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The Brooklyn Daily Eagle from Brooklyn, New York • Page 5

The Brooklyn Daily Eagle from Brooklyn, New York • Page 5

Brooklyn, New York
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)


WAWTJED SITUATIONS WAITED SIXIATIO.W Vl.TIAa.KS. WANTED WASIKtyO, for sake saousKf. RAI1DI SPARGER'S PAPER. nnd n.itreies. The schooner Howard Williams, Captain J.

WANTED TO A young girl. Call at 111 Dean st. tcocrol liotiaevrorui MONEY MAEKET. WANTED WORK WASH I AND irouiufr. or would do housowork by the day, by a retipectablo woman; isaflrot class launnrcBs; has best city reference.

oall at 96 Baltic ot. Foster, earns in yesterday at the Empire stores, ANTED SITUATION TO DO GEN UP IITANTEDSITUATION TO DO STUD RXPBRIENCED OP Eli A gOR SALE HOUSE NEW 2 1 2 STORY B. and baaouiPiit brown stono front and 3 story roar bath t.n I all Uimt improTO menti el gaut gas hxiires: built in tlte bast inauner Jie'bborJiooa first Onit Putnam av. eat of Stuyvj.ant. 1CKH, owner, on prmniso i.

from Baltimore, with erencral cargo. Saturday i eriil housework, by a reaDoctible woman is a cood tors on shirts ALFUfCD RBJf.IAms fin "Cltriwlitut" ContiiilurH I'utunzci, of Joxo phlls asid Otlker Things. To the Editor or the Jlrnokliu ICwile iJRlnbbi fitiiircer'n letter in last vreek's Eaole cook, wnsnor and ironor; nas gooa city reierenoe. a ANTED WORK WASHING, IRON TO mg girl, lately landed! Call for two aays at 10IJ Sand fard ret uiouuKer si, now i oric uuy. morning, when sailing about twonty miles south southwest of the Highlands, she enconntod a for two days at 13 Hoyt st, intr and bv the dav.

bv a vonnsr THE LE isuttblished Ofry nCtornnr.n on IJhemirkhiE days of tho wook and on SUNDAY MORN THRMS OF SlinSORlPTION. S757AJSTED ARTIST GOliD OIL FIN ANTED SITUATION TO DO GEN TSSJ ANTED SITUATION TO DO ataira work aud with sawlnc, in a small The al by a virt is wi'lini? an 1 obliirinr in I criticiain Dr. Jtt rcdUliV cvucitmmi permoii. it Dri ishor on ferrotypes: steady work and good pay 001110 prepared for work. 82 Fulton st.

Brooklyn. 7 ANT El) fiX PERTEN 0 OP hMjVT S10 per year; So for six months: $1 pt minth: single contn: Sunday edition 31.50 per joar; poslarro heavy gale coming from the west northwest, lasting several hours, during which her main masthead and topmast were carried away and tho has good city references. Please call at 08 Green lane irl; nas Financial Situation Europe. American woman. Ploae call at or addrssa 841 Bergen ei, in tho rear.

Mrs. VAN VA VV ORK ASHING AND ivouinir, to co out by the day, or housocloaning, by a respectable woman; has good city PJoaao call for two days at 400 Nostiond av, in tho store. vae lfttn ly, by a reapotnabio young Ltormsn cit best city reforencps. Gall for two daya at 1,228 Di no cards answorod. eKalb av.

Mrs. hJjUMANN. ors on ladic s' underparmonts steara power steady work also tow learnors. Iniiulre at 471 liL'htnonth st. mizzeumast broken off half way down.

Vlf ANTED SITUATION TO DO GEN nrl hmHTork or to cook, wash and iron in 1 RATES FOR APVEHTI.Sl.Vi;. BOI.ID AliATE MEASUJtKUKNT. Tor lino. WANTED SIT A TIO TO LIGHT oUambf.rwork and sewing, by a respoctablo youna small private family, by a respeta lo young girl; best of THAT S.WI.ID T9 DAY. xtrco 7ATED TO DO WKm'NGATOllE; a low persons in oach place.

Inclosa 10 cents for girl: best of reference rofcrenoos. pjeaae cnll at tioti arre.i ttt. SALE HOUSES 12, Of) ifijf i ine bargain: on park slope, al. ove Seventh av 0 Btoryand bas. niont, hardwood cabinet trim: par.n'ot lloois: ,1 rooms on parlor Hoars; tlwu houses a rea ly beaiitiiul end unlike the comm .11 style or ho is.M built also, a on iorkeloy nl.

21 ior 'III taies naidiora nr. Keys at HAltDli.NOltO Jit's, llfj faeventhav. neaiCnion st. iOR SA LK HOUS ES THE" NASSAU JL Lnnd aud Improvement Company oiler for sa'o a fine row of story handom: brick houses, including two stores on Kijluli ov, botweon Sitteenth i and Windsor pi, within one btook of th 'ifU et.h at eotrance to I'ros pept I ark aa they are finished late in season, bargains will bo Kivcn ir sol I at once; all modern Improvements: for two and ihroc Apply to Suiiorllitendout of company on promi. es.

Call for two days at 70 bcher VT ANTED WORK BY A RESPECTA blj woman, washing, cooking or hous' firat das rotorenco. Call alt the v.e:k at 858 Deau st. near Classon av. nwiird Vhro I.i coats Editorial or Lo. al Pages 2i cents i Double prlro nr Composite Trotter DI Noticps.

'idh J'aco 50 coots or horn at. ANTED SITUATION TO DO GUN nrati hnosftvrnrk hva V011Q7 Plrl A It Illain auo page uoox vrttn particulars 10 d. H. WOODBUKY, Station E. Now York City.

Gotviiti. XVnjihRr.t n.n:t ir.i.ior. The following vessels sailed from Brooklyn piers this morning: Steamship Tctimbro, for Mediterranean parts, from Pierrepont stores; oc' Hntlcosoii V.dOorialand last pneoa O0 Local Notices lit of nows columns l.nO cook, washor and ironer; has good refetenG3s; no cards. ANTED TO CROCHET ON ALL Amusement nn 1 l.octnrca 2t Cftuts iTraiel 10 centa I'Jeasa oall at 773 Kent av. ST ANTED SITUATION GEN klnfls rl trrirc'tifi nnflll laiiina rTltr ttrt'tli amm.

WANTED SITUATION AS A COOK, washer and ironor, by a respeotahle girl; has nine yeara' oity reference. Call for two days at 70 Carroll st. imp, aiiPriuionaoniy mau a quick, neat sower for Bnisn inp. niton atorer Ga o'a ostaurant. Axonmona in cents HorGoaan.l Cirriaps 15 conts WANTED WORK BY THS DAY, BY good etroug woman: good laundross; can cook where thov change heljj; can clean ofticea aud tlats, P2easocall at 87 Atlantic av.

soconl tloor. front room; 7 ANTED W6rK WASHING TO GO VV out by the day or take home or houeacloaning, by an intelllk'ent American woman. 3ji4 Atlantic av, second tloor, front. steamship Powhatan, for Lisbon, from Pierrepont stores: steamship Auriel, for Windward Islands, from llobiimon'u stores; bark Golden oral (housework, or assist in private boarding house, by a respectable young girl. Pluase call at 038 A COOK V17 ANTED SITUATION AS AUyortiaeinertts nnder tho follow ma; liearl.i, moiannnp; Halseyst.

cirl iri ftlnn ft in a small family, by a yonng ptR SALE HOUSES THKSE NEW, olesant 2 sforv framo lirlt iijioa or s. con.s ior iirai. in eriui. i ana cents for each insortlon: Kor Halo. To Lot.

Board ANTED SITUATIONTO DO GEN dress. Call for two daya at 1.U74 Badford av, in store. WANTED APPHKTICES, IMPKOV ora ant) gooi soworfl. parlor pirl aluo ladlea nnd ffirlfl to Icarn d'ssuiakiair ani onttin Gall on or writo nil the wook to Mnii. OLAItK, drejn run king parlors, S73 ing and Wants.

i'lftoon oonts por lino in excess of five 12 rOOrilS. A' iinnrnrlnnla r.n.'.li... Ml eral h')asewcrk. I a respectable younxgtrl: is a unique for ita lmld aasnmptioiw. Ail Cliriri tialii Bltonlil bo in its mrietnrjH, as it assalla tbo Cliristian revelation.

The mbbi tvislios. an hlHtorical reply will be sutisfuetory to li iu: and his wirflir can be compile. 1 mill, hot mti begin, (leaf rabbi, and seo how your Ktatemcnt look from an opposite standpoint. Kabbi Jose, plum, tin) historian, should have been acquainted with Christ if such a personage really existed. Com mont: Josoplms mil born at Jenmaleru A.

I). 37. Ho wrote tha "Jewish Antiquities" A. D. 03.

Christ die A. V. Z'J Aeeot'din' to best e.hrou jio four years' difference iu the ohanfro from the old to the new) Ho would bo 33. How then would Josephim havo known Him? Accuracy, dear rabbi, iu very imooiant in a Btftteineut of this kind, if you want to convince Christian readers. Rabbi: The fow remarks about Christ an interpolation lona aco exploded.

Comment: When was that interpolation made so that ws may know the precise timo Deatiu. of old timo eonrja won't do. In the appendix of Joaephufl' works which I have 1 tiud tho case of Christ sustained, from tho year A. 1 10 to tho fifteenth century, by all tho commentators ou Josophus' ANTED SITUATION AS A COOK, bya roApcotablo young colored girl; oity reter xiuos. P.raonals.

M.irriacea. Deaths. Lost and Fonnd. JBI far ANTED WORK WASHING AND ironiniT nr hoiiRnnlnanfmr. tn rm nnf hv rfnv nr good cook, washer and ironor; in willing and obhirinjc; has two years' reference from last placo.

Plcftso call for iuiwu ai, uear i mnrj 8t QiurAum station. Fleece, for irbados, from Eorniro storos. t3 iEn dozks lor the very finest imperials made. Open all day Thanksgiving. Crayons, pastellos, wator colors, should he orderod now for tho holidays.

Duhvea, 251 and 553 Kulton St. flch insej ion, whon not oxceodlpu; hrollMio. Koliglons mn ai nauncey st. to take homo, bv a resiietfthlfl worn fin On. II rt.

Kr. iirMiin ant nainxinMscs. two day3 at o3l Warron st, noar Third av. VS7ANTED SITUATION TO DO GEN better than any other kind of house for investment; no janitor, coal, Kas or carpots: lotaios; price low; terms to suit: all wm deno in tho very best manner; also, 2 story brick house on Irttinirron av, near Reid av station newly painted, papered and decorated; a perfect little gem those hono must, bo seen to appreciated. Call or aa iroas M.

SIOItAN, builder, 783 Lexington av, or i wncB.H, c' iiis iu ujotifiiun or nve nriBa or leas, fsitastions n' oil, males. 25 oonts: females. 15 centa WANTED SITUATION AS A COOK, by a respectable woman; la will inst to assiut with washing. Apply at 9a4 Atlantic av ring three ANTED TO MIND A BABY. FKOM eral houBcwork or upatair i work, by a respoctaute Wo doviatiou from tlioso raloa.

Oaoh iu advance in all in. OA. to ftP dailv (tttirlirr KU'ftns old. Marks av, near Troy. fijr ANTEDWtTRC ASHIN AND ironing, by a mspecta'ile yoang colored woman, to go out by tho day or to tako homo, or baa good city reference.

Gall for two days ut 175 Navy st, Mrs. SMITH. At Q1 1 AbI.I,. 4 T. POSITIONS IN SUNDAY AS A COOK, Af muuui mi, ijooi iiiiiuji.

young gir: is willing anu ooiiiiin; nn owjcouun lu i firat olaaa boirdinc house; references. Please call for tt( days at 228 York st. XW ANTED SIT AT ION uo "juupoi oi, near rtuanwioic av, nrooiciyn. nn wftshinp lirm xzood exDeri Do not purge or weaken the bowels, but act flpooiatly on the liver and bilo, A porfeot livor correotor. Garten's Little LtvEn Pillb.

by a Swedlah i S7ANTRD TO ASSIST IN THE CARE a rl: OR SALE HOUSES INSPECT '2 14 Principal office, Rtrrt.ntNns ANTED SITUATION TO DO GEN days at 007 Warron at. ence. tiftu lor two of two small children, a bright young girl; refer JT and front, 218 St. Johns near Eighth av, 3W story 4 RtOrV rnftr Imr titnnna Intact 4 207 eral housework. by a respectable girl; its a good W08.31..H; A IIS FULTON STREET.

BROOKLYN. ANTED WORK BY A RESPECT A ivyorson ar, ANTED SITUATION AS A OOOK, hv a resnnotablA woman: is uiilinc to assist in fi wilr vnalinp ntin Ifftm irood citv referen o. Isono but An Enlfro EecoTerr From the. Recent Do prsion riInre of a Preminoat Steck Honso A Declining Mai kot Tbia Moi i sr, FellTrod by a Roaetios. For Later Financial tfeun Four t'Cleck FcliUen.

tiijsO, Paft. Wall Street, Novombor 24. Tho financial situation in Europe is improving. The bank of England is eaiiiinp; bullion, 000 will bo received from Russia to day. 000,000 is on tho way from Brazil, 750.000 from Australia and Bmallor amounts from European markets and tho bank rescrvo will probably aoon reach X18, 500,000.

But the bank will owo nearly 250, 000 and, thoreforo, it ia reuardod aa unlikely that the rate of discount will aoon be reduced, utiloBS the open market rate Bhould rule so low as to force the bank down. On the London exchange thoro was a marzical roaction afler Wednesday, and the niarkot closed BtronK on baturday with a very confident fooline recording tho settlement whioh commences this week. There is no lonner a disposition to with, hold accommodation for the adjustment, ami althoueh the difforeucoe will be large, not the least trouble is looked for, and a notable feature in tho Amoriean branch of the market was investment buyiii2 of the eecurities attracted by the low prices which were ruling. bio colored woman, tvadiinis nd l.nnn. ir, rrn fronts; el.e of houses 22x54, with diningroom and laundry extensions: Cabinet trim tbrnilirhn il.

in vnriniu IrinHai Ciiniiinurinnldn nnil )o. Jonh'HTON Holiday display of Staplo and respectable parties need apply at 1)00 DeK.a:b av, in the is a ron buknr nrnferfi the citv lias tne best etoro. Fanoy Grocorios. See prices. out by the day or take home, or housecteaninir; ladies1, SBntlemen'a or family washinx: oan give oity reforenco.

alt or address for two daya 121 Nary at. AUSTIN. of roforence. Call for two days at 580 Carlton av. ATI, VaST ANTED A COMPETENT CHAMBER AY.

XT ANTED SITUATION TO DO GEN COOK XXT ANTED SITU iTION AS A wn.itrp.Rrt.. with rnrvtl Tfftrnnr.e. 7ft If maid or to do pen oral housework, by a resectable wom oi. Markd av, near flatbuBli. ANTED WORK BY A RESPECTA blo WOman.

Wftshinp jtnd irnntnv. tn trr, out. hv rhn THK RAGLE IN NEW YORK CITY. eral housowork in a small family, by a respectable woman; is a gool plain oook and laundress; has best of city roferenoe. Call lor two days at 05 Bolivar st, Brook of costly woodd in now deaigns; Moorish frot work; beve.ed plate mirrors in all rooms; open fireplace, gas logs; parquet iloonng in dining and bathrooms; sanitary plumbing ami eleotric and gas ghtinr; every improvement in style and comfort that constttuton an elegant, first class dwelling; thoso dost ring such would do well to examine these premises tor information As to price and terms apply at office, 307 31 1 Flat bush ftv, corner of Prospect 61.

JIAIiJSKJiU. ELLlS LOW On Wodnosday. November 12. 1800, by nave est. lMiahod agendas for r.h wilnnr tliflninr ANTED AN EXPERIENCED WAIT day or to take home, or bousscleaning, has ffood city at BOmo 017 York principal DUalnoaa point la Jie rOBa: one who nan takn fall churne of dininir lyn, City as folio re tho Rev.

Coleman AdaraB, T. William Ellib to room, silvDr. etc. notis others need apply. Apply at lm7 ANTED SITU ATION TO DO GEN Klizauetii Low, both of Brooklyn.

oioniague at. Vy eral housowork, by a rtRpectahle young girl Is ft HOUQIITON EIIKKON On November 20, at the UlljajlAill j. i ANTED AS OHAMBEltMAID AND roeronco. inquire oi ars. A.Ui.t,li.

lor two days At 50 Underhill av. WANTED WORK BY A RESrECTA blo colored woman, washlnrr and ironing, by tho month, week or dozen wonld go out to work rofereneo. Please oall or address Mrs. GARDNER, 500 Union st. Aator stops.

Back Number ljMdd, 1,280 Broadway. "rat 'l Btroet Ferry. H. Clinch, 1 74 South Btreot. tnlton street and Broadway, Knox BuildiuK.

James Alea. 1. Hare.i Ktmnt EBtate. ICCal ISi piam cook, wasuer ana ironer; gOf.ii rmeronoo rom her last place. Call for two days at 501 Fifth av.

waitress, a neat, smart pirl. Apply botweon 10 works. This doesn't look like interpolation. I re "peetfnlly refer you to the work tram lated by William Winston, A. Jt.

Hut now, dear rabbi, how iho stoning of St. James, tho brother of Christ This is also mentioned by Josephns. Can that be an interpolation also? (Antq. book chapter Please study tho top noor. an; one wno rias nosn neon to a noarmng nouso; euaer city or country.

Call for two days at PI Bridge st. WANTED SITUATIONAS A OOOK and laundress, by a young girl has first ohisa reference froai laat employer. Please call at 94 "VryckofE st, near Smith; ring fourth bet! WANTED SITUATION AS A COOK, washer and ironer. or would do housework, by a flrBt class woman; has good oity reference. Please call At 343 Baltic st, near Smith, in the roar.

A NTE ITU ATION A A COOK, washer nnd Ironer in a small American family, by a eood, respectable Gorman girl. Please call for two days a05o Wythe av. ANTED SlTUATION AS A COOK, i uoiuav moroing at an joneraou ar, oatweea iomp klnsaud Aiarcy. W7 A NT l3TODOISTAIKS WORK WANTED SITUATION TO DO GEN Oral Oil Rework, hv vnunir womfin ii resideiu of the brido's parontB, by Rev. James H.

Darlington, Alice Ehkbon, of Brooklyn, to Benjamin Houghton, of Novr Orleans. New Orleans papers please copy. NOLAN On Sunday, Novembor 23, 1800, by Iter. am co MHohoU, St. James' (Jhuioh.

Emma, datiglttor hi tho late Catharine and Denis O'Connor, to William II. Nolan. Stations tha Manhattan News Company on the Elevated Railroad. ji. "ow" "lands at Knlton, Chambers, Wall, South, Hamilton, Pook Roosevelt, Grand and Twenty third etreot feme VT; ANTED WORK BY A RESPECTA ble widow, to go out by the day washing or iron intr: no nb mnfclnn in anv Vin! nf unrtr is rmnil irauhor and a.

ist with child 3 years old, a competent a good cook, washer and Ironer; or aa chambermaid and waitress; has good city rofoconcj. Call from 10 to 4 FOR ggQlJSES FUnilSIIIEP. FOR KALE HOUSE FURNISH story ana basement, 8 room frame house, furnished; all improvement's; Doan st; t'iroo blocks from station; 20 minutes from City Hail, Now York; $3,000. P.O. Box 3,432, New Yort BjUJRNISHED ROOMS PARLOR FLOOR tii at i it jjarayot io av.

whole of that chapter. It will be pleasinp; o'CiOck at j. in Marks av; no cards. reading to you and will doubtless rotnoro and ironer; would work in a laundry. Mrs.

TOOUEV, Atlantic av, top tloor. And at all tho North River ferries and tho Jersey City ANTED TO DO UPSTAIRS WORK and assist with oare of ohildron in a private family, competent girl with city references; good wages. at 31 Si Monroe st, near Marcy ar. me wronfi impressions which you have formed. TED WORK WASHING AND WANTED SITUATION TO DC) GEN eral housowork in a private family, by a cood girl ia a good washer aid ironer and a good plain cook.

Ploaso call ior two daya at 398 Bridgo st, near Fulton; HIE SUNDAY EDITION' ONLY is for aalo at tho howb standa of the following: hotels: 4Tonn.B together or Boparately; gan, bath, use of Ironing, tn irn nnt. hv Ihrt flu nr Ia UVa hnmn Kucuon anu launary; excenonc noiannornooa nar an linei Ij and surface roads: reasonable terms: also ha I Cookat Waslioiv; and Ironers lttn. Avep I lot el, Hoffman House. Si. Jjinea Hotel, Volomati HoLia.) (Monday edition also), liil.

av House, Jmponal Hotel, liartholdi Hotel, Oriental Hotel, Kcerotc House, Union Hotel and U. E. Jones, ontaido of housecleauing, by a respectable woman, well used to a laundry; has good city reference. Call for two days at Twelfth st, botffcen Socond and Third ars, first floor. room.

458 Pncifio at, near Nevlns; few minutes to Fttl lTANTISD FIRST CLASS LATJN A von; teen ouniiay. wasner ana ironor in a boarding nouso. ny a atronp. wilting girl city roforence. Call for two days at (J MlJdagh st; no cards.

ANTED SITITATToN A COOK, woahor and ironor, by a respectable woman has good city references. Gall for two days at Sands street. no iiBtus auswerea. anted sTtu eral housework In a small family, by a smart, willing young woman; is a good cook, washer aud ironer; beat city re'orences. Call for two days at 1,207 Atlantic av, near Nostrand; no postals amwer 'd.

dreea, immediately, Gall at 1 Oolumbia hoigbta. av i vm i 1 0 tjS ICS. FOIS SAI.F PROPERTY, VtT ANTED A GOOD PLAIN COOK. AT Concord st, Brooklyn, WANTED HOUSES BUILDERS WE most have more Inn nricnrl liniiRea for rnvlnmnK ANTED SIT 17 ATION AS A COOK, ANTED AS COOK AND LAUN ANTED SITUATION TO DO GEN HTIkl vmtn.r P.nrm, (rnn.l waher and ironer. bv a roanoutablo woman; not drots.

n. ihorfaiipViW rnmiirttnnt. tr CIilW FOR SALE STORE PROPERTY Store and flat proporty; veral choice pieces, including throa rornre; ultonst, from av to CUy Hall: likewise on upnor and lower l'u ion and othor leadin atrcets, W.LLlAM H. GKAGE, corner Willoughby and Jay at. Open erentogs.

who wish to purohaB on small oash pavment and tn stallm nt niort ajro; sond lull par I ic HAVILAN'D 4 SOiVri, 3:10 Cassjn av, 1182 ulton st. Bt, James pluco, noar 0 roe no av. afraid of work; is a goo.l ba ior; has good city references. Gall for two days at 81 Congress Bt. The financial crisis in London producod little impression in Paris, except in banks interested in Arcentines.

Panama canal shares nominally quoted at 31 francs, aud tho enterprise, is regarded as finally extinct. Our market opened influenced by be'tter prices in London, but there wbb free soiling of ltock Island soon after and then came tho announcement of the suspension of Edward Brandon, which was followed by a heavy fall in Nickel Plates, This had an unsettling oileot upon tho wholo list until about 11, when there was an irregular recovery, and the market was generally ptrongor for the remainder of the morning. Die following shoirs transactions in bonds thiJ morning: plain cook, washer and iioner makes cakes and biacuO: wfRos rJl'J: spoaks some Knglish: eod roforouco. Call all day Tuesday at 250 Ninth et; no cards. AU the auiivo characters of the New Testament, from a religions point of view, were brought into promimmcv by Jesus Christ.

Ho is the center, and their lives teacliuius are molded iu tho life of nations ever since, and will continue to be until the trumpet shall sound for judjiment. If wa destroy tho fountain head we multiply tho actions and lie faith of that uiiithly host of men who have raised the Christian o.lilico to what it now is. fan there anv greater assumption on the part of nun ov men than to noru Christ, tho founder of the Christian dispensation? It ia somewhat like sayini; Napoleon 1 was a myth. Surely tho Krowth of Christianity for 1,800 years has brought positive convierion to its upholders that Cin ist was what He proclaimed Him self to be. Judaism ami paganism give no such proof of divine sanction.

The Christian nations of the earth wouid lie lacking in logical reasoning: VITANTKI) AS A FIRST CLASS COOK, a grt who is willing to naiist with the washing. OaU at 1 tT Greene av. ANTED HOUSE PROP It IN Brcoklvn. not far not. nrnfnr rlnwntnnn in nnf hrt

iiovui, oroauway anu vvonliein street. TgE IN WASHINGTON AND ALBANY1. can lo found on sale in at irtiJs in tho Arlington Hotel, the and wiilari's. anj in Albany at tho news stand in the Dolevan Ho ae. WASHINGTON NEWS BUIIEAH, olu I'Ourln jnlll r.l ltou), Washington, D.

O. 'I UK UiLEI.V tnlllB; .1 Uuited State Exchange, 0 Stran 1, Charing Vross; Ameri. Heading Ko urn, 4 Blaoo: A. B. U.

Exclmnito Olub, 175 New liond street; able New. Coni'mny, Now Bridpe street, Lud'ate clroue; Thoina Cook A Son, Ludftate cirous, London ilunroo A 7 Kuo Scribo. and American Banking t'om Ohaus.ioe Autin and Rue Meyerbeer; Ilea Itoom, (11 Avonno do TOpora, Paris; James T. Bat' .) Switzerland, nnd the Ocrman Transatlantic Kxcliantfe, 7H P'riedriclisfcrasso, Berlin. W.

jlOR SALE STORE PROPERTY COR 7 ANTED SITUATION TO DO GEN lirnl llniicmirnftr It. nieia nr a nni ia trirl 7 ANTED SITUATION AS A COOK in a private family, by aio ing Piotestant woman; five years' reforunco. Ploise oall for two days at 80 Central av. noar Evergreen, third ilnor. ner and adjoining ttores 3 story brick, suitable for a cood iuvestment for a lady will buy at onoo for cash if suite no agents; sou mil particulars.

Mrs. 8AHAH Irucr. grocery, butchar. barber, conrcction WANTED A GOOD COOK, ALSO TO tin nlain waflhlnrr. HAt man Hull nt.

1 7f willing to ajsist with upstairs work; stood leforenco from employer. Apply at 81 Clauon av, near trans ler oiUco. ii ul, aow xorii. tost uinue. KXTANTED SITUATION AS A COOK, ii uw Kortt av, noar rrodpect pjaco.

ory, laundry, fancy or any beet located store property in Brooklyn Huahwick and Jellersou avs, three blocks from llalsey st elevated sta.iou; terms easy; ownsiToii promi. iOrj. washor and ironer, by a roapeotable woman; good LGti: cood WAM'JrEn EBOBJSa lS FIJK VISHKW. Can ba seen for two days city reference from last placo, ANTED SITUATION TO DO GEN Oral houawnrk in a nuiall familv. bv a re WANTKL) A GOOD COOK AND LATJN dross: miiit havo city references.

Apply at once at 115 Sic Don ouch st, olty. at too uean sr. WANTED HOUSE FURNISHED A small house or flat for tho Winter: lull imssesinn WANTED SITUATION AS A COOK, wan her and irmmr nr in rln rhn rrnnnnl hnnnnwnrk. no boarders twenty minutes from ferry. Ktata torma and address LITHARGE, Box 15, Eaclo ottioe.

102 103 HI DIEB. BRYERS Ou November 23, 1800. Jake BltVEBs, in the Hlat year of her age. Funoral services at 8 P. 24th at Iho residence of her daughter, Mrs.

Victor Gosliu, Wyona av, Ja rnaioa road. Interment at Ilompstoad, at convenience or" her family. CAVE Saturdsy ovoniug, Novembor 22, Jackbos Onn Cave, in his 27th yoar, son of Oliarles J. Cavo. Funoral services will be held at his lat1) residonoe, 004 "Washington av, Broo'Alyn, Tuesday oveninx, Relatives and friends are respoetfully invited.

Intor ment at Gieonvfood. DOLAN On Saturday. November 22, James DOLAN, beloved sou of Ellen Dolan. Rolativos and frioudsare rospeotfully invited to attend tho funeral from his late residence, 227 Bond el, on Tuesday, November 25, at 2 P. M.

DOYLE On November 23. Willie Doyle, son of Francis and Kate Doyle, agod 1 year 3 montha' and 3 day. Funoral private. DULLY In Brooklyn, on Saturday, November 22.1H'.)0, James Dllly, a native of the County Wostmoatb, Ireland. His relatives and friends, alBO St.

James' Benovolont and ather Mathew T. A. B. Society No. 1 are ro tiuoated to attend his funeral from his lato rouidenoO 70 Ktoul.en ft; from theuco to St.

James Cathodral, where there will bo a solemn roniiem mass oflored for the repose of his soul, on Tuesday, November 25. at o'clock. KDWARDS At his residence 270 Stockton st, Brooklyn, William Alfred ICdwakds. Services at house Monday, 24th at 7.30 P. M.

Interment at Evergreens Oometory on Tuosday, 25th leaving house at 2 P. M. It la asswnen thai contribution uituccomoanted artectahlo rtI, lately landed: ha? Hrat class rotorunce. Please oaii for two days at 105 Ninth st. South Brooklyn; tiret flat.

WANTED SITUAOMrODO era! housowork, and all othor positions, by So. dinavian, German, girl 1, with references. Families wanting firat class help should call at ICagle Agency, 184 Atlantic av; no fee charged until holp is secured. At I'ac inc trust Atch lopelta San Fo Met Kiev iWJjaoay Mil A Nor Atch Topeka 4 San Fa Mo Kan A I' 4s. la8H Mo Pnocol BurC It 4 1st 04.SorPacM Con "ia Ele 1st by a respectable German cirl good city references.

Oall for two dajs at Throop av ring bell three times; WANTED SITUATION A COOK and laundress, bv a comnotent woman: no objec A I) a 0 .71 V7 ANTED AS A COOK, WASHER AND Ironor and to do downstairs work, a woman; must oorao well lecomriionded. Apply at 1218 Scherinerhorn Btreot. WANTJn A and i roner, who will do part of housework in a prirato mmily: German nroforrod. Annlv at 170 State Bllfi stamped envelopes to uarantee tlnir return F9S? I. SC 1 1 VrVKO vs WRAP A SEAL PLUSH wrap trimmed with bear fnr, and a handsome mink lined circular.

Address M. Eagle office. pOll SALETrAHERS THlOIlSf livo white geese feathers, strictly odorless, 75 ct. per pur4 curled hair: Feathers steamed and rouo vated. H.

PIGKFOHD, 1 1 Nassau st, noar Fulton. WANTED ROOMS DECEMBER 1, BY two adld'fl. t.trn rnntna frnnt fnr vorv UtIh. i unuse.1, are not regarded by their writers at Chat'noosa 1 st tions to a largo family or a nrivato boarding house; has gool city references. Call at 347 13altio at, in the rear, top floor; no cards.

7ti .75 a75 101J4 JW 1 08 lOiiM 07 aoout ton minutes' walk t'rom City Hall; Hill preferred: terms abour fiH a mnn.h. A.tdrnHH wirh frth remivrlin. The Eaqle canno: underlain street. ANTED SITUATION TO DO GEN oral housework, bv a vountf xrir); ii a irood nlain lz or foe os 1111 N'or Pao3d llll Ohio So 1st IW I'oo 4 Kast fulj particulars, 48 Bond tt, city. end 6n(4 such manuscrlo'3.

ANTED SITUATION AS A GOOD IOR SALE FURS, ETC FINEST LOT WANTED AS A FIRST CLASS COOK, a thorontrhlv enmnntont trirl nn a shin it: must t)hes Ohio Chi All ti Ohi del, Den Ji Hlo Li Erie iiJ oon I W'hi I) Val cook and laundross. by a young girl cook, washer and Ironor; also, a young girl lately landed wantm placo; both willing and oligin havrf irood city reference. P.e.ino oall for two days at 490 AdoltAtat. Utl Itich Term of fnr canes in this citv: ABtraehan at S3. 40.

Rus i Please call at77 Bergen tt, top tloor. Gall at 80 Hanson pi, corner Port Itio West 4s. sian haro at 84 mr trimmings at any price; muffs, boas. SKHOTS THIS EYEMSG. novo rciertnues.

laud av. .10:1 ANTED ROOMS ONE OR TWO all. VSTANTED SITUATION AS A GOOD DO THE VS7 ANTED SITUATION TO etc airto joc nno ciof jacKOis; it win psy to WORLD'S FA1H, 241 Fulton st. rroms. to be uiad as a ohomlnal lahnrainrv nnml HH 1113.

AS Acxdkmv of Mi'sic Suporba. bv a rosnoo table cook and laundross. by a respectable young girl cook and nnn( rns hv i ennc.t nhle vi 7 housowork or upstairs work, A COOK, AN EXPERI AddW Heading luo. Mt Paul To i Paa Tes A Pao 1st; i'orro Uaute (li7 no SllJ taiili till HriMi has sootl city reforenoes. Please rail for two days at 402 oncod girl; boat oity roforonrjo ronuirod.

t.v Tnfnvnnno mnnirod. powers, it they could not discern if Christ was a myth und the. apostolic to.tchers worthy of cre donce. Now as to the sanhedrim You allirm that it w.ih dissolved in A. 1).

30. Tim was one year after Christ's death (keeping that chronology in view) Yet the minor sanhednn could condemn persons alBo, as book xx, chapter of the Antiquities plainly shows. Why was tho great aanliedrin dissolved? Was it not beoanse the liouiau power interferred with its prerogatives? It is seifeTi. dent the Romans ruladthe Jcwk, nd banco their subserviency. Bositle, from a Christian point of view, these wep the actions of tho traitor Judas.

How conld he face his old companions, once his treachery had become public? Then the two thioves. Eithor no crucilixtion took place or tho Bound narrative is true. It ia not tho fact of Hockinu Val Gs. Internal'! Iovi a (Jont have ijood linht and water; near Fulton Ferry preforred. Address H.

Eagle office. to dav bot'ore 7 1 M. or to morrow bafora 11 A. M. at rrospeot place, near Washington av.

Ulinton av. li ontucky 4s ANTED LEFT OFF CLOTHING lar ioc nrarl tn.l ANTED SITUATION AS A GOOD young girl, lately land3d. Call at 155 Raymond at. WANTED SITUATION TO DO THE housework in a small private family, by a young girl; oan give city reference. Piease call at 383 Warren st, ono flight up no cards answered.

iORSALE FLATS 3 STORY SINGLE COok and excellent, launrirnHt. hv a rotmprtuhlft bi ick flats just completed; home aud sure iuvest 7 ANTED A FIRST CLASS COOK AND Onlv oxTiorincod nit. a. with cood cltv Louis Ji A A Chicago i Wis Cant inc con sir, Wabash Ti Long Dock 7s 108 I Western Unos 0UM The following tab.e tuu course of tho mont. where iur mon is safe; aplondid location yur mon 'y i' more than auy daaler in tho city.

Gall or address J. PHILLIPS, 04 Smith st, betwoen 8oherinerhorn and 8tate. woman not afraid of wofk; can furnish good city ref oronoo from last placo. Call at 45 Cumberland st; no postals answered. reference, noort apply at 131 Wiliow st.

owner on premises; termn easy: the best iuvestuiont in ANTED SITUATION TO DO THE nnfitairs trnrfc and waihinir or nuM fake ears nf iirooxJyii. tienerson av. uear liusnwick. stock markot thi VJ ANTED A FIRST CLASS COOK Rnd lfinnHrrHri nnlv Virion t.Vi bnvn thn hnat nf morning: 7 ANTED SITUATION AS A GOOD OOok and ln.tirnir in Mmo.ll fR.tni1w hv nnitt. rft Op flu STIOR SALEFLATS IN THIRD WARD; livo 4 story brown atone flat buildings, with stores; rented to gool tenants; in cential location small city references need, apply.

Gall for two days at tiT i5uum uiiotu uv. liablo ProtnBtant girl has tho bo of releroncea. Please call Mnnijar and ThaHav At GiirnhnrlainH st. OA11D 230 ALSEY ST GOOD TABLE boardatjB3.5t) per week furniphsd rooms near by. GIESS In this city, on Saturday, Novombor 22.

1800, V7ANTKI) TO COOK, VASH" AND iron, a vnunir woman: larirn familv; cood tvAffBS noar Fulton; rins twice. High Lowest est. At noon. 1W lb a4 10 31 'MH 30 51 41 103 i8 IS js 4iSft 40 fj ffl amuunt caBh can be had at tow licuren. Apply to JU.

J. FLAHERT V. 570 Atlantic av, first flat. 8OR SALE FLATS GOOD INVEST ment A few more of thoie brick flats ou Hatscy bt. HOARDt8SKCOND PL TWO LARGE fumislftd rooms, with board, for ireutloman: fifteen Araer.

Cot. Oil 1 ii tf Atch. Top. Jr Santa F. 30 Canada 51 Central Now 1U3 Chesapeake IS Chert.

A Ohio 1st Pid. 4ii'u Bur. A tJuincv. s7 oity roloroncos rnauirod. Call Mouday aud Tuesday at ANTED SITUATION AS A GOOD nlaill COok.

U'athnr and Imnnr nr tn An lin linnnn minutes from bridge, ton minutes to Farcy. Khnst GlESS. Relatives aud friends of tho family, also momherB of Lexington I.od No. 402, I. 0.

O. I'. Ca. sia Lodge No. 4 io, K.

and A. aud Steuben Council, A. of are respectfully invited to attend the funoral on WOrk in a hmnll lamilv liv a rAnnnntKhln wnnmn' nnnrl yuiasson av, near Fulton at. Sf ANTED TO i'DO THE 13 WNSTAIRS" OARD ON THE HEIGHTS LARGE broad and Liaoult makfjr. Call for two days at 40 luf fiotd st.

sunny front room. hie. Gas Trust uicoly furulBhod; good board. work, a noat, tidy girl: must have city reference. Call at 503 Franklin av, seoond from Kulton, AFUtox Twelfth Night.

CniTF.nioN TiiCATEr. Tho Witeh. HTDE i TIIEATEH VllriotiOJ. Lek Avkni Thkateh Bottom of tho Sea. Thk.viek Will o' the Wiop.

Patsi. Thkatkii Good Old Timos. S7A Tukatwi Inshavoguo. Zlvp'B Casino Music. NEW YORK.

Academv OK Music Old Homestead. American Institute Annual Eair. Hunt' Thhatkh Texas Steor. Broadwav Tiifateh Closed to nt.r;!:t. Cabino Poor nathan.

Daly's tei'. The Last Word. Eden Otero. i'tnil AvKXl'Ji 't'HEATEK Tho Kcndali. FoouTtxsii: Stukkt Theatkii BI ie Jo.ins.

Gaiiden teh Dr. Bill. GllA.N'D Ol'EEA House Shenandoah. Lyceum riii The Idler. Maoihos THEATKIt Pair of Spci Madison Soi am: Gauden 1'lowor how.

ti Aiii'EN Nero. Palmeh's Tueateii Tho Middleman. Pabk Titi 'i'ho luspoctor. Twenty Tiniiii Stheet Thkateh Mar. and Women.

Stand.uui Thkateii Reckless Tcmplo, Stah The Senator. UsioN Squ.iEE Theater The County Fair. 9 rtuM Oi'Xi tt'ii na ti'j Livingston st. onildren, by a young girl; has good roteren from last employer. Call for two days at 325 Vaudorbilt av.

WANTED SITUATION TO DO LIGHT housowork, by a respectable young girl; hagood city references. Pluase call for two daya at 85 Deau at, near Gtaaaon av. WANTED housework for a family of ad'ilt. by a Scotch girl city referonce; no objection to a fow boarders. Call at 270 Jay st, basement.

WANTED SITUATION TO DO THE housowork, by a young woman no objection to a boarding house; city roieronoe. Please call at 113 Atlantic ay, second fio ir, front. ANTED SITUATION TDl)TITE light housework in a small family, or would mind children and do upstairs work, by a willing young girl. Can bo soon for two days at her present eiuuloyer'a, all! Nostrand av; no cards. C.

C. 03S WANTED SITUATION AS A FIRST class cook in a nriTatn familv: first rlat reference Tuesday, Nnvombnr at 2 P. from his late residence, 70 Howard av, corner Hancock at. ANTED TO DO THJ3 DOWNSTAIRS oiorauo uoal 37'4 Uelavraro 133 Lack. Jt Wflsr Ar.

BOARD 155 SOUTH ELLIOTT PL 2 lar.Q rnoiiln nn Rnuonii flnnr. trlih r.r tvlfhnnt. linr iv ly Jsi ia ki r.m vmh ly.i's I'H lX 17M Worii" and nanUinir nf urivntft hnivrninrr can bo given Gall for two days at 44 Wdlow pi. GIESS Ou Saturday, November 22. Eunest Oiess.

houtae. acirl: must lmt arnnd rfifnrnriCiiH Aimlr liat'oro private family; refurenoes eichauged. Denver Ji Hio (iraude 17W WANTED SITUATION AS A FIRST class cook nnriorstand? all kindq of English cook BOARD A THIRD FLOOR FRONT room for one or two flentlemon: aaeu ovoninirs. all ing; rofereneo. Gall for one day at On 8 Olassou av.

tC io Vi Hisr. i C. K. Fast TonuusHiie Tonn 3nd Erio 91! ttt3TtJ Stato st, near Bond. lucnerni llonMeworu.

VS7 ANTED To1k3GENERAL HOUSE ork, a young nirl. 40S Franklin nv. the week. 157 A Madison st. Mombers Itoynl Oak Council No.

1,100. A. L. of ami sister councils are rospocttully iovited to attend the funeral on Tuesday, November 25, at 2 o'clock Bharp, from his lato rosidenoe, Hancock st, corner Howard av. Auiiuet Immio, Commaudor, C.

K.U'm.tN, Secretary. ANTED SITUATION AS A FIRST flafla conk, nr would hn willimr t.n rln honnn BOARD 223 BALTIC ST," NEAR CLIN ton A iarco. hnndsom lv fiirniiirt unrnnrl rn Hocking V.iIN): work of a sinaU family, ly a i ospeci able middle aged woman; the best of city reforonoe. 370 Jay st. ANTED TO DO GENERAL HOUSE near uaipti av all the modern improvements; hall and btairs carpetnd; cas fixtures; hot an! colli water stationary tulB; cloctric I ells and door mo.iLTi; apeakm tubea; dumb waitors, etc size 10 fed; wih pay 10 per cent.

price 4500 do.rn. Injuiroon prom 608; opon Sunday. TO i.K'irsaoJss. Yf0 LET Apply 30S Cumberland st. TO LET HOUSES SEVERAL" NEW 3 story and basement brown stone all Intent improvements; hard.vooj tr.m near elovato 1 rail oa I station.

Inqiiiro oi o.vner, Ull Greene av, near Reid. TO LET HOUSE 217 LIVINGSTON ST, near Hoyt 3 ttory and bnsomont brick 1 0 rooms; all improvements; nice cr ier; iinmcdiaio possession; ront low to a desirable tonant. WILLIAM BRIDGE, 1H0 JiemrJcn Franklin Building. mo iET HOUSE 34 LEl FERTS PL Throo Otory anil b.istiment bro Mtone; a superior house in the bo. it order; naporod and decorated throughout; dintnioom on parlor lloor; Hi'iitary plurubintj; will l.o routed at a ico i rate until M.y ntit.

Apply at owner's otlicu, 281 St. Jamo pi, corner Atlantic avenuo. Ajfoncioa. uiinoiH liako Shore, work, a ranablo. willini? rrirl.

1 (in Christ alone, but the other two men marks tho affair as genuine, liabbi It shows again that the writers of the gospels were not Jewf, b'Jl Oreoks or lioiuaus. Comment: Matthew and John wero Jorva. Matthew's gospel wat written in Hebrew firat, but translated into Creek afterward. The Jews were tho first converts to the new faith. They had positive evidence that Christ was real, and hence 7,000 in a few days.

When before in tho history of your people coul 1 an affair like this bo matche.l right in your holy city Jerusalem? It will ba seen from tho above, dear rabbi, that tho caso you present for our edification cannot be accepted. History should bo written fully and completely, not sideways. The ways of Uod are hard to understand. Nevertheless, they are presented for our acceptance and tho people of aftjr ages see inure clearly than the living actors. Tho writer of this has no bitter fe, lings agatust tho Jews, and it' tho great mass of Judaism wou.d hUuly miv side of the question more carefully, anlc.gonisins would fast disappear.

Your zeal for tho honor ami safely of your faith is praiseworthy. But, nevertheless, presumption or right must rest, as it were, ou a roj.t. lite power of (iod is ted iu Jesus Christ. CtuusnAN. liitooKLY.v, Xovouiber 1H00.

KI.IN'GE Sudilonl.v, on Saturday, Novombor 22, 1800, front room, and also hall room, convenient to cars and ferries; tor inn reasonable. BOARD ON THEWLLARrVATE fAmilv will aocommodafca four contlnmnn with elo. RANTED SITUATION AS A FIRST Lafayette av. Lonisriilu Nash claKH cnok. in a Tirli'fttfi familv.

hv MKrinnrdhln girl would assist in the washing; has yood ri forenco. ANTEU TO DO EN I AL HOUSE work lor a fami'v of n. irirl reference ro Catlt room. and board noar nlovatpil road rioaBo caJ I at 404 Henry st. Kkan'i.

T. i.inoe, son of J. E. aud Maria Klinye, in his ISth year. Fuuoral from tho residence of his parents, 518 Claa flitn av, on IVednt'sday, November 2(t, 18E10, at 2 P.

M. 1'. 'hitivos and friends aro respoeful'y invitod. exchaugtid. Address 0, Box 7, Eale offlco.

ANTED SITU ATION AS A FIRST class order cook in a linr.l nr rrfinirinf bv a (luired. Oflll lit 70 liockwoll jil. ANTED TO DO GENEIiTi jyilOUSE n.i d.i 4151 4IW 41 41M TM 7l2 7M 7H IHM Kl li 1H If V.i lO.Vi 111 in 50 fid 47i Mi JO yii 00! Od'tf lOtHH 100)1 lOOM jOWj 7.1 7'i? 10i iti 100k llll 00 KM 841 IU i UIH LMf, OH tifi! 0.1 rinji 17 17 17H 100 10M Uifli IU' iH 10H 1 "I ijJJ 5Ui nit ii'irj OH 11 osi 4 Jilii 2 J. jJ (i4' (ill! ODM 11! 10 ISJi IKJI V4 10 10 10 10 187) 1XS I8S IllStf 31M LiOW WANTED SITUATIONS MANAGED by ladies Brooklyn Employment linrea 210 Waahini ton st, near Concord (formerly at Concord at) ul all nationalities. Vo do not pioinise perfection," but try to select the best holp ft.

JJ VVol uuraea. ANTED SITUATIONS 200 SKR ants; city, country Gorman. Swede, Irish. Scotch, colored: roforenco tnvo ttgiited tiroenhorn cirla ij(i to SIO. HUSDRIOKSON'tl Old Uetvable a.

enoy, 109 st; largest, beat in Brooklyn; no delay horo. WDTH, a f.rl; muet io pooa phtiu cook and lann McKKAV On Sundav, November 23, 1800, after a COH.VG EVENTS. youuc Americaij woman; no objection to a laree board in? house; boat reforonco. Gall for two days at 0 Harpers court, near Jay st. dross.

(vo vniouKniy av. ANTKD TO DO GENERAL HOUSE work in "i Miiall fami'v. a trirl: must bo a irood ANTED SITUATION AS A FIRST short illness, ICt.TZA W. MoKean, widow of William II. McKean, in the 7'8th year of her ago.

Funeral services Tuesday evening. November 25, at Class COOk. or Would do conkintr. vivtbiww ami irnn. 8 o'clock, at the lefaid mce of hor son, Honry McKean, 250 Sixth av, Brooklyn.

Intermontat con venience of family. imr. by a rospuotablo woman bes: of city reference. Gall for two days at No, 75 Pacific at, Room 10; no carcU answered. 'T.

NTiOD SlTUAtlO AS A FIRST claf rook and laundress, by a trustworthy young woman is willing and utihgiug bst of city reference. Call for two dys at 304 Hudson av, near Myrtle, second iloor, Brooklyn. Manhattan Kl. Michtffau Co'itral Kan. ti T.

Missouri licifio National Lead New York Control N. Chi. A St. N. C.

St.L. Int N. C. A St. L.

3.I N. Y. A IS. We Northirestoru Northern Pacific Northern Pacino pfd. North American Ohio Omaha Pacific Mail Peoria Pullman Reading Richmond Rock Inland St.

Paul Nt Paul preferred Silver Bul'ion Tc xas Pacific Union Pacitic Wabash Wabash preferred. Western Union, DULLOUGll On Saturday. 22, 1800, plain cook, wahticr and irouev. at 8a? Marcy av. ANTED' TO DO GENERAL IIOUSE; work, a girl; good plain cook aud lauudreaa.

siHU Htuyvctant av. AS TE TODO GENIJRAL HOTlSE work for a family of three, a good girl. Jefferson ov, Torupliina. ANTED TO DrMTENERAL TlOUSE1 work in a Kinall private boarding a girl. Call at Mrs.

AL.M, 300 iloyt st, Bruok yn. James son of James and the lato Ann Me AN TED SITUATI ON AS BELL OR elevator boy, by a boy of 18. Address Box 8. Eagle oriico. WANTED SITUATION BY A YOUNG man who has had experience with horses, Address 554 Myrtle av.

Cullough. ffALLAUOUT JlAItiiKf 1'UIUK CUUltS.Tr. 11. atives and friends of the family aro invilcd to at fSM) LET VLATS TO $18 FOR FINE H. flats of 0 rooms a.iil bath.

23 Patcheu av, between Van Huron anil tlroenj av. mO li ET ATS 1 01 A ST, "8 rooms, 87 Hicks st. 7 room, $30; steaui hcat ed Apply janiwir ou nr mitca. niO LET I'LATS i IiOOAlS SB PA ra.ta closot to each tenant', roaiui run tUroKh house; improveincntn: order. Apply at 500 ii lti 't.

botwticn Third and Fourth avs. 7 ANTED SITUATION AS A FIRST clflH i Cnok. hv a nn'nrrtil wnmnti nrnnrinrinArl In nil (3S4.5!) (3 4f)0 tend tho funeral from his lato rosidooee, 803 Hod ford av. on Tuesday, November 25, at 0:30 A.M.; from thon to St. Patrick's Oh'irch, corner Kent aud IVillo ighby ava, where a solemn rouuiem mass will be offered for tho ropoie oi his soul.

AN TED SITUATION AS A DRIVER, by a youn? man who oan furnitdi thobest of refer ANTKD TO DO GBNKRAL HOUSE work in a Finall familv. a comitotiMit woman: no BOARD 421 HENRY ST PL ISA A NT roomp, good board; house first class; five mlnuto walk to South Ferry and bridge; terms very modorate; table board. I OARD loTANiT T.T53 FULTON ST A iooruftr of Franklin av Ltirgo Iront and back room and hall room; hot and cold water; good table and attendance; table bonr lors taken. BOARD LA UGE hall room counoctinf hot and cMd wator, large closels; all improveinenta; with board; host of rei'or ences given and roquired, 218 Adjlphi t. BOARD 300 DE KALE AVf FIRST hous below Washington 2 finely furnisho.l second siory roomn, with superior board and accommodations; refoioncos.

BO A RD A RGB ALCO VlF iTACK room on second floor; also rooms on thirl floor hotand cold wator; fiftoen minutes1 walk of bridgo. 347 Pacific st. nea: Hoyt references exchanged. BOARD A LARGE, SUNNY SECOND story front roim.with folding ba'l and ample closits dedirabl. locution fow minutes' walk to and Wall st ferries.

354 Henry st. BOARD ON THE HILL 335 CLINTON iv Two very desirable, well heated rooms on soconrl floor, with extra lame closets; also, a bright, ant room for a single gontleraan; references. BOARDFURNISHED ROOMS TO UET InrtSo ami a nall, with or without board, on tho Htshtfl, near Henry at; tivo minutes1 walk to South and Wall et lerrios; terms very reasonable. SiStateat. BOARD EAGLE HOTEL.

254, 250 AND 5S Fulton st flood room and board, $7 por wook; large alcovo rooms for families; two minutes' walk to tn, bridgo. 8. H. OOIVIiV, Proprietor, ence. Addrona 414 Pacific st.

17 17 nils 07iii (I'M (Hits rm 50B 4H.k 50 107 107 107 107 104(4 lOtl'i' lo: UKiH om at 5 i. i'. i53i 5pw fioajj 50ta r. 10 18's 10 I. 'Jfi i 77H 77H i "ANTED SI TU ATION TO DRIVE for a doctor or work in a drutr ntoro or as waiter in NAMKlv At his residence, 057 Kent av, November il a (.7) Id LET EL AT FIRST FLAT OF 5 its branches; none fjut who wish a hist clans oook ncd apply; can give firstclaas city reioroncei.

AddroriH 108 Floyd st. ANTED SITUATION AS A FIRST cUB cook, washer aud iiono by a woman who tm derstandrf making all kinds of fancy dishes for dinner parties and suppers; oan give good ro'erenos. Please call this ovenliig and to morrow morning at 304 Baltio sf, Jiiat right hand uida; no cards. M7 ANTED SITUATION AS AN "EXPE rinin 1 cook, by a rosnuotablo nirl would ashlat in 1 TOO rooms and bath: all imnrovtiincnta and nawW na 1 4.o0 U.OO 5.00 5.00 4.7. 4.50 1.50 fi II 3.0.) a private family or hoarding houno, by a respectable colored man, Oall for two dayrf on J.

W. 58. Warren ut. pored doMrublo ucihborhood 50 Uairi on av, corner 51.00 1.00 3.75 4.00 4.00 1.01) 1.00 4.b0 1.50 4. r.5 4.

00 t.oo .50 S.50 JJ.50 A NT ED SIT AT I ON ttnder. bv a vounrr Irishman: AS A BAR two yoars1 exporl rennirnd. Anulv wnflbinff. OaU tor two dayst til 1 liitlrtoy st. ANTED TO "DO GENERAL IIOUSE work in a flat, a youricr pirl; must bo a good cook, washpr and ironor and havo yood reference.

Call at 303 Grand a v. AN TEI TO 1)0' work, plain cooking, washing and ironing, a noat, tidy girl. Gal! any time, day or ovi ning, nt 33 1 fil, boVTcen 'i'liroop and lUinnor avs. XTANTED TO DO GE A HO I) work in a family of four, a girl muBt be competent anil well recommended. A pply Jor tvfo days at 41 Gauibridtfo near Greone av.

BltOOKM.t SKCU ITIKS MTSST OUOTATIOX, enro; not of work referonce i 3 ft: Oorraetod daily by O. btaploa 00 the wah 4r underatanfjs all kinds of inking has tho bo of city reloronce. Ploaso call at 450 Park av, near Franklin, top floor. at. Ix'ovEMUEa L'4.

ANTED SITUATION AS A LAUN dresR. to work out bv the dav or i wasb intr oi roiin si. jnijuiro in iiac. rgn) let flats exthX" a handsome licht flats 0 and 7 rooms; all imnrovo tnents, Innuiro o.i premisof, 135 Congress st, bocond houso below Homy. mo ET AT 'i'A LB OiyW, 17200 JL lle'lford av uo Iro.rlile to shw tla's.

510 Uroeno av 4IHI 1,150 Pulton at $IS 340 Uates av tl 3011 l.eiiugton av lii Bed.ord av 1H 57 KcBciusko st 14 mo LET FLATS NEW S'l'EAM HEiVT A oil, cabinet tt immcd all improvements, all rooms liglitod first elaaa noihhorhood 0, 7 ami 8 rooms rent lour rout tree until December 1. 7li'4 Carroll at. bo trroou and rievontb ava. at noH ruteenth hi. jJ ANT iOD SIT AT ION A A 6 AC man or arooni, in a orivato family, by a Hinglo man; irood reforonooe.

Apply at 3S0 Soveniouuth bt, Brooklyn, top floor. WANTED SITUATION AS A BAR keeper, by a young man at present employed; will bo when suitable plaoa offorii; host roi'oroiuo. Address pros nit employer, Mr. MUItTAGH, Fifty iifth 1 and Third av. ioo 107 7 AN TED TO DO HOUSEWORK, A 15 home; rufeience.

Mrs. NIXON, 153 North Third st. 7ANTED SITUATION AS A PLAIN 0 Bui. i'di 100 101 1IW 17H 100 ioo cirl: must be a nlain cook and cood laundress. Apply at Ojuincy st.

cook and iaiindrea in a private family. 1 a vounff FHVll'i. Apples. TliUlvrln, per I I 1, lii Davis, uer libl Appm nor oll Apples, i'lppin, por bid Appl. por ubl (ir.neiiMi in, por hhl Apples, (trocuin', por hbl Appl( libl Appl.s, Kin por ob! Apph'ri.

Noii.ttiiK'ti. per lib! rs'itrthci Spy, pur hbl lie. I S.r prr hbl A Pto. p. htit Api'lt ti.

Windiall i. per ubl 'JrauliHrno. Capo iv'oil, per hhl Cranliorrii'ii, iaj i per bos l.iapo o.v hi. La ki Giap''t, Coucovti, pot" 10 lb. Grapep, per 5 lb.

bnikct ii.ell, por bankoi Clrapea. per 5 bak. IjenionH. hiriila por b'U I 'lorhla, 00a, por box I'eai'f, ibjiirr.t il'Aiijoo, buslit'l Poar. i.

LJo.c, 1ot Po a rs, llo. tiin, U.uhoe, pur b.isliel box I'earu, Oont'in, roncu.por IN ara, Uo (on, Sheldon, per bh. Imr. Pt arc, L'fiiikiu, per bbl Sockrtl, pi ke per Itol toiiiCL.

per koz von Kir, Fivurrs. Bauann, No. 1. Larire BaniuiSii. No.

loilmm size Uanatias, So. 3, Small Dates. Pcr siim, plt lb latet, Porstan. nuw, por lb Figs, Layer, por lb FiKH, NnptiK. per lb (i'ralPC3, Ainiona.

pin ko (it apes, ilalaca, per koir Mi.s,o, uer imx Lemons, Menalna, 3(10 5, por box 1, emu n. 30t, por Im Lemons, Palornio, 30, 'r box Leinoiin, Palermo, per box Oranros. nor ubl girl. Ploaso a ldresa, by letter, Miss M. 2j3 Henry Fort Grfpno council, royal will Ii.ito an entertajniticiit with fir it clast talont, uiul a reception, with band ami orehe.

tra, nex: day ni rht, at ho Johnston i'latbush avenue nnd Knlton Ktreot. Anunnl of tho advissry committee of the ehiu on Monday evening, December at the Johnston building. Monthly tuei titii; of the depsivtm iit of astvono jny of tin. liroolilyn iuntituto in the class room of tho (Jhi'ibtinu Association, 502 Fulton Ktieet, this cvonincr. Briof Jiapers on asttononiiual Huijjc etB and dinciiiiiioii by tho zneinhur.

i. Annual convention of tho New York state woman BUffra.Tf aiiBociatioii at ltoche.stur, N. December HJ and 17. oi' the department of ohomislry of tho Brooklyn iiwiitute, in tho lecture, room of the Youu Meu'd Christian Assouiation, ri)2 Fulton fdreet, this vnint'. Leeture by l'rotV.

uor I'. W. Bed lord, of the New Yorkphar cojleife, on "The Manufauturo of Vegetable A'JtaioidV illustrated by experiments and cxam.ilou. Meetini; of tho Kings oonnty league of Itepub licn clubs at 115 Skillmau street to ntorrow nlglit. fioception of tho Star social Deeetnher 3 at Hideewood hall, ltalph avenue and Broadway.

Ball of mrt Century order of f.irustorn, at Snonsorbund hall, Smith and Scheriuerhorn streets, November 27. Sixth lecture by l'ereival Chubb, nn "Itecent ngliah Writer. boforo tho department of philology of the Brooklyn institute in the lecture room of tho Young Mon's Christian Association to morrow at 4 V. M. Topic: "Goortfu Meredith and tho Intro.sneetivo Tendency." Bal masque of the Amazon circle at Teutonia iiall, Harri.

ou avenue and Bartlett street, No yeraber 27. Mooting of the oaatern district grocers at 150 Broadway to morrow night. The friends of Miss Bertio Fearn, of this oily, hare decided on n. testimonial concert in her he lialf, to bo held in the parlors or Mrs. Gardner's residence, ISO Sterling place, to morrow evening.

The proceeds go to furnish meand for a musical education abroad. George Kennhii will deliver to niht at tho T. M. C. A.

hall, Fulton and Bond slreets, his ANTED TO DO GENKRAL HOUSE work, a comnetnt cirl must have roferonoe. An st, corner joraiomon, liroorxiyn .11 (1.00 5.00 :i.oii 4.50 3.50 3.00 4 00 0.50 (i.00 H.OO 3.75 WlVI'liK Atlantic av U. Tt. Co. stock Atlantic ar.

R. II. Oo. 7 v. c.

bonds Atlantic ar It. It Oo. 5 p. c. bonds Brooklyn City H.

It, (Jo. stool Hrooklyn City 11. H. Co. 5 p.

c. bonds' liusliwiok av It. It. Co. Op.

c. bonds Broadway K. it. Co. stock Broadway 11.

U. Co. 5 p. o. bonds liroadway R.

K. Co. 5 p. c. bonds 11.

U. NyiTtown It. II. Oo, 5 p. r.

bonds 0. 1, and B. (Smith 11. U.Oo. atoek O.

I. and li. It. It Oo. 5 p.

o. bonds. Oroastown it. H. Co.

p. c. bonds Bo. Brooklyn Cout. It.

R. Co. 7 p. o. bonda Bo.

Brooklyn Cent. K. H. Oo. 0 p.

c. bonds Grandstand NqTtown R. li. Co. 5 p.

o. bonds Brooklyn Gas Co. stock Citi.ona' Caa Co. stock Citizens' Css Oo. 5 p.

c. bondi 21, 1 SO'), John Mo.Vamee, agod SO years. Notice of funeral hereafter. REED Suddenly, Novombor 21, Jons Reed, agod 03 years. Sorvico toho hold at his lato residence, 105 Kosciusxo st, Monduy evoning, at 7:30 sharp, interment at convenience of family.

SPARItOWOn Saturday, NoTembor 22.1800. at tho residence her parents, 3 Hart et, Brooklyn. Maiiei. oldest child of J. It.

Sparrow Khoda J' Sparrow (nee Grogory), aged 5 years 10 months aud 20 days. WAUD On Sunday, Novombor 23, Pathich AVakd. Funoral from his late residence, 13 Talman a', Tuesday, riovombor 25, at 2:30 P. M. Iuterment at Greenwood.

tCliicago papers ploaso copy. WATSON At hor residonco, 102 South Portland av, Brooklyn, November 23, 1800, Mrs. Saltan ANt AVatson, in tho 85th year of her Funeral from Hansou PI Bapti6t Oliurch. cornor Hanson pi and South Portland av, Taotday. Novomber 25, 2 P.

M. WOOI.OOCK.S On Sunday, Noverabo 23, HEnuEaT younitost sou of Goorgo O. aud Kato Woolcuoku, aged IS years. Sorvioes at his late rosidenco, 00 I Bo iford av, Brooklyn, Tucs.lay overling, Novomber 25, at 7 :30. Ilola tivosand friends rospeotfully invited.

VTS7ANTED SITUATION AS A LAUN dress or would do cooking, washing nnd ironing, by a young girl; haa good reloronce. Ploaso call at 271 Court at. 11.00 :t.oo (A 1.50 ft (1.00 lii JO'3 l'Jo 103 iT ANTED DRESSMAKING A FIRST ply at 4 3 lirovoort pi, botwoun Jiedford and Franklin avomiea. ANTE TO" 1)6 GENKRA LTlOUSE TV work in a family of adults, a girl must bo a good class dressmaker wishes a fow more oncanoments ny iriouaj: i. ayior aysrom nr iruaranceou; latest stylos.

Address C. K. I'aciflo st. ANTED SITUATION AS A LAUN dress or assist in kitchen, bv a rrSTifii tfihln wnm. ni laundress and plain cook reforenoes references re(Uired.

Call at 4J5 Sixth at. 101 107 nr.) 101 101 no ANTED DRESSMAKING is willing and oblbiing haw yood city roitronces. Gal! 19 1.50 out bv tho dav. bv a first class litter: stvlish ANTKD TO DO GENERAL HOUSE work, a cirl. who must he ocooilconk: references 00 mo LET FLAT.S 57 KOSCIUSKO ST JL An opportunity to get a choico flat of ii ro mis: all improvements hall oarpetod; uinilowa furnished: cheap.

Inriuiro of janitor on premises or addross, 5 Kaglo oflico riTU) ET LA EL EG ANT CORNER Ji. ilat 7 rooms and bath papered and decorated rent only $18. ItOUT. W. F.

MAHTI.V. Ralph av, cornor Macon at. TO LEg" FLATS FL ATBUS AV, near Sixth Dosirablo flats of 7 rooms: all im (3 1.00 .00 (ii .00 4 00 103 tMuton munu lpal CasOo. atook .07 .17 .15 bonds. 1 Ulton Uuiiicloal Us.a Uo.

p. .14 (3 10.11(1 drapor; terms reasonable beat of roforence. Address or call on Miss LAV 324 Livingston bt. ANTED DRESSMAKING ACOM jiefent dressmaker wishes to make a fo.v mnro on gagomonts by tho day; cutting and fitting by tho French eyritcm, Address K. Eagle Bedford brunch.

WANTED DRESSMAKING A THO oughly competent first claBa dressmaker would like a few engagements by the day; is a perfect fitter aud stylish liuishor; best of reference given. Address L. Box 15, Kaglo olfioe. iMot ropoiirau i.aslJo. stock Metropolitan Una Co.

5 p. o. first Nassau Gas Co. atook Kaaaau Gas Co. it p.

cortiftoatea tor two days at UcKulb av. 17ANTED SlTUATION AS A PLAIN TV cook and iirdt class laundresM, by a rospnctal lo woman; has good city roforence. Gall at 748 Gates av. in the store. ANTED SITtJATIONT()DO THE down.itaira work, by a roKpootable woman; is a cook and thoro iirh laundress; has seven years' olty reforonco Oall at 373 Prospect pi, near Washington av, WANTED SITU A1MON tTJDO THE downstairs work in a private family, by an experienced Protestant girl.

Pleaso call for two days at pree entemployor'a, 50 iovonth av; ring basement bull. ANTED SITUATION TO DO THE dojinHairr; work in a small family, by a middle aired woman; cood cook, washor and ironer: mnr.nrH.tA (5 i6 7.50 (3 H.OO (ol 7.50 H.OO BOARD 24 CLINTON ST FIN LARGE! rooms to lot, with board; singly or eu uite within hvo min ts' walkoi" bridRo and forrics; tho most convenient location in Brooklyn; table board also; terms reasonable. BOA KD HOT liliTrOEOIUJEr 51, S3 and 55 01ark ut. Amyncan and European plan 400 room mcludiog lOObatbiooms. nduujidy furuittbud, singly ui uu suite, eleouic Iitfhtt throuhwut OARD SCHER3TKRH()RN ST, BE: twoon Court and Clinton Brown stono houso.

now Jy palntod and fnrnlshod; square and hall rooms; ton minutes' walk to bridgo and ferries; pricoa moderato; table boarders taken roferoncos, B1ARD26 STRONG" PL, WnVEEN Henry and Clinton sts Ilandaomoly furnished second floor; comprising front and alcovo. back and extension: would be lot or en suite; all improvements; ample closet private house references. 1 OARD PLEASANT, WELL HEATED rooms, with every convoniouce and good board, at modoqete terms; ro minutes from station and convenient to throe linos of horse cars. Call on or add rets J. 4113 Franklin av.

BOARD AT 5 1R)UT on the Hill A comfortable, extra largo hall room, suitable for ono or two gentlemen, wkh superior board, at a moderate price; call and convluco yourself; also, table boarders desired. 13 OARD JaGHTS iW0ITOjTST7 lOo 108 102 105 100 90 07 00 IHO 10S ioi required. Apply immediately at 44 llancook st, near JSumnr av. ANTEDTf DOH3FN JaTTHOUSE work in a small family, a girl; roforoneeH lO'iuired. Call for two days on Mrs.

SMITH. 4U0 Toroop av, Brooklyn. 7ANTEDWlrGER work in a family of adults, a nirl; must boa good plain cook, washer and ironcr; roferonccs required. Apply at 1 1 Garden pi, near Joralemon tit. T'ANTED TO DO GENERAlTHOUSr work in a family of throe adults, a girl; iutmt A good plain cook and laundress; none need apply without city references.

Call at 730 Norttrand av, between Proapeot and Park pis. ANTKD TO ASS'IST'IN THE HOUSE 5.00 5.50 7.50 0.50 7.50 0.50 0.00 3.00 10.00 7.50 (S 7.50 (S 4.00 ia so Oronpe.s JaniairH, per box ANTED PUPILS MRS. MATTIE S. DOIILON will tako nDntls for ceneral traininc In .075 provements; halls liirhtad and lurniehorl: immediate possession. Apply to II.

EDKBOULS, Flatbuah av, or D. A M. OHAUNOKY, Montagu, St. rpO LET FLATS FO UT GRKENK ON Cumborland st, fronting Fort Greene park; fullocation; nil largo rooms; all improvement; janitor tervlco; possosiion novyj rents reduced. Apply to janitor ,101 Cumborland st.

Owner, 300 Vauderbilt av. 617ET KLATS A RARE CHAN Handsomestdycorat8d single flats in Brooklyn, at reduced rent, $35, to rrsponsible families; rooms and 1 ath heateil all improvements iioost block Eighteenth ward, 1,100 Gates av, near Broad wny ring third bell. rfllO LET FLATS 13S" JEKKKUXON AY 1 otn tr I.m un an (la. 4)t Dr. nrt MEHTIXC, OF THE LOT OWNERS OF THK GKHl'S WOOD CKMKTE11Y will ho hold at wages; has good oity rolorouoea.

Call for two days at the olhce of tho oemotorv. No. 20 If roadwav. New Vork. 200 135 Sando et; no cards, work and holp mind children, a young girl; Rood homo nnd moderato wages, lnuirti to day at 44 Prospect at.

I.iltltld Vltirili ITiiHClO. ANTED SITUATIONS ONE AS A cook and lauudross, tho other as a chambermaid and waltToas, by two compotout Kirla; together or separate; have references. Apply at tkf Atlantic av. 135 130 ana vocal expreu.iou, or tor special nisiruo tion in churcn and concert work. Apply at har residonco, 81 Johnson st, Brooklyn.

ANTED CONTRALTO AT ONCE; A good opening for ambitious to bogin at a nominal salary. Apply Monday and TueaJay, 7 to 8:30 P. H. M. WESTERN, 715 Ltitngtou av, near StnyvoKant, Brooklyn, N.

Y. WANTED I OUR school of acting; thoro lgh training iu 8hak snoarcan plays and society dramas; malo and femalo fu fclructorn: twenty years' practical oxoorionoo. Parlor readings taught. Call JO A. M.

to0 P. 227 Fulton street. on MONDAY, the I st day of December, at 12 ololock which timo an election will be hold for live trustoes iu placo of tho in whose term of onto will ezpiro ou that day. ovemb.jr 14. 1800.

CJu PKKRY. Soo. SJH'a' AND FOJfMn. 1 LACK VF( )TJNDL A 107 l.Io 140 iii i 0. Kl 1H5 130 1.

Vo 175 27 425 100 1:10 1. )) .2 (9 .30 .15 (3 .14 (3 .30 3.50 lit f00 3.00 4.50 .10 l(J .12 .12 .14 .10 9 .12 3.50 fiOO (S 10 (3 .10 .12 .10 a .14 (3 .10 .14 () teiifM ni near Schc rmo. horn Larzo nnnare room, well 332: third. $30, and fourth, $18; 7 rooms; all ments; good or.lftr: frej rent to January building just boon decorated. FRANK.

H. 1 YLi.K, 1,183 Fulton Et, corner Spencer pi open evening WANTED SERVANTS AT THE Brooklyn EmoloymcnL Bureau, 2 1 0 Washington st, Uooword (formerly 20 Concord st) Situations ready in city aud country. Many girU cuiue who have aorer been at aa office. Managod by ladles. WANTED GIRLS IMMEDI ATE l7Y; all nationalities; general house worker, cooks, chambermaids, nurses, etc.

Places noiv waitinir. in nitv LET FLATS ELEGANT NEW SIN i WANTED SITUATION TO DO GEN oral housowork, by a reliable woman. Call for two daya at 74 Sumner av, noar Myrtle, third bell no cards WANTED SITUATION TO DO GEN oral housework in a small family, by a respectable nno JL Klof flats for throe f.irirlies: a rooms and bath, with JLA DOG. Reward for Bame iMeft at 477 Hatacy at. LOST A DLAOK OAT," ANSWERS TO tho narce of Hon.

A liberal rowar.l will bo paid for loa return to A. U. COI'flN, 201 Livingston St. LOST LK A VINO BROOKLYN BRIDGK cnrsO to 10 A. M.

Novembor 22, a POO ETI300K. containing rr 'M i n.vard. Return to 108 West Thirty ANTED PUPILS MISS LILY Wallror fcortificfttod Roval Acadomv of Muic. tirirato ball, o.octrio belis and all nnuroremonts iitrh London, in nianolorto olaylnsr; also from 1'rinfty Oollecre. nuiunu, i 'mi at uut iuaaiu uv.

reopio UH3 uo. stool; People's Gas Co. fi p. c. bonds Peoplo'o Gas Co.

it p. c. bonds Willianisburgh Gas Co. stock Williamabnrjtb Gaa Co. ft p.

c. bonds Union Gas Light Oo. of 13. N. Y.

0 p. o. bda Unioa Oas Lijzht Oo. 5 por coat, bonds Hrooklyn Bank atook llroad ay Bank stock Iledlord Bank stock Commercial Bank stock Fifth Avenuo Hank slock Kirat National Bank stock Fulton Bank sto.rl: KinaBOotiaty Hank atook Hamilton stocc Long lainnd Bank sxocr Manufacturers' National Bank 3took Mechanics' and Tradora' Bank atook Meohanii s' Bank stock Nassau Xationt! Bink stock National litv Bank stock North Side Hank slock Twonty. sixth Ward Bank atook rtpraipto National Hank stock Wallobout Hank stock Hrooklyn Trust Co.

stook Franklin Trust Co. stock Kinrta County Trust Co. stock Lonn Island Low, and Trtiat Co. stock. Ncssau Trust Co.

etock People's Trust Co. now stock Brooklyn Olty Sato Oepoiit Co. stock Long Island bafo Deposit Co. atook Kings Oonnty Insuranoa Co. Btook Lafayette Insurauos Co.

stock Naaaau Insurance Co, atock Phenix Insurance Co. Btock Willinmabi'irgli Inanronco Co. Btook Aoademy of Slusic Union Forrv Now York Ferry B'klyn Municipal Kloctrio Liirbt Co. stook Oitizons' Rleotric Light Oo. ntpok Brooklyn Water Front and Dry Dook Co 6 per cent, bonds KincaOo.

YatBr Sopplv Oo. atook Kinpts Co. Water Supnly Co. 0 p. c.

bouds Flatbnah Wator Work Co. Btook Flatbuah Water Work Co. rip. c. Mouth Brooklyn Saw Mill Oo.

stock N. Y. and So. Brooklyn Ferry (Jo. N.

Y. and So. B'klyn Forrj Co. 5 p. bi.

Union Ferry Co. lat 5 per cent. bds. or country, at OHITTNDKN'H old established emolov iiTANTED SITUATION TO DO GEN Loudon, in the theory of music and harmony)t could accept a lew additional in pianoforte, winging and Harmony; utmost caro and given; terms moderate on application. 104 Booth Oxford Bt.

oigutu st, Aew lurE ilty. nient agency, formerly at 843 Fulton et remottd to U7U Fulton bt, near Grand av. oral noiisoworlt in a small lamily, by a middle aged Protestant woman. Call for two daya at 117 Sanford at. borhoo and in con von lent ion janitor's Borvice; otvncr on premiei, 343 Tenth st, Uouth Brooklyn.

mo LET FLATS HEATED 99 BEU1CE ley pi; all light rooms, handsumey decorated, cabinet trim, stationary refrigerator also, second flat, 101 Berkeley jpl. it rooma, neiirhtorhood first class. Apply at lti co, 30 Flatbusb av, corntr Prospect pi. WILLIAM J. TATK.

ff GST SUNDAY MORIS I NG GOING 70 133 7H 200 17S 200 80 "js'i 145 100 SJ from Ir. Moredith'B church to Putnam av. a nai warmed, well lighted, all improvements; good tablo; tonus reasonable situation unsurpassed; aonvonit 'ut to bridgo and ferries; table boarders accommodated. BOARD WITH A PRIVATE "FAMIIiY of adulti occvipyin their own houso; the choice of two nicely furniahed rooms, containing heat, hot and cold water; table first roferonces roiiuired. 255 Carlton av.

OARDMANSfON HOUSE, BROOK JB 9 lyrr JlfiKhta. Wall st. N. minutes walk from Kullon or Wall ht. Ferry and tbo bridge term in oh, Hnpe.rior accommodations, rca onablo rates, select family aud transient hotel 200 roums BOARD NEW CLARENDON HOTEL On the Europe in plan.

Washington. Jolmnon and Fulton ills, rooms SI per day and upward, special rales for faraihea by tho tfaaaoa. FliA.NK.EL LAMBING. BOA RIPPLE AS ANT DOUBLE OR SIN gle rooms, with or without board, for gentlemen onlv: can. heat and bath: on tho Uoiahts.

near Wall st WA NTE E1V A TIE of gold liVIUiLAHSKS. A suitable reward will ho paid WANTED SIT ATI TO GEN oral housowork in a small family, by a young girl oity reference. 131 Htuyvesant av, Brooklyn, second" I'lnBuppiPri, por iuu Tamariinis, per lb NUTS. Almondu. Panor liholl, nor lb Almonds, PaiwjrSholl, Princearj, por lb AlmondH.

Sou per lb Bnizil Nuts, por lb tJdeatinit.s, Ntirthorn, por bushel tho tti'U' hum, per bushel Fancy Miied Tablo, por lb 'iIl'Hrt H. nov, per ib liazel Nuts, por lb Hickory nor bushel Panut, Fancy H. per lb Pocan NntH, pyr lb il int (Jii li. per lb "Walnuts. Fr tnch.

uor lb Walnuts, tlreunblo, now. per lb Valnnts, Marbot, ocr 'h VEGKT.ULF.S Jioans, Lima, per b.i ban, hiring, per crato Bct'ts, per hhl CabbaR, Loii' IdUud, per 100 (Jaulilloivor. hbl Coltsry, table, per dor Plant, Jeraoy, per bbl KtfK PIhiu, por blil Gj Peas, por crato Onions, Uod, per bbl Onioin, Sun th, per crate Onions. pr bbl Onion, Yellavr, per bbl Potatoes, Ourbank, State, por bbl Poti K.irl.v Itose. pur bbl Potatoes, llobroo, per bbl tri'li.

i'ir saek Potarofli.onir Inland, per bid Pott toed, Mich in an Roao, uer bbl lotuiM Pe a per bbl tbioon, por bbl Potalooa, Scotch, per bbl Ptaoe3, Jersoy( per bbl Potatoes, Sweot, Virginia, por bbl Pumpliiiid. per tM Sqtiash, Huhhard, per hhl Squash, bbl Turnifs, Russia, per bbl TnrnJpe, White, par bbl Watoi oro. sps, per pair PRODUCE. Butter, Fancy Klirin, par Jb Batter, fine Western, por lb Butter, 'iood Tabln.nnr lb ANTED ENGAGEMENT BY A RE lor ineir return 10 iu fuinam av, uroomyn. OST ON "T'lWRRWPONT" S'tTE SDOctable Amerioau woman, to ta'to of an Koal Ltate.

57 ANTED SITUATION TO DO fiuw Tfno LETFLATS RENTS LOW; TWEN Invalid lady, or a. nurse best references, Addroas NUR1SE, Eagle dford branch. iwoon uonry anu moan, or Hicks et, botweon Pirtrropont and MootaKue, ailvor WATCH, initials Sunday Full prioe of watch given if finder will 210 i7U 140 325 170 20 135 124 7 t' oral honsowork, by a rospoetablo woman; ia a good ty flve minntoo from City Hall. Now York hoat; coa Jfi roturn ft .1 IVIIIntr ruj reierenoe. (Jail for two daya at olt; Court st, iu etoro.

ANTED ENGAGEMENT FRENCH cirl desires a nosition a maid for a smia ladv: for range furnished; 7 rooms; all ilsht; decorated; ono block from Fnlton st station. 34 McDonough st, jani 3'.) 103 i'llltiVISHKn IIOOITIS lor ou promises; or to C. J. SANDS, 1,102 Fulton st. boat city roforouoea.

Aaaross m. fosturaco box 40, Woodbavon, N. Y. trroet lecture on "The Kussian Police and tho GoTormuent of Kiisain, and Siberia," for tho benefit of the Brooklyn maternity. Alnsical soiree at Groschel'n nonoorv.ttory, 138 Btate street, this evening.

The eighteenth anuiversaiT of the bsnevolent association of tho Westminster Sunday school will be celebrated this evoning in tho Westminator Presbyterian church, en Clinton street, corner of Fdrut place. Tho annual address will be delivered by the Key. H. F. McEwen, pastor of the Fourtoenth street Presbyterian ohureh.Now York.

Ball of the Letter carriers' association at the Academy of Music, December 8. Meeting of tho United sons of the Emerald Isle, commemorative of the Manchester martyrs, this evening at llibernia hall, 32H Gold street. The Kev. Dr. Moredith will lecture this evoning at the church corner Park and Murey aveuues, on "Garfield; a Typical Amoriean Careor." Lecture on "A Pieturo aud 11 Component rait," by Professor Ilenry Van Ingen, at tho First Baptist church, Clinton and Pierropout atreots, to night ThoBev.

Charles K. Baker will deliver a. lecture to night ou "Tho Island of Capri," in the Sunday school room of tho Church of the Mesjiah, cornor Groone and Clermont avenues. Bennion of tho Sons of the revolution at tho Hamilton ciub. Komson and Clinton streets, this evening, at 8 o'clock.

Concer: and ball of Olivo temple, T. or L. of at Teutoiiia hall, Harridon avenuo and Bartlett 1J1URN1SHED ROOMS 110 HENRY ST WANTED SITUATIONS TO DO GEN eral housework, by two respectable young Swedish girls latoly landod. Oall for throo daya at 75i Fifth avenuo, ANTE SITUATION TODOGEN ANTED ENGAGEMENT AS CHIL A WJT 5 IIK i MA IjKS. WANTED TO WORK IN AN OYSTER saloon, boy.

Oall at 34a Hiohe st. ANTED IN A DRY GOODS STORE7 a boy about 14 yoars old, with reforenee; Apnly aty03Flatbush av. vv" fi7ANTED A DRIVER; ONE ACCUS tomod to deliver ice oream orders and who is well posted with the city streets. Apply at 30 Clinton at. ANTED JUNIOR DRUG CLERKj Btate age, references and salary expected.

Address OAMPHOR. Boi 15, Eajile ANTED TO LEARN CIGAR MAK ing, respectable young men. Apply at 7S Smith fit root. ANTE JN ALARG15 JEWELRY house, a boy about 15 yoars old. Call on or ad dross TllRODOKE 11.

STARR, No. 20G Vlfth av. Now York. TO LET FLATS IN THE NEW HOUSE, S08 Eleventh st. noar Seventh avt 4 rooms, all Hirhi Ferry; within a few minutes of bridge.

Apply at 150 JL furnished rooms, with or svilhout board terms mo lerote; near brldare and ferrios. lrens nnrse, by an Araerioan Protestant young 100 40 105 willow sc, near norreponu and iu good order rent $13 and $14 alho first Hat, 70 Garnold niece. 0 rooms and bathroom: rent 333: mm jUJRNISHED ROOM A LARGE FRONT woman; can take entire cuarge ot a naby, or to lalco care of an invalid lady. Please call at 248 Livingston at, between Elm place and Bond st. OARD 426 VANDERBILT AV, NEAR oral housework, by a respectable young woman with goorl oity roforonoes.

Oall for two dayB at 481 tor's service Apply" to J. JUKES, 304 Cumberland room, for mau and wife or two irentloinnn two rloors 9 (Jatea Brown stone house! a nrivnte familv street. irom rno l.odr isiana uoilogo. oil i'acinc adults, living in thoir own ho i so, have newly furnished A NX 13 SEW 10. i 100 UUI1II, on.

VsrANTED SITUATiW TO DO GEN fXnO LET FLATS FREE TO JANUARY anu uecoraioti rooms, on suuo or single; mirror loiaing BURNISHED ROOMS 11 DOUGLASS A Elegant 8 room flats, lu Oceanic, Fulton st, be HAND OR ueus; use oi piano appointments urai ciass; terms roa Bopablo, at, near onrt 2 rooms suitable for gontlemon hot 17 ANTED SEWING BY If oral housework in first olasa family, by a North can mend nicelv: 75 cents tween Kockaway and htone avs; renta, $10 and $30 corners, 833 to $35 twenty two minutes to tho bridge TV machine, by a woman; anu coia waier; gas ana use oi batti; neatly furnished terms moderate uermangiri; nas two auu one nan years' rclorence. An ply at 4HS1 Marcy av, Hrooklyn. 1 OARD ON THE HILL AT 201 DE 9 Kalb av To let. with board, lnrirn. room janitor on premises i rjj nnuiii, 81 Fifth av, Brooklyn.

HAT.OOXKKEl'ER R0SEXTRITT lfAS LliCKT. IiURNISHED ROOMS 3 ROOMS IN STANTED SITUATION TO DO GEN per day. H. L. Eagle office WANTED SEWINGTO GO OUT BY tho day or wook; understands dressmaking.

Ad dross 601 Grand av. front, Routhern exposure, suitable for two porsons; room cornor Hat, furnished for llcllt liour nlii nntnir II eral housework, by a roapo. table young girl: Is a coal mO LET FLATS IN ELEGANT APART wen lurnisnea no. anu coia water: extra oioset; ANTED IN A PRIME BEEF STORE, a tidv voune man who nndorntandfi hnfnVmr partios only ad JL ment housesKensington nnd Saratoga, 450 and auu itaa; pur mtmiii. rirui ciass pari L.

STEWART, Kagle Bedford branch, guou plain cuoa, wasuer anu iro.ior; nas gooa Olty rotor encos. Call tor two daya at 045 Union st. business; one who knows a Httlo about hah and oysters mroop av; suites oi is rooms eacn. uanu 'ioraeiy tlec torma reasonable; ieronoes as to tauio ztirnisuea etc. BOARD 5 TO 7 LARGE, PLEAS' ant front room also, sinarlo room: location rory do proferred.

METROPOLITAN MARKET. 5 Greene av. WAITED I5AEIY. orAted throufrhout; all liht rooms: mo Bhaft: ian.tor lURNISHED ROOMS 327 CLINTi )N ST I Butter, Imitation per lb i Chofse, Full Oream, per lb Borvice and all conveniences of brut otaaa hon.ies, Apply I ito Itirird aluo hall room house in firat class ED A YOUNG MAN WHO UN 7S7ANTED BABY A YOUNG WOMAN having just lost hor baby would like to havo one order ami novly rurniBned adults only; tablo board at slrable: table first class and nndor now manairement derstands the flsh and ovstcr business thnrninrhlv Uates av. one block from station and ho von minutes from no othora need apply.

Address E. 1,088 Herkimer to brim: up on the breast or tiottlo, irom respectable parties. Call at 280 Third av, Brooklyn, two flightivfront. bridge; tablo board, S3 to $4. 103 and 104 Clinton 3.H.

I71UKN1SHEU ROOMS 5 4 C)RANGE" ST," Brooklyn Heights, noar bridse furniBhod room, uuiioeoKini, por id Fees. Huq wustern. dax KKs, Lone Island, dot Ekh Lime, dux Lard. per Lard, White labe1, per lb AND OA ME. TO Iifir IHUSES.

avenue. Justice Goettiuff this morning diemiesed two complaints ajrainst Saloonkeeper John Itoflontritt, of 800 FiuKhin avenue, one charging that on tho nijjht of November 2, ho aasaulted Louis Federcv, of 3 Whipple street, th other made by Officer Fuller, of tho Sixth precinct, that on the night in question he had his tmloon open for the transaction of bu incas. Frednrer did not appear, and tho olticer in ziru.s evidenoa at to the excise violation testified that he was lod to mako the investigation on finding Frederer bleedinn on the tiidewalk and boincf told by him that Itosentritt had aasaulted him. Tho tetimony strtot. WANTED A TENOGRAPHm typewriter: will elvo office room in larire n.

Hcn WANTED SITUATION TO DO GEN oral houaework, or as plain cook, by a smart young woman; good rofereneo. Call at 4S'J Baltic st, first floor. 7AN TED 8IT UATIONTO" DO GRN era! housework, by a repectable Protectant girl; willing and obliging. Please call for two days at 234 Franklin av, near Do alb no cards. ANTED SITUATION TO IkFgEN oral housework, by a respectable young girl throo mouths in tho country; has good city references.

Call for two days at 00 Floyd st OARD 50 LIVINGSTON ST HOUSE to ru AC. gas, nnriG anu oawi; gejuieuiou ruioroucce ox mo LKT PAKT OF HOUSE 3 KOOMS, HOME OR ANTED WASHINU AT Chicken, Spring, dns iod. ib. lb JL A 41) uoratur 10 a young coapio, no anuaron; rt runner av olovatod ctatlon KInKS County Railroad. 9 refitted, renovated and under new management handsome rooms on socond floor, with pt bath closet, southorn exposure; back parlor, with oxten i lb building to reliable party in return, for aervices in keeping omco open during proprietor's absence.

Addroas Kagle oilice. otiangeu. ITiURN IS EST R(OMTCTLET. HANI anno parlor floor, furnirihoi suitable for a uhy ut. i.lil itr el.Tiimn xritU l.rnnVf.ut ntha, to tro out.

by a rospectablo woman. Call at 321 i nicKeiiH. Mirmir. lire nei OtickP. Hoston.

uer MHO l.KT PAUT OF HOUSE 4 KOOMS Hudson av. eion, hot and cold water; othor rooms; good table; rca on third lloor lu privato to a small family eonrtblo prices; referono.s. ANTED WASHING A WIDOW WAKTKD SITa'AT! OfllS FEJIAJuES, ront $13. Inquire at 8i Kaymondat will tako in xrentlomene washing or go out by tho UiMifil) WA.MKD. 7ANTE SITUATION TO DO GEN U1! ANTED SITUATION TO TEND IN rinO LET PART OF HOUSE ELEGANT day.

Mrs. vv. uu iiiniu st. table board block. llald'ey st, uoar Bedford av.

ono blo. of Fulton elevated. I BURNISHED ROOMS ON THE HILL Lir'), Sfjuaro front room, light and sunny, for gentlemen, a Email private family; all convonioncoa OARD WANTED ON THE HILL BY 7 erai nousowoiK, iy a rospectauie young girl; Is a lo youn girl; is a WASHING A COL Oall for two days good cook has good olty roferonces, parlor floor and basement, with all Improvements, In Twonty lifih Ward; rent very low; owner occupies. 837 Putnam av. of the ofilecr, however, was very harmlesu.

He eaw nobody dritiirinsr, could not tell what was in a nuiot ladv. with well warmed room ored woman. at or address 009 Gatos av, cor a bakery, by a young girl has several years1 expo riencfl; speaks German and English; rot'orenccs. Gall at 004 Baltfc st, Brooklyn. st una eam at dixtcontn bt.

terms not to exceed per moQiu, aumeaj, stating references ronuirod. 11A South El terms moJorate; ner Throop. particulars, M. Ea; omoe. the glasHCB on tho bar and thontrht the place waa ANTED SITUATION TO DO GEN mO LET PARTS OP HOUSE I LARGE ilOlI pi.

JANTED WASHING BY A RESPEO table woman, nlain family waBhiuir to tako homo: erai nouseworic, ny a respeoiauio young girl not 17URNISHED ROOMS A PRIVATE 1'OH SAI.E MOUSES. tiKht.sumiy rooms, roar honso, sccoud floor.ttto min ea from tho bridge. SH.fiO: alflo. ti rooms on ton (loot. wiilinc and oblls'inr Please call nun loDg in the country for two days at 1,501.

A family will ront moro of a boardiuo: liouo than a aaloon. HOW COUHTXF Y'S PLACE WILL RE FILLED, ANTED SITUATION AS A NURSE, bv a resnoctablo yonnc trirl haa citv rrtfr snuaro or hall room oioollonh 35oentHadozen; best roforence. Call nil the week at ulton et. $3.50 per mouth. lnq.uiio at 108 Naadau ht third door lo' hamly tn station: nas and hath: to eentlomon FOR SALE HOUSES 151 ELLIOT PL, also fi74 Warren Annlv tn GKORCJR P.

ROW 7o Smith fit, top lloor. i rum uay. enco. only; or will rent a floor of 4 rooms. Apply at 10 Hart PleaBB call lor two days at 581 Washington av, Pacliic st.

owner. 10 Snruco st, Now York, or WYCKOFF near Btreut, 57 ANTED WASHING BY A RESPEC tablo colored woman, to tako hauie by the month 1) ticks, dr.S dd, Lonfr Inland, per lb Ducks, livo. Lone Inland, per Fowl, drtfrjied, nor Fowl, JI, per (, dreaofld. Hoiton.per lb live, WoBtPrn, per piir por pair Pifteons, live, por pair Prairie OUtokonrs, por pair Babbits, per p.iir Sfjuab lamt, per doz Turkeys, drcsAod, per lb Turxoyn. live, por lb Woodcock, per pair MKATS.

Uar.tlp, Natl to, Rood Caule, Native, medium Oattlo, Toxa i and Kango Hoera, Modium, dm.s. ieT. Heavy, drosaed Lambs hhoep Vual. dresse.l Veal, Orassord, KKKD. Feed.

00 lbs Hay, No. 1., Hay, No. 'J Mayor Chapin to day received a oommitteo of I JURN ISHED ROOMS TO LET, 204 7 ANTED SITUATION TO TAKE care of children and mako herself trcnerallv uro weik: iamiiy wasnmc. ou or aaaross TO LKI' FOK MtHJSlftKS.S PUUPO.NES.

TO LET FLOORS 28HAORPL Apply 308 Cumberland st. DANIELS, U7ti Navy st, noar DoECalb av. aL ilijli st, a seenn I lloor furnished coiuploto for hotiBO the Horatio Seymour inocratic club of the Eighteenth ward, whioh called to urgo him to UKOTliJ.KS, 133 Jf latbush ov. 1" OR SALE HOUSES will soil, cheap, to close an etat two 3 story brown stono houses; desirably located; 303kj Livingston st and 2i7 State st. Apply to WILLIAM LOGAN, executor, 110 Fort Greene pi.

ful, by a rospoetablo gir 1 wishes to sloop homo. Call at 404 Baltio st, econd floor, back roum. KoopinK; mouern improvomenifl good locality; sir min utes' walk to Undue Can bo seen from 10 A. to 0 ANTED WASHING AND IRONING, to co out bv tho day tho first two days of the week ANTED SITUATIONTO DO GEN oral housowork, by a respectablo girl; is a good cook and laundress; has good city Call for two daya at present emoloyor'a, 17 Sterling pi. S', ANTED SITUATION TO eral housowork In a small famllyLby a rcapeotablo girl of JO.

Pleaso oall for two days at ol Raymond st, corner oi Bodlord. ANTED STTUATION TO DO GEN oral housowork in a amali family, bv a respectable Swedish frlrl, just landed. Ploaso call for two days at 200 Fourth av, in aloro. fjpO LET WORKSHOPS LOFfS; 335 i nr. Adams st; water and holstway; easy of access; Im jiatway or to tako home, by a r.dpoctable woman.

Call forVao days at 000 Myrtfo av. of no ST ANTED SITUATION TAKE care of ohildreu and assiBt with upstairs work, by a respectable young girl. Call for two days at 424 UERS, 335 Adams mediate posses ion. Imiuiro fOtl UK VI, ESTATE. street, this evening.

Entertainment and rccoption of the Brooklyn cily iiute, drum and buglo corps at Wiilotighby hall, Broadway aud Wiilonghby avenue, to night. Dramatic entertainment under the auspices of the Garden City elab, at the Stewart arms. Garden City. 'Thursday evening, November 37. "A Scrau of Paper'' will be tha play.

Meeting of tho retail grocers' association at 407 Bridge street, to morrow night. Beceplion of the Franklin association at 118 Eonth Eighth street to morrow evening. There will be a marked departure in the way of Thanksgiving services at the Church of tho Saviour, Pierrepont street and Monroe place, licit Thursday. Carroll D. Wriaut, ohiof of tho department of labor at Washington, D.

will Jeeture at 3 0:30 A. M. on "Tho Ethic of Machinery." Eeception at II. F. li.Tcrs' academy, in tho Arophinn neadeiny, to morrow, at 8 P.

M. Puiuters' in uaressiva anion No. 2 will hold its third anuail ball at rjris' Novelty hall, Fulton street, on Tuesday evening, November 25. Tho two most impressive illnstravd Bible rca'lings of tur recent conrco at the First Baptist cirarch, PiurreDont and Clinton streets, will be ropcut iiiesday and WednescUj evenings of thiB week at the smt church. The New York and Brooklyn Retail grocers' mutnal benefit fund association will give a calico sociable next Thursday night at Central Torn Tfcreiu hall.

Sixty seronth Btre et and Second avenue, New York. Ballot' the Alfred C. Chapin clnb on Than ks civingevo in O'Toolo's hall, Fifth and Atlantic avenues. appoint ex Assemblyman I.obert E. Connolly an the successor of Justice Courtney.

Tito mayor said he knew Mr. Connolly and promised to uivo tho matter careful consideration. His honor intimated that he should like the appointee to bo a man who avouUI bo likely to reeeivo the party Btrcoi 7ANTED WASHING A RE 07UR SALE HOUSE TALK QUICK; JL ciroumst anceH (wish to leave Immodialely) cause me to sacrifice my artistic 3 Htory droopeJ roof srono bouse on higbos in BediorJ soctiou: appointed for my owu use $8,500. Addrods Mrs. Kagle otflce.

snectablo woman, some family washing at her own npO LET SHOP 150 NAVY ST (REAR), bl near M'vrtte av. 3 storv brick. 30i lO Hiiit.ihln fnr ANTUD SITUATION TAKE home; is a lrnt class laundreie; sontleman's mending or washing. Fleaso call at 74S Uates av, in the store. jX)H SALE LOTS OR EXCHANGE 1 00 1 100: in first class neighborhood.

AddreBs AN DBhWS, 1')70 liroadway, Uates av station. 1'M)K SALE LOTS PLOTS choice silos: more than 2,100 lots, Including numer carpenter hop or auy tnanuiacturing bnainess; will bo caioof ohildron and holp with chamberwork, by a reliable fcicotch girl. Call at 215 lloyt st, top lloor; ANTED SITU ATION BO TO DO GEN puv in oruer io Biui ionani iinniiniLtion for tho mioxDtrou nortion of Court VST ANTED WASHING BY A WOMAN no cards. or would do chamberunrlf hv a oral housowork, vjaui oiviJrsur, l'ju I'uiionst. to co out by tho day was.img or irounic, or wou ney's term.

Tho term for rrhich Justice Courtuey MiTodOatsVoor bac fat raw. now. ous corners; some vory select pieces down town, where IjOK SALE HOUSE BROWN STONE dwelling, ronted to ono good tenant for 8720 price basement; 3045xl00; fine order anil fine location down town; 17 rooms. GEO, E. LOVKTT A 50 Court st, Brooklyn.

THIO LET omoKS DESIRABLE OK PJoa jo call for Toungglrl; hiri good city referonce. Pleaso call for two days at 591 Vanderbilt av. noar Oean at. una VuurcMca, tatre it nome; nas t'oou pity ruiereu White Oats, No. l.per wag elected will expire May 1, 1802.

Noxt fall two days at xio Navy st. Ja neon in tin Thoinaft Buildinjr, Conrt firesonr, are wortuless good opportunity for nvestora and buil lors; oxamine oiri ular. WILLIAM H. OitACiC, oornor Willoughby and Jay ats. nominations must bo made for the unexpired ANTED SITUATION AK A CHAM bermuid and waitress, hv a vmm rrirl Pi A NTED WASHING" AND IRONING.

to cro out by tho day or take at homo: rouerh lriou for tlVO davs At 1 South Portland iv. rnrnnr nf portion of this term, as well as for tho next ensu ius full term. square; stoin neat ana all tno latodt improvements immediate pOBdos iotl reasonable rents. 1. A M.JHAUNOl Y.

307 Montague si TO LET FLO(JRS WITH three floOM, each 30x130; separately or orironod. Oall at or address for two days 451 Adolphi near Fulton. Kalb. WANTED SITUATION TO DO GEN eral housework, by a respectable girl; has good city rofereneo. Please call at 000 Paeiiio st, near Graud avenue.

TT ANTED SITUATION TO 1)(TgeF eral housework, by ft respectable young girt; Is a irood cook, wawher ana iionori has cood city references. FOR SALE HOUSE A BARGAIN 2 story basement and oxtonsion frame, 8 rooms and bath: Improvements; Al order; 877 Halsey st, near Broadway and etntion; prico 37o0 or moro caBh, balance to suit: koy at 88 1 Ralsey st. B. LKVINO, owner, 300 Lewis av. IOR SALE PIANO 5150, ELEGANT upright; ront, 84 monthly, applied on purchase or STOltOI THE KHGLISH CIJASJfKL.

ANT ITU ATION A A CHAM it bermaid and waitress, by a respectable cirl bpafc ANTED WASHING AND IRONING, by a rospectablo woman, to take home, or will no also 4 tiiry brick buildinir, 4Ui3U; also Kroiiud lloor. SX.M; roots inuuLt o.iy jrniton st. Kana city rofereneo. Please oall at 431 Marcy av, top floor. uxii); stoam heat and olovatorj.

Apply on premises, 50 Plymouth ht, or OAKY STEVEN'SOV, 100 Fulton at. out by the day. Pleaso call at Atlantic av, first floor, front. 71 OR SALE PIANOS UPRIGHT, London, Novembor 34. Tho violent gale still prevails in the English 7OR SALE HO US 2 STORY AND basement.

0x40x100: all ImDrovements; 10 vuu Stotn 7 ANTED SITUATION AS A CHAM 1 bortnald and waitrcRH hv a rnRnnntnFilA ommn 1 f4 montlily; upright, used one year, SlKo Picas call for two day. i at 840 Kont av, corner Park. AN TED SIT UATfON T(T 6GEN eral housework, by a respoctablo young woman: haa beat city references. Please call for two days at 857 Kent av, near Myrtle. rooms and bath first class order; will be sold on eany 00 and 302 1' ulton st; opon ANTED WA3HINO" AND IRONING, bra resooctable woman, to take home iaaflr.t channel and elsewhere along tho coast of Great way, bargaiu, evenings.

XO IjK CiU Fil S' 3t i KitTir. has good city roiorcnoBs. Gall for two at 125 Cumberland st. terms to quick buyer. Apply to owner on prnmwea.

mo Chauncov st. one block irom Utica ay station Kings Britain. A number of wrecks and collisions have been reported. The British steamer Uppingham, IN FLATB USIJ, V13R HO LET HOUSE rglO LET HOUSE County road. ANTED SITUATION AS A CHAM barmaid or wnuld dn irnnnril linnHnicnrlr fn tnA WhJLeOatd, No.

per bar isa. Bluofish. per Ib Bonitas, per lb Bmterliah, uor lb Gfricos, per fl (JiMcoettori. per lb OiauiM, per bbl Clams, boft, per iskot tarns, unit, per 100 ('rals. hard shall, iier bbl JEoIs, per lb Flounders, per ib Haddock, por lb Hake, por Halibut, array, per lb Halibut, white, per lb Mackerel, each Oysters, box, per 1.000 Oy.ttors, eullfi, per 1,000 Pollock, per Jb Porgtea.

per Ib Salmon, per lb Re per gallon Sea Bass, per lb Snapper, per Ib Mackerol, per Ib Striped Bass, boiling, par lb Striped Basa, pan, per lb Woakliah, pr lb Yellow Perch, per lb SITUATION TO DO GEN UTtfANTED ft, non av, a 3 story and attic houBe and large plot of 7IOK SALE PIANOS $8 TO $10 monthly, Andorsou 4 bent detaohablo pianos; will go in the Bmallost housoor flat. ANDliRSON 4 334 Fulton st. A DECIDED BAR IjIOR SALE HOUSE from Cardiff for Port Said, is ashore at Hart MAU IKE, eral housowork. bv a rea doo table Norwegian cirl Krouna: rent isto a montn. Apply to it.

owner, (03 Fulton ut, Brooklyn. cain 2storvbaKomontflni sub collar. Philadelphia by a girl. Can bo soon at present place, 431 Madiaou st! near Throop av. land.

Twonty ono persons were rescued from the is a good plain cook, washer and Ironor; has good city references. Call for two days at 4i5 Atlantic av. brick, brown stone rtoop and trim 0 rooms and hath all modern improvements; built by day's work price 55,030, ffit 00i or more cash, balanco to suit. Call on Dremises steamer. Tho nrst oincor was lost, a noat con LET HOUSE AT GARDEN CITY, L.

with 10 rooms, all imorovoraents also harn fiTOR SALE PIANO 125 ELEGANT upright; little used; bargain; Buporb now sflo htorlini; unrilrht: noaitlvely the handsomest Diann ANTE SITUATION AS A CHAM bermatd and waltross bv a ronrntfltahlm rrlrl ST ANTED SITUATION TO DO GEN H.50 4.50 .05 .00 .22 taining five of tho crew is missing. audirardcn: house fronts on beautiful nark and onno any day and time, 753 Hancock st. oral houaework fn a amall familv, or a respeotahle ottered for salo in this oity: don't fail to seo iti old bont city roierance. Pleaso call at 203 Gourt at; rinar DAILY ROPER'S bell. eite tno cathodral.

Address OU Main st, second ou mat. class taundrcsa; nas good ouy reference, uail for two days at Wyckotf ht; ring three times. WANTED WASHING AND iRONiNG, by a reBpeotablo colored woman, to go oat by the day or to take bomej has good oity roferenoe. Piease call for two dayB at 1 Chauuoay et, rear house. SUSAN DOIISEY.

WANTED WASHING" AND IRONING, by a good laundress, to take homo by the week or dozen; also rough dry: has best rtferonco. Call at or address 384 Lexington av, near Tompkins first bell. WANTED WASHING AND IRONING, to take home, by a rospectablo young woman; ladies1 or gentlemen's washing done by tho week or month; first class references if retitiirud. Call at 558 VanderbiU av. Soung nweaisn gin laie'y janaea.

oof i H.ENKY DAHLBOltN. pianos takou easy terms. SIfllMO.iL)H. Fulton st. OR SALE HOUSES DETACHED ami fiflml dAtniTinrl rl Jr v.

Box 13. Cardon City, L. nil din altos in the Twent and "T'nrnntv frttiH ANTED SITUATION AS A CHAM bormaid and waitress, by a youuc has citv TO LET HOTEL IN FLATBUSH, VER nonav. near Holy Cross Cemetery a fine hotel and FK KH3HT HiAHS iTBECKKD. Wilcox, November 24.

A frightful wreck took place on the Philadel ANTED SITUATION TO DO GEN oral honsework or would take care of ohildran. hT reforenee. Call at 503 vanderbilt av, near Knlton wards, Bodford seotion heaithiost. most attraotWe and accessible part of Brooslyn, 0. J.

SANDS, 1,103 Fulton Street. over an acre of round room onoueh for a hotel, marble (OKPOB1TIOS wontiKs. VrOTIUE iN THE MA1TER OF THE ii onaninir of Everirreen avenne. from AfelroAA fitrpoK a respoctablo young girl, lately landed. Flease oall for two days at 800 Kent av, noar Myrtle.

at root. and monumental works and floriit elablishmeub com phia and Erie road yesterday near hero, in which two brakemon were badly hurt. An extra tniiea: rent ouiy ujou a montn, wttn loase tor a vo years. Apply to D. MAOUlttE, owner, 703 Kulton at.

ANTED SITUATION AS A CHAM barmaid and waitress, by a vounc ar: no nbinn. (TIOR RALE HOUSES CHOICE OF SIX I eleirant new brown stone 2 and 2 fitorv bnlldlncn lat Adams street, to Flushing avenuo, in tho Olty of itrooWynTo all whom it may concorni Tho report of tho commissioners of estimate fa tho above matter has betn completed and lllea id the offloe of the Gierk of ANTE SITUATION TO DO GEN eral housework in a small family, by a respectable young girl, who has boat oity reference. Please call at 105 lioyt st. tion to litrht housowork: has citv reference. Call at ()ft freight was going down a heavy grade at high COMHOriOSOJ AFEURTBOAT.

There was a Bliuht commotion on a Twentr ihird atroct ferryboat, near tho alip foot of Uroad way. at 8 o'clock last eveninz, canaed by the ai leusd pickinii of a woman's pooltot. It appoara that a man ltaj flnvpeJ his hand into a woman's poohet as she as about sotting off the boat and extractor! her pookotbook containinz t2. Tho woman detected him and a friend of hers also paw him. Officer Drf.deer arrested the man who gaTO Ida name at the Bedford avenuo ntation as John Benton, ucd 42 ycant, of 25 ilenry street.

Now York, it is mpposcd that he cave the pocket book to a companion who escaped. The woman was Mrs. Jlnsu Bahrman, of Jxiiiir Island City. Justic Gocttinz thii morninj; held the prisoner in $1,000 bonds for examination. IT WIS AIKUK AXD NOT DKltUT.

Skillmau ut. on Bainbridge Bt, between Iteid and Stuyvoant avs, two blocks from Fulton st olevated positive bargains. JOHN IlfCNNESSY. owner, ou premises. rate of speed, when a oar whoo! broke.

Tho en the Goanly of Kings, whore it Is opon for tbo inspection flf All nAnl HIM Intarnatnrl A nnl i i I1 1 cino aud twenty two cars were wrecked. One rriO LET STORE 12 rKK MONTH With 3 roonu. Myrtle av, noar Kvorgreen: aleo, flat 4 rooms, watjr and tubs. 810; keys with Mrs. Bunt.

WANTED WASHING BY A REfSPEC table woman, to go out the first days of tho week, or would take family washing homo; oan givo be.t reference. Please oall all the week at 183 eighth st. South Brooklyn. 7 ANTED SITUATION AS A CHAM bormaid and waitress, or wonld do tho housework small family, by a roune sirl: cood roferenea. Jn tho above matter to the Supremo Gourt of the State SALE HOUSES GREAT BAR craln: owner leavinsr cltv; thre 2 nrr.

eottao n. brakeman had an arm broken aud was badly hurt. Tho other was terribly bruised. The losa Pleaso call at 332 Carroll st no cards. 80Suydamst.

nnn all improvements; 89,300 esob: also, Queen Anne cot na A I 't PWIII, A ...1 'SITUATION AS A CHAM "SBTANTED to the company is largo. London, November 34. The report that the earl of Derby had nub. scribed 1,000 to tho fund for carrying out Gon eral Booth's achemo for tho of tho lower elaaaea was orronoous. Tito earl of Airily was tho donor.

AM EPlDKnlC Oa' HKIiUKSZl. onnor, 130 Alabama av, or OAVLD J. MOIA.OY, bormaid and waitress, or llsht honsowork In a oTTet stores corner OF "si av and President st, suitable for first class irrocery VY Aiianiioar. small private family, by a respoctablo young girl; best city roterence. Please call for ono day at 470 Myrtle av, FOUftKD B01MHG ITATKB 05 HIS BEOTilKU.

tore; 331 bixtn av, near rrcsidont at, suitable for ANTED WASHING AND IRONING, VI to out by. the day, by a respectable Swedish girl; has best of roference. Call on or address for two days Miss JOHNSON, 87 Boerum place, near Atlantic av. VST ANTED WASHING AND IRONINO, to take to hor home, by a resnectabln toqii. worn.

BJiOR SALE HOUSE CHATEAU GEM villa of striking arehitoetural beauty; an Ideal homo; cuatom tailor; will be rentsid reasoaablo. IJtVX Jilt a tar wasaington no earns answeroa. BOYIB. ists riuo av. Francis Strang, of 780 Park twonuo, Tisited ANTED SITUATION AS A CHAM barmaid and waitress and to asaiftt with children the residence of his brother Nicholas, at 608 LET STORES FROM $12 UP: ONE larffl double store, euitablo for bakory.

with ovom corner tovrer, turrets, aablo, baloonlos, piazzas, etci oleeantly appointed ant fiuisbo'l in choice hard woods; masriiSocnt corner. 40x100, $8,650, 8.000 cash. Addreaa GOT1IIO, Eagle omco. i T2 an; ladles1 or gentlemen's washing dono by tho week or WANTED SITUATION TO DO" GEN eral housowork in a email family, by a respectable girl. Call for one day at 170 Smith st, top floor; no cards, WASTED SITUATION TO DO GEN era) housework in a small family, by a respectable Swedish girl; cool reference.

Please call at 450 At lantio av, first floor, front. ANTED SITUATION TO DO GEN oral housework, by a rospectablo young girl; it a good cook, washor and ironor; has good oity Tolerances, OaU for two days 703 Beronjit WtED SiTO DO GEN oral housework, or will do upstairs work and take caro of children, by a yo iug girl, lately landed. Call for two dayu at 77 CougreaB st, eecomHloer. ANTE SIT UATiON TO BO GM eral hous.wurk, by a respectable young girl: is a good plain oook, good washor and ironer; references. Call et 8 Dekalb A7 ANTED SITUATION TO DO GBN eral housework in a private family, by a young or do light housework, by a young girl who has good oity.

roforence. Piease caII for two days at 30 Marion at, near month first cfao i reference if reciuired. or address uau 1 oi wow York at a Hueo at Term thereof, held in the' County Oourt Horase fn the OUy of Brooklyn, oa Saturday the ljth day of December, 1890, at 10 o'clock In the forenoon of that day. or as soon thooaftr as counsel can he heard, to have bW contlrmed. Dated Brooklyn, November 24, 1800.

ALMBT F. JUNKS n24 lOt Attorney and Counsel to the City of Brooklyn, NOTICEIN THE ATTElt TliE application of the Common Council of the Oity of Brooklyn, in relation to opening Greeno avenue, from Irving avonue to WyckofT avenue, in the City of Brooklyn To all whom it may concern: We, the undersigned, Oommisiionord of Estimate on tho ahovo matter, do horoby give notice that we have completed our report in tho above manor, and that tho said report and map are filed in tho oriioo of the Olerk of the Ooauty of Kings for examination by alt persons interested, and that we will meet At the olhce of tho counsel to the Corporation, of tho Oity of Brooklyn, at the City Hull, on Monday, tho 8th day or December, 100. at 10 o'clock in the foro noon, to roviosr our eaid report. Dated Brooklyn, NoTembor 24. 18H0.

THOMAS CONN BR, i DAILY IOR SAbE HOUSES OPEN Mrs. HAY Kb, 83 UeKamav. and Than kaaivinir dav: handsomest 2 at Dry and haae tae ANT15D SITUATION AS A CHAM inent ranoy front nonsea Bronaiyn evnry mo torn Broadway, last evening aud while there had an altercation with him. Soizing a kettle of boiling water from tho sfcovo Nioholas poured tho oon tonts over Franoia' head, scalding him so sever, that he had to be taken home in an ambulance, where he is now tinder medical care. He refused to mako a charge against Nicholas anft the latter tirovflinent: aitnated Fark nl.

west of Ueritorn av: oall WANTED WORK BY A YOUNG GER man woman; oflioo bousaoloaning by the day. Mrs. KNBBIl, 21T Poarl st. Brooklyn. V7" ASTEi) VbllK BY'THB DAY, BY TV a Uerman wldovV; is a thorough bnusaworker nice washer and ironer; will take washing home.

Mrs. O. Pesth, November 24. Au epidsmio of influenza prevails at Fuenf liirehon, Hnncary. Ono thoiiasnd psraona In the plaeo aro afforin from the diBOase.

The medical officer lias summoned a conforenco of tho doctors to deaida wliat couree to follow. Many cases of the disoaao resomble typhus fever, whila others are attended with a copious bemorrhaBO from the intestinea. NO 110UK FniUHrKKBD DKP0SIT0BS. hermald and waitrosa. or would do chamberwork and assist with the care of children, by a respectable girl; willing and obliging; three years reforonoe irom last place.

Please call for two dkyaV 332 Saokott at, between Smith and Court. as not boon arrested. and bob thsro. Bend to TALBOT'S, JUO Bodford av, for photoKrapba. I 61l SALE HOUSES IN SEVERAL estates which must lie closed ire Havo many poidtlv.

bargains In 2, 3 and 4 atorr baaement and collar oriole, stone and frame horJaea; alsooholoe atoie and fiat property. Including leading buelnoae eornnra; eiainln WILLIAM II. OHAOH. I 0t Corner Willoughby and Jay eta. gUSGIFF HLKtT COUETSEV TO BE BANQUETED.

A banquet is to be tendored to Sheriff olect Donrtney at Wilson 3 53 Plorropont Btroet, on lYeduestlay evcninir. Norcmbor 20, nndar the mspices of the printers' legion of ICinora county, rhe inrited Kiieuts lnclnde Jadgo Courtney, Con Troasmnn Amos Cnmminga anil othoru, all of ylioia have been nnsigned toaatit relative to the abor moTcment. John Carroll, comedian: Barry ind Fair, the Irish comedians: tho Friendship inartet aisd Charlea Kojan will be present to en srtaln. uWr 125 JuTltations have been iaaaed. oomiaStteo having the arrangements in barge ar Jamos Dillon, Nathan Newman, hsrlefl D6nward, Edward Barnett, John O'Con VANTED SITUATION AS A FIRST olasa waitress and to aiaist with chamberwork by a Protoaiaut girl.

Call or address 30 Veranda nl, Urook ljn. food location; nne noiKUDoruoou: iwouty uitu rrara. Call 8TRATrON'S Heal Estate Exchange, 009 Gates avenuo. mo let stores splen did looa I tlon: besotiful atoroa sjrand opportunity for dry fioujB.taitor.buota and shoos and barber storea in Oooan Unildlnff, ultonat, between Roukaway aud Stono ava; rent free to January 1. ISTKLLli i HliRUl, 81 Fifth av.

mo LET STOKES I THEXe Sv JL Uivoralde BuildiQz, on Columbia pi and Fnr man at; aultablo for urovialona, grocery, tih, shoos, hardware, houaefurnlahing, etc. i send for illnatratea pamphlet. U. W. WILLIAMSOW.

Agent. 30 Joraiomon at, ro ia on mo LET KOOMS FU KNISHE1) AND JL unfnrnlaliod; largo and amall; no.vly furnlahod; OBeof bath and wash vnbe; pleuty of closets only two doors front L. station. Call all et At 45 Albany nv. sou Knlton st, OF ElMtABD BRAXDOX.

UOBKKT E. CONNELLY, OoramisBlouerB, girl; good city reference, fiease oall for two daya at JOSEPH IRVING. no24 101 ANTED SITUATION AS A FIRST Edward Brandon, of 8 Wall street, New York, laan chambermaid ortm. frn nrH, HT A ITII ATinM Tfl IU. flV.t.

Olt SALEHOUSE 195 PKOSPEOT nl. bottreon Oarlton and Vanderbilt ava atorr and thought to be one oi the solid men of tho utock HUTBfvS MA.UH731erraoat at. WANTED WORK BY A SWEDISH woman, washing and housed can intr or to tako homo washing. Mrs, Concord st, bae ment. WANTED WORK BT A RESPECTA ble woman, to go out by the day, or wonld take washing to her own home; oity reference.

431 Maroy at, topfloor WANTED WORK BY A PROTEST ant woman ihneed: to go oat by the day washing or cleaning; terms reaiouahla. Call or addioaa lUo Uigh and competent girl willing and obliging no objection oral housework, by a young thr best oi reference. asemnnt Lrown atone dtyollinir. finelv linlBhed in ma i a wuuiu uuuro, i jotwuwj. uwiHw.iro ieaso can at iQBKmm nrat iat; no cards an hoTanv.

oherrv and oak cabinet mantela. onen tiled tlre uoyu av out uuuuu ar, uuuuuu uuut. i fiwered. The run on tho Citizens' s.vinB bank in Now York is over and to day the ro.ular course of biisinea i was pursued without inlo eruption. This iB the third run on the Citizan i' bank since ita oreautzatioa and In each tnstanco the bank hat met tho orlaia unflinchingly.

The bank laut week Ijaid to email depositors. A ERIC AN HOTEL, TL 2B 30 FULTON BROOKLYN, near ferry. Newly rooms; L'ood aocommpdatlons for per exchange, made'an assignment this morning to Itobcrt 3. Killer. The liabilities are believed to bp very largo, but Assignee MtUer announced thiH morning that no statement wnqld be given XTANTED SITUATION TO DO )N TO DO GEN maoem or transient guests: 60 eenti per night, 81.50 laces, refrigerators, aanltary Dinmbinjr new modern ouso recently constructed by Wlllla'in dubbins; neigh borbood Brat olana.

Apply for keys, terms, etc, at of I'latbush av. corner ProapBct nl yililJAM J. TATE. Real Estate. private family, or would Hugh Curry and Jolta otalrs wcrk and asalat in tha kitchen, hi a jouiti girl.

Ploaao call lor two days at 1 Ohaunoay at, first win oa zouna wiuids; milB, Proprietor. OalatD. out until tho close oi buoiucea to day. uvvr..

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