lost place. Apply for two days at 49 High St. VXiTANTBD SITUATION AS A FIRST VV ols iIbsb oook.

broad and biscuit maker; no objection to the omntryjbost roferenoes, Call for two days at 44 Raymond St. WANTED SITUATION AS A FIRST rate oook, washer and honor, in a private fami'y, by a respectable middle aged woman is willing and obliging' hasten years' re erence from her last place. Can be seen for two days at (HI Union st. VST "ANTED SITU ATION AS FIRST YY class oook, would assist to wash and iron If roonired, by a very respectablo middle aged Protostant man, who understands her business thoroughly: oan refer to first class lamlliss. Please call or address COOK, No.

153 "Willow st, near Plerrepont. ANTED SITUATION AS A FIRST olni.Aimlr Viv n. rptnctnbl elrl is nullified In all (t tn ntt tni with fhn uraahinir ironintr; fans best of clfy reference from hor last place. Dln nr. a A nt .9 Rut lnr fti lin.wAnn Smith nnd Hoyt.

WANTED SITUATION AS A FIRST olass objection to aiBt with waah Ing the best of oity reference. Call for two days at 470 lll At it. WANTED SITU A ITON AS A EIRSH class cook is a good washer and ironer; bas the beat city reference. Please call for two days at 481 Adelpht Bt. near Atlantic a "ANTED SITUATION AS A FIRST clami cook! bv a rosroootabla rlrl oan itive bast of oltv roffirenco from her last oluco.

Can be seen for two days at 55 Clormont av, cor Park, Beoond floor. ANTED SITU ATION A GOOD plain cook and to asaist with washing and ironing, in German family, by a resu.ctable German gin. Call for two days at 332 Myrtle av, near nj ANTED SITUATION A GOOD oook. washer and lroner; will be found willing and obliging: has bas good city references. Coll for two days at.

977 TXT ANTED SITUATION AS GOOD cook, washer and lroner, or to do general housework, by a respectable youngwoman; has good city reference. Call for two daya at 209 Hoyt Bt, corner of Baltic. I Xjtf ANTE SITU ATION AS A GOOD WW cook, washer said tro er. by a respectable Proles I tarit woman has good eity relerencea. Call for two days i at 43 Oheever place.

i Vat AN TED SIT AT CO AS A GOOD. YY laundress or to do general houseworV by a respect, able youug woman has good oity refereuces. Call lor tno days at 477 Sackett at. XT ANTED SITU ATIONA GOOD VV cook, washor nd ironer. by a respectablo young i good broad and biscuit go id refer.

uSf "PloaS call 63 Bond st, bet Sta.e and Schor morhorn. WANTED SITUATION A GOOI) conk, washer and ironor, or do general hoisework, ii hu .1 unecrAble voun girl li'is the best ot oity re erenca Ploase oall for two diie at Warren st. near limit I I I diiion of tbe Stock BTarKet. Wall Sthbet, Norember IS. dobgntion of prominent merchants, and banks rs tn's c'y have a conference with the Committee on this eronlna on tho Sennt sublouS 01 tuo oiuuu Oliver Dili, now penuiiig, auu in pro "'toted w''l present' forcible arguments against Tho bosf 1 frm011 ot tb0 Washington correspondents agree In atari "19 wl" n0' be reported until aftor tho hotijt, Bnd tbat' 8'voa for ample iIIbco The mischief tV 'I2'8 bl" 19 dolbS I3 not coafloed to thisconntry.

It a.1 affectiugr out1 orcdlt abroad to a serious extent. Capitalists in Ea, regard with anxiety tho atrongtb developed let Ule House In favor of tha sliver niesi uro and are not re, 'sored at tbe reports which are ourrent on this side, Q1 which aro cabled ovor, to tho attitude of the Set, nd tbo Piesldent. Consequently, It is not rprising that the demand Europe for tho funded Io. (n has been oheoked to such an extent that the Srndi threaton to throw up the oontraot for placing the Par oonts. This oon traot has thus far been unproa, auio, is true, and would have resulted ln considerab, 19 'ss to the Syndicate had settlomonta beeu eiactea1 aooordlng to'tho gonoraliy understood ternis of the 'reement, but tho threat to throw up tbe contract eoeS In good tlmo to oxort an lnfluonca upon thuso membefk of Oontjroas who aro auxlouB to proservo the orodit ol the Qovorn ment.

Gold is steady again this morning with srt Os at 102 and 101 13 10 and the market is without featu'e. The slock speculation Is active and is made sc. by tho oourse pursued by brokers and operators outside the ring who aro content with small profits and are ffblo to make qulok turns. It Is probablo that the majority of the short contracts aro covered up from day to day and that there is a very iight accumulation of tho short Interest. This morning tho market opened at a fraotlonal do ollno oomparod wilh the close of yesterday, but moved upward in the early trade and foil off at tho beard whon nearly all the aotlvs stocks were wook.

Erie Bold at Lake Shore opened at moved up to down to and back to )4 Northwest started at sold at foil to and reacted to The preferred opened at moved up to fi and down to Rook Island started at 90)(, wont to ond fell to Western Union opaned at 10 and ad vancod to New York Control started at V5fi and morod np to 10fl. Bt. Paul opened at wont to 33f and fell to 33. The preferred started at 67 and wont to Union Ta oillo sold at 60 and Ohio at 8 and Wabtsh 15; Harlem at 148; Hannibal and St. Joseph nt 13; Delaware and Hudson at li and 43 an Illinois Oontrol al 71).

aud 71. Dol Lack, and Westorn openod at t(t(, wout to 47" and fell to Morris and Ebbox Btartod at 74)i aul doollned to 73. Miohigan Coutral oponed at B8, sold ot 69 and at 87., and roaoted to 58. O. C.

O. aud Indianapolis started at 38 aud weut to 89. Bank clearings, enrrenoy balances, S3, gola exohanges, gold balauo.s, $917,795. tocU Uc.nuue aaiev lyirst nonrtl. Nw Tons.

Novomber ftOOOO 8 6s 81 llOHi lUUlx! SMI) 17 6000 5 20 83.. a 110 SO 20 88. 110tf WOO Ub 11.. bobU 105W llKWO 8 AH ooup 1691. lOSii 1UO00 4's Small oou llK 100 Harlem 0 148 100 do s3 no, fauOUr SUA AID twR no 60V 83K roou 8J00 700 una 1100 S3 600 do Wi do 66 do 6 do 66J.

do 61( do 1 tw al'iunr. 1.1: 2tKfl Tonnoaioa 6s Old lOc.10 DIs Columb 3 tJs Missouri State os ongbds bo 107X 5100 New Jor Central Istcoosol 70O0 do bo aot LoblirUAWBoou 93 141K.MC A oonooa gold oon iM OIW U' 100 Cbl Bur A Q'y Ft bo ita lOOllbnoIs Uent'l bo 71 SOOO do 71 100 Oblcago 4SWH Do i 100iii v'ncou I Cm do mti do 88 14 do (BlJ do do 83 do 8.114 do 835. res gold bds. ltAKl MltWK I aui, fl A Mdlv It 800 100 100 (00 V. Oin A Indu't 1st 107 I llWOErlo lth 101 IliOC, Hn Joo eonv SO.

6000 Iik Sh 0011 rog 1st 10? ema Lk fib 2d oon rog 300 Ohio A prfd bo 8 300 do 100 do frlli li 0 do MM 100 do 'i 100 ao 800 do u.1 8ll IO11 Col Vw A la 8S 2uit no oc 89 90(t Mloh Oon 7s 105 60UN Central 8s81 Wl! 1000 Cont 1st M'o ooup 119 CtXlOont Paoltto Uola bdB I XW Chic A Mtlw 1st. II 2000 Uu l'ao Hlnkg fd 94 1100 Union PaolhoIlH 100 do sJ 400 Cbicago a 11 Do 400 do; 3 SOU do 31 0 do ss POO Wnbasb It ror obas'g Committee's DO 100O A W)fni niil 200 do lOUCbi A si 11 0 bS 20y do 100 ao Obi Mn A rfd bo lOOl) do mo do liO do 8W Del DO'S HJ 9J, .000 St Louis Iron 1 1st 101 (W0 Toledo AWab 1st coupon 17 I lOCHi oo 97J 4lKJfl Tnl Wall 2d in. VU lfXKI do SW4 8000 do oil 1000 TAW con convt 51? ROOli nt. lat. 8 ss il'i OX OOUJ PJKj SflftOU no wtyi 1INXI0 do aooo Tenn Mi istrn 2000 Morris A Kssoi It 1st Il! 20 Amorlcan F.xn'ss bj IB Wolla Unrto Hip 87 uo ao do a do ao do do do do do do do 10 Adams I Do 100 do 23 Dol Hud Canal 0 44 I do 43l 100 do 43 80 do 484' S50 Ontario Sllvor 23 100 Wost'n UniouTol ho I 100 do 70J.I 200 do sJ 7HV1! 95;) do 7D.1 (WO do sun tile im OVJ 400 000 600 10.1 1(00 6011 0 000 IKOo 8010 I1SO0 10 iOO do, do 1525 do 70 t0 do K't WON YOon 4 BR hnulS IMJt ao do do Bon ao 10 lOO do 40Wi Morne i uessi it be 73W IfJO do UK ua du 7Jf Sou do 7.JH loo to 73 100 do 74 lfkl do Wi 100 do 105K 500 do 71 do Wi ino Rno Itn bo 10 900 do al V.i l'JU On hi Sloh llontral H.

l. s. SOo 100 100 200 800 400 do ao do aS do. oOCIuo Alton 11.. 7f 68! 100 80 na 76 68.

REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS. Smith st. 23 6 Fourth st, 17x55.7x17.8x59.1, nil, Gcorgo Woiidoburg to Allco llerr, mort t4. 200 ButlerstVn'ecor Vranklln av, KVixlSt, OardnorS Cliapln, to He iry Brown, mort 48,300. Boebs tar av, w.

18 ft Horkimerst. 18x74, Robert Jaiuns 1'lillllpj to Eliza Jono Frazee, mortgage, kI a Au ku s. ft w' rmdway "4i5K "llrafc' wicr nv, 18 ft Horkluter st, I8i74, P.llia Jane Franco to Margaret, wlfo Robert J. Phillips, mortgage 6,400. i Myrtle av, 76 ft Maroy.

hi. 16x100. John 6,000 S.143 3,000 "n.a o. 61 Its Montague st. 20x104, iim in iiAioiino.

WHO uuun n. ifu. i Young andSldnovT aiuou 2,600 Hart st. SOO ft Stnyvesant av, KI1100, James Allen to Andrew nom Samo properly. Andrew Aitcblson to mma, wilo Janioa Allon nom N0Dm1 t.

11 SKOIt. Stuvvpaant av. lOOxlOO, Thomas VY Smith to tbo Mutual Life Insurance Unniiisnj. uoj. uxiora, ou.n a 16.1x018.

Uriah to lillhu Hp oer. OO.IU 11. 11 loivi.iu p. 20,000 8,0.0 4.706 10,000 850 3,000 6.000 8,600 4.24W 1,860 nom 8.EU0 8,603 4.000 Balfo oor l.iir.i.iux.iMioo Warrou at. 304 9, to Illolrs st.

xm Maryd olin tnw ot a holra Jolinson to Alfred Hlh sVira 'l ft', w' ttudion' 'avVjii jflSlJft Mik A llon 'ore Klua A.v.ife Henry Rob forts, moncairo 'r' Morroli st, iv 100 I t. Doerum Bl, txiS, MolCltilipn l.umboldt t. rannskii Spltn niullor. widow, to Louisa Sehwiiior Mtintruse nij 100 it Leonard st, 56x100 Starr hi bo s. 3' ft is Johnson av, Mat 0, Mlohaol Mehllng to Au.ia Sobild, mortsa8.7....J.

Firsi Bt. x6)il7jix6. Arthur isoii to Ann, wlfo John Vlutory, taxos, and water rates iriim HOO DoKalb av, s. 100 ft Lowls av, SIxlOO, Slary Calyor st. a.

it st, 20x70, hil, Ann an 1 tluorgu Palmar, oxrs VY roro to nOlCOlUD OHO II .1 allies rmu Laiai'l'ltnov, 0,80 ft fliwnpdo'; at. or Intl plaoo, 20x80. olson Hamblin tojauo, wlfo William Floyd Br, a. 123 ft Throop av, 26il00., John Zoollnor to Johu and Anastnsla Miaikowiab, Tan0tii 'property, 6x47, Thomas tlurphy, BPPolntod to sell rooi estate of Goodwin to Patrick McO'olo.

SlniK st. s. 235 ft Union av, 85x100, hit), Henrl oua, wife Jobn to William Third av, 60 ft Seventeenth st.lBxIlW, Alary JonOB, ndra'x to Raymond Jenkins, Samo property, Raymond Jonkms to Prime, liandon, Vt, 188J lv Samo property, Prlnio to Sfary Jonos, 1Y stiwicli avj about w'ft HadiBou about 77 x77x l.8; abo Troutnian it, lato st, 109.0 ft 11 jsliwlok av, on old map, tWilSi50r IS WilUuiii Mills to Annie II. wlfo Jimu Smith. cAg, ninrtgago IJO.BCO, and other OaS av.

li cor. lWadway. 78xJJ.HxBJ.8r78, bfAls, Martha nlfo Nathan Pnrdyto Herman Wor 'ci'strly''co'r' Kings st, i 9, Oaroy to James Moore. 188 Myrtle av, s. 3i7 ft Peirl st.

32x80.7, KdtvaraJ IlarvDJ, ot al, to (Mans MyHlo av. 430 fto Yates hv, 20x100. forooloauro, Albert Dniigitt Chatles Hart, Oil. ton st S. 200 ft Vornon av, 100x200.

KJt bush, John Connors, Gravosend, to Patrick Connors 10,000 8,509 800 1,000 1,000 1,300 Union av. 6) Ha jonnson Bt.aiinw, iorooiosuro, Albert Daggett to Krosontla Boser, widow. Talmnn st, lot 43. uaroy, prop, anni, ui, amos i st. lot 43, Oaroy, prop, 26x47, Al, Jame3 i pearsotrto uuiia, wiiu ui rearsonco Mary SloColo, her Kixtn av.

oor iu (.., Oordoi to George B. Hodgos, mort. 18,000 Quincy st, a 100 ft Reld av. 30x100, Mary B. wlfo of William Konraoro, to Myron 5,000 South econd st, 183 tt a ahth rans 300 ft to South First st i 60vlJ 85 loo to begln Hng.

Obsrjes II Kmerson, Waltham, Mass, to FUon Kruorson tfWO a. 200 ftw Patohen av. Herman Wermi to MarthA A. wife of Nathan Pardy. South'T birds b', lffi It Klevent' hii .5 John tam.

nrnc Morkl to V.iiik wife of ilaraes Merita to Klltt wife oYkinBl lnggt tt to James Dunn and Dniri fc tl.W OOr oloaurt. Albert and i. it Unri dnar AT Marv A HntohinaoTi 3.800 6,800 nom dry) 8.000 8,000 1,000 3,700 Gatesiv. i s. 31 6 Downing st.Sw x80.

nil. Patrick I.arubett to James Mason to LnooWa Phelps, BtTosantav, i'Yo' 't'u Quincy st. Sob'o Austin to Susan wife of James 0 Aastln, mort BB 'Kifiii' AV. hri Monasto Jotin 1) Moyor, mort S3.G00..... Gioono v.

s. ia ft Maroy ay, Alice Par widow, to St phan tl Phillips. Willoughby av. ft Tompkins av. 30x100, Stophuu Phillips to Allco Darrsgh, mort ii 000 Bond st es 80 ft Ualtlo Peter Braoken to Tbomoa Bim North Oxford st Fliisbfag av.

afaioo. Objirlos bradv to Ja'me, Costello. p.irtitloD..... f. Sb VA SSSC Pr.

133 li ornlf7as.i St John A Arory. to Sam 4.000 2,500 crrr MsrmWni'fCiiim Nancy st widow, to Abigail A ban ft av. 60x100. Qoorile 0ULTb dokaio a Lltchtluld to Theodoro Botts, morU teaw Batter fl .109.8 rvr oo lleniy t) William Armonr. q.

Fulton st, 1 S09 9 ft Bedford av, 78x100. James Brevooit etal to Margaret Roper, q. President st, 1H7.1 It of Smith i i97.ll. hil, Joreolosuro; AdolpbSImlt. Wm Grind av Vws, 147 ft nw of Atlantlo av.

14x99 8x 8 7x8x102.4, loroolosnrei Honry MoKeantoJosss Vanderbllt av. Dwlgbt Roberts to Maw Tay iiLlubrMg oxcb 6400 14.000 20,000 101 1,410 nnm nam 70J 1.603 Mlohaol Morgan to Mary Bronnan Degvaw it. a 809 It of Hevonrn av, tuii J.l wrdB Hall, Glen Coro, to Daniel Hall, mort t'tca'A "a 'Kent Springer to Margaret O'Brien. mortJ.OOO. Flushing av.

1 1. 100 ft Kent 5M). Al KHsa both Benx, widow, to John and Bertha Ferdinand Hopklnson av. eor Bumpter it. i75.8, lTiei rlok Kroielor to Eugene Carroll 8ame Drop, Kngeoo Carroll to Mary Krokolrr Skmmsn V.n..

100ft Rwen at, foroolcs uro. John 8auderon to Ileno KarowvRu7 tk llatmanu.B Hu bTrdt Usui. Dedoll, CJn.ia Daggott tadatharlne nn. Holooyst.Bo 1,18.1.4 ft Bedford ar, jB.4xlf0, Edrnen MoUughlin to Peter MoLaugblb, Bar 63.6 it a Madtson at than Frank Oyooke. mort Bo gea it a lOOltw Third v.25sloO.

fotoolosuro, AUiort Paggott to WUliaraJP Bnow. Sam. prop Yn Snow to ob.rt Sag. and II A Spatard, Mrs B1, 3,503 I0.C0J 9.900 "ofiioe. 3E ANTED SITUATION AS WAITER byjs lobar.

industrious 'yonnjr man understands; enfe no objeotlon to go io the eouatry. Addroes gagle offloe. 17 ANTED SITUATI0N, AS QOAOH man, by a colordd man: is aooustomod to tho business, aoquafnted with driving la Ifew York and Brooklyn; can give first elaaa roferenoes; is temperate, uses nopro lanelanguage. Address IT. Eagle otHce.

WAMIS PBOFESSlOHiUi XT ANTED' PUPILS A FEW PUPILS vooal mnsio terms ftlO ner Quarter. Address S. isagie omoe. WANTED DUES A I BY" A first olass dressmaker, to go out oy the day or week; good references, 809 Henry st WANTED DRESSMAKING A FIRST class dressmaker wishes work by the day: wadding outfits a specialty; also machine stitching and buttonholes done the best of referenoe given. Gall or address Miss No.

eSWIlIoughb; St. WANTED DRESSMAKING BY A first olass and experienced dressmaker, a lew more engagements to go out by the day; cutting and fitting done under Taylor's Bystem terms modorate. Gall ANTED DRESSMAKING AF E.W mo ft AnfTKCrAtnentd. thn Aiv. wo sic or month: br an oxnetienoed dressmaker.

Is a first olass Gutter and fitter; does all kinds of sewing. om ood raforence, Ifronnlred. Please call at or Address 623 Fulton stt near jiatpasn av, taroo days. WANTED EMPLOYMENT WILL any bnslneas firm ol this cilj or oor FQlton Ferry, new xotK Bjao, mve to a tauy pi uiguest rvBpoumuuuy some Ohanco to earn a livellbooil; a pli1nr rapid writer, aotlre. mOthodioal and fully of tillinst norno Uon or trust; unexceptlotiable reference.

Address Mrs. nagie omca. WANTED VISITING GOVERNESS A lady, educated fu Paris, a thorough French scholar and an experienced teaoher. has some hours disengaged she instia Jls in the usual English branohes, muslo, French and drawing: ladles of negloctod eduoutlon rapidly tmproved; highest reforenoos. Address VlfJITIWlr QOVERNiiS, Eagle PlHoe.

WANXED iaiSCFjlLAlVIiO US. WANTED BABY TO WET NURSE at her oaro home; a fresh breast of milk the boat of reference. Mrs. DIXON, 67 Gold St. WANTED BABY TO WETNURSE AT her own home, by a respeotible married woman; has Rood city roferenoes.

Oall (or two days at S35 Van fiuron st, cor. Glasson av. AN TED A FOLDING BED EITHER now or second hand. Address, ating maior, bow loner fn nae and lowest oasti price, Mrs. H.

21fi Cam barlandst. WANTED SEWING BY A RESPECT speotable young woman, is a good seamstress and do family sewing Is willing to go out by tho day or week has her jwo midline has good oiiy references. Call for two days at 67 4 HiokssU WANTED SEWING BY THE DAY, week or month, by a coloreatseamstress: family sewing, dro'Bmaking, ouUins and flttinjt, and can aewon Wheeler 4 Wilcox and Gibb's machines; roforences given. Pleao call or address SEAMSTRESS, 589 Baltic st, botvroen Third and Fourth avs. "VX7 AN TED WASHING BY A RE3PEC 7 tablo woman, tho washing ol one or two fanulias, to go oat by the day.

197 Oourt st. WANTED WASHING BY A CO RIPE tent laundress, at her own house: would go out by tho day or weok tho best of referenoe. oM Hicks st; ANTED WASHING BY A YOUNG Rweidlsh woman, to tro out washing and ironioff. Please oau At 339 Atlantto ar. WANTED WASHING AND IRONING by a rosnect womsn, to go out by tbe doy.

Coll at 19 North Portland av. WANTED WASHING BY A SWED lsh woman, family washing, by tho dozen. Call at No. S25 Atlantlo av.Jop floor. Anted washing and ironing by a respeotable young woman I to go out for two days In tho week or would tako It home has good oity ref erenoos.

Call for two days at 676 Washington av. WANTED WASHING A speotablo wcrman washing for gentleman or ladles or famlllei. or wonld go out by the day bost otty referonco given. at 429 Ovnrt st. Wanted Washing by a rbspbc table woman, to take washing at her own home or go out by the dny.

Call at hor rosldenco, 73 Congress street. rANTED WASHING BY A RESPKC 1.1 nM.tll H.n A .1 hll AWFI Douse: is a good wasner ana lroner: nssgnou cny ruiuc oncOS. Call far two days at8MVan Baron at. WANTED WASHING A speotable woman, to take families' and gentlc mon's wasnlng to bar home, or would go out by tue day. Apply at 68 Columbia plaos, oornor of Stats Bt.

WANTED WASHING BY A RESPEC table woman, gentlemen's or ladlos' wasldng to dp at her own home. Inquire at 649 Myrtlo ar, noar Scuenck st, second floor. WANTED WASHING AND IRONING, by a roapootable married woman, to taka In to hor own houso is a first olacs washer and lroner; oan giro the bost of city reference. Please oall at 766 Lafayette av, cor. of Throop.

TM7 ANTED AND IRONING7 by a respeotable woman; dona at lowest rates no objection to going out; alao, a rospootablo young girl wishes to mon i olotbo3. Ploaie oall for two days at St Dean at, first floor, front. ANTED WASHING BY A RESPEO ac Inrr. at hor homo or wonld go ont by tho daj. Apply Ml the weok at 233 Pacltlo st, bet.

Boornm p'jioe and Smith Bt, in WANTE1 WASHING AND IRONING, a fow lad'es' and gentlemen's we'ilng, or will so out by tho day. by a rospootable Proteitant woman bo oltv roferonce if required. Please call or address for one week, No. 17 North Portland s.v, third floor. WANTED WASHING BY A RESPEC table Protestant womnn, ladlos' or gents' or family washlne at hor own homo; oau glvo tho Boat of city reference.

Call on or address all tho week at 256 St. Marks placo. or at 276 Washington av. ANTED WASHING BY A RESPECT iriiift womnn is wilHnir to tro out the first two days of tho week, orvroulddo a few gentlemen's or famil'ea'wash miratiiBrnomo; oin giro gona oy rMoronce coquiroa. van ttbCrlS ill Vila uncamoi ANTED WASHING BY A WIDOW who has three ch ldran and la besrlnnlmr to keep house, ladies' or teitlbraen's waslilasto do at tier hnm or ifl allllntr to tro ont bv the (lOV ROOd refer enoe from her lost plaoe.

Please oall on or addresses Dean street. WANTED WASHING BY A WO man, to take ladlos1, gentlemen or family wah Ing to hor own home; can givo the bost oity referenco if required: rill send them homo ironed and ilntod ia stood order. Please oall at or address 533 Atiantio av, noar Grand, second floor, baok room ANTEDWA8fliN AND IRONING, by a first olass laundress to take to bor borne, or go out by the day or month or dozen babes clothes done up iu the neatest manner; understands fluting: oan give the boat of oity references, PIeMo oall at 103 Smith sr over jeweler's, botween Bergen and WyokafT sU; gentlemen's or families1 washing done, ANTED WASHING AND IRON1NO, by arespoctablo woman, to take dome or go out oy I. flr.h nln. Intirt ft AS.

11tlHnr.tan(1l All ltlndS of lluting ana puuing; ana win oe rouuu wiiiina: anu niiiirrinir tin. wnrknd for tho first families fn Brooklyn. PloaBe oall or send your address to Mra. 100 York street. WANTED WORK BY A RESPECT, ablo woman, washing and ironing or honsooloan Ing, to go out by tho day.

Call for two days 6 Ollnton av, top floor, back room. WANTED WORK BY RESPECT able middle agsd woman, to work out by the day or week. Apply all thn week at No. 78 Smith Bt. between (State st.

ana Atlantlo ay, flrst floor book of cigar atore WANTED HOWSES. AN ED HO USE A SMALL HOUSE on tbe Hill, botweo i RlHctt place and Washington av; rent 4800 to $600. Addrosa Kagle ottloo. WANTED HOUSE FURNISHED, 2 or 3 story, In tho vicinity of Union and TJoyt sts. Address by letter, Btnting turmB, W.

II. Fulton st. ANTED HOUSE AND parchasD. on Was'ington st: the terms muBt be easy. Addross J.

S. P. O. Box 100, South Norwalk Conn. rANTED HOUSE TO HIRE! A 3 for a famllv of tbroo adults: wl all the modern improvemonis; rem aoour.

$dou. auuiubs Box 11. Eagloottleo. ANTED HOUSE FURNISHED A irnntloman nnd wlfo wish to root nicely urnlBh od house; would pmfor rent taken ont inboard. Apply tor threo days at2Jl Monroe at.

noar lYoatrand av. 'ANTED ROOMS FURNISHED Tnree or four rooms, fully furnished for light hnnaeknaoiu rout most bo low; houso and noitfhborbiiod must bo good. Address, giving all particulars, KOJJIb, Box 19, Eagle oflico. WANTED HOUSE ON THE HILL preferred A 8 story brown Btono or brlok houso, for will be given tbe now 8 storr Phlladelpttia brlok store on tho southeast corner of av, and FlltoontU st, subject to oue movtgago of SH.6M; 8x45W; the flyo lots froo and cloar on I bo north sldo of Fifteenth at, 13 ft. wost of Hoventh av 20xlf ech, and somo i asa II nocos sary.

Aadress, G. W. IC, owner. 30 Irving pao. WANTKD KOOirlS.

AlTTED ROOM FURNISHED AND rn iTAnilainnn nnttl flr nf vnar. neir Wall st or If niton terries qiiu per moot wmtuutiw. Kaglo offico. WANTED ROOMS FURNISHKD One or more for light hoasokonnln? ton or fifteen minutes' wain from Fulton Ferry; tonus must bo moderate. Address for one weok, stating price, 93 Murray st, iowYork.

FuKMBiS Ii; BOflM. Burnished rooms to let ome or two ban furnlshod rooms, wlihout board, tn S3 State at, fonr doors bolow Henry. I itTurnished rooms handsomely JD furnished rooms, singlo or double, with or without board, at modorata rates; all random improvements only eight minutes from ferrlos. No. 51 Concord st OURiSISHED ROOM TO LET, TO A I couple of gentlemen, a large front room on the third floor; house hoB modem improvements family private references required.

Call nt 1.1 Adams at. FURN ISHED ROOMS TO LET, AT 19 Clinton st, neatly fhralshod rooms; house haB all oonvonlencos, and Is accessible to the leading oar routes i and ferries. FURNISHED ROOMS TO LET, FULLY furnished. In desirable neighborhood, convenient to oars, SU minutes irom ferry, parlor ond baseaiont rofer encea given audi red rod. Address M.

Box 8, Eagle I o.Eoo. FURNISHED ROOMS 33 POPLAR ST. near Willow Very desirable rooms heated all imurovements in hoaso private family suitable for gentlemen; within five minutes' walk of Fulton lorry: bs tween llicks end Columbia sts. i fURNISHBI) BOOMS ONE LARGE back parlor nicely fnmlshod. will bo' let to one or two gentlumon, with use of piano if required; rent moderato to disirable partiee; also one largo room on third floor; 4)2 per week W6 st.

near Willoughby a F' URN SHED "ROOMS A A room ou socond floor, front, to let: room is boatod; use of bath no hour keeping soeolal attention given to cleanliness and tho oomfort or oocupante rent low. Please I call at 63 Lawrenoe st, near Myrtlo av. TURNISHED ROOM HANDSOMELY' I furnished room to let. In private famllv, to young gontlemon or gentleman and wlfo, with privilege of liglit fiousekooplog If roqnlrod hot and oold water. nBO of bathroom: retereaco orchangod.

Apply al.S19 Warren st, be tweeu Court and Clinton. ii TO SOUSES. siJlTBTHOUSE ORFORSALE VERY th flnt nlass storv brawn stone house No. 4 St. James place, corner eivaiD av.

inquire oi ownor, on the premises or at ma resiuouoo, oio corner. TO LET HOUSE ON PROSPECT olacs, near Vanderbllt av Threo story, English I basement brlok house, 9 rooms, all tmprovemonts; rent, th. Addre DAVitt H. HILL, 393FlatbuBh avenue. TO "LET HOUSE FOR SALE OR EX oharme Cheap rent; poesosston lramodiate; three I story, frame house, on the Bill gas water; terms easy on sale: will exchange for good merchandise.

Address I WELLING, Eagle offloe. HOUSE A VERY ELEGANT 1 story and basement framo house, with 9 rooms and' I improvements; in perfect order throughout'. per I month; also an upper Et o( 6 rooms on Lafavette ay. and on Van Buren st. at Sift per month each.

Apply to U. Wr iiu LET HOUSE $15 PER MONTH onlv for the nice, story house, with basemerit and. cellar. Na 137 Fortieth Bt. between Third and iourth avs; .11 1aa Kan It.

Annlv on the oimlBes or to JOHN A. PEIO.B, Thirty eighth st, near Third avenuo. TO LBT HOUSE NO 18 LTBE RT ST, near Oonoosd; five minutes' walk to Fnl ton. Wall st or Catharine ferries story, basement and attio rooms brlok: house fiiruace. Knickerbocker range and all inv to responsible parties at a Ion, fig ure.

uaor aiv cci ao IO IdST HOUSES ON VANDERBILT av, between Park and Flushing; on Urand av, between Alh ami T.fAVAtt on Rnbn at between DeKalb aud Lafayette avs; on Glossou av, between DoKalb aud wuioiigiu, also, two story rraroe ousa union aoa, The above houaws oont all the modem Improvements i Beaver st, New York, or 4T7U DoKalb av, Brooklyn. ana in nrst oims craor, u. uiiu i.iuua TO ILEX HOfSES FI 41SiIJx. rjpo wI regain LET HOUSE FURNISHED. DE lv rt1 ln on the ITill: the owner and his Bon n.

mm fl fair nlhar hn. rffl. nrlll reain in honse. Apply at nmooriann sr. mo LET HOUSE FURNISHED AT JL $600 year, or will be.

let unfurnished alt improve nanti. Imrandlntelv' Inuuire on Wo. ibrr. lace, or of OKXiROEllILL, oftfee Home Insurance Company, lac uroaoway, a.

TO 1E SXOUI.9. rri T.IET STORE 633 ATLANTIC AV. i near Ing Uland Kailroad denqt raatt fif idol. I lan per month. i "WBT ATSTRD STTTTATTON AS GOOD nlaln coolc.

wisher ahd ironor, or fox gtmerM boa work, by a respectable woman good referenoe fromner last place. Please call at No. 780 Myrtle ar, MOOnd ANTED gltUATION AS A GOOD oook. washer and lroner. or a respeocame womn has good oity refeienoe from last employer.

Measo cull lor two days at IBUOUglals at, oetweeu onum ouu Hoyt WANTED SITUATION AS A GOOD cook no objeotlon to assist with the washing has good oity reference from last nlace. Can bo seen at any time for two days at 235 Paoifio st, near Boeram plaoe, thira floor. WANTED SITU ATIONS FOR TWO really first olass servants, one as oook and laon 4Mb a nnA m.lfm, hnth arfl expetlenoed, reliable and trusty obango plaoes but seldom, And baro first olass reference. Please oo.ll at 8S Amity at, botween Hloks and Henry. WAITED SITUATIONS ONE AS cook; washer and lroner.

the other as nurse, or would do light upstairs work, by two respectable young girls liave good reference. Please call for two days at Flatbush av, Falton at. WANTED SITUATIONS ONE AS A oook, washer and lroner, the other as waitress, bv two respeotable juonj girls have good city referenoe. Call for two days at 178 BalBu st. WANTED SITUATIONS ONE AS A oook, washer and lroner, in a private family, the otner to do upstairs work and watting or would take care of ohlldren, and do sawing, by two young girls: have tho best ot oity reference.

Please call at 245 Carlton av, pies sent employers. WANTED SITUATIONS ON AS A A 1. rf Tia Mhnf na obamberraald and waitress, or would live separatelr, by I two rospectable girls; havo good oity reference Piense call for two days at No. SO) flatbnsh av, over tho news Tn7 ANTED SITUATIONS ONE AS A 1 to do ohambonvork, by two hurhly rejpootible girls; same house preferred both have first olass oitr reforenoosot 1o3r standing Address for three days oare grocery store 1,428 Fulton st. near Tompkins av.

WANTEDiTUATION TO O.OOK, wash and Iron in a private famllv, oy a rospectable girl, uall for two days at Ko. a) VYyokoir st, 'ANTED SITUATION TO OOOK. wraith andlmn. op do con oral housowork In a small atBaorkst. ANTED SITUATION TO COOK, wash and Iron, by a respectablo girl has no objections to housework; good references tf required.

Call for two days at 283 Jay st, noar illary. WANTED SITUATION COOK, wastt. and Iron, or would do gen oral hoasatrork or small private family, by a respectable youaa woman; beet of oitr references can bo Riven. Please at Or address 890 Paclflojjt, oor. Washington av.

WANTED SITUATION OOOK, wash and Iron In a small private family, by a re epeotablofdr); or would do Renoml housework a em all ftxmtif; hzo good roioronoo from ner last omplpyor'a. Pleasocol) for two days at 488 Fulton at, near Bond, over tho store. Vjcf ANTED SITUATlON TO OO IC7 wash and iron, or to do general housework, by a frooa, reufioie Bcrpanc; n.ia iwo yeirs roicrence irom ur net, employer's. Can be seen at 191 Elliott plaoe, corner 0f Atlantic av. Cnambcrinaids.

Wniirchsos, etc. WANTED SITUATION AS A Jvt bormald and waitress, by respectablo Protestant American girl. Call for two days at 167 bpeaoer st. ANTED SITUATION A CHAM berma'd. bv a Danish girl.

Ioaulro at her pres ent employers, 368 Henry st. ANTED SITUATION AS CHAM barm ild or nurse willing to assist with waiting, etc. uall on or address wavorly av. ANTED SITUATION AS HAM bermatd and wa'tross by a resonoti bio young girl fro id city reforenoe. Please call at 68 6 Bedford sundry.

ANTED SITUATION AS CHAM bormald and waitress or to do light housework, by Tjspeot.iblo young girl tiro years' reference from last Gall for two days at78 Amity st. WANTED SITUATION AS CHAM bormald and waitress, by a well oonneotod Protestant woman or would tako oaro of children. Can be Soon for two days at 207 Throop av, near Myrtle ANTED SITUATION AS CHAM bermald and wsltross, by a rospootable young woman has good city references. Call for two days at 128 Canton nt. rANTED SITUATION AS A CHAM barmaid, or osstab in lhrhb housairorit.

by a fountr German girl Is willing and can furniah good referenoe. Call for two days at 323 Pacific at. WANTED SITUATIONAS HAM bermatd and waitress In a private family, by a Soung Rlrl: best of city references Riven. Oali for two ays at 602 v. near St.

Marks. irrANTICD SiUATION AS A CHAM bormald. or to pen eral housework. In a small pilvnte family, by a capablo girl best of referonco. Columbia hetphtB, Apply at 166 WANTED SITUATION AS CHAM bermaid and waitress, by a respoo table young girl is fully convenient to ike ontiro obariro of hor work; will bo found willing aid obliging good oity reference.

Call or twj dojs at 75 Paoiflo st, VST ANTED SITUATION AS A CHAM I TT bormnid nd nnr3e, by a rospootable young girl: has no objoctlon to go to tho has Rood city rafor enoo. Please oall for two days at 69 Dean it. near Smith, rAJNTED SITUATION AS A CHAM bormald and irnlirasR or to do rroneral housowork in a small family, bv a rninootnblo rrlrl. Call for two days at present employer's, 2 2 Quiuoy st, botwon Bedford nnd Nostrand avs. VH7 ANTED SITUATION AS A CHAM! I TT bormald and waitress, or as a and seam i stress Is porfootly honest and willing and obliging: his good oity le'erenoe.

Ploase call on or address No. 826 Myrtloav, noar Cumberland street. I WANTED SITUATION AS CHAM bormaid and woitross, or will do rroueral housowork in a small family, by a reBpectablj 5011112 r'rl: bost city roieronce. Please call for two days at 272 Greene av, third bouse from Classon av. ANTED SITUATION A CHAM bermnid and waitress: undorstAndB cate of chll Killing and obliging; hos nood le ereuco.

ieaso can ior two oaya at ivi uoiu WANT'ffiD SITUATION AS CHAM i bormald and or would do housework in a smsll private family, by a younr eitl has good refor enoos Pleaso call for two dajsut 864 Dean st, near Classon av. I WANTED SITUATION AS CHAM bormald and waitress or to oo light houBowork, by a respectable young ajrl 18years old: city lefconcoB. Gall for two daya at 132 Bridge fit, between Sands and Prospoot. WANTED SITUATIONAS A CHAM bormaid and waitress, or ae chambormald end nurse, by a rosoeofabltj yoantr woman; Is willing io make heraolf eoJovaUy nsoful; oan glvo tho best of reference from last ploce. Apply at 89 Cranberry at.

ANTED SITUATION AS A CHA1M bormald and woitross. or to do Utzht ho use work. In a small lamuy. dt a young gin. ageu dobc or reior oucob.

Oall at 410 Atlantlo av.noar Bond st, all the week. lurjTANTED SITUATION AS CHAM bormaid and waitress or as nurse and aeamBtreai oan donnv kind of Dlnin eowlniz: ia perfectly jnest. wlll lnji ona oDUgmg; can give goou ciiy roiereuce. oall or addroos for two daya at 133 York at. Please X7ANTED SITO ATION AS CHAM' bermald and a oompotsnt, honest and obliging girl a Rood and permanotit plao more au objoct than higb w.iges.

Apply in roson or by at present employees, who will give her best of reference, at 31 Soher merhorn at. WANTED SITUATION AS A CHA1VI bermald and waitress, or to do light honsework. in a small private family, by young girl baB hod 1 both can farninh tho boat of Gai) WeHnes day and Thursday from 10 to 4, at 769 Fulton a between Portlnni av. aud Oxford at, up stairs. ANTED SITUATION AS A CHAM hnrnrfiiri nnd wfittraHH In A nrlvntn famllv.

or A sonteol boardtmr house, for a Btuart. omabls. nice voun girl, about 20 eicollont references; moderate wwm: no fee for this girl. Apply or address. toQUITABLK AGENCY, Oumuorland st, cor.

Fultdn. Only flret olass help hero. ANTED SITUATION AS FIR clasB chambormald and waiiresa. by a resneotnbto young girl haa good city roferenoes Call for two dayu at 1,303 Vultonst. L'J: WAN TED SITUAT ION TO A IS with light housework or take oaro of chiMron, by a respectable young girl 16 ye ara of age; referonco if re QulieJ.

Pleaae call at No. S7 Warren Bt. rAN TED SITUATIONTO ASSIST A ladv with honsowork and sowlnK, for a home, by an American woman. Address Mrs. No.

235 Adams street. WANTED SITl I ATION TO DO CHAM borwork and waitinfr and make heraolf gonorally ueefal. by a respectable Gorman girl, Oall for two d.iys at 67 Lafayotto av. ANTED SITUATION TODO OHAM borwork or waitlncr or to take caro of children, by an American girl can give near; ci city rarorenoe. lease oall for two daya at 149 North Portland av.

WANTED SITUATION TO DO CHAM borwotk and waiting, or would chlltlron and do plain Bowing, also, would cook, wnsh and Iron iu Bnall Dtivato family oan give city references. Call for tivodays at 21 HiokB Bt, ANTED SITUATION TO DO LIGHT nhnmbnrwork or to mind a ohlld. by a vouniz Gor man firm, 15 yours ol ago. uaii at vji yarroiiBx ANTED SITU ATION TO DO LIGH housework, in a email family, by a. roapoctablo yonnq: girl can fumim the Dost oi cny roeroaco.

rieLwso call at Wo. 872 DoKalb nv, Throop. WANTED SITUATION TO DO LIGHT Viiiicrttrrtrlr or nnflfcjiJrA work and vrnitinfi. hv n. re.

cnpi ifribfo trirl: has COOi a roioronco. jricaso can days at 467 Dean at, nearFl atbush av. ANTED SITUATION TO DO THE i cliambenvork and wrtlMnj by a respecfJiblo Prot estantRirl: is willing and obliging; haa Hrat class oity ref erenoe. fiease can ior two uuys ac ivont av. ANTED SITUATION TO DO THE hr (rhmhorwnrlr and mind rrrowlorr children, bv a rospoctable young girl; can do plain sewing or walling; has best of oity reforoaces.

Please call for two days at i 831 Adams st, near Myrtle av. 1 nurse nnajtcamsiresses. I ANTED SITUATION AS CHILD'S nurse iu a orlvato family, by a youni American girl. Oall for two days at No. 2 Waldion place, York st, betwoon Jay and Bridge.

WANTED SITU ATION AS NURSE, by a respectable girl; willing to assist with cham berwork. No. 731 Bergen Bt. 'ANTED SITUATION AS NURSE, chambermaid or waltross. In a nrlvate famllv.

by a roapectablo girl. Dan be seen at proient employer's, 180 High at, near uoia. WANTED SITUATION AS NURSE and seamstreBS, by a rospeotable German girl. in bo soon at present employer's to day and to morrow, 02 Remsan st. AN TED SITU ATION AS A NURSE nnt) HBATttRtrftsa.

or oh nmbarmald nnil tpub nr. to do housework, iu a small family, by a Tcspoct bIo young woman; ttrst olass city roferonce. Please oall for two daysat 103 Smith at, oor. Paoifio. WANTED SirUATION AS NURSE, by a Protostant woman la fully capable of taking care of an infant; has tho best city references from ner le at place PIoiso call for two days at IttS Washington ay near JPaolflo at.

WANTED SITUATION AS NURSE and seamstress or seamstress and chambermaid, or would wait on an Invalid lady, by a oomputonfc young woman. Call at 15 Paoifio st, bet. Honry and Iliots. ANTEDSITUATION AS NURSE, by a girl would take entire oharge of a baby best of reference' from her last place. Ploase oall or address for two daya at 198 Fiatbnsh av.

ANTED SITUATIONAS NURSERY rnvnmpan. bv a lftdv Is competent to in all tbe earlier rudiments also an exoolient seamstress, or would take charge of au invalid is willing to travel: best of referenoos givon. Addreas KURSBr GOVERNESS, Eale oMioe. JUANTED SITUATION AS SEAM TT BtrcBi, or to do light housework In a small family, by a respootable girl has god city references. Oill for two days at 44 Bergen st, near Court.

WANTED SITUATION AS SEAM stress in a privata family, by a respeotable young American girl can cut and fit children's clothes and bring her own Wneelor WUson machine If necessary. Can be Been until suited at 4tB Bergen near Flatbush av WANTED SITUATION A3 A Btresa and child's nurse or ohambermald and waitress, by a voung colored girl; best city references. PleaBo call at 214 Prinoe sfc ANTED rSITUATION AS a wet. nurse, by a' young married woman, St1' years old has the best of reference. Please call at 121 Waahlngcent rt.

third belL 7ST ANTED SITUATION AS A WET TT nurse, by a respectable married woman, aged 23 rears, second cbud five woots old referonco. Oallfortwo days at 887 Monroe st, near Maioy av, top floor. ANTED SITUATION AS A WET 1 nnrse, by a respeetable young married only first baby.lhreeweekB old: can bo recixamoaded by two dootors. Ploas. call at WS Dean fit, near Clwaou avenue, WANTED SITUATION MIND children or take care of a baby, by a smart gill, 14 yean old.

Call or address to 884 Hicks st. "7f7 ANTED SITUATION MIND Vf ohlldren, by' a' respeotable Proteitant girl, lately landed Oan be seen for two days at 887 Groeno av, near Franklin. ANTBD SITU ATION I nhlldm in a i(L D3otible famUy by young Gor nan American 11 yeirs of nge. Address for three days I0. Lo ru.lass fit, near njy WA TfED SITUATION TO MIND A baby, br will do housework for a small family, by a Prote mt girl best of reference If required.

Oan bs seen at. 809 Dog: aw betw. Oourt and Smith. JS7 ANTED SITU 'ATION TO TAKE care ot children and assist In upstairs work, by a re pectable younggiil Fleaseoall at US Navy st ANTED SITUATION TAKE oare of chndren. by a respjotaWs young gfrl has over tiro years of iho best city relerence Is a good Please oall for two daya at S88 Hicks st, Ooa gl U.

1 1 I The programme was Thomaslan to coin term In Its character. 01 course It was olaalca), though not to an oxtremo extent. The selections were from Beet hovon, Mozart and Weber, not forgetting that ultra mimical enthusiast, the Abbe Liszt, and that follower of Wagnor, Rubenstoln, together with compositions by Kaff and Goldmark. It was mainly an instrumental programme, and ohiofly orchestral, but two vooal num bers being Introduced, and but one instrumental solo, But it admirably interpreted throughout. Tho orchestral performances word given in a style as near peifsolion as possible.

Not at any of our Philharmonio conoerts has so perfeot an orchestral performance teen hoard as the exquislto rendering of the Minuet. The piaulseimo ffoolB were such as even to arouse bucu a critical audlonoo as was proaont to the enthu Biastu of an encore. The ballet music, too, was por tormod in masterly stylo. It was a composition quite of the modern sohool and drainatto la Its musical de acriptlon. Tho Oberon overture, too, was roudered as only Thomas' artists can perform tAte introduction being charmingly played.

The piano Bolo," by Mr. Arnold, fully displayed his ability as a very nnishod performer. Ho interpreted IJszt'a fanciful composition very artistically, and exhibited brilliant his performance of the Raft valso. Tho vocalist of the evening wan Mrs. Antonio Henno, who was elogantly attired iu ombrold ered white elite and looted and sang charmingly, albeit tho songs assigned her were not such an to exhibit bor vocal powers to tho boat advantage.

Hhe sang them, howovor, with great expression and in the German song was recalled. Tho horn quartet afforded an Illustration of the solo talent which oxists in Thomas' orchestra, each momber of which is himself an artist. It was deservedly applauded, tho feature of the performance being tho perfection of harmony displayed, which In horn quartets is bo rarely attained. Tbeconcort woe cotr.niondably brief. There was Just sufficient of the good things of the musical feast to satisfy without wearying, as iB too frequently the case.

The attendance was evidently such In numbers as to yiold a very weloomo Bum to the charitable funds of the Germania Association, and the arrangemonts throughout wore such as to reflect orcdit upon the Coromltt.o tp whoso chargo they wore given. Advioe to xotrao Men Before you got married got your lutondel mother In law, as thoy ought all do to purchase jour furulturo of tho Uuooki.yh B'aust TOKE CoMPANir, Nos. DM, 61 nod 563 Fulton st. Fifty peb cent. Saved By using Hia oikg' GEnMAK IJ.UNPEY Soap.

Try it and lUBure your lelvcsoftuu lac niFiit. AMSDEN On Sunday, Novombor 11, 1877, at 2 o'olook, Sarah wife ot B. H. Amsdon. Funoral from hor lata resldonoo, 81 Raymond Bt, on Thuredny.

NovomborlS. at 2 o'olook P. M. Relatives and friends of the doooasod and family ore rospeotiully mvltud to attend. Also, by request of U.o Joooated, members ol Mnnolia Lodgo uro respectfully invited.

CAVBLl. On Sunday evening, November It, at Fort Hamilton. Ooimy Bleakuky Oavell, only son ot nnd Letltis Cavoll. Funoral semoos at Ohrlst Ohuroh, Biy Rldao, on Wednosia Novdmbo, 14, nt 3 o'clock. Friends and rola.

tivas are invited to attend without further notloo. nOU011EATY On Monday morning. Novembor 12, 1877, of membranons oroup. Katib, younKest and beloved daughter of and Margaret Doujjtiorty, ogod 6 years, 2 month3 and 19 days. Relatives aud irionds of the family and tnoso of hor brother In law, John J.

Fleming, are rospootfully Invliod to attond tbe funeral, from tbe resldonco of her pirents, E89 Itont st. on Wo Jnesday, 14th at i o'o'ock. HAM.OOK On Sooond Day, Tcnttt Blonth, 12th, 1877. nt tho rosldenon of hor brother in law David Hal look, at Bomero, Wostohester County, N. AHNA Hal The funeral will takoplaco at Frionds' Meeting House, at Amawalk.

on liourth Day. the 14th at 11 o'olock, A.M. Owringes will await at Kntmab, on tuo arrival ot Iho 8:30 A. M. train from Now York.

IRWIN. On Hundny, Noromber 11, Amy ErmmT, only ohlld of John IS. and Annie M. Irwin, agod 3 yoars, 1 month and 'iO days. The remains were interred in Groonwood on Monday, tho JOHNSTON Monday.

November 12, LODI3A F. Johh bton, of Horace II. Johnston, and daughter ot Au droiv Donnelly. In tho 80th year of borage. Tho frieuds of tho family aro invited to attend the funeral, from Nt.

Churob, Ollnton av, near Fulton st, on Wednesday the Hth, at 9 P. M. KIRBY At WostWlndhnm, N. November II, William L. KjitBY, of Brooklyn, N.

In the 74th year ot his ago. Relatives and friepds are invited to attend tho funorm from tho rjsidenco of his sister, 61 Clark Bt, Wednesday, at 10:3.1 A. M. iriBi3i'in3. SME N'f Xu.

Cominltteo of the Oominon Couuoll, will meet In the VomwillDi i Nivninhnr li 1RTI tho Uomujittoa llooin, Oity Hall, on WISlJKItaiJAl. at 7X o'olocn. l'. M. an porso inwr ostou in rho matter or grading ana paving nemo at, uq.

tircon llond and Novins Bts, are roquostod to bo present. By order of X. ti. AHHU1T, Chairman. nn'HE ANNUAL MEETING OF THE 1 STOCK HDT.nP.RS of tho AMKRIOAN DISTRICT TKLEGRAPH COMPANY; OF BROOKLYN for the election of directors (rill behold on AlOMJAY, November 19, betweau tho hours of 8 aud 9 o'olook P.

at tho Company's OFFICE, No. 191 Montaruo St. The transfer books will bo closed on 9 and roopenod on November 2L T. J. POWELL, Secretary.

AO. H. DIVISION NO. 11 THERE a will bo a spooial mooting of the above Uivlsi in, held thoir Hall, on THURSDAY, 16th, at 7 o'clock l. M.

All oflicprs and members aro requested to attend as there is business of to be transacted. ALBX. 8PKNCKR, Presldont. Michael Ooyle, Sooretary. WMBRALD "ASSOCIATION A MEET IPj Ino will bo hold HOTEL.

Fulton st. on THURSDAY KVBN1NG, November 15. at 8 o'olook. JAMES UORKE, Piesldent. J.vo.

B. REn.r,Y, Seoretaiy. TAX BUDGET THE SPECIAL COM mlltee ot the Common Counoil on tho oxsmlna tion of (he Tax Builder 1 1 moot In the Common Oouncll Ctmmbor on WEDNESDAY, Novombor 14, 1B77, nt 4 o'olook, P. M. By order of WM.

H. RAY, Chairman. npHE SPECIAL COMMITTEE OF THE Common Counoil appointed ti draft an ordinance for tho government of tho Department of Parks will moot in tUe uounou uu.imoor on rniuai.wui'oiu' bor la. 13,7, attio'olocK, l'. m.

llv otdur of S. M. ORIS WOLD, Chairman, AW THE COMMITTEE OF THE EJ mmon Counoil will meo at 218 Montague street on THURSDAY, November 16. 1877. at 4 o'clock, r.

M. By order of O. L. BURNhi'f, Chairman. lost A 'oJrri.

OST A FLAT PLAIN GOLD KING, JU.t trnm rlnnrnr nnri Irifn nntrraved on inB'do. The iindor will bo suitably rowardod by leaving it at 2ft DoKnlD av. LOST A POCKErBOOK, SATUBDAY, on Union st, botwoen Ollnton and Court. The Bnd nr lll nlnaso return nocketbeok and naners to 304 Wan on Bt, and receive tlianks ol tho owner. LOST ON FRIDAY EVENING, 9TH a round onyx LOCKET with the letter W.

cut on ono side; the finder will bo liberally rewarded by loav Ing It at 20 Fultoa at LOST ON SUNDAY EVENING, 11TH Inst, an old fashioned gold EAR RING, with turquoise setting, In a Hyitla av. car or in tbe street. 2 reward will be paid to tuo tindor by leaving It at 19 Madi son st, noar r.oslrana av. Vorl OST YICSTERDAY, NOVEMBER 12, oitherinlbo vicinity ot Atiantio auu aixca avs. or Uresno nlaco.

tr on Fulton Bt. a pair of gold KirE 1 fnn.iB.ri In n.M marked Rrueat 4 Pulton st, N. Y. Fi dorwlll be liberally rewarded byjoaiinjr tbom at 6S4Taoir.o st, LOST ON SATUBDAY LAST, A young setter bitoh DOG strayod from No. 373 Nos trand av, between Gates and Quincy sts: she is wblto with largo liver colored spoU on hor sidos, hesd and ears with white Btripai down the face.

Inlormation that will lead to her return to the above numbor will receive a Buita blerewariL IT O.S 1' AT URDAY EVENING, NOVUM JLi bor 10. botweon soreu and oiglit o'olock, on Atlantic av betwoou Journony's Btoro snd Court. Bt; or Loort at, botwoen Atluntio imd Paoifio, or Court st car. a idy's. rod leatuor PuCKl'IT BOOK, containing a Bum of munov and otlicr alleles; tho Iindor Hill be rowardod by leaving it at A'i jurt Bt.

liWACQU AN PRIVATE nnifir ivincr Rial skin Hicoito to of at. a 1 sku notion, nisy find a nurchasor by Immediately address ing 11. Eagle olUce. FOR SALE HO USE CO IT AGE HOUSK, 118 Cambridge place, at a low prioo and oasy torms, aB tho ownor uas romoved from the agents ploaso notion. Address iJEUHOUT, 12 Hotel Albo marie, Columbus av, Bolton, WasB.

IT OR SALE HOUSES ON EASY teraiB. 187. 193 and 195 Blsrbtoonth at, 611 and 013 'ourth av. 117 Twentieth st, froo and clear; or will Do ex ch for New York orouorty. At plytoDr.

AiNUREWa, 431 State st, la the evening. 15 at "ETIOR SALE HOUSES THR KB LEFT S' of tho iose tin now two etor? brown stone houses on Oroeno av, corner Reid av; looatlou excellent and nous. is very attractive. Look at thorn and applv to THOMAS WKLWOOD, 16 WilloUKhby St. FOR SALE HO USE AT A SL AUG liter prica, 163 Hudson av, cor.

Sands st A brick store and tenement building ooverinp the ontiro lot, and is in first rato condition: the owner is deturmined to sail it and whoever buys it will got a but trado. For particulars apply to RUSSELL, AMILISS, 313 Court st. I7WR SALE HOUSE IN ST. JAMRS place, opp. I sfforta Only one loft of thoso handsome threo story Fronoh roof brown stone houses; dolljht ful location and ueitfhborhood overlooking fine old orna menrsl grounds: all bnprovoments; UrBt olass inatoiial and workinaiiBhip; modols of comfort and oonvomonco; terms oasy.

uwnor, mi vyoaniogiwu av. a rr. uirTuEfc' 'jirir. it? Trjncr 1 JV OAIJIIJ 11UUOUO 11 7 VA 1 1 hpnnn olnnn frnnf fnnr ntj And bAnOmOllt mfl, r.nffflrts nlaco: looatton unsnrnaBsed contains 11 rooms, a spieaaia uuuara room, umpio wobbim ouu im latost lmprovomouts can bo bought cneaD terms to suit, j. H.

TOVYNStiND, builder, on preinisos; opou from 8 A. M. to 6 P. tjundaya oxceptea. FOR SALE HOUSE ONE OF THE most comfortable and oozlost houses In Brooklyn 170 St.

James place, near Gates av three story frame; 12 8X X93 eight rooms; all improvements eleizattt loca. tion excellent order flfteea minute3 of ferries. Price 83 950 very olieap, even for those times: termB to Brut open from 8 A. Al. to 5 PM.

OwnerSJ Irving pi. FOR ALE HOUSES TERMS EASY Threo vory handsome three story snd basement brown srone housos, one a oornor; every modern improvement; fit for immediate ocoupation; nownborhood first class, fronting tho Brovoort mansion will toko good lots or house in oxohange. Apply to tho owner, W. u. KUS 8HLL, on the premises, oornor Bedford av.

and Herkimer street. EORSALE HflUbES THE FOUR TWO story framo buildings and lots noon whioh thej stand, as Nos. 291 and 29S Hudson av, and 11 and 13 Meet place, running through from street to Btreet, will be Bold at auction by JACOB COLE, at salesroom, No. SS) Fulton st, on THURSDAY. November 15, nt 12 o'clock noon.

Splendid ohanco for Invostinant. See auotion no tices. FOR SALE HOUSES ON BRBVOORT place, betwoon Franirlln and Modford avs, Opposite tho Brovoort mansion Two of that block of olo jant brown stone four story and attic houses. Now Is your time to buy a home at the lowest uosslblo price. This location canoot be surpassed In Brooklyn also, threo story houses on Van dorblltav.

between Qreeueav. aud Fulton st, ohean aud good. Apply to T. B. JACKSON, builder, on tho promises, or in the evening at 424 Clinton av.

OK. JSAt Ii PIANOS, cee. FOR SALE PIANO A GOOD 7 OC tAVe rosowocd piano will bo Bold for 475 cash If disposed of Immediately. Apply at 103 Ad lpui st. fORSALE PIANO A GREAT BAR 1 galu; a beautiful seven octavo pianoforte, rosewood oase, handsome carved legs and lyro: good order; must bo sold this weok also stool Call ocSS Adams st.

FOR SALE PLAN STEIN WAY 225, fine 7 ootave. rich carved legs also piano 175. modern 7 octave, oarv. loB, with etjoi and embroldored covor: pianos and EBtey organB iJS to 20 monthly. PHELPS Ss BON, 808 Fulton at, opposite Johnson.

FOR SALE PIANOS SECOND HAND nlonos. suuaro and upright, at vory low prioes for oosh. Hajlet, Davis 4 Frenoh Co. pianos. Elo gont Hallet, Davis A Co 's grand ptsno nt a vers' low price.

Bargains In new and second hand pianos. Oall or Bond. W. FRENCH i No. 20 hast lourtceath stj New York.

ITiOR SALE riANOS SOHMGR'S FIRST class pianos, warranted for six years, for salo at extra lJwBgares fnr cash; to rent, or on installmsnt; rentsp SikSff nnrohAaad from 5 to 830; some very fino second hand Dlanos. ia exoellent eonditJou, Jrom the bort maltera. SOHMEB, 4 CO. piano manufacturers, street. FPU.

SAL.K MlCJE.a Al ITIOR SALE BUSINESS MEAT "MAR JT ket oheap muBt be sold directly good reasons. Apply at ins) atu FOR SALE BILLIARD TABLE PAR lor billiard Ublo, with balls and cues; price $25; also parlor ten pin board far $6 can be seen at No. 673 Lafayette av. ol FOR SALE BUSINESS CORNER BUT. ter stand in large meat market forsale; ample room, low rent, paying eosli trade, thickly settled neUUuorhood a 11 tie money will buy and run It.

Address BUCK, Eagle otlico. EOR SALE BUSINESS RICKi ilBY'S, old established hotel and dining rooms, in perfeot or with loise; a good chance for man a id wife. For full Darticmars in juiro on tno jnuctioaof 1'ulton and DoKalb av. TIOR SALE BUSINESS THE TttUCK woric iivenBo or sLana ar di ruiton uow, west Washington Market, New York, with or wituuut tho horso; owner leaves for California an excellent chanoe for a steady man cheap. Inquita at the Btablo In Downing st.

near Folion, or at the stand; terms oaah or indorsed note. BIBLE SCHOOLS. Monthly Meeting of the Brooklyn Sunday School Union. Beginning of the Forty ninth Tear of tho Organization Remarks by the New President and an Address by Rev. Way land Hoyt, D.D.

Last averting the Brootlyu Sunday School Union entered upon the Forty ninth year of its oxls tenoc, and bcld the first monthly mooting of tho osso tlon year In the Hanson plaoo M. The officers recently eleoted for the oneulng year were presented to the body, and tho Incoming President of tho Union, Mr. Benjamin H. Dnyllss, made a brief address. It has not been fully determined aa yet where the monthly meetings of the Union will be held during tbe coming yoar.

Tho feature of tho evening was an address by Rev. Waylaud Hoyt, P.D., pastor of til. Strong plaoo Baptist Church, on tho topio, "How can wo increase the efhclency of our Sunday School work The singing was conducted by Mr. Alfred Fohs, cor notlst. Miss Josephine Losee presldod at tho organ.

The attendance of Sunday School workers was large. The exercises began promptly at 7:30 o'clock with singing by the congregation, reading of the Scriptures and pray or by Rev. A. T. Nelson, of the Memorial Presbyterian Church.

After singing another hymn, Mr. Israel Barker, tho retlrlug President, addressed tho audience briefly. He said he had been in the 8uuday School work for about eighteen years, and In all that time be had never disoorerod anything unploasant. On every sldo among tho workers he had found nothing but kindness and ploasant relations. In many cities tnoy have denominational Sunday School Uulous, but lu Brooklyn we here nothing ot the sort, but a I 'nion of all denominations, and In no organization oould you And such kindly lolations and fraternal tooling.

It was thoroughly nndonomitistional. Mr. Barker then introduo.d Mr. A. B.

Richardson, the incoming Vice Prosident, who declined to make a Bpccoh. MR. BENJAMIN H. BATLISS, tho newly eleoted President was then presented, and brloliy addressed the audleno. Ho began bis remarks by spcakln in glowing termB of the retiring President.

For five years ho had conducted and directed the work of tbe Union, and under his leadership it has roaoho.1 a degree of succcbb that bad never boon reached before, and be feared never would bo Bgain. It was io be regretted that after he had become accustomed ro the armor that he should InstBt upon putting it off, and it was only because he porslsted in his denial, that he, the speaker, stood in his place. Thoy stood that evening upon tbe threshold of tbe 49th year of tuo history of tho Union. It had reached an ago whon it should be entering upon its most prosperous and buo oessf ul oareer. Sut hBroafter tbe work was not to be allowed to rest upon the shouldors of tbe Presldont, but it had been agreed that each committos should faithfully carry out the work committed to Its oharg and if the work is not done, it will be tho fault of the committee.

Mr. Baylies then explained tho purposes' of the Union. It numbered in offlooin, toaobers aud pupils fully 00,000, and its whole vast body is represented in tho Board of Managers of tbe Uuion, Tbctr object was to further in ovory way in their powor tho power and Interest of Sunday School work. Counting In tho Can adas, there aro about 7,000,000 officers, toaobers aud pupils Sunday Schools. It was an immense power, and compared to It the Brooklyn army Is only a brigade.

The time wonld come, Mr. Bayliss said, wbon tho Union would bare a Bunday School headquarters in tho city, which wonld be a centre and fountain of Sunday School work and lufluouoo. It bad bosn determined In tho futuro meetings, for a tlmo at least, to present a praotlcal toplo which should be diBouased by those present If the teachers and omcors would unite heartily with the Board of Managers In Iho work of tho Union, this forty ninth yoar of Its oxlstenoe oould be niado tbe moat successful and offldoui in the history of tho association. At tho conclusion of tbe Precldont'B addross, Dr. Hntohins, of St.

Mttbow's (P. Sunday Sohool, offered tho following PREAMBLE AND RESOLUTIONS iricrcas, The voluntary rotironiont of our honored brother, Israel A. Barker, from ofllcial position In tho Brooklyn Hunday School Union, so loug a period of continuous labor In Its bohulf, affords opportunity for a formal rocogmtion from those for whom bo has worked so faithfully, and of whom he has bocn suoU a trusted and effective loader; and IKici cas, Alter he had given a number of yoara of sorvloe ob Secretary to tho Board of Managers, where Ma promptness, noournoy and untiring luduatry not only won for him tho confidence and cstnem of ibouo with whom ho was most Intimately aaBociatod, but contributed so laraoly to the woll being aud harmony of tho Sunday Sohool In this ally, bis associates honored tliouiselvea and opened a brllllaut career for tho Union, by promoting hiin to the etiiof position in thoir gift, as President of the Brooklyn Sunday Sohool Union and IFAercas, A rehearsal of tho work ncoomplisheJ by tbe Hoard of Managers during the five years of bis administration rovoalo tbe Impress which his forceful character and his assiduous oncrgr hav made on the Sunday Intereste in Brooklyn, aB is well known to tho multitudes whose enthusiasm has been aroused whose Intelligence has been enlightened, and who have boon onoouraged and helped to earnest work at the publio gatherings ovor which he has presided; aud IrViorcno, Ho has banded over to his successors tho management and oontrol of tho Union when it is UuBhod with succoss, and glowing with intorest, enthusiasm and efHcioncy, tberoforo recognizing to tho full the oellence and buoccbs wbtoh have been lnfuaod into tho work of the Brooklyn Sunday Sohool Union during the Ore yosrs of bis administration of tho Preaiilenoy; be it and it is horby Resolved, That tho members of tho Sunday School Union of this oity, aBBombled in this, tho Urst monthly meeting of tho ofthial year, hereby oxpross to Mr. Israol Barker their oordlal approciRtloq of ble unselfish and effective work, and their recognition of his Christian onergy and nolf socrilloing lnduBtry, and ten ier tobim on their own bebalt, aud in bo: of all the Sunday School workers in this city for whom be has so earnestly laborod, their mont alncore and hourly thankB for all that be bar, dono for tbom, and also proffer him their devout wisbea that be may expoud in tbls community a long life of tho highest prosperity, happiness and usefulness. Resolved, That a copy of this proambla and resolution bo transmitted to tho Board of Managers of the Brooklyn Sunday School Union, with tbe request that thoy cause tho same to be entered on tbe records of tbe Board, and also properly oiigroseod and authenticated andfranied for presentation to Mr.

Barker. BnoOKLW, November 12, 1877. Major Corwln seconded the resolutions, and they were unanimously adopted. Tbe audlenoo then joined In singing the bymu, "Revive ua ARaln." After tho singing tho President Introduced BEY. WAY AND HOYl', D.

pastor of the strong plaoe Baptist Church, who addressed the Union upon tbo th me indicated above, lie said the cl ciency of the Buuday School oouid be Increased by a broader ooncoptlon of the place which the Sunday Sohool toucher occupied. Ho thnn alluded to tho Ideas formulated bv Professor Tyndall in bis roceut Manobos'tor address. in blB roceut Manobottor address, lie said it was oue loner asBsnlt unon tho intuivionB or tbo uumau .,,,.1 i ti was a noble ideal of a man which Huxley had locently presented a man whose moral aud physical nature were In perfect harmony. But when you asked him how suoh a noble man is proiuoed, be will point you no higher tliau test tubes and cruoiblos, and would fay nothiug about God aud the Spirit that controls tho universe. These examples are speclmonB of a style or thought that is especially prominent at the prosont time.

Every period has its especial dangor and in the proaont period the dauger la a rampant and persistent materialism. Men woro in euob closo and Ultimate relations with nature that thoy are in dan.r, of orgolttng tho Infinite ana Spiritual. The way iu which thiB danger ia to be encounter od, 1b with the BIblo. Confronted bb we are by this danger, CiiriBtiau people havo been providentially callod to a orltical sludy of Iho Word of God. It wan.he bolloved, a providential thing tbat tlie study of the Wo had been stimulated in those later years, and it la toward the Sunday School that study tends.

Ic is a Dlvlno adaptation of tbo thunght of Christians to tho neoJe of tho time. If the worn is worth doing, our enlhUBiaBm should galhor about it, .,,,1 llirfr niirl.ttftnu nhnntil Tirof uUOillv tbn ltnuiouBO dignity and importance of the woik of tho Hundttv School teaoher. lie Id at work at tho botlimi, oapluring tbo young miud in advauce, und by filling It with tho truths of tho Bible, Bavc tbo pupils from the dan. or of materialism. Tho schools could also bo made more efflciijnt by preserving the Bunday Schojls BIBLE BCHOOLS.

There la a great deal of leaching about the Bible that is not of the Blblo. There aro too many blank lllbies in tho land. What they want to do is to aelzo tho citadel of the memory, to stereotype tha truths of the Bible upon tho youlbful memory. Tbe upcaxor said ho believed in Lesson Papers, and all the holps possible, but tbey must never bo aUovicd to got between the pupil and tho Bible, and every time that was done it stabbed the efficiency of tho School. Anothor method to lncreaso the ofBclonoy of tho School is to increase the preparation of the teachers, bIbo, by perBiBtont tcaohlng.

A vset deal of evil and injury is done by the failure of the teacher to stick to his What in wantod more than anything olso is tcaohere who feel tbe responsibility of thoir position, who aro thero rain or slilne, whu are plodding and persistent, and never foiling to appear lu their places when Sunday comes around. Another thing noedod was a deeper religious deeper and more profound consecration of tho heart to God. It was Intended tbat throe minute discussions should follow the oddrese, but so inuoh tlmehal boen consumed with tho opening oxerciaos and remarka that no discussion was hid. The topio announced for tho next monthly meeting was "Infant OUsses and the Bent Methods cf Conducting Thorn." Singlnn by tbe andlince and the benedlotion by Rev. Hoyt closod tbe oxeroieca.

A TERRIBLE TKAtiEDT. A Father Shoot. Mm Xliree Children aud Th on Himself. A torriblo tragedy was enacted last evening on tbo fourth floor of tho tonemont house No. 19 Chrys tle street, New York.

Henry HauBman, a porter, om ployed at Halsey Braokmeyor'a, fancy goods dealers, at No. 893 Broadway, shot his young sons, Adam snd John, ngod respcotlyely 4 and 9 years, bis daughter, Martha, aged 6 years, and then himself. The girl was instantly killed, and Haul man and tbo biy Adam will probably die. It seems that tbero hd been some 111 feeling between Hausman and his wife in aonsoquouco of the refusal of the latter to give hiin authority to go to Germany end get a oonaiderablo sum of money whioh had been left her by hor father, and last evening about 6 o'clock ho returned from work, snd aftor hav Ing Bupper drank in the barroom in the basement ot the house. He returned to his rooms wtth a pitcher of beor and endeavored to iuduce his wife to drink, but she steadily refused.

The boys wcrs in bed at Iho time in a little room off the main apartment, and. the girl was undressed, ready to retire. Hausmau, after drinking a coaple of glasses ol bear, wont into the little room and in a moment Mrs. Hausman hoard a number I of pistol; shot In rapid snooeeslon. She ran into the room and saw her daughter staggering a.

the floo; toward tbe front room. The little girl had hor baadBonber side and was crvlog, "Mn! ob, ma!" Kaor mother lifted her in her trans, and then saw Hcue i man running after the oldet boy, who escopod into tbB hallway. Tho murderer therenpou locked the door of the little room and shot bim.elf twice In tho left breast, The supposition was that he shot Johnny first, then Adam, and the girl next. The body of the mnrdorod girl was placet on tne bod and the ambulance to the wounded to. the hospital.

HauBman and hta wife were married about eleven years ago. She said list night that ho had often threatened to tako himself and tho ohlldren out of the world, but she paid little attention to his threats. Some of the neighbors say that Mrs, Hausman drank and that tho ooupla froquontl. quarraled. TWELFTH WARD A meeting of the Twelfth Ward Republi on Association was held last ovoning at Hoffman's Hall, No.

373 Yan Brunt street. Mr. Gustavas Vogas, Vico Pi sidont, oocuplcd the ohalr. Tho buslnea was simply routine, a few new members being received, Tbe Ohalr oongratnlated the Republicans of the ward on the support which they gave Mr. John F.

Honry and General Oatlln. It wo a Rreat victory to have earned the day for Catlln a the Twelfth Ward might fairly claim a large abDre in It. Mr. James Jouuiton ladorted thos. view.

The AMooiattoA then djourn4 It as in at i I CirORTANT TO SUnS Tiie T.aoj.v. will bo sent to all points of (ho Cpltol fi' $10 ner year, $1 month lor a loss per ioii thur. bix uiunllls, tree of postage. OUH SUNDAY EDITION. Tho Exo is now published every da; iu (lie week, Sunday included.

Order jour earner to leave it, or fend vonr address to this office. Prio3 rents. Advertisements for Sunday Edition received at oiHi', up to 11 o'clock Saturday evening. JIAItlUED MES'S MASS To morrow evening the Hutchiuson Family will sing in Bethel of Plymouth, Church, for the eut of the Married Men's Bible Cla83 of tuo Bethel. TAKES SICK IS CIl RCII.

Mnry Reed, aged 25, of 3G. Hicks street, is taken suddenly ill in St. Peter's Church, corner of Hicks aud Warren streets. Sho was removed to htr house by the ambulance surgeon. SERVAKT ACCUSED OF THEFT.

Josephine McCarty, a servant, was nrrested on complaint of Mr. Thomas Bailey, her omployor, of 502 Atlantic avenue, who accuses hor of having stolen a lady's skirt, a pair of pauts and a vest, in oil valued at She is hold for trial. SXL'AK BOBBKlty. About dusk Sunday afternoon, while tlie family of James Tedford, who roside at No. 171 Sigol B'reot, wore assembled in their sitting room, a thiof ieakod in through a rear bed room window and scoured a watch valued at $15.

Tho robbery was nut known in tuna to catch a glimpse of tho operator. R011BED HIS MOTHER. Mrs. Harriet Hicks, of No. IS I Hoyt street, 3uuday morning notlfiod the police of the Third Pre r.iuct, that her sod, Charlos, had stolen from her a quantity of Jewelry and money to the aggregate value of 100 on the previous da7 and decamped.

RL.VOVKK ACCIDE Vr. Daniel Lecldy, aged 8 yoars, while playing In tho street In front of bis paronts' residence, in Fulton street, near Eldert avenue, Sunday aftornoon, was run ovor by a horse and wagon and Bovorely iujurod. There were two men in tb3 wagon at tbe time, who drove rapidly away from tho Bcone of tho accident and encnpod. IX CHUKOlt. A coloved boy, named William Howard, airostod Sunday night, for stealing a silver watch and chiln, valued at $20, from Charles Kauip, of No.

It Chapel street, during the services at Brother Murray's Churob, in the Lyooum, in Washington BVroet. KKROSENE KXPI.OSI0SS. By the explosion of a kerosene lamp in the window of Jlr. Richard Joues' Btor), No. 180 Broadwny, Saturday evening, goods valued at $150 were damaged.

Buuday eveuing a lamp exploded In the basement of Mr. Anson Forguson'8 roaidenoe, 23'J Secoud street. Tho loss sustained was but sltghr. SABBATH SCHOOL AXMVERSARY. Sunday afternoon at three o'clock the nineteenth anniversary of the organization of tho Lee ave nuo Baptist Church Sunday Soil ool waa celobratod.

The exercises mainly consisted of prajor, tho Blnging of hymns and short addresses by Rov. Dr. Egglestou, Bov. J. Hyatt Binlth, aud Messrs.

S. S. Utter and George Sheldon. AID15I) THE STRIKING CIGAR MAKERS. For the b3nofit of tho cigar makers now on tnke in tb.3 two cltiov an entertainment was given Bunday night at Adelatein's Union Hall, in McBcrole glroot.

The atlendonoe was very large and tho per formanoon. comprising in tho main vocal aud instrumental muBlc, ol a fair ordor. Beside several woll tendered solos, choruses wer.i sung by the Arlon, LicJ erkranz and Saongerbun 1 8ociotlo3. and the Veteran Quartet, of Now York. Tho Dtlottanten Orchestra filled the instrumental portion of the programme.

RESULT OF A DRUMCE.V (JUAHRKL. Inrasponse to crios of "llurJar, ran nTer OfUoer Simons, of tho Fifth Precinct, last Saturday night, at half paat ten o'clock, entered the apartments of James McKoon and his wife, nt No. 102 North Fourth stroct, E. D. In the centre of the iloor stood Mrs.

McKoon, half naked, and covered with blood. She told tho officer thit when hor hugbaud reached home a short while before he began to abuse her. An altercation between hUBband and wife ensued, which oulmvnated in hta knocking her down. Bbo foil heavily on a pall. One of tho branch arterleB in the baok of ner head was severed.

The officer took huaband and wlfo to the station house. Ambulance Surgeon Valentine, who was summoned, secured tho buistetl blood vessel, after which McKeou and his wile wore lookod up ga a charge of drunkenness. MO AWAY BOYS ARRKSTED. Officer Hisb, of the Eighth. Pracinct, on Sunday morning found two boys asleep on the stoop of a house in Fourteenth street near Fifth avenue, and na they failed to give tho officer a satisfactory explanation of theinsalvesthoy were taken to the station houso.

On being searched 8.35 in money was found on ono and a silver watch aud chatu and S2 50 in mouey on tha other. Tho boys at Urst said they had noLoines but on being oloaely quoetionad by Captain ilackollar gave the names ot William Field and tniel M. Griffin, and admlttad that they had been omployed in a telegr iph office In Portohester, and that they had run away trom home. Tnoy will be sent baok to day. DKAMAT1C AND MUSICAIi.

'JThc Now J'arR Tlientrr. Before permitting tbe audience to depart from the Now Park Theatre on Saturday evening Mr. Lostor Wallaek took occasion to say some very pleasant thlugs in a very pleasant way, and with that case aud gracefulness wbion distinguish him us an elegant gentleman and polished actor. Referring to the two remarkably successful engflgenjente which l.e has recently pl'jed Brooklyn, he seized the opportunity tocoai meud the company of tlie Park Theatre and to compii mout bis fellow artists upon tho excellence el the sup they ha.I tiven, for thair readiness in accepting suggestions and the careful, conscientious manner in which everything bad been done to make the piece presentable iu beBt form. The management, be said, bud boon most liberal, and the cordiality with which everybody, Bceulc actors, manager and others, attaches ot" tha theatn', liad co operated with him placed his visits to Brooklyn thiB season among tho yteasantcst rcuiiaiscoucos ot his professional career.

The speech w.ia heartily cheered, as much because the conipliruents were obviously earned as because Mr. Wallaek paid them so heartily and with such evident sincerity. Tbe attention Bhown by tbe management to mounting plays this eeason has beeu very evident, and Colouel Siuu is to be congratulated upon tho success with which his efforts have been crowned. He has not allowed tho prosont, however, to interfere with the immediate future, as the presentation of Mr. Oliver Doud Byron's play "Across the Contiuenf nt the New Park Theatre last evonlng servos to point out.

There are several opportunities for the display of scenic art, and those have been cultivated becomingly. The other accessories are equally deserving of mention. The audience last evening was large for a Monday night, and tho play waa given creditably. "Across the Continent" in old a friend of the average play goer to need any extended notice, and although it has been considerably uioiliflel in many ways is Btill recognizable as the piece which first introduced Mr. Byron to the public as a star and subsequently made him tho sturdy, solid Brooklyn citizen which his comfortable fortune on titles him to be caded.

71 is one of the best of border dramas, and necess irily deals in Incident of a stirring aud somewhat violent description. But being a drama of border life, and Its personages characters necessarily somewhat rough and sturdy, marked delicacy ot treatment would of course bo out ot keoplug either with them or the phase of Ufo portrayed. Some of the more Improbable inoidenta have beeu carefully cut out or modified. But the beBt and moet drainatto ooouos havo been preserved. Among these Ib tho famous telegraph scene whioh will always remain impressed upon the memory of those who have once witnessed it long after the main inoidenta of the play have been for gottou.

As regards the construction of the play it Is open to considerable oritlclBm. The prologue bptween which and tbe flrst act of the play a long Interval of tlmo is supposed to eilst, may be well enough in its way, but the introduction of entirely now eeta of characters in succeeding ao'e, and thoir constant disappearance Is not to bo mm monded. They ure neoeasary to the developmeut of the plot. It may be urged, but therein la the most conspicuous fault of the piece. PropBrly constructed thoy should not be necessary, or being ntcos sary thoy should ail be utilized throughout.

However, audiences interested in the rlll uig Incidents are not inollned to be particular a3 to the structural merits of a drama. Mr. Byron's personation of the hero, Joe famous enough. He Is a oharaoter aotor ol oontlderablo power and versatility, and stamps his individuality upon tho part he undertakes. Hie aoting in this pieos is aa vigorous and spirited as in any other, and he car rlos tbe sympathy of his audience with him throughout the entire performance.

The support by tho oompany waa most creditable, Mr. Edeson shewod his versatility by playing a loafer, cheerfully designated as Knock ife Down Juhnny, as efficiently as he personated Iiunbury Kali last week, and other members of tho organization por formal their ahare equally well. Several of the lesser llsbts were compelled to appear in two parts and succeeded In oonoeoling their identity very well. Across tho Continent" will be played this evening and twice to morrow. On Thursday night and for the remainder of the week Ben McCullough" will bo given.

Ttio Acaaemij A very ashionnble and decidedly representative audience attended the Academy of Music last night on the occasion of the concert given by the Oor. mania Association ol this city for the benefit of the poor. It was an audienco strikingly representative of the wealthy class of onr German residents, au intellectual assemblage characteristically phlegmatic and musically critical, one lacking In that warmth of appreciation which seems to be peculiar to Brooklyn concert going people. To the old haWuu of the Academy, those who are familiar with the faces of the assemblages which gather there on opera nights, Philharmonio rehearsals, dramatio performances and ordinary concert occasions, distinct characteristics are noticeable in quite a marked degree. Some of these audlonces are appreciative snd competent judgeB of what is set before tbem others are fashionably pretentious, while others again are mixed assemblages, thoroughly American in everything.

The audience of last night was an exceptional ono and ono only neon on such occasions as that of last night or when German I I I i 1 I taojneval aonieworK. TkYANTED SITUATION FOR GEN. eral honaework. by a taspsotable young good oity reference from her last place. Please call ior one day at aivongiass st.

"KUrr ANTED SITUATION FOR GEN vnnncr TT eral housework or upstairs work, by gh willing to do either; of oity reroionoe from her last place. Please call for two days at Bot Do graw st, pet. cmitn and uonri. ANTED SITUATIONS ONE TO DO general housework. Is a plain nook, washer and honor, hss three years' reference; also as ohambormald andwaltressjiyarespeetable young girl one year's referenoe.

878 Hicks st, near Congress. WANTED SITUATION TO DO GEN eral housework. in a small family, by an Amer loan woman, call se iienry ANTED SITUATION TO DO GEN TT eral housework, bye nral hnnitnwnrk. br a goon, oi, honest, respectable girl Call for two days at No. av.

ANTED SITUATION TO DO GEN i wA lr h. vountr irlrl: has irood rnfer enoe. Please call at a84'FrankIln av, In the WANTED SITUATION TO DO GEN eral honaework la a small family, by a willing, oapa bleglrL gall at her late Grand ay. WANTED SITUATION TO DO GEN" eral housework, In a smsll private famUy, by a re sneotable young girl. Cai at 018 Bergen st.

WANTED SITUATION TO DO GEN eral housework, by a young American woman joan fumlsh the best of city referonco. Please call at 128 High st, in the rear. WANTED SITUATION TO DO GEN eral housework, by a young girl. Call for two days at 28 St. amos plaoe.

WANTED SITUATION TO DO GEN eral housework. In a small private family, by an honest girl. On) at 183 Jay st. WANTED SITUATION TO DO GEN eral housowork in a small Drivate family, by a young English girl. Inauiro lor two days at No.

684 Dean street. ANTED SITUATION TO DO GEN oral bonsoirork. bv a respectable icing womMi Is a good cook, washer and lroner; has good city rotor ences. Call for two days at 371 mens st. AT AN TED SITU ATION TO DO GEN nml 1tniiavrnrir hp roaoecfcabla colored woman is a eood cook, washer and tronor; hip good city refor enoos.

uaii ior two days at o3U lc3d, ANTED SITUATION TO DO GEN orit hmiROwork. hv si rflfln DC table vounir irlrl is good washer and froner and plain oook. call for two days at present employer's, 30 Prospect plaoo. WANTED SITUATIOiN TO DO GEN eril housowork, by a ro3poctnble girl; kas good referenco I'rom tier last employer. Call for two days aT 183 Booond place.

WANTED SITUATION TO DO GEN eral housowork, by a rospootable girl; is a good oook, washer nnd ironor; hs i good city relerence. Call for two daysat 179 Van Burou el, ueir Frauklln av, WANTED SITUATION TO DO GEN oral housowork In a small private famllv. by a ro specrable Protestant youna girl, and assist with washing and Ironing. Call for one day at 1 14 North JNjrtland av. WANTED SITUATION TO DO GEN eral housowork In a small private family, by a respectablo widow; has good city Call for two days at 73 Columbia St.

ANTED SITUATION TO DO GEN nral hnnsnwnrk. In a small private family, by a re spoctale girl. Gall at 956 Atlantic av. ring bell three times. ANTED SITUATION TO DO GEN eral housowork is a good plain cook, washer and lroner; haB good reforence.

please oall for two days at807 Dean st, coiner of Grand av. ANTED SITUATION TO DO GEN nrnl hnnqpwnrk. hv reanec table vounir woman Is a good cook, washor and lroner; has good oity Call for two days at 118 Sackett Bt. ANTED SITUATION TO DO GEN hniiiwwnrlt In a email, nrlva'o fnmirV. bv ro BpeotableEirl; haa good oity references.

Coil at 672 Butter street. WANTED SITUATION TO DO GEN eral housework, by a young girl; obliging; good oity relerence. 100 Jay st. Please call foe two days at WANTED SITUATION TO DO GEN eral housework by a respectable yonnrr woman Is a good cook, washor and Ironor and good bakor; has good city references. Call for tivo days st 22S Tillary sU ANTED SITUATION TO DO GEN eral honsework, by a rospectable woman Is a gooc Call for two days at 6 Lanrouco st ANTED SITUATION TO DO GEN nrallioiisnwork.

In small private family, bv a ro speotable woniftn; is notafrald of work. Uall for two days at 209 Sands 6t. WANTED STTU ATION TO DO GEN eral housowork. by a respectablo girl is a good oook, wsshor ar.dlrou?r: has good city roferenoes. Call fortvro days at 801 lushing av.

ANTED SITUATION TO DO GEN cral honsewoik, In a small private family: a good tvillins ffirJ iroori cltv rAferenco. AO ppl for two days at 1,09 Atlamlo av bet. Nostraud and Bediord. 7 ANTED SITUATION TO DO GEN eral housework, by a respectablo girl; has good oity reforenoos. uau ior two nays at iih noyt uar vvarron, ANTED SITUATION TO DO GEN oral housework, bv a rcBDectable vounir colored woman ia ft irool cooli, wftshvr ami ir.mor: has oood oity reerencos.

Call for two days sfcSKSKlooi; plaoe, WANTED SITUATION TO oral bouseTfork or up3taira work in a small prl. vmto has city Toloroneos. Pieaso call at Atlan tic av, urst door from Columbia at. "S15TANTED SITUATION TO DO GEN oral housowork. by a reBpoctablo young womnn: la a cook, iaher and ls oaor lias good city roioronuos.

Call for two doya at CO Pt iry plaoe, near Bod lord av. ANTED SITUATION TO pO GEN oral hnnFewnrk. br ft5 oook. wanlinr and ironor: by a rosp jctable colored woman; has good city references. Oall tor two days ot 124 Third av.

WANTJ5D SITUATION TO DO GEN oral honaework, by a rospectable youoz colored girl is a cook, wasuer and ironor lia3 good city reference. Oall for two daya at 3(J9 Bridge st. ANTED SITUATION TO DO GEN oral housowork. bv a resnsotable vounir fflrl: Is willing and obliging has rof jrenoe. Please call for two daya at 117 Wyckotfet.

WANTED SITUATION TO DO GBN eral housework, by arespootabla young girl has two yepr' referonco from herlaat plaoo. Cliat 1175 Ry erson st, boi. Lafayet OeKblb avs. ANTED SITUATION TQ DO GEN eral housework In r2 Bmill 'rarally, by a youug girl bas gcol city references. Call for two days at 570 tleiiovd av, neir Van Buren st.

ANTED SITUATION TO DO GEN oral housowork. or to cook, wafth and iron, bv a colored girl can glvo good oity roferonce. AddW at 354 Gold st, first floor, ask for Mra. LAWRENCE DA.VI8. i7 AN TBI SIT 0 A TI ON TO DO GEN eral houeevrork.

bv a reeneotable voun? orlrl is a good plflin cook, waaher and ironer; ha3 good oity reler encos. Call for two days at 167 Pacltlo st. ANTED SITUATION TO DO GEN oral honeework. tfoicent olmrnhorwork oau sowiuk, ur win ijus.a oaro ui tiuiiurau, uy au jLiiiuriOTa girl: good reforenco. Call or address (or throe dyja at 70 Poplar at.

ANTED SITUATION TO DO GEN eral honsework bv a reliable srirl: Is a urood cook. waahor and ironer; good oltv reference. Pleaso call for two days at 618 Pacific at, noar Flatbush av. iu tho basement. 'ANTED SITUATION TO DO GEN eral houBowork.

D7 a reaoeo table woman ia n. ttand nnnV wfttihpr nnd Ironar; haa tho hnat. n( c.U.v from her last place. Pieasi call for two days at 79 Paoifio it, between Honry and Hicks. WANTED SITUATION TO DO GEN oral housework or downstairs work, by a respectablo girl ia a plain oook as a 1innd rcss not to bo ejcolled; Cnnboeeanon WednoFday and Thursday until 3 o'clock, at har last employer's, 255 Dooaturst.

ANTED SITUATION TO DO GEN erjil hous.ev.ork. in a Bmall famllv. hv a rnpTvontnhlA young colored woman is a gooi washer and itouor wmis ro ro nomo at ni ui; na moou cuy reie.oiice. uall for two dava at 179 Nr.vy Bt. WVANTED SITUATION TO DO GEN oral housowork or ooo'c, wash and irou In nall family, by a respectablo girl ha3 good city reiereiices.

Ploisocall for to daysat 353 Halsey Bt, corner ol Gates av, front room, third floor. ANTED SITUATION TO DO GEN Aral hniinowork. bv a roBnactatila woman Ib rrnnd plain wasner anu irouor: una gooa city roierenoes. Call for two days at 97 Ulyrtle av, botween Bridge aud Lawrenoo sts. WANTED SITUATION TO DO GEN eral honsework In a small family, by a resDect ablo young woman; Is a good cook, washor and ironer; hisgocd city reoronoes.

Call for two days at 03 Van derbiltav, noar St. Marks. "S7 ANTED SITUATION TO DO GEN oral housowork. in a small nrlvate famllv. bv a rn.

Bpoctabio young girl; is a piaincooK, wastior and irouor. Piense call for two days at 421 Baltic st, between Hoyt and Bond. ANTED SITUATION TO DO GE3 oral housework, in a private famllv. hv a rn.nrTt ble young nlri; has the beet of city reference. call ior two oayB at 7b uougiaaa near ainltu, talrd iloor, front room.

ANTED SITUATION TO DO GEN oral housowork, by a middle aged woman; is a good plain oook, wnaher and lroner, and a gooa brand aker; sober and industrious and good cilj roforonce. Call for two days at 70 DufHeld st. WANTED SITUATION TO DO GEN eralhouaework In a private family, by a reBpootable young girl is a good cook, washer and Lroner litis best of city reforenoe. Oan be Been for two days at 253 Pacific st. between Boerum plaoe and Smith at.

AN TED SITUATION TO DO GEN nrnl hmiiwwnrk. bv a Protest an elrl fa a ctnnA plain oook, and exoolient laundross willing, obliging aad truaty: chancres nlaoes but Beldom, and bas the laost of reference. PioBO call at 82 Amity st, botween Henry and HlokB. WANTED SITUATION TO DO GEN eral housowork, in a small private family, by a respeotable younr woman: Is a good oook, and Ironer; bas good city reforenoos. Oall for two dajs at 351 Court st.

1 ANTED SITUATION TO DO GEN oral housowork. by a young Protectant woman la a Tillary. WANTED SITUATION TO DO GBN eral hontework, or as a good oook waaher and lronsr, bv a respootable young; American girl; a vear and four months' reference fiom her last place. Call for two days at 461 Warren st, Dear Bond. WANTED SITUATION TO DO GEN eral honsework, In a small private family, by a re snoctablo woman Is a ood i plain oook, washor end lroner, also can make good bread end biscuit; compotent end obliging.

Oan be seen lor two daj rOlll Wavorly av. i7 ANTED SITUATION TO DO GEN 1 eralhou8eworK.Drarespectaoiewomau;lsarrood. plain cook, wssner ana ironor no oojecnon to go dl tancB In the country good referenoe. Anulv snore at 245 Sixteenth sc. above Ith av.

ANTED SITUATION TO DO GEN hnng.n,V. in A Bmall nrlvntn fnmllv hv m. yonng girl Is a good cook, washer ond Ironor; good city references. Call for two daya at 411 DoJColb av. noar Classon.

ANTED SITUATION TO DO GEN hnnvb. bv a rosnAcrjihln a I rt I. 111 In tr nklln niild ha kind to ohlMpnn Tfl i il i for two days at the oornor of State and Nevlns sts, over the grocery store. W1 ANTED SITU ATION TO DO GEN eral housework, by a respeotable giil; eon make good bread and biscuit, and nsdontanas her business thoroughly: has tbe best ol oity references. Please oall for two days at 8 Pagraw Mn tba candy store.

TTIf ANTED SITUATION TO DO GEN YT eral housework, in at small family, byaresp.ectablo. yonng woman, is a good oook, washer and ironer has good city references. Call for two dsys at 168 Raymond st, between Lafayette st and Peg alb av. ANTED SITUATION TO DO GEN nral bnnsework. by a reeuectable voung cdrl is a good cook, washer and trbner; will make herself trilling I and obliging; good city relerence from last place.

Call Hi wjyariyav. W' ANTED SITUATION TO DO THE housawork for a small family or ohamberwork and waiting, by a young girl; best city references. Apply at 17 North Portland av. WANTED SITUATION TO DO THE housework or upjirs work would rather havo a home than wages; haa good cit referenoe Please call ior two days' at Srrf Padn at, near Smith, first floor. AN ED SITU ATION TO DO THE TT honsework of a private family, by a respectable iri; JS a ut cook, wnsu uu uuuuri nuvu erenoes.

Please oall for two days at 171 Sackett st, bet. Benry end Hicks, 8rst floor, front room. WANTED SITUATION TO DO. THE bonaework In a small family, by a respectable young girl; city rabrenoe. Please call fortwo days at 15 Pegraw st, near Hicks.

75TAI(TED SITUATION TO DO THE housework. In a small family, by a youug girl wiunsr and obligiria and will make tm oU generally fal Apply at UOarnet at. TAlE lJSITUATION TO DO THE boasawork.bya mpectobW.gtrl; olf. naril lod wiling: would like home more tban wages no objectn to go ittUe way up the avenues. Please oall fur two days At Bridge in Ute roar.


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