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The Brooklyn Daily Eagle from Brooklyn, New York • Page 1

Brooklyn, New York
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

1 tl i YOh. 58L BO. 124. BROOKLYN, WEDNESDAY, MAY ..4, 1892. SIX PAGES.

THREE CENTS WORE IN THE PARISHES. ALUMNI DINNER MIXED SCHOOLS FIRE LIMITS. UP BOBS IVANS. Once More Leader of His Old reenpoint Mission. Will Order Yet Not be in Awhile.

To the Hew Bishop of the Diocese of Brooklyn. Ttxt Soatbom Archdeaconry ot Brooklyn fteTieiva tho Tear's l'rogrecs. Tho Southern archdeaconry of tbo dinccte of Brooklyn met yesterday afternoon and evening at the Church of the Atonement, Seventeenth street, near Fifth avenue, the Rev. Dr. F.

Al sop, the presiding. The following cburohos and missions were represented: St. Ann's, All Saint's, Atonement, St. Andrew's, Christ church, Harrison streot; Christ churoh, Bay Ridge; Christ oburoh chapel, Red Hook: Should They be Still Further Extended? ine farther in connootion therewith was brought before the board until it canio to the kno wlodgo of the ohalrman of tho loc al oojniiiittee of said public school No. 08, that No.

83, instead of No. 08, was on the now building. The board on hearing of the matter passort a resolution, reciting that tho entire new building ia for publio eohool No. 08; that it was built for scholars and teachers, irrespective of race or oolor, and directing the committee on aohool houses to reniovo thn number 83 and to place in its stead tho numbor 08 (minutos 1801 pa go 043). Repoated efforts were made to nullify that resolution, but thoy failed minutea 1801, pagos 734, 827).

From the foregoing statement, it is clear that this board has overruled all motions and proceedings to sot, aside its original Judgment. And now comes this majority report, practically impeaching the good lodgment aud wisdom of the board and of two of its moBt important committees, through whioh it wade a oareful examination of this entire ma tier before acting thereon. And, more, the majority roport would have this board commit n. hrnnnV, tf VttitW The Expelled Methedist Will Come Back to Twa as the Boiiastated President of Abidiul Circle and the Iter.E. H.

Row Holy Spirit, Emmanuel, Qraoe, St. John's, St. Paul's, Clinton street; St Paul's Flatbush; St, Peter's, Redeemer and Our Savionr. The after. were not used as shops at all.

In oaoh one sat about twenty girls and men poor, pale oreafc urcs working at sewing machines as if life depended ou each move. They were doing tailor work. The big ready made olothera farm oat the clothes, after they are out, to sweaters, who, in turn, employ people to work for them at starvation wages. It was about hero that they hived lived is not the word to use. After walking through Johnson avenue, Ewen street, Leonard street, Hoholes street aed throughout the neighborhood, the reporter's guide brought him baok to Graham avenue.

He said: "This is one of the most densely populated blooks in tho wards. Most of the bouses have been built fer yeara. Thoy Uok so, don't they? They certainly did. Those that fronted on Graham avenue were cheap stores. Above the craoked windows the weather worn olapboards rose for three stories.

Babies played and fought on the sidewalk. Young men leunsed on the oorners. Unkempt women looked ligtessly out of the windows. Venturing up the dirty stairs the reporter found, te his surprise, that oaoh floor accommodated fonr families. "Do you want to see how your brothers live?" asked the reporter's guide.

He Tknockod at a door. A protty little girl, with remains of a slice of bread and butter on her face, opened the door. Three tired women and one tirotl man worked as rapidly as lightning on sewing machines. A woman was frying something and boiling something on the stove, holding a child in ono arm and occasionally slapping a little boy with the other. The reporter's guide made 6ome simple inquiry or other while the explorer took in the details.

Thoro waB one other room beside the kitchen. Nowhero was tlioro any sign of running water or drainage. Nowhere was there anything liko civilization except in tho ceaseless and monotonous whirl of tho sewing machines. On leaving tho apartment a sink and faacot were seen in the hallway. "But that is not alt." said the cuido.

olimbiug noon session waa devoted to business, the orinci cold, for they fall short of trhat I feel. I thank you sincerely for the words of welcome. The address of Mr. Carr is so eloquent, so full of those truths and prinoiplos, that I would prefer. yon should linger on them than to divert your minds from them.

But there is one expreisson to whioh he has given utterance which I wish to recall, and that ia, that there may' be a strong and lasting intimaoy in this diocese between the bishop and the clergy and tho laiety applause, for it can only be by the co operation of these three that we can accomplish our work. Applause. I' can say that of all the students who graduated, in 1873, our chairman (Mr. Meehan), was beloved moBt of all. Nothing has given me greater pleasure than to live those old days over again.

When we aoem, in the words of the poet, "to obtain oar innocent, sweet, simple years again," Rev. William O'Brien Pardew, S. responded to the toast, "Alma Mater," and then the dinner was brought to a close. Hnsio was furnished during the evening by Messrs. Joseph A.

Campbell, Joseph E. Rev. 3. A. Brosnan and John H.

Haaren. CLEVELAND IN THE SIXTEENTH WARD. Frederick W. HiurtcUn Addreksett Derm, ocralic Votoro There. The Democratic voters of the Sixteenth ward who favor a May state convention held a mooting last evening at 157 Jefferson rvvonno for the pnr poso of appointing a nominating committee to arrange for next Tuesday's primary.

The meeting was well attended. Louis Stooning was in the chair and Frederiok Weiduer was secretary. Tha roll of officers of the association completed by the election of David Flagenheimer as pal item being the reading of the annual report The Beard of Education Refuses te In dorse T. McCaats Stewart's Scheme fer No. 68 The Colored Member Made a Saliaat Fight, but Was Easllr Oat teted He Says America Kace Prejudice is Stronger Than Sense ef Jn.

tice The Board Prepares to Snbmit Its Estimate ef Expeases for Next Year. In tha absence of Joseph Hendrix, president of the board of education, James B. Bouck, who it is said will its sumo Hendrix's Bhoes after the next eleolioD, ocaupied the chair at the meeting of the secretary, Rev. A. F.

Tenner of St. Ann's, what hB repeatedly deoided and what bae been considered by certain parties in interest as res which reviewed tho work of the year. It read in part as follows: aiuudicaia. It is not n6C6BSarv to disonM thn matinr of unn. The missionary operations of this archdeaconry have beeu directed in behalf of live parishes and missions the mission of the Holy Apostle at Windsor Terrace, on Greouwood avenue, near arato schools.

Thoy do not exist in New York not oxist in any of the leading i ine North. They have been doliberately abolished hero in ono of tho most progressive municipalities of the oouniry. Tuojmnority is P.J opinion that if treated in every respect rosjjoct street, nis wont, oegnu a year and a nan ago uy tne Kv. air. Jackaoa of St, Paul's.

Flatbush, was maintained for a year in a hired room. A ue piau 01 uuilillng a church to ac of the board yesterday afternoon. A communication from the board of estimate, directing the 110 an oinm punnc sctiools under our care, public school No. 68 will, after its first yoar, be Right Rer. Cfaarlei E.

McDonnell's Old Classmates From St. Francis XaYier'a College Grouted Him Last Niffht at the Clarendon, and After the Feast Speeches Were Made by Archbishop Cerrigan, Eev. P. J. McXamara, TTilliam J.

Carr aad Others. The alumni of the ooUese of St. Pranois Xavier of New York resident in the diocese of Brooklyn gave a dinner in honor of the ne bishop at the Clarondon hotel last evening. 8t. Xivior was the college whore Bishop McDonnell was educated.

The menu was deoorated with the bishop's coat of arms and the college insignia. The decorations on the menu were printed in blue and magenta, the collogo colors. The guests included Most Rev. i. A.

Corrigan, D. Right Ba v. F. a Chatard, D. Iiizht Bev.

JIgr. John M. Farley, Vory Rev. M. May, Bev.

William O'B. Pardow, S. Rev. Thomas J. Campbell, S.

Rev. Martin Carroll, Bev. James H. Mitohell, Rev. Francis H.

Wall, D. Peter Condon, president St Franois Xa vier alumni aisosiation; Jamas J. llurphy, llev. John P. Hoffmann, Richard R.

Browne, Georgo W. Donohue. Rev. P. J.

McNamara, Rev. P. F. O'Hare, Rev. H.

A. Gallagher, Rev. James S. Dnf fy, Bev. Eugene J.

Donnelly. Edmund J. Hesly. James F. Swanton, John H.

Haaren, Andrew T. Sullivan, Rev. John M. Hanselman, R3V. H.

B. Wara, CharleB T. Sass, R9V. John J. Onllon, Jo commodate tne growing congregation was laid before the archdeaconry at the meeting of Juno among our oast Bsnoois in point of attendance and HOhnlarabin And AfViowtuA board of education budget to be prepared and submitted by May 15, was referred to tho finance Wherefore, tho undersigned rejommonds tho committee.

Tho oft repeated request of the in uuiiimpn oi tne rouowmg resolution: Itesolvnd. Tiint. thn lrt.l dustrial school association that the board appor losi.sua was reierreu to a committee oon ewtiug of tho reotor. of St. Paul's, Flatbush, tha Churoh of tho Atonement and the Rev.

it B. Snoifden. At the October meeting this uiiseion was by resolution commended to the parishes of the archdeaoonry for their voluntary subscriptions and the offering at the missionary strviae givou for itn support. At the Fobraary meeting it was an school No. 03 be aud horeby is authorized and tion for the schools embraced in the organization the proper quota of the.

school fund bobbed up down the dark stairs. Instead of going into the Btreet he walked back into what would be a back agatn and was relegated to the law oemmittee. uiruuturi on tno completion ot tho new school building, corner Schenectady avenno and Bor geu street, to transfer the school now on the cornor of 1 rov avenno and Dean street to said new school building; and in conjunction with the Superintendent of iriRtrnf inr tn nr. vice prosxdent and of Joseph Zoll as treasurer. The board of managers of the Brooklyn literary yard, ao back yard was there.

No grass, no hint of flowers, not even good brown and honest The members of the nominating committee ap uounoeu gr kit. air. daosson tnat the church begun November, 1801, was oompleted, two thirde of tho oost having been contributed by anion sent in this communication: pointeji are Louis Pfeifior, Goorge Soulitz and eartn. it was 'a small and badly paved conn, from which a step lead into another house. This Whereas, The board of oducatiou decidod more gunize the same as an independent intermediate me vesiry oi oi.

xmii's, natonsti. ilia arcn laadssn, Wko Took Bis Place rarily, Must Go. Fresh trouble ia browitig in tho Methodist ana kindred churehes of the Seventeenth ward, for Julian F. Ivans, who xvas expelled from the Tabernacle church on charges of immorality and waa afterward driven from town, aa it then appeared, by the mere intimation that Anthony Comatook would bo invitod to investigate his oase, is not only coming back to Greeupoint, but io going to resume his old position there as a religions leader. Ivans, it may be recalled, was for more than twenty ytars, or from boyhood, a conipic uous and apparently devout revivalist.

Ho was a member for a number of years of the First Greeupoint Methodist Episcopal churoh and afterward of tho Tabernacle ohuroh, and in each he was a Sunday school teacher and tho organizer of young people's praying bands and other associations. Noxt ho organized, as a eort of independent gospel mission, Abiding circle of King' sons and daughters, wito headquarters at 252 Manhattau avenue, and waa oiected ita president. He lod revival services there overy Sunday night aud two or three other nights of each week. At one of these meattugs last February the Rev. Charles L.

Jackson, then pastor of the Christian Churoh of tho Evangel, ap. peared and openly accused Ivans of having written immoral letters to a young mail of his congregation. Ivans dramatically deuied the ohargo, and getting possosaiou by a ruse of tho alleged incriminating letters touched them io a lamp flamo aud bnrned thorn before the faces of his acouseri and supporters. Othor charges of. immorality were also brought against him, and on February 22 ho was tried by a committee of the Tabernacle Methodist Episcopal church, presided over by the Rev.

A. S. Kavanagb, fonnd guilty and expelled, the ehler reason for showing him no mercy being that the evidence, aocordluf to the report of the couxmiitao, proved that not ouly had ho Binned Jiinnolf, but that ho had habitually and persistently mado use of hie posi tion to load others, especially tho young, into sin. Ivans, skill defiant, remained at th hand nf Frank Englert. Three inspectors were also ap.

tnan a year since to use the new eohool bnilding pointed to serve at the primary. They are F. erected on the corner ol Bohenectany avenue ana Woulnor, John Wolf andF. Sehry. suuuoixii oo noroatter known as intermediate school No.

OS and to appoint thoroto ft principal and a noaU of department and such additional teachers as may be required or as tho attendance of pupils will warrant. IlOSOlvod. Tll.lll finirl mmtllA. mtUMr. ci rcon street, as and lor a publio school; and, Whereas, There is an effort being made to was a dilapidated brick structure.

It was four stories high aud, in interior arrangements, like the building ou the front of the lot, only dirtier and grimier and mora miserable. This was the begiuumg of the investigation of whioh the results only can be appended here. They teach whatever lessons must be taught Frederick W. Hinnohs onterad the hall while ueaooiiry appropriated 400 for the support of a clergyman to conduct services there under the supervision of the reotor of St. Paul's.

The church was opened on Qvxinquanesima Sunday and regular Bervlces havo sinco been held there, with an average attendance of 150 and a Sunday school nuroberiug 125. The buiU iug, which can seat about 300 neoole. cost, with divert said new sohool building to other pnr posee: therefore. the meeting was in progress and was loudly ap plauded. school No.

08, in conjunction with the local com mittpes of public school Nos. 35.41 and 73, be eons. They that laws and ordinances shoald be framed io a to help and not to rotara the thriftiness of poor men. A man who wprkB and avea, thoy say, is a direct benefit to his neighborhood, hie city and his country. In the oa'er wards real estate 1b cheap.

Lota can be bought on eaay torm. As boob as these are paid for and a little extra money is in hand, by belonging to a building association or by going tm a savings bank, the thrifty wirkjngnian can borvow enough money to build him a neat little frame house. There he has a homo. To use a popular English political phrase. "He has a stake in the country." Suoh ownenhip, many say, small as it ii, makes a better and mere conservative, beoauae a more interested, citizen.

Then, beside, the cheapness ef apartmenta la an argument which Mr. James brings forward. If workingmen eonld not so easily build or buy their little houses they would be thrown back iuto the tenements and cheap flats. This would inoreaso the demand for Buch buildingB. Aa they oonld not be built of wood, they would have to be built of brick, and this would double the cost.

This would mean more rent and an increase in the coat of living. In that way tho argument against an extension of the fire limits is put by those who think that way. John V. James didn't think it possible to make the extension. He Baid: "I believe in it and I don't believe.

in it, and I don't think it can be dene. That is my paradoxical position. I would like to do away with these big flats, but 1 would not like to do away with frame houses built by the owuors to live in. If yon hit one yon would have to hit both. I think no fiat should be built unless entirely fireproof.

Otherwise thoy are death traps. To bnild them that way would greatly incroaae the cost of tho bnilding. Whore it now coats $4,00 it wonld cost $10,000. That would mean higher rutn. Look at the way lots are selling in the Eighth ward.

They wouldn't yell at all if tha poor men and the men of moderate means, who were the principal buyers, had to put up brick.houses and were prevented from building frame oucs. lou see, it is a difficult question." Fire Commissioner John EnnUr did uot care to express his opinion tho matter at any length. ''Whatever I might think," ho said, "I wonld have no power to carry out. Tho board of aldermen attends to the Are limits without consulting me. I will say this: That I think itwanld be a hardship to many poer men.

I know that by observation in my own district and elsewhere. Many have money to build a woodeu house who never would bo able to build a brick one. Some years ago a delegation came to me and asked mo to interfere. It was a trade matter, in which the masons wanted to hurt tho carpentors. so that I would hare notuiug to do with that.

Really, I think that the history of fires shows that, they spread as quickly in brick as in frame districts." Tho fire limits nave been considerably enlarged since 1800, and this aotion has received unstinted approbation. Set with tho same innate aud instinctive perversity airaady mentioned many people are far from satisfied. "It's all very well," they grumble to the board, "to extend the limit around tho Sixteenth ward. Nearly every Jot is occupied. Nearly 88,000 people live in that ward.

Bsfore brick aud stono houses can be put up the present structures must be either burned down or torn down. You ware too late with yenr extension. Why don't you do something now with the Eighteenth ward? You are neatly too late ( anything tliBre. What's the matter with the Eighth ward ami the Twen tv fnrth and the Seventeenth and tha Tiventy Bixth 7 There you have still time enough to do something that will help them and make them more substantial Why don't yon de it At the beginning of this year the fire limits were as follows: All of the First, Soeond, Third, Fourth, Fifth, Sixth and Sovfmtli wrils. Ib the Kigbth ward as folloTrs Thn portions boun led by Third Arenuo, Prospect areriua.

Eighteenth stroot and city line, and 10U loot oil oaoh side ot Third avenue from It'urbtoenth strout to Sixtioth street. All ot the Ninth ivard. All of the Tanth ward except tho portion within the limits lio.mdod by Warrort Ueot, Third avonue, tho Uoivantts canal. Second avumue. fifth ebreot.

Smith fitrost. Third streot. aud 100 loot west of Bond stroot, from Third street to Warren Btioet. All of tho Klovonth ward. Oolr that portion of the Twolfth ward within tho limits bounded hy itaiuiliou avenue.

Coles street, Fourth pliuo, timUh fttrert, 100 feet went ot Hamllloo avenue, froiu Hmitti to Columbia titrcot. 100 feet east of Columbia etreet, from Htimilton avenue to Delovan street, 1U0 feet south llora.ii wircet, troin Columbia to Kinhiud i street, 100 feet ouBt of Hicbards street, from Columbia to Kiug slroot, 101) foot south oi King stroet and tho Buttermilk ohanr.el. AH oi the Thirteenth wrtrd. Only that portion of tho 'ourtsontb ward included Boutb of North Fourth streot and Soeond stroot. Only that portion of the Fifteenth ward within tho llmit.i biuiudod by North stroot, Union avenue, South MniMind fltrpot and Ro Inoy ctruet.

Only Ihst portion of tho Sixteenth ward lying within Iho limits boitndeil hy hodaey street, tho old boundary lino between llrooklyn and Williamabuich 1 00 feet north of Division avonuo), Broadway, Union avenue and fSoutU locond streot. All of the Ninotennth, Twentieth and Twonty nrat wards. All of tho Twenty. second ward oxcopt tbo portion Resolved, That we petition the board of education to adhere to its former decision, as wo shall be satisfied with nothing else. Resolved.

That the beard of managers of this witit an tua lorcc oi tacts aud lignreg. On the Graham aveuue side of this block there ana is nereny antomed and directed to define the ground, about $0,000, ail of which is paid seph W. Carroll, A. J. Fransioli, Riv.

Joieph were ten lots. On every lot excepting the corner On being invited to speak, he said that the Democratic opponents of snap msthods in politics were reaching the ond. in one sense, of their work. It was a rk that began shortly before February 22, on which date, despite the protests of the representatives of tlio real Demooratic uui, is.irou, at per oem. inreo Hundred dollars was given by gentleinon in Brooklyn, tha lunuummiinpaiii huhi intermediate scnooi so.

08 and to report tho samo to this board for union be and they aro hereby directed to sign McCoy, Rev. Thomas F. McGrouon, Rev. John ones wove two honaes. In the front bouses wore rest by St.

Paul's, Flatbush. which holds tho and convey cms expression to said ooaru oi edu Goubeaitd, Thomas F. Magner. Bev. John B.

apartments for 130 families. In the rear boose All of whioh ia rospeotfully submitted. Datod cation. 128 families irore accommodated. That is 258 proportv as a chapel until it Bhall become self Zentgraf, Rev.

D. J. Hickey, Thomas F. Meehan Rev. John MoCloskey, William J.

Brown, Bev. famillcB. An average of four to a family is not masses, tno so cauoa regular, but decidedly ir supporting. rno Key. Williain A.

Wasson is the mimstor in ehnrco. luuy lona. T. McCAXTB STEWJkBT, Of Local Committoo Public School 08. This communication waa referred to the local committee of school No.

08, as was also another liberally signed, giving an account of the meet lesaiui, cunYontton mot. it was irregular De cause the people of the state had no titno tn at un too large an average to assume, especially when sneaking of the fecund (ierman Jeremiah A. Brosnan, Bev. James F. Crow St.

Andrew's, Forty seventh street A roquost sider the matters of national import on which ley, Rev. Edward J. Oonnell, William J. Mr. Simis, in speaking in support of tho ma race.

That makes 1,032 people living on that ing at Bethel union April 20, to consider the one side or mat one mock, un tne Montrose imm iiw miiiOTi uov. xir. vx. a. uisko, tnat tne archdeaconry make an effort to raise enable this parish to purchase a plot of ground Carr, F.

A. McCloskey, William J. O'Loary, jority report, said he wanted to go on record aa tne vusreunuu iiau tu utmuerateanu take aotion. Indignities were hoaosd nnon tiuu. name matter, whioh waa folly reported in tho Francis 3.

Magilligan, M. Innis H. desiring that the colored people ahonld have peared in Albany that day to protest against avenue side matters were not so crowded. There were 9 front bnuios, accommodating 12a families, and i rear housej with 48 families. On one Eaolr.

on ivmion uand a new cnurcu, greatly needed in the immediate future, ou aooountof the rapid Question of 6reat Importauco to One half the City The Dangers of a Tst Cnflagration One thlrd Brooklyn's Peculation Lires in t)y Frame Build iajf Section How the Sixteenth Ward DeTdoped and How tho Eigrhteouth is Crowing Miles asd Miles of Woode Structures" Doable Becker" Tone moats That Are Death Traps Four Wards That a Fire With a High Wind Micht Sweep Away Block After Bleek Without One Brick Houne W. T. Lase, 6. W. Chaoncoy, Leonard Heody, C.

E. Donnellon and Others Faror Extension Fire Commissioner Ennis and John F. James Take the Other Side. Tbo common council of the city seams to occupy iv rather position in Uxe public, mind. A large proportion ef "our citizenship," to use Mayor Boody's favorite expression, apparently havo in iustiiict which makes them distrust everything that the board does.

Matters art oondomnod and pronounced either Bharasful or foolish, simply because the aldermen have enacted them. There mint hi exception to this rule or the life of an alderman could uot bo the ploasant 0110 it seems. Sometimes the board must ilo things which forcibly compel commendation. For instance there in the ten doucr, whioh has manifested iUelf considerably during the past two years, toward a gradual extonsion of Hie firo limits. Since 1890 important aud populous district;) have had those restrictions placed upon them.

It hag all been done qnietly enough, but the real importance of the question can hardly be overrated in the minds of those who have studied this yet only half solved problem. Upon the boundaries fixing tho limits within which no building can ba erected, exceot of brick or stone, depend, it is clnimed, the oharaotorof Brooklyn and of the wards. Tho narrowness of these limits, the cmplaint is, has filled tho outer streets with hundreds of continuous miles of eggshells in which thousands and score? of thousands of people live and in which, a thousand times a day, the risk of an awful conflagration is run. This ono reBtriotion or the lack of this one restriction has made tho wards of the city what they are to day. Why is it, is asked, that since the impetus of 1883, one ward has been built np with nice brown stono houses, while the street of another have bon lined with miles of tenements and flats? Many make the fire limits tho answor to thin question.

They take as instances in proof of their answer the old Eighteenth and the Twonty fifth wards. The former is without tho limits, while most of that part of the latter, whioh has boon so quickly developed, is within the linos. What a comparison that i betwoon a block away from Broadway on the right and the same distance away on the loft hand. In their argument for extension those who favor It express thoso fears: "Every time a pipe or a lamp is lighted in any ono uf four contiguous wards there is some danger of a great catastrophe. These wards are the Sixteonth, the Eighteenth, the Twonty seveuth and the Twenty eighth.

Should ono houso catch fire and should a Inch wind prevail at the time, 160, Amy, H. J. McGlyun, Rov. J. J.

MoAteor, equal rights and privileges with the white peo of the sido streets bounding the same block M. L. Brosnan, George h. Bnrlonbach, John ple. If the conditions warranted it he would ly growing population in its vicinity, was re Charles E.

Teale. chairman of the finance committee, presented in pursuance of a resolution of ferred on February 2 to a committee of the Kent, 31. Joseoh A. Campbell, William tfcere woro 13 front houses with 233 fannnm and 8 rear honsei with 90 families. On the othei uasty action, ami tooy were tola that they had no right to interfere.

Theu they determined to prove thoir right by appealing to the Deniocratio people of the state. Mr. Hinrichs declared that no man believed more than himself in organization for party purposes or in giving latitude to what iavor mixed schools. In tha present caso, if tho minority report should be adopted thore would the board, the following estimate of tho moneys mree adjacent parishes ami one lay doiegaVe from each. The6e clergymen wore the Rev.

1L Good, Thomas F. Farrell, Peter Hughes, M. Thomas D. Murphy, Mare F. Valleite, John required for the year 1803: GBKEIIAL FCMD.

be mixed classes and colored teachers, with the sido street were 12 front house with 19 i families, and only 3 rear houses, with 22 families. On that one block DOiulblv 300 feet by 600 B. Hnowdon, chairman; Bo vs. Bishop Falknor of Christ church, Bay BiiU'e, and E. H.

Welltnati of Walsh, Dr. Philip H. Berleubach, Rov. Isidor was Known as me party machine, lint so soon certainty of but an classes in a twenty four roam Teachers' salaries Sl.035,000.00 feet ia aizs there wero 79 houses; there were as tnat maonine iauea to express tne ivill of tha tne unurcii ot tno Atonement. The importance Wnnsch, Rov.

J. Hamilton, Rev. Michael N. l.ii slate money (esti or tms paristxmay be peat indicated bv the state building, or about two huudrod pupils in a bail iff large enough for 1.500. The adoption of tha mated 300.000.00 apartments for for 1,070 families; there was according to the abovo method of estimating, "a inentof Dr.

Flake, that St. Andrews it tho only Wagner, John J. Eagan, Rev. Joseph A. Bsnnett, Rev.

John I. Barrett, Jamei P. Glynn, John J. $1,509,000.00 party to whioh it owed its creation, so soon as it essayed to bo the tyrannical owner instead of the instrument of tho people, Just so soon was it time to protest and to fairly meet the issue which it had forced. That the rank a.r,a tiia tin majority report would give the oolored school all possible population of 4.3 IB.

Such flg'nros need Officers' ealariaa. Abiding circle of King's sons and dans Mora. i rotestaiit ouurcu irom Seventeenth Lessstato monor. street to sixty eighth street, and from the water no emphasis, no exaggeration. Tabulation gives Magilligan, W.

8. Keegan. T. P. Corbally, M.

D. the needed room iu tho new building, leaving the front to Eleveuth avenuo. The report of tho and applied for membership in the Central Methodist Episcopal church, la South Fifth them all the setting that they require. AYfnl. Rev.

John E. Belford, Dr. A. F. Carroll, Rov, 45,648.32 23,100.00 03,54:1.00 Director of mnslc and teaohors of music Janitors' salaries lows organization intaot, as most of the oolored peoplo with whom the speaker consulted preferred.

The moeraoy had protested waa evidenced by the faots. Here in Brooklyn 13,000 protest Matthew J. Tierney, John J. Eagan committee, dated May 3, i udorsed the effort to raise tl, 000 to assist the parish, with tho understanding that the building be erected with the Bouses. Families.

Feonle. unrarian n. u. library, salary ou.uu The committee in charge of diuuer embraced school had been for years distinctively colored Evaninc Rohnnla RO nnn nil street. Ho wae rejected, and the Rev.

W. D. Thompson, paBlor of that church, wroto to him with kindness, but unmistakable firmness, advising him for his own sako to leave the oitv and iuk itBiuumftw iiau euroneu ana tne number wonld soon bo inoroased to 15,000, and in other sections of th, Rev. D. J.

Hickey, chairman: Bev. J. A. Brosnan, and should bo continued as such, Printing and advertising 12.000.00 Text books, sohool apparatus, oto 130,000.00 lease possiuie delay. St.

John's, Fort Hamilton A considerable cor George W. Donohno, John H. Haaren, William Mr. Miller said the board had never been back 130 128 122 48 223 (f 10 iflwnooMioi loatuierB respondence between the vestrymon of this JO 312 488 102 8W3 381 7711 88 10 8 0 10 8 12 mubio boons 0.000.00 Carr, Thomas F. Meehan, chairman; Joseph Graham avenue, Graham ftrenue, rear.

Humboldt' street, HamboJdt street, Side Btreet.frout Side street, rear SicJe afcretn, front Side treat, Total ward in protecting the rights of the oolored to ay in some obscure place, far from the com. pnn ana tne minister, Kev. (t. Hepburn, on Lighting 7,500.00 the one Baud, and tlxo archdeacon and the W. Carroll, secretary, ex nfnoie.

schools. Mr. Stewart, he declared, was not re ruol 60,800.00 General snDDlies 7 1 odd no oisnop. on tne other, nas brought forward tho Thomas F. Meehan was the chairman of the ceived in the board as a representative of the protest was even more Btrongly marked, all this indicating that the people, the underlying lnassoB ef Domocraoy, whose vote could not be controlled by selfish seekers for office, w6re determined to assert that the February convention did not fairly represent them, and that the candidate foraad upon them was not their candidate.

The speaker said that he had no thought of denying Senator munity he had outraged, for forgiveness and nl tlmate salvation. Iu that lotter it was hinted that the evidence takon at Ivans' trial niifht bo desire 01 t. John's to ssonro aid from tho arch evening. He made a short introductory address, colored race, but as a man. The question before 70 003 3,852 deaconry until it can booomo self nnntmrtina' congratulating the alumni on the hearty manner the board was one of dollars and cents.

The Janitors' supplio 0.000.00 Orphan asylums aa4 industrial 35,000.00 Compulsory education 15.400.00 Contingencies 10,000.00 Expresoinc books 2,000.00 Asaasntnentfl. flnfln ine witnarawal or tuo former appropriation by incwuHu 10 Aiiinony uomatoce. ivans anoar vn. What dUch COnrrestion moans nvnvvnnp. nun tin.

Stilly tank tho hint fr fnn, tuo arciuieaconry oi lsrooKlyn. ine dilapidated in which they had greetod the new bishop and, white people aud a great majority of the colored derstand. Its dangers brand themselves upon the mind when once comDiehsnded. Thn Sixteenth condition of the church edifice, whioh can be ixiii auuity, or nxs useimness at various critical 1 uhj 1 no jpi, Groenpoint, saying that ha was going to the far people lavoroa separate schools. incidentally paying a tribute to the nope.throngh whom, he declared, had oome the honor which neither sold nor repaired to advantage, the Industrial oducation 20000.00 times to tne party, or nis ngnt to bo a candidate Mr.

Stewart SDOko briefly in ronly. Ttn ii Host as a traveling ovangolist. movomeut ana growth of population UDon for President, But he did denv Mr. Hill's ward is uot a large ward. Nearly all its population lies between Ten Eyck street and Broadway and between Union and Buehwick avenues.

It Total the diocese had attained. agreed with Mr. Miller that tha board had al which it must denemi in a dirner.inn nnrlliwinl $2,117,042.32 right to call a convention of his own before Buthooould not have gone vory far. for on of tbo present location and at an inconvenient srrciAt. yuHix the people had time to diBcuss the situa ways ueen most Kind to the colored people.

Ho would never forget, hn said William IT occasions ho mado short visits to his old Archbishop Corrigan responded briefly to the l.a.l I distance, are me reasons urged by tho vostrr for $100,000.00 tion or to oonsiaer tne newspaper discnmen is six blocks from Union avenno to Bushwick avenue. From Ten Eyok street to Broadway the dis tauce is from six to twelve blocks average, nine aua james (jairou. wi criticism oi a certain ac Bites for now school bulIdinKS. Hopalrs and uruishing (old baildintti) Iospectors. draughtsmen end omptoyos oi ii.

inn view, even now, was beginning to be the archdeaconry to help tliia, one of the oldest parishes on Lone Island, until it oan rather hiy Alii." iiir. aieenau said in introducing the archbishop that that official wonld nnlohmiA tion of the committee callod from Mr. Simis the A nobody desired to persecute him no notice was taken of these visits. He had resigned as president of Abiding circle and, though bis no IU.OUU.OU 45.000.00 23,000.00 oiocus. iiieawred upon the offloial mop the ter ontoriameti oy toe original UPuetrters of Mr.

Hill's convention. There wars xviilxneu nf de etrongth and become self dependent in a bstter nineteenth anniversary of his bishoni ia of New in woricsnop HeatioK and ventilating Pianos and rfinnirc. ritory thus beunded is one half mile sauare. In statement mat ne was not a member or the committee when the action criticised was taken. "Will you say because you wore uot born when solation on their part, and thev wr hofinntmr location.

inougu una bio to sustain a resident ark to morrow. The archbishop said he was 3,000.00 4,000.00 Rent this quarter of a square mile eight tenths of tho population of the ward lives, and that population to Bay that the protestors should not go too far if minister unaided, it is manifesting much vigor ceesor was not chosen, the meetings went on undor the direction of tho Rov. E. H. Rowlaml giaatooe present at sucu a happy family re Af.

thn Kcrrinni 7 aF Xtn T.nn'n tho constitution xvas framed that ir. i nil in its Sunday school of 150 scholarB and 12 Wrong? was Mr. Stowart'u nnlnlr rntnrt Ifo Total teachers. the speaker said, ho. showed the church wheroby nicy ut)iirou to uaruiouize an interests.

The protesters, however, having started, proposed to keop on, and on, and ou, until they knocked at is do.uou peopio. Buch bouses, snch eggsholls, flitch paper hivos swarming and teeming with people! What are son, as leader of religious sorvicaa, Mr. Rowland ion, who is one of the most vonerablo of then launched into a spiritad explanation of his St. Jude's, Blythbourne, Rev. R.

B. Snowden in HKCAPITULATIOW. fund pusiuoii. aunoi rcii mo talk aoout mo colored oliarge At tho meeting ol June 24. 1801.

is so 117.042..T2 .52 me very uoors or tne national convention and Methodist lay preachers and toinporanon tney due to if not to the building laws and no me woes 01 me nations migiit oo neaied. lAp plauso, His great mission was curing the evils of society and, as the people came to know learned to love him. Applause. Those nearest to Speaial u'n 19ano before the board was simply was appropriated for this work, whioh haB mado lire limits? Now the fire Una has been brought aomanaea tne ngnt to take a part iu naming the choice of the neonle. Men wero ftemnrMt.

ia workers iu the city, induced tha oirole to 1. iiwuiu ouidurt, 1110 iiiui'meut 01 its croat progress since then. The property, melnd out to ion Hit ou street and JJushwiolc avenue. Total S2.302.042.31 committees in having erectod tho fins new build lna threo lots 01 ground, with the enlarged cause the Democratic party was the party of lutn wero most devotedly attached to the see. The Sensible people are asking themselves, "Of what mox from its quarters in Manhattan avenue to a little hall at 10 Bedford avennr, ing for the colored school or stultify itself by Accompanying this statement was a resolution ouiidiug.

la worm 00. on wmcli there th speaser saw me pope tne last time tivo years aeo. me puopie, ano wneu some would be leaders, use nowr tan ward is built up. ew new ones can oacsmg aown ana reiusing to give tne colored mains an indebtedness of $1,800. in tbo delirium of their ambition, tm irnf.

thn ii iuk wiLLim vua uuiibs I ini Avnnun. I mr He had just conferred upon the now now bishon almost on the border line betxTBen thn' oo ouut unless tlioso now srantiinc pithAi hum which tho board adopted providing that a special meeting be held next Tuesday to'diacuss the toenth street, Prospuct avomie, Hamilton arenuo nnd people tne piaoe mat had beeu especially pre people, then they forgot their Democracy and the title of chamberlain. Tho arolrbishap had St. Margarofc's inis.ion Tho plan or employing Rov. Mr.

Loya to take charco of an Italian mis Sex onteenth and Fourteenth wards. Ho wanted uin western uounoorlor or tho ward. pared ior tuem. uu luuKor represent tne party, xne oowu or lau to pieces irom time and hard wear. Why wasn't it done fifteen years ago lias Brooklyn uothinc to learn from tho Sir.

All ot tho I wonty thiril wnrd. budget. sion in this vicinity was referrod to a committee Mr. Harkness said he had not changed in his All thaX portion of the TSvontv fnurth ward lvinr west The law committee sent in a rocomnienilation utmcu mi mo fnvuego ui uriuging in tne now ohauiberlain. When tho popo looked on the chamberlain it reminded the speaker of the Bccne wh3n Christ looked ou Simon Peter, east consisting ot ISev.

Mr. h.insolviiig, Kev. Hugh of Albany avenue, man woo maae mo proud coast, "1 am a Democrat!" forgot in calliug that 2Sd of Febrnary convention the very essentials of Democracy. convictions in this matter. He had always boen toeuth ward? Has the Eighteenth ward as it 000 people might be left If the that the contract for the purchase of property All tnat portion oi too Twenty fifth ward within tho sun Btauas on tne ips no lesson to take from Maguiro and Rev.

J. D. Skene, which has duly oonsiilored the matter, but advises postponement opposed to mixed sohools, although he was ever limits nouniloil liy lial.sey stroot. Fotchon avonuo, How conspicuously dlficrent was thn nnaitim nf flames could once get started it would bo im ing upou mm a look of inteuse leva which showed on Quitioy street, adjoining sohool No. 20 ou ready to do all he could to aid the colored peoplo 01 action.

one ether man, who for the past four years had unauuciiy Htreot, rultun street, utnoor avenuo, Lafayette avenno and possible to stop them. On ovary sido fnr miles us nemnuor xiionre limits do not take tn one block of the Eighteenth, the Twenty seventh or the Twenty eighth ward. As a consequence they Gates avonue, be approved, which waa adopted to grt away from the nnighborhood mada notorious by the publicity given to Ivans' troubles. For a time the mission progressed in its new home, quietly if not prosperously, and the Ivans incident xvas passing sut of publie recollection. To day, however, Mr.

Uowlandsen showed to an Eaolf. reporter a letter which ho is about to Bend to the circle. This is the letter: Abiding Circle King's Sons ana Dauolitm. The report was adopted and $100 granted to The Koveptoentb, Kiglneontli and Twonty sixth wards that ha knew what tha recipient was destined to be. The sovoreign pontiff exalted him to do good work for tne church of God.

The archbishop said ba could not but realize that tho popo ubob a private citizen, ne nan never to use nis authority to foroo thn nnnnU tn to seoure all needed school accommodations. Mr. Harkuess ralioarsed tho histary of his connec oy the board. On the recommendation of the thoy would find plenty ef food to food upon Block after black, row after row, mile aftor mile Ul UVu 1M1IU LUD lirU IIIUILS. St.

Jnde's, $250 to St. John's and 51,000 to St. port him. It wjtsnot necessary for Urover Cleve uavo larKoij assumed tuo cnaraorer or tne sixteenth ward. In the western part, along BuBh tion with the colored schools during tho tinio ho Late in 1800 and early in 181)1 the oard of Andrew's.

Tha election of officers came next and committee on ueatmg and ventilation, tho appointment of W. B. Coloa aa inach inisl, at 53.50 land to aay i am a juemocratr' for the people wick avenue as tar as Myrtle and in the neigh of wood and nothing but wood not ono brick building to a luiiidrod, not twenty briok filled haB been in the board. He expressed tha epin the Rev. A.

F. Tetiney of St. Ann's was olioten knew ne waB a Democrat. Enough was already Shepherd. The speaker closed by asking all to aldermen ordained considerable extensions which made the limits ou January 1, 1802, aa boring streets, there is no difference.

A man can per day, was confirmed. 1011 tnat tno best course 111 the present instance secretary, 0. M. Trowbridge troavi' er and F. apparent, iu it certain tnat ne uiiiiit luii ucmwi 91 nut new uisnup.

buildings in the same number. What a loss Nelson W. Gates, for tho eomm ittee ou high the true choice ot thn ll.mnnnif, nf tiio given, mese extensions included a cousidcra. ble part of tho Fifth ward; that pin of the Sev was to transfer the colororl school to the now Rov. P.

J. alcNamara, S. T. responded briefly wain across tne Donnuary and not know it Can ho dp the same in the Twenty fifth ward, which the fire lino includes? Thn wards ni HifrWpmf A'o. 10, llean rd dec 11 ue: Having resigned thn nnilinn nf )niriar nf H.

Parsonsllay momber of tho All of life would thon ensuo. Hundreds state and that hlB Bnpporters would go first to school, got a resolution adopted nnthorizins ten building until othor accommodations could be enth bound.d by Washington, Slyrtle, Bedford for the clergy and was followed by William J. were re eiectoa. The evening scss a mis would surely perish in tho dime. What oyracuso ana men to unicago, feeling that tho ligious services in this circle, the uudertigned is no longer connected therewith in ri.annnsihln fnr teachers to be appointed for the new girls' high anu mailing avenues: nil the Eighth given provided.

Carr, for the laity, who spoke as follows: people wero with them. State after Btato had could prevent it whoro there arc hundreds but the Eighteenth looks the Sixteenth and the Sixteonth lookB the Eighteenth. There is no difference, oxcept that in the newer ward paint sionary one. Rev. Dr.

Alsop and liev. A II. Caley speaking. The next meeting will be bold at St. school upon its completion, by the local commit any of its ptocsedings.

E. H. IIoxvla.nphon. Mr. Chairman, most reverend, riirht rnvnran.l General H.

C. King spoke briefly against Mr. declared for Grover Cleveland. Everywhere it above excepting the four blocks from to Eighth avenue, between Piwpeot avonuo and Seventeenth street, and from Fourth to Fifth of huge frame touemont houses, four stories tee of the sohool iu conjunction with the teaoh and reverend clorgy and gentlomon, my lord Mr. Bowlaudson said that ho hid resigned b3 was seen mat me real leader or the Democraoy btewart's proposition.

tuous jremier anu mat mere are not so many Jude's, Blylliebourne. high, with four families on a floor? What could ers' committee. mm i mi urtrKiH utiizet won rnr v.ira uisnop 1110 warmtn oi nospitality winch has at cause the circle, at its annual meoting just held. When a vote xvas takon on the report of Mr. iccwenn 1'rospect avonue and Eighteentn dilapidated looking rookeries.

Streot after street is filled with big double tenement shells. Street prevent it, with nothing but wood, dry as tinder tended you irom your arrival moureltv vestorilnv John Y. Culyor followed this with a moasiiro hardly attempted to open his month in his own behalf aud had certainly not attempted to coerce street: nut part ot the Ninth ward bounded had re oloetod as its president Julian F. Ivans. btewart it was rejected, 14 in the affirmative to A.t3UAl INSPECTION OF THE THIKTV SECOXD.

must have gone a great way to domoiistrnto inflammable as paper, used in the construction? 25 in the negative. triat vour see is not inoartinnsinnripiiinm i.ii. suyuutiy. who is expected home tine week. Tho meeting was controlled by Iv.xu3' friends, mostly xromen.

And what could prevent it, indeed, with owners uy park, vanderbilt avenue, Prospect pla. Washington avonue, Eastern parkway and tle city line and tho portion within the providing that tho committee on boys' high Bchool in conjunction wilh tho teachers' committee be authorized to appoiut six teachers at St. 1'tvul, wo Brooklynites are wont to boast that wo Colonel Clark's JTieii nuke Ibe (ireaicst The majority report was than adopted without Mr. Hinrichs was frequently applauded. He so greedy of thoir land that they build another aro citizens oi no moan citv.

iifLr.nvf,r nthm a discussion. expressed the hope that tho Sixteenth ward would Effort of Thoir Lives. limits oouudoil by D'ranklin, Atlantic and Wash frame tenement oa the roar of their lots, with salaries not to exceed 52,000 nor year. After a may think of it, wo ourselves are duly impressed with its greatness. Though it be but of yester who still think that the orgauuar of the mission has beon shamefully persecuted and are determined to stand by him.

The re election of Ivans make an excellent Bhowing at next Tuesday's air. Stewart Ban! afterward to tho reporters four more familios ou a floor and four stories With the inspection of Hie Thirty second regi ington avenues and Bergon street that part of the Nineteenth ward bounded by Flushing avonue, Broadway, 100 fec north of Heyward street brief discussion tho resolution was adopted. primary. Joseph Zoll and others spoke briefly that he raa thoroughly disgusted. "While I nuy, wim nnio 110 memories or high? Thirty tiro families at leastone hundred ment yesterday afternoon Inspector General The additional teachers will be needed whou the traditions, wu nave niucn to console our in uorman.

was brought about with Ivans' knowledge and irom Jsroaciway avonuo. Hevward street have Boms thought," he deolared, "ofseokitig a reconsideration, I rogard the matter as uraoti Thomas II. McGrath coraplotod his work for the selves with the contemplation of its present new boys' high school is completed. and twonty fivo oooplo on one wide lot: and such housos, stringing by tons, by twenties, by aud Bedford avenns; that part of the Twonty. consent, aud, iu fact, is said to have beon engin year in the Sscond brigade.

It was tha iutention The board adopted a resolution providing for urat unra oounuoti oy uedtora avenue, lushing PbEASAST CHURCH GOl.VO. eered by him. Mr. Bowlaudson said that undor ami iiL ouu Bxpecbavious 01 iib luture so manliest that it requires no prophetic oye to behold it. It is fit.

therefore, that in overvKnenilv nv hundreds, along miles of etroon. Loss of life, to parade Colonel Clark's command in Prospect tho addition of two class rooms to Bchool No. 29. cally settled, and it seems, to mo that undor somo circumstances Auiorican raco prejudice is stronger than its sense of justice." uvenue, urondway, lou lect north or ilyrtle avetiuo from Broadway to Nostrand avenue, 100 feet west of Nostrand from Mri tln ro Drlfnlh tho circumstances ho could uot remain ideutifijil in any xvay with the mission. It is oxpoctevlthat park, but yesterday morning tho weather waa so Or.

iUercditli'H Exposition of the Klrlity The annual report of tho superintendent of terrible and sure, would so oertainly result from a tire of any size in that section as it docs in tho bad that the general thought bost to have the public instruction, William H. Maxwell, and that 1 fourilk Psalm. coming unto us should be surrounded with those joyous demonstrations of a generous peoplo to one wh comes "in the name of the Lord" te do a great work in a great city. You have nomn imi Ivans will preidde at next Sunday night's serv P. H.

McNulty seourod tho adoption of a reso old rookeries ou the east side of New York." ceremony in the armory and at 10 o'clock he of Albort S. Caswell, superintendent of the de The international Sunday school lesson for Snch are the opinions held by most of the rep 1 00 feet north el DeKalb from Nnstrand to Bod ford avenue; tho portion of tho Twonty spcond ward lying south of 100 feet north of Fourteenth Btreot and between Eighth avenue and 1 00 foot east of Fifth avenue. Such were the ira lution providing that tho report of his committee on manual training, printed ia yosterday's telegraphed tho colonoi to that effect. The othor partment of music in the sohools, wero submit Greennoint clergymon and other raligieua resentative meu who were asked by an Eaolk officers aud the men of course know nothing of this week is "Delight in God's Dr. Meredith continued his exposition in tha Tompkins ted to the board and ordered printed.

leaders are indignant over the prospect of seeing ciAgle, bo printed 111 the minutea and made the reporter for an expression of opinion. They alter Btreet can oo traversod, the homes of tens of thousands passed by, and not ono brick or stoue building seeu. Twice recently the writer has been through this wonderful section of the city. Twice he has tried to locate the old farms and farm houses which, hardly more than a dozen yoarB ago uiado within the city as thoroughly country as now, one bat to go boyond Jamaica to ftud. Nine years ago the population was not one tenth of what it is to day: live years ago not one third.

Aud still it is growing. Houses are going up in blooks, property is advancing, the boom ia thero, but it is a frame boom. Once the writer drove through the district, entering it from Halsey street, going north to Kidgewood and then along Wyokoff avenue to Flushing aud down iuto the Sixteenth ward. Ou nnothar occasion he walked. Into the mind of anyone who goo through this territory tha conclusion must force itself that a largo part of the district has not yat assumed characteristics ao decided that any extonsion of the fire limits if such an extension should be both wiso and practicable would come too late.

In anether very large part of the ward, however, it would be as much too late to prodnoe good results for very many years as it was in the Sixteenth ward. The old Eighteenth ward differs from the Sixteenth one important respect. There are not so many single lots used for two homes. This, however, is counterbalanced by another feature. A very largo part of the district all, perhaps, with the exception of that part toward Evergreens cemetery is cut irregularly by streets running in many differont directions.

There are not only Ihe miiob discussed question of tho disposition puiium extensions made late in 1800 and in Ivans again pose in tho community at the head favored a very considerable extension af the liro avenue Oongregatioual church. Theleaspn wa9 the Psalm LXXXIV. Dr. Meredith said in brief: a see in which your spiritual children are move numerous than the whole church under many an early pope. Within your Jurisdiction are more temples of the Most High than deck tho provinoeB of a modern patriarch.

At the present rate of progress a score or more of years will find vou, if the Lord should spare you nnto us, the spiritual ruler of upward of a half a million of tho faithful. Glorious as is the lienor bestowed tison mn. of a gospel mission. Thoy Bay that his appear tho change in the orders until they assembled at tho armory, when exproaiions of disappointment wore heard on all si los. This was at 2 o'clock in tha afternoon and the Bnu was shining brightly.

of the new school building at tbo corner of Sohe nectady avenue and Bergen street, originally in limits even if an inclusion of the whole city mi iar in inns mere nave oeon two vary im bpecial order of btiBiuass at next Tuesday's special meeting after tho discussion of the budget. John Guilfoyle, a memborof the committee, presented a minority report on the subjoct aud mce iu such a capacity has a tendency to hnrt If have looked into thn hnnltu in iimrn iha portant further extensions. One takes in all the Biiould bo impracticable. Thoy were especially tended for the colored school at Troy avonue and aUtllOrshl'D Of this Xlsalm vnn mnHK luv. and emphatically in favor of the inclusion of religious work, and if they can proreut it they certainly will.

They foel that, altor all that Lieutenant Foots was sent for the Flatbush com got similar privileges for it. Dean street, was brought before tho board by the nreBOixtation of this roport approved by C. Simis, sixteenth ward except tho little, irregular strip east of Bushwick avenne. The other pierces the Eighth ward. The records of tho common council how that at the moetine of February 8, Al tbo Eighteenth, Twentj sevcuth and Twenty pany which turned out forty one strong, sol The finance committee presented tho followini: has been brought out concerning tho caso.

tha you have taken up no easy burdoD. Whatever eighth wards. Their reasons, given in the inter and Lbou Miher of the local committee: speclaclo of Ivans aa the roinstatud leader of 1 report of the financial traneactions of the board unuai, mYentny vi opinion, riven tnose wno aro confident that David wrote it are divided. Borne think, for instance, that he wrote it in remembrance of the time whon ho was Hoeing froniSaul. Others think that it commemorates the revolt of Absalom.

Others attribute it to one of tho sous of Korah. 8till othars hi inrr ir linmi aerrnan lUiinrer moved the extension of the fire views that follow, will be found very interesting Whereas. The colored nonnlarinn be your uounts and tears, we, at once your brothers and your children, look upon your task with a oalm confidence. Tho motto emblazoned lor the mouth of April aud the condition of the iiujiin nu ns inumao mo lonowing Donnaarios: even to peoplo who do not agree with thorn: recognized evangelical organization will be I publio scandal. vommonoing at a point formed by tho intersection of the east side of Union avenue aud the W.

T. Lane, president of the Nassau insuranoe as it is and has been for years in and about tho present public school No. 08, and, Whereat, The same have had loryears and still havo a school under colored lunervisinn intnnrlA.t dierly looking fellows, evoryone newly uniformed. It was feared thst the oolouul wonld not have anything for them to woar. Major Elect Macumbor, who lives in Flatbush, rodo to tho parade ground and might have boen waiting there yet, if lie had uot seen go toward that city on a horse car.

A numbor of on your escutcheon is to us a prophOBy of the victory that awaits you. Humilitas. It ia well snutneasc side ot. urnattway, thence running accounts on the first day or May, 1802. Aggrs gato amount of warrants drawn, repairs and furnishings, SI, 344.07; heating and ventilating.

employ in workshop. company, was asked whether ho thought it would be advisable to further extend the liro to tho captivity. The Bimple direot way is to say that we know nothing about the authorship. that a successor ot the apostles should nhnnsn ao LAID THE C01t.NERST0.VK. for and composed of colored children in this dis his motto a virtue so apostolic.

It dethroned limits. mnerlal Juniter and all tho ends nf nurmeriy aiong xuc east side 01 Union avenue to the south side of Ten Eyck street; thencs easterly along the south side of Ten Eyck street to the ivest side of llushiviotc avr.iuip. trict, ana "that cannot be done too oarlv." lin said: A Mow Ckunel for (bo 01lraud Avouuo we nnow mat tne autnor was a Jew, entirely devout aud a poet of no mean order. Let us assume that David xvi ntn it fuel, compulsory oduca Borne. It went forth to teanh all nntimm Tf Whereas.

Tho Baid Domilation nre fnr nnl i "thoy should bo extended so as to include all tho Methodist Kpiscepal Church. territory ot tho city. 1 am not sure whether it privates who had permission to go direct to tho parade ground had their trip for nothing and along the west sido of Bushwick avenue to the tiou, contingent fund, J5Q1.72; Janitors' wages, $7,018.80: toachers' wages, $104. tamed tbo fierce pride of Gaul and Colt, Norseman and Teutou, Goth and Slav. It withstood the shock of empires.

Before it went down iuto might well have done it. Let us see what this psalm has to say to Impress upon your scholars that, in studviner ordinary lit.mnr.iiro would ne iidvuable to except any part of tho Under tho glaro of an oloutrie light and tho deprived of these school privileges so loug enjoyed by thorn, Resolved, That the entire organization of the present public school No. 08, be given such number of class rooms in tho new buildinir nnw in city, even in too outlying districts. more is 508.50; officers' salaries, $4,281.80: music uortii siue oi i'iuiiiug avenue; thence westerly along the north side of Flushing avonue to the fast side of Broadway; thence northerly along folds ef a number of American flags the coriisr rmn and obscurity both pride of power p.enty or room beyond the city line for frame whonyoix have found out what thooirotimstauces teachers' salaries, salary of librarian, oujlifai OH that divide the blocks into odd shapes. Tha consequence ia that there are many gores and three cornered small blocks.

These, of oonrse, arc built on from tha three sides aud the back wiudows come very near each other. bonsai. As an insurance man and accustomed. stone of the new chapel of tha Nustraud avenuo and pride of intellect. As tho psalmist has said.

"Deeasuit ootentos nt several hundred friends of tho regiment, mon and women, made a long journey to the park, waited there for several hours and theu camo home. For inspection the regiment was formed in two battalions under Captains Maxson ami bmumooi uroauway to hid point of begin were uuaer which it was wntteu and tha moaning of the writer you have done all. with t.lm course of orection ou Schenectady avonue and Methodist Episcopal church at the corner of num. iiiHKing a business, in tact, of examining flru risks, I give it as my deliberate opinion that expressing or DooHs, tlGG.oO; printing, evening schools, books, $22, Ibis w.xs adontod and the Bible you have ouly half commenced. Impress CJuincy street and No strand avonuo, was laid.

exaltavit humiles." The quiet of 'your priestly lite, so utterly devoid of noisy pretense, so perfumed with the odor of true ninrlnntv. wn xiereen street ior uso ami instruction as required until a new building shall havo been erected to take the place of the present sohool hatiKH oitimi Jtanv parts of those iririln. t.lnKf.rn ar neglect in extending these limits has put extension ordered published. tins especially in tnoso days when meu are say inir that the Bible is to hn lii. iv built ud as snlidlv and with i nr, Sclmenock, the first comprising ex I jii i e.Druary lo, Aid rman JlacKallar moved The new will be an adJition to the church and will have ihreo eiur.iuous on the Quiucy the city in a aangoroua nosinon, one which some day may bo cured by the serious remedy of a on the present site owned bv this board ontitlod you to your motto.

To one who studios literature. This stauduoint ia thn miirn iimiinr. the square foot as exist in the Sixteenth ward. mo uxvension or tnn urn ihiin tn ia II, and (i: the second, and A otuer. great ilre.

Tho danger is appalling. It is alraoat 881.21; music books, janitors' supplies, niano and repairs, $853; library fund $10; gas, new building fund, total, $237, 117.50. The report was adopted. Tho board adjourned. Using up avenue yesterdav.

tho Kmr.v oils from the fact that it is half ti ne. It is also street si le um lonowing boundaries: Resolved. That the new buildinc now in nr the history ot our holy church no fact is more manifeBt than that the great work of Christ in His church has been done not throuirh thntn reporter saw a characteristic siuhf. Tn ir.rt as dangerous to live In parts of lirnnklyn as it is (Jommoneing at a uoiut no font nf took a pesitio 11 on the loft of the second battalion. The adjutants were Lieutenants King Tho time for the laying of the stono wax set for true and moro tme that it should be studied like no other literature.

Br amiable the wriri nn. oi erection on ocuencciady avenuo and Uergen to live in Japan. mere tho hou es are of n. ipor, avenno and Lightuemh street, running parallel was a row of big "double decker'1 tenements just having the finishing touches put on. The paint 0:45 P.

Bin it was long after that the street oe Known as puoiic school Wo. 83 and ynu roinember, and burn down once in so often. andBagnall. The inspection was finished about i i.ii imiu iiiuiw, Hoiunerjy to i wenty tourtn tnat said scuooi ne organized as an lnilnnnnripnr. na nouses hero are in many cies quite as 4 1 5 o'clock.

General McGrath was assUto 1 bv street and imrd avenue: thence easterly to 100 was clean aud the woodwork was froth. Even if the wiudows wero narrow, thov wero briirht. lovely. Of course there was only one tabernacle. The plural rofers to the different courrs of tho temple.

It would not be possible to be more intense. Literally "longeth" should be liUMrruenxaio icnooi and nal a commit en nn. CAECIL1AXS VAXCK AS WELL AS Uanimaoio, li siignuy more substantial, but ti lcet west of 1'iHirth avenue, parallel with said W. II. A.

Cochran of the brigade sr. ilT. pintod for tho same and that any action horota who sought to do it but through those who wore sought out for it. It is true of men, as of other things, that "The exquisite always hides itsolf." How beautifully has A'Kempis expi assed this truth: "No man safely goes abroad but he who willingly lies hid at borne." "No man Bpeaks safely but he who loves to hold his ptjaco." "No man safe The houses seemed nice, comfni il in emiiiterDaianea tnat advantage wu build ours ceremony toon place. Lx Auditor Butan, the contractor, hud tho ground ll nr laid, thus form ing a solid platform.

The Sunday sohool children were formed in line in the churoh aud cour.ii avenue 10 tne city line: heneo eastni l'oro takon and inconsistent herewith be and is The Society's Takon as a whole the regiment made a verv Jteceiition translated turning pale," while "faiiiteth" mil mo nils id iuu loot nasi or ourth 1 our stories nigh, while theirs are but one. In iheir fires livss are uot lost. Willi us Ins; nereuy rescmueu. homd be "faueth as though bo were about illnslcal TIilw Season. ivcmie paraiiei wim ourtu avenue to the canter (Hie Of TlVfilll.V fillirf, Ktcr nf.

cruditablo appearance Arms equipments were in good condition. The xvero steady T. McCai)ts Stewart, the colored member ef the ci mo woum no an awiui cmaiiuy. insurance which a thrifty mechanic could put hi growing family. To the right baud wan a aiimlar row, but nut eo nearly completed.

Tho style oi both was tho same. Both stood off avenue and both will look as alike as two peas a mouth from die. His his Hush and liij Im.irr marched from there to this platform. To tht Ins whole boing was drin'g for tha temoU. board, who has boeu seeking to hax a the now lit and the st me wero William Adann, coiuiuaiius inn ne ivuonas icarut wen to obey." i one who is doing the work of the I linw Muus iniunj ioiirni titBst te tne ceuter lino of hat should givo him that intonse yearning rtatu avutvae; tnence nortlisrly along theceuter school a mixed one.

pie. anted on his own behalf groat is the consolation that fail he cannot. To now. JUut yesterday, how different! One was ne naxt rse is very difhunlt. thmli ir.

luieor hixtli avenue to the center lino of Sixth men i.ok at sucli thing in a cold biooilsd way. Where thore is great danger they put thy 7 In Hie Tontli and l'jightounth wards, i or instance where nothing but frame houses can bo insurance ratcn are mncb higher than in o'hor parts ot the city. Much of Hie Suvontennth. him "victory means rrloiy here below. dnrVfir.

as a member of the local com Jiittea a miuority tho Kev. Or. T. Ii. Poiilson.

Mryor Boody, ox Auditor Retail, Thomas F. li itan, tho Hey. Charlei 11. Buck, the llev. Dr.

Cbarlos M. Giilin. fresh and nrru. The other was a har al olntnn in the ranks an 1 ationtix tn business, but many of them did not know apparontly how to stack arms for 110 loss than upon tho floor. After the impj.

tioii General McGrath ordered a battalion drill, which wa, avenue anu iLigntec utn street. glory on high." It is well that tha laitv havn with tho wind in its bones, llv Innl ino nr. rlio report. A number of colored peaplo who wero nus was adopted unanimously, and the city two and tho use of a JiMro dedneti present listened to it and to the discussion of the William Hcrrics, the Hot. T.

P.Frosi, the llev.Dr. ceived you witu open arms. It is meet that in this gathering of your brother alumni to night that the laitv should have a voi.n ro prr vm, yi na un emeu iu im iiiisii a notice according tn law. could construct tho entire anatomy of the speoies with much eater easn thnn Pt nfok enr nr.r.t qnestion that fulluwod with close attention. Mr.

the Eighteenth and the Twenty sixth wards, M.ould be idaood under fir rsii ictions in my opinion. The Twonty sixth wan! is buildinir up tionerallv eommmirloti tni M. 1). Chapman. Sunday School tilirTeriiitomleiit' It.

G. Davisson and Captain Braniian. continued for an hour. Then two companies froineaeli li wore exevlfd and for nearly Stewart read hia roport as follows: Between the Shepherd aud tho sheen notiiiniz could, from toath alone, restore the structure of i.i am, iiiiu loimciu which ino Hoard has shoivn To Ihe Bonrd of Education: the earlv ocean horse. Hero is how it is dono: Tho exere: bogaa wilh a song by the Sunday but intimacy should prevail.

Was it not that Divine Exemplar, the Good Shenhsrd. who unid and winch people take exception to. It is tho Fol rirsfc follow the memoralilo ininn.itirm mi a Under a resolution, missed bv this linnvl nt. an nour longer li. an 1 lud the 11, ior.

lowing is tho ollieinl record of atti iidnm 100I scholar! led by W. 3. Clark, eoruetist. wry rnpnwy and uuiess it is protected in this v.ay it will have nothing but frame houses. The tiocentoenth ward is such a manufacturing v.

urd that it certainly should be in the of His sheep, "I know mitio and mine know Me 1" jii iiiiinu nits wiiii ii resolutions arc passed permitting owners to practically neglect the lire tho laud. Five lots at least are needed, by the last meeting, the matter of the reorraniy.s.tinn nf way, to do tins properly. Dig a few fuet down I puuiic 6CUol Ko. 08 and the transfer thereof to iispay prelate ami torutttato people who live xn this glorious age of the church, i know that to limit ordinances, itcsnlutious arc introduced and passed to let. property owners put up framo lire limits, or at least that part of it tno new sonooi ouiuuna on tun corner nf Nn in.

jot a ceiiar. my a lew rows ot rough stone for foundations and throw some Imams nr.rn. ThU The members of the Caocilia society of tho eastern district hold their lat musical and re coptiou at the Pouch gallery, on Clinlon avonue, last night. Tho guests were received by the patronesses of the affair and escorted to their Beats by the young man in attendance. Tho programme xvas as follows: Baritone solo, Oliver King; contralto solo.

Miss Ceacelia Baobo' Pollock: soprano solo, waltz solo, Patterson. Miss Eugenia baritone solo, "Tho Two Grenadiers;" Scliuman; reading, "Tom's Miss Pollock. At 11 o'clock supper was served in the dining room, after which dancing was in ordor until the early hours of the morning. Among tho euesta wero Mr. and Mrs.

Oliver Millar, James Rodnioud, William Goster, Mr. and Mrs. James King. Miss King, Miss Simmons, Miss Lizzie Hall, Benjamin Marinus, Mrs. George W.

Orten, Hobrus Orton, Mr. and Mrs. Francis W. Young, Mr. and Mrs.

George Esaig, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Rhodes Mr. and Mis. A.

G. Kratzer, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Ben tier, Mr. and Mr.

II WL st or iiiniHKiidc street. his is a residential means that the writer enviod the vory sparrows who built their nests in tho eaves of tho temple. In the next verse with two "mys" tho writer takes hold of God firmly and with both hands. What was there underneath all this? The tabernacle is precious because iu it the living God manifested Himself, That in the Jewish conception. What have we that corresponds A contrast must be takon into account.

For us tho vail is rent, and where there ia a man to pray there 4od is. Theirs was a sacrifioial service. For us a sacrifice has boon made for onco and all. There are hundreds of thousands of peoplo who turn God's mercies against His Because prayer is free as air they undervalue the value of God's house. I want you to toaoh the children about the house ef God, its servioos, the social and united prayer, tho singing of praises, the united study of God's Word.

Gat before thoir minda something of tho value of going to church. IT HAS A SURPLUS SOW. nectany avenue was rererrod to the local commit. MiiimjuKh providing mat tno consent of the ad is tho first floor. Stick some joist up in tho air ircuon surrounuoa uy on reiineries, sugar reliu tee ol said sonooi with instructions to reDort at Stall ami company.

crics, cream of tartar works, lumber yards and thi, tha May meeting of the board (minutes joining property owuors is obtained and subject to tho approval of the commissioner of buildings. Peoplo arc also very freauentlv permitted and throw some beams across, llepeat until four floors nnd a roof aro in nosifcinti. Jhnnso ralm isaa. page ytii.i Alter a oertunctni muni me iiae. in iinuuing that combiwtibla neighborhood should certainly he of brick.

This tion ot the matter herein a rennrt ivm mirm A yi mum iraiiio oxteusious to rrmno houses. kpulies also to tho Fourteenth and Fifteenth noon by a majority of tho committee and the in una wuj many uauiu uuiidings crcon The Rjr. Dr. Ponl ion Ud in th respjinive reading of Psalm 1 32 and Rev. Clixrlos H.

Buck nff.rd prayer. Tuo ah tor. tho Rev. A. H.

Goodiuoiigli, announced that tho excitants of box. about in the cornerstone, wore as follows Several current coins, Easter and current number of find Hume, Easier snuvf nir couUtmng picture of tha now building, names of officers of tin church and of the different societies; dun.lay school niAtrdil with tha r4aos of a the oflL ers and membsrs ol the sohool, list of nam of of the ohnrch and a copy oT the roll of honor iu primary department, a oietnre of tho ol I chapel, minutes of tha Now arm, which are oi inueii tne sam character. same nas oeeu maue signou. Tlic under. in.

ii ir, mni, ii srnrn Jjvory men oi me jiicnteentn iv. a ahouid bu ii tho. very part of Fulton stivpf. days, otherwise there is danger that the wbolo thing will ho blown away. Select some boards half inch lumber will do but be sure that thov aro grooved.

This dossn't cost anything, but it looks nice. Cover the joist with this. Decorate with a fow hundred toot of cheao moulding. Plaster the insido. Do not forget floors, stairs and windows theso are os sentinl.

Pnt tho whnin I'roietit. Alisont. 3 a' 5 r. c. 1 a a 2 3 2 0 1 1 10 2 38 1 1 2 46 47 1 IM 3iT 37 37 1 3.

30 3 41 14 11 2 37 30 5 5. 1 44 44 2 30 11 2 2 l.l 0, 11 41.....: 0, 0. 47 384 1 10 403 Firld n'l tail N011 ht.xlT. Cmipauy A Company Ii Cmmnnv iudod. It is building up Just as the Sixteenth signed member aud chairman of said committee hereby dissents from the oonclasious reached and recommendations made by the majority, and ii really nothing but a rmiin it did, and unless this is preTonted it will be just is by an extension resolution that tho owTinr i.v niviv.

i'u i uiniii suuui. ut ni ivaveriv av respeotruiiy suoinits tno rouowing minority report: Tho majority report ib not the result of de sut a warn, reo nero: Jlr. Ij ano oponod one of the complete and Mo. iderfnl atlssses which insurance companies 1) lunip.xiiy Company Cnmpaiiy i.uo. has been trying to remodel his property, lie has run them up two stories higher than thoy in the hands of a roal estate agent aud your four liberation committao, but was predetermined before its meeting.

The member wuoso name unu aim suunuu tun repui ii uw. rMXvet'lun ward. Treasurer Houry of the Republican Ex. wero, ami nas mint very large extensions at tho iimDinr I nouses are aone. uy putting lour nouses on flvo lots owners nro able to doublo the capacity of each house.

When all tho aDai fnionts nro r.r,t.,.i Comnany i cm. xiu au iiuvi; noun covered with coi riieatnil ccntivo Committao Makes His Report. Bell, Mr. and Mrs. WjlliamHnigbt, Horace Chi is first ou the report expressed through tho Enblic press, soon af tor the last meeting of this oard, substantially the views contained in said iron.

Iho neighboring proportv owners many minds the preseut age Booms far from glorious. They see a pope in durance, shorn of his patrimony and seemingly at tho mercy of his enemies. The social unrest with its ominous upheavals, the intellectual ohaos and iis dreadful tendencies make the age seem orognaut with disasrerto civilization and religion. Yot whan was the church more fitted to grapple with its foes? When was it nearer to its victory? When was its discipline stronger or its children more devoted? Chaos there may be, but it is not within tho church but without. Foes there are but thoy do not wear the garb of friends.

Unrest thore is, but it marks but tho period of transition in whioh Europe lives to day. Jailors there are, but have we not the promiso that against Peter "the gates of hell shall not prevail?" Never was thero less cause to be despondent for the oliuroh. "The clouds you bo much dread "Are big with nioroy, and shall break "In blessihgs ou your head." Chief among theBe blessings is that the very state of things we so much dread is calling the attention of the world to the churoh as a conservator of civilization. The preaohors of an. archy and the hnrlers of dynamite are not the product of the workshops of the ehuroh.

The werld is fast realizing that the social difficulties of the day are mainly due to the faet that to so many men Christ xn tuvse inuys ytniow denotes irame bmldin'TR ami rrd those of brick. There w.u little red to be seen. Ail was y.llo and somonmos with tiu eo buildings indicated on a lot. Mr. Lane sit down and make tho following calculation: Total objected, and last week injunction proceedings wero bromrht hv rnnMi The May meeting of the Republican exacntive cuester, aiiss Aneevino, air.

and Mrs. Frederick Dare. Hoffmann Beach, Dr. Jenny Baker, Dr. Lot tie Cort, Miss Craig, Miss Burr, Miss Kames, Mr.

and Mrs. A. U. Broxvn, Mr. and Mrs.

Edward Five lots at 31,200 $0,000 Percentatfo pros9nt, 05.20. to uiu mini to hoir how rour bmldincsat ooo report, oince our last meeting, a vacanoy occurred in the oomraittee by the resignation of one of its members. His place was immediately filled by the member whose uame is second ou Threo companies, and II, paraded thoir im, on uiu uiuua to iiavo nun restrained from completing the oxtension. In the department of buildings in iho eitv hnll wat oeing uuiiv up tnere. lie housos ware not quita so close togetlmr as in the Sixteenth oeciey, ueatnee urewu, Clarence Sealey, Dr Total outlav fOn non 11.

rt. fenslow, Miss Ceacelia Boebe Pollock. Mr. Stxts tour apartmont avorasinj 4100 a SflloOO mil io lnuporiion oi yellow was even full strengths Two privatoi in one company were very much hang two odd looking maps. They are maps of saw report, ana wnose opposition to the uae of the new school building for tho purpose for whioh larger.

nil. cvniinubn: IllVJVJhlXIl ttllll 111 IUU1I1SU1YDK Hffl OTd Ml ft rrl. an el Mrs. Edward Beardaley, Mr. and Mn.

Charles H. Pollock, Mr. and Mrs. John H. Hesse, Mifs r' it ii i t.

refceuie ui crons pronto per year, per cent. Such is the recipe and such is its approximate "What have sr.ul about the eastern district it was erectod had been emphatically declarod disgusted whon they learned that tho regiment ucuiKoiinuiiniiiiisauu inemiooK like the im by himself in and to this board, and in and aginings ot one aicoholically demented. With was not going to the park and, making up their result. win sppiy to tne wcsiorii. i can see no good rea why the Eighth ward should not be entirely included, or why strins not ihnnl.l uracil riartian, ana airs.

Jt.uic8 K. Hpcrry. Thomas A. Peters, Mr. and Mrs.

J. W. Young, Miss Nellie M. Bemey. F.

William Weeks, Mrs. the aid of a mucilago brush and a bottle of ink minis not to bo inspected, retired to the gallery tnrougn tno puono press, oetore his appointment to tb.6 local coniiniUae of Baid public school No. Further up tho street a row of atoroB was being nu nas uiiukl'm. out inn nro imrn imnn isernarn eiora, xir. and airs.

J. flonrv Dick, Mr, put up. So quickly had they been tossed to iupnij liuiiis luoa not III1I1KG a n.riinnon i.l ist in the Tenth, Twelfth and Twenty second, or in the Twenty fourth or Twenty. lifth ward." 08. Thorefore, so far as the majority roport is ooncernod, it should have no advantage as a de and Mrs.

lleury A. Powell, Dr. and Mrs. Mrerle. jagged cornet Branding unsteadily upon two liberate paper over: the minority report, but ueorge Y.

unauncoy opinions have sharp p.ass. terseness aud boldness. Thov rp ilmri iauo. i' lum uiuhu ino strange maps ono unpor. iiutmui 11 u.uuui 11, and Lreorge owalm, Mr.

and Mrs. Brows, Dr. and Mrs. James Flom getber that ono was finished and ocoupied before the last of the row had received its clapboarding. A neighboring lot some men wore inclosing with eacn snouiu ne considered upon its merits.

A brief reference to the history of tha matter tain iicvciii ue learneu. it is mat not more than half of the city of Brooklyn is nmrnotari i they are meaty. Tho suggestion of a fixed ratio nas oocotne an Historical figure onl milv miug, Dr. and Mrs. Harries, Mr.

aud Mrs. T. Motz. Miss Todd, Mr. and Mrs.

Gibbons, Mr. and Mrs. Hitching, Mr. and Mrs. Claroace Lyons ueroiu win roiru.a mo mirim or tne memuora or Well may it be that this terror nf anarnby in fire limite; that in the other half uen may build stout fence.

Tho posts were up and the resemblance between this fenco and the un is a vaiuaoio nue ami nis iaea as to now the real citate bneinesa vriil be affectoti is frank enough indued, the ooara. Alter rqoeatod petitions from the SllUU IIUUQBH AH LUUy bCO Ul. in God's providence, the very instrument by xr. auu jura, aieioaii. wuion iipo aou nis successors snail vinrxmata tho A man with a thorough acquaintance with Brooklyn from Haumre avonnn tn hr finished building was startling.

'lam dscidediy in favor of extonding the firo patrons oi aaia pnonc Bouool jso. 08 for a new school building, my predecessor, Mr. P. A. White, had the satisfaction of seeing a resolutioupass this York eaxt conference of 1802, hymnal and book of discipHno from tho box iu the stone of the old chapel, new lirin ial an 1 Bible, a copy of tha Christian Ailv JcMt and all tho local papers, Methodist Episcopal yaar baok, an Eaolx Ah and a progrunme of tho oxcrcijos at tho laying of tho stone.

The box it, elf, the paitor announced, xvas made aud presented to tho church by the W. 0. Vos bnrgh manufacturing company. Than turning to Mayor Boody, who stool at his left. Pastor Gooduough presented the chief executive of tho city with a silver trowel.

Oa the ebony handlo is a plate tiie inscription "Presented to Myor David A. Bjody on the oo3aion of tho cornerstone laying of tho new chapel of the Nos. trand avenuo Mothoiist Eniscopal church on May 3, 18 02." Mayor was grooiod xvith applanse as he topped down from the platform and laid tho cornerstone. After onother song by tha children and the benedictien by the pastor the outdoor exercites closod. The ceremonies wero continued in th? church, the pailor presiding.

Tho programme comprwed a hymn by tho congregation, a prayer by tha Rev. Dr. Chat Ian M. Giftia of Grace, chuysh, an address by the B'jv. T.

P. ol Smnwarfisld Methodist Ksisoopal chnrch, an anthem by the ohoir. an ad lroi by Mayor Biidy, an anthom ny tho choir, an address by the Bsv. M. Chapman, D.

of the New York avenue Methoditt Episcopal churoh, a hymn by tho congregation and the benediction by the pastor. limits, he tald; "no city in the country haB such The elevated road is high on Myrtle avenue. RITLES FOR THE MAItKSJlE.x. from Newtown creek to Bay lli.lge estimates that uiuio une tiiiiti oi rue eimrfl nnnn tah building laws, ihe best argument I know of is simply to walk through the ward and From its cars ono can got a very comorehensivo vlow of much of tho ward. The reporter took in icefftiiauoaa I.ovortiing This Year's this great city livos beyond the fire line.

He figured from tha police census of last year, this ooaru uiructiug tue committee on sites and localities to purchase a "site for a building to reliovo public school No. 08, to bo located south of Atlantic avenue" (minutea, 1880, page 542). Said site jook ai mo uig ooiiuie iiecaers up tuero. rorhaps it would be better not to havu a hard and fast committee wan held at headquarters, 153 Lawrence streot, last night, and was characterized by entire harmony. Only incidentally were tho recent hotly contested primaries and congressional conventions referred to.

Naval Officer Theodore B. Willis was on hand to see that the Nathan faction did not gain any advantage. In the absenoe of Israel F. Fischer, the chairman, Jacob Brenner of tha Tenth ward presided and Warren C. Tredweli recorded.

There waa a largo attendance, every ward but three being represented. Treasurer John F. Henry reported (hat there was a balance of about $2,000 on hand, with no liabilities oxcept a few email bills. An informal discussion took place on the plan for appointing captains for each election district. The matter of sending a representative delegation to the Minneapolis convention was alto discussed, bat no aotion was takou.

It was expected that Israel F. Fischer, chairman of tha executive committee, would tender hiB resignation at last night's meeting, but it was not road. A friend of Mr. Fischer's Baid it was prepared and, he thought, had been sent to Secretary TredweU. The latter said be had not received it.

Mr. Fischer made up his mind some time ago, it is said, to resign on account of a pressure of private business. AXXOAIi DIHHEB THE APOLLO CLDS. Tho eighth annual dinner of the Apollo club of this eity took place at the Montauk club Monday evening. About sixty members oat down to an elaborate menu.

Among the invited guests were Carll 8ilver, president of the board of direct Hut view. The horizon was bounded and among the spectators. Tli9ie thoy wero discovered Uy thoir captain aud dragged downstairs. Thoy will probably find before long that their connection with the regiment has been severed for tho good of the Bervico. Lat year the percentage of the regiuiont was 05.34 or a tnfio less than this but not so good considering the fact that tho men iu attendance yeBtorday turned out for a day time field inspection which interfered xvith their business.

General McGrath told iiti EiOUi reporter that the Twenty third regiment claim of 38 instead of 40 absentees xvas uot allowed. Thoir oer centage must stand therefore at 94.00 against the 05.34 of tho Thirty second, and tho Twenty third bad a Saturday afternoon for its impaction, which is considered the best day in tho week for the ceremony. The inspection of the Thirty second yesterday is really ihe best the rogimout ever had, and. all things considered, thore is no reason why officers and men should not feel somewhat olated. IlillG Practice at Crcedmoor.

By tho regulations for riflo praotice at the the outlook was filled with tall frame houses. waa amy purcnasea 'minutes. 1880. page 901). nan" noun unite uccussioie, out tne proportion would havo been the samo if he had taken this winter's state enumeration.

hi. i rule taking in the wholo city. Some ratio could b'i iixort, however, aud tha ordinances ceuld After ita Dnrchaso a nrooositien to nan nun nit, Row after row and streot after street was for another sohool bnildinc and to rebuild fortlm ii. inuiuuiiig uoimng teas cuau tnoasands in his nnea witu tucse arao ana pea green present public sohool No. 08, ou the corner of Troy I'UlUUIUItUtlK.

ranges, MBuod from tho adjutant general's office, Albany, yesterday, troope required or entitled to practice will ba divided iato three classes: Third, all not appearing in a range for practice; Becond. Of tho 34.000 neonln in tho, avonuo, wuero it now stands, was considered by tha committee on school houses. It wan opposed iiniKfl ne oxienHion as toon as tno population of ward reached a ueriain proportion to its "Wouldn't an extension of the fire limits mean a restriction in building "Ye. and that would be a good thing for roal estate." "Why?" dwellings, low small houses and cottages built and owned by clerks could be 6een. Tenementa dominated and predominated.

A brewery an the left hand and a brewery on the right were tho only briok buildings that oonld uy tuo coioreu people, mo committee gave them a hearing. least 20,000 are ontsido tho narrow strips recently brought into the lire limits. Of the 30, 000 in the Tenth ward 10,000 are without the pale. Of the 28,000 the Twelfth ward 18,000 are outside. Of tho 28,000 in tho Fourteenth ward 20.000 are outside.

Of the 28,000 in the l'tttaenth ward. 25.0O0. Of ihn ir. nun in Alter a patieut una carotui nearing ana a all present for practice without rogard to previous qualific.xtions who must make a score of 15 at 100 yards, standing, on a No. 3 targot; first, all who have qualified in the second olass.

They must practice at 200 yards sitiiugand 300 yards thorough examination of the matter, the committee announced to the delegation that it would The market "There are too many houses uow. ovor. toi ked with them." church in the eyes of all men. As when iu a most critical period of ohnrch history the wisdom of anoient Greece was being used as a battering ram to demolish the structure of Christian thought, there came forth from an Italian cloister an humble monk whose glorious privilege it was to baptiBa Aristotle and make him tha draught horse of the church for all time. As times change the questions change aud new difficulties require new remedies.

It would seem that in the solution of the questions of this age, a large share of the burden must rost upon the Catholio laity. What boots it that the church should proclaim aloud the duty of man to man if its children do not parry the spirit of Christ into the workshop, the counting house and the hails of legislation? What matters it that the ohnrch puts itBelf forward to an inquiring age as inteUi gible if its laity reflect not Intelligence? It is not with the prelate nor the prieBt that the world rubs shoulders. The ohuroh to day ib judged not through its saintly ministers or its learned dootors, bat through us, its humble children, who have its good name iu our keeping. Never waa the world al largo more hungry after truth. Bo eager ia tha pursuit of knowledge that men fly to error rather thau be ignorant.

That we shall be equal to the responsibility whioh the age has thrust upon ua mnat be brought about by a systom of education whtoh wiU neglect neither mind nor sonl, whioh recognizes that God Is as actual as the world is palpable. This is the work of the churoh alone. be seen. Wood, wood and nothing but wood met the eye, excepting where here and thore the Monday's wash flattered gayly in the broeza. recommend me erection upon tne Honenoetady avenue site of a building for relief of publio otiiceiiiu naiu, j.uuu.

ine entire 44,000 in ttie Seventeenth ward srn tint inplTiHn.i in prone on a No. 3 target. Thoae not making 15 Such is the general aspect of that part of thorns DfcUlAR ELECTED SIAUSflAL. nt uiiui rtnj luc o.ituu in rue isignteonth, wards whioh is built up. A more detailed in at 200 will not shoot at 300.

Asooro of 30 in this class will constitute a marksman: a ecors iiventy sevautu aud Twenty eighth. At least scuooi no. oh. iu Doara upon motion of the chairman of tho committee on school houses directed the said committee to preparo plans and specifications aud advertise for proposals for a building of ten class rooms to bo erectod on tho site recently acquired by the board on Schenectady avenue, said aohool when completed shall spection waa made, however. Every foot of of 42 at 500 aud 000 yards, ou a No.

9. Ho Will Lioatt the Douooernilc Force tho National Couxestion. o.uuu oi tuo D.i.uuu in me Twenty secoud ward are outudo and so are 1 0,000 of the 17,000 in the Twenty fourth ward. The 'IV Btreet through and about tho twolvo blooks bounded by DeKalb, Central and Knickerbocker target, a Bharpshooter. Marksmen who fail to has 48,000 population and at TO HISS UEOKKIK LAHSO.V.

TcntiiiKialul Concert mid ICiitcrlain meiit Civcn at tli Criterion. make 20 at 500 yards wiU not shoot at 000. A meeting of tha Deniocratio executive com ba known as public school No. 08, and the use of outside the firo limit, while the samo fate i The record must stand npon tho first qualifying score, as shooting for a second or Bunion o) an tno Jti.uuu in llie rwentv sixt avenues and by Jefferson street was traversed. These blooks nro very compaotly built np.

Eight houses on Central aveuue, between Jefferson and ors; Dr. William Jarvie, vice president; Rafael ward, lotal 285.000. Aceor. Iinr, te. (Ha Navarro, H.

E. H. Benedict, and a goodly num Tho testimonial concert and entertainment tuo present ouuaiug tbaii then bs discontinued (minutes. 1800, page 130). At the October, 1890, meeting of this board a petition was received from one John W.

Croger and others asking that a sohool for colored children be not erected on Schenectady avenue and mittee was held last night at the Thomas Jefferson on Court square. The ouly business transacted was to heir the report of the comruittoo having in charge the arrangements for the trip of the local delegation to the national convention at Troutman streets, pnblio school No. 53 and ceuisUB the population of Brooklyn was 853,000. One third of that is 384.000. Hence more than one third the population is outside the fire given to Miss Georgia Lanison at tho Criterion higner score ia prohibited.

Sharpshooters, however, may improve their score by subsequent practice. Each enlistod mau xvill shoot with the rifle issued by tbo state and" brought by him to iloltzor's brewery were the only briok buildings ber of former aotiva members of the club. After coffee and cigars had bsan placed on the table Mr. C. E.

Roqua, the toastmaster, introduced tho various speakers of tho evening. Addresses theater last evening drew a large audience and the encoroi were fraquont. Miss Lamson playnd that the reporter could find among all the hun that a school for white children be erected there Brooklyn is the fonrth oitv nn Chicago. Thomas 0. Pearsail presided aud dreds of structures that wore alone these streets.

the way of pouulaUou. How rlo it nearly all the pianoforte accompaniments. Tho on. Said petition was referred to the joint committee ou school houses and sites and localities Arthur Walkloy recorded. Colonel John B.

Msy. me range, unlets declared lmperfeot, and in such csbb he will shoot with the nearest ao were made by Dr. Jarvie, Dudley Buck, I. p. contributors to the evening's entertainment were enborg reported that be had visited the windy (minutes, 18U0.

page 704). A petition from W. F. Johnson. R.

Parry and Miss Annie L. Walker, soprano: Miss Laura 3. Btatistics? According to the last cenans, for the previous year Now York had $4,143,777 of prop, t.oin bf Brooklyn's loss was That of Chicago was $2,154,340 proved piece in the ranka. On the completion of Everything olso is frame. Everything else is tindor that may be oombustod by a ain trie spark.

In these wooden shells thousands live. If there should be a fire what wonld become of them? ethers urging the erection of a school bnilding on Schenectady avenne for the relief nf rmblin Groves, contralto; Miss Lnu i B. Phdps, violinist; Miss L. FriJorio), reader; J. H.

you, my iora oisnop, will in your new oharge respond nobly to this demand of our ago, we, who have drunk with yon from the Bame spring ef knowledge and boast our intelleotual descent freni the same mother, oan little doubt. For it has been our mutual prtvUege to have been fashioned by the hand of those who for 350 years have been the flower of the world's ednoa tors. Humble as we ourselvea may be, may we not ba Dardoned for a momant'n nririo in iU clasB work, firing in ranks siugle) will be takou up, as follows: 100 yards, standing, two roundi; 800 and 300 yards, kneeling, each distance four Taylor, John Hyatt Brewer and Rafael Navarro. A notable feature of the evening's enjoyment was the presentation to Mr. Daniel WoBcoat, for fonrteBn years the efficient eoeretary of the ApoUo club, of an elaborate silver cup in tokeu of their appreciation and esteem.

Solos and club anu oi nnr.doipuia only 800,000. So, while Lrooklyii standH fourth in population, sbo stands iiroohiyit sianciM rourtn in populati The district between Central avenue and school No. 08 was also received by this board and referred to the school house committee Bronnan, tenor; Signor Broccoliui, basio; Rx soeond in amount of hm aity and secured accommodations for 250 at the Shearman houso. As airaady stated in the Eaole tho coat of the trip will be $75 per man. Representatives from nearly evary ward in the eity handed in a list of the number of men expected from each.

Daniel Ryan, the loader of the Eighth ward, was the first to plank down Broadway and Willotiguby avenue aud Melrose fael Navarro, pianist; A. M. Fnenies, flutist; H. ronndB. Ammunition ether than that iesaed bv "Wouldn't itmako speculation in lots slow?" "If it did it would oven things up.

Now there is nothing going on except in lets. Housos are not selling at all." John (. Dettmer snid; "Don't speak to mi about lira limits. I had an experience with them some years ago and that was for mo. William Zicgler, A.

J. Pouch and I owned abfttit four hfihs of that part of the i wonty nilh ward which is outside tho limits. Wo applied to have them extended over the ward lcrhaiK our motive was selfish, but the reasons that id ved us Im diies men should bo just as Si. 'jd. moving the.

city, which ought to bo liotli. I'll! a big business. Evory time we went Her got. them to do it two or three little fel lov. aid knock 0.1 out.

I went over iuto the Eic. ward somo time ago and was sur orifed to lint! that a new town had grown up there. Thoy are good jisopl? in that soction. The city wants them, but i think that titer are now Koiugout beyond the ward for their homes and that it is the time now te extend the Are limits into that ward." C. E.

Donnellon said: "I believe in snch an extonsion ail over tho We want a substantial city. Poople who only build frame houses should go outside city. There ib no economy is a frame house, it 'lie ond of fifteen ytiars yen have had to spend 10 per cent, of the coid in repairs and uftor that have nothing but an old hulk." Leonard Moody expressed himself as deoidedly favor of an extension of the lire limits. It ivouhl make the oity Bafor and mors substantial. Of course, like all important quttions, thn has vivo thsn one side.

In the mtuds of many the nor side is of tho first importance. It is this: if the lire limits aro extended bo that thoy 11 include the outor wards a hardship will be oi'lted upon many. Hon in ordinary circum 'ancos, clerks, mechanics, workingmon who saved money tuid who wish to build house themsrlyes or as an invest to build brick h.l"ithej do to erect frame cottasos.Thii is vit'XbaaiJP''' tRnt point. It is the view tIi. Ennis takes of the i is kard John allies.

Both! tlioe men present weighty rea I (minutes, 1800, pago 703). The whole matter was considr id nt an Avon. are a few w.L,,?iV a r.0P'ler walked through street is in the same condition. There the hixeeuth ward, which las only ust been in. u.i.i.

i tj t. M.i ,3, uruii in stores and B. Walker, H. M. Spedon, cartoonist the state is prohibited when firing in ranks.

briok on Broadway, a few briok real ing session by the said joint committee of this cluded in tne nro limits iiahh and humorist; Thomas T. Hayden, roader, and Firing will not be permitted to proceed without glorious affiliation whioh we can olaim. It but to xne. in behalf mf thn laif.y nf nn, songs enlivened the proceedings, and the festivities came to a close about midnight. desire for sociological investigation and waain tho Clitoi quartst.

Mr. JIay.len's appearance the presence of a medical officer. Front right cash. He gavo a check for $075, with the'namos ir iu.iuu in iu.i;vy ci mi; now nils densely ooou xvas the signal for a hearty burs' of applause. donees on Bnshwick avenue.

That is all. Take the blook bounded by Jefferson street, Melrose street, Bremen street and Evergreen avenue, for instance. That is solidly built. Not one house brothor alumn 1, to bid you in tbo spirit of the old Gaelio salutation, "Ten thousand welcomes." covers, of a pattern that may be easily detached, of nine pilgrims Irom bis bailiwick. Ex atea warn pad grown up under loose buildiue laws and without any rAat, The reader iufti.ei much of hii old tiins pathos may ba allowed in practice for the marksmen's blyman Lawrence F.

Torney of the Third ward vn used. A we noitii nciil.ntnf ik. i lAPPiause.j Mr. Carr was generously applauded. The next and fooling iuto bis lines, and a recall was paid for three and said thero would ba nine more decoration, but must not be permanently attached to the rifle.

heartily givcu. Uiu Lama in xras fxceodiugly speaker was Bishop McDonnell, who said: from his domain. It xva deoided that the list successful. She is a very able playar ou the mid be closed on May 17, at which titno all accompanied him on the trip. The explorer aud liw guide dropped off a Graham avenue oar at Montrose avonue.

Ihe guide said: "Now we are iu the midst of tailor town. This i the most thickly eUiod part ef the ward as well as the lonirost Bottled OM mni.n'.. piano, her touch being sare, her power of oxpres The poet has said that "Be it a weakness it deserves some praise. We love the play place of our early dave." who desired to make the trip must pay In the ou its four sides is briok, or even briok filled, so far as the reporter could see. Behind the framo houses wore frame sheds, and at least half a dozen, stables.

These are InsUaoes taken at random, to show the charaotar of the buildings whioh, without restriction, havo been pat up by hundreds. IB IT OF iDliURB O. BY ASS, Edmund 0. Evans, captain of the Bedford sion facile nd of a wida rang. She xra much money.

Ex County tilerk John Dolmar was "IiB PLAHTATWH DAIS." F. Hopklnson Smith will repeat his leaturo, "Old Plantation Days," at Association hall, 503 Fulton slreol, Saturday evening, May 7. The lecture will be made doubly interesting by humorous illustrations and characteristic sketches of anld lane ay no in the sunny South. The leoture was recently delivored before a orowded audience at Historical hall and as theVibiect for which it is given the building fund of tho Homo for aged colored poople li specially deserTinc, it is hoped that a large audienoo will greet him. applmdsid by Van an lionoi In general.

elected marshal. The pilgrims will leave on the board. A delegation representing the white people, headed by John W. Croger, with legal counsel, aud a delegation reproionting Afro Americans, headed by W. F.

Johnson and Bufus L. Perry, with legal oouusel, also appeared before the said joint committee. After an exhaustive consideration of the subject, both sides agreed that they wanted 9 building) large enough to accommodate all the children of the neighborhood, irrespective of race or color; and the white representatives said that they had no objection to colored teachers, as some of them had beon taught in this very publio sohool No. 08 by colored teachers. Whereupon the said joint committee, through its presiding officer, Mr.

William Harknese, expressed its gratification that tha parties before it had agreed upon a settlement; and as a result, and ae a ratification thereof, the board, at its November, 1800, mooting ordered that Instead of ten class rooms, the new building should contain not legs than twenty nor more than twenty four olasa rooms. (Minutes 1880, pace 873.) TJwexeotioa of the haUdiiig procaodod. Noto wheelmen and ono of the club's most prominent member died on Monday after three weeks' abound, but now rookeries are plenty. An hour's hard fire would sweep away the whole soct on Suddcso that a good hard wind worn tn Saturday before tho convention and will march to the annex at the foot of Faltou street, from And if we may say this of the place whoro you kneeled down to draxv the obalk ring, with how much greater truth may be it be said of these gatherings of alumni whioh bring back the memories of these play nlaooB? And of those Play Dlaoea may it bo said that snoh a nnanm a illness. He wat 21 yetri.old anil one of the bast sparks from the Long Island railroad traina a block away into some otable or into ono nf known bioyelists la Brooklyn.

Hit fathar. Tbo New Office of tho Baltimore and whence they wiU bo oonveyed by a tpeeinl "ooit to the Pennsylvania denat at Jersey City. Each sawmills whioh are very plenty around here. It Ohio Raimioap Tho Baltlmoro and Ohio Railroad Charlei D. Evans, Is an old resident of the eastern district aud founded the Avonian society.

Tha decosBcd had a fine volos and was a fairly clover this is touching and the heart is stone that feels not at. such a sight a slad thrill of delight. You wiU then understand why I find myself mnoh afVected hv thin unarm fn nlirhf Company have placed a nil lino of tickets to Baltimore, BKOOKI.Y.x" UVKSTOItS. Frederick JJaft and Will Liti. aan of Brooklyn, aro among the stiXikholdoT of tho Manhattan savings society of Now York, lately incorporated with the secretary of stst i.

Charles N. Kent of Jlorriok, L. is one of tho shareholders of the Goorge P. Rowell dvertuxin(r company of New York, recently incorporated with tha secretary of atU. man will bo provided with a high white list aud an umbrella.

A band ef Uirty pieces will accompany the delegation. wouia anemer unicago nre on a limited scale. Wo are surrounded by breweries, rope walks, planing mills and half a dozen other easily inflammable bosfnesses. We run great danger. Look thero!" The guide pointed into a run of nueps which amateur aotor.

Wafiblngton, Unicago, Uioolnnall, St. lionis and all points West and Soatbwost at their sew office, 344 Pulton st, corner Boorum pi Blocrdos car space and seats in parlor cars sosmcd, Adv. Hourly Trains To the north and West by Heir York Central, 8o ticio tW. Adv. v.

I find myself nnable'to express myself in words whioh reecho the feelings of my heart. I thank you, although these wt4t isom soldi and are Sarab Baron Anrleraiatt Slugs in SBjah" to aiehik A4mlHion60eoat, Adr. Wm, littdvvis, tlxo Crest Basest B)njr Kiijea to nigst Adv,.

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