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The Brooklyn Daily Eagle from Brooklyn, New York • Page 3

The Brooklyn Daily Eagle from Brooklyn, New York • Page 3

Brooklyn, New York
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

mst' Aiwrovjfii HELP wActBD. FIRST EDITION. HIED EDITION. fvSetos stir 17ASlED bY A lfAMiLV Of IVU TT sdnlte, a comfortable 3 stoidwellinghoaiw. In good repair sod resnrctanle n.ighborbood, sitnated between Warren street and First plsce.

in 8onti Brooklyn. Tne honse anst be teplete wtn meoeia improrements. snch as ess and fiitnres, watea, watsr oloists. standlns waib tnbs, furnace, and a good dry ce'lir. Bent not to eice.d 9906 per annnm.

which, if leqnired, osn be paid monthly or qnaiterly in adrance. Principa's only treated with. Oom mnnioations from honse agents will not bsnotioed. Ad xresp, wit hfnll particulars and location B. Boj York lost Oifoe.

mMS'eod" WABTBD TO KENT BY A GENTLE man indwifa, without children, 3 or 4 room! on 81 floor, with wa'er and gsa, in a aood ne anborbood, between Sandtind Willonrhby its. Addresa, with full particutirs. O. fescle offlce. mb53t TjirAHTED TO RENT EROM MAY 1st If Sex, a neat bouse in good order and In sentoot clahborhood; must have bath, bot and cold water, gtw, ttc nd at leisk four ood sleepioi! rent about WOO ei enr m.

Address. irh full description, rent, etc Box foliOi nmiuoma. Befort Jutle Korebou. At it Again. Catherine Bennett was brought before Justice Morehouse by officer DoClure or the 441b precinct, on two separate charges of larceny, namely, stealing one calico apron from Henry Beabmin, coiner of Myrtle avenue and Navy street, and one patchwork quilt, valued at ten dollars, from Ferdinand Goldsmith of Myrtle avenue, near Navy street.

Catherine is en old offender, and her principal residenoo hn been at tbe Penitentiary for some years put The ei amitriion of tbe case was adjourned until Friday next, when till another ohatge will be brought against her, for having a skirt and towel belonging to a washerwoman, and she will probably have another chance to "go borne" that Is the Penitentiary. The cirenm Btances of tbe case are as (ollows: As Sergeant Chris. Wright, of tbo 44tb precinct, was near 318 Myrtle avenue, about one o'clock yesterday morning, he thought he beard a child cry In the hallway, and finding the deer unlocked ho entered and discovered tbe female above mentioned and a cat In the ball. Upon being questioned, she said Ebo bad been locked out at home and wanted Bomewhere slop, bat she wag afraid. bavingjaBtbtardamao in the back yard.

The Sergeant went to tbe yard, but found no one there, of course, Goiog to tbo hall, Catberjne was mlsdug, but soon afterwards was found by the Sergeant stowed away In an alley, where she bad been seen to go by officer Do Cine, Sbe was taken out and given to tbe officer to take to tbo elation booee, tbe Sergeant following. On the way. Catherine stopped to fix ber clothes, and accidentally, of course, dropped some of tho articles named above, which the Sergeant found. Atthesti tlon house tbe other articles named were found upon upon er, and owners for tbem have been discovered, it turning out that they had been taken from a clothes lines by tbe gay Catherine, who Is well known. The owners of the articles may thank Sergeant O.

Wright that they have recovered thorn. If there be any cats around, the Sergeant always "smells a mice." One of the "Hollow Boys. "A boy named Wm. McGratb, about fifteen years of age, anda residenj of "Jackson's Hollow," was arrested yesterday morning by Streeant Carpenter, of tho 44th precinct, on suspi clon of stealing a pair of shoes irom tbe storoof Mr. TloremDS.

ot Mvrtle avenue, near Franklin avonuo. It RBWABD L08T, OlST TUESDAY etsnitlg. alarohe.b, ablsokand tan DOG. Air poison hringine; blm to Mo. Ojrroll street, South Brooklyn, will rrceiye the atonraward.

m7Zt LOST LAST BVJBHINO, IN GOING Ihronch Sands st to the coiner of Henry and tfe'tor allJR iLLAR I'ne finder will bo suiUbly retrarded bylearinsitatlMBands si. LOST A LAD'S '8 M1HK COLLAB. ON Tu'sdiy March ot'i, going from 215 et down to Lawrercast. Its finder will be l't trallr rewatded by leaving the same at 2Z3 Adrtns hi. mUtWTha6 LOST ON TUESDAY A SMALL BLACK and white DOG; answers to the name of Pink; b'so': bead and ears, bleck spot on side.

A liberal rewtni will be paid to tbe tinder by leaving him at Ho. 1 ow Placo, Brooklyn. LOST ON SUNDAY EVENING LAST, botno.n 9 and 10 oV'ocV; in a Qicennoiot crMrotn tbe corner Grand and First to 632 Hyrtte are. adiamondcluster KAK R1NU, with 19 stones. Ttio finder will recsive the full value of the ea.

ring by returning it to tbe above o. Iro72f) MRS. KISU. LOST STRAYED OR STOLEN; FROM Bergmstreot, near New York avenuo, ou Friday. Usrcb tbo 2d, a red and white setter UOG.

A liberal reward will be paid to any one leaving him at Davies' drug store, corner Fulton and Clinton m6 3t" LOST FBOM 325 HENRY STREET, A Scotch TERRIER, inswerlng to tbe ra ns of Jock; tbe dog is blind. Anyone returning him to the above bouse aill receive tS reward. m6 2t LOST WHILE GOING TO THE FIRE in the 3d district, on Monia nltht, a bis OVER win. auu a utiyanu uunuKorctiiet in tnb pocKbjl ine ttitflor will he ltbcra'lv rewarded by leaviog it at the hotuo of Empiro Hose Co. 16, corder of Hicks st and Hamiitou ave, fouth Brooklyn.

m6 2t LOST MARCH 1st, A WHITE POODLE DOG. answers to the name of Prince. Tho finder will be rewarded on leaving btm at 65 Cranberry stroet. mh53t JOST NOTICE 18 HEREBY UIVKN that OER'lllflOATE No. 36 for two shares of tbe Oitlzena' Fire Insurance of Brooklyn, L.

1., standir in the name of HUGH McOUTOHEN has boBn lost midiid. All persons are hereby cautioned not to purchaso said stock, a new certificate having been applied for. MARGARET MoOULUriEN, ja24 law6W AdministraLrii SPECIAL NOTICES. fLt, OPEN MOSDAV EVKN1NG, March AT SAWYER'S ASsEjIBLY RoOM, Cotier of Fulton affenuo and Jay btroofc, BrooKlyi', and continue every n'nbt untiHuither notice. 'i'bis beautiful exhibition comprises tbo larptost aid mozi cimplete coJIect'on of tceDQiy, tUtunry, arcu'et oture and pamtir irom all pavt of the World, ever oreseatai1 to tbe American public.

Sixty bcautilul gems will be oxuib itrd every evenini. The beauty and perfection of this oxhibUion 19 unsur prited in the "World: its influence educationai'y, morally andoriMtipsllv, chould every citizon to its promotion. Lovers of art should not mis tbo opporl jnity of atteridioft. Yearsof traveltnd study could not instruct and tbo beholder more. KncD eveoins'B entertainmont pecomnanipd by an iutar esting descriptive Ifoturo, by Mr.

(ieo, 11. Tromaico Admit Jon EOcetts; reserved soatafiO ceuts; cbiUcon half price. Tickets can be had at tho principal hotols, music and book fctorrr. Doon oocn at 1 commence at 8 P. Seeema'l bibs.

m74t OLlVlSR KING, Manager. OlICE OF THE ATLANTIC? EIRE 1JS SURAN'Jt; The Roa of I irec'r rs havo Maroh 0th 13. 3. doclirtd a Sf mi annua' dividend of FiVG OiiNC, fue I'rim coveiDment tai payable on doimifl. JOHN D.

LOOKS, Prcs l. llOKATio PoitB, Sec'y. m72v KliVTTtU'JlON JN JRISbAND. EEMlANS ANl FH1EWDS ijv IjIBBB'I'Y MOW OR NlfiV KRI A puoiicmoeiincof the hHrslield Oiroleof t'ie f. li wih be he'd on THIJltblMT EVEN1NH.

Etb iust for tl purpose of nidhif tLe cuuso of buoTty and Irelanr1 lmi Dentpppakcis will bo present toadorota tbe meot mr. Rc cerved Beat3 for ladies. mY2t J' HN M. GAU AG HKR. Centre WANTbiD $l5UU PKJK KMH 1 Will want agents everywhere to sell our improved J20 Sewing ftiafimi.os.

Twee new rcla. upoe feed. WaiTtnted flvooan. Abovd salary or laro com mission paid. "1 he only machines sold in united Statci fo iees thati $10, which are lultj liceniod by Howe, Wbeoler Wilson, A takor, Sinper 4 Oo and Bacbeloor.

AM other eticap mnt.ttinoj mmagometi's. freo, Address, or call uiyn ShawACUrk, Bjddeford, Maine. dlS A GRAND FENIAN DEMONSTRAITOU of the JOH.N ttlTUHEb OlKObfi P. at tbo ATHNEUM, oi) THURSDAY March t' oSt. 1 V.

M. Gen. Prat Ool. John O'Mrhniv, Geo. ge F.

Trair. Doran KiNlm, Veq.t Ji aitdress tbo All lnve of Irish nau 'nalfty, ir.eTpec iveof coantv, a''o invited. Front rc.ewcd foi ladies. JOHN DUFf. Outre.

'I HOB. KEAi Secretary. L. Aiikhn. TrFUPuipr ml 2t RljOKlKN (JOMSEKVATOKK IIP MtlSlO.


Tbe Book lor tho Snring Term, beginning AROH li, is now open at olfico tbe iiousorvator CHice hounlt rtte recopttan cf pupils fram HtoI2A. ondtrom2to5P Al.evcr day, and Tuesday aid Friday Evenings, Ironi Stogo'c'ook. ml tt THE CHRISTIAN MELODIST, A NEW REVIVAL ayMthAND TUBE BOOK Itconta ns nctly 200 rlymns and Tunos, both old and now, and is ono of tho best books for revival meetings that bss yet boen issued. Among tbo new ftni beautiful tunei we would lnov t.on tbo following; Oh, vou must bo a lover of tne LTd," as sung by tbe Eoldioioin the army, and bis btolt ttio means of the conveision of thouauds nouls, "Manner's Lot Go the Anchor," "Lion of Jndah," "Gball we mettyou alt tbere?" "Sinner come, will you go?" "Jesos died for sou "Oh, let not vour beaitsbot oubled" ou. Price, paper covers.

30 93 tfr doi.on. Board covers, 35a, $i6tl pordozen. Matlsd st tbo pi.oe. RamDlesheetsCo. oeih, fSurhundred.mitilod, HOHAOE TV A'l'EKS, No.

481 Broadway, Ttew York, Pubt'sbor. m7stWTh84M ACKSON SOCIAL OLTJB THIS OLiUB was organized last everirg, Morcn and t'le fol Invtng ofiicers were e'ected: John Con'on President; John Golden, Vice President; Jo Quevodo, Patrick iitnnsn, Treos A GRAND PIOEON SHOOTING MATDU will cimo off fo. ttfi obBnioionsb'D between New otk or Brooklyn ttiends Vnlloy Grove, fotmetly kept by Hicks Pott, on THURSDAY, WnrohStb, 1866; m72'. HOUSE CABPENTERS WANTED Carpenters jou aie requottod to be present at to public meeting on THURSDAV EVitNING, Marcb Bth. at I2Cour' street, st 8 o'clock.

Suhiccte ot impottauco will be introduced by tho several ppeakVs who have promhed to attend. By ore'er of t'ie Cimtnittee. Ut AROVSU A MBKT1NG OF tho Uitcleof the RED HAND will be held oa TIIUrtSDAT. tno Bth inst at nvo; end Bergen st. Members ot the Circlt and ill others interested in thepatriotoaute of Trolind a invited to attond.

Gonenl Swcnoy and other dtstingnisood speakers wilt addrei3 tho lLtllllg. M. MULLIGAN, Centre. P. Cannok, Secy.

P. McGhobtt. Chairman of Srfety Oommitfre. fcJT. PATRICK'S DAY IN BROOKLYN.

KOTIOK Anodjourned meolin; of tbe Irish Societies (civio snd military) of Lorg Island, wilt meet, in Convention lot an 1 1W Pnllon ooklyD, on 8UN 1JAY. March 11, bt2 o'olock P. to oerteot a mertsliir co'ebrstit the dsy. All Sjotetiei not yet represented, anrjtwlin ivisb 1 1 do honor! to our will bnvo art opnrrtimity to do enfin" tho' roptesentatiyes 1 1 tbo Convention. Ity order of the 1 'onvmtiun.

ALKXAK President. JOHN Mdltey. Sepretr.ry. NOUCE DISmOI.UUON Olf GO PART WERSH IP PETERS WILSON, of tbe Piorrc pont Zfoaee, Brooklyn ciisa'lr! 'Iti lr mutasl consort. All taose buying ciaims will proe the tamo at tbo office of tbe Pierrap'iut tJonso, nod tneso indohtod will msdo payment to D.

P. PETERS, who is alone authorized to receipt tor the same. P. P. PETERS 4 H.

H. WILSON. Brooklyn at Isst can braet io ovory way opto thestaucurd. Eatnilies de nrinR tj ar. for ecronimo will do so early.

Singlo getitletnen are taken at moderato pneoi Mnrch li. 1E0F. D. P. PteTEttS.

mUEWASTKR PLUMbEKS BROOK. lyn el most respectful notified that tho mombors of the Jouriioymon Plombots' Soottty have unanimous io solveu to demand an advance of 25 centi ner dav on piDsent wages; also a cessation of wori. at 4 o'clock P. on Satur oays, on and alttr Monday, March the 19th OWEN CONWAY, President protein. JiMEB RyiN.

Secy. in! 2t MJiRt PANTILE LIBKaRV AtsSOGIA TION An election wi'lboholdon THURS )V, tne 6th day Annl next at Ihe Liu.ary rooms, tor flvo Directors of tbe Mercantile Librsi Asiooiation of tbe ot Brooklyn, to teive three years. Polls openfron8totQ o'clock A. SI and fioiu 4 to 9 P. M.

m'72wlW A YMOSU JENKINS Secretary. r'yiBli JflBM Of JOiiES G1LLY, DOING bnsinoBS at 482 Myrtlo ovenue. as painters, was dissolved Maroh 1st, ToobuBiness will be oomod on by TttOi. H. JONlfS.

SPECIAL NOTICE ON AND AFTER tbo first Motday in April tho members of tbe Brick, hyers' Unfon, of the oity ot Brooklyn, W. will de nsnd t3 60 per day, as standsrd wagos for the ensuing in conjunction wilb toe trade in sdiofotng cities. J. REYNOLDS, President, John H. Srarsos, Sec'y.

rr6 5t MADAME CLIFFORD, MEDICAL AND BOSDUtSS Otalft VOYANT, 251 Atlantio hetween bmith and Boyt tts. Modioal eiamiuations mrdo bv hair. Satufactton guatanteed. mb5 2tB SHADE TRttES HOR SALB THIfi UN dersigned, Practical Gardeners, now in the Murserr business, offer for sale a onaniity of Shade and Hve. green rtnr in their Nursery near OalVery Cemotery, ipisnted and warranted to grow) at the lowest price.

All orders sent by mail to BuxiOGreonpointP. at 11.1. dkna nrllt ha nmmnllv nt.tnndfld tl. OAVANAGH KRNNEDF. B.

Plans of gronnds furmsbed, gardens lai i out an grape vines prnneo fe24 JiwtwWAS WANTED A LADY OF EXPERIENCE desires a position in a respectable family as daily or resident governess, to tcaoh tbe ordinary English branchis and music; unexceptionable references given. Address E. B. 244 Raymond st. m62t OT SALE CLINTON AVENUE, NEAR MYRTLE A VENUE A first olasa house.

43x48, with stahles and out buildings attached, and ton lots of ground heavily stocked with fruitB and flowers paohes, pears, cherries, giapee. 4c; tbeground facing 12S feet upon Clinton and Vanderbilt avenues each, and admirable adspted orspecntittve improvement, botb being broad, fire avenues, ThohonBe was built by theprssentooiupauc intbe beet manner throughout; marble mantles, plate glass, narrow ilooiln.t. 4c, and every modem convenience, and, aa originally deBiftned, oai, at trifling comparative ox psTCe. beoonvertcd into two fine bor.oss, 25 feet front each wttfcont disturbing present arrBngemect of 0 rooms. Care to the several ferries pari Clinton avenuo every 5 minutes.

House will be Bold furnished or nnfurni hed. Apnlv to 8. HODLOW. Montage sr. Brooklyn, near Post Offloe.

or ROBERTS 4 OUBHMAH, Importera, 3 Barclay st. New York. rn72: 'n0 LET CLINTON AVENUE, BROOK I A large maneion house, handsomely furnish ed, extensive grounds stables, Ao, unon the best part of tbsavenne. Transittotheferrleseveryftveminutes 350 per month for part or the whole year, and jOBseaaioD. as rnay be agreed.

Addrfsa Z. Box 8,408 New York eoat Office m78t iJDPREME COURT, KINGS OOTJNTY artha Jane Dodge, Edward a Dodge, her husband, and Mary Elizabeth Boyd, against Deborah O. Boyd ann a judgment of the supreme Court of the State of Dew York mane in the anove entitled action, tbe undersigned, referee named and appointed for that nuroose, will sell at publie auction, as the Commercial Exchange, number 369 FuJUro street, in the Oity of Brooklyn, (opposite the City Hall), on the nineteenth day of April o'clook, noon, of that day, the following described reremises, with the appurtenances thereto that lsioBayi' Ailtbote two certain booses and lots of faod ki own bv the Btreet numbers ninety four (91) and nine tv two (92) Jorslemon street in the Oity of Brooklyn, tcrmer I possetned by Andrew T. Goodrlob, the said lota twin; known and distinguished dd a map made by IBaao T.Xud lam, in the month offootember. IMS, and tiled in the orSoe of the Clerk of the County or Kingg, on 18th Septeoiber.

1838. ae and by tbe rumners ton (10) eleven (11), and taken together bennded 'aa foilowB, viz; Begintilng on Joialemon atreet (north side), at a point two hundred and efgbtf en feet ten (notes westerly from tbs northwest corner 'of Clinton and Joralemon streets; rmrotog thenoe noitberty along lot nnmbernine (9). on said map, one hundred and eighteen feet eleven inonei, more or lets, to land lata of Heztkiah B. Pieirepont: theoce westerly along said land late of the said H. B.

Pierrepont about tif it re it to lot number twelve (12) on said map; thenoe southerly along said k)t nnnber twelve (12) one hundred and nineteen feet one li eh; more or less, to Joralemon street afors said; and thshce eaatorly along the northerly line ot Joralemon street about titty feet to the place of bezinniog, Dated March 6th, 1663. WM. BETTS, O. A. Hasp, totlawOW, Boial Havama Iiottt; PrUe paid in Sold, informatlf fhrntaheel, the highest ratee paid far onbtewmsaudldtkindaofgoldandsllver.

lixTflSiOo.iBantati,,, I dSOSmtodl WWaUitraet.I'.Y. WANTED A WOMAM OF BXPJ5Bl etce to tike care of ck'ldrei. Also a woman to cookwash andiron; good oitv reference repaired. Apply at81Woodbnils. WAHTKD TWO fJlOTESf ANT GlKliS One to rook, wash andirouj and theo' heras obam bermaid and waitrees; must be willing and obliatos, Ap ply this evenlngor to morro before 12, 121 Oongrets st.

WANTED AN tNGUsH OK AMKKI jcanProfasusni girt, to dogeueral housework in a smalt family; must be neit and a good washer and inner; tbe beat wsgeo given. Aoplyat280 BohsrmeTborn (t mr.72t WAN TE JJ IMMEDIATBti IN A email boirdlng house, a good cook, wisher and iron er; also a obamberoaaid ana waitress. Apply at 217 Adams street on Wednesday WASTED A UALESMAN THAT (JAN tosn bis tmoloyer 6fO. on good security, to fell linen goods in the Eastern and Southern Ht itos. Addrc for three oejs, A.

M. Kb ale office. WAjNTfcD AT VANDEKGAWa OAR risso lactory, two smut, active boys to le'rn tbe trsde. Apply t2i DeKalbav. rn72." AN1 ED A WHST CLASS MlL MIr KB at 178 Myrtle avenuo.

m72t" WANTED A i MART, TIDYGIBL FOR general boce work; mat be goni cook, vastier and irocer; cit; reference required. Apply at 333 Henry at. WAKTED A PAKTNKH IN A FLKST cloaa saloon and restaurant, doing a I rtre baainen, in one of the bett loumlities in Brooklyn. To a reliable rriaD. with a eraBllciuboapital.

a raie obanco is otTerei. jiddreBj K. EflgfeotBco. irer ANaEb a German oiSL io do pen era bomeworh '01 a aajali family. Apply at 211 Hicks street, South Brooklyn.

WAKXED A MAN WHO PERFECTLY understands the manufacture of printing ink. To such an one high wagea or an interest i a t'ie bunaesiwill be given. Apply for one week at 720 Broadway, N. in tbe store. WANTED A GIRL TO DO GENERAL housework; must be a good plain cook, washer and iron nr.

None nted apply unless well recommended. Anolj inFlasbiccarenue, 6th house from Nivy st The highest wages paid ml 21 WAN1KD A SEAMaTKKSS UY THE month: one oapabli of oattintr and fitting child ren's clothes with taste, Apply at 1M Byerson at ANTED JJEAD EMBROIDEBEBS, oa paruauu. ax, oa cast cutuc treat. AKTBD TWO HONEST NEAT. AND fifricionL oirls to cook, wash and Iron, do ohamhor wMifflnd Raitir.

in a small family, biintriuir the best of referfnees: KnolisV. Sootch orGerroau preforred, Call for two daJ, between 10 and 1, at 82 Columbia at. ASTEDATIDY UIHL TO DO THE wu etiirs wo kof a family of two adults and six cbiUren; muBb be a goou washer and ironer and nndor Etend plain cooking; fwod wages to one well qcalitksl and Tocsmmended; none oters need apply tj Mrs. KH AFT, Putnam ner Bt dfotday. ml 2t WAN1J4D TO ATTEND bTURUJ, A bov about 16 yeorB aqe, who reiides with his parents and is quick at fisnns and writes a fair hand.

Addru: in handwriting of applicant. D. Eagle office. WANTED A GIRL FOR GENERAL housework in a mail family; one who is a iimrati waenor and ironer and good plain cook: none but a first class servant need apply. UaU at 65 Cranberry 6treot, ANTED A NEAT.

TIDY GIRL. A rood cook, washer and ironer: one wJIJine tD aa in mo couitirv curing tno Hommor. ppiy ni umow st. WAJNT UJ.) A UIRIj TO DO GJSJNJiliiAL housework a good waal er and ironer, v. Ita gond commendatioDS art) willing to go a short in the country, may apply at (ft Latajetto av WANIEV RY A7 COMPETENT? PEH a situaticfn as taunnress.

Oan heeBoi for two days at 264 ancet, cor. Juhnioq. Beat of refcienae. WAITED A h()Ol) COOK, TO DO fteneral boueeworkfur two of tamly too liifrbc. wages ill be given.

Ap to A. U. UAKfty, Clinton nv. 4th houao from Guttfl venue, nrrtheast between tho bouxa of 9snd 1 A on 'Phmsiim. mat WAKTED ASsEAMSiRhSS AND AS siBtont ctiamocrniaid.

a sir) who can do family eewmgand operato on Wheeler Jt Wilson's sewing mc fcbine. apply before 12 o'clock, at 93 Joralemou street. m6 2t WANTED GIUJ.S TO SEW GLOWS on Howe's machine; good YfigQs paid. Oil at 143 Fulton Btreet. Jpwfcltyaioro.

mS3 WANTED A BOY ABOUTTTYeaK of ago aa an assistant bar tend, none need apply but lhoEG cho understand tho buainosj. Ottll at FaNtuff's Hotel, V5 Court street. m7 3i," WANTED A GOOD OHAMBBKMAID. lla i to assist in Washing and ironiut'. Inqui'oat 98 Pecoiitt place.

mti6 2t WANTED HANDS TO WORli ON Mtdaljon Caps, hico Gonda; alaoa fetrMillinerj; none but competent nands nepd apply; to such higjBr wages wiltbeciveii than in New York or Urooltlyn. Auply imundiateiy at BERGIN'S, 30J tfuitau jo. neir Johnson, Brooklyn. m6 2t WANTED A YOUWG AMEBIC 4N, rnghsh or Scotch Protes'ant girl cs diy nurso for an infant; must wing goodre'erei ca; no other need aoply; or one for enerjil housework Apply at 4S9 Paoiiio Btreet. botwren Powers 6t and 4th av, thia evening, or botwo 10 flfld 12 o'clock to morrow A M.

rnfi 2r WANTED 1N A PRIVATE EAMILY of three persons, a respectable girl as nurse and chambermaid; mast be neas and obliging, fond of children and do plain serine; tho id willing to clean boots may call i itli reterence at 310 Clermont avenue, botween Fuitos and (irerno avi mb6 2i WAN! ED A GIRL IN A PRIVATE 'amilj, as chamberoiam and plain sewer; must ha competencandhavegooa references. Apply at 89 Summit fttrent. Sonth m6 2i WAKT1D A QUICK, ACTIVE AND tidy girl to do general housework io aemaUfimily; mnt bo a good cok. wsher nd irorei; month. Apply at 7 Jefferson Park, owner, of President and HichaBts.

South Brooklyn. m62, WANTED A GOOD HONEST GIRL TO dogeneralhousework in a private family goodre ffrence required. Apply at 322 Dean st. m53t WANTED IN A SMALL EAM1LY, A respectable girl, who oa i bring good recommend? tionp, sb afeamatressand chambermaid. App at9l Clinton tlreer, between toe hours of 11 and 1.

m5 3t WANTED LADIES TO LEARN TO operate on Singer's and Wheeler tt Wilson'B eewiag machines. All branches taught and recommended to wont, AIro nil kinds of familv stitcninir anduniltinrr dnTin hv nn experienced operator. Apply at 162 Filton etreet, up stairs. SITUATIONS WANTED. WANTED A SITUATION BY A RE epectablo young woman, to do geneial housework innmivate family; isacoodiook.

washer and ironorihai good city reference. Coll for two days at 60 Main trc3t, in the Crocaery store. WANTED A SITUATION, BY A RE Bpectablo woman, as cook, washer and. ironer; un derfitniaBall binds ot cooking; has good city refer; ces. Call for two days at 91 At'antio, cor.

Hicks, over the at Jto, first floor, front room. WANTED A SITUATION, BY A RE spectable woman, to do general housework in a small private family: is a good plain cook; hai good city references. Apply at 65 Tillary st. WAN TED BY A RESPECTABLE girl, a situation to do general housework in a small family. Please ca'Ifor two days at 238 Navy street, first floor, backroom WAN TED A SITUATION BY A YOUNG girl, as cbambermaid or to do housework in a fmo'i family.

Apply at87PaciEoBtreot rortffo daya. WAN 'I EL A SIIUA'LTON BY Atf American jouds pereon as leamstrea 3, Plei cull at 16 Invingston etrett. io theferick house. WANTED A SITUATION, BY A RE spectable young girl, as first class waitress and chambermaid. Can ho Been at 3 Atlantic Bt, first Soar, front rot m.

WANTED A SITUATION AS NURSE and seamstress, by avory experienced girl; vc intelligent, fond of children aud of neat appouranoe; wiU also bo found an exce'lent retorpto a tint clas? family on Brooklvn Heights, whore sbe has lived. Ap ply at 10 Tillary street. ANTED A SITUATION BY A RK I fpeotable young woman, as chambermaid and waitress cr nuree ann seati'Stress, rr would do kiolienwork in a small ramily; ha good oity references. Call for tiro days at 61 Douglass st Smith and Hoyt, WA BY A RESPE OT A BL3 girl, a situation a seamstress and dressmaker, Oiti be eecn attre corner of Boeram and Bergen daya. WANTED A SITUATION, BY A RE spectable eung girl, to do gcnetal housework iu a emll fami'y ttio be.t of cilrreferenco from herlaai piaop.

Pieaee oall at 16i Hoyt at, ne ir WANTED BY A RESPECTABLE GlttL, a situation os cook, washer and ironer. Oan be seen or two dys at 22 State street, 2d floor, front room. The best of cuyroferonoe given. WANTED A SITUATION, BY A RE sneotablevounir woman, to take caroof children or do llfcht housework. Colt for two das at 40Statostrcej Lately landi d.

WANTHD BY A COMPETENT PER son, a situation aB chambermaid and fine waeber or waitress. Can hereon for two daysat284 Bridge stiaet, cor. of Johnson. Best of reterence. ANTED A SITUATION BY A YOU NG man.

aa entry clerk ovassistant bookkeaner: beat of reference given Add tees P. U. MoaXOM, No. 7 Prospects, mY WANTED A SITUATION BY A resectable ronng tromanto cook, wash atdlron; ia a tirBt rate tvaeher; his good city reference. Oan De seen for two dfleat2T Hndson av.

cor. Johnson at, 2d floor. WANTED A SITUATION Bt A FIB'sT class cook, washer and ironer: best of oity reference. Oalt at 44 Schermerhorn at. nearOourt6t.

WANTBD A SITUATION BY. A reenectable 'oan wemsn, as cook, washe? and ironer; baa Rood city refeiencotu Oall. tor two darsatNo. 1 Hairfcon it, cor. Tinsiy niace, wuw croottm.

WANTED SITUATIONS BY TWO oirls, one to cook, wash and ironi the other for chamberwork and waiting; tne best of reference Irom last piace uanar uarn fp. ANTED A SITUATION, BY A Kjj ortrWoKin rHfl an nhnlr. wmkhpr And If ATlAP. itt Wi vfttflfamilv: hanbe bent of citv reference. Oanbeseen at km uauis street, 'a aoor rrom nu piae.

ANTE BY A BEBBJSOTABIiE irirl. RitnntfoTi nriftishnrmitd And wa'tresS in a private family; good reterenoe fioin her last place. Oan be teen for two days at MP Hioks at, firat floor. WANTED A YOUNG MAN WHO HAS some knowledge of medicine will pay some prize to a CLUggist who is willing totoachhim, iu tho evening, how to read and put up prescriptions. Address H.t no.

7 Front atreet, Brooklyn, m6 2t WANTED A YOUNG LAD WHOHAS bad considprable experience in teaching, desires to obtain pupilson theplano; terms Cill at 114 Putnam avenue, near Ormond place. mb3 6tk WANTS. WANTED $2.000 A YOUNG MAN, formtrly an officer in the Nary, wishes to Uke qp interest with tbe above amount in an established house furniBhing or hardware buslneRB, where bis time will be devoted in attending to ana learning the budiuess, Cn futniahgood refeionces as to character. Address at this office, JBAKDWARR m72t WANTED PART OF A HOUSE FOR a gentleman and he wife in a respectable neighborhood. Adores, lor i bres daya, stating rent and number of rooms, O.

P. Eagle omce. m72t. ANTED TO PURCHASE A SMALL iwonoryana attto house; mnat bo within fifteen Walk Of the Fnlttm Fetrr. And in AriMlrkhla m'nntes' neichboihood.

Addiefie, Stating terms and location. Box lli) Eagle office. m72t1( ANTED ONE L4KQE HOUSE OR twoadfoinlniT. Bnitable tar 'first nlsim Ytnnr Air, honye; would lease for a few years if deairea. Address HOTEL; Hagle mh53t ANTED TO RENT FOR ONE OR more Tears; braflmili of.

tbTe. a miwlara h'mlc 1 51 stoiy or IX story honte. Address Box M03 M. Y. o.

mb63f WANTED BYA PHYSICIAN, W80ME respectable locality In Brooklyn, a front narlor or bisement smtable for an offloe. Pieaaaaddress MKDIOUd, ESBlecBce. mMSt1 17 ANTED PAKT OF A. HOUSE, BtA TT aentleman ami file, by lit April; rert not over $200. Address, with nil patttcolars, Et.

EL, Easle offloe. m6 8t ANTED BY A FAM1XY OF FOUR alnlta. fivfl or alx'rnomi. rtd flniivanil nnrtnrArl An minuvoo 01 uiif amni wiwr ana gif, Any one nar ant and' tint oUtarrefeieBoe bj addreMing Box 398, O. firgoklin, THHBB O'CLOCK P.

tattr from Nashville. NAsnva.LS, Mirch 0, The river beiohas been rising all day. Tho water this motniog, la eight feet deep on Ilrrpetb A negro, named Nelson Wrfghf, was arrested to day, on the charge of murder. The evidence against goes to show tbat cnTb.un.dgy night he a nogro glil, named Ann Thomas, who was in' the employ of General DoniWjon, lo the race ground, and tbore brutnlly outraged her and murdered hor. Tbo body was found in a pond near the trick.

Tbe accused waa remanded to jail on the ch rge or murder in tbe first degree, A fire occurred this morning In Omiron (treat, sear the Chattanooga depot, destroying tbe buU.llng occapled by Lieutenant Wilson, Quartermaster, and by tbe Quartern aster of tho Military Railroad, Wilson lost rll his books and papers. The damage Is othectriaa Bllfibt, not ever $C0i'. Major General B. 8. Chcatbam, lati of tbo Oonfe'tMate States airoy, will, on Thursday uoxt, wed Miss itobort sod, a very wealthy lady ol Dt idsofl County, MOSTJ INCENDIABKM IN THE EA8TEBN Du TBicr.

about psst claht o'olock, a tiro broke out in two unfinished I'am3 dwcllhig houses, bnildlng by Mr. Harver Binndage, and located In Lori mer, between AfneMc and Powers ttreets. The fUmcfl wore subdrfed after damsje to tbo amount of $1,600 had been effected on the building Insured for $2,400, in the VilHamsb 3I1 City Co. It was doubtless tho work of an incendiary. At half past nlno o'clock, a flro was discovered In Teiry's Iron Foundry, on Pavers street, botffccu Union avenue and Lorimer, under tbo sta'rway load'ng to tho second story.

It wis promptly extinquished; daraajo trlfl'ng. On Monday night stiblo to tho foundiy was destroyed by Incendiaries, wbo, po donbt, to pnlsh tneir work last Dlgbt by tiring tbo main birldiug. A Dahino Eukglab. Shortly nltor nino o'clcck lsct tho eervant glil, employed in tho family of Mr. Bcniarnlu Smith, residing at No.

12 Ainslio st, E. was surprised lo meet a strange man Iu ono of tbo hallways. Site domandrd bis object in bclug there, wbeu, instead of any reply, bo asked he; it Bbe was ulouo In tho notice, to which she answered iu tho The eirl lcariug violence, iuitnediatoly i.nlrom the bouso lot assisti'uce, ond on sovoralpor tens ietiiinlvp. wtt't her, it was (Hevered that tbe burner bt.l dipai'ul without d'stfrKog anything. Uo bad effected au entrance by breaking open tho front tvscmcnl A Uold Theft.

Two jomig men called nt tbcc'olhing store of Joseph No. ltMETOn sin tt, about i'f pasi, uven o'e'ock list evening, and allied to exuniiuo Eotue co Is, as t'jey wished to make a purcVasc. Toe proprietor tclcclrd toroe, In all $3 and bo'idctl tliftitti bin upposetl cus touiers, Tho httet very coolly tic! 1 "'t' up in a bundlo and deliberately walked oat nt t.o, leaving Abrams, with month wido open, paz'n't tor them iu ostrnlslimeot. Att jr tbo thieves had got boyoud reach ho ve tbo alnini, but to no effect. Revival is Plymouth Cnurtcn.

Tho religious revival which has been goiog on iu various chnrcbes in ttrs city for tho pai5 few weeks, bas boen takeu up at Plymouth Church, and much religions feivor Is manffrcted among tbo congtogatlon. Lastevenin.t, at tbo usnal pujer meeting, somo twenty five of tbo audienco rose for prayers. 'iSfiHH Ui, Siw Jobk, March 7, Cho opening quotation (or Gold tills forenoon was 15' closing ot 183i Stocks arc firm. Monoy on call at C7 per cent. Sterling Exchange at 10SV.

Stock Exchanee Sales I'lrsl Bouia fOnO 8 6b '81 1 MONYOen. 91 10 do 2d call mi Kris Kt 3(K0 11 nB'ss lira 3000 US6'Bfi 20cn. '64. 103 111 (111 do (00 do 0 86 601 CO 6'8 20CP. fi.

W'i 25000 UBS'EilO 2M) do 0 tw do S8U do 30 83 dn r3 Sfi 4C0 101 ton 100 100 100 100 tj'JO do IU Treas 7 3 iu notes 1000 First Borios 1700 do DOW do 2d call Biii s30 83 1MC0 Becond situ uo tfXO do ma 16C0 Third eorlos SCO0 dc CJ14 E'OO dc O00O Tonn 6's 90 li 100 UndBl 103 400 ntaaintrr. wi 10 do 83X 2011 do blS 885 210 do 87 '400 do 2d oall m( 300 1H 1600 do 71), 600 do 3 TH5 12(0 do 2d call 11)1 1(0 do ...43 200 01PIU ity. 16C0 do 16K 20u do 2d oall 76 800 Uhi 4 li 25J 100 do 2d call 25j; 100 uo 830 WJJ 3 '0 NW or 53 :3 do BOO do BIO S3 200 do 63K 100 do S3)? 1V1 Obi A 107 200' do 103 200 do call 1C 100 do IB30 10D SO Ill 2011 PltA li Aeibto. 90 10000 Missouri State 6'. W.

20000 do 77J4 WOOO do b60 li :000 do 18 UOIHI ao 'o cull 1000 Louisiana StC's. 85 tOl'O Conn Stfi Colli 0 St is b'y I'll. 01T4 Hhio 'cur Mi 20 llank 01 uom orco iuo 2000 Clov Tol sg I b. 10 lfourth 16 Oo C'iJi 1 1 Ocean Bank Hi fil'ft ilsuttic do 41 SHI Con Coal Co 41)5 liel una uauai 120 100 Ourab Oo iaji 200 2d call. 300 Am Coal Co 1C0 do fl 200 llXili iJO do IU 100 West Cnion Ki 100 do 100 do 200 io 2d call C3 i 200 Spring Mt 44 100 UutcksiiverAtii 411 600 do mt ao 100 de 400 do SOW on)? 80K 200 do s20 11 10O do 2d oall I'i'i luu qo can i 2.0 Jill elSt Paul r.

100 do 2d call 4l I LEGAL NOTICES. A7EW YOHK SUPJtBMI! COURT, GOVS 1 TV OTS Klft'GS Ssth Caldwell, Jmilor. and John 11.. na nroi.T r. nt tlm Inat.

will unit t.Pnlnmnnt hf Josoph Nob'e, docempfl, Charlo3 li. Haskell aud lllcarur 13., uitt wile, ami i.ihu. ounwi. 'luiuuuu. roliof.

(Cnui. not served.) S. 1. H. Stamp, 60 cents, rnnoellcd.l Totre ilofcndantsabovenamod; You aro bcroby suninioneu and required to answer the unnlalnt in this action, which will bo filed in thoofflceof the Clerk of tbo County of Kinns.

at tho Court Houso, In the Cit) ot Brnokh in Baid County, and to sorvo a oopy of your answer to tlio Baid comnlaint on tho subscribers, at tboir oflice, numb 40 Wall slreot, in the City of New York, within twonty dayB after tho servico of this summons on you oxcluBivo ot tlio day of auob sor vice: andifvou fail to answer Ctonaid comnlaint within thotnno atorcsaid. tbo ulaintlfts in this action will aoply to the Court for tho relief doamtided in the complaint Dated Kotiruory 23d. I860. EVARTS, SOUniMAYD OHOATIi Plsinlilfb' Attornoys. Tho complaint in this action was fllod In tbe office of the Clerk of tbo Comity of Kinies, at tho Court IIousu, in tbo City of rtrooklyn.

on the twenty, third davo" teVuarv. 1806. Evabtb, Southmayo 4 cnoAif, Plffa' Atl's. ro6 lattOTu SUJ KKMIS (JOUKT HHBliDBUr I. Church apalnst Hr vev Lawman and others.

In pursuance, of 1 judamont order or tms court, made In the above entitled action, bearitnr date the 4th day of Deceuibor, 1864, 1 will sell by nublio Miction, at the Sales Dooms. No. 339 Fulton Btr'et, In tho City of Brooklyn, on 0 Aid dtv of Maroh. 1800. at 12 o'olock.

noon, tbe fol Inwitio rlpAcrihcd land and oromiBCB: All that oortain Eortionot a lut of land situtti. lyinir. Bnd being in tne ity of Brooklyn, and boundod and described as follows, Bottinnins at a point on the easterly sido of Hoyt streea, at a point distant aeventy feur feet southerly from tba southeaster!) corner of Bulton avenue and Hoyt Btreet: tbonco unninu OdStorb on a line at right anfflos to Boyt street, eutj' flevoti foot and atx inches; tbenco Dotlanlraai parallel with lioyt Btreet two 'eBtand three inobesi thenos ejrain v.citerlr, parallel with Fulton avenno. and along the rear of land beretofoto convoyed bv Jsoob R. Uarvcy Lowmsn, Augustus Butler and Lewis Beach, by sepi rato iteedBoi oonvejaoco.

sixty seven foot. Bixioohes to Hot street; and thence southerly along the easterly fide ot Noyt slreot three feet to the plaoo of Listen ttr'ioKijn, marou su, 10 10. uvmi mui anusD. oners SHERIFF'S SALE. By VIRTUB OF a writ of oxocution.

issued ont of the Oltj Oonxt of Brooklyi, to me directed and delivered, I will sell by poblio anotion. at 330 Fulton Btreet. in the City of Brooklyn, on tho 27tb day ot April, 1866, at o'clock noon, all tho rigliU title and interest whiott JEBUHIAH U'DONNhLLhad, on the30tb day of ovember, 1858, or at anytime tuereaiter. in wnose nanus soever tno same may be, of. in and to.

All those two certain lot: of land in the. nif.v nt rtrnnlf Ivn. Don ntv of Kinsa and Ktste of New York. bounded and deBonbedaa follows; Beginning; at apointon the easterly side of Columbia street, distant forty five (46) feet northerly Irom Harrison street: thenos running ealt erlypsraltei win Bam uarriBon street eigoir iset itw to; tbence northerly parallel with said Colombia strootnffer (50)feot; tbeice weiterlvpa ailei wltbsald Harrison street etfthtv (80) feet ten (ID) inobes to said easterly sldo of Ool nmbiastreet; and tbenco southerly along. Slid Colombia aueetntty leet to tne piace 01 uuniNuiaB, uo vuo uuui tronsions, more or loss; tho same being now or lately.

in. the possession of Bwen Pidgoon, as lesBae, 4o. from Jere miah O'Donnell, said leaso oeina recorded in Liber 687 of Conveyances, paje o15. Dated Brooklyn. 0 an.

13th. 1M8. mhllawawTh JOHN M01.AM.KK. Bherut. 'CJTJPBEME COUBT, KING8 jo Abraham Davis and Silas Davis against John Heins and others.

In pursuance of ajedgmeut order of the above Qourt ia the above entitled action. 1. Alfred T. Ackert, the referoa named in said judgment order, will sell I throng Jaoob, Cole, Heal Estate Auctioneer, at tbo CommBtsfal mr change. No.

369 Kulton itrcot. in the 0 ly of Brooklyn, on theM'bdayot March, 1661, st o'clock noon, all ih lands and premises described in sain insgmenl order, tbat is to AII that certain Jot, pieeoor parcol ot land situate, Iting and bouw id tht) Uitr of Brooklyn, (formerly villaneot Kings, and State of New York, known and distingu shed on a map entitled "An asse smont mlp of theViUage or Willia DBbnrgh." mode by Daniol Kwan Oity Surveyor, an rl filed in the King's County Register's (formerly Olerra) ofitce by tbe villaito number (763) seven hundred aud stxty Boundes northwesterly by Tnird stress, noithemster ly by lot number (161). southwesterly by North Sixth streat and Bontheasterlyby lot number (2842) on ssldmtp, containing in bieidtb, in tront and rear, twenty five feat, and in length, on each Bids, oneliundred feet, aa the said lot ii laid down and designated on said map. DaUa February, Uth, pjjjjj, A0KjriTj Rotereo, a Pine tt, N. T.

Bowhe, Plffs Atty. felt) aw3Tq, IN PURSUANCE OF AN ORDER OJ I nnswKT.L (l BRAIN AHD Burr Ogata ol the County of Kings: mmm ti1. of the City of Brooklyn, deceased, that they are required to eininit toe same, siw ju wiBO BubsoriberB, at the office of Theodore Poutemua 4 No. I. lit.

rtat.v nf Tiaw VnTlr nnnprtAfA ttt nm tevenUenth du of Msy oeit. Dted November, Wa, 1S66. MARIA T. POLHEMUS, ABRAHAM D. POLHUMHS.

AdroinlBtraton. ELBERT A. BRLNiiUJiHOFf noil lawtJmS Dn, Habbibon's Pbbistaww Lozhnobi. A isitive, prompt and pleasant oo for Oj ft'noa and DyarupsiA. For sale by J.

8. (K. Froorietoia. Bwtoa, and by ail ornggisw. daosmsoa fob Sixti ai Opjo wm off our Ion 00,, Fulton st, opposite Clinton.

Make Totjb Own Soap. 50 per oent, swecl tt using B.T.BlBnrr's Pure Oonotmtrstod FolAsb or aornmon BMash, and superior to any other yPoi IWtnttiSarltet Pntuo in sani 61 Iponnd. pSnnda, i noMCi. i nouBdi and ll pounds, with wni.reoUoni wSiiSKy for naklng turd and jolt 9aB. I. jtMiuidW i. uTloa ATJ1B8' AND OHlLlKlS''l Jib id lor 8TUnm bv tmmw mvw 12m ueei. TWO O'CLOCK P. M.

By Telcxraph to IN frisHji Etglt, TOE WJLL1JMSBUBGH MTSTEBY A MURDER. Dcaiii Mr. Coiling, ihe leveller At tacked Latest Phrtieulurs ol the Case Another Harder lor Monev, On Mondny and yesterday, the Eagle gave its readers tho pantcn'srs of tho attaok on Mr. James Collins, jeweler, of No. 9S Fourth street, E.

with a'j the facts In the coeo then obtainable. The opinion which was also given, that Mr. Collins oould not snrvive his injuries, basnnhappilv proved truo. Mr, Collins oxplrod this morning at Ibrco o'clock, at his residence, ICS Washington Btreet, near Concord, in tbe 68ih yoar his age. He died from the offec: of a blow received (if: cercbium or base of the brain, wh 'ch Is bo'totod to have fractured his skull.

Tbe deceased leaves a wldoff and three tho eldest, a daughter, about 16 months since lost he? husband, wbo wii iu tho army, and this second sudden nflltc Scu comca to her Vtlth poworlns force. Mr. Covins has rcslded ia tho Fourth Ward and its licte'ty for over 10 years, and has beon euajed in business in the Eastern District for over 0 years, Uo was a man of regular bablt3, and used evory caution to avoid being robbed or persoja'ly attacktd. Within the past three years his store hsd b3en ttfico entered by burglars at and votuablcs to a con Biddable rfoant can led off. The second time tho bnrglsrs took his safo bodily, ond after leaving nith It, brote it open and rifled It, sinoo that timo Mr.

ColVos bad been iu Pie hibit ot nightly depos'ting tho most vluanlu portuw or his stock lu a safo set in tho wall of a store a fow doors fcotn hts own. Hcalso was prudent on leaving bis place of business to wait until some person cttno along with whom he caull walk to the cars unmolested. THE ATTACK upon the deceased took plavo on Siturday olternoou last and soon after being reu'ofed to his hoase M. Collins was able to filve tbe following sUte.nent: Early in tho oflerncon in question, Mr, Collins noticod a toll man acting In a voty suspicious manner about hti store snd not Iikinj his appearance, ho detcrm'ned to watch him, The Btran.ier soon perceived tbat Uo was watched by the proprietor of tho store, and evidently desiring to allay any suspicion, boldly ontorod. and inked to haro a breastpin slightly mended, Tuo work wai done In a few mf.iutcs, aid llio auspicious customer ten detcd $2 bill iu ptiyiiionl.

Toe tuiii required was but s'nall one, and Mr. Collins not bavt. any change venlent, very Imprudently left his s.oro for the purpose or having tbo bill changed. He atatos that ho reimitn bers clearly to hiving secured the change, and jus', reached the store, but utter litis all was blank, ANOTHER STATEMENT. Iu corroboration of tho above Mr John Doerr, a cigar nianulacltirer, doing bus'nets next door to Mr.

Collins' plnce, bas mado a statement to tho following cS Oa Saturday aftt rnoon Mr. Collins came Into his sta. to get a bill changed, and tbiB having been done, ho returned to his shop and was not seen by tho cigar maker until Mr. Gwltom, who discovered tbo watott makci's condition, notified htm. Doorr went into Collins' shop, and found that gentleman sitting In a chD'r, with his head tbrowa back, and tbo blood fliwiiig from bis mouth.

He was mutteiiuj, bnt wbllo Doerr was present be was beard 1 1 say, "Oh, my head." Ilio scgarmnker plainly saw a large blood stain bchiud his right b's boir in tbe vioiuily being also saturated, but no other marks, which wou'd lndicato that vlolonce bad been used, about his bead or laco. He saw no per eocb lingering about tho piemkes on tuoaitcruoon in qucEtton, uor heatd anyunusral noise in tho store. DTJltlNG BIS CONSCIOUS MOMENTS ho was heard to with a suddo, as if in t'ear suffering, such eentences aid'' Havo uey oattgnt tho tbiel Wbo will protect mo Don't come near mc all inicatiugthat his rolud retained its last tuipresBions before receiving tha fatal blo.v. Ho couBUiutly motioned all persons from his bedside, as If apprehensive that tboy would do him injury. His lucid moments wory when he would into a supjd or vjcomcloa Ltato Hfsdeat'i is beyond rll doubt tbo result or consideied nccosraiy by some bold thief who had entered b's shop for tho purpoics of larceny.

Tbo very bolness of tho operation Is its best protrct'on. 4th st. is a main tboroughfaro of tho Eastern District, and uo matter bow qa'caly tho orv.lltars might havo worked, a dozen persons would probably pats the win. doffbeforothey coald eccuro an exit, but no ono would sutpect that mutdei wai bo'ng dono t'lo aud iu broad dajl'ght. THE BOOTY SECURED.

The person wbo committed this wanton murder upon an oged umillenslve gentleoiei, scouted from bts pookot a pocket book eonla'ning, ns is supposed, about $25. Twenty tbree watches belonging to and ou alo wero also taken. Tuo numbers or these watihcs wero recorded in tho store books and aro now in tho bends tbe police, ro Ihtt if tho oases have not been melted up and tho works destroyed, there is a cbanco of gelling a to tho perpetrators by tho wntcheB, Tbe pulice and detective force of this city and New York aro doing all they WHO IS HE? Mr. Coliins is supposed to bnvo received his wounds about naif past fivr to flvo o'e'ock; bo mis not discovered until netr ti.x, and itnt'cr tbo following clroumstan ccs; A gentleman named Graliaru, residing at No. 301 South Third slrtel, E.

wc6 paBsirg along l'outli Btf cot, and arriving at No. 98, lie ntccd tbrooh tlio window aud eaw the proprietor sitting In a chair, apparontly asleep. Being acquainted with bitu, Graham Btopped lata bio itorc, when he was hoiCflcd to ditcovor Mr, Collins insensible, and bleeding pro.asely from both mouth and cars. At that instant another mau, a stranger, cimo in Baying tbat ho had lelt a watch there to bo repaired' which ho dcaircd to take away. Alter Belecting tbo watch, be dopjrtcd.

In his startled condition Mr. Gre bim did not slop to consider tlio fact tbat it was rat'ior on unusual thing perBon to cl'iim a watch uud help himBelf to it, Now that tbe result of tho affair is death it would bo well lor tho very handy individual to oomo forward and explain bis action in tho matter. Ibe w'noie affair is fuH ot mystery. No attests have been made, no ono ono Is fairly suspected, and sorro ev Ibink the man may havo died in a fit. A post mortem examination will bo made on tbo body this alternccn, by Dr.

Willetf, and tho ipqucit will bo commenced before Cororer Lynch on Fridry. tiAULE jep. jt, Tbe Murderer of the Roosn I'amiiv. CixorHNAir, Much 7. Samuel Covert, who bas been ou trial nt Lebanon, Ohio, for mv.nlef.'ng tho Boon lemi'y, at Deorfio'd, in December, 1SW, was this morning found guilty of murder in ihe first degree.


the Oily Brooklyn. Tle plaintiff In this action, who Is nn Amortcan citizen of African dercent, brings this action to recover damagoB in the Bum of $66, for tbe destruction of bta household furniture, which ho alleges was destroyed by tne rioters in July 18C3. Tho plaintiff resides at 22 1 East Warren street, and was employed SB a porter inaatoroinNow York. When tho rlols commenced In New York, fearing for the safely of his home, he came over to Brooklyn and took his family to Ibe honso of friend In another part Af On the following: day he returned to hts homo and found some three hundred men, women and i.ilnrnmllected around bia houao in tbo acttof demo lishing hs furniture. Ho stood at a little distance mournfully witnessing tbo destruction of hfafdra and neitdfciinnlil tbo wrath of tho mob waa turcod into an nther nhntiTiel.

and then had to leaTO to esoapa violent a. The Jury returned a verdict for $182 60 in favor of tho platnitir. OITY COUBT BmronH Jnncm Khinoijm. Thomas Meed andWm.Bosfordys John Oarr. Thu ni brought by the plaintiff to rcoover a bjlance due to him for work done in building a row of bOUSCa Wycaon st iur ucieuuaut.

The defence was that the plaintiff bad not performed the wotk according to the plans snd specifications; and a number of mechanics and others were on both sides. The jury returned a Yerdlct for defendants. Amusements. The Opeba. To morrow night "IlTrova tore," which we have not heard in this city in qnlta a long time, will be revived with a east that ensures a splendid performance, comprising Zucct', Bane do Bossl, Mam ent, Bellini, Antonuccbt and BarlUt.

M'Jle. Bene dl Bossl, has not yet been heard lu this city; Bho is said to bo a very pleasing contralto On the sixth and last subscription night, Senorlta Carmelina Pooh, a Spanish prima donna, who has achieved a very gratifying success In New York, as Lumara in "La Favorite," will be Introduced to Brooklyn in tbe eame work. As Maietztk does sot open In Boston until the 10th of April we may expect one or tno extra bights before) ho leaves Hew York, and probably bayo a chance ot hearing Miss Kellogg in "17 Etolle du Nord," We are requested by Mayor Booth to state that the announcement, bo generally circula. ted, that he is to preside at the meeting of the Fenian Brotherhood, to be held at the City Hall square this evening, has been made entirely without his authority. The 9ih 'Wad Muedee.

In the report of the comantation ol the sentence of Joseph Msthowi in yesterday's paper, out reporter Inadvertently omitted to mention the name of Henry Av Moore, the prlh. olpal counsel for Mathews, to whoso enorgetlo efforta, asBlBted by Mr, Donne and others, tho condemned mau owes bis release from an Jgnomenions death, Mr. Moore bad several Interviews with Governor Fenton In relatUpn to the matter, and wutoaJlyouceiijful. WEDICISDAY EVENING, MARCH 7. Araasenenis this Evenine.

HBB. OOrfWAI'B PARK rHBATBR FnJK ftsEt pnotlte the City EU11. Ticket of Leave Man. 8 o'clock HOOLBTI KHW OPBBA UOOSfc Goroer of Court and Bemieai streets. Negro bujlesqaei, acts, sonss, duicc, fce, rantomimB Msioe Trampet.

IKi'oloci. BEAVER'S OPERA HOUSE (late Odeon) Negro conge, donees, burlesquos, 8 o'clook. "Etjkwko deb Machihe." William UcLaogblln, a boy men who aspires to bo a Areolar, was arrested by one of the 42d police for a violation of the city ordinance in iurolngwtfh a fire engine, he not being a member. Ho was tisen before Jostle8 Comwcll and discharged. Allegfd Abandonment.

Henry James, 35 yeaie ol oge, a porter by occupation, was taken into custody yisterday morning, by officer Nicholson, at No. IS Division fit, New York, on charge of abandoning bis Wife, who resides at No. 77 North Mb el, E. D. The Builders' Union.

This body met last oveninp, and those members present signed the constitution and paid the entrance fee. Nothing of public interest was dono. Lectuhe Postponed. Tie lecture which the Itcv, Dr. Failey was to have dollvercd last evening before the L.

I. Historical Sociely, has been postponed until Tuesday next. The Loss ey the Bubning op the Spice Mill. Tbe loss of Messrs. Packc James by tho tiro at No.

1(3 Fdrmon slrcet, comprises $8,000 on merchandise, and on machinery. The building was insured (or instead of in the Lamor Insurance Co. Mahmage ru Coubt. Patrick Henry, a painter, who claims to be a lenial descendant of tho eloquent Virginian of revolutionary memory, and whoso eloquence was too much for the peaeo of mind of Margaret Donahue, of Washington avenue, were yestrrday made one flesh by Justice Buckley in court. THoy went away happy and hopeful.

Tumbled In. At about 8 o'clock last evening, a man named Freeman Dunham, residing at No. 0 Washington street, fell overboard at Catharine Ferry in attempting to jump after tho ferry boat as it was leaving the Broolyu side. Officer Dennis Sullivan fished Jiim out, lie was very wet and looked foolish. Some gentleman elaiding near got off an original remark to the effect that hereafter he should heed tho adage of "LooS before you lrap." Attempted Eueglauy.

At about half past one o'clock lbi3 mir.niig nn Mtmpt was made to outer the bouee of Mr. Arcbtba'd Baxter, of No. 11 Pietrepont street. Tiny weio beard by Baxter, who gave an alarm and brought i fioee Win Barr, of tho 41st precinct, to Ihc fpot. The arcla: bad already leit.

FuiE. At iibout hnll one o'clock afire was discoveri ir, en eld building in the rear of No. 45 Bridge street, occupl by John Glennon, harneesmaker. It was extinguished with l.ut lining damaso. Benjamin Tomey ouo of the wcrkmen, was found by the officer in a loft ever tbe sht p.

The bed was considerably burned and Kb occupant somewhat injured. The 23d Regiment The last Band and Promenade Concerto: tbe i31 Eeglment will bo glveD on Saturday evening, at tbe Academy ot Music It is proposed to have a brilliant winding up of this series ol popular entertainments, and, as will be Eeen oy the programme in another column, (boa will be some new and attract features introduced. Alleged Abson. A man named Michael Brenntn was arr. by officer yesterday m.

ing, on suspicion of having set fire to the bouso occu pied by bis wife, Mary Brennan (yesterday reporteil aa Maty Brown), of Weeksvillo. The house was oojupledby a colored man named Frcd'k Sm th, and as Brennsn had been seen loitering about tbe place and bad been heard to Bay that ho would burn the place, ho was arrested. Brennan will be examined to morrow by Justico Corn well. Entertainment of the Pkimabt of School No. 10.

The Academy of Music this evening will be filled with the pupils of School No, 15, and their friends, to participate in ond listen to the entertainment to bo given this evening by the Primary Department of the School, under tbe direction of Mrs. Dunkley, who has long acted as the efficient principal of tho school. A long and varied entertainment will bo presented, tho proceeds of which are to be expended in the purchase of a suitable piano, to tbe notes of which tho musical idea may learn to sing. The school is largo and tbo instrument much needed. As this entertainment Is onto of tho earliest given by cur ecuooIs this season, aud appears, to open the spring campaign of 18G0, it is expected that a crowded bouso will endorBe the efforts of tbo litfle ones "to speak in public on the stage." The singing, dialogue, declamation irom the smallest of the school scholars of this city, will possess nn interest beyond Which belongs the entertainments in which tho more advanced pupMs participate.

He member, therefore, to attend tbe Academy this evening. Good News for New Utbecht. The residents of New Utrecht have been endeavoring, recently! to have dally mail delivering there, instead of being nboot twice a week, as it iB now Wm. Robinson, brought the matter to tho post office authorities la Washington, last week, and yesterday he received tho following letter, ordering tbo desired change: Post Office Depabthent, Contuaot Office. Washington, March 2, 1800 Sir In answer to tbe peiitions of citizens of Neff TJtrecht, Kiucb County, N.

reiorred by this office, I have to niloim yu that U'c Postmaster General bas mado an order discontinuing the prcLHit special service at New Utrecht, and inst. acting tbe contractor on liouto No. 10' 7. New orb Kurt Hamilton, to embrace tbo supply of that fflce with tho mail on bis route. The order io lute effect Marcb In, 1830 Veiy ltsnectlully, Geo.

V. MoLhlla Second Ass't iptranster General. V7m E. Eobdson, 23 Court tt, Brooklyn, Y. The St Patrick's Day Celebbation.

Hitherto tbo vaiious Irish Societies in this city have cross, od to New York on St Patrick's Day to swell the procession in that oily. This year it was resolved to get up a demonstration in Brooklyn, There are Hibernian Societies enough ta make up a very imposing procession in this city, and it was hoped ana expected that all the Brooklyn Societies would cordially join in the movement But the enterprise would lnive lacked tbe true Irish flavcr if there had not bceu a split of some kind, and so we find that two oftheFatber Matthew Societie: of this city have resolved to desert Brook'yn and go to Now York, Perhaps they will 'link better of it before the day arrives, and do honor the city they live in. Tee Pogilists in a Friendly Encounteb The Police Imtehfeke. Last night, in accordance with previous announcement, a benefit was to take placo ot the Tammany Hall, Pearl street, Brooklyn, in aid of Morris Phelan, tbe pugilist, who wa3 lately beaten by Jim Kerrigan. Extensive arrangements had been made for the benefit, aud many noted members of the "fancy" were advertised to be present, to spar for tho pecuniary profit of Morris Phelan aforesaid, JoeCobum beaded the list, and, in parlance of tbe ring, tbo wind up was to be between Phelan and Kerrigan, who were thus to fight ihclr battle o'er agiln." Eutlol scarcely wero tho doors of the hall opened.

and a respectable number ol people admitted, when the police made their unwelcome appearance. It appeared that a permit had not been granted for the holding tho meeting, and therefore it was illegal in the eyes the law. Therefore, when about three hundred people Were present of tho class principally interested in the nrogress of Buch affairs and their money taken, a clearance was ordered. This took place with great quietness and the meeting was tacitly adjourned until tbe begin ng of next week, when it will take plaoo under tbo authorization of tbo police, if at all. The Smuggler' Segar In Oue Chapter and Tableau.

'Tis evening; from the Cuban shore comes the odor of tho orange, the banana and some garlio. Everything is lovely on ship and shore. Tho moon in the Bonthera Bky had started the Luna Gas Light Company, with an offlse at tbe corner of Cerulean avenue and Azure place. Three sailors came Btaggeriog under a load; two had gin in the hold, tbe third, cigars oa deck. These sailors were saamen, they wore pantaloons Which seemed from the knees down to bis seeking vainly for the leg which they contained.

As usual this trio Imprecated thtir Bangtuneous optics. In the harbor laid a vessel called the Eagle; at midnight ibo was to sail; the breezes blew and waves wived. At est three sailors with briny cast of countenance fell heavily on board a board which was a part of the deck of the veBael. They had a heavy cargo of glu and egars. Who were they? Were they smugglers? They Were much, in8 soene changes to Brooklyn.

A polloe justice sits in bis chair, and before 1m stand tbree eeamanly looking sailors of tho Etgle. They are William and Charles Porter and Michael Gillespie. All young men and greatly lesembllng tho smugglers ot the Cuban Bhore. Segars In boxes are near them. The 43d police, in the persons of Officers DeCamp and Dan Jacobs.

Tho revenue latv bas been vindicated and these briny illegal operators In Havana have been brought before tbo solemn bar of Justice. They look sorry. Their load of gin Is gone Bomc. Tbey wont smuggle not no more, if they are let But tbey alot. On tbe contrary they are sent to the care of the U.

S. Commissioners in the Hamilton Buitd 'ng, for enminaton. For particulars ot this brilling Mory read Law Court Iotelligcnoo in'tMnor ow's paper. New iMPOBTAnotr. Spring goods just re Blmort Trimminira (Black TlooSra' to OrnamenU and Buttons, "mtegnipnire Laiesand Collars.

ml Office, new ora. text TJlTED TO HIRE FROM 1st MAY If next bysyonng gentismto nis wite. a moaer ate sired tonBe or part ot bouse in a goodneiEhbornood, eastof Fulton strodt. or north of Fulton sr; 20th Ward preferrer1. AddressM.

S. Begie offioe, statinir terms andlocation. Ie286t" BOARIMNb BOARD WANTED, BY A YOUNG gentleman, a sinile r. ote wit'i bo.i and the ur.e of a piano, in a priYato fsmiiy, iuSonth Broosha ne the fetry. Addreu.

statin; terms, U. Box 1593 N. V. Post Offiro. rollt1 BOARD lOK GENlLKMdN AND wile.

2d story rooms, at $7 and $8 perweek eacti, with ulo piano, as 396 Cl iton. nec j.pqncrrot. rft7 2. OAKD S1NGLE GENTliEMEN OR gentleman and wife can obtain good board arid pteaFapi rooms at ii vtbhi. iww BOAED JURNTSHED ROOMS TO LET with board, at 40 West Baltic Btreet, between Clinton and Court Bta.

BOARD A SMALL FAMILY OP AD ulte would let whole uart of 2d floor, unfurnished, with hoard, to two or tbree grown peroas: or would let 3d floor 'rom Ma? let, for stirase of furniture: location Stato, near Novina ftrect Addres3 Box 3241 Now Vorh P. (, BOdRD A LADYWlttiiES TWO UOM foriably furnished rooms suitable for bouekeeDinf, orboaid iu a family where teaching music wouldcomuen sato paiiially tor board: would like eome muiic acbolE's; if well qualified and bafl bad BeveraJ yearn exoerinnce teaching: beBt of referoncefl feaver. Address MUSIO TKACHEK, Ragle office. mUta OAKD A GEJSTLEMAM AND WltfK sir wfi ninwlfi rann can obtain hnnrrt nn mnrW ate teimp. Apply lo Mrf, BM.1T1I, coruUaroll and.

Uoad bib, lG'M 'VVircf, lj.oolfl.viN OAKD A GEJN1LEMAN AND WltfE denrea suit of rooms, cemmuuicatini', with board, in apr vate family, in a modern bouso Locution e'tber Clinton or Wahii gton avos. Pierrepont or sue bts. Keferencea exchanged. AddreBS JS. B.

Brooklyn P. O. ml BOARD A GENTJiEMAN AND WIKE, without children, are of. obt mngaroom, with Rood plain full board, in a privato fa nily, orwyere ttieio are but few boarders tabei, a detent looaht aod only a few minutes walk irom Oity Hill. Uonld furn'sh their own room if necenary.

Piife about 815 iu advance. First claa references given. Addrorg. with particuhrs, for 3 days. WLLTAMS, Eele fflce.

m7 21 BOARD A FRONT KUUM AjD KED room on 3d floor, to lot, witu board; a'so on 2d tloijr, a front room and btidrooin; very few hoirc'erj in tbo houao. All modern imrroveraentg in the House. Thost) who want tlie comfort i ot a home please call at 330 Adolphi st. ne Fulton ave, Brooklyn. m7 2t OTR BHOOKLYN BOARDING XCH NGK.

15 Court at, opnobito Uty Hall, wiwo Drivato 'amilies and boarding boiifios may bo furniphed, on applfcn'if'J inth desirahlo boarders. We supplied over 10C0 boarders lit year. Ladies nd directed to the most desirablo pl.ice3.iD all parte ot the oity, free of cbargo. mli3i, BOARD WABTEDlfOR A GENTLE man and hia wife; two rooms required on tho soond floor, in the vminity ot Wallalrret fern'; private family pieferred; references exchanged. Address L.

office. meat." BOARD WAKTED ROOMS it'URNlrl cd or unfurnished, in the vicinity of bultou nveaue oreferred, by a gentleman, wife and aon 10 years of A ddrr i tating terms and full particulars J. W. Kag'e office. BOARD TWO OR THKBUJ GEISTLE can le a ceo mod a tod with ileisantroorag, on modercf' tprms, t.y aopijing atJNo J36 Bridge street, one door Irom Willonghhystrett.

mO 2t" HOARD ONE OR TWO GENTLEMAN fti lip ftfif nmrnodiited witualu ninhod room on tbo first floor, at CE Sands street. m6 'it BOARD A PKlVA'lHi JbAMlLY WILL Hrmnimodnte a cpntienian and ito with alorce. Dltasaiit, fiont room on 2d floor, with board: bouso has modern imtfovenientB; i) convenient, to thrpo lines of oars; no moving in. May. Apply at 116 Klliott piaoe.

mn6 2L i BOKD URKISHED ROOMS, WITH or without board. Apply at the Glo3'ter, corner of aeaau and Waanington street. miiet" OOARD W1TH A GENTEEL PRIVATE MB tnmilv nn fllirton st Two conllBtnon Cln occudv a pprlor rocm on the fiit.t ilo lor $30. or tho front chamber, third story, let $20. A hall bedroom for $10.

Inuuiroat 196 Clinton St. mJ3t" 1 OAKD A GOOD LARGE BEDROOM to let to cno or two single gentlemen, with or with Apply for 3 days. m02t, BOARD BOOMS TO LET WITH tinitrri; fumitv nmn.ll: location desirable! and conve nient io tflree car lOntos; a jo accommodations for two boarders; nn moving lfit of May. Dinner at 6K o'clock inquire at wo. 4 Latajeweave.

maodt BOARD GBNTLEMEN AND THEIR and a fen Binale centlemen can be accommo dated with )ard at No. 11 TilUy pfreet. fe2T6f ROARD A PRIVATE FAMILY, LIVING within half block of Greenwood cars, between Clin ton and Court afreets. Houih Brooklyn, have a plea taut front room furnished, to Jet, with board, to two gentlemen. hrquireat20 IJau isonatitet.

fe27 6t" BOARD "WAN TED PL A1N BOARD IS required for medical Btudenti, from the firat of March to tho first of July inclusive. Parties who wish Hflmro Rtinh hunrdrrfi nhnn'rf nrfffrdcn hUHQ COLLEOK HOSPITAL, stating tbe price which tbey ex pect lor ooara ana tne numDer wmcu tnoy oan aecomuiv dato felB lm FOR SALE AND TO LET. FOR SALE GRAND PIANO FORTE, 7octavc3, roaewood, carved Oan be Been at 390 uariron avenue. FOR BALE CHEAP EiGUT EULL lotp, with brick cottage, situated corner of Jleaist. and Schenectady av: will be Bo'd a great ba eaiu.

For full nnitic.ilB 9 on the Drernues. ur to WM. MAO KEY. 23 FnJton av. m7 61 FOR SALE IN BROOKLYN, TWO 3 story and batoment bi'ck houica, Hoi.

30 and 32 Poplar Bt, each 85.0C0 One brown stone fiont home on Columbia st .20,000 Ihe 4 story brick house No. 18 Htokt et TheSstoiyandattiohonseNo li Jayst Y.500 Tbree Irame trame houses, Woe. 153, Vj5 a id 157 Wavy Bt, together 6.600 Eignt2 atory and snrentbriok houses on William si, escn z.cuu AdijIv at thoofficoof O. O. WUST.

No. 1 Fioatst. Broot lyn. ml 3t3 7fkd IH FOK B13AUT1FUL ArrJr turee etarv baseixent and sUb celtf brick bouse, in Atlantic, corner of Washington avenup, witn stooD. Drown btone paeement ana rniiaoeipnia brick iVont.

vctibule doors, heater. halb, wnter ctoselB, wasn basins ihroughout the bou.e. ati splendid gas fixtures, for to 8. PifilTii, 362 Atlau tiosireec nn 0 fjOR SAbUi I bE THKIfiE Btoryb'ick No. 6 Bedford perfect or cer.

vtb eura large lot, ICO fret, wellet jjkfd with th9 tin pqt. frnit, trees and viLGa: will bo sold tvithor wittiojttbo lorr? ttablo and lot on Lcffcru mortgage at 6 pai G. 11. S3B Kulton st. m76l FOR HALE 15RIUK, BKOWN STONE and frame houses, modern improvement.

Pacifiosfc. 3 itory bron sCoeo 9.OS0 Dean st, 8 atory brown stone 8,000 Pacific at. 3 Etory brown Mono 16,000 Duffialdi.t,3 story brick 11,030 Pacifioet, 3 Hoiy bncK 7.000 JJeviuBst 2 storykrick lOM State a', 2 Btoiy frame 6,600 And other looitionB. ApplF to S. PEIT1T, 362 Atlantio Btreet.

m7 6l" TO LET A I ARGE 3')AKLING HOUSE compfefety furnished and flltod with fi'st u'ass bjartf etB, or will Belli he furniture. Tnis is rare opuortuuity. Also furnished howe in Soath Btootfhjn, bouse Quincy st. near Maicy ave, and 2co'taKoain Hempitoa f. For Dermi'sandiull paHiculp's apply to tiON, 321 Kulton av near Elliott place.

iu72t FOR ALE HOICKS X30NSTAN TLY on baud an sufoitmeat of the Buitable for roici, coupe, slrle, saddle, c. aid tlj. A tair trn1 given, and hon.ea wavranird as reco nmondid. o. moi ev returned.

Oall and examine stock, at L. ii. XS KAEL'3. corner Mjitle and CjrRoii aves, Brookij'si. m7 3m mo LET LOWJtR PA KT Off A THRISE etory brick fcense in Dean at, between Bond and Nens.

withmoue nimpiovomentJ, Apply to LANGiS 4 207 Pearl st, rJew York, TO LET A FAMILY KKSIDING IN PeEalb ave, near WaihiniTton ave, havin rmoTe room than tbey occupy, desire to lee, from the Ui, rit May, lo gentleman aid his nite. 2 large i2o 1 floor anl one ama'l attic loom. Inquire of Air. EOmiSSON, 107 Jay Btreet, uroouijn, 1U LtT AM) FIATURES FOR SALE, oi a provision etjre on the comer of Livingston at and Plm Dlace, Broohiyn Inquire on the premise: Maroh 8tb and 9th. trom StolOoVook, or ot MIlGUhUjIj eaPey 6t.

w. JIOR SALE ON IS HOxlaiy, 1 naiinn. ftnil harness lor sale, tocethfir arit.h ft light buEinets Kor further particulari inuuire at No. 13 Lafaystte st Broobbn. mlSi TO LET IN A PLEASANT PART OF Brooklyn, convenient to feiiy, one or two largo sized bedrooms on econd floor, without board.

Please address, with name and reference, N. T. Post Office, Box 915. m'f Ar FOR SALE IN A NEIGH fewbood. onLcflerts Bt, b3ttren FuJlou aTid Atlan tic avcMdet house east of OlaSwon ave) a 2 story briok honfie.2lby47; Frenoh dmmer ropf and beement, with all tbe modern improvements.

Dewly.pjpeaandDnted: lot 4ft bv 15: aimnR room on parior floor. Seri or to E. F. I O. H.

ORON1 130 Lroadmv, New Yort m7 2t TO LET UPPER PAttT UF HO UBE 47 Cranbeny Willow, to a family of adaJis only; 6 rooms on Eocond floor and on attic gae and wa ter. Add ir aT anov LBT 0 VOH S4LK THi5 PINE wtonavfl nerrClfson are. Contains all 1'ie modern Imnrovemcn" rtentKUOO; prioo turn On viow dittv frorn 10 To'olock. KdWarB S85 B.K, ave, Brooklyn, or IS) Front st, How York. B7 St frontingtho Park.

on Bergen placo. 10 lots on President 6treet. ole on Baloben plate and 2d street. Siotabn 3d street and south of impart of tbem on tbe AOTaUne9offlceon Baloten plaoa and Smith stressor EXCHAKGEFOB A PLACE OUT v.rTTi.i.nMt0 limita. abriok house, oontatmntr Sloirfflt rollsr and pantries, two water closeti and aid all tut Tmodern improyementa, wcU sr walk of Wall ranged lor orient.

WcJff.a?.'r.SiSli m76t idress lor one wc. '1 H.Vimvi.lreet. Brooklsn.ahigh stoop briok house, v. tt mininss, oontaiuinK an io. muutjm i.

neighbor. improvements, and Me lureo ioodt at Apply to uhukub m7lot n'RSALBTWO STOB'SAND base houBe. with gas end water, in S.ckettst, Sh lot MilOO feet; price 3.0C3 En onire atSCt Degrawstrt et. rWrXiWHOM IT MAY CONOEKST ril TELlSlV KliBNE. having 'eit my bed and VJiii nnt he answersble for any debts shemaycon board.l will not oe answer." InSlcpH TruaKuv.

u' it alter mi aaw. FiTR SALE IKaB riAiuaao 'ft ttaUw. address O. B. oKira r.

v. M. riVVIiET THE JUUiusiUB ranx uir a APDty to a. a. pr TOOK SAMS AT A (OB WILL it exchanteforasniaUer nousjKHieS atory, banmont aid mSSHa PhlWelphtt.

briok house, modem menta twolntarior water elowta, aewarooyneetion, 52i32: lot AW." to on tha premlias. si sterns that Eome boys have been in the habit of "hooking" articles banging round store doors, and young MiGrathiB suspected of bting one of EitdboyB. Hts compraions are known, and will be taken care of by tbe police' when an examination of the case will take place beloro Justice Morehouse. William goes to on ti short commitment" in the meantime. Before Justice Cornwell.

Held fob the Geand Juby. The three Encoks, Harrison, Tweed and Fay, captured last week by Detective Van 'Wagner, near the corner of Livingston and Boernm Etreets, were yesterday morning bold to await the action of tbe Grand Jury, on a ehirge of burglary. Tbe lady's black cloak or coat Is still iu tbe hands of Detective Van Wagner, at the City Hall, awaiting an owner. It was probably siolen wlthtn tho last ten days. Dishonest Domestic John O.

Demarest, a baggage man at the New York and Erie Bailroad Depob reBides in Gold st. at No. 275, Tbcro he employed a help by the narno of Bridget Hand, to do bis housework, Bridget waB altogether too handy. She took everything she could lay her hands on, and even a red hot stove could not expect to enjoy an immunity from her larce nioue proceedings. Finally, tbe baggage man concluded to "cueck" her lor the Penitentiary, it possible.

He put Officer Tullv, a Detective whOLe capillar coverio" is of the prevailing color, ou Bridget's track, aud Bridget, smelling amice ol considerable pronations, ran away. Sbe went to JirBey, aud lor Bix miles it waB an even bet on berBcIf and fully. Finally, offlclul endurance broiifbt ber out, and yesterday morniog Bbe appeared bdore Justice Cornwell, changed by Demarest with having stolen about $100 WJrth of property from him. About hall dozen bundles wero recovered. Bridget was held to await the action of tbe Grand Jury.

Before Justice Dailey. A Tubnkey on his Mosole. Patrick lulley, oged 35 years, a turnkey at tho Raymond street jail, was brought into court, yeaterday morning by Offlctr Nitholson. Itoppcarstbat Tulley, as alleged, while in a state of intoxication, became involved in a disputo with oue Charles Collina, they were both in a place, corner of North 4lli and South E. on Monday evening, and the former waxing wroth, struck tho latter with biB list.

Hence His arrest. The defendant on beirg arraigned before ibo gave bonds to answer on Friday next. Laeceny Thibty Days. A man named John Hardy, waB arinlgned on a charge of petit larcony, preferred by Retard Howe, afurnlture dealer In Grand Btreet, K. D.

From the testimony, ltappoaredthat Hardy was passing complainant's store on Monday afternoon, and eeelng a mahogany oliuir expoaed for aalo on the sidewalk, bo thought that it wojlil just suit him. Not dctirlrg to pay $7lor it, ho cooly removed It from the sidewalk, and was proceeding along Grand street hen arrested by Officer Beckingbom of tbo 47th precinct. Justico Dailey sentenced tbo prisoner to the Penitentiary for tblr ydaje. Suspicion of Gband Laboeny. Townsertd Height, a teamster residing at Groenpoint, was arrested on Monday bySergeont Brennan of the 47th precinct, on i1 suspicion of having stolen an oak log, valued at J40, from Geal Watson, sawyers, in Conklin near Franklin street.

The property was recovered by tbo Sergeant at Astoria, and Halght arraigned before Justice Dailey yesterday morning, when he gave bonds to answer. Committed foe Tbial. The two shoplifters, Bridget Corrlgan and Margaret Williams, ai(o Powell, who were arrested by the 45th precinct police on Friday night last, while operating on Grand st, E. wero arraigned Monday afternoon for examination. Justice Dailey committed tbem in lull to await tbe action of tbo Grand Jury.

The stolen property found in their possession was restored to its oivncr. Before Justice 'Walsh. Dischabged. Edward Collins, a bar tender at No. 1 Sackett st, who was arrested on suspicion of larceny, be having in his possession a quantity of cotton fuppos to have beon stolen, was discharged yeaterday upon Ihe examination of the case by Justice Walsh, no tuclt being proven.

Dame's Pulmo Bbonohiai, Tbochbs possess a magical power unequalled by any otbor preparation over Coughs, Colda. Asthma, Hoarsenesi, Brnnobitis, Public speakers and singers find great relief from their rise. O. Fox, 81 Barclay street, or 438 4th avenue, Now York, flnd all druggists. mi Bbown's "Veemtfugb Comfits," or worm lozenges, contain no foim of mercury to whioh many worm reme lies owo chair efficacy.

The inrodioots are well calculated for the ourposei they are intended to accomplish, having with Bucceesby eminent medical men in Kurope. fe22 6t Colgate Co's. Glygeeine Toilet Soap iB slreoialty adapted for usa during tho told season. It 8rtons skin and prevents chapping. Fur sale by all druggists aud fancy dods rfoaltn.

U16 tlooi Dalley's Magical Pals Extbaoiob we krow to be a positive cmo for Burns, ScatJs, Piles, Old Sorra, Fbouroatism, Coins, Bunions, Chilblains, Frost hiup ardpainB in tho aides and hack. Try a' box; it is certain to please 25 ots, id oU, and $1 a box. For rule by all druggists. fe2Tltn symptoms of worms in children are often overlooked. Worma in tho itomach and bowels oiuse irritation, wbicl can be lemoved only by tbo UBe of a Bute remedy.

Bhown's "Vermifuge Oomrits," or Worm Lozenges, are 6imple but effectual, milt Tho reason why the Southern members are rot admitted, it is said, is owing to their not nearlng thoBB exquisite Hatsof Bassleb'b, No. 334 ultou streor. States, men. merchants, bankers, and all gentlemen patronizo Hassieu, tflo Prince of Hatters. New styles reoeired duly.

mB3t Metcalfe's Gbeat Bheumatio Remedy is tho moat wonderful medicine ever brought before thenar lie A gentleman ol tbiscity, ffbobadloEt tteuseof bis and had nsed crutcte.i lor over six montbs, has been comnlctely cured by one bottle. Tell your afflicted friends to try it. It never fails Burnett's Cocoaine dresses the hair perfectly, wilb Jut grossing, drying, or atlff eninjc it. Bdbkktt's Floral Hand Book distributed gratuitously by dru gia'fl contains tbe Language of Flowers and a descriptive IiEtof Bdehett's Choice 1'reparitioni. Gents Spring Styles of Hats and Caps will bo ready on Patnrday, Marcb 1Mb, at BlOLOW 00 's, 185 Fulton street.

ml 4t Fifty per eent saved by nsing B. T. Babbit's Btsr Yeast Powder. Light Bicnit or any kusd of Oaks may be made with this "toast Powder" fn bj minitei. No shortening is required whe sweet milk is Mos.

64 to 74 Washington atciet, New York. feS In Ladies Hair drseing has truly become an art; tbe latest styles are exqnisito; aneoimeaa are nowon exhibition at DmlTEAtj'B celebrated Hair dressing Gallery, 81 Court street, ibis vast establishment continues in public favor; moderate obargea and skillful arttstBhave crowded its rooms this winter, while tbe unusually loir prices at which tbey are selling long braids, ourl3, Grecian coils, tbe Kugenie bead dress, Jte are truly spiralling to New York Hair Dealers, who would in vain compete with tbem. diessing, 60 ctsj children's hair cutting, 20 curls Tbe best diamond powder, specially made far our own ueo. at 50 ots per box. Beware ot common ttloss powder, it cutsthe hair.

m610eodtt Feench Couhllb Cobsbto, hand made, irih Woven Corset, all styles. Corsets made to ordar a largo quantity of low priced Oorsettt at Mkb. Bloaaow's IrenW Const Store, J73 Fulton street. The Duplex Blip io Spnugaad otiser Skirts of the fifloatand best make us he city of ovary Bice and shane. saO eooYVutf To tot Xjadihb At Lookitt's you will find a e'oimter.

for job lots, sonsisting of Buttons and Trimmings, of different varieties, at nrioes next to nothing, for a short time oalr. 2H slton street, opposite Oitntosu MARRIED rEZENnosr MoWAT On Sunday, March 4th, ISM, at Christ Obnrob, 'Wiiliamsburgb, by tbe Rev. A H. partridge, Mr. John R.

DEZEsnoBtf to Humrei JaheMo yiul, Dom or tnia oisy. DIKli. HWPSON Tn Brooklyn, on Tuesdsy. March 6th, Alpbed moons nurpsoif, in inerui jearoi 013.049 Uir trionri una tnnsa hiB brothers. Gportre G.

ana Noirran Sampson are invited to attend hia funeral on Thorsdsy, Bth nut, at 1 o'clock P. from 122 Columbia nrooiuyn. AXXEH Hirch ttb. E. JosEPrrraE.

wife of Frank H. Allen, aged 21 years, 1 month and 4 days. The Thursday, 8th inst, at2 P. Mm from tbe residence of deoeaeed's father, Thofl. Oorii well, Hanson place, Bth door above Etliott'plaoe.

m53tk Bikes In Brooklyn, March 6th. Mrs. David Hinds, oauunier or toe taua ueo. auu aanuau ueine, in cue zatn ycarof ber age, ot uaerperal convulsions, The relatives and fiiends of tbe family are invited to attend the funeral, from ber lato residence, 67 Wjokofl! st, on Thursday, the 8th inst, at 2 o'clock P. M.

1 0EEE8 On Tuesday. March 6tb, MiBT SCOXT, wife of Wm. D. Forbes, intho 43d year other are, Tbe relatives and Iriehds ot the family are respectfully invited to attend her funeral, to morrow, Thursday, March Olti at lit tmnt hp ieha raaiAanya Kn lW iv.l longbby st, Brooklyn. niTMPTXTy On WedBfifldav.

Ttnurran M. att est SOD of Wm, H. and Clara B. Oadwell, aged II yean Thafriftnria of the family are resrteritfiillv mnnABta i attend tho lnneral at theresidwos ol bis parents, 62 Port avenue, at Uoclook, P.M., to morrow, tbe 8th inst, Tho remains will be taken to Madison, Ot, for interment. twf new sjsvcb, vh, vayvts im ww.

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