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The Brooklyn Daily Eagle from Brooklyn, New York • Page 7

The Brooklyn Daily Eagle from Brooklyn, New York • Page 7

Brooklyn, New York
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

THE BROOKLYN DAILY EAGLE AVE DKESD AY, JULY 3. 1895. Teachers OS" to Denver. cers were installed: Noble grand. L.

V. Downs; v. wuwu; LATEST LONG ISLAND NEWS, MISCELLANEOUS. The teaebers from Brooklyn, Kow York nnd Long Island who are going to the nationn wee graau, Jonn uibson; secretary. V.

ON LONG ISLAND. vtxii, per secretary Yale Harvard races. At nightfall the wind being very light the party suddenlv ran the yacht aground on the flats near Cedar Island. As there was no hope of getting the vessel off before the turn of the tide the Rev. Mr Davis decided to return and was towed ashore in a small boat landing at Sag Harbor THE DAILY EAGLElTTnbi.h.rt meeting at uearnr, on July urer.ii.

s. over tho Erio on a opocial train of toy of the week and on 812 Iort coon Jones; u. s. N. Arthur Domlnv: I.

When nervous irritable or worried BUNDAT MORNINGS. smith w. Clock: 0. C. Herbert Ketcham; waracn.

j. .1. ivMlll. ne reacneel home in safety. A po I la i Domestic Differences of Mr.

and Mrs. Bodge of Tullman anrs at 3 this afternoon. They will arrive at Cincinnati to morrow afternoon and spend Ave hours, leaving the same evening, and arrive at St. Louis on Friday morning, stopping at St. Loute all day and leaving that evening at 9 o'clock for Colorado Springs over the Missouri Pacific, spending all day Snday at Mauitou, Pike's Peak and other interesting places, arriving at Denver.

Suadav. Julv 7. at P. M. Greenport the next I At the Huntington Race Track.

I at 'J liy mceS. TERMS OF SUBSORIPTIOX. 110 per year; 3 for six months; M. per month: single oople 3 cents; Sunday edition SL50 per rear; postage included. per BACK NUMBERS.

A limited number 0r EAGLEo of any Sate from Ok year UJ7S till within two roonthTf the current year can DC purchased at an advanced price. All Issues within two months. 3 cents per coot. BATE8 FOR ADVKHT1S1NG. Solid agate measurement.

No adyertlsemeau taken for leas than the price IIBllIIl PATCHOGTJE'S DAM GIVES "WAY. Huntington, L. July 3 Tho attondnnco nt the first day of tho rnclnir nt tho Huntington i TOGETHER ONXY SIX MONTHS. Thn I I 1. mi.

ukvnn.o uu moift 1UB lOilUWinif Working at the Breach Till Midnight rair grounds track, now owned by j. D. w. 0LI) PASHI01TED CELEBRATIONS, to Prevent a Flood of York city, was not so large as was expected. The tlrst raco was the 2:10 1 1 atefcogue.

L. July 3 The middle dam of clliss and was won by Hudl Olcott, owned by 1 the I'atchcgue lake gave way at 6 o'clock last John Kelly of Tho old Long inland 'Few Sections of the Country Richer in Advertisements THE IDEAL TONIC. "Vin Mariani' is exquisite, nothing is equally efficacious and soothing. I heartily recommend it to all who require a calming Henri iVIarteau. Harried in December, Separated in June Sprightly Mrs.

Bodge Is Thirty eight and Eer Husband Three Score and Ten Now She Is Suing Him for ICon Support The Old Plan's Side of the Case. 1a cents 'un xuu 1.0 drpmUV, ccnts Harrison. Air. and Mrs. H.

Smith. Mr. and Mrs. peal MouSowii. alLpaRICEM ct, Mrs.

Oeow W. French and Local Notices on editorial and to? pa es Ji cS family, Mr. and Mrs. Piatt, Miss Piatt. Mrs.

H. Local Notices at foot of nev l'w T. Dawson, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Wallace.

Mr. rhaS tour iinS opposite editorial pag less and Mrs. Dr. Emerson White. Mr.

and Mrs. AmmTnunSd0LeectuPrl' U8n tw0 Ua cen Jeremiah Townsend. W. L. Feltor, and family, Travel V.V.V.V.V.V.V.V.

Vlo cents Tutnill nud two daughters. Mr. Young, HoSSf ai VwiV 13 cents I Max Josten. 3lr. Spreen, Miss Spreen, Misses HelD wed ses JS cn' Wilson, Emily Fish, Mnry Bishop, Ada Globs.

uiuuuuai iveinmiscences jrro grammes Arranged in Various Include Parades, Patriotic Addresses, Music, Beil Ringing, Sports, Bicycle Races, Picnics. uiiu me excitement occasioned did not: nar nurse, unviu Jones, who holds jo track abate until after midnight. Whitman Saad ft'cord of I' a favorite boforo Hie raco a bleacher in the Patcboguc lace mill, was go: "onln was wn" hYm ng home just before 8 o'clock and while cross the procession in each lu'at until reael'. Ing tho bridge of the dam he discovered a the milo pole am! then ho didn't lo little stream of walor trickling over the top. about going tho balance of the mil" It He immediately notified Superintendent Frank 11 pretty race and not a horse changod or Guttrldge of the lace mill, who turn nui ocitered his position lifter the first heat Xu Beard 10 cents EmiIy Keli'' Gra Wilson, Kate Schuman and FurnlBhed Rooms ''in cent Temperance Gray.

Mailed Free. Descriptive Book with Testimony and I Portraits OF NOTIiD CELEBRITIES. Adverti semen is llrrlpr' tViA n11nn nr. 1 1 Jt iwisvn JUJiiun. neu jir.

jesse c. Mills, president of the clec 'iry 1'ii'U. oi. ott setuonb ol the country aro richer trlc company, owners of the pond. William Homan, one of the sufferers of the flood iSl "nfs 'e3' 75 ccnt fr first ln 50 oent for each successive insertion; vo lines ccnts per Ilne 111 exce3S Personalis Tn fnn ir historical reminiscences of the PARIS FASHIONS UP TO DATE.

From the Eagle Paris Bureau, 28 Avenue do I'Opera, tnrougb. tne courtesy of Abraham Straus. (Special to the Eagle.) Jamaica, L. July 3 The case of Mary Catharine Bodge against her husband. John G.

Bodge, both of JDunton. for non support, was given another hearing beforo Justice Hendrickson this morning. Bodge is about G5 or 70 ears of age and his handsome wife Jlctirlclal mill Ajri inMr. Errrif Trst. I'ravrs Jlrptttnt foifc AToidSuhstltiitliuis.

Ask for Vin At Druirirists unit t'liiicy (jrucers. Duvij j' lua" Island. There is hardly a haml I oS the island that has not its stories of suf ferlng and oppression at the hands of the! Tno second race wns for She three minute I Urilib soldiery ami no section of the cuuufy rncluir Tin. ii i. i caused by the breaking of tho same dam fifteen years ago, predicted the coming calamity and within fifteen minutes after the first alarm had been given fhe darn burst with a mighty roar.

The men narrowlv escaped being carried into the water. Everv eiTort was made to prevent the whole embankment and the main dam from being completely washed awav. Snnd hairs wnr. i iilli.I ..,) MARIANI iw noii umil iu uns i iijiMcvu mure Heartily wnen the vuke of Pinn: 41 B.l. II, E3.15tkSt.,Kew7ort.

rco and oven tho tallow who was runnlOL a quiet little book up iu the grand stand trot ooled as to tin, winner. The following suiu a sprighty woman of 3S. Bodge has three grown up daughters by his first wife The palntltf said on the trial that the husband and daughters made the house too warm for her and that her husband failed to give her a proper support. Mr. Bodge testified that his wife, after reDeated warninrs hi British oppression was thrown off.

Numerous mounds and embankments, the remains of old fortifications, remain, silent reminders of the days when the oppressors' heel was on the isle, and its stubborn sons nf ti, I ropes and piles were braced tn hold the dam ary llow tho wero split up LUSTPrnPr 'hn tnnrt I 1 iiu.oi n. rm Hills and Water Mill Creek, excepting t'ninn school scholars. The public meeting will be held at Agawata hall in the ev. nlne and will probably be ad In ln' i. I Hva Wllk was in uanger of being undermined.

The Hilly It monstrous apron of the dam had been washed enner exiled or made to bow the kne to roval ''ressed by S. H. Wales, John W. Kilbretll tyrants, after the victories of ii, I ex Assemblyman James H. Plerson, r.h, when not exceeding five SSS Notices.

60 cent! for each inser of flve "aes or leas, mtuatlona Wonted Males. 25 cento: females. II from these rates. Cash ta afl tUeo In all cases. PRINCIPAL OFFICE EAGLE BUILDING.

WASHINGTON AND JOHNSON STS. BRANCH OFFICES: VmshnrBto T' E' 7 Will AV EAR PTJLTON ST (Tele Phone. 3M Bedford). It SowM AV' NBAH aT CTelephone ATLANTIC AV, NEAR EAST NEW TOP.K AV CTelephone S3 East New Tork). Dofnt) QRirENP01NT (Telephone 103 Green.

RHACH. oppoeitc the depot. JAMAICA, L. opposite the depot. BUREAUS: 1500,11 "2 Broadway; arts bureau.

23 Avenue l'Opora; TTash inston Oureau. 80S Fourteenth st: Summer Resort bureau. Room 28. Eaclo buildlns. THE SUNDAY EDITION ONLY.

at t.tVe new of the following; howls. Hoffman House, Metropolitan Hotel. Coleman Siy' rS1y, Imperial Hotel. Bartholdi Hotel. Oriental Hotel and Everett House.

THE RAnT.rr rr n. tt.7 vtv 2 1 i i 4 1 1 3 6 1 7 2 2 3 2 2 4 7 3 3 8 7 7 1 i r. i 7 5 3 6 i 2 7 I) Dr. Dlsl.

2:2 several Hundred feet down the creek. The water in the river rose ten feet, washing away everything in its course. The the battle of Louir Ixlui.i ti. ib tails as arranged promise one of th i ruv.U PaliMMtu I'rlncu N. llle Srli.n Thlstlehud VI I.UI.

Happy fuur.t Time 2:22. 2:21" ilebrations ever seen in Southamp grandest aniploii. uooanuil, Floyd, Lawrence lllvfienbii reli iock on tne west division was partially broken and for a time it looked ns if them sisted in going out with a woman named Mrs Bcnamlllls who was highly objectionable to him as a companion fr his wife. The more urgently he requested her to drop the acquaintance the more freciucntly would she nde out with her companion. Finally she left hlrn and lived with Mrs.

Benamlllls. Mr. and Mrs. Bodge were married In December. 1S33.

and separated in June. Th I wife said she was srlvine nmcir inoo would much damage among the fleet of boats at tne lower end of tile river. C. W. Ru land, who had charsre of the work hv hm rulean efforts, however, prevented the com plete destruction of the dam.

Word was East Moriches. L. July 3 The Easl Moriches E. Sunday school's annual picnic will be held at the picnic grounds at Mastia to morrow. Captain (I.

1'. Brown and the sailing vessel St. Mary will convey the picnickers to the grounds, which is a pleasant sail oi about, two hours. The boat starts from the public: dock, foot of Maple avenue, at 9:110 A. Since tlie East Moriches Driving Park ns soc iation has been organised this will be the first Fourth on which there will not bo a time of the separation for her support.

Tho sent to trie Caanon paper mill, a mile nor wnen the sluice gates there wore shut. This helped greatly and by midnight tho water in the lake had fallen five feet and the danger aujuurneu for another hearing. Honor to a Revolutionary Hero. Jamaica. L.

July 3 The Question i no last raco on the programme was for three minute troilnrs and was won Iu walk by Beyrouth, owned by P. Fergus of Flushing. L. I. Ihere was uo pnrt oi ttio race where nny of her competitors onhl catch her and had shebeen called upon to do it she wou probably have broken the track record.

Mr. Iteudrielison, who drovo Major Corwin. wai thrown from the sulky iu the first heat but was not injured, fhe horue ran away, but being well in the roar when ho started the driver had plenty of tuno to pull out and let him go bv. As ho passed under the wire tho judges rune; the bell and the horse took it for grauted that the judges tnought had gone far enough and stopped. Ihere was a tio for second place in this raco between Vtood Chiof and Nictiioroy ncd the money was divided.

Tho summary is xi pumt was passed. The lake partially supplies the power for the lace mills and electric light plant. It is fully 40 feet above the e.ncey. josiah Smith, Williams. Nlculi, Piime, Rein.sen and scores of others who' fought under the patriot Hag, often amid great suffering, often to the death, are revered among the natives, thousands or whose descendants are proud of their family historv Lp to thirty live or forty years ago the Fourth was a great day in every large village on the island.

At such (dares as Hempstead Hushing, Huntington and Sag Harbor the day was ushered in with the ringing of chuich bells, the firing of cunhn. parade of school children, the girls all dressed in while the assembling of the people at. some favorite grove or at the largest house of religious worship, when, after music bv the the reading of the Declaration of Independence, an oration was delivered by the ablest speaker of the community or someone imported for the occasion. The whole congregation united in singing with soul and voice America" and "The Star Sn. a suitable monument to Brleadinr Rmiwi Nathaniel Woodhull of the patriot army of level and covers about two hundred acres It will have to be run dry before the broken uie continental congress, who.

according AVhite straw shade hat trimmed with loops of straw, held In place by fancy buckle; back finished with bow of satin ribbon. nam can do repaired. The water is very low curaie testimony, was struck down hv soveral British cavalrymen, on Fulton street now, put it will be two days before work can be commenced. Hundreds or perch, bass and trout have been destroyed. In IRjnO this dam broke without warning and a miniature at east end of Jamaica, earlv in Son tember.

177G. Is being discussed by the Sons Brooklynites in Paris. (Special Cable to tho Eagle.) Johnstown flood resulted. Three hrldues In 01 tno Revelation in all sections of Long Is V7e cave esiabllshed agencies for "the sale of the of thB principal business points in Tork City as follows: Astr House L. Jonas' news stands, etreet Budd.

foot of East Tbirty fourtt Roosevelt and Front sta. South at. Et and Broadway. Knox buildlns. J.

Rosenthal. 54 'Wall waahlnerton and Fulton sts. rk place and Church st. Colleire place anrf Chambers st 2M Broadway. Btat ons or the Manhattan News company, od the Elevated railroad.

PhiS" at Fulton, Chnn.bers, Wall. South. Thlrty nlDth st, Catharine. Hamilton, pck sup. arand Twenty third and xh.rtr fourth st ferries.

lAnnex411 Nortn Blver ferries and the Jersey City Sorty'secon'1 waiting 5 mW rk Centra'. Harlem and the iew Haven railroads. El'th av Hotel, Tyson's news stand. Tjindsor Hotel. Tyson's news stand.

Jtfurray Hill Hotel. ana. woodhull was born at St. George eluding the railroad bridge were washed away and many house and shops in the path Paris, July The following Brooklynites have registered at the Paris bureau of the uuuuv munis, uecemDer 30 172 ..1 1 1 2 i ..132 ..3 2 12 ..7 1 s. of the flood were destroyed.

Tile residents ana was a representative of Suffolk county in tho colonial assembly for 1769 75. He Brooklyn Eagle: F. Callaghnn, William Iteiss, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Gibson, Mr.

and Mrs. John along the side of the river who suffered by Beyrouth Wood Chief Nltcte roy Vciybuni Col. Itupp Alclria Molly Walem Nexa Henna Allii Tare Major innvin Highland Girl Time 2:. i. tne noou of 18S0 were preparing for a similar after which all repaired to their homos filled with the importance of the country in which 1 hey lived.

To morrow lew such extensive celebrations will take place in any village on Tho excitements of the war of the rebellion and the new e.M.roUi.. i orawioru. very active in resisting tho encroach meet there. A number of the horses that usually trot it these meets are booked to trot at tip' Riverhead trac k. Mr.

George Arlington iiaynor of New York city. but. formerly of this village, will giva an illuminated lecture, "New York by Gas at. tho Presbyterian chapel in the evening. A line display of fireworks will be set off at the icast Moriches beach after ami it will be a pretty sight for sailing parties out on tile litiy.

Hay Shore. L. July The Fourth ol July will be very quiet in Bay Shore, as there will n. no lie celebration. In the evening there will be a great display of fireworks.

The Prospect bouse will be a center of it. traction, for the display there will be un usually fine. The Olympic club win also cole, bra'. with any quantity of fireworks and soma cottagers van also good display. All the; in Hay Shore will be profusely dec this year in Hugs and dinx rent col oreel buntings.

Sag Harbor, July The event, of tomorrow here will be the Fourth of July races at the Sag Harbor park grounds, commencing at lo clock A. ii her events will be: riH'. S. ball" Til I iTh'e. ere t.v occurrence yesterday, removing their house iJiwllLS OI Uie tlrlT.lsh irfivprnmoflt ...1 .11 hold effects to higher ground.

Fully a thou the colonial government was suspended New An Excursion Up the Hudson. 11 sand people were on watch until after .1 governea ny a provincial congress, Of Which General Wnndhnll 12 fi midnight. The entire embankment is weak Oa the Fourth tho Albany Day line steamer Now York will leave tho Desbroeses street pier ened and will have to be rebuilt. The wood I1 mayor under Abercromble at A. HI.

for Mest Point, Newburgh and i icuuuoroga in l.os, and because of his Poughkeepsio. Excursionists can return by en dam will be replaced bv a stone strue ture. Programme at Hicksville. tumidly experience was appointed brigadier general under Washington, in August, ihu steamer Ainany, arnviag in new lork at 5:30 P. M.

From Brooklyn passengers can un me ianumg 01 the British on Lon Tho judges were Thomas H. Bacon of Jericho treasurer of Queens County Agricultural sociol ty; F. T. Stoinway of New York city, ono of the firm of piano manufacturers, and W. A Walker of New York city.

The starter was Jnmos Cui borlson of Chicago. For Brutality to a Dog. Port Jefferson, July 3 For shockine 1 re "..11115 indues that nine, while not weakening tho Long islanders love of country have divided Jits allo between the Fourth and decoration day. and new methods of celebration have rouie vogue with greater advancement in wealth, culture ami luxury, lielow will be indication of to morrow's events in some of tl. principal towns of the island Richmond L.

juij. ehratio.i of tile Fourth of juv' wil, oeg.n here at 10 o'clock, with a parade of a cadet company each one of the four churches. 'irtiiii union uaici. Eajrle Bureau. 7l' 74 Broadway.

TheTE AND L0'0 ISLAND. MoTs on SVLCa? be 1 aH thtl Principal sta hSSSto Island railroad or can be tstand. in every town on tte jaianu in iib, ho was acting as chief of leave Dy Annex at ii. ol iiicKsvine, July 3 The programme for the Fourth of July celebration in this iue minus. ne was surprised in Jamaica, so was guarding a large drove of cattle uiuukul aown irom the east end of the island for Washington's army at Brooklyn THE EAGLE IN WASHINGTON.

Wiicx Bnbv was wo garo her Castoria. V'hon sho WS8 a Child, sho cried for Castoria. When sba became Mias, she ctung to When she Iiad Children, she care them Castoria. ton at the wShmrton NS1 place is a parade by the Hicksville fire department, including all ihe leading societies, headed by the Hicksville brass band. After the parade a base ball game will be played by the Elites of Hicksville and the Athletics of East Norwich.

In tho evenlnir a tilcrilo brutality to a dog Justice Wheeler to day ouueuuereu nis swora. but was after ward so severely wounded hprnncs entiaui n. mil. cents. Ml; SSiSSS C2S Bt news standa in the Antnstoa.

Dillard's and Cochran Hotels and s' wat entrain fee, 20 sentenced Henry Christie, aged of Setauket. to forty five days in Rlverhen.i in clined to get on his knees and say save the King," that he had to bo taken to the day afternoon he returned to his home at Se foeir doei: SuPKRFi.rors Hair permanontlv destroyed by the Electric Itoodle. Indorned by physicians; safe, gentle; does not Bear onlj motbod that effects a positiro .11., and festival will be given under the auspices nf Independent Engine company No. 1'. at A 'It free all and cui i.

r. o. a tile II, first. las. 54, wieb 11 b.

ti. i tauket In an intoxicated condition. His wife ran away, and he vented his rnn. iunpiia.1 snip at Utrecht, where ho soon died. It has been suggested that Lho monument be placed in the new nnrlf ntHnfnlner "11 te ill horses cura.

Mrs. AJ.IDA JC cms, HU Bond st. near Loeser's. ueeKer park. A grand disp av of fireworks iuage unci 11 part of the department, of Woodbaven.

At 11 o'clock there will bo public exercises, ut which the Declaration of Independence v. ill be read, to be followed by a patriotic address bv u. 11 Gwil 11m of York. pla a game of ball with the I.yles of Brooklyn for a prize given In the ,,,.,1,.. fenselesa dog, which his wife had left chained WASHINGTON NEWS BUREAU, TO Fourteenth st 'Newspaper row).

Waiv.n5ion, At th JI1E IN ALBANT. to Hotel 3 of stanwit KU ana Ken THE HAOM IN NEW JERSEY. Tp.RAllu'ai'r J': dlfI'0 Submit. N. tavldge.

Alorrlstown. N. witir iajvwi nan. 1 ue work OI rais nir mnnoi to tne top of the stairs. Christie threw it will be a feature of the evening at the Grand Central hotel.

American hotel, Germania hotel and the picnic grounds. curse I 1 1 trotters t'. tor r. I than 2:00. elcss.

purse tlOe. for the enterprise will probably he nnshod alio j. 'i with Tleir.l, Koxos'h Phosciiial Dbops Tho best remedy Tor Colds. Counhs. Croup.

Aithma and all Lane and ThToat Troubies. Hecornmendod highly by those using oyer the rail, and. while the dog was dangling by its chain, he beat the poor animal to completion before another Fourth of July Port Jefferson. L. July No celebration wuico U1UU11U.

v.un a nan stick unti it 1 will be held here on the Fourth. The il.iv tncm. o. J. flOXOK, Ui ralton st.

near Fortlaadar. Lt 'Ji' al' Terscj' Clt' ferries; shreds. He then took him in the No Evidence Against These Men uiura in fines ana will be observed by social and sailing parties, picnics, the usual display of Hags and bunting house and threw hi ill nveT ltfei rl Cn.e I classes are open to horses owned in the towns of Easthumpion Shelter Island and that pan of Southampton east ot Canoe Place. All i cs best 1' in Four or more horses to make held, three to start. Weights an.

I distance barred. Races made at Easthamjeton. barred. Purses divided: class, first. J'll second thl neighbors, who witnessed the Amityville, L.

July 3 Edward Wieks and and tne discharge of fireworks. A lame a companion who rofused to state his name, but were unable to prevent it, complained to tho Bergh society agent, William Howell, who number of sportsmen will attend the horse races at Huntington and Setauket. were arrested last night by Deputy Shoriff Con ley as suspicious characters and taken bofore causeo nristie arrest. He was sentenced to forty five days in Riverhead iail. ietor athletic goods.

Imme.liat.dv following the ball game there will be a eo'mpot i i i drill of the members of Resurrection Ladel corps. From 7 to there is to baud concert, and after that I here will be a display nf fireworks. Greenport L. July 3 The programme for the outdoor games at the Greenport Drying park to morrow is in charge of a committee of twenty leading residents. Including ex District Attorney Benjamin II.

John A. Bossareur and C. .1. Hums The events scheduled to take place arc 'as The Eddy Standard REfBiaEBATOB. the ever IsBtinfc earthen ohimne; top, sold only by W.

B. DaX. TOS i Son. B47 Vulton st. corner Rockwell place.

Telephone 1,270. MABBXED. BUCKLEY BREDEN At Brooklyn. L. July 3, 1S33.

by the Rev. S. V. Rt.binson. META K.



KRAFT. t. second, $15; third) ass. first. $00; second, J30J Justloo IevilB at Lindonhurst.

who after hoar. The Fourth at Flushing. Flushing, L. July 3 The fourth will JM. class.

SP. Frec fcr all tliird. $2o. There will be a iu the afternoon ing their stories disoharged thtm on tho charge of insufficient evidonee. In the eon th The North Side Fruit Crop.

Port Jefferson, L. July 3 be appropiately celebrated in this town to Fourth of July celebration examination. Mr. Smith of Smith A Wood and ml venine at Hi.mnueonl morrow. In the morning the athletic club will play ball with two crack nines from the has made an investigation says the fruit Grove.

JJastville. Sag Il. i jcuuuur urijjn. testiiiea suDstantially as fol eve CC. Bt ns, iu coatume.

hom jsbb city. The Republican club will keep open house in the after noon, and it Is nvnprtpii Early in tho evening a voune man drnv n'n and le.rctgn. who the platform, tsgg MKKKI1.L TALL On Tuesday, July 2, by the that Congressman Richard C. Mcformlck nf also sc vet, uniformed continental cavalrymen Vffll I v.II br in this vicinity will fall far below the average this season. Tho frost, the drought and insects, he says, are responsible for the crop ot berries will be gathered although blackberries ami huckleberries wili not be up to the average, neither in size nor nai, mile.

22'j vards ami 1 JmupuiK. kwiiIii J' IIiiJi rulllllfiir li inino 1 to the livery stable of Smith Wood and offered for sale a horse and buggy at a prico out THE EACLK IN CHICAGO. Oontboni, Auditorium Hotel annex, Chicago. THE EAGLE IN MONTANA. Cent.

15 West Granite st, Butte. THE EAGLE IN SAN FRANCISCO. R. C. Wllber.

Palace Hotel new stand. THE EAGLE IN TEXAS. M. Little Dennison News Emporium, 24 Main st, Dennison Tex. THE EAGLE IN COLORABO.

Hamilton Kendrlcks. 906 Seventeenth st, SDenver, Col. THE EAGLE IN CANADA. H. A.

xeJce. Gananoque. Ontario, fanw THE EAGLE IN EUROPE. Ca Bale at the American Newspaper Afifncy, Trafalear Buildings. London, and on die at the following places: GIDSg'j Dalted States Exclianire.

9 Strand. Cha Cross; American Travelers' Reading Rooms. LaEKham place; B. C. Exchange Club, 175 New Bond st; Cable News company.

5 New SSrldj st. Ludffate circus; Thomas Cook Son. LudRate circus; R. G. M.

Bowles, 14 Srrand. Lon Munroe 7 Rue Scribe, and Anglo American Banking Company's Reading Room. 01 Avenue de I'Opera, and Eaele Bureau (Abraham Straus). 2S Avenue de I'Opera, Paris; James T. Bates Geneva.

Switzerland, and the German Transatlantic Exchange. 73 Frledrlch etrasM. Benin. W. Rama.

Grand continental Hotel. Havana. Cuba. i.incis. At p.

m. Rev. John Rhey Thompson, JENNIE S. TALL, daughter of the late Alfred T. Tall, to ROBERT MERRILL, both of Brooklyn.

(Buffalo papers please copy.) vt umwiuuu to me value Ol thn rl. nnH Jamaica will be present and deliver an address. A fine pyrotechnic display will take place at the Fountain house in the evening. by Dr. Cofiey.

pastor of Fleet street I 'V "i ll' Smith became saspieions. In tho course' of conversation the stranger mentioned tho namo 1 om iiainni. hV.t Moles. ll Soflolk to Purr Ik Mimr; Hv. in college Point the day will lie celebrated iTosi aione is responsible for the SoiKle.

ui nuiraru H1CK9. whom Oe said hn hi. mf in in the way of picnics and outlnes. The most cnur. n.

the Rev. Harris Acc oc of the a.m. E.Zi..n,'hurch, "'her. Van Iirum corps has been engaged. Tip iv will be a display iiretworks in the evening, cm! nr Amityville soma flve or sis years ago.

Leander important event, will be the picnic and athletic games of the John C. Haefele association re. ns; Mm rt rel. rs; 22 yar 1 bic, i.ree..,rt only, r. lay l.iey, le r.

three' ri.l ii. li tea in i lit irl. klan.i nn.1 K. ilrymon, sentinels. woo was standing by.

eonnected tho name with that of a man who had pnssd a worthless chock on George T. Homan some years ago and who hnd nevor iiun at Donnelly's grove. In Whitestone the day promises to be unusually quiet. cc etsiuiigiotis jiv speakers, committee and i Sea Cliff. Hit, lace.

b. tv leu clll.etl.S 1, race ell. llie i IT John i llelo ni. an.i Fourth of July uie peach lvars promise well, especially the early varieties. Cherries have proved a complete f.

dlure. although they pronilsed well in the spring. Apples will fall far below the average yield. Officers Installed. Flushing, July 3 Tho members of Pacific lodge, I.

o. O. F. of this village, bad a big time Monday ovening on tho occasion ol the installation of their newly elected officers. it.

li lull sinee. The stranger with ihe bmrtrv mi l.e;v. Jla Ij Ijl' re. (Jiatirs. Launch of the Bay Shore.

Bay Shore, July great ctowd as rciurn auouc an nour and went awav. Mr. Wright followd him and saw tho Freepnrt. L. July 3 Following Fourth of July programme for The ladies' auxiliary of tin Baptist sembled at the Prospect houso to seo tho is the ejiort iiurch stop on Broadway near Union avenue.

There a man come out of the woods and talked to tho occupant. Mr. Wright and his brother. Sidnov DIED. ADAMS Suddenly, July 2.

JOHN P. ADAMS. Funeral services will be held at the family residence, 131 St. James place, Friday. July 5.

at 3 P. M. Friends are requested not to send flowers. Members of the Brooklyn Masonic Veterans arc fraternally Invited to attend the funeral services of Ven. Bro.

JOHtf P. ADAMS, at his late residence, 331 St. James place, on Friday, Dth at 2 o'clock P. M. AMASA H.

NICHOLS, President. Frederick L. Jenkins. Secretary. Altair Lodge No.

01. F. and A. M. Brethren You ore invited to attend the funeral services of our late brother, JOHN P.

ADAMS, at his late residence. 131 St. James place, on Friday at 3 o'clock P. M. Albert C.

Aubery, DANIEL WBSCOAT, Secretary. Master. launching of the new Chautauqua steamboat. It was built under tho supervision ot John M. ni.i iieiiii mwii party In the afternoon i in.v miurtu ncha wnen lie was hMro before, and ho addressed him ns Wicka.

Tho man at nrst ueniea his identity, but on Mr. Wright persisting that ho knew liim. finally nn. William Sites William sucrinry Beck: permnnent secretary, G. F.

K.iam;trnasl tian; I S. lo N. 'lljomas Young; warden liooce; cvuductor, Thomas Xkeuse K. Rogers for tho Point of Wood's Chnutnuqun association, and hi son Bert is to be captain of ibo nc craft, which will soon begin its regular trips to and from Chautauqua. The boat slid gracefully down the wavs and into the water fcnowledged that he was Wielc Wright thei.

dispatehe 1 messengers for Mr. Homan and for at hea i nil will be murked special public demonstration, i bough a many re sidc nts are preparing f. small celebrations on tn. ir own account. The steamer idlewild will make f.u excursion trip from New York reaching a ''Nil about noon, i'l the afternoon Idb wib! Hall club will plav a picked nine, captam.d by A.

Van Xostrand. I In re will be a reception and dance at the yu, ht club Ip mt, in which a iiiiKiii iuvii.iiie.ns I. bee issued A numbe nl, wil! be the harb ov. the and many of them win take s'u rt trips during tin y. will begin tha Kos.

re. tl Central hail ami oilier boarding hous. s. jjrf. Ceorga x.

will ntrrtaiji a uiunbcn of reln tivc and friends from umong them, being Mr. ami ami the McCarry Miss Gorman and Shaw. Their arrange! motets in. dude a sail in Mr. Cox's vaclit.

the Hii.vk. and a pimic across the harbor. Air. ami Mrs. Morris will enter lam about tifty me mb.

BKsiei jjeputy huerirr con ley, imd Wiclcs was nrrestod a lew moments alter, and the mnn rith rin buggy, who had bv this time rotnrn.H iy. ti.n wont ofl very easily, nnd gave no troui.lo. Miss Martha Hulso broko the customary bottle of wino over tho bow and christened tho ooat the Bay Shore, while the band played. The immenso crowd cheered heartily, and tho cannon boomed a salute. "I' mi snutn iii i tie rcsnleuce Mr.

K. Mend, on Main street. Wide Awake Engine' company will a ironic anil melon festival. Music will be furnished by the Freoport. corned band; the festival will be held in Benedict's lot.

Main streee. The first annual picnic of the Hose company x. will l. 'jo jj Miller's grove. Fulton street.

The Crescent base ball team will play Jamaica Base Ball club two games, morning and afti ri'ooti Riverhead. L. July To morrow thee will he two trots on the Ik county fair BXnunils here. At Roanoke cove, on the Sound shore, the local rami. Sons of Veterans will have an outing, when all kinds of v.orts wil take place the afternoon, and in stauie, was also taken into custody.

justice, on hearing the Btnrle rtf lrtth at.lac Ai Coming Events. excursion of the Germin Butcher guard tt Ulmer park, July 17. Picnic of the State Social, club at Feltman's pavilion. Coney Island, thin eventnir. Frank J.

Jlott's friends will meet him at .1 picnic to night in Dexter park. Jamaica avenue and Enfield street. Brooklyn Feople in the Country. Avon by. the Sea, N.

J. Mr. and Mrs. A. F.

Cushmin and Miss C. Cuahman are at the Oxford. Rlchneld Springs, N. Y. Mr.

and Mrs. H. S. Hart and Miss Amelia S. Hart are at the SprinK house.

Becdcs. N. Y. Mr. and 3Irs.

Isaac H. Cary are Buests at St Hubert's inn. Saratoga Springs. N. Y.

Yesterday'. arrivals Slaed J' lr' B'ers' By niehard Ph ster. Henry Heyer. George J. Malloy: R.

1JUSENER ON Tuesday. July 2, HERMANN charged the prisoners, holding that no olVenso 'J, to T. Har Sn: orrce; L. s. S.

R. If (.., f.norge Schneider; chaplain, It. Kt After the installation speeches were made by the members and grand lodge officers. Whitestone in a Bad Way. Whitestone.

L. 1.. Jmy STh rr.s,Knatlon of Captain G. J. Merritr.

as a member of the board or village trustees win necessitate a special election to fill the vacancy The vil Inge treasury is said to be entirely depleted and the bondholders are clamoring for the interest on their bonds, while the creditors HCSENER, In his S5tli year. Relatives and friends are respectfully Invited to attend his funeral from his late residence Sixty second st. between Tenth and Eleventh avs. Brooklyn, on Friday, July 5. 1895.

Quarrel Among City Fathers. Long Island City. L. July 3 A livelj CARROI.l On Tuesday. July 2.

JOHN CAR scene happened at the regular meeting of the common council last evening. During the routine business Alderman Joseph Me ion. uie evening dancing will be the The: following are tho entries fur the F. Binl the beloved husband of Mary Ann Carroll, aged years. Relatives and friends of the family and the members of Brooklyn Council No.

59, C. E. Gee charged extravagance in the water de c. V. i partment.

Alderman James Comiskv arose iiuu uoun committeu. Mrs. Tuttle Bitten by a Snake. Riverhead. L.

July 3 Mrs. Nettie Tuttle was bitten by a snake this morning on the right leg while standing in the grass in her front dcor yard. Third street, this village. The sting was very painful, and Mrs. Tuttle was very much frightened, she being at the time along with her daughter.

Florence, aged 14. The wound was cauterized by Dr. John H. Benjamin. Mrs.

Tuttle is suffering much from nervous shock and from a heart trouble with which she is afflicted. Patrick Maloney, living a short distance u. "5ncr ana auss s. P. Peekham at the Hue stis thei: and accused McGee of putting in bids to the ul iuf MiiaKe are indignant because cash is not forthcoming.

t.o.. of I'r. all. purs. S1 i let Itiv.

tli.a.i: Ii rliea lam Ii. i c'li A. Itr. Ki Stoart. 1 Kltiv.

l. rt A. i ulv. i ciTichtly. It.

Davis. Brooklyn, at their resl Idf a enue. a clam roast will ji nr. s. of the Glen Cove livery real holiday in the vit.

ii rt ll of July. stav3 and gives a clam bake ir cir. hjs pretty e. This year in will observe Lexington, N. Y.

William J. Kelly of 2K St water Doaru under tne name of A. H. Smith to furnish pipe to the citv. which acrlnn deuce.

Se be one of tile 'itaunc tables liai ll 1: is on homo f. U'i In re. to bis re place at Sea I bis usual pre am0hS the late arrivals at the Mi .1 j. the part of a city official is a violation of the charter. McGee indignantly denied the ac ewport, K.

I.c. s. Husted. Willis Husted and I'. I Austin I Pednt o'Wooels.

L. I. cusation. A. H.

Smith, being among the high bidders, will not get the contract. July 3 Everythlru arc respectfully Invited to attend the funeral from his late residence, 71 Dean st, on Friday. thi 5th at 2 o'clock P. M. Interment in Calvary Cemetery.

CURSON On Tuesday. July 2. MAY ISABELL. the only daughter of Joseph and Mamie C. Curson.

Funeral service at o'clock to night, at their residence, 19 Lawrence st. Interment at convenience of family. GRACE On Tuesday, July 2, IS05, THOS. F. GRACE.

Funeral services Thursday, July 4. at 1 o'clock aw 1 a a.t uie ocean house Henry Tlsdale, Mrs. B. Mason Hammett re the guests of Mr. Philip Rider.

is in readiness for the (idpiiIiil .1... i nouse OverflowiriK Lamps in a Blaze Greenport, L. July 3 J. J. Burns, ttio proprietor ol the Paragon house, reniov th globe regulating tho supplying of kerosene oil from the reservoir this morning, and the oil rushocl through tho pipe, causing nn OT in nil the lighted lamps in doz or more chandeliers.

All the people in tne threw blankets, coats and other availables over ho blazing oil in time to nr. 'Vent a coull.igrntion. of 1 tins after Mrs. Tuttle had been stun? hv the u. ts will attend elub hop i oc anei ar iiurinv oi 1 1 rangements have beep made for the five thou te.

ieorr The Clam Law Violated. Bay Shore, July 3 There appears to be tlle. killed a black snake, which ho L. Julv crawling about his yard. The snake meas sane, visitors exja ct.

d. i new hotel ami Pal Women's Christian Temperance t'nb bnibt. The Fourth will 'hoglie. leb considerable trouble in Suffolk county in en ureu turee ieet seven Inches In length. Mrs Tuttle said she was standing in the grass eh tui tly b.

as most 1 tin day the Point i. n' rs and tuaiiy everv viemity will tie press forcing the law regulating tho taking ot small clams. Egburt Ji. Benjamin, the lisn and gamo protector, has consulted Wilmot M. Smith, the Hers will is.

boat it: til upancy. as are also tin 1 'o leges. Th. grounds icedle nt order are many surpries ing are ready for cs many other houses have been put in management say ti: here in store for th Wo ailing I int. The and he says that the law Is nerfecflv Smashed His Furniture.

Jamaica. L. July Chiistepher Beyer correct and clear and it should be enforeo.i opie to morrow. Tlie 1 Hotel Arrivals. Arnngtoa J.

e. Maloney, C. M. Shedel Thmn Adams. Thomas CussJn.

Arthur wJK A Mackenzie. G. w. re! ell 1" Mott. Oiiarles S.

Block. Robert Brl.lii gan. David Porter. Brooklyn; A. Merriman" Werlden.

Mr. and Mrs. L. Taylor Vr "i wraK Patchogue. L.

1 vum a George goat, M. J. Breiman. Frederick J. Wart.urton SaTrdt A Maltbie.

Now York Mrs SmUh'T Ei Smlth' Carolina: lr Mrs. F. J. Hoover. Philadelphia.

Pa KIclvola Chtoago. A. Devlne. RvG i 'uriosltv. be sjde Mr.

Benjamin found that little clams were being i. resons th at a gre it a I grove. mcumonu was held sTcamers ecesiuuo atic, Moot it I will ror on complaint of his foe I nioKe large of sailboats will make island anil Cherry at. iuth beach, it is estimaioi nl' will be a tip, ruin; South hi aca theHe ap'! sorts her and smashing the furniture In nuIrctta The pr.v ramtn. home while intoxi ated.

tht'lr wlll b. gir, at 1 oVI. with a on, at his late residence. C9 Clinton av. Members Varuna Boat Club and St.

Ambrose Council. C. It. respectfully Invited to attend. HALL On Wednesday.

July 3. ELLEN HALL, aged 2'i years. Relatives and friends are respectfully Invited to attend the funeral from the residence of her sister. Mrs. Martin, 02C Atlantic av, on Friday.

July 5. 1S9G, at 2 o'clock P. KAEWER On Wednesday. July 3. 1SD5.

HELENA beloved daughter of Ljuls and Wllhemtna Kaewer, aged years 11 months 5 days. Funeral services at late residence, 23 Lincoln place. Friday evening. July 5. 8 o'clock.

Interment at convenience family. tha: ton various morr. A d. le will I oias.S Oail't the miss ma l.awscm. co: rt Brooklyn, and Wilmot urai ui ner yara watenmg for the grocery wagon.

The grass in quite tall there, and the reptile must have been coiled and hidden from view, for Mrs. Tuttle raid she did not see the snake until she was bitten. Dr. Benjamin has pronounced her out of danger! Mrs. Tuttle is a daughter of the late Jonathan Reeve.

Her residence is not far from v. ocds. and snakes have frequently beeu killed in that neighborhood. Annoyed His Old Employer. Amityville.

L. A mau known as John, formerly employed by Charles F. Hart, was arrested on a warrant sworn out by tho latter for disorderly conduct and arraigned beforo Justice Swezoy yesterday. The man had a whon intoxicated, of appearing at Mr .1 N'a. BrMh "VTt tT.

soprano, of Smith, wife They iress of ive i N. W. I 'eS Rile of the county jildge. are the will sin'. patriotic airs.

The a come will be by preside! McDonald: city'; Long Island Obituary Record. John H. Osborn of Newark, who has been sp ndmg the summer with relatives at St i Clifl. died at that village, yesterday, ar er long I 'uucra will bo ld at the Methodist church to morrow at o'cloei. liie iuterment will i iL'ue whoidmen tie' Roe it twenty 'ing.

and iq the races at w. bo tho i.s at the sev Leonard. New York: Bnstnn te Boatonr Jo.nh 1 i club, Porlf T.iyi XTrtX o. Tin ai i u. iu siuu anil lie warns the proprietors.

bad warned thorn before, bin they i aid no so told that this would bo the last warning they would get. "Whisky and Carbolic Acid. Brentwood, L. July 3 Justice Tronic E. Blacker this morning found in the corner or a ryo field, Mr.

FreanJ's barn, a whisky glass and a two ounce bottle witii about a naif tcaspoonful carbolic ncid it. This is supposed to be tho bottle in whieh Tiilot on, tho suicide, had the nci I with which he killed him The bottle has the tubal of orire eu i sclioncfer. Manhattan and Bedford avenues, Brooklyn, K. and lliis clew m. iy a 1 to thA man's positive identification.

Tiliotson was buried ia Oakwood cemetery Tuosdnv. the the Henry I liv th Babylon. usual era! li Ilabyl.i: th" o.ik i lireat by Fathe MAHONEY On Tuesday. July 2. 1S93, PATRICK tc r.

other addressee will he ma Rev. .1. X. Hallo. k.

Christian at Work: the Rev. a. cdto others interested in the Chantiii pat riot nMrrss of the will be ex Congrc ssman Rosw. 1 Hnrr of A Uly 3 The i rriu mee. tho 11 L.

laud Flerrepont McSpadSS. WkSd Mr and Mrs. M. Miss Shorte? CuSa. W.

C. D. Kentgen. Brooklvn: Hentr helmer, Philadelphia; Jllson J. Coleman.

Yoiv IV. Y. Punished for Reckless Drivius. of ac ss the t.i i. rovv ae SYLVESTER MAHONEY, only and beloved son of Patrick and Margaret Mahoney.

aged 0 months and 17 Jays. Funeral from residence. 239 Sixteenth st. July 4. c.cicv ii.

cm ncoti City for tin comtnodauen of tlio. ij wlio wis, attend. About Long Islanders. an gu i. I riduy the regular season's tin at l'.

interment in Holy Crosn Cemetery. ii Hart's house and demanding payment of several years wages which he claimed were duo him. His presence became to annoying that Mr. Hart was finally compelled to appeal to tho law. Justice Swezey sentenced him to Imprisonment in ltivorhend jail for thirty days.

Iples of Bri rspersed. i 'ti a a lv. r. it in. n.lier ih Val i Mis: 1.

ceptv! a Nurv.a'iK. At ar.I 'I J'You could not see them go for the dust they made," said Pork Policeman McFiirl. ind this morning to Justiee Steers in the Grant street police court, when Abraham Kosenskil of Mulberry street. New York and Richard Raphael of Baxter street, Now York, were arraigned for reckless driving on tho boulevard yesterday fternoon. The men were fined naiii, am; t.ncnc rs retreat i s.

ven il iys' session will be ina'prurau'd. 1 S. uthjmpton, L. July 3 Th July is to be celebrated with mi: tlJi village Tber. will a para'l i fire department ami th.

I I b.dgi.s in morning. Following the parade 'in cc i a series of sports and In the I i'i the new as Adams; I tlC R. mr itto ireSS. bv Tombola Euchre Party. Sen CHIT.

L. July :) The guests at the ad of this end presnien: the Rev. ia McGARRY A requiem mass, year's mind, will be celebrated Thursday, July 4. at o'clock A. at St.

Agnes' Church, city, for rhe repose of the soul of the lare JAMES Mc GARRY. O'BRIEN OX July' 2, HELEN, daughter of Thomas F. and Mary O'Brien, aged 11 months. Funeral from her residence, Pacific st, on Thursday. July 4.

at 2 o'clock. PIERSON On Tuesday, July 2, SARAH CLAIRE PIERSON. widow of the late James H. Pier son, aged 6G years. Relatives and friends are Invited to attend the funeral from the residence of her son.

James Plerson, G'X Halsey st, on Wednesday evening. July 3. at o'clock. i i address, by H.aue: ral display of fireworks. Th in eharee are: Sea CuIT house had a tombola euchre) party Jtekc" last nlglit.

There were seven tables. Every jr. i Mr. player had a prize nnd Miss Carrie Miss i N' Lulu Sheridan, Commodore Sheridaa and I V'rr ti. tl 1...

ii .1. I. ng. Spra ue. Dr.

IMwar bv be of Port Jeffe of this K. are! of faculty: oration. music will of Kugeii" s. nc ilis' b. aii 1 Avlm; Ha: j.

By Wheel to the Ocean. Sag Harbor, L. July 3 The Sag Harbor Bicycle club had Its first run yesterday to Brldgehampton Beach and return. A party of forty men and women left Sag Harbor at 2 P. and after a short run were soon enjoying the pleasant view of the Atlantic ocean.

A lunch had beeu prepared and was waiting them on their arrival. Among those in the run were Miss Annie Sleiqht, Miss Louise Painter, Mrs. Stephen Swayzo! j. jiiii, us uigiitj. iL ceiicr, naei nrst cfioiee.

Mr. tars I'. on .1 II Mrs, :i.s are Fa Ht Cs Julv 3 Mnrh. M. 1 suinrne mo were a miscellaneous assortment of Hak sice: N.

II, line John H. u.nel. th. din EsthauiJ n. more has a ine en the the on I A.

.1., smau usotul arucies. .1 Monahan Was Sufficiently Punished. Andrew Monahan, who lives nt 8S1 Ciasson Tenne, was before Justice Steers in the Grant street police court this morning lor assaulting his wife on Saturday night while under tho influence of liquor. Mr. Monnban's wife was in eourt and said that she had forgiven her husband, as sho thought he had been punished enough by being in jail several days and also finriiatuent a L' o'clock iu 'ourtli.

Stages will run Ii be acil ll pa i from tne lass, Tie iii be three id i A. I. I i war Is. Mr guns. S.

II. White. Dy injuries ho had received. Monahan was 1 discharged. I Siloarn Young People.

class 1 any gauge is are included iv is rred. tin. works at the the grounds of e.s in even A Wandering Lunatic. Jamaica, L. July McKee of Brooklyn, a harmless lunatic, was arrested on Fulton street yesterday by Oilic er Pie brant and confined in the town" hal! until his friends could be heard from.

They agreed to take him away as soon as they llud a place provided for his care. Three Clergymen Made Odd Fellows. Bay Shore. L. July 3 There was an unusually large attendance of the members of urs.

i tnerwood, Miss Mary Palmer. Mrs. Sommers, Mrs. Affron, Mrs. George Schollenger, H.

Palmer. W. C. Greene. F.

C. McXamara. George 0. Rer.ey, Thomas Howard. Harry Young, Frank Bills, H.

P. Williamson. Thomas Sellors. C. Schremp.

George Dickerson, Charles Knapp, William Blaiklock. Edward Dennison. Charles Guir en. Cornelius Wassel. Thomas Bisgood, Frederick Somers.

William Affron. Th. iv Mauls: SHARMAN HENRY J. SHARMAN. aged 57 years.

Funeral services at his lo to residence, 303 Schermerhorn st. on Saturday, July G. S95 at 2 o'clock P. M. Friends and members of Brooklyn Lodge No.

22, B. P. O. Elks respectfully Invited. SHAY On Tuesday.

July 2. 1S95. MATILDA, wife of John Shay, Relatives and friends are respectfully Invited to attend the funeral from her late residence 109 Washington av, Brooklyn, Friday, July 5 Only the Cook who uses ROYAL i iious'. a'nd rivate 1 K. nja 11 rr Vkr 11.

II. I. I July Tho vent In Too Siloatn Young People's Soeioty of Christian Endeavor hold its regular weekly meeting In the church on Prince street last evening. The reports from tho chairmen of the various DOmmitteeS ShOWed nrOTreL Tl.rt nnnnlnF. mark the I ringing of Pecjuod Cy urth in Jamaica is t'ie church bells at ak.

The mg club will take a run through Clergymen in a Plight. at 2 iJ. Ipnild, nf mm I. I i I The following programme of sports has been arranged by the commit tee ei i. y.i: i vara ca.k:ng ijan'. I 2.i. ra. ejuiiioii. 22m yard im le ra e. nn 3 yard run.

suindiiic t. Jump re. I I. as hidl varl leir.ll.. i mi ng all ruiuillii: Jump.

var.l 1,1, ra. standing l.r Jumn e. im: JS5.7. JOHN H. i Greenport.

L. July .3 The Rev. J. J. of lllni account 1 THIEMANN On Tuesday.

July THIEMANN, in the e37th year of his ace. Dunlcp. pastor of the Prpshvterinn church ftcicau. jluo topic, "Faith in God; What It Is and What It Docs 1 Hebrew 11:1 7, 32 40, 12:1 2, was dlsoussod by leveral of the members. Kext Snmkc tho 1 Fire Island lodge of Odd Fellows last evening when the first degree was conferred upon the Rev.

John C. Stephenson, rector of St. Peters P. E. church, the Rev.

George Pecker, paster of the M. E. church, and the Rev. Charles Everest Granger, pastor of the Congregational church. The third degree was also conferred upon another candidate.

After the working of the degrees the following oflj ll r.e hanimer. air Uiev race. 2 1 va is sure of the Finest Food. 1 tne down to Babylon. There will be the usual explosion of firecrackers am! a plav of fireworks at a number of private rr.

i.Iejccs At Richmond Hill, about a mile west of this village, there will be a parade the firemen of the village and the G. A. It. pos.t tie town, followed by speeches and singing in the grove. Iu the afternoon there will be a ball game and in the evening a band concert.

Then, will be a line display ot firework. six each: climbing frreased slew ilcy, rac e. tug war tug of wnr IJuninrl. six tich pel'. catching greased jiig.

Kelatlven and trieaas also Allemania Lodpe No. the Rev. J. M. Davis of the Baptist 10, F.

anrl A. M. Steuben Lodge No. 133, I. "uc u.

O. F. Roland Encampment No. Dl. I o.

O. the CV Mr' Be" cf the Methodist church are respectfully invited to attend funeral 3nd the Rov Mr of the East Marion services at his late residence. 207 Hudson av. Baptist church started in a yacht for New at 2 P. M.

Interment Greenwood. London one day last week to witness the II aiety will hold its seventh Suadny service nt 7:45 P. when the Bev. j. M.

Butler of Grnvesend, LwHl speak. iter The committee has decided to exclude from contests all who do not reside between Shin.

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