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The Brooklyn Daily Eagle from Brooklyn, New York • Page 3

The Brooklyn Daily Eagle from Brooklyn, New York • Page 3

Brooklyn, New York
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

l.l.llM lWiTWBgS l. FOB i BrirniTtnTr.Tm iM.ijiTa IJir HOABDXITC. I.inl01.l NOTICCS. TEiaPEBANOE. a JOio WtomanH; price SMthopiir.

To be Neni. OTBWRT'3 itwt Store. Faitvon it. Rl touRNISHBD ROOMS A PRIVATE family win let handsomely farnls had rooms, bath, tor H1 to It per Apply lit 1M DeKalb av. BOdM i.

YOUNG MAR JL ried cotrple can have a adaomeb7 furnished biok parlor, with all donrenleseee, at a very Jew price, with or without board; location Soot Brooklyn; ten minutes from ferries. Address HOME, Eagle office. TrtOTOTQXi rm nnMt.njv T.tftri a no on EAGM5 OFFICE, fcCDER 15, im. SATURDAY EVENING, DECEMBER IS. 1877.

try is peaceful, happy ana prosperous In proportion as the words wife, mother and daughter (tie ttored and rovered. Let in thin country IiBABK T8 XKBflOK and honor the marring taeUtution. The whole trouble arises because people rush into this relitlOn without proper consideration of the fact that when they marry it is for heaven or hell, and If they make 8 mistake the hell beglni.nerol Sometime! tho color of theeje, or tho eliade of the hair, or tho contour ot toe features, decide that queltlon irnlcli ought to be neabjoot of prolonged deliberation and of devout prayer. Many laughed at Martin Farquhar Tuppor for Mb poetic oesay of thirty years (go, in which fie urged the Booking of divine light on the Important atep of marriage; but many who laughed then, because of their rejection of the act advised have oried over alnce. There are thoasanda of people to day who want to be unmarried, and but for tho court room publicity and the reporters would snap the chain that has turned lroui silk to Iron.

You may by the voicea of fifty pricats unito in bonds of holy marriage fire and gunpowder, but they will fly apart and be in constant explosion. A clergyman, a friend of mine, passing through the market in Philadelphia, was, ono day, stopped by a bulchorwho said to him: "Doctor, do you remember marrying me "No, replied he. "I I dont." "Why," ald tho butcher, "don't you romem ber fifteen years ago a man that you married and he gave you as a wedding fee half a hog "0, yes," sold the clorgyman, I do remember it." Well," said tbe butchor, I'll give you a whole hog if you will unmarry me." Tho Ions list of last week's divorces ought to make orir young peoplo cautious and prayerful in the formation of lifetime alliances. A mistake here 1b a mlBtake forever. Furthermore, let oil good men and women take no part in anything that can undignify or damago tho institution of marriage.

Socialism and polycamy and Mormonmm, eamtiaratH nlv silent, novels, their cheapness only equaled by their nostlness, frying to educate hare taken upon themselves to educate this nation in regard to holy marriage. Alae for this new dispoueE tlou of George Sand. Alas! for this mingliDg of the night shade with tho marriage garlands. Alas for tho venom of adder's Bpil into the tankards, Alos for the whito frosts of eternal death that kill the orange blossoms. Mr.

Talnate in oou eluding, spoke of the safe arrival of Iho steamer City of Berlin, the devotional mooting the lecture and noarly all the people remained. Sunday Eagle. Don't fail to got it to Many are imprsBied by the perusal of roular of Or. J. P.

Manx, of 133 West Forty first street. New York, with tho wonderful advance mzdo in tho onro of deformed limbs and ospeoiallr In the treatment of club fa'it, hip tilSHase, Umb4 and spinal curvaturas, wit'iuul any surgical operution, pain nr confinement. This in wonderful inirr voraent on tho old method of practice unrl If truo, which seenietobe well sustained by undoubted evidence, it plucos Dr. Blann among tho ffieatest benefactors of this atTli.T'jd that the preie it toneration has produced. Ho nine ijoinls out Ibc way to avoid deception, unnecessary ei o.ise and disappoint moot, with much othor inforlnatlon which overy bfUictod person Bhould have.

His circular can bo obtained by calling or sending to his office. No obarso for personal exanilar.tton, Saturday and Suudjy forenoon only. The universal public verdict is that "VVeohb Aoraiiam 4 Co. have tho finest display of holiday fancy goods in the city. Their bate meat Is elegantly fitted up for the purposo.

Crape. The disagreeable odor peculiar to craoe 1b eradicated, matter how rusty In appear onco the articlo may lie, is Tailored to Its original lustre, and worrdutod to withstand dnmpncBB and sea air. SnrtlVKR A Domestic Building, N. and No. 296 Fulton street, Brooklyn.

"Db. did you write 'How We Raised our Baby "No, my dear mr.dam, but I would be proud to have my name on tbe title of as good a book." The Best or am, Guts. To nil purchasers of boys' or ohildron's suits or ovorcoats Smith A PnES fin ocn, 655 and f7 Fulton st, will givo a piece of silver coin, as their ChrtstmaB gift to tho little ones. A VAijUABrjE Holiday Gift. Both useful and ornamental; Falrban'rs' Family Scales; Fairbanks' U.

P. Staudurd Poital Soalos. No. 311 Broadway, New York. Christmas.

Ovington Brothers' large and elegant stook of Holiday Goods now ready. Open In tho oeuinas. 248 562 Fulton St. Fifty per Cent. Saved! By using Hia oiks'Gskmak LACKDnv Soap.

Try it and assure yourselves of tfio fact. CfJBTAINS, ColtNICKfi AND LiAMT)REQT7IN8. Exceptional bargni noir shoivn at Wechsleu, Anr.A HAM 257pd stroot. Advice to Young Men Before you get married got your intended mother in la.r, as thoy ought all do It, purohasa your farnlturo of the Brooklyn" Fukni Tone Comi'anv. Nos.

86:. b61 and f3 Fulton st. don't suffor your garments or yonr person to be washod with nasty, stioky, foul smoll Inga'inp, made from tuitrid fat, whoa Ptle's cloan, street. O. K.

can bn had of Krocors eorywhoro. Br. sure you gal it for coughs, colds, tickling in nml hoarseness, OASSKnKEh's Ammonia Loz knokb. whioh nre the luluu. Prlco S5o.

For sale by all drupgistl. O.oitEis FT air Shawls. Now and dcturable stylos nt vorr low prlcea, iuat opened at WlicnsCElt, Abraham Whitman's Philadelphia Candies put up in boaes lor holiday gifts at vory low prices. WEonsLEU, AitnAEASt 4 Fulton and AVashinuton sts. "Trrr itHAKlt all), BOIOE WOLFB.

On Wednesday evening, December 12, 1377, at the residence of the bride's brother, by tne lfov. Thomas Itambaut, D.D., HiOHAltD 0. Boioe, Now utk, Jf. J. Helck li.

WOLtB, of this city. On DeoiraW 1B77. at tho residence ofthobrldo's by tho Rev. T. DeWltt uaio.

D. AijHRit'r Cito.uiyjjLL to Ida J. Shellex, both of Brooklyn. No cards. AOAR On Thurday, December 18, 1877.

at llio rofi lenoo oi the bride's parents, by the Rov. Onas. R. Baker, casitded by the nor. II.

R. Nye, Wolcoxt C. to M.MtiA Looiflr, datiKliter of Alexander Agar. IPLEIt ALLEN la Brooklin, on Thursday, De. cenherlfl.

at the residonco or tho brMe'B parents, by Rov, Tlio.diro 1.. Ouylor. D. En.VAlto L. Tllji'l Kl and M.

daughter ef Wm. L. Alloa, Esa all of Brooklyn CLARK On Saturday morning. December 15, 1877, atvy. Clabk, wife of Patrick Clark, In the SUd year of her ap.e.

rriendB nro rospecttully inTttod to attond her funeral ftom her late reiiileocu, 4111 St. Marks av. on Monday, lrth at 8 P. M. Intormoat in the Cumolery of the Holy Cross.

Flatbuth. I Albrny pspors ploaso opy.j COFFIN' On Uocomhor 18. of HriKht's dlsosse, MAfr.tcE P. CoirFttl, aged 29 voTt. only romaiutning son tit SiiH oi ant tho la'o lienvy P.

Oatlin. Funeral oe: vicos from his late residonco, 126 Fleet place Sunday, nt 2 P. M. KA.8TMOND On Peeotnber IB, 1877, SrSAK Mandk vili widow of Benjautin Kastmorfd. Ilt 1 ttivea and friends tre invited to attend the funeral cervices at hor lato roldouce, 883 Gates av, Monday, 17th lust, P.

M. No Honors. HART. In Brcoklyn, Thursday, Docembor 13, Esther, wife of Charloa Hart. Funeral Ironi 4(W Honry st, Mouday, December 17, at 1:30 P.

M. Please Bond no Howor3. HKITMANN On Thursday, Docember 13. at 3 A. after a short illness, MAllriARF.THA FliEDBmcKA, belovoa wife of John lleltmaun.

ascd 27 years and 9 days, and at 5 P. child 14 hours old. Rolntlvoa and lrlonds aro respectfully invited to attend tin funeral on Sunday, Dooeinbor 111, at 1 o'clock P. from the tUrman Lutheran Zion Church, Henry st, Clark. INDUS On Satnrdav.

Dccombor 15. Rov. David Ifini.ta, D. LL. pnstor of the Reformed Church on the Hoifjhtg.

itjred 63 ypr. Notioe of funoral hereafter. I.A BRIE. At Brooklyn, December 14, PETER La BltlE, aped 61 years. Funoral from First place Methodist Eolsoopal Church, corner of First place aud Henry st, at 106 A.

M. Sunday, ltltb iost. I.EAVY On Thursday, Doeember 13, AOHP.B. daughter of Jamoi and Mary Luavr. aged a yeats and months.

Relatives and friends of the family are rospootfully In. vltna to attend the funeral from the residonco of hor parent, 14.1 Kosciusko st, on Sunday, Docembor 16, 1877 at 2 o'clock P. I.ENNON After a long illness. Gosbie youngest daughter of Arthur Lennon. agod 16 years.

The funeral will take placo from tho Church of St. Vincent de Paul, North Sixth st, E. on Sunday, Docembor 16, at two o'olook P. M. MACARTIN In Brooklyn, Friday morning.

December 14, Jotin F. F. MACAlCTIN, iu the 26(h year otitis ago. Relatives and frlonds aro Invited to attend tho funoral sprvicni, Sunday, at o'clock P. at the Reformed CUuroh.

Twelfth st, between Fourth and Fifth avs. O'REILLY MAnoAKitT aped 68 years, a native of tho Pariftb of Bullenaearia, County of YVoatmoath, Ireland, on Thursday, Ueoemtior 13, 1877, at hor resldenco, 71 Varenast. Tho friends of the family aTe Invited to attond the funeral from her lato icsldonco at P. to morrow. The intorment will be at Holy Cross Cometery.

Flatbush. SMYTH On Decoiuber 13, at Lakevlow. Glanmlro, Cork, Ireland. Ir.EKK t. SMVTU, the balovcd wife of John Morgan Smyth, F.sq, T.

formerly ol this olty.l EREDATllXLOlTOE NO. 483, F. A. M. Brothren: You are horebv summoned to attend tlie annual communloatlon to he held at LODO ROOMS, Maaonlu Hill, Nos SOI and Fulton st.

oa MONDAY EVENING, December 17, 1877. Baslneas Election of ofiicors and collection of dues. By order. ALBKRT STRlffGHAM, Jb Master. EnwAUD Patnk.

Seotetary. lUXUMTiniCiiS. I FINANCE THE FINANCE COMMIT TEE of the Common Counoll will moot in tho Common Council Chamber, on MONDAY, Docembor 17,1877, at 11M o'clock, A. M. By order of KB.

FISHER, ChMrman. LOST A il tOURD. 03T FRIDAY, 14TH ON FUL Jt ton st. or in some of the stores, SIXTY DOLLARS in ten dollar Mils, ly on old laJy. A liberol reward will be given and many thanks If returned to 4i Cranbeiry st.

Tf OST IF THE LADY WHO PICKED BJ tin a black lace VAIL with a thread laoe border, at the Philharmonic rehearsal, will return It to 438 Clinton et. she will confer a faror on the owner. LOST ON lmiI)AY MORNING, A ROLL, of BILLS, containing over $50, in tho stroet, or In a store betwoon City Hall and Fulton Ferry. Tho fiodor will bo iuitablv by leaving It at No. 308 State at.

OST ON FkiijAY EVENING, IN SLA Knlton st, near Hoyt, a Scotoh terrier BITCH, wearing a silver plated collar and New York dog liconge No 10,135. Answora to the nqmo ot Rags. Liberal reward on application to Dr. QUlNLAN, 4G8 Fulton at. LOST IN PASSING FROM ATLANTIC avenue through Hloks to Joralemon to Henry, to Mo itaGUO.

to Hicks, to Plerrapont, Columbia heights to Furmsn st, or in Atlantio and Prospect cars, a gold BRt AbTPIN and psndaut. The finder will bo BUiUbW rowarded by raturulou it to 310 Hicks at. OST DECEMBER 13, BETWEEN COR. SLA of Sands and Washington sts, and T. Stewart's, Broadway, N.

via Fulton t'orry and Fifth av. tase, a pair or gold marked J. B. Hoocker, Finder will ba suitably rewarded by leaving them at 81 Sands st. c'ortorvmss' notick.

JOW LYING AT THE MORGUE awaiting tdontillcation, body of a woman about 60 years of ago, Kray itafi prominout foatures, black alpaca dress, brass key in pocket of dross, black cloth mantilla, striped baluinral skirt, black hat and black orape vail. Said wrman was killed by steam motor on Atlantic avenue, December 10, instant. HBNRY O. SIMMS, M. FRANCIS NOLAJJ, i Coroner.

BAMKKUPTCf rVOTICiiS. BANKRUPTCY EASTERN I) I TRICT OF NF.W YORK, ss. At the City of Brooklyn, the r.lth day of Decombor, 1877 Tho undesigned hereby Kivos notice of his appointment as assignee of AMOS G. TORHEY. ol Brooklyn, In tho County of Kings and Stale of New York, within said District, who has been ad indgod a bankrupt upon his own petition, by the District Court of said District.

SAML. H. MOLLESON, Atoiguee, etc. To delt8rS THE DISTRICT COURT OF THE raiTKD STATES OR THE EASTERN DIS YORK. In tho matter of CONRAD POPPhMlUSEN, bankrapt The underalnned hereby Sivos notice of his appointment as assignee in bankruptcy pf Conrad Ponpeuhusan.of tin Village of Oolleca Point, in the County ot Ouoens and State of New York, within said district, who has been 'adiudged a bankrupt upon his own petition, bv the District Court of said District.

H. H. SOUWIETUR1SG, delSwS Office 68and 60 Greene Y. PpHIS IS TO" GIVE NOTICE "TWflr JL the 14th day of Dcoombcr. A.

D. 1877. a warrant in bonkruptoy was Issued against the estate of HERBERT G. RHODES, of Hempstead, of the County of Qoeeiisand State of New Yorlt. r.ho has adjudged a bankrupt on his own petition: that the payment of anydobtiana do livery of any properly belonging to such bankrupt to him or for his use ana tho transter of any property by dim ato forbidden by law: that a meatlne of the creditors or the eaid bankrupt to prote their debts, and to chooso one or Hi re usslBtiesi of hie citato, will be held at it Court of Bankruptcy, to bo holden at too Unitud States CJ.mrt House, corner of Montague and Clinton street, iirooklvn, N.

lofoie D. O. Winslow, Register, on tho Wth day ol Deconiber, A l) 12 o'clock, M. S. R.

HARLOW. U. Marshall, as Messauger, Fnsti rn District of New York. i OR BXOHANGfi ELEGANT RES I denoe. with all inodern lbrovaments.

narrllra nous borb. loose, hennery, ie buh rrearja, flneaeenery, nehrh orhood flrst elsss, so minuts from ferry, five minute! lrst flaw. Jo ml from the pa Northern Bdlqf New Jer uirpsaq7 ve sey, 2 acres crab jfwn saa arives on main bonlarard canier, floe ibad a troAs, pi a Brooldyn house In good nolghbofhood. Address immedlatelr, with ion particulars, u. i isnauy, aim i from BO to fiOO Dili xom wifWO to toh caab near IalaacS: Addrosi SBBff PA ifflugle Park.

XrOi oBSaa. OR SALE FACTORY THE THREE story brlok factory. 267. 969 and 371 Wrckoff. near fcvlns at will be ooll af.

a himln unit im nintnnnl tbii npanflrtv li AdrnfFihir Trtnai stea, nelng right in tne heart. of tha city, aad suit bio foe hr maoufaoturl i for ahr mniirAOturi3ir i oaunBsi; carcas DRAKE AOO noar uiiy nau. OR SALE FARM AT A GREAT close an CBtato bv tho executor: essv terms 80 mllos 1 hours from Brooklyn on Long Island adjoining depot; 5 exDross trains daily: laree Go! Mo houso hne grove good laud. Inoulre of P. STEVENS, 840 Broadway, New York, or 3 Clermont avenue, Brook ln FOB SALE PI dec.

FOR SALE PIANO BARGAIN, for a sovon octave, rosewood cose, handsome carved legs and lyre, good order; must be sold. Call at i3 Tillary strcet. firOR SALE PIANO A NEW SEVEN ootavo piano, round corners, carved legs, full Iron frame, patont agrad'e also, handsotno embroidered cover, and stool, will be sold for 8176. Coll any time at racino st, ono aoor auove ingsttin av. SALE ORGAN first Class pure tone church 8lt; 4 stops, notos, ootave peldli s.

and silt pipes ftpat whole encloaod in Svroli; voicad full church po vtr hand pump; will Iov; cash only; jjrand opportunity. Address A. CHAbY, Box 16, Eajflo office. tl A i Holiday presents: good second hand pianos torn $65 and upward; pianos toront from 3 and upward; a Krauicb A Bach at I also have the Manhattan Company pianos for sale. IliiNRY iUI SlU Fnlton stroet, aoooud fluur.

FOR 0E PI ANOS SOHAIE iVS FI RST class pianos, warranted for sir years, for sale at oxtra low figures for cssh to rent, or oi Installments; rent ap nUed If purchased from $3 to some very tlua seeiind hand flanos, lit oxocllout condition frvtm the boat makers. SOHMER A piano mauutaoturers. No. 2 Fulton street. BjOR SALE PIANO A AUE CH AN for a Holiday presont A magnificent 7v ootave rosewood pisnforta, lour round corners, all modern lmprove mo'Jts, coil tor $173; cover, cabiuots parlor stilts in satin end raw silks lor $150: do $100; par lor, chamber and dining room turnitaro at Ws than half hJUBe opotl from 8 A.

M. to 10 P. 51. at private 120 West Twenty third st, noar SUth av. New York.

SPECIAL SOl'ICKS. gET THE EAGLE TO.MOEUOiV. LXHIBITION. A PUBLIC EXHIBITION of tho AUTOMATIC COMPOUND FIRE KXTIN ill lfm Kit flll h( rlrnn nn tho trround nHinlntnir nut of the Court P. M.

Iu orilerto abow tho morit of tho oontpound.afrarao building villi bo orooted, and a quantity of Inflammable ijtnltod insido. It is proposed to give two trials, ono on the sell aoting plnn, anothor 1 tho ordinary muthod of throwing the eillngunhor into tho lire. Wo use neither water or othor liquid; no machinery orpnmps. Wo have the only self acting extinguisher In tho world. All are oamostlv Invited.

Should tlifl "oatbor provo stormy tho trlsi trill lake pl.tco the port fair dar, samo hour. TH1C AUTOMATIC C'OMPOUNO FIRE EXT1NOUISHER AGKNCY, 113 Ohambcrs New York. DESIRE TO THANK THEFMENDS of THOMAS POOL for thoir ktndnaai and to t.ilo that tho piotus" ofthe entett.tatuout wore ($.65, which wo wdl lvo toward his rar teral expenses. J. R.

TAYLOR. I WILL BUY A BUSINESS THAT PYS a living will fttvo.t $500 to $5.00 or moro: state the nature of business to tnsttie attention all cotnmunioa ticns strictly conltdeutial. Addtoss NORTH, Box 16 Eaglo office. TUB LORING ASd BLAltE ''PaLXCE'' ORGANS aro fast bccotiilua the poptlar Instruments of their class in Brooklyn. OHAiVDLHH BROTH ItllS aro the agouti for Long Island, anil will show a good stock of them lor the holiday trade at No.

17S Montague slroit. BOYS OVJiitCOAfs, "55, 53.M," BOTH' 8VIT3. $3. S5.S0, $.. fit MKN'S oviltUoATd.

41. iii. S'. 10, 12, SU. $16; MEN'S SUITS.

SS. iFd. S7, S. IU $12. S13.

1S; YOUTHS' SUITS, S3.60, St, SS; MEN'S PAN 1S. 1.23. 31.M. S2, $2.60, 43. OAMKRON'H, 171 Bridgo st, ueir High.

OOKlTT SONS, "THi3" FIRST TO Jll lead in lotv prices. Pleaso call and oiamlno our extensive assortment of faticy and etaple tfroeyries at our sturos, 600 Fulton st, U. 18 and IU DaKalb ar.tjtf Atlantic Fulton st, oor. Orange, DeKalb av, cor. Nostrand, ISo MTrlio av.

"FOR HOLIDAY'S. Wo will durtngtltoss hard nnd tho HolldaTs dispose ot 100 now pianos and orgnutot dt ttt cUss makers tat lower pticaB for cash or Installments tfun ever liafore ot ferOd. WATl.KS' PiunrS nnd Organs are tho liostmado, warranted lor flvo voars. piau i. 7 octave, S140: 75 oc tnvo.

ijUM. Organs, 5 stops 4 stops, 8f3; 7 stops, 8 etor $70 10 stopt. SSI 11 stop. In poufoct order, not a year. HORAOIS WATERS HONS, 40 East Fourtoentli st, New Vi.k.

2 IT TH K' HflLL ISS VT. TELFORD, manufacturer of ladies' hair oombins. Halrdreus log a speciflltr. 6,0 I'ulton st, between placo and EMB'i ISHX OF THK EVEKUUKfeNrt, ncoesfilble bv Broadwriv. Fulton st and Atlautionv.

rallro rnsiin 111 a mm. bttiitfiii ran tin nl urn tor ths deftd. nni mi noon nhnnrhi) rnrirt for the libir OvflHookinir tlie Villago of Uast Now York, tho AtlsnHo Ooean. Nar tO TS, Lower Buy. the Cities of and New York, the Palisades, are taken in tt a glaucb.

Improvemouts olabor nt.1 and exte'iMvo. Works ot monumertinl art nbound. New receiving timb. Plots from ffiTh to itUUO; ainglo gravel, tf.13 The Pt'C Ulimt, WM. A.

VV MMINOS, iu always tm tho grounds, or may bo by letter, IV O. Kast Kuiv VurU VICILLFt'L WORKiUKN AKIi ENGAGED Kj to rcpTlr nil dosorlntlnna of wiitohos at No. 08 Fulton at.N. Y. Thta branch hsa been addo 1 "by tho IjUCIUS 11 ART MANUI' AOTUHINO COMPAN oi which O.

tt. 11 NT 1 NO Is tiio aaoat. TO MANUFACTURERS COAL YARD pcreonlnj; poi oonl nnd dust mix mi, for al at 91.60 ptr ton, of 2,000 pounds, delivered by WM. T. JOHNSON, Oumborlaild at.

il mHH FE MALE JL SOCIETY offer for sale at thoir Btoro, 98 Court at, ready made garments ut prices below tho cos. Tho.o consist of mon's and women's ohildron's clothes, wmppora, and other articles sulteti for household uso. 1TAL AGN ETISivi ACTlCAL LY deuioni'tratod by both soxos, at 128 Llrinrton st. In tho cure of norvi us derangements a'ltl all cur.ibto onrooto dinoasos; acute pain instantly rolfovoa; tliotiflaiitlit havo been almost Instantly restnrod by this wondorlul tiowor tho troalod froe every day from 11 to Vi at firurett Hall. U.

A. A HUBS, IX MKROHANF TAILOR J. A. INGRAM, of Fnlton st, N. who for nearlv a nuartor of a coutury has beon establishing him soli aa a first cla3S artist, invites tho attention ot aU who de a porfoet tit to favor him with a oall.

Pricos low and satisfaction guaranteed. Wn HELP TO PAY FANCY RENTS whnn you oan do so woll at FINCH'S His tine PFRBLIS GOAT BUTTON at $2.60 and 83 cannot be ei colled. Thirteenth, widths, fit all shape foot, no matter ho shut or wide. His KID. at SI.

fifteet width, the bust in tho market. FRED. FINCH, 61S nltDn st, cur. tioltl. I STHMA, CATARRH, OPPRESSIONS, nd all affections ofthe rosniratorr oroans areimmadi.

atciy ronovoa tne utto oi LKVASSICUIVS TUBKS. Sold in Paris st Dr. BVAPS. UR'S Pharmacy. Mailed on receipt or price (A1.25), by B.

FOUGHUA A Amenta, Now York. Sold by druggists generally. mRY ALB AND PORTER, J. for INVALIDS and FAMILY U8R, in kegs with tnaorted faucots. Delivered to any part ol tho cltr.

Price of ONE GALLON KKGS. roducod to 60 cants. TWO GALLON Kfim roducoi to 1,10. Orders by Postal Card, to 13 Oruiond piaoa, promptly attended to. ARSHALTVS CHEAP FUR STORE, 660 Fulton pt, one door from Uaymoud aij I'o iiy.u r.L' i.

i Furs altered and repiiirci, ial tucks coloiod, mink anil sahle made dark to loo It like new. Also fur caps robiockod to tho latest style, "OEMOVAL UR. if." FOtTLETT; iVEN Mi tint, has removed from 90S Fulton st. to No. 11 GAL LATliN one door tmm Jbuuou nt, C.

A. rooms, threo blocks abovo City Hall: OnpoHito Y. M. all city cur lines aro convenient. See Kngle cvor Saturday, SEAL SACQUiW RI DYGD TO LOOK llko new, lengthouo 1 and mado fashionable shape, trimmed, linod, Ao.

Mink sn1 stble furs darkened a pormnnont natural color; boas made, sacqnoj and muffs ralinod. J. D. WILLIAMS. Sl Fnlton Bt.

ADIE VISITING L)IROTORV 18 THE "BflOOKlTyN Nametof Ilonteholderd L'la's'flad lr Streets. LAiN'8 OIKKCTORV UPVIUE, 218 MONTAtWU FIANO TUNING AJNO RKPAlRfSo. H. ORIiKNWAY. IResldenco and nostiil address, 60 atlaJttio AV, Between St.

James plnco and tlrand av. Brooklyn. TUNINO yUAllt Cl.SU. 1 "H7! VEUYTH1NU IN HOMiSOPAT'HY. BU UOMKOPATHIO BOO AND MEDICINES.

Medicine Casus, Pallets, Sugar of Milk, Cncoa. OASES FOR KXPUllT A SPKOIALTV. IlnmphroyB' Ilomaoiistltic Sttaclflcs. llumphroyB' Votorinsry Spemlics. HumphtovB' Witch Huzol tlil and Marvel ol Ueatlns Iliimphroys' Homeopathic Modlclno Co.

Ooneral lopot, 109 fnlton nt N.V. Branch Store, 892 WroEdwoy, thirddoor abovo aoventeonm st, EIANOS, AND ORGANS PRESENTS for all $5 to $2tl monthly priooa and terms to suit alL can find a larflro stock to soleot from, and each instrument guaranteed seven roars. Fine Stoinway, 5 fine upright piano. 817o: good Pstiuaro, 7 octavo pianos, K125. Call before deciding, on PHKLPa a SON, 308 Ful toil st, opp.

Johnson. 1 ilURS FOR HOLIDAYS 1 1 Futt of all kindi. for doacrintlon of ffarmont. ur ouoreu oy J. BEAVKN, 601 FULTON ST.

From now until tho Is. of January, at Kreitly reduced prioea. EXAMINE STOCKTC) JEWELUY FOR THE HOLIDAYS Before purcltasinir. A complete lino of all tho newest dosigns in jewelry now ready. JOYCE'S, 32 Fulton st, opposlto tho ferry.






Ilia tmnntlt of Ood Liver Oil 10 tbe system is greatly mcroajof by this new form oflCmnlsion. Pnvslcians Indorse It. Manufactured only by J. O. BARNAB Y.

ohemist, 700 Fnlton st. LL SOJJA WATER KO (JNTA1K ti should embrace arnonjr their flavors BTRPH EN P. iTlTif AN A SON'S colebrsled INSTANTANEOUS CHOOOLATH. This lirm Is noten inrousiiout, tiie country for its pure ooufectlonory, and this addition is dcatinod to be as pupalar as their other preparations; mHE TRUE RULE IS honest prices for honest goods, and such has been the uniform "Rulo" of tho BAILEYS, CARPET DEALERS, No. 113 COURT STKEKT, corner State.

Every arliclo Is guaranteed as represented. aecurod. A full stock of All carpets, oilcloths, ltuoloum ana ainarea sooas always on uanu. ALIVE HOUSE IN EVERY SECTION of the city majr bo seen JOHN F. ture trucks delivering tnrnituro, carpott, oil olothi.

Every railroad depot and river pier 1b continually receiving good from hla eitonslvo furniture and carpet warehouses. 117, lid and 131 Myrtle avoauo, corner Bridga atreet. AMERICAN CELLULOID CORAL WE show the largest assortment of goods In this oonntry, and being agents for tha oompany, at lower prices thau elsowhcre. Examine these goods, as there are many imitations. J.

f. OHASE SON. 491 Fulton at. DIAMONDS. A LARGE 8TOCK OF BRILLIANTS An now bslng oBered by BART BROS.

At most tempting pricos. HART BROS, 813 and 315 Fulton St. Open evenings In ecombor. TVTONOGRAMS, CRESTS AND LETTER iVJ, lng In all tho newest and most styles. Mr.

JOSEPH B. COZINE. with E. O. WEBSTER A 241 and 213 Fulton st, is prepared to oxecata ordors ior fins work at short notice.

THE 8TOC.C OF PIAM.OND8 OF H. N. SQIJIRE, 97 Fulton et, Jf. Is select, and will sell tbem as Ipw as toy houso In that city and fall reliance may bo placed iu all hl statamonU. Ho is among the oldest acd moat respectable jowol eta In Gotbam.

Bittrsg cs. BUSHES OF F.VF.RY DESCRIPTION, AT 3S5 PEARL ST, (Harper's Building,) NEW YORK. All articles at the lonostftctory JOHN K. HOPPEL. only trfry itgj est "fcOR BALE FARM VERY OHBAJP FOR JP eah eood hoQJM and imnfYfTRtir ret: mica 1 1 1 OABb i76 FlJlEOS Sf.

LADIES and gentienlen can aocommoaatea wita Doaro or shed rootnki term! moderate BOARlylWUBNreHHD ROOM AND bedrotafotewlti board, to two.or three adnlui, In a strictly private amU. Lignire at St Second place. ijOARD ON THE HTLL AT 68 MJ son place; desirable rooms to let, with board ref erenoti. fiOARto i.34 MONtAGUB ST. VERY Jty dealrablo rooms, at reasonable prices references ex onanged, "OOAR11 HANDSOMELY FURNISHED JB3 double and single rooms; table boarders accommodated.

88 and 40 Concord at. TIOABD AT 328 LIVINGSTON ST Two front hall bedrooms, with board house baa all modern Improvements hot and cold water, gaa, ote. BOARD 282 HENRY ST. VERY DB slrable rooms, with first olass board and attendance, to permanent parties at very low prloea. SOARD 103 'HENRY STREET, NEAR Clark Second story front room and hall room, separ or cotmeoted also hall room on fourth floor; has fire and gas.

"EJOARD 192 WASHINGTON ST, COR neror uoncora irgo ana connecting Irons rooms, cogemer or ooparaieu terms moaerate; laoio i hnnrH, boarders accommodated. BOARD CLINTON ST DINNER AT 1 a very desirable front room, with water and large closot, good board also hall room. 163 Clinton st, opposite SchermorhorOj TLJOARD A PLEASANT SECOND UJ hl laf nlllilin 1. tlemen or gentleman and wifo. Location 15 WUloughby.

war au. at. BOARD TO LET, FURNISHED, WITH or without board, a large second story front room also a third story front room. 248 Livingston st, between iUm place and Bond st. terms 'very moderate.

BOARD TO LET. A WARM, COA1FOR tably furnlshod hall room within five mlnutos of Wall at. and Soutb ferrloB; good substantial board tftruis very reason a bio. Apply 76 biato et, cor, of Garden p'ace. BOARD ON THE HKIGHTS O.

7T Willow St. A desirable suite of rooms on te.ond floor hot and cold water and evory convenience; terais reasonable and rofereco reauired. soARU FURNISHEiTROOMTTh IT tth nr without bnsrn. oonvpni.nt. in wli St.

ferries end all the cars. No. 9 Clinton npiir Fulton. BOARDAT 365 PEARL ST, THIRD story back room, with hot and cold water, heat, Ac. will let it to two adults for Sill norwoek: alio, larira front hall room at $5 par week.

"BOARD 157 STATE BETWEEN J) Court and CUnton Handsomely furnished rooms. with board, for fa mf lies and gentlemen; terms extremely low. OARD 337 CLINTON ST LARGE Tniiini nn caonnfl flf fdirfl tttnrr fvnnt with i'fir mi rt I dious closets, Rt to $18 per wook for two, to permanent pari to8 iilso 5luIe roomB. BOARD A VERY PLEASENT ALCOVE room, ni03b furniehod hot and cold wata. in room table first class; references exchansed.

Pie ise apply at 5 Soutli Portland av, between riafayott and Do Kafb BO A ON TH b) HI5IG XS AT 273 Hioks st, near Soath Wall er. nna Fulton ferrloa; two double and ono single room, with all luproveuients, for ffonilorotm und wives or single non lemon; good table; terrua nioderato: reforoaoes. OARD TO LET WITH F1HST CLASS board a lame. handHomolv furniabed. nnnnnrt tstorv Front room, with ball roomconneotino all imnrovamntA i Inma closet and with Jo ton minutes walk South and Wall stroot femes.

26oJJjiion streot, nosr Ullntoa, BOARD PLEASE CALL AT123 WIL lo'jghbyst. and see if we can't aocommsdate yon with a small or large room, handsomely furnish. hot and I oold water, Ac, Noir Kupland family dinner at noon or niht, as preferred terms very reasonable. BOARD 145 ST. JAMES PLACI5 A prieato family have a second floor, front room Cal oarpat ed and handsorasly fumlsuod.

to leU with Ijoxrd and iiomo comforts, to desirable parties raf i crences exchanged. Oil! or address OLA.RK, a KOARO 259 CARLTON AV. LAROE Ninmi tertth hall wtnnsi KAneaaflam If UU larao closots, hot and. cold water; furnlshad or unfur. niched; wiU be lot low for the Winter also, a few table boardors can be ace immodat dinner at P.

M. BOARD 20 WILLO S'l ON THE HciRhts On or two ohoioe Urge rooms and hall roam if dc trod, all improvomeats, to let, with board ono npp.r room fr gentleman; conveniont io or Fulton orry. OAKDTVO OR THREE YOUjSU men. or elnglo ladlos. can have good bord and pJcasaufr rooms; breakfast; from 8 atB: threQ or ronres; terms vary low if pernianont for the inter.

Aply at 1 Ho(Kt oorooror Pacjflo. 13 0AKD YOUNG "MEN flAN Ba 'AC JBJ commodatod with first oJass board for and np I wn ntra por weak. Apply ct 148 Washiufrton st, hot. nd Hiffh sta three mlanttt walk irom Pulton nr ine forrfOJ. BOARD Oli TH3fHI Oxford st, bet Fultoa at Aflintic av A comfortably furnished third floor, either on suite or singly, with tint olass borri; hot aud cold water lneaoh ro3m; cloota.

heators, tc; brown stone house olocfvut uehih borhood. BOARD ON THE HILL VERY PLJSAK aut rooms on tnird tloor, with hot and co'd wates. ioiku oioiuta, lo mil, wiiu good Doara, io gentleman and v.ifo or siuglo gonts, at very roaaonable rates; loaation very pleasant. Apply at 243 Grand av, near LaiayotLo. BOARD 190 WARREN ST, IT WEEN Clinton and Henry Larye, handsome rooms, woll heated, in complete neatness good table; $7 per week: hall room 0 and $12 for two.

Kooms without board. fOARD ON THE HILL ElTEGANT front room, extra size, with largo hall room adjoining; all liuproveinents; furnished or uufurnished spl. ndid locution. No. 138 IoKalb opposite Fort Orocn.

Park; reference oxchangod. BOARD 33 bCHRMERHORN BTBE tweon Clinton and Court, to let with first clais board, at reduced rates, desirable rooms oa second and third flyori; location unexceptionable rofurouecu exchanged. BO A DA WaUTIFULROO Bomely furnished, having open grato firo. sunny ox poBmo nnd largo clo3ot, also a hall room, will bo lo. with excellent board and the comfort and freedom of a quiet, refined home.

Apply at26 Qulncy one block from Gates, Franklin and Tostrand av car3. BOARD A ARGr AUCOVE ROOIVI to lot. with board, for a gentleman and wifo. nicety furtushed, witti all improv emeriti i ample closets: or lo two ingle gentlsmon wishing to room togothor; also two largo ballrooms ou third iloor. 25U Haymond st.botween Fulluu Bt.

and Lafoyetto av. BOARD A PRIVATE FAMILY, HAV Ing largo room, with large closet and grate fira all Improvtmionti, in hon would rent at $3 t'J per we would rent it pith; board reasonable; In a respectable neigbborhood; call for one wook. Inquiro of AJra. ii. SKUOMB, 863 Dona st.

BOARD A LARGE SECOND STORY front alcove room, handsomely and nowlv furnished, newly nape rod and painted; alfloa third story fr in: squire roum, hi a prirato family; neighborhood and table first class. Apply at tl Ooumherlaud st, between Grcer.e and and Jafayotto avs. BOA RD PACIFIC HOU9G Olf'Ml Heights 113 Pacific st, corner of Henry, in now in beautiful order turnished In suites of rouia for families or sluela rant'amon mmf ron.nnbte prices; table boat in few day boarders ao commodatod. BOARD 141 LAWRENCE BET. WiUoughby and Fulton sts nlcetv furnishod second aud third floor front rooms, suitable for gontlemanand ttifa or two single dontlemon; tormi 412 and $11; also, large hall rooms, with closot for gentlemen table board es acoommoflaUd.

BOARD 92 FIRST PLACE LARGE and handsomely furnished second story rooms, together or separately sunny rooms with open grato firo; hot and cold wator and ample closets; very diwirable locv tlon and oasy walking distance to South and Wall at. lorries convenient to oars; reforoncos oxclianged BOARD 40 SOUTH OXFORDST ON tho HinF.ld7antly furnhhod rooms; one an extra luge alco7e; fine Frencn bed. toad for child, if desired tiist class brown stone front hotiso; ono of the Ilnost locations in Brooklyn within oasy walking dlstauoo of Xcrrius and popular churches terms moderate. BOARD IN A FRENCH FAMILY ON tho HeiKht ia Wlllou five minutes' walk to Eulton or Walt St. ferries; one large, socond story front mom, hot and odd water, closet and heat; ono connecting hall room and another on third floor, with oicellent tablo, on modorato terms.

BOARD back room; also large hall room with sunny exposure house very pleasantly located, opposite St. Peter's P. B. Church walking diatanoe to forrios, onti block to cars terms moderato: roferencoa exchanged. Ploaso call at 376 State st, bet.

Hoyt and Bond: tl I 2 BOARD 61 LIVINGSTON ST FltONT and baok parlors, beautifully furnished nice Iront room on seoond floor, sunny exposuro; two sincle rooms, ball and oxteusion: can take a few single gentlemen also table board; board first class; bath, prlco to suit the times roferencos exohaugod. Near City Hall. BOARDNO. 20 ALL ATI.N PLCE Rooms on 'second or third floor to lot, to irontlemp and wives or single gentlemeii, furnlihei or unfiirnlincd, with or without boird house brown stone all improvements; four doors from the Young Mon's Chris.Un Association rooms ten minutes to orry ounvoniout to all oars. I OARD A FEW GEN TLEMEN AND ladies can be accommodated with vory pleasant, nicoly iuiuiihed rorhis on second orthird floor; libHrnl lauie ana ttome comions nair snore uiock to ait cir rr.ntoa and Iwenty minutes to all feriloa; term.

i4 to 86 per week. Please call at 634 Pacific st, jus. on3t of Flat outiu av. BOARD ON THE HILL 221 OUMBER Isud st, bet. DeKalb and Lafayette avs; throo or four genttemon can bo accomtuodMei vrfth nicely fur nish rooms and first clnts hoard; terms roasoiab.o to desirable and pormanont persons homo nnd location first olan.

BOARD IN SOUTH BROOKLYN Haudtorafely furnished oxtra large and zxayH ro6ms; four itory brown stone hou.e. pleasantly itutod in Oat roll place, oppjsite the park uoubb and accommodations find class; convenient to all forrlfs; terms moderxte: references oxchangod. Oall on or address S. A. SMITH, Carroll street.

OAKD NO. 196WARREN 7NEAR Clinton A handsomolT furnlsie.l alcoro room, second story front, with amplh eloset room, hot air, hot and cold ivatT, Ac. suitable Jo gentleman imd wifo or two slnglo gentlemen: table and attendance first class: terms moderate; tsblo boarders takeu; references required. BOARD 169 SCJRMERHbRHT. Toss than five minutes' walk from City Hall and five minutes from Dr.

Talmege's ohuroh two extra large second and third floor sunny front rootnc, with or without open ate fire: alao a single room, with first class board; house prlvato, well heated and well furnished references exchanged. Apply aa above. BOARD NO CHARGE FOR ADDRESS esand Information ofthe mo.t rospetabio and comfortable boarding places in a 1 parts of ttio cltr. cither striolly private families or first olass boarding bousoB. SELECT BOARDING AGENCY AND REGISTRY FOR FURNISHED ROOMS, southeast corner of Fulton andRaymcnd flta.

BOARD A COUPLE OF YOUNG LA dlo who are in stores cr othor ttIbo omoloyed during the Orvn bo trfth good, plain board, where they would enioy home comforts. at a modoTftta oriee.wiiu amoow iaav una tinnrthtrtr applying at il Bergen st, eornei of Smith rinn second BOARD ON THE HlLL TO LET, with Kood board aud all home comforts, a plsissnt square room on sscoad floor aqd front hall room on third floor, to parties desiring pleasant, psrminont home at a vory moderate price looatlon ana neighborhood unexceptionable convenient (o four lines of cars. AduIi' at No. 459 Franklin av BOARD WAN TED FOR GENTLEMAN; wife and daughter 8 roars old, In a refined re.pot ablo family: room must be heated by stove, terms not to exceed prompt payment and permauant. Address RAND, Kagle ofBos.

ABOARD WANTED BY A GENTLEMAN JJ and wife, In a privateT family whera there are few or i nn borders location near ferries and not south of Atlantio av; (front, smany room re.tutred.l with firo (not heater). Terms, J70 per month. Address, with full particulars, A. T. E.

Eagle office. BOARD WANTED FOrTADYANT5 child (3 resrsi, from January 1st. In a plain, private Ametican family, nne large front room or alcove; will lor nish hor own rooms eroout carpet; state lowert teims and full partlonlflre; referenco given and reauired. A. Kaglootfice.

TlYOARD WANTED A OEl TrTTRAfAN tj and wife want a comfortably furnished pleaiant room, with all tncdern conveniences and board in a private family, within ten or fifteen miautes' walk of Lafayette av. Church, about the first woek in January; terms not higher than 9t2per week best references given. Address HOME. Box 9, Ragle offioe. BXtSBEn gOO.TTS.

I BURNISHED ROOMS ONE OR TWO handsomely turnished room to let, without board to gentlemen. No. 83 our doors belowHenry. FURNISHED ROOMS somely furnished rooms, with or without board. aU improvemonta, at a yery low figure.

Oall at 89 Hicks st. FURNISHED ROOMS LARGE AND small, to let, nt 19 Clinton st; house eootaine modern Improvements, and is aooessiblo to the leading oar routes and orries. FURNISHED ROOMS TO LET, FOR light housekeeping If desired, or for (rentlemen full or partial board If desired, Mrs. SHU BERT, No. Sfi Choover plao e.

FURNISHED ROOMS 211 WYCKOFF st, near Bond: a seat alcove room with closet; also, square and hall rooms; aU improvements; terms to suit the times to gentlemen only. FURNISHED ROOMS TO LET A warm room, suitable for one person also large aud woll furnished rooms; honsa contains modem Improvements, and is oonvenlent to ferries. Cranberry at. 1j pUKNISHBD ROOMS TO LET, ON Brooklyn Heights, handsomely urn'ahtxl rooms on second floor, large and small hot and cold watar and all Improvements; terms from 22 to 84 per week family prlvato and location first olasa. Apply at 15 Willow st.

UxHED ROOMS TO LET, HAND aomoly furnished rooms for gsntlomon, singly or In pairs, eight minutes from ferry and centrally located to theatres, churahes and City Hall, at very moderato terms. 61 Concord at. bet. Waahlogton and Adams. FURNISHED ROOMS DOUBLE OR single, with or without board for gentlemen terms to suit tho geatlanan would do wall to iauuiro if wanting a ko borne; table first oIJ.

tuquir. at 403 Bridgo st, near Fultoa. SHEWING AO IN AN iproved Slnaer sewtoB maeblne with drop leaf and rawer: has never been nseo nrloe m. Call at 7a Carl ton avxnear MJoV FOR 8AliE A HER BED A FIRST rate feather bed, good as new, at a bargain. Apply the hardware (tore, CIS Fnlton tt, Junction ol Flat yuau at, 7R" SALE FURNITURK A KOSR I i oetaro piano, rouoa oomm; a hnndimmn Sramus tet, two seie nanusome 'sve psiniinit, xtenslon table and mantel ornaments will bo sold low.

Gall at on co at 301 State sf, near Court. FOR SALE FURNITURE, PAINTINGS, eto Beautiful walnut bookcaso, with cylinder desk attachment, cost 685, for sjso; walnnt marble top hallrack, cost 845, for S3: olegant walnut library table, coit $7, for (880 splondid French plate pior mirror, tilth console, fit, cost 4150. for 46) also somo rare old paintings from dwln Booth'! private collodion. Apply to P. McMAHON i a aufi, oJ4 uuon at, near JLKSTllVCi'lON.

"INSTRUCTION BY A PHYSICIAN OF nifinrlnnfifl In nrnnirin atnrlpnfs fur ffnidnatl or on or Eagle fiospltal oxRaulattluai, Addreas Or. Uoi 17, otuce. .1 I COLLHOR. S8 to 41 Court st. opposite City Hall.

This is tho only institution in the city dovoted exclusively to business training. Students received at timo. O. OLAGllORN. Principal.

H. E. GrFFOrtD. Secretary. DROWSE'S BUSINESS COLLEGE, 304: fij and 500 Fulton st, oppoto Johnson (30 years at 295).

Separate lesso is dav aua evenlag; term dates from en trance writing, bookkeeping, by the Principal special teaohers and rooms for studuuts iu English. Latin, mathematics, aritiimtlo, mochmlcvl dratving. etc. rooms fprloiliea; terms to uit. Call or wtit.

EKKSI4ILL" (N. Send for illustrated If) pages, giving dotnlls THOROUGH AND PRACTICAL IWOIv koeDlng. telegraphhii. arithmetic, writing, grnm mir, Ac. Separate instruction.

all com tumice ar any time, liar siui eroning. Ldias' department. FRENCH'S BUSINESS A.VD TE1.KGRAPH COL t.KOE. Fultoa stroot, entranoo coriur Johnson, over Tieo's. HailSIOAI.

IXSTltHU'H'IONj 10L1.M1A 67B Rodford av, near Catos. CONSERVATORY Tuitloti for strictly prlvato lessons, B. 0 0 MUSIC per month. NO CLASS TEACHING IN THIS CONSKR VATORY. Musical Director, W.

J. RAND, Jn Orftiiist St. Luke's Church. Clinton nv. H.

"RIVERS' ACADIIY FOR IJANCINO, 17a St.tto stroot. corner of Court. CLASSES 1011 BlilUNNliRS NOW FOKMINO. Send for a circular. Tho rooms havo beon thoroughly renovated, aro now In perfect onior for prlvato sociables, concerts or dramitio eiitortaiumeuts.


l.BC'I 1INSDU LIFE lNSUliK COM1 AM No. 239 lTllOADWAY, NEW YORK. Accumulated assofs. January 1, 1S74. Surplus as to Policy Holders ,377,313.

Ratio of expenses (including tuxes) to SAVINGS BANK POLICIES A SPECIALTY. JOHN A. NICHOLS, President. OF.O. F.

SNIFF EN, Sooretary. K. W. DERBY. M.

Consilium Phv.h lan. JOHN F. Monauer of Aitencles. M. HllllJARD, Aoluary.


W.iVSrO RIOII'D A. MrOURDY, Ylco President. ROB'T A. OR ANNISB, ii Vloo l'roiidont.


OORWIN, Agont, 00URTST. B. H. COR WIN VO KN :0. l.


AUOHTKRNAOHT, Supurliit.mlout. Also yards: North I.ljrlith and Ninth sts. Wilhamaburga andTwou oiKhth8t.North Rier.Now Vork. rS'iHE NEW GOAL YARD, BUTLKR STREUT, between Bond and Novins I rospoctlully Invite the attention of my friends and tin public to my noir yard. I propose to my cti toiit ers tho best article ol co it at tho very lowoat market price A lull ton alwayj guaranteed.

Very M. T. OObisMAN. B. SOlioLES, COAL.


HOIISGS, CAIIIIIAIJES, Ac. HORSE, JHARNESS, AND TOP wagon. tORctlter with an oxpross routo for sale, choap ior uasn. Apply at liuuwrt uu. o.

it oonu o. YOUNG rlILClF COW FOR 8ALR, very iow porfontly gentle and a good milker. Apply at 863 Butler at, oor. Bo ia(or4 av. A HORSE AN LIGHT COVERED XjL waxon, tvlfhout driver, v.

anted to hire or about one woer, ior tigut en Qourcrws. Address VKhtVUBY, Eagle office. GOOD CARRIAGE HORSE FOR Hln cnnml Dnntln IctnO a good travBloT, in quire of l). VAn BUUKn, sbti rara av, uoiucun iu oa. aud 8 P.

11. AlilOE PLATFORM STRING TRUCK tor sale, 45 good at now, with a now set of dlYor nl(l narnasi also a t.unaillan maro anil tiro oilier cnosp horsos, fit for fii press or other work, at ti Baltic st, top floor. HANG OUT YOUR BANNER ON THE outwatd wall: Tho cry 1. Still thoy como. MOHB TKSTIMONIAL8! I Messrs.

Onltck A Wnrd. of Pennsjlvanla Coal Co, 3 Park soy: Dr. DULYS8HU'H EXTRACT OF OAH BO." 1 Ihu bet article for hoallnir wounils Ihoy ever ns.d, find oonjilder It indlspoiuiabln In thoir stable. Indorsed by all tvo luod ft. For sale at all Drtur and feed storos.

Depot, 41 Sjirttoo stroet, If. Yj OR8ES HORSRS 1 HORSES AT tho BXOELSIOR BO AUDlNli STAHLKS, KB and 1 Ytnilllr lington ni twontj gnoA wcrk. au dtlnK jnct frhm tho country, for fcala anu cionanst.e ai wny kop from twenty to forty uood honos op hand to 1UO OB lnt nor833 oily oo orK liori i tolot, A.'ifilN, proprietor. INN CARRIAGE AND SLEIGH JLJ MAKKH.S, FACrOllY 47, 49.

nnd IJKJKJJ.N STT ItKP03iORY SSiand 2W IXATBU.SH AV, near fciovonth av, Where wo keen onhnnd an ortmnnt oficnrrlaffos nt reduced priusi. Oauiie.i, iour nnd six rook.t'.Tjiys. oiten. Bion ton jump top aud un top ij.t!. tors' hujfuioa and depot traRonR, both nw nnd Bocondhft id.

Double and SIukIo Al ittny r.n I Purtluud: CuttorepI ouf ovrnniako from 30,00 and upwjrd. ORE TEfSTIMOJSIALS. tat hvtwict nr riirtTrnM This Is tooeitlfjF that wo have nml Dr. DKLlHSlvK'S extract or Cnrblm and oonsltler It tho best nrtiole wo bava ovor us td In If line. W.

II. RUDD Putnam av, cor Ormond plsoo. BW. IL Nelson, livery stable keeper or Wytbo av, soys It has no outtal. For sale at all drug and feed stores.

Depot 41 Spruce st. N. V. NE OF THE HANDSOMEST TEAMS 1 oarrla ae horses In Brooklyn for sale; Morgan half btbthert; darkbvown; perfect matoh: also ttaraoas. one coupo, ono round front rootaway, one park iiUaoion and one aw double slelgl); can be eesn at prlvato stable ror oartlculars apply to or address H.

O. Z.BHNAR 018 Broadway. N. Y. KNDERCUT ROCKAWAY FOR SALE, in goo qrdor.

for which tho owner Ins no use; will it low tirio. Inquire at Brooklyn JRhtlog Acauomy, 410 i'acitic i.i:i.v, no i JU REM1S COURT, KINGS COUN'CY uuitrial StiTtni Dank, a 'nl Mary A. (VKour nlv rrlfi, jiifAinBt Jam e.i B'kI Marj A. hi rrlf, Lo'iis Obordlock. John Frank Koiuob, Konn.Tv.

roni'ttr. Summons To the ahove n.iiried d'tfoodonts aij each ol the.n You are here. hy sutiiiiioned to aastror the coitiplaint In this xotion, and to serve a copy of youransiv.r on tlie piaititliT'd attornoys within twonty days after Eorvlceof this tmniuious. ox ciubive of tho day of service, and In caso of your failure to appear or answer Jadcniont will bo taken against yo'i l.y deiatilt for aeulande.l la tho ooutplaint. Da tel Oololior 17, IH77.

WARD, CLARKE A ANO KL, Plaintiff's Attorn.y, Ortito No. til Wailatreot, New Yo City. To.t OISoo addresi. Post Offio. Hoi iM's, New York City.

To tho derondants James O'Kourk and Mnry A. O'Homko: Tho forcgolntt Bumttions Is sorr.d upon you hy publication, pursuant to an ordr of Hon. J. W. Oilbprt, on.

of the Justices of the sill Suromi Court, dafsd thr Utii day of 1877, and with tho comptalul lile. I in the olhce ot tuo Clerk KingA County, at th. Court iious), In Iho Olty of Bro ililyD, Kliis Couity. New York. dl5 6w3 WAKO, CLARKE A AN01LPl'lI's Att'ys.

SUntrMK COURT KINGS COUNTY Maria O. Olcott against Daniel O. Pratt nnd othsrs In puriuauco of a juoginent of toreclnture and ale tnada In tnis acrion on toe teatu uay or uucomuer. 19, i nsreny give notice tliat on Monday, tlto sovonth day of January, 1M7H, at the hour of 12 o'clook, noon, at the lomraornlal Kx chsnite. number Fulton streot, la tfio City of Brooklyn and County of Kings, I nlll sell at tmhlla auction to tho bignest blddor.

the lands and preuilso. la said judgment mentioned and tnnreln described as follows, vie. Alitticio two certain lots of land and premises situate, lying and being in tho City of Itrooilyn, County of Kings and Stato of Now York, known and dlstinttulehol on a certain map oa file in Rogl.tor's Oifice ot Kings County entitled map No. 1. ol property "in the First and Third Wards of the City of Brooklyn, belonging to tho heirs of Samuel Jackson, dec.aed.

Brooklyn IH8K snrv.yod by Isaac T. Ludlam, Oily Surveyor, by the numbers tlw.lvn) and 21 (twonty onoj, vrhlch raid lots He contiguous adjoining each other, and taken togothor aro desoribel ns D0tnniag at a point on the westerly side of O.lunibia street, st tht cornor of land marked on ssid map "Frederick T. Poet thence running westerly at right angles to Columbia s'reet, ono hundred and itfty feet to Funnan street; thence so'tthery alo ur irman t(rl Jt wflnj' flro fet rhonoe astorly at rUht anrle to Furaiatl one hunarod aad tifty feet to Columbia aud ttieuou northwrly aloag Columbia street twenty tiv to tha place of beginning. Kscli of lot li tnolvo) and 31 (twonty ona) bofng la width In front and rr twenty five feet and in doptn seventy live loot. Th name ol said Columbia street having bonn cbongoi to and now koovrn as Columbia heights.

Dated lleoeoiboril, GERARD M. STEVEN'S, Referee. OHiSinEBB, Eouollroi; A PltENriBH. Plalnlilf'b At'or neys. deli SAW SAVINGS 1 71 MIGRANT SAVINGS BANK OP jlUIjrJl.a.S J.

OAV1HU.1 JLiv Vi' ii BROOKLYN, cor. of Court and Livingston i's. OPEN DAILY, from 9 A. M. to 2 P.

and ovory MO.V. DAY and SATURDAY, from to P. M. interest ou all turns entitled thereto, freo of Government tax. ANDREW DOUGHERTY, President.

H. LA AIAKOHK, First Vice President. CHARLES MALI, Second Vice President, F. I DaLLOH, Secretary. ERMAN SAVINGS BANK, Broadway and Boaram it.

B. (lncorrioratad OPEN EVERY DAY FROM 10 A to 2 P. M. Also, on MONDAY and SATURDAY KVKNINGS from 6 to 8 o'clock. DIVIDENDS PAYABLK APRIL AND OCTOBER.

Money deposited now and until January will araw throe months' interest April 1 WILLIAM DICK, President. GEORGE S. BISHOP, Coahlor. Br.u.l VlceProUd.nti DIME SAVINGS BANK OF BROOKLYN, EP7 and 86. FULTON STRF.F.T.

BltDOKLTM. Do. umber 14, The Trustees of thli Bank have directed that on th 1st ef Jinnari, 187 Intsre.l for tho six months ending cembcrai, 1M7. at therati ol l'l VIC PER GENT, p.r annum (In accordance witu tho law of the Mile; liuo rriud to the credit of all depositor, entitled thereto. Payable on and after January 1J, 1678.

Intereat not withdrawn will be placed to Iho credit ol depositors as principal, and will draw futures! from Jauu ar. 1. Deposits made oa or before JanuvtylO will draw latere, from JunUMi' 8EVM0UK r. UUSTICU, JOHN W. HrrsTlilt, Treaauror.

BxtUAkUM H. HvkiinuioS, Secrotsry. OR SAL rl a mrmrr ftlTNDAl at a o'clock. Miss WIMSLOW will address tht uosdaya and Tpufiidaya, at 8 P. (a J.

M. 0. 4, UPli Bt8 OF TEMPEAlfl MlNTH7A' te.n nt RPARVT.TNn WATER DI BION. No. 60, 8.

of T. Members of the order are re nl. STELLA HALL, Bedford av, near Myrtle. Come one, come all. A PUBLIC MEETING OF TBETfATHER MATHEW T.

A. B. SOCIETY, NO. 7. will be held sir HaU, Kent av, near Park, on BUNUA.Y EVEN.

ING, Decembor 16, at 8 o'clook, on which occasion an emluont sDeaker will address the meeting, and a host of vocal taient will be proHent. P. 8. There will be a special meeting of the Sooloty In the ball, at half past two o'clock, for the purposo of considering tho adoption of tho new bylaws. WILLIAM H.

UEAREY, President. JOHN SULLIVAN, Vice President. jJohm FITZentOHB, Recording Secrotary 21KAT, RACOTTB A LADY WILL SELL eloeant lone seal tucnue cheap for cash very nne seal. Sirs. PERRY, 2 Atlantio av, up3tairs.

i WANTED FIRST CASS CLOAK FIN lshors wantea those who on make a goodbut lODUOl preiUrr U. a.ppij ni 1 UUlu uhduu ANTED SERVANTS OF ALL KINDS at tue office manaaea Dy lames; sauuatiia EMPLOYMENT BUREAU, No. 29 Concord Bt. betwofm Fulton and Wasblnirton 9ts: thro8 blooks boiow UKs nan; mrui respectable women, who have never been at an oIBoa oororo, appjj uors ior aHuat iona. n.

u.riawa iur nov nurses, Ctoamtcrtuatcl9t Walivcot.t ecc "OlT ANTED TO ASSIST WITH LIGHT housewotlc, a young hdy: no wasWae one that is lnnkinv for rnni hnmn. whom shn will lie treated as one of the family references exchanged. Call at 862 Franklin av, corner of Loslngton, third bolL ANTED TO ASSIST IN THE HOUSE work of a plain private family, a youn (tin or good homo for the right one willing to work reasonable. Apply at 258 Bergon bc, near Nevlns. General Housework, THST ANTED FOR GENERAL HOUSE IV work in a private family, a neat, willing and com beiroodto cMdronandbavejeferencosi Selont girl must b9 goon to cniiaron anu nave reierences ormau preferred.

Apply at basoment door, 106 Willough oy st. ANED TO DO GENERAL HOUSE work, a Klrl must he a good washer and irouor; wazoi $12 per month. JUall at 150 Bergen at. WANTED TO DO GENERAL HOUSE work In a small family, a girl Apply at P22 Fulton "WAN MUB EP MA I.I5S. TST ANTED IN A REAL ESTATE OF 7 fl floa.

nn active. 'American bov Addross, in own handwriting, Bo 18. Eaele office. WAPt ED Sj'g'JAlTONS I' MALES. JSJ AN TED SITUATIONS FOR GEN jf nrnlhoiisp'STork.

or oorVa. nashorB and ironet, or to do upstairs work and waiting, by several competent 1 at fifkl rtnifrt rr (iV. i rnmrnn nnmnn. Ann nT, rnn i ii Tr.u tvuirjiui TjitrYtt a TT vVPlnn.iibv atT botween Jay and Lawrence. ANTED SITUATIONS NO CHARGE snnnllad with a servant: Swedish.

German. English. Irish, American and colored help furnished at FROESKR'S EMPLOYMENT BUKEAL, 611 Fulton st, opposite Flatbiteh av. The largest inatltutiou of the kind in Brooklyn; patronised by tho best families no chargo until suppllod with help. "ANTED SITUATIONS MANAGED hv ladles BROOTCI.YN EMPLOYMENT BfJ REATJ.

S9 Concord at. between Fulton and Washington sts. Family help of all kinds. Wo do not promise porfec. tlon.

but try to seleot good women for domostio service, without regard to nationality or religion. N. B. Wot nurses auuplled. CooHs.

wasner and troiiers. WANTED SIT ATION A COOK, washor and ironar. Can be neon Saturday and Monday at hor present omployer's, 102 First WANTED SITUATION AS COOK, washer and ironer: small family preferred. Call two days at present place, 130 South Ollord st.

WANTED SITUATION A 8 COOK, Jwaahor and iron or, or do eteno al hr motvork, by a smart, caps bio elrl: will bo fonnd iwat, economicn! and re bio servant a good cook and excellent washor and troner wilHnp and oblfstinK; beat of refcranoua. Call on Monday at lti Atiantfc aj, near Clinton st. AN TED SITUATION AS A JOUl cook, washor and ironer and to do rreneral housc TTnr'x in cmnll nrtviitft famllv. giri who ib renuy go to work has good city rofcronco. PlcaKQ cnli tor two duye at iso.

iho. iy avenue. lliott place, cor. Atlantic CnauiDeriiiaids. Wmtruitos, etc.

ANTED SITUATION A CHAM hnrmrilfl and to inks care of children, by a respect able roung woman 1ms pood city references. Call for two days at presont employer's, 474 Bcdiord av. ANTED SITUATION AS CHAM hprmnidfnnd it 1 1 r. fr. or would do sronoral house work In a small private family, bv a young irl host of city reference.

Ploaso call at IU fr'DBticorat. between Myrtlo and Park avs. WANTED SITlJATlOiS A CHAM bermald and waitress in a prlvato family, by a re apeotable young girl Is willl ohllglug; would goto a Kood borne for less wages. Call on or addveai M. 109 President ANTED SITUATION TO DO UP stslrs wor and would be tie to aaslst os lady's maid, by a respectable young Protestant girl.

Please oall tor two days at ioi Fulton st Nurses uutl Scaiintrebses, WANTED SITU ATION AS A CHILD'S nurse, by a reipsoublo Aniorlcan Protoatant woman can tike ontiro on ir.o of an infant, or would ss Bist with litrht honBowork: baa good city Call for two days at No. 'J Lafayotte avenuo, corner Wavorly place. ANTED SITUATION AS A NURSE and cham horn'a d. bv a American nrl: first class referenco from last place. Address or opply at rjonu st.

WANTBP SITUATION TO TAKE tm irlllinf tn flunlef iri' the ivnrk. bv a rniinpnf woman Is wlllinR and obligtug, and will mnke herself generally useful; best city references. Ploaso call at 65 Prince st, near Johnson. Hie ij urn I Mloubcworn. ANTED SIT ATION TO DO GEN housewrrk.

br a resnectablo vonnor woman: Is a good cook, wastiur and ironir Has good oity roforanoes. Call fpr two days av, cor. Yates av. WASTED SITUATION TO DO GEN eral work, tho sewlnfir andcookinir and make herself generally useful in a private family, by i an experienced iaay saiary smau. Auaress Kaglo office.

WANTE SITU ATION TO DO THE houseworlc or ohamberwork and waiting in a private family, by a respectablo girl reforences. Call at No. 103Bummltat WANTED SITUATION TO DO THE housework in a small, tidy family, whore no othor help Is required, by a middlo aged American woman. Ad dresi Box 3, Kanle ollicty WAfV'Jl'JKO PHOCESiilOKAL. AN TED ORG AN 1ST BY A YOUNG man.

anosttlon as ortranlst: Bnlarvnot so much an objoot as practioe. Aadress A. B. Basle oitioe. ANTED OHOIR SINGERS A VOL Yy untoor solo toaor and a few more chorus singers tor the choir of an Kpiscopal Churoh.

Address ORGANIST, Eagle office. ANTED PUPILS HOUR LESSONS nivAn tn ladies and mi mm of nelootod Hon In nil Knglish branches; wtltinir, url hmutio and mu eio a speoislty terms 3 per month. Call at 374 Fulton ei, secona noorironc. WANTED DRESS MAKINGA DRftSS maker of eiperionce wishes employment by the day or week: understands dross and ci a'i making and operates on several machines terms moderatu and references given. Address Knglo office.

WANTED DRE8SMA1CINI A COM potent American girl wishes a situation as dressmaker, or to do family Eewtnz: terms SS 51) a wook, with board, the Winter; room home. Apply 814 Kyorsoa street. WAN TED DRESS A KI NG A DTlESS mnker of erporirince whhas emDloymont by the dny or week; understands dress and cloak making, and oporatos on several machines terms moderate and rofor onces given. Call ai 19U South Oxford st. ANTED HOUSEK 15EP1N A widow In reduced circumstances, a as feamsttoss, housekeeper or assi 'aut in light houuk ep ina: satisfactory references.

Address or oall ou Mrs. 7)1 Lafayette av, near Tompkins. ANTED OUSBKEEPEK A vonnsf indv (Cnriadiaur. desires a nnuiHon na bousokeeper, orwould do do upatHir work and thoroughly compotont for either can fnniish boat of ref eronce. Call or address for three dhys, Misi M.

KIr EY. 141 Division av. WAITED HOIJSEKEEPING A SITU atlon as hon.ekeepor or would do sewing and light housework combined, by a young ldy of experience could be of croit service to an invalid lady or one having moro caro than desirable; either city or country best of rofer unoe giren and required. Address Mlta C. U.

11., 314 Mate street. WAWXKO ITllSCjil1l AM 757 AN TED BABY BY A RESPECTA bio woman, a baby to take care of or a child that is walking: has no other children tho 1 eitlof osrn and a good home will bD irivon. Ploaso call for two days at 15Paciilo stroot. WANTED BBY IMMEPIA or inside fchrea lays, a babrtowet nurse, by a respectable jotin woman, who hasjmr los. her om baby, two months old: boat or rofereaco can ba given if required alan by tne medical diotor who attended on her.

Inquire at 186 Van Iiuron at, near Franklin av. WAN TED PARTNER IN A FRUIT ost.tblisUed 183S capita'. 31,000. Inquire at plsoe of business, A. WALTON.

505 Fulton sL WANTED WASHING BY A BE speotablo woman, for the first two days in the week. Apply at 19 Portland av. ANTED WASHING AND IRONING bv a smart awodisti woman to ao at noma will do thorn well at CO Please oall or address Ko.117 UridneEt, Mrs. NELSTUANIJ.

ANTED WASHING AND IRONING, by a raiddl aired woman, at homo or wilt ko out by the dav or hoaeclcnlna; has Rood refomnce. Oall for two days at 1.1 Fulton st, top floor, right hand door. VTASiTr.n HOIiKIiR. WANTED HOUSE WITH 8UBOBL lar, improvements, and convenient to Fnlton Ferry give full particulars. RESPONSIBLE, officO; ANTED HOUfJE A TWO STORY frame or brlok hours, west of Bedford av and south of Myrtle av; $.,600 cash.

Address OYER, Eagle office. WANTED ROUSE FURNISHED A youug married couple with no children wish to rent for abont a yosr furnished house in a good neighborhood: a good ohanoa fr any ono leiving the city who wih their honso and iurnitnre well takon care of. Ad drooi BA.NKKR. Kaglo offioe. WANTED HOUSE AN UNKUR nished henso of about eleven rooms, with all Improvements, not over an hour from Cily Hall, New York one with extra ground preferred.

Address with terms, without which no answer will be noticed, J. R. TA1T, Box 839, N. Y. P.

O. 75T ANTED HOUSE FOR CASH A two and a balf storv. brick or stone bouse, south of DeKalb av. and west of Franklin av. prefoned new or in first olass condition, with all lmnr rvemonts ohe.p, at S6.0CfMo 87,0 0.

Address, tilth full description, locatiOD, CASH, Box 18, Eaglo office. WASFED PABTS OF tlOIWES. WANTED PART OF HOUSE FUR. nishsd. State location and price, which without particulars, no notice will be taken.

Address FAIRFIELD, Esgle oHloe. ANTED STOKES. "tHTANTED STORE $5,000 OASH AND So.wO of solid casn eouity, ior a store on uiton st, or Myrtle av, west of Bedfo rd av must be a bargain. Ad arsss or osu on a. o.

nuur.nn, ixviuk pi. VT ANTE BOOlfH. ANTED ROOMSBY TWO ADULTS: two or three rooms for light housekeeping, in good location with own ir preferred near City Hall terms must be low. Addross K. agio oaca.

ANTED ROOMS BY A GENTLE man and wife four or five untarnished rooms between Clermont and Grand, Atlantio and Lafayette avs. Aadress JAMES, Eagle office. ANTES) ROOMS TWO OR THREE rooms on second floor suitable for housekoepi near Oity Hall, in pilvate house; rent rom 12 to SI 4. Address, stating particulars and looatlon, O. IL Ragle office.

17T ANTED ROOMS WITHIN 10 MIN utes walk of City Hall, three or four rooms, unfurnished, by gonUeman and wile. Address giving location. rent, which must be moaerate, ana lau Dartioaiars, auur. Eagle office. WANTED ROOMS A LADY TEACH er.

hiTtoj: a gord piano, wishes a warm furnished room. In a prlvnte family, where, lessons wita practice would be aaen Id payment, or would rent pinno on re son ablo terms references given, Ao. Address PIANO, Eaglo oflico. ANTED OFFICERS FOR SECRET stvIco in citiej and counties; no political Influence entertained. )nojo self addressed envelope to JAJUU LKIV'KCK, P.

Box N. Y. City; WAKTE 1FLATS. ANTED FLAT FURNISHED TO irmn or Februarf l. a furnished flat: must he w.t'nin fliieon minutes' walk of Wall au Forty.

Audroj i hi. i. isas'O oiaco, HALL, dirner Gartt and Nwt and art, erew jBVNDATr atto'olook. Min WI OW trill address th yer mov (inri or ii Mi sts. Pretohlng by the pastor.

Bav. W. GOULD, at 8 and in p. M. mote reaping at 104 a.

qi. goats an tree. THE SECOND ADVENT tJHUBUM. 416 Adelphl st, near Fulton, Elder A. H.

WiLS.HK willriiBRCVi Tri MORROW atiOVS A. M. and IU P. M. Bubjectin the evening: "Christ." Prayer and testimony meetings every Wednesday and Friday evenings.

All are ooroiauy invltea. Beau irfte. TXANDERT kTTHOMPeOlJ, D. TT, will proach TO MORROW morning and evening, In the NORTH BKFORMKD CHURCH. Olermont av.

opposite the Itlnlr. Ssi rio. at WH and Vi. Bobject of evening sermon "Jesus Christ, tbe same, yesterday, ana to dayand forever." AllVIiNT MEETINGS EVERY SUWaY at the CHAPKL in Bridge it. noarTillary, afternoon and evening Elder GEO.

STORKS will apeak TO; MOHHOWat3F. oonoornlng "The Agt to Come." Other speakors In tho evening. Testimony meeting every luesaoy evening. A' dny) SECOND UNITARIAN CHURCH, rrnnaD tm TO.SfORROW tHun moriutiK.atlOrM, Rev. JOHN W.

CHAD WICK will reaoh. Sabjoct. "The Transient and the Permanent to Christianity." Vesipor Bervlce at 7j30 P. M. Subject, "Tho Great Propheoy of the Restoration" wun luusirauve readings.

Sunday School In the morning at 9:30. A LLSOULS' UNIVERS ALIST CHURC H. South Ninth st, near Fourth, E. Rev. ALMON GUNNISON pastor Concluding lecture TO MORROW EVENING, of ths dootrinal course: subjeot: "The Unl vorsnlist Idea of Heaven." Mission Sunday School service at 2:30.

at tho come of Ralph av and Monroe st. The pttblio cirdially invited. "A EVERETT HALL. 39S FULTON ST. Slr.

F. O. KEYSER, Inspirational Speaker, will trlct Conforonoe at Phenix Hail, South Eighth t. near fourth, erlday evening, Of. taonc oorataiiy lavicea.

I CLERMONT AV7 UNIVERSALIST I CHtTRCH, Hev. H. R. NYB, pastor, will preach at A.M.. and 7:30 P.

M. Evening lecture: "Tho Fate of Men Dying Sinners." Concort and recltatalons in this Church Friday ovoniny, December 21. The following Artists will appear: Miss Carrie Cristadoro, Mile Flora I Foroste, Miss Kate Fowler, Mr. W. H.

Sandler. Pro "Valsh and F. L. Backus, Miss IdaWoolloy, Elocu i tionist. YOUNG MEN'S CHRISTIAN ASSOCIATION, corner of Fnlton sf.

and Gallatin nlace SATURDAY. 8 P. service of song: loador. Mr. GEO.

STOWE. SUNDAY. 3:30 P.M., young mon's Blblo class 4:80 P. Gosnot ssrvice of song. Tuesday, 8 P.

lec turo by JOHN HABBKRTON, Tho Small Boy." WodnsBtlsy, P. Bible reading by W. W. CLARK. Thursday, 8 P.

young men's reception. All young men ore Invited. P. M. F.venlng mayors In parlor.

COLUMBIA'" MISSION, "206 COLUMBIA st. near WoodhiiU Regular MUston Sabbath School and exorcises by the ohlldren. at "2 o'clock. Wo most oarnestly invite all real irionds of usoful labor to visit us. HOME AN IT WEJWILL DO THEE GOOI) The voting pcsnplo of BETHLEHEM SUNDAY SCHOOL, (S7 Fulton st.

hold prayerand praise meeting every MONDAY EVENING, at 8 o'clock: service of tong at 7V. Yon nro Invited. A grand union lova feast Christinas Kvo. A watch meeting New Year's Eve. C1HDRCH OF THE GOOD SHEPHERD (EPISCOPAL).

MacD.inoash st, bet. Lewis and Stuy vosant avs. Rev. HENRY B. CORNWHLL, roctor Ser via TO MORROW (8undar.

Deconiber IS), at 10W A. M. and Tii P. M. Tho Rt.

Rev. BlhHOP LITTLEJOHN will proach in the evening. Strangers cordially welcome. CHURCH OF THE SAVlOUR'TFiRST Unitatian). corner of Plerrenont st, and Monroe rtlnc.n Rov.

A. P. P1TTN AM will Drtiaoh at the morulas: aivosoors.atl.tuellrBlor aaonesoi i i About tho Havlonr." Sunday Sohool at 914 M. Wiljow place Mission at a r. ai.

fljl AST BROOKLYN BAPTIST CHURCH, JL Bedford av, near Myrtle Preaohlng TO MORROW bytlio pastor, Rev. HIIiAM HUTCMNS. Sorvlocs commence at 10 A. M. and 7t! P.

M. Sabbath School at VA P. M. MK 7W P. M.

Morning "A Praotloal SI do of Chrlstlanltf." Sundav School and Bible Olass at HICKOK'S HALL, at 3X P. M. 7IIRST REFORMED PRESBYTERIAN nmninH nnfflolri st. Mvrtle av Itev. NRV1N 'CiODSInE.

Dastor. will proaah TO MORIIO at A. M. and 7 :30 P. M.

"The Onlv Method of Sottling Controversies botween Calvinitts and Armenians. Protestant! and Roman Catholioa," will bo dlaaufesod la the evening. FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH IN PIERRE PONT ST, now worshiping In tno chnroh in Nas yiu st, near Fulton Pie idling TO MORROW, at 10M A.M., by Rov. A. TEN BROOK, D.

of Detroit and at P. M. by Rov. J. S.

HOLMS, D. York. Sabbath School and Blblo clisaes at S.X o'olook. All are cordially Inajjed. iLEJ5T ST.

M. E. CHURCH, FLEET ST, n.iir TO MORROW at I0X A. by tho Rev. CURRAY.

D. New York City. In the evt nlng nt by Rov. I. J.

LANSING. Sunday Sohool at 2. Vountr Pooti'o's inootini at 6. Seats free. All are oor dlally welcome.


Rev. WKLI ESLEY W. BOWDISn pa3 tir The funeral of Poler La Brie, bettor known as 'Crunch Poter," will taKo place at 10 A. l. nr.

U1J of Now Vork. is einected to Fpoik. Subject for J2VRN IKG, at by the pas( or. "rares of Social Life." Plwlo Phtripat Hymna ui6d at this tarvice. Heats free.

All made welcome. Pt RACE PRESBYTERIAN CHUKCH, Lowls av, corner of Monroe et. Preaching TOMORROW. A. M.

P. by Riv. L. HALL. Rubjoctin eveninu: "Tho Wrath of God's Lantb." Snbbsth at 2 P.

M. Illustrated sormon on Tuos da ovonlng, at 7:90 o'olock, on "Joseph." A cordlalinvi tatlon to all. (GREENE A VrM. E. CHURCH.

BET. Tompklnt and Thrnop Prcacbintr in the MORNING, at 10 bv the Rev. ANDERSON, ann in tho EVHNING, at 7, by tho pns'or, Rov. CHAS. E.

HARRIS. Kuhjeet: "Romanism and Protestantism or, Ohilat and Petor Rvorybody made walcomo. UGH SMITH CARPENTER, D. nmtjir. will nrcaoh In tho HP.DFORD CHURCH.

IIURCH, morning, aoClc st, oatt of Bedford av, to moickovv andaterealntratbalf past 7. ANSON PLACE "BAPTIST CHTjIVCH Kov. Af.iOXANOKR ACFARLANK, liastor, will preach MORNTNG and F.VKNINO. Thnna tor cvonlna, ''Comely Clothing for (lod'i Priests." Young people's niutjtin Mondav ovenlnar. Icturo Wednesday ovonins, and Friday evening.

All are oordlally welcomod. HANSON PLACE M. E. CHURCH, OOR uor of St, Felix Bt Rav. GEORGK, 15.

REED, pastoi. prpitcliiriff TO MORROW at idjtf A. Rov. A. 5.

(iRAVF.S, P. B. At7X.P. by gonoral request, the pastor will deliver a cer.ond eormon on Tomparapto Subjeot; "Dr. Crosby on Wine: Did Christ mnke and uosn Intotloalinj Liquor 7" Sabbath Bohool at 3 P.M.

goung joopie's meeting at r. bi. T' TAF AYETi AV. CHUKUH KV. r.

pnvT.irn tll Tft MriTtRtW t. A. and at lU P. M. In tho von lug a discourse on "Religion moid umnoa ana iron liooiea.

OR A Vl AN CHUKCH, JAY ST, NEAR Mvrtleav Precohlne TO MORROW. Snnday. at A. hv Rov. 0.

L. MOKNC1L Sabbath lohool at Vt P. No evening service. All are oordlally iflvlted. ARC A VE SUE BAPrTST CHURCH, corner Monroe st.

RB17BKN JRWFERY. D. fiastor. will oreaoh TO MORROW morning and oven uir. Sunday School aud Adult Rible Clacsis at 3 o'olook.

All eoats free and every one cordially welcome. IDDLE RKFORMED CHURCH, HAU risnn t. nut Court. Tho Pastor Rov. EDWARD NGKRSOLL.

D. will nrer.oh Subleot in tho MORNING, "Heaven an Inherltanoe." Text In. the EVENING, "What Doest thou Here. Elijah." Fair and fnstlval upon Tuosday, Wednesday and Thursday, from 3 till 10 o'olook P. M.

NEW YORK AVENUE METHODIST EPISCOPAL CHURCH, cor. Herkimer st Proaoh lng TO MORROW at 10! A. by the pastor, Rov. J. T.

ORACI5Y, and at 7 P. il. by Rev. J. F.

THOMSON, of South Ainerloa. Sunday School at half past 3 P. M. NOSTRANI) AVENUE M. E.

"CHUUCH Rov. JOSKPH PULLMAN, paator. will proaoh at 10W A. M. Bubjoct The Breaking Down of Charactor." At P.

by Rov. A. L. ORAVfA Sabbath Bohool at Sit P. M.

AU arecordIally lovltod. PURITAN CHURCH, LAFAYETTE AV, oornerof Maroy Services SUNDAY, December 16, at 1(W A. M. and 1H P. M.

Preaching by Iter. L. SIN GLKTON. Sunday Sohool and Bible study at 2H P. M.

EARK CONGREGATIONAL CHURCHj oornerof Sovonth st. and Sixth av, Rev. R. SLT. t.

pastor Tbe pastor will preach TO MORROW morning and evening. Su'ijeot iu the evening "Sonus in tho Night." All are oordlall Invited. BEV. A. LYMAN, PASTOR, "WILL dollver a soeond lecture on "The Advont of Our Lord" TO MORROW RVUNINti at the SOUTH COM RUG ATION AX CHURCH, oornor Court and President streets.

EFORMRD EPISCOPAL CHURCH OF JC THE RECONCILIATION (froe), cor. Clinton and Amltv sts. Nntitn Brooklyn. Rev. W.

RE1D. Dastor. Ser vices at A. and 7:30 P. M.

Sabbath BchooPot 9:30 I P. M. Prajor meeting Wodnosdoy at 8 Jr. il. TJETORMED EPISCOPAL OHUHCH OF Iti Tim lnUAitni iion, corner t.ates av.

ann Irving pliics, Rov. M. McCAMPBHLL. pastor. Services at 10 A.

M. and7M P. M. Btmday School and adult Biblo OlsSEOd at 2JU P. Prayer meeting Wednesday evening at 8.

TTEV. JOSHUA OF MON fl.1; troal, Cannda, will apeak nt TA13ERNACLK CHURCH, oor. Clinton nt. and Third place.on tho subject of tho "Grande Signe Mission," TO evening at o'olook. Friends of the mission and others Invited to attond.

RIGHT REV. DR. MORRIS, OF ORE KOn. will pronchin ST. PETER'S CHURCH, State St.

near Bond, on SUNDAY, at I0t4 A. and make an address in the Sunday Sohool Building, at P. M. Wintor Arrangements Services at 10H A. M.

and 1 P. M. Vlflitoisprovldod with seats. Sunday Sohool at ftvr" A. M.

The young weloometi. Service in tho Sunday School Building at ai i P. M. Seats free. SOUTH CONGREGATIONAL CHURBH," Court st, oorner President Rov.

A. J. LYMAN, pastor Services TO MORROW at 10 A. nnd 7 P. M.

Subioot lor ovsnlno: "The Advent' of Christ." Sabbath SchooUnd BlbloCloBsos at if r. M. CjECOND PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH. Ollnton av, oor. Fulton St.

Rov. ARTHUR OROSBY oastor Services 10:80 and 7:30. Sabbath School 3:. Seats freo. SIMPSON M.

E. CHURCH, COR. OLtfR mont and WUloughby avs Prosohlng TO MORROW at 10X A. M. and 7M P.

by thojpastor, Rov. CHAS. SIMS, D. D. Kvoalng subjeot: "flood Society." YouDg people's prayer meeting at SH P.

M. Qi UMMERFIELD M. E. CHURCH, WASH k3 ington av, corner of fircone Preaottlnar at 10:30 A.M.. ETRov.

J. F. THOMPSON. Missionary from Montovldeo, Sonth Amerloa: at 7:30 P. by the pator, Rov.


the pastor. Rev. WAYLAND HO ITT, D. will preach to the morning at 10i o'alock subject, ''Hlndoring Things Helpful and in the evening at clock subjeot, "Its All areordially invltod to attond SIXTH AV. BAPTIST CHURCH, CORT Siith av.

and Linooln plnco. Rev. R. B. KELSAY, psstor Proachlni TO MORROW at 10X A.

M. and li f. or tne pastor. apusin at tno oio'e or evomnff ser mon, caooatn Sabbath Sohool at 2 P. M.

A oordlal Invitation to all. ST. MATTHEW'S P. E. CHURCH, Throop av, near DeKalb, Rev.

C. W. TURNRR. reotor. MORNINU.

RVHNINU. Sunday School, Friday evening, Strangers always welcomed. SANDS ST, M. E. CHURCH HOURS OF service, 10:30 A.

M. and 7:30 P. M. Rov. LINDSAY PARKER, pastor, will presoh TO MORROW, morning and ovenlng.

Subject for the evening: "False Ways. Seats free. Attentive ushers. Sunday Sohool 9 A. M.

nd 3:30 P.M. General prayer mooting Wednesday evening, 7:30, lasting ono hour. Como. THE TWELFTH STREET REFORMllD CHURCH, between Fourth and Fifth avs Thn pas. tor.

Rev. U. D. GULTOK, will proaoh MORNIXG and Subject for evonin: "The Wanderer's Vision and Vovr." Strangers aro heartily welcome. mABKRNAOLE BAPTIST CHURCH, J.

corner Clinton at. and Third plaoe THOMAS RAMBAUT. D.D.. LL.D., pastor, will presoh, MORNING nt 10:30. EVENING at 7:30.

Sunday Sohool ana Chureb Biblo ClrtB.iPS at 2 :8 Prayer menting at 6 :30. aud on Tuesday and Friday evanlns. A oordlal Vfoloomo to all. TRINITY CHAPEL, WASHINGTON ST, noar Sands. Rev.

WM. SHORT, poster Services TO MORROW A. M. and 7:30 P. M.

Leoture in ovonlng: "Christianity, tho Only Oround of Hope for tho Working Cla.soi in tho Confliot IJetween Labor and Copi. tal Workingmeu especially in vifd. TRINITY BAPTIST "CHURCH. CORNER Groone and Patohon avs. Preaohlnc by pastor.

Rer. O. E. COX. 10 A.

M. and 7I P. M. Sunday School 2H V. M.

On Wednesday and Thursday evening 19th and 2uth Smith's Louisiana Choristers will give a conoort previous to their departure for Auburn, N. on tho SHth Inst. Don't fall to hear them. UNITY CHAPEL. CLASSON AV, BE tween Fulton st.

and Atlantic av. Third Unitarian Socioty, Rov. S. H. CAMP, pastor Proaoning TO MORROW (Sunday) MORNJPfO, at 10 :30 Sunday School at 8 P.

M. All are oordlally inviteS. UNION CONGREGATIONAL CHURCH, Rlra place, near Fulton st. Rev. JOSEPH WILD, D.

pastor. Preaohln TO MORROW at 10S0 A. M. and 7:30 P. M.

Evealng subjeot: "How Msnassoh Is America." Sunday School at 8:30 P. M. All are oordlally invited. WARREN ST. M.

E. CHURCH REV. C. W. GALLAGHER, pastor, will preach at 10) A.

M. and 7 P. M. Subioct: "Tho Biblical View of Wine Drinking." Youns people's orayor meeting at 6 P. M.

8eats free. The ladle, fair Wednesday, Thursday and Friday aftsrnoon and eventnga. Christmas presents at the fair cheap. WASHINGTON AVENUE BAPTIST CHURCH, Rer. EMORY J.

HAYNES, pastor. MORNING service at Sunday School and Adult Bible Classes at 3:00. EVENING service at 7:30. A cordial wolcomo to all. SSrASHINGTON ST.

M. E. CHURCH, near Tlllarr Rev. D. A.

GOODSBLL, pastor, will nreach atlOl A. M. Subjeot "Do lanre or small churches So tho be3t work At7! P. snbjeot "Talking and Ooing." The lutcmnson family win give ono ot rneir popular concerts Christina Night for the booofit of the sohool. WESTMINSTER PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH, corner of First place and Clinton sr.

Rov. Dr. JAMES M. LUDLOW, pastor, will prencu TO. MORROW: In ttio at 104 o'clock, and will elve rending, frmn tho Book of Diniel in the evening at 1 o'clock.

Ktranpers aro welcomo. Sabbath chtiol at o'clock thu chfipal. yOKK. ST. M.E.

OHURCI1, COItM.ll Gold Prr achin TO MORROW at A. Rev WKLLESLKV W. 110WDISH. Vivst Place 51. at 71.

P. M. yllnv. J. L.

(5) LDF.R. Sundo.v Schoil mt.titig at 3 P. M. interesting spoajo. trUl udatos, the nieoiing.

You aro invited. IMPOKTAXT TO SUBSCKIBERS. Tho Eagle will be sent to all points of the Untied States for ilO per yenr, or $1 per mouth for a less period than tlx wombs, trots of postage. OT.B SUNDAY EDITION. The Eaole is novr published ewy day in tho weak, Included.

Ordor your carrier to leave it, or send your address to this ofllco. Price 3 oolite, Advertisements for Sunday Edition received at (he offloo up to 11 o'clock Saturday evening. BKV. J. HYATT SMITH'S Rey.

J. Hyatt Smith will lecture before tho Young People's Association of Tliroop avenue Presby teriaif Church, next Monday evcuhic, on "Sight Seeing Now York to Jerusalem." PAItK COSGRKG ATION. .1, CHL'Rtll. Tho Young People's Union of tho Park Congregational Church will give an cutortalnmontnext Wednesday ovoiiing. There will be music, vooal and inBtrumonUl, by local artiste, and a lecture by Mr.

Win. Hemstrcet on "Ten Days Betwcon Mouut Blanc and Mount Yeeuvlni," li. I. HISTORICAL SUCIKTl. Tho Long Island Historical Society will bold a rofjUlar meeting, next Tue3day evening, in Iba Second Presbyterian Church on Clinton ctrcet.

Hon. IS I. Pierce, of Boston, will icad a paper on tho "Private Lite and Literary Friendship! of Ch.rles Sumnor." Hit. HARRIS' LfcUTLHK. Mr.

Willinrn A. Harris, well known in Brooklyn from his long connection with tho prce, will on thn 3rd of January delivor a new and interesting lecturo on "The Flying American," in the Union Congregational Churcl), Elm place. The ieclme Hill bo accompanied with an organ concert by Mr. George W. Morgan, of the Tabernacle church.

SABBaTII observance MEKTISR. A mR88 meeting in the interest of Sabbath observance will bo held to morrow afternoon, at the Simpson M. E. Church, oorner ol Clermont end Wil louhby avenues, commencing at quarter lour o'ctook. Addresses will be dolivcrcd by Rev.

Dr. Kot tolL of tho Summtrlleld M. E. Church Rev. Dr.

Fulton, of the Centennial Baptist Church, and Rev. Dr. alma, of the Simpson Church. BIBLE CLASS K.VrEUTAISJIIi.NT. Lafajrotto avenue Bible class, No.

10r, gave a sooinl and literary ontertalnment Thursday at the rarUence of Mrs. E. L. Ealbflelsch, South Portland avenue. About 200 poople were present.

The ontnr tftlnmerit ooneisted of otuslo, vocal and instrumental, and recitations, in whioh parts were oreditably taken by tho Swisses CrnlkBhank, Kfss TenEyck, Mfss Llllio ipiieers, Mrs. Brueb. Mr. 'WilUomB, lr. Cautrell, Mr.

Calmer, Mr. Frlckenhaus and tar. Chapin. Tho entertainment was one highly craditable to the teacher of the class, Mr. Field.

It was the first of a series which la proposed to hold. SPARllINfi FOR CHARITY. A grand sparring and athletic outortnin ment will take place in Mozart Harden next Friday evening, the proceede of which will be aovotoil to ono of the most worthy charities of Brooklyn. Among tho professionals who have kindly volunteorod thoir services are JoaQoss, ohampion of England, Patsoy Kelly, of South Brooklyn, Bllljf Edwurua and Arthur MulleD, Professor McClelland and Dooney Harris, Biddona Mouse and Jimmy Kelly, Professor Whitney and John Xoary, Mike Coburn and Qoorgo McOarty, Fronk Short and Mike Noonan, Johnny Dwycr and Steve Taylor, and Ellis and Brown, the Devonshire wrestlers. Harry Hill will act as master of cerenionias.

Tho regular Moiart Company will also appear. A surprise is hold iu store for the audionco. A nolod Brooklyn politician, yhoao namo cannot bo givon now, will put ou tho gloves with Dwyer or Taylor, and thore will bo sure to be fun. SHI LOCK. Tho extraordinary extravaganza of "Much Ado About the Merchant of Yonico" by John Brougham, Is tho most laughable of tho emanations of that actor's versatile genius.

It follows, of course, the Shakeipeare pliy, travostlng the languaRe nud burlesquing the characters in the most absurd and Btde splitting style. It Is two hours of oondenscd fun, Is bujuorous without being ooarao, and fnteusely fuuny without transcending tho bounds of refinement. characters on this occasion arc taken by Bomo forty gentleman of Brooklyn and vicinity. the bright particular stor and proprietor of the establishment with the throe Golden Ballp, is Mr. Harry Hutch, who does to naturo I'ortia, with a laughable song, Is Mr.

Arthur Hatch. Xiifouio, Mr. Frank Jenkins, Tubal, Mr, 11, 8, Bussing, emo, the Blave of Jctsica with whom bo elopes, lit. Harry Howard, etc. Although nil are amateurs, they have played "Shy lock" with Buch succoKS (hat thoro is Utile uinateuiish uess about the performance, Tho numerous solos and ohorUBes which arc intciflporsed through the play are remarkably bright and ludlcroits.

The dramatic pcrformauoe is to be preceded by a aeries of popular "College 8ongs on tho Fence," by a chorus of fifty. The ontertalnment take:) place at the Academy of Music, in this city, on next Thursday ovun ig. Good eeats may still be had by applying at Ohandlcr'e on Monday. MUSICAL A.VD WKA3IATIC. First SMilltiaTmotitc Concert.

The third pbilharnioiiio rehearsal of the sca aon waa given at tho Academy of Music yesterday afternoon to an audience of unusual sizo. The rehearsals hitherto had been givon merely by tho orchestra under the leadership offTheodore Thomaa. but yesterday afternoon tho full programme was uiven, including tho performances, by Mr. Richard Hoffman, piauiat, and tho St. Cecilia Vocal Socioty of this city, under tho direction of Mr.

J. Fitzhugh. The porforuimco was in every way satisfactory, but as It will be given formally this evening it may be well to leave it for discussion to morrow. Following Is tuc prograuim in full PATtT I. 1.

Symphony In Cmlnor, No. 5, Op. 67 Beuthoven 1. AHosrro coa brio. H.

ch jrzo. 2. Andunt) con nioto. 4. rinalo Allorro.

3. Hymn to music, (cotuuosud for this Society). Buck St. CocIlK Vocal Socioty. 8.

Concerto, Op. til. 1st Movement. Hummol (For Piano and Orchestra.) Mr. Richard Huilmrn.

PA11T II. Overture. Interlude, invocation of the Alpino Fay, Mnnfrri.l." On. 115... Schumann a.

IvootLirno. UD. 43 6. Piano Solos, b. Mazourka.

Op. kl. No. 2 Chopin o. vntae.

up. is Mr. Richard Hoffunn. I a. "Reaurgatu f.elie h.

"Nielit," Blumeatlml 6 Patt Songs, Ht. Uccilia vooal Nocfctv. 3. Solootions from "La Damnation do FuUBt:" Evocation Minuet dos FoIIets Ballet des Syiphea Berlioz Maroho noaaioiso, Rakocfy ttexv ParK Tltentre. The lust performances of Mr.

Frank Mars don'a Interesting and truly original domestic drama, "Nomeais," will be given at the New Park Theatre this afternoon and evening, with Miej Charlotte Thompson iu the principal role. ThoRC who have not seeu hoc or the piece should take tho presont opportunity ot seeing ohurmiug artist in a pretty and attractive play, 1.0TTA. Tho star at the New Park Theatre next week will he tho inimitable and irrepressible child of nature, little Lotta. Sho will appear in "Zip" and "Musette," supported by her own company. Colonel Sinn's organization will then bo traveling with Mr.

Owens. TALHAGE'S TALK. Tlie Atlantic Avenue Horror Vounir Donlon's Self Sacrifice A Thrilling Illustration of Vicarious suffering. Ttio Divorce ltecoril and tUc iilar rlairc Itelntion Oontildered. Mr.

Talmngo lectured, as usual, last evening upon the secular events of the week, viewed from a religious Btandpoint. There was a large congregation in the Tabernacle. Mr. Tahnage said The nioBt thrilling evont of thojweek has passed with llttlo recognition. It waB eo near that we cannot realize it.

It was at the corner of Atlantio and Grand avenues, Brooklyn, whore last Tuesday Donlon rushed on lo tho railroad track to rescue an aged woman from doth. From the wounds thore received he died in Ihe Jbospital and waa burled yesterday. Thoro will not be written in roRsrd to him two lines of poetic obituary. He will hare no marble inouutuont his grave will he comparatively unknown, and yet I pronounce him a martyr Latimer, Ridley, Hugh MoKall, John Wick liffe, the Thebau Logion not more certainly throwing ihouiBOlvee Into martyrdom than did he. It tawers above all the other events of the wock, that a nsau to Btvo ono whom ho never knew snonflcod Mb own lifo.

He might havo argued It is an aged woman: she wiU die soon anyhow." Or he might have Bald "It le a woman In vory poor garb, and she will not be missed out of tho community; boeide tbt, It Isn't more my duty to rescue her than it 1b tho duty of other poople passing by." He stopped not thus to rea on, but crying out, "That old woman will bo kiUod rushed out for her defense ahd wan himself wounded nd mangled cariied away to die. We wait until events are past a century or two, and then we bond over the hlstorio page in admiration and tearful rap ture: but I now givo notice that when I Bee an Illustration of vicarious sacrifice, I shall bring It fretb before the peoplo, especially when it was not anoro than four days old, and not more than 3 Oiile off. Wo ore too apt to live for ourselves, tasking our safety first, and choosing our own ease, and when with self abandonment a Donlon rusbois INTO THE WILD JAWS OF DEATH to pluok a perfect stranger out, let us lift the incltnt until all the church and all tho world recognize an 1 appreciate iL We go into teohnical definition il our churoheB to bUow what vicarious sacrifice is. Let it i.u more be a dry technicality. If you want tokuowwhat is vicarious, go up as I did this aiternoon, to the corner of Grand and Atlantio avenues and learn what it is to die for others.

For whom would you die Perhaps you might for your wife or child. How many of us would die for total strangers Under ronah jackets sometimes the Lord puts bigger hearts than those which beat under our satin and broadcloth. In our effort to save others, we do not want to get our feet wet, or our hands toiled, or our apparel Minted, or our lifo imperiled. Give its something elegant and eaiy to do. That ie the feeling of most of us.

for the epitit of Donlon, sanctified, willing to rush in anywhere to save men for this lile nud to save them for tho life to come. Among the events of the week Is a long Hit of divorces, such as I never remember of seeing In one week. In one column of a paper I oounted eiht aivoioa oases. What is the matter Is XHB MABB1AOE RELATION A FAILURE Have thing! bo ohaaged that it la best for msn aud woman toTje alone No. The institution waf Cod eBtabltshed, and proportion as it Is honored, happi nes and good moral! prevail, and when you raid eight oases of divorce in one week, you may pronounce them eight dlBwtcr, What is the matter of iranoe to day What has beon the matter all along Ae a nation, Frenchmen do not have a very hlgh regard for the Institution of marriapte.

The work of her caricaturists has been to defame it. Oaveron, her most popular artist, makes nineteen out of every twenty of hla iketches a defamation of matrimony. Sujinlcion and infidelity refgn la too mony of the domestic circles of France, There are plenty of restaurants and plenty ot boarding houses and plenty of place where aU things aro held In commin, but few bomes. Until things aro rectified in this respect there will be no permanent peace lo France. The only safe oornerstono for good government Is the LearthHtono.

Tho troubj, all the way down, from Louis XV. until to day, is that France has a lank the homo feeling. Without that, discontent, immorality, social aud national ruin. What la truo of is tr.ic of Spain. JSo permanent government, bocauco uo home.

A cnii I 1SJ JU WX s. 7 A' gohermerhom et. bet Bond and Hoyt A nleoly fur nished aaoond floor, with every errancement for light nousekoentng also pleasant furnished rooms with or with. out board; bath room and every improvement in the house to the right and permanent ptrllos liberal CMJRNI8HED R430M ON THE HILL I JQ To let, suitable for one or two gentlemen; hot and cold wator, neat, bath, 4c; first class neighborhood 90 minutes from ferries by four different lines ol oars prlvato family; board on Sunday If doslred; reference required. I Address COMFORT, Box 36, Eagle office, FURNISHElTRbOMS TO LET, FROM 81 weekly upward full board, If rerjuvrod meals 1 served in rooms without extra charge; all oharges moder i ate this house has all modern convenionces parlors, pianos, reading, smoking and bathing rooms, laundry.

Ac. washing per dozen, 76c Marble House, 1P7 Fulton street, above Nassau. HOTELS. ANSION HOUSE, ORANGE, N. J.

Kleffant annay rooms fortboso enfTerlnff from asthma, trot or otaer puimoiiary aiseaaea. Terios moderate for tho Wiutor moaths, TV. McOHISSNEY. Proprietor. mo LET HOUSE A SMALL HOUSR Wltli goodBtnble.

Inquire at LITCHUTT'S milk depot, oorner uaiesana ompiunBav. IO LET HOUSE NO. 99 CUllBiK land st; all improvements in periect order; wui from tfood anv offer. Inouirts of J. DAVEN accept POHT 4 SONS, acrents, cor.

Fnlton and Portland avs, or jp jlij. auuo i iiu itast st, n. i. TO "LET RE STO Frpnoh roof extension frm houfo, all improvo ments; veatinuM door: front and side entrance; in ordr; flimato 1,103 Paclilo at. jar Franklin av.

Oirner. O. T. DOTTEK. 30 Barclay st, N.

TO LET HOUSE THE FIRST CLASS three story, brown stona front home, No. 4Q9 kins av, near FuKon et; vory reasonable; is in perfeot order; noar schools, churches, car routes, and very healthy location. Apply to JAMES A. FISIIKR, 1,416 Fulton tt, opposite car tables. TO LET HOUSE NO.

18 LIBERTY ST, near Oonoord; five minutes' walk to Fulton.Wall st. or uatnartne eir.ea; tnree story, attto ana iiasotnont; ttir na.e. TanKC bathroom and all imnrovemen a. in stood or dor will be ronted at a low iifturo for tho Winter. AUY STEVK NSON, 195 Fulton st.

dl 5 61 mO LET PER MOINTH JL only, for the nice two story honse, with basement and cellar, No. 137 Fortieth st. bet. Third nnd Fourth avs In porfoet order; cars to all ferries. Apply on tho pvem i cs, ot to JOHN A.

PRICE, Tniirj lghin st, near Third avonue. TO LET HOUSE A FINE THREE storr basomont and subcollar stone front on Pcificat, near Bond; has all improvements; 12 ronms; in perfeot order; will be rented very low to a deshable tenant from date May 1, 1879. Keys at office ot 11. O. J.

I. JONES, Atlantio av. 10 LET HOUSES ON VANDERBILT av. bat we pa Park and Flihin! onGrjtud av. batirafln Iib and ia.avtitte on Stouben st.

be two on DaKalb and Lafayotte avs; on. Olasion av batwaen UoKilb and WUloughby also, two story frame honse tn Union placo. Theabovo houses contain aU the modern improvements and clasp order. U. E(JHEVlmU A t) Beaver st, Now York, or 870 av, Brooklyn.

TO HOUSES HJSimasaaiiB. mO LET HOUSE FUHNISHED ELE cnntlv furnished, a throe story and basement brick house, situated iu the neighborhood of Pacific street and Bod ford av; will be rente 1 to a small family of adults at realty no rent, oooupmts, wlxo are owners, going South; care of house and furniture of inoro consequence thnn, rent; first class parties with bast of refereoes only need apply. AddreBe U. Eagle ofgoe. 'XO ET PARTS SflOa, SE9 "LBT" JART OF HOUSE SECOND floor of three rooms In good order; us 3 of bathroom adjoining.

Apply on, 09 Adams s. TO LET PART OF ARLOR floor, with basraent pood flized rOG iris all Jmprove' meuts: also to sell, very ohoap, splondid furniturd and carpets, Call at 6rt Butler st, not. Court and Smith. TO LET PART OF HOUSE OARL ton nv, a basoment and parlor floor of five rooms, with extension ia in good order and contains th nn dom improvements; ront ouly 420 per month. Apply to J.

DAVKNFOKr A bONij, cor. Fulton arrd Oxford ata. TO LET PiVRT (5P OUSi NO. 380 BogTKwat near Smith, brown atone front, tho eoo onc floor and two rooms on third floor, to a good tenant n) imyrovenionts. and ront extremely low; po.soBsioo.

Iru modintely. J. B. COHNKLL. 41 Court st.

1 npo liii'r PAtiT of" Hbusfj rpITooR JL in first olass Iprivato honse, furnished for light, housekeeping to a email, oardful family 2 per month ton minutes from Hamilton Ferry. 94 Third place, a few doors west of Cou.t et. mo LETPART OF IxOlfsE THE JL iorer part of tho tliree stoxy brown stone house. No. 63 Pacific st, near Flatbush av, and consisting of seven rooms, with ail tho rent par month.

Apply to l.UNAKD UOOI3tr. flit) jontaytio at. TO LET PAXV'F'bF HtOUEl NO 40 Elliott place, near Lafayette av, tho second fbor. containing three rooms and and two rooms and otoreroom on third floor! location excellent; nil improvements and in good order; possession January ,1. J.

K. iUKiSiisljL 4 UOUXb at. LET A Vtrn T7' OT? TTITI)T 1 JB. story of house 2 Washington st corfYenlences. wa tar, waste pips, good closet room, in same; halls and stnirB furnished with oil cloth, ote.

large yard, good under cellar, good neighborhood, contra! location, being near City Hall. ferries and aU cat routes ly rent, irom January good ruiorencei required. In quire on promises. LE4 LET f3 ORANGE ST, RE twin Fulton Rnd Henry rive rainntos1 walk to Fnlton Ferry nine rooms; range, boiler, bath; hot and cold wator In BlofiDlutf rooms hnl.a kept n1 furnlanod; janitor in the building. CAHV AJiX VENSON.

Fulton st Tfi0 LhlT FLAT FRENCH VUUF IN Jtt. Dohorty Buildlngi. Flatbush and Roventli avs, soven laruo rooms, with all la'est injprovomouta. aqd ona iHcht up flat has jujt been pat iu hrsl clu3 order lnoa tion 1j uncsptionftbl'. rout modorato.

AppW to J. DU HKRXy, 91 Flatbush av. TO LET FLATS" PR NC PL ATS (X rooms, all improvements, SB1 and $1B; floors of six hivo wior, apartineDt oi tbre: and four rooms, witter, Ac, $6 to $6 also a nico store, titled up with counter an shelving, nnd tvro back rooms, $V2. Ajiply to CHAMUJ5KS, 7yGat.3av. TO LBT FLATSTHr5NiOESTTLATS in tho city, containing six rooms and bathroom, all tho latost modern iraprovouioits, in nor th.

oe Ptory brown slnne hiuae, just comploted, on prlvato fit reef, convenient to Prospect, Park, wiriiin dve minutaa' walk, of fivo lines of railroads; rent vory moderate. Inquire on premises, Dean et, near Franklin av. mo LE FLATS "fewvao ant" JL apartwenta can bo had by Im mod la to in Home corner Hicks and Baltic streets. One dweUinir, 3 rooms, $1.60 per week. One dwelling, four rooms, per wook.

Two dwellings, five rooms. S2.60 and $8 One dwelling, olx room, ranse nd bath, 154. IS.ich dwelling has sanarato water cloaet, ash shaft, sta tionsry tub. sink, eto. Stairoase firepro.f Apply on pram isca to R.

S. JJAYTON, agont. XO Liiu i OB HSlNK8PVliVtoSlt.t!!i. mo LET BOOMS WITH POWER, TWO JL floors lOxlOtl with olerator; ground floor Wx5u; throo floors 8nx86; all hented by steam; alco. throo storf brick faitory 0x40, without ppner.

CARY A STK ViCNSON. 1 Fulton st, or H. W. on premises, Piyraauth st. TO LET EVERETT fiALL FOR PAR lor ontort lnments, concerts, lectures, private dramatic societies, Eoclibleft, io.

rooms for literal and social clubs. lodges aud in general aljo, very de Birnblo music rooma, No, csys Fulton at, bevween Hmith st. and Gallatin place. TO LET MACHINE SIIOP A term of years, at a moderato rent, the machine shop nf the Burden Iron Oiiabllsbort in 1533, and now doing a good bnainess. The prmlse i have be in re ino(UJed, and refitted with machinery especially adapted to trie building of ptonm pumpa and hydraulic elo vators.

Tno pumps nnd dJpaiorss aru patontod maoninea and tho proforenco In building will bo given to ho loesaea. Twolvu elevator iveio built in 1876, IX) in 18K and 0 in lfc77. with aprospact 16il boing wanted in Other Bpocialtles equfiliy promisg. A rare opportunity to secure a pormanont business with a modorato cnpital. Mr.

Mitland. tUe pie.ent partner, who has boon foreman in tho establishment for 26 years; would take an intorost in tho business or would remnin as foreman and attend to the depnrtmont. The iir't floor of the buildings. lS.ifO square feet, will bo routrd for your, aua business to tho nmonnt of glOO.Wlier your mr.y bo done by the lcssflt'F, providod they have tho oapltal and ability to do the work. Apply to WILLIAM BURl.COi.

corner of ron an Po rl a s. xq s'fK s. LET STORES ATLA I A near Third, store, with two largo show windows and good cellar, rout to May I. $25; Atlantic uoar Adolphi ot, store, one nhow window and rotr $tti pnr mouth; Atlautio av, near Nevins at, itoie, one show window and back room rent $18 per minth. Apply to PULASKI O.

Flatbush av. mo LET STO RK C) LEASE NO i rent tbh month 1, 217 flrondway, corner of Ivy st, with hot and cold iior; bath and wanhtubo combind; wator and elevator; woll ca'cilstod for grocory or b.kor.v.dry. fancy or iurnlshlngstoro: haslet for a drug atoio the two laet years; will ba let at low price; JifI4 nor month till May. thon 3(30: twrinty hvo minutes R'loao velt and tiriod at. f' rrle.

Apply at No. 1,207 con dwar. (lngorsoll place); come and talco a look at It. I have huon offered (ttlu and would not takolt; it Is no? ti lot. FOiS.

SA HOUSE NO. (57 i AlUiEN el, throo story and basoment brick jiric Apply to II. O. 4 J. I.

JONES, 363 Atlontio av. piOR SALE HOUSE NO. HO KOSCL usko st, two stpry and bassment brick, modern improvements price 8,500. Apply to B. L.

ORANS, No. 112, same blook. FOR SALE HOUSE OR TO LET THE threo story and basement brick house. No. 53 Prospect st.

cor. Adams all cheap and on oay terras. Inquire at No. 7 Prcspoot St. or No.

396 Cuinbor land st. XflOR SALE nOUSE A BARGAIN House No. I I7 Rodney st, E. D. four story boiru stone, btsomout, lilnh stoop.

Philsdolnhla brick, in Rood order.atalowfigave. WM. TRlSr BAlLKY A auc tlouoors, Old Post OfSco. Nassau st, N. Y.

lilOK SALE HOU.SE A BAKGA1N JftJ No. 120 Harrisun st, next to the oorner of Hlolta, three story and basoment, high stoop, btick; In order; lot i8 i WM. TKISt' A auctioaeen. Old Post Olhce, Nassau st, N. Y.

jUR SALE HOUSE CORNER STORK At a dncidpd ha ain. The now throo story I'hl Eadolnbia brlok. ou soutbexsl oorner of Fourth av. and Fif teenth st: all improvements; very send looatlon, 39x45x.0. Very little cash needed.

BURUILL'S, 4 Filth av 7OH BALE HOUSES A BARGAIN Two housot on Harilcon St. southwest corner of ih ivr Tilar tliip t.OT nrt iamfmt blh stoon. bri'ik: lot 22x76: will bo sold at a low price. Aplylo Wal. TRIST BAILEY A auctioneers, Old Post Other, Nas sau st, N.

Y. HTIOR SALB HOUSE A 3 STORY BASE JP inont. 13 rooms, all improvements; In first clam order; painted inside nnd out walls painted Franklin ar. near Lafayette: prlco. $4,500 a small amount of cash will bs taken.

Fur further particulars, apply to J. L. liOW LAND. 693 Myrtle ay. ClOR SALE HOUSES OR EXCHANGE Two new four story, brown stone housoa.

laid out In flnta, we.t side Henry adjoining comer of Baltic: will exchange for vacant lots, or soli on easy terms, and low forcaih. Inquire 11. C. MAC KKELL, Counselor at law. No.

11 Willohghby st. FOR SALE HOUSE TO Ah estate, fijt class 8 story and eitenalon brick dwall ing bouse, 11 rooms, all improvements, good order; rentod until May 1, 1873; ou Carlton av, noar Groene; 70norcont cxn renmln on uoitjfne; a rare opportnnity. For particulars apply to XAVfl O. RI ID, 1,03 Fulton st, cornor ot jJowntng. "gOR" SALE HOUSES A SPLENDID JL' cornerstore; a good chance for grocer or out her; will lo sod very cheap and on essv terms of Roia ar and Maditon Jso, th ss nic.iioir iiomea on PeKnlb av, wjet cf Held handsome and substantial to nna to suit.

Inquire on premises, or of P. MULLED 67rf (Juinoy st, IXOH 3ALE HO0SE9 3IX TWO STgliY 1 and basement brick wailing hott os with cxtca on Dlviston.av, bei. Secoad and Third at, E. five minutes from Grand and Roosevelt ferries houses tirst class in every partloular, with extra improvements and finish, can ba in peotcfl Sundsy fsoe wntchman): terms easy. Apply to McLOUGHLlN BROT11EHS1 factory, on Southieventh at, noar Third.

FOR SALE HOUSE VERY LOW, OR to lot, "So. 34 LotfoTta st, near St. James placo, a handsome three story, brown stone house, 20xl, bnlU in the most thorough manner; baa all Improvements: ia excellent order; first class neighborhood, will bo sold very lower let for occupancy Feb. 1,1878. Ponnit given by tho owner, Ml Washington av.

171 OR SALE STORE CORN STORE The best location in the City of Brooklyn for a grocer or drugcrist. The now story brown stone house, 30x6(1x80 plate disss ahow windows all modern improvo menUiimust be seen tobe appreciated; tonus easy. Inquire on premises, cor. Franklin av and Dean st, or at atone yard, cor. Fourth at.

and Wye toff it. OR SALE HOUSES PARTIES DE siring to purchaao a how flrst olaaa brown stone to, cheap and on easy terms, will do well to call and see thorn bo for buying on Vanderbllt avenue, between Greene and Gates; also, on Brevoort place, between Bedford and Franklin svb; take Fnlton st. cars: the cheapest houses in tho city. T. B.

JAOK30N, builder, on the promises. FOR SALE HOUSES AT these prioes 162 Clermont av, 3 story brick stone stoop, 14 rooms, all improvements, lot 26 feet front, only 870O, remain 108 Clermont av, 4 storylfrsrae honse, 25x40x11)0, 13 all improvements, onlv Lafayotto ar. 3 extension frame hotifo, 2i'il00, only Hall st, 2 story and basemant frame, all improvements, 2Ux.5xl00 3,70. Bnnks can't fail upon jou. All pay 10 per cent.

Apply to EOZELL, 3i Myrtle av, in ahoe store. FOR SALE HOUSES ON THE Heights, Grace Hlcke st four first clssa new i brown stone front houses, four stories and has erne nt mont extra lare and wainscoted with veneered paneling: psrlora finished in cabinet work of the latest design, wim wninscoting In halls to correspond with parlor trimming three tipper stories hnisbed with extra heavy ttlmmiuff and consists of larro aUapiny apartments and with numerous pantriea, closets, etc. marblo wasbtrtya in each room plumbing and all work done In the bi possible manner. Apply co owner, J. DQUK11TY, on promlioa, ox l24 latbuah av.

I i I i MONEY MARKET. The Silvof "Slaave" and I'uitod States Bonds. A Question for tho Masses to Consider. Tho Collapse of tbe National Trcst Company Trade Reports aud Statistics. Gold Down Slooki Dull, Wali, 8tb mi, Doenibr IS.

The Financial Chronidt, of to day, thus figures out the "saving" whioh would bo cUeoted bf paying the interest and principal of bonds in silver haviug 9 cents gold value: On lutoreH of 3fU.1,07,000 to niaturitr. S7.1I7J On principal of same at maturity 187,731,781 Total "saring" II those bonds can be refunded at (our per oent, tho saTlng fn Inter! and prinelpi! wonltt be 343,61, SOD or $18, 12,319 more than tho "saving" bj the substitution of silver Ior gold. The flurry in our boud nitrite! on Thar8dr, ti which we referred jostordaj, should arouso the masses to the dauger which threatens them from tha ellvor men, Tho chief reason Ior the disturbance was apprehension least tbe Silver bill might pass. Thus the markets tor Governments was tiding destrored at th very time when tho Newark banks required a stable market for tho dlspoaal of their Government bonds. It is well kuown thai a large proportion of Iho heavy losses which have bu lnourrad by savings and other institutions have come from the shrinkage la the ourronoy prion of governments throngh the fall Id gold and refunding.

Should the silver bill pass tu Its present shape ne msy look for a depreciation In governments below their face value. Now if the Institutions carrying largo blocks of United States bonds oan scarcely stagger along with these securities at ourrcnt figures, what will be their condition if by passing the silver bill tho prloe should bo reduced below faoo valuo? Thoro would be a pretty general collapse among savings and other batiks, and in that case the oreditOM would anOer and "small depositors in equal proportion to the larger. On the ata when rumors wero current on the street that the National Trust Company was In trouble. Air. Mangem, the President, indignantly denied the assertion and charood that tho reports wore circulated for stock Jobbing purposes, l'retortlay Mr.

Wm. J. Boat was appointed roceivor of the Company, aud reports that ho fluids ovldonoa of gross mlsmanagemeni. no found 200,000 Missouri Paclilo, ad mortgage, $.1,000 Carondolot branch 1st, tlOO.OOO Southern Paotflo of Missouri land grant, $76,000 Wallklll Valley His, and 375 shares Missouri PaoifU stook, bssld.a othor assets having a small market value. Depositors haro olslms amounting to oyor Is a vory unsettled feeling In trade circles, con.

sequent upon the uncertainty concerning affairs In tho est of Europe aud the silver dtaousaion in Congress. This is Ihe holiday season when aoparatively little Is dons. Tha total roooipts of oollon for the week tvers 202,805 balcB, and tho amount now brought forward shows a decrease of 351, 147 bales oompared with tills time last year. The export vrere 133,0311 bales, and tha atooks on hind aro 713,011. Gold was heavy this morning, opening ai 103T, and falling to 103 bsfora eleven o'clock, aftornard ro uinlnlng sl.ady.

Monks were dull until toward noon, when there was an advauoo In Lake fthoro, Michigan Contral and t(io Wisconsin aharos, and tho market was strong at tha clo. of thn oall. Erie sold at tf Rook Island at 10H and 101 N. T. Oentrol.

1071; Hannibal and Rl. preferrod, Delaware and Hudson, and Illinois Ooutral at 7.5. Lako Shore opened nt fell to and reacted to MS'. Western Union started at 7T and wont to li. Northwest opniiod at flB and sdvancol to tho preferred start.d at 68 'i, and wont to 8t.

Paul opened at '111. sold at renoted to3flI; the preferrod started at 71 ii, and wont to 79 Pol. Laok. A Western opeuo.1 at and advancol to Michigan Central started at fi7, and tuoro.1 up to K. Bank eloarlufjs, ourreucy balanres, $, gold exchauges, gold balance stock e.cnnnuo naiosj Ftrat naara.

Kiw Tore. December IB iouo B'kSi 11 lr7 Vi 1000 11 I. Mil (Vi Il'li'i i 40 6 3J IIG'JI lfii.1l tifi 2U i' 111 10B(I lOtHH, S5 1M 11 11PKI liCHO I) Nil's Rl 106'i' loono til II luat2 HOOJ 5' 10 111 I0OJ0 SH's Our 1897.. l.tlM' ilOilJ do 11 llJi KHUKI do be l(Mji 100(1 Oa Tit lindorsod 1(8 KkXl 76.1.1 6s Old bo 63 Adams Hiprnis i8 IS" oil tlanton tloitipiny IU0 Dol A 11 ud Canal bo 100 do 100 1100 Wost'n LnlonTol oo 771 4(X Ao 77V 400 do 77H 200 do 77 10 If YCo. 4 lilt be 107).

100 do I071J 800 do oixhi do, rtc i 5000 Ohio Bur A lOOUIoh (Jontril I. bo 100 do 100 do 100 do loO do, 4b Kris 4t Ulllcngo A bo 00 do lwic'hi utta. 100 do IiKi do los do at 1 00 do 100 do liXi ctiioaao a ti B. lili Ii1 no 100 Chi But A St' lids MVl SOOti Mllwk A Rt Paul. OAM dlv b8 103V lOCOoMllwlr St Paul.

S7V Ml, Ml f.7I MH 8 jtit, lnU oonBP W) seuin conoou gold nondfl 9S ll(lli0 Dol A II cou 7a 91 04 1000 Bur Cedar RN, 1st 69 10000 Butt A Krlo. 1st in I. IC 10. 91W llan ai joe S's OU11V 1000 Albany A Kusu 2d finOoMloh Cen7s IDS', lWKHl do sxi Union Pacitio llrt toe 1st awoouiov it t) 108 tCHlTol.t W0 small 75 uo loo cm ma si a bo do iOu Mn A bl 1 Id L01H aiKiOtlhlr 4 107' 1000 Mien hontU'll 1' 110 IfllwO II 1 A 1817 bot'n or 11 sIO 109 6.iC'tmt Pauitlo Oola 0d a 108 bo 7IM 10U loo son lo UU ...030 7 do 7K4 Ii 14 MH Bl rmti 93 94 7 id. SOU Hll Sin so 69 .1 MX too loo 100 300 700 IM 100 WW Kill 110(1 M1 (MO aooii ao'j IOU) 1000 do 100 Dsl 1.

bo IWO do J00 do 1011 do D.l io uo (Pl'tlV Obi g'd SO flu 60 do ti 6 do tOO Kansas Tatinc It 0 IOU Mo Kan A 'lei tt bo Ion Kill II A St Jo oi td bo JDO do uU tn do do do do do 01 60 I K)V( 6.1.V SOU GOV rW'l do do 40(1 130)1 7SV 10!) Illinois Cnnt'l li PLDL1C SCHOOL NO. 111. Tho promotion of a number of sfholnrs in Ihe Grammar department of Public Sohool No. 13, on DoRtaw street, noar Hicks, was attended, yoslerday afternoon, with musical nnd literary excrclsos. Many rl.Mida and lulive, of the pupils and teachers were ptvient.

Mr. Cnlvin Patterson, the principal or the school, annouucod tho exercises in thoir ordor. The programme was Introduced with an anthem by the) school. Original compositions by tho eohnlira formort tho staplo of lite programme Tho essays nre far the most part briof and Interesting. Thoy woro a follows: "Abraham Lincoln," by Master Albert Weed; "Our Class Motto," by MTssllqUlo Humey; "Old by Master 0.

F. Perce; "Our Trip to Now by Miss Lottie Uoyuolds, "Marquis de Lafayette," by Master Kdward Moiro, "Merle Antoinette," by Miss Mary Schaunberg," "Ztohary Taylor," by Master Georgia Johnson, "Wllltam Ottllen Bryant," by Miss Edith Day, "Socrates," by Master William Scott, "How I Rp.ut a Holiday," by Miss iiphouilu Lavraon. Tha recital ions were well solected and delivered In a very spirited anner. Tho piano solos were slso goo. After tho exercises wcro ovor, prizes consisting of a beautiful volume of Bayard Taylor's adventures and travels vrero awarded to tha following pupils for or collect spoiling and for the blgtaost avornge standing Iji ovory study James Furey, flrBt grada Lottlk dtneiuiau, first grado Emma Mosher, soeond grade John Duuno, third grado Nathaniel Murphy, fourth grade Honry Quam, ncadomlo Jon nie Thurston, 2, aosdomlc Millie DraniDJ, A 1 grodo Annie Phelps, I gratjo Etta Stuart, 3, girls Walter Icliwegs, 3, boys Mary Ilolehor, 3, girls Chirlos Droper, boys Cavrlo Foator, glris Wlnaut Ouul 4, boys.

Curtlftcates wore awarded to Iho following scholars: 11 HIT AOi.DE.IIO. Henry Quam, Charles De Nyse, Maggie Kico, F.rutua Rarhlnson, Katio Butler. F1DHT UlliDB. Millie Broniin, Daisy Bonucum, Lilly Shutwoll, Huttle Van Horn, Manilo Jackson. second anaDE, autLi.

Etta Stuart, Ro.a Michaels, Georgia Johnson, Emma Mosher, Katie Wynne. Tiuno onDp, ainLS, Mary Ko'eher, Annie Wilson, Ada Tucker, Lllllo ArmslronK, Mamie Bradley. FUURTII OtniJ. Csme Foster, Mary.Orlgg, Nellie IVackorhagon Edith Inglis, Susie Oshill. SECOND dOADEMIO.

Jennlo Thurston, Rosa Albreoht, Ktipb.rola Lutrsos, Amelia l.Rgan, Herbert Bhaltuok. Il, F1D8X til DS. AddIo Phelps, James Armstrong', Lulu Bliss, "Amiio Phillips, Albert label. 6EOOKU aiunr, noij. Waltor Esohwege, Joseph Slovin, Frank Peok, George Heluberg, John Day.

TniHD OlllDE, DtUtB. Charles Draper, Goorpo Stroud, Chatlca Potco, Kdward Morro, William Lillls. FOU11TU OllAOBV, BOXO. Wluant Gush, Edward OIlkiuHon, Bornard ontlor, Joseph. Taylor, Frod.

Vlummor. Tho tclioul vi at dlHtitlsscd tTUU fow coupllCOt 7 rcmsrks by Mr. Patlerson. The Local Committee constate of the following gentlemen; Messrs, James Olyne, 7., v. Lowell and Bill.

MRS. C. D. KLWKLL. Th funoral services over tho remnios af Mrs.

Calhurme Duryea Eliroll, wife of John P. Etwtll were held Thursday afternoon at tho family residsnce, Sfil Clermont avenue. Rj v. Dr. Duryoa ofllclatoil, and paid flttiuj.

tribute to the memory of tho dd. A largo uumbcr of friend's aud acquaintances jflat ont, among whom were msny oolaborert ot tho i)v oeased la oharltablo and benovolont work. The re malna were interred yestarday lb Ortenwood. Mrs. Eltrell had residod In Brooklyn alnoo ohlljhood, aad widely known.

Ia her youth sht was btauti ful, and retsinsd lhr.oogh llfa many avldancss of youthful charms, she was a member of Br. Suiyea'g ohurcb, and was associated with several lompatc and bouevolunt rgaul ilioni in this olty. Bavtiot bar sitters hav diod of oontumptlon, tod It baa B. vident for at time to her own household that ot too had inIlted tbo fell djseatt, Lt neck aba oaught a whlob developed Into pnonmonta, auoj tier eyttepj being alroady ffiuoh weakonad, h0 tia rapidly mi died on Tuesday morning. And thus hat pasted way at the ago of 55 yoart, a woman, wifo and inotbe lojlu.n.o will lony be fcHlniho w'jlch she moved, and whoso oxauiple her children may well essay to follow.

"II0.1EST J0X'S" WOKKSIKX tlODllL'Il. Two ovcrcoAts, vnluotl nt 820, bolonrjing to lriurtm. wove slolou Tharsdiy from the new Mumd pal Building..

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