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The Brooklyn Daily Eagle from Brooklyn, New York • Page 2

The Brooklyn Daily Eagle from Brooklyn, New York • Page 2

Brooklyn, New York
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

roosssBt5sj THE' OFFICIAL THE EPISCOPAL CHUM, IMPEACHMENT. of the moral and sooial aspects of the subjeot embrace the continent without aivnger. Wbile Our first remark is that poverty ana want iu bv no means the greatest incentive to the i A riMil fl we are bickering over petty questions turning on a race inferior and insignificant in number, a half continent invites our friendly domini AGUA DE MAGNOLIA. Tho prettiest thing, the "swootost thing," and the moj of it lor the lenst monor. It overcomes tbo odor of perspiration: foftens and adds doltoaoy to tho Bkm: is a detebt fnl ncrfume; allays hendacho and Inflammation, anaia aeceemrr companion in Iho sick room, In too nursery, ana upon tho toilotsliloboiid.

It onn bs obtained overvwbero at one dollar per bottle. BAB a. TOGA BPBINfi WATER, sold by all Droggista crime. This seems very strange. ahe Troposed Diocese of Long Island." Shall there he Another Bishop of the Church on Long Island.

At the joint meeting of the Convocations of tion. Maximilian's short reign is over. That certainly have supposed beiorenaut. iu nothing but utter destitution of the bare Vote for Street Commissioner, Aldermon and Supervisors The Constables Elect. The City Canvasseis have completed thoir canvass of votes and to day nnnounco the following as tho majorities for tho successful candidates, whoso names are given below: The First Fraternity lecture by "Major General" B.

F. Butler. The AnaotiESTTbo proper remedy for tho YtS" tlouB, Atraeoa ana Wrongs of Esooutivo power is im reactimcnt. Andrew Johneon has been RUiay o. TJaurpation, Abuse nnd Wrong; thereto? lje oujM to be Impeached, The Academvof Music last Saturday evening MONDAY EVENING.

NOV. 20. ho meant well to Mexico is not to be questioned. necessaries oi me, sue us a If wesupposed thathisrulewouldbe exchanged, Bnt when the r. tt.n rtf mnlnn fnnHvnCL Wfl ftMlld nolle I This papci has the largest Cirdalntion T.

18C0 X. joice over bis departure. We do not. booner Street Com'iiissioner Street Commission jr. ofaay Evening Paper published in the The amount of Plantation Bittois sold in one rear is 1 feet bodies of those who are suicides by drowning are recovered, there is generally found to be money on the person.

And in the accounts of others, we read of disappointed love, jealousy and a thousand causes, but very seldom of po something Btattllnfr, Thoy would (ill Broadway United Stales. Its value as aa Advertising 3 Dratto's manufactory la or later the empire of the Montezumas win ub ours. Let us abandon vioious and narrow politics and prepare to govern a Continent 1 men, lrom ino rarK am sireec one oi tho institutions ot Now York. It is said that Diakp Medium is therefore Apparent. Wabdb.

painted all tho rooks in tho Eastern States with ms canai Istio T. I860. and thon (tot Uio.old granny lejii latora to pass alaw "provontini! disliranne the 1 face or nv him wnnnnn V. Wo do DOt KOOW UOW WABDS, Ben Butler at the Academy.

was occopiea, not filled, by an audience drawn thither by tbo announcement that Gen. Butler Wis to deliver lecture, under the auspices of tbo Fratoiility Lecture Association. Coatauy tatbo anticipations of some persons, tbo Qenoral appeared on the Btoge at tho appointed hour, and deliveipd a lengthy address without Aa be came before the audience ho was greeted with a formal, matter oi coarse, applause, to which having bowed bis acknowledgements ho took a seat. Mr. Aaron M.

Powell, who presided on tho occasion, then cauio forward and said: As the Chairman of the IVaternity are Assocle verty. In fcoS, smcide3 ore wauu ciass and to no age. It is as likely that the A Fortoi the Programme which was not too Plantation Bitters sell as no Ren Butler delivered himself of a tirade man who next shoots himselt wui no a ll it in an fllrlfiriV otner article over aia. iney are ubuu ij "Vf community, and are death on Dyspopsin cmtaln. inej aio very invigorating lancuid and woak, and a creat liSlATOGA "A "SPKTNG WATER, sold by all Druggists.

ngninst the Chief Magistrate of the Republic, at tbo Academy of Music on Saturday evening. aire as a pauper. at one man, who has served in our Northern army, ....1 think to look at his grey His speech was a rehash of his harangues in Kings, Queens and SmToli CoudIIos, of too clorgyaon of tbo Episcopal Church, held on Thursday and Friday of laotweeS, at Graco Oburcb, on.ihe Hoights, it became apparent that whilo tho advancement of the couso of religious education oud the missionary causo wero two of tbo objects for which the Convocation bad been called, the real object was to laio stops loading to tho establishment of a dioccso on Long Island, Thoolor. gymen composing iho Convocation, about flity in number, wore unanimously in favor of some to tho more effectual management and working of tho affairs of tho Episcopal Church on this Island, and a majority of them appeared to favor tho establishment of a new diocese. Bishop Potior is undoubtedly averse to any steps boing taken in this matter at present, although he remarked that bo favored the forming of a dioccso on Long Island in duo time, that is, when tho Convention of.

this part of tho Stalo should moot While the rectors assembled paid great doforenco to tho Bishop's opinion on somo matters, and woro vory reserved in Ibis, it was evident that thoy wero actcrmin ed to agilate tho question until it should be settled by the deBircd secession movement. The reverend Bishop haying doubtless heard more during the first day's proceedings than ho cared, did not appear to presido on tho second, and tho result was that arraugomonts.wero van vr vaiv tliB eomins ot the Western States during the late campaign, nairs, mignL puuemv and wo should probably havo had the advan TTjmnrfl rptrm TTTT TTROM THE tage of Butler's utterances before the election if it were not for the fact that the managers a dissolution which cannot db many tant. At toother, it is a poor forsaken girl who plunges into the cold waters with her little one, because her betroyer whom heaven, which is 1 lstdibt 208 2d dist 253 2 lfitdist i13 2d dist 2M Ed dist 557 lstdist 103 2d dist 213 3d difct 118 4 lstdist 210 2d dist 372 ad 320 lstdiBt 507 2d dist 318 3d diet 458 4th dist M0 BlbdiBt 220 6th dist 407 Istdist 406 2d dist 448 3d dist 490 ithdiat. 452 6th dist 326 7 lstdist 325 2d dist 330 3d diBt 202 4th dist 191 Itncaica rapraiy, am. "'jji i jj r9t phU.delnhia Thi.isrrierXasamplVof'vrhat tho.

Mustang tmiment tion. I lave tbo pleasure of announcing iu lcctmo of this sei ies will be given on Morfarovenin December 17tb, by Mr. Trod. Douglass, of BjohestM. (Applause).

The subject will be l'be souroes of dan oer to tbo That lecture, on account of prior cngagemont of the Academy for another purpo vfUl be EtiorTin Plymouth Church. Othor lecture too dates of which will be duly announced, aro ti Academy, to bo given by tho Rev. Henry Ward Boechor iapplauso), by Mr. Wondell Phillips (applauso) and others, whose names wo are not at the present time auio to announce. I have the honor of introducing to you, this ovoning one who is justly distinguished for eminent practical statesmanship, and to whoso great oseontlvo ability the national cause is Tery largely indobted Major General Butler, of Massachusetts.

(Applauso). General Butler then arose arid entered upon hU bus of his party believed lhafc his violent ravings were unsuited to the pcoplo of this vicinity. Hud. the sneech. delivered by Butler on Satur just, will repav 1 has low wUldo.

It is invaluable in all casos or wmiuus, sprains, outs, bruises, spavins, etc, either upon man or boast nnMuwrHnntia broken spirit cannot iace to and upturned eyeballs of the Christian world. Sometimes the causes day evening, preceded the election, it would have added five thousand to Hoffman's majori in fine uteol plato oncrnTmss. bfurinr; Jho snoturo 01 u. W. WeBtbrook, Chcinis.

and tho private stamp ot IMtroAa gnpM WATEn. add by aU PmrfgUf tv in this county. Butler delivered his ha 320 ll lstdist 212 231 153 2d dist 23) 151 83 3d dist 151 301 70 4thdist 275 303 107 Sthdist 145 373 333 Oth dist 318 151 377 12 lstdist 675 60 420 2d dist 1M 17 337 3d dist. 307 101 SU 4th dist 353 140 528 13 lstdist 175 258 40 2d dist 220 413 41 3d dist 218 281 T3 4th diBt 181 435 115 6th diBt 08 212 117 OlhdiBt 83 183 127 14 607 00 107 2d dist 425 132 171 3d diat 241 178 107 4thdist 151 189 231 251 77 231 15 lBtdiat 148 162 215 2d dist 279 33) 1ST 3d dist 303 430 309 16lBtdist 189 275 J97 2d dist 122 351 222 3d dist 157 316 171 4th dist 124 310 243 Bthdist 80 45J 162 6th dist 75 4, 137 17 lstdist 451 165 2d dist 261 413 124 18 lstdist 2ot 2)3 193 2d 102 303 188 19 lstdist 103 231 327 2d dist 158 280 254 3d dist 233 29 214 10 lstdist 219 303 338 2d dist 335 331 182 3d dist 101 161 223 4thdiat 01 116 201 6th diBt 201 393 .91. 6th diBt 75 2)1 222 Total 23S 21.01Q 280 childishly inadequate.

a iorei Carried Out. lira Eadical fears of a disturbance at the Academy of Music on Saturday were; not, it setms, entirely groundless. Butler's friends feared that ho would be interrupted, but the "interruption" they dreaded was not from a mdb, but from the officers of the law. It seems that an attachment against Butler's person is now in the hands of the authorities of this county. The facts in the case give a fair illustration of Butler's conduct during the war.

As reported to us, they are as follows: A year or two before the war, a. resident of Brooklyn had, in connection with a citizen of Virginia, established a sewing machine factory in Richmond. After the outbreak of hostilities, the Confederate government seized the factory, and its owners were compelled, under the penalty of losing their property, to turn their establishment into a manufactory of arm for the South. Much against bis will, the Brooklyn man consented to on arrangement he eould not, of course, resist. To save hisproperty he consented to do what the rebels meant to do in any event.

In 1862, Mr. Lincoln issued on amnesty proclamation, offering a full and free pardon to all who would within a certain time abandon resistance to the government. Encouraged by this proclamation, the Brooklyn irnn made his escape from Eichmond, perfected for tbo holding of another joint meoting of the Long Island Convocations on tho second Tuosday of Bthfliflt 173 rangue, as ho had a right to do, with perfect impunity and without interruption. Probably the Tribune's bint that a disturbance was feared, was intended ns a gentle reminder that respected, for years, has a "niignt ornery with some one ot the store," and goes home end kills himself. At another time we know nothing of the lBtdiBt 170 TiTJI a TTmiTJTTT ATjTj WHO VALiUJii A vna.uii.pvLi am a 3d dist 329 4th dist 241 December at the same church.

From a circular isBued for tho information of the rectors at tho Convocation last week, the following facts and figures aro taken, and they will doubtlosa be found interesting alike to Episcopalians and tboso of other flnnmniiiai. nTiH. nn Rhowlnf? tho nrowth and stronath of lstdist 660 row was not undesirable. When the Hub hond of hair, and its preservation from promaturo oaiunesa ind tmning gray. mft not fail to asp Lyons oclobrated Katffon It makes tho hair rioh, sett and glossy oates dSdruO, and cansos tho hair to grew with luxuriant motives.

A lady, well dressed, is noticed on a nlntform and on a track, but her manner and lin Trinitv Collcse boys were at a loss to know beauty. k.mll, v. 2a 33 4 3d dist 181 4th dist 161 6lhdist 202 6tri dist 438 7th 85 iness. Bo remamea tnat an ezperirueuia iu Hcan' government had heretofore proved failures, ine beginning and cause of tho downfall of all past ropub. lies had been encroachments of Executive power, ine stability of our oivn government bad been tested py civil war, by taxation, by tho roturn of peace, ana tno diBbondiDB of armies.

It was tho School Homo, and tho Church; Education and Christianity, nevor before riven to a whole people under a Republic, which uau preserved it through all its dangers. Would he could say tho lonoie people. Its greatest porll was that nearly one half the people were more or Joss do nnved of education, and religious advantages. No tbinc else than rebellion and war could have been expected, and now in tho work of rojon strucUoD, universal education, tbo common school and nnlv bases Unon which tho South conversation forbid the idea of drink or insani the Episcopal Church both on this Island and through. what to do with an intrusive watchman, caught ctfhin the Collese walls, a mischievous leader UlATOGA SFJUKG WATKR.

sold by all Druggists out other states oi tue umuu. ID 1st 161 wns (customed to exclaim "Don't nail his ty, and guardsmen and others lorgec to minis of' her. On a sudden the flaming light of hex self chosen doom comes on, thescream of the STRENGTH OF DIOCESE WHEN FOBMSD, rrh AiiAiuinrr ftihin will show tho strength of the va eortfcp.n.imn.bovsl Don't The Tribune's 2a 303 3d 233 4th dist 400 5th'dist 630 6th dist 171 7th 180 CHi 265 was in all nrobabiliiy equally sincere, rious dioceses In clergy and communicants, at tho timo when each elected its first Bishop, and also tbo present WHAT DID IU Engine is heard, which is to her a 'Wuno di tt lip cnrm iflcd that Ben. Butler mittis it turns a ourve sue nas pianwu uei A young lady, returning to hor country home after a SO i of a tew months in Now York, was. hardly rocogglr.l strength of the cnurcn on ijoug iniuuu.

No. of Clergy. No. of Communicants. iourn cbmild turn ui) now as the advocate of a mens Futey's majority 2,556.

lyherfricndB. In place of a rustic unsnoa lacp. sao uau marblo Not recorded. self in its pathin vain is the Engine reversed in vain are the shouts of the Engineer it soft. ruby complex of almost and which would, in all probability, inaugurate Official Tote for Aldermen.

SECOND WABD. a revolution. While it was profitable to toady fn Hie more extreme class of Southern politi comes on though with slackened pace, yet ewitt enough to leave a mangled and shapeless mass Siatheu'BedH without it Any lady can improve hor personal appooraDOo rynmch by mgtiisarticlo. It can bo ordorod by arw 'aTaTOG I WATER, sold by all Druggist. Smith.

ITarkey. nl TVlimiV At 1st dist ...316 40 01 instead of a creature full of lite ana strengm. Or onco more, it is a young man in the fall flush McLaughlin. 170 77 214 491 150 2d dist 17 3d diBt 267 could bo safely and permanently reconstructed. If the nower to establish these were not in the organic law it ebould be pnt there, ana at oace.

But it was there la tbo words "ConBicss shall have power, to provide for tho common defence and general welfare of tho Un ed StatcB EducaUon would make lbe peoplo unwilling to submit to uscipation, "the customary weapon bv which free governments aro destroyed. Tho patriots who founded this government bad provided for usurpation of power, and all misbehavior in the rrcat constitutional remedy of impeachmont. and rcmova'. He laid down the forms of procedure in case of impeachment, narrated the particulars of the cases in which it has heretofore been resorted to namely, that of Judge of New Hampshire, for drunl orniees; that of Judge Chase, of Maryland, in 180i, for maliinc a violent and inflammatory political harangue; Sir rv nf Missouri, iu 1831. for arbitrary Connecticut 10 New 6 Pennsylvania Virginia 1 Massachusetts 5 Maryland 23 South Carolina New Jersey 9 Ohio 6 Missouri 6 Illinois Kentucky Louisiana 1 North Carolina 8 Delaware 8 Florida 8 got safely within our lines and surrendered himself to Butler, then in command at Fortress Monroe.

Butler, in defiance of the President's 2G3 768 of early manhood, the world and its prizes, and its pleasures, all before him, who astounds mjmTanrnwW.T'S TNTMITAHTjE HAIR mnfikmation. threw the man into a dungeon, Martey's plurality 277. Coloring has been steadily growing in vor for over twentf years. It acts upon tho absorbents at the roots of tl 0 am. his regimen by destroying tomseu ana leaving a cians, isutier was meu a Charleston, in 18G0, he stood alono among Northern men as the advocate of Jefferson Davis and as the Democratic candidate for President of the United States.

The tide had no sooner turned against the South, than Butler turned up as, the most inveterate and malignant foe of the section upon whose wrongs ho so frequently dwelt. He comes out of the war WABB. and kept him under so many deprivations that calm business letter to ms uapcaiu aiiowu Moreoln. and changes it 10 us oniyi iu uj jj. j.

tanoons dyo.j deaden and.inrorc 1 the 1 hair. the doctor in charge was compelled 10 remon NOT A DYE. DUt 1 Utirilliu .1 Price 60 conta and il ai EarriB. ....274 38 ....287 do do do do do do do do do 39 217 222 339 264 209 802 SfJO 500 975 159 700 733 349 552 500 537 1172 2115 1903 was premeditated, and ending with tne words ,1 1 1 nl inr, Vio he offers and is a boautlful IIaie duebsihq. 1st dist.

2d Sd strate to save the life of the prisoner. A few eeks later the wife of the prisoner succeeded in Iowa. which are the only explanation 828 441 301 1139 SPRING WATER, Bold by all Druggijtjf. imprisonment, and lastly, that of Judge Humphreys, of GeotZ 9 nwismwn. on comDloint of Andrew Johnson, iu 1M2, 10 am tired I am discouraged.

809 getting away from Eichmond, after having dis ior maintaining in a public speech the right of soces Kcw Hampsbiro 11 Now there is one woy of accounting easily the representative oi ua husbaua's interest in the factory Hercein's majority 201. for these and similar caseB, as, indeed, tor Ho is actesrea oy ui sh md in possession SIXTH WAED. O'Brien. Kiernan. T.YON'S EXTRACT OF PURE JAMAICA lw comrades in arms for doing Ms sion This lat case aecermmeu auvoitu jmiiuiwu, noluts 1st.

That an improper public speech by a high official ib impeachable. 2J. That a Congress, from which the Senators and Representatives of eleven States are excluded, is a complete tribunal. sufficient without any ovort act. 4th.

Laimbeor. UUUTl wui'" the money the property realized.amount rT.r.T Trt.noilior,. NaUSOO. UOaitOUril, Dllilk utmost to biinc disgraoe on their achieve Kitj.tifX AiVAin; genial every crime the human will can resolve on and tie human band accomplish, and that is by supposing the insanity of the actors. And ac let dist 21U 2d dist 313 1W ing, if we are not misinformed to nearly forty Vermont 12 Tennessee 12 Texas 12 Cabiornta 18 Indiana Id Mississippi 17 Mluncsotu 21 Wisconsin 46 ltbode Island 2d Pillshureh 29 109 100 109 2B7 242 8d dist thousand dollars, i'eannglor tne saiecy oi ma That tbo trial may proceed and bo concluded if tho accused inU to apcar.

Alter layim; down tho law in the 4tb diBt 81)2 lii ments. There were generals more incapable; there were possibly others as malignant and as cruel; but for a combination of cruelty and enrflmnlv coroners' lunes nave an easy minium 5th dist 20a sco ijniiM it case, Mr. liutior next reau y. u.vij..v ocainst tho President, which afiorded ground for impeachment. Thcs; were: 1.

Public diunlionnosss. a. 827 1477 875 trunk in which the money was placed, the lady on getting on board the United States steamboat, then running between City Point and Fortress Monroe, told her story to the officer O'Brion's plurality 002. incapacity, Ben. Butler stands without a rival.

Such a man has nothing to secure by the paci for all cases of fdo de so, to wit, "that the deceased destroyed himself whilst in an unsound state of mind." But of every crime that man can commit, it may be truly predicated that Long Island has 72 830 CONTETBUTIONS AUD CLERGY IN 1865. Usurpation. 4. Improper and wicked uso of tho power EIGHTH WAUU. Pitbladdo.

of appointment. 6. Improper una corrupt, use oi fication of the country but deserved obscurity Daniels. Sharkey. 19 PAINTINGS AND STATUARY.

OPEN NOW AND ON THANKSGIVING DAY AND EVENING, THE EXHIBITION lOF T11K ARTISTS' FUND SOCIETY At Iho Galleries of tho NATIONAL ACADEMY Of DESIGN, Corner of SSdstreot ami 4th avonuo, Now fork. nf the boat, and requested him to take charge As will be Been by tbo following tablo for 1863, Long istdlBt 100 nnd the contempt of the two sections tie alter Cd dist 264 of the oronerty referred to. tie aid so, ana ou 147 217 145 133 and betrayed. "With Island as a diocese win 00 auuvu iuu ummnu cescs in point of contributions and number of clergy Contributions. No.

of Clergy, the mind was more or loss unsounu wnen wa.s done. Unsoundness of mind is a description which applie3 alike to the act which is 3d dist 213 101 170 arriving at the Fortress, he turned the lady UUVCiJ 0Tf.enHnns which are hardly worth noting, 4tb dist in pardoning power, u. vwauiu infi disloyal men lo office 7. Re.crnl to oxocuto the laws passed by Congress in regard to tho rebellious Slales, and lastly, Conspiracy with John T. Monroe, Mavor of New Orloans, to disporso a lawial and peaceful' oouvention.

l'or all these ho advocated bis un rcacbmcnl, and urged that it should bo done at once, while uc have, and shall havo ior two yean, a majoniy while uc hove, and 395 lmr effects over to Butler. Butler detain n263t" 612 421 merelv a little unwise, and to that which is 7G8 every general whose achievements contributed ed the lady for some days, but finally sunered to the success of the North is now in Daniels' plurality3J4. TENTH WAHC. her to proceed North, minus the specie, which atrociously criminal. We have no faith in these modern refinements in ethics, and, judg in Congress, of a policy which wilt secure wuat.

favor Butler retained. Butler furnishedher with paper er Hlnman. Underbill. 277 1st dist 210 30 35 he struggled for a united country. It is ffl ftom tlle evidence of their lives we be fitting that the foremost advocate of prolonged raonej jan su friendleg3 and iiove that the great majority of suicides are 130 Amusements.

Italian Ojhia. To morrow evening Max 7 New York $843,450 0G Western New 288,094 27 Pennsylvania 235,729 83 Connecticut 210,009 02 New Jersey 162,844 31 Massachusetts 150,928 36 Ohio 135,321 93 Illinois 131.332 03 Maryland 13.27 83 Missouri 02 608 72 Wisconsin 69,262 73 Michigan 58,544 28 Rhode Island 45,012 65 Kentucky 32,545 06 Pittsburgh 32.01L.55 California 28,775 03 I0wa 24,629 93 2d dist s'Ji 3d dist 2S4 4tll dist 412 alienation should be a Braggart ana a roml)eUea to live on the perfectly sane. Urn is nouimg i.i we destitute, and was compelled 24 12 5 the joke of nt Maretzoli will give the only performance this season of Verdi's celebrated epcro, "Eruani," with Pocb, Mazzo sr. whoso achievement was XUere is norning mo nrroro HPT U1S I U.M If) dTdm lfJ5U7UlU. 6th diBt 6th dist ISO 220 185 94 274 199 219 1610 Tioillnl and Vntonucci.

In 'he caBt, Aireaayaiargu For, ct perse which proves eit her that ndjjd 21 7 7th dist 149 233 150 113 110 100 89 169 22 61 02 38 28 23 28 35 37 32 16 20 30 22 10 72 fiiends and foes and whese peculation and cruelty excited the disgust and horror of tho 8th diet i An.nA nil rnn np i.vniir. 111111 inauca .1 rlronlDd OH T.O H1VH I WIIH IlUb BfllllCVi number of seats have beon tafcon, and the inaugural performance to morrow night promises to bo very brilliant and successful. 115 had not careful ress Monroe, uu du linv itoo nnt rlnsirftfl I nf the deed. Or that It Tnlnl 2482 nnle of everv civilized country on tue giooe. Bergen's majority 727.

TWELFTH WARD. FLORENCE REVERSIBLE EEED LOOK6TITOH SEWING MACHINES. ly pondered them Deioren.iua, uuu he should ever leave the Fort alive. The Paiui Thbatee, 51ns. D.

P. Bowebs. We do not care to follow Ben Butler in his nsoinst tho President. Mr. Johnson if the mind was capaoio 01 Keloher.

O'Eeetfo. Tho lady secured the interference of very 113 this there is no evidence of insanity. Again if On Saturday evening a very largo audionco was in attendance at this favorite theatre. was performed for the iost time 'Paddy the Piper" being influential centlemen here in her Denaii. could in no way so effectually answer Butler's accusations as by simply naming his aceu 15 Minnesota 20 Indiana 18,741 87 Dolawaro 16 Mahio 11,089 21 Vermont 0,732 35 New Hampshire 5,723 50 Kaneas T.onrf Island 214,905 51 the act of suicide of itself is a proof of insanity, 1st dist 153 2d dist 02 Sd dist 238 4th dist 254 Donovan.

411 07 136 83 C97 Svmrathv for the sufferings of herself and 21 21 husband, and hatred of the man who was re then all those great heroes of old time over whose lives and works, and deeds, we bend in reverent admiration and who yet were suicides, 170 given ob an afterpiece. 'JLhis evemug, me Butuuiyuou aciresB, Mrs. D. P. Bowers, commences a short engage, ment.

Mrs. Bowers cboses for her opening piooo "Iho Lady of Lyons." Sho will bo supported by Mr. Mo 707 cnmmiMB for them, were confined to no party. No allowance is bore mado for the several parishes The Official Returns. which last year maae uu puiwuiiui Tho late Moses F.

Odell, warmly interested Viimsnlf in the case, and his efforts were backed O'Keeffe's majority 10. FOURTEENTH WAItD. Brady. Smith. Sheeton.

Kurotz. Roach, if added, wouiu sweu me uaiuuai iu The official returns of the result of the hito rlr.nt.ion in this county are of interest mainly were madmen. But they were no. madmen and no one ever thought they were, therefore BEST FAMILY MAOI1INE rrTim TrmsmEE OF BAPTISMS, COrWrESIATIONS AND 311 238 41 10 41 COMMUNICANTS IN 186S 6 1 up by many Republicans who were disgusted bv the cruelty and rapacity of this worse tnlrifinoliticians. Substantially the figures pub we sav, the act 01 suicide is no pruur muu.

Collom. Tbo reputation of Mrs. nowers no uu ouucdj is sufficient to guarantee crowded bousoB during her stay here. Her ongagomont at tho Winter Garden New York, just closed, proved a great success. Mrs.

Conway announces a matineo on Thanksgiving day. "Orra Opera House." Manager Hooley is IN THE WOULD. npsq. Till lbe canons oi syllogism are upaet, lished in the Eagle the morning after election aro reckoned as follows in tho dioceses named and ou T.nntf Island: 2d dist 372 152 3d dist 142 4th dist 128 133 5th dist 120 171 54 16 7 3 5 14 90 70 96 54 357 than Beast. For reasons wmcn rsueut, uu credit on the late Administration, nothing this reasoning must stand.

But ltmay tie said wph! correct. Bv a comparison of fvlr. Obit Baptisms. Conflrm's. Comm'ts.

33.318 22,011 by some "If they were not maa, 11 is 3,250 1,553 could bo accomplished towards making Butler continually introducing now Btars to hisalroady 1073 840 tendon's vote with that for Mr. Eenton it mroears that the former gentleman ran behind New York 7,150 Pennsylvania 3,737 Maryland 2,748 Western Now York 2,224 rlkrrnrrrf. his nlunder. That he has not done liant galaxy. This evening ho lntroaucea diBuui Brady's plurality 233.

SIXTEENTH WAItD. sible that they should as unnsnunB 01 mu nineteenth century destroy themselves. Tho HENCE SEWING MAOHISE 605 BROADWAY. 10,039 1 1,053 12,590 tono Bidcaus, bo to this day, the fears of an "interruption" Guck. nosongardon.

nca vnn allude to among the iroro 7,930 nt. tlm Aendemv of Music on Saturday ovomng, 231 hie ticket in every ward in the Third Congressional District. Mr. Chittenden seems to have been cut by 21 voters of his party in the 1st Wfirrl by 20 hi tliii Sil, (ki rrn Waid)byi7 9,019 n.i,o Rnmnufl. or Carthaginians, and of 211J 2C5 NEW YORK.

3,831 at tho hands of the officers of the law, too Mest. And "these be your gods, UACGllo w. 7 onnrfifi naeans: but the suicides of our day 237 2d dist 3d 6th 205 208 279 338 377 390 Tin, been brought up in the light of Gospsl iu the 4th; bv 50 in tho 11th; by 16 the 4,117 3,373 6,981 1,243 184 Connecticut 1,001 New Jcrsoy 1,657 Massachusetts 1,338 Illinois 1,162 Michigan 987 Wisconsin 840 Ohio 702 Caliiornio 018 Minnesota 541 Ithodolsland 490 Pittsburgh 131 Indiana J3 17Wnl 377 155 timpn." We have brought our argument to tne X9tb, and by 38 in the 20th. Mr. Robinson eceived 110 fewer votes than Mr.

Hunter, who 1312 The Washington correspondent of the Trl 1,750 1,683 1,073 835 689 551 539 387 504 92 24 323 197 105 289 120 212 129 150. 117 110 38 533 point that we desired. The act of self murder is no nroof of insanity, but it is a proof that a 1723 Guek's majority, 411. EIGHTEENTH WAItD. dm Rfimn ticket, while V.

i. ma lune savs that "a bill has been prepared Dy a 1,105 3,828 1,903 1,510 2,045 1,172 1,162 1,689 inritv is 200 votes creator, showing thai 'loadintr Congressman, providing that an Carlisle. man has no faith Christianity, is "pu Bible for any man or woman, that man or TiiBt. juartm. (he Ethiopian stagoT Hew acts, sohgs, danceB and Interludes will alEO be given for tho first timo thiB evening, the whole to conclude with tho burlesquo opera of "OnHusb," with Mulligan, Hughes, Cool White, Heed, Charles, Murphy, ic, in the cast.

The attendance at "Our Opera Houso" is oil that could bo desired, and the liberality of Manager Hooioy in producing new pieces and new "Blars" is having a just reword by overflowing houses. In fact the company now under tho management of tho veteran Hooioy isthobestin tbo country. No ono disputes this. To night, then, if yon desire to laugh to your heart's content, and hear good singing, go and seoHooloy's new bill, and listen to Bidcaux. On Thanksgiving day a matinee will bo 6ivcn.

The 'Old Folks. Father Kemp and his corps of singers Btill bold forth at tho Athenoum. This evening's periormanco will bo tho last but one, so those who dcslro to hear how our ancostors sang and dressed in ye olden timo, shonld embraco the two op. ninr voters were willing that Mr. Chitten "nfficer on trial under impeachment shall be 213 235 ....218 260 1st dist 2d "suspended from exercising the functions of den might go to Congress for one term, but did nniriosire he sho "id figure in both the 39th woman being of sound mind at the time, and bovine a serious and firm belief in revelation Delaware 809 Missouri 364 Maine 328 Iowa Veimont J88 Now Hampshire 15U Trnncoa GO 148 1,208 2,110 508 "his effice during trial; and wnetner anytnmg nT.fl 40th sessions.

Mr. Hunter ran ahead of and in a future state such as that revelation af "is done toward impeaching tho President or 1,1 Martin's majority, C9. TWENTIETH WABD. flrmo in onmmit this enme. We lear tnat Hoffman 07 votes iu the 11th and 20th Wards, 171 8,300 "not, it is probable that action will be had Long Dist.

what with tho absurdities that modern ortho bin nnprenatc vote is but two more than rcceiv "nnon this bill, with a view to settling a dispu 1st 2d prl lw the head of tho ticket. Mr. Chittenden PRECEDENTS THE NEW DIOCESE OF PITISUnGn tut. PEOPOSED DIVISION OF WESTERN ted noiut of law." A disputed point of law! doxy would have us swallow, and the cant and hypocrisy of so many professors, and the battles of churches and the many gateways to run nrettv well up with his ticket in the East Con there be any disagreement on the piin Cooper. Whiting.

Bulnior. 213 220 102 332 250 174 90 130 18 90 119 33 203 353 90 04 188 20 1028 1200 479 NEW YORK. 4th District wards. This shows either that he cinle that a man must bo held to be in ortuDitica left tbem this and to morrow evening, Heretofore when dioceses havo outcrqwn thoir hcalthfnl rrorlroc proportions they liavo been divided, as for instance lionimn wliioh are offered us, men are fast Tfin hpst where ho was'likely to be least known, Oaatoeio oe Samson. The second perform nr flint Mr.


OUir, 3S Nassau street, N. V. IMPROVED AND UNIMPROVED PI10PERTY ALK. A pply to F. COIT, 39 Nassau street, N.


23C 238 AND 210 FULTON STREET, BbOOKIA'N. FOUR LAliCllOWROOMS. EiKourancd bv the rotineil lastos of (lilr. customers and ion1 of whiah state knvo its consent to tho division of that 2, Vvi'eu 111.) worts lor 1861 orfnbitcd the following nocent until ho is found to be guilty A partisan House trumps up charges against the President, and on this the President is to be "qusnended." As tho Radical scheme looks ance ot this oratorio win uu nirvu foRilenee susnioion by doing their best for figures, 09 comparcawit fttw 'r" Whiting's plurality, 238. Official Vote for Supervisors.

Plymouth Church. Tho characters will bo sustaineu by Mr. George Simpson, Fanny Hayward, M. Bitter, tho regular candidate despite their disappoint mrnt bv the nomination. FIRST WAItD, only to the suspension of the powers of the President, whv should there be a trial at all? Mr.

J. E. Thomas, Miss Maria Bramara, air. n. u.

ter, and Mr. E. J.Connolly. It will no doubt be as it V7v Tnllint. the Eemiblican nominee for lnnrlc ticket about whilo Mr.

as on tbo first evening of its representation uore, wei coming to disbelieve in heaven, as well aa in I tho gates and the gatekeepers and tint materialism, or the belief that man has no soul, and therefore, no future i3 becoming the creed of modern Christendom. When wo say no soul, the words may need explanation. Wo mean no distinct nature which will live when the body perishes. So that its sufferings and anxieties being all temporal, we havo but to cut the slender thread of life to get rid of them altogether and be as though wo had This is a game we will venture to say the most White. 318 160 403 1st 2d Spraguo.

233 358 D91 1.500 voies less than Hoffman, attended, intempeiate Radicals will never dare to piay Cokceet, A grand vocal and instruments: f. iinU'o nviinritv Is over 6,000. Mr at. iUl. VJl ii mnioritv for Surrogate is about i 2 concert will be given at Brown's Hall, East Now York, ou the evening of Nov jmbor 29th in aid of St.

Maiaoby 3 1 owPill 1.772 18.U6 $395,503 S7 Ncwor! 1 The counticsin Penuf yl vania which form tho Diocese cf l'itttburg a 1,. occurred in Wall street Sprague's majority, 123. THIBD WARD, Dwight Johnson, 909 iNo opposition). FIFTH WABD. Cbtirtb, (Dev.

Mr. Creigbton.) A lino array 01 musical talent, both vocal and instrulal mental, has been pro on Satueday, the fuil effect of which is recorded iu tho ofiicial list of scIcb of and commodities. The Btreet was crowded throughout the day, and on nil sides couiparcci who urn! mised on this occisiou. 1liind. as follows: 1 PiHtlinrob.

1E01 32,01.1 53 153,033 53 197 OH 1.9S3 1.293 ever teen, Suicide, again, is in most cases a proof of He continent incensed dcmaotl for tno in nf Art fn our lino, we ivo spared no pains or eiponso in mnkin" cfectious in Hurupo'to meet I lie arowilis appro Ey Ibo community, 'be benutilul in Art. Wo bovo (ho plofifiiraof lulrarliiciM ti tuo oitizons oi Brooklyn the deservedly celebrated Silver Plato of tho GOUIIAM MANUFACTURING COMPANY, OF PROVIDENCE, II. I. These made in osact copy of silver styles cfjaal Monday Popular Concerts. The first of 12 1.524 Long Mom), 1st dist 2d dist 3d dist these concerts, undor the direction of H.

L. Batoman and L. F. Harrison, take place at the Academy of Music Thn nmwr i.tion of Wc storn New York, in Aiurast. 1803, Donnelly.

Noylor. 587 45 317 56 388 115 ...180 H8 100 129 401 135 2,033 593 moral cowardice. Not all cases mtieeu, For who could say of that poor forsaken sinner who peiished with her fatherless babe, rather 4th dirt nn the recommendation of the lb. hop, relerraa tnoiiiiuoi St I ffi n. Special Coram tlep to report, rttbonexj ibis evening.

The following artists will appear: miss. 5th dist Florence Bice, Messrs. Alfred H. Fcaso, 1. oracu, oF the VdilW.S'O sd to, wear well for Contention.

ii the following result: Gill dist tion. Tlioy supply a want i'JiK than face a Christian world, tnat sne was a cow Heindl nnd G. W. Colby. Mr.

Theodoro Thomas will conduct, asBistcd by Mb orchestra. Bilvcr ano tue tuiiiNiu" ard Bather lot us thiulf that, being Iriendlcss here the thouqht she had a Friend elsewhere Fitty sixth Regiment. This rogiment will meat astonishment was cxprosscu ut im market prices, by incspciionccd people, who did not participate in tbo panics of 1817, 1857, which swept that dangerous locality. Durior; tho morning rumors were curront that a promiuent bank bad beon a sufferer through confined cbeckB; but tboso rumors were qu'etcd'by statements that the amount was trilling. Packs or tbo most solid character called their loans freely, and good boirowers in Ibo stock trado wero ready to pay 7 per cent, in gold for monoy.

Gold, under the pressuro lor money, sold as low as and from up town commercial quarters came roports of numerous failures or extensions of dry goods houses, unimportant singly, but as a whole the source of unoasi ucss to money lenders and creditors," Here is the coming of tho storm. The trouble can be directly traced to the folly of the politicians, Industry is paralyzed at the South. In tho uncertain condition of affairs in that give a grand promenade concert at the Arsenal, Port who, if she could reaoh him, would not scorn same; from his vote Mr. Braiuerd took 1,931, for the figures show that the Republicans voted solidly for their candidate, Mr. Mr.

Delaney is elccfed Superintendent of the Poor over Cosiignn, by 4,722 majority, whilo Corr heals Knby for a like position 5,369. Tho Germans nominated Col. Urban for this office, and he polled votes reducing Mr Delnney's majority of course to this extent Whether tho distinctively Gorman vote is reprcsentsd by Urbon's strength, or whether it indicates that of tho German organization which nominated him, is a doubtful question. Mr. Eeynolds, for City Judge, was beaten but by 3,180 votes, but the vote for both candidates falls far below that given for tho Stats ticket.

The increase of the majority for Hoffman on the official count reduces Fenton's majority iu the State to about 13,800. The most encouraging result is shown in tho reduction of the Radical vote in the wards, the intelligence of whose people tho truculent Tfndir even cannot question. Tho following land Eavenuo, on Thursday evening next, Novemoer her nonitence or point tho finger at her shame, nnd that in dvins the poor child hoped to reach 29tb. A largo number of tickets havo already beon disposed of and tho conceit promises to bo a great Donnelly's majority, 1,435. SEVJLNTH WAED.

Bloom. 1st dist 352 2d diet 370 3d dist 210 41b 1M Otbdist 213 1,337 Bloom's majority, 144. NINTH WAItD. A inobi extensive usr.ui uhv, RICH Dl'COH (VTEB DINNER SETS. BRONZE AND PARIAN STATUARY, FRl'NlTl AND SWISS CLOCKS And rnictraolad stork of rAfiii) AND LONDON FANCY GOODS, S'jitaWlofoi' WEDDING GIFTS.

nl92jn BEAUTIFUL TEETiTTrJwBBT JiltEVTH DROIlIillU'SOEN'TOrilllH. Tho perfection in Dental Oliomislry. It combines the monoVties of all Rood Dentiilicos known. Prion 2 anil K) fol Wo bv.D. (I.

Farwoll, Court itroot. corner Jor and droficists eenorally. Crowell, 219 150 307 310 201 1,193 his hand. But, saintly world! upright If two Dioctccs fn dan 7,485 21 fjtica, crt iude whv are sinners so afraid of yoa that Buffalo, or West 73 1251 ffra. Caul Wolesohn's Beethoven Matinees.

thev prefer a violent and early death tD a life 157 2,719 1,731 H855 393,228 19 On Saturday evening Carl Wolfsohn gave the socoud of in voui company There must be something a series of ten Beethoven maliaecs at the chapel of tbo 866,711 93 70.03 27 B. II four dioceses 1. Ulica 2. Syracuse, 3. uoclie ster 4.

Buffalo Packer Institute. There wero olgbly persons in attend 670 639 312 223 3,598 3,887 3,731 3,039 039 859 676 675 unlv in your face and repulsive in your ways, 02,335 33 01,712 56 ance, proving that any ontortoinmenfc of a musical Cassidy. PALM AND MAGE, PALM AND MAU and we believe there is, or theie would be fewer section, those who have wealth, instead of investing it, cling to it, for they do not know the day they will have to runaway with it. What man will build a house, or imnrove a farm, while Iliad. Stevens and his PifTCPABEU OIL OK I ll'Myy pp', RESTORING AND BEAUTIFY.

I N'Ci TUE HAIR. AN" Horfl art nil ilia WO character must first bo pronounced fashionable before it can become popular, or be rendered a paying invest suicides. 157 2,713 1,731 11,855 303,220 19 XSfc 2,221 1,582 14.002 233,03 1 27 But what says Fredeiick Weed, the young man ment for the oitistB encaced in it. Mr. WOllsoun nas 470 401 105 112 191 395 97 Droyer.

154 102 219 218 337 301 205 1530 let dist 2d (list 3d dist Itbdist 5th dist Otbdist 71b dist Island (or 1835. 7i ou ivim zh.jih ai everVVodVcoi Lailo will find it not only a certain ro medv to restore, darken and bcaulily tho hair, but also a Swe artlofor the toilet, as it is highly Und rirWr. delicate, pcrlume, independent of tho fragrant a nca yet uoneiiu whose terrible act is the last we have road ot. party are threatening to confiscate it? If the His last words (in handwiiting) ore "1 am CONCLUSION. odor of too Oils of Pfltm and Mace.

revenceful Radical leaders are mainereet to tue in? ti mvifi nlo PF.WIT. m. incl.lno rfimftll: that "tho tired I am discouraged." Now here was great country's interest, let them at least bo mindful 8 KtlL oMb1rsePtn alt as a mM of thdr own safety. 1927 Cassidy's majority, 391. ELEVENTH WAItD.

Howell. Debevoiso. moral cowardice, unless it were insanity. It was not till aitst seventy years of life and by the defeat of Zama Scipio Afrieanu? evidently made the great Beethovon's composiUons a study, and amateur msnicijns vfould be able to learn much by attending bis performance; but, no, they prefer to go where they can indulge in foolish conversation under iho pretence of being devoted admirers of musical compositions. On Saturday Mr.

Wolfsohn produced three Beethoven Bonatas in a very correct and cilectivo manner, and Mr. G. W. Pollack sang three German songs quite acceptably. Mr G.

W. Colby, was an admirable acquisition as accompanyist. Thcro aro to bo eight more of theso malinecs ot the some place on alter. anew and beautiful Perfume. Tbo delicacy of this de lirttful oxtroct.

ond its wonderful last.r c.rmifit.os, are ua equalled byonsta known in the world, ana bare itamied It tbo NE l'LCB of porfumcs. Tbo Koa'tTcles aro for sale bj all taWtffXS Price 41 bottle. Sent by "press to an addro by tie proprietor. T. fSJtv of their Bishops for d.vis.on, surely Suicide in its Moral and Social Aspects.

iTollf! Islnro is fully nblo to sunwiu had taken from him the last possibility ot re ppontibi ily of a Dioccso, Eoberts. 00 115 51 trieving his fortunes that tho mighty Hannibal let 2d 3d 4th 6th THE Of Mm. AW mrELXIGENCE. escaped by suicide from the hands 01 itome. TTfirl one iriendlv power offered him a safe re tiTfir, lin would have lived.

But how when the SBTKEME COR' CIhCUlT JrjDdB LoM 450 is a comparison of tho majority in the wards heretofore regarded as Radical strongholds, as compared with the vote in 1864; Maj. inl8M. Maj.inlgGG. 3d Word 532 301 13th Warn D23 487 20th Ward 058 350 1713 1217 With the majority in favor of the Conservative party in Kinga County, nothing but the f0Uy of its leaders can prevent its complete ascendancy in the future. It can secure success by deserving it.

If tho immense majority only encourages the wire pullers lo attempt to foist objectionable candidates upon the people, the first time tho attempt is made they wil see their folly. More than ever good men of the Conservative party should look to their organization, and see that their best men are put forward for office in the future. AND A OBI. vnnno men of America begin to say "I am Howell's plurality, 125 200 220 239 05 173 264 273 286 138 271 312 104 1341 1210 ENTH WAItD. Mescrole, Smith.

120 233 187 352 103 2' 212 332 130 193 88 153 012 1475 tired I am dissouiafjed" ana taue an ounce 01 AGAINST A lwuis iN ACTION FOE laudanum and die Is there not our mo 1st dist. CAPTAIN', i dern life somethina to account even for this We cannot doubt that statistics would show a steady and alarming increase in suieido during late years, both in America and Europe. At the present time, one can hardly take up a newspaper without some fresh tragedy of self iuflicted murder. In France, suicide is regarded as being in reality what De Quincy humorously proposed that murder should be one of the Fine Arts. Its occurrence is so common that it scarcely excites remark, much less emotion.

The chamber door is looked the window closed, that no air may enter the chorcoal pan is lighted, and, whether with a last prayer, or with the memory of broken love and trust, or with a hope stretching into the Miller nnnlne O. OCU0S. yniioiuj for trosnass. Is not too great and constant a strain and ten Hifdiuj. 101 90 1 94 13 37 407 This action is bfought to recovor damage UULUUMUD i sion nut unon our faculties This is tne spe It appears that on May S7, 1800, the dofendvul storo corner of Bridge and HiRh streets; that 1 a a day morning, at about 11 A.

as ho was engJ0 cial danger of civilization, Then again, the complexity of modern Knowledge, its encyclo cold "ffnRs. rain Tnd du'sf, save half tb. a winter inl fuel, oud Depot, 611 Broadway, comer of fisas.ti5 ljn. vi(3S! TOUPEKSJ OREA IMPU9VEMEMTS! nro invited lflspoct porfecttmis of flit, La BANDS, OURLS. 40.

CAMERON'S BOTANlo CREAM This Ion tb llshod aS rt'll maintains its incrcasinc romM'O standard article fordrojBing the hair. It in ivintr tbohoir a dear, natural gloss, which notnin? oiso i c'scdof. 313 Fulton Btreet. nlG JAICHELOEHAIK DYE. Dye Is the best in tho world; tho Thissplendld to." roUaUoi only true and perfect Dyo onsmodisappomtment; nondlcuio Hleffeeuofb rZ end beautiful bL.

wkor maw U(J breakfast, Capt. jacoDS, oi tne tza i'reoinci rouce, i. bly entered the premises through a window opening tho vard. breaking a portion oi the window sash. Capt.

pedic erasp, and the restlessness of modern Bmith'B plurality, 503. Fn TEESTH WAED. Dugon. 1st ambition, and the coniusing liaoei 01 mouern politics, the "strife of tongues" and the "noise Boiles. 100 3011 400 812 of manv waters," and the iron maroh 01 science, great Unknown, or in mere apathy and paraly .345 2d 3d nolo Saturday afternoons.

A Gitt Enterpeise. The managers Of the Union Home and School of Now York, founded for iho education and mniutonanco of tbo orphan children of soldiers and sailors who fell during the robollion, has been in successful operation for the past four years, ore desirous of erecting a new building for the institution, and for that purpose thoy aro now gotting up a grand Presentation Festival and Fair and Concert. Tho Fair to be held in the Hall, cornor of 23d stroet and Broadway, N. commencing December 101b ond continuing two weeks, to be concluded by the Festival and Concert to take place at Cooper Institute under tbo direction of Mr. Thomas.

Each ticket admits the holdor to tho Festival nnd Concert, and bears a number which cntltlos him to gilt; no gift being worth Icsb than fitly cents, and somo as high as ten thousand dollars. Tho nobleness of the object commend it. Melancholy Effect of Insanity A Man Stabs ms Wife anu Cuts bis ows Thuoat. On Saturday afternoon a very unfortunato affair took place in South Brooklyn, but owing to an effort to keop tho matter quiet on the part of the friendB of tho portieB, fn!) particulars cannot bo given as yet. It seems that Mr.

James H.McGill, residing at No. 82 Carroll street, near Columbia, wbile laboring under a lit of temporary insanity, assaultod his wifo with a knife, stabbing her several times, but fortunately, not dangerously, Sirs. McGill, terrified at the suddencss of the dosporato assault ran down stairs and procured assistance, when, several persons going to Mr. McGill's room, found that he had cut hie own throat with a rasor, but not dangerously. sis of thouRht, none can say the spirit delib and our own isolation in the great crowd and orntnlvdetaehesitself from earth ana rails onus the lastnecs ot our modern me tnese mingi eternal sleep.

In England, the poison cup, nnd well nigh overwhelm the strongest amongst us the silent river seem still to enjoy their old at times. Let 3 then try to. "bear one ano mestiee and preference suicides over ther's burdens" and help each other with sym Pertomcrs Olarlr. 422 428 853 more than we do. And let our young tho new oompetitor, charcoal, which pathy OOSIIVENESS, PILEl p5inB by DI1, Jij men not expend all thoir enorgies too soon.

873 Dugon'B majority, 01. SEVENTEENTH WABD. Garnoy. 1M District 5 774 Claik's Majority, 71), NINETEENTH WABD. Guthrie.

1st District 139 137 3d .220 490 PERIBTALTIO LOZENGb. anv.andthi lest bye and bye they halt and stagger on the remediee, thoy tako no notice 0. liuRtbom Of. nf nnnn Tumn Wn nrrt lit road, and lose the goal ana cry, "i am urea they wiil do what wo promise Thb indiff Jacobs Bets up, in defence of bis oonduct, that he was acting under the authority of tho Excise Law, in aBcer. talning whether the plaintiff was engaged in disposing of liquors; that from informotlon ho had roccivod, and lbe appoaranco of the store of plaintiff, bo had good reason to bellovo that liquor waB boing sold In violation of the law; that tho courso ho pursued was necessary, owing to tho many devicea resorted to by liquor sellers, In order to avoid tbo law.

The Jury returned a verdict of $26 for plaintiff. A. Oakey Hall for defendant; Rodney S. Church, for plaintiff. A Beooelynite Bobbed is New Yobk.

On tho evening of tho 8th instant Mr. Thomas McUrana ban, living ot No. 90. DeGraw street, Brooklyn, visited New York city on a bit of a spree, and brought up ot a low den in James street, near Batavia. Thoro ho foil iu with Adeline Gougb and Joanna Bacher, and induced them to drink to oxcess, with tbo view of producing intoxication; but they fairly turned tho tables on tho Brooklyn gentleman ond reduced him to tbo same con dition be bad intended for them.

The otomachs ot Adeline and Joanna were but a little disturbed by tho Iu troductionof the James street gin, and while Mr. Mc Gronahan was comparatively helpless and In their power fhey led him into tbo street, and whilo one of them held him tbo other etole gold watch valuod at $150 from his pocket ond fled. Yesterday tbo fomales were arrested by two dth precinct detecttvos, ond being fnllv Identified by Mr. Granahan as tho ones who robbed him, Justice Dowbog committed thorn to th3 Tombs for trial, am discouraged" and take laudanum and these ancient respectable pain killers no doubt regard as an interloper, and with as much scorn as Calcraft would feel towards a young novice in butchery who should undertake to hang a man quicker and cheaper than he could. But our present concern is not with suicide as a "Fine Art," nor with the relative merits of the pistol, the razor, the river, the Scboles.

201 321 311 833 bio and citectivo cure tor every form 0. only cure for tbo Files, oither bleeding everywhere. HOME AOA1K. die. Abdication of Maximilian.

A dispatch ftom New Orleans if it may be relied upon opens a new chapter in the history of this continent. Maximilian has formally abdicated his unsteady throne, and is now on his way to Europe. The Government has been temporarily turned over to the French Generals Bazaine and Castelnan, and will be retained until preparati6ns can bo made for abandoning the country altogether. Negotiations, it is said, are about to be opened be tweon our Government and tho French authorities, and, upon the result, the future of Mexico will, in a great measure, depend, To annexation a majority of our people aro probably now opposed, but, sooner ot later, we'must prepare for tho fulfillment of our manifest destiny. Let us reestablish the right of local self government, and give to communities the right to manage their own concerns, holding them to obedience to the general authority conferredupon the United jiitates government, and the United States can Tttp FENIAN Movement.

It was stated two Tin PERRY, Dermatolopist. can now, i cWn in rno new jum unmuo Ne York, for all outanoott thohoaa. Loss of hair ond pi emoture gr.i, Stephens, the leader of the Fenian movement, hod de narted for tho shores of his native country to inougnrate A.lAnlln ofatnrl ttH 11 foVrt I ounce of londanum, the rope, the railway train vans and warts pormau.ntly curcci; mou. (called bbcli wurii mmsm Tho untbrlunote man, who has not long beon out of a Lunatic Asylum, was rescued, and modlcal attendance called. As far as can be learned, both tho parties ore doing well lo day, and likoly soon to rccovor.

Scboles' majority, 337. CONSTABLES ELECTED. 2d Waid Georgo Colgan. 4th Word Jorcmialt Lout. 0th Word Thomos Keating.

8th Word Jas. L. Frlntrup. 10th Ward Benj. F.

Gardiner. Thos. Hugties. 14th Ward Patrick McGlynn. 30th Ward Font.

18th Ward Jacob WolQnp. 20tl) Ward Smojk, orolions roinoveil from the face, So olurgc for lit 13teoa H'it'iv nor etint. saved bv usius 13. T. and the pan of charcoal.

We shall not discuss whether the genius of Poison, Drowning, or Suffocation bo the best Antistes of this awful shrine. But we havo to deal with the fact that suicide is on tho increase amongst us and re Beat his Fathed. A man named William tbo rebellion wwcu it is ulaco in Ireland before the 1st of January next. Wo aro interned to day, by a reliable gentleman, that ho saw Mr. Bttphcnn in New York on TueBdoy last, and that ho 1b still in that city.

In view ot tbo statements made in recatd lo the departure ot Mr. Stephens, and certain other matte rs which took place in connection with it, ibis statement, if true, douiauds some explanation from lb etc interested in tho movomcnt. Rlnr Yinst Powder. Lifiht Uisoult or any Kl ido will. Ibis toast Powder in bf BWce 'i ll 74 Wathuiet5a USvt, S9W Kotk.

BID Burton, aged about 28 years, was sent to tho Penitentiary for 00 days, by Juslico Dailey, Ibis morning, for beating bio father, who rosldes In South First st E. garding the prevalence of a crime of such magnitude as 0 national calamity, to consider gome.

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