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The Brooklyn Daily Eagle from Brooklyn, New York • Page 3

The Brooklyn Daily Eagle from Brooklyn, New York • Page 3

Brooklyn, New York
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

LIST OT LETTERS REMAINING IN THE POST OFFICE, AT BROOKLYN! JULY 1, 1860. OEPEBKD PUILIflBED IS TUB BROOKLYN EAGLE, A3 HAVING ins lahokst circulatiok. "All Letters from Foreign Countries, including thoae from the British North American Provinces, are sent to the Post Office Department at Washington as Dead Letters, if not called Tor within one month after nelng advertised." 1ST Persons calling for the following letters will sat ADVERTISED," or they are not looked for. MAKK1ED. Cna Sims June 30th, by the Rev.

E. M. Johnson, at his res'dencc. 294 PeatI street, Cuablss H. Oabb to Mist Mast B.

Shis. Glover Drtnslky Also, July 1st. David H. Glovbs to Mlas Fmilt Bm.vsLgy. LOST AMP FPU O.

jb REWARD STRAYED, JUNE 23d, VP from the premises of JAMES WALSH, 136 Bntlcr street, aspeckled COW, 7 years old. If any person will be so kind as to return ber to the owner, they will receive the above reward, wjth thanks. jy22f MPJf HAT EVENING. JULY 3. Amusements, this Evening.

BTOTI8' VARIETIES, comer and Pineapple streets. Comicalities. BARNUM'S MUSEUM, New York. Ooilection or VAtUAJDLi: CCSIOSITUiS. PEXrOSMASOS IN LeOTUBS Boom evbbt Aptebhoon and Evenino, NEW BOWERY.

New York. Nick of the Woods Tub Pleasaht Nhighboe "Warlock op ths Glbx. LADIES' LIST. Franklin Mrs Cha O'Neil Jane Arnifm Mrs Atilard Mrs Char rlty juarz REWARD LOST, ON THE 23D INS In Brooklyn, several LAW PAPERS, of no value ex lotte Fonartv Jail a O'RIellv Mars Abbey Fannie Fowler Lizzie O'Brien Mary Allen Mrs Harriet Flojd Mary Oliver Sarah Flood Rose Ann l'lillllos Mrs Altchison Mrs MaroFoster Mrs Sarah Phillips Ann Farmers Mrs SarahPurcell Mrs A Ann fiallirar Mrs Porter Mrs Cynthia The names of the young gentlemen who graduated1 at the Polytechnic Institute on Thursday evening are Messrs. Van Brunt Bergen, Percy T.

Browne, Henry S. Joy and Samuel B. Massa. At 5 o'clock last evening a fire destroyed a stable in Union lane, near Myrtle avonue, and damaged a small dwelling adjoining. The total loss will not exceed $500.

Brlnckerbnof Mrs Burrows Mrs Brown Mrs A Baker Abby Jane Burke Bridget 2 Glosby Dinah Garlon Eliz'h Parker Emma Gleason Kate Pitting Mrs Galiegher Kate Packard Mrs liar nira.Mv Marv rtet uurK nagt Burnbam Caroline ftlvcn Mare Pnrdv Mrs FIBST EDITION. BEOOKLYH DAILY EAGLE OFFICE, Sft P. M. Br Telegraph to Brooltlyu Daily Eagle. Breckinridge and Lane Ratification Meeting.

Philadelphia; July 2. Tho meeting to bo held in this city to night to ratify the nomination of Breckinridge and Luue promises to bo very large. The Surveying Schooner Walker. Atlahtic Crrr, July 2. Tho wreclt of the surveying schooner Walker Is lying off this place.

A steamer from New York has nrrlvcd for the purpose of placing a decoy, and an attempt will be made to raise. It the attempt fails, the wreck will be blows up. ICon Arrival of the Galway Steamers. St. Johns, N.

Sund'y, July 1,6 P. M. There are no signs of the steamships Golden Fleece and Connonght, supposed to have left Galw respectively on the 23u and 26th of June. Weather cloudy, but a good horizon. Thermometer The Canadian Line.

Quebec, July 2. The steamship Anglo Saxon camo through the Straits of Belie Isle, which accounts for her rapid passage. Tho Canadian stcamere will hereafter be due on and after Friday at Father Point. The Palestine which sailed from Liverpool 25th is the next vessel due hero. Douglas Meeting.

Batavia, N. July 2. A large and enthusiastic meeting assembled here on Saturday evening to ratify the ratification of Douglas. Fifty guns were tired. FINANCIAL.

Nsw Toek, July 2. The slock market is steady, without any material change in quotations. Some of the Kailroad sh res advanced a little, while State stocks are dull. The money market is a little more active, owing to the temporary demand caused by the preparations for the payment of dividends to be made to day. 3.

H. 8EIXAS, Auctioneer, By GEO. W. JACKSON. Auction and Commission MerchanJ.

No. (1 Myrtle avenue. LAST WEEK FOR THE BE A ON. Will sell every evening until Tuesday, July 3d, at Cha ster 61 Myrtle avenue, at 7M o'clock, the balance stork of China, Glass, Crockery Ware, Fancy Goods Cutlery, Ac, contiUned In store. Housekeepers win find this well worthy theU' attention.

The last sale will poslttTcly take place on Taesdky, Jnly8d. js it On Saturday EvffcrrNG, Will be sold 3 Sewing MacMnes, In good order, 4 Geld Watches to pay advances. 129 21 Os Monday Mobming, Will sell, At 10 o'clock In front of store, One Horse, Wagon and Harness, belonging to a party whir has no farther use for them. jaoat WILLIAM M. LITTLE, Auctioneer.

OfncEsSlfi dito mnnrr. (fortout 837.) Wonldiay thathe has removes his prtadtlefOffice tclfa, S41, and has opened No. 315 Fatten avenue, first door above Lafayette where he la now prepared to do the Auction business, both Merchandise and Real Estate, at very reasonable charges. Houses and Lots for sale In all parts of the City. Homes; rented.

Real Estate sold at the Merchant's Exchange, N. Y. Office hours from 7X to 10 A. M. antffrom8K toT.

M. at 81 6 Fulton avenue; from 10 AM. to 8 P. M. at3f4Fnito street Jtf JAMES RENWICK, Auctioneer.

BT D. O'HAGAN. Auction and Commission Store, 140 Fulton BrooJdyBv Eales every evening, at 7K o'clock, of china, glaw, earthenware, plated ware and every description of merchandise. Goods sold on commission and out door sales attended myl81y Will sell at pnbHc auction on TOPARTIBS BREAKING CP HOUSEKHHPIN9. BUTLER, SCHULTZ MATHEWS.

Auc'ra, No. 64 Cedar st opposite tho Post Office, N. Are prepared to give theirpersonal attention to SALH OF HOUSEHOLD FLRNITTJRE at tbe residence of famt lies removing or declining or at theif spar clous Salesrooms for the convenience of those who may da llre this medium of sale. mhwtf PEED COLE. Auctioneers.

OITT BALES ROOM. No. 343 FULTON STREET. BROOKLYN. (Orrosm MosTAoms Puox.) Monday, July At 10 o'clock, at the comer of Myrtle avenue and Pearl st.

SberiS 's Sale of Liquor, Wines. Cigers, to Comprising Gins. Brandies. Port Sherry and other Wines, Champagnes, Cordials, standing Casks, ic. Also lounge bedt tables, chairs, and the fixtures cuntahicd in said store.

By order of itOlt ABRAHAM W. B1BKBECK. Deputy Sheriff AMVSBXEST8. cept to the advertiser. Address office of this paoer, stating where they can be found.

J89 8t STRAYED OR STOLEN FROM. THE PRE mlses of the lubserlber. corner ofSanford street and WUlougbby avenue, a grey ABE, between 14 and IS hands nigh. A ny person reluming her to the above residence will be amply rewarded. Jy21f PATRICK O'CONNELL.

Lost last evening, going from the Lecture Room of the Church corner of Fulton and Clinton streets, through Fulton street ti Myrtle avenue, and tbence to Lawrence street, a pair of GOLD SPEOfACLES. ThejBnder will be suitably rewarded on leaving them at UAvlKS' Drug store, corner of Clinton and Fulton street. jy2 lt OST IN FULTON STREET ON SATURDAY, a DIARY. The findor will be liberally rewarded by returning It to Room No. 8.

855 Fulton street. Jy2 It LOST JUNE 29th, IN WtLLOUGHBY OR Prince street, or Myrtle avenue, a GOLD BRACELET, containing a Ukeress. The finder will receive a suitable re ward on leaving It at 125 Willoughpy street. j303f FOUND ON BOARD ONE OF THE FULTON Ferryboats, on Saturday, June 33d, a GOLD CHAIN. The owner, by applying at this office, will be informed where ifcan he ohtsined.

j30 3t SPECIAl, NOTICES. BROOKLYN, JULY 1, 1860 AT A MEETING of the Young Men's Association of St. Patrick's Church held at their rooms, Kent, near Farkavs, the following resolutioi's were unanln ously adopted: Wheress. The Almighty Ruler In his wise providence has been pleased to summon to the bar of Divine justice, our late hMnvpd mpmher. John fttanfthurv.

Wt offpr our sin. gation met in the church, and after singing several i hymns, marched to the new chapel in Division avenue, where the corner Btone was laid by Bev. A. H. Partridge, the rector.

Rev. Dr. Tyng, of N. York, Bev. Messrs.

Bonsali, of Canada, Gulon, Holmes, D. M. Johnson, and Maybln, of Brooklyn, were also present. The box in the corner stone contained the names of tho church fleers, Sunday school statistics, and newspapers of the day. The congregation then returned to the church, when Dr.

Tyng addressed the school in his most felicitous manner, after which, by a unanimous vote, the children thanged tho reverend gentleman for his speech, and invited him to take some strawberries and the entire company went to tho grounds rear of the church where the tables were spread. Fdnbbal Obsequies of Kossuth's Sister. Madame Emilie Zvlavsky Kossuth was yesterday afternoon buried from the chapel of the Second Unitarian Society of Brooklyn. The Rev. Samncl EonpfeUow, the late Pastor, had sailed on Saturday for Europe.

Drs. Farley, Osgood and Bel lowst however, were present, and each bore a part in the funeral service. The reverend Doctor alluded with much feeling to the many trials in exile of the deceased lady, and with equal delicacy to the kindness and hospitality of those American friends, wnose ministrations had smoothened her pillow in sickness and death. During the services the remains rested in front of the pulpit in the handsome mahogany coflin, which was strewn with beautiful flowers. On the wrist of the deceased, in accordance with her own dying request, was a bracelet always worn by her until her last sickness, made from the iron chain with which her brother had been bound in an Austrian prison.

At the close of the services, the coffin was borne out, preceded by the officiating clergyman, and a body of the Hungarian friends of the deceased, Col. Aeboth at their head, aud followed by her four sons, her only surviving sister, and her neices. The remains were taken to Greenwood and interred in the Unitarian eround ttiere, Col. Asboth making an address in Hungarian at the grave, as moving to those who understood it as it was eloquent to the ears of those who heard it only. As a closing rite, some earth from her native Hungary was thrown by her children on the cofflu of the deceased, dust being thus rendered to dust in a way corresponding with her own expressed desire during her last Illness.

The earth had come attached to some of the gi ape vines of Hungary, sent to the friends among Whom her last days were spent. Farewell Meeting of Sabbath Schools. Exercises of unusual in teres yesterday alternoon, crowded thebuildlncr in eve Babcock Mrs Char Ghoddln Mary AnnPuffer Jennie lot'e Graham Mrs Marg Pratt Mary Jean Byms Cath Glyn Mary Proctor Mollie A Urown Mre Emily GGray Mrs Sarah Mary Buryn Eliz'h Ann Gardiner Mrs Thir Packard Maria Byrd Eloiae ga Packard Mrs BaichMrsGeoO Gulmon Marg Pearce Sarah Ueckwith Mrs Jen Hayden Mrs Qulgncy Mary nie Heath Annie Kudge Mrs "Hake Mrs Julia Howes Mrs Abigail Regan Mrs A Barron Johanno Haflarn Alice Rogers Alice 11 Brady Lucy HednemanOath JtlcmCith Booth Mary Farveys Mrs Cath Reynolds Cath or Euckly Mary II Harr!" Caroline Mary BourkMary Hay Emily Redlngton Carrie Barratt 3 Hill Eliza Rhyne Cath Bassctt Margeretta Harris Eliza Kuasell Mrs Caroline Brockett.Mn) MariaHarrison Emma Robertson Mrs Eli Brooks Mary IlinmanGrovene zabeth BitiriyMnrg Horton MrsHar Rose Georgia Bell Nellie rlet Richardson Mrs II Blcsslngton Rosan Hicks Mrs Jas II na Haskell Mrs Jane Russell Jane Bernhard Mrs TtoseUubbell Mrs Lucy Rait Jennie Brown Mrs Sarah Ann Rlchurdj Mra Leti BaiieyMrsthiaha HalveyMarg tla Bt mist Theresa Holland Mary Ryan Maria Barber Mrs WmB Hoar Mary Reed Maria ConklinMrs HearnMary Riley Margaret Connelly A Hennecy Marg Ring Mary Case Angela Hamilton Minnie Rogers Mary ftnrttcMi tnnft WHnmlltin MrftM Rome MflrmirGt Illness or Me. regret to learn that Mr. Edmund Drigge, Collector of Taxes an! Assessments, was taken suddenly and seriously ill on Saturday night, at his residence in South 2d Btreet, E.

D. He was very ill all day yesterday out was somewhat better this morning, though not able to leave (he bouse. Sunday in Williamsbdkgh. The Great Eastern has exercised a depressing influence, on the lager trade yesterday, the saloons and bier gardens being almost deserted. The ferry boats were crowded all day, and the twp excursion boats to the Great Eastern did a big usiness.

The Savings Banks. The rush of depositors with money to these useiul institutions was tremendous last week. On Saturday the Dime received 191 deposits and about $5,000 in cash, tmokirjtr in all 5.8000 rlennnitam nnri S2KS 000 Tn. CotterMrs Ann Inile Mrs Maria Rionda Mrs Mary cere condulance at the shrine of his family's crushed hopes and affection, all the sympathy of eur better nature. For In him has his family lost a kind and loving husband, and the Association a firm friend, respected by tliose who knew him in the paths of life, he passed away mourned by all.

Resolved, That a copy of these resolutions be forwarded to the family of our deceased member, and that they also be published in the Brooklyn Eagle and Neva. JAMES N0WLEN, President, Peter F. Mohw, Secretary. ja It Connoly Rrldget Miss 6 neea Mary A.erest is allowed for ten days from the 1st of Juiv. Jackton Mrs Emily Kaymond Sarah Now is the time to secure it.

eox airs CarsonsEA 3 Cutter MrsCC Comstock Eliz'h CasBldy Eliza Campbell Esther Jehsson Helena Joseph Mrs A Johnson Robinson Mrs Susan 2 Schreiber 8 Berths Snow Mrs Smith Mrs Smith Ann Stanley Mrs A Anniversary, exercises suitable for the occasion Johnson Martha Stock Exchange Sales First Board. Chftnlm Mr Ellen KiuD Mrs Ann will be held Avenue Congregational URTIS' VARIETIES, COR. OF FULTON Calif lies Henrietta Kenedy Brldgt Ainu ruMSArjebs bib. 110 Mich Cen rr 100 Panama ex annus Alice Chapin tiamet li Keane uata so bUO ISAAC BURTT8. B.

PACKARD. W. COLLINS, JACKSON BROOKLYN SAVINGS' BANK, JULY 2. 18C0. Interest at the rate of six per cent per annum, on accounts not exceeding five hundred dollars, and five per cent per annum on sums of greater amount, has this day been credited to such depositors in this Bank as were by its by laws and regulations entitled to the same Interest payable after the 16th and when not withdrawn, will draw interest upon the same conditions as deposits.

Bank open dally from 10 A. M. till 3 P. M. Also every Monday evening from 6 to 7 o'clock.

By order. jj2Sw HOSEA WEBSTER, President. Manager Treasurer. Stage Munagcr Musical 4000 Tennessee 6's 1000 do 19000 Missouri St 6 6000 do 9000 Erie rSilmb 16000 Erle4thmb 1000 Erie rr convb'71. 1000 HudRiv 2C0O Mich CenSp cent 200 SO 50 100 do do slO do s80 do s20 48 121X 123 124J iaK 12tif 12tK SO 30K 63 63K 60 do b60 150 HI Ceur 100 do b30 100 50 50 100 do do blO do do b60 UK six 81K 97X 70 47 100 S7V 65X 65 43 97 100 85X 81 81X 81 81 IK 81K rOTlCE ON ACCOUNT OF ILL HEALTH.

Xl 1 have relinquished the building business, and would recommend my successor, DAVID R. LONG, (who has been my foreman for over 10 years.) to thoje wishing anything done in my line. Brooklyn, June 26, 18. jj23t THOMAS BAYLI8. No.

17? Schermerhorn at. ry part. The children of the Plymouth school, and of the mission schools connected therewith the Bethel, the Navy, tho Boerum street and St. Paul's, colored held a re union, which was the farewell meeting previous to the summer vacation. The roadiog desk was covered with beautiful flowers, and the banners of the schools were hnng in the gallery; that of tho Navy mission be Coe Mrs Israel Kirumish Mrs Char Stephensan Mrs An Cranmer Mrs Isa' lotte nle bclla Kelly Mary Salter Chester Josephine Klrwin Margt Shutes Mrs Caroline LEorK Miss Swain Eunice 2 Can Mrs Jas Lamb Carrie A Swlit Fannie Chase Kat Lockwoort Mrs FredSIdden Mrs Cannon Laura Lynch Marg Sterans Mra Joseph Clark Livlnirston Mary Silver Mrs Martha CordweUMrs Mar LeeMrlon Snedekcr Mrs Mar tha Manning Mrs Anna lain Cooper Mrs Mary Magee Brldgt Starr Mrs Maggie Crahton Mrs MattleMahomson Mrs Studiford Mra Win Murden Mrs ED Cain Mary MygateMrsF Sweeny Honor Coshen Mary Moulton Mrs Jos WTaylor Mm Agne3 Cremin Mrs Mary Morris Mrs Jane Terry Ann ClearyMary Meadow; Jane Tracy Ann ClooneyMary MaretreL Taylor Catharine Conklln Mrs MariahMlng Mrs Thong Fanny Morrison Mrs Titus Mrs James Cony Mrs OM Murphy Mary Ann Tasgard Mary Comstock Mra Miller Sarah Turner Mrs Marga CorneaMrsSA Marshall Mrs feu ret Crook Virginia phronla Tong Maria Ann 2 Durklo Mrs Aman Manton Mrs WmT Thompson A 200 Gal A Chi rr QOO do sg i con 2000 Mich So 2dm 1000 do 6000 Mich Sosgf 8000 do 7500 rtlCenrr 1000 GaliCiil 2d m.

1000 Clev ATolrBKtb 25 Hud Bivrr 200 do 10 Merch'tsEx Bank 7 Amer Ex 86 Penn Coal Co 400 YCenrr 60 do slO 100 do bl8 50 do do s60 350 250 100 do b30 250 s60 BOO 900 63 tax 63 63K 63 63 70X 70K 70K 70X 70X 70 70. 73 73 73X 73 TO THE GREAT EASTERN NOTICE TO THE BROOKLYN PUBLIC The Fulton Ferry andlOtb. avenue (Spring street) line of Stages run direct to the Great Eastern; ana the only line that runs to her from Fulton, Catharine. Peck Blip and Rosevelt street ferries. jy3 3t NJASSaU FIBE INSURANCE COMPANY OF June 3Cth, 18U0.

DIVIDEND The Directors of this Company have this day declared a semi annual dividend of Ten (10) per cent payable on and after Mubday, July 2d. jySlm A. J. BEEK.MAN, Secretary. unurcn on the 4th at 11 o'clock.

Oration by E. A. Doolittle, Esq. Ex Mayor Lambert will preside. The Accident at the Academy op Music.

"We understand that Mr. John C. Simpson who was taken to the Brooklyn Medical and Surgical Institute, having sustained a fracture of the skull on Friday last at the Academy of Music is progressing favorably. Dr. Wbaley, the attending surgeon, entertains strong hopes of his recovery.

Deed in the Cabs. Coroner Murphy yesterday held an inquest on the body of a child twelve months old, the son of Mr. John Wainwright, residing at 230 South 3d street, E. D. Tho child died in the cars while coming from Philadelphia to this city in charge of its mother, from the effects of a sndderTattaek of croup.

Serious Cabbiage Accident. A little girl about eight years of was run over by a carriage in Fulton avenue, near Pearl street, on Saturday evening, which was driven at a furious rate by a man who appeared to bo under the influence Of liquor. The child was considerably injured. During the previous afternoon a little boy named John McGuire, aged four years, was run over in Priace street. A physician was sent for, and it was ascertained that five of his ribs were broken, the prospects of his recovery arc slight.

do b60 do do b30 do blO ing uiajcu in uiuujuiug xur me aeam oi one 01 its officers. The children occupied the body of the church. The exercises Jconsisted of singing by the united schools, and by each school separately, and addresses by Messrs. Post and Pardee and Rev. Henry Ward Beecber.

Mr. Beeeher spoke to the adults rather than the children. He said the proper education of such an assemblage was a more responsible work, even, than the in 100 100 100 no dou do do e60 do do M0 do dam WC HU'ucjf impflaj4)iuiuivii 600 GOO 75 200 400 TtRltflti Mrs Wi ChlBuriQuinrr. 50 do 7S60 50 do b60 50 b60 60 do b30 50 Mil 4 Miss 8IX MX 81H 82 18X 12X 38 rHE CENTRAL BANK OF BROOKLYN PAY A a Dividend of Three and one half percent, to Its stockholders, on demand. July 2, 1860.

jj2 lvf JOHN K. PRTJYN. Cashier. 160 Erie rr 100 Harlem rr 60 Harlem pref 100 do M0 struction oi a mature congregation, lie referred to some of the earlier 6.enes of his ministrr to COOL AND COMFORTABLE NOTELTT! TALENT ENERGY ENTIRE CHANGE OF PERFORMANCE. LOOK AT TH18 ARRAY OF STAR PERFORMERS: BILLY WEDDEN, the champion Jig Dancer, late of RanV Bay Newcomb's Campbell Minstrels.

BILLY QUINN. Ethiopian Comedian, second to none. BEN WHEELER, Irish Comedian, who ls without a rival Mile. FRANK. LE FOLLE, Premier Danseuse.

Miss FANNY GILMORE Comedienne aad Vocalist. DICK PARKER, who as a Banjo Soloist haafew equals. J. P. ENGLISH, the best Basso in the Concert room.

D. W. COLLINS. Vocalist and Ethiopian Interrogator. LaPettlte ELLA, the Little Falrv Star.

COMPLETE BAND OF MINSTRELS, EVERY NIGHT, WITH FULL ORCHESTRA. GRAND AFTERNOON PERFORMANCE on the FOURTH OF JULY Commenceing at 2M o'clock, to which children will be admitted. Admission 10 cents. Orchestra Seats 20 cents. ap5 6m BROOKLYN GARDEN BROOKLYN GARDEN.

GRAND CONCERT THREE NIGHTS EACH WEEK. MONDAYS, THURSDAYS, AND SATURDAYS. Attached to the Garden Is a Bowling Saloon. Billiard Tables, and a Shooting Gallery. The coolest and altogether he pleasantest place In the city.

ietS im NEW BOWERY THEATRE Between Canal and Hester afreets. Proprietors Messrs. G. L. Fox and J.

W. Llngird. Orchestra Seats 50 cenUB Boxes 25 cenw Pit cents. Doors open at 7 o'clock; to commence to Bo clock. THIS EVENING The performances will commence with NICK OF THE WOODS.

To be followed by THE PLEASANT NEIGHBOR. To conclude with WARLOCK OF THE GLEN. ran ranv oast airs Cabe Mrs Yanderhoef Mrs Carty Ann Idah Gowran Mrs A Wlnslnw Mrs A CafTrey Cath or Willis Bessie Eliza Wilson Mrs Oharlel ClureE Wood Fadatn Panny Watron Mrs Cbllen Mrs Winchester Mra Cafery Jane WTiite Mrs A Carty Mrs MaryWIUkings Mrs Fran Jane cea Cormick Mary Wlltsie Mra Julia Shea Mary Williams Mrs Julia I.ouehlin Mars Duffy Mrs Brldgt De Lussar Madam Eugene Do'y Mrs Geo Dcmey Isabella Darby Jane DoranKate Duffy Kate Dunn Marg 2 Dryer Mrs Mary Davis Mary Dunbar Dickens Sarah 1 Denslow Mrs his first charge in Indiana, numbering but forty or llfiy persons, where he had superintended the Sunday school as well as the church, and alluded to tne many changes tnat naa marKea nis con nection with the Plymouth society. Ia conclu PUBLIC SCHOOL No. ONE MEMBERS OF thu Board of Education, patrons and other friends of the School are respectfully invited to visit the School TOMORROW, July 3d, at 2 P.

M. L. K. WHITE, Principal. E.

J. Wbitlock, W. M. Harms. Jas.

M. SKiDUiiv. Local Committee. i jy3 It IV LADY WHO SAT WITH A YOUNG man on the steps of a house in Jay street on Thursday night, and who parted with him toere. will call at the houig ref rred to, or at tb.

office, she will learn of thse who will be to ber in her sorrow as brother and sister. Donotfetr to mahejourseif known. j3l)2t sion, tne schools sang the "children's rartmg Hymn," and separated for the summer. The scholars of Plymouth school have collected mis GonneUr Hrah Winters Josenhlne Evers Ann Emery Emma Nelson Mrs MatildaWrden Laura Eills Mrs Mary Jo NIckerbackcr MargWIlIls Mrs Lidd sionary money, the past year, to the amount of $157 48. (VSnllivan MrsAliceWhlDole seohine Produce markets.

July 2. 12K P.M. ftOEB Recelpta 11.6S3 bbls: Sales 10,000 bbls: State and Western heavy; Superfine State. 5 25t5 30 Extra State t640655: Round Boon Ohio. 575a5 85: Superfine Western to 255 35; Common to Good Extra Western 540 6 60: Southern heavy; sales 600 bbls; Mixed to good 5 665 90; Fancy and Extra 6 00" 75; Canadian heavy; Ealra 600 bbls.

at 5 457 50. Wheat heavy: Eales 30,000 bus: Milwaukie Club tl 30 1 32; Chicago Spring 1 28; Winter Red Western 1 50. CoRH heavy; bush; at 65c for Mixed Western; White Western 68c: Yellow Southern 69c. OATS dull: Southern aud Jersey 3749c Northern and Western. 4041c.

Best dull and unchanged. Pohi Firm: sales small: Mess. SIS 00 for old. and 18 87 ei90Ofornew, Prime, 12 50 for old, and 13 87Mfornew. Lar Firm: sales smalL at for bbis.

WHiBKV heId at 21 ii. with bmera at 21c. Desoii's Hotel, conducted on the European Fltzroy Lady French Mrs 2 Flynn Mrs Ferely Ann Fodicli Fourth or Exclusions. Thn steamer tiAMUEL HENDKRSON, SEXTON OF THE S3 Washington street M. E.

Churcli, UNDERTAKER, would respectfully inform the public that he has opened a Wareroim. 2zl aBhinKton. corner of t'illar? street, where can be had everything requisite for the burial of the dtuuL Can be found at all hours of tho night. je3im Capt. Charles Weeks, willlHtve Peck Plan, Noa.

IK and ICO Fulton street. Entrance in Cranberry street. Elegant single and double front room3, from 'l to 7 per ek. Dinner from 13 to 3 o'clock. Ice Cream.

O'DonnellEtlzaOl WooiMattie O'Brien Ellen Winant Mrs Sally Oatman Grace Wlese Rosa Oakey Harriet Woodruff Mrs Hen O'JUonoleJane ryWD GENTLEMEN'S LIST. Griffith Robt Preston A 3 Ganly Tatrick Perhstein Ohas HLS Palmer Ch ii Hazard Capt Chas Palmer Q5o lli url Purdv John LET YOUR BOILERS Eil'LuDE! Dlninrt Booms. 2d floor. Billiards, Philadelphia Lager Bier, Ale, USB ASHCROFT'8 LOW WATER DETECTOR, ana your boilers against explosion, burning or Injury from Pat iu for lowwaur. jo stoppage oi worics icapiJjy.Jt.

No stoppage of works toapply Flnh Split Straw Bonnets, at North's, 190 COAIi AUD WOOB. Slip for Bridgeport on Tuesday afternoon, July Sd, at half past 5 o'clock. The steamers Sylvan Grove and Sylvan Shore leave Peck Slip every hour from 7 A. M. to 8 P.

connecting with stages to the villages of Mott Haven, Melrose, West Farms, Morrisania and Tremont, and at Harlem with steamers to High Bricge. trial anil approval. Hellrincel Chas Perkins Jas Fulton st. AHHCKOFT Porter II ABNUM'8 AMERICAN MUSEUM. Hawley Danl Hedges EW Hamlin Hannibal $4.75.

C0AIf0AL $4.75. Johns Crosley's Improved Gutta Percha GRAND HOLIDAY NOVELTIES AND ATTRACTIONS. WE ARE NOW SELLING Cemsst is the only material which will render your Leakt Banner wenry Hoofs permanently water tight. 349 Fulton street. See EGG.

An excursion train on the Long Island Railroad will leave the South Ferry on the morning of the 4th 8 o'clock, runnim? to tho. pntlrA TBB VJtET BEST (JUAUTV Of ST0YE. oa RANGE SCEF.BKED, FBOX ttSDBR COVER, AND T.vT.tirs'Uim Crape Trimmings, Belt Ribbons, Cloak Cord Parker Jas Preston Jas Pardeike ohana 2 Pickens PortSR Putnam Rev Phelps Thos Peters Quiifeed Chas Quiun Christopher Quiun Peter" KeWstar i Riley Danl Rttmaen Kuede Ignesls C0AI, Hopping Ira Haddon Hassard John Hanson Gi HeillJC Hetfield Howalt HahorJG BW3.fc,n Hyatt John Hansen Hoffman and Tassels, Bosettes, (new and beautiful styles) Guloulre Laces, Fancy Bauze Trimmings, In' all their various varieties at J. Lockitt, Sox A Fult mstrfet, length of the Island. TO The steamboat Alida leaves the foot of Jay Btreet, New Torkat 8 A.

for West Point, Armstrong Mr Armstrong Alex Audle CI as Francisco Anthony 3 AUen Ed Acre Horace Abranis James Ames Allison Allen Wm Alexander Wm Erower Andw liMwp A Hotsford Bronson Britton Francis Ihddew Geo Bateman 2 Beiwlck 2 Burk Jfis Bacon Rev Bt rry John nation John Hall Joseph Browden Patrick Brown II Burton Wm H. Byrnes Wm Benhnm Wm Burton Wm Jirown Wm Brown Wm 3 Cronan Mr Clark Chester Conciieu Coleman Dwight ChipinRevEH Carwitl Clements Clarke Geo nearly oppusuc citutuu. Ti tummies oi au unenpuum mw tomatchatthe shortest notice. Country orders promptly attended to. Newburgh and Poughkeepsic, returning in the Haskins luterjr Befferman Patrick Reed Gldeoa Straw and Leghorn Flats, for Ladie3 and Rehave Henrv Hayes Peter Children, at Nokth'b, 190 Fulton st qiupai anu TtSUAi, jmysauud, low.

Re engagement oftbe young and talnted IRISH COMEDIAN, W. O'NEIL. The best delineator of Irith character inAmerioa. He appears every afternoon and evening In his inimitable personations. Also to be seen at all hours, the WONDERFUL ALBINO FAMILY.

A Husband, Wife and Child, each one with pure white skla, silken white hair, pink eyes. ftc. though born of perfectly buc parent THEY ARE THE GREATEST WONDERS OF THE WORLD! Re engagement for a short urn e. and at great expense, of VALENTINE MACK. THE INFANT lambert; ok oiant baby! 7 YEARS OLD AND WEIGHS 257 POUNDS'.


WICKWaRE. THE LIVING SKELETON. All to be seen at all hours, day and evening. DR. M.

V. B. ELY, the SEER and OL AIRVO YAHT. produces astonishing phenomena dally. In the Lecture Room will he produced ALLINE; or THE ROSE OF KILLARNEY1 David O'Leary.


Admittance to evervthlnr. 5n r.fnt&: Pnratiet: IS dents eir Flees and Mosquitos. R. J. Davis, Druggist, at the junction of Fulton and Clinton streets, has a French preparation, in a very conTeiient form, for tho destruction of all insects so troublesome at this season of the year.

The article is so well adapted to tho purpose for which it is intended that no one should be without it Heary reter Holmes Howard Harley Thos Hend Thomas Hilt Wm Hanks Hayden Co Hlgclus Dan Jackson John Jurs Patrick Jones Robt Jones Thos Jones Johnson Thos Jennings Win Jeffs Isaac Kelly Augustine Rally Gorham Kay Jag "Williams' Mammoth Hat and Cap Store, 2S3Fulton street. New styles ready. AN IMPROVED SEWING MACHINE FOR SALE, on moderate terms; in perfect and almost new; in fizr equal to Ko. 2, Apply at 5 Carlton avenue, Brooklyn. JCLAWSON KELLET, ANALYTICAL PHV SICIAN.

No. 52 Bleecker street, corner of Wesley place Advice In all diseases given daily, iree of charge. 1 ho a unacquainted with the principle! and practice of this system or medicine (w Men differs widely from all others) by calling upon us, or directing a note containing a three cent symptoms aDd remedies, particularly of the longs liver, 4dd iiirys. impute conditions of the blood, und chronl diseases generally, with ample evidence of the success attending their treatment r.y this practice. je27 TWO'llCE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT TUE J.

partnership heretofore existing between DaNIEL M. COIE and RoBEUT S. VAN PYKJSi who have been arry int on business at No. 202 Fulton avenue, in the City of Brooklyn, has this day been dissolved. JBrooklyn, June 'ilth, 1860 je27m ROBERT 3.

VAN DTKE. KEEPEKS OK HOTELS, Rfisi 1 AUHANT3, JL SALOONS. Ac A gemlcman, with capital, has secured on Tery favorable terms, a lease of property every way desirable fur this line or business. The investment promises to be highly remunerative. The range of buildings and pecu liar central position of the premises will bespeak for themselves succets.

Btine nnacquiintcd with the man igeuient and detail of (he business, he decires a responsible and qualified pr rson to invest an equal amount of capital, and transact a first class botel and restaurant business, iusuchamau ner a that the advertiser may not be oromlnent to the public. None but respectable and responsible partlei will pleise apply. An Interview can be obtained by addressing with real PBgie. Box 135, Brooklyn Post Office. j27 COENS, BUNIONS SOFT PORNS.

NAILS penetrating the flesh, Ac. cured without causing pain, ao that the boot or shoe can he worn Immediately after the operation, without the least inconvenience to the patient, by MADAME KO0H, Chiropodist, 183 Fulton Brooklvn. Price 50 cents a corn. Ladles and gentlemen attended at their own rps'dence without extra charge. je2d I if SWIMMING SCHOOL FOR BOVS AND YOUNG LADIES, now open at (MAT'S BATHS, Pulton Ferry, where boys and young ladles are Uunht the art of swimming, by competent male and rcmale teachers.

Boys classes at 12 M. and 4 P. M. Ladles cla5 at 10 A. Terms, for achins to swim 5.

iu advance; Bath 13 cents, 10 tickets for i bcason ticket 5. j2Siw EDWARD GRAY. LIVER'S RESTAURANT AND ICS OREAM PAR LOB Fulton avenue, near Nevlna street. ESTABLIBHEU ON TUB PLAN OF PHILADELPHIA. The room arf arge.

airy nd beautifully furnished, and being retired from the street, makes them very pleasant and sociable, particularly fur ladies. His ICE CREAMS. OVS TEltS. are of the bet. Give him a call and you will be plea ed with his new arrangement.

Je7 lm FLAGS! FLAGS FOURTH OF JULY HAVE YOU ANY FLAGS? Tf nnt. HA I'M N. nln Broadwav and 66 Fulton street RedSeld Hy Radnlch Imre Root Rev Rlenhar Johan Riley John RadcUff Jos Ruckman II Kagan John Held John Jos 2 Benny John Redford Hockey Roberta Jaa Robinson Jaat Rosenberg Richmond Hy Reilly Micbl Rooney Patt Richardson Wm RobekeWm Rannuf Wm Robinson Wm Bobbins Edwd laudinEer Mr Summers Mr Stockholm Andw Stearns A Schmidt Carl Wm Sutton Chas Smith I) 2 Swords Edwd Starr Krticln A CulluerGJ New Style of Ventilated Hat at Wm. Jos Cooper Geo Cowpertliwiiit Caverlv J.C Pick's Hat Store, 114 Fulton street, opposite Sands. tra.

Children under ten, 15 cents, and to the Paxqoet, 19 Carlile Jns 2 B.euy a2Siy cents extra. The Jeddo Hat A new style of Straw Hat Clarke Rev Jas Kirlehan Kennedy Thos foryoungmen, at Biolow's. 185 Fulton st afternoon. The steamboat Aurora leaves Jay street, New York, at 8 A. for Peebskill, stopping at intermediate landings.

Death of Alderman' Stansburt Special Meeting of the Common Council. A special meeting tf the Common Council was held on Saturday evening in relation to the death of Aid. Btansbury, when the following preamble and resolutions were offered by Aid. Kalbileisch and adopted Whereas, This Common Council lias learned with feelings of deep sorrow and regret of the demise of their late colleague and associate John Btansbury, the worthy and honored representative in this Board from the Seventh Ward arid, Whereas, In the opinion of this Common Council It is eminent); dm the many noble, Tirtuous qualities of the deceased (hat a proper tribute of respect be paid his Igemory therefore, Resolved, That this Common Council attend the funeral of deceased in body. ResohreuTThat the Common Council Chamber be draped In mourning, and members wear tho usual badge of mourning for 80 days.

Resolved, That this Common Council deeply sympathise with the Tamlly and relatives of deceased, and that the Clerk be directed to transmit a copy of the foregoing duly attested to ihe same. The remains of the late Alderman Stausbury were interred in the Cemetery of the Holy Cross At Flatbnsh, yesterday afternoon. The funeral Was attended by the Mayor, members of the Common Council, ex Alderman Thos. D. Hudson Of the 7th ward, and a large number of citizens.

INSlKUCTiOIif. Kaury wm LTP lrfrton A ciiirk Carpenter J( sse Criwvfnrct Lubbert Wm Craig John PitrscE or Wales at Gaston's. 1000 new styles of Brench, Spanish and Chinese Clark Jebn or Wm Lette; Dewitt li Jneevcs r.eiiuiu ucu Cox Lewis Lwkcy A Biourninir. Fancy and Travelling Fans, in endless variety Chubb Lsmorce Carney eYter Lake Jacob rniiu.v Vohfc T.antni John Lubin's Extracts, SO cents: Low's Brown Windsor, 30 cents and all kinds of Toilet Articles in general, at T. W.

Woods' Statham Bev Cirrny Richd Le Baron Rev Jas TSavage Geo 389 Fulton st Petkce of Wales Hat. Curd Robt Logan no onanmey ueo Currj Stephen Lewis John Sherwood Geo CuMwell Llndeunman Nick Steoheus CUipmanRevTR lns ShawP Carc.v Thomas Lautrey Fatk Stearns Co it Lawlor Patir Stevens John Liae Mr Leonard Btensoa Jas Tiouuheriv Francis Lewis Wm St George ANY PART OF BROOKLYN, roa THB ABOVE PRICK run ton. FULL WEIGHT, oa FORFEIT THE COAL. BARLOW BROTHERS. Yards, Koj.


TO SECURE THEIR TRADE HEREAFTER. jv2tf BARLOW BR0THER3. ENGLISH HOUSE CAN EL CuaL "WILL be landed In a fewldaya. For sale In lota to suit by MARSTON A POWER, Apply at Haxturn wharf between Fulton and Catharine ferries, or at 95 Beaver street two doors from Wall. New York.

mh7tf OAL AND WOOD WM. B. WaLT'EKS IS fomstbecitlsens of Brooklyn that hehe will continue to keep constantly on band tbn best Coal of every, description at tbe lowest cash prices. Yjums Flatbnsh avenue. junction FaUon avenue, between Kevins and Powers streets; Flushing avenue, oor.

Washington avenue; N.B. TheoeJebrated Locust Mountain Coal constantly on hand. Also Virginia Pine. Oak and Hickory Wood of the best teMtg WM B. WALTERS.

THE" CELEBRATED LORBERRY COAL The undersigned havingsecured the exclusive sale of this Coal for the City of Brooklyn, offers it to the public Tbls Coal has no rival being a RED ASH ANTHRACITE CO aL. It burns very easv. leaving no clinker, and ccmbin mg all tbe qualities wanted for family and baking purposes; nothing can surras It for open grate fires. Please send or eave your orders at the office corner of Bridge and Fly mouth streets, Brooklyn. The trial of one ton will secure your trade.

splBly A W. HENDRICKSON. KINDLING WOOD BY STEAM POWfiit AND Machinery Price rednced. FACTORY. Nos.

68 JAY STREET, BROOKLYN. Orders left at the following places before 2 o'clock P. M. Will be promptly attended to: The CITY POST OFFICE. E.

RAY, 171 Myrtle avenue. FOSTER A LOPER, No. 4 Sands street. Mr. JAMES, 31 Fulton street J.

DAVJgNjpOBT, corner Oxford street and ulton avenue. Land Agent. Wood in bundles constantly 'on hand. 015 tf DEBAUN Proprietors. BUSINESS NOTICES.

CLARET! Ci ARET! CLARET! OLARET SCO cases finest imported Claret at 2 2o per dozen, at 37 Fulton street. Y. mh3 EOKGE CHAPPEL, WHOLESALE DEAL ER In Alcohol, Camphene and Burning Fluid, 64 Fulton street. Bronklyn. je29 lm fHE KEhOeEME OIL BY RECENT JL improvement have rendered the Oil entirely free from Odor.

GEORGE OHAPPEL, Wholesale Agent of N. Y. KeroseneOfl 64 Fulton street Brooklvn. Wigs Cameron's IansntLB Wigs and' Tou furs Tbls new and novel invention is worthy the inspection of ah Interested. Partings, never soils or stains, and pronounced by connoisseurs to so closely resemble nature as to Demucke Fred LaurenBohn vrYt JSeerey Martin ften Makels Mr defy detection.

Half Wigs, Bands. long Hair Braids and Hair Work generally, of every shade, size and color, 199 Fulton street. flags on the City Hall were displayed at half GastojT, Hatter, will issue on Saturday, June 't on Sundav. in honor to hiR memnrir 9tb, his Summer Styles of Hats White Beaver, Oregon Brooklyn, is prepared to supply Flags. Binnere, flurireea, and Guide Colors, Ac, at the shortest notice.

j25 3toodM Beaver, Prince of Wales Hat," Rough and Ready Straw Little Pattl, Ramblers, Savoy, Opera, Pocket. Lincoln, Bell, jtfSiE did not Arrive. The WilliamsburgUers Douglass, Seward, and bring up the rear flank, by a file of i. sorely aisappomtca tnat tho Great Eastern SEGABS FOR EXCURSIONS HAVING bought a lot of genuine imported Principe Segirs at the Man hall's Sale. I can allord to sell the bunch Tor 50 ccati, anywhere elBe sold for one d' liar Garibaldi Caps.

IcUdTiot accept that invitation to drop the jezOOL rKAU11 mutt, 221 PUItonit. Free TnotiGnT and Free Speech The Rev. aDd anchor in Bushwick creek, which LWffuiu nave tended to the advancement of the in EVIL COMMUNICATIONS CORRUPT AND undermine the constitution. TRIESEMAR. Nos 1.

3 and 3, adapt themselves to the three stages of physical iiio sta ot tne in tne aosense of this sen G. F. Noycs will delirer a discourse eulogistic of the late Theodore Parker, before the First Ind. pendent Society of Brooklyn, In the Aibeneum. (corner of Clinton and Atlantic streets,) at 3)4 o'clock on Sunday" P.

after which a free discussion. All invited. Sfetti however, they hrd another on Saturday, nations in the beautifully illustrated work "Human Frailty, US jtj was rumored tnat jtiecnan, wuo was expect Soutgen Mathlas Shook Revere Stinger Thos Shannon Thos Studiford WmV Seymour WW Schneider Wm Smith Wm Sweeney Wm Scott Wm Webster Slater Wm Tuition Trehner Gleen Tallmadge AS 2 Tucker Trebing Christian Tiffany Chus Tullinan TeaklcG Thompson Geo Taylor Hy TreadwellHyR Taylor Tiebot John Taylor Chas Taylor Robt Uhl Leonard Verein Soc Reform Valentine A A Viet WHT Walters Cornelius Williams ltcv II West Cur Wiley David Webster Erastus Wob.ter 2 Water Willis Frank Walker Francis Wagner Geo White Geo Wheeler II Walker John Wood Jonathan Weekes Jas Williams Jesso or rnyBioiog" ai Kesearcncs. ooia uy it. dawiu Bleecker street.

New York. Price 25 cents. Sold also at Apothecaries Hall, cor, Fulton and Pineapple streets. Brooklyn. N.

Y. jeWlw I tho Adriatic, would come direct to WiL Davis BN Marshall A Bureau Israel Matter DirfcrgesJB Mills Chas Dickson John Martin Danl De Grnaf Maaon Ldwd Day Co 3 Mmsby fdwd 2 Dolieney John Maynard Edwd Duday Laltete Marsh Henry Hewane Martin MartinJas 2 Demies Martin Maliooy Jeremiah De Matte Mr Meldrum aa Dimsey Miley Martin Jps Denvlr Peter Martoni Lewis Dasher Reinhard Morgen Martin DcnnonWm Murrj Miclil Durbrow Mulvy MichI Eddy ABher Melville ELrlfr Felix Morrison Riclid Evans Harry Mllla bt Enwoi MD 3 Mathfr. jRobt Emery Manheam Saml Egan John Murphy Thos Ecgiin Patrick Evans Thos Marvin Rev Uriah Ewuig Wm Sillier Wm 2 Edwards Wm Meier Early Thos Mc Garry Hiram Fuller A Garni Hy Faulkner ON Nlfrjohn FinnEdmoud Koan Melville Foster Geo Intyre Morris Falson Gann Sliclil FnrrarDrJ ClarreyPalk FautcJobn Geary Robl FennJW Guiggan Tor Fair 11 Patrick Fi ter Parian Fowler SG LclhinWm 2 ConartWtn et uson Wm Donald Wm Franklin Wash Afee Wm F.nierWm guIreWm Fltcli 8 Nestler Frederic Gordon Benj Noyea Rev Gregory Douglass NaulJT Gi oi es Edward Nau.hton Potk Am IP X'aith Stmnn Coffees, Teas and Sugars Grocers, Board MR. AIU MADAME DON BERNARD'S French and English Boarding and Day School. No.

Ot First place, Brooklyn. (Court street Cars pas near tho door.) This Institution will re open September 15th, in the no and beautiful building lately purchased by the Principal for the occupancy of the School. The course of French studies are the same as followed ta Parisian Schools. The most able masters in all the English Departments. Preparatory Academic and CoUeeiate.

Tho success of Madame Don Bernard nee de Rochelermoy In New York and Brooklyn has stcured the approval of many patrons during 6 Academic years. Some to whom she re ftrs below have patronised the Institution Rev. Dr. Ferris, Chancellor of the University. Rev.

Dr. Krebs, D. President of the Rutgers Institute Joseph Hoxie. New York. Gov.

Pinckney. New York. A large well lighted room Is especially adapted for classei In Painting. je28 2t PRIVATE TUITION SUMMER THE REV. L.

W. HART. A. Hector of the COLLEGE GSAMT MAR SCHOOL, will take private pupils, part of the present summer, (as last year,) on and after 9th July. Rooms, Marble Block, opposite Olty ll, (entrance 141 Joralemon, cor.

Court street.) Terms favorable. Circulars, as above. SUPREME COURT CarstenH. Hincken against William Wally and Caroline Wallr. his wife.

C. C. Eoan, Plff's Attya, 3 Chambers st, N. Y. In" pursuance ota judgment order ofthls Court made In th above entitled action, bearing; date the 32nd day of Mar, 1800, I VU sell by public auction, at the Oity Sales Rooms, No.

843 Fulton street (opposite the CKy Hall) in the Oltf of Brooklyn, on the sixth day of July, 1860. at 12 o'clock, noon, the following described land and premise: All thos. two lota of ground, lying and being in the Ninth Ward oi the City of Brooklyn, hounded as follows, to wit: Commencing at a point on the line of Warren street three hundred and twenty five feet nrom the northeast corner ofWar ren and udson Btreets: thence northerly at right aaglesand parallel with Hudson street two hundred and fifty feet ta yckoff ptreet; thence easterly along said Wyckoff street twenty five feet; thence southerly at ght angles and oar allet with Albany streettwo hundred and fifty feet to said Warren street; thence westerly along said Warren street twentr fivs feet to the place of beginning; marked on a certain map ai Nos. to and 77. Dated Brooklyn.

June 12. 1860. jel32aw8W (1120) GEO. REM3EN. Sheriff; TVJEW YORK.

SUPREME COURT, KINGS 13 COUNTY Peter Goodnough against Oliver Vincent and others. Abraham Lott, Plff's Atty. In pursuance of a judgment order of this Court made in th. above entitled action, bearing date the 8th day of October, 1859, I will sell by public auction, at the Commercial Kx. change.

No. 869 Fulton st (opposite the City Hall) in the Olty of Brooklyn, on the 12th day of the following: described land and premises: All that certaia messuage and lot of land. 1th the buildings and improvements thereon, situate, lying and being In th Town of Net Utrecht, In the County of Kings, and State of New York aforesaid, the same being butted and bounded as. follows, ta Wit Southeasterly and southwesterly by the main road anl public highway that leadsfrom Flatbnsh, through the Village of New Utrecht to the Narrows; northwesterly by land no or formerly of Thomas Smith, deceased: and northeasterly by land now or formerly of William W. Cropsey; containing nearly two acres of land, be the same more or less; together with all and singular the tenements, hereditament, and as purtenances thereunto belonging or In anywise appertaining.

Dated Brooklyn, March 9th, 1860. mhlilswSwW (883) GEO. REMSEN. Sheriff, The sale of the above property Is postponed until the totk. day of Mar, I860, at the same hour and plaoe.

Dated, Brooklyn, May 13.1860. SawtsTu GEORGE REMSEN. Sheriff The sale of the above property Is further postponed untft the 25th day of May, I860, at the same hour ana place. Dated, Brooklyn, May 19, 1800. m.M.

nnil SawtsM GEORGE REMSEN. SheriC The sale of the above property is further Boetponed untS the 18th day of August i860, at the same hour and plape. Dated Brooklyn, May 2Sth, 1800. my282swtsM GEO. REMSEN.

Sheriff. amaburgh and hold a levee at the Odeon, where ing Houses and large consumers supplied on liberal terms at 93 Atlantic street, Brooklyn. ligU jinks were in order. The report (rained cre dence from the additional announcement thattwo artles had been seen to enter that establish What It Is Williams' Hats, Caps and IiHE UNOEKSIUNED, LN COMPLIANCE with the Actln relation to the sale of bottles medby the manufacturers and bottlers of Mineral Water. Purter, Ale and Cider, as amended March ilth.

13ti0. having hied in the office of the Secretary of State, ami Clerk or the County, a description of the marks used by him, cautions junk men anr dea'ers In bottles, or any person, from buying, uslna or flllltganyof the following named bottles, runvked "Alex. Kiigle, Mineral Water," and "Alex. Eagle ti0. Mineral Water.

ALEXANDER EAGLE. Jc6 6v No. 70 Pulton street. Brooklyn. pas busy putting the new Children's Fancy Straw Hats can't be excelled 393 Fulton street.

Having been sold by wzens were cautious DOMINICK COLGAN'S NEW HOTEL, 139 EieiTe got up for the tol pont Btreet, Is now completed and open for the reception of his old and new friends whom he Invites respectfully to continue their patronage. Free Lunch as heretofore FliBMTURE. K. B. On hand an assortment of Improved Burners.

Also ng in about door They Giones. mcKsanaunuumes. Aiamps auerea ana repaireu. je29 lm SEA BATHING BATH HOTEL, BATH, kONG ISLAND, is now open for the accommodation of transient as well as permanent guests. Clam chowders, roast clams, and game.

Dinners aud suppers at all hours Breakfast parties solicited. B. F. WINCHESTER. je281w Late of the WeBtern Hotel, New York.

longer Wiley a rtuVlpv Mr linn Ifon WlUU Jrs individual ap HIGHLY IMPORTANT TO HOUSEKEEPERS CABINET FURNITURE AND UPHOLSTER GOODS AT WHOLESALE PRICES The undersigned again inviter attention to the largest, most varied and cheapest stock ot goods that can be found in any building in the State of Mew York. Having purchased everything for oash during the panic seasons, he Is now enabled una will supply the public at prices which his competitors in the trade at present cannot procure at wholesale. In hln spacious and enlarged warerooms will be found all descriptions of parlor, chamber, office, steamboat and hotel furnishing goods, carpeting, oil oloths, cocoa and India matting, window shades, rugs and many other goods not found in otheratorea. Please calf and examine and see the correctness oftbii statement before purchasing elsewhere. p4 R.

J. TOM). 88 Fulton street. Gibbons Francls 2 per) WiltseJasH ing put the The Juvenile High ScnooL, 189 Washington street, (near Cencord.) will commence Its Summer Term, Monday, April 83d. This School is designed for boys under twelve years of age, only Report ot the Brooklyn City Hospital for tho week ending June 80, 1860 Admitted 19 Discharged 19 Itcmalnlng IH The YlBitlng Committee meet every Saturday afternoon 'st o'clock.

John T. E. Nichols, Superintendent. TRAVELER SHOULD BE WITHOUT GooduUGeoB O'DonnellA Gesner 2 Ogn nnliinron II Oliver John as nobnrlv. Williams Peter Walsh Rev Thos Wyman Wm 0 Weir Capt Win ONE A new lot of fine French Alarms, warranted nf riHim knew t.hnllTW yH rr accuratejust received by v.

rpr ucu. west waiter O'Brien John 3 axjy t. uiLiiiUn, nan, the sell did not mafyaffiMach departod ilMlnnnHll Mtelil 2 Wumlv Robt 2C6 Pearl, corner of Fulton street, U.S. Hotel, New York. Glitfscr Harry Gesner Gardiner John Gould James Glennon John Grady A Satisfied with having seen oihu.

As Heenan did je27 lw Onerall Yareeki Morris Ostennan 0 A Young Napolean l'lllsMr W. II. PECK, Fostmaster. not come in the Adriatic of course nobody is to WATEIl NOTICeS. when he does get here the "sensation tittee" of tho 'Burgh intend to secure him.


BROD'S Cloth and Fur Preserver, is the most useful article in the world; it will save Fur and aU kinds of goods from being destroyed by moths and other insects. Sold at the Depot, 53 and 56 Market st, and at ail Drug Stores, N. alsoatG.O. Close, 100 Fulton st; G. Milne, 217 Fulton st: R.

F. Davles, cor. of Fulton and Clinton sts; W. Douglas. Fulton av, cor.

of Pearl st E. St'hannian, 383 Fulton st; P. D. Leys, cor. Main and York bU; and Leavenworth's, 17 Court street, Brooklyn.

Prices 25 and 50 cents. pmtG of the Corner Stone of Curist CELEBRATION OF THB EIGUTY FOURfU A NIVFJtSAltY OF AMERICAN INDEPENDENCE. UHAPEL. unrist U'rotCStant Emscrman i has occUDietffor th last t. WANTED A GIRL TO TAKE CARE OF children and as chambermaid, References required.

Apply at Pearl street. Jy38t TltrANTED A NURSE TO ACCOMPANY A VT small family to England: thecost of passage would he regarded as an equivalent for services. None but English, ni el answer this advertisement. Apply to Washington ave house southeast of Fulton avenue, Brooklyn, 12 It Sljfiame edifice, on Bedford near Division av jess lm' capaoie oi accommouaung aoout ouu per TO ATER TAX NOTICE lb HEREBY GIVEN vv that the Water Tax for the year I860, will be due and payable on the 1st day of May, at the Registrar's Office, (Room No. HalseyBulldlngs,) No.

855 Fulton street. All regular rents remaining unpaid on the 1st day of June will he subject tn an additional charge of one per cent, per month thereafter, till paid. Officohours from 8 o'clock A. M. till o'clock P.

every day. Eundays and Holidays excepted. Office of the Brooklyn Board of Water Commissioners, AprU.1860. GAMALIEL KING, President. ffn Lewis.

Secretary. alM8m FOR SALE AND TO LET. FOR SALE THE FIVE 'i STORS" AND liasement brick houses, with all the modern improvements, on DuKalh nvennc. adiolnlnn the comer nf Sktllman IHE FIREMEN'S INSURANCE cone, out too nmiceti tor tne increasing numbers oftbe congregation. Ground fronting on Divi USOORTOaATEn IB 1825.) No.

88 WALL STREETT avenue ana running tnrougli to the church been rmrehnq vt fnr SSt ftm nn urhlnh mill h. WAM'ED A SITUATION BY A RESPECT able woman, in a small private family, to do genera housework, flood plain cook, washer and froner. City re ference can be given. Apply at 198 Duffleld street, In tho ran frant inn flftrtr. tvQ It fff.

inrnifitcd a brick rmllrllno. ri sjiwhu oiivu uiuu i uuu no IBUL TTJ" ANTED TO LET A FURNISHED ROOM. ui a cum ui io be used as a Sunday Retool room and chapel. Thn lntn ii FOURTH OF JULY, 1860. OftPBa OF ARBANOKHESTS.

The day will be ushered in by the firingof national salutes In the Western and laitcrn DistrlcU. The display of the National Flag from the publlo buildings and other prominent points, and the ringing of ihe bells. At noon the bells dl be rung and salutes fired. At sunset thebells will be rung and salutesflred. In the evening there will be a display of FIREWORKS.

In the Western District in front of the City Hall. In the Eastern District on the open lots bounded hy Gri hnni avenue. Ewcn, Alnslle and Devoo BtreeU. ROBERT FUREY. U.

GUKEV. JAS. A. VAN BRUNT, CHAS.KEIHU TIMOTHY PERRY, jyfMd Special Com, of the Common Cnuncll. POLITIC Ali.

DEMOCRATIC GENERAL COMMITTEE OP KINGS CO' NTY Arecular meeting of tho Democratic General Committee of Kinttfl County will be held at the "CAPITOL," on TUESDAY, Ju y3il, at 8 o'clock P. M. THOMAS FARON, President. iprAV, Secretary. VT Bultable for one or two gentlemen, without board: or street.

Enquire or KAunau, uu t. a f'ltit; and S0O raised by the Sunday school toward ie29 lm' WnshlDgston street, N. Y. would Utthrce unfurnished rooms to a Hmull family. without children: pleasantly located, new the Fulton or Wall street HEATING.BY GAS AND SAND C.

PEPPER respectfully Informs the citizens of Brooklyn that having perfected, so as to warrant and demand ita introduction to the public, his new mode, as patented by him, of heating, cof klng. hy the combined use of gas and sand, and Us application to all purposes for which heat Is reaulreu. has selected Brooklyn the theatre of liublic demonstrations, invltlnii anil expecting the strictest and severest sctutiny, and such as will prove decisive In public estimation everywhere of the true character of the invention. A competent and disinterested Committee will act iu behalf of the publlo Interests, and I have pledge i myself not to attempt make merchandise of the Invention, except so fur as shall be sanctioned bj the Committee, or thev shall endorse its merits. I begin by first testing publicly the properties of the Invention for all culinary purposes, and will ho at the store of POWELL V1NING, lo Fulton street, between the hours or 9 and 10, for the purpose of Imparting and receiving ln ft rmatlon and suggestions and collecting materials for the final action and decision of

jt 282w CALVIN PEPPER. "TOB PRINTING N15ATLY EXECUTED AI 9 the ttcs ot tWa ferries, apply all the week at 72 Pineapple st. Mechanics Dank uuuaing. CAPITAL ao 4,000. Insures aealnst Loss or Damage by Fire on favorable una.

nunwrfoaa: O. N. a Rowland, Cornelius Smith, Abraham a Saadl. Francis T. Lnqueer, Jacob S.

Nevius, Jacob Hlasen, EfBogh'mTownseudJacob A. RoberlaosOha. Bvlhalter, William Agnew, Edward G. Falle, F. O.

navemerer. Ira Smith. Edmund Penfold, Abm. K. Van Nesl.

Wm. 8. Herrlman, William G. Read. Edward H.

Owen. O. P. Leverlch. John J.

VttMnt, 3. V. Harriott, Secretary. Brooklyn 6ffice. Monge.

near ftfififoi GEORGE J. HARDY, Real Estate and fnsuranoe Loans negotiated. Real Estate bnuehusuld or oxohtaiedi Houses let or leased. Deeds, Bonds and Mortgages execute. OOTSmlssloner ot Deeds.

No. I Montague, sou CttilV JWSSi Saying ior wu uuuuiu, wuicnwiu be unlshed by eptember. A now church will soon thereafter be put up on the site of the old one, which will be C3 feet wide by 110 feet deep, to accommodate 1,400 persons, at an expense of $30,000. Sio.Oon nf TO LETCHEAP THETWO STORY BRICK bouses and stores, corner of Bedford and DeKalb avenues. Enquire of BADKAU, L0CKVVOOD A No.

237 Wellington street. N. Y. ie33 lm" FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE TWO 3 STORY brick houses, (stores) Nos. 214 and 216 Gold strout, Brooklyn.

Kxrhange Tor lots or dwelling hound Uv a form of '62 acres In Columbia County. Y. Also wantoil coltflpenousp. Fulton avenue route. Also 2ii floor of a tented house, with board.

Apply to J. POILLON, 53 Kulton street, Brooklyn, jSO TIT ANTED AGENTS TO SELL A NEWLY 1 patented Portibi.s Corrma Pckss add Boot, coa taln ng one and a half quires of paper, and weighing only eight ounces. Bells readily at large profite Exoluslve privileges will be granted by earlyappllcatlori to J. E. 0OOLEY Poughkeepsle, N.

Y. The sale of the above Press and Books gives a remunera ive employment to those that require a light, out door eker lse, by for the sate of them. It being respectable rticle, and used fey btalntss and literary iyn which arc subscribed. Tho sabbath school of ihu ciiurcn numoers si scnoiars and hs tentiliors, uu the supprintcndecco oi Frederick C. Clark.

On leaturaay tuc memncrs oi tne scuool and congro. sy.

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