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The Brooklyn Daily Eagle from Brooklyn, New York • Page 2

The Brooklyn Daily Eagle from Brooklyn, New York • Page 2

Brooklyn, New York
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other railroads, though he may have safely ventured on the truism that our finances CHRISTMAS JJS BROOKLYN. will attract a largo number of the devotees of the Terpaichorean art, to wfillo away the festive Christmas THE PUBLIO BUY GOODS FOB THE HOLIDAYS. JOHNH. HOLMES Calls attention to his largo stock of DEY GOODS suitable for Presents. 5,000 DRESSES from $2 to $5 each.

de23 8t 101 FULTON AVENUE. TIIIIKSDAY EVENING, DEC. 24. tcday's business had prevented him. He said be had an especial attachment for the evening achoola and something bordering on personal estoem for every soholar who attended them.

Many of yotf ore trying here to repair your own neghgenco In youth, and this is commendable. Others who never had opportunities in their youth for school attendance, aro here wresting opportunities, by giving the hours of rest that might not unreasonably follow the day's labor to self improvement There are others, too, who I am justified in believing passed their youth iu other lands, where there ia no provision made for education thev OPENING OF THE NEW STORE, Jli FULTON STREET, (Near Concord,) Wltn ah Entieelt New Stock op GAB FIXTURES. FINE CUT, ENGRAVED AND FRENCH ROUGHED GLOBES. BTANDARD. NICHE, PEDESTAL Aflfb DROT MGHTS.

A CHOICE LINE OF STORE AND OJFIGR FANCY GOODS, At New Yoik Prices. ARMSTRONG 4 IXACKUN. delSSf "needed the closest attention." The politioal organization to whioh General Grant owes his election has been prodigal beyond example of the public money. The faot that the Tribune regards a rebuke of itsa profligacy as 'splendid news' is of itself the sorest condemnation it conld bestow on its party. General Grant is popularly supposed to be under the especial influence of GonoTfisu.

man is, like Mr. Greeley himself, a oheese paring economist. The editor of the Tribune has invited the ridicule of his party by his opposition to thefranMnr nri vilege, by which a few hundred thousand per annum is being wasted. But while a party is justified in keeping one third of the conntrv in a condition of anarchy, and upheld in its pnaein paraaing every evidence of the con sequence 01 its mis government, it is vain to to try to stop petty leaks. When the con tents of a barrel are running out through the bunghole, it is not worth while busying our selves with repairing the spigot.

Gen. Grant has failed to profit by Mr. Johnson's experience if he begins by rudely rebuffing United States Senators. If he restores the South to its just relations with the government the country will be prepared to turn its attention to questions of finance. It cannot do so before.

The restoration of the Union is still the first business in order. The welfare of the country demands that political parties shall take issue on principles of government. The party in power is united in nothing but senseless hatred of the South, and is kept tosether bv the cohesive power of public plunder. There are good men enough of both parties to carry General Grant's administration to a successful close, if he has the courage and the wisdom to tafce advantage oi his present noDnlaritv. hv declaring that distinctive legislation against the South must end.

This is the direction in which peace and prosperity lie. They cannot be reached by pursuing any other. Stjogebtive. Parker Pillsbury the associ ate of Wendell Phillips and Lloyd Garrison, lectured at the Institute on the French Revolution. The Tribune reports him as having remarked that The yoke of the slave ban beer.

trannfATTArt tn necks of the working classes, and the cow skin and auction block only are waiting to complete the sceno. The Rings at Washington are rings of rascality extending from tho city, via Wallnut street, Philadelphia; Wall street, Now Tork; Stale street, Boston; and tho Erie and Pacific railroad to tho West. (Groat applause.) It was not thus the former times can Mr. Pillsbury and his applauding auditors see no connection between the rule of their party of great moral ideas, and the degeneracy and demoralization of social life which they la ment The dominant party gives tone to the characteristics and experiences of the time it is responsible for public abuses whioh, comparatively unknown before, have grown up and flourishedunder its supremacy. Mr.

Pills bury and his friends, honest but erring fanat ics, are too late beginning to see that in their conflict against minor evils they have brought upon the country far more serious problems, and much sorer calamities, than any which they over aided to remove. TOPICS OF TO DAI. Greece wantR tn hnrrnw inn nnn nnn AnnU mnn about five and a half million dollars in gold. Tho money ib to De spent fortifying Paros and Pa f.rHH RTlrt in TYlnlririfl (fliar iKnnnwn'nn It is rumored that the President's most notable ChriBtmas presents are a number of pardons, to bo distributed among all the ex Kebels not included in previous amnesty proclamations. Jeff.

Davis, Breckinridge, Slidoll, Mason and others will find them in their stockings to morrow morning. Prussia has called a Conference of flraaf. Pow ers on the Turkish Grecian Question. Thin mnna nre, if it accomplish nothine else, will Western nations in the Eastern difficulty. It ia proveroiai tnat "a council of war never fights," but a Conference of Great Powers sometimes breaks up belligerently.

Many Members of Parliament have signed a memorial to Beverdy Johnson asking him to use his influence with the American Government in behalf of penny postage. Mr. Johnson's influence is not very weighty just now, but it ia pleasant to find the Minister's name connected with something other than complimentary dinners and oratorical platitudes. Mrs. Helen Gilson Osgood by her hospital ministrations during the late war earned for herself the title of "Florence Nightingale of the Ariny of the Potomac." The officers of the Third Army Corps propose to preserve her memory in a monument, and for that and other purposes hold a meeting yesterday afternoon.

Christmas is especially the children's day, and tho ladies of the White House propoae a tasteful celebration of the anniversary in a recoption of the Washington little folks to morrow. The affair will be more genuinely hospitable, and will bo more pleasantly remembered in the coming years, than any crowded gathering of office seekers and time servers that the history of the Presidential Mansion records. Were the Deputy Sheriffs who arrested the defendant in Fiak's libel suit tho same whose shooting of several people in the Broadway Theatre last summer recently escaped the censure of a New York court? The method of the service of tho warrant on Bowles was embarrassing to him, and the time and conditions of the "Foul Play" proceeding wore clearly designed to embarrass the arrested parties and discommode the public. Peter Cooper apparently has abandoned letter writing and directed his talents to speech making, He spoke last night at the meeting of the Geographical Society, his subject being tho Indian and his wrongs. Peter's address was historical, philanthropical, and practical the latter quality being developed in the recommendation that the red men should have equal rights of citizenship, such as voting and sending representatives to Congress.

Tho meeting was called to hear Colonel Wynkoop's report and criticism on Indian affairs. Wynkoop ia an ex agent and disapproves the now policy of extermination initiated by Custar in the fight with Black Kettle. James Greenwood clutched the literary diadem at a single bound" in his account, originally published in the Fall Mall Qazslte, of his experience as an amateur casual" in an English workhouse. Here is a hint for Mr. Bowles.

Let him mako himself famous by a report of "A Night in Eldridge. street Jail." There is no lack of material in the latter of a different kind from that found in the former. Greenwood paid nothing for his lodging Bowles paid nineteen dollars and a half. Greenwood with difficulty avoided "toke" and "skilly:" Bowles was offered a repast comparatively sumptuous and on as reasonable terms as his bed. In exposing the mysteries of Eldridge street Mr.

Bowles may render tho public valuable service and mako enough money to pay the costs of risk's libel suit. The Tribune pertinently view of tho recent scrip dividend of eighty per cent, by the Central EaUroad Company, that the Supervisor of Internal Bevenue had better "inquire into tho matter." If the Company has made so much money during the last few years it ought to appear in proper returns and pay its share of taxes. There are several other reflections growing out of this latest performance of the Bailroad King. In the first place, if the eighty per cent, has not been earned its distribution is as fraudulent and almost as brazenly outrageous as the Erie over issue. In the next place, if it has been earned railroad traffic has enormously increased, and the Erie as well as the Central and other companies should he able, not only to pay a good interest on the investment of stockholders, but largely to reduce the tariff of passenger fare and freight.

In April, 1858, the steamer Atlantio was advertised to be sold at auction to pay a balance of something over a hundred thousand dollars, with interest, due the United States. At the appointed day, in the following November, the sale waa postponed, and it has been postponed from time to time ever since, until the notices have to he condensed to mako the advertisements tolerable by the columns of the daily journals. Those ad vertiaements are published weekly in soveral newspapers here and abroad at a coat whioh is probably underestimated at ten thousand dollars a year. The disbursement for advertising only during the ten years of the pendency of the sale is therefore not leas than one hundred thousand dollars considerably more than the Atlantio, if the pioneer of the Collins Line still have an organized naval existence, with all her "tackle, apparel, Ac," would sell for. The accumulating costs, it may be assumed, do not stop at advertising charges.

There ia your Trustee, who orders the sale and its long array of postponements he will insist on being paid. Then your lawyers on either side are not in the habit of working or pretending to work for nothing. To these bills must be added the auctioneer's and other bills, all to footed by tho United States. The Government might have saved money by releasing the Atlantio and giving a receipt in full for. the balance due ten years ago.

Dtvtdeito. Tho Williamsburgh Savings Bank has declared its usual dividend, (semi annual), as also an extra interest of two per oent per unnnrn, Eve. Montbose Hook and added No. 1. At that time honored and well known danoing room, Gofhio Hal, the friends and members of Montrose noon ana uaaaer uo.

no. 1 will gather, and spend the opening nignt or the Holidays in the festive dance. luonura xjvj iuiu jauuper nave cnargo oi mo entertain' ment. CHBISTMAS IN THE SCHOOLS. Exhibition at Public Scliool No.

9 Speeches by members af the Board of Education and Other Gentlemen Illustration of Woman's Capacity. The pupils of Pablio School No. 9, situated at the comer of Vanderbilt avenue and Baltic Btreet. gave an exhibition yesterday afternoon. A number of the members of the Board of Education were present.

among whom were noticed Messrs. Bhodes and KinseEsy "i ao. an. j. w.

uuiEiey, oity guperin teniont; and Messrs. J. W. Hunter, G. P.

Bergen jsonnup, inomaa wniuocK, end J. H. FrothinKham. The Board of Aldermen was represented in the person or ajaerman McGroarty, of the Ninth Ward. Bev.

Dr Diller, Ex Judge Beynolds, Professor West Mr. Bioh! ordson, Mr. Wm. 0. De Witt, Hon.

J. C. JacobB. Mr Henry Harteau, and Ex Alderman Ternan were also present The platform wa3 covered by a number of mends and parents of the pupils, who wore drawn to gether by the interest of the occasion. The proceedings were commenned in the lower de partment, over whioh M1B8 Duell presides, and the same proficiency and excellent order, which was subse quently noticed In tho higher departments, was manl iest here.

At three o'clock the pupils of tho Grammar Depart ment marched from the play ground, to tho muaio of tne piano, at which Miss Weeden presided. They marcneu in an orderly manner, filing about the desks in perfect time, and with almost military preoision' When seated, the school sang a Christmas Carol excel Wtly. At the request of Mra. Dunkley, Mr. Bhodea, the Chairman of the Local Committee, explained the object of the occasion, during which heaaid: The old No.

9 was oloBed with a echolarship of two hundred and thirty. Three months ago this new No. 9 was opened, with a total of five hundred and sixty scholars. It was supposed that it would require a term of five years to fill the school to its full limit twelve hundred schol ars but there are now already eleven hundred in at. tendance.

Mr. Rhodes requested Superintendent Bulkley to ex amino the Primary Department, with ita teacher, Miss Decker. Mr. Bulkley thought that this should be dispensed with it was a gala day for tho children, and such a brief and superficial examination aa would be made would be no teat. However, somo of the most advanced gave specimens of reading, which were excellent, and doubtless would have been better, had not ao many strango faces embarrassed them.

Their proficiency in arithmetic was also shown. After tho closo of the examination of tho scholars, Mr. Bhodes introduced Mr. Thoma9 Kinsolla as one who could speak for the trustees Mr. Kinsolla said Permit mo first of all, to thank you in the namo of the Trustees of No.

0 for your efforts to day to show our riondB hero that you have taken eveiy advantage of tho provisiona mado for you by tho State and the city in their and in your interest. It affords me a grca'. deal of pleasure to see tho appearance of No. 9 to duy, and to know what I do know of its everyday workings it affords, I am Bure, a peculiar pleasure to the Chairman of the Board of Trustees, Mr. Bhodes, who has givjn so much care and time to what some regarded as an experiment, but which ho accepted from the first as an assurrod success.

But the credit after all doos not belong to us, but to the talented lady whoBo lif work is mainly bounded by these walls, and to the excellent ladies who assist her. Those to whom tho oharge of tho young is given, may not all appreciate tho importance of their trust, but there is hardly any du so momentous iu its responsibility. It is said of great artists that they part with the pictures on which thoy have spent their days and nights of labor, and which bear to the world all the evidonco they ever can offor of their genius, as if each succeeding picture was a child of their heart Nearly similar, I am inclined to believe, must bo the foolinga of the faithful teaoher as she takoB leave of pupil after pupil, going out to tako itB part in the struggle with the world. The teacher is EOt dealing with canvass, paint or pigment, like the artist, but with human souls, whose destiny here and hereafter may be determined and fashioned by her hands. There 1b no trust more important than that accepted by the teacher of youth there is no duty more irksome unless it is followed in the light of a great purpose than she is called upon to perform as the every day work of life.

My littlo friends, there is no adequate return for your teachers, except that you alone can give in progress in your studies in your attatchment to all that is good and truthful in that spirit which would feel a stain on your charactor like a wound all giving tho teacher tho evidence, the onobling consciousness, that she, through you, may rank with those noble men and women who have mado the race their debtor by leaving the world hotter than they found it. You, boya, are appealed to by the chivalry which becomes a boy even better than a man to second tho efforts of the head of this school to yield a cheorf ul to her meet her with that graceful courtesy her sex exacts, and the habit of which, it is not too much to hope, will be noticeable in you beyond other men in after years, from the peculiar influence surrounding you here. You, girls, are peculiarly interested in this school because it is a lady who presides over it. Her success is yours, for through her efforts she has won honorable preferment, and she has vindicated not merely nor own right to be here, in the chief place, but the right of every woman to such places, when qualified to fill them. And now, my young friends in closing let me associate this days proceedings with this advice take advantage of the season of life through which you are passing.

It is somewhere said that all things are renewed but youth, for youth onco gono is gone forever. Take advantage of this, after all, the golden prime of yourlies of these the only days you can over give solely to your improvement You aro soon to take up the struggle in which we are now engaged. You are expected to push on the advancing columns of civilization and to wrest dominion from ignorance and error. Do not bo compelled to say what we hear so often, "How much moro I might have known, and how much better I might have been, had I done my best at Bchooh" There is no language ao sad as that which occurs in tho clOBing lines of the beautiful verses which I see form part of your exercises to day God pity us all, Who vainly the dreams of youth recall. For of all aad words of tongue or peu, Tho BaddoBt are theso: ult might have been." Tho following programme waa then gone through with: Song Carol Christians Carol School.

Introductory remarks by the Committee. Song The Lord my Pasture School Beading "Over the Biver" Miss Warwick' Song "Sweet and Low" School" Solo Johnnio's so Bashful Miss Suedekor Solo The Pretty Maid Milking Bielly' Solo Bello of the Skating Pond Mastor Helium' Reading "Maud Muller" Miss Sniffon Song I Worship thee Swoet Will School' Solo Kate Kearnoy Miss Rielly' Piano Duett Miss Gould and Miss Dolapierre' Solo "Putting on Airs" Miss Walker' Song Rain upon the Roof School' Solo Five O'clook in the Morning Miss Wilder' Calesthinics School" Song La Sabre Schoof Of the above we can speak in terms of unqualified praise. Tho solos of Miss Sncdoker and Miss Rielly, especially of the latter "Kate Kearney," and "Flra o'clock in tho morning" by Miss Wilder, woro rcudored with much expression and sympathy. That beautiful poem, "Maud Mullor," waa very nicely raad by Miss Sniffon the duet on the pianoforte by Misses Gould and Dolapierre was effoctivoly rendered. The programme closed an exhibition of calisthonics, which showed careful training, and was gone through with very creditably.

Mrs Dunkley, tho Prinoipal, personally superintended this order of exorcises, and Miaa Whedon acted as accompanyist. Dr. West addressed the school in a few and appropriate words, during which ho paid a high complimeut to tho talent of Mrs. Dunkloy and congratulated tbe citizens of that part of Brooklyn in haviug such on institution as School No. 9.

He had beea associated in a Bcliool in Now York somo tweuty years ago with Mrs. Dunkley and had then formed a high opinion of hor abilities, Bince he had closely watched and waa gratified at the success which had attended hor. Ex Judgo Reynolds followed and said I must Eay I waB never more disappointed agreoably disappointed. It is one of tho pleasantost things connected with what I havo Been here to day that it has tonded to confirm in mo an opinion whioh I havo cherished some time. That opinion is, that the work of teaching can be as well if not, in tho main, I think, much better performed by women than by men.

And not only that I have believed that tho work of organizing and disciplining and conducting a school might be as well done by a woman as by a man. And to day I have seon it done. I can only express tho hope that tho Board of Education paj as well for this work when it is dono by a woman as when it is dono by a man. And the teachers and tho scholars in this department will allow mo to say that I consider tho drill and discipline of the scholars in the room below (Primary Department) is no less admirable than hero. Bev.

Dr. Diller, Mr. Hunter, who spoke of the pro gross of the times and urged the scholars to keep up with it, or thoy would be left behind, and Mr. Northup followed. The latter claimed that the Eaatorn Dlstriot had the best foIiooI in the country in School No.

16, which was presided over by the husband of tho lady who presides over No. 9, Mr. Dunkley. Mr. Whillock followed, and contrasted the public school of Brooklyn No.

1, corner of Concord and Adams streets of twenty five years ago, with its 200 scholars and three teachers, and ex Judge Dikeman for its principal, with the 30 schools, 60,000 scholars, and 020 teachera of today. Mr. Kinsella, in pleasantly introducing Mr. DoWitt, said that the venerable men(and by the gentle moa had been ringing the changes and the jokes upon each other as to their ago, their grey hairs and thofr baldness) had been heard, and now tho young men would speak for themselvos. Mr.

Wm. 0. Dowitt Bald I concur entirely in the notion that ladies should conduct the toaching the common schools. I think a man looks bad "mousing" around a Bchoolhouso. Laughtor.

I don't think it is necessary that ho should be there; and I know, from my own experience, that boys prefer femalo teachers They like them better they listen to them more complacently and moro tenderly than to mon. Alderman Mo Groarty followed with a ow appropriate emarks. Mrs. Dunkley said that none had a moro pleasant duty to perform than herself, and that was presenting to her dear Assistant, Miss Decker, a watch from hor aister teachers and pupils. Bev.

Dr. Diller pronounced a blessing and the proceedings were at an end. The room waa handsomely decorated with tho flags of various nations, and at tho extreme end of the room in each division, were the words in evergroon, "Morry ChriBtmas to All" and "Hearty Welcomo to AIL" Close of the Evening Schools Exercises in No, 7. Under the regulations of the Board of Education, the annual session of tho Evening Schools closos on Christmas Eve. A general opinion provaila that the schools might be kept open with advantage for a longer period, but the experience of the Board is that a very large falling off in attendance takes place after the holidays.

These schools do a great deal of good, affording, aa they do, an opportunity to those who have neglected the opportunities of youth, to those who have been co mpolled to go to work bb early as they were able to earn, and to many who were born in lands where provision for education of tho people ia no part of tho business of governments. In the evening school may be found, Bide by side, sturdy little lads, begrimmed with the toil of the day, and men of maturo age; and it is a sight to see them patiently and humbly striving to advance themselves. Tho close of tho session waa marked in Evontng School Mo. 7, (located in Public School No. 27, NoHon street,) by exerciaea fitting the occasion.

Mr. Garrett P.JBergen, upon whom, aa Chairman of tho Trustees of No. 7, moBt of the labor of supervising the organization of the school devolved, opened the proceedings with a short address. He congratulated them on tho closo of a successful session. He thanked them for their attendance and bid them God apeed in their offorta to improve themselves.

Certificates for punctuality and efficiency had been prepared, and he rocommoudod those who received thorn to accept them as marks of good character, and they wpuld bo bo accepted by any man to whom they might be presented. He knew of no better recommendation a boy or a man oonld offer than this, showing that they had Bpent their spare hours in improving themselves. Mr. Bergen introduced Mr. Thomas Kinsella, one of the trustees who said That if he were an applicant for a certificate for pun chuel attendance to his duties in No.

7 he would be sure to be among the disappointed, end desorvedly so. Ho had hoped on tho opening of the soaaon of tho evening schools, to be able to spend a good deal of his time with them, lut duties growing out of bis business a busuuBS which would here of no to morrow for Ia again reminded that the following does not emanate from tho Eagle Office, bnt is a paid ADVEnnHZMENT, and the Managers of the Eagle are not offering unlimited credit. It ia well known that tho Eagle's terms are 0 ASH, and the advertisement in question conoerns the Proprietor of this paper no more than any othor that they roceive In tho usual way and insert on the psymont of thoir regular oharge for advertising. If theparties who authorized tho Insertion of this advertisement choose to give crodit Id tho proseoution of their business, it is a matter betwoon tbomiolros and their pa trons; and does not in the least affect the interests of this Journal, nor the relations existing between the Pablio and this Paper, or the Press at large. Talons of the Teade.

IF YOU KANEV'T GOT MONEY. WE'LL TRUST YOU. IP YOU HAVEN'T GOT MONEY. WE'LL TRUST YOU. THE PUBLIC Is again reminded that the following does not emanate from the Eagle Office, but is a paid advebtibemknt, and tho Managers of the EAGLE are NOT offering unlimited credit, It is well known that the Eagle's terms are CASH, and the advertisement in question rconcems tbe Proprietor of this paper no more than any other that they receive in tho usual way and insert on the payment of their xogular charge for advertising.

If the parties who authorized the insertion of this advertisement choose to give credit in the proseoution of their businees, it is a matter between thomgelvea and their patrons and does not in the least affeot the interests of this Journal, nor therelations existing between tha Publio and this paper, or the Press at large. TBICK3 OF the Thade. IF YOU HAVEN'T GOT MONEY, WE'LL TBUST YOU. IF YOU HAVEN GOT MONEY, WE'LL TBUST YOU. THE PUBLIC Is again reminded that the following does not emanate from the Eagle Office, but ia a paid advertisement, and the Managera of tha Eagle are not offering unlimited crodit.

It ia well known that the Eagle's terms are CASH, and the advertisement in question concerns the Proprietor of this paper no more than any other that they reoeive in the osnal way and insert on tho payment of their regular oharge for advertising. If the parties who authorized the insertion of this adver tisement choose to give oredit in tho prosecution of their business, it is a matter betwoen themselves and their patrons; and does not in the least affect the interest of this Journal, nor the relations existing between the Public and this Paper, or tho Press at large. TaiCKflOF theTbadb. IF YOU HAVEN'T GOT MONET, WE'LL TBUST YOU. IF YOU HAVEN'T GOT MONEY, WE'LL TRUST YOU.

THE PUBI.IO Is again reminded that the following does not emanate from tb.oEa.GLE Office, but is a paid advbbtibemekt, and the Managers of the Eagle ore mot off ring unlimited credit. Itis well known that the Eagle's terms are CASH, and the advertisement in question concerns the Proprietor of this paper no more than any other that they receive in the usual way and insert on the payment of their regular oharge for advertising. If the parties who authorized tho insertion of this advertisement choose to give credit in the proseoution of their businees, it is a matter between themselves and their patrons and does not in the least affect the interest of this Journal, nor the relations existing between the Publio and this Paper, or fehe Press at largo. Thicks of the Trade. IF YOU HAVEN'T GOT MONEY, WE'LL TRUST YOU.

IF YOU HAVEN'T GOT MONEY, WE'LL TRUST YOU. THE PUBLIO Is again reminded that the following does not emenate from the Eaglb Office, but is a paid advertisement, and the Managers of the Eagle ira not offering unlimited credit. It is well known that the Eagle's terms are CASH, and the advertisement in question conoerns the Proprietor of this paper no more than any other that they reoeive in the usual way and insert on the payment of their regular charge for advertising. If tho parties who authorized the insertion of this advertisement choose to give credit in the proseoution of their business, it is a matter between themselves and their patrons; and does not in the least affect the Interest of this Journal, nor the relations existing between tho Publio and this Paper, or the Press at large. TaicKfl of the Tbade.

IF YOU HAVEN'T GOT MONEY, WE'LL TRUST YOU. IF YOU HA VENT GOT MONEY, WE'LL TRUST YOU. THE PUBLIC Is again reminded that the following does not emanate from tho Eagle Office, but is a paid advertisement, and the Managers of the Eagle are not offering unlimited crodit. It is well known that the Eagle's terms aro CASH, and tho advertisement in question concerns the Proprietor of this paper no more than any other that thoy receive in the usual way and insert on the payment of their regular charge for advertising. II the parties who authorized the insertion of this advertisement choose to give credit in the prosecution of their business, it is a matter between themselves and their pa trons; and does not in the least affect the interest of this Journal, nor the relations existing between the Publio and this Paper, or the Press at large, Tbicks of the Tbade.

IF YOU HA VENT GOT MONEY, WE'LL TRUST YOU. BP YOU HA VENT GOT MO SHY, WE'LL TRUST YOU. There is an atmosphere of good humor pervading the community that affects everybody just now. Tho words "Merry Christmas" have a oheoring ring and an inspiration that no person with auch a thing aa a heart about them can resiBt All things seem propitious for a Merry Chriatmao. The weather ia delightful for the season cold, but clear and bright Business is good, money plenty, and we hear no complaint of unusual destitution or suffering anywhere.

A walk through the business atreet is a ploasure. The stores are resplendent with their tempting displays of holiday goods, the children we meet are radiant with pleasure and anticipation. The sight of the children alone, and their hearty enjoyment of tho occasion ia a pleasure of itself. We never realize tho pleasure that Ilea in making other folks happy bo completely aa at Ohriatmaa, when we set out to please tho little folka. We can feel their enjoyment, their pleasure is genuino, their joy over tho good things of the season unfeigned, and it becomes contagious.

The man or woman who is dead to this influence is to be pitied. The abundance of the land is never bo lavishly displayed at any other time, as it is at Christmas all the richness and treasures of tho products of nature, art and commerce are spread before us to tempt the dollars from our pockets. Economy ia for the once in disrepute, everybody feels liberal and open hearted, and disposed to go it regardless of expense. The pleasure ia worth what it costs. It is good for ua to lay aside for a brief season our hard, calculating, every day life, and yield to the generous impulsea of our nature, forgetting our cares and troubles, and making merry.

There is no lack of good things to make merry on. The supply of poultry is abundant the butchers have killed their finest oxen and fattest sheep; the confectioners display the most tempting delicacies in their windows, and all the luxuries of life are to be had by those who have the money to pay for them. Those who have an abundance and to spare should remember those who are not bo blest, and cheer somo poor family by sending them a turkey or a ton of ooal. We have al ready given our readers directions where to make their holiday purchases to advantage, in our Christmas Directory. We will now give an idea of the publio observances of Christmas Day.

Home is tho best place to spend Christmas, according to tho old fashioned idea of OhrlBtmaa enjoyment, in the bosom of your family. That is tho EngliBh idea but the community is made np of all sorts of folks, who have their various ideas of how to enjoy them selves, and so we have all sorts of attractions offered. The Christmas tree and the Christmas dinnor are private affairs of the occaeion, and will doubtless be attended to in every household without need of instructions, so we procoed to out door affairs. THE OHUBOHES. come first in order.

Christmas 1b a festival of the Christian Church, and as such is celebrated with beautifnl and imposing ceremonies in the Catholio and Episcopal Churches. These edifices will be decorated with evergreens, and services expressive of the solemn yet joyful event the day commemorates will be performed. Wo have received programmes of tho musical exerciseB in somo of the Episcopal Churches, which we append Christmas at the Chuboh of the Holt Tbinity. The musical service for Christmas Day at the Church of tho Holy Trinity will bo as follows Carole "AdeBto Fidoles" (the most anoient of Carols) The Star of Bothlehom Warren. Veuite Chanted as usuul.

"Tedeum Laudamus" Anthom in major. (re wntten wun lingnsh words, altered and added to by G. W. Lambilotto Benedictus Anthem in major Warren. Psalm 77 of tho Selection "Christmas" HandeL Kyrie Eloison in minor Bach.

Anthem Thou that tollost" (Messiah) xurs. a. in. btetson ana Chorus. (Sermon.) ChriBtmas Hymn "Hark what mean those holy voices" airs.

Emetine Hood and Chorus (new music) Warren. Offertory for the organ in major .1, Woly. Carol Christians Warren. ituoaiuia iuiig uariu a dvu. a.

UUUU1. Ter Sanctus in major Warren. Eucharistic Hymn "Bread of the world" (llona Excelsis Voluntary Organ Hallelujah Chorus Beethoven St. Petee's P. E.

Chuboh State near Bond street. Services to commence at ten o'clock. Prelude Organ Voluntary. Carol "Bing out yo Bells" in F. Yenito No.

6 Church Choir in Fflat. Gloria Patria No. 8 6 Church Choir, E.flat and C. Gloria in Excelsis "Jackson in D. Te Deum "Thomas" in flat.

Jubilate "Thomas" in flat. Psalm 68 "Woolstanton," Church Choir in flat. Gloria Tibi "Ceawoll" in flat. Hymn 45 in C. Anthem "And the Glory of the Lord" from the "Messiah," in A.

HandeL Offertory Sentences Interlude. Organ Voluntary. Trisagion "Jackson" No. 1, Church Choir. flat.

Communion Hymn Gloria in Excelsis No. 8, "Walter" inC nat. Postlude "Hallelujah Chorus" from the "Messiah" in Handel. Tho above will be rendered by tho Soloists and a choruB of boya and adults (volunteers from the church). Soloists Soprano, Miss Taylor.

Contralto, Miss Butler. Tonore, Mr. Mills. Basso, Mr. Skimeall.

A. S. Caswell, Organist and Choir Master. At St. Jambs Chtjbch, corner Lafayette avenue and Hah street.

Service at half past ten o'clook. 1. Venite Full Anthem Buck 2. Gloria Patria, (second mass) Haydn 3. Te Deum in E.

flat Jackson 4. Jubilate Fitzhugh 5. Hymn "Hark tho Herald Angels" Fitzhugh 0. Gloria Tibi Mozart 7. Anthem "There woro Shepherds" Buck 8.

Offertory Christmas Hymn Ad. Adam E. J. Filzhugh, Organist. AT THE PUBLIC CHARITIES.

Christmas dinners will be given to tho inmates of tho Homo for Destitute Children, and some interesting exercises wiU take place there at whioh the publio are invited to attend. The old ladies at the Graham Institute will be onter tained with a Christmas dinner, and have tho memories of earlier days awakened by tho good cheer and pleasant accompaniments. The newsboys will bo feasted at their homo in Poplar street. But the matter ia kept ao quiot by tho sapient gentlemen in charge of this institution, that we do not know whether it is to bo a publio, or strictly pri. vate affair.

Chbistmas at St. Johk's P. E. Chuboh. At the Christmas services at the St.

John's Episcopal Church, on Washington Btreet, corner of Johnson, the choir will consist of fifty voices. Before service a Christmas carol will be sung by the children of tho Sunday SohooL The musical portion of the service will be the Canticles, Te Deum in Hallelujah by Handel as an Offertory, "Hark, the Angela Sing," by Mozart, and "Shout the Glad Tidings." Mr. DeLacy, the tenor, will sing a solo, "Comfort ye My People." THE PUBLIC SCHOOLS all close to day, giving tho children a week's holiday to enjoy Christmas and New Year's. Exercises of a pleasing and app opriato character were givon in many of the schools yeBtorday af tornoou, and in others this morning. Wo have not tho space to notice all theso school exercises in extenso, and must dismiss them with this general notice.

SUNDAY SCHOOLS. The Sunday Schools are dooply in the Christmas festivities. It ia tho general custom to set up a Christmas tres with gifts tor the scholars. Exorcises are generally held on Christmas eve, and tho children are entertained in somo pleasant manner. A Christmas entertainment, to which tho publio aro invited, will be held thia and to morrow ovoning in the Warren Btreet M.

E. Sunday School. At the South Congregational Church, corner of Court and President streots, tho Sabbath School givo an entertainment this evening of musical and other exercises. At the Plymouth Bethel thero will be an old fashioned Christmas meeting to morrow morning at ten o'clock there will be music and apooches Theodore Tilton being expected to make an address after this refreshments nill be served to the children, and a good time had. The Sands street M.

E. Church Mission will celebrate its Twentieth Anniversary with appropriate oxcrciscs, in tho church tc morrow morning. The Sabbath School of the Gonevan Presbyterian church, corner Gates avenue and Hunter atreet, will give a Christmas ove ontortainmont and musical festival this evening, to which tho publio are invited froe of charge. Chbistmas at the Industrial School. The Children's Aid Society made the little folks nnder their charge happy yesterday with a good dinner and a distribution of prosonts.

During the day the girls wore each given clothing in addition to a substantial meal In tho evening about one hundred newsboys and other urchins sat down before two tables and partook of such a collation as probably many of them had only dreamed of before. After thia waB ovor they were carried up stairs to a large hall tn which two ChrlBtmaa treea had been erected, and all of tho litte fellows found a present hanging from the branches. The Brooklyn Children's Aid Society ia one of the most prosperous and effective charities in the city. AMUSEMENTS ON CHBISTMAS DAY. The managers of our publio entertainments have made tho most ample provisions for Christmas.

This evening there will be seven places of amusement open in this city the Academy of Musio, the Park Thoatre, Hooley'a two Opera HouBes, tho Atheneum, Donnelly'B new Olympic, and Miss Catherine Lucette's Vaudeville Theatre. The performances at theso several houses are as follows for Christmas day: At the Academy of Music Wallack's Company will play "The Honeymoon." At the Park Theatre, the holiday bill of "Aladdin," and "A Duchess or Nothing," will be given at a matinee at two o'clock and in the evening. Hooloy'a Opera House, Court Btreet, will givo two performances afternoon and evening, at each of which Santa Clans will distributo presents to the little folks. The WilliamBburgh Opera Houbo will also be opon afternoon and evening, and Sant Claus will appear on both occasions. Signor Blitz is again in possessionon of the Atheneum, and will give a matinee to morrow afternoon and a performance in tho evening.

The new Olympic Theatro, Fulton avenue, near Hoyt street, will open thia ovening, and will give a Christmas entertainment to morrow comprising a variety of music, ballad and burlesque. The Vanderville Theatre, Washington street, also opens for tho first time this evening. The programme for this and to morrow evening is "The Rustic Prima Donna," and "Perfection," in both of whioh MissLu coite, and Mr. Morton Price will appear. Babe Bat.t, on Ioe.

A grand base ball match on ice will take place at the pond corner of Ninth street and Ninth avenue, on Christmas day, at 2 o'clock P. between the Elite and Eureka Social clubs of South Brooklyn. The following Balls and Sotrooa come off to night: Continental Engese No. 9. This favorite company's annual ball will take place to night at the City Assembly Booms in Washington street.

From tho popularity of the Company and Booms, and from the foot it is Christmas, it la reasonable to suppoao that tho ball will bo largely attended. Sawyer's Hall. A special performance for ChriBtmas will bo given to morrow night at Sawyer'a Hall when Mr. James F. Lomaa will make his first appearance in twelve years on the stage.

The programme includes "A Loan of a Lover" and "Mr. and Mrs. Peter White." IA Belle Helens. Thia soiree dansante, takes plaoo to night at River's Academy. This also Tills paper Mis tbe Ijarirest Crcnlra tlon of any Evening paper published in the United Mates.

Its Talne as an Ad vertiBiiig nodlnm is tberefore appa. rent. Tho Christmas Holiday. One of the two holidays recognized by the laws of the United States and one of the five holidays observed by law and practioe in the ptate of New York Christmas Day, oo enrs to morrow. Christmas day and the Fourth of July are the only days in the year, except Sundays, upon which the Executive Departments of the United States are not required to be kept open for the transaction of busi ness.

In this State New Year's Day, Washington's birthday, and Thanksgiving day are publicly declared holidays, in addition to Christmas and the Fourth of July. Of all these festivals, Christmas is the only one which has a purely religious origin, and the one also which has the most venerable history, and the most widespread oele bration. The Fourth and the birthday of Washington are patriotic and peculiarly American anniversaries. New Year's Day is a celebration originating principally with oux own Holland descended population of Nassau Island and New Amsterdam, while Thanksgiving Day is quite as sectional as New Year's, and derives its origin here as clearly from New England as the other does from the Dutch settlers of New York. But men do not inquire too closely respecting the origin of a holiday.

Like any other benefaction, our curiosity to discover whence it came is lost in our gratification at the too rare enjoyment. There is a valuable purpose in each holiday, and although it is not supposeable that before proceeding to enjoy the welcome relaxation from business any one sits down and coolly meditates upon the character of the day and settles gradually and consciously into the frame of mind most befitting the occasion yet the surroundings and traditions of the day cannot fail insensibly to influence the feelings and shape the manner of the holiday celebration. Thus any man who cares at all for home and country, who is capable in any degree of patriotic emotion, cannot help more or less having his thoughts turned in that direction and his feelings affected by the recurrence of the anniversary of the birth ofHhe Kepublic. So with Christmas day we have all learned frcm our cradles that it is the anniversary of the day when the angels appeared on earth, and proclaimed Peace and good will to men." as consequent upon the advent of the Founder of the religious system which is the twin sister of our Occidental civilization. It is impossible to reflect upon, or even to be barely cognizant of, the origin and character of this holiday, without feeling influenced by the spirit of its announcement.

Christ's birth was announced as the incarnation of good will to men. His teachings and associations were ever among the poor, and He had no better advice for those who consulted Him than that they should sell all thoy had and givo to the poor. His own career was full of gifts of health to the sick and food to the hungry as well as of instruction to the ignorant. After His death His followers supposed they were best carrying out His wishes by dividing their property all in common and His most eminent Apostle wrote continually in the vein of assertion that, however excellent were knowledge, faith, and all the rest of the virtues, charity was above and beyond all the true and distinctive characteristic. It would be too bad, therefore, if on one day of the year, at least, every community, nominally Christian, should not put in practice this one great, all pervading idea of the Christian example and doctrine.

The pulpit words which deluge the churches every week would sound very hollow, if somewhere in the calendar, of the year there were not found a day specially dovoted to charity and good will to practical Democracy, the new commandment appended by Christianity to the Hebrew decalogue the love by man of his neighbor. This is the object of the Christmas holiday. It ia easy enough for misanthropical and dyspeptic writers, lite one whose snarl we quoted yesterday, to revile Christmas as the season of indigestion and unpleasant family parties. Happy is the man who never got sick from any more unpleasant cause than an over consumption of Christmas provender, and never endured any worse infliction than the company of his own and his wife's relatives in a family party. He must te a miserable valetudinarian who cannot derive personal happiness from seeing how pleased the children are.

It is not exactly the thing to quote Scripture in a newspaper article, though perhaps the semi religious character of the topic in this instance excuses it. There is a passage, "It is more blessed to give than to receive," the truth of which many people find it difficult to appreciate. But, however, doubtful the application of the words when they aTe used by a pastor or committee of ladies trying to extort a too large subscription toward a church building fund, there can be no doubt this passage is literally true in its reference to giving toys to the children at Christmas. The glee of tho child on Christmas morning as he rapturously surveys the treasures that Santa Claus has brought him during his infantine slumbers, is not more genuino nor half so purifying, as the satisfaction of the parent by whom the the toys have been provided. The barrel of flour or other contribution by the prosper, ous employer to the limited household com.

forts of the employee, confers not less pleasure upon the donor than the recipient, as it smooths their intercourse for the future and serves as a pledge of fidelity appreciated and of mutual esteem undiminished. And the miscellaneous charities and acts of kindness to which the practice and the associations of the season give rise, render the benevolent as truly happy as the benefitted. If a man has any milk of human kindness in him at all, Christmas is tho season when it is of richest quality and sweetest taste. The origin of the festival, the catholicity of its observance, the period of its occurrence when we have had just enough cold to warn us of the severity of weather to be expected in the coming weeks, and needing to be warded off from the doors of the indigent by the liberality of the more affluent the traditions of the venerable holiday brought to these shores by thousands of emigrants from every nation in Christendom all these considerations combine to ensure for the twenty fifth of December an ever increasing prominence in tho American calendar, which as yet is adorned by too few days of festive celebration. Gen.

Grant's Policy. The Tribune has, specially, what it calls splendid news" from Washington, and the Tribune is so pleased with it that it breaks out into a eulogy on Gen. Grant as extravagant as if the President elect had unexpectedly proclaimed a policy for the government of this country, whioh all men would recognize as adequate to remove the difficulties which now so sorely distract it. The Tribune's good news is dated Washington, and is as follows A Fcnator of ttio United States called on General Grant to day and asked a favor, which tho General declined to grant, because it was impossible. The Senator remarked that bo was going away, and would not return for some weeks.

Tho General replied that he was sorry he was going, but if ho was in favor of ox pending any more money from the Government Treasury to aid Pacific or hopBd that bo would ro and stay away. Several mombors of Congress were present, slid a briof discussion ensued on tho Eubjct of Government subsidies to railroadB and other corporations. Tho Prosident elect spoke with emphasis against any furthor aid being given to tho Pacific Railroads. He said, substantially, that it was apparent to cvory man in tho country that our finances needed tho closest attention, and that it is vitally important, if we intend to pay off the national debt and lighten taxation, to practice the most rigid economy, and the place to begin with is the bills ponding in Congress granting urtlier subsidies to tho Pacific and other "Eailroads. No matter what ma.

be said about the prospective benefit wo are to derive from these roads, it is loo long to wait, and we should make the host possible use of our present resources, without increasing the burden of our debt by incurring expensive risks which are hazardous. The Congressmen who were at the interview were astonished at tho frankness with which the General expressed his views, while they one and all pledged him their support. The General at the same time gave his opinion that there should bo an extra session of the XLIst Congress. The existence of the present Congress is for so short a time that there vriU be just barely time to pasB tho appropriation bills, and it is doubtful whether the great question of our finances can be properly cared for. General Grant was at his headquarters during the forenoon, and received a large number of visitors, among whom were Senator Morgan, General O.

O. Au gnr, Gen. Eaasloff, the Danish Secretary of War, and other prominent persons. It may be doubted if General Grant, who has been, bo mysteriously reticent so far, has all at once blurted out even so much of "a polioy" as ia embraced in the determination to resist all further subsidies to the Paoifio and ore here qualifying themselves as beet they can, for honorable competition with those who were more fortunate in being born in thiB favored country. And this land of ours is in nothing greater than in the desire of Iter peoplo to aid and encour those who labor to advance themselves.

You will never hear men reproached for humbleness of fortune or low liness of condition here. A man is valued not for what his father was but for what he is. Some of you are grown men. Your hands ore hardened and enlarged by honest labor. They aro all inapt in handling the pen and penoil.

There are donfiier nntiers. but I feel that the man who puts hia hand yours presses' tnat oi an uonest mon aua ox a gooa 3icrzeus. ine high est luea a vjuriBLiun nas or neavoxc is, mat tnere will be never ending opportunities for the extension of his knowledge and Ufa enlargement of his powers of intelligence. If this be so, God himself looks kindly on your efforts in devoting the Bhort interval between toll and sleep to your improvement Lt not your studies ond with' tho close of the school. Study home, and secure the means of almost endless enjoyment in the desire to acquire knowledge.

It has been asked "What is the ubo of so muoh knowledge 1" and it has been answered by the question, What is the use of bo much life 1" That true life adorned aud elevated by intellectual acquirement without which men can hardly bo said to livo at all. Study home. Here there is a fair field for all and no favor. You have started in the raea of llfo under disadvantage, but while you do your beat, though you may not be first, you Burely cannot lose Thia, at all will do; knowing yourselves, by your own at once the want of education, and the pleasure of acquiring it, you will boo that those who are to come after you, and who may be committed to your care, shall have every aid and encouragement posBibla from you, to the end that they may start in life under fair auspices, ao that whatever misfortune may deprive them of, it cannot of tho claim to the title oi being educated and cultivated mon and woman. Mr.

Bergen proceeded'to distribute tho certificates for punctual attendance, when the boya, or rather the men and boys classes, wore dismissed with a hearty wish on the part of Mr. Bergen, for their future welfare. A part not down on the bills was then assigned to him. The teachers had purchased cakes, raisins, candies, nuts, to be presented to tho girls and young women. Mr.

Bergen shared the good things around like a vertible Santa Claus, and when hia Btock waa ex hauated, the school waa dismissed with a cheery farewell and "Merry Christmas" for all. The school has been under tho charge of Mr. Lewis, and a faithful corps of assistants. The Colored Schools. Exercises were held also in the publio colored schools yesterday.

At school No. 1. in Willoughbj street the occasion waa marked by a feature of unusual intereat, the presentation by the pupils of te3tnuoniala of regord to Miss Cordelia Sandera who ia about to leave the school. The pupils of the Primary Department presented hor with a handsome gold chain, and tne pupns oi tne evening school gave Miss Sandora a set of books, comprising eight volumes of Btandard literature Poor health ia the cause of Miss Sanders retirement. Reception of the IZoii.

Schuyler Col fax. The Vice Presiddnt elect, the Hon Schuyler Colfax and his lady who aro now on thoir bridal tour had a reception last evening at the residence of tho Hon. Henry C. Bowen, in Willow street. Tho invitations, which were liberally extended to the prominent citizens of Brooklyn without distinction of party road "Mr.

and Mrs. Bowen at home, to roceive the Hon. Schuyler Colfax and lady." Tho reception laated some three hours during which time there waB a steady stream ofi carriages driving up to tho man sion of the host, and at least one thousand persons must have availed themselves of the invitation to meet with the gentleman who has recently met with such good fortuno both tn publio and domestic lifo. Though the throng was great, the arrangements were ao admirably conducted that there was no confusion or in convenience. The gueBts were received at the entrance by Mr.

Bowen, who announced thoir names aud they were immediately introduced by Mr. Bowen to Mr. and Mrs. Colfax, and exchanging congratulations passed on through the apaciouB drawing rooms. 6 Mr.

Colfax who is now in the prime of lifo, halo and hearty, though itho tell tale hand of Time has given a few silver threads to hia hair and whiskers, looked as happy as a man might bo expected to, who had recently been douhly honored, nrBt by his fellow citizens who had elected him to tho second highest office in the Uni ted States, and secondly, by the estimable lady at his side who had bestowed upon him her hand and hoart. It must also have been a gratification to receive the hearty congratulations of men distinguished in the varied walks of lifo and from many who differed from him widely in their viewa of public pulicy. Among the guesta all professions were represented the publio service, the pulpit, tho bar, commerce and literature. Wo noticed among tho rest Admiral String ham, Admiral Gordon, Judge Benedict, Judge Reynolds, the Hon. Demas Barnes and Lady, the Hon.

John W. Hunter, jas H. Prontico, Seymour L. Husted L. B.

Wyman, S. B. Chittenden and lady. Charles Northrop, of the Evening Post, and lady, Hon E. A.

Lambort, W. H. Mellen, C. B. Camp, S.

M. Pettongill and lady, Hon. W. E. Dodge and lady, E.

B. Whitlock and lady, Misa Proctor, Mrs Macartney, B. F. Tracy, Oordon L. Ford and lady.

General JeSBio C. Smith, and others. After the formal recoption, many of the guosts who remained indulged in the agreeable exercise of the danco. Tho supper was a notable feature of the enter tainment not only for the sumptuous excellence ol the repast, but for the arrangements for providing for so many guests without delay or confusion. The reception was tho most, brilliant affair of tho season, and equally gratifying to the honored gueat, the host, and to the company who were present The Congressional Committee now in Now York investigating the whiaky fraude, composing tho Hon.

Judge Lawrence, of Ohio, Hon. Mr. Dickey, of Pennsylvania, Hon. Mr. Hopkins, of Wisoonsin, and the Hon.

A. Gilkinson were also present, T1ETIS OB' CORRESPONDENTS. Strong. Place Baptist Church Sacred Music. To the Editor of the Brooklyn Eagle: The unsafe condition of our streets last Sunday morning compelled mo to the enjoyment of an unexpected treat in thiB wise Unable to reachny accustomed sanctuary, I turned into tho haven of Strong Place Baptist Church, just iu time to catch tho first strains of the remarkably swoot toned organ, in the opening voluntary, and was promptly and politely ushered to an advantageous Beat in tho body of the beautiful edifice.

The opening by tho choir provod to bo one of my choicest favorites, "Bow down Thine ear, Oh God," and the soprano solo was rendered a style and with fervency which I have seldom Been equalled, even by famous professionals. Tho voice was fresh, puro, and of marvelous sweetness, although ita effect was somewhat marred by a slight tremor, as of timidily or diffidence, and tho rendition proved the singer to be a correct and tasteful musician. The other parts of the quartette were finely givon and tho piece as a whole afforded mo bo much gratification that I did not regret the storm which had occasioned my viBit. Tho succeeding music was of tho same pleasing character the peculiar loveliness of the soprano's tones, however fixing itsolf in my memory. I could ascertain nothing concerning the singer except that aho was a novice "on trial." The sormon, too, was of a oharactcr above the average, even in tho days of "smart preachers.

Tho paBtor, the Itev. Waylaud Hoyt, gives evidonco of the possession of a high order of talent and orudite cultivation. He is all in earnest, purely logical, powerfully argumentative, and withal overflowing with that love which comes only through the favor of divine grace. Tho attendance was quito large, despito the wretched condition of the weather and the streets. I shall gratefully remember my visit to Strong Place Church, aud trust it will not bo my last.

Coxgbeqationalist Three Children Frozen to Deatha We learn from a gentleman just returned from Bloomiugton, that a family consisting of the parents and three childron, the eldest about fourteen years of age, living about eight miles from the above named city, started in a wagon on Friday last, for that place, to take the cars. As it waa extremely cold, the childron were put down in the bottom of the wagon iu Bomo straw and wrapped up in a buffalo robe, the parents thinking they would ride comfortably. Nothing was heard from them until they arrived at Blooming ton, but when uncovered, they were found to be frozon to death. They had thus passed away without a struggle, and while the parents were pleasing themselves that they were warm and comfortable, death camo and bore away tho angel spirits, leaving nothing but the cold and stiffened bodies. Sadly the bereaved ones returned to their home, bearing the lifeless bodies of their children, who, but a few hours before, had been full of life and enjoyment.

We do not recollect to havo heard of a moro terrible visitation of doath. Peoria (fii.) Democrat ATTIX 334 FULTON STREET. LEADERS or FASHION US diset FINE HATS AND CAPS. HOLIDAY GOODS. Beoeived bf lost Steamer, a large assortment of BIOH BRONZES AND CLOCKS, GENEVA AND PARTS JEWELRY, ELEGANT DIAMOND WATCHES, MUSICAL BOXES, and i onzAi variety of PARIS AND VIENNA FANCY GOODS.


Bole Agents for James Nardin's Celebrated Watohes. deSeodtf HOLIDAY GOODS. RED FIELD ft BICE'S. FINK SILVER PLATED GOODS za full vABnmr. W.



SOLID SILVER OOODS. Manufactured by tho Gorhum M. F. CO. GUARANTEED BY U.


833 FULTON ST. COR. CLARK. de9l 4t WM. W.

ROSE, 142 ATLANTIC STREET. HOUDAY GIFTS, BOOKS, GAMES, TOYS, NOVELTIES, Rome, Florence, Pods, Vienna, Scotland, Naples, Germany and England. dels 6t NEW STYLE COIFFURE CURLS. CAMERON DEVERAL, HAIR IMPORTERS, IIS FULTON STREET. Onr large and magnificent stock of ladies' long HAIR CURLS, is now complete, and Belling at Try low Prices.


O. TOMirsflOW,) EdmondTyib, dell teod GTJINNBSS'S EXTRA STOUT, 100 CASKS FOR SALE. The finest In market at importers prices by 8CRANTON 4 Atlantic st, corn or Henry, detlm Brooklyn. JAMES L. HARLEM, UArrUFAOrCBEB OP THE nKE3T OUADES OV SILVER PLATED WARES.

We shall, daring tbe Holidays, retail at wholesale prices, from our large and varied assortment, comprising the oholoest stylo in the market and feel oanndani, that for quality and boanty of finish, wo oannot be surpassed by any honso in Ghe trade. ALfiO A flno assortment of Spoons andTablo Cntlery of English and domestfe make. NO. 74 MAIDEN LANE, Near William st, ESTABLISHED 1667. HOLIDAY FANCY GOODS AND TOYS I FRENCH, ENGLISH AND GERMAN, J.


Jost received from Paris a beanti'al collection of irenu ino BRONZE GOODS, novel, choice and at exUemoly Io pricea. MANTEL VASES AND FIGURES of new and beautifnl subjects. PARIAN STATUARY AND GROUPS, all the new works of Copeland Mlnton. ELEGANT CHINA DESNER SERVICES, new and rich Btyles of decoration. ARTICLES DE FANTAISIE, in endless variety, suitable for Wedding Gifts.

SILVER PLATED GOODS, none bnt guaranteed quality and in immense vartoty. iTAPLE CHINA AND GLASS at low prioea. The subscribers have now the largest Btock of tbe fcfnd tn the United States it has all been selected personally of the maunufacturers in Europe by one of the nrmnd prices ace guaranteed to be as low as at tho largest wholesale houses. Aa one bf the Brothers visita Europe annually, orders will be exeoated for any desorrption at fancy goods at a small commission. OVINGTON BROTHERS, 286, 838 and 240 Fulton st, Brooklyn.

008 1 jal Tb Tu48 FURNITURE. KINGMAN 4 MURPHY, MAMOIACTUBEna, BLEEOKER STREET One block west of Broadway. ALL GOODS GUARANTEED PRIDES LOW. Bleecker street cars at Fulton Ferry pa9s our door ootfSSeod "PATCHESI," A ROYAL NEW GAME. BOOKSELLERS, STATIONERS, And all Dealers in Games sell it.

DELIGHTFUL NEW GAME, "KNIGHT OF THE RED CROSS." BOOKSELLERS, STATIONERS, And all the Dealers tn Games sell them. These two new games surpass in Interest, also in Elegance of Materials and Finish, any Game of tho kind ever Issued in this oonntry. Ihey BDOnrx) be in Every Family, adding social attraction and merriment to the homo circle these long Wintti evenings. A. B.

SWIFT 4 00 Publishers. deM H'MTuTh a John stroetjfew York. ERRING, BUT NOBLE. SELF HELP FOR YOUSO MEfJ, who having erred, desire a bettor manhood. Sent to sosjo letter envelopes, free of charge.

If benefitted, return the postage. Address PHILANTHR03, Box Philadelphia, Fa. oe29 "an eod HOLIDAY GOODS. "BHRRIAlf HOUaE FURNiaHlNQ HARDWARB, UTENSILS, LEWIS CONGER. No.

011 BtoxlwaJ. HOLIDAY GIFT or ONE HUNDRED BARRELS OF FLOUR" rnOMTHg ATLANTIO FLOUR MILLS, Noi. 8, 10, 12 Hamilton avenue. Wc will present the above amount of CHOICE FAMILY FLOUR as a HOLIDAY GIFT to onr BROOKLYN PATRONS, the following manner To all who purchase Flour at onr Mills Byoi IE NEW YEjn's Dav next, and to those who havo purchaaei 1 BIHO OCTOBER 1st, we wUl present a ticket for each bai Tel en titling the holder to one our sealed orders, to be Dl 8TBIB DTED AT ODB MILLS BETWEEN CmuSTlLU! AUT NEW YBAB'S DAT. SIX HUNDRED of these orders will be cood for either one barrel, a.

half barrel, or a bog of Choice Family Floor, amounting all to ONE HUNDRED BARBELS. We ask oU those entitled to tickets to call at our MI1U am 1 procure them. Tho Flonr will be delivered to those pc senting orders immediately after New Year's Day, to anj port of the city, FREE OF CHARGE. del6Ujal pj SMITH 4 CO LIQUORS FOR THE HOLIDAYS. In anticipation of giving t0 the BROOKLYN PUBLIC AN EXCEEDINGLY.

HAPPY NEW YEARS CALL, we have made a great reduction in tho prices of tho follow, ing goods, which will enable ONE AND ALT. TO BOV OF SCRAN TON 4 14(1 Atlantic st, cor. Henry, at these rcmarkaUy low prices, viz. Good BOURBON at 60c. per bottle.

BOUBBON, our Own Brand, fc, at 81 TO per bottle. BOUBBON, Extra Fine, oar Private Stock, branded M.G.. ot $1 85. Eight Year Old BYE. at $8 00 per caso, oach caso containing 1 coz.

quart bottles. Old Queens Port, Amontillado sherry, and tho flnea quality of old Madeira, 4c Promptly delivered to all parts of the city NO. 24 JOHN STREET, BARCLAY 4 CARY, SlAirCFACTTJEEBS OF THE FINEST GDADES OI 8IL VER PLATED WARE8. These Goods are manufactured by onr3elrca and aro unsurpassed for quality and beauty of finish by any in tho market. A large and varied assortment of tho choicest patterns always on hand, and each article warranted by our trade mark, N.

B. A flno assortment of Electro Plato on MckelSilvor far superior to tho best imported ware and equal to tho finest homo made. lit No. 34 JOHN STREET. DIME SAVINGS BANK OF BROOKLYN, Tho Board of Trustees ave this day declared an Interest dividend at tho rate uf 6 i'Klt CENT PEll ANNUM on all sums of ono dollar and upwards that shall havo boon deposited for SIX MONTHS and THKKIi MONTHS on tho P.vMo on the 15th ot January, lm.

ALSO AN EXTRA INTEREST DIVIDEND at the rata of two per cent per annum for tho sanio periods will paid aMJho same time ALL FREE FROM GOVERNMENT This Interest will be placed to tho crodit ol depositors as principal on the 1st of January. It will be entered on tho pass books at any timo when required after January 15. ISIS. SEYMOUR L. HUSTED, PrOBidont.

J. W. HUSTBB, Sec'y. W. F.nWinIs, Trea's.

Decembeh Iu, 1B68. dell till SI SOUTH BROOKLYN SAVINGS INSTITUTION. 170 ATLANTIO STREET. Decembeu 14th. 1668.

Tho Trustees of this Institution havo this day declared a semi annual interest dividend at the rate of I' IUHT PER CENT. Peronnnm. vIi: T1ib regular dividend at tho rate of SIX and an EXTRA DIVIDEND at tho rate of TWO PER CENT PER ANNUM on all sums ontltlod thereto on the first day of January next, FREE FROM GOVERNMENT TAX. payable on and after tho WUl of January, Interest not drawn will be added to the principal and wiU be entitled to interest ub puch. Bank opon daily from 9 to 2, and on Monday and Saturday evenings from 6 to 8.

1UA SMITH. President. O. Dunning, Secretary delo lm EAST BROOKLYN SAVINGS IJAFK, INTERES DIVIDEND. Tbo Trustees of this Bond havo this dsy, (Deo.

lith, 166S), declared a sunii annual dividend of Six Per Cont. per annum (free from all taxes) on all Bums which Uavo been deposited three and bix months, previous to the 1st day of January, lfcts, payable on and after tho lsth day of January, ICS. Interest not called for will bo placed to the crodit of depositors, aa principal, and draw interest from tho 1st day ot January. Bank open on MONDAYS. WEDNESDAYS and SAT.

URDAY8, from 5 to 9 P.M. On and after tho 2d day of January, 169, tho Bank will be open daily, (SUNDAYS excepted) from 1(1 A.M. to2 P.M. and MONDAYS, WEDNESDAYS and SATURDAYS, from 7 to 9 P.M. STEPHEN CROWEI.L Pres.

8. C. Barnes. Treas. dol7 to jal COTTAGE 'THE EXCEPTION." Patented February 12th, lBfil ITbo only machine sold for FIVE DOLLAR8 capable of doing all the ordinary sowing of a family.

Not a mere toy, but a reliable machine. Sold only by A. C. WILLMARTH, Fulton avo, near de91m Bridge st, Brooklyn. USE JEWELL BROTHERS Favorito Brands of FAMILY FLOUR, "PASTRY" AND "NASSAU;" Also their PREPARED FLOUR.

Flour guaranteed and delivered to any part of the City. For salo by all BBOOKLYN CITY MILLS, no21 ly 2. 4 and 6 Fulton st. WINES, LIQUORS AND CORDIALS FOR THE HOLIDAYS, Of a superior quality at the old cstablUhmont of J. O'MAHONY, 23 MYRTLE AVE.



ALSO, OTHER CHOICE BRANDS OF FAMILY UR LOW RATES. For sale by JOSF.PII H. MUM BY. successor'. 0 Jones 4 Dealer in Flour, Grain and Feed, 34 Pulton adjoining the Earle oflice.



And other Novelties equally New and Beautiful. DEMARRAIS, LEE 4 (Late with JounxEAT 4 Buhnham.) del St MWATh 17n Atlantio Street. M. S. DICKEY'S EMPORIUM FOR HOLIDAY GleT SEEKERS.

74 Court st, Brooklyn, and 736 Broadway. Now York. 8WI8S CABVED WOOD and IVORY ARTICLES, MUSICAL BOXES and CUCKOO CLOCKS, and many Other articles of fancy and usefulness, at dol lot 60 PER CENT. OPEN IN THE EVENING UNTIL JAN. 1.

SPECIAL ANNOUNCEMENT. W. 4 H. MUMFOBD, M8 AMD FULTON STREET, between Pineapple and Clark street. Invito attention to their SPLENDID LINE of LACE CURTAINS, a TAMBOUR AND NOTTINGHAM, of their own importation.

These goods, for quality and nch. of DESIGN, cannot be Burpesd. ffu boaII offer tbcm at prices that cannot fail to med the views of cloio buyers. We have also added largely to our Stock of rich paper hangings! decorations. todudlngmany NEW DESIGNS, not to bo fonnJ elsal HOLLAND SHADES, every of CURTAlS MATERIALS GILT and WALNUT C0K.VICE8: flrrt TABLE OIL CLOTHS, 4c.

Ac, all otwbich we oiler at prices as low as any other houe la the city. no2I tlaleod PEARSON 4 GO'S. CIRCASSIAN HAIR REJUVENATOR. Never falls, and warranud to restore the Hair to IU natural Color and softness. It will oause the hair to crow on txUd heads; it wilt compU tcly eradicate dandruff, cure ftchtng and all diseases of tho scalp.

In fact it is the most porfo Hair Restorer in nso. Bold by all tho Druggists and Hair Dressers. Also by tho Pint, Quart or Gallon, at PEARSON 4 CO.8 DEPOT, dcSlmeod No. 384 Jay st, Brooklso. BATGHLELOft'S HAIR DYE.

nils splendid Hair Dre Is tht bert in the world tbe only true and perfect Dye; harmless, reliable, instantaneous ua disappointment no ridiculous tints remedies tho ill effects of bad dyes Invigorates and the hair soft and beautl tol black or brown. Sold by all Druggists and Perf umera and properly applied at BATCHELOR'S Mig Factory. Bond Itrect. New Yoi TnTh4Stf NO WIND, DUST. mow.

OR RAIN Can penetrate where TORRKY'S PATENT WEATHER STRIPS are used. Send for Rostrated efroolar, showing our new Improve meats. E. 8. 4 J.



V.I i.lll. I I Northeast cor. William tk. New York..

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