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The Brooklyn Daily Eagle from Brooklyn, New York • Page 1

The Brooklyn Daily Eagle from Brooklyn, New York • Page 1

Brooklyn, New York
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Cleveland, Carnetrie, Ciail Hamilton, Ingersoll and Gladntone as Writers and Subjects, "Permanent Bepublioan Clubs" is tho leading paper in tho A'orfA American tor March, the variety of authors North and South being represented by such names as William Walter Phelps, Gov tho prosldent and superintendent never reported aod "Thoy wore appointed with power, was Intor jocted. "And," continued Mr. Iliggins, "I think that in a matter of so much importance thisBoard should hare been made awaro of what they did. 1 do not want to bo critical, but I think that if the president has mado a mistake It Is beit to correct it If we can. Bosldo 1 think, out of respect to the members of tho Board who nro absent, wo ought to defer a confirmation of the action at any rate." Mr.

Bush Let's dispose at the matter now like men. We will bo guarded by the clauso wo ptoposa to Insert in tho agreement, if any mislaKo has been made. "I don't admit that I have made any mistake," retorted President Howell, somewhat warmly. "Tho superintendent and 1 did what we thjught was for tho best Interests of the bridge. At any rate, gentlemen, you must remember that the arrangements that are now being made are only temporary.

Thoy are sure to bo superseded by something that is grander and nobler. It Is unfair to censure us iu thU way when wo did the best wo '1 had uo iutentiou of consuriug either tho president or the suporidlondoui," replied Mr, lilggius. "1 do say that nouo of the members of the Board knew of IL I move tho resolution aa amended He on tlio table." "You ought lo have known of it, or at least the Kxtoinion Committee ought," rejoined President Howell; "il was all down on tho plan." Mr. Higgins' motlou wu3 lost by tho following vole: Yoas Messrs. Davis, Keeney, Barnes, Swan, Higgins ').

Nays Messrs. Bush, Thurber, Anderson, Howell, Livingston, Moi enhaui The motion recurred ou the resolution of Mr. Bush, which as amended reads: ii oliw((, That tho president and chief ouglnoer of this bridge, who, as a committee, with power, have Heretofore, under authority of a resolution of this Board, passed January 188 eulorod into a contract or agreement with the I'nion ICIovatod Jtail road Company, which providos for a connection between said road and tho bridge, be requested to have iusurtod in such cou tract or agreement when formally drawn a provision iu substance as follows: The I'nion Elevated ltailroad Company is willing to stipulate, iu case permission should bo granted for it to cross the bridgo, that if, at any lime, tho brid 'e authorities desire to mako such a change iu its structure as will be interfered with by tlio loea tlou of this road above, it will within thirty days ro movo its structure, and is willing to execute a propor instrument to that oiled. Tno resolution was adojned by a Toto of 7 to 2 as Messrs. Barnes and Biggins 'i.

Yeas Busb, Thurber, Andersou, Swan, Howell, Davis, I.iviusslon 7. Mr. Keeney refused to vote. Mr. Mollonh vote was thrown out, as ho mado a mistake aud had it recalled.

'i ho Board next reconsidered the resolution authorizing Howell to advorlise for pro petals for advertising spaces iu tho bridgo oars. Tho president staled that ho had not 30 advertised, the counsel to tho board having advised hliu that it was illegal. On motion tho resolution was uuanimously rescinded without discussion. Tno Board adjourned to meet Monday, March 12, tho regular monthly mooting. Ciuutavc Mimer, D.

Hoffuaau and mag ffle Koeberlcim Some fourteen or fifteen years ago or more Gustavo Hlmer, who at one time kept a tin shop In Ewen street, suddenly and mysteriously disappeared, since which time he has never been seen or heard from, and various theories as to the case have been entertained, ono being that he had been killed and burled in a stable by tno Battle Row gang, of North First stroet, of whon Rodgero, tho slayer of Folicoman Donohue, was a member. A. few years later Hoffman" who, it is said, had an Interest in the zinc works of M. Sellg on Maujijr street, and slept on tho premises, suddenly disappeared one morning leaving his lamp still burning in his room, his silver snuff box on the table, tils best clothes hanging up and his savings bank book in one of tho pockets. He has nover Bines been seen in tho neighborhood, but the police say that tiie fact that he "still lives" is established by the receipt of a letter ilgsed Hoffman" datod Chicago, somo years later.

How they camo to know that the lettor was genuine they never explained. Soon after the man's disappearance, howover, II became known that one morning previous to Hor man's disappearance there was a row in the zinc factory and that Hoffman was one of thoae engaged in it. Certain partlos cognizant of the matter wero Indicated to the police of the Sixth Precinct, but (f thoy mado any Investigation at all ie is cer tain tbat the reporters sever wore able to find any convincing proof that the owner of the snuff box and the bank book ever callod for thorn. About a year ago, durlsg a driving ahowor of enow and sloot, little IS year old Maggio Koeborleiu, sont by her mother from 134 Metropolitan avenue to a bakery at 01 Metropolitan avonuo for some bread, executed her errand, had the price, 7 cents, charged in her pass book, left tho bakery, crossed to her own side of the stroet, delivered a key to a tenant of 134 Metropolitan avenue and started to contlnuo on her way home. Since that she has never been seon by any of her rolatlves.

Early the next morning tho pass book she carried and the loaf which she had purchased were found close to the steps of Graham's pottery, a short distance from the house. The basket with which she had started from homo was missing. The loaf and the pass book, less con spicuous objects, had evidently fallen from it and escaped observation during the darkness. At once suspicion prevailed that tho child had boen thrown Into the pottery kiln, and tho pooplo of tho neigh borhood expocted that Instant measures would bo taken to ascertain or disprove the assumption, but not till after more than a week were the fires quenched, and thon, tho temperature meantime having been often as high as 1,000 Faronheit, it would be impossible to flud any organic remains which would be of value as proof or disproof. On a certain Friday tho reporters wore excluded from the pottery by the ordor of Sergeant John Sutton, of the Sixth Precinct, and what look place there that day nobody fully knows but himself and tho proprietor.

His oxcluslon of tho press was, it appears, unauthorized either by Captain Kaiser or the proprietor. The statement in a certain morn ing Journal that the cinders were aualyzed by a chemist of the Board of Health is willfully false. When it was too late tho cinders were coileclod In the proseaco of a chemist of tho Board of Health and stored away In earthern pots, but the chemist plainly stated to tho reporters at the tlmo that, owing to the bulk of tho material and tho possible presence of organic mattor from other sources thon that suspected, it would bo useless to attempt au aualysls so long nf tor tho child had disappeared. A Sixth Precinct detective, on certain information, Bome month6 ago visited the houso of a Mrs.Tb.omp son, ou Staten Island, who at one rimo kept a board ing house in Now Y'ork, it having been surmised that Maggie had been to hor houso, but Mrs. Thompson, on seeing Maggie's photograph, not only denied at once evor seeing her, but doscribod the girl who had been stopping with her as several years older.

It is tbe prevailing opinion now that an Intelli gent child, such as Maggio is generally said to havo been, would not havo couceivod the idea ot ruuulug away at night In a shower of sloot within 100 feet of her homo, 10 which sho was hastening with her little purchases. They think that Maggie, if such wero her purpose at such a llmo.would al all ovont3 have left her purchases homo and como out tigaiu, aud that if sho did run away, somebody by this time would have been able to flud out where she wont. EIGHTH WARD IMPROVEMENTS. Properly Owners Asking; For the Issue or Bonds to Oo the Work. Mayor Chnpiu was yesterday visited by a de'logatlou of Eighth Warders, Including S.

U. Allen, P. H. Flynn, J. B.

McCJuillon, John Curran and half a dozen othors. Thoy laid before tho Mayor a polition for local improvements. It set fortli that thero aro some lots betwoou Third and Ninth avenues and Thirtv uinth ond Sixty fifth streots, assessed at over $1,000,000, which woro unimproved. Pavements, seivers, wero wanted. All of tho streets wero not opened.

Tho scheme, as proposod iu tho petition, was to hayo bonds In G00, 000 Issued for stroet improvements, and $150,000 for lands for parks; tho bonds to be a lion on tho section lu question and to bo paid of by assessments in twonty annual installments. Tho potitiouors asked tho Mayor 10 sanction tho legislation uecos sary to briug about those results. Mayor Chapln appeared to favor tho Idea, but told his visitors that ho should first liko to hare a consultation with thorn later on, whon tho City Works Commissioner and the Euglneor should bo present, iu order that thoy might explain moro in detail which streets should bo Improved. A sub committee of tlio petitioners will confer with thoso officials during this week. Tho poiitlou contains tho following: Tho present taxable valuo of the unimproved property referred to may be statod to bo about Mi 200,000, tho taxes upon which now amount to about $30,000 per yoar.

After iho proposed Improvements are made a low ostimato of the increase In taxable valuo is which would slvo tho city upward of 18,000 per yoar moro taxes, This is tor tno bare, land alone, it to this 00 added tho valuo of tho bulldiuga which will speedily bo eroctod, thoro will be an addition to ihe city's in come which must sloadily increase yoar by year from tho moment the contemplated improvements aro mado. Tho Intorest on tho referred to will bo but $22,500 per year, which, deducted from thu 18,000, will givo tho city ovor $20,000 profli tho first year and a largo increasing amount thoreafter. We would also ask that tho matters referred to. tho work in question and selection aud purchaBO of park site, bo entrusted lo aeommisslon of properly holders, proporly constituted under such suitable restitutions and regulations as may be for the best interest of tho city and all concorued. Tho petitioners represent that they aro owners over 2,500 of tho 7.500 lots.

AN ORANGE PARTY At the Old Dutch Homestead ot the Flutbuslt Van Pells. Mr. and Mrs. Townsend Van Pelt gave nu orange parly to their friends at their old Dutch homestead, corner King's Highway and Eightoonth avenue, on Thursday evoulng last. The host aud hostost entertained with tho truo old Knickerbocker hospitality, and in turu recolvod the congratulations of their frlouds on their safe arrival homo trom an bxtonded sojourn In Florida as far as the Indian liivor.

Tho oranges furnished woro selected specially from ono of tho noted groves in Florida by Mr. and Mrs. Van Polt. They wore piled around a group of palms which rose from the table nearly to tho colling forming an immonae pyramid. The other fruits which in cluded ali (ho market afforded were artistically arranged with odd pieces of old family sllvor placed here and thero.

They presoutod a beautiful sight Among thoso present wero Rev. aud Mrs. A. Brush, Dr. aud Mrs.

Schenck, Mr. and Mrs. T. DoJIund, Mr. aud Cornelius Ditmars, of Flatlauds; Mrs.

A. Si. Van Pelt, Miss Annie Van Felt, Assemblyman and Mrs. D. W.

Tallmage, Mr. aud Mrs. Richard Berry, Mr. and Mrs. James Lott, Mr.

and Mrs. B. Larzolero, Mr. G. Konwenhoveu, Mr.

aud Mrs. A. Hegerman, Mr. and Mrs. S.

Hogerman, Mr. aud Mrs. S. W. DeBolce, Mr.

and A. Cropsey, Mrs Emmons, Mr. and Mrs. W. Bonnott, Mr.

D. Berry' Mr. aud Mrs. T. Carman, Mr.

aud P. Bogert, Mr. aud Mrs. J. Wright, Mr.

and Mrs. J. T. Berry. Mr.

G. Shields, Mr. and Mrs. A. V.

Si. Vorhios, Mr. J. Van Pelt, Mr. J.

V. Van Pelt, Mr. and Mrs. J. Cropsey, Mr.

Joseph Johnson, Mr. C. U. Watsou, Mrs. Bloudell, of Brooklyn; Mr.

aud Mrs. A. Mont fort, Mls3 A. Montfort. KITTY COMES BACK.

Robert Sharpc'o Inamorata Itctitrns to Jler Family. Ou tbo 29th of January Robert Sharpe, a married man, living at 237 Bergen street, elopod with Kitty, tho 10 year old daughter of Conrad Flal, who keeps a liquor store at tho corner of Boorum placo aud Pacific street. Nothing was hoard of the guilty pair for some time, as Mr. Flad would take no stops toward bringing baek his daughter, ond Mrs. Sharpe had not the means with which to capture her erring spouse.

Even the whereabouts of Kitty and her companion could only be guossed at and the In cident was fast fading from tho memory of all, save Kitty's mother and tho still loving Mrs. Sharpe, who was said to have retained her affection for Robert, notwithstanding she had begun a suit for divorce. Last Friday Conrad and Mrs. Flad wero rejnicod at ihosuddon and unexpected return ot their daughter. Robert was taken sick in Philadelphia and Kitty determined to come homo and ask forgiveness.

To put this purpose into execution It was necessary to pawn some of her clothes and jewelry, but she got home In safety at lost. Hor father would not tell yesterday whother he had forgiven hor or not, nor would ho havo much to say in regard to the caso. But as he never claimed that ho would not take her back if she came of nor own accord It is fair to presume that sho had obtained tho forgive noss which she sought. HIS MOTHER TOLD HIM SO. Henry Meyer 1 honehl IHo Was a Heal Estate Owner.

John Holmes and Henry Meyer, accused of stealing ten billiard balls, wore anxious to plead eulliy to petit larceny in the Court of Sessions yos torday morning. District Attorney RIdgway accepted Holmes' plea, but refused to accept that of Henry Meyer. Meyer became bondsman for a man named Higgins, accused of grand larceny. He Bwore he was worth $70,000. Higgins fled and when Meyer was callod on to make his Uond good, it was found ho bad no property.

He will probably be indicted for perjury. He Judge Moore yesterday that he thought he was' worth $70,000, because his mother told htm' Meyer was formerly in the naaacoused of baT Qulncard Says Titos' Will A train Iead Their Parties. A regular meeting of the Twenty third Ward Democratic Association was hold last ovoulug in Liberty Hall, corner of Gates and Nostrand avenues. Supervisor at Large John A. Qulntard presided and Secretary John R.

Henneasy recorded. After the adoption of tho minutes of the previous meeting a number of applications for membership wero read and referred. The Investigating Committee reported favorably on a number of names. Tho Suporvlsor at Large then deliverod an address, which was listened to with interest. He eald, among other things: The Republican party of to day Is tho party of passion, and who can so well simulate a passion agalust the "Confederate brigadiers" as Jamo3 G.

Blolno? It Is the party of grasping and bloated monopoly, ond in its service James G. Blaine has become a millionaire, and no one so well as he represents the groat Republican party in its decadence and degradation. He is its natural and lnerltablo candidate, as tho natural and Inevitable caudidate for re election by the revivified and triumphant Democracy is Grover Cleveland. On this latter point plain words are best. Wo cannot Ignore Ihe fact that in some respects tho presout National Administration has not given full satisfaction to somo influential sections of popular Judgment lu the Democratic party, but It has purified the Government, redeomed tho pledges of the party, maiu talued Inflexibly all national rights and upheld the national honor aud, above all, has so firmly intrenched Itsolf in tho average popular seullmont of the pooplo, regardless of party, that those will be foolish servitors of Democratic policy who do not recognize the potent fact with which the very air Is vital, that if tlio Democratic party shall fail to renominate Grover Clevelond it cannot eloot Its national candidates In the good year 1888.

I do not forgot or ignore the high place in State pride and iu naiional regard into which tho prosont Chief Magistrate of this great Commonwealth has grown, but he is not a candidate for tho Presidency as agalust Grover Clevelnnd. If he wero I am coulldenl that I express not only the sentiments of this association but tho nearly unanimous voice of the Democracy of this country at least, when I say that while wo havo no enthusiasm for David B. Hill, as a contestant for the Democratic Presidential nomination of 1(818, yet we aro full of admiration for tho noblo, statesmanlike and democratic qualities of our popular Governor, and wo yield to none lu our appreciation of his irreat snrvleos to thOiDemocracv and to tho Stateof Now York.nor lu thooulbusiosm with which we commeud and predict the suecossmi presentation of his name to the National Democratic Convention of as a candidate lor Pre ideut of tho Unitod Statos. Turning now from the consideration of candidates, let us examine for a while some putties of politics and of administrative results, upon whleli tno American poopio win uo roquirou to pass judgment in this Presidential yoar. i haro said that the Democracy, under tho lead of Groyor Cleveland, has redeomed 113 pioogos, wuicti is partially but not wholly true, though without tho fault of the National Administration.

In one notable resnoct the rocout mes sage of tho 2'residout to the Congress of the Unitod States, has recillod a paramount umy to wuicu the Democratic party must now rosolutoly address itself, if It desires to deserve and secure the pnpu lar nonfldfirieo. Tho mououolles and abuses which have grown up under the fostering inlluouces of tho war tariff would Btaggor belief wore toey not so boldly avowed and practiced in the uatno of that arrogant and grasping swlndio known as "protection to American industry." Under It, American industry has beau disgraced and demoralized and put on starvation wages the laws of trade have been nul lified and that ot supply and demand Ignored free competition has been stilled tho rights and interests of labor treated as ontitlod to no respect, while in many parts of our laud to day, affecting groat multiludes of laborers, a practical system of IndiiNtrial alarorv stauds revealed aud confessed. of which It may as truly bo said, as it was once said of uogro slavery. "There la a poor, blind Samson in our land, shorn or nisatrengtn anu bound in Donas 01 stoei, Who may in somo grim revol raiso his hand, Aud shako tho pillars of our commonweal." This war tariff, which is drawing the life blood of the American pooplo by needless ud oppressive taxation, has at last culminated In tho gigantic combinations to advance prices and prevent competition popularly known as Trusts aud now in nearly all protected articles, which aro necessities lo tho American peoplo, ihis iniquitous scheme ha3 boen consummated, nnr! tho Trusts, either open or Becret, are in control aliko of production and of values, to tho demoralizaiion and disgrace of In dustry, to iho oppression of tho peoplo and to the aggrandizement and ourlchninnt of the monopolistic ritigs. Whom tho gods would destroy thoy first make mad," and it would Indeed seem a fair proof of insanity, presaging speody destruction, that tho sugar, wool, Iron, coal, sieol and othor kings, ouironchod In our pres ent nuquittous tariff, should havo imagluod that the American peoplo would tamely submit to this final aud crowning act of infamy and lyrauuy.

it is the last fuathor that breaks the camel's bacX." and our people are long suffer ing and slow to nngor, but these latest develop ments 01 trust greed and nrroganco are fast leading to a new uprising, with tho nomocracy lu the van, which will swoop forever out of sight all this luramous maoniucry lor the flcoelngor tno people, wnien nus ueeu so cunningly, and laonriousty ue vised. To imagine any othor result possible, or present conditions and tendencies lu those directions will be tamely endured. Is to libel tho intelligence of tho voters of this nation. If the pooplo calmly tolerite thorn, or allow themselves to bo lulled or deceived into acquiescence, wo shall dosorvo to bo braudod as recreant to every principle of honesty, of fair play and of a froo flold for all, which woro supposed to bo crowning American characteristics. But there Is no mistaking tho popular tompor the Trusts navo got to go, and the war tuna, inoir arrogant and hideous parent, has cot to go alone with them, and the grand old Democratic party, aa always heretofore, when popular rights aro endaugored, is again in tho van for this uow vindication of tho masses against Iho fow, of labor against banded and oppressive capital, of right against wrong.

In this natural championship tho Democratic party will again Illustrate Its right to bo known as tlio true friond and ally of the laboring masses, and of all tho plain pooplo of our land. It has always deserved this recognition, and has boon so confident of its ultimate mission as the ameliator of Industrial conditions and the vindicator of tho rights of houost labor that it has beon quick to follow even ingratliudo with forgiveness and protection and to recognize the hard conditions which havo surrounded labor, makine its calm Judgmout and rightful discrimination between friends and foes a mutter of ditticuit uiscornmout. 111 mo recent campaign in this Stato and city those who claimed to havo tho rights of labor in especial charge allowed themselves to be used as stalking horses and decoy ducks for tho defeat of the candidates of tho Democratic parts'. Luckily for tho interests of labor, the Bchomo proved abortive, but many good Democrats cherish a natural resentment still against the laboring musses for thoir lugratitudo shown toward tlloso candidates and to that party from whom thoy had never looked in Yaiu for friendship. I have a right to share in ihat resentment, fori was one of tho proposed victims of the unnatural alliance between tho Republicans and the so callod United Labor parly.

1 will say that not only do I chorish no such resentment, but 1 can understand and to somo extent excuse what on its face seems political perfidy. Tho intorests of labor have so long bf en at the mercy of capital, its rights havo been so long defied or ignored, its conditions havo beon so hard and unpromising, its share in the wealth created by itself has been so ant til and so grudgingly allowed, that whon thero arose iu tho land a plausible and pollsbod thoorist, who proposed at one blow to abolish povory and to enforce a freor distribution among tho people of God's great natural gift of land, It is not to bo woudered at that men oppressed by conditions almost servile grasped at the delusive phantoms liko drowning men at straws, and in their eager gaze for tho imaginary millennium, forgot tho nobler duties of gralitudo and of natural political allegiance which lay immediately fore tne n. Indications happily are not wautlug now that tho eyoB of labor haro boon once more opened to tho fact that its true aud only friend, capable of bestowing real and effective help for Its amelioration and prosperity, is the old Democratic party, never more than now tho party of tho peoplo and tho champion of Iho rights of labor, and in this Presidential year, tho laboring masses, bo longer under deceitful banners nor worshipping false gods, will bo found in tho front ranks of the grand army of victory that will again place Grover Cleve. and lu tho Presidential chair. If truo to its present avowed alms and mission, the Democratic party will bo worihy of its history and high renown as the friend and champion of the people, but in my Judgment more drastic reforms tire neodod in this land than any party platform has yet ventured to announce.

The enormous aggregations of capital which the present iniquitous larin encourages and invites, and which Is nsod lo prevent or purchaso competition, to corrupt legislation aud to buy injustice, may possibly bo prohibited or prevented under the present game of bst it will oxlst, nevertheless, and its powers for mischief will not be curtailed, but will inevitably show themselves in other forms. The surgery must bo deopor lor permanent reform. Those scandalous combinations would not be possible woro it not for tho overbearing and ex cossive individual wealth which composes and maintains them. History records that tho old republics of Greece and Homo porlshed miserably as soon as the wealth of tho Stato became concentrated in tho hands of the fow, and iu our own land and day wo need to take to heart the losson. It may bo hard and indeed impossible to draw tho Hue as to the limit wherein the aggregation of individual wealth, might be hold not detrimental to the welfare ot the Stato, but when wo rofloct, as Governor Spragae, of Rhode Island, ouco said, how great a tyrant is 1 think we may legitimately consider wbothor the accumulation of an individual fortune boyond that sum ought not 10 be Justly forteitablo to the State, for the reduction of the general burdens that press alike upuu all.

I take the distinct, comprehensive ground that in this free Itopublic, where all men are supposed to bo equal before the law, and to have equal chances iu the battle of life, but where, as a matter of fact, oxcosslve aud unnecessary individual wealth, not often fairly oarned, but iu horltod or practically stolon from the peoplo, not only defrauds aud oppresses tho masses by gigantic combiuaiious, but arrogates to Itself ail of the comforts and most of the honors of life, the people thoiuselves have tho right to say that the possessor of $1,000,000 has reached the limit of individual wealth which can bo allowed without ultlmato danger to our democratic Institutions or without menace to the rights of the average citizen. By a graduated incomo tax so adjusted and lovled as to fall wiin noaviost aud Indeed" prohibitive weight upon those who, lu the greed for gain, attempted to Ignore this popular safeguard, the ability ot unprluciplod accumulations of capital to work sinister results in tho political or economio world would be remedied through moiins well approved In practical results, not only la our own country, but in other enlightened states. In this or in othor ways open to the wisdom of our law makers the uusired practical result could be ac complisned aud tno accumulatiou of immense individual fortunos be decisively discouraged, as not In consonance with republican simplicity or democratic priuciplos, and withal inimical to sound policy and the general safety. 1 predict that the time will coino in tue not distant future whon the Democratic party will bo compolled, in the defense of popular rights, to ruise this as a vital aud controlling issue; that tho oppressive power of arrogant and banded wealth will be forever curtailod aud demolished under tho courageous and Inspiring lead of tho Democracy, and that we shall livo to see the time when il will not bo possible for unscrupulous aud grasping men to roll up ihelr millions by greody and monopolistic practices, and then secure eondonoiuout und appluuso by ostentatiously spending a fow hundred thousands in building some unnecessary Institution for rich men's sons, or by adding to the eudowment funds of somo already wealthy school or collego. In con clusion lec me say that tho Twenty third Ward Democratic Association will uo us run worn in mis Presidential year.

As an Integral and effective part of the Kings County Democratic organization we know our duty and wo will perform it. CUT WITH A BAZOBo William A. Vnnderveor was nrraigned be fore Justice Konna yesterday on complaint of William Miller, of 38 Varot street. The latter claimed that during a quarrel Vanderveer cut him on the head with a razor. The accused pleaded not guilty and was held for oxamiuallon.

KLLEN TKUSl'S BIRTHDAY. The poit rs in the Buckingham Hotel, New York, were usy yesterday, carrying flowers to. Misa Ellon Terry's apartments. It was the birthday of the EtigUsh actress, and bar popularity oanZbei s. 7s Grand Army Hal Radiant With Costly Coijtumes.

How the jUitiT6rarj of the Hebrew Benevolent jSaelety Wat CIe brated Speeches at the Supper Table. The Congregation Jfcth Jacob' Fei tiyilien. i The Hebrew Benevolent Society of the Eastern District, of which Jr. Moses Kessel is pres ident, attained its majority ysttoruay, ana tno event was celebrated by a ball and banquet in Army Hail, at the corner ot Bedford avenue and North Second street, last night The ballroom was beautifully decorated with lings and streamers, and the name of the organization blazed in gas Jets at one end of the building. Tho stogo on which the orchestra performed during the evening was hidden behind an embankment of potted plants.

When the festivities were opened there was a goodly and distinguished company prosont. The affair wasa Purim masquerade and civic ball, and many of the ladles and gentlemen were la cos tume. Some of the maBks wero of a grotesquo kind, and the antics of the wearers aroused the rislbllltlos of guests. As the costumes were all different there was a pleasant variety lent to the scene. It was after 10 o'clock whon tno ball openod with a promenade In which Floor Manager Aaron Hlrsch led tho company.

The tolled of the ladles outside of thoso who woro In costume were elaborate and diamonds of the purest kind glittered at many throats and dangled from twice as many ears. After fourteen dancing numbers had beon executed the company marched down to the supper room. Mr. Moses Kessel, the president of tho organiza tion since It was formed, occupied tho poet of honor and around him wore Mr. Moses May, president of tho congregation; Countess aiid Mr.

Kafka, Mr. and MrB. Louis Kessel, Mr. Louis Israel, pres ident of tho Brooklyn Hebrew Benevolent Assoeia tion; Mr. Charles Kessel, Mr.

and Mrs. Nathan May, Miss Esther May and Mr. and Mrs. John II. Bronnnn.

After all had partaken of tho good things served tho feast of roasou and flow of soul began. President Kessol welcomed all to tho twenty first annlvorsary ball, which, he said, although finan cially a success, should navo beon moro largely attended. The object of the ball was two foldto danee, oat and drink, and to holp tho worthy poor of thoir race, who would have enjoyment not for a night but the whole year, oft. the proceeds. The Hebrew Benevolent Society depended largely npen tho ball.

The ltev. Dr. Wintrier, pastor of Totupln Both Elnhim. when called upon for a speech, said that 2,300 years ago there was a memorable assembly in trio i'ersiau capital at tne bidding 01 (jueon Jiauior. It was neit er a political nor a religious gathering.

but was for tho purpose of diverting tho eword which the wicked Hamntt held ovor the heads of the Jewish people. Applause. The Purim ball was characteristic of the Hobrow race, which believed in charity. There wero 1,000 Queen Esthers to dav who were makluz merry. Mr.

Asa I Piddlan responded for the ladies iu a pleasant and timorous vein. Mr. Louis Israel spoke in behalf of "Our Sister Societies." Iio honed that the young men would take hold and build up the society. If every person who aboutd did his duty no such remarks ai dropped from tho president's Hps would bo heard Tho object was a grand and noble one. The company shortly after adjourned to tho ball room.

Among those prosont wero Lawrenco and Miss Addle Whitehead, of Now Y'ork; Countess and Mrs. Kafka, A. L. Piddian, Miss Funnlo May, Mr. aud Mrs.

Louis Kessol, Mr. and Mrs. Louis Getz, Miss Jennie Getz, of Hartford, Conn, Hot. Dr. Wintuor, Miss Helen Wlntnor, Joseph Kessol, Mr.

aud Mrs. Moses May, Mr. arid Mrs. Nathan May, Mr. and Mrs.

Michael Lovy, Mr. and Mrs. Philip Strauss, Mr. and Mrs. Wollmatin, Mr.

and Mrs. Philip Hart, Mr. and Mis. John Mt P.aukeii, Mr. aud Mrs.

Samuel Guthrie, Mr. and Mrs. S. Drume, B. Ilagonbacher.

B. Igolhelnier, Miss Michaels, B. Levy, Miss Ettle Levy, Commissioner Jamos D. Boll, Isaac Hamburger, Misa Hauua Hamburger, Mr. aud Mrs.

O. Fedden, Finite Litt, J. Lehman, Moses Schmidt, Miss Addie Smith, Miss Rosle Blatt, Morris Weill, Miss Bortha Brauuschwoig, J. Brown, Miss Min nio Brown, Meyer Well, Miss Weil, Abo Kod zteson, Aaron Kodzie3en, Max Kodziosen, Henry Broistod, D. Michaels.

Miss Iiay Michaels, Aaron Hirsh, Miss Clara Strauss, Philip Piddlan, Miss Joslo Bach, Simon Middle, Alias Ray Middle, Honry Stamper, Miss Ray Stamper, Mr. and Mrs. S. Berwiu, I. Hageubachor, Max Blatt, Mr.

and Mrs. Julius Baar, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Brown, Charles Apt, Miss Sjirah Apt, C. J.

Lowon stetu, Miss Rosio Lqwenstoin, Folix Hessburg, Mr. Harding, Miss Sarah Stamper, Isaac Ilageubachor, Miss Annie Williams, Mr. and Mrs Joseph Stamper, Sir. and Sirs. Frank Shepherd, Moses May, Jr.

The committees in charge woro: Reception IL Stettholmor, Phil Hart, I. Igolhoi mer, M. Bruckheimer, M. Hessburg, Uronx Way, L. Mickel, D.

Wollman, N. May, Phil Levy, L. Goetz, Henry Uoyman, Solomon Monday, M. Flockenhoi raor, I. G.

Sourvoluo, Ludwig Levy, G. Hagonbachor, W. Bornstoln, M. Lovy, E. Durlach.

Floor Aaron Hlrsch, G. Hagonbachor, Hoy man May, Henry Roth, Abraham Siottzelbach, Abram Lovy, J. L. Bamberger, Morris Woil, Isaac Weil, J. Hamburger, H.

Bach, C. Blocli, Ashor Foist, William Strauss, 31. Bruckheimer, Bon Igelholmer. Officers Moses Kessel, president; Moses May, vice president; riiiiip Strauss, troasuror; Abraham Kodziosen, socrotary. The Congregation He ill Jacob Rail.

The tenth Purim ball of the Congregation Beth Jacob, on Koap street, of whlh Mr. Solomon Monday is president, was hold last night iu the Masonic Tomple, on Grand aud Ilavomoyor streets. Tho affair was largely attondod and was a success socially and financially. Somo of tho company wore fancy costumes. The festivities wero kept up until an early hour this morning.

Among others preaeut wero Mr. and Mrs. Ormand Gudou, Mr. aud Mrs. S.

Borwin, H. Josephs, Mr. McCarthy, Miss Esther Monday, Joseph Monday, Mr. and Mrs. Louis Schwartz, W.

Schmidt, Miss Tillio Saul, Miss Lillio aud Bortha Kromheim. Mr. aud Mrs. Morris Isaacs, Mr. and Mrs.

Piatt, Louis Jackson, Mise Mamie Armbruslor, Mr, and Mrs. Honry Monday, Herman Joseph, Moses May, Miss Hannah May, Mrs. Solomon Monday, Mr. and Mrs. II.

Isaacs, Mr. and Mrs. John Appei, Mr. aud Mrs. Friedman, Miss Pauline Friodmnn, Mr.

and Mrs. Joseph Stompler, Mr. and Mrs. Louia Schwartz, Jacob Ferris, Mr. and Mrs.

Frist, Charles Beckman, Miss Lillio Beckman, Michael G.3old, A. Morris, Miss Esther Morris, Mr. Harris, Hormaa Lovy. The floor manager was Mr. M.

Isaacs, assisted by H. Monday nud tho following committees: Floor S. Monday, U. Monday, A. Morris, S.

Kronholm, Leopold Harris, II. Levy, Gustuv Brown, M. Kronholm, M. Posuor, Petor Kronhelm, S. Ro eeasou.

Reception Louis Jackson, A. Belch, S. Rosenborg, II. Buchonbolz, E. Ball, A.

Haase, A. Klrsh, Louis Kraemor, I. Peyser, S. Llpskl, Rudolph Horrlug, A. Roseuson, G.

Kronboim. ArrangementsLouis Schwartz, A. Friedmann, Louis Kraeuer. "LET HER GO, BALDY." An Expression YVhicU Set the Cnthbert NoiiM and Perry at War. A littlo side room in the Flatbush Town Hall last evening was tho scene ot a rather funny trial betore Justice of the Peace Henry Borukamp.

Mr. Archibald Cuthbertson, of Winthrop street, Flatbush, accused Eva Perry, aged 1" years, and William, her brother, aged 10 years, of calling him annoying names and greeting him with salutations such as Let her go, Baldy," every time they saw him. Willie had Mr. Cuthbertson nrrosied on a charge of attempted assault with an umbrella. Miss Era testified, on cross examination, that she first hoard the expression quotod above at Bchool and used it quite often.

Mr. William Perry, the father of the accused, interrupting the proceedings and addressing the judge, said: 1 object to all this cross questioning. This word, 'Let her go, is as common as 'Lot her go, and I think thoy have a right to make that remark." "That is ior the court to deoldo," said the judge. Eva and Willie wero fouud, guilty of annoying Mr. CuthbertBon.

Sentence was suspended ou Willie owing to his youth, while Eva was placed under bonds in tho sum of $200 to keep the peace for ono year. Mr. Cuthbertson admitted that while passing the boy Willie he did hold hla umbrella up andshuke it, saying "I will box your oats ilyott don't etop calling mo names." Tho defendant was found not guilty and dis charged. Mr. Cuthbertson Is a Scotchman and has lived near the Porrys for the past six months.

FLATBUSH EXCISE CASES. Adjourned tor a Week Much. Local In terest Developed. Iu addition to the politicians who congre gate In the Flatbush Town Hall nightly wero a large number of townspeople, to wituess tho trial of Henry Hesterberg, Adam Bolzor and Robert Hay wood before Justice of the Peace Josoph F. Cur reu, on charge of violating the Exelse law in kesp ing their places of buslnot open on Sunday.

Not in many days has so much Interest beeu taken in a trial of any kind in Fiatbush as has been developed by tbeso cass. Tho liquor dealers of tho town are particularly solicitous in regard to them. When Judge Curren asceudqd tbo bench there was a silence followod by tho calling of the case of tho peoplo against Adam Bolzef. Counselor Charles J. Jennings auswerod for the defendant and asked that the case be adjourned, to Monday 'evening, March 5, at 7:30 o'clock.

On motion of Mr. Jeu uings tho cases of Honry Heaterborg and Robort Haywood were also adjournod to the same date. A KBIT GUN CI. UB. A number of gentlemen of the Town of Flatbush met last oroning at the residence of Mr.

Thomas Connolly, on Grand stroot, Flatbush, and organized a club to be known as the Flatbush Gun Club. All residents of the county towns are eligible to membership. A mooting will be hold shortly to elect officers, A BBOOKLYH HAH'S BATH. Peter Bins, painter, fell into the East River yesterdo. while he was painting the ship; Governor er Si Tieyf Yot) Ho was 'il Carriage Makers Think that Six Honrs Are Enough.

Employer! and Their Men la Joint Dii catsioH Speeches of Vietor 1. Wilder and Others Dirersent Yiwi CHr teonoly Expresned. There aro bet ween 1,500 ond 2,000 thor. oughly organized carriage and wagon makers ia Brooklyn who work sixty hours per week at a rate of wages as varied as are the many departments la that line of trade. As tho recognized number of hours of work in New York City is flity.four the Brooklyn association delormlned to make a stand for a diminution In their beursof work, and, pursuant to a resolution adopted at a recent meeting', issued a call for a mass mooting, which was held last evening at Erorott Hall Assembly Rooms, on Gallatin place.

Bofore 8 o'clock fully 500 people had assembled In the hall. An unusual and pleasant feature of the assemblage was tho large sum bor ot well dressed young women who were present and who are employed in tho lighter branches of the trade. At 8:30 o'clock Mr. W. J.

McGinn called the meeting to order and Messrs. Goorgo Crane and John H. Richardson were chosen respectively chairman and socroiury of the meeting. On the platform were Messrs. V.

A. Wilder, of United Labor Party renown: John Eldleman, who also gained somo distinction during tho lato political campaign as a labor orator; Andrew Murray, of the JMew York paiuters; Charles Munch, of Barbers' Union INio. 1, of this city; William Bainard, Editor McKelvoy, of the Labor Pre3s, and the following employers iu the carriage and wagon trodo in this city: Holton M. Crotty, John Vaudegraw, Petor Barrett, Benjamin Potter and Michael Campbell. The chairman read some statistics in support of the movement, showing the comparison botween several States In relation to Ihe number of hours oi work per week and tho pay earned.

Mechanics in tue craft Iu Massachusetts work tho smallest number of hours and receive tho highest rate of pay. Following this a published report of the mauufac turiug iulorest in the Unitod States was thou read, which snowed that 13.196 men and boys wore employed In tho trade; the capital invested, $30,973, 493; production, material, wages, profits, That finished Mr. John Eldleman was introduced. Among other tilings he said: "In my experience as a draughtsman, a builder aud a farmer, I hav? learned that a mau cau do Just so much and do it woll. Like any othor machine ho will Borne time exhaust his capacity.

At the present tlmo among draughtsmen even hours is tho day's work. Six hours will before long be the limit of a day's labor in that calling. There is no doubt but that olgnt hours is long enough for any man to work iu the buildinc trades. There cau be no doubt but what In timo that will bo the limit of their dav's work. Thnra is more to bo considered than labor and wages sympathy betwoou employer and employe.

When that point has boon reached much, it uot all, the trouble in the held of lauor will have boeu eliminated. I soe no reason why carriage and makers cannot got eieht hours as tho limit of n. day's labor." Mr. McKelvey, of tho Litdor Press, was the next speaker introduced. Ho Bald: "Tho oblect of workingmou to my mind should bo to procure employment for tho unemployed.

Tho eight hour movomont tends to advance that idea. Nature's laws cannot be violated without the payment of a penalty, and in evory instance tho employer suffers if tho employe is wearied with overwork." V. A. Wilder next spoko. Ho said: "The less I have to do, tho batter I like it.

Mature has Ira. plauted in tho human breast a desire to get away from work. My practical, personal experience In tho mining in ustry is Ihat whou the hours of work were reuuceit trom ten to eignt hours mere and better work was done. It is a fact that io this age we aro compelled evory two or throo venrs to nton the wheels of production to catch up with consumption. When the time shall havo arrivod that consumption equals production tbero will not he n.rv idle mau in Brooklyn if he wants to work." Mr.

William Barnard next addressed the meet lne. He referred freauontlv to his nrecIeef.Knnr nnH spoke of glowiug speeches by labor agitators and warned his Iioarors against misleading sophistry, llo disapproved ol efforts teuilins toward tno nro ctireinent of eight hours as the panacea for their trouble, but declared that if they orgaulzed and put thoir shoulders to the wheel thev would eventu ally win. "Pull togother, brothers," concl. remarks. Mr.

Aulrcw Murray followed. Among othor hings ho said: havo uo sympathy with tho idea that a man can or will do as much work iu eight hours as in ten. For ono I wout and I nuestion whether you intend to make tho attempt. The ob ject Is lo losseti tho hours of labor nud to ameliorate your condition. (.

operation and organization and the propor uso of the means at your baud will do tho work." At tho conclusion of the abovo remarks the fol lowing resolutions wero unanimously adopted: W7u' Tlio large amount of labor saving machinery now usod In our trade, aud tho Introduction of factories that mako one or two articles used In the coustrucilou ot carriages and wagons, have largely reducod tho cost of production aud demand for labor, nud believing the Interests of both employer and omploro are ideutical aud that the trada uud practical economy teaches that both employer anu umpuiyo ami consumer snouivl receive oqual benefit from any and all things that lessen tno cost of product ion; and that all who are able and willing should havo opportunity to work at a fair and just compensation, wiih sufficient leisure in which to cultivate their minds and enable them and tneir families to educate themselves for tho hichand no blo work of American citizenship; and Whereat, statistics and observation iu different pans of tlio world prove that labor is most productive where it is workiug tlio minimum hours with the maximum wages, aud that the prosperity of a country can bo determined by the condition of Iho producing masses; HVnvr fu, Tlio mechanical work of the carriage trado demands a high degree of Bkill, aud lu some branches no small knowledge of geometry aud a large amount of valuable tools, all of w.iich has resulted in making America, nud especially this sec ion, mo leaner oi mo won i ui tne manufacture ol larriages and wagons, both for design, finish and durability, with minimum cost of production; Whereas, The shortouing ol the hours of labor will bonclli belli employor and employe, the employer by the increased int lligence and education ot his employes, and the employes by tho extra time in which to attend to iheir home life and their mental aud moral welfare, and bolieviug wo should unite in any measure that will benefit both, nud in ordor to do Justice to our employers and ourselves, will declare it to bo our duly lo urge by all proper moans in our power a reduction iu tho Lours of labor in our trade; therefore be it Iletttileed, That tho carriatro and wacou workers of Brooklyn, in mass mooting asfomblod, declare that after April 2, 1HS3, fifty tour hours shall constitute a week's work; and be It further That we pledge ourselves to uso all honorable and peaceable means to mako stt num. ber ol hours uniform lu Brooklyn and vicinity. clgHCdJ 1VII.I.I.UI SMITH, Thomas Hcssell. Denis Beuley. KOllEltT wASON, W.

J. McGUIKE. On motion the chairman wa3 ompowered to ap point, at his option, a commitleo io see that the foregoing resolutions are carried Into enect. In answer to request from tho chairman ihat tho omuloyers present their views In relation to the movomont Mr. John Vnndograw was the lirst tc respond.

Ho said: "1 heartily approve of the movement, but it presonts diCferouees that tho consumer must shoulder iu the way of prices. The only way to properly attain tho ond you have iu view is to lorin a comutuattou ot mo employor anu employe. I am In full sympathy wiih the sotitimottt of your resolutions, and would suggost that you appoint a committee to coulor wiih thn consumers." Mr. H. M.

Crotly thou said: "I am In favor ot giving my mon nino hours per dav, but that soutl inont must bo uuivorsal among iho manufacturers iu Brooklyn. If thoy will combine to do this tho name of my firm will find a first pla on the list I would sooner employ ion nil hour, satisfied men than twenty ten hour, ili saiislled men, and would come out ahoad, with more and bottor work." Mr. Patrick Barrett then addressed the meeting and said that one of the greatest troubles In tho trade both to employer and employe was tnal thero were too many men in tho businoss who did not know Iho dilTcrence between a wtiiflletree and a dashboard, lie wanted to see the trade relieved of the ignorauco among manufacturers as well as inefficient tradesmen. Ilo sympathized with the movement. Tho meetiug thon adjourned.

ST. NICHOLAS JIAG.tZINE. A Number of Interest to Youth and ICIdcrs Alike. St. JS'ichulai for March abounds in intd Its frontl9pioeo is an excolleut engraving Dyko's picture of young Prlnco Charles.

Ancient Ununt of Pirates," by Eugoue V. Sml is a very readable account of the scouos of the II piracies at tho mouth of tho Mississippi Itnlly illustrated iu Creole, negro and other iana character aud local scenury, by G. W. Ken The artist has ad lod to his old reputation. "TriJ In tho by Krnest K.

Thompson, is a curli contribution lo practical woodcraft or tho tacllca hunting. Tho fiobart Treasure is by Campbell. Tho Peoplo Wo by Stockton, the twelfth of the series, givos somo sketches of iutjro i characters in the author pleasant stylo; Bide," by Robert E. Toner, Is exciting enough to satisfy moro than the average advjuture craving boy. ''The Brouzed Kid by Marion Douglas Is for younger jhildhnod.

Edward Athoy," bjj Koy McTavisli, is as usofulns It Is ontortniaiug In Its revolution of mining mysteries. It is excellently illustrated. "Child Sk ichos from George Eliot" la by Julia Mngrtnler, 'Tho Pig that Nearly Caused War," by Julian Kalph, lsau amuslug statement of our relations with Groat Britain on our extromo Northwestern boundary. Onatoga's Sacrifice" is an Indian story by John Dlmitry. John Preston True continues "Drill," his Mory ol school military liTo.

Edgar Mayhow Bacon gives instances of sccH dental nlith art, with his own Illustrations. "Some Work for Lent," and also for hopltal alleviation. Is indicatod by Louise Stockton. There aro, beside, the usual diversions of the Riddle Box, tho Letter Box, Jack in tho Pulpil, etc. OPK Oil I LDSr.U i To the Rhtor of the Kagl The recent stir us to the matter of burial caskets and tho public exposure of the dead at funornls nHonls opportunity for medical men to express their opinions.

I am glad to learn ihat thero is one church odifico where the open coffin is not allowed. The dead are rarely embalmed or receive any thorough antheptic treatment rendering them innocuous. For this reason tlituo should be a law requiring tho undertaker to sceurely close tho casket as soon as the remains aro placed therein. A glass may be inverted iu the lid for thoso who wish to seo tho dead, but tho disgusting and dangerous custom of and kissing tho corpse, botli In tho homo and church, weald bo effectively prevented, as well as tho omission and diffusion of infectious efltu via Tho experience nud observation of thirty yoars give emphasis to this suggestion. Will the Board ot Health movo in the matter? Physician.

BKOOKxra, February 27, 18S8. II n.lD A WIIISTLHO K.IB. George Weyhrauch, of 223 McDougal street, was among tho Jurors In tho Court of Suasions who were; excused yesterday. He had a wnls tllriff I lu 818! HeliJMH "I In the Eeliffious and Social Enterprises of the City. The First Pnbife Meeting or tho Town; Troinea'i Christian Assoelntion What It Has Already Dono and What It Hopes to Do.

Fifteen minutes before tho opening music at the meeting to couaidor the interests of a Young Woman's Christian Association last night, every seat had been taken iu Association Hall and a hundred persons were standing at the doors and In the aisles. It was the first public mooting given under tho auspices of the recently organized association, which has its headquarters in the Jehnston Building, at No vlns stroot and Flatbush areuuo. On tho platform were ex Mayor Seth Low, the Rov. Dr. R.

S. Storrs, the Rov. Dr. R. R.

Meredith, C. D. Wood, tho Hon. Joshua M. Van Cott, tho Rev.

Dr. L. T. Chamberlain, T. J.

Backus, John Truslow, William H. Male, the Rov. Dr. McLeod, the Rov. Dr.

A. J. Lyman and the Rev. Dr. R.

S. Pardingtsn. Mr. Low presided aud after the overture by the Y. M.

C. A. orchestra he announced the singing of the Coronation hymn. Mr. Low then briefly stated the object of tho meeting and the proposed work of tbo association.

He said; It will not be news to the people of this city that a Young Woman's Christian Association has been formed here. It Is, however, a thing thoy nro glad to know. It does not fall to tho ladies of Brooklyn to be pioneers In this work. Other cities have led successfully. If I were to try to name any ono ele meut In our national life that coutribuies to our prosperity, I think I would find It in the iraotabiJity that is Illustrated in those ladies following faithfully iu tho footsteps of those who have sncceedod in similar great undertakings.

There is a large class of young ladles In this city to whom this association will be literally a Godsend. Tho association has already established a boarding house directory of places where young ladles can safely mnko thoir homes. These boarding houses aro not soiocted haphazard, but by persons.1 visits, and an assurance is given that the places aro such as wo would be willing to havo our own daughters entor. They also havo established a law counsol bureau at which any woman may come for legal rodress. A Bible class has been formed and thero are to be an employment bureau and educational classes.

These are the objects and metiious of the Y'oung Woman's Christian Association. Tho association Is Christian in motives and aims. Without any thought of pitronizlng their sisters, but to bo of holp, they havo formed this society. To cultivate the body and protect their logal rights, to their inluds is not enough, but any woman that will may come and driuk of tho water of life freely. This Is the motto ovor the rooms ot thoir Bible classos.

Because thoso young womoa are so willing to be helpful this association appeals to Brooklyn with confidence to sustain it and carry it onward in its groat and benoflcent work. The Rev. Dr. Storrs was then introduced and said Tnero is something very pleasant in tho name of this organization the Youug Woman's Association tho breath of Spring is upon it, the charm of sex and the flavor of Vouth. It is further consecrated by the title Christian.

It is possible for youug women to form an association that is not Christian. This association aims at helpfulness aud mutual culture. If this matter of legal protection nlono is carried out it 13 of vast importance. This institu tion has boen delayed to give the young men a chance The M. C.

A. was formud thirty five years ago, aud it may have boen In recognition ot tho fact that the young womon are that much ahead of tho young men that they gave them this start. I know that this association will be incentive of good things. That which a woman dovisos and glvos herself to is sure of success. I believe this Institution will invent new modes of usefulness, and by mooting together for counsel and co oporatlnn will moro and more contribute to tho current that is swooping ovor all tho land toward unity In action and unity in spirit of those who march under the Christian banner.

Tho Hov. Dr. Chamborlaiu said: It Is a wonder that the formation of such an association as this was not coincident with tho esiab lishmoutof tho city. Now at all events tho great work is undoi taken. Women's work for womeu is tho inspiring watchword.

Forecasting tho future of this humane enterprise 1 recall how womon havo wrought courageously aud wol). From tho time whou Esthor saved her nation and Ruth was tho incarnation of filial love wi. rami's mind has plannod graciously nud woman's baud worked grandly. It is Fraucos Wil lard who loads tho organized host of leiuperauco women on to victory. It is Mrs.

Stowo who looks back to tho ma.ehless share in tho emancipation of tho slave. It is Mrs. Cloveland who, In her radiant, lovely beauty, her unsoiled simplicity, charms ovory hoart. Tho ltev. Dr.

Merodlth expressed his pleasure at having anything to do iu so grand an enterprise as thB inauguration or a young woman's Christian association. Tho numberof young women in Brooklyn who are wageworker.s he estimated at 00,000. "Tney not only havo the responsibility of self said tho speaker, "but havo many iu addiiiou others depoudeut upon them. They livo in no home for by no stretch of imagination could nny onu call a boarding house a home. Thoy are bo girt with penis, subject to tho featfulest temptations tempted oy weariness and discouragement that ever and anon almost bind them iu captivity iu a city whore thero aro hundreds of vile, debauched, heodlesd and brutal men, who lio in wait for them with tho ferocity aud rolentlessnoss of tigers and wtiero thoro aro thoso who lu outward form are womeu, but aro so in nothing elso, who would trip their steps.

To a woman struggling from hand to hand It only needs a little disturbance of commercial life to throw hoc out of omploymont. lu tho riot and rush aud ravage of a city life It Is pitiful to see young women lighting for moro bodily respite. What wonder if, opon to strong solicitations of ovil, thoy faint and la Thank God there aro thoso who llnd the possibilities, ovon iu this life, of Christian culture; young womeu who can say, My soul is not a paupor." In crowded, foul rooms, workiug twelve hours for 5'J cents, making overalls for cents a pair, ladles' cloaks of fine material, lined wit. quilted silk und satiu and trlmmod with furfor $1 a pioce, what hopo is there There are tremendous temptations that como with povorty. Promoters of this association, you havo a groat and glorious work before you, putting tho sinking from the dopths.

unvailing to the public foul and inhuman abuses. If you could uucovor the iunor lives of these poor womeu you would seo a coustaucy of purpose uud purity of sentiment Hint would gladdon tho hearts of tho nngols. Very low out of this host of tempted uud toiling women fall. Thoy stand and bravely fight the nuttle against all odds. Those women are worth your work.

This is tho public initiation of a most magnificent undertaking. Tho children of the children's children will seo it in its glory anil count it a joy to give it an impulse. It ia a grand rnove mout iu lis Infancy. Dowu iu tho fiuuro I see a vasi growth with great buildings all over the city. It will be fashionable for every rich man 10 put in his will a bequost for tho establishment of one of tbeso buildings, and In 10(1 years there will 100 of fully equipped establishments iu difloreut pans ot the city," Mr.

Low announced that a business mau on tho platform had pruseuted to tho association a sowing machine and a typo writer, another had givon $100 and anothor $23. Tho subscription and momborship blanks woro then passed around among tho audleuce. Francis Flshor Powers sang and Dr. Meredith closod tho meeting with tho oeuediction. FISHING THROUGH THE ICE.

Brooklyn Piscatorial Artists at Mam linKlin 13 kc. During the past week the members of the Unit Fish ng Club, of this city, havo beeu amusing themsolvos by cutting through ice two foot thick ou Lake Orange County. They didn't want tho Ico, but were after tho sturdy, but now torpid pickerel, of which they captured about forty good specimens. Tlio club consists of niue mom bora, seven of whom wero present John II. Grcslmm, Petor C.

Brown, "Muuz" S. Brown, William Zang, Thomas Doniou, John P. Taafo aud J. B. Mabio.

Thoy woro accompanied by the following guost3: Supervisor Henry S. Rnequlu, Lucius Brackotl.Ferdiuand Young and Goorge Zipp. Tho members and their guests passed their tlmo very agreeably in tho protty two story club houso ou tlio shore of tho luko when thoy woro not fishing through tho ico. Very comfortable provision was mado for the Inner man, and two cooks wore engaged for tho occasion. During the week various forms of amusement woro indulged 1b and ihe crack of the rlflo was almost as much heard as tho crack of the Ico.

A powerful mtilo team in front of a three soatod sleigh flitted about tho lake from tlmo to tlmo, which proved a now experience lo the town mon, accustomed to blooded horsosou tho road. Mossrs. Kasqulu and Zipp banuled tho ribbons altoruatoly and considerably increased tho girth ol their biceps In doing so. Tho Supervisor took the palm for seductive persuasiveness ovor the kickers, thoy being known as throo of a kind." Tho party was strictly temperate, nothing stronger than native Jackapple boing consumod, which is supposed to havo Inspired Zang to heroic doods in hauling In a now specic3 of fish known as a spocklod rock bass. During the week Supervisor Rasquln, on behalf of tho guests, presented tho club with a handsomo twelve foot burgee bearing the inscription, "Unit Fishing Club." MUTUAL INSURANCE COMPANIES.

BtookJyn Corporations Which are Do Ins Quite Well. The following additional annual statements of Brooklyn co operaiivo Insurance companies were filed yesterday with tho Stato Superintendent of Insurance at Albany: AMRKICAN WOliKMAN'S LIFE INSURANCE SOCIETY. Momborship fees SGil.OO Annual dues I.ZLit 0 Iti.iiJ.'l li.V!11.71 07X20 Total income Total paid by members Total disburngmnms Balance December 31, 18U7 Invested assets Olner assets Total liubili.ies 01)0 FELLOWS' MUTUAL BENEFIT ASSOCIATION. As sessinon ts SB 1:1,472.20 1 otal income 13.rlf,.U0 Total paid oy motnliiTS 12,771. U0 Total disbursements lil.

:7 Balance Ueceinbor 31, 1887 1,113.118 Invested assets Mo liabilities. DESPERATE FIGHTING IN NEW JERSEY. A Itrooklyn Hoy H.oscs His Bout on a Foul. The annual boxing tournament of the Scottish American Athlotic Club occurred in Jorsoy City last night. Tho first bout for 115 pounds men was desperate battle between M.

McCaffrey and D. O'Leary. The latter knocked McCaffrey clear through tho ropes. Uo was only saved from having hie nock brokon by being caught by bis handlers whllo bo was falling off tho platrorm. F.

Donovan won from D. O'Brien, but on refusing to moot M. Moran for tho final bout tho latter was awarded the modal for the bantam weights. John C. Rogers, of and J.

McCormick came togother for the welter weight championship. The Brooklyn boy fouled McCormack and was therefore disquoll fled. T. J. O'Day won the wrestling match from W.

E. SklRman. The charge of issuing worthless brbuBht' against Manager Locke, of tho National Were They Self Inflicted George F. Dutcher by The Charities Commissioner! Begin an Inrestifration in the t'aio of the If jc tcrious Dentil at the Insane Asylum. The Charities Commissioners visited tho Iniano Asylum at Flatbush yesterday afternoon for tho purpose of investigating tho case of Mr.

George F. Dutcher, who died iu that Institution Monday of last week. They met at 1:30 o'clock in tho parlor adjoiuiug tha dluiugroom. Beside Commissioners Kay, JJyno3 and Gott thoro wero present Secretary Toal, llrs. Arnold and Forris, suporintondont and assistant superintendent of the asylum, and Dear, a friend of the lato Goorge F.

Dutcher. Secretary Toal read tho report of the doctors iu refereuco to Mr. Dutcher while he was confined at the Asylum. Iu this report it was stated that Mr. Butcher, the night ho had boon brought to the Asylum, was strong ouough to walk; that ho was not violently insane, but tnat his conversation was rambling.

Ho moved about restloisly and continually asked to bo allowed to go home. Dr. Mocomber, tho physician in charge of tho ward in which Mr. Dutcher had been confined, said: Dutcher appeared 10 bo a feeble man ot about 70. Tho morning uf tor he came to the asylum tho day attendant reported to me that Mr.

Dutcher had bruised himself by wandering around his room In tho night and striking his head against the walls. This happened betwoen 5 and IS o'clock in the morning aud Hie circumstance was added lo the report of tho night watchman after it had boon made out. The report was made to mo at breakfast iu tho morning at o'clock. Commissioner liynes Doctor, would it have been possible for Dutcher to have hud any trouble with tho night watchman? Dr. Maconiher No, sir; I think not.

Mr. Dutehor did not look liko a man with whom anybody would havo had trouble. He was not Ylolout. Dr. further stated that tuero was no bedstead iu Mr.

Butcher's room; that it was the custom to place patients whoso habits wero not known upon a mattress placed on the floor, the bedstead being removed for tho first ono or two nights. Tb.i4wn.Ht0 prevent tho possibility of tho patient's falliug from tue bedstead. Dr. Ferris testified that tho nigh' watchman was a roliablo man and had never boon known to strike a patient. Ho had beeu lu tho Asylum two years.

Dr. Ferris was asked If tho conveniences at the Asylum were suflleionl for tho piopor reception of patients. iCaelt patient, he said, was placed In a separate room, and, In tho doctor's opinion, this was tue moihod recognized as best throughout tho country. Ouo of theadvunlagos of tueSt. Johnland Asylum was that it had separate rooms in rojily to a question asked by Commissioner Itay Dr.

Ferris slated that each patient wus visited by an attendant every hour. He then explained iu detail the duties of the attendants. In reference to the bruisoB on Mr. Dutcher body Dr. Ferris said thai he had inquired into the matler aud that the nigh! uurso had reported no bruises, while the day nurse had found him bruised, iio could not find out how tho bruises hud beeu produced, but lie explained that a slight blow upon tho body of a man of Mr.

Dutcher's ago would produce discoloration. Dr. Mccomhor affirmed that this was usual aud Dr. Ferris stated that this was more apt to happou iu cases of paralysis whore patients wero apt to stumbio over obstacles. In reply lo a question Dr.

Ferris stated that tno bruises wero not such as would cause death. Ho said that, apparently, Mr. Dutcher had died from exhaustion. Ho had refusod food from tho time he entered tho Asylum and had lived ou whisity and milk. Frederick.Goedeke, tho reception attendant, staled that Mr.

Dutcher had boeu ablo to walk wnen he was received; that ho was rcailess aud wauled to go home. Mr. Dutcher was not violent aud struggled a little only when ho was given his bath, lie was confident that Mr. Duicher had received no bruises mere. Altendaut Goedeko's partner, Mr.

McMauus, unlocked tho doors of tho rooms at G.aOA. aud found that thoro were bruisosou Mr. Dutcher lace, that bis eyes were also discolored. It was the duty of tho night watchman to report not only to tho ductors, but If anything unusual happened during the night to the day nurses also. report Had been mado ol this caso to tne day uursos.

Dr. Forris explained that tno uignt attendants had not considered this ease wormy 01 spociai rouorl. iiuireiie Tally, the watchman who had charge of Mr. Dutcher's ward, Btaied that ho vlsitod him about five times during tlio ulgut. 1 no lirst lour limes Dutcuer was aloejiiug quietly.

Tho last time no was awake, but quiet. Tnis wus about 0 o'clock A. und thoro wore at that tune uo bruises on Mr. Dutcher face. Mr.

Duicher was visited next at A. M. by tho day nurse, and men mo bruises were discovered. The day nurse was Mc.iiauus, and ho reported 10 Mr. Tally at 0.2(1 that Mr.

Dinchei's face was bruisod. Mr. Tally looked at Mr. Duicnor and decided that ho had re ceived his injurios by fulling against tho walls of his room. William Mc.Manu3, tho day nurse, stated that Mr.

Dutcher was walking around his room when ho opened tho door at ho was wrapped up iu his blanket which was taueiod around nia arms. Ho thouehi that Mr. Dutcher bad tripped in tho blatik et, falling against the walls, and thus injured himself; thoro wore blood stains ou tho walls iu two places. Mc.uanus took tue blaukot off of Dutcner and discovered that he was brulsod on his forehead, kuoos aud olbows; bis eye was discol head. Dear, tho friend of Mr.

Dutcher, thought it strange tnat when McMauus first saw Mr. Duicher his eye was discolored. Do did not think dlseul oraiiun could take Dlaco so soon. Dr. Arnold stated that discoloration could take placo wilhiu fifteen minutes after the time the blow nad 00011 received, notu tno day and nigiu attendants posiiively deuied thai Mr.

Butcher's nose bad been broken. Mr. Dear stated that the undertaker who had charge of Mr. Dutcher's remains had told him that his bauds had been badly scratched. Mc.Munus said that ho had no scratches ou hii; hands when ho saw him.

William Shannon, supervisor of tho Asylum, substantiated the statements made by tho attendants. He. howover, thought It strange that Mr. Dutcnor'd oyo had blackened so suddenly. Mr.

Dear asked if Dutcher's nose was straight when Mr. Shannon saw him. Mr. Shannon aud Dr. Forris both stated that the uoso was straight when thoy saw Air.

Dutcher. The body was afterward taken to the Morgue and an autopsy was made. Air. Dear statod that when ho saw Mr. Dutchor'a remuius tho noso wastwistod lo ono side.

Mr. Dear also asked if Mr. Dutcher's face had been wushed alter lie had received his injuries. Dr. Macoinber slated that il had been.

Then Mr. Dear asked why it was that when Miss Charlton, his adopted niece, called ou Mr. untcuor she had found him witn his hair clottod witii blood. Sho had boon compolled, ho said, to get hot water and bathe the old gentleman's taco. 'jnoro was oioou on it and matter was running from one oyo.

Dr. reaffirmed that Mr. Dutcher had received ourolul attention, and that his face had beeu carefully washed. The restless tossing of the head on the pillow might, he thought, have started the blood again from the slight abrasion ou his forehead. It was then deuidod that the investigation would bo continued at 10 clock next Wednesday morn lug, when Mr.

Dutchora family physician, his nieco, the undertaker and others connoctod with tho case would bo examlued. VERY SHAKY HOTELS. The Ocean Man Almost Seized Its Prey at Coney Island. A large number of people visited Brighton Beach Sunday to aoo what damage had recently been done to tho Brighton and Ocean hotels, us well as to the beach itsolf. They also desired to eoe what was boing dono toward moving tho Brightou Hotel back some distance.

The storm of Saturday carriod away a largo part of the beach under both hotels, and particularly tho Ocean The driveway, notwithstanding tho mattrosslng, dono by ordor of tho Park Commissioners, has been damaged to a great extent. Colonel Edward I. Langford, secretary of the Brighton Beach Kailroad, when epokon to by an Eagle reporter yesterday morning about moving the holol, said: "Everything is progressing splendidly aud we will bo able to movo it in about two or three Mr. George II. Engeinan said: Under uo circum stances shall I move the Ocean IIoiol back, as I do not consider it wise.

I do think that the beach will mako up again." "How do you account for tho beach continually wearing away?" a skod tho reporter. "Well, I don't know, unless it Is by roasoa of that bar that has formed oft Hockawuy Beach." Prompt action will bo necessary lo prevent tho Ocean Hotel from falling and Mr. Engeinan has ordered tho work of placing more spiles under It to be commenced immediately. Apparently there has boon little or no damage douo at the Manhattan or Oriental hotels. IN MEMORY OF MR.

BEECUER. Special Anniversary Services to bo Held in PlyinomU Church. On March 8, which will bo the first anniversary of tho death of ltev. Henry Ward Beecher, a special service in his memory will be held iu Plymouth Church, under the auspices of tho Sun day school. An address will bo mado by Dr.

Lyman Abbott, tho present acting pastor of the church, aud Dr. Charles II. Hall, of Holy Trinity Protestant Episcopal Church, who officiated at Becoher's lunoral, will probably bo presout aud make a few remarks. Tho musical exercises, will consist of several pieces sung by a double quartet, and two of Mr. Boocher's favorlto hymns will be sung by 100 children.

Love Divine, All Love Excolllng," set to tho tune of "Beecher," will be sung by the whole Sunday school. The interior of the church will be decorated with flowers. Tho body of tho church will be reserved lor tho Sunday school and the galleries will bo thrown open to the public. Admission to the service will bo by tickets only. Thoy can bo procured on application to tho officers of tho church.

GEORGE B. MARSHALL'S DEATH. Clerk George 13. Marshall, of the cashier's department of tho Post Office, dledfiit 11 o'clock last evening at his residence, 1,818 Bedford avenue, from peritonitis, in the 33rd year of his ago. Saturday moraine Mr.

Marshall loft for work as usual but was unable to reach the office. He had had trouble in his stomach the day before and tho pains were bo intense Saturday morning that ho wa3 compellod to leavo tho horse car and enter a drug store ou Gates nveuue. An ambulance was called and he was sent homo, where he died as above staled. Mr. Marshall ordered tho Brooklyn Post Office In Soptomber, 1SSC, whence lie had come from a slx years' service in the foreign department of theNow York office.

He loaves a larco circle of fiends. PAT FAItLKT A TIP DOltlS. Considerable speculation is being indulged in over tho coming glove contest to a finish between Pat Farley, of tho Ninth Ward, this city, and Tip Doris, of Harlem, which is sot down to tako place wlllilu tho next ten days. Both pugilists aro training yet, aud a good contest is looked for should it not be stopped. Last evening a bot of $150 apiece on the result was made In a saloon in the Ninth Ward between a Brooklyn sport and a Washington butohsr.

Considered at Monday's Meeting of the Board of Trustees. Action of the President and Superintend, ent in Granting Risht of Oterway Sin tained The Rieht Terminable on Dae Notice The Resolution to Let Spaces for Advertising Unanimously Rescinded. A Hiffbly Interesting: Session. The Board of Bridge Tiustees held ft special mooting yesterday afternoon for tho purpose as elated iu tbo call, considering the question ter Biiual facilities, the Barnes plan for the terminus, whether or not there is to bo a distributing platform and to reconsider tho resolution authorizing tho insertion ol advertisements in tho bridge cars. Trusleos Davis, Bush, Thurber, Keener, Barnes, Anderson, Swan, Howell, Livingston, Iiigglus and Mollonhauer responded wlidn Secretary Beam called the roll.

On motion of General Karnes the matters Cor the consideration of tho mealing wore taken up in tho ordor aboro named. Before dlscusslou on the quoslton tlio terminus opened tho following communication was road: Brooklyn, February 27, ISSS. Jlrmorab'e Board of Trustees, 1'orfc And Brooklyn Br Gentlemen I understand that this special meeting is called for tho purpose, among other things, of taking final action on the plan for the Brooklyn Station, known as the Barnes plan. You will probably remember that a commutes of your Board was appointed, several month since, to consider the whole subject of terminal facilities, with instructions to report to Hoard. This committee appointed aboard of expert eu ginoors to discuss tho wbole subject of terminal facilities, with instructions to report to the committee recommending a plan for tno New York terminus.

Toe report of this board of experts has not yet been acted upon by your committee, and as tho questions involved are thy lnoel important that come before your Honorable Body, and that should be treated iu the most comprehensive manner, 1 venture to recommojid that ilual action be deferred until this whole subject can be discussed iu tno light of their investigation. It is conll iently expected that four car trains will bo in use during tho mouth of April. This will temporarily relieve me crowded couditiou of tho cars and giro time to enre fnlly and exhaustively treat tho whole subject. Respectfully submitted, C. C.

Maktin, Chief Engineer and Superintendent. President Howell stated that a special committee of himself and Clarke and Donaid hsd been at work on tno Now York terminus que lcon lire mouths, and on Friday last tho report of tho committee of export engineer appointed over a year ago to consider die terminus question, wus submitted, along with a recommendation tha, mo bridge engineers bo direetcd to pre puro plans iu accordance with Hie report. The special committee of which Mr. ilowoll was a member, he said, had nut met ou Friday, although thoy woro to have duua so. on aoveuM of the sickness of Clarke and the absence ol McDonald iu Australia.

The president recommended tho adoption of Chief Kugineer suggestion. It was bettor to wait until the Hoard could hare both reports before litem so that they might act intelligently. General Barnes Will we have to wait until returns from Not ueeeasurUy," replied Mr. Howell, we can order llio plans to bo drawn on the expert committee's report. Thai would take two mouths anyhow." Bush though' ihe question of New York aud thatoi llrooklyu torminal faciliiios should bo con Didorod at the same lime.

Presiuent Howell urged Hi an additional reason for postponing action tuat the question of ruuniug elevateu railroad trains over tue bridge should be consi lered and an opportunity given the bridge engineers to consult with liocbling about the feasiUldy of such a scheme. Chief Engineer Mania had expressed the opinion Ihat the bridge could be made strong enough by means of trussoi to sustain elevatod trains running alo ig tracks above the present bridge tracks. Tnis is an important matter," concluded the speaker, ''and wo should noi act upon it Iiusiily. hatevor we do now will tix tho carrying capacity of the bridge for all time to come." Mr. Bush moved that the consideration bo postponed us rec mineiulc'l by Chi Engi.

General Barnes i'uat puts off the nutter mdeli nitely. President Howell Well, it's no1, like a mutter of buying a yard of calico ur a pair ol bonis. Wo ought to wait unlil we are sure wo are going to do the best tiling. Bush Yo migln include in tho n. solution a provision that ttie plans be drawn and report made to the Hoard with all convenient speed.

The metioB agree 1 to. President llov.vll was alioia lo pass on to the reconsideration of tho resolution in reference to advertising in bridge cars, when General Sanies gnid: "There is eoiiK ining more involved iu the question iu regard lo the elevated plat lonn tuau teat of mere terminal facilities. Ji ie a mailer of common report that a certain elevated railroad company is threat jiiii; to throw iis tracks over our structure, and wo also hear that they iiavo a legal right to i so This manor of connection is one in wnich equal for all the elevatod roads should lie provided. 1 think we should tako time by the foroloc'i ami throw up such a. guard as will insure us piot jetum trom any su Buddeu march as that which lurentcne I.

1 movo that our eugiueers be instructed lo put up a structure corresponding to a plalioi ni, so as lo occupy tile spuve and prevent any inroad. While i am willing to let tho question of the terminus stand iu abeyance, yet 1 think wo snount tako Ihia measure to protect ourselves." Mr. Anderson At a tiiis Board, hold January 0. Keeney offered a resolution that tno mutter of tho co.iueciion of llio elevated roads with the bridge be referred to the president and too Euperjiiteu icut with power. As no report has been mado by those gentloinen, 1 lake for granted that any resolution conflicting with too powers vested in is out of order uow.

General Baru. a stales thai tne elevated railroads claim certain riglits in tii is matter by charier. Tnon why snutild wo iu iittgaliou by taking this stop?" Why should wo not consult counsel and see if il is so? Busn think that the position 1 took on tho rpieEtiou of allowing our tracus ro be crossed by tho Vuiou olevated road at the last moeiing xvas well understood at the time and my object iu taking the tand that 1 did was to put this board in a position to stop our tracks from being jumped oy tiie elevated roads. 1 thought also that wo should defer action on ihe Barnes plan till our nest meeting in order that wo might meauwnilo gel a report from our board of ex; ens and be onabl. to vote in telligo on the ii iestioii.

After the meeting I a conference with General Uarnes and wo agreed on this. A fen' days later 1 was iuformed by him that too Union road had begun work looking to ihe ereetiou of its pillars. was on the point ol coruiug over to Brooklyn from New York, intending to see President Howell and consult our counsel about tho matter, but was compiled to postpone my trip and was meauwhile caUo upon by tno counsel for the Koad who said they had no intention of jumping the bridge tracks uud would not attempt io do or to iuiertore witu our terminus, or do anything without first consulting this Board. Tho gentleman who spoke to me is an Honorable man and his word is as good as his bond. I also had tno assurance of a director of the road to tlio same effect, aud his word Is as good as his bond.

1 thought It was sale enough to let the whole matter rest as it was, as I Understood aud they understood that tho whole question of tho terminus was to lie OTor till our xtoxl regular meeting. 1 know these gentlemen to be men of iheir word. I nave been assured of the willingness of the Union Company to abide by an instrument ol agreement ith ihis Board providing that should we consent to allow them lo cross our trackB ihoy will, upon thirty days' notice, remove their structure at any time should this Botrd 11. id that It would iuicrtoro with the building ol ours. 1 do not mink it fair to tho members ol iho Board who it: from this meeting, even if tho extou Bioii Committee has the right to report to a special mooting to act on this matter to uay.

Since wo have come hero to day 1 have learned mat by a resolution of this Boaid passed January tho presi dent and superintendent wero deioguted tno power to make arrangements lor the connections of all tho elevaico roads, and that thoy have made an agreement for a eonneciion of the L'aiou road ac cording lo tne plan. Also, that tue Union road bus, acting on the agreement, goiio unead and made couti ac.s for irou and do on. 1 am of the opinion thai we should couaidor very carefully heforo going back on what lias been done; aud it tno Union road is willing lo make tjo agreenout 1 have jipoiten of 1 see no reason why wo snould not let the matler eland that way. President Howell I would state that, with the authority ol the resolution passed January Mr. Marliu and self gave ihe L'niou road permission to go ahead wnh its work that is, tho plan was for them to go oer our tracks to Fuitou street 1 aiso made an arrangement wiln the Kings County road thai they agreed to.

General baruos Well, gentlemen, I confess that 1 am taken wholly by surprise and, Mr. l'resideut. your statement is a very surprising one to mo. i do not know what to make of it, mat wliilo wo have been discussing this very mutter for two months In the committee you knew ol it and told us a syllable. I do not caro to take oicoption to the exercise of powers delegated to tho president aud superintendent by act of tnis Board, but why we Bhuuld be allowed to go on In too committee iu utter darkness, contriving how to avoid iho very Hung that had been done and yet never have a "word breathed to us by tno president, who was wiih us iu our sessions aud heard the whole disuusalo.i, is beyond my comprehension." If lliin thiug has been done, gentlemen, and wa cannot recall tho action, 1 caiiool but regard it as one of the greatest calamities mat could nave befallen tnis bridge.

If there is any way Under heaven or earth by which we can honorably annul, wnat has beeu done, 1 think we ought to do it before il is too late. I think that President Jlowell, wbile intending to do the very best thing ior tlio bridge aud for all concerned, has made a very great mistake. Bush It seems lo me we can't do anything but tand by tho action of Iho president aud superintendent. Tney wero property appointed witu power, and I for ono do not propose to give them a slup in the face by refusing to recognize their ueiiou. If wo wombers ol mo Board did not know what they had done It wis our own fault.

The timou road has gone ahead and made its contracts and wo cannot very well back out. Geueral Barnes Busn dwells upon the expense to whicn tno (jniou road may have goue as a rig ill of this arrangement. I woul.i be the last member of the Board to break a cu.iiract that has tieon made in full faitu. At tue same time, II wo can avoid what will surely bo a calamity by uny honoraole means, 1 foel that wo ought to do It, I offer this resolution in order lo lest tho disposition Of the the l'niou Company: llctolvci. That the president and suporintondont be quested seek a release from the contract made by them wi the Union road, this Board at the same time offering lo reimburse tho Union Company for any expenses that may have beeu in crrred by reason ol tueir having entered iulo Hie lOntract.

i Howel! Gentlemen, would state that before llio superintendent and I made the contract, ah me ulevuiod reads were satisfloJ und everything na amicably agreed upon. Afier all was settle i riB we thought lo uit o.crybody, tho first thing wo know tho Kings County road objects. Anderson roso ton point ol order, stating as bis ground that no action could be taken In reference io anything done by the president and superintendent under the pouors delegated to tbem January without lirai roe usideriug the rosoluiiou by which they wero delegated. Bush 1 think wo ought to stand by our committee wnetJior tno result is unfortunate or not. Bppoiuted them in good faun and tuoy havo dono What they believed to bo best 1 thorefore move that the action ol tno president and chief engineer in making this arrangement wiih ihe Uulou Kle Vated Koad bo confirmed by this Board and that they be requested lo incorporate iu tho contract a clause providing in substance that they will ngree, rmisidou' being given them to build across tho bridge tracks, iu case the bridgo auliioritlos desiro to make a change in their st'Ucture which will be Interfered with by the o.e ad, to remove it on thirl days' notice.

Mr. HiKgins I odor as an amendment that tho resolution lie over until our next moett g. kTbe motion was loBt by tho following vote: loas Ples sra. tt.oouey, Barnes, swan, iiiggtus o. sa Messrs.

Bush, 'ihurber, Anderson, no won, gstou, viouenuauer B. kBush re io wed his motion accepting several 110:1 ts onorea ty ucnerai names. IJiglaa I uudorslaud that tula coinmltWo ol ernor Alger's, John Wise, U. C. Lodge and George F.

Edmunds. Of the twenty two politicians asked but one replies adversely to the establishment of such clubs S. Wise, of Virginia, who seos in them at present a rod rag flaunted in the face of the Democratic bull. In Virginia at least. He is more partial to the still hunt style of political activ ity.

Sonator Edmands seems to favor tho plan of permanent clubs, noxt, perhaps, to some plan of bis own, not broadly proposed. The rost aro decided for the plan as an improvement on mere campaign caucusing, and eortainly if the multitudes of honest and good citizens in the Republican party have good, living principles, over and above cant of past performance, as a political stock In trade, thoy can not better chorish and illustrate them at present than iu sueh an organization. "Judas the Iscariot" Is an ingenious theory of tho Injustlco that may havo beon dono to ono who, la that case, was tho most downright aud intrepid of the followers of Christ. In It Mr. M.

D. Couway notes that not only did Judas hang himself for bringing on a collision between the Roman power and tho Christ, in which he lookod for tho utter defoat of the former, but that ho was tho only disciple who confronted the priests and elders with tho declaration of the innocence of Jesus. "Tho President's Puzzle" is a lively article by Andrew Carnegie, who assorts that the surplus which does not need reducing at all except by the discharge of tho Govornmont's obligations cannot be reduced by any reduction of tariff whlh would not frighten Democrats more than Republicans with the specter of ruin among manufacturers, or can only bo reduced otherwise by raiBlng tho. tariff to a prohibitive as well as a moro protective point, thus lessening importations. Edmund Kirko writes on reason in cats, or at least In a certain Kitty.

In The Two Messages John P. Irish defends tho President's policy iu tho snmo lively manner In which Mr. Carnogio attacks it, and with even more point of epigram, ancodoto and sarcasm, all of which leaves the tariff problem in all its old integrtcy to bo dealt with by some kind of experimental action. Gail Hamilton, in "The Lion's Sldo of the Lion Ouestlon," advocatos any and every legal holp to tho Indian in getting soma of the rights which tho nation has nevor considered Itsolf bound to respect. lucroaso of tho Standing Army is what Murat llulstead calls the putting of the telegraph into Government bands, with its 100,000 employes, giving it absoluto control in times of political agitation or commercial excltetuont, be side adding to tho burden of taxation for its main tenance.

Robert G. I ngersoll is as fluent and eloquent 011 Art and Morality us ho can he on or agalust Christianity. Meantime Mr. Gladstone is understood to be meditating an ortlelo in tho Xotth American on the religious opinions of the genial colonel." ilR. HART EXPLAINS.

Relations to Johnland Have Been Misrepresented. His To the Editor ofllu: Brooklyn Eaule: Not unlike a questionable rider attached to a passivo or negativo bill ou its pnssago through tho Legislature nro the remarks tacked ou to a recent communication from President Ray, of tho Charities Commission, to the Board of Suporvlsora, and published In tho Eaoi.k ouo ovoulug last week. Ou my return from a business trip out of town tho article reforrod to was pointod out to mo. It seomod to mo to call for a reply, although such a course would bo a luxury In which I had not thus far found it necessary to indulge. If you will kindly accord mo space iu your valuoblo journal to stato the facts I will bo greatly obliged, and if not I will survive, I hope.

Following tho communication referred to from Commissioner Hay to the Board of Supervisors and which, by tho way, principally consisted in point iug out defects in tho work already done at St Johnland, tho was pleased to comment thus: Tho work of which tho Commissionor complains is a pretty fair specimen of tho way things havo beeu douo at St. Johnland." As to tho truth or falsity of tho statement I know nothing and tliorc fore am not in a position to speak intelligently. The next paragraph is devoted to and purports to giro my connection with St. Johnland. uud as it is absolutely untruo iu every particular you will readily understand my desire to place mys If right iu tho matter.

It roads: "The two contracts for building tho Valloy Shoro road and for constructing the water pipes and sower system wore tho flratgiven out for St. Johnland work. Thn first of these was given to Charles Hurt at his bid price, $3,189.02. It cost tho county before Mr. Hart got through, $13, 54(1.

OS." This is not true. I nover had a contract wiih tho county for any work at St. Johnland, the bid price of which was and which nfior ward grew to $13.5111.08. I signed a contract with the CDUtity to remove earth from ouo placo to another in St. Johnland at 23 coins por cubic yard.

There was sharp competition for tho contract. I was tho lowost bidder and got tho contract. I had nothing whatovor to do with tho number of yards to bo moved. My duty lu the mattor was simply to transfer all tho earth that tho ougUeor for iho county deemed necessary for making the Valloy Shore road from one point to anothor and to soe that I was paid for every yard se transferred, which measurement was made by tho enginoor in charge. I had no moro to do wiih determining the amount of work to bo done or whon it was fla ishod than tho editor of tho Eagle.

When tho 011 giuoor announced tho work lluishod thero was nothing left for mo to do but pack up, winch I did, moving my mon, horses, otc, to Jersey City, where anothor contract awaitod me. If the work I did "crumbled away," as you say it did, I cannot understand why I should bo bold up to jiublic view as being responsible for whatever defects there may havo beon in tho work, under tho circumstances. I have boon for moro than twenty years a contractor in this city, and iho city or county contracts signed by mo in Hint timo bear but small proportion of tho grand total of work porformed by mo, and 1 haro no hesitation iu saying that thoy havo all beeu lived up to and faithfully performed. Let mo supposo a case which, I think, will identical wiih my connection in the St. Johnland mattor.

I go Into your business office and hand tho clerk au advortisemont. Ho tells me that It will mako four Hues and that the prlco will ho 25 cents por line or $1 for an insertion. I say lo tho clerk that as it is an important matter to me I wish it to occupy 100 lines of apneo. Now, iu that caso, I expect to pay $25 for tho increased space usod. That is, as near as I can got at it, my posi tiou in regard to the St.

Johnland contract. Since a great portion of my plant had beon moved to St. Jebnland for this work, I would havo boen ploased to continue removing hills and filling up dales ever Bince; but I had no choice in tho mattor whatever. While I have been more or loss the subject of newspaper comment for the past twenty yoara In reference to contracts that I have signod and work performed, this ia the first tlmo I havo stoppod long enough from a more than ordinary busy life to refute any charges that may have been made against mo, aud now that I have got thus far iu answer to tho latest It becomes a matter of grave doubt ia my mind as to whether it is not so much timo thrown away, or at least taken from a more profitable occupationto mo. Chahles IlAitr, 351) Tenth stkeet, February 22, 1838.

DOES BROOKLYN NKED FORCING? A Correspondent Who Criticizes Itlayor Cliapin, To the Editor of the Brooklyn Ragle It is not fluttering to say that your paper comes to mo with au acceptance of gladness from tho confldenro of expectation; that its vigorous editorials havo a meaning ao well emphasized and decisive thai there can bo no doubtful interpretation put upon them. And, too, they havo tho true ring of independence, always rising abovo parly scliemings to tho highor detnauds of patriotic duty ot tho public uoods. Is It my haaty and careless reading or my dullness of apprebonsion that 1 fall to see the docislveness of editorial thought and opinion oxpressod in tho comments on Mayor Chapin's lettor to Senator O'Connor that characterize similar productions? This lettor of the Mayor has a significance of uo light importance. On the supposition that tho Legislature wore im prossiblo enough to grant tho Mayor's requests and that his recommendations will bo put in force, what think you would bo tho result to Brooklyn? Put $8,000,000 or ilO.000,000 iulo tho hands of politicians for the construction of parks and markets, and such othor improvomonta as would bo devised, and think you that it would take livo years to put Brooklyn back under the limitations from which it has but Just emerged only through and by thoso limitations? What but this wise provision ever saved Brooklyn from bankruptcy Iler boomlnge brought her not to insolvency, it ia truo, but tho gross frauds for the so called improvements havo cost tho city an actual loss of $7,000,000 or $8,000,000, in ordor to ohtaiu tho $6,000,000 to which tho Mayor refers as a reduction of tlio cily dobt. Tho loss of tho $7,000,000 to the city was but tho eittallmont of a greater loss suffered by tlio taxpayors, whoso proporty was actually confiscated in too runny iustancos to fatten tho pockets of corrupt officials and equally dishonest contractors.

Twoed was less earoful to cover up his foot prints of corruption, but not moro fraudulontordishonest. And is it not fulr to suppose such an outflow of millions would not produco similar conditions 7 Are politicians or contractors bottor to day than heretofore What of Si. Johnland's con tract for $4 0,000 of work Docs Brooklyu need such forcing? 1 think not Veihtas. Brooklyn, February 23, 1833. SB1TIITOWN TAXES.

To the Editor of the Brooklyn f.ajle I havo noticed tbat tho people of Smithtown aro very anxious that tho Ciiy of Brooklyn should pay the town taxes for the acres bought fur a farm for the poor of this ciiy. In 1S.S3 tbo land in Smlih town was assessod, acres, at 0fi2.43j. This is a fraction over $21 an acre, and this is "the full and truo value." as sworn 10 by tho Assessors. Tho taxes could not be a largo amount. Whut was tho laud assessed at whon the city bought it? Not what tho city paid for It.

From 1873 to 1883 the acres wore Increased tho sum of $08,423. This is an IncroaBO of uot quite 1 2 10 por cent, in ten years. Brooklyn, February 25. 1883. B.

HISS J17LU A. STAliK. Miss Jnlia A. Start, a debutante elocution 1st will glva readings, entitled Evenings with mo 150 A It OF ALOEItMEN. Petition in Keicreuce to Silison l.islits ifli llie Companies.

Tiie Board of Aldermen met at 2 o'clock yesterday afternoon, with President Mccarty iu iho chair. A petition from property owners asking tho Board to give tho Edison Kloctdo Light Company consent to lay its wires aud conduits was referred lo tho Lamp and Gas Committee. There were 400 signors. Invitations wero received and accepted by the Board to review tho procession on St. Patrick's day.

Also, an invitation to attend tho installation of ltev. Dr. Talmage as chaplain of the Thirteenth Hegi meut. Flooded District judgments to the amount of between 48,000 and tT.bOO were ordered paid. Tho sum of $1,500 was set aside for repairs to the Municipal Building.

Aid. McKee offered a resolution directing the L. I. If. II.

Company to remove its tracks which cross l.orimer, Leonard, Eweu aud Humboldt stroota and Graham avenue, aud tj restore tlio slreols to their original condition. Tho trucks were formerly mod by tho Beach road, but hare beou abandoned. The Police Commissioner sent in reports of captains as 10 the eoruor gas lamiis upon which no sircet names wero displayed. Tho total was not given. Keferred to the Lamp aud Gas Committee.

Aid. Black offered a resolution requesting tha Cily Works Commissioner to repair Central nvenuo from Flushing avenue to ivy street nnu put it generally in such good condition as il was iu before the contest between tho railroad companies thoro. He said the work would cost about 4,000 aud it was the duty of tlio city to do it. Then proeeodiugs co ild bo brought against the railroad companies to recover ihe amount if they would not otherwise pay it. Ho amended tho resolution by adding a provision iiiai such proceedings should be instituted.

The si reel was in an impassable condition beeaine of th" lael thai it had been torn up, and if tire should occur thoro, tho engines could not got through. Aid. Cofly questioned the propriety ol interference while the cti of tiie railroads was in court, lie moved a reference of the whole matter to tho joint CommiltDO on Law und Builroads aud tho Corporation Counsel, in order that the Board might be advised by the latter as to or not the cily had authority to net in llio matter. Aid. Cortoy also mado tho point that the companies ought to pay the expenses and that tho resolution of Aid.

Black did not state whore the money for the work as 10 come from. Aid. McCrath warmly supported Aid. Black and said il looked as if Aid. ColToy wanted to protect ihe railroad companies.

Aid. Corfey replied that Aid. McGrath must have misunderstood him. for ho eortainly did not desire to protect tfto railroad corporations. Jf tho Board had a right 10 rouea! tho grant to tho Atlantic avenue llailroad Company (which lease I It to iho cablo company in advance), ho teas tti favor of repealing il, he explainod, "they never got it in good lai and never inlendod to." After a great deal of talk tho mailer was referred to tho Joint committee, with the understanding that tho committee should Invite all parties interested to appear before It, and thai it should rejjort iu two weeks.

Tno keoper was directed to havo tho City Hall decorated ou St. Patrick's day at an exjienso not 10 oxcoed $150. Aid. Smith offered a preamhlo and resolution In reference to gas. Tho preamble sot forth that the Logislaturo of 1887 had reduced tho price ot ga3 from f2 to that many complaints wore mado of the infer! ir quality, and that bills wero even highor than last year.

Tlio resolution directed the City Works Commissioner to havo inspected and tested tho quality and quanity of gas used on tho streels an report tho result lo tho Board. Aid. Smith said the speeilicatious of the contracts provided for such inspection at the expense ot the companies. Aid. ColToy contended that if an expert waste be called In to mako tho inspection and tesi tho Committee on Lamps and Gas should have the employ, meut of him, instead of having an expert paid by the gas companies.

Ho had no doubt that ihe quality of tho light was not what it should be. He movud to refer to tho Lamps and Gas Committee. that it might report what the cost of an oxpert Would be. This was lost, and tho original resolution was adopted. A petition was received from O.

YV. Carey and othors for tho renumbering of Fulton street, "so that the numbers may be more oven and straugora may bo aided." Thoy also asked that numbers Uo displayed at intersecting streets. Keferred. THE PROSPECT H.tKRlERS. Large Numbers of the Boys Turn Out for a Moonlight Itiiu.

Tho Prospect Harriers last night bad a big crowd out for a moonlight run over the long course around Prospect Park, a distance of throo miles and a half, for a silver modal given by E. L. Crabb. wasa handicap run; only tfroso that had not won a cup or modal could compote. Fifteen started from tho Prospect Park Plaza entrance at P.

M. J. Taomason, whoso handicap wa3 3 mluute3 aud 10 seconds, came iu first iu 23 minutos and 50 seconds; A. K. Nelson, second; J.

Trathor, third; E. W. Freoth, fourth; Harry Growtage, fitth, the lattcrs running time being 22 minutes 21 seconds, tho lusloBt of the pack. Judgos at fluish Mossrs. C.

Schwaluach and C. A. Dollar. Timekeeper Mr. E.

L. Crabb. Tho JJrooklyn Athletic Association will hold Its annaal mooting to morrow evening, after which a smoking convivial will bo held iu tiie club parlors. Mr. Harry M.

Covort, of tho Leo avonuo Academy, will put forth his best efforts to ontortain thoso present Koonoy, of tho B. A. A. baso ball team, will open tho coming season on April 7 with a match agalust the Williams College team. On the 14th of April he will play tho Staten Islaud Cricket and Baso Ball loam at Staten island.

Tho Glonmoro Hod and Gun Club will hold their regular monthly shoot at Dextor's Park, L. to morrow. HOT THE GOVERNMENT. The Universal to be Completed, but Not to bo Sold. Herman Liebmauu was asltod yesterday whether there was any truth In tho rumor that tho Universal had been sold or that a contract to soil tho building to tho United States Government had boon made.

dear boy," said he, with a sparkle in his black eyes, "you know more than I do about it. You ought to know, though, and doubtless do, that a law must bo passed by Cougross before such a thiug can be done. You have not seen such a law havo you "Are you going to sell?" said tho reporter. No, sir. We aro not putting tho Universal up for tho Government, but for Liebmaua Bros.

Owings. Our architects havo just completed plans for the two remaining stories, to bo built of brick aud slone, aud will have their plans and specifications begun in a week, llow do you suppose such a rumor got around "Maybe it Was suggested by Congressman Ma houey's bill for a now building for the Appraiser In Brooklyn," said the reporter. Well, now, that shows how stories got around. That building is likely to bo near tho water's edge and in the Twelfth Ward, and wo certainly could not have any Interest In. tho matter.

I did not know of Congressman Mauouoy's bill until my attention was callod to il In yesterday's iiAOLB." "SW1PKS" AND YOUSO UK AG AX. Saturday evening after the sparring exhibition at tho Palace Kink, Clermont avenue, for the bouolit of tho widow of Billy Dempsey, who was killed in a fight with "Swipes" the Newsboy, at Fort Hamilton some tlmo ago, a number of sporting gentlemen met iu a neighboring saloon and made a match for a flcht to a finish, with akin tight gloves, for $250 a side, between "Swipes" and louug Kongan, the brother of Johnny Kongan. Young iioagan has not as yet distinguished himself ftrthe prizo ring, but he is creditod with being very clever. Ho is only 17 years of ago, while "Swipes" is some years his senior. A niltlCD MAN THIEF.

T. Epbraim Carpenter, a farpafer at Springfield, hired a laborer in Brooklyn week ago on the reo ommendation of friend ntpned Weeks. The man worked faithfully inty Sunday morning, whon ho said lie must bo to Bfepklyn, and Mr. Carpontor gave him $1 for expen9BKtbs Bad gone it was found ihot ho bad sto)fiHHBfcatch and a sliver watch, a goldchain nfflaBHfflBad a small sum of.

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