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The Brooklyn Daily Eagle from Brooklyn, New York • Page 6

The Brooklyn Daily Eagle from Brooklyn, New York • Page 6

Brooklyn, New York
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

THE BROOKLYN DAILY EAGLESUNDAY. DECEMBER 11, 1887 Bureod almost over him, for he ia not of ordinary THE OLD G0WANUS K0AD. must have fixed up his "slate" by this tlmo. As a o(a. rr.t Hi nimnln has given littlo WALKS ABOUT THE CITY.

conversion of men; that these churches, under the guidance of tho Holy Scriptures and In fellowship with ono another, may dotermlne each for itself tholr organization, statements of belief and forms of worship, may appoint and sot apart their owa ministers, nnd should co operate in the work which Christ has committed to them for the furtherance of the Gospel throughout the world. XL We believe In the observance of the Lord's Day as a day of holy rest and worship, in the ministry of tho Word, and in the two sacraments which Christ has appointed for His churoh. Baptism, to be admlnlstorod to believers and their children as the slgu of cleansing from sin, of union to Chriat, and of the lmpartatlon of tbo Holy Spirit; and ths Lord's Supper, as a symbol of His atoning death, soal of Its efficacy, and a moans whereby He cn firms aad strengthens the spiritual union and communion of believers with Himself. XII. We believe in the ultimate provalonco of the kingdom of Christ over all the earth, In the glorious appearing of the groat God and our Saviour Jesus Christ, in tho resurrection of tho dead, and in a final Judgment, tho issues of which aro everlasting punishment and everlasting life.

Julius N. Soelyo, I. Charles M. Mead, D. Honry M.

Dextor, D. Alexander McKenzie, D. Di James Gibson Johnson, D. George P. Fisher, Goorgo L.

Walker, D. George T. Ladd, D. Samuel P. Leeds, D.

David B. Coe, D. William M. Taylor, D. Lyman Abbott, D.

Augustus F. Beard, D. William M. Patton, D. James 11.

Falrchild, D. Israel W. Andrews, D. Zachary Eddy, D. James T.

Hyde, D. A1CTT B. Robbins, D. Constance L. Goodoll, D.

IS. Richard Cordloy, D. Georgo Mooar, D. D. What over bocame of this creed? INQUIRER.

Answer In reply to a loiter sont to Rev. Dr. Taylor, of Now York, ono of tho commissioners, the Eagle received the following courteous and conclusive explanation: Tho creed to which you refer was drawn up by a commission of miniaterB appointed in accordanoo with a vote of tho National Council of Congregational churches which met at St Louis ia 1880. Thoy wero to draw up In the form of a creed or catechism or both, a aimplo, clear and comprehensive exposition of tho truths of the glorious Gospel of tho blessed God for tho instruction and edification of tho churchos." Thoy wero to report not this council, but to tho churches and the world, through the public press," and their roport was to 'carry such weight" among Congrogatlonalists "as tho charactor of tho commission and tho Intrlnaic merit of their oxpositlon of truth may command." No body of any kind can adopt a croed that shall bo binding ou Congregational churches, and the atatomout of doctrine to which you refer was a manifestation of tho agreement of those whoae namos aro apponded to It, ao far as those articles go, but it was not doaignod and could not be designed aa a rule to bind othera. In that senao It has been adopted by some, I cannot aay how many, associations and by somo churches.

But It cannot be warraatably uaed aa an authoritative tost of orthodoxy, becauao Congregationaliata insist on ths autonomy of each church, and the right of ltu members to formulate their own creed. William M. Taylor. QUESTIONS ANSWERED. thauli not fer.l aitappointti wont their questions arc not answered immediately, aa the information solicited frequently requires eoaticfsraod research, for which ample time should allouei.

Thenamsand address of ths toritsf should acesmpany tvsry question. Notes" C. S. VI." The most direct and the safest plan for you to pursue Is to apply at the Assessors' office. W.

B. Ditmars" Wo do not know of any hotter way of ascertaining what you want than by commuulcating with Mr. Ingoraoll. ''Carrie" It is customary to print all the names as assisting tho hostoaa. Rosamond" In order to secure an English pug tho proper place to go Is tho hoadquartara of a dog fancier.

Mutual" aiay bo used in regard to two or moro porsons. It is entirely a matter of tasto under any olrcumstancos. and E. A. If yon will advortlso your canceled stamps you will probably find a buyor.

Tho rates at which they are bought or sold must dopoud, we supposo, upon intensity of deairo ou both aides. 'A Muuson Writer Wo are not informed whether thoro are books on tho Munson system published by othors than Mr. Munaou. Celia A. Davidson Tho article you refer to was publishod in tho Albany Law Journal of Saturday, November 12.

"Old Kendor" Tho questions you propound ahould bo roferrod to a lawyer, one In New Jorsey if poaslble. Joseph Smith We cannot furnish tho Information asked for. You ahould apply to tho Civil Sorvico Commission at tbo Mayors ofllco, City Hall. S. E.

Parsona" Wo ilo aot knoiv whero Crystal Fount Division No. 20, Sons ot Tomperance, moots. Anglican The word "rnachiuo." is pronounced as if spellod masheon. Von Damm Noah Webster, LL. is the namo of tho original compiler of Webster's Dictionary "A Subscriber" Tho easiest way is to employ a Custom Houso broker.

Otherwise you inay havo intorminablo trouble. To the Jiditor of the Brooklyn Eagle: Will you kindly publish tho words of a quaint little ballad which I believe 13 callod Sally Horner?" One verso begins thus: Now I wonder as I ponder if she's true to mo. And if any of tho many would she constant be." liETTA. Answer Tho song "Sally Horner," words and muaic, is tho production of John T. Rutlodgo, Mom phis, Tenn.

It can bo bad in the music stores. To the Editor of the Brooklyn Eagle Will you please settle a dispute A says from tho rlvor front to Front street belongs to New York City; says uot. Will you stato which is right? Miles M. Carlton. Answer Now York claims, undor tho law, tbo land In tho East Rlvor on the Brooklyn side to low water mark.

To the Editor of the Brooklyn Eagle Tho following question is now in dispute and we accept your Judgment as final: Whon wo dio do our spirits go immediately to heaven, and at the samo time aro wo Judgod thoro and thon 1 or do tbo spirits wait until tho Judgment day before wo enter tho Eternal City A Constant Kkadeb. nsiccr Thoquostions of our corroapondont are theological, and to auawor thom it would bo necessary to glvo tbo viows of tho different schools that science. A careful study of tho New Testament would revoal what may be taken as the basic or fundamental doctrine involved in tho questions. From a newspaper point of view, which moans a recording of facts, wo are compelled to reply that we do not know. To the Editor of the Brooklyn Eagle Will you kindly inform me through the columns of your paper, as to whotbor tho opinion of Corporation Couuael Jonks.

"That registrars and proprietors of polling places In the recent election are not entitled to any pay for the extra day of registration," is conclusive The brilliant members of tho Board of Elections when their stupid blunder waa diacovorod, made tho statement (according to the preaa) that if it was only a matter of expense they would willingly put tholr hands in thoir ownpqekots and pay Uko mon. Sinco that time thoy have succeodod in finding a loop hole through which thoy aro trying to crawl, and I appeal to you for Information as to whether we have no othor alternative than to aubmlt A Registrar. Answer Thla subject was disposed of In tbo Eaolb of last Sunday. To the Editor of the Brooklyn Eagle I found the other evening iu my garden a bug, resembling very much in sizo and Bhapo tho common lady bug, and, at times, also In color; but in thla it Is vory pocullar, having tho power of changing at will from its red or brown tint to the moat beautiful goldon or shinning green luster. When In its yellow dress it would easily bo mistaken for a piece of burnished bras3 or gold.

1 havo never aeon or heard of anything like It in this portion of the world, aud I thought perhaps you might Inform me as to Ita namo and nature. F. T. J. Answer The bootle doserlbod is not uncommon here, and Is woll known to entomologists.

It bo longs to the division of Coleoptero, known as obryso molldai, and Is probably a species of the genu3 cassida Linn. The particular species, howovor, cannot be namod with cortaln ty without the speci and completely under her control, she at times, not permitting him to oat at tho table with tho family. Tony was very docile and obodiont, but after her death ho got oven by bossing hla daughter, who kept house for blm, In tho same way he had been bossed by his wife. Between Twenty third and Twenty fourth streets there was a ono story houso erected before the Revolution, which wa3 occupied by John Hulso, a son of Anthony, olghty years ago, and af forward by Cornell Doremus. At this point there used to bo a small hill kuotrn as Blokjo Berg and Blueke's Barracks, In tho north Bide of which was a stream which drained a swamp on tho oast Into Goranus Core.

The old road crossed this stream by a bridge. A little beyond tbo hill on tho west side of tho road used to stand tho house of George Bonnet It is told ot this Bonnet that on a certain occasion, whllo passing along tho road noar Freeke'a mill, ho was attacked by footpads, who gagged him and tlod his hands and attempted to rob him, but when thoy first balled him ho had had tho prescence of mind to drop his prso in tho road, so that the thiovos got nothing. Ho mado his way to tbo nearest houso got assistance and wont back, no did not got tho would be highwaymen, bat ho found his purso whoro ho bad dropped it Goorgo waa anothor of the queer characters of which oarly Brooklyn appears to have had Its full share. Wynant Bonnot.George's brothor, lived a little further down tho road, about Twonty sovonth street. Thoir lands adjoined and Goorgo uaod to walk along tho division lino and throw ail tho stones he found over into bia brother's lot Wynant'a boys, who thought thoy had all tno stonos they nooded, uaod to throw the back, and so tho battle wont on for years.

Tho Gowanua road was early settled on and consequently there woro houses all along tho lino at the commoncomont of tho contury, even beyond what Is now Twenty fourth stroot, which brlnga us ovon with the north Hue of Greenwood. Tho Scher morhorn houso, built as oarly as 1695, stood on what Is now Third Twenty sixth stroot: thon camo Stephen Hondrickson's house.on the east aido of tho road at Thirtloth streot. Then, noar Thirty third, was Garret Bergon'B houso, built before tho Kovolution by ono ot tho Bonnets and re modolod in 1600 by Tunis Borgon, fathor of Garret and grandfather of the Hon. Tunis Peter John G. and Garret G.

Bergon. Thon camo tho rosldonco of John Cropsey, noar the east corner of tho Gowanua road and Martonso lane. At Third avonuo and Twonty elghth stroet the Gowanus road made an acute angle to tho south, across blocks to Thirty fourth stroot, half a block east of Fourth avonuo, and thon turnod at a right anglo to the west. It was Just at thi3 angle that Martense lano branched off to tho oaat During tho Kovolution thore waa a tavern at tho Junction, known Bed Lion, which was continued many yoars after. There also used to ho a store and blacksmith shop.

Aftor tho old road crossed Third avenuo, at Thirty eighth streot, it followod down through the conter of tho blocks. At Forty fourth streot thoro waa a district school kept by a man namod Claley, who usod to make his scholars who wore disobedlout wear a fool's cap with a rod faco, ram's horns and a cow's tall hanging down behind. This created considerable consternation among tho seholars until some of the parents rebelled against tho performance. Then came the old Do Hart house, which was built somo tlmo in tho Sovontoonth Contury, and botween Forty soventh and Forty eighth stroots dwelt Wynant Van Pelt. Wynant had two sons, and It is told that on one occasion, when thoy camo to dlno, the allowance was rather short.

Old Wynant, following the custom thon in vogue of wearing his hat at tho tablo, pulled it down in front of hie face toaaygraco. Tho Invocation was rathor long and whon tho old gentleman got through ho found that tho boys had cleared tho table. Thoro woro probably a dozen other houses scattered along tho road, or woro sltuatod on the bay and had gates on the road, beside tho ones mentioned, the last ono within tho limits of tho City of Brooklyn being Major Tunis Borgon's, which was located on Gowanus Bay, with a lano to tho road at Fifty eighth street. The general stylo of architecture In 1800 was a main building of one and a half atorioa, with attic Windows in tho gable. Tho roof would havo a double patch extending over the eaves four or Ave feot to form a roof for a porch.

Thoro would bo a wide hall through tho center of tho houao, with two or threo rooma on each side. The upper floor was generally arranged on tho Bams plan, while the kitchon was frequently in a wing. In tho battlo of Brooklyn Lord Stirling, in command of tho American right wing, had his troops forming two sides of a triangle, of which tho hy pothonuao was a line drawn from the Flatbush road, near its Junction with the Porte road, to tho shoro of tho bay noai thefootof Twenty third streot, and consequently across the Gowanus road. Tho oxtromo right of the Americans was at tho Rod Lion tavern montlonod abovo (tho Junction of the Gowanus road and Martonso lane). Along tho lane were stationed ISO ot Colo's, Atloo's and Klchllno's Pennsylvania rlflomon, bohlnd rocks, trees, etc Tho English General Grant, who had command of tho Brltlab right wing, eonaistlng of two brlgados, ono Highland regiment and two companios of Now York Provincials, moved up the Shore Coast, or Gowanus road, as it was variously callod at this point.

Gonoral Grant advanced at midnight on tho 26th and reachod tho lower pass at Martonso lano, Major Baird.with tho American riflomon, elowly retiring. Stirling was at this time at the junction of the Gowanus and Porto roads, with Smallwood's Mary laud regiment, Uazlott's Dolawaro battalion and Colonel Huntington's Connecticut regiment Tho latter moved down tho Gowanus road and half a mile north of tho Rod Lion Tavern mot Colonel Atloo's mon retiring boforo tho British column. Tho Amorlcan lino was formed across tho coast road from tho bay to tho hills on tho west boundary of Greenwood Cometory. After tho Amoricans retreated across tho bridge over tho stream at the Blokjo Berg, at Third avenuo and Twenty third street, thoy halted and quite a skirmish took placo, several lives boing lost It waa a strong position, thore boing tho hill on tho wi st of tho road and tho marsh on tho oast and tho stream and bridge In front Tho handful of American riflomon cheekod tbo British columns, but of courao thoy could do little against overpowering numbers, and tho column was soon again advancing. Grant was, howover, not anxious to press mattors too rapidly.

He know that Cornwallls, with tho right wing of tho British Army, was making tho flank movomont around by New Lots and Bod ford, and ho, liko Do Holster at Flatbush, only wanted to hold tho attention of tho Amoricans in hla front until they woro flankod and bo hoard tho Blgnal guns iu their roar. Goneral Stirling placod Colonol Atlee's men, aftor thoy had retreated) In an orchard on tho south sido of tbo Gowanua road, about Eighteenth street. Uo stationed his Maryland and Delaware troops on tbo hill slopes (botwoon Eighteenth and Twentieth stroots) a little northwest of Greonwood. As tho Brltlab advanced Captain Carpouter, with two Hold pieces and tho riflomon, drovo thom back from tho orchard, but General Grant brought up a howitzer and two guna and cleared the way. Finally Cornwallia, having accompllahod his purpose, flankod tho Amoricans, marchod down the King's Highway from Howard's to Bodford and on to tho Junction of tho Flatbush road; having routod tho American centor at Prospect Park and advanced along tho Porte road to tho Junction of tho Gowanus road, ho had Stirling in a trap between him and Grant Stlrliug, finding hlmaelf nearly surrounded, hoped to oscapo across Gowanua Crook to Fort Bos, and failing ia that to at loast save somo ot tho conter of tho army, which, driven along tho Porto road, was trying to oacapo by Freoko's mill road and across tho dam and somo woro struggling across tho raarahoa.

Cornwallls had taken possosslon of tho Cortolyou house (mentioned above as at tbo corner of Fourth stroot and Fifth avouue). Placing himsolf at tho head of Smallwood's Maryland reglmont Stirling loft Grant aud his forces behind him aud cnargod tho advance of Cornwallls' command. Ho drove thom back on tho Cortelyou bouse uutll chocked by canister and grapo. Throe timoa thoy charged, driving tho gunners from their piecos, but wore overwhelmed by nurabora, being surroundod by tbo forces coming up the Gowanua road and thoso coming from the eaat on the Porto road. Somo of tbo troops os oaped aoroaa tho Gowanus marsh; others wadod and swam Gowanus crook and roachod tlio Amorlcan linos at Brooklyn with Smallwood's regimental colors aud about twonty prisoners whom thoy had captured.

Stlrliug and tho greater portion of his command wero captured, while many wero shot or drowned whilo struggling through tho marsh. As tho British, had about nftoon thousand veteran troops against tho American's live thousand, and the latter had to spread out over tho country on a do fenalvo lino from Gowanua Bay to bByoud the old Clovo road, it Is not much wonder that tho battlo resulted as it did. H. J. S.

A hotel on the Persian frontier is oalled a "Chapor Khana." If the tood served thero ia as hard to digest as its name is to pronouuee then dyspepsia must ran riot among Its patrons. UoM Hail. stature, and ho bad to fight bis way through as others had done before him. Safe In tho lnclosure, Mr. Davonport carefully rearranged his becoming attire, replaoed his eyeglassos and, having again assumed that natural dignity of demeanor which sits so well upon him, ho was heard to somewhat loftily remark, Aw, why did he call me Congressman?" Well, Davvy," replied one of his friends, the mystery is that he didn't call you Senator." Davvy is smiling still.

Langtiht hab beek before the Brooklyn theater going publio during tho past wook. A pretty face, shapely shouldors and arms, social position and the patronage of tho Prince of Wales will not mako a woman an actress, but I believe the verdict of thoso who have seen her in As in a Looking Glass" will bo that Mrs. Langtry is an actress. In tho death saeue she gives to tho ending of the play a climax of tragedy astonishing to those who had thought lightly of her ability. "Why," I overheard a young lady say to hor companion as they were making tholr way out, "the book says that she takos chloral and die3 easy.

Ono would think from the way Mrs. Langtry dies that she had taken 'Hough on A young tjAdx fbiend of mine informs mo that the latest and quite tho correct foible this Wln tor for tho society young ladies is to Join tho disciples of Hoyle through the medium of a card club. It la a woll known fact that quite a number of these clubs are being formed in Brooklyn and thoro Is already a good slzod list which is in working order. No gentleman can be proposod for membership, as the clubs are all exclusively for ladles. Meetings are held onco or twico a week at tho house of one of tho members.

At first thero was somo objoctlon on the part of the parents of tho young lady members, a3 this now form of amuaoment was not thought propor, but thoy were convincod that thero was no harm in it, and indeed, many ot them have materially asslstod the clubs to the oxtont of placing fhoir front parlors at the disposal of tho clubs for their sittings. The gamos of cards played by the young ladies run all the way from tho innocont and easily understood casino, to tho ponderous and studious Gormnn pinocle, which latter game Is howover too much for many of tho ladies and It Is not played oxteneiveiy. Poker is about the only game which is not indulged in, as far as I can learn, as It is considered somowbat naughty, and the mystorios of Jackpots, chips, pairs, kitties, etc, aro thoroforo quite likely to bo left to tho elucidation of gontlomen alono. Tho betting of money Is absolutely prohibited by all of tho clubs, but tho girls aro somotimos dlaposod to get "real reckless" and wager tholr pockot money for caramels, chewing gum and othor innocout luxuries. I nm afraid, however, from all that 1 can loam from my fair informant, that the majority of tbo ladles will never astonish the world by their proficiency or skill In playing.

This Is principally due to the lack of sorlousness and the frivolity of somo members, who laugh and gigglo most of tho time, thereby confusing and disturbing tho moro sedate ones. They, too, all got tired soon and, aftor playing two or three gamos, tho rest of tho ovonlng Is dovotod to discussing the latost gossip, toilets, millinery and other choice BUbJocts dear to the feminine heart. Music and singing aro also frequently Indulged in, but as thore is none of tho masculine persuasion at hand to turn tho music sheets this, too, grows to bo uninteresting and tiresome, and tho sitting adjourns. It ia never lator than 9:30 or 10 o'clock when the members disperse for thoir different homos, possibly to dream of Jacks, kings, quoons, etc Doubtless many good people have noticed of late ono of Brooklyn's promlnont doctors of divinity driving a span of fast horses down the Boulevard and havo wondered whore ho obtained thom. The parson is a good horseman and understands thoroughly how to handle tho ribbons.

The team he drives is ono of tho boat on tho road and if given an easy roln will tako but littlo dust. The horses aro usually seen at tholr boat on Sunday, but are not then under control of tho aforementioned dom iuio. Tho Rambler was curious to find out something about tho matter and learnod that tho horses woro owned by a prominent buslnoss man of this city, who had but little tlmo to drivo thom during the wook but made good use of thom on tho Sabbath. It was necessary that tho horsos should be oxorclsod and so tho owner has mado arrangements with his parson, who, by the way. Is passionately fond of horses, to keop thom going on week days and havo thom in good condition for tho Sunday drive.

To somo people it may appoar that tho good parson is at loast accessory to tho sin of Sabbath breaking. A well preserved old gentleman who has onjoyod the bracing air of tho Hoights for a groat manyyear3 says: "I used to roll down tho hanks leading to tho river. Wo playod In tho moadows which covored a good portion of tho Heights. In the Winter of 1845, 1 think it was, thoro was a block ado of ico botweoa tho Heights and Governor's Island. The weather was so intensely cold that tho huge blocks gradually formed one groat fiold, and Ave of us boys startod from under the Heights, whore the Pierropont Stores now stand, and skated across to tho island and back, a foat which 1 believe was never before or sineo accomplished.

We hadn't more than roachod tho Brooklyn shore when thoro was a groat crash liko thunder and tho Ice broke Into thousands of piocos. Five soldiers were drowned that day. Whon tho Heights bogan to grow it spread out liko magic. Most of tho settlers came from Now Eugland. I havo alway3 thought that the City of Brooklyn mado a groat mistake in failing to buy the Heights front and mako a boulo vard of it.

To day it would have boon tho finest drivo in the world. I romomber that my father was at one time offered bis choice of any lot on the edgo of tho Hoights, with water privilogo included, for $5,000. To day you couldn't toach ono ot tho wator privileges for $100,000." While walking thkouqk a part of tho Twonty flfth Ward tho othor night with a man who was once In government employ and who has beon mixed up moro or loss in chemistry, I callod his at ntlon to a curious smoll that pervaded tho product. Tho ulght was still and muggy and tho heavy air was cbargod with a smell Uko burning motal. Tho man stoppod and bogan to sniff, 'IPm! Baid ho.

"That's rather odd!" (Sniff.) "Antimony? (Sniff.) "By Goorgo! Do you know what that ia? Somebody's making counterfeit moneyl" In Wednesday's paper I road with a littlo Btars of aurpriBO a paragraph stating that counterfeit half dollars had mado their appearance in this city in considerable numbers. Horo is a chanco for a Bharp noaed detectlvo to distinguish himself. Bkooklyn's array of beautiful churches will soon bo reinforced by anothor, moro unlquo and in itself more useful to Its congregation than any ono of thom. It is tho fa3t growing edifice of tho Marcy avouuo Baptist Socioty, at tho cornor of Marcy and Putnam avenues, occupying the block from Madison streot to Putnam avonuo. Tho wulla are up, tho roof well on and tho interior is gottlng into outlino shape.

I Baid it would bo moro useful to its possossor3 than any church in toivn, and this remark Is mado because of tho olaborato accommodations tho structure will afford tho 1,007 members. Half of tho big building is given over to tho auditorium, tho other half on its ground floor includes a church parlor, lecture room, prayer mooting room, rending room and library, and kitchon, and on its second floor tho main Sunday school room and soventoon class rooms. The architectural features of tho houao aro Romanesque and a towor 200 feet high will spring from its conter, robbing it of its present appoaranco, which is rather that of a college than a church. Brick and Lake Superior sand stono form tbo constructive material, and a lino locality will bo Improvod by Its completion. Aside from tho features noted tho numborloas conveniences of nowadays architecture wilt bo employed and I am mistaken If tboao uptown Baptists havo uot discovered tho ideal church homo.

Positions as principals of Brooklyn public schools aro oagorly sought. Tho pay, while not so largo as in somo other cltioa, is certainly good compensation for tho work done and tho places aro regardod as good for life. Tho hasto which somo applicants exhibit in Booking a vacancy Is hardly creditable. If a principal becomes sick and shows signs of dissolution the local commlttoo aro immediately besought by a score of applicants for his Bhoea should they become vacant. It has happened on several occasion that the local committee have promised a princlflalship to a certain candidate before the lucumbont, by death, had yielded claim to it.

A few weeks ago ono of tho large grammar schools in the city was closed for half a day out of respect to one of Its ftrmor committeemen who had died and waa Do burled on that day. Tho report got abroad hat tho school had boon cloaod bocauao of tbo sodden death of the principal. That evening tho wife of the principal, who was attending to his work in an eveniug school, wus surprised at having several gentlemen call to inquire after hor husband. Two or throe of tho callers had beon sent by ambitious principals of primary and intermediate schools.who ware ready to enter the lists if they had found tho report to be true. Rambles.

attontion to tbo matter. While conversing with some friends in this city a few days ago, one of thom Jocosely remarked that ho supposed tho new Mayor had mado his appointments. Mr. Chapln's reply was that ho had done nothing, intimating that he had oome to no determination upon tho subject. Thoro Is plenty of time for tho new Mayor to thoroughly study tho situation, understand tho peculiar requirements of this, that and tho other branch of tho service, and select tho mon to whom ho thinks should bo Intrusted the performance of tho duties.

Ho may make his docislon a weok or a month hence, but his appointees cannot enter upon their work until February 1, on which date the terms of the present officials will expire. That ho will listen to tho suggestions and advice of loading members of the Democratic organization there is no doubt. How far ho will accept these suggestions and that advice remains to bo seen. Ho will have tho opportunity to mako or break himself at the start. Thero is room for largo improvement In tho servlco and Intelligent, observing, careful man that ho Is he cannot fail to see the points at which tho Whitney administration has boon scandalously weak and take steps to avoid tho rocks upon which our present amiablo but inofl)elent Chief Magistrate has gone to pieces.

A mayor may be a Tory bright man, but be can nover mako one foot of progress in tho right direction if he havo hanging to his official skirts numskulls and political adventurers, fools or the 'dummies of designing mon. Mr. Chapin is oredited with an ambition to ba Governor of tho Stato of Now York. All right. They say ho thinks tho quickost and the surest route Is by way of the City Hall.

Perhaps. A groat deal depends upon how ho does what ho has to do at that "stop over station. Speaking of Mayor Chapin's appointments reminds me of an Interesting item of gossip going tho rounds. Tho Btory is tliat for tho Important, unfortunate, thankless, and turbuletit position of Commissioner of City Works tho First Ward, or the so called kid gloved 'element of tho Democracy down tharway.Oiave a candidate in tho porson of a promlnont broker. The namo of tho gentleman ha3 boon imparted to mo with the understanding that it is not to bo made public at proaent 60 I shall call him Charles D.

Golden, lie is a Democrat, a splondid fellow personally and isn't afraid to put out his monoy in a propor way for the party; but ho knows no moro about the City Works Department than the man In the moon. His appointment is urged because it would servo two purposos, namely: It would give tone to tbo new administration and would satisfy the class of Democrats ho ropresont3 and also a largo element in tho ward, which, while it is not active in politics, supported Mr. Chapia at tho lato oloctlon. Among tho practical politicians of tho party, the workers who look upon the Departmont of City Works 03 a political picnic ground, tho proposition doos not take worth a A First Warder, a friond of tho candidate, said to mo: Why, you might as woll put a lamppost there as Golden. He's a nice follow and all that, but he doesn't know any of the politicians and he wouldn't know what to do if ho got thoro.

What wo want Is a man In politics, one who is woll acquainted with ovorybody and with city affairs. Of cuurao, I don't know that this movement will amount to anything, but If thoy want to do something for thoso pooplo In tho wards, and I don't say thoy ouaht not to havo consideration, for gracious aakos select somo othor place. This mi, be op interest to that gentleman with a high forehead, Kicard Conner, who has made a political crlbbage board of tho City Works Department for tho past two years, and who fondly expects to succeed himself. Mr. Conner cortainly fills tho bill prescribed by my First Ward friend.

Thero Is no nonsenso about Connor. Hoalwayssays what he means and does what ho says ho will do. When ho became Commissioner ho proclaimed hla sentiments on tho patronage question by picturesquely explaining that he proposed to pog all tho holes ho could find with Democrats, and as a pogger ho has boon a great success. Ho thinks the Civil Service system is a humbug, and his franknoss on that subject amused and startled the Investigating Com mittoo last Spring. Of all tho officials who woro questioned in regard to it at that tlmo he was tho only ono who had tho norvo to speak out.

And thoro was not any of thom, either, who did not then and doos not now hold tho system In as great con tompt as ho doos. The masher in Brooklyn is not so formidable an Institution as he is in Now York, but ho is developing and although ho is still hold in comparatively healthy subjection by remembrance of tho fact that Judgo Walsh onco fined ono of his spoclos J50, ho occasionally finds it safe to resume his airs of Insolent familiarity in tho public streets, or at matineos, or in tho horao cars. Moat Brooklyn women, however, agree in declaring that tho shameless and persistent masher is still a stranger to this city, and that whon ho appears horo at ail he is probably an oxotic. Tho mild masher, of course, is equally importlnont and perhaps a trifle more idiotic than his brazon facod brother across tho river, but ho is not so rocklessly and conspicuously intrusive and his unwolcomo attentions aro littlo moro than potty annoyances. Unfortunately tho mashor Is not tho only male nuisance Brooklyn.

A distant and much moro offensive relative of his is the unknown ruffian who a few mouths ago mado his practicos, although not his personality, notorious by maliciously soiling expensive gowns with tobacco Juice in tho neighborhood of Dr. Talmnge's church. A few nights ago an equally offensive and ruffianly but much moia practical and dangerous individual made hla appearance on Fulton street His victim was a young lady who resides within easy walking distance of tho bridge. Sho had crossed from New York in a bridge car betwoen 7 and 8 o'clock in tho evening and was walking up Fulton street alono, not dreaming of insult and still less of violence 011 that thoroughfare at so early an hour. Loss than half a block above Sands street sho rocelvod a sharp, stinging slap on tho face.

She turned, surprised and frightoued. and saw that hor assailant was a well dressed, gentlemanly looking fellow. I beg your pardon, miss," ho said, "it was a mlstako." and ho dartod off without another word. A dozen mon witnessed tho assault, but tbo only man who took apparent notice of it confined his attontion to tho youug lady and not to her assailant. "Oh, that was a terrible blow, miss; did It hurt you ho said.

"Yes," replied tho still frightened and confused girl, and wishing to avoid further notice she hurried away, wondorlng, whon sho bogan to colloct her senses, if the man who slapped her faco really mistook hor for an acquaintance and. If so, why ho choae to greot an acquaintance In so startling a fashion. She learned all about it whon sho reached home, for she then discovered that tho follow bad stolen from hor ear a valuable oarrlng. "Did I roport tho occurrence to tho police?" sho said to tbo Ramblor, after ho had hoard her story; 'no, of course Idldu't That wouldn't bring back my earring, and boslde I don't think you would find many girls of your acquaintance who would caro to aoo their names In tho newspapers in connection with such an occurrence. I am glad onough that notoriety hasn't been added to my fright and my loss, but 1 don't think I shall over fool eafo again when I am out alono after dark." A LITTLE incident has loakod out.

It threatened to go Into undosorvod obscurity, but through some mysterious nud providential channel it has floated to tho surtacB with nobody in particular responsible for its preservation. It Is liko raking up ancient history to go as far back as ThankBglvlng day, but, as Brooklyn memories aro good, it will not bo difficult to recall tho groat football 'match which stirred tho Metropolis on that momorablo Thursday. The Polo Grounds wero ul most inaccessible. Groat multitudes surged at every gato and tbo City oi Churches waa adoquatoly represented by thoso who struggled for admission. Among tho Brooklynitcs wore four gontlomen, onlyone of whoso names calls for revolation, as ho was tho horo ot tho incident.

Mr. William B. Davenport, otherwlso and much moro familiarly known as Davvy," la not moro remarkable for hla modesty than tor his most distinguished appoaranco. IIo Is so well known on the Heights, and far beyond thom, that it would bo altogether superfluous to enter Into personal description so far as ho is concerned. Perhaps tbo most gratifying trait of Mr.

Davenport's character is his complete unconsciousness of tho faot that ho has a moat impressive manner 03 woll as a strikingly handsome faco. He and his friends woro making some progress toward tho gato when a pollcoman recognized Congressman S. V. White, who was not with the party though In tho lmmodlato violnlty. The officer paid due deferonco to greatness.

He called on tho gatekoopar to pass Congressman White. Thore was an lmmodlato and rospootful movement in tho crowd, which tho Brooklynltes naturally took advantage of and pressed forward, and the gatokeopor supposed that one of thom was tho renowned finanolor. "All right, Congressman," ho said, mistaking "Davvy" for the Brooklyn representative. A moment lator he breathed freely In sido tho grounds. In the meantime what of the famous operator and legislator? Tho crowd had Line of the Second Section to the Southerly Ending.

Ancient Houses Tho Cortelyon Base Ball Players' Costume RoomsDutch Roofs and Gable Windows Tony Hulse's Honso GeorffO Bennetandthe Footpads Tho Bergen Place. Clsley's School. The second Bection of the old Gowanus road extonded from tho center of the blook betweon Garfield place and First street, Fourth and Fifth avenues, down in a southwesterly direction, through the blocks, at Third stroot trending sufficiently southerly to come within about two hundred foot ot Fifth avenue.whon It mado a curve to tho westward and at Seventh stroot it reached within about one hundred feot of Fourth avenue and thon continued on this line until it had crossed Eleventh street, whon it went across tho ond of tho block, crossing Fourth avenue at Twelfth street, thon across tho corner of the next block to Thirteenth street; diagonally acros3 tho contor of tho next two blocks to Fifteenth stroot; across tho west end of the next block to Sixteenth street; thon along tho end of the next block and along Third avonuo to Seventeenth street; thenco turning moro southerly and running along the west ond of tho blocks about one hundred feet east of Third avenuo, to which it again approached at Twenty first street and followed to Tweuty third, whero it made another ciroular bend to the east, and back again to tho avonuo at Twon ty fourth stroot; thon following the avenuo to bo yond Twonly olghth stroot, whon it makes a shoot directly south across blocks, running diagonally across west ond of block to Twonty ninth; to Thirtieth; centor of block to Thirty first; east ond of block to Thirty socond cornor of blook to Thirty third; across Fourth avenue and across wost ond of block to Thirty fourth street; thon to Thirty sixth, whore ft formed a Junction with Martonso's lane, which ran southeast along what is now tho south era boundary of Groonwood Comotory, and over to the old Flatbush and New Utrecht road. From this point It look a sharp turn, at a right angle to tbo wost, crossing Fourth avonue Just north of Thirty sixth stroot, running diagonally across tho next block to Thirty sevonth; across the west end of tho noxt block to tho cornor of Thirty eighth street and Third avonue; across Third avonue and the cornor of tho next block to Thirty ninth street; thon down through tho centor of tho blocks at Fortlotb street being near the eastern ond, at Fiftieth streot bo ing near tho western end, and at Fifty fifth stroot and beyond boing in tho middle of the blocks thus continuing to beyond Sixtieth strootat the City Lino, thence on along the coast to Now Utrecht. South of First street, which is mado, as aro all the other streets except Fourth street, between Fourth and Fifth avenues thore are but few houses along the road line until Eighth street is roachod.

Fifth avenue is woll built up, but wost of it the blocks in this section aro not built on. Ono hundred yoars ngo, between Second and Third stroots, about one hundred foot east from Fifth avenue, used to bo tho Cowonhovon prlvato burying ground, which has passed away before the city improvements. The oldest tombstone in this ground in lator yoars was that of Nicholas Kowonhovon, who died in February, 1792. The first house on tho line of tho road beyond First streot, at tho commencement of thoc century, as it is now, was tho Cortelyon, or Vochte, house. It used to be known as "1699" from iron flguros secured to the west gablo next tho road, bnt these flguros were removed by unknown parties about thirty years ago.

Claes Adrlaontsa Van Votchton, an emigrant from the Provlnco of Drontho Holland, settled on and owned the plantation. Ho' was tho grandfather of Nicholas Vochte, who occupied tho house in 1709 and was tho buildor of it. In 1790 Nicholas K. Cowenhovon ono of tho descend ants and helra of Nicholas Vochto, sold it to Jacques Cortolyou, who reBidod in It until 180 whon ho became insano and committed suicide by hanging himself on a poar treo in the grounds noar by. Twenty yoars ago Mr.

Stiloa wroto about this houso, which waa thon being used as a stable: "Tho Cor telyou, or Vechte.houso, destined soon to disappear," but tbo solid, old time building ret remains, aDd though Its ancient high roof and domer windows have boon roplacod by a moro modern roof and tho inside partitions of the building havo boon removed it can still peor over tho adjoining foace and smile dladalnf ully at Ita slightly built modern neighbors, which havo recently como and will probably go long ero tho touch of tlmo destroys It, unless tho vandal hand of man tears down its solid walls. Tho houao now stands in tho northoast corner of Washington Park, (tho baso ball grounds), which occuplos tho two blocks botwoon Third and Fifth Btreota, Fourth aud Fifth avenues. TI10 ground slopes down at an angle of 45 degrees from Fifth avenuo, and tho ball grounds aro fully twonty flvo foet bolow the stroot level. Tho houso, which is a stone structure, about twenty by forty foet, stands on tho side of tho hill, about twenty feot south from Third streot, and one hundred wost from Fifth avonuo, facing west. To tho south of tho houso Is a largo old willow, and about twonty foot further down the hill is a small iron pump, standing in what waa in former yoars a spring.

Just bayond this, to tho west, runs tho remnant of tho old Gowanns road, which hero made an oastorly curvo, evidently to skirt tlio shore of the sale marsh which in old times covored all of tho ball grounds lying wost of this point. Tho old Vechte house is now used as a costume houso for the baso ballists. Tho grounds are very handsomo, well flttod for tho purpose, boing bolow tho streot lovol making of them a natural amphltboator, covering about six hundred by four hundred and fifty feot of ground. C. H.

Ebbotts is tho goneral superintendent, and William Windram tho ground it was through thoir courtesy that I was enablod to see where Clinton with tho rods and Stirling with the blues had tholr game of ball and tho Americans woro gobbled up boforo thoy could make a run home. This Vechte house is UBUally spokon of as Washington's Headquarters, but as Goneral Washington did not como to Brooklyn until tho morning of tlio battle, August 37, and was at Ponklosborgh, or Cobblo Hill Fort, near tho corner of Atlantic avonuo and Court stroot, whero tho fighting took placo and tho only mention in history of its boing occupiod by troops was by General Cllaton and tuo British, who hold it against tho charge of Lord Stirling and tho Marylandors, tho Washington Headquarters buslnoss would Boom to bo a myth of myths, with no more reality about, it than thoro la in tho basoloss fabric of a dream. After passing south of Washington Park there is nothing in tho way of remlnlscenaes of tho old road until Thirteenth street ia passod. At the beginning of tho coutury a houso built by Tunis Tiobout, but lator known as tho Schoomakor houso, used to stand on tho west side of tho road between Fifth and Sixth streets and was thero until very recent houso of Cornelius Van Brunt was on tbo wost and Rom Adrlanco on tho oast sltio of tho road, betwoon Ninth and Tenth atroots. Ou tho W03t sido of tho road, which horo ran woat of Fourth avonuo.botweou Thirteenth aud Fourteenth stroots, uaod to be a houso built Jtiat aftor the Rovolutloa and which was occupiod in 1813 by Walter Borry, who was gored to death by a bull in the year namod.

At Fifteenth street tho old road used to cross tho blocks Uiago nally about midway betweon Third and Fourth avenues. On tho wostsids of tho road at Fifteenth streot usod to stand tho house of Dorrlck Bergen, subaoquontly occupied by an odd Individual who wont by the namo of Jooy Smith. On tho east sido of tbo road was the cottage of Tloale Carson, a llttlo old woman who dwelt thoro alono. As thero is now standing a small, ono story, vino clad cottago ou tho north sido of Fifteenth street, woat of Fourth avouue, It Is probably the same that was occupiod by Tlosio Carson ylghty years ago. At Sixteenth street tho old road touched Third avonue and ran along it, past Prospoot stroot to Seventeenth street, whoro it took a turn iuto the wost ond of the blocks ou tho east aide of that avonuo and continued along parallel, about ono hundred feot to tho oastward, uutll Twouty iirst streot was reaaliod, whon it again returned to tho avonuo lino.

About one hundred and fifty feet south of Fifteenth stroot aud about twenty ieet back from Third avouue stands an old two story frame houso which has had a front wall of brick built to It. It still has tho old style Dutch roof aDd gablo windows. On tho northwest cornor ot Ttilrd avenue and Sixteenth streot thoro aro four old framo houses, now dovotod to sale of cigars, fish and oysters aud second hand furniture, which, from tholr relation to the sidewalk, show evidence of having been on the old road before the street was made. Thoro is also a one story cottage betweon Seventeenth and Eighteenth streets and another between Eighteenth and Nlnetoonth streets, about one hundred foot oast of Third avenuo, which glvo indication of the old road lino, but this section is protty woll built up and there is llttlo left in tho way of landmarks. In early tlraos a houso used to stand on tho east side of the road, between Twenty and Twenty flrat streets, which was occupied by a queer individual namod Anthony Hulse.

who waa afraid ot his wife Observations Gathered from All Sections of Brooklyn. The Mortality Among Great Brooklynitcs. Chapin ond His Opportunity A Scramble for Principals' Positions Why Uc Slapped Her Face A Parson in Luck How Mrs. Langtry Dies. There is a positive scarcity of great names In Brooklyn.

To a largo oxtont tills is due to the activity of the Klngol Terrors. For three or four years tho grim visitor has boon hammorlng with special emphasis at well known doors. As a consequence, tho men who have moro than local roputo can bo counted virtually on the flnger3 of one hand. Hugh McLaughlin, Stranaban, Talmage and Sloeum aro known from horo to California, bul tho group ia elonder enough without such mon as Boeoher, Kinaolla, Honry C. Murphy and William C.

KIngsley. It must bo that time has finally subduod the boundless energies of the Magician. When he turns his glance backward a sense of loneliness must be With him. Ho is a sort of connecting link betwoon tho present and tho past. Murphy foil into his grave after long tottoring on the brink of It.

He had glvon abundant evidences of weariness before be reached his Journey's ond, surviving few of his richer qualities and preserving until tho final moment little but his unending conrago. KIngsley was cut down boforo ho had fairly begun to wither. Ho had climbed high and reached a commanding enmmlt The descent on the othor side promised to bo easy and to last perhaps a score of years, but ho tumbled into tho valloy when his foothold seomed to bo secure and when nobody expeetod that tho scythe had been sharpened for so soaring a sheaf. Ills monument stretches from ono city to another; the traces he left bohlnd centuries cannot obllterato. Notsowell known but tho moving spirit of enormous interests was Seymour L.

Iiuated. With porbaps as llttlo warning this sturdy specimen of a hardy race gave up tho fight. Str ig, staunch and buoyant as ho was, ho Bank at once, liko tho foundering of a gallant ship. Kinaolla fought for life. It was too eoon for such a man to loin tho great majority.

Ho yielded Inch by Inch and tbo waters had closed over a strong swimmer when ho was seen no more. Few names can vindicate the claim to larger lottors on tho local death roll. Stud well, John Williams, Abnor C. Keono and many othors have within tho lives of those who are still children made a rich harvest for the most potent of all husbandmen, but at tho head of the list stands without challenge the name ot the Plymouth pastor. THEIiE ARE CHILDREN Still to COttlO who will not live long enough to see the time when Beochor can be fairly weighod In tho City of Churches.

His voice will ring in Brooklyn oars long after his successor has beon succeeded. The plcturo of tho man himself must fade boforo his work can ready for tho crucible. Crowding momorlos of porsonal contact must pass away witi all tho fovor of involuntary admiration. This unfortunate Beochor's place in history. Tho rarest exotics foil from his lips, but they owed their fragrance to his tongue alone.

Just what is meant by this thoso whose hearts were echoing gallorlos for Beocher's wizard music can easily understand. It is told of that celestially august and illustrious sou of heaven, Yong Lo thr.t he ordered from Kouao. Yd a marvolous boll. Its volco was to be strongthoned with brass, doeponod with gold and swootenod with Bilvor. Tho motals robellod ono against tho othor, the castings were failures, and tho mandarin would havo lost his head not his daughter, the dazzling Ko NgM, thrown horaolf into tho seething crater as a poaco offering to tho hostile ingrodlen's.

Tho sacriflco was sufficient and in the mollownoss of its mighty notes the boll to this day murmurs the name of Ko Ngai. To read Boochor is privilege onough, but to listen to him was to summon the daughter of tho mandarin. He threw himsolf Into tho fires of his own heart. Thoy do not burn so brightly in cold typ0the metals won't fuse. Tho flowers ho plucked began to droop tbo moment thoy left hlj fingers; tho fairest offspring of his fancy was often enough borntodioat birth.

When mjro app.35 1b at tho disposal of the Ramblor tho'a wilt bo something further to be said thb topic. Wha is relevant now is that Beech or wont into tho tomb with rapid stridos. IIo responded to tho inexorable call at onco. Brooklyn gave tho best it had to give when crape hung at his door. It is very generally bo liovodthatfowsymptomsof doca; procoded the farewell; that horiponed till th cli3.

Itlooksliko heresy to say that this was not tho case. The sun may be bright enough but its noon day splendor has a certain fierceness In its matchless brilliance which is gono boforo it says good night. Boeclio. softenod and mellowed and horo and thor wero traces of a cloud. It uovor obscured tho sotting sua but occasional fringes at tho o.IgT Bbowol tha; though eclipse might bo far away the horizon was near.

It is bettor as it was. Whon the curtain begins to fall if nothing can hold it up a quick unrolling serves tho purpose well. Steanahan is in retirement, Kinsella'q pen is dry, nothing cau rufllo Iiingsloy, and Boochsr is sound asleep In Greenwood, buc tho stream of evonts flows as swiftly as boforo. Groat namos are scratched out, but names as great aro in tho alphabet. Ouoot the mightiest writers bin tlmo ventured tho assertion that gonr i wai subject to tho same laws as thosi which go; i tho production of cotton and molasso Accordlug to his notion it is a more question suppl.

and demand with genius as with oilier t'j .1. Ho was righr. Whon heroes aro needed thoy re! fail to materialize; emergencies make porlestala for their monuraonts. Thoso who havo gono so recently that substanco seems scarcely yot to havo given place to shadow, loft footprints doop behind thom; when the Magician Joins them it will bo found that while ha ilvod ho was honored with rather slight appreciation. Thoro is grim mockory in tho custom dictates that nothing handsome shall bosalo about a man until his oars are closed forever.

Ths vonorable goutlo man to whom Brooklyn owos its part has certainly bad no surfeit of popular trlbutos. no is ono of tho ripest philosophers of tho day. He understands porlnctly that panogrloj will In hit. case bo withhold until tho next and this world concerns him and It doesn't troublo htm iotha leaBt Custom to tho contrary notwithstanding tho coming anniversary of his birth ehould provoke some recognition. Ho desorves honors at loast as full as his years.

General ideas concornlng him aro strangely out of Joint. Thoro sooms to bo an Impression that he Is of a wily and Intriguing disposition. An uglier definition nover crept Into conception. Mr. Stranahan is naturally bland and suave and would havo made an ideal diplomat.

Bonoath his polishod and agreeable exterior, howover, havo been hlddon such resources of mlu I as di idod up might enrich half a dozen mon, even If each depended on his share for his entire intellectual capita). By littlo faults largo virtues aro frequently obscured, but it Is not easy to pick out even Stranahan's littlo faults. Ho may have beon smooth and conciliatory at a time when daring and aggression seomed to bo In order, but he is by instinct gentlo and to his comprehoasivo public spirit and rare sagacity tho city is undoc obligations which never will bo liquidated. Whon men with cloar heads and stoady hands are nooded thoy will bo forthcoming, but in tho moautimo thoro is with us tho survivor of a group whoso record Is really Brooklyn's record within roasonablo limits. It will be Just like many rather slow, but otherwise admirablo persons to awako to hlo worth a little late and to wish that they had rocognizod It sooner.

The question or absorbing interest to tho local politicians and officeholders at tho present time Is in regard to tho forthcoming appointments of Mayor Chnpin. President Cleveland's messago, tho Albany Speakership contest and otbor matters of national and State linportanco which aro ox clting so much attontion elsewhere, sink into insignificance in tho purlieus of tho city buildings when compared with such questions as Who will bo appointed City Works Commissioner? Who will succood Fire Commissioner Eunis? Will Police Commissioner Carroll bo retained? Is Colonel Colo to continue to wrestle with arithmetic and arrears?" which the politicians aio now asking each other as thoy gropo about in their fruitless search for information. Yes, gropo la tho word, for they aro complotely In tho dark, and thoro seems to bo for thom no light ahead, uono, at least, in tho immediate future. Thoy aro aB much at sea as thoy woro during tho most of tho period intervening betwoon tho oloctlon of Mayor Low in tho Fall of 1881 and tho announcement of his appointments of heads of departments on February 1, 18S2. Perhaps It has uovor occurred to these worthies that Mr.

Chapin has not yot determined what he shall or shall not do. Novorthole3s, this would Boom to bo the case. But tho politicians aro restless souls, and tho officeholders aro in a state of suspense, and although it ia now only about a month since tho election and tha Ink upon his certificate ia hardly dry thoy appear think that ho To the Editor of the Brooklyn Kagle: Can you toll mo whero I can find Dommet'a Christmas Hymn. Itbogioa: "It was a calm and silent night and Rome," each verse ending "Cen turiosago." an Old Subscriber. The author of the hymn asked for was Arthur Dommot, who was born iu England about 1811.

It is understood that he Is the person to by Robort Browning in his poem "Waring." Dommot (lived for years in New Zealand and Australia. Tho "Christmas Hymn" 13 as follows: It waa a calm and silent night! Sovou hundred years and fifty three Had Rome been growing up to might, And now was queen of land and sea. No sound waa heard of clashing wars Peace brooded o'er the hushed domain; Apollo, Pallas. Jove and Mars Held undisturbed thoir ancient reign, In the solemn midnight Conturies ago. 'Twas in tho calm and silent night! The senator of haughty Rome Impatient urged his chariot's flight, From lordly revel rolling home; Triumphal arches, gleaming, swell Ilia broaat with thoughts of boundless awayi What recked tho Roman what befell A paltry province far away, In tbo solemn midnight Conturies ago? Within that province far away Wont plodding homo a weary boor; A streak of liebt before him lay.

Fallen through a half abut stable door Across his path. Ho passed for naught Told what waa going on within; How keen the star3, his only thought Tho air how calm, and cold, and thin. In the Bolomn midnight Centuries ago. strange indifference! low and high Drowaoil over common Joys und cares; Tho earth was still but knew not why; Tho world was listening unawares. How calm a momont may precede Ono chat shall thrill tho world forever I To that still momont none would heed Man's doom was linked, no more to sever In the solemn midnight Centuries ago! It Is the calm and silent night A thousand bells ring out, and throw Thoir Joyous peals abroad, and smite The darkuesa charmed and holy now! Tho night that orat no name had worn To it a happy namo is given; For in that stable lay, new born, The peaceful Princo of earth and heaven.

In the solemn midnight Centuries ago! To the Editor of the Brooklyn Eagle: Up to date how many chemical elements aro known and what aro tuo namos of thoso discovered since 1870? FLORENCE. Answer We express our most hoarty thanks to Dr. Joseph H. Raymond for hla intelligent and valuable aid in developing tho answer to the questions of Florence," and to othor gontlomen, through him, who havo choorfully furnished information. "Bartley's Medical Chemistry," edition of 1SS5, gives the numbor of elemonts as sixty aix, and then adds a supplementary list of ten, of which it saya, that thoir Identity has not yot been thoroughly estab ltahed.

Professor Remsen, In bis Principles of Theoretical Cbomistry," edition of 1SS7, gives the numbor of elements as sixty sovon. Von Rlchter, of Breslau, In his Text Book of Inorganic Chemistry," edition of 18S3, gives tho numbor as sixty five. In a small pamphlot entltlod Laboratory Year Book," by John Howard Apploton, A. professor of chemistry in Brown University and published by Gordon ISoacoo Providence, It It appears that betweon 1S77 and ISSti, thirty nlno new ele monta have been announcod, but how many have boor, couflrmod doea not appear. Professor George W.

Flympton says: ''In regard to recently discovered elements Franklaud and Jopp's chemistry gives a list of seventy. Norwogium, samarium oud scandium aro included iu tho liat." Dr. E. Waller, analytical chomiat, of Now York, writoa: I find It difficult to answer your question regarding now elemonts. Tho discovery of a largo numbor has beon announcod during the past fow yoars, aud with regard to thom the attitude of chomists is simply a waiting ono.

Thoy neither rocognizo nor refuse to recognize thom, but wait for further Information from thoso who may havo the matorial under their hands, feoliug that It Is probablo in many cases that tho now olemont aa originally announced may prove to be a mixture of elemonts alroady known but not much studiod on account of their rarity or possibly a mixture of a new oloment with soma olomonts previously known. This last position has beon the caso with Yuorblum, tho discovery of which was announced soma tlmo ago. I incloso a list of elomouts published about 1SS1. Thero aro sixty flvo in tho liat, of which Davyum Is, 1 think, now not accoptod by all. To this should also ba added Scandium, Samarium aud Ytterbium, making a total of sixty sovou (excluding Davyum).

There aro soveral othor olomonts which aro accoptod moro or leas by somo chomists, oithor ou theoretical grounds, or ou account of their conudouco in the Investigator who has announced them. For Instance, on theoretical grounds, I am moro Inclined to accept tho existence of tho lost elomont announcod (Germanium) than of several othora which have been talked of longer. I Bhould say that there aro four: Gallium, Scandium, Samarium and Ytterbium, which can bo called additions to the list of elemonta sinco 1875." Tho table alluded to by Dr. Waller is ono revised by C. F.

Chandler aud F. G. Wlochmann in Octobar, ISSt. Tt includes the two claases of Artlads and Perissads. It is as follows Aluminium, Gold, Rubidium, Antimony, Hydrogen, Ruthenium, Arsenic, Indium, Barium, Iodine, bcaudium, Bismuth, Iridium, Selenium, Boron, Iron, licon, Bromine.

Lanthanum, Silver, Cadmium, Load, Sodium, Caelum, Lithium, Strontium, Calcium, Magnesium, Sulphur, Carbon, Mnganeso, Tantalum, Cerium, Tellurium, Chlorine. Molybdenum. Thallium, Chrommium, Nlekol, Thorium, Cobalt, Nitrogen, Tin, Columblutn. Osmium, Titanium, Copper, Oxygen, Tungsten, Dldymlum, Palladium. Uranium, Erbium, Phosphorus, Vanadium, Fluorine, Platinum, Y'tterbium, Gallium, Potaaaium, Yttrium, Gluclnum, Rhodium.

Zino, Zirconium. "What do you want to bo investing yonr monoy in llfo insurance for, Pat asked a gentleman of his Hibernian employe tho other day. "Don't yoa know you won't get a cent until you ari dead "Faith I do, sor," was tho quick reply, 'and isn't It thin I'll bo nadln mouey, for sure I won't bo able to worruk." Elmira Oazttte. To the Editor of the Brooklyn Eagle: At the time that Mr. Hepwortb.

was received lato Congregationalism iu Plymouth Church, I remomber that the Burial Hill Confossion was road aa the basis of tho faith ho had ombracod. Slnco that time the National Congregational Council, which mot tn St Louis In 1880, provided for tho appolntmont of a commission to forinulato a croed which was published in the Christian at Work March fi, 1881, as follows: I. Wo believe in one God, the Fathor Almighty, Maker of heaven and earth, and of all things visible and invisible; And in Jesus Christ, His only Sou, our Lord, who is one substance with the Father, by whom all thinds wero mado; And In tho Holy Spirit, tho Lord and Giver of llfo, who ia oent from tho Fathor and Son and who, together with the Father and Sou, is worshipod and glorlflod. II. Wo boliove that tho providence of God, by which He exocutos His otornal purposes in the government of the world, is in and ovor ail events, yot so that tho freedom and responsibility of man aro uot Impaired, and sla is the act of tho creature alono.

III. Wo believe that man was mado ia tho Image of God, that he might know, lovo and oboy God, and enjoy Ulm forever; that our first parents, by dlsobodlonce, foil under tho righteous condemnation of God; and that all mon aro so alienated from God that thoro Is no salvation from the guilt aud powor of sin oxcopt through God's redeeming grace. IV. We boliove that God would havo all mou return to Ulm; that to this ond He has made Hlmaelf known, not only through tno worka of naturo, the courao of his provideuco, and the conscioncosof mon but also through supernatural revelations mado ospocially to a choaou poople, and, abovo ail, when tlio fullness of tlmo was como, through Jesus Christ, his Son. V.

We believe that tho Scriptures of tho Old and New Testaments aro tbo record of God's revelation of Hlmaelf iu the work of redemption; that thoy wero written by men undor tho special guidance of the Holy Spirit; that they aro aole to mako wlso unto salvation; aud that they constitute tho authoritative standard by which religious teaching and human conduct aro to bo rogulatod and Judgod. VI. Wo believo that tho lovo of God to sinful men has found Its highoat expression in tho redemptive work of Ills sou, who became mau, uniting His divine naturo with our human nature In ono person who was towptod liko other mon, yet without sin; who, by His humiliation, Ilia holy obedience, His sufferings, His death on tho cross and ills resurrection bocame a perfect redeemer; whoso sacriflco of Himself for tho sins of tho world declares tho rinhteousnos3 of God, aud ia tho aolo and sufflciont ground of forglvoneaa and of reconciliation with VU. Wo bollevo that Jssus Christ, after Ho had risou from tho dead, ascended into heaven, whoro, as tho ono mediator between God and mau, He carrlos forward His work of saviug mon; that Ho sends tho Holy Spirit to convict thom of sin and to lead thom to ropontanco and faith, anil that thoso who through renewing graco turn to righteousnoss uud trust in Jesus Christ as their redeemer receive for Hissako tho forgiveness of their sins and aro mado tho children of God. VIII.

Wd believe that those who aro thus regenerated and Justified grow in sanctified character through fellowship with Christ, tho Indwelling of tbo Holy Spirit and obodlouce to the truth; that a holy life la tho fruit aud evidence of saving faith, and that tho bollovor's Hope of contlnuauce In such a life la in the preserving grace of God. IX. Wo bolleve that Jesus Christ camo to establish among mon tho kingdom of God, tho roign of truth and lovo, rlghloouauoss and poaco; that to Joaus Christ, the head of thla kiosdom, Christians are directly reapou tlblo In faith and conduct, and that to him all havo lmmodlato access without mediatorial or priestly intervention. X. Wo believe that tbo Church of Christ, invisible aud spiritual, comprises all true believers, whose duty it is to associate tuerasolves in churches for the maintenance of worship, for the promotion ot spiritual growth and fellowship and for tho.

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