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The Brooklyn Daily Eagle from Brooklyn, New York • Page 4

The Brooklyn Daily Eagle from Brooklyn, New York • Page 4

Brooklyn, New York
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

J. T. MBHnWM, f. miimrimTtwiiwii.n an Hi wyjuima AT A OAR TAIL. THE BBIDGE.

MILITARY. IN BUINS. FATHER KEEGAN AND MR. CLEVELAND. GONE UNDER 4 O'CLOCK EDITION The Brooklyn Clorir yinan Calls on tbu I'rritltlcnl Elect.

Annual Convention of the National Guard Association. M. E. Further Delay in the Building of the Extension. The Carpet House of B.

G. Latimer in The Bridge Street African Church Burned. TUESDAY EVENING. JANUARY 20, 1S85. request tim, send for a poUoeman sad have him forcibly ojaotad from tho Well, I will do that, and I tbftnkyon vory much for your advice," eaid tho woman, a sho left tho room.

Tho Eagle reporter, who was present dnrlng the conversation, askod Mrs. Oook If Florouco still level William and wanted to marry him "Sho does think good deal of him," replied Mrs. Oook, but if I can get him away from her sbo will forgot all about jf. If sho know as much about his batinete as I do abo would havo nothing whatever to do with him." Sho left the offlco with tho determination of going at onoo for an officer of tho law to separate tho lovers aud goad Mr. William Thompson to Cistlo OirJen.

FOR KILLING HH SIVEETHEAHT. the Hands of an Assignee. The Doors of an Old Established and Ex Tlie Case of the Kind Ever Ilroti(riit Into Court A Lady Sninar for Damages for Being Thrown Down by a Piece of Wire Dragging ou the Hear of a Car, Ann Tordoff, an elderly widow, was plaintiff in a suit tried tbis morning in tho Circuit Court, Part II, botore Mr. Justice CuUou and a jury. On August 3, 1883, between five and six o'clock In the morning, tho plaiutlff was crossing from hor residence, 20 Grand street, to a baker shop on the other side, when a car of tho Grand street and Newtown Railroad Company passed.

8ho walked past tho rear of the car and was caught by a piece of telegraph wire which tho car was dragging bohiud it. Sho was thrown down and Bustalned very sorions injuries, aonie of tlie muscles of the back being torn. Tho testimony was that between Third and Fourth streets the conductor got off and to roinnva the wire. The conductor eaid that ho MADE SENATOR CHARGED WITH ADDUCTION. The Case oi Fourteen YeafN Old AUblo Hulse Before (be Criminal Court.

Speoial to the Eagle. Rockvii.le Centeh, January 20. Tho caso of the alleged maltreatment of Abbio Hnlse, of this place, in the house of Edward Wood, came before Jnstico Wallace this morning in tho ball of tho Uenry Honso. Mrs. IIiilso acoompanled hor daughter, who, she Bald, was fourteen years old tho 15th of this mouth.

Mrs. IIulso made a formal complaint for abduction against Edward Wood, William Li Roza and William Hubbs, the colored man, and warrants havo been issned by Justice Wallace for tbelr arrest. Thoir wbcreabonto is not known. Hubbs, it is Bald, will bo inade a witness for tho 3tute. Tho indignation of tho peopio is against Wood, who is a married man.

An Eagle reporter conversed with Mrs. IIulso at the Henry House. She is a small, nervous woman, cour agcous aid very quick tempered. Sho said Whou I heard that my daughter was probably in Edward Speoial to the Eagle. Albany, January 20.

Vicar Goneral Keogan, who la here, said to your cor. respondent this morning, "I have had a pleaBant and gratifying interview of nearly two hours' duration with President Cleveland this morning. He says hia health la oxcollont. We didu't discuss any politics at all. It waa merely a sociable little cottage I called at, and you havo threo flights of stairs to climb, but when yon arc there you are there.

When I wont in I left politics loohlnj mo. Mr. Cleveland seemed to be as glad to seo mo as I was to seo him. Ho Is ono of tho plainest of men, but his simplicity is hia grandeur in The Meeting in Albany Address by Colonel James McLeer, President of the Association Important Changes and Modifications Suggested In the Conduct of the Military Establishment of the State. The seventh annual convontion of tho Notional Guard AtBociation, State of New York, aBscmblcd Albany to day.

Tho eosaion is hold In tho Common tensive Eastern District Concern Closed To day The Liabilities and Assets The Cause of the Failure. One of the licst known and most extensive carpot houses in tho Eastern District has gone under. The house of is. O. Latimer was established at No.

201 Grand street ill 1801, and a year and a half Inter it was moved to tho building at tho corner of Graud Eicrulion of a Murderer in a 31urdircr Evarts Succeeds G. Lapham. William Elbridge Ireland. Its Interior Gutted The Loss Estimated at 0,000 Was the Edifice Set on Fire? A Belief to that Effect History of the Structure. This morning, about a 'quarter past three, a fire was discovered in the Bridge street African Methodist Episcopal Church.

Two alarms were sent out, but before the last Bpark had boon extinguished dam Bge to the estimated extent of $10,000 had been done, Tho church stands upon four lots of ground on the oast side of Bridgo street, botweon Myrtle avenue and Johnson street. It is A substantial brick bulldlns about eighty feet in hoight. It has a frontage of eighty and is nearly one hundred feet deep. The roof and two fl.ilnd nillnrH In ihrt nnfrnnprt nnreh arO Of VfOod. TIlO lie said Gauvay, January 20.

Thomas Parry, who murdered his sweetheart. Miss tuy mind." Dan liradley was present at the interview, the President elect pleased him amazingly. Council Chamber and attended by delegates representing tho various dlvlBlonB, brigades, regiments, battal Alicia, stepdaughter of a Galiray Hotel iceper. Ml'ilDEIiKI) BY In November last, was hanged hero to day. Parry was engaged to ba married to Miss Burns, but she broke off The Conrt of Appeals Decides Ajtainst thj Trustees Ex Comnii.tsion or Hubert 0 Thompson Sustained fn His Itefusal 1 Grant a Special to the E.ijle.

Anusr, January 20. Tho liridRO Trustees have been beaten in then! Chatham squrre litigation. It Is claimed on the part of the uiuntcipal authorities of New York, that the con eat of the oninltMlonctf of Public Works be obt .1 before work looking to the extension of tho bridge I. b. gun.

Mr. Stranaban tested the question by having tht ground broken, a workman arr. 1, so that a proper baels for proceedings be lia 1. He was Immediately rending the remit oi the legal controversy brought to ts.d morning. Bvrgon Dykmau, on behalf of the llrldge Trustees, applied for a mandamus compelling Cominiikloner Thompson to give tho neeertary perm t.

It waa grant, id, but Thompson appealed, carrying the caso to the ions, separate companies of infantry ana naiionco comprising the military establishment of tho state. Wood's house I marched straight up thero andkuoekea at the front door. 'Who's some one liiBile askod. It proved to bo tho colored man Hubbs. I said Threats of I.viichiaiff the Sunpoaiod tho engagement.

Ho traveled over 10) mi es The president of tho association is Colonol James nc wound tho wirs round tho bumper, which was tho best thing ho could do until he reached the depot. Witnesses testified thai tho conductor did not wind tho wire round tho bumper. Ono witness said that the conductor said, "To with it I ain't going under the car to got all dirty." The conductor also said that ho saw tha woman and called out to hor to look out. Witnesses bw ore that the purpose of committing tho deed. Ho reach I want to come Those inside recognized my voice, ed Oalway In the night aud stayed at aaotner Leer, commanding the Fourteenth Regimont, oi tins city.

Tho association waa originally formed throngh tha efforts of Brooklyn officers prominent among hotel until morning, when ho wont to se.k and Sixth Btrcctc Iu 1875 Mr. Latimer moved into tho Tutlle Building, on Graud fctreet, near Fifth, and continued to occupy tho cxtenBivo premises until a year ago, when ho vented tho handsomo four story building, 10x80 feet, one of a row erected ty James Sparrow, of Greenpoint, at the corner of Broadway and Fifth street. The establishment was an ornament to the thoroughfare. The rent and corresponding expenses wero high, and Mr. I.itimer's expectations as to a largo increase of business wero not realized.

His credit was unimpaired, and he could huve continued to conduct business, but Iiss Burns, and fouud her with hor sister. He hsktd her If sho was still determmeti io whom was General Johu B. Woodward and every National Guard organization in tho Second Division is and there was a hurrying about ana aiocsing oi uoors. This convinced mc that my daughtor was in there. My daughter is in thero and I want I said.

The colored man replied 'Your daughter Is not in 1 Yon let mo in or I'll break down this I said. Tho colored man, William Hubbs. onened the front door and I stepped him up, as sho had written, and said lie 1 to hear It from her own lira. She roi Mod, "Yes." He tli. represented iu its councils.

At to day's writing tuo following address was delivered by tho president. said, "Wo will see," and drawing a revolver shot Parlies. Special to the Eagle. MKMrnis, January 2ft A. Jr.

Hamnor, of Colliersvillo, was shot and killed last Friday by unknown parties. Two negroes Jessie Jones and Pen Druniriglit wero arrested for the crime and lodged iu Hauiner's store for safe keeping, yesterday morning unknown parlies broko into tho store and fired at the prisoners. Both were seriously injured. It has been proven that Ten Druiuright com nnttcil tho crime, and It is probablo both negroe will bo lyncheiL SERIOUS ILLNESS OK EMFEliOK WILLIAM. into the hall.

Wood ran upstairs. Ho left tho negro hrough tho heart and then shot bini3eli, i wnuoui COLONEL MOLKEH'h ADDHEfW. Tho National Guard Association of tho Htato of New Glfincs Over the Field of Last Sight's Bntlle How Local Representatives Leaked, Talked and Acted Taylor's Double Somersault DaffgcU Defiant iu Defeat Ex Mayor Cooper Receives the Democi atic Xomiiialion What is Said iu Washington. Special to the Eule. Ai.H.vNY, January 20.

The Republican caucus had uot been iu sei sion for rnoro than twenty minutes when if cea ed to be of ony more interest than a novel in which the ilot is revealed at the outlet. In tho result of this preliminary skirmish lho whole otory was told as completely as if Mr. Evarts hud already taker, tho oath cf office. Henry Uergh, who has a chronically mournful look ud whose hair, parted iu tho middle, falls like cypress in ovf.lids. sat to tho of General they did not hear him.

Mrs. Tordoff eworo that Tobln and Officer Bunco helped her up and into hor house. Tho officer aud Mrs. Tobin helped hor up the stairB but did not go into tho room with her. Sho crawled into a room and throw herself upon a loungo.

Dr. Malono testiflod that he fouud her lying in a helpless condition. Officer Buuco Bworo that ho helped her up into hor room and stayed there ton minutes, and that Mrs. Tordoff did not lio down on the oouch, but bustled about tho table and cut broad for breakfast. As tho offlcor loft tho stand David H.

Tordoff, son York Is composed of properly elected or appointed delegates from each organization of the National Guard of wounding himself seriously. When arrested tie aa mittcd what he had done, and said "I showed no mercy and I expect none." Tho defense at the trial basoment is used for Sunday school purposes and for weekly evening meetings. Two small rooms are cut off from tho larger ono, and aro used for infant claBBes. The basement is about twelvo feot high and as there is a epaco on each side of tho church of about ten feet it is well lighted in tho day time. Tho church itself is Immediately above tbobaBO meut and is reached from tho outside by a broad lllght of wooden atope.

The interior was painted in ligh colors and a spacious1 gallery extended around the sides and front of tho edifice. About twelvo hundred people could ba comfortably seated. The woodwork and upholstery wero substantial and noat, and tho socioty was the most prosperous of any colored denomination in the city. A man named Boll, who livo3 opposite tho building, was awakened this uioralng by the sound of the crack line of buroiuir timber and by the reflection which to dispute with me. I found Wod and called him some very hard names, and I'd havo scratched his eyas out if I could havo got my hands on him.

Thero was a uoiso in the back parlor as if tho windows were being bang' out. I learned afterward that tho young men, La Roza and Sullivan, escaped from the houao by the windows. Generll Term, which tribunal sustained tne action oi the court originally appli'd to. tho State. It is therefuro a representative body anu in voice ahould bo regarded by tho law making power as the expression of the National Guard of tho State.

It 13 proper to say in thia connection that an important fact seems at times to havo been st tight of, that was insanity, but tho balance of tho medical testim.iuy was against this. Tho jury brought in a verd'. of guilty, with a s.troog recommendation to mercy ou account of the exasperation arising from Miss li'iri letters, and, added ono of the Jury, on the of his havine attempted filicide. Everything pass When I failed to aud my daughter upstairs 1 started Tho officer ap while wo aro offlcerB of the National Oiiard ana ae: of tho plaintiff. Bald something to nun.

pealed to tbo Court and said that Tordoff bad accused egates to tho convention of tho National uuara for the parlors, but tbo colored man stood iu my way and refused to tot mo enter. Ua raised his hand to striko mo, and I lifted a chair to brain him and would cd to his off quietly, tho condemned man being res fate. association, wo aro no less citizens oi nip main v. New York aud equally, with others, Interested In good laws, careful and wlso legislation, reasonably low taxation and a judicious expenditure of the publio moneys. Consequently, with a proper appreciation of our duties and responsibilities wo have agoin assembled in convention for gensrat conference, a review of the law as it stands lo day upon the havo had he not moved back.

I mado a dasu ior tuo door, throw my weight againBt it and broke it in. Thero my eyes fell upon my daughter crouching terrified in a corner. London, January 20. A special dispatch from Berlin says Emperor William is confined to his bed with a severe attack of the hernial troublo which has afflicted him for many years. Tho physicians ore extremely uneasy about his condition and symptoms." llEitfiN, January 20.

The Emperor William roso from his bed at noon today. The annual ball at tho Hoyal Opera House has b'en postponed until January 30 because of the Emperor's illness. MUNICIPAL. him of perjury. Tho Court directed Mr.

loruoii to stand aside, and said it would deal with him afterward. When Mr. Tordoff was called as a witness ho tald that ho was in bed when ho heard his mother's groaiiB. Ho aroso aud putting on a few clothes wont to the room. Ho fouud her lying on tho couch.

Officer Bunco was not in the room. Mrs. Tobin tostifled that sho helped Mrs. Tordoff upstairs ond that Officer ISnnce aided. Neither of thorn went into tho room and Officer Bunco quitted the house beforo the witness did.

The caso wont to tho jury lato this aftoruoon. For plaintiff, John M. Flynn for defoudaut, A. G. McDonald.

JOHN J. KEEN AN REMOVED. It is ridiculous to say," continued Mrs. IIulso, "as a book, to determine the advisability of proposed amonu tho flames cast in hia room as they leaped from the sldo windows of tho church. Ho hurriedly clothed him Beif and gavo tho alarm.

An officer attached to tho First Precinct ran to tho station bouse aud tho signal for that district was sont out by Sergeant McNainara. This was respondod to by Engines Nob. 7 and 8 and Truck No. 3. EuglueorB Dalo Bin! Ullnnrrt nrrlvpd at the same tlmo and Chief mcnts to the i oue, to discuss irony ii ho saw that ho was slowly but steadily goiug behind so he closed the doors of bio establishment to day, and placed the business in the hands of Mr.

D. B. Stearns, of Bedford avenue, as OBsignec. Thero were about oighteon men employed by tho firm, who aro now thrown out of work. Mr.

Latimer's brothor oponed tho well known carpet honso iu Atlantic avenue in 1850, aud retired rich. De was succeeded by B. Latimer and another brother in 1S78, but they Bold out thoir interest in tho business to the Willotts two years later. Au Eagle reporter called at the Broadway store today, aud saw Mr. li.

G. Latimer aud Mr. Stearns. Mr. Latimer gave an off band estimate of hia liabilities at aud his nominal assets at about $90,000.

The assets consist of merchandise, real estato and open accounts. "To what circumstance, Mr. Latimer, do you attribute your failure asked the reporter. To the heavy expenses, shrinkages in goods and dull trade." What ront do you pay Six thousand dollars a year. I employed from Blx teon to twenty hands.

Iu dull limes I could havo dispensed with many of my employes, but I had to keep them in my service so as to havo good men in brisk times. Trade has been very dull." Any preferred creditors 1" Several, to the amount of $20,000." Do you intend to resume bUBinoss I cannot, of course, say whether I will or not at present." tions coming beforo us affecting tlio interests ot tue morning newspaper does, that I fell on tho floor insensible. I was as bravo ae a lion. I could not find my daughter's hat and cloak. She said La Roza had hiddon The Commissioner's counsel corned the caso to tha Court of Appeals, which this r.

versed tho decision of the General Term and es the motion for a maudatuus. This throws the matter back ii.t tlm position which it occupied before a step vns taken, :t.i.l makes It necessary for the trustees to d'sc ver whether or not they have corporate rights which enable to proceed in spite of the Commissioner. It is possible that some author ty lo. al to Not York, such as th i Common Couucii, may be nicccssfully ap. plied to not to compol but to lo the new Com mlssioncr to bo moro accouun TUE NEWS AT TUP.

lllim.iE Mr. Stranaliau bad left the bridge beforo th news of the adverse action of the Co.ul or Appeals was received there, and Chief I'ugiiieer when (pokes to on the subject, aid ho uii.h rs'o the decision wal a very lengthy document, verine, lie had been informed, about sixteen pag. of I. cap. I'ntll a copy of tlio decision had been received or submlatcd to Messrs.

Uergcn fc Dykinan he did see how It would bo possible for tho trustees to decide what fnrthor steps could bo taken to secure the m. ssnry penult for the building ot tho foundations of the tlevatcd platform. Interesting Points About the Extension National Guard aud lnllueueecl solely oy one mouui that of tho duty we owo to the State aud tho good cf the seriicc. of the Water Works. them.

No, I did not have a revolver. I would havo killed tho negro if I had had a weapon. I am going to have satislaction if the law can give it to me." With these words as io the object and purpose me WASHINGTON. association I shall as briefly as possible refer to somo John J. Keenau.

nlumher of the Court matters which may bo of interest to mo uoaru, anu io Edward Wood's reputation Js pretty woll oBtabllshod which I respcctrully call your aiieuuon. Flrt.s to InsnectiuuB. Tho intention of having House, was removed to day aud his placo filled by Measures Taken and to be Taken bj in Rockvillc Center. Ho is tho man who was Knocseu Koonan ia a Democrat aud Mr. Granvillo F.

Williams. theauuual inspection and muster of organizations in down by Mrs. IUtclno after ho had testiflod against her in her husband's suit for divorce. Ho has been arrested for pawning his wifo's clothes. Henry Lutz, of Williams a Ropuhllcan.

lho evenings, instead ot in tue uuy coi.mi.j the cities, is one which I believe Bhould receive your thus savllln a day tO ttlO 1UOU A JUDGE'S ASSIGNMENT. the Henrv House, bought tho pawn ticket from mm, aud generally tho expense or uano. it is held that tho truo Btrengtb of a company or regiment is and Mr. Longman, Mrs. Wood's father, reimbursed Mr.

City Works Authorities Mayor Low Discusses the Water Debt and Shows How the City Burdens arc to be Less ened Eirect of Electric Light Death of a Fireman. Mayor Low said this morning to an Eaule Pinsuno, January 20, tho number present at a nay paraue ior annual ni''. tin there urn ulanv who J. W. V.

White, Associate Judgo of tho Common aro unablo to appreciate tho value of tho National Pleas Court No. 2, mado an assignment, to day, to Charles F. McKenua for tho benefit of hia creditors. Guard except during some emergency, oi 1, nf tho nn.icn. The inmortailCO Of tlio Anunal Lutz and took tho articles out of pawn and restoreu them to his daughter.

Lutz says that a gold watch aud a diamond ring were forfeited to tho pawnbroker by lapso of time, and tlio ticket for them, which ho bought, bore au altered date. Wood is oalled Hickory by his associates. THE WAlNlTItlUnT FAMILY I COURT. His liabilities are about $75,000 and his assots aro prob Nevins few minutes lator. By the timo the first stream was thrown into the structure tho entire main body of tho ohurch waa a of flame.

The flooring, powa and the gallery wero all ablaze. Tho nicmbere of Truck No. 3 broko open Ibo wooden door loading to the right hand sido of tho church. The basomout windows were fastened by outside wooden shutters. Somo of theso wore torn open, whon it was discovered that thero was no flro at all below tho ohurch propor.

Tho front doors wore then forced and two streams were directed through this entrance upon the burning pews and flooriug. A second alarm was sont out by ordor of Chief Nevins, and was responded to by ouglucs Nos. 4, 5 and 10 and Truck No. The threo extra Btreams were directed through tho windows upon the burning gallery, but in spite of the volume of water which was eteadily distributed within the churob, the flames for firtcen or twenty miuutcB did not Beom to succumb, but raged with increasing violence uuUl tho four brick walls seemed nothlug m'oro than a huge furnace. Two boors of hard work by the firemen finally overcame tho burning mass, but it was not for an hour later that tbo placo had beon thoroughly wotted down aud tho last snsrk completely smothered.

Iu front of the edifico wero pieces of flooring and piles of charred aiid half burned pows, which had beon torn Insuection does not strittc such employers with the samo force that it comes to us, and, consequently, the answer Business pcoplo in the Eastern District express a ably not more than half that amount. reporter that he should approve tho Alderinaplc lveoltt tion of yesterday authorizing the Issue of 000 for nreat deal of sympathy for Mr. Latimer, who stood high in the estimation of all of them. It is thought that the assets will not fall very much short of tho lia given to a requeBt to be absent irmu ousiuess to Btieh a ceremony is, "Can't spare you," or If your niilitury work is more important (hail your business, you had better attend to it und I shall get somo ono else to fill your placo In the Would this ba the answer of tho employer if the city or town waB threat SUNDAY BEER. General Rosecrans Wants to be Secretary of War.

Ho Modestly P'lts Forth His Claims Riders for the Appropriation Bills Controller Lawrence on the Coming Changes in Of llcc The Rulk of Patronage to Go to the South Dreary Outlook for the Grant Relief Measures The Wallabout Market. Special to the Engle. Washington, January 20. Oeneral Roso rans freely announces himself a candidal for the posilion of Secretary of War. "I think 1 ought to be appointed Secretary of War," said he.

1 want it tho people want ma there, and my experience Jits mo for it." The Goneral had many othor things to say in his own behalf. A prominent Democrat remarked that his perfect candor is iu pleasing contrast to tho secrotivoness of CABLE ROAD. tho purchase of lands aud water rights In connection with the extension of tho water works. Ho thought the action of ef terday was very wise. "Next year," he addad, wo pay off of the water debt, which boars interest at fi per cent.

Wo Opening of the ilockivrll Murder Trial at Tail)' Hirer, J. Special to the Ei'lf." Tom's Kivrn, January M. Tho littlo Court lleii'o of clean Ouuty was filled this morning as it was never Oiled before, by countrymen gathered to witness thetriilof tho Waiuwrlght family mother, dtughtor cud two sons and of Edson bilities. A LIVELY KOW. ened with riot 1 No; It would in an prouauimj in.l hln.n vnn.

mv hov do and do your Tracy and became more and more melancholy in appearand aa the prospects of his friend brightened. Tho goneral himself surveyed the tcone with much composure. He cast an occasional and surreptitious glance at Mr. Inyeraft, wlio looked as if laic hours at the Dcievau be profitably Biibitituted for regular retirements in lho City of Churches. On the whole, in spite of the fact that the character of the closing chapter had boon indicate 1 at the start, (he spectacle was impressive Justice Hergeu stood in the front rank of tho innliitudo encircling tho bar cf Ine House and smiled complacently at this recollection that it had bron left to him to convert the turbulent Taylor and to receive his last confession of unalterable Morton faith.

Henry liristow. with a very pule face and a black imperial, supported his Honor on one sido ud another local politician who desired hi? presence cere to bo forever observod as a most profound and Inviolable secret, did similar service on the other. Scattered about the chamber were notables of every grade. Bliss sat iu the seclusion of a doorway back of be Speaker's chair and male abstruse ctleulatlous of Ahc vote with such lightning like rapidity and decision hat It was impossible to resist tho conclusion that everything depended upon his arithmetical dexterity. Burleigh, a Congressman, who would claim a doing'' when nothing but a Summer shower could poss'bly be anticipated, mado no effort to restrain himself.

Ho Lad rocovorcd from tho strain of paddling against tho rwln stream and was sporting buoyantly with a shoal Evarts fish. laggelt and Ilusted were close to to whisper to each other. The Kings County looking as pale as Dristow and a Rood deal mined, was prodigal his expenditure of He tore slip after Blip of paper into looked us if his energy would have it." credentials already pokou of had destruction. Myers, standing sido and not at all In need of cheerful, having pro iu which the inhabitants of not but of some of tho more remote us were to bo set rccklcs ly at dcliatico. It the Assemblyman to say that ho has never wavered in his faith, and that even the acts and threats like of tho seductive Harry ard lu.l been thrown away upou him.

No man in the Chamber was made thi focus of miro goneral observation than the gentleman from the Tenth District. Mr. James Taylor. Envin had taken the odgo Mr. Beeoher, Colonel Partridge and can issue, sneaking In round numuers, Supervisor Icl.aiitftilin Create a Sen believe I am right in sayniK that tho number present at the Annual Inspection aud muster is uot iho truo strength, but that every organization In the Stato w.nlri v.Hni)ii.l In Greater numbers should serious work Interview With Mr.

William uiilinn III Y.tlllST Inland City A Salt Others Give Opinions. Rockwell, for the murder of James Waluwrlght, at Cellar Murled at Captain Woods' Siiehardsosi. Tom's Kiver, in October last. The jsolier, except IBead Wounds a Bartender in Miller's Mr. Becclier Wants All Saloons Closed on bo anticipated.

I Know this is true of my regiment believe it to be truo of others. PERMANENT COMMANDER. i ti, tlm advisability of so ameudin Hotel A Pistol Drawn on Alderman Uleason is Seized by JTusticc tvavaii tho laws as to provido for a permanent commander Sunday Colonel Fortridjre Would Keep Them Open Part of the Time Louis Froelich Delighted with Mayor Grace's no it iuliticians in an Extensive He Explains Why the Prohibitory Clause of th i National Guard in this Stat or a permar.e.i l.j hRi. Kt. as Oi0 oi the like! Wrangle Over tho Ilesult of au Oeto bcr Convention.

to bo brought to our attention duri the tcsstoii of ii. iu the nreaent law wo must vrminRitton Kev. Mr. Williams Much ..,1.. r.r.itmhl..

c.lia nee Verv tbree years, of tho biah other statesmen who, while professing to oo muiuer ent, aro frantically struggling to seeuro their own pre in the Franchise Ought to bo Repealed. The Disadvantage at Which it Places the Company iu a Pecuniary and Practical Point of View. In the bar room of Miller's Hotel, iu Long ni.thorltv in tho Htato. dencndliif! as It docs Island Citv. last evening thero was a very lively row upon the success of either one of the nreat political par out by the truck companies.

Whon au examination waa made, it was discovered that the flames started on the flooring of the church just above tho healer, which is in the basement, and had communicated to tho gallery iu tho front part of tho structure. From this poiut tho fire Bwopt eastward toward the pastor's platform and along the gallerleB on cither side. Tho colling, which is fully sixty feet high from the body of tho church, was scorched and blackened, and tho heavy cornice work which ran round it, fell upon the pows and broko many of them in fragments. The water coming in contact with the heated plastoring caused it to fall, and tho interior presented a complete ruin. The organ.

which had recently been erected In tho front fernvnit It is noiablj that tlio argument wuicu is Dissalislled Mayor Low Won't Say Word. I have nothing to say on that subject. which might have had a serious termination but for tho Rockwell, learned to bo littlo concerned In the proceedings. In court to dsy thoy were r. resented by ex Judge William T.

Hoffman, John W. II. bel and two local lawyers. The Prosecutor of the Is assisted by Lawyer Lindsbury, o( Elizabeth, i ho Sheriff was directed to return a pauol. It was beforo tha preliminaries hs.l been arranged.

It is here that it will probably take a week to vnvc a jury, if one can be secured at all, and these is fcomo talk of a change oi Ycuuc. Till Cnrt for rrrervf, Ktri, Hare fal'on into di fsvor on sir. i. I retisnn imparted tottio ftu.ts and Ti. RlTTF.nCoX HKltVK CoMl'ANV," of of tho most widely extended and well kno vn terns announces that in tho future their goods will be vi.t up in "glass, Bton or wo packages," and can be ha i ol til grocers ia Rrooslju.

tics. Under tho.e circuuistauceB it 1b uot a uuu mnitor in iln.l Rrtfiiiueut in favor of tuieh i being most strongly urged in bohalf of General Rosecrans is his religious faith. Ho Is an ardout Catholic, new water without Increasing (he interest ac couut, becauso new bonds can doubtless bu floated at 3X per cent, where tho old ones havo borne 0 per cent. The probability is that Brooklyn, within the next three years, will piy as largo a sum for interest on its public debt, becauso of the existence of these 0 and 7 percent, bonds, an it will bo paying when tho city lias a debt in the future of but it cannot havo a debt in tho future of until its real estato valuation is seven hundred or more than double tho preseut value of say threo hundred and ton millions. Thia is another liiv.s tratiou of tho heaviness of tho burden which the present time has to bear, that the passage of years W.U make lighter for the benefit of tho owners of property iu lirookljn.

So that it seems prouablo that whatever expense we may go to In connection with the water works, tho interest account will not bo Increased for more than one or two years, if at oil, by reason i tho extension of the works to the eastward. Ill 1101, tlie city pays eight hundred and sixteen thousand more of the old wator debt, ami these two payments aring Intereft at six per would probably be the equivalent of two millions and a half, at the lean, ot new debt. In connection with other debt liquidated ill tho samo period, tlio interest account, it seems to me, is not likely to grow much beyond its present proportions. Aftor tho year ISM I shall expect tn eo tho good sense displayed by cx Aldonuau Gleason ami ox Mr. William Richardson, vice president of change in onr military system aa would ro.ievo tlio guard from any poss.blo political Blgnllionnco or tiiftu Tim ilnwrnur Ia tlm commander in chief, tho Pohce Captain JWoods in keeping their tempers anu re.

tiring from the iceno of the disturbance. the Brooklyn and Long Island Cablo Railroad Com his brothor was a Catholic bishop, his bou Is a priest and his two daughters are nuns. It is maintained that hia appointment would so please tho Irish Catholics that have done enough talking about it for the last threo years and don't want to take it up again unless I've got to." said Mayor Low this morning, when asked how ho niHu'tout ceneral tho oiilcer upon whom he depends Tho contral riguvo in tho scrimmage was Supervisor 1 iliri.etio'.i and uoveriituent of the military Joseph McLaughlin, of Long Island City, who keeps a pany, was soeu this morning by au Eagle reporter anu asked to state the reasons why a chango was deslrod in tho terms of tho franehiso grautod by tlie Common Council iu August of last year to the elevated railroad nvo.l Mnvor Grace' idea of allowing tho salo of beer forces, ThiB officer is appointed for a compara lvely iu.v tim vears. aud. because of tlila tact, is the thousands who voted for Maino at tuo last election would immediately return to tho Democratic fold.

hotol at Blissvillo opposite tho new entrance to Ca! vary Cemotory. Mr. McLaughlin was au Alderman for on Sundays after church hours. WHAT MR. BEECHER BAYS.

not encouraged to any great or material reforms in tho organization of tho guard, when in all probability tils t.inn nf nfllcn will exi.iro and a new man tako his THE Ari'llOPBIATION BILLS AND ItlDErtS. In view of tho fact that thero is littlo time for any company with which ho is connected. Hnveral vears before ho became Supervisor. Ho was a candidate for re to tho offlco of Supervisor last Kiu.h refurui shall have been com business to be dono by congress tuis session uoyouu Fall, but was defeated in tho convention by George iih ted. or tho wisdom of such changes clearly "The ground stako in regard to abutting up tho liquor ealoons on Suuday is uot on tho ground that it would promoto temperanco, but that tho height of tho evils from Sunday drinkiug fall on tho wife and family the passage of the Appropriation bills, thoso cumber How i hall wo meet the question In reply Mr.

Richardson said All tne cnange we ask to havo mado is that tho portion of the third condition of the resolution requiring that tho wholo of our road Bhall bo built before any portion of it Is oporaied shall bo repealed or stricken out. Wo make this re Smith, throuah tho iiiliuenco of Alderman Gleasou, pomo affairs aro likely to bo more cumbersome than Khali we say that tho Adjutant oeneral suau mini umcu no.l Kthavior. au.l mako this a permanent Aldormau Murray and Captain Woods aud thero has not been very marked ovideuco of friendship bet weon Dtiteher and IVrtiimcx. h.l el o. I if ttie Va I y.

I.mnlborii'M I.undbory's I'eiee Lundborg's Periiiiini, Mar I.ondl.t.rg's Perfume. Lnn.lborg's Periiiine. Liiv Kmnnlntelv off his appetite for of tho drinker. Sunday is tho time when worKingmen havo tha monoy which should go to the support over. It is a trick of long staudiug for this, that and tho other measure to bo tacken on to au appropriation bill as a means of Balvation, and very often it is a suc office? Let ub tee what the Constitution of tho Stato says upon this matter.

1 iind iu Artlcb. XL, Minister to Franco Ilia Breaker bead tried to flavor tho tho parlicB since that time. with promises, but season the dish as they might it sfui trick. Thin year, however, such schomea aro Iu the dining room of tho hotel Supervisor McLsugb eat at a table, uot far from where Captain Woods tiroved to be nauseating to the Brooklyn represonia quest believing it to be a reasonable ono ana oo cause never bofore iu the history of a railroad or any other public work has such a thing beon required. If we aro to he bound by that requirement, our company will bo virtually at the mercy of any litigious property owuer or hostile corporation, as, supposing likely to be dangerous, for their nanio is too mueu into A Tliroat or on li, full rv, Ito.nli.o.

a uentlollian with was oatluu aunnor. It is Btated by all that Mr. Mc gallory at an expense of $0,000, was totally destroyed, and the cushions and bookB that wore not burned, wero ruined by water. Tho heater is located in the basement, and just to tho left of the main outranco in the body of tho church was a tin lined flno, where heated air ascended through a register. Right around this fluo tho fire started, but the eingular part of it is, that tho interior of tho fluo Itself is not even blackened, and not a spark appears to have been in the basement, tho coiling of which bears no truce even of omoke, and tlio heater itself is in good condition.

How the five originated appcarB to bo a mystery, for thero were no lights used at the church Bince Sunday night. There was a funeral there yesterday afternoon, and last evening thero was a meeting in tbo basemont, but no ono went up into tho church so lar as is known. The pastor, Rev. William H. Thomas, was questioned by tho reporter, and in answer ho Bald "The fire in the heater last night was not a largo one, as tho basement was not very warm, aud somo of tho people complained of tho cold.

Our soxton, Mr. Harris, is a vory careful man, and ho' says he allowed tho flro to burn legion. VVILI'u. clear brown eves and a hat of ancient vintage, ige, r.iurfilin was not entirely rational, but whether hia i.t.le tt.roa I rill giTJ The most formidable thing in this lino is saw to ue If suffered to lir'igre. often rr.nifs oi in or W.iik truul.te.

"lilunvN's IJn il I. Tn instant relief. Soid only in at 2' tents. the tho mind was affectel by qniuiuo or indulgence in the burdens which Brooklyn is paying for Interest materially reducd. From a conversation which the reporter had with Commissioner 1'k enian and CIro! Kngino ir Van lSuren this moruiug It appeared that tho city iuteti Is to acquire for the extension a atrip of laud ten miles In length and varying In width from seventy to one hundred

It runs mostly parallel with old South Side Railroad and a little to the north of it. Altogether the load exhausted himself! and Mr. Taylor iu effort to smugglo the legislator back Into the postal telegraph measure, which it is proposed to hi voraecs disneused over tho bar is a disputed point. III these words, ino Adjutant, ut.i. un.t Chiefs of Stall departments and the Aide dp Camp of the Commander in Cnief hail be appointed by tlie Governor, and their commissions shall expire w.tu the tune for which tho Gov.

rnor Bhall have been elected." This Constitutional provision is, of course, a bar a'tunst any legislative ounctmcnt making tlio office of Adjutant G.uieral a permanent one. The whole question however, is BUbmltted for your considf ration and judgment, and fur such action as you may deem wise uudor tlio circumstances. CAMP BI TV. There is no question an to the advantages to tho National Guard, of a Stale encampment. It has been tho Assemblyman Morton camp.

Finally, however, the insert as a part of the Post Office appropriation bill. If such a step is undertaken it is possible that it liny Hid Von liver Captain Woods hal been drinking moderately and is said not to have been under tha iulluence of liquor at bo accomplished, but if to it will havo to be when some and, of their families, and llioy aro tempted to spend it and let their families go Bhort if the saloonB aro open. As tu being allowed to soil beer on Sunday why boor alono If beer why not whisky I would liko to seo tho saloons closed on Saturday ovoning before workin men get away from their places of employment and got a chance to spend their wagos. As to closing tho saloons being in interfcrenco with individual liberty, wo have a right to auy law which can be shown to be iu the interest of public morals and family happiness, and a law which shall interfere to proservo order aud sobriety ou the leisure day of tho week, not because it is Sunday, but because it ia a leisure day, whon temptations to got drunk would bo multiplied becauso of idleness. Tho eamolaw which guards election day guards tho Sabbath, and for tho samo reason not because tho latter is T.r..i'a rtfiv hut becauso restriction has to Moulin ITnder J'J Fulton at.

See better vnlno in l.adieo' near and C'lr. etH I ban at all. Alderman Gleason never drinks. of tlio watch dogs of monopolies aro asleep or dozing. It seems that the Supervisor and tho Captain had city will have about 200 property owners to negotiate some words iu tho diniugroom, and when the Captain 1 with.

Probably tho next step will bo to ascertain i i iu, a in tTisKi i si in rs. COSTROIJ.EK LAWRENCE ON THE COMING CHANGES. Controller was at tho Capitol to day. He botook hlmatlf to tho barroom tho dispute was thought to havo ended. It had reference to Mr.

McLaughlin's HIE experience, I oi an a i duty such as w.i havo had at Petkskill although but for a' week proved to bo of great benefit to tiio orgau i.tinnn a a most excellent school of instruct i on. Tlio in tim nolltlcal convention. Presently tho was porauaded to meet hia supporters Brooklyn. This scaled hi? fale. Kemblo brought to bear pressure enough to bring a mountain to the level of the earth, bo that when the representative reached Albany again to was once more in Morton chain.

He was effecting uouble political somersault, and his colleagues looked SD to see whether or not tho final evolution would bo ruefully performed. Ho had been ardently wooed ml gallantly won, but ho looked as though a loophole if escape would have bten acceptable if ho had had to squeeze himself into a pulp in getting through. The third Republican Assemblyman, General Heath, 6d a timc makes aP thliigs oven expression oil his lace. He looked at Kriviu rather venomously at lutor plfl thoimli the only consideration which stopped IMPORTANT SAl.K Supervisor followed tho Captain to tho barroom and hurled at his head a heavy glass salt cellar which ho remarked that ho expected to go out of office about a mouth after the inauguration of Clavoland. "It will probably be that long," said he, "before my successor is appointed.

The salary is 5,000 and I suppose thero advantage would, of course, be greater if tho tour were extended over week, but tho lax upou the time of tho iA.i him from the dinlnuroom. Tho missilo will bo a desporato scramble anions Democratic aspi missed Captain Woods aud struck Augustus Hotuer, men is probamy as great tinner mi k' rangemeuts as can well bo bonio by them. I am not prepared to uuko suggestions covciiux any DRKSS GOODS the bartender, over tho left eye, cutting him badly ana particular change in law or regulations ragaiuiuij ur but for tho support afforded by the cashier's desk ho rants for tho position. I do not look for sweeping changes among the Department Clerks. Tho Civil Serviro law will protect them.

Of course all other Republi we go ahead and get a good part oi our roan uum auu then are suddenly brought to a staud still by an injunction or somo other leal procoodiug, I think it can very readily be seen that wo should bo placod at a great disadvantage. There wonld ho our road perhaps two thirds of it completed, but wo should bo prohibited from operating it, and iu addition to that we would not, under Btieh cireumstauccs, be able to complete it except on terms that would bo very much to our disadvantage. In fact, if that requirement remaius unrepealed, wo could bo taken by the threat, as it were, at any time after we havo commenced building and compelled to pay whatever might bo demanded in order to get our road completed. Thon again the people of Brooklyn must keep another fact in mind which is, th it to build an elevated road under such couditiona is au uudertaking that capitalists are not likely to engage in so long as they can find any other use for their money. If wo endeavor to And a market for our bonds it is not to be supposed that they will bo disposed of unless it cau bo shown that thore is no cloud upon what they represent.

It is Yory truo that when wo do get to work the interest on tho bonds of the Cablo Company will bo guaranteed by the Atlantic avenue and Long Island Railroad but under present cirenmstances even our own direotors are asking whether suali a thing would bo prudent. I think it can vory eaBlly bo Been by everybody at all interet led in tho matter hnr pooh a n.nii remaut is altogether unreasonable, a CO.NTINUHD. lllty, except an to a njoic would havo beon knocked down. iiv cases of misconduct in camp, uviv. ered perhaps, by au amendment to the law authoriz Sunervisor McLaughlin followed up tho attack by private contracts for the pttrchaio of the Und cm be made, and if any difficulties are found in the way, such as excessive then the city will apply to the Supreme Court for the appointment nf a commission, and have tlio land or water rights con loomed.

The lo art ment seems to have been at work quietly for many mouths pad, and has acquired a vast amount oi in. forinati covering delsils uf the minutest character, including even the number and kinds trees that line tho hanks of atreau.s. The engineer has almost completed maps of every plpce of properly, and Is making descriptions of the saino lor tlio de.ds conveying the properly to the city. All of theso deeds will have to bo passed by the Corporation Counsel. An Important result of tho action taken by the Aldermen yesterday Is tho fact that the contracts for the extension can be awarded this year, as tlio woik of acquiring possession ought not to require more than four or live month.

Tho extension of the works will nc tho concurrent enlargement of the distributing reservoir at Ridgowood. DEATH OF A F1I1EMAN. Cliarles MelOevitt, a member of Hook and Lalder Company No. on South Third street, near Fifth, died this moriiliiB of heart disease, and before 1 o'clock frnt. imlliim that nose waa tho fact strikin" Captain Woods with his list in tho mouth, out A C.

cans must go. The bulk of Cleveland's patronage will go to tho South. Ho owes his election to that section, and will bo largely controlled by tho demands of its leaders. that the noso itself is already sufficiently crooked. mg a court

trial aud summary punishment of such cafos as would be proper to bring before such a court. 1 belicvo the effect of siunuiarlly disposing of euch casoa would bo most excellent. However, tho whirligig of political events was about AND TWENTY itself out in tho heater. Thero is somotniug very strange about tho mattor, for, although tho flro started right abovo the heater, there is nothing to Bhow that the flames originated below." Several of tho members of the congregation who examined tho wrecked interior did not hesitate to say that the placo must havo been Bet on Are. The reporter approached the paBtor on that subject 'I don't like to think that euch could have been the case," he said.

"Is your church united 7" "Yes, sir; thoroughly united." "No dissensions "None whatever." "Is there any jealousy existing on thi' part of outside churches?" "Well," said Mr. Thomas, "people have aid aa much, but I don't know that there is. I don't seo why thore should be, and I don't want to believe that thore is. Everything ia pleasant with us, the church is in good standing, and I am sure that we havo no feeling toward auy other of our colored churches except that oi Christian frlor.dship." tr. ennsion tho Adonis from St.

Lawrenco to de. BROADWAY, FIFTH AVIINLH SECOND STREET, NEW 'Tho South and tho four Northern Slates of ftow ting his lip aud causing somo blood to flow. The Captain," said a spectator, Vfould have returned the blow had not frlenls of both parties interfered so quickly as not to give him time. Tho Supervisor and tho Cantain aro both laruo men, tha latter being tha bo applied to tho tomptations. Unrestralued liquor Bhops on Sunday mean heavy courts on Monday and light food all lho week for the family.

This, as I view it, uot a question of temperance or religion, but of civil order aud housohpld protecilon. If you ask mo can tho law to closo liquor saloons on Sunday be on forced, I will have to answer 'I don't Aa to tho objection that tho onforcomont of tho Sunday closing law Interferes with Individual liberty, that ia all uonseuBcnse. Individual liberty has no right to oilst athwart the public wolfare. We are constantly passing laws to iuterfero with individual liberty. A mau's right to sell dynamite is restricted, so also is hio right to sell adulterated food and polaouous nrticlos and bad milk, aud there ia not a store in Now York City which is allowed to keep moro than a limited amount of gunpowder.

A man is not allowed to huiirt a. Rindi'c! factorv wherever ho decrees. Iu other DISCHARGE OF ENLISTED MEN FOR THE OOUD York, Now Jersey, Couucoticut and Iudiaua will secure feat along with Piatt and Payn and it was conceded balances were payable iu Senatorial THE BET.V1CE. Among the mauy valuable amendments to tho Miliary Code originating in this association may bo men cola. heavier.

The Captain for a moment or two struggled to got at tho Supervisor and then, recovoriug his usual evenness of temper, left the hotel aud went home. The young man who called tho Senatorial caucus to eider was a trifle flustered, but ho gave place to the permanent presiding officer, Senator McCarthy, without tioned tho power granted to major generals to uiscuargo enlisted mou for good nd auitlclent reasons, with or without tluir consent. Cpon this question permit mo Just then Alderman Gleason, not knowing that there miianaiiiB and reac his seat on mo noor saieiy. was a row in progress, appeared in the bar room and ncaailod bv Sunervisor McLaughlin with language UrCirthv's serenity and beuevoleuco of aspect did not tnerate aeainst certain little weaknesses peculiar to that cannot bo printed. One epithet angered the Aldor HA VK TAKEN ADVANTAlli; OF THE GREAT DU.


as evidenced by the quickness with mm, who msdo a dash for tha but was op which he L'avo attention to a Senatorial aspirant for norluuoly restrained, and by tho advice of friouds started in the direction of the barber shop, intending recognition as distinguished from Assembly bidders tnr tho naino honor. Thero wore ruauy other peculiar to suggest a further amendment to section reading the amendment of last year you will obsorvo "that nu such discharge shall bo granted by any commander of dlvisi.n before the expiration of the term of tho enlisted man, without his consent, unt'l aft.T lie has had ten days' notice of tho grounds for tho recommendation of his aud ten days' opportunity to bo heard and for explanation and defense, before tho commander of the division and if after su. notice and audi opportunity and such hearing, explanation and defenso, if any. ttie commander division shall decide to discharge the enlisted man, then tho order so diacliargitig him shall Hate tho urounds upon which the commander of division uae decided that such discharge should be to go to his office In tho adjacent building. The super about the caucus which it would bj almost sb visor made an effort to pursue the alderman, and was iident to allude to as it wouia tliii afternoon a warrant to pay tuo win jit moo uot oi tlie Widows' and Orphans' fund of ttie department had been signed by Iho alayor and Controller.

THE ELECTRIC LP HIT. The Citizens' F.lectrie Illuminating Company, having furnished lour electric lights to the city In of st In accordance with their agreement. Commissioner Flee nian has had liiom erected at the City Hall Square an 1 las ordered tho Brooklyn (laa Company to cap 1:1 Btrcet iainns, tuerebv saving the city fs'il in annum. City Works superintendent Tate pays lliat the city Is entitled to other electric lights, the companies having agreed to furnish the city with one light for every Unity piivate siib.cnhei'.s obtained by tlicm. It is tiin.iUd that llio displacement of street gas lamps by th" tree electric liahts in the and Western Jji.s tiicts ttill reduce tho expense of lighting tho street at least 3,000 during the year W.

observed by Jnstico Stephen Kavanagh to bo drawlnj nleaEsnt for your corrospo to for socio of tho Brooklyn politicians to ho told about, pistol from his pocket ho wronched it from him and all the offices worth havinc Ohio will not get a caoi uet placo. Thero is a bitter quarrel among tho Democratic leaders of tho State, and Cleveland could not appoint ono without offending tho others." OPPOSITION TO THE BILL r.ETIMNG GRANT. It will not be an easy mattor to pass tho bill rotlr ing General Graut. Thero are, a3 is well known, two bills on the Speaker's table from tho Sonate, the first haviim been passed by tho Senate at tho last session of tho present Congress. In thia General Grout is named.

Tlio second is tho ono pissed a few days ago, from which, in order to obviate tho technical objection of tho Prosideut to tho Fi'z John Porter bill, tho uamo of Goneral Grant was omitted. Tiio Democratic members of tho Commit too on Military Affairs coutond that Congress lvO.8 the right to name tho person for whom an offleo la created, and iu this view they aro supported by Colonel Bayne, of Pennsylvania, and Colonel Lyman, of Massachusetts. Thoso most familiar with tho situation siy that no bill for Grant's relief can bo passed at this session. THE WALLABOUT MARKET BILL. Congressman James says that tho Wallabout Market bill will bo considered at an oarly day.

It is first on tho calendar oi the Committee ou Naval Affairs, and whou that comuiilteo gets a day for tho consideration of tho bills now in its Wallabout land sito will pro. bably bo agreed to without opposition. tiin will have to nass into uudeBofvod obscurit). ,1 a kick in the Btomach bo Bevere that he ACE OF THE naiitfott thrust his hands into his pockets when his fainted. He was restored with brandy aud water.

name waa called. It was apparent thou that Burleigh Tho supervisor got into tho harbor shop finally and before wo coul I take in a cent wo ahould have to issue bonds to pay for tho wholo of the road, iu addition to paying interest on those bonds, and should also have to pay whatever tuxes the assessors saw fit to levy on tho structure, Woat do you suppose would havo been the. result had such a requirement been iuserted in the charters, aay of tho Hudson Rivor or the New York Central r. ad 7 Wo not only object to it for tho reasons I have given, but thore is auother and a vory serious causo of compl lint, and that is wo should be placed at a very great disadvantage in the working of tho cable, for lho reason that being prohibited from operating any part of tho road until tho whole of it is complotod wo should bo unable, to ascertain by praotical oxperiene'e what system is tho most advantageous I mean by that, so far as the cable and grip aro concerned. It may, perhaps, bo Eaid wo could adopt the system Iu uso on tho bridge.

To that I havo to say that I do not think it is a good one, or that it would answer tho purpose wo havo in kail the caucus In a grip of steel, but Daggett was not took off nearly all of hie clothing preparation to ngui "What do you estimate the damago at As near as we can judgo it is about $10,000. You can see for yourself that almoet evory pow is destroyed, tbo lath and plastor Is all loosened, and tho ceillug of tlie basement is ruined by water. It will take fti'ly that amount to tho church and supply a new organ. Yes, wo are insured. I am not certain to tho amount, but it is not quite $10,000.

We aro insured in the Pheuix, of Brooklyn." The firemen who examined tho building are salisflod that the origin of tho conflagration was overhoatad woodwork in tho flooring of the church abovo the heater. Firo may have boon smouldering slnco Sunday. There is no protection from tlie top of the heator to lho woodwork but the plastering of the basement ceiling, and it is believed that the fire was caused just in tbo same manner as that iu Christ Church, Clinton and Harrison streets, a few Suudaya ago. The Bridgo Btrcet African M. E.

Church ia tho oldest rtuinte.l. If anybody wanted the protection oi a uiutou any man iu tho city who was friendly to tho alderman. words thero is no truth more obvious aud fundamental lhau that society lias a right to protect itsolf from an individual. Wo might as well talk of tho right of rat3 in a granary and tho wrong of Betting traps for them. Do I consider this one of tlio great questiona of the day, equal now to tho question of slaves or no slaves No, it is not bo importaut as tho abolition of slavery.

It is not a national question and cannot bocorno Mr. C. C. Leigh, lato Prohibition candidate for Mayor of this city, said Mayor Grace's proposition to permit the salo of beer on Sundays at certain hours would not suit him or thoso who followed him. He thought he could speak for only himself.

Such a plan as tho Mayor of Now York suggested would only break iu on tho Christian Sabbath. Beside, people who were in a saloon before church tlmo in tho evening would certainly not feel liko leaving becauso tho church bells rang. Again, I fail to seo tho Illness iu soiling beer on Sunday aud not selling any other liquors." I think a distinction ought to bo mado between light and comparatively uniutoxicating liquors and those which aro very intoxicating, like whisky," said Colonel Partridge. "I am not sure that it would not bo as well to havo classes of licenses so arranged that tha sale of strong liquors would bo handicapped Gradually his friends sot him under their influence fcallot he would vote to give it to them, though for him Cell it wa3 easy guessing whore he stood. A fresh current fiom tho Evarts roservoir carried out of aud thon took him homo.

Tlio affair has created a sen HOST CARCAINS EVER OFFERED IN NEW VljHK, IS RENCH CASHMERES, III.SON CLOTHS. MOUNTAIN CHEVIOTS, IRANCAISE, CAMEL'S HA lit, PLAIDS AND JJUOCIti: Willi COM1IINA TIONS, MONEY MARKET. Batiou iu the city. None of tho party could bi scon to day. Tho bar tonder, who received the blow from tho alight the littlo straws with which Daggett tried to build a dam, and littlo Myers stood up to bo Bait cellar, is not on duty.

Ex pons for tlie Week Uf form io Itei'ii la.ti fcnitiiit Uuteu SdicKN Irregular. aiOVrt awav. Thia iiorsistont Morton man said that wit no now tbiuc witlihiui; that ho TWO SIDES. with the party since 1840. Seeing that this an.

iininated tho irtv's birth by about ten years it was view." Now with an due respect i mo v. amendment, I beg to that tho omc.T charged with the duty tu examine carefully into tho facts and circumstances and to give opportunity for explanation and defenso should be the colonel of tho regiment, or tho brigade commander, whou it Bhall appear (hat such enlisted man is a member of a srparate company. The power to discharge should remain the division commander. And tho officer charged with tho duly of making proper elimination an to facts should bo required to keep a record of ti.e examination, including testimony and defense offered by the "oldier, to rofor to tho fact In the indorsement of tho papers, that tho law In this respect has been compiled iriih, to be prepared to furnish a transcript of such record Bhould tho Division Commander require it. This would not only relievo tlio Commander of tho Division of the annoyance of sitting occasionally, perhaps frequently, as a court to hear and determlno such cases, tho examination of witnesses, but would fix the responsibility where, in my judgment, it properly belongs, and at tho samo time sufficiently protect tlio rights of tho soldier.

RIFLE ritACTTCE. The benefits cr rifle practice to tho Natioual Guard have beeu great. Tho advancement mado slnco tho Institution of Crooduioor (the pioneer rungo of the country), In soldierly efficiency is incalculable. It ia to be quoatloncd, however, whether the servico is dc rivlnix tho largest posaiblo amount of good from .11 (l. tin 1 If tho Common Council should grant your requost Something of an achievement, but It was a slip of lho iongue at which only a few Evarts men ungoncrously and strikeout tho requirement you object to, what FOR EVENI.NC AND PARTY IN THE MOST IlEEIC.U II THE ATTRACTIONS ARE NUN' DKESSE8, TINTS.

VAILING, AL JlltillEI.S' FAILUtK. i Thou Tfivlor stood UI) to bo SWalUPOd. 11 13 protection would the city havo in other words, what dAUjUDCi, iit.1v fair to give him a chance to explain himself guarantee would thero be that you would bnild boyond Asrwnitp, January 20. Tho liabilities of Charles Michiels amount to $1,000, 'T bpliovo I OW3 it to mysolf and to my coustitnonU BATROSS, GRENADINES AND OAKS, CAMEL'S tho junction of Flatbush avenue anu Aiianuc and tho sale of light drinks oucouraged. I would not advise opening barrooms for tho salo of hard Wat.i.

January 0 0 P. M. Amonty tho stilus of bonds this afternoon were Missouri Kansas and Tcxa, 1st, 101 ditto consul, nil Frio 2nd cousol, Northern Pacific 1st, 100o00''4 Atlantic and Pacific income, ITalT', Arkansas Pino Bluff, 15 N. West and Uuf falo, East Tennessee consol, Coloralo Cen ral tii, o0; J. couvertablc, 07 do.

cms 07; Houston and Texas 1st, Central Pacific Id, 110V; Union Pacific lt, 111'j'allPj Northwest debenture, Do; Chicago, liiirllngton and Qulncy 4's, 01; Fort Worth and Denver City 1st, C.l Ottninwa 1st, 100 Cleveland, Col. Cin. and Md. gen. OS Pacific of Missouri 1st, 100.V; Central New Jersey adjust "We are required to complete tue roau point in sav that I honestly tried to got at tbf sentiment of 000.

His suspension is due to iobsob ou sugar, it 13 HAIR CLOTH AND CASHMERES. iv. ond dritiks on Sunday, but thore east of Brooklyn avenue in throe years and to East expected that ho will pay a small dividend. is a certain class of poor mon to whom boor at dinner Now York la five years. If wo neglect to do eo au action can bo brought againBt us by the A Homey Gen AFFAIRS IX EGYPT.

timo 18 as much a necessity as wlno is to the rich, and I don't see why the rich, who buy in bottlee, Bhould colored church in Brooklyn. It sprang from tho Sands Btrcet M. E. Church and was organized in 1818, when Bishop Asbury tho first Mothodist Bishop was 11t ing. The congregation was small at first, but increased in numbers and influonce.

It worshiped in the Sands Btreet Church on Sunday afternoonB. In 1854 the present edifice waa purchased for Tha structure was originally used by Congregatlonalista and built by them. At the tlmo Of its transfer to the colored people its congregation, remoTed to a new and largor church. The Rev. J.

StanBbury was the pastor beforo tbo Rev. Mr. Thomas took charge. This gentleman baa been at the hoad of the church for two years past, tho pastors being changed every threo years, according to the rulo of the Mothodist Church. Tbo present trustees aro Messrs.

T. F. Hall, John Monroe, John Little, Stephen D. Overton, Albert Butts, Albert Miller, William Moore, Wylie Overton and William Edwards. BLACK DRFSs IN THIS DEPARTMENT THE NOVELTIES AUV eral." CAino, January 20.

If vou should bo given permission to build aud he allowed to drink on tbo BabUatli, anu tuo poor A force of 1,200 soldiers Is golnff to Suakim. It is bPECIALLY IN VI TIN! THE Vi.i'.V IIEST OOOD6 ahould bo cut off. Thero is an ovil aud a good in this Suuday drinking. I would tako tho good operate the road as sections of it are completod, what is the plau yon propose to adopt?" expected that they will bo used to open tho road to TEMI'TlN'i; PRICE i COMPHLSlNli Berhor. ment, 10'i'i ditto consoi, tin l.ouisviiic wi "We Bhould commence at tuo boutu ana A.OMJU.",, UUtlUUlJ FRENCH CASHMERES, CAMEL'S HAin SERGES.

New Orleans and Mobile div 1st, 70 ht. 1'aul, r. ana D. division, 110. Vty Allegations in a Suit for Dam asres Mr.

BcWitl, for Defendant, Says tlie Case is a Ulumbujr llr. Harris, for Plaintiff, Says tlie Oilier Party made False and Fraudulent Kejire sciitations. When tho suit of Mary Fitzgerald against the Cross Town Railroad Company was callod this morning iu tho City Court, before Judge Clement, Mr. W. C.

Do Witt answered ready for tho defendant. Mr. Mosea J. Harris, or counsel for tho plaintiff, said ho was not ready, as tho plaintiff was sick at home in bed. Tho attorney, Mr.

Henry, called at her home this morning and found her unable to come to court Tho plaintiff was ready yesterday and tho case wont oil at tho request of tho defendant's counsel. Mr. Do Witt said that tho company held a release in full given by tho plaintiff. As Bho was getting off a car sho loll upou her knee, whereupon an elderly gen tlemau stepped up to hor aud handd her a lawyer's card, saying that tho lawyer would call on her that ovoning. He did call and an action was begun.

Aftor this, she received $75 and gave a reloaso. As to her bo ing Bick, defendant had a witness in court who lived in tho Baiuo house with hor and would testify respecting her condition. Mr. Harris repliod that they would bIiow that tho reloase was obtained by false and fraudulent representations. The attorney saw her lying in her bod this The papers this morning aro agreod that tho Cabinet build out as far as aomo point east of Brooklyn avenuo just as fast aa tho work could bo done.

It would bo to our interest to havo that dono as quickly as possible. Council to day has to consldor tho gravest Egyptian Exports for tlio week, exclusive ot specie, j. tny district. 1 suppose if I really tried to interpret Shut sentiment I should bo in the caucus of my Democratic friends, for It gavo Cleveland 2,500 maj irlty. I was a pronounced Evarti man, but I was told that all ibe ward offloera in my district and all the members of lho Oeneral CouiniUtto thero wero for Morton.

I am tore for Morton, and as it is for his interest to have a Eocret ballot I shall vote for it." Tho oratory of tho evouing was closed by Van Allen, of JJow York, whoso bombast and intellectual vacuity are jin competition for lirBt place with tho odds slightly in ffavor of montal vacancy. Tho Morton men were beaten two to ono. Tho flags 4hat fluttered in the Erwin broezo aro replaced by Burleigh bunting, and Dutclter, nftor luxuriating in tho ropici of success for a whole week, is looking for an Impoverished and Ineffectual sunbeam iu tho polar political purgatory of Piatt and Payn. EVARTS ELECTED SENATOR. AVilliam M.

Evarts was elected Senator at noon problem which has presontod itself since the bombard moor and tue otuet tnuv. maintained by tho Slate and it ia suggested that such modifications may perhaps bo effected iu the syttem cf practico now iu vogue, as it will mako these shooting grounds moro largely available. This is a matter, however, for oxperts In this particular branch, and the attention of tho convention is merely directed to (he subject in tho hope that the suiigcution may elicit con. slderation from those competent to discuss It. SHOULD DELEGATES APPEAR IN My attention has beeu called at times to the fact that as we asBCiublo as officers of the National Guard it 1...

i.r.mer to aunear iu. sav. fatigue uniform. I All tho elevated roads of Now York now run down making 22,003, 130 siuco January agamsi to the same' time last year, and to tho cor the South Ferry and wo should endeavor to ment of Alexandria. Tho 2'inifs says tue ministers must decide upon what terms they are going to remain in Egypt, or confess that they aro reduced to the neces throush travel to tho samo poiut.

I do not responding dato iu 1683. The grain movement at Chicago, Milwaukee anl expect that wo shall moet with any opposition from sity of a disastrous aud degrading retreat, Toledo to day was as follows i Ch(cji and throw away tho ovil. am giau 10 uuu that temperanco people and liquor dealers are beginning to bo moro toleraut in their views, and thore Bccnis a fair ptospect that thoy will meet on a broad platform. Tho Prohibitionists begiu to recognize that men will drink and now seek to strike at tho evils of tho habit, while tho liquor sellers and drinkers are coming themselves to holp repress the evils of Intoxication. "Mayor Graco'a proposition would suit tho Germane and tho beer sellers," said Louis Froelich, president of the Liquor Dealers' Protective Association, "but it would ba opposed by tho whisky men.

It would do away with the wholo difficulty among the Germans. Thoy would go to church aud after service the minister and his wholo congregation would come and sit In tho beer garden and drink a littlo boor, just as they do in Germany, and tho presence of the minister among them Milirin'tsa. bash. 07.111 GENERAL INTELLIGENCE. bma.


ON IHil DOI.I.Mt. tho proporty owners along Atlantic avenue, auuougu it will probably ba different with the branch wo pro poso building from the Fulton Ferry to the bridgo. am much inclined to the opinion that tho suggestion is Toledo, bufh. lll.lloO ill, mo nod 2.1,1)00 80. 7811 U.l',77 02.

Jf, I0 front All Paris Reroipta wheat Shipments wnaat Receiplicorn SbinmcDtlcora l.tlO IInpiciiiugs Ileoorted There wo shall como iu contact wltn tivo rival corporations, the Kings County and the Brooklyn Elevated a good one, and would therefore ast you to tako up the question al tho propar time for discussion. Permit me iu conclusion to express my thanks for tho honor conferred upou mo iu my election as president of tho association, and tho earnest wih that tbo result of our gov The regulation adopted by the Stock I'xchan of tlie World. The committee appointed to make arrange to day. Tho Democrats votoa lor oi Ex Sou DARING ROHBERY. IN FLUSHING AVENUE.

A Woman Ittiocked Down and SlOO Stolen by Her Atsailant. About 12:30 o'clock this morning Mrs. Kate Knopf, wifo of Mr. Henry Knopf, propriotor of tho sa loon, No. 715 Flushing avenuo, had shut np tho outside doora and was about to close the door at the head of the stairs leading from the collar, when a man rushed up from tho cellar, prostrated hor with a blow on tlio head, snatched from her hand a tin box containing $450, ond beforo sho could rise escaped by a roar door.

Sho says that the man was of medium height and that his face was blackened, but sho cannot tell whother he was a negro or not Tho money belonged to several societies of which Mr. Knopf is collector or treasurer. was nominated in caucus this morning, labors may contribute to tuo "goou oi mo genua. ernors ydtorJay, requiring thoso who are also connected with the Petroloum Exchange to sever their connection. w.U.

In tho opinion of a prominent meui railroads, and wo may also have somo trouuie wuu tuo owners of property. In that caso we shall, unless ablo to settle it otherwise, ba willing to filo bonds for the payment of any damages that may bo awarded by a commisBiou to bo appointod for tho purpose two years aud Abrain S. Tho convention is to continue In session over to tor Kiernau, Georgo Raines, of Monroi ments for tho dedication of tho now Board oi 'Iraao building Iu Chicago, has reached the conclusion that it morrow and it ia oxptcteJ that as the result of Its nf the latter, cailso the withdrawal of about 100, deliberations important modifications of lho Military I would go to THESE BARGAINS ARE will require threo days to appropriately celebrate tuo event. It i6 proposod to devote tho last week in April to the affair. after the building of tho road." thus depressing the price of seats which aro now worth si.

ID ON SPECIAU PUKI'OSB would preserve respect aud order, church myself if wo had such laws. Code will bo made, louding to increase tho eiheiency aud promote the goneral interests of tho service. We would keep nave you mado auy estimate of the cost of tho TAIII.ES SET APART I OR ril morning sick. Judge Clement said that tho defendant's physician could visit hor at hor house at once and tho ca30 might stand over, Mr. Harria said that would bo perfectly satisfactory to bim.

A meeting of freight ogculs of roads In the Eist uo difficulty tn that A sub coiumittco of tho London Stock Exchange tight closed during church hours road?" bound nool will be held to day for tho purpose ot try It will cost $2,500,000, and unloss this prohibitory AN IMPORTED LOVER. recommends that the Tolcgcapb Company bo deprived of facilities for obtaining quotations for i.m tn biioff about on understanding regarding rates. IN THE DRESS lilS DEPARTMENT. SAMPLES Ol' DRV ODODS SENT clause is repealed we should havo to pay Interest on It Is thought that tho conferenco will bo as Mr, DeWitt said the case was a humbug. Ho had the The Dilemma nn, uoou cuius mer Eewett wero uamed for tho honor.

Ivte, of Xew York, contoudoi that it Cooper became Ahe caucus noiniuoo factional differences ill Now York qtonUl be fanned Into added flames. Dan Maiming, Judge Qree'n, W. E. Smith and Mayor Murphy, of Troy, ccoSvetl scattering votos in tho caucus. There was little Interest in tho mere formality by ITCk'h Evarts was elected.

flloiv tlio KcMilt ltejrarded ill Waitli iliff ton. Special to tho Eugle. M'AKiiiKQroK, January 20. of tho Senatorial caucus at Albany is printing machines. TUI OF THE that sum and also the taxes on the structure I suppoBo about three fifths of Its actual valuo before wo are allowed to collect a single fare." A special dispatch from urusseis says iving Leo all lines havo as much business as thoy can uanuie.

The Grand Trunk has glvon notice that 11 will co ofiidavits of tho doctor and thoso who attended the plaintiff. Thoso showed that tho plaintiff put kerosene THE VACANT DRILL CAPTAINGV. TOUSEY I1Y MAIL TO ALL PARTS COUNTRY O.N APPLICATION. pold, of Belgium, still hopes to bo ablo to carry out his original design of placing General Gordon iu charge of it is dono in Germany." Tbo Rov. C.

S. one of tho most prominent of the temperanco workors in this city, said, I'm sorry for tho stand Mayor Grace took on tho subject I to have a great respect for him. I had hoped better things for Now York too, becauso In tho pastoral letter issued bv the Roman Catholic bishops in plon try council lately, the subjects of tcmpirance and respect for the Sabbath were so strongly and forcibly urged on tho membors of tho church that I hal groat with tho Erie, New York Coutral and Susque oil on her knee and applied a poultico to cause a swell COURT OF APPEALS DECISIONS. the affaire of tho International African Association. hanna In not meeting tho Pennsylvania's cut on emigrant rates.

si.n ts wore hoavv early this afternoon, being In iug so that the doctor mijbt lance it and make a bettor caso for daiuagos. Her own doctor would Bhow that she received no injuries. Her lawyers wero compelling Internal questions appear to cause considerable agi mll in Slic IPuj'B William Thompson's Passage to Thi Country to Marry Hr Dauglilcr and Finds That He is Not What She Wauls Thompson Mallco Hor Ilonac Ilia Home and Kcfuaics to Leiive When Alted to Do So. "I want some nilvice," Rfiiil Mrs. Eliza Henry JPciinic vs.

City of KrooKlyn. tation in the Argentine Republic, and tho buying of arms and other warlike stores and the holding of secret fluenced by a report, subsequently denied, that the Avila vs. LocK wood Laiisan vs. City hor attendance, aud that had thrown her into such a i i nirv nf Pittsburg, ua 1 Slisoeuoe I. meetinRB aro spoken of.

The governmont has ordored looked upon in Washington as satisfactory onougli to thoBe who havo beon clamoring for mora personal coiuiitv. After tho denial the markot recovered, but tlie specula stato of nervous prostration that counsel aid not he. lieve sho would ever come into court. J. A C.

JOHNSTON. BROADWAY, I TH AVENUE AND TWENTY SECOND STHEE )'. NEW I JAMES M. RiT RV A CO. in from tho frontior two regiments of the liue, and tho chiof of polico has boon changed.

in the United States Senate. Evarts Is con hopes. I never Baw a uocumeni wuicu picaocu u.o bettor and I do hope that John Kelly, who, as I understand it, represents tho better element among Roman Catholics, will put such pressure on Mayor Grace that ho will be couipollt to close our bo1ooji3 on Sunday. cedeJly a strong man, but from a political standpoint, Mr. Harris said those statements were not truo.

It was truo that tho dofendeut had secured her doctor, but he attended her only two weeks, and then went to It is rumored that Johu McLoughlin, ot G. W. of Brooklyn Gold nnil Stlocli i.x cliangc Cae Tnc lcueniciil Ilouxe Cigar Bill. Special to tho Eagle. Aluanv, January 00.

Among other decisions rendered by tho Court oi Ap tion was very tame, althoujh price, were steady between ouo and two o'clock, the exception bein Erie, 2nd, consols, which fell off. i. rennrtod from Albany that Controller Ciiapln Cook this morning to Relief Clerk Joseph short, at the office of tho Chaiitiea Department, No. Ui Fulton Btreet. What commissioner Partridge Says About it, and tlie Proponed Increase of Policemen's Pay.

With regard to tho rumor that had been extensively circulated through the Polico Department that tho Polico Commissioner wou'd appoint some military man, outside of tho member3 of tho force to fill the position of drill captain, made vacant by McKolvey's promotion to tho captaincy of tho Fourth Precinct, tho Commissioner stated to day that thero was no foundation for such rumor, as ho did not intend going outside the department for a man Tor that place. Ho statos that as vol he has not fully determined what ho will do in tho matter, but reoognizes the faot that thero aro plenty of offleora in tho force who are fully competent to perform tha required duties, and iu all probability notices will be sent out ia duo time, leaving the moat widely differentiated opinions aro oxpicaouu. Tt iu claimed bv tho admirers of Mr. Blaine that Evarts' Titer's law oluce, iu San irancisco, who outaincci $25,000 from Qeueral Harues, senior counsel for ex Sonator Sharon in the divorco case, for a spurious tin uar iui nomination is a victory for tho Blaino mn in Now Well, what can I do or you, my good woman the compauy and sold hor out. He brought an agent of the company to tho plaintiff, who obtained her release by fulso and fraudulent representations.

They has, on the per be uod by the Cily of asked the gallant Mr. Hhort. peals aro Honry Pennie, respondent, versus city ot agreement has absconded with the money. York. They point to the fact that Warner Miller was prominent flguro in tho winning combination, and sanrt froolv that Cornell and Matt wore traitors to tho I have a young man at my house wnom i want to Brooklyn, appelant, judgment affirmod and Samuel A special dispatch from Berlin says ino now gov Brooklyn.

i was broken down ou a report that tho MAKE A I.i 1NUS. PIE WILL. ON TUESDAY. JANUARY SPECIAL OFFEHINl! OF LINEN caino into court and asked to be allowed to go to tho jury. They wero ready yesterday, but counsel ou the othor eido was engaged.

They would be glad if got rid of and don't know how to go about it." ernmont White Book, which is about to bo i9sued, will ha ii ain rcfuioJ to loin tho A. Avila, respondent, versus W. Lockiyood, appelant, judgment affirmed with costs and W. E. Langau, IT.fEIiAL OF MICHAEL POWERS.

The funeral of Michael Towers, who died from the effects of being run over a few days ago, will take placo from tho roaidonco of his boh, Detcctivo Michael F. Powers, at 175 A Dean street, at 2:30 P. M. to morrovf. Sorvicos will be celebrated by Father Mc Roman Catholic Church, at be devoted entirely to the history and correspondence 1 Where do you live My homo is at 207 Graham street, but I am away defendant would send a physician to see tho plaintiff, regarding England's occupation of tho Fiji Islands." and Jan 7.11.

THIS SALE SHEETING, Blaine ticket in November. Tho warmest frlonds of President Arthur enthuse readily over his triumph nd tho defeat of Cornell's candidate, but tho general impression is rather in tho dircotion of iih uttor's monositiou. It is thought that Coruoll and coal combination. January wheat closed In Chicago at corn at 07 during the day. I am tho laundress at the Drook.yn who was really sick.

Meetings wore held tlirouguoiu ranee on Muuuay 10 LOW CASE AND SHIR! INO LINENS. EMBRACES ALL GRADES OF LINEN INCHES WIDE, IROM 1 AND UPWARD. City Hospital, I came to this country four years ago select municipal dolegatos for the Senatorial elections. i. 1 1 ner cent, aud at 1.

and yak Mr. DeWitt said she would always bo sick, aud it was very hard that defendant should have to dance attend from England. I saved money and two years ago i The Ultra Radicals were shown to be In a large ma Walt who both opposed Arthur at Chicago were trying sent for my children. My dauahter i loreuco, wno is jority iu many districts. cartuy, u.

oi. the housa Tho iutormont will tako placo in the family lot ot Holy Cross Cemetery, Fiatbush. Michael Powers was born in Clonmel, Tlpporary County, Ireland in August 183(3. Ho came to JJrooklyn about forty to renair thoir machino in tho Stato and met Willi a a bo ut l.i Stocks wero irregular in tho lato trade and i at the close. ance iu court from day to day.

Bringing on tho caso mado her sick. Tho dofendant wanted to strike the caso by affidavits. They had overwhelming proof that ASK 5 ,1 Ttl.t.OW, ii.t.ow.c A special dispatch from uernn says mo new uov tn l.ft fuui.n.l will tho position open for competition. neu ho thought of tho bill introduced by Assembiymau McCann to lucrease tho pay of patrolmen to $1,200 a year ho eaid ho was opposed to such a measure, and principally became tho city treasury could not afford au increaao in tho pay rolls sufficient to moot the re nuirnninnt nf snob leaislativo action. Ho does not respondent, versus City of llrooklyn, juugmeut affirmed with costs.

Tho caBO of tho people, respondents, versus the Gold and Stock Telegraph, appellant, samo versus Western Union Telegraph Compauy, has beou decided. Judgment so far as interest is allowed is modified and affirmed. The Court of Appeals decides tho Tonoment House Cigar bill unconstitutional. RAPID TRANSIT COMPENSATION LAW. A Rill for Its leclielll Introduced hy roost disastrous failure.

20 years old, was love with William inoir.psor.,1 young man In Birmingham, KnsUnd. They were engaged to be married, but ho was poor ond could not ALL GRADES AND Willi' LINENS. erumout wnue xiooa, trmm it ti, i (u saI.I Congressman Charlos It. Skiunor tho caeo was a fraud, and it was not right that it should hn devoted outlrely to the history and corr03pondenco Tha following tabU umkol for this day HTI.fll llio qnnnnrterfl of Arthur Pilll CD ANDSl'P. 23 CENTS PER stand over to give an opportunity for further raanipu regarding England's occupation oi tho Fiji Islands." raise money enough to come to tu

years ago, while yet It was a viuago, auu been a residont of tho Ninth Ward. For tivonty five years ho waa foreman in tho largo coil yard of IL G. ch thev elected a full latiou. doughter and myself got toc what money we Tho Russian government has rejected tuo urau oi a ti at Lame to Chicago at AKD AJ UP. 10 INCH.

5 INCH. 5t INCH. think tho bill will pass. Tho Court would not hoar tho affidavits, and set the rr ti hard for them to sup co cents ru: SJ CENTS PEP. Opening, War aab Pacific YARD AfNI) UP.

contract submitted by tho ex Governor ot Eastern Siberia, by which it waB proposed to concede to an port Evarts but it a's better than letting Cornell get trial down for tho first Monday of Fobruary. tho inside track iu Stato if AM. GRADES OI YARD Wll. Powers that stood ot tue coruor ot ruin He retired from buslnoss Blxtodn years ago, and up to the tlmo of his death enjoyed a happy green old ago. Uo leaves four Boas and ono daughter, all grown up.

conld and sent for him to come ou here. "Then you brought him here for the purple of marrying your daughter?" asked Mr. Short. Yes, that waa my object, but by St. Tatrick I rieh I hadn't.

It would have been far better for Forcnce to have given her affections to somo good American nut she was nasaloiiattly iu love with him and Amorlcau company a monopoly ior ntaaij avujuuo of tho fur trade and tho hunting of lur animals on the Russian Pacific coaBt. Oeneral SSeailt Eluvatcd Katlroad Fares. SUBSTITUTES ENGAGED. ENS FROM 23 CENTS ID AND UP O'LEAKY, THE FENIAN. RYAN AND SULLIVA.V.

How Uo News of lotist ISislat's Mcetimn was Kccelved in Cliicao. Chicago, 111., January 90. Th news of tho flno showing that Ryan had made in Now System of Paying Temiiorary Bills wero introduced in tho Austrian Roichsratn to SELDOM IMS Sl.TI tlflEN Ol 1 Elli.D lb Ml I.RE Hi. 1.1. LINENS Al' a Very C'enlial ana It'iasua.

Ctnada Soall.ern.... Frio Kriepreferred Union FaciUc Lake Shore Morris and rsvi. Del. Luck and Wosl. Nurthwostern NoitbwOolerti orol.

Rock lbuid St. Paul St. Paul nreferro l. His Firut BS'i coy hiii US', 123 lOt'I iu Dublin Affair. Lecture Tame day empowering tho government to deal BUinuiarily SI (11 l.ow i Teachers.

Special to the Eagle. Auiany, January 20. Genoral Heath has Introduced a bill repealing tho law of 1883, known as tho Mayor's Rapid Transit Com THE LAItOlTIE BROTHERS. Paris, January 20. with dangerous Socialist agitation, aud provuung puu ishuieut for tho criminal use of explosives.

London, January 20. At a meeting of tho Teachers Committee of dlsoatch from Dublin says "John O'Leary, the Board of Education held last night, a report pre The Haytiau Legation here has requested tho police to retain tho papers found at the residence of tho Brothers Larocbe. Tho papers comid of numoroiis evolutionary documoutij. Tbo Larocho brothers ore BROADWAY AND tF.l.fl VLNTU ST. NEW YORK.

tho Fenian leader and former editor of tho 7rifii People, pared by Mr. Hendrix waa adopted providing that sub i. inst roturcod from his long expatriation in stitute teachers shall receive an ortier irom mo pnnci. THE WEATHER. PROBABILITIES.

Washington, D. January 209:30 A. M. Tor tho Middlo Atlantic States, warmer, partly cloudy irnnernllv pal, and shall collect thoir monoy immediately. pensation act.

It was passed at tho instance of Mayor Low and Controller Chapln, who Bupposed that it would benefit property owners along tho liuo of the proposed elevated railroad route. Being now found to bo an obstructive measure Its repeal 13 sought. Coffey has introduced a bill providing for fivo cent elovated railroad fares in Brooklyn. It is aimed at the Bruu road. France, lectured in this city Inst night on Old and Now Dr.

Josoph M. Kenny, who is also an .1 tlm meetine. but tho attendance moiiYKAK's nrr.i;i:i it woather, locai buuwh ui umn, was small and tho lecture was a very tame affair. Tho m.h Iw Mr. Learv was that nephews of a former Financial Minister of Haytl.

They wero recently tiled on the charge of forging Haytiau bank notes and were acquitted. SE5AT0U ANTHONY'S SUCCESSOR. ritoviUESCE, R. January 21. NO KIVEH AND HA It HOR IMPKOVKJIENTS.

Special to tho Eagle Washington, January 20. l.l... li 1 W.i., cnppirnf tel. tb 2:15 P. M.

iDhest. Lo CI, e6U 8HX iii'vi iiVi ri'i "'S if'' 60', to w. KS 't 12 12'. H1 7.1'f JlJI'i I'l a' iy i.i i 5'. bi M2 i CO''.

CVi 1 iF.1, 1C'4 ICS its'. 1'. 91 2l' a 21 1 in io ii; nr.n 23; 2' 8V H.Vj; 83 3 2't 0'. ii 12 12 12 ii'i 12U vi' i jju 1'" ujtf i'iii iv lii" lio" ait" uortherly, falling barometer., eTery'hoif 111 (t maiu Uqtol, I NO.

i 4 I'O his match with John L. Sullivan at Madison Square Garden, New York, last night caused more than a ripple of excitement lu sporting circles and brought to tho front more friends of tho ex cbampion of America than ho was ever known to possess beforo in Chicago sporting circles. Tho genoral impression was that Ryan had nobly shown hlmsolf to bo possessed of all the qualities that were claimed for blm prior to tho battle at Mississippi City. The aotlou of Captain Williams in stopping tha flght whon Sullivan was getting apparently the worst of it provokod much indignation, ond it was charged that had tho tables beon turned no action of tho sort would havo been taken. That Paddy ltyan is the equal of John Sullivan Is now claimed in many quartors, and tho result of last night's contest, together with the biiter feeling which has existed bo tween tbo two men since their last meeting, will, it is thought hero, probably result in the making of anotlior match with bare knuck'es and for the championship.

For Wednesday, warmer weatner, wiin local non, bo would study tlio action 'V'VVJn leaders before taking sides or advising tho Irish people ti.nv could best deliver themselves from tho yoke A IE. ETON'S, I STIlllltT. TUB "XHitl'M i A'in WAREHOU6II It is understood that somo disappointment is ex. aro indicated in Now England, tne miuuio Aiianiic States and lake regions. NNl'Ali KKl'tiHI' A3 Jonathan was elected United States Senator prosssd by tho people of Long Island over tho failure AMERICAN DRY ID 31 'i ir'i 53 4 C'j" 03 Si lis' K.

HI ii1; 23 8i' 32. ,2 lis'', ef English misrule. THE coi.on.ino sesatorship. of tho River aud Harbor Committee to make appropn RECORD Or IRS THERMOMETER. ThA following is the record of tho thonnomotar ai FOIt A BUILDING COMMISSION.

Special to tho Eagle. Albany, January 20. Roesch, of New York, has offered iu Assembly ft concurrent resolution giving tho Governor power to .1 so I consented to tho Mrs. Cook wont on to state that Thomson arrived about throe weeks ago on the steamer As soon os sho bow him she ws very much disappointed in him. Ho was uot as good looking as he was four years ago when sho last met bim in the Old Country.

Ho was coarse iuhla manners, and to her dismay found that for some time past ho had been living a dissipated life. He was without money and had uo disposition to work aud remained iu her house expecting her to support him. To her demands that ho leave the honso ho stubbornly refused and said that as iho had sent for him to come to this country sho must take care of him. "My daughter is a pure, virtuous said Mrs. Cook, with tears in her eyes.

"I cannot bear to think of her having anything to do with that bad Well, madam, all tho advice I can give you i that you ond thli man over to the Commissioners of Emigration at Castle darden, and tell them that thoy meet eoud blm back to England." "But 1 cannot get him out of the bouse He remains thero all day with my daughter while I am at my work and Trill not go "Welt then kick him out, throw him downstairs, tako a club to him auy way to got rid of him. Ho has no more right in your houao than I hare." i Had I better get policeman to hslp mo 1" I Xea, aotury. It bo TU1 art l6t wfes ion ia rljfcl I tstnl ia c.l.Ml'ANY. ho am of hun lie I iho ion I I.i ll.e I ations for cortaln improvements which were deemed necessary. Appropriations wero asked for thfrty tbroo improvements, two or threo of which wero ou Lons Ohio and Mis osippi Kew Jtnoj Control Canadian ieinc I loeon.t eelem Union Pacillc Mail Manitoba Micbtutn CY ntraJ 1 1 'HUM.

Denver IlioOraoJa Illinuis Centra Manh'oE e. Pitcilic p(J Kaoa. A loiia Missouri Paciuc Loiiim' loASaaaTilll If. Oat vVeu a Omaha Omtln prefer. ol Contral Pacific Ohio Contra! Laku Erie A Weitero Peoria.

Dec. A hv'lla Texas Pacific! Kanti. Ubat. A St. Chi.

Bit. Rlctunond ctDant'a Richmond Ter mnil. K. Y. Chi.

A8t ,1... N. V. Dili. ASV bpf Lone island Manhattan Oreitm Navlgaties tfoUioao.

Desvf.ii, January 20. kept at tho Bbooklv.v IMH.y. eaolk oiuco A. 2010 A. J) cf tiio com eic ed tho lata to day by tho following vote Cliase, is; v.

imam or. Sheffield, 0 Isaac Bell, of Newport, 22. OLIVER imOS. PHILLIPS' STATEMENTS. PiTTsnunn, January 20.

At it moolluB of tho creditors of Ollvor Bros. Phil. The Senatorial contest seems to be virtually at an pajnifnt oi piopen pmy. 1 ho suieunt of ol Itrj li.iu tr 'i ti Now York. .1 a.

i 22 20 23 29 Tlli 20i Island. Tho Committee decided that it was lniprac CoIonelJ. S. Dormer ana aenaior and SF. BOVNTON.

President. 8 A. a 1 who were among tho bolters from Avernfte temiieraiuro io jrs of Hill's forces, Average louiyuraiuru baiuo t.lfhl'A CaUCUS, Will lO Uity u.t ttt llpa this morning, a statomout from the mspendod tlcablo at the present timo to appropriate money for new work and tho results of thie decision aro equa'ly applicable to all sections of the country, aa well as to the Louglslaud District. l.ll'i.l.llV. .1 11.

lYNTtlN. Ttuatwt. GORDON DEXTER, cj.t,, or Niw Cur am. i ntv or Nevt hi tbo AmtiAmticnUrf Teller whose election on tho first ballot is generally conceded. Tbo Democratic Senatorial caucus adjourn firm was read.

It asks for reasonouio lime, uuu j.iuuv isc8 to pay in fnll all tho debtf. I1IOU WATER. The following is tho official announcerasnt cf the tiino and duration of high water at Now York at midnight last tilgbt after nominating looms llixl the fotOfolDC appoint a commission, consisting oi nvo master mechanics and two archileots, to report to this Legislature a code of lawa for tho proper construction of buildings iu Now York and Brooklyn. It will be oussed iu Assembly to morrow. THE CONNECTICUT SESATORSHIP.

Hahtfoud, January 20. Tho Senate at noon to day voted for United States Senator. O. H. Piatt (Ropnblicn), received 15 rotes and W.

H. Brnum (Democrat), 7. In the Hons tU YOto WW "8 1 Sm urn, 1 ROSCOE COSKMSU OX EVARTS. WhenRoscoe Conkliiig was to day asked for expression of au opinion as to die choice of Mr. Evarts for Senator, he shook bis head, smiled and Dock and (imp.

nr. lon elnrd ar tru to tha EYE AND EAR HOSPITAL. Uvan, of this city. ATLANTIC DOCK COMPANY. At tho meeting of the Atlantic Dock Com report in.l alalmftiv ioi.

beat ol his anon oJso aol txrhl. and Sandy Hook for to morrow, January 21 C.J. BUSH.NKI.I, 8MUrr. Kaoi tn before mo tut imu Jaaoarr. in The annual meeting of the Eye ana Ear Hospital will tako place this evitdog SI Lirinjiton 12 1" CO.

pany at their offices opposite Hamilton Ferry, tlie following gentlemen wero chosen directors: Messrs. viiiLLira 138). Notui 1'ttOlic n. Dura'n of, Rise. Fall.

U.M. II. M. V. Time.

11. M. I FoeU A. M. Time.

Tloinht. li, M. Feet. walked stray. You may aay that It la very satisfactory to bib," nid Sir.

fiTUts' ptcfr, Jlr, Ubvate, SENATORIAL Slm A 1 10.1. Jckeiihou Citv, Mc, January 20. The Republican caucus last night nominated Con. gasman elect William Warner, for United Slates Sna James 8. T.

8tranabn, Georgo A. Jams, John aiouor mick, FitoU StuoaMa. ua Wp IftOoimiok, 0:01 Nw York. 110:40 ft 6:64 4.3 i. 4..

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