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The Brooklyn Daily Eagle from Brooklyn, New York • Page 3

The Brooklyn Daily Eagle from Brooklyn, New York • Page 3

Brooklyn, New York
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

Salts. tl or or Sal. POSTSCRIPT. Beard of Supervisors. Thcrsday.

July 13, 1754. SUPREME COURT. Elizabeth C. DeLancey and A DeLancey 8lil Henry J. David E.F.

DELANCEv.PlalnUfla Attorney. In pnrsuance of a Judgment order of this Court, made In tbe above entitled action, bearing date the lsth day or June, 1854, I will sell by Public Auction, at Montague ttall. Court Btreet, opposite the City Hull, in tho city ol Brooklyn, on tbe 13th day of July, 1854. at twelve o'clock, noon, of that day, the following described land and prem All that certain lot of land, with the buildings and im provements thereon.iituale, lying and being in the Tenth, late Sixth Ward of the city ol Brooklyn, Counly of Kings and State of New York Beginning at a point on the northerly line of Pacific street, distant sixty feet east of the intersection of the said northerly line of Pacific street with the easterly line of Nevica street and running thence northerly and parallel with Nevins street eighty feet; thence easterly and parallel withPacificslreettwentyfeet; thence southerly and parallel wilh Wevlns street eighty feet, to the aforesaid noriberly line of Pacific atreel: and thence westerly along said rortherly line of Pacigc street twenty feet, to the place at beginning. Being twenty feet In width, In frontand rear.andeighty leetio depth on each side, and which said lot comprises five feet in width off, or the west erlyside of lot 3u4, and fifteen feet in width off, of the easterly side of lot 308, as the said two lots are laid down on Hoy and Nevins' Map on file in the Office of the Register of the County o.

Kings, and eighty feet in depth off of the said lots northerly from the front line of said lots, which Is fhe aforesaid northerly line of Paclficstreet. Dated Brooklyn, June 19. 1854. The Excise Commiesionees. The trial of Isaac H.

Crampton, one of the Commissioners of Excise of this city, was commenced before the Court of Sessions yesterday. The charge upon which the defendant, with othcrB of the Board, stands indicted, is, that he granted licenses contrary to the requirements of the statutes. The prosecution examined Peter R. Hegeman, Jas. Db Revere, Aaron L.

West, and Geo. N. Patchen, who testified the Bame state of facts as adduoed on the previous trial. This morning Wm. Gubbins waB arraigned to answer the cause of non attendance yesterday as a witness.

He stated in extenuation that he was not notified uptil 10 minutes to 12 o'clock and that the summons required him to be present at 10 o'clock same day. He continued by stating that he had prepared himself to go on aome errand at that time, which he could not conveniently avoid, and consequently did not John K. Oaklet, Auctioneer BY OAKLEY WEIGHT. MECHANICS' KXCHASG: Uo.MS Fulton ttrctt.tormotitc Citv Hall. I Kroi.ilt...

Will give their personal attention to tbe Sale Resl Eitaie at Auction, at the Mercbanu's Exchange, New York, at their capacious Bale Room, or In any section of LenKlslan'1 aiso 10 tne saie 01 romiiure, ury uooos, urocenes, Merchandise, etc. at private residences, or at tbelr Salei Koom. neai estate or every aescnption st rr vatenaie. Oonrls received on Storape nnrl rier consteTinipnt. JAMEB CULM, AUCDOliucr.

sr jamzs cols u. son, Office. 43 Fulton ttreet. comer of Frontatreet. Brooklyn Jamxs Coli Bon, will give their personal altenUon 10 sales or rionsenoia arnini re, anaoutaoor sales generally; slsojo salaiofKealEsUie.S locks.

itcailha jicbanra.Nsw work Central Sales Room, Oarntr of WMoughbg, and Ptarl tlrctu, near the Cityi Hall arooKiyn. Joseph Hegeman Auctioneer. J. H. CTSteral for tha liberal natronasre which he baa re celved during the past thirteen years, respectfully Informs mose interested tbat ne is now preparea to receive con slramentu of all klnrfa nf MERCHANDISE FURNITURE DRT GOODS, HARDWARE, FANCY GOODS, BOOKS, lie.

ice. to be sold at Auction or Private Sale. In his new aud Splendid Sales Rooms. Liberal advancea when re quired. Personal attendance will he given as usual to sales ui furniture ac rnvaienouses.

At Private Sale. The Two Story, Attic and aaemer.l Frame House No. 10 Hoyt near Fulton contains lORooms, Marble Mantels and Grates, with Gas and Water. Enouire on the promises, or 01 jeiri tr junurti juauumAM. Ancunnenr.

Jones Luvihon. real estate broker M.S4e the City Hall). Brooklyn. The snhsciibera would resnectrallvlnrormthelrfrlnnflsarirJ the nnbllc that thev will eive their nersnnal Rttnnrinn to ths sale and purchase of Real Estate. Particular attention paid to the Lettlne of Honses.

Alsr. the Collection of Rents. Agents roi Firs Insokakcb. Also agents for Sputt's Patent Lightning Rods; juhh jouiis, ALEXANDER BAVTBOH Money loaned on Bond and Mortgage. A nrmher of Houses and Stores to Let.

M. N. Croft, Auctioneer. ATo. 19 Court atreet, Marble Building.

Brooklyn. N. Croft rainflrLTriltalrrnrniith. ltlznns 01 Krook lyn and vicinity, that he will give his personal attention in the sale of Real Estate, Stocks, Household and Kitchen Furniture. Also Hardware, Paimings.

Dry Goods, Groceries, Segars, Liquors, either at his salesrooms, tbe resi dence 01 lamuies' or out doors. Houses also for sa and to let, and property exchanged on the most accommodating terms. Salesrooms No. 19 Conrt street, Marble Bnlldings. e30 try Dentistry, DENTISTRY N.

B. GRIFFIN, Den tlst, would return his aeknowledsrements for the very liberal patronage ext ndedtoblm the past year, and wouia respectiuiij give notice to ais patrons ana toe puouc that be has tusnuvisu lrom no. lis to No Z84 trulton nearly opposite Johnson where he will continue to give his personal attention to every branch of Sumical and Mechanical Dentistry, and will warrant every operation to be performed in the most careful and satisfactory manner, and at the very lowest cash prices. He would also call attention to his block and Gum Teeth, which he flatters himself. are superior to any now in use.

All persons requiriug Dental Operations will find It to their advantage to give him a call. He willlnsertbeautifullncorrupttble teeth on the best Gold plate lor to 4 On Silver plate for I lo2 OnPi.vot 76 to 01 Full Upper Sets on Silver $15 00 Cavities filled with Gold Soto 61 Cement 50 Tin Foil 60 Cleaning Teeth 60 to il Tootb acnecured 50 Extracting 25 All worx warranteu as represented, laid am DENTISTRY. C. A. MARVIN, Surgeon Dentist, (successor to Dr.

S. 8klnner). thankful for the verv liberal encouragement received during the Dasi year, would offer his services to ths public with Increased confidence, for the year now opening. Close attention 10 every branch ol the profession has enabled him to discover and obviate many difficulties in the way of every, ecially In fitting plates to sustained solely by Atmospheric Patssuax. His success in this department begets confidence, and warrants him in saying, that "every mouth can be fitted." All operatlona on natural teeth, Extracting, Filling, Cleaning and Regulating performed with the ntrso.i care.

Specimens o' work can be seen at the office No. 76 Montague Place, corner of Henry Brooklyn. RErEKBlfCE'S. Rev. Dr.


B. BAYLIS, Esq. XF I tally recommend my successor Mr. C. A.MARVIN, as a competent and trustworthy Dentist.


13 JOHN 8TM.EET. N. Importers and Dealers in FINE WATCHES, JEWELRY, of all klnoa. and of the latest patterns. Also Oin mondsln Rings, Ware, kc, all or wnlchwlll be warranted.

SThe best workmen only employed in repairs. JeS3 ly EEMOVAL. The subscriber has Removed his business from No. 100 to 118 FULTON, opposite Sands street, where he intends to keep a m( re full and complete assortmentof ready madeClothing for ens' and Buys wear, than can be found in any other store iu Brooklyn; Also, Cloth, Casslmeres and Vestinga in very variety of style, which will be made to order, according to thetasteul the customer, on the most reasonable tern's. Also, Furnishing Goods, Shirts, Collars, Cravats, etc, S.POWELL, mh2 118 Fulton opposite Sands.

S. REMOVAL. Tbe HULLS' TRUSS OFFICE has been removed to the Private Dwelling, No. 66 WHITE six doors west of Broadway. The Parlors are neatly fined up for the reception of Ladies and Gentle men, ana are pmcDu unuor iuo cnargo 01 competent male and female attendants.

Butler's Patent Truss snd Supporter Pads applied for tbe cure of Hernia and Prolapsus Uteri. Butler's improved Spinal. Urahilicul, Abdominal and Shoulder Braces made to suit case Suspensories, Lace Stockings, fcc, on hand and made to order, HULLS' TRUSS OFFICE, No. 6SWhlte st. my6 3m MeD FRED'K M.

BUTLER. Prop rletor. Bouts, Sac. BOOTS, SHOES, GAITERS, at 166 and 168 Fulton street, Brooklyn, between cranberry ana uranse streets. Messrs.

SMITH at POLH AMIUS at their mammoth store would call the attention ol their friends and tbe public to their large and extensive stock of Boots and Shoes, comprising every variety of style, kind and quality, which ihey offer at very reasonable prices. Our line gouda lor both Ladles and Gentlemen are manufactured under our own supervision, and from our many years experience can safely guarantee good fits aud perfect satisfaction. N. B. Particular attention given eenre work ol every kind and repairing ueatlyd m6 3m BOOT SHOE EMPORIUM, Wd MYRTLE AVENUE, BETWEEN ADAMS AND PEARL STREETS.

The subscriber would resnectiullv Inform his friends and the public, that he baa opeiied the above store, for the sale ot Boots snd bhoes. The slock comprises a well selected assortment of LADIES', GENTLEMEN'S and CHILDREN'S wear, all at the lowest possible cash price. Every description or work made to order, at the shortest notice, and of tne very best material. J. O.

MAHON 2i Myrtle myl 13m Between Adams and Pearl sis. BOARD OF HEALTH OFFICE Brooklyn, June 13th, 1854. Whereat, It Is rumored, that the Cholera exists in our city. Now, therefore, In order to allay undue excitement Physicians are requested 10 report fonnllh every case and locality to this office, so that our fellow citizens may have full and satisfactory information on the sublect. To exn: bit the duties ol the profession, we subjoin the 1 Every person practicing Physic In said City, who shall have a patient sick of any malignant, lufeclious or contagious disease, shall make and nle a written certificate thereol, staling the nsmeand residence of said patient in the office of he Board of Health.

And every person who apsl violate, neglect, or refuse to comply with the above provision, sball be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and on conviction shall be punished by a line not exceeding Twt Hundred and Fifty Dollars, or Imprisonment notexceeding six months, or both. By order of the Board of Health. ED WARD A. LAMBERT, President. Joseph Heeman, Clerk.

Jbw tf TVT UTiUti. lu tne maner ot tbe appliuuiiuii ol Xl the Mayor and Common Council of the City of Brook, lyn, in relation to opening Degraw street, from Hoyt to Bond st in the city of Brooklyn To all whom it may concern We, the undersigned Commissioners of Tstlmate and Assessment on the above matter do hereby givenoticelhat wo have completed our report in the above matter, ana lhat the said report and ap are filed in the Office 01 the Clerk of the County of Kings for examination by all persons interested, and that we will meet a tbe office or the Counsel to the Corporation of the Cits of Brooklyn, at the City Hall, on FttlDAY, tbe lb day of July, at i o'clock In the afternoon, to view our said report Dated Brooklyn, Juiv 1st, 1851. GE'JllQE HALL, CUAKLES KELSEY, Commissi'rs. jy3 lot CASPER URBAN, i MRS. HAYES' SYRUP.

FOR DYSENTERY aud BOWEL COMPLAINTS, warranted to cure in leas than tweniy four honrs. If uaed according to directions. It has stood the test of 35 years, and baa never been known to fall, even when tbe most eminent physicians had pronounced the patient beyoud the reach of medicine. Over 2,000 sattafactoryrefereuces aud ficates can be produced, sufficient to prove its superiority over all other preparaiUns for these complaints. The Syrup can be given 10 a child aweea old with per.

fectsafey it Is plessant to the taate and harmless lulu composition, it lng free 'rom opium, alcohol, Prepared aud sold by Mrs. M. HAYES, 175 Fulton streri, Brooklyn'; snd an be had or THOMAS J. HAYEd, U6 Atlantic street, Brooklyn. The following are agents In New York Wholesale and retail by F.

C. Wells at 23? Eighth avenue, and retail by Ring, corner of Broadway nod John street; T. Greeo, corner of Broadway aud Walker street E. M. Gulon, comer of Bowery and Grand atreot; J.

U. No well, 24 Grand street, Williamsburgh. Price 50 cents per bottle. Je26 Sm CD FOR SALEHid75KTYin 3i0 Lois on Smiih, Hoyt. Degraw.

Sackett and Union streets, and birien. Carroll and Belchecs Pisces. isf lois on Ninth, Tenih. Eleventh. Twelfth, Thlneentn and Fourteenth streets, Third and Fourth avenues.

91ots on Flltj fourth, Kilty.finb and Hftv sixth sts 673 lois on Eleventh avecue, and on First, Second. Third Fourth, Fifth. Sixth. ihib and Ninih sis' 307 lots on Bedford, Lee, Marcy and Harrison avs and on Penn, Rutledge, Heyward, Lynch, lilddleton and Gwinnett sts. 140 lots on New York and Brooklyn and on Union President, Crown, Carroll and Montgomery sts 806 lots cn the Canal.

First and Second andon Sixth Seventh, Eighth and Ninth stp. 4 lots corner Fourth av and Pacific St. 2 lots 1 orner of Atlantic ar.0 Powers st. 185 acres tear Fort Hamilton. L.I.

at 7 per'cent on mortgagtffor 5 years Parlies who desire to purchase, can apply to A. L. VAN DEHBILT, Surveyor. J.V7 tf j.w. riuui street, Drooaiyn, L.l.

Insurance Co. BaJIdlcg. rrvBU1LDEES AND OTHERS. For Sale 1.iinAe,tp'.!9,ol,ODF!lllon avenue, Oxford and Cnra berland strefts, upoD an elevaied grade ano so laid out as m1? from, and corners in lie Sf d' a mlon replete with ton veuience. Terms ofpayment to suit purchasers.

Enqnireo GRAVES, No. 9 Court myMSawtf from 9 to 11 nnwi a rpo LtiT A a welling bouse next to the cor ner of Wllloughby av.and Hanford st wtth two lots In garden, with fine fruit, has been recently put in uood order, and will he let on reasonable terms to a respectable BURDEN, 456 Grand WllHamsbargh. let CuPlaCottage and 41ots in garden, on Grand Willlsmsbnrgh. mvjOt jOli SALE. Four lots Of ernnnri nn nnrr.h X.

side of Third Place, 100 feet west of Conrt st; numbered on map made by Silas Lud lam In a division of nro oorty of Herksfc Smith, as No.16, 17, la and 19. Seventy. 6ve per cent, of amount may remain on bond and morteaee Forfttrtherpariicularsapplyto STEPHEN SUTTON, 181 Fulton On Ind floor, rooms No. sand f. Brooklyn, May lSth.1864.

myl6 FOR SALE. For sale 7 valuable Buildini. Lots In tbe vicinltvofAtlsntli Ruiri taslerly corner ol Van Brum mnri Psnttinn m. tn undoubtedly the most valuable corner tor business pnmos In thlsrapldly improvingipeighborbood. It is 100 feel front Van Brunt street, and 116 feeton Pitrtlilnn tma, re regulated and paved.

Enquire of ci. r. smith. 67 rultonstreei, Brooklyn. Decemhnr27.

1SS1 d27 If pLINTOJN AVENUE LOTS FOR SALK Four very handsome, between Fuiiun and Gates sve mes. Also eight between Myrtle and Park. Apply tc Bsgefc Fulton street. Brooklyn. 1a25 TO LET In the Brooklyn Institute 2 or a Rooms suitable for Offices, or for meeting of Socletle either casual or permanent.

For particulars enquire bi tb 'naiitute, Washington near Concord. prousiyn. pep. lain, IM04. fel4 TO LET OR FOR SALE.

Two New Cot taec, each con lain In? ten morim. in Qtha 5th avenue, Brooklyn, lth taroen olibreelotseach. Omnibuses run throuzb the avenue. Apply to T. H.

RODMAN 37 Wall at New York. bdS6 TO LEX POSSESSION IMMEDIATELY. The Octagon Brown Stone Front House on the south side of Union street, third house eat from Clinton street Three stories, with all Ihe modern Improvements andecn lean corner of Clin loo and lOR SALE. Tbe Fixtures and Utensils of mj the Metronolitan Saloon for sale on im Vn. quire on the premises of GEO.

W. MUM BY, jei ti No. 59 Fjlton sL VACANT LOTS TO LEASE. For ten or twentv VHRn in vnrlnnit nnrti F.bmi nnH Bnnih Rn b. lyn and Williamabumh.

bv Caarles R. Lvnde. No. 9 r.rnn street Brooklyn. jyi sm L'OK SALE Two Marble Fiout Huusee on tbe southerly side of First Place, corner of fmitb.

Lots 183 feet deeD.SS feet 1 oun ard. vtiih ml rK improvements, will be sold low and terms easy. Apo, to 4 8. ENGLE. Je6 tf No.

38 Burling Slip. New York. 13oarbing. DOARD IN BROOKLYN. A gentleman and nts wne.

or two smeie eeni'umen 1 can be iHomna. ted with pleasant rooms witn mil partial board in a prl. vate family, by inquirlngai No.94 Dean st myil if LADY and Gentleman, or two single gentlemen can be accommodated in a private familv with pleasant rooms, with or without board, by applving at this office, or 18 East Baltic st. South Brooklyn. e2I lw THE BOSTON REMEDY.

REDDING'S RUSSIA SALVE Price 25 Cents a Box This Is a Russian preparation, of great efficacy and power tne recipe of which was brougbtlo this country by aRussian sol dier. AQisgooa uititwem is one ot me uest ana surest remedies for Burns, Scalas, Felons, Flesh Wounds, Old Sores, Piles, Chapped Hands, Chilblains, Frost bitten parts of the body, Cotls, end sores of every kind. For thirty years inls salve lias ueeu sola 111 boston, and It Is well known to be an excellent Family Remedy. Itlsprompt in action. remi'Vin? nain.

and at 01 ce reduces the most snvrv loosing Swellings and Inflammations, giving Immediate ro ll er, ana prooucing in a suun tuxio a cuiupietecure. Bedding's Russia Salve is a prompt and sale cure for Whitlows. Ulcers. Warts. Sties, Sure Lips.

Festers. Ring worm, umouo, uuiv cjn, ihi, oliiu aCEUj net tle Hash. Salt Rheum, Ingrowing Nails, Flea Bites, Spider Slings, Shingles Eruplions, Frozen Limbs, Mosquito Bites, Sore Ears. Bruises. Bolls, 6tc.

In no case will the application of Redding's Russia Salve Interfere with the remedies administered by a regular physician. Put up in neat metal boxes, with an engraved wrapper, duly copyrighted, wlthoutwbich none are genuine. Price 25 centsabox medium size boxes, 61) very large boxes, ft family use. Si. For by Mrs.

HAYEd, 175 Fulton sU, Thos. Hayes, 146 Atlantic Brooklyn. Wholtsale Agents A. B. If D.

SANDS, New York. RED INGS it Boston. my 2 (1 6m sitm" 1 bkuoklin sale stable. Nos jJST 9 and 11 bO kT STREET. The pioprletors hav 1 fing just couipli led tbeir new 8 tabie, are now prepared to receive horses forcaleon as their arrangements are aucb, as to enable tbem to compete with anv stable on Long Island.

We have on hand 1 pair of well matched Black Horses, 6 years old, excellent road noises, sound and kind. 1 nair ot Brown Horses, 8 and 6 years old, sound and kind. I pair of BayHoises7ond8 years old, that can trot getner in 3 minutes aLd 10 seconds. 1 pslr of Bay Pacing Ponies that are fast. 1 pair of Brown Trolling Ponies, that can trot together In 3 minutes.

1 pair 01 Brown Indian Ponies, about 13 hands high. 15 single horses of different colors, some are faaland'ome low priced horses, also several file saddle horses, all 01 whlcb we will sell on a warrantee, and at as low prices at. any in tbe market. We cbeenully invite all in want or good horses to give us a call, and we will satisfy them that our motto is Truth" In all cases. SEDGWICK it HALCOTT.

JelS 3m PUBLIC NOTICE BOARD OF HEALTH. Office of the Board or Health, Brooklyn, June SUlh, ISM. Resolved, That tha resolution of this Board of the (3th prohibiting the keeping of swine in certain wards of this city being extended to the whole of the 81b anx 9th wards, se as to include the etitire city, and that no swine shall be kept or permitted to be in any part of the 8th and 9th wards, heretofore excepted, on ana aferthe 3d of July, loand inclUwiug the 1st day of October next. Resolved, That th President of the Board of Health be, and is bereby required to publlsb tbe foregoing resolution in such manner us he may deem nroper; together with a notice, that any lniractlon of the foregoing resolution will be punished as amisdemeanor in a penalty of Twu Hundred and Filly Dollars, and to imprisonment lor a term of six mouths and that tbe several officers employed by the board will promptly arrest and prosecute to conviction all violations of the foregoing resolution. By order of the.

Board of Health, EDWAttD a. LAMBERT, President JOSEPH HEGEMAN, Clerk. Jeao if BANK. CHECKS lu neat binding, 284 qr. Books; fine lithograph.

Long Island Sank Atlantic Bank. Bank ol Brooklyn. City Bans Mehcanlcs' Bank. Centrul Bank. Just received and for sale by GEURGE LITTLE, 51 Fulton street.

jyl2 tf Successor to Wilder it Babcock. MADAME NAPOLEON continues to receive Young Ladies at ber FRENCH AND ENGLISH INSTITUTION, No. 56 West Baltic street, 0eieeu Clinton and Henry streets, south Brooklyn. Paretitsdesiroas of placing young ladies or children lu a healthy, pleasant and airy location, to board and educate during ih' summer, would find suitable sccommoaallous and all comfort si ti above ptace. French is the language of the establishment.

Mme. N. 's views will be fully communicated on a personal application. Circulars at tbe Institution, my 10 3meod GENTLEMEN'S SUMMER HATS. The Subscriber would Inform his friends snd custom ura ihAI Km im nnw msilv tn furnish the LATEST SPRING FASHION OF HATS, equal, ir tot superior, in point of elegance, durability and economy, to any other ea tabllshmentin ihiscity.

Those who are in the bablt of going to New York or elsewhere for their Hats are invited to examine bis stock before 2urcbasmg. JAMEc W. PECK. spl2 6m Corner Henry and Fulton strewn MR. E.

ARENTS, takes this method ot informing his friends and the public generally, that be has taken House No. 133 ADAMS adjoining Gothic Hall, and has furnished it in a most elegantsiyle, for a first class Hotel, here he Is prepared to furnish Military, Civic and other respectable Societies, with Dinners Collations, kc. For further partlculara apply at the subscriber, No. 153 Adams street. jois oin NEW LIVERY SALE AND EX.

CHANGE STABLE Nos. 9 and 11 HOYT ST. riVors 110m uiton r.e. nmeu un Livery bv the day week ormonih, at as liberal prices as any in tbe city. Horses bought and sold on commission, and a few choice ones always reservedrgfoi customers on blre.

Car riage, taken on atoraee. jol9 if SEDGWICK it HALCOTT. Proprietors. A FINE LOT OF G1MIS, BUTTONS, Cards. Tasels, Fringes, itc, manufactured at their own establishment, can always be found at J.

LOCKJSTT, SON it Manufacturers of Ladles' Dress Trimmings, No. 51 Fulton opposite Clinton it. JalS raoi.b oFiacis, 2 o'clock, p. w. Sekgrapl) tu ilje IDaUg (Eagle.

Reported by Abbott Winans, Hanottr N. Y. llot and Lobs of JAfe. Baltimore, July 14, 1854. An Irish riot occurred a day or two Binoe on the railroad, near Fredericksburg, in wbich a man named Joseph Ashton was killed.

Several arrests were made. Death of Cape. Barrow by Cholera. Norfolk, July 13, 1854. Capt.

Barrow, of the sloop Record, of New Bedford, died of cholera in Hampton roads. The deceased has a brother residing in New York. When the vessel waB brought to this port the only persons on board of her were two boys. Fire at Wilmington A Salate. Wilmington, N.

July 14, 1854. The sash factory of Mr. Ivey, in this place, was entirely destroyed by Are on Wednesday. A number of cannon were fired here on receipt of intelligence of the passage ol the bill making au appropriation for deepening the harbor. Failure of the Southern Mall.

Baltimore, July 14, 1854. We have no mail this morning beyond Augusta, Ga. Stocks. New Yobk, July Stocks are lower, 8,000 E. Convertible of 1871, 87 1:2 3,00 N.

Y. Central Bonds 85 1:4 3,800 Illinois Central 81 1:2 1,700 Nicaragua 21 3:4 200 Canton 23 1.500 Cumberland 33 5:8 300 N. Y. Central 96 3:4 3,000 Erie 55 5:8 2,500 Reading 68 1:4 200 Michigan Central 90 400 Cleveland Toledo 77 1:2 20 Michigan Southern 75 5 Ciydtal Palhce 5. Money; market is abundantly supplied and rates are a shade lower.

Sterling dull, 8 3:4 a 9 1:2. Markets' lNew Ycrk, July 14. Ashes Firm. Cotton Demand good, at prices in favor of the seller. Flour Tbe flour market is firm.

Sales 6,000 bbls. at $5 50aS6 75 for State and $6 87 1:2 to $7 for straight and fancy and $6 T5 to $7 75 for mixed to fancy Western. Southern flour $8 Grain The Wheat market is quiet. Rye firm at $1 18. The Corn market is nrmer saleB of 28,000 bush Western mixed at 63a69.

Oats steady, at 50a55. Provisions Firm. Whiskey Sales 100 bbls Ohio, at 28c. SECOND EDITION. form o'cLOck, p.

m. 33d Congress 1st Session. Washington, July 14. Senate Sen. Seward New York, presented a memorial from the Industrial Convention in favor of the passage of the Homested bill.

Senotor Pearce of Maryland, offered a ioint resolution lor the distribution of the workB of Tnomas Jefferson now In course of publication by order of Congress. Tbe resolution was adopted. Sundry private bills were taken up, considered and passed. The resolution introduced yesterday to meet at xi ii. was adopted.

The qill from the House allowine the exnenH. es for Post Offices in California, Washington and Oregon Territories was amended and passed. Tbe bill granting lands in aid of Railroads in Missouri and lrom JNeiv Orleans, La. to Mobile, was taken up and passed. Senator Chase, of Ohio, introduced a bill to prohibit slavery in the territories of the United States.

He Eaid the language of the bill was precisely that of tbe Jefferson ordinance of 1787, and the MisEOuri prohibition; he asked no action upon the bill beiore the next session, but desired to re unite that prohibition. The consideration of the Homestead bill was then resumed. Senator Jones, of Tennessee desired to move to lay Chase's bill on the table. He wanted a vote immediately, and wanted to know how many Senators would sustain tbe bill. The chair eaid the Homestead bill was already up.

Senator Seward eaid he would vote in favor of Chase's bill. House Mr. Cumming, of N. introduced a bill authorising the Post Master General to enter inton contracts for the transportation of tne mans Between BrooKiyn, Jb. ana tne various parts of Europe.

The private bills passed by the Senate, and which were lying on the table, were taken np and referred. Mr. Mace, of Indiana, from the select Committee, reported, giving a history of the establishment of the various lines, but recommending no action thereon. Reports of a private character were received from Committees. The House then went into Committee on the private calender.

The Colt case is the first on the list. From lb. National Capitol. Washington, July 14. Several appointments of Postmasters in the Interior of New York were sent into the Senate yesterday.

A number of changes have also been determined upon. It is reliably stated that the committee on foreign relations in the Senate are unanimously in favor of confirming the Fishery Treaty. The examination of Mr. Clingman before the Colt Invesiigating Committee, has been concluded. Mr.

Colt arrived in Washington this morning. Fire in Connecticut. Times' Office, Hartford, July 14. The factory of Rovce Wilcox, situated in Berlin, 9 miles from tnis city, was entirely des troyed Dy lire tms morning nothing was saved. The premises wera insured in this city lor $12,000, which will not cover the loss.

Messrs. R. W. were eneraeed in the manu facture of tinner's tools and Hardware articles. OAS VJT CORNELIUS it or PHIT.snKT.PHIA h.

undersigned, havlngentered into an arrangement with Messrs. Corneilus it of Philadelphia, Is now prepared to exhibit it his new Show Rooms, a general assortment of the newest sod most beautiful styles or Gas Chandallers. Mantel Llebls, RrnnkAtft un.l .11 ihu klnH. i i 1 MiUUB UI IIUU UIG S1U1" 8 lest store burner to the finest Parlor Chandelier of SllTered. rmolu.

Damask, Bronzed, and Sold Gilt. He has axompany of experienced Qaa fitters now engaged In Introducing the pipes into buildings. Ail orders for dwellings, stores and public buildings, will receive prompt attention, and the work will be warranted perfect. The seen every evening at the store, or will call upon applicants to give such information as may ud (otjuirca. Tbe superior workmanship, and perlect manner of doln this most difficult business, has secured to Messrs Cornelia fc reputation unsurpassed in this country or Europe.

uAviu roKOD nroosuyn. AS FITTING IN ALL ITS BRaNCHES. VT David Coors. Office. 91 Vnlton street.

Isnon gTasTTOM, Workshops, 76 Poplarstreet, Brooklyn. nrery una ana style 01 us fixtures, maae to order, by lu" CORNEMU8 it go PERUVIAN GUANO OF THE BEST Qualttv now landing, and tor sale in lotsto suit nt th lowest market price, by MARSTON it POWER, Coal Depot at Haxtun Wharf, between Vnlton and Cath arlce Ferries, Brooklyn; or 95 Beaver sL. two aoors from Wallstrwii. N.v. BRUSHES.COMBS 4c, fcc.

JNO. BONCE'S, Fulton, cor.Henry. If A regular meeting of this Board waa held at the county jail this afternoon. Aid. Braiaard, FreBident 01 the Board, presided.

There were present the following members: MesBrB. An drews, Wall, Schoonmaker, Ralphs, J. A. Wycfr off, Bergen, Booth, iPeter Whyctoff, Eemsen, Kalbfleisch, White, Be.nnet, Dayton, Holt, Oli ver. The minutes were read and approved.

Sup. Booth presented, a communication from Dr. Wade, the County Hospital physician, which states that in view of the increased demand on his services, he deems an increase of salary necessary. He names the sum of $500 per annum, and asks that the price for medicines be made a distinct' item of expense: to com. on salaries.

Sop. Bergen presented a communication from Superintendents of the Poor, stating that the expenses on penitentiary account exceeeded the amount ot the appropriation some $6,000. Mr. Bergen moved that the treasurer be directed to place the above amount to their credit. Snp.

Kalbfleisch moved that the Sheriff be allowed the same pay for board of date ol July 1st, 1854, as previously. Sup. Wyckoff suggested that no specified period be designated, which he put into a' motion: accepted as amended. Bills ordered to be Paid. M.

Nevin, $12 61; Husted Cacll, $80 19; do. $55 44; James Hanford, $154 87 12; John Friend, $16 25; James Eagan, $10; do. S4; G. W. A.

Everett, $70; G. H. Day, S12; B. Wyckoff, $33 75; J. Stilwell, $28 75; C.

Felt, $11 25; do. $16 25; S. Clayton, $19; John Friend, $11 25; Timotny Boerum, report against payment of bill; P. McOormick, $11 25; Francis MoCormicK, $27 50; R. Bradley, M.

Deman, $12 61; M. McKenna, $39; Adrian Hegeman, $400; H. E. Ripley, $250; J. C.

Rhodes, $250. Mr. Bergen moved that $4000 be paid to the Sheriff on account ot bill. Adopted. Sup.

Dayton read a communication from Assistant Keepers of Penitentiary, asking for an increase ot salary from $1 50 to $1 75; and moved that that the prayer of Petitioners be granted to take effect from the 1st July last passed. Sup.Bergen opposed the motion. He saw hot the shadow of a reason why their salaries should be increased. They received 12s. a day and their board, and that was sufficient.

If the wages did not suit them they could resign and enough others and as good, could be procured in their stead. He thought that previous to au increase ot salary a resolution of enquiry to ascertain the names ot all prisoners who nad escaped lrom the penitentiary since the present keepers had charge should be adopted, to see how vigilant the keepers were. Sup. Dayton advocated his motion, and held if any class was entitled to an increase of wages that class which watched the theif, and the robber was the one. He incidentally stated that if a resolution such as Mr, Bergen suggested were adopted, it would be found that the keepers were men of nerve, who performed their duty as an assistant some days since a prisoner attempted to he was told to stop and refused, when he was brought down with a buckshot.

In his opinion if there was any place in the country where good wages should be paid it was in our public institutions. Sup. Bergen rejoined by hoping that the reso lution would not pass. There was not a public officer who was not now crying "Give" "Give." He thought we should look about to see if it was just and proper to give. We were but the agents of the public, and w.e should be governed by justice, and not by sympathy.

Sup. Oliver moved that the subject be referred to the Penitentiary Committee for report at the next meeting. Sup. Booth strenuously advocated the increase on the ground that the keepers were all good men, American citizens, and always to t3 found at their posts. Sup.

Kalbfleisch followed ou the same side, and defended the keepers from the aspersions cast upon them by the Supervisor lrom New Utrecht. He thought 14 shillings not a cent too much lor a good able bodied man. Sup. Andrews said that the aggregate wages of the keepers amounted to $676 a year, and the question arose whether this was enough to support themselves and families. In New York the police, who were compelled to provide themselves with uniforms at their own expense, were exposed to the elements, had to deal with the worst of characters and were subject to all kinds of assaults, only received $700.

Taking this into consideration, with the fact that the keepers of the penitentiary had to deal with unarmed men, and were protected lrom the elements and provided with board, he did not think them entitled to an increase. He was in favor of good prices for poor men, but not for poor men in office. He believed poor men in office quite as well provided for as poor men out of ofhoe. He theretore opposed tha increase. Sup.

Oliver's motion being put was lost 7 to 8. The original motion was then put to vote, and lost also by the same vote. So the keepers get no increase of Balary this time. Snp. Bergen moved that the keeper of the Penitentiary be required to report to the Board at its next meeting the names of all persons who have escaped since his appointment to office, the names of those who have been captured and brought back; the names of the assistant keeper or keepers (if any) under whose charge said prisoners were at the time they effected their escape; and that hereafter Baid keeper report monthly to this Board the names of all prisoners who may effect their escape, whether captured and brought back, and the name of the assistant keeper or keepers (if any) under whose charge at the time such escapes were effected.

Resolved, That the Clerk of the Board of Sessions serve a copy of the resolution on the keeper of the Penitentiary. Adopted. Supervisor Dayton moved that the Penitentiary Committee be authorised to fill vacancies occasioned by resignation of assistant keepers during recess. Adopted. The oill of Alderman Dayton as supervisor, amcunting to $54 62, was presented in order to be paid.

Adjourned to Thursday next, 20th inst. The Grand Jury of the Court op Sessions. The following Grand Jury was empanneled in this court yesterday: Charles Kelsey, foreman, Michael McNamara, Barnabas H. Booth, Stephen H. Cornell, Robert Craig, Joshua Tolford, Wm.

S. Barber, John C. Ryerson, Abraham Colyer, reter noting, Stephen Crowell, Thomas Booth, Bcnj. Baldwin, Henry Morton, Luke C. Ryder, Horatio A.

Carter," Burtis. John After the usual charge by the jury to their labors. The Cholera. The number of cases reported yesterday was seventeen, of which two died. Coroner Hanford held an inquest upon one man named James Kennedy who resided at the corner oi Tillery and canton He was not attended ay a physician.

Verdict death by cholera. Two men named Connell and Cooney.died at Red Hook Point last night of the prevailing malady. Both have families. Runaway and Fatal Accident. Last evening a little girl the daughter of Mr.Dayton, of South Broomyn, got into a cart before her parents door when the horse ran off and proceeding down Columbia street threw her out whereby she sustained such serious injuries that she died immediately after.

Mr. Thomas McCabe in attempting to stop the animal was knocked down and badly hurt. lelO 2aw3w ENGLEBEItT LOTT. Sheriff. Ihesaleottbeabovepropeityispoiiponed unlillhe24lh day of July, 1851, at the same and place.

Dated Brooklyn, July IStn. 1851. Jyl4 2awtd EWGLEBERT LOTT, Sheriff. CoBt onir ibnnits TOISTDrT'Ti Brown SCOTCH TERRIER SLUT, Ears Foxed, answers to thenmnrsr t.vp.v ppr.oii returning tbe above to 137 Joralemon will be I oi.oiyo we tuanas oi tne owner. S3 REWARD LOST On Thurs 1 flw on anaatner "uuovtsr win return mm to 2110 street, will nceive the above reward.

jyiooi $5 RJEWARDStrayed on the 6th of July, a nlceSOKREb PONEY, in good cure. llni TK hanila hint, A t. u. Li.r Willi nuuDHHDUU UlU ISCB, uiaii nuius, cast sooes on, fori) years old, switch tall. hoover returns him to 121 Butler will receive the PATRICK O'ROURKE.

at F. BARTHOLOMEW (Late Baktholo mew Weed.) New MOURNING 651 Broadway, between St. Nicholas it Metropolitan Holele, N. Y. Great Reduction In prices.

Bargains in Mournlnir Goods. In order to make room for our immense tions. our entire stockof Spring and Summer Goodsf comprising the most extensive and complete assortment oi MO JRNIUG GOODS in the United SatSS. will be at a reduction of 26 percent, 1,000 pieces JTrench Muslins 6d 000 'tench Lawns, alls. 500 ps.

French Jaconets, at 2s worth 3s.; odd f.TA per ureis, wortn aa ana a 500 ps. elegant Mourning less lhancostof imnor tatloi. Bombazines, UhalUes. ranes. tt.r..i,c. Tissues, Embroideries, Mantillas, Bonnets, 4tc fcc. Jtc tsr wr me uuio io sreure Bargains in Mournln? Guods. NEW MOURNING STORE, 551 jei91ui McD EXEMPT FIREMEN'S ASSOCIATION.

An adjourned meeting of this Association will be convened on FRl DAV i vu JuotW at me, uourt ILUUI Ul JiuurA SmllU. IKfinm Nn. 1 haaamun. f'4 C.t. a uwwuiwub, VIII Ua at 8 o'clock.

Punctual attendance is earnestly requested, as business conuocted with the Insurance Company will be transacted. By order, JyllPi THOS. R. MERCEIN, Sec. NOT1CK to an order of the Hon.

John Greenwood, ma3e on the loth day of July, 185, 1 will sell at public auction to the highest, ou the 2(jih day of July instant, at 18 o'clock, at noon, at No. 343 Fulton it intheCiiyof Brooklyn, all the right, title and Interest oi William A. Cochran, in a certain contract in writing, made by and between said Cochran and one Burton G.Hainmond on the lbih May, 1852, for the purchase and sale of a ceriain house and lot known as No. 251 Bridge in the Eleventh Warder said city, on which contracttne sum of nine hundred dollars has been Further partlculara will be given on application of subscriber and at the time and olace of sale. Dated July 1 lib, 1854.

ROBERT P. PERRINE, itecelver of W. A. Cochran. AAYLOR n.

uohdit, Attorneys. jyl25t A MEETING OF THB STOCKHOLDERS i.jfc. wi hid vtvxicii runvi' OAS iillittT will 5 1 fbB Companies Buildings at Green Point, on i.EJ5U,Ayhe28t"1 at 3 o'clock. P. for the purpose of diminishing the opilal stock of tbe Company to the sum ol tforty Thousand Dollars, (840,000.) New York, July 6th, 1854.



Sealed estimates will be received for the Building of the Brooklyn ouy Armory, udiII at 4 o'clock. P. M. The Plans and Specifications cau beacon at tbe office ofAoa Stebins, Architect No. 9 Court st, who wili give all the necessary estimates may oa left with the architect or any ol the committee.

MB. The Committee reserve to themselves the right of guu, umuiMvvi GBuujtitcB wuicu tuey uiigut con sidernottobefor the interest uf touchy, UIBIJU uiy By order of the Committee, tvl" "1 S. uRaHAM. Chairman. OFFICE OF THE LONG ISLAND INSURANCE Jaly 10,1854.

uiviDENDs. The Directors have this day declsied a half yearly Dividend of Five Dollars per share, payable to the dtocaboldera ou demand. ini E. C. FINN, Secretary.

OFFICE OF HEP AIRS AND SUPPLIES No. 4 City Hall, Brooklyn, July 5, 1854. corporation notice. omce, until 12 o'clocfe on Saturday, the 15th inst for rarnlshlnit lour htm ArnA (4ns T.nmnrna aiift, ua streets. 1 oa aio uvrw in USC lOf llgOting jy6 td Junwm.

Coni'r of ft. it Sups. CORPORATION E8tiniates ior grading King st, from Van Brunt lo Richards st. oouiou ciuuimo, wmuoreceireaai tne street Commls sloners oflice until Wednesday next, 12th inst, at 7 o'k lor completing the grading of King street from Van Brum In Rlrhnrns nil nut nriwrllnv in iha nnHa i t' uauuu mem sua office, and thecity ordinance, firoottlyn, July 6 1854 Jj6 td A.T. LAWitENCE, St.Com'r.

OFFICE OF REPAIRS AND SUPPLIES No.4CtTtr Hall, Biooklyn, July 5th, 1854. CoapoaATi Notice. Sealed proposals will be received at tnls office nntil 12 o'clock. Saturaay, the ifithlnst for furnishing Four Hundred Iron Gas Posis, such as now In UBe for lighting streets. JOHN M.

PFRHV JyG td Cornmlsslo ner of Repairs and Supplies. WATCHES Tho finr, "owMlUng his Stock atunusually low rates (4old lCnollsh I.ava, watc. si liver watches all or which are warranted. front 6 to 4d Ladles' Pins, Ear Rings, Bracelets. Chalelalns.

Kings, 4c, jfall the newest patterns and bestmaterlals. Someaplendld Necklaces for children, a large variety oi ooiuana cornelian Crosses, Gold Lock ets, Seals, Jic. New Styles of Genu Vests and Fob Chains, SllVArWDruifuiran, aion.ln. Trail amea equal to uoin, and at prices which defy competition, always on hand or made to order by thosubscrlber' umiu nuouuiuDs ui uuiu, nuver ana steel, to suit any aee W. J.

VANDERHOEF 1 oery aescnption, and French Clocks epaired by the most experienced workman, and warranted 421 lv No. 146 Fulton Brooilyn. DOLLARS! DOLLARS Ul A very, exten si ve assortment or Snoon a KnrVo T.a,. oir. Shells, Napkin rings, Cups, found at J.d! Chase's Jewelry btore; our Silver Ware is all made from Cola and warranted.

JOHN D. CHASE, 203 Fulton street, next io the marke'. Watches and Clocks repaired In ih var bait manner. 2l XX Sugar Bowles, ice Coolers, Toait Racks, Musiard Dishes, Salts, itc, also those very superior Spoon Fork, 4tc, that look equal to the Sllvei, and made to match iu pattern can bb had in any quantity at foau u. uitAstu'a, Jy" 2m 203 Fulton street near Concord.

MANUFACTURER OF SILVER WARE and TnurBl.v tVaJHU. in "iuB miu visiting uaras engraved In the very beat manner, and at short notice; together with Cake Boxes. Envelops, fcc, always on hand. jyl 2m 203 Fulton street. JgROOKLYN SAVINGS' BANK.

July 3rd, Depositors in this Bank areherebv notified, that Interest at the rate of 5 per cenu per annum, was credited to their respective accounts on the (payaqle after the 17th on sums of Five Dollars ana upwards, which bad been deposited not lets than three months previous to thai time. lnterestnot withdrawn will be credited as a Deposit, aud draw interest in the same manner. By order. JySlwdltw HOSEA WEBSTER. Presid'l.

HEOKER'S FLOUR. The undersigned hav Inejnado the necessary arrangements with Messrs HeckOr BrOlhnr. Will IthPn innilnnilv nnA th.l. Flour which they will sell at Mill prices. Thev also keep a general Bsiortment ol Family and nuur, nyo una uranam tiour, Meal, Feed and Grain of every description, which will be sold at the lowest market I'liue.

CATLIN 4l DTJCKER, SI Fulton street, Brooklyn. wuuuuiiMiiau imiiuiGiriiKi jesJ I TO ROARDING HOUSbi KEKPEKS. To Let and the Furniture lor Sale, one of the most convenient and ben located Boarding House in the city of Brooklyn it is situated in the best part of Pulton and contain 38 Rooms. It Is offered on account of the feeble health of the present proprietor. Rent low.

Apply to Jyll Iw BAGE St BOTHER, 77 Fulton it. attend. Officer Mundell stated to the Court that Gubbins had told that which waB false, hav idg peremtorily refused to come, as he said he did not see what they wanted with him, having been up there often enough. The Judge asked Gctbbins what he bad to say to that, and he replied by acknowledging the truth of the officer's statement, whereupon the Court sentenced him to pay a fine of $3 fotdisO' beyiug summonB. After the disposal of this business, the District Attorney announced that he had no more witness to bring forward, when Mr.

W. H. Gale proceeded to sum up on behalf of the defendant followed by the prosecution and charge of the Judge presiding (Moore) The case was given to the Jury about noon, who retired, when a number of prisoners, indicted for various offences were arraigned, and severally pleaded. The Jury in the Excise case found' a verdict of GUILTY against Crampton, after ten min utes absence. The celebrated and deservedly popular Shake sperian reader, Mrs McEeady appears on Tues day evening next tat the Brooklyn Atheneum on which occaeion Bhe will read some choice selec tions from the Bafd of Avon and other poets of celebrity.

The lady comes to Brooklyn highly heralded, her talents are of a very superior and distinguished will doubtless attract a large audience. She is said to possess great personal beauty. Her professional progress through the states has been a continual triumph Fatal Accident at the Navy Yard. Yester day afternoon a man named James Jeffrys, a resident of New York, while at work on the U.S. frigate Independence, at the Navy Yard, fell overboard, and coming in contact with a raft which was alongside, was instantly killed.

Coroner Hanford of Williamsburgh held an in quest oo the remains. A correspondent of the Tribune states that the assertions of Louis Napoleon's intention to side with Spain against this country ia anv auestion concerning Cuba, is without foundation, as he always expresses the highest regard for this country, and a desire to cultivate friendly rela tions witn our government. ie is very communicative on soci'il topics, and quite sprightly in conversation; but on political matters he is perfectly dumb, and whatever this opinions are Edward Evans, Clothing Warehouse, Nos 66 and 68 Fulton streets, between Gold ana Cliff, New York. The above la one of tbe fineit Clothing establish ments In New York. Mr.

Evsns extensive Mock of Ready Mad (JlOlMnir can ColDDam with Hie rv horn. Tulillo Wa prlnes are comparatively nominal. Vou can gut ihere a unuuiuiuD wunu qu anywnere oiae, lor S10 Complete iSummerSuiU (or S2 50. jy8 6t IttAltiUJCD, In this citv. on the 18th bv Ttnv Thn r.nnv t.upo FuNY, of Chicago, to Cathexine, youngest daughter of Mr.

John Furney, oftnis city. OIKO. In this city, on tha 13th Sarah Jane, Infant daueh terofH. A. andM 8.

Sprague. Fin eral on Saturday at 9 o'clock, A. from the house ofher parents in Adsiphl street, near Myrtle av. friends and ocquaintances are invited to attend without further iu VllUllUU. in this city, on tha Hth John W.

Huntley, aeed 38 years. Tne mends ana acquaintance! of thB family are respnet fuilyinviied loalienahls funeral, from nts int rAatHnm corner of Hicks and Sackett Siindmr i9 o'clock, P.M. Boston and Troy papers please copy. TXT ANTED To purchase a FARM of from VV i to 100 Acres, within a mile of tha Snmh Rhn Long Island, well situated and with good modern builolngs. Enquire of WM.

LATIMER, of Columbia and South Brooklyn. jyl. if UiitEME CO UKT. Elizabeth C. DeLanoey against Henry J.David and others.

E. F. DeLancey, Pi'fli. Att'y. In pursuance of a judgment order of this Court, made in trie above entitled action, bearing date the 19th day of June 1854, i will sell by Public Auction, at the Montague Hall Courtstreet, opposite the City Hall, In the City of Brooklyn, on the ISth day of July, noon of that day, the following described land and premises: All that certain lot or laud, with erected, situate in the Tooth Ward of the city of Brooklyn bounded as follows: Beglnningata point on thenortherlv line of entity leet eaateny from the Intersection of the said northerly line of Pacific street with the easterly line of Nevlns street and running from thence easterly In front along the said northerly line ol Pacific street waubjr wo, uuriueriy ana parallel to nevins street fiighlvfeet; thence Westerlvand rmrmini in ih line of Pacific street twenty leet; thence southerly ana partly through the centre ol a parly wall eighty feet, to the aforesaid point in the northerly line oi Pacinc street which i.

TOriu.jijj. joeing twenty itet in rroi.1 on Pacific street, and eighty feotlu depth off the eaiterlypari of i ot 129 Pacific street, which suid lot 1S9 Pacific street was conveved to the said Thomas Krrn. huik. bethO. DeLancey jointly with her sister Martha N.

De Iiancey, by deed bearing dateMarch 18ib, 1853. aud recorded lu the lie gijter's Othceuf the cnyof Brooklyn and countv of Kings. Dated Brooklyn, June J9tb, 18f4. Jei 2awSw ELGLEBERT LOTT, Sheriff. The Bate Of the abOVB nrODertv ia nnatnnnAH nnltl ih.

At. davof July, 1854, at the same tune and place. uaiea nroowyn, juiyiotb, isoi. jyl4 iawtd. ENGLEBERT LOTT, Sheriff.

SUrRBME CuUKT. Thomas Jfowell, Homer Ramsdell and David Moore against John McClean and others. John J.Monell, Pl'fii. Atl'y. In pursusnce of a judgment order of Ibis Court, made in the above entitled action, bearing date the Huh day ol una, 1852, 1 will sell by public auction, at the Montague Hall, Court street, opposite ths city Hall, in the city ol Brooklyn, on the 4th day of August, 1854, at 12 o'clock noon of that day.llio following described land and premises: All those two several lota of land, one uf whicn ia demised to the defendant John McCleau by a certain Indenture of Lease made by Muli'ord Martin aud Sarah Ann, hli wife, bearing data the Iweniy slxth day ol October, 1842, for the term of twenty one years, from the first day of May 1848, wbich was aiterwarda renewed by said Mulfurd Martin and Sarah Ann, his wife, for the further term of ten years io commence at the expiration ol tbe said term of twenty one years, which lease and covenant of renewal are recorded the said lease at page 193 of Book No.

121 ol Conveyances in Ktnj a County Clerks Office, and thecoven ant of renewal thereof, at page 41 of Book No. i28 of conveyancer, in said office, and is described as follows Ail that certain lot of land, situate oh tbe southern aide of Atlantic street, lu the sixth Ward of the Cltyof Brooalyn, bounded and containing as olluws, to wit: Beglnnius at the southwesterly corner of Columbia and Atlantic streits running thence westerly along the southerly side of Allan tic street twenty three foei four inches; tnence southerly parallel with Columbiastreet eighty feet; Iheneo easterly parallel with twenty three feet tour inches thence northerlyaloug tne westerly line ol Columbia street to the place ol beginning, the other ol wbich two lois is demised to tie defendant John McClesn, by anotner cenainlndenture of loam maae uy said Mulford Martin abd Satati Ann, Mb wife, bearing date the 2 day ol Octo ber. 184 for the term of twenty one years, from the 1st day ol May, 1843, recorded In Book No. 121 at page 19Jof Conveyances, in said Kings County Clerks Office, and is adloln lojs the lot above described, the boundaries and dimensions of which are as All that lot of land, situate on the southerly sldeol Atlantic street, aforesaid, beglnnlrg tweniy three feet lour Inches westerly from the southwesterly corner of Atlantic and Columbia streets thence westerly along Atlantic street twenty three feet four inches thence southerly on a line parallel with Columbia street eighty leet; thence easterly on a line parallel with Atlantic street twenty three feet four Inches thence northerly ou a Una parallel with Columoia street eighty fee', to toe place of beginning, Togo, ber with all and singular loo edifices, rights, members, privileges and appurtenances thereunto belonging or in anywise appertaining; and also alt the estate, right, title, Interest, term of years yet to come aud unexpired property, pt aiesslon. claim and demand whatsoever us well in law as Inequity of the said defendant John McClean, of, in and to the said demised premises snu every part and parcel thereof, with the appurtenances and also the Indentures of Lease hereinbefore every clause, article snd condition therein expressed and contained or appertaining thereto.

Dated Brooklyn, July 13th, 1851. jyl2aw3w ENOLEBERT L02T, Sheriff..

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