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The Brooklyn Daily Eagle from Brooklyn, New York • Page 11

The Brooklyn Daily Eagle from Brooklyn, New York • Page 11

Brooklyn, New York
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Extracted Article Text (OCR)

THE PHOOKXYK OATLY BAQLE MONDAT, APRIL 15. JR9B. FOUKTF3EX PAGES. elbow and the old opportunities are gone. The I people are turning with the Browing rest WHAT IS OPPORTUNITY? woman's place in INDIA I'' comms change, vxuj.

i 11A (J to me i acinu leanness ana questioning and Is now swirling back into all the unfilled harbingers of some, great 'l fr' r. i Mar: I. tunuuciB aula COJUKS. Tile limn is fast nn TIio prw( fl, I vested them with ft WUS. V.l".'....".

proaching when those will all be filled. Car are permeated with socialism ami readv for lyles P.eturc of industrial Englaud la true the change. Whether it comes slowlv. thorlty In its tit; DISCUSSION BEPOBE THE EBOOK XiTm ETHICAL SOCIETY. ually as the dawning of the sun in a cloudless DR.

JANES CONSIDERS HER SOCIAL AND LEGAX STATUS. LEGAL NOTICES. oT XTY THB la plaintiff, against t. Action No. loreelosure and r.litled action, I 1 a sell at pub i Thomas A.

il i Nirap, Nos I t'lty of Hrooklyn, day of May, 1893, premises in ei th. i ein described as ur parcel of Twenty sixth differs but little has an uh: lute and If she her. herltuuc. Inherits and a life us of of Adminlstralio' fumlly circle and ties. Interests and man has ll.dd fo 7 .1 ontrol or ova a v.

tJ 'oet, tf India. i 1 resuif, are I la uate her aytuputl.1. which v.t... ('. sky, or whether it comes v.

iih a storm of bullets and fire and blood, no man can tell. But coming it is. and the twentieth century will see competition swept out or" the realm of materia! things, will see a new brotherhood of man and man. will see glorious opportunities such as are not now creamed of by our dull comprehension, open freely to whether to uay or this country. He said: "Descend where yon will into the lower classes, in town or country, by what avenue you will, by factory inquiries, by revenue returns, by mining laborer committees, by opening your "eyes and looking, the same sorrowful result discloses iteelf.

You have to admit that the working body of this rich English nation ha.i sunk or Is fast sinking into a state to which, all sides of it considered, there was never any palallel. Two millions of laborers sit In enforced idleness, in a sort of horrid enchant Dr. Bobert Eccles Scores Cleveland, the Income Tax and a Debased Currency and Upholds the Rights of Capital and Labor. He Says That All Things Are Not So Black as They Have Been Painted. A Defense of Swami Vivekan her quite on level with I.e.

i Hen or poor, strong or week, wife or stupid West." "Clirl.tlan leKlslation. r. pt a ti In man, woman or child, and opportunities not for the development of the materials, wealth ment, in Bilence. for, alas, what word Is to be said! An earth all lying around, crying, "Come and till me, come and "has boos In many points more than Manu." (India, p. Tie land, he rel us.

still vo? pai In the father aiope, to the mother. The principle of tho 'f. niodllied to a much itreat'r deer hv Manu than It Is by the rci.tit;;: v. ir retiCrr like i v. tl.e pa rls.

I 1 mile, 'r't in "'r e.a'ilai, tmt, 'in lu ai nt. ir. tie V.das. 0 Is r. out wl.i i v.

Iff. v. t). 1. oounaea 1: ileginninff at er ii.i,..

(formerly 1: av. niie: running: 11 avenuo one ill' and parallel with I f' et; thence easterly :i.e iii.iiiie hundred,. northerly along the corner p. of b. Inning.

To I I' Utei lUtef eSt Of tll In an 1 to the land lyln a erai in front of and centers thereof klvn. At.ri: lfir, The fourteenth lecture of the free course on "Individualism and Socialism," now being ana pnyslcal comfoit of man only, but for all sides, intellectual, social, ethical, spiritual. Dr. Eccles. in a brief reply, answered some of the arguments by Mr.

Pomoroy. and the meeting closed at 10:30 o'clock. There Is one more lecture In the course, which will be duly announced. given by the Brooklyn EtMcal association, attracted a largo audlen co at the Pouch gallery on Cianton avenue last night. Dr.

Lewis G. Janes, the association's president, presided and, after a ferw brief remarks, introduced Hrltaln. "Many of the woman," says Johnson, from feudalism, make Ktii dl i chastity OS Invl i pel lav ended old. a a. l.

tierp.e. wt.r.'.el.v India, fi. respeellv. lv. 1 a'p I Wll.i.l.x.: .1 HI Sheriff.

anions the heathen in comparison." appear alce st resj tuble a persons Inter. st. i old .1 at. article on the speaker of the everting. Dr.

Robert G. To the Editor of the Brooklyn EEle: The and iefrnl status of in Inilia question of larger Interest than that ii.rb:i::e 'Hi of the friendly hitcrelmnue of views betwwn the l. e.ler of the Raniabal circle and myself. The lelual r. should lie known tne lawyer ttll.l s' lst to thosl.

sntcn Ktoil in missionary labors as to (he j.raetleal philanthropist. There la probably no llvlns Kurop an who knows more of the Hindu their Kit red literature un.l Lot! cook than Professor Mux Muller In intc little book. What Can It Teach fs?" originally a course of lectures de at Cambridge university before the can dl'lat for the Indian rtvll service, thcro Is a flirlntlcant chapter on The Truthful CliariLcter of the Hindus," in which In terms of Turning now to Manu. we 1 the Eccles, the vice president, who spoke on "Op odford. Attorneys for Plala York.

fij. KlNns i Dl NTV THE ii.h of ilro lalntirr. againsti et al. Action No. ot a Judgment of forclosure and 1 portunity as Related to Social Progress.

reap ine yet here they sit. enchanted. The sun shines and the earth calls, but by the governing powers and impotences of this England, they are forbidden to obey. There Is something that reminds me of Dante's hell in the look of all this. Oh, what a waste there is of noble and thrice noble, national virtues; peasant stoicism, heroism, valiant, manful habits soul of a nation's worth which all the metal of Potosl cannot purchase back." This is here In our country, too.

Do you doubt it? Listen. The report of the tenement house committee to the New York legislature says of the tenement ho use life in New York city that it "has evil effects of various kinds. Keeping children up and out of doors until midnight in the warm weather because the rooms aro almost unendurable; making cleanliness of house and street difficult; filling the air with unwholesome emanations and foul odors of every kind; producing a condition of nervous tension; Interfering with the seDarate TNTV Savings I C. Ir, M. In pur ci.i sale an, la'.

thr li ouetlon. iie commenced by saying: "This world is tit. red In tl.e aJiove entitled action, ii. ij ai.ii j.o a co ivesauo of the it. klyti a I a 'ljlivi.

V. all tune hear with their In the entire tleld of sex lelMtlon.hlp. r. It; our o.vti iaai bid i. i.

iuse net a fleeting show. L.ike a stream of passing MRS. CAMPBELL'S SOUP KITCHEN Fed Many Hungry Men During Its Six Weeks Existence. A big crowd of men congregated in the rooms of tho Bedford avenue mission, Bedford avenue, between South First and South Second streets, last Saturday, at 12 o'clock, to partake for the last time of the delicious soup which had been served to thorn gratuitously even day for the last six weeks. They were sorry that this source of physical recuperation was going to be henceforth a thins of tho oast and th.

lin "I l. 1 Will b'll ai DUD quotation in the Interview with Mr. has. on the fuce or It. no bearing whatever on the question of property rhthts.

It merely the expression of the general oriental vie a woman must recognize some man as her legal protector. In another section we find the same lea slated thus: "Her father protects her In childhood, li husband protects her in y.ejth and her sens pro Ojiiesi oni ier. I tionitvs water, everything Is in flux. Op M.rrie:in. iiiiell rr.eer or jnis.

No. 0 Hrooklya. portunities come and go. The chances of Villoiichby str. et.

In the irlti oi County ot Kings, on the 7th Ja'v of May, 1895. noon, the land and premises in to day are gone to morrow. The slow, the mentally halt, blind and lame, unabl to keep up with the procession, cry out against slntiers on otle side of the world. There seems to a fruitful and abut, ffjl p. aary enterprise and ethical culture help.

aid Jti tit meiitir.iied and th. r. ln described as All tha' certulti pin. pie or parcel of nIK" tmit nation mlcht well be proud to wear such laurels of honest cmmenJa tlon. Quoting many travelers and students In India he adds: "1 could KO on nuo ti a.o lying oii.j p.jing in trie i wentv sDctti I v.ird of tl, city Brooklyn aforesaid, bounded.

I I. JAN I3S, ano described as follows, to wit: Beginning atl aftor boolt and again and ci. aln wo sheuM st how it wan lovo of truth that struck nil the h. who I'resi, Urooktyn 1 r.t Iln. April JVJi.

it. It haa been ever this since time began. Like Mrs. Partington or Canute the Great, they try to stay the tide, but dn vain. The maker of bronze tools took the field and the gered around and sang hymns, loth to "leave the place where they had been wont to appease on ei sioc oi a.

jiiiifiina avenu one hun fc north. ilv from the north easterly curlier of Alabama avenue and Newport sin formerly called Vatiderve. avenue); run Ji thence northerly along Alabama avenue two ness and sacredness of home life; leading to the promiscuous mixing of all ages and sexes in a single room thus breaking down the barriers of modesty and conducing to the corruption of the vounK." This is not Clnrlvln's occupation of the flint tool man was gone. tect her in old age; a woman Is novr prepared for independence" 1 Maim, Ix 'I. That this no reference whatever to property rights, appears from the fact that those rights are explicitly und repeatedly recognized in the same section of the code.

Nor does It even Imply the amount of supervision over her person common in Mohammedan countries; for In another clause we read; "No man cm completely guard a woman Bv force; but they can be guard 1 the following expedient. Let the husband employ his wife in the colleetlol. atl.l pop i re wVe'r'l t. k' vpi ig everything clean. liglous duties.

In the preparation of his tool an i In looking ufter the household Women contlneil in house under trustworthy servants Dr. Eccles went on to show the evolution of new ideas day by day, year by year, exclaim came contact Willi India as the prominent feature In the national character of Its No one ever accused them of falsoh.1. "No doubt," he at the close of the chapter 'there is a moral depravity In India. ar.d wlvre is there not nvral depravity In this world Hut appeal to national statistics would bo, I liev a Kame. Jn JudylnK others', whether In public or private life, let us not that a kindly spirit win never dr.anv harm." of th's Webster's Speeches.

The American Book company. New York, liubiisl in its series of English classics the orations of Daniel Webster 0:1 the lay lug the the Bunker I 111! nt, on "The Charauter of Was hington" and on "Tho Landing at Plymouth." ing, "The new always usurps the place of rhetoric, but weighted words about a condition which can be almost paralleled In your own and every other large city. They substantiate Carlyle's rugged words. There are tenements which the committee calls "veri mo ia ana awarrs or Kills It. Each looks wie snimng pain or hunger in tho past.

There were lots of visitors present and thev were glad to eat the soup themselves. for it was thick and rich, not tho watery stuff that Is aome times and in some places given away in charity. A fow speeches and prayers were made by local clergymen who were present and then th9 men bade good by to the chief figure in this charitable enterprise. Mrs. Dr.

John B. Campbell of 685A Halsey street. Each one had a word of profound thanks to offer and all to a man vowed that her kindly influonoo had been such that they did not have the heart to commit vice or crime any nioro and that their witn. alarm at the approaching tide and wies to stay it, but In vain. Bach artisan loeiee iisi.

parallel with said stre ne hundred feet; thenoo southerly 'i ariiil. i with ibninn avenue two hundred feet, und thence west tiy parallel with Newport street one himdr. to Alabama avenue at tho l'1 idng. Together with all th light, title of the parties of tllo first of. In and the laud lying in Alabama, i.

In on; a il s. t'l' 'mlses to th center there, u. ited Brooklvn. April IS 1S9S. WILLIAM J.

Sheriff. W. I'lalntlff Attorneysv 15 all street. New York. B15 Ciit'NTY ci'l'ln' iii KINfJS CO I NT TH Ef innie siivlturi bunk of Bro.klyn.

jrialntlfr, agalnat l'aiiiel B. Pn llri et al. defer, ts. Action No, a ir. pui of judgment of and each man, cries out against the advancing table slaughter houses," where though the death rate In the city Is 21 to the 1.000.

In it Accompanying these is an introduction bio oi a revered order of teachers, the Sanyusl monks, ur whom there are iua oi cnange ana complains of the new graphical and historical. rises to C2 to the 1,000 and with an infant mortality of over 200. What laoie one hundred thousand In India the are not wen guarded; but those who of their own accord keep guard over themselves tire well guarded' 'Manu. Ix l' 11. The unity of the husband and wife In the family relation Is a'so taught: He only is a perfect man who dsn loai usurps ais own, but the current of fate runs on and it is useless to try to stop its flow.

Check it and progress ends. Past op I'Mtunila la a representative. If. was opportunity nas a child born In those placus for noble manhood and richt livine? Would as luwyer not as an actor LEGAL NOTICES. find took me, were henceforth reformed.

A man I oonors at the I nlverslty of lie orten converted through his stomach you oe willing that your child should be bred C' iCNTVTlli; was tteirouRhl trained not onlv in .,0.1 tnreo persons unit. l. his wife, himself thus says th Veda: and I When Mrs. Dr. J.

B. Carnobell first rnncpivivl CO NT ifUT (iK 1'lnie sin inss Ilauh ot lir.okc, Uiirllm: ai. 1 hi Irah In such a place orwould you have been willing i. pi. 1:1.

till, lants. Ot lOl eCl to nave been born and brought up there? At ue laea or tma form of charity over six weeks Pllblle t'. A. K. ri iiriiii.

In pursuance of a Judirn.ei, once someone sneers: "It is as good as they aS sho had no idea that it was to be in I'll' ittl'l entered III rhe oei. i upove entitled action. M. i win boi ax highest bidder, by Thomaa er. at th" salesrooms.

No. 11 in the city of Brooklyn, the 7th day of May, 1S9S. the land and premises Ul I and therein described as mntias propound this miiKlm llk. Tl.e hue band Is declared to be one with the wife' Ix O. Maim, ix 7e, provides that every mini wle.

goes abroad on business must provide a uvaint so successful. Durine tho six weeks of Its ev care for." The first tenement house enm dated public the 3.1th rliiv of March. 1 I will s. li a UU. lloti, totnu hlghent bidder, by 'lie i oilutv at mlssion said they believed the tenants were lstenca the soup kitchen has fed hundreds of poor men who were deserving of charity, but tuetl.un er, the salerooms.

No. ti.l 1 Judgm as a class ahead of their dwelling places. This street. In the i itv oi Uruoalvu last commission says: "The population shows wno naa Kept away from charitable Institu i e. ior wire while he Is uw.iy.

As erty rights Inheritance, tins. Ions: "After death of the father of Ma.y, hi pro i pi. t. pie. or parcel of el situate, imj b.

ing In the Twentv Klxtft rd oi city tr aforesaid, bounded K'Tiieir, ''ollnty 0t lit IW.U'e siii'I h' Ai hoc', lions because of the inqulsit ory red tape buv King; on the 7t! IiiMin, the nt tnentlolled and th. it certain pi, lvlt.g and bolti rounding them. Many of the mon who ate the ne: premises in i a. Hi" p.iri.

i a strong desire to have its children acquire the common rudiments of education." That sneer is untrue. To wb.ftt.4oes the committee turn for relief? To private effort and In to wit; Beginning at rly side of C.eorgia avenu soupnau seen better times and wn tro nmudtn the w. ho th stain hundred i p. rlh. rlv from the north imr.dr.

mother, the brothers being assembled may divide among themselves In equal shares the paternal and the maternal estate; for they have 1,., over it while the parents live" Ix 14.. rl: taft 1 .1 jjeg. so tnat tno dowi of soup which was klndlv r. ot Iirooklyn af.ire. a Id, l.

it. i i I oilorod to them in the Bedford avenue mls sio to ow.s. ir, wl! I t. ai and Newport 1 iiti'Im avenue): run ir.r urgla avenue tva itiative? No. To public control of the worst of these evils.

Forty years ago tho first tene nlii without question and without price must, have orner oi onuer: oiu tne estate cat tl Holt ey! feet; averted starvation in more than one rasp. Mrs e. o.nucu uii.u parents are e. is evl ment nouse commission was appointed and three times since have other warnings heen portunities must perish. Like ourselves, they are mortal.

We cannot perpeuate them. If we could. It would be bad for us. Since the very dawn of life, every day and hour has led to the removal of the opportunities of every creature. All these efforts aim at oonomy of power.

'The lrifancy oi the race was prodigal of its pcrtver. With the savage, time was frittered a way and effort lost. His wages wefe hunger and death. With us union is strength." The speaker showed how capital and labor each tended toward centralization, which, he claimed, was an economy of porwer and a natural law of evolution. "From indeflnilteness things are going toward defi niteness, from incoherence to coherence.

Material things are integrating. Energy is dissipating. Apply the law to any of these conditions and you find them true to It. To war with this Is but to war wiith the eternal." Applying this law to everything. Dr.

Eccles concluded this thought with this sentence: "Centralization must come In everything, even in wealth. Every such centralization is dn the end a blessing. While it destroys old opportunities, it opens up now ones, and in almost every Instance more now ones arise than there are old ones destroyed." Continuing on this thought, Dr. Bccles said: "Opportunities multiply immensely with every new invention." He called in il i o. jo.

a avenue und avenue rui.iiim: easterly along salo Llv Tila avetiti mr.ety seven fv. six inches south, rl it.i pan 11. I witii il. otglo. ai.tiue two bundle t.ietl Westerly all.) parallel With I J.i iio i.

ninety seven t. sx inches uttered by legislative committees and each time toe later codes of Hindu law. but also in comparative law The people mtervsted In the present controversy, if such It must be considered may rest assured that he knows what le is talking at and has given the unquestionable fllcts as to the property rights of Hindu women. TU ntei vlev with the respected manner 0f the Katn. circle in lost Saturday's Kao le Is Inter and shows commendable effort, by study, to certain the facts ns the status of th Hindu widow.

1 fwtr, however, the co ,1 lady has taken oer i.icta at second hand rather than from original authorities. or she would hardlv have made some of the statements credited to her In this Interview. First, let me dispose with a word story that the tJwtuni Vlv kunanda was formerly un actor. If It were true It would not necessarily be to his discredit. There arc honorable and worthy men and women tn the tlx utncal profession, who are entitled to the admiration and respect of all broad minded people.

The cort Insinuation that because he was once an actor, therefore ho Is In some way discredited as a philosopher or rellKlous teacher savors mw of prejudice and narrowness of vision than of loir leul argument. The potent form of hyno tlsm or susKt stlon Is that which proceed, frwm lifc lous and social prejudices. But It Is not ue that the Bwanii Vlvekannnda ever was, in the accepted sense of the word, un actor The theio. frly end parallel with tiee: hundred feet; thena Parai.e with avenue two and tlieti easterlv tigaln ptu IIel street I feet (ieorcla act pia.

einnlng. To lie tight, title and interest of th th an sti oe.iee the property Inhere widow after the ath her husband. It, reality she has full possession and control of his pers i 'itli and hiifi.ii Newport avenue at Campbell also relates that on no day and at no time did any man como into the placo under the Influence of liquor. The women In charge always commanded respect and It was tney naveasked for more stringent reeulations. ulu a uie use of his realty.

The fur lueljoc Ilol'tller oilir (Jeor These regulations have been permissive and encouraging of private effort anil the sittintlnn g. tijer wit gia always snown them. tner provides that "to thu maiden sisters th. iii.isiroi te. to the corner he I ant or p.aee beirli.iung tnt.

ili. with purll. of the first ine In Go art In un.l to land ly hi of and adjolnlnjt has gone from bad to worse and now even the During the six weeks 1.G05 bowls of soup ill eii.iu seerany ftive portir.ns, eu'l. uut of neaitn department asks that its discretion ins snare one fourth port: those who rofus. lym; uispenseo ano jbo quarts of it were car ried home in pails to sick mothers and hil ary power be taken away and that tho law oi i i oi and l.i said or eiil and nd Mlo.

in I'l ou: sue 11 ..01 orcouie outcasts. And further: "nut reads snail and not "may." Thev are learn dren. The externe of tho Eastern District 'v. ll.i.IAM J. nt TTLTNC.

stherlff. six. Lit. 'A .1. Attorn.

vs for tlff, li 'A all street. New It. ate 3vMiTh wi.aieer may be the separate property ing the lesson of the times that many evils sp. etivcly.,..,I Ilroiiklyn, April 1 1 WILLIAM J.

ill. ri 1.1. i.eooei, mat is tne snare or the uuuiarriet liierlff. can only be met and conquered by the people in the organic capacity savinir "shall" with Ci iCNTY ivlngs 1 onughter ulone; and the son of an In daughter shall take the whole estate of ei a. a ii ii tiff.

IS Wall street. New nospiuii was invited to give tickets for the soup to Ms destitute patients and he availed himself of the privilege. The soup was cooked in the kitchen of Mrs. Campbell's former residence, 105 South Third street, and carried K. "i Tin ih no: Ihookiyn., against I al, f. udants. Action or. all the majesty and power of the law and thus Banl P. No.

i In wno nas no son (Mat.u. Ix rtie; P.r 1'laln ai; 3wM4iTh i. i TIIK laititih. against its. Aetlua tot.

and i. and opening a wider opportunity for the people themselves to lead decent, honest IIyok Tho oil 1 tut i.ii kix I Ime Saviiigs Lank of I' ilel l.i.rling et ai, fe In a Judgtnen i.ile niade and etitnred tin. a the above entitled i steaming around to tho mission by some of the nut when the mother has died, all uterine brothers and the uterine ulster s' equally divide the mother's estate" Ix 1. "Bven to the daughters of those soil, 1.1 1... 1...

men. On Tuesdays Mrs. Daniel T. Ration March. I I to the blirbe: made in; i at.

In Hon. dut. nay '111 11 at public auc by Thomas A. r. iil tl.e Salesr.

No. li; the I shall of the law means more liberty, not less. This is true of our country life also. The evils there are different from those in the relieved Mrs. Campbell.

On Fridays Mrs. II KetrllTaii. Auction, "ay of I plllole auction, to the highest I will 'Illo are these: Some years ago Keshub Chunder Son. Wllioinrhl.v street ivenneciy got tne soup ready. lustration of bis theory the various great inventions of the century and showed the oe is seerniy out of th auctioneer, at the sale rooms.

Nr lu.eieu i.wmicr or Jlnihme Pamal. wrote estate of their maternal grandmother Iho ofUccrs of the soun societv were: Mrs e. llouKhl.y Street, In (ho Ite I ir .1, vast lields they had opened up for labor and Dr. J. B.

Campbell, president: Mrs. Chnrlps T. o. (..110.110. ix li'o).

shat v.ns cities, Dut none the less real and dreadful. They are isolation, stagnation, monotony. Do you know that the public library law In Massachusetts has been so efficient that at the ounty of Kings, on the 7th Mav 1835 tw. lve el. k.

th. pi enuM i'lil i Judgineiit m. nil. p. t'ie.

H. as follows: Ail that plot pieco parcel of land lying and 1 in th. research and opportunity. o.i ine oa ot .11 iv. tUelve Oci.Kik.

tJ. Sicardi, vice president; Mrs. Daniel T. Gate given t.etore the nuptial Hre, what was gi sort of sacred drama to express and illustrate his central idea ur the unity of religion, that the deepest truths In all the Breat religions of the world are essentially the same. This drama 'he jaomieiu Illeiuiotied and therein 1 son, treasurer: Mrs.

H. Cairo aprrrv in. onoai procession, what was given In token it OVs; MI liat el lain nlot present time less than 5 per cent, of the whole "cth "ar'I ot the O. llrooklvn Ho regarded the centralization of wealth as one of God's greatest blessings to man. Its love and power is a heaven ordained inspiration, but it has great dancers also.

But Dow lying und lielna 'in the 1 Some of those who helped to serve the soup on various days and lend enchantmont to the id. 101 and what as received her brotl.ei mother or father, that Is called the six fold oro: Java VIndavan." was recited on the population of the state live out of walking Hie Cltv of ,,1 un. led and as follows, "to lie: at rh. nor: h. ru exercise, himself.

Prolan Chunder reacu oi a tree, pudhc library? What a re scene by their presence were: Mrs. rnra erty of a woman." "Such property, as well as a Alabama ai.i.i;.. r. I Neui.oil oomdur and other lied renresentn i 1 Soberry, Miss Josephine Alice Seberry, Miss er In every form had its potency for good and lief to the stunting stagnation of the country, evil, and they are eaual. To sain trreat cood Do tho citizens of New York state need less a miming thence north ania Illcliae o.le l.Utl.lled feel rly of the Bramo Samnj taking part In Its prostmta cinnia jrascai, aiiss Schmandt, Mrs.

Noubert. Miss Bennett. Mrs. Prar.t Mis and as follows, to wit: Beginning at i.e. il.iivesterly corner of Livonia (fortn rlv o'o avenue thefrield aveioi.

uniiliic westerly ttl.inn Livonia avenue 'K Inches; thence oe. i.iir.illel with ShcMi.rJd av. nue livn liuiei. parallel Hh said LI ninety seven mj six Inches great risk of evil must be made, but it is wis I libraries than those of Massachusetts? Is gui suosequent. and what was given to her her uftectlonaf husband, shall go to her ofTtin inK even If she dies In tho lifetime of her husband' 1 Manu, Ix 11)4, 13S).

From this it appears not only that tlio wife lie uon. a certain Juncture the drama required the rhythmic intunlni; of a benediction, a selector Pratt, Mrs. Hillbert. Mrs. Kennedy, Misses o.

tice isi. rly iin.ll ith Mild Newport street avenue; thence nl. ci av. i.u. on hundred feet St.

an 1 th.tiee west. rly along Newer, street no .1 et to the oriier aforo 11. 1. the I. ine.

b.e.i.oo,.,. I ijongwortn, Shelly, Richard Heidi and passage from the Vedas. Swam! Vlvekananda, then a very young man. With a line voice and dom's part to take that risk, provided the tnere less public spirit here? No. But the goal be great enough.

Great wealth could be Iaws here are not as efficient and they have compared to the goose that laid the golden not been in operation as long. It is a ques egg, and its blotting out the beginning of tion of th People acting in their organic direct misery to mankind. The Goulds, the capacity, a question of the extension of nugn sicarai. IO tllle Jifl.l lenee n. 1...

1 el nerits anso lately her husband's personalty and the held HV. tWo hllll lr. feet to the oorre.r presence, and Interested In thu teaching of tliun WPh lilt ts i title and Interest of' oer sen. was selected to conie upon the st. parties of the tit st i.irt ot.

it. and to the hind Evolution and Effort, use or nis real estate (luring her lifetime, but thn her own Independent Tinporty, if she has offspring g. 'S to her children Instead to vine in beginning; tog ther "Itl. all the right, title and Interest of th" parties V't th" Iving In Newport Ali.t.iui a and Ceor Vanderbilts and the Astors. What are thev tue luucuuus or tne eovernrrmnt.

gin avenues tronr a i. This Is the title of a notable book in the and Intone this Vedlc benediction. Tills is the only way In which be ever was an actor or connected with theatrical renresentn Tkk t. I prem question of more liberty for a true p.

th" cent. 111 ouie sne nas no oilspnne. another section makes ct iv. ly. nated Joining development of the people, a question of evolution way written by Edmond Kelly and Brooklyn, April i 'i' nues in ir.nt ot an I i lirert.lses.

P. the thereof re I 'ated Brooklyn. April 15, I WlLLIAil J. l. I TLLS 'l.

Sheri'; published by D. Appleton New York. .1. Amoux. Birch wide and nobler opportunities and of more socialism.

John Stuart Mill has elonuentlv Der Iiiisba.nU her heir; or, when the marriage is irregular, her mother otid fatdier Inherit lier estate Instead of her husband. but the conservators of the people's wealth? They can take none of it with them to the tomb. Their incomes go to pay the people's "wages; their wealth to swell the country's prosperity. Perhaps they lived in finer houses, ate finer dinners and slept in more Sheriff. I'd.

Attorn. vs ror t' York. alO the way In which he was known on the stace of the Nuva Vlndavan theater, ir he waa an uctor. Keshub Chunder Sen and Protap Chunder Mo It Is not so voluminous as the book of IS Wull str. t.

pictured our present condition "If some Nero mln Kldd. which has been accorded so mur teim ar.otner secuon mojies it the duty of the Mni or JJomltlan were to require 100 persons to place In present reading and discussion, but 10 pi oieci too innen.teu anu other propert.i un a race tor tnelr lives on the condition Kl.vcs platntlif. rs. d. I'XTY rRAS iii Ceorge B.

In pursu I sale made tlir, is Wall str. t. New York. ai; COUNTY OU HT ui Oit'NTY TI'l i Malntirr. agains? 'hig et al, defendants.

Action 7,7 a Judgment of fore. i i ale made and entered in the ubove entitl a tlo i zoomdur were also, and In a much greater deforce, actors." The whole story arldee from a reference! not Intended to be unkind, to Swami Vlvekananda In the organ of the Ilrahmo auninl. IJefore the it is more consistent In the advocacy of the si i'Hi is V. Biirtuild. touten' urg i.n.l tl llliiv lit nd cut.

r. in the i lay of Mar. iwiea iuiu wioows laltnrul to their lord" usalnst tnat the fifteen or twenty who tuu uiteen or twenty wno came I ni in hindmost should be put to death, it would ZL the. Ste! power in man development. Mr.

Kellv tils not be any dlmunitlon of the inlustien thnt an aggressors. A righteous Icing must punish like thleveti thase redatives who appropriate the prciperly such females during their lifetime." (Manu. vlll. L7. 2.S.

j). And against male rebi. Sw aml Vivfk.manda came to this country he hud never been known as a public speaker. The ordi uo(o t)1 Ifc I public auction, the high. bidder.

the strongest or the nimblest would, except cusses with great freedom in a very readable stylo the course of human life in the Dast and auction hlg i.e roii ti, an. er. a No 1 11 srr c' auctioneer, ut the salesr. nary labors of the Sanyasl monks are not upon the of ny No.

en. In. iirougo some untowaru accident, be certain to escape. The misery and crime would be that any were put to death at all. So in the ooiilL OI IVltlgs.

Oil the 7fl, ,1 rostrum, but an the humble homes of the people, or In conversation with little circles of their dis at ck a. ii. s. rib I and therein present, contending that while evolution alone accounted for progress in men as in the rest of creation up to the present century the human conscience has of late become so active In conjunction with the human reason that the evolved man may and must In tho future take a hand in the Drocess with rrm ciples under the spreading trees of Hindustan. The Swami's friends were naturally surprised at lii.n ce rl.

i nt i rinin p.ot economy or society, if there be any who suffer physical privation or moral degradation, whose bodily necessities are either not satis fled or satisfied in a manner which onlv hnvt 10 profound interest excited in America by his aro of the city of Brooklyn tnd dcscrlbeij as follows, to wit: 1 i a't platform addresses and philosophical expositions lie i r. ish creatures can be content with. this, though re i action, dated i. I will s. li at publlo binder.

I.y Thomas A. Ker Ip ai ICxchangr, et. th City of Brooklyn. The dill of April. 1R95.

i. the land and premises In led and tll rrein described rt. ilri I.e. i.le parcel ooiior an i lmpi lying and b.cne In tho i nr. I State of New 1 Us t'nll to wt: B0 f.Tme.1 by tha street le of Thr a nue, and 1 westerly si.i et.

n. v. estur ti and part of the '''I i fe. thenca 'l. ste.

parallel ir and nine irallei with s.o. r. fe. the norths':" t'le. iee easterly i IMh.

reet eighlv costly beds, but they worked harder for what they had." Dr. Eccles deprecated the hue and cry of labor against capital, its threats and Its armed strikes. He wanted men to assume that attitude in legislation and in individual feeling which should bring capital from its strong vaults and not drive it, fearful of loss. Into them. The result would be not strikes of labor, but competition of capital.

Let each man, each city, each state, strive to attract money, to make Its owners willing to Invest it and open the markets of labor. No army could stem tho vital law of supply and demand, any more than that of cause and effect. To accomplish these ends, though, there must be set at rest all doubt about the value of currency. There must linger no fear of a depreciated currency. Neither must inventiveness, ability or business ability have a tax placed upon their heads, If not destroying at least discouraging by every means their exercise.

Dr. Eccles criticised Cleveland and the lhe learning and truthfulness of these presenta scious ethical effort. Not that the effort tions of the Vedanta philosophy have since been philanthropic as well as personal, altruistir not necessarily tee crime of society, is pro tanto a failure of the social arrangements. And to assert as a mititration of the evil recognized by the most eminent scholars nn.T rn.vyr mt northerly hundred f. et' ti te.

corner Hiverdal. if. i. rl vet.u., and c. oi 'a avenue; rimiiu.g tj rlj and parallel with said UlverdalJ sey feet iin six Inches; i.rao..l with eel irned pundits In India, professors In the ipe'lje) lillle rlv a nd .1 i.

those who thus suffer are. the weaker meimbers ins colleges, JudKes In the high courts of as well as selfish. Is not part of the evolution, but things are greatly quickened by aroused human consciousness of amelioration attained and of that which Is greater vet to he tlves who would live on tlv separate property of females, this malediction Is also l.urh "Uut th male rolatlvea who. In their folly, live on the separate property of women, e. appropriate the beasts of burden, carriages clothes of women commit sin and will sink Into bell." Olar.

hi' Thus, not only legal, but religious sale iionsl of the strongest kind protect the separate of Hindu women, bo they single, wives or widows. IIy a curious and happy colneelencc I have very come In possession of illustrative of the fact that these provision. the of Manu. sustalrund. lus Jchnso a by the lat commentators and Judicial d.

eist, ment constitute the living law p. A few months ago Babtl I't 'hatidra Ko, publisher of the Mahabliarata. the great pi of India, ari honorary corre. ling ns mbc; of the Kthleal ttssn hi ion. di In fale.jtta.

I have from his wld.ov business associate, aji ofllclal notli.o of his death, from which it appears that left hi. the r. thr rh the empire, re present atlves of different sects nue nli.e;.. and heterodox. The namesof thesitgeml gla .,1 rh.

n'ce i.oi th. rly on with I'lil i li; llo In. ti Tl avenue eriy side 1 and the reports of tlie Immense public meetings in the largest cities of India, in rwinltloa um ir fliet to tie. of the community morally or physically Is to add Insult to misfortune. Is weakness a Justification of suffering? Is it not on the contrary an irresistible claim upon every human being for protection against suffering?" Mill's proportion of twenty put to death out of the hundred who run the race Is not Inaccurate.

'IlUe attained. The book was about complete before the Tammany overthrow, but was only ratified thereby in many of its opinions on municipal evolution. It treats in an almost of the work of the rovami Vlvekananda are in iritertst i stit of ris l.i. title I In an in c.t of atei r. my poris sslon.

Inn occuov too mnel, the h.nd dl igeli with all th. ar Apt iV Li.i.i;,; nn I'l ten conversational way of the conflict of science our space if quoted at length. That there are Dated Br, carping critics also may be true, hut the tei st Ot. Bated Bio anu religion; or tne superiority of the latter to the church as arkevolver; of tho nerfeetn The facts show that one out of every four who die in London is burled in the potter's field. Arr.

Bi luotatlon from fnlty and the minister in the ln tiff, It Wall a pauper. There are more evictions by two New York. rvle with Mrs. M. ICeen Is evidently not Ir, bility of man as contrasted with the slow evolution in animals; of the historic nnd thr.

l.IX'i. ie i a in ai; 3.vM,'iTh t'orNTy tb' again. 'Is A. ti roreclosttn an KIN. ft his lions.

in Cab ntta, all Ids oth n. i rr point. Nor, I think, will the words of IVvondra Nath quoted from the Nineteenth nturv 'CUT. Magazine, have much weight with thtnhlni. no.

lag been absirbed In his publlcati bu in. Ilut tlie widow also state that lie i po. ss. Ltleand 1 a 1. FherifT.

rn. so 7: MiTh TXTT Mary rson Kis i Igin rit of a. the sub ill ii ll it the County 1 tile "oUil NK 'in. ihir t. a Ju btin.

nt 'le against the testimony of tlie m.o scientific view respectively of religion; of church and state, party government and municipal misgovernmetit and of the problems of pauperism, education and socialism. Of the latter he writes very moderately, as one who thinks it good only as it may lat and students of India and Its literature small property tn own right which she Vol pn.jKises to d. ote to the cca ot fold in New York city in a year than in the whole of Ireland. Facts might be piled on facts. What opportunity have these children born In these circumstances? None.

Opportunity, the very word is a misnomer about their condition. Lady Henry Somerset said recently that there were some women she did not dare to ask to slyn the pledge because thoir only relief from hopeless misery was in drink. What opportunity has the child of the I I tnd of the code of Manu Itst lf. v. Democratic party, saying that the party was feared by wealth and capital and deserved its name for the work it had done.

He thought the ideas of Oscar Wilde and Herr Most chimerical and absurd and declared that it was Insane to believe that a single tax upon land would cure our social evils and bring about the hoped for millennium. He scored sharply those who rage and foam against capital and its owners, saying that they were lunatics and fanatics and were fit for tho asylum. Capital is not all bad and to cut its owners' throats won't cure the misery of today. Everything would drift back and more throats would have to bo slashed in turn. Eltweed Pomeroy, who had been set down hly gretit work.

Thus I am not o. ,0,,.... Iran, iiueti r. r.pared to produce. Mr.

Oos. if I am rightly from the original code, the uuthorlited trans! t. the law as stat by Srv 'Klvn, involve tne ripeneu tnmg for the state to do when the public interest plainly dcminils tie arty ft. P. i ekomtnda.

but 1 sub it.itit lat his stiit ihi Sta' nt iv ment further by evi.i. tl ait tl; a specific measure; and of all evolution for human welfare he considers the religious principle to be the life and soul, whether it bo city reform or general reform th. ir i ncn, pampered and petted, and either spoiled by his riches or so weighted down with their iOW Hi PC pi lead letter, but Is actually plot. In I s.i.u llle. itioi 1 v.

All at Of in the Tw. nty. ivtli i ir 'ountv of K. bounded a r.o'nt time In India. I submit that le Pi'.

te, conclusive forth no question can I i It sought. Short of Republican Senators. N. Y. vs.

to V. care that no can neveivrlse to a full manhood unless of unusuallj1 strong character. And what opportunity has the child of the middle class to develop the finest and fullest manhood in the mad scramble for money which Is the Drevailln eh.iror.fp.rlsHp Mio as to his I of our guest or the ac artic inforn oooiiuei. a ery yourniul gentleman who accompanied l'undita liamabal In ler visit to Unghir. some years since.

Ills article was ltt for the market, and with un obvious ulterior motive. It fs precisely this kind of advocacy, by distorted and one sided statements and over statements of the actual condition of the existing laws and customs In India, to which the Swaml Vlvekananda objects. In view of the actual facts and plain nchln? of he Cole of Manu the assertion that "as to their fine widow's) p.ojwrty rights. the proof Is abundant on every side they have no Inher itanoe at all," Is a verv' surprising one. Over and over again.

In the cole of Manu. the separate property rights, of Hindu women. Including in this sul.Ji t. I gr. als avenue distant ilv fr in the rh ailed 'IlUe; rUIlUltlg lair t.

iron. The senate at Albany stands Republicans, In the interview v. 'th the lor New V. s. on 1: da s.

pi iu.orraelil. as All or of hind situate, 'I ir.y so.s,,.,! "Ward of of K.nirs and ratu an scrl 1 us fol a on tiortii li t. two buiidr and l.s. Ol i i westerly by ir. rseerion of I'.

siri v' th The st 'n utei running th' nc 1 i said Third Hveri'ie it th rri. r. sterlv an i stre slv een f. et eight rn n.ju.h. rly and attain i hundred rlv iine Tenth str.

et i r' line of e. in h. i ft. in.) 'f Brouk eight Hl.e Third el end of this century? His condition is better 19; Democrats, 12, ar.d Independent Demo Oei with said Hlverd. nlr.

i feet Circle to "Babu ti li kanandai," this phrns.s... oti'i sir; r)ee n. th. rlv crat (Bradley of Brooklyn), 1. The Reptibli Ijllce court records p.

Sh. ai eiuie tw rlv n.fitrt i'iirallel wl'h said if. lender trie Rami r.ith Butt, (alias 'irig usually th wl: i f'r purl" of 'h a'l he usl the atholl. niiieie teot and six sutne nameo not their ova It should be well hiiowti es t' uie: and tli. n.

southerly along Sle th. p. I tv. hundr. feet to the among the Hindu rnotiks with all the tltl tnat ti among iuow.

are express. recognized, those of widows lng protected by especially explicit provisions. 'f the tl st rly xt I nr. lyln.r art in 1 in front u' titer th. re f.

pg th i'rot' statit orders. A p. name p. taker: bollze the cotupl. to Inn of the religious to his work mid entire separation i th.

tlliir life and conn. e. tis. 1 Brooklyn. April 15.

IH55. rob 1 vTIu can majority have had one of their number absent and on the sick list for some time, and now another, Wolfert of Brooklyn, is reported by the Eagle of that city as'not likely to go to Albany again during the present session. No one Is permitted to see the senator at his residence, and his son says he is a very sick man, suffering from a complication of diseases, and is not likely at best to be out for several weeks to come. In view of Senator Wolfert's condition the Eagle says: "The likelihood of the Leiow police bllli becoming law unless there is defection among the Democratic senators is verv small in lire M. mill's I'll 1 II.

KISSA7U. i ill! .1 I.rTTLi Sh. i l': i' it. i i 1 in 'F i is than that of the others, but how it is seared and hardened by the ethics of the market place, which are "Get wealth, honestly if you can. but get It." The market dominates this century and has corrupted and spoiled it.

Success in tho market Is not due to superior generosity or love or hope or faith or benevolence or any of the higher qualities in man. It is due to cold, grasping greed and cunning and energy and faithlessness and lying advertising and adulteration. It is only as we deny the right to the strong to make market of his neighbors that we have made what progress in civilization we have. "Business." as Henry K. Llcj cays, "has become a vice and defeates itself.

Humanity quickens its step to odd to its fellowships the now brotherhood of labor." And so the people are turning more and more to the law. tho organic expression of their will, for relief from oppressive conditions and they are adding to the 'KLYN ince IBA C. Yander Vail str et. New Tort City 'is Jw MATh, Swa 1 to discuss Dr. Eccles' paper, was not able to be present on account of illness and sent a paper which Dr.

Janes read to the audience. Mr. Pomcroy's paper was as follows: In discussing the subject of opportunity from the standpoint of socialism or nationalism the ground must first be cleared of three popular misconceptions. First Nationalism does not mean an equal division of property. This is often asserted, but it is not true, and I do not know of a single socialist or nationalist writer who has asserted it.

It does not mean the ultimate control of the whole people in the organic capacity of all the means of production, distribution and exchange. Other property, such as clothes, homes, books, pictures, will bo left undisturbed. To day the individual Is giving up his individual control of these means of production, distribution and exchange. They are coming rapidly under the control of corporations. Second Nationalism does not mean the forcing of any to work without recompense nor the forcing of anyone to do work he does not wl3h to do to save the criminal and incorrigibly lazy.

Work without proper recompense Is slavery. It was nominally abolished by the war of the rebellion, but when women work in sweating shops from fourteen to eighteen hours a day and receive from 30 to 50 cents there Is a white slavery which Is more Insidious and dangerous than ever negro slavery was. 1:1 Illustration I shall quote from tho code Itself. In th authorized English translation In Max Mailer's "Sacred Hooks of the Eust," not from any secmdlumd source or authority. however, i rmit me a few quotations authorities reg oe.ulz.

the world jver it the hlgh st and most reliable, on the Hindu character the gvr.o a' attitude or the Hindu law toward woman. We mas; remember that the xle of Manu dates about :,.,) It. C. and Is the product A beautiful letter from th. ml Vlvekananda.

In her of which I have s. ns of th h. iii.l and a trans i "i KiMis i irvrv i iiro.klyn. nh.ii.tlrf. Iii 1 fe A.

tl Jn lg iirsuance made and Intel the ubhc auc A. Ker i Willi. County at ai flva al I Judg fol par cl of of of New A. s'r or I been permitted that notv. lthi the s.

p. natiu Ids vows, and thousand, of still clings him with a in rr's I and Is hiimbiy g. at. fui for tl.e g. doing mid the fri.

r.ds he is ir.akiti tant land. No i i i. noble, pistle has ever fallen within the Vliilon. As to th p. r.

raised in th Interview with tho 1 a deed. Even if Senator Wolfert were to go to Albany, it Is not at all certain he would favor the Lesow measures. Tho senator from the Sixth district Is well aware that there Is a well defined anti I'latt sentiment in Brooklyn which cannot be disregarded. I th. ,1 ou: leriy thought.

We must not look to It for nlnte. Tith century. European and American Ideas of woman. Nor must v. expect to In It alwavs the exavt present Hindu law arid torn. nt devious ad otrimentap. have Its original pr and adapt, them to later social conditions. Compared with any early cod. even the Hebrew or early Christian however. Manu Is very advanced In Us pr.

for protection of women and In cognition of h. property rights. As to the general hant ter of th Hindus. John Ma'l colm says: They are n. rous.

and their truili is as remarkable as their Cetir to iil state new lunctioxis, new duties, new responsibilities. Each one added becomes a quicken er of the movement and it isroreforabackward step to be taken. And each one added means not less liberty for the peoptc, not more oppression for the suffering, but larger life and liberty, more opportunities in evorv wav. Not oniy nas ne not expressed his intention to vote for or against the bills, but having been 111 ever since they were Introduced, he has had no chance to consider them." As seventeen votes are required to pass a bill and the Republicans are divided on the bills of the Strong Grace combine 0:1 the one b. circle.

1 ii ni briefest rej, r. el Babu Siislpad.l Ir IP tt. Ilk i l.rlst 'arty rly With i i Je h.r.. oi The pul v.iM In. hot ait thr Sat know age." Brof ssor Wilson snyK: the a.

est feature "Frankness i. of tlie Indliii lltidiatiolis of the HU. tni.l pru cs. gr ne ot innio ter. "oloiKd sh frighten or bribe th ni Int.

l.oi Bishop Beb.r ray. "You tut i d. llberate falt "The Hindus are Carroll of Slieriff. nev. It I' Mi Th 1'AVID nt of Km piirs s.ile made 1 1 tha a i.

tion Ir. tl sine and the Platt Lexow machine on the other, the outlocdc for reform is not brilliant. Rochester Union and Advertiser. Folk Song From Georgia. Oh.

do rooster mo 0:1 do lieai oos' (Chilhm, el'ar do way:) Dk preacher stop in rassin' by. En' he never crow fer dayi lie never crow fer tlav lio never crow fer day; Do preacher top. En' his crime la dra; En le rooster his way! Oil. do turkey roos" in do tall pine tree. Criminals are now forced to work.

The incorrigibly lazy, when wealthy, are not punished save in a few cases by a mild disapprobation, and when poor they are called tramps and Intermittedly punished. Third No work shall be put under public control and management which can be done better or even as well for society as a whole under private initiative. This time has arrived for many thing, we believe it will come for all. But the burden of proof in each instance lies with those who want the change. We accept this and have proved many cases.

Events are proving it to the people generally faster far than any one person or set of persons con prove It. The recent street railroad strike in your own city has convinced, in my opinion, a majority of the citizens of Brooklyn that it Is nearly tlmo for the city to control and operate Its street railroads. The great claims of socialism and nationalism is that it will give opportunitv to all for tho development of the highest manhood. It will decrease and stop the opportunity for a few to gather great oiles of wraith on. ic jus, most eager knowledge ati.l improvement; sjoer, Indus' rt dutlt'u! to parents, atf.

ctlonate to fh.dr uniformly g. and patient." historian of India, ays: "No set p'e ilong the Hindus so depraved as the di of our own great ns. The villagers at ev. bos goldin Such has been the history of every properly drawn factory law, of our continually developing school system and postal system, of the recently started, but already well grown weather bureau system ar.d of the many other things. The taking on of each of those functions and their, growth marks a progress in socialism, in civilization, in opportunity and above all In brotherhood.

The greatest constructive thinker of the ages said he came to serve and we are rapidly coming to learn that our governments are not our rulers but our servants, and to be managed and directed as our servants. Occasionally they step over the traces and strive to rule us. Sometimes the ruling is beneficent, but oftener It is male flcient, but it is always bad for the people. It is treating them as children and is a paternal government. What socialism strives after is not a paternal govcrnmeirt, though that is often charged against it.

but a fraternal government which shall ba the servant of all. not of one class or of one set of the people, but of all. It has been slow In coming. It will slow in growing. No mighty work is ace in a day.

Mis I think, hoc. very t. th, ne ill I. s. toe th an to ays: "If is iglib, Sir Thomas it true.

practice charity im tit All th the oi.d rib. and all. iiospltalitv et.h other and. above the t'etuale s.x. fill! cf e.

deil. ney, u' th" si civilize p. then the I enjoin. 1 a tr.nltri which denote he Pi r. Manu.

and in huti logy Interior nations Ihirot for the lng: I'lng the I i ir la dun are not In the great of oik his vo nev, Sikh indln, (Ciullun. bur D. preacher rielike a bumble bee, En' he never roos' no lie never rooi' no mo' lie never mo'; II. hoar de word, tie turkey bird lie cone vrliar tie preacher j. Oh.

do 'possum ketch in de fow trap. An' lie squoal 'twell bis month i o'; Unt be fall in de preacher ker il ip: En' ha never squeal 110 1110' 1 b. I.b: poem. Mab its hrr. 1 Ishtlili.

due hurt a w. man. lb is killed he tnk. to 1. tvoir.tin.

S. inthor of B. st careful st this "Notwithstanding; certain one oi the i declare i i e't U. i i.l an Terly He alontf feet itmln" SI: l'ourt M.vTh useless for aught save ostentation and Improper power, but it will vastly Increase the 3oclal production of wealth as a whole. But a thousand fold more Important than the increased production of wealth Is the opportunity for the development of manhood, social intellectual, moral, ethical and spiritual.

The great indictment against the present svstem or. rather, lack of system. Is that the mass of tho people do not have the opportunity to develop under our present conditions. Emerson said that America meant opportunity. In those days It did.

but those days are past. Dur vacant spaces arc either filled or pre "noted by speculators. We touch elbow to thi: the ellln takes have been made and be made. W. learn by errors.

But coming It Is. as sure as day follows And as time pa back into eternity the force boMml the coming socialism will gather strength as they draw to a completer and completer fruition, and the progress toward the will hi made at a faster and faster rate. Now, as the nineteenth century draws 10 its close, competition blazes up In a fiercer and fiercer light of its own destruction. It has built funeral pyre and applied the torch. Combination is succeeding competition.

And tho (Hindu) law has pra. Ically allow, lar er sliar In tin niitnai'emenf tl.e itatute? of m.rst Christian ria tliey have shown abundant cel.ts. tl. wom a propirrty tlons, nr. nci and li indc, Hot .1.

HIT lilT.lltT A mit I may t. ict In trad (i irl. tita! Iteio ions 1 He never riuonl no mo' lie never squ nl no Ho he word LtVc de turkey bird. En' do it hint sho" 1 Atlanta Constitution. India, pp.

21. Tciui. nt, another r.s'ogn!r. i ur. i.l Ively.

Bat Lie of Hindu wld. of th.r student class, plain. from ex am alius pleasures. That authority, declarer, with, equal expllcltnei "As 1 s'lbetn itl il'v ti the law Ceyicn recognizes the absolute con couple, devoid txol of tlio bad) over the property coaveytd to Cards GsVfliitars BUI Heads Bfanks LCMf p'fifl' ( of PUINTIN JUU B.UU,i, Wtuluuiton iB i Johnson BUt klyn. April 15.

HI si: r.ff. i. i i York City al5 3wXitTa nc; li Wi.

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