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The Brooklyn Daily Eagle from Brooklyn, New York • Page 3

The Brooklyn Daily Eagle from Brooklyn, New York • Page 3

Brooklyn, New York
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)


O. B. FETHBBS, PROPRIETOa WEDNESDAY EVENING, JDLY 16, 1879. Annunl Excnrstou of Some ot the Fra ternlty to Oscnwaan Mand A Day ol Excessive Heat thnt was Felt on tbe Water a Well am in the City. The nnmial exonrsion to Oscawana iBhiti'd, on the Hndson, of the Associate Board of Trustees, oomprlslog the Hohanllntlou, Zeredatha and Brooklyn Lodges, F.

and A. Nassau Chaptor of tbe Boyaj Arch Ifasona sad. Clinton Cammindery iVo. 14, ot Knights Templar, took place yesterday. It wai a mammoth affair.

The steamer Long Branch and the bargei Walter Sands and William Jay Hsskett were at Jewell's Wharf In good Bcaaon In tho morning to receive tho pleasure seekers, who by 8 o'clock began to pour on board, Nearly every grpup was ladou down with lunch baskets and woll conditioned lampora, which wero fioou jTi ATaKUjLTylOUNT AIN QUIDE. WITH BIRD'S EYE VIEW AND MAPS. List of sixty nine boarding bouses on or aeu tho Oils kills. ioo Ooenta. Mailed on receipt of 30 cents.


PRICK TWO nOT.T.AHR. OIBce. 180 Montague Brooklyn N. Y. P.

O. Box 213, where al) orders ehould be addressoa, Referenoes given on application. Wlien by mail please turpish waist measure. ACE AND SCARF PINS FOR LADD3S' JLi wear, entirely now. Wo invite inspection of these CHARMING NOVELTIES HART BROS, 313 and 315 Fulton at.

Old gold and silver bought for cash. lO TOURISTS AND OTHERS. SUPERIOR SEIDL1TZ fDHimiB. Wrapped to keep any climate, 800. per box of one aoxen.


CAVEATS. ST MUNN A 37 PARK ROW, NEW YORK, Proprietors of tho Soiontifio American. Tbirty foaryoars' eznorionoe as Solicitors of Patents. liana book on Potent, with full directions and advice, sent free. MORTON'S ICE CREAM MADE FROM pnro Orange County cream; $1 per gallon; rich, oai and always reliable; try it nnd you will uso no other; families, boarding houses, hotels, Ac, supplied.


Opposite Post Office. TJUR1FY YOUR BLOOD BY USING JT SCOVIXL'S BLOOD AND LIVER SYRUP. For irregularities of the bowels talto Dr. MOTT'S LIVER riliLS. Uso HENRY'S CARBOLIC SALVE, for pim ples, freckles, cuts, sores.bnnis and all skm diseases.


IL MoAIiEKNAN. licensed pawnbrokers, No. 6Sands st, ono door from Fulton. Liberal advances made on nil kindn of neraonnl nronertv. Watches, diamonds and jowelry a specialty.

Private entrance by hall door. No extra charges for safe or insurance. HORSES. CARU1ACE.1. tkc.

USINESS WAGONS FOR SALE, ALL sizes, tosuit all purposes; eliptio and platform springs. to carry from twolvo to thirty hundred weight a larco as sortment constantly on hand, cor. Navy and Johnson streets. APPLE IRON GRAY HORSE FOR sale; 10 handu high; perfectly gtmtlo. Also sido op wagon and harness.

Inquire of A. W. HAFtf, 12 Fulton Fish Market, N. Y. HANDSOME TURNOUT FOR SALE A bosutiful bay pony horse, 5 years old, sound and kind, ton pony phaeton, harness, saddle, and complete outlit; alt naw.

To be seen at A. G. POLHEMUS' BUblos. 101 I nd 105 Division av, naar Bedford av, ONE FULL SIZED DOUBLE TRUCK and harness, one single track, new, fur sale. Imjuiro at 100 Congress st.

QTABLE TOLET NO. VINE ST. TWO blocks from Fulton Ferry; goa and water, larfre har lnff 8or lOfi.tll rr.Mt Annlvto Av. HESTKK. or P.

GKIjSON, Kaglo officii. Also two iloors, mutable for light lnanufacturinffor storage purposes rent, 940 j. ATLANTIC AV. CARRIAGE REPOSITORY AND EXCHANGE, 337 AND 33 ATLANTIC AV, Between Hoyt and Smith ata, JAMES DOWNEY. Prouriotor.

The moat cxtomivo aaaortraent of WAGONS and CAR RIAGE3 of every dcBcription in tho country, both now and second hand, including JUMP SEAT WAGONS, BRKTTS, COUPES, DEPOT WAGONS, OLARENOES, f'fllTPK fi.CH AWAVS. CABRIOLETS. 6 SEAT ROCKAWAYS, TOP WAGONS, PONY PHAETONS, ROAD "WAGONS, Together with sincTe and double Harness, Blankets, Rjbes, VYHijja, ouciuw, ocl. Mr. DOWNEY'S long oxuorionuo and hia irnraonso stoolc, which ia collected by judicious oxchnngea and ndv.incosto manufacturers, Enables him to soli nt lower prides than any other establishment in the country.

Observe, atftiin. that his stock included tho very finest, both new and socoud hand, carriages. CARRIAGES of every description to let, either with or without horses, by tho day, week or month. CARRIAGES of every description bought and sold op commission or taken in eichaoyo. A specialty mado of buying and selling or exchanging horses on commission.

PON KSTAtt lilSH ENTS FOR 1.ADIES. OUPREME COURT, KINGS COUNTY Ty John II. Currie against J. Oaraon Brovoort ond others. CirAiu.ES A.

Jackson, niaintifl's attorney. In parnwmco of a judgment order of tluM Coiu inado in tho above entitled' action, boarms date the 17th day of Juno, 1870, I will soli by public auction, by Thomas A. Kerrigan, cuctrnnoor, at tie salesrooms. No. Willoughby atrcot, in tho City of Brooklyn, tho l.Uh day of Jnly, l7v, at IU o'olock, noan, the followinH doscribud land anu promiBos All that corC tin lofc, pice or parcel of land situate, lying and being in tho Ninth Ward of the City of Brooklyn aforesaid, bounded and describod as follows, viz.

Bi mmng at a point on the northerly side of Dean fitroot. d.stant oasterly from tho northeasterly corner of Franklin avenue and said Dean street, ono hundred and forty four foot and six inches, running thmicQ easterly, along tuo said northerly Bide of Doun street, fifty five foet and six inches; thonce north nrly and parallel with Franklin avenue, two hundrnd and twenty foot, to tho southerly aide of Pacific street; thenco westerly, along tho said southerly side of Pacific street, ono huri dred and tuxty aevim fest to a point on tho said south my sido. distant thirty throe fout oasterly from the southeaster ly corner of Franklin avenue and Pacific strout; thonce southeasterly two hundred and forty live feet to the northerly aide of Dan htret't, tbe point or place of bogmning, excepting all that part of the abovo. describod promises being a triangular piece of land hounded nnd described aa follows, viz. Beginning at a point on the southerly sido of Pacific street, distant thirty throe tet eaatorly from thB corner formed by the intersection of tho easterly aido of Frauklm avenue with the southerly side of Pacific Btreot, running thenoe easterly, along the southerly aide of Pacilio street, sixty soven teot: thenoe southerly, on line drawn parallel with Franklin anuria, one hundred and thirty ono feat and seven to a point distant oighty oight feet and Gva melius northerly from Dnan street; thenco northwesterly ono hundrod and forty sevM feet, five and one fifth incites, to tho point or place of beginning, bo he said aeeral dimensions more or 1085.

Also all that certain triangular lot, pieco or parcel of Und, situate, lying and being tho Ninth Ward 01 thu City of Brooklyn, County of Kings, and State of New YorK, bounded and de3criijod as loifows. Boginning at a point on the northerly sido of Dean street, distant ono hundred und lorty four feet and six inches easterly from the corner formed by the intoraa.tion of tho northerly sido of Dean street with the easterly side of Franklin avnnuoLrun ning thence westerly ahing the Buia northerly side of Dan street, forty four fotandaix iu.hoit thence northerly on a linn drawn parallel with Franklin avenue, ourhty uifrbt teat nnd five inches thonco southeasterly niiioty foet to tho point or place of bezinninx. he tho xid Kveral dimonaions raoro or loss. The two parcels of land hereby adjudged to be sold, token together forming one lot cont.tnmg in width in tront and rear onB hundred feet, and in length, on each side, two hundred and twenty foBt, bo tho same more or Datd BroQltiyn, Jane lit, lS7i. i10 THOMAS RlhEY, Sheriff.

The sale of the above property is postponed to the lHth day of July, 1879, at thesama tirnnd win Dated July l4 lS79 THUMAS M. RILEY, Shorift. SOUNTY COURT, KINGS COUNTY William R. Clurkson againtifc Mfvry Ayers and others. James K.

Hill. Wino A Shouoy, plaintiff's attorneys. In pursuance of a judgment order of this court, made in the above entitled action, bearing date the Uth day of July, lrt7i, I will sell by public auction, byThmwu A. Kerrigan, auotioneor, nt the salosroums. No.

ii" Willoughby street, in the City of Brooklyn, on the 7th day of August, 1M79, at 12 o'closk, noon, the following described land and nroin iocs: All that curtain lot, pieco urmrcel of l.tnd, (with th buildings thereon,) HitusUi in the Eleventh Ward of the City of Brooklyn aioreaaid: Beginning at a point on tho northerly line of La fay otto avunuo, as down on a certain map entitled, "Map of property in the City of Brooklyn, bolonging to tho heirs of Joan Jackson, docoaaod, Brooklyn, May, surveyed by Silas City Surveyor, distant twenty feet westerly from tho northwesterly corner of Elliott place (formerly Hampden street) nnd Lafayette avenue, nt the centra uj w. party wall Standing one hull on the premises hereby convoyed, and tho oihor half on tho lot adjoining tho snue, ou tho'jrly Hide thereof thenco. running mrthorly, pirallol th eaid Elliott placo (fonnorly Hampdon laid down on eaid map, and through the centre 01 Baid party wall, eighty feet; thence wojterly, parallel with said Lafayette avenue, twenty feet; thence southerly, parallel with s.iid Elliott place (farmerfy Hampdda tilfeot). and through the contra of a party wall, standing one half on the promises hornby convoyed and tho othor half on the lot adjoining tho same on the westerly thereof, eighty foot, to the northerly Bido of Lafayotte avonuo as livid down on said map. ana thonco easterly, along said northerly side of Lafayette avenue twenty net, to the point or plce 0 beginning.

Toijef her with all the right, tltlo and intore it of the said Kleazer Ayers and Mary V. Ayers, his wife, in and to tho oiu tyanl and avonue in front ol and adjoining tho premises conveyed. Datod Brooklyn, July 10.W". jyl3wWAS IrHOMAS M. RILKY, ShenfT.

CiUPREiVIE COURT, KINGS COUNT William R. Olnrliuon ogajnRt Mary V. Aycrfl nffinm K. HlLL. WlSCJ 4 HHOUDY.

nlaintlll'n and at tomeya. In pursuanoe ol a laamoal oraor or tins courc, made in tho abovo entitled action, bnarinir dote the Hth day of July, 18711, I will soli by publio auction, by Thoma i A. nucti moor, at tho Salwiroo.ns, No. H. Wil louirliby etreat, in tho Oity of Brooklyn, on tho 7th day of Aui'ust, 1871), at 1 o'oloufc, noon, thu t'ollowinji doscribed land and promincs All thooo throo certain lota, pieces or parcels of land, alttlflto, lying nnd beinc in tho Fourt nth Ward, of the Oity of Brooklyn, in the County of Kings, and Stato of Now York, am! which taken together no one parcel are bounded and described aa folloiva; Baftinnin at the weatoriy corner of Third and North Ninth stroota, and run.

ning thenco southwesterly along Third struet Herenty nVo foot thenco northwesterly parailol with North Ninth stroofc one hundred feet thence northeasterly parallel with Third fltreet aoronty tive feet to North Ninth street, and thence Boutheastorly aloni; North Ninth street ono hundred feet to tho point or placo of beginning. Datod Brooklyn, July 10, "jyl'b 3wW43 THOMAS M. RfLElf, Sheriff. SHERIFF'S SALE BV VIRTUE OF A writ of oxojution. ilsuod out of the Supremo Court, to mo directed and delivered, I will sell by public auctio by Thoinua A.

Kerrigan, aactloneor, at tlr.i silosroiuia, No. 3. Willoughby street, in tho Ihtv ol Br Hiklyn, on the twenty ninth day of August, 1879, at twelve o'clock, noon, all tho right, title and interest nhich Patrick B. Larkin had on the seventh day of November, ltt7l, or at any time thereafter, in whose hands soever the same may bo, of, in and to, all those throe lots of land situated in tho Oity of Brooklyn, dn.ilg. natod on a certain map of property in the highth Ward ol the City of Brooklyn, lately belonging to Winant Bonnott, Ksq surveyed by R.

Tolford, Cty Surveyor, and tiled in tho office of tho Register of tho County of Kings, as lots im bered six, seven nnd eight, in block number twelity euht on said map, and bounded as follows, to wit: Northwesterly by tho Eighth avenue, as laid down on said map, 7 feet northeasterly by Twenty first Btreet, as laid down on aid map, 100 foot southeasterly by lot number on said block (28), seventy live feet, ancf southwesterly bv lot num beroonsaid block lix) feot. Datod Brooklyn, July leJlSTO: THOMAS M. RILKY, jyl6 Ow Wherig of Kings County. CUPREME COURT, KINGS COlKVi'V 5 Hope M. Voorhios, plaintiff, againat Jano Van S.ok lon and othora, dofendants By virtue of a judgment of partition and salo made in tho above entitled action on the seventh day of July, 1S70, the subscriber, a referee for that purpose duly will sell, in the rotunda of tho County Court House, in the City of Brooklyn, in tho County of Kings, on tho second day of Soptember.

lMill, attwolyo judyraont lo bo aold, and tlioroiu degurihod aa follows o'clock, noon, or tnat aay. tneroni u.iime uiiuui ju sam Plrst ate. lyli lying and bems; in tne Vilftfio or tsain. lownojievr jcht. County of Kings and State of Now York, bountloil Tlli nht and desoribed aa follova, to wit: Commencing at a point on the northwesterly side of the Old Bath lane, distmt two hundrod and ten feet from tho northwesterly corner of said Old Bath and the Brooklyn, Bath and.

Coney Island Rsilroid: thonco running northwesterly on a line parallel with the Brooklyn. Bath and Coney. Island Railroad, and alon the line of lands late of John W. Maxwell, two hundred and three feet (13) more or less to the land now or lato of No son Tomlinson thencu northeasterly on a lino parallel with said Old Bath Ijno or nearly so, eighty five to nnd nix inches 6) more or less, to the laud now or late of Nicholas R. Van Brunt southeasterly on a line parailol or nearly so with said, Brooklyn, Bath and Coney Island Railroad two hundred and sixty three feet i'ZKl) more or leas t.o the northwesterly aide of the Old Bath lne thenco southwesterly olon the line of said Old Bath lane ninuty feet and eIx inches more or to tho point or place of boginninx, which said piece of land so described Is a portion of a certain parcel of laud conveyed by do id from John Vanderveer.and wifo fj William O.

and which said deed is dated November 1, 18JU, and recorded in tho Register's otHcOiOf. Kiuju County, in Liber of Convey flccond All.tiinfc certain lot, piece or prroJ of land, uaio in too viniw, nimii 1 iii.i.vj taioivnanddistiDBUiBbedona 'Mapof land of Nicholas jc tt Rtl, in i.Hrt Tiiw.if NewUtrecht and County of Kings, aa surveyed and dividod lota byT, l. Borgn, epiemuur, irmi. anu uiou n. tho office ot rJie Clerk of the Coojify of Kingi by, the number (4 1) forty four, which said lot nnniUar forty 'our is bouniljed as follows, to wit.

Commencing at a point on tho oortliatisterly aide of De Bruyen's lane old Bath lane), at the northeasterly conjarot landm William Verity, nmv mninnjr thenco noitheAatarly alonff. the northwesterly of said Do Bruyen's lano (now old Bath laneO thirty firae feet and nine inch to a stake an the southeasterly corner of lot urm iber forty three as Jaja down on sai.l mm thonco northwevierly along the southwistor.y suli fif Slid lot number forty three ons hundred and forty entht foet and seven. inches to a stake on the due ol lot nomasr thonco eontlYwesterly along the miutheastorly li.w or nd. lot number forty and right antUn with tho laei cd lino tiiirty.eight feet t. 1 nd of uid liain G.

Verity, mw deceasei; sauthe.istoriy along tha nortnooitcrly the afusaid lactL IaSlWllliaiil R. Verity's one hundred anu forty.iix Kwt id sis inotlea to the place of bostoninc, which ad lot or parcel of Uma is the sanie described In accrta. ilead doted April 1. 1847, from Nicholas. Van Brunt itjd.

Wioo Van OT1S47. together with alMhe right, titl and, mhirest, of Williaja G. Verity, deceased, of, in and to the front of aalu lota norein, inn liuuiiu.ui iqcuj Lmo, or the old Bathlanor Mrd All that oertin oiparcel oi (ore land, eixaato, lying and eing In tho State aforesaid, bcuoded and described aa wit: Commencinir at tbAJicrthweitfirly cornQr'forttteil by tho intersection oitho southwesterly side lands rstrpet of the Brooklyn. Bath Mid Coney Island Railroad with tho north westerfv fine of ahp Old Bath lane, ia the Village of Bath: thence, running northwesterly aiogg tbe ha of the aala Brooklyn, Battl imd Ooney Island Railroad, three hundred and fortv flve.foot, mora or leas. to.

the bwit of the land owned by William G. Verity doceasod, late of New Utrecht; tience aouthnestorlj; three feotand six inches, more or Uea, to tho corner of landownod bysaid Willianj Q. VeriSy, decoasod; thravco santhoaaterly on a.lir. nearly parallel to tho lino of naid Brooklyn, Bai 'i and ConBy Inlrid Railroad, and nlonir the una of la4a of William Ii Cromwell, lately decerned thro, hundred aud forty three, feet, more or less, Vithe northwesterly side line of said old Bath lane; thenco six inches, more or lo, ixrtho.isterly alons tho lin i of said old Bath lano or stroot to the point or place of being: a atrip ox core of land ou tho southwesterly side nt the strpo. and lunds conveyed to tho Brooklyn.

Bath anJ Coney Island Railroad for lha ri jht of nay and for tho purposes of Btreet, and whioh said strip, or sort inclnded in a plot oi (rround. conveyed to said Williun Verity, John C. Vandervoar and tifo by dead, dated Novombor 132, and recorded in Kings Liner in or ueeua, JV'Vm 7, ta'iv tlnlnnie July 10. IB79. JOHN G.

IfAWi. Joaa 0, PKBBY. Fuunuir fWorii.T, niuowW General flonseivorK. ijj. uanv, iiiuiuuiuuo ifi.i nui ou imuu i and respectful servant good oook and baker and nn eiceli uni.

imtnifrpAA arllllnir anA oblbrihffi hlffhlr recommended oity or country. OaU at IBS Atlantio av, third door below Clinton Bt. TANTED SITUATION TO DO LIGHT housework or to take onre of children, by a rotpjet Hl. vnnn wnmnn hlR rfttiA nftr roferenCD. Oall IOr tWO days at 203 St.

Marks nv, near Vanderbllt. WANTED SITUATION TO DO LIGHT honsework or upstaire work, by young girl, lately landed. Please oall for two daya at 374 Olasson ov, near ureeno. i rWr. oTmiT a mvr KT rrr tir T.Tilnni homework, end mind a baby, by A respeotablo girl i.toir landed.

Call at 2(12 Van Buren st, bet. Franklin and Bedford avs. WANTED SITUATION TO DO THE cooking, washing and ironing in a privnte family, by a respeotablo girl has good city reference. Inquire for two unys at ones ceaiora av, over uuujuur bwjtw. ANTED SITUATION TO DO THE Kcuuroi uuuooirwjA, hi oiiijji joiuii.

juuu irl roferenne. Call for two days at 217 State st, first WANTED SITUATION TO DO THE houaowork in a small by a jounff girl not Iopk in tho country, and.will be well rftcommonaoO. Call lor iwo days av lot uarnson sc. ANTED SITUATION TO DO THE cenernl hotisoorork. in a small family, bp a youiur eirl is a rood plain oook: washer and ironer aood city ref erence.

Call for two daya at 105 Van Buren 6t, between Franklin and Bedford ate. WAIYTED SITUATIONS MALES. ANTED SITUATION BY A YOUNG tnan urhnfina wnrlfiiH ftvn vnnrft ftf tllft hoot and shoe trade; good 'references can be furnished, Gall or address ANTED SITUATION TO DRIVE OK make himself eeneralfr useftil. fay a young man 24 yeara of age: sneaks English and German. Please call on or address WILLI A.M ZftYKIt, 63 Fourth av.

ANTED SITUATION TAKE nara of hortton and covrfi. and make himself Kenerally useful, by a respeotablo young man; in the city or country; thoroughly understands tho caTO and management of horaoi and cows; baa iirat olasa reforenoea. Pleaao addreai for two days INDUSTRY, Eagle office. WANTED PltOFESSIOIVAL ANTED DRESSMAICER A SUPE vir.r tnnnfurins' dress'niakor must bo a first class flttor and doslgner: a liberal Bulary will ho paid to the right party. Apply to FRBDERICK LOESEU 400 ANTED AMANUENSIS A POSI inn ni amnnuenRls.

or to do convine on tyno writer, by youn? lady, 21 years of age or would act 03 companion to a lady or as nursery governess to one or two young children first class references. Address E. M. No. 5'i Fourth av.

ANTED HOUSEKEEPING A POSI Hnn rift hoiiRftlfflfinnr for a vnunt? eounta. or would keep houso for a widower with a small family, by middle aged woman oan do all kinds of hounowork no objection to children. Address M. W. VAN BRUNT, Station Post Offioe.

South Brooklyn. WANTED ASKING, JOtc. WANTED WASHING BY A RESPEC tnble woman, family and centlemon's waahinir firf class reference. Mrs. KAMMANN, H21 Atlantic fourth floor, back.

ANTED WAS HIN 6 BY A RESPEC tahln vounir woman, to tako homo on to co out by tho day has reference. Please call at or address to. for two aays, qui vyaauingion av. WANTED WASHING BY A SWEDISH woman, to work by tho day or tako washing homo. a ao ironing gooa rererenoo.

van ror hw ucyti m. iu Haokott St. WANTED WASHING BY A COLOR ni wnmnn wnrk wnnhnrt hv the ti or week as laun dress can attend every day. or would take famtlios1 wash ing to her home on reasonable terms. Pleaso call all tho week at 498 Waverly av.

WANTED PAHTS HOWSfiS. ANTED PAKT OP HOUSE THE rimt. or nncond floor of house unfurnished, oxcent inor earnets and ahndos. with or without boanl. Address X.

Box 0, Kagle oflios, WAJfTED OTISCEf.I.AtVEOSIS. ANTED LOAN OF 33,000, ON A house In Brooklyn, worth SR.03T or STUnO; excel lent neighborhood no brokers neod apply. Address MORTGAGE, Eaglo oilico. ANTED $2,000 ADDITIONAL CAP to uTtmd tho busino.sof a fnctorv iff Newark. N.

well ostnblished, goods staple; patt only of abovo nraount required Immedintoly. Auoross ill. IM. Box 9, omco. "BIVOARD 190 WAR KEN ST, BETWEEN Clinton nnd Henry Largo airy roonv.

$8 a wook for two illso, hnll room. OARD ON THE HrLL AT 12U PORT single gontlomn or families: will bo Touted roaaoniihie. WOARD ON THE HEIGHTS 115 HEN RD rv st. for a eounlo of rentlemen with thoir wivcri; also, fur a couplo of ainglo gentlomon references ex citaiigoa. AiYOUNGf WOMAN WOULD liltA t.n tiikn a nhild to hfjwrd at her own home, havo a mother's care and a pleasant homo.

321 Proapoct av. near Ninth. OARDIST WASHINGTON ST, lIVE minntfts' wallf from Fulton Forrv A nloasnnfc rom. suitable for one or two single gentlemen, let. with, board also, a hall room excellent fcatile torzns moderate.

OARD PARTIES DESIRING TO OB tain first clans board at modorate rate, witn or ivith out rooms, in the Vicinity of willoughby and Vanderbllt avs, JO minutos from Fult)n Forrv and convenient 1 1 three lines of car, will find all the comforts of a homo, by addressing' COMFORT, Box Eaglo ofiico. OARD 283 HICKS ST ELEGANT 13 rooms with first class accommodations; excellent table two largo rooms connecting, suitable fr tiwo or four seotiemon also, one large fchim story iront room, ovur lookiii'ithe bay live minutes' walk from Wr st. or South fometi OARD NEAR PROSPECT PARK NO. ifij P. ipir nlfK nTViitolv fnrniwbrl third Kt )rv front room, with extra large closet, sitifablo for gonllomnn and wiio.ortwo fiingio gentlemen ajso, nan uuuromn nui'jui ing; in 4 story brown stone house, delightfully located for Summer residenco; half a block from eereral car routes; toniifi reas'mnble.

ROAEID WANTED. OARD WANTED A GENTLEMAN nn nln.aqnnt. room, with first class board, on the Hoights, convenient to Fulton or "Wall st. Ferry flrdt class references jriyon and reouirof AddresB, stating forms and full inrtioulars, Eairlo ofBeo. FURWISiBJEIJ BOOMS.

I BURNISHED ROOM TO LET I TH 1 uso of kitchen, for liifht houaekoepiniri suitable for man nnd wife walkmg distance from Ferry. Apply to 140 1Kb st. FURNISHED ROOMS TWO LARGE mnmn tn nnmnlete for to nioB nar ties everything in tine order: house has ail improvements, largo closets, hot and oold wator in rooms location vory genteel, 132 Float place, sixth door from Willoughby, to ward rmron st. TO IiETHOUSE5 LETHOUSE THE VJ3RY DESIRA hi a Rfrv hricfc dwellintr. 4'i Lvnch st.

near Bedford av 9 rooms in porfect order rent per annum. Apply or. the premises, or to N. EVANS A SON, aal Bedford TO LET HOUSES $18 PER MONTH 19 nmn hniiKnR. '2 frtarv and hjuomont.

IllSt CQm pleted, Warren place, near Henry rL good rooms, 7 closets, water closets, stationary tubs, boat range, boiler, gas, eto. on private street, with fountain sovoral alroady rented. DAYTON, agent, Baltic st. TO IiET HOUSE Fl'KNISHEB. TOET HOUSE FURNISHEDIN A irood location, betwoon Clinton nnd Henry sta: lo rnnmfi; mnt SftSlkl nartios in house more than Day rent.

Addrosa (no agents) A. Box 7, Eagle office TO IET PAK'IS OF HOITSES. TO LET PART OF HOUSE FIRST flonrnnrf bflsemenfc 284 "Willonchby st rent low. Ap ply to owners, 38 Ferry st, New York TO "LET PART OF HOUSE FIRST floor over store, 1,097 Fulton at, near Classon av rent $14 per month; possession at once. Inquire of the owner, on second floor.

TO IyET FLATS riO LET FLAT CONTAINING SIX I rooms, in brown stone house 403 Henry st. near Bal tic; rent $20. Apply 110 Pacific st, near Henry. md "LET FLATS BALTIC TOWER Ruildings; just completed fifth block of tho im proved dwellings; each dwelling contains private water ntAtinnHrv tub. nsh shoot, etc.

famtarv arranire mentsunetmalod no dark rooms staircase fireproof some extra aeis uavo umu; ututsra uivvtj ut urea in nunv Huimuio for droasniAkors or tailors, etc. Apply early to DAYTON, agent, 134 Baltic at. TO tET STOKEf. rr LET STORE CORNER OF MARCY and DoKalb avs will be rented vory low to a responsi ble tenant. TO LET FOR BUSINESS fiM7RPOSES TO LET ROOMS WITH STEAM POW or.

Apply corner Front nnd Pesrl sts, Brooklyn, and atSOf and 206 East Twonty third st, New York. WM. BUR DON. mo LET LOFTS LARGE, LIGHTSOME ODU OU III tjuuu iuuuuuii guibuuiuiiui iigiinumiw facturinjf purposes. Apply to K.

J. Oourt st. TO LET VALUABLE BUSINESS PROP orty, consistinff of large lofts, second and rear, and omce on grouna noor, iront; win auor premises to suit business. Apply to J. SNOW; 08 and 70 Oourt Btreou TO LET TWO FLOORS OF BUILD ing No.

11 Vine st, within tno. blocks ol Fulton Ferry; floors 25x90, with ten feet additional for hatch. and suitable for manufacturing purposes. Rent $400. Apply toor address W.

HESTER or P. OKLSON, Knglo office. Also, stable, IU Btails, hay loft, goa and rent, $300. FOR SAIiE HOlSEIS IjlOR SALE HOUSE CHEAP, FRAME building, nbout I25by50 foet, cornor Nevins and Do graw streots; price, 8100: to be removed. Apply on prem 1393.

Country Property, TIOR SALE HOUSE I WILL SELL MY cottage on Kim place, Plainfield, New Jersey, for IJH.UIIU: tllreo diooks irom mgnt ruums, nuauy. grounds, perfoot order. Address PAFF. Fanwood, N. J.

FOR SAIjE PIANOS, FOR SALE PIANO FINE ROSEWOOD Diano for $10; elegant Steinway pianos to rent vory low; Sne 7 1 3 octavo piano with stool and cover to rent nt $4 per month pianos and Kstey organs sold on installments of from IBS to 820 monthly. Call before deciding at new warerooms of PHELPS 4 SOW, 323 Washington street, next to Post Oftico. FOR SAIiE HIISCEI.I.ANEOUS. FOR SALE MILK ROUTE A FIRST class milk route. Inauire at 207 Spencer st, between OandllA.M.

FOR SALE BUSINESS A GOOD CIGAK store or tho sale of stook and fixtures immedintoly, nt 105 Park nv. hOR SALE BUSINESS A FIRST CLASS grocery in a good location, plate glaa3 front cheap tor cash rent low good reasons for selling. SOI Henry st, comer of Sackett. FOR SALE BUSINESS THE BUSINESS of a well established confectionery and Ice cream storo, on the best pirt of Fulton st can bo had for $150 best reasons given for selling. Address B.

0. iagie omce. IOR SALE 3USINESS A GOOD JL1 chance The stock and fixtures of a dry Roods stora doing a thriving businesaand finely located will bo sold on account of ill health of tho proprietor rent reasonable anyone wiahine tojro into the business will find this a rare opportunity. BUBRIWS real estato offite, 153 Fifth nv, near Ninth st. 17IOR SALE FURNITURE walnut armoim, with French olate ro'rror door, made by Brooks cost $150, for $4o; handsome walnut Trench dresser and bedstead, cost SI3T, for also a line walnut bookcase, with cylinder desk, cost Sim), for $15.

Applyto P. McMAHON SON, 58J and 524 Pnlton ist. IrOSX AND FOVNB. JOST SUNDAY MORNING, EITHER IN A Dr. Duryeo's Church or goins from the church to 245 aBhinitton av, a pair of cold T3YEGLA8SKS.

reward win oo pwa oy roturmnit same to tno aoove nnmpor. OST A GRAY PURSE, CONTAINING fttinnf Sllfl. in naTTnlh nv Mr ar at the corner of Da alb and avs. Reword to finder at No. 300 Washington av.

TjiOUND STRAYED TO THE PREMISES of RICHARD MORAN, a young heifer spotted red and wnite. Tno owner can nave tne same df csntngron ay. anu rrvaiueoiv at, PRINTINO. ET YOUR PRINTING DONE AT THE JOB AND BOOK PRINTING OFFUSJ 01 tho BROOKLYN EAGLK, NosS4 36 ond S3 Fulton 5U POPULAR PRICES. Having Increased facilities, consistina of the latest Im.

provements in Presses and largo nscortmonts 0f the mask modern styles of Typo from tho Typo onndrios ol tne u. it is oouceuea iaai Tinting ui uvory uosenp tion is dono in the highest style of tho art, at prices that and is oapable of aatisfyi jrf tha tastes Ql the most fastia imi in Ui Printine Une Annual Picnic of tuo Brooklyn Divis ions. The sixteen divisions of the Ancient Order of Hibornians yesterday afternoon and evening held their annual picnic at Myrtle avenue Park. In the matter of attendance tho affair might have been far more encouraging, though as to that, as remarked by a com mitteeman, it only amounted to a lew cioiiars more or leBS. They had arranged to have a good time, and that was tho main objeot to be attained, he said.

There appeared to bo nothing lacking; in fact, In that regard, tho demeanor of every participant indicated that the entertainment was thoroughly enjoyed on all hands. Among the many in attendant the parsons named below were noted: County Delegate Francis H. McGinnoss and daughter, County Socretary, P. J. Carberry and wifo County Treasurer James uxJrion ana loamy, Owen Hanovan and daughter, P.

McGulre, Mr. Olarkln aud wire, Supervisors Gallagher and Byrno, John Scully, T. Murphy and lady. Dr. Cowley, Sheriff Thomas Rilev.

Thomas Manton, B. Taggart, M. Coyle, Thos. Murphy, H. P.

Doughorty, Thos. Dolan, Edward MoCabo, M. Varlin, Mr. Fox, T. Cassin, P.

Twyrooc, v. Hanovan. Daniel Fallon, John Mnldoon, Jolru Reilly, V. J. Flaherty.

M. Feoney, P. Dougherty, M. Higgins, M. McShane, Edward Murray, Lawrenco Dunn, ai, Donnelly, Thos.

MoCormick, Garrott Cullon.James Fin lav. Tlmothv Sullivan. John Travers, James Lennon, Owen Reilly. P. Lynch, Henry McLaren, P.

J. Fallon, Potor Lynch, Aldorman Kane, Stephen Travis, Jamea McOulre, Patrick Ford, T. Byan, Aiuermnu ovan. John Ennis. John Riley, M.

McTiernan, Mr. and Mrs. Halnln, M. J. Carney, Edward Halpin and family, and P.

J. Swooney. During the aftornoon A HEARTY. RECEPTION was extended to a delegation from Jersey City, com' prising membors of the Hlbarnia Itifios, Captain John Hart, attended by a band. A spoeoh of welcomo was made by Dr.

Cowley, on behalf of the homo divisions. Tho Bports of the day wore Bouaowhat restricted and, contrary to past usago, did not embrace those pertain ing to the field in running, walking, jumping and other athletic contests. Dancing offered the greater induce ments for the company's enjoymont and was entered into quite vigorously considering the height to which tho mercury attained. For tho younger peoplo and oven some of mature years, the soups and a niorry go round possessed attractions far beyond other amusing pursuits. All tho whllo, with but brief intormlBBionB for rest, tho dance wont morrlly on upon both tho largo piatformB.

That nearest tho park entranco was taken possession of by tho fiddlers and plpors, who sat about at cither sldo of tho oovorod struoturo, respectively working their bows and pumping their hollows. Tho mission of theso homoly performers was to provide ac ceptable jig muslo. Judging by tho constancy displayed both by the musicians and their hilarious patrons, success attended tho efforia put forth. Whllo tho fow, comparatively Bpeaklng, fumod aud sweat, and grew rod in tho faco as they kept time with their foot to tho piercing strains wrought upon tho instruments, the nioro numerous spectators wero highly elated at the activity and science displayed. The lads and lassos quickly succeeded each other in this exbilerating exer cise, couples falling into place nearly as fast as others would drop out.

It was evidently alike pleasing to the performers and those footing it. On tho other platform a varied dance programme was oxooufod by Walters' baud, embracing tho usual assortment of quadrilles, waltzes, lanciors, Caledonians, schottisohoB and polkas. To that tho great majority gavo their attention as participants. The floor arrangements wore under tho direction or William J. Wyse, who wa3 aided Messrs.

John Courtney, M. Robinson, Petor Honuossoy and Patrick Luoy. A floor'couamitteo was made up of tho following named Patrick Doulon, Potor Harrison, Johu Degnan, Michael Mullaly, Neil Canning, Richard Mullaly, Michaol Drum man, Thomas McCormick, Peter HopkiuB, Thomas Murphy, James Smith and John Costollo. MILITARY MATTERS. Bcrtsch'M Court Martial Again Postponed Otlicr Points oC Interest.

Captain Poter Bcrtsoh, of Separate Troop wa3 to havo been court martialod last oveuing, tA Military Headquarters on Court street. The court is composed of Colonel John H. Dergou, Judge Advocate Lieutenant Colonol Louis Bossort, of the Thirty second Regiment Captain Joy, of tho Twenty third Regiment, and Major Tuttlo, of tho Forty sovonth Ilegimont. Colonel John Ruegor, of the Thirty second Regiment, was detailed as President of tho court, but ho was relieved aud Colonel Bossert wua ordered to tako his place. The proceedings, Inst cvoning, wero to have commenced at 8 o'clock.

At that hour the only members of the court present were Major Tuttlo and Colonol Bo3sort. They waited half an hour for their associates, aud as they did not put in an appearance the court martial as adjourned until next Tuesday evening. Captain Joy showed himnolf immediately after adjournment, but the proceedings could not go on, owing to Colonol Bergen's absence. Captain Bortsch is charged with disobodionce of orders. It appears that on the 23d of May, Soparato Troop of which Bertsch is tho Captain, and tho Ringgold Horso Guards, under Captain Mohrrnsnu, assembled on Fort Greene Plaza, for tho annual muster and inspection.

On arriving, an order camo from Inspector Briggs, stating in effect that the muster would tako placo in Prospect Park, and demanding tho presenco there of both organizations. Captain Mohrmann and tho membors of his command went to the Park, but Bcrtsch refused to go, saying that he had a right to choose tho placo where his troops would bo mustered, aud that that placo was Fort Greene Plaza. Inspector Briggs preferred charges against the Captain, aud henco tho court martial. Tho oourt was to have convened on the flrt Monday of this month, but Judge Advocate Bergen was then absent. On Soptember 1 tho annual target practlco of Separate Troop will take placo at Schuotzen Park, on Third avenue.

Adjutant Silas Treat, of the Forty seventh Regiment, was recently offorod a position on the Eleventh Brigade. Staff, under Brigadier General K. L. Moiineux. Adjutant Treat had long been connecto'd with the Forty soventh, and ho did not desire to have it, although he was profuse in his thanks to General Moiineux for offering him the position.

Tho Fifth Brigade havo removed their headquarters into tho rooms formerly occupiod by tho Eleventh Brigade, and a small room which was used by the Major Goneral has beon added to tho suite. James McLeer has made out a. roqiiisition for 500 fatigue blouses for the Fourteenth Regiment. Chaplain Baecher'a company iu tl)9 Thirteenth Regiment (G) aro soon to give a grand dinner at Conoy Island in celebration of the anniversary of the organization of the compauy. Sorgoant Hunter and Corporals Baxter and Berg havo been appointed a committee to make preparatory arrangements.

George D. Drayton, one of tho rebellious drummers in the Twenty third Regiment has been found guilty by the court martuil appointed to try him. On tho first charge bo was found guilty of "refusing to obey tho orders of his superior officer," and on tho Beoond of insubordinate conduct. Ho was fined $5 on the first charge, and 2u on the second. Tho nine other rebel limm firnmmere.

it will be remembered, were fined $5 each. The proceedings of tho court in all the cases have beau approved by Goneral Moiineux. The perfvtme of freshly cnllcd flowers is agreeable to every one, and' so it is with tho dolightf ul fra. (trance of MmuiAY Lawman's Flouida Water. None reject it, none UisllHo it.

l'Tom ine tropics io vuo irisiu zone il is the universal favorite on the handkorchiel, at tho toilet, and in the bath. The advertisement under the head of ''To I.ct for Business Purposes" of two floors of building Nn. 11 Vino st. for manufacturina purposes or light stor age may meot the requirements of any (jorsua desiriiur buch ucccommodation. HaHDINO llANTrPACTURrSO COMPANY, 407 Fulton st, receive large shipments of thoir lino dross shirts weekly.

Their shirts, collars and cuffs are superior in qual ity, make end lit to any tnnt can do wnigm fieewnoro Brooklyn or Now York. PriccB tho lowost. Measures caro fulls taken and satisfaction given. Parties desiring the Sunday Eagle left their residences can send thoir addresses to thiaolBco, and it will bo giren to the carrier who serves tho EAGLEio. lueir district.

ITIAStliJKD. CRANDALL SEAMAN On Sunday. July 13. 1879, at tho re. 'idence of the brido, by Rov.

A. C. Stevens, Euwahd m. tiuAKUiLu to mollie L. Seaman.

DIED. ANDF.RSON. In Brooklyn, on Tuesday, July 15, Louisa, wife of John Anderson, aged yeara. Relatives nnd friends are respectfully invited to attend the funeral from her late residonce. No.

15 North Portland avenue, on Thursduy, 17th at 3 o'clock P. BROWN On Monday, the 14th MAnY Greenwood, widow of Samuel P. Brown, in the 83rd year of her and friends aro invitei to attond her funeral frum St. Mary's Church, Classon av.ou Thursday, the 17th at, o'clock P. M.

COUTANT Mabtt wife of Vames W. Coutant, on July 10, 1S7H. aged 23 years, 4 months and 0 Funeral Hervico3 on Friday, lSth at '2, o'clock, from her late residence, 122 ttorlh Oxford st. Relatives and friends nro respectfully invited to attend. DOWNER.

fn Brooklyn, July 15, 1879, M.IBY E. Dowsur, wife of James H. Downer, in tho 41th year of 'tIuT relatives and friends of the family, also tho membors of Montauk Lodge, I. O. of O.

No. 1 14, are respectfully invited to r.ttond the from her late residonco, No. 227 Foui ti enth at on Friday, July If, at 3 :30 P.M. GORDEN On Tuesday, July 15, at 76 Johnson street, aged 42 years. 2 months and 14 days.

The friends and relatives are invited to attend the funeral frcm her lato residence, on Thursday, July 1.7, at 2 P. M. HOWELL In this city, Tuesday morning, July 15, Aima of Catherine and tho late Charles Howell, in tho 2 1 1 year of her ace. Funeral services will lake place on Thursday aftornoon, July 17, from iier late residence. Lifayotto nv, at 4:30 o'clock, to which relatives aud friBnda of tho faiui ly are invited.

Interment iu Bsllporl, L. Friday morning. KKYE3 On Wednesday, July 10, James son of Patriot, and Catharine Knyes, in tno year of his ago. Frinilr iof tho family and els') mombers of Company, Fourteenth Regiment, N. Y.

S. are invited to attend tho fuiu fr.mi the of his parents, 100. Duflield st, Friday, July at 3 P. 31. MARTIN On Tuesday, July 15.

Addisos D. MAnxrH, (luUi of the Brooklyn Fourteenth Regiment.) Relatives and friends of tho family, also the oificora and members of tne Regiment who served with the docenBed in the field, are respectfully invited toarteud the funeral, from the residence of his father in law, James R. Klcouk, 374 Third st, on Friday next, at 3 P. M. O'HARA.

Tn this city, on Tuesday, July 15, MabY, wid OWi.IP1mO'I1f. Kl vanru l'unoral services at St. Paul's Church, corner of Court and nsioas sts, at 0 A. Thursday, the 17th inst. fcrionds aro respectfully invited to attend.

SCHMIDT in Brooklyn, July 15. 1879, suddenly, Hen niETTi: ScuMinr, beloved wile of Christian Schmidt, aged 44 years. TUO reunites anu inenas of tho family, also LessuiK Lodije, No. r. A.

and the Brooklyn Saenpevbund, ara respectfully invited to attend tho funeral from her Into residence, "li Court st, on Friday, the 18th at 2M P. M. STILI.WELL On Wednesday, Jnly 10, Mrs. Jane widow of the late John Stillwel), in tho 05th year of her age. Relatives mid friends are inrtted tojttend the funeral from the of her son in law, Join A.

Smith, 204 Fifth av, on Friday, July Is, at 3 o'clock, P. M. STRACIIAN In Brooklyn, on tho 15th j6r lingering illness, David Sxbachan, a native of Scotland aed ot vears. Relatives and friends of the family are invited to ultsnA tho funeral, from his late residence. No.

440 Kent av, ov Thursday, at 2 o'ulock P. M. TRAVIS On Sunday, July 13, MICHAEL H. Tbayib, aged 31 years. Relatives nnd friends of the family aro respectfully invited to tt tho funeral from his late residence, No.

15 Vine st, to day (Wednesday, tho Kith,) at 2jf o'clook. PERSONA 1. TT1XED OFF A BOEkUM PLACE CAR by conductor on the morning of July 3, Adams at, near nt rt. when reiiuiar ticket wfta otfered and refused. rri.nca who wilnessed the above occurrence will nlease send their address to JOHN BLOUK, 15 Maiden Lane, New York City.

JUEF.TINf.S. ONS OF ST. GEORGE AN ADJOURN cd meeting of Englishmen and the sons of Englishmen will bo held at 8:30 P.M. TO MORROW tlie 17th in the WOODHINR HOTEL, comer of Putclion av. and Madison st, for tho purpose of completing tho orgnnization nnd electing olncoi of a branch lodge of the Ordur of the Sons of nt.

Ueorgo, All Englishmen are resoaclfuliv invited to have a good nomo in a ri month, by adoWng GOOD HOME, Station Brovoort, New York. farm house in the ooantiy, a rospeotable U. ohlKrmnat havo good 5 Tf.u.aiAn a wTUtnfiTRT Tfl TAKJS SITtJA xuiuv. 7 Hnn. fnr ttll rinrM fit tno COUniry ID DUHIIUor Court.

Cooks, "Wasltera anA Ironers. WANTED A GOOD COOK, WASHER and ion" mill family. Apply at 332 Greene aTnnoo, ANTED A GOOD COOK, WASHER and ironor, for a family of three, a Apply at 597 (ireono av, cor, xompaina. A wrwn AS PfiATN COOK AND mnA and irnnni a Gorman (tirl must havo oitv reference. Call for two days at 60 Oourt st.

Chambermaids. Waitresses, etc RTST ANTED TO WAIT ON THE TABLE and asBlst with light nonseworic in tne conninr, youns gW. Apply between I and 2 July 17, at S3 Qulncy nurses and Seamstresses, onrr a TJTTcn A nV.TLMAN NTIRSB GIRL only those nood apply who understand the entire care of ohilaren; best references reamreo. Call at Xil Congress st. AH XTfRSE AND CHAMBER YY maid inaprivat family, good Thosohavinff cood Brooklyn reference apply at 289 Clermont av.

WrAXTEn AS NURSE. A YOUNG YY girl, to attend a twoyoara' old ohiid and make her self useful. Call at No. 879 Myrtle av, oomor of Clermont, in bakery. AJJTED AS A WETN URaJBi, A Bpoctable woman.

Apply at once ai. urovo v. ANTED TO ASSIST WITH TJttis care of young children and make henMlf usoful, a neat, trustwortliy girl; must havo references. Apply ai 22 South Klliott place, (icueral HouseworKt ANTED FOR GENERAL HOUSE work, ft young em. riuast van street.

tkT ANTED TTOR GENERAL, HOUSE work a Kirl must bo a Rood cook, washer and ironer and have good city roforonce. Apply Immediately at 24 tstsctaNTED GENBRAli HOUSEWORK servants for city and country, at the office managed hy ladies BROOKLYN EMPLOYMENT BUBBAD; 29 Concord st, bet. Fulton and Washington st, three blocks below City Hall. Savings Bank on the corner. Many ro spectablo girls como horo who have never been at an tK co.

WANTED HOUSEWORK GIRLS FOR for othcfklf fstetlbM" LISHKD KMPLOYMENT BUREAU, removod to corner Fulton and Navy sts. plenty of places now ready. Call immediately. No charge until engaged. The best servants apply hero.

ANTED ONE TO DO GENERAL xt. nlalli nn' nnA nntiiut in nnntiiiro work, two voung girls colored preferred. App.y nt 361 Dean st. WANTED TO DO GENERAL HOUSE work, a stroDg girl must bo ablo to cook, wash nnd iron, uau nt zst iyiaouonougu hw uoqr mjwm ANTED TO DO GENERAL HOUSE familu utmn nnd willinir girl; Uerman proiorrea, appiy uiuuu tv. uuai "SST ANTED TO DO GENERAL HOUSE WW 1.

mngf hi. rood OOllk. washer and ironer, and have the best of reference. Apply nt 745 DoKalb av, ANTED TO DO GENERAL HOUSE work. in small family, a girl: must uo a gooa laundress and cook; wages from $10 to $12.

Apply at ManliasKett placo. ANTED TO DO GENERAL HOUSE VV nrn lr in imnll nrtvtttM fjtnlilv. A COmnotfint Rid 1 mat. ennrt nlnin r.nnfc and enaA washer andlronST: rent nnd obliging nnd bring satislaotori' roferenco from licr last placo. Please apply at 345 Fifth st, iirst house from Filth.

iv. ANTED TO DO HOUSEWORK, IN TV lamnyoi twoaauitB, au mnericnu ui uu woman (miildla ngoOJ one mat appreeinioa agoou uuuia rather than hi jh wnges can ajmly, with reforence, on Thursday at 353 Fifth Bt, South Brooklyn. WAM'J'ED HELP JlALES. ANTED A FIRST CLASS TAILOR far Initial Hen.lrtniont muni be a Rood fitter and designor. Apply t3 FRKDERICK LOE3BR CO.

ANTED TO TEND BAR, A YOUNG man, oomor of Ninth av. and Twentieth st. ANTED FOR BOOKKEEPING IN AN RTnnrt.intr r.ommimon huuse. ft VOtinK mat! who lias some knowlodKo of tho business and resides with lira rrarcnfs; snlary, Iirst your 4251). J.

Box 3, Kngro offico. WANTED SBTHIATSMSS FKMAS.ES. TANTED SITUATION AS HOUSE 1 hv p. rnqnnotahln mirldlo ao od norson would like to got soniBthinK do; would liko to have entire chareo of a small household, or to take euro of an invalid would like to havo sometbini! to do wherein she could have hsr daughter, whoso services would bo given in without clnrgo best of roferoiieos can bo given. Addrcas HOUSK KUKPGU, JSigioiinice.

ATfTKh STTiTATrONS MANAGED BY LADTKS BROOKLYN KMPLOYMENT BIT RRAU, 29 CONCORD STREET, bet. Fulton and Wash ngtonsts. amily Uolp of nil Klnas. ito aoneipromiso p'irlectiou, out try to soiocd goou women lor uuniuumii vice, without, regard to nationality or religion. N.

B. Wet nurses Buppliod Cooks. Waslicrs anil Iro ncrs. ANTED SITUATION A COOK, re.pnctablo younff wonmn lms pnffd city reforoucea of sovon yours. Call for two days at AVarron "ANTED SITUATION AS AN EX CGlloiii cook, tie ii Br iiiiu irtmur uuu bivb uusu ui furences.

Oan be seen at presont emplojerH, 450 Classon ya'io. WANTED SITUATION AS A FIRST class laundrosij, by a rospoctable youue woman tHorotiRhly mulorstnnds her buahioes in tbe trench style. i'ioase cut ror two days iiuasou av, ooi weuu uotaiu av. and Willoughby st. SITUATION AS A GOOD plain ook, washnr and ironor, or would do house wnrir in Hnmll fnmilv.

hv a woman has tho host of reference frtim hor last place. Pleaao oall for tw. days at 40 Dbgraw at. ANTED SITUATION AS GOOD nnnW. wanhftr And imner or to do eonoral huuao work.

in a nmall family, by a roapoctable yomn woinnn; has otty vohnmcBB. Call for two days at 407 Lexington avonuo. INTED SITUATION AS A GOOD i nnlr Mnh nr nitit irnnnr. or to do General house wrrk. by respectable young woman: has four years oity reference.

Call for two days at 1 OB Navy st, in tho roar, noir Myrtle av. ANTED SITUATION AS A GOOD fnnr hranH nnrl hUninh malfftr, bv a reHDRCtibl9 woman haa no objection to go to the country hai the host of reference. Plenae call at 076 Fulton Bt, noar Grand av. the launilry. AN TED1 SITU ATION AS A PLAIN cook, washer and ironor.

bv a rospeotable girl has thft vrv ho it of citv refarenco. Please call for two days at S4! Pacific st, near Vanderbllt av. ANTED SITUATIONS ONE TO DO tha kifahnn work and the other the uostalrs work. or would do general housework in private family, by two younif Rirls best Of relorence3. rioase can at Lujuuriu Portland ar.

CbambermaidM, Waitresses, etc. ANTED SITUATION AS OH AM hoTmid and wnitress in a amall Drivnlo family, by a respectable American Protestant girl five years' roferenco from last place. Call nt No. Poplnrst WANTED SITUATION AS A CHAM bormnid and to tako oaro of growing children, by a respectable youn girl be3t of reiorenco from her last place. Please call for two days at No.

aflo Jay st. ANTED SITUATION AS A CHAM bermaid and waitress, or do light housework, by a Joung girl can do plain sowing and is willing and obliging, 'loaso apply at presont employer's 37 Bchcrmerhorn Bt. ANWDTUATION AS A CHAM, bormnid and waitress, or as cook, in a Bmall family, by a young Swedish girl. Please call at lot Degraw st, tomorrow, first floor. ANTED SITUATION AS CHAM tinrmflirl nnrl imitrniia or wnnlri A hniinnrnrk.

in a small family, by a respectable jounc cirl iB willing and obliKing haa good city references. Call for two days at G3i TlfAjStBD 45ITUATIOSAS A FIRST Yf claaa chambormaid and waitress, or nurse and Boametroas, by a respectable pirl sovon yeara reference can be cWftiifrom hr last place. Call for two days at 144 President st, near Hicks, VirANTE'D SITUATION' TO DO OHAM berwork or llsht housework, by a respectable young girl Plonse oall for two days at 287 Nevins st, near Union. ANTED SITUATION TO DO UP Ktairawork in a Drivato family, by a respectable young girl. Call for two daya nt 14 Willow placo.

nrses and Ken impresses. SITUATION AS NURSE TO nr. innliil lnit or wnntil tnko tho entire charge of an infant, by a widow lady of good address is fully com petent. Please call for two days at uonoora 8t no postal oards answered. TANTED SITUATION TO TAKE i of vmini.

r.hildron. or to brine un a bnby from its birth on the bottle, by a respectable Protestant woman; is competent; has no objections to the countryTbas good city reference. PleasQ call at 3U1 Atlantio av. General JOouseworK. WANTED SITUATION TO ASSIST IN the housework, in a small family, or would take care, of children, by a young girl has the best of oity reference.

r'leass call for two aays i nenmu av. WANTED SIT UATION TO DO GEN oral homework, or downstairs work, bar ayonng girl haB city referennGH. Call anu uiasson uean. ANTED SITUATION TO DO GEN otaI hmiKfuvorV hv msnnctjihlo. vounu irirl lately landed one tluit is willing and obliffincr.

Please call for. two days at 444 Warren, at. ANTED SITUATION TO DO GEN nrnl Jinnflnworlr. bv a cood irl i a etnod WAflhor and; ironer. Call at 202 Van Buren Bt, boa.

Franklin and; Bed ford avs. ANTED SITUATION T() DO GEN nrnl VifMiFwnrlf hv tC mannc table worn nn in a cuid cook, washer and ironer; has good city refbronces. Call for two days at 209 Clifton place, near ANTED SITUATION TO DO UEN nr1 lxMitfownylr. in a RmnTI familv. hv a.

yount; woman enn fjlve good city reference. Please cU for TST ANTED SITUATION TO DO GEN era housework in a private family, by a respectable woman; lins exoellont cityroterencoj. Ploasa apply at Sill Henry st, between union ana ancaett, TANTED SITUATION TO DO GEN oral housework, by a respectable young colored woman is a ifpod cook, washer and ironer haa good city references. Call for two days nt 1S3 Court st; TANTED SITUATION TO DO GEN cral housework, by a respectable girl has the be3t of city reference. Oall for two days at OTC Washington av, floor front rooms.

ANTED SITUATION TO IIO GEN oral housework with a small private family, by a young Swedish girl good city reforenco. Please oall for two days at 10i Baokett st, first floor, in the bact ATSt ANTED SITUATION TO DO GEN oral ho iBework, by a younj Protestant girl is a plain cook, a good washer and ironer good city reference. Please call at wourii near una ins" WANTED SITUATION TO DU iiliJJN elal housework in a Bmall priTate family, by a respectable girl has good city reference. Call at 408 DoKalb av, corutTui oumujivji ov. TSTANTED SITUATION TO DO GEN eral hougework, by a respectable young girl is willing and obliging; has good reference.

Pleaso call for two days at ma ANTED SITUATION TO DO GEN a Timmnn nrk. liv a reanectable girl: is a good cook, wasliorand ironer; is willing and obliging; good ref erences. M4 HICKS st, cor. unrron. WANTED SITUATION TU DO GlifN; eral housework, by a young womin who has child 4 sears of age and wishes to take it with hor can furnish good reforence from hor last place no objoctione to go in tne country, oauaiiw uurgqa ANTED SITUATION TO DO GEN liv i.

rpnnnctablo vounz sirl witi be found civil and obliging; has reference. Pleasa call for two days at 3J3 TwBnty sixth st, between 1'ourth and 1 iith avs. Ho postal caras. WANTED SITUATION XU WU UM ernl housework or upstairs work small private fonvly, by a respectable young girl has good reference from hor last place. Please oU 'or two days at 33 Liberty st, near uoncora.

"'STiT ANTED SliUATlOJM TU uu utsw lr in M.amKll famtlv. bv an honest. truswbrthy young woman would prefer going to Hunting, ton, L. 5. can Hive eatisfactoiy reference.

Apply for two aays at jyo. ID Clermont av, upBtaira. VJSTANTEP SITUATION TO DO GENE ral hotisework la a small prtvata fnmily, by a youuj youug girl has coon city reierencea. ai ui ergon st, near Flatbush nr. AN5ED SITUATION TO oral housework, by a respectable girl DO GEN isnectaDfo girl is a gooa cook.

wnsher and Irooor; lias no oojoctlon largo ramiiy or boarding house Vst of oity reforeuce. Call for two daya at 120 uonooru atm'tne ANTED SITUATION TO DO GEN Ami hnuaawrob. hv a ProteBtant girl is a good cook. waahor and ironor tho boot of city references; no ob. iection to down atairs work.

Please oall for two days at oj Cumberland st, second floor; no caras. SITUATION TO DO GEN eral housework a gentleman about to leave the city wishes to obtain a situation tor. 9'H Servant, a good capable cirl. Apply riri, mm, 'ly to u. liAiiun, ji oroao.wnyi n.

i uiiv yuo 2fU Pork place. Slaulfet IiuproTemeiat in A Harked Decrenso In irercahf Ho FnlTnrcH, Some Kcasons for the Decline in Uinta? Shares The Stock Market Ac tire. Wali. Stbekt, July 10. Tho semi amm! report of the Mercantile: Agency of Dnn, Barlow Co.

gHea unmistakable Indications of an improvement In the business lntoroata of the country. Tho failures for tho first six months of this year wore 4,058 in number agalnit for the first lx months of 167B, and the ilabllltlen were $05,779,398 this year againat for tho torrespemding period last year. Tho average liabilities of each failure amount to $1, 77F I against $19,738, tha average of tho flrat'half of last year. The effect of tbe Toducod number of failures Is seen In tha Increase of confidence, and all doaMS of tradesmen now feel that the worst has pauod and thai hereafter the business Tarnation muBt Improve. That there has been a substantial gain In the volume of biialues Is shown by tbe Clearing House exchangta.

These are increased to some extent, In this city especially, by tho operations ot th Treasury Department, through refunding, but taken as a wholo the clearings at tho banks of tho wholo country reflect pretty accurately tho amount of business done. The total clearings for the first eix months or ttt year at twenty two cities woro $16,008,907, 123, against $14,035,823,7811 for the first half of 1878, an Increase or 20. 10 per cent. The largest gain Is In this city 28. 2 10 per cent.

mainly for tho reason above stated, and about ono quarter of this Improvement comes from tha business of the Stock Eiohangc, which is nearly that much greater than lVwaa last year. Information from tho Cnmstock Lode, which Is regarded as reliable, gives a very satisfactory exp'anatlon of tho aeviUne in tho stuck of these mines, which followed the opening of the Sutro Tunnel. It appears that assessments wcra called up on soma of the mines (a order to defray tho expense of laying plpo with whleli to make connection with tho Sutro. The Sierra Nevada run a haft to a neighboring mine in order Ca effect a union for drainage purposes, and as no ore was found In tho operation the rumor obtained currency that there was uo more oro In tho north end mlnoa. The levying of the assessments and HiIb rumor had the effect of breaking down tho stock of tho C'omstoek minus.

Tho grain movement at Chicago and Milwaukes today was as follows: Chicago Mllwankos Bu.ho!. BuahoU RicelDW. wheat 7.1.1 'U! Shipments, wheat ll'UM 2.ain Receipts, torn 2 7.S74 Hhininuots. corn. Tho coal mlno at Ccntralla, reported by telegraph as on flro, is a private, and the only effect of ite destruction will be to lessen tho production i coal in that particular section.

Tho Holding reprts toUl shipments of coal for the year to July 12. tons aa Increase of tons, compared with tho samo time last year. Tho stock market was strong this morning, sod tho featuro waa a continued advance in Northwost common and St. Paul common, which carried those specialties to tho best figures of tbe year. Iko Shoro and Michigan Central wore also strong, but the Kanrc Northern stocks were heavy.

At the call the Hannibal and St. Josephs ptock became a tlvo, and moved sharply upward. Erie aud the coal shares were steady. Tho following tablo shows tho course of tho stock market for this morning: Op'mina. Highest.

Ixjwwii At noon 31 3Vi Central and IH 11H lliu lis F.n i 27'? 27ii 27 2j2 Union Pacihc 7. 7 1 'Si i.i Iikn Shorn Slorns and Esei. i'H IjiH A West'n 57 iWl4 Northwesturn 07i Rock Island 1 St. 54'; St. Paul iiroli rrf.

i. Ohio and Ner.Jorar Ciinlra). 51 HsiinlSal St. is'. Western Union Pacific Mail MM Miclnitan 7H Di lawarn 474J A.

4 P. Tolejrratih aK Illinois Ceutral rlS UUd. 7il 0HU 57 13.1 U7'. 571 6sS 8.IH 07', 07 i in VKy, 54'i ma oj; 51 1 51 Vi IS 111 i c. i 7s 47 47 X.Si 3.

51 Si lo II i 47'. Vf Stock Bxcltanire Kales Flrwt Board Nkw Yonn. July IH. 10V o'clock A. M.

600 1. Shoro AMR 1D101I 4s ol 1)7 102 c. Vio Oik 1J1H. ioi; an do MOO Chen O) Ohio 1400 500 ham 400 200 axsi im 900 eoo 44 On 76H 76 Series 41 43M do do do oo s3 do il.j d.i do 1)3 4.Vsl do he lew IV(r Jflr Central 1st i A. iselltiid KV dt luoi) do 4LJ0 Jit Ci'n cunvl Ai iM UWC A 1 A Piis.

1917 i oi In; 5C00 hik 1 II con Ass 7T.54 75S 78 mi S) 61 i 01 Coil A IT Illinois ntral 200 Ci'uVaKo A VY 11 114 1K1U Jlilwk .4 St Pan 4F ill ti 700 6 d.i do do do do. do. do 600 SftJ 225 4i 6U) 4001 Milwk St. Paul I A I) div wit l(vi lin lDIW' 101 i lloo St Jo? si cuiiv 1 HiJ0 Koinu WiU.dtii! r.m lt 67V' 3mX) A Tol i im 2.T)i Klovale.l 1st 103K COW Canada South 11 irusranteej (57 I 2000 Kievaled i 1st HOTij 1MW LVnt I'acinc Oold bonds 10))d! K0 Union Pacilic RR 1 1st ICOi SHOO Pac ul Mo lOT'il liXI do UH i 5UX1 Kan Pacilic 1st 7s 2uo A prfd Ii u. Ilou do 2 do lOUOnlral of ti In; 11 Chi A Rock i be 200 di 2iW do Chi St 1 i Min Do 100 do MO Chi Mil 4 St be SIX IS9 KH i5 Si tag mii K3H 03 ti 93H 67 672 f7 90 IKK S3 MX 41 UM 14 lf 19 KH 89 ssS i SIS 100 do Dun lliv Trust 70U 1400 200 7o0 700 14M too 2400 oo do do AsiMlti 6000 Col A Inil 1st.

102 11 1 rust uo cert is Assented 7COH do CuoTol A Wab id coupon 6flO0 do 5000 Una A Wn Iie.Y con 2000 BiirC'edarR A N. 1st be no. do do do. 7t i llMl loo Chi A St pf bc 2i do IW do t.3 200 do JU) Di i.ack A R. be SO oo Sill d.i 100 Slorrls A Ros be 02 do JM do ii Alb A Siisu 6 Chi Bur A (Join.

he luo Frankfort A be lio do 100 louisvillu A Nash 3 lit) Manhattan Ry. be V) do IS IU 1L. 3 Il l) St liouis KUAN he 400 St liuis KUAN prfd he UO A St Joseph be 700 do "oo do iWl Ii A St Joi 7J 200U lil 1st 1 roup IOUU irat Wnstn 2.1 111 i w.n KOJ St A Mm'p I st 102V 1I1 lOU' 10U1 1.u A Nash con in. be 112 lWlUlnoA Mns2inl. l' llXJJ 1 I A Hudson 1st Peliii Dir rotfist'd bi; 107 Hi 11 Adams 33 do lWH IIXI Cniti Kl.

4S lo llumi stako Min'ir bo SI lei) QuicksiviT prolM. 1, cb3 IM lOOSuIro Tunnel Co bobj 4V 10) Stannard Miiunat 200 American I) T'l. be t5 200 Do A Hml Canal 2io i 7(0 Westorn Union 'l li I an do 400 dn lis do 100 Pacilio ti Co lies: 2Ti Kri i 4CO do "XU llichixan Cen it biM lea i iiti do SOU do 60 Union Pacific R. he i) Clevo A Piaur'd. tl 100 do b3 do.

ao. do do ilo do do do a i. do ae 100 100 too son Iu) 200 aw 400 27X 7S3ti 751t COls, I 9W do t3 6UlOliio A Miss R. DC 100 do loo do t3 REAL ESTATE TRAXSFERS. Itajctto av, s.

22s ft Raid av. lOaPX). Horace lO Dot) to KJwin A Bradley, Muntclatr, J. mort i.i oom Smiti. uxt ndiDc from First rt to Rive, ii x.

Ji on First st i JyiiiSt. John Ehulla and liltis Wind to the Now York and rroollrTi Coliui iivy. c.irroctioo dsd St Johns place, a ,.214.7 ft Seventh iO) Albro to Kdword Tadt)Hj Mon .1 Dom Third st ,47 ft Booth Fifth t. n2.ii. Bdnard D.

to Frs dnnck Dare, one fifth ptrt: Fort lln ena place, 10 ft ffayett an 21 si.ll, Joseph Loo to Helen A Northup, mort 30O ior Yurli st. t. ir 'it Charles' it." Mary F'iio 1. ill lo null wi i a VI "i Sunt property, same to William A and LAUiS I jiroptiriy, hiiiv Mitchell, one fourth part Kichtosiith st. na.

lSltw lshlh av, 1 Po and Maria, wifo of Thomas iVxlill Annie rarsor, to I t.imn Utirr SOO Sturnni: place, jii.i jtiiia to Custaruj Foster, morU $14, Kor 20 XX) 1, ceo lXXS 1JKO eteh axeb Rahic av, 2 i ft Butler av Anns, wife diaries llensinirer, to Albert oruot Hart l. as.arn fi Lowis v. Charles (1 Tillun. Orange. to Annie, wife, of Jorornlan WilfoUKhuy aij Adylphi ii', lil 1 1.4.

Mary wife of Henry Mar Lick, to John Kite! Duryrst, corner Baahwiek Boulovara, II i 7 1. Anton Vizsuus to Henry uraammn Lynch St. HarrisooaT.loxIKi, Henry (ir.isnan to Ai to Vigellufl, raort 91 1 lyrnonil If ol lluUvar st, 23.XUM Til l.irvst, s. oi Fleet placa, 20xVJ, John ()' Iti illy Ui Dunne Same proiHirty, Marj Daonu to Sarah Hi.nrj i.t, 1 lunf st. 2'ill).

A BrooXB i sr. Ac, UlirsiHrtn Robbini, dm Clara wilu JiKk). lunglord. and William Rub Morrill 2A 'it of Cook 'viiii'ii Frsns Sponidi to Zaner isUnd Pbink Road, .110 ft nf Ocoan PsrV siiy, ii Anna M. wi'o John A swell to tiissuo liianini 1 J.

i' ft Tlur i e. i'Sll. Ml and Joseph Kenny to Thomas o. Elnvinth es, Tuirl at, 2il'i. Thuinaa icd Michael Kenny to Joseoh Kenny, V4iiderViYt'iVwV 'i "u'l" Fulton fweclfiiroYthornas Riley lo th.

Dime Sarins Baltic Park olace 1 fiirec'csun Thomas ftil7 to tho Dimo rUvtnjra Uin'iof Brooxlyn jt Niotb Vo Loaiia. Bsmstnann to Sam iel Koiip Stholas t. ft ol Leonard at, Henry nrf' to Juauoh (itiniTn. mort. Sj's Ku .1.

fi.rt ft of Uimsi ui s.3 i 2 HolM tn Robert Thomas Stvi With cor Tenth 'I, r.m 172 I'" 72 si 2) 'Ji vt 91 to Tentn ft to besinning Da id Jenkuu Mary Jl. t. I iI Bodlord I'J'tP mort Rotx it 11 McCsrdy. by Mar.h. sftv In l.

vl I'iu'l i MO 1.223 am OOCa 3.000 aryrt no 3.SJU ioiToa njtn 1 Uou kjkIi i. ft ul id 'Xl Wil Dwcitur st, 11 ncor Reid at. MeDo inush St. sv cor Knidsv. Charles Robins 10 Jxcab Phlli 1 Biy iS Teni jit'ii si, Usth as.

I l'i Thorn KiAietfiird to liiaha nn Uml n.iill,i il av a Ttl 1 SinhM. li To in Fhilin no Tuo 10,000 5.TM XfiM Hrib il to Um4i RUi.asaiti ii.tiu na NfllsonKa'ViiLi'jr mil A jagjiafln. 3 je.i North Su'th 0' "at Sei. Cth TjJ.ts lti; ataM, wifs Sicholss Boorwutanon. lo Matt John mT.J Y.V It of 'jjiji'Vi Ao, d.

BocV, Jr. KlK.l a. BaoWj Dia wind st. 240.i ft of Van Volt sr. 2IZJ 2 Julias NicoUul to OusUt rjid C.inline VSilch.n.

nsnrt .1" it' 'rim' hrt: Dan i isl P. Blsir iat Ev rsrv av. 2o il skhotm it 2Sl Marnis Line lot'hjrlM F. Uanny. Sxtae pr nt to t.

It r. ol Nawtca .1. 1 st. e. Il aol.

Ns onsl. 'l TJ TerwlHijrsr. N'o barxh, Wi.ton TerwiHi 8SS "taraP.y. SWiarY axYd Palaa kYfiV wilKster to a jrsrsi Tr r. I 6SKQ evp 3 to i ui 'i s.i.ii sne) 4.f EAGLE OFFICE, JULY 16k 1878.

GOOD SPORT. Opening of th8 Summer Meeting at the Brighton Beach Fair Grounds. A Large Attendance of Spectators Quick Time on the Track The 81m Hong land Parse Won bj Baton Koag the Hotel Brighton Purse by Dallgasian and the Manhattan Beach Pnrse bj Lizzie D. An Accident in the Steeplechaso. While the residents of the great cities were broiling In yoBtorday'B helt a cool breczo Bwept up from tho ocean and mado tha seaside a placo of refuge for those eonelblo enough to appreciate Its advantages.

Along Coney Island's line of Bandy shore there yraa no jollier or more aelf satisfied gathering than tho Boveral thousand spectators aBBombleil to' witness tho opening of tho Midsummer meeting at tha Brighton Beach Fair Grounds, Tho grand stand was comfortably filled with ladles and gontlemon. They could not havo sought a more favorable retreat from the sun's rays. Tho soa breezo poured In moderating ourrenta through tho building, rendering useless the vast collection of fans carried by tho pooplo. Io the upper part of tho stand a brass band discoursed popular music. On tho lower stand thero was also a throng of visitors, but the largest number of people surged about tho hotting boxes and pooled their dollars readily, In tho hope of securing an lmmonso profit.

Fool Belling was lively all the afternoon and many of the boys wont home with light hearts and weU filled pookots. Tho racing was fairly conduct ed, and although not qulto up to the mark of tho pre vious day, the spectators derived sumclout amusement to repay them for their attendance. Tho track was in fino condition and what tho sporting mon called fast." In the absonco of "Uncle" Sim Hoagland, Colonol.S. D. Bruco actod as starter, and fulfilled the duties of that exacting position to a nicety that satisfied ovory ono.

Messrs. F. T. Bruce, Ellas Lawrence and P. Dwyer acted as Judges, aud Jfr.

T. Johnson as Dlstanco Judge. The racing began shortly after 3 o'clock. Three events wero on the programme, tho first being a dash of a mile and a quarter for the Simeon Hoagland purso of $350, of which to tho second horso. Thomas H.

Ferris' Batou Rouge, fresh from Long Branch John McMshon's ike Bon ham, Bonnott At Company's Guy aud Alderman Danlol O'Counell's Albert woro tho Btartora. Baton Rougo won the race easily in 2:18. The second raco was for tho Hotel Brighton purso of $509, given by Mossra. Brealln Sweet, $100 going to the socond horse a handicap for all ages mile licata. The starters were H.

Gaffncy's Dallgasian, J. C. Bovln3' Hattie John Newman's W. I. Higgins and Daley JBrothers' Loiterer.

Dall gasian, who has never boon beaten on this track, won both heats without the whip, the first in 1:19, tho second in 1:48. Tho race for tho day closod with a handicap st'eoplo chase for tho Manhattan Beach purse of $300, presented by Mossrs. McKlnnoy Burnap. The race was ovor tha course, a distance of about two and one half miles. The horaos starting wars Daly Brothors' Llzzlo Bonnott At Company's Dandy and Mr.

Tnlley'B Carver, Jr. Lizzie D. reached home an easy winner, Carver, having fallen out of tho race, aud Daudy being unable to stand tho pace that tha mare led him. SIM HOAOIAND PTOSB. In the first race tho Sim Hoagland purae of $330, of which to the Bocoml horo, one and a quarter, there camo to tho post Thomas Ferris' chestnut gelding Baton Rouge, 3 yeara, carrying 99 John Mc Mahon's brown goldlug Iko Uonham, 4 years, 115 Bennett bay gelding Guy, 4 years, 105 and D.

O'Conuell's chestnut gelding Albert, 4 years, 115 lbs, Iko Bonham was tho favorite In tho betting at $9J, Albert selling for $40, Baton Rougo for lf, and Guy for $23. Tho horses got off after sovoral attouinti with a vory fair start, Ouy iu the lead, Iko Bonham second, Baton Itouge third, nnd Albert fourth. Guy lod Baton Uotigo past tho Btand by a lougth. tho Utter having Albert at his heels, with Iko Bonham close up. On tho turn Guy forced tho peco, and at the quarter polo was a longth in advauco of Baton Rouge and Iko Bonham, Albert having fallen badly behind.

By the timo Guy reached tho half mllo polo he was Ave lengths ahead, and his backers boan to (eel hopeful of large winnings. Baton Hour was then second, ono length ahead of Iko Bonham, who led Albert by seven Going round tho lower turn Guy lost heart, and Baton Rouge began to closo on him, and they entered the homestretch on even terms. Baton Rougo drew away as thoy neared tho stand, winning tho raco noatly by three lengths, Ike Bonham second, Guy olose up aud third, and Albert far In tha rear. The raca was won In Mutual tickets on Baton Kongo paid $15.10. Tho raco is summarized below First Race.

Mimeon Hoagland Purse, of which S50 to the socond horne. One mile aud a quarter. Thoiiia i H. Ferri i' ch. g.

Baton Rouge, by Bonnie Scotland, dam Boneoia. yoarsohl. HI) His 1 MeM Uinn'a g. Ike 11 mha.n, by i.iiiio Soot. land, dam Viola, 4 yoir old, I lln '2 Bennett fc Co'a b.

g. Guy, by Narrajjon fett. dam Cilig nnn. aim, hm iih. I.

O'CTnneirs ch. a. Albert, by Australian, dam Victoria, 4 yeara old, 1 15 lbs Tims HOTEL BRIGHTON PD11SE. The secoud contest was the Hotel Brighton (Bro3lln Sweet's) Purso of $500, of which $100 to tho second horse; a handicap for all ages, mllo heats. Tho participants were H.

Gaffnoy's bay gelding Dallf 'asian, 0 years, 108 J. J. Bovlns' chestnut marc Hattie 6 years, 112 John Noivman's bay horso YY. I. Higgins, 5 years, 100 and Daly Brothers cheatuut goldlug, Loitorer, 5 years.

108 lbs. In tho pools on tho first heat W. I. Higgins sold for $11, Dallgasian $140, Hattie F. $150 aud Loiterer $70.

Tho bettlDg on the second beat showed $130 for Dallgasian, $140 for Higgins and $'22 for tho field. A good slart was secured In the first heat, Dailgailan getting off first, Hattie F. second, W. I. Higgins third aud L.iltarer last.

At tho quarter polo Loiterer led by a head, Dallgasian second, Hattie F. third and YV. I. Hiu glus fourth. Dallgasian thou wont up, and at tho half mile pole had opened a gap of two lengths, Loiterer Becond, leading I.

Higgina by teu lougths, and Hat. tie F. fourth. Dallgasian maintained tho lead to the flninli, winning the race by throe lengths. Hattie F.

and W. I. Higgins made an exciting rim to tho finish, coming iu a dead heat for socond placo. Loiterer was fourth. Tho heat was run iu 1:49.

Loiterer got away first In tho socond heat, followed by Dallgasian socond, W. I. Higgins third and Hattie F. fourth. On the turn Dallgaslau hurried tho others badly, and when tho quartor polo waa rjached ho had opened agap of seven lengths, W.

I. Higgins coming aecond, Hattie F. third aud Loiterer fourth. Dallgasian kept tho lead at the half mile polo, Higgins making uuavall iug efforts to overtako htm. In the hoinostretch Dallgasian did some very pretty running, galloping homo awlnnor by flvo lengths.

W. I. Higgins was Becond and the others wero distanced. Considerable confusion was occasioned among tho betting men, owing to tho failure of the management to post tho numbora of tho horses starting. The beat was run in Mutual tickets on Dallgasian paid $13.70 on tho first heat aud $9.45 on the second heat.

The summary of the contest ia appended Second Race. Hotel Brighton Sweet's), pur. $500, of which $100 to second horac, a handicap for all ages. Mile heats. H.

Galfney'a k. Dailganian, by Blarncystone. dam I.nuv ii'uwlnr. avod. HIH lia.

1 1 2 2 John wman'rt b. Iu W. t. Higgins, by I'at jlloy. dam Yellownird, yTrs old, riw lbs .1.

tl ivmi' ch. in. Hnttin bv frfisniiucton. dam Dmm, 0 yoars old, 1 V2 lbs 3 dia Daly Broth ara' ch. p.

Iioiterer, by Leamington, dam Leomsdo, yo ira old, 101 lbs 1 dis Times, 1:19 14. MANHATTAN BEACH HANDICAP STEEPLECHASE. The last raco was the Manhattau Beach Handicap Steeplcchaae, for a purso of $500, given by Messrs. Mo Klnncy Burnap, of the Manhattan Beach Hotel. Tho second horse received $100 out of tho stakes.

The contest was over the regular steeplechase courso, a diatanco of about two and a half miles. The starters were Bennett Company's chestnut gelding Dandy, 5 years, carrying 145 lbs. Daly Brothers brown mare Lizzie i years, 125 lbs. aud M. Tally's brown horse Carver, years, 120 lbs.

In tho pools Llzzlo I), sold for $130, Dandy for $90 and Carver Jr. for $19. The start was a first rato one, Dandy getting away first, Lizzie D. second and Caxvor, Jr. third.

On the tira't wall, directly opposto tha grand stand, Carver made a bad stumble, falling on his knees, and throwing his jockey, Pontln, over blB head with terrific forco. Pontin lay on his face, unable to. move, ana Carver, Jr. capered about tho field until ho was caught, and went over tho course with a rand shoveller on his back. The jockey was badly hurt.

Dandy and Lizzie D. went off at sharp pace, taking the walls and hurdles eaaliy and gracefully. I.lzzia D. touched on a wall In tho upper field, biitMctcalf, her Jockey, saved her by great effort. She quickened her paco after this, cird by tho timo a mile half had been covered ehe.

too the lead, keeping it to the end and winning by. forty yards. The raco was ran In 4:42,.. Mutual tickets on Lizzie V. paid CiATn.

Tho aummary la given Tumi Mice. Tho Manhattan Beacli (McKinney i Burnap) Handicap Steoplechaso, purse $500, of which $100 io the second horse. About two miloa and a half. Daly Blethers' br. f.

Lizzio by. Enquirer, dam Leisure, 4 years, 125 lbs 1 Enr. ,5: ch. indy. by Oystorcuan, dam Bet Arlington, 5 years old, 145 lbs 3 MiiTiilly's.

br. c. Carver. by B. St.

Carver, dam Long Nine, 4 years old, 1 25 lbs 0 There will bo excellent raclruj at. the track on next Thursday. SCHUBTZESFEST. Continuatiott or (lie Fcnti.val Yesterday. at SclMietzuii The annual sclnietzenfc fit of tUo Inclopo dant Schuctzon Corps, inaugurated Monday at Schnit ssn Park, was continued ycsSerday and ended at a ate hour last night.

Tao shooting; began at nine o'clock in tho morning an! continued during a greater pa of the day. Some e.vrollent iwrksmanahip was exhibited. The highest sccja was in the ring tarotby Charles Moclluc, who uaide 73 out of a possiblo 75. John Koch scord 72 and Dvi4 Miller Ti. Ou tin main target II, Alt scored 30 out of a possible 30 Charles Zlegler 30 an( Slnmoribarg.

I. Koch I. Koch and Seorge Sltytun each scored 29. Tb winner on tho TAJK5BT CflP HOJIOB. which exclusively for mcmbera of corps, was Ferdinand Hoth, nhp.

was. crowned Schuaiien King in tho evening. InUcftorncou.a.great number of 4sitorB arrived among whom uero noticed Qenoral Ajaxsnder Shalei Goneral Stolumetz, Colonel Schurlg, aud other wall known peoplo. A number of games, In which the raall boys afiordod a great deal of amucnnt. An excellent band of music was In attendance, and danelni waa Indulged In, despite the hot weather, to a a areat extent.

In the evening the singing section of the Independent Hchiictzcn Corps arrived aud did. soma flno slDglng. Tho crowning of. the Schuotzen King, waa on interesting ceremony. Tho following ro the namofrof tho oFnjcena or the corps, asd the committees Shooting Committee Charles Loeber, Hienry Alt, Jacob KrehbioL George Maddern.

Committeo of Arrajiaemente Ferd. Beyer, Goorge Fassnacht, PhUip Wgner, Adam Vera, Georgo Ilold. RecopUon Oomroittee OapUin D. Bayha, ox Captain Henrj' KporUng, ox CapUm William Offlcers CapbUn. Daniel Bayha; Uauteoant, Georgo Maddcru; Second Lieutenant Henry All it Firrt Seraeaat, Cuarloa Loebor Second Sorgoant, "tt llUsxa Slmai TUlrd Sergeant L.

Zltauan; Fonrth Siereaat. I William Korg; Quartermaster, Knobcl; S'atton, ocb, and OhapUlDt Joseph HcWg, AD1RONDAOKS LELAND HOUSE, SOHROON LAKB, BS8EX COUNTY, N. Niiw pfKM Djnesi location, scenery, riding, boating and fishing in the Adlrondaoloi. Terms reduced, $10 to aii.o ana rejreuc8, apply to GLELAND, Manaaer. FEW DESIRABLE ROOMS CAN BE hod nt the WA H0 WATBRTO WN.


fhlrt.v.foiir milAS on Erie KollwaV: flvn mlnnfn. fmm depot: monntninous section fceantiful scenery and drives, lino lakes, boating and fishing delightful place for families circulara ana reforence moderate terms. AMERICAN HOTEL, SARATOGA SPRINGS, N. Y. A first class hotel, open all the year.

Centrally and pleasantly located on Broadway, botwoon tbe Halted States and Grand Union hotels. The piazza commandsaviewof Broadway, Congress Spring Park, the United Status Hotel, Grand Union Hotel and Congress Hall. union i RATE FOR 1879. $2 A DAY. BURNETT HOUSE, STROUDSBURG, Pa.

110 rooms, furnished in walnut; hot and cold water and baths, electric bolls, flro extingukkors, mountain sprlng'water: entirely shaded; beautiful sconery, drives, walks, fishing, hunting and mountain air; tsnns to suit the times. J. 11. PI AAlOi rTopnacqr. TJ RA5NER HOUSE, GREENWOOD LAKE, Orange Conwy, N.

$3 per day Q8 to $10 per week, Free stage. Send lor circular. u. o. fropnetor.

ATSKILL, N. Y. (JREEKSD3E HOUSE, NOW OPEN; fine location first class tible two miles from village; boatiag bathing and ttohina; (boats froo); terms mOueraio. Ji. o.

roptieiqr. I.OIIIJO iim. t. Til. TTATTOTJl TJT TJI A A XTn AxvLilli nuuou lucinoAnt twjKjaio, good tablo, boating, bathing and good tinning home comforts: only a fow miles from Monticsllo: references, S.

Van Deursen, Eogle office; terms reasonable. Address R. an T7T.1 Knllahnrirh. Stilltvan fin (COLUMBIA Sl' HintiS HO Sit WHITE SULPHUR SPRINGS Near HUDSON. N.

Y. NOW OPEN. Twenty fourth season. Houso enlargod and refurnished. Moderate prices and cxcollont accommoda tions.

ftf. P. NASit Proprietor. ARSWBLL HOUSE, FIRST CLASS BOARD AND LARGE AIRY ROOMS. Terms from So par wook.


lake and mountain reaort; gooa ushing, boating (froe), lino imima tn If 0 A M. train. Drosnecfc rRturn in V. moderate season rates circular: vui a'jiv vuuui iw ulu, rvLiriuior. ATSKILL MOUNTAlNSVLOOK MOUNTAIN HOUSE House new ond enlarged, nil modorn iuiDrovements, telegraph, steam and gas etovation over loot, GOO foot higher than other liotols in tho CatsklllB views raagnifioBnt, valley and mountain terras fii nnr rinv rensonaDlo terms for wook or month.

'For cir culars address JAMES SMITH, Proprietor, Woodstock, Ulster County, N.T. CATSKtLL MOUNTAINS. fl TRRMPER HOUSE. Entrance of Stony Clove; anew Suinmqr hofxjl; accommo uu uiuuorn luiprovcmenui, gnn, nnd nunt nnrinir ttiLtrtr thronirh. out the houso croquot and archery billiard tables, bowling alley and livery In connection wit houso; terms reasonable.

For particulars address J. H. TREMPER, Phoenicia, Ulster County, N. Y. AST SHORE HOUSE WELL SHADED, in tho beautiful village oi rrnttsviuo, unsene uounty, fh miilnt nnd nmnnar the OntsltilU.

rooms larcn. airy and well furnished accommodates 40; terms reasonable. GEORGE SACUS. Proprietor. EN WICK HALL, jP SAYBROOK POINT.

CONS. "Boautlfully located oh Long Island Souml, at the mouth hi (lonnecticut River. Easy of access from New York by boat or cam. All tho attraotions of a first class watering place; rooms largo, wen vciimawm aim nntea wu.ll gas l.tir. inirrioub: milk and cream from cows keniuDOnthenlace.

Prices unusually low. GEORGE HOTEL ON THE Black Rock Beach, 2 mile irajfc of Bridsre i t.wn hniirn from fYew VorK bv rinvr Havn It. K. aao'by boat: accommodation for 300: NOW OPEN; batiunc, namntt, hhiiiuk nnu unrua uu Musuuiiu.i tr.iu Bient, per day; favorable'. arran(cement for families; 2i) Maiden iane, New York.

MlULtCR TOLLS, Proprietors. JStagH mBts the A. M. and 3 M. trains from rurty nz.

INE HOUSE, OATSKILL MOUNTAINS. One of tbe finest private Summer resorts ia the State. Terms moderate. Heforelice Jamos ronnoyer, m. u.t no.

ita fuma av, where photograph of tho house can be seen. OWL AND HOUSE, OUEAN GKUVE, Thin favorite hotel Is delirhtfullv looal. d. in view of and two minutes' walk from the Ocean and Wesley ike, opposite Camp Grounds. Door an 1 windows from each room on to verandas.

K. MILLH 00. Inrst class Kestauranc. aiuais nt inuuoriue otponao. rSLAND HOUSE, BELLOWS FALLS.

VT. iTi.lf wnv hntwnon Now York and White Mountains: broad piazzas, airy halls, charminz walks and drives, delightful scenery, pure mountain air. Boird from $7 to par week. CHAS. W.

TOWNS, Proprietor, TjT ITTATINNY HOUSE. JrV DELAWARE WATER GAP, Pa. llouse niW Kround i improved, perfect drainage, pure spring wator on each iloer, most centrally ionted. Special rates to families spending the Bomnnr. Rend for circular.

nr. nnuuniiALi a ov; .1 i. AUREL HOUSE, OAUTE SKILL )I 1 HO nioet for il lustrated oirculart anT1m AKE'S RETREAT, FOR THE ACCOM modation of Mummer ooaraers, on tno line 01 uisier apaI spa Llelnware Kauroaa, one mile irom BLaiiiuii, uv iiiouui Pleasant 3i6 miles from tho TreraporHotol, water splendid shade, croquet, Sc. Reference W. K.

b. F.ilos, 18U Montague st. Address A. V. D.

LAKE, Proprietors, Tho Corp Ulster N. Y. AKE VIEW HOUSE, MORRIS OOUN jLJ TY' N. J. Ovorlooking tho channlng Hopatcong Lake; OPENS Juno lo.

feet abovu tide water: 40 miles from New York. Terms moderate. Good fishing, boating, bathins and mountain soenery. Uiaohed by D. ds W.

ft. R. from foot of Barclay at, New York 1 trains loave flow vti.1113 luiivu J. ZUUK. Proprietor.

7 :20 A. M.j 1 M. and 3 :30 P. M. Address Hopatcong Y.

K. OOUST GROVE HOTEL AND PAVIL JLj ION. sltnatod at Bath, L. now opon to tho public. Tho surroundings of tho above hotel nro notod for tino lawns, croves and bathing and fiahing grounds.

Said hotel haa been thoroughly renovated and furnished throughout. Brooklyn, Both nnd Conoy Island Railroad cars, which if Grnonwond Onmotorv. naSS the door every 3J minutes. Also boats from East and North Rivera landfat the hotel pier. Boardors taken at moderate prloos.

j.aoio nrsi oioss. 'i no puono ore curuiau im.ii.oi. ia. J. W.

PJEfctjBi Oenoral Manager. TVTANHANSET HOUSE, I bHlllil'Bll ISLiABf. To leo nnf. W1T.T. fr.r Reason On 21, under tbe management of Mossrs.

PALMER KEL T.ltm: P.Tlinnii& ImnKivninnl. HTU in DfOSTreSS on ttlfl rounds Plans of house may bo found at and application or rooms mado CO A. H. PALMER, r.o. ounu av, new torn.

FOUNTAIN VIEWHOUSE, KOCK T.ANn RrtlTNTV. nnn mile from Mhwah Station, Krie Bailmad, thirty miles from New York Oity eight trains each: way daily carriages to and from trains free; beautiful mountain invigorating air, fine walks and drives, bilJiardfl, carriages ana excellent table. ACCommouaHona ior uixcr gauaio. auuiuk) ua. ll Proprietor, Matiwan, PROSPECT HOUSE, SHELTER ISLAND.

L. OPENS June 20. UA.ll,f..l InnnUnn nnnn hnnttnUT. bathiCJT aUQ UBlimSt. Furnished cottuges to lot in connection with HoW.

Apply, previous to opening, to DORLAN arlAi' DKK. OROSPEGT PARK HOTEL, CATSKILL, N. Y. nlnvnllnn. air.

with HConorv unSUrOOSSed In the world. First olass accommodations for 4'ki guests. Accessible by the day boots and Hudson River Railroad. Terms reduced nnd libernl nrrangeinents for tbe season. Addrosa PROSPECT PARK HOTEL COMPANY.

PAVILION HOTEL, WOODSBURUH, The coolest, hndnoraost. most comfortable fl.immf hiM in vioAnltv oi York. Fine large furnished, apaoioiis halln, OeJlirntlUJ piazzas, excellent inubio, unMtooiranuuiu good service, surf and still bathing, billiards, bowling, croquet, nloasant walks and drives. A few good rooms unen Aaareas A. 8.

GliADWiN Woodaburgh, I. OHROON LAKE AMUMli LH.H AUUiUnuaurvo, CHARMING SUMMER RESORT. LAKE HOUSE OPENS JUNE ai. TemiB low Bond for circular. Li.

X. AOUll, IIUUllOtAJL. CSUMMIT HOUSTe, EAST WINDHAM, grandest viows of tbe Oatskill Mountains; magnificent scenery, elevntion a.WOO feet: no malaria or inoaquitos; de. Iightful walks and drives livary. tolegrnph, two maila daily, Ac, Ac.

iiuiot rooms in adjoining cottago terms modernto; best Brooklyn references. A. LAMQRKAU. OUTH SIDE HOTEL, ON THE GREAT South Bay, Amity villo, having boonneitly relittod and enlarged to acoomiuoaits ISO guests, is now OPEN for the season. Good boating, bathing and blue fishing; also fine snipe shooting thirty miles from thu city five trains daily.

Messrs. E. 0. KINO A SON, proprietors. INCLAIR HOUSE, BETHLEHEM, N.

H. This magnificent hotol is unsurpassed for comfort. It is situated on Bethlejem st, opp. the Post Office Ail the modern appliances for comfort and safety nre pro videdj nnd ite management will be found liboral and attentive. Rates low as those of any first class hotel.

Croquet lawns, superior water, airy ana well ventilated rooms, in suite or Binglo. Send for circulars. Address the Pro P'018 DURB.e1ieF?N'.H. 31ENAKILL HOUSE, DEMAREST. N.

J. Only eighteen miles from New York, via Northern ilroad of New Jersey. Noted for high grounds, pure spring water, pure air nnd perfect health. No malaria no mosquitoos. Now OPEN.

Address H. W. HOWLAND, Proprietor, Dsmareat. a. J.

THOUSAND ISLAND HOUSE, ALEXANDRIA BAY, NEW YORK. This famous resort is NOW OPEN for the season. Send two.three cent Btoinps for illustrated gnido. O. G.

STAPLkS. TTPTON LAKE HOUSE, 8J AT CLINTON CORNERS, DUTCHESS N. Affords comfort for Summof boarders high ground, freo from malaria and mosQuitos ice, etc. daily mail, telegraph. Inspection desired terms r5 and 81.

Address C. W. HOAG, P. O. Drawer 181, Poughkeepsie, N.

Y. UlOTED STATES HOTEL, LONG BRANCH, WITHIN FIVE MINUTES' WALK. OF THE NEW OCEAN PIER, NOW OPEN. LAIRD A VAN CLEAFj Propnetors. Private A MONG THE CATSKILLS FAMILIES 3L deBiring board can be nicely accommodated at finely situated farm house, on the line, of the Ulsterand Delaware Railroad terms moderate fine sconory, driving, boating, fishing, Ao rooms largo and airy.

Address H. B. HUDLER, Mount Pleasant, Ulster County, N. Y. Country board during vaoa Vy tion for children at tho HOME SCHOOL, on Orange Mountains.

Address Box 215, South Orange, New Jorsey. JOUNTRY BOARD AT CROT0N LAKE Now house, with tine large rooms and bath boats froo; Bhadylnwn; no a very superior location nt low prices: Particulars ol W. VREDESNBURGH, 101 Court St. OUNTRY BOARD AT A LARGE FARM house among tho ftitskills bonoliif a) location, plenty of shade, large, airy rooms, fresh, vegetables, milk, eacs, otc city references given. Forrerras nnd full particulars, send for ciroulnr to WJLLIAJIl P.

FINCH, Durham, Greene Coanty. N. Y. C'TaTSKILL MOimTAINS excellent board can be had, at a fann house in Windham, Ureene County; beautiful scenery; good drives! perfectly healthy: forms Parta'at ora of W. H.

MA COMBER, real estate oSco, Cimiherland st, near Fulton daily or evening to H. CTJUNTRY BOARD NEAR THE CATS kills A party of adults wilt find home comforts and first ass board; music, croquet, stafjling for borseo; trma 85 and SO per week. Address Mrs. A. S.

ROUSE, P. Box 129, Cairo, Greene Country board at the ever green Lawn Farm, 1 tonne, Highland, Ulster County, NT two miles from, Poughkeepsie Ferry, high ground, airy rooms, cool Bpoious lawns, abundance of Bhade, pleasant drives, stabling for Inquire J. CARPENTER, KagleoBlco, or eond for circular; address Wir.l.T U.Q M. ahovc Country board at a pleasant on tuaiuieoi uu aSa Delaware Railroad, 3J miles fro New York City ood table; plenty of milk. eiBJPd fresh vegetables; ample ohade; a large orchard adjoining the house; two mails daily; good mountain, air and.

fine scenery; 1 terras I to per week. For tuither oartculara anply to NJOflOLAS. BROWNE PhoBpieia. Ust Conntv, N. ftrOTT'S SUNSIDE.

FARM THE ItA Catskill U.a snporior place, every roomnew andgooil drives, table and all tcterceotionablo parties dosirint3noe where they can fojly enjoy a quiet, cheerful home on baalsof 87 per week thui is one ol th beat KORQB O. MQTT. Acta, N. Y. UMMER BOAKU AT NA AU, iMJ iAtl Box 81.

CSELECT BOARDING HOUSE, (Formerhr Grand Hotels FAR BOOKAWAY. I. 1. Mrs. K.

aicOBE, Propriclreaa. (iAtsoi oeaca Fine family aceommoda tions. Board $9 to 810 per TreeK. UMMER BOARD AT A FARM ONE half mile froth. dopo m8alera, Washinatpn Ooantfi two hours from Troy by railroad; houso largo, airy and Kail shaded; delightf Bconory, pteaaant drirea; croquet and piano; plants ol milk, egoa, fresh vegetables, From $4 to 83; inquire of T.

O. Oronin, Oarltoa av. Addroa vf, QUWK Or Kditor kij view IHrOBTANT TO SUBSCRIBERS. The Eagle will be sent to all points of tho Jnlted States tor $10 per year, or $1 lor month for a Ictsperiod than six monthB, freo of postugo. mm snxniT EDITION.

The EM3M! is now published every day in thoweek, Sunday included. Order your carrier to leave :it.orsend your address to thin office Price 3 cents. forSunday Edition rocei. ed at the offlca tip loll o'clock Saturday evening. PETER J.

NOOXIX ASSOCIATION. The Peter J. Nocrnau Associatioa will have itlieir annual picnio at Brighton Park, Kinth avenue and 'Eighteenth Btreet, July 31. DIETER'S OPENING AT COXfcT ISLAND. To morrow Mr7Abner Dieter, the well caterer, will open his new Coney Island restaurant.

Tho outrance ts from the Concourse, caat of the Aquarium. WAR ON THE POLICY MEN. Detective Chambers, of tho First Precinct, iBocured another policy man, yesterday, in the person of Timme, who is charged with assisting in running tho policy shop at 36 Atlantic avenue, which was broken up a fesr days ago. A LITTLE BOH DROWNED. The five year old son of a family named Parmer, living in Hunter'B Point, fell from tho Vernon tavonuedock into Newtown Creek yesterday morning and wae drowned.

Ho did not come to the Burface, and 'the supposition is that he was hold down by the mud. The body, howovor, could not bo recovered. A BURGLAR CAUGHT. Deputy Sheriff Hicks, of Newtown, caught a burglar leaving tho house of a Mr. Manning with $100 worth of goodB on Monday night.

Before Justice Mar Bhall, yesterday, the man gave the name of Theodore Fritch and ploaded guilty. He was committed for the Orand Jury. ANOTHER WALK. Miss May Marshall and Miss Marie Itock woll will, commencing to morrow at Rockaway Beach, attempt great feats in walking, the former to walk 2,500 quarter mllea in an many consccutivo intervals of ton minutes, the latter the Bamo dlstanco in as many con Bcoutivo quarter hours. ABUNUTON PLEASURE ULUB.

At a meeting of the Arlington Pleasure! Club, last evening, In tho club room3 in President Street, the following officers were elected for the ensuing year President, A. L. Cronler, Vice President, J. Powers; Treasurer, P. F.

Flnnen; flocretary, F. Cunningham; Financial Secretary, T. Kelly Recording Secretary, C. Lauge; Sergeant at Arms, H. Nolle.

1HE LARGEST MACHINE BELT IN THE WORLD. At the rope walk of L. Waterbury iu tho Eastern District, tliero is now in oporation the largest machiuo bolt iu tho world. It is the Bamo that wa3 rju( oy Anton Helm, of Now York, to tho Paris Exhi tion of Industry. ThB length is 130 foot; breadth, fi foot 9 iuchos, (double thickness) and weighs 1,800 lbs.

It will transmit 1,030 horso power. Tho pully wheel is 25 feet in diameter and tho receiving pully feat 7 inches in diametor. TflE B. C. ORPHANS' PICNIC.

The annual picnio for the benefit of the orphans under tho oharge of the Sisters of Mercy, in Wil loughby avenue, will take place in Myrtle Avenue Park to morrow. There will bo a large attendance and an interesting time. Tho Committee of Arrangements aro General James Jourdan, Colonel B. C. Ward, Colonel Samoa McLeor, Colonel James Tanner, Commissioners White, Massey, Gallagher, Byan and Henry, lion.

M. B. Tlynu, Dan Bradley, T. M. Riley and E.

Hafferty, Esq. Tho prizes to be shot for are two handsome gold badges. Five valuable prizes will bo drawn for at tuo olose of tho picnic, consisting of a gentiomau's 18 karat gold watch and chain, a lady's gold watch and chatelaine chain, a gontlcman'fl solitaire diamond pin, a gold lock aad a set of gold studs, slocve and collar buttons. FALSE "TEETH. A Woman's Stolon While Sue Slept.

Iu tho Hue of petty thefts, singularly perpetrated, Long Island furnishes a case which must bo put at tho top of tho list. Mrs. Mills, of Bluo Point, in Suffolk County, oomplained that whilo she was sleopinc some one got into her bedroom and stole nor falsa teoth. This was simple enough, but when she added that the thiol took thorn RIUHT OUT OF HER MOUTH, without awakening hor, everybody laughed. But the old lady was in earnest about it, and in somo way got a clue to the thief.

She went bBforo Justico Smith and swore to a complaint charging one E. Lawton Squires with the theft. This made people laugh all the more, for Squires belongs to ouo of the first families, and Borne guessed that Aunty Mills must bo losing her souaes but tho result shows that she had the levelest head in the placo. Squires was arrested, iiud bef oro Justice Smith PLEADED GUILTY. The Justico.

sympathizing with tho fellow out of re epicl for his family connections, agreed to accept a pica of petit larceny, if he would return the teeth. Thereupon Squires Bid that they were in a closet in his un clo's house, and the Justice sentenced him to six months in the county jail. Tho teeth wero not there. Squires then told the constable that they wore under a haystack, iiut they could not bo found. Now he says he lied about 4t and laughs at tho game he played on the justice.

THE DIET DISPENSARY. A BtancU Established in South Brooklyn. The Eagle of yesterday gave the announcement of the opening of a branch of a Diet Dispensary at No. 203 Sackett street, near Court. Last evening a reporter of tho Eaole visited the place and found it in full workiug ordor.

As tho work of the dispensary does not roquiro oitended quarters, it is located in a basement which has been fitted up for tho purpose. Tho front basement is used as the goneral oilico for tho reception of visitors, while the kitchen is immediately behind it, aud is fitted up of course with tho necessary culinary appliances. On the second floor is an apartment for the person In charge of the dlspousary. This is tho third division of the work that has been established in the city, the central one located at Ho. 21 DoKalb avonue, A branch ie also located on Myrtlo avenue, and now tho South Brooklyn depot.

There is a considerable section of the city lying along the water front and about Gowanua Hay and Rod Hook, whore the particular work of the DiBpensary should find an ample field for the cxerciso of iU bouoflts. THE WORK OF THE DISPENSAE1 is tho preparation and giving out, upon the orders of phyBlolans, of suitably prepared food to the sick and destitute poor. It often happens that medicine can do little good unless it can be supplemented by food of a proper character and suitnbly cooked. It is just hero whore tho Diet Dispensary steps in and carries out the wlehcB of the physician, acting always upon tho order Which ho gives. The ladles who conduct tho work of the Dispensary have been exceedingly fortunato in securing, as tho superintendent of the now branch a lady of experience in this especial field.

Theyhavo scoured aB manager Miss M. 8. Rich, who was in charge of special diet kitchen, in connection with one of tho Army HospitalB at Annapolis, during the war, and therefore is well qualified by practical expcrlonco in tho work she has to do. Tho bill of fare of tho dispensary includes about a dozen articles Buch bb beef tea, milk, Jolly, farina, barloy orsoup, ogga, all of the best quality. Tho hours for giving out tho articles are from 10 A.

M. to 4. P. M. Although tho branch has been open a week, it has dono very little thus far, for tho reason that tho phy Gloians in that section of tho city HAVE NOT VET LEARNED of tho now enterprise.

They are provided with blanks, and when they doslre a patient to bo supplied from the Dispensary thoy fill out tho ordor with tho name of tho articlo and it is brought to tho DlBpenBary, where the order ia at once filled, without money and without 5 MisB Rich says eho has been anxiously waiting for a wook tor pooplo to come, but thus far very little baa Iwen accomplished. The disponsary is supported by voluntary contributions and any gifts of food, and especially money, will bo gladly received and put to a good use. i he residents of soma unoi aeo to it that tue uew umuu un.n in their midBt is well cared for. The warm hearted charity of the ladies who compose the Diet DIsponFnry tlian in this ontevin iBQ of preparing wkolesomo food lor no SICK ana iw. THE FIFTEENTH BATTALION 1iTbe Members Firiiiff for Slavic anient at Creertuioor A JLit of the Score Blade Successful Shoot ers The ineinbGvs of the Fifteenth Battalion, Q.

8. N. psia thoir auminl visit to Crcoduioor on MVirwlnv wUli (initio! It Afpynnbori? in com tnand. Tlioy started from the armory, corner Scher merhom ana oraun sweots, at liasi past oxiocn in tue morning, in fatigue dress, with knapsacks and overcoats, taking tho cara at tho Flattmsh avenue depot of the Lovg Island liallroad, Creedmoor was reached in n'rlnnk. and ward waa noted iu a fow min i rtm.rnnr flrAtffi.

of Comtianv. who ac.lfiA tiws ijiuuvv" i ua or Wii nf Adiutant Georgo II. DietvicK. Ab Bignmontof targets to the different companies then took i it.t iii.itnn hPina aa follows A Company, Lieutenant Ahlfoldt commanding, targets 1 and 2 Company, Captain David T. Lyucn commanding, tar.

i v. Cnmuanv. Captain DegcnUolb com manding, targote 5 and 0 and Companies, Lieutenant ScUiellien commanding, targets 7 and 8 Company, Captain Funcon commanding, target 3. Tho number of marksmen qualifying at ono hundred and one hundred aud fifty yards was forty eight, while eighteen qualified at three and four hundred yards. The Dattaliou was then dismissed for dinner, which was partaken of on tho range.

At two o'clock the assembly was sounded, aud tho final trial for tho honor of a marksman's badgo took placo. Captain David T. Lynch's name heads the list of those ho succeeded in carrying off the prize. It is as follows Yds. Score.

T'L (2IKJ 3 333 4 IB CsptainDavid T. 2 5 a 14 30 C2IKI 3 3 4 5 3 18 rrlvato II. N. Bruning isorj a 4 2 0 3 1129 i'JiXl 3 4 3 414 Captain B. Degenkolb J3 2 4 3 01428 Captain John D.Carroll 0 0 3 21027 AdjuUnt Gooi ko K.

Dostruck VSJzl 4 a 0 12 27 laouUnant W. H. Bicou I ll 3 1 1 26 Trivato John Laubcmmrner 4 2 314 26 Sergeant John Lakeman 0 2 8 25 Priwto St. KrauB 'ivfca :1 SZ's og Private A. WittacUor twlo.o 2 a 4 9 26 Battalion drill followed the firing, and nt about six o'clock the boys marchod to tho dopot reaching home about an hour Jotor stowed away In the baggage room for convenience and safe keeping, and then the oxcurBioniets sought th decks of the different vessels and found seats in tho coolest places they could select.

For upward of two hours a stream of men, women and children poured over tho gangway of tho barge lying alongside the wharf, until fully 1,500 peoplo woro on board. The barges wero lashed on either side of the Long Branch, and planks wero run out through tbe gangways connecting all those vessels, and allowing the party on board to range over them at their own swcot will. It was a quarter past ton o'clock before the pad dle wheels ot the steamer began to turn aud tho moved out from tho OWck. As they floated out Into tho stream and then began to glido swiftly down toward tho Battery the excursionists thought they had reason to congratulate themselves on what they considered their fortunate escape from tho heat of the city. They were moved to feol Tory thankful for tho charming, braezy trip they had In anticipation, up the beautirul Hudson.

But candor compels tho admission that for onco it was just as HOT ON THE WATER as It could reasonably have boon iu tho city, and tha main occupation of the excuraionlsts from the moment they woro headed up the Hudson until thoy arrived Oseawana Island, was one ceaseless endeavor to keep cool. Not a cloud dimmed the brightness of tho bluo sky or tempered tuo intense brilliancy of the riuushlno. Old Sol's rays beat down upon the water with a fiery fierceness that all the OitablisUod cooling draughts failed to modorato. Scarcely breath of air was stirring, and for a long while the river lay as Biu'ioth and unruflled as tho surface of a mirror. When at length a faint puff of wind came a3 tho forerunner of a light brcoze it was In the wake of the barges, and bsing IN THE WH0NO QUABTEB was scarcoly felt.

Occasionally a bond in tho nvor would favor those on board with a little stlffer breoze than usual, aud at such tluios tho excursionists would lean way out ovor tho guards tj catch tho welcome zophyra, and havo them fa" their hot cheok i. Notwith standing tho melting condition of tho weather tho young peoplo did nnt llow th3 high pressure of tho thermometer to interere with their enjoyment. A band of mnsio. stationed on tho upper decks of both barges, rendered a progrumme of well solocted dance muBic for tho benefit of those who desired to mlnglo in tho mazes of waltz or quadrille. The dancing, howorer, was rather desultory, for tho excessive heat compollod long Intervals of rest between tho numbera.

The purveyors of weak lemonade having a lump of ice iu it and of small beer did a thriving buainMS on the lower decks of all throe vessels. A cooling drink was at a premium. About sevonty flvo keys of lager wero tapped and emptied on the up trip. Wheu off Voukcrs an in cident occurred which sont a little THBILL OP EXCITEMENT through tho pleasure party, but which fortunately had no serium results. Tua asrpentar of th'i Long Branch was put ashore et Yonkcra in a rowboat, and tha boat man, T.

II. Wallace, having returned, waa clambering up the side of oue of tho barges when tho railing gavo way and he was proclpitated iuto tho water. Tho cry of "Man ovorboard" was Immediately raised, and a general rush was made for that ond of the boat from which ho had beon scon to go down. Wallace rose to tho surface in a moment, aud struck out lustily for tiio barge, which was then leaving him far in tho rear. Lustily, when ho fell overboard ho had a compaulou with him In the row iat, aud at tho first splash the man quickly let tho rope slip that secured the boat to tho Bt irn of tha barge, and dropped asteru to pick Wallace up.

The latter being A 8TUONO SW1MMKK, kopt afloat uutll the rowboat reached him, when ho clambored in over the gunwale. The flotilla had to Bt ip uutll tho mon camo up, which they did without much delay. Tho only inconvenlenco sustained by Wallace waa a wet skin. He was uninjured by his ducking. The flotilla then continued on hor way up tho river and arrived at length at Oacawana Ialand, about 4 o'clock in tho aftornoon, having beon over flvo hiiura aud a iu getting there, a diatanco of about thirty five miles.

Had the day boon a ploaaa one, tho sail would mht leis havo been muoh onjnye I. As It was, owing to tho extreme heat, it was found to bo very tedious. So much so, in fact, that quite a number of the excur re turuod to the city by the Uudaon River llailroaa in ordor to escape tho TKDIU.VT OF ItETtBV TRIP, on the boat. Only a brief stay wa? mado at the island. The luncheons woro spread out nn tbe tab'e in tho grove, and a hasty attack was made on the Tiio party were hardly uh ire before tho eUamr'a whistle warned them it wat lims i re embark.

Thvy left the Wand at five o'clock, aud after a journey of sbiut fivo hours, which was much plcmnter tha morning trip, Jewell's wharf was reached about ten o'clock In tho evening. Among THOSE WHO WENT AI.ONO, yostorday, wero Alderman Uibort Black, Supervisor Uii33oll, Assemblyman Oharlo? T. TrowlirlJgo, Benjamin B. Hopkins, Jacob II. Cohen.

Johu M. Roilley, Robert Matthias, .1. II. Krcabel, William McLaughlin. M.

J. Hanuan, William Hutt, Henry Kick, Jamia Given, Charlos Pouch, Past Orand Matter White, ot tho Clinton Commandory; David Iiicharson, Mr. Prlngle, James Griniicll, John Martin, .7. Jarvis, Samuel Ayers, Georgo W. Walters, A.

Brady, H. A. Hopper, T. Tlnaley, Mr. Bell, John W.

Simons, C. Davis, 8. Henderson, Owen Lewis, Georgo N. Magouk, H. J.

Walters, W. E. Gregory, J. H. Dikomau, Rouben Reilly, It.

Fletcher, A. W. Peters, James Salt, J. 8. 1'alno, Peter Brown, W.

J. Pier3on, W. J. Mitchell, H. Temple, W.

Hatty, B. F. Adams, L. B. Strait, J.

W. Kir by, F. Mor C. V. Marratt.

E.l. Payuo, M. D. Moxley, T. Mcllrulo, M.

S. Brown, William Mayne, J. Wilkinson, James Gustily. J. Carrougher.

Johnlieardon, W. I. Brackett, Henry J. Smith, William H. McComb, Joseph liviwrausou, John Kershaw, P.

F. Lonhart, William V. Bibcock, Albert Storlngham, K. D. Popper, C.

F. Uoatty, A. W. Sha lbolt, Josoph Patterson. Charl Kea, of'.ha Lodge, Jersey City; John W.

Samuela, Past Grand Master. State of New York John Miller, Past Master of Long Island David Smith, Gilbert Stevejuu. Gilbert Shilltea, John Leavy, of Na isan Chapter; William Kent, Thomas Shannon, A. D. Brady and family, Charles Roiteux, of D.

Mnloy immandi ry, of Pennsylvania John F. Learey, of LJjgo; Hmry lUrklumo, Robert Bell, James Swift, Daniel Hayea, William J. Boyd, J. A. Drlvor, Jama Kearuoy.

Henry Mealoy, Michael Hannou, Dr. Chase, TU Vauglun, Henry Shorter, Frederick Henuoj wy, D. P. Davison, Thomas Waters, Alfrad Boucher, Jam is C. McShorry, George Wilson, William H.

Riley, Henry Glllord aud family, Host, of Fortuua ilyo; Claroucj Miller, ward Coburn, Howard Crjsb, Georgo Guorgii Van Mater, Jams) Flwuujiog. Mr. A. Baldwin aud wife, K. J.

Thomas, Edward Dorlau, T. L'rls, Daniel Lynch, llen. Ferguson, II ij. 1 Ho a Jar son, Jomas Austin, Thomas Flynn, William 11 id. Thomas Batlersby, John Roach, Arthur Cunningham, Fred.

Simpson and many others. Tho following is a list of tho committees and the names of tho officers of tho Associate Board of Trustees John M. Reilly, Preldont Robert Black, Treasurer Win. II. Mi Combs.

Secretary. Executive Committee Samuel Ayers, Chairman Robert Black, Treasurer George W. Secretary Ira L. Brackett, Henry I. Smith.

Floor Managers H. G. Walters, A. W. Peters, W.

G. Plerson, W. E. Gregory, James Salt, J. II.

Cohen. J. II. E. Smith, W.

J. Mitchell, Ruobsn Reilly, s. paiue, H. Pcmple, R. Fletcher, Potor Brown, Beatty.

Pollco Committee lohn T. l'rls, B. F. Adams, O. P.

Marratt, Win. Maine, L. B. Strait, Kd. Payne.

Jamas Cassldy, 3. M. D. Moxley, .1. Wllkeraon, W.

Klrby, T. McBride, J. Carrougher, F. Marsehalk, M. S.

Brown, John Reardon. UXITED BRKTHUEJi. Cclcbratinar tho Twciitir thlrii Anniversary ol the OrjrnnlKatlon of their Utnoflt Soclcl A Very Pleasant Picnic in Manhattan Park. The twenty third anniversary of tho orgnni xatlon of the Unltod Brethren Donefit 8ociety was fittingly signalized at Manhattan l'ark last evening. The celebration took the shape of a picnic and Hummer's nlRht festival, and the Park La not oftou been the sceno of moro unqualified merriment than It was yesterday.

Very early in tho afternoon tho pleasure Beckers' began to make their appearance, and beforu seven o'clock the United Brethren uil their friends had ar i MinWs ibotthedancini! platform proved to bo of very inadequate proportions for their accona i modntion. The weather waaany thing but r.f a charse tr. inihice sustninxl aeility. but it had marvelously small ffect iipun this particular party. Dancing commenced in tho afternoon atsl was kept up with unremitting fervor until night was already fa advanced.

There wri no disorder or confusion, the plc nilrom opening to close being as orderly andigood humored an aff as over took place In Matoottan 1 at fc Tho prori name Interpreted by Mr. and io Industrious waa a very Imposing document, but he gA through braroly ana grcr Uy to blB credit. It paia the usual trlbuto to thosi of tho brethren wLO) havo Cit good fortune to high In official position and high in th CBtlma tlpn of th'e society. To the lYcsideuiy a dance waa eEpccutlly dedlcotod, and he bore has blushing honor wlthrpresldentlal dlgulty. The fleer maung.

au indivi'inal Invested with despotic po ctra upon the and the aasistant wore Iri rcc.ijit of similar coinulltx nb. It may he said of tho mansser, Mr. Harry Enton, Aat Ho proved himself to bo andeniai ly the right nsan in tho ritit plce. Rr ndcrjJ formidable by the gcKl Btar and tatselfl that hft wore he Irs.itd his orders ith tbe suavity of a dlplfimit, and yet with tho firmness of a niavbal. The eiulwrs of the other coin mltcs pe: orra.ii their duties wpja perseverance and BUess.

I wat tio Binecure to umisoth the way for com fcrtable danctsg where even pcdjstrianisni wsf slnit tn lmpossiblthy, but the esercis of patience and Jud meut brought about the, delirf result and no cttu nlalnts wei heard. Tha ccmu whose appclnttnt was on lvnirvv tliutlfled Uv thi laltorS WCIe Floor Har.y Ecion, white badgo star and taMtla. Assistant Floor Manage BarneU II. Cohot white badgo gold slar and Bilvc tassels, Flror Committeo, Wliite Badges Samuel Sclpmon, A. PhUlIp I cvj, Jollas (iambcrts, Grttrgo Pavls, Abrahams.

Reception Commitoo DavU Cohen, Chairman D. H. Julian, IL Mlchsnla, Morrks Ivy, Bunamln Uart, Joahua Myers, A. aarnett. Raron Iwtocs, Isaac Levy, A Isaacs, D.

Abrahams, Henry Davis, M. Morris, B. ains. Jewel Phlllipa. Abraham Jac Clialrjian; fjewis Lory, Treasurer; Samuel SyminB, Secretary.

Among those pruscut wro, John Soa'cy, Francis Klosr, Jacoluon, Frank Gray. Hery Welsh, W. Burnett, John Burns, Horry Bennett, Thomas QUI, XU Stone, Michael Casoy, A. 3. MiohaclB.

Rev. Ii, M. MyN. Ajwaablymaa Sbanley ondlF. Wilson.

A roooption will be giyon by tho Oolambia Ploasnro Club at Joseph's Home, Eighth, street, between Third Mid Fourth avenues. Julrff. I.

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