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The Brooklyn Daily Eagle from Brooklyn, New York • Page 2

The Brooklyn Daily Eagle from Brooklyn, New York • Page 2

Brooklyn, New York
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

ttttXS. WILL1AMSBURGH NEWS. I Scientific iutenicnoe InportanTrlBl. by Her. Dr.

Cox ih nrmninlca nnon whioh P. A. Browne, Eq The seoond leotnre of the Atheneum course was dlivorcd last evening by Rev. Dr. Cox.

Brooklyn Flremou's Convention The dslegatoa from the various Fire Companies in this city met at Fireman's Hall laBt evening, for the purpose of nominating candi iu his Trischologia Mammalium, founded the distinction ot three distinct tpecUt of men, have been lately recognized and successfully main BROOKLYN INSTITUTE LECTURES. The Yorly Coorn of Lecturei of tba Brooklyn Initl tule will commence on TH.UR8DAY EVENING, Nov. 16ih, 1854. The following Gentlemen bare keen engaged ui Lectnren Not. IS Rev.

T. Starr King, of Boiton, Alaai. 23 J. Sldeey Henihaw, of Utlca, H. Y.

SO Park Benjamin, New Haven, Ct. Examination ot lue Riotcm POLICE COORT BEFORE THE MAYOR AND JU6T1BB BOSWELL. The examination of the parties concerned in His subject was an analysis of Scott poem ot Murmion. a Tale of Floddon Held. it naa been, he said, a rich acquisition to postry that its VVKBE1AY KV SOTKMBgRg.

Doc. 7 jonn u. eaxe, vennuni. tained by Jfroiessor i. vxiuuoa Ui

College, South Carolina, one of the most distin. cuished ethnologists of the present time, in fiai hum Judce Whitner. when a female, who dates for the office of Chief EDgineer. me" was occupied by James McGke, of Engine Co 14 Bayard Taylor, Sew York. si Cul.

Thorpe. Brooklyn.N. Y. tha election riots, which was adjourned rrom Thursday, the lfiih, wae resumed yesterday. mpi.

lrolilbltlotiists 2S Prcl. Kdward Hltenoock, Amtterat, Mais. No. 2. and P.

li. Taws, of Hose Co. no. i wo I had been held for 13 years, as a negro slave, waa In Wm. K.

HmltD. AlaQamB. garniture and imagery should be upon tne ground of truth. Mere fanoy was evanesoent; an exhalation fleeting aa the rainbow. But poetry such as the Task of Cowper salted with immor (Jlark party is beginning to quarry The appointed Secretary.

The credentials ot ine about the provisions wntcn wui liberated upon the ground mat sne was an muwi The reporter of the "Southern Patriot saya Some fonrteen years ago, a Mr. Darby, ot dVttUC Delegates having been reoeived, tne uouvcu went into an informal ballot, Messrs. Flanagan, the prohibitory diu wuiuu ii ill I. t.n nnTT narMniy tality, survived a thousand works ol pross. T.t..w ia nrna.irlv PTmrCSSiOU Of SUOh S.

SOtt oi Hoae Company No. 2, and Phillips, ot cngmo No. being appointed tellers. A WO AO tlneleB. delieuta and stimulates tno mina.

ll L. O. McPhaU, M.D., Brooklyn, N. 18 Kev Joan Flerrepont, Boiton, Maai. 25 George W.

Uurtla, New York. Feb. 1 B.ev B. H. Chapln, New York.

Wendell Phillip, Boiton, Uaai. 15 Doors will be open at 6 P.M. Lecturei commence at o'clock, P.M. Tickiti admitting a gentleman and two two roiuori to the coune may be procured at the InaUtule, or of the JMceo. ricket.


E013K Lecture Committee. bey propose to pass ammB vu CMioa ot the Legislature. Tho Albany Knick bocker, whose editor is clerk of the Senate, tales tlat no one need suppose "such an abominable law as that of last winter will he riO SO Mil Chester District purchased a girl oalled Lucy, who was oarried to that neighborhood by a man named Thomp on, said to have been seen In Washington, D. as late as 1881, practising law The girl had the looks of an Indian, but was sold to him as a negro. She ran away repeatedly, telling her playmates she was an Indian.

Some three or tour years ago she waa lodged in jail in Columbia, as a runaway and advertised. Her owner came for her, and was Mere rhythmus, and much less mere rhyme, is nothing essential to it. The ancients had no conception of rhyme. Homer, Virgil and the The Court was densely crowded by tne uibuuh of the accused, witnesses and others. Mr.

Lapaugb moved that Patrick M. Doyle and Patrick McCue be discharged, aB there was no evidence against them; if the District Attorney had any further testimony to produce against them, he waa willing they should Btand the examination. The District Attorney said that it was not yet known what evidence would appear against theso prisoners, and thou get it premature to ask their discharge until after the evidence was olosed. He thought, as the question of a rio had bsen settled, the evidence now should be with reference to identity. INFORMAL BALLOT.

Whole number of votes bl ,6 Israel D. Velsor iq Anthony F. Campbell John J. Green John Cunnigbam 2 Putriclr Duffv The liquor law of 1S55 will, it adds, be drawn coasesscd of common sense ana ma other Greek and Latin poets, were not rnymers. Otsian is a poet, but there is no rhyme in his works.

If wo oould reproduce in their native coatumj the Hebrew melodies, they would stand iinrivHofl in their excellence. It is not defin required to show his Dill or aaie, wnicn wan uu. considered altogether satisfactory. Several Cit iretion. It will aim at the destruction of those tinnlinir shops where our thieves and mur BROTHERS After the vote was announced, Joseph Reeves moved that the CDnvention nominate three candidates for Chief Engineer, and that a majority confer a nomination, which was CONCERT.

The ORAND MOLLENHAUER and Madame PEAU0BLL1ER, will izens were impressed Dy ine girrs njipowou, and advised the jailer not to give her up, as she lerera are made. In short, it will be just such a itely ascertained when rhyme commenced, but it Oner celebrated assisted by several Colleainte institute, law as good men will approve of a statute that evidently was au Indian, tie appiuu wuv Moana fnr advice, and the Governor carried, and on motion the first formal billot no21 3t Artists. Tickats CO Cents. is supposed to have been introduced Dy me monks of the middle ages in chanting their ser enforced because it will take up no poai directed him to Btand a suit, and let the case be TRR MANAGERS Ol? THE THIS imn that tmblio d.inioa will not sanctiou and decided by an appeal to evidence. TLH BENEVOLENT SOCIETY OF BROOKLYN, enforce.

Several witnesses were examined, but as the testimony is a repetition'ofwhat we have already published, we do not deem it decessary to re. produoe it. THIS DAY After long aeiays Dy tne party maiming ui, vices and some of the specimens of that period seem to have had an influence on the workB of Spencer aad Chaucer. The lecturer then passed Ji ALL will take plaie on THURSDAY, Nov. 23d, cn To this the Tribune replies by maiatammg wliicn occasion uiey sieuge inciimc.vco tlon will us spared so ronaer mis me can oi uic to proourc evidence, tne case was ineu ai late term.

Some three years sinoe an old Cherokee visittd Columbia on hearing that an Indian was entered into. FORMAL BALLOT. Israel D. Velsor 1 Anthony F. Campbell 4 Blank Mr.

Velsor was declared duiy nominated. SECOND FORMAL BALLOT. Anthonv F. Campbell fnHUt.v r.1 all such laws, and argues onto a consideration oi Scott's poem on me Battle of Flodden Field. He presented a dia whilft Hroaawav saloons are privileged to sell girl was in jail.

He said mat tourieen yemo otm whiln his tribe was on the way from North a0Viillaces' Cotillion Band la eoiaged and also a Highland Piper Sir. PARKER. Floor Manager. Tickets 1 can be had of either of the Managers, or ot Mr. HA INKS, Hall.

Sans White. Speretflrv. no21 St Carolina to Arkansas, an Indian girl, about four gram of the field where the battle was fought. From the time of Edward the First, Eagland Bordeaux and oogDiac at high prices, the three ctnt establishments cannot bo prevented from enjoying the Bame immunity. John Cunningham Green years was stolen from nis party tuai grea distress wasoaused to her parenta that she was John J.

had oppressed Scotland, and France had taken 1 The examination was resumed teia morning, The room was densely crowded aa beiore, but no other sign of excitement was apparent. Graham Polly gave the oft repeated dascrip ion of that period of tae riot, when the mob trrived with hickory olubs or hoop poles; knew Patrick Blade, but none of the others. Arrest of Oliver Lee. On Saturday alter noon about two o'clook, Oliver Lee, whose ap Blank CONXINGHAM WaS declared nominat the side of the Scotts. England had been at war with'Louia the XUth the child of his sister's dangnter, auu wmv uu name was Lut se that he oame to Columbia with the hope of seeing Lut se, and that, as soon MO TAGUB HALL CONCERT ANU ASSEMBLY ROOMS, Court atn Brooklyn, (oppo ilto the City Hall.) blccethe Ian aeaion, theipaclona and aplendld concert and Roomi of Montague Hall, have been reno.

vaied and re decoraed tbrougnout, and the undersigned lonee or the banding, la prepared to make arrangement! wlh Manogeraof Bill, Concirts. ecinroa, with nd (Irs Comoanlea and her aaioclauoni. lor ed, when a member said that the last nominee declined ths honor, and another ballot Tub Grand Trunk Railway. The Sixte of Maine contains a detailed account of the Grand Trunk Railway, the construction of which is Canada. From the and Scotland lympathising with Louis, was drawn Into a war with Eagland.

"War was not as ho laid eyeB on ner ms near wan rejuiuou see the face of his sister's daughter that this was had. ranch commended by the lecturer, who was of girl is Lut se, and she is mucn use ner moiuer omtpr'H children are like her her mother's sister's children are like her 1 ihe uie of the aame on reaionable termi. as tii.xlhAr'n niofpr. the opinion of Franklin, that there never was a prehension by the JNew lorn onicers we an nounced in onr paper of that day, was brought THIRD FORMAL BALLOT. John J.

Green Ji Anthony F. Campbell F. B. Spioola Thf chiefs name is Inaluskie. The old man trood war nor a bad peace.

War he considered as Jrom the unique and aaroireo manner iu are titled up, tbeir central at.d eligible location their eaia of acceii, and the appllaica and convenience with wh ea iheyarefurulahed.iae proprietor hesiiatel not to snarl wlihcui fear of cuntraalitlon, that they are uot lurpiaied In d.II nnntt.aj. hn mM wth til 000 1)70 tUerOOmi. removed eightyears ago from Arkansas, and now nnnnpfiaarv amone nations as hanging in oom' lives North Carolina, ue was a captain uu Blank article we gither a tew interesting toots. The railway, as by the acts of the provincial parliament, consolidating several lines previously chartered, extends from the city ol Portland, Maine, to Port Sarni.i. C.

at the foot of Like Huron, with a branch line to Quebec, which ia to be extended eastward aa far aa Trnis Pistoles. munities or duelling between individuals. War is tha last arirument ot kings we ought to before Mayor Wall and justice rsosweu at toe Mayor's office, where he was surrendered up to our authorities by the New York officials. Prisoner, on being interrogated by the Mayor, stated that his name was Oliver Lee, that he wbb present at the riot, and engaged in the fight, and 1 I oulddo weU tomakeao early application to prevent dl John Hulse. W.

V. Wricht change regum to legum and make it the last ar ppoluimentaj the r.iomi are raplaly engaging. VX 1 i mj d.iiar..1i.iv nha nnit der Gin. Jackson, at the Dattie of me norso Shoe Bend, where he oommanded one hundred and thirty warriors, and fought with much distinction. Commissions were read from several chiefs ot tribes now in North Carolina, stating There being choioe, the Convention proceeded gument ot tne law.

es andOrgan atom of evary deicrlpilon will here Sad ii Bi rnmnin liitiani ihoT in ov reaatre. Including faclll that ha nun xvrttHii lu iu nua vji.n no to the tlei for Supper, There was a great deal of chivalry in the age mhir Sir Walter has described. Chivalry was A iipllmtloD or me uio oi nun may VSwJi The line from Portland to Monti eal ia already that a girl named Lut se wbb stolen irom one of their party about fourteen years ago. A com a compound of many elements, and was developed in the eleventh century. it fluenced the nr 9 2m and oDened to business.

The Quebec uty sheriff, in place of Jamea Calhoun, who was one of the contingent ol specials furnished by the ProteBtant Association, but he did not have his warrant. He stated that he was a Protestant and was fighting against the Catholics. He received a blow, turning, strnck a mau with NortOB TO TUB ItKBIDlSNTa OF TU FIB3J FODRTH FORMAL BALLOT John i. Green Anthony F. Campbell J.

D. Velsor F. B. Spinola Blank ..39 ..20 1 1 1 mission was read oi tne exammauuu ui a mir. Carter, the wile of a man who purchased the and Richmond section will shortly be opened.

Nenrlv three hundred miles more will be opened Kirl from Thompson ano soia ner untuy. In this she stated that, learning from her church, the state, the court iho camp and the cottage, for about lonr hundred years, until Cervantes exposed it to contempt. From the time that Don Quixote became translated into various languages chivalry faded away. James the Fourth of Sooiland who, together mwh Ma slain on Fodden Field, and in the autumn ot 1653, and two hundred more No hcb "hebr trl.en thai Cru will put Ibruugh 1 Ihe Streen of the VillST andTHIBD WAEDfl, baiwask IrTerrenont tbejunctlon of Fulton treetandtht Knit KlTor, on Ul)aSDAY of ech weak, and laroueli all Streeiln ittld Wardf. from Plorrfipom itreot to At Unite otreet and from Booruni ureel to Ihs Et Klvaroa a piece or ooaia, ureunius u.

uiu6. was told at once that he had struck the wrong I'he chair announced that John Gbeen had in 1S5G, making an aggregate at the close ot that ohildren that the girl said she was an Indian, she oalled her up and questioned her about it, when she said "No," she was not an Indian, but hinhost number or votes, anu wuo ituei cu mju year ot eight hundred and seventy nine mnea. Kill DAY of each woa. therefore nominated. man, and immediately expressed ni3 regrets therefor.

He was unacquainted with Harrison. The admissions of Lee were fully corroberat Ive of the testimony ol Hayden, the witness who, Vhroach allltio sireeu oi mo nuuaia wiuwuii Ma armv routed: after crossing the Tweed her mo'her was a negro, xms wan ouereu UB evidence, and, Btrange to say, admitted. But The capital ot Grand Trunk Company is finn nt whu amount there had been (ro KuUon'avanua to Sana itreoi, on THMudi each weak and through all tbe ureal of. ld Ward, rua nine from Fulton ilieet to Bridge, on FR10AY 01 east encamped on one of the Cheviot hills; within irdera nf Encland. Lord Surrey as he identified Lee as the before the Coroner's jury.

raid ai the beuiuniug of October, 310,533,715 FIFTH FORMAL BALLOT. Anthony F. Campbell IVm. Seamen F. Spinola Scattering Rtnmk Harrison "rhrouslialltneStreeltot tho '1FTH AED lytoi tn it bad the opposite eneci oi wuai.

wo mreuutu. As it was clear that among her playmates the cirl told the truth, and to her master or mistress .22 ...35 1 ...3 llUU nV' CD came to give him battle was on his own ground; The contracts for the various lines require them IweenBandi trset and the EnitftiYer, onTtlUKHUAX el each weak, and through all the Hireeu of (aid Ward. lj. Prisoner also mentioned the names of other nortipa ajhn pre concerned ia the riot, and, in while James, from some aostrao reiuseu Mentlv had been taught to say otherwise. anv unfair advantage of the enemy and she evidently naa Deeu forward that she had, for T.l, to be equal to any first class English railway, and suoerior to any now in use on this continent 111.

k. JnbolO t. i himBRlf be defeated. Fifty oiinwpri to thou Evidence was brought fourteen years been in Chester, in the possession fact, mannestea every uispueniuu tho information in reeard to it in his possession. log between oaBQB ana juumuii moon uu vivivm Anifthrough atltheitreeii of theSECONP 8VUR.OAY of each weak, tor the purpoie.of colleclln.

coalaibai. sand Soots were killed, and twenty six thousand hria bpj all tn have stone or brick He Is a man of about thirty years of age, over six feet in height, and proportionably athletic. Eaelish. The lecturer recitea toe greater por iu un' io with Iron tubes across the spans Tha reilusuti oi eacn yi uciuarij hi, to hn niuead on the aldawalkaln front ot tion of the poem a prodigious feat ot memory A blow from his net wouia, to juuge uum mo their dwelling! by 7 o'clock In Ino morning of each Tha tubes are on the plan of the Menai bridg but as the work is in every library, we presume our readers are sufficiently acquainted with ite T.hvn!aae. be sufficient to Kill a man.

ne wae Jejunal aoove. a wif.a. Tim station buildiues are to be of of Darby, worsmg aa a negro, uu au wumuwou although oalled "Darby's Indian." The moBt striking testimony abduoed In the case was that ol Dr. R. D.

Gibbes. He was put upon the stand and called upon to explain the ethnological distinction of races. He exhibited a cast of an Indian skull, an aboriginal, said to hp trnm nnfi in the Academy of Soience in Phila committed to the county jail. Williamsburgh Mr. Seaman having received the highest num.

ber was declared nominated. The nominess therefore are Israel Vel eoT, John J. Green, William Skamas. ASSISTANT ESOISEEB8. On motion the Convention proceeded to nominate candidates for five Assistant Engineers, by acolamation, and the following gentlemen were put in nomination.

John F. Reed of Engine Co. No. 13. John R.

Patterson of Hoae Co. No. o. (iarvr sialflw Assistant Engineer. beauties bnok or stone, and covered with slate or metal jylu Baildeuee 286 Jay itrtal, jMP Nassau i'lRB inbobanoh Qompakt 0 Press.

The contracts include a supply of engines, car. Examination Pdblic School No. 6. The both passenger and freight as well as gravel anamination of this school, which lasted during SsiookLYN.officeaNo.lO Courtitreet. oppollteClly Hall No.

13 Merchant'! Exchange. New York. Thli company continue! to luture agalnal low and daj ne by firef Furniture, Horchandlia, Vetiolc port and whils bnildlng, and othar perionalpropertT. vei delnhia, from a mound in Ohio. He explained cars, snow plonks, repair shops, water nouseB, the Bast week, closed on Friday afternoon with all ita characteristics, and then oalled up the old To a.

Beloved One. BY GEBALQ MASSEY. Heaven hath its crown of Stars, the Earth Hei glory robe of flowers The Sea ita gems the grand old woods Their snnua and preening showers wood sheds, in short every article required for aTorauLC teruia roroinea in dealamation and tnusio. ao uoi uniei suu is j' Wm, M.Harris Wm BnlUaj with their heads. He then oompared it and their heads with that of Lusy, and established them all mean to give an account of the examination in the efficient working ot a railway.

Tneniist utfoi.Rive nrenaraiioua are being made fur the ilAIiow 8amuel Smith detail, suffice it to remark that it was highly sat The birds have homes, where leaves and blooma as of the same type, pi then handled a nearo skull, and demon i i luture trauacticm of business. At Point St. Conklin Brum Henry MurpUj Elijah Lewi! 1 Canon Brevatn iBfaetory. Ab we have visited the school accas atrated.olearly the peculiarities, and showed by the marked difference betwean ionallv we deem ourselves not altogether un W. H.

Van Voorhies of Engine Co. No. 4. Everett B. Reill of Engine Oo.

No. 17, George Atwater of Engine Co. No. 14. Robert Fnry of Engine Co.

No. 2. Richard F. Cole ot Engine Co. No.

6. George Williams, Assistant Engineer. Joseph Reeves, Assistant Engineer. Richard Bnnce of Backet Co. No.

I. William W. Smart of Hose Co. 7. Charles, in Montreal, the company have purchased for their depot grounds over one hundred hoe eerald Stephen Hayae qualified to express an opinion regarding the thom Ho nolained the nromlnent differences El K.

Corning leorge lorgit Loomli Ballard VVmhl Car; ater jlalcn Daniel Rlchiicii John Mania Harper 8 Bastard A Bell Joseph 0 LUchSeld Wm Hnnter, Jr. acres, in uo txteuded fiat or plain, upon which in the anatomical structure of different parts of they are uorv erecting engine and car works mode of dicipllne and instruction adopted Dy me principal in the carrying out of whioh he has displayed great tact and ability. Mr. Syme is jonn amawBii IiaacCarharl Michael Chaucct Daniel Van Vcrbs John Dlmon Jamoi Weaver Leonard Cooper Alexandsr Uar.d otlilii ihe body, and gave an exceedingly interesting account of the distinction in the hair of the Caucassian, Indian and Negro races. He stated on an extended scale, and upon whioh station tomn well known to onr citizens generally, as a gen a very curious laot as resulting irom mwroauop nhHPrvfttion.

that in the mulatto O.oas the Oharlea Lvnla zai rrencb Thomas Cadley oi Engine Co. 1. George W. Everitt of Eook Laduer Co. No.

1. Frank Healy of Engine Co. No. 13. A.

Taylor of Hook and Ladder Oo. No. 1. Everitt B. Reeve of Engine Co.

No. 19. mfca rhair the nominations to be tleman of fine clasical attainments, and in a situation requiring a far higher standard of schol. hotr nf nnn the other narsut was present, and nouses for passengers and freight are already in progress. The Victoria Bridge across the St.

Lawrence at Montreal will be tha most imposing, as well as the most attractive ol all the works the company. sometimes hairs of both, but never a mongrel arBhip would maintain an honorable position, in hair: that no amalgamated Hair existed; tnat as nftan the mulatto had straittht hair as kinky. In beauty wreath aoove High yearnine hearts, their rainbow dream And we, Sweet we have love. We walk not with the jewel'd Great, Where Love's dear name i9 Bold; Yet have we wealth we would not give For all their world of gold We revel not in corn and wine, Vet have we from above Manna divine, and we'll not pine: Do we not live and love? 1 know dear dear heart, that In our lot May mingle tears and sorrow; But love'a rich rainbows, built from tears To dav, with smiles to morrow. The sunshins from our sky may die, The greenness from Life's tree, But ever, 'mid the warring etorm, The nest shail shelteted be.

I see the! Ararat of my life, Smiling the waves above, Thou hail'st me Victoi in the strife, And beacon'st me with love. The world may never know, dear heart! What I have found In thee; tha umrlH hpnrtl closed, and the above gentlemen were declared Tia fctitpri that tha microBCone revealed that the addition to his scholastic attainments, ne nas great experience and untiring zeal in these requisites he stands second to none. The dieci DlineinNo. 6 is firm, but there is nothing in it WM. M.UAilKia.fresldenili A j.

kkn.i.i.BiicretarT. IDhSS It Jamb3 Makbh's Hair Cutting Saloon, 61 is acknowledged lo be replete, with all thoia comrorts and conveLlances that sppertain to such eslab. llihments his study has beeu, andsull render It ewrj way worthy that pat'ocae that hss hltberlo been so libe ais Hock of toilet goodi will via with any kept at sliullir eitabllslimenls. and his prices ara Particular mention paid to the Cutting of Children's Hair, as aiso lo ibMof Adolis. To those gen tlemenwbocan appreciate the luxury of a to be the nominees oi me vjouvbuhuu iui ant Engineers.

The Convention then adjourned. hair of the white race was. when transversely divided, oval, that of the Indian circular, and that of the Negro eccentrically eiiipucai, wuu flattPiiPri edees: that of the neirro was not hair, BcRsise of the Hexry Interesting savoring of harshness or restraint. His pupils hut rannl pnrl anable of beine felted; that the Trial at Goshen. The session of the Circuit Court for Oranze County oommenced at Goshen la a Frek Nkoko a Citizen of this Tj.

S. "A highly important decision, says the Chicago Times of Saturday, was made on Thursday last in tbe U. S. Circuit of Illinois, by his honor Jadse Drummond, in the case of Joseph C. Mitchell, free negro plaintiff, against Charles H.

Lamar, defendant. The plea filled by the de iendant alleged the plaintiff to be a free negro wear a cheerful aspect, and the kindly word of encouragement acts as a spur and stimulates to ninrino matter of true hair was in an internal i. XT In Iia on the 13th Hon. J. H.

Brown pteBtding. The whole week, thus far, has been occupied tube, wnue in tne isegroiii wv lu. mo ayiuwuuo or scales covering the shaft of the hair. Tn nnrroboration of his statement that both exertion. During reoitation there is not a whisper, each is attentive as if the character of the wVinlfi deDended on himself.

Iu all this there is rahitn nnri hair were sometimes found in with the trial of a case arising out of the burn and not a Citizen" ol tbe U. to ino nf t.Ti Rteamboat Henry Clay. This aotion groperly adniinisiero sosmjivu, ur au icuiu, ui eard, we say, goto Manb's Saloon Uarsh Is an artist of lo c.jmmon order. To those who doubt we say, when jour holr wanu regulating try Marsh's skill, and yon will bo thoroughly aalished he cannot be surpassed. no4 sgr Brooklyn 'iaia inbckancji Oompahi Ohurtered in 1824, Offices No.

rulton, upper corner oi and No. 6 Morchants' Lkcbsnga Wall New Vork. This Company having their Capful Invested in tbe most undoubted ecurliles.and having alar. i urplusconllnueto Insure Dwelling Houses, Slurai, ai other buildings, Purnlture, Merchandise, eels In oil BndthelrCarg oe, upoa as favorable lernu as sny slmllai Tnatltiittriri the same head, a singular case was mentioned in my hearing, by Dr. W.

He stated that he attended a halfbreed Indian and Negro, lIUUKiu iu iii wi. w. Thou'rt all the world to me. no apparent effort on the part of the principal to Becure his object a proof of the excellence of maintain a puit before the U. S.

Circuit Court, was brought by the Executors of A. J. Dowx iko, deceased, vs. Thomas Collter and oth The nlea was sustained by the Court. Judge Tub Use op Monsv.

A vain man's motto the dicipline. McLean, it is said, coincides in the opinion de Win gold and wear it." The instruction is thorough, and well calcul livered by Judge Drummond. ated to develop the mental faoalties. borne who had straight Indian hair. He was ill, and had his head Bhaved and blistered.

On his recovery, when his hair grew out, It was Negro hair crisped and wiry. Those are very curious facts, and ol much importance in the distinction ot races. The jury decioed in favor of the girl's being and she left Columbia next day with the teachers seem to labor under the idea that if A generous man ")v in gum unu mime n. A miser's Win gold and spare It." A proulgate'e Win gold and spend it." IA broker's ''Win gold and lend it." A tool's "Win gold and end it." A gambler's "Win gold and lose it." A sailor's "Win sold and cruise it." A wise man's "Win gold and use it." they succeed in imparting a certain number of Flacide's Theatre, the "Varieties," in Gravier street, New Orleans, caught fire at three o'clock facts oa various topics, and by dally repetition, JIUUVIViVD. Nathan t.ttttmiM UerteiT.

ramwclt hllip H. Wllliatjn (olotnon Klpp John 2. Bruce Henry Uuackenobaij) Andre Vromont Samuel F.Whltlug! Oeorea QUSUan ers, owneraof the Henry Clay, for the life of Mr. Dowmsg, and the baggage ot himself and wife; damages laid at $,5000 for the former, and $1,000 for the latter. By direction of Judge Brown, the verdict ot $1,000 wbb rendered by the jury, and duly recorded by the County Clerk, N.

Thus ends this long litigation, which might have bren avoided, as the owners never refused to fully compensate Mrs Downing for the baggage claimed to have been lost. veterdav morning, in the scenery, near i impressing these facts on the minda of their William Ells wurlli Pblneas T. Samnts RobertCHell John H. Brlggs Charles A. JarTli John A.

Kennedy JeromaB.FIlieeral Innac V. rowler William O'Kcl! a Miaiiv rlHtroved. The entire old chief, on her way to Arkansas, to her parents and friends. Gov. Means was so convinoed that iha irtr Tndian.

that he was heard to say pupils, that they ha7e accomplished all that is required, which is a mistake. The main object wardrobe also, it is believed, is lost. There is DIED, ,1.1. .11. tha olel pp rnrTii, ITia.lTJl.

wife of John C. Joseph U. Qroeuwaei lnhnC. Smith. no insurance on lbs building, and but three thousand dollars on the wardrobe.

The Ravel Duryei.andclaughur of the late Jeremiah Meserole, aged in instruction is to develop and invigorate tne mind to enable the pupil to think clearly, and that if the oase was deoided against her he would buy her and set her free. This feeling seemed to pervade the community, and it is mrirp 1.hft.n nmhahla that, had the case been de nf thu fiiinllv are reioectfullv Invite to attend to express hiB thoughts in appropriate language, Family had just commenced an engagement, and lost heavily. Mr. Placide was sleeping in the building at the time, and very narrowly escaped oided against her, the oitlzens would have freed The plan adopted in No. 6 seems to have this hor.

this oitr. on the Sin Mrs. Elizabeth Rctlbdsb Arkkst of a Fbau lent Colleotob. A young man of respectable appearanoa, oalling himsell J. Dowden, was yesterday arrested at.the WlfjlilAAl EhUHWOVtH, rrealaeu i.t ii a y.

j.aaeTT.BeaelBry. fH8 If. aSf 267 Bkoauwax. fAi na HANGratM, olesala and Retail. KHMOVAIi! TBOMAS FA YE, Lute n' THOB.

KAYK CO." tS Fmri trc.t, andJortrlV of "PJHUStf FA YE." S78 Pmr I bavins ansoclatad wUhhtmC.C. NE VERS and J. H. COPIiANO. his late partnera under the firm of THOMAS ha.

opened a new DEPOT at JS? BROAD; the City Hall. We are now opening an entire newslock ol French ana ps PS R.H ANHINQS. Fancvand Staple, Decora end In view. In solviog a question in arithmetic, a 62 wars. with his life from a third story winnow, i for example, the pupil is required, not merely to give the answer, but to explain the various steps on Thursday, the 28d, at la o'clock, from Rev.

Dr. Bethunes1 Church, Plerrnpont it. St.Louis Hotel, York, oharged with collecting Av Ivpobtant Case. A curious case is now being argued before the Suprcma Court of New Vnrll Invillvintr ihe rleht to the around now oc moneys'from merchants in the city without an' of ths process and to give his reason, ine Paper Hanoinob. No.

436 Feahl St T4T 1. l. tire and Plain, widen are offered to the trade, merchants question then is solved, provided it admits of a Dew York. cupieu by lrinity unurcn, mi case is that of Christopher C. Kiersted vs, the Rec thority, and appropriating the same to his own use.

It appears that he got a hundred bill heads I Houselteeper. who mtena papanug au HS.4lords and houiekeepors, at Ihe lowest markeiprlces ewDoslgns for Parlors, kc, by every steamer, from a Mew tor and Wardens ol Trinity unurcn anu ine otate Artistic workmen attend to the fletall De different solution, by another rule and tnen ne required to give an algebraic solution. In agent In Paris. aeCOrmliuE icoiruuuo iu thelfiniertby calling at Ihli old and welUnown e.ub. Uafament.

The nock now on hand of both freneh and do of New YorH, Tna ommtrcuu Aavertwr nay purporting to be from the Albion newspaper establishment printed at an office in Hudson street, partmenu Siinnfas If AYE 1ST Broadway, directlyoppoalti mesllc cannot Be excenea iu mo um Our customers ere well aware, and lo all refloctlne per sons it must be obvious that, free from the enormous etc "The complainant in this suit claims to be descended from Anneke who in 1663 or thereabouts, waa possosBed of certain estates In New York amounting to nearly 200 acres. Upon the this way the attention ia kept awake, curiosity is gratified, and the pupil learns to think for hlmsalf. Knowledge acquired in this way is and by filling them up aB accounts of different firms with the Albion for advertising, collected, nensesormore imbiuhiu" "uvH raH, tn baII utnroSLir.nrraanaiidlnff IheCltyHall. "1Sm bobial of ths jlad. Thenntlerflignetl nerl FnmlsMng Undertaker, keeps constantlyoo ut( vervthlngneeeisaryforthe burial of ihe dead Having been in business more lhan twenty five years, Hew York and Brooklyn, hereels competent to discharge al Ihedutlesofhisprofesslon.

Helnvltostheattenilonefiho. wo. i i if wta Mto 7 ii.i,. 4. capture oi me latunu iu" title was confirmed by that Government, but the deeper fixed in the mind, and a principle is established which enables him to solve similar We employ none ucuBu workmen, and can confidently refer to numbers of the most loss is estim Ued at $75,000.

We learn by a telegraph dispatch from Quebec that on yesterday atternoon, Mr. John Gleason was brought to the bir of the Canadian Legis Uture ior sending a challenge to Mr. Cassault, a member ol the nouse. The cause of the offence was some questions pat to Mr. Gleason by Mr.

CammiU ti. fore. ftti electiou committee. Mr. Gleacon on acknowledging bis error, was discharged.

We learn, says the Evening Post, from one ot onr uKHt respectable citius who left Wallaces ili mtre lust eveuing alter the close ol the performance, that the dresses of his children were covered with vitriol, from their head to their heels, to the perfect destruction of their drapery discovered only when they had reached their dwellings iu the upper pert of the city. in many instanoes. sums ranging from $10 to $40. He also pursued the same plan in regard to other newspaper offices and collected conBid resDectabiecillieuaofNewYorHand urooaryn as to me land taken possession ot by toeuuueoi xorn.ana by him leased to one Seckners. After his accession fATB, questions, and, above all, he acquires a confix dence in his own powers which will be of essen ir Mia uirone.

i uuoiirnaa ouunu buo eersonsunon wnomQoniauuinioiimiiwiwi aead.whanoipendlturesfor sickness haveconstimedalio aearlValltheirmaans.andltls not lnthelrpewer lo prpvM fortberespeclablelnleraen No. 436 Pearl sk.New York. erable money on the spurious aooountB. In some auSS it KlnK's Farm, and subsequently to 1697, when the Pariah of Trinity Church was incorporated, was tial benefit to him when he goes forth to take a Hollowat'b Ointment and Pills, a frnm tii to time eased to tnai corporation, wiucn part in tha affaire of every day life. has retained uninterrupted possession of it to the oaBB he overcharged but was always willing to make any deduction that might be required, in other cases he undercharged and then found but little difficulty In collecting.

The Hudson Btreet oertalu cure for Bad Breast and Sore Nipples. The wlfo or Mr. H. of the Broadway, New York, suffered several months alter the birth of hr first child with a bad breast, present time. Throughout tbe school the same system seems to nrevail, and the teacners generally deserve avera' holes naviog lormea on tne ibujo, ubmuiiuid, wom compiuiui niicgcn in.

(n fnr Anneke Janx and her heirs by the nar" sir oo the moslfavorableterms.and at alargodUcoui SnUoi.suBlclirges.therebT relieving In a measuretheboi faVnlfciy "il, whan li 1. necessary to provide i for Ih.lnt.i Ineiiiof a relatlvorfrloa0 8. N. BoaRIIiL mentor a retau HjnU cornerof Oeart tral. i arooklTB.Oetobstl ffth.

18M. jBtf NOTIOB IS HEBKBT GIVEN THAT A SOT forllBmaees will be Instituted by the subscribers agalnstas SVrsSredltor or other, who. may publish any statement ihe result of the trial by the Jury al the Crystal Palace firI uearly gone, ana it wasinouRniai om iiuioiimiww uih rredit. One or two classes might be improved, printer identified him, and he was locked up by British Government until tne yeari'oj wuieu i ntho Stateni New Yojk assumed the trust, ao reiwrrls disoiDline and scholarship. The Justice Oeborn for examination.

must be taken off. Mr u. put ner unoer a count, ui nuiiu way's Ointment and Pills, after baring tried every other means without auccen; tbe Ointment waa well rubbed info the parts affected, and the Pills were liken regularly. In three weeks the anxious buihaad was amply Compensated and prays that the plaintifl and as many of the hairs flvil. however, does not reach fc as the par Power of Conscience.

A lady recently ad oi the sain Anneae janz a may uovumvi mau ninnpn in DOSBeSSlUIl llicroui, auu ticular class to which we allude, contained only aa man. as the others This will vertised In the London Times for the address of for his wlfj was quits wan. Cf R. liIFFBBTS BXCHANGE BSOKBR, NO that the corporation of Trinity Church may be mtaveraldl tbe luccassfulssfethara tasted.aad who are tl triiigerataj id tTxtnnrahi smapwc another lady, with whom she was at school more legal ana onu 1 tin Kl ilPDVB made to account tor tne renin anu iiiuuu i. n.nnonv Irnm 1783 lo the DKSent Um8.

rhrenlxcat flnnbtless be remedied. iv. r. fullylnforms hlsfrlends and the publlcgenerally.that he will No. Waterstroel N.I.

than twenty years ago, that she may return to If Tho report ol Dr. Davol, the chairman ot tne on ntaown accouu. I beitowed bareaftercarryon buslnei stums biaslncerel hanks hurnaftarr.arrvon builneal itnanas RnoOKIiYN AOENOY. NORTH AKEBIOA "They also allege mat may wsreiiyiu' tenure by which the corporation ol Trinity Church held this property until 1846, when a suit similar her old school fellow the half crown which she stole from the school room, the sia of which irioe nuerui it paslalx years, and hopes, hystrlctati merit continuance oflbeaaane. liberal patronage nponhlmdunngtne nllan tohmlnazs.lo he Election ok Colon t.L.

At meeting of the Rings County Veteran CorpB, held ttt Colgftn'a Hotel few evenings hiuce, one of our well known citizens, Abraham Verpluuck, Kt(j waa unanimously elecled nud Dr. Porter, Surgeon. There are at present about 150 survl. vors ot the war of 1812 in this county, ot which some 60 are enrolled in the corps. FirelnsuraneeOompany, New York, March29tb, 1364.

irfconseouenceofflie aecoasoof Oen.JameiE.fJnderhl i North American FlrelnsnranceCerapai committee ou examination, fully sustains these views of the school; the thorough and unbiassed character of the examination and the capaoity, raok TB.Angustxt. isl to this made tne lacts Known. h'pk. jnfanAvr.1 severally uemui to tne com burthens her conscience. A.

B. Davenpobt Offloe, oornerFultok corn which, thev alleae, is insufficient to form nNDERHILL, aithe office, No. 68 Fulton street, SfBicUstreVt. B.W.BliTECKER.Stcr. Secretary.

r.i ni ilnn. and because the defend energy and scholarship of the principal but tbe crowded state of our columns prevents us Mttxyam ante have been In uninterrupted possession of the RrtnkRM Banks. The notes of the fo property more than yeais. avenue and Oxford street, for the sale and purcnaje diwii EiUte. Ranting Houiei, Colleollng Eents.and for Insurni myli if ftm F.

H. BuTLBB'aPateut, Truss and Sa, porter Pads, are now fast superceding all oersln nsM OfSce, Veieysttebl.opposlte SLPauVachurch, NewYstl inhlilyKcD being able to publish the report to day. Tut. Rkv. Mb.

Bbadt. We leara from the Last uiuht a lire broke out in one of the build WilKER'a Music Store, 1G7 Folton St, A regular crusade is being made against the Cleveland liquor dealers, eighty five ot whom were arrested In oae day, The Carson League have an abundanoe of money with which to carry ou the prosecutions, and liquor men are well backed np In the fight. Illegal Voting. Jas. Plunket was arrested Sargent Smith of the 1st district police, yes lugs connected with the Manhattan Gas Works, loeited on Eighteenth strent and Tenth avenue, Imn Raitjnob.

Plain and Ornamantat Courier that in the Cathedral of tho Holy Cross in this city yesterday, the Rev. Mr. O'Brien pronounced an eulogy on ine v. Mr. Brady, tbe Catholic priest, the burial of whose remains in nn Saturday last, was attended with New York.

Ouly a portion of the building was srBdl ulldlngsandCometerles, Iron Doors, Shutters BaooKLTN. At the above old established Btand may he found at all times, uot only the newest publications ot modern aomposers, but many favorite and old standard works, which, from the autiquity of their date, are almost obselate alas destroyed. The lire iu no way interfered with an mnr difficulty and txoitement. Mr. O'Brien the buildings iu which the gas was wanufac tared.

Bookbinder an William S. Bahbbb, lowing Banks bought Bt the hlgheitmarket prlces.naaaely Eighth Avenue Hank, N.Y. n.ckerbockerB.i,k,N.Y .8 oris tf Foreign and Domeitli jeerage, 6 Court Empire FonNDBY, Foeman one blo from the Fulton Ferry. Oastlngsof every description ma lo order. Columns of various slkes, Balling CastlnFs, ss Weights, Sic, constantly on hand i all orders attended wUhdlspstch.

MatMHT fcBYBR Proprl ma All the Magazines, New Wob Novals. Music, Stationery, Fancy Goods, Pictures i MARSATHF.NilTTM BOOKBTPBB Ro.l 6 Atlantic street, Broo John W. Lbppkrts, Undebtakeb a Cabinet Maker, 120 Sxuns sTBJtET. corner of Brid; article lahl lta wlllbe ftffnl.Ud at byhjrw terday, for voting illegally at the 31 district of the 10th ward at tae late election. The accused recounted his virtues and asked for prayers fortbe renoaa of his soul.

He described him aa a man All kinds of Bool Allkinasor soo may be procured at moderate enarges. nr inrinntrv. and beloved wherever known. Qmllh arhor a ha walvpri spoke of his long and faithful services in the inmiofpT anil remarked that there was little Bai.i.s. The Thistle Baiievoleut Society, of Brooklyn, will give a Bull to morrow night at "Sir you ehall hear from me," said a fellow with a thundering voice and chimney back frown, to an ed tor who hod published ometbinR wMXuA Hiinn shall hpnr trnm ri.r.7B.olr Hlffh street, noar Fullon.

Books.Per! odicK.and I Music bound to patlern. Paperrnled to any p. am. aar John 0. Smith, Attorney at Law, No.

oartstreet, Brooklyn, commissioner of Paeds. myfl. ar JnitK R. Kino. Attorney at Law am onriop that tho naoDla should rebel against Montague Hall.

irl HPftk to dUhonor snob a man nn too nard upon nia uny waB taaen ueiuio miBuuoguiiu an examination; and was held to ball for trial. life Ssntkncb In the Hillsborough Hampshire) Common Pleas, one George A. Lea vitt, convicted of robbing his father of $15, under threats of stabbing him, was eentencad to the State Prison for life. mo and he shook his finger slRnincautiy i.m Jonathan, bowtne polite Mr. Brady waa for some years oonneoted with The New York Dramatic Society give their TTanr.v Dress aad Civic Ball on llioi hnw iomrmafloni of Dsods, Clinton Bttlldtcgt cornarof Coon the Cathedral ot tne uoty tvi, ui wm u.

i itp nnnnninnaiiv. anu ii ua Iv Brooklyn. ye tj O'Brien is now pastor. nosion jr. lUll Vk uui Thanksgiving Eve, Nov.

Ib. Seo advertise you'r getting along.".

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