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The Brooklyn Daily Eagle from Brooklyn, New York • Page 2

The Brooklyn Daily Eagle from Brooklyn, New York • Page 2

Brooklyn, New York
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

Books, Ducisious of Gonoral Term. Memorandum of causes decided at a General Term of the Supreme court of the State of New York, Steamers inFoo An inoldent is related by the Boston Traveller, which illustrates the danger of running steamers in foggy wsather, without sounding a bell or blowing a steam whistle, as having occurred lately in Boston harbor. Two steamers were making for that port Democratic Primary Elections. FIRST WARD. County.

Isaac Van Aaaea, Jobn C. Whitney, James ti. Howe, George E. Archer. Congressional.

William Hinman, George L. Thatohrir. James Kine. Geo. Sweeney.

NEW BOOKS received ana fo ale by GEORGE LITTLE. No. 51 mito treeL Rut DM, orian Three Apprentices Perfteoplei, or Current Subjectr. Puddleford end Ul People. Oar Qoney Moon.

nl other Comlcnllttea from Punch. Na Mota, or Reef Rovlngs In the Sou th Seas ewporl lllaalraled American Couaee Builder, a lerlei of Deatznt. Plana and ricoTjarottt wiius DiacK Eagle oyjeniaA Hard Tlmea byDlraena. anl8'tf NEW BOOKS. "Ticonderoga" by (i.

P. R. Jamet. Hard Timei" oy unnriea uicxena. earvfoot Common" by Now a Daya.

Sister Acnai, or Convent Lite, by the author of the Orphan's friend, te. "Minliterlnz For Sateby SMITH LORD, (formerly T. D. 8inlth.) 54S Fclton it aal'i t( Democratic Republican City Genkral Com. ior 1854.

A meelng of the above committee will be held every TUESDiY evening, at the room 337 Fulton street, at 7 o'clock until further notice. R. C. BRAINARD, Chn. Jas.

Sharkey. Sec. se20 tf jlgf Broken Basks. The notes of the following Banka bought at ihehlgheitmarkeiprlccs.namely Elghtb Avenue cank, N. Y.

Knickerbocker Baiik, N. Y. J.S oclS tf Forelgn'and DomesilExccbage, 6 Court st. OFFICERS TO BE ELECTED. By Ald.

Dayton Ht.aintd. That the Citv Clerk be. and he ia heiaby di rected to publish In Ihe Corjiorailon payers for Bueen days, on the second of the papers, bociion i a 1 mo 11 of tho Charter for the Comolidaied City ol lliooklyn, to the end that our citizens may ba informed what Officers are to be elected at the Annual Electiou to be held. in November, 1bj4. Adiiplerl by unaniinousoonsuni.

Seo. 15. Thia act shall toko effect on tha tlr. Monday of Jauuarv, on tboutand i igbt hund. ed and fiitj cept leciiona three, four, fivn,, eight and nine of title three, which sb.ll lake elTcl on the Urslduyof May vstlie ot this act.

ino terms oi office of tba city and tow officers elected or uppointed for the presenteitiesot Brooklyn ana niiiiniunuuiBuoim town of liushwick ahull expire on tho first dayoi January, one thousand eiuht hundred and fifly Uva, except that tha Incumbenlsoi mefcmccaoi sirewi. vuiuiinesiuiioi, counsellor and comrolssionei of repairs mid aupp ies ot the present clt) or lirucklyn, and tho incuinbei tof the office of clerk ol thopresonicityof Williainsburgh, shall perlorni the duiios devolved upon tho etieet commis sioner, counsellor, commissioner ol repairs and supplies and clerk by thia acl, until the expiration of luo terms lor which they were respectively elected or appointed under the existing law and, ex. ept that the incumbent of the offlco of collector of taxes ami assessments ni thepresoat city of BroeSlyn shall perlbrmltde duties devolved upoa the collector of uixes and assessments oi'liiewei tern district bj this a t.uutil lb expiration of the term for which he was clrv under the exittmg law and the luciim. bent oi tho ffice of collector ol taxes and assessments ot the present city of VViIlianibburgh shall perform the duties devolved upon the collector ol taxes and assesnueats of tho east nidinrict by this act, until the expiration of the term for which he was elected under the existing law; an i except that the incuni beats ol ihecrllceBol street commissioner aud couuselior ol tho present city of shall continue to perform the duties or street commissioner and counsellor, lor the purpose of closing nil tl unfinished bminass iu their respective departments, until the expiration of the term lor which they were eltated, and they are vosled with such power, auiject, i.eierihtbss, lo the directions of the common council of tbo city ueicby incorpo. aitd it tuull be Ibedutyof tbo officers reluined in oftice by this act to close up the unfinished biisinss of ihe said cilieB and town in tbeirreaiieellve di.

the direction of tba said common cout cii, except as herein otherwise providud, and except that the policemen now in office shall retain theli offices until oluos shail be arpoin.ed under tho provitionsofihie act. All officers elected or appointed under ami by virtue ol this acl shall hold their offices for Ihe term specified in this acl, and until others shall bB elected or appointed iu their stead and have duly qualified. By order of the Foard. JOSEPH HEGEMAN, Clerk. Brooklyn, Oct.

10th, 1854. oelu 15d Br Brooklyn Finn iNstntANCi Compact Chartered In 1824, Officos tin. 4S Fulton, upper corner ol Froulstreet, Brooslyn, aud Mo. 6 Merchants' ilxcliangs. New York.

This Company bavins fielr Capllnl Invested in Ihe mosl undoubted secaritlos.and loiln! alar surplus contlnueto tnsnre Owelllnj; Housas, Siorea, aed other buildings, Furnllure, iVerchaadiae, Veaaolt in Port andt'ueir Cargoes, upou favorsble terms as any alirllsi Iastltulloi'. JlRSCSOilS. WilUara Eilswortt: Kstban Theodore Marline Charles 1. Cromwell Phiueaa Barest! Pblllp H. William? jj p.oboriC.Bell Soionion Klpr, JohnR.

Brlifk'i Johnf. Brure Chariec A Jervta Hoary Cuackeuouhs Jobn A. Keruedy Andre Fronionl Jororae B. nugerni, Samuel F. Wblling itc.

V. fowler aeurge Gllfillan Wliiltm. 'J'K sil oteph f4. Oroenw ood'' Jobn C.ftinllh. WILLIAM BLLS WORTH, PresWenv.

tViL't usiF. rotBry. feiSlf KAS3AC IJIIIK ISSUEAKOE COMPAKT Of BROOKLYN, offices No. 10 Conn street.

oppuaiieCily Hall, No. 12 Merchant's New York. Tbla company continues lo Insure agalust loisanddsiDk age by fire. Buildings, furniture, Merchandise, Veaseli lit port and building, and other personal property.

avorabla terma. niaacToas: Wru.M. Harris Samuel Smtlb Conklln Brnab denry Murph, Wm ii lw Cornlrtfe' Seorge iinrni jiaiian jjewis Ouomia Ballttrd Carson Breiaon CboaJ Oerald Stephen Hayncs Jobn 3tudwoU Isaac Carhart Michael Cnacncoy Daniel Van Vorla' John Dlmon James Weavoi Coopci ilojttiuder Uan lernt! Sumusia Powel! Wmii nrj Peior Balen Usulel filchar ia Jobn Martin Harper Hanford an Ben Joseph CJohanti LUchfield Wm Hunter, Jr. Thomas Strcttoa CbartecK Lyai Joan Frencn WM. M.HAaKia.PrnoldemD 4.

J. eassMAW, aecrotary. mhS9 11 Notice to tui. KEBiuttNTS op ths FutM Five Wards. NoticiIs hereby ehen Ibal Carts will pass lurough I the Streets of Ihe FIUST REd THIKD WARDS, between Pierreponi street aril ibe junction of Fulion strretandlba East River, on THURSDAY of each week, and mrougU all Streeis lo said Wards, from Plerrepont street to Atlantic street at.d Irom Boerum alrssl lo the Kan River oi FKlDAYofeachweok.

Through all the Streets of the FOUJOT1 WARD, running from Fulton avenue to Sapds street, on 7HUKSDAY each week, Bnd through all the etreeti or said Ward, run. ulng irom Fulton street to Bridge, on KKIOAY ol eacl week. through all the Streeltof the FIFTH WARD lying he. Iween Sands street and the East River, on THURSDAY each week, and through ail the Stroma of said Ward, Ij. lag between Hands unr! Jnhuaun streeis on Fit I DAY And through Blithe streeis of the SECOND WAIlDu SATURDAY, of each week, for Ibe purpete of coal ashes.

The residents of each Street are particularly ia cetiaelbelr ashes lo be placed on the nidawalkiin ironl ol their dwellings by 7 o'clock In themcrnlng of etch designated above. JOHNS. PKAJISON Street Inspector, jyir ir Itesldencp 236 Jay street. Democratic Republican fciTANDiNfj Com mUlee ol ths County of Klga. At a meeting hld at lhair Rooms.

Wednesday evening, Sam. Si, I85 ii was Saahtd, Thai a County Convention for the purpose of norntna'iog tho several County Officers, to he supported at the ccmlng election, be bud at ihe house of Htnjamln Neleon.lnthe town of Flatbusb, on Monds.y, 2id October next at 2 o'clock, lieulved, Tbat As.embly Conven ou, for lh pur. poee of noml' atlng memurrs of Ass nbly, oh held on Wed the Sfitb October nexi. aa follows Tbat ot the 1st District to meet at the housn of Benjamin Nelson, In Ihe towu ot Flatnish ai 3 o'clock, P.

ihalof ihe 2d District at the Feor la'a Uatl, corner ef York aid Fean at 7H o'clock P.M.; and of ihe 3rd District, the house of il. Langaten. 17i Myrtle at 7i o'clock P.M. Resolved, Tbat racimimaud to the Democrallc Repub. Ucao Blectors ofihe Cltbi ol Brooklyn, Wllllnmaburgb and bounty Towns, loeleci Delrgates to attend said Conven tlooB.oa Wednesday the I8ib uctober, at such lime aud place as tteir resfeeiive committee's may direct.

COi. D. JACKSON, Chairman. J.MnseaoLE, Secretary se26 td Chemist and apothecary R. Jf DAVIE8.

teuders his best thanks, in acunowieage men of the distinguished share pi patro nage, v. men ne na liberally experienced from the Inhabitants of ihe cllj Brooklyn and vicnlty, aud takire confidence from the satisfaction and at proval which bttherto have greeted his endeavors, he solid very roapectfully a continuance of their favors assm mg them, taut no exertion on his part shall be wanting, lo confirm their confidence, and merit their continued approbation. To his Fatrona and ihe Public. R. J.

D. would observe, hat every article purchased at bis establishment is of ibe most perrect character, aud thatbowar anis ell Pharmaceuticals to be prepared strictly In accordance with the lormulat or the most approved autaoritte" that a constant aud per sonal attention Is paid to tho diapenalng of uiedltlnea, and every prescription entrusted lo blmia compounded witn Ihe inost scrupulous accuracy and care, 11.J. DAV1ES, uu29 im Junction of Fulton and Clinton sts. jjiSf NOTICIC IN HKRBKY SIVJSM THAT A rJDH for damages will belnsllluted by tho subscribers agalnatanj parson, editor or ntber, who rnuy publish any stalemepla the result of the trial by the at; I ho Crystal Palace ol fire proof gates, calculated to Injure the business! HOLMES Sc BUTLF.K, who oiade (for the exhibitor, it'ttvrrarfrlil I lti Buft there lesled.and who are the lesral and only makers ol it the Invulnerable Reservoir ftJenlx Bf 'COS t( I. DUST TD Mc.ISS WaioritrcotN.T.Ii TNA FlRE J.NHUHANOK COMPANY OF Hartford, Cl.

The undersigned bavins been duly appoint ed Agem of this Company lor Brooklyn, including Wll. Itamsburgh and vicinity, in tb place of 8. Underbill, deceased, he will attend at laic office, corner Court and Jora the Issuing of Policies of Insuranceon Houses. Furniture, Merchandise, iic, and also to the renewal of policies on favorable terms a. Ad losses promptly adjusted and paid at this office.

Corner of Coart and Joralomon (Marble Jsutldings,) A. o. UAVjtiiirwiiA, entrance on Rinn.RD M. 'i ucker. Attorney and Counsellor ai Law.Montague place, near Courtsl, Brook.

lyn. Commissioner oi needs. ool3m. 3 UOlt. Assembly.

Jva. H. How, Jeromia O. Sulli Rues idl Kelsey, Isaac Van Anden. City.Gr'O.

Sweeney, Jus. 0. Kane, John McSfmne, Michuel Flanagan. Aldermen. Oliver Hull, J.

0. Kano. Supervisor. Wm. Hinman.

Attestor. Istiac Van Anden. Cimstable. Grto. Smith.

nf Ud CoillOS. Inspectors of Election. 1st District Geo. L. Thatcoer, Michael Flanagan.

2d District Sweeney, Russell Kelsey. Geo. SECOND WARD. F.Meeker, Jas. McLaughlin, Jiic.

r. King. Assembly. John Carroll. Matthew Hart, Bernard Boner.

Jeremiad Beacon. County. McLaughlin, David Atklna, Owen DoHRberty, Joseph Coyle. City Pn'iick W. Mooney, John Shearon, Bernmd Kenigau.

AldfTmen.S.oiel C. Brainard, Edward Pell. Supervisor. Jas. M.

Neely. Assessor. Wm. Mullen. of Excise G.

L. Shaw. Constable. P' ter McCaffrey. Inspectors of Election.

In District J. Ste veus, McNamara. 2d District A. J. F.

Tombs, McLaughlin. THIRD WARD. Aldermen Samuel Oornwell, Augustus But Inspectors of Election district Casper Cojliin, Wm. J. otcouu un'" S.tmutl Canivsll, Gao, Searing.

P. Stanton. A. Cook Hull, W. H.

Hogan, Jat:" Oo Peter O'Bira. CilyJ Uoghhn, D. M. Chauncey, W.H County Ju.lge John Greenwood, D. Colgan, Gem ge a.

Sanug. Ssarauei uwreuce. Assembly AuaWns Butler, D. Colgan, Wm J. under noot, Uaorge beanug.

FOURTH WARD. City Hugh McLoughViD, JsmeB McCae, Luke Roiigers. Cjuirress Leech, Nicholas Sheridan Couuty Hush McLougUlin, Luke Rodgers W. Leech. Assembly Jerome Ryor.

on, Henry Powell Wm. W. S. Leech. FIl'TU WARD.

City. Hugh Bell, Jacob Webber, Patrick Kelan. UO'vrfc'fioiul. Thcs. Byrne, Tbo.

O'Brien, Str pheu Kmir, Conlius Higgins. Coun'y. '3 McKiuna, Jas. McCaffdry. Tollse, J.

s. McUarty. Aseiruibly. James Graham, Peter Graham, Mich I Jacob Strott. Alderman.

Patrick Duff, William W. Gardiner. SupFTvisar. Tohn J. Whit.e.

Excise. Ksl tn. Assessor. J. Kerrigan.

Cor.stnble. Tb Fields. Iospectois ot E.ection. 1st District, Hugh Bull. Oyraeiius lliggins.

2d Disirict. James MeCatVery, Snphen'King. 3d District, Patrick Klan, Trios Ujrr.e. SIXTH WARD. City John Cavanagb, Matthew O'Kourne, v.

Congressional Thomas Mulligan, John Rice, P. Mo.M itiou, John Cavaiu gb County Diul. D. Brings, John P. Allison.

Talk. ntiuc. Malttew Murphy. Assembly fame Campbell. A.

Van Orden, Tiiomts 'Mow Ik, Chailes O'Neil, Columbia Ward John Rico, Abrain Verplank, Dennis Haeertv. Jesse Hines. Matthew Murphy, A. H. Howe, Oates.

SEVENTH WARD. Aldermen Stephen Jacksou, Samuel Graham. Supervisor Parker Baldwin. Assessor Osper Urban. VoiisttibleWm.

Hydp. Inspectors Conrad Weeks, Geo. W. Childa, Uohert Juaiersou, Thomas Gill County Thomas D. Hudton, John Fit.zdtn moas.

C.isper Uibin, John H. Smith. CUyJm Malory, Henry Jerrodett, Wm. Hyde. Congress C.

Jackson. Henry Seiler, Gorg Sprauue, Palrick Farrell. Assembly Timothy M. Nash, George Morrell, Thorn is Gill, John Gorr. EIGHTH WARD.

Commiiteo to nominate Ctiarter OfBcerE. Jobn V. r'in, Wm. Hatfield, Dau'l Moloney, Win. Tabor, Edwaid Frcl, Felix Dnffy, Fergn3 ilcQ.iu Ci y.

Joseph WiWoa, E.lw.ird Freel, Patrick Coiu.ty Piter Wyck ff, Wm.HatfleW.Thomas Rya. i. uDfc D.lloii. hx Duffy. Aa mbly Win.

Hatfield, Joseph Sloane, Wm. Pony Cimar. i' nil Jime Sharkey, Sira.1. Mitch Paiiick UouvigAU. Joau Farrell.

NINTH WARD. Congress John S. Bogwt, Bernard Michael GauabiU, Jobu Anderson. County William Mills. Hugh Harley, Wiliiam H.

Campbell. Jos ph Oliver. Assembly Jaine Uamilion, Cuarles Galiag iu r. Joan fjutler, Michat 1 McLaughlin, City Patrick Ctoon. ter Daley, James Boyle.

Alderuwn Wm. T. Miils, H. Campbetl. Supervisor John S.

B.gart. Aatssor Johu Flood. Constable Jobn Btivkr1. Commissioner of Kxciso Thomas Hamilton, iuspuuto.s ot Bernard O'Neil, Lud wi Milltr. TENTH WARD.

Congressional John AleGitry, Michael Leu on, Jitnca Burny, Jams Guligber. City Thomas McCarty, Hury Finigan, Wm. Rebel CH. County It. R.

Heeman, Miller Robbias, H. K. Hasli'ins, David Fithiati. Assembly orge W. Stilwull, Francis Master po.i,, Jotir: Farron.

ToJS'omiri'itc Ward Officers George Malloy Thomas Smn.ti, miei David Trotter, M. Lin.i.L DuvjI, Michael Lenon, James Weiiy, J'ox, Jiimes Hughes. ELEVENTH WARD. CiVy William H. Sharp, James H.

Corjw jll, 11. Count 1 F.irreM, John Stewart, John Langstif, Hiram WiUoo. Cmgi cssional L' wi. W. Berry, John Heath, J.

jMcMulbrii, Cbas. Wilson. Asisinhly M.c!i..el Cirdiff, Richard Berry, Jmui Jobu Lycas. TWBLVTII WARD ii Mulcuhy, John Flaherty, George Rons Ciuniij John GirUud, John Roashe, Mich. Kelftii i to It iM'iitbretur.

Co7igrisiionil.ot)i MuNamara. Edward Farrell. Jotm li, Jotia Sehemedick. Assembly Tliom ij.iwlt:r. Peter McMahon, WtiitiaUtr, Michael McNamara.

Fur Aldi rmnn Timoitiy B.mnon, Thomas Supervisor John G.ulaud. Assessor TbomiiR Courtney. Constable Thomas Baird. Cumntissio'icr nf Excise John Flaherty. Inspector of Election Fus Dlfiriot Diederich Bmtiuu, Michael D.nneily Second District Patrick D.llon, miah Quade.

tiiirtkknth ward. WarJ. Win. V. Hannon.

M. B. Coit, David Pool, Wm. W. Powell, W.

M. Ironsides. Hetfield Manger, James Kelly, elected land, James stood Levi we in as M. County. John Tucker, Jas.

Green, A Geo. Thompson. Assembly. S. H.

Tan Wyck, J. B. Coit, A. R. W.

Allen. FOURTEENTH WARD. County John Hantord, Daniel Falby, Kennedy, Danl. Olmsteod. Assembly John Olmstead, John Tuttle, Edward Johnson, James H.

Cogswell. City Hamilton Allen, Andrew Mo Mahon, Quin. Ward John McClosky, Edward Brown, Michl. Charles Vandikes, Patrick Malady. Another ticket is also claimed to have been in this ward.

PIFTEENTH WARD. Countv. James T. tfewcomb, John A. Havi Alois J.

Dygert, John Mal'one. Assembly. Michael utsnen. Jonn rarser. L.

Wilson, Wm. Sheldrick. City. John Dugan, Francis tswiit, inomas u. Adams.

Ward. Andrew MeKee, Alfren Miner, raiK. Keely, (ieorge Shultz, Arthur Brien. SEVENTEENTH WARD. Ward.

Bogart Beatty, Cbas. Ostrander, Jas Gould, John H. Johnson, John helps. Oitv. Levi Smith, Chnrifs fcwem, W.

JJ Leonaril. There was a Kaow NotLiog tieuet, ine vote 200 to 1S7. EIOHTEENTH WARD. City James Fitaierald, Dauiel Lester, Hiram Helms. Ward Daniel Doyle, Abraham cennett, Jas.

Cleveland, John Leary. Assembly Worman Anurews, reieroeuuti Smith, Smith Roland. County John Claripon, Tbos. U'uonneu, Bogart Beat Charles Severn. MrUliamlrgU News.

By a typographical in our paper of Tuesday were made to say in the report of Williams burah Common Council proceedings that t. vetoed bill of Thomas Banfield, was for services the Counoellors office when it should have hvpn in the nfflse of the Collector. We need hardly add the mistake was inadcertently made The Whig Convention which met at Flatbui yesterday afternoon, nominated David S. Mills the Whig candidate lor A froa District. Last evening about seven o'clock, a camphene limp exploded in the millinery store of Mrs Lilly, No.

136 South Second st. Setang lire to the clothing of a young lady, a sitter of Mrs who ran into the Btreet enveloped iu flames, Mr. I. aac Rumph, happening to be at hand. in the ine young lady was considerably burned about tfc haods, anus and face, Yostetday afternoon, about five o'clock, a well dressed, respectable appearing man entered the jewelry store of Mr.

Wm. Robinson, in South Sixth near Sixth, and requested to be saowu two gold watcees which were in the window. While examining the watches, he also asked to bs shown a gold chain, and, while the clerk turned to get it, he ran out of the store, and jumping into a light wagon, in which was anoth er man, drove rapidly away. Officer Miner at attempted to arreBt the thieves in Sixth st but they eluded him by turning down South Tmr and succeeded in crossing to New York by the Greenpoint firry, where they were closely nnrmiPd bv the officer. The watcheB were va ued at $110.

At a meeting of the Board of Health onTues day the compensation of the Health Physician was fixed at $500 and the Clerks at $300. Aid. Sparks moved that the President ar Cleik be authorized to furnish tobuilaing lately occupied as a Cholera Hospital, in as good manuer as when it wes taken posiefsiou of by tli Board of Health. Carrkd. Dr.

Smith, the Hedlth Physician, reported on the cases cholera which had been officially treated daring the past Eummer. July 18th tha first cholera patient was vifito under ycur instructions, and up to July Jti.h other cholera patients were treated under ysur charge. July 80th the cholera hospital opened, and July Slat the first patients were re ceived. In August 26 patients were received aud iu 8 making in all S5 jjatienLB 12 females and 24 males 29 overO ag 7 iiT'dr 20 vears of age. ol these IT were born la Germany, 15 ia Ireland, 2 in England, in Wales aud one in New York.

Male patient'B were on the first fljor of the building, under the charge of Jas. Osborn with two male assistants one a German and the other American. Board of Supervisors. Webnesday, Oct. 19, 1S54.

The Board met at the county Almsbouse.Flat bub, this afternoon, and there were present, Supervisor Brainard (presiding) and Messrs, Merrill, Booth, J. A. wycKtu, vajioo, ctrgen, Sahooumaker, Scbeuck, Bennett, Kalbfleisch Rpmsen. Holt. Andrews, Nolan, Tne reading of the minutes were dispensed with.

A communication was presented trom James M. Seabury, County Treasurer, mforming the Board that the suit against Mr. Butler, late City Cierk of Williameburgh, lor the recovery rconev oiid for license teen, was still on the cal endar, but over one hundred cases preceded it. The communication was placed on tile. A communication was presented from O.Nexson asking tho Board to arrange in some manuer for the payment of the ealarifs ol the County officers by the quarter, on affidavit of service, ol allowing the bills to go through an unnecessary procecs by means ot the Committee on Accounts.

Jo contained Rome expressions in relation to the keeping buck of hill for officer's salniep, which were disrespectful ami the communication was withdrawn. A number ol bills vre presented and referred to Uora. on Accounts. Bills Ordered Paid. Jerome RyerBon S25 40; do.

40; li. C. Under. hill 393 98; Oscar Nexson 125 Edwards, 117; do. 71 79 John Crogan 36 "3 Smith Lowe 18 51i Mr.

Nevin 23 31; due Claytou 10. Aid. Dayten moved a resolution i relation to the new lunatic usyium. to ihe eflrctihat suveral rooms should be fitted upbrthous of the inmates ol tho building, and providing for the fitting up of a nallury in the cbapsl sat apart for religions worship. Tnis was opposed by Supervisor Btrgen.

on the ground would be charged as extra work, outside of the contract. Afrer along discussion, the resolution was adopted. The Board then adjourned or one w. ck, Ingenious Ecrolahy. Somo expp.rt thieves well acquainted with tho prf misw, entered the cellar ol Mr.

Pater Fan el's liquor store, corner of Centre and Court street, night before last, and bored a hole in the floor and into a puncheon ol brandy thereon, and thus conveyed the liquor through the aperture into a vessel of tteir own and carried off about 50 gallotiB, worth $160 The thief is now, probably, retailing the liquid, at 2 cents per horn. Tjnf.K MuaornlA. R. W. Allen.

ci the be held for the second Judicial Disirict, at the city if Brooklyn, in ths month of October, 1854. ArgueJ in April. Rcuhcn Smifi, agt. William Jenkins, sherin, Report of Referee set aside, judgment of Spe Term revci Bed, ond case sent back to Referee, costs to abide the event. Tnniimn l.ivt!n9 net.

Julia Ann Sackett and Maria L. Havens Judgment for the plaintiff, and same to be entered in conformity with the opinion of Mr. Justice rung. Richard S. Williams act.

John Cassidy. Judg ment of the Special Term affirmed. lamri Cunningham aet. James Cassidy and mhora Druprio bn entered in teSDect the dis nf ihfl smnlus monies, and the sale of one of the lots, in conformity with the opinion of Mr. Justice brown.

John E. Davenport and Henry U. Slipper agt. Peti rA. Leonard.

Tho iudemenl of the Spscial Term reversed, and the report of the Referee set uside, the costH to abide the event, either party to at liberty to move ior ine appoinimemui new lleleree. William J. Johnston agt. Titus Johnston Judg ment affirmed. John Copcutt agt.

Timothy Hilbard and Jane Ann, his wife Judgment given for the plaintiff. Charles Thurman agt. Henry Welts, William G. Fargo, and otbors New trial granted with the coals to abide tha event; Zachanah Wilbur agt. Leonard Winans Judgment affirmed.

William Knight agt. David Seagleand Alexander Albertson udgment atnrmed. Richard Wood, George Wood agt. Daniel D. Coinsiock Judgment of the Special Term reversed, and the report of the Reteree set aside, tne coats to abide the eve nt, with leave to apply at the pccial Torm lor the appointment ot a new rte feree.

Nathanial Reese agst. Hiram Tost, Samuel 'looker and others Judgment of the Special term fSrmed. Jnnn W. Hartcourt acst. Allen M.

Sherman and others Judgment of thu Special teim affirmed. Sarah Lent agst. Jacob G. Purdy and others Judgment of the County court affirmed July term, William Li. Udxicr agst.

Jonn liraay ana oiners Order mado at a Special term affimied with Ten Dullnis costs. The Supeiviaors of Suffolk Uounty agst. 1 lie Town of Southampton Ttie Plaintille nrelntitlcd lo Judgment lor trie im siuui au iuu piuo. ior me suppoit ot Jessup only wiinoui cost. Cjks Hosier aist.

Frederick D.Lent Judgment of Countv court reversed and that ot the JusticeE pniirt iiffiimed. Thomas Goodwin agst. Horace fierce Judg ment affirmed. The Belvale and Munroe Turnpike Company agst John Flynn Judgment of the County court ufurmcd. Andrew Johnston and William Armour agai.

Duiiitl Farmingion and Ezra Farmington Judgment ol the County court affirmed. Jesse Ga Nun agst. The New York and Harlem Rnilfoad Company Judgment of Special term affirmed. David Mapcs agst. Abel Odell Judgment arnrmea John Fasjunand Bryun Fagan agst.

John J. Haley and Wation Browu Judgment reveuea and judg ment rendered in tavor ot the Defendant. Thcodoie F. Shutter neat. Frederics Shafier The Judgment reversed the report of tho referce.set aside witn leave to eitner party to proceea 10 a new tiialat the circuit or to apply for the appointment rf new reteree cobis to abide tne event.

William S.Ronanagst. Charles Kelsey and others I he non suit set aside, ana a new tnaigranteu wiiti to abide. Charles Miller and others Commissioners, agst. The New York and Erie Railroad Company Keargument ordereo. lluum Budrt agat.

James Bingham Judgment ot Special term affirmed. The People Ex rel agst. Ambrose Ryder Judg mentof the Special term reversed, and Judgment upon the Demurer for the defendant. Gordon Corinthe and others agst. Kdgar Guffiing and ouers JNew trial granted with leave to the Plainiiff to amend the complaint so aB to introduce uoh in regard to lraud or mistake in iiiuKiag the partition as may be advised with costs to abide the event.

Tnumaa Busslord and others agst William O. Wetmore aud others Judgment of ttie Special term affirmed. Joseph Eell agst Anson Blake Judgment of 1 1 i ciiv court affirmed. Charles Smith agst John Fioyd Motion toi a new trial denie.f. William Howard and others agst William Howard Jun Nou suit list aside and new trial granted wiiti coats to abide the event.

John Cruger and wife agst The Hudson River Rail Road Company Motion for a new trial denied and Judgment affirmed. Ths People agst John Henderson Judgment Oyer and Terminer overruling demurrer reversed conviction set nide and indictment quashed. The People ex rel Martin Kalbfleisch agst James Kinney Comptroller, Order made at the Special term affirmed with S10 costs. Charles Smith agst Nicol Floyd Order made ihe Snecial term affirmed with $10 costs. FranKliu Townsend and Theodore Townsend agst The Northwesiern Insurance Company Mo uon f'jr a new trial oenied and Judgment affirmed.

Wiiiiam Cox ast David Austen Jun impleaded Mouon for a new trial denied and the Judg ineni affirmed. Jsjac Collins agst Aaron Knapp Judgment of the county court athnned. The Pevme of the Siute of New York agBt Aaron Sniiib and another Judgment of thu county court affirmed, Joseph Blackwell ogst Joseph Van Mater Judcment affirmed. John Copcutt agst William O'Brien Judg ment of tho county court and ol the Justices reversed. Tluodorus Gould agst.

the people ot the State New Voik Conviction affirmed. Thomas M. Vail agst. the Hudson River Railroad Company udgment affirmed. John Begley agst.

Henry Young Motion for a new tiiiii Denied with costs and judgment affirmed. Hortuio G. Onderdonk agst. Lameug Reeve and Jacob Smith Motion for a new trial denied with costs. In the matter of opening Hamilton avenue Judgment of the special term anirma.

James J. lloyt agst. Garrit L. Mnrtense Judg ment affirmed with costs. Frost Coleman and Jane his wife, agst.

Sam son C. Tilley, adminisirator of Phebo Tilley, deceased Renort of referee et aside; judgment re versed! coats to abide the event of the suit; the dc tendant to be at liberty to apply at lie special ior tne Bubsiuution of another reteree. Siorer Sieuhenson asst. Andrew Bradshaw. Order of County Judge tiffinnert with ten dollars costs.

C.iailes Horper agst. the Hudson River Fire Ins Co. Motion Ior new trial denied with costs. European Hems. Tin: chiilcrn, says a Madrid letter of ihe lSih, has eairitd olrut Barcelona bUUU persons, or nearly rive per cent, of ihe whole population, wliictl la hole familie.9 have peiiilied by thu epidemic Fortunately, the last accounts elate that it is dim iniahinc sensiblv.

1 1 is now admitted that Chas. Dickens really is in Boulogne tliat two thirds ol hiis literary income is reserved to pay his debts, (still leaving him 2, 000 a year) and mat nis exile is not a eomuue, hnranse he has a visitor, in the uerson of Mr. VV. H. Willa.

Tins Wilis is tlie actual editor of the Household Word: Tne Marquis ol Ormonde, snatched away In the prime ol life, was the representative ol one ol the old irish lamilies not tho oiiginal 'ould as it is called in R.iiKenny, out oi ine original juuii iiwaders. His wife wlio cannot be more than 30, waa Inng attached to Queen Victoria's Court as one of the ladies oi ine t)ed clinmDer, ana wae oftlio finest formed and most beautifully laced women in London. dins. Lever, (Harry Lorerquer,) who can speak somewhat about dozen tongues announces a new surinl. Of course, interlarded with French, Italian and German, at the meaning ol which most of bis reidora will liavo to guess.

Lever, who is now in Klorance. (dashing away at a greut ol visitinf! America. He will be immensely popular, if ho does Irom his buoyant spirit. Prusia continues to use all exertions In favor of Russia, and.lws nearly come to a ruptute Willi Aus ti ia on an account of adhering (in any way) lo the Anglo French Turkish Alliance. Ihe Berling papers, blowing up the j'Tapacity of Austria," declare that the emperor Joseph intends seizing upon Servla, (now nn independent principality,) as hie share of the sick mans properly.

This ie by no means unlikely, and and events will show the inter ested motives of Austria's whole course in this war. 1 into her in in of To or 4 OCTOBUR 19 TVnwa ttecoril. Yesterday, a man named JonsL. uedino appeared before Justice Welsh, at New York, and made a complaint against man named Jabti3, (or winning him at the faro game $25. An officer wa8 despatched a tor mi.

arresting him, brought him beloie the magistrate, who held him to b.iil to anawer the charge made against him. Toe Know Nothing State Convention in Boston yesterday was attended by about two thousand delegates, and the proceedings were not ot the most harmonious character. It was believed .1 CtmmrSKn. of Boston, KCSivtd IUU( the nomination for Governor, and Suisos Brown of Concord, for Lieutenant Governor. Tlic Primary Elections.

We have not epace at aur command to allmle to the Primary Elections which were held lust evening. Full returns from all the wards will be lound in our oolomnp; Genealogies. The source ol the Nile is a mystery whish has not yet been elucidated, and the North West passage is still a secret to navigators. The genealogioal river down which candidates for office may have sailed, is a subject ol as much interest as the source of the stream on whose banks the lotus extends it leaves, and Moss was rocked, in his cradle ot bulrushes and the passage to the baptismal register is as iniricitc, in some oaaes, as Ariadxe's labyrinth, or t.Le oceanic crevices around ths North Pole. The principles of the powerful and mysterious ordr ot Know Nothings rendering it necessary lor their candidate to know his own father, and it being slated that he is not a native of the soil, his ancestral archives have been overhauled as carefully as a lawyer would search the title to a city lot.

Seven the honor of beir.g Hombr's birthplace; and the founder ot Rome was a a foundling, and being nursed by Lcpa, waB said to be the foster son of a she wolf. Who Junius was has not yet been ascertained and the man who assaulted Mr. Patterson equally unknown. But. we ni.iy have light thrown on all shese suljec's now that gencui.

ei cal inveatigations are oecomiug Iu vogue. Mr. Uixxax, who wbs aid to have been a native at Hindoo proves by the record that he first the light in Deleware. TheJ following settles the question. To all whom it may concern, this may jrtify that I have examined the baptismal record i.i Trinity Church, wherein I the follow entry, in vo1 page 766.

respecting two ot the children of John James TJllmann and his wife, Perrine Jeane: "John James Uilmann born Wilmington. Jan. 19, ,1808. Danid Uilniiun hnrn at'WIImincton. April 28.

1810. As v.jt. ness my hand this lTth day of October. 1S54. Charles Brkck.

Rector of Trinity Church, Wilmington, I hereby certify that Rev. Charles Breck i. ttv' rector olTrinitv church, Wilmington, Del. Ai.FRBD Lek. Bishop of the Prot.

Epis. Church, Delaware. The New York papers are running the Arc tic calamity into the ground and converting. tf)9 painful tragedy into a (arcs. The mosj trivia! aud doab'ful rumors are Enrolled into immense importance, and the sama (acts

ed daily with as much stereotyped formality as a quack advertisement. This course will be pursusd while it help3 to sell the pspers.or until some new excitement turns up. It's an ill wind that blows nobody good. The nowsbovs Inve mads a fortune by the Arctic, and paper sell" rs have been run out stock. The Eagle presses have been almost broken down by the rtih for papers. there been an editor on board Noah's ark we would have a list of all the creatures on board and a graphic account of the wreck. Should one of the cralt survive dooms day his first impulse will be to issue an i jsUa with an account ot the arraignments and tLe mmber that pleaded guilty, although should be no'jody to read it bat himself. ju chaps those editors. A Catholic Priest Tarred and Feathered The Bangor Mercury states that Rev. John BaSPSt, a Catholic pastor in that city, was tarred and feathered and ridden on a rail, on Saturday night, at Ellsworth, while on a visit to thai place.

He was formerly pastor in Eilswortb, and was then engaged in a ooutrovory about t.liu School question. The excuse the ti3 who committed the outrage offer is, that they had previously threatened to tar and featL er Mr. Baptst if he came to Ellsworth again. Tlio Mercury Bays Be has beou pastor of the Cu. tholio population in this city only a tow raoutbs.

We understand he was born and educated 1 I kn kna Ann haxa hn h.ia rlrnr. good among the Catholic population, and has brought about many useful wiuti ng commendation on all bands. A Psgilistic Enoountbr jjr $3,000. The Cincinnati Gazette of Wednesday eajs that Tom Htkr, the celebrated pugilist, is row in that city on "professional business." It is stated that he has entered into a wager with a man named McGowan, of St. Louis, for a priz fight, the sum Btaked being thousand dollars, and that the parties are to niuut about half wy between New York and St.

Louis, and the encounter is to take place about she last this month, the precise day to be settled an soon as the parties meet in Cincinnati. Ii is presumed by many that the content will be at some locality near that city, but the exact placo is not known. The Gazette hopes that the police will be actively on the alert, aud the fih. from taking place anywhere that State. The Whig State Ticket is all right.

Ii hat been endorsed by ull the political uud factions, and now is ratified by the p.intt.luiniul females ol the Stite and the colored voUtb of Wiltiamsburgh. Nowhere on this earth, of Birnum's Must nm, could the same numb o' oddities aud natural and political curioiitien jouud acting in harmony together, us the tail of the political kite, with Clark and Raymond at it? head. Wax.l Strbht Furry. The boats of thia ferry Which have been ruuuing during the last week irom the foot of Atlantic Street, owing to the use of the Montague slip lor the construction of middle pier, will resume their regular trips van, 1st through a denBe log. One of them suddenly ran a vessel, staving in the bows and turning completely round, when the other steamer, close at hand, struck the same vessel in the stem, with considerable damage.

How the Money Goes. Another unsucoeesfu attempt was made in Councils, on Thursday night, to dissolve the local Waid Committees, who have charge of the public disbursements, until tJe proper departments are organized and operation. These local committees have been operation four and they have already disbursed, or maoe cuargaoie upou iud uuc.uv.oo the city, over a million of dollars Phil. Ledger. DEMOCRATIC 2ND POLICE DISTRICT.

aym Dimockatic RisrcUCAii Qknerad Commiiiisi, oJ 1 be following commnnicauon rwoifou uupi uio ni.t lM i the Demccratlc Republican Oeneral Commit ee. Primruy election held on Tut iday. Oct. 10, Id puriomce of the lltui. general i.i 7 lnit (aptalnof Police fir the police dlatricl would moat reip cfutiy reqat Oeneral Comralttse loaceapt inir reaiRnauon unab to afreeoi acandldate, and would iha Qeooral Ceinmluee call snuther rlectlon at an early dar, By order of the Convention, HUGH BELL, Preildent Corremdi Hioei, Secreury.

Embed. Thai there be an elecrfon held In the 2d and SA Wrd on FRIDAY, purpoie ol eiecug de in each ward Dlnrlct Police Con ventron, to be held atthe Erook'jn HoleK i MONDAY. mat, air ca r.i., wujmh. wF. foraalddlalrtct.

Tde nol a to lie nolo ai mo Z. 2d Ward, at reoplea" Unll, c'jrner of York and Pearl trsetl 6ih Ward at Brooklyn Hole', From IS o'clock, 7 P.M., and that tho Demo aratic lnipocto. a of Klecttou be requeued to act aa lnapac R. C. BRAINARD, Chairman.

J. O. EBcaLE, Sec. pro. lem.

oc.8 Id gS At a Meeting op the Dkmcatio Ei.eo ivtrn hel nt th Koflo Hotel Fulton Durauanl to call of central r.omm ite, Jaiper Cbln ca id to the cl a and W. H. Hogan waa appointed The owing geotlomen were eleciid delegates to the Po lee Convennon o' the Unt Dlatricl: Cooke Hull, Dumln'ck C.lgan, Jdsper Coghlan and W. H. Hogr.

JASPES COQHLAN, Chairman. H. Hooan. Secretary. ll Sevkntii Ward.

Thk Dkmookatio Kb pnbVcanEiec oraot ubtib wirj iu uailni! Ward The'lraeind place of ug tnr polls wl i behereafrer 'elgualed. tSyorderof ih i Wird Coirmtitee, OHAR' ES DBMEREST, ROBERr JUST1SON, JOHN McCOt. JONATHAN ROOFR9. Democratic Kef cblicak SrANDiNoiCoM Aoadl 'U'Ded meeiing of ihe above committee will be held ai tne Committee Rooms, No. 337 Fulton street, on rRi DAY Evening, ai7)4 o'clock.

A full attendance Isrequlrea. rairm. J. Messkrolb, Secretary. ocli Id agr Is Dkmockatic Ketoblicjin City Genk ral Comm'ltee, Tueidiy.Oct.Sd, 1854.

Huolvcd, Thv. ihe Kiectoraof ibe different Wards meet oa WEDNESDAY, the 18. day ol Ocicber, at the lime aad olaceihereat emei.Uoned. ihe purpose of Elect ine Thre I elcEi fiom ach VVira toiheConsollaaiea CiTy tlo to le held at tha Warning on tloia Kenttvtnue, onF.Uav. nominate ttie teveral OHj Office.

tu be suppoited altleeusu ao0io elect Four DeUeates lo th Congressional Convfmlan.lobohe'dattne Peoptis' Hall, corner York and Pearl a.s"., on Tiaay, zum An 1 also 10 elect (our delegates to ihe Conven tlon to beheld at tte of Brnjaanu Nelsun, In Flat. buh, on Mo. day, ihe 2Sd Oclober, at 2 e'clock, P. lo nominate County Officera. to elect Four Delegates to the several Assembly Dlsirlc Convi iuiu to be held on Wednesday, fciin OCU, lo no inaw merrb iso! Aiaembly; to meel aa follows! 1st Diairicta'.

B. Nelaona, st P. M. 2d peoples' 31 E. I inEataffs, P.M.

ihu diffarsnt Wards lo male their Ward Nouilnatlo ia ai ihs tluie of hold ns Ihe Elec foil, open from I at Ward at 1st Ward Hotel .7 lo a 2d i Hull i ur vork fi Pearl. .1 M. to7 3d 4ih Sib sih 7 ih Kiitle Hotel 5lo7 whi eHoim cor Concorc Jay to 9 Rroraiyn Hotel I2noontosuiioown Oeerawcor, Liicks 6 tu7 t.U Dar iSnoontoS tfiaidi Branch tlole Wntgleaworllis 11AW.W7 Kox, racitic it 7 to 8 ft. Luminals 7S 1 108 BvJiHIckl lo7 9lh lUih lllh 2ih ih icrailc l'SDectora where ever Drac.lci.b.eberi qu8.ed amspeciO'aat theprlmanr Ii.r. nrih.iKin nd ihaiii isearueattv recommouded to tha electors or ih.

different wardi lo bd preient, to preserve tbei.ur'tyor our primary election by refusing to couatenanceer receive Illegal voles. Kaolved Tbat an fciectlon for four Delegate! from each Warn lo the several Police Diatrlet Convouiious be held on Tuesday, 10 at trie same hoar aud place mentioned ror the meetings on the 18ih. audihalthe 1st Dl.irici comprising Wards 4 meei at theEale 2fl ii 2 audi Brook lyn Hotel. 3j i. 6nd 1" meetal Dsn'lQreens Courtat.

4th 7 and 11, meet at JC. Lang. itarPa On Saturday. Ihe Hlh October, at 7 o'clock P.M., for ths purp of ivominatini! Caaialnsof Police. L.i.

WiH ii recenilv orfanlzed Is llinim witbuuia iViri is ktreuy racoainiended to ReoubncanKieoto sot that to meet at ibe houae of Johu Uarlauo. bamllion cor. UicUb, ou AIUAY, cf October, at clock, P. for ihe purpose or farming aucha oommiiiea liao ved That ihe elsctor. onhe 12 Ward ment, purau ant to tho pibllattsd call of llix Ward Uowmlttee.

elect F.iur Delegates tc the Police Convention ot the 3d police R. C. ERAJN ARD, Chairmau. James ci 26'i BHOiUWAi. fAJ KK iUNMNUS, olesaleandReutil.

lllSMOVAI dOMAH TU03. FA YK CO." St (rr, having aasocluied with BUu C. C. N.VJ!,K8 and J. M.

COPLAND, his law partners, under Ihe hriu o) THOMAS KA YJK has oriened a new DEPOT at 247 BKOAD WAV, directly opposite Ihe City Hall. Weare now opening an entire nowslock oi French ana American PAPfcB HAMOINOS, Fancyand Staple, Decora ttveand Plain, wl ich are oUered to the trade, merchants, lnu lordsandhoui ekeepers, at ihe lowest market prices. New Designs for rarlora, Stc, by every steamer, irom out agent In Parts. Ariistic workmen attend to the Retail De. FA YE Sr.

2S7 Broadway, directly oppoait the City Hall. mm el3in Papkr Hanginqh. Ho. 436 PbarlSt. Har, Vnrk.

Housekeepers aud Landlords, who intend papering and decoratlne ihel homes ihla Kail, cannin fall lo consult their interegl by calling at this old and well known estab ilshinenl. Tee nock now on hand of both rrench aud domestic cannoi be excelled in the United Stages. Our customers are well aware, anil loall reflecting persons it niusi be obvious lhat, free frem the enormous ox penseiormore fa.hlooable locations anrjihlr consequent expenditures, we canaBordto sell aiprofiiscorraspondlng wt tha economy of ours. We employ none but the most accompllshid and well tried workmen, and can confidently refer to mbf o( ihe most respectable clilieos of New York and Brooklyn as to the No. Pearl Now York.

aaB BuKiAL or the DsAD. The undersigned aeueral rurnlsblcg Undertaker, iteepa constantly on bant veryihlncnecessaryforthe burial of the dead flaring been In business more than twenty five years, II New York and Brooklyn, hereelacuinpoienuo discharge all tbedutlea of his profession. HetnvHestheattenllonorthosi personmpon wnom'lemands are made for the burlal'o tbeb dead wbeuexpendltureii Tor sickness baveconsumedalioi aeerlyalltholrmeans.andltis not In iholr power lo provtdi (orlherospeclableintermeniofthose nearand dear lo ihorn1 aeaasoreasuchthalthny shallbe furnished with alliblcgi aecesr on i be at alargi dlsconn, oBlhoasualchsrges. thereby retlevlcgln ameasuretho bur thentheyfael.wunn tils necessary to provide forlhelntsrl mentofn reltlvairfrload. tf.

N. BURRIM Placo, curnarof Court slre. sroalyn.Ocial.ytf! "th lsM. fiST PltOKESEOK llOI.LOWAT'e EhTABUSHMKNT ia ai Nn. 10 Maiden lare, N.w York, where his popular Pills anil Ointment, which have enjoyed such reputation for a number or yais In every pari of ihe orla are suld pa aoiue of Ihe cures Ihey have eBecled throng thepapiraiu ihli, ucd there Is no question but they aieextcily the kind ol mtclclne our.

itasns require. We would st, oocly advise our lib iios to give ihem a, o.i there Is no le.r tut lhai Ihey weuld continue lo use tbem whenevrr any niedicinr. Lertqals lw Ss K. LEFFKRtTB, liiXOHANOE BROKER, No rUllDDCllKCl, uiuukiju, aj.i. 7" IT l.illylnforms nl.frlends and the publlceenerally.thal he wll.

berlafiercarryon business solely on lis own account. He ti t. i ur LKFrsiiLTH resDecc ralttrnsUlsslncerethankaiprtnoiiiioi aponhlindurlnethepaatslx years, and hopes bystrletal losiuess.tomeriiacouiiuu in. aBgnaig4.H tMSl urr.TNOH. Plain and Ornamental lorBuTidlnasandCoiueterlea, Iron Doors, Bbuttera, Hal n.

It, hi HAaAZINJCB. NSW WORKS Sovris. Music, Fancy Pictures ane Hank Books. Forsale at mnKlfOllK. J1M at.

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