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The Brooklyn Daily Eagle from Brooklyn, New York • Page 3

The Brooklyn Daily Eagle from Brooklyn, New York • Page 3

Brooklyn, New York
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

In antacredlblj short time, the onllro still house vfal BOABU1NG. HEI.V VVAIVTED. wm wmm. Perils of Advertising in the Eagle. We have received the followia0' urgent appeal irom an unfortunato advertisor, which we magnanimously publish, not wishing to tako udvanlsjo of the adveii'sing publlo who oo liberally patronizo the Eaole: THURSDAY EVENING, SEPT.

27. SITUATIONS WANTKOV WANTED A' SITUATION, BY A rcspcclflHo eirl, as cSniBljpniialiiiindffaiSrosijno obiect 'ontoaprivafptioirrnfnousa; hasthabc.fc oi'v rC'Crtnco. Plen'e call at 31 warren ttrct. 8ojtli BrooMv.1. ANTEll A SITUATION TO DO OTsbin? ironinn, or genual homo v.ork to a neat, capable ml; la a good cook, txoBllont wathw and Ironer and mil lound an eoononoal, ro suectlnl and Irnsly serfan.

hienlj remmraen led. Oa'l al 121 Allani 'c ftrcel, near Henry at. Oity or oonntry. ANTED A SITUATION BY AYOUNO won an, aa chanrtortnaiu and waitress, or oharabor roaidandEenmste Hr' reference. Can beteen Bult.d.

OJ1 at st ANTE A SITUATION, BY A icsnectalilp pir). as and aonmstross. can out and tit Indies children a ro objection to Io 1'ihl aroborrrorlt: cooo oityiefr; oncogivon. Cal lortwo days nt3I3 HI Ab i'scct. no Amig.

AKTEDAl SITUATION BY A RE BDeclablcyounrriir in it una'l pnvato fnmi'y 13 cob! is food wojhor and ircnor; has R.iod city referenco Coil lor two days at I6d uoyt Btroot, Soutn enveloped in flames, The Eastern DIstrlot FlroDe. pailmcnt was promptly on hand, on4 succocded in', saving the main building, which was not at all flard' aged. About half past twelve o'clock the roafoftha still house fell in with a loud crash, and by tiro o'clock the flames bad almost subsided. The damage to the building (brick) will not amount to any considerable sum, tho roof of the still hoasoonly bavins been destroyed, Soyora! stnis will) their coa' tenia were dostroycu, 'out tho bthoM ffere sivod. Mr.

E. 8. Stokes, tho proprietor, had rccontly erected tho building, ond but yesterfloy bejjon refming ol). There weio about 260 barrels conBumod by tho flames, whilo 1E0O barrels in the vicinity of tho works wero un touched. On the latter, thoro is an insurance of $8003 in tho Arctic Co.

Mr. Stokes' I033 wilt amount to about $6000 on still house, contents, etc. Ho is not Insured. Tho 47th precinct pol'cc, under Capt. Stearns, were precent during tfco flro to preservo ordor.

RADICAL COHMTCONFEIVTIW. A Snap Game Organization The Lobby Swarming Largely The Leaders Bnz. zing One Another to Death. At precisely one o'clock and one tick, the Convention waa called to orc'or by Mr. P.

Eonyon, on whoso motion Lucion E. Birdsoyowas appointed President. Henry C. Place and Q. W.

Bailey wore appointed Secretaries. Mr. Shcphord moved that a Committee of flvo bo ap. appointed on Credentials. Carried.

Mr. Placo moved that tho Chair appoint the Com. mitt co. Mr. W.

8. Gove moved, as an smondmout, that the Committee be appointed by ballot Lost. Tho utmost conliiBlon prevailed. Delegates shouted that ibey cou'd not hear, and it was ten minutes before the President could Bccure silence. Mr.

Gove claimed that tho organization was illegal, as there wero not 15 persons in the room when tho President was elected. He moved that a ballot bo had for a new President. Mr. Sloops moved that It. M.

Phralncr bo appointed Scrgeant at Arnie. Mr, Phrainer shouting I Motion lost. Mr. Gove moved to lay the motion on tho table. Lost.

The original motion was also lost. Mr. Chas. Jodos moved that all existing motions be la'd on (he tablo, aud that tho words bo caHed in their order to prci ent credentials. Carried.

A delegate suggested that as somo of tho wards had sent contesting delegations, that all crcdentiils bo received without question by tho Secretary. Carried, On motion of Mr. Phrainer, Mi'. Charlos Franklin was appointed Sergeaut at Arms. Tho wards were thou called in tho ordor and contesting Delegations wero found presonti'rom tho following words: First and Seventh and Eleventh.

After great confusion the credentials wero all recoivod. Sandercon shouting, Phrainor pushing, Gove fldgitting, and red headed spsro delcatca disguised in giu, singing here and there, meanwhile. Tho inebrioto irdividual finally called on the chair, and was received by Oudso Birdseyo coolly. Ho lu lornicd the President teat aa boou as the roll was called the first thing in order would be the impeachment of tho President. Then be went away clumsily, unsteadily, sadly.

1 While tho list was boing made by tho Secretaries, Mr. Charles Jones, of tho Oth, moved that the names of contesting delcgatos be omitted from tho roll uutil after tho organization is comploted. Carried. Tho list of delegations was then called, omiting the First and Seventh Wards. It was fltty minutes afier ono beforo tho last was all called.

BEGINNING THE WOBE. Tho chair announced as the ConiciHec ou Credentials Charles Jonc.i, Ninth. 8. A. Van Brunt, Eighth.

D. C. Wiuslow, Now Utrecht. It. M.

Phrainer, Twentieth. Daniel Maujor, Fifteenth. Mr. Jones moved that a rcccsn of half an hour bo had to enable tho Committeo on Credential to listen lo the arguments of contestants. Curried.

Police Trials. At tho ttiols yeshi day, thoro wero uo cases of ccmp'aiiits of cil agr'iist members of tho forco in Brooklyn. There wore a tew cases bca3h of discipline, however, and irom them wo sekct tfco following in which a Sergeant is com crnrd: It teems that Sergeant Carpenter had been sent with a to arrest a man named David Green, of Giceupjlut ou tho 2d instant. Tho warrant wai issued on a coiup'aint by Mrs. "Wilson, living in tho vicinity of Flushing, that Green had stolen from her a watch and chain.

Boing acquainted with the lady, the Sergeant called on her. Sho insisted dm inr his visit on tho correctness of her suspicion, but her iiusbr.nd doubted it, knowing Mr. Green to be a respect cilizon. The officer accompanied by tho husband, went to tho house 0." Green, and took him into custody, but rcloascd him on tho representations of Mr. Wilson, and Mrs.

Wilson atteiwards expressed herself as satisfied. Ou returning to tho station, howovcr, as Captain Waddy swears, he reported that ho had not cliccled tho arrest, and reqnotctl more tinio for the purpose. Tho above facts subsequently bncunc known tho Captain aud hcucc the charge. Tho Sergeant admitted lhat ho was rshamcd of tho whole affair. Decision, us usual, reserved.

SPECIAL NOTICES. (CLAIRVOYANT REMOVAL FROM 304 to 276 Fulton avenuo, V. Fort Greene placo and St. Felix sheet. A.

DEDOItlH. from Paris, tolls all present aid future event propoti. or stolen Roods recovered; prevonts persons from all dnncors; brines together tho i.eia Call Irom 9 A. M. to 7 V.

(2d iloo1 up two flights of Btsii haok looms.) Ladio3 0 oonti. Gentlemen 827 61 SOLD1EKH! AS Till! "PAYMASTER CenerJ" has decided thata'l applications for additional bounty must bo maiioby the. "Loldiors" themsolves, lind nut by a.icnts, I would rosnccll'ally inform you that you cm obt.rn tiio blmk, havo them proparly til'ed, and receive the money into your owa hum's from tho on tci.up, by auplyins: at my offico, 3t7 Fulton street, Illooklyn.opcosilo City Hall. S. N.

KNAPP. I (hccri'ulty recommend nlUoldiorstocaHonS. Knapp and have their onplictionsmado aa elated alnvc. If. O.

KIRllY, 3t Suucimtcrdont of tho Poor. TjI M3HAtf DG It AN LAS ESi AT tho CLINTON AVUHUE INSTITUTE. Clinton avo. b3twGu Gates andCreono will he gauized on MONDAY, Octobrr 1st. Forlodics, at 3S o'clock in tho afternoon: for gentlemen, at 7a in the J.

G. KEEBETS. A BVERT1SERS WISHING! TO AVAIL ImnnHelvci of tuo of tro numerous edi tions of HTtlCd'S DAILY PROIJkA MMrf. nrn roimo to hand in tholr not'ees by 10 o'olock, Offioa, No. 3 Front slrcet.

CtHAULKS WKlSHEiT'iS PIANOb AT ntodetato prices. Piuno forto WareiooniB, No. 15 vchc Rrrrct, near tiiu TJMl'LOYMENT D13H1KKI) BY A TKAOH JCJ Ell ol much experience in highly rospotrtabje London. He tcaclicn tho cenoral coursopur.iiod in eohoola, besides Trench and Spanitih. St.

Frncia' Academy. Ad drcsp, J. M. 11.. 24 Bnftic Btreot.

Brooklyn. s23 6t LUMBER A CHOICE SELECTION OF Soaioned White Pino Lumber for aa'e, at tho hwost wnrketpricos, by KKLLmUTOP LEAV13N8, 625 12t Corner jfjgg and PMuouth St3. mO CONTRACTORS SEALED PROPO Jl SALS will bo received, addressed to tho Board ot the Union street Improvement, at tho office of tha F.npinepr, 22 Court' street, until 3 o'clock P. M. Tuesday, October 9Uj, 18C6, for driving pileing and prooaring loun daUonforaod buildinp a rjoiaRnnar pior and abutments of mnsomy for a draw bridge across tho Oowanus Oanal at Union streot, cutting down and romoJng tho dock whero tbo abutmeiua are to bo built, buildiua returns, raising tho old dock, fenderinR.

ic, accordin to plana and specifications which may bo aeon at tbo office of too Engineer, Proposals will bo for tho wholo work complete Fiflpcsafs will not bo considered unless accomganieA with a consent iu wilting of two sureties of tfiroo thousand dollars each, (who ahall qualify as to their responsibility) tbatif the contract bo awardod to tbo party proposing thoy will become bound as hia surely for ila faithful performance, and in case he shafi neglect ur refuso to execute tbo contract, if so awarded, tht thoy will par to the Hoard the differimco between the nrico lo propoaod and tho price of tho next highest bidder to whom tho contract may be awarded. Tho Board reserveT the ripht to reject any or ail of Enid bids as they may think for tho interest of said improvement. Brooklyn, Sopt. 26th. 1866.

By order ol tho ae2810d L. N. VIBBARD, Engineer, CEWER ASSESSMENTS DRAINAGE DISTRICT NO. 23, MAP K. Public notice is hereby given that tbo assessments for ta oiponse attending tho construction of sowors in ti.o following named streets, parts of streets, places, parts of places, and avenues, and parts of avenues, nave been made and completed by tho Sower Commissioners of the Oity of Brooklyn, viz: Flushing avenue, from Portland to Grand avenuo.

Park avenuo, from Portland to Grand avonue. Myrtle avenno, fr jm Portland to Grand avenuo. "Willoughby avenuo, from Cumberland atroet to Grand avonue. DoKalb aventre. from Cumberland atreet to Grand ava duo.

Lafayotto avonue, from Cumberland street to a point 16 feet east of Grand avenuo. Green avenuo, from Cumborland street to a point 420 foot eatof Classon avonue. Van Beuren street from Hall or Houston street to a point 200 feet oast of Classon avenuo. GateB avonue, from Clinton avenuo to Olasson avenno, Hickory street, from Grand avenuo to a point 175 feet eivrt of Olasson avenue, Quincy street, from Olasson avenue to Downing street. Hunter erreot.from Gatoa avenno to a point 100 feet south of Gates avenue.

Downing sticpt, from Gates avenno to a point 423 foot eoutb of Gates avonue. Fulton avenue, from Clinton to Grand avenue. Putnam avonuo, frjm Fulton and Ryerson streot to Grand avenne. Lefferts street, from Hah streot to a point 250 feet oast of Grand avenue. Atlantio avenne, from apoint 100 east of Olasson avenuo to a point 280 feet wett of Grand avenue.

Portland avenue, from Flushing to Myrtle avenue, Oxford streot, from Flnsuingto Myrtlo avonue. Cumberland street, from Flushing avonuo to Fulton avenue. Carlton avenue from Flushing to Green avenue. Adtlpbi street, from Flushing to Grcon avonuj. Clermort avenue, irom Flushing to Green avenuo.

Vanderbilt avenue, from Flushing to Green avonue Clinton avenuo. from Flushing to Lafayetto avonue. Hamilton Btreet, from Flushing to a point 314 feet soutn. of Fulton avenuo. Washington avenue, fsom Fluahin to Avantio avenue.

Washington avenue, from Warren wa point TO feotiouta of Union street. Houston Btreot, from Flushing to Lafayette avenue. Ball or Houston streot, from Lafayette avenuo to a point 151 feet South of LeHorta street, Hyereon street, from Flushing vefo fJ Trotter or Bytrson street from Groea(FrSnt Grand avenue, from Flushing avenue to se Olasson avenuo, from Lafayotto to mt to" point IW feet west of Grand avenae. W.rren street, Irom polnt'eS feet eut Of OliSOOn Kena. to pont ICO loot west ol Grand avenue.

Baltlo street, from a point 88 feet east of OUaoo amna to Grand avenue. Cutler street, from a point 83 feet east ol Oluson avenno to Undernill avenno. DonBloes street, from a point 68 feet east of Olassoa avenno to Underbill avenue. Deiraw street, from point 88 Oct east of OTision arena, to Underhtll menus. Btokett street, point 88 feet east of Olasson avonuo, to point 411 teet west of Grand avenue.

Unltn street, from a point 88 foot eut of Olasson arena, to grand avenue. Resident street, from point IM oast of Grand avean. Fiatbush avenuo Th. said Commissioners will meet at, heir offlo. in th.

Cits Hall, room Ho. 11, second floor, on MONDAY, th. Ut day of Ootober, 18C6, at 10 o'olock A. to hs to said assessments, whloh m.r tn. msantimo ba oi.

aminedatthelraalaoDloeby all parties lntWStoa. DW4 Brool.lp,Bept.H, 16a GAMALIKL jonq, PfMlaent. t. Mobthot, Sec .17 td Fifty per oent. caved by using B.

T. Bianrrr'a Star Ycatt Powder. Lubt Biscuit or any kind of Oak. mubemadawttn this Yeast Powder in Sftooa mmatea. t' shortening required when swBot milk is used, "oyji to.U WasalMton nuet, Bow York.

nflatodF BOARD WANTED FOR A GENTLE sireer, preierreq. jiuuicpo uii.w"i 1 a i 14 4 VTIHf iMTC.l.V furniBbed rooms tolot, suitable for a family, euant )j locate, with privatn table; also aroom ralldblo for a two centlemen. Tor further particulars, inquire 250 Bndgo 8ji7.t BOARD WANTED A GENTLEMAN and wifo would like to secure board in. a private family, or whero thore are hut fow boarders; also lor two otnpr Inonds; first, olats reference:) will bo riven board not to oiceed 8 or 10 each. Address E.

J. W. Eaglo office. 827St BOABD FURNISHEl) ROOMS TO LET, with board, can bo had by applying at No. 100 Sands street.

BOAKD WANTED FOR A PARTY OF seven, who will occupy tbrco lnre and one small Brooklyn, Fulton av. side, preferred. Address V. W. Roi2l8.

Y. Post office. B2T3t OARD TO LET, WITH BOARD, TO 1 two Eintrle coiitlemori. oracontlemnn and wifo. a pleasant furnished front room, second atoiy.

Apply at 35 Prince Ltteet. b1 2tB BOARD A LARGhi FRONT ROOM and ha'l bedroom, with good homo made bocrd, o. i had at 291 Atlantic streot, between Smioti and Ho house bat, all improvements; family private; a good home guaranteed; price modorato. a27 BOARD ON BROOKLYN HEIGHTS A nicely furniahed larpe room to lot, to sonttoman ad wifo or single centlemen. Call at 43 Middagh street; ref crence required.

b27 2l BOAKD WANTED A GENTEEL PRI vate family, with rooms famished or unfurnished, uisy hcarpf deurablo occupanU (three odulW by address lng MLKOHANT. fcagle oMce.ontnBrooklvn prefei.ed. BOAED WANTED, BY A GENTLE man, wuo, and ono child, a large front room, furnished, with alcovo or bedroom communicating, in a genteel private or where there ate a for boardera, in hou wiihinodemimprovementiandnearoau; the boat of ic ferencci given. Address, with taruia and full particulars, tl. r.

11., iLDglU U1QCO. Kit Zi OARD A ATJTI HTC JLF ma wite, or two single gentlemen, can Deaccommc dated with hoard, in a private family, ot 293 Navy street, between Fulton and DeKalo avenuo. Two routes of carj M0 Ilia wife, b27 2t uuu u.ucn li in iuu nuuDbi BOARD TO LET, WITH BOARD, A back parlor and front room on third floor, at 156 Nassau stjtibrooklynj flSii, BOARD WANTED BY A YOUNG GEN tleman, doing business in New York, in a piivate family, where there are no boarders. Address, stating termB and location, A. D.

offico. BOARD WANTED BY A YOUNG MAN in a good location, convenient to Fulton or Wa'l street fenics, or near acar route. Address, eUting terms, E. 8., this offico. BOARD TWO GENTLEMEN CAN l'ave a good room, with breakfast and tea, in a private faTily.

References rrquircd. Apply at 85 Henry st, from 8 to 10 A. and from 6 to 9 P. fll. ae272t BOARD WANTED IN SOUTH BROOK lyn, in a private family, where thero are no other boai ders and where tho comforts of.

a homo be enjoyed by a gentleman, wife and two children (one 5 and tho otber 13 years old); ono larjio fiont obamber and hall bedroom connecting, furnished, required. Addre.03 J. H. MM sta ting must be modorate. Eagle office.

BOARU A SINGLE GENTLEMAN OR Eerfflemon and their wives can procure pleasant rooms with first das? baard at 241 lilhott houso has all modern improvements. BOARD ROOMS FURNISHED AND unfuioishrd. suitable for Gentlemen and thoirwivo3 or single gfntlpnienjonaiiflJJ bedroom; dinner 63 o'cloolr. Ko. 0 Slate street, near llenry street.

S27 it' BOARD A SINGLE GENTLEMAN MAY obtain board in small, private family and havo the comforts of a home: location near City Ha'l; torms moderate. Address LINUS. EnBe office. s27 3l BOARD UNFURNISHED ROOMS ON second sloiy, for gentlemon and rives to let, with a furnished room for two gentlemen. Apolyfi 47 Concord street.

si7 2t" BOARD A PRIVATE FAMILY CAN accommodate a gentleman and wife, or two gcntle mrn, with bord and furniebed room, in a pleasant ne''a borhcod, near two car routes, on reasonable tarun; references exchanged, apply at 327 Gold streot, ne Fulton avenue. Dioner at 6. BOARD WANTED FOB A FAMILY OF lour pcreona; dinner in tho middle of tio dty, not later than 2 P. M. Address F.

Faglo office. BOARD A SUITE OF UNFURNISHED rooms, suitab'e for a family and pleasantly located, to let, witli board; also a furnished room for a single gentleman: referonco required. Apply at No. HI Montacuo tfeet. BOARDWAN Tli A LADY AND of neof 10 and 13.

convenientto Atldr 33. 0. Eacle oflice. B273t OARD A NICELY BURNISHED large room, on 2d floor to lot, to two centlemen, with bonidihot.andcoldwitQr; noubo has all modern menlunml inn dojirablo location; 10 mimites' walk of forry Dinner nt 6J5 o'clock Apply at No. 11 Second place.

s27 2t BOARD ON BROOKLYN HEIGHTS A partj of Kenllenien to room together, or a pentleiiirin and vrife, will find pleaat rcoms and boitrd no Willow ftrcel; tho house has all moi'orn improvements; ttfjJDS moderate; also aha)l room toaainclo gen tlt'iiifr. 827 21 BOARD THIRD STORY FRONT ROOM to let, with board, to two gentlemen willing to room together, at 42 First placo; reference required. st BOARD PARTIES WISHING NIUE rooms and ood board, and all t'o comforts of a homo, should cal at 45 Jljrtlo avenue, before deciding; can rpfe; to prcsentboarders; dinnoratCj; roforences required. s27 2t" BOARD A FLFASANT FRONT ROOM, facinc the bouUi sui'flhlo for ono or two pentloiren. Jniiuiro at 105 Pine ipple street; houso bus aU the modern improvements, and is near Fulton and Wa'l street t27 2t BOARD A GERMAN FAMILY WOULD like to let a nice room to ft gentleman; the room wr ni9d by hoatera.

Plea intiuiro nt 50 Dean street, near Smith. 2" 4t BOARD FINE LARGE ROOMS TO Jet, with board, to pontlomen and their wives, or single Kentlomen. in ono of the finest locations in Brooklyn, near the City Hull. Apply at 35 Willoujjhby atreot, corner of day. Dinner at CJa clock.

BOARD A HANDSOMELY FURNIS hied front room and bedroom for gentleman and wife also back parlor and extension room, furnished or uarur nishcd a paity ot pcntlcmen can bo accommodated, whero homocoirforts can bo enjoyed dinner at 6 o'clock, at 61 West Baltic 6(re(, between Henry and Clinton, a few niin walk of outh, terry. 25 4t BOARD A PARTY OF SINGLE GEN tlemon, or small families, can bo accommodated with first class boi.rd, at 22 Sands street, five minuter walk from Fulton Ferry. s262t OARD FOR TWO OH THREE centlemen. can be had at 177 Liviupston street, near Hoyt street. s25atft BOARD TO LET TO TWO GENTLE men, a larpo, niceiy urnie lied front room on 2d floor, on Brooklyn Heights, privato farailv; dinnor at terms moAerale.

Apply at 67 Piiieapplo street 325 2t BOARD TWO LARGE ROOMS ON second floor to let, with board, furnished or unrur Dished. at 5G Stato street, between Hicks and Heary; live minutea from either South orWaDfltrtefcerrios; houso has modern improvpinents; dinner at 6. a23 2t BOARD IN BROWN STONE HOUSE 37 "Wyckoff, near Court Btreot: an elopantly furuishod parior, furnished aa bedroom, with board, for jremleraan ano wife, or two gentlemen; terms $23 a week; bath, library and piano at houec. 82821 BOAKD TO LET, WITH BOARD, TWO larre very pleasant rooms, on first and second floors, at 187 Ashland place, between Kulton and DeKalb avenues; best reference piven and required. 826 2 1 BOARD PLEASANT ROOMS AND board can bo obtained by applying at 51 Sands street, in the immediate vicinity of three ferries; bath in the houEe; references oichanged.

s2.i3t BOARD AT 157 UNIONSTREET TWO gentlomenion can have nice largo front room, ur iiisbcd, on third floor: pleasant rooms, unfurnished, oi secono floor, for agontloman and wifo; also a hall room for asinple ponlleman; housohiis all the improvements and 13 pleasantly situated, convenient to tho ferrios. 'forms modern to. References exchanged b2S 3t OARD GOOD ROOMS AND GUNTEEL hoard at 13ft Dnan street, between Bond and Hoyt. lefcrence reijuired. boJS 3t BOARD WANTKD IN A GOOD LOOA tion.

for a centloman and wifo, rooms on aocond floor preferred. Adoreiw, ttating terms, Eagle office. b2G 'Jl BOARD WANTED BY A LADY, SON and daughter, a Drivatefnmily; pood location, short distance from Fulton Ferry: two rooms renuirod, furnished orunurnifhfd; termsnot to eaceod $7 oaoh. Brooklyn Post office. s283t BOARD WANTED BY A YOUNG gentleman and bis wife, where thoy can onioy good society; muat be convenient to ferries, aud terras modorato; bcBtrefoiences.

Address BOARD, Box 5,855, Post office, New York. s26 2t' BOARD SINGLE GENTLEMEN, OR gentlornea and their wives can procure ploagant looniB. with first class aboard, at 307 Henry atreot, South Hrooklyn! references exo hanged. b25 6t OARD TWO ROOMS ON SECOND 1 flnfiri nfso ft hnok nartnr to let. with or without board.

iinelo opntlemon. or crentlemen and their wives, will And a clean, retired home, with cood board, at 9 Dnan streot. House has gas and bath; threo car routes convenient. 6t25 12t BOARD WANTED FOR A GENTLE man and wife, in South Brooklyn, near the South or Wall street ferries, preferred. Address, stating terras, Now YorkOity.

a25 3t BOARD A GENTLEMAN AND WIFE and one single gentleman can be accommodated with board, convenientto "ill the ferries; references exchan pod. A p)y at 1S2 Ada n.g Btreet e25 6t BOARD ON BROOKLYN HEIGHTS A' neatly Furnished front room, on 2d floor; terms reasonable. Apply at 134 Henry street, near Wall atreot Ferry. 62531 BOARD A GENTLEMAN AND WIFE can ho accommodated with one large front room on 2d floor; also ono hall room, pleasantly located and convoniont to car and ferry, first class board; dinner BH, None but those of the highest respectability need apply at 320 Gold Btreet, near Fulton av. 825 6t BOARD A PLEASANT HOME IN a respectable nrivato family for two gentlemon and their wives or four bingle pentlemon; rooma furnished or unfurnished; houso has all modern improvements, in good location, ton minutes' from Soutn or Hamilton ferries; beet references given and required.

Address W. P. Brooklyn P. O. b2? OARD WANTED FOR A GENTLE man and wife, ina reanectable nortion of tho city; uifflitR nreterred.

Addross. statinc terms, 4c, HAMIL TON, Eagle office. fOlit OARD A PLEASANT HOME CAN BE I nhtninerihv n. pfinMemnn and wife, in a nrivato fam ily, living fn tbeir own house, on Carroll street; house first cfafs; terms $26 per week; references rogedred. Address PLEASANT HOME, Eagle office.

fl262t BOARD TO LET, WITH OR WITHOUT boaro, alarge unfurnished front room, with hill bedroom, on second floor, suitable for gentleman and wifd; also one largo front room on tho third floor; family email; locationpleasant, and convenient to Fu'ton or Catharine ferries. Call at 12 Nassau street, Brooklyn. s26 2t? BOARD TO LET. WITH BOARD, AN alcove room find third Btory front room; would tike a gentlcrron and wife, with one or two children, or Boreral gentlemen; terms reasonable. Ko.

10T Dean street. s28 2t BOARD A BACK PARLOR AND rooms famished or unfurnished to let with good boBrd to gentlemen and their wives or single eentlemen; bath, Ao. Apply at Ko. 5, Wet Balf'o street. s26 2t BOARD TO LET, WITH BOARD, IN A resnectable private family, two pleasant rooms, far nibhed or unf arnished rooms are large and havo cood closets attached, either to Bingle gentlemen or cemleman and wife; the house is 10 minnres walk from Wall stroet, and 5 from South and Atlantic ferries; terms moderate.

Apply at 300 Hicks Btrcet, betweon Harrison and Degraw Btreete. emit BOARD A GENTLEMAN ANXIOUS TO seoure a comfortablo and quiot horns at modento terms, wlsheB board for himsolf, wife, infant and nurse, in privato family, between Fulton and Bridge streets and ril fary Btreot and Fulton avenue; references eichmgod. Address, with full particulars, A. If. Eagle office.

56 2f BOARD FURNISHED ROOMS TO LET, with board; second floor, front room andbodroom, with gas and fire, to let to a gentloman and wife. Iailadia ell twenty threo dollars per weok; two targe roomson third floor, with email room; all modem taPrve8nt? in.SS honsV Those that want a Adelphi street. near aat SOARD FDRNISHED AND UNPIIR ishedroomtolet, with board, at 808 State stroet; rfflousTeSo P'orred; good1 references reaulrod. C22 6t" UAKDAFEW YOUNG M1JN OAN liU atcommodated with good board and pleasant rooju at 243 Gold Brooklyn. ANTED AN OPERATOR ON W.

W. nicohlne, at the drctsraaktag. Apply at 221 Bridgoelreet, in tho stoie. WANTED AN EXPERIENCED COOK, to assist in tho washing: alco a thorough lnundrdss dna chambermaid, and a competont waitress ccod city inferences requ'red. Apply this ovenins and to morrow cvonino at 91 Montague street WANTED IMMEDIATELY A RE spectable woman to toko ohargo ot alllinon, ilo to do some chamberrrrk and plain sewinp: Roodrafcr inces required.

Oall at tho Collins Hotel Nos. 8 aud 10 Atlontio street, near South Frrrj. ANTEDA GIRL TO DO THE GS5T ornl housowork of a nrivato lainilv. None but tVnrn thoroutrhly competent need apply. Highest wares psid.

Call on Mrs. ARESOr 01a3 on avenue, 9th house south Gates av. so27 2t" AXtrrTTi a nnmi nnmr wsaorcn nil iiju vju ij cjuuii, AueJCh and ironer. Goodrokrencorefiuired. Anoly atlOO Harrison street 88272 WANTEI' A GIRL TO COOli AND DO pencral housework.

Apply at 221 Oiormont avenue. se27 2t' WAN TED A GIRL TO DO GENERAL btrasettork in a small family; must be a pood cooh. washer and itoner. Apply at 174 Henry street. B2f2b AH TED A GIHXi TO COOK, WASH nnH irnn nnei An nnri.

nf f.Iio )i iiiwftrk! POOtl ro oommcndationB roonircd. Oa'latNo. 2 Oarroll placo, be tween Com and Ulmton Btreots, BoutU Uroo'dsn. VST ANTED A RESPECTABLE WOMAN with pood city references, tj coak, wsh and iron. Apply at 17 Uan place.

WAN TED SHIRT BOSOM STITCHE US on W. A W. moohinex Steady work. Apply Fulion elrcei, over Biown'a WntingAoademy, WANTED TWO GIRLS ONE TO DO Bonoral housfwork, and io to attend childrpn; Germans nreferred. Ca'l at 42 Adelnhl street.

se27I VSTANTED A WOMAN TO DO GEN YY oral housowork: muBt bo a eood plain oookond waehor and ironer. Apply ot 25 South 9th street, E. D. b27 2t WANTED A GOOD PROTESTANT cirl for Reneral housework; must be a good cook, washer and Cironer. Apjly at 403 Saokott street, South Brooklyn.

WAN TED AD rES TO LEARN TO operato on Wheeler i TVilson's soninn maohine; all branches taupht and recommended to work; also all kinds of Jamily stitchinc and Quilting done by on oipenonocd operator; also oonf tent work af tor learning. Apply ac No. 60 AdamB streot, Brooklyn. s27 6t WANTED A BOY FROM 15 TO 17 year. old; the hestoi references required, Addross W1I BEE, Essie office, particulars.

WANTED A TIDY RESPECTABLE pirl for general housework must boa good washer, ironer and gooaplain cook, and come well recommended from last place. Apply immediately at No. 70 Bedford ovo nue, between Rosa andWilcon atreot WANTED A STEADY, HONEST, CA pable girl to do the general housework ot a private German family: none but a plain cook, good washer and ironer need apply unquestionable reference required. Iu quirt at 42 Middagh street, corner of Willow. WANTED BY AN IMPORTING bouBOt in Now Yotk, a boy about 18 roars ofa one residing with his parents proierrod.

Address in own band writing, Hon 1175 N. Y. Post Office. s27 2t ANTED FOR A SMALL PRIVATE family a competent cook' must be a good washer and ironer and brinjr pood city reference. Aplyat85 2d plnce, 3d door from Court street.

ANTED A RUDDLE AGED PUO tetnnt woman do ponera1 housowork for a family ot3adulta. Call between 6 and a P. at No, 8 Proapoct Place, bo'weon 5th and Gth aTj. Somh Brooklyn, slf 3t ANTFD TWO MEN, TO CANVASS; tn nnnH tniiv tnpn. rnniinT wall rocotntnondad.

eoodwnaea or a commission will bo given. Apply in tho bn en ent ot Ko. lu Tillary street. 827 2t ANTED A GIRL ABOUT 14 YEARS olb, lo u.ornl and help to tako oaro ot a baby. Inquire for two at 41 Vqtton street.

ANTED OPE11ATOES ON SINGER'S machines, to work on sboe AppW at 75 Hamilton street, between Pars and Mii'ile iwonuoa; steady oaiplo rr.cnt the year round, and pood wases piven to good iinuds; go through the basement to shop in the roar oi building. iippiy lor luri uiija ANTED A FIRST CLASS COOK. ApuW at 145 Fort Grcone piaio. b2721 A TED CLOAK HANDS; GOOD nnv and steady work, at WttOIISLElt 4 A13IU IIAM'S 266 1'ulton stroct. lrANTED IIFIY SERVANTS DAILY.

TV Firbt class cook, plain cooks, ch amber in thU, nurses, and pirh for general house vork, for ox ceUent private families just relurned from the country. Sanations anil vares without dc'ay, by apulyinr; at Old EstablUhed Servants' Office, 0iurt Elreet, Brooklyn. s27 3l AKTKD A COMPETENT WOMAN, rook, wnshot and ironer. in a small nrivate fnmth pood city referencea rctiuired. (Jill for two days at 25 foot of Willow.

f27 2t ANTED A GOOD COOK. vVASKER (mil ironer. who can brins cootl citv rolflronos: Proiestnnt iirefcncd, Call on Friday, between 10 and 12 A. in Catcs avunuc, 3d door abTa Ryeraoa street. TWO OR THKfiE GOOD lathers, immediately, 6teady work civon, by tho Hoiiusle.

id In provoment Company, No. 9 Willouirbby st, liiooklyn, and Atlantic avenuo, hast Now York. a2ij 2i 1 ANTED A TIDY YOUNG GIRL, 15 tf, 17 tn nasiat in takintr caro of a luibo. Ati nlv. with crenel', to Sirs.

TAYLOR, 297 Rjorson near Gates avenue. se26 2teoii ANTED A GOOD COOK. WASEIER and ironer; one willing and canablo: good refero ico n'uuuT'ri nono ancr need apply. Uau at viu uegraw at, South Brooklyn, for two days, octween 8 and J) A. or after 2 P.

M. Liberal wnges will be paid. so262ta ANTED A LAUNDRESS. CALL for three days at 191 Union stroet. se2o2t WANTED A FAMILY OF FOUR adults want a colored or German girl for general houtework; must be a first rato cook, good washer and ironer.

Apply at 307 State street, bet. Bond and Novioe. 625 3t WANTED A WAITRESS AND CHAM bormaid: none need apply except thoso who aro compotcnt and have (food recommendations. Apply at Commandant's houso, at tho Navy Yard, near the principal gate, between fhe hours of Oand 11 A. a2i 6t WANTED NEAT RESPECTABLE SERVANTS Ovor 200 aro wanted immediately for excellent situations, now ready, nttbo highest wages, without a moment's delay, at I1EMR1CKS0N'S Old Established Ofiice, 121 Atlantic street, near Henry st.

This oUic is crowded oyery day with ladies wanting sorvantsantl is now acknowledged to be the best office in this city. 3t WANTED WALLACES OFFICE, No. 4 Sands Btrect, near Kulton Efficient and woU ro coinmcnfled servants in every domestic capacity; also rc fpectnble parties lately landed, viz: chambermaids, general hcuKeworkcrs, nurses, girls, soamstrosses, for situations, now ready, in some of tiio best families in Brooklyn and its vicinity. 25 3t WANTED EMPTY OIL BARRELS. The highest casti prico paid or cmnty refined petroloum oil tmrrofs at the Walkbout OiJ Works, Kent avenue, font of Hush street.

Williaojsburgh. nealin' ANTED LADIES TO LEARN TO onflTflte on Rinoer'a and Wheeler Wilson's Powinc nachines; alt branches taught and recommended to work; xlso all kinds of family Btitching and quilting done by an experienced operator. Apply at 182 Fulton street, upstairs, jy22 3ms SITUATIONS WANTED. WANTED A SITUATION BY A RB epectabJe woman, as ooSk in n)J its branches: is a good washer and ironer, and has good roferenco. Can be Beau for two days atCOO Hicks street, if not eDgasod.

WANTED A SITUATION. BY A RE srjectablo young woman, to do light housework, or as ohambcrmaid and waitress: baa good city references. Call for two days at 51 Front street WANTED A SITUATION TO DO GEN eralliouscwcrk.orflscook, washer and ironor, by an active and eQicient young woman sho is a good plain cook, and an excellent wasber and ironer; is willing to mako hor sell generally useiul and is very kind to children. Apply at tho office. No.

4 Sands street noar Fulton. WAN TED A SITUATION BY A YOUNG man with good references; would dnvo ahorse and wagon, keep a small set of bookri. or act as light porter in a wholeFale store. Call at 170 Joralomon street. WANTED A SITUATION, BY A rospectablo young girl, to do general housework in a small pnval family, or to do plain cooking, washing and ironing; good roferenco can bo givon.

Ploaso call for two days at 30 Prince street. WANTED A SITUATION, BY A respeotablo young girl, as chambermaid and waitress or to tako euro of children and sew; has four years city reference from her last place. Please call at 97 Cranberry st, for two days. WANTED A SITUATION BY A GIRL, to do ohamberwork and sewinsr, or would tako cro of children. Can be aeon at her precout employer's, 66 Hoyt street.

ANTED BY A COMPETENT GIRL, a situation as chambennoid and waitress, or to assist with the washing and ironing, or would do housowork in a smnJl family. Pleaso call at nor present cmj'loyer'P, where sho has 21 months, No. 293 Saokott street. WANTED A SITUATION BY A COL oredman, as coachman: understands his business thoroughly; good reference given. Address DORSON, Eagle office.

b27 3t WANTED A PERMANENT SITUA tion by a lespectable young woman, as seamless: ran cut and fit and make children's clothes, understands all kinds oi family sewing, and operates on Grover A Baker's Bowing maohine; good references. Can beaeen at 58 Lafay etto avenuo, between Fort Grecno and KJliott places. WAN BY AT RESPECTABLE girl, a situation to do chamberwork and tako cira of a baby, or would doboosewotkfor a small family. Oall at 57 Btantou street. The best of references oan be given.

ANTED A SITUATION, BY A RE snectabln cirl. as chambermaid and waitress in a am all private family; good oity reference. Oan be seen for two trays aczoj jsuihjh street. WANTED A SITUATION BY ARE spectablo girl, as chambermaid and waitress or laundress in a private family: can get a good recommendation from her last place. Oall on Friday at 117 Atlantic street, between Hicks and Henry tts.

A XT fT 71 A STTTTATTnV WV A l.M oo nnnr in nr. avnnT lont washer and ironer; has good city references. Uatl for twodaysatNo.2Doansireot WANTED A SITUATION, BY A RE apeotablo girl, it do housewcrkin a small private family, orupstaiuwork: best of ciy reference from her last place. Call for two dayB at 12 Church atreet, cornorof oourt, WANTED A SITUATION BY A RE speotoble young girl. Irtelylandedj to do chamber work and aist wit'i tho washing and ironing, or wouM do genoral housework in a amall family.

Call at Atlantic atreat, top floo backroom. WANTED A SITUATION BY A RE apectableyoung girl, to do general housework in a small family; has good reforenoe from her lust dace. Oat for two days at 64 Atlantic Btreot, in tho panexstore. A SITUATION, BY A respectable young woman, as chambermaid and plain sewer or assist in the washing and ironing; good references can bo given. Oan be seen for two days at tho corner of Bond and Degraw streets, over the Grocery.

WANTED A SITUATION BY A respectablo young woman to attend a bakery: the bestof city reference given. Oallatthe corner of Spencer rarANTTCl) A SITUATION. FOR A ff neat, smart young woman, as chambermaid or nurse and BcamBtreEs; best of references given; Oanb8 eeen at her present place, 35 Willoughby street, oornor Jay. VirANTED SITUATION, BY A RETT Bpectable young woman, aa class oook, and to assist in washing and ironing; the best of oity references given, if required. Oan be seen for two days at 70 Duffleld ANTED A SITUATION BY AYO0NG pfstof cib reference from her last pinto.

Oi'J at 80 East "Warren sti eet, between Smith and Hoyt ANTED A SITUATION, BY A RE spectable young woman, to do general housework; is a coop cook, washer aud ironer; hasgood city references. WANTED A sii'UATiufl ax a ke sneotablo young woman, as cook, washer and ironer, or asohlimbermaidimd waitressi has good city references. CaHfor two days at 304 Fulton street, opposite Johnson, 2i floor, front room. TSylTANTED A situatiuji joi a kb Tt Boectable young: woman as chambermaid andwait irj. nr.n;ni hniidAwnrk: has cood oitvreferancfl.1.

Mfor two days at 304 tulcon street, opporito Jonnaon, 2d am coot floor, front room. WNTED A SITUATION A3 CO')K, TOpectaWe gitl, either in a private lamj or boaromj MOtr saloon: has good references. Apply st tho office, 4 Banas atreet, noar lralton. EAGLE OFFICE P. M.

Bv Telegraph to the Brooklyn Eat i SERIES OF ACCIDENTS, Serious Machinery Accident. A very serious accident occurred a'lcrnoon in tho machino shop of Messrs. Hubbard Wi'iflaier, No. 103 Front street. John JIcNaliy, a machinist in tho employ of the flrmn whlloti work upon a latho was so unfortunate ai to have risht hand badly lacerated by its boinR cjughi in tho machinery.

Tho uDers and wrlat woro crushed in the most terrible manner, and the very bou hopo that can bo hold out to him is that ho must his arm just below the elbow. He mi taken to tho City and his injuries wore attended by Dr. Georgo Cochran, who ie now Surgeon in chargo ai the insiitul'oa earned. was a steady, industrious workman, Singular EiplosionA Man's Skull Fractured by the Explosion of a Glue Kettle. A very singular accident occavred yesterday, which will probably prove fatal.

It seems that yostor day aitcrnoon, a young man named Lawrence Schaffcr, while at work in a gluo factory at tho corner of Richard ondTremontBtreets, sustained a fiacturo of tho BkuU by the explosion of a kettle of gluo, a portion of tho kettle Btilkln? him oa tho head. Officer Kinney, tho 4Sd precinct, convejed tho injured man to the Long Maud College Hospitol. But slight hopei aro entertained of his recovery, Schaffer res'ded at Hobokcn, New Jersey. Runaway Accident. Yesterday afternoon a boy named Leander D.

aged four and a half years, and a eon of John of No. 23 Myrtlo avonue, was thrown from a wajon at the corner of Joy street ancf Myrtle aveauo. The weon was standing in i of tho establishment o.r its owner, Mr. J. W.

Kollott, No. SCO Adams stroot, when the horse attached to it look fright and ran dorfj Adams slrcet to Myrtlo avenuo, and down tho avenue to Jay street, whore the boy who was in tho wagon was thrown out. Ho struck his head and shoulders heavi'y vpon tho sidewalk. Tho injured lad was picked uo by the 41st precinct police, and conveyed to tho resides. 3 of his father.


Sept. 27. Several regiments, both of reuta ar.d. vounteere. me ordered to go into camp at bt.

JohuB, noar the Vermont line. AH tho government clerks in tho different depigments havo been enrolled into a civil corvico regiment. The general orders fxsred will be carried into e'Jeci in (he ovent of tho volunteer uiiULla boiug called out. A Cnid from Dr. Bauer.

To iht Editor of the Brooklyn Eagle: My attention has been called to a notice of what' pretends to be tho German Democratic Club of Kings County. It appears that the eidclab has so'cimily resolved not to support any aspira'it to the membership of tho coming aB3ombly, nor the can d'dalc for any other oflico. This ia rather a gratuitous cction on (heir part; for I have as yetnotcordc Ecendcd to eolicit their support, and I an pretty sure that I thall not placo myeelt in a position to need it in the fill are, uuless tho club rises io the si of a reprc eutattvo body of tho German population, comprising education, intenence aud honost My urmo as a candidate, is before tho consorvativii voters ot my district, and by their decision I shaU abide. Lotus Baueh, M. FINANCIAL INTELLIGENCE.

New Iobk, Sopt 27. Gold. The opening prico of Qold at the market thit Drenoon wbb closinR at li5. Stocks Are active and higher. Mosei At 45 per cent, on call, SiEKLrEQ ExcHANGE Selling at 108.

Stock Exchange Sales First Board. SOOO US6V68 10O.0 6 '81 ICtOO USC's '81 60CO SB's 5 6000 do JfUW do 2d call 30000 ITS6'8 5 C500 US 5's 10 i(J coup. 800 do Trens7 10 notes. 5S0OO lHrst series 6C3O0 becond series 35C0 do 4100 Third Series 6000 do 10000 YSt MCOTonn StO's oi cp. 11000 do 5CC0 TennB's now 120C0 do CO00O do 1G00 do 4000 Virginia St 6's! ei 5CD do 2100U NCar.

a. op 10000 (Jar now 20C0 2000 Gnlitornin St I's. 14000 Conn St 6's 20000 Ohio Miss 30000 do 10000 Ceil 6's W. SOOO F.rie2d '19 200C Erie 3rd 111 ll'OO Erie4h rooo 20100 GtWal '93 6000 Chi AAlin.bds.. 1CC0 111 Ceo bds COOO COOO do 2d call im do 1000 JConlm 110 Bank of Oom'arce 6 Bank of Com'wth 10 Central Nat Bank 20 Fonrth Nat Hank.

60 do 600 Oaoton Co 6 Del A Hnd Oannl. 20(1 CnmbCoal SCO do COO do 100 do 2d call 300 West. Union 100 do 100 QuicksilTerM'nir. 800 do 1M do 2d call do 135 100 do 107 100 Mar M'g Co 100 do It's 103 aUnposa 300 do. 3a'j 600 do 390 Atlantic 117 200 Boscon Water 31V 600 do GCO do blO El'S 100 Central 109 lOtO do 11.9'.; 00 do BIO 109 200 do s30 109 100 do s5.S'0D'.i EM Edo 2d call 1CJJS 100 do 100 Erie Railway 77 UVy in lU'i lllK ICS ICG 105K 1C5J( 10O5 Ji 13ii 72)5 72); 300 do.

77' 10C0 do 200 do 300 do 2d call 3C0 Erie prof 50 Hudson 100 do 77)i 77 TOJi 47 45 ma 121 65 200 do. 79 100 AN 112 115, 2000 ndinir 101 Mich Central 200 do 100 do 2d oall 300 Mich So SJ 1100 do 85 100 do S69 8I4 103 do s39 85 200 111 Central U4 690 Clave Pita 83 600 do 83K 2)0 do 1000 do 6D0J do mi 12C0 do BBJ.i 200 Chi A SVi 351 do 36J1 60 Obi A 60)5 10 0 do 68K 200 Clove A 12I3J 410 Chi A 1 112)S 600 do 112 100 Toledo Wab A W. 45JJ 300 do 100 do 2d call 46 800 Pitta Ft. A Chi ICH 200 Ohi A Alton 216 Ohi A AI prof 110 203 Mar A Oin 1 40 100 Mil A St Paul 63 100 Mil A St Paul 70 100 do tllii 600 Ohi AUrcat Eastu 13)5 69 do 49 313IndACInrr 76 100 29M 294 91 100K 99 96K 102 75 91 106 92 E23 Si 102 117 105 JSl lib ma 55 151 65 55 53 66K ax 51 64 3C0 Union Nav Co 1UY THIRD EDITION. EAGLE OFFICE 8 P.

51. FROM FORTRESS MONROE. FomnEcs Monroe, Sept. 23. A recent visit to tho sccno of the lato experiments upon tho iion clad target affords additional cvidenco of tho penetrative nialities and terrible powers of tho Hodman gunB.

Thirteen shots in all havo thus far been fired and tho heavy stone target now stands a mass of crumbled granite and ruin. The iron plates were penetrated several times, but not not before tho smooth bore and rifled projectiles wero crushed into a hundred pieces. The masonry, which wai immediately protected by the iron armature, is injured very little, scarcelya block ot stone being damaged, but tho effect of tho shook transmitted to the outer portion of tho targot, played havoc with its stability. Tho Board of EnslneerB, having completed thoir labors, havo leit for other spheres of duty. Workmen aro now enfiagod in pulling down what remains and removing the debris of tho targot, aTjd tho foundation of another ono on a larger scale has alroady been laid.

The results of tho experiments may be thus stated: Elgh' feet thick of stone wall, iron clad with four iochoa ol rolled iron, situated atadistanco of 350 yards, offered scarcely any resistance to tho shots fired by tho 15 inch Bmoolh bore aDd 12 irch Rodman guns. Tho 12 inch Dyer projectile, weighing 620 pounds, possessed greater power upon tho plates than the 15 inch spherical shot, weighing 420 pounds, but the destructive qualities of the latter upon tho heavy masonry far decoded tho calculations of the officers present. A strongor target and an additional thickness of iron plates will bd required before any definite result can be arrived at resncctincr the manner of building fortifications with tho greatest powers of resistance against tho improved artillery of ine age. A close examination made Into the affairs of Mr. C.

C. Flint, proprietor of the Old Dominion newspaper, shows inai no nss vicnmizea mo iouowing: National Bank of Norfolk. $6,000: First National Bank of Norfolk, Insuronco Trust Company of nonoiB, Total, tiio lorgcrtes were mostly upon government bills and vouchers. No clue has yot been as to the whereabouts of the defaulter. The ataunor Agnes, from New YorMpoko September 21st, off Chincoleague Islandi scbr.

Helen O. Phinnlo, from Savannah, for Portland. Crew were oil sick with river fover except the steward, who was in oharge. Capt. Bourne, of tho Agnes, put his mate and two men in charge.

Brig Tanger on tho 12th was on Georgetown bar, a bound to Batb, Mo. Crow all sick with river fever. Bcquested to be roportod by Capt, Miller, of (he Bcnr. Seizure. The weather still continues very unpleasant.

FIRE AT GBKENP0INT, The Sterling Oil Work Partially Destroyed loss About 95,000. Shortly after eleven o'clock this morning, a fire broke out In tho Btill house of the Sterling Oil WotkB, on Water street, near the Bridge, Green, point, cauBedby the bursting of while several of tho workmen were engaged tn measuring tho oil in one of the Btills, The oil Iroin the" gauge immedl. ately communlcatea wit) tho flio beiieith uii, ana E. Gates tt Co. Heal Estate Aoeka 2C5 Fulton avenue corror of St.

Felix streot, Brooklyn, September 27. Clerk Advertisement Department Deae Sib: For Heaven's sake please don't insert our advertisement for "Store to lot on Fulton si." We have 871 applications; have rented it 791 times; sol four deposits; safo lull of greenbacks; moaoy onousn to start a scortE Johnson Oltjis and recelvo a lucrative oftfee, besides funds to pay oyster supoers for all tho Eadicals thero will bo leit In Brooklyn a.tcr tho C'CCUon I TAKE OUT THE ADVEUTISEMEN. Oi'i. The Mortality Yeste.flny Only one Case of Cholera. Tho deatl yesterday in this city from all causes were 35, nl iollown: From cholera 4 From cholevn inlantum and 7 Otucr foul air diseases 5 All other 91 Total 35 Only o.ic now case or cVo't a is reported and that a mild ooe, in Princo near Tillary stroct.

Washinoton Division No. 4, S. of T. This division held an election for officers on Monday evening, when the well tried veteran, Alexander Campbell, was chesen Worthy Patiiarcli, a just recognition of his many years' falthlui service in tho came. Eepoeted Resignation op a Postaiasteb.

It is understood that Mr. Charles McCartio, Postmaster at Grcenpoint has resigned that position. Mr. McCartio is a Radical, and fearing that ho was to bo guillotined, pursued (he above courEe lo cscopo. It is said that Mr.

John White, a well known resident of tho 17th Ward, will ho nppoirted in his placo. Aoain in the Field. The Central MeOlellan Club which did such yeoman sorvico during tho last is to bo re organized for work in the present contrst. The first mocling will be held to night at Hall. To the Army and Navy.

All honorably discharged memhors of the Army or Navy who have lost an arm or leg, while in tho line of duty, aro entitled to on Artificial Substitute, and can procure the same without cost. Also information gratis to applicants wishing a permanent residonco at the Soldiers' Home, Albany, N. Y. D. W.

Hayses 342 Tulton street, Erooklyn. A Neglected Cough, Cold, or Sore Thioat, which liikhl ho checked by a siraplo rancdy, liko Beowrt' JteosoBUt Tnocins," if allowed to pnoross rjcy leiwinate rioiHy. ''or Bronohit's, Asthma, Catarrh and CoK.uiuplivo Cmln, "Tho Troshci" ara usod with advantage, civim. immc Jinto ralief. Siig trfnr.d put lie Lpcakei will find them oicellont oi clear too voice and rondor ai I ica'aiion wondorfully easy.

Leal roofs repaired and brick work cemented any crlor, and warranted tiuht. Paiiios will be shown work which wo did five yea's at we keep a tsim horst'i. for thai purjioto. Oilicc 2 Court street and59 Fulton Etreet, in tb2 icgav iro. Opening at W.

A. Conn's Cohset and Skirt Stoee, Fulton tticet. The lirgestand bpstassortmont of C'oncis tnd Ssirts eve offered in this city; also Ladies' and Gents' Furaisring llor iory and Gloves. W. A.

Conn, 222 Futon street Dn. Schenck will be afc No. 32 Bond street, New York, every Tucsfay, frcjl 9 A. M. to 3 P.

M. to2i ISt.eodTh Don't Let Youb Eooe Leak. Tho Union Cement Roofin.T Company wilt repa'r it and Itocp it tteht Pecils wo.kon tlifi DaKaib Avenue C.r Stables, too Puritan Iron Works, St Mary's Chinch, in Classon avoiuo. tho 2il Itcriiiicnt Armoij', in Fulton avenue, and Straltln'a Mill, corner Hamilton avenue and Van Brunt stroots. Principal oflice, No.

Fulton street. Beaiteatj's Ladies' Hair Dressing Gailery, 'lit icrpcit imd most America. I'oiito and skil tui youui: linlv cs. iistants, ahv.iys ablo to do the newest shies Ar is'ticd huir cuttcrs. French establishment, 31 ''nur1 street.

(I 'nt this out.) Hair dressing or Siiaiupuo ine, 50 cents; children's hair cutting, 20 cunts; curls ch oss fd oi ci. cents. Pnionts and others interested in tho education of children should bear in mind tho sale at Woodward's ot tile largo stock ot school hooks in every department, many of them as good as new. sellinn at half prica, and all old books bought or taken in eichange. No.

16 Miitlo avenue. s25 2t' Evening Sessions. The Evening Sessions ai Bryant, Stratton Clark's Business College, 13 Court street, will commence on Monday, Oct. 1st. The banks and other business housos will be organized Bame as in the day.

It is desirable, on this account, that applicants should commence at tho beginning of the term. Call or address for circulars. Bo25 Ct Prudent housekeepets have given as their opinion lhat tho Pioneer Soap is tho most ecouomica of all soaps. Ask your grocer for it, and givo it a fair rial. scl7 9t From The Indopondont.

"Persons requiring the extraction of teeth without pain, will do well to call at 197 lilton avenuo, Brooklyn, whero puro Nitrous Oxide Gas is daily administered by Dr. I. W. BOWEH8." Seventeen teeth extracted without the slightest pain, in BO seconds, once inhaling tho gas, for Mrs. Kobt.

T. Brown No. 3 Hoyt street, Brooklyn. Wo make tho gas fresh and pure every day. Over 29,000 teeth havo been oitrocted hero without tho slightest ill effects from the gas.

Biglow Co. call the attention of gentlemen to their Fall Sljlo Hat, now ready for their inspection, at Iti Fulton streot. ell 5tFSTuTh4S Fever and Ague permanently cured by Darling's Fever and Aode Cohe. The first dosa arrests tho diseaso. Never known to fail.

Prico $1. Sold by all druggists. Wholeaalo Agents, Messrs, Wheeler, Patterson 4 8 5l No. 160 William streot, N. Y.

Elliptic Sewing Machino incomparable Cckstitch Sewing Blachines, No. 643 Broadway. Agents wanted. slOloteodM Sweet Opoponax! Sweet Opoponax! Queen of PerfiJinos and choicest of Nature's neras. This is an doab'cdly the best Derfumo that has yet been offered to the public Every one, with an appreciation of the beauties oi lature should use it.

laThSU E. T. SirtTH N. Hrp. G.

G. Popbam, 711 Myrtle avenue, Bro will open for tho inspection of her patrons and he adietf penerally, on Thursoty, 27lh a full ossort nt: I of Fall and Winter Bonnets, Round Hats, Flowors, Tf and Trimmings of all styles. s2G2t" Religions Notices. St. Michael's Church, High street, below Gold.

Coiner Stono to bo laid on Saturday, 29th (St. Dny.l P. by the Bishop of tho Diooess. MARRIED. WlLTON CANNON On Wednesday afternoon, Soptem brr'JGtli, by theltov.

Dr. Bartholomew Mr. Obas. 1'. Wilson to Miss ANNIE M.

CANNON, both of thiscity. Knowlton SllANAnAN On Tuesday, Scptjmbor 18th, by nc Rev. F. Knonllon. o.

Stanmoh, M. a. KKOwLtON, S. to MlS. O.

S. SHANAH4N, of Brook Whipple Swinnerton On the 26th by thaBev. Terhune, Nelson M. Whipple, of this city, to agnes M. SwiNNKnxoN, youngest daughter of James Swimicrtyn, ot Nowark, N.

J. McGovehn Jordan In Brooklyn, on Wednesday, September Mlh, at tho re. Monce of the brido's parents, by tho Rev. Wir. Keer an, Hugh D.

McGoveiw to Eliza oldest daughtei oi Lawrence Jordan, Esq. No cards. Iowa papers please copy. DIED. WALsn On Wodnosday, 26th, tMART Walsh, wife of Micht el Walsh, nsed 45 vears.

The funeral will take placo from her residence, 118 Butler streit, on Friday morning, tne 28th, at 9K o'clock, and thence to St. Pa il's Church, whero thoro will bo high mass C'lobratcdtorher. The Ir.ends and rolatives ore respectfully invited to attond. MCLAREN In Brooklyn, Sent. 27th, at tho rosidenoe of her grandmother Mrs.

It. J. Freelan, No. 12 Stroni phco, Helen Campbell, eldost daugrtor of Jamos M. and Eliza McLaren agod 5 years 2 months, and 10 days.

OS Notice ot funeral in to morrow's panors. Gatfield On Tuesdaylaftornoon. Soptomnor2S, 1866, of dipthoria, Nellie LOtrrsE, only daughter of Archibald and MaryM. Gatfleld.ased 6yeare, 10 months, and 6 days. Kellogg In Milford, on Tuesday morning, 25th inst, Rev.

Robert R. kellooo, aged 63 years, 4 months Tho relatives and friends aro invited to attend his funeral from the residence of his brother in law, Charles P. Burok etNo. 211 Dean streot, Brooklyn, on Friday, 23th at JOHNSON At Geneva, If. on the 25th inst, Jacob Johnson.

of this city, in the 20th year of his age. The remains are intoned at the lormer placo. Adams In this city, at 201 Tillary street, on Wednesday, Sept. 20th, Ellen, wife of Georgo Adams, aged 35 years. The relatives and friends of the family are invited to attend tho funeral on Friday, the 28th, at 3 o'clock.

MEETINGS. rilHE KING3 COUNTY ANDREW JOEN SON CLUB will raeot 1HIS (THURSDAY) EVENING, at 8 o'clock, at the rooms, over Farwell's Drugstore, corner of Court and Joraiomon atroots, second floor. Entrance on Joralomon street TH03. KIN8ELLA, Prosident, J. L.

Dotjolab, Seoretary. XIOTICE A SPECIAL MEETING OF the EIGHTH WARD DEMOCRATIC REOON hTRUOTION CLUB will be reld at. Uiea room comer of lSthetreotand 4th avonue, on SATURDAY, 29th inst, at 8 o'clock. P. M.

All the mombers ore requested to attond, as a ticket will be nominated for the ensuing primary. Signod. FRANOIS MoGRATH, Chairman pro tam. SH3t 171KIEHDS AND MEMBiiKS OLD CENTRAL McOLELLAN ABSOpiATIOS, And all otlier oitizens who desire to join on Are invitod to meet at MONTAGUE HALL, Court street, THIS iTHURSDAY) KVEVINu, Sept 27th. at8oolook niHE tlXTH WAKD CUiNSEKVATlVE 1 JOHNtON ASSOCIATION will moot on FRIDAY EVIiNlEsG, Bept 28th attheir rooms, in LAilMbB ALL, Con rt streot, botween Degrawand Douglass stoebj.

All conservatbu? cititeni are invited to at1 end. wt Plimouth trfct and Hudson avenuo, on SATUttOAit EVENING NEXT, 29th in at half Dast 7 o'clock. All in favor of tho policy of Andrew Johnsonliro cordialur invited. A band of rcusio will be in attendance. The following speakers will address the Hon.

Henry Murphy, Wm. O. Da Witt, GenL Calvin E., Judce B. Morse.

Thomas I lncella, Roswell O. Brlinard, H. Campbell, Hon. Eli P. Aorton, And others.

P. BURNS, President J. GAnrnKHB. Becy. 1 s273t 9TH WARD JOHNSON CLUB WILL meet at their Headonartois, DONOHER'S, oorner of I ilasson avenue and PacitJo stteet, on FRIDAY EVENING, September 28th, at 8 o'clock.


SHE TAKES PRUSSIC ACID AND i RIES TO DROWN HERSELF. SUICIDES IS TUE EASTERN DISTRICT. Crime appears to be MdiDg higb carnival in our city. Tie red band or man is raised ojainst hi i brother almost daily witu fatal effect, and otlier wicicd ness is ofiourJy occurrence. The lowor couris are crowded, the calendars of the higher ones filled as neve before with names of those who have uold'y transgres scdtbelaw.

Crime rages like an epidomic, carryin: of its victims as does the cholera. Within a few wcek Eugene Fergus shot Patrick McGuan, in Furman street, for the merest nothing of a dimully, Markuooff was murdered by drowning, as a Coroner's jury think, Donnelly wen! to the other world by tho hari kari William Cor, and Emma Burke, sister of a murderer now in prfcon, for beat'ng hia wife to death, almost slaughtered an inoffensive woman with a broken brandy tumbler. All this transpired with tho two cowardly assassins of Otero, the Cuban, awaiting a sjrc execution on the 12th of next month. It really seems as if CHINE MADDENED CMMiNALS, to a desperation which urges them on in a dark emulation to see who can commit tho most murdcrojs, dis guBting Late lost ni.qht another killing was added to tho above Jifit, Tho circumstances as obtained from tho police aro substantially as follows: At a little after ten o'clock, a man, named JoBeph Goiman, went to tho house of Colosto Cahart, No. Carll street, and demanded admittance, which was re.

fused. He then attempted to force the did not succeed, and while making repeated efforis ta secure an entrance he was shot by tho keeper of the house. The cause oi Gorman's visit was that on a pmious night ho Tiad received a counterfeit 12 note from Cahart, and wanted her to redeem it. Tor years housa No. 31 Carll street has been kuowa as a HOUSE OF and the proprietress, Celeste Cahart, haJ made sufficient money in this nelaiious calling to buy the promises which she oeui'ied.

She is a bold, bad, brazi a ft rnalo, whom no masculine can daunt, and her official record extends back for years in the Police and other Courts of this eily. On Tuesday night, it appea.s that Gorman took a fallen iemalo lo tho house of lliis notorious woman, and on leaving paid his bill, receiving in change a f2 note subscu.ucu.Uy ascertained to bo worthless. Last night, evidently laboring under the effect of stimulus, he returned to No. 31 and attempted to force tho door. The woman was determined that he should not enter, and rushing to herprivato apartment, obtained a largo revolver, Navy size, and Gorman was Btill thundering away at the door and makiug tho echoes ring Willi his clamor for admiliauce.

Maddened at last by his persistence, the procuress warned him to leave, and then fired TWO SIIOIS THROUGH THE DOOE. Gorman immediately fell to the Btoop and the police of the 41st precint, hearing the reports of the pistol, were soon after on the spot. Meantime the cxlremest excitement reigned within the house of sin, Tho guilty occupants of apartmenta, aroused by the extraordinary affair rushed out in pairs, and with hasty toilette and disturbed tempers, made their escape as best they could. They were too rudely roused Irorn the fair in which unholy lovo delights to lurk. As 6oon as Sergeant Hanbrd arrived ho took tho premises in charge, cent Gorman to tho City Hospital, arrested the women and ako a colored girl, employed at the place, named Emma Saunders.

She is but 12 years of ago aud is detained as a witness ouly. IHE INJURED MAN was promptly attended at the Hospital by Geo. Cochran, M. when it was ascertained that a largo ball from tho revolver had entered bis body in tho region of the stomach, passed through the walls thereof in a direction which would indicate that death must shortly on iue. An tho ball cannot be traced, tho danger is still greater, and, after a visit this morning, Dr.

Cochran was firm in the opiuion that Gorman cauuot recover Ho lived in York street. THE SCARLET WOMAN is a jail bird, sent down on a short commitment by Justice Cornweli this morning. There sho will remain until tho result of Gorman's iujunes shall be known. Coroner Lynch this noon started to receive tho deposition of the dying man, whoso evil ways have brought this sudden calamity upon him. A Despairing Girl Attempts Suicide.

Mary McGuire, a young woman of too con fldiug a nature, found herself last night reduced to such Btrails that she preferred death to her present existence. 8ho has been a domestic down near tho Heights, and last evening wandered around uutil she fell upon a etoop in Henry street, and was found thero by OiSeor Titter, of the 41st police. On inquiry sho said that a young man, about a month since, had proved her ruiu, and that sho waB now in search ot a dock whore sho might plunge into the water aud thus escape from the misery which was killing her by inches. The Oificor took her to the. Station Ilousc, and thero a new foaturo In the case came to light.

The wretched girl had be como so beside herself over her troubles that she had TAKEN EUSSIC ACID. This active poison is usually instantly fatal, but when it is old, adulterated, reduced and doctored by ovory doctor into whose hands it falls, it becomes scarcely more than an active irritant, and so it proved in this case, to which circumstance Mary owos her life. Ascer. taining that the poison would not carry her oif speodily, if ot all, she determined to drown herself. With this intention, she proceeded as far as sho could, when tho acid put tier in such pain that she gave over and began 10 cry, Sho was taken to the City Hospitil, the proper remedies administered, and this morning is in a condition comparatively comfortable The seducer's namo is riot known, for Ihc girl, true to him who was untruo to her, refued to make known his name or residence; nor would Bhe tell where she had workod.

Suicide in a Station House CellAn Insane Woman Strangles Herself. A woman named Julia Ann MeMrthon was arrested, yesterday afternoon, by Officer Hipwcll, of tho 45th precinct, who found her wandering about tho streets of the Eastern District, suffering under an ttack of temporary insanity. Mrs. MeMahon was removed to tho station houso corner of 4th and North 1st streets, and consigned to a cell. About an hour subsequently, the dooiman, Mr.

Wm. Wilson, had occasion to visit tho cells, when he discovered Mrs. McMahon lying on tho ground, with her apron strings tied tightly around her neck. Mr. Wilson made every possible effort to save the woman, but in vain, and in a short tinio thereafter, she breathed her last, death having resulted from strangulation.

Deceased had bound the apron strings around tor neck after entering the cell, and gradually strangled herself to the condition in which sho was found. Tho body was romoved to the residence of Mrs. McMahon's daughter, at No. 164 Seventh street, near North Bixth, whore an inquest was held by Coronor 3mith this morning. Deceased was 50 years of ago, and a nativo of Ire land.

Suicide at Greenpoint. An unknown man yesterday jumped from a Grcenpoint ferry boat as it was leaving the dock foot of Grcenpoint avonue, and was drowned before assistance could reach him, As tho unfortunate man sank tho Instant ho reached tho water, no description of bis dress or general appearance could bo obiauied. Tho body has not yet boon recovered. The Palisades or the Hudson. Thoso who Irish to CDjoy a pleasant day on tho Palisades wilt have the opportunily to do so with littlo trouble and lo good purpose to morrow.

Tho ladies of the Alpino M. E. Church will hold a Harvest Home celebration on the Heights oppoptte Yonkexe. Itov. Henry Ward Boocher and other distinguished gentlemen will be present.

Dodworth's Band has been engaged, and refreshments will be provided on the ground. Tako passage on the Horthcm Eailroad of New Jersey, or on tho Hudson Eiver fioad to routes; or go by ona of tho morning Slight Fiee. Shortly after seven o'clock this morning, a fire broke out in a housa owned by Bo dell Baldwin, in Myrtle avonue, near Steuben atreot, but was extinguished, with but Blight damage, by a few pallfl of water. Btjbglaby. Sometime during last night thieves entered the houso of Mr.

Henry Billiard, No. 72 HoyUtroct, and stole clothing and silver ware to the with which they escaped. Anentranco WABforced through a basemont window. JJ HTAMTKD A MTIJATOIN BY A msni'Clab'i" sir, as 000K. in a Bniall inmilv; undor itands he bnsinc perfeo is roio nco Irom her la ol ico.

Aniily at 3S3 Atlantio streot, noar Bono. Abo a good ohara bermaid and waitica ANTED A SITUATION, BY A RE socclable yonnc womrn. to do Bonoral housework or oiaist in doins it. 'se call at 33 Doa'i streol. WANTED A SITUATION.

BY A. RE snectabie woman, as 000k, washer and ironer. in a small family. Ca i bo seen a0 a Hojv street, cotaor Pacific, for t'irco Tasted a situation by a deMi ab'e. capable cirl as waihor and ironer or honscwork: alsob" 0 neat, repcotful and williw cirl as chambermaid and waitress nnrco; are bo.T highly roc ommceded.

Call at 121 Atlanta street, noar Horry; eiher oily or country, WANTED A SITUATION, BY A COM petent woman, nsfHt class cook; thoroughly understands her business; hai no objection to ocist la washing and ironing; or in a private boa din? home; is a irocd taker and paatjy cook. Ploaip ca'l at No. 20 AUantio corner Columbia, South Brooklyn. WANTED A SITUATION ASCOACH man and groom in a private family either in too city, or country, by one who thoroughly understands h's bosineBs; no objection to make himself useful; can aivo the host of citv referenco from his last employer. Addross Y.

H. Eagle office b26 2t WANTS. WANTED A HOUSE, IN BROOKLYN, ot New York, for ront or purchaso, a comfortable house, within eaay distance of the business centres, and in respectable healthy locality: must havo from six to ten rooms, well provided with modern conveniences, and bo ready for immediate occupancy. Address, witu oiiilicit Btatemonta of terms and every essential particular, OLi'F IU, r.ast 4in 11. 1 szi I WANTED TO PURCHASE, A HOUSE, located between Fultui snd DoRalb aveuuo; tho same must be in good order, and prico not to oxoocd Sti.OCD; possession required betoro Deo.

1st, Addross, with full liWln nffinft. WANTED IN BROOKLYN, IMME diately, a urnishod houso, in a good neighborhood, by a family who would toke good caro of houso and furniture; best of references given. Address J. S. 269 canal street, N.

Y. 827 WANTED A LIBERAL RENT WILL be paid for the whole or part of a plain houso in a plentant and respectablo neighborhood, convoniont to South 7th Btreot forrv, a caretnl family, consisting of three adults. Address, with full particulars as to loo accom ai ndations, torros. Ac, Boj 22B7 P. How Yirk ANTED KURA GENTLEMAN AND wife nnlv.

nart of a hoeso conaiLtini: of rooms. forhousGkeenine tiiiiDortB. in a convenient and nleasant location. Address TV. T.

D. EagJeofflcQ. WANTED FARM WANTED TO leaso for a number ol years a good farm in tho vicinity of New York, on Long Island, SUten Island or in New Jersey ID to 105 atura Addross Box 6210 Post Offlto, N. Y. City.

an 3t WANTED BY A SMALL, GENTEEL family, nppei or low.r part ol a house, by the 1st ot October; location must be good, and within 15 minutes' walk from City Hall Address A. Eaglo office. ANTED TO PURCHASE, IN THE City of Brooklyn, 0 small houso and lot, containing 4 oi'5 rooms, with or without sbro. Address, stating location and price. P.

It. Othce. B27 21 WANTI'D ON B. C. J.

R. R. KOUTE 3 or 4 rooms, suitaole for housekeeping, inn quiot. pnvato hiititc. Address, nith rent aud location, VAA.NK JAY, Eagle Office.

521 2L ANTED HOUSE WANTED TO TV ltK I will pay the rent from now till May, cash down, for 0 good uiin bouse, in a ooi'rhbarl'Ojd; rent not excecditie S)lCC0 annum; por.oL'.ion betivcon now andKoverober. Address E'iglo oilico. 827 2t5 Wf A HOUSE, with ono or two lots, in tho vicinity of Rctlfoi.l. Biooklyn, within one or two bhckb ot tho t'ulton avoouo ca prico not to eicced Address "HOUSE," Eacle oftice. B37 3t WANTKD A SMALL HOUSE, IS THE Third n'nrd or its vicinity, nit to osocod $6,000 Address A.

olliie, for une week. XJ ANT1D A EUUNISHEU HOUSE TO TV Way next, with immediate possession. Address, stating price and fud parliculars, ANT, Eaglo office. 626 3ll ANTED FORNIHHED HOUSE, TILL Mrv. bv a Gentleman and wifo.

no clliidron: dcsir.i ble tenants; immcdiato possession. Address, with pi'ice and full particulars, TENANT, Evening Post, Now York. 625 31" ANTED A SMALL HOUSE, OR SIX mnnih inn Inroo one. with water and cas. conve nient toluiitoi) I'erry; location muat be good.

Audrcas, with terms, ic, II. S. 11., Eafiloofhco B2G WANTRD BY THE 1st OF OCTOBER nextjiwoor threo rooma for housekoepiajr. by a family of two adults ano two children, eldest a irl of throe years old; location between Cumberland street and Tompkins arenuo, on or near Fulton apenui rent must bo moderate. Addross CONDUOToB, Eacle office.

s26 2l WANTED A MEDIUM SIZED, GEN teel house, well bnt not extravagantly urnishod, in ahvfllthy locality Brooklyn, from 1st, of November next, for ono yoarorlonger, Addross, R. 37 Halsoy stroet, Newark, N.J. b2C fit WANTED BY A FAMILY OF THREE persons, a small cottage houi o. or a tirst or tecoiid floor, in a good location. Addies3, statins rent and garUc nlar.

Box 460 Brooklyn P. O. 825 2tfi ANTED FROM OCT. 15th TO MAY 1st. ncifc.

an unfurnished housP. convenient to tho ferries. Address J. H. Eagle office.

s25 3t WANTKD A ROOM ON THE TOP floo. that has a flat room, with easy access, with water, for a liirht business. Addross, statimr term for tliroo days. V. Eagle offico.

s25 3t TOR SALE AND TO LET. 6L1 AfMV A GREAT BA KGAIN vp OeVV "For salo, on Prospect Park. Windsor Ttirraco, Brooklyn, nearly seventeen lots, wito indsome house, out houses, plenty fruit. It comprises a wholo front, including two cormrj directly opposite tho priactoal entrances to the Park. Tim is a rare opportunity of pro curmg a dnlvlitful rcsidenco aHialf its prospeot've valuo.

Apply to "WILLIAM KENiNELLY, No Pine sLreo New York. s27 2t.3od Ai INQUIUE1J FOR Loon will buy a 3 briofc hwo and lot, pleasantly situated, in Downing street, near Gates avenue, containing 8 rooms, vostioulo door, mavblo grupo vines, arbor, at a vacant lot adjoining may bo had; may reioain if desired. Inquire of U'RANIC W. TABER.l Rlontauuo near Court. a27 tit FOR SALE A YOUNG HORSE, WAG on and harness, suitablo for light business, or to use for pleasure.

Inquire in 15ih street. 7th houso from 6th avenue, between 4th and 5th avs, Brooklyn, s27 3t" I TOR SALE CHEAP TWO COPPISR stills and fixtures; also tan fomenting tubs. Call at J.B. REILY'S, corner Gold and Plymouth Bt, Brooklyn. 27 3t mo LET AND EURN1TQRI3 FOR SALE, a three Btory brick house, on Brooklyn IIoight9, ono of tho best locations in tho city.

Address HOUSE, room No. 8, 195 Broadway. e27 3t IjOK SALE A PIANO, BY A FAMILY JU moving west, Hasolton Bro. makers, in good order; cost 1250 new; will bo so'd for $135. To boseon on DeKalb avenuo.

south side, brown house we3t of Marcy avo. OK b'ALEA SAUSAGE CHOPPING machine, but little used, one of Weiter's mako. Apply at tho Knickerbocker Maikot, PajnIA ELT0N LET THE BUILDIYGCO'RNER OF Tilkry and l'ulton reets. 22 rooms, woll adapted for a boarding house, newlv p.iporcd and painted throughout. Apply, at SHliR MAN'S Gallery, alter 8 o'clock Friday momiDg.

IOR SALE LOTS AT $200 EACH 12 beautiful tots on tho erade on Bancook and Jeffe rion Btreets, near Fulton avenue, in narcels to suit purcbadnrs; thisiea great oyporlunity. DKA.KK No. 9 Wil loughb.v streer TjOR SALE ON TOMPKINS AVENUE, JP north of DeKalb, a 3 story, Bronch roof, bisoment and cellar brick bout.e; gus and water, bath and wash tubs; now ready for inuuediata occupancy. Price tarmn easy. A.

ACOM BER SON, 321 Fulton ave. s27 3t" riO LET IN BROOKLYN, ON THE WmVtifa wi(hin fivfl minuteT' waft of Faltan or Wall street fenics, three rooms on 2d floor, and back soment, to a gentleman ana uu wbuiw v. nnirpd. Annls at 63 Fulton Btreet, up stairs. s27 2t SALE A GOOD SEUON A coach, and team of horses and harness; will be sold cheap, tocethor or eeparate.

Inquire at OWEN McMA i8 East Warren street, South Brook) d. AN ELEGANT 3 STORY I and finished attic brown Btono front houso, No. 20 Monroe place; the houso is full front, contains all toe modern ano is in perfect order: possession can be bud immediately: it is furniabod throughout in a Buperior manner, and will be sold urnishod or unfurnished; Also several firat class lionets on Pierrepont, Remton. or Montague streets. For further particulars aud permits, apply to S.

HONDLOW, Montague atreet, near Court at. e27 6t TO LET IN BOND STREET, TO A email family of adults, four rooms, with ga3 and water; rent $20 per month. Apply at 201 Schermerhora fctreet, near Bond. TO LET FOUR NICELY FURNISHED rooms, suitable forhousekeepiug. to aKentleman and wife, with one child, in a pleasant location and convoniont to all the fenies.

Address O. Eailo office. MILLINERY. LARGE AHD VERY ELEGANT stock of millinery and millinery goods now opan for inspection, at Miss THORNTON'S. 65 Myrtle avenue.

A rich assortment of dress caps always on hand at 65 Myrtle avenue. s26 it LOST AND FOUND. ELK REWABD I OST, ON MONDAY, A nn0 email Inn THRB1ER. blind in nnn or trimmed eho.i, had on blaok and red collar. Ploaco return to 64 State Btreot.

jOUND ONSUKUAY EVENING, SEPT. y1 2M, in DofflolQ Btreot small sum of whloU may DO CIIITOKU Ot. J'" Mmmucvmnh LOST A KKOBIPT BOOK A SMALL brown leather Beoeipt Book, the owners mme marked on it; Tfas lost or on or at rat the l3t inii. Whoever ill reluia tho same to No. 18 Willow street will ho snitably rowa'ded.

LOST ON WBDESDAY, BETWEEN Montague and Union streo, a BRACELET of gold and green enamel bulls. Ine trader will bo suitably re tn Iha coma tn On T) i LOST ON TUESDAY AFTERNOON, going down Fulton avenue, from Lafayette to Hands street, a llold SLEEVE BUTTON marked "tb TW uithctnt a cull. Five dollars Hill bo pd for the recover; of the bntton, lo be left at store, 233 Fulton street sJ62t 17V i mul? IcXt .1.,...... 7 .77 JL' Can bo cot, hy payin? eipensos. to O.

8TIMS0N, on Flnshtofr avenue, botween JCentand Flashmif avenues. If nctcaucn lor wiumio uuuxd, wu, u9 boiq io pay oxpensos. 25 3t BOAKDING. BOARD PLEASANT BOOMS TO LET. with poard, for the winter; houso has all modorn im.

proveroems, convenientto tnroo car routes. Ploaso apply at 1T4 Dean street, oomer of Bond. 6022 BOABD 20 HARBISON STEEET, BE: tween Clinton and Court streets; a pleasant front room to let to two gentlemen, inth board; light and fire for the winter if desired, cuteen nunut33' fIom paitoa xerry, ten irom ouum ivt. M4 OARD A VERY COMMODIOUS AND vrilh hn.rd. tOCent eman and Wlfn! hn.itfo ia situated, on Wiilonshby avonue, first houso oast of Cum berland street, and between Myrtle and DeKalb ave.

eli St ilk.

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