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The Brooklyn Daily Eagle from Brooklyn, New York • Page 6

The Brooklyn Daily Eagle from Brooklyn, New York • Page 6

Brooklyn, New York
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)


CLEAN STREETS. iOOlXMDfflOK W. Duryca Hughes, the Bogus Divorce Man. BOJfDAY EVfiNLVU. DECEMBER 22.

1S9D. AT THE BOOTHS. Ballots and Blackthorns Kilkenny To day. at Great Excitement Orcr the Parliamentary Election The Siniggle Jielwesn the Klral Fnciious All Sorts of Rumor and CaiunaiKii Fioorbnclis Firing About. Kilkenny, December 23.

rollinc opened brieklr this moruing, and ever)" liodyis)oiliiiiC forward ton most excitinj day, The presence of the military and a large force ot police Bcattere.l tliroiiliout North Kilkenny saems to be a euaranteo niiaiiiBt any sellouts breach of the peace. Mr. TarnoH and his candidate, Mr. Vincent Scully, arrived upon the ecene at an early hour. The town ia occupied by a body of police and a company of fifty eoldiera.

Mr. Timothy ilealy has just Btarted for Castle Corner, which plaeo, In his opinion, will be the keyetono of tlio light. Strong and enthusia tic continsenta of the snp portera of both tides have arrived at Castlecomor, which poiut other beside Mr. Healy apparently record as being the key to the conatitueuoy. The feeline of a majority of the voters, so far as can be judged by outward appearances this teems to bo auti rarnoll.

A rumor which caused considerable excitement was circu lated duriur the mornm It was to the effect that larco nuinbcr of miners had beon confined in a coal pit in order to provent their votint' Wild threats were soon made by both sides and it was announced that the miners would bo rescued at any cost. An investigation Qf the report, however, ehowod it to bo nothing nioro alarming than a campaign lie, and howls of derision were ex cbanccd between tho opposiuj? parties when it became known that the miners referred to woul.l later in tho day march in a body to the polls. Ab a rule the leading members of both tho Parnollites andMeCarthyites meet and treat each other in a courteous nianuer, but tho same cannot be said of the rank tnd file. Tho latter, in the most good natured manner, may be said to be boiliuc up to a point whero they would liko nothing hotter than a rattline fixe fiuht. As tho mornliift advanced this harmonious state of affairB was somewhat clouded by an alteration which took place betwoon Mr.

Harrlncton and a number of priests. This wordy warfare was occasioned by what Mr. Harrington termed tho priests' interference with voters. Hot words were exchanged on this subjeot and, in spite of Mr. Harrington's protests, tho priests continued the work of influencing voters who were thought to bo loaning toward Parnell.

Mr. Timothy Harrington has issnod a manifesto to the electors, declaring that tho Irish. Americans will never aubmit to tho deposition of Mr. Parnell from the leadership of the IriBO national parly, Tho manifesto, which has been eagerly eizod upon by the friends of Mr. Parnell and his candidate, Mr.

Vincent Scully, now forms the especial feature of the election. Tho priosts later marched to tho polls, amid cheers and counter cheers, at the head of a body of voters. Two prominent farmers from County Dublin, Messrs. Kettlo and Grchatn, both leading mem bors of tho tongue, are doing Bome vigorous and effective work for tho Parnollito candidate. There ib much ill feeling in regard to the action of the prleula in actively and opsnly influencing or attempting to influence voters is classed by the Parnellitos as being deoidedly unfair, and thore 1b already considerable talk of petitioning against the validity of the election in North Kilkenny should Mr.

Scully be defeated. Information has be6n received from Qostlo comer to the effect that Mr. Parnell met with a hostile reception at that placo. It is also stated that the miners are voting solidly for Pope Hennessey. Mr.

Pimell has returned from a visit to the voters of Gowran, He is in the highest spirits and anuonuced that Gowran is going splendidly and that it will poll an almost solid voto for Mr. Scully. Mr. Davitt raised warm objections to allowing Mr. Scully's election bills and campaien costers to appear on the wall of tho Gowran court house, Where the polling is taking plaoo amid much excitement.

Mr. Crllly, M. fetched the returning officer, who ordered Mr. Scully's ulacards to bo removed. Advices from Johnstown stato that Sir Johu Pooe Hennessey's supporters, headed by a num ber of enthusiastic priests, are marching through the streets, thereby causing a eeone of wild ex citement.

By their friends the processionists are greet with cheer upon cheer, while thoir oppon ents roply to these sounijs of sympathy with a chorus of groans. It Was with great difficulty that tho police prevented a Bonons collision be tween the excited factions. Dublin', December 22. Tho Freeman's Journal announces to day that if the Kilkenny eleotors roturn Sir Johu Pope Hennessey they will be playing the gamo of Stead and Hugh Price Hughes and "the crowd of Pharisees." The election of Mr. Vincent Scully, the Journal says, is their one and only chance of Winning home rule, and is also its only chance for the clergy to use their legitimate iufliionco.

l'av noll alone, according to the Journal, has the strength to control certain events of tho Irish agitation in which clerical control is most doeply resented. Mr. Balfour, chiof secretary for Ireland, has de cided to visit Ulster in January, and whilo there will address mass meetings in Belfast. At the various meetings of the Cloyno branches of the national league, yesterday, tho priests, in accordance with the bishop's instructions, requested the people to form leagues independent of the control of tho Dublin exooutivo, whioh, as is well known, warmly supports Mr, Parnell. At wo3tofthe meotiucs referred to resolutions in accordance with the blshop'B suggestions were Rdopted.

London, Docomber 22. A circular just issued informs tho British branohes of the National loaguo that the services of most of tho officials conneoted with such branches will not be needed in the fnturo owina to the present liuancial position of the league. THE 3U. WHO STOLE A HOUSE, ScUoonuiuker Arraigned To day In tlio Court of Srwuions. On Saturday George II.

Schoonruaker was arrested at Nyack, N. on a bench warrant charging him with forgery in the first doeroe. petectivcB Zuadt and Price made tho arrest and Hiis morning Sehoonmaker was arraigned in tho tourt of sessions, but refused to plead to tho indictment. Tho prisoner, who was also known as Jauioa S. plone, has succeeded ever since October 4, 1880, Irhcn the indictment was first found, in Ueepiug out of tho reach of the law.

The charge mode ugniuBt Schoonmaker is the forgery of a deed by which tho houso of one Helen ltobiu Eou, of 093 Lafayette avenue, was conveyed to bis keeping. Ho also placed iipou the house a mortgage of 43,000 whioh was taken by Moran Williams, of Broadway, New York. This firm was tho virtual loser in Sehooninaker'd transactions, and they accordingly found tlio indictment of forgory against him. Before the police could plaoa him, however, he had fled to Knglewood, N. with his wife.

After flying about New York state for some llttlo time, tlio couple went to Brazil, and he was not located nntil lew days atro when tho oliieers found that he was living on his father's farm at Kysck. lli i wife, who was also arrested with him, was held in Sl.DOO bail by Justice Walsh. THE WEATHER. rN'DILTATiilN's TILL 8 A. M.

TO MOnUOT. Washington, D. December 2U. For Eastern New York, Eastern Pennsylvania and New Jersey, fair; westerly winds; slight changes in temperature. LOCAL Warmer and fair in Brooklyn to morrow, with probably light rains early in the day.

A cold wave is coming this way from tho extreme Northwest, and Brooklyo'will get some of it, if at all, about Wednesday. Tho signal office in Washington fnrnishes the following special bulletin to the press: Unusually warm weather has prevailed the Northwest Eince Friday, tho temperature in Minnesota and the Dakotas ranging from 20 to 30 decrees above the avorago for the season. This morning tho temperature in western Wisconsin, eaatorn Minnesota, Wyoming and Montana is 20 degeooi above and in western Minnesota and the Dakotas from 30 to 40 abovo the avoragc. In northern Minnesota the high temperature Is unprecedented, being frohi fi to 10 degrees higher than fcver beforo recorded at this time of the year. This unusual warmth is being followed by an liroa pr very high pressure and low temperature, Vfhich has appeared this morning in the extreme Korthwest, and which will cause to night and on Tuesday extreme falls of temperature in tho districts mentioned, followed over Iowa and Nebraska by falls ranging from as to 80 degrees, and constituting a severe cold wave, 7VECOBD OT THE THERMOMETER.

The following is tho rocord of tho thermometer 3 kept at tho Bbookmn Daily Eagle office: 2 A. 30 40 40 10 A. 41 43 gA. A. 1 P.

4H 3 44 A. 40 Averccotaiiiparaturo to day 41 AVBifcv Sim a3 lass HIGH WATER. The following is the official announcement of the time and duration of high water at New York and Sandy Hook for to morrow, Decembor 23: A. r.r. Height.

K. it. 1'cot. P. M.

I a. m. Fcot. 'DurA'n ji Itiso. I Fall.

II U.M. I II. JI. Bendj 4.7 5.1 4.11 4o 5:541 (3:31 H9TE8KSTS OF 0CE1S TES5EM, Aa Italian Woman Who Conld IVot Pro re Uer Coraplalat. Pietro AuBoImo, a fierce looking Italian, was arraigned bofore Justice Tighe this morning for examination on a sorious charge, preferred by uiirs.

Anita ainietto, who livos with hor husband at 90 Union stroot, where they keep a store. The Italian womsu is 50 years old, whilo Piotro has not yet reached 30. Mrs. Milletto testified that on Wednesday she was on her kueen, crubbin thn floor of the store when Pietro entered. A few moments afterward her husband camo in an drove Piotro into the street.

Ho also struok he: with his fists. Why did your husband striko you Bho was asked by counsel, "I don't know," was the roply. Mrs. Milletto's husband, who was in court said tuat if ba had had a pistol ho would havo boon instilled in killing both his wifo and Piotro. "You havo no pistol now 1" asked Justice Tigho, "No, Bir," answered Milletto.

"And you dou't intend to kill thom?" "No, no," said Milletto. As there was absolutely no testimony to sub Btantiato Mrs. Millctfs chargo Tlotro was dis charged. RARE REVENGE Mrs. Cole's Anger Gets Into Trouble.

Her Sho Ltaras Tunt Her Former Lodgor and Employer is Married and ltallds a Fire in Frvut of His Door to b'CAro His Wife. Widow Margaret Cole, agod 40, a lanndresB living with hor two daughters at 00 1 Saokett street, was arrested last night by Dotective Ser goants Reynolds and Graham, of tho Tenth pro. clnct, on a ohargo of arson preferred by Samuel Jones, of 054 Carroll stroot, and C. N. Moody, of 187 Montague stroot.

At 0:15 Friday evening Mrs. Jones, wife of the first named complainant, dtocovorod smoko in tho front room of hor fourth flat apartments in the Carroll stroot building. Sho opouod the parlor door and found that pllo of burning nowspnoers had boen placed againBt it. With the assistance of other tonanta tho flames were oxtlugulshed, but not until tbo hall oarpets had been damaged to the amount of $50. Detootlves Rey nolds ond Graham wero dotailod iu tho oase, and went to work with a will to hunt down tho incendiary, and thoir labors were crowned with succoss yesterday afternoon whon they took Mrs.

Colo into custody and looked her bohind tbo bars in the Bergen street station. She confessed to the officers that Bhe had caused tho lire, but dcolarod that it was done only as a joke, Finally Bhe told thom that Mr. Jones had long hlrod a room in her house and that sho had fur pished him his moals and had done his washing. Siuoo ho moved to Carroll street, Bho said, ho had ofton visited her, his last call being made on Thursday. On Friday, she said, she learned that ho had married a Airs.

Chamber. lain. She lightod tho papers to frighten his wife. but not to set the building on fire. Mr.

Jones is 00, his wifo is over DO and, as stated above. Mrs. Cole is at least 40 years of age. Jones is a iokot agent on tho elevated railroad at Union stroet aud Fifth avonuu and is said to bo a relative of tho late Stephen Pettus. He marriod Mrs.

Chamberlain on the 5th of Novembor, Ho acknowledges having paid his laundress marked attention for several yoars. Mrs. Colo wa3 taken to the Adams street court this morning, but Fire Marshal Lewis insisted upon having her taken to fire headquarters for examination. She was afterward returned to oourt, ploaded guilty and was hold by Justice Walsh for tho grand jury. H8NEY 1IAKKET 0L03I.VG HEP9Rr.

Arrivals of Gold from Europe Rail road Earning Siocltu Dull and Ir regnlur. For earlitr quotations set 5th Wall Street, Decomber 22. Among the sales bonds tlvU aftornoon were: Alftbdnia fund 4a. 10 1M NY A Nor 2il 43 Ohio So 1st 102 OrKhortL fs 7W(I Klcli Term llich Term 5a. US7 Itloh 1) dob.

..100 Rio Grande W4s724a73 KomoW AO con 104 Reading 4tf 78 Heading 1st tuo A3 Rock Ialand 5 07M St Tani Lao 7n 100 An A A Scioto Val 1st 70 TStLAKOat To. Pao 1st 84Ja8iJ4 Tci Pac 3d Union Pao 108 Union Pao 4W 70 A GuYlat Vlr Mid Ul 82a80 W8horo43. 1Q0W Shore 4s 08 A Pa 2S)i NY A lot 96 A IT Aa Atcu i 8 Fo lno Bait 4 fls 100 Oont 5b 107K Chi Don 4RCi 44 81 Hal HS i At 5a 03 Erie 2d cou Erlo 1st con 131 Ft A lt U9H Hooking VM3j Ha StJ coo 112 Si Intt 8 2d Kan Nor St br 104l Kontuoitjr 4s Eriei 10i NAJkOcou 03 Long Island 4i 00 Lou 4 MotElar 1st Il4 HI, SS 5s. Mob iOjtm AlO Ik 48 Northw deb Nor Nor Pac lat Nor Pao fia Viol ....116 ....112 wnDaab. 1st HO anosn za.

Wabaah aob Nor Po 3d 104 Norl'ao ....30 Mr Charles Blako, financial editor of the Now Tork Tribune, died this morning at his residence, in Brooklyn, after a briof illnoss. Ho was an industrious, painstaking journalist and highly respected by all who knew him. It is roporled in Philadelphia that arrangements havo boon made by Barker Bros, for a speedy resumption of business. Tha movomont iu tho Vanderbilt stocks is basod upon the expootation of favorablo reports to bo submitted at tho meetings to bo hold this week. There is a slightly inoreasod demand for domestic sizes of anthracito coal but otherwise tho market is without special feature.

A large number of small coUeries will shut down from Christmas until after New Year's. Transactions on the Philadelphia stock exchange for tlio year to Decembor 20 amounted to 5,113,208 sharos of stock and $26,527,057 of bonds. Business on tho BoBton board for the same time amountod to 1,110,213 sharos of Block and $20,847,001 bonds. Tho Bourgogne brought 1,101,000 francs, aud tho Spreo $123,000, making a total of 355,800 gold. Tho cablo roports a black fog in London, which has seriously affected business on tho exchange and in the city.

Uuilroad earnings: lno. Dec. Itioh. ant Ban. 2d weok $10150 Vat Lan.

and 2d week 805o Kau. Citr, I't. S. A 2d t1c. Dec 13,880 Kan.

City, Cdio. A 2d wit. Deo. 4,058 The settlement of tho Kansas City bag rato by tho purchase for $30,000 of tho Fowler contract, and the advanco from IS to 2.2 cents, settles one of the rate problems in tho West. Stocks wero quiet and without feature early this afternoon, but about 12:30 there was a slight improvement on a more ivo market for half an hour, when the speculation grew tame again and tho tone was steady for tbo next half hour, after which tho market was irregular and generally lower.

Stocks woro sloady lu the lato trade and heavy at tbo close. Money loanod at por cout. and at 3, and closed about 3. The foliowiaj table shows tho course of tho stock marliet for this dar: Open ilizb. ost.

Low. est. Clos inc. lug. Am.

Oattlo Truss Am. Oottou Oil Trnat Atoh Top. A Santa Fo Uanatt Pacific Canada Southern Central New Central Paoilio Chattanooga Choaapcako A Ohio. Ones. A Ohio 1st C'lie3.

A Ohio 2d Chicago A Alton Chu 8ur. A Chic. Oa 'IVuat CioT. O. O.

A St. Clev. O. A St L. pfd Colorado Coal Consolidated (ran 10 28X 4Ui 10 ma 1 GSW 32" 10 am 10 IU 2SM 40), 4Si 4M 94 low I OJ oSJj 02 124M 128 17H iiii fi'iWi of 107M ff 1)2 Delaware A 124! uoi.

Lack a lYeatorn. 14il leur. A Rio (irando. Dear. A Rio Uii.

A Oat. Iiast'fenuosaoa ftast Toan. lat ord. KastTonn 2d pM Erie KrieDfd Hoctiinit Vallor 17M din im 24" 7 llunola Lake Shoro Lone l.ouujTiilu A Naihrulo Manitoba Manhattan tleaoh Manhattan rJI.Coa?ol MenlD. A Michigan Central Minn.

A St. I Minu. St. Mo. Kan.

A Texas pfd Missouri Paciflo Nat. Load Trust New York N. X. Ohi. A St.

NYOnAStLlBtptd. NYUUtStL 2d pfd N. Y. A New England N. Y.

Sua. A 7 Oil'" OS" Oli 03 90 00', 1QJ 32 32M 3 6r 23 UH 104 21 i 01M N.Y.8us.JtWost.pfd. Norrh A'nnrinnti ioI: 1 Northwestern riorttiwcMero pfa Northern Pacitio tCiirthern Ohio Omaha. pfd 21M 01 Ontario OroKon PitciiicAUU PeorU 15 70 33M 18 79 31M iT 79 33M (iliti 180 31W ISM 71H 31K imT 180 15 70H Pioo Lino OsrtiHoatos (IS 1 numn Reading Kichmonrf Terminal. Rock Island .180 1 VI bt.

JL. bau Fran Kt. h. it ban Fr.n pfi a. sr.

latpf i. St.Paui ou St. Paul ofd lO'l St. P. Duiuth Hilrsr Bullion 104J Sonar Trmt Tuzah Jc Union Paoiiio 4 Wabash pfd Won tern "ot 61 104 io'4m: 07 44 17" 75M 60 104 10i5i uo 44'R if 7o 30M 104 102ji 44H Tho Chicziso fTlarKct To ilar, Opeamir, 0:30 A.

M. Ulosinj, 315P. sL Whb.vt December Mar G9BH Deedraber Tanuary May OiTS May POBK January My. Oannary May Hirjc January May 1)1)4 100 49 40M 51aM 43W 7.50 0.H5 10.80 5.72)ia75 0.33 03K 44M 0.77 11.02a B.77 0.37hi 4.00 5.67M HW 1KB BARSKV DEATH. Coanoelor John E.

Barnes, who for yesrs was conneoted with the law offloo of Mark D. Wilbor, died last evening at his boarding; house, at 58 Madison streot. Ho had boon ill with pnonraonia I forenio time. Ho wa aa years old, President Iewis, of tho City Railroad Company, Getu a Uosolntlon Through. The Common council convonod at tho city hall at 2 o'clock this aftornoon, President John Mc Carty in the chair.

Aid. Thomas handed in a petition from property owners asking for the extension of due fire limits of the Twentr fifth ward by taking in the territory bounded by Patchen avenne, Broad way nnu rtaisey auil unauucey streets, referred to the oommittee on fire department. President Lewis, of the City railroad company. Bent in this: Gentlkiien Up to tho present time thoro has been no hearing arrangod for considering the application of this company for the cogent of your honorable body to the nso ot electric power for the propulsion of cars. I noticed a cominn jicalion was Bent from Mr.

William Richardson, president of tho Atlantic avenne railroad company to the oommon oounoil last Monday, and I trust all the oompanies may havo a hearing at one time, if possible, on this Bubject, Until snob hearing is had this company should havo the privilogo of continuing tho uso of steam motors on Third avonu as that was the purport of your resolution of December hud. I would, therefore, respectfully ask thst tho direction to the commissioner of the department of city works bo modified to tho extent that ho bo furthor airocted that no action bo taken in the matter or tho removal of dummies from the Third avenuo line of the company until further notice. Yory rospeotfully, Daniel F. Lkwis, President. Attachod to the communication was this resolution: Resolve 1, That tho commissioner of the department of city works bo and ho iu hereby directed to take no action in tho matter of tho removal of steam dnmmies from tho Third avenue lino of the Brooklyn city railroad company until further dirooted.

The resolution was unanimously adopted without disoassion. Aid. Coffey, ohairman of the railroad commit toe, says there will bo no hearing given this year. Aid. MoKollar offored a resolution authorizing and directing tho oity works commissioner to expend a sum not oxeoeding $30,000 in addition to the amount already appropriated for tho construction of proper foundations and approaches to the water tower to be ereotad on tho grounds of tho Prospoot hill reservoir.

Tho amount is to bo raised on water bonds, lie forred. Commissioner Adams sent in a communication settniEt forth tho proposals of the electrical and gas companies for street lighting next year, Ito forred to tho committeo on lamp3 and gas. The board ordored tho payment of a judgment for $800 against the city, obtained by Patrick Cunningham, a veteran, who was romoved from the department of oity works by tho lato Commissioner Conner. Cunniugham claimod $2,000. JOINING FORCES Contemplated Union of Two local Baptist Churches.

Trinity Ha Outgrown Iti Aceoinraoda. tions, While ttie Pilgrim Has Neither BnlldlBfj Her Pastor A rrspoiltleH to Unite Submitted for t'enfliarntlon. A movement having for its purpose U)p ooqsoll datiou of the Trinity and Pilgrim Baptist ohurohos has boon for some time in agitation, Many of the loading Baptists of the Pity look upon it as a good movo and one that will be of groat benefit to the denomination. Trinity Bap, tiBtohuroh has a Quo pjoporty on tho corner of Greene and Patchen avenues worth about $20,000. During the pastorate of the Rev, Giffard Nelson, whiuh oovors a period of about flvo years, considerably over throe hundred mom' bers have boen added to tho roll of nommnnii cants, and the evening congregations have grown so as to ovororowd tho edifice and ofton rondor the nso of alslo oliairs nooesBary, Pilgrim ohurch has boen for some time worshiping in a store at the corner of Reid avonue and Deoatur stroet and is without a pastor, the Rev.

H. G. Mason having resigned some time ago. It owns lots at tho corner of MoDonongb street and Patohen avenuo, It is thought that if both soototlos sell their property and linito groat good would roBUlt to the denomination. Trinity ohuroh has taken tho initiativo and has written the Pilgrim church on tho matter, Tho letter says among othor things i Sinoe your ohuroh bogaq to hold services on tho cornor of Patchen avenuo and Decatur street tho development of that portion of the orty upon tho north and east of our sjte has undergone.

suon mancea ana aotorminuig ppange in th pnaracter or its population as to preclude tlio hope that tho SActiou referred to will, in futm fl. oontributo in any material degree to increase the membership of Baptist ohurohos, Our interest as a ouurcn uomanus a ouange ot location to south of Gates Wo havo arrived at this conclusion very unwillingly, for various reasons, not tho toast of which is that, having cordially welooraed you to neighborly relations hofore the conditions alluded to became manifest, and una ononsning tno Jiiifl irateruai point toward yon, we would be oxoeodiiiKly reluctant. in Booking tho welfaro of our own oniise. to take any stop that would prejudice your interests. It ib ijmtu iiuwuvui, tuat our rompyai tn tho direction indicated so nooessary for the re tention of our conntituenoy aud our continued growtn would Dring us so oloso to you as to im pair tho efficiency of both interests and be productive of possible embarrassment.

It furthermore seems to us that ohurohes (especially weak cnurenos) oi tno same luitn ana oraor, located on practioaiiy me Bame uoia, would una thoir oommon interests promoted by union, primarily be cauBo it would iiisura increase of power ana ofil oionoy and more harmonious aud successful proseoutioa of tho work of Christ; while a secondary but exceedingly important oousideration is tno ooonomio value oi suon union, Trinity churoh needs a now and commodious Btiuuturo. Yours romains to be built. It needs no argument to demonstrate that one good edifice can at most bo ereotodfor the oost of two inferior ones, whilo ine buvius moment on naving one set oi salaried ofucors lnstoad of two should not. In prudence. bo Ignored, Inspired by thoso reasons wo do now moBt ooraiauy, iranmy and alloctlonatoly extend to yon our fraternal invitation to unito with US, and so form ono body of Baptist holiovors, whoso future edifice, jointly roarod, shall oooupy such onuiuiu looatioii as snail do mutually aetorminoa, in earnest or our uosire to treat witn you on terms of utmost fairnoss, we offer to submit all conditions of Bueh union, other than are legally prescribed, to tho decision of a mutual council oi sister ohurohes.

DEFENDING OALVAKX OEllETEitY, Litigation to Restrain tbo Authorities From Irupaeilu(r Taxes on St. iho Long Island City assessors were to day served witn a writ, issued by Judge Barttott and returnable January 5, to show oauso why a per manent injunotlou should not bo Issued restraining tho asBessors from collecting taxes on flvo mocks of land in Calvary oomewrv. The aDnll. oation for the writ was mado by the trustees of St. Patriok's oathedral, of Now York city, tho owners of Calvary oometery, who claim the land in question is exompt from taxation under onapter 310 of tho laws of 1879, which saya that no laud usod for cemetery pur poses snail bo sold for taxes.

In addition the petitioners also claim that tbo assessed valuation of $200,000 Dlaood on tbo land is oxcesslvo, and that tho tax valuation should not 6xceed $100,000. The trustees also claim that tho land in qnestion has boen used for comotorr Dm nonns for the past fifteen years and was never assessed oeiore. An Eaole roportor learned to dav thai whnn the assessment was levlod by the assessors Mayor uieason indignantly insistoa that tbo assessors should plaoo a valuation of $500,000 on the land. The cemetery corporation, it appears, has never secured tlio necessary legislation to ex. empt the five blooks of the oometery that lie in iong iBianct uity irom taxation.

Tho five blooks conslBt of the handsomest part of tho oometery, aDd contain some of tho most coBtly monuments. THE SAWTELLE MURDER TKIAL, Slor6 Evidence for the Prosecution Given at To day's Henri njj. Doveb, N. Deaernber 22. In tho Sawtelle murder trial to day, Willis Dun ham, of Worccator, and Jed Morrill, of Rochester, testified to the wagon trajks in tha snow around Morrill's barn, February 10.

PoBt mastor John Grooufleld, of Rochester, testified to discovering the grave of the murdered man. It was levolod off and pine bougue wero scattered over it. Witness aho found the collar buttons, a Duiiot ana ompty cartridge shell aud clotted blood on the loaves. Tho appearance wa.a aB if something had beon dragged from a neighboring wooaone to tne grave, 'me grave was eighteen inches deep and not long enough to admit tho body with the head. Others of the searching party corroborated this evidoucc with unimportant additious.

RECALLING THE LUOA MDRDER. One ol JIcElvalae's Companions Pleads Gnlltr to a Ohargo oi Burglary. On August 22, 1880, whon Charles McElvaine attempted to rob tho house of Grocer Christian W. Luca and in doing so Btabbed aud killed tho owner, ho was accompanied by two partners, lnomas O. Qumlan and MurtyDineen.

Thoy were all three indicted tor tho murder, ss well as burglary, in tho first degree. MoElvaine now stands under sentenco of death. Dineen has died of consumption. Quinian was arraigned in the court of sessions this morning. He "was allowed to plead guilty to tho iudictment of bur glary in the second degree, and was accordingly remanded for sentenco.

Judge Mooio dismissed the indiotment of murder, on tho district attorney's application, as there wa3 not sufficient evidence on which to pross the charge. A CHRISTMAS LOTTERY. The Aroade advertised last month to give away a $350 piano to tho nearest guoBsor of the number of seeds contained in a certain pumpkin specially set asido. Tho Beeds were carefully counted to day. It was found that there were ex actly 500.

Tho lucky winuorof tho prize is Mrs. Y. V. Cassin, of 03 Fort Greene place, who was the first to guess the exact number. There were in all some one hundred and twenty five thousand guesses.

Mr. Young, who manages the refresh ment department, has given a desk to the nearest competitor who purchased the guessing ticket at his stand. This boeomos the property of Misa Elizabeth Wilson, of 012 Myrtle avenne. Mr. Carmiencke has likewise given a fiuo piano lamp to the nearest gnesBer from his stand.

This falls to Mrs. Lindsay, of 172 Bergen street. The piano will be prosentod at 10 o'clock on Christmas eve. SEXT TO TUE HOSPITAL. At 12 o'clock last night Josoph Willmott, aged 33, of 476 Carroll street, got drunk aud on Third avenue, near President street, quarreled with George Wost, of 29 Garflold place, a brother of Niggor" West, the slugger of Policeman Olancy.

Willmott was so badly used up that it was found neoeBsary to send him to the Seney hospital. West was arrested and this morning Justice Walsh held him for examination. Watches Skillfully Repaired, Adjusted, rated and warranted. Pilots my AMwq uowahTi ieireMr 47 ifulton ot. 'AdVr It Is Brought to a CIomo by tho Interven tion of Third Power, Thomas Hurmnth, John Pfeiffer, Andrew Frank, Joseph Brown, Frederick: Meyers, Otto Siegler, Ernest Whittles aud Daniel Dawson, of ages ranging from 12 to 15, representing tho light infantry of the hostile armies of Pickles villo and Dtitohtown, were captured about 4 o'clock yesterday afternoon by a detachment of the Sixth precinct polico, consisting of Officers W.

Z. Smith, William Dillon and Frank Fuller, just as tho hostile armies closod. Having beon taken to the Stagg stroet station they were locked up for tho night. The war has been a protracUdone, dating back over a year, the casus belli being the north side of Knickerbocker avenue, which is claimed by either sido as within its territorial limits of occupation. The Dutchtown forces were oommanded by General Heinrich Sauorbrod, of Qraham avenue and Moore street, and the Pioklosvillers by General Andrew Frank, of 1,311 Bushwick avenue.

The warriors, almost all armed with slings, numbered abovo two hundred on each side. The contending forces came within sight of eaoh other on Knickerbocker avenue, betweon Storr street and DeKalb avenue. Tho Pioklesvillors, halting, wero addressed by General Sauerbrod from the roof of a grocery coal bin. He saidi Men of PicklGsville I do not expect that words from mo can impart valor to anyone who lacks it. The enouiy is before us, bnt let the recollections of memorable deeds done by men of Picklesville iu the past stimulate you to tho achievement of greater things this day.

Soldiers, from the cupola of yonder brewery twenty years look down upon you. Tho general then descended from tho coal bin and for a distance of about two hundred feet waved on his followers with a wooden sword. Within about one hnndred feet of one auother the command to fire was given on both sides and in an instant the intermediate atmosphere was dark with the passage of the sling shot missiles. But just as tho lines were about to close the officers hove in sight and instant panic was the result. Standards, slings and other weapons wore abandoned, and with the prisoners named fell into the hands of tho police.

The only damage done was to tho windows of the neighborhood. Justice Goetting this morning seemed at first determined to send the prisoners to tho Fortress of Refuge till they wero 21 years old. but finally let them off with a flno of $5 eaoh. WANTED TO DIE. Henry Stubeia, Sick and De spondent, Attempta Suicide.

While the Doctor Is Writing Prescrip tien He Tries Throw Hinueir From a Second Stsry Window His Mother Holds Ufin Until Help Comas. A thrilling scene occurred yesterday morning on tho balcony of the fire escape at the seoond story, rear, of the building 431 Marcy avenue, a mother and delirious son, the latter bent on de stroying his life, being the principals. The man, who had his hand on tho front rail and was look ing down to tho yard, struggled with the woman to free Jiimsolf, but sho held on to him with all the strength given by her love, while ehe screamed for help. People from lioighboriug houses witnessed the ap palling sceno, but wero powerless to render any assistance. Dr.

Haas, who had boen called to the house for professional advice, gave an alarm and Officer Cochcu hurried to the house. When he realized the situation he ran through the hall to the 'back yard, frightened the mad man back to tho room, caught the end of the fircesoapo and olimbed up. He caught tho man in his arms and foroed him into the room. The man was Henry Stnben. Ho had been sick for timo with typhoid fever and only within the past week was able to leave his bed.

Saturday and yesterday morning he talked a good deal about ids inability to procure work. "I'm tired of doing nothing, mother," he said, to her, calmly, "and I'm going to kill myself." His further conversation was of a sufficiently startling kind to alarm Mrs. Stubon and Bho sent for Dr. Haas. The physician, after making an examination, said ho would write out a prescrip tion and retired to an adjoining room to do so.

Mrs. Stuben followed him, leaving her son alone. She waB startled a moment later to hoar him shout "Goodby, mother," and ran back to find him on tho platform of the fire escape outside the window. She oaught him beforo he had time to throw himself ovor the railing and held him until the arrival of tho officer. At the suggestion of the physician Htubou was taken to tho Sixtoenth precinot station and iockod up.

Justice Goetting held him this morn ing, pending a medical inquiry as to his sanity. TWENTY FOURTH WARD BURGLARS. A Watchful I I. Railroad Employe Interferes Witn Their Calculations. A flagman on tho rapid transit railroad, at the corner of Atlantic and No6trand avenues, about 10 o'clock this morning, oallod tho attontion of Officer Yost, of the Twelfth precinct, to tho sus picions actions of a trio of dlsrepntablo appearing characters who had been lurking about the vicin ity for several hours.

The railroad employe was convinced that the fellows were meditating a burglary In tho neighborhood. The scene of thoir proposed operations, the flagman thought, was the liquor saloon of John Behrens, op posite tho railroad station. Yost examined the premises and found that the front door lock had beon removed. The officer kept the men in sight until he came upon his brother officer on the opposite post. Two of tho fellows wore thon taken into custody.

Tho third managod to escape. After the prisoners had been looked up the officers found evidence that they had intended to burglarize Erlandson'B tailoring establishment, directly adjoining Ben reiiB' saloon. Tho lock on Erlandson's store door had also beon taken off. A search of tho prison ers' pockets brought to light a number of keys and several jack knives. In the Gates avenue police court to day tho mon gave their nameB as Thomas Siegler, of Washington avenuo and Pacific street, 20 years old, and John Thoall, of 050 Atlantio avenue, 22 years old.

They were sent to jail for examination. TO GET POSSESSION OF HIS CHILDREN. The Dif fcreuces of Mr. anil iricCaul Aired in Court. A hearing was had this morning boforo Judgo Van Wyck, iu the oity court, in the matter of the habeas corpus proceedings instituted by Joseph M.

McCaul, to compel his wife, Catharine Mc Canl, to produco his two children in court. Tho husband claims that the two boys, John McCaul and Joseph F. McCaul, aged 0 and 8 respect ively, aro old onough to do without the mother's care and he wauta to cain possession of them. Mr. McCaul, on tho witness stand, said that the troublo between himself and wifo had begun some tour years ago, as near as ho could recollect, aud after a short separation lje had gono back to live with her again.

Ho said that he had never ill used hor aud that after getting out of work bore in Brooklyn, he went to Philadelphia to get employment When he returned ho found that his wifo had taken all tho furniture and had gone to parts unknown. He said he had asked his wife to go to Philadel phia with him, but that she rofusod, and he also said that ho had sont her money every week while away. Mrs. McCaul claims that her husband aban doned her and that ho never sent her ony money while iu Philadelphia, and that ho is a man ad dicted to the use of strong cu iuk and could not be trusted with tho care of his ohildren. The case is still on, ADDED A LETTER TO HIS SAME.

Children of Or. Johu lUolt Almes Con testing His Motlicr Will, Mrs. Matilda Aims died on Octobor 11 last at 337 Schermerhoru street, and to day the contest of her will was begun bofore Surrogate Abbott, The will boro the date of January 7, 1880, and the woman was in her 00 th year when she died. Her proporty was considerable and all of it went to her son. Peter Walton Aims.

By this bequest Bho disinherited her other son, Dr. John Mott Aimes, who had added tho letter to the old fam ilyname. Whother this little letter was the result of a family quarrel it is impossible to learn. Dr. Aimes has three children, Hubert S.

Aimes, Vir ginia P. E. McAlpino, of California, and Maud E. S. It.

Kiugsley, of New Haven, who intend to contest tho will. During the proceedings this morning James M. Monk, ono of tho witnesses to the will, testified that he had heard the doceased say that she would prefer to burn up hor property rather than leave it to a child that had disgracod hor name. The hearing was adjourned to allow further consultation with the contestants. HIS RESIGNATION ACCEPTED.

Tho Ilev. J. B. Dryadalo Leaves 8t. Peter' Church.

Tho Rev. James Buchanan Drysdalo's connec tion with St. Peter's Protestant Episcopal ohurob, State street, near Bond, which began under such auspicious clroumstanoos less than threo months ago, terminated rather abruptly on Friday evening last, when his resignation, tendered on Saturday tho Oth was unanimously oocopted by the vestry. This fact was not made pnblio until yostorday. Ho was recently aocjnitted of a charge ot assaultmade in Judgo Walsh's oourt by Frank Drisooll.

On the oecaslon of his arrest he offered his resignation. The day following his arrest Air. Urysaalo removed his possessions from tho house, 358 State street, to New York, where he is now stopping with relatives. TUB rBOVINCJETOWN FISHING FLEET. Pbovinoetown.

Docombor 22. Tho Pro'vincetown fresh fishing fleet, with a few exceptions, has hauled up for the season, which has beon a fairly successful one. There wore forty two vessels engaged, carrying from twelve to twenty two men eaoh. Eighteen of the fleet have stocked an aggregate of $257,000, the remaining twenty four about $245,000, making a total of oyer $500,000, the crews sharing on an average over $400 a man. Throe Dennis vessels sailing from this port stocked an aggregate of $30,000.

No lives or any amount of property have been lost. j.oms JjAtuhb loses his lioesse. ThiB morning the exoiso commissioners revoked the licenee of Louis Latour. of 406 Ralph avenue, for telling liquor on Sunday, August Hi. maker, Then Attempts Suicide.

At 1 o'clock this afternoon Charles Lovetz, cisarmakor. 24 years old, shot and killed hifl wife, Martha. 20 years old, at their home, 87 Division street, New Y'ork. Lovetz then attemptod to kill himself, bnt was arrested, and ia now locked up in the Madison street station house. Hw reason for murdering his wife is unknown, Lovetz is said to bo out of his mind.

Before killing his wilo ho asked her to write a letter for him. She did so and Lovetz wont out. When ho returned his wife wa3 washing. He said he wanted another letter written. HiH wife stoppod her washing and wont to an other room for writing materials.

Hu followed her in and shot her through the temple. He then tried to shoot his wife's mother, Mrs. Brown, but fihe ran scroaming from' tho room. Lovetz then attomptcd his own life, but was preventod by those attracted by tho noise. LEFT HIS BRIDE.

Mysterioua Disappearance Henry S. Brown. Ho Married Pretty Miss Ida Smith, nt Huntington, Ten D.iya Ago aad Deserted Her in a New York Hotel en Wednesday Last. Whero is Henry S. Brown? Everybody in Hunt inKton and Qreenlawn is asking this question and no one is able to answer It, Inquiry is also mado as to tho whereabouts of a young married woman of Greenlawu, with whose name and Mr Brown's the gossipa had boon busy for some timo prior to hiii marriage with Miss Ida Smith, of Greonlawn, tho daughter of a woll off farmer.

They wore marriod on Saturday, Decomber 13 and that night Mr. Brown registered at tho Hotel Imperial, in Now York city. They ocoupiod room 200. Mrs. Brown is a dark haired young woman, 22 years of ago, and Mr.

Brown is 21 years old. Thoir marriago was a sur prise to their friends, no one thinking that they had more than a rospootfnl regard for each other. They remained at tho Hotel Imperial un til last Wednesday. In the morning Mr. Brown left the hotel and sent a note to his wife, telling her to go to tho Oolonn.ido hotel and ho would join her.

Bho did bo aud look her baggage with her. Thursday oamo and Mrj. Brown was still alone. Bho went to the Now York hotel aud watched all day for her husband, but did not catch a glimpso of him. A messenger boy in quired for Mr.

Brown at tho Colonnade at dusk, but he had not boon there, and in tho evening Mrs. Brown wont back to her room Almost heart broken. Bho telegraphed to her brother, T. W. Smlth.of Iluntin whoso house she had boen married to Mr.

Brown, aud ho oallod on Friday and took her homo. Mr. Brown toft her with less than a dollar in nionoy. On tho day of the wod ding tho young married woman to whom Mr. Brown had been bo attentive loft home aud lias cot roturnod.

Hor friends say that she went away to spend tho holidays with frionds, Her husband was not in the village, being away on his schooner, but h' is expected homo every day. Mr. Brown abandoned his bndu on Wednosday morning last. Un Thursday, wlieu sue was watching for him out of a window of tho New Y'ork hotel, he in Huntington, No one with whom ho talkod detected Miy trace of unhanpiness lu his acts or conversation. To frionds who extended their congratula.

tions and inquired after Mrs. Brown's health, ho Baid she was woll, and that ho had como to the village on business, and would Join her that ovening, He did not, but Blept at tho houno of Temple Prime, seoretary of the Queens and Suf folk club and a director of tho Long Island llvo stock fair association, whose protege ho was Mr. Prime is a rich man, without children, and ho praotically adopted Mr. Brown and oducatod him. Mr.

Brown is tall and Blonder, with black eyebrows and a tiny mustache. His mother was prostratod by the iiowb of his misbehavior, and, taking to her bod, has kept it over ainoe. On Fri day Mr. Brown closod his account with tho bank of Huntington, and toft for th3 oity, Tho cashier refusos to etato how muoh nionoy ho drew out. Tho sudden arrival In the village of Mrs, Brown, escorted by hor brother, may havo hd something to do with his hasty dopurtoro, The news of tho domestic rupture was bout as much as po3flibio a family seorot la the hope that Mr.

Brown would return to his wife. She ia suffering severely from nervous prostration, but being a girl of good sonso and strong physique no sorious results are anticipated. vpv John W. Brotrn, Of the Lone Island browinsr company, was soon to day at his oflloo, 81 Third avenue. He denied that the missing Henry 8.

Brown was his nephew or any relation whatever. "I know Mr. TemDle Prime, of Huntington," said Mr. Brown, "but the young Brown who is said to have been Mr, Prime's protoee I don't remember ever havinsr seen. I suppose that the faot that the mlssin Henry S.

Brown lived in Huntington is believed to be good reason to con neot him with my family. Tho only nephew I havo is but 15 years old and ho is at boarding school." HOW THE SENATORS WERE! BUNCOED, IVnmbcra of Tbem bond Money and llcuientooe to a Baltimore Namesake. Speolal to tho Eagle.) WAsnisaTos, D. 0., December 33. It develops to day that more than one half tho members of the United States eonat havo sent Christmas presents to a baby boy Just born in Baltimore under oiroumstanoes that will probably result in a polios court trial.

Some weeks ago Vice Presidont Morton roeoived a letter from William Duvall, of 858 East Baltimore stroet, Baltimore, announolng the birth and christening of a baby in his honor. A oopy of tho baptism oertifieato was lnoloied, A few days later Mr. Morton sent by express to Mr, Duvall a handsome silver cup, engravod, "Levi Morton Duvall," and containing twenty five brand new silver dollars, ttouator Evarta, who bad received a similar letter and oertillcate, sont the allogod baby a silver spoon engraved M. and a $5 MIL Seuator Hiscook contrlbutod A 35 check to assist in clothing little Frank Hlsoook Duvall. Bon atorHiggins, of Delaware, sent $10: Blair, of Now Hampshire, $5, and as many as forty sen ators, most of them Bopublioans, ohippod in with sums which must havo amountod in tho aggregate toneariy $2,000, Yestorday at dinner Son ator Manderson, of Nebraska, mentioned that he had sont a Christmas present to his little namesake in Baltimore, reciting the inoidontfl described in Papa Duvall's letter of announcement.

Senators Wokott and Paddock, who were present, prlokod up their oars, but discreetly said nothing until tho lanios retired, whon a comparison of notes resulted in indisputable evidence that at toast throo senators had been the victims of mlsplaood confidence, Thoy began a canvass of the senate this morning aud discovered the sovonil partners, in misery heretofore named. It is Impossible to obtain tho names of all the senators who have subscribed to the game. Senator Corlislo denies that he sont any money, although confessing the receipt of tho baptismal certiSoato, As far as can bo learned no members of the house woie approached, although they may nave beon. Similar games on a sinallor scale havo frequently boon perpetrated, President Harrison receiving bo many lottors of tho kind that lie makes it a rulo never to reply, rrosidont Ulovo land was often caught by sharpers liko Duvahbut in individual oases socrecy is maintained and tho facts seldom get out. Tho prcsont wholesale business, however, had too many outlets, and as a coiiBequonco wino wing frcoly in tho sonat restaurant.

HE traHSD 403 POUNDS. Gcorffc SchaciUcl, Who Wat Burled Yesterday In Greenwood Probably tho heaviest man in Brooklyn, from an avoirdupois standpoint, was buried in Greenwood cemetery yoBtorday afternoon from his late home, 722 Third avonue. He was George Behaohtel, a hardware dealer, 38 years old, and weighed 495 pounds. Mr. Behaohtel was over six feet in height, and wheu ho married, several years ago, was of ordinary proportions.

Ho was a woll known character In the neighborhood in which ho lived, was of genial disposition and a great hunter aud fisherman. When he would get on a Third avonue car to come down town the conductors and passengers wore wont to Joke him that now the car would be half an hour lato at the ferry. He would take these sallies good liataredly and offer to bet that he was lighter on his feet than the Blimmest dudo on board, and he would dance about to show his nlmbloness. Some weeks ago while driving in New York Mr. Schachtel injurod his tog in a collision, and, going on a hunting trip bofore tho contusion had properly healod, blood poisoning set in, which re sulted in his death.

Undertaken Georgo Sohattonkircher, of Third avenue, was given charge of tho funeral and he had to build a chestnut casket, bound with iron bars, 7 feet long, 2 feet 7 inches wide and 2 feet 0 inches high. Then it was found th coffin could not bo taken down tho stairs, so at midnight on Batnrday the body was lowered from a window with a whip tackle and placed in an empty store adjoining Mr. Schaehters store, until tho arrival of the hearse yesterday. Tho funeral services were conducted by tho Bov. Mr.

Logan and in attendance theroat were many members of masonio and odd fellow lodges and singing societies to which tho deceased had belonged. The decoased loft a widow and threo children surviving him. THIMKS TnE INDIA TEOljBLB IS OTlill. WAsmsoTos, D. December 22.

Major General Scofield this morning received tho following dispatch dated Itapid City, Decembor from General Miles: "I believe all, or very nearly all of tho followers of Sitting Bull havo bec captured. Colouol Sumner reported to day tho capture of Big Foots band of Sioux, numbering 150. Ho has beon one of tho most defiant and threatening. The. result so far has been satisfactory." Commenting on Gonoral Miles telegram, Goueral Scofield said ho thought it would not bo very long before all tho Indians now in revolt would be captured, and the Indian troublet'.

for the winter at least, be hrnncrlit in nn end. STEAMERS DEfAJSED iY FOO. London, December 29. Tho Cunard lino Bteamer Uinbrla, Captain Mc Kay, and the steamer Wisconsin, of the Gulon line, Captain Worrall, which sailed from Liverpool December 20 for New York, were detained in the Mersey by a dense fog until last etoning. It is expected that they will sail from Queens.

aw. though the log continues. The Long Island Water Supply Company's Exhibit. Controller Jackson Malios Public the Statements Which Were Considered by tho Purchasing Board President Tro car tin's Letter. The purchase of tho franchise and plant of the Long Island water Bnpply company continne3 to bo a topic of talk around the city hall.

There re mains a suspicion among many people that some politicians aro interested in the deal, de spite tho omphattc assertion to tho con trary mado by Broker Staples, who engineered the business through. As far as sur taco Knowledge goes, Mr. Btaples and his son in law, E. H. Trocartin, president of the company, own practically all of tho stock whioh tho city has agreed to take off their hands at the rato of $300 a share.

Tho total amount to be paid by the oity is $1,250,000, or $750,000 for stock and $500,000 by assuming that sum in first and second mortgage bonds. Those bonds are in sums of $250,000 oaoh and draw 0 per cent. in. terost. Of course, the city will have to pay the intorest on the bonds, but Mr.

Staples claimB that that should not be included in the amount whioh the city has to pay for the franchise and rights becauso tho works will yiold an income. Oontrollor Jackson, who has had charge of tho papers connected with the transaction, returned to his office to day and gave the reporters acoess to statements which havo boon beforo the pur chasing board. This is what he furnished: On October 27 last E. H. Treoartin wrote to tho mayor, controller and auditor, making a lormal proposition to tho city to "purchase and acquire tho property, franchises, priviliges and capital stock of tho company" at such prico and upon sucu terms as may bo agreed upon nereaicer Between those officials and the company.

The property, Mr. Trecartin wrote, is subject to two mortgages of each. He said the company mado tho offer in the belief that tho purchase would be "for tho best intorest of all eouooruod." aud that the company would cheer fully furnish any facilities it could to ascertain tho value of the nronertv. In renlv to a letter from the controller, President Trecartin, on November 12, Bent to that official a totter iuclosing tue iouowiug statement: OaDital IndootodneRa: First mnrr.ffapn fi nnr rent. twnntT Tear bonds, datnd Docombor, 1881 250,000.00 eecwna raorlcace per oent.

twenty year bonds, dAteo July, lfrJH.j. of can 031U1K altar con years Unpaid bills on file, Ka rnlngti onoyoaroadiac October 31, 1890. 250.000.00 65.830.57 uunoing expenses, same penou 50.U74.9' The following seems to be the latest from the company: T1 in To the UonoraWn Mayor, Controller and Auditor or the. Citu of Brooklyn: Gentlemen I am in receipt of a communica tion Irojn tho controller asKing ror detailed statement or the oronerty and assets of the Lorn Isl and water suddIv company, which is submitted horowith: Real estate, about 23 a oras, book vMue 8271.037.50 Construction accouut. Extension account.

May 1HUU. to date. LU t. id iTuruitnro and tiit jroa Stock on hand, aboet 3,400.00 Total $795794.00 mhos or pipe laid uO 4UY4 The amount of construction account embraces cost of machinery, pumps, wells, reservoir, housos and Dine Booarate aocounts of their oost having beon kept. In naming price we wish to can your attention to some racts which give property, oontracts, of this company a high value, A great amount of money has beon spent in establishing this company and in fitting it to supply the population of the present Iweuty jsixth ward.

Whatever that population may bo this oxpouso will not havo to be done over. although the population aud tho business of the company aro sure to increase vory greatly. The oompany has the exclusive right to lurnisu iae i wentv sixtn warn witn water tor alonifterm in tho future, but we believe its rights will continue and that they will not bo taken away by tho end of tho term. Tho eiist enoe of cornorations is alwavs continued when thoir original charter runs out, and wo think it would be only Just and riftht for tho losislaturo at any time in the future to extond the rights of this company. Iu other cities and towns Buch rights have boen virtually unlimited in point of time, tho seourltieB ot the company go from ono porson to another, and it would bo confiscation to destroy them by permitting the city or anyone iyj vulva aiiaj uui uiiiLUbnc uavjoui oo, that the city buBinoss with our company will increase a irreat deal In the fntnra.

We think that the Twenty sixth ward will havo more population in ton years than any other ward in the city. Tho Eighteenth ward has now over eighty thousand, and it is nearly all grown up in tho past ten yours. ho Twonty sixth ward is now nearor to the oenter of bnsineBS and population man tno was ten years ago. Tho new business whioh comes from tho growth of the ward wilj bo 00 per cent, profit. We shall not havo to build our plant again, and we can now double our gross receipts by a small expenditure which we mean to make very soon, if the oity doe3 not buy us out.

In this way we aro euro tho oompany will earn over $75,000 net iu loss than a year. This is 5 per cent, on $1,500. 000. Wo think, thfirfiforo. that it would lift reasonable for us to ask 1.

500. 000 for our Btock, which is 800 for eaoh Bhare, as we think wo can get a continuous future lnoome of 0 por cent, or more upon that valuation. We wish, however, to havo the city buy. and we will not aBk the most thai anyone might think we ought to ifot We offer to sell to the city for S400 a share, that is, one million, over and abovo tho bonds. We would like to have an early aiiBwer, uecauBe, as sala before, tho city is not going to Duy.

wo will en areo our workB and ar range to malto all wo oan from our lights aud property. Very respectfully, LONG ISLAND WATER SUPPLY UOMPANjr. Per E. H. Tbecabti.v, President.

Oontrollor Jackson, when asked what he had to say about his part iu the transaction, replied: but this: I believed that the pur chase would be a good ono for the city, or I should not have agreed to it." "Has it been finally agreed to tho reporter askod. "We havo agreed upon tho urice, bnt the pa pers havo not yet been signed. They will be." William J. Gaynor was seen this morning re garding the rumored opposition to the purchase by the oity of the Long Island water supply oom pany. He said: I havo been consulted about it by several tax payers, but no deuuite decision has as yet been eaohed as I have not been able to take the mat ter up." OFFICER OOfiKLIN LEADS THE RACE.

Result of the Examination for a Police Telegraph Op orator. Bofore a board consisting of Inspector Mackel Hr, Superintendent Masou aud Operator Geer, was hold Saturday an examination for telegraph operator at polios headquarters. Seven candi dates prosented themselves. This mormug the result of the examination waB made publio and Patrolman Bernard Oonkliu, of tho property clerk's office was found to head the list with 97MS por cent, or 5 per oent. better than the second on the list.

The third man was below 75. This virtually assures Mr. Conklln the posi tion, as Commissioner Hayden doolared that" ho would give the appointment to tho man who oaBsed tho best examination. A telegraph operator receives tho pay of a ser geant, $1,750, and ranks tho samo. An extra operator is noceesary so that two men may be on duty from .12 to 8 A.

Jl. wow there is only one man and it is not considered safo to loavo him alone at bo important post. Mr. Conklin became a member of the department In Movember, 1884, and has never had a ohargo preferred againBt him. He served in tho Fifteenth precinct until two years ago.

when he was trauBferred to tho central office squad and to the property clerk's office. Ho made evorul clover arrests while in tho Fifteenth pre cinct. Among them his colebratod capture of Dutch Frank, the river pirate. MARSHAL LEWIS' REPORT. Eto Derives a Sucsreallon from the Fnl teiWStrcet Stable Fire.

Firo Marshal Lewis has submitted to Commis ioner Ennis his report of Saturday night's holo caust, at 1,378 Fulton street, by which forty four horses wero burned to death and on whioh there was $1 .000 He says that from ovidonoo taken and an examination of burnt and adjacent property, he arrived at tho oonclusion that the firo originated from a lighted cigar or cigarette thrown among the iooso straw, hay and rubbish in yard adjoining tho stable, which stable, from its dilapidated and filthy condition was totally Unfit to shelter horses and from its boing packed with large Quantities of hay, straw and other combustibles, together with the rubbish, cavo the animals no fighting ch anco whatever or the department any means to save them. Ho derives from this a suggestion that proper laws should be enacted, giving the depart ment jurisdiction over tho storage of combus tibles and rnbbiah which from their inflammable and spontaneous character will evoutually lead to serious loss of property and life. SUED Bt HIS HOUSEKEEPER. Iinoblocli Charged WitU Secretins' Mortgaged Property John Knobloch, of 212 Johnson avenuo, was produced thia morning beforo Justice Goetting on a warrant, Mrs. Barbara Sikori, of 07 Mon teith street, having deposed that in June last Knobloch gave her a mortgage on his furniture to tho extent of $150, and that in October last, the mortgage not having been paid off, he se orotod the property.

The justice held the accused to answer on Saturday. Mrs. Sikori, it appears, was Knobloch's housekeeper when the msrtgago was mado and lived with him iu tho rear of saloon, which ho ran at the time, in Montrose avenue, near Humboldt street. Yf ARTS COUJSSEL FEES AND AMHOSY. The marital troublea attendant on the suit for absolute divorce, brought by William Sommors against his wifo Louisa, were again rehearsed be fore Chief Judge Clement, of tho city court, this morning, in a motion for counsel fees and ali mony ponding tho outcome of the proceedings.

Lawyer H. B. Davis appeared for tho motion aud tho plaintiff was not represented. Mr. Davis rocited tho troubles of tho couple and reconntod the allocations asainst the hus added that bofore tho plaintiff oast his wife off ho had gotten f.

om hor Bomo $000 which rightfully belonged to her. Mr. Davis thoroforo tnougnt tuat ouu counsel reeB ana san por weeij alimony Was but just and fair. It is claimed by me aeienaani mat ine piaintm nas some in cosh and a store valued at $1,200 from whioh he derives an inoomo of $00 per woek. Infidelity is alleged by both parties to the action.

Papers were taken and decision reserved. WILLIAH BBOWN'S DEATH. On Wednesday afternoon William Brown, who lived nt tho corner of Thirty eighth street and Third avonue. fell on the sidewalk at the corner of Columbia and Woodhnll streets. H9 was taken to the Soney hospital and treated for a sprained anklo, but the next day Bright's disease derel oped and later on ho had a violent attach of delirium tremens.

Brawn died in the hospital yes Mr. Beattie Tells Why They Are Not Possible. Tne Hew York Commissioner Before tno Fassett Committee This Morniagr Ho Says Politics MnU bo Kept Oat of the Business. To day's Bcsslon of the Fasaott Goinnilttoo In how lork suddenly revived Intorost in that body. Tho subjoots under investigation wore why the stroots of Now York aro so dirty and how many voters Tammany quartered on tlio Btreot oleau Ing department before tha last election, The surpriso of the session was tho blooming out of Hans S.

Baattio, tho street cleaning commissioner iuto a civil servlco reformer. Tho blossom was not a process unnsBlstod nature, but was brought about by skillful for. lng on the part of Inquisitor Ivius. But Mr. Beattie did odmit in substance that New York would never havo clean stroots under the spoils system of appointing Bwoepern, and Mr.

Ivins is entitlod to credit for tho admission. Commisiioner Beattie, who was tho only wit noss in tho morning, began by producing list of all tho foremon and inspectors and their assistants with the cartnion on the department rolls last fall and a yoar ago. ThoBe oartmon get $3,50 a day for horse, man and wagon, and so far as posslblo, Mr. Beattie, said he preferred cartmen who owned their own plant. He had no list of men who owned scvorsl carts and hired drivers to lease to the city, but could prepare pno.

He said thoso cartnion were appomtod on application of cart ownors "witb recotnmeiidations from all sorts of pooplo." Mr. Ivins tried to find out what proportion of those recommendations oamo from Tammany politielous, but did not suocood particularly well. It was usual, Mr. Boattlo said, for mon who wanted a job in a oity donarttnent to apply to some of their neighbors "who took an interest publio affairs" for a recommendation. He had appointed a groat many men on the reoommeu dation of politioians.

were any or those politicians Republicans 1" r. Ivins askod quickly. Nona that l. nniv nr." urlf.nnau flnau A'fl. Mr "Don't you mean that if thoy wore Republicans you didn't know it askod Mr, Fassett.

drily. 1 Well. I should prefor not to have it stated in that way," replied the witness, smiling. How many of those indorsora wero aRO clatod with the County Democracy or tho Municipal league was tho noxt question. "I have recoivod suoh indorsements from Dr.

Howard Crosby and Fathor Ducoy; I don't rocall any others," the witness answered. And wero thoir recommendations successful?" "I rathor think Father Ducey's men got any. thing they askod can't remember certainly," was tho answer, "And you have made such appointments on the Ereeouimondatlon of Tammany leaders 7 asked Mr. Ivins, qniokly. "Oh, yes," was the listless response, On tha quoatioij whether foremon wre ap nintea for Tammany, it was shown that Beattie as appointed twenty one foremen during his term, sixteen of them by promotion and live by new appointment, and that all these had been ou fegular oivil sorvica examination aud certifiea ion, The sixteen promoted men wero raiset rom $750 to $000 a year and no assistant won oro ippouitoq tnejr puoes.

Home i ara temporarily aotin.g as for ippropriation oan bo obtained to paid inoroaso tho 1st oi iqrouieji, Tljesa men do pot have to submit to a civil ervico examination, and heir anoointmont violated Mr. Ivius thoiicrht the civil service law, There was an Hxtl'ft iLtinrn priation early in the month and seventy five to pno hundred and twenty five carts and five lundred or six hundred broom men were lured olean un after the snowstorm. Thn broom mon gamo from an Italian ageuay, the ugeut was paid $1, HQ a day in a lump for them, aud tha carta wero taken whni svor they could lay hands on thorn, There aro 337 broom men on the regu lar foroo and 300 miles of paved streot to bo cleaned, When Mr, Beattie took oflioo thore wero fifty sweeping machines, mostly out of repair, and ho had spent all the money ho could got on now machines, Jjo machines, however, could properly sweep oobblq pavement, and thoy were so powerful that they mado dust and nuisanoo on asphalt pavomenta. Tho block system of stroet cleaning would be preferable, "If you didn't believe in machine system why did you bny new machines?" Mr, Ivin asked. "We have to work with the system imposed on us until wo can get money for something better," was the cautions auswor, "What impedimenta wore thrown in your way to prevont your cleaning the stroets was asked, Mr, Boattlo They wero not thrown iu my way, but they, wore thore, and they soemed to bo dictated by private Interests rather than for tho good of the sorvice, No effort has been made In good faith to put tho Btreot cleaning on a business basis liko tbo firo department and tho police.

Mr, Ivlns Mado by whom 7 Mr, Boattio By any one, from tho people who orlginato bills at Albany all the way down to tho department, Thoro will bo no omoicnt streot Cleaning until wo havo a porraauent force and a permanent pavement, Mr, ivius Haven't you a permanent forco of broommen Mr, Beattie Cortainly not, Mr. Ivius How would you go to work to make your foroe permanent? Mr Boattlo By having thom appointed solely for fitness, tr. ivins uan you do that now Beattie No. Ivins What prevents you Is there any force known to law or society that prevents you from appointing ooropetent men Mr. Beattie No, Sir.

lvlnsAnd yet yon have incompetents Ir, Beattie I don't say that. What I mean is this, Wnen the snow storm came we had to tako on anybody, beoauso wo had no reserved force. Tho witnoss also thought that a plant of carts and tools owiiod by tho department and money onongh to pay men for full days instead of three quarters would improve tho sorvico. Another impediment was tho custom of making appoiut inouts. Mr.

Ivins What custom Mr. Boattio Tho custom of making appointments and romovals at tho whim of porsous iup recommendations. Mr. Ivins Isn't that dono with laborers in vour and other city departments? Mr. lioattio There is a great deal of it.

Mr. Ivins Is thcro any way in which tho hoad of a department can free himself from this influence? Mr. Jiqattto Not uuloss ho is willing to throw up his when he oan't havo his own way. Ihe wituosB further oxplaiued that romovals in his dopartmont wero not made on political recommendations, and ho did not mean to be understood as saying that a man ought to own his plaoe absolutely, but that the tenuro of a laborer ought to bo as secure as that of his chief while ho did his work proporly. nALSTEAD PASSES ANOTHER.

A Philadelphia Firm Joins the Number of the Forjrer'H Victims. Auother fraudulent check, drawn by James E. Halstead, whoso previons forgeries havo been noted in tho Eaole, was recoivod at the Commercial bank this morning. It was iBBued apparently on Decembor in and in favor of Robert W. Gleason for the amount of $10.

Tho paper as usual boro tho stamped words, "Certified Decembor ID," and sigued A. Mead," iu red ink, The forger even fortified himself from detection by tiBing a safety stamp over tho number of tho oheok in order to prevent any alterations, and suroharged the imprint with two red dashes having the totters Band Con each sido. Thoso precautions made the chock appear good, and Halstead had little difficulty, it seems, in seounug the moiioy on it. The name of Robort W. Glensou was written on tho back, in a hand which bears a strong similarity to tho othor signatures.

It was then indorsed, "For deposit to our credit. Dempsey Haly," and deposited by them iu the Independence national bank, of Philadelphia, showing that Halstead had worked upon the orodulitv of tho firm with some offoct. Tho National bank of the Republic, of New York, next franked it, and sent it to the Commercial. The officials here, having become accustomed to seo these worthless piecoB of Halstead's paper, promptly labeled it "Fraud" with a blue pencil and returned it to the last indorsee According to the law, Dempsey A Haly will be compellod to meet the check. Tho fact that the checkB have been caBhed in Now York, Jersey City and Philadelphia proves that Halstead is gradnally withdrawing from the East and is making his way toward the West, wliero he announced some time ago that ho was going.

Iff THE CITY COURT. Dccialotia Handed Down To day by the General Term. Myron 0. Rush, respondent, vs. Arnold H.

Wagner, appellant Judgment and order denying new trial revorsed and a new trial granted, costs to abide the evont. Opinion by Judge Van Wyck. Thomas Qntnn, rospondont, vs. tho Atlantic avenue railroad company, appellant Judgment and order denying now trial affirimed, with costs. Opinion by Judge Osborne.

William H. Curtin, respondent, vs. Edward Cui in, appellant Judgment reversed and order of reference vacated; new trial granted, costs to abide the event. Opinion by Judgo Osborne. Gustavus A.

Brett et respondents, vs. Grahams Policy, appellant and ordor denying new trial affirmed, witb coats. Opinion by Chief Judge Clement. Tho People ex rel. the Lewis and Fowler manufacturing company, appellant, vs.

John C. Mc Guire as register, respondent Order denying motion reversed and motion granted, without costs, as dirocijd in opinion. Opinion by Chief Judge Clement. Nelson J. Gates and another, receivers, etc, respondents, vs.

William Vincent appellant Judgment and order appealed from affirmed, with costs. Opinion by Judgd Van Wyck. Asa W. Parker, respondent, vs. Alexander McLean, imploadod, apnollant Judgment and order denying new trial affirmed, with costs.

HAD. A BAD EXPERIENCE IN BROOKLYN'. A Jersey City Girl Found Suffering Frwn Hysteria on the Street. Late Saturday night Hilda Thomas, aged 23, of JerBey City, was found on tho stops of 100 Fleet plaoe suffering with hysteria. Sho told Officer Qalnn, of tho First precinot, that whilo she was waiting on tho street for her sister an unknown man snatched her poeketbook containing $5.50, She struggled with him, but ho broko away, aud although sho pursued him to Willoughby street the man OBoaped.

Hor clothes wero considerably disarranged and her hat was found in tho alley back of 100 Fleet place. She could not tell a very straight story on account of her hysterical condition and Ambulanco Snrgeon Reagan removed hor to the Brooklyn hospital. DETECT1YK FOLEY WILL UECOVER. Detective John Foley, of Inspeotor Byrnes staff in Now York, who was struck by a butcher's cleaver in the hands of Antonio Besselauo in tho butoher shop, 255 Elizaboth streot, last night, will, according to Dr. Campbell, at St.

Vincent hospital, probably recover. BUBOLARS UAFKLED BI A HOLT. BurglarB mado an attempt last night to force an entrance Into tho toy storo of E. Glover, at 1433 Fultou st. oet, but wero thwarted by a big iron belt on tho door.

GETTING READ! FOlt A CHWSTHAS 8omo thiof got into the yard of John Quinn's residence 143 Twentioth streot, during tho a ni.T'.'.1'., uun carrion away lour ciuokcub iiu mur geese, worth in all about $12. John Elliott San, manufacturers of agriorfl tural implements, nt London, bavo failed. To the Brooklyn Young Worn en's Christian Association. He Will Give $125,000 for a Heatquar tors, on tho Chittenden Lota, if $100,000 be Raised ns an Endow ment Fund by nly 1, 1801 An Advisory Cooperative Committee of Representative Men. On November 9, Suuday, the Eaolb contained a statomout of the work and needs of the Young Women's Christian Association.

The story showed that from the organization meeting of tho association February 13, 1888, Hi work has beon practical and progressive. Over two hundred women workors Joinod thqn, and the number of them is now over one thousand aud crowding on twelve hundred. Threo rooms were taken in the Johnston bnildiug, at the Junction of Fulton stroet and Flatbush avenue, at first. Three more havo since been taken, aud tho classes are now deprived of necessary accommodations, many of them having to crowd over into tho halls and corners. There are women classes in penmanship, spoiling, grammar, composition, cooking, plain sowing, dressmakers' training, dressmaking, history, travol, embroidery, arithmetic, bookkeeping, French, German and millintry, calis thonics, stenography, typewriting and advanced sewing.

A vast amount of industrial and practical information is thns brought within the roaoh of many who could not otherwise get it. Tho ages of tho pupils ranee anywhere from 15 'to 60. It not only teaches women how to work, but how to do tho work whioh they have partially learned and to which they havo devoted their lives, bettor than thoy did it before. Additional to tho industries named, should be considered tho training class for Invalid nurses, recently inaugurated. The profession of nursiug is a great avonue of industry for women, as all know now.

Then there aro classos, elomontary and advanced, in cooking, as woll as in all the oihor industries named. Additional to this is tho employment bureau, with its manifold work. Ovor forty threo teachers, of whom only eight are paid, tho others being devoted expert volunteers, havo hadlchargo of tho manifold forms of education and of help which the development of tho purposes of this association: assumes. Among the earliest and moBt offectivo helpers of this work was the lato Helen Ogden Wood, tho wife of Mr. CD.

Wood, of this city. A fow wooks ago an incidental illness, of which no fatal consequence was at all approhondod, suddenly removed her from the oarth. The association had been very dear to her as a practioal, kindly, onor geticand administrative philanthropist. In her it lost ouo of its wisest advisers and most industrious laborers. This good woman died at just the time whon the association's need of a permanent headquarters, long manifest, had become urgent.

Thoso to whom her life was a blessing and a Joy and her death a Bupreme sorrow were not unaware of the noarness of the association and of the welfare of working womanhood to her unselfish heart. A result of that knowledge on their part and of their reverence and love for hor sacred memory is seen in the following letter made publio for tho first time in the Eagle today: Mrs. Charles N. Juason, President of the Young lromsn's Christian Association of Brooklyn: Mt Deab Mns. Judsos To your mind and to the mind of auyono who has watched the re markablo growth of the association over which you preside and knows something of the present proportions of tho work, it must Do evident that the time has come for the oreotion of a building to moot the present and future needs of tho association.

It is no Ionizer an experiment. Its foun. dations ore broad and deep. The three years of its ntstory navo proved that it has been, and will continue to bo a grand and permanent force in promoting tho temporal, mental, moral and spiritual wolf aro ot tho young women and 'working girls of this city. An offer is hereby mado to giro the sum of $125,000 to orect a building on tho lots now owned by the association on Schormorhorn street.

This sum will be paid to a oommittee of the advisory board duly authorized to receive it, as soon as an additional sum of $100,000 is secured theradditional sum of $100,000 to constitute ati endowment fund for the Young Women's Christian Association of Brooklyn, to do invostod py tue auvisory Doaru ana neiu in truBt tor the benefit of tho association, the income only to bo applied in payment of tho ordinary expenses. The value to an institution of an endowment iuua, or wnicn tuo income win wnoiiy or in part meet current espouses, is so generally admitted mat tnis condition will not seem unwise or onerous. The oiler of the sum named in the loregolng ror the building will bo limited to nly 1, 1891, iu the belief that by that timo a generous public will have responded to the appeal for the endowment fund. This gift is made to honor a lifo of oharitr and of love by husband and children. In memonam of one who was a friend of working girls, who rejoiced wuen tins association was organized, who labored for it and had faith in the grand woru it wouia accompnsn.

sincerely yours, C. D. Wood, 880 St. Mark? avenue, Brooklyn, N. De cemDer 18, 1890.

The land on which the bnllding, the money to pay for which to thus provisionally offored, will stand is already tho property of tho association The land was given to tho association by tho late Simeon B. Chittenden when he was on his death bed. It was the last of many benefactions whioh marked his splendid lifo for education, liberty, humanity, manheod and charity. It is bellevod that tho one condition of the noble offer of Mr. 0.

D. Wood for himself and his ohildron, the pro vision of an endowment fund of $100,000, where of the income will go to tho maintenance of the work of the institution, will be gladly and qulok ly contributed by tho people of Brooklyn. On Sat urday night a proposition to become the advis ory committe af tho association, for tho pur pose of recoiving contributions to this endowment fund, and for the purposo of oarrying out tho ob ject of Mr. C. D.Woods' offer was made at the Hamilton club to the following citizons.whosejao ceptance of tho duty it cannot be doubted will bo oheerfully commanded: Seth Low, D.

W. Mc Wiliiams, T. J. Backus, 0. N.

Judson, Alexander E. Orr, 0. T. Christousen, Charles A. Schieren, W.

H. Male, Thomac E. Stillman, Johu Truslow, H. J. Morse, Johu Claflin, Q.

0. Braokott, Willis L. Ogdon and C. I). Wood, This is as far as the preliminary arrangements have gone.

The work of systematically appealing to tho public and of providing a modium or mediums for the re ception and acknowledgment of contributions to the endowment fund wi'l quickly follow. It is a work in which all who can will rejoice to tako part. Tho actual membership of tho entire associa tion, according to the last annual report, was 1,070, consisting of 54 life mombors, 299 bus taining members, 404 active members and 019 associate members, the latter being those for whom tho work of tho association is especially designed. During the year coverod by that an nual report 531 new associate members were accepted. Tho nationalities represented wero as follows: 304 Americans, 43 English, 38 Germans, 15 Irish, 12 Canadians, 10 Scotch, 8 Swedes, 4 West Indians, 4 Danes, i Nova Sen tiEtns, 1 Norwejrfan, 1 African.

Of thoso women 339 were between the ages of 15 and 25, 110 between 25 aad 85, 51 between 35 and 45 and 25 over 45 years of age. Of married there wero 00, of widows 20 and of siugle women 451. More than half of the number wero bread winnors, of whom 50 worked in faotories, 44 as dressmakers, 29 as saleswomon, 27 as sten ographers, 10 as toachors, 17 as seamstresses, 10 as domestics, 12 as tolegraph and telephone operators, 10 as clorl3, 9 as type writers, 9 as atudonts, 7 as housekeepers, 0 as compositors, 0 as nurses, 0 as bookkeepers, 5 as cashiers, 5 as milliners, 3 aa copyists, 2 S3 socretanes and eaoh as governess, storekeeper, companion, embroiderer, correspondent, jauitroas, proof reader, matron, boarding house keeper and manicure. Of tho 237 of whom no occupation was specified Rome wero fitted to bo wage earners and desired employment, others wero helpers in their own homes and many wero still at school. Tho same statistics relatively apply to tho mom bership pressing on the association bofore aud sinae these classified figures were obtained.

Tho work of tho association constantly increases. Its needs likewise increase. Its field is as broad as the area and its wards as numerous as the womanhood or Brooklyn. This year $0,000 were secured from various channels to pay the expenses of the work. With land its own, with a building to be its own, and solely conditioned on the Bocuring of an endowmont fund, of whioh tho income Will meet tho ordinary wants of the association, the future of the enterprise cannot but bo regarded as auspiciouB, just as its work has beon and is benien.

Hit. ROBLIN DECLINES TnE GALL. Ho Will Plot Come to tho Chnrch of Oar Father. Tho Rev. J.

S. Eoblin, of, Grand Rapids, who was rocently called to tho vacant pnlplt of the Umversalist Church of Our Father, has de clined the call. Mr. Itoblin is young man and a graduate of St. Lawrence university.

His reasons for declining the offer scorn to be a feeling that his genius as an organizer is greater than that as a pulpiteer; aud also that the oali, coming from a majority instead of all tho church mem bers, might make the opportunity less agroeable than anticipated. This last reason the friends of Mr. Itoblin are endeavoring to efface, as the society is too united to be long disturbed by elec tion excitement. It is therefore possible that an effort may bo made to induce Mr. Itoblin to reconsider his decision.

If this is not possible candidates will be heard and another choice made DID NOT INVESTIGATE. Ko Witnesses (or the Supervisors' Com mittee. The investigating committee, of which Super visor Watson is chairman, met this morning to hear further evidence, but thore wore no witnesses. Chairman Watson announced that Justice Sutherland was nervously prostrated, that the oonstable of Gravesend had gone South and that the assessor declined to appear before the com mittee. Tho committee thereupon adjourned.

Counselor Boderick, who appears for the town of Graveseud, denies the committee's right to compel evideneo concerning town assessments, but the committee will pass upon that question on Wednesday. 15 TBPDDJiE Ilf I.ONS ISLAND CITY. Luther W. Smith aud Thomas Johnson, piano movers, of 25 Qulnoy street, Brooklyn, wore prisoners in the Long Island City polico court today ohargod with housebreaking and aBs'ault. Sergeant John Olancy, of tho Quoen3 county po lice, arrested both mon this morning on a warrant issued by Justice Eavanagh.

The complainant is Porry Byrnes. He charges the mon with forcibly breaking into the Albomarle hotel, at Rookaway Beaoh, on December 8, and attempting to oarry off a piano on bogus order. The prisoners were required to furnish $460 bonds each for examination on Tuesday next. John Smitheis charges Smith with assault. Fornioi'If nn Assistant Unlfe Slalfl District Attorney in This His Shndy Connection Hith tho Johu Mauborn Cain Recalled.

Inspector Byrne had a fovoo of d. teotives out to cay 1 iokiii' for Purycu Hushes, who cam to BronUn with IbU of trilllU'OtH iu 1873. Hughes wj II jut inn tho top navo of wospefi ity then, lie was inuUtunt United State distript attorney under Asn W. 'iViiney. lie wadforood upon Mr.

Touiu l.y the thon United States attorney general Williams, whuse tvli'e Hughes' HiHter. The hitter wsi l'j oside. it (ir.i fj candi, dato for chief justicu the Mtiirt uie conti Hvtchcs cot into ii si. wajdropnedinM oo'unrity only to rue and always In in last xpioil i. iNi tcriorl Bbaiy llin un ik lai K.ja witn a divorce mill ami tho wln ii piled" un acainst him has Wn rrl i.y William O.

Pendleton, who was forced to re ii in his position of mayor of Worth. lT because ho Rocnru a fraudulent diwnvj through Unehos. The mayor married aaiii hoiovo hi discovered that his divorce was not itt nuine, and when the truth came out indignation mooting woro held in Vort Worth and lie mayor waj driven out of tho city. He rauie lo New York to get even with HuKhds un ye dordny he made oui a ease, which was referred to the polioi) to day. Hiigrliea knew was cornered and had lr iviuiui uiiMiun nsea me polico ucsan.

their search. When Hughea came to Brooklyn he was greeted cordially. Ho had an elaborato Western manner? that was eaptivatinj. Ills brother in law ifh. doraod him ua a man worthy of confidence, and so high were his reco iiniii that, not' Withstanding the fact Unit he had Inen in man' ahndy transaotiond, he was warmly received by tho bodt people of the city.

Ko sooner had iie settled himself in Distriet Attornoy Toimey'i ofll than he began to pose as the chief or thatofiiee. He suggested removals and appointments aud in many other ways as sumed control. His brother in law being United States attorney general cave him a nrnatic which ho lined to raise money from evervonn he met. He brought to this itv with him a charming young wifo. who.

whiln living with her family a good one of Englaud had some business to transact with ono of tho public oilices at Washington. She sent her photograph to Washington, as it wa i needed for the purpose of identifying her. It fell into Hughes hand and he ivroto her a semi official letter, in which ho expressed a willingness to hasten her bnsiness whioh had linf.h dragging lire for a long time. Her photograph ahowod her to he an exceptionally woman. Hughes courted her throiuii ilia mails and sho eventually camo to Washington and wai marriod to him jul beforo he ca no to Brooklyn.

Sho died here of neglect and want whilo her husband waa hying in luxury and giving wine suppers to his friends. While Hughes was in tho district at lornpv'H of flee the famous Sanborn contract fraud de tected and tried. John II. Sanborn had un. cured a contract from the government to colloct roronuo tax levied on estates and inheritances.

Ho was to receive por cent, nf tho nmot Collected and Was to Dav from hiu nnrlinn alf tho expense of collecting. It wrs diseovprorl that instead of providing the inaehiuorjl for this work ho simply wrote to tha various district attorneys and I collectors, urging them to mako collections. Ha" using tho machinery of the "ovfrrnnnnk to do tho work ho was supposed to do, and by thin the government lost nearly $500, 000. District Attornoy Teuney prosecuted tho case. Secretary Tracy defendod it.

The indict; ment was quashed on a technicality, but a committee of the house of representatives, of which Charles Foster, since governor of Ohio, was chairman, denounced Sanborn and his crow. Attornoy General Williams was removed from offloo and tho contract was forfeited, rrnli played an important part in tho trial, and he was shown to have worked to defeat the ends of justice. Although he was tho assistant of District Attorney Tenney ho was provod guilty of oarrying to San born information of every moi a thil w3 made in Tenney's office. For this bo was dis LiiuBed. Ho then had plans laid to have Tenner removed that he might suoceod him.

Ho loft this city in diagraoe. Then he wout South, established nowsnanm n. norer paid his bills and continued his high living at his creditors' exponso. He turned up in. Now fork in 1880 again and announced himself as a lawyer.

Ho entored into partnership with Charles Kinsley and soon after i.uned in a law partnership with Patrick A. Campbell. The Arm of Hughes Campbell advertised to Bociiro di voroes. and l'endleton applied to them to securo divorce for him. He had nn iwmliini ir, make against his wife, but tlflfl fallen' in lovo with a yonng typewriter, nugheg' took his oaso and Boon handed him an alleged decreo of divorce supposed to hare been' iBsued at Chicago.

Pendleton wont homo with this and found his child dying. He tmstnonA.l aunonncing the divoreo and continued to livn with his wifa until tho child died, three mouths' lator. Meanwhile he had been oleote.l mayor. Ho' told his wifo ho was divorced last Octobor and then married the typewriter. Heporters learned' that no such divorce was granted, and they tha fury of tho people of Fort Worth was arousod.

In' vain the mayor stated that the divoreo was rotm. ino and at last ho was convinced that boon defrauded. Ho is a lawyer and was completely taken in by Ilughcs. His wifo sued for divorce and it was granted. Ho gave his wlfn" $40,000 and left himsolf penniless.

Then ho oame to Now York and did somo deteetivo work with a New York reporter. Ho got what appears to bo conclusive ovidenco that Hughes had fao lmuies of divoreo papers printed and a seal ropresonting the official seal of Cook county, mado by a dio sinker on Fulton streot. Thon ho mado the facts public yesterday morning, and when tho polico learned of tho fraud. ITnphn had skippod. It Is belioved that Hnches Ai Campboil issued hundreds of these fraudulent divoreo papers.

A TOO ((HKKI)Y BAflPICKKB. Giovanni Biauco, aged 33, a ragpicker livhic at 471 Atlantic' avenuo, was passing along St. Marks avenuenear Washington, Saturday afternoon, when Officer Martin, of tho Tenth Diecinot. saw a dross liancing from his bar. Ho mmlo an nvostiKatiorl and discovered that beside tho dress thero also two jackets, two pairs of trowsers and I oe pairs of stockings, which had been takou tho apartments of Catharine McDonogh, of 'roapoct place.

SSKAK TIIIKVj IKOUSTRtOl'S. Sneak thieves enter edi of Sum. uol Mc lden, 2 to Adams street; betW.a the 1 Sth nun I Rh M.I Iti. Bvo'vn Wili ll furniture, OarnetB. nmrvrlilno or hcuaekcpplns for cash or weekly payments.

ST" SI vrcBkly; 312rSl.r0 nookly; 1.7.) weekly; 2.25 weekly. 288 Grand st, corner El Jriili j. New York. Adv No Cltrisima Dinner cniiilolo Wlrit nt Maintop; orJor a Special Holiday C.v.e, SI, four pint ouch Table Wator and (iinaor Champagne. Robsitke SliiDuor.E, Franklin st, Now York.

Ai iiillery Opon ICvcuingu. Modern Paintings. 1' niton st. The Kuby is Always Heady for Wagkeh's iNt ASr Food. Children Cry for Pitcher's Apartoob Pi for ahUlrjn's ojnp Dr.

Lyon's Perfect To.Xh i'tuvlnr Vfhitena tlio tscthand purifloj tlio iocsiti. Valuable for IStrvoiiv Vciikues, "light Streata, Cauter's Little Livf.k SIMOCS AI, AIlVKItTaSKM EVI, 1NU OF MEDIC1NKS KIKfl OF MEDICINES H.1SU 01' IS THE TITLE FAIRLY WON BY IS TUK Tlil.h t' Alltl.V lion HV IS THE TITLE l'AIKLY WON BV HOOD'S BARSAPARILLA HOOD'S SAHSA.PAHII.I.A UOOD'S SAKSAPAKILLA. OR ITS MANY WONDERFUL CURBS OR ITS MANY WONDERFUL OURES FOR ITS MANY WONDERFUL OUKICS OLIDAY jNOTIOE DIAMONDS AT rcaaonable prico9: only whlto. brilliant and ner 'eot atones sola.

13 John st, ftow York, upstairs. STEPHEN M. GRISWOLD. J. CHASE SON, OPTICIANS, Brazilian Pabbloa a spoclalty for fifty yeari.

FFICE OF THE FIDELITY AND CAS UAIiTY UUMf ANY Or HEW YOUK, Nob. 140 to 14G Broadwnv. N. Y. The annual mootlutf of Stockholders for election of Directors of this compuoy vlH bo hold at this othoo on TUESDAY.

January (J. 1HM. between the hour of 1 aud 1 o'clock, ROBERT J. niLLAS. Secretary.

XHE PEOPLE OF THE STATE OF NEW" YORK To John H. Farrol), A. W. Shcppard, Rer. iamJ.

Hill, John W. Kelly, Samuel Ktntoire, Johfl JUavies, William L. Cook and Thomas Jennings, creditors, of Louisa Molonfiy, decoasod, and all tho other creditors of Maid Louisa Moloney, deceased, whona namea are un known and cannot ba ascertained, Louis Moloney, Cor neliuri Molonoy, infanta over the ago of 14 years and. Mary LouiHa Molonoy, Annio Molonoy, Margaret Moloney and Catharino Moloney, infants under tho ana of 1 4 vcars. ohildren of naid I.onisja Moloney, deceased, and Dentils', anminiatrator, ot LUUiaA iUUliUiN decoased, greeting: Von aTO hereby cited and ream greeting: Von aro hereby cited and required in tho Hall of Records, Oit; anDear noioro our in tho Hall of Records, City of Brooklyn, County of King? and State of New Yurie, on tho 19ih day of Jan utvr, oi iii tun ciucft in me jorunooii.

aim iuuu a thore show oauso why a decreo should not be mado directing the msttibutlon anion? tho rer sonsontltlod thoroto of tho surplus moneys aiising on tho salo of tho real estate of the doconso.l under a judg ment or forociosnro and dated the day to mli or, 181)0, mado by the County Court of Kings County, iu a certain action wherein John DiJ wa. plafn tltf atrainat Dflnnin Mnlnnnv unrt nthnra trot A and that tho above named infants then and there show cause why a spocial guardian nhould not bo appomttu iu apuoar for them upon tho distrlbutiDii or tho eurplua aforesaid. In testimony whereof wo hare caused the Real of of our said BnrrWato's Court to bo hereon. a affixed. Wituesii lion.

GoorRO B. Abbott, bur rotate of our eaid oounty, at tho Oity of Brooklyn, tho lPtli day of PccembfiViu th year of the Lord one thousand right iktndrcd and ninety. JUDAH B. VOOKHKK3. murk nt thn Snrropnto'e (lonrs.

Trootor for Petitioner, oficoJfaa Port UiQce acirirctj, 4U Court itroet, Brooklyn, AXniVED MONDAT. DXOEMBEIl 23. Spreo, Bromoo, New York. (Ss Arecuns, Port Spain, Now York. Ha Bessel, St.

Lnc'A, Now York. Ba Yumuri, Vora Cruz anrt New Ba Ojrll, Paxa, New York. AanivEn at yocsir.x rotiTJ. Ss Anohona, Now York. Movillo.

Bs Ems, New York Southampton. Edward W. Drydon, a carriage manufacturer tit Chicago, mado an assignment to day to John C. Endor. Tho liabilities aro $14,000 and the aasots $18,000.

Liabilities over i50f)a. If.

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