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The Brooklyn Daily Eagle from Brooklyn, New York • Page 4

The Brooklyn Daily Eagle from Brooklyn, New York • Page 4

Brooklyn, New York
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Extracted Article Text (OCR)

DPEDIAL AOVE1X rfSE.VIE SHOT HIMSELF IN THB MOOTB. wan in uuuiinn I I MRS PATRICK HATES AGAIN, DORSHJ5IMER. Edward Pattemon Mateo a Hor I OYER A CENTURY OLD. Death of Mrs. Allen Agnes KUsain at Hot Old Home.

A BOLD STAND. stay bore two or three days at a time. My brother BEGINS TO STIR. She Figaros as Defendant lu a Salt in malicious Prosecution. i O'CLOCK EDAM JOUBNEAY BURNHAM, IMPORTERS OF AND DJ5ALKRS IN rible Discovery.

When Mrs. Edward Patterson nnd her daughter, of 46 Smith streot, returned from their has frequently spent several anys ono. niguu his wife in her house. There never was tho slightest question over raised before as to the marriage. Her brother bad never objected to my brothor'B The Ex Lieutenant Governor Dies in Savannah.

work last night thoy did not find Mr. Patterson in any of the living rooms. Ho was a tinsmith aud had boon 111 for Borao time. It was his austom to spending the nights at the house. He was Miss Gi ean'a huobaud and had a right to.

We bad not The Brewers Will Not Submit to Union Dictation. TUESDAY EVENING, MAKCII 27, 18S8. A Eipple on the Local Political Surface. seen him since yesterday morning at the breakfast FINE DRY GOODS, HAVJS NOW OPEN THBIR SKASON'S IMPORTATION OF FRK.N'OH SATINE3 AND OAMBRI03; moot his wife and daughtor evory evening ou tholr return from work at the door. They supposed ot first that he had gono out.

Mrs. Patterson, shortly aftor reaching homo, weut to hor bedroom and Mrs. Allen Agnes Kissam, an acoount of the oelebration of whooa 100th birthday appeared In the EAOLB of March 4, died yesterday in the old frame dwelling on the corner of First street and Sixth avenue. Th? funeral services will be held at tho family residence Bt 7:30 o'clock this evening and the interment will be to morrow. Mrs.

KIssnra was born in New York City, March 4, 1788, in tbe vloinlty of Broadway and Wall street She was a daughtor of the lato William Allen. Mr. Allen was Scotch by birth and possessed all the sturdy traits peculiar to the race. He died at the advanced age of 99 years. He was a gentleman of most urbane and polished manner and his table.

Ho did not say be would not be oacs: last night, but In view of tho storm wo were not disappointed very much or anilou when be did not como back last night We supposed he would SHOT HIM DOWN An notion has juBt been commenced in the City Court of Brooklyn by Mrs. Louise Miller against Mrs. Patrick Hayes, of Maujer streot, for malicious prosecution, Messrs. Getting and Hln man appearing as plalntlfT oouasel and Mr. Samuel T.

Maddox for the defense. Mrs. Hayes, It will be remembered, is the lady who, as she was returning from the Coney Island races, was shot by her husband, Patrick Hayes, a well known sporting man, as alio was alightiDg from a street car at the orOBBing of Grand and Second stroets, ho having occupied, unobserved by her, a seat In the roar of the oar. Hayes was tried, MnsinMit nni to two years and six thore found hor husband lying on tho floor, with a over The bullot hole In ills left ear. Ho was quite doad.

A stop at his wife's house on bis way from the ferry and spend tho night there. IRISH USES LAWNS, SCOTCH Z1SPHYRS, PRINTED OHALUES, PONGEES AND MOHAIRS, WORSTED DRESS FABRICS IN PLAINS, FANCIES AND COMBINATIONS, ALL WOOL AND SILK AND WOOL HENRIETTAS, IN ALL THK NKW COLORS. CoMbiniBg Agaiatt Organized Labor and Determined No Longer to Submit to Its Tyrannical Exactions A Flat Footed Circular. At nnon tn.rW the brewers burned their pistol was tightly clenched in his right hand. An ambulauco surgoon was summonod and It waB first thing wo know of the shooting was wnen we the A Strange Tragedy in Eastern District.

found that he had shot himself in the mouth. Ho was dressed lu cloan clothes, nis suicide is believed to have been prompted by his continued ill read of it in this morning's papers. Wo were thunderstruck. My brother was our principal source of support. He held a good position as atraveltug salesman for Passavant silk merchants, In COLORED SILKS OF KVURY DESCRIPTION.

BLACK AND WHITE SILKS IN LARGE PLAIDS, home was noted for its hospitality and was ever open to Scotch and English visitors to Amer uoss. He was 52 yoars of ago. Church street, New York City. Ho usually trav tlirouch New England, but owing to tho Illuoss ica. Early in Ufo Miss Allen marriod Whitehead Kissam, of the old Kissam family.

Mrs. Kissam STRIPES AND FIGURES, STYLISH AAf JiAUiiU S1VE EFFECTS. of ouo of tho other salesmen he mado his last trip Repnblieang Who Are Anxious to Go to Chicago to Haro a Toice in Naming the Candidate for President. Tho Republican State Committee yesterday issued tho official call for holding the Republican State Convention and also a schedule giving tho number of delegates allowed to each Assembly District. Klnga Countr will ava sixty six delegates, apportioned as follows: The First Assembly District, which comprises tho First and Sixth wards, Is entitled to 5 delegates; the Socoud 'District, Second and Fourth, wards, tha Third District, Third and Tenth wards, tho Fourth District, Fifth and Eleventh wards, tho Fifth District, Twelfth Ward, the Sixth District, Fourteenth and Fifteenth wards, 5 the Seventh District, Sixteenth Ward, the Eighth District, Seventeenth and Eighteenth wards, the Ninth District, Thirteenth, Nine Wol olne as far as Chicago, and farthhr, 1 turns.

BLAOK CREPE DEOHINES AND GRENADINES THE ROAD WINS was a lady of wonderful vitality ana cultivation and hor mind retained Its full vigor to the last She possessed extraordinary conversational power, and Strieken With Pneumonia While a HI Way to Florida in Search of EeHeiFed Health A Sketeh of Hh Career. Dispntohes from Savannah, received to day, announce that ex Lleutenaat Governor William Dorsholmer, of this State, died in that city at 9:20 o'clock last nlgrit. His death occurred In the Pulaski House, whero he had been stopping a few days. Mr. Dorshelmor's health had bean falling him for some months aud on March 15 he started for Florida to reouperato hi strength.

Ue had intended starting on the 12th, the day ot the blizzard, but finding that impracticable delayed his departure until Thursday, the 15th. Ho remained one night In Philadelphia, aud then proceeded on tho vestibule train to the South. On Friday last he was seized with pneumonia, which set in with virulence that doflod all human skill to combat aud ended In the death of the sufferer last night. Mr. Dorshelmer was accompanied by his wifo and his secretary, Mr.

Isaac H. Hunter. The body will be sent from Savannah Dlght at 8:30 o'clock, and la expected to arrive iu Now York on Thursday moruing. He was away six wooks and got home only a few NBtV STFLES, BLACK SILKS AT LOWER PRIOHH numbered among hor friends and colleagues per bridges behind tbem. To the public generally, and to their employes particularly, thoy submitted a circular declaring that they had yielded to the dictates of tbe Brewery Worklogmen's Union long enough.

They do not deny the right of labor to organize, but protest that the union has become tyrannical in its exactions, petty in its annoyauces, unfaithful to its agreements aud willfully abusive of the power invested in it In view of th03a aud other considerations set forth in the circular, the brewers have adopted the following: That at tha oxplratiou of existing contracts no new agreements shall be made witn auy Brewery Workingmen's unions. Thn, ma annum our employes ana tne dayB ago. He was much pleased over tue rosuii 01 his trip It was the mo3t successful he had over months In the Penitentiary, whence, his term having expired, ho was discharged in January last. Some timo subsequent to the case of Mrs. Hayes against her husband, Mrs.

Eugenia Qehrke sued Mrs. Hayes In the City Court for Blander, making Patrick Hayes co dofondant, and recovered Judgment for $500 and costs. Mrt. Hayes then appealed to tbe General Term of the City Court and the Judgment was affirmed with costs. Shortly afterward she procured on a warrant the arroat, by Officer Mayer, of Mrs.

Louise Miller, ono of the witnesses In the case, on the charge of perjury, and the prisoner was bold in $3,000 bonds for her appearance THAN ICVER BEFORE SHOWN. FRENCH, ENGLISH AND GERMAN HOSIERY, sons of note and political influence, whese names are now history. As she stood during her recoptlon on tho 4th instant, erect as a matron of 40, attired made in bis life." And Fulton Was this tho first time be badvlsiteo. or ut Street Property Condemned. tompted to visit his wife since his return RIBBED UNDERWEAR, IN SILK, LISLE AND COTTON.

in her quaint black satin gown, she seomed indeea a nleturo of ye olden time, and her stately manner Will be Oh, no, he had seen uer several viuioa and old fashioned courtesy wore a part of tho eere MORLEY'S FAST BLAOK HOSIERY. WARRANT. lonlous life of yoars ago aud were ever a markoo. 1SD IN EVERY RESPECT. spent somo timo with her." What do you mean by saying that the shooting of your brothor was the outgrowth of Jealousy on ton nart of Green regarding financial affaire 1" before Justice Naehor.

On the examination Assist "Why Cbarloj W. (3reon Had a Phtol Rcadr for His Brother in Law It Looks Like a Cold Blooded Murder. Some Peculiar Complication Hinted at. The Storj let to be Told in Fall. Charles W.

Green, a woll known Eastern District soeloty man of ample menus and unbroken leisure, shot aud killod Nicholas Goldenkirch, his brother lu law, last night, with Ilttlo oppnrons provocation. The tragedy occurred In Mr. Green's handsome two and a halt story and basement front 6Dd three story rear brown stone front, at 108 Rodney street, only a few doors distant Irom Bedford avenue. The dwelling 13 ono cf a row ot about twenty, and tboso across the street are still more pretentious structures. Mr.

Green lived with bis sister Emily, lady uow lu her 33lh year. Ho is possessed, Jointly with her, of considerable real ostato from which thov derive an iucomo sufficient to maintain thorn feature of her personality. She was surrounded by children. Grandchildren and great grandchildren ant Attorney McGulre appeared for the people, but THE BEST AND MOST OOMPLKTK STOCK An Important Decision in Faror of the public that this aotiou is not taken tor the Purpose of reducing the present scale of wages or lengthening the time of labor, although we are paying to mr.hh.m.i,i wovk and kind labor re onded in the acquittal of Miller. Now Mrs.

and congratulated by numberless friends, who I cannot talk to you about hustouk. OF MOURNING GOODS TO bk ouu aixj Miller will try her luck in the law. Meantime Mrs. Kings County Elevated Railway It is Legally Organized and Has a Talid were honored to salute her. Tho stroug charactor beeu ordered not to.

There are sovorai quired, higher wages than aro paid lu any other At tho offlco of the Vorl: Star, of which Mr. Hayes has appealed to the Court of Appeals irom WHERE. 124, 126. 128 ATLA.NTIO AVENUE. of Mrs.

Kifltam made her influence strongly mrnd. ind her high Christian character and industry. fnrtiinr assure our workmen tbo affirmance of the Judgment against nor oy tne matters of which I cannot speas. ureuu Jealous over bis sister' property. Ho did not want Dorsholmor was publisher and nominal editor, it General Terra of the City Court Mrs.

Miller In her sweet charity of feeling made her equally honored my brother oven to got any 01 iu complaint lays her damagei at 14,000. This morninc Judge Bartlett hnuded down ions my brother said to him: Wby can't you come and belovedi was said to day that no news of tha ex Lieutonani Govornor's serious illness had boon received until late yesterday aftornoon, when a dispatch announced that his cold had developed Into pneu that, whilo we reoognlze their right themselves all the legitimate benefits to be dorivoa from association and co operallon, we must insist that their efforts iu this direction must be limited to that point whore ibey begin to infringe upon the dnr lRinn In thoannlicatlon of the Kings County teenth and Twentieth wards, the Tenth District, Eighth, Ninth and Twenty second wards, the Eleventh District, Seventh, Twenty flrst and Twenty third wards, 11; the Twelfth DUtrict, Twenty flfthand Twenty sixth wards, and tho Towns of Flatlands, Flatbush, Gravosend and New Utrecht, 6 The only business of importance to be transacted at tho Stats Convention will be the declaration of principles and the election of four delegates at largo to the National Convention and four alternates. Tho contest for membership in the State Conven vontiou is not very active, but tho desire to go to Chicago has taken possession of nearly all tho old war horses of the Kepubliuaa party and an exceedingly lively local campaign is already under way which promises interesting developments. The nirht Is net alone couflnod to tte mon whoso names AST WEEK CHARGE DISMISSED. Elovatod Hailroud Company for tho appointment of TIKE FOB TUEIK BOSKETS.

Secretary Brown, of the Board of Educa monia. Mr. Dorshelmer Just previous to his de t. 1 Ti.ot if nrrv nir out of these resolu Josenh Fonderindo, who was indicted for Commissioners to condemn lands on kurou street, and award damages. Tho motion was offored by parture from New York, had Baid that ho expected out like a man aud say why you aon 1 the only answer he could ever got was: Oh, I don like you on general principle.

I have no definite Ho hated my brothor." Is tho rumor correct, so far as you know, that Green had spent not only the money and property him. nut also much of that left to his sister?" OF THB assault lu tho socond degree, having struck Fritz tions should lead to strikes we faithfully promise to the workmen remaining with us, aud to those who to be very lazy during the coming Summer and rtnin nronortv ownors on grouuds somewhat sim lu good stylo. Miss Emily, or Mrs. Goldenkirch, as wanted to got away whilo ho could to prepare for ebo claims to bo, is of vory domesticated habits aud Sprlngbom on February 26 with a piece or wooa, was discharged in the Court of Sessions this take the places made vacant oy uiw nf emnlovment as long liar to those advanced against the Union elevated company, tbo chief one being that tho company tion, announced this morning that tne ieacuun would bo paid this week on Thursday instead of the 1st of the month. This has been arranged by tbe request of tho teachers themselves, presumably that thoy may buy their Easter bonnets.

tho work of tho Presidential campaign. rlaalrn ninmmi tO DO tO minister tO her morning. as they perform their duties satisfactorily; and that In making this promise we state distinctly mat brother's wants in all things. That she is of an af not locally organized ana nau no iui The news of tho death of Mr. Dorshelmer was recoivod among Democrats about the Brooklyn "That Is it, exactly.

But I cannot say anythlug farther. I will let you draw your own conclusions. r. honn iranibliuH and sporting a groa1 hv reason of the failure of the Rapid Transit fectionate disDosition was demonatratod a few years tbls protection win oe extenuou an uu.yij i DISSOLUTION SALE AT NAU HELM'S, tn nroDOrlT rtlflnnfttttO 1U3 HUVmu ivi iico when she encaged an undertaker to bury her City Hall with regret Mayor Chapiu was aston hM. inrhtmntllr.

Tlnrnhflimnr at th hunrio 1 1 U.ln. fnf itxi nrlAl. hut SOLD A GRAVE. jiesoivea, rnat as law aoiuiui; llftTemoyer street dealforalong time aud he has spent a great deat front demanding tho pet doe. She then resided on recently tendered to Maurice J.

Power, In Hew many new men have come to tho location of stairways, switches, etc. Iho samo oWoctlons were made lu tho Union Elevated Railroad case. Judge Cullen hold that mo. point blank, whether 1 irntho.r. iNoieu.

SOME STAY OUT with her into, nor York, aud tho ox Lieutenant Governor thon ap nMni infi in rramnji mo enmuo ho embezzled his Bister's iunua 1 wm nu tho Youug Kepubllcan Club. ihi, of haviuc a stigma at peared to bo in excellent health. Tho decensed thoy wero not woll founded aud tho company had a in her yard and consequently wanted to have it intorred in a cemetery, but at the Kings County will have one delegate at largo, ana tached to our trade, In the public mind, 1 on account of was well known to tho leading Domocrats of this Disputing the of tho candidates mentioned aro ex Alayor ixw, of anarchical sympathies uiuuaoovou legal existouco. Iu tho case of tho Kings County Elevated a similar reiult Is reached by Judge Bart county, who frequently had occasion to meet him Ownership Remains. burial ground, the contents ot tho coffin becom refusing to say that he did not.

Then you can draw the conclusion. Aa 1 say, tboro are things I cannot toll you. All tho trouble was over money matters. We never anticipated any such sad eud as this to the difficulty. This was a doaporaio step.

My brother's is almost dead with pneumonia. She lovod Stewart L. Woodford, David A. Baldwin aud Senator at Albany and in State conventions. Mr.

Dor Human Of the Big Local warehouse For the purpose of making resolutions off eot Worth. Each one of these gentlemon will doubtless lett, who decides that the petition of tho corporation be granted, and that a commission muse issuo. Ive we hereby bina ourselves iu muium sholmer was a membor of tho last Stato Convention and actod as chairman of tho important Com ing known, the interment did not tako placo Some persona at the timo regarded tho action of Miss Groou as eccentric, but her friends, including Goldonkirch, said that it was au evidence ot her Combination. protection ana roamrm our auueruuiio vu endeavor to bo aeut from Mb own congressional district, aud, failing, will then seek the honor of tho State Convention. Judgo Bartlett accompanies the decision with the following opinion, which is of Importance iu rail A Suit Which InTOiTes Some Strange Prop my brother and I am Bure from all I have seen that thn mnrnst affection for her.

Thoy wore mittee ou Eosolutlous. I William Dorshelmer was born In Lyons, N. Y. Kecoguialng the groat Imponanco of mutual protection against attempts of unjustifiable enoroaon nnnn nm rlclity as emrjiovers by organized road litigation: Each Congressional distrlot is entitled to two affectionate nature, Mr. Charlos W.

Oroon, who is now 35 years old February 5, 1832. His father was Philip Dorsholmor, Bartlett, J. This is an application for the ap delegates. labor, and further recognizing tho fact that the ninnniT hrAwnrg i an ho made tO furnish wnHvnrv much attached to Ills sistor so much so Rates Hare Alreadr Ueen Advanced a osiliens Who Owns the Bodies of Mrs. Turner' Husband i Can a grave in Greenwood Cemetery con A brlof review of tho present situation in tne tour nr thniirlit of marrying.

Ho had entree point mout of Commissioners to ascertain and approve tho compensation to be made to the owners nf nrnnertv nririlecos aud easements upou Fulton local dUtriots of Kings County Is as fallows: FULTON STREET, CORNER CLiNTON. BARGAINS IN FURNITURE, BRIO A BRAO, BRONZES AND EUROPEAN NOVELTIES. THE STOCK REMAINING MUST BE SOLD BEFORE THF, FIRST OF APRIL. GOODS BOUGHT NOW WILL Bli STORED UNTIt MAY 1 FREE OF CHARGE. yt ni rMS the Walbibout and his a native 01 uermany, aiterwaru a weauuy of Buffalo and one of the founders of the Kepubllcan party.

William entered Harvard in 1849, but at the end of two years Impaired health forced him to loave his studies. Ho was admitted to tbe tin. Citr of Brooklyn, to which tho Kin; the strongest weapon against us, we hereby heartily indorse tbe resolutions adopted by the Board of Trustees at their meeting in St. Louis, on the 10th of May, 18S6, and in conformity with uch resolu SECOND DISTRICT. n.

t. was a familiar ouo at fashionablo rocoptions taining bodies be sold 7 Circular Issued by tbe Trust Statlnff Its Objeer. Tho pool controlling the principal storage Cnnntv Klovalod Hallway Company desires to ac The Socond District comprises tho Eighth, Ninth, i th. Ho was on tho most Intimate Should tho next of kin havo control ot tne aeau uo nnirutiiiB. Thn main obioctiou which the answer playmates in childhood and their family always visited our family.

Groen often held mo on hit knoo in my father's house when 1 was a baby. Ho had not beau hero for some time. There never was any reason for doubting my brothor'a marriage. She repoatodly declared that he was hor husband and ho repeatedly declared that she was his wife. Tho body will bo buried from the wife's house.

Tho whole story will como out after awhile. My father is upstairs crying bitterly and likely to die at auy minute." Tho children were also crying, firnnn was seen at Raymond street Jail this after Twelfth, Tweuty soeoud, Twenty fourth, twenty tA, nv. with his netehbor, Counselor. A. C.

Hocko against a widow or husband 7 bar In 3851. In politics ho began as a Democrat, ing property ownors insist upon i that the plans in. fnr Mm construction of the peti tions we nereoy proiuiao nuu ubiuo, u.u selves by our signatures to a faithful performance nr rim that wo Bhall not take ad mvr. and Mr. James C.

Eodle, Judge Fox and Jolnod tho Kepubllcan party In 1856, and In 1800 nnd wbarf interests along the rlvor front, as stated in yesterday's Kaqle, is represented bya capital of Is thero auy property light in a aeaa Douy 1 Those startling Questions comprise tho gist of the fltthaud Twenty sixth wards of Brooklyn and the eouuty towns aud has the following active candidates: tioners' railway, which were adopted by tho ivmislr Commissioners aud aro con airain BUDtiorted tho Ronubllcan tickot. In 1859 Damns Strong wore hla friends. Ho was a member ii innrfitii Bndal organizations of that vantage of the misfortune of any competing brewer who Is a party to this agreement, and whoso business is suffering by reason of a nfrllfB. hnvrntt. lockout or similar consequences of many millions of dollars.

i Hin nnicles of association of the Harvard gave him tho Uogroo of M. A. At tho be points at issue in a caso which turned up before Jutlge Bartlott in tho Supreme Court to day. It Twonty.second Ward T. L.

Woodruff and Stew rj insufiiciont In law. and bonce they V.t! was also an active momber of The only warehouses remaining outside 01 mo giunlng of the Civil War ho was appointed major art L. Woodford. contend that tlio Kings County Elevated Railway trust, of any considerable Importance, aro those is a suit brought by Airs. Juary wisiunwr," on General Fremont's staff, and at the close of the theoldEmpiro Club, which comprised such men bb Mr.

Fetor J. O'Donobue, ex Coniruissioners Gay Twenty fourth Ward Major E. H. Hobbs. controlled by Martin Fay, Piorropont Bros, and labor troubles; but shall, on notification by the Boeretary of the United Statos Brewers' Association, refuse to furnish beer, alo or portor to the cus nnnn hv ri Hahi.b reporter, but he doclinod to havo Company has novor acquireu any logai uiioiouco.

Tho naif ihnt this Mm nan waB never law Missouri hundred days' campaign Major Dor Tweuty afth Ward Commissioner William Ray, h. itover to say in rogard to tho affair, 22 South Oxford street, to recover possession of tho bodies of two husbands and ono child. Her first huaband, Solomon Smith, and lor. Ilodwell and Gallagher, Dr. Audrolso, James C.

sholmor returned to civil life aud published Grauvlllo W. Harmon aud John B. Greene. fully incorporated was paa3od upon a year ago by the Court ot Appeals In the matter of tho kings r.i.r,iw, 1 Wn jirrt Stranahan (Atlantic Docks) Fluto. in tne pool aro tho old firms of E.

B. Bartlott Franklin Woodruff Beard Kobinsou and one or following tha instructions of his counsel, who had Eadio and society mon not so well known to tho aeries of articles in the Atlantic MonUdy, en tomers of such brewer aud shall request ot(r respective ageuts to act in harmony with this agreo Eighth Ward W. H. N. Cadmus.

hor second husband, Louis S. Turner, were bom titled Fremont's Hundred Days in Missouri, nf m.ininn." said DauforJ. speaklug for Tho sentiment among tho prominent Republicans buried in lot 17,782 In Greenwood. One of uer two others, representing at least four fifths of tbo Fully convinced that the course wo have adopted Unnnin Mm rmft litinreBta of both omuloyeraud thn Court in that case, "that the petitioner, In 1807 Mr. Dorsholmer was appointed by President Johnson United States District Attorney for tho children, named Charles Smith, wffs also buried entire rivor front warehouse and wharf privileges.

public. Ho was also with his fnond Mr. uocKe meyer, a member of the Amorita Bowling Club, aud Is a delegate to the Republican General Committee. Mr. Goldenkirch was comparatively unknown nf few of somo of tho old members of tho nnnn tholr certilicato aud articles us re lu the distrlot is that Mr.

Woodruff will secure tho nomination as 0110 dolegato and that the Messrs. employe, wo confidently rely upon our workmen in the same lot, and so was tho plam tiff's mot uor, hv nr. itiim. hacamo. and that it now and the public geuorally to sustain us in is.

Hay and Harmon will have to contend for the other Mrs. Levi G. Clark. Mrs. Turner related tue fol inrnnrii.Lio:i." in eiu uiuouhi, 'b' RRR ttRll The trust wa forraod to advauco the storage aud wharfago rates, which, it is said, havo been so low for some time past that the business was unprofita UK FFF FF i.nwvnr ih nronertv owners roiv upon UIO forbiddou him to talk with any ono ou the subjoct.

MISS MORRIS TALKS IN WASHINGTON, Aud Declare Public Scuool No. 39 Worthy of International Consideration. Special to tbo Eagle.) Washington, D. March 27. At the International Council of Womon horo tho nmnnf tiin sneakers on the programme aro fol place.

Mr. Harmon's prospects aro iavorauio, 11, lowing Btory: Rnawanhakn Boat Club, such as County Clerk Kan in.iainn nf thn samo tribunal In tho matter of tho being understood that Gravosend aud possibly I.Lli KEB ble. Since the formation of tho combination tno 'About March 30, 1SS5, my father, Lovi oiars, UU ken Frederick A. Vox, Frauds D. Creamer, John ONE SURVIVED.

of Lafayotto avonuo, had the bodies of my two hus New York Cable Company, as showing mat iuo petitioner's charter is fatally defective iu several wnniini nnints. which were not oxpreisly brought VnKnn and such mon. Mr. Green had also been a all tho county towns will support mm. tne coutost has already engendered much bit AND bands and child disinterred and burloa in rates have boon considerably advanced, but witu what effect cannot bo doQnitoly ascertained.

The following circular has beou liberally distributed among merchants and ship owners generally: membor of tho Soawanhakas, aud probably to this fact was 'duo. in a romoto way, the present tragedy, TJ TTTTT TTTTT RRR to the attention 01 tne court 01 appeals, uiju argument in the matter of the Kings County Ele bub MM MM MMM MM Northern District of Now York. His torm expired in 1871. Iu the Democratic Stato Convention ot 187 1 ho was nominated for Lieutonaut Governor, with Samuel J. Tildou as candidate for Govornor, aud both were elected, Mr.

Dorsholmor having a majority of 51,488 ovor his opponent In the prosecution of tho measures against the Canal ring Dorsholmor was an oflloient workor. Ho was ro olected Lieutenant Governor, Berving from Jnnunry 1, 1875, till January 1, 1S80. lu 1875 ho was appointed a Commissioner of tho Stato of Survey, in 1883, one of tho Commissioners of tho Stato reservation at Niagara, being oloctod chairmau of tho latter Commission. Iu 18S2, ho was elected to Con lot 2,023 of Public Plot ineu ne soia lot 17,782 to tho Greenwood Comotery Corpora tor fooling In tho district. Four years ago the Twouty socoud Ward sont Silas B.

Dutchor who voted for Arthur, aud tho Twonty fourth Ward fnr Goldenkirch and: Miss Green mot, It is said, at vated ltailroa company, uui it is iu uu uuiou mv I1BH RRR coimtv case and tho Cable case wore lowed by titles showing their prominence. Most of thorn aro presidents of big named associations, and one of the excursions of tho club ton years ago. at a 'U BBB UU UU iiminr. iinHltlDriuioii bv the Court of Appeals sent Major Hobbs, who voted for Senator Edmunds, Death's Repeated Visits 'Heights Mansion. Clmirmau Ilarrletle It snaiiucit iiiuouu In order that the interests of morobants anu snip owners who desiro to avail thomselvos of the facilities of storage warohousos and wharves along tho river front of Brooklyn may bo more completely secured and conserved tho Empire Warehouse Goldonkirch was an oarsman and rowed at the oiiihrpfHttnainaci" with his frloud but and It Is claimed that tho district then, as now, was llnrrictte G.

Morris she called attention to the lact MERINO UNDERWEAR WOMEN AND CHILDREN, ENGLISH FOR MEN, strongly for Blaino. Tho claim of the Twouty seo ond Ward for recognition a second timo is looked he dropped out of the club soveral "yours ago. He in a New York house, and at tion. He was not tho original purcuaser ot 101 17,782. My uncle, John P.

Rupt, bought It for family burial, ify father removed tho bodies of my husbands and child without my knowlodgo or cousont. He aftorward sold tho title to their new grave to the brother and sisters of Mr. Turner for for $25, and thoy now claim to own It and nro going to remove my husband's remains to Watortown, N. Y. 1 cannot possibly go there to visit my hus Company (limllod) have leusoutiie premises muuou below: that Miss Morris evidently was proud of being ex prlucipal ot Public School No.

39, of Brooklyn. She hui)DOed Miss Morris would explain why SUITABLE FOR THE SEASON. Empire, Harbeek, Hoborts, itobinson, rronuue, tho time of his death was a drummer for tho silk and ribbon house of Passavant of Church I KQUAL TO ANY BRAND MANUFACTURED. Union, Finlay, Franklin, Merchants, Bearus, vat Public School No. 39 was so important the most A Wealthy Leather Mercliftnt Loses Three son, central jviovator, upon at too presumptuous by the wards which have boon loft out in tho cold for a great while.

Mr. Henry Dristow, of tho Tweuty second Ward, says that, so far as he can Judge, the sentiment in King3 County Is for Dapew, and that It is useless to koop up tho talk of nominating Blalue. He found the gen oral opinion among tho Stato Committee mon was liolsoy Elevator, India Whurr, commercial, nyo Children in as Many Ways The ItfiYaBcs street, New York. As statod, about ton years ago Goldenkirch, whoso parents are Gormau, mot Miss Green at tho Soawaubnka Club excursion, and FOR SALE BY LEADING RETAILERS. important In Brooklyn posslbly the greaiosi vuo world.

Mia Morris was apparently very much ombar band's gravo. I urn willing to reimburse the I uru of Malignant Dinhtheria. ors for their trouble and oxpenso, but I must havo Elevator, Auglo American and wavoriy stores; and, aided by the experience of tho ownors and forraor lessees of tho property. Is enabled to ofor you unsurpassed facilities for the storage and enn.l deal of the day in each tho nuestiou raisod by tho chairman being tho custody of tho bodies and grave of my husbands other's company. They had kuown each Diphtheria in its most malignant form has ntnii mioxnocted.

Brooklyn people iu tho au in favor of Depow. The Ropublioana, he bum, must aud child." iiiMren. but be lived in the roe wharlago 01 any ana an uiuus ui iuoii.uuuui. beir to assure you that every effort will be made to nominate a man who can carry New York Stato, if The Court granted a temporary Injunction re trnrmliH and in this way they became sepa .1,1 vnnr wixnns and that the best attention three times caused white mourning wreatns to ne placed at the door of tho handsome residence of A. AusubIus Uoaly.

108 Columbia heights, within dience led tho applauding greeting, which was more vociferous than that accorded to auy other spoaUor Miss Morr'13 regained hor com they aro anxious to nominate tho next President at tno same time. Tho chartor of tho Kings County Compauvwas uphold, whilo tho charier of tho Cable Compuuy wasdoclared Invalid. If the Court thought that any of tho objoctions which wero adjudged faiat to tho charter of tho Cable Compauy existed In tho caso of tho Kmas County Compauy, It is dlill cnlt to beliovo that tboso objections would havo beou overlooked, even though counsel failed to insist upou them. In private litigations courts seldom go outside tbe points suggested by lbs advocates for tho respective suitors, but lu a caso ot this kind, lnvolviug great public lutorosts, the same course would hardly be followod. I am convinced that if the Court of Appeals had regarded tho char tor of this petitlouor as invalid for auy of tberea ious which control tho decision ot tho cable case, it would havo said so.

On tbls ground and on tho grounds upon which Mr. Justice Cullou based his roceut decision in tho caso of iho Union Elevated Railway Company, so far as iiis reason is applicable bore I think tho petition should prevail. The application for the appointment of commissions will therefore bo grunted. This decisiou, togothor with that dolivorod by Judgo Cuilea recently, aud to which reference Is made, clears tho ground of preliminary litigation bo faros the courts of this district are concerned, and settles the question of the appointment ot commissioners to condemn lands. Tho case will doubtless be appealed.

turnable next Saturday. Albort C. Aubury ap rator! nrai bad not teen each otuor for years previ aud socurity will bo givoa to any goods placed in TI1K TniRU DISTRICT peared for the plaintiff. The defendants are Mrs. our custody.

three days. The disease appeared In tho family of posure, aud speaking in a clear voice replied that comprises the Sovoath, Thirteenth, mneteo ntn, li. IIKI J.lil l1, piuaiucni'. Directors E. B.

Bartlott, Jeremiah I'. Kobinson, tho woaltby lentbor merchant on tho 24lh but Twontieth. Twenty first and Twenty third wards. Betsy Turner and Frances and Eva Turner, mother and sisters of Jarvis S.Turner Levi G. Clark, rather ot tho plaintiff; tha Groouwood Cometory Corpora Public Shool No.

39 was important consideration. It bad slartod a little tho oldest sou, Harry, f) yoars old, who was luen W. II. Beard, Sylvostor G. Whitoii, unco ously.

Their friendship was thus rouowed, and be bognn calling on her at her home occasionally. Mr. Green aftera limoobjectod to Mr. Goldenkirch's attentions to his sister and whun he discororod that marriage was contemplated ho refused to apeak 10 bis prospective broihor in law and in every way gress from the Seventh District ot flow xork, became a membor of tho Judiciary Committee and was also chairman on tho part of the Houso of the Joint Committee, having In charge tho proceedings of Congress on the completion of the Washington monument. Ho was a momber of the Liboral Republican National Convention held in Cincinnati in May, 1872, and also ot the Domscratlc C'oiivoiuion hold in Su Louis in 1S7S, a member of tbo Committee of Itosi lutious in tho lattor body, aud reported tho platform.

He contributed to periodical literature, delivered occasional addresses and took part as a public speaker In various political con vassos. Iu 1884, he published a biography of Grovor Cleveland, tho Democratic candidate for the Presidency, and lu July, 1885, ho was appointod United States Attorney for tho Southern District of Now York, which office ho resigned iu March, 1886. In September, i8S5, ho purchased the A'fio l'oi Star and ronowod its publication as a dally paper ou September 10 of that year. Mr. Dorsholmer wos oao ot the founders and original officers of the Buffalo Fine Arts Academy and the Buffalo Historical Society.

Timothy L. Woodruff, Henry E. Nesmitb, Franklin It is in this district that tho political gamo ot chess will bo played most skillfully. Tho present taken 111. recovered and is now Mr.

Healy's only ci.nni on what was then the outskirts of Brooklyn, tion and tho Brooklyn Board of Hoaltlu OOYAL BAKING POWDER. uf Purir It had thrived, aud at Woodruff, Mark W. Maciay, lioui n. iwauiuu, Henry E. Nitchlo, outlook portends a light much aftor the fashion of living child.

Last week Ada, years ui ngu aud Mr. Healy's only daughter; Aaron, 3 years inai in srnto of stroug opposition, had be Mr. Fay, of the Arm of Martin Fay, vas booh at visits, but HILTON BECOMES BRIGHT. tho racont Senatorial strugglo, with possibly a renewal of tbo same old combinations. Tho candi possible showed his displeasure at ms school, but it had beeu Goldenkirch persisted in calliug at tho houso occa Bcmarki derided that a woman was not quite ouua.

hU office, 10S) Water street, yesterday afternoon, by a reporter of the Eaole. He said that his firm was one of the first asked to Join the combination, but dates already in tho field are Chester Lawreuco, B. Suddenly Developing a Most Tills powder vfirios. A mnrvftl 01 purity, strontl old, his youngest son, aud Charlie, 0 years old, all developed tho worst symptoms of the malady. Dr.

Henry Minton, of 105 Joralemon street, attended the children, but little could hnnnr of being iho principal 01 a graiuumi able memory. andwImlG3oraonGS3. Moro economical thrvn tho ordin vr kind, nii cannot lio sold in competition ivith tbo inulu B. Bartlott aud Frank Squire, from tho Seventh Ward. the samo salary as a muu iu ce that thoy had declined; that such connection could ludoof low tent, sUort weight, Mum or ptioioualo pow.

ba done to chock tho disease. Saturday moru llar position. With this slight explanation eho loft Issue in tho Stewrtrt will case hns been Jo. uo Jchuson aud Harry Beard from the Twen be of no possible advantage to them, and tnat tney dera. Suld only in cans.

lng early Utile Ada died and two hour later tho matter and went on wan nor nuaiun, did not entertain the proposition for au lustaut. tieth Ward. RoiAb Bakimu PoWOKR O0 luti, hht nor. fairly Joined betwoon the contestant and the ae fendets of tho will. Miss Butler's counsel intimatod baby Aaron.

Last night Cbarile became rapmiy 1,., with the declaration mat sue uu MONEY MARKET. C. H. Russell from the Thirteenth Word. William Taylor, Alfred Hodges and William C.

worse and at midnight succumbed to the fatal very bluntly yesterday that ho was going to show it asked what should public schools loach 7 She answered first, tho fatherhood of God that Is tho He added that he know absolutely nothing about the affairs of the combination and had no criticisms to make. They wore satisfied to continue their business a thoy had done heretofore. mninrtv. UTamSiiatlon of tho promises has led as Brvant from the Nineteenth Ward. vot to no knowledge of tbo cause of the trouble.

that the deed of gift from Mrs. btewan to juugo Hilton was forged nnd therefore fraudulent and a brotherhood ol man. To nolvo tbo problem of selecting two delegates and though tboro has been not a little fright In the At tbe office of Pierropout Bros. it was as from this list will be a most difficult ono and poll hoartloas robbery of a lady whoso mind is alleged by Exports for the Week Kaiiroad Earn Insjs A Shipment of $300,000 Gold. Sloctta IrroitHlar.

Wall Stivbkt, March 2T P. M. Amon" the sales of bonds this afternoon nelehborhood over the inallguaut prevalence ot tno NELSON SON, DDI NOT PULL UOWJi THE BLINDS. tlcians themselves are unwilling to make any predictions aa to tho result. It Is said that Mr.

Nathan, certained that tbe Arm had no Intention of Joining tho pool. Thoy aro also satisfied witli the manage A FIT IN COURT. Officer Stryuor Bitton in the Hand by a Prisoner. disease iu Mr. Healy's family, no other casos navo tho cntestant to havo beon onfeeblod by ago, by a man whoso fortune had beou mado by Mrs.

Stewart and hor hu9bandaud who had roeoivod uuraborless developed. Every sore throat, however, has called Vliv Mm. Kcdwick Had Her Kluabund ment and condition of their business as it now who Is a power in the district, favors tbo selec for a doctor's Immediate attendance, in tue tear BEST DUALITIES OF Arraigned Iu Court. tion of Mr. Bartlott aua Jur.

Aayior. no uiuy stands. benefits at their bands. WVc ont 105 that it may bo a beginning of tho fatal sickness, nosslblv throw over one of these gentlemen r.hic mnrnino ing shrioka issued from the prisoners' pen iu tbo Thn fnnnral of the two children wuu uwu imiui This morninc William Kedwick, employed would be very llvoly, but the opposite was the case. LR11K311 AND SCRANTON COAL.

aud take up Mr. Harry Board. Mr. Leaycraft, the nuimirat of tbo Thirteenth Ward has a candidate hMbi with strict privacy Sunday, and little wero: Bin (fit an '1st 3D Cell 03 CUiStL i. Oli'M 4 1st 101 Onos our Chiitur Ay dot) IUj ColOoalGi L15 Court of Sessions.

About twenty persons woro cou as ewebmw by P. linnpp, ot Hodford avo VTSU3 iv iM. yi. ia vi Norfolk A in Ill) Xorthwost deb now lup Northwest 4s Nni Pa, trual. lUl ViiltOl Edward B.

Hilton held the stand, as ho has for a THE OFFICER WAS TOO PREVIOUS. Justice Masincy Explains the Law to an Orcrzealnus wifB'a hmlnl will occur to day. Thero Is much flned there awaiting trial or soutonco. Among In ox Sonator Russell for prudential purposei, week past, nnd weut into Stewart genealogy iw nuo. was arraigned before Justice Naehor on com of his wife, Uirdlo, who charged that ho kiok DKGRAW STRKET, on Gowanus Canal.

Nor l'acino iua io. hut will conveniently drop him It necessary. them was George Speichor, who pleaded guilty to a charge of burglary in tho third degree somo days sympathy tor the afflloted family la tho aristocratic nelhgborhood of Columbia heights oirenf. and ffowers in abundance wore Bent iu on niui unshed bor doffu stairs. The taatlmouy Nor l'acihc 1st.

I1ri70n Silort L. 1st to Ho will undoubtedly fight tho Nathan combl prove that tho HUtons aud all others who surrounded Mrs. Stewart during her la'tter yeara were her relatives as woll as her dearest friends. Mr. Del 4 o( Itm era Erie '2d oon tojtf 'Jo Hian Hen A Nash 1st.

.114 not conclusive, and William was discharged. 25 ATLANTIO AVION UK, near Soutli Forrtf. 1 in, iron linn 1st 'J 14 nation and again Join forces with tbe Waring Orocoa Nav Sunday. Tho coffin of tho little ooy wno uiou tfort a Uuii lal iv Fitchie faction of the Seventh Ward and l. rtlr 1.

nav on No', outiroly satisfied with the administration of Justice, Mrs. Kedwick ventilated her woos in court Hilton, who had no recollection of anything unuor Mr. Choato's cross examination, suddenly devel sionally. Miss Green, it is said, informoJ nor oroui er long ago that sho was married to Goldenkirch, and ho bocamo incousod aud positively forbade his brother in law ontoritig tho bouse. remained in this condition up to five or six weeks ago, wbon his sister, who was never in robust health, was stricken with pneumonia.

Whon recovoriug he had a ronowal of tho attack aud the unending physician, Dr. S. A. Robiiisou, of West Now Brighton, Staton Island, for woeki despaired of her ultimato recovery. Mr.

Goldenkirch, as was to bo oxpeeied, called to see his allogod wife, and while at her bedside it is said that she mado a will In his favor, in tbe event of her death. The property was kuown to be somowhat mixod up by Charlos, who had full control of it, it was oven hiutod that iho incomo was not larjo ouuugn to sMpport it otyiu ot living. Not many months since Groou was a bookkeeper in tho employ ot H. B. ScUolos, tho coal dealer of Kent avenue.

There is nothing at present douuitely known about the will in favor of (ioldeu birch, but is certain, despite the roticonc of the members at tho Green housohold, that Mr. Goldenkirch was thero last Friday ami at tho lady's bolsiJo, and that Mr. Green was aware ot that fact. On Saturday night Mr. Green told his brother iu law, whoso claim to the band oflu slor bo repudiated, despite the assertions of husband and wife, to leave tho house ami not outer it auy moro.

Guldonkirch, who is cousiderablo of an athlete, said that ho would call to seo his sick wife, but Groou replied that sho was not his wifo. Mr. Green evidently expected that Goldcnklrcli would call again, and was prepared to glvo him tho tragic reception of last night. Green was uever kuowu to carry a deadly we.ipou of any kind was a qulut, inoffensive and gentlemanly man, so tho motive for tho tragedy must have been something very unusual. Mr.

Greou did not lcavo tbo houso yesterday afternoon or ovenlng. When Goldonkirch called ntfl o'clock he opened tho door and Goldenkirch ntn ht was surrounded with thorn to day. lhe white 35G FULTON STREET, corner Red Hook Imb. tn havn tha Youuc JiobUblican support lor iron aioun ltli streamer at tho door to day that told of Lis death ago and was to havo boon soutencod tins morning. Thore wore lu tho court room proper at the time Mr.

John Stoore, Court Officers Powers, Itoper, Graham, Dowdoll, Flynu, Chadwlck and Strykor. They all rushed iuto the place whore tho prisoners aro confined. Spoicher was surrounded by twouty frightened prisoners, who woro eierting themselves Mr. Chester Lawrence, ouo of their number. oped a most remarkable memory, extending back lntornanontvi i pV.

ll.Vw for the edification 01 some 01 me zyio.ia. nllinr ShO SUid i. ni.Tnv KT. naar Vandorbilt avenue ..101 D3M St Utii A Pao 5.1. In Mr.

Nathan's own ward, the Twenty third, he was surrounded by a beautllul wreath 01 white mses and lilies, contributed by a sympathetic 111 Cunt Blva. sr. lnl 1) 5s UIOJ4 William Mfignire was arrested by Officer Farrell, of the Eleventh Product, on the 15th inst. ob a charge ot lounging at the coruor of liicks and Kapelyo stroots. Andrew McNab, a frloud of Ma guiro'a, was taken into custody at the same time.

He was charged with lutorforing with tho officer in the dischargo of his duty. When tho ense was called in Justlco Massoy's Court the two dofond ants ploadod not guilty and soeurod an adjournment. Tho hearing iu the matter was before his Iiouor this morning. Tbo ovideuco introduced iu tho dotondants' behalf wont to show that Mnguiro Mv husband is courtlug Mrs. Knapp'3 parlor will be opposed by Messrs.

Burroughs. Ellory and to his childhood and embracmg an manors wuu which he was acquainted, but especially In regard to the affairs of Mrs. Stewart aud his lamily's inter A A A 1st. HJ4all)l KmituoUv I'' TELEPHONE CONNECTIONS. friend.

Ttri. Delia. William is very careless about pulling Tnle. Tho complication In the Mneteoatu wara Lou NAA Cm con Lako Shore div i hiinrii. I saw him kissing hor.

Ho has will bo a serious ono. Mr. Taylor's candidacy will TSt A H. las AOC 1st Union II Slksrei! course with hor. MRS.

ClIAl'IN WAS THERE Mol Nalii.niil Lai Mui ,1 lKt HI bavo tho support of Colonel A. D. Balrd aud nis 4s red Ul jil 'iM nil dob 1" "OUjOO LIVES Atf KUALLY LOST THE UNITKD STATKS FROM CONTAGIOUS DISEASES. Trada BANITAS" boon Sfioot ou Adelina, tbe otlior girl, too. APPROPRIATIONS FOR LOCAL BAYS.

And Was Roundly Abused ny friends, which Is the strongest element in 1110 Mo iCao Tux 5s. ml. Mr. Hodces leads the opposing mo SeivelPu Servant 4JirI. Mo Kan A Tex After to morrow tho hoarlug will stand adjournoa till May 7.

HOW SHALLPOX IS SPREAD. A Nofablo Inntaiico ol tlio Carolesunoss ol state Official. tion, seconded by Assemblyman Mathison. iho Exports exclusive of specie tor tno week vo oo caiuubeli ainsi Some Wnvn. who uci'sists that sho was imrKtoman recently made a very bitter i.

since January ii8' had in no souse obstructed tho thoroughfare. 1 hey wore both discharged nud the officer received a iwinra from the court ou what conslitutod the THE MOST POWERFUL AND Pl.KASANT OP ALU DISINFECTANTS. ii lust vear aud to tho thrown out of the Tarrytown residence of Lawyer and Booming unwarranted attack upou ox Prcsl to keep away from bim. He would bits at tnom and yell. When the court officers approached him ho crouched in tho angle of tho wall aud barked liko r.

dog. Court Officers Graham.Dowdell, Flynn and Chad wick, threw themselves upon him. Speichor displayed remarkable strength and, froelug himself temporarily, Boizod Officer Frank Strykor's hand io his teeth aud severely lacerated the back of it. Olllcor Strykerhad his wound autorized and a surgeon from tho Health Board was sent for to attend Speicber. The man was found to bo suffering from an epileptic fit aud, having beon treated was removod to tho JaiL ItM IV lulercstiMtr I nlor matioit.

Special to tho Eagle. Wakhisoton, O. March Tiohort Sowoll. of tho firm of Sowoll, I'lerso ouoi dent Bacou, of the Baird faction, and as a result corresponding date ih lStjb. PUIOVENTS Dec.

.11, pi i. IKK 1. was eariy ou uuu everything looking toward harmonious action, has SMALLPOX, SCAELIil' nnU ull eavnin ll.ilmh. Mrdwo.ikM.iroh offense of lounging. BltOW lill'S TIUAIj BEGU.V.

Court of Common Pleas, before tsoossiavor, riK.irin Rlnnchard. of tho Kiver and Harbor boon dissipated. Mr. Bryant is pumisnor 01 in ir: Si ,1 vi ANITAS" The greatest indignation exists iutheHoiiHh Department ovor what Is regarded there as tha careloss management prevailing in tho Now York Usoa New York. 10 pre33 her suit again3t that gontle 7J2 Eastern District Tima, and this Is bis ilrst appoar.

To in Poisonous nod IW'S KOt Mtam. Committee, declares the accounts published con Ark. and Ten. Urd week LaKo Erie and stern, 3rd March. Institutions in l.Utlt) Hospitals.

YBStrio. auu i Mr. James oyo, nor orouiur, What lie ToIJ 2i (ieusttlnon Iho Morn nriiln.r his bill irrosbly incorrect and ill most in anco iu politics. It is claimed that Mr. itouges win 5.471 in Great UriUio

nd V. ijlinflllf lin Uc nirm, i uimmij, withdraw and givo aid to Mr. Bryant. What liillu stances evidently made up from tbo votood bill of "Was caueu anu sim uu nv. Health Dopartmsut lu reference to tho admission to tho port ot vessels on which thero aro cases of or list ot awards, prize nit ns ing of tbo Crime.

Omalia Folii I. i st I t. week Maicll. bVoSl snnntor O'Connor will exe in shaping the wltnossos for three years In tho enso ami mui, s. im.

411 the mombern of bis committee 3,025 comageous disease. Dr. Bakor, tue secretary 01 contest iu tho Twentieth Ward remains to bo seen ureserve secrecy but say they will talk at 5 o'clock. Whether or not Lewis F. Brower is the of J3.U0U.0UJ gold was muuo iu uivj, tho Health Departiueut, has received a lotior irom AMERICAN AND CONTIVE.NT.U.

"SANITAS" COMPANY i Kill CM Wst futj liitli 'w Ho intimates that ho will keep out of the fight, but no agroomont had boon made to pay mom auy. thing. This finished tho plaintiff's case, and Colonol Edward C. who with William A. nan who, on tho 9th of Hecombor last attomptea Ir hoiiiL' tout out to moot a special THE LOCAL IMPROVEMENT BILLS.

Mayor Cliapin Thinks Partisan Objection not WuikUIY. his neighbors fear him just the same. ConyreBsmnu Felix Campbell, however, learns fr. Mr. Ulaiicluird that Canariie Hay gets $10,000, Gowanus several thousand and fiat on tho recom Wi.nt followed by way of conversation is to murdor Mrs.

SSrah Ann Brower, tho prisoner's F. E. Trowbridge announced nis suspension IOAL LOWJiB. The Fourth District comprisos tho First, Second, ife. In her rosideuco at Last Meadow, will 00 ue tho Stock Exchange to day, but his contracts wero Health Officer Smith, of Now York, roforonco to tho case on tho Sloamship Circassla.

When soon to day by au Eagle reporter Dr. Bako suld: How aro wo possibly going to prevent tho existence of smallpox In the city if tho lioaltli officers ot PUIOE S3 50. Third, Fourth, Fifth, Sixib, Tomb aui Eleventh tm mtnml by a jnry u.lih was urawu lu mo uuouo nil 1 lOSOd OUt 1US1 WCOk. mendation of tho Secretary of War 110 mouoy is Sheeiishoad Bay this year. Messrs.

Ma not vory definitely known. Mr. Green, it is said, asked Goldonkirch what ho wanted aud tlio latter Baid that ho called to seo his wifo. Mr. Groen toid him be could not enter and was about closing the tiio nrst warn has as canuniatis 15.

v. Senator O'Connor, while at tho City Hall CniniK Court of Sessions Una morning, bro'ver is Best family coals at abovo reduced prico per ton oi No grain was brought in by tno imcaKo, um Wolff appears for Mr. Sowell, opeuoa for tne uo tonsw. Uo said that as tbe plaintiff was troubled with dreams sho had probably dreamed outmost of hor testimony. Sho had actod very Insultingly to Mr.

and Mrs. Sowoll, andplaclng her arms akimbo, bad refused to lcavo until sho got her trout is nppro White Seth Low and supervisor Willis, 'iho sec yesterday, spoke of the opposition among Republi Onincv to day, showing that tho block over 70 years 01 ago, ana iirs. jiruwei a ogo i hniim aud l.tli 2,000 ii)und8, dotivcrod. the pore nro aiioivou to go 011 as umj lowing infected vessels to como to our docks. There ond Ward has John Ward and Jeremiah Fuld, and cans to the Mayor's Local Improvement bills, thoy District Attorney Fleming, in his opening ior tho comulete.

Tho managers aro hiring new tbe Third Ward will contend over ex Supervisor priaioa lor inoir ubuici A POWDER FAOIORV BLOWS LP. fearim: that the pasuago of tboso measures would people, said it would bo impossible to produce Mrs. mn ns fast as they apply. aro no loss man seven ca mn to that steamor. Yesterday tho steamer lmgma We havo just put in a 3tock of fr; sli mined LEI11GU COAL i miilra material for tho Democrats in tho Brower as a witness, as sho is paraiyzeu.

Wood and Auctioneer Firuskl. The Fourth Ward has ex AIdorman W. Blrkolt, ex Assombly Tbe general mortgage ot tho Heading, amuumuiB Tim first witness called was George Merritt. He turn unn.iWO. lias boon filed In rtmuuoipuia.

a is tivo, from Palermo, Aapios aim uwuhuu, ui Mediterranean liuo, arrived at the company's dock at the foot ot Montague streot, aud permission was b'ip1imiict iiimiv and Uvea Presidential contest. Tho Mayor, alluding casually to tho subject to day, expressed tho thought that tho And aro prepared to fill all orders for that grade. ta ltrnwer's crandson and resides in Kast moikiow, mau B. J. Mulholland aud ox Superintendent M.

J. Dady. Mr. Mulholland says he thinks It would bo a first lieu ou all the compauy t.hrn nimrtors of a mile Irom Brower'a placo. At inmiiiirnnr, nntl hroad minded portion of the asked of 11s to allow 11 to lano.

in dischargo its cargo. About tho samo time we retirement of prior lions which aro to do paid ou. Rrported Lost. DoniiS FliHKT, N. March 27, ftn morniue tne crime was uuiuuuhdu wiso for tho Mikes and Barnoys to take a dkck nn T.nrtv did not rocard tho bills lu nr callnd at, Mcrr it's houso ana sata: "some Tho River nud Harbor bill, now nearly cum Prices on carRo lots on application.

THOMPSON ft CORNER SMITH AND NINTH STS. I loaruod that thirioen caios 01 BiuauiJUA ui rr tim vssul at Quarantine Wo sent an money. Colonel Jamos admitted that Mr. baweit had "waltzed" hor to tho door. Sho hung on to it and continued her abuse, and also roundly abused Mrs.

Alfrod U. Cbaplu, wifo of tho Mayor of Brooklyn, who happened to bo present. Dr. Walter It Sillotto, vluiting physician of Bolle vueand St. Francis Hospitals, aud connected as consulting physician with several othor hospitals, was thon culled.

Ho did not think tho woman was Injured, In the way described, but that her symptoms woro duo to a disease sho had previously had. nna iv.U( into the bouse and Dartly murdered the any such light. Among tho strong partisans plotod, appropriates fl9, old woman." Tho burglar, bo said, struck at him officer and inspector 10 tho ship and had tho pas A very serious explosion was felt throughout Westcboster County this morning, betwoon 8:10 aud 8 21 o'clock. Doors and windows and houses wore there was a belief, no doubt, tnitt it was un seat, as thoy have done In New York, until after the oleetlon; but if his old antagonist, Mike Dady, will not agree with him as to will havo to encounter a bitter opposition from tbo Mulholland Kfneks woro steady eariy uua nA hir Mrs. Brower: tne sum 01 saw was stolen, i.

tn annrovQ anvthiug coming from tho luuer door whon his brothor in b' mr 11 u. row stops and as Goldon kirch was at the door, tho brother llred. Tho ball entered Goldenkirch's loft tomplo and plowed through the brain in an opposKo direction. Tho wounded man moaned and tho servants and the nurse screamed. Mrs Goldenkirch realized instinctively what bad happened aud she swooned.

It was somullmo before she revived and llion alio was told of tho tragedy. Tho rocidents of the neighborhood board tlio shots follbwod by tbo screams, and Dr. Olcott, who lives almost across tho stroet, was summoned. His coachman notiUod tbe Clymor streot police, and Captain Brennan aud bis detectives took Mr. Green into custody.

Tbo prisoner's only statement was to the effect that tho shooting was accidental. Ho refused to say anything further, and tha mom vmrn nf his household would give no Information nt 12:10 o'clock pressure wu r. Mnrrltt's attention being mreoieii to lirowers mills sengers removed c. istio uaruuu Commissioner Griffin refused a permit last night to discharge any portion of tho cargo. This morning, narty In power: but how daugorous was such rattled aud tho people thought they had exporlouced lint the Grauceri, Western Union aud Union Pa domestic affairs, bo said bis grandmother was vory Jealous, aud accused her husband of living 111 1110 a shock of earthquake.

cific, aud tho fall iu these properties had au un Hallock faction. The Sixth Ward has Denis Hurley as an active however, ho gave permission to uko j' Ho will insist ou tho vessol being thoroughly fumi brush wirn wary i.i;is. juuol uc v. CCO OOO OOO CCO OOO a policy which was opposed to much needed public improvements simply bocauso they wero proposed by Democratic officials. Tho Mayor did not think Information received by telophouo 13 to tho effect iinlf an hour, when tno uocuue PPP PPP Mnrritt that he was in bed wlieii the burglars on gatoil before no auows tue reoi.

01 candidate, while tho Tenth hasGoorgo liennottiana that a larce (luantity of powder exploded iu Stick whs checked, but tho movement was reguiai ua tered, but Mrs. Urowors iid ho was nat in bod and Ulscuargeu. POR LADIES AND nev's nowdor factory, 11 oar Ashford. It is reported that opposition ou tboso grounds would have great twoou 1 and 2 o'clock, although there appeared to would not go to bed, auu urowor uiu not contrauici 1 1... iimt Mm works v.oro douiolisuod aud that some weight.

Furthermore local political history snoweu her. OBITUARY. be good support to in" mujuiuj i ft II 11 Hit 1111 KB OOO t) ooo that often the Democracy pollod au immense voto nut which was hoavy. lives were lo3t. CHILDREN TOLD HIJI TO "CHALK IT." Toombs.

.4 A. News from tho scone of tho explosion recoived when tbo Republicans controlled public wonts hero. vim.ks wore rregular mo into iru uu uu sss3 this aftoruoou is to the effect that at least two Hvos Its biggest majorities tn tho Presidential campaigns nt the clOSO. W. Toombs, a W.

Toombs, a A. well known cm. AIU'lOT CLKANSiNlJ WK A KB PUT" Fjiirl Rallnirliau'M Mixnerionce IB a yi inniKx.i at a nor cent, and at auu this city, died at the resldonco of his son In law, E. ting circulars low" in. J.

roiitted Central Ivchiio Saloon. woro in 1876 and 1884. INSPECTING LOCAL MEASURES, closed aboul wnero your or B. Hutohiuson, 817 Prospoct place, yesterday. Jur.

ml ri ill in Ill.l lowo vuulll av, Now York. Toombs was born August 19, 1820, aud lived In wore lost, .0 CHEAT SOUTH BAY FF.UR?. Spoclal to tho Eagle. Aluany, N. March 27.

tn 'I'. H. STKWAItl. Dani I Crtllaglian, of 145 Ralph street, last WOltKING AS OLD TRICK. A Prisoner Given a Wrons Name anil Escapes From Jail.

A jnil escape trad recapture is interesting the pooplo in the Sheriff's offlco. Keeper Wilson was on Saturday morning in chargo of tho work of taking prisonors' podigrees, and had about ono hundred and twenty four ranged around tlio office. Among thorn was Mary Foley, a dilapidated, whisky Boaked female from Darby's patch, who had boeu committed to the Fonitontiarv for four months in default of $10.30 fine, and Ella Nesbitt. anothor female who had not become so familiar with drink or Justlco Massoy's court and had boen sont down tn thn Jail for a day to recovor from ovor Indulgence. Thofollowinj table shows tho courso ot tuo nnrktiL fur this day: 'lVlophouo call l2Ujwenijiiia evening ontered tho saloon of I'ntrick Cooney, at Legislation at Albany Made Hie Ohji ct Ooanine.

Uigtlest. Lomwt. Closing. )OOK ANU JOB Brooklyn all his life, ozcopting the yoars of 1873 1, which he Bpout on a farm In Michigan. Ue did work on tho Eagle during the '403 as foreman of 317 Central avonuo, aud called for drinks for all in George B.

Forrester. Mr. Konnoth Is presiuent 01 the Federal Club. The Elevonth Ward has uever yet boon short of candidates for anything. Martin N.

Day, Albert Ammermau and Samuel Avilu aro already spoken of aB possibilities. Kounolh aud Willis, White and Birkott, Day and Low are some of the combinations tulked of, if Low aud Whito are not eolectod from tho Stato at largo. The Fifth District comprises tho Fourteenth, Fifteenth, Sixteenth, Seventeenth and Eighteenth wards. Tho only candidates much talkod of are Louis E. Nicot, of the Sixteenth Ward, Samuel T.

Maddox, of tbo Fonrtoonth Ward, and Goorgo W. Palinor aud F. W. Moore, of tho Seventeenth Ward. Mr.

Nicot will, in all probability, have tho upport of the Sixteenth Ward. Senator Worth may step luto the race, but tho fact that ho Is soon to move out of tho district into the Nineteenth Ward will probably sover all claims bo may havo on the Sixteenth Ward Republicans. Mr. Maddox Is quito confident that ho will be se BrooVlyn of Homo Seruliiiy. in tho House this morning Captain Huutttus iu Canada I'aciu tho placo.

Whon it came to pay lor tno liquor the composing room and subsequently as au edi tFvuiimni! iin, I sant to third reading a but to tot Callaghan told tho proprietor to "chalk It" au 1 1 A meoting of the Standing Committee on OF EVER? DKSCRIPTIOi. 2, Gcorgo W. Tuule and llonry Forduam run a salt T.nMalnHmi nf tho KIncs County Hopublican uon Cauaua Souamrn CeuUttl iu.v JordL Ceuirai PaciUc Clios. unto iHt pio startod 10 leave the place. Bofore he reached the sidewalk he was pullod back into the barroom and io 1 host lorrv across the Groat South Hay, from bpeouk torial writer.

Ho was afterward superintendent iu tho press room of tho A'eio York Herald. After ceasing bis active and regular connection with the oral Commlttoo was held at headquarters on Satur LITHOGRAPHING, Mnmnraan nhnrn. eharjiuir adults ID cents and beaten. When at last he mado his escape he drove day evening. March 24, for tho purposo of inspoct newspapers, though he coutiuued until very re (WHS 4'JJs 77 mi 75 1 4 2 13U 122M 33 73 100 1279s 17 children 8 cents for tho trip.

130 his list through two panes of glass in the store 78 2TM 75 1 VM 122 Alii 73 1UU 12s 17 ine a big batch of local bills now botoro the State EKGRAVfNG, 121 i 121)6 7 i 1I)J cently to bo au occasional contributor or a wruer doors. Callaghan was arrested and this mornln Ulies. uiii'i iit.i y.u... Clucac" Alton Uuic. lSut.

Qumoy Cluv. Col. ll tU ColoraOo Dual Legislature with a view to taking prompt and de "Ella Nosbltt," called out Keeper Wilson, and a nmim stoDDOd across the hall with a shaky step for them. Mr. Toombs was suporiutouuoin, 01 aiu faced Justice Kenna on charges of Intoxication aud malicious mischief.

His face bad the appear cisive action agalust 'hoso deomed prejudicial to tho nubile good. By invitation of tho committoe arlne Ferry, and with his brother, Richard Toombs, THE STATfi KKPUBMCAN liEAGCK. Special to tho Eagle. ALBANY, N. Mnrch 27, 32 73 lor 127.J8 ConaoiHlalttU DoiawaroJt tluuson ance of that of a man who had fought a long prize hoth branches of tho Legislature wore represented aud In a minute was outsldo breathing tbe air of freedom, but when Mary Foley was called for, later on, no one was on hand to answer.

Tho off which follows tho roll call re Del LacK. A Itiu t.i ttf mntino. tocethor with quito a number of lected. He says the sentiment of tho district is all The Exccutivo Committee of tho Stato Koiiublican was city surveyor. Uo was also In the real esiato busiuoBS iu Montaguo stroet.

Mr. Toombs lived for several years with his grandfather, who kopt tho old Toomb3 storehouse, adjoining Catharine Ferry. fight aud had got the worst of it He pleaded cullty to both charges and was sont to Jail for Deiiv. it HioOranilo ofd other promluout citizens, whoso charactor Justifies nlnbs meets this afternoon at tho Delavau fai't that tbe itenulno Ella Nesbitt for Blaine, and that in his opinion no othor eandi date will bo mentioned, and that Mr. Depow will make tho nomination.

thirty days. the belief that with thorn tho lutorosts ot ureou iyn nntweleh thoso of party. The bills woro freely dis TUUlOi mill on band aud that Mary Foley had to call a State convention, aftor tho party conventions bavo boeu hold, and to got tho now organiza STEREOTYPING AND BLANK BOOK MANUFACTURING BOOKBINDING DONK IN EVERT STYLE. FINEST COLORED WORK IN THIS COUNTRY; SIAMMOTH POSTER PRINTING A SPEOIALTV BROOKLYN EAOLE OB PRINTING DEPART 41 KNT M. 11 Vnit Duiacn Ktttit lonncsseo Knot Tennessee 1st pro.

East Tuunesdno 2nd pid. 1J Kn fi' 1W i He wus a lineal descendant of Governor uougan, tho first Colonial Governor of this State. Ills mother's name was Dongan. Ho was an old mem JIAY MOUSLEVS TERRIBLE STORY. cussed, aud not a few of thorn wero condemned bo whatever about the shooting or the tardily troubles.

Mr. Groou was locked up and this he was lodged iu Kaymoud streot Jail, lio ha 1 in his pOCKOt. Dr. Olcottsaid, after au examination, that Goldon birch's wound was fatal, and Ambulance Surgeon Ilauley was summoned. Mrs.

Goldonkirch would not pormit her husband to bo removed from iho house. Ho lingered until 10 o'clock tliis morning, when ho died. Drs. Creamer and Hughes mado a post mortem this afternoon and found that tho bullet took the course already deseribt d. Coroner Lindsay will impanel a Jury this afternoon to view tbo romalUfj.

Tho body of Goldonkirch was embalmed by his wife's instructions and it will be placed lu a receiving vault for a few mouths that sho will bo able to boo the beloved features should she recovor. She was not permitted by hnr physician to seo tbe body and will not bo. Dr. Kobinson, In conversation with an Eaoi.e reporter, said among other things: 1 have boon Miss Green's family physician since 18S5. Her health was never Tory good.

I was aware that she was married to Goideubircii and her brother know it too. Emily told me to day that she was married to him and bad beeu for a long time. She Bald that tho marriage was a matter of record. 61io sacrificed herself In her brother's luterest until her health was broken down. She did everything a woman could for him and ho was very ugly to her at times.

Less thau two months ago Eho was taken tick and bad a double attack of pneumonia. She ii uow very low, hut with her strong will she may recovor. Sho was overcome when she heard of her husband's death. Charles was in Die houso all yostcrday ufieruoou and evening, contrary to iiis usual custom. I loft tho bed side of Goldeukircb an hour before the tragedy.

Sho was then feeling fairly woll. Sho bus remarkable will power." Au iutimato friend of Mr. Greeu's stated: tion iu liuo for campaign work. Major Konnoth, gone out under her name. Ella was released imi Keener Wilson wont out on a search for Mary 111 17 A WIFE BEATER SENT TO JAIL.

kno uiu llockinn Valloy li causo of their unsavory character, aud a determi State treasurer, is tho only atteuding lirooklymte. A Member of 1U0 Philharmonic Society ber of Hoheuliudeu Lodge No. 56, F. and A. Foley.

It took him two days to find her, and she nation was oppressed that every legitimate moans William Norris Evidently Wanted Ills in ScrioiiH Trouble. and his fuueral, which will occur at tho residence Illinois lilooin. Weatorn, Lake Shoro showed up on Warren street, near Hoyt, where sue O'J of Mr. UutchiuBOn to morrow evening, will be both Children to Starve. cBlobratlug her llborty wltn a glorious uruna, must bo used to defeat them.

WHILE HE WAS IN COURT Cc art Officer Civntwell this morning arrested a religious and a Masonic service. The burial win 11 took her back to Jail, and yesteruay moruing 3 S3ji 17 SB ii 623s 90 ii'H 7V' 1 11 76VS 1UI 0f 111 iM S4 17 MX s'u' ii 77 a lif4 13)1 7ll) 101)1 Loim Ibl.inu misvillo Manitoba Manhattan H. aoli "William Noma, alinsmith, residing at 474 Addison J. Clark at his residence, 5j2 yuiney be ot Staton Island at tbo couvouienco of the family. COUKT.

KllSilS COUNTY OiUPRRMK had her salely boused In the Penitentiary. Sheriff Rbiuebart this morning said he would do nothing streot, on a tochuical charge of assault preferrod by Broadway, was on trial before Justice Konna this The Wife ol an Aeod Prisoner Passes SHALL THE HALF HOLIDAY 00 Spoclal to the Eagle. Albany, N. March 27. Tho Bank Committees, bill totally repoallug tho Half Holiday law went to third reading in the Houso this morning.

Air. Longley spoko in opposition and bo did Mr. Farrell. '6ii 8'JH UtiW 5 n4 urn amtifF. against Mary 1'erraU Mr.

Toombs loaves one son ana mree uauguiurs, Th mas F. Fi.irall, morning on a charge of assault proforred by his and tber. lanH In puraa mes ol an interlocutory 77M about the matter, because Wilson was a fattniui Away. Mrs. Daisy Mousloy, of 457 (Julncy Bireor.

rue lauy accused him of outrageous conduct with her 8 year i man who had mado a mistake whicn ne naa rem wife, Dora. "Ho came homo Saturday night and gave me $1, in, 'menl ol iiaruuon auu laiu ibovs a. f.n on tho 27th day of March. 8, tho iinilor unoil. tho uainnd in faid jndK i ilin.n.l a.l.ln tin In ii nnmR Ol An elderly man, who said he was John old daughter, May.

Clark, who is years 01a, 13 edied, and which he would never let occur again 11 13 70M 101)6 marriod and has two children. Uo Is a professional musician and Is a momber of tho Philharmonic said Mrs. Norris. "I told him I would go to the store and buy some food. Ho said It I did ho would Brady, of 195 Walworth stroet, wasarraigned before Justice Kenna yosterday aftornoon on a charge of oay ol April, is i.

at ui GOING TO ALBANY. ntionnd and ileitcnboll in sa a mwuni break my face. My children wero crying for bread Intoxication preferred by Policeman snoan, ot tuo Soctoty. lie Is good lOOKiug man anu uresaes noatly. Officer Folk, ot tho Socloty for tho Preven 31M z.

AU tnit c. rtam lii co or i(i i 32' 4 32 jmii I took tho cliaucos. Whon 1 returned to the CoriDvation Counsel Jenka and Assistant Ninth Precinct. li.iiWinja lare.m, lyiiiK an i uo im in to" nil Ward of tbn City of Itnm' iiv 'f I did drink some, your Honor," said tho prli Corporation Counsel Groouwood will go to Albany house my husband struck mo in the face." Norris was sent to Jail for ton days. and state of ow xotk.

uo.ui.k i Be innioKatapoint formed hv tho a.i tn morrow to appear in rerereiico iu i' tion of Cruelty to Children, was made acquainted with the details of the story a told by the girl and will make a thorough Investigation. Clark denied the charge and was remanded pending trlaL 10 W'Jfs nouiii niui a lrn hills riondlna before committees of the Leglsla onor, but tbo circumstances aro these. My wiro was taken very sick this morning aud I wont out to get her a sup of brandy. Sho felt bettor, and It io 13'JJs i.V' 31'4 10 ll laais iiH Isil 35 Manliattan tun. 1011 Miolnnau Central Almn.

ot. Minn. Jc tic L. pi.l Me. Kan.

A T.uas Mo. t'acilio Mow Vor Ountral V. A St. N. Y.

Cine. S'. L. pid. Y.

N. Y. Sua. N. Y.

Bus VV. Northwestern Nortmrt. t.lorD pi.l Nortiioni Pacltlo Nnrinuru Pacllio pftl Obio Omaha OniaDii old Onl. Wi Or uon Nav Oreu'in (Vans Pacitic Mail Poorla Pullman Readmit Riolimoncl Tormmal Rock Island St. L.

San l'Van I. Kr.n nfd. lOli Vi 43 3i Doimi.LT was at thk theater. Mavor CbaDln will not go to Albany this line of Fifth (n nrijs) im mm im no.i al South Seo nI tvonty teot sumchej to land bol Timothy Coffin: thoncs mii mn fii so oood that I took a few moro weok, but will probably go next week to speak la Peter Donnelly, young man residing at 026 Grand avenuo, visited the Criterion Theater last VACCINATING THK POLICE.

SSiTw" 1 i i 1 1 a i 1 re I then par dlei with South Seo. nd alio alom. tho roar of ts loriin rly of thn ild m. nty tiro foot: rlv anl narailol wit'i Fi'lh (now. DrUtts) Justlco Konna nnod him $1.

Ho paid the requisite behalf of his local Improvement moasuios. A CLERGYMAN'S BIBBABY STOLEN. evening. He had been seated but a abort lime allot whom are married; six grandchildren auu two great grandchildren. His dealh was caused by tumor, from which ho was a loug but patient sufferer.

Sarah Eliza bctU Lent. Captain John Lent, a well known resident of tho Soveuteeuth Ward, mourns tho loss of his bolovod wifo, Sarah Elizabeth Siuckoy Lent, whoso death occurred rather suddenly on Sunday. The deceased had boon ailing for yoars, but up to withiu a few hours of her demise tbero woro no expectations of her death. Mrs. Lout was 47 yoars of age iihd was born In the Eleventh Ward, New York' and came to Groonpolnt early in life with her parents, who are among iho oldeBt residents uow living In the Seventeenth Ward.

The funeral will tuko place to morrow afternoon from the rosideuco of her father, Mr. Siuckoy, 153 Mesorole avonuo, and the Hoy. George W. Folwell, pastor of the Uulon avonue Baptist Churcb, will, conduct tho solemn sorvUos. Edward Kohinan.

Edward Behraan, well inown in the theatrical profession of this city and Now York, died yosterday, after a loug illnoss. He was 88 years old, aud unmarried. Ho was a brothor of L. C. nnnmnn.

of the managerial Arm of Hyde Boh Charles never likod Goldonkirch, as ho knew that his oulv motive iu marrying or keeping company ihn ftn narA fl 11 in amount, and was Ju.t leaving tho court room whon a mossougor iuformod him that his wife was dead. hvo le inchi.s to the StiSo I 8'ioi forty when ho became noisy and bad to be ejected by "Uucle Bill" Applegate, tho policeman stationed there. On tho streot ho was arrested by Folicoman with his sister was the prospect of inheriting her Di sir and thouoo Lrfifit night burglars effected an entrance to thn Methodist Church at Corona aud thence to tho Tlv ui ot ruin ht.H' ri.rl MM 31 it; 13 i 21! 110 5 01 4 GRAND TH BATED. fortune at her death. As she is consumptive sho cannot lire long, nud ho was woll awaro ot her del 87 IS 81 13a 20.

110 25 10 'IS 111 21 Smith, of tbe Fourth Product, and this morning an Miti im to plice 1 and also, iv, ci. or uare 1 land situate. lying and tuistor's study In an annex, whore the Rev. Mr. Mc 87 1SW 31 13.S 5t 211 111) 25 lil'4 11 UK.

ill 21' 51( AS ATLANTIC YACHT CLUB SEASUBE. Special to the Eagle. Albany N. March 87. The Houso to day passed Mr.

Bouuiugtou's bill closiug Fifty sixth streot lu South Brooklyn. This is to secure tho baslu by tho Atlantic Yacht Club. BBOOKIiYN FB0ZEN OUT. Special to tho Eagle. Albany, N.

March 27. The Connolly bill to add New York and Brooklyn members to tho State Board of Assessors reached third reading lu tho Assembly this morning with Brooklyn left out. Mr. McCanu and Mr. Tall madge endeavored to restore tbe provision, bat failed.

The bill now gives one man to New York. TUE WEATHER. INblCATIOX Washington D. March 27. For Knstcrn Now York, variable winds, followed by warmer, light to fresh Boutbwostoriy; fair weather.

RECORD OP THJ THErtMOMBTKO. Thetoltowing is the record of the thermometer aa teitat the Bbooklyn Daily Baiius oittuo: 1H 10 20Ti 110 at (M4 111 21 fiOfi Justice Konna flued him tt. icate stato of health. Strange, If their nmrria, Brooklyn, March 26, 1833. The following order has been issued by Police Superintendent Campbell: General Orders No.

33 All members of the police force will be oxamlued by tho surgeons of this department, nnd all those who iu thoir Judgmout require it will bo vaccinated at us early a day as possible. Captains aud commanding offlcerB of precincts nnd Bquads will render tbe surgeons every facility at their disposal in conducting such examinations and making such vaccinations. By order of the Commissioner. P. Cami'bell, Superintendent of Police.

Parson" Davis' specialty company, piny Roole kont his library. The thieves stole evi f.ik ulnca flva years aire, as tho Goldouklrchs nttv.i thnntni enmns from the West. A farco book aud also all of tho hymnals and Bibles that woro la tho church. Mr. McRopio's lossexceedB UK BOXSl) LIZZIE'S BAGS.

opens tho programme; Georglo Blake, sings; tho Sr A San Fran 1st pid. I'fy St. Paul 7S st. mi Dm Tojib I'acilio in Union Paoilio olMi Wabash i i Uoeans ubboar as UoUoutots; Blanche Boyer Mie.lmfil O'Brien, of 106 Tenth streot, nnd claim, that it should have beou kept secret until quito recently. Goldenkirch had lived for some timo In a neat, prettily furnished houso at 139 Stuyresant avenue, dances woll: Duuu and Mack slug and dance; in.

hos: .11 ninni 500. ACCKPTKD 1HMEPIATKLY. Police Captain Rhodes, of the Soventh Pre his sister in law, Lizzie Brown, of 105 King street, while lntoxicatod last night at the latter's residence, Charlos Bauks has a scene with a "purposo:" Wabash pid Western .1 i I. 1, i i nt. rwciitvon this city.

With him dwelt bis father, his mother. Leonard aud Mullen give a good Irish sketch; Alice Raymond playa on a coruot; William Mul ad a quarrel during which Lizzie was struck in two little sisters aud bts brother. Ho was tbo prlri CUicao iTlurlt.uii lity. tne ear. Beth were locked up.

Justice Jinssey doon gives his statuo oshibltion; Madolon, a pretty ot binnioB. Br loklyn. Vox. Referee, cipal so.irce of support of the family, tlio older Goldenkirch's immense size renderiug him help cluct, handed to Commissioner Bell tbo resignation of Patrolman Josoph M. Leavy yesterday morning, nnd In the evening tbo papers wero received from Oponinsr.

9:30 A. M. child of 10 years, contorts hersolt in many posi f.,., 'B Al 43 DTOHuWI I iftvuns' this morning fined them II oacb. PATENT CHIMXEY TOPS.

WOZAT Brouulyih N. Y. ess, his tuno3 being added to by the aQlio tion of heart disease from which his death Is be ex tions; Professor Hermes glve optical illusions and viiiws, and Muldoon and Carkook wrostlo for llttoun headquarters announcing tho fact that tho resigna i i rir xr irv nfilTRT OF Closing, 1 P. M. 72K is.

tion had been accepted, to iae eueci March April May Juno pectedatauy moment. An Eagi.k reporter sailed A NEWSBOY WINS HONOR. In Public School No. 19. corner of South Socond and Reap stroots, yesterday morning, Mr.

A. H. Getting, chairmau of the Local Committee, presented tho Kelly gold modal to George Clay, of tho fifth class, grammar grade, lor the best average Improvement in ponmanshlp durlug tho term from September 1 to February 1. Eleven classes competed Little Clay Is a newsboy. 78 Mrr.hill hi.

wifo: Ma DuimoUy. Eliza at tho house this morning aud hold a conversation miuutos. STANDARD BUSKUJI. DISNEB0F COBNMJ. GRADUATES.

OOB Willi the brother, who had Just returned from ths March 40 44 45 U.M 9G 10 A. i A.M. A. aui HI1. The jury in tho Buit of Daniel Scott against Horbert Howard, tried yesterday in tho Circuit Court, gavo a verdict of 0,000 for tho plaintiff.

The action was brought to recovor for tho sale of a patent right for chimney tops by tho plaintiff to tho beth iloiiiy ami Anna MeCahill. il i By ot an int rlouutory iil lglli. nt of partition in 1 anlu md ia Iho abovo crititle'l action oil tin; 2ith day March, 1888, i. nbscrii.ur. ice rfro tor purp' so Holy ap nn mod will sell at public at 8il r1oo of The annual dinner of the Cornell University April May 62 61 DA.

on Average tuipornvora 10 AT6fKtf CvmuerAtoresaine date last you StMrJ. Taylor A N. 15 Hrja lnay. 1:1 tliA Alumni of this city and New York will be bold at Dnlmonlco'a Thursday Among those who 28 "Uheckered Life" ia disclosed again this week by Edith Crolius, who has the assiitaiico of several people with long hair, big hats aud rlllos. Theeo people ooino from the wild aud woolly West nnri In thn course of tho show domoustrato that Hr, o.

inn. mi tho l'Jth lav of A Til. IH, at twelve! 7 Io Von lire. Wei. no .11 of ihu tlio lolloailll! ilencrlboil Iptom will respond to toasts on the occasion aro Postmas defendant.

DISD OI' A ItllOKEN KRAUT. Is it worth while to save to $15 on your oust made itcs in lUilitnient meutn'ii il ami uiejuit 1.1, fr.ll i Ml tint cnttaii HIGH Tionrtrlr. Mayor Hewitt, ueuorai aiewan u. land aitll t'i 111 lQ iuuty of Kirnta an i SMI; of NW 1 in writ: HeKinmn Spring suit or overcoat, rotidy with ail late importations for Sprioit Inspect tho stock and prions in Baloouy OuBlom Department, Corner Fulton aud SunUi sts. Minnie Abrams, of Smithville South, L.

I. Woodford and ox Governor Cornell. THB CHANNlli FILLED BP. maa. Before Kuowles Morris leased the Grand Opera House ho was the treasurer there, and had since that time been assistant trensurer at Hyde Behmau's Theater, iu Adams street.

The fuueral will bo hold at the rosideuco of his brothor, 48 South Portland avonue, at 2 o'clock Thursday afternoon. Mrs. Atldlo Averill. Mrs. Addie Averill, wife of Mr.

John S. Aver ill, died suddenly on Sunday at her late residence, 89 India street The deceased was only 31 years of age'. The funeral will take place to morrow aftornoon from her late rosldouce. KEEPEfi DUJLNE'S 1LLSKSS. James Danne, the Veeper of the City Hall, la lying very 111 in his apartments in the building.

Ho was prostrated a fortnight or more ago, aud his condition has at times been alarming to hla frlonda Yostordsr and to day it was reportod about the hall that he had improved somewhaW Ho to being attended by Dr. Joseph M. Haul The following is the official announcement of tho timo aud dur.Uio 1 of high wator at Saw York and tiandy Hok for to morrow, March 23: 0,1 tn.ib x.tliorlyi ti' 01 N'orlli Kh lith mreet dS.tani the East is a pretty good place to live iu. NOVELTY TIIKATKR. The play "True Irish Hearts" is seen EOLL1SU STOCK FOR THE UNION BOAD.

The Union Elevated road is rapidly accumulating rolling stock. Several days ago ten cars and ton locomotlvoa arrived from the shops. To day Qvo additional cars came and in a few days ten moro cars and ten locomotives will be received. No schedule has as yet boon made for the Myrtle avenuo route, which the management of the road announce will be opened April 10. it rtli niith strt ot: tnencel at died this morning trom a broken heart Some timo ago she bocamo Involved iu a acandal and caused thB arrest of Frank Flsh.

She was beaten on trial and tbe fact weighed upon her mind so ...,...1 ipnce fouiherlv one A nilioiiKiietiN, Dizziness, Wftttwea, Greou residence whero he sa.v the body of his dead brother and lmd a talk with UU brolhor's wifo. He expressed extreme hesitancy and unwillingness to Bay anything. Ho said ho had boon told to keep quiet by the captain at tho Sixteenth 1'olico station. To what do you attribute tho shooting 1" was asked. To Jealousy finaueial matters," ho replied.

You aro doubtless aware that Greon stated to the police that tho shootlug was accidental 7" Yes, 1 know ho said so. 1 boliovo it was a premeditated murder." Was your brother married to Miss Green 7" So far as we can learu, ho had beou married to tier about five years. He know her from tbe time she was a little girL They grow up together. Had there beeu any previous quarrels 7" "Mono, so far as wo know. My brothor often talfcod of having words with Greou.

The latter and bis sister have visitod us for years. Sho was here About a month and a half ago. Sometimes alia would its Dura'n of Uisa. I Fall II. 11.

I a. M. droit I' OC: v. PJ inrlrml foot till! pUc of llS lnnlUg, this theater. There Is no maritea oaange muw jjt 1 Time.H.!iBht.

a. I Feat. I A. Vf. Height.

I U.M. I A channel that had been dug from Shinne cock Bay to the ocean to drain tho bay, so that an inlet could be opened, filled up with sand la tbe late storm and tho work will all have 10 bo done Ileadaohe are relieved bj small dosoa of Oabteb's Littlo Liver Pills. heavily that her health failed. niiv. i ui oa 11 a 1 eutitlorl a map pronetiy ant ICt.

i fl f'ountv. stiowfi (3:31 former production in Brooklyn. CRITERION THBATBB. 0:51 6:03 5.3 5.S ll 8:47 II 8:25 I 1.1.1, uir mir. 1 in 6.1 6.3 8:21 1 New SaudyHookl 6:17 There Sh But Oao Silicon.

1'lint Is Handy ami tlio heirs of Sihs Buiier. urveyei .0.0 1 ir itw riri cvor." an now on nlft SALE OF THE GIBSON PICT HUES. over again. A HAIE PULLKR GETS TBS DAIS. KLECTltO SrncON, Iho best silvflr polish.

Tako no othor. GUILTY OP BUKBLABY. ifrrn nf Ilia Til inftR a vriav that has a HOVKBEXTS OP OCKAN VESSELS. The sale of Hamilton Gibson's drawings ber fortyone. Dat' Miren iv.

i w. uenori) ne. tviLUaMH. Hl'RD. revolvors.

blue shirts and such like, 'r Kuccciisfutly ActWnontlie IJvcc and charcoals, oils, wator colors, srhoko pictures and a ti if.ic.uRustniii. Plaintra's Attorney. and Include, a Uro scene, fs presonied this week. Patrick Griffith and Amos Williams pleaded guilty in the Court of Sossions ibis morning to a charge of burglary In tho third Uosree. Thoy were Joseph Liebfrom pulled Louisa Giiora hair a few days ago sad yesterday afternton Justice BrooklnTi.

mh37 nroof enpraviugs began at the American Art Gal Kile, tike fimiU 4osM 0 QAEXKA'fl Little LlTflTPiUf. ABRtTED TUESDAY, MAUCU 2T. 83 Zealand, Antwerp, New York. Ba San Marcos, Havana, New York. 8b nnsyivftuia, Antwerp, New York.

Ss Chateau Marganx, Bordeaux, Now York, 6s Libert, Bmcoo, Hew York. Blanche MUlen and flell Florence ftte in no ow inrlea yesterday nnrl brouchV aariy $5,000. Prices Konna sent him to Jail lor ten days. remanded for sentence. averaged loir..

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