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The Brooklyn Daily Eagle from Brooklyn, New York • Page 11

The Brooklyn Daily Eagle from Brooklyn, New York • Page 11

Brooklyn, New York
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)


THE REAL ESTATE MARKET. SUPREME COURT, KINGS COUNTY OATH erine O. Aymar. plaintiff, againxt "William H. White and others, defendants in pursuance or a Judgment of foreclosure and sale mada and en Lvnde Bradlev.

Eliza warner Lynde Crocker, tered In the above entitled action, bearing date xflly Lide, William P. Harper, John F. Mar Che 16th day of February. 1901, 1, the undersigned, per. Kathleen Baker Finney.

Colsrals. Baker, the roferse in said judgment named, will sell at and Brooklyn Institute of Arts and Sciences. end public auction at the Real Estate Exchange Sales grafting You and each of you axe hereby cited room. No. 389 Montague street, in the Borough of to appear before our Surrogate of the County of Brooklyn City of New York, County of Kings.

Kings, at a Surrogate's Court, to be held at the on Tuesday, the 39th dav of. March, 1901, at J2 Hall of Records, in the County of Kings, on the o'clock, noon, on that day. by Theodore F. Arch 10th day of April. 1901.

at 10 o'clock In the foro er auctioneer, the premises directed by said noon, then and there to attend the Judicial set Judgment to be sold and therein described as fol tlemen of the account of tho Brooklyn Truat Corn lows: All that certain lot, piece or parcel of puny and Martha R. Lynde as executors of the Heinz, mort $2,250 nom ST. MARKS AV. s. 295 ft Brooklyn av, Paul DeFere to Frank Conger.

Groton, mort $17,500 nom PACIFIC ST, a s. 200 ft Howard av. 19x103.2x19.1x106.11, Nichols Mil bank, Montclalr. to Ernest Ve mard, correction deed nom HERKIMER ST, s. 138.3 Nostrand av, 27x100.

Hugh Roddy, Jr, Merrick, 1, to Lotta Hall, mort $7,500.. nom DE KALB AV, S0.8 Nostrand av, 19x50, foreclose, Edwd Davenport to Francis Gallagher 2,000 SCHOLES ST. 150 ft Graham av. 25x100, Ignatz. Joseph and Jacob Knoebel to Lelb Lurle nom SIXTY FIFTH ST.

b. 140 ft sj Fourteenth av. 20x100. Raff aele Falbo to Glmo Cerminara' nom SIXTY FOURTH ST. 300 ft Fourteenth av.

20x100, Stanley Lock wood to Joseph Mulr nom WILLIAM ST. I66.S Richards St. 16.8x100, Ellen Hart to Theo Sweeney, trustee, mon $3,100, eto nom FOURTH AV. s. 58 ft Fourteenth st, 46x86.10.

Brainery Ray, to Rosa Franklin, $20,000 26,900 Carroll st. 103.8 Fifth av, 20x79.2x20x80.2, Albert Bass to Halsey Carpenter, mort $4,000 nom SMITH ST. 20' ft Sar kett st. 20x for Costa Rica). JRegistered mall closes at 8:50 P.

M. previous day. TRANS PACIFIC MAILS. Malls for China, Japan and Philippine Islands, via Tacoma, close here dally at 6 p. M.

up to March 7, inclusive, for dispatch per steamship Olympla. Mails for Tahiti and Marquesas Islands, via San Francisco, close here daily at 6 P. M. up to March 8, inclusive, for dispatch per steamship Australia. Mails for Hawaii.

China. Japan and Philippine Islands, via San Francisco, close here daily at 6 P. M. up to March 810. inclusive, for dispatch per steamship America Maru.

Malls for Hawaii, via San Francisco, close here dally at 6 P. M. up to March 511 for dlspalch per steamship Mariposa. Ma'ils or China and Japan, via Vancouver, close here dally at 6 P. M.

up to March 519. inclusive, for dlspatch'per steamship Empress of India (registered mall must be directed "via Malls for Australia (except West Australia, which Is forwarded via Europe), New Zealand, Fiji, Samoa and Hawaii, via San Francisco, close here dally at 6 P. M. after March 53 and up to March 523. inclusive, or on arrival ot steamship Etrurta, due at New York March 3, for dispatch.

per steamship Sonoma. Trans Pacific malls are forwarded to port of sailing; dally, and the schedule of closing is arranged on the presumption of their unlnter rupted overland transit. SReglstered mall closes at 3:50 P. M. previous day.

F. H. WILSON, Postmaster. Post Office, Brooklyn, March 1. 1901.

lana, situate, lying ana iienis ui Brooklyn, in the said County of Kings, in th Citv and State of New York, bounded and described as follows, to wit: Beginning at a point on the southerly side of Pacific street, distant eighty three feet four inches easterly from the corner formed by the intersection of the southerly side of Pacific street with the easterly side of TJtica avenue: running thence southerly parallel with Utlca avenue one hundred and seven feet two and one half inches; thenco easterly, parallel with Pacific street sixteen feet two and one half inches; thenco northerly again parallel with Utlca avenue and part of the distance through a party wall one hundred and seven feet two and one half inches to the southerly side of Pacific street, and thence westerly along the southerly side of Pacific street sixteen feet two and one half inches to the point or place of beginning. Dated February 21, 1901. GEORGE j. GLASER. Referee.

Monfort and Fabsr Attorneys for Plaintiff. Jamaica, Queens New York. The following is a diagram of the property to be sqld as above described: Pacific Street. 5574 lib.l The approximate amount of the lien or charge, to satisfy which the above described property is to be sold. Is one tnousanu tnree nunoreo aim uiree and 70 100 dollars, with interest thereon from the 16th day of February, 1901.

together with tho costs and allowance amounting to one hundred seventv five and 1C0 dollars, with interest thereon from the 16th day of February. 1901, and the expenses of the sal. The approximate amount of assessments or other liens, which are to bo allowed to the purchaser out of the purchase money or pnld by the referee, is ninety three and 100 dollars and interest. Dated Brooklyn. February 21.


plaintiff, against John P. and others, defendants In pursuance of a Judgment of foreclosure and sale made and ntered In the above entitled action, dated the 28rh day of February, 1901, I will sell at public auction to the highest bidder, by Thomas A. Kerrigan, auctioneer, at the salesrooms. No. 8 Wllloughby street, in the Borough ot Brooklyn.

County of Kings, on the 26th day of March, 1901, at twelve o'clock, noon, the lands in said judgment men t'oned and therein described as follows: All that certain lot piece or parcel of land, situate, lying ami being in the Borough of Brooklyn of Tho City of New York. County of Kings and State of New York bounded and described as follows, to wit: Beginning at a point on tne huumeuy wuo v. Fortv flfth street distant one hundred feet westerly 'from the corner formed by the intersection of tho southerly side of Forty fifth street with the westerly side of Fifth avenue; running thence southerly parallel with Fifth avenue one hundred feet two inches to the center lino of the block between Forty fifth and Forty sixth streets; thence wpstfi ly along Faid center line of the block and i.v,rtv firth street. twenty feet; nnneriy pitidtiei iui and part nf the distance through a party wait one flfth street, and 'thence easterly along the southerly side of Fortv flfth street twenty feet i nntnt nihpp nf besrlnninir. Also all the i i nric mwi interest of the parties of, in and to Korty llfth street, lying in front of and adjoining said premises to the center line thereof.

Dated March 4. 'Ml. WILLIAM WALTON. Sheriff of Kings County. Edwin Kempton, Plaintiff's Attorney.

175 Rom en street. Borough of Brooklyn, City of Xew York, X. T. The following is a diagram of the property to be sold as above described: No. 312 Street. St. i I HAVE RECEIVED THE FOLLOWING PE titions, which are now on file In my office for inspection, and will submit them to the Local lionrd of the Seventh District on Thursday, March Mth. 1901. at 4:30 P. in the office ot the President of the Borough.

Room 11, Borough Hall: Morgan avenue, GRADING AND PAVING Morgan avenue, between Driggs avenue and a point 105 feet northerly, with TRAP BLOCK PAVEMENT. Humboldt street. REPAVING Humboldt street, between DrlggB avenue and Nassau avenue, with BRICK PAVEMENT. Hnton avenue. FLAGGING SIDEWALK on the east side of Union avenue, between Frost and Withers streets; on the north side of Withers street, between Union avenue and Larimer, street, and on the south side of Prost street, between Union avenue and Lorimer street, in front of lots 34A.

26 to 31. inclusive: 39. 60, 31, 52, 59 and 60, block 21, Fifteenth Ward map. North street, FLAGGING SIDEWALK on the northeast side ot North Seventh street, between Berry Btreet and Wythe avenue, in front of lots 26 to 29, Inclusive, and 31, block 33. Fourteenth Ward map.

Metropolitan avenue. FLAGGING SIDEWALK on the south side ot, Metropolitan avenue, between Union' avenue and Lorimer street, in front of lots 81. 52. block 32. Fifteenth Ward map.

Leonard stroet. FLAGGING SIDEWALK on the east sldo of Leonard street, between McKlbbm and Boerum street, In front ot lots Nos. 14 and 15, block 42, Sixteenth Ward map. for a width of 8 ft. 6 in.

from the curb to conform with the flagging on the remainder of the street. Broadway. FLAGGING SIDEWALK On the northeast side of Broadway, between Hewes ana Hooper streets, and on the northwest side ot Hewes Ktre t. between Broadway and South Filth street, in front of lot No. 1, block 16, Sixteenth Ward map.

North Fourth street. FLAGGING SIDEWALK nn the northeast side ot North Fourth street, between Roebllng street and Mutropolltan avenue, and on the north side ot Metropolitan avenue, between North Fourth and Havemeyer streets. in front of lot No. 47, block 83. Fourteenth Ward "lei ell street.

FENCING VACANT LOTS on the northeast side of Jewell street, between Norman and Nassau avenues, known as lot 6. block lio. Seventeenth Ward map. Jewell street, FLAGGING SIDEWALKS on the northeast side of Jewell street, between Norman and Nassau avenues, In front of lots 11, 1 73 and 76. block 175, Seventeenth WTard map.

Havemeyer street. FENCING VACANT LOT lving on the northwesterly side of Havemejer street, between North Sixth and North Seventh streets, arid on the northeasterly side ot North Sixth street, between Havemeyer and Roeblln, streets, known as lots Nos. 42, 43 and 44, block S5, Fourteenth Ward map. Freeman street. FENCING VACANT LOT on the north side of Freeman street, between West and Franklin streets, known as lot No.

30, block 3, Seventeenth Ward map. Diamond street. FENCING VACANT LOT on the northeast side of Diamond street, between Drlggs and Nassau avenues, known as lot i block 221. Seventeenth Ward map. Diamond street, FLAGGING SIDEWALK on tho northeast side of Diamond street, bet vveen Priggs ami Nassau avenues, in front of lots Nos.

06 ana 72, block 221, Seventeenth Ward map. EDWARD M. GROLT President Borough of Brookln. SPECIAL NOTICES. as the partnership law.

I sign ano aeKnoB the following certificate: I hereby certify and declare that tne firm or partnership in this state known by the rwme oi Mleh ic I Daily has business relation with foreign countries and. has transacted busl nci? in thl state for more than three years prior toho 12th day of May. That the of said firm or partnership continues tr, be cot SucKd and the partnership or business name tlnces to he used by the subscriber, one he original partners. I further certify and dMarc that the sole person doing business and intend ing to deal under such name is Michael J. Dad 5 the subscriber, and that his place of business 19 21S Schermerhoi street.

In the Borough of Brook laid business i' located at the principal place of said business is No. 330 Pulton street. In the Borough of Bro'Uljn. City ot New Tork. County of King.

Sevr York. Dated at Brooklyn. N. this 28th NO, aay OL MICHAEL J. DADY.

State of YorJc. County of Kinss. sa: On this 26th day of February in the year of our Trd nineteen hundred and one. before me personally came Michael J. Dad.v.

to me known and known to me to be the individual described in and who executed the forecoinjr certificate ot the use of a parlner ehiu business name and duly acknowledged to me that he executed the same, for the uses and purposes therein mentioned, puipu Xotary Public Kings County. T. Pavev Moore. Attorneys at Law. 32 Nassau Street.

Nw York City. mM 4t LEGAL NOTICES. SUPREME COURT, KI.N'GS CObJsTT AI fred B. Potlerton. plaintiff, against Fred aeifried and others, defendants In pursuance of a Juap ment of foreclosure and sale made and entered In the above entitled notion, dated tho 25th day of Februarv.

15011 I will sell at public auction to the hifrtiest 'bidder, by Thomas A. Kerrigan, auctioneer at tho salesrooms, Jvo. 9 Wllloughby street, In the Borough ot Brooklyn, County of Kings, on the day of March, 1901, at twelvo o'clock noon, the lr'lli ed and therein described as follows: All that certain plot, piece or parcel of land, situate, lying and being in the Borough of Brooklyn of tho Citv of New York. County of Kings and State of N'ew York, bounded and described as follows, Beginning at the corner formed by the Intersection of the southwesterly side of Sixtieth street with the northwesterly side of Thirteenth avenue, and runnins thence northwesterly along the southwesterly side of Sixtieth street sixty (60) feet; thence southwesterly and paralle'. with sold Thirteenth avenue one hundred feet to the center line of the block between Sixtieth and Sixty first streets; thence southeasterly along said center line of the block and parallel with said Sixtieth street slxtv (SO) feet to the said northwesterly side of Thirteenth avenue, and thence northeasterly along said side of Thirteenth avenue one hundred feet to the corner, the point or place of beginning.

Together with all the right, title and Interest of the iiarty of the first part of. In and to one half of Thirteenth avenue and Sixtieth afreet In front of and adjoining said premises. Being part of the same premises convoyed by James H. Donohue to lfred 11. Potterton by deed dated August 16, 1S9S.

Dated March 19C1. WILLIAM WAlrOX. Sheriff of Kings County. Joseph Brewster. Plaintiff's Attorney.

128 Broadway, New York City. The following is a diagram of the property to be sold as above described COth Street. The approximate amount of Hens or charges to satisfy which the above described property Is to be sold Is $971.75 with interest thereon from February 21, 1901, together with costs and allowance, amounting to $134.20 with interest thereon from February 25, 1901. and the expenses of the sale. The approximate amount of taxes, assessments or other liens which aro to be allowed to the purchaser out of tho purchase money or paid by the Sheriff is 525.70 and interest.

Dated March 4. 1901. WILLIAM WALTON, Sheriff of Klnga County. m4 3w SUPREME COURT. KINGS COUNTY WILL ia.m H.

Kouwenhoven, plaintiff, against Francis B. Duffy and others, defendants In pursuance of a judgment of foreclosure and sale made and entered in the above entitled action, dated tho 3d day of May, 1S9. I will sell at public auc tion to the highest bidder, by Thomas A. Kerrigan, auctioneer, at the salesrooms, No. 9 Wllloughby street, in the Borough of Brooklyn, Coun ty of Kings, on the ztitn day ot Aiarcn.

win. at twelve o'clock, noon, the lands In said judgment mentioned ami therein described as follows; AU that certain lot. piece or parcel of land, situate, lying and being in the 5th Ward of the City of Brooklyn, delineated upon a certain "Map of property in the Fifth Ward of the City of Brooklyn, belonging to the estato of Thomas H. Smith, deceased. Brooklyn, February, 1550, surveyed by Silas Ludlam, City Surveyor," on file in the office of the Register of Kings County, and thereon designated as lot number 2S (twenty otght) and bounded as follows; Beginning at a point on the northerly side of Plymouth street distant one hundred and sixty (160) feet westerly from the northwesterly corner of Plymouth and Gold streets; running thenco northerly parallel with Gold street along the westerly line of land formerly belonging to H.

and A. Cantleld one hundred 1100) feet and two (2) inches to the center line of the block between Plymouth and John tnence westerly along said center line of the block twenty six i2U) feet and nine 5) Inches to the easterly lino of lot number twcnty nlno (29) on said map; thence southerly along said lino of said lot number 29 one hundred i'IOO) feet to tho northerly sldp of Plymouth street, p.nd thence easterly along said line of Plymouth street twenty on (21) feet and two (2) inches to the place of beginning. Dated March 4. 1001. WILLTAM WALTON, Sheriff of Kings County.

William F. Wycknff, Plaintiff's Attorney, No. 215 Montague street, Brooklyn. Y. The following is diagram of the property to he sold as above described and behaved to be No.

247 Plymouth street: til) i CO THE PEOPLE OF THE STATE OP NEW TORK, by the grace of God free and independent To Henrietta Kate Morse and 'Jeorgre Henry Mann, pcml protlnK: Whereas. WiUdo J. Mor of Far Rockaway. Ixmc Island, in the State ot Xew Tork. has lately petitioned our Surrogate' Court of the County of Kings, to have a certain Instrument In writing bearing' date the twenty first day ot Decern bfr.

ISM. relating to real an4 penonal property, duly proved as the last will and testament of KATE C. MANN, of thft County of Klnes, deceased. Wherefore, you, and each of you. are hereby cited to appear before our Surrosate of the County of at a Surrogute'a Court, to be held at the Hall of Records, In th County of Klnga, on the ISth day of March.

1901, at tfxi o'clock In the forenoon, then and there to attend the probate of the aald last will and testament. In testimony whereof. hav caused the seal of our Surrogated Court to be hereunto affixed. W'ltnPH, Hon. George B.

Abbott, Surrogate of our said county, (L. at the County of Kings, the 17th dwr of January, in the year of our Lord one thousand nine hundred and one. MICHAEL F. Mc GOLD RICK, ja21 fiw Clerk of the Surropate'H Court. THE PEOPLE OF THE STATE OF NEW YORK, by the grace of Cjd free and independent To Elizabeth Sinclair, Anna Boynton.

Mary West. greeting: Whereas, Mary A. Hujrill of .14 La faytte avenue. Borough of Brooklyn, City of New York. N.

has lately petitioned our Surrogate' Court of the County of Kings to hav a certala Instrument. In writing, bearing date tho 22d day of November. 18S3. relating to real and personal property, rfulv proved as the last will and testament of CHARLES HUGILL, late of Brooklyn, deceased. Wherefore, you and each of you are hereby cited to appear before our Surrogate of tho Countv of Kings, at a Surrogate's Court, to held at the Hail of Records In the County of Kings, on the ISth day of March.

1901, at ten o'clock in the forenoon, then and ther to attend the probate of the said last will and testament. In testimony whereof, we have caused the seal of our Surrogate's Court to be hereunto Affixed. Witness. Hon. George B.

Abbott, Surrogate of our said county, at th (L. Countv cf Kings, the 3oth day of January', in the yar of our Lord one thousand nlno hundred and one. MICHAEL F. MC GOLDRICK. Ja28 fit Clerk of the Surrogatft's Court.

THE PEOPLE OF THE STATE OF NEW YORK by the grace of God free and independent To Ann Trulsen Skagen. Mathilde Amalie Olsea Skagen, Marie Christiansen Skagen, Ida Henrik sn, Augusta Soflo Skagen. Hana Trulsen Skagen, Paul Trulsen, Nils Trulsen and Nikolai Trulsea S'kagen send greeting: Whereas Ole Bentsen of Brooklyn, County of Kings. New York, has lately petitioned our Surrogate's Court of the County ot Kings to have a certain instrument in bearing date the 30th day of November, 1900. relating to real and personal property, duly proved as the last will and testament of PETER SKA lat of Brooklyn, County of Kings, deceased.

Wherefore you and each of you ar hereby cited to appear before our Surrogate of the 'ountv of ings, at a Surrogate' Court, to be held at the Hall of Records, in the County of Kings, on tho 26th day of March, 1901. at tea o'clock in the forenoon, then and there to attend the probate of the Raid last will and testament. In testimony whereof we have caused tire seal of our said Surrogate's Court "to hereunto affixed. Witness, Hon. Georpe B.

Abbott, Surrogate, of our said' Coun (L. tv, at the County of Kings, the 31st da.y of January, in the year of our Lord on thousand nine hundred and one. MICHAEL F. McGOLDRICK, f4 ct Clerk of the Surrogate's Court. 1NPURSL'ANSE OF AN ORDER OF THE) Hon George B.

Abbott, Surrogate of the County of Kings, notice in hereby given, according to law to all persona having claims against ADOLPK late of the County of Kings, deoeafiea. that thev are required to exhibit the same; wrtn th vouchers thereof, to the subscriber at her place of transacting business, at the office of her attorneys Blair Rudd, No. 32 Liberty street. Borough of Manhattan, New York City, on or before riie 2tth day of May next. Datod November Jsoo.

EMMA SIMIS. Executrix. Blair Rudd, Attorneys for Executrix, 82 Hb rtv street. New York City. 6m IN PURSUANCE OF AN ORDER OF" THQ Hon George B.

Abbott. Surrogate of the County of Kings, notice Is hereby given, according to law. to all persons having claims against THOMAS SHEARMAN, late of th Borough of Brooklyn. Citv of New York, deceased, that they are required to exhibit the with the vouchers thereof, to the subscriber, his office. 44 Wall etreet.

Borough of Manhattan. City of New Tork. on or before the flftennth day of May. next. Dated.

November 9, 1900. nl2 6m JOHN W. STERLING. Executor. IN PURSUANCE OF AN ORDER OF THE HON.

GEORGE B. ABBOTT. Surrogate of tho County of Kings, notice is hereby given, according to law, to all persons having claims against JACOB BLOOM FIELD, late of the County of Kings, deceased, that they are required to exhibit the same, with the vouchers thereof, to the subscriber at her plac of transacting business, at the office of Weed, Henry Meyers, 52 William street. Borough of Manhattan. In City of New York, on or berore th th day of May next.

Dated November 2, 1500. EVA BLOOMFIELD. Executrix. Weed Henry Meyers, Attys. for Executrix.

62 William Street, Borough of Manhattan, "City of New York n5 6m KEUTGEN, EDITH BP NET IN PURSUANCE or nn arder of the Hon, George B. Abbott, Surro A gate of th1 County of Kings, notice Is hereby riven according to law, to all persons havinrfB claims against EDITH BENET KEUTGEN, lataU of the Borough of Brooklyn. City of New York.H deceased, that they are required to exhibit th same with the vouchers thereof, to the tub pcrlber at his place of business, at the office of I' pn. street. Bprpusjh of mVin ttan City of New Lork, on or beiure tn 15th day of June next Dated December 8.

1900. CHARLES H. KEUTGEN, Administrator. Wilder Anderson. Attorneys for Administrate 45 Cedar Street, Manhattan, New York City.

dlO 6m rn "IN PURSUANCE OF AN ORDER OF THIS Hon George B. Abbott. Surrogate of the County of King, notice Is hereby given, according to law to all persons having claims against ROSANNA. TRAVIS late of the Borough of Brooklyn, New York City County of Kings, deceased, that they, are required to exhibit the same, with the vouchers thereof to the subscriber at his place of transacting business, the office of Geo. C.

Case, rtew York City, on or before the 22d day of June next Dated December 13. 1900. dl" 6m zn IN PURSUANCE OF AN UKDEB UF Hon George B. Abbott. Surrogate of the County of Kings notice is hereby givun.

according to law. to all persons having claims against WALTER BREWFR lato of tho Borough of Brooklyn, dec eased that they are required to exhibit the same, with the vouchers thereof, to the subscribers at their ulace for transacting business, the office of Augustus Havlland. 9S2 Fulton street. Borough of Brooklvn, City of New York, on or before th trst day of August next. Dated Brooklyn.

N. January 1901. BREWER. CHARLES ii av Jim Augustus Havfland. Attorney for Executors.

9SS Fnlton Brooklyn. N. Y. ja" 6m ra OF AN ORDER OF THBS Hon George B. Abbott.

Surrogate of the County of Kings, notice is hereby given, according to law. to all persons having claims against HERMAM STUTZFR. late of the Borough of Brooklyn, City of New York, deceased, that they aro required to exhibi the same, with the vouchers thereof, the subscribers, at their place of doing' business. Room 12 1 Produce Exchange. Manhattan, Ne York Citv.

on or before the first day of Augrut next Dated January 11, 1901. next. HERMAN STUTZER, MARTHA STUTZER, Executors. Wingate Cullen. Attys for Executors.

20 Xa sau st. Manhattan. N. Y. City.

jal 27t TnPUKSCANCE OF AN ORDER OF THE HON. Geurg B. Abbott, Surrogate of the County of Kinus notice is hereby given, according to la. to all persons having claims against JULIETTH PARKER, late ot the Borough of Brooklyn, deceased that they are required to exhibit th same, with the vouchers thereof, to the subscriber at his office. No.

27 William street, in tho Borough of Manhattan and City of New York, on or before the 15th day of May next. Dated November 5. 1900. n5 6m JOHN 5. MELCHER.

Executor. IX PURSUANCE OF AN ORDER OF THB Hon. George B. Abbott. Surrogate of the County of Kings r.t.tlce is hereby given, according to law, to all persons having claims againpt ANDREW SIDES, late of the Borough of Brooklyn.

County of Kings, deceased, that they are required to hlblt the same, with the vouchers thereof, to th subscriber at the office of William W. Butcher, her attorney No. 26 Court etreet. in the City New York, on or before the 10th dA ot July next. Dated January 2.

FRANCES S. SIDES. William W. Butcher, Attorney for Admlnt tratrix. 26 Cuurt street.

Brooklyn. N. Y. ja7 6na I IN PURSUANCE OF AN ORDER OF HON, George H. Abbott.

Surrogate of the County ot Kings notice Is hereby given, according to law, to all' persons having claims aga rm ELI2UR Ofc. WEBSTER lato of the Borough of Brooklyn, New York City, deceased, thut they are required to ex hlbit thV same, with the vouchers thereof, th subscribers, at their place of transacting business. 1 ai the offlce of their attorney. Kufus T. Griggs.

No 31 Nassau street. Borough nf Manhattan, ia 1 the Citv of 'W York, on or before the nineteenth, day of" August next. Dated Brooklyn, February 11 "FREDERICK H. WEBSTER. I WILLI AM A.

EliSTER. Executors. I Rufus T. Griggs. Attorney f.

Executors. No. SJ street. Manhattan. New 1 ork i i 6in 1 JM'KSl A.M.

r. ur ur.ur.r. 'ir j. ncj Hon. Georse B.

Abbott. urrogate of the County ry according to notice Is hi i it all rsons having claims against ROB wri.lE. late Borough of Brook county. Jecens 'J, ihey are re to exhibit to the the with the voucher! briber at his place of trans the office of his attorney. Montague street, Brook Noul: T.

bbetts salu jur.ty. en or before tno lta day of Jul: xt Dated 7. WILLIAM F. A DS WORTH. Executor of Robert B.

Wylio, decoaaed. Noah Tebbetts. Att'y for Executor. No. fit Montague fit, Brooklyn.

N. Y. Ja? 6m IN OF AN ORDER OF TUB Hon. Oeonsc B. Abbott, Surrogate of th County of KinKS.

notice is hereby given, according to law, to all arsons having claims EDWARD KIMFTON, lato of the Borough of Brooklyn, County of Kings, New York City, deceased, that thev aro required to exhibit the same, with th vouchors thereof, to the tiiibscrtlter at his plac of transacting business, at the offlce of Henry C. edhain. No. 93 Nassau street. Borough of Manhattan City of New York, on or before th eighth day of April next.

Paied Borough ot Brooklyn. New Y. rk. September lb. lVOu.


ERNST E. SEYP. Scotr fir Needham. Attorneys for Executorsi, SS Nassau street. Manhattan Borough, New Yorfe Cliy 1N FUKSUANCT OF AN" ORDER OF THBJ lion.

Ocui'Si' lf Abbott. Surrogate i.f the County Ein's, "iit'tlcc is hereby Riven, according ta lav. to till p'TSTis having chilms against H. Di UGUERT V. late of the Horouyh of Brook t.Vunty Kings, deceased, that tln are re to "cxhibl 'tt tne.

with the vouchers ther to the subscriber, at her l'lace of transacting business, the oftlee of Fred Ingraham, No. Hroadway, Manhattan. New York City, la New York County, on fir before the "0th day ot June next. Dated November 2 1W0. djram ELLEN DOUGHERTY, EMCUtrlfc 1 HE PEOPLE OF THE STATE OF NEW York, by the grace of God free and independent To Martha rt.

i ynae, jynae. tiara i nuu hoihcui. Ir. testimony whereof we have caused the seal of our said Surrogate's Court to bo hereunto affixed. WltneBs, Hon.

George B. Abbott. Surrogate of our paid Coun (I. ty. at the County of Kings, on the 20th day of February in the year of our Lord one thousand nine hundred and one.

MICHAEL, F. McGOLDRICK. f2," St Clerk of the Surrogate's Court. THE PEOPLE OF THE STATE OF NEW Tork. by the grace of God free and independent To James Thomas.

Walter KlmbaJl, if living and if dead, his widow, descendants, executor or ad nilnlatrator. if he left any, whose names or parts of whose name and whose place or places of residence are unknown and cannot after diligent Inquiry be ascertained. Bend greeting: You and each of you aro hereby cited to appear before our Surrogate of the County of Kings, at a Surrogate's Court to he hld at the Hall of Records, in the County of Kings, on the 17th day of April. 1901. at ten o'clock in the forenoon, then and there to attend tho ludlclal settlement of the account of William B.

Davenport, public administrator of the County of Kings, as administrator of the goods, chattels and credits which wero of MARY THOMAS, deceased. And let the above named persona who may be Infants thon and there tthow cause why a speoial guardian should not be appointed to appear for them on said judicial settlement, In testimony whereof we have, caused the seal of our said Surrogate's Court to he hereunto ainxed. Witness. Hon. George B.

Abbott, Surrogate of our said Ooun CL. ty. at the County of Kings, the 15th dav of February in the year of our Lord one thousand nine hundred and one. MICHAEL F. McGOLDRICK.

f25 6. Clerk of the Surrogate's Court. THE PEOPLE OF THE STATE OF NEW YORK, by the grace of God free and independent To William McLoughltn, Charles Quln, if living, and. if dead, his widow, descendants, executor or administrator. If he left any, whose names or parts of whose names and whose place or places of residence are unknown and cannot after diligent Inquiry be ascertained; Eulalie Ferriday.

Helen Terriberry and filise B. Terrl berry. Infants over fourteen years of age; Gladys Terriberry, Dorothy Terriberry and Katharine Terriberry, infanta under fourteen years of age Patrick McGlade. Ellen MoGlade, Mary Ellen Quln and any and all unknown persons, whose names or parts of whose names and whose place or places of residence are unknown, and cannot after diligent inquiry be ascertained, next of kin of John J. McLoughlin, deceased, snd greeting: You and each of you are hereby cited to appear before our Surrogato of the County of Kings, at a Surrogate's Court to be held at the Hall of Records, in tho County ot ivlngs.

on the 17th day of April, 1901, at ten o'clock in the forenoon, thn and thcro to attend the judicial settlement of the count of William B. Davenport, public administrator of the County of Kings, as administrator of the goods, chattels and credits which were of JOHN J. McLOUGHLTN, deceased. And let the above named or designated infants then and there show cause why a special guardian should not be appointed to appear for them on said Judicial settlement. In testimony whereof we have caused the seal of our said Surrogate's Court to be hereunto affixed.

Witness, Hon. George tt. AODOtt, surrogate or our said coun (L. ty. at the County of King, tho loth day of February, in the year of our Lord ona thousand nine hundred and one.

MICHAEL F. McGOLDRICK. Clerk of the Surrogate's Court. f25 6t THE PEOPLE OF THE STATE OF NEW YORK, by the grace of God free and independent To any and all unknown persons whose names or parts of whoso names and whose place or piaces oi residence are untcnown and cannot artnr diligent Inquiry be ascertained, next of kin of Samuel Gilbert, deceased, send irreetiiie: You and each of you ar hereby cited to appear before our Surrogate of the County of Kings, at a Surrogate's Court, to be held at the Hall of Records, In the County of Kings, on the 17th day of April. 19m, at ten o'clock in the forenoon, thon and there to attend the judicial settlement of the account of William B.

Davenport, Public Administrator of the County of Kings, as administrator of the goods, chattels and credits which were of SAM EL i GILBERT, deceased. And let the above nam or designated persons who may be Infants then and there show cause why a sDeclal guardian should not be appointed to appear for them on said judicial settlement. In testimony whereof, we have caused the seal of our said Surrogate's Court to bt hereunto affixed. Witness. Hon.

George 13. Abbott, Surrogate of our said countv, (L, 6.) at the County of Kings, the 25th day of February, in the year of our Lord one thousand nine hundred and one. MICHAEL F. McGOLDRICK. 25 6w Clerk of the Surrogate's Court.

THE PEOPLE OF THE STATE OF NEW YORK, by the graw of God, free and Independent, to Herbert 3. Jewell, Florence A. Marvin, Carrie F. Jewell, also known as M. C.

Jewell Mabel Jewell, Herbert E. Jewell, Edward H. Jewell. Edith Jewell, Marion Jewell, Ora Jewell and Margery Jewell, send greeting Whereas, the Brooklyn Trust Company of the Borough of Brooklyn, it. nas ictei petitionee otfir SurroKtc Court of the County of Kings to have a certain Instrument in writing bearing date the eleventh day of January, 1836.

relating ta real and personal ore pert s. duly approved as the last will and teata meat or ii.6A J. wv E.J,i late or KrooKiyn, deceased herefore you and each of you are hereby cited to appear before our Surrogate the County of Kings, at a Surrogate's Court to be held at the Hall of Records. In the Borough of BrooWm on the twenty sixth day of Febru o'clock In the forenoon, then and to aUend the probate of the Rajd wl testamem; and that the above named infants rk, 0 M(i shoM not De appointed to" appear for th'em .1 1 a ii ur. tne ui suia last wm ana uwameni, In testimony whereof, we have caused the seal of our said Surrogate's Court to be hereunto affixed.

Witness. Hon. George a. AoDott. surrogate of our said county, at the Borough of Brooklyn, the seventh day of January, in the year of our Lord one thousand nine hundred and one.

MICHAEL F. McGOLDRICK. Clerk of the Surrogate' Court. L. .114 fit 1 THE PEOPLE OF THE STATE OF NEW YORK, by tho grace of God free and independent To Sarah Lowry, Elizabeth M.

Lytle and Andrew Lowry send greeting: Whereas Mary Lowry oZ the County of Kings has lately petitioned our Surrocales Court of the Countv of Kncs dav a certain instrument in writing, bearinr dat the 21st day of November, 1900, relating to real and personal property, duly proved as the last will and testament of JOSEPH L. LOWRY, late of the County of Kings, deceased. Wherefore you and each ot" you are hereby cited to appear before our Surrogate of the County of Kings, at a Sur rogate's Court, to be held at the Hall of Records in the County of Klnss, on the 12th day of March. 1901, ac ten o'clock in the forenoon, then and there to attend the urobate of the said last will anu testament. In testimony whereof wo have caused the seal of our said Surrogates Court to be hereunto affixed.

Witness, Hon. Oeorge B. Abbott, Surrogate of our said Coun (L. ty. at the County of Kings, the 2lst day of January, In the year of our Lord one thousand nine hundred 'and one MICHAEL F.

McGOLDRICK. Clerk of the Surrogate's Court. George Eckstein. Attorney for Petitioner 2C Court street. Borough of Brooklyn.

City of New Tork. ja2l 6t THE PEOPLE OF THIS STATh Ut' NEW YORK, by the grace of God fre and Independent Tu any and all unknown persons whnsn nams vz pr rts of whose names and whys, plav ur plai 3 of residence are unknown and cannot after dlli crt nt innnfrv ht Kj rr jilnm' nvr Ictn i.i. 1 pottl Bauer, deceased, send greeting: You and each of you are hereby cited to appear before our Surrogate of the County of Kings, ai a Surrogate's Court, to be held at the Hall of Record: in the County of Kings, on tho 17th day of April, 1901, at ten o'clock in the forenoon. thm and there to attend tho judicial settlement of tli? account of William B. Davenport, Public Administrator ot tb County of Kings, as Administrator of the gocas, cnatteia anu creuitc wnici: were or LbU POLD BAUER, deceased.

And let tho above named or designated infanis then and there show cause why a special guardian should not be appointed to appear for them on said judicial settlement. In testimony whereof we have caused the sen.1 of our said Surrogate's Court to be hereunto artixed. Witness. Hon B. Surrogate of our said countv, (L.

at the County of Kings, the 25th day of February. In the year of our Lord one thonsund nlns hundred and one MICHAKL l' McGOLDRICK, f2, iw rn 1tK of the Surrogate's Co'tirt. IN Pl'KSCANCE OF AN ORDER OF THE Hun. Liorse j. unufc mo or triR oui I of notice Is hereby given, according to law 1 all persons having claims against HKNRY i PRATT, lute of the Borough of Brooklyn Courrv ot rvinti.i.

ucicudcu. tne inquired to hlblt the tame, with the vouchers thereof, to th subscribers, at their place of transacting business, at tiiw ui iv ui. i uuiuu.ii. jo an nrer Hor ough of Manhattan. In tho City of New York on or before the second day of September, 1901 vx Dated, February 18.

1901. EDWARD P. STOL'GHTON FRANCIS JORDAN. Executors. Francis Jordan.

Attorney for Executors. IS Waii street, Borough of Manhattan. New York City. Cm IN PURSUANCE OF AN ORDER OF THE Hon. George B.

Abbott. Surrogate of tVu County of Kings, notice is hereby given, according to law to all persons having claims aKulnnt JOHN VAN SICKLEN. late of the County ot Kings, do ceased, that they are required to exhibit tho same, with the vouchers thereof, to the subscribers their place for the transaction of business, to wit: The offlce of their attorney. Charles A. Kenmor.

No, 26 Court street. Brooklyn. New York, on 3r before the tenth day of July next. Dated January 7. 1901.


PUBLIC ADMINISTRATOR'S OFFICE. REAL Estate Exchange. No. ISO Montague street In pursuance of an order jf the Hon. George B.

Abbott. Surrogate of tht County of Kings, notice ia hereby given, according to law, to nil persons having claims against CARL HINPKWALD. JOHN l. LEWIS. GASPARE 'ACAi'E.


that they art required to ex hiblt the same, with the vouehcrs thereof, to the subscriber, the Administrator, his Room No. 6UJ. Real Estate Exchange. No. im Montague street, nuiuMRu ui on or tut.

iui uuj ui wt ujidu Kings County, January 7. i0l. WILLIAM B. DAYENI'ORT. Public Administrator of tho County of Kings.

Administrator. Ja7 6m Bryan L. Kennelly, auctioneer, will sell on Wednesday, March 6, at 111 Broadway, Manhattan, 771 and 771A Union street, Brooklyn, two three story and basement brown nwue liiuii auuaes, lots id.oxd; ana io Union street, two lots 25x95 each; 833 Qulncy street, three story brick apartment house, lot 19.6x100; also twenty lota In the Eighth Ward, being the block front In Fir3t avenue, between Fifty third and Fifty fourth streets. D. M.

Chauncey Company, auctioneers, will sell on Thursday, March 7, at 189 Montague street, 45 Wllloughby street and 371 to 375 Jay street, being tag northeast corner, with three story brick business building. James Brumley, auctioneer, will sell at 189 Montague street, on Thursday, March 14, '68 Fifth avenue, three story brick building with store; 803 Fulton street, four story brick building, with store; 371 Sixth street, two story and basement brick house; 604 Bergen street, two story and basement brick house: 43 Duffield street, four story briclc double apartment house; 18 Sixteenth street, two story and basement frame house and 640 Fourth avenue, two two story 'and basement frame houses; 498 Sixth avenue, two story and basement brick house. John T. Boyd, auctioneer, will sell on Wednesday, March 27, at lSa'Mbhtague street, 17 and 19 Columbia corner of Doughty street, three stoYy brick and frame buildings, with store on plot 62.5x25.2; also, 20 Doughty street, 'frame building, lot 26.11x62.7. To morrow's Sales.

2S1A Halsey street, house on lot 16.3xi00; 70S' Putnam avenue, house on lot 20x100, by James L. Brumley, auctioneer, at 189 Montague street. r' 344A Hancock street, house on lot house on lot 25x150, on the southeast corner of Erasmus street and Johnson place; 538 Henry street, house on lot 20x75; 281 and 283 Fifth avenue, brick apartment house on plot 28.6x91.9; 283 and 286 Fifth avenue, brick apartment house on plot 28.6x91.9, by Thomas A. Kerrigan, auctioneer, at 9 Wllloughby street. New Buildings.

STERLING PLACE, side, 100 feet east ot ITnaerhill avenue, seventeen three story and basement brick, 14x22, 89x13, one family each, tin loot; cost William H. Reynolds, owner. ST. NICHOLAS AXD DE KALB AVENUES, southeast corner, four three story brick, 23x65, stores and four, five and six families each, tin roof; cost S20.000. Nicholas C.

Stelnman, owner. BAST THIRTY FIFTH STREET AND CANAR SIB AVENUE, northeast corner, one two story frame, 26xu2. four families, tin root; cost S3.50O. Kunzwellcr. owner.

Mechanics' Liens. MARCH 2. SCone av. cor Pacific st, 20.3x93. John A Hushes ant Pasqui'e Antrea and John and John ful.oa Judgments.

MARCH 2. Firchland, Chas Gurnee Barhydt; Ida Buchanan et al 109.27 Heuses, Frederick Josephine A Heuser. 85.47 Xeumann. Michael and Jennie 'iz Schoenberg 483.59 G'rlsar. Sophia and Samuel 6S.82 Same Sarah Gurlon 77.77 Cook, Jacob Metropolitan Street R'way Co 107.60 Connel, Maurice Flss, Doerr Car roll Horse Co 1,039.93 Henlnger, Charles Thbs Murray, 553.12 McLaughlin, Joseph A Sinnott 116.32 Ryan.

John Hasbrouck. 136.27 Pacht, Harry Sussmann Bros. 99.58 Ccdy, James, William and Kelly i 133.26 Hooley. Cortland Hadley 108.32 Abraham Bershatsky 21.75 Catholic Benevolent Legion. Supreme.

Council of Mary. Burke 309.02 Car'y. Terry, and Edward Carey 119:35 Donlon. Edward, and Richard Strype Same 123.52 Rees. Henry P.

and Davis Gesdowsky Fischler 148.80 Mortgages. MAHCI 2. Pilbladdo. R. to Angela Blanchl, Fourth av, cor Thirteenth st 54,500 Rutledge.

to Bank Clerks' Co op and Ass'n. Tenth st, nr Sixth av 1,400 Scdorstrom. Ida to ialdlaw. St Marks av, nr Vanderbilt. 1,500 Melody, E.

to A A Newman. Hooper St. 2 000 Quirk. Margt to Calder, Thirteenth st, 8,000 Belanowsky, Rose and A. to Phraner, Pltldn av, nr Stone av.

4 morts 17,000 Ernst, Ellz. to Margt Hexamer. Stanhope st. nr Central Crowley, to Atlantic and Ass'n, Forty second st, nr Sixteenth, 1,000 Miller, Sara M. to H.

Grattan, East Twelfth st. 2,000 Glddings. C. to Belle Ramsdell, Eighth av and Fifty second st 310 Morgan, J. to Title and Co, Eighty second st, etc.

3,500 Same to Bensonhurst Co, Twentieth av, nr Benson av 7,000 Farley. A C. to Jane Barber, Fort Greene place, 3,000 McUgln. A. to Title and Co Halsey 4,250 Clayton.

to A Taylor. McDonough st. 3 morts 30,000 IJdge. Rebecca, to Bliz Heffron, Halsey at, S.BOO Lurle, to German Savings Bank, Scholes st. nr Graham av 2,750 Kaufman, to Mussle, Gates av, cor Irving av 7 250 Hopfe.

and A P. to Gutce, Central av, nr Suydam st 1,450 Gross, Johanna, to trustees of Margt John son, Paca av, 450 Buermondt, to Mary Graves. Park place, nr Kingston av 4,300 Allen; J. to Title and Co, av, Thirteenth st 6,500 Efch, J. to Kings Co Savings Inst, Grove St.

nr Knickerbocker av, 3 morts 18,000 Raymond. Adella and D. to Withey, Sandford st. nr DeKalb av 146 Goldfiam. J.

to Lillie Bachrach, Heyward st, nr Lee 500 Hucg, Anna to Alice Foss, Stan hope st, nr Irving av 750 Jackier, 3, to Huber Brewery, Jamaica av. cor Euclid av. 1,500 Herler. Mary to Gibson, Lenox road, cor Nostrand av 1,300 J. to Bora, Lincoln av, 1,600 Wheeler, to Cropsey Twenty third av.

nr Bath av 400 Yr.nlcaits, to Green Seckel, Seven teenth st. nr Third av 500 Peterson. M. to Clark, East Third st 2,250 Anderson, to Bond and Mort Guar Co, Seventy third st, nr Twelfth 8,600 Assignments of Mortgages. MARCH 2.

Title and Co to Young 812,500 Same to Hughes 3,000 Same to Post 1,000 Same to exrs A Brown 11,250 Same to A Leward 2250 Same to Atkins 400 to trustees of Magr 3,750 Same to Marlon Devoe ijooo Same to Folsom 2,750 Same to Mason 4600 Same to Jennie Bayre 2,300 Same to Young 9,500 Same to exrs Loweti 9,000 Same to exrs A Jaxvls 8,000 Same to Poughkeepsie Savings Bank 42,000 Same to exrs Jarvl6 2,500 Bensonhurst Co to Title and Co 8,750 Oppenhelm, to Maxgrt Waters 2,537 Cornell, Alice, to A Taylor 5 000 "Eldert. and ano, to Phebe 1,000 Woodruff, Kate to Vellerleln 800 cnmiut, Mary, ana Pearl Roth, to Relnhardt 1,000 I Conveyances. march 2. BXJRT GREENE PLACE, s. 273 ft Hanson place, 20x100.

John Kearney to Arthur Farley Bom OLASSON AV, s. 100 ft DeKalb av, 25.9x95, Oscar Rafferty to Louise Barrett nom EAST TWELFTH ST, 600 ft Beverley road. 50x100, Amy E. wife, and Harry Grattan, to Sara. Miller, mort 83.600 nom EIGHTY FIFTH ST.

s. 220 ft Eleventh av 180x100. foreclose, William Walton to Bond and Mortgage Guarantee Co 2 mo EIGHTY SIXTH ST. extends from Bay Thirty first st to Bay Thirty sec ond st 193.4x80. Wm Morgan to the Bensonhurst Co xph urrv orrivn cm Twenty lirst av.

120x100; Eighty second t. 160 ft a Bay Parkway 00x 100; Eighty first st. 220 ft Bay Parkway, 180x100, the Bensonhurst Co to Wm Morgan exeh FOURTH AV, cor Thirteenth st, 50x 25. Thoma Pltbladdo to Grant Pltbladdo 7,000 iAino rtv, no ui vvi xrvtus av, ZOX70, conraa jauesie to uax i iiaurman nom HAbSbl 4tu rt rnroop av, 20x100, Theo Steenworth, Bloom field, J. to Eusene A McElgln Mcdonough st, 105 ft Reia av, 220x100, Arthur Taylor to Walter Clayton HALSEY ST, a.

105 ft Marcy av, 33.4x100, John II Meyer to Rebecca Lodge, mort $14,000 exch F1F1T TOUKTH tax, tt sixth av, 20x100.2. John Dobbin, jr, to Lacy Lyons, mort $2.200 SIXTH AV, cor Thirteenth 7tx 63.6, James Catharine, Teresa and Thos Burke and James McGinty, by Michael Burke, guardian, to Allen MTS PACA AV, 0 675.1 xnattora place, 50x120. Geo A Mlnastan to Johanna Gross 7E0 LENOX ROAD, cor Nostrand av, 394x119.6. Robert Gibson to Mary Herber. mort 4,000 FORT GREENE PLACE.

273 It Hanson place, 20x100, Emma E. Saml and Millard Whltson. heirs Wlllet Whltson, to John 4,000 PITKIN Av, bo it Htono av, oux 100. Helen Clarke to Rose Bolandw sky nom Ramp nronertv. Helen and Camilla Clark, exrs Byron Clarke, to 15,000 HENDRIX ST, 156.3 Baltic si, 18.9x100, Julia Harten, widow, to Annie Rooney, mort $1,000 1 1JNCOLN AV, 100 ft Glenmore 10x000, Wm Bowen to Julius LEGAL NOTICES.

COUNTY COURT, KINGS COUNTY WILLIAM P. Mahler, plaintiff, against William Irvine and others, defendants In pursuance of a judgment of foreclosure and sale made and entered in the above entitled action, dated the 4th day ot February, 1901, I will sell at public auction, tho highest bidder, by Thomas A. Kerrigan, auctioneer, at the salesrooms, No. 9 Wllloughby street, in the Borough of Brooklyn. County of Kings, on the 26th day of March, 1901, at twelve clock, noon, the lands In said Judgment mentioned, and therein described as follows: All that certain lot.

piece or parcel of land, together with the improvements thereon erected, situate, lying and being in the Borough of Brooklyn ot the City of New York. County of Kings and State of York, bounded and described ar follows, to wit: Beginning at a point on trie southerly sMo of Atlantic avenue, distant one hundred ana six feet seven inches easterly from the southeasterly corner of Atlantic and Franklin avenues; running thence southwesterly at right angles to Atlantic avenue eighteen feet three inches; thence westerly at right angles to Franklln avenue eight feet eleven Inches to a point distant elgh.y one feet one inch easterly from Franklin avenue on a line drawn at right angles thereto; thence southeasterly parallel with Franklin avenue twenty feot. more or less, to a point distant forty feet one and three quarter Inches, southwesterly from Atlantic avenue, on a line drawn at right angles thereto; thence southerly at right angles to Atlantic avenue one feet ten and three quarter inches, more or less. 10 a point distant sixty two feet and one halt of an inch southwesterly from Atlantic avenue, on a line drawn at right angles thereto; thence southeasterly foro ihree feet ten inches to a point distant ninety one feet four inches southwesterly from Atlantic avenue, on a line drawn at right angles thereto; thence easterly parallel with Atlantic aveme ine feet ten and three quarter inches thence southwesterly at right angles to At antic avenue eight feet eight inches; thence easterly parallel with Atlantic avenue one foot; thence northeasterly at rl ht angles to Atlantic avenue one hundred feet to the southerly side of Atlantic avenue and thence northwesterly along the southerly side of Atlantic avenua forty three feet five inches to the point or place of bcginnlng. Dated March 4.

Sheriff of Kings County. Plaintiff. Attorney 175 Rem sen street. Borough of Brooklyn. City ot New Tto' followlnB is a diagram tt be sold above described: 1,14 and 1.16 Atlantic' avenue: Atlantic Ave.

Th anoroximate amount of liens or charges to satlsly which the above described property is to be sold is 0.376.3. with interest thereon from FebSaV 2 1901. Wther with costs and allow anramountlng to 5342.6ft. with interest thereon Irom February 4, 1301. and the "penses of the sale The approximate amount of taxes, assesa nSnts or other Uens which are to be allowed to the ourchar out of the purchase money or paid Pth? ShSri? is and intert.

Dated Sheriff of Kings County. mh 3w Trivia nilVTY HENRY Newbury, plaintiff. aKalnst Isaac Je xsey atreet in the BorouBh ot BrocWyn County ot inp nn the 26th dav of March, 1901. at tweive the lands in said en mentioned, and therein described as follows. certain lots, nieces or parcels of land, situate.

iSk and being in the Borouch of Brooklyn of the City of New York. County of Kings and State of New York, known and deslRnated on a certain Sap entitled. "Man ot the Zabrlskle Homestead, made under the direction ot George W. Dalton hv TVnlter Mcerole. C.

City Surveyor. May 27. 1901." and filed In the oltlce ot the Reslster ot the County of Kine s. as and by the lots num. ben three hundred and twenty nine to three hundred and thirty seven, both InclUBlve.

in block lettered G. and which said lots are bounded and described as follows, to wit: BoRlnnlnsr at a point on the westerly side of East Sixteenth street, distant two hundred and thirty five feet, two and one halt Inches southerly from the corner formed bv the Intersection ot the westerly de of East Sixteenth street with the southerly side of Avenue running thence westerly at right angles to East Sixteenth street and nart of the distance Jhroueh a party wall, seventy five feet to land now or late of the Brooklyn and Brighton Beach Railroad Company: thence southerly alone sum Irnd. one hundred and eighty feet: thence easterly, at right angles to East Sixteenth street and pert of tho distance through a party wan, seventy five feet to the westerly side ot East sixteenth street, and thence northerly along the westerly side ot East Sixteenth street, one hundred and eighty feet to the point or place ot beginning. Also all the right, title and interest ot the parties of. in and to East Sixteenth street, lying in front of and adjoining said premises to the center line thereof.

Dated March 4. 1901. WILLIAM WALTON. Sheriff o( Kings County. Edwin Kempton.

Plaintiffs Attorney. 175 Rem sen Street, Borough ot Brooklyn, City of New York, N. Y. The following is a diagram ot the property to bo sold as above described: East 16th SI. lS(T 213.

The premises will be sold subject to nine prior mortgages, each to secure $2.50.00 and Interest. The approximate amount ot liens or charges to satisfy which the above described property is to be sold Is S7.1S9.59, with interest thereon from February 21. 1901. together with costs and allowance, amounting to $13.79. with Interest thereon from February 21.

1901. and the expenses of the sale. The approximate amount of taxes, assessments or other liens which are to be allowed to the purchaser out of the purchase money or paid by the Sheriff la $17.91 and interest. Dated March 4. 1901.

WILLIAM "WALTON. Sheriff of Kings County, mn nt mth NEW YORK SUPREME COURT. KINGS COUNTY Char! 3 Carpenter, plaintiff, against Eucllla A. WilkJns and others, defendants In pursuance of a judgment of foreclosure and sale, made and entered In the above entitled action, dated the 23d day of January. 3901.

I will sell at public auction to the highest bidder, by Thomas A. Kerrigan, auctioneer, at the salesrooms. No. 9 Wllloughby street, in the Borough of Brooklyn, County of Kings, on tne htn day ot Aiarcn. isoi, at.

twelve o'clock, noon, the lands in said 1ud2 ment mentioned, and therein described as fol All the right, title and Interest of the said defendant, Kucllla A. Wilklns, In and to the following described property: All that certain lot, piece or parcel of land situate, lying and being in the Twenty second Ward of the Borough of Brooklyn. In the Countv of Kings and Citv and State of New York, bounded and described as follows, to wit: Beginning at a point on the southerly side of Eighth street, distant one hundred and fifty eight, feet and one Inch westerly from the southwesterly corner of Sixth avenue" and Eighth street, and running thence southerly and parallel with Sixth avenue and part of the wav through a party wall ninety feet; thence westerly and parallel with Eighth street twenty feet; thftnee northerly again parallel with Sixth avenue ninety feet to the southerly side of Eighth ntrect, and thence easterly along the southerly side of Etgntn street twenty to tne point or place of beginning, being known as number 330 Eighth street, and the same prem ises con.eyea to tne saia runy oi ine urst part by John F. Mills and Eliza Mills, his wife, the father and the mother of the party of the first Sart herein by deed recorded in Kings' County legfster's office in liber "24. page 55 of conveyances Section 4.

Block 1,005, December 12, 1S99. Dated March 4. 1901. WILLIAM WALTON, Sheriff of Kings County. Bolter Flash.

Plaintiff's Attorneys. 367 373 Rs.unr. Rrooklvn. N. Y.

The following is a diagram of tho property to' be sold as aoove uuscnueu, ojv iigntn street Sth Street. ISO 180 si. jonn cox to Emil Lazansky nom ijaitti cjg.ih.iin r. s. 96.10 frlghth av.

runs 99.8 1 0.4 Ji.B Ai8 x.8 100 to st 19. Wm Calder to Margt Quirk, mort $3,000 Tiom HOOPER ST. s. 197 ft Lee av. niti.

Aooipnun A Newman to Wm Melodv. tnrirt w.nrft nom SIXTY FOURTH ST, 300 ft juurtoentn av. zuxiuo. josepn Muir SIXTY FIFTH ST. e.s.

140 ft Four teenth av, 20x100, GJaccllmo cemimra to RsffAeln Falhr. nom PROSPECT AV, 336.9 Fifth av, 13X80.2. "Grant Pltbladdo to Thomas Pltbladdo 4.000 STANHOPE ST. s. 150 ft Central av, 25x108.11x23x109.2.

ht 1. Saml Johnson to Elizabeth Ernst OoO DEGRAW ST, s. 124 ft Fourth av. 7B.4X3S.6, Annie DuerK to Edward Krueger. mort $4,200 nom FRANKLIN AV, s.

350 ft Wllloughby av. 20x100, jearmeite, wire Frank Thronp. to Mary Graham, mort $3,500 nom ST MARKS AV, s. 50 ft Classon av. 2OX90, Olivia BurRhardt to Mary Dwyer.

mort nom UNION ST. 275.7 Fifth av. 16.SX 9o, Simon Harding to Henrietta GrlRgs. mort $1,000 nom FOURTH AV, Si ft Thirteenth sr. 16.8x100.

foreclosure. Harrv Averv to Bessie Dunleavv a "FOURTH ST, s. 102.6 Fifth av. 16.8x100. Louis Gottlieb to Cecelia McAllister.

Jersey Citv. J. mnrt tit. son unm RALPH ST, s. 175 ft St Nicholas av, auxiw.

samuel Bergmann to Henry Koster. morts $7.500 nnm BOND ST, s. 41.S State St. 16.8x50. ixiaima ueneaiot.

exr saml Benedict, to Elbert Rose WwhnrMi Wirt Same property. Abel Gale to Lodima Benedict, nom Same property, Lodima Benedict to Elbert Rose nom SOMERS ST. s. 200 ft'e Stone av. 1S.9X 300.

Sebastian Benaulti, to Moses Bernstein, mort $4.100 nom CLERMOXT AV. s. 163 ft Greena av. Isaac Robinson.

to Carrie Jessup, mort S4.Q00 5,500 DISSOLUTION NOTICES. AT A SPECIAL TERM OF THE SITPRF.MTr COURT of the State of New York helrt County Court House, in the Borough of Brooklyn. Ainfia wuuiy, on xiio ist uay ot uecemDer. 19U0, present, Hon. Wilmot M.

Smith. Justice In the matter of the application for a voluntary dissolution of the Borough of Brooklyn Tobacco Manufacturing, and Novelty Company It appearing to the. court bv a of a mafnrlfcv nf the directors of the Borough of Brooklyn Tobacco manutacturing ancl iNoveity uompany that the stock, effects and other property. thereof are not sufficient to pay all Just demands for which It is liable, nor to afford a reasonable security to those who may. deal with It, and It appearing that it would be.

beneficial to the Interest of the stockholder's that' this corporation should he dissolved. and that petitioners pray for a final order dissolv ing said corporation as prescribed by Title II, Chapter the of Civil Now' upon reading; and fllihsr said Detltion and upon due proof of service of notice of this application 'been 'made upon the Attorney General of the. State of New York, and upon motion of Mr. J. Wiederhold, attorney for the petitioners, it is ordered, that all persons Interested in said corporation ahow cause before me.

or one of the Justices of this court, at a special term thereof, to be held, at the County Court House, in the Borough of yn, Kings County, on tho 5th day of March, 1901. at 10:30 o'clock In the forenoon of that day, 'why the said corporation should not be dissolved. It Is further ordered, that a copy of this order be published In each of the three weeks immediately preceding the time fixed herein to show cause. In the Daily Eagle, newspaper published in the Borough of Brooklyn. Kings County.

Hunter. aoiiiti. J. s. A copy, Peter P.

Huberty, Clerk. (Seal). Take notice, that the above is a copy of an order duly made in the above entitled action at a special term ot the Supreme Court of the State of New York, held at the chambers of Bald court. In the county court Mouse. In tne Horough ot Brooklyn, on the 1st day of December.

1900, and entered and filed In the office of the Clerk of the County of Kings, on the 4th day of December, 1900. Dated Brooklyn Borough. New York City, December 4. 1900. G.

J. WIEDERHOLD. Attorney for Petitioners. Office and Post Office address. No.

1.367 Broad way, Borough of Brooklyn, New York City. U132Sm4 4t POST OFFICE NOTICE. POST OFFICE NOTICE. (Should be read DAILY by all interested as changes may occur at any time.) foreign mans tor tne ween, enamg aiarrn v. 1901.

will close foromDtlv in all cases) at the General Post Office as follows: Parcels post mails close one hour earlier than closing time shown oelow. Parcels post mails for tiermany ciopo ai 3:50 P. M. on March 4, per steamship Kaiser Wm. der Grosse, via Bremen; March 0 per steamship Karlsruhe, via Bremen, and March S.

per steamship Patricia, via Hamburg. TRANS ATLANTIC MAILS. TUESDAY At 6 A. M. for Europe, per steamship Kaiser wm.

der Grosse, via cnarDOurs douiu amttton and Bremen. WEDNESDAY At 6 A. M. for Europe, per steamship Vaderland. via Southampton (man must be directed "per steamship at 8 A.

M. for Europe, per steamship Teutonic, via at 9:30 A. M. for Belgium direct, per steamship Southwark (mail must be directed "per steamship Southwark'). THURSDAY At 6:30 A.

M. for France, Switzer land, Italy. Spam, Portugal, Tuntey. agypt, Greece. British India and Lorenzo Marquez, per steamship La BretagTie, via Havre (mails for other parts of Europe must be directed "Tier steamshlo La FRIDAY At 5:30 A.

M. for Azores Islands, per stoamshln Fernneld. SATURDAY At 4 A. M. for Europe, per steam ship Lucanla, via Queenstown; at A.

m. for Denmark direct, per steamship Norge (mail must be directed "per steamship at 7 A. M. for Netherlands direct, per steamship Amsterdam (mail must be directed "per steamship at 7:30 A. M.

for Italy, per steamship Hohenzollern, via Naples (mall must be directed "per steam shin Printed Matter, etc. This steamer takes printed matter, commercial papers and sampifts tor Germany only. The same class of mail matter for other parts or Europe win not do sent bv this ship unless specially directed by her. After the closing of the supplementary Trans At lantic malls named auove. aaamonai supplementary mails are opened on the piers of the American, English, French and German steamers, and remain open until within ten minutes of the hour of salline of steamer.

MAILS FOR SOUTH AND CENTRAL AMERICA, WEST llVUlHib. TUESDAY At 9 A. M. for Central America (except Costa Rica) and South Pacific Ports, per steamship Finance, via Colon (mail for Guatemala must be directed "uer steamship Fin at 10:50 A. M.

for Brazil, per steamship Button (mall for Northern Brazil, Arffen tino Republic, Uruguay and Paraguay must be directed "per steamship at 1:30 P. M. for Brazil, via Pernambuco and Santos, per steamship British Prince (Including Northern Brazil, Argentine Republic. Uruguay and Paraguay when addressed "per steamship British at 6 P. M.

for Jamaica, per steamship Admiral Farraeut, from Boston; at 110:30 f. M. for Nassau, per steamer from MJt.mi. Fla. TnUDNEBDAY At A.

M. for Inagua and Haiti, per steamship Mt. Vernon; at 10 A. M. for Porto Rico, per U.

S. Transport, via San Juan; at 11:30 A. M. for Cuba, Yucatan. Campeche.

Tabasco and Chiapas, per steamship Havana, via Havana and Progreso (mail for other parts of Mexico must be directed "per steamship pJ. 10:30 P. M. for Jamaica, per uteamyhio Admiral Schley, from Philadelphia. THURSDAY At 9.:80 M.

for Curacao and Venezuela, per steamship Hiltlur (mail for Savanilla and Carthagena must be directed "per steamship FRIDAYAt A. M. for Barbados and North em Brazil, per steamship Camatense: at 11:30 A. M. for Mexico, per steamship Niagara, via Tampico (mail must be directed, "per 6 team ship ot 12 M.

for Turks Island and Dominican Republic, per steamship New York; at 51030 p. M. for Nassau, per steamer from Miami, Fla. SATURDAY At 7 :30 A. M.

for Bermuda, per steamship Trinidad; at 3:30 A. for Porto Rico (via Snn Juan). Venezuela and Curacao, per steamship Philadelohla (mail for Savanllla and CarthaKena directed "per steamship at 8:30 A. M. for Grenada and Trinidad, per steamship Maravnl; at 6:30 A.

M. for, Cjiha, per uteamshtp Mexico, via Havana; nt 9:30 A. M. for Fortune IMand. Jamaica, Savanilla and Carthngena, per.pteam ship Athos (mall for Costa Rica must be directed "per steamship at 9:30 A.

M. for Haiti, per steamship Andes; at 9:30 A. M. for'Coata Rica direct, per steamship Adirondack; at 9:30 A. M.

far Santiago, per steamship Clenfuegos; at 11:30 A. M. for Argentine Republic, Urmcuay and Paraguay, per steam shin Saxon Prince: at 12 M. for Matanzan. Nuevltas, Catbarion.

Barncoa and Glbara, per steamship Curltyba (ordinary mall only, which must be mrecteft per steamsnip uuruyoa y. Malls for Newfoundland, by rail to North Svdnev. and thence by steamer, close at this office dallv at 6 P. M. (connecting close here every Monday, Wednesday and Saturday.

Mails for Miqueion, oy ran to Hoston. ana tnence oy steamer, ciobo at tnts omce aaiiy at p. Malls for Cuba, by rail to Port Tamoa. and thence by steamer, close at this office dailv. exceDt Monday, at a.

m. (the con. rfinr cWes ure on Sunday, Wednesday and Friday'. Mails for Cuba, by rail to Miami. and thence by steamer, close at this office every Monday and Friday at 810:30 P.

M. Mails for Mexico City, overland, unless specially nd dressed for dlsDatch by steamer, close at this office dally at 1 P. M. and 10:30 P. M.

Malls" lor Costa Ktca, uenze, fuerto (jonez and Guatemala, by rail to New Orleans, and thence Dy steamer, close at tnis omce aauy at si p. M. connecting closeshere Mondays for Belize. 1 'Puerto Coifos and Guatemala and Tuesdays Tho approximate amount of Hens or charges to satisfv which the above described property is to be sold Is W. 920.31.

with Interest thereon from Februarv 2S. 1901, together with costs and allowance, amounting to $213.00, with interest thereon from February 25. 1901. and the expenses of the sale. The approximate amount of taxes, assessments or other Hens which are to be allowed to tho nurahawf aut ii rha purchase moj.y.

or nald by the Sheriff Is 5309.47 and interest. Dated Ma. ch WILLIAM WALTON, Sheriff of Kings County. mh4 3w imfcth SUPREME COURT. KINGS COUNTY WAL ter Wellington and George P.

Slade. as sole iimipr the last will and teta In dMeaed plaintiff. ment o. Jonn B. Hutchinson dec ea P'f' against James caiman in pursuance ot a Judgment of closure jndsale, made and entered, in the above entitled act lo dated the day of February, wm sea mihUp miPtinn to the highest bidder, by Thomas A.

Kerrigan. Auctioneer, at the salesrooms. No. ft hi Vit Hni inir'h nf HTVWlKl VT1. 9 WlUoughby street, in thfi Borough of Brooklyn, County of Kings, on tne ziitn uay oi uarcn.

iui, at twelve o'clock noon, the lands in raid judgment mentioned and therein described as follows: All that certain lot. piece or parcel of land situate, lying and being In the Seventh Ward of the City (now Borough) of Brooklyn, County of Kings and State of New York, bounded and described as follows, to wit: Beginning at a point on the southerly side of Jefferson avenue (formerly Jefferson street), distant two hundred and twenty feet westerly from the southwesterly corner of Jefferson avenue (formerly Jefferson street) and Bedford avenue: running thence southerly parallel with Bedford avenue one hundred (100) feet; thence westerly parallel with Jefferson ave nue (formerly Jefferson street iwcniywne i fpp th nce northerly parallel with Betiiord ave nue and part of the distance through tho center of a parts' wall one hundred (100) feet to Jeffer son avenue (formerly Jefferson etreet), and thence eaetcrlj along Jefferson avenue (formerly Jeffer son street) twenty one (21) feet to tho point or nlae of bediming. Dated March 4. 1901. WILLIAM" WALTON.

Sheriff of Kings County. I Richard B. Kelly. Plaintiff's Attorney, No. 237 1 Broadway, Borough of Manhattan, New York City.

The following is a diagram ot me property to be sold as above described: No. 70 Jefferson ave nue. Jefferson Avenue (formerly Jefferson Street). 21 SS3 21 The approximate amount of the liens or cnarges to satisfy which the above described property is to be sold is 56, 925.20, with interest theroor. frcm Februarv 21.

1901, together with costs and allow ance, amounting to S297.5S, with interest th reon from February 27, 3901, and the expenses of tho sale, lhe approximate amount of taxs. assess ments or other liens which arc to be allowed to the purchaser out of the purchase money or paid by the Shertn is ana interest. u.iea Murch 4. 1301. WILLIAM WALTON, Sheriff of Kings County.

xaM STJKKOGATE'S NOTICES. THE PEOPLE OP THE STATE OF NEW YOHK, by the grace of God free and independent To any ami all unknown persons, oi full ago, whose names or parts of whose names and whose place or places of residence are unknown and cennot after diligent inquiry be ascertained, next of kin of George W. Baird. deceased, send greeting: You and each of you are hereby cited and required to appear before our Surrogate of the County of Kings, at a Surrogate's Court of the County of Kings, to be held at the Hall of Rec ords. in the Cuunty of Kings, on the 17th day of April.

1901. at ten o'clock in the forenoon, then ana tnere to mww i uium: nuj u. tn vi i muiu nut be made awarding letters of administration of the goods, chattels and credits which wore of (iKORGE W. BAIRD, deceased, to William 1. Davenport, Public Admmistracor or the touruy or Kings.

In testimony whereof wo have caused th seal of our said Surrogate's Court to be hereunto uftlxcd. Witness. Hon Georpe B. Surrogate of our said county, t.L. at tho County of Kings, the 25th day of February, In the year of our Lord one thousand nine hundred and one.

MICHAEL F. McGOLDRICK. f25 Gw Clerk of the Surrogate's Court. IN PURSUANCE OF AN ORDER. OF THE Hon George B.

Abbott. Surrogate of tho County of Kings, notice is hereby given, according to law, to all persons having claims against CHARLES WALLACE, late of the Borough of Brooklyn, deceased, that they are required to exhibit the same, with the vouchers thereof, to the subscriber. a his place of transacting business at 203 Produce Exchange. Borough of Manhattan. New York, on or before the 10th day of September next.

Dated March 4. 1901. WILLTAM IT. WALLACE. Executor.

Frank G. Wild. Attorney for Executor, 273 Broaden v. Borouzh of Manhattan. New York, mh4 6m 1N puRSUANCK OF AN ORDER OF THE Hon.

George B. Abbott. Surrogate of the County City of New York, on or before the 16th September next. Dated March 1901. WILLIAM H.

HILL. Administrator. Greonbaum llershflold. Attorneys for lisirtitor, 141 Broadway, Borough of Man It halt an New Yorit utr. mn4 tsm Onr Vault Wagon CallH for Your Stiver.

The Eayle Warehouse and Storage 28 38 Fulton st. Adv. 1 21.2 160 ft. 5u losTi Plymouth St, The approximate amount of liens or charges to satisfy which the above described property is tii be sold Is tho sum of $1,600, with Interest Uvreon nf KnK9t notice Is hereby given, according to from May 1. 1S97.

loss the sum of $329 pal.l on lnw to a persons having claims against JO account of the interest since the entry of Judg HILL, late of the County of Kings, dement herein; together with costs and allowance lV.asel. that they are required to exhibit the amounting to $223.22. with interest thereon from anWi with the vouchers thereof, to tho sub May 3. JS97. and the expenses of the sale.

Tho at his place of transacting business, at approximate amount of taxes, assessments or i Jht. otllce of Messrs. Hays, Greenhaum Hersh nthcr liens which ure to be allowed to the pur i HI Broadway, in the BoroiiKh of Man The amount of Mens or charges to uatlafv which the above described property Is to bo sold Is t'tl. with interest thereon from January 23. 1301.

tonethcr with costs and allowance, amountlnR to J238.89. with Interest thereon from January 1901. and th expenses of tho sale, rhe property ia to be sold subject to all unpaid taxta. assessments and water rates, which are now lelna against said property. Dated March 4, 1901.

WILLIAM WALTON, Sheriff ot Kings County. roh Sw chaser out of the purchase money or paid by the Sheriff is $690.42 and Interest, Dated March 4. 1101. WILLTAM WALTON. Sheriff of Kings County, mh4 3w FrnRlle Gootls, Works of Art and household effects packed by experienced mon.

The Eagle Warehouse and Storage 23 33 Fulton st. Adv..

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